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Hi there how can i help you, mba marketing project topics ( latest updated), speak to our expert.

marketing assignment mba

  • Nov 2, 2023

The landscape of business and commerce is changing rapidly. And that is probably one of the very reasons why students nowadays are opting for higher education. People looking for jobs in desired companies and industries are continually trying to enrich their knowledge to get a competitive edge amongst others. In such a search for the best avenue for excellence Master of Business Administration (MBA) is emerging as a ray of hope since an MBA degree is believed to offer a plethora of job options to choose from.  

Though there are many subjects to pursue an MBA with, marketing stands out as a rewarding and dynamic choice as it promises a prosperous future in any industry and company. Marketing teaches students a versatile skill set that is in high demand across the globe and industries making them valuable resources for any organization.  

However, the journey of a successful completion of that MBA degree is not as easy a task as it sounds. One has to go through many ups and downs and challenges to complete the MBA degree. One of the most prominent hurdles one might encounter during the MBA journey is numerous assignments given to complete and choosing the project topics for the assignments.

  If you are an MBA student and right now feeling perplexed about topic selection to complete your assignment, worry not. We are writing this blog for a reason. From selecting your topic to completing your assignment without you being investing your time we are your ally at every stage.

  Let's Explore The Latest MBA Marketing Project Topics In 2023

  As mentioned earlier, choosing the right topic for your MBA project is a crucial decision. It can significantly impact your learning as well as your professional journey. However, since the field of marketing is dynamic and evolving, you get to choose from a myriad of topics that come with in-depth learning opportunities.

Marketing right now is not limited to traditional forms like offline marketing and traditional advertising or sales strategies. Since we are in the digital age, you get to explore a wide range of topics that involve digital marketing, brand management, social media marketing, sustainable marketing practices, and more. Now we are going to talk about some of the most trending MBA marketing project topics and what kind of learnings those topics offer.  

Digital Marketing Strategies In The Post-Pandemic Era

What is covered: We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic has created a great impact on people's minds and behaviors. And since marketing is all about people and consumer behavior, the topic delves into the transformative impact of the pandemic on consumer behavior. It also includes the rise of e-commerce and the effective use of digital marketing channels and strategies to thrive for businesses from all industries.

  Who should choose : Anyone who is trying to specialize in digital marketing and wants to pursue a career as a marketing professional navigating the digital landscape or someone who wants to become an entrepreneur and looking to establish a strong online presence can opt for this topic.

  What you learn : This topic will help you learn how the world is changing rapidly and why digital marketing is I sustainable solution for the ever-changing global market. It will also teach you how to build your strategies for unforeseen situations and make data-driven decisions.  

Sustainability In Marketing: Ethical Branding And Green Marketing

What is covered : This topic helps you explore the intersection of marketing and sustainability. It takes you deeper into ethical branding and the development of eco-friendly products that can impact your corporate social responsibility on consumer choices.  

Who should choose : People who want to become marketing leaders by incorporating sustainability into their marketing strategies and businesses to enhance their ethical reputation. Also, students who are passionate about social causes and the environment can choose that topic.  

What you learn : This topic gives you a broad insight into responsible marketing practices and also helps you understand the eco-consciousness of consumer mindsets to foster brand loyalty through ethical initiatives.

Watch All ABout MBA Projects: How Projects.MBA Help You 

  AI And Marketing Automation: Optimizing Strategies

What is covered : Artificial Intelligence or AI is now everywhere. Though it sounds like a replacement for the human mind, in reality, it is a great tool that can revolutionize any industry when used as a marketing tool. This topic covers the application of artificial intelligence as a marketing tool and how you can include AI to personalize your marketing campaigns. It also covers the right use of chatbots and predictive analytics in your marketing strategies.

  Who should choose : MBA students who are aiming to leverage artificial intelligence to bring better ROI can opt for this topic. This topic helps you understand the intersection of technology and marketing and can help you learn to enhance the efficiency of your marketing strategies using artificial intelligence.

  What you learn : Using the power of artificial intelligence to make data-driven decisions, automate your marketing processes, and stay ahead of the competitive era using machine learning and artificial intelligence.

  Cross-Border Marketing: Navigating Global Markets

What is covered : The world is globalizing rapidly and this topic helps you learn the marketing challenges and opportunities companies might face on a global scale. It helps you understand the cultural considerations of each market that you want to enter, the strategies you must follow for market entry, and international consumer behavior.

  Who should choose : MBA students who aspire to become market leaders in the international market and businesses who are planning to expand in foreign markets can opt for this topic for a great learning experience.  

What you learn : This topic helps understand the complexities of the global markets, helps you adapt new strategies for different cultures, and identifies lucrative international markets.  

Social Media Marketing Trends: Beyond Facebook And Twitter

What is covered : This topic helps you understand the latest trends in social media marketing while focusing on emerging platforms like Instagram, and LinkedIn and their features. It also takes you deeper into influencer marketing and user-generated content to develop your social media strategies more effectively.  

Who should choose : MBA students who are passionate about social media marketing, marketing professionals who want to stay ahead of the trends, and businesses who want to engage with younger audiences can opt for this topic.  

What you learn : Since social media is here to stay, mastering the ever-changing world of social media can be helpful. This topic helps you learn to craft engaging content and build brand loyalty through effective strategies.  

E-Commerce And Online Retail

What is covered : This topic explores the exponential growth of e-commerce, strategies used by successful online retailers, and consumer preferences. It also helps you understand the challenges faced in the highly competitive digital environment.

  Who should choose : MBA students who are interested in consumer psychology, businesses who want to adapt to changing consumer demands, and marketing professionals who want data-driven insights can choose this topic.  

What you learn : This topic helps you develop different consumer-centric strategies and teaches you how to use market research effectively to align your marketing efforts with the changing consumer needs.  

Sustainable Marketing Practices

What is covered : Sustainability is always a concern in the marketing field. This topic helps you focus on green marketing, ethical branding, and corporate social responsibility as important parts of marketing. It helps you explore how you can use sustainable marketing practices to influence your consumer choices.  

Who should choose : If you are an MBA student passionate about sustainable marketing practices, a marketing professional who wants to work in socially responsible industries or an entrepreneur who wants to align your business with sustainability goals, you can opt for this topic.  

What you learn : You can learn to integrate sustainability into your marketing strategies, you can build eco-conscious brands and also can understand the ethical dimensions of marketing while researching this topic.  

Want To Get Help In The Completion Of Your MBA Marketing Projects? We Are Here To Help  

For many years we have been supporting many MBA students to complete their marketing projects across different MBA colleges and universities in India. With a team of trained and knowledgeable people, we have worked with students from some of the top MBA colleges in India including:

·        Indian Institute Of Management-Ahmedabad

·        Indian Institute Of Management-Bangalore

·        Indian Institute Of Management-Calcutta

·        Indian School Of Business-Hyderabad And Mohali

·        Xavier School Of Management-Jamshedpur

·        SP Jan Institute Of Management And Research-Mumbai

·        National Institute Of Industrial Engineering-Mumbai

·        Indian Institute Of Foreign Trade-Delhi And Kolkata

If you are an MBA student looking for professional support in choosing topics or completing your MBA marketing project , we are here to help. Feel free to call us today to discuss your concerns with us.

marketing assignment mba

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  • May 5, 2017

The 14 Steps to Writing a Great Marketing Assignment

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

A line of Chartered Institute of Marketing Graduates

Here are the only 14 steps you'll ever need to know when planning to tackle a Professional Marketing Qualification Assignment. Some of these steps you may want to change in terms of sequence, but make sure you cover each one in whatever sequence you feel fits you best.

1. Read the assignment in full

2. consider the marking, 3. choose an organisation, 4. make a timeline, 5. understand the syllabus, 6. do your research, 7. gather real-life examples, 8. bulletpoint each answer, 9. add the content, 10. presentation, 11. reference correctly, 12. get a second opinion, 13. read, read and read it backwards, 14. don’t leave it until the last minute, 1. read the assignment in full.

Reading the assignment in full a few times will help you to understand what is required holistically. Although each task and question has its own set of requirements, the idea is that the assignment is fully integrated with each question holding relevance with the others, which means they will all need to knit together.

Before even considering starting to answer the assignment, read it a few times and let it sink in. Go back and start to make some brief notes on how you think you’d tackle each question and any elements you don’t fully understand.

You are not expected to understand everything straight away, but this task can be a great way to break the ice and for you to fully understand what is required, what is known and elements that you will need to understand better than you do at the moment.

2. Consider the Marking

One thing a lot of people forget is the mark allocation for each question. This is important to factor in as it highlights the weighting of marks for each question, providing an indication of how much content is required per question to gain the most marks.

For example, if an assignment is allocated 4,750 words maximum and there are a total of 100 marks available, it would make sense that you should be looking to achieve 1 mark per 47.5 words. This can also be done per question to work out how much should be written.

Make a note of these numbers and let this be a guide to you throughout your studies.

Each Marketing assignment is usually based on an organisation of your choosing. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will be able to start to form practical answers, specific to this organisation.

This is hugely important and it will form the basis for ALL your answers. Without understanding an organisation and how the questions fit around it you are left with only theoretical answers that will not gain marks

Don’t be fooled into thinking that choosing a large organisation will be easier either as the more specific and focused you can make your chosen organisation the better your answers will be (trust me). If you are struggling with this, try picking a specific division, product or service within a company. That way you can be really focused on what you are writing.

Being accountable can be the difference between passing and failing and having something other than a final deadline to work towards can be a real asset.

Work backwards from the final deadline date of handing in your assignment and use markers at certain points leading up to this date that you will need to hit.

For example, you may want to section off weeks or a month to complete each task by, even each question. That way you know if you are falling behind and need to set aside some additional time to catch up.

You could go one further here and plot specific dates where you will have answered each question and the time you will be using to achieve this – a bit like a Gantt chart or a Project Management tool to keep you on track.

The syllabus is what all the assignment questions will be based on and each of these will cover various elements of it. Understanding what the core concepts are will help you in producing answers that gain markings.

Don’t skip this step unless you will end up writing an answer that isn’t following the syllabus.

Another reason to do this is to highlight any gaps within your knowledge that you may need to address. For example, if a learning outcome of the syllabus is to ‘demonstrate methods of generating customer awareness within a digital environment’, then the questions you need to be asking yourself are;

Do I know the digital marketing mix?

Can I evaluate methods of communication?

Do I understand keywords, content and creative?

If you don’t or can’t, better get the books out!

Following on from the above, this is where a lot of people fail as they are faced with the unknown a lot of the time, but doing your research into the gaps in your knowledge will help you not only answer the assignment but make you a better marketer.

This doesn’t have to be in book form as research comes from many different areas. This could be an ebook, video, podcast, blog, etc. As long as it’s a valid source and, if used in your assignment you reference it correctly, it can be used.

Gathering real-life examples to use throughout your assignment is essential for a number of reasons:

1 – Expands your knowledge

2 – Provides insights into what other organisations are doing that is working

3 – Applied correctly they can help in backing up any statements you may be making when answering questions

4 – A great way to gain marks

This can also be easily done by setting up some email alerts from reputable online sources such as Marketing Week. That way the examples are coming to you. Just make sure they a relevant and can be referenced!

Before diving right into your answers wholeheartedly it is much better to provide a basic structure and highlight the main points you want to get across.

I find that using bullet points is the best way to do this, which you can use as markers in order to make sure you maintain focus in your answers as well as covering all the most important elements –these may include;

Real-life examples.

Models and theory.

Specific references.

The main titles and headings required.

Most importantly the main points for context to cover within your answer.

Once you have bullet-pointed each answer, you should then be able to start to add more and more content, making each answer relevant to the question posed and the requirements of the syllabus.

If you have not done your research you may struggle with this point and one thing to avoid would be a question that rambles on and doesn’t get to the main elements quickly enough, wasting valuable word space.

A lot of people forget about the presentation, to which 10% of the overall marks can be attributed to. The best rule here is to think; if it’s easy to read, it’s easy to mark!

For each task, there will be a requirement to structure your answers to a specific style (usually in a report format or as a briefing paper or marketing plan). You’d be mad not to stick to these styles.

You want your assignment to stand out for all the right reasons, so using tables, images and screenshots does not only enhance your answer but makes an entire assignment much easier to read, understand and again… mark!

A simple point but a big one. Always, always, always, reference your work and give credit to those that deserve it.

If you are unsure how to do this, you need to review the Harvard Referencing system… ask Google. This must be done throughout your assignment as well as at the back.

Sometimes you can go copy blind, covering the same questions over and over again, so it will do you no harm to get some feedback from a tutor, your accredited study centre or even a work colleague, just to give you peace of mind that;

a) You’ve answered each question

b) It makes sense holistically

c) It is easy to read and well-presented

d) Nothing is obviously missing

Now it’s your turn. Take a few hours and read the assignment, then reread it and read it backwards. This is a great trick in spotting any spelling mistakes a spell checker may not catch – if you’re like me and a terrible speller!

One tip here- Make sure your name is NEVER on any part of the assignment, use a fake name or a job title instead.

