
Speech on Power Of Music

Music holds a unique power that can touch your heart and soul. It can make you laugh, cry, dance, or even inspire you to do great things.

Have you ever felt a surge of energy when your favorite song plays? That’s the power of music, transforming moods and connecting people.

1-minute Speech on Power Of Music

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, today I am here to share with you the power of music. We often think of music as just a form of entertainment, but it is so much more. It’s a universal language, a healer, and a bridge that connects us all.

Music also has the power to heal. When we are sad, a comforting song can soothe our hearts. When we are happy, an upbeat rhythm can make us dance. Music can help us express feelings that we might not be able to put into words. It can be our best friend in times of loneliness and our cheerleader in times of joy.

Music also brings us together. Think about how a lullaby can calm a crying baby, or how a national anthem can unite a whole country. Music has the power to connect us, to make us feel like we belong. It can make us feel understood and loved.

In conclusion, music is a powerful tool. It is more than just sounds and rhythms. It is a language, a healer, and a bridge. So, let’s appreciate music, let’s learn from it, and most importantly, let’s enjoy it. Because music, dear friends, is a gift that keeps on giving. Thank you.

2-minute Speech on Power Of Music

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I stand before you today to talk about something magical, something that touches every heart, every soul. That something is the power of music.

Imagine a world without music. No melodies to dance to, no rhythms to tap your feet to, and no tunes to hum along with. It sounds dull, doesn’t it? This is because music is not just a collection of sounds; it’s an emotion, a feeling. It’s a universal language that doesn’t need words to convey feelings. It’s like a friend who understands us, even when we can’t express ourselves.

Have you ever noticed how a lullaby can soothe a crying baby, or how an upbeat song can make you want to dance? That’s the magic of music. It can bring out emotions in us that we didn’t even know we had. It can make us cry, laugh, dance, or even inspire us to create. In other words, music has the power to move us, to touch our hearts.

Music also has the power to bring people together. It doesn’t matter where you come from, what language you speak, or how old you are. When you hear a beautiful piece of music, you can’t help but feel connected to it, and to the people around you who are experiencing the same joy. Music festivals, concerts, and school performances are all examples of how music can unite people.

But that’s not all. Music is also a powerful tool for learning. Have you ever wondered why we learn the alphabet through a song? It’s because music makes learning fun and easy. It helps us remember things better. So, whether it’s a math formula, a science concept, or a history lesson, if it’s set to a catchy tune, you’re more likely to remember it.

Lastly, music has the power to heal. It’s like a balm for our minds. When we’re feeling sad or stressed, listening to our favorite song can make us feel better. It can calm our minds, lift our spirits, and even help us sleep better. That’s why music therapy is used to help people deal with stress, anxiety, and even illnesses.

In conclusion, the power of music is immense and multifaceted. It’s an emotion, a universal language, a unifier, a learning tool, and a healer. It’s a magical force that can touch our hearts, move us, bring us together, make learning fun, and help us heal. So, let’s embrace the power of music and let it fill our lives with joy, learning, and healing. Thank you.

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speech on soul music

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Speech on Music

Music could be stated as the language of the spirit. How boring our lives would be if there is no music? Music is a very important part of our lives. Human souls require music to rejuvenate. It brings peace and harmony to their lives. Without any doubt, we can call music ‘the magic of god’, and it is this magic that transforms a mere series of sounds to soulful music.

Table of Contents

Speech on music has the power to heal, two-minute speech on music, one-minute speech about music, top 10 quotes to use in a speech on music, frequently asked questions on music, sample speeches on music.

A few sample speeches on music are given below. Go through these speeches and utilise them to expand your wisdom.

Music could be defined as the form of sound with the power to develop emotions within the minds of the listener. According to Colbie Caillat, “A great song should lift your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good.” With the support of music, an individual constructs an imaginary world within them. Melodious voices soothe our bodies and make us feel refreshed. By hearing music, a person can relax both the body and the mind at the same time.

Music helps us get rid of all unwanted thoughts, anxieties, and stress from our lives. Without any doubt, music is a great medicine for healing the wounds of our minds. More and more people worldwide are realising and accepting the healing power of music. According to a study presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 2020 conference, by listening to music for 30 minutes a day, the pain and anxiety levels were lowered in the patients who had survived heart attacks. Music has the power to slow people’s heart rates and decrease blood pressure.

The connection between human health and music is so strong. Music has the power to bring back old memories of individuals. There are multiple centres worldwide that use music to help treat Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and Parkinson’s disease. It is definitely a great medicine for our souls.

Music is a global language that is produced by the rhythmic arrangement of sounds. It has no boundaries, and it connects people from various political, geographical, and cultural backgrounds. Without the requirement of any actions or words, music helps individuals to express themselves. For many people, music is the greatest discovery of human beings, and it is considered the closest thing to god. There exist numerous styles of music in our society. And in today’s world, every individual has multiple options available to choose the music based on the feeling that they are experiencing. Music has a great influence on our lives. Music is a powerful tool to unite people. National anthems, hymns recited during worship and songs of various other themes are all examples to prove the uniting power of music.

Do you know why parents sing songs when their babies cry? Because by hearing the soothing sound of the parent, the baby experiences calmness and stops crying. Such lullabies enable parents to develop a deep attachment with their babies.

“Music is everywhere. It’s in the air between us, waiting to be sung.” These are the words told by David Levithan. Some of the greatest music is produced by nature. For example, the sounds made by birds, waves hitting the seashore, waterfalls, flowing water in a stream, rain and so on. How beautiful are those, right? Music produced by nature is highly connected with human emotions. Just like humans have a strong interconnection with nature, the emotions developed within humans are having strong bonding with the music. And that is the reason why many composers, poets, and musicians consider the music of nature as the foundation of their art. Composers throughout many generations and from all over the world have managed to inspire emotions in the listener’s mind through the portrayal of nature in music.

  • “Where words fail, music speaks.” – Hans Christian Andersen.
  • “Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can’t.” – Johnny Depp.
  • “Music is the strongest form of magic.” – Marilyn Manson.
  • “When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.” – Henry David Thoreau.
  • “Musicians want to be the loud voice for so many quiet hearts.” – Billy Joel.
  • “Music is an outburst of the soul.” – Frederick Delius.
  • “For me, there is something primitively soothing about this music, and it went straight to my nervous system, making me feel ten feet tall.” – Eric Clapton.
  • “Music is the moonlight in the gloomy night of life.” – Jean Paul Friedrich Richter.
  • “Once again, she was free. Once again, she found peace. It was music that freed her soul from the dungeon of her mind.” – Wiss Auguste, The Illusions of Hope.
  • “Without music, life would be a blank to me.” – Jane Austen.

Why is music important in our lives?

Music soothes our bodies and makes us feel refreshed. By hearing music, a person can relax both the body and mind simultaneously. Music helps us get rid of all unwanted thoughts, anxieties, and stress from our lives. Without any doubt, music is a great medicine for healing the wounds of our minds.

Why is music called a global language?

Music is a global language that is produced by the rhythmic arrangement of sounds. It has no boundaries, and it connects people from various geographical and cultural backgrounds. Without the requirement of any actions or word usages, music helps individuals to express themselves.

List some top quotes to use in a speech on music.

  • “Where words fail, music speaks.” – Hans Christian Andersen.
  • “Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can’t.” – Johnny Depp.
  • “Music is the strongest form of magic.” – Marilyn Manson.
  • “When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.” – Henry David Thoreau.
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speech on soul music

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Music Has Healing Power Speech – 1, 2, 3, 5 Minutes Speech Samples

Published by team sy on september 11, 2023 september 11, 2023.

