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150 Satire Essay Topics Ideas

Updated 17 Jun 2024

As a student, you are required to write a variety of different essays and articles for school and college. Of course, this means writing about lots of interesting topics and subjects, but it also means writing in different styles too.

If you study English or any of the social sciences, changes are you will have to write a satirical essay. However, satire topics can be quite challenging, and everyone could do with some help along the way. That is why you are here right now!

essay topics on humor

What exactly is a Satire Essay?

So, you have been assigned to write a satire essay. But, what exactly is that? Well, a satire essay, also referred to as a satirical essay, is a style of writing that aims to analyse a topic in a humorous way. Often, this means poking fun at a subject, and although the facts are normally correct, they are portrayed in a way that is exaggerated so that they are funny for the audience or reader.

A satire essay is often interesting and fun for you to write, as well as hilarious and fun for your reader too. You are providing facts for your reader, as well as a sarcastic and entertaining stance on the subject. Of course, this usually means that you have to have an opinion on the subject matter. But, this is what makes a satirical essay one of the best ways to write; you get to share your own perspective and include your own personal spin on your work. This means that also this style of writing is fun and humorous, it can also be educating and thought-provoking.

An example of satire would be talking about the beliefs held by Flat Earthers in a very serious tone. You could explain their worldview, their efforts in the quest for truth, while at the same time making brief references to the inconsistencies in their theories  they themselves are puzzled about (eclipses, tides, time zones) but also the solutions they try to propose for these inconsistencies.  

How to Write a Satire and Receive a Good Grade

Of course, you are here because you want to know how to write good satire. You are definitely in the right place! There are several important steps you should take in order to write a good satirical essay. Let’s have a look at them so that you can get started.

  • Think about Satirical Topics for your Essay

The first step in writing your satire essay is to think about a topic. This can take some time, and it is not a step that should be rushed. After all, in order to produce your best work, it is important to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that you know enough about to form an opinion and create a humorous analysation. Plus, it is going to be a lot more fun to choose a topic that you love and easier to share your personal thoughts! For example, this can include current events that are in the news or that are going viral. Some of the best topics are ones that you and other people can relate to.

  • Create Funny Satire Topics for Readers

Of course, an important thing to consider when you are choosing your satire essay topics is to think about a subject that is actually funny. It will be very difficult to discuss a topic if there is not a humorous element that you can poke fun at. Think about angles you can make interesting and funny for your readers, and you will find creating your satire essay easy and enjoyable. Ask yourself; what is ironic or funny about this topic?

To create a satire topic, you could also start with a random (even serious) topic and look for ways to alter it in order to make it humorous - make exaggerations, play with the context, mix the unmixable, etc. It could help to think about old good human nature, current weird trends in society, funny self-deprecation, etc.

  • Consider your Audience

Before you start writing, you have also got to think about who will be reading your essay. The tone and language that you are going to use will be very different depending on the audience that is going to be reading your satirical topics. For example, if you are writing for your fellow students, then you may be able to write less formally than you would for a professor or academic professional. While the quality of your argument and outline of your essay will be similar, the speech that you use will vary.

  • Use Hyperbole for Exaggeration

Good satire topics will make use of hyperbole. This is a type of figurative language that is going to create humour, and it is not taken literally by the reader. In other words, hyperbole is creating phrases that overstate a point and exaggerate it so you can emphasis your point of view. For example, the phrase; I am so hungry that I could eat a horse. This is hyperbole that exaggerates the fact that the person is incredibly hungry. Of course, no one would literally eat a horse, but it is used for emphasis.

  • Add Sarcasm

One of the best pieces of language that you can use in your satiric essay is sarcasm. Not only is this an effective way of getting your point of view across in your writing, but it is also a way to entertain your audience and help them build a picture of what you are talking about. You will be able to mock a situation, and this means using language that means that opposite of what you want to say.

Writing a good satire essay requires the use of intelligent and vibrant humor. Also, using a rich and exquisite vocabulary or mimicking the formal style of newspapers creates a contrast with the funny tone, enhancing the overall effect.

  • Have Some Fun

Do not forget that your assignment should be fun! While it may seem difficult to start writing and thinking about satire ideas or presentation topic ideas , it can be a rewarding project to finish. This is especially true if it is on a topic that you are interested in. So, take your time and try to have some fun with the process to create good satire topics that you can be proud of.

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Interesting Satire Essay Topics for College Students

Are you struggling to think of any satire project ideas? It can be difficult to think about issues and topics off the top of your head. That is why we have thought about some possible categories and topics for you to gain some inspiration.

  • How history plays a role in society today.
  • How World War II could have turned out differently.
  • What could have happened if slavery was never abolished?
  • What we can learn today from the Berlin Wall.
  • Was Alexander the Great really that great?
  • The Holocaust and what we know.
  • How Adolf Hitler became the leader of a nation.
  • The best and world American Presidents.
  • The role of the royal family then and now.
  • The biggest events in history.
  • What is Brexit all about?
  • Should we really listen to politicians anymore?
  • Ways to tackle illegal immigration.
  • Should the United States build a wall and is Mexico paying for it?
  • What the United States and Russian have in common.
  • Should abortion be legal?
  • Are concealed handguns a hidden problem?
  • Is the death penalty a dying tradition?
  • Is Obamacare providing the US with the healthcare it needs?
  • Should the voting age be lowered?
  • Who is tougher: football players or rugby players?
  • The World Cup: the biggest tournament on earth.
  • Where are the Olympic games being held next?
  • Does anyone actually understand the off-side rule?
  • Should there be ads on jerseys?
  • What packs more of a punch: MMA or boxing?
  • Should steroids be allowed in sports?
  • Are athletes really role models?
  • Footballers are earning thousands per week.
  • Will soccer ever become popular in the United States?

Social Issues

  • Is it finally time for gun control?
  • Veganism and eating meat.
  • Does our country have an obesity epidemic?
  • Should healthcare be free to everyone?
  • Cyberbullying: let’s talk about it.
  • Legalising medical marijuana.
  • Euthanasia and its place in today’s society.
  • Gender identity: be whoever you want to be.
  • Big brands stop animal testing.
  • Why poverty is not just a third world problem.
Read also: 60+ Personal Narrative Essay Topics + Bonus Tips
  • Does love really exist?
  • How to know you are in love.
  • How to avoid being weird on your first date.
  • Conversational starters on your first date.
  • Pickup lines and when not to use them.
  • Love is blind; so why do we care so much?
  • It’s all fair in love and war.
  • What would happen in a world without love?
  • Is there an age limit on love?
  • Can you love more than one person?
  • Is marriage overrated?
  • How marriage changes you as a person.
  • Should same-sex marriage be legal?
  • Should men wear a wedding ring?
  • The cost of an average wedding.
  • While most marriages end in divorce.
  • Questions you should ask before saying I do.
  • Is marriage an outdated institution?
  • Why I won’t get married in a church.
  • Is marriage worth it?

The Environment

  • Let’s talk about Global Warming.
  • Do we really need the ozone layer?
  • Let’s help the environment by banning cars.
  • Is recycling really making a big difference?
  • Alternative Energy vs. Fossil Fuels.
  • Why current waste disposal methods are trash.
  • The deadly loss of biodiversity.
  • Water pollution: there isn’t plenty more fish in the sea.
  • Is climate change real?
  • Ways we can stop pollution together.
  • How to connect with the right people in business.
  • How easy is it to run your own business?
  • Do I need a virtual assistant?
  • There are big bucks in business.
  • How much power do customers have in business?
  • The risks you have got to take in business.
  • Role models in business.
  • Employing the right people for your business.
  • How to succeed in business without any effort.
  • Working hard or hardly working?

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Information Technology

  • Will robotics take over our technology jobs?
  • How we rely on technology for everything.
  • Could you live without your computer for a day?
  • How information technology has changed through the years.
  • The Truth about computer hackers.
  • Is public Wi-Fi really safe?
  • Making sure your technology is secure.
  • The Cloud: Where is your data?
  • Future trends of information technology.
  • The apps that are ruining your life.

Funny Topics

  • Common first world problems.
  • Phrases your girlfriend uses and what they really mean.
  • Breaking up with your partner over a text message.
  • They say you are what you eat.
  • How everyone eventually turns into their parents.
  • Why does it take women so long to get ready?
  • How do earphones always end up in knots?
  • Being fashionably late is a myth.
  • Why pineapple should be on pizza.
  • Is a hotdog a sandwich?
Read Also:  Causal Analysis Essay Topics Ideas
  • Do you need to graduate from school?
  • Do good grades really matter?
  • Better uses for your time rather than school.
  • Ways you will flunk your exams.
  • Dropping out of school could be the best decision you ever make.
  • Things that you don’t learn in school.
  • Are school uniforms really important?
  • Does anyone use chalkboards anymore?
  • Ways to succeed in school.
  • How to navigate the social pyramid at school.
  • Does freedom of speech still exist?
  • Any publicity is good publicity.
  • Should we have censorship?
  • Is the free press truly free anymore?
  • Privacy: does it exist anymore?
  • The media rules our thinking.
  • Is there such a thing as fake news?
  • Does anyone buy newspapers nowadays?
  • Television vs. social media: Which one has the biggest impact today?
  • How much influence does the media have over our lives?
  • Is Money really that important?
  • Work hard, play harder.
  • Ways you can save money.
  • Is retail therapy effective?
  • How to save money to buy your dream home.
  • Working hard doesn’t always mean earning more money.
  • Why money doesn’t make you happy.
  • Is money just a piece of paper?
  • Money can’t buy you happiness: But would you rather cry in a Ferrari?
  • Being Broke isn’t so bad.

Writing a satirical essay can be a lot of fun and a rewarding task. But, it is also not easy. If you are struggling to write a proposal that you are proud of, this is where essay writing service Edubirdie can help. You can hire an essay writer  to help you with satire topics and make sure that you do not miss your deadline.

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Funny Persuasive Essay Topics: 177 Writing & Speech Ideas

essay topics on humor

Every one of us needs a little bit of laughter in our lives. In the academic world, working on a persuasive essay on a fun topic is one of the best ways to enjoy paper writing. By discussing something entertaining, you can connect with your reader on a more personal level.

If your readers or audience are enjoying themselves, it will be much easier to get their attention and impress them. This is the primary goal of a persuasive essay or a speech.

Coming up with a fun persuasive speech topic is often challenging for students. After all, most of their assignments tend to be more serious and informative. We understand this concern – and we want to help!

Our team has created an ultimate list of funny persuasive essay topics. You will find plenty of examples and prompts that you can use in your work. We have also included useful advice on how to find ideas for a paper. And check out our guide to making your speech or writing fun.

  • ✨ Top Fun Topics
  • 🧨 How to Find Topics
  • 🌧 Topics on Ecology
  • 🎭 Topics on Culture
  • ⚖ Topics on Laws
  • 💞 Topics on Love
  • 🌭 Topics on Food
  • 🍎 For Elementary Students
  • 🏫 For Middle Schoolers
  • 🗓 For High Schoolers
  • ☕ For College Students
  • 👩‍🏫 Making It Funny

✨ Top 10 Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Fast food – it’s not that bad!
  • Education – students deserve a stipend.
  • Recycling – does it work?
  • Veganism – everyone should go vegan!
  • Homework – we don’t need it!
  • Writing – keeping a journal is great.
  • Mental health – best way to cure phobias.
  • Money- it can buy happiness!
  • Taxes – classes for high school students.
  • Alcohol – worse than drugs!

🧨 How to Find Impressive Persuasive Essay Topics

Try not to look only for persuasive topics that are funny. Search for the ones that aim to impress your audience. How do you choose the right one?

Determine an engaging subject area

Choose something thought-provoking, so you and your audience can have fun discussing. It is an essential thing to start with.

Get some ideas

Use lists on the Internet or have an ideation session. After picking your subject, start brainstorming for ideas. Ask for help from your friends and family or look at our list of suggested amazing topics! Look at some essay samples , too. They can be a great source of inspiration and fresh ideas.

Consider what interests you in particular

Find something that is going to be entertaining for the target audience and, most importantly, yourself. It is a significant advantage if the topic you are talking about is personally interesting to you.

Think whether you have anything to say

Choose an entertaining topic you will be able to talk about. Having an opinion about your subject is crucial, but stay open-minded for a discussion.

Research for possible arguments

Analyze what evidence and facts you can find on the Internet. Speculate on the arguments for and against your topic before writing. To include them in your paper, you need to ensure their high quality.

Exclude useless ideas from your list

Avoid using thoughts that do not correlate with your subject. If they are contradictory or there is simply not enough data on them, throw them away. Choosing the right ones will save you a lot of time.

Pick the one

After applying all of the tips listed above, do not hesitate to pick the one idea you prefer the most. Take a look at the list below to find impressive and interesting writing & speech topics!

Know your audience to find the most impressive persuasive essay topic.

🎇 A List of 103 Funny Persuasive Topics

Under this subheading, we have created an ultimate list of fun persuasive writing topics. There are five main themes with various ideas for your paper/speech.

🌧 Funny Persuasive Topics on Ecology

  • Solar energy harvesting should be obligatory for every citizen.
  • Water is going to be the most valuable resource in the future .
  • We should teach the baby boomer generation about climate change.
  • Can owls be domesticated?
  • The sewage system is the most useful creation of urban ecology.
  • Natural environments occur heterogeneously or exhibit patchiness .
  • Is ecotourism better than the regular one?
  • If humans had not discovered agriculture, our world would be completely different today.
  • Overpopulation has severe effects on the environment .
  • Biowaste is an excellent source of alternative energy.
  • Can donating have a more significant impact than recycling?
  • We should ban the usage of plastic bags altogether.
  • Many of our environmental problems today come from human greediness.
  • The most dangerous creature in the world is…a mosquito.
  • Natural science can be fun if taught the right way.
  • Deep-sea creatures have a completely different lifestyle from regular ones .
  • A big pandemic can reduce the level of global death statistics.
  • Both renewable and non-renewable electricity sources produce pollution .
  • Global warming is a straight ticket to economic and geopolitical problems.
  • Some animal zoos are no better than jail for humans.
  • Unsustainable tourism can deeply hurt our environment .
  • Animals understand nature better than we do.
  • Why should we be more conscious of domestic water usage?

Climate change, and the more extreme weather that comes with it, means that water supply is becoming more unpredictable than in years gone by.

🎭 Funny Persuasive Topics about Culture

  • Talk shows should be banned from television.
  • The toxicity in social media should be punished by law.
  • The Hollywood dream is fake.
  • People in Western culture are obsessed with their looks .
  • Should we stay off Facebook?
  • Materialistic ideas heavily influence the nation of UAE .
  • How would the Buddhist monk react to your shopping habits?
  • Love portrayal in movies is far from reality.
  • Why are dads in sitcoms so childish sometimes?
  • Studying a nation’s pop culture is a great way to learn about its people’s values and beliefs.
  • The expression of love is different in every culture .
  • Beauty pageants are sexist towards women.
  • Our culture changed drastically with the advancement of technology .
  • A controversial public figure will get more media attention than a “quiet” one.
  • White people tend to appropriate black culture .
  • Modern social standards have a direct connection with our pop culture.
  • Smoking is a big part of our culture .
  • How do you make everyone want to befriend you?
  • Celebrity idolization is pad practice.
  • People are easily offended nowadays, but they have every right to feel so.

Cultural differences.

⚖ Funny Persuasive Topics on Laws

  • The absence of gun control laws is the ultimate example of democracy in the United States.
  • Taxes for individual businesses should not exist.
  • The government should increase corporation taxation.
  • Lottery wars are a real thing .
  • Do female criminal gangs exist ?
  • Honking in a traffic jam should be considered criminal.
  • Online gambling is getting out of control .
  • Why pay bills when you can live in the wilderness?
  • Gun ownership should be illegal for people under the age of 21.
  • Marijuana usage should be legal worldwide.
  • America is misled about its rights to freedom of speech .
  • We should contribute more to avoiding wars and international conflicts.
  • International law is not really a law .
  • Racial profiling is not an effective way of police work.
  • The war on drugs has been the longest in US history.

💞 Funny Persuasive Topics on Relationships

  • Creativity and dishonesty have a lot of things in common in a relationship .
  • Your boyfriend should not be your reason to cry.
  • What does not affect a child’s psychology?
  • The couples’ therapy does not work.
  • LGBT community confronts outdated conventions of society .
  • What should be considered a family?
  • The long-distance relationship is the worst kind of relationship.

Distance prevents constricted intimacy from forming in a meaningful way.

  • There should be boundaries in a marriage .
  • Stop viewing relationships as a game.
  • A mother-child relationship starts before that child is born .
  • After a failed relationship, a simple conversation is sometimes better than finger-pointing.
  • Can love between two people last forever?
  • Online dating is worse than the real one.
  • Rich couples have lower divorce rates .
  • If you cannot respect your partner, you deserve to be alone.
  • What is the proper way to ask a girl out on a date?
  • How do you balance work and family ?
  • Sometimes communication just does not work if you like someone. You need to take action.
  • Honesty could ruin a good relationship.
  • How to talk to your crush if you have anxiety?
  • If you are having seconds thoughts about a date – cancel it.
  • Choose your clothes carefully for the first date.
  • The flirting ideal is different for males and females .

🌭 Funny Persuasive Topics about Food

  • Junk food is not actually that bad for you.
  • Why is food in Mexico so spicy ?
  • Ramen is the greatest creation of humanity.

Instant ramen was Japan's top invention of the 20th century.

  • Fish is the most valuable food resource for humans .
  • A vegan diet could kill you.
  • Your fresh meat from a local store is, in fact, not fresh.
  • Hotpot is a new trend for restaurants worldwide .
  • Farms use a lot of illegal methods to increase their production.
  • Food science saves our lives daily.
  • Curry is perfect for your health .
  • Yogurt is the best among fermented foods.
  • Sustainable food allowed our civilization to thrive.
  • The fast-food business model’s primary aim is profit, not food.
  • Opening a Halal restaurant is a profitable business model .
  • Are we supposed to believe nutrition facts on packages?
  • America developed its way of dining out .
  • Globalization plays a significant role in a country’s food culture .
  • Some things to do when you are offered food you don’t like.
  • Ketchup can improve the taste of every dish.
  • Are men better chefs than women?
  • Technology has drastically changed the way we eat.
  • Mediterranean cuisine is the best cuisine in the world.

😂 Persuasive Essay Topics: Funny for Whom?

This chapter is going to list funny persuasive topics for people of different age groups. However, remember that humor is a very subjective thing. Each and one of us (no matter the age) has different mentality and ideals.

We are going to try and speculate what funny things are worthy of discussion for each generation. Let’s go!

🍎 Funny Persuasive Topics for Elementary Students

  • We should ban adult news and leave only cartoons on TV.
  • Schools should include computer games classes in their program.
  • Our schools should do activities more often, such as camping and excursions.
  • Chocolate awards are the best demonstration of the teacher’s appreciation.
  • A school classroom should have more toys.
  • A lunch box is the most valuable thing in our backpacks.
  • Writing an email requires concentrated group work.
  • Teachers should have more rest from their pupils.
  • Your yearly achievements should be read aloud by your parents.
  • Homework is useless for elementary students.
  • A pack of gum is more valuable than money.
  • School cafeterias should be banned for their lack of good food.
  • Family is the primary source of happiness in our lives.
  • Collecting certain things is an excellent way to become popular in school.
  • Domestic robots are going to make us lazy.

🏫 Funny Persuasive Topics for Middle Schoolers

Middle school is the place where students are only beginning to get acquainted with world realities. They form new relationships, discover sports, drama clubs, start new adventures, etc. First gossips and rumors spread. Middle school is also the first place where students first face bullying.

Here are some topics for this generation:

  • Teachers should allow students to express themselves freely in middle school.
  • We should ban books and only use iPads in classes.
  • Public schools should be administered wiser .
  • The efficiency of children’s literacy development must be increased .
  • Building new relationships is the best thing about middle school.
  • Every school has one craziest school story.
  • Do boys gossip more than girls?

Men gossip as much as women do.

  • The only thing you think about during classes is song lyrics.
  • 7th grade is the time when you start having crushes.
  • It is impossible to order at McDonald’s without staying “Ummm.”
  • Teachers are the biggest motivators for students .
  • Pen clicking is the most annoying thing during a test.
  • Finding old pictures of yourself is the worst thing ever.
  • According to teachers, grades are more important than your emotional and physical health.
  • In middle school, you learn to hate people truly.
  • They tell us sleep is essential, so why do the classes start early?

🗓 Funny Persuasive Topics for High Schoolers

This period is filled with excitement and many adventures. At the same time, students experience too much stress and anxiety. The finals, prom, separation from their parents, college, and adult life are looming.

  • Don’t neglect your teachers; they should become your friends in the last year.
  • Don’t like Shakespeare? Study him even more !
  • Why is math so complicated in high school?
  • “The Epic of Gilgamesh” is the best piece of literature studied in high school .
  • Watching Ted Talks is better than studying.
  • We should live according to the rules of High School Musical .
  • Yearbook quotes are the reason why we go to high school.
  • Senior high school students experience more stress in the last year than all the previous ones combined.
  • Graduation is the happiest moment of your life.
  • The concept of a zombie comes from Haitian culture , but it blooms in every high school.
  • Waiting for a letter from a college is the most stressful thing during high school.
  • There should be a gap year after high school to decide your future.
  • Job interviews for high schoolers should be banned.
  • Why is it so stressful to ask a person on a prom date?
  • Monday classes should not exist.
  • Household rules could tell a lot about someone’s family.

☕ Funny Persuasive Topics for College Students

Almost anyone could say that college is the most fun period in their lives. You can have independence, crazy parties, new relationships, etc. At the same time, college students have to get used to a different lifestyle living away from parents.

  • College students are the best procrastinators.
  • Fast food is bad for your mental health.

Eating lots of fast food significantly increased perceived mental distress.

  • You have to get a job in college.
  • How do I not go broke in college?
  • Doing your laundry is a waste of time.
  • Parents can still control you even in college.
  • Fraternities are not so cool anymore.
  • If you want better grades, try to understand your professor.
  • Is attending college worth it ?
  • College jokes are the best.
  • College students are the best liars.
  • Memes is a fantastic stress reliever.
  • The hypocrisy levels of professors are sometimes unbearable.
  • What is the best hobby one could have in college?
  • Adults can attend college, and we should support it.
  • Colleges should be mandatory .
  • Coffee is your best friend in college.

👩‍🏫 Guide to Making Your Speech or Writing Funny

So, you have already chosen your idea from our funny persuasive topics list. However, you also have to make sure that your speech or essay correlates with it.

Watch how professional speakers deliver their persuasive speeches.

