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Nestle Assessment Tests & Interviews Preparation – 2024

Aptitude Employment Tests Prep

What Is Nestle?

Founded in 1905 by a merger between Farine Lactee Henri Nestlé, and the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company, Nestle is a multinational food and beverage conglomerate based in Vevey Vaud, Switzerland. In 2014 it achieved the status of the largest food company in the world. Nestle owns the Kit Kat, Nesquick, Nescafe, Purina, Stouffers, Vitell, and Maggi brands. It is also a major shareholder in the L’Oreal cosmetics company .  Established in 189 countries, Nestle employs around 339,000 people. There is a wide range of career opportunities available with Nestle. They have positions available in engineering, administration, finance, human resources, IT, marketing, legal, research and development, sales, supply chain, and production. Along with traditional hires, Nestle has internship opportunities and offers a highly rated graduate scheme program. In 2018 they were listed as the 31st top employer in the world for new graduates. To attract top of the line employees, Nestle offers benefits that include:

  • Medical coverage
  • Retirement savings plans
  • Scholarship assistance
  • Adoption assistance
  • Tuition reimbursement
  • Paid time off
  • Holiday pay
  • Parental leave

What Is Nestle’s Hiring Process?


Nestle advertises all it’s open positions online . Before starting the online application, you will need to create a profile. The profile will allow you to save jobs and check the status of any applications you have filled out. After locating the position that’s right for you, you can either fill out an application or add the job to your job cart to save for later. Nestle has separate websites for each country, but all open jobs are also listed on the global site.

Nestle’s Psychometric Tests

Prior to beginning the interviews, Nestle will require a series of assessment tests , to make certain they pick the job seekers who are most qualified and fit in the best with the corporate culture. Nestle uses a variety of aptitude and psychometric tests to help narrow the field of candidates. If your application meets their standards, you will be contacted to take the online assessment tests. Nestle generally uses tests provided by Saville. These tests may vary slightly by position or if you are applying for the graduate program. There are a few tests most applicants can expect to take no matter which position they have applied for. These tests are:

  • Numerical reasoning test – You will be given this test to determine your skill with handling numbers. You will be given information in graph and table form and will have a series of multiple-choice questions to answer. The questions may be based on ratios, fractions, or other mathematical principles that may appear in a job setting. This test is timed. Practice free numerical reasoning questions .
  • Verbal reasoning test – The ability to follow written or verbal directions, and understand things put in writing is an important job skill. The verbal reasoning test will demonstrate how well you understand concepts that are put into words. You will have several short passages to read, and multiple-choice questions to answer based on the information you have gleaned from them. Some questions may also be presented as “true” or “false”. This test will be timed.
  • Situational judgment test – To help predict how a job candidate will perform if hired, a situational judgment test (SJT) is given. You will be given common workplace events and a series of responses. You will rate the responses from most likely to least likely. Your responses on this test will help the hiring team decide if your personality fits in well with what they expect at Nestle, and if it would be worthwhile to call you for an interview.
  • PLI Test (50 Questions in 12 Minutes)

There are a few additional tests you may encounter if applying for a job in one of the factories, or if you are looking for a maintenance position.

  • Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test – This test will measure if you have the skill necessary to perform a maintenance or factory position and if you have the ability to learn other abilities that Nestle deems necessary for performing those jobs.
  • Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test – Spatial perception and mechanical reasoning are important parts of working in the factories. This test will be used to determine an applicant’s level of mechanical ability.

Telephone/First Round Interview

If the online assessment tests meet the Nestle requirements, you will be contacted for the first stage of interviews. This interview is usually conducted over the phone. Having a copy of your CV or resume nearby will be helpful during this stage. The interviewer will be asking you questions about your skill, experience, and education. Answering the questions thoroughly, and going into detail will help the interviewer get a better idea of your personality and if you will be a good fit with Nestle. Now is the time to get clarification on any questions you have regarding the position. You will not only find out if the position actually is right for you, you will also make an impression on the hiring team for showing interest in the position.

Nestle’s Assessment Center

Applicants for some positions such as management or graduate scheme will be expected to attend an assessment center . This will consist of a series of activities meant to test your team working skills and your performance in a professional setting.

During the assessment day, you will be expected to do:

  • Group Exercise – To demonstrate your ability to work as part of a team, you will have to participate in a group exercise . This will involve having to solve a hypothetical problem. The recruiting team will be watching to see who demonstrates leadership ability, how well everyone participates, and if the discussion remains civil.
  • Case-Study and Presentation – You will be given a case study to read and present a solution for. You will be given time to read and prepare before you present your conclusions to the management.You will be assessed on how well you understand the case study you were given, how concisely you present your findings and the thoroughness of your solution.
  • Online Assessment Tests – To ensure honesty and double-check the job candidates scores, you may be required to retake the online assessments during the assessment day.

Final Interview

The final step in the Nestle hiring process is a face to face interview. This interview will be behavior focused, and to answer the interview questions to their satisfaction, you should keep the STAR method in mind. STAR is an acronym for situation, task, action, result. To answer behavioral based questions using this method you describe a situation to the interviewer, what you needed to do to fix or rectify the situation, how you did it, and what the end result was. Behavior based interviews are given to help determine how you have acted on the job in the past, if you’ve learned anything from your experiences, and if you are the type of person, they would like to see in the role you are interviewing for. Questions you can expect going into your Nestle interview are:

  • What are some challenges this position might have? How will you overcome these challenges?
  • How much do you know about Nestle?
  • Tell us about a time something went wrong at work, how were you able to fix it? Is there anything you could have done differently?

How to Prepare for Nestle’s Assessments?

How well you do on the online assessments will determine how far you go in the hiring process. Preparing yourself is important if you wish to start a new career with Nestle. One of the most important things to do, before even beginning the application process, is to research the company and learn as much about them as possible. This will help you anticipate some of the things they may be looking for when taking the situational judgement test. Familiarity with the corporate culture will help you know the personality traits they find desirable in an employee and tailor your answers accordingly. If you feel your mathematics or reading comprehension skills may be weak, or you suffer from test anxiety, take the time to drill and practice the area in which you feel weak. When you sit down to take the tests, find a private place where you will not be disturbed so you can focus all your attention on the test. Despite the timed nature, give yourself adequate time so you do not feel rushed. Rushing could cause you to misread questions, and answer incorrectly. Online tests are now as much a part of the hiring process as the interview. Preparing for these the way you prepare for the rest of the process will help you approach these confidently and calmly, and end the process with a job offer in hand.

Related Links:

  • Situational Judgement Tests (SJT)
  • Job Personality Tests
  • Aptitude Tests
  • Civil Service Exams
  • Police Officer Exams
  • Firefighters Exams
  • Assessment Companies
  • Assessment Centers Guide – 2024
  • Hiring Companies – Find an Employer


20 Nestlé Interview Questions and Answers

Prepare for the types of questions you are likely to be asked when interviewing for a position at Nestlé.

nestle interview case study

Nestlé is a food and beverage company that operates in several countries. The company is known for its wide range of products, which include everything from baby food to coffee. If you’re interviewing for a job at Nestlé, you can expect to be asked questions about your experience with food and beverage production, as well as your knowledge of the company’s products. You may also be asked questions about your ability to work in a fast-paced environment and your ability to handle multiple tasks at once.

Nestlé Interview Process

The interview process at Nestlé can vary depending on the position you are applying for. For management trainee positions, there is an initial online assessment followed by a group case study and presentation. If you are successful in this stage, you will then be invited for a final panel interview. For other positions, such as internships, the process may be shorter and consist of only one or two interviews. However, regardless of the position, all candidates can expect the interviews to be professional and thorough.

  • What is your experience with market research and analysis?
  • Tell me about a time where you used data to make a business decision.
  • As a brand manager, what are some of the things you would do to increase sales in Mexico?
  • How would you describe Nestlé’s marketing strategy?
  • Do you have any experience working on a team project?
  • What languages can you speak fluently?
  • What do you think it takes for an internship to be successful?
  • Can you tell me about a time when you had to work with someone who wasn’t doing their part of the job?
  • Describe a situation where you were able to see results from your contribution.
  • Why do you want to intern at Nestlé?
  • Have you ever worked in a fast-paced environment before?
  • What is your greatest strength?
  • What is your approach to managing multiple tasks?
  • What is your favorite Nestlé product?
  • How do you handle stress?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • What is your biggest weakness?
  • We value employees that are willing to learn new skills. How do you feel about learning new skills?
  • In one year, how will you measure your success as an intern?
  • What type of goals do you set and how do you achieve them?

1. What is your experience with market research and analysis?

Market research and analysis is an important skill for a Nestlé employee. The company needs employees who can collect data, analyze it and use the information to make decisions that benefit the company. When answering this question, explain your experience with market research and how you used the information to help your previous employer.

Example: “I have worked in market research for five years now. In my last position, I was responsible for collecting data on consumer preferences and behaviors. I would then analyze the data and present it to my team so we could create marketing strategies based on what consumers wanted. This helped our company develop new products and target specific audiences.”

2. Tell me about a time where you used data to make a business decision.

This question is a great way to show your analytical skills and how you can use data to make important decisions. When answering this question, it’s important to explain the process of using data to help you make a decision and what the outcome was.

Example: “At my previous job, I used data to determine which products were selling well in our stores. This information helped me decide where we should allocate more resources for marketing and production. For example, if one product was selling better than others in certain locations, I would focus on advertising that product in those areas.”

3. As a brand manager, what are some of the things you would do to increase sales in Mexico?

Nestlé has a presence in several countries, and the interviewer may ask you this question to see if you have experience working with international brands. Use your answer to highlight any specific skills or experiences that will help you succeed in Mexico.

Example: “I would start by analyzing the current market conditions of Mexico. I would look at what products Nestlé currently offers, how they compare to competitors’ offerings and what consumers are looking for. Then, I would create a marketing plan based on these findings. For example, I might decide to focus on creating new products that cater to Mexican tastes. This could increase sales because it would give customers more options.”

4. How would you describe Nestlé’s marketing strategy?

Nestlé is a large company that has several brands and products. The interviewer may ask you this question to see if you understand Nestlé’s marketing strategy and how it relates to the company’s overall business plan. Use your answer to explain what you know about Nestlé’s marketing strategy, including its goals and objectives.

Example: “Nestlé’s marketing strategy focuses on creating brand awareness for all of its products. The company uses digital media channels like social media and online advertising to reach consumers who are looking for information about their favorite brands. Nestlé also invests in traditional marketing methods such as television ads and billboards to reach more customers.”

5. Do you have any experience working on a team project?

Nestlé is a large company that requires its employees to work as part of a team. The interviewer may ask this question to learn more about your teamwork skills and how you’ve applied them in the past. If you have experience working on a team, describe what made it successful. If you don’t have experience working on a team, explain why you’re eager to do so.

Example: “I worked on a team project for my marketing class last semester. My group had to create an advertising campaign for Nestlé’s new chocolate bar. We all contributed ideas and discussed which ones we liked best. In the end, our group won first place at the school competition.”

6. What languages can you speak fluently?

Nestlé is a global company, so it’s likely that you’ll need to speak multiple languages. The interviewer may ask this question to see if your language skills match their needs. If you don’t speak any foreign languages fluently, consider taking a class or using an online program to learn one before the interview.

Example: “I can speak Spanish fluently and have some knowledge of French. I took two years of French in high school and studied abroad for a semester in college. I also use Duolingo on my phone to practice daily.”

7. What do you think it takes for an internship to be successful?

This question is a great way to show your understanding of what it takes to be successful in an internship. You can use this opportunity to explain how you would make sure that the internships you’re involved with are productive and beneficial for everyone involved.

Example: “I think that for an internship to be successful, there needs to be clear communication between the mentor and the interns. I believe that mentors should provide feedback on projects regularly so that we know if we need to change anything or improve our work. Mentors should also give us opportunities to take on more responsibility as the internship progresses.”

8. Can you tell me about a time when you had to work with someone who wasn’t doing their part of the job?

This question can help the interviewer understand how you work with others and your ability to solve problems. Use examples from previous jobs where you had to collaborate with a team member who wasn’t performing well or was causing conflict in the workplace.

Example: “In my last position, I worked with a coworker who didn’t always meet deadlines. This caused me to have to stay late several times to complete projects on time. Eventually, I spoke with them about their performance and they agreed to improve. They started meeting deadlines more consistently after that.”

9. Describe a situation where you were able to see results from your contribution.

This question is a great way to show your interviewer that you are capable of taking on responsibility and seeing results. When answering this question, it can be helpful to describe a time when you were able to achieve goals or objectives in the workplace.

Example: “In my previous position as an accountant, I was responsible for managing several accounts and making sure all financial reports were accurate. One month, there was a discrepancy with one of our largest clients’ accounts. After looking into the issue, I realized that the client had not paid their invoice from two months prior. Once I informed my manager about the situation, we worked together to resolve the problem by contacting the client and requesting payment.”

10. Why do you want to intern at Nestlé?

This question is an opportunity to show your enthusiasm for the position and company. When answering, it can be helpful to mention a specific aspect of Nestlé that you are interested in or excited about.

Example: “I want to intern at Nestlé because I am passionate about food and beverage production. I have always been fascinated by how companies like Nestlé create delicious products that people enjoy. I think working here would give me the chance to learn more about the process of creating these products and help make them even better.”

11. Have you ever worked in a fast-paced environment before?

Nestlé is a company that requires its employees to work quickly and efficiently. The interviewer may ask this question to see if you have experience working in a fast-paced environment, as well as how you handle it. In your answer, try to explain what helped you adjust to the pace of your previous job and how you would adapt to the speed at Nestlé.

Example: “I’ve worked in a fast-paced environment before, but I think my ability to adapt to new environments has really helped me succeed. When I started my last job, I was used to working more slowly, however, after a few weeks, I adjusted to the faster pace. If hired by Nestlé, I’m confident I can do the same thing.”

12. What is your greatest strength?

Employers ask this question to learn more about your personality and how you would fit into their company culture. When answering, think of a skill that is relevant to the position you are applying for. If you have experience in customer service, mention your ability to empathize with customers.

Example: “My greatest strength is my communication skills. I am able to clearly explain complex ideas to others and make sure everyone understands what I’m saying. In my last job, I was responsible for training new employees on our products and processes. I enjoyed helping others understand complicated information and feel confident in their jobs.”

