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Classification Essay Guide

This guide takes a closer look at classification and division essays ; what’s more, it helps distinguish the difference between classification and division, as it is often bundled into one entity because “classifying” is “dividing” into categories, groups, or types by a certain principle. 

First, let’s define the terms separately since a pure classification essay can be a bit different from a pure division essay in methods and purposes that should be taken into account during writing.

What is a Classification Essay?

A classification essay is a paper that focuses on different items that have something in common. The essay intends to group tangible or intangible things, break them down into categories, classify them, and inform the readers about this classification. This essay type is valuable in that it helps the writer gather things that share some characteristics and examine how the whole relates to parts and vice versa.

Vocabulary definition of “classify”: arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics.

What is a Division Essay?

A division essay deals with one item and divides it into smaller parts it’s composed of. This type is somewhat similar to a process essay , which describes how something is done step-by-step. However, a division paper examines a single unit by separating it into smaller components and making it easier to understand.

Vocabulary definition of “divide”: separate or be separated into parts.

Classification vs. Division

The main difference between classification and division is that while the former works with different items that have something in common, the latter type is confined to just one piece.

For example, were you to write a classification essay about friends, you would point out several types of friends there are according to a single principle you choose, such as, for instance, how well you know a person or what type of things you can discuss with them, etc. Division, in turn, would explore the concept of being a friend in a broader scope by diving it into things that make a person someone’s friend. 

Signal Vocabulary to Use

There are certain phrases and words that tell the reader about the sorting and grouping nature of the paper and contribute to its coherence. Check the following lists to see what vocabulary to use when writing a classification essay.

Nouns: kind, type, sub-type, sub-class, category, part, group, basis, criterion, feature, order.

Verbs: divide, categorize, classify, fall under, belong, fit, relate, associate, group, arrange, distinguish, subdivide, put into.

8 Steps to Writing a Classification Essay

With a practical approach, you can compose a classification paper in a timely manner. The next eight fundamental steps will show you how to write a classification essay, tackle all the requirements, and, as a result, score high. 

1. Pick a topic (might be optional)

Your teacher decides whether to provide a list of topics to pick or assign students the exact topic. For that reason, make sure to clarify that in advance. Your educator can also let you come up with your own topic and write a classification essay based on it. Provided below are several exemplary prompts.

Assignment Prompt Examples 

  • Multiple study habits and mnemonics can improve students’ learning sessions and thus boost their average grades. Classify these habits into distinct types.
  • Smoking is a detrimental habit, which has, thankfully, been dropping in the U.S. gradually over the years. Write a classification essay about ways to quit smoking.
  • Fashion is a broad field that touches upon various aspects. Using a classification structure, create clear yet different categories related to fashion.
  • We spend lots of time scrolling feeds, chatting with friends, and interacting with various posts. Social media platforms play a crucial role in our lives. Classify these platforms into categories.

an example of a prompt for a classification essay assignment

Download a Classification Essay Assignment Sheet Example

Examples of things to classify

Classification essays can work with most concepts. You can choose to classify any of the following examples of things or think of something else. There are also three essay examples linked in the list below.

  • Cell phones
  • Dance styles
  • Relationships
  • Restaurants
  • Social media
  • Study habits
  • Video games

260 Unique Classification Essay Ideas – take a look at a huge list of categorized classification topics.

2. Decide on categories and purpose

Suppose you have come up with the topic and are ready to kick off the essay writing process . What are your next steps? Before writing, it is necessary to determine what you plan to reveal within your paper. 

In other words, defining the purpose of your writing, along with the categories, would be your first task. While there shouldn’t be any problems with the purpose (ask yourself why you think this specific group of items needs to be classified), deciding on particular categories might be tricky. The following section will help you complete this task.

Choose a single classification basis 

Choosing a single classification basis is essential because it establishes the direction your classification essay will go. The paper must be meaningful and organize things logically. You must deliver some message and make sure the included information A) makes sense and B) is valuable to the readers . 

For instance, let’s assume your task is to classify homework. In that case, you can organize things differently, for instance, by the deadline, subject, complexity level, type of assignments, form, etc. Importantly, remember to make different categories mutually exclusive. 

Besides, avoid jumping from classes, mainly if they don’t pertain to the items. Leave some space for exceptions and/or exclusions; there are many categories, so don’t limit your classification essay by two or three widely accepted options.

3. Develop a thesis statement

Once you have a clear purpose, categories, as well as a single classification basis, you can begin writing a classification essay. Your thesis statement should indicate the object of your essay (what you categorize), the categories of your classification, and the principle you chose. 

Thesis statement examples

The following are a few examples to show you what a strong thesis looks like:

  • Professional hikers point out three types of hiking when exploring the mountains based on their difficulty: intense, semi-challenging, and picturesque.
  • Students often classify lectures into three types, depending on the level of excitement: monotonous, acceptable, and fascinating.
  • Based on the education methods employed, teachers usually fall into one of three categories: explainers, involvers, and enablers.

4. Create an outline (optional but recommended)

An outline is typically an optional element for a classification essay task. Teachers rarely ask students to attach outlines to their papers. However, it doesn’t mean that outlines aren’t helpful. As a matter of fact, they are a convenient tool that helps you structure the easy better. Here is an example of a simple yet effective outline.

Outline example

Topic: Classifying street food in Mexico.

  • Then, slowly whittling down the dishes and focusing more on the notion of street food.
  • Writing a thesis statement with clear categories– Street food in Mexico can be divided into groups based on the ingredients used: corn, avocado, and jalapeno.
  • 1st paragraph: A topic sentence about the historical significance of corn in Mexican lands. 
  • Example of street food that contains corn 
  • Explaining why corn is used and how it fits the dish
  • Conclusion with transition
  • Example of street food that is served with avocado (the second category)
  • Explaining why avocado is added and how it underscores the meal’s taste
  • Example of street food that includes the third category – jalapeno
  • Explaining why jalapeno is served and how it enhances the flavor
  • Reinforcement of the main points alongside the categories– Mexican street food usually includes corn, avocado, and jalapeno. 
  • Remind the audience of key thoughts stated within the body and move toward the end.
  • The last sentence might include recommendations on which street food the audience is encouraged to try.

Here’s a fillable outline template in PDF for a short classification essay – Download .

Deciding on the order of your categories

It would be reasonable to decide on the order of your categories before writing the classification essay. Depending on the topic, the order of objects may vary and be either chronological, logical, or emphatic (importance). Try using the one you think pertains to the context the most. For example, if your group of elements has historical value and is scattered in time, opting for chronological order would be a good option.

5. Write the introduction

The best way to write an efficient introduction is to start broad and narrow down the content before including a thesis statement. Make sure your introduction has:

  • Hook (opening sentence, can be optional)
  • Background information

How to Start an Essay – here’s our separate guide on writing introductions (with examples).

The introduction of a classification essay must establish several things:

  • What things you are classifying
  • Why you are classifying them, and
  • What classification principle you use

6. Write the body paragraphs

Body paragraphs in a classification essay don’t differ from other paper types. A body paragraph comprises a topic sentence, focuses on a single point (a category in this case) from your thesis, provides supportive evidence, and gives examples.

Plus, it must have a brief wrap-up and smoothly move to the next section with a transition. Remember to use specific vocabulary and phrases to increase the paper’s quality.

In classification essays, each body paragraph usually starts with the introduction of one of the categories of your classification. For division essays, it would be one of the parts of the whole.

Each category should be accompanied by its characteristics and traits backed up by solid examples.

7. Write the conclusion

The conclusion’s primary purpose is to end a classification essay properly, encapsulating the information you’ve provided in the previous sections. Notably, a conclusion can begin by rephrasing your thesis and providing major points described in the body. You can conclude a classification essay with a question, recommendation, or implication. Regardless of your choice, ensure it doesn’t include any additional information or new categories.

How to End an Essay – you can read our full article on writing conclusions here (with examples).

