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How to Cite a Movie in APA

Movies are a great source of information for many different types of papers. In this guide, you will learn how to write citations for various types of movies using APA 7th edition format.

Guide Overview

In this guide, you will find the following information:

Citing a movie

Citing a movie in another language, troubleshooting.

It doesn’t matter how you watched the movie (e.g., DVD, on a streaming service, in the theater, etc.), you cite all movies the same way as shown below.

APA movie citation structure:

Director Last Name, F.M. (Director). (Release Year). Title of motion picture [Film]. Studio.

Note:  If you cannot locate certain bibliographic data from the film’s cover, consult IMDB.com or a similar website.

Screen Shot 2014-04-02 at 4.08.29 PM

APA movie citation example:

Ayoade, R. (Director). (2011). Submarine [Film]. Film4 Productions.

In-text citations for movies

Parenthetical citation: (Ayoade, 2011)

Narrative citations: Ayoade (2011)

Note: If no director cannot be identified, someone in a similar role can be credited in the director’s place as the author. 

When a film is in another language, simply include the translation in brackets after its original title. If the film’s title is in a language that does not use the Roman alphabet, transliterate the title.

Last name, F. M. (Director). (Year of release). Original title in sentence case  [Translated in title case] [Film]. Studio.

Derbez, E. (Director). (2013). No se aceptan devoluciones [Instructions not included] [Film]. Pantelion Films.

Structure: (Last name, date, timestamp [hour: minute: second])

Parenthetical citation: (Derbez, 2013, 1:15:38)

Narrative citations: Derbez (2013, 1:15:38)

Solution #1: Specifying editions of a movie

While you do not need to specify how you watched a movie, it is sometimes necessary to include the version or edition of the film in brackets next to the word “Film.”

Structure & Example:

Director Last Name, F. M. (Director). (Release Year). Title of motion picture [Film; Edition description]. Studio.

Lucas, G. (Director). (1983). Star wars episode V: The empire strikes back [Film; widescreen 2-disc special edition]. 20th Century Fox.

APA Formatting Guide

APA Formatting

  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Block Quotes
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Citation Examples

  • Book Chapter
  • Journal Article
  • Magazine Article
  • Newspaper Article
  • Website (no author)
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To cite a movie or film in APA style, it is important that you know some basic information such as the director’s name, the year, the full movie title, and the production company’s name. The templates for in-text citations and a reference list entry of a movie or film and their examples are given below:

In-text citation template and example:

Director Surname (Year)

Joon-ho (2006)


(Director Surname, Year)

(Joon-ho, 2006)

Reference list entry template and example:

Surname name, F. M. (Director). (Year). Movie title [Film]. Production Company.

Joon-ho, B. (Director). (2006). The host [Film]. Chungeorahm Film Sego Entertainment.

To cite a movie in APA style on your reference page, it is important that you know the name of the director, release date of the movie, title of the movie, and name of the production company.

In the in-text citation, use the movie director’s surname along with the release date. If you are including a direct quote, you should also include the time stamp for the beginning of the quotation. Templates and examples for the in-text citation of a movie are given below.

Director’s Surname (release date)

Stephenson (1999)

(Director’s Surname, release date)

(Stephenson, 1999)

With a Direct Quote:

“Quote” (Director’s Surname, release date, time stamp)

“I can work harder” (Stephenson, 1999, 1:05:42).

APA Citation Examples

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How to cite a movie in APA, MLA, or Harvard style

Image of daniel-elias

It’s not often that you need to cite a movie, but it’s actually straightforward to do so. Our guide below details how to cite a movie in APA, MLA, or Harvard format.

 How to cite a movie automatically

If you want to skip the tedium of writing a movie citation out by hand then we’ve made a citation generator to do it for you. Simply select Film/Movie from the More dropdown below, complete the form, and we’ll put everything in the right order.

 How to cite a movie manually

To cite a movie yourself just follow the instructions below. For the 3 most popular styles–APA, MLA 8, and Harvard–this is as follows:

 In APA style

You need to locate these details for the movie: director, movie title (duh!), release date, distributor, distributor location, and medium (or format) .

  • The director can usually be found in the credits for the movie, or on the IMDb or Wikipedia page for the movie.
  • The movie title should be pretty straightforward – it’s the name of the movie you’re citing.
  • The release date is the date that the movie was first released or published. This can also be found on the IMdb or Wikipedia page.
  • The distributor is the company that handled publishing of the movie. For example, the movie Avengers 2: Age of Ultron was distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
  • The distributor location is the city or state that the distributor is located in. You can find this by looking up the distributor on Wikipedia.
  • The medium is the format that you watched the movie in. This could be something like DVD, internet stream, or cinema.

Then use this template, replacing the colored placeholders with the information you found on the page:

Author last name , Author first name initial . ( release date year , release date month and day ). Page title [ medium ]. Distributor location : Distributor .

The final formatted citation should look like this:

Whedon, J. (2015). Avengers 2: Age of Ultron [DVD]. California: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.

 In MLA 8 style

You need to locate these details for the movie: director, movie title, release date, and distributor .

Then use this template:

Director last name , Director first name . Movie title . Distributor , Year published .

Whedon, Joss. Avengers 2: Age of Ultron . Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, 2015.

 In Harvard style

Harvard format is very similar to APA. First, locate these details for the movie: director, movie title, release date, distributor, distributor location, and medium (or format) .

Author last name , Author first name initial . ( release date year ) Movie title . Distributor location : Distributor .

Whedon, J. (2015) Avengers 2: Age of Ultron . California: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.

Daniel is a qualified librarian, former teacher, and citation expert. He has been contributing to MyBib since 2018.

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APA Style (7th Edition) Citation Guide: Films/Videos/TV Shows

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  • Biblical Sources
  • Secondary Sources
  • Films/Videos/TV Shows
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Table of Contents

Film or Video

Streaming Video From a Website (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)

Streaming video from a subscription media website (netflix, amazon prime, hulu, etc.), streaming video from a library database, television series episode.

Note: All citations should be double spaced and have a hanging indent in a Reference List.

A "hanging indent" means that each subsequent line after the first line of your citation should be indented by 0.5 inches.

This Microsoft support page contains instructions about how to format a hanging indent in a paper.

Who to Credit - Film or Video

The director should be credited as the author of a film. If the director is unknown, someone in a similar role, such as a producer and/or writer, can be credited. To clarify what role the person has in the production, their job title such as Director is put after their name in round brackets if the job title is known.

Who to Credit - Streaming Video from a Website

For videos from websites such as YouTube or Vimeo, credit the person who posted the content. If a real name is provided, use that followed by the person's user name in square brackets. If the real name of the person who posted the content is not known, just use their user name without brackets.

Note : It is not necessary to specify how you watched a film or video (e.g. motion picture, DVD, streaming online). 