Make sure you leave enough time (a few days) between the deadline and when you actually complete your assignment as you never know what may happen – email bounces back, sent directly to a junk folder, pigeon didn’t arrive in time. This way you have at least a day to rectify the situation and not just a few hours or even minutes

The final hidden step (number 15)

Relax and celebrate the fact you have completed your assignment, which is an achievement in itself. Well done you!

I hope you’ve found these steps useful and if any of them are unclear, let’s chat about it and clear it up so you can get on with passing your Marketing Qualification.

  • Qualifications

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18 Exciting MBA Marketing Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners [2024]

18 Exciting MBA Marketing Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners [2024]

In my experience, starting an MBA marketing project can be both exciting and a bit overwhelming for beginners. As someone who’s been through it, I know how important it is to pick the right topic to show off what you’ve learned. In this article, I’ll share 18 cool ideas for MBA marketing projects , perfect for newcomers like you. We’ll cover everything from digital marketing trends to old-school marketing tactics. Whether you’re into understanding why people buy things, managing brands, or doing market research, I’v e got yo u covered. Let’s dive in and get your MBA marketing project off to a great start!  

MBA in Marketing often has a number of projects to enhance your overall learning experience. We take a look at some of the best and unique project topics that you can select during your MBA in the marketing program.   

Why Is Digital Marketing Considered To Be A Popular Topic In MBA?

The need for digital marketing has increased manifold since the onset of this pandemic. As economies started to shut down, many businesses started to conduct their operations online. Needless to say, social media marketing and SEO tools have taken over the traditional marketing industry in an unprecedented manner. 

Currently, there are as many as 1.5 million global users of various social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and many more. The increasing demand for digital marketing in the business industry has also rapidly increased its value in the academic field.

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Multiple universities across India have started adding various digital marketing MBA project topics in their courses. With that being said, are you interested in learning some of the best marketing topics for MBA projects ? If yes, then check out the mentioned below list that highlights some of the topmost marketing project topics for MBA. 

Importance of MBA Marketing Projects   

The primary objective of an MBA marketing project is to ensure that you, as a professional, can bridge the distance between theoretical knowledge and practical experience.   

Some of the widely recognized importance of an MBA marketing project are:  

1. Experiential Learning  

MBA marketing projects offer a unique form of experiential learning beyond the classroom and textbook. While working on real MBA marketing project topics for any company, you will be exposed to the complexities and nuances of the real business world. You will learn essential skills to help you navigate ambiguities and collaborate with team members to formulate strategic decisions under pressure.   

2. Building Practical Skills  

In addition to the theoretical knowledge you gain from textbooks, MBA marketing projects will help you develop a wide set of skills required to survive in the corporate world. You can learn how to conduct market research, analyze it, and then formulate strategies based on the skills many employers look for nowadays.   

3. Networking Opportunities  

You can also build a strong professional network based on the MBA marketing project you shall work on. These connections can help you open future career opportunities through referrals, internship opportunities, or job offers.   

MBA Project Topics & a Brief Description

Here are some of the best marketing topics for MBA project

1. Marketing & Content Strategy, Brand Positioning & promotions that made Vodafone ZooZoo extremely popular and a Key Contributor to Vodafone’s Growth

ZooZoo was launched in the year 2008 during the IPL and it gave the Vodafone marketing strategy a huge boost. It is one of the most iconic brand campaigns in India

 2. Building Brand Awareness among target segment via Innovative & Creative Use of Social Media Strategies for a new age youthful travel brand

Social Media strategies if done right helps to create massive Share of Voice and brand engagement with target audiences.

 3. Branding & Positioning strategies for a new age D2C( Direct to customer) milk startup( with a tier 1 presence) in tier 2, tier 3 cities

Two very important activities in marketing that can make or break a brand are branding & positioning in the mind of a consumers across various target markets & geographies

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4. Analyze consumer behaviour & Design Strategies to Increase Consumer Retention and User Engagement for a video streaming platform for documentaries.

Understanding Consumer behaviour is one of the critical steps in designing effective marketing strategies to engage & retain users specially for Digital Based Platform brands.

5. Study the effects of Branding on consumers in the Real Estate Sector

Real Estate is one sector where branding plays a big role in increasing sales due to the premium pricing of real estate.  

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6. Research on effect of BTL marketing on consumer purchase decisions in the FMGC sector

FMCG is a sector where BTL marketing plays a huge role in increasing consumer purchases at the store & retail outlet level.

7. Study on the Brand Positioning of one of the world’s most iconic brands – Coca Cola from its inception till date

The amazing marketing team at Coca Cola has turned a beverage drink into one of the world’s most loved brands using various innovative strategies after understanding consumer behaviour and psychology of the target audience.  

8. Study on marketing mix & competitive analysis of Surf Excel brand

Surf Excel has used the marketing mix extensively to stay ahead of completion, position itself in the minds of consumers & gain market share and become one India’s top brands in the laundry detergent category.

9. Study on brand recall & awareness of ICICI Lombard General Insurance in the sector of Home Insurance

ICICI Lombard insurance operates in a crowded market amongst many other insurance competitors and we must analyze if it stand out as a brand and why

10. Analysis on the shaping up of the automobile industry in India – Various Brands, Consumer behaviour patterns, Market Share, Top Marketing Strategies & Campaigns

Automobile industry is one of the most competitive and cut throat industries in India with many domestic & global players. The consumer behaviour patterns are unique and sales are tough. All these factors mean that brands have to work hard on their marketing strategies to stand out.

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11. Study on Packaging used for various types of products and use of packaging as a marketing tool for brands

Packaging has long been used as a tool for branding promotions and consumers recall brands based on the colors & packaging used for various products.

12. Analysis and study on consumer satisfaction & delight with e-commerce online shopping portals

E-commerce has been booming in the last 6-7 years across the country but are consumers really satisfied with their online shopping experience or there are still some pain points yet to be addressed?

13. Impact of Customer Service on customers in the Telecom Industry in the last 10 years

Customer Service is the huge part of after sales service that can enhance the customers overall experience & delight them so that they keep them coming back for repeat purchases. What would the impact of such an approach in a cut throat industry like Telecom?

14. Effectiveness of Customer loyalty programs used by most of the Retail brands in India

Most retail brands have customer loyalty programs in the form of points or rewards. How effective have these programs been in influencing more repeat purchases from customers?

15. Study of customer satisfaction and impact of word of mouth marketing for automobile brand Maruti Suzuki

Customer satisfaction has a huge impact on word of mouth marketing that influences sales particularly in segments where the pricing is at a higher range like automobile. What impact has this had for Maruti Suzuki, one of India’s most popular brands?

16. Online Customer acquisition strategies for a new age furniture & appliance rental startup

Furniture & rental startups would have to apply the right messaging & targeting strategies along with the right optimization strategies on online channels to reach their target audience on Facebook, Google, Instagram, etc and acquire customers at an acceptable cost.

17. B2B Marketing & Sales strategies for a technology software company offering chatbots

B2B marketing & sales strategies are often very different from B2C and involve a lot of cold calling, cold emails and require a robust content marketing plan along with engagement events like webinars to decision makers at various target companies

18. Use of Gamification as a tool for customer retention & growth hacking in various tech products.

Many tech products nowadays use gamification in various forms to keep users coming back everyday and increase growth & revenue. This has helped them scale immensely   

  • Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Marketing

The usage of Artificial Intelligence in Digital marketing is currently one of the most talked about topics. The automation of various tasks, the pros and cons, as well as the great impact of how Artificial intelligence can totally change the face of 

digital marketing is considered to be one of the most popular marketing MBA project topics. 

  • A Study on the Impact Of Google on Online Shopping

Researchers indicate that as much as 68% of online buyers search for a product on Google before finally making their purchase. 

Topics For MBA Final Year Project In Marketing

There are a plethora of topics available under MBA marketing. Some of these includes market research, branding, advertising and many more. If you are interested in learning about some of the best topics for MBA Final year project in marketing , then you have arrived at the right place. 

The following list contains a detailed account of the top marketing topics for project MBA. 

  • A Study On Creativity In Advertising
  • Marketing Strategies of ACC Limited
  • A Study On Customer Buying Behavior And Pattern
  • A Study On Consumer Awareness
  • Understanding Customer Behavior Towards Samsung
  • A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Online Shopping
  • Marketing Strategies Followed By Paytm and Google Pay
  • A Study On Brand Promotion Strategies Followed By Swiggy and Zomato

Choosing the Right MBA Marketing Project Topic  

Before shortlisting MBA marketing project topics , some of the instances that you should keep in mind are:  

1. Market Trends  

Start by assessing the ongoing market trends and whether the topic will be relevant when you finish the project . Choose topics related to current trends or developments and the challenges companies are encountering as a result, and include discussions on how to address them.  

2. Available Resources  

Always evaluate the amount of data and resources available for MBA students for the selected marketing project topics before starting. Ensure that you have access to sufficient data sources, research materials, and industry contacts that will support your research and analysis.   

3. Objective of the Project  

Outline a clear and concise objective for your project. Specify what you aim to research and analyze within your MBA project, and detail how to initiate and sustain it. This ensures efficient time and resource utilization with minimum chances of deviation from the original topic.   

MBA Programs in India

Due to lockdowns across India, multiple universities and b-schools are now offering their MBA programs online. You can consider some of these world class MBA programs offered by top Business schools. India’s biggest online learning platform upGrad offers MBA from Liverpool Business School with specialization in marketing.

You will be given many MBA projects that will enhance your overall learning experience and help you learn the practical application of marketing concepts that various brands have used.

As stated earlier, with the increasing demand for digital marketing, many universities in India have started offering digital marketing courses to their students. The above-mentioned article highlights some of the best marketing project topics for MBA. On that note, there are several benefits that you can derive from doing an MBA in marketing and working on marketing topics for project MBA. 

. Some of them include a better competitive edge, higher compensations, greater job satisfaction and scope for experience in different fields such as content marketing, brand communication, retail marketing or market research.

upGrad also offers individual mentoring sessions with industry leaders from various domains. You will also get 360-degree career support and placement assistance throughout the MBA program. upGrad expert mentors will help you build, review your resume, and help you apply for various business roles.


In wrapping up, I’ve shared a range of exciting MBA marketing project ideas tailored for beginners like you. Exploring these topics can be a rewarding journey, allowing you to apply your skills in real-world scenarios. Whether delving into digital marketing trends or traditional strategies, each project offers valuable learning opportunities. As a mid-career professional, selecting a project aligned with your interests and goals can lead to meaningful contributions in the marketing field. Remember, thorough research, creative thinking, and effective implementation are key to success. With these ideas as your guide, I’m confident you’ll embark on your MBA marketing project journey with enthusiasm and make a lasting impact in the industry.  


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There are no two thoughts about the fact that college projects are an important part of any MBA program. It can open up your mind and give you practical training for the real world. Besides this, interviewers too are keen to know more about your college projects and internships. If you want to learn a lot more about the marketing field, think of projects as the real teachers. The research involved will help you become a better marketer. You might even end up making important connections that will help you later.

After completing an MBA with a specialisation in marketing, you will be proficient in developing strategies to accomplish organisational goals. Besides this, you will also learn communication skills, analytical skills, mathematical skills, business ethics and problem-solving skills. An MBA in marketing has become the most sought-after career choice among the youth today because it offers a variety of job opportunities including brand manager, account manager, marketing manager, sales manager, media planner, product manager, and so on.

When you’re choosing an online MBA program, look for these key indicators: a comprehensive curriculum, accreditation, expert faculty, a proven distance learning model, the use of the best online technology, student engagement strategies and 360-degree career support. While flexibility is key in an online MBA program, offering a unique learning experience is even more important. The program should give students an in-campus experience even if they’re away by making use of live faculty lectures.

When deciding on a topic for your final thesis/dissertation, you will find an abundance of topics to choose from. This might feel slightly overwhelming, so here are a few things to remember while finalizing your topic. First of all, make sure it is relevant to your course material and specialization. This will both simplify your work and be appreciated more. Secondly, find a project that truly interests you, as you are more likely to work your hardest when you are genuinely passionate about something. Thirdly, you can hone your problem-solving abilities by taking up a business problem, methodically conducting research, and coming up with a solution. Being able to assess a situation objectively is a vital skill. Lastly, do not hesitate to approach your professors for guidance.

Try to choose a topic that is unique, novel, interesting, and preferably has tangible applications in the real world. While working on your project, it would be advantageous to have a mentor to guide and advise you. Choose a mentor who has in-depth knowledge of the subject or someone who has already published papers in the past. Plan your project well. The importance of finalizing the goals, requirements, costs, implementation, and deadlines cannot be emphasized enough. Lastly, refer to previous research on your subject matter and learn from it.

The final-year project of an MBA course provides an unparalleled level of real-world experience and prepares a student for the workplace. This project also teaches valuable lessons in research techniques, data analysis, and even soft skills like teamwork and time management. It gives students a chance to interact and network with industry professionals and thus develop potentially valuable connections. Besides, during the hiring process, interviewers generally tend to ask questions about the candidates’ projects and internships.

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Course info.

  • Prof. John Hauser


  • Sloan School of Management

As Taught In

Learning resource types, marketing management: analytics, frameworks, and applications, assignments, action learning exercise.

An action‐learning exercise on the practice of marketing is due on the last scheduled day of classes. Assignment Details and Examples .

