
Essay on Businessman

Students are often asked to write an essay on Businessman in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Businessman

Who is a businessman.

A businessman is a person who starts and runs a business. The main goal is to make money by selling goods or services. To do this, they plan, organize, and take risks.

Skills Needed

They must be good at planning, leading, and making decisions. Being able to talk well and solve problems is also important. They need to understand money matters and be creative.

Challenges Faced

Running a business is tough. There are always new problems to fix, like not enough money or too much competition. A good businessman learns from mistakes and keeps trying.

Importance in Society

Businessmen are key to the economy. They create jobs and make products we use every day. They help society grow by bringing new ideas to life.

250 Words Essay on Businessman

What does a businessman do.

The main job of a businessman is to make decisions that help his business grow. He thinks of what customers might like to buy and works hard to offer it to them. He also has to make sure he has enough money to keep the business running and pay his workers. It’s like playing a game where you need to make the right moves to win.

Qualities of a Good Businessman

A good businessman must be brave to take risks and smart to make good choices. He should be able to talk to people easily and explain his ideas. It’s important for him to work hard and not give up when things get tough. He should also be fair and kind to everyone he works with.

Why Being a Businessman Matters

Businessmen are important because they create jobs for people. They help make new things that can change our lives for the better. When businessmen succeed, they can make their towns or even their countries stronger by making more money and helping people live better lives.

In short, a businessman is like a builder who puts together the pieces of a puzzle to create a picture that everyone can enjoy. He works with care and thought to make sure his business can stand tall and strong.

500 Words Essay on Businessman

A businessman is a person who starts, organizes, and manages a business, aiming to make a profit. This person takes on financial risks in the hope that their business will succeed. They come up with ideas for products or services and then figure out how to sell them to other people.

The Start of a Business

Taking risks.

Starting a business can be scary because there is no guarantee it will work. A businessman must be brave and ready to take risks. Imagine wanting to cross a river where the bridge is not strong. The businessman is the person who decides to cross, knowing that it might be dangerous, but also that reaching the other side could lead to treasure.

Working Hard

To be successful, a businessman must work very hard. They often work more hours than other people and have to think about their business all the time. It’s like having a garden – if the gardener does not take care of the plants every day, the garden will not flourish.

Making Decisions

Dealing with failure.

Sometimes, even with the best plans, things do not work out. A product might not sell, or an unexpected problem can come up. A businessman must be able to face failure and not give up. It’s like learning to ride a bike – even if you fall off, you have to get back on and try again.

Helping the Community

Businessmen can do good things for the community. They create jobs, which means people have work and can earn money to take care of their families. Their businesses can also help by supporting local events or charities. It’s like being part of a team – everyone helps each other to win the game.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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  • 8 Tips for Writing Business English

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Many of us learn English primarily for work purposes, and yet business English doesn’t often feature in school curricula.

You’ll probably have studied English poetry, novels, and perhaps even a play or two (Shakespeare is likely to feature). You’ll have learned how to write an English-language essay , noting any ways in which English essay styles are different from those you might have been taught in your first language. While these things develop your understanding of and appreciation for the language, they’re unlikely to be much help in your future career. What will be useful is knowing how to write emails, presentations and reports in English for a business context. Most of us have to figure out these things as we go along when we get our first job – sometimes helped along by a manager who’s kind enough to explain that an ideal email sign off is neither “hugs and kisses” nor “respectfully yours” but falls somewhere in between the two. In this article, we share top tips for writing business English, so that you can learn some common mistakes before they have to be mentioned in your appraisal.

1. Remember the purpose and audience

Writing for business isn’t like the kind of writing you might have done at school or university. When you write an academic essay – at least until you’re at the point where someone might like to publish it – you’re writing it primarily for yourself, to explore your understanding of the topic, and ultimately to receive a grade for it. Writing for business, by contrast, is always for someone else to read; otherwise you wouldn’t be wasting your time on it. It might be an email for your manager, a presentation for your colleagues, a brief for an external agency or a report for either yourself or your successor in a couple of years’ time, to remind them/you of how a particular activity progressed and what its results were. What you write should therefore be dictated by that audience, first and foremost. Things that might be affected by the audience include your choice of vocabulary, the amount of context required, and how circumspect you are in your judgments. Using abbreviations for internal writing will make it quicker and easier for colleagues to read, but it could be incomprehensible for anyone new to the business. Your manager doesn’t need a rundown of what the company does, but the agency might. And you probably don’t want to declare a project a complete disaster if you’re presenting to the entire company about it, but if it’s going in a report solely for your team, you’ll want to make it clear why you’ll never be going down that route again.

2. Avoid jargon

There’s a big difference between professional slang and jargon. Professional slang, plus the world of technical vocabulary and abbreviations, is used to enable faster communication. If your job involves handling personal data in any capacity, you’ll probably have heard of the GDPR and its associated terminology: opt-in, opt-out, legitimate interest and so on. If that’s not the case, the previous sentence may well have been incomprehensible. The GDPR, in case it’s of interest, is the General Data Protection Regulation, an EU-wide regulation to ensure better data protection. Using General Data Protection Regulation instead of GDPR, when writing for an audience who will know all about it already, is likely to impede communication rather than speeding it up, especially given the abbreviation is more widely used. Jargon, by contrast, doesn’t speed up communication but instead makes your writing more complicated and thus, harder to understand. It also enables you to slip into generalities rather than saying what you actually mean. “We need to get our ducks in a row before we can get organisational buy-in on this activity – can you action that?” is a much less useful sentence than “we need to have a complete business plan before we can get agreement from across the organisation – can you take charge of that?”, as the latter provides much clearer instructions as well as avoiding jargon. Even if using jargon isn’t stopping you from being understood, it’s probably setting your readers’ teeth on edge – so avoid it where you can.

3. Be concise

In academia, you’ll have got used to writing to a word count. If you turn in a 1,000-word essay where a 5,000-word one was expected, you’ll be called to your teacher’s office, not praised. It can be hard to get out of the habit of wordiness when you move into the realm of business English. But it’s a habit that you need to get out of, because business English demands that you be concise wherever possible. After all, the time that it takes someone to read what you’ve written is time when they’re being paid by your employer; if you’ve written twice as much as is necessary, that costs your employer twice as much. Being concise means using whatever techniques are necessary to make your writing shorter and quicker to read. Bullet points can be quicker to get through than full paragraphs; a graph that tells the story in a single glance can be quicker than any written text. Short, easy-to-read sentences can help, too. But it’s not just about writing style; it’s also about content. Thinking about your audience, consider the amount of detail that you need to go into. For instance, if your manager has asked you for a report on the past month’s performance, do you need to look at the day-by-day ups and downs, or can you can you just provide a summary?

4. Include statistics

It’s possible to hide a great deal by not including statistics. It’s a well-established practice in journalese – the particular form of English used by journalists – whereby “many MPs have called the Prime Minister’s judgement into question” can mean “three”, and “the film garnered a plethora of awards” translates to perhaps “four”. It’s natural to use these descriptive terms in writing, whether it’s that you’ve seen a significant increase in sales, or there was a minor fall in income. The problem is that this isn’t much help for the person reading whatever you’ve written. The change that you consider “minor” they might consider “significant” and vice versa – and that’s without getting into the definition of words and phrases like “a few”, “a multitude” or “a handful”. It’s much more useful for them, and often easier for you, simply to include the numbers themselves. It’s even better if you can set them into context; so not just the sales you’ve made this month, but what that means against your targets year-to-date and year-on-year, and what kind of an increase this represents compared to last month, and what’s typical. Consider how you can best present this information so that the reader can take it in at a glance. If you take jargon and evasive language out of your writing, and instead fill it with statistics and other information that your reader will find valuable, it’ll be considerably improved.

5. Make it reader-friendly

These aren’t the only things you can do to make your business writing reader-friendly. We’ve already discussed the possibility of using bullet points to keep your writing concise. But in business writing, you should use all the tools at your disposal to make your writing easy to read. For instance, if you have to write a lot of long reports, you should break them up with headings and (where necessary) sub-headings. If the report is going to be discussed and revised extensively, numbering the paragraphs can be keeping track of references easier. Similarly, provide executive summaries at the start of reports so that readers trying to find the right report in your office shared drive can quickly figure out whether it’s what they’re looking for. You can even apply the same time-saving technique to emails, including mentioning the relevant deadline in the opening line so that your busy colleagues can prioritise. Across all your writing, the use of fonts, colour-coding and highlighting can be used to draw your reader’s eye to the important points. You can go too far, of course; you don’t want to give the impression that your cat walked across the format settings. If everything is highlighted, that doesn’t enable readability. But using design to draw attention where it’s needed can help a great deal when done well.  

6. Avoid typical mistakes

You might think that spelling and grammar doesn’t matter as much in a business context as an academic context, but there are plenty of people who will disagree, and one of them might be your manager! So keep an eye on spelling and grammar, and in particular avoid common mistakes. That might include making sure that you don’t confuse the possessive “its” with the contraction “it’s” – used in “there’s the dog with its bowl” versus “it’s the dog’s birthday”, or otherwise misplaced apostrophes. The use of abbreviations in business English can lead to apostrophes being sprinkled incorrectly all over the place, such as in “DVD’s” or “2000’s”. In neither case should an apostrophe be used, and if your workplace uses particular abbreviations of its own, it’s likely that they don’t require apostrophes either. Another common error in business English is the misuse of “myself”, in a sentence such as “the presentation was given by Brian and myself”. To be grammatically correct, this should be “the presentation was given by Brian and me” – no need for the grandiose “myself” – and to be concise, it could be changed from the passive to the active voice, becoming “Brian and I gave the presentation.” 

7. Find the right balance between formality and friendliness

The balance between formality and friendliness in a business context varies hugely on a macro level between countries and cultures, and on a micro level from one business to the next. Within the UK, there are some rules you can usually rely on. For instance, it’s seldom appropriate to include kisses in a work email (e.g. “xoxoxox”), and, at the opposite end of the formality scale, if you refer to your colleagues by title and surname instead of their first names you’ll risk sounding like you’ve travelled in time from the 19th century. But other rules are more changeable depending on the specific business in question. Some will encourage the use of emojis in order to seem friendly within the office; in others, that will be seen as completely unprofessional. Similarly, whether emails to colleagues should start with a bit of friendly chat about the weather and how you’re looking forward to the weekend, or if this is considered to be a complete waste of time, will vary from business to business or even between teams. What’s important is to be aware of these considerations when you’re writing, and if in doubt, mimic whatever your manager does.

8. Proofread as much as you can

Here’s a conversation you don’t want to have to have with your manager: Your manager: “Amazing results! An 18% increase! I can’t believe I missed that. We only managed 1.9% last month. Could you expand your report a little bit to look into why that happened?” You: “Sorry… I missed out the decimal point.” Inaccuracies in business writing can have significant consequences. If the end result of your email, presentation or report is that the company changes direction, or doubles down on an existing strategy, you’d better hope they’re not doing so on the basis of a typo. Attention to detail is a key trait required in most job applications, and for good reason. So make sure to proofread anything that you write in a business context. This can mean double-checking all of the figures you’ve included, especially any that stand out as unusual. Reading through your writing both from beginning to end and from back to front can help pick up issues that you’d miss. If you use a standard word processor like Microsoft Word, switch on all the spelling and grammar checking options for your final run-through, just in case there’s something that you’ve missed. And if all that fails? Use your teamwork skills, and ask a friendly colleague if they wouldn’t mind looking over it for you.

businessman essay in english

How to Write a Business Essay: an Ultimate Guide

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Writing an essay can be boring. A lot of essays are basically the same thing over and over again. You write an introduction, then you write your supporting paragraphs, and then you create a conclusion. Overall, the process is not a lot of fun, and you can often feel as though you are simply going through the motions for the sake of churning out extra work. But since you have to write an essay, it’s worth considering the many ways that you can make the process faster and easier. In this ultimate guide, we’ll discuss the best way to write a business essay so you can get through the process faster and with relatively little trouble.

A graphic of a man sitting behind a desk, writing, with the title text: "Business Essay Writing Guide"

It might seem obvious, but the first thing you need to do when you write an essay is to read the essay question. You need to be sure you understand each part of the essay question and how the parts of the question work together. You would be surprised how many students only glance at the question and then write a paper that only partially addresses the assignment. You don’t want to lose points because part of your paper isn’t on topic. If you find any parts of the paper that you don’t understand or that require explanation, be sure to contact your instructor for clarification before you start writing.

Read the essay rubric

These days, most essays have a grading rubric included with the question. A grading rubric is like a cheat sheet for writing your essay. When you review the essay rubric, you’ll see exactly how your instructor will grade your paper and what your instructor will be looking for. When you write your paper, you will therefore know exactly what to include and how to write about it in order to maximize your points—and you’ll also see what you can spend less time on because it won’t contribute to your overall grade.

Make friends with your library

Many students automatically turn to search engines like Google in order to research their papers, but this is not the most effective way to find high-quality business sources for your paper. Instead, take advantage of your library’s databases. Your college or university library will likely have dedicated business databases that collect high-quality academic articles on business topics. Using these resources in your paper will make your essay stronger and more effective, and it will put your paper on a solid academic footing.

Compile your sources before you write

Many students use the start-and-stop method to write their papers, composing a sentence or two and then stopping to look up more information in order to keep going. This, however, is an inefficient way to work. A better way is to read through your research sources before you start and copy into a separate file a series of quotations and facts that you might use in your paper, creating in-text citations and reference list entries for each before you start. Doing so will make sure that you don’t have to stop for research and have a ready bank of pre-cited material to work with as you write.

Outline before you write

Outlining is an important skill that will both save you time and improve the quality of your essay. Take time before you write to lay out your paper from beginning to end. Start with your thesis statement and carefully lay out the body paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting details (including research, quotes, and citations ), and a closing paragraph . Plan your transitions to link paragraphs together. Any amount of outlining can be helpful, but the more effort that you put into outlining at this stage, the easier it will be to write your paper, and the less likely it will be that you get stuck in a tangent that goes nowhere or meander into a point that requires you to change your thesis and revise you whole essay.

Remember to revise and proofread

When you finish the draft of your paper, you aren’t done yet. The first draft is rarely the finished product. You should always set aside time to read your work back and to make revisions to make it clearer. You also need to carefully proofread for mechanical grammar, punctuation, and syntax issues to ensure that your paper is as close to perfect as possible. You don’t want to leave points on the table because your paper had easy to fix minor spelling or grammar errors.

Consider professional writing help

Another great way to get your paper done quickly is to seek out custom professional help from an essay writing service with academic experts. An online writing company such as this can create business papers for college students and deliver them fast. When you utilize professional writing assistance, you can receive a custom-written essay that can serve as a great model to help you understand how a professional would approach your business topic and organize and develop an essay to address your assignment. Using a model such as this can save you time and effort as you work on your own paper, allowing you to focus on the learning process more than the mechanics of academic essay writing.

Join the thousands who have sharpened their business writing skills with our award winning courses.

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A Guide to Business Writing in English: How to Write in a Professional and Modern Style

Published on, january 26, 2022, january 17, 2023, this article may contain affiliate links.

businessman essay in english

Business English isn’t as complicated as you might think it is. Here are a the most important steps that you can take to make sure your business writing impresses your clients and co-workers.

A Guide to Business Writing in English: How to Write in a Professional and Modern Style

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[Note: Our ' Demystifying Business English ' Course is now available, and includes a module on Business Writing]

For better or worse, English is the language of business.

Recent trends, such as remote working, mean that writing is more important than ever. 

If you can write clearly, simply and accurately in English, you will save your company time and money. 

This means that by improving your writing skills you make yourself more valuable to your company. It means pay rises, promotions, and improved career opportunities.

It’s not about the grammar

Perhaps you worry about making grammar mistakes in your writing. Although it is good if your writing is error-free, this is not the most important thing.

After all, people use English all around the world to communicate with each other, and most people using English are not native English speakers. A supplier in Vietnam writes in English to a customer in Poland. 

We don’t expect everyone to have grammatically perfect sentences.

In modern business, the most important thing is time . The ability to get to the point quickly is more valuable than the ability to write without grammar mistakes.

Types of business writing

Business writing includes the following:

  • Instant messaging services (Slack, Teams etc.)
  • Memos (formal notes sent to employees)
  • Proposals (formal offers to do project work)
  • Promotional materials

Of these, the most common type of business writing is emails . 

