How to Start (Fried) Fish Selling Business in Kenya

How to Start (Fried) Fish Selling Business in Kenya

Kenya is home to distinct geographic and climate regions, and resources such as the Indian Ocean coastline, large rivers, and Lake Victoria, which is the largest freshwater lake in the continent. These resources contribute to the abundance of an array of aquatic species in Kenya, and this favors both large and small-scale fish farming in Kenya.

The fish farming business has become a major source of income for several Kenyan households. There are numerous fish farms across the country that were established for commercial purposes. 

The market value and the demand for fish in Kenya is always high. The fish business is very profitable in Nairobi. There are several people in Nairobi, who have doctor’s orders not to eat red meat. These people have resorted to eating fish or chicken, and because of these people, the demand for fish is high. 

Some areas in Nairobi that are perfect for a fish business include: 

  • Ngara. 

Your fish business will also thrive in the Nairobi city center, especially at the city market, and the Muthurwa Market.

Fish is a perishable good, so it needs to be kept in a fridge for it to stay fresh for a long time. The average cost of getting a fridge in Kenya is about Ksh. 20,000. 

The average cost of starting a fish business in Kenya is about Ksh. 40,000. If your fish business is located somewhere in Nairobi, you will make a lot of profit. You can make a profit of Ksh. 3,000 to Ksh. 8,000, if your fresh shop is in Nairobi.

Selling Fried Fish Business in Kenya

A person who owns a fish business can start selling fried fish. Adding fried fish to your products is a great way to attract customers to your fish business. Selling fried fish can also get you more profits.

Where to Sell Fish in Kenya

Some of the best places to sell fish in Kenya are located in Nairobi. Places like:

You can also sell your fish at the Nairobi city center, especially at the city market, and the Muthurwa Market.

How to Start a Fish Business in Kenya

Starting a fish farming business in Kenya gives you a promising future. The first thing you need to do is pick a good location. You need to consider if you’re in a suitable area for a fish business. It is important that you are also in compliance with the state and local laws. 

When choosing a location for your fish business, you have to consider space. You will need enough space for your office, inventory storage, staff, and a place for equipment storage. 

Once you have decided the location that you have chosen is a suitable place for you to start your fish business, then you can move on to the next step in starting your fish business in Kenya. 

You will need to learn as much as you can about the fish business in Kenya. You can visit several fish farms, or you can find your resources online. There are numerous websites that talk about everything you need to know about aquaculture. You should learn about the pros and cons of the fish business in Kenya.

If you are looking forward to starting a small or large business, you need to save up money for your start-up capital. It will be good for you if you start small if you do not have a lot of experience in the industry. You can always ask other experienced fish farming business owners for advice.

A partnership business has many benefits. You can raise more funds faster if you have a partnership business. You should consider asking a friend who has more experience in the industry to be your partner. 

In a partnership business, you share liabilities. If you do not have enough funds for your fish farming business, you can apply for a business loan, but if you do not qualify for a business loan, you can raise funds for your business in some other ways. Some other ways you can earn more money for your business are:

  • Selling your valuables. 
  • Ask your friends or relatives.
  • Government funding.
  • Borrowing against your property.

The next step is advertising and selling your products. Your marketing success depends on how active you are in informing your target audience about your new business. Having a good connection with local businesses will be helpful. There are several ways to advertise your fish farm at a very low cost. Some ways you can advertise your fish farming business are:

  • Using social media platforms.
  • Forms of media like newspapers, a local radio station, flyers, etc.

You can place your farm on a busy road and place signage where people can see it. The signage should inform people about your fish business, its products, and services.

Some benefits of starting a fish farming business in Kenya are:

  • You will barely have difficult times since the climate and geographical conditions of Kenya are perfect for fish farming activities.
  • Kenya has a lot of different fish species. Hence, you can choose from the most profitable species.
  • Kenya always has a high demand for fish and fish products. This means that your fish can fetch good market prices.
  • The fish farming business is a good source of income considering the current high rate of unemployment in Kenya.

Fish Farming in Kenya Business Plan

Before you start any business, you will need a well-detailed plan. Your fish farming business plan should contain all the necessary information about your company structure, your budgets, and expenses, anticipated investments, and the expected return on your investment. 

You should take your time to consider all the possible expenses and be sure to include them in your fish farming business plan. Determine the things you will require for your fish farming business, like the number of staff, the equipment, and supplies, funds, and other things. 

You will need your fish farming business plan to register your business, either as a corporation or a proprietorship. A well-detailed business plan will help you get more investors and partners. You can use your fish farming business plan to apply for loans and government grants. 

It is advisable to contact a business attorney or consultant to help you with acquiring the necessary permits and paperwork. 

A fish farming business is a very profitable business in Kenya. The market value and the demand for fish in Kenya is always high. Fish farms in Kenya have made a significant contribution to the economy and the nutritional demands of the country.

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How to write a business plan for your fish market.

business plan for a fish market

Starting a fish market can be a great idea because it provides a steady supply of fresh seafood to local customers, while also offering a profitable business opportunity.

Additionally, it can help to support local fishing communities by providing them with a reliable market for their catch.

But, before that, you need a business plan.

A business plan is a critical first step before launching any new project, as it provides a framework to help you identify potential risks, set goals and measure progress. It is essential for determining the viability of a fish market.

In short, a good business plan will help make sure your fish market is profitable .

What must be in the business plan for a fish market? How do you define the structure? What metrics should be considered for the financial assessment? What techniques can I use to make business plan writing easier?

The article you're reading will cover all these questions and provide answers!

One last thing: it's up to you whether to start your business plan from scratch.

You can download our editable business plan for a fish market and modify it to meet your specifications.

business plan fish store

Formulating a business plan for a fish market

Is it necessary to create a business plan for your fish market.

Yes, you should create a business plan for your fish market.

Building a solid business plan will allow you to:

  • gain knowledge of the fish market
  • grasp the pulse of the industry's new trends
  • discover what makes a fish market profitable
  • understand customers' preferences for fresh seafood varieties and quality to meet their culinary needs
  • come up with a unique value proposition for your seafood market
  • assess competitive positioning
  • find relevant competitive advantages for your fish market
  • find a business model that guarantees a return on investment
  • craft and execute a well-thought-out long-term action plan
  • identify and manage risks specific to a fish market, including seafood quality, supply chain management, and regulatory compliance

Our team has drafted a business plan for a fish market that is designed to make it easier for you to achieve all the elements listed.

How to organize a business plan for a fish market?

A business plan has plenty of facts, numbers, and indicators. It is important to have an orderly format for smooth reading and comprehension.

When we designed our business plan for a fish market , we ensured it was organized correctly.

You'll come across 5 sections (Opportunity, Project, Market Research, Strategy and Finances).

1. Market Opportunity

The first section is named "Market Opportunity".

Explore this section for comprehensive data and insights on the fish market industry, including seafood trends, sourcing practices, customer preferences, and market dynamics, guiding entrepreneurs in establishing successful and sustainable fish marketes.

The data here is always kept current; we update it biannually.

2. Project Presentation

In the "Project" section, you can present your fish market, highlighting the variety and freshness of seafood available, sustainable sourcing practices, fishmonger expertise, customer education about different fish types, filleting services, and the unique value proposition that guarantees a delightful seafood experience for your customers.

Remember to introduce yourself at the end of this section.

Discuss your experience in the seafood industry, your expertise in sourcing and offering fresh seafood products, and how you plan to provide a diverse selection of high-quality seafood to customers. Highlight your commitment to sustainability, your knowledge of different fish species, and your dedication to delivering exceptional customer service that ensures customers have access to the finest and freshest seafood at your fish market.

We prepared text in our business plan. Customize it to suit your idea.

3. Market Research

Following that, we have the "Market Research" section.

The purpose of this section is to introduce the market segments for your fish market.

It includes a competition study, outlining other fish markets in the area. Your business's unique offerings and competitive advantages are also highlighted. A customized SWOT analysis is included.

4. Strategy

In the "Strategy" section, you will find a detailed growth plan for your fish market, outlining all the necessary steps and initiatives to ensure its high profitability.

Furthermore, this section encompasses a marketing plan for a fish market, a risk management approach, and a completed Business Model Canvas.

5. Finances

In conclusion, the "Finances" section offers a detailed overview of the financial aspects and metrics of your project.

business plan fish market

How to elaborate the Executive Summary for a fish market?

The Executive Summary is like a quick overview of the business plan of your fish market.

Keep it short and to the point, with a maximum of 2 pages. Include only the key points.

The objective of this document is to spark interest in the reader's mind about your business plan.

In the Executive Summary of your fish market, answer these questions: what products does your fish market offer? who is your target audience? are there other fish markets in the vicinity? what funding do you require?

How to do the market analysis for a fish market?

Analyzing the market for your fish market allows you to gain insights into factors such as customer preferences for fresh seafood, competition within the seafood industry, and emerging trends in sustainable fishing.

By conducting a comprehensive market study, a fish market can understand consumer demands, offer a wide variety of fresh seafood, optimize pricing strategies, and execute targeted marketing campaigns, ultimately leading to a loyal customer base, increased sales, and a prominent position in the local seafood market.

Here is what you can expect to find in the "Market Research" section of our business plan for a fish market :

  • market trends and data about the fish market industry, including seafood consumption, sustainability practices, and popular seafood varieties
  • a list of potential customer segments for a fish market
  • the competitor study
  • the competitive advantages for a fish market

business plan fish market

The key points of the business plan for a fish market

What's the business model of a fish market, business model of a fish market.

A fish market model revolves around selling a variety of fresh seafood products to customers. Revenue is generated through product sales, potentially offering additional services such as filleting or seafood platters.

The business model focuses on sourcing fresh and sustainable seafood, providing exceptional customer service, ensuring product quality and hygiene, effective marketing to target seafood enthusiasts, and building strong customer relationships based on trust and seafood expertise.

Success depends on maintaining relationships with fishermen or suppliers, delivering freshness and variety, fostering positive customer experiences and recommendations, and continuously adapting to customer preferences and industry trends in the seafood market.

Business model ≠ Business plan

Remember, "business plan" and "business model" are not the same thing.

A business model shows how a company operates and turns a profit.

In a business plan, you adopt the Business Model Canvas as a straightforward tool to showcase the fundamental elements of your business model.

Rest assured, we provide a Business Model Canvas in our business plan for a fish market .

How do you identify the market segments of a fish market?

Market segmentation for your fish market involves dividing your potential customers into different groups based on their seafood preferences, demographics, and culinary interests.

These categories may include factors such as seafood enthusiasts, fine dining establishments, home cooks, or customers seeking sustainable seafood options.

By segmenting your market, you can offer a variety of seafood products and services that cater to each segment's specific requirements. For example, you might provide a wide selection of fresh and exotic fish for seafood enthusiasts, offer premium and high-quality seafood options for fine dining establishments, provide convenient seafood meal kits and recipes for home cooks, or specialize in sourcing and selling sustainable seafood options for eco-conscious customers.

Market segmentation allows you to effectively target your marketing efforts, source the best seafood products, and build a loyal customer base within each customer segment by providing the seafood products and experiences that align with their preferences and values.

In the business plan for a fish market , you will find a detailed market segmentation that gives you insights into your potential customers.

How to conduct a competitor analysis for a fish market?

Without surprise, you won't be the only fish market in your market. There will be other establishments offering a variety of fresh seafood to customers.

To create a successful business plan, it's crucial to thoroughly analyze your competitors. This involves carefully identifying and studying their offer, while also evaluating their strengths and weaknesses.

Explore their weaknesses (such as inconsistent seafood quality, poor freshness control, or inadequate customer service).

Why is it crucial to notice these aspects? Because these weaknesses can impact customer satisfaction when shopping at fish markets. By addressing these points, you can offer a wide selection of fresh and high-quality seafood, provide knowledgeable staff assistance and guidance, and maintain excellent hygiene and product handling, positioning your fish market as a trusted and preferred source for seafood enthusiasts and seafood lovers.

It's what we call competitive advantages—prioritize building them to gain a competitive edge.

Here are some examples of competitive advantages for a fish store: fresh and diverse fish selection, knowledgeable staff, exceptional customer service.

How to draft a SWOT analysis for a fish store?

A SWOT analysis can help identify potential opportunities and challenges when starting a fish market.

As you can guess, there is indeed a completed and editable SWOT matrix in our business plan for a fish market

The strengths for a fish market

When we mention the "S" in SWOT, we mean Strengths, which are the project's positive attributes or capabilities.

For a fish market, potential strengths include a wide selection of fresh seafood, knowledgeable staff, competitive pricing, and a convenient location.

The weaknesses for a fish market

When we mention the "W," we're referring to Weaknesses, which are the weak areas or aspects of the project that need to be improved.

For a fish market, potential weaknesses include a lack of suitable storage space, limited access to fresh fish, high operational costs, and a reliance on a seasonal customer base.

The opportunities for a fish market

The letter "O" in SWOT signifies Opportunities, highlighting the favorable circumstances or chances for the project's growth.

In the case of a fish market, potential opportunities could include expanding into online sales, offering delivery services, introducing a loyalty program, and creating a restaurant.

The threats for a fish market

T stands for Threats in SWOT, representing the external factors or situations that may hinder the project's progress.

How to outline a marketing strategy for a fish store?

You need a marketing strategy in your business plan to attract customers and make sales.

A fish store can appeal to aquarium enthusiasts and pet owners by implementing a targeted marketing approach that showcases the store's diverse selection of fish species, quality aquarium supplies, and expert advice on fish care and maintenance.

Seafood lovers won't shop at your fish market without effective promotion; showcasing the freshness of the seafood, variety of options, and knowledgeable staff is crucial.

Are you implementing effective marketing strategies for your fish store? Consider offering educational content about different fish species or aquarium care on your website or social media, collaborating with local pet stores or aquarium clubs for cross-promotion, and running targeted advertising campaigns to reach fish enthusiasts and hobbyists.

It's okay to feel overwhelmed by the vast world of marketing and communication.

How to build financial projections for a fish store?

A successful business plan requires comprehensive financial data in order to accurately forecast future performance.

As part of your business planning process, you'll be required to predict the revenue for your fish market.