Music Has Healing Power Speech: In a world filled with stress and turmoil, there’s a remarkable truth that often goes unnoticed— Music Has The Power To Heal . This article on speech on music explores the profound impact of music on our emotional and physical well-being, with a special focus on a recent speech that delved into the therapeutic potential of music. As we journey through the intricacies of this speech, we’ll discover how music transcends boundaries, soothes our souls, and even alleviates pain. Join us in uncovering the science behind music’s healing power and the ways it unites communities, offering solace and hope. Whether you’re a music enthusiast or someone seeking the therapeutic benefits of music, this article will illuminate the extraordinary role music plays in healing, and how it can be a source of comfort in our hectic lives. So, let’s dive into the harmonious world where Music Has The Power To Heal.

Table of Contents

Music Has Healing Power Speech for 1 Minute

Ladies and gentlemen,

Have you ever experienced the incredible power of music? It’s remarkable how a simple melody, a harmonious tune, or even the lyrics of a song can touch the deepest corners of our souls. Today, I want to talk to you about something truly special – the healing power of music.

Music has a unique ability to heal, soothe, and uplift us. It transcends language barriers and connects with us on an emotional level. When we’re feeling down, a cheerful song can lift our spirits. When we’re overwhelmed with stress, a calming melody can bring us peace. In times of sorrow, music can express our grief when words fail.

But it’s not just a feeling; it’s science. Studies have shown that music can reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and even alleviate pain. It has a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being. Whether it’s the rhythm that sets our hearts beating in sync or the lyrics that resonate with our experiences, music has the power to heal.

So, the next time you’re feeling stressed, sad, or unwell, consider turning to music. Let its therapeutic properties work their magic. Whether you’re playing an instrument, singing along, or simply listening, remember that music has the extraordinary ability to heal us, body and soul.

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Music Has Healing Power Speech for 2 Minutes

Today, I want to share with you the remarkable and universal truth that music possesses a profound healing power. In a world filled with stress, anxiety, and uncertainties, we often underestimate the therapeutic influence that music can have on our lives.

First and foremost, music transcends boundaries and connects with us on a deeply emotional level. It speaks a language that everyone can understand, regardless of where they come from or what language they speak. It evokes emotions, memories, and feelings in a way that few other forms of expression can. When we’re feeling down or overwhelmed, music has the unique ability to lift our spirits, ease our worries, and offer comfort like a warm embrace.

Studies have shown that music has tangible effects on our physical and mental well-being. It has the power to reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and even alleviate pain. It can be a therapeutic tool for those dealing with mental health challenges, providing solace when words fail. Music therapy is widely used to help individuals cope with conditions such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and dementia, showcasing the incredible healing potential of music.

Moreover, music has the capacity to unite people. In times of adversity or joy, we often turn to music to express our emotions collectively. From singing national anthems at sporting events to joining in a chorus of celebration at concerts, music brings us together and fosters a sense of community.

Whether you’re playing an instrument, singing along, or simply listening, music has the power to heal us in many ways. It can transport us to different emotional landscapes, offer solace in our darkest hours, and provide an outlet for our creativity and self-expression.

So, the next time you find yourself stressed, anxious, or unwell, consider turning to music as a source of comfort and healing. Let its therapeutic properties wash over you, body and soul. Embrace the melodies that resonate with your heart, and let the healing power of music be your guiding light through life’s trials and tribulations.

In a world that can often seem chaotic and overwhelming, music remains a source of solace, a universal language of healing that has the potential to mend our spirits and bring us closer together as human beings.

Music Has Healing Power Speech for 3 Minutes

Today, I want to take you on a journey into the extraordinary realm of music—a realm where melodies, rhythms, and harmonies possess a profound healing power that transcends time and space.

We live in a world filled with stress, anxiety, and uncertainties. In these challenging times, we often overlook the therapeutic and restorative influence that music can have on our lives. Music is not merely a collection of notes and sounds; it’s a language that speaks to the deepest corners of our hearts and souls.

First and foremost, music has an unparalleled ability to connect with us on an emotional level. It resonates within us, touching our innermost feelings, memories, and experiences. It can be a source of inspiration, solace, and profound joy. When we’re feeling down, a cheerful tune can lift our spirits. When we’re grappling with anxiety, a soothing melody can calm our restless minds. Music has the power to reflect our emotions, offering a voice to our innermost thoughts when words fail.

But the healing power of music goes beyond feelings—it’s deeply rooted in science. Numerous studies have shown that music can have a tangible impact on our physical and mental well-being. It can reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and even alleviate pain. Listening to music stimulates the release of endorphins, those feel-good hormones that promote relaxation and a sense of well-being. In essence, music acts as a natural stress-reliever, providing comfort and tranquillity in times of turmoil.

Furthermore, music is not just for the individual; it is a communal experience. It has the extraordinary ability to bring people together, fostering unity and understanding. Think about the unifying power of music during times of celebration, such as singing the national anthem at a sporting event or joining in a chorus of jubilation at a concert. Music unites us, transcending cultural, linguistic, and social boundaries.

Music also plays a crucial role in therapy and healing. Music therapy is a well-established field that harnesses the therapeutic benefits of music to address various mental health challenges. From helping individuals cope with depression and anxiety to assisting those with post-traumatic stress disorder and dementia, music therapy has proven to be a potent tool in promoting emotional well-being and recovery.

Whether you’re a musician, a music lover, or simply someone who enjoys humming a tune, music has the power to heal. It can transport us to different emotional landscapes, offering solace in our darkest hours and providing an outlet for creativity and self-expression.

In essence, music is a universal language of healing—a language that transcends boundaries and resonates with us all. It reminds us of our shared humanity and our capacity for beauty, even in the face of adversity.

Music Has Healing Power Speech for 5 Minutes

Today, I invite you to embark on a journey into the fascinating and wondrous world of music—a world where melodies, harmonies, and rhythms possess the extraordinary power to heal, soothe, and transform our lives in profound ways.

In a fast-paced, often stressful world, we may overlook the immense therapeutic potential that music holds. We tend to think of music as entertainment, a pastime, or a form of artistic expression, but it is so much more. Music is a universal language that communicates directly with our emotions, transcending the barriers of language, culture, and time.

Let us delve into the intricate tapestry of music’s healing power, exploring the myriad ways it enriches our lives and nurtures our well-being.

First and foremost, music connects with us on a deeply emotional level. It has the power to evoke a wide range of emotions, from joy and happiness to sadness and introspection. When we’re feeling down, a cheerful tune can lift our spirits. When we’re overwhelmed by stress, a soothing melody can bring tranquillity to our minds. Music has an uncanny ability to mirror our emotions and provide solace when words fail.

Moreover, music is not just about emotions; it’s about science. Numerous studies have revealed that music can have tangible effects on our physical and mental health. It can lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety and stress, and even alleviate pain. Listening to music can stimulate the release of endorphins, those natural feel-good hormones that promote relaxation and a sense of well-being. It acts as a natural stress reliever, offering comfort and serenity in times of turmoil.

Furthermore, music possesses the power to unite us. Think about the unifying force of music during celebrations, such as singing the national anthem at a sporting event or joining in a chorus of jubilation at a concert. Music brings people together, fostering a sense of community and shared experience. It transcends cultural, linguistic, and social boundaries, reminding us of our shared humanity.

In the realm of therapy and healing, music has proven itself to be an invaluable tool. Music therapy is a well-established field that uses the therapeutic benefits of music to address various mental health challenges. From helping individuals cope with depression and anxiety to aiding those with post-traumatic stress disorder and dementia, music therapy has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in promoting emotional well-being and recovery.