In the Body of a Paper

Books, Journals, Reports, Webpages, etc.: When you refer to titles of a “stand-alone work,” as the APA calls them on their APA Style website, such as books, journals, reports, and webpages, you should italicize them. Capitalize words as you would for an article title in a reference, e.g., In the book Crying in H Mart: A memoir , author Michelle Zauner (2021) describes her biracial origin and its impact on her identity.

Article or Chapter: When you refer to the title of a part of a work, such as an article or a chapter, put quotation marks around the title and capitalize it as you would for a journal title in a reference, e.g., In the chapter “Where’s the Wine,” Zauner (2021) describes how she decided to become a musician.

The APA Sample Paper below has more information about formatting your paper.

  • APA 7th ed. Sample Paper

Film or Video

When the Director, Producer and/or Writer is known:

Director/Producer/Writer's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Job Title). (Year film was produced).  Title of film: Subtitle if any  [Film]. Production Company.

Note: If not produced in the United States, list the city name and the country.

Hallam, J. (Producer, Writer), & Lam, K. (Producer, Director). (2010).  Staff relations in healthcare: Working as a team  [Film]. Insight Media.

  • When you have more than one producer, writer and/or writer to credit, separate the names with a comma and put an ampersand (&) before the last person's last name.
  • Serling, R. (Executive Producer). (1959–1964). The twilight zone [TV series]. Cayuga Productions; CBS Productions.

In-Text Paraphrase:

(Producer/Director/Writer's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Hallam & Lam, 2010)

Note: This example has two people to credit, so both last names are given)

In-Text Quote:

(Producer/Director/Writer's Last Name, Year, Timestamp)

Example: (Hallam & Lam, 2010, 2:30)

Note: Because the timestamp serves the same purpose in a video as page numbers, paragraph numbers or section headings, you include it in the in-text citation. Include only the beginning timestamp.

When the Director, Producer and/or Writer is not known:  Start the citation with the film title.

Title of film: Subtitle if any  [Film]. (Year film was produced). Production Company if Known.

Era of viruses  [Film]. (2006). Films for the Humanities and Sciences.

( Title of Film , Year)

Example: ( Era of Viruses , 2006)

Note: Italicize the title of the film and capitalize the words for the in-text citation.

( Title of Film , Year, Timestamp)

Example: ( Era of Viruses , 2006, 40:00)

When the Poster's Name is known: 

Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial. of person who posted the video if known. [User name that posted the video]. (Year video was posted, Month Day).  Title of video  [Video]. Website Name. URL

Note: According to APA, for citing purposes the person who posted the video is credited as the author.

Nye, B. [TheRealBillNye]. (2009, April 8).  Bill Nye the science guy on energy  [Video]. YouTube. http://youtu.be/0ASLLiuejAo

(Creator's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Nye, 2009)

(Creator's Last Name, Year, timestamp)

Example: (Nye, 2009, 0:55)

When the Poster's Name is not known: 

User name that posted the video. (Year video was posted, Month Day).  Title of video  [Video]. Website Name. URL

All Aces Media. (2012, January 19).  Often awesome the series  [Video]. Vimeo. http://vimeo.com/35311255

(User name, Year)

Example: (All Aces Media, 2012)

Example: (All Aces Media, 2012, timestamp)

Producer's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Producer). (Year of Publication).  Title of Video  [Video]. Website Name. URL

Note:  When you have one producer (Producer) is used after the producer's name. If you have more than one producer use (Producers) instead.

Allen, T., et. al. (Producers). (2017). The story of Diana  [Video]. Netflix. http://www.netflix.com

(Producer Last name, Year)

Example: (Allen, et. al., 2017)

(Producer Last name, Year, Timestamp)

Example: (Allen, et. al., 2017, 6:45)

Name of Company/Organization that Provided Content or Creator's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial. if known. (Year video was created, Month Day if known).  Title of video  [Video]. Database Name.

National Film Board of Canada. (2014).  Making movie history: The women  [Video]. NFB Campus. 

(Name of Company/Organization, Year)

Example: (National Film Board of Canada, 2014)

(Name of Company/Organization, Year, Timestamp)

Writer, Producer and/or Director's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Job Title) if known. (Year the episode was originally aired). Title of episode (Season No., Episode No.) [TV series episode]. In Executive Producer's First Initial. Last Name (Executive producer) if known,  Television series name . Production Company.

Note: For other countries, list the city name and the country.

Young, R. (Writer, Producer, Director). (2010). Flying cheap (Season 2010, Episode 2) [TV series episode]. In  Frontline . American University School of Communication's Investigative Reporting Workshop.

(Writer, Producer and/or Director's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Young, 2010)

(Writer, Producer and/or Director's Last Name, Year, Timestamp)

Example: (Young, 2010, 15:38)

Television Series Episode Viewed on a Subscription Media Website 

Writer, Producer and/or Director's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Job Title) if known. (Year the episode was originally aired). Title of episode (Season No., Episode No.) [TV series episode]. In Executive Producer's First Initial. Last Name (Executive producer) if known,  Television series name . Streaming Video Site. URL

Attenborough, D. (Writer). (2001). Ocean world (Season 1, Episode 1) [TV series episode]. In A. Fothergill (Executive producer),  Blue planet: A natural history of the oceans . Netflix. http://www.netflix.com

Example: (Attenborough, 2001)

 (Writer, Producer and/or Director's Last Name, Year, Timestamp)

Example: (Attenborough, 2001, 10:12)

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How to Cite a Movie in an Essay: MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago

November 16, 2023

It is crucial to cite a movie in an essay to give credit to the original creators and sources of information. Just like any other form of media, movies are considered intellectual property, and their use in academic writing requires proper acknowledgment. Citing a movie not only demonstrates academic integrity but also allows readers to access the referenced material for further research. Additionally, citing movies helps to avoid plagiarism and provides a solid foundation for the arguments and claims presented in the essay. By acknowledging the source, it shows that the writer has conducted thorough research and is presenting information from reliable sources. Citing movies also adds credibility and allows readers to verify the information presented. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the correct methods of citing movies to enhance the overall quality and academic value of the essay.

MLA format for citing a movie in an essay

In MLA format, citing a movie in an essay follows a specific set of guidelines. Here’s how to do it:

  • Title of the Movie: Start the citation with the title of the movie, in italics or underlined.
  • Director’s Name: Include the full name of the director, followed by a comma.
  • Performers’ Names: If relevant, you can include the names of performers in the movie, preceded by the abbreviation “perf.” and followed by a comma.
  • Distributor: Add the name of the movie’s distributor, followed by a comma.
  • Release Year: Include the release year of the movie, followed by a period.

Example citation in MLA format:

Title of the Movie. Directed by Director’s Name, performances by Performers’ Names, Distributor, Release Year.

For instance:

“The Shawshank Redemption.” Directed by Frank Darabont, performances by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, Warner Bros., 1994.

It is important to note that if you are referring to the movie within the body of your essay, you should include the title of the movie in italics or underlined, and the in-text citation should be placed in parentheses after the movie title with just the last name of the director and the page number, if applicable, like this: (Darabont 46). Remember to also include a corresponding entry in your bibliography or works cited page at the end of your essay.

