My Dream Robot Essay in English

My Dream Robot Essay in English, Till now I have seen many robotic movies, and all of them are thrilling. Every time I learn about robotics or see a related movie I wish to have a robot of my own. Robots don’t have life, but their capabilities can go beyond imagination. They are similar to the devices we use at our home. Even a mixed grinder in our kitchen can be regarded as a robot that runs on electricity and eases our work.

Robotics is the future of this planet and one day we will be living with robots. The world and technology is advancing and countries are doing competition with each other. Everyone wishes to make a better robot than others and we have seen many till now.

my dream robot essay in english

My Robot Essay in English

Robot is a creation of man and it has both their merits and demerits. I wish to pursue my carrier in AI so that one day I can have my own robot. A robot that will save humanity and will work on my command.  Just imagine how helpful a robot can be when we need the help most for instance in the case of accidents.

Robots are definitely going to make the life of humans easy. Today we have technology everywhere and countries like Japan and North Korea have robots working in a variety of sectors nowadays. They have robots in restaurants where social contact is prohibited. 

Robots can be of great help at times when the entire world is fighting with the enemies like Coronavirus. If I had a robot I would have helped society with its assistance.  When the entire countries were in lockdown drones and robots were helping people reach their daily needs.

Drones were used in many countries to maintain lockdown. No matter what critiques say about robots that they can be a threat to humanity, the fact is if things are done mindfully robots can save the lives of many humans.

I wish to have a robot because it can be used in many sectors. They can fulfill tasks that are dangerous for humans. There is going to be a revolution in robotics soon and we will start seeing robots more often. 

If I have dream of having a robot, I can say it is not an impossible dream. One day I might be sitting with my dream robot that is going to be friendly, huge assistance, and fun to be with. Robots are certainly fun as there are many people who are living lonely lives.

Having a friendly robot y our side can remove all the stress of being alone. A robot can help me find solutions to my problems; can help me with my homework and even duties from the adults.

Robots can work in any kind of environment. They can jump in the fire and save people, they can dive in the oceans, they can complete tasks of many machines in just seconds, they can do cleaning, can perform surgeries and anything you can imagine can be done with a help of robot.

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I have seen many people working in hazardous conditions. They work in such conditions their whole life and when it is their time to rest they get affected by disease and lose their rest of life. We can implement robotics in such sectors and save humans. 

Robots can handle any type of temperature, weight and can never get bored of doing repetitive tasks. Robots are going to save a lot of time, effort, and money. No matter I wish to have a robot one day humanity will be running smoothly with AI one day.

I wish to have dream robot just because many lives will be saved. There are many tasks that are impossible for humans, but robots can also travel in space. My dream robot will surely travel to other planets and will send pictures of the magical universe.

I will send my dream robot beneath to oceans, close to volcanoes and every place where I can never be. My dream robot will not only serve humanity but will also fulfill my impossible dreams.

My Dream Robot Essay in English Std 10

My dream robot is going to have human face and voice. Being able to talk to your robot is the coolest thing I can imagine. My robot will be able to lift up heavy materials, will be able to run faster than a bullet train, and will also assist people in help.

My robot is going to be fun-loving, he will be able to dance, sing and eliminate all the errors from my life. I am going to be proud of my robot because one thing that I wish to do with my robot is to prevent accidents.

Robots are the hope of future and future generations are going to be totally dependent on robotics. In 2022 we have started noticing the advancements and there are people who are living with robots today. 

For every work, we can depend upon a robot, but I also fret there should be limits. If all humans will have robots, then there will be fewer job opportunities. Humans will become lazy day by day and this can affect their life. My dream robot will help me stay healthy and active. I wish to play games with my robot, get out in the public and gain attention. 

My dream robot will teach me and expose me to new things with technology. My dream robot will turn into a car and take me to school, can turn into a pet, and can do things that will aww everyone.

There are plenty of meticulous things which I will do along with the companionship of my robot. My dream robot is going to be a hero of humanity. He will save people, will provide medical assistance, and make friends.

I have similar imagination as any young boy in the movie with a robot by his side. He will be able to save me from any type of danger and will also be by my side as my friend.

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Essay on My Dream Robot

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Dream Robot in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Dream Robot


My dream robot is a unique machine. It’s not just a tool, but a friend and helper.

Design and Features

The robot is sleek, with a friendly face. It can walk, talk, and even express emotions.