Group Case Reports

Each group must hand in two case write‐ups. You must choose one case in H1 (first half of the semester) and one case in H2 (second half of the semester). The eligible cases are:



BBVA Compass



NYT Paywall


No Additional Materials

The case reports should consist of approximately five (5) pages of text (space‐and‐a‐half, 12‐point fonts, standard margins) and should address the Discussion Questions (PDF) . Longer reports are strongly discouraged. (As Pascal said: “I’m sorry I wrote you such a long letter; I didn’t have time to write a short one.”) You may refer to figures or computations that use data from the case . You are allowed, but not required, to have a small number of exhibits at the end of your report. Your reports must be submitted prior to the start of the class in which the case is discussed. The file name should include your team name and the case. For example, Angry_Nerds_Brita_15810.pdf.

Additional Recommendations

  • You are free to use bullet‐point if you find it helpful.
  • Separately answer each discussion question . Use headings to highlight which questions you are answering. Stress those questions you judge are critical. Not all questions should be given equal weight.
  • Start with the most obvious points and work from there. Do not omit the obvious points.
  • I am interested in the quality of your analysis rather than any specific set of conclusions. Make sure that you give both the pros and the cons of each alternative. Describe the theory and process by which you arrived at your conclusions. The TA is not looking for key words, but rather critical thinking.
  • Review the lecture notes before writing your analysis. The frameworks presented in 15.810 help guide your analysis.
  • Make it clear that you have used an analytical approach to reach you answers.
  • Random lists of issues without structure leaves the TA guessing as to which issue you consider most critical to the case analysis. If you provide an unstructured list that happens to include both good and bad answers you will get far less credit than a structured list that captures the essence of the case.
  • Quality is more important than quantity.
  • Although the TA works from a detailed set of guidelines based on my analysis of the case, the TA is authorized to deviate for solutions based on careful analysis of the case facts.

The page constraint forces you to reveal to me what you think are relevant. Do not despair during the case discussion if we do not cover your key issues or if we cover other issues. Each case discussion is unique. There may be important points that are not discussed. A point that you make in your written discussion may be very important. Look for it in case discussions that occur later in the semester.

Short Assignments

Based on student suggestion and as an experiment, I added the following short assignments to illustrate some of the marketing‐analytics methods. Because they are new this year, they are viewed as extra credit (but are required to be completed).


Synthesis Assignment

Each student may hand in an individual assignment that answers the following question:

“What are the three most important lessons that you learned about marketing in this course that will help you as a manager?”

This assignment should be no more than one page in length and should briefly summarize each of the three lessons.

You receive credit simply for handing in this assignment on or before the last scheduled class. Answers help determine final grades for students close to the letter cutoffs.


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  • Wharton Online

MBA Program Course Descriptions

Mktg6110 - marketing management (course syllabus).

This course addresses how to design and implement the best combination of marketing efforts to carry out a firm's strategy in its target markets. Specifically, this course seeks to develop the student's (1) understanding of how the firm can benefit by creating and delivering value to its customers, and stakeholders, and (2) skills in applying the analytical concepts and tools of marketing to such decisions as segmentation and targeting, branding, pricing, distribution, and promotion. The course uses lectures and case discussions, case write-ups, student presentations, and a comprehensive final examination to achieve these objectives.

MKTG6120 - Dynamic Mktg Strategy (Course Syllabus)

Building upon Marketing 611, the goal of this course is to develop skills in formulating and implementing marketing strategies for brands and businesses. The course will focus on issues such as the selection of which businesses and segments to compete in, how to allocate resources across businesses, segments, and elements of the marketing mix, as well as other significant strategic issues facing today's managers in a dynamic competitive environment. A central theme of the course is that the answer to these strategic problems varies over time depending on the stage of the product life cycle at which marketing decisions are being made. As such, the PLC serves as the central organizing vehicle of the course. We will explore such issues as how to design optimal strategies for the launch of new products and services that arise during the introductory phase, how to maximize the acceleration of revenue during the growth phase, how to sustain and extend profitability during the mature phase, and how to manage a business during the inevitable decline phase.

Prerequisites: MKTG 6110

MKTG6130 - Stratgic Mktg Simulation (Course Syllabus)

Building upon Marketing 611, Marketing 613 is an intensive immersion course designed to develop skills in formulating and implementing marketing strategies for brands and businesses. The central activity will be participation in a realistic integrative product management simulation named SABRE. In SABRE, students will form management teams that oversee all critical aspects of modern product management: the design and marketing of new products, advertising budgeting and design, sales force sizing and allocation, and production planning. As in the real world, teams will compete for profitability, and the success that each team has in achieving this goal will be a major driver of the class assessment. The SABRE simulation is used to convey the two foci of learning in the course: the changing nature of strategic problems and their optimal solutions as industries progress through the product life cycle, and exposure to the latest analytic tools for solving these problems. Specifically, SABRE management teams will receive training in both how to make optimal use of marketing research information to reduce uncertainty in product design and positioning, as well as decision support models to guide resource allocation.

MKTG7110 - Consumer Behavior (Course Syllabus)

Marketing begins and ends with the customer, from determining customers' needs and wants to providing customer satisfaction and maintaining customer relationships. This course examines the basic concepts and principles in customer behavior with the goal of understanding how these ideas can be used in marketing decision making. The class will consist of a mix of lectures, discussions, cases, assignments, project work and exams. Topics covered include customer psychological processes (e.g., motivation, perception, attitudes, decision-making) and their impact on marketing (e.g., segmentation, branding, and customer satisfaction). The goal is to provide you with a set of approaches and concepts to consider when faced with a decision involving understanding customer responses to marketing actions.

MKTG7120 - Data & Anlz For Mktg Dec (Course Syllabus)

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of data-driven marketing, including topics from marketing research and analytics. It examines the many different sources of data available to marketers, including data from customer transactions, surveys, pricing, advertising, and A/B testing, and how to use those data to guide decision-making. Through real-world applications from various industries, including hands-on analyses using modern data analysis tools, students will learn how to formulate marketing problems as testable hypotheses, systematically gather data, and apply statistical tools to yield actionable marketing insights.

Prerequisites: MKTG 6110 AND STAT 6130

MKTG7250 - Principles of Retailing (Course Syllabus)

This course is a cross-functional overview of retailing – from types of retailers to current trends and strategies. The objective is to familiarize students with the retail business model in its various forms – from pure store-based retailers, to digital natives, and everything in-between. Topics will include structures & organizational models, channels & formats, real estate & locations, marketing & customer relationship management, the full merchandising cycle (planning & buying to display & pricing), and operations & technology. This knowledge will be fundamental to careers working for retailers themselves (e-commerce or omnichannel), but also in consulting to retailers, in banking or investing in the retail sector, or even starting a brand or retail concept. Those seeking more depth in product design & development, buying, planning, pricing, and visual merchandising should consider taking Retail Merchandising (MKTG 8060). Those seeking more depth in sourcing, distribution, fulfillment, and store/site operations should consider taking Retail Supply Chain Management (OIDD 6970).

Prerequisites: MKTG 6110 AND (MKTG 6120 OR MKTG 6130)

MKTG7270 - Mktg and Electronic Comm (Course Syllabus)

The effect of the Internet and related technologies on business and social institutions is more profound than that of any prior invention, including the printing press and the internal combustion engine. Furthermore, marketing plays a key role in shaping the modern consumption-led economies fueled by these technologies. MKTG 7270 provides a research-based and framework-driven approach to understanding digital marketing and electronic commerce. The course is organized into two sections and utilizes relevant theory, empirical analysis, and practical examples, to develop the key learning points. Guest speakers will participate as well, as appropriate.

MKTG7330 - Mktg For Social Impact (Course Syllabus)

Private and public sector firms increasingly use marketing strategies to engage their customers and stakeholders around social impact. To do so, managers need to understand how best to engage and influence customers to behave in ways that have positive social effects. This course focuses on the strategies for changing the behavior of a target segment of consumers on key issues in the public interest (e.g., health behaviors, energy efficiency, poverty reduction, fund-raising for social causes). How managers partner with organizations (e.g., non-profits, government) to achieve social impact will also be explored.

MKTG7340 - Creativity (Course Syllabus)

The ability to solve problems creatively and generate change is a recognized standard of success and plays an important role in gaining a competitive advantage in many areas of business management. This course is designed to teach students several creative problem solving methodologies that complement other managerial tools acquired in undergraduate and graduate studies. The course offers students the opportunity to learn how to solve problems, identify opportunities, and generate those elusive ideas that potentially generate enormous benefits to organizations. The objectives of this course are to enhance the students' (a) creativity, (b) ability to innovate and (c) ability to identify, recruit, develop, manage, retain, and collaborate with creative people. The course includes: 1. A review of the literature on creativity, creative people, innovation, and design as well as the leadership and management of creative people and innovation. 2. Hands on learning of approaches for generating creative ideas. Students will have the opportunity of implementing the techniques studied in class. 3. Applications of creativity to selected management domains - Approaches to the generation of creative options are not limited to the development of products and services or businesses, but can be applied to all areas of management, business, and life. The purpose of these sessions is to explore the applications of creative approaches to marketing, advertising, organizational design, negotiations, and other management challenges. 4. Integration - Both via individual assignments and a group project in which interdisciplinary teams of students generate a creative product/service/customer

MKTG7370 - Brain Science F/Business (Course Syllabus)

This course provides an overview of contemporary brain science and its applications to business. Students are first rapidly introduced to the basic anatomy and physiology of the brain and become familiar with important techniques for measuring and manipulating brain function. The course then surveys major findings in neuroscience with applications to business, including vision, attention and advertising; valuation and marketing; decision making; learning, innovation and creativity; social influence, team-building, and leadership; and discussion of the ethical, legal, and societal implications of applying neuroscience to business. Applications to business, education, sports, law, and policy are discussed throughout.

MKTG7380 - Consumer Neuroscience (Course Syllabus)

How can studying the brain improve our understanding of consumer behavior? While neuroscience made tremendous strides throughout the past few decades, rarely were meaningful applications developed outside of medicine. Recently, however, breakthroughs in measurement and computation have accelerated brain science, and created an array of opportunities in business and technology. Currently, applications to marketing research and product development are experiencing explosive growth that has been met with both excitement and skepticism. This mini course provides an overview of the neuroscience behind and the potential for these developments. Topics will range from well-known and widely used applications, from eye-tracking measures in the lab and the field, to emerging methods and measures such as mobile technologies, face-reading, and neural predictors of market response. This course is self-contained and has no prerequisites. However, students with some background in business, economics, psychology, and/or neuroscience are likely to find some of the material covered in this course complementary to their existing knowledge. Much of the foundational work in consumer neuroscience and neuroeconomics involves laboratory experiments. Accordingly, we will read and discuss several experimental papers and the craft of designing an experiment will occasionally be discussed. However, we will not dedicate significant time to the methodology of experimental design and analysis. As will become clear as the course progresses, “consumer neuroscience" can be used to study almost any aspect of consumer behavior.

MKTG7390 - Visual Marketing (Course Syllabus)

As consumers, we are constantly exposed to advertisements and experience visual messages from product packages in stores, retail displays, and products already owned. In essence, visual marketing collateral is omnipresent and is an essential part of corporate visual identity, strategy, branding, and communication. Some of this falls to creative graphic design, but advertising, design, and marketing can also be significantly enhanced by knowledge of how visual information and its presentation context can be optimized to deliver desirable and advantageous messages and experiences. This course will emphasize how to measure, interpret, and optimize visual marketing. This course will use lectures, discussions, exercises and a group project, to help students understand the underlying processes that influence our visual perception and visual cognition. Students will learn about the theoretical processes and models that influence, attention and visual fluency. Students will also be exposed to eye-tracking instruments that help measure eye movement. Finally, we will explore how visual stimuli can influence consumer memory, persuasion, and choice. We will examine practical applications in marketing, advertising, packaging, retail, and design contexts.

MKTG7410 - Entrepreneurial Mktg (Course Syllabus)

This course focuses on the real life marketing challenges involved in launching an entrepreneurial venture. The primary goal of the course will to provide a roadmap for students seeking to actively engage as entrepreneurs, investors or managers in the startup culture. Many of the entrepreneurial marketing principles studied in this course will be equally applicable to mid-size and larger companies seeking new approaches to drive top-line growth. The course will address how start-ups, early growth stage and more mature companies have used entrepreneurial marketing as an essential competitive weapon to grow their businesses by gaining customers, driving revenue, acquiring funding and recruiting A-level employees, advisors and directors. Students will form teams and select an idea/concept for an entrepreneurial venture, and by the conclusion of the course will have developed a fully fleshed out and testable marketing plan. Preferably, the selected venture will be one that one or more members of the team would consider implementing, should their plan prove feasible.

Prerequisites: MKTG 6110 AND (MKTG 6120 OR MKTG 6130) AND MKTG 7120

MKTG7470 - Mktg Strgy Tech Platform (Course Syllabus)

This course focuses on the unique aspects of creating effective marketing and management strategies for technology-intensive on-line and off-line businesses. It addresses the effective competitive marketing strategies for winning in markets which are powered by technology: specifically, how firms create value for customers and how they can integrate technology in delivering a better consumer experience. While competitive marketing strategy is important for all managers, this course will be particularly useful to students who are planning to accept a position in leading technology companies, and marketing firms in which technology is likely to play an important role. In addition, the course will provide value to those who expect to work in consulting or investing in technology industries, and must analyze firm strategies.