By following these guidelines, you can accurately and properly cite a movie in your essay using MLA format.

APA format for citing a movie

In APA format, citing a movie in an essay involves a specific format that ensures clarity and consistency. Here’s how to cite a movie in APA style:

  • Producer(s) and Director(s): Start with the last name and initials of the producer(s) and director(s), separated by a comma and an ampersand (&).
  • Year of Release: Include the year in parentheses immediately following the names of the director(s) and producer(s).
  • Title of the Movie: Capitalize the first letter of each significant word in the title, as well as any subtitles. Italicize the title.
  • Country of Origin: Provide the country where the movie was produced.
  • Production Company: Include the name of the production company that released the movie.

Example citation in APA format:

Director Last Name, Initial(s) (Director), & Producer Last Name, Initial(s). (Year). Title of the Movie [Motion picture]. Country of Origin: Production Company.

Darabont, F. (Director), & Niki, M. (Producer). (1994). The Shawshank Redemption [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Bros.

Remember to include an in-text citation after mentioning the movie title within the body of your essay. This entails placing the last name of the director and the year of release in parentheses, like this: (Darabont, 1994). In the reference list or bibliography at the end of your essay, ensure you provide a full citation for the movie.

By following these guidelines, you can accurately and properly cite a movie in your essay using APA format.

How to Reference a Movie in Harvard Style

In Harvard referencing style, citing a movie in an essay follows a specific format to ensure consistency and proper attribution. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to cite a movie using Harvard style:

  • Director(s) and Producer(s): Start with the last name(s) and initials of the director(s) and producer(s), separated by a comma.
  • Year of Release: Include the year of release in parentheses immediately after the names.
  • [Motion picture]: Include this phrase in square brackets.

Example citation in Harvard format:

Director Last Name, Initial(s), & Producer Last Name, Initial(s). (Year of Release). Title of the Movie [Motion picture]. Country of Origin: Production Company.

Darabont, F., & Niki, M. (1994). The Shawshank Redemption [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Bros.

When citing a movie within your essay, include the director’s last name and the year of release in parentheses, like this: (Darabont, 1994). Additionally, make sure to list the full citation in your reference list or bibliography at the end of your essay.

By following these guidelines, you can accurately cite a movie in your essay using Harvard format. Don’t forget to consult the official Harvard referencing style guide for any additional specific requirements.

How to Cite a Movie in Chicago/Turabian Format

In Chicago/Turabian format, citing a movie in an essay requires adherence to specific guidelines to ensure accurate referencing. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to cite a movie using Chicago/Turabian style:

  • Director(s) and Producer(s): Start with the director(s)’s full name, followed by a “dir.” For the producer(s), use “prod.” Include their names in the order they appear in the movie’s credits.
  • Title of the Movie: Capitalize the first letter of each significant word in the title, as well as any subtitles. Italicize the title or use quotation marks, depending on the format used in the original source.
  • Directed by, Produced by, or Director(s) and Producer(s): Indicate the directors and producers’ roles using appropriate abbreviations.

Example citation in Chicago/Turabian format:

Director(s) Last Name, First Name(s), dir. Producer(s) Last Name, First Name(s), prod. Year of Release. Title of the Movie. Directed by, Produced by, or Director(s) and Producer(s). Country of Origin: Production Company.

For example:

Darabont, Frank, dir. Niki, Mark, prod. 1994. The Shawshank Redemption. Directed by Frank Darabont, Produced by Mark Niki. United States: Warner Bros.

When citing the movie within your essay, include the director’s(s)’s last name and the year of release in parentheses, like this: (Darabont 1994). Additionally, make sure to list the full citation in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your essay.

By following these guidelines, you can accurately cite a movie in your essay using Chicago/Turabian format. However, it’s important to consult the official Chicago/Turabian style guide for any additional specific requirements.

Using in-text citations for movie references

When citing a movie in an essay, it is crucial to use in-text citations to provide proper attribution and support your statements or arguments. Here’s how to incorporate in-text citations for movie references in your essay:

  • Direct Quotes: When directly quoting a line or dialogue from a movie, enclose the quote in quotation marks and include the last name of the director and the year of release in parentheses. For example: “I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse” (Coppola, 1972).
  • Paraphrasing: If you’re paraphrasing a scene or summarizing the movie, mention the director’s last name and the year of release in parentheses at the end of the sentence. For example: The gripping prison escape in “The Shawshank Redemption” (Darabont, 1994) captivated audiences worldwide.
  • Referring to a Movie: If you’re referring to a specific movie without including a direct quote or paraphrase, mention the movie’s title in italics and the director’s last name and the year of release in parentheses. For example: The visual effects in “Inception” (Nolan, 2010) were groundbreaking.

Remember to keep your in-text citations concise and clear, providing enough information for readers to locate the full citation in your reference list. Properly citing a movie within your essay not only acknowledges the original source but also adds credibility to your work.

Creating a Reference List for Movies in the Bibliography

When citing a movie in an essay, it is essential to include a comprehensive reference list or bibliography to provide complete details for your sources. Here’s a guide on how to create a reference list for movies in the bibliography using the appropriate format:

  • Start the reference list on a new page titled “References” or “Bibliography.”
  • Arrange the entries in alphabetical order based on the last name of the movie’s director.
  • Include the following information for each movie entry:
  • Director(s) and Producer(s): Start with the last name(s) and initial(s) of the director(s) and producer(s). Use a comma to separate multiple directors or producers. End with a period.
  • Year of Release: Enclose the year of release in parentheses. End with a period.
  • Title of the Movie: Capitalize the first letter of each significant word in the title and any subtitles. Italicize the title.
  • Format: Specify the format of the movie, such as “Motion picture” or “Film.”
  • Country of Origin: Mention the country where the movie was produced. End with a colon.
  • Production Company: Include the name of the production company that released the movie. End with a period.

Example reference list entry for a movie:

Darabont, F. & Niki, M. (1994). The Shawshank Redemption. [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Bros.

Ensure that each entry is formatted consistently throughout the bibliography. If there are multiple movies by the same director, list them in chronological order, starting with the earliest release.

By following these guidelines, you can create an accurate and well-organized reference list for movies in the bibliography section of your essay. Remember to consult the appropriate style guide for any specific requirements or variations.

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How to Cite a Movie in Harvard Referencing

  • 2-minute read
  • 5th June 2020

While books and journals are the most common sources in academic writing , you may need to cite a film or documentary in your work at some point. But how does this work? In this post, we look at citing a movie using Harvard referencing , including the in-text citations and reference list entry.

Citing a Movie in Harvard Referencing

To cite a movie in Harvard referencing, you need to give its name in italics and the year it was released:

Nineteenth-century New York is portrayed as a Darwinian battleground plagued by tribal warfare ( Gangs of New York , 2002).

If you name the source in the text, though, simply give the date in brackets:

In Gangs of New York (2002), nineteenth-century New York is portrayed as a Darwinian battleground plagued by tribal warfare.

