How to Write an Essay in 1 Day stock photos Computer Keyboard Typing

H ave you ever written an essay in 25 minutes? You have if you have ever sat for the SAT. While the stakes may be higher for a last-minute academic essay, the point is this: do not panic! Instead, read this six-step guide to writing an essay in a day:

1. Understand your goals

Whether you are writing a personal statement for a college or graduate school application, or an essay for a high school or college class, your assignment will have specific goals. Before you begin to write, review these goals. Clearly understanding your objective is essential when working with a shortened timeline.

2. Choose a topic

Under normal circumstances, you might devote several days to brainstorming a promising topic, and then you might write a detailed outline before writing and revising your essay over a week or two. When you are on a tight schedule, this is not possible.

So—write down the first three or four ideas that occur to you. If you cannot think of an appropriate topic, ask a parent or a friend to review the assignment with you. Do not spend more than 10 or 15 minutes on this part of your essay, as the execution ultimately matters more than the idea itself.

In addition, do not stress yourself about selecting the “perfect” topic. Without a topic, you will have no essay to turn in, and any essay is better than no essay. (It naturally follows that any topic is also better than no topic at all.)

3. Set deadlines

Establishing deadlines for a one-day essay is key. Budget 5-10 minutes for brainstorming, 15-20 minutes for creating an outline, and several hours for writing. You can also set aside an hour for feedback and review, and another hour for any necessary revisions. You should also allow for an hour-long break to recharge your mind. Finally, plan to submit your essay several hours before the deadline. A schedule with some flexibility will allow you to adapt to any unforeseen complications.

4. Arrange for reviewers in advance

Whenever possible, arrange for reviewers (such as your parents or friends) first thing in the morning, and let them know when they can expect a draft. When your deadline is in several days or weeks, you have the luxury of finding reviewers after you have finished your draft. With a shorter deadline, you will not have this ability. Be clear on the short turnaround time to ensure as smooth a review period as possible.

5. Outline your essay

There are many resources that can advise you on how to write a wonderful essay, but the purpose of this article is to shape that advice to the demands of a very short timeline. This includes resisting the urge to abandon the outline. Having an outline is even more important for a one-day essay than for a week-long project with a similar word count. A strong outline will keep your essay focused and organized from the start—which is critical when time constraints will limit your rewrites.

Your outline should not be detailed, and it should take no more than 15 or 20 minutes to complete. Determine your hook (see below for more information), and then jot down the threads that connect this moment to your central argument or idea.

6. Stay organized

When you are under pressure, your tendency may be to start writing and to see where your essay goes. Try instead to use a brief anecdote or emotional impact statement (i.e. the “hook” in your opening paragraph) to set the stakes for your essay. This is essentially your opportunity to state why your argument or idea is worth your reader’s attention.

Finally, remember that “perfect is the enemy of good.” Manage your expectations. Your goal should be to write a good essay, not a perfect one. If you have a compelling hook and a well-organized flow of ideas, check your writing for errors, and then send it in.

Brian Witte is a professional SAT tutor with Varsity Tutors , a live learning platform that connects students with personalized instruction to accelerate academic achievement. He earned his Bachelor of Science from the University of Washington and holds a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University

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  • How to do a large amount of work in a small amount of time: advice from a veteran of rushing, botching, and bashing it out

Clock against purple sky.

1. Get in the zone

I don’t know about you, but I have a dozen little rituals I have to perform before I sit down to do a big slog of work. In general, I make it a rule to work in the library or university, because I find working at home, with all its possibilities of making and drinking tea, drifting off to watch TV, or being drawn into long conversations with my housemates, too distracting.

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But when I’m really up against the clock, or even about to start what I know will be an all-nighter, I prefer to be in my room, with easy access to vital things like coffee, food and the shower. (N.B. There is nothing like a shower for waking yourself up in the middle of a miserable work-session. Just don’t do what I did one particularly inauspicious Wednesday at 4am: fall asleep sitting down in it with a foot covering the plug, and wake half an hour later under a jet of now-freezing water to find that you have transformed your bathroom into a giant soapy sea).


But back to the rituals. Before I do any serious, or seriously rushed, work, I’ve got to do a number of things to ‘get in the zone’. This might sound like elaborate procrastination  — which, in reality, it most definitely is — but if I don’t do these little things, I find my concentration is poor, and my mind constantly wanders. First, my room has to be absolutely, books-in-alphabetical-order, spotless — mess is incredibly distracting, and when I’m working I want to use all the space on my desk. Plus, while you’re tidying you get to watch videos of cats falling over on YouTube. Next, I have to have a strong coffee (which I never drink more than a few sips of before remembering that I hate coffee and it gives me a headache — but it smells nice and is somehow a very reassuring thing to sit next to). Third, classical music doesn’t work for me; while I’m working, and especially at night, I find it keeps the mind sharp to blare out tragic noughties techno music. In particular, the songs of the ultimately unsuccessful Australian band Pendulum played at approximately a million decibels are so unpleasant they keep one constantly skittish with adrenaline, hammering out a thousand questionable words an hour while simultaneously imagining you’re in a warehouse rave. Finally, and most embarrassingly, I have a pair of leggings called my essay leggings that I like to wear while I’m working. They’re very comfy (and holey) and haven’t been replaced since my first year of university, because they’re somehow magically conducive to getting lots done in very little time. Now, the line between preparing oneself for work and procrastination is always thin, and one I continually find myself on the wrong side of. Your rituals might look very different to mine, and perhaps take a little less time. But if you need to do certain things to change your mindset from play to work, I’d advise you do them.

2. Work out exactly what you’ve got to do

Now that you’re sitting comfortably at your desk in your spotless room, work out exactly what you’ve got to do — and how long you’ve got to do it. Make a list of your tasks in order of priority, what they involve, the date they’re due in and how long you realistically think they’ll take. Your list might look something like this:

  • Write out labels for Art coursework (2 hours, due tomorrow)
  • Write self-analysis for Art coursework (3 hours, due tomorrow)
  • Finish researching, plan and write History coursework essay (12 hours? 2 days? Due Friday)
  • Finish Physics lab report (2 hours, due Thursday)
  • Maths problems (3 hours, due tomorrow)

Red clock.

Now, for some of these tasks it will be absolutely essential that you hand the work in on or before the deadline . For any task that counts towards your coursework , or an exam, you’ll usually lose marks if they’re late — in my university, we would lose 5 marks out of 100 if an essay was handed in one minute after 12pm on the day of the deadline, and a further 10 if it was more than a day late. For these tasks, you absolutely can’t mess about — they should sit right at the top of your list of things to do, and be the first thing you get out of the way — and the ones you put most effort into getting right. But, even though it won’t make you very popular with your teachers, sometimes you’ve got to accept that you can’t do everything you’re expected to in a small amount of time. When I’ve got a big deadline coming up, I jettison everything else: I tell people I can’t make other commitments, even if that annoys them, and if I haven’t got time, I simply don’t do less important pieces of work. On the list above, for example, I might decide that only the pieces of coursework were really important, and that I wasn’t going to bother handing in the lab report or the Maths problems. Of course, all this is advice for an emergency situation: if you’ve got the time to do everything you need to, then deciding that you won’t is probably not the best strategic move and will mean you have to endure hours of unnecessary telling-off.


Make a timetable detailing exactly when you’re going to do each of the things on your list. Make sure you plan enough time for each task rather than being overly optimistic — you’re going to stick to this timetable no matter what . Think about the times of day when you work best, and how tired you’re going to be at various stages of the day/night/week you’re mapping out — the morning of your deadline, for example, when your eyes are itchy with tiredness and your brain about as much use as its equivalent weight in mincemeat, is probably not the best time to be proof-reading or tackling difficult Algebra problems. I study English and consequently write lots of essays, and I find that I can read and take notes at pretty much any time of day, but planning and writing are tasks I can only really do well first thing in the morning. Once you’ve made your plan, sit back and take a deep breath — it might be a rush, and you might not see sunlight for the next week, but it is possible to do everything you need to in the time you’ve got. All you need to do (and this is the important bit) is make sure you stick religiously to your timetable. Here’s how:

 4. Let things be less-than-perfect

Not every work of art can be perfect; sometimes you really must wrap it up and move on.

If you’re still not happy with something near the end of the time you’ve allotted for it — tough. Finish up and leave it in its imperfect state — if you’re lucky, you might have time at the end to come back to it, but it’s much more important to stick to a schedule which will allow you to get everything done than it is to perfect one part of the task. This means not reading that extra useful-looking article, not toying with the wording in an introduction any longer, and leaving a problem you just can’t solve. Remember — when you’re working on any task, it’s completely normal that that task will feel like the most important one — but it’s important to take a step back and gain some perspective over your whole project. I’m constantly messing up because I find it really hard to leave things alone – – for example, I wasn’t happy with my dissertation last year the day before I handed it in, and decided to stay up all night before the deadline restructuring and rewriting the last 3,000 words before I’d even begun my referencing or conclusion. This meant (as I’m sure you can guess) that the section I rewrote was garbled and full of spelling mistakes, my footnotes and bibliography were a total mess and my conclusion was 5 lines long- not exactly what I’d planned when I decided to begin my noble rewriting mission, and not exactly the formula for a winning dissertation. Polished and finished, if slightly flawed, work will always make a much better impression than something messy and incomplete, even if it’s more carefully thought out — it actively irritates examiners to find silly mistakes or signs of haste in things they’re marking. Take it from me, look at the bigger picture and simply move on .

5. Be selfish

Party balloons.