13. What is your approach to managing multiple tasks?

Nestlé is a large company that requires employees to manage multiple tasks at once. The interviewer may ask this question to learn about your time management skills and how you prioritize your work. In your answer, describe the steps you take to stay organized and on schedule.

Example: “I use several organizational tools to help me keep track of my daily tasks. I have a calendar where I write down all of my appointments for the day. I also use a task manager app to create lists of what I need to do each day. This helps me stay focused on the most important tasks while still being able to complete everything on my list.”

14. What is your favorite Nestlé product?

This question is a great way to see if you have any experience with Nestlé products. It also allows the interviewer to get an idea of your taste in food and beverages. When answering this question, it can be helpful to mention a product that you’ve tried before or one that you would like to try.

Example: “My favorite Nestlé product is actually a tie between Hot Pockets and Stouffer’s lasagna. I love Hot Pockets because they are so easy to make and take on-the-go. They’re also really tasty and filling. As for Stouffer’s lasagna, I love Italian food and this brand makes some of the best lasagna I’ve ever had.”

15. How do you handle stress?

Nestlé is a large company that requires employees to work in teams. This question helps the interviewer determine if you can handle stress and collaborate with others. Use examples from your past experience to show how you manage stress and remain productive when working under pressure.

Example: “I find it helpful to take short breaks throughout the day to help me relax. I also practice deep breathing exercises, which have helped me stay calm during stressful situations at work. In my last position as an accountant, we had a tight deadline for our quarterly reports. I took several breaks throughout the day to help me focus on my work and complete the task by the deadline.”

16. What do you know about our company?

This question is a great way to show your research skills and knowledge of the company. It’s also an opportunity for you to express how much you would like to work for Nestlé. To answer this question, try to include information about Nestlé’s history, products or services and recent news.

Example: “I know that Nestlé was founded in Vevey, Switzerland by Henri Nestlé in 1866. The company started as a baby food manufacturer but has since grown into one of the largest food companies in the world. I’ve also heard that Nestlé recently acquired Blue Bottle Coffee Company, which makes me excited to learn more about the coffee industry.”

17. What is your biggest weakness?

This question is a common one in interviews, and it’s important to be honest. Employers want to know that you are aware of your weaknesses and actively working on them. When answering this question, try to think of something that you’re currently working on improving or something that you’ve already improved upon.

Example: “My biggest weakness is my ability to multitask. I used to pride myself on being able to do many things at once, but now I realize that sometimes focusing on one task at a time can actually help me get more done. I’m trying to focus on only doing one thing at a time so I can give it the attention it deserves.”

18. We value employees that are willing to learn new skills. How do you feel about learning new skills?

This question is an opportunity to show your potential employer that you are willing to learn new skills and adapt to change. You can answer this question by explaining how you have learned new skills in the past, such as learning a new software or developing a skill set for a specific job.

Example: “I am always open to learning new things. In my last position, I was hired as a marketing specialist but quickly developed my skill set into a social media manager. This allowed me to develop my knowledge of various social media platforms and strategies to reach target audiences.”

19. In one year, how will you measure your success as an intern?

This question is a great way to show your potential employer that you have goals and are willing to work hard to achieve them. When answering this question, it can be helpful to think about what you would like to accomplish during your internship and how those results will benefit Nestlé.

Example: “I want to learn as much as I can about the company’s values and mission statement. If I am able to understand these things by the end of my internship, I know I will be successful in my role at Nestlé because I will be able to apply the knowledge I gained from my internship to my future career.”

20. What type of goals do you set and how do you achieve them?

Nestlé is a company that values hard work and dedication. They want to know how you plan your goals, set them and achieve them. This question helps the interviewer understand what type of employee you are and if you’re a good fit for Nestlé.

Example: “I have several goals I try to accomplish each month. First, I make sure all my projects are completed on time. Next, I ensure I meet or exceed any sales quotas. Finally, I always strive to improve myself as an employee and person.”

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Nestle Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Nestle job interview, here are 35 interview questions and answer examples.

Nestle was updated by Kevin Downey on May 16th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 35

At Nestle, we value individuals who take initiative. Can you give me an example of a time you did something without being asked?

How to Answer

1st answer example, 2nd answer example.

Taking the initiative demonstrates leadership ability. Even if you are working as a delivery driver, there is always an opportunity to be proactive in the way you approach your work. Nestle wants to hire individuals who demonstrate leadership qualities because they invest in their employees and often promote from within. Impress the interviewer by showing how you manage your workload and take action before anyone has the chance to ask you.

"I noticed the numbers were off on a shipment I was delivering to a customer. They ordered 30 cases, and we only delivered 25. When I made the delivery, I let the customer know we would deliver the additional cases the next day, and I called my manager to find out what went wrong. My manager and the client appreciated my sense of urgency and ability to take action after making that observation."

"I often take the initiative without being asked. This includes training staff members on a new procedure, calling customers to follow up on their orders, and taking random inventory counts."

Next Question

35 Nestle Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Nestle interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 7 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

Table of Contents

  • 1.   Behavioral Questions
  • 2.   Direct Questions
  • 3.   Discovery Questions
  • 4.   Education Questions
  • 5.   General Questions
  • 6.   Leadership Questions
  • 7.   Management Questions
  • 8.   Operational Questions
  • 9.   Situational Questions

1. At Nestle, we value individuals who take initiative. Can you give me an example of a time you did something without being asked?

Written by Kevin Downey on May 16th, 2022

2. How do you handle customer complaints?

If you are interviewing for a customer-facing role at Nestle, you want to show off your ability to deal with conflict and nurture those professional relationships. Give an example of a time you helped resolve a customer's issue.

"A customer called me very frustrated about a problem with a shipment. I listened and told them I would be happy to help. I asked more questions to understand the problem and then gave a few suggestions once I had a better idea of what might solve it. The customer was very relieved and grateful that I took the time to listen and make sense of the issue."

"If I have a customer complaint, I have been trained to actively listen, not interrupt, and repeat back to the client in their own words. This technique prevents further misunderstanding and helps the client to feel they are listened to and cared for."

3. Tell me about an idea you implemented in the past that made an impact.

Coming up with ideas to increase productivity and efficiency and save time and energy is a great way to make an impact on your coworkers and the company. Seeing problems as opportunities is a skill that can make you an essential asset to Nestle. Think of a time you had a chance to make a difference by making a change to a process or procedure.

"Since customers are so much more concerned about their long-term health, I helped my current company come up with a marketing campaign for ABC product to appeal to the health concerns of the public. I conducted market research using surveys to identify the specific health concerns of individuals who buy our products. By promoting our new health-conscious recipe, we increased sales by 15% that year!"

"In my previous role, I was fortunate enough to introduce my company to the idea of a gold level service where customers received additional options on top of our general customer service. Our customer base responded very positively, and we kept the program running for a few years."

4. When have you had to think outside of the box to solve a problem?

Talk to the interviewer about a time you solved a problem creatively. Discuss the outcome and the steps you took to ensure your success.

"In my current position, we saw a decrease in clients due to a local economic downturn. I recommended to our head office that we begin to generate business outside of our region for the first time in many years. They agreed, and the idea turned things around for us that fiscal year."

"I once had to deal with a space issue in our warehouse. We arranged and re-arranged several times and could not make it work. I thought outside the box and rented some outside pod storage until we were back to normal inventory levels."

5. What is your greatest professional achievement so far?

Nestle is looking for motivated individuals. Whether your accomplishment is related to school, work, or volunteer experience, give an example that demonstrates your determination and ability to overcome obstacles. Often an achievement is honored through receiving high praise from a manager or an award. Numbers speak volumes! Whenever you are able, tangibly explain the results, offering up a concrete example of what your achievement looked like to help the interviewer at Nestle get a much clearer picture of your success.

"I was the top sales leader at my most recent company. I think the reason I did so well was my consistency in following up with customers. I checked in with them daily and made sure I was meeting my own personal sales goals every week. My contribution helped them increase sales that year by 25%!"

"The greatest accomplishment in my career was graduating from University as an honors student while working full time in a related field. I was at the top of my class and working full time. This achievement showed me that I could dedicate myself to my career and reach the goals that I set for myself. It felt great to accomplish so much and be recognized for my dedication."

Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

Anonymous Answer

nestle interview case study

Chad's Feedback

6. At Nestle, we understand that conflict can arise when you're working closely with others on a team. Give me an example of a time you had to deal with an issue while working with others.

Responding to a conflict can be tough, especially in a team environment where you want to be sensitive and not step on any toes. Share an example of a conflict that occurred within your department or between you and a co-worker that you effectively resolved. Explain the situation and how your actions resulted in a resolution or compromise.

"My coworker was a great salesman but horrible at the administrative side. He made so many mistakes and didn't seem to care. It bothered me because I take such pride in the quality of my work. I decided to talk with him and found out that he wasn't clear on expectations or how to do some of the basic aspects of the paperwork for each sale. He got some additional training to get on the same page as the rest of the team."

"In my current position, there has been a concern with workplace bullying, and there are a particular group of individuals who 'lead the pack,' so to speak. The situation got out of control a few months ago, and I had to involve human resources and conduct a few exit interviews. It is never easy to terminate employees; however, if they cause conflict, it is the best choice in the end."

7. Tell me about a time your actions resulted in greater team efficiency.

Teamwork is essential when working in the food and beverage industry. To ensure that products meet quality standards at Nestle, teams within every department must cooperate and communicate effectively. The goal is always to keep customers happy. Share a time you made a difference on your team.

"When I worked as a brand ambassador for a local snack company, I moved quickly to unload and organize the products. I noticed that by keeping products organized, we were able to save time preparing and setting up for events. I made a point to keep all products organized to make the distribution process go much more smoothly."

"I am a very organized individual. When I was asked to help with the team schedule, I was very excited to make a difference! I was able to reduce a significant amount of overtime and eliminate split shifts."

8. Why are you leaving your current job?

Be honest about your situation using discretion in what you share. If you are leaving because you had issues with your manager, talk about it professionally. Nestle wants to hear that you are interested in growth opportunities or broadening your skills. Be specific about how this new position will take your career to the next level.

"I decided to look for other jobs because I have already been promoted twice, and there is no more room for growth. This position at Nestle will give me more experience as a manager and help me cultivate my leadership skills."

"I am passively looking for a new opportunity that will offer continued education and growth opportunities. Also, I am looking for compensation advancement as I have hit the peak of my earnings in my current company."

9. There may be times when you are asked to stay late or work weekends or overtime due to fluctuations in the schedule and shift changes at Nestle. What is your availability?

The hours you would be expected to work at Nestle largely depend on which department you will be working in. If you're working in production or delivery, you will most likely be required to do shift work, possibly working on weekends. If you work in the corporate office, you may be salaried, which often means working long hours. If you're not sure what to expect from the schedule, now is the time to ask!

"I am excited about the opportunity to work for Nestle, and I am available to work whatever hours are required to get the job done. Can you tell me more about what to expect from the schedule? I am flexible, and I am comfortable working long hours."

"The only restriction that I currently have on my schedule is Thursday evenings as I take my son to tutoring those evenings. Other than this, I am flexible with my availability. Having a family, I do ask for reasonable notice to schedule changes."

10. What do you think you will enjoy most about working in the food and beverage industry?

In our consumer culture, the food and beverage industry continues to thrive on a national and global level. There are endless opportunities for growth at Nestle because business is thriving, and the demand for its products is on the rise. Do your research on the company to find out how they compare to their competition. If you are new to the industry, you may want to take some time to learn more about how your position will relate to the bigger picture of manufacturing, sales, or marketing of the products.

"I am excited to work in the food and beverage industry because there is an opportunity for growth. When I worked at a food processing company, I started working in the warehouse and was promoted within six months to a delivery driver. When I found out about the delivery supervisor position with Nestle, I was immediately interested. It is so motivating to work within an industry that recognizes my potential and my abilities, giving me ample opportunity to grow my career."

"I love that the food and beverage industry is so innovative and ever-changing! There are always new products being introduced, which keeps things interesting. I enjoy learning, so this is the right industry for me."

11. Nestle is asking for 8 years of industry experience and you only have 5. Why do you think you are qualified for this position?

To many employers, the number of years' experience is flexible as long as you have the results to show for the years that you do have. Talk to the interviewer about your major career successes. This question is the time to sell yourself. Make no apologies for your lack of years!

"Although I have five years' experience instead of eight, I can do this job well. In my previous role, I outperformed colleagues with 12 years of experience. To me, it's all about drive and the ability to be a quick study. I have all of these qualities and more."

"Along with my five years working in this industry, I have worked in related industries my entire career. Also, I hope that my graduate degree gives me a little boost in experience over the required undergraduate degree."

12. How can we motivate you on the job?

Every employer should know how each staff member is best motivated. Talk to the interviewer about the variety of ways you are best motivated on the job.

"I am best motivated through words of praise and recognition for a job well done. I like to know that my efforts are being noticed. In my current position, we have a leaderboard, and I like that concept because it creates healthy competition."

"I am motivated by knowing something about the end customer and being able to relate to them as a person. A personal touch is always helpful."

13. What interests you about Nestle?

You must do your homework before an interview! Nestle wants individuals who are reliable and willing to work hard to get the job done right. You want them to know that you fit the profile of the type of candidate for which they are looking. But first, you want to impress them with your company knowledge. After a little research, you will learn about their mission to create new products and services to meet the needs of their customers. Review the website and consider checking out what people are saying about them on Nestle wants to hear about the good things future employees are looking forward to experiencing! It will show them that you are not looking for just any job.

"I'm excited to work for a company that cares about its impact on the environment and join a team that shares my values. Your mission stood out to me because I also value providing the best service to customers and creating innovative solutions. Your reputation for meeting your customer's needs by making changes to your products and listening to them is impressive!"

"I have been passively seeking a new position for quite some time and haven't jumped on anything yet because I want to make sure it's the right fit. I feel that this job is right for me at this point in my career because it offers an opportunity to utilize my recent education in hospitality while allowing me to advance in my management skills."

14. Tell us about your educational experience.

The interviewer wants to know how your education has prepared you for this job. They are also interested in whether you went to school intending to follow the career path you've chosen or if you went to school pursuing one career path and chose another. How you applied what you learned from that experience to your career can also be informative. Perspective and attitude are everything. Describe your college experience as the first stage of your journey on your career path. Describe how has it facilitated your trajectory so far, and share the unexpected twists and turns your career has taken you since.

