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130+ Hospitality Research Topics: Great Ideas

Hospitality research topics

A research paper is mandatory for all students to graduate from a course, including hospitality courses. Research in the hospitality industry can be easy if you have the right topic. So, one of the first things you should prioritize before starting your hospitality research is finding an excellent topic.

Great Hospitality Industry Research Topics

Argumentative essay topics for research in hospitality industry, creative hospitality management research topics, social media research topic about hospitality industry, excellent research title about hospitality management, tourism and hospitality research topics for stem, sustainability research topics for tourism and hospitality, amazing research title about hospitality industry, top hotel and restaurant management thesis topics in the philippines, research topics in hospitality management for social students, research topic for hospitality management for economy students, outstanding research title for hospitality management students, leading thesis title for hospitality management.

A good topic for research in hospitality will serve as the foundation for your paper. It will also attract readers and trigger interest in your paper. Are you looking for a research title in the hospitality industry that guarantees a top grade? Check out the following examples in this article:

Research topics on the hospitality industry should focus on the key and hot topics faced in the sector. Here is a list of research titles for hotel and restaurant management:

  • The origin and meaning of the word hospitality
  • How different cultures view hospitality
  • An in-depth look into the impacts of the COVID pandemic on the hospitality sector
  • Hospitality and tourism: what is the link?
  • Hospitality and hotel management: a comprehensive analysis
  • The role of hospitality in the tourism sector
  • Essential elements of the hospitality sector
  • A strategic analysis of the hospitality sector in your country
  • Etiquette in the hospitality sector
  • Hospitality industry wages: what is fair?

An argumentative essay topic should state your opinion on a subject so you can argue it in the essay. Some argumentative essay topics on the hospitality industry are:

  • Travel bans triggered by the COVID pandemic negatively impacted the hospitality sector
  • The impacts of global trends on the hospitality sector
  • Hospitality ethics: an in-depth analysis
  • The relationship between a host and guest about hospitality
  • The contributions of the hospitality sector to global economic growth
  • Sustainability as a global trend in the hospitality sector
  • The development of sustainability in the hospitality sector
  • Challenges encountered by the hospitality sector in the 21 st century
  • Technology as a tool for change in the hospitality sector
  • Hospitality in Christian and Islam culture

Creativity is a vital element when choosing a research topic. It will make your essay stand out and attract readers. Here are some great examples of research topics about hospitality management and their reasons:

  • Qualities of an effective hotel manager
  • How customer service can influence the quality of hotel management
  • Full-service vs. limited-service hotels: the difference in their hotel management
  • How large hotels conduct revenue management
  • Hotel management in European nations
  • How can hotel management impact an establishment’s success?
  • Financial accounting is a critical part of hotel management
  • Hotel management: a comprehensive overview
  • The impact of the internet on hotel management
  • The role of hotel management on guest satisfaction rates

You should always find social media research topics for your hospitality research paper. Check out the following hospitality research topics:

  • The impact of social media on the hospitality sector
  • How companies in the hospitality sector take advantage of the power of the internet
  • The social media influencer trend and its impact on the hospitality sector
  • How hospitality practitioners use the internet to enhance their services
  • Hospitality training and the internet
  • Technology as a tool for hospitality training
  • The role of the internet in hospitality diversification
  • Social media and its impact on hospitality diversification
  • Strategic ways for hospitality companies to take advantage of technology and the internet
  • Social media and hospitality: the correlation

An excellent research title can play a vital role in earning good grades. Find a sample of a thesis statement about social media and more titles about hospitality management below:

  • What is the role of a hotel manager
  • Types of hotel managers in large establishments
  • Core issues in the hospitality management sector
  • Salary expectations for hotel managers
  • The core roles of facility managers in the hospitality sector
  • Hospitality as a virtue independent of the hospitality sector
  • Factors that prevent hospitality managers from providing effective services
  • Hotel marketing management: a comprehensive assessment
  • Hotel revenue management: a comprehensive assessment
  • Hotel management in your country

Tourism and hospitality often go hand in hand. So, you can cover the two elements in your research paper if you have an ideal topic that brings these concepts together. Check out the following research topics for STEM students :

  • The tourism and hospitality sector after the coronavirus pandemic
  • The long-term effects of travel bans on the tourism and hospitality sector
  • What is the way forward for the tourism and hospitality sector after the pandemic?
  • Online tourism: an in-depth analysis
  • Advances in the tourism and hospitality sector
  • Social advancing and tourism management: a comprehensive overview
  • Medical tourism: an analysis
  • Impacts of social media on the tourism and hospitality sector
  • Impacts of government regulations on the tourism and hospitality sector
  • The impacts of natural hazards on the tourism and hospitality sector

Sustainability research topics are critical for all tourism and hospitality students. Find research topics and ideas for tourism students related to sustainability below:

  • Sustainability in the tourism sector
  • Tourism sustainability: perspectives of guests and practitioners
  • Sustainable tourism as a tool for heritage and culture preservation
  • A study of sustainable tourism in mountainous destinations
  • The practice of sustainable tourism in island destinations
  • Challenges encountered in sustainable tourism
  • The impacts of sustainable tourism on the digital world
  • Sustainable tourism efforts for disaster prevention
  • The impacts of the pandemic on sustainable tourism
  • How is sustainable tourism measured?

A creative research title will show your reader what to expect from the rest of your paper. It creates a good first impression. Find a good thesis title or professional thesis writer about the hospitality industry below:

  • Tourism marketing and sustainable tourism: an in-depth study
  • Hospitality and tourism in emerging economies
  • The correlation between ecotourism and sustainable tourism
  • The impacts of politics in the hospitality sector
  • An evaluation of local tourism and hospitality sectors
  • The profitability of the hospitality sector
  • How governments can improve their hospitality sectors
  • The effect of local communities on the hospitality and tourism sector
  • Sustainability is a critical trend in the hospitality sector
  • A comparative analysis of the hospitality sector in the US and Europe

Hotel and restaurant management are significant topics in the Philippines. So, writing a good essay on these topics can come in handy for your academic performance. Find a good research title about hotel and restaurant management below:

  • Hotel and restaurant management ethics in the Philippines
  • Hotel and restaurant management laws in the Philippines
  • Why should hotels invest in restaurants?
  • The concept of perverse hospitality in the Philippines
  • Hotel and restaurant management salaries in the Philippines
  • The role of the Philippino government in hotel and restaurant management policies
  • Strict hotel and restaurant management policies in the Philippines
  • Smoking bans in hotels in the Philippines
  • Fair wages in the hotel and restaurant management sector in the Philippines
  • The concept of hospitality in Philippino hotel and restaurant management

Students studying social sciences can write research papers on hospitality management because these subjects are related. Find a research topic about hospitality management that covers social issues below. All social issues research topics are actionable.

  • Hospitality training for hotel workers
  • Flight attendants and hospitality: an overview
  • How to conduct hospitality training for flight attendants
  • How hotel managers can maximize profits in the hospitality sectors
  • Challenges experienced in hospitality management
  • Barriers to success in hospitality management
  • The value of the hospitality sector for the global economy
  • Hospitality management and augmented reality: an in-depth overview
  • Safety precautions in hospitality management since the CORONA pandemic
  • How local governments depend on the hospitality sector

The hospitality management sector and the economy industry often influence each other. So, you can write a paper that explains their link. Here are some economic research paper topics in hospitality management:

  • How hospitality economics impact overall country economics
  • How the hospitality sector can improve their profits
  • Challenges hindering the hospitality sector from growth
  • Hospitality laws and profitability: the correlation
  • The best ways the hospitality market can improve their finance management
  • Finance management in hospitality: an overview
  • Personalization as a tool for promoting growth in the hospitality sector
  • Countries that benefit the most from the hospitality sector
  • Inbound tourism: its impact on the global economy
  • Tourism and hospitality as tools for economic growth

Hospitality management is a popular course; all students must complete a research paper to graduate. So, you ought to be creative with your paper, especially the title, so it does not look like anyone else’s. Let us look at some excellent hospitality management thesis topics:

  • The best tourist attractions
  • Tourism management perceptions according to various cultures
  • Diverse views of hospitality management
  • Can hospitality management be taught?
  • An in-depth look at ways hospitality management can be trained
  • Hospitality management training for restaurant workers
  • Key elements in hotel management
  • How hotel management can influence its customer satisfaction rates
  • How many managers should a hotel have
  • Management and hospitality: a comprehensive guide

The hospitality management sector is prone to many changes. So you can easily find a current topic for your research paper. As you check out the hospitality thesis topics highlighted below, take some time to read about anatomy research paper topics .

  • How competitive is the hospitality management sector?
  • Causes of the high turnover in the hospitality sector
  • Strategies that guide management organizations in the hospitality
  • Hospitality management in Australia
  • How the hospitality sector does employee management
  • Basic training elements for hospitality management
  • What type of training do hospitality management practitioners go through?
  • The value of hospitality management
  • Changes in hospitality management brought about by the internet
  • How online reviews influence the hospitality management sector

Choosing the right topic is the first step to writing a good research or thesis paper in hospitality management. However, many students struggle to prepare quality research papers. If you are one of such students, worry not because we have got you covered.

You can trust us with your research paper writing needs. Our writers will help you create a paper that matches your quality topic to earn you excellent grades. Contact our writers today and get your quality research paper in no time. Feel free to read more on biochemistry topics .

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117 Hospitality Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Hospitality management is a thriving industry that encompasses a wide range of topics and areas of study. Whether you are a student looking for inspiration for your next essay or a professional looking to delve deeper into the field, we have compiled a list of 117 hospitality management essay topic ideas and examples to help you get started.