I’ve got a friend who actively refuses to make any plans other than a quick coffee for about four weeks before any deadline. Sometimes she doesn’t leave her house for days, and while she’s working she lets other people cook for her and tidy up her mess. Last year she didn’t go to her boyfriend’s birthday party because it was the week before a talk she was preparing. Now, this might all sound a bit mad, but my friend always does really, really well at everything she puts her mind to. Basically, in quite an extreme way she’s got her priorities straight — most of the time she’ll do anything for anyone, but when she’s got important work on her plate, she’ll say honestly that she needs to concentrate, and just can’t make other commitments. I, meanwhile, work in the absolute opposite way. I let friends come to visit me the week before a deadline because I don’t want to annoy them by cancelling, and am anxious about work and cranky for the whole time they’re there. I’ll go to the library with someone else but get annoyed when we distract each other. I end up getting so stressed out over all the commitments I’ve made that I can’t concentrate even when I’ve actually got time to work. I’ve come to conclude that my friend’s got it sorted. When you’ve got stuff to do, be selfish. This is one of very few chances you’ll have in your life (apart from, if you’re a girl, maybe your wedding) to be totally unreasonable, self-centred, and rude to everyone around you. Like a mad cross between Professor Snape and Kim Jong Un. Get your mum to make you dinner but refuse to sit and eat it at the table. Cancel plans, leave a mess. Refuse to read someone else’s work or do anyone a favour. Your friends might not like the new crazy you, but you’ll probably annoy them just as much by being irritable and stressed than you will by being selfish — and if you pick the latter course, you might actually get stuff done.

6. Do not entertain the thought that you might not finish

With the energy I’ve spent over the years asking for extensions, making up excuses or writing cringing apology emails to tutors and employers explaining that I just haven’t done things, I could have written novels. Stuff it, I could have written the Iliad . Extensions and the like might feel brilliant in the short term, but they’re not the solution to anything — you’ll still have to do the work one way or another, and you’ll annoy people and complicate your own life in the process of putting it off.

7. Just do the work

This is fairly self-explanatory. Though this article has tried to show that you can make things seem easier and more surmountable by organising, rationalising, and preparing, there are no magic solutions that can make you work miraculously quickly. There’s no substitute for sitting down, closing the door, turning off the internet and just doing your work . It might not be exactly fun, but it’ll feel worth it when you’re done, and then you can sleep and relax properly without feeling guilty or stressed. Got any top tips for getting things done quickly? Let us know in the ‘Comments’ section below!


3 Easy Steps for Writing a Last-Minute College Essay

Ivy Divider

Right about now is when the panic starts to set in. Do you have enough time to craft a college essay that communicates your strengths and passions to admissions? Can you actually write a compelling personal statement? Yes you do and yes you can. But you’re probably going to need some help. And that’s why we made you a guide. Follow these three no-nonsense steps to craft a winning essay by making the most of the time you have left:

1. Cancel your plans.

You’re running low on time and there isn’t a single “hack” out there that will add more hours to your day. We know clearing your schedule doesn’t sound fun, but it’s one of the kindest decisions you can make for yourself. Create some space in your day that you can really devote to thinking about – and writing! – your essay(s) without distraction.

2. Start with a simple brainstorm

Give yourself 10-15 minutes and list the things you love. Paragraphs and complete sentences aren’t even necessary — just start to get your thoughts on the page and don’t stop writing. Feel free to list things that you hate, too. Once you have a robust compilation of things about which you feel passionately, take a step back. Which of your list items have the most writing potential? If you had to put pen to paper about one of those things right now, which would provide the most interesting and greatest number random pathways for you to explore?

3. Follow these simple video steps to pull together your first draft.

Spinning your best topic ideas into fully fleshed out essays is something we cover in detail in our video series, College Essay Academy . But what if you don’t have 20 minutes a day to devote to our in-depth lessons? Do you have three minutes? We made this YouTube crash course specifically for the time-challenged among you.

Now, it’s time to get to work. You’re not out of time just yet and we know you can do this!

About Thea Hogarth

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Written by Thea Hogarth

Category: Essay Tips


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11 Tips to Writing Your College Admissions Essay in One Day

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You’ve Only Got One Day To Write Your Essay?

You waited until the last minute, didn’t you? No judgment here, just help from people who’ve done the exact same thing as you. Don’t give up! It’s better to pull the mother of all all-nighters than to skip your college application essay.

1.  How Can I Write My Personal Statement In One Night?

Admitting you have a problem is first step, right? Fortunately other people have been there before you. Stand up and say, “My name is ________, and I’m a procrastinator.” (

2.  Last-Minute Tricks From Teen Vogue

These goes know their market, don’t you think? Maybe you’re trying to do too much. After all, how much time have you got? (

3.  You’re Still Going To Need A Great Idea

Brainstorming is worth the time it takes because a great idea gets you halfway there. At least that’s what you should tell yourself to get started! (

4.  Maybe You Need a System

The Spartan System has saved students’ bacon for years. Why not apply it to your college admissions essay? (

5.  Even All-Nighters Need the 3 P’s

If you’ve determined to do the job well, you still need all the elements that make you application essay work well. That includes, Patience, Persistence, and Pop-Tarts—OK, maybe not that last one. (

6.  Last Minute Tips For Great College Essays

If Time magazine writes an article like this one, at least you know you’re not alone. (

7.  Just Hours To Go: 5 Tips

You need a calm voice like this one: “Don’t freak out. You can still do it. (

8.  What To Say When You Have Nothing To Say

It’s not really true: you do have something to say. Plus, you have to say something if you’re going to get this thing written. (

9.  Six Steps You Can Do In One Night

The fewer the steps, the better you chances of crossing the finish line. This isn’t a last-minute post, but it’s great advice, and more important: it’s do-able. (

10.  Tip #5: Take Risks

Is there a better time to take risks when you’re down to the wire? Perhaps the college professor who wrote this piece didn’t have this in mind when he wrote tip #5, but it certainly applies now. (

11.  Write Your College Essay In One Night

Honestly the most creative and fun advice you’ll see if you find yourself in this dreadful situation. (

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Writing My Essay in One Day: It’s Hard, But There Are Some Tricks


Writing My Essay in One Day_ It’s Hard, But There Are Some Tricks

Creating a quality paper in just 24 hours can be quite challenging. The impending deadline adds immense amounts of pressure, which negatively impacts students and makes it difficult for them to craft an effective essay. But there are ways around this! One tip is to use Whatsapp mod applications from websites like Softgoza to correspond more quickly with collaborators.

In this article I’ll share some additional tips on how you might tackle your next assignment so that its high standard meets or exceeds all expectations–and gets delivered before time runs out:

Tips and tricks for writing an essay in 24 hours

Now, whenever students wonder who can write an essay, they have many writing services at their disposal.

If a student is brave enough to take on the challenge of an essay in just 24 hours, there’s no need to worry.

Here is a list of 6 tips and tricks that will help them write an essay fast .

Adopt the right essay writing mindset

If you focus your attention only on the fact that you have to write an essay in one day, then you are bound to succumb to the stress it brings.

To adopt the right mindset, you need to make a few changes in your life. Most of the changes require some time to embrace, like new habits.

Since you have to write a good essay fast, you do not have the luxury of time, but the following steps will help you acquire the right mindset with your time constraints.

Changing your self-talk

You cannot motivate yourself if you are constantly talking negatively. These cultivate a mindset that promotes procrastination.

You can speak more positively by adopting phrases like, “I can do it” or “write just a little more.” They may seem like small phrases but they have a tremendous impact.

Learn and apply essay writing tips

As you do not have a ton of time, you should look for hacks and tips on how to write an essay in 1 day. You need to learn these tips and apply them to your assignment quickly.

You can even ask friends or colleagues for advice.

Surround yourself with the right people

It is essential to have the right company to motivate yourself. If you surround yourself with lazy people, you will not be able to make the deadline.

However, if your friends are highly motivated, it will rub off on you. So, you will get encouraged and do the assignment straight away.

Understand your essay writing goals

For example, if you are assigned a history essay, and the teacher wants you to learn historical events, you need to understand the subject matter. An essay about World War 1 is not just about writing paragraphs but rather understanding the circumstances and consequences of what happened.

When you accurately understand the goals of the assignment, you know what the teacher expects. It helps narrow your focus to particular aspects. So, you can allocate time accordingly.

By doing so, you have a better chance of getting the best grades.

Choose a topic for your essay paper

Students find essay writing to be dull and tedious work. So, writing a one-day essay is more of a chore for them than anything else.

To counteract this issue, you need to choose a topic that you like or are interested in. If the subject is something you have a grasp on, then the chances are that you will pay more and perform better.

It’s simple psychology that humans tend to pay more attention to the things they like. For example, a teenage girl would work harder and pay more attention to a social media essay rather than an essay about Hitler’s life.

Therefore, choosing the right topic is of the utmost importance as it can make or break your concentration. Besides, everyone would rather write an essay about things they like.

Outline your essay paper

Creating an outline is a simple task and takes only a few minutes. It helps:

  • Prevent repetition of information
  • Create a flow and structure writing and information
  • Furthermore, it makes writing tremendously less time-consuming

You do not have to go back and forth, wondering if you have written something or if the information is better suited to some other part of the essay.

An outline acts as a writing guide that streamlines the entire process . For a typical essay, you can create an outline such as:

  • The introduction
  • The first paragraph
  • Second paragraph
  • Third paragraph

Each body paragraph will have an introductory statement, explanation, and example.

Set deadlines for essay writing

In addition to the psychological booster, it also helps in time management . You break the 24 hours into smaller segments. For example;

  • Hour 1-2: Creating the outline and set deadlines.
  • Hour 3-6-: Research
  • Hours 6-7: Break
  • Hour 7-11: writing the essay
  • Hour 11-14: Proofreading, formatting, and adding citations
  • Hours 14- 16: More research
  • Hour 16-18: Final edit
  • Hour 18-19: Submission

Always leave a few hours as a backup plan in case of an emergency.