Most people rarely send letters anymore and they may only write one report per month, but they might send and receive dozens of emails per day.

So the tips I am going to cover here mainly apply to emails. However, many of the tips are also useful for longer writing, such as reports or proposals.

How is business writing different?

How is business writing different from creative writing.

When you write a story, you improve your writing by adding things, such as adjectives and emotional words.

Look at the following two sentences.

(1) Jack jumped out of the plane. (2) Taking a deep breath and summoning up all of the courage that he could muster, Jack stepped forward and launched himself out of the aircraft.

The second sentence is better storytelling, because we have added emotions, adjectives and expressive words, such as aircraft instead of plane .

However, business writing works in exactly the opposite way! 

Examine these two sentences:

(1) You are hereby requested that, in order to facilitate the application process, form 3B must be completed in full and returned to us at your earliest convenience. (2) Could you please fill out form 3B and return it to us?

In this case, the shorter sentence is better . It is better because it gets to the point quickly and saves the reader time.

You may also notice that my “good example” uses simpler language.

In modern business writing, it is a good habit to use simpler language . This is good news for English learners. It means you do not need to learn complicated vocabulary to write well !

How is business writing different from spoken English?

When we write, we have time to think about and structure what we want to say. We can choose just the right word that we want.

However, in a basic sense, modern business writing is not so different from spoken English. Look again at our two examples:

(Bad example) You are hereby requested that, in order to facilitate the application process, form 4B must be completed in full and returned to us at your earliest convenience. (Good example) Could you please fill out form 4B and return it to us?

The first example is bad because it is too different from spoken English and so it does not sound natural. The listener has to spend time “translating” it into normal language.

On the other hand, the second example is already “normal language”. Look closely and you will notice it could be spoken English. 

If your emails sound good in spoken English, you are on the right track!

At this point, you might be wondering something. You might be thinking that this style of writing sounds very different from business writing in your own language.

It’s true. In many other languages, business writing is much more formal and elaborate (complex). 

In fact, English business writing used to be this way. However, this has changed in the past 50 years or so for the following reasons:

  • Time has become much more important as business has become more efficient
  • Emails and text messaging have simplified the way we communicate
  • Tech companies (with younger CEOs and a more informal style) have influenced the business world

What is modern business writing?

Modern business writing should be friendly , professional and polite .

A professional email should be concise (short and to the point). It shouldn’t contain lengthy sentences (try not to have sentences of over 20 words), unnecessary words or overly formal writing.

Let’s see some examples.

The good, the bad and the ugly of business writing

Dear esteemed team members,

I refer in this email to the meeting which had previously been scheduled for May 11.

Please be informed that the abovementioned meeting shall be postponed for a period of one week and shall be held on the 18th of May.

Should you be unable to attend said meeting, please inform the undersigned at your earliest convenience.

This email is full of bureaucratic (overly formal) language (like abovementioned and undersigned ). It does not sound natural. It does not sound at all like how we would say it. It is tedious (boring) and difficult to read.

Mondays meeting is 2b delayed 4 one week. sorry, everyone. Pls let me know whether u can make it or not.

This email has the opposite problem of the first one. It is too informal. We can’t write a business email in the same way we write a text to a friend. 

It is not professional to use u instead of you or to ignore grammar and punctuation.

Unfortunately, we will have to postpone this week’s team meeting until Wednesday, May 18.

I apologise if this disrupts anyone’s schedule. Please email me if you are unable to attend.

Our good example is friendly, professional and polite. 

Note that it uses short sentences and goes straight to the point. It uses polite language ( I apologise, please ). It is professional because the language is not too formal or too informal.

Read the example again and note that we could communicate the message in spoken English using more or less the same language.

A foolproof way to structure an email

You might have to write dozens of emails a day (or more). Do you really have time to think about how to structure each one?

You don’t have to. You can apply this simple three-part structure to most formal or semi-formal emails (to people inside your company) that you need to write:

Paragraph 1 : reason for writing Paragraph 2 : details Paragraph 3 : action

Here is an example of this structure in an email requesting information:

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are currently seeking a professional cleaning service for our small office. [reason for writing]

Our office area is around 2000 square feet. Since it includes a workshop, we generate a lot of plastics waste and we would like to ensure that this is dealt with in an eco-friendly manner. We require the service twice-weekly and our budget is $200. [details]

Could you provide a quote for us, please? [action]

Mr JC Lawson

And here is the reply. Notice how it has the same paragraph structure:

Dear Mr Dobson,

Thank you for your recent enquiry. We would be very happy to provide cleaning services for your office. [reason for writing]

We have a commitment to helping the environment and I can assure you that your plastics waste will be recycled. For your size of office, a twice-weekly service will cost $190 although we do charge extra if you have wooden flooring. A formal quotation is attached with this email. [details]

If you have any further questions, you can contact me directly at 013 220 9178 and I would be glad to assist. Please also visit our website (wecleanit.com) for a full list of our services. [action]

Janet Lugman,

Brillite Cleaning Services

I hope you can see how this simple structure can be applied to many other types of emails, such as complaints, replies to complaints, rescheduling a meeting and so on.

By using this structure whenever possible, you can then focus your attention on writing the message clearly.

Ten tips to make you a better business writer

Now that we have covered the basics, let’s learn some quick tips to help you improve. These tips may be simple, but they can have a great impact on your writing!

1 Be friendly

Don’t write like a robot! Be friendly, especially when writing emails to clients, customers or colleagues. Use simple words like glad, happy, pleased and so on. Always use positive words where you can.

Which of these is better?

(a) Should you have any enquiries, please contact us at the email below. (b) We are always ready to help you with any enquiries. Simply contact us at the email below.

Did you choose (b)? (b) sounds friendlier and more natural.

What about these?

(a) Please be informed that your tickets are available for collection. (b) We are pleased to let you know that your tickets are ready for collection.

Again, (b) sounds friendlier, because of words like pleased (happy) and ready .

2 Use bullet points and numbered lists

My own students often ask me if bullet points are a good habit in reports and emails.

The answer is a clear yes. Bullet points make it easier to locate important information in an email or report.

3 Pay attention to your subject lines

Email subject lines have a clear purpose. They allow us to scroll through our inbox and find the email we are looking for quickly.

A subject line should be descriptive and precise.

Bad example: Enquiry Good example: Follow-up enquiry (Order no: 3888x)

4 Use numbers and dates

Business writing should be precise and accurate. This means that we always try to use numbers and dates.

Let’s see some examples:

Bad example: We are interested in purchasing some water filters . Good example: We are interested in purchasing 30 water filters .

Bad example: I will confirm the delivery within two days . Good example: I will confirm the delivery before November 18 .

Avoid using phrases such as tomorrow or in two days . If you write tomorrow on Monday, but the receiver only reads the email on Tuesday, they may misunderstand.

5 Keep emails short

A simple email should be 50-100 words in length. The average sentence length should be 10-15 words. Try to have no sentences longer than 20 words.

6 Remove filler words

We should always think about how to make our emails more concise. For example, examine this sentence:

Please be informed that our service will be offline for a period of one week.

We can shorten it by removing the “ filler words ” (words with no meaning or purpose except to make the sentence longer):

Our service will be offline for one week.

Remember, our goal is to be concise (short but containing all the necessary information).

7 Think about how to address the receiver

When writing to a customer, never write Dear Sir or Dear Sir/Madam if you know their name (and we almost always know a customer’s name).

You can use “Hi” instead of “Dear”, especially if you have already exchanged several emails with them. Remember, an email should sound friendly.

If the other person addresses you with “Hi Peter” and you address them with “Dear Dr Edwards”, it will sound very strange and unfriendly. 

However, if the other person likes to address you using “Dear…”, you should continue to address them in the same way.

It is good to match the tone of the other person.

8 Be actionable

End an email by talking about what action you or the other person will take.

For example, if a potential client has emailed to ask for information about a service, end by explaining how they can make their purchase:

You can order the spare parts directly from me or from our website (www.abcco.com/purchase). Or call me directly at +44 0202 100 158 and I will be glad to assist.

9 Ask direct questions

When we expect the receiver to take action, it is good to phrase the action as a direct question. The question should be as direct as possible, while still being polite.

Bad example: I await your response. Good example: Can you let me know if you can attend the meeting?

10 Proofread your writing

Always go back over your email or report and check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes or typos (accidental mistakes).

If possible, ask a coworker or friend to help you check it. Choose someone who you know has a good grasp of English.

I’m an English teacher and I’m always surprised at how many typos I find in my own writing! So, never say to yourself, “I’m sure I didn’t make any (or many) mistakes”.

Remember, you do not need to have perfect grammar to write well in English, but it is a good habit to minimise the number of grammar mistakes.

The next step in improving your business writing

We have covered a lot of great tips in this guide. The next step is to apply these tips in your own business writing.

If your style of writing is very different from the style suggested here, it may take time to change. 

However, it is worth the effort to become an effective business writer and to write in a more modern and professional style.

To learn more about the modern style of writing, you can try these two resources:

How to write in plain English (by the Plain English Campaign, based in the United Kingdom)

Federal plain English guidelines (a guide published by the US government)

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How to Improve Your Business English

  • Peter Burman

businessman essay in english

Be patient, set realistic goals, and find a good community of learners.

Pressure to speak English in the workplace continues to grow as more and more companies invest in globalizing their teams. However, mastering a new language requires time and resources that many people — especially adults who are no longer in school —struggle to find. EF Education First annually releases the world’s largest study of English proficiency in various countries and industries. They have distilled the lessons they’ve learned through their work and from the literature on second language acquisition into a few tips that highlight how people can learn English more effectively. If you’re a professional looking to improve your business English, consider incorporating these into your learning plan: set specific goals, create study habits, use authentic English materials, and join a positive learning community.

Chun Hin is a senior manager at a Hong Kong investment bank. Every morning, he listens to Bloomberg radio on his way to work and used to read each issue of the Economist from cover to cover in an effort to continuously improve his English. As a Hong Kong native who grew up speaking Cantonese and Mandarin, Chun Hin has worked hard to become fluent in English.

  • Minh Tran is Director of Research and Partnerships for EF Education First and a member of the team that launched the EF Standard English Test .
  • Peter Burman is president of EF Corporate Solutions .

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Business Essay and the Best Way of Its Writing

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businessman essay in english

Business is an essential aspect of today’s evolving world. It is a lucrative industry that impacts many sectors, including education. Business-related courses are popular as many students are pursuing the programs. There are many branches in the business field, from business management to finance. College tutors often give students different business papers to test their knowledge as part of the assessment.

A business essay is an academic assignment that involves writing a paper that responds with a strategic and analytical approach to specific situations occurring in the market. Each business essay has a different topic that students tackle. However, the primary purpose of such essays is to collect relevant facts that align with the research question and analyze the data to get solutions.

Writing a business essay might seem simple, but it requires impressive writing skills and extensive research. You must be familiar with the topic to know the paper’s direction. Topic selection is a tricky section that affects the entire writing process. It is essential to identify a relevant topic to assist you in crafting a remarkable paper. You have to write a well-structured and compelling paper to get good grades. Presenting accurate arguments with supporting examples from reliable sources is an essential research aspect. Thus, a business essay must follow the required academic standards and theoretical frameworks.

However, writing is not everyone’s cup of tea, and incorporating logical arguments can be challenging. If you are stuck, you can check any business essay example online to understand the format. You will know how to structure the paper and relate it to the relevant themes.

That is why our writing service is here to help needy students craft exceptional essays. We will connect with a proficient business essay writer to help with the research and writing process. Get flawless documents from us and earn the best score in your class.

Business Essay Format

Most learners often overlook the importance of having a business essay format. It is imperative to use a format to help you outline your work. Proper thought organization and articulation are essential aspects that translate into a well-written business essay.

Below is an example of the format:

  • Introduction
  • Background information
  • Introduce main topics
  • Thesis statement
  • Topic sentence
  • Research explanation
  • Restate points
  • Significance of the study

The above outline is a map that will guide you to know what to include in each section. In addition, you will understand what the assignment requires you to do from the introduction to the conclusion.

If you still find it challenging to get the proper format, you can study a relevant business essay example from our site and jumpstart your paper. Whether you need a business school essay or a business plan essay, we have you covered.

Write Business Essay In 5 Steps

While writing might seem challenging, with the proper format and topic familiarity, you are on the right track. It is imperative to understand the writing process before composing your business essay. You need to read the prompt carefully to know what you are supposed to research and write about.

Here is an overview of the writing process in 5 simple steps:

  • Topic Selection

Choosing a good topic is mandatory in crafting an excellent paper. You must select a theme that aligns with the research question. Additionally, ensure you select a familiar topic you are passionate about to avoid writing mistakes and illogical paragraphs.

  • Extensive Research

Conduct extensive research to get facts and supporting evidence. Narrow down your theme and include only good points. Avoid broad topics because you will waste time during research.

  • Essay Outline

Make sure you use a proper outline to organize your thoughts and line of arguments. Follow the format essay

Start writing your paper while using the required academic format. Organize your work and include the introduction, main body paragraphs, or conclusion.

  • Editing and Proofreading

Finally, edit and proofread your essay to eliminate grammatical and spelling mistakes.

The above steps will help you during business essay writing to craft remarkable papers. It would be best to plan your time adequately to avoid rushing through the process. However, you must select an appropriate topic for your paper. It could be a business management essay or a marketing paper. No matter the subject discipline, ensure you follow the correct procedure.

Business Essay Topics

popular business topics

Our experts have compiled a list of different business essay topics to inspire your writing:

  • Discuss the importance of bookkeeping in a business.
  • Evaluate the impact of value addition in products.
  • An analysis of income and expenditure transactions.
  • Analyze the supply-chain industry.
  • The effects of product promotion in business growth.
  • How to develop an effective marketing strategy.
  • Impact of policymaking in enhancing company productivity.
  • What is multilevel marketing?
  • Impact of technology in the business world.
  • Discuss the challenges affecting entrepreneurship.
  • Significance of human resource management.
  • Explore the importance of budget analysis.
  • How does technology impact advertising?
  • The importance of a financial strategy.
  • How to start an online business.
  • How can organizations profit from sustainable practices?
  • How to develop a positive organizational culture.
  • The importance of employee diversity in an organization.
  • Effective ways of fraud prevention in a company.
  • Explore the communication channels in an organization.

Let us look at interesting argumentative business essay topics

  • Discuss the influence of cultural differences on international companies.
  • A comprehensive analysis of cryptocurrencies.
  • Discuss the ethical dilemmas in international organizations.
  • The influence of globalization on the business community.
  • Should large organizations have a social media presence?
  • Causes and effects of economic recession.
  • Impact of politics on business growth.
  • Discuss the effective strategies of negotiating cross-cultural business deals.
  • Explore the integrity of online entrepreneurship.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility in an organization.

The field is quite diverse with various course programs. You can derive different topics from these programs to get logical arguments. So, get inspiration from the compelling business school essay examples and craft exceptional papers.

business management essay topics

How To Start A Business Essay

Knowing how to start a business essay is essential for academic writing. The first step entails topic selection because it will determine the essay’s direction. Identifying a relevant topic is vital, and you need to ensure you get the suitable theme. It will also help save you time during research and simplify the writing process.

When it comes to essay writing service , business papers are among the assignments that require extensive research and analysis. Read the essay prompt carefully to understand the tutor’s expectations. Then, make sure you conduct a comprehensive brainstorming session to get the major points for your paper. Having the right points will help you compose logical arguments in a flawless manner.

Moreover, it would help to read previous essays and publications from reliable essays widely. You will get essential data to support your arguments. Besides, the sources will help you cite your essay correctly.

Start your essay with an insightful introduction and include your perspective regarding the topic. Incorporate a powerful thesis statement that informs your readers of the paper’s direction and the major points you will discuss.

Proceed to write the body paragraphs with a topic sentence that captures all significant arguments. Each paragraph should have well-explained arguments that flow logically.

Finally, conclude your business essay by restating your main points and the significance of the study.

Still, need help with your paper? Worry no more. Our competent business essay writers are on standby, ready to assist you with any academic paper. Stop wasting time and reach out to us. We will help you score top-of-the-class grades within no time.