Finally, to cite a specific part of a movie (e.g., to quote an important line or discuss a particular scene), you may need to give a pinpoint citation. And in the absence of page numbers, this means giving a timestamp :

At this point, Bill the Butcher says, “He was the only man I ever killed worth remembering” ( Gangs of New York , 2002, 2:21:34).

Here, we’re citing something from 2 hours, 21 minutes and 34 seconds into the film. And the timestamp will allow readers to find the relevant quote.

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Adding a Movie to a Harvard Reference List

The reference list format for a movie in Harvard referencing is:

Film title (Year) Directed by Name of Director [Film]. Place of distribution if known, Distribution company.

We would therefore list Gangs of New York like this:

Gangs of New York (2002) Directed by Martin Scorsese [Film]. Buena Vista Distribution.

Harvard Variations and Proofreading

Harvard referencing is a style, not a unified system. As a result, different universities may use different versions of this style. The guidelines set out above are based on the Open University version of Harvard referencing , but make sure to check your own style guide for advice if you have one.

Whichever version you use, though, your references should be clear and consistent. And to make sure of this, why not ask the referencing experts at Proofed to check that your writing is always error free?

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MLA Film Citation

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How to cite a film in a bibliography using MLA

The most basic MLA entry for a film citation consists of the movie title, director, production company, and release date. You may also choose to include other contributors, such as the writer(s), performer(s), and producer(s) if they are relevant to your assignment’s discussion. You may also include the film’s original release date if you’re citing a new release or special edition.

Film Title . Directed by First Name Last Name, Production Company, Release Date.

BibMe: The Movie . Directed by John Smith, Columbia Pictures, 2009.

Foreign Language Film with Translated Title:

Begin the film citation entry with the film’s title in italics, followed by a period. If the film is dubbed in English, begin by including the English title, followed by the translated title in square brackets.

BibMe: The Movie [BibMe: La Película ]. Directed by John Smith, Columbia Pictures, 2009.

Cite the director’s name after the movie title by writing “Directed by” with the director’s first and last name in normal order.

Film with Other Contributors:

If relevant, you may also choose to include the names of other key contributors in the author element, including writer(s), performer(s), and/or producer(s). Group different types of personnel together and separate each personnel group by a period. Write these personnel names in normal order – do not reverse the first and last names. Write these additional contributions according to the role of the person or group. For instance, “produced by,” “screenplay by,” or “performance by.” If you can’t describe the role using a phrase with “by,” include the role using a noun or noun phrase. Use commas to separate the name of the person (in normal order) from their role (Larry David, general editor).

BibMe: The Movie . Directed by John Smith, performances by Mike Jones and Jim Jones. Columbia Pictures, 2009.

If you would like to emphasize the contributions of a specific person because you focus on their role or contribution, include their role and name with contributors, not with authors. If you include the author, in the case of film, the director and their name, you style the entry as shown above. However, if you omit the director role and name, you start the film citation as above with the film title, followed by a period, and instead of a director, include the role and name of another contributor. For example, “Performances by Sharon Stone and Meryl Streep. List the film’s distribution company, followed by a comma, the year released, and a period.

BibMe: The Movie . Performances by Sharon Stone and Meryl Streep, Columbia Pictures, 2009.

Film with Alternate Original Release Date:

If the film’s original year of release differs from the year of release for the copy of the film you viewed, include the original year of release after film title, and place the year of release for the copy of the film you viewed after the film’s distribution company at the end of the entry. Usually, when citing a film with an original release date and a new release date, there has been a special update. You may also include details in the version element, such as “Director’s cut” or “Digitally enhanced edition.” Include those details after the original release date.

BibMe: The Movie . 2007. Director’s cut, Columbia, 2009.

Film Viewed on an App or Website:

If you viewed the film on an app or a website, include specific location details if it will help readers locate the specific copy you viewed. Capitalize and italicize the app or site name.

BibMe: The Slide Program . Columbia Pictures, 2009. Netflix app.

BibMe: The Slide Program . Columbia Pictures, 2009. Netflix , www.netflix.com.

If you viewed the film in person in a theater, cite the film without any additional format or location details.

Film Viewed on Physical Media:

If you viewed the film on physical media, such as a DVD, follow the release date with a comma and a disc number, followed by a period. End the entry with “DVD.”

BibMe: The Movie . 2007. Director’s cut, Columbia, 2009, disc 1. DVD.

If there is no disc number, simply include “DVD.”

BibMe: The Movie . 2007. Director’s cut, Columbia, 2009. DVD.

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Leeds Harvard: Film

Reference examples.

Title . Year of release. [Medium]. Full name of director. dir. Place of production: Production company.

Citizen Kane . 1941. [Film]. Orson Welles. dir. USA: RKO Radio Pictures.

Citation examples

Film, video or broadcast.

If you refer to a film, video, video game or broadcast, you should cite the title and the date.

When the title is not mentioned in the text, the citation should consist of the title and the date in brackets:

Example: The way the characters interact reveals... (The Godfather, 1972)

If you have already named the title in the text, only the year needs to be included in brackets.

Example: The way the characters interact in The Godfather (1972) reveals...

If you are referring to a particular scene or quote, you should include in the citation the times (hours, minutes and seconds) between which it takes place in the film. 

The conversation between the characters Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara reveals... (Gone with the Wind, 1939, 01:32:03-01:33:05).

Common issues

When you're referencing with Leeds Harvard you may come across issues with missing details, multiple authors, edited books, references to another author's work or online items, to name a few. Here are some tips on how to deal with some common issues when using Leeds Harvard.

Skip straight to the issue that affects you:

  • Online items
  • URL web addresses
  • Multiple authors
  • Corporate author(s) or organisation(s)
  • Multiple publisher details
  • Editions and reprints
  • Missing details
  • Multiple sources with different authors
  • Sources written by the same author in the same year
  • Sources with the same author in different years
  • Two authors with the same surname in the same year
  • The work of one author referred to by another
  • Anonymising sources for confidentiality
  • Identifying the authors’ family name (surname)

Citation guides

All you need to know about citations

How to cite a film in Harvard

Harvard film citation

To cite a film in a reference entry in Harvard style include the following elements:

  • Title of the film: Give the title as presented in the source. Only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.
  • Year of release: Give the year in round brackets.
  • Director(s) name: Give the initials and last name preceded by the phrase 'Directed by' (e.g. Directed by J. Watson).
  • Format: Describe the element's type of format, e.g. DVD, Film, Blue-ray, etc.
  • Place of distribution: List the city and the US state using the two-letter abbreviation. Spell out country names if outside of the UK or the USA.
  • Broadcasting company: Give the name of the broadcasting company.

Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a film in Harvard style:

Title of the film ( Year of release ) Directed by Director(s) name [ Format ]. Place of distribution : Broadcasting company .

Take a look at our reference list examples that demonstrate the Harvard style guidelines in action:

A film with one director

Titanic ( 1997 ) Directed by J. Cameron [ Film ]. Los Angeles, CA : Paramount Pictures .