Be an organized essay writer

Writing an essay in just one day sounds challenging, but doing it one step at a time makes it into just one task.

Have you ever had to write an essay in one day?

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About Krystle Cook

Krystle – the creator of Home Jobs by MOM – put her psychology degree on a shelf and dived into a pile of diapers and dishes instead. She is a wife and mother to two rambunctious boys, sweating it out in her Texas hometown. She loves cooking, DIY home projects, and family fun activities.

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This Productivity Hack Will Help You Nail Your Assignment In One Day

Tried and tested.

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Uni life is super full on. Between classes, internships, placement and working, it’s pretty easy to forget that you actually have to do assignments.

If you’re like me, it means you’ve probably found yourself freaking out with 24 hours before a deadline trying to figure out how to smash out your assignment.

Luckily, the people over at DeskTime did a study on the most efficient way to have workers acting productively, and it works for last minute assignments too . The answer is simple: take more breaks. It’s 52 minutes working, 17 minutes break, rinse and repeat.

If that explanation isn’t clear enough, here is a pretty basic run down on how to finish a dreaded 1500 word essay in one day.

9am: Wake up

We’re not actually making you start work at 9am, but this will give you a solid hour to prepare yourself for the day. Have some breakfast, have a coffee, sit outside and listen to birds. Spend the morning relaxing! You have a busy yet productive day ahead.

10:00 – 10:52: Get That (Essay) Body Shaking  

Generally for essays your intro and conclusion should be written last, so start with the body. Your goal should be around is 300 words. It doesn’t sound like much but time will fly.

10:53 – 11:10: Check Your Socials

You’ve probably been tempted for the past 52 minutes. Well now you can.

11:10 – 12:02: Keep That Body In Shape

Another 300 words! Another paragraph! Another 52 minutes of great self control to get that assignment done!

12:03 – 12:20: Watch This Video  

Drunk Brendon Urie explaining the history of Fall Out Boy? Best way to kill some time while you have a break. Go grab some water as well – staying hydrated is important!

12:20 – 1:12: Write My Pretties, Write

Another 300 words should be your goal. By the end of this 52 minutes you should really have a draft body complete. Don’t stress if you don’t, there’s plenty of time.

1:13 – 1:30: Lunch Time

Your stomach may be performing its mating call and it’s time to fill those urges. Try 2 minute noodles so you can spend the other 15 reading online articles.

1:30 – 2:22: Hitting The Home Stretch

It’s intro and conclusion time! You should be able to smash through them. Now’s a good time to finish off those body paragraphs that might need a little extra work, too. That should get you to the 1,200 word mark.

2:23 – 2:40: Vine Time

When was the last time you went through the vine archives? At six seconds a video you could potentially watch 170 vines during this break.

2:40 – 3:32: The Dreaded Reference List

A necessary evil to prove you didn’t just make everything up. Spend this 52 minutes sorting your in text and reference list.

3:33 – 3:50: If Music Be The Food Of Love, Then Play On

This guy reckons he can teach you how to play guitar in 10 minutes. Go on, give it a go.

3:50 – 4:42: Edit

Print your work out and look at it with some fresh eyes. Read it out loud, grab a red pen and fix those pesky errors.

4:43 – 5:00: Figure Out What You’re Doing Tonight

You’ve worked hard so plan something fun tonight.

5:00 – 5:52: One Last Look Over And Submit

You’re pretty much done. Take a quick look over that bad boy and run it through Turnitin. You did it.

(Lead image: Bruce Almighty/Universal)

How To Write A 5 Page Essay In 1 Day

5 page essay in 1 day

Table of Contents

At some point in your academic life, homework catches up with you, and you find that you have procrastinated doing the work up the very last day. Upon realizing that you can no longer afford to postpone it, you have to get your hands dirty to finish the work in a single day. Writing a 5-page essay within a day is a daunting task. It is possible to put down an interesting and top quality essay in less than 24 hours if you understand how to work it out. This article offers insightful tips on how you can write an essay in less than a day.

5 Page Essay in 1 day, step by step

To adequately prepare fully for the task ahead, plan how you will spend your day. Slot in each activity you need to do for the day besides writing the 5-page essay. i.e. Shower and eat to our satisfaction. Prepare a miniature timetable for the day, but allocate more time to writing the essay. Request for privacy from our siblings, roommates or parents. Slot in short breaks amidst doing your work. Failing to plan only quickens the already looming deadline.

2. Set up your working station

A working environment plays a critical role in writing an essay. A noisy, dirty room reduces productivity and performance. It is wise to clean and neatly arrange everything in the room, or better yet, find such a room. If working from your bedroom, request not to be disturbed and remove any distractions that could steal your attention and shift focus from writing the essay. Such distractions include games, electronics like TV, PlayStation, phones, etc.

Assemble all materials you need for the essay on the table. Use a comfortable chair and adjust proper lighting. The uncomfortable seat that strains your back and dim lighting that strains your eyes is the last thing that you would need for your job. Ensure the room is very quiet or has slow classical music playing in the background softly.

3. Choose your topic

Choose your topic wisely and the one you are most comfortable with, and you have extensive knowledge about it. Articulate each sentence and word to bring out the intended meaning. Choose an appropriate topic and word it in a clear, simple way. If your course instructor chose the topic for you, read and reread the instructions to understand fully what the essay requires from you.

4. Draw an outline

The outline is an important piece that can help a student to organize and create a logical view of ideas throughout the essay. The outline shows how each idea, topic or subtopic connect with each other. The author uses the outline to avoid including irrelevant information into the essay. It also guides you through the research to write your essay. The outline also sets the scope the essay is supposed to cover.

5. Research

Conduct an in-depth research into your topic. The outline must guide research, and you should make notes while going through the sources. Make a list of the sources and include them in your bibliographic record for your job. The internet can be a rich source of the internet though you must be very careful since no one is on the internet is credible and accurate. Synthesize the information collected through research to prepare a rough draft that can later be tuned to become the final essay. The draft helps to organize the content of the essay to flow coherently and logically.

6. Write the essay

The actual writing of the perfect essay must start with a good, interesting introductory paragraph. The introductory paragraph has to contain a well-crafted thesis statement that captures the attention of the reader. Ensure there is a smooth transition to the subsequent paragraphs. A 5-page essay has many body paragraphs, and they all should contain different ideas.

Each of the body paragraphs has to start with a hook in the first or second paragraph. Several support sentences should follow the hook. The body paragraphs contain most of the information about the topic, and they should be worded carefully to present the content in a clear, unambiguous and simple way. Ensure you cite properly all sources used in the essay and include a ‘work cited’ page at the end of the essay.

The conclusion paragraph should also be included. Rewriting the introduction can form a good conclusion to essay. Reassert the thesis statement in the conclusion paragraph and end with an interesting statement.

7. Editing to perfection

After writing it is important to go through your essay to correct your mistakes. Ensure each sentence and paragraph communicates the message you intended them to communicate. Check for grammatical mistakes, punctuation, spellings, mechanical errors, etc. You can also reach out to your friends or family to edit the document to perfection. Parents or older siblings can also help to improve the vocabulary of the essay.

Finally, format the document according to the course instructor’s guidelines. Crosscheck the essay requirements against the grading rubric and make necessary adjustments if any. Concisely, though it is a discouraging task to complete a 5-page essay, using the aforementioned tips and guidelines can demystify and ease the effort on how to write a 5-page essay in one day. However, this article doesn’t encourage homework procrastination, but however, it features skills that could save your grade in less than a day.

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  • Social Sciences

How to Write Any College Paper at the Last Minute

  • Author: Shanna

Writing a major paper the night before it's due can seem like an impossible task, but if you manage your time and follow a formula, you can get it done!

Writing a major paper the night before it's due can seem like an impossible task, but if you manage your time and follow a formula, you can get it done!

Jacob Lund via Canva Pro

Time to Write

So, you procrastinated writing a long research paper . You’ve realized your term paper is due tomorrow, and you don’t have a clue where to start! Never fear, fellow scholar! I know that your time is short, your hands are trembling with caffeine and stress, and you will likely be up for the better part of the night typing something out, so I’ll be brief.

I used to be a procrastinator just like you, writing papers the night before or even the morning of, and I never received anything less than an A on any of those hastily constructed creations. While getting a good grade does depend to some extent on your ability as a writer, you can still do well on your last-minute essay by following the steps in this guide and managing your limited time wisely.

Sit back, skim the finer points of this article, and then write that paper—nay, destroy that paper! And may the gods of good grades shower favor upon your exhausted little head.

Here's how to write any paper at the last minute.

Here's how to write any paper at the last minute.

Tim Gouw via Unsplash

How to Write a 6-to-12-Page Essay in a Matter of Hours

  • Schedule your time.
  • Compose your thesis and intro paragraph.
  • Do your research.
  • Write your body paragraphs.
  • Create a conclusion.
  • Take a troubleshooting break.
  • Add your finishing touches.

Here is a soothing picture of the Tetons to remind you that this essay does not define your life. Absorb its beauty for a second . . . now get back to work!

Here is a soothing picture of the Tetons to remind you that this essay does not define your life. Absorb its beauty for a second . . . now get back to work!

Miles Farnsworth via Unsplash

1. Schedule Your Time

In your present state of deadline-driven anxiety, you’re going to have the vicious urge to dive straight into writing. Don’t do it. Resist. Abort. Pace yourself.

First, chart out a decent amount of time in which you think you can write this paper. If you’re a slow, hesitant writer, an hour per page is the maximum I would ever suggest. In all likelihood, you can probably write a fairly decent 10-to-12-page paper in about five hours.