The presence of a relevant and credible revenue forecast is crucial to give your business plan a strong appeal to investors.

Our financial plan for a fish market is straightforward and equipped with automated checks, enabling you to validate and adjust your assumptions easily. This way, we make sure you're building solid financial projections.

It goes without saying that you should create a preliminary budget for launching your fish market. Don't overlook any expense. By the way, we've listed them all in our financial plan!

By conducting a break-even analysis, you can assess whether your fish market will be profitable or not.

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Fish Farming in Kenya

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Commercial fish farming in Kenya is not a new business idea. Kenya is endowed with many aquatic resources with successful aquacultural potentials.

Highly varied climatic and geographic regions are available in Kenya, covering a part of Indian Ocean coastline, several large rivers, swamps and other water lands, a portion of the largest freshwater lake in Africa and all of those support an abundance of native aquatic species.

And all those water sources are contributing much for fish farming in Kenya.

Nowadays, commercial fish farming in Kenya has become a great income source and business idea for the individuals. As a result, numerous commercial fish farms can be seen throughout the Kenya.

Some of those fish farmers are farming fish for family consumption and some are farming in large scale for high profit. Al those small or large scale fish farms are contributing much in the total economy and nutrition demands in Kenya.

Table of Contents

Benefits of Fish Farming in Kenya

There are many benefits/advantages of fish farming in Kenya. The most important benefits of fish farming in Kenya are listed below.

  • Weather and geographical location of Kenya is very suitable for fish farming business and setting up commercial fish farming in Kenya.
  • Numerous species of fishes are available which are highly profitable for fish farming in Kenya.
  • High demand and price of fish in the market.
  • Fish is a great source for food and nutrition. You can earn some extra money by setting up a fish farm along with meeting up your daily family demands.
  • Along with rapid population growth sources of employment are decreasing. Commercial fish farming in Kenya can be a great source of employment for those unemployed people.
  • The unemployed educated people can also start fish farming. This will create a working opportunities and earning livings.
  • Commercial fish farming also helps for proper utilizing of water resources of Kenya.
  • By using modern fish farming techniques, maximum production is possible. This will make the economy strong and ensure availability of required nutritious food.

How to Start Fish Farming in Kenya?

If you are thinking about starting fish culturing in Kenya, you need to consider some important factors that may affect the success and profitability of fish farming business in Kenya.

fish farming, commercial fish farming, fish farming business, commercial fish farming business, fish farming Kenya, farming business Kenya, fish farming in Kenya, commercial fish farming in Kenya

Here we have mentioned step by step guide for starting this lucrative business in Kenya.

Selecting Land Area

Selecting a suitable land for fish farming is very important. For commercial production, earthen ponds are very suitable and it is mostly used culture units in Kenya.

While selecting lands keep in mind some necessary facilities which are must for fish culture.

The necessary facilities for fish farming in Kenya includes a good source of fresh water supply, type of the soil, availability of labors, good transportation etc. Consider the followings while selecting lands for fish farming in Kenya.

  • Try to select a which is relatively level. Generally, a slope about 1% is ideal. Steeply sloped lands are not suitable for building ponds.
  • Select the land by keeping in mind your future plans. Try to select a land which is large enough for all your fish farming activities.
  • Avoid the flooding and polluted areas.
  • Never select the land very close to crop fields. Because, various types of fertilizers and pesticides are used for crop production. This types of fertilizers and pesticides can causes danger in your fish pond.
  • It will be better, if the selected land become slightly lower than the water source. This will help you to fill the pond by gravity rather than by pumping. Gravity supplying of water will reduce energy inputs and fish production cost highly.
  • Ensure availability of a great water source like streams, lakes, rivers, springs etc. near the land. For better fish production, the quality and quantity of water plays a vital role.
  • Determining the quality of soil also very important. Soil with good quality ensures maximum production. So, the soil of the selected land area must have to good enough for fish culture. Rocky, sandy or gravelly soil is not suitable for constructing a pond. Soil with at least 20% of clay is suitable for holding water and constructing pond. However, after constructing pond apply necessary fertilizers for making the soil suitable enough for fish farming in Kenya.
  • Suitable transportation systems is must for marketing the fish and buying necessary materials from the market (food, medicines etc.).
  • A market near the farming land. Transporting the fish so far for marketing will reduce the price and quality of fish and increase the cost. So, select a land from where you can easily market your products.

Pond Design & Construction

After selecting a suitable land for fish farming in Kenya, it’s time to construct a pond. You have to choose a pond design according to fish species you want to produce.

Each type of fish species require special types of pond design to grow. After selecting the desired fish species, make a pond that enables your fish to grow happily.

Good designed pond according to the fish species ensures good health and maximum production.

Contact with your local fishery department to get some suggestions and ideas about pond design that are suitable for each type of fish species.

Selecting Fish Species

Along with good site and well constructed pond and other good facilities, selecting proper fish species is most important.

Selecting fish species for fish farming in Kenya depends on the market, climate, weather and farm location. Tilapia fish has a huge demands among all the fish species available in Kenya.

And almost all people of Kenya prefer tilapia fish. You can also start culturing some other fish species that has great demands in the market like african catfish , trout, olanda, common carp , various types of carp fish , gold fish, koi fish etc. Keep in mind the followings while selecting perfect species for fish farming in Kenya.

  • Select those species that has a great demands in the local market.
  • Select the species that grow faster and more profitable for commercial production.
  • The species that can easily maintain and grows well in your local weather and climate.
  • Consider availability of necessary foods for the species.
  • The species that grows well and take less time to reach marketing weight.

Feeding The Fish

Providing good quality and nutritious food ensures fast growth and maximum production. For commercial fish farming in Kenya, manufactured supplementary fish feeds are must.

You can buy the ready-made supplementary fish feeds that are available in the market. In the market you will find various types of fish feed prepared for each type of fish species.

fish farming, commercial fish farming, fish farming business, commercial fish farming business, fish farming Kenya, farming business Kenya, fish farming in Kenya, commercial fish farming in Kenya, catfish farming in Kenya

For example, if you want to culture tilapia fish then buy feeds from the market which are prepared for tilapia. You can also buy all ingredients separately from the market and mix it at farm.

This is a good idea to buy each ingredients separately from the market. Because, sometimes the ready-made feed doesn’t have all necessary nutrient elements, vitamins, minerals, salt etc.

This may directly impact the fish production. So, it is a good idea to buy all the elements separately form the market and mix at farm. See fish feed , supplimentary fish feed .

Other Care & Management

Do all tasks timely and accurately. If necessary, change the water of the pond. Examine the quality of water and soil on regular basis.

Use proper medicines for each species of fish to keep them healthy and diseases free. Prevent the entrance of predators like snakes, frogs etc. Use net while filling the pond with water.

Collecting Fish

Different species of fish reach marketing weight in different ages. For better price and profit collect the fish in proper time.

When the fish reach the marketing weights, you can collect fish form pond by using a net or discharging the total water from the pond.

Almost all people love to eat fish and there is already a suitable market for fish. You can easily sell fish in your local market. Fish also has a great demand in the international market.

Following tips will be effective for marketing fish and gaining more profits from fish farming in Kenya.

  • After collecting fish from the pond, send them to the market as soon as possible. Doing late can decrease the quality.
  • For maximum price of your products, you can separate different sized fish. For example, separate the fish into three groups. Small, medium and large.
  • Never transport the fish so far for getting more value. Sending far will damage the quality of fish and decrease the value instead of being benefited.
  • Local markets are very suitable for marketing. But if foreign export available then you can try international markets.

Fish farming in Kenya is really a lucrative business idea. If you are thinking about starting this business along with your current profession, then you have to get a training about fish farming in Kenya and visit numerous fish farms practically. Have a good day!

Frequently Asked Questions

People ask many questions about fish farming in Kenya. Here we are listing the most common questions about this profitable business, and trying to answer them. Hope you will find your answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

Is fish farming profitable in Kenya?

Yes, commercial fish farming is a very profitable business in Kenya. Most of the fish generally grow faster and require relatively less caring and other management. Even the beginners can start this business. If there is good demand of fish in your local market, then you can start this fish farming business for making money.

How to start fish farming in Kenya?

Starting commercial fish farming is relatively easy and simple business in Kenya. First of all, select a very good location, then make a pond, stock fish in the pond, feed your fish with good quality and nutritious food, provide required medicine and always try to take good care of your fish.

How profitable is fish farming in Kenya?

Commercial production of fish is a profitable business in Kenya. Although, it’s not possible to tell the exact amount of profits you can make from this business. Because exact amount of profits depends on numerous factors. As of now, the farmer acquires between Ksh. 60,000 and Ksh. 100,000 consistently from the production of fish and fingerlings.

Can I export fish from Kenya?

Export of live fish is regulated by the Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS). The exporter is issued with an export permit and a fish health certificate, per consignment.

How much is a kg of catfish in Kenya?

Around 500 Ksh.

What is the main problem facing fish farming in Kenya?

Lack and cost of commercially produced feeds and employment of low pond management practices, has resulted in stagnation of fish farming leading to household food insecurity and low contribution to livelihoods in Kenya.

What is the most popular fish in Kenya?

Tilapia is the most common and most popular fish in Kenya.

How do I start a fish farm in Kenya?

What type of fish is in Kenya?

The Kenyan coast offers a wide and diverse range of fishing from the common inshore game fish such as King Mackerel, Barracuda, Rainbow Runner, Bonito and several species of Trevally, to the offshore game fish such as Yellowfin Tuna, Amberjack, Wahoo and Dorado.

How much are fingerlings in Kenya?

Depends on the fish species. For example, catfish fingerlings on average cost around Kshs 6 each.

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5 thoughts on “fish farming in kenya”.

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Hi… I’m interested in starting fish farming. I would like advice on the way forward

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I would like to start a fish farm in Kisumu Rabuor area. Please help

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Hi am interested in fish farming I would like someone to give me the guidelines please

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What are your thoughts on Mbuta (Nile Perch)? Can I farm it?

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Hi, I would like to find out if fish farming could be lucrative in Malindi?

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Juc Media Kenya

How to Start a Profitable Fish Business in Kenya

How to Start a Profitable Fish Business in Kenya

Fish farming, also known as aquaculture, is a profitable business venture that provides a stable income stream for those who manage it effectively. It contributes to local and global food security by providing a reliable supply of healthy protein. Starting a fish farming business in Kenya is a unique business opportunity for Kenyan entrepreneurs. To start a successful fish farming business in Kenya, follow these steps:

1. Conduct market research: Understand your local market’s demand for fish, the types of fish in demand, and your potential competition. This involves a detailed analysis aimed at understanding consumer preferences, identifying market gaps, and benchmarking against competitors. Engaging with the community and local fish vendors is essential to obtain a nuanced understanding of the market and tailor your fish farming operations to meet the specific demands of the Kenyan market.

2. Write a business plan: Start by clearly defining your business goals, identifying your target market, and outlining your operating procedures. Develop a comprehensive business plan that includes your strategy for market positioning and the scalability of your business. Include detailed operational workflows to demonstrate how your business will function on a day-to-day basis. Prepare robust financial forecasts that provide a clear picture of your revenue streams, costs, and profitability projections.

When writing your business plan for the fish business, use the following outline:

Business Goals: Establish a sustainable fish farming business that meets the growing demand for fish in Kenya, with an emphasis on affordability and quality.

Target Market: Determine the primary customers, which could include local households, restaurants, and supermarkets in urban and rural areas of Kenya. Conduct market research to identify high-demand areas, particularly in cities like Nairobi and Mombasa, and explore partnerships with hotels and eateries specializing in seafood.

Operating Procedures: Develop efficient operating procedures for breeding, raising, harvesting, and selling fish. Consider the entire supply chain, from pond to plate.

Financial Projections: Create detailed financial projections, including startup costs, operational expenses, revenue streams, and profitability analysis.

Market Positioning: Differentiate your fish business by focusing on sustainability, quality, and community engagement. Promote the use of environmentally friendly fish farming practices that conserve water and reduce waste. Highlight the health benefits of your fish and engage in community programs to build brand loyalty.

Scalability Prospects: Outline potential avenues for scaling the business, such as increasing production capacity, diversifying fish species, or tapping into export markets.

Operational Workflows: Map out the day-to-day operations, including fish care, feeding schedules, water quality management, and sales operations.

Financial Forecasts: Ensure your financial forecasts are realistic and account for variables such as fluctuating market prices, potential losses, and operational efficiencies.

Unique Value Proposition: Highlight what makes your fish business unique, such as the adoption of innovative farming techniques or a commitment to sustainability.

In conclusion, starting a fish farming business in Kenya requires a thorough market research, a well-defined business plan, legal requirements, location considerations, requirements, market size, potential earnings, and monitoring and evaluation. By following these steps, you can create a successful fish farming business that contributes to local and global food security.

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  • How to Start a Profitable Fish Farming Business in Kenya
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Table of Contents

Overview of the fish farming industry in kenya:, benefits of starting a fish farming business in kenya:, brief overview of what the article covers:, conducting market research:, choosing a suitable location for the fish farm:, advantages of tilapia farming in kenya:, advantages of catfish farming in kenya:, calculating the startup costs of fish farming in kenya:, types of fish ponds in kenya, how to feed your fish:, where to source fish feeds in kenya:, strategies on how to market and sell tilapia and catfish in kenya to get the most profit, reinvesting profits and expanding the fish farm:, developing new product lines and diversifying the business:, hiring and training employees to help run the business:, strategies for mitigating and managing risks:, preparing for unforeseen circumstances and emergencies:, vii. conclusion, extra resources, i. introduction.

Fish farming is the practice of rearing fish for commercial purposes, and it is a rapidly growing industry worldwide. In Kenya, fish farming has gained significant popularity as a means of livelihood, especially for small-scale farmers. The practice has played a crucial role in providing a source of income and a source of protein to many households in Kenya.

Fish is an incredibly tasty and enjoyable food to consume. Personally, I have a fondness for eating fish because of its delicious flavor and texture. Moreover, fish is an excellent source of protein, which is a vital component of a healthy and balanced diet for human beings.

