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How to Write an Essay About Yourself in Spanish

Composing an essay describing yourself in a native language is fairly straightforward, but writing in a foreign language is challenging. Depending on your level of Spanish, the paper will be harder or easier due to your knowledge of vocabulary, tenses, and expressions. In general, keep the essay simple but interesting to read, noting details about your personality and your lifestyle within stories and information you share.

To write an essay in Spanish, about yourself, use your resources to tell a story about yourself:

  • start with the basics
  • talk about your hobbies
  • consult online resources
  • tell a story
  • talk about the future

Step 1: Start with the basics

​ Begin with basic information ​. Write your name, age, birthday, and where you live in complete sentences. Translate any words you do not know how to write into your essay. You may also add where you go to school or your favorite subject in school.

For example:

  • Me llamo Alicia. Tengo dieciocho (18) anos. Mi cumpleaños es el 16 de Julio. Yo vivo en Minneapolis con mi hermano, Pierre.

Step 2: Talk about your hobbies

​ Discuss your hobbies ​. Skip to a new paragraph to talk about the sports, arts, music and/or subjects you like in and out of school. For example, if you play a sport, talk about how much time you dedicate to it.

  • Juego futbol cada dia con mis amigos despues de escuela. Quiero jugar futbol professional cuando soy más viejo.

Step 3: Use your resources

Consult a dictionary or online dictionary for phrases and expressions. The Spanish language is full of idiomatic expressions, just as English is.

For example, we have expressions like “It’s raining cats and dogs.” Include at least one or two Spanish phrases, such as: "El hijo de la gato, ratones mata (The son of a cat kills mice)." The English equivalent is “Like father like son.”

Mix the expression in the essay naturally, instead of planting one awkwardly in the middle or very end of your paper.

Step 4: Tell a story

​ Tell a short narrative ​. Describe a small event that happened to you recently. Perhaps you got lost in a park looking for your little brother, you saw a hurricane for the first time on vacation, or you took a trip to the beach to relax. Look up any vocabulary you don't know and make sure you are writing in the correct tense. Use the past, present and future to describe the event or story.

For example, if you went to the beach with your boyfriend in April, write: “Mi novio y yo fuimos al playa en Abril. Cada dia fue como cielo, porque las olas y el viento y areana nos calmo.

Step 5: Talk about the future

​ Conclude your essay using future tense verbs ​. Write the goals you have for the near future.

For example, you might want to study for an upcoming social studies test or apply for a job at a local graphic design business that is looking for new artists.

Write what you will do, or want to do, using the future tense.You can also describe your feelings, like nervousness, excitement or dread (nerviosismo, excitación o terror).

For example: El Martes iré al entrevista de diseño gráfico.

  • Indiana University Fort Wayne: The Future Tense in Spanish
  • University of Northern Iowa: Best Spanish Websites; Jim Becker

I'm a junior at the University of Missouri studying strategic communications! In my free time I love to play soccer, cook, and read!

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How to Describe Yourself in Spanish -->   -->

Me llamo María.
     My name is María.

Mi pelo es moreno.
     My hair is brown.

Mis ojos son azules.
     My eyes are blue.

Tengo ojos marrones.
     I have brown eyes.

Soy tímido.
Soy tímida.
     I am shy.

Soy tranquilo.
Soy tranquila.
     I am calm.

Soy generoso.
Soy generosa.
     I am generous.

Soy divertido.
Soy divertida.
     I am funny.

Soy organizado.
Soy organizada.
     I am organized.

Soy puntual.
     I am punctual.

Soy inteligente.
     I am intelligent.

Soy simpático.
Soy simpática.
     I am pleasant.

Soy paciente.
     I am patient.

Soy alto y delgado.
     I am tall and thin.

Soy responsable.
     I am responsible.

Yo tengo veinte años.
     I am twenty years old.

Estoy en forma.
     I am in shape.

Soy bajito. Mido un metro y veinte.
     I'm short. I'm 1 meter and 20 cm. tall.

A mí me gustan los deportes.
     I like sports.

Soy de Puerto Rico.
     I'm from Puerto Rico.

Use Vocabulary to Describe Yourself

¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?
Hello! What is your name?

¡Hola! Me llamo María de Jesús. ¿Y tú?
Hello! My name is María de Jesús. And you?

Me llamo Esmeralda. ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo eres?
My name is Emerald. And how are you?

Soy alta, morena y delgada. ¿Y tú? Esmeralda, ¿Cómo eres?
I am tall, dark and thin. And you? Esmeralda, how are you?

Yo no soy muy alta, pero soy bonita. Tengo el pelo rubio y los ojos verdes. ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo son tus ojos? María
I am not very tall but I am pretty. I have blonde hair and green eyes. And you? How are your eyes, María?

Yo tengo ojos negros y son muy expresivos.
I have black eyes and they are very expressive.

¿Y tu pelo?
And your hair?

Tengo el pelo negro y lacio. Esmeralda, ¿Tu pelo es largo o corto?
I have straight black hair. Esmeralda, is your hair long or short?

Mi pelo es largo y rizado.
My hair is long and curly.

¡Hola Juanita! ¿Cómo estás?
Hi Adda! How are you?

Bien, ¿Y tú?
Good and you?

Muy bien. ¿Quién es aquel muchacho rubio, de ojos azules?
Very good. Who is that blond boy with blue eyes?

Se llama Gregor. Es mi amigo.
His name is Gregor. He is my friend.

¿Cómo es él?
How is he?

Es muy inteligente y simpático.
He is very intelligent and friendly.

¡Y también es guapo!
And he's handsome too!

Icon Legend

Icons are color coded by Spanish level: Green = Beginner Blue = Intermediate Orange = Advanced


A very cranky language blogger dishing out brutal language tips.

How to Introduce Yourself in Spanish Fluently. 14 Fun Phrases (AUDIO)

Want to introduce yourself in Spanish?

Yes? Good – keep reading.

This is for those that truly want to learn the language. So, here’s how you introduce yourself. You’ll pick up 14 easy lines… and this might take you 2 to 3 minutes or less. With this lesson…

  • You get the Spanish phrases and translations.
  • Read out loud to practice your speaking.
  • Feel free to print this sheet out for extra review.
  • Listen to the audio lesson to hear the pronunciation.

So, let’s look at the ways to introduce yourself in Spanish.

These colorful and printable PDFs teach you Spanish phrases… and they’re free for new learners.

1) Mi nombre es (name).

Of all the ways to say introduce yourself in Spanish, this is the most formal way.  To say “my name is” in Spanish, you just need the phrase “ Mi nombre es .” Then say your name. So, leave me a comment below and add your name. That will be your introduction!

  • Mi nombre es (name) .
  • Meaning: My name is (name) .
  • Very formal

By the way, you’ll also want to HEAR Spanish as you read this. So, check out this FREE Spanish Audio Lesson by SpanishPod101.com . Press play below. You will hear “mi nombre es” and “me llamo” in the audio lesson below.

2) Me llamo (name)

This is the most common way to introduce yourself.  “Llamo” comes from the reflexive verb, “llamarse,” which means “to call oneself.”

  • Me llamo (name)
  • Meaning: My name is… (I call myself/I am called)

3) Soy (name)

This is a much more casual way to introduce yourself in Spanish. You just need the word “soy” which is “I am.”

  • Meaning: I am (name)

On top of these basic Spanish phrases, you’ll also want to learn the question, “what’s your name” in Spanish. You’ll definitely be asked that.

4) ¿Cómo te llamas? (informal)

  • ¿Cómo te llamas?
  • Meaning: What’s your name? (informal)

You’ll want to know this question when dealing with friends and people of your age.  By the way,  note the “upside-down” question mark (¿). You must know that this is used at the beginning of every question in Spanish.

5) ¿Cómo se llamas? (formal)

  • ¿Cómo se llamas?
  • Meaning: What’s your name? (formal)

This phrase is for if  you’re dealing with older people, of higher status, or just want to be polite. Just change the “te” into a “se.”

6) Hola, es un placer conocerte.

Do you know how to say hello in Spanish ? Use this phrase.

Hello (Hola) and Nice to meet you ( es un placer conocerte) are must-know phrases. And any introduction will probably will use these words.

  • Hola, es un placer conocerte.
  • Meaning: Hello, It’s nice to meet you.

introduce yourself in spanish

7) Soy de México.

So, where are you from? America? Europe? Africa? Asia? Just stick the name of your country inside this phrase. We’ll use Mexico as an example.

  • I am from (Mexico).
  • Soy de México.
  • I’m from Mexico.

introduce yourself in spanish

Here are some common countries that you can stick into this Spanish sentence… and how to say them in Spanish.

  • United States – Estados Unidos
  • France – Francia
  • Spain – España
  • Italy – Italia
  • China – China
  • United Kingdom – Reino Unido
  • Germany – Alemania
  • Japan – Japón
  • Australia – Australia
  • Canada – Canadá
  • Mexico – México
  • Thailand – Tailandia
  • Brazil – Brasil
  • South Korea – Corea del Sur
  • India – India

8) Yo vivo en la Ciudad de México.

What about now – where do you live? Just fill in the blank with the country or city (if famous) into this phrase. I’ll use Mexico City as an example since I used Mexico in the phrase before.

  • I live in ______.
  • Yo vivo en la Ciudad de México.
  • I live in Mexico City

introduce yourself in spanish

9) He estado aprendiendo español por un año.

Now, how long have you been learning Spanish for? A month? A year?

  • He estado aprendiendo español por un año.
  • I’ve been learning Spanish for a year.

introduce yourself in spanish

10) Estoy aprendiendo español en SpanishPod101.com.

Where are you learning Spanish? At school? At home? This would be a great line to know and use when you’re introducing yourself. Here’s my example:

  • Estoy aprendiendo español en SpanishPod101.com.
  • I’m learning Spanish at SpanishPod101.com .

introduce yourself in spanish

11) Tengo __ años de edad.

Here’s how to say how old you are in Spanish. You’ll need to know Spanish numbers, which are not that hard, for this.

  • Tengo 27 años de edad.
  • I’m 27 years old.

introduce yourself in spanish

Of course, here you’ll need to know Spanish numbers . So, here are some examples. For the rest, check the numbers link above,


12) Soy ____.

What about your position? Are you a student? Yoga teacher? Lawyer for the potato industry? Potato salesman?

Super important question that people like to ask (and judge you about – Hey, I’m just a blogger! ). Just use “soy” meaning “I’m” and add your position.

