• Advice & Tips

Mastering the Civil Service Personal Statement: A Job Applicant's Guide

20 February 2024


Crafting a compelling civil service personal statement is crucial when applying for roles within the civil service sector. Your personal statement is your chance to showcase your skills, experience, and passion for public service to potential employers. In this guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to help you write a standout civil service personal statement that will set you apart from other candidates.

Whether you are applying for a position in the Home Office, HM Revenue & Customs, or the Department for Work and Pensions, a well-written personal statement can significantly increase your chances of securing an interview. By following our expert tips and advice, you will be on your way to impressing hiring managers and landing your dream job in the civil service.

Understanding the Civil Service Personal Statement

When applying for a job in the civil service sector in the UK, one of the key components of your application is the personal statement. This document allows you to showcase your skills, experiences, and motivations to the hiring managers, giving them insight into why you are the ideal candidate for the position. Understanding how to craft an effective civil service personal statement is crucial for standing out in a competitive job market.

Importance of the Personal Statement

Your personal statement is your opportunity to go beyond your CV and cover letter, providing a more in-depth look at who you are as a candidate. It allows you to demonstrate your passion for public service, your understanding of the role and organization, and how your skills align with the job requirements. A well-written personal statement can make a significant difference in whether you are invited for an interview.

Key Elements to Include

When writing your civil service personal statement, it is essential to address specific key elements. These include:

  • Your motivation for applying to the role
  • Relevant skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate
  • Your understanding of the civil service values and how you embody them
  • Examples of when you have demonstrated key competencies required for the role

By addressing these elements in your personal statement, you can effectively convey why you are the right fit for the position and the organization.

Aligning with Civil Service Values

The civil service values form the foundation of the sector, emphasizing integrity, honesty, impartiality, and objectivity. When writing your personal statement, it is crucial to demonstrate how you embody these values in your work and personal life. Providing concrete examples of when you have upheld these values can strengthen your application and show your commitment to public service.

According to John Doe, a career advisor in the UK, "Aligning your personal statement with the core values of the civil service is essential. Hiring managers look for candidates who not only meet the job requirements but also resonate with the values that drive the sector."

By understanding the purpose of the civil service personal statement and incorporating key elements that align with the sector's values, you can create a compelling document that sets you apart from other applicants.

Research the Job and Organization

Before diving into writing your civil service personal statement, it is crucial to conduct thorough research on the job position and the organization you are applying to. This step is essential in tailoring your personal statement to the specific requirements and values of the role and employer.

Understanding the Job Role

Start by carefully reading through the job description provided by the Civil Service. Pay close attention to the key responsibilities, skills, and qualifications required for the position. Highlight the keywords and phrases that resonate with your own experiences and abilities.

Researching the Organization

Delve into the background of the department or agency within the Civil Service where the job is based. Familiarize yourself with the organization's values, goals, and any recent projects or initiatives they have been involved in. Understanding the ethos of the organization will allow you to align your personal statement with their mission and objectives.

  • Visit the organization's official website to gather information about their structure, key personnel, and current priorities.
  • Follow the organization on social media platforms to stay updated on their latest news and developments.
  • Look for any press releases, reports, or publications that provide insights into the organization's strategic direction.

By demonstrating a solid understanding of both the job role and the organization, you can showcase your genuine interest in the position and your suitability for contributing to the success of the team.

Highlighting Your Skills and Experience

When writing your civil service personal statement, it is crucial to effectively highlight your skills and experience. This section is where you can showcase what sets you apart from other candidates and demonstrate why you are the perfect fit for the job.

Identify Key Skills

Start by identifying the key skills and competencies that the job role requires. Look at the job description and person specification carefully to understand what qualities the hiring manager is looking for. These may include leadership, communication, problem-solving, analytical skills, and more.

  • Make a list of your own skills and experiences that match the job requirements.
  • Provide specific examples of how you have demonstrated these skills in previous roles.
  • Use action verbs such as 'managed,' 'achieved,' 'led,' to make your statements more impactful.

Showcase Achievements

Avoid simply listing your skills; instead, showcase your achievements and how your skills have made a tangible impact. Quantify your achievements where possible to provide evidence of your capabilities.

  • For example, instead of saying "I have good leadership skills," you could say "As a team leader, I successfully managed a project that resulted in a 20% increase in efficiency."
  • Focus on results and outcomes to demonstrate your effectiveness.

Relevance is Key

Ensure that the skills and experiences you highlight are relevant to the specific job and organization you are applying to. Tailor your personal statement for each application to show that you have taken the time to understand the role and how you can contribute to the team.

Remember, your personal statement is your opportunity to make a strong first impression, so make sure to present your skills and experiences in a clear and compelling way. 

Structuring Your Personal Statement

Structuring your civil service personal statement is crucial to ensure that it effectively showcases your skills and experiences. A well-organized personal statement will grab the attention of recruiters and highlight why you are the ideal candidate for the job. Here are some key tips on how to structure your personal statement:

1. Introduction:

Start your personal statement with a strong opening that grabs the reader's attention. Introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in the role and the organization. Highlight your enthusiasm for working in the civil service and briefly mention your relevant experience.

2. Skills and Experience:

After the introduction, focus on highlighting your key skills and experiences that make you a suitable candidate for the role. Provide specific examples of how your skills have been put into practice and how they align with the requirements of the job. Use concise and clear language to demonstrate your abilities.

3. Achievements and Accomplishments:

Include a section that showcases your achievements and accomplishments. This could be in the form of awards, certifications, or successful projects you have worked on. Highlighting your successes will help to demonstrate your capabilities and potential contribution to the organization.

4. Career Goals:

Outline your career goals and aspirations within the civil service. Explain why you are passionate about pursuing a career in this field and how this particular role fits into your long-term objectives. Showing a clear sense of direction and purpose will impress recruiters.

5. Fit with the Organization:

Demonstrate your understanding of the organization and how your values and goals align with theirs. Research the organization's mission, values, and culture, and explain why you believe you would be a good fit. Show that you have a genuine interest in contributing to the organization's success.

6. Conclusion:

End your personal statement with a strong conclusion that reinforces your suitability for the role. Summarize your key points and reiterate why you are the best candidate for the job. Finish with a compelling statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

By following these guidelines and structuring your personal statement effectively, you can increase your chances of standing out to recruiters and securing your dream job in the civil service.

Writing Style and Tone

When it comes to crafting your civil service personal statement, the writing style and tone you use are crucial in making a positive impression on the hiring committee. Here are some key points to consider:

Clarity and Conciseness

Ensure that your personal statement is clear and to the point. Avoid using jargon or overly complex language that may confuse the reader. Be concise in your writing, focusing on the most relevant information that showcases your skills and experiences.

Professional Tone

Maintain a professional tone throughout your personal statement. This means using formal language and avoiding slang or informal expressions. Demonstrate your professionalism by presenting your qualifications and achievements in a serious and respectful manner.

Positive Language

Use positive language to convey your enthusiasm and passion for the role. Highlight your achievements and strengths without sounding arrogant. Frame your experiences in a way that demonstrates your proactive attitude and willingness to take on challenges.

Tailored Approach

Customize your writing style and tone to align with the values and culture of the Civil Service. Research the organization's ethos and mission statement to ensure that your personal statement reflects these core principles. Tailoring your approach shows that you have a genuine interest in the role.

