NEB Plus 2 Notes

On Libraries Exercise : Summary and Question Answers

Share this article, on libraries, understanding the text, answer the following questions., a. where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner, b. what are his first memories, c. why did he dislike school, d. what did he feel about at the library, e. why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry, f. why did he become so fascinated by hook, g. describe library at the queen’s college., h. why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s, i. why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago.

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Class 12 English Notes

Reference to the context

A. the author says, “i was not a good pupil, but i was a good listener.” justify it with the textual evidences., b. a proverb says, “nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library.” does this proverb apply in the essay explain., c. are there any other services that you would like to see added to the library, reference beyond the text, a. write an essay on libraries and its uses for students..

Libraries and its Uses for Students

b. Do you have any public library in your locality? If so, do the people in your community use it? Give a couple of examples.

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On Libraries Exercise class 12 English: Questions Answers

On Libraries Exercise PDF by Oliver Sacks class 12 English

= The author was the voracious reader and fond of reading books. His only time pass was to study books. He used to go to library in his spare time. That's why he could be found in the library if he was ever late for the dinner.

b. What are his first memories?

= When author was a child, he was introduced to books and library since his parents were fond of books, specially his mother. So, we can say that books and libraries are the first memories of the author.

c. Why did he dislike school?

= Theoretical and obligatory teachings methods of the school were not liked by the author. Studying becomes easier and matter of interest when student studies with his/her own genuine interest, not by any obligation or instruction. Since, the school was not as he thought, he disliked it.

d. What did he feel about at the library?

= Library was silent, providing him a peaceful environment to study and ponder in his studies. It gave him the freedom to browse through tens of thousands of books. He was free to wander around the library and read whatever he wanted. He also used to be joined by other readers who shared his passion for learning.

e. Why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry?

= From the childhood, author was keen of reading books in science field because it was the curious and ponderous subject for him.   Because science was his field of study, he had a strong predisposition for fields like astronomy and chemistry. Focusing our research on a particular topic is necessary to get a broad understanding of that topic, which is why the author studied astronomy and chemistry to gain more specialised knowledge. One cannot possibly read all of the books in a library's collection since they cover a wide range of topics and abilities. So, he narrowed down his field of study.

f. Why did he become so fascinated by Hook?

= He became so fascinated by Hook because of his satire and operas. The early nineteenth-century theatre and music worlds adored him for his humour and musical improvisational ability.

g. Describe library at the Queen’s College.

=  The Queen's College Library is a revered baroque building in Oxford. In addition, the 17th-century Upper Library is available to students as a reading space. The renovation was required to maintain the space's historical importance and to offer readers with a pleasant and engaging environment. The restoration, initially intended to be part of the Library's expansion, was completed between June 2013 and January 2014. It is now cleaner, brighter, and more inviting to study.

h. Why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s?

= The students ignored the bookshelves in the 90s because they had electronic gadgets and devices from where they could access the PDF and electronic forms of their books.

i. Why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago?

= He was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago because, He discovered the shelves, which had previously been full, were then empty. It seems that most of the books had been thrown away in the past several years, with surprisingly little opposition. He felt as though a murder, a crime had been committed by the erasure of centuries' worth of information.

Reference to the context 

a. The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” Justify it  with the textual evidences. 

= Oliver Sacks enjoys reading a wide range of genres at the library since it's free. He was not a fan of learning in a passive manner in which, in school, he must complete all of the teacher's homework after the lectures. Oliver Sacks writes in the article, "I wasn't a good student, but I was an excellent learner." He says so, because he was never interested in doing as per the instructions of school. He says so because, he was not like the students defined by the academic terminology. But, it does not mean he was arrogant. He used to study by choosing books from libraries that interest him. To do well in school, one must have a positive relationship with their instructors. He/she is required to attend courses on a regular basis and follow the directions of the instructors. Oliver Sacks, on the other hand, was not that kind of student. That is why, author says himself as a good listener, than a good student.

b. A proverb says, "Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library." Does this  proverb apply in the essay? Explain.

=  When you go into a library and see other people studying, it gives you the feeling that you should be doing the same thing. They provide a more serene atmosphere than the average house. In addition, the library is a great place to go if you need a specific reference book. Not everyone has a dedicated study room in their house, and there may be other distractions such as regular visits from family members. Also, you won't be bothered much by anybody around. Library does not have TVs and mobile phones, which are the major distractions. That's why library is the pleasanter than anything else.

A library's vast collection of books and periodicals covers a wide range of subjects. Oliver Sacks particularly cherished the library's meditative atmosphere and the company of other bookworms. In fact, he is an avid reader who spends a lot of time in libraries. His favourite room in his house was the oak-paneled library. He opted out of going to school and instead spent his time reading in public libraries. Reading books offers a bookish person as much pleasure as anything else. He aspires to have a desk in a library, with a stack of books in front of him at all times. He grew up in a house filled with bookworms who liked to read. Walter Savage Landor discusses the joy that may be found in a library by anybody who is interested in studying. He began reading from his own personal library at home. That's why "There's nothing more enjoyable than browsing a library,", a lovely quote, is completely relatable to the essay.

c. Are there any other services that you would like to see added to the library?

=  A library should not be only a store of books. Time is changing. Various technologies are evolving. The way students study and learn has been changed, so we also need to adapt to changing technology in the libraries and learning systems as well. For example, a Braille system could be introduced in the libraries to assist blind students studying their studies. We can also use various ICT materials like informative TV's and DVD's which students can use to better visualise the things. Also, the Internet Wikipedia system should be added to the library so that students can find their desired things via the Internet rather than searching for the books on the bookshelves. Similarly, A simple cafe can optionally be added outside the library so that whenever the learners get hungry, they can have some food. 

Reference beyond the text 

a. Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students. 

=  The Library is a gathering place for people of all interests to study books of all genres on their own.  Student may gain information by borrowing books from the library. The library may be an invaluable resource for those who cannot afford to purchase a book, particularly students who cannot afford to buy a book. Private, public, and government libraries all exist. The library serves a variety of functions and disseminates information. The library is the beating heart of the educational system and for the students.

In order to avoid desire and temptation, people should stay in contact with libraries. Libraries play a critical role in unlocking the secrets of the universe by storing vast amounts of information. A book takes us from the darkness of ignorance to the light of understanding. Libraries, more than any other medium, are the most effective method of disseminating knowledge.

Many students go to the library to do research or look for information on current events or social problems. For the objectives of education and knowledge acquisition, libraries are vital. Students may develop good reading and study habits by using libraries, which serves to enrich the classroom experience. Libraries can even help students develop a feeling of accountability. Libraries are just too cool for words! Once history books teach us from the errors of the past, we can avoid them in the future.

Aside from that, it will come as a shock to the younger generation to learn that not everything can be found on the internet. Although the Internet makes libraries more accessible, it does not entirely replace them. It's also been said that giving a kid a book as a present is the best thing a parent can do for them. It's possible that the Internet has many errors that weren't noticed at the time. It provides all potential answers to academic problems. Newspapers and articles from local publications are often available in libraries to keep patrons updated on current happenings. With the help of the library, one's ability to focus is greatly enhanced. In addition, libraries are places where we may meet others who share our interests and so contribute to the development of our social network. When a student begins consulting reference materials, their grades increase.

Modern libraries provide their patrons with much more than just books; they now provide CDs, DVDs, and even E-books. Many contemporary libraries now provide online guest lectures and seminars by eminent philosophers on fascinating subjects. People have lost sight of the importance of libraries in the era of television, computers, and the internet. The majority of libraries have now made their free WIFI services available to job seekers so they may take use of the free internet access. The government's role in modernising libraries may be observed. They provide digital libraries and other services all around the world.

b. Do you have any public library in your locality? If so, do the people in your  community use it? Give a couple of examples.

Also Read : Summary of On Libraries by Oliver Sacks

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Summary of On Libraries by Oliver Sacks Class 12 English - LearnNote

Oliver Sacks’ On Libraries has been written in praise of intellectual freedom. In the essay, the writer considers libraries as a gateway to knowledge and freedom. He says that libraries offer intellectual freedom to an individual i.e. the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. So, “On Libraries” has been written in praise of physical libraries.

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Summary of On Libraries by Oliver Sacks

Summary of the essay  “On Libraries” by  Oliver Sacks

The writer begins the essay “On Libraries” by describing his childhood. As a child, his favorite room at his home was the library. The library was well structured. It was a large oak-paneled room. The four walls of the room were covered by a bookcase. There was a table for writing and studying in the middle of the room. The library belonged to his parents. His father was a Hebrew scholar. The writer spent most of the time in the library. The writer read adventure and history books belonging to his three older brothers. His mother had her favorite books in a separate bookcase in the lounge. Medical books were kept in a special locked cabinet during my parents’ surgery.  But the key was in the door, so it was easy to unlock. 

The oak-paneled library was the quietest and most beautiful room in the house and so it was his favorite place to be. He spent several hours reading books in the library. Whenever he was late for lunch or dinner he could be found in the library. The writer learned to read when he was three or four years old. 

The writer, then, talks about the local library named Willesden Public Library. He visited the library in his growing-up years. The library was a five-minute walk from his house. It was the library where he received his real education.

The writer said that he didn’t like receiving instruction and information at school. In fact, he disliked schools. He wanted to read the subjects of his interest that suited him the best. At school, he was not good a good student as the world judges a good student. However, he was a good learner. In Willesden Library and other libraries that he went in his life offered him to read the book of his choice freely. 

As he grew older, his interest in reading shifted towards astronomy and chemistry. When the writer was twelve years old, he was admitted to St. Paul’s School. There was a general library named Walker Library. The library was full of history and political books. But the writer had no interest in them. One of his teachers offered him access to the library of the Science Museum where he read science books.

When he went to university, he had access to Oxford’s two great university libraries: the Radcliffe Science Library and the Bodleian. In the library, he read books by Theodore Hook. His book inspired the writer to write a sort of biography of him. The library he most loved at Oxford was their own library at the Queen’s College. The magnificent library building itself had been designed by Christopher Wren. The Queen’s library introduced him to the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century literature of the writer John-son, Hume, Pope, and Dryden.

The writer, after that, came to New York City in 1965 from London. In New York City, he had a horrid, little apartment in which there were almost no surfaces to read or write on. He wanted spaciousness. Fortunately, the library at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where I worked, had this plenty of space for reading. At the library, he sometimes discovered unexpected books and knowledge that the books offered. Since everyone in the library had similar desires, there was a sense of community and intimacy among the readers.

However, a shift was occurring by the 1990s. Although the writer continued visiting libraries and sat in front of many books, students increasingly ignored the bookshelves, accessing what they needed with their computers. The students hardly went to shelves. The students didn’t pay any concern to the physical books. Since the majority of users were no longer using the books themselves, the college decided, ultimately, to dispose of them.

The writer was disappointed with the changing scenario of the libraries, particularly with the idea of replacing the books. When the writer noticed that the books were being thrown out, he felt that a murder, a crime had been committed. He objected to what was happening and expressed his dissatisfaction with a librarian. The librarian reassured him that everything “of worth” had been digitized. The writer thought of how the library once valued “old” books, had a special room for old and rare books; and how in 1967, searching through the stacks, he had found an 1873 book, Edward Liveing’s Megrim, which inspired the writer to write his own first book.

On Libraries by Oliver Sacks Class 12 Exercise and Question Answer

Understanding the text 

Answer the following questions.

Reference to the context

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On Libraries

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner?

When the author was late for lunch or dinner, he could be found completely absorbed by a book in the library.

b. What are his first memories?

The author's first memories revolve around books and the library. He mentions that books and the family library are among his earliest memories.

c. Why did he dislike school?

The author disliked school because he found sitting in class and receiving instruction to be passive and ineffective for his learning style. He preferred being active and learning for himself in a way that suited him best.

d. What did he feel about at the library?

At the library, the author felt a sense of freedom. He enjoyed looking at the vast collection of books, roaming the shelves, and enjoying the special atmosphere. He also appreciated the quiet companionship of other readers who, like himself, were on their own quests.

e. Why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry?

The author was biased towards sciences, especially astronomy and chemistry, because he had a strong interest in these subjects. He hungered for knowledge in these areas and sought out books and resources to satisfy his curiosity.

f. Why did he become so fascinated by Hook?

The author became fascinated by Hook, a figure from the early nineteenth century known for his wit and improvisation in theater and music. The author's encounter with Hook's works in the Bodleian library sparked his interest, leading him to consider writing a biography or "case-history" of Hook.

g. Describe library at the Queen’s College.