MKTG7520 - Marketing Analytics (Course Syllabus)

Companies are currently spending millions of dollars on data-gathering initiatives, but few are successfully capitalizing on all this data to generate revenue and increase profit. Converting data into increased business performance requires the ability to extract insights from data through analytics. This course covers the three pillars of analytics – descriptive, predictive and prescriptive – within the marketing context. Descriptive Analytics examines different types of data and how they can be visualized, ultimately helping you communicate your findings and strengthen your team’s or organization’s decision making. Predictive Analytics explores the use of data for forecasting. You will learn to utilize various tools, including regression analysis, to estimate relationships among variables and predict future behavior. Prescriptive Analytics takes you through the final step — formulating concrete recommendations. These recommendations can be directed toward a variety of marketing actions, including pricing and social-platform outreach. Students will be exposed to several methods such as linear regression, logistic regression, multinomial regression, machine learning methods (e.g., neural networks and random forests). We will learn how to employ these methods for such managerial decisions as demand forecasting, pricing, and valuing customers. Overall, you will develop a data analytics mindset, learn new tools, and understand how to convert numbers into actionable insights.

Prerequisites: MKTG 6110 AND (MKTG 6120 OR MKTG 6130) AND STAT 6130

MKTG7540 - Pricing Policy (Course Syllabus)

The course provides a systematic presentation of the factors to be considered when setting price, and shows how pricing alternatives are developed. Analytical methods are developed and new approaches are explored for solving pricing decisions.

MKTG7600 - Antitrust and Big Tech (Course Syllabus)

This course considers the role of antitrust law in facilitating and policing the business strategies of dominant firms and joint enterprises. We will examine technology-driven firms such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Uber, and Microsoft, as well as disrupted industries such as the digital music industry. In each case, we will consider how firms adapted their strategies to rapidly changing technological environments and ask whether antitrust law served to promote or to hinder innovation and competitive development. Course coverage will range over all portions of the business economy in which competition and innovation are important, but emphasizing markets that have a significant technological component. We will also study a series of classic business cases in technology rich markets, including the American Can Company, Standard Oil, and DuPont. We will pay special attention to the role of intellectual property rights in fostering both individual and collaborative innovation.

MKTG7680 - Contagious (Course Syllabus)

Why do some products catch on and achieve huge popularity while others fail? Why do some services and apps spread like wildfire while others languish? And what makes certain ideas stick while others fail? This course looks at these and other topics as it examines why things catch on. Marketers want their product to be popular, organizations want their initiatives to catch on, and entrepreneurs want their ideas to stick. Building on research from psychology, sociology, marketing, and economics, the course explores characteristics of products, services, and ideas that lead them to catch on, what makes ideas stick, and how social dynamics shape success. We’ll talk about viral marketing, growth strategies, the role of social media, and influencers. Whether you have a product, service, or idea you want to catch on, or just want to better understand social epidemics, this course will shed light on what drives success.

MKTG7700 - Dgtl Social & E-Com Mktg (Course Syllabus)

MKTG 7700 explores the digital marketing environment from both a consumer and business perspective. The course provides an overview of various online business models and delves into digital advertising and social media marketing techniques and technologies. A mixture of case studies, guest speakers and assignments, including one that uses real advertising data, translates theory into practice. It is recommended that students enrolling in the course be comfortable using Excel and are knowledgeable in applying regression analysis techniques. Students who would prefer a less technical course may wish to take MKTG 7270, Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce, a half cu course offered by the department.

MKTG7710 - Models For Mktg Strategy (Course Syllabus)

The course develops students’ skills in using analytics to make better marketing decisions. Compared to other courses in marketing analytics, the focus is less on ‘what is happening?’ or ‘what will happen?’ and more on ‘what should we do?’ I.e., the course moves beyond descriptive and predictive analytics into prescriptive analytics. It covers a variety of topics, models and tools: (1) Marketing mix modeling & optimization, (2) Choice modeling, choice-based conjoint analysis & market simulators, (3) Modeling churn & maximizing customer lifetime value, and (4) Quantifying causal effects in marketing. The course requires familiarity with Excel and linear regression from the very first day, but is otherwise self-contained. Lectures are organized around a mini-case or illustrate the model/technique at hand through one or more real-life applications.

MKTG7750 - Managing Customer Value (Course Syllabus)

As the concept of CRM becomes common parlance for every marketing executive, it is useful to take a step back to better understand the various different behaviors that underlie the development of successful CRM systems. These "behaviors" include customer-level decisions, firm actions, and the delicate but complex interplay between the two. Accordingly this course is comprised of four main modules. We start with the discussion of customer profitability - focusing on the concepts of "customer lifetime value" and "customer equity". We will examine how to measure long-run customer profitability in both business-to-customer and business-to-business environments, and the uses of these measures as major components assessing overall firm valuation. Second, we move to the value that the firm provides to its customers - better understanding the true nature of customer satisfaction and its non-trivial relationship with firm profitability. Third, we examine each of the three main components of the firm's management of its customer base: customer acquisition, development, and retention - and the complex resource allocation task that must be balanced across them. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of various tactical and organizational aspects of customer relationship management.

MKTG7760 - Appl Prob Models Mktg (Course Syllabus)

This course will expose students to the theoretical and empirical "building blocks" that will allow them to construct, estimate, and interpret powerful models of consumer behavior. Over the years, researchers and practitioners have used these models for a wide variety of applications, such as new product sales, forecasting, analyses of media usage, and targeted marketing programs. Other disciplines have seen equally broad utilization of these techniques. The course will be entirely lecture-based with a strong emphasis on real-time problem solving. Most sessions will feature sophisticated numerical investigations using Microsoft Excel. Much of the material is highly technical.

MKTG7770 - Marketing Strategy (Course Syllabus)

This course views marketing as both a general management responsibility and an orientation of an organization that helps one to create, capture and sustain customer value. The focus is on the business unit and its network of channels, customer relationships, and alliances. Specifically, the course attempts to help develop knowledge and skills in the application of advanced marketing frameworks, concepts, and methods for making strategic choices at the business level.

MKTG7780 - Strategic Brand Mgmt (Course Syllabus)

Which brands make you happy? Apple? Amazon? Starbucks? Everlane? Soulcycle? Sweetgreen? What draws you into these brands? How do companies create compelling brand experiences? How could you cultivate a well-loved brand? This course explores such questions with the goal of identifying the ingredients for building an inspired brand. The course is created for students interested in building a brand and/or immersing themselves in the enhancement of an existing brand, and it is comprised of lectures, cases, guest speakers, discussions, in and out of class exercises, and a final project. Broadly, the course will be divided into four parts: 1) Understanding Brand, 2) Crafting Brand, 3) Measuring Brand, and 4) Managing Brand. The course will provide students with an appreciation of the role of branding and (taking a consumer-centric approach) will augment students' ability to think creatively and critically about the strategies and tactics involved in building, leveraging, defending, and sustaining inspired brands.

MKTG7790 - AI in Our Lives (Course Syllabus)

This course takes a behavioral perspective on the topic of autonomous technology, such as Artificial Intelligence. It reviews new insights to help companies thrive in the dawning age of smart machines. The emerging behavioral science of autonomous technology helps us understand barriers to consumer adoption and how to design captivating AI experiences. Moreover, we discuss how to improve managerial decision-making with data and algorithms. This is a non-technical course. No coding or data science skills are required. The course uses a blend of pedagogical approaches, including interactive lectures, workshops, guest lectures, and case discussions, to bridge two perspectives. On one side, we acknowledge the tremendous value that autonomous technology can provide to firms and individual consumers. In many ways, automation defines progress. On the other side, we examine emerging risks for consumers in an AI-driven economy. The main theoretical lens will be offered by psychology, but we will also examine ideas from economics, management, history, statistics, computer science, art, sociology, and philosophy. The application contexts will focus on marketing. While also relevant to other disciplines (e.g., operations, innovation), the course is therefore especially suitable for students interested in a career in marketing (e.g., product management, customer experience management).

MKTG8060 - Retail Merchandising (Course Syllabus)

As a follow-on to Principles of Retailing (MKTG 7250), this course delves more deeply into both the fundamentals and recent trends in the end-to-end retail merchandising process. The objective is to familiarize students with both the theory and practice of planning, buying, designing, pricing, and displaying merchandise to consumers. This knowledge will be fundamental to careers working for retailers themselves (e-commerce or omnichannel), but also in consulting to retailers, in banking or investing in the retail sector, or even starting their a brand or retail concept. Those seeking more depth in sourcing, distribution, fulfillment, and store/site operations should consider taking Retail Supply Chain Management (OIDD 6970).

Prerequisites: MKTG 6110 OR MKTG 7250

MKTG8090 - Experiments for Business Dec (Course Syllabus)

In the past decade, massive shifts in how companies interact with their customers have suddenly made field experiments an economically feasible way to learn about a variety of business questions such as what types of promotions are most effective, what products should be stocked at a store, how e-mail promotions should be designed, how sales staff should be compensated, etc. Many marketers engaged in online retailing, direct-marketing, online advertising, media management, etc. are rapidly embracing a "test and learn" philosophy and a number of platforms such as Google Website Optimizer, have been developed to facilitate rigorous field experiments in the online environment. Just as with the quality revolution in manufacturing during the 1980s and 1990s, the rapid rise of the "test and learn" philosophy in marketing has created a huge demand for those who can design, field, and analyze marketing experiments. Through this course, you will learn and practice a wide range of critical skills, from the statistical methods used to design and analyze experiments to the management and strategy required to execute an experiment and act on the results. Although the cases and examples will focus on marketing problems, the material covered can be applied in a number of other domains particularly operations management and product design.

MKTG8500 - Special Topics (Course Syllabus)

CONSUMER NEUROSCIENCE: How can studying the brain improve our understanding of consumer behavior? While neuroscience made tremendous strides throughout the 20th century, rarely were meaningful applications developed outside of medicine. Recently, however, breakthroughs in measurement and computation have accelerated brain science and created a dizzying array of opportunities in business and technology. Currently, applications to marketing research and product development are experiencing explosive growth that has been met with both excitement and skepticism. This mini-course provides an overview of the neuroscience behind and the potential for these developments. Topics will range from well-known and widely used applications, such as eye-tracking measures in the lab and field, to emerging methods and measures, such as mobile technologies, face-reading algorithms, and neural predictors of marketing response. The course will also discuss applications in branding and product development, including wearable physiological devices and apps, sensory branding for foods and fragrances, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, and neuroscience-based products designed to enhance cognitive functions. These applications stem from many subfields of cognitive neuroscience, including attention, emotion, memory, and decision making. This course is self-contained and has no prerequisites. However, students with some background in business, economics, psychology, and/or neuroscience are likely to find the material covered in this course complementary to their existing knowledge.

MKTG8520 - Special Topics (Course Syllabus)

MARKETING ANALYTICS: Companies are currently spending millions of dollars on data-gathering initiatives - but few are sucessfully capitalizing on all this data to generate revenue and increase profit. Moving from collecting data to analysis to profitable results requires the ability to forecast and develop a business rationale based on identified data patterns. Marketing Analytics will cover the three pillars of analytics - descriptive, predictive and prescriptive. Descriptive Analytics examines different types of data and how they can be visualized, ultimately helping you leverage your findings and strengthen your decision making. Predictive Analytics explores the potential uses of data once collected and interpreted. You will learn to utilize different tools, such as regression analysis, and estimate relationships among variables to predict future behavior. Prescriptive Analytics takes you through the final step - formulating concrete recommendations. These recommendations can be directed toward a variety of efforts including pricing and social-platform outreach.

MKTG8550 - Special Topics: AI In Our Live (Course Syllabus)

“AI in Our Lives: The Behavioral Science of Autonomous Technology” (or “AI in Our Lives” for short) takes a behavioral perspective on the topic of autonomous technology, such as Artificial Intelligence. It reviews new behavioral insights to help companies thrive in the dawning age of smart machines. We focus on both the behavior of consumers and how managers should make decisions about consumers. Related to the former, the emerging behavioral science of autonomous technology helps us understand barriers to consumer adoption and how to design captivating AI experiences. Related to the latter, we discuss how to improve decision-making with data and algorithms. This is a non-technical course. No coding or data science skills are required. The course uses interdisciplinary materials and a blend of pedagogical approaches, including interactive lectures, workshops, guest lectures, and case discussions. In addition to its many substantive insights, the course offers moments of reflection to help you understand how technology is changing our lives, and how each of us can help effect positive change in the world. The course bridges two perspectives. On one side, we acknowledge the tremendous value that autonomous technology can provide to firms and individual consumers. In many ways, automation defines progress. On the other side, we examine emerging risks for consumers in an AI-driven economy. The main theoretical lens will be offered by psychology, but we will also examine ideas from economics, management, history, statistics, computer science, art, sociology, and philosophy. The application contexts will be focused on marketing. While also relevant to other disciplines (e.g., operations, IT, innovation, or general management), this course is therefore especially suitable for students interested in a career in marketing (e.g., product management, brand management, service design, and customer experience management). The ultimate goal of the course is to help ensure that the amazing technologies currently being developed bring about positive change. The course will strive to achieve that by tackling the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: SDG9 (Innovation), SDG8 (Economic growth), SDG3 (Health and wellbeing), SDG10 (Reduced inequality), and SDG12 (Responsible consumption and production). The course complements the research activities of the new Wharton Human-Centered Technology Initiative.