  • The role of customer service in the hospitality industry
  • The impact of technology on hospitality management
  • Sustainable practices in the hospitality industry
  • The importance of employee training in the hospitality industry
  • Trends in hotel design and architecture
  • The rise of Airbnb and its impact on traditional hospitality businesses
  • Food safety and hygiene in the hospitality industry
  • The psychology of hospitality: understanding guest behavior
  • The role of social media in marketing hospitality businesses
  • The future of hospitality management: trends and predictions
  • The impact of globalization on the hospitality industry
  • Crisis management in the hospitality industry
  • The rise of experiential hospitality: creating memorable guest experiences
  • Diversity and inclusion in the hospitality industry
  • The role of ethics in hospitality management
  • The impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry
  • The importance of branding in the hospitality industry
  • The role of revenue management in the hospitality industry
  • The impact of online reviews on hospitality businesses
  • The psychology of pricing in the hospitality industry
  • The role of food and beverage in the hospitality industry
  • The rise of sustainable tourism and its impact on hospitality businesses
  • The importance of strategic planning in the hospitality industry
  • The role of leadership in successful hospitality management
  • The impact of cultural differences on hospitality management
  • The role of innovation in the hospitality industry
  • The importance of customer loyalty in the hospitality industry
  • The impact of changing consumer preferences on hospitality businesses
  • The role of human resources in the hospitality industry
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on hospitality management
  • The rise of food tourism and its impact on hospitality businesses
  • The importance of crisis communication in the hospitality industry
  • The role of design thinking in hospitality management
  • The impact of climate change on the hospitality industry
  • The rise of wellness tourism and its impact on hospitality businesses
  • The importance of emotional intelligence in hospitality management
  • The role of storytelling in hospitality marketing
  • The impact of social responsibility on hospitality businesses
  • The rise of virtual reality in the hospitality industry
  • The importance of customer feedback in the hospitality industry
  • The role of data analytics in hospitality management
  • The impact of mobile technology on the hospitality industry
  • The rise of food delivery services and their impact on traditional hospitality businesses
  • The importance of customer engagement in the hospitality industry
  • The role of community engagement in hospitality management
  • The impact of celebrity endorsements on hospitality businesses
  • The rise of pop-up hospitality experiences and their impact on the industry
  • The importance of risk management in the hospitality industry
  • The role of innovation in hotel design and architecture
  • The impact of cultural events on hospitality businesses
  • The importance of networking in the hospitality industry
  • The role of storytelling in hospitality management
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on guest experiences
  • The rise of virtual reality in hospitality marketing
  • The importance of user-generated content in hospitality businesses
  • The role of branding in the success of hospitality businesses
  • The impact of influencers on the hospitality industry
  • The rise of food tourism and its impact on local economies
  • The importance of cultural sensitivity in hospitality management
  • The role of sustainability in the success of hospitality businesses
  • The impact of technology on guest experiences
  • The rise of experiential marketing in the hospitality industry
  • The importance of personalization in hospitality management
  • The role of data privacy in the hospitality industry
  • The impact of food trends on hospitality businesses
  • The importance of social media marketing in the hospitality industry
  • The role of customer feedback in improving guest experiences
  • The rise of eco-friendly practices in the hospitality industry
  • The importance of employee engagement in hospitality management
  • The role of artificial intelligence in revenue management
  • The rise of food festivals and their impact on local economies
  • The importance of community engagement in hospitality management
  • The role of mobile technology in enhancing guest experiences
  • The impact of virtual reality on hospitality marketing
  • The rise of personalized experiences in the hospitality industry
  • The role of design

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230+ Innovative Hospitality Management Research Topics In 2023

Hospitality Management Research Topics

Have you ever thought about what goes on behind the scenes to make your hotel stay or restaurant food so great? Hospitality management research is like the investigative work of detectives in the world of hospitality. It aims to find ways to enhance your experiences away from home and ensure that hotels and restaurants run smoothly.

In this blog, we delve into the importance of research in the hospitality industry. It’s the key to enhancing guest experiences, optimizing business operations, and promoting sustainable practices. It keeps businesses up-to-date with changing trends and helps attract and retain the best staff, all while exploring innovative solutions for the challenges faced by the industry.

We’ll also provide you with over 230 innovative research topics in hospitality management for 2023, catering to various fields of study, whether you’re a social sciences, economics, STEM, or law and ethics student. So, if you’re curious about the world of hospitality research, read on to uncover the secrets of guest satisfaction and the ever-evolving landscape of this dynamic industry.

What Is Hospitality Management Research?

Table of Contents

Hospitality management research is like detectives studying how hotels, restaurants, and other places where people stay and eat can do things better. Imagine someone trying to find ways to make your hotel stay more comfortable or your restaurant meal tastier. That’s what researchers in hospitality management do. They ask questions, gather information, and use special tools to solve problems and make the experience of staying and eating out more enjoyable for everyone. They also look at how to make these places run smoothly and help the people who work there do their jobs better.

This kind of research is important because it helps hotels and restaurants become better at what they do. It can lead to new ideas and improvements that make guests happy and also help the businesses make more money. So, hospitality management research is all about finding ways to make your time away from home more enjoyable, relaxing, and delicious.

Importance Of Research In Hospitality Management

Here are some importance of research in hospitality management:

1. Enhancing Guest Experiences

Research in hospitality management helps hotels and restaurants figure out what makes guests happy. It’s like finding the secret recipe for a big smile. By asking questions and studying what guests like and don’t like, they can make stays and meals more enjoyable and memorable.

2. Efficient and Well-Run Businesses

Just like a chef needs a recipe to cook a delicious meal, businesses in hospitality need the right recipe for success. Research helps them find the best ways to do things, like how to manage staff, plan menus, and set prices. This makes the hotel or restaurant run smoothly and make more money.

3. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices

Researchers in hospitality also look at ways to be kind to the planet. They explore how to save energy, reduce waste, and use fewer resources. This not only helps the environment but also saves money for businesses in the long run.

4. Keeping Up with Changing Trends

Travel and dining habits change over time, just like fashion trends. Hospitality research keeps businesses up-to-date with what’s popular and what’s not. It’s like knowing which clothing style is in fashion, but for hotels and restaurants.

5. Attracting and Training the Best Staff

Good staff is like the icing on a cake – they make everything better. Research in hospitality management helps businesses find and keep talented employees. Businesses can make their employees happier and more effective by knowing what they need and want. This will lead to better service for guests.

In this section, we will discuss hospitality management research topics: 

Great Hospitality Industry Research Topics

  • Consumer Preferences in Sustainable Accommodations
  • Technology’s Role in Personalizing Guest Experiences
  • Crisis Management in the Post-COVID-19 Hospitality Sector
  • Food Safety and Public Health in Restaurants
  • Diversity and Inclusion in the Hospitality Workforce
  • Cultural Exchange and Tourism Impact
  • Managing Employee Turnover in Hospitality
  • The Effect of Online Reviews on Hotel Selection
  • Social Media Marketing for Hotels
  • Environmental Responsibility in Hospitality Operations

Amazing Research Titles About Hospitality Industry

  • Sustainable Hospitality: Green Practices and Guest Satisfaction
  • Innovations in Guest Experience Management
  • Resilience in the Face of Crisis: Hospitality Industry Strategies
  • Digital Disruption in Hospitality: The Tech Transformation
  • From Stars to Stories: Rethinking Hotel Ratings
  • Exploring Cultural Tourism in the Hospitality World
  • Unveiling the Secrets of Top-Rated Hotels: A Guest-Centric Analysis
  • Banquets and Conferences in the Digital Age: Innovations in Event Management
  • Social Media Crisis Communication for the Hospitality Industry
  • Dining Experiences Beyond the Plate: Restaurant Innovations

List of Recommended Philippines Hotel and Restaurant Management Dissertation Topics

  • Boutique Hotels and Local Tourism Development
  • Culinary Tourism in the Philippines: A Flavorful Journey
  • Community-Based Tourism Initiatives: Socioeconomic Impacts
  • Sourcing Locally: Sustainable Food Practices in Filipino Restaurants
  • Promoting Filipino Hospitality and Cuisine through Social Media
  • Revenue Management Strategies for Philippine Hotels
  • Cultural Festivals and Hotel Occupancy Rates
  • Elevating Customer Service in Filipino Restaurants
  • Ecotourism Trends and Eco-Friendly Accommodations in the Philippines
  • Adapting to the ‘New Normal’: Challenges and Opportunities in Philippine Hospitality

Research Topics in Hospitality Management for Social Students

  • Social Responsibility in Hospitality: A Comparative Study
  • Indigenous Communities and Tourism: Social Implications
  • Gender Diversity in Hospitality Leadership Roles
  • Mental Health Among Hospitality Workers: A Social Perspective
  • Social Media’s Impact on Destination Marketing
  • Inclusivity and Diverse Populations in Hospitality
  • Reducing Food Waste in Restaurants: A Social Goal
  • Tourism as a Catalyst for Cultural Exchange
  • Social Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Sector
  • Community Engagement in Tourism Development

Research Topics for Hospitality Management for Economy Students

  • Mega Events and Their Economic Impact on Hospitality and Tourism
  • Price Elasticity in the Hotel Industry
  • Economic Analysis of All-Inclusive Resorts
  • Tourism’s Role in the Economic Development of Developing Nations
  • Foreign Investment in Hospitality: Economic Insights
  • The Economics of Luxury Hotel Operations
  • Market Entry Strategies for International Hotel Chains
  • Tourism Taxes and Their Influence on Visitor Numbers
  • Airbnb and Its Economic Impact on Traditional Hotels
  • Agrotourism’s Economic Viability and Potential