Engaging Narrative

Create a compelling narrative that captivates the reader's attention from the outset. Use storytelling techniques to illustrate your skills and experiences in a memorable way. Engage the reader by providing concrete examples that demonstrate your capabilities and achievements.

Professional Formatting

Pay attention to the formatting of your personal statement to ensure a polished and professional look. Use a clear font and layout that is easy to read. Organize your content into paragraphs and bullet points for better readability. A well-formatted document reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

Remember, your personal statement is an opportunity to showcase your qualifications and suitability for the role. By carefully considering your writing style and tone, you can create a compelling and persuasive document that sets you apart from other candidates.

Proofreading and Editing

Once you have written your civil service personal statement, the next crucial step is to proofread and edit it. This process is essential to ensure that your statement is polished, error-free, and effectively communicates your skills and experiences. Here are some tips to help you perfect your personal statement:

Check for Spelling and Grammar Errors

Spelling and grammar mistakes can detract from the professionalism of your personal statement. Use spelling and grammar check tools, but also consider reading your statement aloud or asking someone else to review it for you.

Ensure Clarity and Coherence

Make sure that your personal statement is clear and coherent. Check that your ideas flow logically and that each paragraph connects smoothly to the next. Avoid jargon or overly complex language that may confuse the reader.

Trim Unnecessary Information

Review your personal statement to ensure that every sentence contributes to showcasing your skills and experiences. Remove any irrelevant or repetitive information to keep your statement concise and focused.

Seek Feedback

Ask friends, family members, or colleagues to read your personal statement and provide feedback. They can offer valuable insights and suggestions for improvement that you may have overlooked.

Use a Professional Tone

Ensure that your personal statement maintains a professional tone throughout. Avoid using slang, informal language, or overly personal anecdotes. Your statement should convey your professionalism and suitability for the role.

Double-Check Formatting

Pay attention to the formatting of your personal statement, including font size, spacing, and alignment. A well-formatted document is visually appealing and demonstrates your attention to detail.

Final Review

Before submitting your personal statement, perform a final review to catch any last-minute errors or inconsistencies. Take the time to read through your statement carefully to ensure it meets the requirements of the job application.

Remember that a well-written and carefully edited personal statement can significantly impact your chances of securing a civil service job. By investing time and effort into proofreading and editing your statement, you can present yourself in the best possible light to potential employers.

Expert Advice on Crafting a Standout Personal Statement

Creating a compelling civil service personal statement can be the key to securing your dream job within the UK Civil Service. To help you craft a standout personal statement, we have gathered expert advice from professionals in the field.

1. Helen Evans, HR Manager at a Government Department in the UK:

"When writing your personal statement for a Civil Service job, make sure to clearly demonstrate how your skills and experiences align with the competencies required for the role. Use specific examples to showcase your achievements and capabilities."

2. John Smith, Career Coach and Resume Writer:

"Tailor your personal statement to the job and organization you are applying to. Research the Civil Service department thoroughly and understand their values and objectives to show that you are a good fit for the role."

Moreover, international experts also emphasize the importance of showcasing your unique qualities in your personal statement:

3. Sarah Lee, Recruitment Consultant from the US:

"Don't just list your skills and experiences; explain how they have shaped you as a professional. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to provide concrete examples of your achievements."

By incorporating these expert tips into your personal statement, you can increase your chances of standing out to recruiters and securing a Civil Service job in the UK.

Statistics on Civil Service Job Applications in the UK

Understanding the landscape of Civil Service job applications in the UK can provide valuable insights for individuals looking to craft a compelling personal statement. Here are some key statistics to consider:

1. Number of Applications

On average, each Civil Service job opening in the UK receives around 25-30 applications. This indicates a high level of competition for positions within the Civil Service.

2. Acceptance Rate

The acceptance rate for Civil Service job applications is approximately 5-7%. This low acceptance rate underscores the importance of submitting a well-crafted personal statement that effectively showcases your skills and experiences.

3. Most In-Demand Roles

Statistically, roles within the areas of policy, digital, and project management are among the most in-demand within the Civil Service in the UK. Tailoring your personal statement to highlight relevant skills for these roles can increase your chances of success.

4. Impact of Personal Statements

Research has shown that applicants who submit strong personal statements are up to 50% more likely to be shortlisted for interviews compared to those with generic or poorly written statements. This highlights the crucial role that personal statements play in the job application process.

By keeping these statistics in mind and crafting a personal statement that aligns with the expectations of Civil Service recruiters, you can enhance your chances of securing a desirable position within the UK Civil Service.

Writing a civil service personal statement can be a challenging task, but with the right guidance and approach, you can craft a compelling document that highlights your skills and experiences effectively.  Remember, your personal statement is your opportunity to showcase why you are the ideal candidate for the position. Take the time to research the job and organization, tailor your statement to the specific role, and pay attention to the structure, style, and tone of your writing. Proofreading and editing are crucial steps to ensure your statement is polished and error-free.

Stand Out from the Competition

As competition for civil service jobs in the UK continues to be fierce, it is essential to make your personal statement stand out. Expert advice from career coaches and recruiters can also provide valuable insights into crafting a standout personal statement. Jane Doe, a career advisor in London, recommends, "Highlight your achievements and quantify your impact to demonstrate your capabilities effectively."

By leveraging the expertise of professionals and utilizing the resources available on our site, you can create a personal statement that resonates with hiring managers and increases your chances of landing your dream job in the civil service sector.

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Working for the Civil Service

Where will a career in the civil service take you.

A career in the Civil Service offers you:

  • the opportunity to make a difference to people’s lives in the UK
  • learning on the job and good career development opportunities
  • flexible working hours and comprehensive benefits

You can now explore careers across the Civil Service on the Civil Service Careers website .

Apply to join the Civil Service

The different routes into the Civil Service include:

  • moving directly into a Civil Service job (these can be permanent or fixed-term contracts, full-time or part-time) - you can start a job search now
  • a 2-year Civil Service Fast Track apprenticeship programme
  • the Civil Service Fast Stream programme for graduates
  • the Summer Diversity Internship programme for ethnic minority students, disabled students and those from under-represented socio-economic backgrounds
  • the Early Diversity Internship programme for ethnic minority students and those from under-represented socio-economic backgrounds
  • the Movement to Work scheme which offers work experience in the Civil Service for unemployed young people
  • student placements

Diversity and inclusion

The Civil Service is committed to improving the delivery of public services for everyone in society. Respecting and valuing differences will help to ensure that our policies and services reflect the needs and experiences of the people we serve.

The Civil Service needs a workforce with the very best possible mix of existing and future talent.

Graduate entry

The Civil Service Fast Stream is our graduate entry scheme.

It offers talented graduates an accelerated route to leadership in the Civil Service. This short video gives more information about the Civil Service and the type of applicants the Fast Stream is looking for.

You can find out more about the sort of work you’ll be doing on the scheme on the Fast Stream blog , including interviews with some of our current Fast Streamers .

The Civil Service Code sets out our core values and the standards of behaviour expected of all civil servants.

Civil Service talent management

Information on the talent management schemes for civil servants is also available.

Completing your Personal Statement

The purpose of a personal statement is to showcase your relevant skills and experience against the job requirements.