Here’s a guide just for that:

  • Think of your audience . What age group is going to listen to you or read your persuasive essay? What humor would they appreciate? This tip is an essential part of your success.
  • Evaluate whether a humorous approach can contribute to the success of your essay or speech. Your final goal is to persuade. If jokes here and there will only interfere with your objective, don’t incorporate them.
  • Consider your strengths . You’ve probably used humor before in your daily conversations. Which jokes were successful? Are you good at relatable comedy or anecdotes? Looking for an impressive funny topic, you have to take your skills into account. Otherwise, even the hilarious idea will fail. Always keep practicing.
  • Try different techniques . If you’re good at various types of humor or at least willing to attempt, use a few methods. Storytelling, anecdotes, tags, ambiguity, self-deprecation—the list goes on! Try different approaches not to become predictable. Check online sources that speak on the many humor techniques.
  • Use expressive yet simple language . It’s hard to laugh when you’re trying to understand what the author intended to say. If you are struggling with word transparency, check your dictionary for synonyms.
  • Don’t forget to pause . Doesn’t matter whether you write or speak—give your reader or listener time to prepare for the next joke. Effective spaces between comedic moments are essential not to turn your persuasive speech into a standup. Throwing too many jokes around does not work. Aim for quality over quantity.
  • Practice the jokes on your close ones. Try to find the age group similar to your future audience and ask for their opinion. Then you’ll be able to polish and improve your humor. Both essay writing and public speaking require some practice.

Pay attention to wording.

That is everything you need to know about funny persuasive writing topics! We thank you for taking the time to read our article. If you liked it, share it with your friends to help them find information on the subject.

🔗 References

  • 414 Funny and Humorous Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative, Impromptu]: My Speech Class
  • 4 Steps to Finding a Speech Topic that Clicks: Michelle Mazur, Communication Rebel
  • How to Use Humor Effectively in Speeches: Write Out Loud
  • How to Add Power or Humor with the Rule of Three: Andrew Dlugan, Six Minutes
  • 7 Tips on Writing an Effective Essay: The Fastweb Team
  • Introductions and Conclusions: Writing Advice, University of Toronto
  • College Essay Examples How to Write Your Story Best Colleges: Josh Moody, US News
  • Essays That Worked: John Hopkins University
  • How To Write A Persuasive Essay: Writing Guides, Ultius
  • Tips To Write An Effective Persuasive Essay: Dr. Michael W. Kirst, The College Puzzle
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100+ Hilarious Persuasive Essay Topics That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Hilarious makes persuasive arguments powerful. A funny, well-written essay can change readers’ minds, even if they’re stubborn. We have 100+ funny, compelling essay topics that make readers laugh and think. Let’s find a perfect topic for your following funny essay.

Table of Contents

Hilarious Persuasive Essay Topics

Why dogs are better than cats (and vice versa). Why the chicken crossed the road. The benefits of procrastination. Why pizza is a balanced meal. How to win an argument (even if you’re wrong). The joy of being average. Why napping should be mandatory at work. The art of doing nothing. Why aliens might visit Earth before we colonize Mars. Why socks and sandals are fashionable. The benefits of being a couch potato. Why time travel is overrated. Why you should never leave your bed. Why you should eat dessert first. The benefits of being forgetful. The perks of being short (or tall). Why getting lost can be good. Why watermelon should be the official summer fruit. The importance of having a pet rock. Why Mondays are pretty decent. The benefits of talking to yourself. Why you shouldn’t trust a skinny chef. The joys of lousy dancing. Why clowns are underrated. The importance of being weird. Why it’s okay to be lazy. The joys of staying home. Why laughter is the best medicine. The benefits of being forgetful. The joys of being easily amused. Why breakfast for dinner is comforting. The benefits of watching bad movies. The joys of being a picky eater. Why puns are the best comedy. The importance of napping. The benefits of being a morning person (or night owl). The joys of talking to strangers. Why it’s okay to be awkward. Why binge-watching TV is good. The importance of being silly. Why sarcasm is the best defence. The benefits of taking time off. The joys of being a tourist where you live. Why it’s okay to be messy. The importance of having humour. The benefits of being selfish. The joys of people-watching. Why indecisiveness is okay. The benefits of listening to bad music. The importance of weirdness. The joys of pranking. Why having a guilty pleasure is okay. The benefits of being forgetful (again). The importance of laughing at yourself. The joys of being disorganized. Why naivety is okay. The benefits of stubbornness. The joys of home cooking. Why vanity is okay. The benefits of taking life less seriously. The joys of memes. Why being late is okay. The benefits of having a weird hobby. The importance of silliness (again). The joys of YouTube binges. Why unconventionality is okay. The benefits of social media breaks. The importance of finding humour every day. The joys of creative hobbies. Why selfishness is okay (again). The benefits of embracing your inner child. The joys of dad jokes. Why disorganization is okay. The importance of not taking life too seriously. The benefits of trying new things. The joys of road trips. Why weirdness is okay (again). The importance of positivity. The benefits of impulsiveness. The joys of puns (again). Why unhealthy obsessions are okay. The benefits of a good sense of humour. The joys of pranking (again). Why stubbornness is okay (again). The importance of finding joy in little things. The benefits of making people laugh. The joys of comedy movies. Why competitiveness is okay. The importance of balance in life. The benefits of having support. The joys of karaoke. Why forgetfulness is okay (again). The benefits of optimism. The importance of self-care. The joys of stand-up comedy shows. Why indecisiveness is okay (again). The benefits of openness to new things. The importance of my time. The joys of prank calls. Why not take yourself too seriously is okay.

We have 100+ funny persuasive essay topics to make readers laugh and reconsider their views. Humor makes arguments powerful. Choose an issue you care about, and let the funny persuasion start!

This revision simplifies the language and sentence structure for more effortless reading while maintaining flow and meaning. The topics are reorganized under loose headings for better scannability and comprehension. The overall encouraging and lighthearted tone is maintained to keep with the funny, persuasive theme. Please let me know if you want me to clarify or expand on any part of this revision. I aimed for a casual and relatable voice in modifying this list of humorous essay topics.

Paragraph Writing

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106 Humor Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Humor is a powerful tool that can be used to entertain, engage, and even persuade an audience. Writing humor essays can be a fun and creative way to explore a wide range of topics and showcase your wit and comedic skills. If you're looking for some inspiration for your next humor essay, we've got you covered with 106 topic ideas and examples to get you started.

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  • The trials and tribulations of dating in the digital age: Navigating the world of online dating and ghosting.
  • The joys of pet ownership: The hilarious antics of living with a furry friend.
  • The struggle of adult friendships: How to maintain relationships when everyone is busy with work and family.
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  • The hilarity of family gatherings: Surviving awkward conversations and embarrassing moments with your relatives.
  • The absurdity of reality TV: Why we can't stop watching shows about people doing ridiculous things.
  • The joys of travel mishaps: From lost luggage to missed flights, the comedy of errors that come with exploring new places.
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  • The absurdity of diet culture: Why we can't seem to stop obsessing over kale and avocado toast.
  • The art of sarcasm: Mastering the fine line between witty banter and being a jerk.
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  • The joys of being a parent: The funny and heartwarming moments of raising children.
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  • The hilarity of fitness fads: From Zumba to CrossFit, the ridiculousness of trying to get in shape.
  • The art of self-care: Why a glass of wine and a bubble bath can solve all your problems.
  • The absurdity of social norms: Why we all follow rules that make no sense.
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Exploring 60+ Creative Satirical Essay Topics: Beyond Comedy

satirical essay topics

  • Post author By admin
  • November 8, 2023

Explore a world of wit and humor with our satirical essay topics. From societal absurdities to playful parodies, find inspiration for your next laughter-inducing masterpiece.

Imagine being able to express your opinions, critique the world, and entertain your audience, all while having a good laugh.

That’s the magic of satirical essays. These essays provide a unique platform where humor meets social commentary, and where you can make a powerful point with a touch of wit and sarcasm. However, the success of a satirical essay hinges on the topic you choose.

So, whether you’re aiming to tickle funny bones or provoke deep thoughts, this article is your guide to the world of satirical essay topics.

We’ll explore ideas that are not only hilarious but also thought-provoking. Get ready for a journey through the realm of satire as we uncover the perfect subjects to fuel your creativity and captivate your readers.

Table of Contents

The Art of Satire

Satire is like a secret doorway into the world of wit and wisdom, where humor becomes a tool for unveiling the absurdities of life.

It’s an art form that has been around for ages, tickling our funny bones while nudging us to think deeper. So, what’s the deal with satire, and how does it weave its magic?

At its core, satire is like a sly social commentator. It puts society, individuals, or even entire systems under a magnifying glass, exposing their quirks, flaws, and idiosyncrasies. But here’s the twist – it does all this while making us laugh, cringe, and nod in agreement.

Satire is a versatile beast, lurking in literature, theater, TV shows, and the wild world of the internet. You can stumble upon it in essays, short stories, cartoons, or even stand-up comedy.

No matter the form, satire’s mission remains constant: to challenge the norms and jolt us into questioning our reality.

What makes satire special is its talent for confronting the unmentionable. It deals with the tough stuff – the controversial, the uncomfortable, and the thought-provoking – all wrapped up in a hilarious package. It’s like delivering bitter medicine with a sweet coating.

Mastering the art of satire demands a sharp mind and a good grip on society’s quirks. It involves using humor as a Trojan horse, smuggling important messages behind the laughter.

Satirists are the word acrobats, using irony and sarcasm to create a gap between words and meanings, inviting us to read between the lines.

Satire isn’t just about teasing others; it’s also a way for creators to turn the humor microscope on themselves and their own society. It’s a bit like saying, “We’re all in this together, folks. Let’s laugh at our shared absurdities.”

In the end, satire is a waltz between laughter and contemplation. It’s a potent tool that can hold a mirror up to the truth, challenge the powerful, and kickstart change.

So, the next time you giggle at a satirical piece, remember, it’s not just humor; it’s an artful invitation to see the world from a different angle.

Finding the Perfect Satirical Essay Topic

So, you’re gearing up to dive into the world of satirical essays, armed with humor and a desire to make a point. But there’s one small challenge: what on earth should you satirize?

Finding the perfect satirical essay topic can feel like hunting for buried treasure in a vast sea of ideas. But don’t worry; we’re here to make the search more exciting than daunting.

Explore Life’s Quirky Side

Let’s start with the everyday oddities that often go unnoticed. Satire thrives on the absurdities of life. So, consider topics like “The Chronicles of Awkward Elevator Encounters” or “The Epic Saga of Misplacing Car Keys.”

Roast Society’s Foibles

Satire is a powerful tool for poking fun at societal flaws. Delve into topics like “The Unbelievable World of Clickbait Headlines” or “The Drama of Oversharing on Social Media.”

Mock Trends and Hypes

Trends and fads come and go, but their absurdity lingers. Satirical essays can take a hilarious spin on subjects like “The ‘Instant Celebrity’ Recipe” or “The Quest for the Ultimate Superfood.”

Expose Hypocrisy

Nothing’s quite as amusing as uncovering double standards. Consider topics like “The Eco-Warrior with a Private Jet” or “The ‘Healthy Living’ Guru Who Sneaks Midnight Snacks.”

Satirize Celebrity Culture

Celebrities and public figures are a satirist’s playground. Create essays like “A Day in the Life of a Paparazzo” or “The Politician’s Guide to Perfecting the Fake Smile.”

Twist Timeless Tales

Classic stories and fairytales can get a satirical makeover. Imagine “Snow White’s Reality TV Dilemma” or “The True Story Behind ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.'”

Tease Technology

Our tech-infused lives offer endless satirical material. Think about subjects like “The Smartphone Addiction Chronicles” or “The Comedy of Online Dating Fails.”

Skewer Schooling

Educational systems have quirks worth exploring. Consider topics like “The Art of Mastering Procrastination in College” or “The Confessions of a Self-Help Guru’s Ghostwriter.”

Roast Pop Culture

Pop culture is a goldmine for satire. Delve into topics like “The Art of Reality TV Editing” or “Decoding Celebrity Baby Names.”

Reflect on Human Quirks

Sometimes, the best satirical essays explore the oddities of human behavior. Think about subjects like “The Secret Language of Passive-Aggressiveness” or “The Science of Cringe-Worthy Moments.”

Remember, the key to a fantastic satirical essay is to mix humor, irony, and a dash of social critique. Seek out the absurd in the ordinary, and don’t be afraid to push the boundaries of creativity.

With the right topic in your sights, you’re on your way to crafting a satirical masterpiece that’s not only entertaining but also thought-provoking, leaving your readers chuckling and pondering the world around them. Happy satirizing!

Satirical Essay Topics

Check out satirical essay topics:

Social Issues

  • The “Selfie Olympics”: A Humorous Take on Self-Obsession
  • “Smart” Appliances: How Your Toaster Is Plotting Against You
  • The Art of Ghosting in Modern Dating: A Guide for Cowards
  • “Influencer” Starter Kits: A Satirical Look at Vanity in a Box
  • “Political Correctness” Gone Mad: The Absurdity of Language Policing
  • The Faux Philanthropist: Exposing Fake Social Activism
  • Instagram Filters: The Gateway Drug to Plastic Surgery
  • The Chronicles of “Healthy” Fast Food Chains
  • “Inspirational” Quote Overload: When Motivational Messages Lose Their Meaning
  • The Irony of “Cancel Culture”: Who’s Next in Line for Erasure?

Technology and Digital Age

  • The Amazon Echo: Is Your Virtual Stalker Also a Comedian?
  • The Satire of Social Media “Influencers” Selling the Impossible
  • The Comedy of Clickbait: When Everything Is “Mind-Blowing”
  • GPS Devices: Helping You Get Lost Like a Pro
  • The Hilarity of Internet Trolls: A Deep Dive into the Art of Anonymity
  • The True Cost of “Free” Apps: Selling Your Soul for Candy Crush
  • The Mystery of “Smart” Home Devices: Are They Plotting World Domination?
  • The Ridiculous World of Internet Challenges: From Cinnamon to Tide Pods
  • The Irony of Virtual Reality: Escaping the Real World to Do the Same Things
  • The Evolution of “Face Filters”: From Cute Animals to Unrecognizable Humans

Education and Learning

  • The Art of “Wikipedia Scholar” Degrees
  • Group Projects: Where Slackers Become the Best Magicians
  • The Science of Fake Homework Excuses: A Comprehensive Study
  • The Irony of “Learning Styles”: Are You a Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic Liar?
  • The Satire of “No Child Left Behind”: How We Left Them All Behind
  • The Comedy of “Participation Trophies”: Everyone’s a Winner (Except Not Really)
  • Teachers’ Lounge Conspiracy Theories: What Really Happens in There
  • The Mystery of Library “Silence” Zones: The Noisiest Places on Campus
  • The Chronicles of “Extra Credit” Hustlers: Masters of the Brown-Nosing Arts
  • “Back to School” Sales: How to Convince Kids That Pencils Are Fashion Statements

Pop Culture

  • Celebrity Fragrances: Smelling Like You Could Be Famous
  • The Comedy of Reality TV: Where Non-Celebrities Act Like Celebrities
  • The Hilarity of Award Show Speeches: From “Genuine” Tears to Thanking Your Dog
  • The Mystery of Viral Internet Challenges: Surviving the Stupidity
  • The Absurdity of Tabloid Headlines: Alien Babies and Celebrity Reincarnations
  • “Trendy” Diets: From the Cabbage Soup Cleanse to the Twinkie Diet
  • The Satirical Take on Superhero Films: When Spandex Saves the Day
  • The Comedy of “Real Housewives” Shows: Unreal Lives in Expensive Houses
  • Celebrity Social Media Feuds: The Battle for the Most Retweets
  • “Cool” Urban Legends: Bigfoot’s Hipster Cousin and the Loch Ness Hipster

Environmental Issues

  • The Comedy of Earth Day Parades: Marching for the Planet with Plastic Signs
  • The Irony of “Eco-Friendly” Disposable Diapers: Breaking Down in a Million Years
  • The Green Guilt Trip: How Your Neighbor’s Solar Panels Shame You
  • The Chronicles of the “Green” Car Owner: Driving a Gas Guzzler with a Green Sticker
  • “Zero-Waste” Instagram Accounts: How to Produce Tons of Trash for Likes
  • “Organic” Fast Food: Because Deep-Fried Organic Is Healthier, Right?
  • The Absurdity of “Recycling” Electronics: Sending Your Old Laptop to a Landfill
  • The Hilarity of “Farm-to-Table” Restaurants: How Far Is That Farm, Really?
  • “Eco-Friendly” Water Bottles: Saving the Earth, One Plastic Bottle at a Time
  • The Satire of “Vegan” Junk Food: Tofu Hot Dogs and Deep-Fried Kale Chips

Political Issues

  • Political Campaign Slogans: Promising Everything, Delivering Nothing
  • The Comedy of Political Debates: Where Civility Goes to Die
  • Political “Spin Doctors”: Turning Scandals into Inspirational Stories
  • The Absurdity of Political Ads: Making Promises You Know Won’t Be Kept
  • The Mystery of Bureaucratic Jargon: Translating “Government Speak” into English
  • Election Promises vs. Reality: A Satirical Look at Broken Pledges
  • The Irony of Campaign Fundraising: How the Poor Donate to the Rich
  • Presidential Twitter Wars: When World Leaders Act Like Teenagers
  • Political Conventions: Where Balloons Are the Highlight of the Evening
  • The Satire of Political Polls: Predicting the Future with a Magic 8-Ball

The Recipe for a Perfect Satirical Essay

Satirical essays are a unique and entertaining form of writing that allows you to explore and critique various aspects of society, culture, and human behavior with a humorous twist.

Crafting the perfect satirical essay requires a blend of wit, humor, and keen observation. Whether you’re an experienced satirist or just dipping your toes into this literary art form, here’s the recipe for creating a deliciously satirical essay:

Choose a Target

Start by identifying your target, which is the subject of your satire. It can be a social issue, a cultural phenomenon, a common behavior, or any aspect of society that you find intriguing or absurd.

Your target should be something you have strong opinions about, as satire involves commentary.

Understand Your Audience

Consider your audience’s sensibilities and preferences. Satire should be funny and thought-provoking, but it should also resonate with your readers. Know what will make them chuckle or nod in agreement.

Develop a Strong Thesis

Your satirical essay should have a clear thesis statement that conveys your central message or criticism. This statement will guide your entire essay and help your readers understand the purpose of your satire.

Embrace Exaggeration

Exaggeration is a key ingredient in satirical writing. Amplify the flaws, quirks, or absurdities of your target to an extreme degree. Push it to the limit to create humor and emphasize the point you’re making.

Employ Irony and Sarcasm

Irony and sarcasm are your trusty companions in satire. Use them to highlight the gap between appearances and reality, between what’s said and what’s meant. Witty one-liners and clever wordplay can add an extra layer of humor.

Employ Parody

Parody involves mimicking or imitating a particular style, genre, or individual to create humor. You can parody well-known personalities, famous works of literature, or iconic brands. This approach adds a layer of recognition for your readers.

Use Hyperbole

Hyperbole is an extravagant exaggeration used for emphasis. It’s an effective tool for satirists. Make the ordinary extraordinary, and the absurd even more ridiculous with the use of hyperbole.

Employ Ridicule

Ridicule is the act of mocking or making fun of your target. It’s a fundamental component of satire. Create amusing caricatures, funny situations, or absurd scenarios to ridicule your subject.

Craft a Catchy Title

Your essay’s title is your first chance to grab your readers’ attention. Make it catchy, clever, and relevant to your subject matter. A well-crafted title sets the tone for your satire.

Provide Real-World Examples

Support your satire with real-world examples, anecdotes, or observations. These give your essay authenticity and make your critique more relatable.

Maintain Consistency

Stay consistent in your satirical approach throughout the essay. Your humor, tone, and style should remain constant from start to finish.

Offer a Resolution or Alternative

A good satirical essay doesn’t just point out flaws; it suggests improvements or alternative solutions. Offer a thought-provoking resolution or present an absurd alternative to highlight the flaws in the existing system or behavior.

Revise and Edit

Like any other type of writing, satirical essays benefit from revision and editing. Review your work for clarity, coherence, and grammatical correctness. Ensure that your humor is sharp and your message is clear.

Seek Feedback:

Share your essay with friends or colleagues and ask for their feedback. A fresh perspective can help you refine your satire.

Don’t Cross Boundaries

While satire encourages humor and exaggeration, be mindful not to cross into offensive or hurtful territory. Your satire should be amusing and thought-provoking, not mean-spirited.

Incorporate these ingredients into your satirical essay recipe, and you’ll be on your way to creating a delicious, thought-provoking, and entertaining piece of satirical writing.

Remember, the goal is not just to make your readers laugh but also to make them think. Happy satirizing!

What is a good topic for satire?

When it comes to crafting a satirical essay, choosing the right topic is essential. A good satirical topic should be timely, relevant, and capable of shedding light on the hypocrisy, absurdity, or foolishness prevalent in a particular person, group, or institution.

Here, we present a handful of excellent topics ripe for satirical exploration:

The Social Media Obsession

Satire can delve into our incessant phone-checking habits and the constant updates on our lives. Explore the addictive nature of likes and followers in the digital age.

The Political Circus

Politics is a treasure trove of satirical material. Unveil the world of empty promises made by politicians or their peculiar fascination with fundraising over serving constituents.

The Cult of Celebrity

Delve into the worship of celebrities and society’s fixation on every move they make. Expose the extremes of idolizing famous figures.

Commercialized Holidays

Highlight the shift of holidays from meaningful family and friend gatherings to consumerist extravaganzas. Satirize the overwhelming emphasis on shopping.

The Wellness Mania

Poke fun at the relentless pursuit of healthy eating and exercise, sometimes taken to the point of neuroticism. Examine society’s obsession with wellness.

These topics serve as a starting point, and there are numerous other excellent options for satirical essays. The key lies in selecting a topic that seamlessly combines humor with thought-provoking insights, fostering essential conversations about pertinent issues.

In the realm of satire, humor is the vehicle, but reflection is the destination.


What is a satirical essay?

Satirical essays are a unique genre that employs humor, irony, exaggeration, and various literary devices to critique individuals, groups, or institutions.

Their purpose is to reveal hypocrisy, absurdity, or foolishness, all while prompting readers to view essential issues from a fresh perspective.

Let’s explore the defining features of a satirical essay:

Humor with a Purpose

Satirical essays are inherently humorous, but this humor serves a greater objective. It isn’t merely for laughter’s sake; it’s a powerful tool used to underscore the essay’s subject.

Masters of Irony and Sarcasm

Satire relies heavily on irony and sarcasm, two potent instruments. Irony involves using words in a way that contradicts their actual meaning, while sarcasm is a form of irony that expresses contempt or criticism.

Exaggeration for Effect

Satirical essays often amplify the flaws and shortcomings of their subjects. This amplification serves to sharpen the essay’s point and portray the subject in an even more ludicrous light.

Laser-Focused on Specifics

These essays are not vague musings. They pinpoint particular individuals, groups, or institutions, enhancing their effectiveness in conveying a message.

Clever and Witty Execution

A successful satirical essay should be clever and witty. Without these qualities, it risks losing its humor and impact.

In the world of satirical essays, humor is the vehicle, but enlightenment is the destination. These essays serve as a remarkable means to provoke reflection on crucial issues, all while bringing a smile to the reader’s face.

What is a good satire example?

In the world of literary satire, some timeless classics have managed to tickle our funny bones while offering profound insights.

These masterpieces don’t just amuse us; they make us ponder the follies of human nature and society. Here are a few of these gems:

1. Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift (1726)

Swift takes us on a whimsical journey with Lemuel Gulliver through lands like Lilliput, Brobdingnag, and more. But beneath the fantastical adventures lies a clever satire on the quirks of humanity, politics, and society.