8. Revise and edit

It’s best to take a step back upon writing the first draft and let your attention and productivity restore before editing the piece. The editing process requires approaching the classification essay from various angles, e.g., reviewing the categories, correcting spelling and punctuation errors, and polishing the content. The order of methods depends on your preferences. 

Seven questions to ask yourself when revising a classification essay

Asking questions is yet another practical way to ensure your classification essay meets the requirements and is coherent, comprehensive, and mistakes-free. Try asking questions related to different parts of this essay type. Here are some questions to pose when revising:

  • Does my essay fall into a classification/division type, as was required?
  • Are my categories mutually exclusive and include room for exceptions?
  • Have I used the most appropriate order to arrange my categories?
  • Does my thesis statement contain all three components, namely the subject, classification basis, and categories?
  • Have I provided strong examples to highlight the significance of my chosen categories?
  • Does the conclusion re-emphasize each category with a view to reminding the audience of the core statement and its significance?
  • Have I paid equal attention to each category, or does any category look lacking compared to others?

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References used

  • Classification and Division Guidelines – Tidewater Community College
  • Rhetorical Patterns – Classification/Division – Lincoln University
  • Structuring a Division-and-Classification Essay (+ Sample) – IRSC

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Writing a Classification/Division Essay

22 Outline: Division Essay

Completing and following an outline before you write allows you to:

  • divide the process of thinking and writing into two steps
  • keep your focus on the academic structure you need for formal writing
  • see where punctuation needs to be; if you’re moving to a new line in the outline, you need a period!
  • check to make sure you’re ready to write so you don’t get “trapped” in the middle or at the end with nothing to say


Prewriting – before you write (not part of the essay, but essential for planning!)

Audience : Who are you writing for? Choose a specific target group, not just “people” or “my teacher.” This will allow you to give examples that are meaningful and connected to your purpose.

Purpose : What do you want your audience to learn? Why?

Introduction paragraph:

Hook : Catch the attention of your audience (quote, question, interesting statement)

Background information: Describe the situation, problem, or idea that led you to divide this topic; identify your audience by naming them instead of using YOU

Thesis statement: Preview the main points and contains the divisions you will discuss in the order you will discuss them

Body Paragraph #1:

Division Part 1: Name – connect to the key word in your thesis statement

     Explain – describe the traits of the subgroup

     Illustrate – give a specific example of the subgroup relevant to your audience

Body Paragraph #2:

Division Part 2: Name – connect to the key word in your thesis statement

Body Paragraph #3:

Division Part 3: Name – connect to the key word in your thesis statement

Concluding paragraph:

Restatement : Restate the parts 1, 2, and 3 with synonyms/similar phrases

Final idea: Connects to your audience and purpose; tells them what you want them to know, remember or learn from the division you’ve discussed.

Pre-College Composition for English Language Learners Copyright © by Breana Bayraktar; Jacqueline Weaver; and Martha Wheeler. All Rights Reserved.

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Classification and Division Essay

Classification and division is a rhetorical style that, in essay format, takes a whole and splits it up into parts and then places the divided information into various categories. While you may see this rhetorical style used within a single paragraph, it’s not uncommon to write an entire essay using a classification and division format.

Division of hierarchy of a topic

A classification and division essay combines two different techniques. First, you would divide a complex and difficult topic into subtopics for clarity and explanation purposes. Next, you would determine what categories are needed and what information fits into those categories. Think of a newspaper. All of the information is divided into different parts: news, advertisements, and classifieds. Then the information is classified into different categories. For example, news may be categorized as sports, international, local, lifestyle, etc.

NOTE:  You have to be very clear in a classification and division essay. Your reader needs to understand how you came up with your categories and why information fits into these categories. Therefore, be sure that you make the guidelines for your categories clear to the reader and that you don’t merge, confuse, or have superficial categories.


Excelsior Online Writing Lab (OWL). Located at:  https://owl.excelsior.edu/  . This site is licensed under a  https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/  .

ENG102 Contextualized for Health Sciences - OpenSkill Fellowship Copyright © 2022 by Compiled by Lori Walk. All Rights Reserved.

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Sample Essays

Classification and division.

decorative image

Make sure to read:

  • an example from a student writer, Alexander Eberhart, on “Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Television Commercials,” from Excelsior College’s OWL
  • an example of classification and division from professional writer Krystal D’Costa, written for Scientific American ‘s blog, on “ Why Don’t People Return Their Shopping Carts? ”  This article is interesting, as it blends classification and division and cause and effect.
  • an example of classification and division from professional writer Keith Rosen, “The Seven Types of Managers – Where Do You Stand?”

Note that although Rosen’s sample is written as an article and not an academic essay, Rosen still has a working thesis and topic sentences providing an assertion about each type of manager (the topic sentences are not the numbered items, but are the first sentences of each category). To become an academic essay, the topic sentences and support would be developed further about each type of manager, and the headings would be deleted in favor of those topic sentences

Additional samples:

  • another student sample and multiple professional examples of  Classification and Division essays in the text, Writing for Success
  • image of coca-cola can from television commercial; can says Love is the Way. Authored by : korneker. Provided by : Pixabay. Located at : https://pixabay.com/en/coca-cola-can-cola-coca-drink-862690/ . License : CC0: No Rights Reserved
  • 125 Classification and Division Essay Topics

Throughout your academic career, you may be asked to write a number of different essay types to demonstrate your understanding of particular concepts. One such essay type is known as a classification and division essay. In order to write one effectively, you must first understand what it is and what it requires of you.

This guide will walk you through the fundamentals of writing an excellent classification and division essay and provide 125 essay topics to use for your next writing assignment.

What Is a Classification and Division Essay?

A classification and division essay takes a large topic and breaks it down into smaller parts or categories. These categories are then further divided into more specific subcategories.

For example, if you were asked to write a classification and division essay about vehicles, you could break them down into categories such as land vehicles, water vehicles, and air vehicles. Each of these categories could then be further divided into subcategories such as:

  • cars, trucks, buses, etc. for land vehicles
  • boats, submarines, etc. for water vehicles
  • planes, helicopters, etc. for air vehicles

In order to write a classification and division essay effectively, you must choose a topic that can be easily divided into smaller parts. Once you have selected a topic, you will need to determine how you will classify and divide it. You will also need to decide on a purpose for writing your essay. For example, are you trying to inform, explain, or persuade your reader?

How to Write a Classification and Division Essay

When it comes to essay writing, each type has its own set of rules and guidelines that need to be followed in order to produce a well-written piece. The same is true for a classification and division essay.

Writing the Intro

Classification and division essays all start with an introduction. In your introduction, you will need to provide background information on your topic and explain why it is important or interesting. You will also need to state your thesis statement in your introduction. This is the main point of your essay that you will be trying to support with evidence and examples.

Remember that your goal for this essay is to effectively classify and divide your chosen topic. Therefore, your thesis statement should make this clear to your reader. For example, if you are classifying and dividing vehicles, your thesis statement might look something like this:

“There are three main types of vehicles: land, water, and air vehicles. Each type of vehicle has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.”

If your thesis is not the final sentence of your introduction paragraph, you will also need to include a road map sentence that tells your reader what you will be discussing in the rest of your essay. This will help them follow along more easily as you present your information.

Writing Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of your classification and division essay should each focus on one main category. You will need to provide evidence and examples to support each of your main points.

Continuing with the example about vehicles for land, water, and air, your first body paragraph might discuss land vehicles. You would provide information about the different types of land vehicles and their advantages and disadvantages. You would do the same for water vehicles in your second body paragraph and air vehicles in your third body paragraph.

Remember that in each body paragraph, you should have a topic sentence that introduces the main point of that paragraph as well as a transition sentence that ends the section and leads into the next one.

Writing the Conclusion

Your classification and division essay will end with a conclusion paragraph. In your conclusion, you will want to briefly summarize the main points of your essay and explain how they support your thesis statement. You’ll want to end with a final thought that wraps up your essay in a satisfying way. This could be a final line that invokes a call to action, provides a humorous insight, or leaves the reader with something to think about.

