Ellin Lolis Consulting

The Chicago Booth Interview – What to Expect + Sample Questions

Sep 26, 2023

booth mba video essay

How the Chicago Booth Interview Works 

Who is chicago booth looking for, how can you prepare for your interview, what to do if you get a question you weren’t prepared for, effectively tell your story during your chicago booth interview.

UPDATE : This article was originally posted on February 15, 2019. It has been updated with new information and tips below. 

With more Nobel Laureate professors than any other MBA program in the world and its unique flexible curriculum, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business offers those lucky enough to be admitted access to an unparalleled array of academic and extracurricular opportunities. 

However, as data becomes increasingly important in today’s business world, Booth’s data-driven approach to business has become even more sought after, making it more challenging than ever to secure a spot at this world-class business school. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Chicago Booth interview to stand out. We’ve rounded up not only our best tips but have also included sample interview questions to ensure you give your Chicago Booth application your best shot. 

As one of the most elite business schools in the world, landing an interview with Chicago Booth is no easy task. 

Thus, if you have passed to the interview phase of the Booth application process, congratulations! This is already an exceptional achievement. 

Booth interviews, since they are conducted by current students and alumni, tend to be slightly friendlier than interviews conducted by the admissions committee . Nonetheless, the interviewer is still trying to gauge how solid your motivations for wanting to pursue an MBA are, how interested you seem in the Booth program, and if you fit well with the program’s flexible format. 

Interviewers often ask many standard MBA interview questions, as well as questions designed to test your intellectual horsepower. You can also expect numerous follow-up questions. 

Our clients who have interviewed with Booth in the past say that the interviewer was very friendly and demonstrated a genuine interest in their answers. For some clients, questions were far more personal in nature, covering topics like their childhood and family upbringing. Other clients reported their interview was strictly professional, so make sure you’re ready for anything when you interview with Booth. 

Who will interview you?

Chicago Booth has a rich tradition of alumni and second-year students conducting admissions interviews. This year, you have the option of completing your interview in person on Chicago Booth’s campus, off-campus with a Booth alumnus in a city near you, or virtually. 

Completing your interview virtually will not disadvantage your application in any way. 

Will the interviewer have read my application?

No. The Chicago Booth interview is blind, meaning the interviewer will only have access to your CV. 

How long will the Booth interview last?

45-60 minutes.

The Interview Video Essay

Booth expects candidates who are called to interview to complete a video essay. 

booth interview essay questions

*NOTE – these questions refer to the 2022-2023 questions and may change after the publication date. We will update this post with the most recent information as it becomes available. 

Though there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach, we suggest that you choose a single topic that allows the admissions committee to learn something new about your profile. Especially considering the open-ended nature (and word count!) of the Booth admissions essays, it’s important to try not to repeat content. 

For example, perhaps you’re a consultant who started a secondment after submitting your application and would like to use this space to talk about a new achievement of yours. Or perhaps you recently started an international project that’s allowed you to enhance your ability to work on diverse teams. 

TOP TIP : Since you’ve only got a minute, that means you’ve got space for about 170-175 words. As such, we suggest you focus on a single, powerful story, rather than listing accomplishments or trying to fit in several, weaker stories. 

booth mba students

“ Since 1898, we have produced ideas and leaders that shape the world of business. Today, we empower bold thinkers and inquisitive minds to dig deeper, discover more, and shape the future.” Booth Admissions 

Every year, Booth’s admissions team selects just over 600 students for the honor of joining their prestigious MBA program. With a focus on academic and career excellence, Booth admits have an average of 5 years of work experience and tend to have outstanding test scores (the median GMAT score for the Class of 2024 was 730 , down from 732 last year, and the average GRE score was 164 Quant, 163 Verbal). 

Booth also places an emphasis on diversity, admitting students from 57 countries (totaling 37% international students overall). The most recent class also contains 40% women, 7% LGBTQ+, and 11% first-generation students. 

Beyond impressive stats, however, Booth also looks for applicants who distinguish themselves in three specific areas: Curriculum, Community, and Career. 

For curriculum, “We look for applicants who have both the ability and desire to thrive within a challenging and stimulating environment. The qualities we seek include academic preparedness, intellectual curiosity, and communication skills.”