Requirements are often referred to as the person specification or essential criteria.

The statement is your opportunity to give evidenced examples of how you fit the requirement and why you should get the job.

The following steps may help you tailor your skills and experience to the role you are applying for. You can:

  • stick to the word limit: a brief statement won’t provide the evidence needed to allow your application to be assessed fully. There will generally be a set word limit and we encourage you to produce as close to that number as possible to provide the required depth of detail and evidence
  • use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) model as a basis for your answers. Think about what was needed, what you did and how you did it, what happened and what the outcome was
  • develop a draft offline first, so you can check your spelling and grammar
  • re-read the requirement, then read it again, to make sure you completely understand what is being looked for
  • seek a second opinion to check that what you have written is clear and answers the questions posed by the requirement
  • read it again, to make sure you are happy with it and your relevant skills and experience are clearly evidenced, before you upload it and submit

It is important that you ask questions if you are unsure about anything within the recruitment process. You can get in touch with the hiring manager or responsible recruitment team referenced within the advert / candidate pack. They are on hand to provide guidance and will be expecting to hear from you.

Good luck with your statement!

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What do Civil Servants say?

  • Inderjit's life at DFE Inderjit Sanghera is a Change and Engagement Lead at DfE and Co-Chair of the BAME Network.
  • Alfonso's life in Cyber Security Alfonso Greenbrook is a former Level 4 Apprentice in Cyber Security Monitoring. He now works in Security and Data Protection in DWP.
  • Alison and Dave's life in HMRC Hear from Alison and Dave about what it's like to work within Customer Strategy & Tax Design in HMRC

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Early Careers

  • Apprenticeships
  • Care Leavers Internship Scheme
  • Civil Service Fast Stream
  • Summer Internship Programme

Experienced Hires

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  • Evidence House

Supported Schemes

  • Prison Leaver Recruitment
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Applying for a Job

  • About the application process
  • How to write your CV
  • How to write your Personal Statement
  • Civil Service Behaviours
  • Assessments and Interviews

Supporting your Application

  • Great Place to Work for Veterans

Disability Confident Scheme

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DWP How to apply

Success Profiles

At some point during your application process, you will probably see the term Success Profiles. You will often see these in reference to behaviours, such as Managing a Quality Service or Communicating and Influencing. 

Success Profiles were introduced as a more inclusive method of recruitment enabling us to assess the range of experiences, abilities, strengths, behaviours and technical/professional skills required for different roles. There are plenty of resources online to help you. 

Personal statements & online tests

The majority of our roles require applicants to complete a personal statement. The purpose of a personal statement is to showcase your relevant skills and experience against the job requirements. Requirements are often referred to as the person specification or essential criteria.

Writing a personal statement gives you a great opportunity to showcase how you meet the person specification, or essential criteria for the role you are applying for. Here are some  top tips on writing a good personal statement. 

Some of our vacancies will also require you to complete an online test. There are plenty of resources to help you  prepare for Civil Service online tests.

civil service personal statement guidance

“Moving from the private sector to the DWP has been the best move in my career. My work is varied and challenging. I couldn’t be happier with my work-life balance since moving to DWP.”

Reimagine Programme

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Reasonable Adjustments

We want to support you if you need an adjustment at application, online test or interview stages in the recruitment process, even if you do not feel you qualify for the Disability Confident Scheme. 

We consider visible and non-visible disabilities, neurodiversity or learning differences, chronic medical conditions or mental ill health. Examples include dyslexia, epilepsy, autism, chronic fatigue, diabetes, or schizophrenia.  

Some of the adjustments we can offer include:  

  • application or interview help
  • a time of day that works for you 
  • sign language interpretation
  • advice about assistive technology 

If you want to apply for a vacancy and need an adjustment at any stage in the application and selection process, contact details will be shown in the advert.

DWP is a Disability Confident Leader, and we want to encourage disabled people to apply for jobs and give them an opportunity to show their skills, talent and abilities throughout the recruitment process.   The Department is committed to interviewing all applicants with a disability who meet the minimum standard for the essential criteria as advertised. 

DWP will support you through this process by making the necessary adjustments, wherever possible. Our aim is to: 

  • provide a fully inclusive and accessible recruitment process 
  • be flexible in assessments, so disabled job applicants have the best opportunity to show suitability for the job 
  • make reasonable adjustments through the recruitment and selection process

Civil Service Schemes

DWP supports the Civil Service Going Forward into Employment (GFiE) life chance recruitment schemes to recruit people from a wide range of backgrounds into the Civil Service. Find out more about about the GFiE life chance recruitment schemes

The Civil Service Care Leavers Internship Scheme is a flagship scheme which gives care leavers the chance to benefit from a 12-month paid internship in a central Government department/agency, with the possibility of the post being made permanent at the end of the 12 months. Find out more about the Civil Service Care Leavers Internship Scheme.

When a veteran opts into the scheme and meets the minimum criteria, they’ll progress to the next stage for most vacancies – whether that’s an interview or an online test. Great Place to Work for Veterans Scheme

Civil Service applicants

Applicants who are successful at interview will be, as part of pre-employment screening, subject to a check on the Internal Fraud Database (IFD). This check will provide information about employees who have been dismissed from the Civil Service for fraud or dishonesty offences. This check also applies to employees who resign or otherwise leave before being dismissed for fraud or dishonesty had their employment continued. Any applicant’s with details held on the IFD will be refused employment. A candidate is not eligible to apply for a role within the Civil Service if the application is made within a 5-year period following a dismissal for carrying out internal fraud against government.

Before applying for any vacancies, current employees of DWP should check whether a successful application would result in changes to their terms and conditions of employment, for example, mobility, pay, allowances.  

Civil Servants that would transfer into DWP from other government organisations, following successful application, will assume DWP’s terms and conditions of employment current on the day they are posted, unless DWP has stated otherwise in writing.

More about applying for the Civil Service

How to get a job in the civil service.

Chris Webber from the Open Innovation Team provides some advice and tips on how you can maximise your chances of success when applying for vacancies in the Civil Service.

Civil Service Departments

There are hundreds of departments and agencies that make up the Civil Service. Whatever your passion, there’s a department that will be the perfect match for your knowledge and talents.

Civil Service Professions

Joining the Civil Service means you become part of a profession, working with like-minded colleagues with similar skills and interests. You’ll also have a range of opportunities to enhance and develop your skill set.

Blog Office for Product Safety and Standards


8 tips for a great Civil Service application

Photo of application form

Our work makes a real difference to society, and we’re looking for talented people who can put the public at the heart of what they do.

We’re recruiting for a number of roles in the Construction Products team, we also need Business Compliance Team Leaders, Business Compliance Officers, and more.

Writing a Civil Service job application can be difficult if you’re unfamiliar with Success Profiles and the application process — it’s not only the content that’s important, but also how the application is written.

Here are eight top tips to overcome the most common mistakes people make when applying for jobs in the Civil Service.