The paper “Enterprises Resource Planning Success and Failure” is an outstanding example of a business essay. An Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system according to Aslan et al. (2012, p.693) is a management system within an organization that has sets of connected inclusive software, which may be used when espoused and put into practice effectively, to oversee and connect every organizational function. Basically, ERP systems may be employed as a tool for helping to improve the supply chain network as well as the level of performance by helping in decreasing cycle times.

Besides that, ERP systems have been utilized routinely in capital-intensive industries like building, construction, manufacturing, as well as defence. Latterly, ERP systems have advanced further and nowadays they are prevalent in industries such as education, health care, finance, hospitality, and telecommunications. Fundamentally, the benefits of ERP systems are hard to realise not unless a strong disposition, as well as participation, is established within the organisation; so, the article seeks to critically analyse ERP success and failure experienced by organisations.

BodyAs mentioned by Hellens et al. (2005, p.283), ERP systems are built upon a single database and application, as well as a coordinate that is unified in the whole organization. For that reason, every application serving different departments such as HR, accounting, and supply chain are integrated firmly under a single ERP system. Al-as observed by Al-Masha et al. (2003, p.354), ERP systems are useful when successfully implemented because they accelerate the process of decision-making. So, the success of ERP systems depends on the ability of an organisation’s managers to efficiently oversee the operation of a business, given that ERP systems can help them reduces operation costs.

Success drivers of ERP systems can be categorised into two: operational and technological drivers. In this case, operational drivers are associated with ways of improving organisational performance, supporting business strategies, as well as cutting production costs. On the other hand, technological drivers are predominantly associated with compliance with existing rules and regulations. The notion of success varies as the process of implementation continues, in that for planning and implementation (the first two stages of the cycle) success is mainly rooted in completing the ERP project to the standards that are acceptable within the budget as well as a time limit.

As pointed out by Hanafizadeh et al. (2010), stabilization as well as Improvement (the last two stages of the cycle) success is founded on the seeming impact of the ERP system on the performance of the organization. As indicated in Hanafizadeh et al. (2010) study, there are scores of factors vital for the success of ERP systems; support is top management one of the factors, and it involves encouraging commitment, positivity, and support of top management in the ERP project. Another factor is the utilization of knowledge as well as experience of system and technology consultants.

Additionally, the balanced project team is crucial for the success of ERP systems because it includes the integration of employees and information technology with the broad knowledge of the processes in the organization. As evidenced in Hellens et al. (2005) study, the accuracy of the information is crucial to the success of ERP project, so, data loaded from accessible legacy systems must at all times be of high quality. ERP project cannot succeed if the project management teams do not have a well-defined, detailed project plan related to the goals of the project.

Change management is also a success factor in the implementation of ERP project; so, careful attention has to be offered to this, considering that several changes in business processes are experienced during ERP systems implementation. Training and education are also important given that technical expertise regarding the ERP system, its reference model, and facts regarding its working are useful in the process of implementation. Other factors crucial for success consists of, availability of experts who aside from being in top management will frequently help the organization realize ERP system benefits.

Failure of ERP projects has been prevalent, and this has continued to bite worldwide across all business platforms. As pointed out in Xue et al. (2005, p.279) study, ERP poise substantial benefits like improving customer service, reducing manufacturing costs and boosts productivity, but these benefits are only realised after successfully implementing the ERP systems. Nevertheless, statistics show that implementation of ERP systems is still a failure amongst scores of companies. Statistically, 90 per cent of ERP systems implementations in Asia countries, especially China are either completed late or use more money and resources than those stipulated in budget.

In Xue et al. (2005) study, where they differentiated implementation success of ERP system in China as well as western countries, they noted that China had a higher percentage of failure which was attributed mainly to lack of support from top management as well as data inaccuracy. Other factors that led to ERP failure include poor participation, education and training, insignificant time ensuing from a minimal understanding of cross-operational organisational processes (Dechow & Mouritsen, 2005, p.691). Furthermore, ERP systems are exceedingly expensive, and also the need for the organisation to hire consultants to assist in the configuration as well as implementation, results in further escalation of price; thus, creating a high possibility of failure.

The cost used on consultants is almost thrice the cost of an ERP system; this negatively affects the productivity of the company and can lead also to the failure of the ERP system. ConclusionIn conclusion, it has been argued that ERP systems are beneficial because they improve the flow of information between every function of the company and also manages the connections to external stakeholders. Currently, the key basis of competitive advantage is the capability of a business to improve the processes of the supply chain.

This necessity has created the need for more advanced information systems like ERP systems. The articles have heightened numerous factors critical to the success of ERP, and which have allowed companies to efficiently plan their resources resulting in business efficient functionality and increased productivity. Failures as discussed in the article are caused by lack of support from top management, data inaccuracy, and lack of sufficient education and training.

The paper “New iPhones Show a Hit For Apple as Quarterly Profit Fluctuate 13 Percent” is an outstanding example of a business literature review. Yao (2014) explains that China is expected to provide information about its weakest growth since the occurrence of the global financial crisis within the third quarter while the property downturn is assessed based on manufacturing and investment. As a result, more pressure has been put on Beijing to unveil new stimulus measures. According to Yao (2014), the market assumes that the Communist Party leader will be able to adjust to the gradual slowdown. This will happen only in circumstances where there are no possibilities of experiencing a potentially destabilizing fluctuation in unemployment. However, anything weaker would lead to more speculations of key stimulus measures, for instance, an interest rate cut. Although the leadership has consistently provided steady aid specifically to vulnerable sectors of the economy, it has been noted that several stimuli have been ignored because China is still struggling to pay a huge local government debt (Yao 2014).

Article 2: New iPhones show a hit for Apple as quarterly profit fluctuate 13 percent

Due to strong demand for APPLE’s new larger-screen iPhones released in September, its quarterly profit increased by 13 percent. This also enabled APPLE to overcome the sluggish iPad sales (Jones 2014). Despite the more intensifying competition felt by Samsung Electronics as APPLE’s leading Smartphone competitor, Jones (2014) points out that the iPhone is attracting more consumers who are also ready to pay high prices particularly for cutting-edge handsets. Through its latest phones, Apple is profitably catching with its major competitors, such as, Samsung that have from time to time managed to post attractive sales of larger phones. It has also been noted that the marketing strength that iPhone has gained stands in contrast to sluggish iPad sales and the issues affecting Samsung’s Smartphone business (Jones 2014).

Article 3: Coal not the solution for poverty

Couchi (2014) examines that cheap coal-fueled electricity is highly considered by miners and politicians as the best alternative way out of poverty, particularly for developing nations. However, Africa has not considered this. In the business report provided by Couchi (2014) about the U.S financial group Citi, it can be noted that the booming market for African electricity has been a result of the coal approach. In the attempt to reinforce coals bearish outlook, Couchi (2014) reports that Citi discovered that a new International Energy Agency (IEA) outlook on the commodity is in contrast with the idea of BHP, the US coal producer Peabody as well as the Minerals Council of Australia which maintains that coal would play an integral role in minimizing energy poverty, particularly for developing countries. Despite its metallurgical and thermal forms, coal is considered the second-biggest mineral exported from Australia after iron ore (Couchi 2014).

Article 4: Ebola could be in the headlines, but tobacco is yet another killer in Africa

Research conducted by The Guardian (2014) shows that although Ebola dominates the headlines, there is yet another killer pandemic of great importance that continues to kill many people in the African continent unnoticeably. It is has been noted that tobacco kills at least one between two long term smokers. Currently, it is anticipated to kill 1 billion people globally before 2100. This is relatively more compared to the current number of people who die of Ebola. The Guardian (2014) terms this global issue as injustice and inequality because Transnational Tobacco Companies (TTCs), such as UK-based British American Tobacco (BAT) earn humungous profits yet they cause economic damage worthy over half a trillion dollars each year. Besides, TTCs contribute more to environmental degradation and thus create risks that compromise the health as well as the sustainability of populations. To earn more profits, TTCs are currently shifting and expanding their business to untapped markets in regions with unrestricted opportunities for growth (The Guardian 2014).

Article 5: NAB, ANZ lead pack in building home-lending share

The home loan is still considered the major driving force in recovering credit growth for banks. In this case, National Australian Bank (NAB) and ANZ are on the frontline to encourage the big banks in taking the advantage of the mortgage market, while home and business lending are sustainably becoming strong. Therefore, NAB and ANZ have put on media their fastest growth out of the big in all the past three months (Yeates 2014). Despite the faster growth and expansion made by NAB compared to their rivals in home lending, Yeates (2014) notes that analysts see business lending as a bigger concern because the bank has lost shares and faced more pressure, particularly on its margins. Generally, the home loan market is considered a major driving force that enables banks to recover from credit growth regardless of the risks associated with life specifically in business lending (Yeates 2014).

The paper “Globalization and Culture” is an outstanding example of a business essay. Today, it is common to hear people refer to the world as ‘a global village’. This has been a result of the process of globalization. This process has opened up and improved trade across regional and national borders. Not only has globalization enhanced economic interactions across nations but also improved access to information and uplifted the fight for human rights, among other benefits. Recent technological and communication developments along with improved road networks have been the key drivers of globalization. However, critics of globalization say that these benefits have been realized at a very high price: that of surrendering regional and national cultural values, mainly, for Western morals (Kwame, 2007).

Regarding this debate, two key schools of thought emerge. From one angle critics argue that globalization spreads out any and every culture all over the realm, leading to cultural heterogeneity and deeper understanding between diverse groups. This is mainly defined through the global production and distribution of commodities such that people in different parts of the world have access to commodities they would otherwise have never seen. A case in point is the cultural interaction between the United States and Japan. Teens in the U.S interact with the Japanese culture through their comic books, animations and video games, while teens in Japan interact with the American culture through watching TV shows and Hollywood movies produced in the U.S (Kwame, 2007).

On the flip side, critics argue that globalization erodes the regional and national cultural identity through cultural homogeneity. This leads to a cohesive global culture constituting diluted varieties of regional and national cultural nuances. For instance, French pastries, ‘American’ fried chicken, and Japanese sushi can be eaten in almost any part of the world. Restraint chains such as MacDonald’s and Starbucks have influenced traditions and behaviors in different countries. Even though champions of globalization claim that this merely affects consumer goods and media broadcasting, critics contend that it deteriorates customary culture ((Kwame, 2007; Czinkota, 2003).

Culture is a prevalent aspect in business whether it is in marketing, production, or human resource management. It is a key variable in the function of success in new markets (Czinkota, 2003). People’s purchasing decisions are based on a product’s design, style or color that supports their religious beliefs and practices. Empirical evidence shows that the success or failure of a company, especially, in a foreign market is reliant upon the effective managerial exercise of local religious beliefs and practices. Therefore, managers ought to be on familiar terms with their market’s religious differences given that religion influences people’s attitudes. For instance, Asians have a different attitude toward authority and women that differs from Western beliefs and practices. Whereas many parts of the world, including Asia, South America, and Africa, value collectivism very much, Americans are more individualistic. Chinese, Latin Americans and Koreans take time casually even as Americans are more proactive.

Failing to appreciate the religious beliefs and practices of the market will often lead to lots of inadvertent mistakes, such as being socially violent, cultural mix-ups, tarnished interpersonal relations, poor negotiations. As a consequence, the company’s future performance dwindles as profits decline. Lack of religious competence, or religious dogmatism, can easily put at risk millions of dollars through fruitless negotiations, lost purchases or sales, and pitiable customer relationships (Czinkota, 2003).

Cultural Literacy

Culture is a broad system that includes traditions, beliefs, attitudes, values, institutions and social interactions. This system reflects the global crunch facing the human race, and so it is a cultural catastrophe (UNESCO 1997). Dealing with such a cultural diversity calls for an important skill referred to as cultural competence. Chrisman (2007) defines cultural competence as ‘attitudes, practice skills, and system savvy for cross-cultural conditions’. The key force in work involving cultural competence is the people’s flexibility and ability to appropriately consider and treat the general public politely and in a proper way fitting their culture. Cultural literacy takes account of cultural competence plus the capacity to analytically mirror, and if needed institute change in, one’s a specific culture. Cultural literacy also comprises the capacity to examine the actions of central cultures measured against other cultures. This becomes very much useful in business. A case in point is the understanding of the effect of globalization or cross-cultural businesses on indigenous cultures all over the world.

Cultural literacy has been likened to an iceberg, through the iceberg model of culture. This is due to the expanse contextual material one requires to understand the culture. Cultural literacy often involves much more than the information essentially spoken. In other words, to understand the meaning of a cultural term, one has got to have much information that is not revealed by the bare meaning of that term. The clear cultural meaning of the term is like the ‘tip of an iceberg’ meaning that the deeper understanding lies below the casual meaning of the term and it constitutes a person’s own applicable information. It is known that 15 per cent or less of an iceberg can be seen above the water surface, 85 per cent or more of the iceberg is submerged below the water surface. This means that there is quite a different picture depicted shallowly from that which is the actual translation in the literature, giving the imprint that implied information comprises relatively tiny bits and pieces of information, left out by the correspondent due to dismissal or suitability (Hawkes, 2001).

Figure 1: Iceberg Model of Culture

It has been stated earlier that culture is a broad system that among other aspects involves religion. The world is very diverse in terms of culture as well as religion. Each culture embodies a creation in itself and yet it is not closed. Cultures give religious convictions semantics, and religions provide decisive connotation to each culture. Religion is a way of life for numerous cultures saturating every one human action. In other cultures, it characterizes the utmost ambitions of human life, and for others, religion is an institution that claims to convey a meaning of deliverance (Hawkes, 2001).

The paper “The Different Communications ” is an outstanding example of a management assignment. Phone: 23 rd August: the communication was made to remind that the bill for the mobile phone is outstanding and if not paid within the date will have a fine imposed on it. The communication was successful as it helped to fulfill my need and acted as a reminder. Further, the call also ensured that it was complete and all the details like outstanding amount, due date, late fine, and other details were provided. The call was complete and highlighted the important aspect which if ignored could have an impact on my usage.

Radio: 24 th August: The communication was made regarding the areas which are having huge traffic and showed the roads which should be avoided. The communication was successful as it helped to fulfill my requirements by highlighting the different roads which need to be avoided and which need to be used. The communication was further clear and loud regarding the different roads and path which should be avoided. This method acted as one where proper guidance was provided and acting in the correct way was highlighted so those correct decisions can be taken.

Communications that were unsuccessful

Television: 24 th August: The communication was made regarding the sale of women’s garments. The communication was ineffective because in the first instance it didn’t meet my needs and requirements as I was not looking to shop. Secondly, the message was not constructed properly as it didn’t speak about the brands which were available on sale, the different garments which were available, and also didn’t highlight the date when the sale would end.

Phone: 25 th August: The communication was made regarding the mobile bill payment which has already been made. The call was ineffective because it was not required as the payment has been made and I had the required receipt. The call was instead a wastage of time. In addition to it, the call was not constructed properly and required to focus on areas through which a message would have been enough as a source of communication to ensure that the payment was correctly entered.

Reasons for communication not to be successful

The communication process can be improved in the following ways

Firstly, ensuring that the communication which is made is required and is addressed properly so that the person who receives the communication gains from it (Nicholas, 2013)

Secondly, providing complete information is essential as it will serve as a benchmark to evaluate the manner in which different information is passed (Anne & Bochner, 2007). It will also help to understand the important matter which has been spoken and will help to highlight the manner in which changes can make so that proper communication and message is passed

Thirdly, the targeted audience was wrong and it is important to correct the audience (Mehrabian and Susan, 2007). This will help to improve the validity and reliability of the communication and will ensure that the process of communication becomes effective and is directed towards the correct person

Fourthly, the process of communication needs to be improved and changed so that the message is correctly interpreted and passed with the same intention (Imahori & Lanigan, 2012). This will help the listeners to evaluate the message in the correct form and will help to ensure maximum response.

Fifthly, the media which are used needs to be chosen wisely as the usage of a message instead of a phone call for bill paid confirmation would have been more helpful and could have caught the attention of the audience in a better way. This would have multiplied the effectiveness of communication and would have helped to understand the important points and issues.

The process of communication thereby requires working on the smaller and important aspect so that the overall process of communication improves and helps to provide the required dimensions through which effectiveness can be gained in the manner messages are passed.

The paper “Why Did Telefonica Initially Focus on Latin America” is a perfect example of a business assignment. Based on Telefonica’s objectives of rapidly increasing shareholder value, profits and achieving growth, it had to take advantage of location economies. Hence, the company initially focused on Latin America, as it must have perceived FDI to be a means for circumnavigating trade barriers. Indeed, the reasons why Telefonica initially focused on Latin America are perceivable through the lens of the Uppsala Model Theory.