MKTG8900 - Advanced Study Project (Course Syllabus)

ADVANCED STUDY PROJECT (GENERAL): The principal objectives of this course are to provide opportunities for undertaking an in-depth study of a marketing problem and to develop the students' skills in evaluating research and designing marketing strategies for a variety of management situations. Selected projects can touch on any aspect of marketing as long as this entails the elements of problem structuring, data collection, data analysis, and report preparation. The course entails a considerable amount of independent work. (Strict library-type research is not appropriate) Class sessions are used to monitor progress on the project and provide suggestions for the research design and data analysis. The last portion of the course often includes an oral presentation by each group to the rest of the class and project sponsors. Along with marketing, the projects integrate other elements of management such as finance, production, research and development, and human resources.

Prerequisites: MKTG 6110 AND MKTG 7250

MKTG8950 - Global Business Week (Course Syllabus)

GLOBAL BUSINESS WEEK: MKTG 895 is one in an array of Global Business Week (GBW) study tour courses offered by various departments across Wharton. Each of the GBW courses offered in a term, will entail travel to a different part of the world and address a different element of economic driver for a country or industry. A faculty member will drive the topic and curriculum associated with a study tour to a region of the world where the study of a topic will provide insights and clarity available only by being in country. In country lectures from the lead faculty and area experts in industry, academia and government will form much of the basis of class time. In addition, students will experience relevant company and cultural settings where they will again hear from industry experts. Each course will require an individual student paper, a participation component, and a pre-travel or in-country set of assignments. See course syllabus for details. CUSTOMER CENTRICITY AT THE LEADING EDGE OF ANALYTICS AND TECHNOLOGY: LEARNING FROM SCANDINAVIA. Instructor: Peter Fader. The concept of "customer centricity," i.e., that not all customers are created equal, is gaining credibility and traction. More and more firms are coming to the realization that understanding and leveraging the behavioral differences across customers can potentially be more sustainably profitable than more conventional product- centric thinking that continues to dominate today's business landscape. At the heart of this transformation are three critical ingredients data, analytics, and technology. Using customer data at a granular level allows firms greater visibility into customer interactions, their use of social media, biometrics, and geolocation as tools to enhance business models and even create new ones. It allows a firm to be deliberate about which customers to go after and what kinds of services to provide them. For many, the key to profitable growth lies in successfully harnessing and developing the tools, organizational structures, and corporate cultures that create and enhance these capabilities.

MKTG8960 - Global Modular Course (Course Syllabus)

Open to MBA, Executive MBA and, in some instances, Undergraduate students, these modular courses are intended to provide unique educational experiences to students in a regional context that has particular resonance with the topic. Taught around the globe, the modular courses help us enrich the curriculum and research on our own campuses in Philadelphia and San Francisco.

MKTG8970 - Advanced Study (Course Syllabus)

The luxury industry has been heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, with some estimates suggesting a contraction of over 20%. Some of the changes in consumer behavior directly affected luxury in the short-term, but these changes in behavior may eventually revert to past history when the pandemic is over. Examples of these include the drop in tourism travel, work from home trends, reduced traffic to physical retail and malls, and the reduction of festive social activities (e.g., weddings). Other trends affected many industries and are likely to fundamentally change consumer behavior long-term: (1) net zero retail now, (2) digital by design, (3) thoughtful experience, (4) re-localization and (5) lead with purpose. This course explores the special challenges that are faced by luxury brands as they try to navigate rapidly evolving shopping behaviors in both the online and offline environments. In this course we will articulate the key principles for successful luxury branding & experiences and focus on the challenges and opportunities that luxury brands face. Although we will have some traditional lecture/discussion classes, the course is primarily experiential. We will explore luxury broadly across many product categories. We will learn from what we see on location, but we will also critically assess how companies are coping with the challenges of the post-covid retailing environment.

MKTG8990 - Independent Study (Course Syllabus)

A student contemplating an independent study project must first find a faculty member who agrees to supervise and approve the student's written proposal as an independent study (MKTG 899). If a student wishes the proposed work to be used to meet the ASP requirement, he/she should then submit the approved proposal to the MBA adviser who will determine if it is an appropriate substitute. Such substitutions will only be approved prior to the beginning of the semester.

Only descriptions of  active courses are listed. To see the titles of other courses not currently being offered, or recently renumbered , see the MBA Course List.

  • Syllabi@Wharton
  • MBA Marketing Major Requirements 


The following courses are not being offered in the current term, but have been approved as permanent or experimental courses in the Marketing Department.

MKTG733 - Marketing for Social Impact

Course syllabus.

This course is designed to provide an opportunity for students to develop an understanding of the process by which industrial and other institutional buyers’ needs are identified and met. Following an examination of the setting in which business to business marketing takes place (i.e., market and system characteristics), the course focuses on the managerial process of identifying and evaluating industrial marketing opportunities and strategy decisions to effectively serve industrial markets.

MKTG891 - Thesis

MKTG 891-I and MKTG 891-II Preparation of a thesis under individual supervision of a faculty member. The student selects the thesis topic. Written approval of the student’s topic and acceptance of the student as an advisee must be obtained from a faculty member before the student can elect the two-term thesis options.

Other Information: Permission from the Department is required for this two term, two credit individual project.


A variety of Special Topics courses are offered by the Marketing Department. Titles and course units may vary from year to year.

MKTG809 - SPECIAL TOPICS: Experiments for Business Decision Making

In the past decade, massive shifts in how companies interact with their customers have suddenly made field experiments an economically feasible way to learn about a variety of business questions such as what types of promotions are most effective, what products should be stocked at a store, how e-mail promotions should be designed, how sales staff should be compensated, etc. Many marketers engaged in online retailing, direct-marketing, online advertising, media management, etc. are rapidly embracing a “test and learn” philosophy and a number of platforms such as Google Website Optimizer, have been developed to facilitate rigorous field experiments in the online environment. Just as with the quality revolution in manufacturing during the 1980s and 1990s, the rapid rise of the “test and learn” philosophy in marketing has created a huge demand for those who can design, field, and analyze marketing experiments.

Through this course, you will learn and practice a wide range of critical skills, from the statistical methods used to design and analyze experiments to the management and strategy required to execute an experiment and act on the results. Although the cases and examples will focus on marketing problems, the material covered can be applied in a number of other domains particularly operations management and product design.

Other Information: Last offered 2016C. STAT431 or equivalent is required as a prerequisite for this course

Visual Aesthetics and Style in Retail Merchandising

This course is a visual and practical approach of understanding global styles and it involves readings, active participation in the creation of lifestyle boards, brand books, exercises to develop all the senses and the development of a total lifestyle concept. Students will be exposed to the Through the Whitaker Lifestyle Segementation of the Global Consumer system and will learn: you will learn: How to anticipate and predict consumers needs and their style evolution; How to identify new retail opportunities; How to create innovative retail concepts and brands; How to merchandise the appropriate products for a specific lifestyle; and How to develop your intuition and creative power. In addition, students will critically evaluate this style segmentation system and compare it to other segmentation approaches. This course is relevant for students interested in developing their intuition and creativity. The topics of this course are a foundation for anyone working in any area of the retail industry: marketing, merchandising, visual merchandising, store design, planning, advertising, etc. (Last offered 2010A as MKTG792)

Retail Designscape

The course will use design as the medium to link consumer need to retail. This will include basic design elements, such as space, form and color, as well as retail-specific topics like point-of-purchase displays. Both macro and micro elements of retail design will be explored, including issues from mall development to individual customer transactions. Selected topics may include principles of design, environmental design, stroe design (micro and macro), graphic arts, visual merchandising, comparison of shopping venues, role of consumer behavior and psychology as drivers for design and architecture and design of virtual retailing channels (online and catalog). (Last offered in 2005A as MKTG897)


  • 600-699       Core Courses and MBA Courses Cross listed with other departments
  • 700-719        Reserved for Basic or Required Courses
  • 720-759        0.5 cu Electives
  • 760-799        1.0 cu Electives
  • 800-899       Reserved for Independent Study, Advanced Study, Global Modular, Special Topics, and Center Specific Courses

Grad Coach


How to set a clear direction and purpose in your assignments by using research questions.

When it comes to writing up your Henley MBA assignments, being crystal clear about what your assignment will address (and why) is essential to earning good marks. In fact, if you want to throw away marks by the bucket load, simply be vague and ambiguous about your assignment’s purpose.

It might sound ridiculous, but a lack of clear direction is extremely common in weak (and failed) Henley MBA assignments. This is because when you’re shoulder-deep in your assignment topic, it’s easy to forget that your reader (i.e. your marker) likely has no experience in your industry, and certainly has no knowledge of your organisation and its unique local context (they’re probably not in your country). The key issue of the assignment, as well as the associated research question(s) is crystal clear in your head – surely the marker will get it too, right? Wrong.

Henley MBA Help

How do I clarify my assignment purpose?

When writing your Henley MBA assignments, you first need to take ten steps back and think about the layman reader (i.e. someone not involved in your business). Assume they know nothing about your industry and organisation. This includes the ten acronyms you included in the first three paragraphs (which, by the way, you should list in an appendix). If your granny’s bingo partner doesn’t know about the inner workings of your business, neither does the reader – despite their sparkly PhD.

To help your reader understand your unique situation, you need to cover 3 interlinked components in your introduction chapter. That is, you need to present a very well-explained context which leads to an outstandingly unambiguous problem or opportunity, followed by a clear, logical research question(s) that your assignment will (aim to) answer.

The order and hierarchy mentioned above are important. In other words, make sure that you demonstrate a strong alignment between the context, the problem/opportunity and the question. There should be a smooth, logical flow from one to the other, as per below:

marketing assignment mba

Importantly, the final component, the research question, should take the form of a crystal-clear one-liner (no rambling or wordiness). Moreover, the question should be answerable within the constraints of the assignment – in other words, it should be narrow enough to answer within the word count limit.

What makes a good research question?

A good research question should provide a step towards resolving the key issue/problem that you present in Step 2 above. In other words, it should be tightly linked to the problem at hand. Note that given the word count limits of Henley MBA assignments, you won’t always be able to resolve the entirety of the problem. That’s okay – as long as your research question(s) is taking steps in the right direction.

When crafting your research question(s), keep your question(s) focused and reasonably narrow so that you don’t end up horrendously over word count trying to answer a vague question. When formulating a question(s), you should already be thinking about what models, frameworks and theories you might use to identify an answer to said question(s).

Here are some example questions, based on Henley MBA assignments:

Strategy assignment:

“What has changed in Organisation X’s competitive context at a macro, meso and micro-level?”

“How should the organisation best respond to ensure a sustainable competitive advantage?”

International Business assignment:

“Should Organisation X internationalise to Country Y?”

“Which entry mode would be best for the organisation?” Strategic Marketing assignment:

“What segments exist within Industry X and what are their respective attributes?

“Which segment should Organisation Y target and how should it position itself?”

By laying this sort of guiding question out loud and clear in the introduction of your assignment, you inadvertently achieve a few things at once – you will:

  • Provide the reader with clarity and direction, i.e. they know what your assignment will be about and where it may potentially go.
  • Narrow the scope of your assignment to a manageable and achievable breadth, allowing you to add depth in your analysis, rather than floundering in a broad floodplain of superficial description, peppered with bits of analysis.
  • Provide a guiding light for yourself throughout the assignment, ensuring that you stay relevant and on-track when you write.

Simply put, establishing this key research question (or set of questions) upfront provides a clear destination for the assignment. This allows your reader (the marker) to have a rough idea of where you’re headed, thereby aiding their comprehension throughout the assignment. Furthermore, it helps you stay focused and on-topic – typically resulting in more meaningful, deep analysis. Failure to establish this goal post early in the assignment (ideally within the first chapter – introduction) means you risk going nowhere slowly – or going somewhere, but losing the reader (i.e. marker) along the way.

Let’s recap.

When writing up your Henley MBA assignments, set a clear direction in your introduction chapter by discussing:

  • The background and context, which then leads up to
  • The key issue/problem, which then lays the foundation for
  • The research question(s).

By doing this, you will make it outstandingly clear what your assignment will be about and why that’s important – both for the reader/marker and for yourself. This sets a clear direction and purpose for the assignment, which will help you stay on point and earn marks.

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Quick and concise guidance with a sparkly sense of humour.

Would love to see an article on how one tackles the different types of assignment topics. E.g. Peope vs Finance etc

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What is a Marketing Plan & How to Write One [+Examples]

Clifford Chi

Published: December 27, 2023

For a while now, you've been spearheading your organization's content marketing efforts, and your team's performance has convinced management to adopt the content marketing strategies you’ve suggested.

marketing plan and how to write one

Now, your boss wants you to write and present a content marketing plan, but you‘ve never done something like that before. You don't even know where to start.