The protein found in fish is of high quality and easily digestible, making it an excellent dietary choice for individuals who are looking to increase their protein intake. Additionally, fish is also low in saturated fat, making it a healthier option compared to other protein sources such as red meat.

Incorporating fish into your diet can also have numerous health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic conditions. Furthermore, fish is rich in essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve brain function and overall well-being.

The fish farming industry in Kenya has grown over the years to become one of the most productive industries in the country. With over 50,000 fish farmers and over 100,000 people employed directly and indirectly in the industry, it contributes significantly to the country’s economy. The most common species reared in Kenya are tilapia, catfish, and trout, with tilapia being the most popular due to its adaptability to different environments and its fast growth rate.

Starting a fish farming business in Kenya comes with numerous benefits. Firstly, it is a profitable venture that can provide a reliable source of income to farmers. Secondly, it is a sustainable practice that contributes to food security by providing a source of protein to communities. Thirdly, it creates employment opportunities and boosts the local economy by providing a market for inputs such as fish feeds and equipment.

The manual provides a comprehensive guide on how to start and manage a successful fish farming business in Kenya. It covers the basic requirements for setting up a fish farm, including selecting a suitable site, constructing fish ponds, and selecting the appropriate fish species to rear. The manual also provides information on managing the fish farm, including feeding and disease control. Additionally, it covers marketing and financial management, providing tips on how to sell fish and manage finances. Ultimately, the manual equips potential fish farmers with the knowledge and skills required to start and manage a profitable fish farming business in Kenya.

II. Research and Planning of Fish Farming in Kenya

Before starting a fish farming business in Kenya, it is essential to conduct thorough research and planning to ensure success. This section outlines some critical aspects to consider during the research and planning phase.

Market research is a crucial aspect of starting any business, including fish farming. It involves gathering information about the market, including consumer demand, supply, pricing, and competition. In the fish farming industry, it is essential to research the demand for different fish species, their prices, and the competition in the market. This information will help you make informed decisions about the fish species to farm, the production capacity, and the pricing strategy.

The location of your fish farm plays a significant role in the success of your business. Factors to consider when selecting a location include access to water, soil type, topography, and the availability of infrastructure such as electricity and roads. The location should also be easily accessible to markets to minimize transport costs.

Identifying the fish species to farm:

The choice of fish species to farm depends on several factors, including market demand, the suitability of the water body, and the production costs. Common fish species farmed in Kenya include tilapia and catfish.

fish selling business plan in kenya

Both tilapia and catfish have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the decision on which species to farm in Kenya ultimately depends on several factors including the farmer’s goals, available resources, and the local market demand. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Widely consumed: Tilapia is a popular fish species in Kenya and is widely consumed, which means there is a high demand for it in the market.
  • Easy to farm: Tilapia is relatively easy to farm, as it is hardy and adaptable to a variety of environmental conditions. Additionally, tilapia can feed on a wide range of feeds, including commercial feeds and locally available materials.
  • Fast growth rate: Tilapia has a relatively fast growth rate and can reach market size within 6-8 months, which can be advantageous for farmers looking for a quick return on investment.
  • High protein content: Catfish is known for its high protein content, which makes it a nutritious food source and can be attractive to health-conscious consumers.
  • Tolerant of poor water quality: Catfish is known for its tolerance of poor water quality, which means it can be farmed in areas with limited access to clean water sources.
  • Larger size potential: Catfish can grow to larger sizes than tilapia, which can be advantageous for farmers looking to produce larger fish for a premium market.

fish selling business plan in kenya

Ultimately, the decision on which species to farm in Kenya will depend on the farmer’s goals, available resources, and local market demand. Both species have their own advantages and disadvantages, and farmers may choose to farm either or both depending on their circumstances. It’s recommended to research the market demand for both species in the local area and evaluate the feasibility of farming each species based on the available resources and infrastructure.

Starting a fish farming business requires significant capital investment. The startup costs include the cost of land or lease, construction of ponds, purchase of fingerlings, fish feed, and equipment. It is crucial to calculate these costs accurately to ensure adequate financial planning and sourcing of capital. It is also important to factor in operating costs, such as labor, maintenance, and marketing expenses, when determining the profitability of the business.

In conclusion, research and planning are critical stages in starting a successful fish farming business in Kenya. Conducting market research, choosing a suitable location, identifying the fish species to farm, and calculating the startup costs are essential factors to consider during this phase. Thorough research and planning will increase the chances of success and profitability of your fish farming business.

III. Setting Up the Fish Farm in Kenya

Once you have decided on the type of fish you want to farm and have conducted research on the market demand, the next step is to set up your fish farm. Here are some key steps to consider:

  • Acquiring the necessary permits and licenses: Depending on the size and scope of your fish farm, you may need to obtain various permits and licenses from the local authorities. This may include environmental permits, water use permits, and business licenses. It’s important to research the specific requirements in your area and obtain all necessary permits before starting your fish farm.
  • Constructing fish ponds or tanks: The next step is to construct fish ponds or tanks that are suitable for the species you plan to farm. The design and construction of fish ponds or tanks will depend on several factors, including the type of fish, the size of your farm, and the available resources. It’s important to ensure that your fish ponds or tanks provide suitable water quality and temperature, adequate aeration, and appropriate space for the fish to grow and thrive.
  • Choosing and sourcing fish fingerlings or juveniles: Once you have constructed your fish ponds or tanks, the next step is to choose and source fish fingerlings or juveniles. It’s important to select high-quality fish stock from reputable suppliers to ensure that your fish have a good chance of survival and growth. The size and number of fish fingerlings or juveniles you need will depend on the size of your ponds or tanks and the desired stocking density.
  • Installing necessary equipment and infrastructure: Finally, you will need to install necessary equipment and infrastructure to support your fish farm. This may include pumps and filters for water circulation and filtration, aerators for oxygenation, and feeding equipment. You may also need to install fencing or netting to protect your fish from predators.

There are several types of fish ponds used in Kenya for fish farming. These include:

  • Earthen ponds: These are the most common type of fish ponds in Kenya. They are dug into the ground and lined with clay soil to prevent water seepage. Earthen ponds are suitable for small to medium-scale fish farming.
  • Concrete ponds: These are made of concrete and are more durable than earthen ponds. They are also easier to maintain and can be used for both small and large-scale fish farming.
  • Plastic ponds: These are pre-fabricated plastic containers that are easy to install and relocate. They are ideal for small-scale fish farming and can be used indoors or outdoors.
  • Geomembrane ponds: These are ponds made of synthetic liners such as polyethylene or PVC. They are suitable for large-scale fish farming and are more durable than earthen ponds.These are the most popular for farmers with enough land in Kenya.
  • Cage ponds: These are floating cages that are used to farm fish in large water bodies such as lakes and dams. They are ideal for large-scale fish farming and allow for water exchange and natural feeding.
  • Raised fish ponds: These are made out of geomembrane liners and raised on the ground about a meter high with the support of wooden planks. They are popular with farmers practicing catfish farming inside greenhouses.

In conclusion, the type of fish pond to use in Kenya depends on the scale of the fish farming operation, location, and budget. Earthen ponds are the most common and suitable for small to medium-scale fish farming, while concrete and geomembrane ponds are more durable and suitable for larger-scale operations. Plastic ponds and cage ponds are ideal for small-scale and large-scale fish farming, respectively.

IV. Managing the Fish Farm

After setting up your fish farm in Kenya, the next step is to manage it effectively to ensure the health and growth of your fish, as well as the profitability of your business. Here are some key aspects of managing a fish farm:

  • Feeding and caring for the fish: Proper feeding and care are crucial to the health and growth of your fish. Fish need a balanced diet that provides the necessary nutrients for growth and development. Feeding schedules and amounts will depend on the species of fish and their age and size. In addition to feeding, fish farmers must also monitor the water quality in their ponds or tanks, maintain appropriate water temperature and pH levels, and ensure adequate aeration and oxygenation.
  • Monitoring water quality and managing disease outbreaks: Maintaining high water quality is essential to prevent diseases and promote fish health. Fish farmers should regularly test their water quality and monitor for signs of disease outbreaks. Common fish diseases in Kenya include bacterial infections, parasites, and viral diseases. It’s important to have a plan in place to manage disease outbreaks, including isolation and treatment of infected fish.
  • Harvesting and processing the fish: Once the fish have reached the desired size and maturity, they can be harvested and processed for sale. Harvesting methods will depend on the species of fish and the size of the farm. Fish can be harvested either by draining the pond or tank or by using a net to catch the fish. Once harvested, the fish must be processed, which may involve cleaning, gutting, and filleting the fish, depending on market demands.
  • Marketing and selling the fish: Finally, fish farmers must market and sell their fish to make a profit. This may involve selling directly to local markets or restaurants or working with wholesalers or distributors. It’s important to understand market demands and prices to ensure profitability. Developing a strong brand and reputation for quality fish can also help attract customers and build a loyal customer base.

Overall, managing a fish farm requires careful attention to detail and a willingness to adapt to changing conditions. By feeding and caring for your fish, monitoring water quality, managing disease outbreaks, harvesting and processing fish, and marketing and selling your product effectively, you can create a successful and sustainable fish farming business in Kenya.

How to feed your fish and where to source your fish feeds in Kenya

Feeding your fish is a critical aspect of fish farming, and it is essential to ensure that the fish are getting a balanced diet for optimal growth and health. In Kenya, there are several options for sourcing fish feeds, including commercial feeds and locally sourced ingredients. Here is an overview of how to feed your fish and where to source fish feeds in Kenya.

  • Determine the nutritional requirements of your fish: Different fish species have varying nutritional requirements, and it is essential to ensure that you are feeding your fish a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs.
  • Choose the right type of feed: There are different types of fish feeds available, including pellets, flakes, and crumbles. It is essential to choose the right type of feed based on the size and species of your fish.
  • Feed the fish regularly: Fish should be fed small amounts of food several times a day. Overfeeding can lead to water pollution and health problems for the fish.
  • Monitor the fish’s behavior: Observing the fish’s behavior can help determine if they are getting enough food. If the fish are constantly swimming to the surface or seem agitated, they may not be getting enough food.
  • Commercial fish feeds: There are several commercial fish feed manufacturers in Kenya that produce high-quality feeds for different fish species. These feeds are formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of the fish and are available in different sizes and types.
  • Locally sourced ingredients: Fish farmers can also source feed ingredients locally and mix their own fish feeds. Common ingredients include maize, soybean meal, wheat bran, and fishmeal. These ingredients can be purchased from local markets or feed stores.
  • Online stores: Some companies offer online sales of fish feeds, making it easy for farmers to order and receive their feeds without having to travel to the store.

In conclusion, feeding your fish a balanced diet is critical to their growth and health. Choosing the right type of feed and feeding the fish regularly is important to ensure that they are getting enough food. In Kenya, there are several options for sourcing fish feeds, including commercial feeds and locally sourced ingredients. Fish farmers can choose the option that best suits their needs and budget to ensure that their fish are getting the nutrition they need for optimal growth and health.

Here are some strategies for marketing and selling tilapia and catfish in Kenya to maximize profits:

  • Identify your target market: Before you start selling your fish, it’s important to identify your target market. This may include local restaurants, fish markets, or individual consumers. Understanding your target market will help you tailor your marketing and sales strategies to their specific needs and preferences.
  • Build a strong brand: Developing a strong brand for your fish can help differentiate your product from competitors and attract loyal customers. This may include developing a unique brand name and logo, creating attractive packaging, and emphasizing the quality and sustainability of your product.
  • Offer competitive pricing: Pricing your fish competitively is important to attract customers and maximize profits. Research market prices for tilapia and catfish in your area and price your product accordingly. Offering discounts for bulk purchases or repeat customers can also help increase sales.
  • Utilize social media and online platforms: Social media and online platforms can be powerful marketing tools for fish farmers in Kenya. Consider creating a website or social media pages to showcase your product and attract customers. You can also use these platforms to share information about your farm and the sustainability practices you use.
  • Attend local markets and agricultural events: Attending local markets and events can be a great way to showcase your product and connect with potential customers. Consider setting up a booth at local farmers’ markets or attending food festivals and events to promote your fish.
  • Develop partnerships with restaurants and wholesalers: Developing partnerships with local restaurants and wholesalers can provide a reliable source of income for your fish farm. Consider reaching out to local restaurants or wholesalers to establish relationships and negotiate pricing and terms.

fish selling business plan in kenya

By implementing these strategies, you can successfully market and sell your tilapia and catfish in Kenya and maximize profits for your fish farming business.

V. Scaling and Expanding the Business

Once the fish farming business is up and running, it is essential to scale and expand to increase profitability and competitiveness. This section outlines some critical aspects to consider when scaling and expanding the business.

One way to scale and expand the fish farming business is to reinvest profits back into the business. This can include expanding the size of the fish farm, improving infrastructure, purchasing new equipment, and increasing production capacity. It is essential to carefully plan and manage the expansion to ensure that it is financially viable and sustainable.

Another way to scale and expand the fish farming business is to develop new product lines and diversify the business. For example, the business can start producing fish feeds, fingerlings, and other inputs for the fish farming industry. Alternatively, the business can diversify into related sectors such as poultry farming or agribusiness. Diversification can help spread risks, increase revenue streams, and create new opportunities for growth.

As the fish farming business grows, it becomes necessary to hire and train employees to help run the business. This can include hiring farm managers, technicians, and sales representatives. It is important to hire qualified and experienced staff who understand the fish farming industry and can help the business achieve its goals. Providing training and development opportunities can help improve staff skills and increase productivity.

In conclusion, scaling and expanding the fish farming business is essential for long-term success and profitability. Reinvesting profits, developing new product lines, diversifying the business, and hiring and training employees are critical aspects to consider when scaling and expanding the business. It is important to plan and manage the expansion carefully to ensure that it is financially viable and sustainable.

VI. Challenges and Risks

Fish farming, like any other business venture, is not without its challenges and risks. This section outlines some common challenges and risks associated with fish farming and strategies for mitigating and managing them.

Identifying common challenges and risks in fish farming:

Some common challenges and risks in fish farming include disease outbreaks, poor water quality, theft, market fluctuations, and adverse weather conditions such as droughts and floods. These challenges can have significant financial implications and can threaten the viability of the business.