The library at the Queen's College, where the author studied, was housed in a magnificent building designed by Christopher Wren. Beneath the building, there were vast subterranean holdings of books. The author describes holding ancient books, incunabula, in his own hands. He mentions specific works he encountered there, such as Gesner's Historiae Animalium and Darwin's original editions, as well as works by Thomas Browne and Jonathan Swift. The library provided the author with a sense of history and a deeper connection to his own language.

h. Why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s?

In the 1990s, students started to ignore the bookshelves in the library because they increasingly accessed information using computers. The majority of users no longer saw the physical books as necessary and relied on digital sources instead.

i. Why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago?

When the author visited the library a couple of months ago, he was horrified to find that the shelves, which were once overflowing with books, were now sparsely occupied. Over the years, most of the books, including bound periodicals, had been thrown out with little objection. The author considered this a crime and felt a sense of loss for the destruction of centuries of knowledge. He was saddened by the belief that the digitization of books was a sufficient replacement, as he himself did not use a computer and valued the irreplaceable qualities of physical books.

Reference to the context

a. The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” Justify it with the textual evidences.

In the essay, the author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” He expresses a dislike for traditional schooling and states that sitting in class and receiving instruction did not suit his learning style. He mentions that information seemed to go in one ear and out the other. However, he describes himself as a good learner, and the evidence for this can be found in his behavior and attitude towards learning in libraries.

The author states that he found solace and happiness in libraries, where he spent many hours of his growing-up years. He describes himself as roaming the shelves and stacks, having the freedom to select whatever he wanted to read, and following paths that fascinated him. He mentions that libraries provided him with the opportunity to learn for himself, in a way that suited him best.

Furthermore, the author expresses a deep passion for certain subjects, particularly the sciences, especially astronomy and chemistry. He sought out specific books in these areas and eagerly devoured them. The mention of his hunger for science and chemistry books indicates his enthusiasm and dedication to self-directed learning.

Based on this evidence, it can be inferred that while the author may not have thrived in a traditional classroom setting, he excelled as a learner in the context of libraries. His ability to explore and select books that interested him, his self-motivation to seek knowledge in subjects of personal fascination, and his absorption in reading all point to his qualities as a good listener and learner.

Therefore, the statement "I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener" can be justified by the author's demonstrated enthusiasm for learning through independent exploration and his ability to absorb information when engaged in self-directed study in libraries.

b. A proverb says, "Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library." Does this proverb apply in the essay? Explain.

Yes, the proverb "Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library" can be applied to the essay. Throughout the essay, the author expresses a deep love and appreciation for libraries and the act of exploring them. The library is portrayed as a sanctuary, a place of wonder, and a source of immense pleasure for the author.

In the essay, the author describes various libraries that played significant roles in his life, starting from his childhood home library to public libraries and university libraries. He expresses the joy he experienced in these spaces and the happiness he felt while exploring the shelves and stacks of books.

The author emphasizes the freedom he found in libraries, where he had the opportunity to choose books that fascinated him and follow his own intellectual curiosities. He mentions the sense of adventure in not knowing what his eyes might stumble upon and the excitement of discovering unexpected treasures among the books. This sense of exploration and discovery aligns with the proverb, as it suggests that nothing is more pleasurable than the act of delving into the vast and diverse offerings of a library.

Furthermore, the author highlights the special atmosphere and quiet companionship found in libraries, where he encountered fellow readers on their own quests for knowledge. The shared experience of exploring and being absorbed in books creates a sense of camaraderie and intimacy among library visitors.

Overall, the essay conveys a deep appreciation for the role of libraries in the author's life, portraying them as places of immense pleasure and adventure. The proverb "Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library" aptly applies to the essay, capturing the joy and satisfaction the author derives from his experiences in libraries.

c. Are there any other services that you would like to see added to the library?

Here are a few ideas:

  • Digital Resources and E-books: Libraries could expand their digital collections to offer a wider range of e-books, audiobooks, and digital resources. This would provide more options for readers who prefer digital formats or have accessibility needs.
  • Maker Spaces: Libraries could create dedicated areas for maker spaces, equipped with tools and equipment for activities such as 3D printing, coding, robotics, and crafts. These spaces would encourage creativity, innovation, and hands-on learning.
  • Collaboration Spaces: Libraries could provide designated spaces for collaborative work, group discussions, and project development. These areas could be equipped with whiteboards, presentation tools, and technology for multimedia projects.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences: Libraries could offer VR and AR technologies to provide immersive and interactive experiences. This could include virtual tours of historical sites, educational simulations, or storytelling experiences.
  • Expanded Digital Resources: Libraries could offer access to online learning platforms, language learning resources, research databases, and digital archives to supplement traditional print resources.
  • Community Engagement Programs: Libraries could host workshops, seminars, and lectures on various topics of interest to the community. They could also organize author talks, book clubs, and cultural events to foster engagement and social interaction.
  • Personalized Recommendations and Reader Advisory Services: Libraries could provide personalized book recommendations and reader advisory services, utilizing technology or trained staff members to help patrons discover books tailored to their interests and preferences.
  • Expanded Digital Access: Libraries could offer extended Wi-Fi access, charging stations for electronic devices, and lending programs for tablets or e-readers to ensure digital inclusion for all members of the community.

The goal would be to provide a diverse range of resources and experiences that cater to the evolving needs and interests of library patrons, while continuing to promote the joy of reading and the pursuit of knowledge.

Reference beyond the text

a. Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students.

Libraries: Empowering Students through Knowledge and Exploration

Libraries have long been regarded as invaluable resources for students, serving as gateways to knowledge, inspiration, and personal growth. These hallowed spaces offer a wealth of information, diverse literature, and an environment conducive to learning. In this essay, we will explore the myriad uses of libraries for students and highlight the benefits they provide in supporting education, fostering curiosity, and promoting academic success.

Libraries are treasure troves of information, housing a vast collection of books, journals, magazines, and digital resources. Students can utilize these resources to conduct research, deepen their understanding of subjects, and broaden their perspectives. Libraries offer access to academic databases, online journals, and reference materials that enable students to explore diverse sources, gather reliable information, and enhance the quality of their assignments and projects. The guidance of librarians further facilitates effective research strategies and teaches valuable skills in information literacy and critical thinking.

Libraries provide a serene and focused environment that is conducive to studying and concentration. Unlike bustling classrooms or noisy cafés, libraries offer a tranquil space where students can escape distractions and immerse themselves in their studies. This peaceful setting allows for uninterrupted reading, reflection, and intellectual exploration. Moreover, the presence of like-minded individuals engrossed in their own pursuits cultivates a sense of collective focus and motivation.

Libraries play a pivotal role in instilling a love for reading among students. With a wide range of books spanning various genres, libraries offer an opportunity for students to discover literary gems that captivate their imagination and ignite a lifelong passion for reading. Whether it's classic literature, contemporary novels, poetry, or non-fiction, libraries cater to diverse interests and help students develop a well-rounded appreciation for the written word. By nurturing reading habits, libraries foster language skills, improve vocabulary, and promote critical thinking.

Libraries offer more than just access to books; they provide comprehensive support for students' academic endeavors. Librarians are skilled professionals who can assist students in finding relevant resources, offer guidance on research techniques, and provide recommendations tailored to individual interests and academic needs. Libraries also often offer workshops, seminars, and tutoring services that enhance students' understanding of various subjects and strengthen their study skills. Additionally, libraries may provide access to technology, such as computers, printers, and Wi-Fi, ensuring that students have the necessary tools for their academic pursuits.

Beyond traditional texts, libraries often embrace the evolving landscape of information by incorporating multimedia resources, maker spaces, and technology. These initiatives encourage students to explore their creative potential, experiment with new ideas, and engage in innovative projects. Libraries may offer access to audiovisual materials, digital tools, and collaborative spaces where students can create multimedia presentations, design prototypes, or explore emerging technologies. Such opportunities foster critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and entrepreneurial skills, preparing students for the dynamic demands of the modern world.

Libraries are invaluable assets for students, providing them with a wealth of resources, a conducive learning environment, and a nurturing atmosphere for intellectual growth. These sanctuaries of knowledge support research, foster a love for reading, and offer guidance to facilitate academic success. Libraries not only empower students to excel academically but also inspire them to explore their passions, develop lifelong learning habits, and embrace the joy of discovery. In an era of rapidly advancing technology, libraries remain indispensable in their role as guardians of information, bastions of culture, and facilitators of academic achievement.

Do you have any public library in your locality? If so, do the people in your community use it? Give a couple of examples.

As a resident in my locality, I have observed various ways in which people use our public library. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Academic Support: Many students from local schools and colleges rely on the library for academic support. They visit the library to access textbooks, reference materials, and online resources for their assignments, research projects, and exam preparations. The library offers a quiet and conducive environment for studying, allowing students to concentrate and utilize the available resources effectively.
  • Reading and Leisure: The library serves as a haven for book enthusiasts and those seeking leisurely reading. People of all ages visit the library to explore a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books, magazines, and newspapers. Whether it's a novel, a self-help book, or a literary classic, the library offers a diverse collection that caters to different interests and preferences. Some individuals also utilize the library's cozy reading spaces to relax, unwind, and indulge in the pleasure of reading.
  • Community Events and Workshops: Our public library organizes various community events and workshops that attract local residents. These events may include author readings, book clubs, writing workshops, storytelling sessions for children, and educational seminars. These activities foster a sense of community engagement, encourage cultural exchange, and provide opportunities for lifelong learning.
  • Access to Technology: In today's digital age, libraries serve as valuable technology hubs for those who may not have access to computers or the internet at home. Local residents utilize the library's computer stations to browse the internet, work on projects, send emails, or develop digital skills. The library's Wi-Fi connectivity allows individuals to connect their personal devices, enhancing their access to online resources and enabling them to stay connected with the digital world.
  • Research and Information: The library is a reliable source of information for individuals conducting research on specific topics or seeking answers to their queries. Whether it's a small business owner looking for market research data, a job seeker seeking career resources, or an individual investigating a particular subject, the library offers reference materials, databases, and research assistance from knowledgeable librarians.
  • Cultural and Artistic Exploration: Our public library often hosts exhibitions, art displays, and cultural programs that showcase local talent and promote the arts. Residents visit the library to appreciate the artwork, attend poetry readings, musical performances, or engage in discussions on various cultural topics. These events provide a platform for artists, writers, and performers to showcase their work and foster a vibrant arts community.

These examples illustrate the multifaceted ways in which people in our locality utilize the public library. From educational support to leisurely reading, community engagement to access to technology, the library plays a vital role in enriching the lives of local residents and fostering a sense of intellectual and cultural growth.

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  • Library and It's Uses Essay


Essay on Library and It's Uses

The essay on the Library and its uses has been prepared by our teachers at Vedantu to help you guide with your essay on uses of the library. These are drafted in a very easy and effective way to make you understand and reciprocate the same in the essay writing an exam or in any of the competitions based on essay writing. We also have provided you with a PDF for downloading this essay. 

The library is the heart and soul of the education system. The library spreads knowledge and has many uses. The place where there are different types of books and that can be studied independently in the Library. There are many categories of the library depending on its usage. Some libraries are private, some are public while some are government one. Poor people, especially poor students who can’t afford to buy a book, can make great use of the library. They can borrow books from the library for acquiring knowledge. School and libraries are the two temples for the worship of the Goddess Saraswati.

Libraries play an important role in providing mysterious knowledge. It leads us from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. As humans need moderate and balanced diets for their physical strength, learning became essential for mental strength similarly. Being in touch with the libraries will help the human from lust and temptation. Moreover, Libraries are the leading means of sharing knowledge than any other media.  Great thinkers like Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar had set up his own libraries.

Libraries are too awesome! Good reading and study habits can be established in the students through libraries as use of libraries helps to enhance the classroom experience. The library is frequently used for some research or in public issues. Libraries are essential in learning and acquiring progressive knowledge purposes. Libraries even help to learn a sense of responsibilities. The mistakes made in the past could be avoided in future, once learned from the history books.

The concentration power is tremendously raised with the assistance of the library. It has all forms of possible solutions to academic difficulties. The scoring in academics is improved when the student starts being in touch with the references books. The libraries also consist of the newspapers and articles to provide the events happening in the surrounding. Furthermore, We may find a person with the same kind of interest in the libraries which helps us in building the social network. In addition to the above, the new generation might be sad to hear but not everything is available on the internet. The Internet may sometimes have many mistakes that couldn't be realized. The Internet complies the libraries but fails to replace it. It's been also quoted that the greatest gift a child can receive from their parents is a book.      