Whether you’re a musician, an avid music enthusiast, or simply someone who enjoys humming a tune, music has the power to heal. It can transport us to different emotional landscapes, offering solace in our darkest hours and providing an outlet for creativity and self-expression.

But let us not forget that music’s healing power extends far beyond the individual. It is a force that can unite entire communities, cities, and nations. Consider the role of music in times of crisis, such as concerts that bring people together to support a cause or the healing power of music after a natural disaster. Music has the capacity to heal not only the individual soul but also the collective spirit.

In essence, music is a universal language of healing—a language that resonates with us all. It reminds us of our shared humanity and our capacity for beauty, even in the face of adversity.

FAQs on Music Has The Power To Heal Essay

The essay on “Music Has The Power To Heal” was inspired by the profound impact that music has on our lives, both emotionally and physically. It explores the healing potential of music and its ability to soothe our souls in times of stress and uncertainty.

Music’s healing power operates on multiple levels. It can reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and even alleviate pain by triggering the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood-lifters. Moreover, music therapy is a well-established field that uses music as a therapeutic tool to address various mental health challenges.

Yes, there is a substantial body of scientific research supporting the healing power of music. Numerous studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in promoting emotional well-being and physical health. From reducing stress levels to aiding in recovery from trauma, music’s healing effects are well-documented.

Incorporating music into your daily routine is easy and enjoyable. You can create personalized playlists with your favorite calming or uplifting songs, engage in music therapy sessions, or simply listen to music that resonates with your emotions. Experiment with different genres and see what works best for you.

Absolutely. Music has the power to unite communities and nations in times of adversity or celebration. Concerts, events, and communal singing are all examples of how music fosters a sense of unity and shared experience. Music can be a source of healing and hope for entire communities, transcending boundaries and divisions.

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Speech on Music


Speech on Music for Students in English

Music is quite vital in our daily life, it gives a background to different moods, different moments of life. Music helps the soul to rejuvenate, to find the purpose, this music somehow aligns with the soul and hence we feel so connected to the music. It brings joy and happiness to the life of a person. 

Beethoven, a dominant music figure, has rightly said music has the ability to change the world. Music helps us soothe both physically and mentally. Music is the best ailment, according to physicians.

Good Morning to one and all present here on such an auspicious occasion.

Today, June 21 we are celebrating World Music Day to upright the different forms of music and tunes which uplift our earbuds and soothe our soul. 

Just imagine, how would our life be without music? In my view, it would be a life without harmony, without a purified soul. Music is a pleasant flow of melody in the air, which changes with rhythm and with a systematic playing method. This is the skill or art which a musician qualifies in himself and this gives a soothing and cheerful musical performance for an audience.

Music is considered one of the greatest boons of God for all living creatures.  Music helps the sounds to get classified into a rhythm, which helps us to learn and practice music. Also, we can enjoy the harmony and the pleasant rhythm that is made by the musical sounds. The styles of music have changed in recent years drastically. To say there are six eras of musical history - Middle Ages, Renaissance, Classical, Baroque, Romantic music, and the current one in the twentieth century. Music is a common form of entertainment for everybody.

The dictionary meaning of music is a form of art of sound, that explains the ideas and emotions via the elements of rhythm, harmony, and melody. Music soothes our brain and nerves, it helps us to feel relaxed and also refreshed, this soothes our bodies and mind. It removes the anxiety and the stress level from our everyday life. Also, great physicians prescribe music dosage for our ears to heal better from the pain, music is excellent medicine. It is proven that women who are carrying children in their womb are given music therapy from the everyday rush and pain, this soothes their minds.  Music takes us into the world of melody which helps us in forgetting disturbing memories or thoughts.

Music revives the old memories. Music therapy is often considered a great way to solve bigger problems, stress-related issues, our emotions in our daily life. Music also helps the brain to function quickly and effectively and this allows calmness in our daily life schedule. Music helps doctors and psychologists treat their patients well. It helps to calm the patient’s state of brain and their behavior, it soothes the nerves and stabilizes the heartbeat of the patient. Music also helps those patients to recover from brain injuries. Music is a great way to activate our brain cells in different ways. This helps in healing the damaged areas which allows the people to regain their speech and their physical movement. Thus, music can take out people from stressful situations.

I want to end this speech by thanking God for such a gift, music. While if you have the skill to create music you surely have a gift to cherish forever. Also, I would love to thank those talented musicians, who with their beautiful melodies, supported my low times also helped me to celebrate in my good times.

2 Min Speech on Music

Once the famous Shakespeare said, “If music is the food of love, play on, give me excess of it; that surfeiting, the appetite may sicken, and so die.”

Good Morning Everyone present.

Today on this great occasion of World Music Day, I would love to enumerate the importance of music. Music is a quite pleasurable sound that is combined with melodies, and this helps to soothe the ear. A musician is such a person who knows music.

Music is of various styles. This is said that all sounds got the music. Starting from the sound of the waterfall, the sound of the ocean waves, or the simply flowing of the river have got harmony in themselves.

Music can heal a person emotionally and also mentally. Music serves as a form of meditation to quieten the mind. Music cures emotional disorders like anxiety, depression, and also lack of sleep called insomnia.

Music conveys many such emotions to the people. The power of music is inevitable. Without music, life would be very dull and boring, but with the music, even your bad times will sound perfect, as now you can align your emotions well, this, in turn, will help us to deal with bad times. 

For me, music uplifts the soul, energizes me. While I derail from the purpose music pulls me back on track. The word ‘music’ is as lovely as it serves. In the concluding part I would like to say, let the world heal with the melodies of music and let your life flow with the rhythmic cords of music.

10 Lines on Music

For any culture, music captures an essential part. 

Our country is known for its rich musical culture and diversity. 

India has different types of music, and here people have different music tastes.  

The northern part of India is famous for Hindustani music, while the southern part of India is famous for  Carnatic music.

Music can be of 2 types- Vocal music and instrumental music.

Gives us peace of mind. 

Music is played on every occasion. 

Music helps in the treatment of the patients.

To connect with the supreme being, the best way is through the help of music.

Without music, life would be lifeless.


FAQs on Speech on Music

1. How is World Music Day Celebrated?

World Music Day takes place on the 21st of June to honor all the musicians. Around 120 countries celebrate World Music Day by organizing free public concerts in various other public places. In 1982, there was a  music festival that took place in France called Fête de la Musique which later on was called World Music Day. This day honors budding and seasoned artists and allows them to showcase their accomplishments through their music. It also celebrates equality of opportunities in the world of music.

2. When was Renaissance Music Got Alive?

During the Renaissance time, Renaissance Music was written in European Countries. It saw the growth of new instruments, classical music as well as a burst of new ideas related to harmony, rhythm and music notation. During the 15th and 16th centuries, there was a rise in instrumental dances and the introduction of a wide range of classical music and different genres which also comprised masses, motets, madrigals, chansons, etc. By the 20th century, early musical ensembles came into form as Renaissance Music.

3. What are the Various Styles of Music in India?

Classical, Folk, Baul, Bhajan, Rabindra Sangeet are the different music styles in India. In India, there are two different forms of music. One is Carnatic Music which is associated with South India and the other is Hindustani Music which is played in North India. Carnatic Music is called Karnāṭaka saṃgīta and the lyrics of such songs are mainly devotional and dedicated to Hindu deities. The main features include raga and taal which are mandatory to be understood. Hindustani Music has four forms: Dhrupad, Khyal (or Khayal), Tarana, and the semi-classical Thumri.