According to the theory, the internalisation of a company across many foreign markets is correlated to psychic distance, where the first entry is to foreign markets that are familiar and closer in regards to the psychic distance of the host country, before making subsequent entries in foreign markets with greater psychic distance. Psychic distance comprises the differences in culture, language and political systems (Falvo & Parshad 2005).

Within the perspective of Uppsala Model Theory, it should be argued that companies tend to gradually increase their activities in international markets through a series of incremental stages, where the succeeding steps are anchored in learning and adapting to foreign markets (Pandian & Sim 2002).

This implies that the firms fast gain experience from the markets, where they have closer cultural ties before expanding to foreign markets. For instance, Telefonica had to first gain experience as a telecoms operator in Latin America, since the region has deep cultural ties with Spain, where it is headquartered.

Strategic competitive advantages

The company’s decision to slowly expand to Europe appeared opportunistic as well as strategic. Europe had initially possessed trade barriers that lowered the chances of successful entries. Essentially, there is a correlation between culture and national competitive advantage, where countries that are likely to impose trade barriers, in terms of competition are bypassed in preference to those that are less competitive (Enu & Attah-Obeng 2010). This argument is based on Dunning’s Eclectic Theory, which hypothesises that a company will always seek to leverage their specific advantages, including marketing, knowledge, skilled personnel, technology and information (Dunning 2001).

In this case, the Latin American markets were growing rapidly. They also experienced an increased high adoption rate and usage of mobile phones and internet connections. Additionally, after the Spanish government privatised Telefonica and deregulated the Spanish telecommunications market, the company’s core objective became increasing shareholder value, profits and achieving growth.

This implies that profit maximisation is a major drive to foreign direct development; through the use of particular advantages the company has (Glesem et al. 1990). It, therefore, had to select a region that would enable it to achieve higher profits. The company selected Latin America over Europe. Latin America had few entry barriers, such as competition and government regulations, while Europe had greater barriers due to more competitors. This implies that imperfect competition within the marketplace is a key incentive for expanding abroad. Besides, European mobile telecommunications operators had agreed they would not invade each other’s markets. However, after the entry of America Movil into Latin America, Telefonica faced a stronger competitor, forcing it to expand to Europe.

Commenting on other student’s post:

Why did Telefonica initially focus on Latin America?  Why was it slower to expand in Europe, even though Spain is a member of the European Union?

While the student hinted at the growth of multinational enterprises, a brief outline detailing why the company expanded and reasons for expansion could have provided a more relevant backdrop. Additionally, the reference to the Socialist Party by Popular Part in the general election of 1996 was irrelevant and out of context. The student’s decision to link the factors for the European Union to the opening of the telecommunications sector was misplaced. Rather, the student should have selected reasons why Telefonica selected to begin operating in Latin America before making headway to Europe. However, reference to high competition in the sector in Europe was justified.

Accordingly, the student should have explored the close cultural ties between Spain and Latin America, as the major drivers that triggered Telefonica to first launch in the region before expanding to Europe. In supporting the argument, a reference to a relevant theory, such as the Uppsala Model Theory could have pointed to the reasons why internationalisation of a company across many foreign markets is correlated to psychic distance (Uhasselt. be 2005). This includes why the initial entry is mostly made in foreign markets that are familiar and closer in regards to the psychic distance of the host country. Afterward, an explanation of what this meant to Telefonica based on the theory could have been appropriate (Gustafsson & Zasada 2011). For instance, the student should have stated that firms get to fast gain experience from the markets where they have closer cultural ties before expanding to foreign markets.

The student should have based his arguments on Dunning’s Eclectic Theory, which proposes that firms tend to use their peculiar advantages such as marketing, knowledge, skilled personnel, technology and information (Rugman 2010). Further, he should have stated that companies view FDI as a means to circumnavigate trade barriers before going forth to describe the correlation between culture and national competitive advantage, where countries that are likely to impose trade barriers in terms of competition are bypassed in preference to those that are less competitive.

While the student was also justified in arguing that the company sought to maximise profitability and to increase shareholder value, no basis was provided to support the argument, based on the case study. At this stage, the student should have suggested a theory to support his argument (Morgan & Katsikeas 1999). Later, the student should have provided examples from the case study to defend the choice of the theory he selected. However, the student provided examples outside the case study, such as “Telefonica has been able to establish footprints in 24 countries and having an average of 120,000 professionals with consolidated revenues of 24,957 million euros in January-June 2014 and more than 315.7 million customers at June 2014”

Additionally, the reasons the student outlined as the likely motivators for Telefonica to launch first in Latin America before making entries in Europe cannot be justified, as they have not been argued appropriately. For instance, in suggesting political developments, taking policy advantage and the fact that the markets shared a common language, the student should have discussed the concept of psychic distance and the related theory, such as the Uppsala Model Theory.

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Business Essay Examples

Cathy A.

13 Business Essay Examples for Students

14 min read

Published on: May 1, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

business essay examples

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We have compiled expertly written business essay examples that will illustrate how to write a striking business essay.

With our examples, you'll be able to see how to structure your essay and generate creative ideas for your topic. And our tips will help you make the most of these examples.

So, let's dive in and get ready to learn!

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What is a Business Essay?

A business essay is a type of academic writing that focuses on business-related topics and issues. These essays can cover a wide range of topics such as marketing, finance, management, entrepreneurship, and more.

The importance of business essay lies in presenting a well-researched and informed analysis. To do this effectively, writers need to conduct extensive research and analysis on the topic at hand.

Referring to examples of business essays can help you gain insight into the structure, tone, and content of a well-written essay.

Business Essay Examples For Students

Here is a list of business writing examples

Business Essay Examples Pdf

Business Essay Example Grade 10

Business Essay Example Grade 11

A Level Business Essay Examples

University Business Essay Examples

International Business Essay Examples

Short Essay About Business

College Essay About Starting A Business

Types of Business Essay with Examples

When it comes to business essay writing, there are several different types that you might encounter. 

Here's a brief overview of each type, including their characteristics and an example of each.

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Case Studies

A case study is an in-depth analysis of a specific business situation or problem. It involves extensive research and data analysis to provide recommendations.

Case studies often showcase the application of theory to real-world business scenarios.

In today's highly competitive business environment, it's essential for companies to have effective marketing strategies that can help increase sales and generate revenue. In this case study, we will examine how Company X, a leading retailer, was able to increase their sales through an innovative marketing approach.

Company X was facing tough competition from other retailers in the market. They needed to find a way to differentiate themselves and attract more customers. They decided to focus on their customer experience by offering personalized recommendations, exclusive discounts, and rewards programs. They also implemented a multi-channel marketing approach that utilized social media, email marketing, and targeted advertising.

Their efforts paid off as they saw a significant increase in customer engagement and sales. Their personalized recommendations and rewards program helped to build customer loyalty, while their multi-channel marketing approach helped them reach a wider audience.

Furthermore, Company X also used data analysis and optimization to continuously improve their marketing strategies. They tracked their marketing campaigns and analyzed the results to identify what worked and what didn't. This allowed them to adjust their approach and optimize their marketing spend.

In conclusion, Company X was able to increase their sales by implementing effective marketing strategies that focused on the customer experience, utilized a multi-channel approach, and used data analysis for optimization. Their success shows that with the right marketing approach, businesses can achieve their goals and stand out in a highly competitive market.

Research Papers

Research papers involve a more academic approach to business writing. They typically require an extensive literature review, data analysis, and original research. 

Business research papers aim to contribute new knowledge to the field of business. These often involve a hypothesis or research question.

The relationship between employee satisfaction and company profitability has been widely studied and documented in academic literature. A number of studies have consistently shown a positive correlation between employee satisfaction and company profitability (Bockerman & Ilmakunnas, 2012; Saks, 2006). When employees are satisfied, they are more engaged, productive, and committed to the success of the company. This leads to increased profitability and a competitive advantage in the market.

Employee satisfaction also has a significant impact on reducing employee turnover and associated costs. Studies have shown that when employees are satisfied, they are less likely to leave their jobs, reducing recruitment and training costs for the company (Harter, Schmidt, & Hayes, 2002).

Moreover, employee satisfaction can lead to positive word-of-mouth advertising and increased customer satisfaction. Satisfied employees are more likely to provide excellent customer service, leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat business (Heskett, Sasser, & Schlesinger, 1997).

Therefore, it's essential for businesses to prioritize employee satisfaction by providing a positive work environment, opportunities for growth and development, fair compensation, and benefits. Businesses should also regularly assess employee satisfaction levels and address any issues promptly.

In conclusion, the evidence shows that employee satisfaction is a crucial factor in the success of a company. By prioritizing employee satisfaction, businesses can increase profitability, reduce turnover costs, and improve customer satisfaction. It's essential for businesses to invest in employee satisfaction and consider it a corporate social responsibility to gain a competitive advantage in the market and achieve long-term success.

Argumentative Essays

Argumentative business essays aim to persuade the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action. They present an argument and use evidence and logic to support their claims. 

Argumentative essays can address various business topics such as management practices, ethical issues, or market trends.

Benefits of Telecommuting for Companies and Employees

Telecommuting, or working from home, has become increasingly popular in the business world in the United States and globally as well. While some employers are still skeptical about the effectiveness of telecommuting, there are many benefits to this work arrangement for both companies and employees.

One major benefit of telecommuting is increased productivity. Studies have shown that employees who work from home are often more productive than those who work in traditional office settings. This is likely due to a combination of factors, including fewer distractions, less time spent commuting, and greater flexibility in scheduling.

Another benefit of telecommuting is reduced overhead costs for companies. By allowing employees to work from home, companies can save money on office space, utilities, and other expenses. This can be especially beneficial for small businesses or startups that are operating on a tight budget.

Telecommuting also has benefits for employees. It can reduce stress and improve work-life balance by allowing employees to spend more time with their families and avoid long commutes. It can also be a valuable perk for attracting and retaining top talent, especially in industries where remote work is becoming increasingly common.

Of course, there are some potential downsides to telecommuting as well. For example, it can be more difficult to collaborate with colleagues and build strong relationships with coworkers when working remotely. Additionally, some employees may struggle with self-discipline and motivation when working from home.

Overall, however, the benefits of telecommuting for both companies and employees are clear. By embracing this work arrangement, businesses can increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve employee satisfaction and retention.

White Papers

A white paper is a document that provides a detailed explanation of a particular issue or problem, often with recommendations or solutions. 

White papers are typically used to educate stakeholders about a specific topic. These are often used in the business-to-business (B2B) context.

Navigating the Benefits and Challenges of Implementing a New CRM System: Insights for Informed Decision Making.

Implementing a new customer relationship management (CRM) system can be a challenging yet highly beneficial undertaking for businesses. In this white paper, we will outline the benefits and challenges of implementing a new CRM system and provide insights to help businesses make informed decisions.

Benefits of implementing a new CRM system:

Improved customer experience: A CRM system can help businesses gain a better understanding of their customers' needs and preferences, allowing them to tailor their products and services accordingly. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased efficiency: A CRM system can automate many processes, such as customer data management and lead tracking, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on more strategic tasks.

Better data management: A CRM system can provide businesses with a central database for customer information, making it easier to manage and analyze data. This can lead to more informed decision-making and better business outcomes.

Challenges of implementing a new CRM system:

Cost: Implementing a new CRM system can be expensive, with costs including software licensing, hardware upgrades, and employee training.

Implementation time: Implementing a new CRM system can take several months, during which time businesses may experience disruptions to their operations.

Resistance to change: Some employees may resist the implementation of a new CRM system, requiring significant effort from management to ensure buy-in and adoption.

Comparative Essays 

Comparative business essays compare and contrast two or more topics or ideas. They typically analyze the similarities and differences between the topics to evaluate their pros and cons. 

Comparative essays can focus on various aspects such as products, companies, markets, or strategies.

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are two of the biggest soft drink companies in the world. Both companies have been in competition for decades, and their marketing strategies have evolved over time. This comparative essay will analyze the marketing strategies of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo.

Coca-Cola is known for its classic marketing campaigns that focus on emotions and memories. One of their most famous campaigns is the "Share a Coke" campaign, where the company personalized its products with customers' names. This campaign helped Coca-Cola increase its sales and improve customer loyalty.

PepsiCo, on the other hand, is known for its focus on youth culture and celebrity endorsements. The company has collaborated with popular musicians and actors such as Beyoncé and Michael Jackson to promote its products. This marketing strategy has helped PepsiCo attract younger consumers and improve brand recognition.

When comparing the marketing strategies of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, it is important to note that both companies have their strengths and weaknesses. While Coca-Cola's emotional marketing approach has helped it establish a strong brand identity, PepsiCo's focus on youth culture has helped it appeal to a wider audience.

In conclusion, the marketing strategies of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo differ significantly, but both companies have been successful in their own right. It is up to each company to determine which marketing approach works best for them and their target audience.

Choosing the appropriate essay type can help you in effectively conveying your message to the target audience.

How to Structure Your Business Essays

As you begin writing your business essay, it's important to structure it in a clear and organized way. 

Here's a step-by-step guide with business essay samples to help you do just that:

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a brief overview of your entire essay. It should summarize your main points and highlight your recommendations. 

This section should be written after completing the essay, as it gives a clear picture of what the essay covers. 

Here is how you start a business essay sample:

This essay provides an in-depth analysis of the marketing strategies employed by Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. The essay highlights the similarities and differences between the two companies' approaches to product development, distribution, and advertising. Based on the analysis, recommendations are made for how each company can improve their marketing strategies to better meet the needs of their target audience. The implementation plan outlines the steps necessary for each company to execute these recommendations successfully.


The introduction sets the stage for the rest of the essay. It should introduce the topic, provide background information, and explain the purpose of the essay. 

Here is a business essay introduction example:

In recent years, the concept of telecommuting has gained popularity as a means of increasing productivity and reducing costs for companies while providing flexibility for employees. This essay will explore the benefits of telecommuting for both companies and employees, including increased productivity, cost savings, and improved work-life balance. Additionally, the essay will discuss potential challenges associated with telecommuting and provide recommendations for successful implementation of a telecommuting program.

Industry Analysis

In this section, you'll conduct a thorough analysis of the industry in which the business operates. You should examine factors such as competition, market trends, and customer behavior. 

Here is a sample industry analysis

An analysis of the soft drink industry reveals a highly competitive market dominated by two major players, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. Both companies have a strong global presence and compete fiercely for market share. Recent trends in the industry show a shift towards healthier beverage options, with consumers becoming increasingly health-conscious. This has led to a rise in demand for low-sugar and low-calorie alternatives, such as sparkling water and fruit-infused drinks. In addition, technological advancements in the industry have allowed for greater customization and personalization of products, with companies using data analytics to better understand consumer preferences and target their marketing efforts.

Key Issues or Problems

This section should identify the main issues or problems faced by the business. You should provide evidence to support your claims and analyze the impact of these issues. 

Here is an example paragraph:

In recent years, the XYZ Corporation has faced several key issues that have impacted its bottom line. One of the main issues is increasing competition from new entrants in the market. This has led to a decrease in market share and reduced profit margins for the company. Additionally, there has been a shift in consumer preferences towards more environmentally-friendly products, which the company has been slow to adapt to. These issues have caused significant concern for stakeholders and highlight the need for the company to address these challenges in a timely manner.

Solutions or Recommendation

Here, you'll provide solutions or recommendations to address the issues identified in the previous section. Your solutions should be well-supported and feasible. 

For instance:

To address the issues of low employee morale and high turnover rates, the company should consider implementing an employee engagement program. This could include regular employee feedback sessions, recognition and reward programs, and opportunities for career growth and development. By investing in their employees' well-being and growth, the company can create a more positive work environment and reduce turnover rates. Additionally, the company should consider implementing a mentorship program to provide guidance and support to new employees, which can also contribute to employee retention and overall job satisfaction.

Implementation Plan

For this part, you'll outline a plan for implementing the solutions or recommendations you've proposed. This is sort of a description of the business model you suggest. 

This section should be detailed and include specific action steps. 