  • Soy maestro.
  • I’m a teacher.

introduce yourself in spanish

Here are some common jobs and occupations in Spanish:

  • Estudiante – Student
  • Profesor/a – Teacher
  • Médico/a – Doctor
  • Enfermero/a – Nurse
  • Ingeniero/a – Engineer
  • Abogado/a – Lawyer
  • Cocinero/a – Cook/Chef
  • Policía – Police Officer
  • Programador/a – Programmer
  • Contador/a – Accountant

13) Uno de mis pasatiempos es ___.

Now, let’s move onto personal interests – hobbies! My hobbies are languages, linguajunkieing and such. How about you? You’ll definitely need this line when introducing yourself in Spanish.

Here’s an example to use:

  • Uno de mis pasatiempos es leer.
  • One of my hobbies is reading.

introduce yourself in spanish

14) Me gusta escuchar música.

Now, this is just another example line about your hobbies . You can use something else where.

  • Me gusta escuchar música.
  • I enjoy listening to music.

introduce yourself in spanish

Now that you know some Spanish self-introduction phrases…

Let’s take a look at Spanish introduction examples.

Spanish Introduction Examples

While the above are just phrases…

Here are some Spanish introduction examples you can use to introduce yourself.

Sample scripts for Spanish introduction that you can use outright, depending on the situation.

Name, Age & Where You’re From

  • Hola, mi nombre es [name]. Tengo [number] años y soy de [place].
  • Hello, my name is [name]. I am [number] years old and I am from [place].

Longer Introduction & About Yourself

  • Hola, soy [name]. Vivo en [place] y estudio/trabajo en [field]. Me encanta [hobby] y siempre estoy listo/a para una buena charla sobre [interest].
  • Hi, I’m [name]. I live in [place] and study/work in [field]. I love [hobby] and I’m always up for a good chat about [interest].

Quick 1-Liner

  • ¡Hola! Soy [name] y vivo en [place]. Hi! I’m [name] and I live in [place].

Conclusion — Back to You.

So now you know how to introduce yourself in Spanish .

Plus, you got some Spanish introduction examples that you can use for yourself.

I’m sure there’s a ton more you can say – but this is an easy, simple start that any beginner can put to use. It’s all about starting easy.

See if you can introduce yourself below.

Leave me a comment.

I read all comments!

Hope you enjoyed this!

– The Main Junkie

P.S. I highly recommend this for Spanish learners. If you REALLY want to learn to Spanish with effective lessons by real teachers – Sign up for free at SpanishPod101 (click here) and start learning!


[…] Introduce Yourself in Spanish […]


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Introducing Yourself in Spanish

An introduction tells people who you are.

It often also conveys your basic personal information, such as your profession and your relationship to the people or person you’re meeting.

Get off to a good start with your new Spanish friends, associates and acquaintances by hitting all the introduction marks.

Read on to learn all the essential steps to a perfect Spanish introduction!

Basic Words and Phrases for Introducing Yourself in Spanish

Saying hello, introducing yourself, responding to an introduction, introducing others, showing relationships, asking questions, leaving and saying goodbye, the culture of kissing cheeks, and one more thing….

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¡Hola! (Hello!)

Buenos días. (Good morning.)

Buenas tardes.  (Good afternoon.)

Buenas noches.  (Good evening.)

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essay about yourself in spanish

Me llamo… (My name is…)

Me llamo Susan. (My name is Susan.)

Soy… (I am…)

Soy Susan. (I am Susan.)

If you need to ask someone’s name, it’s a simple question. Just keep in mind the se (formal)/ te (informal) (your) distinction, which shows the level of formality.

¿Cómo se llama? (What’s your name?—formal)

¿Cómo te llamas? (What’s your name?—informal)

Mucho gusto. (Nice to meet you.)

¡Encantado! (Happy to meet you! — masculine)

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essay about yourself in spanish

¡Encantada! (Happy to meet you! — feminine)

Estoy encantada de conocerla/conocerlo. (I’m pleased to meet you. — formal)

Este es…  (This is…)

Se llama… (His/her name is…)

Permíteme presentarle a Señor Gonzales. (I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Gonzales. — formal)

After you introduce someone, you may want to indicate the relationship you have to that person.

Este es mi…  (This is my…)

Madre (Mother)

Padre (Father)

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essay about yourself in spanish

Hermana (Sister)

Amigo (Friend)

Marido (Husband)

Esposa (Wife)

Jefe (Boss)

Novia (Girlfriend)

The all-purpose …y tú? / …y usted? (“…and you?”) is used to ask questions to further conversation. Keep in mind that the version used is dependent on the level of formality . 

Consider the questions below for getting the conversational ball rolling!

¿A qué te dedicas? (What is your profession?—informal)

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essay about yourself in spanish

¿A qué se dedica? (What is your profession?—formal)

Soy…  (I am a…)

Abogado (Lawyer — masculine)

Autora (Author — feminine)

Profesosa (Teacher — feminine)

Estudiante  (Student)

For 90 more profession words and many more phrases to talk about work and careers, click over to this post .

¿Estás visitando? (Are you visiting? — informal)

¿Está visitando? (Are you visiting? — formal)

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essay about yourself in spanish

Estoy aquí por negocios. (I’m here on business.)

Estoy aquí por placer. (I’m here for pleasure.)

Estoy estudiando en la universidad. (I’m studying at the university.)

¿De dónde eres? (Where are you from?—informal)

¿De dónde es? (Where are you from? — formal)

Soy de Estados Unidos. (I’m from the United States.)

Adiós.  (Goodbye.)

¡Un placer conocerte! (Pleasure meeting you! — informal)

¡Un placer conocerla/conocerlo! (Pleasure meeting you! — formal)

essay about yourself in spanish

¡Hasta mañana! (Until tomorrow!)

¡Hasta luego!  (Until next time!)

When meeting someone in the Spanish-speaking world, the very first obstacle you’ll encounter is whether or not to greet with a beso (kiss) or two. 

The norms for kissing vary around the world . But in almost any Spanish-language social interaction, some form of kissing will be involved. And, just to be clear, there’s no flirting involved when this is part of the greeting!

Be aware that it’s not actually a “real” kiss , merely a touching of cheeks. Sometimes, cheeks hardly graze each other. 

There are regional differences to this practice . In Spain, people do two kisses and in many parts of Latin America, it’s just one kiss, so observe those around you to see exactly what to do. The rules also vary by gender. In some regions, men will only kiss women, but in other parts of the Spanish-speaking world, men will also kiss one another.

If you’re uncomfortable, though, never fear: Most Spanish-speakers will completely understand if you, as a foreigner, aren’t accustomed to this practice. If you don’t want to do the kiss, a firm handshake, a smile and a greeting will be enough.

And if you do say hello with a cheek kiss, it’s good form to also cheek kiss goodbye.

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With these basic introductory phrases under your belt, you’ll be able to make friends and acquaintances without any trouble at all.

Have fun and good luck!

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How to Write an Amazing Essay in Spanish

Has your teacher asked you to write an essay in Spanish? Essays are probably the most common type of homework around the world. Teachers want you to write essays because they’re a way to improve your abilities when you’re learning a new language. 

Writing essays may not seem like fun, but it actually improves your cognitive abilities! The act of researching, organizing, and writing pushes you to increase your knowledge on different topics, strengthens your critical thinking skills, and advances your ability to communicate and express your thoughts.

With all these benefits in mind, it’s no wonder you want to write a great essay in Spanish. But there are times when your ideas vanish and your mind goes blank—you wonder, where do I begin and what steps do I follow? 

Even if you’re a pro when it comes to writing in English, writing an essay in Spanish can be a challenge. In this blog post, I’ll help you overcome this small hurdle to help you make your Spanish essay cohesive, persuasive, and as professional as possible.

Are you ready to write an amazing essay in Spanish?

Basics and Benefits of Writing Essays

Strong writing skills are important for school, college, and a professional career. It’s likely that Spanish is not your first language, but if you’re learning the language then writing a research-fueled Spanish essay gives you all sorts of advantages. It enables you to practice grammar, spelling, vocabulary, as well as synthesize your ideas and thoughts surrounding the topic you’re writing about.

Writing a terrific essay in Spanish requires planning, organization, and structure. Having a process saves you time and once you’ve established a system that works for you, the writing comes easy! 

How to Structure an Essay in Spanish

Similar to when you’re telling a story, your essay should follow a traditional story arc. This means that you start with an appealing introduction, after which you develop your idea within the body of the essay, and finally, you close your thoughts or argument with a summary and conclusion. 

Let’s take a deeper look at these 3 parts of an essay in Spanish:

1. Introduction

Start your essay with a summary of the topic you’ll cover throughout your piece. The introduction reflects the argumentative line that your whole essay follows. It should be brief but not too short. I recommend making the intro 10% of your whole essay. 

A good introduction gives enough information by stating a problem or the reason why you’re writing the essay and why the reader should be compelled to read it. 

Some writers choose to write the introduction after they’ve written the body and conclusion. I think it’s a good strategy that allows you to summarize and evaluate the body of your whole essay before you aim to highlight important points in your introduction. 

My biggest advice is to make it clear what the reason for your essay’s existence is, so that your reader can feel excited to know more, and invited to learn from you. 

This is the main part of your essay. I recommend that you dedicate 80% of your whole essay to the body. This critical section develops the core ideas of your essay in Spanish as it’s where you present the main ideas and their arguments in relation to the topic you’re writing about. 

This part requires you to do research from reputable sources, fact checking, and tying all your ideas together in a cohesive way. 

3. Conclusion

The remaining 10% of your essay in Spanish should focus on bringing the essay to a close. You want to summarize all the main ideas of your topic and establish your final posture on it. 

Preferably, leave no loose ends and make sure the ending of your essay has the ability to create a discussion or invite the reader to find out more about the topic. 

Steps to Follow to Write an Essay in Spanish

Every writer has a unique system that works for them. What works for me might not work for you, and vice versa. 

The steps and path you follow for writing an essay in Spanish depend on the knowledge and fluency you have of the language as well as your familiarity with writing. 

Nevertheless, I recommend some basic steps that will help you if you’re a beginner when it comes to writing an essay in Spanish. 

1. Define a Topic

Choose a topic of interest to you. If the topic is not assigned by your teacher, go for a current issue or interesting topic that will inspire you to research as much as possible. Check the local media, or go online and find out what topics are available for you to discuss.

2. Do Your Research

This aspect is critical—you must find reliable sources of information for your essay. Go to a library if possible, find academic papers online, and gather as much documentation as possible that helps you understand the central themes and patterns of your chosen topic.