Essential Tips for Writing a Classification and Division Essay

When writing this type of essay, it is essential to follow these guidelines to ensure that you stay on track and don’t inadvertently leave anything out:

  • Pick topics that can easily be divided into smaller parts.
  • Make sure you have a clear purpose for writing your essay.
  • State your thesis statement in the introduction paragraph.
  • Focus each body paragraph on one main category.
  • Include evidence and examples to support your points.
  • Don’t introduce new information in your conclusion paragraph.
  • End with a final thought that leaves the reader satisfied.

By following these tips, you can be sure to write an effective classification and division essay that will impress your readers and get you the grade you deserve.

These topics should help you organize and outline your classification and division essay into a coherent and effective paper.

Classification and Division Essay Topics About School

  • The different types of schools
  • The different types of teachers
  • The different mechanisms for online learning
  • Standardized tests
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Post high-school options
  • Social dynamics/groups in schools
  • The different types of homeschooling
  • The different responses from colleges
  • Types of cheating in school

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Life

  • The stages of life
  • The different types of families
  • The different types of marriages
  • Types of living situations
  • Types of friends
  • The different types of sibling relationships
  • Types of parents
  • Types of pets
  • Types of awkward feelings
  • The different types of love

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Food

  • Types of cuisines
  • Types of fast food
  • Different types of diets
  • Types of restaurants
  • Ways to cook a particular food
  • The different types of ethnic foods
  • Traditional family recipes
  • Comfort foods
  • Foods from around the world

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Sports

  • Types of sports
  • Extreme sports
  • Team sports
  • Individual sports
  • Spectator sports
  • Professional athletes
  • Olympic athletes
  • College athletes
  • High school athletes
  • Children’s sports leagues

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Technology

  • The different types of phones
  • Cell phone features
  • The different types of laptops
  • Laptop features
  • Online security threats
  • Types of social media posts
  • Types of devices for a particular purpose

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Music

  • The different types of music genres
  • Types of instruments
  • Music from different cultures
  • The evolution of music
  • Music theory
  • Types of recording styles

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Movies and TV Shows

  • The different types of movies
  • The different types of TV shows
  • The different types of movie genres
  • The different types of TV show genres
  • Reality television
  • Scripted television
  • Soap operas
  • Mini-series
  • Animated movies and shows
  • Documentaries
  • Experimental films
  • Blockbuster films

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Books and Literature

  • The different types of books
  • The different types of literature
  • The different types of book genres
  • The different types of literary genres
  • The classics
  • Modern literature
  • Children’s books
  • Young adult literature

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Shopping and Clothes

  • The different types of stores
  • The different types of clothes
  • The different types of shopping experiences
  • Online shopping
  • In-person shopping
  • Luxury items
  • Everyday items
  • Clothes for a special occasion
  • Clothes for work
  • Clothes for school

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Travel and Tourism

  • The different types of vacations
  • The different types of tourist destinations
  • The different types of transportation
  • Types of luggage
  • Types of tourists
  • Different ways of packing for a trip
  • Family activities while on vacation
  • Ways of dealing with jet lag

Classification and Division Essays About Science

  • The different types of diseases
  • The different types of mental disorders
  • The different types of physical disorders
  • Types of treatments
  • Types of medication
  • Different types of therapy
  • Cures for illnesses
  • Different types of viruses

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Health

  • Ways to avoid getting sick
  • The different types of fitness programs
  • Types of exercise equipment
  • The benefits of a healthy diet
  • Ways to eat healthy on a budget
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • The different food groups
  • Eating disorders
  • Sleeping disorders

Classification and Division Essay Topics About Animals

  • The different types of animals
  • Wild animals
  • Farm animals
  • Exotic animals
  • Endangered animals
  • Animal behavior
  • The animal kingdom

With these 125 classification and division essay topics, you’ll be on your way to writing the best division and classification essay that you can. Just remember to choose a topic that can be divided into smaller, more manageable parts and to focus on a single main idea or purpose for your essay.

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Group 6

How to Write a Classification Essay?

17 July, 2020

8 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

Classification essay is comparable to painting creation - an artist works on a specific structure that holds the picture’s elements together and glues different layers to create a powerful visual effect. The same principle applies to a writing piece, in which the central role is devoted to getting things in order. In this article, we’ll discuss the main features and components of a great classification essay and share some tips and tricks on how to take your piece of writing to the next level.

Classification Essay

Classification essay definition

We bet the first thing you want to know concerning the topic is what is a classification essay? This is the task which you’ll most likely deal with at some point in your student life. The essence of this assignment is related to categorization and generalization. Remember these two words because they form the true meaning of classification essay. Also, division and classification are those elements of this essay type which highly correlate and have equal importance for essay creation. Therefore, the main task here is to organize or sort things into categories.

Classification Essay Writing

How to write a classification essay 

Careful attention to planning marks the indication of quality in terms of classification essay. At this point, the main task is to learn how to structure the paper. The length of an article may vary, but the most frequently used “five paragraphs” method is typically applied for classification writing. What does this structure suggest? It has to do with a logical division of your essay into blocks and categories, every one of which should clarify a particular issue.

The first and one of the essential paragraphs is the introductory one. It’s an opening which illuminates the matter you’re going to discuss and the subject you’ll categorize. Besides, you can outline the purpose of your classification essay to readers to bring more clarity into the discussion. Answer the question of why you are categorizing the chosen items and what criteria you use for each of them. Then, you’ll need to close the introduction paragraph with a thesis. It will briefly sum up the objective of your classification and division essay, and identify the categories which you’ll be using for a paper.

The second part is the essay body. Here, a couple of paragraphs are applicable, preferably 3 and more. The most critical nuance you should remember while composing a body is that each paragraph will deal with a separate category. The best way to organize the central part of your division essay is to explain the criteria for each category and desirably, discuss strengths and weaknesses. More importantly, you should include examples that’ll back up your statements with a piece of evidence. Notably, there should be an equal amount of examples for every category to spread the evidence evenly. If your paragraphs in the main body are lengthy, you can also divide them into shorter ones to create a smooth transition between the blocks of text and improve readability.

The final paragraph of your classification essay is a conclusion. The closing statements will sum up the different categories highlighted in the body. Also, it’s advisable to restate each category and advise readers on the subject matter. However, if you choose to recommend this or that topic over the others, don’t forget to state the reason for your stance. This way, readers will take into account your well-grounded explanation, which is deprived of subjectivity, and make relevant conclusions for themselves.

Classification Essay Structure

Apart from the basic understanding of classification essay structure , you should also get prepared for the writing process. For many, implementing theory on practice is even more challenging than the stage of composing an essay. Nonetheless, with enough patience and endurance, this process is really not so bad after all. So, what steps do you need to make in order to prepare well for classification paper writing?

First things first, planning is everything when it comes to the assignment that implies classification. Without a clear and coherent plan, there’s no way you can write a good paper. Therefore, make sure that you have a robust scheme before writing your essay. For this, proceed with the following planning steps:

  • Generate Ideas. Evidently, your essay won’t write itself. If your professor has not assigned you a specific topic, it’s time to do some brainstorming. Remember – you need to choose a group of people, things, or ideas that can be easily divided into categories and then compared.
  • Choose Your Classification Method. Aim at one principle for classification for each category you describe. For example, if you write about people, you can categorize them by age, gender, appearance, or other factors. This will help you better structure your essay and make it look more organized in the eyes of readers.
  • Create a Thesis Statement. As previously mentioned, the thesis statement is the element which closes the introduction of your classification essay. It should include such information as the subject matter, the categories, and the criteria used to classify each category. Besides, you can note down the purpose of your division into these categories.

Preparation for Classification Essay

Classification essay outline

The outline is a general description or plan that schematically displays the main points of your essay. The main point of an outline is to help you see the structure of your essay and use it as a useful guide for writing. Usually, a typical outline describes the essence of each point in one sentence. Also, bullet points are not uncommon, so you can use them to arrange a plan the way you feel is the most appropriate.