Outstanding Research Titles For Hospitality Management Students

  •  Crafting Exceptional Guest Experiences: A Study in Hospitality Excellence
  •  Hospitality Resilience in Times of Crisis: Strategies and Success Stories
  •  The Digital Revolution: Innovations in Hospitality Management
  •  Beyond Stars and Diamonds: A New Era of Hotel Classification
  •  The Art of Hospitality: Unveiling the Secrets of Top-Rated Establishments
  •  Events Redefined: Innovations in Banquets and Conferences
  •  Navigating Social Media in the Hospitality Industry
  •  Sustainability and Responsibility: The Future of Hospitality
  •  Restaurants Reinvented: Culinary Adventures in Modern Dining
  •  Emerging Ethical Dilemmas in Hospitality Management

Leading Thesis Titles For Hospitality Management

  •  Hotel Revenue Management Strategies and Their Impact on Profitability 
  •  The Influence of Guest Reviews on Hotel Selection 
  •  Digital Transformation in Hospitality: A Case Study of Leading Chains 
  •  The Role of Environmental Practices in Guest Satisfaction 
  •  Global Diversity in Hospitality Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities 
  •  Promoting Cultural Tourism for Sustainable Economic Growth 
  •  Employee Turnover: Causes, Costs, and Solutions in the Hospitality Sector 
  •  Social Media Marketing for Hotels: Best Practices and Pitfalls 
  •  Legal and Ethical Aspects of Food Safety in Restaurants 
  •  The Sustainability Movement in Boutique Hotels: Case Studies 

Hotel Management Research Paper Ideas

  •  Optimizing Hotel Room Pricing Strategies 
  •  Enhancing Hotel Operations Through Technology 
  •  Sustainable Practices in Hotel Management 
  •  Crisis Management and Disaster Preparedness for Hotels 
  •  The Role of Leadership in Hotel Success 
  •  Innovations in Hotel Guest Services 
  •  Customer Relationship Management in the Hotel Industry 
  •  Effective Marketing Strategies for Hotels 
  •  The Impact of Employee Training on Guest Satisfaction 
  •  The Influence of Hotel Design on the Guest Experience 

Argumentative Essay Topics for Research in the Hospitality Industry

  •  The Pros and Cons of All-Inclusive Resorts 
  •  Online Travel Agencies vs. Direct Hotel Booking: Which is Better? 
  •  The Ethics of Wildlife Tourism: Balancing Conservation and Entertainment 
  •  The Role of Technology in Replacing Human Workers in Hospitality 
  •  Is Sustainable Tourism Truly Achievable, or Just a Buzzword? 
  •  Cultural Appropriation in the Restaurant Industry: Where to Draw the Line 
  •  Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability in Tourism 
  •  The Impact of Overtourism on Local Communities 
  •  Are Hotel Loyalty Programs a Benefit or a Burden for Guests? 
  •  Legal and Ethical Issues in Food Allergen Handling in Restaurants 

Read More 

  • Social Media Research Topics
  • Mental Media Research Topics

Creative Hospitality Management Research Topics

  •  The Influence of Art and Design on Hotel Guest Experience 
  •  Gastronomic Tourism: Exploring the World Through Food 
  •  The Theater of Fine Dining: Immersive Restaurant Experiences 
  •  Hospitality as a Form of Entertainment: Theatricality in Hotels and Restaurants 
  •  Novel Approaches to Hotel Branding and Theme Concepts 
  •  Music and Soundscapes in Enhancing Ambiance in Hospitality Establishments 
  •  The Role of Storytelling in Hotel and Restaurant Marketing 
  •  Innovative Hotel Room Features and Amenities 
  •  Sensory Marketing in the Hospitality Industry 
  •  Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Applications in Tourism and Hospitality 

Social Media Research Topics About the Hospitality Industry

  • The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Hospitality Businesses
  • Crisis Management in the Age of Social Media
  • User-Generated Content and Its Influence on Hotel Bookings
  • The Role of Instagram in Promoting Food Tourism
  • The Viral Power of TikTok for Restaurant Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management for Hotels and Restaurants
  • Social Media as a Tool for Personalized Guest Experiences
  • The Dark Side of Social Media: Handling Negative Reviews
  • Popular Topics in Philippine Hotel and Restaurant Management Theses
  • The Privacy Debate: Social Media and Guest Data in Hospitality

Excellent Research Titles About Hospitality Management

  • The Guest Journey: A Holistic Approach to Hospitality Management
  • Resilience in the Hospitality Industry: Lessons from Adversity
  • Tech Transformation: Shaping the Future of Hospitality
  • Guest Satisfaction Beyond Stars: Secrets of Highly Rated Hotels
  • Innovations in Event Management: Redefining Conferences and Banquets
  • Navigating the Digital Age: Social Media Marketing for Hotels
  • Sustainability and Responsibility: The New Imperatives in Hospitality
  • Culinary Experiences: The Evolution of Dining in the Modern Era
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Hospitality Management: A Comprehensive Study
  • Unlocking the Potential of Boutique Hotels: Case Studies

Tourism and Hospitality Research Topics for STEM

  • Data Analytics in Tourism: Optimizing Operations and Guest Experiences
  • Smart Cities and Sustainable Tourism Development
  • Biotechnology and Food Safety in Hospitality
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Tourism Recommendations
  • Environmental Engineering in Sustainable Hotel Design
  • Renewable Energy Solutions for Eco-Friendly Accommodations
  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Destination Planning
  • Sustainable Transportation and Tourism
  • The Impact of 5G Technology on Tourism Services
  • Waste Management and Recycling in the Hospitality Industry

Sustainability Research Topics for Tourism and Hospitality

  • Zero-Waste Initiatives in Hotels: Challenges and Success Stories
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Farm-to-Table Dining in Restaurants
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction in Air Travel and Its Implications
  • The Role of Green Certifications in Eco-Tourism
  • Plastic Reduction Strategies in the Hospitality Sector
  • Community-Based Tourism and Local Ecosystem Preservation
  • Sustainable Water Management in Hotels and Resorts
  • Sustainable Practices in Adventure Tourism
  • Responsible Tourism and Conservation of Endangered Species
  • Green Building Design and Energy Efficiency in Hotels

Simple Hospitality Research Topics

  • The Importance of Customer Service in Hospitality
  • Hotel Pricing Strategies and Occupancy Rates
  • Food Safety and Hygiene in Restaurants
  • The Impact of Guest Reviews on Hotel Reputation
  • Staff Training and Retention in the Hospitality Industry
  • Innovations in Hotel Room Design
  • Effective Marketing Strategies for Small Hotels
  • Local Food Sourcing for Sustainable Dining
  • The Role of Hospitality in Economic Development
  • The Psychology of Guest Satisfaction

Top Hospitality Research Ideas

  •  Destination Branding and Its Legal Implications 
  •  The Role of Insurance in Hospitality Risk Management 
  •  Privacy and Data Protection in Guest Information Handling 
  •  Intellectual Property and Copyright Laws in the Culinary World 
  •  Alcohol Licensing and Regulation in the Hospitality Sector 
  •  The Legal Aspects of Hotel Contracts and Booking Agreements 
  •  Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Laws in Hospitality Employment 
  •  Environmental Compliance in Hotel Building and Operations 
  •  Liability in Tourism Activities: Legal Protection for Tour Operators 
  •  Health and Safety Regulations in the Restaurant Industry 

Hospitality Management Research Topics

  •  The Significance of Employee Training in Hospitality Service Excellence 
  •  Innovations in Hotel Room Amenities and Design 
  •  Food Safety and Hygiene Practices in High-End Restaurants 
  •  The Role of Technology in Guest Service Enhancement 
  •  Sustainability Initiatives in Hotel Operations 
  •  Crisis Management Strategies in the Hotel Industry 
  •  Tourism and Cultural Exchange: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion 
  •  Legal and Ethical Issues in Alcohol Service at Restaurants 
  •  The Psychology of Customer Loyalty in Hospitality 
  •  The Impact of Hotel Design on Guest Satisfaction 

Research Topics on Hospitality and Tourism

  •  The Interplay of Tourism and Local Culture Preservation 
  •  Sustainable Tourism in Protected Natural Areas 
  •  Hospitality Innovation for Accessible Tourism 
  •  The Influence of Cultural Events on Hotel Bookings 
  •  Online Travel Agencies and Their Impact on Small Hotels 
  •  Destination Marketing through Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality 
  •  Hotel Booking Behavior: A Comparative Study of Different Generations 
  •  Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Management in Tourism 
  •  The Effects of Weather and Climate on Tourism Destinations 
  •  Dark Tourism: A Study of Morbid Attractions in Travel 

Excellent Hospitality Research Topics

  •  The Power of Personalization in the Hospitality Industry 
  •  Exploring Resilience in Crisis-Hit Tourism Destinations 
  •  Hospitality Technology Adoption and Its Influence on Guest Satisfaction 
  •  Beyond Stars and Diamonds: A New Era of Hotel Classification 
  •  Crafting Unique Guest Experiences: A Study of High-Rated Hotels 
  •  Innovations in Event Management: Rethinking Conferences and Banquets 
  •  Social Media Marketing Strategies in the Hospitality Sector 
  •  Sustainability and Responsibility: Imperatives for Future Hospitality 
  •  The Evolution of Culinary Experiences in the Modern Dining Landscape 
  •  Ethical Challenges in Hospitality Management: A Comprehensive Analysis 

Outstanding Hospitality Research Topics

  •  The Guest Journey: A Holistic Approach to Hospitality Management 
  •  Strategies for Resilience in the Hospitality Industry 
  •  Digital Transformation in Hospitality: Innovations and Challenges 
  •  Guest Satisfaction Beyond Stars: Unveiling Top Hotels’ Secrets 
  •  Innovative Approaches to Event Management: Redefining Conferences and Banquets 
  •  Social Media Marketing in Hospitality: Best Practices and Pitfalls 
  •  Sustainability and Responsibility in the Modern Hospitality Landscape 
  •  Reimagining Restaurants: Creative Concepts and Trends 
  •  Ethical Dilemmas and Moral Compass in Hospitality Management 
  •  Boutique Hotels: A New Wave of Luxury Accommodations 