Set a paced schedule for yourself and then work carefully but briskly. Let’s say you’ve allotted yourself two hours to write a six-to-eight-page essay. It’s a crunch, but you can manage. Spend a half-hour researching your topic , then put in a solid hour explaining what you’ve learned in paper format, and finally, use the last half-hour to edit and compile a bibliography .

2. Write Your Thesis and Introductory Paragraph

Your thesis is the framework of your entire paper, and a good thesis automatically lends a more positive, academic outlook to the rest of your essay. Your thesis should make a claim and very briefly outline the points you will make in the paper to support that claim.

Let’s say you were given the following prompt: Analyze a movie and then compare it to the decade it was produced in.

First, decide what you want to accomplish with your paper. You need to explain how the movie you chose represents the decade it was produced in. You need to convince your reader that a movie can be an accurate portrayal of its decade, even if the setting was in a different time period.

When writing a thesis, you should avoid flowery prose and instead be concise and simple. Place your thesis at the end of your introductory paragraph after four or five quality sentences that outline some basic ideas and facts about your topic to give it context. Don’t give it all away though—you want to draw your reader (your professor, in this case) in.

Here's an example thesis that responds to the prompt above: The movie "How to Marry a Millionaire" is an accurate representation of the 1950s through its rendering of family values, its portrayal of women, and its emphasis on consumerism.

You can either begin writing about the first of those three subtopics in the next paragraph or, according to your needs or instructor’s requirements, you can follow with a paragraph describing the topic in more detail to allow the reader to follow along with more ease.



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Afterward, devote a solid analysis and description to each of the three subtopics. This is discussed in more detail in step 4. Each subtopic should have around three sources that compliment what you’re saying but do not replace your ideas. For a thesis to be as solid as possible, always have at least three subtopics that revolve around your main topic to create a good basis for your argument or ideas. Anything less makes your thesis appear weak and unable to stand on its own.

3. Do Your Research

Here is where your essay will live or die. The more research you can provide without drowning your TA or professor in useless facts, the better. You need to prove that you’ve thought deeply about your topic and sifted through various resources over a period of several weeks, even if you haven’t.

If your paper requires book sources, utilize your campus library. If not, Google is your savior. Plug in your topic followed by your subtopic keywords. Stay on the first three pages and peruse carefully. Don’t click through every search option. Look at the title, summary, and web address carefully. You want good, solid sources. If you use a quote or fact from the web, follow it with an in-text citation (if your college prefers footnotes, use those instead). Generally, an in-text citation includes the author’s last name followed by the relevant page number with a single space in between (e.g. Smith 56).

Sometimes Google doesn't return sources that are academic in nature. In this case, turn to databases. I recommend you use databases more than Google searches anyway because they tend to contain more reputable material. Log on to your school’s library webpage and search for database options; I guarantee your school’s library will have several to choose from, and from there, you will have access to many scholarly articles that you can incorporate into your paper.

4. Body Paragraphs

Once you’ve established your thesis and introductory paragraph, move on to the body paragraphs. I find this format to be the most helpful for outlining a simple but quality paragraph.

Sentence 1 (Summary): Summarize the point you are making about your subtopic: Family values were important to most Americans during the post-WWII 1950s.

Sentence 2 (Analysis): Quickly analyze why you think sentence 1 is true.

Sentence 3 (Fact) : Back up sentence 2 and lend support to sentence 1 by stating a relevant fact. Make sure you cite your source correctly.

Sentence 4 (Analysis): Relate the fact you cited in sentence 3 to your analysis from sentence 2 to show how it supports your point from sentence 1.

Sentence 5 (Quote): Quotes from credible sources can be powerful but should be used sparingly—otherwise your own words will be drowned out, and the paper will be little more than cut-and-paste plagiarism. Find a quote that says something similar to your analysis and use it as support for your ideas. Do not let it replace your ideas or be a springboard for them.

Sentence 6 (Analysis): Analyze the quote by showing how it relates to the point you’re making about your subtopic.

This basic framework for a body paragraph makes it easy to plug in sentences and get a lot of writing done quickly. You must be careful to provide plenty of your own thoughts and ideas. Remember: facts support your ideas and quotes compliment them.

5. Create a Conclusion

The conclusion of your paper needs to restate all of your previous ideas without sounding overly repetitive. Summarize the basic points of your thesis without restating facts or ideas. Mention your subtopics again and reaffirm how they support your overarching claim. Finally, leave your reader with a sentence that makes them think about the topic for a moment after they’ve finished the paper. This can be a question or a thought-provoking sentence.

6. Take a Troubleshooting Break

If you’re having trouble with your paper or feeling stuck, go for a quick five-minute run. Run briskly and breathe deeply. On your return, drink some water and eat a light snack. Get back to work. You can write this paper, and you will.

7. Finishing Up

Okay, so you’ve churned out as many pages or words as you need to. You’re done with the bulk of the work and you're over the hump. Now you can start editing and revising.

Make this quick. Read through your paper silently first, fixing any mistakes you notice along the way. Next, compile your bibliography. Collect all your sources, format them properly and quickly using, then get a quick drink.

Come back to your paper and read it out loud as if you’re presenting it to an audience. This will help you catch any mistakes you might have missed when reading it silently. Shore up any weak arguments with a quick sentence containing a source or with more analysis or argument.

Add a title if necessary. If you don’t have time to come up with a creative title, be boring, but be true. For example: “ How to Marry a Millionaire : Cultural Connections in the 1950s .”

Get some sleep if you can!

Get some sleep if you can!

Benjamin Combs via Unsplash

You Did It!

Simple, quick, done. Writing a paper efficiently at the last minute involves following a simple formula. The formula has variables that you just need to plug data into, and that makes the writing process far simpler than many stressed college students may think.

Take a deep breath, break things down, find your data, and insert it in the proper locations. You likely will not get the grade you could have gotten had you started working well in advance of your deadline, but you won’t flunk the assignment either. I hope this article has helped alleviate some of the dread that accompanies writing a paper last minute. Now, get some sleep and try to plan better next time.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Belinda VanOwen on January 05, 2020:

Can you give examples of what type of databases I am searching for? I’m new to this I have no idea what that means

KCLynne on December 11, 2019:

I just made an account to let you know that this is the best thing I have ever read.. I have my 8-page research paper due at midnight and my Carnival cruise ship just pulled into Grand Cayman!! My citations are squared away, as is my thesis. I normally struggle by making shit too complicated for myself. Thanks to your article, my crack will be full of sand as I work on my skin carcinoma and cataracts before I know it! :D Thank you for the chuckles, I super needed that.

david on November 12, 2019:

i'm forever thankful for this article. lights the fire under my booty i need. if you're reading this without writing your essay GO WRITE IT!

Sari on June 04, 2019:

In your last paragraph in 4. Body Paragraph you have " Facts support your ideas and quotes compliment them." I think you meant to say "complement."

JKomics on March 14, 2019:

ohmygod you helped me so much I had a 5 page essay to do and I did it in like only 6 hours. I was given 12 days to do this thing.

Everyone who is in school from pre-k to college should read this my god.

You should run for president.

Amy Grunewald from San Jose, CA 95131, US on September 25, 2018:

A lot of times I have seen that students don't do enought research and don't read much on the topic. So they just don't know about what to write or about what the are currently writing. As for me it's much more easiest to use guides ant helpful tips from those resources:




Falyn on March 11, 2018:

This article gives me hope. Thank you.

Lucas Hindmarsh from Seattle on June 07, 2017:

The most common problem I find with my students was using words they did not understand because they thought they ought to write in a more “academic” style.

I think you must choose a story with a manageable plot. You're not writing a novel, so the story or essay needs to be fairly contained and concise. Try to limit it as much as possible but without depriving the essence.

Here are detailed guides about writing an essay:



Also, I would like to add that conclusion is an important part of any story. It does not simply restate the thesis but presents it in light of evidence collected or reflections made.

Professor Essay from New York on April 25, 2015:

This article should be read by everybody. Thanks for sharing. :)

LM Guenther from Boston, Massachusetts on May 09, 2014:

I am also, unfortunately, a procrastinator. I've gotten better this year, thankfully. I would also add that most online databases such as JSTOR have online texts (read: books) available. So even if you do need book sources, sometimes those books are available online and the library can, but not always, be unnecessary. I have never had a professor who wanted book/paper sources tell me I needed to read those sources in paper, only that they had to be originally/simultaneously published in print.

Ms Monique H on May 31, 2013:

Great post. I've pulled a few all-nighters myself (sometimes into the day time too), so I know what this is like! I've been a writing tutor for quite some time, and I know for a fact that this approach won't work for those who have trouble with the basics. But, life happens, so this is great advice.

Virginia Kearney from United States on November 01, 2012:

I think you offer some very solid advice on writing a good paper in a reasonable amount of time. I especially like your advice on how to write each sentence in a paragraph. I teach college English and find that one of the biggest problems students have in using quotes or facts is that they don't clearly explain or analzye how those facts support their own ideas. Voted up and pinned! P.S. We have a cat that looks just like the one in your photo!

Andrew Spacey from Sheffield, UK on June 25, 2012:

There are some interesting insights into the construction of a paper - nicely elucidated. You must have had plenty of practise to become such an expert! Takes me back to school when on the odd occasion in the corridor or toilet I'd pen some late homework, very late homework and hand it in as if nothing unusual or panicky had happened.

Thanks for this.

Mr. Happy from Toronto, Canada on April 29, 2012:

This was a fun read. You certainly seem comfortable with words and thus, I think You might be seeing things easier than others.

I like your approach though: planning is critical in my mind too, especially when it comes to essays.

I enjoyed the read. Cheers!