As a plus, if you do your research in Spanish, you’ll see other essays in Spanish that will help you develop your own Spanish writing style, tone, and personality.  

3. Determine Your Position

After you’ve gathered enough research, you’ll begin to see an angle or position you can take in relation to the information. The angle or position you take is essentially your “point.” Ask yourself, “What’s my point in writing this?” When you’ve answered that, you’ve discovered your position. 

To support your position, your research should include quotes, statistics, and any relevant information you can find from credible sources. 

4. Draft an Outline

This step is vital for organizing your arguments and ideas. Since Spanish is not your first language, an outline will allow you to translate words or phrases. In addition to listing Spanish notes in your outline, keep this basic process in mind:

  • Know your audience
  • Gather all notes, research, and supporting materials
  • Organize them into a cohesive flow 
  • Be sure to organize by how each subtopic relates to the main topic and to each other

5. List Spanish Words and Terms

Since you’re writing an essay in Spanish, it’s only befitting that you have a list of specific words and terms you want to include in it. 

Draft a list of terms that are relevant to your essay in Spanish, whether they’re reminders in your outline or they’re unfamiliar terms that beg to be further researched. 

The terms you choose allow you to set a tone and define whether you’re using standard Spanish, informal Spanish, or literary and formal language. 

The tone you choose to follow in your essay guides your word choice. 

Here’s a list of words and phrases in Spanish that can help with your writing:

To begin with
In the beginning
As a point of departure
Because of
To continue
In addition
Too / Also
On the other hand
Even though
You have to take into account
For example
In summary / to summarize

6. Write the Body of Your Essay

Focus on fully developing your argument with relevant examples and evidence to support your position. Each paragraph should focus on only one argument along with supporting evidence, and the flow from one paragraph to the next should sound natural and rational. 

Spanish is a richer language, so don’t be afraid of writing longer sentences than usual, but make sure you combine them with short dynamic phrases. It’s essential to keep your reader interested! 

7. Write an Engaging Introduction

Once you’re done with the body of your essay, start writing the introduction. The purpose of your intro is to set a tone and prepare the reader for what follows. 

Putting together your introduction at the end allows you to absorb what you’ve written and define how to present the topic and express your point. 

8. Summarize and Conclude

The conclusion is your essay is an opportunity to tie all your points together and restate the main argument. Since some essays are meant to be objective, I recommend you include a paragraph or sentence that stimulates reflection and enriches the reader’s perspective on the topic. 

9. Final Edits and Proofreading

This final step is the second most critical when it comes to writing an essay in Spanish! Edit for correcting typos, punctuation, grammatical errors, and spelling. 

I recommend you share your Spanish essay with a native speaker who can proofread it before you turn it in. Another person’s perspective can help you spot an error or a section that lacks cohesion. 

A Few Final Tips

Read your essay as many times as possible.

I find myself making changes to essays after reading them at least 4 or 5 times. You need to check your essay for: 

  • readability
  • consistency
  • transitions between paragraphs, 
  • unnecessary fillers, and 
  • adequate adverbs and adjectives.

Think and write in Spanish, if possible

By drafting an outline, doing your research, and organizing your ideas in Spanish from the beginning, you fully immerse yourself and make writing an essay in Spanish more efficient. 

On the contrary, by writing and researching in English with the goal of translating, you’ll end up in a tough spot with way much more work than intended. 

Ready to Write Your First Essay in Spanish?

I hope by sharing my essay-writing experience in this blog post that you feel more confident about writing your essay in Spanish. I know it can be frustrating and challenging at times, but don’t be afraid to make mistakes and correct them later. 

The truth is, the more comfortable you feel speaking Spanish, the more your writing skills in Spanish will improve. 

If you’re ready to take the next step and work on your speaking skills, join us at Homeschool Spanish Academy! You can sign up for a free trial class with one of our native, Spanish-speaking teachers. Before you know it, you’ll be speaking Spanish and writing essays like a pro!

Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

  • ‘How Much Is It?’ in Spanish: A Guide to Travel and Shopping
  • Familial Bonds: Expressing ‘Sister-in-Law’ in Spanish and Family Vocabulary
  • 100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners
  • Earth Day Projects for Kids + Spanish Earth Day Vocabulary
  • How to Talk About the Temperature in Spanish: Fahrenheit, Celcius, and Descriptions
  • Car Parts Spanish Vocabulary List: Learn Using Pictures
  • Top 15 New Year’s Resolutions in Spanish
  • Talk About Hurricanes And The Weather in Spanish
  • Recent Posts
  • 29 Cool and Catchy Spanish Phrases To Use With Friends [+Audio] - January 8, 2023
  • A Fun Kids’ Guide to Opposites in Spanish (Free Lesson and Activities) - December 29, 2022
  • 10 Fun Spanish Folk Tales for Kids - December 10, 2022

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essay about yourself in spanish

How to Introduce Yourself in Spanish

Almost No Knowledge of Language Needed

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No matter how little Spanish you know, it's easy to introduce yourself to someone who speaks Spanish. Here are three ways you can do it:

Introduce Yourself: Method 1

Simply follow these steps, and you'll be well on your way to making a connection with someone even if that person doesn't speak your language:

  • To say hello or hi, merely say " Hola " or "OH-la" (rhymes with "Lola"; note that the letter h is silent in Spanish).
  • To introduce yourself, simply say " Me llamo " (may YAHM-oh) followed by your name. For example, " Hola, me llamo Chris " ("OH-la, may YAHM-oh Chris") means " Hi, I'm Chris. "
  • To ask someone's name in a formal way, say " ¿Cómo se llama usted? " or "KOH-moh say YAHM-ah oo-STED." (The "oo" rhymes with "moo.") This means, "What is your name?"
  • In an informal setting, or if speaking to a child, say " ¿Cómo te llamas? " or "KOH-mo tay YAHM-ahss." That also means, "What is your name?"
  • After the person responds, you may say, " Mucho gusto " or "MOOCH-oh GOOSE-toh." The phrase means "much pleasure" or, less literally, "pleased to meet you."

Introduce Yourself: Method 2

This second method may be a slightly less common way of introducing yourself, but it's still perfectly acceptable and is easier to learn.

Most of the steps are the same as above, but for the second step, where you actually introduce yourself, merely say " Hola " followed by " soy " and your name. Soy is pronounced basically the same as it is in English . " Hola, soy Chris " means "Hello, I'm Chris."

Introduce Yourself: Method 3

The third method also isn't as common as the first in most areas, but it may be the most straightforward way for those who have English as a first language.

For the second step, you can use " Mi nombre es " or "mee NOHM-breh ess" followed by your name. Thus, if your name is Chris, you can say: " Hola, mi nombre es Chris. "

Whichever method you use, don't be afraid to sound silly. You'll be understood by following these directions, and in nearly any Spanish-speaking area even the feeblest attempts to speak Spanish will be honored.

Spanish Introductions

  • The most common way to introduce yourself in Spanish is to say " Me llamo " followed by your name.
  • Alternatives include " Mi nombre es " or " Soy " followed by your name.
  • " Hola " can be used for either "hi" or "hello."

Grammar and Vocabulary Behind These Introductions

You don't need to understand the precise meanings of what you're saying or how the words relate to each other grammatically to introduce yourself. But if you're curious, or if you're planning on learning Spanish , you may find them interesting to know.

As you might have guessed, hola and "hello" are basically the same word. Those who know etymology, the study of word origins, think the word goes back to at least the 14th century, before English and Spanish existed in their current form. Although it is unclear how the word entered Spanish, it probably originated with German as a way of trying to get someone's attention.

Me in the first method above means "myself" (obviously, there's an etymological connection with the English "me"), and llamo is a form of the verb llamar , which usually means "to call." So if you say " Me llamo Chris ," that's a direct equivalent of "I call myself Chris." Llamar is used in many of the same ways as "to call" is, such as for calling out to someone or calling someone on the telephone. In both Spanish and English, verbs in which the person is referring to doing something to him- or herself are known as reflexive verbs .

The reason two methods are used with llamar for asking someone's name is because Spanish differentiates between formal and informal (sometimes called formal and familiar) ways of addressing people. English used to do the same thing — "thou," "thee" and "thine" were all informal terms at one time, although in modern English "you" and "your" can be used in both formal and informal situations. Although there are regional variations in how Spanish distinguishes between the two forms, as a foreigner you are safer in using the formal form ( ¿Cómo se llama _____? ) with adults and especially with authority figures.

Soy is a form of the verb ser , which means "to be."

In the final method, " mi nombre es " is a word-for-word equivalent of "my name is." Like soy , es comes from the verb ser .

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  • Demonstrative Adjectives in Spanish
  • Using the Spanish Verb ‘Ser’
  • How To Use ‘Un’ and ‘Una’ in Spanish (or Leave Them Out)
  • Learn About Spanish Interrogative Pronouns
  • False Friends in Spanish and English
  • The Difference Between 'Introducir' and 'Presentar'
  • Two Verbs Meaning ‘To Be’: ‘Ser’ and ‘Estar’

Studying Spanish in Spain

Spanish Examples

How to introduce yourself in Spanish

Introducing yourself in Spanish is an important skill to have when meeting new people or starting a conversation in a Spanish-speaking environment. Whether you’re traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, taking a Spanish class, or just want to learn more about the language and culture, being able to introduce yourself in Spanish is a great way to make a good first impression. Being confident when introducing yourself and having more vocabulary than just being able to say hello in Spanish is a solid base for building longer lasting relationships in a different language.

To introduce yourself in Spanish, you can use the phrases “Me llamo” (My name is) or “Soy” (I am) followed by your name. For example, if your name is Maria, you can say “Me llamo Maria” (My name is Maria) or “Soy Maria” (I am Maria).

essay about yourself in spanish

Here are a few more examples of how to introduce yourself in Spanish:

  • Hola, soy Juan. ¿Cómo te llamas? (Hello, I am Juan. What is your name?)
  • Hola, me llamo Teresa. ¿Y tú? (Hello, my name is Teresa. And you?)
  • Hola, soy Carlos. Mucho gusto. (Hello, I am Carlos. Nice to meet you.)