For community, “We look for applicants whose unique personal and professional experience will contribute to a strong, congenial community that supports its members and pushes them to be the best they can be. The qualities we seek include leadership, collaboration and teamwork, respect for others, philanthropic tendencies, strong interpersonal skills, fit with Chicago Booth and contribution to school community/culture, and a unique perspective.”

Finally, for career, Booth states, “The qualities that contribute to your future success may be evident early in your career. The qualities we seek include a track record of success, resourcefulness, sense of personal direction, time-management skills, realistic expectations for the MBA.”

In addition, Booth highly values interview performance , specifically focusing on a candidate’s ability to communicate clearly and effectively, as this skill is critical to succeeding in Booth’s culture of intellectual debate.

Though no interview is 100% predictable, Chicago Booth interviews do tend to center around a fairly standard list of MBA interview questions. As such, we have prepared some model questions below that previous candidates have received in their past Chicago Booth interviews. 


The questions below are drawn from our clients’ interview reports, as well as from sites like clearadmit.com . Though these are not all the potential questions you could possibly receive during your Chicago Booth interview, preparing for these (and any follow-up questions you think you might be asked) should give you a very solid foundation for your interview. 


  • Explain your career path. / Take me through your resume / Tell me about yourself
  • What are your short-term and long-term career plans?
  • Have you considered other career alternatives?
  • Why are you seeking an MBA?
  • What do you need to learn from an MBA program that you can’t learn working?
  • What courses will you take at Booth?
  • Where else did you apply?
  • How will you decide which program to attend?
  • What will you do if you do not pass in any business school this year?
  • What is your impression of Chicago Booth’s culture?
  • What would you contribute to Booth both academically and in the community?
  • Tell me about your undergraduate experience.
  • Looking back, would you do anything differently?
  • Would you choose the same school and major?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What has this taught you about yourself?
  • Does this experience inform your professional life in any way?


  • Tell me about a time you dealt with a challenge.
  • Discuss a time you solved a problem creatively. 
  • Tell me three adjectives your friends would use to describe you.
  • Why are the adjectives your co-workers and friends would use different?
  • What are some of the most important moments in your life?
  • What are some of your strengths? Weaknesses?
  • What kind of value set do you look for in your peers?
  • How would your potential Booth classmates describe you?
  • How do you handle conflict?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to convince people to follow a plan you created. 
  • What is the thing that motivates you most in life/what inspires you?


  • Can you describe a situation where your leadership style has been successful?
  • Can you describe a situation that highlighted a weakness in your leadership style?
  • Please name someone whose leadership style you admire. 
  • Did you experience any challenges?
  • What did you learn from this experience?
  • How has this shaped your views on teamwork?
  • What role do you typically take within a team?
  • What main strengths and weaknesses do you think you bring to teams?
  • Tell us about an experience you have working with a diverse team. 
  • Is there anything else that you haven’t mentioned in your application that you would like to add?
  • Any questions for me?

We have found that answering real interview questions on the spot is a much better means of preparation than reading lists of interview questions for most candidates.

We highly suggest you take a look at mock interview questions and sample interview responses before your interview . 

Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of real interview mocks from Booth, as well as detailed guides to help you prepare for questions ranging from “Why our MBA program?” to “Tell us about a time you failed.”

The Ellin Lolis Consulting MBA Resource Center is your one-stop shop to interview success. Click to join !

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If you’re still not quite confident with your interview skills, our interview experts can help you craft your answers or prepare you for the Chicago Booth interview through mock interviews tailored to your profile. 

Despite your most diligent preparation, you will almost always receive a question you had not prepared. 

First, stay calm and take a deep breath. You have already made it this far in the process, and one question will not trip you up!

Second, make sure you directly answer the question the interviewer asked you. For example, if the interviewer asks you about a time you had to deal with a difficult manager, make sure to tell a story about a difficult manager and how you handled the situation. 

If you’re having trouble thinking of an answer or an example to support your answer , however, take a drink of water to give yourself a few more minutes to think. If you really can’t think of an example from your personal or professional experience, you can use a hypothetical answer about how you would act in a certain situation. 