Shanna (author) from Utah on February 24, 2012:

As always, thank you WE for your encouragement and kind words. :) I've never minded writing papers, since I'm lucky enough for words to come easily to me, but I cannot even imagine what it would be like if I was not a writer and I hated writing papers. Ugh!

Website Examiner on February 23, 2012:

This is a delight to read. I am personally happy that I haven't any more papers to write - been there, done that, having been through university and even law school. Your writing is so accomplished that it has a real professional touch to it.


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A 1000 Word Essay: Can You Finish It in One Day?

A 1000 Word Essay: Can You Finish It in One Day?

The length of essays varies greatly, but 300, 500, 750, 1000 are considered standard essay length. It seems like you have to meet one of these word limits, particularly write a 1000 word essay. What is more, it seems like you have a time limit as well and need to prepare your 1000 word essay in one night.

Definitely, you have one main question right now “Is it possible to finish a 1000 word essay in one night?” The answer is “Sure it is possible”, and we will explain you how to do it.

First of all, let us answer another important question “How long is a 1000 word essay?” In other words, how many pages long your paper will be? Ideally, if you use a standard 12 pt. Times New Roman font and double spacing, your essay will be approximately 3 pages long.

Actually, it will not be the longest essay in your life. Yet, when you are short of time and want to sleep, such 1000 word essay may seem to be really long. Here are some steps you will have to take.

  • Look through your teacher’s instructions. Define what particular topic you need to cover or question to answer.
  • Think what you know about the topic, how much additional info you need to find, and start collecting materials.
  • Then, make an outline for your 1000 word essay. Just write down what main points your paper will include.

Well, after you make a plan, you are ready to write your 1000 word essay. However, what if you still cannot meet the necessary word count? What if you cannot write a 1000 word essay (but only a 950 or 900 word essay)?

In this case, try the following:

  • paraphrase some sentences, add details;
  • insert parenthetical words;
  • add longer quotes and your comments.

Here, you can also read about a 1500-word essay and an already written essay.



Belmont stakes 2024: results and payouts as dornoch wins test of champions at saratoga, share this article.

Dornoch has won the 156th running of the Belmont Stakes on Saturday afternoon.

After going stride for stride with Seize The Grey out of the gate, Dornoch (17-1) dispatched the Preakness winner and found himself in tight battle down the stretch with Mindframe. Jockey Luis Saez was able to successfully hold off the challenge en route to his second Belmont victory in 2:01.64 on a fast track.

Typically held in Elmont, New York on Long Island, the race was moved upstate to historic Saratoga Race Course as Belmont Park undergoes renovations. That also led to a change in distance as the length was shortened to 1 1/4 miles to the finish line.

While the final leg of the Triple Crown didn’t have any horse contending for horse racing’s highest honor, the latest iteration of the Test of Champions had no shortage of drama heading in.

Kentucky Derby winner Mystik Dan getting a rematch against Preakness Seize The Grey was the headline, but neither were the favorite heading into the gates. That title belonged to Sierra Leone (8-5), while fellow contenders Honor Marie and Dornoch, himself a Kentucky Derby contender, garnered plenty of attention themselves.

Incredible! 😱 Dornoch wins the 2024 @BelmontStakes ! — FOX Sports (@FOXSports) June 8, 2024

2024 Belmont Stakes Payouts

  • Dornoch ($37.40, $17.60, $8.10)
  • Mindframe (N/A, $6.80, $4.20)
  • Sierra Leone  (N/A, N/A, $2.6)

(Based on $2 bet)

$1.00 Exacta: $163.25

$1.00 Trifecta: $473.00

$1.00 Superfecta: $3,200.50

Purse Payouts

  •  Dornoch $1,200,000
  •  Mindframe $360,000
  •  Sierra Leone $200,000

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The best hats and outfits of the 2024 belmont stakes, 2024 belmont stakes: updated odds on the afternoon of the race, belmont stakes 2024: updated odds on the morning of the race.

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how to finish essay in one day

Belmont Stakes 2024: updated odds and weather forecast the day before the race

how to finish essay in one day

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Preakness winner Seize The Grey will run the Belmont Stakes, Mystik Dan undecided

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Is it possible to write a 1500 word essay in a day: tips from a straight-a student.

As a straight-A student, I’ve had to do many essays in little time with few resources since I’ve had so much other work to attend to. This means I have had to tackle 1500 word essays in a single day. It is perfectly possible to do this, although it is tough, and you’ll need to follow these vital tips. Learn from my mistakes!

  • Make sure you use your day properly

Making sure you make the most of your 24 hours means that the first thing you need to do is make a plan. It can seem like a waste of time, but this really is the most efficient way to make the most of the hours you have. Make sure that you mark into your schedule the times you need for breakfast, lunch and dinner, of course, and ensure also that you take regular breaks (although these should be no more than 15 minutes in length each time). Then make sure you know what you need to do from hour to hour. For instance, use the morning to tackle the research part of the essay. Work out the best way for you to work.

  • Research efficiently

The most time-costly part of writing anything is doing your research and reading around your subject. This can take hours and hours and, obviously, you have no time to waste. This means that you need to be reading and researching efficiently as well as effectively. Only read the materials that you know will be useful to you (selecting these comes under the ‘planning’ part of your day - see above) and don’t get distracted by non-relevant articles or books. Try to read quickly and make efficient notes.

  • Do not get distracted!

One of the real reasons why most people cannot complete a 1500 word essay in a day is because they get easily distracted. You need to avoid this! That means you need to turn off things like the television, your phone (to avoid being tempted to send and read texts) and your computer. If you need your computer to write your essay, disconnect the internet or disable the Wi-Fi so that you are not tempted to browse social media sites or send or check an email (which is very time-consuming). If you cannot work with music, remember also to turn off your MP3 player. Remember all these tips, and you will be able to complete your essay in a single day!

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Can you write a whole EE in one day?

NBC Chicago

Headlining acts announced for 2024 Septemberfest in Schaumburg

The three-day festival runs from aug. 31 to sept. 2 in schaumburg, published june 8, 2024 • updated on june 8, 2024 at 3:52 pm.

Summer may have just gotten underway, but one suburban music festival is looking ahead to September with headlining acts recently announced.

The three-day Septemberfest festival is returning to Schaumburg this year and is slated to run from Aug. 31 to Sept. 2 at the Robert O. Atcher Municipal Center grounds.

Watch NBC 5 Chicago news stream free, 24/7, wherever you are

This year's festival headliners include former "American Idol" winner Phillip Phillips, the Lombard-based Plain White T's and 7th heaven, known for their "30 songs in 30 minutes" medleys.

Also performing at the 2024 festival will be Taylor Nation Tribute, which will feature a performance that spans the duration of Taylor Swift's career, and the Petty Kings, a Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers tribute band.

Phillips will serve as the festival's first main stage headliner, performing at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 31. Petty Kings are scheduled to open for Phillips, with their performance starting at 6:30 p.m.

The Plain White T's, best known for their late 2000s smash hit "Hey There Delilah," will headline the festival's main stage at 8:30 p.m. Sunday evening, with 80s arena rock cover band Mock Star performing as their opening act.

Wrapping up the festival on Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. will be 7th heaven, with the Chicago-based band performing as a headliner in their 39th year of touring.

how to finish essay in one day

Here's how much will minimum wage increase in Chicago on July 1

how to finish essay in one day

Chicago Forecast: Mostly sunny skies, breezy conditions

Echoes of Pompeii: A Tribute to Pink Floyd will open for 7th heaven at 5:30 p.m., with the 11-piece orchestra aiming to give fans the true sound of a Pink Floyd concert, playing songs from all eras of the band's extensive repertoire.

While all performances will be free, VIP tickets will be available for purchase.

Feeling out of the loop? We'll catch you up on the Chicago news you need to know. Sign up for the weekly Chicago Catch-Up newsletter here.

VIP ticketholders will be provided a chair at the main stage, come-and-go privileges to enjoy the festival, access to an air conditioned restroom and VIP bar access at the main stage.

VIP tickets for Saturday and Sunday are available for $30, while VIP tickets for Monday are $15. VIP tickets for Monday afternoon's Taylor Nation Tribute are $15.

Prices for VIP tickets are set to increase on Aug. 1. More information on the festival can be found here.

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How to Write a Last Minute Essay

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Ooops! You waited until the very last minute to begin the college application process, and it’s probably stressing you out. But never fear – CollegeVine is here to make sure that your procrastination impacts your essay as minimally as possible.

We’ve included a guide for the 30-day essay, the 15-day essay, and the 3-day essay. If you have multiple essays to write in a short time, you can follow the appropriate guide for multiple prompts simultaneously, or offset it by a few days.

The 30-Day Essay

At this point, you want to focus on ideas. You have the freedom to spend a few days figuring out which direction your essay is going to take, so take your time to think about what you want to convey in your essay. Find four to five topics to begin with—you can ask your parents, friends, and teachers about what they find interesting about you in order to speed this process up. Try to choose anecdotes from your life that, in retrospect, you learned from, and these stories will inform your topic. Even the shortest, most insignificant moment can make a great essay if it shaped you in some way. If you are writing a “why this school” essay, make a list of reasons why you are applying. Do appropriate research to find strong reasons that show your genuine interest in the school. 

Now that you have a few potential topics, think about how each one would respond to the prompt. Spend 15 minutes outlining each one, using your prompt to guide the outline. In essays that ask you to tell a story, a good topic should write itself and finding a strong essay idea will nearly always be more productive than forcing a story to respond to the prompt. For “why this school” essays, focus on the structure and connection between your reasons. Giving this step the necessary hours now will pay off later. Narrow your list of potential topics to your top one to three choices.