Download Now: Free Marketing Plan Template [Get Your Copy]

Fortunately, we've curated the best content marketing plans to help you write a concrete plan that's rooted in data and produces results. But first, we'll discuss what a marketing plan is and how some of the best marketing plans include strategies that serve their respective businesses.

What is a marketing plan?

A marketing plan is a strategic roadmap that businesses use to organize, execute, and track their marketing strategy over a given period. Marketing plans can include different marketing strategies for various marketing teams across the company, all working toward the same business goals.

The purpose of a marketing plan is to write down strategies in an organized manner. This will help keep you on track and measure the success of your campaigns.

Writing a marketing plan will help you think of each campaign‘s mission, buyer personas, budget, tactics, and deliverables. With all this information in one place, you’ll have an easier time staying on track with a campaign. You'll also discover what works and what doesn't. Thus, measuring the success of your strategy.

Featured Resource: Free Marketing Plan Template

HubSpot Mktg plan cover

Looking to develop a marketing plan for your business? Click here to download HubSpot's free Marketing Plan Template to get started .

To learn more about how to create your marketing plan, keep reading or jump to the section you’re looking for:

How to Write a Marketing Plan

Types of marketing plans, marketing plan examples, marketing plan faqs, sample marketing plan.

Marketing plan definition graphic

If you're pressed for time or resources, you might not be thinking about a marketing plan. However, a marketing plan is an important part of your business plan.

Marketing Plan vs. Business Plan

A marketing plan is a strategic document that outlines marketing objectives, strategies, and tactics.

A business plan is also a strategic document. But this plan covers all aspects of a company's operations, including finance, operations, and more. It can also help your business decide how to distribute resources and make decisions as your business grows.

I like to think of a marketing plan as a subset of a business plan; it shows how marketing strategies and objectives can support overall business goals.

Keep in mind that there's a difference between a marketing plan and a marketing strategy.

marketing assignment mba

Free Marketing Plan Template

Outline your company's marketing strategy in one simple, coherent plan.

  • Pre-Sectioned Template
  • Completely Customizable
  • Example Prompts
  • Professionally Designed

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Marketing Strategy vs. Marketing Plan

A marketing strategy describes how a business will accomplish a particular goal or mission. This includes which campaigns, content, channels, and marketing software they'll use to execute that mission and track its success.

For example, while a greater plan or department might handle social media marketing, you might consider your work on Facebook as an individual marketing strategy.

A marketing plan contains one or more marketing strategies. It's the framework from which all of your marketing strategies are created and helps you connect each strategy back to a larger marketing operation and business goal.

For example, suppose your company is launching a new software product, and it wants customers to sign up. The marketing department needs to develop a marketing plan that'll help introduce this product to the industry and drive the desired signups.

The department decides to launch a blog dedicated to this industry, a new YouTube video series to establish expertise, and an account on Twitter to join the conversation around this subject. All this serves to attract an audience and convert this audience into software users.

To summarize, the business's marketing plan is dedicated to introducing a new software product to the marketplace and driving signups for that product. The business will execute that plan with three marketing strategies : a new industry blog, a YouTube video series, and a Twitter account.

Of course, the business might consider these three things as one giant marketing strategy, each with its specific content strategies. How granular you want your marketing plan to get is up to you. Nonetheless, every marketing plan goes through a particular set of steps in its creation.

Learn what they are below.

  • State your business's mission.
  • Determine the KPIs for this mission.
  • Identify your buyer personas.
  • Describe your content initiatives and strategies.
  • Clearly define your plan's omissions.
  • Define your marketing budget.
  • Identify your competition.
  • Outline your plan's contributors and their responsibilities.

1. State your business's mission.

Your first step in writing a marketing plan is to state your mission. Although this mission is specific to your marketing department, it should serve your business‘s main mission statement.

From my experience, you want to be specific, but not too specific. You have plenty of space left in this marketing plan to elaborate on how you'll acquire new customers and accomplish this mission.


Need help building your mission statement? Download this guide for examples and templates and write the ideal mission statement.

2. Determine the KPIs for this mission.

Every good marketing plan describes how the department will track its mission‘s progress. To do so, you need to decide on your key performance indicators (KPIs) .

KPIs are individual metrics that measure the various elements of a marketing campaign. These units help you establish short-term goals within your mission and communicate your progress to business leaders.

Let's take our example of a marketing mission from the above step. If part of our mission is “to attract an audience of travelers,” we might track website visits using organic page views. In this case, “organic page views” is one KPI, and we can see our number of page views grow over time.

Also, make sure to check whether your current reporting software facilitates the KPIs you need. Some reporting tools can only measure a set of pre-defined metrics, which can cause massive headaches in particular marketing campaigns.

However, other tools, like HubSpot’s analytics software , can offer full flexibility over the KPIs you wish to track. You can generate custom reports that reveal anything from average website engagement rates to page visits via organic, email, social media traffic, and more.   

These KPIs will come into the conversation again in step 4.

3. Identify your buyer personas.

A buyer persona is a description of who you want to attract. This can include age, sex, location, family size, and job title. Each buyer persona should directly reflect your business's current and potential customers. So, all business leaders must agree on your buyer personas.


Create your buyer personas with this free guide and set of buyer persona templates.

4. Describe your content initiatives and strategies.

Here's where you'll include the main points of your marketing and content strategy. Because there's a laundry list of content types and channels available to you today, you must choose wisely and explain how you'll use your content and channels in this section of your marketing plan.

When I write this section , I like to stipulate:

  • Which types of content I'll create. These might include blog posts, YouTube videos, infographics, and ebooks.
  • How much of it I'll create. I typically describe content volume in daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly intervals. It all depends on my workflow and the short-term goals for my content.
  • The goals (and KPIs) I'll use to track each type. KPIs can include organic traffic, social media traffic, email traffic, and referral traffic. Your goals should also include which pages you want to drive that traffic to, such as product pages, blog pages, or landing pages.
  • The channels on which I'll distribute my content. Popular channels include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram.
  • Any paid advertising that will take place on these channels.

Build out your marketing plan with this free template.

Fill out this form to access the template., 5. clearly define your plan's omissions..

A marketing plan explains the marketing team's focus. It also explains what the marketing team will not focus on.

If there are other aspects of your business that you aren't serving in this particular plan, include them in this section. These omissions help to justify your mission, buyer personas, KPIs, and content. You can’t please everyone in a single marketing campaign, and if your team isn't on the hook for something, you need to make it known.

In my experience, this section is particularly important for stakeholders to help them understand why certain decisions were made.

6. Define your marketing budget.

Whether it's freelance fees, sponsorships, or a new full-time marketing hire, use these costs to develop a marketing budget and outline each expense in this section of your marketing plan.


You can establish your marketing budget with this kit of 8 free marketing budget templates .

7. Identify your competition.

Part of marketing is knowing whom you're marketing against. Research the key players in your industry and consider profiling each one.

Keep in mind not every competitor will pose the same challenges to your business. For example, while one competitor might be ranking highly on search engines for keywords you want your website to rank for, another competitor might have a heavy footprint on a social network where you plan to launch an account.


Easily track and analyze your competitors with this collection of ten free competitive analysis templates .

8. Outline your plan's contributors and their responsibilities.

With your marketing plan fully fleshed out, it's time to explain who’s doing what. I don't like to delve too deeply into my employees’ day-to-day projects, but I know which teams and team leaders are in charge of specific content types, channels, KPIs, and more.

Now that you know why you need to build an effective marketing plan, it’s time to get to work. Starting a plan from scratch can be overwhelming if you haven't done it before. That’s why there are many helpful resources that can support your first steps. We’ll share some of the best guides and templates that can help you build effective results-driven plans for your marketing strategies.

Ready to make your own marketing plan? Get started using this free template.

Depending on the company you work with, you might want to create various marketing plans. We compiled different samples to suit your needs:

1. Quarterly or Annual Marketing Plans

These plans highlight the strategies or campaigns you'll take on in a certain period.

marketing plan examples: forbes

Forbes published a marketing plan template that has amassed almost 4 million views. To help you sculpt a marketing roadmap with true vision, their template will teach you how to fill out the 15 key sections of a marketing plan, which are:

  • Executive Summary
  • Target Customers
  • Unique Selling Proposition
  • Pricing & Positioning Strategy
  • Distribution Plan
  • Your Offers
  • Marketing Materials
  • Promotions Strategy
  • Online Marketing Strategy
  • Conversion Strategy
  • Joint Ventures & Partnerships
  • Referral Strategy
  • Strategy for Increasing Transaction Prices
  • Retention Strategy
  • Financial Projections

If you're truly lost on where to start with a marketing plan, I highly recommend using this guide to help you define your target audience, figure out how to reach them, and ensure that audience becomes loyal customers.

2. Social Media Marketing Plan

This type of plan highlights the channels, tactics, and campaigns you intend to accomplish specifically on social media. A specific subtype is a paid marketing plan, which highlights paid strategies, such as native advertising, PPC, or paid social media promotions.

Shane Snow's Marketing Plan for His Book Dream Team is a great example of a social media marketing plan:

Contently's content strategy waterfall.

When Shane Snow started promoting his new book, "Dream Team," he knew he had to leverage a data-driven content strategy framework. So, he chose his favorite one: the content strategy waterfall. The content strategy waterfall is defined by Economic Times as a model used to create a system with a linear and sequential approach.

Snow wrote a blog post about how the waterfall‘s content strategy helped him launch his new book successfully. After reading it, you can use his tactics to inform your own marketing plan. More specifically, you’ll learn how he:

  • Applied his business objectives to decide which marketing metrics to track.
  • Used his ultimate business goal of earning $200,000 in sales or 10,000 purchases to estimate the conversion rate of each stage of his funnel.
  • Created buyer personas to figure out which channels his audience would prefer to consume his content.
  • Used his average post view on each of his marketing channels to estimate how much content he had to create and how often he had to post on social media.
  • Calculated how much earned and paid media could cut down the amount of content he had to create and post.
  • Designed his process and workflow, built his team, and assigned members to tasks.
  • Analyzed content performance metrics to refine his overall content strategy.

I use Snow's marketing plan to think more creatively about my content promotion and distribution plan. I like that it's linear and builds on the step before it, creating an air-tight strategy that doesn't leave any details out.

→ Free Download: Social Media Calendar Template [Access Now]

3. Content Marketing Plan

This plan could highlight different strategies, tactics, and campaigns in which you'll use content to promote your business or product.

HubSpot's Comprehensive Guide for Content Marketing Strategy is a strong example of a content marketing plan:

marketing plan examples: hubspot content marketing plan

At HubSpot, we‘ve built our marketing team from two business school graduates working from a coffee table to a powerhouse of hundreds of employees. Along the way, we’ve learned countless lessons that shaped our current content marketing strategy. So, we decided to illustrate our insights in a blog post to teach marketers how to develop a successful content marketing strategy, regardless of their team's size.

Download Now: Free Content Marketing Planning Templates

In this comprehensive guide for modern marketers, you'll learn:

  • What exactly content marketing is.
  • Why your business needs a content marketing strategy.
  • Who should lead your content marketing efforts?
  • How to structure your content marketing team based on your company's size.
  • How to hire the right people for each role on your team.
  • What marketing tools and technology you'll need to succeed.
  • What type of content your team should create, and which employees should be responsible for creating them.
  • The importance of distributing your content through search engines, social media, email, and paid ads.
  • And finally, the recommended metrics each of your teams should measure and report to optimize your content marketing program.

This is a fantastic resource for content teams of any size — whether you're a team of one or 100. It includes how to hire and structure a content marketing team, what marketing tools you'll need, what type of content you should create, and even recommends what metrics to track for analyzing campaigns. If you're aiming to establish or boost your online presence, leveraging tools like HubSpot's drag-and-drop website builder can be extremely beneficial. It helps you create a captivating digital footprint that sets the foundation for your content marketing endeavors.

4. New Product Launch Marketing Plan

This will be a roadmap for the strategies and tactics you‘ll implement to promote a new product. And if you’re searching for an example, look no further than Chief Outsiders' Go-To-Market Plan for a New Product :

marketing plan examples: chief outsiders

After reading this plan, you'll learn how to:

  • Validate a product
  • Write strategic objectives
  • Identify your market
  • Compile a competitive landscape
  • Create a value proposition for a new product
  • Consider sales and service in your marketing plan

If you're looking for a marketing plan for a new product, the Chief Outsiders template is a great place to start. Marketing plans for a new product will be more specific because they target one product versus its entire marketing strategy.

5. Growth Marketing Plan

Growth marketing plans use experimentation and data to drive results, like we see in Venture Harbour’s Growth Marketing Plan Template :

marketing plan examples: venture harbour

Venture Harbour's growth marketing plan is a data-driven and experiment-led alternative to the more traditional marketing plan. Their template has five steps intended for refinement with every test-measure-learn cycle. The five steps are:

  • Experiments

Download Now: Free Growth Strategy Template

I recommend this plan if you want to experiment with different platforms and campaigns. Experimentation always feels risky and unfamiliar, but this plan creates a framework for accountability and strategy.