"I went to community college, which helped me figure out what I wanted to major in. That led me to pursue a degree in business management and get accepted into UC Irvine, where I graduated with a 3.8 GPA. I learned so much from my professors and keep in touch with many of them. We still go to lectures together. I am an active learner and subscribe to countless journals, periodicals, and newsletters, which keep me up to date with just about everything in my field. Earning that degree was just the beginning of my learning life journey."

"I attended Chapman University and earned a degree in business administration and management. This was an unusual period for me, in that I was running my uncle's grocery store. He let me have full reign of it, putting everything I was learning into practice in real-time. I increased our profits over those four years by 16.8%. As soon as I graduated, my uncle asked me if I wanted to continue to run the store, and I told him no. The world was my oyster. He was relieved. He sold the business for quite a profit and used some of the proceeds to pay off my student loans."

15. Where do you see yourself in five years?

How you answer this question will tell the interviewer whether you'll be committed to the role you are applying to or are looking to fill a temporary employment gap. Before they can determine your fit into their culture, they're curious to find out what your goals are and whether those goals are in line with theirs. Essentially, they're trying to find out whether this is a job for right now or if this is the right job for you. Thoroughly research the position and their work culture and determine how your goals align. If you haven't already, put together a five-year career plan. You should be ready to revise your five-year career plan every year, adjusting your goals accordingly.

"In five years, I aim to be collaborating on a team of the best of the best in my field. By then, I hope to have proven myself and be up for a promotion, climbing my way through the ranks. I'm looking for job security and growth opportunities from within."

"Before I started college, I drafted my first five-year career plan. I've been updating it every year, adjusting it where necessary. This practice has helped me hone my time management skills, and I now have a great track record for forecasting and meeting my goals. I recently revised it, and I have it with me if you'd like to see it. I've broken down attainable goals and what I hope to achieve regarding my career growth and self-development. I'm looking for long-term employment, in a position that will be secure, with a company that's willing to invest in me as much as I invest in them."

16. What Nestle product can you not live without?

A company often expects its employees to embrace and embody its brand. This question has a dual purpose - to determine your brand loyalty and assess your personality.

"I love my Abuelita hot chocolate. It's always in my pantry, but my secret to making it especially delicious as an after-dinner drink is making it with goat milk and throwing in a splash of amaretto."

"I am very obsessed with time management, and this goes all the way down to having my coffee be as efficient as possible. So, a while back, I bought a Keurig machine. I have boxes of Nestle's Coffee-Mate Kuerig cups. It helps me get my day off to a good start."

17. How do you believe your coworkers would describe you?

You may be carefree and fun-loving with your friends on the weekends, but at work, you are focused and professional. The interviewer is interested in your personality and how you will fit with the team. As you prepare for this question, picture a few scenarios from your current or previous position. Maybe you encourage and motivate your coworkers when they are having a bad day. If you have proven yourself reliable, and people can depend on you to be on time, share it! Think about some of the qualities you enjoy in a coworker and share how you think you embodied some of those qualities.

"I believe that my coworkers would describe me as curious, confident, and creative! I put a lot of effort into my work and always want my clients to be happy with their end product. I conduct a great deal of research into new marketing trends to ensure that I am delivering the best, most up-to-date solutions to my client projects."

"I believe my coworkers would describe me as dedicated, trustworthy, and kind. When you call my references, I strongly believe that they will say the same things about me. I am a proud employee and promise to be a great brand ambassador for your company."

18. How would this position align with your career path?

The interviewer wants to know if this position is a good fit for you or the perfect fit. This will clarify whether you feel this is a step up in your career or a stagnant move until something better comes along. Do your research on the company in advance, aligning their core values with your own, and integrate their keywords into your answer. Keep your answers consistent throughout your narrative. Assure the interviewer that this position will be a welcome challenge. Explain that you feel it's a step up in responsibilities and fits with your overall career goals. Avoid repeat answers. Even if the questions seem similar, your answers should vary as much as possible.

"I aim to find a long-term position that fosters a climate of mutual trust where all employees are treated fairly and with respect, guided by genuine integrity. I'm interested in working in an innovative culture that embraces openness and inclusiveness for all cultures and walks of life."

"I consider myself an ethical person with a lot of integrity. I feel strongly about developing myself and furthering my career with a company that embraces my values. Nestle embraces very similar values - taking pride in living up to what we promise, respect for the world's future, and a sense of responsibility to live our values with passion. I'm interested in working for a company that inspires me to strive to challenge myself, no matter how successful I am, knowing I can always do better."

19. What does customer service mean to you?

Go beyond how you aim to deliver a great customer experience. Focus on culture, branding, and creating human connections through your interactions with your clientele and your team. Exhibit positivity and an enthusiasm for working in a customer-centric environment.

"If a team loves coming to work, and the culture of their brand is appealing, that will translate to a great customer experience. A happy team is more likely to deliver a welcoming experience. I'm a cheerful person who prides myself on my integrity, and that's what I like to bring to work. I think that's what everyone wants, is to be happy when they're doing their job. That attitude is contagious."

"Everyone wants to feel heard and be treated with respect, and everyone seeks validation. When I communicate with a customer, I actively listen, mirror back to them what I feel they're communicating, and validate what they're communicating based on their perception and reality. I'll share with them my knowledge and do my best to keep the communication as amenable and transparent as possible."

20. We strive to help our employees create a healthy work/life balance at Nestle. How do you balance life and work?

Nestle cares about their employees working hard to build connections with their customers and create a sense of community within the workplace. Even in healthy work culture, it can be challenging to balance your work with the rest of your life. Explain how you balanced your life in your current or past roles.

"I am methodical about my work and my schedule. I set reminders on my calendar to stay organized and on time, relying on my Google calendar and my to-do list. I make sure I can make it to soccer practice each week so that I can play in the games on the weekends."

"I find that with the right company, it's pretty simple to balance life and work. When I enjoy what I do, the work doesn't feel like a chore. When I'm at home, my family gets my attention first. I take time on the weekends to do things for myself and ensure that I regenerate before the work week begins."

21. What challenges do you anticipate in this new role with Nestle?

Interviewers at Nestle want to hear that you understand the job description and are capable of navigating challenges at work. To build their confidence in your ability, talk about the challenges you expect based on your knowledge of the position and your experience. Then offer up an example of how you have dealt with problems in the past.

"I am looking forward to using my experience as a sales associate to increase product visibility and exceed sales quotas at Nestle. I am motivated by the challenge of meeting strict deadlines for client demands. When I worked for my previous company, I prioritized listening to customer needs and making sure I was clear on client expectations. I was so meticulous about details, checking my numbers at the end of every week and ensuring my clients were fully stocked with all of the products they needed."

"Because this is a new industry for me, I expect the biggest challenge to be learning the industry lingo, behaviors, and complex needs. I am excited to learn and have already started studying industry-related topics."

22. How do you handle situations that could cause you to be tardy or absent?

The food and beverage industry requires people and processes to operate promptly. Remember, you are a part of a much larger operation. If you are running behind, you could slow down production. Give an example that will show Nestle that you plan and take a proactive approach to these situations.

"I always arrive to work at least 15 minutes before I am expected to be there to have extra time in case something happens. I also make sure I have the numbers of my co-workers and boss so that I can call to let them know if I'm stuck or running late."

"I was raised to be early at all times. I am well-scheduled and understand the negative impact my tardiness can cause. If I expect to be late, I call my manager or whoever will be affected by the situation. I will also put in extra hours when necessary."

23. What are some of the challenges that the food and beverage industry face today?

With the increase in food allergies and the knowledge that things like hydrogenated oils are bad for your health, the food and beverage industry faces the pressure of keeping the public happy while staying true to their products. Do your research before the interview to make sure you are aware of some of the challenges within the industry. You may want to review press releases or news articles about Nestle to learn about any recent events or challenging situations they are facing.

"I am impressed by the way your company has adapted ABC product for individuals with gluten intolerance. I know that the increasing awareness of these types of allergies and auto-immune diseases is taking a toll on sales for some companies because people are becoming so health-conscious. It's great to hear that you are competitive within the industry, always taking an innovative approach to making changes to ABC product."

"I believe that the biggest challenge the food and beverage industry faces today is the fast-changing trends in food and beverage. Everyone is working so hard to come up with the latest and greatest thing that it's challenging to remain a trailblazer in the market."

24. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

This question can trip some people up because it is open-ended. Open-ended questions like this give you the chance to tell a story. When you talk about yourself, you want to share information that the interviewer at Nestle will find exciting and relevant to the position. Engage the interviewer by telling your story with enthusiasm! Consider sharing a skill you developed that will be useful for this position.

Answer Example

"I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Communications and Marketing from UBC in 2009. Since then, I have been actively making my way to a leadership role in social media marketing within the hotel and hospitality industry. I am an energetic and positive person, ready to make a difference in a growing organization."

View This Question and Answers

25. How would your co-workers describe you?

This question gives you an opportunity to show off your best qualities. Take a moment to reflect on your relationships with your co-workers. Nestle is looking for strong communicators and innovative leaders. Think about how your work ethic had a positive effect on your team.

"My co-workers respect me for my ability to navigate obstacles and solve problems. When I am working on ABC project, I always pay close attention to detail, double-checking my work for mistakes. My co-workers appreciate that I think about the big picture and consider how my work will affect their jobs. I am highly collaborative and have a great attitude."

"I have shared a very respectful relationship with all of the colleagues I have worked with. We have shared the goals and knowledge required to accomplish our projects the best we can. I believe that my current co-workers would describe me as collaborative and creative."

26. What is your greatest strength? How will it help you make a difference at Nestle?

The interviewer at Nestle would like to know your stand-out skills and where you put the most value when it comes to your offerings as a candidate. Think of the traits that have helped you succeed in the past. You can draw from your experiences in school or activities if you lack work experience.

Some great strengths you may have: - Person of Accountability - Invested in Culture - Positive Mindset - Perceptive - Approachable - Empathetic - Honest - Patient - Decisive

"I have great people skills, and I make a point to be positive to boost morale when other people on my team are struggling. I'm a good listener, and I work hard to manage conflict with grace and ease whenever an issue arises with a client or a co-worker. All of my skills will increase productivity by keeping the work environment positive. I focus on providing the best quality in my work, which rubs off on my co-workers because my work ethic motivates them."

27. What is your greatest weakness?

Perhaps you are watching TED talks to gain skills in a particular area, reading the latest-and-greatest book on the subject, or taking a seminar at a nearby community center. We all have weaknesses, so don't be afraid to share yours!

"I believe I could improve on some technical skills, including Excel and PowerPoint. Currently, I am at a beginner to intermediate level; however, I would be more comfortable at an advanced level. I have enrolled in an evening/weekend workshop for the next six weeks. We will see how stellar my skills are after that course!"

"Sometimes I have difficulty asking my coworkers for help. I like having control over my daily tasks and taking on new projects, but I'm not always willing to admit when I have taken on too much. When I made a mistake because I was juggling too many projects, I learned that it's okay to ask for help. I'm learning how to organize better and communicate what I need from my team. This skill has helped me be more effective at my job, and it's helped my team work together even better than before!"

28. What goals would you like to accomplish while working for Nestle?

If you are looking for opportunities to advance your career, Nestle is a great place to start! They are interested in hearing about how you want to grow within the company. You may be taking the next step in your career or starting fresh out of college. It's important to research the company before interviewing to identify how they will help you reach your goals.

"After looking through your careers, I was excited to find out that your mission is very much in line with my career goals. Your leadership development program is exactly what I need to improve my management and team-building skills. I want to grow my career in merchandising, eventually moving into a management role. I feel confident that working for you will help me cultivate my skills so I can take my career to that next step."

"My primary career goal is to find a position where I can stay long term while making an impact on the company's profitability. Because Nestle has such a strong reputation for workplace culture, it fits perfectly with my desires for a long-term fit."

29. Do you have experience training others?

Because Nestle is growing at such a rapid pace, as they hire new staff, your manager may ask you to train new employees. If you have experience, talk about how you used your strengths and skills to teach others. If you don't have experience training others, you can share how you will demonstrate, listen, and observe others throughout the training process.

"Yes, I trained two individuals on XYZ skill in my previous job. First, I had them shadow me so they could see what I was doing. I made sure they felt comfortable asking questions, spoke slowly, and demonstrated the task to them. I asked them if they wanted to try while I shadowed them. This was a very effective way to train, and I enjoyed it very much!"

"I have not been in a role senior enough to train others in the past, but I believe that I will be a strong trainer and mentor in the future. I care about the progress of my colleagues and am a patient teacher."

30. What do you expect from your manager?

How you answer this question will help the interviewer identify the type of leader that inspires and motivates you. It will also offer insights into your ability to distinguish the benefits and drawbacks of each of the five main leadership styles - authoritarian, participative, delegative, transactional, and transformational - as well as your approach towards and identification of each type.

"Out of the five main leadership styles, I feel transformational leaders are the most effective in motivating me through educating and sharing the vision of the company and team. I think that adopting this style of leadership is effective when engaging the team and able to tap into both their hard and soft skills. They are more transparent, more of a mentor, and can get everyone on the same page and invested in the work. There's no better leadership style to get a team to take pride in what they're doing."

"Transparency, clear communication, and the humility to work side by side with their team. Without these, you're just looking at a lot of confusion, no clear mission, and a leader with a disconnect from the realities of the job and unrealistic expectations. A leader who embraces these principles is not just leading the team but is the most important member of the team."


31. It's important for shift changes to go smoothly at Nestle to maintain productivity. How do you make sure transitions are seamless?

Shift work can be tricky in the food and beverage industry. If someone leaves a mess or leaves their work half-finished, and you don't know where to begin, you can waste valuable time scrambling to pick up the pieces. Nestle doesn't want to waste any time during shift changes because time is money. Give an example that demonstrates that you are mindful of these transitions.

"When I worked as a merchandiser, I was part-time and shared the responsibilities with a team of four people. I took time to explain what I was working on to my co-workers whenever I had to end my shift in the middle of a project. I also left notes that were easy to understand and kept my workspace tidy."

"Strong scheduling is the most important factor in creating seamless transitions. In addition to solid scheduling, everyone's willingness to jump in and help when volumes are higher than average or when staff is shorter than expected is also crucial."