Now it’s time to put pen to paper. If you’re having a hard time, try writing in different environments—coffee shops, your room, or a library, for example—and alternate between topics, and remember that at least at this stage, more words is better than fewer; there will be a step to polish your writing later. 

By day 14, you should have written one rough essay for every “top choice” topic you decided on during day 5. This means that you should now have anywhere between one to three potential essays for a single prompt.

If you do have more than one essay written, it is now time to choose a single essay. Out of the two or three essays you have written in the past couple days, there is probably one that speaks to you more than the rest. If you’re having a hard time, think about which of the topics you’d like to spend another two weeks with, and try to figure out which one says the most about you. Essays with twice the number of words allowed or more should be ruled out; the anecdote is probably too long, or the topic requires too much detail to be effective.

Break days! Distance is important when writing. Take a break from your essays so that you can continue to edit with a fresh mind. These are great days to give your essay to other people to edit—school faculty members who know you well, a coach/music teacher, your parents, and one or two friends. If you are over the word limit, ask specifically for these editors to help you cut down the essay.

Reading your essay with a fresh mind should help you catch big, structural edits. Your first round of edits should involve content edits; you’re looking for what the essay really says about you as a person, and whether that was what you were trying to get across. How does the sentence flow? Does the essay move itself?

Break day! Get some more distance from your writing.

At this point, you might have received some edits back from the people you handed your essay to. Go through each of the edits and decide which suggestions you plan to take, and which seem to alter your personal voice or which don’t match the essay stylistically. Try to stay objective as you review these edits—some of them will be detrimental. If you can’t see why the change was made, it’s probably best to ignore it. If multiple people give you the same feedback, however, you may want to give it some thought.

Implement the edits that you liked. Then read through the essay again and make sure that there are no structural edits or content edits that still need to happen.

These days are the middle stage of your editing process. You’re looking for words that don’t fit the style of the essay, or which could be improved, as well as sentence flow problems. Are all your sentences the same length? Is one paragraph not as well written as the rest of the essay? This should also be the time that you cut words. If you are still more than 70 words over, try to cut full sentences. Otherwise, start by cutting unnecessary phrases and words.

Start doing smaller grammatical edits. A great way to catch edits is to record yourself reading your essay aloud and then listening to the recording. As you go through this process, highlight, mark, and comment on your essay. Afterwards, go through and use your notes to fix word flow, word choice, and grammatical mistakes.

Break day! It’s close to the deadline, we know. Take a break anyway – you need and deserve it.

Last minute edits! Spend some quality time with your essay by just reading it every few hours. Try to catch any small mistakes or random sentence flow problems. (If you suddenly realize that you hate your essay, reference the 3-Day Essay below. Be sure that you aren’t being hyper-critical, though—you may just hate the essay because you’ve spent so much time on it).

Congratulations! Your essay is done! It’s time for you to catch a break. 

The 15-Day Essay

Spend a few hours working on a list of ideas that could become potential essays. Choose one and make an outline.

Write your essay!

Ask a few people who you think would give constructive comments to read your essay— teachers, parents, and  friends. Spend some time doing content and structure edits. Figure out what you want the essay to convey about your personality, and determine whether your essay actually gets this across.

Do some structural editing. Pay attention to sentence flow, the length of paragraphs, overall organization. If your essay is too long, try to cut down on unnecessary information. Pay close attention to the way that you have structured paragraphs and make sure each one makes sense.

Take a break!

Synthesize the comments you received on your essay. Decide which suggestions you want to use and which ones you don’t. If you can’t figure out why a particular suggestion was made, ask the person who gave it. After you’ve gone through all the feedback, edit your essay accordingly.

Cut your essay down to the word limit – ask yourself which anecdotes, details, and adjectives are truly necessary. If you’re having trouble, reference the editors that you spoke to previously.

Work on grammatical and other small edits. Look for minor things that need to be corrected, such as punctuation and word choice. This process requires a few dedicated hours. Aim to really spend some time polishing your language. Reading your essay aloud can be a productive way to accomplish this.

Take a break from your essay!

Spend the whole day with your essay. Every few hours, do a reread and see if you can catch any small last minute edits. Don’t try to change anything major—you don’t have time!

Submit the essay and take a good nap. You’ve finished! 

The 3-Day Essay

Don’t panic. This is doable, but it’ll be a busy few days. Spend the morning coming up with ideas for your essay. Choose one, and use the afternoon to write it. Email this draft to teachers, and show it to your parents. Then, take a few hours off, and later at night, read it through to edit for content. Does the essay say what you intended it to?

Check your email throughout the day. When you get edits back, start incorporating those into the essay. Be picky about which ones you choose to include because you don’t want to take your own voice out of the essay. Spend the day doing structural edits. Every hour, take a thirty minute break from editing. By the end of the day, you should have an essay that fits within the word limit and also has a strong flow. The organization should be good, and you should be able to see how the essay builds upon itself.

DO NOT OPEN EDITS. If any of your readers have replied to your email, don’t open them at all. At this point, the extra edits will just freak you out, and you don’t have time to do major fixes. The name of the game today is small edits; look for grammar, word changes, and minor sentence structure changes. When you’re finally done, take a breath; you can finally relax. 

The 1-Day Essay 

Of course, writing a college essay the day before it’s due is far from ideal, but we know there are probably some of you out there who will find yourself in this situation. Don’t worry, it is not hopeless. Instead of trying to fit a step-by-step plan into a tight timespan, we’ve compiled some general tips to help you churn out that essay in one day. 

Choose your prompts strategically.

If you already know what you’re going to write about, great! Move on to the next tip. If not, see if you might have already written an essay to any of the available prompts. Especially if the prompts are open-ended, you may have already addressed a potential topic in previous school papers. Look through your files to see if you have any essays that you might be able to recycle. The key here is recycle : it goes without saying that you shouldn’t use a previously-written essay word for word for your college submission. You should still take time to tailor it to the prompt and make sure that it conveys your message clearly, whether it’s illustrating your strengths or expressing why you wish to attend that particular college. 

Make an outline. 

Yes, you may feel that you don’t have time for extensive planning, and that you should just jump in and get everything on paper. Try to rein in this urge and take one hour to make a brief outline, spelling out your “thesis” and all the points you want to address. This will help keep your thoughts in order as you write, especially in such a time-constricted context. 

Get that distance, re-read, and edit. 

It’s always tempting to just click submit once you’re done with a project you worked long and hard on, to feel that relief when you know it’s done. However, especially given the rushed nature of a last-minute essay like this, the revision and editing process is crucial, even if it’ll be minimal. Blatant errors will reflect poorly in your application! 

So when you’re done writing, set it aside for a few hours. Then, reread it, and make any necessary corrections—grammar mistakes, typos, sentence flow. When you’re sure it sounds they way you want it to, then you can submit. 

Wrapping it Up

Procrastinating on your college essays isn’t the best way to go, but it can be saved. If you haven’t started applying yet, start your college essays as early as possible! Longer breaks between editing sessions will allow you to get the distance necessary to be objective, and to produce the best quality essay you can.

Want help with your college essays to improve your admissions chances? Sign up for your free CollegeVine account and get access to our essay guides and courses. You can also get your essay peer-reviewed and improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.

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how to finish essay in one day


Lightning lifer? Hedman hoping to finish what he started as final year of contract looms

TAMPA, FLORIDA - NOVEMBER 20: Victor Hedman #77 of the Tampa Bay Lightning warms up during a game against the Boston Bruins at Amalie Arena on November 20, 2023 in Tampa, Florida. (Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)

TAMPA, Fla. — When Mikhail Sergachev arrived in Tampa in 2017, it wasn’t a coincidence his locker stall was next to Victor Hedman ’s.

Hedman, who’d win the Norris Trophy that season, was the game’s premier defenseman. A perfect mentor for the young Russian.

Seven years later, Sergachev doesn’t see much change.


“He’s unbelievable,” Sergachev says. “I don’t think he has ‘stages’ (in his career). When I got here, he was 26. He looks the same, pretty much. On the ice, he’s had a lot of stress. He won the Conn Smythe, a lot of playoff games. But he’s doing the same things he did before.

“He’s just a horse. He’s not slowing down. When you see a player not slowing down, you’re like, ‘Why? He’s getting older.’ That’s because he works and takes care of himself.

“He’s going to go down as one of the best to ever play defenseman. He’s everything you want.”

Hedman’s staying power will be huge for a Lightning team trying to keep its Stanley Cup window open . General manager Julien BriseBois says the team plans on re-signing Hedman, 33, who is one year away from unrestricted free agency.

“The way my body feels and the way my mind feels,” Hedman says, “I feel like I’ve got a lot of good hockey left in me.”

This season was encouraging, even though it ended in a second straight first-round exit. The Lightning needed Hedman more than ever. Sergachev missed nearly three months with a broken leg, and Andrei Vasilevskiy missed the first two months of the season. Young and inexperienced players became regulars. Nick Perbix , 25, played consistently in his second NHL season, and Darren Raddysh , 28, was often a top-pair partner for Hedman in his first full season. Rookies Emil Lilleberg, 23, and Max Crozier, 24, got reps, too.

Hedman was the stalwart, and amid it all, he averaged nearly a point per game, with 13 goals and 76 points in 78 games.

This chart from HockeyViz shows how the Lightning got better down the stretch in Hedman’s minutes, in expected goal generation and suppression at five-on-five.

how to finish essay in one day

“It’s kind of amazing actually that these players can sustain their level of play year after year when there’s other players of their stature coming into the league pushing them and pushing them,” coach Jon Cooper says. “They still find a way to be at the top of their game. I guess that’s why those guys get in the Hall of Fame.

“When it was really needed, when we went through massive injuries on the back end and had young guys come in, Victor had to take over. And he did. And it was really impressive.”