Innovative Hospitality Dissertation Topics

  •  The Impact of Blockchain Technology in Hotel Operations 
  •  Augmented Reality and Its Application in Hotel Marketing 
  •  Biosecurity Measures in Hospitality Post-Pandemic 
  •  Sensory Marketing and Its Role in Guest Satisfaction 
  •  Sustainable Practices in Hotel Interior Design 
  •  Robotics and Automation in the Hospitality Industry 
  •  Micro-Moments in Guest Decision-Making: A Mobile-First Approach 
  •  Virtual Reality-Based Tourism Experiences 
  •  Waste Reduction Strategies in Hotel Operations 
  •  The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Hotel Leadership 

Unique Hospitality Research Paper Topics

  •  The Impact of Feng Shui in Hotel Design and Guest Satisfaction 
  •  The Use of Scent Marketing in Enhancing the Guest Experience 
  •  The Role of Astronomy Tourism in Dark Sky Destinations 
  •  Hospitality for Space Travel: Preparing for a New Frontier 
  •  The Influence of Animal-Assisted Therapy in Hotel Stays 
  •  The Revival of Historic Hotels: Challenges and Success Stories 
  •  Gaming and Virtual Reality Integration in Hotel Entertainment 
  •  Culinary Tourism and Edible Landscapes in Restaurants 
  •  The Art of Mixology: Craft Cocktails in Modern Bars 
  •  Hospitality as a Platform: Cross-Industry Collaborations in Guest Services

Hospitality Management Research Topics in the Philippines

  •  The Impact of Ecotourism on Philippine Local Economies 
  •  Local Food Sourcing and Sustainability in Filipino Restaurants 
  •  Community-Based Tourism Initiatives in the Philippines 
  •  Promoting Filipino Hospitality and Cuisine through Social Media 
  •  Adapting to the ‘New Normal’: Challenges and Opportunities in Philippine Hospitality 
  •  Cultural Festivals and Their Role in Philippine Tourism 
  •  Boutique Hotels and Their Contribution to Philippine Tourism 
  •  Sustainable Practices in the Philippine Hotel Industry 
  •  Tourism and Indigenous Communities: Social and Economic Impacts 
  •  COVID-19 and Its Effects on Philippine Hospitality: Lessons Learned 
  • Tourism in the Philippines: Addressing Overcrowding and Overtourism

Challenges Face By Students During Hospitality Management Research 

Here are some challenges that are faced by students during hospitality Management research:

  • Complexity of the Industry: The multifaceted nature of the hospitality industry demands an in-depth understanding of various sectors, making it challenging to focus on a specific research area.
  • Data Collection: Gathering reliable and relevant data can be a hurdle, as it often requires cooperation from industry partners or access to real-time customer data.
  • Changing Trends: Hospitality is constantly evolving with emerging trends and technologies. Students must keep up with these changes to ensure their research remains current.
  • Cultural Diversity: The global nature of the industry means that students may encounter challenges when conducting research in culturally diverse settings, from language barriers to understanding local customs.
  • Ethical Considerations: Studying the hospitality industry may involve complex ethical dilemmas, such as privacy concerns or the impact of research on businesses and employees.
  • Resource Constraints: Access to resources for research, such as funding, relevant literature, and technology, can be limited, especially for students with tight budgets.
  • Time Management: Balancing coursework, internships, and research can be demanding. Students often struggle with time management to meet deadlines and make progress in their research endeavors.

Hospitality Management Research is like the secret ingredient that makes hotels and restaurants better. It’s all about creating enjoyable experiences for guests, ensuring businesses run smoothly, and even being kind to our planet. As we’ve explored a wide range of research topics, it’s clear that this field is ever-evolving and holds countless opportunities for students and professionals alike.

By understanding the importance of research in enhancing guest satisfaction, improving business operations, and promoting sustainability, we can appreciate the immense impact it has on the hospitality industry. So, whether you’re a student or a business owner, keep exploring, innovating, and embracing the world of hospitality management research to ensure a brighter and more delightful future for all.

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Essays on Hospitality

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Top 200 Hospitality Research Topics and Ideas

Table of Contents

If you are pursuing a degree in hospitality courses, then to obtain graduation, definitely during your final semester, you will have to submit a thesis on any hospitality research topic. Since hospitality is a vast field of study, it might be challenging to identify a good research topic on it. So, for your convenience, in this blog post, we have presented a list of 200 outstanding hospitality research paper topics on different themes related to the subject. Continue reading to gain a wide range of hospitality research ideas. Also, from here, get to know about the preparation of hospitality research papers.

What is Hospitality?

Hospitality means offering a warm or friendly welcome to visitors and guests. On this planet, hospitality is one of the dynamic industries where innovation and technology are used to improve the experience of the guests. The hospitality and tourism industry majorly encloses all the activities that are associated with travel and tourism. Primarily, the hospitality sector includes

  • Hotels & Resorts
  • Night Clubs & Bars
  • Restaurants & Catering
  • Travel & Transportation
  • Cruise Liners and bus tours
  • Events (Private, Business, Cultural & Sports)
  • Spas & Wellness

Hospitality management or hotel management is a vast field that deals with managerial activities in the hospitality industry. The ultimate aim of the hospitality industry is to satisfy customers by offering the best services. Hence, to improve customer satisfaction, the industry requires a lot of skills, creativity, and the help of technology. Also, to build unique strategies for attracting customers, various research and analysis activities are conducted in the hospitality industry.

Hospitality Research Topics

Hospitality Research Paper Writing

A hospitality research paper is an academic paper that focuses on any topics that are related to hospitality. For writing a research paper, first, you should identify a good topic. During topic selection, make sure to pick a topic that matches your interest. The research topic should not be too broad or too narrow.

If the topic is too broad, narrow it down and focus only on a particular theme. You can select either a topic or a subtopic for discussion, but it should have a strong thesis statement. Remember, all the main points related to the research statement should be explained with supporting facts.

Like other academic papers, the hospitality research paper you prepare should also be well-structured and informative. When writing a hospitality research paper, include the following elements.

Introduction: It is the opening paragraph of the paper. In the introductory paragraph, you should mention brief background information on the topic and thesis statement .

Literature review: In this section, you should discuss the theoretical framework and the sources you have used to research and write the paper.

Research Methodology: Here, you should list and explain all of the methods you have used to collect and analyze the data.

Data Analysis: In this section, you should analyze all the research data you have gathered.

Results: Here, you should focus on the meaning and implications of the data you have collected.

Conclusion: In this section, you should summarize all the major points. Also, you should specify how your analysis has provided the answers to your research question.

References Page: Here, you should list all the sources you have used as a reference in your research paper.

List of Hospitality Research Topics and Ideas

Hospitality is a broad field with endless research topics to consider. When it comes to writing a hospitality research paper, you can prefer any hospitality topics based on history, culture, management, and recent industry trends.

Are you asked to prepare a hospitality research paper on the best topics? Cool! Here, we have shared the top hospitality research topics and ideas for you to consider.

Refer to the list mentioned below and identify a topic of your choice.

Simple Hospitality Research Topics

  • Talk about the origin of the word Hospitality.
  • Hospitality in the Islam culture.
  • Hospitality in Ancient Greece.
  • Best ways to greet a tourist in Rome.
  • Hospitality in the Christian culture.
  • The effect of global trends on the hospitality industry.
  • Explain the relationship between the host and the guest.
  • An in-depth look at hospitality ethics.
  • Best ways to greet a guest in Prague.
  • Analyze the negative effects of travel bans
  • Contribution of tourism to global economic growth
  • Development of sustainable tourism
  • Contribution of tourism to development and poverty reduction
  • Discuss the tourism destinations across Europe
  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global tourism

Hospitality Research Topics on Tourism

  • Contribution of Tourism to the Worldwide Trade
  • Improvement of Competitiveness of Tourism
  • The advancement of Tourism contribution to the development
  • Best ways to greet tourists in Rome
  • Comparison between the hospitality laws in Middle-East countries and European countries
  • Existing hospitality laws in Japan and China
  • Employee performance in the establishment of Hotel: Case Study of Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort
  • Best practices of hotel management
  • Talk about etiquette in the hospitality industry.
  • The effects of smoking bans on casinos.
  • Analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic-led social distancing on the global tourism management
  • How the removal of travel restrictions in the post-COVID year is going to benefit the tourism industry of the United Kingdom?
  • Assess how government policies, rules, and regulations impact the development of a country’s tourism business
  • Analyze the impact of natural disasters and hazards on the tourism industry of the UK
  • Discuss the impact of travel bloggers and vloggers on the global tourism business

Interesting Hospitality Research Paper Topics

  • Explain the concept of favored guests in Christianity.
  • The right to free transit.
  • Analyze the concept of perverse hospitality.
  • An in-depth look at fair wages in the hospitality industry.
  • Case Study: The Izmailovo Hotel.
  • Case Study: The Abraj Al-Bait.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Circus Circus Las Vegas.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Hilton Hawaiian Village.
  • Discuss the tagline “Atithi Devo Bhava”
  • Hospitality training of flight attendants
  • Intercultural challenges in the hospitality industry and the role played by hospitality management: a descriptive review
  • Hospitality management and Access-based sharing options: factors driving consumers to make such decisions
  • Analyze the concept of experience sampling technique in the hospitality management domain
  • Comparative analysis of the working hours in the hospitality sector of the UK and the US
  • Discuss the potential challenges and interventions involved in international hospitality management

Unique Hospitality Research Ideas

  • Importance of the hospitality industry on France’s economy
  • Smart and innovative tourism development
  • Promoting employment through fostering knowledge, education, and capacity-building
  • Examining perception and attitude of customers towards online travel agents.
  • How can small catering firms utilize integrated marketing communication to create brand recognition and sales?
  • Discuss the financial management and accounting of a hotel.
  • Revenue management of a large hotel.
  • A study on French hotel management.