4. What is the difference between Medieval and Renaissance music?

Unlike medieval music which comprised only vocals, Renaissance music included both instruments and vocals. The main instruments would be harps, flute, violin, etc. Medieval music was monophonic which in the later ages transformed into polyphonic. Renaissance music largely contained buoyant melodies. The Medieval period saw the beginning of music and by the time it reached the Renaissance era, the musical era was already developed to an extent with many music composers in existence like William Byrd and Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

5. Is Indian classical music difficult to learn?

Indian classical music sounds too complicated for easy listening. Although it is not difficult to learn, mastering the music forms, both Carnatic and Hindustani, is an uphill task. Unlike Western music which has fixed notes, a note played by two classical music instruments may not sound the same. There are no set compositions or fixed scales. Instead, there are ragas that form the musical framework. Rather than learning the melodies, Indian classical music focuses more on improvisation and there are multiple techniques involved for emoting certain emotions.

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Speech On Music - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

  • Speech on Music -

Music is a beautiful art form that captivates the senses through the harmonious interplay of melodic and rhythmic elements. It has the ability to evoke powerful emotions, memories, and transform moods. Throughout human history, music has played a significant role in cultural expression and continues to inspire and influence people of all ages.

10 Line Speech on Music

Short speech on music, long speech on music.

Speech On Music - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Music is a universal language that transcends borders and brings people together.

It has the power to evoke emotions, memories and shape our moods.

From classical to hip-hop, rock to pop, and everything in between, music comes in many forms.

It can also serve as a form of therapy, providing solace and comfort in times of need.

Music has been an integral part of human culture and history, dating back thousands of years.

Great musicians have inspired generations and left a lasting impact on the world.

Technology has made music more accessible than ever, with streaming services and online radio stations.

Music is not only entertainment, but also a form of art, requiring creativity, skill and dedication to create.

The creation of music involves not only the musician, but also the listener, as music is a two-way conversation.

Music is a gift that keeps on giving, providing joy and memories that last a lifetime.

Music is a timeless and diverse form of art. It is a reflection of the cultural heritage and traditions of a particular place. Music has the power to evoke emotions and bring peace to those who listen to it. It brings joy and energy, serving as a source of inspiration and motivation.

The word "music" originates from the ancient French term "musique," which means an arrangement of sounds in a pattern, meant to be sung or played on musical instruments. In its essence, music is a harmonious arrangement of sounds that creates a unique experience for the listener.

Popular types of music are

Hearing metal

Classical music

Musical theatre

Hip hop music

Country music

Electric music

Every person's life depends heavily on music. Most people prefer to listen to music that matches their mood. People can heal by listening to music that matches their mood. For instance, we like listening to cheerful music when we are happy and sad music when we are sorry. Everyone's life needs music on an elementary level.

For individuals who are genuinely talented in music, there is a wide range of opportunities. Since genuine skill is always valued, anyone who is an excellent musician can use this as a platform for a successful career. There are many different types of music; one might choose to become a master in it.

Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound. It is defined as organised sound, produced by humans, with melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. Music has a profound impact on human emotions and can evoke a wide range of feelings, from happiness and excitement to sadness and sorrow.

Importance of Music

Music plays a crucial role in our lives, serving as a form of expression, entertainment, and therapy. It can bring people together and foster a sense of community, as well as provide a creative outlet for individuals. In addition, music can be used for educational purposes, helping to develop children's cognitive and motor skills, as well as improve memory and concentration.

History of Music

Music has been an integral part of human culture since ancient times. The earliest musical instruments, such as drums and flutes, date back tens of thousands of years and have been found in various cultures around the world. Over time, music has evolved and diversified, encompassing a wide range of styles and traditions, including classical, folk, pop, and rock music.

Changes from the Past

Music has undergone significant changes throughout its history, with new styles and technologies emerging regularly. In the 20th century, the introduction of recording technology and the mass production of records and tapes changed the way music was distributed and consumed. The rise of rock and roll in the 1950s marked a shift away from traditional forms of popular music and paved the way for new forms of expression. In recent decades, the advent of digital technology has had a major impact on the music industry, with the rise of downloading and streaming services transforming the way music is produced.

Current Music Trends

The music industry is constantly evolving, with new styles and trends emerging regularly. Currently, hip-hop, pop, and electronic dance music (EDM) are among the most popular genres. The rise of streaming services such as Spotify and YouTube has had a major impact on the music industry, making it easier for artists to reach a wider audience and for listeners to discover new music. The use of technology, such as digital audio workstations (DAWs) and virtual instruments, has also changed the way music is created and recorded.

Cultural Significance of Music

Music has the power to influence and shape cultural identities, as well as provide a window into the history and traditions of a particular people or community. For example, traditional music is often passed down from generation to generation and serves as a way of preserving cultural heritage. Additionally, music can also play a role in political and social movements, serving as a source of inspiration and motivation for activists and protesters. For example, during the struggle for independence from British rule, musicians and poets used their talents to spread messages of nationalism and resistance. The songs and poems of this era became anthems for the independence movement and inspired people to join the cause.

Music is a powerful and universal art form that has played a significant role in human culture for thousands of years. It has the ability to evoke a wide range of emotions and connect people from all walks of life.

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Speech On Music And Its Importance for Children And Students in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech On Music And Its Importance:  Music is indeed very powerful because it can influence us beyond language’s boundaries. Our life would have been very bland if it wasn’t for music. At times the music is our only real solace.

Music has the power of expression of emotions without the requirement of words or actions. With the evolution of humankind, the music has evolved as well. Now music is categorized into hundreds of genres, and the audience can opt to listen to the genre of music that suits their taste best.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speech On Music And Its Importance for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long Speech On Music And Its Importance of 500 words and a short Speech On Music And Its Importance of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic for the ease of readers.

The speeches provided by us will be useful for students and musicians who might be requested to deliver a speech on the topic of music. Students of school and colleges might also be assigned to write about this topic.

A Long Speech On Music And Its Importance is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Music And Its Importance is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Music And Its Importance 500 Words In English

Greetings and salutation to everyone present here.

I am (your name), and today I am going to deliver a speech about the importance of music in our lives. But before I express my views on the importance, I would like first to discuss what music is.

Music is one of the most significant discoveries of humans. And I am well aware of why I used the term ‘discovery’ rather than ‘creation.’ It is because the origin of music is not certain. A theory that I personally believe is that music already existed in nature.

It is assumed that humans discovered and observed the rhythm that natural resources interacting with each other caused. Soon humans started mimicking those phenomena creating sound and eventually adjusting the harmony through patterns, repetition, and tonality to create music.

Music lets the musician and the listener express the innermost feeling without having to speak. Music has the sublime power of influencing people beyond geographical boundaries. Music can effortlessly strike a chord in our hearts and give rise to many such underlying feelings. Music allows people of various social, political, geographical, and cultural backgrounds to come together and feel the same sensations.

The influence of music on us is the very reason that distinguishes humans from other animal species. Since music has always been so influential in our lives that a field of study is based on music. In that study field of study, students learn the history of music, the use of different instruments to create sound, and ways to compose new pieces of music.

Music is beyond social and religious discrimination, as the delight it gives to everyone is unbiased. Music can, to an extent, help establish peace in our lives, for many, use it as a medium to relax their minds. Many individuals claim that music is the closest thing to God that humans experience while being alive.

Medical sciences have theories about the healing qualities of music. But it is nothing surprising because we use music to heal our wounds of the heart. Music is also a vessel of peace that lets us escape from the turmoil of chaos. Negative feelings often subside when our favored music is being played.

An easy way to get rid of anxiety is by listening to the form of music with a soothing melody. Music can also raise the notions of nostalgia in us. Sometimes our memories are associated with a certain melody, or we can associate a new melody with an old instance.