For example:

The implementation plan for our proposed solutions will involve several key steps. Firstly, we will need to gather a team of experts to oversee the implementation process. This team will be responsible for coordinating with various departments within the company, such as global marketing and operations, to ensure that the plan is executed smoothly. Secondly, we will need to allocate the necessary resources, such as funding and manpower, to carry out the plan. Finally, we will need to establish a timeline with specific deadlines for each action step, so that we can track our progress and make adjustments as needed.

Finally, you'll wrap up your essay by summarizing your main points and reiterating your recommendations. 

This section should be clear, concise, and impactful. 

In conclusion, this essay has highlighted the importance of customer relationship management (CRM) systems in modern businesses. The analysis of industry trends and key issues facing businesses has shown that effective use of CRM can improve customer satisfaction, increase sales, and ultimately lead to a competitive advantage. Through the proposed solutions and implementation plan outlined in this essay, businesses can overcome the challenges of implementing a new CRM system and reap the benefits. It is recommended that businesses invest in CRM and continuously evaluate their usage to stay ahead of the competition in the ever-changing market.

By following this structure, your business essay will be well-organized, coherent, and easy to follow for your readers.

Tips for Using Business Essay Examples Effectively

Now that you have quite a few business essay examples at hand, you should know how to use them effectively:

  • Use them as a guide, not a template : While it's great to learn from examples, you should never copy them outright. Instead, use them as a starting point for your own research and writing.
  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the essay : Take note of what works well in the example essay, as well as any areas that could be improved. This will help you understand how to make your own essay even better.
  • Use them to inform your own research and writing : Pay attention to the research methods, sources, and evidence used in the example essay. This can give you ideas for your own research and help you strengthen your arguments.
  • Avoid plagiarism and ensure proper citation: Whenever you use ideas or information from an example, make sure to cite your sources. This will help you avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity.

You now have a plenty of business essay examples on different topics to help you get started!

By following our tips and studying the sample essays, you can confidently write your own essays that are clear, concise, and impactful. 

However, if you still find yourself struggling with your business essays, just reach out to our professional business essay writing service . 

We have the best online essay writing service and are ready to provide you a high-quality business. Our writing service has subject specialist writers who can tackle any business essay topic.  

So why wait? Contact us today and let our AI essay writer take your business essays to the next level!

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Learn English for Business Settings: 25 Key Phrases + Tips for Effective Communication

This blog post goes over useful tips to help you write confidently in business settings. It also provides a list of 25 common phrases that will help you speak and write formally and fluently in the professional world.

White text over yellow background reads "Business Communication."

English for Business: Table of Contents

Introduction: English in the Business World

Tips for Effective Communication

25 business phrases you should know, english in the business world.

When you first start to learn English, you should understand the basics of grammar and expand your vocabulary by learning what words mean and how to use them correctly.

The more you learn and the more fluent you become, the easier it is to realize that there are different types of English.

What we’re trying to convey is that you develop an understanding of which words and phrases are suitable for specific situations and which are not. For example, you may feel comfortable using slang terms with your friends but not with your teacher. Conversely, there are expressions you would use when writing an email to your professor that would seem odd when talking to your peers.

Similarly, there are countless expressions that are commonly used (almost exclusively) in the business world.

To communicate clearly and confidently, you should comprehend what these phrases mean. Below, we’ve compiled a list of 25 of them  to help you write more fluently and confidently at work.

But before we dive into those, let’s first go over a few tips for effective communication in the workplace.

In Business English Writing: Advanced Masterclass, Marc Roche extensively covers many topics regarding English in business communication, including how to write emails, business letters, reports, and more. His book serves as the source of the summarized first three tips listed below.

1. Clarity and Simplicity Are the Keys to Good Writing

A staple of good writing is to keep things as clear and simple as possible. This holds true when writing in business settings, too. Many people think that they must use long and complex sentences to convey a sense of intelligence and professionalism, but this isn’t the case.

Being able to write about complicated topics in an easy-to-follow manner is what makes good writing, well, good!

You can ensure your writing is simple and clear by:

  • Not using unnecessarily long and difficult words
  • Splitting long and convoluted sentences into two (or more)

2. Clear Thinking = Effective Writing

To achieve clarity and simplicity in your writing, you must have a good understanding of what you’re writing about. In other words, if you’re uncertain about the topic, your audience will be, too.

Roche includes a seven-step tool in his book:

  • Identify your core message : Before you begin writing, ask yourself, “What’s the main message I want to convey?”
  • Brainstorm : Jot down everything you think is essential to mention that will help you get your point across.
  • Organize your thoughts : Gather your ideas and organize them into groups.
  • Create a logical flow : Determine a logical order that will most effectively present your point or main idea.
  • Define your message : Now that you have identified the key points and a coherent way to present them, write a clear statement of your overall message.
  • Draft your piece : Begin drafting your text as you follow the flow you developed and keep the main message in mind.
  • Review and refine (more on this later): Review your first draft and make any necessary corrections and changes.

3. Use Active Voice (Most of the Time)

Using the active voice is another way to add clarity to your writing. By default, it is usually easier to understand because it tends to be less wordy than passive voice.

Active Voice: The team turned in the report well before the deadline.

Passive Voice : The report was turned in by the team well before the deadline.

However, keep in mind that this is a general guideline. There may be times when the use of passive voice is more appropriate, like when you want to emphasize the action because the subject is either unknown or insignificant.

The invoice was sent to the client yesterday.

In the sentence above, the emphasis is on the action and not on who sent the invoice.

4. Avoid Slang and Clichés

Regardless of how close you think you are to your boss and supervisors, it’s best to play it safe and avoid using slang. They may be friendly, but they will most likely always expect a level of professionalism on your part.

Sup, Mr. Patterson.

Hello, Mr. Patterson.

It’s also a good idea to avoid clichés—unoriginal and overused expressions. They lack depth, and you risk showing that you aren’t putting much effort into what you’re writing.

Let’s think outside the box.

Let’s come up with more creative, imaginative, and innovative ideas.

5. Always Proofread and Edit

You can follow all the tips and advice listed above, but if your writing is riddled with grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, you will come off as careless and unprofessional. Check your writing, and then check it again.

Bonus Tip: LanguageTool Can Ensure Your Writing is Error-Free

Spelling, grammar, and punctuation may not be your strengths, and that’s okay. Even so, your writing should not contain any mistakes, especially in professional settings.

But how can you avoid this? By using LanguageTool—an advanced writing assistant that detects and corrects errors, so you can focus solely on the message of your text. It also helps you paraphrase sentences to make them sound more formal.

1. A ballpark figure

If someone is asking for a ballpark figure, they’re requesting an “estimate.”

Can you give me a ballpark figure on how much this project will cost?

2. Add value

To add value means to “contribute something beneficial.”

The entire team is sure that the new hire will add value to the company in many ways.

3. Back to the drawing board

When someone says back to the drawing board, that means it’s time “to start something from the beginning, usually because of an unsatisfactory result.”

Unfortunately, that’s not the result we were looking for. It’s back to the drawing board for us.

4. Bring to the table

This is a phrase you may hear during an interview. If you’re asked, “What do you bring to the table?” they’re asking, “What skills, resources, or ideas can you contribute?”

There’s a lot I can bring to the table , like creativity and determination to appease the clients by any means necessary.

5. Call it a day

To call it a day means “to stop working or end an activity, either temporarily or permanently.”

We’ve been working on this for hours. Let’s call it a day and try again tomorrow.

6. Circle back

To circle back means “to return to a topic or issue at a later time.”

I’m circling back to see if you’ve heard anything about the potential buyers.

7. Down the line

Down the line means “in the future or at a later point.”

We’ll figure that out down the line , but right now, it’s not our priority.

8. From the ground up

From the ground up means “to start something from the beginning.”

I’m proud to say we built this business from the ground up .

9. Going forward

Going forward is synonymous with the expression “from this point forward” or “from here on out.”

Going forward , we’ll present the profit numbers at the end of every month.

10. Go the extra mile

It’s a good thing if you hear someone say you’re going the extra mile. That means you’re “putting in extra effort and exceeding expectations.”

John is great; he always goes the extra mile to make sure the clients are satisfied.

11. Hands are tied

If your hands are tied, that means you’re “unable to help or act due to constraints or limitations.”

Unfortunately, my hands are tied right now . It’s up to the accounting department to approve the budget.

12. Keep me in the loop

To keep someone in the loop means to keep them “informed or updated about something.”

Louise asked that I keep her in the loop if there are any new developments.

13. Learning the ropes

Usually, when you first start working somewhere, you’ll have to learn the ropes, which means “to acquire knowledge or skills needed to perform a task or job.”

Don’t give David a hard time. He’s still learning the ropes .

14. Let’s crunch the numbers

To crunch the numbers means “to calculate numerical data or figures.”

Help me crunch the numbers , so I can figure out how to give everyone a generous bonus for the holidays.

15. Leverage

To leverage something means “to use resources, relationships, skills, or opportunities to gain an advantage or achieve a desired outcome.”

Let’s leverage the partnership to expand to untapped markets.

16. Micromanage

Micromanage means “to excessively control every detail of a task or project someone is completing.”

Like most, I don’t work well under supervisors who micromanage .

17. On the same page

To be on the same page means “to have a shared understanding with someone on a certain topic.”

After the meeting, the entire team was on the same page about how to proceed.

18. Streamline the process

To streamline the process means “to optimize a procedure to make it as efficient and effective as possible.”

We had to brainstorm ideas to streamline the process to avoid working overtime every week.

19. The big picture

The big picture refers to “the overall perspective of a situation or scenario.”

Although there were many concerns, we had to focus on the big picture , which was increasing brand awareness.

20. The bottom line

The bottom line means “the conclusion, most important aspect, or outcome.”

The bottom line is that we have to increase profits by the end of the quarter.

21. The eleventh hour

The eleventh hour refers to “the moment just before a deadline.”

It was a lot of hard work, but we finished the project and turned it in at the eleventh hour .

22. Touch base

To touch base means to “contact someone, usually to check progress or exchange information.”

I asked her to touch base with me if she hears anything about the marketing strategy.

23. To get someone up to speed

To get someone up to speed means “to update them with information and bring them up to the same level of knowledge or understanding as others.”

Don't worry. I’ll get you up to speed so that you’re ready for the presentation.

24. Workflow

Workflow refers to the “steps or tasks in a work process.”

I restructured my workflow and found that my productivity skyrocketed.

25. Win-win situation

A win-win situation is when “all parties involved end up with favorable outcomes.”

It was a win-win situation for everyone involved.

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Business Essay | Essay on Business for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Business Essay: The act of making one’s living by earning money through the process of buying and selling different kinds of products is called business. Business is based on the foundation of profit and loss; thus, the success or failure of a business has a broad spectrum of variations.

The term business also sometimes refers to a ‘company.’ But, business as a generalized term can refer to the work of a street peddler to the ownership of a multinational company.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Business for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on long business essay of 500 words and short essay of 150 words on the same topic for reference.

Long Essay on Business 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Business is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Business is a very demanding profession that has broadened and popularized over the years. A business requires high skills of management, teamwork, patience, mental strength, and effectiveness of work. A person should be mentally prepared to accept the fall of a business at any point of time in their life since it is not always secure. But, if planned properly, with help from the expertise and patiently blossomed over the years, then a business has a greater rate of success.

A business generally works with the coordination of several activities. Accounting, financial management, manufacturing, marketing, research and development, safety, and sales management are the various components that need to be tended to while running a good business with the aim of success. Investors, creditors, and regulators play a pivotal role in the profit of a business. Generally, there are four main types of businesses, which include sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLC), and corporations. Before initiating a business, the entrepreneurs should carefully consider which structure is best suited for their enterprise.

Factors affecting the state of a business are the size and scope of a business firm, the sector and country, tax advantages, disclosure and compliance requirements, control, and coordination requirements. Businesses cover a wide field of jobs including, agriculture, financial services, entertainment companies, industrial manufacturers, real estate, transportation, sports, utilities, retailers, wholesalers, and distributors.

Business benefits employment generation. Business is important for generating employment as it provides jobs to several people in the form of managers, clerks, salesman, and more. Businesses use the scarce resources available and convert them into valuable products that fulfill a utility and sell them to the public. Thusa business is helpful in optimum utilization of resources. Businesses also help in improving communication between nations through foreign trade and therefore help in improving relations between nations.

Setting up a business not only makes one independent but also gives one a certain lifestyle. A successful business provides financial rewards, creative freedom, and personal satisfaction. The success of a business brings in a person self-confidence and motivation. In recent years, E-business has popularized greatly. Online business gets benefits from the government as the government is trying to promote digitalization. E-business is often very advantageous, as it gets easier to reach a larger audience and also can be conducted at any time. Small start-up businesses are often initiated online and are established once they gain minimum customer popularity.

The involvement of time and regions makes it the biggest disadvantage of a business plan. When a business set up does not have enough money or expertise to make a proper business plan, the business ends up suffering more than gaining. Certain businesses are region and climate bound and thus have to concentrate their sales at a particular place or time and are incapable of expanding. Such businesses are often harder to handle and needs to be planned carefully and tactfully. A business often starts with a small idea or inspiration. It is important to cultivate the creativity in a person and be well informed before putting the creativity into action.

Short Essay on Business 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Business is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Business is the act of making a living by earning money by the process of buying and selling products. A small idea or inspiration, when slowly nurtured over the years carefully and strategically planned and set up, turns out into a successful business set up. Millions of large- and small-scale businesses are run all over the world every year to make a proper lifestyle.

The benefits of business include providing employment, optimum utilization of resources, and communication between nations, financial gain, building self-confidence, and securing the future. Often a single business is taken over generations of a family and becomes integrated into their identities. E-business has popularized in recent years with a high success rate. The downfall of a business can result in a huge loss and mental breakdown. Hence, it is always important to be well versed about the factors affecting a business and advised to consider suggestions from expertise.

10 Lines on Business in English

  • Business is set up on the foundation of profit and loss and can be risky if not well planned.
  • The business employs a lot of people.
  • Businesses help polish personal skills such as teamwork, self-confidence, and management.
  • Businesses often provide optimum utilization of resources.
  • E-business is an ideal form of start-up business supported by the government.
  • Patience is essential to setting up a successful business, and a plan should never be hurried.
  • Businesses provide a lifestyle and a secure future.
  • A business is an amalgamation of several activities such as accounting, finance, manufacturing, etc.
  • A lot of time should be invested in research and planning before setting up a business.
  • A business often uses the mode of reuse and recycles and thus is economically quite beneficial.

FAQ’s on Business Essay

Question 1. What is business loyalty?

Answer:  On business is a loyalty program for small businesses by British Airways where one earns points while booking travel, which can be redeemed for free flights and upgrades.

Question 2. What is the first step in starting a business?

Answer:  Technically, the first step in starting a business is investing.

Question 3. Do businesses have a global benefit?

Answer:  Businesses help in improving communication between nations and thus does have a global impact.

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businessman essay in english

Business Essay Topics to Write with Impact

businessman essay in english

Business essays are a common requirement for students pursuing various business-related courses. The key lies in choosing a familiar subject out of various business essay ideas that spark inspiration, one that can be thoroughly researched with ample sources, intriguing facts, or statistical data. In this article, we offer a comprehensive list of business essay topics ideas for you to write a paper that is unmatched!

Business Essay Topics Ideas: Navigating the Selection Process

Selecting the most suitable business essay topics can prove to be a challenging endeavor. Due to the intricate and sensitive nature of the subject, it is crucial to handle business terminologies with care while ensuring that your chosen topic remains intact. To aid you in this process, our custom coursework writing has compiled a set of important tips that will assist you in identifying an impressive essay topic.

selet topic

  • First and foremost, choose a topic that aligns with your personal interests and passions. This will not only make the writing business essay more enjoyable but also enable you to delve deeper into the subject matter.
  • Additionally, opt for a business essay topic that offers a wide scope for research. Having access to a wealth of resources and information will enhance the quality and depth of your analysis.
  • Select argumentative business essay topics that provide a rich pool of information and sources for reference. This ensures that you have a solid foundation to support your arguments and analysis.
  • Prioritize topics that offer evidence, examples, or facts to substantiate the major points of your thesis statement. This not only strengthens your arguments but also demonstrates your understanding of the subject matter.
  • Avoid the temptation to opt for overly broad subjects, as they can be challenging to cover comprehensively within the given deadline. Instead, focus on more specific aspects that allow for in-depth analysis and exploration. For instance, if you're writing an expository paper, you can enhance your approach by utilizing an expository essay outline . This will help you structure your major points more efficiently and ensure a clear and logical flow of ideas in your writing. 
  • For case studies, consider selecting a business essay example centered around well-established companies and discussing their successes or failures. By offering concrete solutions, you can showcase your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

50+ Business Essay Topics Ideas: Unleashing the Best Choice

While there is an abundance of business essay topics ideas to explore, we have curated a selection of exceptional choices to assist you in this endeavor. Take a thorough look at our handpicked list and discover an ideal topic that will serve as a solid foundation for crafting a detailed and engaging business essay.