A film in DVD format

Kill Bill: Volume 1 ( 2003 ) Directed by Q. Tarantino [ DVD ]. Los Angeles, CA : Miramax .

harvard cover page

This citation style guide is based on the Cite Them Right (10 th edition) Harvard referencing guide.

More useful guides

  • Harvard style: Film
  • Referencing with Harvard: Film, streamed
  • How to Reference and Cite Harvard Style

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  • Chicago: how to cite a Netflix show
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How to Cite a Film in MHRA Referencing

How to Cite a Film in MHRA Referencing

3-minute read

  • 25th October 2020

Have you referred to a film or documentary in your work? If so, find out how to cite a film in MHRA referencing with our guide below.

Citing a Film in MHRA Referencing

In MHRA referencing, you will cite sources in footnotes . To do this, you will use superscript numbers in the main text to indicate footnotes:

Footnote numbers usually go after final punctuation. 1

You will then provide the source information in a footnote at the bottom of the page. And for a film, this mean using the following basic format:

n. Film Title , dir. by Director’s Name (Distributor, Year).

However, you may need to include information about the format as well:

  • For films on physical media, include the format in square brackets (e.g. ‘[on DVD]’ or ‘[on Blu-ray] ‘) after the distributor and year.
  • For streaming services, you’ll need to add the phrase ‘online film recording’, the name of the platform, a URL, and a date of access.

In practice then, footnote citations for films in MHRA would look like this:

1. The Shawshank Redemption , dir. by Frank Darabont (Columbia Pictures, 1994). 2. Casablanca , dir. by Michael Curtiz (Warner Bros. Pictures, 1942) [on DVD]. 3. Jurassic Park , dir. by Steven Spielberg (Universal Pictures, 1993), online film recording, Netflix, <https://www.netflix.com/watch/60002360> [accessed 14 September 2020].

If you cite a film more than once, meanwhile, you can use a shortened footnote format after the first citation. For a film, this means giving the title. For more information, see our blog post on repeat citations in MHRA .

Pinpoint Citations for Films in MHRA

Typically, MHRA style does not require you to give pinpoint citations for sources without page numbers, including audiovisual sources.

However, if you want to quote a film or point the reader to a particular part, you might want to add a timestamp at the end of the relevant footnote:

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4. The Shawshank Redemption , dir. by Frank Darabont (Columbia Pictures, 1994), 01:12:34.

Here, for instance, the timestamp shows that we’re citing something from 1 hour, 12 minutes, and 34 seconds into the film.

Films in an MHRA Bibliography

If you cite any films in your work, make sure to add them to the bibliography at the end of the document. The format here is the same as in the first footnote citation, except for a few minor tweaks:

  • There is no full stop at the end of the entry.
  • Each line after the first should include a small hanging indent.
  • You do not need a pinpoint citation (i.e. timestamp).

In addition, rather than using the director’s name to alphabetise films in the bibliography, like you would with the author of a book, you should use the first main word of the title. With The Shawshank Redemption , for instance, we would list it under ‘S’ for ‘Shawshank’ (not ‘T’ for ‘The’).

In practice, then, the entries for the films above would look like this:

Casablanca , dir. by Michael Curtiz (Warner Bros. Pictures, 1942) [on DVD]

Jurassic Park , dir. by Steven Spielberg (Universal Pictures, 1993), online film recording, Netflix, <https://www.netflix.com/watch/60002360> [accessed 14 September 2020]

The Shawshank Redemption , dir. by Frank Darabont (Columbia Pictures, 1994)

Hopefully, this has helped you understand how to cite a film using MHRA style . If you’d like an MHRA expert to check your writing, though, our proofreaders are ready to help. Simply submit a free trial document for proofreading today and find out what we can do.

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Decoding the Symbolism and Performances in the Movie “Signs”: a Detailed Cast Analysis

This essay about M. Night Shyamalan’s “Signs” explores the film’s use of symbolism and powerful performances to engage the audience in a story filled with existential questions and deep emotional themes. It highlights the performances of Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix, who bring to life the characters’ struggles with faith and doubt. The narrative also discusses how symbolic elements like crop circles enhance the film’s profound exploration of humanity, faith, and family.

How it works

In the intricate world of M. Night Shyamalan’s “Signs,” symbolism intertwines with exceptional acting to create a captivating narrative full of intrigue and depth. This film invites viewers to explore a complex story replete with hidden meanings and significant discoveries, presenting a narrative landscape rich with existential questions and deep emotional resonance.

Central to this cinematic masterpiece is Graham Hess, played by the compelling Mel Gibson. As a former priest who is struggling with his crumbling faith after a devastating personal loss, Graham is at the core of the film’s examination of the rough terrain of belief and skepticism.

Gibson delivers a nuanced performance, with every look and movement reflecting the turmoil of a man lost in doubt.

Contrasting with Gibson’s reserved intensity, Joaquin Phoenix plays Merrill, Graham’s impulsive younger brother, with fervent energy and indomitable spirit. Phoenix brings a rough-hewn charm and steadfast determination to Merrill, adding a vital balance to the screen. The chemistry between Gibson and Phoenix is electrifying, enhancing the film’s dynamic tension.

Throughout the film, mysterious symbols such as crop circles and trembling glasses of water emerge, each bearing enigmatic significance that challenges conventional interpretation. These symbols serve as a call from Shyamalan to look deeper, to explore the inner workings of the human psyche where fear meets faith in a dramatic clash.

Amidst these profound themes, Rory Culkin’s portrayal of Morgan, Graham’s son, stands out with its portrayal of vulnerability and innocence. Culkin brings a delicate touch to the role, highlighting the poignant contrast between youthful naivety and the darkening forces around him. Abigail Breslin, as Bo, Morgan’s younger sister, shines brightly with innocence and a subtle intuition of the looming dangers.

The interplay among the characters, against the backdrop of impending dread, adds layers of depth to their interactions with each other and the symbolic elements around them. Directed masterfully by Shyamalan and brought to life through powerful performances, “Signs” is more than a genre film—it’s a profound exploration of faith, family, and the essence of humanity.

As the film concludes, the intertwined journeys of its characters offer a narrative of resilience and redemption, leaving the audience in contemplation of the profound impact cinema has on exploring and illuminating the human condition.