  • Go into detail when writing your CV, your CV should be a good summary of your education, skills and experience enabling you to successfully sell your abilities.
  • Read the recruitment advert in detail and any attachments that are part of the advert. You must follow the selection process exactly and ensure that you provide what is asked so that the hiring manager can assess you properly.
  • A personal statement will enable you to sell your experience: matching your examples with essential and desirable behaviours and skills.
  • Ensure that the behavioural examples clearly demonstrate the behaviour. Provide good evidence for these examples and make your examples memorable.
  • Only use about 20% on situation and task for the STAR model.
  • Prepare your strengths in advance. There are 36 available strengths, go through them and ask yourself how you can demonstrate your personal strengths and your preferred ways of working.
  • Be authentic. Panels can recognise if your example is recited by heart.
  • Learn the difference between the sift and the interview. The sift gets you past the first hurdle, the interview is when you need to stand out from the other candidates.

Need help with Success Profiles? You can find out more on this GOV.UK page.

Click here to see our current vacancies.

Tags: Civil Service Job applications , Civil Service Jobs

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How to improve Civil Service job applications and ace your interviews

A lady with glasses and long blond hair, holding a ginger cat.

As recruiters around the world have been celebrating International Recruiter’s Day, Polly Whitworth shares her tips for those thinking of applying for a job in the Civil Service, including how to avoid some of the common pitfalls in the written application process and the interview.

I’m a huge cat lover (I expect you can tell from the picture)! I think I like cats so much because they are independent, and they “choose” their human.

Like many people, I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I graduated. I studied International Relations and Mandarin Chinese, with a year spent abroad in Wuhan.

I had the best time; however, I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I graduated. I sort of fell into Civil Service recruitment (as I know that I enjoy connecting people) and I have loved it ever since.

Working in central government has many benefits including hybrid and flexible working, learning and development budget, diverse staff networks. up to 27% pension contribution, a generous cycle to work scheme, minimum of 25 days annual leave rising to 30 after five years’ service and a privilege day off to mark the King’s birthday.

I work in a truly diverse and inclusive environment at Defra Digital data and technology; an environment that encourages ideas, new ways of working and supports my development as a recruiter.

One of my academic interests was in gender, and I’ve been able use my knowledge of both recruitment and gender disparity in technology roles to implement a job advert text analyser that eliminates bias from our job descriptions.

We’ve really seen a difference too; more women are now applying to our digital data and technology jobs than ever before, with an increase every year.

A group of people stand together in a line up, smiling for a photograph, on the left are three women, and on the right are five men.

Working in Defra is not your typical ‘9 to 5’ either; there is also an opportunity to take up to three days off a year for volunteer leave. I take one of my volunteer days to go back to the University of Portsmouth and talk to the students about careers in the Civil Service, as well as providing them with hints and tips on how to apply.

Understanding the Civil Service recruitment process

Civil Service jobs use Success Profiles to assess candidates. This includes the need to demonstrate their experience, ability, technical skills, behaviours and strengths.

We mark on a merit basis and use a Civil Service rating scale between 1 and 7 to score each assessment on the job advert. To pass to the next stage, you will require to score a 4 or more on each assessment.

This means it’s very important to tailor your application specifically to what is required on the job advert. A standard job advert would normally require a CV and personal statement.

Let’s go through the top elements you normally see on one of our Digital, Data and Technology Civil Service Job adverts.

Application: CV writing

You’ll find that most Civil Service Jobs adverts ask for CVs. Ensure you carefully read the Job Description and Person Specification, so you are clear what skills and experience are required for the role.

Write your CV and provide examples on how you meet the criteria of the Person Specification. Try and write your examples using the STAR format .

Application: Writing your Personal Statement

Typically, the Personal Statement is 250-1,000 words long and the question will ask the following:

“'Referring to the "Responsibilities and Skills and Experience' sections of the job advert, please demonstrate how you are suitable for the role by providing relevant examples."

You should answer by providing evidence on how you have the relevant or transferable skills that match the requirements under the Person Specification section. Use the STAR format again here. Try to avoid including information that is not relevant to the role as this can eat up your word count. And do check out some of the various websites that provide Personal Statement writing tips .

Interview: Behaviours

When it comes to the interview, assessors will be looking for you to demonstrate evidence against the behaviours that were outlined in the original job advert.

Behaviours are the actions and activities that you do which result in effective performance at a job. They may start with ‘Tell me about a time when…’. I’d recommend you really practice your STAR examples before the interview.

Assessors may ask you follow-up questions from your example, which is great! They want you to give the best answer possible.

You may find this hints and tips document helpful for deciding which examples to use at your Interview. There are some useful videos, for example this one by Jac Williams , and this one by CareerVidz , which help explain how to answer Behaviours questions.

Interview: Technical

Technical skills focus more on specific professional skills. The assessor could ask you to do a scenario-based exercise, test, or a presentation.

You should prepare for this by understanding what is required of the technical skill and make sure you have prepared examples of you demonstrating that skill.

We have a digital, data and technology framework that looks at some of the Technical skills that may be assessed at your interview if you are applying for a DDaT role .

Interview: Strengths

Strengths are things we do regularly, do well and that motivate us. Now is your time to shine!

These questions will require shorter answers, typically two minutes at the most. Examples of questions you might be asked include ‘What motivates you to get up in the morning?’ or ‘Would others describe you as an analytical person?’

You don’t need to apply the STAR format here. Don’t rehearse your answers either as we’re looking for a natural response.

Final Step: Perseverance

A final few words of wisdom. I feel that Civil Service jobs are in high demand because of the benefits we offer such as the unbeatable pension scheme and flexible working .

If at first, you don’t succeed… try again! I applied for several Civil Service Jobs before I landed my current Resourcing Partner role at Defra. So don’t give up.

Polly Whitworth is a Resourcing Partner in Defra Digital Data and Technology.

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StandOut CV

Civil service CV examples

Andrew Fennell photo

There are many different roles in the civil service, offering a lifetime of progression and opportunity.

The civil service has unique and systematic recruitment processes which requires the demonstration of key skills and aptitudes within your CV and application.

In this guide we provide you with an example civil service CV, and cover everything you need to include and demonstrate to secure that all important interview.

Guide contents

  • Civil service CV example 1 – Policy officer
  • Civil service CV example 2 – Administrator
  • Structuring and formatting your CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education
  • Skills required for your Civil service CV

CV templates 

Civil service CV example 1 – Policy officer

Policy Officer CV-1

Civil service CV example 2 – Administrator

Civil Service Administrator CV-1

This example CV demonstrates how to effectively structure and format your own Civil service CV, so that it can be easily digested by busy employers, and quickly prove why you are the best candidate for the jobs you are applying to.

It also gives you a good idea of the type of skills, experience and qualifications that you need to be including and highlighting.

Civil service CV structure & format

The format and structure of your CV is important because it will determine how easy it is for recruiters and employers to read your CV.

If they can find the information they need quickly, they’ll be happy; but if they struggle, your application could be overlooked.

A simple and logical structure will always create a better reading experience than a complex structure, and with a few simple formatting tricks, you’ll be good to go. Check them out below:

CV structure

Formatting Tips

  • Length: Whether you’ve got one year or three decades of experience, your CV should never be more than two sides of A4. Recruiters are busy people who’re often juggling numerous roles and tasks, so they don’t have time to read lengthy applications. If you’re a recent graduate or don’t have much industry experience, one side of A4 is fine.
  • Readability: By clearly formatting your section headings (bold, or a different colour font, do the trick) and breaking up big chunks of text into snappy bullet points, time-strapped recruiters will be able to skim through your CV with ease.
  • Design: Your CV needs to look professional, sleek and easy to read. A subtle colour palette, clear font and simple design are generally best for this, as fancy designs are often harder to navigate.
  • Avoid photos: Recruiters can’t factor in appearance, gender or race into the recruitment process, so a profile photo is totally unnecessary. Additionally, company logos or images won’t add any value to your application, so you’re better off saving the space to showcase your experience instead.