Some music compositions are so powerful that they can make us miss a place that we haven’t visited yet or a feeling that the listener hasn’t felt. Musicians are nothing less than magicians as their music creations are pure magic—the divine, gifted human with the talent of being skilled in many components for creating music. I pray to God that people may never be denied their right to listen to music or create it.

Short Speech On Music And Its Importance 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Music And Its Importance 150 Words In English

Good morning!

I am given the esteemed opportunity to stand before you today and speak about a topic that I am very passionate about, i.e., music. Music is a very diverse topic about which I can go on talking about for hours. But I will try to hold back my emotions and keep the speech short.

Music is a very powerful creature that is considered to end boredom and to reduce stress and anxiety. It is because of the influence music has on us that the discipline of music is considered for feeding our soul.

Music helps individuals to connect with their true inner self. In the company of good melodious music, we feel as if our soul takes an inward journey and keeps us as peace. Music has the great power to evoke emotions in the listener and provides instant pleasure. Sometimes it feels as if our surroundings and our actions are all working together to create a beautiful melody the same as the harmony and rhythm of the music.

10 Lines On Speech On Music And Its Importance In English

  • Music is an excellent company in our leisure time as it wipes away the feeling of boredom.
  • Music is proven to have re-energizing and rejuvenating abilities for us.
  • Music has not only been used to discard boredom, but many have also made it their profession.
  • Ample job opportunities are available in the music industry, starting from singing to creating music with the skill of playing instruments.
  • One of the most influential tools for conveying feelings in music.
  • As listeners enjoy, any form of music that we enjoy can improve the quality of life.
  • Several genres of music have developed over a period starting from classic to modern hip-hop.
  • Festivals are incomplete without the presence of music.
  • Music exists in all forms of life in nature, starting from the sound of water-streams to birds chirping at the break of dawn.
  • Good music is captivating in nature, and it can also be addictive, like when you can’t stop thinking about a specific melody.

10 Lines On Speech On Music And Its Importance In English

FAQ’s On Speech On Music And Its Importance

Question 1. Is music a boon or a bane?

Answer: Music is an absolute God gifted boon for humans.

Question 2. Name some music genres.

Answer: Classical, jazz, pop, hip-hop, blues, rock, metal, etc. are popular music genres.

Question 3. How has the music industry made music more convenient for the public?

Answer: With innovations like Cassettes, CD, DVD, Mp3, and now audio files, music has become very accessible for us than earlier times. And thanks to the music industry for giving opportunities to real talent and continuously composing new music for our enjoyment.

Question 4. What are the oldest traces of music found?

Answer: The oldest proof of the existence of music and musicians (like Narada, Hayagriva, Tambura, etc.) can be found in religious scriptures like Vedas of Hindu mythology.

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English Summary

1 Minute Speech on ‘Music Has the Power to Heal’ In English

A very good morning to one and all present here. Today, I will be giving a short speech on the topic of ‘Music has the power to heal.’

The impact of music can be seen all around us. It is nearly impossible to see anyone in public places without air pods or earplugs or headphones in, lost in the world of music! 

Thank you. 

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Thoughtful and insightful quotes about the power of music as therapy and the ways in which it is good for all of us to open up about mental-health concerns.

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National Stress Awareness Day Power Of Music featured image web optimised 1000

Musicians as prominent as Adele, Kendrick Lamar , Taylor Swift and Bruce Springsteen have spoken publicly about mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, and all can attest to the power of music to help with such problems.

Numerous scientific and psychological studies have shown that music can lift our moods, combat depression, improve blood flow in ways similar to statins, lower levels of stress-related hormones such as cortisol, and ease pain. Music can improve the outcomes for patients after surgery. A recent study reported in Nature Neuroscience even demonstrated that levels of the feel-good chemical dopamine in the brain rose by up to nine percent when people listened to music they enjoyed.

Though the idea of music as a balm is nothing new – more than 400 years ago, William Shakespeare said that “music can raze out the written troubles of the brain” – people are turning to music as a way to deal with the stresses of modern digital-driven life. Matt Haig, the author of the inspirational book Reasons To Stay Alive , recently set some of the words of his book to music on an album made with former Razorlight drummer Andy Burrows.

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In his book, Haig says that the way to escape time is music, and that sentiment would echo with the acclaimed composer, pianist and producer Max Richter. The West German-born Brit guest-curated the Peaceful Music playlist, co-created between Universal Music Group and Apple Music, precisely to help people find “a useful place to rest” amid the frenzy of modern life.

Below are 15 inspirational and thoughtful quotes about the power of music as therapy and the ways in which it is good for all of us to open up about mental health concerns.

Listen to the Peaceful Music playlist exclusively on Apple Music .

“Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.” Elton John , who says we should never be afraid of saying three simple words: “I need help.”

“The idea of music having a use goes back centuries. The beginnings of written-down music was the liturgy, and obviously that has a connection with the idea of a meditative state and all of that. So music can really be useful in that way.” Max Richter, guest curator of the Peaceful Music playlist

“Music doesn’t get in. Music is already in. Music simply uncovers what is there, makes you feel emotions that you didn’t necessarily know you had inside you, and runs around waking them all up. A rebirth of sorts.” Author Matt Haig, in How to Stop Time

“I think any time I’ve ever got down or ever felt low the one thing that picks me up from that is writing a song about it. At least you’ve got a positive experience out of a bad experience.” Singer Ed Sheeran

“Music should be an essential part of every analysis.” Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875-1961)

“Analysis did me a lot of good. I think that self-confrontation is a good thing, whether you do it by yourself in solitude, or whether you do it in the presence of another person.” Joni Mitchell , from her autobiography In Her Own Words

“When music is needed, it’s really there and it serves a purpose.” Composer Jóhann Jóhannsson, whose music, including “Flight From The City,” is featured on the Peaceful Music playlist

“Music can lift us out of depression or move us to tears – it is a remedy, a tonic, orange juice for the ear. But for many of my neurological patients, music is even more – it can provide access, even when no medication can, to movement, to speech, to life. For them, music is not a luxury, but a necessity.” Oliver Sacks, best-selling author and professor of neurology at NYU School Of Medicine

“Music is life itself.” Louis Armstrong , jazz trumpeter (1901-1971)

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” Bob Marley (1945-1981)

“Each time you play music, it becomes new. This is one way I’ve been thinking about memory and the present, past and future times all fitting together. I called it an exquisite moment. It’s an exquisite moment because the audience and the situation of performing allows us, requires us, to think of that moment. Very often we go through life without thinking about that moment. We talk about mindfulness but we’re not very mindful, most of us.” Composer Philip Glass, whose composition “Echorus” is included in the Peaceful Music playlist

“Mental illness is not something that you have to live with for the rest of your life. It is not something that will stop you being part of the workforce. But you do have to talk to people about it and you do have to get help. And you can recover.” Adam Clayton, bassist with U2

“I suffer from a mental illness. I suffer from PTSD. I’ve never told anyone that before, so here we are. But the kindness that’s shown to me by doctors as well as my family, and my friends, it’s really saved my life.” Lady Gaga , talking in 2016 about the mental effects of a sexual assault she suffered as a teenager

“We are the generation that’s watched several other generations of musicians turn to drugs and turn to excess and coping mechanisms that have destroyed them. And there are so many high-profile people recently who’ve taken their own lives. We have a responsibility to talk about mental health and to remove the stigma.” Singer James Blake, talking in July 2018

“Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It’s transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, years back, to the very moment certain things happened in your life. It’s uplifting, it’s encouraging, it’s strengthening.” The late, great singer Aretha Franklin

In the UK, Samaritans can be contacted free on 116 123. In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14.