Cite this page

Decoding the Symbolism and Performances in the Movie "Signs": A Detailed Cast Analysis. (2024, May 21). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/decoding-the-symbolism-and-performances-in-the-movie-signs-a-detailed-cast-analysis/

"Decoding the Symbolism and Performances in the Movie "Signs": A Detailed Cast Analysis." PapersOwl.com , 21 May 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/decoding-the-symbolism-and-performances-in-the-movie-signs-a-detailed-cast-analysis/

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Decoding the Symbolism and Performances in the Movie "Signs": A Detailed Cast Analysis . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/decoding-the-symbolism-and-performances-in-the-movie-signs-a-detailed-cast-analysis/ [Accessed: 1 Jun. 2024]

"Decoding the Symbolism and Performances in the Movie "Signs": A Detailed Cast Analysis." PapersOwl.com, May 21, 2024. Accessed June 1, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/decoding-the-symbolism-and-performances-in-the-movie-signs-a-detailed-cast-analysis/

"Decoding the Symbolism and Performances in the Movie "Signs": A Detailed Cast Analysis," PapersOwl.com , 21-May-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/decoding-the-symbolism-and-performances-in-the-movie-signs-a-detailed-cast-analysis/. [Accessed: 1-Jun-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Decoding the Symbolism and Performances in the Movie "Signs": A Detailed Cast Analysis . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/decoding-the-symbolism-and-performances-in-the-movie-signs-a-detailed-cast-analysis/ [Accessed: 1-Jun-2024]

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Morgan Spurlock, Documentarian Known for ‘Super Size Me,’ Dies at 53

His 2004 film followed Mr. Spurlock as he ate nothing but McDonald’s for a month. It was nominated for an Oscar, but it later came in for criticism.

Morgan Spurlock, a young man with brown hair, sideburns and a long mustache, poses with French fries in his left hand and a hamburger in his right. He wears a red T-shirt with a picture of a burger on it.

By Clay Risen and Remy Tumin

Morgan Spurlock, a documentary filmmaker who gained fame with his Oscar-nominated 2004 film “ Super Size Me ,” which followed him as he ate nothing but McDonald’s for 30 days — but later stepped back from the public eye after admitting to sexual misconduct — died on Thursday in New York City. He was 53.

His brother Craig Spurlock said the cause was complications of cancer.

A self-described attention hound with a keen eye for the absurd, Mr. Spurlock was a playwright and television producer when he rocketed to global attention with “Super Size Me,” an early entry into the genre of gonzo participatory filmmaking that borrowed heavily from the confrontational style of Michael Moore and the up-close-and-personal influences of reality TV, which was then just emerging as a genre.

The film’s approach was straightforward: Mr. Spurlock would eat nothing but McDonald’s food for a month, and if a server at the restaurant offered to “supersize” the meal — that is, to give him the largest portion available for each item — he would accept.

The movie then follows Mr. Spurlock and his ever-patient girlfriend through his 30-day odyssey, splicing in interviews with health experts and visits to his increasingly disturbed physician. At the end of the month, he was 25 pounds heavier, depressed, puffy-faced and experiencing liver dysfunction.

The film, which debuted at the Sundance Film Festival, grossed over $22 million, made Mr. Spurlock a household name, earned him an Academy Award nomination for best documentary and helped spur a sweeping backlash against the fast-food industry — though only temporarily ; today, McDonald’s has 42,000 locations worldwide, its stock is near an all-time high, and 36 percent of Americans eat fast food on any given day.

“His movie,” the critic A.O. Scott wrote in The New York Times , “goes down easy and takes a while to digest, but its message is certainly worth the loss of your appetite.”

The film became a touchstone in American culture. By making himself a part of the story, Mr. Spurlock could be considered a forerunner of TikTok influencers and citizen-journalist YouTubers.

And even after the backlash against fast food subsided, “Super Size Me” remained a staple in high school health classes and a reference point for taking personal responsibility for one’s own diet.

But the film also came in for subsequent criticism. Some people pointed out that Mr. Spurlock refused to release the daily logs tracking his food intake. Health researchers were unable to replicate his results in controlled studies.

And in 2017, he admitted that he had not been sober for more than a week at a time in 30 years — meaning that, in addition to his “McDonald’s only” diet, he was drinking, a fact that he concealed from his doctors and the audience, and that most likely skewed his results.

The admission came in a statement in which he also revealed multiple incidents of sexual misconduct, including an encounter in college that he described as rape, as well as repeated infidelity and the sexual harassment of an assistant at his production company, Warrior Poets.

The statement, which Mr. Spurlock posted on Twitter in 2017, came as he was gearing up for the release of a sequel to the film, “ Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken! ” on YouTube Red.

He stepped down from his production company, and YouTube dropped the film; it was instead released in 2019 by Samuel Goldwyn Films.

Morgan Valentine Spurlock was born on Nov. 7, 1970, in Parkersburg, W.Va., and grew up in Beckley, W.Va. His father, Ben, owned and operated an auto-repair shop, and his mother, Phyllis (Valentine) Spurlock, was a junior high school and high school guidance counselor.

He later said he grew up as a fan of 1970s and ’80s British comedies like “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” and “Blackadder.”

“I was doing funny walks round the house at 6 or 7,” he told The Independent in 2012 .

He studied film at New York University and received a bachelor’s degree in fine arts in 1993, then began his career as a production assistant on film projects around New York City, beginning with Luc Besson’s “Léon: The Professional” (1994).

He also began writing plays, including “The Phoenix,” which won an award at the 1999 New York International Fringe Festival.

Mr. Spurlock’s first foray onto the screen was a proto-reality show called “I Bet You Will,” which was also one of the first web-only programs. In five-minute segments, he would dare people to do something gross, or humiliating, or both — eating a “worm burrito,” for example — in exchange for a wad of cash.

The show drew millions of viewers, as well as the interest of MTV, which bought the program a few months after it debuted.

During a Thanksgiving visit to his parents in 2002, Mr. Spurlock saw a TV news story about two women who had sued McDonald’s, claiming that the chain had misled them about the nutritional value of its hamburgers, fries and sodas and caused them to gain significant weight.

“A spokesman for McDonald’s came on and said, you can’t link their obesity to our food — our food is healthy, it’s nutritious,” he told The New York Times in 2004 . “I thought, ‘If it’s so good for me, I should be able to eat it every day, right?’”

And thus, “Super Size Me” was born.

Mr. Spurlock took to fame eagerly, and, with his wide smile and handlebar mustache, was hard to miss. He became an unofficial spokesman for the wellness movement, hobnobbed with celebrity chefs — and scrambled to find a new project.

He did not want to lose the momentum generated by “Super Size Me,” nor did he want to go down in history only as the guy who ate a lot of Big Macs.

“I’ll be that guy till I die,” he told The Independent.

A follow-up film, “Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden?” (2008), was not nearly as well received. Critics assailed him for making light of an international terrorist and for oversimplifying complicated global politics. More bricks were thrown when it emerged that he had put himself at significant personal risk while in Pakistan while his wife was at home with their newborn son.

Eventually, he did get somewhat past the shadow of “Super Size Me”: He teamed up with the actors Jason Bateman and Will Arnett to explore the male grooming industry in “Mansome” (2012) and followed the band One Direction around, resulting in the film “One Direction: This Is Us” (2013).

He produced films by other documentarians, including “The Other F Word” (2011), directed by Andrea Blaugrund Nevins, about punk rockers who became fathers, and “A Brony Tale” (2014), directed by Brent Hodge, about the subculture known as Bronies — adults, mostly men, who love the animated series “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.”