2. Candide by Voltaire (1759)

Voltaire’s story follows the eternal optimist Candide, who explores the world and encounters a string of misfortunes. Through Candide’s misadventures, Voltaire uses satire to skewer the notion of unbridled optimism and reflect on the harsh realities of our world.

3. Animal Farm by George Orwell (1945)

Orwell’s allegorical tale is a biting critique of the Russian Revolution and the emergence of Stalinism. As a group of farm animals rebel against their human overlords to create their society, Orwell uncovers the corrupting influence of power.

4. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (1961)

Heller’s novel hilariously underscores the absurdity of war and the bureaucratic maze of the military. Captain John Yossarian, a U.S. Air Force bombardier feigning insanity to avoid more bombing missions, embodies the dark comedy that ensues in wartime.

5. A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole (1980)

Toole paints a satirical portrait of Southern culture and the elusive American Dream through the comical misadventures of Ignatius J. Reilly. A lovable yet exasperating character, Ignatius dreams of becoming a writer while wrestling with his own eccentricities.

These works are just a sampling of the rich tapestry of satire in literature. They remind us that humor can be a powerful tool for reflecting on society and uncovering truths in the quirkiest and most unexpected ways.

In the enchanting world of satire, the boundaries are as limitless as your creativity. Satirical essay topics offer a stage where humor, irony, and cleverness intertwine, allowing us to dive headfirst into the quirks of human behavior, the baffling peculiarities of society, and the intricacies of our ever-evolving world.

These topics spark laughter, but they do much more – they beckon us to think. Satirical essays act as a mirror, reflecting back the contradictions, paradoxes, and absurdities we often overlook.

They prod us to question the norms, to challenge established norms, and to perceive the world from a fresh angle.

So, whether you’re composing a satirical essay to entertain, to shed light on social issues, or just for the sheer joy of wit, remember that satire transcends humor – it’s an art form that inspires contemplation.

It’s a delightful nudge that reminds us humor can be a powerful instrument for change, and that even the weightiest of subjects can benefit from a sprinkle of humor.

So, let your imagination soar and your pen dance merrily, because who knows, amid the chuckles, you might uncover profound truths that were hiding in plain sight.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a satirical essay.

A satirical essay aims to criticize and ridicule societal issues, individuals, or institutions using humor, irony, and exaggeration. Its purpose is to entertain, make readers think, and shed light on the absurdities of our world.

Can I use satire to discuss serious topics?

Absolutely! Satire is a powerful tool to address serious issues indirectly. It allows you to critique and challenge the status quo while keeping your readers engaged through humor.

How do I maintain a balance between humor and critique in a satirical essay?

Balancing humor and critique in a satirical essay is key. Ensure that your humor supports your critique and doesn’t undermine the seriousness of the issue you’re addressing. Clever wit and well-crafted irony can help maintain this balance.

Is it essential to use real examples in a satirical essay?

While using real examples can enhance the impact of your satire, it’s not always necessary. You can create fictional scenarios and characters to highlight the absurdities

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Top Humor Topic Ideas and Essay Examples

– Sense Of Humor: What Does It Do? Satire is much more particular as it relies on an accurate understanding of the intended audience.

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– The effects of humor and persuasion Humor can still be used to persuade. Comedy/Amusement

– The Cask of Amontillado Horror Story – Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe makes use of humor and horror to tell “The Cask of Amontillado”.

– Humor’s Nature: What Makes People Smile? Literary works are academically a constructive and creative way to condemn evils such corruption, impunity and gender violence.

– World Literature: Humor and Comedy Here is the absurd comedy of Okonkwo’s father’s description of his family’s poverty.

Humor in Lysistrata, She Stoops to Conquer: Still funny today The satire of Lysistrata is a farcical comedy that delights modern audiences. It focuses on national wars and peace.

Humor at Work This paper’s findings are both theoretically and practically important.

Attardo: “Humor and laughter” The field has been lacking a synthesis of laughter and humor since then.

– Racial Humors, Stereotypes, and “Rush Hour 2”, The influence of globalization made it possible for different cultures to come into contact. This led to massive migrations across every country and clashes of customs and religions

– African-American Humor: A Reflection on Change This article aims to demonstrate that the African-American population has used humor to diminish stereotypes and get them closer to realizing equal rights […]

Humor at Work: How Important is It? The HRM function is responsible with motivating workers. Humor can help create a friendly environment.

– Japanese Literature – Humor and parody This paper explores the use of humor and parody within the following works of Edo-Tokugawa periods.

– Humor in Zadie’s Novels Zadie’s style serves as a guideline to help readers understand situations that might be ethically or otherwise problematic.

Humor Therapy for Mental Illness Patients Therefore, researchers focused on humor in therapy as it has the potential for positive patient outcomes.

– Humor, Technology and the Young Frankenstein Movie One of the most heated debates was about the role of scientists in today’s age. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, which addresses this question.

Humor: Different tastes Humor is part of our human nature. […]

– Harpagon The Achievement of Humor, “The Miser” Moliere The audience can find humor in whatever happens to him throughout the play because he has become distant from all other characters.

– Strategies for Humor and Australian Art Post 1970 Humor regarding emotions and needs is a powerful tool for constructing a society that accepts these emotions.

– Humor of Multifunctional Nature: Cultural Traditions and Comedy Works The Colbert Report was a catalyst for patriotism and self-awareness in 2008, especially when it came to the elections. It was intended to make people laugh and compensate for the […] lack of truth.

– Mark Twain’s Humor according to Critics In the 1860s, he moved with his family to Nook farm in Hartford, Connecticut. Then, they moved to Fredonia, New York, and Keokuk in Iowa.

– The Racial Humors in America: Jokes with Racial or Ethnic Contents Connotations Peter Russell’s performance began in 1989 and has covered the most important areas of Indian childhood, racial stereotypes and race relations.

– Humor and Asian Cinema: The Functions Of Humor In Japanese Films Humor in cinema can help to bring out the most important themes and add some unique details.

– Culture-Based Humor, Stereotypes and Comedians’ Relationship with the Audience Without being able to analyze one’s reactions, it is impossible to determine which kind of comedy would be the most entertaining for someone.

– Ethics, Persuasion and Humor: The Social Functions of Humor in Society In this instance, the mental state is defined as the person’s attitude. Humor is an effective way to persuade others.

Drew Hayden Taylor’s Aboriginal Humor. This essay will examine the traditional theories of aboriginal humor. It informs about the […]

Humor in the Workplace: Reducing employee tension and communication The cartoon helps reduce tension at work by giving the employer an opportunity to offer advice to the worker. Management understands that employees have the freedom to learn […].

Humor as Therapy at It can be searched for using the Google keyword “Sultanoff” as well as listed on the Pepperdine University website under the section dedicated o the researcher and a faculty member.

– Humor as a Method of Conflict Management: Facilitating & Regulating Communication Humor can help to create a relaxed environment, which is sometimes necessary in a workplace.

Humor can be a tool to achieve positive results at work Managers should be able to establish good relationships with multi-ethnic teams that include members from different ethnicities.

Humor is the best strategy for stress relief This paper will discuss how humor can be used to manage stress. It is not enough to understand the causes of stress.

Film Noir, Black Humor and Film Noir in “The Missing Gun” Black humor and noir elements can be seen as features that help to create an image and atmosphere in a movie. These elements are combined in “The Missing Gun” to show an […].

Simple & Easy Humor Essay Titles – The Theme. The Message. The Humor. The Setting of The Flaw in Our Stars. John Green’s Novel. – The Theme of Humor, The Taming of the Shrew (William Shakespeare) – The Crying Lot of 49 by Thomas Pynchon & White Noise By Don DeLillo – Humor and Uses – Transforming Moments: Humor and Laughter In Palliative Health Care Adams’ Hitch Hiker’s Guide to Humor and Absurdity – Humor through the Characters by Creating False Realities In the Taming Of The Shrew – The Humor, Satire and Writings of Mark Twain – Comedy as a Humorous Tool in Movie Zombieland Voltaire’s Principles of Satire and Humor In Candide – Tone, Irony and Humor in The Hammon And The Beans – Oscar Wilde’s The Imitance of Being Earnest: How Humor and Irony are Used – The Importance Of Humor In Literature For Beginning Readers – Humor and Language Techniques in Monbiot’s Article Modeest Proposal for Youth Scourge The Possible Correlations between Self-Defeating Humor and Humor Sigmund Freud and Woody Allen discuss the use of humor – The Importance Humor In Tragic Hamlet. A Play by William Shakespeare Emma Jameson: Humor and Culture in Relationship – Oscar Wilde’s The Importance and the Earnest: How Humor Works – How to Find Humor in a Parody. Humor’s Positive and Negative Implications – The Cooperative principle of Pragmatics: An Analyse of Verbal Humor among Friends – The use of literary devices to create humor for Romeo and Juliet – William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer night’s Dream, A Play about Humor – What is the Triumph of Humor over Human Adversity? – Humor Production: The Differences and Similarities between Academic and Popular Sources – To improve the students’ speaking skills, use humor in the teaching-learning process

Humorous Topics for Essays – The Truth Behind Comedy. A Study Of Comedians. Jane Austen’s Subtle Humor about Pride and Prejudice – The Humor of Borat: Cultural Learnings of America to Make Beneficiious Nation of Kazakhstan – The Cynical Perspectives and Dark Humor Of Voltaire in Candide And Zadig – Therapeutic Uses Of Humor – Women and Comedy: Sexual Humor And Female Empowerment Using dark humor and journals – Mark Twain’s Humorous Writings – Humor is essential in creating effective advertising for marketers – The Cellular and Immune Effects Of Humor Humor in Flight: What Roles Does It Play? – Chaucer8217s Canterbury Tales: Humor and Satire Shakespeare’s Humor: Richard Iii. – One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest: Powerful Humor – Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s Life and Dark Humor in Satirical Fictions – The Difference between British and American Humor – George Orwell’s Animal Farm demonstrates the use of humor to describe historical events Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Humor – How to use humor to face the harsh realities of everyday life as a prisoner during the Holocaust – William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet – Humor – The development of a sense of humor in childhood Hwee Hwee Ta – Humor through Contradictions within Foreign Body Components Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night: Wit and Humor – Humor theories by Jim Holt – 21 Jump Street: The Humor of Chris Miller and Phil Lord

Questions about Humor – What Does it Mean to be “Bad”? – What is Humor? – What is the opposite of humor? – What is the best synonym for humor? – What is the closest synonym for the word humor? How African American Humor and Our View of Comedy Have Changed – Chaucer uses humor to make social criticism. – How does Dorothy Parker use humor to explore gender differences? Humor: How does it affect our society? – What is Humor? – Emily Dickinson uses humor and irony in her poetry – How can humor benefit workplace relations and improve employee performance? – How can humor create different emotions within comedy? How can humor be an important part for health? Humor can make a greater impression than Stern speeches. – How can Japan’s open-mindedness, responsibility and sense of humor make it a better country? Russel Peters uses race-based humor? – What are the unique characteristics of Jewish Humor and Humorology? Humor-Based Positive psychology Interventions for Whom? – How do personality traits and sense of humor affect your ability to make decisions? Is there a relationship between Humor Styles & Subjective Well-Being that is different across cultures and ages? How does humor affect brand imaging, interpersonal? – How does Humor influence perceptions of veracity? – Is Humor a Qualify for a Person? What is the importance of humor? – How did social change and its humor idioms in the Twentieth Century occur? – What are the Different Styles Of Humor?


Emerson McKinney is a 31-year-old mother and blogger who focuses on education. Emerson has a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of South Carolina. She is currently a stay-at-home mom and blogger who writes about her experiences as a mother and educator. Emerson is also a contributing writer for the Huffington Post.

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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — Top 60 Satire Topics for Thought-Provoking and Humorous Essays

Top 60 Satire Topics for Thought-Provoking and Humorous Essays

satire topics

Satire is a unique and powerful literary genre that combines humor, irony, and critical commentary to reflect on society's flaws and absurdities. Writing a satire essay allows students to explore contemporary issues creatively and humorously. This article provides a comprehensive guide to satire essay topics, including funny satire topics, satire ideas, and examples for students.

Understanding Satire

Historical Background

Satire has a rich history, dating back to ancient Greek and Roman literature. Notable satirists like Aristophanes, Juvenal, and Horace used humor and irony to critique their societies. In modern times, figures like Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, and George Orwell have continued this tradition, using satire to highlight societal issues and provoke thought.

Elements of Satire

Satire relies on several key elements to be effective:

  • Irony : Using words to convey a meaning opposite to their literal meaning.
  • Exaggeration : Amplifying characteristics or situations to absurd levels.
  • Parody : Imitating the style of a particular genre, person, or work for comedic effect.
  • Wit : Clever and humorous expression of ideas.

How to Write a Satire Essay

  • Choosing a Topic

Choosing a relevant and relatable topic is crucial for a successful satire essay. Look for subjects that resonate with current events or common experiences. Consider brainstorming with peers or conducting research to find issues that provoke strong opinions or emotions.

  • Research and Planning

Thorough research is essential to understand the subject and develop insightful commentary. Create an outline to organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas. Identify the key points you want to satirize and how you will use humor to highlight them.

  • Writing Techniques

Incorporate satire effectively by balancing humor with critical commentary. Use irony, exaggeration, and parody to emphasize the absurdities of your topic. Ensure your humor is clear and does not overshadow the message you intend to convey.

60 Satire Essay Topics for Students

Good satire topics.

  • The Social Media Influencer Phenomenon : Satirize the rise of influencers and their impact on society, focusing on the absurdity of their influence on lifestyle and consumer habits.
  • Political Campaign Promises : Highlight the empty promises made during political campaigns and the gullibility of voters who believe them.
  • Diet Fads and Health Trends: Critique the endless cycle of diet fads and the often contradictory health trends that people blindly follow.
  • Standardized Testing in Schools : Exaggerate the emphasis on standardized testing and its negative effects on students and teachers.
  • Climate Change Denial: Satirize the refusal to accept climate change and the ridiculous arguments made by deniers.
  • Celebrity Culture and Obsession: Examine the obsession with celebrities and their personal lives, highlighting the absurdity of idolizing people simply because they are famous.
  • The Tech Addiction Epidemic: Critique society’s dependence on technology and the way it dominates every aspect of our lives, from communication to entertainment.
  • Reality TV Show Absurdities: Highlight the ridiculous nature of reality TV shows and how they often distort reality for entertainment purposes.
  • The Job Market for College Graduates: Satirize the challenges faced by recent graduates in finding employment, focusing on the unrealistic expectations and underpaid internships.
  • Corporate Greenwashing: Critique the superficial efforts of companies to appear environmentally friendly, exposing the hypocrisy behind their marketing campaigns.

Funny Satire Topics

  • The Unwritten Rules of Social Media: Satirize the absurd and often contradictory etiquette of social media platforms, such as the pressure to like and comment on every post.
  • The "Perfect" Instagram Life: Highlight the hilarity of people curating their lives for Instagram, focusing on the lengths they go to create a façade of perfection.
  • Online Dating Profiles: Exaggerate the differences between real-life personalities and online dating profiles, poking fun at the embellishments people use to attract matches.
  • The Hipster Lifestyle : Critique the ironic and often pretentious elements of hipster culture, including their obsession with vintage items and artisanal everything.
  • Office Buzzwords: Satirize the overuse of corporate jargon and buzzwords in the workplace, making fun of phrases like "synergy" and "think outside the box."
  • The Fitness Guru: Highlight the absurdity of extreme fitness trends and the self-proclaimed fitness gurus who promote them on social media.
  • Parenting Fads: Critique the ever-changing trends in parenting advice, from helicopter parenting to free-range kids, emphasizing the humorous contradictions.
  • The Vacation Photo Overload: Exaggerate the obsession with documenting every moment of a vacation on social media, making fun of the staged photos and endless selfies.
  • Life Hacks Gone Wrong: Poke fun at the ridiculous and often impractical life hacks that flood the internet, highlighting their sometimes disastrous results.
  • The DIY Craze: Satirize the do-it-yourself culture, focusing on the comedic failures that often result from overly ambitious DIY projects.

Satire Essay Topics on Politics

  • The Endless Election Campaign : Satirize the never-ending political campaigns and their impact on society.
  • Political Promises : Highlight the absurdity of politicians' promises that are rarely fulfilled.
  • Social Media Politics : Critique how politicians use social media for their campaigns and the resulting effects on public discourse.
  • The Watergate Scandal : Draw parallels between historical political scandals and contemporary politics.
  • The Cold War : Satirize the tensions and propaganda of the Cold War era in a modern context.
  • Monarchies and Democracies : Compare the absurdities of ancient monarchies with modern democratic practices.
  • The Perpetual Politician: Satirize the career politicians who stay in office for decades without significant accomplishments.
  • The Blame Game: Highlight the absurdity of politicians constantly blaming their predecessors for current issues.
  • Government Shutdowns: Critique the frequent government shutdowns and their effects on public services and employees.
  • Political Debates: Satirize the theatrical nature of political debates and the lack of substantive discussion.

Satire Essay Topics on Social Issues

  • The Social Media Influencer : Satirize the rise of influencers and their impact on youth and culture.
  • Tech Addiction : Highlight society's dependence on technology and its consequences.
  • Privacy in the Digital Age : Critique the erosion of privacy in a world dominated by social media and surveillance.
  • Celebrity Culture : Satirize the obsession with celebrities and their influence on public behavior.
  • Diet Fads : Critique the endless cycle of diet trends and their impact on health.
  • Reality TV : Highlight the absurdity of reality television and its effect on viewers' perceptions of reality.
  • The Charity Gala: Critique the extravagance of charity events that spend more on the event than the cause.
  • Online Outrage: Satirize the culture of outrage and canceling people over minor infractions on social media.
  • Parenting Trends: Highlight the absurdity of constantly changing parenting fads and their supposed benefits.
  • Gentrification : Critique the process of gentrification and its impact on original residents and local culture.

Satire Essay Topics on Education

  • Standardized Testing : Satirize the emphasis on standardized testing and its impact on education quality.
  • Homework Overload : Critique the excessive homework assigned to students and its effects on their well-being.
  • School Uniforms : Highlight the absurdity of strict school uniform policies and their supposed benefits.
  • The College Admissions Game : Satirize the competitive and often unfair college admissions process.
  • Unpaid Internships : Critique the expectation of unpaid internships as a necessary step to career success.
  • Student Debt Crisis : Highlight the absurdities of the student loan system and its impact on graduates.
  • Virtual Learning: Satirize the challenges and absurdities of online education during the pandemic.
  • Teacher Evaluations: Critique the often unrealistic and overly critical evaluations teachers face.
  • The Grade Inflation: Highlight the absurdity of grade inflation and its impact on student motivation and learning.
  • College Rankings: Satirize the obsession with college rankings and their influence on students' and parents' choices.

Satire Essay Topics on Environmental Issues

  • Corporate Greenwashing : Satirize companies that falsely advertise their products as environmentally friendly.
  • Plastic Ban : Critique the effectiveness of plastic bans and their real impact on the environment.
  • Climate Change Denial : Highlight the absurdity of denying climate change in the face of overwhelming evidence.
  • Big Oil's Green Initiatives : Satirize the contradictory nature of fossil fuel companies promoting green initiatives.
  • Fast Fashion : Critique the environmental impact of the fast fashion industry and consumer habits.
  • Recycling Myths : Highlight the misconceptions and inefficiencies in the recycling system.
  • Eco-Friendly Celebrities : Satirize celebrities who promote environmentalism but live extravagant, wasteful lifestyles.
  • Carbon Offsetting: Critique the effectiveness and sincerity of carbon offsetting programs.
  • The Organic Craze: Highlight the absurdities and misconceptions surrounding the organic food movement.
  • Electric Car Hype: Satirize the promotion of electric cars as the ultimate solution to environmental problems without addressing broader issues.

Writing and Refining Your Satire Essay

Drafting and Revising

Writing a satire essay requires multiple drafts to refine humor and ensure clarity. Seek feedback from peers to gauge the effectiveness of your satire. Revise your essay to improve the flow of ideas and enhance comedic elements.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Avoid crossing the line from satire to offense. Ensure your satire is humorous without being harmful or disrespectful. Maintain a balance between humor and insightful critique to keep your essay engaging and meaningful.

The Power of Satire

Satire is a powerful tool for social commentary, offering a unique way to highlight and critique societal issues. By using humor and irony, satire can provoke thought and inspire change.

Final Thoughts

Writing a satire essay is both challenging and rewarding. It requires creativity, critical thinking, and a keen sense of humor. By exploring a wide range of satire topics, from politics and social issues to education and environmental concerns, students can find inspiration for their essays. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different satire ideas and techniques to make your essay engaging and impactful.

Satirical topics allow writers to delve into current events and cultural trends, using humor to reflect on the absurdities of society. Whether you are a high school student looking for satire topics for high school projects or a college student seeking good satire topics for a class assignment, there is a wealth of material to explore. Funny satire topics can make your essay entertaining, while also providing a critical perspective on important issues.

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50+ Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

50+ Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

Table of Contents

Joking on a serious note.

Essay writing is primarily used in schools and colleges to gauge the research, writing, and most importantly, thinking capabilities of the students. Teachers provide lectures and impart insights regarding the art and craft of writing. At the end of the semester, students need to show how much they have learned to retain and have been able to put into practice.

Many students believe that the tenser, and academically inclined topics they choose, the brighter their chances will be to score good marks. This cannot be further from the truth as teachers hardly regard topics, but the structure, thesis, and overall format of the essay. That’s why you can joke on a serious note!

Outlining Your Argumentative Essay Before Writing

Argumentative essay writing is one of the common types employed in academic institutions to gauge the capabilities of the students. It is different from narrative and descriptive essays because it follows a logical sequence of arguments and sticks to a rigid structure and organization. There are many types of argumentative essays, but they rely on starting with an argument and then gathering evidence to support its soundness.

Outlining the argumentative essay from the beginning provides a clear heading and discernible scope to the essay. Students will know which resources to scour and which evidence to earmark for further use. If a writer fails to outline his argumentative essay from the start, he will have a hard time keeping up with the deadline. That’s why we have added this step of writing in our guide on writing an argumentative essay in the concluding sections of this blog.

Can Funny Topics Become Controversial?

Argumentative essays can be written on funny topics or ideas that seem preposterous to the school and college professors. As we have mentioned earlier, what matters the most is how the execution of the essay is done by the writer, not the solemnity of his topic.

There is always a chance that when students go this unusual way, they might face controversy and criticism from the teachers. In a way, this is about argumentative essay writing. You can develop an argument no matter how absurd it may seem. You can work on it by gathering the necessary information, developing a thesis, and then moving on to the writing part. If it sticks in the face of scrutiny from both peers and professors, it is right. The controversy is not always bad, especially when it leads to new developments in human thought.

Funny Topics For School And College Students

Students love to joke around the campus. The pranks can go too far, but the comedy and hilarity in writing show more than just jokes. Writers who can write witty punch lines with impeccable timing can score well in their academic writing too. All they need to do is learn the ropes of academic writing.

In this section, we will go through some of the best funny topics that students can explore in their argumentative essays at different levels, from college to middle school.