There are several strategies that fish farmers can use to mitigate and manage risks in their operations. These include:

  • Conducting regular water quality tests and monitoring for disease outbreaks to identify and address problems early.
  • Investing in high-quality equipment and infrastructure to prevent theft and vandalism.
  • Diversifying the fish species and products to reduce the impact of market fluctuations.
  • Maintaining an emergency fund to help manage unexpected events and emergencies.
  • Purchasing insurance to protect against unforeseen events such as natural disasters or crop failures.

Despite the best-laid plans, unforeseen circumstances and emergencies can still occur. It is essential to prepare for these events by creating an emergency plan that outlines what to do in the event of a crisis. This plan should include contact information for emergency services, procedures for evacuating the fish farm, and backup plans for essential equipment and infrastructure.

In conclusion, fish farming is not without its challenges and risks, but there are strategies that fish farmers can use to mitigate and manage these risks. Regular monitoring, high-quality equipment and infrastructure, diversification, emergency funds, and insurance can help reduce the impact of challenges and risks. Preparing for emergencies by creating an emergency plan is also essential to help ensure the continuity of the business in the event of a crisis.

This article has provided an overview of fish farming in Kenya and the steps involved in starting and running a profitable fish farming business. Here is a summary of the key takeaways from the article:

  • Fish farming is a profitable and viable business in Kenya that can provide employment opportunities and contribute to food security.
  • Conducting market research, choosing a suitable location, identifying the fish species to farm, and calculating startup costs are essential steps in starting a fish farming business.
  • Building and managing a pond, selecting and stocking fish, feeding and caring for fish, and marketing and selling fish are critical aspects of running a successful fish farming business.
  • Reinvesting profits, developing new product lines, diversifying the business, and hiring and training employees are important steps in scaling and expanding a fish farming business.
  • Identifying common challenges and risks, strategies for mitigating and managing risks, and preparing for unforeseen circumstances and emergencies are critical aspects of managing a successful fish farming business.

In conclusion, starting and running a profitable fish farming business in Kenya requires careful planning, hard work, and dedication. However, the rewards of running a successful fish farming business can be significant, including financial stability, employment opportunities, and contributing to food security. With the resources and encouragement provided in this manual, aspiring fish farmers in Kenya can embark on a successful and rewarding business venture.

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Empowering Ambitions, Cultivating Success: Graduate Farmer is dedicated to inspiring and equipping young men and women with practical solutions to kickstart and thrive in profitable agribusiness ventures across Kenya.

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very insightful. I have learnt a lot as an upcoming fish farmer

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Fish Farming

Fish Farming

Business Idea Overview

Estimated Income

KSh 5,000 - KSh 20,000/week

Startup Costs

KSh 50,000 - KSh 200,000


Needs Some Training No Degree Needed


Fish farming, also known as aquaculture, is a burgeoning business opportunity in Kenya that offers numerous advantages and opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors. Kenya’s rich water resources, diverse climate, and growing demand for fish protein make it an ideal location for fish farming.

Here is an overview of fish farming in Kenya as a business idea:

Favorable Climatic and Geographic Conditions

Kenya boasts a varied climate and geography, which allows for fish farming in various regions. You can find suitable conditions for fish farming in highland areas with cool temperatures, as well as lowland areas with warmer climates. This diversity enables the cultivation of different fish species, catering to a wide range of markets.

Growing Demand for Fish

The demand for fish in Kenya is on the rise due to the increasing population and changing dietary preferences. Fish is a vital source of affordable animal protein, making it a staple food for many Kenyans. As a result, there is a consistent and growing market for fish products.

Export Potential

Kenya’s fish farming industry has been expanding, and there is significant potential to export fish and fish products to international markets. High-quality fish, particularly tilapia and catfish, are sought after in international markets, presenting an opportunity for businesses to tap into foreign demand.

Varieties of Fish Species

Kenya offers a wide range of fish species suitable for farming, including tilapia, catfish, trout, and ornamental fish. The choice of species depends on the climate and market preferences in your chosen location.

Government Support

The Kenyan government has implemented policies and initiatives to support the growth of the aquaculture industry. This includes funding programs, training, and the promotion of sustainable practices, which can help entrepreneurs get started in the sector.

Sustainable Farming Practices

Fish farming in Kenya can be done using sustainable and environmentally friendly methods. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and pond culture are popular methods that reduce water usage and promote eco-friendly practices.

Income Diversification

Fish farming can serve as a means of income diversification for farmers, reducing their dependence on traditional crops or livestock. This can be particularly valuable in regions prone to drought or other agricultural challenges.

Challenges and Considerations

While fish farming in Kenya has substantial potential, it’s important to consider the challenges, including disease management, water quality, and market competition. Implementing good farm management practices and staying informed about industry developments are crucial for success.

How to Start Fish Farming in Kenya

Starting a fish farming business in Kenya involves several key steps to ensure a successful venture. Here is a detailed overview of the steps you should follow:

1. Market Research:

Conduct thorough market research to understand the demand for fish products in your target area. Identify the specific fish species that are in demand and the preferences of potential customers. Analyze the competition and pricing in the local market.

2. Business Plan:

Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your goals, budget, and operations. Include financial projections, resource requirements, and a timeline for your fish farming venture. A well-structured business plan will be essential for obtaining financing and setting clear objectives.

3. Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

Familiarize yourself with the legal and regulatory requirements for fish farming in Kenya. You may need permits, licenses, and compliance with environmental and health regulations. Ensure that your fish farming operation adheres to these requirements to avoid legal issues.

4. Site Selection:

Choose a suitable location for your fish farm. Consider factors such as proximity to water sources, access to transportation, availability of electricity, and the local climate. Ensure that the site meets the specific needs of the fish species you plan to cultivate.

5. Farm Infrastructure and Equipment:

Invest in the necessary infrastructure and equipment. This may include fish ponds or tanks, water supply systems, aeration systems, and biosecurity measures. The choice of infrastructure will depend on the scale of your operation and the fish species you plan to raise.

6. Species Selection:

Select the appropriate fish species for your farm based on market demand and the local climate. Common species for fish farming in Kenya include tilapia, catfish, trout, and ornamental fish. Ensure that you understand the specific requirements and behavior of your chosen species.

7. Stocking and Feeding:

Source high-quality fingerlings (young fish) from reputable suppliers. Develop a feeding plan that meets the nutritional needs of your fish species. Proper nutrition is crucial for growth and overall fish health.

8. Farm Management and Water Quality:

Implement good farm management practices to maintain water quality, monitor water parameters (e.g., temperature, pH, oxygen levels), and prevent disease outbreaks. Regularly inspect and maintain your equipment and infrastructure.

9. Disease Management:

Learn about common fish diseases and how to prevent and manage them. Implement biosecurity measures to minimize the risk of disease transmission on your farm. Seek advice from experts or extension services if needed.

10. Harvesting and Marketing:

Plan your harvesting schedule based on the growth rate of your fish. Develop marketing strategies to sell your fish products. This may include selling directly to local consumers, wholesalers, or even exploring export opportunities.

11. Financing and Funding:

Determine your initial investment needs and explore financing options. You can seek support from government agricultural programs, agricultural banks, or investors. Your well-structured business plan will be crucial in securing financing.

12. Training and Knowledge Acquisition:

Acquire the necessary knowledge and skills through training and workshops. Attend agricultural extension programs or seek advice from experienced fish farmers. Continuous learning and staying updated on industry best practices are essential.

13. Record Keeping:

Maintain detailed records of your farm operations, including expenses, production, and sales. These records will help you track the performance of your fish farm and make informed decisions.

The Bottom Line

Fish farming in Kenya presents a promising business idea with the potential for growth, profitability, and sustainability. Entrepreneurs looking to invest in this sector should conduct thorough market research, acquire the necessary skills, and explore the available government and industry support to maximize their chances of success in the thriving Kenyan aquaculture industry.

Fish Farming

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Kenyan entrepreneur aims to set fish farmers up for success, david okech okech’s aquarech app brings technology, feed access and financing to a fish farming sector in need of structure.

catfish farming

As a fish farmer in Victoria, Kenya, until 2016, David Okech Okech was all too familiar with the many challenges he and the other 49,000 small-scale fish farmers in the region were facing.

“We couldn’t access top-quality feeds, there was no proper market for our fish produce, we needed technical support that we weren’t getting and there wasn’t any financing we could access,” he told the Advocate .

Farmers in rural areas of the country were relegated to using backyard-produced, non-pelleted, sinking mashfeed.

“When you get it to the fish it just sinks to the bottom and causes pollution. The fish consume only 60 percent of it,” he said. What’s more, the uncooked feed is not easily digestible, causing slower growth that extends the production period to 13 months.

fish selling business plan in kenya

And finally, when it came time to harvest, Okech and other farmers relied heavily on farmgate sales that left them vulnerable to trader negotiations.

“With no cold storage facility, you have to take what you can get for your fish, and the price is dependent on what the buyer is willing to pay,” he said. With no proper pricing mechanism and no ability to sell in large volumes, farmers were disadvantaged.

While Okech had the benefit of fish farm production training, his experience was an anomaly. Other farmers lacked the skills to become climate-smart fish farmers, with none of the training in feeding regimes, farm management and data recording that could position them for success. And their farms couldn’t grow without access to credit, which was inaccessible because the banks refused to finance sectors beyond their knowledge. So it was close to impossible for smallholder aquaculture farmers to move from piecemeal to profitable farming.

Determined to solve these problems, Okech founded Aquarech in 2019, a mobile technology developed specifically to bring Kenya’s tilapia farmers, traders and feed companies together. Aquarech tackles multiple issues simultaneously. It purchases quality feed in bulk from international feed mills and stores it in warehouses. When rural farmers place an order, feed is delivered to their doorstep, and the quality feed reduces the production cycle from 10 to 13 months down to eight to 10 months. The app is also used for data management and recording, giving farmers an opportunity to track fish growth, feed consumption and other metrics for the first time ever.

catfish farming

“This allows you to see the growth rate of your fish, the production cost you’re incurring and your profitability, so if you see your cost of feed is very high and your fish aren’t growing, you can harvest earlier and cut your losses,” he said.

Aquarech gives farmers 90 days of feed credit with a product called Buy Now, Pay Later. Okech and his 23-member team are financing this from their own balance sheet and deliver the credit based on the data the farmers are entering into the platform.

“The more quality data they record, the higher the chance of them getting access to credit, which we position as a flexible payment solution,” he explained. “They can pay us back through cash or fish, but our long-term plan is to demonstrate to the banks that they can finance these farmers.”

Aquarech’s agents offer farmers technical support to ensure they know how to use the app. Some 2,000 farmers are using it to date, and further growth is limited only by the company’s access to capital to purchase feed. Okech said that by this August, he will have $2.2 million in commitments from international venture capitalists. This will help Aquarech grow to 10,000 farmers by 2024.

Aquarech also helps its clients move beyond farm gate sales to a more profitable model with less exposure to risk: “We’ve set up facilities so that we can buy in bulk from the farmers, give them a better price for their fish in cash payment, and then take their fish to the market to sell to traders,” he said. The company has a cold storage facility in Kisumu and plans to set up another three. Aquarech, which makes money by putting a markup on every kilogram of fish feed and fish sold on its platform.

catfish farming

Mobile phone penetration in Kenya is at 95 percent, while internet penetration is at 60 percent, Okech said. So most farmers have phone access to use the Aquarech app. He believes the services Aquarech provides will transform food systems in the country.

“Our game plan to reach and scale across Kenya and into sub-Saharan Africa is to work with feed manufacturers who are struggling to reach small-scale, rural farmers, guarantee market access through the fish buy-back system, and partner with financial institutions to leverage data to finance farmers in the aquaculture sector,” he said.

“Aquaculture is the fastest growing agricultural value chain in southern Africa and there is huge potential for Kenya to use its vast water resources to tap into the aquaculture sector, so it’s poised to grow for the next ten years.”

Editor’s Note: We originally reported that Aquarech services catfish farmers, and not tilapia farmers. We sincerely regret the error. 

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Lauren Kramer

Vancouver-based correspondent Lauren Kramer has written about the seafood industry for nearly 20 years.

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Wigmore Trading | Guide to Buying, Exporting and Selling Fish Fillets in Kenya

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The Guide to Buying, Exporting and Selling Fish Fillets in Kenya

Fishing is a key sector in the global food supply chain, directly contributing to the livelihoods of over 200 million people and providing more than one fifth of all global protein intake. Kenya, being an East African country, has all the necessary elements for ‘fishing’ success – lots of fresh water sources and rivers teeming with fish. The country also has a coastline about 2,000 kilometers long that has the potential for commercial fishing activities. However, as per the WorldFish Center report from 2014, only about 2% of Kenyans are involved in aquaculture (or fish farming). That’s why many people think that there isn’t a lot of fishing or fish processing happening in Kenya. However, this is far from true. There are several small-scale fish processing companies operating in the country right now. Also, we have seen an increase in demand for locally caught fish fillets over the past few years. Furthermore, there’s been a great response to our request to write this article on buying, exporting and selling fish fillets in Kenya. As such, we have compiled all relevant information to help you understand how fish processing works and what you need to do if you want to get involved in this lucrative industry.

What is fish processing?

Fish processing is the process of turning raw fish into a commercial product. It involves catching, cleaning, processing, packaging, and distributing fish products. Fish processing is an important part of the fishing industry. Fish processing companies employ workers to do everything from catching the fish to packaging the finished product for shipment. The fish are usually cleaned, cut, and packaged at the company’s processing plant. Many fish processors also make fish meal, fish oil, or other fish products that are used as feed for farm animals or as fertilizer. Fish are usually caught in nets or with fishing gear that is dragged behind a boat. Fishnets, trawls, and fish traps are used for catching different species of fish in different places and at different times of the year. Fishing gear is used to catch fish in shallow water where nets are not practical. Fish are often caught from boats that are fitted with special nets or hooks.

Why buy, export and sell fish fillets?