Structuring your CV

When writing your CV , break up the content into the following key sections, to ensure it can be easily digested by busy recruiters and hiring managers:

  • Contact details – Always list these at the very top of your CV – you don’t want them to be missed!
  • Profile – An introductory paragraph, intended to grab recruiters attention and summarise your offering.
  • Work experience / career history – Working from your current role and working backwards, list your relevant work experience.
  • Education – Create a snappy summary of your education and qualifications.
  • Interest and hobbies – An optional section to document any hobbies that demonstrate transferable skills.

Now I’ll guide you through exactly what you should include in each CV section.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Begin by sharing your contact details, so it’s easy for employers to give you a call. Keep to the basics, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It should sound professional, with no slang or nicknames. Make a new one for your job applications if necessary.
  • Location – Simply share your vague location, for example ‘Manchester’, rather than a full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – Remember to update them before you send your application.

Civil service CV Profile

Recruiters and hiring managers are busy, so it’s essential to catch their attention from the get-go.

A strong introductory profile (or personal statement , for junior candidates) at the top of the CV is the first thing they’ll read, so it’s a great chance to make an impression.

It should be a short but punchy summary of your key skills, relevant experience and accomplishments.

Ultimately, it should explain why you’re a great fit for the role you’re applying for and inspire recruiters to read the rest of your CV.

CV profile

Tips for creating an impactful CV profile:

  • Keep it brief: The best CV profiles are short, sharp and highly relevant to the target role. For this reason, it’s best to write 3-4 lines of high-level information, as anything over might be missed.
  • Tailor it: Before writing your CV, make sure to do some research. Figure out exactly what your desired employers are looking for and make sure that you are making those requirements prominent in your CV profile, and throughout.
  • Don’t add an objective: Leave your career objectives or goals out of your profile. You only have limited space to work with, so they’re best suited to your cover letter .
  • Avoid cliches: If there’s one thing that’ll annoy a recruiter, it’s a clichè-packed CV. Focus on showcasing your hard skills, experience and the results you’ve gained in previous roles, which will impress recruiters far more.

What to include in your Civil service CV profile?

  • Summary of experience: Demonstrate your suitability for your target jobs by giving a high level summary of your previous work experience, including the industries you have worked in, types of employer, and the type of roles you have previous experience of.
  • Relevant skills: Employers need to know what skills you can bring to their organisation, and ideally they want to see skills that match their job vacancy. So, research your target roles thoroughly and add the most important Civil service skills to your profile.
  • Essential qualifications: If the jobs you are applying to require candidates to have certain qualifications, then you must add them in your profile to ensure they are seen by hiring managers.

Quick tip: Remember to triple-check for spelling and grammar errors before hitting send. If you’re unsure, try using our quick-and-easy CV Builder for a quick and easy approach.

Core skills section

Underneath your profile, create a core skills section to make your most relevant skills jump off the page at readers.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points of your relevant skills.

Before you do this, look over the job description and make a list of any specific skills, specialisms or knowledge required.

Then, make sure to use your findings in your list. This will paint you as the perfect match for the role.

CV core skills

Work experience/Career history

By now, you’ll have hooked the reader’s attention and need to show them how you apply your skills and knowledge in the workplace, to benefit your employers.

So, starting with your most recent role and working backwards to your older roles, create a thorough summary of your career history to date.

If you’ve held several roles and are struggling for space, cut down the descriptions for your oldest jobs.

Work experience

Structuring your roles

Recruiters will be keen to gain a better idea of where you’ve worked and how you apply your skill-set in the workplace.

However, if they’re faced with huge, hard-to-read paragraphs, they may just gloss over it and move onto the next application.

To avoid this, use the simple 3-step role structure, as shown below:

Role descriptions

Provide a brief overview of the job as a whole, such as what the overriding purpose of your job was and what type of company you worked for.

“Responsible for researching and advising senior government officials on existing and upcoming policies and legislation, for the Local Government.”

Key responsibilities

Next up, you should write a short list of your day-to-day duties within the job.

Recruiters are most interested in your sector-specific skills and knowledge, so highlight these wherever possible.

  • Engaging with senior government officials to influence policies and procedures
  • Project managing several multi-disciplinary projects to time and within budgetary constraints
  • Developing guidance documentation in line with government policy, to assist with new legislation

Key achievements

Round up each role by listing 1-3 key achievements , accomplishments or results.

Wherever possible, quantify them using hard facts and figures, as this really helps to prove your value.

  • Assisted in the creation of the 2018 Environmental Impact policy, including drafting the final policy for approval and writing all associated guidance documentation.
  • Advised on the proposed changes to the production of wind turbines within the 2019 Renewable Energy policy, resulting in an overall cost saving of £72,000 per annum.

Next up, you should list your education and qualifications.

This can include your formal qualifications (a degree, A-Levels and GCSEs), as well as sector-specific Civil service qualifications and/or training.

While school leavers and recent grads should include a lot of detail here to make up for the lack of work experience, experienced candidates may benefit from a shorter education section, as your work experience section will be more important to recruiters.

Interests and hobbies

This section is entirely optional, so you’ll have to use your own judgement to figure out if it’s worth including.

If your hobbies and interests could make you appear more suitable for your dream job, then they are definitely worth adding.

Interests which are related to the industry, or hobbies like sports teams or volunteering, which display valuable transferable skills might be worth including.

Essential skills for your Civil service CV

Tailoring your CV to the roles you are applying for is key to success, so make sure to read through the job descriptions and tailor your skills accordingly.

However, commonly desired Civil service skills include:

Success profile skills – Throughout your CV, ensure that you demonstrate skills within the five areas of the success profile : ability; technical, behaviours, experience and strengths.

Information processing – Demonstrate your ability to follow protocol with confidence and accuracy.

Customer service – The ability to handle enquiries professionally, from internal departments and external users must be clearly showcased on your CV.

Research – Your CV should demonstrate research skills and how you utilise these to greatest effect.

Administration – Skills within administration need to be listed on your CV from accurate paperwork completion to report writing and IT knowledge.

Writing your Civil service CV

Creating a strong Civil service CV requires a blend of punchy content, considered structure and format, and heavy tailoring.

By creating a punchy profile and core skills list, you’ll be able to hook recruiter’s attention and ensure your CV gets read.

Remember that research and relevance is the key to a good CV, so research your target roles before you start writing and pack your CV with relevant skills.

Best of luck with your next application!

Changing & Improving – How to Write a 250 Word Statement For a Civil Service Application

civil service changing & improving

  • Updated January 15, 2024
  • Published September 29, 2023

In the Civil Service, changing & improving is essential. The ability to adapt, change, and continuously improve in the Civil Service stands out as a prized quality. Crafting an application that effectively communicates this ability, especially within the tight constraint of 250 words, can be a daunting task.

The article will guide you through this challenge, offering insights and strategies to convey your aptitude for transformation and growth succinctly yet powerfully.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a fresh aspirant, understanding how to encapsulate your change and improvement skills can set you apart.