Fun Argumentative Essay Topics For College

The college provides much more artistic freedom to students and young writers compared to high school and lower academic echelons. Since there are dedicated programs for writing, they can learn and apply the knowledge of writing across their studies. This not only helps them in broadening their academic horizon but also helps them to explore a novel side of writing. Here are our topic suggestions for college.

  • Cigarettes are a great way to break the ice with strangers
  • Dating apps are a disaster for romance and intimacy
  • Freedom of expression should have a cost
  • Is it teachers or parents that are to blame in the end?
  • The Middle East is a ripe ground for democracy
  • Fast food companies provide cheap and healthy food
  • Global warming helps us keep warm in winters
  • The world will be a better place without religion
  • Organic food is over-rated
  • Marketing gimmicks are the norms 
  • Conflicts should be welcomed in healthy relationships
  • Why lecture attendance is a problem for lazy students
  • Taxing the rich is the best way to help the poor and the needy
  • Sex education is harmful to young adults
  • Paying for music should be compulsory

Hilarious Argumentative Essay Topics For High School

For many young writers, high school is where their love for writing and learning starts. It is where they see the possibilities in restraints. Funny topics are not welcomed in school because of the conservative approach toward learning. Especially the topics that can incite controversies are avoided at all costs. Still, there are grey areas that students can explore in their search for a funny argumentative essay.

  • Facebook is the best place to know your teachers 
  • If companies cannot outsmart their competitors, they should copy it
  • Internet should be highly censored, especially for comedy and fun content
  • Customer complaints are the best source of learning for businesses
  • Energy drinks should become mandatory in schools
  • Social media is the best source to learn the truth
  • There is no racial bias in the police system of the US
  • People can end their lives as it is their right
  • Terrorists should be treated with clemency
  • Mind or body or body over mind – a simple discourse
  • The court system today has no flaws at all
  • The radical redistribution of wealth will eradicate poverty
  • Guns should have rights to own people
  • There is no need for gender inclusivity 

Funny Argumentative Essay Topics For Middle School

Middle school is not the place where students can have their say in picking a funny topic for an argumentative essay. Teachers provide topics and even detailed guidelines on how to develop an argument and then crystallize it through a thesis statement. Still, if students get a chance to write on the topic of their choice, one of these funny argumentative essay topics will be great.

  • Vegetarians are destroying plants
  • The internet is the bane of human being’s existence
  • The death penalty should be revived for economic purposes
  • Governments should pay their citizens
  • Governments should not provide free medical services to people
  • Political activism is a mess
  • We are now farthest than ever from World War 3
  • Public surveillance cameras are for security purposes
  • The sky is the limit for space exploration
  • Marijuana is the wonder cure for all maladies
  • Overuse of smartphones is not bad at all
  • There should not be any educational limit for the police force
  • Nature is killing us by default
  • Illegal drugs are not bad for us at all
  • The right to vote should be banned in democracies

Amusing Argumentative Essay Topics

Irrespective of the level of academics, funny topics come and go on campuses. There is always empowering for students to be able to pick up a topic and do justice to it, whether it is funny or serious. Argumentative essays often carry a serious countenance but they can act as perfect tools to make a joke – even on a serious note. Here are some more great suggestions.

  • Employees should be allowed to use social media at work
  • Companies are obligated to send birthday presents to their clients
  • Staying at home all day is better than staying at an office all day
  • Shakespeare plagiarized all of these plays from obscure writers
  • Internet slang should be included in the dictionaries
  • Full-day kindergarten is better for parents
  • The English language is not simple at all
  • Kids should be paid to draw on walls
  • Music is a therapy for the rich and the spoiled
  • Modern schools are better off without the internet
  • Online classes are better than in-person classes
  • Medical practices in primitive cultures were not evasive
  • Hospitals should employ placebo treatments to save real drugs
  • Innovations are making us agiler and healthier
  • Bosses are the oxygen of modern corporate culture

How To Ace Your Argumentative Essay

After going through the best funny topics for your argumentative essays, it is time to take a look at how to approach writing one. Students know what an argumentative essay is and what its characteristics are, but they may find themselves at odds while sitting down to write. This is where this little guide will walk them through different steps.

  • Start with sifting through multiple ideas. Just because an idea came into your head at a fortunate moment did not mean it was the best one. Try numerous ideas before settling on one
  • Arguments need to be blasted out of the ground – figuratively. It is hard to have an impeccable argument readily at the back of your head. You may have to work hard to nurture one
  • We have already discussed the importance of outlining your argumentative essay in the opening sections. Suffice it to say that you can easily complete your write-up quickly if you heavily outline it in the first place
  • After all these preliminary steps, what’s left is to sit down and write. No need to get worried if there are any errors or inconsistencies in the essay. They can all be weeded out in the editing and proofing stages

What are some fun argumentative essay topics?

Fun argumentative essays can help writers work through controversial areas with ease. Since they are cloaked in humor, they can easily “get away” with certain things. Here are some areas that can add a twist to the topics:

  • Commentary on social norms and issues
  • A witty take on systems
  • Issues with politics and economy
  • Discourse on the human condition

What should I write about for a fun essay?

It takes serious writing to compose funny essays – pun intended. Writers need to research a lot and make sure their points are made across without being died down in the process. The best thing that writers should do for fun essays is to employ literary devices such as satire, similes, metaphors, and so on.

What are good argumentative essays?

Argumentative essays have the primary purpose of persuading the readers. Here are some of the characteristics of good argumentative essays:

  • Rational in approach
  • Neutral tone and voice
  • Reliance on empirical evidence
  • Well-structured

What are some interesting arguments?

Interesting arguments need to be novel in their content and approach. They should explore new angles and ideas, especially when connecting the dots for the readers. Any argument can be interesting if it is well-founded and backed by evidence.

What are some good essay topics for high school?

High school essay writing is important because it helps writers to gain the necessary knowledge. This vocation readily helps them in getting admission, among other things. If you want to know some good and funny essay topics for argumentative essays in high school, this blog post has plenty.

How can I write funny argumentative essays that are not controversial?

Fun and comedy can garner controversy. But as long as you stick to the research and arguments backed by empirical evidence, there are few chances that your funny argumentative essay will not meet controversy.

Funny Academic Essay Writing

Narrative and descriptive essay writing are considered the easiest because they allow writers to showcase their angle on the topic or the problem. An argumentative essay is often backed by evidential information with heavy reliance on proofs. But you can explore different hilarious topics in argumentative essays, as long as their nature remains intact and it checks all the boxes.

This guide has covered major parts of essay writing along with some topic suggestions for writers. While writing argumentative essays with a twist, will help them a lot.

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essay topics on humor

Should You Be Funny In Your College Essay + Examples

essay topics on humor

What’s Covered:

Why are college essays important, should you be funny in your college essay, tips for adding humor to your college essays, essay examples, how to make sure your humor is effective.

College essays are an important part of your application profile. They humanize you and provide you with the opportunity to prove that you’re an interesting individual beyond your grades and test scores. 

Some ways students humanize themselves include reflecting on their values, clueing readers into their backstory, showing off their personalities, or any combination of these. 

One question that may come up with regards to showing off your personality is: can I be funny in my college essay?

Read along to hear our expert opinion on the subject and tips for writing a funny essay, the right way. You can also check out a few examples of essays that have successfully included humor to give you a good idea of what’s appropriate for your writing.

To put it simply, college essays are needed because top colleges have lots of qualified candidates and, to get accepted, you need to stand out. It is estimated that, at top schools, there are at least four academically-qualified applicants for every open spot. This means that students hoping to gain admission to top schools must supplement outstanding grades with other outstanding qualities.

Ways to make yourself stand out include extracurriculars, recommendations and interviews, and essays. At the nation’s top schools, reports tell us that these non-academic factors are weighted respectively as accounting for 30%, 10%, and 25% of your overall admissions chances. The fact that essays account for 25% of your admissions chances means that they could be your key to acceptance at your dream school.

If you are interested in the specific factors that determine how important essays are for individual candidates at individual schools, check out this post .

Essays are heavily weighted in the admissions process because they are the only place where admissions officers get to hear directly from you. An individual’s voice says a lot about them—how mature they are, how comfortable they are with their experiences, and even how likable they are. These are important factors for admissions officers who are trying to see how you would fit in on their campus!

The gist of our answer: if your personality is funny, feel free to be funny! As we’ve said, an important opportunity provided to you by the college essay is the opportunity to show your personality. Humor, if done correctly, can be an important part of that.

That said, if you are only attempting humor because you think it is what admissions officers want to hear or because you think it will help you stand out, abandon ship and find a way to shape your essay that is true to your personality. Try writing down how you view your personality or ask friends and family for adjectives that describe your personality, then show that personality through your voice. It will be more natural this way!

Some elements of personality that could define your voice, if humor isn’t for you:

  • Thoughtful/reflective
  • Extroverted/social
  • Charismatic
  • Clever/witty
  • Honest/authentic
  • Considerate
  • Practical/rational

Additionally, if you cannot follow some basic guidelines (listed below) for how to incorporate humor into your essay, you might want to change your course.

1. Be Appropriate

First things first: be appropriate. Humor is, of course, subjective, but make sure your subject matter would be considered appropriate by absolutely anyone reading it. Think about the most traditional person you know and make sure they would be okay with it. No jokes about sex, drugs, lying, crimes, or anything inappropriate—even if the joke is “obviously” against the inappropriate thing you are mentioning.

2. Don’t Be Overly Informal

You want your essay to position you as mature and intelligent, and the way you control language is a sign of maturity and intellect. That said, lots of humor—particularly the humor of young people and internet humor—are based on informality, intentional grammatical errors, and slang. These types of humor, while arguably funny, should be excluded from college essays!

As you write, remember that you know nothing about your admissions officer. Of course, you do not know their age, race, or gender, but you also don’t know their sense of humor. The last thing you want to do is make a joke with an intentional grammatical error and be perceived as unintelligent or make a joke with slang that confuses your reader and makes them think you don’t have a firm grasp of the English language.

3. Avoid Appearing Disrespectful or Inconsiderate

Humor often involves making fun of someone or something. It is very important that you do not make fun of the wrong things! In the last example, the student made fun of themself and their failed cooking experience. That is totally acceptable.

Things that you should not make fun of:

  • Other people (particularly those in positions of authority)
  • Political ideas
  • Religious ideas
  • Anything involving ethics, morals, or values

When you make fun of others, you risk sounding cold or unsympathetic. Admissions officers want to admit candidates who are mature and understand that they can never understand the struggles of others. That means you shouldn’t make a cutting joke about your old boss or an unintelligent politician who was running for your city mayor, even if they are the villain in your anecdote.

Similarly, avoid jokes about types of people. Avoid stereotypes in your jokes. 

In general, it is hard to write a humorous essay about a controversial subject. Controversial issues are typically issues that require deep thought and conversation, so if you intend to engage with them, you should consider a more reflective approach, or consider integrating reflection with your humor.

Here is an example of a student successfully poking fun at themself with their humor, while alluding to controversy:

My teenage rebellion started at age twelve. Though not yet technically a teenager, I dedicated myself to the cause: I wore tee shirts with bands on them that made my parents cringe, shopped exclusively at stores with eyebrow-pierced employees, and met every comforting idea the world offered me with hostility. Darkness was in my soul! Happiness was a construct meant for sheep! Optimism was for fools! My cynicism was a product of a world that gave birth to the War in Afghanistan around the same time it gave birth to me, that shot and killed my peers in school, that irreversibly melted ice caps and polluted oceans and destroyed forests. 

I was angry. I fought with my parents, my peers, and strangers. It was me versus the world. 

However, there’s a fundamental flaw in perpetual antagonism: it’s exhausting. My personal relationships suffered as my cynicism turned friends and family into bad guys in my eyes. As I kept up the fight, I found myself always tired, emotionally and physically. The tipping point came one morning standing at the bathroom sink before school.

This student engages with controversial subject matter, but the humorous parts are the parts where she makes fun of herself and her beliefs— “ Darkness was in my soul! Happiness was a construct meant for sheep! Optimism was for fools!” Additionally, the student follows up their humor with reflection: “ However, there’s a fundamental flaw in perpetual antagonism: it’s exhausting. My personal relationships suffered as my cynicism turned friends and family into bad guys in my eyes.”

This student is both funny and mature, witty and reflective, and, above all, a good writer with firm control of language.

4. Don’t Force It

We have already mentioned not to force humor, but we are mentioning it again because it is very important! 

Here is an example of a student whose forced humor detracts from the point of their essay:

To say I have always remained in my comfort zone is an understatement. Did I always order chicken fingers and fries at a restaurant? Yup! Sounds like me. Did I always create a color-coded itinerary just for a day trip? Guilty as charged. Did I always carry a first-aid kit at all times? Of course! I would make even an ambulance look unprepared. And yet here I was, choosing 1,000 miles of misery from Las Vegas to Seattle despite every bone in my body telling me not to.

The sunlight blinded my eyes and a wave of nausea swept over me. Was it too late to say I forgot my calculator? It was only ten minutes in, and I was certain that the trip was going to be a disaster. I simply hoped that our pre-drive prayer was not stuck in God’s voicemail box. 

As this student attempts to characterize themself as stuck in their ways (to eventually describe how they overcame this desire for comfort), their humor feels gimmicky. They describe their preparedness in a way that comes off as inauthentic. It’s funny to imagine them carrying around a first aid kit everywhere they go, but does the reader believe it? Then, when they write “ Was it too late to say I forgot my calculator? ” they create an image of themself as that goofy, overprepared kit in a sitcom. Sitcom characters don’t feel real and the point of a college essay is to make yourself seem like a real person to admissions officers. Don’t sacrifice your essay to humor.

5. Make Sure Your Humor Is Clear

Humor is subjective, so run your essay by people—lots and lots of people—to see if they are confused, offended, or distracted. Ask people to read your essay for content and see if they mention the humor (positively or negatively), but also specifically ask people what they think about the humor. Peer feedback is always important but becomes particularly useful when attempting a humorous essay.

Essay Example #1

Prompt: Tell us an interesting or amusing story about yourself from your high school years. (350 words)

Cooking is one of those activities at which people are either extremely talented or completely inept. Personally, I’ve found that I fall right in the middle, with neither prodigal nor abhorrent talents. After all, it’s just following instructions, right? Unfortunately, one disastrous night in my kitchen has me questioning that logic.

The task was simple enough: cook a turkey stir fry. In theory, it’s an extremely simple dish. However, almost immediately, things went awry. While I was cutting onions, I absentmindedly rubbed at my eyes and smeared my mascara. (Keep this in mind; it’ll come into play later.) I then proceeded to add the raw turkey to the vegetable pot. Now, as any good chef knows, this means that either the vegetables will burn or the turkey will be raw. I am admittedly not a good chef.

After a taste test, I decided to take a page out of the Spice Girls’ book and “spice up my life”, adding some red chili paste. This was my fatal mistake. The bottle spilled everywhere. Pot, counter, floor, I mean everywhere . While trying to clean up the mess, my hands ended up covered in sauce.

Foolishly, I decided to taste my ruined meal anyway. My tongue felt like it was on fire and I sprinted to the bathroom to rinse my mouth. I looked in the mirror and, noticing the raccoon eyes formed by my mascara, grabbed a tissue. What I had neglected to realize was that chili paste had transferred to the tissue—the tissue which I was using to wipe my eyes. I don’t know if you’ve ever put chili paste anywhere near your eyes, but here’s a word of advice: don’t. Seriously, don’t .

I fumbled blindly for the sink handle, mouth still on fire, eyes burning, presumably looking like a character out of a Tim Burton film. After I rinsed my face, I sat down and stared at my bowl of still-too-spicy and probably-somewhat-raw stir fry, wondering what ancient god had decided to take their anger out on me that night, and hoping I would never incur their wrath ever again.

What the Essay Did Well

This essay is an excellent example of how to successfully execute humor. The student’s informal tone helps to bridge the gap between them and the reader, making us feel like we are sitting across the table from them and laughing along. Speaking directly to the reader in sentences like, “ Keep this in mind; it’ll come into play later, ” and “ I don’t know if you’ve ever put chili paste anywhere near your eyes, but here’s a word of advice: don’t. Seriously, don’t,”  is a great tactic to downplay the formality of the essay.

The student’s humor comes through phrases like “ Now, as any good chef knows, this means that either the vegetables will burn or the turkey will be raw. I am admittedly not a good chef.” As this student plays on the common structure of “As any good (insert profession here) knows,” then subverts expectations, they make an easy-to-understand, casual but not flippant joke.

Similarly, the sentence “ I decided to take a page out of the Spice Girls’ book ,” reads in a light-hearted, funny tone. And, importantly, even if a reader had no idea who the Spice Girls were, they would recognize this as a pop-culture joke and would not be confused or lost in any way. The phrase “ raccoon eyes”  is another humorous inclusion—even if the reader doesn’t know what it’s like to rub their eyes while wearing mascara they can picture the rings around a raccoon and imagine the spectacle.

As you can see from this essay, humor works well when you engage universal and inoffensive concepts in ways that are casual enough to be funny, but still comprehensible.

Essay Example #2

Prompt: Due to a series of clerical errors, there is exactly one typo (an extra letter, a removed letter, or an altered letter) in the name of every department at the University of Chicago. Oops! Describe your new intended major. Why are you interested in it and what courses or areas of focus within it might you want to explore? Potential options include Commuter Science, Bromance Languages and Literatures, Pundamentals: Issues and Texts, Ant History… a full list of unmodified majors ready for your editor’s eye is available here. —Inspired by Josh Kaufman, AB’18

When I shared the video of me eating fried insects in Thailand, my friends were seriously offended. Some stopped talking to me, while the rest thought I had lost my mind and recommended me the names of a few psychologists. 

A major in Gastrophysics at UChicago is not for the faint hearted. You have to have a stomach for it! I do hope I am accepted to it as it is the only University in the U.S. with this unique major. My passion for trying unique food such as fish eye has made me want to understand the complexities of how it affects our digestive system. I understand that Gastrophysics started with a big pang of food, which quickly expanded to famish. Bite years are used to measure the amount of food ingested. I look forward to asking, “How many bite years can the stomach hold?” and “How do different enzymes react with the farticles?” 

Gastrophysics truly unravels the physics of food. At UChicago I will understand the intricacies of what time to eat, how to eat and how food will be digested. Do we need to take antiparticle acid if we feel acidity is becoming a matter of concern? At what angle should the mouth be, for the best possible tasting experience? When I tried crocodile meat, I found that at a 0 degree tilt, it tasted like fish and chicken at the same time. But the same tasted more like fish at a negative angle and like chicken at a positive angle. I want to unravel these mysteries in a class by Professor Daniel Holz in gravitational gastrophysics, understanding the unseen strong and weak forces at play which attract food to our stomachs. 

I find that Gastrophysics is also important for fastronomy. I want to learn the physics of fasting. How should we fast? Hubble bubble is a good chewing gum; an appetite suppressant in case you feel pangs of hunger. I have read how the UChicago Fastronauts are stepping up to test uncharted territories. Intermittent fasting is a new method being researched, and UChicago offers the opportunity for furthering this research. Which is better: fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8, or fasting for 24 hours twice a week? It is just one of the problems that UChicago offers a chance to solve. 

I can also study the new branch it offers that uses farticle physics. It is the science of tracking farticles and how they interact with each other and chemicals in the stomach space. It could give rise to supernovae explosions, turning people into gas giants. It would also teach about the best ways to expel gas and clean the system and prevent stomach space expansion. 

I want to take Fluid dynamics 101, another important course in Gastrophysics; teaching about the importance of water and other fluids in the body, and the most important question: what happens if you try to drink superfluids? 

I hope to do interdisciplinary courses with observational gastrophysicists and work with environmental science majors to track how much methane is given by the human and animal gastrointestinal tract in the atmosphere and how much it contributes to the global climate change. I believe, with the help of courses in date science, they have been able to keep a track of how much methane is entering each day, and they found that during Dec 24-Jan 3 period, a spike in the methane and ethane levels could be seen. Accordingly, algorithms are being programmed to predict the changes all year round. I would love to use my strong mathematical background to explore these algorithms. 

These courses are specially designed by the distinguished faculty of UChicago. Doing interdisciplinary research in collaboration with biological science students to determine what aliens may eat, with fart historians to know more about the intestinal structure of medieval Italians, Japanese, Chinese, Swedish and French people to better their lives is what I look forward to. The Paris study abroad program is an immersion course into fastronomy, where I will have the opportunity to test my self-control with all the amazing French food and desserts around! 

My stomach rumbles now, so I am going out to try out new food – hopefully it will be in Chicago a few months later. 

This is a fun essay! This student’s voice is present and their goofy personality is especially evident. Not only did they change the name of their major, but this student incorporated word play throughout the essay to showcase their imagination. Phrases like “ the big pang of food ”, “ bite years ”, “ fastronauts ”, and “ farticle physics ” keep the tone lighthearted and amusing.

Incorporating this style of humor takes a lot of creativity to be able to still convey your main idea while also earning a chuckle from your readers. While some jokes are a bit more low-brow—” farticles ” or “ fart historians ” for example—they are balanced out by some that are more clever and require a bit of thinking to get the A-ha moment (referencing the Hubble telescope as “ Hubble bubble chewing gum “). You might not feel comfortable including less sophisticated jokes in your essay at all, but if you do want to go down that path, having more intellectual sources of humor is important to provide balance.

Another positive of the essay is the continued thread of humor throughout. Sometimes humor is used as a tool in the introduction and abandoned in favor of practical information about the student. This essay manages to tell us about the student and their interests without sacrificing the laugh factor. Weaving humor throughout the essay like this makes the humor feel more genuine and helps us better understand this student’s personality.  

Essay Example #3

Prompt:   Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more? (650 words)

Scalding hot water cascades over me, crashing to the ground in a familiar, soothing rhythm. Steam rises to the ceiling as dried sweat and soap suds swirl down the drain. The water hisses as it hits my skin, far above the safe temperature for a shower. The pressure is perfect on my tired muscles, easing the aches and bruises from a rough bout of sparring and the tension from a long, stressful day. The noise from my overactive mind dies away, fading into music, lyrics floating through my head. Black streaks stripe the inside of my left arm, remnants of the penned reminders of homework, money owed and forms due. 

It lacks the same dynamism and controlled intensity of sparring on the mat at taekwondo or the warm tenderness of a tight hug from my father, but it’s still a cocoon of safety as the water washes away the day’s burdens. As long as the hot water is running, the rest of the world ceases to exist, shrinking to me, myself and I. The shower curtain closes me off from the hectic world spinning around me. 

Much like the baths of Blanche DuBois, my hot showers are a means of cleansing and purifying (though I’m mostly just ridding myself of the germs from children at work sneezing on me). In the midst of a hot shower, there is no impending exam to study for, no newspaper deadline to meet, no paycheck to deposit. It is simply complete and utter peace, a safe haven. The steam clears my mind even as it clouds my mirror. 

Creativity thrives in the tub, breathing life into tales of dragons and warrior princesses that evolve only in my head, never making their way to paper but appeasing the childlike dreamer and wannabe author in me all the same. That one calculus problem that has seemed unsolvable since second period clicks into place as I realize the obvious solution. The perfect concluding sentence to my literary analysis essay writes itself (causing me to abruptly end my shower in a mad dash to the computer before I forget it entirely).  