32. The work environment at Nestle can be fast-paced at times. How do you handle stress?

The interviewer wants to hear that you can keep up in an ever-changing, fast-moving environment. They want to hear that you will be able to handle the pressure and that you have experience dealing with this type of work environment. Share a few tips that have helped you in the past.

"I handle stress very well, and when you call my references, they will attest to this fact. When I am under pressure on the job, I focus on the task at hand so I don't get distracted. Staying on deadline is very helpful, and I will delegate when necessary to alleviate some stress."

"Stress is part of any demanding job, and I embrace it to the fullest. I take good care of myself and prioritize my workload to maintain a healthy balance in my stress levels."

nestle interview case study

Kevin's Feedback

33. How do you handle multiple requests at work at the same time?

The interviewer is evaluating how effectively you can focus on one or two tasks at a time or if you are a multi-tasker who needs to change tasks to stay productive. They're curious if you will be thorough, consistent, and up to the challenges ahead while exhibiting flexibility in changing priorities. This will help them assess your approach to your work. Being singularly focused is a strength so long as you can shift gears and exhibit adaptability when the need arises. Take pride in the systems you've developed for yourself, emphasizing your faith in your abilities.

"That depends on the priorities at hand. Flexibility is crucial to success. The goal is to prioritize based on the greater demand for quality versus quantity. Sometimes something's got to give. It's all about striking a balance and hitting the bullseye as often as I can. I exude a can-do mentality."

"Of course, it depends on the situation. Examining the work at hand, I'll compile all the information I have to start with. From there, I'll determine what information I'm lacking and cohesively organize that information, creating flow and transitions based on the priorities at hand. Then, I examine the time I have to manage, what makes the most sense as far as preventing rework, and what work can be built off of as a foundation for the work at hand, I'll create a strategy to approach the work, getting a better idea of realistic time frame."

34. Describe your typical work week.

Think about your typical day-to-day work in your current or most recent role. Reflect on how your work ethic helped you stay organized and tackle challenging projects. Connect your past experiences to what you expect to experience while working for Nestle.

"I like to take time to prepare for the week by organizing my schedule every Monday morning. I make sure all of my meetings are marked on my calendar and set reminders about important deadlines. I understand that changes can interrupt my daily flow, and I can adapt and stay calm when those shifts occur throughout the week. I am efficient and get my work done within 40 hours each week. I am also flexible and willing to stay late when I need to finish a project or if one of my co-workers needs assistance."

"My typical work week is always non-typical! My days include making client phone calls, site visits, and answering questions and concerns via email. Client management is the key to what I do."


35. How would you handle an issue with a policy or procedure?

Being adaptable is essential in the food and beverage industry. Nestle strives to keep up with their customers by improving their products, making changes in policies or procedures inevitable. This means policies can change quickly, and you will be expected to adapt. The interviewer wants to hear how you will respond when you disagree with the way something is handled or executed.

"I would first talk with my manager to make sure I understood the expectation correctly. I could have interpreted it wrong, or there could have been a miscommunication. If I still had an issue, I would take some time to think about how I could deal with it. I've learned to pick my battles and be adaptable as much as I can."

"I know well enough at this point in my career that policies and procedures are in place for a reason. If I truly don't understand the reason behind the policy, I will ask for further clarification in a respectful and open-minded way."


How Nestlé Became The World's Largest Food Company

Table of contents.

Let’s trace the origins of Nestlé and its exceptional legacy of 150+ years that have led it to become a company with:

  • Market cap of $326.07 Billion as of Feb 9, 2023
  • Over 2000 brands worldwide
  • Monumental presence in 186 countries
  • A workforce of nearly 276,000 employees
  • Revenue of CHF 87.1 billion in 2021
  • 354 factories in 79 countries

Grab a Kit Kat or sit back with a cup of freshly brewed Nescafe, and let’s go back to 1866 , the year it all began.


A Merger Lays The Foundation Of Nestlé’s Success

The story of Nestlé begins with Henri Nestlé of Vevey, a namesake of the company, and unsurprisingly, its founder. But it is also linked with two brothers, Charles and George Page, who were located far away in America at the time.

While the world of business was not a global village back then, perhaps it was fate, the love for milk, or sheer successful marketing strategy that brought the businesses of the two together to form the Nestlé we see today.

The creation of Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company

Charles Page was a U.S. consul who visited Switzerland and became intrigued by its Swiss cows and beautiful meadows. The country had been a primary milk production center since the 19th century due to its available resources of high-quality cows and attracted people with a passion for milk production from far and wide. 

Page was one such individual with a different aspiration: he wanted to create condensed milk. Easy to store and transport, condensed milk, according to him, was the next big thing in the entrepreneurial world. 

Therefore, with his brother George Page, he created the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company and opened the doors of the first-ever condensed milk factory in Switzerland, in the town of Cham, in 1866.

Henri experiments

Meanwhile, Henri Nestlé was a local pharmacist in Vevey who loved experimenting with anything and everything he could get his hands on. This meant creating incredible food fusions was right up his alley.

nestle interview case study

During the 1860s, infant mortality rates remained a grave problem in Switzerland. As a man with 13 siblings, Henri understood the woes of infants. Yet, the turning point came when he saw that premature babies faced difficulty in consuming breast milk.

Invoking his creativity, he combined available resources and his scientific knowledge to produce “ Farine Lactee ” in 1867, an infant formula made with cow’s milk, wheat flour, and sugar.

nestle interview case study

This proved to be a breakthrough, and soon, sales increased to 1000+ cans in 1871 and more than 2000 in 1873. Two years later, Nestlé’s products could be found worldwide, including but not limited to Indonesia, Egypt, and the U.S.

As sales increased exponentially, Henri gave his company a logo symbolizing his family name that meant “Little Nest”. The logo, therefore, contained a bird’s nest.

nestle interview case study

Today, the logo has been simplified but remains its original idea and charm as an ode to the founder.

A rivalry emerges

In 1875, Henri retired, and the company was led forth by three local businessmen in Vevey. However, simultaneously, the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company expanded to newer markets in Europe, and upon discovering Nestlé’s infant formula and its success, it developed a rival product and floated it into the market.

To Nestlé, this was nothing less than a declaration of industry war, and soon after, Nestlé added a new product to its portfolio: a Farine Lactee condensed milk. Fierce competition developed, followed by price wars and predatory market strategies.

As both companies competed for a greater market share and ROI on their rival products, it did not come as a surprise when both began generating lower revenues and making losses.

The price war lasted roughly for about 30 years until the death of all three – Henri, George, and Charles.

In 1905, the current directors of the companies agreed to halt their rivalry and combine their businesses for greater market share, revenues, and expanded reach over the globe.

As a result, Nestlé and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. was founded – that eventually became Nestlé.


Certificate for 100 shares of the Nestlé and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., issued 1. November 1918

Key takeaway 1: leave emotion out of strategy

For many years, Henri and the Page brothers went head to head in the milk industry, expanding into European markets, creating substitute rival products, adopting predatory pricing strategies, and undercutting price benchmarks. 

All this only yielded the worst for both businesses in the form of reduced revenues, higher price elasticity of demand, and a confused clientele.

Their saving grace was the strategic decision of the directors to call a truce and join forces – shared winners over lone losers. With the main competition becoming the same company, the focus was brought back to improving operations and opting for practices the business could sustain. Resultantly, the only path now was onwards and upwards.

This means foresight, strategy, and impartial business sense take priority over emotional responses, especially in the business world.

World War I, Government Contracts, & Innovative Strategies

Most companies take a few years to establish themselves in their local markets, minimizing risks. Only once they are comfortably settled and have enough brand appeal and resources to expand do they risk entering the global market.

But Nestle is not like most companies, is it?

Henri Nestle had become a big player in the Western Europe Market, and Page Brothers were leading the way in Britain. Thus, the merger already allowed Nestle to be the go-to condensed milk brand.

From there, it was always going to spread itself and capture as much of the global share as it could, and so it did. Within a decade, this newly merged company had taken its operations around the world, establishing factories in the UK, Europe, the United States, and Asia.

An unexpected opportunity

WWI broke out in 1914, and the scale of disruption around the globe was huge.  Almost every industry was affected. Some thrived and grew, but many collapsed or barely survived.

Nestle also faced an initial period of hardship where it was difficult to maintain its supplies due to severe shortages, and maintaining a smooth distribution network in Europe was near impossible. Hence, most of their supplies ran out of catering to the needs of locals.

However, the war presented a unique opportunity. The demand for milk shot up, and consequently, governments around the world sought contracts with major milk producers and distributors.

Nestle acquired several of these contracts that enabled it to not only come out of the difficult situation it was in but also rapidly expand its operations. It developed most of its factories in the US, where supply and distribution were easier, and recovery began. In fact, by the end of the war, the company had over 40 factories in the world, nearly doubling Nestlé’s overall production.

Moving forward by embracing innovation

Of course, the circumstances around WWI were unusual and worked in favor of Nestle. But it wasn’t the only reason the firm grew at such a pace. Research and innovation had defined the companies that came together to form Nestle. Hence, the same qualities were inherited and ingrained in Nestle. At a time where global infrastructure was going through a phase of transformation, Nestle was at the forefront of it utilizing it and spreading it.

For instance, railways and steamships were the new business logistics, and they became the company’s ticket into established and untapped urban markets overseas. Print media became the main face of modern marketing. Nestle cleverly capitalized on it by projecting its brand through newspapers, magazines, and billboards. The adverts focused on what made the company stand out: quality, taste, nutrition, safety, and affordability – characteristics Nestle still proudly stands by.

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All while these advancements were being embraced, Nestle didn’t lose sight of what they were truly about: their products. Hence, as far as production is concerned, they continued to introduce more efficient methods in their factories, expanding their capacity and boosting quality.

Key takeaway 2: growth follows the ambitious

Both World Wars were make-or-break events. From a decrease in demand to a disruption in supply, Nestle faced all sorts of challenges. But Nestle, even before it merged, was always looking for opportunities to grow, and the government contracts gained during the war were essentially the result of it. If Nestle didn’t have its operations worldwide, it would never have captured the governmental radar. It may have survived the shortage; it may not have.

These contracts allowed the company to grow, which worked perfectly with its innovative strategies, such as tapping urban markets and marketing using print media to enhance the brand appeal and create brand affinity. This highlights the importance of being proactive and always looking for potential opportunities, even in challenging times. 

World Wars & Expanding The Product Portfolio

1918 , the year WWI finally ended.

The fighting did stop, but the unstable economic situation the world was in couldn’t be fixed easily. Nestle’s government contracts were up, and it found itself amongst the many companies facing the force of the crisis. To add to their difficulties, consumers that had shifted to condensed milk during the war shifted back to fresh milk as supply resumed.

The company went into a loss for the first time in 1921 .

Timely response

At that point, sales were down, and production costs were high for Nestle. Its operations needed an overhaul to reach sustainability. For this purpose, Swiss banker Louis Dapples was handed the task of reorganizing the company.

Not only was he able to match production and sales, but the move also helped Nestle clear its outstanding debt. Thereafter, the company spent a good part of the decade staying afloat and focusing on sustaining its operations.

More than a milk company

First milk, and then condensed milk; despite having a global reach, Nestle hadn’t really made an effort to expand its product portfolio.

Perhaps, till the 1920s , it had never felt the need to. It had been growing at a rapid pace and adding several countries to its customer base. Now, as growth stagnated and consumer demand shifted to fresh milk, something different had to be done.

Thus, they made a series of acquisitions that opened their doors to new industries, the most notable of which was the Kohler Swiss Chocolate company in the mid-1920s . Consequently, chocolate became the second most important product of Nestle.

‍ Nestlé buys Switzerland's largest chocolate company Peter-Cailler-Kohler

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Alongside chocolate, the company also introduced malted milk, a powdered beverage named Milo, and powdered buttermilk for small children.

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Malted chocolate drink Milo launches in Australia

The Nescafe revolution

The chocolate business was going well for Nestle, but they were yet to launch the product that would change the company’s future forever.

In 1930 , the Brazilian Coffee Institute approached the company with a unique problem. Brazil had a huge surplus of coffee, but there was no real demand or use at the time. Nestle spent the next 8 years researching and experimenting with products to develop from this coffee.

While the Brazilians suggested coffee cubes, Nestle had a better idea instead.

Voila, in 1938 , Nestle launched “Nescafe” an instant soluble coffee solution, the first of its kind and one of the most popular Nestle products to date. This was later followed by Nestea, another incredibly popular product that continues to drive the tastes of many across the globe today.

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Nestlé launches NESCAFÉ in Switzerland on 1 April 1938

The USA again becomes the helping hand

There was immense potential in Nescafe, but at the same time, Nestle began to experience the severe impacts of WWII even before it broke into a worldwide conflict. The company’s revenues nosedived from $20 million in 1938 to $6 million in 1939 .

Although Switzerland remained neutral in both world wars, the situation in Europe was highly volatile, and business could not be conducted normally. Again, Nestle looked towards America by shifting its base of operations to Connecticut, far away from the conflict.

Their previous experience during WWI had allowed the company to form healthy relationships with the states, which helped them settle in. Unfortunately, the USA could not stay away from the war for too long and joined the allies in 1941 .

For Nestle, it was a complete blessing; Nescafe became a staple food for the US military as it was easily preservable, and the taste has already become a hit. Hence, without having to spend a fortune on advertisements, the coffee product penetrated worldwide, and funnily, its first brand ambassadors were allied soldiers.

Nestle sent tons and tons of Nescafe to the frontlines and managed to turn around their sales completely. From making $100 million in 1938 to reaching up to $225 million in 1945 .

Key takeaway 3: diversify and innovate

The end of WWI and the economic depression brought by it made life difficult for almost every business, including Nestle. Plus, the fact that customers preferred fresh milk instead of condensed milk meant that Nestle found it difficult to sustain its business. 

Customers’ demands and preferences, as well as the market scenarios, can change drastically over time. Nestle learned that they needed to be flexible enough to adapt and bold enough to take risks. Otherwise, they will be left with no choice but to shut up shop. 

This is when the milk company gradually began expanding by introducing new products and exploring new markets. It, in turn, allowed the company to grow despite the difficult situation.

Hence, companies should never rest on their laurels and try to improve consistently, be it by innovating, branching out, and increasing the quality and quantity of products or services they offer.