And he continued to make projects that leaned on the participatory style of “Super Size Me.” He created and starred in a series called “30 Days” for FX, in which a person, often Mr. Spurlock himself, would spend about a month embedded in a community much different from his own. One episode saw him spend 25 days in a Virginia jail.

Mr. Spurlock was married three times, to Priscilla Sommer, Alexandra Jamieson and Sara Bernstein; all three marriages ended in divorce. Along with his brother Craig, he is survived by another brother, Barry; his parents; and his sons, Laken and Kallen.

His decision to discuss his sexual past, which came at the height of the #Metoo movement, was met with a mix of praise and criticism. Though many people lauded him for coming forward, critics suggested that he was trying to get ahead of a story that was going to emerge anyway.

All agreed, though, that the decision came with consequences: “Career death,” The Washington Post declared it in 2022 , noting that the once-ubiquitous Mr. Spurlock had largely disappeared.

Clay Risen is a Times reporter on the Obituaries desk. More about Clay Risen

Remy Tumin is a reporter for The Times covering breaking news and other topics. More about Remy Tumin

Massachusetts man arrested after stabbing attack in AMC theater, McDonald's injured 6 people

A Massachusetts man was taken into custody after six people, including four girls at a movie theater, were stabbed in separate attacks that state and local authorities say may be connected.

The four girls were stabbed in an "unprovoked" attack Saturday night at a movie theater in Braintree, a city about 13 miles south of Boston, police said. The girls, ages ranging from 9 to 17, were treated for non-life-threatening injuries at the scene and transported to Boston hospitals.

About an hour later, a 21-year-old woman and a 29-year-old man were stabbed at a McDonald's in Plymouth, a coastal town about 27 miles southeast of Braintree, according to Massachusetts State Police. The two victims were transported to area hospitals with non-life-threatening injuries.

While the two attacks occurred in different areas, Braintree police said that it "appears as though the crimes are related."

Braintree police said the suspect's vehicle was identified by authorities and state police pursued the vehicle, which crashed in Sandwich, about 45 miles southeast of Braintree. The driver was then taken into custody and brought to a hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries, authorities said.

The suspect was identified as Jared Ravizza, 26, of Chilmark, the Plymouth County District Attorney's Office announced Sunday. Ravizza will face multiple charges in Plymouth District Court on Tuesday, including assault with intent to murder, and two counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

The country district attorney's office said the investigation remains active and ongoing by Massachusetts State Police.

'They looked like they just saw a horror movie'

The man walked into the AMC Braintree 10 at about 6 p.m. Saturday, barged past the ticket counter without paying and entered one of the theaters, police said. "Without saying anything and without any warning, he suddenly attacked and stabbed the four young females," police added.

The man then fled the theater and drove away in a black SUV, according to police. Authorities were able to review surveillance footage and later traced his movements, including capturing the vehicle's license plate.

“They looked like they just saw a horror movie and not a kid’s movie,” moviegoer Mateo Rojas told Boston25 news. “The kids came out looking really shocked.”

Massachusetts police find suspect vehicle in another city

A vehicle matching police's description was reportedly involved in an assault in Plymouth, police said.

Massachusetts State Police received several calls at around 7 p.m. reporting a stabbing of two employees and McDonald's, according to the Plymouth County District Attorney's Office. Surveillance footage appeared to show Ravizza reaching through the McDonald's drive-thru window and stabbing the male victim with a large knife.

The footage then showed Ravizza leave the drive-thru to park his vehicle before going inside the McDonald's and stabbing the second female victim, the county district attorney's office said.

Ravizza then fled the scene and state troopers located his vehicle in Sandwich, state police said. Troopers attempted to pull the vehicle over but it failed to stop and the suspect then crashed.

"Preliminary investigation suggests a likely connection to an earlier incident at a movie theatre in Braintree resulting in non-life threatening injuries to four juveniles," state police said.

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After her viral confrontation, during which the singer and actress can be seen in a tense exchange with the security guard, Rowland told The Associated Press, “The woman knows what happened. I know what happened. I have a boundary, and I stand by those boundaries, and that is it.” She continued: “There were other women who attended that carpet, who did not look quite like me. And they didn’t get scolded or pushed off or told to get off. And I stood my ground, and she felt like she had to stand hers. But I stood my ground.”

The Hollywood Reporter  has reached out to the festival comment but has yet to hear back.

THR  also connected with several well-placed festival insiders, some of whom shrugged off the controversy by saying it’s de rigueur for the Palais. Festival regulars, from execs to PR reps, note that the behavior seen on social media, while troubling, is not uncommon for the festival, which runs its famous red carpet with near militaristic gusto.

Unless it’s the actors from that specific film premiere, the jury or celebrities representing one of the festival’s sponsors (like Chopard or L’Oréal), attendees are always rushed down the carpet and up the stairs.

Of course, exceptions are made when it’s a major A-lister or a beloved festival veteran, but for the most part, the job of security is to keep the flow of traffic moving and get everyone in their seats by the scheduled start time. That can be, at times, no easy feat as the Grand Lumiere Theatre has a capacity of more than 2,300. Security also acts swiftly to stop any selfies in the act or put a stop to non-official picture-taking, in general, once attendees hit the carpet, with officials known to put their hands in front of camera lenses.

“I feel [security] is not sensitive to the purpose of being there, but I understand there is a lot of fringe,” said one Hollywood insider who frequently attends the festival with clients. “Maybe we need less non-actors and creators getting attention for something that is the last true film festival.” 

Thierry Fremaux, the longtime festival lieutenant, called selfies “grotesque” and “ridiculous” when the practice was banned in 2018. “It’s not beautiful,” he said. “We want to restore a bit of decency.” But aside from decorum, it’s also logistics as premieres would never start on time if they allowed every attendee to stop and pose for pictures.

As for Taveras, she attempted to pull a fashion stunt right outside the theater entrance by unfurling her gown to expose a portrait of Jesus Christ when she was blocked and rushed inside. It is also widely known that festival security frowns on stunts, protests and other displays that could threaten the occasion.

It’s far from the first time that there’s been a brouhaha at the Palais. In 2015, a furor erupted after some women were turned away from attending various premieres for not wearing high heels and some men were banned from entering without black tuxedo shoes. Fremaux insisted it was just a fuss, and “the rumor that the festival requires high heels for women on the steps is unfounded.” That wasn’t enough to squash the controversy which carried on for the rest of the festival that year. Even Emily Blunt weighed in during a press conference for  Sicario , saying, “Everyone should wear flats, to be honest.”

By the following year, Fremaux had changed his tune. “It was unacceptable from the security people,” he said in 2016. “But there are 2,000 people and one guy decided to do that, and we didn’t know until the day after.”

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Jeremy Renner and Daniel Craig

EXCLUSIVE: With the third season of Mayor of Kingstown bowing this Sunday , Jeremy Renner has found his next major movie project as the Oscar-nominated actor is set to join to join  Daniel Craig  in Netflix’s  Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery . 