Finally, assume that the interviewer is testing how you think on your feet and respond to questions you didn’t prepare in advance . Though your answer might not be as polished as if you’d had weeks to rehearse it, smile and confidently give your answer to show you can respond to any question they throw at you. 

One of the most common mistakes we see in MBA interviews is that candidates fail to tell compelling, well-constructed stories about their profiles while also nailing the basics. 

Striking this balance between sharing STAR-format examples that show off your background while also presenting strong answers to questions like “Why do you want an MBA?” is a challenging task that requires significant thought and preparation. 

Because of this, it’s no surprise that, on average, 50% of interviewed applicants walk away without an offer . 

This is why our interview preparation process here at Ellin Lolis Consulting is known as the best in the industry. We offer customized 1:1 support that ensures you’re able to turn your application’s strengths into compelling answers that show fit and sell your profile in any type of interview. That’s why 98.9% of our complete consulting clients get into at least one of their target schools. 

Our tailored approach was critical to helping our client Bruno secure a spot at Chicago Booth. 

“Anyone who wants to have a solid application should work with Ellin Lolis Consulting.  I really think it would be extremely difficult for me to have had such a strong application to Booth without Ellin’s support. So, I always recommend Ellin to my friends who are applying for an MBA, because I have seen in practice the difference that Ellin makes.”

Forget simulation platforms or long lists of tips – our 1:1 preparation focuses on playing to your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses to turn you into an interview expert . Hire our interview services here. VIP packages that allow you to work directly with Ellin sell out quickly, so make sure you sign up today !

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Booth Interview Video Question Analysis for the MBA Class of 2023 Round 2

Jan, 30, 2021

Categories: Admissions Consulting | Chicago | Interview Analysis | Interviews

For the current admissions cycle, Booth started asking for one minute video for those who receive interviews:

“Please submit a video response to one  of the following two prompts:

  • Tell us about something new you learned recently that shifted your worldview. How did it influence your behavior and/or actions?
  • What is something you wish people knew about you, but you’re not sure that they do?

Please note the following:

  • The length of the video submission should be no more than 60 seconds.
  • You will not be evaluated on the styling and editing of the recording, only the content of your submission.
  • Feel free to record the video with a cellphone, computer, or other video recording device.”

Overall suggestions:

In general, I recommend discussing  something new that is not at all or is only minimally discussed in your application. Given that Booth has already asked a lot about you in the main essays, you should certainly give an answer that is consistent with what is found there.  However this is an opportunity to give them new perspectives and/or elaborate on  a theme found only briefly in your essays. If you choose to write about something that has already been covered, really consider whether what you are adding is really strong enough to make a difference.

Given the length is just 60 seconds, obviously you cannot write script in huge detail, rather think of these as one-point or two-point answers. Somewhere between 90-120 words is the likely length of a script that can be communicated effectively in one minute.

While video is not directly connected to the interview as the interviewer will not have access to them , do keep in mind that they will be analyzed in relationship to your application and the interview report

Technical considerations: The most important thing is that they can hear you and see you clearly. Don’t worry about editing this or making it fancy. Focus on your content and performance, not on technical issues. Don’t go for some outdoor location if you can’t get good sound quality. Don’t focus on any props or provide visuals just on you and your message.

Question Analysis

The point here is to focus on something you learned altered your perspective. A worldview is a rather wide perspective, so the learning should be significant and not minor.

1. Focus on a specific thing you learned. Make sure that this was a new learning.  A new learning is just that, something that you would have not known previously.

2. Make sure this happened recently. Recently is vague but I think the last 1-2 years would be a good timeframe.

3.  The topic possibilities here are really unlimited as this could be everything from a lesson learned through failure or success, a leadership story, a teamwork story,  an intellectual journey, an interpersonal dynamics (EQ) situation,  a story of your motivation towards something personal/academic/professional, etc.

4.  Make sure it is very clear that the following underlying pattern is present in your response:




→= leads to

I would say the biggest limiting condition to what topic should be covered is that it must be relevant to Booth’s admission decision. As such you should be able to show how the thing you wish to people knew about you effectively answers one or more of the following:  Why would someone want to be friends with you?  Why would they want to work with you in and out of class?  How will add value to them? What does this does this surprising thing reveal about your intelligence/personality/leadership/teamwork/abilities?  The point here is to focus on something that is not obvious about you but is more than a meaningless curiosity. For example, my thumbs are  double jointed and while this can be briefly amusing when demonstrated, it is not really the kind of thing that would be worth consideration here.  You want to show something about yourself that gives Booth another reason to admit you.