  • Louisville Tourism
  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Visit Oxnard
  • Safe Haven Family Shelter
  • Wright County Economic Development
  • The Cultural Council of Palm Beach County
  • Cabarrus County Convention and Visitors Bureau
  • Visit Billings

1. Louisville Tourism

Louisville Tourism Marketing Plan

It also divides its target market into growth and seed categories to allow for more focused strategies. For example, the plan recognizes Millennials in Chicago, Atlanta, and Nashville as the core of it's growth market, whereas people in Boston, Austin, and New York represent seed markets where potential growth opportunities exist. Then, the plan outlines objectives and tactics for reaching each market.

Why This Marketing Plan Works

  • The plan starts with a letter from the President & CEO of the company, who sets the stage for the plan by providing a high-level preview of the incoming developments for Louisville's tourism industry
  • The focus on Louisville as "Bourbon City" effectively leverages its unique cultural and culinary attributes to present a strong brand
  • Incorporates a variety of data points from Google Analytics, Arrivalist, and visitor profiles to to define their target audience with a data-informed approach

2. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

University Illinois

For example, students who become prospects as freshman and sophomore will receive emails that focus on getting the most out of high school and college prep classes. Once these students become juniors and seniors — thus entering the consideration stage — the emails will focus more on the college application process and other exploratory content.

  • The plan incorporates competitive analysis, evaluation surveys, and other research to determine the makeup of its target audience
  • The plan lists each marketing program (e.g., direct mail, social media, email etc.) and supplements it with examples on the next page
  • Each marketing program has its own objectives, tactics, and KPIs for measuring success

3. Visit Oxnard

This marketing plan by Visit Oxnard, a convention and visitors bureau, is packed with all the information one needs in a marketing plan: target markets, key performance indicators, selling points, personas, marketing tactics by channel, and much more.

It also articulates the organization’s strategic plans for the upcoming fiscal year, especially as it grapples with the aftereffects of the pandemic. Lastly, it has impeccable visual appeal, with color-coded sections and strong branding elements.

  • States clear and actionable goals for the coming year
  • Includes data and other research that shows how their team made their decisions
  • Outlines how the team will measure the success of their plan

4. Safe Haven Family Shelter

marketing plan examples: safe haven family shelter

This marketing plan by a nonprofit organization is an excellent example to follow if your plan will be presented to internal stakeholders at all levels of your organization. It includes SMART marketing goals , deadlines, action steps, long-term objectives, target audiences, core marketing messages , and metrics.

The plan is detailed, yet scannable. By the end of it, one can walk away with a strong understanding of the organization’s strategic direction for its upcoming marketing efforts.

  • Confirms ongoing marketing strategies and objectives while introducing new initiatives
  • Uses colors, fonts, and formatting to emphasize key parts of the plan
  • Closes with long-term goals, key themes, and other overarching topics to set the stage for the future

5. Wright County Economic Development

marketing plan examples: wright county

Wright County Economic Development’s plan drew our attention because of its simplicity, making it good inspiration for those who’d like to outline their plan in broad strokes without frills or filler.

It includes key information such as marketing partners, goals, initiatives, and costs. The sections are easy to scan and contain plenty of information for those who’d like to dig into the details. Most important, it includes a detailed breakdown of projected costs per marketing initiative — which is critical information to include for upper-level managers and other stakeholders.

  • Begins with a quick paragraph stating why the recommended changes are important
  • Uses clear graphics and bullet points to emphasize key points
  • Includes specific budget data to support decision-making

6. The Cultural Council of Palm Beach County

marketing plan examples: cultural council of palm beach county

This marketing plan presentation by a cultural council is a great example of how to effectively use data in your plan, address audiences who are new to the industry, and offer extensive detail into specific marketing strategies.

For instance, an entire slide is dedicated to the county’s cultural tourism trends, and at the beginning of the presentation, the organization explains what an arts and culture agency is in the first place.

That’s a critical piece of information to include for those who might not know. If you’re addressing audiences outside your industry, consider defining terms at the beginning, like this organization did.

  • Uses quality design and images to support the goals and priorities in the text
  • Separate pages for each big idea or new strategy
  • Includes sections for awards and accomplishments to show how the marketing plan supports wider business goals
  • Defines strategies and tactics for each channel for easy skimming

7. Cabarrus County Convention & Visitors Bureau

marketing plan examples: carrabus county

Cabarrus County’s convention and visitors bureau takes a slightly different approach with its marketing plan, formatting it like a magazine for stakeholders to flip through. It offers information on the county’s target audience, channels, goals, KPIs, and public relations strategies and initiatives.

We especially love that the plan includes contact information for the bureau’s staff members, so that it’s easy for stakeholders to contact the appropriate person for a specific query.

  • Uses infographics to expand on specific concepts, like how visitors benefit a community
  • Highlights the team members responsible for each initiative with a photo to emphasize accountability and community
  • Closes with an event calendar for transparency into key dates for events

8. Visit Billings

marketing plan examples: visit billings

Visit Billing’s comprehensive marketing plan is like Cabarrus County’s in that it follows a magazine format. With sections for each planned strategy, it offers a wealth of information and depth for internal stakeholders and potential investors.

We especially love its content strategy section, where it details the organization’s prior efforts and current objectives for each content platform.

At the end, it includes strategic goals and budgets — a good move to imitate if your primary audience would not need this information highlighted at the forefront.

  • Includes a section on the buyer journey, which offers clarity on the reasoning for marketing plan decisions
  • Design includes call-outs for special topics that could impact the marketing audience, such as safety concerns or "staycations"
  • Clear headings make it easy to scan this comprehensive report and make note of sections a reader may want to return to for more detail

What is a typical marketing plan?

In my experience, most marketing plans outline the following aspects of a business's marketing:

  • Target audience

Each marketing plan should include one or more goals, the path your team will take to meet those goals, and how you plan to measure success.

For example, if I were a tech startup that's launching a new mobile app, my marketing plan would include:

  • Target audience or buyer personas for the app
  • Outline of how app features meet audience needs
  • Competitive analysis
  • Goals for conversion funnel and user acquisition
  • Marketing strategies and tactics for user acquisition

Featured resource : Free Marketing Plan Template

What should a good marketing plan include?

A good marketing plan will create a clear roadmap for your unique marketing team. This means that the best marketing plan for your business will be distinct to your team and business needs.

That said, most marketing plans will include sections for one or more of the following:

  • Clear analysis of the target market
  • A detailed description of the product or service
  • Strategic marketing mix details (such as product, price, place, promotion)
  • Measurable goals with defined timelines

This can help you build the best marketing plan for your business.

A good marketing plan should also include a product or service's unique value proposition, a comprehensive marketing strategy including online and offline channels, and a defined budget.

Featured resource : Value Proposition Templates

What are the most important parts of a marketing plan?

When you‘re planning a road trip, you need a map to help define your route, step-by-step directions, and an estimate of the time it will take to get to your destination. It’s literally how you get there that matters.

Like a road map, a marketing plan is only useful if it helps you get to where you want to go. So, no one part is more than the other.

That said, you can use the list below to make sure that you've added or at least considered each of the following in your marketing plan:

  • Marketing goals
  • Executive summary
  • Target market analysis
  • Marketing strategies

What questions should I ask when making a marketing plan?

Questions are a useful tool for when you‘re stuck or want to make sure you’ve included important details.

Try using one or more of these questions as a starting point when you create your marketing plan:

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What are their needs, motivations, and pain points?
  • How does our product or service solve their problems?
  • How will I reach and engage them?
  • Who are my competitors? Are they direct or indirect competitors?
  • What are the unique selling points of my product or service?
  • What marketing channels are best for the brand?
  • What is our budget and timeline?
  • How will I measure the success of marketing efforts?

How much does a marketing plan cost?

Creating a marketing plan is mostly free. But the cost of executing a marketing plan will depend on your specific plan.

Marketing plan costs vary by business, industry, and plan scope. Whether your team handles marketing in-house or hires external consultants can also make a difference. Total costs can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands. This is why most marketing plans will include a budget.

Featured resource : Free Marketing Budget Templates

What is a marketing plan template?

A marketing plan template is a pre-designed structure or framework that helps you outline your marketing plan.

It offers a starting point that you can customize for your specific business needs and goals. For example, our template includes easy-to-edit sections for:

  • Business summary
  • Business initiatives
  • Target market
  • Market strategy
  • Marketing channels
  • Marketing technology

Let’s create a sample plan together, step by step.

Follow along with HubSpot's free Marketing Plan Template .

HubSpot Mktg plan cover

1. Create an overview or primary objective.

Our business mission is to provide [service, product, solution] to help [audience] reach their [financial, educational, business related] goals without compromising their [your audience’s valuable asset: free time, mental health, budget, etc.]. We want to improve our social media presence while nurturing our relationships with collaborators and clients.

For example, if I wanted to focus on social media growth, my KPIs might look like this:

We want to achieve a minimum of [followers] with an engagement rate of [X] on [social media platform].

The goal is to achieve an increase of [Y] on recurring clients and new meaningful connections outside the platform by the end of the year.

Use the following categories to create a target audience for your campaign.

  • Profession:
  • Background:
  • Pain points:
  • Social media platforms that they use:
  • Streaming platforms that they prefer:

For more useful strategies, consider creating a buyer persona in our Make My Persona tool .

Our content pillars will be: [X, Y, Z].

Content pillars should be based on topics your audience needs to know. If your ideal clients are female entrepreneurs, then your content pillars can be: marketing, being a woman in business, remote working, and productivity hacks for entrepreneurs.

Then, determine any omissions.

This marketing plan won’t be focusing on the following areas of improvement: [A, B, C].

5. Define your marketing budget.

Our marketing strategy will use a total of [Y] monthly. This will include anything from freelance collaborations to advertising.

6. Identify your competitors.

I like to work through the following questions to clearly indicate who my competitors are:

  • Which platforms do they use the most?
  • How does their branding differentiate?
  • How do they talk to their audiences?
  • What valuable assets do customers talk about? And if they are receiving any negative feedback, what is it about?

7. Outline your plan's contributors and their responsibilities.

Create responsible parties for each portion of the plan.

Marketing will manage the content plan, implementation, and community interaction to reach the KPIs.

  • Social media manager: [hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations]
  • Content strategist: [hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations]
  • Community manager: [hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations]

Sales will follow the line of the marketing work while creating and implementing an outreach strategy.

  • Sales strategists: [hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations]
  • Sales executives: [hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations]

Customer Service will nurture clients’ relationships to ensure that they have what they want. [Hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations].

Project Managers will track the progress and team communication during the project. [Hours per week dedicated to the project, responsibilities, team communication requirements, expectations].

Get started on your marketing plan.

These marketing plans serve as initial resources to get your content marketing plan started. But, to truly deliver what your audience wants and needs, you'll likely need to test some different ideas out, measure their success, and then refine your goals as you go.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in April 2019, but was updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure t o learn more about how we use AI.

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Chris Marino is Shaping the Next Generation of Marketing Leaders by Paying it Forward

Celebrating 10 under 10 honoree chris marino, mba ’20.

upper body shot of Chris Marino with a 10 Under 10 graphic identifier overlaid on the photo.

Chris Marino, MBA ’20, head of agency at Google, at Cornell Tech (photo by Jesse Winter)

A visionary leader who believes in using marketing as a force for good and a mentor who strives to empower students, Chris Marino , MBA ’20, a graduate of the  Executive MBA Metro NY program at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management , is one of the  2024 10 Under 10 Notable Alumni  honored by the  Cornell SC Johnson College of Business .

Chris Marino standing on a stage and speaking into a microphone.

Marino is a head of agency at Google, where he leads a team that partners with independent media agencies across the U.S to drive large-scale digital transformations. In his role, he’s focused on evangelizing Google’s products and services to enable agency executives to deliver sustainable revenue growth. Marino considers himself “a servant leader who is passionate about shaping the next generation of marketing leaders.”

Prior to Google, Marino led global media and marketing technology at Bloomberg Media. He started his career at American Express, where he would go on to hold leadership roles in social media and performance marketing. He has been recognized by AdWeek as one of 50 transformative media executives, Business Insider as a rising star of brand marketing, and Brand Innovators as a 40 under 40.

Chris Marino standing on a stage and speaking.

Marino grew up in Queens, NY, and now lives in Manhattan. When not making power moves, he’s “enjoying all NYC has to offer with my wife and our two rescue Newfoundlands.”

Chris Marino smiling and crouching down in the snow with his hands on two large dogs on either side of him and hills and bare trees in the background.

Learn more about Marino in this Q&A.

Marketing as a force for good

What drives your commitment and focus in your professional career.

Marino: Throughout my career, I’ve always been committed to using marketing as a force for good, whether it was democratizing access to unbiased, data-driven journalism at Bloomberg Media or helping small businesses do more business at American Express and Google. I’ve always strived to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

Paying it forward through mentorship

An active mentor for current students both at Syracuse University, his undergraduate alma mater , and at Cornell University, Marino strives to empower students from diverse backgrounds with the skills, confidence, and network to succeed in modern business.

What inspires you to dedicate your time and energy to this community service? What impact do you want to have in the world?