Classification essay topics

There is a plethora of themes and subjects for division classification essays to choose from, but most of them are hard to think of straight away. That’s why we’ve collected the list of the top used classification topics for you to facilitate the process of generating ideas or searching for ones elsewhere.

  • The most popular devices students use nowadays
  • Colors and their meaning in the paintings of Frida Kahlo
  • The evolution of rock-music types
  • Standard methods students use to prepare for exams
  • Public speakers that have moved the world  
  • Unique factors to determine a successful relationship  
  • How to improve child-parent relationships
  • Main motives to start a political career
  • Learning techniques for college students
  • Types of TV comedy shows
  • Traveling destinations
  • The main types of mobile applications
  • Communication possibilities online
  • Strategies for making decisions in business
  • Leadership and leader types
  • Conflicts at the job and ways to cope with them
  • The motivation for doing sports
  • Methods to reduce stress

No matter which theme you choose for your classification essay and what techniques you implement to make them elaborated, remember always to keep the structure in mind. The first step to writing this type of assignment is not just sitting and jotting down detached ideas, but planning out clear statements which can later be transmitted on paper. Hopefully, our advice will help you on the way to writing an excellent classification essay which your professor will mark with an A+ grade.

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  • Rhetorical Patterns - Classification/Division
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  • Rhetorical Patterns

The Rhetorical Patterns -  Organizing Essays for Different Rhetorical Situations

The following pages will provide you with several effective ways of organizing information in your essays. Oftentimes, when you know who your audience is and what your purpose is for writing (which is called your rhetorical situation), you can begin to consider the organization of what is going to be in your paper, how you will introduce your paper, and what to write for your conclusion. The following rhetorical patterns will help you answer these questions.   

Narration   |   Description   |   Process   |   Exemplification   |   Classification   |   Comparison and Contrast Cause and Effect   |   Persuasion and Argument


Definition:   Classification/Division, essentially, is a system of exclusive organization using categorized examples.

Description:  When you consider which examples to use in a classification/division essay, you should begin both grouping (or classifying) your examples together according to their similarities and excluding (or dividing) them apart based on their differences.  

Classification helps your readers completely understand the subject of your paper because you have organized the things you are considering according to a logical method. 

Through classification and division, readers can understand what might appear to them to be unassociated ideas because your logical method has identified relationships between them all. In many rhetorical situations, classification/division brings a sense of order to what your readers might have perceived as a chaotic scenario. Although, both classification and division are two separate steps, they must occur together in the same paper. 

Conventions:  Most readers of classification essays will want a detailed understanding about your principle of classification, which you will recall is how you divided and organized your paper’s things or examples. Readers may want you to announce in the first person that you are creating a class (i.e., “These things can be divided into four categories, of which I will exclude the first three. These categories are…”). On the other hand, your readers will probably become distracted if larger, first person elements of narration intrude and interrupt your discussion of your classification principle. Most classification/division essays are written in the present tense, unless, that is, the principle of classification deals with historical analysis. Finally, the internal logic most readers expect from a classification/division essay results from adherence to three ideas: The principle of classification will produce all the classes and categories; all of the sub-categories and sub-classes are equal in value; and, that you will consider all objects and examples within the category or class that you analyze. 

Strategies:   When you begin to classify, consider your individual things or examples and sort and parse them into classes or categories. Many of these things will have several different elements and characteristics, so realize that they can be classified in many different ways. Then divide these groups further, so that you can isolate a certain class. While you are performing these operations, you should consider what particular principle helped you to assign specific things to one category or to another. Then analyze, and perhaps use as the basis of an argument, the examples or things in the class you have developed. 

Organization:   The principle of classification you choose would depend on how you wished to approach the members of this large and diverse group. This principle should be specifically articulated in detail in your introduction. Once a class has been identified and assigned, and its principle is known to your readers, they will generally prefer to have a body paragraph devoted to each of the objects in the class or to each of the attributes of the one exemplary object in the class. Since classification/division lends itself so well to social science papers, most readers will want to know any implications or ramifications of your analysis in the conclusion.

What is division?

Division is the separation of the things into groups and classes. Normally, readers expect that you will divide things into large groups, and then smaller and smaller groups, based on the similarities of the things in each class. Consistent or mutually-exclusive categories are what you are aiming for. You want each of your classes or categories to have things in it that would not belong to other classes or categories. 

What is classification?

Classification is the system that you use to get from all the things to a certain number of categories of things. Complete or exhaustive classes are what you are aiming for. You want all of your items or things to fit into one of your classes.  Each classification system can differ depending on what you are classifying; there are certain classification words that are conventional. Some of these are:

  • Category  

Develop your classification system logically and according to your purposes.

How do I draft my introduction?

Your readers will almost certainly look for a description of the entire population you will divide and classify and your principle of division and classification in your introduction.  

​ How do I focus my main point or thesis?

Some readers and writers prefer the multipart thesis, which provides the categories in their order and use the categories as cue words for the body paragraph topic sentences.

Students who succeed at college normally fall into the categories of academics, athletes, and socializers. 

How do I draft my body paragraphs and focus on my principle of classification?

Your body paragraphs should deal with each category, probably in the same order that you developed them as you presented your principle of classification, methodically and comprehensively. The aim of the body paragraphs is two-fold: develop your analysis and reinforce your principle of classification. 

How can I draft my conclusion?

There are other techniques for wrapping up your paper. You might return to the technique that you used to open your introduction and further develop it. Or you might do one of the following:

  • Give your interpretation of what has happened.
  • Make a prediction about the future.
  • Provide a solution to a problem raised in your paper. 
  • Offer a suggestion or advice to people dealing with problems raised in your paper.
  • Formulate new questions that might be asked given your analysis of the situation. Where can further research go?

Peer-Review Worksheet for Classification:

What is the total population of the things that you can divide and classify?

(Have these things already been divided and classified in a way that you can use, modify, or suggest an alternative to?)

What is your purpose for dividing and classifying?

Who is your primary audience? Does your audience already know something about your paper’s subject? If so, what kinds of things does your audience know?

How will you divide your total population? Into what groups and classes?

Are there any “problems” for your principle of classification? Would some readers think that certain groups might contain elements from other groups? Explain how you will deal with this problem.

What is the thesis statement?

What are your topic sentences?

What will you do in your conclusion?

Classification and Division Essays

Table of contents:.

  • Guide to Writing Classification and Division Essays
  • Classifying Objects or Ideas

Classification Example

How division applies, division example.

  • Free Classification and Division Essay Sample

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Expert guide to writing classification and division essays.

The idea behind a classification and/or division essay is that it takes what the student has learned and understood about using models or examples and applying these to the development of a thesis. Put another way, it means using examples that show how the composition is formed e.g. how objects or ideas can be classified or assigned to categories or how objects or ideas can be divided or separated into various parts.

When Classifying Objects or Ideas

Classification can be thought of as a way to categorize items. Consider that food can be classified into four groups. Say, for instance, you were to write about them – and form a thesis – e.g., how they contribute to daily nutrition. What you would be doing in your classification is looking for common features (or denominators) in objects or ideas that are in some way different. What is the common denominator, for instance, in ice cream, cheese and eggs? For one thing, a lot of cholesterol! But what is the basis for classification? It could be that this topic is better for a cause and effect essay. Be careful not to stray off the point unless your tutor has given permission for you to do so.

  • Once you begin your classifications, check that there is no overlapping in these.
  • Do not leave out any essential categories – all groupings should fully classify your topic or there is a risk they will just be isolated or “unattached” examples.
  • Take care that all groupings are logical.

Take these words – frame, windows, big and bricks – all of which are house-related classifications. Which word does not fit? Every word can be put into “house” classifications except “big” since this belongs to the classification of size rather than type.

The division of objects – a type of analysis – breaks objects down into suitable parts with a view to restructuring them so that they can form something that is new.