Recommended Process for making your video

Here is what I typically do with my clients:

  • They formulate ideas for their script.
  • We either discuss them or just exchange ideas about what topic to focus on.
  • They write their script.
  • I review the script.  If it looks good,  I might give editing feedback if needed. If the script is not good, we discuss it.
  • Once the script is done, they make a video.
  • I review the video and give feedback. This might also involve editing the script.
  • They revise the video and show it to me again. They alter this as many times as necessary before submitting it.

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Chicago Booth Interview: Essential Questions & Tips for Successful Admit

Embarking on the journey to pursue an MBA is a significant milestone, and choosing the right program is crucial. Among the plethora of options available, the Chicago Booth School of Business stands out as a beacon of excellence. Known for its rigorous curriculum, diverse student body, and exceptional faculty, Chicago Booth attracts aspiring business leaders from across the globe.

However, gaining admission into this prestigious institution is no small feat, with the interview process playing a pivotal role. This article aims to demystify the Chicago Booth MBA interview process, providing prospective students with insights and strategies to excel in their interviews.

Understanding the Chicago Booth Interview Format

When preparing for the Chicago Booth MBA interview, it’s essential to understand the format and significance of this stage in the admissions process. Typically, interviews are conducted by trained alumni, offering a unique opportunity for candidates to connect with someone who has firsthand experience of the program. This setup not only allows the interviewers to assess the applicant’s suitability for the demanding environment of Chicago Booth but also provides the applicants with a chance to glean insights into the life and culture of the school.

The interview usually follows a semi-structured format, focusing on behavioral questions. These questions are designed to gauge an applicant’s leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, and team dynamics. It’s not just about what you have achieved; it’s about how you think, act, and reflect on your experiences. The aim is to understand your professional journey, your motivations for pursuing an MBA, and how Chicago Booth fits into your career aspirations.

Additionally, the interview is a two-way street. It’s an opportunity for you to ask questions and evaluate whether Chicago Booth aligns with your educational and career goals. This aspect is often overlooked but is integral in demonstrating your genuine interest in the program and your proactive approach to your MBA journey.

Common Interview Questions and How to Approach Them

The Chicago Booth MBA interview is a critical component of the admissions process, designed to evaluate candidates beyond their written applications. To help you prepare, we’ve compiled a list of common interview questions, along with strategic approaches for answering them:

Tell me about yourself.

Approach: This open-ended question is a chance to succinctly present your background, achievements, and motivations. Focus on aspects that align with Booth’s values and your MBA goals. Walk me through your resume.

Approach: Provide a clear narrative of your career progression, highlighting key achievements and learning experiences. Emphasize any leadership roles and significant impacts you’ve made. Describe your career plans for the short and long term.

Approach: Be specific about your post-MBA goals. Show how a Chicago Booth MBA fits into your career trajectory and how you plan to leverage the program’s resources. Why an MBA? Why Booth?

Approach: Explain your need for an MBA to achieve your career objectives. Articulate what sets Booth apart for you, such as its diverse class profile, with nearly 40% international students from over 50 countries, and the school’s strong emphasis on collaboration and broad perspectives​​. Describe what an MBA provides that you can’t learn from working.

Approach: Highlight the value of an MBA in providing a broad business education, networking opportunities, and a structured environment for personal and professional growth. What are some courses you plan to do at Booth?

Approach: Research and mention specific courses at Booth that align with your career goals. Show that you have a clear plan for your MBA journey. In addition to these preliminary questions, be prepared for behavioral questions, such as:

Describe a time you solved a problem creatively. How do you convince others to follow your plan? Describe one of the most important moments of your life. The key to answering behavioral questions is to use real-life examples and follow the SCAR method (Situation, Challenge, Action, Result) to structure your responses​​.