Growth Through Acquisitions and Diversification

The end of the world war had set the perfect stage for Nestle to take its business to the next level. Sales were at an all-time high, Nescafe and Nestea were making waves, and through military and government supports, the company had opened up new markets for its products.

On top of it, the world did not go into a similar depression like WWI. Instead, it marked a period of stability and peace, one which firms everywhere looked to capitalize on. Likewise, Nestle did not waste any time in getting in on the action and making some very key and monumental moves. In fact, these post-war years are often termed as the most dynamic period in the company's history!

Seasoned Maggi Soups and Broadein Food Products

As the world recovered from the war, Nestle followed an aggressive acquisition policy acquiring multiple brands worldwide. The most significant name it added to its portfolio was fellow Swiss company, Maggi.

The journey for this soup and noodles company started somewhat around the same time as that of Henri Nestle. Its founder, Julius Maggi shared the same vision of serving nutritious yet convenient foods to the public.

After the war, in 1947 , Maggi went through a number of restructurings and changes in leadership. Resultantly, the best way for the company to move forward was to join hands with Nestle. Their established factories in numerous countries introduced the Maggi brand to the world, and it became a sensation. In fact, in many Asian regions, Maggi is synonymous with instant noodles.

The Magic of Maggi

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Following Maggi’s acquisition, Nestle took over several other firms in the food industry, including:

  • 1960 : Crosse & Blackwell, a British can and preserved food manufacturer
  • 1963 : Findus, a Swedish frozen food company
  • 1971: American fruit juices company Libby
  • 1973: Stouffer, a frozen and prepared foods brand

With these moves, Nestle extended its product range and established a stronghold in the preserved foods industry.

Developing new & improving existing “convenience” products

While Nestle spread its wings by bringing other brands under its umbrella, it did not lose sight of the products it developed itself.

For instance, the Nescafe coffee, which had been a huge success during the war, continued its astonishing path upwards. From 1950 to 1959 , its sales almost tripled, and with the development of an anti-freeze version in 1966 , its sales quadrupled in the next decade.

Simultaneously, Nestle also worked on launching new products. In 1948 , it further embedded itself in American households with Nesquik, a chocolate powder that would instantly mix in cold milk. 

Owing to the product’s success, they even introduced the Nesquik Bunny to win over both adults and children.

During the same time, Nestle rebranded its infant cereals as Cerelac while launching an extensive range of canned foods under Maggi.

Diversifying beyond the food industry

By the 1970s , Nestle had well and truly occupied a dominant position in the food industry. It was now time to step out of the comfort zone and venture into new industries.

The big break came in 1974 when Nestle made a move for a Parisian hair care company, L'Oréal. Established in 1909 , this company had gone from making hair dyes to a full range of cosmetic care products. It has also formed a loyal customer base in France.

With big plans, Nestle offered the family owners of L'Oréal a 3% stake in Nestle in return for a 50% share. The offer was too attractive to refuse, and the two companies entered into a new partnership. This merger reaped multifold returns for both parties, and by the 1980s , the brand was the leader in its industry.

The cosmetic arena wasn’t the only one Nestle aimed to capture. There was an economic slowdown and general volatility between the French and Swiss markets. The price of cocoa and coffee went up more than three times. Nestle decided to take a risk and leap into waters it had never been in before.

In 1977 , it also became the owner of the American pharmaceutical company, Alcon. This, too, was a success with the brand operating in 75+ countries and being sold more than twice that number.

Merger to remember & the future of coffee

Nestle never looked to slow down despite its numerous acquisitions and diverse brand offerings.

In 1984 , it offered a mind-blowing $3 billion to buy out the food company, Carnation. Many believe this to be one of the largest acquisitions outside the oil industry – at least at the time. The scale of the deal was such that it took a year for it to be approved and finalized.

It wasn’t just being in the same industry that sparked Nestle’s interest; it was also the fact that Carnation had a diverse portfolio, including a profitable pet food brand, Friskies, and Contadino tomato products.

Nestle also added UK confectionery company Rowntree Mackintosh to its list of acquisitions in 1988 , giving it ownership of popular chocolates, Kitkat and Smarties. In the same year, it also included Buitoni-Perugina, a major Italian pasta and confectionery company to its mix.

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Alongside the mergers, Nestle was also actively working on making a comeback with its coffee products. Thus, in 1986 , it rolled out Nespresso, a premium version of its coffee, different from the previous freeze-dried budget version. The idea behind it was simple: present a DIY system for any person who wanted to enjoy luxury coffee.

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Key takeaway 4: seek opportunities in both new and existing industries

Many firms that plan to diversify their portfolios lose grip on their main industry. Nestle wasn’t one of them. Its initial strategy for growth post-WWII was to cement its hold in the food industry with a series of acquisitions and new product offerings. Then, it made its move in other industries while still improving on its basic offerings of food, coffee, and chocolate-related products.

Nestle grew exponentially by tactfully merging and acquiring companies it thought would add value to its brand. This paid off handsomely and turned Nestle into a force to be reckoned with. It highlights the need for brands to enhance their value offerings, using whatever means they have at their disposal, right from diversifying to collaborating with others.

International Force - Nestle's Global Strategy

With the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, markets in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as China opened up. Trade barriers disintegrated, liberalization picked up the pace, and economic markets around the globe started to integrate well.

This proved to be quite beneficial for Nestle. There were new diverse markets to expand to and favorable policies that encouraged them – not that they needed any second invitation. 

Onwards & upwards with tactful acquisitions

From the late 1990s to the late 2000s, Nestle went on an aggressive acquisition spree and acquired the following companies:

  • San Pellegrino group , the leading Italian mineral water business, in 1998 paved the way for Nestle to launch Nestle Pure Life and lead in Europe while making a way into developing countries worldwide.
  • Spillers Petfoods in 1998 enabled Nestle to cement its position as a key player in the pet food business around the globe and Europe in particular.
  • Ralston Purina , U.S.'s pet food business, in 2002 and merged with Nestlé Friskies Petcare, creating a market leader in the pet care industry, Nestlé Purina Petcare.
  • The U.S. ice cream business merged with Dreyer's in 2002, establishing Nestle as the leader in the U.S., the world's largest ice cream market. 
  • Movenpick Ice Cream in 2003 to complement Nestle's super-premium ice cream brands portfolio in North America and Italy.
  • Delta Ice Cream in 2005 as Nestle's realized that the ice cream business was a profitable opportunity and the company could make inroad in the growing Greek and Balkans ice cream market.
  • Chef America Inc in 2002 as Nestle continued with its horizontal integration and expanded into the frozen foods market, which was growing.
  • Jenny Craig and Uncle Toby's in 2006 as Nestle wanted to stay true to its commitment to nutrition, health, and wellness and reinforce its presence in the U.S., the world's largest nutrition and weight management market.
  • Medical Nutrition division of Novartis Pharmaceutical in 2007 as it was complementary to Nestle's Healthcare Nutrition Business and enhanced Nestle's capabilities to cater to the needs of its customers with special nutritional requirements.
  • Henniez in 2007 to augment its position in the competitive Swiss bottled water market, leveraging the solid industrial capacity and distribution network of the company.
  • Gerber , the iconic U.S. baby food brand, in 2007 became the number 1 player in the U.S., the world's largest baby food market, transforming Nestle Nutrition into a global leader.

A number of other partnerships were also made, such as the one with Belgian chocolatier Pierre Marcolini , helping Nestle augment its position in the food and nutrition industry while allowing it to diversify in health, wellness, and beauty.

Now, why did Nestle do that?

The answer is to remain attuned to the changing consumer tastes and remains ahead in a market that never stays still.

Sure, continuous innovation is essential, but Nestle didn't just rely on that and continued to acquire businesses and benefit from synergies to become the undisputed leader in the business world.

All this while, Nestle has remained true to its roots and continued to delight its customers worldwide.

Realizing that with expanding its global footprint, there was bound to be an array of issues that it needed to deal with effectively, Nestle launched a Group-wide initiative called GLOBE (Global Business Excellence) .

The primary purpose behind this initiative was to harmonize and simplify business processes and empower Nestle to make the most of its competitive advantage while alleviating the risks and drawbacks.

Key takeaway 5: growth & diversification through acquisition

From San Pellegrino in 1997 to Henniez and Gerber in 2007, Nestle's relentless strategy to acquire an array of businesses in different markets, ranging from pet care and baby food to ice cream and bottled water, strengthened its overall position and breathed new life into the company.

Nestle not only wanted to expand to new product lines but also become the market leader in all of them, in different parts of the world. The fastest and most effective way to do just that was through strategic acquisitions. 

In an ever-evolving market, staying still or focusing solely on a select few activities is risky for large businesses. The key, at times, to grow is to embrace an external growth strategy by acquisitions in different industries with distinctive lines of business.

Commitment To Innovation

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Nestle stays firmly committed to its goals of helping people, families, and pets around the globe live happier and healthier lives. From meeting the ever-evolving needs of the modern consumer to providing safe and premium-quality of food on-demand, Nestle does it all.

However, it understands that dramatic shifts are happening in the market with consumer demands dynamically changing, new entrants offering endless choices, and people living and shopping in ways never seen before.

Winning in such an environment requires disruption and a hybrid-growth model. No one understands that better than Nestle, and here’s how it is driving value from its base portfolio while embracing new ventures to scale up.

Nestle: 150-year-old start-up innovating from within

Unlike other business entities that outsource the innovation part and fail to prepare for the future, Nestle has strategically decided to combine its scale and capabilities with the mentality and speed of a start-up.

InGenius , Nestlé's employee innovation accelerator, is the ultimate platform that encourages intrapreneurship within the company. Internal start-ups within the company are launched , and employees are encouraged to think big and creatively.

Moreover, Nestle’s global R&D accelerator program brings together scientists, students, and employees, empowering them to come up with new innovative products.

Lean designs, fast prototyping, quick testing, continuous hustling, and room for big risks make the incubator program a success. The goal of the internal start-ups is to help promptly develop new product lines from scratch within 9 months, paving the way for the future of food.

What’s more is that employees are given challenges to solve, ranging from improving the quality of food to helping achieve the net-zero target. On top of this, Nestle also helps young social entrepreneurs, outside its fold, by offering them holistic support, mentorship, and access to its R&D and innovation experts by partnering up with Ashoka – an organization that identifies and supports social entrepreneurs.

Rethinking & reinventing

To better tap into today’s consumer trends, Nestle goes the extra mile to revive the brands with modern innovation.

It does this by introducing new varieties of products and adding unique flavors to attract new customers and retain existing ones. For instance, in 2017 alone, Nestle launched 1000 new products. Yes, that’s right!

From bringing in new flavors of juices and milk to launching frozen organic meals and non-dairy desserts, among others, it tries its best to exceed its customers’ expectations.

Enhancing capabilities

Fueling growth through innovation and improving operational efficiency are two key components of Nestle’s value creation model.

While innovation is considered everyone’s job at Nestle , increasing operational efficiency is also stressed.

Each and every aspect of the business, be it hiring people, using data analytics to make decisions based on logic, optimizing supply chains, or deploying manufacturing solutions, is reviewed and revamped to increase efficiency and deliver desired business outcomes.

Future of food

Nestle, together with Swiss academic and industrial partners such as ETH Zurich, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and companies Bühler and Givaudan, announced a joint research program, Future of Food , that will help develop nutritious, tasty, sustainable, and trendy food and beverage products.

It's just another example of Nestle leveraging innovation and partnerships to move forward. Plus, it highlights Nestle’s commitment to providing healthy food while doing right by the environment.

The future is healthy, sustainable, and personalized

Nestle is actively working on providing healthier diets to people worldwide. It's even reformulating its popular products such as Kit Kat and Maggi, among others, to reduce the sugar, salt, and saturated fat in them while also transitioning its brands towards organic.

In addition to this, it is actively working towards ensuring its supply chains have zero environmental impact and reducing its carbon footprint by changing its plastic packaging.

Nestle has announced that it will phase out all packaging that’s not recyclable by 2025 and ensure the packaging it uses is eco-friendly.

Last but not least, Nestle, in its quest to stand out and scale, is emphasizing the need to please customers in every way possible. It aims to do that by delivering customers exactly what they want, how they want it, and in the taste, and shape they want it.

Meeting the needs of consumers on an individual level, according to Nestle will make all the difference. Hence, it is investing in it. Nestle acquired a start-up in UK,, which provides tailored diets to dogs on a monthly basis based on age, breed, and weight among other factors.

Key takeaway 6: innovate, innovate, and innovate

Ascending to the top is one thing, but remaining at the top is the real challenge. Nestle’s strategy of launching incubators, experimenting with products, enhancing capabilities, and thinking ahead to create a new future highlights the importance the company places on innovation.

Nestle never hesitates to be bold and go out of its way to innovate to accelerate its growth and achieve scale. It realizes the value that can be derived from innovation and hence, leaves no stone unturned in thinking out of the box and putting its money where its mouth is.  More than anything else, this fundamental strategy has helped the company dominate and remain a customer favorite.

Nestle In The New Normal

Nestle: the multi-national company that adapts

A vital company in the challenging times of Covid-19, Nestle made many changes in its processing and manufacturing processes to continue supplying good food. As supply chain challenges intensified, Nestle focused its efforts on streamlining the supply chain end-to-end, from sourcing supplies to logistics. 

Nestle had 8.1% organic growth in the first half of its fiscal year 2022.

Nestle: the best employer

Making the health and safety of its employees a priority, Nestle implemented enhanced safety measures on and off its premises, including factories, distribution centers, labs, and offices.

Nestle responded to Covid-19 effectively and made sure its employees are protected and motivated by:

  • Allowing working from home 
  • Restricting travel and exposure to the virus
  • Introducing the best hygiene practices
  • Implementing effective social distancing measures
  • Giving a special 14-day COVID-19 leave
  • Offering financial support in the form of loans

Nestle: the company that gives back to the community

Nestle extended a helping hand to those in need in the crisis. It provided holistic support to medical institutions, food banks, food delivery organizations, and relief organizations in the local communities who are on the frontline. 

Not only did Nestle donate essentials such as food and bottled water but also money. Nestle joined forced with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and donated  CHF 10 million . Plus, in order to speed up the vaccination and ensure fair distribution of vaccines, it partnered up with COVAX and donated  CHF 2 million. 