In addition to your name, you can also include other information about yourself when introducing yourself in Spanish. For example, you can mention your occupation, where you’re from, or your interests. Here are some phrases you can use to share more information about yourself:

  • Soy de… (I am from…)
  • Trabajo como… (I work as…)
  • Me gusta… (I like…)

Here are some examples of how you can use these phrases to introduce yourself in Spanish and share more information about yourself:

  • Hola, soy Ana. Soy de México. Me gusta bailar y leer. (Hello, I am Ana. I am from Mexico. I like to dance and read.)
  • Hola, me llamo David. Soy de Colombia. Trabajo como abogado. (Hello, my name is David. I am from Colombia. I work as a lawyer.)
  • Hola, soy Marta. Soy de España. Me gusta hacer senderismo y cocinar. (Hello, I am Marta. I am from Spain. I like to hike and cook.)

It’s also important to remember to use formal and polite language when introducing yourself in Spanish. In Spanish-speaking countries, it’s common to use formal language when meeting someone for the first time or in more formal settings, such as a business meeting or a job interview. To show respect and politeness, you can use the formal pronoun “usted” (you) instead of the informal pronouns “tú” (you, singular informal) or “vos” (you, singular informal, used in some countries). You can also use the formal verb conjugation endings -a/-an instead of -o/-as/-a.

Here are some examples of how to introduce yourself in a formal way in Spanish:

  • Buenas tardes, soy Luis. Mucho gusto en conocerlo. (Good afternoon, I am Luis. Nice to meet you.)
  • Buenas noches, me llamo Ana. Mucho gusto en conocerla. (Good evening, my name is Ana. Nice to meet you.)
  • Buenos días, soy Marta. Mucho gusto en conocerlo. (Good morning, I am Marta. Nice to meet you.)

A very important point to be aware of is that in some Spanish-speaking regions, particularly in Latin America, it is common to use “lo” when addressing someone formally. For example, “Mucho gusto en conocerlo” used in the example above.

On the other hand, in certain regions, including Spain itself, you are more likely to hear “le” instead of “lo” in formal introductions. For instance, “Mucho gusto en conocerle.”

For a Spanish learner, understanding these variations is crucial for effective communication. The choice between “lo” and “le” depends on the specific rules followed in the region or country where the language is spoken.

Spanish Examples

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How to Write Your Essay for Spanish: Top Tips

How to Write Your Essay for Spanish: Amazing Tips and Examples

Did you know that Spanish is the official language of 21 countries spanning across four continents? From the bustling streets of Madrid to the enchanting landscapes of Latin America, Spanish has woven its linguistic tapestry throughout the globe. With its rich history, diverse cultures, and poetic nuances, writing an essay in Spanish offers a unique opportunity to explore the intricate beauty of this language. Whether you're an aspiring Spanish literature scholar or simply eager to express your thoughts en español, this article is your gateway to mastering the art of essay writing in Spanish.

How to Write Your Essay for Spanish: Short Description

In this blog post, our 'write my paper' experts will take you on a journey through the process of crafting an exceptional Spanish essay, providing guidance from basic steps to advanced techniques. Whether you're starting out as a beginner or already an advanced learner, these invaluable tips will empower you to create an impressive and impactful essay in Spanish. Prepare to enhance your writing skills and unlock the full potential of expressing yourself in this beautiful foreign language. Let's delve into how to write essay in Spanish and elevate your linguistic prowess to new heights!

The Basics of Writing Your Spanish Essay

Writing a great essay in Spanish can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Not only does it allow you to express your thoughts and ideas in another language, but it also gives you the opportunity to explore various topics related to the Spanish-speaking world. Before diving into the details of writing your Spanish essay, it is crucial to understand the basics and ensure that you are well-prepared to embark on this linguistic journey.

basics of spanish essay

Choosing an Intriguing Topic:

  • Opt for a subject that genuinely captivates your interest, be it a current event, cultural aspect, or historical occurrence in the Spanish-speaking realm.
  • Your enthusiasm for the topic will make the writing process more enjoyable and engrossing while also captivating your readers.

Generating Ideas and Constructing an Outline:

  • Engage in brainstorming sessions to generate ideas pertaining to your chosen topic and make a note of them.
  • Organize these ideas in a coherent manner to establish a well-structured essay outline .
  • The outline will serve as a roadmap, ensuring that you cover all the main points and maintain a logical flow of ideas.

Creating an Engaging Introduction:

  • Capture the reader's attention by utilizing captivating language and anecdotes.
  • Provide background information to set the stage and facilitate reader comprehension.
  • Conclude the introduction with a concise thesis statement that clearly articulates your main argument or viewpoint.

Immersing Yourself in the Spanish-Speaking World:

  • View the writing process as an opportunity to explore the diverse and vibrant Spanish-speaking world.
  • Delve into different aspects of culture, history, or current events that pique your curiosity.
  • By immersing yourself in the subject matter, you will deepen your understanding and infuse your essay with authenticity and depth.

Meanwhile, if you're signing up for a Spanish language competition, you can be assured that we are here to help you.

How to Write a Spanish Essay: Demystifying the Steps

When faced with the task of writing a Spanish essay, it's natural to feel a sense of uncertainty. The intricacies of the language and the unique conventions of academic writing can be overwhelming. However, fear not, for this step-by-step guide is here to illuminate the way and demystify the steps involved. By providing you with a clear roadmap and valuable insights, we aim to empower you to embark on this writing journey with confidence and finesse. So, let's delve into the strategies and techniques on how to write a Spanish essay and unlock the path to success.

introduction for spanish essay

Crafting the Perfect Introduction for Your Spanish Essay

The introduction of your essay is your chance to make a strong first impression. Start writing by hooking the reader with an interesting fact, quote, or anecdote related to your topic. This will grab their attention and make them want to read more.

For example, if you are writing an essay about the influence of Gabriel García Márquez on Latin American literature, you could begin your introduction with a captivating quote from one of his famous novels. This will immediately engage the reader and create a sense of intrigue.

After hooking the reader, provide some background information on your topic. This could include historical context, cultural significance, or any relevant information that will help the reader understand the importance of your essay. Be concise but informative.

In the case of the influence of Gabriel García Márquez, you could delve into the historical context of Latin America during the boom of magical realism in the mid-20th century. Discuss how Márquez's groundbreaking novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude,' revolutionized the literary landscape by blending reality with fantastical elements. Highlight the impact this had on not only Latin American literature but also on the global literary scene.

Furthermore, you can explore the cultural significance of Márquez's works by discussing how they captured the essence of Latin American identity, incorporating themes of love, politics, and social upheaval. Explain how his storytelling style resonated with readers across borders, transcending language barriers and cultural differences.

Finally, end your introduction with a clear and concise thesis statement. This statement should clearly state your main argument or point of view and guide the reader through the rest of your essay.

In the case of your essay on Gabriel García Márquez, your thesis statement could be: 'Through his masterful use of magical realism and his exploration of universal themes, Gabriel García Márquez's works have not only transformed Latin American literature but have also left an indelible mark on the global literary landscape.'

With this thesis statement, you are setting the stage for the rest of your essay, indicating that you will be discussing Márquez's literary techniques, his impact on Latin American literature, and his broader influence on the world of literature.

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essay about yourself in spanish

Using Examples to Enhance Your Spanish Essay

One effective way to enhance your Spanish essay is by using examples. Examples help illustrate your points and provide evidence to support your arguments. You can use real-life examples, literary examples, or even personal anecdotes to strengthen your essay.

When using examples, make sure they are relevant to your topic and clearly explain their significance. Additionally, provide enough details and context so that the reader can fully understand the example and its connection to your essay.

Real-life examples can add depth and authenticity to your Spanish essay. For instance, if you are writing about the importance of environmental conservation, you could provide an example of a community that successfully implemented sustainable practices and saw positive results. By describing the specific actions taken and the positive impact on the environment, you can effectively convey the significance of your argument.

Literary examples can also be powerful tools to strengthen your Spanish essay. You can reference renowned Spanish authors such as Miguel de Cervantes or Gabriel Garcia Marquez to support your points. For example, if you are discussing the theme of love in a Spanish novel, you could analyze a particular scene or quote that exemplifies the author's portrayal of love. By delving into the literary techniques used and the emotions evoked, you can enrich your essay with a compelling example.

Personal anecdotes can provide a unique perspective and make your Spanish essay more relatable. Sharing a personal experience related to your topic can engage the reader and make your arguments more compelling. For instance, if you are writing about the benefits of studying abroad, you could share a personal story about how immersing yourself in a Spanish-speaking country helped improve your language skills and broaden your cultural understanding.

Incorporating Cultural Elements into Your Spanish Essay

A great way to make your Spanish essay stand out is by incorporating cultural elements. Spain and Latin American countries have rich cultural traditions, and showcasing your knowledge and understanding of these traditions can greatly enhance your essay.

One way to incorporate cultural elements into your essay is by referencing famous Spanish or Latin American authors. For example, you could discuss the impact of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's magical realism on Latin American literature or analyze the themes of love and honor in Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote. By referencing these renowned authors, you demonstrate not only your familiarity with their work but also your appreciation for the literary contributions they have made to the Spanish-speaking world.

In addition to authors, you can also include references to famous artists who have left a lasting impact on Spanish and Latin American culture. For instance, you could explore the vibrant and colorful paintings of Frida Kahlo, discussing how her art reflects her personal experiences and the cultural identity of Mexico. Alternatively, you could delve into the surrealist works of Salvador Dalí and analyze the symbolism and meaning behind his unique artistic style.

Furthermore, when wondering how to write an essay in Spanish, consider incorporating references to influential musicians that can add depth and richness to your essay. You could highlight the contributions of renowned Spanish flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucía, discussing how his innovative techniques have shaped the genre. Alternatively, you could explore the social and political commentary found in the songs of iconic Latin American artists like Mercedes Sosa or Rubén Blades, highlighting how their music has served as a powerful tool for expressing cultural identity and advocating for social change.

Another way to showcase your understanding of cultural elements is by discussing historical events that have shaped the Spanish-speaking world. You could analyze the impact of the Spanish Civil War on Spanish literature and art, examining how it influenced the works of Pablo Picasso or Federico García Lorca. Alternatively, you could explore the cultural significance of the Mexican Revolution and its portrayal in literature and film, discussing how it has shaped the national identity of Mexico.

Moreover, it is essential to discuss cultural practices, traditions, and current issues to demonstrate a well-rounded understanding of the Spanish-speaking world. You could explore the importance of bullfighting in Spanish culture, discussing its historical significance and the controversies surrounding it. Alternatively, you could delve into the celebration of the Day of the Dead in Mexico, examining its cultural significance and the ways in which it is observed.

Mastering the Varying Tenses in Your Spanish Essay

One of the unique aspects of the Spanish language is its varied tenses. To write an effective essay, it is essential to master the different tenses and know when to use them. Use a combination of present, past, and future tenses to convey your ideas accurately.