This all started last summer. Hedman was disappointed with his 2022-23 season. The wear and tear of three straight runs to the Cup Final had started to add up on the 6-foot-7 Swede and 2020 Conn Smythe winner. He had a knee procedure after the second Cup in 2021. But the blessing in disguise from losing in the first round to the Toronto Maple Leafs in the spring of 2023 was that it gave Hedman his first full offseason in years to train. Not rehab. Train.

Hedman’s legendary workouts, led by Hans Jonsson and Joakim Dettner in his hometown of Örnsköldsvik, Sweden, were a “game-changer” for him in becoming an elite defenseman. They are also how he got back there.

In the spring of 2013, Victor Hedman was at a crossroads. He met with trainer Joakim Dettner and told him, “I want to be the best in the world.” With Hedman a finalist for Norris Trophy tonight, an ICYMI on the workouts he called a “game-changer” in career — Joe Smith (@JoeSmithNHL) June 29, 2021

“The (summer of 2022), he was more or less burned out,” Dettner says. “He needed the pause badly. When he arrived in Sweden for this past summer, he contacted immediately and we concluded in very clear words that this summer was the ‘be back to the giant 2.0’ he always wanted to be.

“What I remember the most is how he never wanted to come over after a summer and not being Super Hedman. He was determined to do every pass, every exercise, 100 percent, to get back to his super level again. He missed only one single pass during the whole summer. Coming back (this season), he felt Super Hedman again.”

It was the first time in four years Hedman had that regular summer workout routine in Sweden, and it made a huge difference.

“This game is getting faster,” he says. “Guys are coming into the league super skilled, super fast. For us, it’s about adapting to that. And it’s always a progress. I’m not going to overhaul the way I play the game. But it’s staying on top of the little things.

“I want to be one of the best players at my position, and I’ve got to keep working on that and keep believing in myself.”

Hedman reached the 1,000-game plateau this season, an iconic milestone that his good friend Steven Stamkos experienced the year before. Hedman says he received an incredible watch, a golf trip and a really good bottle of wine from teammates, among other gifts.

What continues to drive a guy who already has two Stanley Cup rings and a Conn Smythe?

“You reach the mountain twice, but you always want to do it more,” he says. “It’s something you taste one time and you want to taste it again. You want to do it for the guys next to you who haven’t had that opportunity. It’s what drives us. We want to lift the Cup again, just try to be as good as you can for as long as you can.”

Hedman admits another motivator is participating in the 2026 Olympics and the desire to check off a bucket list item he’s never experienced. He’s also playing for Sweden in this year’s IIHF World Championship. One of Hedman’s idols is Detroit Red Wings Hall of Famer Nicklas Lidstrom, whom he first met before the 2009 NHL Draft. Lidstrom played into his 40s. Is that Hedman’s future?

“No, I’m not going to play until I’m 40,” he says, smiling.

Hedman has watched what Stamkos went through this season, the captain and the face of the franchise getting frustrated over the lack of contract talks in the final year of his deal. He hopes that’s not him next year. But, from the sounds of it, the Lightning plan to approach Hedman this summer about an extension. Hedman and Stamkos signed eight-year deals a couple of days apart back in the summer of 2016. Maybe they’ll do it again.

“This is all we know,” Hedman says. “We’ve been here from day one and I’ve been here for almost half my life. I couldn’t picture anything else. It’s a process. It’s a business. And just moving forward here, my thought process is on next season and hopefully I won’t be in the same position as Stammer, but you never know. My plan is to retire a Bolt, and I hope that will come true.”

how to finish essay in one day

Stamkos has been there with Hedman for his entire career and has appreciated his evolution.

“He’s been a premier defenseman in this league for a really long time,” Stamkos says. “I mean, there’s not many that have the combination of size and skill that Heddy has, that ability to play both ends of the ice. Just be a horse out there. He’s one of a kind in terms of the skill set and the size and the reach and the ability that he has.

“We all get older and things change, but you adapt and find ways to be successful. If you didn’t know how old Heddy was, you’d still think he’s 27, 28, the way he plays and minutes he plays and shape he’s in. It’s remarkable to watch.”

The Lightning will have around $12 million in cap space this summer, with no doubt a chunk of that going to Stamkos if they can re-sign him. There’s not going to be a ton of room to add another defenseman, so Hedman could be in that role again of helping mentor some of the younger defensemen. He’ll have to carry a heavy load. He loves being that guy the kids look up to, who teaches them the tricks of the trade.

The Lightning are counting on it.

“We’d love to keep Victor going forward,” BriseBois says. “He’s an elite, elite defenseman. He’s one of the special all-time players, an all-time Tampa Bay Lightning Bolt who is still super productive. There’s no reason to believe that won’t be the case going forward.”

(Top photo: Mike Ehrmann / Getty Images)

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Joe Smith

Joe Smith is a senior writer for The Athletic covering the Minnesota Wild and the National Hockey League. He spent the previous four years as Tampa Bay Lightning beat writer for The Athletic after a 12-year-stint at the Tampa Bay Times. At the Times, he covered the Lightning from 2010-18 and the Tampa Bay Rays and Tampa Bay Buccaneers from 2008-13. Follow Joe on Twitter @ JoeSmithNHL

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Hacks How to Write a 10 and 20 page Paper in One Night

Updated: July 15, 2022

Published: April 19, 2020


It’s the night before a big paper is due. For whatever reason, you find yourself needing to write an entire research paper in a very short amount of time. While procrastination isn’t ideal, extenuating circumstances may have caused your timeline to get pushed back. So, here you are, looking for how to write a 10-page paper or how to write a 20-page paper in one night.

It goes without saying the best way to write a paper is to give yourself enough time to outline, draft, and edit. Yet, it’s still possible to write in less time. Take heed of these best tips and tricks to organize your thoughts and get your thesis on paper as fast as possible.

Photo by  Adolfo Félix  on  Unsplash

How to prepare before you write, 1. create a schedule to maximize your time.

You’ve likely already spent time panicking. Once you calm yourself of the anxiety of having to finish a 10- or 20-page paper in one night, organize your plan of attack. First, you should designate an area free of distractions so that you can focus. Aside from a few breaks and snacks, it’s best to set up a comfortable place to write. Give yourself some time to outline and find/cite research . Once you know how you’re going to approach the subject, then you can start drafting.

2. Determine your Main Topic

If you’ve been given a prompt, then your topic is clear. However, sometimes you have the freedom to choose what your research will be about. In this case, it’s smartest to choose a topic that you are already knowledgeable about. That way, you will save yourself key time that would have otherwise been spent on research. If you don’t feel strongly about any particular topic, then at least try to pick one that has a lot of information available.

3. Perform Research

Start looking up sources to cite that support your thesis, or main argument. As you research, be sure to take notes. One of the best ways to do this is to use a word processor like Google Docs or Microsoft Word to copy and paste URLs. For each source, it would be best to copy/paste one main sentence that covers its point.

Then, you can write brief notes in your own words that summarize what you have read from that source. While you are performing research, you can start to put together an outline, or the flow of how you will present your ideas broken down by topic and argument.

4. Outline 3-5 subtopics

Once you’ve chosen your topic, then try to pull 3-5 subtopics from it. Each sub-topic should be juicy enough to be able to write a lot about it. The subtopics are your supporting paragraphs which fill the body of the research paper. They should basically be mini essays within themselves.

Writing in One Night

Writing a long research paper in one night isn’t ideal, but it is doable. Some of the best ways to get it done is to follow these 5 tips:

1. Plan and Outline

Take those few extra moments to plan and outline your paper. While it may feel like a waste of valuable time, it is going to help you stay on track. When you have an outline and you get to the middle of your paper, you won’t feel lost as to how to continue. An outline will be useful to you like a map is on a journey.

2. Use Specialized Search

Take advantage of search tools that are designed for scholars. For example, a few of these include: Google Scholar and Elsevier .

3. Leverage Tools

There are citation management tools that will help you find sources for your topic. Mendeley is just one of them. You can type parts of your paper into the tool and find quotes of value. Be sure to cite everything you use to avoid plagiarism .

4. Proofread and Edit

Once you complete writing 10 to 20 pages, you may feel like throwing in the towel and going to sleep for a few hours. However, it is crucial to power through and proofread your paper. If you have anyone available who can read your paper over, that would be best because it’s hard to catch mistakes when you’ve been looking at the same thing for so long. But, if no one is available, try to read your paper back to yourself out loud. This way, you may be able to catch typos better.

5. Check Formatting

Every research paper needs to adhere to a particular format guideline. Whether it’s APA, MLA, or another standard formatting practice, be sure to double check that your layout adheres to the guidelines.

Photo by  Christin Hume  on  Unsplash

When to start writing.

If you have yet to find yourself trying to write a paper at the last minute and all the notes above are scaring you out of procrastination, then that’s a good start! Perhaps you were recently assigned a research paper. In this case, the best way to tackle the project is to do the following:

Start Early

Get started right away. Even if it means just performing early research or writing an outline, starting early is going to save you from having to write a paper in one night down the line. When you start early, you benefit greatly because you can: leverage peers for ideas, take the necessary time to edit and rewrite, and you lower your risk of picking a topic with too little information and having to change topics at the last minute.

Writing in Stages

Starting early also affords you the opportunity to write in stages. You can think of writing as a cycle when you write in stages. First, you can create your outline. Then, you can write the introduction, edit it, and rewrite anything you may need to before moving on to the next piece (or the first body paragraph, in this case).