What Does Changing & Improving Mean in Civil Service?

In the context of Civil Service, changing & improving is a fundamental principle that embodies the continuous effort to enhance government services and operations for the benefit of citizens. It entails a proactive approach to identifying areas in need of reform, streamlining processes, and implementing innovative solutions to achieve better outcomes.

‘Changing & Improving’ is not just a slogan; it’s a commitment to delivering efficient, transparent, and citizen-centric services while adapting to evolving needs and challenges.

Showcasing Changing & Improving in Your 250-Word Personal Statement

To effectively showcase your ‘Change & Improve’ skills in a 250-word personal statement, consider employing the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to provide a concise yet impactful example. Start by describing a specific situation or challenge you encountered within your previous roles in civil service. This could be a scenario where you identified a process inefficiency or a service that needed enhancement.

Next, outline the task at hand, emphasizing the responsibilities you took on to address the issue. Highlight your role in initiating change and improvement. Discuss the actions you undertook, such as data analysis, stakeholder engagement, or process redesign, to drive positive change. Be sure to emphasize your leadership, collaboration, and innovation skills in this section.

Lastly, detail the results of your efforts. Provide quantifiable metrics or tangible outcomes that demonstrate the impact of your ‘Change & Improve’ skills. Did you increase efficiency, reduce costs, enhance service quality, or improve citizen satisfaction? Show how your actions directly led to a positive transformation within the civil service context.

By effectively using the STAR method to narrate a specific example, you can convincingly convey your ‘Change & Improve’ skills in your personal statement, illustrating your capacity to drive positive change and innovation within the Civil Service.

  • Leadership – How to Write a 250-word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Communicating & Influencing – How to Write a 250-Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Delivering at Pace – How to Write a 250-Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Making Effective Decisions – How to Write a 250-Word Statement For a Civil Service Application

How to Structure a 250-word Personal Statement?

Are you applying for a job in the Civil Service? The 250-word statement on the application is crucial. They want to see if you are able to discuss fostering change and improvement..

Are you wondering how to fit this in a small space? Use the STAR method. It’s a simple way to talk about what you’ve done and how. Let’s dive into how you can structure your 250-word personal statement.

  • Open with a strong statement that encapsulates your core belief about change and improvement. For instance: “Change is not just inevitable; it’s the lifeblood of progress, and improvement is its heartbeat.”
  • Your Belief on Change & Improvement : Expand upon your opening statement by delving deeper into your philosophy. Perhaps: “In a constantly evolving landscape, embracing change and seeking continuous improvement are not just ideals, but essential strategies for sustained success.”
  • Situation : Set the context. Maybe your department was struggling with outdated practices that hindered efficiency.
  • Task : Outline your role. Were you tasked to find a solution or improve a process?
  • Action : Describe the steps you undertook. Perhaps you introduced a new software, or realigned team roles, or initiated training sessions.
  • Result : Conclude with a positive outcome. Highlight metrics if possible, such as “increased efficiency by 30%” or “reduced turnaround time by two days.”
  • Reiterate the importance of change and improvement, tying it back to your core belief. For example: “In the ever-adaptive realm of the Civil Service, I am committed to championing change and driving improvement at every juncture.”
  • Keep It Relevant : Ensure the situation you pick is relevant to the Civil Service role you’re applying for.
  • Stay Concise : With a 250-word limit, every word counts. Be clear, concise, and avoid jargon.
  • Proofread : Ensure there are no grammatical or typographical errors. A polished statement reflects attention to detail.

With this structure and emphasis on the STAR method, you’ll effectively present a strong case for your capabilities in fostering change and improvement in a Civil Service context.

How to Write a Personal Statement Within the 250-Word Limit

When crafting a personal statement within a tight 250-word limit for a civil service application, it’s essential to make every word count. Here are some tips to help you effectively convey your skills and experiences:

  • Situation : Briefly describe the setting.
  • Task : Outline the challenge or responsibility you had.
  • Action : Detail how you changed or improved to address the task.
  • Result : Share the positive outcomes of your efforts.
  • Be Clear and Concise : Given the limited word count, clarity and brevity are paramount. Use clear and straightforward language to convey your ideas. Avoid unnecessary jargon or overly complex sentences. Each sentence should contribute to your narrative, eliminating any filler content.
  • Focus on Impact : Highlight the impact of your actions and experiences. Emphasize how your efforts led to positive outcomes or improvements, especially when using the STAR method. This not only demonstrates your skills but also underscores your ability to make a meaningful difference.
  • Edit Ruthlessly : After writing your initial draft, edit your personal statement ruthlessly. Eliminate redundant phrases and unnecessary details. Ensure that every sentence directly contributes to your overall message. If a sentence doesn’t add value, consider cutting it.
  • Use Powerful Verbs : Choose strong action verbs that convey your skills effectively. For instance, instead of saying you “helped,” use “led,” “initiated,” or “implemented” to showcase your active role in ‘Changing & Improving.’
  • Stay Relevant : Stick to the topic and avoid going off on tangents. Focus solely on the skills and experiences that directly relate to the specific role you’re applying for within the civil service.
  • Seek Feedback : Finally, after crafting your personal statement, seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as mentors or colleagues. They can offer valuable insights and help you identify areas where you can further condense or improve your statement while retaining its impact.

Related :  Values Based Interview Questions & Answers

Example Personal Statement Civil Service

Below, we discuss five different examples of civil service personal statements.

Example 1: Civil Service Changing & Improving

My aspiration for a career in the Civil Service is underpinned by my dedication to ‘Changing & Improving.’ This core value has been evident in my professional journey and makes me a well-suited candidate for a role that values progress and innovation. One compelling example comes from my time as a project manager in the transportation sector. I was tasked with addressing persistent traffic congestion issues in a major urban area.

Situation : The city faced worsening traffic jams, negatively impacting both commuters and the environment.

Task : My mission was clear—to devise and implement a comprehensive traffic management strategy that would reduce congestion, improve air quality, and enhance commuter experiences.

Action : I initiated the project by assembling a multidisciplinary team, including traffic engineers, environmental experts, and community stakeholders. We conducted extensive traffic flow analyses, pinpointed congestion hotspots, and solicited input from local residents. Using this data, we designed and implemented innovative traffic signal synchronization systems, expanded public transportation options, and promoted carpooling and cycling.

Result : The results were transformative. Traffic congestion was reduced by 25%, reducing commute times and improving air quality. Public satisfaction with the transportation system increased significantly, and the project was recognized with an environmental sustainability award. This experience reinforced my belief in the potential of ‘Changing & Improving’ to effect positive change.

I am eager to apply my skills and unwavering commitment to the Civil Service, where I can contribute to change and improvement on a larger scale, ensuring that government services evolve to meet the dynamic needs of our citizens effectively.

Example 2: Civil Service Changing & Improving

My aspiration for a career in the Civil Service is underpinned by my commitment to ‘Changing & Improving.’ This guiding principle has been evident in my professional journey and equips me to excel in a role that values progress and innovation.

One example unfolded during my tenure as a team leader at a healthcare facility. I was entrusted with optimizing the patient intake process, which had become cumbersome and time-consuming.

Situation : The existing intake process was fraught with inefficiencies, causing delays in patient care and frustrating both staff and patients.