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Business Management Essay Topics

Business management is a broad field that covers various topics affecting the management of business operations. It encompasses finance, marketing, sales, human resources, and supply chain management. The principles of business management are applicable to all types of businesses, whether small or large. Here are some topics from our ' Do my essay ' experts that can help you explore this area.

  • Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Organizational Performance: Analyze different leadership styles (e.g., autocratic, democratic, transformational) and their effects on employee motivation, job satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Management: Explore the importance of emotional intelligence in managerial roles, examining how self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills contribute to effective leadership and team management.
  • Strategic Human Resource Management: Discuss the role of human resource management in achieving organizational objectives, focusing on topics such as talent acquisition, employee development, performance management, and retention strategies.
  • Ethical Decision Making in Business: Examine ethical challenges faced by managers and organizations, analyzing frameworks and approaches for making ethical decisions and creating an ethical culture within the business environment.
  • Change Management and Organizational Resilience: Explore strategies for effectively managing organizational change, considering topics such as change communication, employee engagement, resistance management, and building organizational resilience.
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Discuss the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in driving business growth and success. Analyze topics such as fostering a culture of innovation, managing risk, and strategies for promoting entrepreneurial thinking within organizations.
  • Strategic Marketing Management: Examine the importance of strategic marketing in achieving competitive advantage, discussing topics such as market segmentation, targeting, branding, product development, pricing, and promotional strategies.


Business Law Essay Topics

Business law is a critical component of any business operation. It covers a wide range of topics, including contracts, intellectual property, securities, and trade secrets. Here are some business law essay topics:

  • The Role of Intellectual Property Laws in Protecting Innovation and Creativity in the Business World.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Data Privacy and Cybersecurity in Business Operations.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Legal Obligations and Ethical Considerations in Business Practices.
  • The Impact of Antitrust Laws on Promoting Fair Competition and Preventing Monopolies in the Market.
  • The Legal Challenges and Opportunities of International Business Transactions: Navigating Cross-Border Trade and Investment Laws.
  • The Role of Employment Laws in Protecting Employee Rights and Promoting Fair Labor Practices in the Workplace.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Corporate Governance: Ensuring Accountability and Transparency in Business Organizations.
  • The Impact of Consumer Protection Laws on Safeguarding Consumer Rights and Regulating Business Practices.
  • Legal Challenges and Strategies for Managing Contracts and Negotiations in Business Transactions.
  • The Role of Environmental Regulations in Balancing Business Operations and Sustainable Development.

Business Ethics Essay Topics

Business ethics refers to the set of moral principles that govern the decisions and actions of businesses, and if you need assistance, professionals can help you ' write my research paper ' to explore this topic in-depth. Meanwhile, here are some business ethics essay topics:

  • Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace: Analyzing Real-Life Scenarios and Decision-Making Processes.
  • The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Promoting Ethical Business Practices.
  • The Impact of Ethical Leadership on Organizational Culture and Employee Behavior.
  • Ethical Considerations in Marketing and Advertising: Balancing Profitability and Consumer Protection.
  • The Ethics of Workplace Diversity and Inclusion: Promoting Equality and Fairness.
  • Ethical Issues in Supply Chain Management: Ensuring Fair Labor Practices and Environmental Sustainability.
  • The Ethical Implications of Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Business Operations.
  • Whistleblowing and Corporate Misconduct: The Role of Ethics in Promoting Accountability.
  • The Ethics of Corporate Governance: Ensuring Transparency and Responsible Decision-Making.
  • Ethical Challenges in International Companies: Navigating Cultural Differences and Corruption Risks.

Business Administration Essay Topics

Business administration covers various topics related to the administration and management of business operations. Here are some ideas you can also use as dissertation topics :

  • Effective strategies for managing employee diversity in business operations.
  • Effective supply chain management strategies.
  • Business incubation and entrepreneur support strategies.
  • Effective leadership and its impact on business performance.
  • Best practices in business decision-making and problem-solving.

International Business Essay Topics

International business operations are characteristic of companies that operate on a global scale. Here are some international business essay topics:

  • The impact of globalization on international business operations.
  • The impact of cultural differences on international business negotiations and operations.
  • Digital transformation challenges and opportunities for global businesses.
  • Effective entry strategies for multinational corporations into emerging markets.
  • Effective strategies for managing global supply chain operations.

And if If you're wondering how to write a nursing essay focused on international business operations, here are some essay topics to consider:

  • The Impact of Globalization on Nursing Practice: Analyze how globalization has influenced the nursing profession on a global scale, considering factors such as international collaboration, workforce migration, and cross-cultural challenges.
  • Ethical Considerations in International Healthcare: Explore the ethical dilemmas faced by nurses working in multinational healthcare settings, examining issues like cultural relativism, patient autonomy, and disparities in healthcare access.
  • Strategies for Managing Cultural Diversity in Nursing: Discuss effective strategies and best practices for nurses to navigate cultural diversity in international healthcare environments, emphasizing the importance of cultural competence, effective communication, and respectful care.
  • Nursing Leadership in Global Healthcare Organizations: Examine the leadership skills and competencies required for nurses to succeed in global healthcare organizations, focusing on aspects such as cross-cultural leadership, strategic decision-making, and managing international teams.
  • International Collaborative Research in Nursing: Explore the benefits and challenges of international collaborative research projects in nursing, discussing the importance of knowledge exchange, research ethics, and the potential impact on healthcare outcomes.

Organizational Behavior Essay Topics

Organizational behavior studies the behavior of people and organizations in the workplace. Here are some topics to create a thorough business essay example:

  • The relevance of leadership and management in organizational behavior.
  • The impact of motivation theories on business performance.
  • Diversity management strategies in organizational behavior.
  • The impact of workplace stress on employee performance and mental health.
  • Effective communication strategies in organizational behavior.

Trending Business Essay Topics for Exam

Here are some current business essay topics ideas that are likely to be examined in exams:

  • The Rise of E-commerce: Transforming Traditional Retail
  • Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility: Balancing Profit and Environmental Impact
  • The Gig Economy: Redefining Employment Relationships
  • The Role of Big Data Analytics in Business Decision-Making
  • The Influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Business Operations

Good Business Essay Example

If you are one of those students who don't need business essays and need college essay writing services you've come to the right place too. Our professional writers have done it for you. In the next section, you can explore a business essay example.

Final Words

With our comprehensive list of business essay topics ideas, we've laid the foundation for your inspiration to take flight. With your chosen topic in hand, you're now prepared to conquer the world of business essays and create a masterpiece that will captivate your readers and leave them amazed. So, take the leap and let your business essay reach new heights of excellence!

Ready to Take Your Writing to the Next Level?

Our professional writers can help you create something truly unique and special

Now, are you looking for answers to common questions about business essays? In this FAQ section, we address some of the most frequently asked questions to help you navigate the world of business essay writing.

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Business Essay Topics?

Why is writing a business essay important.

Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

businessman essay in english

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

essay topics

Examo Mentor

Essay On My Aim To Become a Businessman in English 500+ Words

Essay On My Aim To Become a Businessman  in English 500+ Words

My Aim in Life To Become a Businessman Essay

Introduction - my aim in life to be a businessman, qualities of a successful businessman and entrepreneur .

  • A successful businessman loves to take risks. It's the major prerequisite quality for becoming a successful business person.
  • Leadership quality is another quality that a person should have for becoming a successful businessman. You should be able to guide and inspire others to work hard and smartly. You should be able to handle pressure when your company is not having a good time.
  • A business person should be able to hustle day and night without exhaustion. No doubt, everyone gets tired. But a business person should have a fighting spirit to work incessantly.
  • No matter how smart a business person is if you don't believe in your capabilities and yourself, you are doomed to fail. 
  • An entrepreneur always learns new things to analyze the market and competition.
  • Common people can't predict what is going to happen in the market in the future. However, a businessman should have a clear understanding of what is going to happen in the future market. 

Why do you want to be a businessman?

Conclusion , you might like.

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10 Lines Essay On Businessman In English For Students

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Describe a Businessman You Admire

Describe a Businessman You Admire: Sample IELTS Cue Card 2022 Answers

Candidates often find IELTS speaking cue cards as one of the toughest questions of the IELTS exam. They have to speak about a random topic for more than one minute continuously. Moreover, they cannot change the topic and ask the examiner to explain it. Therefore they find it really difficult.

But instead of being tough and hard to score, if tackled with an ample amount of practice and preparation one can easily score well in it. Here we have given a solved example of a random cue card topic Describe a businessman you admire for you to analyze and then solve on your own. Read the example and sample answer and then try to solve it by yourself.

Describe a Businessman You Admire – IELTS Cue Card Topic


  • How do you know him/her?
  • How did he/she become successful?

Sample Answer One: Describe A Businessman You Admire

Today I would like to speak about one of the most influential and richest people in the whole world, Bill Gates.

How do You Know Him/ Her?

I have come to know this famous personality from a documentary. This documentary was based on Microsoft and its founder. From here I learned about his business skills and his journey of success.

Bill Gates is an American entrepreneur, philanthropist, programmer, and co-founder of the famous operating system company Microsoft.

How did He/ She become Successful?

Bill Gates was born in a pretty decent family where his father was a successful advocate and his mother was a school teacher. His childhood was well off and he did not have to struggle for basic needs. Moreover, he was a bright student and always performed well in his academics.

At the age of 13th, he built his first computer program on the general electric company machine that was created by his school. Only at school, he met his partner Paul Allen and from there, his journey towards ultimate success began. At the age of 15, they built a software together that sold for $20,000. And another software that sold for 30000 dollars.

In 1975 they founded a company and named it Microsoft. After many ups and downs, the company was able to develop its operating system by redeveloping 8 DOS and renaming it as MS-DOS. All this does to the famous IBM.

From there with script better decisions and business mind the company began to grow and soon became a well-established company in America. After getting my success and becoming one of the richest people in the world his interest shifted to philanthropy. Now he is one of the biggest philanthropists and social workers. He is now busy e in charity and community welfare was strong in a speech he has promised to donate 80% of his well before his death for the welfare of the community.

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IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer Two: Describe a Businessman You Admire

Today I would like to tell you about one of the most well-known and respected businessmen of India Ratan Tata. He is the head of the largest group of India Tata sons and group and acquires more than 111 forms under himself and the revenue of this is around 67 billion dollars.

How do You know Him/ Her?

He is a famous personality in India and I came to know about him from his efforts to compensate victims of 26/11.

He was born in a well of family in 1937. He was the great-grandson of Jamshedji Tata and was related to him from his wife’s side. His childhood was a depressing one as he belonged to a distorted family and was raised by his grandmother Lady Navajbai.

After completing his education at the Cornell University of America he joined the Tata Group. At first, joint Tata Group was a blue-collar employee and was responsible mainly for shovel stones and work on the furnace. But soon proved his work and excellent management and leadership qualities and paved his way to becoming the chairman of Tata industries.

It was under his leadership that Tata industries reached the peak of his success. Under his leadership, Tata Group’s revenue grew 40 times more and profit rose 50 times more than it was before.

In his journey, he took some bold decisions and proved that it was a perfect choice as an heir for the group and it was the result of his work that Tata groups went from India centric Group to a global Business company.

He is also a generous and humble Man. He launched TATA Nano to drop the rising prices of cars. After much research, Tata groups launched a car that was under the budget of the average consumer of India, and this car was named Tata Nano.

When the 26/11 terrorist attack happened, the Taj hotel people were affected by this. Ratan Tata was sorry for those who stayed or worked in the Taj hotel and therefore decided to compensate them and their family for their losses.

Also, he considered vendors and peddlers around that were affected by the attack. He didn’t give them any amount of money and made sure that they became capable of doing something. He paid for the education of the victim’s child, the three bills of the injured, and many more.

Also, he is a successful philanthropist. He is quite a great supporter of education, media,e, and rural development and under him, there are many programs and missions launched by the Tata group for their welfare.

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Sample Answer Three: Describe a Businessman You Admire

Today I would like to speak about a famous businesswoman of India Kalpana Saroj. She is a true phoenix that rose from the ashes.

I came to know her when she came to my home in February 2019. My father knew her in person and thus she came to our hometown to visit the famous ancient site and also to him. From herself, I came to know about her inspiring journey and how she has to face different obstacles from discrimination to the ugly sides of childhood marriage before she became successful.

Kalpana Saroj was born to a Dalit family of Maharastra. Her father was a constable and she used to live in the police quarter with her five siblings over there.

She belonged to a backward class of India and hence has to face discrimination. Discrimination is an ill activity practiced by upper caste people. They regard lower caste people as animals and think it is their right to exploit them.

She was a bright student from childhood. But her teachers used to treat her badly. She was forced to sit separately and was not allowed to speak to anyone. She also was prohibited from taking part in extracurricular activities.

At the tender age of 12, she was married off. Child marriage was quite common among people of lower caste back then. She came to Mumbai with her in-laws. There she used to live in a slum and was no more than a free maid. She was responsible for all households and was given very little to survive. After six months, she changed so much that her father couldn’t bear it. From an active childhood, she started to look like a thin woman.

He called off her marriage and brought her back to the village. But her problems didn’t end. There she was looked upon with hatred and disgust. In India, girls are treated as someone else. And after marriage, if she comes back to her home she has to face taunts from people.

And same was the case with her. One day fed up with the taunts she decided to end her life. She drank 3 bottles of rat poison but luckily her aunt saw her and rushed her towards the hospital. Fortunately, she survived and her vision of life changed forever.

She came back to Mumbai this time with the spirit to do something for herself. She stayed with her uncle and started working as a tailor. But another misfortune was waiting for her over there. Due to insufficient money, her sister died. Then she took an oath to become something in her life for her family.

She opened a small tailoring business in her home and worked on it for 16 hours. This small business was successful. After this, she tried her luck in real estate and bought a disputed land. With her wittiness and farsightedness, she won the case of the land dispute.

After demonstrating such entrepreneurship skills she was approached by workers of Kamani groups. This company was on the edge of bankruptcy. But with her decision-making capacity, management skills and leadership qualities, she soon turned this bankrupt group into a growing one.

Today Kamani Groups is one of the leading brands of India and she is one of the richest women of India acquiring more than $112 million.

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Sample Answer Four: Describe A Businessman You Admire

Today I would like to speak about the founder of the famous Reliance industries Dhirubhai Ambani.

How do You Know Him/Her?

I got to know about this famous personality from the internet. He is one of the most famous and influential men of his time. Today his company has grown leaps and bounds and has become a global company.

How did He/She become Successful?

He was born in 1932 in Gujarat under British India. His father was a small school teacher and hence we belong to a middle-class family. At the age of 17, he migrated to Yemen to work along with his brother. There he worked at a petrol pump first as a worker and then as a manager. From there he got exposed to business and his horizon grew from a worker to a businessman. He got to learn from the ports of Yemen and soon came back to India with the vision to start a company.

In 1958 a textile business along with his cousin Champaklal from a small office. This business is involved in exporting spices and rayon to Yemen and importing polyester from there. Soon this business becomes profitable. But as he was a risk-taker his interest and ideology clashed with the down-to-earth Champaklal. Soon their partnership was broken.

In 1967 he launched another company Reliance Communication corporation that soon was renamed Reliance industries. At first, he worked mainly in the textile industry and then, later on, grew the branch towards others.

It was his risk-taking ability and knowledge that this company grew leaps and bounds. The company had to face numerous challenges, one of which was the denial of investment by National Banks. But Dhirubhai Ambani was a capable businessman who knew how to tackle their problems.

In the 1980s he brought his sons to the company. But not as an heir but as a simple manager. This was to help them grow by skills and become capable to take over this industry.

He was a good man who believed in charity. He was a perfect amalgamation of grit and determination. He was a keen observer and believed in his skills. He died in the 2000s after handing his business to his sons Mukesh and Anil Ambani. He has won numerous honors and awards and was also named a man of the century in 2000.