Sophiyaa Jeyanthan

June 27, 2022 at 7:14 pm



August 20, 2022 at 1:10 am

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I would recommend to watch or listen the relaxing video here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clz4WNihNQU

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Johnny Cash - Songwriter LP

Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

How Music Bonds Us Together

At GGSC’s recent awe conference , Melanie DeMore led the audience in a group sing as part of the day’s activities. Judging from participant responses, it was clear that something magical happened: We all felt closer and more connected because of that experience of singing together.

Why is singing such a powerful social glue? Most of us hear music from the moment we are born, often via lullabies, and through many of the most important occasions in our lives, from graduations to weddings to funerals. There is something about music that seems to bring us closer to each other and help us come together as a community.

There’s little question that humans are wired for music. Researchers recently discovered that we have a dedicated part of our brain for processing music, supporting the theory that it has a special, important function in our lives.

speech on soul music

Listening to music and singing together has been shown in several studies to directly impact neuro-chemicals in the brain, many of which play a role in closeness and connection.

Now new research suggests that playing music or singing together may be particularly potent in bringing about social closeness through the release of endorphins.

In one study , researchers found that performing music—through singing, drumming, and dancing—all resulted in participants having higher pain thresholds (a proxy measure for increased endorphin release in the brain) in comparison to listening to music alone. In addition, the performance of music resulted in greater positive emotion, suggesting one pathway through which people feel closer to one another when playing music together is through endorphin release.

In another study , researchers compared the effects of singing together in a small choir (20-80 people) versus a larger choir (232 people) on measures of closeness and on pain thresholds. The researchers found that both choir groups increased their pain threshold levels after singing; however, the larger group experienced bigger changes in social closeness after singing than the smaller group. This suggested to the researchers that endorphins produced in singing can act to draw large groups together quickly.

Music has also been linked to dopamine release, involved in regulating mood and craving behavior, which seems to predict music’s ability to bring us pleasure. Coupled with the effects on endorphins, music seems to make us feel good and connect with others, perhaps particularly when we make music ourselves.

But music is more than just a common pleasure. New studies reveal how it can work to create a sense of group identity.

In a series of ingenious studies , researchers Chris Loerch and Nathan Arbuckle studied how musical reactivity—how much one is affected by listening to music—is tied to group processes, such as one’s sense of belonging to a group, positive associations with ingroup members, bias toward outgroup members, and responses to group threat in various populations.

The researchers found that “musical reactivity is causally related to…basic social motivations” and that “reactivity to music is related to markers of successful group living.” In other words, music makes us affiliate with groups.

But how does music do this? Some researchers believe that it’s the rhythm in music that helps us to synch up our brains and coordinate our body movements with others, and that’s how the effects can be translated to a whole group. Research supports this thesis, by showing how coordinating movement through music increases our sense of community and prosocial behavior. Indeed, one study found two year olds synchronized their body movements to a drumbeat—more accurately to a human they could see than to a drum machine.

More on Music & Social Connections

Learn four ways music strengthens social bonds .

Jill Suttie explains why we love music .

Discover how playing music together can help kids develop empathy .

Explore how singing together makes us healthier and more connected .

This tendency to synchronize seems to become only more important as we grow. In another study , adults listened to one of three types of music—rhythmic music, non-rhythmic music, or “white noise”—and then engaged in a task that involved cooperating and coordinating their movements. Those who listened to rhythmic music finished the tasks more efficiently than those who listened to the other types of sound, suggesting that rhythm in music promotes behaviors that are linked to social cohesion.

In another study , people seated side by side and asked to rock at a comfortable rate tended to coordinate better without music, but felt closer to one another when they did synchronize while listening to music. In a study by Scott Wiltermuth and Chip Heath of Stanford University, those who listened to music and coordinated their movements to the music were able to cooperate better and act more generously toward others when participating in economic games together (even in situations requiring personal loss for the good of the group, such as in the Public Goods Game ).

All of this evidence helps confirm music’s place in augmenting our social relationships. Perhaps that’s why, when you want people to bond, music is a natural resource for making that happen. Whether at concerts, social events, or awe conferences, music can help us connect, cooperate, and care for each other. This suggests that, if we want to have a more harmonious society, we would do well to continue to include music in our—and our children’s—lives.

About the Author

Headshot of Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie, Psy.D. , is Greater Good ’s former book review editor and now serves as a staff writer and contributing editor for the magazine. She received her doctorate of psychology from the University of San Francisco in 1998 and was a psychologist in private practice before coming to Greater Good .

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Published: Mar 14, 2024

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speech on soul music

Essay on Music for Students and Children

500+ words essay on music.

Music is a vital part of different moments of human life. It spreads happiness and joy in a person’s life. Music is the soul of life and gives immense peace to us. In the words of William Shakespeare, “If music is the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die.” Thus, Music helps us in connecting with our souls or real self.

Essay on Music

What is Music?

Music is a pleasant sound which is a combination of melodies and harmony and which soothes you. Music may also refer to the art of composing such pleasant sounds with the help of the various musical instruments. A person who knows music is a Musician.

The music consists of Sargam, Ragas, Taals, etc. Music is not only what is composed of men but also which exists in nature. Have you ever heard the sound of a waterfall or a flowing river ? Could you hear music there? Thus, everything in harmony has music. Here, I would like to quote a line by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the greatest musicians, “The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.”

Importance of Music:

Music has great qualities of healing a person emotionally and mentally. Music is a form of meditation. While composing or listening music ones tends to forget all his worries, sorrows and pains. But, in order to appreciate good music, we need to cultivate our musical taste. It can be cited that in the Dwapar Yug, the Gopis would get mesmerized with the music that flowed from Lord Krishna’s flute. They would surrender themselves to Him. Also, the research has proved that the plants which hear the Music grow at a faster rate in comparison to the others.

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Magical Powers of Music:

It has the power to cure diseases such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc. The power of Music can be testified by the legends about Tansen of his bringing the rains by singing Raag Megh Malhar and lighting lamps by Raga Deepak. It also helps in improving the concentration and is thus of great help to the students.


Music is the essence of life. Everything that has rhythm has music. Our breathing also has a rhythm. Thus, we can say that there is music in every human being or a living creature. Music has the ability to convey all sorts of emotions to people. Music is also a very powerful means to connect with God. We can conclude that Music is the purest form of worship of God and to connect with our soul.

FAQs on Essay on Music:

Q.1. Why is Music known as the Universal Language?

Ans.1. Music is known as the Universal language because it knows no boundaries. It flows freely beyond the barriers of language, religion, country, etc. Anybody can enjoy music irrespective of his age.

Q.2. What are the various styles of Music in India?

Ans.2. India is a country of diversities. Thus, it has numerous styles of music. Some of them are Classical, Pop, Ghazals, Bhajans, Carnatic, Folk, Khyal, Thumri, Qawwali, Bhangra, Drupad, Dadra, Dhamar, Bandish, Baithak Gana, Sufi, Indo Jazz, Odissi, Tarana, Sugama Sangeet, Bhavageet, etc.

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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Music: The Soul of Life” Complete English Essay for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Graduation classes.

Music: The Soul of Life

Music dates hack further than the written word. The growth of music in human beings probably took place against the background of natural sounds such as the chirping of birds, the gurgling of streams, and the sounds that other animals used to communicate. Be it the sound of the pitter-patter of raindrops, the sound of the Cuckoo bird, the sound of the wind rustling through leaves, or the musical note of a running stream, they all affect our psyche. While some sounds enchant us; others like the sound of thunder, the sound of explosions and the sound of gunfire fill us with fear and foreboding.