In this 21st century, in the age of televisions, computers and the internet, people have started forgetting the essence of the library. The contribution of the government in the modernization of the libraries is being seen. They provide digital libraries and the necessary facilities at many places across. Modern libraries offer much more than the imagination for their visitors like CDs, DVDs and even the E-books are also made available. Most of the libraries are now setting their free WIFI services for allowing the candidates to enjoy the free internet surfing purpose. Many modern libraries are now offered online guest lectures and seminars on interesting topics by great philosophers.


FAQs on Library and It's Uses Essay

1. What are the uses of the library to students?

Students use libraries to enhance their classroom experiences. Libraries assist the students to improve good reading and learning habits. Public administrators use libraries for research and civic issues. The libraries provide information and assistance that are necessary for learning and progress. Libraries are very effective and economical too. They include books, journals, newspapers, DVDs, documents, scripts and more.

2. What is the importance of the library in our life?

Libraries play a very healthy role throughout our life. Libraries provide the students with a very healthy environment for learning as well as making notes or completing an assignment. Library provides a very peaceful, calm and disciplined atmosphere which aids learners to maintain a good concentration on their subjects. Libraries attract people to read and promote a practice of reading and learning. It improves their thirst for learning and expands knowledge. The library is also essential for any kind of research on different subjects.

3. What are the 4 types of the library?

According to the mode of services rendered to the readers; libraries are broadly divided into four types:

Academic Library - Academic libraries include the school library, college library and university library. 

Special Library - These are special types of libraries which serves only a particular group of people like employees of a form of the government department or research organization or the staff. 

Public Library - These are also called as circulating libraries. These libraries are public-funded such as tax money and it will be operated by the civil servants. 

National Library - These libraries are established by the specific government of the country. 

4. What are the advantages of the library?

The main advantage of the libraries is easy and (should be) free access to thousands of books. Access to educational sources that can be used for school purposes. A safe, warm and comforting environment that you can go to quietly read, do homework, etc.


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On Libraries by Oliver Sacks | Summary and Exercises | Class XII English

The essay 'on libraries' has been written in praise of intellectual freedom. in the essay, the writer considers libraries a gateway to knowledge and freedom..

Oliver Sacks grew up in an oak-paneled library inherited from his father, a Hebrew Scholar and a fan of Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906). The library was stacked high with Henrik Ibsen's plays, poems from his father's generation, and adventure and history books from his brothers. He read Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, written by an English short-story writer. He enjoyed the adventures of Mowgli, the book's fictional character.

His mother was likewise a literature enthusiast. She had collected a library of literature books by Emily Dickens (an American poet), Anthony Trollope (an English writer). George Bernard Shaw (an Irish playwright), Rudyard Kipling, William Shakespeare (an English dramatist), John Milton (an English poet), and poetry books as school awards. In a particular cabinet in his parents' surgery, there were also medical books. Along with the most magnificent library, he had a small lab where be could immerse himself in hooks for hours on end, even forgetting to eat his lunch or dinner. Since he was three or four years old, the library and books were his first memories.

Willesden Public Library in Willesden Green, London, was where he spent the happiest hours of his adult life. He obtained his formal schooling there. He disliked passive reading in formal schools because he was an active reader and self-learner. He was a good student in libraries and enjoyed reading whatever book he wanted in the company of other readers. When he got older, he began studying astronomy and chemistry. Because the Walker Library at St. Paul's School did not include chemistry books, he was able to visit the Science Museum's library with the help of his schoolmaster and learn chemistry books there.

When he was at university, he went to Radcliffe Science Library and the Bodleian Library. After reading Theodore Hook, he decided to create a biography of him. He gathered information from the British Museum Library and wrote about him in the Bodleian Library. The library of Queen's College, Oxford, was his most beloved library. He examined ancient texts such as Gesner's Historiae Animalium (1551), Agassiz's volumes, Charles Darwin, Sir Thomas Browne, and Jonathan Swift, as well as 17th and 18th-century writings of Samuel Johnson, David Hume, Alexander Pope, and John Dryden.

In 1965, he moved to New York City and resided in a small apartment. It was difficult for him to read and write in the apartment, but he did write some of his book Migraine. He was accepted into Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where he found it easy to read and write. He met with another friend who was looking for the same old book, Volumes of Brain from 1890. He formed a good connection based on reading and knowledge exchange. 

He continued to visit libraries, sitting at a table surrounded by mountains of books. During the 1990s, he discovered that students were ignoring bookshelves in favour of accessing material on their computers. Because the majority of students were not using the books, the college decided to get rid of them. That happened in the AECOM Library and other libraries throughout the world. The majority of the books had been discarded. To him, this was a murder or a crime, It was the destruction of centuries of wisdom. He was upset by the loss of books, but the important books had been digitalized. Digital literature may neither inspire not delight in the same way. Some books are priceless. In the 1960s, most libraries had special spaces for old books. The book that prompted him to start writing was Megrim (1873) by Edward Liveing.

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On Libraries Summary of The Essay & Exercise

Summary of the essay.

The essay 'On Libraries' is written by Oliver Sacks. In this essay, the essayist remembers his childhood. He grew up in an oak-panelled library inherited from his father where so many books were stacked. Oliver is happy in this essay because it is his autobiographical writing. He is so delightful. It is written in praise of intellectual freedom, community work, a high state of unexpected discovery and so on.

The essayist has a good habit of reading books in libraries. He has found his natural curiosity unstimulated by the industrial model of education into which he was pushed. At the library, he was the master of his own time and mind. He got so many ideas from books. He discovered the living substance of learning without the ill-fitting structure of schooling. He apprehended liberation through self-directed learning. He also found a surprising sense of community, which became a wonderful complement to his newfound intellectual autonomy. Autonomous learning is very important and good to achieve success. 

The essayist moved to New York City in 1965. He started to live in a small apartment. It was difficult for him to read and write but he began to write. He wrote books on the mind. Then, he was accepted into the Albert Einstein College of Medicine where he felt comfortable reading and writing. He met another friend there who was also searching for the books of the brain. They had a close connection because they shared their knowledge with each other. He continued reading books in the library. At that time students ignored bookshelves because of their access to the materials on the computers. Some libraries started to discard old books. He didn’t like that. For him, it was a very bad thing that he took as murder or crime. The library became his escape from the oppressions and adversity of a young person.

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Who is the writer of the essay On Libraries?

Oliver Sacks was born in 1933 in London and was educated at the Queen’s College, Oxford. He completed his medical training at San Francisco’s Mount Zion Hospital and at UCLA before moving to New York, where he soon encountered the patients whom he would write about in his book Awakenings. 

The sack was a neurologist and an author whose case studies of patients with unusual disorders became best-sellers. His focus on patients with particularly rare or dramatic problems made his work popular with writers in other forms, and his case studies were adapted into several different movies and operas. Dr. Sacks spent almost fifty years working as a neurologist and wrote a number of books--including The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, Musicophilia, and Hallucinations--about the strange neurological predicaments and conditions of his patients. 

The New York Times referred to him as "the poet laureate of medicine," and he received many awards, including honours from ‘The Guggenheim Foundation,’ The National Science Foundation, The American Academy of Arts and Letters, and The Royal College of Physicians. His memoir, On the Move, was published shortly before his death in August 2015. “On Libraries” is written in praise of intellectual freedom, community work, and the ecstasy of serendipitous discovery. Among the titans of mind and spirit shaped and saved by libraries was the great neurologist, author, and voracious reader.   

Exercise of The Essay On Libraries

Understanding the text  .

a. Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner?  

➥ The author could be found in a little lab along with the oak-panelled library that belonged to his father when he was late for lunch or dinner. 

b. What are his first memories? 

➥ The beautiful oak panel library and books were the first memory of the writer. 

c. Why did he dislike school? 

➥ The author didn't like school because he had to listen to the teachers passively obey their instructions. The author liked to learn himself in libraries being free to choose books of his own choice. 

d. What did he feel about at the library? 

➥ At the library, he felt free to look out thousands of books, to roam around and to enjoy the special atmosphere and the quiet companionship of other readers all like him in the same quest. 

e. Why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry?  

➥ He was so biased about science especially astronomy and chemistry because science was his study of interest. Any library could provide books on various subjects and faculties, and to read all of them is not possible. We must focus our study on a specific subject to get a wide range of knowledge on that subject so the writer, to get specific knowledge, focused himself in astronomy and chemistry. 

f. Why did he become so fascinated by Hook? 

➥ The writer became so fascinated by Theodore Hook because he was greatly admired in the 19th century for his wit and his genius for theatrical and musical improvisation. He was said to have composed more than 500 operas on the spot. 

g. Describe the library at Queen’s College. 

➥ The Queen's College is a constituent college of the University of Oxford, England. It has a magnificent library building which was designed by Christopher Wren, one of the most highly acclaimed English architects in history. Beneath the library building, there is the vast subterranean holding of the library. 

h. Why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s? 

➥ The students ignored the bookshelves in the 1990s because they have access to computerized books. 

i. Why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago? 

➥ He was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago because most of the shelves were sparsely occupied. Most of the books had been thrown out or digitalized. 

Reference to the Context

a. The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” Justify it with the textual pieces of evidence. 

➥ In the essay, Oliver Sacks says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” To be a good pupil, one has to be a good relation to Ads by Sending feedback Why this ad?  teachers in a school. S/he has to attend classes regularly under the instructions provided by the teachers. S/he has to complete all the assignments given by the teacher after the lectures. But Oliver Sacks was not like that kind of pupil. He didn’t like to learn passively. Instead, he likes to learn actively in libraries selecting books of his choice. He loves reading varieties of books in the library being free. 

b. A proverb says, "Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library." Does this proverb apply in the essay? Explain. 

➥ The beautiful quotation, “Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library.” Walter Savage Landor talks about the happiness, any studious person gets in a library. Any library provides enormous sources of information on a variety of topics. Nothing gives much satisfaction as reading books gives to a bookish fellow. Oliveri Sacks is a bookworm who spends much of his time in different libraries in different places. 

His book reading started from his own library at home. All of his family members loved reading books and he was grown up in that environment. The oak-panelled library at his own home was his favourite room. Instead of attending formal schools, he preferred to read freely in libraries. Especially he enjoyed the library environment and the quiet companionship of other readers. He would love to sit at a table in libraries, with a mountain of books in Infront of him. 

c. Are there any other services that you would like to see added to the library? 

➥ When we hear the term “Library”, an image that comes to our mind is a room filled with several stocks of bookshelves and book lovers reading there. In the past, the shelves were full of paper-based books. I would like to see libraries offering an abundance of additional services which we can enjoy. I like to have access to audiobooks, Ebooks, large print and braille materials, CDs, DVDs, Internet access, community clubs, manuscripts and so on. They could provide access to reading to different readers. Even blind people can read books in a library if they provide braille materials. Internet users can read EBooks there. 

Reference Beyond the Text 

a. Write an essay on Libraries and their uses for students. 

➥ A library is a place where books and sources of information are stored. They make it easier for people to get access to them for various purposes. Libraries are very helpful and economical too. They include books, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, manuscripts and more. In other words, they are an all-encompassing source of information. 

A public library is open to everyone to fulfilling the need for information. They are run by the government, schools, colleges, and universities. The members of the society or community can visit these libraries to enhance their knowledge and complete their research. Libraries play a vital role in providing people with reliable content. They encourage and promote the process of learning and grasping knowledge. The bookworms can get loads of books to read and enhance their knowledge. Moreover, the variety is so wide-ranging that one mostly gets what they are looking for. 

Furthermore, they help people to get their hands on great educational material which they might not find otherwise in the market. When we read more, our social skills and academic performance improves. Most importantly, libraries are a great platform for making progress. When we get homework in class, the libraries help us with the reference material. This, in turn, progresses our learning capabilities and knowledge. It is also helpful in our overall development. 

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On Libraries: Class 12 English: Important Questions

on libraries essay class 12

a. Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner?

Answer: The author could be found in the library of his family.

b. What are his first memories?

Answer: His first memories are the books and his library.

c. Why did he dislike school?

Answer: He disliked school because he had to receive instructions sitting in class. He became very passive in class.

d. What did he feel about at the library?

Answer: He felt free to choose the thousands, tens of thousands of books. He got the freedom to read and enjoy varieties of books.

e. Why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry?

Answer: He was biased towards the sciences especially astronomy and chemistry because he was attracted to these subjects in his school days at St. Paul.

f. Why did he become so fascinated by Hook?

Answer: He became so fascinated by Hook because he was inspired by his works of him. He was a witty and genius person.

g. Describe library at the Queen’s College.

Answer: The library had a magnificent building. It was designed by Christopher Wren. It was his favorite place.

h. Why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s?

Answer: The students ignored the bookshelves in the 1990s because of their interest in computers.

i. Why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago?