  • Whenever you write an essay outline, you are making divisions by breaking the whole or main parts of the essay down into smaller component parts. Similarly, in classification, the practice of not discussing all parts generally results in a divided or incomplete paper, full only of unconnected examples.
  • Although classifications may be separate, with individual objects grouped together under some unifying theme, divisions are more obvious insofar as they are clear parts of one whole.

If, for instance, you wanted to discuss the primary components of a leading sports team, this would represent a division. Similarly, talking about the component parts of a division essay also represents division.

Read Our Free Classification and Division Essay Sample!

Classification and division.

Commercials play an important role in a company. They can bring either success to a company or harm to its reputation. It all depends on the quality of advertisements. It is preferable for advertisements to be funny and attractive to the viewers, otherwise the effect can be unpredictable. Most of the time, the intention of a commercial is to make people feel good about a particular brand. To do that, companies should cause only positive emotions. Every person, however, has their own individual sense of humor, and it makes it very difficult for companies to create a universally funny commercial. Thus, all funny commercials that can be seen on television can be divided into 3 groups which are discussed below.

Under-humored advertisements

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division essay examples

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168 Classification Essay Topics & Analysis by Division Essay Ideas

A classification essay organizes things into categories and describes the criteria for classification.

If you are ready to discover genuinely fresh classification essay topics, this article is for you! We will introduce 168 inspirational classification essay ideas that will make your papers rock. We will explain what a classification essay is, and also describe some features of classification essay structure and format! Now is the time to choose your favorite idea from the following essay topics list. Enjoy your excellent grades and the envy of your classmates.

❓ What Is a Classification Essay?

  • 🔑 How to Write a Classification Essay?
  • For College Students
  • For a Descriptive Essay
  • About Yourself
  • About Friends
  • Other Topics

👀 Classification Essay Example

🔥 top 13 classification and division essay topics 2024.

  • Types of self-care.
  • Ways to earn easy money.
  • Eco-friendly activities.
  • Ways to stay productive.
  • Best learning techniques.
  • Types of social media.
  • Forms of political activism.
  • Ways of coping with stress.
  • Types of fashion brands.
  • Language learning techniques
  • Types of travelers.
  • Types of cyber attacks.
  • Marketing strategies.

A division or classification essay is an essay that aims to evaluate one’s skills of categorizing and generalizing. The task is to organize things into categories . Before doing this, you’ll need to choose and describe the criteria for classification. You’ll also need to provide several examples of things from each category. For instance, when writing an essay on mobile platforms, you might distinguish the following categories: iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone.

🔑 How to Write a Classification Essay? Key Principles & Steps 

A classification essay divides objects into groups according to a particular system, depending on the subject. 

Principles Example
1. Make sure you use for all objects. The categories should be completely separate. Do not include categories inside of each other or classify objects into several categories at once.
2. Decide on You can choose any order, but make sure that your logic is understandable and clear.
3. Make your from the very beginning. The reader should know what topic you will discuss. The thesis should help to understand the main idea quickly.
You can divide Facebook users, depending on their level of activity, into the following groups: 
– Online zombies 
– Daily visitors 
– Weekenders 
– The “forgot my password” type  

Writing a Classification/Division Essay: 5 Steps

Below are the five steps that will help you write a successful classification essay .

The list contains 5 classification essay writing steps.

Step #1: Choose a Classification & Division Essay Topic

This idea is the central concept behind classification and division essays. Unlike other essay types , a good classification essay usually describes how the parts relate to the whole in a given category. When choosing a topic for a division essay, keep in mind that you should divide the topic into important categories. In the article, we will suggest various classification essay topics. They may inspire you and give you the overall idea of what one should look like. Remember, a good classification and division essay topic needs to be easily divided into categories. 

Step #2: Define the Categories of your Classification Essay

A classification essay combines two different techniques:

  • Firstly, you need to divide a complex and difficult topic into subtopics
  • Next, you need to determine what categories are needed and what information fits into those specific categories

For example, a newspaper. All the information inside is divided into different parts. There are news, advertisements, and classifieds. Then the information is also classified into different categories. The news may, for example, be categorized as sports, international, local, lifestyle, etc.

Before starting an essay, make sure you have chosen an organizing principle. Information can be organized chronologically, logically, etc. You also need enough examples and supporting details for each category of your classification and division essay.

Step #3: Create a Thesis Statement

Developing the correct thesis statement is crucial. The main idea of the essay is summarized and expressed in a thesis. Once you have decided on the purpose, group, and categories, develop a thesis statement.

  • describe the basis of the classification
  • name what group of people or things you intend to classify
  • label the categories you have developed

For example:

“The last five U.S. presidents have practiced physical fitness regimens that varied from the formal to the informal. They have been either disciplined public joggers, regular private gym-goers, or casual, active sports enthusiasts.”

Step #4: Make a Classification Essay Outline

Outlining your classification essay is an essential step if you want to get a great essay. It helps you keep your paper organized and flow from point to point naturally. It also allows you to be more flexible. An outline provides a structure for what you will articulate in every section and every paragraph of your essay. Take a look at the table below!

– What is going to be categorized
– The purpose of the essay
– Thesis statement – identification of the categories
– Category 1 (explanation of the criteria, discussion of the strength or weaknesses, examples that would fit into the category)
– Category 2
– Category 3
A summary of each category and a recommendation of one category over the other.

Step #5: Remember Classification Essay Structure

It is essential always to remember the basic essay structure.

The introduction introduces the topic and familiarizes the reader with it. It needs to begin with a hook that catches the reader’s interest and attention. Don’t forget about the thesis sentence.
The body supports the main ideas and points presented in the thesis. Each point is developed by one or more paragraphs. It should be supported with specific details and examples. The details can include support from research or experiences, depending on the assignment.
The conclusion brings together all the significant points. It restates the thesis statement and leaves readers with a final thought.

📇 Classification Essay Topics

We have introduced some of the main principles of classification/division papers. Now, we will write about and introduce some good topics for the classification essay. This classification essay list can help you to tackle this unique type of essay creatively.

  • Facebook users
  • YouTube videos
  • Search engines
  • Computer users
  • Dormitory rooms
  • Friends in need
  • People queuing at the dentist
  • People in the street when it rains cats and dogs
  • Most annoying songs
  • Dancing styles
  • Movie endings
  • Cinema-goers
  • Extracurricular activities
  • College athletes
  • College fraternities
  • Parenting styles
  • Child-parent relationships
  • Students and their study habits
  • Students during an exam
  • Students during a class discussion
  • Television shows
  • Shop assistants
  • First dates
  • Ways to apologize
  • Happy couples
  • Reasons (not) to get married
  • Ways (not) to resolve a personal conflict
  • Christmas gifts
  • New Year’s parties
  • Halloween costumes
  • Attitudes to sports
  • Ways to quit smoking
  • Sports fans
  • Sports coaches
  • Ways to spend a dinner break
  • Sales representatives
  • Advertisements
  • Shopping behaviors
  • Types of restaurant decor
  • Family dinners
  • Public speakers
  • World religions
  • Political regimes
  • International organizations
  • Stereotypes
  • Decision-making strategies
  • Types of motivation
  • Change management strategies
  • Clients’ behaviors in conflictual situations
  • Sources of energy
  • Evolution theories
  • Debating strategies
  • Stress-coping strategies
  • Responses to jokes
  • Laughter sounds
  • Compliments

📋 10 Classification Essay Topics with Categories

Here are the top 10 topics and category examples!

84.Ways to quit smokingNicotine replacements, physical activities, stop smoking programs
85.World religionsAbrahamic Religions, Indian religions, Iranian religions
86.Political regimesDemocratic, totalitarian, authoritarian
87.Christmas giftSmart gift, unique gift, impulsive gift
88.TouristsBusiness tourists, food tourist, adventure tourist
89.Television shows Sports, kids/children, travel/holiday, documentary
90.Public speakersTransformational speaker, motivation speaker, educational speaker
91.DatesCoffee date, bar date, movie date
92.VacationsCity vacation, beach vacation, resort vacation
93.MotivationExtrinsic, Intrinsic

🖌️ Classification Topics for a Descriptive Essay

In case you might want to consider writing a descriptive or exemplification essay, we are introducing 12 extra topics that may help you.