When writing, pay attention to verb conjugations and use the appropriate verb tense based on the context. This will show your proficiency in the language and ensure that your essay is grammatically correct.

Here are some examples: 

  • Present tense : 'Spanish cuisine is known for its vibrant flavors and diverse ingredients.' Spanish: 'La cocina española se caracteriza por sus sabores vibrantes y sus ingredientes variados.'
  • Past tense : 'Last summer, I traveled to Barcelona and explored the fascinating architecture of Antoni Gaudí.' Spanish: 'El verano pasado, viajé a Barcelona y exploré la fascinante arquitectura de Antoni Gaudí.'
  • Future tense : 'In the coming years, more students will choose to study Spanish due to its global importance.' Spanish: 'En los próximos años, más estudiantes elegirán estudiar español debido a su importancia global.'
  • Present perfect tense : 'I have studied Spanish for five years, and I can now hold conversations with native speakers.' Spanish: 'He estudiado español durante cinco años, y ahora puedo mantener conversaciones con hablantes nativos.'
  • Conditional tense : 'If I had more time, I would travel to Spanish-speaking countries to further immerse myself in the language.' Spanish: 'Si tuviera más tiempo, viajaría a países de habla hispana para sumergirme aún más en el idioma.'
  • Imperfect tense : 'When I was a child, I used to spend summers in Mexico with my grandparents.' Spanish: 'Cuando era niño, solía pasar los veranos en México con mis abuelos.'
  • Future perfect tense : 'By the end of next year, I will have achieved fluency in Spanish.' Spanish: 'Para finales del próximo año, habré alcanzado la fluidez en español.'
  • Conditional perfect tense : 'If I had studied harder, I would have received a higher grade in my Spanish exam.' Spanish: 'Si hubiera estudiado más duro, habría obtenido una nota más alta en mi examen de español.'

Ready to Conquer Your Spanish Essay with a Touch of ¡Olé!?

Say adiós to the essay struggle and hola to success! Order your Spanish essay now, and let's get those grades dancing!

essay about yourself in spanish

Structuring Your Spanish Essay for Optimal Clarity

The structure of your essay is crucial for clarity and coherence. Even if you're wondering how to write an essay about yourself in Spanish, begin with an introduction that states your main argument and provides a roadmap for your essay. From there, organize your ideas into paragraphs, with each body paragraph focusing on a specific point or aspect of your argument.

Use transitions between paragraphs to guide the reader smoothly through your essay. This will help them understand the logical flow of your ideas and make it easier for them to follow your argument.

  • To introduce additional information or ideas:
  • Furthermore, it is important to consider... Spanish: Además, es importante considerar...
  • Moreover, another significant aspect to address is... Spanish: Asimismo, otro aspecto significativo a tener en cuenta es…
  • To provide contrasting or opposing viewpoints:
  • However, it is crucial to acknowledge... Spanish: Sin embargo, es crucial reconocer...
  • On the other hand, a different perspective suggests... Spanish: Por otro lado, una perspectiva diferente sugiere...
  • To summarize or provide a conclusion:
  • In conclusion, it is evident that... Spanish: En conclusión, es evidente que...
  • Overall, the evidence supports the notion that... Spanish: En general, la evidencia respalda la noción de que...
  • To emphasize a point:
  • Indeed, this highlights the significance of... Spanish: De hecho, esto resalta la importancia de...
  • Undoubtedly, this underscores the need for... Spanish: Sin lugar a dudas, esto subraya la necesidad de...
  • To provide an example or illustrate a point:
  • For instance, consider the case of... Spanish: Por ejemplo, consideremos el caso de...
  • To illustrate this point, let us examine... Spanish: Para ilustrar este punto, consideremos...

Expressing Your Ideas with Precision in Your Spanish Essay

Precision is key, especially when unsure about how to write a formal Spanish essay. Clearly express your ideas and provide concrete evidence to support your arguments. Avoid vague or general statements, and aim to be specific in your language.

Clear expression of ideas:

  • 'The data collected from the survey clearly demonstrates that...' Spanish: 'Los datos recopilados de la encuesta demuestran claramente que...'

Providing concrete evidence:

  • 'According to a study conducted by XYZ researchers...' Spanish: 'Según un estudio realizado por investigadores de XYZ...'

Avoiding vague statements:

  • 'The impact of climate change is significant.' Spanish: 'El impacto del cambio climático es significativo.'

Being specific in language:

  • 'The novel explores the complex dynamics of family relationships in a rural Spanish village.' Spanish: 'La novela explora las dinámicas complejas de las relaciones familiares en un pueblo rural español.'

Additionally, use appropriate Spanish vocabulary and grammar to convey your ideas accurately. Pay attention to word choice and essay phrases to ensure that your essay is clear and concise.

Appropriate vocabulary:

  • 'To comprehend the intricacies of the scientific concept...' Spanish: 'Para comprender las complejidades del concepto científico...'

Accurate grammar:

  • 'The verb conjugation in this sentence should be in the subjunctive mood.' Spanish: 'La conjugación verbal en esta oración debería estar en modo subjuntivo.'

Word choice:

  • 'The selected adjective precisely describes the character's personality.' Spanish: 'El adjetivo seleccionado describe de manera precisa la personalidad del personaje.'

Clear and concise sentence structure:

  • 'By using concise and straightforward language, the writer effectively conveys the main idea.' Spanish: 'Al utilizar un lenguaje conciso y directo, el escritor transmite de manera efectiva la idea principal.'

Proofreading and Editing Your Spanish Essay

After completing your Spanish essay, it is crucial to proofread and edit it carefully. Look for spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and any areas where you can improve clarity or coherence. Make sure your essay flows smoothly and that your arguments are well-supported.

Consider asking a native Spanish speaker or our Spanish essay writing service to review your work for any errors or areas for improvement. Their feedback can be invaluable in polishing your essay and making it the best it can be.

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, learning how to write essay in Spanish can be super exciting! Just stick to these awesome tips and examples, and you'll create an amazing essay that shows off your language skills and knack for expressing ideas with flair. So, get ready with your pen or keyboard and let the Spanish magic flow as you craft your masterpiece!

essay about yourself in spanish

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Introduce Yourself in Spanish Posted by sasha on Jun 7, 2017 in Spanish Grammar , Spanish Vocabulary

Hola everyone! I’m the new guy here – to the blog and to the Spanish speaking world. You may have seen a few videos I’ve posted so far giving tours of Mexico City and the ruins of Teotihuacan . In this post I’d like to introduce myself and help you do the same in Spanish.

My Self-Introduction

essay about yourself in spanish

Mi familia es grande.

Hola! Me nombre es Alejandro, pero todos me llaman Sasha. Soy de los Estados Unidos. Mi familia vive en Michigan. Mi papá es un doctor y mi mamá es una enfermera. Tengo cuatro hermanos y dos hermanas. Mi familia es muy grande! Soy el mas viejo. Tengo treinta y uno años.

Introduce Yourself in Spanish

Me gusta vivir en Puerto Vallarta.

Ahora vivo en Puerto Vallarta con mi esposa. Su nombre es Rachel. No tenemos hijos. Soy un maestro de ingles y un persona de libre dedicación. Estudié producción de video en la universidad. Antes vivía en China e Indonesia por seis años. Me gusta la música, viajar, y los deportes. Quiero estudiar español y quiero ayudarte a hacer lo mismo!

essay about yourself in spanish

Soy de Michigan

Hello! My name is Alexander, but everyone calls me Sasha. I’m from the United States. My family lives in Michigan. My dad is a doctor and my mom is a nurse. I have four brothers and two sisters. My family is very big! I’m the oldest. I’m 31 years old.

essay about yourself in spanish

La Gran Muralla China

Now I live in Puerto Vallarta with my wife. Her name is Rachel. We don’t have any children. I’m an English teacher and a freelancer. I studied video production in college. Before I lived in China and Indonesia for six years. I like music, traveling, and sports. I want to study Spanish and I want to help you do the same!

Introduce Yourself

Now that you’ve learned a little bit about me, let’s learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish. Here are some common introductory questions and how you can answer them:

Cuál es tu nombre?/Como te llamas? What’s your name?

Mi nombre es…/me llamo… my name is…, de dónde es usted where are you from, soy de… i’m from…, cuantos años tienes how old are you, tengo… años. i’m… years old., cuál es tu trabajo what’s your job, soy un/una… i’m a/an…, tienes hermanos/hijos do you have any siblings/children, tengo… hermanos/hijos. i have… siblings/children. no tengo… hermanos/hijos. i don’t have any siblings/children., qué te gusta hacer what do you like to do, me gusta… i like….

Go ahead and practice! Grab a friend and make them study with you, or just say it to yourself in a mirror. Reading is great but nothing beats speaking when you’re learning a language! You can also feel free to introduce yourself in Spanish in the comments section. As a new blogger here, I’d love to get to know some of our readers!

Future Plans

essay about yourself in spanish

Viajar en México es genial.

As I mentioned in my introduction, my wife and I call Mexico home now. We’re actually doing the “digital nomad” thing as our teaching jobs are online. We’ve been working and studying Spanish here, and we plan to travel to Colombia and other parts of South America starting in September. My Spanish is still at a beginner level. It’s been tough learning my third foreign language. I studied Chinese and Indonesian and you can find me contributing to both of those blogs as well. As a new learner myself, I’ll be focused on sharing beginner-friendly Spanish lessons and videos. I’ll also share posts and videos about history, culture, and more as I travel around the Spanish speaking world. This blog belongs to you, though, so let us know what you want to read about, what questions you want answered, and what kind of videos you’d like to see. Leave a comment and share your thoughts!

I’m sorry I won’t be able to cover very advanced language topics at first, and I apologize for my awful American accent in the videos. Please bear with me – I’m learning just like you are. As an English teacher, I always encourage my students to take chances, speak more, and use what they learn every day. I’ll do my best to do the same with Spanish, and I hope you’ll join me on my journey to study this wonderful language and the many cultures associated with it. Muchas gracias y mucho gusto!

essay about yourself in spanish

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About the Author: sasha

Sasha is an English teacher, writer, photographer, and videographer from the great state of Michigan. Upon graduating from Michigan State University, he moved to China and spent 5+ years living, working, studying, and traveling there. He also studied Indonesian Language & Culture in Bali for a year. He and his wife run the travel blog Grateful Gypsies, and they're currently trying the digital nomad lifestyle across Latin America.