Marino: I’ve always believed in the importance of helping to lift others as we rise. For everyone I dedicate my time to, my only ask is that they do the same when someone is in need. By building that type of community, we can have a much larger impact on others than we can on our own.

What drives your continued engagement with and contribution to the Cornell community?

Marino: I believe in building the next generation of marketing leaders by paying it forward through mentorship. Mentors have had a transformative impact on my career. I’m energized by helping Cornellians find their passion, expand their network, and build a strong foundation to find the right career opportunities.

What does being selected for the 10 Under 10 Notable Alumni list mean to you?

Marino: I’ve long been inspired by the Cornell alumni base, who are having a positive impact across the globe in different industries, disciplines, and communities. It’s an honor to be recognized amongst such an incredible group of professionals. By coming together, we can all continue to learn so much from each other.

A Cornell lesson learned: Nothing is impossible

What are the most valuable things you learned at cornell that have helped you in your career.

A woman in a wedding dress and man in a tuxedo, holding hands and smiling, and walking between tables set up outside, covered with white tablecloths and filled with guests, with trees and hills in the background.

Marino: Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it, work hard, and surround yourself with smart people. Balancing a full-time job and rigorous executive MBA program was challenging but incredibly rewarding. The Cornell community helped me become a more well-rounded leader. Most importantly, I graduated with a group of lifelong friends who were at my wedding this May.

Did any particular faculty or staff member(s) influence you on your chosen career path?

Marino: Professor Risa Mish [Johnson School professor of practice of management] had a profound impact on my leadership style. Critical Thinking for Business Leaders and Building Leadership Influence were two of the most impactful courses that I took during my time at Cornell. They forever influenced how I try to show up as a leader, inspire others through a common purpose, and solve problems in the workplace. I’ll always be grateful for Risa’s guidance both in and outside of the classroom.

Growth and comfort often don’t coexist

Describe a challenge you encountered as you built your career and how you overcame it..

Marino: Careers are filled with challenging situations, but defined by how you overcome them. After working as a chief of staff at AmEx, my boss at the time encouraged me to take a role overseeing social media strategy. She reminded me that growth and comfort often don’t coexist. I took the role with little digital experience and ended up finding my passion. Through that experience, I learned the power of vulnerability as a leader and the importance of always maintaining a growth mindset. I was clear about what I needed to learn and where I could add value and I surrounded myself with subject matter experts internally and externally. A year later, I had the opportunity to be a headline speaker at Social Media Week, presenting a case study about redefining AmEx’s social media presence.

What is the proudest moment of your career or of your personal life?

Marino: When I reflect on my career to date, I’m most proud of the impact I’ve had on others. Watching colleagues that have reported to me grow as leaders and continue to succeed in their careers is the most fulfilling feeling. In terms of my personal life, I’m most proud of finding my wife, Emily. Without her, life would not be as fulfilling and none of my success would be possible.

What do you do to recharge?

Marino: I’ve always enjoyed experiencing new cultures through travel and food. My favorite way to recharge is either being on a beach or in a restaurant with a glass of wine, a great meal, and good company.

Enjoy the journey

What do you wish you’d known as a current student and what advice would you give to students today.

Marino: Don’t put so much pressure on yourself and enjoy the journey. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience to learn from the most distinguished faculty in the world, build relationships with classmates, and come into your own as a leader.

A group of @30 adults, children, and babies standing in a grassy park with trees in the background and holding up Cornell University and SC Johnson College of Business banners.

  • 10 Under 10
  • Awards & Honors

Online Mbs Launches Cutting-Edge Online MBA Program for Career Professionals

Online Mbs Launches Cutting-Edge Online MBA Program for Career Professionals.

New York, USA - June 26, 2024 —

marketing assignment mba

With the acceleration of business processes in the modern world, an MBA degree can become a powerful tool to gain a competitive advantage to working people. Earning a Master of Business Administration online enables students to acquire this degree at their own time and convenience without having to drop careers or families for business school. To most people, the flexibility and the quality of some of the best online MBA programs cannot be compared to the traditional on-campus MBA programs. Here are some of the most persuasive focuses that can influence students to opt for an MBA online programme.

Unparalleled Flexibility

The need for flexibility is especially important for any working business professional or anyone who simply cannot commit to attending traditional MBA classes. Many online programs enable students to work on assignments anytime, twenty-four seven. Lectures that do not have to be conducted in real time provide students with something they can engage in whenever it is most convenient during the week. It is the flexibility which offers a master of business administration online to the students to balance work, family, or other responsibilities together with education. Feasibility of learning through the anytime, anywhere with features such as mobile apps and 24/7 course portal are an added advantage for working professionals seeking to earn an advanced business degree without having to compromise with work.

First-Rate Professors and University Connection 

There is no difference in the quality, credibility and academic level of instructors in such online MBA programs and those in the traditional classroom. When enrolling an MBA online from any of the reputable business schools, the students are able to get the best research from the schools, business networks, career support services, and alumni connections. By doing this, graduates are awarded the same degree as students who attend that university physically. The quality of the faculty and extent of university assets that come with being a member of a distinguished business school ensures MBA students are well prepared for leadership roles in an international market regardless of whether they attend class online or physically.

Lower Opportunity Cost

Indeed, one of the primary reasons business professionals may find online education appealing is a decreased opportunity cost compared to ceasing work. Since a full-time residential MBA program is a full-time program, when people switch from their professional careers, they miss out on the promotions, extra earnings, additions in experience, and other factors for the duration of MBA. Four, part-time attendance while working increases the time one takes to complete the degree but does enable the student to use classroom knowledge in practice. As a result, more money is being invested in than paid for tuition, and costs associated with relocation and salary reduction are not a factor of an online MBA program, making this option more feasible for long-term gains.

Rich Interactive Learning

Although the learners are not physically in the same classroom, there are numerous online classes, which provide the students with a real-life experience of learning with fellow students online. Real-time conversations, video conferences, collaborative writing spaces, voting possibilities, group sessions, and many other forms of communication ensure intense engagement between teachers and learners. Tulsa is one of the few on-line MBA programs that recreates the traditional case study course approach utilized in many on-campus MBA programs and does so through a built-in educational technology. In case of group assignments and other presentations, they can arrange for a meeting through the virtual platform and do their work through platforms such as Google docs. With the social aspects of learning highly interactive as they are in the present day online learning platforms, one can still retain location flexibility like in traditional on-campus learning.

Powerful Career Impact

An MBA, whether an online MBA or MBA from a campus, can be a great platform for business professionals to get a huge leap forward in their career. The master’s degree when complemented with new skills as data analysis, leadership, marketing and international business prepares graduates for higher levels. When a student selects an online program that has strong career services, the students will have the opportunity to receive career counseling, resume writing assistance, mock interviews, and virtual career events, along with mentorships. The exposure to international business and strategic management acquired in an MBA program earned through the internet from a reputable business school can bring new life to the graduate’s career and improve chances for promotion.

Accelerated Pace

With their working schedules to contend with and the challenges of having classes at odd times, time management is very critical to the online MBA learners. This sometimes makes some accelerated master of business administration online programs to be offered in as little as one year.

Fast track courses: The students who are motivated can complete fast track courses quickly if they dedicate time to their studies, often studying during the evenings and weekends in addition to working during the day. The accelerated format also has the least negative effect on the finances due to the fact that the graduates are placed back to the working force faster. However, those students who cannot afford to enroll in an accelerated online MBA program option, due to lack of schedule flexibility, have options of part-time study which involves taking fewer classes at most universities.

Amidst this dynamism in education delivery, the rise of online MBA falls in place given the need to provide students with platforms that offer flexibility without compromising on the quality of education. Today the best MBA colleges also provide online MBAs in specialized fields that are expanding in the modern business world such as health care management, accounting, project management, marketing and many others. In all fields, the skills in strategic leadership, global perspective, and the ability to focus on planning for the future provided by an MBA prove their worth for students who are moving up in their business careers. While the traditional MBA fulfills the need for career advancement and elite skills, working professionals seeking a higher level of management authority without a gap in practice can obtain an online MBA.

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Release ID: 89133894

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Cardinals Rising Star Suffers Tough Setback Putting Return In Question

Patrick mcavoy | 11 hours ago.

Oct 1, 2023; St. Louis, Missouri, USA;  St. Louis Cardinals center fielder Tommy Edman (19) catches a fly ball against the Cincinnati Reds during the second inning at Busch Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Jeff Curry-USA TODAY Sports

  • St. Louis Cardinals

The St. Louis Cardinals can't seem to catch a break injury-wise.

St. Louis has been one of the best teams in baseball over the last month and seems to be in a good spot. The Cardinals' rotation has been significantly improved this season, the bullpen is in a great place, and the offense finally is starting to click.

The Cardinals haven't been at full strength, though. St. Louis has been missing some important pieces, including super-utility man Tommy Edman. He was expected to play a major role with the club in 2024 but hasn't appeared in a game yet this season.

He has been recovering from offseason wrist surgery and finally was making progress recently. While that is the case, he reportedly suffered another setback on Tuesday and sprained his ankle, according to's John Denton.

"Cardinals infielder/outfielder Tommy Edman sprained an ankle while fielding ground balls on Tuesday, per manager Oli Marmol," Denton said. "His wrist rehab will be put on hold while the severity of the ankle injury is determined."

St. Louis' offense has improved lately but could use Edman's help. He shined last season and can play all over the field. The Cardinals' depth has been tested in the outfield this season and adding Edman to the fold just would make things easier.

It seemed like he finally was nearing a minor league rehab assignment now it's unclear when he will be ready to go. Hopefully, the sprain is light and he is able to get back on the field soon.

More MLB: Cardinals Rival Seen As 'Best Match' To Acquire Ex-St. Louis Fan-Favorite

Patrick McAvoy


Patrick McAvoy's experiences include local and national sports coverage at the New England Sports Network with a focus on baseball and basketball. Outside of journalism, Patrick also is pursuing an MBA at Brandeis University. After quickly rising as one of the most productive writers on the site, he expanded his reach to write for Baseball Essential, a national baseball site in Sports Illustrated Media Group. For all business/marketing inquiries regarding Inside The Cardinals, please reach out to Scott Neville: [email protected]


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    MBA writing may also require students to include specific sections or concepts in the document, such as a section for methodology. Additionally, these documents often employ concise wording. The reasons for this concision and structure connect to the nature of business. Time management and writing clarity prove crucial for companies that must ...

  18. MBA7003 -Marketing

    Master of Business Administration Assignment Brief - 30% weightage of the total marks Learning outcome covered Understand the role and function of marketing in a variety of market and organizational contexts. Critically evaluate and utilize marketing research data and methods to a given market situation. Group presentation 20 minutes Task Innovation is the growth engine of modern business and ...

  19. International Marketing Assignment -MBA

    Also it applies marketing principles to exporting of a product which is already being sold in the local market. As a result, corporate strategy gives less importance for foreign market. However in committed international marketing, highest level of commitment and involvement for international marketing can be founded.

  20. What is a Marketing Plan & How to Write One [+Examples]

    Marketing Plan vs. Business Plan. A marketing plan is a strategic document that outlines marketing objectives, strategies, and tactics. A business plan is also a strategic document. But this plan covers all aspects of a company's operations, including finance, operations, and more. It can also help your business decide how to distribute ...

  21. MBA 7003

    i Student Details ( Student should fill the content) Name R.A.Sajee Nilantha Karunarathne Batch Number 90 Student ID Cardiff Met ID : 20186119 ICBT ID : 20M139 Scheduled unit details Unit code MBA 7003 Unit title Marketing Assignment WRIT 2 (Exam converted to an individual assignment) Assignment Details Nature of the Assessment Assignment Topic of the Case Study GIVEN Learning Outcomes covered ...

  22. Chris Marino is Shaping the Next Generation of Marketing Leaders by

    A visionary leader who believes in using marketing as a force for good and a mentor who strives to empower students, Chris Marino, MBA '20, a graduate of the Executive MBA Metro NY program at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, is one of the 2024 10 Under 10 Notable Alumni honored by the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business.

  23. Assignment unit 4 assignment

    assignment for MBA class university of the people 2020- 2021. principles of marketing. assignment for MBA class university of the people 2020- 2021. Skip to document

  24. Online Mbs Launches Cutting-Edge Online MBA Program for Career

    Today the best MBA colleges also provide online MBAs in specialized fields that are expanding in the modern business world such as health care management, accounting, project management, marketing ...

  25. MBA 501 Marketing Management Student Assignment Questions RCU

    This document outlines assignments for an MBA marketing management course. It includes a group assignment with a case study on the Polo mint brand and individual assignments. The group assignment asks students to discuss Polo's multi-segment strategy in response to losing market share, and factors leading to the success of new Polo variants. It also asks about the significance of private label ...

  26. B2B and Service Marketing| Antim Prahar 2024

    B2B and Service Marketing| Antim Prahar 2024 |🔥11/14🔥| MBA Important Questions and Answer#aktu #mba #importantquestions #b2b #servicemarketingFor Support u...

  27. Cardinals Rising Star Suffers Tough Setback Putting Return In Question

    The St. Louis Cardinals can't seem to catch a break injury-wise. St. Louis has been one of the best teams in baseball over the last month and seems to be in a g