As a buyer, you can be assured that you are supporting the local economy and creating employment in the region where you operate your business. A large portion of the Kenyan population earns their livelihood from fishing. It is, therefore, a very important industry for the country. Fish processing companies process raw fish that is caught by fishermen. They buy the fish as fresh as possible and process it into high-quality products such as frozen fish fillets that can be sold and eaten in different markets. Fish processing companies employ people directly and indirectly. This means that they hire people to do the processing and others to manage the fish plants and sell the products. After processing the fish, the companies sell them in different markets such as supermarkets and food processing industries.

Exporting fish to other countries

Fish processing companies that process fish for export are required to obtain a Fish for Exportation Certificate (FFEC). Exporting fish fillets is a difficult task and requires lots of investment and knowledge of the industry. It’s also important to have a good distribution network and a customer base in order to reach out to potential clients. Exporting frozen fish fillets to EU markets is a very challenging task. For this, you’ll need to meet the EU’s high standards and work with a trusted European trading partner.

Selling your business to a larger company

You can sell your business to a larger company if you think you have reached a stage where you can’t grow your business further without putting in more money and effort. You can expect to make a good profit if you sell your business to a larger company. Selling your business to a larger company will help you exit from the business and get an immediate return from your investment. Larger companies might want to acquire your business because they want to expand their operations in your region and will be looking for ways to do so.

Selling your business to another company in Kenya

Selling your business to another company in Kenya can be a good option when you want to exit from your business but don’t want to sell it to a larger company. You can sell your business to another company in Kenya if you find a company that is interested in your business and its products. In this scenario, your business will continue to operate as usual. The only difference will be that the new owners will manage the business and will be responsible for paying you the agreed amount.

Buying a fish processing business in Kenya

If you want to start a fish processing business and don’t want to invest in building a new plant from scratch, you can buy an existing business. Buying an existing business will save you a lot of time. You won’t have to start from scratch and go through the process of building a new plant from the ground up. Buying an existing business will also save you a lot of money since you won’t have to invest in building a brand-new plant.

Fish processing is an important part of the fishing industry. If you’re interested in fishing, you should also look into fish processing. And if you want to get involved in the fish processing industry, you need to know more about it. If you want to buy, export and sell fish fillets in Kenya, you need to know what fish processing is and how it works. You also need to know what you need to do in order to get involved in this lucrative industry. We hope you have found this article helpful.

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Fish Business in Kenya

Jakub Borowiec

Kenya is home to distinct geographic and climate regions, and resources such as the Indian Ocean coastline, large rivers, and Lake Victoria, which is the largest freshwater lake in the continent. These resources contribute to the abundance of an array of aquatic species in Kenya, and this favors both the large and small-scale fish farming in Kenya.

The fish farming business has become a major source of income for several Kenyan households. There are numerous fish farms across the country which were established for commercial purposes. 

The market value and the demand for fish in Kenya is always high. The fish business is very profitable in Nairobi. There are several people in Nairobi, who have doctor’s orders not to eat red meat. These people have resorted to eating fish or chicken, and because of these people, the demand for fish is high. 

Some areas in Nairobi that are perfect for a fish business include: 

  • Ngara. 

Your fish business will also thrive in the Nairobi city center, especially at the city market, and the Muthurwa Market.

Fish is a perishable good, so it needs to be kept in a fridge for it to stay fresh for a long time. The average cost of getting a fridge in Kenya is about Ksh. 20,000. 

The average cost of starting a fish business in Kenya is about Ksh. 40,000. If your fish business is located somewhere in Nairobi, you will make a lot of profit. You can make a profit of Ksh. 3,000 to Ksh. 8,000, if your fresh shop is in Nairobi.

Selling Fried Fish Business in Kenya

A person who owns a fish business can start selling fried fish. Adding fried fish to your products is a great way to attract customers to your fish business. Selling fried fish can also get you more profits.

Where to Sell Fish in Kenya

Some of the best places to sell fish in Kenya are located in Nairobi. Places like:

You can also sell your fish at the Nairobi city center, especially at the city market, and the Muthurwa Market.

How to Start a Fish Business in Kenya

Starting a fish farming business in Kenya gives you a promising future. The first thing you need to do is pick a good location. You need to consider if you’re in a suitable area for a fish business. It is important that you are also in compliance with the state and local laws. 

When choosing a location for your fish business, you have to consider space. You will need enough space for your office, inventory storage, staff, and a place for equipment storage. 

Once you have decided the location that you have chosen is a suitable place for you to start your fish business, then you can move onto the next step in starting your fish business in Kenya. 

You will need to learn as much as you can about the fish business in Kenya. You can visit several fish farms, or you can find your resources online. There are numerous websites that talk about everything you need to know about aquaculture. You should learn about the pros and cons of the fish business in Kenya.

If you are looking forward to starting a small or large business, you need to save up money for your start-up capital. It will be good for you if you start small if you do not have a lot of experience in the industry. You can always ask other experienced fish farming business owners for advice.

A partnership business has many benefits. You can raise more funds faster if you have a partnership business. You should consider asking a friend who has more experience in the industry to be your partner. 

In a partnership business, you share liabilities. If you do not have enough funds for your fish farming business, you can apply for a business loan, but if you do not qualify for a business loan, you can raise funds for your business in some other ways. Some other ways you can earn more money for your business are:

  • Selling your valuables. 
  • Asking your friends or relatives.
  • Government funding.
  • Borrowing against your property.

The next step is advertising and selling your products. Your marketing success depends on how active you are in informing your target audience about your new business. Having a good connection with local businesses will be helpful. There are several ways to advertise your fish farm at a very low cost. Some ways you can advertise your fish farming business are:

  • Using social media platforms.
  • Forms of media like newspapers, a local radio station, flyers, etc.

You can place your farm on a busy road and place signage where people can see it. The signage should inform people about your fish business, its products, and services.

Some benefits of starting a fish farming business in Kenya are:

  • You will barely have difficult times since the climate and geographical conditions of Kenya are perfect for fish farming activities.
  • Kenya has a lot of different fish species. Hence, you can choose from the most profitable species.
  • Kenya always has a high demand for fish and fish products. This means that your fish can fetch good market prices.
  • The fish farming business is a good source of income considering the current high rate of unemployment in Kenya.

fishing in Kenya

Fish Farming in Kenya Business Plan

Before you start any business, you will need a well-detailed plan. Your fish farming business plan should contain all the necessary information about your company structure, your budgets, and expenses, anticipated investments and the expected return on your investment. 

You should take your time to consider all the possible expenses and be sure to include them in your fish farming business plan. Determine the things you will require for your fish farming business, like the number of staff, the equipment, and supplies, funds, and other things. 

You will need your fish farming business plan to register your business, either as a corporation or a proprietorship. A well-detailed business plan will help you get more investors and partners. You can use your fish farming business plan to apply for loans and government grants. 

It is advisable to contact a business attorney or consultant to help you with acquiring the necessary permits and paperwork. 

A fish farming business is a very profitable business in Kenya. The market value and the demand for fish in Kenya is always high. Fish farms in Kenya have made a significant contribution to the economy and the nutritional demands of the country.

Jakub Borowiec

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Strengthening the aquaculture ecosystem in Kenya

fish selling business plan in kenya

If you're looking to start your own fish farm, or increase your fish production, please visit our fish farmers' resource centre.

The problem

Demand for fish in Kenya is increasing rapidly due to population growth, rising disposable incomes and increased awareness about the nutritional benefits of fish. But the country’s wild fisheries are struggling to meet demand.

Despite being fraught with impediments in policy and market systems development, the Kenyan aquaculture industry has the potential to fill the existing supply gap and spur socio-economic development by increasing employment opportunities and boosting incomes for fish farmers.

Farm Africa has been actively implementing aquaculture projects since 2011, initially setting up a  network of aqua shops  to help disseminate high quality equipment and inputs; promoting the adoption of aquaculture best practices for improved production, as well as strengthening market systems and the policy environment so that farmers can turn their ponds into profitable enterprises.

What are we doing?

Strengthening the Aquaculture Ecosystem in Kenya project (SAEK) aims to build a resilient and inclusive aquaculture environment that will promote economic justice for smallholder farmers.  This will be done through knowledge sharing in market systems, business development and finance, as well as lobbying for enabling policies that will help farmers to build successful businesses by capitalising on the rising demand for fish.

The programme will strengthen the Aquaculture Association of Kenya’s (AAK) capacity to push for enabling reforms at both the county and national levels, and also support the Cage Culture Association of Kenya (CCAK) to advocate for a clear self-regulatory framework that will ensure environmental sustainability.

Aquaculture research publications and videos

Explore Farm Africa's collection of aquaculture research and policy products

Who are we working with?

Farm Africa is implementing the programme in partnership with Echo Network Africa (ENA), Kenya Female Advisory Organisation (KEFEADO), The Aquaculture Association of Kenya (AAK), County Governments of Kakamega, Busia, Homa Bay, Siaya and Vihiga, State Department of Fisheries and Blue Economy, Victory Farms and Rio Holdings.

SAEK is co-funded by Open Society Foundations (OSF) over a period of two years. The project will intervene in Kakamega, Busia, Homa Bay, Siaya and Vihiga counties.

For more information on our fish farming projects in Kenya, see our  Kenya Market-led Aquaculture Programme that ran from 2016 until 2019. 

fish selling business plan in kenya

Farm Africa shares lessons generated from our Kenya Market-led Aquaculture Programme in this 2019 guide to profitable fish farming. 

Read pp 4-5 of Biovision Africa Trust's Organic Farmer magazine for advice from Elkanah Isaboke and Farm Africa's Teddy Nyanapah on how to establish a catfish pond, choose and feed fingerlings, and the different systems you can adopt.

Project latest

Pilot project boosted Kenyan fish farmers' production and adoption of high-quality inputs

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Agri Business

Fish Farming In Kenya – Business Plan

Table of contents, selecting land area for fish farming in kenya, selecting perfect species for fish farming in kenya, benefits of commercial fish farming in kenya, methods of fish farming in kenya, water quality for fish farming in kenya, improved fish rearing technologies in kenya, fish farming in kenya through fish ponds, practices or systems of fish culture in kenya, fish feed production in kenya, the necessity of making fish feed by farmers, priority of floating fish feed, categories of fish found in kenya, tips to start a fish farming in kenya, fish farming business planning in kenya, opportunities for aquaculture investment in kenya.

Fish Farming in Kenya

Fish farming is a profitable business idea in Kenya. Aquaculture plays an important role in the provision of food, livelihood, and source of income in 3rd world countries including Kenya. The country is home to distinct geographic and climatic regions and resources like large rivers, the Indian Ocean coastline, swamps, and Lake Victoria, the largest freshwater lake on the continent.  Therefore, a commercial fish farming business is profitable in Kenya.

Kenya takes different forms of aquaculture ranging from the ‘kitchen ponds’, to fairly large earth ponds of about 1000 m2. Dams and other impoundments of stored water are stocked with fish and then harvested periodically. Aquaculture system practices include intensive, semi-intensive, and extensive systems. Tin Kenya, the semi-intensive systems form the bulk of aquaculture production, contributing more than 70% of the total production from aquaculture. Intensive systems are few in Kenya, while hyper-intensive systems are being set up and are projected to contribute as much as 90% of all farmed fish in Kenya by both volume and value.

Currently, fish farming in Kenya has a source of income for several Kenyan households and turned out to be a key economic activity. In Kenya, some farmers practice this productive economic activity for its profits, and others are doing it for family consumption.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Fish Farming in Kenya , Fish Farming Business Plan

Guide to Fish Farming in Kenya

In Kenya, aquaculture sector growth is occasioned by the adoption of scientifically proven practices and rising demands for fish aquatic protein. Some of the measures that the Government is planning to support fish farming business in both public and private sector initiatives are;

  • Providing basic infrastructure for aquaculture development for example roads, electricity to fish farming areas, water, schools, hospitals, and telecommunication and radio network systems.
  • It creating a legal framework and policies for aquaculture development.
  • Encouraging research and development for the aquaculture system.
  • Developing monitoring and evaluation systems.
  • Providing land for aquaculture development.
  • Implementing policies for commercialization activities in the fisheries sub-sector.
  • By involving the communities and stakeholders in the process of policy formulation and implementation.
  • Encouraging the private sector to drive the aquaculture sector growth.
  • By creating private-public partnerships in service provision through dialogue and joint programs.

Selecting a suitable area for fish farming is very important. Earthen ponds are very suitable and it is mostly used culture units in Kenya for commercial fish production. Consider the below tips while selecting lands for fish farming in Kenya;

  • Try to choose which is relatively level. Normally, a slope of about 1% is ideal. Steeply sloped lands are not suitable for building ponds for rearing fish.
  • Select the area by keeping in mind your plans.
  • Avoid flooding and polluted areas. Find out who owns adjacent and uphill land, how they use the land, and what chemicals like including fertilizers and pesticides they use.
  • The selected land should be slightly lower than the water source, so the fish ponds can be filled by gravity. The larger the surface area is the better in most cases.
  • If the selected land for fish raising becomes slightly lower than the water source. Then, this will help you to fill the pond by gravity rather than by pumping.
  • Ensure availability of a great water source such as streams, lakes, rivers, and springs, etc., near the land. The quality and quantity of water play a vital role in better fish production.
  • Determining the quality of soil also very important for fish farming. Soil with good quality ensures maximum production. So, the soil of the selected land area should have to good enough for fish culture. Rocky, sandy, or gravelly soil is not suitable for constructing a fish pond. Generally, soil with at least 20% of clay is suitable for holding water and constructing a fish pond. Though, after constructing the pond apply necessary fertilizers for making the soil suitable enough for fish farming in Kenya.
  • Suitable transportation systems are important for fish marketing and buying necessary materials from the market.
  • A market near the farming land is important for fish production. Transporting the fish so far for marketing will reduce the price and quality of fish and also increase the cost. Therefore, select land from where you can easily market your products.

For selecting proper fish species, it is also important to select a good site and well-constructed pond and other good facilities. Tilapia fish has huge demands among all the fish species available in Kenya.

Almost all people in Kenya prefer tilapia fish. Some other fish species you can start culturing that have great demands in the Kenya market are African catfish, common carp, trout, and carp fish types, goldfish, and koi fish, etc. You should follow some tips while selecting the perfect fish species for fish farming in Kenya.