Research Topics on Hotel Management

  • Traits of a good hotel manager.
  • Case Study: The Ambassador City Jomtien
  • Case Study: The Wynn Las Vegas
  • Managing a hotel in Pakistan.
  • Case Study: Hotel & Plaza
  • Explain the customer service at a 5-star hotel.
  • Analyze the difference between a full-service hotel and a limited-service hotel
  • Space, Society, and Hospitality
  • Use of technologies in hotel management practices
  • The current trend in hotel management

Hospitality Law Research Topics

  • Problems confronting the development of the hospitality industry (a case study of Models Hotel Enugu)
  • A closer look at the Laws of Innkeepers.
  • Discuss insurance waivers.
  • Explain bailments in the hospitality industry.
  • Research the risk of theft in hotels in the UK.
  • Hospitality law in South Africa.
  • Hospitality law in India.
  • Research hospitality law in Russia.
  • Hospitality law in South Korea.
  • Hospitality law in North Korea.
  • Talk about the liability of hotel owners in the US.
  • Importance of hospitality law in driving tourism growth
  • Critical analysis of the hospitality laws in the United States
  • Loss of guest property in the European Union
  • Talk about hospitality as a virtue.

Hospitality Management Research Topics

  • Importance of hotel management
  • Discuss the salary expectations of hotel managers.
  • Major issues in the hospitality industry.
  • The role of the General Manager of a hotel.
  • The different types of hospitality accommodations.
  • Evaluating the need for effective policies as a panacea for the sustainable hospitality and tourism industry
  • Role of interior design in the hospitality industry cutting wrought iron as a case study
  • The course of food poisoning in catering establishments (a case study of a selected restaurant in Aba)

Additional Research Topics on Hospitality Management

  • Working conditions in a large hotel.
  • The various types of hospitality accommodations.
  • Talk about the salary expectations of hotel managers.
  • Offering food, shelter, and safety in Nepal.
  • Discuss hotel management during the COVID pandemic.
  • An in-depth look at hotel marketing management.
  • Prepare a strategic analysis of a hotel of your choice.
  • The role of a Director of Groups and Events.
  • Food and beverage in the hospitality industry.
  • Offering shelter in Judaism.
  • The role of facility managers.
  • Research the effects of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic on the hospitality industry.
  • Discuss hospitality training of restaurant workers.

Advanced Research Topics on Hospitality Management

  • The importance of the hospitality industry for the US economy.
  • Discuss hospitality training of flight attendants.
  • Make a strategic analysis of Caesars Palace Hotel.
  • Research what off-season means for holiday resorts.
  • Discuss how hospitality companies diversify.
  • Case Study: The MGM Grand Las Vegas and The Signature
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Excalibur Hotel and Casino.
  • Case Study: The Londoner Macao
  • Case Study: The Venetian Resort Las Vegas
  • Talk about personalization in hospitality.

Research Paper Topics on Hospitality and Tourism

  • Analyze the 7 components of tourism.
  • Talk about the 3 main concepts in tourism.
  • Best tourist attractions in the US.
  • Going contactless in the hospitality industry.
  • Domestic tourism in the United States.
  • Best tourist attractions in the UK.
  • Research outbound tourism trends in 2022.
  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect tourism?
  • What does inbound tourism mean?
  • Use of Sig Sigma and TQM (Total Quality Management) in the hospitality and tourism business

Best Hospitality Research Topics

  • Discuss destination promotion.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Shinagawa Prince Hotel.
  • The way tech has affected the hospitality industry.
  • Talk about seamless technology in hospitality.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Resorts World Las Vegas.
  • Discuss the best ways to cater to millennials.
  • Augmented reality in the hospitality industry.
  • Sustainability in the hospitality industry.
  • The most important service in the hospitality industry.
  • Discuss the growing emphasis on well-being.
  • Using tech to meet the needs of hotel guests.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Atlantis Paradise Island hotel.
  • Crushing the competition in the hospitality business.
  • The most important part of hospitality in a luxury hotel.
  • Research the importance of a good tour guide.

Great Hospitality Dissertation Topics

  • Why do customers prefer leisure hotels when they plan overseas holidays?
  • The positive impacts of Royal Weddings on the hospitality industry.
  • Factors affecting restaurant selections on a Friday night out.
  • How to motivate employees in pubs and restaurants?
  • With more people traveling solo, what has the hospitality industry done to accommodate and attract more visitors?
  • How do buying decisions affect leisure tourism regarding British customers?
  • Does brand extension in hotel chains affect the buying decisions of customers?
  • Perception and attitude of British customers towards Thai food.

Excellent Hospitality Research Ideas

  • Analyze the operations of a pub of your choice.
  • Discuss the tips system.
  • Changing laws in the hospitality sector.
  • The importance of proper etiquette.
  • Research the wages of hotel staff in your area.
  • The influence of hospitality on the direct and indirect economy.
  • Hospitality going green in the upcoming years.
  • Compare 3 major hotel chains in the UK.
  • Hospitality laws and regulations in the Maldives.
  • Hospitality during the Olympic Games.
  • The best ways to attract guests to your hotel.
  • Hospitality in Ancient Egypt.
  • Discuss the bread and salt tradition in Eastern Europe.
  • Discuss hospitality in your local hospital.
  • A closer look at sports tourism.

Trending Hospitality Research Topics

  • Explain the role of culture in hospitality.
  • Describe the role of food critics in the hospitality industry.
  • Examine the impact of tourism on infrastructure and the environment.
  • Analyze the importance of customer service in the hospitality industry.
  • What is the difference between managing a hotel and running one?
  • Discuss the challenges and opportunities that come with managing a hotel.
  • Investigate the impact of social media on the hotel industry.
  • Explain the role of a hotel or resort manager.
  • How important is it to have an online presence for hotels and resorts in today’s world?
  • What is the importance of event planning in the hospitality industry?

Popular Hospitality Research Topics

  • Latest trends in the hospitality industry.
  • What is a hotel crisis management team?
  • What are leisure travelers?
  • How important are workspaces in hotels?
  • What is essentialism in the hospitality business?
  • Can you talk about the peculiarities of solo travel guests?
  • What is holistic hospitality?
  • Discuss the skills of an experienced restaurant manager.
  • Research a new sector of hospitality.
  • How important is a review for companies in the hospitality industry?
  • How hospitality services are provided across different geographical regions varies.
  • The role of the hospitality management staff.
  • How hotels are remaining alive in the competition of providing hospitality services.
  • Types of hospitality services that are in demand.
  • Innovative techniques to satisfy the needs of guests in hotels.

Captivating Hospitality Research Paper Topics

  • Middle Eastern and European countries’ hospitality laws are contrasted.
  • encouraging knowledge, education, and capacity-building to promote employment
  • Analyze the Hilton Hawaiian Village from a strategic perspective.
  • An in-depth examination of equitable pay in the hospitality sector
  • Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort is a case study on employee performance in the hotel setting.
  • Do some research on how the hotel sector will be affected by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.
  • TQM (Total Quality Management) and Sig Sigma are used in the hospitality and tourism industries.
  • Remote communication’s importance in the hospitality and tourism industries
  • An in-depth examination of increasing earnings in the hospitality sector
  • Do a strategic study of the hotel Caesars Palace.

By using any topic from the list of hospitality research topics suggested above, you can write an excellent research paper. In case, you still find it difficult to select a good research topic for your assignment, quickly call us .We have numerous subject matter experts to help you with topic selection and writing a plagiarism-free hospitality research paper according to your requirements. Moreover, by utilizing our reliable hospitality research paper writing service, you can finish your academic work ahead of the due date and secure good grades.

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Hospitality - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Hospitality is the art of providing a warm and welcoming environment for guests. It involves making them feel comfortable, taken care of, and valued. Hospitality also includes the act of anticipating guests’ needs and meeting them with genuine kindness and generosity. It is seen in various settings such as hotels, restaurants, and homes. Hospitality is a vital aspect of creating memorable experiences for guests and building positive relationships.

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  • The reason of high staff turnover rate in hospitality industry
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Good Essay Topics on Hospitality Management

hospitality industry essay topics

  • The Key Required Skills for a Graduate Career in The Hospitality Sector
  • The Mediating Role of Organization Performance in the Hospitality Sector
  • Policies Enacted in the Hospitality Industry
  • The Effect of the Generations Y and Z on the Hospitality Sector
  • Administration of Hospitality in the Food and Beverage Sector
  • Research Method for Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality Management Corporate Relationships
  • Hospitality System for Information Management
  • Similarities and Differences Between Hospitality and Hospitality Management
  • Financial Ratios From Income Statements From Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality Management Achievement PFP Means
  • Grounded Theory Development for Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality Management from Antiquity to the Present
  • Relationship Between Hospitality Administration and Business Risk
  • Hospitality Management: Restaurant Conflict Resolution
  • Hotel and Hospitality Administration: The Chinese Resort Hotel Industry
  • CSR Integration in Hospitality Management Programs in Postsecondary Education
  • Assessment of Innovation Capability in Hospitality Management
  • Overview of International Hospitality Management and Leadership Education

Interesting Topics to Write about Hospitality Management

  • The Connections Between International Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Factors Influencing the Growth of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
  • Tourism and Hotel Management Marketing
  • A Social and Cultural Perspective on Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality Logistics and Management Analysis
  • Public Relations and the Most Significant Considerations in the Hospitality Industry
  • Collaborative Effort, Managerial Contract, and Franchising in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
  • The Relationships Between Hospitality Services Administration and High Satisfaction Services
  • Present and Future Innovations in Hospitality and Administration
  • Emotional Awareness and Implicit Knowledge Management in Hospitality
  • Management of Facilities and Risks: Hospitality Operations
  • International Tourism Industry and Human Resource Administration
  • Strategies for Hospitality Crisis Management
  • Human Resource Administration Concerns in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries
  • Management and Leading Style in Hospitality Sector
  • Management Concepts and Techniques for Building a Competitive Advantage in Hospitality Companies

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Hospitality work experience: skills development and effective communication.