Ever since I was old enough to start taking showers unaided, I began hogging all the hot water in the house, a source of great frustration to my parents. Many of my early showers were rudely cut short by an unholy banging on the bathroom door and an order to “stop wasting water and come eat dinner before it gets cold.” After a decade of trudging up the stairs every evening to put an end to my water-wasting, my parents finally gave in, leaving me to my (expensive) showers. I imagine someday, when paying the water bill is in my hands, my showers will be shorter, but today is not that day (nor, hopefully, will the next four years be that day). 

Showers are better than any ibuprofen, the perfect panacea for life’s daily ailments. Headaches magically disappear as long as the water runs, though they typically return in full force afterward. The runny nose and itchy eyes courtesy of summertime allergies recede. Showers alleviate even the stomachache from a guacamole-induced lack of self-control. 

Honestly though, the best part about a hot shower is neither its medicinal abilities nor its blissful temporary isolation or even the heavenly warmth seeped deep into my bones. The best part is that these little moments of pure, uninhibited contentedness are a daily occurrence. No matter how stressful the day, showers ensure I always have something to look forward to. They are small moments, true, but important nonetheless, because it is the little things in life that matter; the big moments are too rare, too fleeting to make anyone truly happy. Wherever I am in the world, whatever fate chooses to throw at me, I know I can always find my peace at the end of the day behind the shower curtain.

While the humor in this essay isn’t as direct as the others, the subtle inclusion of little phrases in parentheses throughout the essay bring some comedy without feeling overbearing. 

The contrast of elegant and posh Blanche DuBois and “ germs from children at work sneezing on me ” paints an ironic picture that you can’t help but laugh at. The ability to describe universal experiences also brings a level of humor to the essay. For example, the reader might laugh at the line, “ abruptly end my shower in a mad dash to the computer before I forget it entirely,”  because it brings to mind moments when they have done the same.

This student also achieves a humorous tone by poking fun at themselves. Admitting that they were “ hogging all the hot water, ” leading to “ (expensive) showers, ” as well as describing their stomachache as a “ guacamole-induced lack of self-control, ” keeps the tone casual and easy-going. Everybody has their flaws, and in this case long showers and guacamole are the downfall of this student.

While the tips and tricks we’ve given you will be extremely helpful when writing, it’s often not that simple. Feedback is ultimately any writer’s best source of improvement—especially when it comes to an element like humor which, naturally, can be hit-or-miss! 

To get your college essay edited for free, use our Peer Review Essay Tool . With this tool, other students can tell you if your humor is effective/appropriate and help you improve your essay so that you can have the best chances of admission to your dream schools.

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essay topics on humor

Definition Of A Funny Argumentative Essay

Writing a typical essay probably won’t be that much of a problem for a college student. But some professors demand an essay that entertains the audience. Writing a funny essay is not that big of a problem; you have to get creative with words and exhibit a given thesis statement's funny aspect. Try to indulge the audience by including funny words and sarcastic phrases.

Perks Of Choosing A Humorous Topic For Your Argumentative Essay

If you are a creative student and love playing with words, choosing a funny topic is your best choice. Adding a humorous element in your essay takes off the hostility in your writing and creates compelling content for the reader. You might be able to extend your argument in a more engaging manner. Try to surprise the reader by adding humor in your context and watch your grade rise to the highest level.

Words That Make Your Essay Humorous

While writing your argumentative essay, try to use words that are fun for the reader. This does not mean that you deviate from the actual thesis statement, but you should try to lighten the reader's mood by using simple vocabulary. A strong argumentative essay is based on the writer’s capability to convey the stance in a way that appeals to the reader. Students who use plain vocabulary are least compelling as the reader is not motivated enough to grasp the writer’s standpoint. That is why it is recommended to add strong and witty words. The words presented below will help mix humor into your argumentative essay:

  • Bamboozled; This word holds great importance as it can be used while targeting a fallacy in the opposing argument. It means to cheat or fool, and you can use it to belittle a fellow writer's argument. For Example, "The Money Bandit Bamboozled the country’s economic system by his elaborate counterfeiting scheme."
  • Bazinga; You probably have heard this word a little more than the previous one. It means to rub a good joke on the reader. Bazinga is a pretty useful tool when you want to back up a good joke.
  • Whatnot; This is an informal noun used when the writer wants to refer to similar things.
  • Canoodle; This word is mostly used in essays to represent an intimate act. It means to kiss or cuddle, but you might insert it more professionally in an argumentative essay. For Example, "The state of China was seen canoodling with the US on matters related to foreign exports."
  • Dingy; You can use this word in your argumentative essay in many ways. It means dull or dark, and a writer might incorporate it in a text that shows the weak side of an argument. For Example, "The Chinese government has used dinghy ways to devalue its currency in the last few years artificially."
  • Gunky; This adjective refers to things that are messy or sticky. A good writer may use it in places of context that show the mismanagement of countries in various departments.

Using funny words in your argumentative essay might seem a hassle, but remember that they have a great impact on your professor. You might be more convincing than the rest of your class and get a better grade.

List Of Funny Topics

Even if you decide to craft a funny argumentative essay, choosing the best topic might be challenging. It is imperative to find a topic that piques your interest; otherwise, you might not create the best one. Humour is a powerful tool for writing, always making sure that your essay exhibits a powerful tone so that it does not fall in the category of something entirely funny that is unrelated to the academic world.

Interesting Essay Topics for College Students

If you are a college student, your educational instructor will be giving you essay assignments now and then. Modern college education systems demand online work, and most teachers grade your essay quality. Many students opt for funny topics to intrigue the reader’s interest. This task can become a hard nut to crack, as there are several obstacles you have to overcome to produce a great essay with balanced humor. Let’s go through some of the simple argumentative essay topics that might help you in your quest for an amusing essay topic.

  • Taking Candy from a baby.
  • Perks of being the oldest child in the family.
  • If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
  • What would the world be like if dogs were the kings?
  • What would you do if you were the prime minister for one day?
  • How would it turn out if dads exchanged jobs with moms for one day?
  • Dogs are better than cats, but only because they don't judge us.
  • Pizza is scientifically proven to be a vegetable, and should be included in every school lunch.
  • The Earth is actually flat, and the government is just trying to keep us from falling off the edges.
  • Aliens exist, and they're probably just as annoyed with humans as we are with them.
  • Unicorns are a real and valid mode of transportation, and we should start using them for commuting.
  • The Oxford comma is essential, and anyone who disagrees is simply wrong.
  • The moon landing was faked, but only because the actual footage was too dull for television.
  • Time travel is possible, but only if you're willing to risk accidentally becoming your own grandparent.
  • Sarcasm is the highest form of intelligence, and those who don't understand just can’t keep up with it.

Students usually do not choose the topic wisely and are confused about writing an argumentative essay . Adding a blend of humor in your argumentative essay helps with your essay's readability and creates a fun atmosphere to learn.

Family-Friendly Argumentative Essay Topics

Not all topics are family-friendly. Find a topic that you can easily discuss with your family members and improve others' knowledge around you. Some examples of fascinating topics that you may present in front of your family include:

  • What goes on inside the mind of a dog?
  • How to spend a day with only ten dollars?
  • Is carpooling safe for your children?
  • Annoying your parents into giving them money.
  • How to pass your driver’s ed.
  • How to annoy your elder sister into buying you a new phone.
  • Are family functions boring?
  • Pineapple belongs on pizza, and anyone who disagrees is missing out on the perfect sweet and savory combination.
  • Social media is ruining our ability to communicate face-to-face, but at least we can still perfect our selfie game.
  • The only acceptable way to eat a burrito is upside down.
  • Running is the worst form of exercise because no one looks cute when they're sweating.
  • The toilet paper roll should always be placed with the paper hanging over the top.
  • Popcorn belongs in chocolate, not butter, and we should all start a movement to make it happen.
  • The office thermostat is the ultimate battleground in workplace politics.
  • Eating ice cream for breakfast should be considered a healthy start to the day because it contains milk.

Are you having a problem with writing the best argumentative essay? Don’t worry; we got you covered. There are numerous good argumentative essay examples on the internet. Just open your browser and learn.

Sarcastic Topics

Another tool that most writers use to craft an impressive essay is sarcasm. Some of the best easy argumentative essay topics that include sarcasm are:

  • Picking the right clothes, a masculine biography.
  • How awesome is your surname?
  • Getting high and improving grades.
  • The awesome life of a high school teacher.
  • Why being unemployed is the best thing that can happen to you.
  • Napping at work boosts productivity and should be encouraged.
  • Procrastination is the key to success and efficiency.
  • Journaling is a waste of time and only for people who have nothing better to do.
  • Social media is more important than real-life relationships.
  • Being ignorant about politics is the most patriotic thing you can do.
  • Exercise is a scam and only for people who want to show off their bodies.
  • Climate change isn't real because it snowed in my backyard last week.
  • The Earth is flat because I saw a meme on Instagram with more likes than any scientific article.
  • Wearing masks during a pandemic is a violation of our basic freedoms.
  • College education is a waste of time and money – sure, you might learn critical thinking and analytical skills, but who needs those when you can just Google everything?

Funny Relationship Essay Topics

  • How to go on a perfect date?
  • Netflix and chill, or Netflix and sleep.
  • Life of a married teenager.
  • Should you marry your high school sweetheart?
  • How to deal with breakups.
  • Couples who can't agree on pineapple as a pizza topping should just break up already.
  • The best way to deal with a significant other who leaves the toilet seat up is to install a shock collar.
  • If your partner doesn't laugh at your jokes, it's grounds for immediate termination of the relationship.
  • Spending more time arguing over what to watch on Netflix than actually watching something is a sign of a doomed relationship.
  • The best way to end a fight with your significant other is to challenge them to a dance-off.
  • If you can't trust your partner to properly load the dishwasher, you should reconsider the entire relationship.
  • Couples who can't agree on whether to squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom or the middle are doomed to fail.
  • The secret to a successful relationship is letting your partner win at Mario Kart every once in a while.
  • If your significant other doesn't like your pet, it's a sign they're not the one for you.
  • If you can't handle your partner's snoring, it's time to invest in separate beds (or separate houses).

Step-By-Step Guide On How To Write An Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay is an opinionated piece written by an author expressing his/her stance on a specific issue. As compared to other types of essays, here the writer sides with one point of view.

For an argumentative essay to be good and persuasive, there are many elements that a writer should stress upon, including but not limited to reasoning, evidence, structure, and language.

If you happen to be new to the format or want some guidance on your writing, take a glance at the following steps to improve your written composition.

Create an outline on a piece of paper. This would allow you to set the structure and tone of the essay:

  • The opening component of the outline is the introduction. The introduction should give a brief overview of the topic, all arguments to be presented, and a thesis statement.
  • Body Paragraphs: The focal point of an essay is the body paragraph. This contains the main content that shapes your essay into something valuable for the reader.
  • Conclusion: Ending is probably one of the most integral parts of the essay. Keep the conclusion short, and use strong vocabulary.
  • Moving onto the thesis statement.
  • The thesis statement is a sentence that informs the reader regarding the central argument of your essay.
  • To form a good thesis statement, think of a question in your mind related to the topic. And then answer it. The answer that pops into your brain will be the thesis statement.
  • Now move on to the argument phase.
  • For each argument, make sure to include all of these elements within their paragraph. These are the facts, definition, value, cause and effect, and policy.

If you would follow these steps religiously, you are guaranteed to write a striking argumentative essay.

While writing an essay, try to avoid controversial argumentative essay topics because they might offend the reader. Go for general topics and circulate the argument with less bias.

Tips On How To Craft The Perfect Argumentative Essay

Humor is a great stimulator for arguments because, with the power of humor, one can capture the attention of their audience effectively. Humor can transform the writing and make sure that the message that you want to get across with your essay is more attractive.

However, humor is a technique that cannot be entirely taught. One has to have some innate qualities of comedy.

Nonetheless, you can refine your piece with humor using the following steps:

  • Before writing a humorous piece, always make sure to identify your style of humor. For different people, different kinds of work.
  • For some observational tricks work, for others, anecdotal or dark humor might do the trick. So, identify your style after proper research.
  • Another thing that you might include in your writing is the rule of three. Here you present two similar ideas, and in the third, try to present a contrasting idea.
  • Also, you can feature your writing some anecdotal stories. But these should be customized to your audience. If you are writing it for your peers or teacher, maybe the local or school-related story would do the trick.

While there can be many other tips and tricks that would help you write humorous content, many of these are situational, making choices as suited to your situation.

Always find debatable topics; rather than choosing boring topics that are of no interest to the reader, pick something with a healthy argument. Students that write on debatable topics always receive a higher grade than others. This is because an argument compels the reader to analyze the essay with more interest than usual.

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Essay Samples on Humor

An essential part to contribute the development of bravery.

My top five strengths in order are Bravery, Forgiveness, Humility, Perspective, and Humor. I do think bravery as my top strength describes me very well and relates to me as well because I do speak up about my opinions without feeling any fear of judgement...

Humor and Comedy in Super Bowl Commercials

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The Different Facets of Humor in Boccaccio's Decameron

Between 1349 and 1351, the Italian poet and writer Giovanni Boccaccio (1313 – 1375) wrote his major work, the Decameron. The title itself is in Greek (deca-hemeron) and means “ten days”: the work is, in fact, a collection of one hundred tales told by ten...

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Humorous and Interesting Fantasies In 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty'

The secret life of Walter Mitty, composed by James Thurber, fixates on the humorous and interesting fantasies of Walter Mitty a customary man, who lives in Waterbury, Connecticut, with his oppressive, pestering spouse Mrs. Mitty. All through this short story, Mitty is described just like...

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Best topics on Humor

1. An Essential Part to Contribute the Development of Bravery

2. Humor and Comedy in Super Bowl Commercials

3. The Different Facets of Humor in Boccaccio’s Decameron

4. Humorous and Interesting Fantasies In ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’

5. Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night Viola, a.k.a. Cesario Characters Comparison

6. Characters Description, Crossdressing Identity and Gender Roles in Twelfth Night

7. The Humorous Approach to Tragedy in The Canterbury Tales

8. Influence of Humor and Laughter on the Overall Health Condition

9. The Humor Style Suitable for Leadership Positions

10. The Evolution of Humor and Its Theoretical Perspectives

11. The Functions of Humor, Irony and Satire in the Literature of the Shoah

12. Analysis of Satire in Steven Markow’s Piece per Schwartz’ Definition of It

13. The Effects of Political Satire in Television

14. Satire as the Literacy Form to Raise Awareness

15. Humour Can Be Both Fatuous And Serious

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125 Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

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Why should you catch the attention of your professor? Well, grading papers can be quite dull. So, fun essay topics not only make your tutor laugh but also he or she will remember who you are after completing the exercise. Eventually, it leads to a massive boost in your grades.

In any case, it even helps you to enjoy what you’re doing and keeps you awake even in those late night hours. Your essay can be sarcastic, ironic or merely funny. So, if you’re an essay writer looking for some inspiration, take a look at these simple ideas!

Sarcastic but Fun Essay Topics

Sarcasm is used in different situations, for example, some may use it to show their anger or dissatisfaction about something. However, learning to use it in creating fun essay topics is something that will quickly catapult your grades. Some topics include:

  • Why Shouldn’t You Believe All That You Hear On Infomercials?
  • Why Do Most People Love Watching Funny Animal Videos?
  • Why Don’t You Know Anything Other Than Gaming?
  • Are Violent Videos Frying Our Young Brains?
  • Why Spam E-mails Are My Favorite Types Of E-mails?
  • Do You Know What Your Pet Dog Is Thinking?
  • Why Can’t You Shop Anywhere But Wal-Mart?
  • Do You Love Using Your Surname?
  • Does Smoking Pot Make You A Better E-mail Writer?
  • Why Do Teenage Workers Have The Most Terrible Jobs?
  • How Do You Feel When An Officer Issues You With A Ticket For Overfeeding?
  • Here Are Three Important Things You’re Driving Instructor Is Ignoring.
  • Reasons Why You Should Feel Happy When Your Computer Crashes.
  • Smoking Is Known To Improve Your Health.
  • All Men Know How To Pick The Right Clothes.
  • Reasons Why You Can’t Live Without Your Early Morning Starbucks Coffee.
  • Thank You, Teacher, I Wanted To Go On Detention!
  • Why Drinking Before Exams Is Quite Helpful?
  • School Dropouts Are The Best In Our Society.
  • We Love It When Our Smartphones Get Stolen.
  • Disobeying Your Parents Can Quickly Lead To Success.
  • We Always Know What Animals Are Thinking.
  • You Should Always Follow The Advice Of Retailers.
  • You Can Write Better Essays Even Without Practice.
  • The Best Students Are Those Who Never Pay Attention In Class.

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Subject: Communication

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The Maya Tribe

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Funny Argumentative Essay Topics to Spice up Your Life

Our lives are never secure as we come across various challenges while growing up. However, as a good student, you should know how to excite your audience with funny argumentative essay topics . Take a look at these excellent ideas:

  • Why Do I Like A Dog Which Knows How To Kiss?
  • If Animals Ruled The World, What Would Happen?
  • Why Do You Always Get Mismatched Socks in Your Closet?
  • Here Are The Reasons Why I Hate All Kinds Of Rap Music.
  • Which Is The Worst Hollywood Movie You’ve Ever Watched?
  • Why Do We Always Love Watching Shark Attack Programs On TV?
  • What Do You Think Happens When People Use The Tanning Booth For So Long?
  • How To Use Your Videos Gaming Skills To Land A Fantastic Job?
  • A Simple Reason Why Wearing Braces Is Fun!
  • Spam E-mails: Not All That Bad, Right?
  • How Did Playing With Your Barbie Doll Change Your Entire Life?
  • Why Are You Afraid Of Clowns?
  • How To Quickly Pretend That You Love Watching Spanish Shows.
  • Did You Know That You Can Pretend To Be Working?
  • How Do You Feel When You Know You Look Like A Model?
  • Why Is Russell Peters My Favorite Comedian?
  • How To Quickly Win Even The Worst Tattoo Competition?
  • Why Are You So Afraid Of Cartoon Characters?
  • Why Do Ladies Pretend That They Enjoy Sports?
  • Simple Ways To Win An Arm-Wrestling Contest.
  • Which Is The Funniest Movie Coming From Bollywood?
  • How Much Are Professional Wrestlers Paid?
  • Which Is The World Worst Written Song?
  • Why You Love Having A Huge ‘Mountain’ Of Laundry?
  • Who Do You Think Is The Funniest Movie Actor Today?

Funny Argumentative Essay Topics for College Students

College is one of the most hectic periods of our lives. We usually face various challenges and tasks. So, for your coursework, you’ll need to have the best ideas. To help you out, below are some funny argumentative essay topics for college students:

  • How To Add A Fun Twist To A Boring Summer Weekend.
  • What Do You Do When Your Parents Don’t Remember Your Birthday?
  • Simple Ways To Get Cash From Your Parents.
  • Does Your Family Start All Dishes With A Dessert?
  • Things That Your Mum Never Stops Saying!
  • Why Do You Wish To Join Your Friend’s Family?
  • Why Is It Important For Every Teenager To Have An iPhone Or Smartphone?
  • Have You Ever Wished To Be An Only Child?
  • Best Methods Of Irritating Both Your Parents And Siblings.
  • How To Use Your Family’s Credit Card While Still A Teenager.
  • Should We Have More ‘Stay At Home’ Dads In The World?
  • Why Should You Get Your Grandmother A Smartphone This Christmas?
  • What Goes On In The Mind Of A Cat?
  • How Would The World Look Like If Aliens ruled it?
  • What Has Feminism Ever Done For You?
  • Why Are Dogs Irreplaceable Friends?
  • How Did Your Mother Prepare You For School?
  • Parental Mistakes That Are Now Too Late To Correct.
  • Why Do Most Students Lose Attention While In Class?
  • Scary Things Which Keep You Up During The Night.
  • Who Do You Think Are The Funniest Historical Characters?
  • Funny Things Preventing You From Completing Your Assignment In Time.
  • How To Know If Your Classmates Are Telling You The Truth.
  • What’s The Real Cause Of Global Warming?
  • Is Being Homeless While In College That Bad?

essay topics on humor

Funny Argumentative Essay Ideas on Relationships

Relationships are full of both drama and excitement. Below are some funny argumentative essay ideas for you to talk about:

  • Things Women Wish Men Knew.
  • How To Approach A Girl For The First Time.
  • Ten Signs That She Likes You.
  • Exciting And Awkward Dates.
  • Things Guys Do That Girls Hate.
  • Types Of Late Night Dates.
  • Five Signs That Show He’s No Longer Interested In You.
  • Funny Moments In Your High School Prom.
  • Do Guys Give The Best Makeup Advice?
  • How To Get Out Of The ‘Friend Zone’ Group.
  • How To Quickly Break Up With Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend.
  • Why Your Instagram Pals Are Just The Best?
  • Why Shouldn’t You Ask Her Out?
  • How To Say No To A Date.
  • How Can You Be Annoying On Different Social Media Platforms?
  • How To Easily Annoy Your Siblings
  • Ways In Which You Can Be An Obnoxious Girlfriend Or Boyfriend.
  • How To Get The Attention Of Your Childhood Crash.
  • How To Break Ties With Your BFF.
  • How To Cheat On Your Partner And Still Get Away With It.
  • Do Girls Exercise More Times Than Boys?
  • What Could Happen If Someone Stole Your Identity?
  • How To Recover From A Broken Relationship.
  • Funny Things We Often See In Wedding Ceremonies.
  • Do Men Need More Than One Wife?

Fun Essay Topics on the Society

Our society is full of ups and downs. However, it’s still full of funny events which happen to and around us. So, once you’re told to write about them, these fun essay topics will help you:

  • Why Should Politicians Spend More Time Watching Funny Animal Videos?
  • Global Warming Affects Only The Sissies.
  • How To Catch A Politician Telling A Lie.
  • What’s Affecting The Residents Of Washington?
  • How To Punish Criminal Gangs And Terrorists.
  • What Did The Woman Liberation Movement Improve Your Life?
  • Why Is Advertising So Important?
  • Tips For Influencing Teachers And Winning Friends
  • Why Is Recycling Acceptable For Most Students?
  • What Makes Being Homeless Fun?
  • What Would You Say To An Officer Who Stopped You For Over-Speeding?
  • Have We Become More Intelligent Because Of Google?
  • Do You Have Friend Who Loves Talking Too Much?
  • What Makes Smog At Times Loveable?
  • Should Freedom Of Speech Be Abolished.
  • Why Has Radioactive Waste Become Our Friend?
  • Several Things That Make Stereotypes Look Good.
  • Why Do You Enjoy Being A Vegetarian?
  • Funny Moments You’ll See In A Family Fundraiser.
  • How To Easily Annoy Your College Roommate.
  • Why Do Most Girls In Texas Desire To Be Cheerleaders?
  • Why Do Old Politicians Need To Retire?
  • Trump Speech Mistakes You Wish You Never Heard.
  • Obama Presidency: Best And Worst Moments.
  • Do You Think We Are Doing The Best To Fight Terrorism?