Answer: He was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago because he found the miserable condition of the library and books. Books were thrown out of it. No one objected to the action. He compared the action with murder.

j. The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” Justify it with textual evidences.

Answer: The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” The author wants to tell us the message that school is failing to produce good students because of one way of education. The author always received instruction and information from the teachers but never got a chance to explore his mind. He was not happy with the contemporary method of teaching. He wasn’t interested in classroom teaching, so failed to become a good pupil. He used to sit passively and listened to his teacher’s teaching.

k. A proverb says, “Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library.” Does this proverb apply in the essay? Explain.

Answer: Yes, the proverb applies in this essay because the author was fond of reading books. He loved to spend his time in his library during his childhood days. The library was his favourite place in the entire house. His library and the books are related with his first memories. He loves to explore his library. He gives more priority to library than school.

Answer: The library had magnificent building. It was designed by Christopher Wren. It was his favourite place.

Answer: He was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago because he found the miserable condition of the library and books. Books were thrown out of it. No one objected the action. He compared the action with murder.

j. The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” Justify it with the textual evidences.

Answer: Yes, the proverb applies in this essay because the author was fond of reading books. He loved to spend his time in his library during his childhood days. The library was his favorite place in the entire house. His library and the books are related with his first memories. He loves to explore his library. He gives more priority to library than school.

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Dhan Raj's BLOG

On Libraries_Summary, Analysis and Question Answers | Grade 12: English_Section II: Literature | Unit 3 Essays

Grade 12: english, section two: literature, unit 3: essays, lesson 1. 'on libraries' by oliver sacks, introduction.

Oliver Sacks was born in 1933 in London and was educated at the Queen’s College, Oxford. He completed his medical training at San Francisco’s Mount Zion Hospital and at UCLA before moving to New York, where he soon encountered the patients whom he would write about in his book Awakenings. Sacks was a neurologist and an author whose case studies of patients with unusual disorders became best-sellers. His focus on patients with particularly rare or dramatic problems made his work popular with writers in other forms, and his case studies were adapted into several different movies and operas. Dr. Sacks spent almost fifty years working as a neurologist and wrote a number of books--including The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, Musicophilia, and Hallucinations--about the strange neurological predicaments and conditions of his patients. The New York Times referred to him as "the poet laureate of medicine," and he received many awards, including honors from ‘The Guggenheim Foundation,’ The National Science Foundation, The American Academy of Arts and Letters, and The Royal College of Physicians. His memoir, On the Move, was published shortly before his death in August 2015. 

“On Libraries” is written in praise of intellectual freedom, community work, and the ecstasy of serendipitous (happening by chance in an interesting or pleasant way) discovery. Among the titans of mind and spirit shaped and saved by libraries was the great neurologist, author, and voracious (avid/keen) reader.

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Summary of the essay "On Libraries" by Oliver Sacks.

The essayist says that when he was a child, his favourite room at home was the library, a large oak-paneled room with all four walls covered by bookcases—and a solid table for writing and studying in the middle. It was here that his father had his special library. His mother had her favourite books in a separate bookcase in the lounge. Medical books were kept in a special locked cabinet in his parents’ surgery (office/clinic). For the essayist, the oak-paneled library was the quietest and most beautiful room in the house and he learned to read early, at three or four, and books, and the library, are among his first memories.

On the whole, he disliked school, sitting in class, receiving instruction; information seemed to go in one ear and out by the other. He could not be passive—he had to be active, learn for himself, learn what he wanted, and in the way which suited him best. He was not a good pupil, but he was a good learner, and in Willesden Library—and all the libraries that came later—he roamed the shelves and stacks, had the freedom to select whatever he wanted, to follow paths which fascinated him, to become himself. At the library he felt free—free to look at the thousands, tens of thousands, of books; free to roam and to enjoy the special atmosphere and the quiet companionship of other readers, all, like himself, on quests of their own.

As he got older, his reading was increasingly biased towards the sciences, especially astronomy and chemistry. St. Paul’s School, where he went when he was twelve, had an excellent general library, the Walker Library, which was particularly heavy in history and politics. When he went to university, he had access to Oxford’s two great university libraries, the Radcliffe Science Library and the Bodleian, a wonderful general library that could trace itself back to 1602. It was in the Bodleian that he stumbled upon the now-obscure and forgotten works of Theodore Hook, a man greatly admired in the early nineteenth century for his wit and his genius for theatrical and musical improvisation (he was said to have composed more than five hundred operas on the spot). He became so fascinated by Hook that he decided to write a sort of biography or “case-history” of him. But the library he most loved at Oxford was their own library at the Queen’s College. It was in the vaults (rooms having arched roof) of the Queen’s College that he really gained a sense of history, and of his own language.

He first came to New York City in 1965, and at that time he had a horrid, pokey little apartment in which there were almost no surfaces to read or write on. So he longed for spaciousness. Fortunately, the library at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where he worked, had this in abundance. He would sit at a large table to read or write for a while, and then wander around the shelves and stacks.

The essayist opines that in the library we may be reading our own books, absorb in our own worlds, and yet there prevail a sense of community, even intimacy. While meeting people in a library, handling and sharing books with them, we develop a kind of camaraderie (friendship and trust) among us.

But a shift was occurring by the 1990s. He would continue to visit the library frequently, sitting at a table with a mountain of books in front of him, but students increasingly ignored the bookshelves, accessing what they needed with their computers. Few of them went to the shelves anymore. The books, so far as they were concerned, were unnecessary. And since the majority of users were no longer using the books themselves, the college decided, ultimately, to dispose of them. He had no idea that this was happening—not only in the AECOM library but in college and public libraries all over the country. He was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago and found the shelves, once overflowing, sparsely occupied. Over the last few years, most of the books, it seems, have been thrown out, with remarkably little objection from anyone. 

He felt that a murder, a crime had been committed—the destruction of centuries of knowledge. Seeing his distress, a librarian reassured him that everything “of worth” had been digitized. But he does not use a computer, and he is deeply saddened by the loss of books, even bound periodicals, for there is something irreplaceable about a physical book: its look, its smell, its heft. He thought of how the library once cherished “old” books, had a special room for old and rare books; and how in 1967, searching through the stacks, he had found an 1873 book, Edward Liveing’s Megrim, which inspired him to write his own first book.

Key points of the essay 'On Libraries':

⇲ The essay “On Libraries” is written in praise of intellectual freedom, community work, and the ecstasy of serendipitous (happening by chance in an interesting or pleasant way) discovery.
⇲ It is about the importance of libraries in order to shape and nurture the mind of an individual.
⇲ It is about the significance of reading habit to arouse interest in acquiring knowledge.
⇲ It is about the role of libraries to motivate and inspire the young learners.
⇲ It shows how libraries can open our mind to explore the area of our interest.
⇲ It says how books can kindle our writing habit to become a great writer.
⇲ It also hints the shift from library to online resources and the author’s worry for this situation.
⇲ This change is felt as destruction of centuries of knowledge by Oliver Sacks.
⇲ The essayist claims that a library is a right place for real education. 
⇲ For Sacks, there is something irreplaceable about a physical book.

Question Answers of the essay "On Libraries" by Oliver Sacks.

Understanding the text:, answer the following questions..

a. Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner?

Answer: Whenever he was late for lunch or dinner he could be found, completely absorbed by a book, in the library.

b. What are his first memories?

Answer: The books and his library in which he learned to read early at three or four, are among his first memories.

c. Why did he dislike school?

Answer: He disliked school because he could not want to be passive. He wanted to be active, learn for himself, learn what he wanted, and in the way which suited him best. And for that the libraries were the best place for intellectual freedom.

d. What did he feel about at the library?

Answer: At the library he felt free—free to look at the thousands, tens of thousands, of books; free to roam and to enjoy the special atmosphere and the quiet companionship of other readers, all, like himself, on quests of their own.

e. Why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry?

Answer: As he got older, his reading was increasingly biased towards the sciences, especially astronomy and chemistry because he was inclined to these subjects at St. Paul’s School, where he went when he was twelve, and had a kind of hunger for astronomy and chemistry.

Answer: He was fascinated by the works of Theodore Hook, a man greatly admired in the early nineteenth century for his wit and his genius for theatrical and musical improvisation, in the Bodleian, a wonderful general library that could trace itself back to 1602.

g. Describe library at the Queen’s College.

Answer: The library the essayist most loved at Oxford was the library at the Queen’s College. The magnificent library building itself had been designed by Christopher Wren, and beneath this, in an underground maze of heating pipes and shelves, were the vast subterranean holdings of the library. It was in the vaults of the Queen’s College that he really gained a sense of history, and of his own language.

h. Why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s?

Answer: The students ignored the bookshelves in the 1990s because of the shift towards computers and digital resources.

i. Why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago? 

Answer: He was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago because he found the shelves, once overflowing, sparsely occupied. Over the last few years, most of the books, it seemed, had been thrown out, with remarkably little objection from anyone. He felt that a murder, a crime had been committed—the destruction of centuries of knowledge.

Reference to the context (On Libraries):

a. The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” Justify it with the textual evidences.

Answer: On the whole, the author disliked school, sitting in class, receiving instruction; information seemed to go in one ear and out by the other. He could not be passive—He had to be active, learn for himself, learn what he wanted, and in the way which suited him best. So he roamed the shelves and stacks of the libraries, had the freedom to select whatever he wanted, to follow paths which fascinated him, just to become himself. At the library he would feel free—free to look at the thousands, tens of thousands, of books; free to roam and to enjoy the special atmosphere and the quiet companionship of other readers, all, like himself, on quests of their own. Therefore, he said that he was not a good pupil, but was a good listener who explored different libraries to gain knowledge for his own academic excellence.

b. A proverb says, "Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library." Does this proverb apply in the essay? Explain.

Answer: The given proverb, "Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library" is quite appropriate for the essay “On Libraries”. On the whole, the author disliked school, sitting in class, receiving instruction; information seemed to go in one ear and out by the other. He could not be passive—He had to be active, learn for himself, learn what he wanted, and in the way which suited him best. So he roamed the shelves and stacks of the libraries, had the freedom to select whatever he wanted, to follow paths which fascinated him, just to become himself. At the library he would feel free—free to look at the thousands, tens of thousands, of books; free to roam and to enjoy the special atmosphere and the quiet companionship of other readers, all, like himself, on quests of their own. Therefore, he said that he was not a good pupil, but was a good listener who explored different libraries to gain knowledge for his own academic excellence. Whatever he gained in his life is only because of his habit of reading books in the libraries.

c. Are there any other services that you would like to see added to the library? 

Answer: Unlike the traditional library, it would be better if we add computers, internet access, e-books, and other relevant information and communication technologies to boost our learning. If you have any innovative ideas, please include those in your answer.

Reference beyond the text (On Libraries):

a. Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students.

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[alert type=alert_outline alert_info]“A good book is the precious life-blood of a master-spirit, embalmed and treasured upon purpose for a life beyond.” — Milton.[/alert]

A library is the heart and soul of an educational institution. A college or a school is judged from its library. Indeed, buildings alone do not make a school. A library is nothing but a collection of books, magazines, papers and other reading resources. Books contain knowledge and a library contains books. A library is the temple of knowledge and a boon to the people. It is the place where knowledge is preserved.

A library forms a very important part of an educational institution. A college library provides the students with means for utilizing leisurely hours. A library widens the knowledge of the students with new ideas and new thoughts. Every library has a reading room attached to it. It subscribes to many dailies and magazines and journals. Readers read papers which present varying points of view.

There are many uses of libraries. A library spreads knowledge. The poor people, particularly poor students who cannot afford to purchase books, can make the best use of a library. They can borrow books and gather knowledge. Even rich men cannot have all the books and they also have to depend on the library.

Secondly, the library inspires the students to develop a habit of reading books. The reading room provides an atmosphere where everyone wants to study the books. A reader remains in touch with the new discoveries, inventions and day-to-day matters of the world. The newspapers keep a reader in touch with what is happening in the world around him. 

Thirdly, a library not only spreads knowledge but also preserves it. We can know about the past civilization and culture from the books which are kept in a library. Preservation of knowledge is essential for the progress of the country. If the books are not preserved every generation will have to work from the very beginning. Thus a library does very useful service. It gives to the scholars all the knowledge of the past.