  • Select fish species that have great demands in the local market.
  • Choose the species that grow faster and more profitable for commercial production.
  • The species can easily maintain and also grows well in local weather and climate.
  • Consider the availability of necessary foods for the fish species.
  • Carefully select fish species that grow well and take less time to reach marketing weight.

In Kenya, Tilapine fish species form approximately 90% of farmed fish. Some exotic fish species, including the common carp, rainbow trout, and largemouth bass, have been introduced in Kenya for aquaculture purposes. The common carp was introduced during the colonial period but is not favored by the market.

Benefits of Commercial Fish Farming In Kenya

There are many benefits or advantages of fish farming in Kenya. Here are some important benefits of fish farming in Kenya are listed below;

  • The climate and geographical conditions of Kenya are ideal for the economic activity of raising fishes. Kenya has an array of fish species hence you can select the most profitable ones.
  • Generally, Kenya has a high demand for fish products, so fish will fetch good market prices. You can opt to use some of the fish for consumption and you can earn and at the same time meet your daily nutritional demands.
  • The practice can be a good source of income for many people considering the current high rate of unemployment experienced in Kenya. The practice is the right method of exploiting the numerous water resources in the country for economic purposes.
  • The weather and also geographical location of Kenya are suitable for setting up commercial fish farming in Kenya.
  • There are several fish species are available for highly profitable fish farming in Kenya.
  • High demand and price of fish in the market in Kenya.
  • Normally, fish is a great source of food and nutrition.
  • In Kenya, commercial fish Kenya can be a great source of employment for those unemployed people.
  • The unemployed educated people can also start a fish farming business in Kenya. This will make working opportunities and earning livings.
  • Also, commercial fish farming helps for the proper utilizing of water resources of Kenya.
  • By using modern fish farming methods, maximum production is possible. Then, this will make the economy strong and ensure the availability of required nutritious food.

Well, the fish farming business is a venture that traces roots hundreds of years ago. Today, the Fish farming business is not just a part-time activity but rather can be a full-time venture done on a large scale basis requiring full-time participation from the farmer.

Here is a list of the leading fishing farming methods in Kenya;

1. Freshwater pond fishing – This type of fishing technique is characterized by domesticating a particular fish breed in either a natural or artificial pond.

2. Integrated fish farming – This type of fish farming happens when fish farming is done at the same time with crops and even animals in the same water body.

Crops and animals integrated into fish farming. Two major crops used for integrated fish farming in Kenya are;

Then, the most integrated animals during fish farming are;

For example, animals and plants benefit from each other, wastes from ducks and pigs are used by the fish as food. While the fish, ducks, and pigs feed on crops planted in the used water.

3. Brackish water finfish culture – It is also known as coastal aquaculture, brackish water finfish fishing culture is rapidly growing and plays a critical role in providing Kenyans with seafood. The target customers for brackish water finfish culture are hotels and outlets that mostly serve tourists among other foreigners. It has not been embraced widely in Kenya. Then, this is because end products are lobsters, crabs, and shrimps are not widely eaten in the country. This process of fish farming requires good water vessels that can go deep into the sea. Therefore, this is the main reason why this method is unpopular in Kenya.

4. Mariculture fish farming – In simple terms, the mariculture fish farming technique is practicing aquaculture in deep marine environments. It controls the burden of overfishing as they lead to preserving traditional fish.

Water quality is the most important limiting factor in fish rearing and directly affects feed efficiency, growth rate, the fish’s health, and survival. Aquatic life is highly dependent on physical, chemical, and biological factors of water, and playing a substantial role in the biology and physiology of fish.

In case if you miss this: Fish Farming Profit Per Acre In India .

Water Quality for Fish Farming in Kenya

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the important parameters in aquaculture. Maintaining good levels of Dissolved Oxygen in the water is essential for successful fish production. Water quality is an important factor when culturing any aquatic organism. Water quality parameters that are monitored in the aquaculture industry include temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH level, alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, and nitrites.

The common sources of water used for fish farming are surface waters  (streams,  springs,  lakes) and groundwater (wells,  aquifers).  Of these, wells and springs are preferred for their consistently high water quality. The quantity and quality of water must be adequate to support production through seasonal fluctuations.

Some opportunities exist for increased fish production through improved production systems, increased investment in processing, value addition, efficient distribution systems, and expanded market access to regional and international markets. The below activities are proposed;

  • Production of dissemination materials
  • Conduct benchmark or baseline survey
  • Enhance access to fish farming inputs
  • Upscale strategies for proper use of feed ingredients and  containing pollution and complying with food safety requirements
  • Enhance market and marketing opportunities/linkages for fish and fish products

Today, fish farming through fish pond construction is one of the most profitable modern fish farming techniques in Kenya. After selecting a suitable land for fish farming in Kenya, and then it’s time to construct a pond. You have to select a pond design based on the fish species you want to produce.

Each type of fish species needs special types of pond design to grow. After choosing the desired fish species, make a pond that enables your fish to grow happily. A well-designed pond based on the fish species ensures good health and maximum production. Contact your local fishery department to get some suggestions and ideas about fish pond designs that are suitable for each type of fish species.

Farm ponds can provide some advantages that can help smallholders. Then, they provide for water storage, can be used to rear fish and aquatic organisms to be integrated with other farm enterprises, and improve and vary farm family diets.

The three major systems practiced in Kenya are the intensive, semi-intensive, and extensive systems. Extensive farming systems utilize the lowest management levels in aquaculture. Though, fish are stocked in floating cages, earthen ponds, and other water impoundments and left to fend for themselves. Therefore, stocking densities depend on the natural carrying capacity of the environment.

In extensive culture, the fish depend on the organic matter suspended in the water flowing through the cages. Then, stocking densities in the cages depend on the natural productivity of the water.

Semi-intensive farming systems, mostly producing Nile tilapia, have been the major contributor to aquaculture in Kenya, with an average production of about 3 tonnes/ha, contributing more than 70% of the total aquaculture production. Earthen ponds and cages are used as holding units for fish farming culture. The fish ponds are fertilized using both chemical and organic fertilizers in varying proportions to enhance natural productivity.

An intensive aquaculture system is largely used for rainbow trout raceway culture. The contribution of this fish is higher by monetary value than by weight. Other intensive practices involve the use of several types of tanks, and sometimes floating cages, as holding units.

Hyper-intensive tilapia culture has already begun through cage culture and about to be started in ponds as well. This system will soon contribute as much as 90% of all farmed fish in Kenya by both volume and value.

Fish feed is formulated by mixing many raw materials to make a balanced diet. Generally, the utilized feed ingredients for fish production are wheat or rice bran, cottonseed cake, cassava, freshwater shrimp, etc. Fish production has rapidly increased in recent years in Kenya.

Fish feed is important in fish farming. The high-quality fish feed can improve the fish living environment and ensure healthy fish stock growth.

Fish feeds constitute 40 to 50% of the total production costs in aquaculture. The cost of fish feeds is one of the main limiting factors to aquaculture development. Commercial feeds are too expensive for local farmers. To minimize feed costs for fish farming, the use of locally available fish feed ingredients is becoming common in Kenya fish farmers.

In Kenya, little quantity of fish feeds is produced locally. Generally, there are two types of fish feed for fish farming. They are extruded feed and pelleted feed.

Kenya fish farmers are facing one of the biggest challenges that are no efficient and affordable farms are available to make feeds designed for semi-intensive culture systems. In Kenya, farmers have to depend upon natural food in the pond system with some supplementary feeds to increase fish yields. Most of these supplements are cheap and readily available. Though this kind of fish feed cannot bring rich nutrition to fish, and extruded fish feed is more effective for fish growth because high temperature and the high-pressure process can kill the bacterial infections and also makes the pellets easier to digest. So fish farmers must utilize locally available feedstuffs by fish feed machine to feed fish to improve their profits.

There are mainly two categories of fish in Kenya. That is the freshwater and saltwater fish.

1. Freshwater fish type

You want to recognize that Freshwater is found in rivers, some lakes, and large ponds away from the sea. Freshwater bodies have their fish types uniquely adapted to survive in these waters. The below are the type of fish found in Kenya’s freshwater lakes.

List of freshwater fishes in Kenya;

  • Silver cryptid

Freshwater system dominates fish farming in Kenya and divided into;

2. Coldwater culture and warm water culture

Coldwater culture mainly involving the culture of rainbow trout in highland areas. Warm water fish culture involving the culture of Tilapine fishes, common carp, and a variety of ornamental fishes.

Demand for Fish Production in Kenya

The demand for and production of fish in Kenya is high. Kenya borders Lake Victoria has been a source of fish for the region. Though, Lake Victoria’s fish output is declining sharply due to pollution, overfishing, and lack of regulation. Traditionally the declining output is replaced by imported fish. Kenya has excellent conditions to produce local fish production, for the local market when they have the right inputs and knowledge available.

Here is a step-by-step process to follow when delving into this lucrative economic activity.

For fish farming in Kenya, the land should have a reliable water source since the quality and quantity of the water you use impact production.

Construction and design of the fish pond – Ensure that the pond design you choose supports the fish species you intend to produce. The pond must favor the growth of your fish. An ideal fish pond design ensures maximum production and good health of your fish.

Selecting the appropriate fish species – Your choice of a particular fish species is mainly dependent on the farm location, climate, and market. For example, tilapia is known to have a massive demand across the country. You can select fish species that are easy to maintain with your location.

You should provide good quality food to ensure faster fish growth and maximum production. For commercial fish farming, you can go for manufactured supplementary feeds. It is also advisable that you change the water and then examine the water and soul quality regularly. Also, be keen on how you protect your fish from predators and use the proper medicines to keep your fish healthy.

Marketing tips – Fish has a ready and suitable market in Kenya since most Kenyans love the delicacy. Also, fish has a high demand in the international market. Also, you should send your fish straight to the market as soon as possible due to their perishability.

Business planning is very important to both new and established aquaculture enterprises. It also enhances the chances for success by helping you identify and go over avoidable mistakes. The business plan will be helpful when looking for financing because many financial institutions require a workable business plan before providing the financing. For your fish farming business to succeed, you need a business plan.

A business plan is an analysis of the production, market, and financial aspects of the proposed aquaculture enterprise. It consists of;

  • A thought out description of production technologies
  • A well-researched and thought out marketing strategy
  • Be very instrumental when soliciting financing
  • Explain to potential financiers that the aquaculture system is a viable investment worth funding
  • Help the investor to keep on track during the fish farming business
  • To help minimize risks associated with the market, production, and financing

1) Integrated aquaculture – Aquaculture can easily be integrated with conventional crop and livestock farming. The management methods and inputs employed are similar to those that crop and livestock farmers are familiar with. Integration has a lot of benefits for farmers to the production of fish for consumption or sale. It increases efficiency in the use of available production resources for the recirculation of nutrients among different production units.

2) Cage culture – Cage culture can be done in rivers, water reservoirs, lakes, the Indian Ocean, and in the many water reservoirs and pans in the country. The advantage is that more benefits can be generated from such water bodies than currently is, and the technology and the capital input do not have to be overwhelming.

3) Bait culture – There exists a very big market for baitfish for the Nile perch capture industry in Lake Victoria. The method for the culture of the baitfish exists locally among aquaculture experts and many farmers and a large market exists in the Lake region.

4) Ornamental fish culture – Only there are a handful of ornamental fish producers in Kenya. There are great opportunities in ornamental fish culture and there exists a ready market for the products locally, within the East African region, and also outside the region.

5) Declining capture fisheries and the increasing demand for fish products offer great opportunities to producers towards meeting the increasing local and export demand for fisheries products.

6) Integration with livestock farming in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) regions where fish can be stocked in water reservoirs meant for livestock watering.

7) Culture-based fisheries – There exist many water reservoirs in Kenya. These include domestic water reservoirs, livestock watering reservoirs in the ASAL areas, and hydroelectric dams. It mainly involves stocking such reservoirs with appropriate fish species. This can have an overall effect of increasing the fisheries resource base and so food security and incomes to fishers.

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I have 3 Fish Ponds in Busia County,Budalangi. My challenge is water pumping and feed

I would like information on How to actually set up intensive tilapia fish farm in Bungoma. Using RAS and where to actually get equipment in Kenya. Thank you

Actually im a beginner,fish farmer and am well blessed for the right, good and truth information about aquaculture. I will correct many things so that I attain excellent in fish farming. Thanks. In future let me ask for your support in need arise, allow me.

Am well pleased indeed

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Start A Small Ornamental Fish Business In Kenya; Be Your Own Boss

January 12, 2016 Published by: James Keru -->

Ornamental fish business in Kenya is estimated to grow at a steady pace over the next 15 years. However, despite the growing domestic demand, very few of our local entrepreneurs seem to have taken up this idea.

As such, the niche-specific market has had to contend with an under-supply for many years. In fact, the vast majority of ornamental fish sold in Kenya and Africa in general are imported mostly from Israel, Eastern Europe and Far East.

And as we found out during our research, breeding of tropical ornamentals is usually a small-scale business, and there is nothing really complicated or high-tech about it.

You can therefore start your own smallholding today, and begin supplying nearby retail shops with cheaper and high-quality fish without the costs of international transport, customs clearance and the stress to the fish associated with being transported for many hours.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can produce better fish quality than the imported stock and how you can make money out of it.

Ornamental Fish Farming in Kenya

Step 1: Getting Started

First you will need to find a suitable location for your venture. An ideal ground is one that has adequate supply of water, preferably located in an environment that is neither too hot nor too cold (23 degrees to 28 degrees temperature is recommended).

As such most of Nairobi, Central Kenya, Central Rift, Western, Nyanza and Coast would be ideal places to begin your search for land. Learn more here.

Step 2: Build a Pond

An example of ornamental fish pond. Source: Youtube.

A typical liner pond costs about Ksh30,000 to construct. The size of the pond will depend on the number of fish you want to keep. For instance, a 250ft X 250ft pond is adequate for 3000 ornamental fish.

You can seek help from the National Aquaculture Research Development and Training Centre in Sagana Kirinyaga County for additional advice on best practices of ornamental fish farming.