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Hey thanks a lot for sharing your experience with US, i also a beginer i’ll do a little presentation of myself Soy Abderrahmane, soy(from morocco), tengo 22 anos , i sudy network and telecommunications engineering, me gusta musica y sport y new technologies

' src=

Introducing myself

Mi nombre es Peace. Soy de Nigeria. Tengo vientinueve anos. Soy una estudiante. Tienes uno hijo( un chica). Me gusta musical, aventura y lectura.

Learning spanish is really fun for me more than French. I’m still a newbie in it but have learnt quite a lot. My challenge is that I don’t see how to be practising it. Please i’ll really like to learn Chinese too. I’ve tried on my own but the characters are really confusing.

Gracias. Hasta luego

Introducing and describing yourself in Spanish

In this lesson, we will learn some basic greetings and how to say our name, as well as some simple vocabulary to describe ourselves.

Lesson details

Key learning points.

  • saying your name
  • describing yourself
  • simple adjectival agreement (changing o to a or adding a when feminine)

This content is made available by Oak National Academy Limited and its partners and licensed under Oak’s terms & conditions (Collection 1), except where otherwise stated.

Some of our videos, including non-English language videos, do not have captions.

Starter quiz

3 questions, 5 questions, lesson appears in, unit spanish / así soy yo.

Learn Spanish Online

Talk about yourself in Spanish

Being able to talk about yourself is really important if you are learning Spanish. You can’t get by without i! So let’s see how to do it.

But first notice that this is the SECOND UNIT of our beginner course and the GCSE SPANISH 9-1 course.

Introduce yourself: PRESÉNTATE

When you want to introduce yourself or give some personal information you must say, for example, your name, nationality, profession, where do you live, how old you are… But also, you need to understand and produce questions correctly.

We are all going to learn how to do all these things with the video below. While you are watching the video, stop it when you need it to repeat every sentence several times.

In Spanish we can refer to others in an informal way or formally, you will see both in the video, now focus in first part, the informal way, but click in the link if you want to learn more about this topic.

Now practice what you have learned in the video.

Now you can talk about yourself in Spanish for sure. Anyway,  we are going to review the sentences we have seen  in the video and some more that you will find quite useful . We will also learn some grammar tips.

  • ¡Hola! Me llamo Enrique (Hello! I am called Enrique) *
  • Tengo catorce años ( I am 14 years old)
  • Soy británico, de Manchester (I am British, from Manchester) 
  • Soy estudiante (I am a student)
  • Vivo en Valencia, en el este de España (I live in Valencia, in the east of Spain)
  • Mi cumpleaños es el cinco de agosto (My birthday is the 5th of August)
  • Nací en Manchester el 5 de agosto de dos mil quince (I was born in Machester the 5th of August 2015)
  • ¿Cuál es tu apellido ? (What is your surname?)
  • Mi apellido es Fernández (My surname is Fernández).
  • ¿Cuál es tu teléfono ? (What is your phone number?)

* The most common way of saying our name in Spanish is to say « Me llamo Enrique ( I am called Enrique ), but we can also say “ Mi nombre es Enrique ( My name is Enrique )” or « Soy Enrique ( I am Enrique )».

Spanish grammar tips

1. In Spanish you «have» an age, so you need the verb TENER to say or ask the age :

¿Cuántos años tienes ? (How old you are?)

Tengo quince años (I am 15 years old)

TENER is a radical-changing verb. Click on the link to learn  how to form and use this very important Spanish verb .

2. Nationalities in Spanish must agree in gender with the person they are refered to , as you can see in the example of the right.

Most nationalities are also the languages (el idioma), in this case  they are always masculine:

Sarah es inglesa y habla inglés y español (Sarah is English and speaks English and Spanish).

Have you noticed that nationalities in Spanish are not capitalized . Click on the link to learn more about countries and nationalities in Spanish ,  and how to change from masculine to feminine.

Talk about yourself in Spanish: NATIONALITIES

Other nationalities you must know are: inglés/inglesa ( English ), escocés/escocesa ( Scottish ), galés/galesa ( Welsh ) and irlandés/irlandesa ( Irish ).

3. Something similar happen, about the gender, when we say someone profession . So we have to learn the name of professions in Spanish and how to change from masculine to feminine too. 

4. To say your telephone number, your age or your date of birth you will need numbers. Actually numbers are everywhere, so practice them until you feel really confident using them: números hasta el 30.

How do you spell it?: ¿CÓMO SE DELETREA?

Take it for granted that you will have to spell -DELETREAR- a lot , especially your first and last name. So make sure you know how to pronounce the letters of the Spanish alphabet . It must be one of your main priorities.

By the way, instead of «¿Cómo se deletrea? ( how do you spell it? )» You can also say « ¿Cómo se escribe? ( how do you write? )» It is probably easier to remember.

How to talk about yourself in Spanish: Test

Don’t forget that to complete the lesson «talk about yourself in Spanish», you have to visit the included links and study its grammar and vocabulary and do all the exercises. Once you have finished everything, it is time for you to check your knowledge with the test.

If you have less than 70%, you  may need to make a revision. Your  tutor will get in touch with you to give you further instructions and comments . Don’t you have a Spanish tutor yet?

Now you know the necessary grammar and vocabulary to be able to talk about yourself in Spanish. So it is time for you to practice your speaking  and writing skills , for this you can book a personal tutorial online .


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Spanish Lessons

Talking about yourself and getting to know others in spanish.

Now that you've learned how to introduce yourself in Spanish , let's go over some basic questions and answers when telling others about ourselves or asking about them. 


Where are you from.

Asking someone where they are from might be a common introductory question when getting to know someone. Let's take a look at both the tú (informal "you") and  usted  (formal "you") forms of this question: 

O, ¿de dónde eres? ¿De dónde es? Or, where are you from? [with "tú"]. Where are you from? [with "usted"]. Captions 13-14, Karla e Isabel Tú y Usted   Play Caption

And, what if someone asks you this question? You might use the construction Yo soy de (I'm from) to say the city, country, etc. you come from. Let's see some examples:

Yo soy de San Fernando, Cádiz. I am from San Fernando, Cádiz. Caption 27, 75 minutos Del campo a la mesa - Part 21   Play Caption
Yo soy de Argentina, de la provincia de Córdoba, eh... exactamente de un pueblito que se llama Río Ceballos, I'm from Argentina, from the province of Córdoba, um... precisely from a little town called Río Ceballos; Captions 8-9, Luana y Fede Viajes   Play Caption

Alternatively, you might say your nationality, particularly when talking about yourself in a foreign country: 

Yo soy argentina . I'm Argentine. Caption 53, Carlos y Cyndy Uso del Voseo en Argentina   Play Caption
soy español , I'm Spanish , Caption 2, Madrid Un recorrido por la capital de España   Play Caption

To learn more about how to talk about nationalities in Spanish, check out this lesson on Adjectives of Nationality in Spanish . Let's explore some additional common questions/answers when getting acquainted with someone in Spanish. 

What do you do?

Another is common question you might ask or get asked is, "What do you do (for a living)"? Let's explore a few ways to ask this question:

Bueno, perdón. ¿Tú a qué te dedicas? Well, sorry. What do you do? Caption 48, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 5 - Part 9   Play Caption
¿En qué trabajas tú , Inmaculada? In what [field] do you work , Inmaculada? Caption 31, 75 minutos Gangas para ricos - Part 12   Play Caption

The usted versions would be " ¿Usted a qué se dedica? "   and " ¿En qué trabaja usted? "   Another possible way to ask this question is:

¿Cuál es tu/su trabajo? What's your job? 

Now, let's look at some possible responses.

Me dedico a vender la leche. I sell milk for a living. Caption 2, Milkman Milk Seller, Nicaragua   Play Caption
Yo trabajo en una tienda de ropa de segunda mano... -Ah... I work at a second hand clothing store... -Oh... Caption 69, 75 minutos Gangas para ricos - Part 14   Play Caption
No, yo soy azafata. No, I'm a flight attendant. Caption 49, Confidencial: El rey de la estafa Capítulo 5 - Part 9   Play Caption

Note that when talking about your profession in Spanish, the appropriate verb is ser ("to be" for fixed characteristics) rather than estar  ("to be" for more temporary states) and that, in Spanish, unlike English, you don't include the article. For that reason, the aforementioned example reads soy azafata rather than soy una azafata . 


How old are you.

The ways to say "How old are you?" in Spanish are " ¿Cuántos años tienes?"  when using  tú  and " ¿Cuántos años tiene?"  with addressing someone with  usted . Let's hear the tú  version in action:

¿Tú cuántos años tienes , Mariano? How old are you , Mariano? Caption 69, 75 minutos Del campo a la mesa - Part 6   Play Caption

To answer this question, we use the verb tener   años , which literally means "to have years," inserting the correct number of years between these two words. This is the Spanish equivalent of "being (a certain number) of years old." Let's take a look:

Tengo dieciséis años . I'm sixteen years old . Caption 7, Cleer Entrevista a Lila   Play Caption

If you'd like to learn or refresh your Spanish numbers, check out the lesson The Numbers from One to One Hundred in Spanish .  

Are you married?

In this caption, you will hear both the question and answer to this question.

¿Y eres casado o soltero? Estoy casado con una mujer italiana de Nápoles. And are you married or single ?  I'm married to an Italian woman from Naples. Captions 8-9, Carlos y Xavi Part 2 Ustedes y Vosotros   Play Caption

You might notice that in the example above, the first speaker uses the verb ser , saying  " ¿ Y eres casado...?" instead of " ¿Y estás casado?"  while the second speaker uses the verb estar to answer. Although the adjective casado/a  (married) is traditionally used with the verb estar , you might hear it used with ser  in some Spanish-speaking regions. For more on the nuances of these two verbs, check out Ser vs. Estar- Yo Soy and Ser vs. Estar- Yo Estoy . 

Do you have kids/brothers and sisters?