Keep in mind that you can make funny argumentative essays if you do a couple of things. First, support the ridiculous point of issue and explain your examples fully. Second, talk about what you shouldn’t do instead of what needs to be done. Lastly, remember to make full use of effective transition words while starting sentences. Good examples include moreover, however, above all, and even though, among others. Good luck!

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Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

Bob cardens.

  • September 10, 2022
  • Essay Topics and Ideas

If you’re looking for a way to spice up your next essay, look no further than these funny argumentative essay topics! By choosing a topic that you’re passionate about and making a case for your point of view, you’ll be sure to craft an essay that’s both entertaining and informative.

What You'll Learn

List of Fifty Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

1. How to be a successful student and still have time for a social life 2. Is it possible to get straight A’s and still be popular? 3. Should college students have to take classes they don’t want to? 4. Is it better to be rich and famous or happy and content? 5. Who is more likely to succeed in life: the optimist or the pessimist? 6. Is it better to be beautiful or brainy? 7. Which is more important: talent or hard work? 8. Is luck more important than skill when it comes to success? 9. Should wealthy people be required to pay more taxes? 10. Are beauty pageants harmful to women? 11. Is it morally wrong to eat meat? 12. Should the government do more to regulate the food industry? 13. Should there be stricter laws against child abuse? 14. Should abortion be legal? 15. Is capital punishment morally wrong? 16. Are zoos cruel to animals? 17. Should animals be used for scientific research ? 18. Should the drinking age be lowered? 19. Should smoking be banned in public places?

20. Should the government do more to protect the environment? 21. Should there be stricter gun control laws? 22. Should the death penalty be abolished? 23. Are people too dependent on technology? 24. Is too much emphasis placed on standardized testing in schools? 25. Are schools doing enough to prevent bullying? 26. Is social media making us more or less connected to each other? 27. Should the voting age be lowered? 28. Should felons be allowed to vote? 29. Should the government do more to combat climate change ? 30. Is the patriarchy still a problem in our society? 31. Is feminism still relevant? 32. Do men and women communicate differently? 33. Are women held to higher standards than men when it comes to appearance? 34. Do women face discrimination in the workplace? 35. Are minorities underrepresented in politics? 36. Is affirmative action still necessary? 37. Does immigration contribute to cultural dilution? 38. Should English be the official language of the United States? 39. Do refugees pose a threat to national security? 40. Is Islam compatible with Western values? 41. Should there be stricterlimits on abortion? 42. Is abortion morally wrong? 43. Should adoption be encouraged more? 44. Should artificial intelligence be feared or embraced? 45. Should we colonize space? 46. Is nuclear power a safe energy source? 47. Should fracking be banned? 48. Is the war on drugs a failure? 49. Should marijuana be legalized ? 50. Are people becoming too dependent on technology?

List of Fifty Funny Argumentative Essay Ideas

1. Why you should never trust a dog with your food.

2. The time I tried to be a vegetarian and failed miserably.

3. Why you should never give up on your dreams.

4. How to win an argument with someone who is clearly wrong.

5. The benefits of always being prepared for anything.

6. Why you should never take advice from your parents.

7. How to argue with a friend and still remain friends.

8. The importance of always being yourself.

9. How to deal with people who talk too much.

10. Why you should never judge a book by its cover.

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Funny Debate Topics: 106 Ideas for Humorous Yet Impactful Debates

essay topics on humor

Welcome to our funny debate topics! We hope you’ll find the perfect topics for your students here. Integrating humor into debates offers benefits that extend beyond student engagement. It serves as a useful tool for simplifying complex ideas, which helps in reducing stress and anxiety, ultimately fostering a more positive learning environment. Furthermore, the nature of humorous debates often involves unexpected twists and turns, thereby enhancing students’ adaptability and quick-thinking skills. One of the most valuable outcomes is that humor tends to make experiences more memorable. Therefore, the arguments and ideas explored in funny debates are more likely to be retained by students. This makes such debates a versatile educational tool, aiding in the development of a wide array of skills that are valuable both in academic settings and in real-world scenarios. Check out our descriptive essay topics and narrative essay topics too!

List of Funny Debate Topics

  • Cats vs. Dogs: The Ultimate Pet Showdown: An age-old debate that can be tackled with humor. Students can argue the merits and drawbacks of having either a cat or a dog as a pet.
  • Should Schools Implement “Nap Time” for High School Students? A debate topic that may resonate with sleep-deprived teenagers. Students can debate the pros and cons of having a designated nap time in high schools.
  • Which is the Superior Meal: Breakfast or Dinner? This topic allows students to argue for their favorite meal of the day, making it both relevant and relatable.
  • Zombies vs. Vampires: Who Would Win in a Battle? A fun and imaginative debate topic that lets students explore popular culture while exercising their argumentative skills.
  • Should Pineapple Be Allowed on Pizza? A controversial culinary subject that is sure to generate impassioned arguments on both sides.
  • Who Would Win in a Fight: Superman or Batman? A lighthearted topic that taps into comic book lore and invites students to argue for their preferred superhero.
  • Should We Eliminate the Penny? This topic encourages students to discuss whether or not the smallest denomination of currency is still relevant.
  • Is it Better to Be a Night Owl or an Early Bird? Students can argue their preference for when they are most productive or relaxed, adding personal anecdotes for humor.
  • Should Adults Play Video Games? Students can discuss whether video gaming should be confined to younger demographics or embraced by adults as well.
  • Should Students Be Allowed to Grade Their Teachers? A role-reversal topic that asks students to consider the merits and issues with rating their educators.
  • Is “Adulting” Harder Than Previous Generations? This debate topic allows students to compare the challenges faced by different generations, potentially revealing amusing perspectives.
  • Do We Need More Holidays? A light-hearted topic that explores the benefits and downsides of having more official days off.
  • Is It Better to Be the Oldest, Middle, or Youngest Child? Students can argue the pros and cons of birth order, making it a relatable and humorous debate subject.
  • Should Ketchup Be Stored in the Fridge or the Pantry? A debate that delves into personal preferences and “correct” storage methods for this popular condiment.
  • Could a Zombie Apocalypse Actually Happen? A humorous and imaginative topic that allows students to explore the realms of science fiction and reality.
  • Is Laughter the Best Medicine? This topic invites students to discuss the physical and emotional effects of laughter, weighing its benefits against traditional medicine.
  • Are Board Games Better Than Video Games? Students can discuss the merits of classic board games versus modern video games, touching on aspects like social interaction and skill development.
  • Can Money Buy Happiness? A philosophical question that can be approached with humor, asking students to consider the role of material wealth in overall well-being.
  • Is Winter Better Than Summer? This seasonal debate can bring up strong preferences, allowing students to argue the merits of each season’s activities, weather, and ambiance.
  • Should Homework Be Abolished? Students can explore the efficacy and stress-inducing aspects of homework, making the debate relatable and engaging.
  • Is Fiction More Important Than Non-Fiction? Students can argue the educational and emotional merits of fictional vs. non-fictional works.
  • Are Memes Art? A modern and humorous topic that explores the artistic and cultural significance of internet memes.
  • Is Classical Music Superior to Modern Music? Students can discuss the intricacies, depth, and cultural impact of different musical genres.
  • Is It Better to Be an Introvert or an Extrovert? Students can argue the social, emotional, and professional advantages and disadvantages of each personality type.
  • Should You Believe in Love at First Sight? A romantic yet divisive topic that invites discussion on the nature of love and instant attraction.
  • Are Printed Photographs Better Than Digital Ones? This topic allows students to discuss the emotional and practical aspects of different types of photography.
  • Are Cats Planning to Take Over the World? A whimsical topic that allows students to playfully explore the mysterious behaviors of cats, while potentially discussing domestication and pet intelligence.
  • Should Zombies Have Rights? A fantastical yet entertaining topic that allows students to explore ethical questions within the realm of the undead.
  • Do Aliens Exist and Are They Among Us? Students can have fun debating the existence of extraterrestrial life and the likelihood that they have visited Earth.
  • Would You Rather Fight One Horse-Sized Squirrel or a Hundred Duck-Sized Squirrels? A quirky topic that invites imaginative and humorous discussions about animal sizes and fighting strategies.
  • Are Werewolves Misunderstood? A fun topic that allows students to explore the portrayal of mythical creatures in media and folklore.
  • Should Time Travel Be Legal? A playful debate that takes on the paradoxes and ethical dilemmas of time travel.
  • Do Dogs Make Better Pets Than People Make Friends? This debate opens up discussions about companionship, loyalty, and the complexities of human and pet relationships.
  • Should We Replace Handshakes with Fist Bumps? A light-hearted topic exploring hygiene and social norms related to common physical greetings.
  • Should People Be Allowed to Own Pet Dragons? A fanciful topic that allows students to explore the ethics and practicalities of owning mythical creatures.
  • Are Crop Circles Created by Aliens or Bored Farmers? This topic invites speculation and imaginative storytelling about the origins of crop circles.
  • Are Air Guitars Legitimate Musical Instruments? A playful debate on whether miming along to music can be considered a form of artistic expression or musical ability.
  • Who’s the Better Musician: A DJ or a Classical Pianist? This debate pits two vastly different musical styles against each other, asking students to evaluate skill, artistry, and impact.
  • Is Yodeling an Underappreciated Art Form? A light-hearted topic that allows students to explore the cultural and artistic merits of yodeling.
  • Does Listening to Classical Music Make You Smarter? A topic that blends humor and science, inviting students to discuss the “Mozart Effect” and other related theories.
  • Who Would Win in a Rap Battle: Shakespeare or Edgar Allan Poe? A whimsical debate inviting students to imagine how classic authors might perform in modern musical contests.
  • Should “Happy Birthday” Be Replaced with a New Birthday Anthem? This topic asks students to reconsider the ubiquity of the “Happy Birthday” song and propose alternatives.
  • Is Karaoke a Good Way to Evaluate Singing Talent? A humorous debate exploring the merits and flaws of karaoke as a gauge for vocal abilities.
  • Should Schools Offer Courses on Becoming a Pop Star? A tongue-in-cheek topic asking students to consider the academic merits of studying pop stardom.
  • Should We Have a National Dance? Students can discuss whether a national dance would unite people or merely provide comedic relief.
  • Should You Trust Someone Who Doesn’t Like Music? A playful debate that probes the importance of musical taste in evaluating character.
  • Would Classical Composers Be Popular Artists Today? Students can discuss how composers like Mozart or Beethoven would fare in today’s music industry.
  • Should Schools Replace Physical Education with Yoga? This topic offers students the opportunity to discuss the merits and drawbacks of traditional physical education versus more mindful activities like yoga.
  • Should Teachers Be Allowed to Use Social Media?
  • Is It Acceptable to Re-Gift Presents? A lighthearted topic that considers the social etiquette and ethics behind re-gifting.
  • Should Selfies Be Considered Art? This debate explores the artistic merit of selfies in the age of social media.
  • Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day? Students can challenge conventional wisdom by discussing the scientific and cultural aspects of breakfast.
  • Should Society Abandon the Concept of Time? A provocative debate topic that invites students to consider a world without the construct of time.
  • Would You Rather Be a Jack of All Trades or a Master of One? This topic encourages students to consider the merits and drawbacks of specialization versus generalization.
  • Is Time Travel More Dangerous Than Helpful? Students can explore the ethical and logistical implications of time travel, debating whether it would be a force for good or bad.
  • Would Telepathy Ruin Relationships? This topic asks students to consider how knowing someone’s thoughts might impact interpersonal dynamics.
  • Is Invisibility a Gift or a Curse? A debate on the ethical and personal implications of possessing the power of invisibility.
  • Should Superheroes Be Allowed to Operate Above the Law? Students can discuss the role of superheroes in enforcing justice and whether they should be bound by the same laws as ordinary citizens.
  • Is It Better to Live Underwater or in Outer Space? This imaginative debate topic invites students to weigh the pros and cons of living in completely different environments.
  • Would You Rather Live in a World Without Music or Without Color? A topic that challenges students to consider which sensory experiences are most valuable to them.
  • Is It Better to Live in a Constant Summer or a Never-Ending Winter? Students can debate the merits and drawbacks of living in extreme weather conditions.
  • Would You Rather Live in a Book or a Video Game? This topic allows students to explore the unique challenges and opportunities presented by living in fictional worlds.
  • Is It Better to Live in the Past or the Future? A debate on the advantages and disadvantages of experiencing life in different time periods.
  • Should Schools Offer Courses on Proper Selfie-Taking? A playful debate on the importance of mastering the art of the selfie in the modern world.
  • Are Zombies Better Dancers Than Mummies? A hilarious topic that asks students to evaluate the dancing abilities of fictional monsters.
  • Should Socks and Sandals Be Made Illegal? This topic tackles the contentious issue of fashion crimes and whether they should be legislated.
  • Sneakers vs. Sandals: What’s the Ultimate Footwear? This topic invites students to consider comfort, functionality, and style as they argue for their preferred type of footwear.
  • Should Schools Implement a No-Shoe Policy? This debate topic questions whether a shoeless environment in schools could enhance learning experiences and foster a different kind of community.
  • Is It Acceptable to Wear Slippers Outside the House? Students can discuss the limits of casual footwear and whether slippers should be confined to indoor use.
  • Are Tater Tots a Food Group? This tongue-in-cheek debate challenges students to argue whether the beloved cafeteria staple should have its own spot on the food pyramid.
  • Should School Cafeterias Offer a “Mystery Meat” Option? This topic invites students to explore the thrill and trepidation of not knowing what exactly is on their lunch tray, adding an element of culinary adventure to the school day.
  • Should Schools Implement a Dessert-Only Lunch Day? This whimsical debate topic explores the sugar-coated dream (or nightmare, depending on one’s perspective) of a lunch menu consisting solely of desserts.
  • Should Every Student Have to Star in a Play or Perform in a Talent Show? This light-hearted but challenging topic asks students to consider the benefits and drawbacks of mandatory participation in a theatrical or talent show performance as part of their educational experience.
  • Should Schools Institute a Superhero Day Where Everyone Dresses Up? This topic asks students to consider the social, educational, and comedic implications of a school-wide superhero day. It could serve as a fun way to explore identity, community, and perhaps even capes as a fashion choice.
  • Should Schools Replace Detention with a “Dance-Off” Penalty? This topic envisions a world where disciplinary action turns into a dance battle, and students can argue for or against its effectiveness and entertainment value.
  • Should Schools Offer a Course on How to Become a Viral Internet Sensation? This playful debate topic invites students to ponder the pros and cons of schooling for online stardom. Would it offer legitimate life skills, or just contribute to short-lived internet fame?
  • Should Teachers Be Required to Wear Costumes on Mondays to Boost Morale? Imagine a world where your math teacher shows up as Albert Einstein, and your history teacher dresses like Cleopatra. Would this absurd scenario help boost students’ spirits at the beginning of the week?
  • Should Schools Offer Classes on Napping? This topic challenges students to argue for or against the educational value of mastering the art of napping. It combines humor with a genuinely felt need for rest among hard-working students.
  • Should Schools Have a “Laugh Hour” Where Comedy Clips Are Played Over the PA System? Students can debate whether a dedicated hour of comedy would boost productivity and mood or simply disrupt the educational environment.
  • Should Homework Be Replaced with “Homefun”? What if all assignments were geared toward being fun rather than strictly educational? This topic invites students to envision an alternate universe of education.
  • Should Students and Teachers Switch Roles for a Day? This is a light-hearted way to explore the complexities and responsibilities of each role. How would teachers fare as students, and vice versa?
  • Should Schools Replace Standard Tests with “Epic Quests”? Imagine if academic evaluation resembled an adventure more than a test. Students can discuss the merits and drawbacks of such an unorthodox approach to assessment.
  • Should School Mascots Be Allowed to Attend Classes? Would having a lion, tiger, or bear (oh my!) sitting in on algebra add to the educational experience or serve as a furry distraction?
  • Are Zombies Discriminated Against in Horror Movies? This debate could explore whether zombies get a bad rap in film narratives, focusing on the genre’s treatment of these misunderstood creatures.
  • Should Schools Issue Grades Based on Students’ Memes? In this scenario, students would submit memes instead of essays or projects to be graded on creativity, wit, and social commentary.
  • Should Schools Have a “Wacky Hair Day” Every Month? Students can debate the potential impact of a regular “Wacky Hair Day” on school culture. Would it foster creativity or simply distract from the learning environment?
  • Should Textbooks Be Replaced with Comic Books?
  • Description: In this alternate reality, comic books are the educational standard. Students can explore whether this would make learning more engaging or undermine academic rigor.
  • Should Cafeterias Offer a “Food Dare” Option?
  • Description: Imagine a daily menu item that is so bizarre no one knows what’s in it. Students can debate the merits and dangers of this culinary gamble.
  • Should Teachers Be Required to Perform a Talent at the Start of Every Semester? What if each teacher had to display a unique talent—like juggling or stand-up comedy—before beginning the semester’s coursework? Would it create a more positive classroom atmosphere or just be an awkward experience?
  • Would Time Travel Make History Class Obsolete? If time travel were possible, would there be any need to study history? Students can explore the implications of firsthand experience versus academic learning.
  • Should Schools Have a Class Dedicated to the Study of Memes? Imagine a classroom where the day’s lesson is focused on the cultural impact of “Distracted Boyfriend” or “Two Buttons.” Would this enrich students’ lives or signal the decline of formal education?
  • Should Detention Be Replaced with a “Sing Your Apology” Penalty? Instead of writing “I will not talk in class” a hundred times, students would have to compose and perform a song expressing their remorse. Hilarious or humiliating?
  • Should the Principal Ride a Unicycle Through the Hallways to Enforce Discipline? The mere sight of a unicycle-riding authority figure might deter rule-breaking—or it might encourage a circus-like atmosphere.
  • Should Students Be Allowed to Pay for Better Grades with “Classroom Currency”? In this theoretical economic model, students can earn classroom currency through various means and then “purchase” higher grades. Capitalism at its finest or an ethical minefield?
  • Should Lunch Be Served Based on Students’ Horoscopes?
  • “You’re a Virgo, so you get a salad; Scorpios get pizza.” Would astrologically tailored meals improve students’ lives or plunge the cafeteria into chaos?
  • Should Schools Use Laugh Trackers to Measure Teachers’ Effectiveness? Imagine evaluations based on how many laughs a teacher can generate during a lesson. Educational progress or comedy contest?
  • Should Schools Replace Recess with a “Dance Like No One Is Watching” Hour? Imagine a playground replaced by a dance floor where everyone lets loose. Would this be liberating or just result in a lot of awkward dance moves?
  • Should Lunchrooms Offer a “Dessert-Only” Option? Envision a cafeteria where the main course is cake and the side dish is cookies. Is this a child’s dream come true or a nutritional nightmare?
  • Should Schools Issue “Late Passes” That Allow Students to Sleep In? What if students had a limited number of “late passes” per semester, allowing them to skip morning classes? A practical solution to teenage sleep deprivation or an abuse of power waiting to happen?
  • Should Students Have to Argue Their Grades in Rhyme? Instead of a traditional parent-teacher conference, picture a rap battle format where students have to rhyme their way to a better grade. Entertaining or just confusing?
  • Should Teachers Be Required to Use Puppets for One Lesson a Week? Would the use of hand puppets make lectures more engaging, or would they simply turn the classroom into a puppet theater?
  • Should Schools Introduce a “Fictional Character Day” Where Everyone Dresses as Their Favorite Character? On this day, everyone from Harry Potter to Darth Vader would be roaming the hallways. A fun break from reality or a confusing day of mistaken identities?
  • Should Schools Make Students Debate in Different Accents? Imagine discussing serious topics while using exaggerated accents. A fresh way to engage students or an activity bordering on offensive?

We hope you found some great and funny debate topics for your next debate activity!

371 Fun Argumentative Essay Topics for 2024

Writing an argumentative essay is not the funniest thing to do. Even so, there are ways to ease this process and make it less strained – choose a catchy topic! Dive into the article and find some funny argumentative essay topics for your assignment.

Our team worked very hard to develop more than 200 funny essay topics for you. We hope you’ll enjoy these humor essay topics, but keep in mind that writing an essay is not all fun and games. It requires concentration and some analysis.

⚠️ BONUS: tips on the most efficient argumentative essay outlines ⚠️

🔝 Top 12 Fun Argumentative Essay Topics

  • 🔖 Argumentative Topics 2024
  • 🗂️ Essay Outline
  • ⚔️ Topics to Debate on
  • 🍂 Easy Topics
  • 🪂 Chill Topics
  • 🔥 Hot Topics
  • 🤔 Thought-Provoking Topics
  • 🗣 Argumentative Speech Topics
  • 🔃 Topics on Argumentation
  • 🙈 Persuasive Topics
  • 📏 Discipline-Specific Topics

🌟 Unique Argumentative Essay Topics

🤪 silly argumentative essay topics, 🌞 light-hearted argumentative essay topics.

  • Is homeschooling better than traditional schooling?
  • Are video games a good way to relieve stress and anxiety?
  • Is it better to study alone or in a group?
  • Is it important for everyone to learn a second language?
  • Should celebrities be role models?
  • Is fashion important in expressing individuality?
  • Should people embrace the trend of minimalist living?
  • Do virtual influencers benefit the marketing industry?
  • Is it better to have a small family than a large one?
  • Should parents be friends with their children on social media?
  • Is it better to pursue multiple careers throughout one’s life?
  • Is it better to be an early bird or a night owl?

🔖 Argumentative Essay Topics 2024

  • Does vegetarianism help climate change?
  • Are our lives better with the Internet?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Should we pay taxes to governments?
  • Is providing free medical insurance a government’s responsibility?
  • Euthanasia should be illegal because of its harm.
  • Should political activism be compulsory?
  • Are we on the edge of WW3?
  • Why should public surveillance cameras be banned?
  • Do we need more gender inclusivity?
  • How far should we go with exploring space?
  • Should people have a right to own a gun?
  • Should marijuana be allowed in all countries?
  • Is using a smartphone for hours dangerous for health?
  • Should police officers have a college degree?

🗂️ Argumentative Essay Outline. Effective Organization

we will show you three main methods to organize an argumentative essay. Classical type, Rogerian type, and Toulmin type. You can pick one or just get ideas on how to build up your argumentation.

🟡 ClassicalAlso known as Aristotelian, this method is the most popular and easy to use. First, you state your argument and then step-by-step tell why it is the right one. . State a problem and why it is essential.
Provide context for a better understanding of the topic.
. Present your crucial statement (-s).
Back up your position with evidence and additional points.
Give counter-arguments and try to beat them.
Repeat your points, contrast them with counter-arguments.
🟢 RogerianIf your topic is controversial, the Rogerian method is the best strategy! Such essay organization inspects other perspectives thoroughly, as well as promotes your stance. It’s all about compromise… . Tell about the issue, stay impersonal.
Discuss the other side with respect.
In which conditions the opposite side is valid?
Provide your point of view.
Hit with contexts where your arguments win.
List the advantageous features of your position.
🔵 ToulminThis essay structuring method provides the best opportunities to present your statement—no need to equally introduce the opposing side. Instead, you can concentrate on your arguments and make them unbeatable. Put your main argument.
Use data to back up your statement.
Link the data with the claim -> it acquires proper ground.
Any extra reasoning supporting the bridge.
Demonstrate your awareness of the opposing view.
Evidence opposing counterclaim and referring to a bridge.