First, you have to remember that the descriptive essay asks the student to describe something—object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc. This kind of writing encourages the student’s ability to create a written account of a particular occasion or experience. While working on a descriptive essay, try to use vivid and clear language, use your senses, and leave an impression on the reader.

Here are some classification essay topics samples:

  • The influence of literature on daily life. Consider some examples and thoroughly describe how they affected people in certain situations.
  • Behavior in critical situations. Exemplify typical and atypical behavior of people you know (or yourself) in different extreme situations or imagine how you would react.
  • Most influential phenomena in the 21st century. Draw a few examples from modern history and chose one of them explaining your selection.
  • Conflict of generations. Describe how sides of the conflict react to the same situations and draw a conclusion stating what can be done to fix the issue.
  • Creativity in daily life. Explore the meaning of creativity and explain how it affects our lives on a daily basis.
  • Circumstantial wisdom. Describe some situations from your life and what wisdom you have gained from them.
  • Car ownership in a future city. Give some examples of how cars would look like 50 years from now.
  • The Second World War lessons. Exemplify the modern-day life aspects that might have formed under the influence of WWII.
  • Physics in daily life. Identify real-life situations where the knowledge of physics could be a game-changer.
  • Importance of physical education. State your opinion on why PE is so important in life, mentioning examples of famous people.
  • Everyday moral choices. Describe what moral decisions you have to take every day and whether you think you choose right.
  • Daily heroism. Think about the people whose work we do not notice but who have great importance in our lives.

🙋 Easy Classification Essay Topics about Yourself

Essays about yourself are usually one of the simplest topics. It is always easier to write about yourself rather than an abstract object.

If you want to write about yourself, here is a bunch of simple essay topics to consider:

  • My sources of inspiration. You may describe what keeps you going every day.
  • Inspiring stories that changed my life. Here you may remember an inspiring story from your childhood that someone told you or you read yourself.
  • My favorite personality from real life. You could write a descriptive essay about a modern person you know or read about.
  • My favorite book character. The narration might provide an explanation of why you chose this particular character.
  • My favorite success story. You can choose a real-life person who achieved success and describe his or her path.
  • Modern cultural trends in my country. Describe one or two significant cultural trends and elaborate how they are influential on different groups of people.
  • My personal life goals. In this essay, you might critically and retrospectively think about what you wanted to achieve in the past and now. Also, tell about how your goals have changed and what the present motivation behind them is.
  • My modern role model. Describe who you are inspired by and what is so special about him or her.
  • Role models of the past and their relevance to me. This is one of the essays on people where you can review some books or internet sources to find role models of the previous 50 years and discuss their relevance to you personally.
  • A motivational speech I admire. Choose one example of a motivational speech, describe its relevance and how it has changed you.
  • Leisure activities I would rather do. Write an essay about the things you would prefer to occupy your free time with. Mention why you would consider changing your present activities.
  • Motivational quotes that give me strength. A motivational essay on life that sheds light on the words that have special meaning for you. Mention a few examples of how the chosen quotes inspired you to do something.
  • The teacher that inspired me. You might choose this topic if you have such a teacher and write about the things he or she inspired you to do.
  • The most influential person in my life. A descriptive essay that gives the reader an understanding of a personality of a person you chose to write about and how he or she influences you.
  • Essay for a scholarship. A typical scholarship essay where you build your arguments on why you need it and what you will achieve with it.
  • Who am I? A written answer to this existential question lets you enhance your qualities as an essay maker.
  • My place in a world. Another interesting essay where you can write about how you are going to contribute to society as a human being.
  • My culture and ancestry. Here you may elaborate on what your parents’ and grandparents’ culture is and whether you associate yourself with it. If yes, then to what extent.
  • Minimum and maximum of things you need for a living. Describe what you need to live the life you picture for yourself in your worst and sweetest dreams.
  • Internet habits at different times. Here you might research into what people usually did on the internet when it first became available to the masses as compared to what people do there now.
  • Internet behaviors of different social groups. An example of a classifying and divisive essay where you need to identify and tie behaviors to a specific social group.
  • Internet habits in different cultures. Another essay on differences in Internet use. You can ask representatives of other cultures how they usually surf the Internet and write about it.
  • Internet hobbies. Write about how you can productively spend your time online.
  • Influence of games on health. A popular topic where you can express your opinion and cite reputable sources.
  • Gaming habits of boys and girls. An analysis by division where you identify gender differences in gaming habits.
  • Problems of a modern-day social media. Describe a few problems, name their source, and how they influence internet users.
  • My favorite website. State your opinion on why you like this website and describe its contribution to society.
  • Practical ways of searching information on the Internet. Enumerate several techniques and describe how they make the search more productive or easy.
  • Online vs. offline games. A division paper where you need to describe features of online or offline games, stating your opinion on which is best.
  • Online learning techniques. Research sources and create a list of the most useful and practical techniques for learning on the Internet.
  • Online teaching. Imagine yourself in the role of a teacher and describe how you would organize the learning process for your students.
  • Best websites for e-learning. Name a few examples and state their advantages in comparison to others.
  • Internet commerce. A college essay where you can describe ways people sell and buy goods on the Internet.
  • Internet of things. This is one of the essay kinds where you have you be specific about the terms. Give an explanation of the Internet of things and state how it affects today’s world.
  • Big data. Define reputable sources and describe the term’s influence.
  • Future of the Internet technology. Try to imagine what would become of our experience on the Internet in 10-30-50 years.
  • The emergence of the Internet. In a story-telling mode, narrate about the internet was created.
  • Classification of online businesses. Write a categorical essay on the types of online enterprises and their characteristic features.

🤝 Classification and Division Essay Topics about Friends

Here are some classification paper topics for college students about friends:

  • Types of friendship pointed out by Aristotle. Explain the three types of friendships pointed out by Aristotle. What were the reasons for his classification?
  • Importance of friendship in your life. Think about the importance of friendship. What types of friends exist? What importance do they have in your life?
  • The characteristics of friendship. Think of the main characteristics of friendship. What kind of people can you call friends?
  • The major differences between a good friendship and the bad one. Think of some qualities that make up a good or a bad friendship.
  • The effects of friendship. What kind of effects does friendship have on a person? Think about the ways friendship influences a person.
  • Love and friendship. What are the differences between love and friendship? You can come up with the types of characteristics that define friendship and love.
  • The purpose of friendship. What kind of purpose can a friendship have?
  • Friendship and enmity. The difference between friendship and enmity. Think of the qualities that distinguish friendship and enmity.
  • Major qualities of a true friend. What the qualities of a true friend?
  • Friendship and its effect on the person. Think of ways friends can influence one’s character or life.

🎁 Other Analysis by Division Essay Topics

Below you’ll find some extra classification essay topics for various fields and levels of study.

🤽 Classification Essay Topics on Sports

Here are some examples of classification essay topics you can use while writing a division essay about sport:

  • Winter Paralympic sports. Introduce Paralympic games to the reader. Talk about the kinds of sports that people compete in during the games.
  • Changes in Olympic sports. Think of the changes that were introduced to the Olympic games.
  • Challenges associated with team sports. Talk about challenges that team sports deal with. Why is it hard to be a team player?
  • The most expensive sports. List the most expensive sports. Explain why.
  • Extreme Sports. What kinds of sports are considered extreme? Why?

Classification Essay Topics on Music

There are the topics you can use while writing about music:

  • Types of musical instruments.
  • Greatest classical musicians.
  • Major types of music.
  • History of national music.
  • Modern art music.