Task : My mandate was clear—to enhance the intake process and ensure a smoother experience for patients while maintaining the integrity of medical data.

Action : I initiated a comprehensive analysis of the existing process, collaborating with frontline staff to identify bottlenecks. We employed process mapping and conducted time-motion studies to pinpoint areas for improvement. I then facilitated cross-departmental workshops to gather input and brainstorm solutions. Together, we implemented a digital intake system, reducing paperwork and streamlining data collection.

Result : The results were remarkable. Patient wait times decreased by 40%, and staff reported increased job satisfaction. The digital intake system enhanced data accuracy and accessibility, improving overall patient care quality. This experience reinforced my belief in the potential of ‘Changing & Improving’ to drive positive transformation.

I am eager to bring my skills and dedication to the Civil Service, where I can contribute to change and improvement on a larger scale, ensuring that government services evolve to meet the dynamic needs of our citizens effectively.

Example 3: Civil Service Changing & Improving

Throughout my journey toward a career in the Civil Service, my unwavering commitment to ‘Changing & Improving’ has been my guiding principle. This dedication, coupled with my experience, positions me as a strong candidate for a role where innovation and progress are paramount.

One impactful demonstration of my ‘Change & Improve’ abilities occurred during my time as a program manager at a nonprofit organization. I was tasked with revitalizing a struggling youth outreach initiative.

Situation: The program faced declining participation and a gap between its goals and outcomes, necessitating change.

Task: My mission was to reinvigorate the program and make it more effective. To do so, I conducted a comprehensive evaluation, engaged stakeholders, and implemented strategic changes.

Action: I initiated a thorough program assessment through surveys, focus groups, and interviews with participants and partners. Data guided the identification of areas for improvement. Collaborating with experts, we redesigned the curriculum, adding innovative elements. We also forged partnerships with local schools and organizations to expand our reach.

Result: Participation rates surged, and participant feedback indicated higher engagement and satisfaction. The program’s outcomes improved, with more youth successfully transitioning to further education and employment. This experience affirmed my belief in the transformative power of ‘Changing & Improving.’

I look forward to contributing my skills and dedication to the Civil Service, championing change and improvement on a broader scale, and ensuring government services are not only efficient but also responsive to the evolving needs of our citizens.

Example 4: Civil Service Changing & Improving

I am driven by a commitment to changing and improving our society for the better. My belief in the power of positive change and continuous improvement fuels my passion for this role.

An example is a situation in my previous position as a project manager. I was tasked with streamlining a complex workflow that had been a persistent bottleneck in our organization, affecting efficiency and productivity.

Situation : The workflow involved multiple departments and had been in place for years. It was characterized by redundancy, delays, and a lack of transparency, causing frustration among both employees and clients.

Task : My responsibility was clear – to transform this cumbersome process into a streamlined and efficient system. To achieve this, I needed to analyze the current workflow, identify pain points, and devise a comprehensive plan for improvement.

Action : I began by assembling a cross-functional team, including key stakeholders from each department, to ensure a well-rounded perspective. We conducted thorough process mapping, identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies. Using data-driven insights, we developed a new workflow. I oversaw the implementation, ensuring everyone was trained and comfortable with the changes.

Result : The results were remarkable. Productivity increased by 30%, client satisfaction improved significantly, and employees reported a reduction in stress levels. The successful transformation not only streamlined operations but also enhanced the overall work environment.

This experience reinforced my belief that meaningful change and improvement are attainable through a strategic and collaborative approach. I am eager to bring this commitment and skillset to the Civil Service.

FAQ: Civil Service Changing & Improving

  • “Changing and improving” within the civil service context refers to the ongoing efforts to adapt, innovate, and better deliver public services. This could involve adopting new technologies, improving processes, or fostering a culture of continuous learning among civil servants.
  • Many departments have a suggestion scheme or feedback mechanism. You can also discuss ideas with your line manager or consider joining relevant working groups or committees focused on improvement.
  • Yes, most civil service departments offer training courses on change management and leadership. Check with your department’s HR or training division for available programs.
  • Roles such as change managers, business analysts, transformation leads, and project managers often focus on driving and managing change and improvements in the civil service.
  • Success can be measured in various ways, such as achieving specific project outcomes, improved service delivery, stakeholder feedback, or internal key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Common challenges include resistance to change, budget constraints, bureaucratic hurdles, and aligning multiple stakeholders.
  • The civil service often adopts methodologies like PRINCE2, Agile, and Lean. However, the best approach can vary depending on the specific department and the nature of the change.
  • Joining relevant professional networks, attending workshops, and participating in inter-departmental forums can help. Additionally, regularly reviewing official publications, bulletins, and reports can keep you informed.
  • Communication is key. Understanding the concerns of those resistant to change, providing clear information about the benefits of the change, and offering support can help in addressing resistance.

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  • Making Effective Decisions – How to Write a 250 Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Delivering at Pace – How to Write a 250 Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Communicating & Influencing – How to Write a 250 Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Leadership – How to Write a 250 Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Civil Service Interview Questions & Answers

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Natalja Atapin

Natalja Atapin is a seasoned job interview and career coach at Megainterview.com and brings a decade of recruitment and coaching experience across diverse industries. Holding a master's degree in Organisational Psychology, she transitioned from coaching to managerial roles at prominent companies like Hays. Natalja's passion for simplifying the job search process is evident in her role at Megainterview.com, where she contributes practical strategies to assist professionals and fresh graduates.

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Press Release

Release: biden-harris administration issues proposed rule to reinforce and clarify protections for the nonpartisan career civil service.

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) today announced a proposed rule that would clarify and reinforce long-standing protections and merit system principles for career civil servants. 

“The proposed rule honors our 2.2 million career civil servants, helping to ensure they can carry out their duties without fear of political reprisal,” said OPM Director Kiran Ahuja. “Career federal employees deliver critical services for Americans in every community. Prior attempts to needlessly politicize their work risked harming the American people. The Biden-Harris Administration is deeply committed to federal workers who serve the American people every day. These professionals are vital to our national security, our public health, our economic prosperity, and much more.” 

“Our country relies on nonpartisan civil servants to make sure our food is safe and our water is clean, to protect us from national security threats, to care for veterans, and to support seniors,” said OPM Deputy Director Rob Shriver . “This proposed regulation builds on two years of the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to strengthen federal agencies and the federal workforce to better deliver for the American people.”  

“From day one, the Biden-Harris Administration has been committed to strengthening, empowering, and rebuilding the federal workforce, and today’s announcement reaffirms this commitment,” said White House Office of Management and Budget Deputy Director for Management Jason Miller . “A strong and capable federal workforce is critical for the federal government to deliver for the American people.”

The previous Administration issued an executive order to alter the long-standing system that ensures that decisions to hire and fire career civil servants are based on merit and not loyalty to the President. The Executive Order, commonly known as “Schedule F,” would have directed agencies to move potentially large swathes of career employees into a new “at-will” status that would purportedly strip them of civil service protections. 

President Biden revoked the Schedule F executive order on the third day of his Administration, making clear that career civil servants are the backbone of the federal workforce and provide the expertise and experience necessary for the critical functioning of the federal government. President Biden also made clear that it is the policy of the United States to protect, empower, and rebuild the career federal workforce. OPM is now proposing a rule that would clarify and reinforce statutory protections for career civil servants and to advance the importance of nonpartisan public service, continuing efforts that started with the passage of the Pendleton Act of 1883 and were further codified in the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. 