We ask both of these questions with the Spanish verb tener   (to have), which is conjugated as tiene with usted and tienes  with tú . Let's hear how to ask these two questions with tú : 

¿Tienes hijos? -No. Do you have children? -No. Caption 87, Adícora, Venezuela El tatuaje de Rosana   Play Caption
¿Tienes hermanos o hermanas?  Do you have brothers or sisters? Caption 5,  Carlos y Xavi Part 2 Ustedes y Vosotros   Play Caption

It is worth noting that, as the plural masculine noun  los hermanos  could refer to either just "brothers" or to both "brothers and sisters" or "siblings," you could simply say " ¿Tienes hermanos?"  when asking if someone has brothers and/or sisters. Similarly, los hijos  could specifically mean "sons" or include both male and female "children." The singular and plural feminine nouns la(s) hermana(s) and la(s) hijas , on the other hand, refer to specifically female "sister(s)" and "daughter(s)." With that in mind, let's look at some potential answers to these questions:

Yo tengo dos hijos pequeños y... I have two small children , and... Caption 66, El Aula Azul Un día de surf   Play Caption
Y, bueno, eh...  tengo una hija  de ocho años, ya sabéis.  And, well, um...  I have an  eight-year-old  daughter , you already know. Caption 26,  Clase Aula Azul La segunda condicional - Part 1   Play Caption
Sí, tengo una hermana más pequeña que tiene tres años menos. Yes, I have a younger sister who is three years younger. Caption 6, Carlos y Xavi Part 2 Ustedes y Vosotros   Play Caption

Let's move on to our last common question when getting to know someone in Spanish. 


What do you like to do in your free time.

Here are some possible ways to broach the topic of what people like to do when they aren't working. 

¿qué te gusta hacer? what do you like to do? Caption 24, Cleer Entrevista a Lila   Play Caption
¿Qué cosas te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? What do you like to do in your free time? Caption 15, El Aula Azul Los profesores de la escuela - Part 1   Play Caption

Or, you could simply say: " ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?"   A good formula for answering what you like to do is to say   (a mí) me gusta (I like) or (a mí) me encanta (I love)   plus a verb in the infinitive . Let's see some examples: 

Me gusta salir a rumbear... I like to go out dancing... Caption 15, Zoraida Lo que gusta hacer   Play Caption
Pues, me gusta escuchar música , eh... pintar , y me gusta viajar mucho. Well, I like to listen to music , um... paint , and I like to travel a lot. Captions 25-26, Cleer Entrevista a Lila   Play Caption
y me encanta ir a la playa con mis amigos. and I love going to the beach with my friends. Caption 39, Clara y Cristina Saludar   Play Caption

We hope that this lesson has helped you learn some basic questions/answers for getting to know someone and telling them about yourself. Can you think of any other preliminary question you would like to learn to ask or answer in Spanish? Feel free to let us know with your suggestions and comments . 

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Spanish for Beginners


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Describing yourself in spanish: personality.

  • simpático/a x antipático/a ( pleasant x unpleasant )
  • paciente x impaciente ( impatient )
  • responsable x irresponsable ( responsible x irresponsible )
  • nervioso/a ( nervous )
  • tranquilo/a ( calm )
  • egoísta ( selfish )
  • puntual x impuntual ( punctual )
  • generoso/a ( generous )
  • raro/a ( strange )
  • despistado/a ( vague )
  • divertido/a ( funny )
  • aburrido/a ( boring )
  • intelligente ( inteligent )
  • abierto/a ( extravert )
  • desorganizado/a ( disorganized )
  • tímido/a ( shy )
  • Creo que soy una persona bastante tranquila y muy responsable. También soy puntual y organizada. Pero soy un poco impatiente y tímida. Mucha gente piensa que  soy simpática. En mi tiempo libre me gustan eschuchar musíca y leer libros. Otras cosas que me encanta hacer son ir al teatro y viajar. No me gustan nada hablar de fútbol y viajar en auto-stop. Mi color favorito es el rojo. Mi comida favorita es enchilada. Mi deporte favorito es pilates.
  • I think that I am a person who is quite calm and responsible. I am also  punctual and organized. But I am a little bit impatient and shy. A lot of people think that   I am pleasant. In my free time ,  I like to listen to music and read books. Other things that I love to do are going to theater and traveling. I don't like to talk about football and to travel with autostop at all. My favorite color  is red. My favorite food is  enchilada. My favorite sport is pilates.


Hello..Thank you for the post. Here is a cool Spanish learning blog: http://whatsapp-buddies.blogspot.com/

essay about yourself in spanish

Thank you so much. I have an oral exam tomorrow and this will help. I was hoping to see physical descriptions though.

This is the best website for spanish writing i have found it expains things really well gracias !

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Spanish Learning Lab

Learn Spanish with free, communicative lessons

How to Introduce Yourself and Someone in Spanish

Knowing how to introduce yourself  in Spanish is always the first step to begin a good, simple conversation, especially with someone you just met. The expressions and questions for introductions (presentaciones ) are very similar to the ones in English. They are usually accompanied by one or more  greetings, e.g. “Hola” . This lesson will cover some common ways to  introduce yourself in the language, as well as expressions to introduce others . You will read and listen to several examples and practice with an interactive quiz. Once you finish, you can move on to the lesson about greetings.

The basics for Spanish Introductions  – Las presentaciones

First, we will ask you to watch a short video explaining a few basic ways to introduce yourself in Spanish, plus some expressions that are really common in order to introduce someone else too. Please watch the video carefully, as it will be useful to understand and get the best out of this lesson. Please activate the subtitles if you need them. Once you have finished, solve the exercises in the interactive quiz.

How to introduce yourself in Spanish

Before introducing yourself in Spanish, you should use simple greeting like HOLA and then add an expression like MUCHO GUSTO or ask the other person politely ¿Cómo estás? . Here are two examples:

1. ¡Hola! ¡Mucho gusto conocerte! 2. ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?

Question words like CÓMO (How) and CUÁL (Which) are essential to ask for names,  just like in these two very common examples: ¿Cómo te llamas? and ¿Cuál es tu nombre? . In general, the subject pronoun TÚ is more informal than USTED, but it is also more common. Omitting the subject pronoun in a sentence is normal, but make sure you are using the right conjugation of the verb for the subject even if you leave it out. Here is a list of ways to introduce yourself in Spanish and get another person’s name:

Introduce yourself in Spanish – Las presentaciones
(literal translation)
(I am called Jon. LLAMO is a conjugation of the verb LLAMAR)
SOY is a conjugation of the verb SER, to be
(TU is a for something that belongs to EL or ELLA)
(SU is a possesive adjective for something that belongs to USTED)
(a simple way to return a question)

essay about yourself in spanish

Let’s briefly analyze the structure of the Spanish introductions that we have covered so far. First, the word “tu” in TU NOMBRE and “su” in SU NOMBRE are possessive adjectives. Notice that the verb LLAMAR (to call) changes its form depending on the pronoun we use. Grammar is important but for now, we will ask you to focus on their meaning and pronunciation as we will develop more on grammar in future lessons.

How to introduce someone in Spanish

In order to introduce someone in Spanish, we will need the verb SER in its forms ES and SON. Basically, if we are referring to one person, we will use “ ES ” as in “ ÉL ES …” (he is ) and “ ERES “ for “ TÚ “ as in “ TÚ ERES …” , but if we are referring to several then we must use “ SON ” as in “ ELLOS SON …” (they are ) . Besides, when you introduce someone else in Spanish, it is important to mention if this person is your friend, relative or something else using possessive adjectives, e.g. “ Él es mi amigo ” (he is my friend ) .

Expressions to introduce someone else in Spanish. Introducing a friend

Please mind the pronoun you choose so that you use a pronoun that corresponds properly in gender and number to the person you are introducing. Here are some more examples of Spanish introductions that you can read and listen to. Focus on pronunciation and try to find out grammatical patterns. 

Introduce someone in Spanish – Presentando a otros
(Introducing a woman – SU is a possessive adjective meaning HER)
(ES comes from the verb SER, to be)
(“su” = his)
(“sus” = their)
(“se” is the reflexive pronoun for “ella”)
(“se” is the reflexive pronoun for “ellos”)

Listening Activity: Ways to introduce yourself and others in Spanish

Spanish introductions and greetings pdf worksheets.

  • Greetings and farewells in Spanish – PDF Worksheet (Vocabulary)
  • Getting to Know People in Spanish: PDF Worksheet (Speaking)
  • Talking about Yourself in Spanish: PDF Worksheet (Speaking)
  • Meeting People in Spanish – PDF Worksheet (Reading)
  • Dialogues – Introductions and greetings in Spanish

16 thoughts on “How to Introduce Yourself and Someone in Spanish”

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Hi, am I right if I think “Les presento a la nueva maestra” should be translated as ” I introduce the new teachers to you”. I mean, “Les” refers to plural nouns, so it would be “teachers” not “teacher”?

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Great question! The translation we provided is fine as “I introduce the new teacher to you (the students)”. The reason is that “LES” refers to the students, not the teacher in this sentence. If we want to introduce the new teacher to the principal of the school, then we would say “LE presento a la nueva maestra” (a usted). Similarly, if we were to introduce the teacher to a friend, then we could say “TE presento a la nueva maestra” (a ti). Hope it helps a little!

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¿Cómo te llamas?

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Hola! Me llama Mariah. ¿Y tu?

Just so you know, I came up with a fake name, because I don’t want people to know my personal info… That is not my real name! 🙂

¿Como estas?

My mother grew up in Mexico city and is teaching me, so I already knew a couple of those things, but I didn’t know some of the greetings. I really liked it! Thank you!

We’re glad you liked this article. Best of luck learning Spanish. ¡Hasta pronto! 🙂

¡Hasta pronto!:)

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I love speaking Spanish! Thank you!

This fun yes:)

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My name is Andrew and I am just learning spanish

¡Buena suerte aprendiendo español! Saludos

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Why can’t question 5 be answered “mi hombre es Diana”?

Hola. Well, the question is “¿Cuál es el nombre de tu mamá?” (What is her mother’s name?) so we are asking about “HER”. HER/HIS are translated as “Su” into Spanish. Her name is Marta – Su nombre es Marta.

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  • College essay

How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples

Published on September 21, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

An insightful college admissions essay requires deep self-reflection, authenticity, and a balance between confidence and vulnerability. Your essay shouldn’t just be a resume of your experiences; colleges are looking for a story that demonstrates your most important values and qualities.

To write about your achievements and qualities without sounding arrogant, use specific stories to illustrate them. You can also write about challenges you’ve faced or mistakes you’ve made to show vulnerability and personal growth.

Table of contents

Start with self-reflection, how to write about challenges and mistakes, how to write about your achievements and qualities, how to write about a cliché experience, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Before you start writing, spend some time reflecting to identify your values and qualities. You should do a comprehensive brainstorming session, but here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What are three words your friends or family would use to describe you, and why would they choose them?
  • Whom do you admire most and why?
  • What are the top five things you are thankful for?
  • What has inspired your hobbies or future goals?
  • What are you most proud of? Ashamed of?