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Analysis Of The Settlement Hotel In Melaka, Malaysia

Introduction Business act as the main factor that how it makes an organization survive till last long. As the main income will be coming from how the way of an organization work on their business. In Malaysia, it could be more challenging as Malaysia comprises...

Critical Success Factors And Customer Expectation In Budget Hotel Segment

This study examined the CSFs in China’s budget hotel operations and development from the perspectives of various stakeholders, namely, the customer, the industry professional, the government authority, and the hotel investor. Interviews were conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the industry professional, government authority...

The Definition and Goals Hospitality Industry

When we talk about the Hospitality business there are considerably more things that rung a bell for instance Tourism, Food, Lodging, Theme Parks, Airlines, Cruise and significantly more. Hospitality Industry gives you the chance to bring an impact on everyone live as the Hospitality industry...

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Investigation Of Current-Future Trends In Indonesia Hospitality Industry

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Analysis Of Hospitality And Tourism Sector Of Indonesia

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Leadership And Management In International Hospitality Business

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The Size And Scope Of The Global Tourism And Hospitality Industry

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Best topics on Hospitality

1. Hospitality Work Experience: Skills Development and Effective Communication

2. Impact Of Hotel Service Quality On The Customers Interest In Indonesia

3. Analysis Of The Settlement Hotel In Melaka, Malaysia

4. Critical Success Factors And Customer Expectation In Budget Hotel Segment

5. The Definition and Goals Hospitality Industry

6. Investigation Of Current-Future Trends In Indonesia Hospitality Industry

7. Analysis Of Hospitality And Tourism Sector Of Indonesia

8. Leadership And Management In International Hospitality Business

9. The Size And Scope Of The Global Tourism And Hospitality Industry

  • National Parks
  • Religious Site Visit
  • Mount Everest
  • Grand Canyon
  • Machu Picchu

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150+ Interesting Hospitality Research Topics To Consider

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Are you searching for the best hospitality research topics for your final year project? If yes, then you are at the correct place. Basically, hospitality is a broad subject that predominantly deals with the various activities, technology concepts, and creativity required to build the customer experience. The subject mainly focuses on everything related to the travel and tourism industry and hence while preparing a hospitality research paper, it might be challenging for you to identify a good topic to work on. But with us, you need not worry. For your convenience, in this blog, we have suggested 150+ outstanding hospitality research topics and ideas on different themes related to the subject. Continue reading to get exclusive ideas for hospitality research paper writing.

Hospitality Research Topics

Hospitality Research Paper Topics List

Wonder what topic to choose for your hospitality research paper? Cool! When it comes to writing a research paper or thesis on hospitality, you can consider topics that deal with some significant aspects to build successful strategies. Other than that, you can also give high preference to case studies and hospitality research ideas based on history, law, management, culture, etc. as presented below.

Hospitality Research Topics

Hotel Management Research Paper Ideas

  • Discuss the qualities of a good hotel manager.
  • Explain the customer service at a 5-star hotel.
  • Compare a full-service hotel and a limited-service hotel.
  • Revenue management of a large hotel.
  • Case Study: The Wynn Las Vegas.
  • A study on French hotel management.
  • Case Study: The First World Hotel & Plaza.
  • Hotel management in Pakistan.
  • Case Study: The Ambassador City Jomtien.
  • Explain the financial accounting of a hotel.
  • Case Study: Pavilion Hotel Kuala LumpurManaged by Banyan Tree
  • Describe the best practices of hotel management
  • Analyze the hotel management practices of The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai, India
  • Discuss the best practices for hoteliers to improve customer service and hotel maintenance management
  • Case Study: Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco, Italy
  • What are the best practices for employee management in the hotel sector
  • Why it is important for the hospitality industry to switch to sustainable practices?
  • Compare and contrast the hotel industry of Thailand and Malaysia
  • Discuss five modern technologies used by American hotels
  • Analyze the growth and development of the hotel industry in Dubai
  • Compare the ‘check-in’ and ‘check-out’ processes and amenities in European and Asian hotels

Simple Hospitality Research Topics

  • Discuss the relationship between the host and the guest.
  • Explain hospitality in the Christian culture.
  • How to greet a tourist in Rome.
  • Explain hospitality in Ancient Greece.
  • The negative effects of travel bans.
  • The effect of global trends on the hospitality industry.
  • Hospitality in the Islam culture.
  • Explain the origin of the word Hospitality.
  • Best ways to greet a guest in Prague.
  • Discuss hospitality ethics.
  • Why ‘Four Seasons Resort Bali’ at Jimbaran Bay is considered one of the most luxurious hotels in the world?
  • Compare and contrast Explora El Chaltén, Argentina, and Six Senses Fort Barwara, India
  • Analyze the contribution of the hospitality industry to global economic growth
  • Importance of leadership management in hospitality businesses
  • Which form of leadership style is most effective to apply in the hospitality industry?
  • Discuss the global hospitality industry’s contribution to the world economy over the past three decades
  • Critical analysis of the roles and responsibilities of the housekeeping staff on guest satisfaction in classified hotels
  • Discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global hospitality industry
  • Compare and contrast hospitality services available in Islamic and Christian culture

Hospitality Law Research Topics

  • Insurance waivers.
  • Hospitality law in India.
  • The liability of hotel owners in the US.
  • Research hospitality law in Russia.
  • Hospitality law in South Korea.
  • Research the risk of theft in hotels in the UK.
  • Bailments in the hospitality industry.
  • Hospitality law in North Korea.
  • A closer look at the Laws of Innkeepers.
  • Hospitality law in South Africa.

Top Hospitality Research Ideas

  • The right to free transit.
  • Case Study: The Abraj Al Bait.
  • Explain the idea of favored guests in Christianity.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Circus Circus Las Vegas.
  • The effects of the smoking ban on casinos.
  • A closer look at fair wages in the hospitality industry.
  • Etiquette in the hospitality industry.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Hilton Hawaiian Village.
  • Analyze the idea of perverse hospitality.
  • Case Study: The Izmailovo Hotel.

Hospitality Management Research Topics

  • Discuss the salary expectations of hotel managers.
  • Major issues in the hospitality industry.
  • The role of the General Manager of a hotel.
  • Discuss hotel management during the COVID pandemic.
  • The different types of hospitality accommodations.
  • Food and beverage in the hospitality industry.
  • Working conditions in a large hotel.
  • Analyze the effects of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic on the hospitality industry.
  • Hotel marketing management.
  • The role of a Director of Groups and Events.
  • The role of facility managers.
  • Providing food, shelter, and safety in Nepal.
  • Hospitality as a virtue.
  • Offering shelter in Judaism.
  • Prepare a strategic analysis of a hotel of your choice.

Research Topics on Hospitality and Tourism

  • Domestic tourism in the United States.
  • Talk about outbound tourism trends in 2022.
  • Top tourist attractions in the UK.
  • Define inbound tourism.
  • Talk about the 3 main ideas in tourism.
  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect tourism?
  • Talk about personalization in hospitality.
  • Analyze the 7 components of tourism.
  • Going contactless in the hospitality industry.
  • Best tourist attractions in the US.
  • Discuss the contribution of tourism to worldwide trade.
  • Explain the impact of travel bloggers and vloggers on the global tourism business.
  • Discuss the impact of natural disasters and hazards on the tourism industry.
  • Write about Ex Ante Tourism Forecasting Assessment.
  • How to improve the competitiveness of Tourism.
  • Discuss the advancements of Tourism contribution to the development.
  • Explain the significance of remote communication in the tourism industry.
  • Write about family tourism.
  • Bibliometric analysis of medical tourism.
  • Community resourcefulness and partnerships in rural tourism
  • Discuss how hospitality companies diversify.
  • Case Study: The MGM Grand Las Vegas and The Signature
  • The importance of the hospitality industry for the US economy.
  • Prepare a strategic analysis of the Excalibur Hotel and Casino.
  • Hospitality training of flight attendants.
  • Case Study: The Londoner Macao
  • Research what off-season means for holiday resorts.
  • Case Study: The Venetian Resort Las Vegas
  • Make a strategic analysis of Caesars Palace Hotel.
  • Discuss hospitality training of restaurant workers.

Read more: Best Leadership Research Topics and Ideas To Deal With

Excellent Hospitality Research Topics

  • Discuss the best ways to cater to millennials.
  • Sustainability in the hospitality industry.
  • Augmented reality in the hospitality industry.
  • Discuss the growing emphasis on well-being.
  • Explain the seamless technology in hospitality.
  • Make a strategic analysis of the Shinagawa Prince Hotel.
  • The most important service in the hospitality industry.
  • Discuss destination promotion.
  • The way tech has affected the hospitality industry.
  • Specify the importance of a good tour guide.
  • The most important part of hospitality in a luxury hotel.
  • Strategic analysis of the Resorts World Las Vegas.
  • Analyze the Atlantis Paradise Island hotel.
  • How to meet the needs of hotel guests using tech.
  • Crushing the competition in the hospitality business.