🎒 Classification Essay Topics for 6 th Graders

Below are some perfect division essay topics for the 6 th Graders:

  • School game sports in your country.
  • Unusual school subjects.
  • Weekend activities in your country.
  • Different political beliefs.
  • Describe different personality types.
Describe different personality types
Extraverted, Introverted
Personality is . Everyone’s personality is unique. One of the most popular classifications is that of .
Extraverted sensation:
Introverted sensation:
Every paragraph should include and a supporting sentence.
A summary of each category and a recommendation of one category over the other.
: In conclusion, it can be said that personality type constitutes of several factors, and each of them has specific criteria. A person with an extroverted personality, for instance, tends to have positive thinking and get energy from being around people. In contrast, an extroverted person needs to spend more time with themselves to feel recharged.

Learning how to write good essays may take time and practice; however, it is not impossible. In this article, we have introduced 168 topics for your essay. Don’t hesitate and start writing now – practice makes perfect! Please leave comments and suggest your ideas for the classification essay topics!

That is so helpful thanks!

tnx it is very good

division essay examples

How to Write a Division Classification Essay

Mar 15, 2019 | Classification Essay

division essay examples

Table of Contents

Essay writing is a broad aspect that most students have to dealwith in school. In other words, college writing has different aspects that the student must learn to do in order to become an all-around writer. Essay ring involves persuasive essays, expository essays, argumentative essays, admission essays division classification essays , and so on. Thewriting skills of a student must be good enough to write top-notch assignments. Most importantly, the perspective from which the student approaches to essaywriting ought to be different. Most students have a negative attitude especially when it comes to essay writing,but that has tochange.

Now, when dealing with a division and classification essay, a student has to follow the requirement of the assignment. First, he must understand the definition of division and classification essay, which brings us to the next important point here. A division and classification essay is defined as the breakdown of a largesubject into smaller ones to enhance the understanding of the subject in a more clear manner.  With classification, you have to take items and put them in different categories. The classification hinges other writer’s decision o classifies the items. You have to pay attention to the most significant elements of the subject and how they can be classified.

all assignments relating to classification division essays are not as hard as they seem, even though sometimes students force essays into unprecedented divisions as they try to create three divisions. If you are writing a three-part structure of your division classification essay, you have several advantages. One, the two-part classification is usuallyvery simple. Secondly, classification and division essays going beyond five paragraphs give the student expandedparameters of discussing the topic as opposed to the typical essay. Since division classification essays have two aspects, it is goodfirst to break them down.

When writing a classification essay, you have to organise the details in three or more categories. Every category must have characteristics that stand out. More so, classification essays will use description and examples as evidence and supporting details.  When you describe in division classification essays, you give the means to identify the distinct traits and examples that illustrate the members of each category. They also use anecdotes as well as short narratives as evidence to back up and illustrate a category.

Elements of classification

  • The set of things or items under the classification
  • The principle of selection or the scheme that classifies the set.
  • The classes  into which the sets are divided

In your division, classification essays, any set that is under classification must share similar traits or be differentiated from other things outside that set. For instance, living organisms are classified in biology. Non-living organisms fall outside the set. More so, generic nouns like the student, vacation spots, or pets can fall in a classifiable set.

The principle of selection or the scheme

This standard type, quality, or function is the criteria for selecting the elements for every class, which is why it is referred to as the principle of selection. For instance, biology classifies living organisms on the premise of life process and qualities. In geology, roc is classified into ingenious, sedimentary as well as metamorphic classifications. The classification anchorson how the rocks were formed. When you want to come up with an effective classification scheme, it must have relevance, importance and a valuable way to understand the set of thing under consideration. Thisis what makes division classification essays easy to write.

In your quest of knowing how to write division and classification essays , you have to understand all these elements of classification. Now, when it comes to the classes, you start with the explanation of the descriptor, the characteristics that identify the members of a given class and what makes them stand out from the members of other classes.Provide representative examples of that class and in your discussion, evaluate the worth of this class. On the other hand, you can compare and contact this class with other classes within the same scheme. For instance, in biology, there are frequent references made on how class members are different from the member of other classes. The methods you use in your classification can be description, narration, definition, examples as well as compare and contrast.

When writing your division classification essays, try to come up with a lead that identifies the set that you are classing. It should provide general significance, importance or relevance and the value of the applicable scheme. Your thesis statement must identify the classes in which the set will be identified.

The body paragraphs of your division classification essay have to identify the class that is in consideration. When writing this essay, you need to show the relation of the class to the scheme. Everal classifies re available,but it depends on the reason why you are classifyingthe set and what you want to gain from the scheme of classification. One important aspect to understand is that if you are writing a classification essay separately, you ought to deal with one scheme of set classification.

The conclusion ought to reiterate the importance, relevance, or value of the scheme that has a classified set.

When classification division essays, students must produce examples that illustrate a class. Do not fail to explain and define the class first, and thenfollow it with examples. If you want your division, classification essays to be effective, you need to identify each class by describing its unique characteristics.  Every member or item should belong to a single class,and each class must have several members. Every paragraph must have a topic sentence that identifies the class under consideration. Use the supporting sentence to describe the class members. Give examples of the members that fit theclass and show their connection to the class.

When it comes to division, the writer is supposed to break down the subject into parts to get a better understanding of the subject. In your division classification essays, you ought to explainthe relations; of these parts. In this type of writing, you deal with systems and subsystems. The breakdown transcends list of items and focuses on the individual aspects of the subsystem and how they relate to the whole system.

As part of creating an understanding of how to write division and classification essays, you have to know the elements of the division.  They include the system, the principle of analysis and the subsystem. For instance, if you are dealing with a car, it is the system; its functionality is the principle of analysis. For a mechanic, it is easy to divide the car into subsystems of transmission, engine, and exhaust and so on. For you to understand the entire system, explain the entire functionality of every subsystem, and the other subsystems as well as the entire system.

The subtle difference between classification and division is that embers of a class in classification must be strictly different from those of other classes. They can also not belong to two classes at the same time. In the division, members can belong to two or more classes at sometime. However, the evaluation is based on individual members to identify their relationship with regard to other members of the subsystem.

For instance, the human boy can be subdivided into circulatory, respiratory, and excretory subsystems. Since the blood is the universal element of each system, its function can be interpreted differently with regard to the subsystem under discussion. Division essays use method since they examine functionality. Process essay and division essays are different in that the former focuses on the interdependence of processes of subsystems and the entire system.

With the understanding of the elements of division classification essays, it is time to delve into the planning process and how to write division and classification essays.

Those who know how to write division and classification essaysunderstand that there are two approaches or steps involved in planning for these essays. They include the following:

Deciding on what to classify

Imperatively, choose a topic that sparks interest in you. Just like any other essay, the division classification essays that you write must revolve around an interesting topic not only to the audience but also to you as a writer. Whatever the topic that you choose, you should have a distinct category when you are presenting it.

Divide the topic into three different items within the category that you would have chosen in step one. This will allow for three body paragraphs that culminate in a good and ideal organisation.

Outlining your division classification essay

The d ivision and classification essays take the same standard format of a typical essay. The outline that you formulate must have the following sections:

  • Generic topic
  • Subtopics to be used
  • Definition of subtopics
  • Examples for illustrating each subtopic

Writing the classification and division essay

It is important to understand the categories in division and classification essays because they will help you in revealing the theme of the essay. Even though some categories are seemingly separate hey must follow a logical principle and every category must incorporate examples. These aspects make the writing process of division classification essays easier.

Creating your thesis statement

If you know and understand how to write division and classification essays, it is good to mention that you must have a topic that shows its classification. Your thesis statement must be written in a manner that reveals the topic and how it is going to be classified. As such, you must follow a logical and meticulous structure.

The introduction

This is the first paragraph of yourclassification division essay.  When writing your introduction, you have to identify the classification that you have selected. It should also house your thesis statement and a description of what it means. Your thesis statement usually comes at the end of your introduction,only that this time around it has a simple description.