Also Read: Describe A Time When You Pleased with Your Purchase: IELTS Cue Card Speaking Examination

Words to Use

































Innovation – innovative









Passion – Passionate (about the work)
























Also Read: D escribe A Habit Your Friend Has: IELTS Cue Card Preparation for the Speaking Test

IELTS is one of the most popular standardized English language tests. Candidates often take it to get admission to foreign universities for higher studies or work purposes. To ensure a smooth visa process and admission over there one has to score higher in it. The cue card is one of the scoring parts of the test and hence we recommend you to solve as many topics as you can for better scores.

For more such topics, solved answers and IELTS preparation, visit the IELTS Ninja website. This website is one top solution for IELTS students. Best of luck with your IELTS test!

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Deeksha paswan.

Deeksha is a content writer at Ufaber EduTech. She writes well-researched, SEO-friendly articles to satisfy the reader's search intent. Until now, she has written over 300+ articles for various websites on different genres. She goes by the motto “flowing like a river, rather than an immobile pond.” She is a headstrong girl who follows her heart. Apart from this, she is a nature lover, bibliophile, dancer, artist and skilled cook. She is set on her journey to unveil the mysteries of life.

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Revealed: Harvard Business School’s New MBA Essays For Applicants

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Harvard Business School’s Baker Library.

With just 10 weeks before its first application deadline on Sept. 4th, Harvard Business School today (June 25) revealed a newly revised application for MBA candidates, including a new set of three short essays along with a refresh on how it will evaluate applicants for future classes.

The new prompts?

Business-Minded Essay : Please reflect on how your experiences have influenced your career choices and aspirations and the impact you will have on the businesses, organizations, and communities you plan to serve. (up to 300 words)

Leadership-Focused Essay : What experiences have shaped who you are, how you invest in others, and what kind of leader you want to become? (up to 250 words)

Growth-Oriented Essay : Curiosity can be seen in many ways. Please share an example of how you have demonstrated curiosity and how that has influenced your growth. (up to 250 words)


Eagerly awaited by thousands of prospective students and admission consultants, you can bet that the admissions pages of the HBS website were continually refreshed all morning for a glimpse at the new essay. The Harvard Business School essay prompt for the Class of 2027 was posted at 10:30 a.m. with the opening of the 2024-2025 application online.

This year’s change was put through by Rupal Gadhia , who joined the school as managing director of admissions and financial aid last October. A 2004 Harvard MBA, Gadhia came to the school with no previous admissions experience, having been the global head of marketing for SharkNinja robots.

In explaining the change in a blog post , Gadhia noted that “we have refreshed the criteria on which we evaluate candidates. We are looking for applicants who are business-minded, leadership-focused, and growth-oriented…This is your opportunity to discuss meaningful or formative experiences that are important to you that you haven’t had a chance to fully explore elsewhere in your application…Be authentic, be yourself.”


The school added some context to its new criteria for admission, more clearly defining what it means by business-minded, leadership-focused, and growth-oriented.


We are looking for individuals who are passionate about using business as a force for good – who strive to improve and transform companies, industries, and the world. We are seeking those who are eager to solve today’s biggest problems and shape the future through creative and integrated thinking. Being business-minded is about the interest to help organizations succeed, whether in the private, public, or non-profit sector. This business inclination can be found in individuals with a variety of professional and educational experiences, not just those who come from traditional business backgrounds.

In Your Application: We will look for evidence of your interpersonal skills, quantitative abilities, and the ways in which you plan to create impact through business in the future.


We are looking for individuals who aspire to lead others toward making a difference in the world, and those who recognize that to build and sustain successful organizations, they must develop and nurture diverse teams. Leadership takes many forms in many contexts – you do not have to have a formal leadership role to make a difference. We deliberately create a class that includes different kinds of leaders, from the front-line manager to the startup founder to the behind-the-scenes thought leader.

In Your Application: Your leadership impact may be most evident in extracurriculars, community initiatives, or your professional work.


We are looking for individuals who desire to broaden their perspectives through creative problem solving, active listening, and lively discussion. At HBS you will be surrounded by future leaders from around the world who will make you think more expansively about what impact you might have. Our case and field-based learning methods depend on the active participation of curious students who are excited to listen and learn from faculty and classmates, as well as contribute their own ideas and perspectives.

In Your Application: We will look for the ways in which you have grown, developed, and how you engage with the world around you.


The new essay prompts come  nearly two months after candidates to the school’s MBA program would more typically know what was expected of them. Some admission consultants say the delay over the prompt’s release, along with nearly a month’s slow down in releasing application deadlines, is “wildly insensitive” to applicants who will have less time than normal to prepare for the round one deadline of Sept. 4th.

That’s especially true because the most successful applicants to HBS have highly demanding jobs that consume the vast majority of their time. Many candidates go through multiple drafts of their essays to get them as close to perfection as humanly possible. MBA admission consultants are expecting a lot of up-to-the-deadline work this year to help prep candidates for Harvard and other top business schools.

The new application still preserves the post-interview reflection for applicants who are invited to a 30-minute admissions interview. Within 24 hours of the interview, candidates are required to submit a written reflection through the school’s online application system.


Early reaction to the change suggests the likelihood of mixed reviews. “This is an uninspired and odd set of questions,” says Sandy Kreisberg, founder of HBSGuru.com and an MBA admissions consultant who closely reads the tea leaves of Harvard’s admissions process. “I don’t know how it’s different from what else do you want us to know about you, frankly,” he adds in a reference to last year’s single essay prompt.

“HBS has certainly moved from the abstract to the concrete,” believes Jeremy Shinewald, founder and CEO of mbaMission, a leading MBA admissions consulting firm. “Some applicants previously felt like they didn’t know where to start and some weren’t sure if they had answered the question, even when they were done. Now, the questions are quite straightforward and all have a cause and effect relationship — one where the applicant discusses the past to reveal the present or future. Smart applicants will understand how to share their experiences and, more importantly, how to relay their values. Some will mistakenly try to whack HBS over the head with stories of their epic feats, but the key isn’t to brag or embellish – the key is to simply create a clear relationship, via narrative, between past experience and true motivations.”

Shinewald found it astonishing that Harvard could not have made the change earlier. “It is, of course, surprising that HBS left applicants on edge until the last minute, all to create very traditional essays,” he adds. “As applicants learn in MBA classrooms, change can be hard and take time. The bottom line here is that these essays are somewhat of an applicant’s dream – they allow the savvy applicant to play to their strengths and draw on their best anecdotes and experiences to create a complete story. Some applicants will lament the absence of a ‘Why HBS?’ prompt, but my guess is that the admissions committee recognized that they would get an almost homogenous collection of essays touting the case method and other well known features. HBS gets some kudos for keeping the focus on the applicant.”

Adds Petia Whitmore of My MBA Path: “I think they reflect one of the traits of this new generation of candidates which is that they don’t handle ambiguity well. So it seems like Harvard had to spell out what they’re looking for way more prescriptively than in the past.”

Some, however, find the new essays a return to the past. “To me, the prompts feel quite regressive, and a return to the more formulaic approach that pervaded MBA applications two decades ago,” believes Justin Marshall, a New York-based MBA admissions consultant. “Because the previous prompt was so open ended, it forced applicants to be introspective and self-aware. You couldn’t just ramble for 900 words; you had to identify themes in your life to show how your personal experiences shaped your values, your leadership style, and your goals. Comparatively, these new prompts are much more paint-by-numbers. Applicants will likely cover the same ground in terms of topic, but there’s very little room for nuance and self-expression. I think it will be harder for applicants with less conventional backgrounds and experiences to differentiate themselves. I’m sure HBS grew tired of reading so many painfully earnest ‘life story’ essays, but I suspect they’ll soon find themselves yearning for essays that have a heartbeat and personality. 250 words just doesn’t allow for that unless you’re a very crafty writer.”

Whatever the case, getting into Harvard’s MBA program is still a daunting exercise. Last year, 1,076 of the 8,264 candidates who applied for admission to Harvard Business School gained admission, an acceptance rate of 13.2%, making HBS the second most selective prestige MBA program in the country after Stanford Graduate School of Business which had an admit rate of 8.4%. Harvard saw a 15.4% drop in MBA applications from the 9,773 it received a year-earlier.

Joint degree applicants for the Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard Law School, and Harvard Kennedy School must provide an additional essay: How do you expect the joint degree experience to benefit you on both a professional and a personal level? (up to 400 words)


Joint degree applicants for the Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences must provide an additional essay: The MS/MBA Engineering Sciences program is focused on entrepreneurship, design, and innovation. Describe your past experiences in these areas and your reasons for pursuing a program with this focus. (recommended length: 500 words). Applicants will also be able to respond to an optional essay.

In any case, it’s the biggest change in Harvard Business School’s application in nearly a decade. The last time HBS made a major switch, moving to the essay prompt it just eliminated, was in 2016. That change to just one essay with no word limit and a post-interview reflection was made by then admissions chief Dee Leopold.

When Leopold applied to Harvard as an MBA candidate in 1978, she had to write eight essays. Over her years as managing director of admissions, she first cut the essays down to four and then one, making it optional, and finally the one last prompt with a post-interview reflection, saying that applying to HBS should not be a writing contest .

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OUR BUSINESS CASUAL PODCAST: The New HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL MBA Application:   Fortuna Admissions’ Caroline Diarte-Edwards and ApplicantLab’s Maria Wich-Vila join P&Q’s John A. Byrne to offer applicant advice on how to answer the new HBS essay prompts


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Harvard business school announces 3 new application essays.

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Harvard Business School.

Harvard Business School announced a surprising departure from its single, open-ended application essay to three short essays with specific prompts. The HBS website sums up the kind of applicant the school is seeking: “We are looking for future leaders who are passionate about business, leadership, and growth.”

The prompts for the class that will begin in fall 2025 instruct applicants to address each topic in turn.

  • Business-Minded Essay : Please reflect on how your experiences have influenced your career choices and aspirations and the impact you will have on the businesses, organizations, and communities you plan to serve. (up to 300 words)
  • Leadership-Focused Essay : What experiences have shaped who you are, how you invest in others, and what kind of leader you want to become? (up to 250 words)
  • Growth-Oriented Essay : Curiosity can be seen in many ways. Please share an example of how you have demonstrated curiosity and how that has influenced your growth. (up to 250 words)

The prompts ask applicants to go beyond simply asserting their allegiance to the ideals of business, leadership and growth. Each of the three questions asks for evidence: “experiences,” “experiences” and “an example,” respectively.

The prompts do not expect a straightforward list of what happened in the past. Rather, they encourage reflection on how these experiences affected present realities and future goals.

Applicants are asked to reflect on past, present and future as an ongoing process of becoming who they are now and who they wish to become. Even the “Business-Minded Essay” is about past choices and future impact; it also assumes you “plan to serve.” The “Leadership-Focused Essay” does not ask applicants to recite a list of titles, but to discuss who they are and how they relate to others; not what title they aspire to, but “what kind of leader you wish to become.”

Perhaps the most surprising essay prompt is No. 3, which asks about curiosity. It opens the door for applicants to discuss a more personal aspect of their candidacies. The prompt asks not about end result, but about the process of change. Once again, the emphasis is on “growth.”

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In short, the prompts ask about person and process.

How The 3 New Prompts Differ From Last Year’s Single Question

This year’s prompts give applicants more direction than the previous open-ended instruction, which was: “As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program?”

Applicants may find it easier to follow these more detailed instructions and to stay on topic. They no longer need to face an open question and a blank page.

Another aid is the shorter word limit. The essay on being business-minded has a limit of 300 words, and the essays on leadership and growth through curiosity are limited to 250 words each.

A third difference is the specific inquiry about business. Last year’s prompt allowed candidates to choose anything they thought would be important for HBS to consider. Some applicants struggled to decide whether to focus on business or something beyond work. While the “Business-Minded Essay” is still personal, it does ask applicants to reflect on their careers.

One might also speculate that the new, more directive prompts makes it easier for the admissions committee to compare essays across applications, while still leaving room for considerable variation in how applicants choose to address the essay prompts.

Dr. Marlena Corcoran

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IRS provides tax relief for taxpayers impacted by severe storms, straight-line winds, tornadoes and flooding in Mississippi; various deadlines postponed to Nov. 1, 2024

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IR-2024-176, June 27, 2024

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announced today tax relief for individuals and businesses in Mississippi that were affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, tornadoes and flooding that began on April 8, 2024.

These taxpayers now have until Nov. 1, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments.

The IRS is offering relief to any area designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) . This means that individuals and households that reside or have a business in Hancock, Hinds, Humphreys, Madison, Neshoba and Scott counties qualify for tax relief.

The same relief will be available to any other counties added later to the disaster area. The current list of eligible localities is always available on the Tax relief in disaster situations page on IRS.gov.

Filing and payment relief

The tax relief postpones various tax filing and payment deadlines that occurred from April 8, 2024, through Nov. 1, 2024 (postponement period). As a result, affected individuals and businesses will have until Nov. 1, 2024, to file returns and pay any taxes that were originally due during this period.

This means, for example, that the Nov. 1, 2024, deadline will now apply to:

  • Individual income tax returns and payments normally due on April 15, 2024.
  • 2023 contributions to IRAs and health savings accounts for eligible taxpayers.
  • Quarterly estimated income tax payments normally due on April 15, June 17 and Sept. 16, 2024.
  • Quarterly payroll and excise tax returns normally due on April 30, July 31 and Oct. 31, 2024.
  • Calendar-year corporation and fiduciary returns and payments normally due on April 15, 2024.
  • Calendar-year tax-exempt organization returns normally due on May 15, 2024.

In addition, penalties for failing to make payroll and excise tax deposits due on or after April 8, 2024, and before April 23, 2024, will be abated, as long as the deposits were made by April 23, 2024.

The Disaster assistance and emergency relief for individuals and businesses page has details on other returns, payments and tax-related actions qualifying for relief during the postponement period.

The IRS automatically provides filing and penalty relief to any taxpayer with an IRS address of record located in the disaster area. These taxpayers do not need to contact the agency to get this relief.

It is possible an affected taxpayer may not have an IRS address of record located in the disaster area, for example, because they moved to the disaster area after filing their return. In these unique circumstances, the affected taxpayer could receive a late filing or late payment penalty notice from the IRS for the postponement period. The taxpayer should call the number on the notice to have the penalty abated.

In addition, the IRS will work with any taxpayer who lives outside the disaster area but whose records necessary to meet a deadline occurring during the postponement period are located in the affected area. Taxpayers qualifying for relief who live outside the disaster area need to contact the IRS at 866-562-5227 . This also includes workers assisting the relief activities who are affiliated with a recognized government or philanthropic organization. Disaster area tax preparers with clients located outside the disaster area can choose to use the   bulk requests from practitioners for disaster relief   option, described on IRS.gov.

Additional tax relief

Individuals and businesses in a federally declared disaster area who suffered uninsured or unreimbursed disaster-related losses can choose to claim them on either the return for the year the loss occurred (in this instance, the 2024 return normally filed next year), or the return for the prior year (the 2023 return filed this year). Taxpayers have extra time – up to six months after the due date of the taxpayer’s federal income tax return for the disaster year (without regard to any extension of time to file) – to make the election. For individual taxpayers, this means Oct. 15, 2025. Be sure to write the FEMA declaration number – 4790-DR − on any return claiming a loss. See Publication 547, Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts, for details.

Qualified disaster relief payments are generally excluded from gross income. In general, this means that affected taxpayers can exclude from their gross income amounts received from a government agency for reasonable and necessary personal, family, living or funeral expenses, as well as for the repair or rehabilitation of their home, or for the repair or replacement of its contents. See Publication 525, Taxable and Nontaxable Income, for details.

Additional relief may be available to affected taxpayers who participate in a retirement plan or individual retirement arrangement (IRA). For example, a taxpayer may be eligible to take a special disaster distribution that would not be subject to the additional 10% early distribution tax and allows the taxpayer to spread the income over three years. Taxpayers may also be eligible to make a hardship withdrawal. Each plan or IRA has specific rules and guidance for their participants to follow.

The IRS may provide additional disaster relief in the future.

The tax relief is part of a coordinated federal response to the damage caused by these storms and is based on local damage assessments by FEMA. For information on disaster recovery, visit DisasterAssistance.gov .