Outstanding Hospitality Research Topics

  • The influence of hospitality on the direct and indirect economy.
  • Compare 3 major hotel chains in the UK.
  • Discuss the tips system.
  • Hospitality going green in the upcoming years.
  • Hospitality in Ancient Egypt.
  • The best ways to attract guests to your hotel.
  • Changing laws in the hospitality sector.
  • Hospitality laws and rules in the Maldives.
  • Discuss sports tourism.
  • Analyze the operations of a pub of your choice.
  • Research the wages of hotel staff in your area.
  • Discuss hospitality in your local hospital.
  • Hospitality during the Olympic Games.
  • Discuss the bread and salt tradition in Eastern Europe.
  • The importance of proper etiquette.

Innovative Hospitality Dissertation Topics

  • How do buying decisions affect leisure tourism on British customers?
  • Why do customers prefer leisure hotels when they plan overseas holidays?
  • Perception and attitude of British customers towards Thai food.
  • Factors affecting restaurant selections on a Friday night out.
  • The positive impacts of Royal Weddings on the hospitality industry.
  • How can small catering firms use integrated marketing communication to create brand recognition and sales?
  • With more people traveling solo, what has the hospitality industry done to accommodate and attract more visitors?
  • How to motivate employees in pubs and restaurants?
  • Does brand extension in hotel chains affect buying decisions of customers?
  • Examining perception and attitude of customers towards online travel agents.

Read more: Top Human Resources Research Topics and Ideas for Students

Unique Hospitality Research Paper Topics

  • Talk about the weird qualities of solo travel guests.
  • What is essentialism in the hospitality business?
  • What is holistic hospitality?
  • Research a new area of hospitality.
  • What are leisure travelers?
  • How hotels are remaining alive in the competition of providing hospitality services.
  • How important is a review for companies in the hospitality industry?
  • Discuss the skills of an experienced restaurant manager.
  • The role of the hospitality management staff.
  • How important are workspaces in hotels?
  • How hospitality services are given across different geographical regions varies.
  • What is a hotel crisis management team?
  • Innovative techniques to meet the needs of guests in hotels.
  • Latest trends in the hospitality industry.
  • Types of hospitality services that are in demand.

From the list of research topics and ideas suggested in this blog, choose any topic of your choice and draft a detailed hospitality research paper. In case, you are not sure what topic to select or how to write a hospitality research paper, contact us.

hospitality industry essay topics

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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hospitality industry essay topics

What Is the Hospitality Industry? Your Complete Guide

hotel manager smiling in lobby

What does hospitality mean? What is the hospitality industry, exactly? Where and how did it begin? This post answers all those questions and more as we explore the past, present, and future of hospitality. As we dive deeper into what the industry entails, you’ll discover how hospitality impacts employers, employees, economies, consumers, the environment, and so much more. 

Whether you’re curious about which businesses are part of the industry, what they do, or how to start a career in hospitality, you’ve come to the right place.

What is the hospitality industry? 

The hospitality industry is a massive business sector. Casting a broad umbrella, it encompasses all economic and business activities that rely upon or contribute to travel and tourism. 

Hospitality-focused businesses like hotels and travel agencies contribute directly by providing essential services that enable travel and tourism. Suppliers, transportation services, and catering companies may indirectly contribute by delivering the goods and services necessary to keep the industry running; however, they do not solely rely on hospitality for their revenue.

Because the hospitality industry is so expansive, it includes a diverse spectrum of companies, businesses, and experts. Even with so much variety, most hospitality businesses fall into one of four categories.

1. Travel & tourism (T&T)

Although many people think travel and tourism are synonymous with hospitality, that’s not quite the case. More accurately, T&T is a specific category within the hospitality industry. It includes airlines, shuttle services, travel agents, destination marketing organizations (DMOs) , and other businesses or services that help facilitate the physical travel necessary for tourism. Those working in T&T help drive tourists, workers, and businesses to new destinations.

2. Accommodation 

One of the largest and most diverse parts of the hospitality industry is the accommodation sector, which includes everything from lodging to event grounds and special event venues. Numerous different types of hotels and venues fall into this sector, including:

  • Chain hotels
  • Extended stay properties
  • Boutique hotels
  • Conference and convention centers
  • Wedding venues
  • Casinos/casino suites

3. Food & beverage (F&B)

Most hotels and resorts offer their guests some form of food or dining option. Whether operating a café, buffet breakfast, or full-service restaurant, food and beverage services are integrated directly into many hospitality-based businesses. Stand-alone F&B providers, like restaurants or food trucks, operate independently, but they also have a part to play in the local hospitality scene.

Event catering, quick-service establishments, full-service restaurants, and limited-service F&B are powerful revenue drivers contributing to the hospitality industry. In addition to serving in-house hotel guests, F&B is a critical component of meetings and events, from private parties, like birthdays or weddings, to large-scale corporate events .

4. Recreation & entertainment 

Because businesses in the hospitality industry often rely on consumers’ disposable income, they market to customers’ desire for entertainment that refreshes the mind, body, and spirit. In addition to lodging, travel services, and culinary delights, hospitality is full of indoor and outdoor recreation.

Bars, nightclubs, theaters, stadiums, museums, zoos, and other attractions often act as special event venues and tourist attractions, helping to drive a destination’s economy . Spectacular outdoor spaces, including our national and state parks , attract travelers from near and far to feed their local markets.

Whether providing a memorable meal or a relaxing day at the spa, the true purpose of hospitality is to ensure that the customer has an enjoyable experience —whatever they do.

But how did it all get started? How far back do the roots of the hospitality industry actually go? 

hospitality industry CTA

When did the hospitality industry begin? 

Although hospitality doesn’t have a designated start date, its traditions date back thousands of years. Ancient symbols of hospitality exist worldwide, with the oldest signs discovered in French caves dating back to 15,000 BCE . Historians and archeologists believe early humans designed the caves to welcome guests and greet visiting tribes.

Xenia, a phrase translating to “the sacred rule of hospitality,” is another early sign of the tradition. In ancient Greece, the custom expressed the law or expectation that hosts would offer protection and kindness to strangers . The Greeks understood that a satisfactory hospitality experience relied on hosts respecting their guests and vice versa. Furthermore, they believed displaying proper hospitality was “fundamental to human civilized life.” 

Modern hospitality may not look like it did thousands of years ago, but its purpose remains the same.

Is the hospitality industry growing?

In our primarily post-pandemic world, the hospitality industry and its partners remain massive global employers. 2022 brought 22 million new jobs to the sector, representing an almost 8% increase since 2021. In 2023, the hospitality positions accounted for one of every ten available jobs .

Although many hospitality-focused businesses (e.g., hotels and restaurants) still face staffing shortages , the industry remains one of the largest global employment sectors. From 2022-2023, the international hospitality industry’s value grew at a compound annual growth rate of 7% . The rebound illustrates consumers’ desire to travel again and return to in-person events after restrictions were lifted. 

Paralleling this demand increase, the World Travel and Tourism Council estimates that the hospitality industry will create 126 million more jobs by 2032 .

How does the hospitality industry impact the environment? 

In 2022, the hospitality industry was responsible for approximately 1% of global carbon emissions . Single-use plastics, high water consumption, energy usage, and excess waste are just a few ways hotels negatively affect their local environment and the overall climate.

To demonstrate a commitment to sustainability , social responsibility, and shifting consumer preferences, the industry is becoming greener through robust global initiatives and innovative day-to-day practices, like these eco-friendly hotel ideas . As consumer attitudes towards environmental conservation and sustainability strengthen, being eco-friendly is no longer optional for most businesses; it’s necessary.

Why work in hospitality? 

If you enjoy making other people happy, hospitality might be right for you. It’s an industry where employees work together to create a welcoming atmosphere, satisfy customers, impress hotel guests , and create an exceptional visitor experience. With hotel, events, dining, planning, travel, custom service, and a wide variety of other roles available, there’s an opportunity for every worker and every personality type.

Hospitality is also a dynamic, fast-paced, and ever-changing field. Just as every guest is different, so is every day working in the industry. Whether working in a hotel or nightclub, you get to encounter diverse types of people with varying backgrounds from all over the world. As you connect with various guests and strive to meet their needs, you’ll get exposed to new cultures and expand your life experience.

Additionally, hospitality offers more flexible scheduling than many other industries, as hospitality businesses often operate outside of traditional 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. office hours. Many young people flock to hotels, restaurants, and similar businesses because of the work-life balance they provide. Working in the industry also comes with a diverse range of perks, such as discounted travel, competitive pay rates, and numerous opportunities to advance your career. 

Become an expert on all things hospitality

How do you get a job in the hospitality industry?

There are many different paths you can take to begin a hospitality career. While some employees start at an entry-level position and work up the ranks, others translate their past professional experience into a hospitality-focused career. Increase your chances of building a successful career in the hospitality industry by:

1. Identifying which hospitality sector best suits you

The hospitality industry includes diverse careers and professions, making it an excellent sector for workers with various skills and personality types. Whether you’re an introvert who prefers to work alone or a bubbly, conversational individual, hospitality has something for everyone. If you want to work in a hotel, consider which department or position best fits you.

  • Front desk: Front-facing, customer-focused positions, great for outgoing personality types
  • Housekeeping: Back-of-the-house positions, perfect for task-oriented or meticulous employees 
  • F&B: Front-facing and back-of-house positions available, often working in a busy, high-stress environment 
  • Maintenance: Skill-based and goal-focused positions that require big-picture thinkers with excellent task-management skills 
  • Meetings and events: A range of primarily forward-facing positions available for event planners, organizers, coordinators, and more

2. Knowing where to look 

As customer service lies at the heart of hospitality, it’s common for professionals to turn to members of their local network for references, recommendations, and referrals. Many entry-level hospitality jobs are shared through local and employee referrals, the hiring manager’s professional network, or an individual’s social media accounts.