Fourthly, a library increases our knowledge and widens our outlook. It revels new facts new experience of men and nations, new wonders of this vast and varied world. We get an opportunity of sitting in the company of the master minds of the old and the mighty brains of the present day world and of knowing their view-points on various subjects. Knowledge is both a power as well as a joy. A library, therefore, gives us a real satisfaction and pleasure. Robert Southey; a learned poet and scholar who spent most of his time in the company of books, wrote:

[alert type=alert_outline alert_info] “My never failing friends are they With who I converse day by day; With them I take delight in weal And seek relief in woe.”[/alert]

Thus a library, which is a store-house of knowledge is useful to professionals, general readers and research students. No research is possible without a good library. Carlyle said that a true university of our days is the collection of books. Libraries contain the essence of our civilization and culture and hence they should be maintained in the best possible manner.

b. Do you have any public library in your locality? If so, do the people in your community use it? Give a couple of examples.

Answer: Yes, we have a public library in our locality. Of course, the people in our community use it. (Please go through the answer of task ‘a’, reference beyond the text for relevant information and hints for your answer.)

- ©drg/Indra Bhusal/Jhalak Rana

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On Libraries Excercise: Class 12 Essay Solution

On libraries essay summary.

In the essay ‘On Libraries’, the essayist Oliver Sacks maintains the importance of the library in shaping the life of a person. The essay begins with the speaker (the writer) stating his journey of exploring libraries started from his own home library. From a very early age, the speaker used to get absorbed with the books in the home library. His father and mother had different shelves for different books with their own interests.

The writer in the essay mentions that there was a library in his neighbourhood too – Willesden Public Library. The writer further makes his own confession that though he found lecture classes boring at the schools, however, he was good at reading books. Later it was in the majestic Oxford libraries where he found all sorts of books that interested him the most. While Sacks found at the library self-directed learners, he also found that these seemingly self-observant people having a surprising sense of community, which became a lovely complement to his newfound intellectual autonomy.

The writer later with time developed more interest in the sciences, especially astronomy and chemistry. The writer after entering into university got access to two great university libraries in Oxford. When he was visiting the Bodleian Library, he found the books of Theodore Hook. He was so impressed by the Hook that he decided to write a sort of biography of him. The British Museum Library provided him with the materials needed for his works on biography.

The writer also visited the two great Oxford’s libraries are the Radcliffe Science Library and the Bodleian Library. However, it was the library at Queen’s College that the writer admires the most. The magnificent building and the freely and readily available ancient books of great scholars, such as Gesner, Durer, Darwin, Pope, Dryden and many others have made the writer enchanted with this library.

The writer recalls his hardships to read and write in his small and uncomfortable apartment. Luckily, he found a place to read and write in the library of Albert College of Medicine where he used to work. The writer mentions the library to be quiet. People in this library were intimate with each other that developed a sense of community. He mentions how the students started ignoring the books which resulted in the books being unnecessary and were disposed of. The writer was unknown about the condition of libraries lately and he was horrified when he visited the library and found the shelves to be sparsely occupied. The writer mentions his difficulty to use books and such books could never be to the level of physical books.

On Libraries Exercises Solution

Understanding the Text

Answer the following questions.

a.Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner? 

Ans.: The author could be found in a library completely absorbed by a book when he was late for lunch or dinner.

b.What are his first memories? 

Ans.: His first memories comprise books, libraries and his learning to read early at three or four.

c.Why did he dislike school? 

Ans.: He disliked school because he did not like sitting in a class and receiving instruction from teachers passively as he could not grasp the teacher’s lecture with full concentration. He rather liked reading himself being active and in his own way.

d.What did he feel about at the library? 

Ans.: He felt free at the library as he could look at tens of thousands of books freely and he liked to roam and enjoy the atmosphere and quiet companionship of other readers. He liked freedom about everything in the library.

e.Why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry? 

Ans.: He was so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry because of his growing compassion and hunger for these sorts of books with his growing age.

f.Why did he become so fascinated by Hook ? 

Ans.: He became so fascinated by Hook because Hook was a greatly admired man of the nineteenth century, for his wit and his genius concept for theatrical and musical improvisation. Hook was said to have composed more than five hundred operas on the spot.

g.Describe library at the Queen’s College. 

Ans.: The library at Queen’s College is one of the most loved libraries in Oxford. The library has a magnificent building designed by Christopher Wren, and beneath this, in an underground maze of heating pipes and shelves, were the vast subterranean holding of the library. One can visit the library and hold and read the ancient books of great scholars, such as Gesner, Durer, Darwin, Pope, Dryden and many others. And, all these books, are freely available, not in some special, locked-away rarer books enclave, but just sitting on the shelves, as they had done since the original publication.

h.Why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s? 

Ans.: The students ignored the bookshelves in the 1990s because they could easily access their needs on a computer.

i.Why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago? 

Ans.: He was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago because the shelves in the library that used to be once overflowing were sparsely occupied. Though the books had been digitized, the speaker was not used to them.

Reference to the context

a.The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good learner.” Justify it with the textual evidences. 

Ans.: In the essay ‘On Libraries’ by Oliver Sacks, the author is very fond of reading books in the library. He used to get so absorbed with the books that he even used to be late for his dinner and lunch. The author in the text doesn’t consider himself as a good pupil or a student. He mentions in the text that he disliked school, sitting in the class, and receiving instructions from his teachers because he considers such activities as passive study with very little concentration.

He rather likes an active form of study where an individual reads and learns by himself without depending upon others as if reading books in the library. So, lacking the qualities of a good and disciplined student who loves to attend class and strictly follows the instructions given by teachers, he considers himself as not being a good pupil. While at the same time, he finds himself as a good learner because he has a hunger for learning and reading books and was never bored with this phenomenon.

b.A proverb says, “Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library.” Does this proverb apply in the essay? Explain. 

Ans.: A library is a place where an individual can read several books and it can also be a quite good place for a bibliophile – one who likes to collect books. In the text, the author seems to be a good book reader and he seems to be in love with libraries and books as he had mentioned that he got connected with so many libraries.

Moreover, as gateways to knowledge and culture, libraries play a fundamental role in society. The resources and services they offer create opportunities for learning, support literacy and education, and help shape the new ideas and perspectives that are central to a creative and innovative society. Also, libraries do not possess extreme restrictions like that of school – the people who find schools boring can spend their time happily reading books in libraries. You can roam freely,

read books freely and there is no pressure from anybody but the only thing you should consider is peace. In the essay, the writer shows his love for books and consider the library as a temple. So, the given proverb definitely applies in the essay.

c.Are there any other services that you would like to see added to the library? 

Ans: A library is a collection or a group of collection of books and other print or non-print materials organized and maintained for use. From a traditional point of view, libraries are thought to be only connected with books as most of the portions of the library possess books. In my opinion, a few other services that should be added to libraries are:

i. Computers

Computers are very popular electronic devices that need to be added to the library. The computers in the library should provide the access to the readers to read the books that have the digitized form. Doing so, greatly helps the readers who love to read the books on screen than on paper. Likewise, a computer can be a great means to store the data and information both about the books as well as the members and their membership.

ii. IT Services

The library should provide free internet access to its members. Users want to use their own devices in a library in order to get more information. So, providing good IT services helps people do their work while in the library.

iii. A Café

It is often said that a book with a coffee gives you a heavenly feeling. People can seat in a café and enjoy reading books and their food at the same time. It makes people more engaging, relaxed and makes their reading full of pleasure.

iv. Book Festivals

I would be more delighted if the concept of book festivals could be organized within the premise of the library. When people visit the library and select the books they like, they could be bought easily with a reasonable amount of discount.

Reference beyond the text

a. Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students. 

Libraries and its Uses for Students

A library is a building or room containing collections of books, periodicals and sometimes films and recorded music for use or borrowing by the public or the members of an institution.

A library is a very useful platform that brings together people willing to learn. It helps the students in learning and expanding their knowledge. The students develop their reading habits from a library and satisfy their thirst and curiosity for knowledge. This helps in the personal growth and development of a student.

Similarly, libraries provide authentic and reliable sources of information for research students. They are able to complete their papers and carry out their studies using the

material present in a library. Furthermore, libraries are a great place for studying alone or even in groups, without any disturbance.

Moreover, libraries also help in increasing the students’ concentration levels. As it is a place that requires a pin-drop silence, a person can study or read in silence. It makes the students focus on students’ studies more efficiently. Libraries also broaden the students’ thinking and make them more open to modern thinking.

Most importantly, libraries are very economical. The students who cannot afford to buy new books can simply borrow books from a library. This helps such students in saving a lot of money and getting information without the need of spending much.

In fact, libraries are a great place to gain knowledge. They serve each person differently. They are a great source of learning and promoting the progress of knowledge. One can enjoy their free time in libraries by reading and researching. As the world has become digitized, it is now easier to browse through a library and get what you are looking for. Libraries also provide employment opportunities to people with fair pay and incredible working conditions.

But now libraries are slowly turning empty and are being closed at various places because of no readers at all. Due to the impact of remarkable technological advancement, the students find it easy to access the contents through their mobile, computers and tablets with the help of an internet connection. Such discoveries help to save time and energy as you can get to your content from home. People nowadays are busy with their life and business and do not have any time to visit libraries. Due to these conditions, libraries are dying out. In order to save the library, smart ideas should be followed to encourage the learners for visiting the library. And, most significantly, all the important books of the library should be preserved in an appropriate digital form. However, the most important thing is the students should be happily ready to read the. book, be it in paper form or in a digitized form Hence, a library is very useful for the students in order to broaden their horizons of knowledge.

b.Do you have any public library in your locality? If so, do the people in your community use it? Give a couple of examples. 

Ans.: Yes, we have a public library in my locality. The name of the library is the Vision Community Library (pseudonym). It is located in Devnagar (pseudonym). The library was established in 2071 BS with the efforts of local community people and the government school in the community. In the beginning, due to a lack of resources, the library only possessed school books. But later, it got some funds from the government and the library was expanded. At present, the library has almost all sorts and genres of books along with free computers and internet services. In a small village like ours, there is a very limited number of recreation facilities. So, people have developed our library as a recreation zone. Whenever they are bored and lonely, they go to the library and spend their time. People from my community gather in the library, read the newspapers available and discuss contemporary issues. Similarly, some children especially during their holidays come to the library in order to read the books of children’s poetry and short stories. Likewise, the old people of my community come there during the daytime and they read books. These old people too, chat with one another, usually about the things in the past and their wonder what would happen in the future. Some of the people also visit the library to communicate with their relatives who are working and staying abroad as the computers with the internet facilities have been installed in the libraries.

Essay on Library for Kids

essay on library

A library is a fantastic place for kids to read and learn effectively and play an important role in the kids learning phase. It is a place where they can find academic books, novels and journals to keep them engaged in learning. It is also a place where they can learn new things. A library is where people borrow books, check out magazines, and search for information. Libraries are essential because they provide access to knowledge that people might not find elsewhere. In addition, libraries serve as community centres, providing social interaction and learning opportunities. BYJU’S importance of library essay helps children learn the significance of libraries in this digital age.

Table of Contents

The role of libraries in a digital world, library services, benefits of libraries.

The library is a valuable resource in today’s world of technology . Libraries offer books, music, movies, and even computer software. They are also where people can get help with homework and research. Libraries are essential for access to information about the world around us and their role in helping people access research activities. A short essay on library helps kids understand the role of libraries in a digital world.

Libraries have always been important in the digital world. However, with the advent of the internet influence on kids and digital technology, libraries have become even more critical.

For example, many people now rely on libraries to access information online. According to a study, 76 per cent of adults ages 18 and older say that they use the internet at least occasionally for research. This means that many people turn to their local library to find information online through the digital library system.

A library is not just a room with books, it is a place that provides access to information and community service . A library offers its members resources to help them better understand the world around them in their educational pursuits. Libraries also provide programmes and services to help people meet their personal needs, such as book clubs and computer classes. After understanding the role of libraries in this digital era, let us now know about library services by reading BYJU’S essay on library in English.

Libraries are essential to a community because they allow people to come together and learn. They provide a space where people can find information on anything they want, from history to science to literature. Libraries are also important because they offer programmes and services to help community members. Libraries often offer book clubs that allow members to discuss various books together. Moreover, libraries provide computer classes, which would enable people to learn how to use the internet safely.

When it comes to finding information, a library is one of the best places to look. There is no doubt that the library has played a significant role in the history of civilisation. From providing information on everything from ancient world history to current events, libraries have been instrumental in helping people learn and grow. BYJU’S essay on library allows kids to understand the advantages of a library:

  • Libraries provide access to information and resources not available anywhere else.
  • Libraries are often a place where people can come to know new things.
  • Libraries offer free programmes and services to help people stay ahead of the curve.
  • Many libraries have Wi-Fi, so patrons can access the internet while in the library.
  • Libraries often offer literacy tutoring, business support, and computer lab access to use their resources in the most efficient way possible.
  • Libraries are spacious and well-lit.
  • Libraries typically have comfortable chairs and tables for reading.
  • Library staff are always happy to help you find what you are looking for.
  • Many libraries offer free or discounted admission to members.
  • Libraries usually have different floors with different sections.