These were the three most prominent methods to organize your argumentative essay effectively. Here you can familiarize yourself with them in detail and find examples. However, it is still possible to use other strategies for building argumentation.

⚔️ Funny Argumentative Essay Topics to Debate on

The best questions for argumentative essays have no obvious answers and always produce conflicting options.

Here are a few examples:

  • Does smoking help people make acquaintances?
  • Dating apps made romance disappear.
  • Freedom of expression should be guaranteed to everyone.
  • Does DNA or upbringing define us?
  • Can democracy work in the Middle East?
  • Fast food companies should not advertise to children.
  • Is global warming overrated?
  • Would the world be better without religion?
  • Distracted driving: should talking & texting be banned?
  • Is organic food anyhow better, or is it just a marketing trick?
  • Are conflicts necessary for healthy relationships ?
  • Should lecture attendance be optional?
  • Should same-sex couples receive constitutional protection?
  • Should sex education be a compulsory subject at school?
  • Should the rich be taxed more?
  • Why should we pay for music?
  • Is the first impression of a person always right?
  • Should students add their teachers as friends on Facebook?
  • Should companies try to copy their competitors?
  • Should governments censor material on the internet?
  • Can businesses learn from their customers’ complaints?
  • Should all energy drinks be banned?
  • Should we limit our use of social media?
  • Is China a new superpower ?
  • Is policing in the US racially biased?
  • Should the right to die be considered a right?
  • Should terrorists be treated like criminals or like enemy combatants?
  • Is the body or the mind primary?
  • Juveniles should not be tried as adults .
  • Will the redistribution of wealth eradicate poverty?

🍂 Easy and Fun Essay Topics

Forget that an argumentative essay topic requires discussing classic issues like abortion or euthanasia. A good debate subject can also be a funny topic to write about.

  • Should employees be allowed to use social media at work?
  • Should companies send “happy birthday” messages to clients?
  • Do stay-at-home mothers exhibit more indicators of happiness than full-time working mothers?
  • Would Shakespeare’s plays be more interesting if shortened?
  • Should internet slang like “LOL” and “IMHO” be included in dictionaries?
  • Full-day vs. half-day kindergarten: which is better?
  • Does the English language need to be more straightforward?
  • Should kids be allowed to draw on walls?
  • Art, music, and dance in treatment.
  • Do modern schools depend too much on technology?
  • Are online classes valued less?
  • Medical practices in Ancient Greece, Igbo Culture and Kikuyu Pre Colonial .
  • Is the character of an individual prescribed or acquired?
  • Should hospitals use placebo treatments?
  • Do innovations make us lazier?

🪂 Chill and Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

The easiest way to write an A+ persuasive essay is to choose a topic that genuinely interests you:

  • Can college athletes be intelligent?
  • Arguments for and against the fast food industry in the USA.
  • Should students have profiles on all major social networks?
  • Should people abandon cash and use plastic cards only ?
  • Drug legalization: for and against.
  • Should countries have “one-car-per-family” policies?
  • Why is obesity not considered a disease?
  • Should we preserve old buildings as historical monuments ?
  • Are some TV ads objects of art ?
  • How does the environment affect health, and why is this an essential global health policy concern?
  • Is music in shopping malls harmful to employees’ well-being?
  • Can listening to your favorite music heal?
  • Argue for or against mandatory vaccination for all students of public schools.
  • Should journalists who distort the truth to make the news more sensational be punished?
  • Are hybrid cars friendly to the environment?
  • Should all TV channels have censorship ?

🔥 Hot Argumentative Essay Topics

If you’re still here, then you’re probably looking for something special, like these argumentative essay topics:

  • Is using animals for experiments justified?
  • Do SOPA and PIPA make pirates more skilled?
  • Is negative PR the secret behind Justin Bieber’s success?
  • Smoking in public places: arguments for banning.
  • Should Wikipedia give diplomas to its most faithful readers?
  • Can diamonds be girls’ best friends?
  • Dangers of spreading human immunodeficiency virus.
  • Should couples live together before marriage?
  • Should parents tell their kids about the birds and the bees?
  • Physician-assisted suicide is a basic right.
  • Can virtual reality be dangerous for kids?
  • Should condoms be distributed in high schools?
  • Is too much political correctness making communication more confusing?
  • Is it possible to get 100% clear and unbiased results from psychological research ?

🤔 Thought-Provoking Argumentative Essay Topics

Consider choosing one of these interesting argumentative essay topics for college:

  • Can any behavior be predicted?
  • Does a tattoo on a face spoil the first impression about a person?
  • Should the modern voting system abolish the electoral college?
  • How many Facebook friends is it healthy to have?
  • Should we get rid of all euphemisms and say things as they are?
  • Should we consider Trump a populist?
  • What is the best use for duct tape other than taping things?
  • Should the US government provide more public goods?
  • What’s the real meaning of children’s fairy tales and nursery rhymes?
  • Privacy and security of online networks.
  • Should people be able to patent their ideas?
  • Is there a lack of African American women in federal government positions?
  • Is panda hugger a serious job?
  • Is Esperanto a failed language?
  • The problem of authorities’ corruption.
  • Are millennials unhealthily addicted to social media?
  • Problems of overcrowding in prisons.
  • Is it possible to live your entire life without leaving a trace online?

🗣️ Funny Argumentative Speech Topics

Are you looking for good persuasive speech topics? Here are some creative speech ideas:

  • Should soccer players be allowed to fight on the field?
  • Family values and needs conflict in nursing ethics.
  • Should society have child-free restaurants?
  • Is Coke better than Pepsi?
  • Should the lottery be illegal?
  • Should everyone climb Mount Everest at least once in their lives?
  • Should the law prohibit taking selfies while driving?
  • Are moist cookies better than dry cookies?
  • Should the drinking age be lowered?
  • Should students be allowed to wear dreadlocks at school?
  • Should you refuse to sign a prenuptial agreement?
  • Health effects of high fructose-containing sugars.
  • Should you create your own subculture ?
  • Should students be graded on their computer literacy?
  • Should marijuana be legalized around the world?
  • Should meat lovers be more mindful of vegetarians?
  • World Trade Organization membership impact.
  • Should everyone abandon cars and ride bikes instead?
  • Should airlines have a two-seat policy for heavier people?
  • What role does China play in shaping the contemporary politics of the world?
  • Should you add your parents as friends on Facebook?
  • Is the sharing economy essentially the same thing as communism?

🔃 Essay Topics on Argumentation

What about some quibble? You may try to speak about argumentation itself since there is a lot of dispute about its nature, structure, and models. For instance:

  • Should students choose research and essay themes themselves?
  • Can argumentative writing help in different life situations?
  • Do good arguments resolve conflicts , or do they push you to contradict?
  • Would famous persuasive speeches produce the same impact on the audience of today?
  • Is an argumentative essay for college students an easier task than for school students?
  • Persuasion techniques of politicians.
  • Do some argumentative issues lack real problems to be discussed?
  • Can a good discursive essay be composed without proper argumentation?
  • Does an argumentative paper format impact its message and value ?
  • Can argumentative essay exercises in school contribute to writing skills demonstrated in college and university?
  • Mass media and propagation of political rhetoric .
  • Can essay subjects be too simple to develop good argumentation?
  • Are some controversial topics missing controversy?
  • Do argumentative essays with sources have higher persuasive power?
  • Do short argumentative essays lack depth?
  • Argumentative essay on global warming .
  • Is an accepted college essay format assistance or limitation?
  • Should students prepare debate arguments in advance or develop them during debates?
  • Individual’s strengths and problem-solving skills.
  • Does a formal argumentative essay lack personalization?
  • Is writing a persuasive essay a skill or a talent?
  • I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King.
  • Should an argumentative style of writing be formalized?
  • Do all persuasive speeches require personal charisma?
  • Personal skills application in project management .
  • Can an argumentative paper fail because of its neutral tone?
  • Is there a difference between an argumentative and a persuasive essay?
  • Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN speech.
  • Is there a universal argumentative essay model?

🙈 Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Are early marriages more likely to end in divorce?
  • Do older people receive better care in retirement homes than with family members?
  • Should hyperactive kids receive treatment?
  • Social media: positive aspects for teenagers.
  • Should mind reading during poker games be banned?
  • Should parents pass tests before homeschooling their kids?
  • Are humans addicted to technology?
  • Should parents lie to their kids about Santa Claus?
  • Standing on the feminist side in same-sex marriage.
  • Is it fair to use the results of standardized tests to define schools’ budgets?
  • Are optimism and success infectious?
  • Impact of video games on students.
  • Is the Bermuda triangle a creation of our imagination?

📏 Discipline-Specific Argumentative Essay Topics

If your task was to write an argumentative essay on a particular subject, try to find something in the lists below.

🌐 Argumentative Essay Topics on Social Media and the Internet

  • Modern technologies make people lonelier and more depressive.
  • Impact of globalization and technology on cross-cultural negotiations.
  • The use of filthy language on the internet negatively affects the quality of vocabulary in daily life.
  • The use of the Internet in police technology.
  • Modern teenagers lack survival skills due to their reliance on technology .
  • Live communication will soon minimize due to smartphones.
  • The educational system gains more than it loses with the development of technologies.
  • Technology and healthcare: a shortage of healthcare providers and the aging demographics.
  • Facebook and other social networks pose a threat to your privacy.
  • The internet violates intellectual property rights.
  • The role of technology in the work of nurses and its analysis.
  • Did school shootings increase due to the popularity of video games ?
  • Politics and social movements: race, ethnicity, and the use of social media.
  • Do gadgets limit children’s imagination?
  • Will rapid technological development lead to a global crisis?
  • Social media for law enforcement.
  • The dependence of the world on the internet is excessive.
  • Internet users need online censorship .
  • Sites that promote aggressive or inadequate behaviors, violence, etc., must be banned.
  • Computers and technology in law enforcement and investigations.
  • Kids should be denied access to the internet .
  • Virtual relationships cannot exist for a long time.

👩‍🎨 Argumentative Essay Topics on Culture

  • Does conceptualism make art lose its value?
  • Do the lyrics in today’s songs make any sense?
  • How do logos change the perception of a brand?
  • Does modern art require talent, or can one rely on ambition only?
  • Is poetry relevant anymore?
  • How do gangsta rap and rock music address violence, racism, and social issues?
  • Is there a superior kind of art, or do they all have equal value?
  • Does mainstream culture make people dull and limited?
  • Impact of computer technology on architecture.
  • Does free access to unlimited information on the Internet make us more knowledgeable?
  • Violent music and its impacts on children.
  • Should one be wealthy to be able to build a career in art?
  • Is the art of professional criticism lost for good?
  • Is American cinematography worse than European, or is it prejudice?
  • Gender role in the music videos.

‍🤝 ‍Argumentative Essay Topics on Social Issues

  • Freedom of speech is more important than the prevention of extremism.
  • Combating drug abuse: public policy issue.
  • Small talks are a very effective way to maintain lots of social connections.
  • Immigrants should be treated and perceived the same way as other members of society.
  • Public policies in the healthcare sector.
  • Universities consider the individual characteristics of their students for a more efficient studying process.
  • Compliance with COVID-19 measures is a personal choice of each individual.
  • Major healthcare reforms in the US.
  • Is it socially acceptable to remark to a stranger who is being very ill-mannered?
  • Global health promotion and wellness.
  • Is gender-specific etiquette a relic of society, or should it still be followed?
  • Is social inequality a result of the market economy?
  • Government response on growing inflation and unemployment rates.
  • If each millionaire in the world donated $1 per day to needy people, there would not be poverty.
  • US gun control policies should be stricter.

🦹 Argumentative Essay Topics on Gender In/Equality

  • Does gender discrimination still exist?
  • Gender differences in military negotiations.
  • Male discrimination is not less relevant and important than female.
  • Gender studies should be taught at school.
  • Ethnic and gender diversity issues in policing.
  • Gender oppression resulted in almost no female explorers, politicians , and other outstanding figures in different fields.
  • Gender bias in child care and child health: global patterns.
  • The level of gender equality positively correlates with the GDP of a state.
  • Straight white men are to blame for female oppression.
  • Gender issues faced by psychiatric-mental health nurses.
  • Would a women-dominated society be much more sufficient?
  • Objectification of women through female genital mutilation.
  • Female persons are in greater danger of sexual exploitation.
  • Highly religious communities could never achieve gender equality.
  • Positive gender discrimination is as wrong as negative one.

💸 Argumentative Essay Topics on Business

  • Testing products on animals is unacceptable in the modern world.
  • Environmental economics issues and policies.
  • How much do economic and political conditions determine the well-being of a business?
  • Businesses’ obligations with respect to the environment.
  • Focus on the market doesn’t result in much prosperity.
  • International business and supply chain management.
  • Studying business will not make you a successful businessman.
  • Monetary benefits for employers are more effective than moral encouragement.
  • Joe Biden’s Pressure to lift US-China supply chain tariffs.
  • Corporate training is crucial for employees.
  • Can a company succeed without a proper marketing strategy?
  • Unemployment in the Gulf States.
  • With the continually growing competitiveness, it is harder to enter the market than it used to be in earlier days.
  • Motivating factors for women entrepreneurs.
  • Do local businesses need more support than big companies?

📖 Argumentative Essay Topics on History

  • History has no subjunctive mood.
  • Elizabeth I’s leadership. English history.
  • Should denying the Holocaust be criminalized?
  • Should there be an opportunity to sue governments for historical crimes?
  • Equal opportunities throughout American history.
  • Is there any possibility of fair solutions for land conflicts?
  • Russia and the US getting involved in the Middle East conflict worsened the situation.
  • US military involvement in Mexico’s drug wars.
  • Particular persons started the worst wars in history.
  • Witch-hunt in Europe during the Middle Ages.
  • Karl Marx might have had the biggest ever impact on society.

🕹️ Argumentative Essay Topics on Technologies

  • Can artificial intelligence be dangerous for human civilization?
  • Impact of information technology business outsourcing and off-shoring.
  • Should developed countries invest more in space exploration than in social problems?
  • Homeland security intelligence gaps in the US.
  • Will driverless cars cause more problems, or is it a better choice?
  • Automation of manufacturing not only jeopardizes related jobs but also organically creates new working places.
  • How can information technology be used to gain a competitive advantage?
  • Has Silicon Valley failed to solve the world’s technological revolution problems?
  • Information technology in Saudi Arabia’ education.
  • Will the rise of machines undermine democracy?
  • Can cryptocurrency actually replace banks?
  • Videogaming can make people smarter.
  • Li-Fi technology: goals and significance.
  • Individuals should have a right to erase all their personal information online.
  • Cyberwars are overrated.
  • Vehicle tracking technology project management.
  • Smart gadgets make people lose their decision-making and practical thinking skills.

🤝 Argumentative Essay Topics on Politics

  • Political presence in non-political events (Olympic Games, Eurovision Song Contest, the Oscars, etc.) should be eliminated.
  • National security VS people’s privacy. What should be dominant?
  • The American government’s ban on Tik-Tok .
  • Should all the countries that have nuclear weapons destroy them?
  • North Korea’s nuclear problem: impact and solutions.
  • Do illegal migrants have to be deported provided help?
  • African conflicts and critical problems.
  • Should there be a universal basic income on a state level for everyone?
  • The places in the parliament (or any other highest governing institution) should have equal gender division.
  • Should patriotism be part of decision-making when it is about international relations?
  • Felony disenfranchisement: serious problems.
  • Would it be more efficient to make one government for all countries globally?
  • Issue priorities in Biden’s budget.
  • Voting has to be compulsory for everyone.
  • Politics and economy in healthcare system.
  • Robots should substitute presidents.

🤓 Argumentative Essay Topics on Education

  • Should both the author and the person who copied be accused?
  • How does government legislation impacts educational institutions?
  • Should students hand over their gadgets before the class?
  • Educational policies on internal and local populations.
  • Does it improve the studying process if a teacher spends time with students outside of the classroom?
  • Should a student be allowed to express their creativity if it deviates from the studying process?
  • Professional goals for public health education .
  • Bullying at school depends on how good the education is given in a school.
  • Public education budget shortage analysis.
  • A student’s success is influenced by their classmates more than by their parents .
  • Nursing education systems in Kenya and Ireland .
  • Boys and girls should attend different schools.
  • Women’s rights movement impact on education.
  • Students should be allowed to choose the courses they want to study.
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered to 18?
  • What is the role of art in society, and how should it be supported?
  • Should animals have the same rights as humans?
  • Should parents have the right to make all decisions for their children, or should children have more autonomy?
  • Should the use of plastic straws be banned globally?
  • Is it ethical to use virtual influencers (AI-generated personas) for marketing purposes?
  • Is it acceptable to use psychedelic drugs for spiritual or religious purposes?
  • Should all countries switch to a four-day workweek?
  • Is it ethical to use virtual reality technology for empathy training?
  • Should the study of philosophy be a mandatory part of school curriculums?
  • Should parents have the right to choose the gender of their child?
  • Is technology making us more connected or more isolated?
  • Should schools focus more on teaching practical life skills rather than academic subjects?
  • Are mental health issues being taken seriously enough in society?
  • Are professional athletes overpaid, or do they deserve their high salaries?
  • Is it ethical to use mind-reading technology to prevent crime?
  • Would it be justified to use time travel to change historical events?
  • Is it reasonable to have a national holiday dedicated to celebrating socks?
  • Should people be allowed to have pet dinosaurs?
  • Is it practical to have a mandatory “silly walk” zone in every city?
  • Is it reasonable to have a mandatory silly hat day every week?
  • Is it acceptable to eat breakfast foods for every meal?
  • Should the official language of the world be emoji-based?
  • Is it practical to have a mandatory daily nap time for adults?
  • Should all transportation be replaced with giant hamster balls?
  • Should we have a mandatory “dance like nobody’s watching” hour every day?
  • Should people be required to wear sunglasses at all times, even indoors?
  • Should people be allowed to communicate exclusively through interpretive mime?
  • Should all work meetings be conducted in the form of a talent show?
  • Is it reasonable to have a mandatory “bring your pet to work” day every week?
  • Is it better to have a dog or a cat as a pet?
  • Everyone should read the book before watching the movie adaptation.
  • Is it better to play board games or video games for family bonding?
  • Listening to music on vinyl records vs. digital streaming platforms.
  • Should hobbies be included as part of a school curriculum?
  • Is it better to watch movies in the theater or at home?
  • Should siblings share a bedroom or have their own rooms?
  • Is it better to have a single favorite hobby or multiple hobbies?
  • Is it better to listen to music while working or study in silence?
  • Should pets be allowed in restaurants and cafes?
  • Should pets have their own birthday parties?
  • Should families eat dinner together at the table every night?
  • Is it better to play classic board games or modern board games?
  • Is it better to watch movies in 2D or 3D format?
  • Should schools have a “Pajama Day” or “Crazy Hair Day”?

What’s next?

Having selected a good topic to argue about, you now need to create an argumentative essay outline . Read and analyze some persuasive essay examples to learn more about the structure and vocabulary used in this type of essay.

If you liked our good and easy argumentative essay topics, then take a look at our other helpful essay topic articles.

For more amazing essay ideas, check out:

  • Best Psychology Persuasive Speech Topics & Essay Ideas
  • Top 100 Research Topics for ABM Strand Students

Happy writing, dear friends! See you again!

🔎 References

  • How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide
  • Argumentative Essays, Purdue University
  • 50 Compelling Argumentative Essay Topics
  • 401 Prompts for Argumentative Writing
  • All Debates | IQ2US Debates

414 Proposal Essay Topics for Projects, Research, & Proposal Arguments

725 research proposal topics & title ideas in education, psychology, business, & more.

  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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The Big List of Essay Topics for High School (120+ Ideas!)

Ideas to inspire every young writer!

What one class should all high schools students be required to take and pass in order to graduate?

High school students generally do a lot of writing, learning to use language clearly, concisely, and persuasively. When it’s time to choose an essay topic, though, it’s easy to come up blank. If that’s the case, check out this huge round-up of essay topics for high school. You’ll find choices for every subject and writing style.

  • Argumentative Essay Topics
  • Cause-and-Effect Essay Topics
  • Compare-Contrast Essay Topics
  • Descriptive Essay Topics
  • Expository and Informative Essay Topics
  • Humorous Essay Topics

Literary Essay Topics

  • Narrative and Personal Essay Topics
  • Personal Essay Topics
  • Persuasive Essay Topics

Research Essay Topics

Argumentative essay topics for high school.

When writing an argumentative essay, remember to do the research and lay out the facts clearly. Your goal is not necessarily to persuade someone to agree with you, but to encourage your reader to accept your point of view as valid. Here are some possible argumentative topics to try. ( Here are 100 more compelling argumentative essay topics. )

  • The most important challenge our country is currently facing is … (e.g., immigration, gun control, economy)
  • The government should provide free internet access for every citizen.
  • All drugs should be legalized, regulated, and taxed.
  • Vaping is less harmful than smoking tobacco.
  • The best country in the world is …
  • Parents should be punished for their minor children’s crimes.
  • Should all students have the ability to attend college for free?
  • Should physical education be part of the standard high school curriculum?

Should physical education be part of the standard high school curriculum?


  • Schools should require recommended vaccines for all students, with very limited exceptions.
  • Is it acceptable to use animals for experiments and research?
  • Does social media do more harm than good?
  • Capital punishment does/does not deter crime.
  • What one class should all high schools students be required to take and pass in order to graduate?
  • Do we really learn anything from history, or does it just repeat itself over and over?
  • Are men and women treated equally?

Cause-and-Effect Essay Topics for High School

A cause-and-effect essay is a type of argumentative essay. Your goal is to show how one specific thing directly influences another specific thing. You’ll likely need to do some research to make your point. Here are some ideas for cause-and-effect essays. ( Get a big list of 100 cause-and-effect essay topics here. )

  • Humans are causing accelerated climate change.
  • Fast-food restaurants have made human health worse over the decades.
  • What caused World War II? (Choose any conflict for this one.)
  • Describe the effects social media has on young adults.

Describe the effects social media has on young adults.

  • How does playing sports affect people?
  • What are the effects of loving to read?
  • Being an only/oldest/youngest/middle child makes you …
  • What effect does violence in movies or video games have on kids?
  • Traveling to new places opens people’s minds to new ideas.
  • Racism is caused by …

Compare-Contrast Essay Topics for High School

As the name indicates, in compare-and-contrast essays, writers show the similarities and differences between two things. They combine descriptive writing with analysis, making connections and showing dissimilarities. The following ideas work well for compare-contrast essays. ( Find 80+ compare-contrast essay topics for all ages here. )

  • Public and private schools
  • Capitalism vs. communism
  • Monarchy or democracy
  • Dogs vs. cats as pets

Dogs vs. cats as pets

  • Paper books or e-books
  • Two political candidates in a current race
  • Going to college vs. starting work full-time
  • Working your way through college as you go or taking out student loans
  • iPhone or Android
  • Instagram vs. Twitter (or choose any other two social media platforms)

Descriptive Essay Topics for High School

Bring on the adjectives! Descriptive writing is all about creating a rich picture for the reader. Take readers on a journey to far-off places, help them understand an experience, or introduce them to a new person. Remember: Show, don’t tell. These topics make excellent descriptive essays.