Use a Timeline

Create a timeline for your writing in stages. If you start four weeks in advance, for example, you have time to do all of the following:

  • Fully understand the assignment and ask any questions
  • Start to read and document sources
  • Create notecards and cite books for sources
  • Write a summary of what you’ve discovered so far that will be used in some of your paper
  • Create 3-5 subtopics and outline points you want to explore
  • Look for more sources on your subtopics
  • Start writing summaries on each subtopic
  • Write some analysis of your findings
  • Start to piece together the research paper based on your notes and outline (almost like completing a puzzle)
  • Edit and proofread / ask for feedback

The Writing Process

The actual writing process is a little different for everyone, but this is a general overview for how to write a 20-page paper, or one that is shorter.

  • Start with a Thesis: Your thesis is one sentence that clearly and concisely explains what you are going to prove with research.
  • Include a Menu Sentence: At the end of your introduction, you will briefly outline your subtopics in what is often referred to as a “menu sentence.” This allows the reader to understand what they can expect to learn about as they continue to read your paper.
  • Create a Detailed Introduction: Your introduction should be detailed enough so that someone with little to no knowledge about your subject matter can understand what the paper is about.
  • Keep References: Be sure to write your references as you go along so that you basically can create your bibliography in the process of writing. Again, this is where a tool like Mendeley may be useful.
  • Write First: Write first and edit later. You want to get all your ideas down on the page before you start judging or editing the writing.
  • Save Often: Create the draft on a cloud platform that is automatically saved (i.e. Google Docs in case your computer crashes) or email the work to yourself as you go.

The Breakdown of a 10-Page Paper

The Breakdown of a 10-Page Paper infographic table

Sources to Consider Using

When writing your research paper and finding sources, it’s best to use a mix of sources. This may include:

  • Internet: The Internet is filled with limitless possibilities. When you use the Internet, it’s best to find credible and trustworthy sources to avoid using fake news as a source. That’s why tools like Google Scholar can be so helpful.
  • Textbooks: It’s more likely than not that you’ll be able to use your class textbook as a source for the research you are conducting.
  • Books: Additionally, other books outside of those you read within your class will prove useful in any research paper.

Final Steps: Editing and Formatting

Once you’ve written all your ideas on the page, it’s time to edit. It cannot be stressed enough that editing is pivotal before submission. This is especially true if you’ve been writing under immense pressure.

Writing a 10- or 20-page research paper in one night is not easy, so there are bound to be mistakes and typos. The best way to catch these mistakes is to follow these tips:

  • Take a break before you edit so you can come back to the page with somewhat fresh eyes and a clearer head
  • Read it out loud to edit and catch mistakes because sometimes your brain will override typos or missing words to make sense of what it is reading
  • If possible, ask someone else to look it over
  • Consider using footnotes or block quotes
  • Format according to how your university asks – MLA or APA, etc.

The Bottom Line

Life throws curveballs your way without warning. Whether you are holding yourself accountable for procrastinating or something out of your control came up, you may find yourself needing to write a big research paper in one night. It’s not the best-case scenario, but with the right tools and tricks up your sleeve, you can surely get it done!

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    Here we go! First, take 15 minutes to do the Objects and Values Exercises. Next, get a blank sheet of paper, draw a vertical line down the middle, at the top of the right column write the word "My values," and list your 3-5 most important values, with space in between. (Example: "knowledge" - skip an inch - "nature"- skip an ...

  9. Writing My Essay in One Day: It's Hard, But There Are Some Tricks

    To finish an essay in one day, you need to keep yourself motivated. If you set personal deadlines and achieve them, you will feel positive and want to work harder. In addition to the psychological booster, it also helps in time management. You break the 24 hours into smaller segments. For example; Hour 1-2: Creating the outline and set deadlines.

  10. is it possible to bs a research paper in one day? : r/college

    It's possible to actually DO a research paper in a day. I researched and wrote a 10 page (~2500 word) paper for an Anthropology course in 24 hours. The key is to be very thorough and meticulous on your research. Get each small bit on note cards and use them to create the paper.

  11. WRITING a 1500 WORD ESSAY in 3 HOURS

    At 9pm, I found out I had a 1500-word essay due at 11:59pm... Join me in a frantic study vlog & essay crisis in which I write a last-minute paper in one nigh...

  12. This Productivity Hack Will Help You Nail Your Assignment In One Day

    The answer is simple: take more breaks. It's 52 minutes working, 17 minutes break, rinse and repeat. If that explanation isn't clear enough, here is a pretty basic run down on how to finish a dreaded 1500 word essay in one day.

  13. How To Write A 5 Page Essay In 1 Day

    5 Page Essay in 1 day, step by step. 1. Plan. To adequately prepare fully for the task ahead, plan how you will spend your day. Slot in each activity you need to do for the day besides writing the 5-page essay. i.e. Shower and eat to our satisfaction. Prepare a miniature timetable for the day, but allocate more time to writing the essay.

  14. What's the most you've written in one day? : r/college

    3-4 pages, that's nothing! comes down more to how much researching you have to do. 3-4 pages if you are just writing should only take a few hours to be decent. better get off reddit and start working. Did 12 pages + a works cited in one day before 0/10 don't recommend 🙃.

  15. How to Write Any College Paper at the Last Minute

    How to Write a 6-to-12-Page Essay in a Matter of Hours. Schedule your time. Compose your thesis and intro paragraph. Do your research. Write your body paragraphs. Create a conclusion. Take a troubleshooting break. Add your finishing touches.

  16. Can I write a 1,500 word essay in one day?

    Hi there, Absolutely, it's possible to write a 1,500-word essay in one day, especially since it's a reflection, which is often easier to write because it's based on your personal experiences and thoughts. Just take it step by step. Start by creating a simple outline of your key points and then develop each point in detail.

  17. A 1000 Word Essay: Can You Finish It in One Day?

    The length of essays varies greatly, but 300, 500, 750, 1000 are considered standard essay length. It seems like you have to meet one of these word limits, particularly write a 1000 word essay. What is more, it seems like you have a time limit as well and need to prepare your 1000 word essay in one night. Our team will craft your perfect

  18. Free AI Paraphrasing Tool

    The easiest, quickest way to create a paraphrase is to use a free paraphrase generator like the one at the top of this page. To use this paraphrasing tool, paste in your source text, then click the "Paraphrase it" button. If you'd like to write a paraphrase from scratch, first read the original text closely. Then, convey the ideas ...

  19. Belmont Stakes 2024: Results, payouts as Dornoch wins at Saratoga

    Blake Schuster. June 8, 2024 6:51 pm ET. Dornoch has won the 156th running of the Belmont Stakes on Saturday afternoon. After going stride for stride with Seize The Grey out of the gate, Dornoch ...

  20. Dave Myers: 'Proud' 20,000 bikers finish 'Dave Day' tribute ride

    The procession began to arrive from about 16:00 BST, waved on by thousands of people, and continued to stream into the town into the evening. One onlooker, Marie, who watched the procession from a ...

  21. Practical Tips On How To Compose A 1500 Word Essay Within One Day

    Try to read quickly and make efficient notes. Do not get distracted! One of the real reasons why most people cannot complete a 1500 word essay in a day is because they get easily distracted. You need to avoid this! That means you need to turn off things like the television, your phone (to avoid being tempted to send and read texts) and your ...

  22. Watch: 2024 Bank of America Chicago 13.1 Finish Line

    2024 Bank of America 13.1 Finish Line: 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. See the moment you or someone you know crossed the 2024 Bank of America 13.1 finish line!

  23. SIDEARM Integrations

    EUGENE, Ore. - Elliott Cook capped his standout postseason run with a national runner-up finish in the 1500 meters Friday evening at Hayward Field. In the heptathlon, Annika Williams and Taylor Chocek are positioned inside the top 10 after day one of the seven-event competition. The Women of Oregon enter the final day of the NCAA Championships with 15 points, and will have 11 total scoring ...

  24. Can you write a whole EE in one day? : r/IBO

    Nope. I guess you're asking this because your first draft is due, like, next week or something, so try to write at least a paragraph a day if that's the case. If you've got more than that, aim for that anyway and try to finish it a couple days before the deadline so that you can exchange with your peers and review each other's EE. 3. Reply.

  25. Plain White T's, Phillip Phillips to headline Septemberfest in

    Petty Kings are scheduled to open for Phillips, with their performance starting at 6:30 p.m. The Plain White T's, best known for their late 2000s smash hit "Hey There Delilah," will headline the ...

  26. How to Write a Last Minute Essay

    Day 15. Submit the essay and take a good nap. You've finished! The 3-Day Essay Day 1. Don't panic. This is doable, but it'll be a busy few days. Spend the morning coming up with ideas for your essay. Choose one, and use the afternoon to write it. Email this draft to teachers, and show it to your parents.

  27. Billy Horschel rebuilt irons and his perspective after '23 Memorial

    Indeed, the Floridian went out and shot 84, his 12-over-par entering the Memorial record book as the highest opening round by a defending champion. When the day ended, he was 118th out of 119 golfers.

  28. Lightning lifer? Hedman hoping to finish what he started as final year

    "It's something you taste one time and you want to taste it again. You want to do it for the guys next to you who haven't had that opportunity. It's what drives us.

  29. Hacks How to Write a 10 and 20 page Paper in One Night

    1. Create a Schedule to Maximize Your Time. You've likely already spent time panicking. Once you calm yourself of the anxiety of having to finish a 10- or 20-page paper in one night, organize your plan of attack. First, you should designate an area free of distractions so that you can focus.

  30. What time is the Formula 1 2024 Canadian Grand Prix?

    Norris 'excited' to see what McLaren can do on race day in Canada after taking P3 in qualifying. Poll. RACE PREDICTOR: Who are you backing to finish on the podium in the Canadian Grand Prix? Video. WATCH: Go onboard with Russell for his stunning pole position lap in Montreal. Feature. What the teams said - Qualifying in Canada. News