Key takeaway 7: stay resilient 

There’s no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the global markets and adversely impacted Nestle in ways more than one. However, Nestle managed to survive and thrive by continuously adapting, being proactive, and striving to do right by the people and the communities it served, as evident from its increased market share and growth during the period.

Nestle in a nutshell

Nestle products are recognized, consumed, and valued in all corners of the world. It is a company that has ingrained itself in the day-to-day life of people and continues to raise the bar higher. From innovation, people management, and a long-term strategic approach to the quality of products and services, social responsibility, and competitiveness, Nestle ticks all the boxes.

Here are the four main lessons derived from the growth of Nestle from a relatively small Swiss-based company established in 1866 to one of the most successful, admired, and profitable multinational companies in the world:

Key takeaway 1: globalize but also localize

A company as big as Nestle, which operates in almost all countries worldwide, has achieved success by localizing its offerings and catering to the needs of each individual market.

Sure, it could have made generalized global strategies and campaigns, but it took the difficult path by localizing everything from sourcing, product planning, production, marketing, and even its brand strategy.

It highlights the importance of being customer-centric regardless of who you are as a company and where you operate.

Key takeaway 2: innovate – change is an opportunity

Whether it be changing consumer demands, the evolving marketplace, or crisis situations, Nestle has never stopped innovating. Sure, it has paid the price of a few campaigns gone wrong, but one thing that it has been relentless at is continuing to strive to be a step ahead.

Nestle does it all, from committing to sustainability to coming up with new creative ways of providing more value to all stakeholders. It serves as a lesson for brands in this modern digital age. You can only survive and succeed if you innovate. Period.

Key takeaway 3: grow through acquisitions

Nestle has over 2000 brands. Yes, that’s right. Nestle has rapidly grown, gained a competitive advantage, increased its market share, achieved synergies, and enhanced efficiency in its business by acquiring companies.

It actively looks for potential acquisition opportunities and doesn’t hesitate to take risks. This showcases that if you want to grow as a company, you need to broaden your horizons and partner up with others. Foresight, strategic decisions, and impartial business sense are critical - now more than ever. 

The external growth strategy has worked wonders for Nestle by allowing it to expand into new industries and distinctive production lines - all of which have contributed immensely to its growth over the years. Simply put, if you can’t beat them, just join them, or well, in Nestle’s case, buy them.

Key takeaway 4: importance of brand & values

As a company, your values are bigger than your revenue. If you truly focus on and stick to your values, you can attract consumers and scale your company. Nestle has done just that by not only saying but becoming the “Good food, Good Life” company.

It firmly abides by its core principles of “ Unlocking the power of food to enhance the quality of life for everyone, today and for generations to come .”

Every decision that is made, every product that is launched, every customer that is served, is served to shape a better and healthier world. No wonder Nestle has become a global icon from a local favorite.

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Nestle Case Study: How Nestle’s Marketing Strategy Helped Them Grow as a Brand-2023

How many of you can answer this?

What is one common thing among Nescafe, Caregrow, KitKat, and Maggi?

Any guesses?

Yes, they are world-renowned brands, are familiar names in every household, and are products you must have consumed in your life at one point.

Anything other than these?

Yes. All these belong to one and only Nestle.

Be it in the fresh smell of hot coffee, a short break, or a bowl of tasty noodles- we cannot deny that all of us have enjoyed the awesomeness of Nestle’s products.

The brand has come a long way, crossing so many hurdles and achieving success, and it keeps growing.

Today, nestle is a brand that everyone is familiar with and uses in their day-to-day life.

Curious to know how?

In this Nestle case study, we are discussing everything about Nestle company, the marketing mix of Nestle, nestle competitors in India, marketing sales promotion techniques of nestle, and much more.

Nestle owns more than 2000 brands, from global stars to local ones.

How did Nestle achieve this level of success?

The brand has been in the market for more than 150 years, but many companies got this opportunity but failed. Nestle survived.

What is the secret of Nestle’s success?

This Nestle case study shows you a glimpse of nestle strategy and what digital marketing and social media strategies they followed that led to achieving this success.

So, let’s start by understanding a bit more about Nestle as a company.

Nestle had come a long way from when it entered the market by selling infant food in the 1860s with a motto to reduce child mortality rates.

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Gradually, it became a renowned name in the wellness, healthy food, and pet care industry with its evergreen tagline, “Good Food, Good Life.”

Now, you must be thinking that how did Nestle reach this position? How can a company build a legacy which is so powerful that it has stood still since its birth?

The answer to this may lie in Nestle’s digital marketing and functional strategy.

Nestle Case study: Introduction of Nestle company

Nestle is a world-renowned manufacturer of packaged foods and beverages. It is the world’s largest food manufacturer operating in more than 186 countries and with over 2000 product brands.

The brand came to India in 1956. Since that time, from selling its first milk product in the 1960s to selling a wide variety of Nestle products in India, Nestle has grown exponentially in India.

With such exponential growth, Nestle’s umbrella keeps widening day by day. They are not only the largest food and beverage company in the world but also one of the best companies that have effortlessly collaborated with the online world and achieved immense success.

Gradually, Nestle India started making its presence felt in the FMCG sector, and now the brand enjoys a good market share in the food and beverage industry.

Being the most extensive food and beverage brand in terms of revenue, the pricing strategy of Nestle company, along with its targeting and positioning system, has played a vital role in reaching the position where it is currently.

Let us find out how it has served the Indian market with its products and services.

Detailed Nestle Case Study

Nestle offers products in breakfast cereals, beverages, dairy, chocolates, nutritious foods like vending, and food services.

Popular food products like Kit Kat, Maggi, Milkmaid, Polo, and Nescafe come under Nestle’s products sold in India.

For more than 150 years, this iconic brand has been applying its expertise in Health, Nutrition, and Wellness to help its customers, pets, and families live a healthier and happier life.

However, they believe what is good today might not be suitable for tomorrow.

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So, they keep exploring and focusing on pushing the boundaries to find more to experiment with foods, nutrition, and beverages.

Nestle unlocks the power of food to improve the quality of life for everyone, not just today but for generations to come.

The brand focuses on bringing more pleasure and enjoyment to the customers, how they can enable better health, and how they can make the best nutrition affordable to everyone.

Not just these, but the brand tries new ways to protect and improve natural resources.

History & Founder

Nestle was founded in 1905 by the union of the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company, set up in 1866 by brothers Charles and George Page and Farine Lactee Henri Nestle, founded by Henri Nestle in 1866.

Nestle originated in 1860 when two separate Swiss enterprises later created Nestle.

In the following decades, the two rival companies grew their businesses throughout the United States and Europe.

In 1866, George Page and Charles Page, brothers from Lee County, Illinois, USA, formed the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company in Cham, Switzerland. The company’s British operation started in 1873 at Chippenham, Wiltshire.

It was during the First World War when the organization grew significantly, and again during the Second World War, the company increased its offerings beyond its initial condensed milk and infant food products.

Nestle Case Study : Facts & Figures

Here are a few interesting numbers about Nestle that sets it apart from others.

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  • Nestlé is the world’s largest food and beverage company.
  • The brand has 276000 employees
  • Nestle has acquired 30 companies

Nestle Case Study: Nestle competitors in India

Nestle has many major customer brands like Carnation, Kit Kat, Nestle-water, and Stouffers, among others.

Thirty of its brands netted more than $1 billion in earnings in the year 2010, which makes the company a vital force in the worldwide food and beverage industry.

With around 42 % of its sales being in North America, Nestle is one of the most geographically distinct companies in the food and beverage industry. It places it in a position that helps it edge over its competitors.

Its brands are well established in a considerable market share in leading economies like U.S. and Europe.

Danone and Unilever are important competitors for Nestle. These two are giants in the food and beverage industry, like Nestle.

In 2010, Unilever posted around 26% growth in yearly profits because of its accelerated sales in the food and beverage industry, especially ice cream, frozen food, tea-based beverages, and cooking products.

On the other hand, Danone stated around a 38 percent increase because of its improved share prices. In addition, a rise in its yogurt sales also enhanced the growth in earnings.

However, nestle handles positioned itself in the market by adopting a new accounting method which aided a decline in its cost of sales.

The company could also incorporate discounts, allowances, and promotions for its retailers through sales profits rather than the marketing line.

Though its sale was lesser for a year, nestle pricing strategy helped them match its peers, which in turn, made it a famous manufacturer even though the competition was so high.

Being the world’s most popular food manufacturer, nestle has intense competition with its rival company, Unilever.

Unilever has around 1,49,000 employees and operates in 160 countries, with its headquarters in London for food, home, and personal care.

The company is trying hard to beat Nestle in terms of the quality of their product, which has made Unilever the second company in the Western European ready meals market with a market share of around 8.6%, i.e., 0.3 points behind the iconic Nestle.

Nestle’s Target Audience and Products for Each Segment

The unique thing about Nestle is that it offers a wide range of products that covers audiences of different ages, from 2-year-old to working professionals.

Here’s a breakdown of Nestle’s Target Audience and the products meant for them.

  • Target Audience
  • Working Professionals
  • General Audiences
  • Koko Krunch, Caregrow, Lactogrow
  • Sunrise, Nescafe
  • Maggi, KitKat, Milkmaid

Everyone, especially coffee lovers, will know how Nescafe is a big hit among working professionals.

Nestle guarantees that Nescafe is the only coffee that would keep professionals fresh throughout the day, and who does not want to feel fresh?

Regarding kids, parents blindly trust the product “Caregrow” by Nestle. The product consists of cereals to keep young kids healthy.

However, nestle has several other products like KitKat, Milkmaid, and Maggi for the general audience.

It is how Nestle has designed something for everyone in India. In the coming section, we will dig into how Nestle has advertised itself and its products in the digital world.

Nestle’s Digital Marketing Strategies

By now, you must have understood that Nestle is the world’s largest food and beverage company in terms of revenue. So, it might be basic information for many of you.

But what if we say Nestle always tries to be one step ahead regarding marketing strategies and policies?

It has always focused on the most updated marketing ways no matter, whether it is digital marketing strategies or offline strategies.

Nestle’s marketing strategies will teach you to build marketing strategies that work and get a positive response from customers.

Let us start with Nestle’s Digital Marketing Strategies that must follow if they want to succeed as a brand.

Partner with influential celebrities

Nescafe, a product of Nestle, collaborates with celebrities to put forward their message and create more noise around their brand.

A few years ago, they announced Bollywood actress Disha Patani as their brand ambassador.

Recently, they launched a campaign with famous content creators called “Karne Se Hi Hona Hai,” which means “Only doing will make it happen.”

They created this campaign during the Covid Pandemic to inspire people and encourage them to keep working hard towards their dreams no matter their situation.

Through this campaign, they targeted the youth of India and asked them to dream, act, and achieve success.

  • Run campaigns that foster connections and bring customers together

An ordinary 37-year-old guy named Arnaud, with 1,2000 Facebook friends, was challenged by the company to catch up with his friends over a cup of coffee.

So, he filmed these meetings and turned them into a 42-minute online video documentary. During the sessions, Arnaud enjoyed a cup of Nescafe with his pals.

The documentary was a big hit on social media. It got almost 8 million views on Facebook, around 63,050 likes, 4,850 comments, and 5,550 shares. 

The Facebook Page of Nescafe saw an increase in the number of fans by 400%.

Fans were excited by the documentary and wanted to know how to turn their online friendships into real-life relationships.

As a reaction, it created the “le Defi Nescafe,” a Facebook campaign to allow winners to reinvent the same experience.

More than 26,000 people applied, around 19,000 liked it, and nearly 1,725 shared.

Instantly, Nescafe became an online sensation by marketing itself as an item that stimulates connections and friendships.

2. Localization of Products

Localization is adapting an organization’s products to the local market. Nestle has gone huge on localization in various markets where it now manages.

For example, consider Japan, where the organization’s primary foray was through coffee-flavored chocolates.

Japan is traditionally a tea-drinking country, and the company established these candies so that kids could also get to know the taste of coffee.

Later, it introduced Nescafe and KitKat, and what happened is history.

3. Content Marketing

Nestle has created many video content on every brand’s YouTube channels. The content ranges from informative “how-to” videos to cooking tips to better insights on using the right products.

For example, the “Meri Maggi” has more than 530 videos with more than 5,71,000 subscribers.

Though video content is an expanding channel in Nestle’s marketing strategy, it has recognized other avenues to share relevant information with its consumers.

4. Out-of-Home Advertising

Nestle’s brands, including Maggi, Milo, KitKat, and Nescafe, use different ways to grab customers’ attention.

Whether benches, hoardings, or banners, Nestle’s brands have made it to the limelight for their contextuality and creativity.

What are the advantages of using OOH ads? First, most people correctly receive these ads. They are worth sharing.

People can take photos online, send them to their friends or relatives, and even marketers discuss them.

In addition, with the help of OTT, they can reach many people at a low cost.

Also, Nestle’s marketing strategies are exceptional and generate some customers.

5. Co-branding

Have you ever heard about Android KitKat?

A few years back, Google and Nestle united and invented an Android KitKat operating system.

Nestle was facing a new scandal with their pet product and wanted to capitalize on the image of Google. This movie created a buzz and surpassed the crisis.

Lately, nestle signed another deal with Starbucks to kill two different birds at a time.

First, the brand entered the new product development stage-i.e., roasted beans- and improved its brand by discovering a wide range of Starbucks Nespresso Capsules.

Did you understand how co-branding helped Nestle?

Co-branding is great for stepping into a new market and widening your reach. This marketing benefits startup that wants to create brand awareness or launch a new item.

It would help if you found companies that complement your products and collaborated with them to run co-branding promotional ads.

Nestle – Challenges Faced

Undoubtedly, Maggi was the most popular instant noodles brand in India. The brand had established its presence in India’s food industry, but suddenly it became controversial.

State food regulators stated that Maggi contains Monosodium Glutamate and lead above the recommended limits, which were dangerous, especially for kids.  

When nestle encountered lab results, it said that they had a world-class quality control procedure and that their products were safe for consumption.

Ultimately, the National Food Regulator FSSAI ordered to ban on the selling of Maggi, including product recall.

Consequently, various state governments imposed a temporary ban on selling Maggi noodles in a few states. As a result, the future of the company suddenly started looking dark.

Another acquisition of Nestle by the critics was they accused that the brand discouraged mothers from breastfeeding.

They showed that their baby formula is much healthier than breastfeeding, although they didn’t have any proof to support this.