Libraries are essential parts of our society and should be maintained and supported in any way possible. They are an excellent resource for everyone and should not be taken lightly. For more kids learning activities like worksheets , poems and stories , visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the first library in the world.

The Library of Ashurbanipal is the first library in the world.

Why should kids go to the library?

A library is an excellent place for children to explore their learning and discovery needs. They can learn new skills and interests with the help of many different library resources. They can also go to libraries to borrow books they cannot afford.

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English XII

1. On Libraries


Oliver Sacks spent his childhood in a library with oak panels that belonged to his father, a Hebrew scholar, who was a fan of the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen (1828–1966). Henrik Ibsen's plays, poems from his father's generation, and brothers' adventure and history books filled the entire library. He read The Jungle Book, a short story book by an English author named Rudyard Kipling. He enjoyed reading about Mowgli's adventures in the book.

His mother was also a voracious reader. As school awards, she had accumulated a library of literature books by American poet Emily Dickens, English writer Anthony Trollope, Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright Rudyard Kipling, English dramatist William Shakespeare, English poet John Milton, and poetry books. In addition, there were medical books in a particular cabinet in the surgery of his parents. He had a small lab, in addition to the most magnificent library, where he could immerse himself in books for hours, even forgetting to eat lunch or dinner. He first remembers going to the library and reading books when he was three or four years old.

He spent the most joyful hours of his adult life at London's Willesden Public Library, which is located in Willesden Green. There, he received his formal education. He was an active reader and self-learner, so formal schools made him dislike passive reading. He enjoyed reading any book he wanted in company of other readers and was a good library student. He began studying chemistry and astronomy as he got older. Since the Walker Library at St. Paul's School did exclude science books, he had the option to visit the Science Gallery's library with the assistance of his head master and learn science books there.

He visited the Bodleian Library and the Radcliffe Science Library while attending university. He made the decision to write a biography of Theodore Hook after reading about him. He wrote about him in the Bodleian Library and gathered information from the British Museum Library. His favorite library was the Queen's College library in Oxford. He looked at ancient works like Gesner's Historiae Animalium (1551), Agassiz's books, Charles Darwin, Sir Thomas Browne, and Jonathan Swift, as well as works by Samuel Johnson, David Hume, Alexander Pope, and John Dryden from the 17th and 18th centuries.

He moved to New York City in 1965 and lived in a small apartment there. He did write some of his book Migraine, though it was hard for him to read and write in the apartment. He found that it was simple for him to read and write after he was accepted into Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He went to a second friend's house in search of the same 1890 book, Volumes of Brain. Reading and exchanging information helped him establish a strong connection.

Sitting at a table surrounded by mountains of books, he continued to visit libraries. He discovered in the 1990s that students were avoiding bookshelves in favor of using computers to access information. The college decided to get rid of the books because the majority of students were not using them. That took place in the AECOM Library as well as other libraries worldwide. Most of the books had been thrown away. He considered this to be a crime or a murder. It was the demise of centuries' worth of knowledge. Despite the fact that the most important books had been digitalized, the loss of books upset him. It's possible that digital literature won't inspire or delight in the same way. A few books are precious. Most libraries had special areas for old books in the 1960s.Megrim (1873), written by Edward Liveing, inspired him to begin writing.



a. If the author was running late for lunch or dinner, where could he be found?

When he was late for lunch or dinner, the author could be found in a small lab in his father's oak-paneled library.

b. Describe his earliest memories.

The writer's first memory was of the library with its stunning oak paneling and its books.

c. Why was he unhappy in school?

The author disliked school because he had to passively follow the teachers' instructions. The author liked to learn for himself in libraries, where he could choose the books he wanted to read.

d. What was his opinion of the library?

He was free to look through thousands of books at the library, to wander around, and to enjoy the special atmosphere and the quiet company of other readers who were all on the same quest as him.

e. Why was he so partial toward the sciences, particularly chemistry and astronomy?

Because science was his field of interest, he had a strong bias toward it, especially toward astronomy and chemistry. Any library could have books on a wide range of subjects and fields, but it would be impossible to read them all. For this reason, the author concentrated his study on astronomy and chemistry.

f. Why did he find Hook to be so captivating?

The writer was captivated by Theodore Hook because of his wit and ability to improvise musically and theatrically in the nineteenth century. On the spot, he is said to have written more than 500 operas.

g. Describe the Queen's College library.

A constituent college of the University of Oxford in England is The Queen's College. One of the most acclaimed English architects of all time, Christopher Wren, created the magnificent library building there. The extensive library's subterranean holdings are located beneath the building.

h . In the 1990s, why did students ignore the bookshelves?

Because they have access to electronic books, students in the 1990s ignored the bookshelves.

i. When he went to the library a few months ago, why was he horrified?

When he went to the library a few months ago, he was horrified to see that most of the shelves were empty. The majority of the books had either been discarded or digitized.


a. The author states, "I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener." Use the textual evidence to support it.

Oliver Sacks writes in the essay, "I was not a good student, but I was a good listener." To be a good student, one must have a positive relationship with teachers. He or she is required to regularly attend class in accordance with the instructions given by the teachers. After the lectures, s/he must complete all assignments assigned by the instructor. However, Oliver Sacks was not like that student. He disliked passive learning. Instead, he enjoys actively learning by selecting books from libraries. He enjoys the wide range of books he can read for free at the library.

b. According to a proverb, "Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library." Does the essay make use of this proverb? Explain.

The best thing about library is that they are great. A library, big or small, has a lot of books and information to read. For those who like reading, libraries are the best place to be in. Oliver Sacks is an avid reader who started his journey of reading when he was 3 from his father’s oak-paneled library. So much so that he favored staying in the library more than any other rooms in the house. Moreover, he also enjoyed the company of other readers and he found it the best to sit at the top of a pile of books at a library table.

c. Would you like to see the library offer any additional services?

Everything else is evolving and libraries too should. In the past the technology was not so advanced but now it is not the case. In the past, people had more free time which they could invest to go to libraries, search for books, find a place and read. However, now that is not the case. Therefore, library should be digitalized as much as possible. There are some people who wants to access the Queen’s Library in Oxford, but could be in the different part of the world. Therefore, as education is the fundamental right of every human being, books should be available for free for the genuine readers in digital forms. There are people who cannot see, for them audio books must be available and for the ones who are busy they should be able to hire books. Overall, libraries all around the world should be connected to the internet and while preserving the paper-back versions, they should digitize themselves.


a . Write an essay about how students can use libraries.

Libraries are the place where all kinds of knowledge are available provided that one has that zeal to read. Most importantly, libraries should be mostly used by students.

Teachers are human beings and human beings have their own way of understanding ideas, opinion and information. Therefore, students, in some cases, could be misguided by the teachers. In such cases, if the student has access to library, one can find the related book to study and clear the doubts. In some cases, teachers may be only able to teach what is on the syllabus; in such scenarios also students can visit a library and gather more information because libraries are the store house of knowledge and information irrespective of time.

In the libraries, students can choose those subjects or books which interests them. For example, a student may be studying hotel management, business management, and science, engineering or medical but has some interest in studying stories and poem or other types of literature, in such case they can always use their free time to access books on literature as per their interest because libraries do not ask about your choice of sector or faculty.

Similarly, suppose a student might want to do an in-depth study or a research on a certain topic and only limited information is available on the course book, in this case too students can read other books on the same topic written by a different writer. This not only broadens the knowledge of the student, but also s/he can excel in the field because of the knowledge on the topic more than others.

In conclusion, libraries can be very useful to the students because libraries are for all as books do not discriminate between rich and poor, and foolish and intelligent. Having said that, it depends on the student’s enthusiasm to study and read.

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Essay on My School Library for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my school library.

  A school library is a structure within the school that houses a collection of books, audio-visual material and other content that serves common use to meet the educational, informative and recreational needs of the users. The chief objective of libraries is to meet the academic needs of the particular educational institution which it serves. Besides serving students in their studies and teachers in their research school, libraries aim at creating interest in reading amongst the students who get the best of resources and environment here.

essay on my school library

Types of Books

The types of books we can have access to in school libraries are fiction books , non-fiction books, reference books, literature books, biographies, General Knowledge books, Fables and folktales, cookbooks and craft books, poetry books, books in a series, and wordless books.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Importance of School Librar y

It provides us with quality fiction and nonfiction books that encourage us to read more for pleasure and enrich our intellectual, artistic, cultural, social and emotional growth. The ambiance of the school library is perfect for learning without getting disturbed.

This makes it easy for us to learn and grasp faster. It provides teachers the access to professional development, relevant information and reference material to plan and implement effective learning programs.

Thus. School library is helpful to every member of the school community whether its students, teachers or any other staff member. It helps gain skills and knowledge for personal development .

School library has a positive impact on the academic performance of the students. It helps us develop the overall skills necessary to succeed in the modern-day digital and social environment. It is important to develop the habit of visiting the library regularly.

Role of a School Librarian

Librarian has an important role to play in the effective functioning of the school library. Librarian has the essential skills to guide and support the library users learning, and help them develop into independent readers and learners. School librarian mainly performs the role of a teacher, information specialist, instructional partner, and program administrator.

Librarians are not merely the caretakers of books anymore they are the consultants, information providers, instructional readers, curriculum designers, and teachers. They can help students in achieving their goals.

The setup of the libraries has also changed into more like classroom setup. The role of the school librarian is to empower others with resources, information, skills, and knowledge and establish flexible learning and teaching environment .

School librarian is like teaching staff and has a vital role to play in supporting literacy and impact students’ learning in a positive way. School librarian supports the learning of the students and helps them develop into efficient independent learners and readers.

Library and Education are Interrelated

Education and library are interrelated and fundamentally co-exist with each other. Education is the process of gaining knowledge, values, skills, habits, and beliefs. It is the social process in which children are subjected to the influence of the school environment to attain social competence personnel development.

Education is the outcome of the knowledge and experience acquired. Library, on the other hand, is the source and storehouse of knowledge, information, and resources vital for the leap in the advancement of knowledge. Libraries enhance the cause of education and research.

A library plays an important role in meeting the growing needs of people in literacy. The library is essential for self-education, a means of information and knowledge. Education is the complex social process of gaining knowledge and experience formally. In involves a system used for the development of the students. Library provides spiritual, inspirational, informative and interesting reading experience.

The library facilitates each student with access to essential resources and learning material for a smooth learning process. It plays a vital role in a student’s life. The design, modern tools, and strategies of the school libraries change with the changing times. The library is thus a leap in the advancement of the literacy provided in classrooms. Education and library cannot exist alone and are inseparable. The library is an essential part of the educational system.

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On Libraries summary and exercise | Class 12 English Notes | NEB

on libraries essay class 12

On Libraries by Oliver Sacks Summary and Exercise: Questions & Answers | Class 12 English Notes | NEB 


Answer the following questions.

a.Why do people visit the libraries?

Ans. People visit libraries because they want to know something useful. 

b.Have you ever borrowed books from the library? If yes, what kinds of books do you like to read? 

Ans. Yes, I’ve borrowed books from the library. I like literary books that have long lasting value.

  •   Understanding the text

a.Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner?

Ans. The author could be found in a little lab along with the Oak-Paneled library (made by his father) when he was late for lunch or dinner.

b.What are his first memories?

Ans. The large and beautiful oak-paneled library and the books were the first memories of the author.

c.Why did he dislike school?

Ans. As an active reader and habituated to self-learning, he disliked the passive learning from the teacher in school.

d.What did he feel about at the library?

Ans. Author felt free to read his choice and enjoyed that moment with other readers like him in the same quest at the library.

e.Why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry?

Ans. To read all the books in the library is not possible and his study of interest was astronomy and chemistry. So, the author was biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry.

f.Why did he become so fascinated by Hook?

Ans. The writer become so fascinated by “Theodore Hook’ because he was greatly admired in the early nineteenth century for his unit and his genius for theatrical and musical improvisation. He was said to have composed more than 500 operas on the sport.

g.Describe library at the Queen’s College.

Ans. The Queen’s college in New York is a constituent college of the university of Oxford; England. it has a magnificent library building to hold ancient books, incunabula which was designed by christopher wren.

h.Why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s?

Ans. The students ignored the bookshelves in the 1990s because they got access to computer and computerized books.

i.Why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago?

Ans. Author was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago because most of the shelves, once overflowing, sparsely occupied. Most of the books had been thrown out or digitised.