As you self-reflect, consider how your values and goals reflect your prospective university’s program and culture, and brainstorm stories that demonstrate the fit between the two.

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Writing about difficult experiences can be an effective way to show authenticity and create an emotional connection to the reader, but choose carefully which details to share, and aim to demonstrate how the experience helped you learn and grow.

Be vulnerable

It’s not necessary to have a tragic story or a huge confession. But you should openly share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to evoke an emotional response from the reader. Even a cliché or mundane topic can be made interesting with honest reflection. This honesty is a preface to self-reflection and insight in the essay’s conclusion.

Don’t overshare

With difficult topics, you shouldn’t focus too much on negative aspects. Instead, use your challenging circumstances as a brief introduction to how you responded positively.

Share what you have learned

It’s okay to include your failure or mistakes in your essay if you include a lesson learned. After telling a descriptive, honest story, you should explain what you learned and how you applied it to your life.

While it’s good to sell your strengths, you also don’t want to come across as arrogant. Instead of just stating your extracurricular activities, achievements, or personal qualities, aim to discreetly incorporate them into your story.

Brag indirectly

Mention your extracurricular activities or awards in passing, not outright, to avoid sounding like you’re bragging from a resume.

Use stories to prove your qualities

Even if you don’t have any impressive academic achievements or extracurriculars, you can still demonstrate your academic or personal character. But you should use personal examples to provide proof. In other words, show evidence of your character instead of just telling.

Many high school students write about common topics such as sports, volunteer work, or their family. Your essay topic doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, but do try to include unexpected personal details and your authentic voice to make your essay stand out .

To find an original angle, try these techniques:

  • Focus on a specific moment, and describe the scene using your five senses.
  • Mention objects that have special significance to you.
  • Instead of following a common story arc, include a surprising twist or insight.

Your unique voice can shed new perspective on a common human experience while also revealing your personality. When read out loud, the essay should sound like you are talking.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

First, spend time reflecting on your core values and character . You can start with these questions:

However, you should do a comprehensive brainstorming session to fully understand your values. Also consider how your values and goals match your prospective university’s program and culture. Then, brainstorm stories that illustrate the fit between the two.

When writing about yourself , including difficult experiences or failures can be a great way to show vulnerability and authenticity, but be careful not to overshare, and focus on showing how you matured from the experience.

Through specific stories, you can weave your achievements and qualities into your essay so that it doesn’t seem like you’re bragging from a resume.

Include specific, personal details and use your authentic voice to shed a new perspective on a common human experience.

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 10, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/write-about-yourself/

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How to Introduce Yourself in Spanish

Last Updated: February 22, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD . Jennifer Mueller is a wikiHow Content Creator. She specializes in reviewing, fact-checking, and evaluating wikiHow's content to ensure thoroughness and accuracy. Jennifer holds a JD from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in 2006. This article has been viewed 36,510 times. Learn more...

One of the best ways to learn how to speak Spanish is to talk to native Spanish speakers. But to do that, you have to know how to introduce yourself in Spanish. Luckily, you don't actually have to know a lot of Spanish to have a basic, introductory conversation. Simply start with "¡Hola! Me llamo" (OH-lah MAY YAH-moh) and tell them your name. A successful introduction will give you the confidence to attempt more in-depth conversation, and you'll be making new Spanish-speaking friends before you know it. [1] X Research source

Greeting and Exchanging Names

Step 1 Start with a warm hello.

  • In the afternoon, you can use "buenas tardes" (boo-AY-nahs TAHR-days) if you want to greet the person based on the time of day. After the sun goes down, switch to "buenas noches" (boo-AY-nahs NOH-chays).

Step 2 Say your name.

  • You can also say "mi nombre es," which literally means "my name is."
  • If you want a briefer, more casual introduction, you can use the word "soy," which means "I am." For example, you might say "hola, soy Maria" ("Hello, I'm Maria").

Step 3 Include a friendly greeting.

  • For example: "¡Hola! Me llamo Maria. ¿Cómo estás?"
  • When you add this question, you've politely introduced yourself to the person and started a conversation.

Step 4 Ask the other person their name.

  • For example, you say "¡Hola! Me llamo Maria. ¿Y usted?" The person responds "Hola, Maria. Me llamo José. ¿Cómo estás?"

Step 5 Tell the person you're pleased to meet them.

  • You can also say "mucho gusto" (MOO-choh GOO-stoh) to mean "nice to meet you." This phrase works especially well if the other person has introduced themselves first. For example, suppose someone said to you "¡Hola! Me llamo José. ¿Y tú?" You could respond "Mucho gusto, me llamo Maria."
  • A more formal way to say "pleased to meet you" is "estoy encantada de conocerla." Use conocerle if you're talking to a guy.

Step 6 Let the person know you're just learning Spanish.

  • For example, you might say "Estoy estudiando español. ¿Quieres practicar conmigo?" (I'm studying Spanish. Do you want to practice with me?")
  • If the person agrees to continue conversing with you, be sure to say "gracias" ("thank you").

Making Small Talk

Step 1 Tell the person where you're from.

  • For example, you might say "soy de Chicago" ("I'm from Chicago"). You could also say "soy de Chicago, pero vivo en Santiago" ("I'm from Chicago, but I live in Santiago").
  • To ask the person where they're from, say "¿de dondé eres tú?"

Step 2 Explain what you do for a living.

  • For example, you might say "soy maestra" ("I'm a teacher) or "trabajo con animales" ("I work with animals").
  • To ask someone what they do for a living, say "¿A qué te dedicas?" ("What do you do?")

Step 3 Mention some things you enjoy.

  • For example, you might say "Me gustan los animales" ("I like animals"). The other person could reply "¡A mi tambien! ¿Tienes mascota?" ("Me too! Do you have a pet?"). You could then say "Sí, un perro y un gato." ("Yes, a dog and a cat.")

Step 4 Learn basic question words, such as cómo (KOH-moh) and cuál (KWAHL).

  • You already know cómo from "cómo estas" ("how are you"). Cuál means "which," while qué means "what." Just as you might say "what?" in English if you didn't hear or understand what someone said, you can say "¿que?" in Spanish.
  • Other question words include dónde (where) and cuándo (when). Generally, questions in Spanish are formed the same way they are in English. Simply reverse the order of the subject and verb in your sentence, so that the verb comes before the subject.

Step 5 Add

  • Don't use the informal pronoun tú unless the other person has used that pronoun for you first, or if you're talking to a child.

Community Q&A


  • When speaking to new people in Spanish, use the pronoun usted unless you are talking to a child. Use the informal pronoun tú only when the other person uses it first. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

essay about yourself in spanish

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  • ↑ https://www.spanishlearninglab.com/introducing-yourself-in-spanish/
  • ↑ https://mydailyspanish.com/introduce-yourself-in-spanish/
  • ↑ https://www.rocketlanguages.com/spanish/salutations/hello-in-spanish
  • ↑ https://www.123teachme.com/learn_spanish/basic_course_introductions
  • ↑ https://www.fluentu.com/blog/spanish/spanish-conversation-for-beginners/
  • ↑ https://www.rocketlanguages.com/spanish/questions/spanish-question-words

About This Article

Jennifer Mueller, JD

To introduce yourself in Spanish, start by saying "hola," which means "hello." Then, say "me llamo," which means "my name is." Finally, say your name. For example, you would say something like, "Hola! Me llamo Maria." If you want to ask the other person their name too, just say "¿Cómo se llama?" which means "What's your name?" To learn how to ask someone how they're doing in Spanish, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Introduce Yourself in Spanish

¡Hola! Learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish ! Specifically, learn how to do the following in Spanish:

• tell someone your name

• ask someone their name

• say what you do for a living

• ask someone what they do for a living

• say where you are from

• ask someone where they are from

Let's start off with the vocab words in these lessons!



Spanish Accents

Some Spanish words, such as adiós , have a written accent . If you leave out the accent when writing these words, it'd be like writing the English word I'm without the apostrophe ( Im ) - it wouldn't make sense!



Remember that all Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine .

• Profesor is a masculine noun used to talk about men.

• Profesora is a feminine noun used to talk about women.

• Estudiante is both masculine and feminine and can be used to talk about men or women.

Country Names


Spanish Capitalization

Just like in English, country names in Spanish begin with a capital letter !

In these lessons, you learn how to use the verbs llamarse (literally, to call oneself ) to talk about names and ser ( to be ) to talk about professions and where someone is from . Let's review the conjugations you learned!


Spanish Subject Pronouns

Subject pronouns like yo ( I ) and tú ( you ) are often not used before a conjugated verb in Spanish. In other words, most of the time Spanish speakers will simply say me llamo instead of yo me llamo .

Other Useful Words

Here are some other useful words from these lessons!


Here are some of the phrases used in these lessons!

Spanish Punctuation

Spanish questions begin and end with a question mark .

¿Cómo te llamas?

Cómo te llamas?


In these lessons, you learn some words containing y and ll . Let's talk about how to pronounce the ll in Spanish and the y in Spanish !

Pronunciation of Ll

The Spanish ll is often pronounced like the y in the English word yes , though you may hear some native speakers pronounce it more or less like the j in the English word judge or the sh in the English word show . Click on the words in the table below to listen to the pronunciation of the ll in Spanish!

SpanishLl is Pronounced...

me llamo

like in English

te llamas

like in English


like in English

Pronunciation of Y

  • In words like yo , y is considered a consonant and is usually pronounced the same way as ll . In other words, most Spanish speakers pronounce the y and the ll in yo me llamo using the same sound.
  • When y comes at the end of a word like soy , it is considered a vowel and is pronounced like the e in the English word me .
  • When y is used on its own as a conjunction meaning and , it is also pronounced like the e in the English word me .

Click on the words in the table below to listen to the pronunciation of the y in Spanish!

SpanishY is Pronounced...


like in English


like in English

¿Y tú?

like in English

Quiz Yourself!

Want more practice with the vocabulary you learned in these lessons? Click here!

Spanish Conversation

Let's take a look at an example of a Spanish conversation using the above words and phrases!

Want to learn more about how to introduce yourself in Spanish? Check out the following articles!

• Using "Ser" with Origins

• Professions in Spanish

• Spanish-Speaking Countries

• Subject Pronouns in Spanish

• The Difference between "¿Como Te Llamas?" and ¿Cómo Se Llama?"

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    Quick Answer. ¡Hola! Learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish! Specifically, learn how to do the following in Spanish: • tell someone your name. • ask someone their name. • say what you do for a living. • ask someone what they do for a living. • say where you are from.