It resulted in a boycott of Maggi for the first time after its launch in 1977 in the United States and slowly spread to Europe.

Several reports have acknowledged the widespread use of child labor in Cocoa production, slavery, and child trafficking, throughout the Western African plantations on which Nestle and other important chocolate companies depend.

As per the 2010 documentary, The Dark Side of Chocolate, the kids working are usually 12 to 15 years old. Nestle faced criticism from The Fair Labour Association for not properly checking.

Different Campaigns by Nestle 

  • Ask Nestle Campaign

In this campaign, Nestle India launched a digital tool, NINA, which stands for Nestle India Nutrition Assistant on AskNestle, which used Artificial Intelligence to offer real-time nutritional information on the foods we consume.

In addition, it assisted Indian parents in designing a nutritious customized meal plan for their kids below 12.

This campaign by Nestle was India’s first artificially intelligent assistant that permits one to find nutritional information for kids.

So, this is how Nestle India set its foot on digital fronts and started driving organic traffic and improved overall engagement compared to competitors.

2. #WeMissYouToo Maggi Campaign

Maggi suffered a massive loss after it got banned as Maggi contained a high amount of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and lead content- more than what is allowed.

It was hard for them to hope for a comeback, but Maggi did their best and experienced huge sales. As a result, the price and volume of Maggi are now much more significant than before.

How did they do so?

They did so through their different marketing campaigns. One among them was the #WeMissYouToo campaign.

In addition, they published a few videos showing how people are kissing Maggi and how their life was better with Maggi.

Videos showed how Maggi has been a staple food for many and how its absence had affected their lives. 

In campaigns, characters addressed Maggi as “yaar” or a “close friend” who is always there for them when in need. 

Therefore, they considered Maggi’s return as a huge celebration that brought people’s life to normalcy.

3. A Campaign for kids: Poora Poshan Poori Tasalli

Nestle Caregrow started this campaign in 2019. The campaign targeted couples living in the cities who had kids between the age of 2 to 5 years.

India is where parents are very concerned about their child’s health and nutrition right from birth. Nestle kept this in mind and decided to portray this care through its campaign. 

The brand portrayed how Indian mothers worry about their kids’ proper nourishment.

The brand came up with a new product, Caregrow, which controls a child’s hunger and offers all the essential nutrients for enhancing the child’s immunity and overall development.

4. Celebrate the Breakers- KitKat campaign

Across the world, people consume around 12 billion KitKat chocolates every year.

It is one of Nestle’s most famous chocolate products available in India. The company also released “KitKat Senses, a premium “slow-whipped” chocolate.

Nestle sought to influence Instagram to support its “Celebrate the Breakers” campaign by raising awareness and message association among enthusiastic 15- to 34-year-old Instagram followers.

Nestle came up with a new worldwide advertising campaign that takes a different approach altogether with a famous slogan, “Enjoy a break, enjoy a KitKat.”

“Celebrate the Breakers” was a new idea that identified the different forms of breaks that generally “breakers” take.

The animated movies showed KitKat chocolates are the best for enjoying a break in life.

Instagram was the appropriate platform for Nestle to showcase this idea graphically.

The brand posted a series of pictures with the hashtag “# mybreak over seven weeks ,” showing how people enjoy different types of breaks, like sleeping at their workplace, enjoying a party, or listening to their favorite music.

The images of KitKat match efficiently with its customers, as Instagram is a place where people share their daily moments and experiences.

Future Plans of Nestle

Nestle planned to invest Rs. 5,000 crores in India in the coming 3 ½ years, as per Mark Schneider, the company’s CEO.

The FMCG company, which has nearly 2,000 brands across the globe, believes that this initiative will help Nestle to improve its core business in India and enjoy new growth opportunities.

It marks the brand’s most significant investment in India since the year it started manufacturing.

Nestle is renowned in food, nutrition, health, and wellness.

Its competitive strategies mainly focus on overseas direct investment in ready-to-eat, dairy, and other food businesses.

Though there is rising competition, Nestle has remained on top for a long.

It maintains its dominance by balancing sales between high-risk and low-risk nations.

Over the years, Nestle has proven itself as a leader in the food and beverage industry with product innovation and innovative marketing strategies.

It creates campaigns that are memorable, relatable, and share-worthy.

As it is moving toward developing a solid presence in the future, digital marketing will play an essential role in the future growth of Nestle.

As Nestle continues to follow its values, mission, vision, and purpose, it will continue to grow. 

nestle interview case study

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How Pearson Helped Nestlé Purina Steer Their Future of Work


Pearson data allowed Purina to better understand new and emerging technologies and their impact on the business.

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Nestlé Purina Petcare

Agility journey, pearson demystifies the future of work. it takes the intangible, this idea that things are going to change, and converts it into numbers that represent our organization.”, angela schneider, director of people analytics, nestlé purina.

Nestlé Purina Petcare is a company of pet lovers. For over 90 years, they’ve been committed to nourishing pets and enriching lives. The company is currently on an “Agility journey.” As part of that journey, employees were asked to remove, reduce, or simplify work. Many of the resulting successes were fueled by technology. Given the early wins on the use of technology in certain areas of the business, doing that at scale was an obvious next step.

Pearson came at the right time to augment the initiative and inform the next steps of the process. Specifically, to spur the exploration of new and emerging technologies to unlock capacity and zero-in on the most meaningful tasks at the individual, team, and enterprise level.

“We’re always trying to move at speed, smartly, and in the best way possible. Therefore it is important to figure out where we should focus—replacing repetitive tasks with meaningful work, for example. And part of it is figuring out where we can be better served by technology.” — Angela Schneider, Director of People Analytics

Multiple departments throughout Purina had already come up with ways for emerging technology to benefit the business. For example, the Digital Manufacturing team had identified technology to enhance human capacity in the warehouse.

“At Purina, we are constantly thinking about tweaking capabilities. We want to identify what’s coming next, what we are up against, and where gaps exist. Pearson accelerated our ability to play in that space,” said Angela Schneider, Director of People Analytics

Pearson was able to provide further clarity on how to best prepare the workforce for this shift by attaching numbers to current skills and capabilities and accurately identifying future requirements. 

These insights enable leaders throughout Purina to anticipate workforce supply and demand up to 15 years in the future.

“My goal is not just to throw data at our leaders and associates across the company, but to make sure we’re providing them with actionable insights that they can move forward with that day,” — Ellen Lynch, People Analytics Consultant

Veracity for Scheduled Digital Transformation

Leveraging Pearson data proved a natural extension of what Purina’s teams were already doing. By applying Pearson insights to new technology initiatives that were already scheduled, Purina was able to:

  • rationalize technology roadmaps
  • augment existing knowledge
  • identify gaps that emerging technology could fill
“Pearson helped us tell a story of where we’re at and what the future looks like. It shows us how we can act today to prepare for tomorrow.” — Angela Schneider, Director of People Analytics

Informing the Workforce Future Project

After Purina explored the existing technology projects in the works, the easy next step was to systematically review the rest of the workforce—a project called “Workforce Future.”

Pearson provided useful and thought-provoking data. The People Analytics team then created a Steering Committee to share that data with cross-organizational leaders, including the Heads of Human Resources, Sales, Digital Transformation, and more.

“We were already very committed to this goal, and we had taken some big first steps, especially in terms of automation. But Pearson showed us that we couldn’t stop there. It helped us think about where we were heading, where we need to deploy our resources, and where we need to focus to achieve long-term Digital Transformation,” — DeAnne Stepp, VP Managing Director, Purina Sales

Powering Ongoing Digital Transformation

Key contacts were identified from each function to use the Pearson insights to identify gaps, come up with informed plays for tomorrow’s workforce, and put forth next steps that departments can use to act on data. All of this was vetted with the Steering Committee.

Workforce Future efforts also expanded to include curating an education program for employees on explanations and potential uses of emerging technology. Beyond education, this course was designed to help create a shared language within the company and inspire leaders to continue thinking about how emerging tech can enhance work.

Pearson data, including predictive workforce analytics and job impact analytics, keep agility and work removal front-of-mind. It helps leaders verify their good instincts and adds clarity and precision to workforce and technology planning.

“Before Pearson, we didn’t know how big the opportunity was. Figuring out where to focus your effort in an organization of this size is quite difficult. Pearson’s data helped us size up the opportunity and prioritize our efforts,” said Thomas Douaihy, VP Digital Business Transformation. 

“We started by approaching specific leaders with insights that would solve immediate problems. Then we involved more leaders. We helped them understand what the future state looks like, especially from a people planning perspective.”

Company Culture That Embraces Transformation

Today, Pearson plays a key role in Purina’s Agility journey. Its insights have helped raise awareness on new and emerging technology, informed a shared language around technology, and added data and context as leaders plan for future work.

Pearson proved especially valuable in identifying areas where Purina needs to focus, including process automation, predictive analysis and decision generation, solution discovery, and collaborative robotics.

Treating Data as an Asset

The next goal is to keep the momentum going within each department. Pearson helps by empowering the organization to use the technology it already has and treating data as an asset that is organized, connected, and applied. Many of the technologies Pearson predicts use data to run.

“We’ve seen a change in culture across Purina since introducing Pearson insights. Associates across the organization are more willing to use technology in their daily jobs. We’ve also seen the ability to use this data to make or support decisions already in progress.” — Ellen Lynch, People Analytics Consultant

Proactive Strategies for the Future

In 2022, 83% of employees reported that they were able to better incorporate technology into their work. pearson is helping bring about that change—and it’s helping everyone think about the future of work more holistically., “the pearson insights that were identified for our sales group helped us make significant and quick progress in areas we were already exploring and introduced us to the possibilities collaborative robotics offered. that was an area we hadn’t really thought about before pearson,” said stepp..

“Pearson inspired us to go down this journey of educating our people, especially our leaders, on what emerging technology exists. We’ve seen a positive push to make everything more efficient.”

Discover Pearson’s AI-powered predictive analytics platform today.

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  • Case Study of Nestle

nestle interview case study

In this article you will learn about Nestle case study which includes different types of Pricing Strategies that Nestle has used.

In 2019, America accounted for 50% of Nestle’s global sales. In that year, it earned a total of around 92.6 billion Swiss francs.

→ How did Nestle manage to make that much money?

→ What was their price strategy?

Table of Contents

Nestle case study

Heinrich Nestle established Nestle in Switzerland in 1866. One of the first international corporations is Nestle. Nestle set out to seize development prospects in several nations right from the start. It joined with Anglo-Swiss condensed milk in 1905, expanding its product line to include condensed milk and infant formula. With operations in 189 nations, Nestle now has 447 plants.

Products offered by Nestle

Breakfast cereals, beverages, dairy, chocolates, nutritious foods and food services are all offered by Nestle.

Popular food items from Nestle that are available in India include Kit Kat, Maggi, Milkmaid, Polo, and Nescafe.

This renowned company has been using its knowledge of Health, Nutrition, and Wellness for more than 150 years to make its clients’ lives healthier and happier.

They do, however, believe that what works now might not tomorrow.

In order to uncover more ways to experiment with foods, nutrition, and beverages, they keep exploring and concentrating on pushing the boundaries.

Nestle unlocks the potential of food to raise everyone’s standard of living, not only now but for future generations.

The brand focuses on increasing consumer satisfaction and enjoyment, enabling better health, and making the greatest nutrition accessible to everyone.

In addition to this, the company explores novel approaches to safeguard and enhance natural resources.

Competitors of Nestle: A Case Study

Carnation, Kit Kat, Nestle-water, and Stouffers are just a few of the well-known consumer brands owned by Nestle.

The corporation is a major player in the global food and beverage market because thirty of its brands had earnings of more than $1 billion in 2010.

Nestle is one of the food and beverage industry’s most geographically diverse corporations, with about 42% of its sales occurring in North America. It puts it in a position that gives it an advantage over its competitors.

Leading economies including the United States and Europe have significant market shares where its brands are well-established.

Nestle faces significant competition from Danone and Unilever. Like Nestle, these two are industry titans in the food and beverage sector.

Due to its rapid sales in the food and beverage sector, particularly ice cream, frozen food, tea-based beverages, and cookery items, Unilever reported an increase in annual profits of almost 26% in 2010.

Danone, on the other hand, reported a 38 percent increase as a result of rising stock prices. Additionally, the surge in earnings was boosted by an increase in its yoghurt sales.

Nestle Handles, on the other hand, positioned itself in the market by implementing a new accounting technique that helped to drive down its cost of sales.

Discounts, allowances, and promotions for the company’s merchants could potentially be included in sales profits rather than the marketing line.

Even though Nestle’s sales were down for a year, their pricing strategy enabled them to compete with their counterparts, which helped them become a well-known manufacturer despite the intense competition.

Nestle, the most well-known food maker in the world, competes fiercely with Unilever.

With offices in 160 nations and about 1,49,000 employees, Unilever houses its food, home, and personal care divisions in London.

Unilever has a market share of about 8.6% in the Western European ready meals industry, which places it second, 0.3 points behind the renowned Nestle, as the corporation works hard to outperform Nestle in terms of the quality of their product.

Target Market of Nestle

The distinctive feature of Nestle is that it provides a broad selection of products that cater to audiences of all ages, from 2-year-olds to working adults.

Here is a list of Nestle’s target market and the products that are offered in each segment.

→Working Professionals

Everyone will be aware of how popular Nescafe is among working professionals, especially coffee enthusiasts.

Who doesn’t want to feel fresh?

According to Nestle, Nescafe is the only coffee that will keep professionals alert throughout the day.

Parents totally trust Nestle’s “Caregrow” product when it comes to children. Cereals are included in the product to keep young children healthy.

→General Audiences

For the broader public, Nestle offers a number of additional items like KitKat, Milkmaid, and Maggi.

Nestle has created products with something for everyone in mind. We’ll go into how Nestle has marketed itself and its goods online in the next section.

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Nestle’s strategies for Digital Marketing

You must be aware at this point that Nestle has the largest revenue of any food and beverage company in the world. 

What if, however, we said that Nestle consistently tries to be one step ahead in terms of marketing techniques and guidelines?

Regardless of whether they are offline or online, it has always concentrated on the most modern marketing techniques strategies.

You can learn how to create marketing strategies that generate a favourable response from customers by studying Nestle’s marketing strategies.