Sound and silence are the two components that make up the art form of music. Pitch, rhythm, timbre, texture, dynamics and structure are the different elements of sound. We cannot counter the power of sound on the human psyche. Music is a powerful tool. Most people are not capable of expressing their emotions. Years of training in manners and decorum work against them. However, musicians take these emotions, embrace them, and focus them like a scalpel and use them to create music. They take what we all feel and breathe life into it, so we can all partake of it. Music is the speech of angels. It conveys every emotional high and low every shade of grey in between more eloquently than we were could hope to.

Music has nourished man’s soul from the beginning of time. It has the power to move you. Whether you are singing your country’s national anthem, or you are singing at a funeral, or a wedding, music binds you together. It makes you live in the moment. Music unites you to people around you in a way on music can. The world would be like a big tomb without music. In many ways it is the fabric of our existence. It is a reminder of how things once were, and a pointer of how things are and a vision of where society is headed. It reflects the behaviour of society. Music does not inhibit the audience in the way the movies and graphic art do. The listener is free to conjure up any image he or she wants to when he is listening to music. It appeals not only to the conscious mind but to the subconscious as well. Instrumental music does not guide the listener with lyrics, it just appeals to his senses in a very discreet way by not intruding into the listener’s mind.

“We are the world” by Michael Jackson and a host of singers is a good example of how music can cross all barriers to unite and inspire people of all cultures and creeds to live in peace and harmony. Music has the power to surpass time, emotion, culture, and language. It helps people connect. Music has the power to heal, the power to rejuvenate, the power to bring people closer together. Food nourishes the body but music nourishes the soul. Be it a lullaby heard in childhood or a love ballad heard in youth music remains with you forever. Almost everyone has a private chest full of music that is associated with different occasions and different moods. Music is truly the soul of life.

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Songs and the Civil Rights Movement

MLK and other leaders arm in arm, singing

Music and singing played a critical role in inspiring, mobilizing, and giving voice to the civil rights movement. “The freedom songs are playing a strong and vital role in our struggle,” said Martin Luther King, Jr., during the  Albany Movement . “They give the people new courage and a sense of unity. I think they keep alive a faith, a radiant hope, in the future, particularly in our most trying hours” (Shelton, “Songs a Weapon”).

The evolution of music in the black freedom struggle reflects the evolution of the movement itself. Calling songs “the soul of the movement,” King explained in his 1964 book  Why We Can’t Wait  that civil rights activists “sing the freedom songs today for the same reason the slaves sang them, because we too are in bondage and the songs add hope to our determination that ‘We shall overcome, Black and white together, We shall overcome someday’” (King,  Why , 86).

“We Shall Overcome,” a song with its roots in the  Highlander Folk School  during the labor struggles of the 1940s, became the unofficial anthem of the movement. Wyatt Tee  Walker , executive director of King’s  Southern Christian Leadership Conference , said, “One cannot describe the vitality and emotion this one song evokes across the Southland. I have heard it sung in great mass meetings with a thousand voices singing as one; I’ve heard a half-dozen sing it softly behind the bars of the Hinds County prison in Mississippi; I’ve heard old women singing it on the way to work in Albany, Georgia; I’ve heard the students singing it as they were being dragged away to jail. It generates power that is indescribable” (Carawan, 11).

Professional singers such as Mahalia  Jackson  and Harry  Belafonte  were early and consistent supporters of civil rights reform efforts, but group singing was the most prominent music in the movement. As a community-based campaign led by church leaders, the music of the  Montgomery bus boycott  in 1955–1956 consisted of Baptist and Methodist hymns and traditional Negro spirituals. As King recalled in his memoir of the boycott,  Stride Toward Freedom , “One could not help but be moved by these traditional songs, which brought to mind the long history of the Negro’s suffering” (King,  Stride , 86). In contrast, beginning with the  sit-in  movements of 1960, black students throughout the South began to take leadership roles in the broader movement. The songs of campaigns led by student activists moved beyond traditional church music. Younger activists made up new lyrics, giving new life to many traditional songs.

In the 1961  Freedom Rides  songs played a critical role in sustaining morale for those serving time in Mississippi’s Hinds County Jail. James  Farmer , national director of the  Congress of Racial Equality  and a Freedom Ride participant, recalled one night when a voice called from the cell block below to the freedom riders: “‘Sing your freedom song.’ … We sang old folk songs and gospel songs to which new words had been written, telling of the Freedom Ride and its purpose” (Wexler, 134). The female freedom riders in another wing of the jail joined in, “and for the first time in history, the Hinds County jail rocked with unrestrained singing of songs about Freedom and Brotherhood” (Wexler, 134).

For many on the staff of the  Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee  (SNCC), the protests in Albany, Georgia, proved an important training ground in which to learn the techniques for mobilizing the dormant black populace of the Deep South. Perhaps of greatest importance, they became more aware of the cultural dimensions of the black struggle, quickly recognizing the value of freedom songs to convey the ideas of the southern movement and to sustain morale. Bernice Reagon, an Albany student leader who joined SNCC’s staff, described the Albany Movement as “a singing movement.” Singing had special importance at mass meetings, Reagon observed: “After the song, the differences among us would not be as great” (Reagon, “In Our Hands”).

Carawan and Carawan,  We Shall Overcome , 1963.

Carson,  In Struggle , 1981.

King,  Stride Toward Freedom , 1958.

King,  Why We Can’t Wait , 1964.

Reagon, “In Our Hands: Thoughts on Black Music,”  Sing Out!  24 (January 1976–February 1976): 1–2, 5.

Reagon, “Songs of the Civil Rights Movement 1955–1965: A Study in Culture History,” Ph.D. diss., Howard University, 1975.

Robert Shelton, “Songs a Weapon in Rights Battle,”  New York Times , 20 August 1962.

Werner,  Change Is Gonna Come , 1998.

Wexler,  Civil Rights Movement , 1993.

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Speech on Music and Its Importance in English in simple and easy words

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There is some sort of divine power in music! Isn’t it? Music is of different kinds and different people have different likes for different genre of music. It can be Pop Music, Jazz Music, Classical Music, Remix, etc. Since it’s a very exciting topic, it’s easy to talk about Music and its Importance. Below we have provided variety of Speech on Music and Its Importance under short and long speeches category of various words limit for the wide range of students and professionals.

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Long and Short Speech on Music and Its Importance in English

Here are long speeches on Music and Its Importance and short speeches on Music and Its Importance.

Both are written in an easy to understand language; keeping in mind the comfort of every reading audience of ours.

While short speech on Music and Its Importance are meant for school students; long speech on Music and Its Importance are written for college level students or for public speech giving ceremonies.

But both the types of speeches are well-informed and cover useful information. Read on to know more!

Music and Its Importance Speech 1

Respected Class Teacher and My Dear Students – Warm Greetings to all of you!

I – Kavita Mukherji – stand in front of you all in order to deliver a speech for which my topic is Music and Its Importance. I cannot thank our ma’am enough for giving me this speech topic as I am a music enthusiast and cannot imagine my life without it. Needless to say, I can talk endlessly on this topic, but I should hold back my emotions and talk about it objectively.

Friends, I believe that music is the man’s greatest creation, which helps us express our innermost feelings in the most powerful manner; without having to speak. It touches our soul and strikes a chord in our heart. The influence of music on us is what creates a marked difference between the human beings and the animals. It is the sublime power of music that it breaks all the geographical boundaries and helps people come together regardless of their different social, political, geographical and cultural backgrounds.

A lot can be said on music and it is one of the important arenas of study in the sphere of religion and culture. In fact, I would describe it as a sublime force that knows no religion and no discrimination on the basis of caste and creed; it gives equal delight to all and helps us connect with God by transporting our soul to another world. To a certain extent, music also helps in establishing peace and promoting international brotherhood.