It helps with homework, cleans my room, and plays games. It’s programmed to understand and respect my feelings.

This dream robot is more than a machine, it’s a companion. It makes life easier and more enjoyable.

250 Words Essay on My Dream Robot


The first attribute of my dream robot is intelligence. It would possess a deep learning system, enabling it to learn and adapt to new tasks independently. Its intelligence would not be limited to performing tasks but extend to understanding complex human emotions, thereby facilitating effective communication.

The second attribute is empathy. My dream robot would have the ability to comprehend human emotions and respond accordingly. By incorporating advanced emotional AI, it could understand nuanced human feelings, providing comfort and companionship to those in need.


The third attribute is adaptability. This robot would have a flexible learning model, allowing it to adapt to the ever-evolving human needs and technological environments. It would be capable of self-improvement, constantly updating its knowledge and skills to remain relevant.

In conclusion, my dream robot would be a beacon of technological advancement, embodying intelligence, empathy, and adaptability. It would not only perform tasks but also understand and respond to human emotions, providing a unique blend of companionship and assistance. This dream might seem far-fetched today, but with the pace of technological innovation, it might soon become a reality.

500 Words Essay on My Dream Robot

The realm of robotics has always been a fascinating one, with the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. As a college student deeply engrossed in the world of technology, I have often found myself imagining the possibilities of my dream robot. This essay explores the concept of my dream robot and its potential implications on society.

The Concept

My dream robot would be an advanced AI entity, capable of cognitive learning and emotional understanding. Unlike conventional robots, it would not merely follow a set of pre-programmed instructions but would learn and adapt to changing environments and situations. This robot would be equipped with a highly sophisticated AI system that would allow it to comprehend human emotions and respond accordingly, making human-robot interactions more natural and intuitive.

Physical and Cognitive Aspects

Physically, my dream robot would be humanoid, with a design focused on mobility and adaptability. It would have the ability to navigate different terrains, manipulate objects of various sizes, and perform tasks requiring fine motor skills. The robot’s cognitive abilities would be its defining feature. Its advanced AI would enable it to learn from experiences, make decisions based on complex algorithms, and even develop its own unique personality over time.

Potential Applications

The potential applications of such a robot are vast. In healthcare, it could serve as a companion for the elderly or those with mental health issues, providing emotional support and companionship. In education, it could offer personalized tutoring, adapting teaching methods to suit individual learning styles. In the realm of disaster management, it could navigate dangerous terrains, rescuing victims and providing immediate medical aid.

Implications for Society

In conclusion, my dream robot represents a blend of technological advancement and human-like emotional understanding. It holds the potential to revolutionize numerous sectors while posing unique ethical challenges. As we move towards an increasingly digital future, it is crucial to consider such possibilities and prepare for their implications. This dream robot, therefore, serves as a symbol of both the promise and the challenges that lie ahead in the realm of robotics.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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my dream robot essay in english std 10

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Short And Long Essay on My Dream Robot in English & Hindi

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Short Essay on My Dream Robot In English


A robot is a machine that performs actions automatically instead of humans but doesn’t resemble them in appearance or function in the same way.

My dream robot:

The robot I dream of will be the one that can take care of all the kitchen chores. I will first wake up when it goes off in the morning. In addition to making tea, it will give me a cup as well. My breakfast will be made by the machine in the morning after it washes the vegetables. The robot will be the only one who plans breakfast. When it starts cooking, it will begin to cook. Cutting vegetables and storing them will be done automatically. Once it has made a vegetable, it will turn into a fruit. Once the dal is made, it will cook it. As we make Rotis, it will make them the same way.

There will be a lunch served in the morning. In the next step, dinner plans will be made. We will serve vegetables, dal, and rotis for dinner. In addition to breakfast, it will serve dinner as well. In this way, the bed can be made neatly for sleeping. As soon as the sun rises, the rooms will be cleaned. In addition to washing the vessels, it will also clean them. Therefore, my dream robot will also clean my rooms and do all my kitchen tasks.

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Paragraph On My Dream Robot in English

In my spare time, I like to play with robots. Every time I think about having a robot, I always wish I had one. As a result, I am able to accomplish my daily tasks more efficiently. I drew a clear picture of my dream robot after studying the lesson in my textbook about the human robot.