Let’s begin with the digital marketing strategies that Nestle must implement if they are to prosper as a brand.

Nestle: Partner with influential celebrities

Nescafe, a Nestle product, works with celebrities to promote their message and raise awareness of their brand.

They named Bollywood actress Disha Patani as their brand ambassador a few years ago.

Nescafe recently began a campaign called “Karne Se Hi Hona Hai,” which translates to “Only doing will make it happen,” and featured well-known content producers.

Also, they developed this campaign during the Covid Pandemic to motivate individuals and inspire them to keep striving for their goals regardless of their circumstances.

They appealed to India’s young with this campaign, encouraging them to dream, act, and succeed.

Nestle: Product localization

The process of localizing involves adjusting a company’s products for a certain market. On the numerous markets it presently manages, Nestle has invested much in localization.

Take Japan as an example, where the company’s main entry point was through chocolates infused with coffee.

Since Japan is typically a tea-drinking nation, the business created these candies to introduce children to the flavour of coffee.

When Nescafe and KitKat were added later, the rest is history.

Nestle: Co-branding

Do you know anything about Android KitKat?

Google and Nestle collaborated to create the Android KitKat operating system a few years ago.

Nestle sought to benefit from Google’s goodwill in light of a recent issue involving one of their pet products. This movie overcame the crisis and generated discussion.

Nestle has signed another agreement with Starbucks to accomplish two goals simultaneously.

First, the company started developing new products, like as roasted beans, and enhanced its reputation by learning about a variety of Starbucks Nespresso Capsules.

Did you understand how co-branding helped Nestle?

Co-branding is a fantastic way to expand your reach and enter a new market. Startups looking to build their brand or introduce a new product can profit from this marketing.

Finding businesses that complement your items and working with them to create co-branding promotional commercials might be beneficial.

Nestle: Content Marketing 

On the YouTube channels for each of its brands, Nestle has posted a lot of video content. The information includes cooking advice, educational “how-to” films, and greater insights on using the proper products.

As an illustration, the “Meri Maggi” channel has more than 530 videos and 5,71,000 subscribers.

Nestle has recognised various ways to provide essential information to its customers, despite the fact that video content is an emerging channel in its marketing strategy.

Nestle: Out-of-Home Advertising

Maggi, Milo, KitKat, and Nescafe are just a few of the Nestle brands that employ various techniques to get consumers’ attention.

Whether on benches, hoardings, or banners, Nestle’s brands have gained attention for their originality and contextual relevance.

What are the benefits of adopting OOH advertisements? First of all, most individuals understand these advertisements. They merit spreading.

Photographs can be taken online, sent to friends or family, and even discussed by marketers.

Additionally, they can inexpensively reach a large number of individuals with the aid of OTT.

Additionally, Nestle’s marketing tactics are excellent and bring in certain clients.

Nestle: Run marketing strategies that encourage connections and unite customers

The business issued a challenge to Arnaud, a regular 37-year-old man with 1,2000 Facebook connections, to catch up with them over a cup of coffee.

He therefore recorded these meetings and produced a 42-minute web video documentary from them. Arnaud and his friends had a cup of Nescafe throughout the sessions.

Social media users loved the documentary. On Facebook, it had nearly 8 million views, 63,050 likes, 4,850 comments, and 5,550 shares.

The number of admirers on Nescafe’s Facebook page increased by 400%.

The video generated excitement among viewers, who were eager to learn how to develop genuine relationships from their online friendships.

In response, it developed the “le Defi Nescafe,” a Facebook contest that gave victors the opportunity to reinvent the same experience.

More than 26,000 people submitted applications, almost 1,725 shared, and about 19,000 loved it.

Nescafe quickly rose to fame online by positioning itself as a product that fosters relationships and friendships.

Nestle’s Social Media Marketing Strategy

Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are just a few of the three major social media networks where Nestle is present.

Nestle’s Social Media Presence

Let’s examine how it operates and what Nestle does on each social media site.

Nestle’s Facebook

Nestle India has designed its Facebook. It shares posts related to what Nestle India is currently up to. It also announces its new launches, talks about its corporate social responsibility (CSR) measures, etc.

It maintains separate pages for its brands such as Maggi, Kit Kat, Nescafe, Koko Krunch, etc. which also have an huge amount of followers.

  • Maggi has around 16 million followers
  • Nescafe has 36 million followers
  • Kit Kat has about 11 million followers

Nestle’s Instagram

  • Maggi has around 53K followers
  • Nescafe has 30K followers
  • KitKat has about 1 million followers

Having separate social media profiles for its various brands, helps them organize marketing campaigns effectively and thus resulting in a strong brand connection with its customers.

Nestle’s Twitter

Nestle India has been maintaining its Twitter profile as a medium of communication between the company and its audience. It also solves queries related to its products by replying to every comment and mentions done by the general public on the platform.

Nestle on Twitter has maintained separate profiles for its various brands. This helps them promote their products effectively.

Nestle’s YouTube

Nestle India’s YouTube channel has about 95K subscribers. On this platform, they post all the advertisements of their brands. However, Nestle maintains the same strategy of maintaining a separate profile for its various brands.

Nestle’s Pricing Strategy

The moment you make a mistake in pricing, you’re eating into your reputation or your profits.” Katharine Paine.

The most crucial factor for increasing sales is pricing. Harvard research show that a 1% rise in pricing results in an 11% increase in profits (approx.). Every time a transaction is made and the price structure is off, the company loses money. Consequently, accurate pricing is essential.

A multinational company called Nestle currently has a net worth of around $270 billion. The brand’s price strategy is what has contributed to its success.

Nestle’s revenue is steadily increasing, which shows that its products were successfully identified and positioned in the market. In general, Nestle’s products are more expensive than those of the retailing brand.

In comparison to other brands, Nestle’s pricing strategy is very unique. It simply depends on recognition, which is linked to the product’s apparent excellence. Nestle evaluates the price plan it wishes to use based on this quality and the attitude of the customers.

Here are some of the strategies that Nestle has used to accomplish its objectives.

1- Price Skimming: Nestle

When using price skimming as a pricing strategy, a business sets its price high at first then gradually reduces it.

When Nestle enters a new market, it practices price skimming for some of its products. Upper-middle-class consumers were regarded by Nestle as the product’s target market.

Later, as a result of the effectiveness of this strategy and approach, they cut the prices and focused on the middle class.

2-Inexpensive Pricing Strategy: Nestle

Nestle has a large number of brands and a variety of products, many of which are priced fairly. Market segmentation is used to determine pricing. Target audiences are typically included in market segmentation.

The method of segmenting a market involves breaking it up into smaller sections. Depending on needs, psychographic, behavioral, and demographic factors, it divides into subcategories.

Nestle uses a cheap price strategy rather than an expensive one if it wants to appeal to the mass market.

In the instance of Nestle’s Maggi noodles, this took place. Compared to other Nestle products, it is regarded as being reasonably priced. However, Maggi may appear to be a little expensive when compared to other noodle brands on a global scale. Bundle price strategy.

Nestle has gradually come to understand that people prefer to buy their groceries in bundles rather than doing their shopping every day. Nestle therefore adopted the bundle packs strategy.

Maggi was initially available in a single pack, but Nestle later provided a 16 pack, which ultimately enhanced sales.

3- Penetration Pricing Strategy: Nestle

Offering new items at lower prices than competitors in an effort to attract more customers away from them is known as penetration pricing.

To draw in new customers, Nestle offered a new flavor of Maggi instant noodles at a discounted price of £2.25. The goal of Nestle’s plan was to steal more customers away from its competitors who were charging £3.25 for similar flavors. Nevertheless, Nestle raised the price to £3 as their client base grew.

4- Psychological pricing strategy: Nestle

Pricing that appeals to the consumer’s psychology makes it easier for them to develop a favorable psychological impact over them and make a purchase.

Instead of costing £9, Nestle Aero bliss was marketed for £8.99. This pricing strategy will influence the consumer’s psychology favorably and encourage them to purchase the product.

5- Stock Keeping Units: Nestle

Because Nestle does not want any customers to leave, it offers a range of prices for each stock-keeping unit, enabling it to appeal to a wider audience. Nestle has everything covered, offering several pack sizes for products like Maggi noodles and cereals.

Cereal from Nestle is a little more expensive than other brands.

As a result, it began providing tiny pouches for everyday use. This has made the pouches far less expensive than larger packs, enabling various customer segments to purchase Nestle’s products.

6- Discounts offered: Nestle

Nestle provides discounts at a variety of retail stores. Nestle items frequently come in bundles and are discounted by 5% or 10%.

It is less expensive to purchase coffee and creamer together than to do it individually.

7- Competitive pricing strategy: Nestle

Analyzing the pricing policies strategies of its competitors is another broad strategy that Nestle employs. Nestle has a number of brands, and each brand has a distinct department that analyses the pricing tactics of its competitors.

Additionally, it looks at the sales, innovation, and marketing strategies of competitors. As they take into account consumer preferences, Nestle’s competitive pricing strategy helps them to achieve their desired position.

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Global pricing strategies of Nestle

Nestle makes an effort to implement pricing strategies that would help it achieve its financial goals globally. These strategies frequently use the penetration and skimming strategies.

When Nestle products are exported to foreign countries, their prices inevitably increase. As an alternative, it also employs price skimming, which involves setting a higher price initially and then lowering it in response to customer demand.

Nestle has developed into one of the top parent companies with prosperous branches operating under its umbrella. Nestle has been successful with consumers because it adapts to various price tactics based on the places it sells in and the products it offers.

It prioritizes the needs of its clients and works to offer the highest-quality goods in a variety of price ranges so that all consumer groups can afford its goods, hence boosting sales and profitability for the business.

Nestle Company’s pricing strategy- Key Insights

✔Heinrich Nestle established Nestle in Switzerland in 1866.

✔Nestle was initially developed by Heinrich for the purpose of supplying milk formula for infants. He discovered that it could be made from powdered milk, sugar, and other natural foods.

✔A multinational company called Nestle has a current net worth of roughly $270 billion. The brand’s price strategy is what has contributed to its success.

✔Compared to other brands, Nestle’s pricing strategy is very unique.

✔Price skimming, inexpensive and bundle pricing, penetration pricing, stock keeping units, psychological pricing, discounts, and competitive pricing are some of the pricing strategies that Nestle employs.

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Upcoming plans of Nestle

According to Nestle’s CEO Mark Schneider, the business intended to invest Rs. 5,000 crores in India over the next three and a half years.

The FMCG company, which owns nearly 2,000 brands worldwide, is certain that this move will enable Nestle to strengthen its core operations in India and take advantage of fresh development prospects.

It is the company’s largest investment in India since it began producing goods there.

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nestle interview case study

Misbah Rashid, an expert in Technology Management, holds an MBA and an MS in Information Systems and Technology Management. She has experience teaching marketing and technology in business at the university level.

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nestle interview case study

I love how you break down the different target markets for Nestle. This is so helpful for businesses trying to figure out where to focus their marketing efforts.

GetWhy, a market research AI platform that extracts insights from video interviews, raises $34.5M

GetWhy team

GetWhy , a consumer research tech company that helps businesses carry out market studies and extract insights from video-based interviews using AI, has raised $34.5 million in a Series A round of funding from California-based VC firm, PeakSpan Capital .

The substantial Series A highlights investors’ fervor to back the next big thing in AI, particularly companies that already have traction with big-name customers. In the case of GetWhy, the Danish company lays claim to a host of notable clients including Nestlé, McDonald’s, Nike and L’Oréal.

GetWhy’s platform lets customers explain what they want to do — for instance, get an initial reaction to a new campaign concept — and the startup’s AI agent will compile a market study template based on the query.

GetWhy platform

The customer can then upload the materials they want tested, such as visuals or slogans, and then they can set about recruiting respondents from their target market. GetWhy provides a link the customer can share with their own customers or target audience, or it can do this on a managed basis. The startup says it can complete this work within 24 hours.

“Our platform is integrated into global panels with consumers, and we have a specialist recruitment team to ensure fast recruitment,” GetWhy’s chief marketing officer, Jonas Nielsen, told TechCrunch over email. “We conduct the unmoderated interviews online via video, capturing consumer interviews from their desktop or mobile.”

GetWhy’s big selling point is Bloom, an AI platform that analyzes video responses to questions and presents these as qualitative insights. The company says Bloom’s generative AI model is trained on hundreds of thousands of interview sessions.

“The AI technology kicks in when, for example, 10 consumers have been interviewed,” Nielsen continued. “It is trained to do what a human researcher normally would do: Go through all the videos and find relevant quotes to the business questions in the qualitative study.”

In a nutshell: The AI goes through the videos, extracts quotes, and then tries to aggregate insights by spotting patterns.

“This process would normally take a researcher days and weeks. The AI is trained to do the analysis in less than 25 minutes,” Nielsen added.


The story so far

AI is intersecting with just about every facet of society, so it’s little surprise that an industry renowned for slow, painstaking processes is starting to embrace tools that expedite matters. Just a few weeks back, TechCrunch reported on a fledgling startup called Fairgen that has developed a platform to boost survey results using synthetic data and AI-generated responses.

GetWhy was initially founded in Denmark in 2011 as UserTribe, and operated as a consultancy under a “time and material” business model — consumer companies would pay the company to carry out user research and testing.

In 2017, the company’s founder and CEO, Jonas Alexandersson , brought in Casper Henningsen as chief commercial officer, who stepped into the CEO role the following year. Interestingly, Henningsen was formerly a football (soccer) player who plied his trade at various clubs across the Danish professional football space before moving into the commercial world via a couple of marketing and branding agency roles, which ultimately led him to UserTribe in 2017.

Although Henningsen joined the company six years after it was founded, he is officially classed as a co-founder given that he changed UserTribe from a consultancy to a technology company, with AI taking center stage. After spending a spell as Sonar, the company changed its name to GetWhy in January due to a brand clash with another company.

PeakSpan is the sole investor in GetWhy’s Series A, which is its first major round of institutional funding, but the company has previously raised around $30 million across various rounds, constituting a mix of equity (roughly 75%) and debt. Henningsen said the company’s previous funding came from “leading business angels” from across Scandinavia, alongside bodies including Denmark’s AL Bank and the Danish Growth Fund.

“This brings the company’s total funding to $64.5 million — last Thursday evening [May 30], this Series A round was finalized,” Henningsen confirmed to TechCrunch over email.

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