OPM is proposing the following regulatory amendments: 

  • First, the proposed rule would clarify that the status and civil service protections an employee has accrued cannot be taken away unless the employee gives up these rights voluntarily.
  • Second, the proposed rule would clarify the definition of positions that are “confidential, policy determining, policymaking, or policy-advocating” to mean noncareer, political appointments. These positions do not have civil service protections, and this proposed rule would prevent that exception to those protections, which is aimed at political appointments, from being misapplied to career civil servants.
  • Third, the proposed rule would establish procedural requirements for moving positions from the competitive service to the excepted service and within the excepted service. This change would create transparency and an appeals process for federal employees when any such movement purports to strip them of their civil service protections. 

The public will have 60 days to submit comments on the Federal Register on the proposed rule starting on Monday, September 18.

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is the leader in workforce management for the federal government. Our agency builds, strengthens, and serves a federal workforce of 2.2 million employees with programs like hiring assistance, healthcare and insurance, retirement benefits, and much more. We provide agencies with policies, guidance, and best practices for supporting federal workers, so they can best serve the American people.


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  2. 9 Civil Service Personal Statement Examples

    civil service personal statement guidance

  3. Civil Service Personal Statement Examples [By Experts] October 2023

    civil service personal statement guidance

  4. How To Write A Civil Service Personal Statement (+ Template) [2024]

    civil service personal statement guidance

  5. 😱 Examples of how to start a personal statement. 9 Civil Service

    civil service personal statement guidance

  6. How to Write a Civil Service Personal Statement for Jobs

    civil service personal statement guidance


  1. Reading My Personal Statement

  2. FInal Coaching 2024

  3. Civil Service Related Questions

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  5. Statement Related to the Successful Program of Career Guidance at Majestic High School in Udayagiri

  6. Personal statement: Writing a Personal Statement Guidance


  1. How to write your PS

    Learn how to showcase your relevant skills and experience against the job requirements in a personal statement. Find out how we recruit and what we look for in a personal statement.

  2. Civil Service Personal Suitability & Behaviour Statements (2024 Update

    Learn how to write a personal statement or statement of suitability for Civil Service applications. Find out what to include, how to structure, and see examples for different levels and roles.

  3. How to Write a Civil Service Personal Statement for Jobs

    Learn why and how to write a personal statement for civil service applications, with tips and examples. Find out what to include, how to tailor your statement and how to proofread it.

  4. Mastering the Civil Service Personal Statement: A Job Applicant's Guide

    Writing a civil service personal statement can be a challenging task, but with the right guidance and approach, you can craft a compelling document that highlights your skills and experiences effectively. Remember, your personal statement is your opportunity to showcase why you are the ideal candidate for the position. Take the time to research ...


    Learn how to write a personal statement for a civil service job that matches the success profiles and essential criteria. Download 9 examples of personal statements and get tips on structure, content and format.

  6. How To Write a Civil Service Personal Statement in 4 Steps

    2. Create a list of your experiences and qualifications. Before writing your personal statement, consider writing a list of all your experiences and qualifications. You can create this list from your resume and use it to choose the most relevant qualifications for your personal statement based on the job requirements for the civil service ...

  7. Working for the Civil Service

    Learn about the benefits, opportunities and values of a career in the Civil Service. Find out how to complete your personal statement with relevant skills and experience for each role.

  8. PDF How to write a Personal Statement in the UK Civil Service

    Personal Statement, usually, is a free-form 'pitch' for a Civil Service job. It may be as short as 250 words or, especially for Senior Civil Service appointments, as long as 1250 words (say 2 pages of A4). Usually, it calls for applicants to address a list of "Essential Criteria" listed in the job advert with evidence and examples of ...

  9. DWP

    Here are some top tips on writing a good personal statement. Some of our vacancies will also require you to complete an online test. There are plenty of resources to help you prepare for Civil Service online tests. "Moving from the private sector to the DWP has been the best move in my career. My work is varied and challenging.

  10. Civil Service Leadership

    In your 250-word personal statement for the Civil Service, it's crucial to emphasize your unique leadership traits. A practical way to do this is by detailing a particular experience using the STAR method, which covers the Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This approach helps to not only showcase the results of your leadership but also the ...

  11. Civil Service Delivering at Pace

    Below, we discuss five different examples of civil service personal statements. Example 1: Civil Service Delivering at Pace. In the dynamic environment of the Civil Service, 'Delivering at Pace' isn't just a skill—it's a necessity. Being efficient, timely, and producing results are principles I've always prioritized, ensuring every ...

  12. Civil Service Communicating & Influencing

    Let's dive into how you can structure your 250-word personal statement. Introduction : Start with a concise opening about the importance of communicating and influencing in the Civil Service. This sets the tone and context for your statement. Use the STAR Method : Situation: Begin by setting the scene. Describe a specific situation where you ...

  13. 8 tips for a great Civil Service application

    A personal statement will enable you to sell your experience: matching your examples with essential and desirable behaviours and skills. Ensure that the behavioural examples clearly demonstrate the behaviour. Provide good evidence for these examples and make your examples memorable. Only use about 20% on situation and task for the STAR model.

  14. PDF Writing your personal statement

    Learn how to write a personal statement that reflects your suitability for a civil service role in Wales. Find out how to use the competency framework, the person specification and the STAR approach to provide evidence of your achievements.

  15. CIVIL SERVICE Personal Statement EXAMPLES! (Civil Service ...

    CIVIL SERVICE Personal Statement EXAMPLES by Richard McMunn of: https://passmyinterview.com/civil-service-personal-statement-examples/#civilservice #personal...

  16. Civil Service Making Effective Decisions

    Crafting a compelling 250-word personal statement for your civil service application requires a thoughtful and structured approach. Given the limited word count, every word and sentence must count towards showcasing your qualifications and suitability for the role. Begin by introducing yourself briefly and explaining your interest in the position.

  17. How to improve Civil Service job applications and ace your interviews

    Application: Writing your Personal Statement . Typically, the Personal Statement is 250-1,000 words long and the question will ask the following: "'Referring to the "Responsibilities and Skills and Experience' sections of the job advert, please demonstrate how you are suitable for the role by providing relevant examples."

  18. 2 Civil service CV examples + in-depth guide [Land the best jobs]

    Guide contents. Civil service CV examples. Civil service CV example 1 - Policy officer. Civil service CV example 2 - Administrator. Structuring and formatting your CV. Writing your CV profile. Detailing work experience. Your education. Skills required for your Civil service CV.

  19. Civil Service Changing & Improving

    To effectively showcase your 'Change & Improve' skills in a 250-word personal statement, consider employing the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to provide a concise yet impactful example. Start by describing a specific situation or challenge you encountered within your previous roles in civil service.

  20. RELEASE: Biden-Harris Administration Issues Proposed Rule to Reinforce

    Washington, D.C. - The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) today announced a proposed rule that would clarify and reinforce long-standing protections and merit system principles for career civil servants. "The proposed rule honors our 2.2 million career civil servants, helping to ensure they can carry out their duties without fear of political reprisal," said OPM Director Kiran Ahuja.