Reminder about tax return preparation options

  • Eligible individuals or families can get free help preparing their tax return at Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) or Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) sites. To find the closest free tax help site, use the VITA Locator Tool or call 800-906-9887 . Note that normally, VITA sites cannot help claim disaster losses.
  • To find an AARP Tax-Aide site, use the AARP Site Locator Tool or call 888-227-7669 .
  • Any individual or family whose adjusted gross income (AGI) was $79,000 or less in 2023 can use IRS Free File’s guided tax software at no cost. There are products in English and Spanish.
  • Another Free File option is Free File Fillable Forms . These are electronic federal tax forms, equivalent to a paper 1040 and are designed for taxpayers who are comfortable filling out IRS tax forms. Anyone, regardless of income, can use this option.
  • MilTax , a Department of Defense program, offers free return preparation software and electronic filing for federal tax returns and up to three state income tax returns. It’s available for all military members and some veterans, with no income limit.
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My internship at Bridgewater Associates felt like a 'Black Mirror' episode

Under Ray Dalio, everything was recorded and we constantly rated each other. I loved it.

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This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Daria Rose, a 27-year-old lawyer and creator who interned at Ray Dalio's hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, in 2017 and 2018. Her employment has been verified and the following has been edited for length and clarity.

​​The first time I ever watched the " Black Mirror" episode "Nosedive" — about a world in which people constantly rate one another — I thought, wait, I've worked for a place like this before .

The summer after my sophomore and junior years at Harvard University, I interned at Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest hedge fund. Its intense culture is not for everybody . Founder Ray Dalio once said around 30% of employees quit within the first 18 months .

And while I definitely see parallels between my time at Bridgewater and that "Black Mirror" episode, I look back fondly on my time there . If I hadn't gone to law school, I 100% would've returned to work there full-time.

I was drawn to Bridgewater's tenet of meaningful work

In my sophomore year, I heard about Bridgewater from another student in a social club I was in at Harvard . She'd been recruited as an investment associate and was looking for other people interested in working there.

I did some research and was drawn to the fact that one of Bridgewater's main tenets is about meaningful work and meaningful relationships . She told me about a management associate position and helped forward my résumé.

After applying, I had to take a Myers-Briggs Personality Type test and several other screening tests . Next, we had a full-day interview at the Bridgewater campus in Westport, Connecticut.

Authenticity is a big thing at Bridgewater, so I went into the interview wanting to be completely myself.

I was first put in a room with other applicants for a moderated debate-style interview. The rest of the day was spent in multiple rounds of interviews with managers. Some were case studies — kind of similar to consulting — and others involved deep intensive questions about who I was as a person. How did you grow up? Are you an only child? How do you think this affected you? How do you think this impacts your working style on a team? What wakes you up in the morning? How do you deal with criticism?

The interviewers I had were incredibly empathetic, and our conversation felt real and vulnerable.

About a week or two later, I got a call that I got the job. When I saw my offer package — I was like, whoa, this is a lot of money — and the great perks like housing, transportation, and a signing bonus, it was really a no-brainer. I thought, I'm 100% working there.

The internship was incredibly fun

Most of the interns lived together in dorms for the summer, which was really cool and special. To help us bond, we did fun activities like group dinners, our own version of Tough Mudder , and a scavenger hunt.

Every day, we would arrive at the campus by around 8 a.m. and leave around 7 p.m. I was a management associate intern in the office of the CEO, and we did basically any special project the CEO needed. I worked on a lot of diversity initiatives , figuring out how to make Bridgewater more streamlined and accessible to employees.

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At the time, Dalio's book " Principles: Life and Work " wasn't out yet, so one of our tasks was to read the manuscript and give feedback on it.

Ranking each other was a big part of Bridgewater's culture

We ranked people daily using numbered " dots ," a real-time check-in of how everyone was doing.

In each meeting, we'd each have an iPad in front of us, showing a list of everyone else present. Throughout the meeting, we'd give people dots for things like humility, composure, willingness to touch a nerve, openmindedness, and assertiveness. By the end of the meeting, our whole screen would just be filled with dots — some red, some green. It could get distracting sometimes — like, who gave me a three? — but we'd try to ignore it and stay in the moment.

Because we were constantly being evaluated on what we said, people were way more conscious when speaking. Instead of talking just to talk, people tried to make their points succinct and easily understandable, or they'd get a negative dot.

This criticism wasn't just limited to peers or supervisees. We were also encouraged to give dots to our bosses, managers, and even CEOs.

Dot outcomes went onto our " baseball cards ," which had information about each employee's role and their strengths and weaknesses, to create a more vivid picture of what each of us was like.

Everything was recorded

Radical truth and radical transparency were very important at Bridgewater. Everything was recorded. If I wanted to go back and see why I got a certain dot, I could go back to the recording and listen to what I'd said. I could even look up my friends' dots and see how they were doing each day, even if I wasn't in the meeting.

One time, my friend threw her water bottle in the trash rather than recycling it. I don't know who saw her, but someone gave her a negative dot. It made me realize, wow, people really do care on a microscopic level and they're paying attention to you .

Pain + reflection = progress

Getting so much constant feedback was difficult at first. At times I was like, oh, that's harsh . It's never great to hear that you didn't do something right or that someone didn't like something you said. We had a button on our iPads that we could press whenever we felt pain, and then we'd write a reflection about the situation. The idea was that pain plus reflection equals progress .

Depending on the severity of the pain or what had happened, sometimes we'd have a diagnostic session to get to the root of the problem, such as if someone's ego got in the way of them asking for help. These sessions could sometimes be uncomfortable, but ultimately were really helpful and led to growth and better day-to-day operations.

I was really good at receiving constructive feedback and was always really high on the humility scale. I like to improve and have a growth mindset rather than taking things personally. On the days when I felt a little bit more sensitive or more emotional, I didn't want to hear the more critical feedback. But when I was able to look back at it from a less emotional standpoint, I was like, oh, okay, they had a point here .

Dalio wanted us to try to take our egos out of our work as much as possible and really look toward a higher self. From time to time, we'd have to do something called "force rankings," where we ranked our team members based on who was the most and least helpful. It never felt good to be at the bottom of that scale, which happened to me multiple times.

A lot of smart people who go to elite schools are used to being the best at everything and being on top all of the time, but that's not realistic. There are going to be days where you're super on it, and then there are days that you might not be.

At Bridgewater, there was no hiding that fact.

Gossip was not allowed

It was a no-gossip environment. We weren't allowed to talk about other people behind their backs — a huge principle was that you speak up, say it to the other person's face, dot them, and be transparent.

If you were talking about someone in the context of work, you'd have to send that tape to them afterward . When I got my full-time offer to join Bridgewater, my manager sent me the tape of them deliberating and I got to hear what they genuinely thought about me while I wasn't in the room.

I think that's really valuable, especially these days when some corporate environments involve fakeness and niceties to your face and people aren't upfront about what they actually think about you and your work.

At Bridgewater, there was none of that. It sounds counterintuitive, but the constant recordings did encourage us to be more open and put everything on the table — there's no incentive not to.

I really appreciated the candidness. Now working in law, we have so much going on sometimes that we don't necessarily get direct feedback all the time. As with most companies, feedback usually happens during an annual or semi-annual review, and sometimes by that time, it's become a bigger problem.

With the dot system at Bridgewater, if there was an issue, we'd know that day, and it'd be diagnosed that week. I miss that part about it.

The best ideas won

We were really encouraged to push back on supervisors and superiors, because one of the tenets was that we were an idea meritocracy and the best idea will rise to the top, not based on the seniority of the person who put it forth.

Because debating and disagreeing with each other was encouraged, I learned so much from my colleagues. I had my viewpoints challenged and I challenged theirs. I can't imagine another workplace like that that allows for that type of growth and honest feedback.

My experience made me who I am today

I think Bridgewater's culture might be a little bit different now, especially because Ray Dalio isn't there anymore . But I can't emphasize enough how transformative and eye-opening my experience was. It helped shape who I am today, especially how I think about feedback, work, and the relationships I have at work.

I've never worked with a more brilliant group of unique people. There were poker stars, musicians, and people who wrote comedy. We all did so many different things but were united under this Bridgewater umbrella and really brought our full selves to work and gave it our all.

The experience prepared me for life, even more than just for a corporate career. It helped me grow a thicker skin; not a lot fazes me now.

A few years after working at Bridgewater, I was on "The Bachelor." People scrutinized me and said so many mean, horrible things.

My Bridgewater experience prepared me to understand that everyone will have judgments or perceptions about you, but you don't have to take them all in. We'd always say, "It's just one dot."

One dot doesn't make up the whole picture. You're going to get thousands and thousands of dots; take that criticism for what it is.

A representative for Bridgewater Associates declined to comment.

If you experienced a uniquely demanding workplace culture and would like to share your story, email Jane Zhang at [email protected] .

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I Know What America’s Leading C.E.O.s Really Think of Donald Trump

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By Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld

Dr. Sonnenfeld is the president of the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute.

Recent headlines suggest that our nation’s business leaders are embracing the presidential candidate Donald Trump. His campaign would have you believe that our nation’s top chief executives are returning to support Mr. Trump for president, touting declarations of support from some prominent financiers like Steve Schwarzman and David Sacks.

That is far from the truth. They didn’t flock to him before , and they certainly aren’t flocking to him now. Mr. Trump continues to suffer from the lowest level of corporate support in the history of the Republican Party.

I know this because I work with roughly 1,000 chief executives a year, running a school for them, which I started 35 years ago, and I speak with business leaders almost every day. Our surveys show that 60 to 70 percent of them are registered Republicans .

The reality is that the top corporate leaders working today, like many Americans, aren’t entirely comfortable with either Mr. Trump or President Biden. But they largely like — or at least can tolerate — one of them. They truly fear the other.

If you want the most telling data point on corporate America’s lack of enthusiasm for Mr. Trump, look where they are investing their money. Not a single Fortune 100 chief executive has donated to the candidate so far this year, which indicates a major break from overwhelming business and executive support for Republican presidential candidates dating back over a century, to the days of Taft and stretching through Coolidge and the Bushes, all of whom had dozens of major company heads donating to their campaigns.

Mr. Trump secured the White House partly by tapping into the anticorporate, populist messaging of Bernie Sanders, who was then a candidate, a move that Mr. Trump discussed with me when I met him in 2015. The strategy might have won voters but did little to enhance Mr. Trump’s image with the business community. And while a number of chief executives tried to work with Mr. Trump as they would with any incumbent president and many celebrated his move to cut the corporate tax rate, wariness persisted.

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    If you're a professional looking to improve your business English, consider incorporating these into your learning plan: set specific goals, create study habits, use authentic English materials ...

  8. Business Essay

    A business essay is an academic assignment that involves writing a paper that responds with a strategic and analytical approach to specific situations occurring in the market. Each business essay has a different topic that students tackle. However, the primary purpose of such essays is to collect relevant facts that align with the research ...

  9. Best Business Essay Examples for Inspiration

    The importance of business essay lies in presenting a well-researched and informed analysis. To do this effectively, writers need to conduct extensive research and analysis on the topic at hand. Referring to examples of business essays can help you gain insight into the structure, tone, and content of a well-written essay. Business Essay ...

  10. Business English: Key Phrases and Effective Communication

    Tips for Effective Communication. In Business English Writing: Advanced Masterclass, Marc Roche extensively covers many topics regarding English in business communication, including how to write emails, business letters, reports, and more.His book serves as the source of the summarized first three tips listed below. 1. Clarity and Simplicity Are the Keys to Good Writing

  11. Chapter 8: Writing Essays

    8.5: Writing Essays- End-of-Chapter Exercises This page titled Chapter 8: Writing Essays - From Start to Finish is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Anonymous via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request.

  12. Essay on Business for Students and Children in English

    Long Essay on Business 500 Words in English. Long Essay on Business is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Business is a very demanding profession that has broadened and popularized over the years. A business requires high skills of management, teamwork, patience, mental strength, and effectiveness of work.

  13. Business Essay Topics: Explore a Comprehensive List

    Here are some topics to create a thorough business essay example: The relevance of leadership and management in organizational behavior. The impact of motivation theories on business performance. Diversity management strategies in organizational behavior. The impact of workplace stress on employee performance and mental health.

  14. The History Of The Businessman English Language Essay

    The History Of The Businessman English Language Essay. The word "businessman" stands out for me because I am a businessman and belong to a business family. My family worked in business for more than 50 years.it started when grandfather opened a small business. It was a small shop for blankets and home furniture thee the business got bigger ...

  15. Essay On My Aim To Become a Businessman in English 500+ Words

    Introduction - My Aim in Life to be a businessman. Life is not the same for everyone. Some are rich and some are poor. However, life gives every person equal opportunities. Anyone who can grab one eventually gets success. We must aim big to achieve high dreams. I think every person should have an aim in life. It helps one to get ahead of those ...

  16. 10 Lines Essay On Businessman In English For Students

    A businessman is a person who does business for a living. They work in the field of commerce. They are usually at the executive level of various companies. They hold shares. They control the cash flow in the economy. Businessmen have existed since ancient times. They are essential to the growth of the economy. They found companies and start new ...

  17. English Essay (Business

    Cheap Business Essay Writing Services. Before being accepted into our company, we underwent extensive background checks. Check their credentials to confirm that they have been writing professionally for some time. If they are members of professional associations, check, for instance. Some students may have difficulty completing their research ...

  18. Describe a Businessman You Admire: Sample IELTS Cue Card ...

    September 22, 2021. 9 Min Read. Candidates often find IELTS speaking cue cards as one of the toughest questions of the IELTS exam. They have to speak about a random topic for more than one minute continuously. Moreover, they cannot change the topic and ask the examiner to explain it. Therefore they find it really difficult.

  19. Revealed: Harvard Business School's New MBA Essays For Applicants

    The Harvard Business School essay prompt for the Class of 2027 was posted at 10:30 a.m. with the opening of the 2024-2025 application online. This year's change was put through by Rupal Gadhia, who joined the school as managing director of admissions and financial aid last October. A 2004 Harvard MBA, Gadhia came to the school with no ...

  20. Harvard Business School Announces 3 New Application Essays

    The essay on being business-minded has a limit of 300 words, and the essays on leadership and growth through curiosity are limited to 250 words each. A third difference is the specific inquiry ...

  21. Write English essay on Business

    How to write English essay on BusinessEnglish paragraph on BusinessSimple English essay on BusinessEasy and short English essay on BusinessBest English essay...

  22. Your Old Clothes Are Worth Billions

    It all sounds like a golden business opportunity—if anyone can figure it out. Americans on average throw away some 70 pounds of clothes a year, and thrifting is becoming more popular by the day ...

  23. Saks Owner to Buy Neiman Marcus—With Help From Amazon

    The parent of Saks Fifth Avenue sealed a $2.65 billion deal to buy rival Neiman Marcus, according to people familiar with the matter, creating a powerhouse in luxury retailing that seeks to hang ...

  24. IRS provides tax relief for taxpayers impacted by severe storms

    These taxpayers now have until Nov. 1, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments. ... There are products in English and Spanish. Another Free File option is Free File Fillable Forms. These are electronic federal tax forms, equivalent to a paper 1040 and are designed for taxpayers who are comfortable ...

  25. He never saw himself as disadvantaged until he was asked to write an

    Joachim was writing the essay because of a decision several weeks earlier by a federal judge in Tennessee. A White woman had challenged the Small Business Administration's 8(a) Business ...

  26. Exclusive

    Arkhouse Management and Brigade Capital Management want to acquire shares they don't already own for $24.80 each, or roughly $6.9 billion.

  27. Working at Bridgewater Was Like a 'Black Mirror' Episode

    This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Daria Rose, a 27-year-old lawyer and creator who interned at Ray Dalio's hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, in 2017 and 2018. Her employment ...

  28. News Archive for July 2, 2024

    Search WSJ's digital archive of news articles and top headlines from July 2, 2024

  29. Supply Chain Under Strain as Houthis Intensify Red Sea Strikes

    As Houthi rebels intensify strikes on vessels headed for the Suez Canal, global shipping prices are soaring, raising fears of product shortages and delays.

  30. Opinion

    Guest Essay. I Know What America's Leading C.E.O.s Really Think of Donald Trump. June 23, 2024. ... Big business's relationship and likelihood of future support for Mr. Biden is complicated ...