Step 3: Buy Fingerlings

You can start with as few as 60 ornamental fish fingerlings. Small gold fish fingerlings cost Ksh150 (estimate) each, Black Molly cost Ksh400 each and Orandas Ksh500 each. You can mix these three species to provide diversity to your customers.

Step 4: Manage The Farm

Ornamental fish are best fed using flakes and pellets. The water in the pond also needs to be changed at least once every month.

The fish normally reach maturity in 1-2 years, and although they can live up to 20 or more years, as a commercial farmer, you will want to begin exploring the option of selling them as early as possible.

Step 5: Build Aquarium Tanks (Optional)

An example of a simple aquarium tank. Source:Youtube

You can choose to sell your fish directly to people who make aquariums or you can learn the art (of making aquarium boxes) yourself so that you can tap in even more profit. For instance, an empty aquarium box measuring one-and-half square feet currently goes for Ksh10,000.

Step 6: How To Market Your Fish

Ornamental fish are priced per inch. Hence, the longer the fish, the bigger the price tag on it. For instance, a 6 inch gold fish (priced at Ksh150/- per inch) will attract Ksh1,000.

And since an aquarium is a lovely sight to behold that uses minimal electricity power in the house, you can market your product directly to homeowners, commercial offices or even schools.

You can also look up some high-end malls in the city (such as Yaya Center and Sarit Center) for potential market. So, in other words, the market is readily available…you only need to be good at prospecting and pricing.

*Visit the National Aquaculture Research Development and Training Centre or their agents for training and mentorship.

*Consult with farmers who are already in this business to get an idea of the challenges they encounter.

*Consult a few buyers in your area or region to get an idea of the kind of quality they are looking for.

*Don’t overcrowd your fish in the pond (1 inch of fish per 4 litres of water is recommended).

*Don’t add too many new fish into your pond at one time, get a few first and see how they adjust to their new home.

*Don’t use pesticides near your pond, generally maintain high hygiene standards around the fish.

How Much To Invest

Building the pond will cost you about Ksh30,000 and buying new fingerlings will cost you about Ksh20,000. You can start with 60 fish, which if well fed and maintained, can multiply to over 10,000 in a year.

How Much To Expect

If you sell half of the fish (5,000) per year with each fish priced at Ksh500 then you can expect a sale volume of Ksh2,500,000. And since the cost of maintaining a pond isn’t that high, then you can look forward to a pretty decent profit margin of around 80%.

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Kenya’s ambitious island-based tilapia farm

Lake View Fisheries, which is situated on Mfangano Island in Lake Victoria, is ramping up its production and distribution of tilapia to diverse regions across Kenya, despite the unique challenges posed by its remote location.

Lake View Fisheries has various tilapia cages on Lake Victoria, consisting of a combination of 14 HDPE cages and 10 metallic cages

Lake View Fisheries , a locally owned tilapia fish farm nestled on Mfangano Island, is on a mission to uplift economically marginalised communities in the region through aquaculture. Their commitment to progress is evident in the recent installation of a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for tilapia juveniles, which has enabled them to improve fish survival rates.

On the lake, the company has various cages, consisting of a combination of 14 HDPE cages and 10 metallic cages. Among these, there are twelve 10-metre diameter HDPE cages, two 20-metre diameter HDPE cages, and three sizes of metallic cages: 4x4 metres, 5x5 metres, and 6x6 metes. They also have 21 ponds serving various purposes, including broodstock, nursery, and conditioning.

When it comes to stocking densities, the 10-metre diameter HDPE cages can accommodate 30,000 fingerlings each, while the 20-metre diameter HDPE cages can each house 100,000 fingerlings. The 4x4-metre metallic cages are stocked with 8,000 fingerlings, the 5x5-metre metallic cages can hold 10,000 fingerlings, and the 6x6-metre metallic cages can each support 15,000 fingerlings. These fingerlings weigh 5 grams each at the time of their arrival into the cages from the RAS.

When the fingerlings arrive into the cages from the recently installed RAS facility they weigh 5 grams each

Production cycle

Before the installation of the RAS, the fingerlings were grown to 0.3 g in ponds, before being transferred to nursery cages for on-growing, and the company had only one production cycle per year. However, the fingerlings are now grown to 5 g each in the RAS facility and the company is striving to achieve two production cycles a year.

Their current average annual fish production is between 96 and 120 tonnes, while they consistently produce between 300,000 and 500,000 fingerlings per month and are actively working to increase their production to 1 million fingerlings per month by acquiring new broodstock.

The company sells its surplus fingerlings to other farmers across the country, while most of the whole fish sales are conducted through their own outlets.

Lake View has 21 ponds serving various purposes, including broodstock, nursery, and conditioning

"The majority of our fingerlings are distributed to clients across various regions in Kenya. Approximately 90 percent of our sales are concentrated in Homabay, Migori, Siaya County, and the western region. We also serve clients in Kakamega and Vihiga for our grow-out fish and our primary distribution network for these revolves around our six strategically positioned outlets that span from the island to the farm gates, encompassing shops near Sena Beach, Homabay, Awendo, Migori, Mavera, and Suri," explains Millicent Awuor, Lake View’s operations manager and quality assurance expert.

She continues: "We are actively working on expanding our outlet presence, due to the notable increase in demand, as we are at times struggling to keep up with the supply requirements of our outlets. Furthermore, we remain open to exploring new territories, including the Kisumu area."

“Regarding whole fish, we offer processed options where we handle gutting, scale removal, and intestine removal to ensure that the product is ready for consumption,” Awuor adds.

The company is currently on a mission to boost broodstock capacity and achieve a monthly production target of one million fingerlings

Sourcing feed

Lake View’s primary supplier of fish feed is Unga Feeds, although they also occasionally source from other suppliers, such as KMFRI, when necessary. However, the high cost and fluctuation of fish feed prices, compounded by the added transportation costs to their remote location, pose significant challenges.

“We aim to reduce feed costs by promoting soya bean cultivation among local farmers and eventually producing our own feed. We want to get a feed mill to ensure a sustainable source of affordable feed for our operations,” explains Charles Opanga, the company’s project manager.

Other products

In addition to fish, they also produce and sell safe drinking water and ice, which is crucial for preserving and delivering fish to customers.

“We are also actively involved in water production and treatment which we sell to island residents and markets beyond our shores. While we are not presently engaged in bottling, we are actively exploring this avenue, addressing pending issues, and aiming to commence bottling by the end of the year. Additionally, as we deal with fresh fish, it's crucial for us to preserve their freshness until they reach our customers. We therefore generate ice, with approximately 80 percent dedicated to preserving fish during transportation to our clients, many of whom are located off the island. The remaining 20 percent of the ice is available for sale, adding to Lake View's revenue streams,” explains Awuor.

Since Lake View fisheries is located on an island, this can pose logistical challenges due to ferry timings.

“To overcome this, we have set up a cold store on the island to preserve fish before transportation to the mainland. We also provide ice to traders to maintain fish quality. Our main challenge is the cost of energy, as we're not connected to the main grid and have to use generators. We plan to explore green energy options like solar power to reduce costs,” adds Opanga.

Women and youth empowerment

Lake View is committed to fostering gender inclusivity, exemplified by the fact that 60 percent of their workforce are women, and the company is led by a female CEO. They implement role rotations to empower women in roles traditionally perceived as male-dominated, and they also run a graduate training programme designed to offer recent graduates valuable hands-on experience, enabling them to acquire practical skills and establish industry connections.

“We take great pride in having Ms Michelle Mbeo as our CEO and director. Her remarkable track record of achievements in steering the company to success is undeniably motivating. She exemplifies that not only can a woman excel as a CEO and director, but she can also effectively manage all aspects of the business. Her journey inspires all of us, making us believe that one day we can also reach the pinnacle of our careers as CEOs or directors in a company," says Awuor.

"Furthermore, Lake View is a company that actively fosters gender equity and empowers women to grow within the organisation. An excellent example of this is the company's maternity leave policy. Unlike many private companies, Lake View not only offers maternity leave but also ensures job security during this period. Knowing that you can take maternity leave and return to your job with confidence is truly empowering,” Awuor added.

60 percent of Lake View's workforce are women, and the company is led by a female CEO, Ms Michelle Mbeo

Future plans

As the company embarks on its mission to boost broodstock capacity and achieve a monthly production target of one million fingerlings, they are improving incubation systems, expanding broodstock ponds, and planning to scale up their cages on the lake once they reach their projected hatchery output. To achieve these goals, they are actively seeking financial and technical support, focusing on energy, technology, marketing, the use of (and production of) black soldier fly larvae for feeds, and water purification to benefit the broader community.

“At the moment, we have a few key areas where support would greatly benefit us. Firstly, we require financial support to facilitate our expansion plans. Secondly, we are actively seeking technical support, particularly in the fields of marketing and technology. While we possess a solid foundation and knowledge, expertise in implementing advanced technologies like the RAS is crucial. We are also interested in conducting trials involving black soldier fly as part of our effort to reduce feed costs. To do this effectively, we're looking to engage with external experts who excel in BSF research and could help us establish soldier fly trials at our facility," Opanga concludes.

Feed ingredients

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fish selling business plan in kenya

Small Business Trends

How to start a fish farming business.

fish selling business plan in kenya

How To Start Fish Farms: 14 Key Steps

You have a myriad of decisions to make. Beyond deciding whether to operate indoors or outdoors, there are other key choices. What kind of fish should you farm? What type of business will your farmed fish supply – the food industry? Sport angling?

1. Decide on the Fish Species You will Farm

Saltwater – Atlantic Salmon farms are a big niche of the aquaculture industry. Farmed salmon can be grown in cages or net pens that are set into salt water. Bluefin tuna are another popular fish species, also grown in a cage system or net pens, to keep them separate from wild fish.

2. Choose Your Fish Farming Method

3. site selection.

Choose a site that has access to clean water and is suitable for the type of fish farming you plan to do. Consider factors like water source, soil quality, and proximity to markets.

4. Name Your Business

5. create an amazing business plan, 6. handle the legal stuff.

If you’re going to do fish farming outdoors, you need to research any possible environmental impacts and regulations. You could create a negative environmental impact if you pond discharges into a waterway that continues onto another property. Fish can produce a significant amount of waste.

7. Decide on a Location

Pond design is different for different species. Catfish are bottom feeders. Other species, such as carp, lurk near the surface. Other fish inhabit the water depth in between.

8. Water Quality Management

9. acquire all the equipment needed.

Heavy equipment – If you’re operating indoors, this can be as simple as having basic equipment for moving feed from a storage building to the fish growing building. If you’re outdoors, you’ll need heavy equipment that can maintain the inflow and outflow areas of the ponds, even reconstructing areas if needed.

10. Design Your Pond

How many gallons of water are in a pond? If you wanted a pond with a million gallons, it would be 267 feet long, 50 feet wide and 10 feet deep.

11. Fish Health Management

12. create your pond, 13. hire staff, 14. market your fish farm, running fish farms: a complete guide, optimum conditions for raising farmed fish.

The key conditions for effectively raising farmed fish include ample water flow, an abundant supply of oxygen, and plentiful food. It’s critical to maintain a controlled environment that promotes the fish’s growth and health. Ensuring this not only improves the quality of the yield but also enhances the fish’s resistance to diseases. The oxygen level in the water plays a critical role in the fish’s metabolic activities. Furthermore, an appropriate quantity and quality of feed are integral to the fish’s growth and weight gain.

Feeding the Fish

Harvesting the fish, what is a fish farm.

Composite fish culture can be a type of pisciculture. In this type of fish culture, five or six species of fish are grown in the same pond. Pisciculture is part of aquaculture. Aquaculture also includes growing crustaceans and mollusks.

Why You Should Start a Large-Scale Fish Farming Business

Indoor fish farming vs outdoor: which is the best business model.

Indoor Fish FarmingOutdoor Fish Farming
Land RequirementsCan be set up anywhere with enough indoor space. Existing infrastructure like buildings can be used.Requires land with suitable water bodies or the ability to construct them. Already owned land with existing ponds can be used, but these might not always be suitable.
Depth of SystemDepth can be regulated according to the species of fish and farming requirements.Ponds shouldn't be more than 4 to 6 feet deep to facilitate netting of fish. Depth control can be challenging.
Water SupplyRequires a reliable source of fresh water, likely pumped from a well. About 15-20 gallons per minute per surface acre of water is needed.Same as indoor farming, a reliable source of fresh water is required. It should provide 15-20 gallons per minute per surface acre of water.
Impact of Environmental FactorsIndoors, it's easier to control water quality and temperature, providing a more stable environment. This can be especially beneficial for fish like Tilapia that prefer warm water (82-86 F degrees).Outdoor farming is subject to environmental fluctuations, such as temperature changes, storms, and seasonal variations. These factors can impact water quality and temperature, potentially making maintenance more challenging.
RisksPredation and escape of fish are significantly reduced due to the controlled indoor environment.Outdoor farming has an increased risk of fish escaping and becoming invasive. Predation from birds, mammals, and other fish is also a significant risk.
MaintenanceGenerally, indoor systems require more technical knowledge and can be more labor-intensive due to the need to closely monitor and adjust environmental parameters.Outdoor systems, while still needing regular maintenance and monitoring, can be less labor-intensive as some parameters are naturally regulated.

Fish need oxygen, fresh water and food. Whether or not you choose to operate indoors or outdoors depends on your ability to provide those 3 key elements in your chosen location.

In comparing indoor and outdoor fish farming, consider factors like climate control, disease management, and scalability. Indoor systems offer greater control over environmental conditions, reducing the risks of diseases and parasites. However, outdoor systems can be more cost-effective and offer more space for expansion.

How Much Does it Cost to Start Fish Farming?

Costs can also vary depending on the species of fish farmed. Some species require more specialized equipment or feed, impacting the overall startup costs. Additionally, consider the ongoing costs of utilities, labor, feed, and maintenance when budgeting for your fish farm.

Things to Consider Before Starting

Just as with traditional “land” farm crops, conditions in fish farming must be consistently monitored and adjusted as needed throughout the process. This involves checking and regulating water quality parameters like pH, temperature, and oxygen levels. Moreover, keeping an eye on feed quality and quantity is necessary to ensure healthy growth. In addition, regular health check-ups help identify any potential diseases and provide early treatment. Also, note that potential external threats, such as predators or invasive species, need to be managed.