  • Reference to the context

a. The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” Justify it with the textual evidences.

Ans. “Maintaining good relation with teacher, attending classes regularly, completing the given assignments properly, listening the lectures etc. are the basic characteristics of good pupil. But, the author was not like other pupil. He didn’t prefer those bording lectures which were given by the teachers. He wanted to be an active learer instead of learning passively. He used to feel free to read his choice and enjoy that moment by self learning. He would love sitting at a table in libraries, with a mountain of books in front of him. So, the author say I was not a good pupil, but I was a good learner is turned true.

b. A proverb says, “Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library.” Does this proverb apply in the essay? Explain.

Ans. Library provides enough source of information on one’s study of interest. Nothing gives such satisfaction as reading books gives to any book lover (biblophile). Oliver Sacks was a book worm who spent much of his time in different libraries indifferent grown like paneled libraries, learning lectures. him up library He in with in in places. libraries felt the that a mountain at free same his environment. All to inside own quest read of of his his home. books of at family choice learning the He infront Oliver library. started members and passively of was enjoyed him. He his an loved would jouney So, active that in this reading class moment love frompopular learner and sitting his books with and saying listening beautiful at other and he a “Nothingpreferedtable he readersboringOak-wasin

  • Reference beyond the text  

a. Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students.

Ans. A library is a collection of materials, books or media that are easily accessible for use and not just for display purpose. It is responsible for housing updated information in order to meet the user’s needs on a daily basis. A library provides physical or digital access, materials or both. They can be run by government authorities, schools, universities or any society to enhance their knowledge and complete their research works.

Libraries play a vital role in importing knowledge. It helps in the expansion of knowledge. It develops the habit of reading and boosts the thirst for more and more knowledge. It adds to what an individual has already learnt and leads to his perssonal growth and development in life. It is escpecially essential for people who cannot afford costly books and resources for reading and acquiring information.

Library is the place with absolute silence where one can concentrate on reading. Education and libraries go hand in hand. Library is essential to support teaching and learning process. School libraries have a positive impact on the student’s academic performance. The students with access to well supported libraries with provisional services perform and score better regardless of their socio-economic status.

Any kind of library is an asset to our community. It is the leap in the advancement knowledge and well-being of a person. Libraries play important role in progress and development of the society. Libraries assist the students to improve good reading and learning habit. Thus, library is a valuable resource for a society.

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Essay on “A Library” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01

The library is a heaven for a student, a teacher and of course for all those who are fond of reading even it be only just for the sake of reading. Some people are so fond of reading even when they do not have to enter any examination or competition that, they continue to read and it is these people who also become and remain members of a library is the place where one can get unlimited stocks of books on any and every subject that may be of interest or need for an individual. A library is a place where one can spend hours of time fruitfully and filled with interest.

One can learn so much by reading books authored by eminent writers and thus become knowledgeable. This is one place of absolute silence, concentration even though it is open to the general public. Isn’t it just one conceivable place where so many people can be seen yet, such silence can also be enjoyed, peculiar, isn’t it? How can so many people sitting together remain quiet? This is the magic of a unique place that is a library. This is because, of the very ethics of entering and of every individual entering – to keep quiet, and maintain the silent sanctity of the place. The library is basically, the understanding We find several libraries that have memberships that are open to the general public – to name a few in Delhi are, USIS Library, the British Council Library, the Sapru Houts Library, and the huge Public Library. Besides these big public libraries, we find libraries in all schools, college which of course cater only to the needs of their own children. Besides, no outsider is ever allowed in any of the Libraries of Institutions. The libraries of schools and colleges keep books that are relevant to the subjects taught are in their institutions, together with an assortment of other General Knowledge books and magazines. With these numbers of books, the students are able to get all knowledge of their subjects plus general information which keeps them informed and up to date A library is thus a storehouse of knowledge open for all to take advantage and touch the horizons of knowledge. These are the places that carve out brilliant students, the higher rungs of bureaucracy, and the technical biggies. Thus it is here, that all that is known in the world of the produced and nurtured elite is Every individual big and small must develop the habit of reading, just for fun, and to gain knowledge, maybe not only for exams. This is because, in the first place, reading is a good habit, and a book the best friend, and secondly, a voracious reader always scores better than his counterpart who does not read enough. This habit of reading can be developed only if we get into the habit of going to a library regularly, and spending a lot of time there. That is the place that provides just the right atmosphere necessary for studies and assimilating and retaining all the knowledge taken it. The environment in a library is ideal for the intellectual growth of individuals.

The habit of reading can be developed in younger days when we are children. So, it is my earnest suggestion to all students to develop the habit of reading, which in turn can e best achieved in a library. In order to retain the habit of reading when we grow up is, to become a member of any good library, and then, to make it a routine in the daily plan to visit the library for at least some time out of the busy schedules. Reading is the best hobby we can develop, and the best companion to spend time with. A library is an ideal place and reading is an ideal pastime.

A Visit to A Public Library

Essay No. 02

The other day I needed to refer to an encyclopedia. So I went to the Public Library in our town. It is centrally situated and well-kept. As I entered the library, everything was calm and quiet. I approached the librarian and asked for the reference book I needed. The librarian guided me from where – to find the book. I had a chance to look around and watch all the people in the library. There were many cupboards with thousands of books on many subjects. There were also newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals and illustrated books. People sat around tables to read books and newspapers. Some read with great earnestness. There was perfect silence. Those who read silently make good use of a library. There are others who misuse the library. They try to chat with their friends or have a nap in the library. The librarian pulls up those who disturb the silence, but those who doze or sleep are left alone. A public library makes it possible for the poor to read books, magazines, and newspapers. Every town should have a good public library.

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Essay on Library and Its Uses in English for Children and Students

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Essay on Library and Its Uses: Library is the physical building or a room with the collection of books and resources accessible to a community. It consists of books and resources on diverse genres and subjects. Libraries are important for healthy development of society. It provide valuable services to meet the learning needs of the people. Libraries also benefit the economy of our nation as people use them for research purposes and to improve their job skills. They play an essential part in overall educational development of people and community.

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Almost every educational institute around the world has a library, with facilities of reading and issuance of books at very low charges. Many communities or societies also have their own libraries, open for membership to all. Libraries play a significant role in spreading knowledge and keeping the reading habit alive in people.

Long and Short Essay on Library and Its Uses in English

Here are long and short essay on library and its uses of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams/school assignments.

After going through the essays you will understand the advantages of a library and role that it plays in the overall mental and educational development of an individual as well as a community.

You can select any Library and Its Uses Essay according to your need:

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Short Essay on Library and Its Uses – Essay 1 (200 words)

Library is a storehouse of books. It also provides various other sources of information for reading in its premises as well as borrowing for home. The collection of library can include books, manuscripts, magazines, periodicals, videos, audios, DVDs and various other formats. Wide range of books are stored in a library and well organized in book shelves.

It is not possible for an individual to have such a wide collection of books at home. One can get access to diverse genres of books and other resources in library. It shuns the need to buy expensive books and resources. If there were no libraries many students who love to read would have been deprived of reading mostly due to financial difficulties.

Library is an important part of every educational institute such as schools, colleges and universities. Such a library is open for students of the particular institute it forms a part of. Therefore it contains a wide range of resources vital for the students.

Libraries attract people to read and develop habit of reading and learning. It increases their thirst for reading and expands knowledge. Library is also essential for any kind of research on different subjects.

Thus, libraries are important for research, information, knowledge and pleasure of reading. Libraries provide perfect environment to enjoy read peacefully.

Essay on Library Uses and Importance – Essay 2 (300 words)


Library is a place where there is huge collection of books and various other resources that are made accessible for reading and reference purpose. People of every age group can find resources such as books, magazines, periodicals, audios, videos and materials in other formats as per their reading interests and tastes.

Uses of Libraries

Library provides access to various books, materials, resources and digital media for research, information and knowledge. Libraries also provide services such as assistance in finding books of one’s interest which can be done with the help of librarians.

Besides, they provide space and environment to facilitate individual or group studies and collaboration. Libraries are extending their services by providing access to digital means and services by librarians in navigating and assisting with various resources of information. Libraries are becoming a center where people can engage in learning, enjoy reading and explore their interest in different subjects.

Importance of Libraries

Libraries play a vital role in encouraging and promoting the process of learning and gaining knowledge. People who love reading can have access to a wide range of books and resources. Libraries provide educational resources to everyone. Reading improves social skills, knowledge, mental health, academic performance and offers numerous other benefits. Library is a common platform for people with diverse reading interests and capacities. People get an opportunity to learn and progress as per their interests and capabilities. Library is the best place to spend leisure time wisely that leads to the overall development and well-being of an individual.

Thus, libraries are important and have different uses for different individuals. Libraries cultivate reading habits and promote progress of knowledge. However library is a perfect place to indulge in the pleasure of reading and for researching. Nowadays, librarians provide complete assistance and guidance with researching and navigating information.

Essay on Pros and Cons of Library – Essay 3 (400 words)

Libraries are buildings filled with stacks of books and resources. Modern day libraries also consist of electronic resources. Libraries offer wealth of knowledge, resources, space and environment to discover the world of books and enjoy studying or just reading for pleasure. The benefits of libraries are countless as they play a vital role in helping people by providing access to information, knowledge and entertainment resources. However, they do have a downside too. Here we have discussed few pros and cons of libraries:

Pros of Libraries

  • Virtual libraries provide immediate access to wide range of books and resources. Libraries provide materials in all formats such as books, periodicals, magazines, videos, audios and digital media. The resources are customized and tailored to meet the needs of learners’ community. The wide range of resources meets the need of diverse users with diverse needs.
  • Whether in educational or public library people benefit from the assistance of librarians and staff members. There is head librarian in every library and a team of professional staff who helps people with queries and also recommend books as per their interest.
  • Libraries are always catalogued by trained staff. They are catalogued to meet the needs of the community. The catalogue is also entered and stored in computers so that it becomes easy for the users to search.
  • Libraries have positive impact on the development of our society. They open a world of books and resources of information and knowledge to people for free.

Cons of Libraries

  • Libraries require lot of staff and real estate to house various books and resources. It becomes really expensive to maintain libraries and the library staff. Since they are not seen as crucial, they are likely to bear budget cuts.
  • Since a wide range of books and resources are to be maintained and updated in old libraries the useful resources may be limited due the time it takes to update. So, the libraries may not sometimes have access to the current information.
  • Some limited edition books and journals from centuries ago may not be available in every library. People looking for such resources must visit traditional libraries for the same.

Some argue that there is technology to read online and do research so what is the need to visit library. Yet libraries have served the communities since centuries by providing original and quality resources. People who have the habit of visiting and using libraries understand the value and importance of libraries. In addition to it, there are people who love reading but cannot afford to buy many books and resources. They can get easy access to valuable resources in libraries.

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Essay on School Library and Its Benefits for Students – Essay 4 (500 words)

School library is the library within the school where students, teachers and other staff members have access to books and other resources. Therefore the purpose of school library is to ensure equitable access to books, resources and information technology to all the members of the school. Over the history libraries have played essential role in imparting knowledge. They develop social, educational and cultural growth of the students.

School libraries are different from other public and private libraries as they mainly support and extend school curriculum. School libraries support students’ learning and have positive impact on students’ academic achievements. Teachers and students need library resources and services for knowledge and success. School library supports both teachers and students and is vital for teaching and learning process.

Benefits of School Library for Students

  • School library supports students by providing various study materials and encouraging them to read. School library is an important source of knowledge for the students. Reading frequently in libraries improves vocabulary and develops reading and writing skills of the students.
  • Students get access to wide range of books and resources essential for reference, knowledge, learning and entertainment. Therefore they can choose from diverse books as per their own interest and learning purpose.
  • School libraries encourage students for independent learning and help them explore their interests.
  • Libraries are essential for the educational and personal development of the students. It impacts positively on the academic performance and achievements of the students.
  • Besides assisting teachers in research and supporting the students in their studies, libraries help in developing reading habits and provide information and knowledge to enrich learning experience. Libraries encourage fiction reading that helps students develop habit of reading for pleasure and enhances students’ intellectual, cultural, artistic and emotional growth.
  • Library is an appropriate place for the students to study and research without any disturbance. It also provides the perfect environment for students to read for pleasure. Reading is important for the overall growth and mental development of the students.
  • Books can be borrowed for further reading to get in depth knowledge on subjects of interest or simply to enjoy reading. There are general knowledge books that students can read to develop their mind. Reading is a good habit that boosts confidence in students.
  • Students can take reference from the books and resources to complete their school projects and assignments. They can refer books to make notes for learning and to prepare for exams.