He joins new cast members Kerry Washington, Josh O’Connor, Cailee Spaeny, Glenn Close and Andrew Scott, with Craig set to return as world-renowned detective Benoit Blanc and Rian Johnson back as director. Johnson also penned the script and will produce though his T-Street along with producing partner Ram Bergman.

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The  Knives Out  series is no stranger to delivering ensembles packed with star power, and this installment is no different. Production is set to start next month, with Netflix planning to release sometime in 2025.

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As for Renner, the project marks his first feature film project he signed on to after his incredible recovery from a near-fatal snowplow accident in early 2023. After a number of surgeries and countless hours of rehab and physical therapy , he would return to reprise his starring role on the hit Paramount+ series, Mayor of Kingstown, which is set to have its Season 3 premiere this weekend.

He is repped by CAA.

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Zac Efron Hooks Up With Nicole Kidman in Netflix’s Steamy ‘A Family Affair’ Trailer

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A Family Affair

Netflix has released the trailer for its new romantic comedy “A Family Affair,” starring Nicole Kidman , Zac Efron , Joey King, Liza Koshy and Kathy Bates, from the producers of “Anyone but You.”

The film follows Zara Ford (King), a young woman who discovers that her single mother Brooke (Kidman) is having an affair with her self-absorbed, movie star boss Chris Cole (Efron). “A Family Affair” marks the third instance of Efron and Kidman sharing the big screen, the first being “The Paperboy” in 2012 followed by “The Butler” releasing next year.

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Although originally slated for release in November of 2023, “A Family Affair” was pushed to 2024 due to WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes.

Richard LaGravenese helms the film with a script by Carrie Solomon. Joe Roth and Jeff Kirschenbaum serve as producers. Michelle Morrissey, Alyssa Altman and Solomon executive produce.

“A Family Affair” streams worldwide June 28. Watch the trailer below.

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  1. How to Cite a Movie In MLA: a Guide From StudyCrumb

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  2. 💄 Citing a movie mla. How to Cite a Movie in MLA Style. 2022-10-11

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  3. 3 Ways to Cite a Movie Using MLA Style

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  4. How To Cite A Movie Apa 7Th Edition

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  6. How to Cite a Movie In MLA: a Guide From StudyCrumb

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  1. How to Cite a Movie in APA Style

    Revised on December 27, 2023. To cite a movie in APA Style, list its director (s) in the author position and the production company as publisher. The title is written in sentence case and italicized, followed by the label "Film" in square brackets. The in-text citation includes the last name of the director, and the year.

  2. How to Reference a Movie in Harvard Referencing Style

    If you are referencing a film you viewed via a streaming service, here's the information you'll need for your reference: Title (in italics) Release year (in round brackets) Director name. Name of the streaming service or DOI. (Accessed: date) Example: Changeling (2008) Directed by Clint Eastwood.

  3. How to Cite a Movie in APA

    Solution #1: Specifying editions of a movie. While you do not need to specify how you watched a movie, it is sometimes necessary to include the version or edition of the film in brackets next to the word "Film.". Structure & Example: Director Last Name, F. M. (Director). (Release Year). Title of motion picture [Film; Edition description ...

  4. Film and Television References

    This page contains reference examples for film and television, including the following: 1. Film or movie. Verrette, T. (Director). (2021). Zero gravity [Film]. Skylight Cinema; 20th Digital Studio. Provide the director in the author element of the reference, followed by the notation " (Director).". Provide the production company or ...

  5. How to cite a movie in APA, MLA, or Harvard style

    Author last name, Author first name initial. ( release date year) Movie title. Distributor location: Distributor. The final formatted citation should look like this: Whedon, J. (2015) Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. California: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Example of a movie reference in Harvard style. About the author.

  6. APA Movie Citation

    Use the following guide to cite a film/movie using the APA citation format. We also provide style guides for the MLA and Chicago styles. To have your bibliography or works cited list automatically made for you, check out our free APA citation maker. Once you're finished with your citations, we can also help you with creating an APA title page.

  7. How do I create an in-text citation for a film?

    The in-text citation for a film should key to a works-cited-list entry. If you list a film under its title, you must refer to the title in your writing or cite it parenthetically: Point of No Return , a remake of Nikita, deviates from the original French movie in several ways. Luc Besson ( Nikita) and John Badham ( Point) approach the figure of ...

  8. APA Style (7th Edition) Citation Guide: Films/Videos/TV Shows

    Books, Journals, Reports, Webpages, etc.: When you refer to titles of a "stand-alone work," as the APA calls them on their APA Style website, such as books, journals, reports, and webpages, you should italicize them. Capitalize words as you would for an article title in a reference, e.g.,

  9. How to Cite a Movie, Video, or Television Show

    To create a basic works-cited-list entry for a movie, list the title of the movie. Then in the Contributor element, list the name of the director. Next, in the Publisher element, provide the name of the company that produced the movie, followed by the release date. You might include other elements, such as additional contributors if they are ...

  10. How to Reference a Film in an Essay

    Step 1. Cite the video in-text like you would for any other reference. Use the name of the movie and the year of publication for all video sources. Place the reference in quotation marks at the end of the sentence where the information is referenced. Before citing the source, introduce the source in-text with the name of the video and director.

  11. How to Cite a Movie in an Essay

    In MLA format, citing a movie in an essay follows a specific set of guidelines. Here's how to do it: Title of the Movie: Start the citation with the title of the movie, in italics or underlined. Director's Name: Include the full name of the director, followed by a comma. Performers' Names: If relevant, you can include the names of ...

  12. How to Cite a Movie in Harvard Referencing

    Citing a Movie in Harvard Referencing. To cite a movie in Harvard referencing, you need to give its name in italics and the year it was released: Nineteenth-century New York is portrayed as a Darwinian battleground plagued by tribal warfare ( Gangs of New York, 2002). If you name the source in the text, though, simply give the date in brackets:

  13. How to Cite a Film

    If the film is dubbed in English, begin by including the English title, followed by the translated title in square brackets. BibMe: The Movie [BibMe: La Película ]. Directed by John Smith, Columbia Pictures, 2009. Cite the director's name after the movie title by writing "Directed by" with the director's first and last name in normal ...

  14. Film

    Film, video or broadcast. If you refer to a film, video, video game or broadcast, you should cite the title and the date. When the title is not mentioned in the text, the citation should consist of the title and the date in brackets: Example: The way the characters interact reveals... (The Godfather, 1972)

  15. Harvard: how to cite a film [Update 2023]

    To cite a film in a reference entry in Harvard style include the following elements:. Title of the film: Give the title as presented in the source. Only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns are capitalized. Year of release: Give the year in round brackets. Director(s) name: Give the initials and last name preceded by the phrase 'Directed by' (e.g. Directed by J. Watson).

  16. How to Cite a Film in MHRA Referencing

    And for a film, this mean using the following basic format: n. Film Title, dir. by Director's Name (Distributor, Year). However, you may need to include information about the format as well: For films on physical media, include the format in square brackets (e.g. ' [on DVD]' or ' [on Blu-ray] ') after the distributor and year.

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