Inflow and Outflow

Disease control, predator control.

Controlling predators is another key aspect of fish farming. Species like ducks and geese can pose problems for fish farms. They are part of the life cycle of several common fish parasites, which can drastically affect the health of the fish. In addition, mammals such as raccoons and bears can pose a threat by treating the farm as an easy source of meals. It’s, therefore vital to have predator control measures in place to protect your investment and ensure the well-being of your fish.

Water Pollution

Space between ponds, environmental concerns.

In summary, starting a fish farming business requires careful planning and consideration of various factors such as the type of fish to farm, the farming method, location, cost, and market demand.

FAQs: Fish Farming

How do i start fish farming.

Securing sufficient capital is crucial, as initial expenses can be significant. Create a detailed business plan that outlines your vision, operational strategy, budget, and projected financials.

What is aquaculture?

It also plays a significant role in preserving endangered species and is increasingly seen as a solution to meeting the global demand for seafood while reducing the strain on wild fisheries.

Is fish farming easy?

How much does a fish farmer make per year.

The income of a fish farmer can vary widely based on factors such as the scale of the operation, the types of fish farmed, and the efficiency of the farming practices. On average, fish farmers in the United States earned between $44,000 and $54,000 annually as of 2021.

What is the most profitable fish to farm?

Can fish farming be green.

Fish farming can certainly be conducted in an environmentally sustainable manner. The key is adopting practices that minimize negative impacts on the environment.

Fish Farming in Kenya: Beginner’s Guide

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By Elijah Ludenyi

Fish farming in Kenya

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 06:02 pm

Fish farming is a type of aquaculture that involves the controlled production of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other aquatic organisms for food or other purposes. Fish farming can be done in different ways, such as using cages, ponds, tanks, or recirculating systems, depending on the available space, resources, and environmental conditions. Fish farming can provide a source of income, food security, and nutrition for people, but it also faces challenges such as environmental impacts, disease outbreaks, and market competition.

Is fish farming profitable in Kenya?

Fish farming is one of the most profitable agribusinesses you can start in Kenya. This is because fish farming requires less capital, especially if you are starting on a small scale. Having a small amount of capital, like 100k, will help set up small fish ponds and buy fingerlings. According to a report shared by Commonwealth Secretariat Dr. George Habib , the fisheries sector also plays a significant role in employment and income generation. During the year 2021, the sector supported a total of 65,000 people directly as fishermen and 70,000 fish farmers with 149,000 stocked fish ponds.

The sector supports about 1.2 million people, directly and indirectly, working as fishermen, traders, processors, suppliers, and merchants of fishing accessories, as well as employees and their dependents. Besides being a rich source of protein, especially for riparian communities, the sector is also important for the preservation of culture, national heritage, and recreational purposes. In 2021, the Total fish production was 163,702 metric tons worth 30.38 billion Kenya shillings. This was an 8.2% increase in production compared to 151,289 tons worth 26.25 billion Kenya shillings landed in 2020. The increase in the value was mainly due to the catches from industrial vessels and the increase in prices for areas with less production based on the demand and supply impacts on the fish price

Cost of Starting a Fish Farm in Kenya

To start a fish farming business with a capital of 100k in Kenya, here is what you can do, according to my expertise:

  • Pond construction : This is the most expensive part of fish farming, as it involves digging, lining, fencing, and plumbing the pond. The cost of pond construction depends on the size, location, and design of the pond. A typical pond size for small-scale fish farming is 300 square meters, which can cost around  Ksh40,000 .
  • Fingerlings : These are young fish that are ready to be stocked in the pond. The choice of fingerlings depends on the type of fish you want to farm, such as tilapia, catfish, or trout. The cost of fingerlings varies depending on the species, size, and quality. A good source of fingerlings is a reputable hatchery or aqua shop. You can expect to pay around  Ksh10,000  for 1000 fingerlings.
  • Feed : This is the main recurring expense of fish farming, as it affects the growth and health of the fish. The type and amount of feed depend on the species, size, and stage of the fish. You can use commercial feed, farm-made feed, or natural feed. Commercial feed is more convenient and balanced, but also more expensive. Farm-made feed is cheaper and can be made from locally available ingredients, such as maize, soybeans, fishmeal, and oil. Natural feed is the cheapest and can be obtained from the pond environment, such as algae, insects, and worms. You can also use a combination of different feeds to optimize the feed conversion ratio. The cost of feed can range from  Ksh20,000 to Ksh40,000  per month, depending on the feed type and quantity.
  • Equipment and tools : These are essential for managing and maintaining the pond and the fish. They include nets, buckets, aerators, water pumps, pipes, hoses, thermometers, pH meters, oxygen meters, and weighing scales. The cost of equipment and tools depends on the quality and quantity. You can expect to spend around  Sh10,000  for basic equipment and tools.
  • Other expenses : These include labor, transportation, electricity, water, taxes, licenses, permits, and marketing. The cost of these expenses depends on the location, size, and scale of the fish farm. You can estimate these expenses to be around  Ksh10,000  per month.

Therefore, the total capital required to start fish farming in Kenya in expense is around  100k , with  50k  for initial investment and  50k  for monthly operating costs. However, this is only a rough estimate and may vary depending on various factors. You should do your own research and consult with experts before starting your fish farming business.

Goat farming in Kenya

Benefits of Fish Farming in Kenya

Kenyan Fish farming comes with a bundle of benefits that are attached to it. Some of these benefits are:

Fishing is a major source of income for many Kenyans. The country’s lakes, rivers, and oceans offer a wide variety of fish. Inland fishing is also popular, with an estimated 2 million people involved in the activity.

The fish farming business is capital intensive and the returns are high. You can make quick profits if you invest in the business. The business also offers you tax breaks which are an added advantage.

The country has a good climate for fish farming; you do not need sophisticated technology to start the business. The fish that you get from the farms are of good quality and can be exported to other countries. Fish farming also provides employment opportunities to many Kenyans.

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Types of Fish Farming in Kenya

There are three main types of fish farming that are practiced in Kenya:

1. Freshwater fish farming involves raising fish in fresh water bodies such as rivers, dams, and lakes. The most common fish species raised in this type of farming are tilapia and catfish.

2. Marine fish farming is done in salt water areas such as the ocean and seas. The most common fish species raised in this type of farming are tuna, salmon, and sea bass.

3. Brackish water fish farming is done in water that has a mixture of fresh and salt water. This type of farming is mostly done near the coast where there is a mix of fresh and salt water. The most common fish species raised in this type of farming are barramundi and murrel.

Space Needed for Fish Farming in Kenya

Once you understand the cost and benefits of fish farming, it’s time to look at the space requirements. The amount of space needed depends on how many fish you want to raise. If you want to start small, a single pond measuring two acres is enough. However, if you’re looking to expand your business, multiple ponds will be required.

Make sure that the area is close to an ample water source and has enough sunlight for the fish. To maximize profits, construct a pond/tanks close together or in channels that allow for easy water flow between them. If you’re lucky enough to have land with natural streams or rivers then you won’t need any artificial water sources.

The other factor to consider when deciding on how much space you need is whether or not there is enough room for storage and handling of feed as well as equipment such as pumps and filters. Make sure all these elements are included before taking the plunge into fish farming in Kenya.

Macadamia farming in Kenya

Feeds for Fish

In order for your fish farming business to be successful, you will need to choose the right kind of feed for your fish. There are a variety of feeds available such as industrial feeds, natural feeds, and home-made feeds. It is important to find a feed that is both affordable and provides the necessary nutrients for your fish.

Industrial feed usually consists of dry pellets which are made from soybean meal, corn gluten meal, wheat, dried blood meal or fishmeal. Natural feeds include kitchen leftover foods such as mashed potatoes and vegetables that can be ground into a paste and given to the fish. Lastly, homemade feeds can be made from a combination of grains, legumes and vegetable matter that have been ground into a paste with water.

It is important to remember that not all types of feed are suitable for all types of fish. Different types of fish require different levels of nutrients in their diet so it is important to research which type of feed is best suited for the type of fish being farmed. Additionally, it is necessary to provide your fish with enough food on a daily basis as inadequate supplies can lead to stunted growth and poor health in the long run.

Market & Nutrients for Fish Farming in Kenya

When it comes to fish farming in Kenya, there are two main components you’ll need to keep your eye on—the market and nutrients.

Let’s start with the market. Finding a reliable buyer is key for any business, and it’s no different when it comes to fish farming. Fortunately, there are ample opportunities in Kenya due to the abundance of markets throughout the country. You can easily find buyers at local markets, online through various platforms, or you can join a fish farmers association for support.

As for nutrients, you’ll need to ensure that your fish have access to the right foods so they can grow healthy and strong. Depending on what type of farming you’re doing, the needed ingredients could range from special feeds to natural sources like phytoplankton and zooplankton. And if you’re looking for additional support, talking with a nutritionist or someone experienced in aquaculture can help get your fish farm off on the right foot.

Huawei pig farming

Pros and Cons for fish farming in kenya

Fish farming in Kenya has many pros and cons. On the plus side, it is a great way to produce fish that can be sold to restaurants, markets, and grocery stores. Fish farming in Kenya is also relatively inexpensive to start up and maintain, making it attractive to small-scale farmers. Additionally, fish farming is an incredibly sustainable practice that can help reduce overfishing and the pollution of local bodies of water.

Unfortunately, there are some significant issues with fish farming in Kenya. For one thing, it requires a considerable amount of space, which can be hard to come by in densely populated areas.

Furthermore, the proper feed has to be purchased for the fish in order for them to grow properly and quickly – something which can be expensive. Finally, stocking too many fish increases the risk of disease transfer and water contamination from waste.

Challenges and Solutions for fish farming in kenya

When it comes to fish farming in Kenya, you’re likely to face certain challenges . These include poor water quality, disease outbreaks, inadequate feed, and lack of skilled labor.

To tackle these issues, it’s important to invest in knowledge and skills training for farmers. Additionally, proper use of fertilizers, pesticides and other inputs can improve water quality and reduce the incidence of disease.

Good quality feed is essential for better production, so use a balanced diet with sources of proteins like soybean meal or fishmeal. Properly managing water temperatures and stocking densities can reduce disease mortality. Finally, make sure you have access to reliable markets for your fish before investing in a farm.

So, over to you: are you convinced of the benefits of fish farming in Kenya? Have you been inspired to take the plunge into this lucrative and sustainable business? If you have any questions, or need any help getting started, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Until next time, happy fish farming.

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Business of Selling Fish and Omena in Nairobi

One of our readers asked, “is business of selling fish profitable in Nairobi?”

We took time to investigate whether fish business is profitable, or is just a risk venture.

We visited several estates within Nairobi, and from what we sampled, the business is extremely profitable.

One seller intimated to us that in a good day, she can make up to Ksh 7,000.The seller is located at City Market Nairobi.

When we visited Kawangware, area dominated by lower and middle class, several fish sellers told us that they won’t miss pocketing Sh 1,000 a day even though there are over 20 fish sellers in the estate.

We established that areas where fish business is most profitable in Nairobi include Embakasi, Gikomba, City Market, Githurai,Kitengela,Kibera,Kahawa ,Rongai,and Thika.In all these places, fish business is thriving.

To start the business,an individual requires a capital of as little as Ksh 10,000;that is if you are selling in an open air market. But if you need a fridge and a room where you will put up the business,Sh 80,000 is enough to start.

You can source the fish from Gikomba, Muthurwa or City Market.But fish from Gikomba market are cheaper.


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  1. How to Start a Profitable Fish Business in Kenya

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  2. How to Start (Fried) Fish Selling Business in Kenya

    The average cost of getting a fridge in Kenya is about Ksh. 20,000. The average cost of starting a fish business in Kenya is about Ksh. 40,000. If your fish business is located somewhere in Nairobi, you will make a lot of profit. You can make a profit of Ksh. 3,000 to Ksh. 8,000, if your fresh shop is in Nairobi.

  3. Fish Market: get a solid business plan (pdf example)

    A business plan is a critical first step before launching any new project, as it provides a framework to help you identify potential risks, set goals and measure progress. It is essential for determining the viability of a fish market. In short, a good business plan will help make sure your fish market is profitable.


    From a November 2019 KMAP market study, the prevailing selling price of fresh fish per kilogram is: West Kenya Central Kenya Tilapia Ksh 225 to 400 Ksh 270 to 400 Catfish Ksh 215-350 Ksh 280-550 PROFITABLE POND FARMING The success of fish farming highly depends on farmers' access to markets and closely

  5. Fish Farming In Kenya

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  6. How to Start a Profitable Fish Business in Kenya

    It contributes to local and global food security by providing a reliable supply of healthy protein. Starting a fish farming business in Kenya is a unique business opportunity for Kenyan entrepreneurs. To start a successful fish farming business in Kenya, follow these steps: 1. Conduct market research: Understand your local market's demand for ...

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  19. Fish Farming in Kenya: Beginner's Guide

    Cost of Starting a Fish Farm in Kenya. To start a fish farming business with a capital of 100k in Kenya, here is what you can do, according to my expertise: Pond construction: This is the most expensive part of fish farming, as it involves digging, lining, fencing, and plumbing the pond. The cost of pond construction depends on the size ...

  20. How you start a fish business in Kenya : r/Bizhack

    To start a fish business in Kenya, follow these steps: Understand your local market's demand for fish, the types of fish in demand, and your potential competition. ... Establish quality control standards to maintain the health and quality of the fish. Develop a marketing plan to reach your target customers through online platforms, local ...

  21. Business of Selling Fish and Omena in Nairobi

    We established that areas where fish business is most profitable in Nairobi include Embakasi, Gikomba, City Market, Githurai,Kitengela,Kibera,Kahawa ,Rongai,and Thika.In all these places, fish business is thriving. To start the business,an individual requires a capital of as little as Ksh 10,000;that is if you are selling in an open air market ...


    Content may be subject to copyright. FISHING FARMING BUSINESS PLAN. (FIFA ENTERPRISES) Name of owner: GAKURU Elias. The business owner title: General Manager. Business name: UTAM Fishes Company ...

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