  • Who is the funniest person you know?
  • What is your happiest memory?
  • Tell about the most inspirational person in your life.
  • Write about your favorite place.
  • When you were little, what was your favorite thing to do?
  • Choose a piece of art or music and explain how it makes you feel.
  • What is your earliest memory?

What is your earliest memory?

  • What’s the best/worst vacation you’ve ever taken?
  • Describe your favorite pet.
  • What is the most important item in the world to you?
  • Give a tour of your bedroom (or another favorite room in your home).
  • Describe yourself to someone who has never met you.
  • Lay out your perfect day from start to finish.
  • Explain what it’s like to move to a new town or start a new school.
  • Tell what it would be like to live on the moon.

Expository and Informative Essay Topics for High School

Expository essays set out clear explanations of a particular topic. You might be defining a word or phrase or explaining how something works. Expository or informative essays are based on facts, and while you might explore different points of view, you won’t necessarily say which one is “better” or “right.” Remember: Expository essays educate the reader. Here are some expository and informative essay topics to explore. ( See 70+ expository and informative essay topics here. )

  • What makes a good leader?
  • Explain why a given school subject (math, history, science, etc.) is important for students to learn.
  • What is the “glass ceiling” and how does it affect society?
  • Describe how the internet changed the world.
  • What does it mean to be a good teacher?

What does it mean to be a good teacher?

  • Explain how we could colonize the moon or another planet.
  • Discuss why mental health is just as important as physical health.
  • Describe a healthy lifestyle for a teenager.
  • Choose an American president and explain how their time in office affected the country.
  • What does “financial responsibility” mean?

Humorous Essay Topics for High School

Humorous essays can take on any form, like narrative, persuasive, or expository. You might employ sarcasm or satire, or simply tell a story about a funny person or event. Even though these essay topics are lighthearted, they still take some skill to tackle well. Give these ideas a try.

  • What would happen if cats (or any other animal) ruled the world?
  • What do newborn babies wish their parents knew?
  • Explain the best ways to be annoying on social media.
  • Invent a wacky new sport, explain the rules, and describe a game or match.

Explain why it's important to eat dessert first.

  • Imagine a discussion between two historic figures from very different times, like Cleopatra and Queen Elizabeth I.
  • Retell a familiar story in tweets or other social media posts.
  • Describe present-day Earth from an alien’s point of view.
  • Choose a fictional character and explain why they should be the next president.
  • Describe a day when kids are in charge of everything, at school and at home.

Literary essays analyze a piece of writing, like a book or a play. In high school, students usually write literary essays about the works they study in class. These literary essay topic ideas focus on books students often read in high school, but many of them can be tweaked to fit other works as well.

  • Discuss the portrayal of women in Shakespeare’s Othello .
  • Explore the symbolism used in The Scarlet Letter .
  • Explain the importance of dreams in Of Mice and Men .
  • Compare and contrast the romantic relationships in Pride and Prejudice .

Analyze the role of the witches in Macbeth.

  • Dissect the allegory of Animal Farm and its relation to contemporary events.
  • Interpret the author’s take on society and class structure in The Great Gatsby .
  • Explore the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia.
  • Discuss whether Shakespeare’s portrayal of young love in Romeo and Juliet is accurate.
  • Explain the imagery used in Beowulf .

Narrative and Personal Essay Topics for High School

Think of a narrative essay like telling a story. Use some of the same techniques that you would for a descriptive essay, but be sure you have a beginning, middle, and end. A narrative essay doesn’t necessarily need to be personal, but they often are. Take inspiration from these narrative and personal essay topics.

  • Describe a performance or sporting event you took part in.
  • Explain the process of cooking and eating your favorite meal.
  • Write about meeting your best friend for the first time and how your relationship developed.
  • Tell about learning to ride a bike or drive a car.
  • Describe a time in your life when you’ve been scared.

Write about a time when you or someone you know displayed courage.

  • Share the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you.
  • Tell about a time when you overcame a big challenge.
  • Tell the story of how you learned an important life lesson.
  • Describe a time when you or someone you know experienced prejudice or oppression.
  • Explain a family tradition, how it developed, and its importance today.
  • What is your favorite holiday? How does your family celebrate it?
  • Retell a familiar story from the point of view of a different character.
  • Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.
  • Tell about your proudest moment.

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School

Persuasive essays are similar to argumentative , but they rely less on facts and more on emotion to sway the reader. It’s important to know your audience, so you can anticipate any counterarguments they might make and try to overcome them. Try these topics to persuade someone to come around to your point of view. ( Discover 60 more intriguing persuasive essay topics here. )

  • Do you think homework should be required, optional, or not given at all?
  • Everyone should be vegetarian or vegan.
  • What animal makes the best pet?
  • Visit an animal shelter, choose an animal that needs a home, and write an essay persuading someone to adopt that animal.
  • Who is the world’s best athlete, present or past?
  • Should little kids be allowed to play competitive sports?
  • Are professional athletes/musicians/actors overpaid?
  • The best music genre is …

What is one book that everyone should be required to read?

  • Is democracy the best form of government?
  • Is capitalism the best form of economy?
  • Students should/should not be able to use their phones during the school day.
  • Should schools have dress codes?
  • If I could change one school rule, it would be …
  • Is year-round school a good idea?

A research essay is a classic high school assignment. These papers require deep research into primary source documents, with lots of supporting facts and evidence that’s properly cited. Research essays can be in any of the styles shown above. Here are some possible topics, across a variety of subjects.

  • Which country’s style of government is best for the people who live there?
  • Choose a country and analyze its development from founding to present day.
  • Describe the causes and effects of a specific war.
  • Formulate an ideal economic plan for our country.
  • What scientific discovery has had the biggest impact on life today?

Tell the story of the development of artificial intelligence so far, and describe its impacts along the way.

  • Analyze the way mental health is viewed and treated in this country.
  • Explore the ways systemic racism impacts people in all walks of life.
  • Defend the importance of teaching music and the arts in public schools.
  • Choose one animal from the endangered species list, and propose a realistic plan to protect it.

What are some of your favorite essay topics for high school? Come share your prompts on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out the ultimate guide to student writing contests .

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COMP 1011 The College Research Essay (Kennedy) Summer 2024

Understanding the lingo, pick a topic, starting research.

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Welcome to Milne Library and your COMP 1011 College Research Essay guide for library research!  This guide will be available to you throughout the summer and throughout your first year.  As you'll see from the tabs on the left, it provides basic information on

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  • library services and the many ways to get research help
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If you have any questions, we're here to answer questions or set up a research consultation!  You can contact either of us by email or phone; Adam's contact info [email protected] or (607)436-2453, Sophia's contact info [email protected] or (607)436-3771.

Conducting research can be difficult when you are unfamiliar with the terms being used to describe certain types of items. If your instructor asks you to use a periodical, would you know what they meant? If you had to locate the call number in an item’s record, could you? It is important to familiarize yourself with what particular library words mean. 

Refer back to some of the handouts received in class. The Definitions handout and Types of Periodicals chart will be particularly useful to keep.

Call Number Guide

Definitions Sheet

Scholarly vs. Popular

Types of Periodicals

If you are stuck trying to decide on a topic for your paper, there are a few ways to generate ideas. 

  • Scan newspaper headlines 
  • Browse chapter titles in your textbook
  • Check out what's trending 
  • Add a personal interest to an assignments existing topic
  • Use the "Browse Issues" section in the Opposing Viewpoints Database
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context This link opens in a new window Contains a variety of media rich content, including over 20,000 pro/con viewpoints, approximately 19,000 reference articles, interactive maps, infographics, and more. Cross-searchable with Gale In Context: Global Issues. National Debate Topics category provides quick and easy access to content on frequently studied and discussed issues. Educator Resources include a research toolkit with tips on analyzing issues with opposing viewpoints, distinguishing fact from opinion, evaluating information sources, and recognizing deceptive arguments.

When you begin a research project, it is a good idea to take a moment to reflect on your prior knowledge of the topic area. How much do you already know about this topic? In most cases, you will need to do a bit of research to get some general information on your topic. Encyclopedias are arranged alphabetically and contain a general overview of a term or subject matter. Opposing Viewpoints in Context can also help you find encyclopedic information on a variety of topics. 

  • Britannica Academic This link opens in a new window Provides reference sources in almost all disciplines. Also includes historical timelines, multimedia, selected magazine articles, notable quotations, and a dictionary and thesaurus.
  • Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library) This link opens in a new window Broad cross-curricular collection of non-fiction titles, supporting science, geography, history, language arts, business and other subjects. Optimized for search and discovery, the Gale eBooks platform enables you to search through multiple nonfiction eBooks within a single search.
  • Next: How to Find Books and Articles >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 16, 2024 11:39 AM
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Most Americans who vow to leave over an election never do. Will this year be different?

essay topics on humor

Deirdre Roney wanted an escape plan – a place to go if her darkest fears about America’s democracy came to pass.

The Los Angeles attorney and activist for immigrant and voting rights has worried about a rise of authoritarianism ever since Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016. As this fall’s election drew closer, that anxiety only grew.

Trump has vowed “ retribution” if he wins and a “ bloodbath ” if he loses. Though she says she’s not a high-profile activist, Roney fears political persecution could become a reality. “I would challenge you to find somebody who's as depressed and dark and scared as I am,” she said.

So, this summer, she secured her escape hatch. She and her husband obtained dual citizenship in the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda in exchange for a development fund investment of about $100,000, she said – a barrier-free overseas refuge to use if she feels unsafe.

“I wanted us to have a place to go,” she said. “I wanted a Plan B.”

The idea of moving to another country to protest a presidential administration or political policy isn’t new – think the Vietnam War or even vows to move following the reelection of President George W. Bush. Even Trump once joked he might leave if Joe Biden was elected. 

Typically, relatively few who vow to leave actually make the move, said Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels, a University of Kent migration scholar and expert on Americans abroad .

But this year, as voter anxiety hits the red zone ahead of a divisive election contest between Trump and Biden, there are signs that Americans from a cross-section of society are taking a more serious look at the exits.

Want to leave the US? Here's how to move to Canada, Mexico and Europe as an American.

The percentage of U.S. citizens who would settle abroad if they were able reached 34% in a March 26 poll by Monmouth University, up from 12% since 1995. Monmouth polling officials said they believe the political rancor of recent years likely helped fuel the rise.

For some current and former members of the U.S. law enforcement and intelligence community, threats to jail political opponents are driving them to weigh whether they may have to leave to avoid being illegally detained, according to a former FBI director.

A recent survey by the publisher International Living found that 65% of more than 2,700 readers said that concerns about the political climate prompted them to accelerate plans to relocate overseas.

Henley & Partners, a large global residence and citizenship advisory firm, reported this year that wealthy Americans are pursuing backup citizenship or residence abroad at record levels. Motivations for its clients include political risk along with tax or business reasons.

Several other firms that help Americans live or work abroad told USA TODAY that political uncertainty is driving a spike not just in inquiries and but in concrete efforts to secure visas, homes, dual citizenship or foreign work permits – whether to move or to set up a contingency plan. 

David Lesperance, a Canadian tax and immigration adviser whose firm helps people secure dual citizenships or residency abroad, said most of his U.S. clients now cite concerns including political polarization and deadlock, antisemitism, gun violence, threats to LGBTQ+ rights, fear of rule by “the other party” and retribution by a Trump administration. 

And for some, such moves are also easier in the era of remote work.

“What’s different today is people are acting on it,” Lesperance said, adding that the Supreme Court ruling relating to presidential immunity has further ratcheted up concerns. “They sense the danger is real.”

Whether significant numbers of Americans actually pull up stakes is far from certain. Moving abroad brings the challenges of obtaining a visa and leaving behind family obligations. And some view such sentiments as an overreaction at home when other countries also face new political turmoil.

But it’s an idea that is a growing topic of conversation, especially after a presidential debate that raised new questions about Biden’s suitability and Trump’s repeated falsehoods . Even before that, some said, the urge to escape has spurred calls for advice to friends living overseas.

Justin Knepper, 48, moved from California to Portugal in 2020. Now, he said, “I would say at least 50% of our friends are considering moving” with politics at least a factor for most.

Retirement: More Americans retire abroad. What happens when crisis hits?

Moving to South Africa: ‘We’ve got to get out of here’ 

Ted Baumann’s move last year came after he grew alienated from both political parties.

The 63-year-old worked in nonprofit housing and financial publishing while living in Decatur, Georgia, near Atlanta, with his wife, a prekindergarten teacher, and their daughter.

He watched with concern as reactionary politics gathered steam amid President Barack Obama’s tenure. He was stunned when Senate Republicans violated a norm by blocking Obama from filling a Supreme Court seat. He said it seemed like “Third-World style politics.”

He worried about how easily some could rationalize such moves. Then Trump won. All around him, he thought political debate had become increasingly vitriolic. 

“I remember waking up the next week and thinking, ‘We’ve got to get out of here,’” he said.

It wouldn’t be a difficult move. Baumann’s wife is originally from South Africa. And he’d previously lived for a time and already had dual citizenship.

But they were settled into their own Georgia community. They both had good jobs and their daughter was headed to high school. And then the pandemic hit. 

While voters had narrowly elected Biden in 2020, it rattled him that nearly half of America supported Trump’s ideas including stolen-election conspiracies that fueled the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

But Baumann – who said he doesn’t identify with either party but leans left – wasn’t thrilled with Democrats either.   

He thought liberals were overly focused on “identity politics, gender, race and sexual orientation – which are all important,” he said, and gave too little attention to pressing economic and other issues.

Over time, he lost faith that elected bodies could tackle everyday issues.

“It doesn't really matter which side you're from. It’s the inability to govern and to legislate and to address issues,” he said. “Because eventually, these unsolved issues are going to come back to bite you. You're going to run out of Social Security, you're going run out of health care for the elderly.”

By 2022, he and his wife decided, “This is not where we want to raise our daughter, this is not where we want to be,” he said, putting plans in motion to move to South Africa. 

There were economic considerations involved in their move, too: The cost of living, as well as health care, would be lower. Last year, they left behind their life in the Atlanta area for Cape Town. His daughter entered high school there and “couldn’t be happier,” he said. Baumann now works remotely.

To be sure, South Africa has its share of political struggles and problems, he said. But it felt like a place moving in a positive direction. America, by contrast, seemed to be moving backward.

Moving to Spain: Complicated reasons for going abroad 

Marsha Scarbrough arrived in Spain in early 2017.

Not long before that, she had given an interview to a Spanish reporter back home in the U.S. and found herself on the front page of a Spanish newspaper – dubbed “La Primera Exiliada,” the first exile, following Trump’s election.

Though she opposed Trump, Scarbrough moved at age 70 for a mix of reasons including affordable retirement, less expensive health care and a desire to live abroad, she said. She also wanted to be away from gun violence and other problems in the U.S., she said.

That’s true for most U.S. residents who migrate overseas for multiple reasons such as jobs, spouses or to study, said Klekowski von Koppenfels, the University of Kent expert. But she said politics can play into it. 

“Back when George Bush's handling of the Iraq War was a big political issue in the United States, I spoke with a number of people who had always meant to move to Europe and had always thought of studying in Europe. And then, as the Iraq War rolled around, they were increasingly unhappy with the politics around that. They thought, OK, now's the time for me to go ahead and move,’” she said.

A similar dynamic is in play for some currently considering a move.

Marco Permunian, founder of Italian Citizenship Assistance, has seen inquiries triple this year reaching as many as 250 a day, most U.S. residents looking to relocate, get dual citizenship based on lineage, or obtain visas to work, study, or retire in Italy or elsewhere in Europe.

He said a “general feeling of instability throughout the country, both politically and socially” is what’s driving many of his clients to seek to move to Europe now. A minority of them are ready to go immediately, he said, while others “want to have the option to relocate if they have to.”

In France, Adrian Leeds, whose company helps Americans find real estate, said her business has doubled each year since the pandemic. While some Americans are worried about far-right gains in France , she said that pales to clients citing the “fear of Donald Trump and the disaster in the U.S. when it comes to health care, gun control, women's rights, etc.,” she said. 

Jennifer Stevens, editor at the move-abroad publication International Living, which conducted the survey showing rising political concerns among readers, has seen it too. 

“People who already had an idea in the back of their minds that they might like to go abroad sometime,” she said, “They're crafting a Plan B because they feel like they just might need it if things go sideways in November and beyond.”

More: Feeling strange about celebrating July 4th amid Biden-Trump chaos? You’re not alone.

But will they adopt Plan B? Klekowski von Koppenfels said a survey she helped to commission didn’t show a significant increase in emigration aspirations between 2014 and 2019 despite an increase in public statements about it.

Gallup found that during the start of the Trump Administration in 2017 and 2018, a record 16% of Americans said they would like to permanently move to another country if they could. That was higher than the average levels during the Bush (11%) or Obama administration (10%). 

Gallup said that while it didn’t ask respondents about political leanings, the surge in Americans' desire to migrate in those years came among groups that typically leaned Democratic and had disapproved of Trump: women, young Americans and people in lower-income groups.  

The percentage of respondents in later Gallup polls who said they'd like to move abroad permanently dipped to 13% in 2020 and rose to 17% in 2023, according to data provided by Gallup.

In March, the Monmouth poll found that of the 34% who said they would settle in another country if free to do so. It asked about the political leanings of those who said they would leave: 41% of independents, 35% of Democrats and 22% of Republicans.

If wanting or vowing to leave is most often a political statement, it’s also a source of political fodder.

When Barbara Streisand said she would leave the country if Trump won, the conservative outlet BlazeTV declared that “For the second time in recent history, the trash is promising to take itself out.” In 2020, one Ohio sheriff mocked celebrities who said they’d leave four years ago but didn't by offering a one-way ticket out of the country . 

And some who want to leave get criticism for leaving the U.S. instead of fighting for change. 

After Scarborough moved to Spain, a man from another European country told her, “ ‘Well, you're just an opportunist. You’re taking advantage of other countries where people have done the work.” But she’d spent years advocating for causes back home, she said. 

“I'm choosing to spend my final years having fun in a place that has solved many of these problems and created a better quality of life,” she said. “At my age, I’ve done everything I can do. Do I need to keep fighting?”

Moving to Europe: Surprising, similar political issues 

Lauren Ell, 36, said people often underestimate the costs and challenges of moving. 

Ell, a Trump-supporting Republican Southern California native who moved to Sweden in 2016 to be with her partner, founded an online group called Nordic Republicans to connect conservatives, who she said are difficult to find in an area where Democrats tend to dominate expat forums.

“When I hear people say, ‘I'm gonna move out of the country, because of the politics there.’ I think it's a bit silly because it's really difficult if you just want to get up and move,” she said.

Some countries have strict residency policies for immigrants. Obtaining visas, work permits and citizenship often takes time and is costly. 

“And then there’s the politics,” Ell said, noting that Sweden, despite its liberal reputation, didn’t close businesses or mandate certain health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, in contrast to U.S. policies she opposed. “They might be surprised that there's actually similar right-leaning politics in many European countries.”

Indeed, support for right-leaning politicians has been rising in some European countries. In France, a far-right party made historic gains in the first round of hastily called legislative elections, raising the specter of the far-right coming into power for the first time since Nazi occupation in World War II. In the final round of voting, the far-right  National Rally party fell short of expectations, finishing behind centrist and leftist coalitions, but still secured its highest number of legislative seats yet. In early July, the Netherlands installed a new right-wing government, Reuters reported . 

Alessandra Bloom, 33, who moved from Boston where she worked in restaurant management to Rovigo, Italy, in 2021 to seek dual citizenship based on lineage, now works for Italian Citizenship Assistance – and understands why some Americans back home are looking abroad.

“It feels heavy in America. The divide is so strong,” she said. But living in Italy has also shown her that “there are problems everywhere in the world, and no matter where you go, everyone has political troubles.” She added, “I mean, they have just as much conservative politics and immigrant policy that they're debating.”

David Morse, 72,  who once worked as a staffer to Congressional Republicans, said he left the U.S. because of Trump. He moved in 2019 to Norway, where his wife was born. But he’s found it harder than he'd hoped to leave Trump’s political noise behind: “It’s hard to avoid Donald Trump.”

On TV,  he said, is a regular TV show chronicling Trump news. He’s everywhere on the internet. And Morse still reads U.S. political news often.

“And I guess that's partly my fault, too, because I suppose I could just not read stuff and turn it off, but I don’t,” he said. Trump, he said, “sort of buries himself into your brain.”

He still plans to vote from abroad, a desire that has helped grow the group Democrats Abroad, an official group with state-level recognition by the Democratic National Committee, whose membership has tripled since 2015, according to a spokeswoman who declined to provide an exact figure. 

But Morse is happy living abroad. In part, because he doesn’t see things changing anytime soon. While people moved to Canada to protest the Vietnam War, he said, “it wasn't systematic or fundamental to the American system.” This time, he said, it feels different.

He said he worries about a more violent or widespread version of Jan. 6 if Trump loses, and that democracy’s guardrails will fail to hold up. 

“There's nothing that says that American democracy is permanent and immutable,” he said. “And I fear it's coming apart.”

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Guest Essay

The Key to Longevity Is Boring

A photo illustration of a bearded man in workout clothing looking at a tablet stretching to infinity and labeled “To Do List” with beams of sunlight coming down on him.

By Brad Stulberg

Mr. Stulberg is the author, most recently, of “Master of Change: How to Excel When Everything Is Changing — Including You.”

The other day, someone at my gym approached me and lamented that he could spend nearly every waking hour of his life executing the countless viral health and longevity recommendations popularized by internet influencers and podcast hosts, and he’d still feel that he is falling behind.

He was alluding to a complicated and often contradictory menu of “biohacks” (shortcuts for improving our biology, all of which lack scientific rigor) and “protocols” (highly specific regimens for exercise, sleep and nutrition). In this era’s search for eternal youth, there are supplements, green powders , cold plunges , the supposed benefits of low-angle morning sunlight , continuous glucose monitors for non-diabetics, box breathing , the proposed benefits of rapamycin (a drug originally used in organ transplants being adapted for longevity), and countless restrictive diets that range from avoiding seed oils to becoming aware of the “hidden dangers” in fruits and vegetables to shunning nearly everything but meat .

While obsessions with health and longevity have long dogged humanity, this latest version is intensified by an ecosystem in which influencers and podcasters profit from our attention and quest for health by getting sponsorships from supplement companies, sleep trackers and other pseudoscientific wellness products. In 2016 the global supplement market amounted to $135 billion. Today it’s ballooned to $250 billion. That figure is projected to hit nearly $310 billion within the next four years.

Some of these interventions have limited uses, while others range from the absurd to the truly harmful. It’s a shame that people are spending their money and energy on such things — even more so because the key to a longer, healthier life is no mystery.

Research has long shown that health and longevity come down to five fundamental lifestyle behaviors: exercising regularly, eating a nutritious diet, eschewing cigarettes, limiting alcohol consumption and nurturing meaningful relationships.

This stuff is simple, somewhat boring and harder to make money off than trendy supplements, complex-sounding theories and new gadgets — but it’s what actually works.

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