The body paragraphs

The paragraphs that you write in your classification division essays must discuss your thesis statement exhaustively. To achieve this, every paragraph should have a topic sentence is discusses. The topic sentence is explained through the description and illustration using details. The body paragraphs of your division classification essays must be arranged in a manner that achieves a logicalsequence of items in every category as you mentioned it in your thesis statement.

Comparative analysis is essential in division and classification essays in that it helps in creating smooth transitions between the paragraphs. It also reveals the sympathies for the writer.

The conclusion

This paragraph ends the discussion of your topic. The conclusion of your division and classification essays is anchored on the existing set and class of data and statistics. You can give a final moment and each item or provide a summary of the values and limitations of each item. This conclusion must augment the reason that led to the investigation and justifies the classification. The writer can divide what was made initially before he started writing the division classification essay.

When writing your division classification essays, you can divide three items by mentioning in each of the body paragraphs the specific number that is assigned to it. For instance, you canuse phrases like “the first type,” “the second type,” “the third type” and so on. Onething you should always remember when it comes to writing division and classification essay is that you should organise things into useful categories, use a very distinct organisingprinciple, and illustrate the categories well by providing good examples.

After you are done with your essay, do your proofreading and editing toensure everything is in line with the assignment requirements, after that submit your paper where relevant.

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Trump shooting opens wounds for U.S. Olympics coach whose father was assassinated

  • Updated: Jul. 14, 2024, 11:28 a.m.
  • | Published: Jul. 14, 2024, 10:19 a.m.

Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr

Team USA and Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr knows the horrors of assassinations. cleveland.com

  • Kevin Manahan | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

Team USA men’s basketball coach Steve Kerr , who also is head coach of the Golden State Warriors and a former NBA star, has lived the horrors of assassination.

Kerr’s father, Malcolm, was assassinated in 1984 in Beirut, Lebanon . He was targeted by the Islamic Jihad terrorists because he served as the president of the American University of Beirut.

Kerr, who is in Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates with Team USA, commented on the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump on Sunday morning. Kerr, getting the team ready for the Summer Olympics in Paris, has spoken often about U.S. gun violence and political division.

“It’s such a demoralizing day for our country, and it’s yet another example of not only our political division but also gun culture,” Kerr said. “A 20-year-old with an AR-15 trying to shoot the former president. It’s hard to process everything, and it’s scary to think about where this goes because of the issues that already exist in the country. So this is a terrible day.”

He added: “This is a time where we feel very proud to represent our country wearing USA on our chest, competing in the Olympics. We’ve talked to the players about how important it is to show the best version of us as human beings to represent our country in a respectful, dignified manner. It makes you want to do that even more so, because this is really shameful for us to sit here and think about what happened and what’s going on in our country.”

In the past, Kerr called American political leaders “gutless” for not passing gun legislation.

Players and coaches learned of the news Sunday morning, according to ESPN .

“It’s obviously a very sad time in general,” Team USA guard Stephen Curry said. “All the conversations around the election and the state of politics in our country, and then you have a situation like this, which just [evokes] a lot of emotions around things that we need to correct as a people.

“Obviously, gun control first and foremost, because the fact that that’s even possible for somebody to have an attack like that. But just more so you want to [see] positivity and hope. It sounds cheesy, but it’s real. That’s when our country’s at its best, and it just adds another blemish to what’s going on. So ‘sad’ is just the word.”


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The Southern Christian Leadership Conference: a Pillar of the Civil Rights Movement

This essay about the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) highlights its foundational role in the American civil rights movement. Established in 1957 and led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. the SCLC championed nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience. Key achievements include the Montgomery Bus Boycott the Selma to Montgomery marches and the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The SCLC’s efforts in desegregation economic improvement and combating racial violence significantly contributed to advancing civil rights for African Americans and continue to influence social justice movements today.

How it works

Conference hristian (Sclc) supremacy méridionale stands so as critical object in chroniques civil advancement rights American. Founded in 1957 Sclc appeared so as contraignent advancement in defence for a justice equality and smoothing public racial division. With a swallow doctor Luther king municipal jr. among his found persons Sclc moved non-violent access to protest and activity drawing out inspiration from educating mahatma Gandhi and principles hristian love and forgiveness.

Beginning Sclc maybe be bind to boycott bus Montgomery devoted in December 1955 after that ??? rosa parks’ stop for an appeal laws division from a municipal bus.

This boycott led despite above all victory for African Americans in Montgomery Alabama and distinguished effectiveness non-violent protest. Interested it triumph block black ministers and directions méridionaux include king doctor breathed to place vast advancement to coordinate similar efforts through midday conducts Sclc despite creation.

Central despite ideology Sclc was authority resistance and non-violent civil disobedience. King doctor and his partners weighed that protests pipe peaceful sounds and boycotts were able to call a public deep change without comes running despite violence. This course was not only sound morally and and strategically actual in an extract public entry and widespread compassion. Sclc orchestrated campaigns and events numerous include a landmark 1963 move near Washington for works and freedom where king a doctor supplies with his “I celebrate have a performance dream”.

Only from Sclc results more famous was his obligates in Selma to work Montgomery in 1965. These pipe sounds were animated to ask a right organ for African Americans that ran into privation civil laws widespread on midday. Answer escort device strong despite pacifique marchers private on “bloody in” (On March 7 1965) Sunday where reservist attacked marchers with clubs and tear gases inverted upwards by a bottom nation and galvanized an entry advancement rights civil. These pipe sounds in eventual addition played in favour of passes rights operate voting 1965 scrap a historical legislation aimed at exception colour bar in voting.

After his work on a right organ Sclc was deeply attracted despite efforts desegregate public spaces improve economic terms for Americans and racial battle violence African. Activities organization included organization strikes ways freedom and assidenous economic boycotts whole visa at challenging deeply put on an anchor he systems division and racial inequality. Sclc too corrected an accent on teaching and public organization costaud trains to accredit black societies through registration elector herd educating leader and educational program.

The SCLC’s impact extended beyond the immediate successes of its campaigns. By fostering a sense of unity and purpose among African Americans and their allies the SCLC helped to lay the groundwork for subsequent social justice movements. The principles of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience championed by the SCLC continue to influence contemporary movements for social and racial justice both in the United States and globally.

Despite facing numerous challenges including internal divisions and external opposition the SCLC’s legacy remains a testament to the power of organized principled activism. The organization’s efforts significantly contributed to the dismantling of legal segregation and the advancement of civil rights for African Americans. Today the SCLC continues to advocate for social justice focusing on issues such as economic inequality police reform and voting rights.

In summary the Southern Christian Leadership Conference symbolizes the enduring struggle for civil rights and social justice in America. Its commitment to nonviolent protest inspired leadership and unwavering dedication to equality have left a lasting mark on the nation’s history. The SCLC’s work serves as a reminder of the importance of collective action and the ongoing fight for a more just and equitable society.


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The Southern Christian Leadership Conference: A Pillar of the Civil Rights Movement. (2024, Jul 06). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/the-southern-christian-leadership-conference-a-pillar-of-the-civil-rights-movement/

"The Southern Christian Leadership Conference: A Pillar of the Civil Rights Movement." PapersOwl.com , 6 Jul 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/the-southern-christian-leadership-conference-a-pillar-of-the-civil-rights-movement/

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"The Southern Christian Leadership Conference: A Pillar of the Civil Rights Movement." PapersOwl.com, Jul 06, 2024. Accessed July 15, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/the-southern-christian-leadership-conference-a-pillar-of-the-civil-rights-movement/

"The Southern Christian Leadership Conference: A Pillar of the Civil Rights Movement," PapersOwl.com , 06-Jul-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-southern-christian-leadership-conference-a-pillar-of-the-civil-rights-movement/. [Accessed: 15-Jul-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Southern Christian Leadership Conference: A Pillar of the Civil Rights Movement . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-southern-christian-leadership-conference-a-pillar-of-the-civil-rights-movement/ [Accessed: 15-Jul-2024]

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