If you already know where you want to work, get to know the people there. Introduce yourself to the management team at hotels, restaurants, and other venues that interest you. If you’re not sure where to start, there are a variety of hospitality employment resources available, including:

  • Online advertisements. Online job ads are especially beneficial if you’re new to the industry or a particular destination. If you lack first-person word-of-mouth recommendations, breaking into your local industry may feel intimidating. Keep an eye out for online ads on job boards, local news sites, and search engine results to streamline your search.
  • Social media pages. Follow venue Facebook pages, join local hospitality groups, and keep a close eye on the Instagram pages of the hotels or destinations where you want to work. Regularly check social media, scanning for links to external job sites or brand listings.
  • Hospitality Online
  • iHireHospitality  
  • Hospitality Crossing
  • Hospitality Confidential
  • Wyndham Careers  
  • Hyatt Careers
  • Marriott International Careers
  • Jobs at Hilton
  • IHG Careers
  • Accor Careers  
  • OYO Careers
  • Staffing agencies. Staffing and temporary work agencies are fantastic resources for helping individuals get their foot through the door. Although there are various hospitality-specific staffing agencies, like Hospitality Staffing Solutions , it’s also common for local staffing agencies to work directly with nearby hotels as they help fill entry-level positions in guest service, housekeeping, maintenance, and other departments.

3. Expanding your hospitality knowledge

Become a go-to person for all things hospitality, from industry trends to the latest marketing techniques. Stay current on the latest to remain relevant in an increasingly competitive field.

4. Keeping up with industry certifications

Having credentials can significantly impact how quickly you land your dream travel job. Show other hospitality professionals that you’re serious about a career in the industry by holding various certifications, like HubSpot Academy’s Inbound Marketing Certification , a certificate in hospitality revenue management (CRHM), or ServSafe certifications for those involved on the F&B side.

5. Determining your career path 

After exploring the wide and wonderful world of hospitality, pick a career path you’re enthusiastic about. Instead of thinking about where to start, consider where you’d like to go in the industry. Visualizing where you want to end up can help determine which steps you should take to advance your career down a path that speaks to you.

Now you know what the hospitality industry is and why it matters! 

With a better understanding of how far hospitality extends and its immense influence worldwide, it’s easy to see why the industry is growing. To learn more, join us as we examine the most significant trends impacting the hospitality industry in 2023 .

Headshot of Cvent writer Kimberly Campbell

Kim Campbell

Kim is a full-time copy and content writer with many years of experience in the hospitality industry. She entered the hotel world in 2013 as a housekeeping team member and worked her way through various departments before being appointed to Director of Sales. Kim has championed numerous successful sales efforts, revenue strategies, and marketing campaigns — all of which landed her a spot on Hotel Management Magazine’s “Thirty Under 30” list.

Don’t be fooled though; she’s not all business! An avid forest forager, post-apocalyptic fiction fan, and free-sample-fiend, Kim prides herself on being well-rounded.

people travelling with suitcase

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Ethics in The Hospitality Industry

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SIF 2024: Investment leaders discuss ESG investing challenges

Sustainable investing forum 2024

July 04, 2024 •

6 min reading

During the second annual Sustainable Investing Forum , EHL Hospitality Business School hosted industry players to discuss the state of sustainable finance. A wide range of topics was addressed, and salient discussions centered on the reality of incorporating economic, social and governance (ESG) criteria into investment decisions. Industry players, including pension fund managers, academics and doctoral students, elucidated current issues surrounding ESG investing .

The courts as a way to fight climate change

The day-long event, held on June 10, was kicked off by two students pursuing their PhD. From EPFL, Alice Eliet-Doillet discussed her dissertation, which looks at the impact climate lawsuits have against firms. When litigation is brought against a firm, her research shows that sophisticated investors pick up on this information, and the firm makes subsequent changes to its corporate policies.

This can include divesting assets that pollute, such as power plants. Lawsuits reveal, according to her findings, the climate risks to which a firm is exposed. However, only about 50 such cases have been brought before the courts in the United States since 2012.

Is sustainable investing a mirage?

For economists, public policy is the best way to resolve societal issues, such as climate change. This sacrosanct principle is taken for gospel, but Anna Vasileva , a PhD candidate at the University of Zurich, challenged the assertion that the rise of sustainable investing (SI) is unquestionably the best way to resolve climate change.

Does SI crowd out support for individual political solutions and regulations? Her findings dispelled this notion: “the option to invest climate-consciously does not crowd out individual political engagement or costly efforts to advance formal policy”. It is not—as SI is sometimes derided—a “dangerous placebo”. The participants in the room would have more to say on that subject as the day progressed.

Family firms pollute less

Transitioning to the event’s academic session, Nicolas Eugster , currently with the University of Queensland but with roots in the University of Fribourg, examined the relationship between family firms and carbon emissions. He defines family firms as companies where the founder or a member of the founding family is either a director, an officer or a holder of more than 5% of the firm’s equity.

He reminded participants that family firms account for half of global GDP and two-thirds of employment in the world. They also pollute less than other firms, indeed 10% less. This gap has widened since the 2015 Paris Climate Accord. Why? The paper’s conclusions were somewhat…inconclusive. Governance structure (e.g., board characteristics) as well as Research and Development (e.g., green patents) seem to play a role. Dr. Eugster opened the floor to solicit ideas about what could be causing this relationship.

M&A can stir stakeholder contention

This year’s event perfectly reflected the linguistic balance in Switzerland. From the Università della Svizzera Italiana, Ana Kurtanidze , examined stakeholder reactions to merger and acquisition decisions. When a firm takes over another firm, stakeholders are often harmed (e.g., layoffs, the value of investors’ holdings is watered down, etc.), and they sometimes speak out in the media or through boycotts, protests, etc.

This often leads to broader scrutiny as the firm’s day-to-day operations are put “under a microscope”. This unwanted attention can lead to consequences that are far more serious than the initial issue (i.e., the hostile takeover). Her paper also cites examples of when a takeover is positively welcomed by the subsumed company and its employees.

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Pessimism reigns: Rosy ESG ratings, greenwashing, overcapitalization

The Sustainable Investing Forum, organized by finance professors at the EHL Hospitality Business School, handed the floor to three keynote speakers, who struck a more negative tone with regard to SI. Dr. Laurent Frésard of the Universitá della Svizzera Italiana asserted that green firms already receive sufficient volumes of capital and that more doesn’t make them any greener. When the market reduces the cost of capital for green firms and increases that of brown firms, this creates a ‘wedge’ or greenium.

According to his research, a “greenium” (albeit a very small one) does indeed exist. However, investment managers do not perceive this greenium. Dr. Frésard cited the example of a classic capital allocation dilemma: renovating an old building or constructing a new, greener one. Installing a heat pump or double-glazing windows may not be as flashy (or marketable) as a new building, but it is more effective. He asked participants rhetorically: “What is more important to firms: having an impact or patting themselves on the back?”

ESG is “worse than doing nothing”

Dr. Kornelia Fabisik of the University of Bern added a Swiss German accent to the day’s proceedings. The title of her presentation was blunt: ESG ratings are worse than you think. Human beings, she stated, like easy solutions. ESG is an overly simplistic, one-size-fits-all solution to an extremely complex problem, she said. Listed companies can sell their emissions to private equity firms and thus boost their ESG scores in one particularly egregious example.

Again, instead of closing their dirty assets, such as power plants, firms can merely sell them. This contributes to the “ESG mirage”. She cited the 11-15% drop in emissions after the 2015 Paris Agreement , but this was because of divestment, not cleaner business activities. Unlike the CDS market (credit default swap), there are no market-based consequences for erroneous ESG scores.

Dr. Fabisik exclaimed: No one says, “Hey! Those ESG scores were way off! There must be consequences!” and the firm gets off scot-free. Better datasets, simplification of ESG criteria, and governmental regulations are some ways the ESG rating process could be improved, although it is a “tricky situation”, she admitted.

Greenwashing is the new norm

Hailing from the University of Lausanne, Dr. Garen Markarian , the most local of the presenters, sounded equally pessimistic as he enthusiastically launched into his presentation entitled “Can we stop greenwashing?”. He attacked the sources of the information that constitute ESG ratings, which include firms’ annual reports, less-than-thorough ‘audits’, etc. Moreover, when asked about their methodology or sources, ESG raters hide behind the cloak of corporate secrecy.

Dr. Markarian went on to list particularly unsavory examples of corporate hypocrisy, including oil giants (BP, Exxon, etc.) that were forced to walk back climate pledges (e.g., zero carbon promises, etc.) after purchasing shale oil producers (i.e., “frackers”) for billions of dollars. To finish, he implored asset managers to be skeptical with regard to so-called audits that “attest” to corporate claims of being green.

Finishing with wine

Fear not! The daylong event finished on a high note. The guest speaker for the closing session was Matt Goldklang , a climate scientist at Man Group (an alternative asset management group), who joined the conference from New York City via Teams. His work consists in identifying areas around the world that are at risk of extreme weather events. A wine enthusiast, he has identified wine-producing regions, including northern Italy and wide swaths of France, that are particularly vulnerable to drought while others have higher ‘adaptive capacity’.

Befitting a hospitality-oriented institution, the event concluded with a wine tasting where two reds from the same winery (in Switzerland’s Valais canton) but from different vintages were tasted (the 2021, which was a cool and damp year, was pitted against the 2022, a hot and sunny growing season).

Participants were asked which differences they could taste in the two vintages. As Mr. Goldklang said, “Wine is a record keeper, memorializing time (i.e., weather conditions during a particular year) and space (i.e., a vineyard’s specific terroir). Both time and space are stored in the flavor of the wine.”

Held on EHL’s Lausanne campus, the 2024 Sustainable Investing Forum was the perfect occasion for participants to take a day to have a frank discussion about the latest in responsible investing: what is working and, perhaps more importantly, what is not.

EHL Faculty

Translator & Content Editor at EHL Hospitality Business School

Dr. Philippe Masset

Associate Professor at EHL Hospitality Business School

Dr. Cédric Poretti

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