Robots that look like humans would be perfect for me. All the characteristics of a man must be present in it, such as hands, eyes, legs, etc. The robot must have some built-in principles, such as obeying my orders and not injuring himself or others. In other words, it should follow my instructions and behave the way I instruct it to.

In addition to cleaning, organizing, cooking, shopping, and gardening, it should be able to do all the housekeeping tasks. My studies can be improved by using it. Stories can be read out to me by it. Protecting me from danger is one of its functions. Having a robot that can be my best friend and partner would be a dream come true for me.

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my robot essay in english for class 10

my robot essay in english for class 10

my dream robot essay in english std 10

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Được quan tâm.

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Quy định cán bộ cơ quan, tổ chức (theo khoản 4 Điều 59 luật khám bệnh, chữa bệnh năm 2009*) có yêu cầu trích sao phải kèm theo giấy giới thiệu ghi rõ mục đích sử dụng, các nội dung cần trích sao và cung cấp đầy đủ những thông tin sau: họ tên bệnh nhân, ngày tháng năm sinh Địa chỉ khoa nằm điều trị trước đó ngày vào viện, ngày ra viện mã bệnh nhân (không bắt buộc) nb hoặc nnnb phải điền đơn đề nghị trích sao theo mẫu, trường hợp nb không tự đến được thì người nhà phải có giấy ủy quyền của nb có

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Viêm khớp là thuật ngữ chung của tất cả các rối loạn có ảnh hưởng đến cấu trúc và hoạt động của khớp, Đây là một bệnh lý thường gặp, gây nhiều khó khăn trong sinh hoạt và lao động do đau đớn

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Khi gan bị hư hoại nặng, các chất xơ được tạo ra ngày càng nhiều sẽ làm thay đổi hoàn toàn cấu trúc bình thường của gan và người ta gọi đó là xơ gan, xơ gan là kết cục cuối cùng của các bệnh lý gan mãn tính

Vì sao bệnh zona thần kinh tái phát nhiều lần, nguyên nhân và triệu chứng

Vì sao bệnh zona thần kinh tái phát nhiều lần, nguyên nhân và triệu chứng

Tư vấn chuyên môn bài viếtbs, cki tống thị ngọc cầmphó giám đốc y khoa miền bắchệ thống tiêm chủng vnvczona thần kinh là bệnh lý biểu hiện ngoài da nhưng có gốc rễ thần kinh gây ra bởi virus thần kinh varicella-zoster

Tại sao bệnh viện bình chánh bỏ hoang, nhiều người tới bệnh viện huyện bình chánh, tp

Tại sao bệnh viện bình chánh bỏ hoang, nhiều người tới bệnh viện huyện bình chánh, tp

Vào giữa năm 2021, khi tình hình dịch bệnh diễn ra phức tạp, ubnd tphcm ra quyết định trưng dụng khu nhà tái định cư bình khánh (khu đô thị mới thủ thiêm, tp thủ Đức) và khu tái định cư vĩnh lộc b (huyện bình chánh, tphcm) làm bệnh viện dã chiến điều trị cho bệnh nhân covid-19, hiện, hàng chục nghìn căn hộ tại 2 khu này tiếp tục bị rơi vào trạng thái hoang vắng, thưa thớt người

Tại sao bệnh viện chợ rẫy Đóng cửa, Ớn lạnh tòa nhà thuận kiều

Tại sao bệnh viện chợ rẫy Đóng cửa, Ớn lạnh tòa nhà thuận kiều

Giám đốc bệnh viện chợ rẫy khẳng định giá gói thầu đang là vấn đề khó khăn nhất của bệnh viện, nếu tiếp tục chờ đợi 3 báo giá, chắc chắn bệnh viện sẽ tạm ngưng hoạt động vì không đủ hóa chất

Tại sao bệnh viện thiếu thuốc, vật tư, trang thiết bị y tế?

Tại sao bệnh viện thiếu thuốc, vật tư, trang thiết bị y tế?

Tại sao bệnh viện lại cần quản trị bệnh viện, quản trị bệnh viện, tại sao lại có bệnh ung thư lại gọi là k ung thư là gì, uống thuốc không đúng bệnh có sao không, bạn có mắc những lỗi này khi uống thuốc không, vì sao bệnh ung thư tử cung, nguyên nhân gây ra bệnh ung thư cổ tử cung là gì.

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