Music also has the power of healing our wounds and it binds people together from all over the world. For this very reason, music is believed to be an instrument of peace which helps in settling down the situation of turmoil and chaos. Imagine yourself in such a situation where you have fought with your close friend or companion and what if he/she plays some nice music for you! Would your heart not melt then? You may not easily forgive the person, but your mind will gradually come at peace and negative emotion will subside.

Whether you are a music enthusiast or not, if you were to express your feelings of love, anger, joy or passion – the best medium would be music. It is often said that when language fails, the best resort is music. Believe in the power of music and you will be able to express your innermost feelings much more effectively and with a lot of magnitude in it.

Did you know that there is a certain kind of music which doctors recommend to their patients? You know why? It is simple because music has the power to heal and pacify our soul. Fall in love with it and trust me your life will get changed for good. You will never be disappointed and then there will be no looking back. So tune into music in your free time or when you need isolation as it will prove to be your true companion not only in happiness, but in distress too.

This is all from my side, thank you!

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Music and Its Importance Speech 2

Our Respected Music Guru and My Lovely Friends – Warm Greetings to one and all!

It gives me immense pleasure to announce that our batch has successfully completed a year. Initially, I was a bit apprehensive whether I am taking the right decision by joining to learn music under Shri………. – our music guru, but soon all my doubts vanished away in the air when the classes began. Now I am a proud student of our guru and in the entire journey of one year I have learnt a lot. My most favorite instruments are guitar and tabla – yes even though these two instruments are poles apart, but I have learnt to play them with much ease. I can also sing well and have developed a sound knowledge of all the ragas and the sur.

Over a period of one year, I have evolved as a complete performer and have gained the confidence to perform on stage. All thanks to our guru!

On this auspicious occasion, I on behalf of the entire students want to felicitate our guru with a bouquet of flowers and a small memento. Secondly, with the due permission of all of you, I wish to deliver a speech on Music and Its Importance. Hope you all will allow me.

So here I begin!

Needless to say, Music is my life and adds substance to it. I can unhesitatingly say that I eat music, I drink music, I sleep music and what not! It runs in my very blood. Trust me, it’s not an exaggeration! If I was to describe music in a line, I would say that it’s the sum total of the sounds that create some sort of a pattern. This pattern is so strong that it evokes and stirs up the feelings and emotions in the listener’s heart and creates a sense of joy or excitement.

It’s an art to make sense of the sound, which helps in expressing the ideas and emotions through these elements of music, rhythm, harmony, resonance and timbre. Lyrical music means the coming together of words and sounds in harmony.

Music is the creation of soothing sound as well as tone either in a single running melody or more (harmony) with the help of instruments and voices. It’s an organized melodious sound in succession which helps in creating a composition of music in unity, continuity and harmony.

This very harmony of music produced through musical instruments and voice helps us reach a sublime state, such as we have Sufi music. It is such a delight for our ears to hear this form of music. We can produce music with the help of various instruments falling in different categories, such as:

  • Stringed Instruments
  • Percussion Instruments
  • Keyboard Instruments
  • Wind Instruments
  • Bowed Wings

In the end, all I want to say that sublime music is really powerful like that of nature for it uplifts our soul, nurtures us and helps us in feeling good from within. The very resonance of sound soothes our senses and gives us instant delight – this is what nature also does to us, right! Good music captivates us and then there’s no escape from it. Thus, I want to say that music is my first love and will always be as it shapes me as a person and brings out the best creativity from me.

Music and Its Importance Speech 3

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen – Welcome to this grand music concert!

It’s a huge honor for me to be hosting this music concert where such great musicians and performers are going to share the stage. Needless to say, this evening is going to be really memorable and like a never before one. So tighten your seat belts and get ready to be a part of this awesome evening.

However, before our guests arrive and we do the felicitation please allow me to deliver a short speech on Music and Its Importance. I am myself a big time lover of music and cannot stop myself from becoming a part of such great festive evening, especially when I get to play the host.

Let me quote the New World Dictionary of Webster, where music is defined as “the art of combining tones to form expressive composition; any rhythmic sequence of pleasing sounds.” But music I believe is so much more than just this as music is everywhere around us and can be found anywhere, especially in the lap of nature. Haven’t you heard the birds chirping, water running, tree leaves rustling and wind blowing – everything contains music and it is God gifted. When we hear these natural sounds our mind becomes calm and we are more at peace. In the lap of nature we forget all our worries and leave them far behind. Music helps us come to terms with ourselves and find our real self.

It is a great medium to express our emotions to the other person and helps us win them over. Isn’t it? It is one of the finest forms of art. And similar to other forms of art, music requires great technical and creative skills, including the power of imagination. Just like dance is a form of artistic expression through bodily movements and painting which requires finest strokes of brushes, music is composed of different sounds in harmony. Music delights our senses, for instance what a fragrance is to our nose, a gorgeous sight is to our eyes, a feathery touch to our skin, scrumptious dish is to our palate, so music is to our ears!

Plato, who was a great Greek philosopher, once said that Music should be an indispensable part of education. In his scheme of education, he emphasized on three forms of disciplines, viz.

  • Mathematics for the development and training of our brain;
  • Gymnastics for the development and training of our body;
  • And last but not the least, music for feeding our soul!

Therefore, music helps us in connecting with our real self, which is of course our soul and while tuning into good, soothing music, we start to undertake an inward journey to the soul.

With this I bring my speech to an end and now that our chief guests as well as performers have arrived, I would request our event manager to kindly come on stage for the felicitation.

Thank you everyone for being such patient listeners!

Music and Its Importance Speech 4

Hon’ble Guest of Honor, Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Students – Warm Welcome to all of you!

I – Pooja Mishra from Standard (XII) Commerce Department – feel ecstatic to be hosting our school’s 16 th annual function. I am sure you all are excited like I am to watch the performances and enjoy the gala time. In fact, I also can’t wait to kick start the program. But before all of this, let me express my gratitude on behalf of the entire school to our chief guest for accepting our invitation and coming to grace the function with his due presence. I would request our respected principal ma’am and vice principal ma’am to kindly come on stage and pay honor to our guest.

Friends, a huge round of applause for them! Now, I would also request our guest of honor and principal ma’am to address our students and say a few words (………and they deliver a brief speech).

I would now request everyone to allow me to deliver a short speech on Music and Its Importance as today is the Make Music Day. So I wish to speak a few lines about it talking about its relevance and importance in our lives.

Friends, music makes use of different sounds to form patterns! These patterns are so powerful that these evoke emotions and feelings in the hearts of the listeners and give them instant pleasure. Good music has the power to uplift our soul, ease our worries and helps us to come to terms with this world. With music our lives become musical and we start enjoying the harmony of melody, rhythm and resonance. There are different types of music, such as:

  • Blues, etc.

Now let’s know what importance it holds in our lives:

  • It’s a excellent medium for pastime

Music gives you a permanent solution to wipe off boredom from your life. When you listen to music there is no realization how the time simple flies. If you are sitting idle and got nothing to do, then switch to music for a while – you will be re-energized and would feel rejuvenated.

  • It opens up several career opportunities

If you are good at playing any musical instrument or even singing for that matter, you will have ample job opportunities for yourself in the music industry. You just need to know how to make your way through.

  • A powerful medium to convey your feelings

Music is one of the strong mediums to help you express your feelings. Whether it’s vocal or instrumental – every form of music is full of feelings and emotions, which you cannot express in plain, normal words.

In the end, all I want to say is that it doesn’t matter whether we know how to play an instrument or not – music in whatever form we listen has the ability to improve the quality of our lives. It also helps us convey the message of peace and brotherhood across nations. So my request would be to make music your permanent companion and “Make Music not war”.

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