The purpose of school libraries is to support students in learning process. Not only students but libraries also facilitate teachers with access to relevant sources and information for reference and research. Library staff collaborates with teachers to plan, implement and evaluate study programs that will ensure students acquire necessary skills to compete and progress in this fast paced world. Libraries are important part of every educational institute as they provide the right support to students and teachers. However education and library go hand in hand and are inseparable. Library is the essential leap in the development of literacy provided to students in classrooms.

Long Essay on Library and Its Uses – Essay 5 (600 words)

Library is the collection of books and sources of information made accessible to people for borrowing or reference purpose. The collection of libraries can include books, magazines, newspapers, films, audios, DVDs, maps, manuscripts, e-books and various other formats. Library is organized and maintained by individual, institution or public body. Public and institutional libraries provide their collection of resources and services to people who need material they cannot otherwise have access to. Those who require help for their research can seek the same from the librarian.

A personal library is the one owned by an individual with adequate means. Such libraries are created as per the knowledge and interest of person. Thus public library is open for all to cater to the interest and taste of all people and contains books on diverse subjects. An institutional library refers to a library that belongs to an institution such as school, college, university or a club, etc. Such library is open to the members of community and caters to their needs and interest.

  • Libraries play a vital role in imparting knowledge. Libraries help in learning and expansion of knowledge. Therefore it develops the habit of reading and boosts the thirst for more and more knowledge. It adds to what an individual has already learnt and leads to his personal growth and development in life.
  • Libraries are especially essential for people who cannot afford costly books and resources for reading and acquiring information. They are the ones who truly understand the value and importance of library.
  • Libraries do not only provide resources but also offer service by professional librarians who are experts at searching, organizing and interpreting information needs.
  • Libraries provide virtual space for individual and group studies. They also facilitate access to digital resources and internet.
  • Modern libraries are extending services by providing material accessible by digital media. Librarians provide assistance in navigating and also analysing large amount of information through digital resources.
  • Library is the place with absolute silence where one can concentrate on reading. Even though it is open for all people the basic rule for all those who enter the library is to read peacefully and also the maintain silence.
  • People who love reading create their own private libraries. Such ambiance at home has a positive impact on the members of the family. However it helps in developing reading habit in children and contributes to their growth and development. It broadens the outlook of the people.

Uses of School Libraries

  • Education and libraries go hand in hand. Libraries create and provide flexible learning space and environment. School library is essential to support teaching and learning process.
  • Facilitates the work of teachers by providing access to various curriculum resources and information. Therefore it equips students with skills vital to succeed in this competitive world. It encourages students to read quality fiction to develop the habit of reading for pleasure and enhances social, cultural, artistic and emotional growth.
  • School libraries and the study programs incorporated by librarians, teachers and administrators cater to the educational growth and also development of the students.
  • School libraries have a positive impact on the students’ academic performance. The students with access to well supported libraries with professional services perform and score better regardless of their socio-economic status.

Any kind of library is an asset to our community. However it is the leap in advancement of knowledge and well-being of a person. Reading is always the good habit. Visiting the library and reading can be the best way to spend leisure time and to learn something new. Libraries play important role in progress and development of the society. Thus, library is a valuable resource for the society.

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CBSE Class 10, 12 Revaluation 2024: How to check updated marks, expected result date and more

  • No Change in Marks: If there is no change in marks after verification, students can still request a photocopy of their answer sheets. The portal for this request will open on June 1 for Class 12 and June 4 for Class 10 results. It is not mandatory to proceed at this stage, but keep in mind that if you do not apply for the photocopy, you will not be able to apply for revaluation of the answers either. Revaluation involves the board reassessing the answers to ensure they were marked correctly, which could potentially alter the marks. If you choose not to proceed, the process ends here, and no further action is required from you.
  • Marks Changed: If the marks change after verification, students can choose to accept the revised marks and exit the process. In this case, a new marksheet with the updated marks will be issued and made available on DigiLocker soon. To receive the printed marksheet, students must first submit the original marksheet issued by CBSE to the respective regional office via speed post. Once received, the office will send the new marksheet to the registered address.

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Essay Writing Master Class

03 Jun 2024

students in essay writing master class

Year 12 LIFT class were given an essay writing master class conducted by Mr McArdle. The students were challenged to explore the intricacies of HSC examination questions. The student surveys were overwhelmingly positive. 

Congratulations to the students who completed the homework task to win a prized opportunity to gain personalised one on one feedback from Mr McArdle. 

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  1. Write an essay on Library

    on libraries essay class 12

  2. Summary of the Essay "On Libraries" (Class 12: Com. English/With

    on libraries essay class 12

  3. Essay on library in english || Importance of library || Paragraph on library || Let's write ||

    on libraries essay class 12

  4. Summary of On Libraries by Oliver Sacks Class 12 English

    on libraries essay class 12

  5. Write a short essay on library/Importance of library/Essay writing

    on libraries essay class 12

  6. On Libraries Essay 12

    on libraries essay class 12


  1. Class 12 English Important essay

  2. My school library Essay in english 10 lines || About my school library 15 lines||school library 🙃

  3. Essays class 9,10,11 and 12

  4. board exam most important essays class 9,10 and 11

  5. Libraries 10th class essay with quotations



  1. Essay on Library and Its Uses for Students and Children

    Q.1 Why are libraries important? A.1 Libraries help in the overall development of a person. They provide us with educational material and help enhance our knowledge. Q.2 State some uses of the library. A.2 A library is a great platform which helps us in various things. We get the reference material for our homework.

  2. On Libraries Exercise : Question Answers

    Justify it with the textual evidences. 'On libraries' is an autobiographical essay by one of the 20th century's greatest neurologist and author, Oliver Sacks. In this essay, he describes about his experiences of going to libraries and how successful stories shaped his personality and made his life better.

  3. On Libraries Exercise class 12 English: Questions Answers

    Oliver Sack's On Libraries Exercise Question Answers Notes PDF class 12 English is here. ... Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students. = The Library is a gathering place for people of all interests to study books of all genres on their own. Student may gain information by borrowing books from the library.

  4. On Libraries by Oliver Sacks Exercise: Questions & Answers

    The Essay "On Libraries" by Oliver Sacks Exercise: Questions & Answers Class 12 English Read: On Libraries by Oliver Sacks Summary Understanding the text ... Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students. A library is a place where books and sources of information are stored. They make it easier for people to get access to them for ...

  5. Summary of On Libraries by Oliver Sacks Class 12 English

    The writer thought of how the library once valued "old" books, had a special room for old and rare books; and how in 1967, searching through the stacks, he had found an 1873 book, Edward Liveing's Megrim, which inspired the writer to write his own first book. On Libraries by Oliver Sacks Class 12 Exercise and Question Answer

  6. On libraries: Exercise, wan essay compulsory English grade 12

    on libraries is an essay from section 2 of compulsory English class 12. This video gives complete solution of the exercises from this lesson.It is very helpf...

  7. Solutions of On Libraries

    a. Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students. Libraries have long been regarded as invaluable resources for students, serving as gateways to knowledge, inspiration, and personal growth. These hallowed spaces offer a wealth of information, diverse literature, and an environment conducive to learning.

  8. On libraries: {summary} by Oliver Sacks class 12 (lesson 1 of essays

    On Libraries is an essay written by Oliver Sacks, a neurologist, reader and writer. He praises the library where we one can get vast knowledge on any subjec...

  9. Library and It's Uses Essay for Students in English

    Good reading and study habits can be established in the students through libraries as use of libraries helps to enhance the classroom experience. The library is frequently used for some research or in public issues. Libraries are essential in learning and acquiring progressive knowledge purposes. Libraries even help to learn a sense of ...

  10. On Libraries by Oliver Sacks

    Summary-. Oliver Sacks grew up in an oak-paneled library inherited from his father, a Hebrew Scholar and a fan of Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906). The library was stacked high with Henrik Ibsen's plays, poems from his father's generation, and adventure and history books from his brothers. He read Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book ...

  11. Summary and Theme of the Essay On Libraries by Oliver Sacks: Class 12

    On Libraries by Oliver Sacks. Summary and Theme of the Essay On Libraries by Oliver Sacks. The narrator grew up in his father's library. The oak-panelled library was inherited from his forefathers. The library was full of Henrik Ibsen plays and past generation poem. He is fond of reading books. His major hobby is reading and exploring books.

  12. On Libraries Summary of The Essay & Exercise

    Summary of The Essay. The essay 'On Libraries' is written by Oliver Sacks. In this essay, the essayist remembers his childhood. He grew up in an oak-panelled library inherited from his father where so many books were stacked. Oliver is happy in this essay because it is his autobiographical writing. He is so delightful.

  13. On Libraries: Class 12 English: Important Questions

    Answer: Yes, the proverb applies in this essay because the author was fond of reading books. He loved to spend his time in his library during his childhood days. The library was his favorite place in the entire house. His library and the books are related with his first memories. He loves to explore his library.

  14. On Libraries_Summary, Analysis and Question Answers

    [alert type=alert_info]On Libraries., Dr. Oliver Sacks., Summary, Analysis and Question Answers of Essay Lesson 1 'On Libraries' by Oliver Sacks., Grade/Class 12 English Essays Summary, Question and Answers., Class 12 "On Libraries" Summary, Analysis and Question Answers of Compulsory English Section II Literature Unit 3 Essays., Oliver Sacks's ...

  15. On Libraries Excercise: Class 12 Essay Solution

    On Libraries Essay Summary. In the essay 'On Libraries', the essayist Oliver Sacks maintains the importance of the library in shaping the life of a person. The essay begins with the speaker (the writer) stating his journey of exploring libraries started from his own home library. From a very early age, the speaker used to get absorbed with ...

  16. On Libraries by Oliver Sacks Questions-Answers, Class 12 English

    Understanding the text. A. Answer the following questions. (short Questions 2 Marks each) Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner? - The author could be found at the home library when he was late for lunch or dinner. 2. What are his first memories? - The books and the home library are the first memories of the ...

  17. Essay on Library

    Essay on Library for Kids. The library is one of the important places in a community. It can provide access to information and resources that would otherwise be unavailable, and it can help foster a sense of community by providing shared experiences and knowledge. Libraries are often undervalued, but they deserve our respect and appreciation.

  18. On Libraries || NEB ENGLISH Grade 12(XII)

    Oliver Sacks writes in the essay, "I was not a good student, but I was a good listener." To be a good student, one must have a positive relationship with teachers. He or she is required to regularly attend class in accordance with the instructions given by the teachers. After the lectures, s/he must complete all assignments assigned by the ...

  19. Summary of the Essay: On Libraries by Oliver Sacks

    The library of Queen's College, Oxford, was his most beloved library. He examined ancient texts such as Gesner's Historiae Animalium (1551), Agassiz's volumes, Charles Darwin, Sir Thomas Browne, and Jonathan Swift, as well as 17th and 18th-century writings of Samuel Johnson, David Hume, Alexander Pope, and John Dryden.

  20. Essay on My School Library for Students and Children

    The types of books we can have access to in school libraries are fiction books, non-fiction books, reference books, literature books, biographies, General Knowledge books, Fables and folktales, cookbooks and craft books, poetry books, books in a series, and wordless books. Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas.

  21. On Libraries summary and exercise

    Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students. Ans. A library is a collection of materials, books or media that are easily accessible for use and not just for display purpose. It is responsible for housing updated information in order to meet the user's needs on a daily basis. A library provides physical or digital access, materials ...

  22. Essay on "A Library" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and

    A Library. Essay No. 01. The library is a heaven for a student, a teacher and of course for all those who are fond of reading even it be only just for the sake of reading. Some people are so fond of reading even when they do not have to enter any examination or competition that, they continue to read and it is these people who also become and ...

  23. (Essay on Library) and Its Uses, Pros and Cons of Library in English

    Short Essay on Library and Its Uses - Essay 1 (200 words) Library is a storehouse of books. It also provides various other sources of information for reading in its premises as well as borrowing for home. The collection of library can include books, manuscripts, magazines, periodicals, videos, audios, DVDs and various other formats.

  24. CBSE Class 10, 12 Revaluation 2024: How to check updated marks

    CBSE has initiated the revaluation process for Class 10, 12 results 2024. Results are expected on Pareeksha Sangam Portal. Status updates can be checked online. Process details and result dates ...

  25. Essay Writing Master Class

    Essay Writing Master Class. 03 Jun 2024. Year 12 LIFT class were given an essay writing master class conducted by Mr McArdle. The students were challenged to explore the intricacies of HSC examination questions. The student surveys were overwhelmingly positive. Congratulations to the students who completed the homework task to win a prized ...