Preparing for Behavioral Questions

Behavioral questions are a staple of MBA interviews, as they help interviewers understand how you’ve handled past situations, which can be indicative of future performance. Here are strategies for preparing:

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Reflect on your experiences: Think of various scenarios from your professional and personal life where you demonstrated leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability. Use the SCAR method: For each experience, describe the Situation, the Challenge you faced, the Action you took, and the Result of your action. This structure ensures you convey your story effectively and comprehensively. Practice: Conduct mock interviews with friends, mentors, or professionals. Rehearse your stories to ensure clarity and conciseness. Remember, Chicago Booth interviews are typically conducted by alumni, current students, or admissions officers in a conversational style. Interviewers often have a genuine interest in your story and are impressed by well-articulated answers​​.

Case Study Questions: What to Expect

Case study questions are an integral part of many MBA interviews, including those at Chicago Booth. These questions are designed to assess your analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and how you approach complex business scenarios. While specific case study questions can vary, they often revolve around business problems, market analysis, or strategic decision-making.

When preparing for case study questions, it’s essential to:

Understand basic business concepts: Be familiar with fundamental business principles, such as market segmentation, competitive analysis, and financial ratios. Practice structured thinking: Develop a clear, logical approach to breaking down problems. This involves identifying the key issues, analyzing data, and proposing feasible solutions. Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with current business trends and news, as this can provide real-world context to your answers. Practice with mock cases: Engage in mock interviews with case study components to get comfortable with this style of questioning. Remember, the goal of case study questions is not necessarily to arrive at the ‘right’ answer but to demonstrate your thought process and problem-solving skills.

Personal Experience and Fit

The Chicago Booth interview also places significant emphasis on understanding your personal experiences and assessing how well you fit with the school’s culture. Here’s how to prepare:

Reflect on your journey: Be ready to discuss your personal and professional experiences in detail, particularly those not evident from your resume. Align with Booth’s values : Booth seeks candidates with qualities like resourcefulness, a sense of personal direction, and realistic expectations of the MBA​​. Demonstrate these qualities through examples from your life. Communicate your fit: Articulate how your background, skills, and aspirations align with Booth’s culture, which values intellectual debate and diverse perspectives​​. Discuss your contribution: Consider how you would contribute to the Booth community, both academically and in extracurricular activities. This might include discussing your leadership style, teamwork experiences, or how you have engaged with diverse teams​​. It’s worth noting that Chicago Booth interviews are conducted by students, alumni, or admissions officers and are typically conversational in nature, lasting about 30-45 minutes. The interview format is ‘blind’, meaning the interviewer has only seen your resume​​. This format allows for a more organic conversation, where your interviewer gets to know you beyond your written application.

Mock Interviews and Practice Tips

To excel in your Chicago Booth MBA interview, it is essential to engage in thorough preparation and practice. Here are some effective strategies:

Mock Interviews: Participate in mock interviews to simulate the actual interview environment. This practice helps in refining your responses and improving your communication skills. Menlo Coaching, among others, offers specialized training and mock interview sessions for MBA interviews​​.

Understand the Interview Format: Booth MBA interviews last about 40 minutes, typically in a conversational style. The interviewer, who might be a student, alumni, or admissions officer, will have reviewed only your resume. This ‘blind’ format leads to a more organic conversation, focusing on both professional and personal aspects​​​​.

Prepare for Behavioral Questions: Given Booth’s preference for behavioral questions, prepare specific examples from your past experiences. These questions aim to understand your thought processes and actions in various situations. Practice articulating these experiences clearly and concisely.

Video Essays: For those invited to interview, Booth also requires a 60-second video essay. This is your opportunity to showcase your personality and communication skills. While this video is not provided to your interviewer, it’s an important element of your application​​.

Tailor Your Strategy: Research your interviewer (if known in advance) to tailor your questions and discussion points. This demonstrates your interest and preparedness for the interview.

Prepare Thoughtful Questions: Have meaningful questions ready for your interviewer. This shows your genuine interest in the program and helps you learn more about the Chicago Booth experience.

Last-Minute Tips and Day-of Interview Strategies

As your Chicago Booth interview approaches, here are some last-minute tips and strategies to keep in mind:

Review Your Application: Ensure you are thoroughly familiar with everything you’ve submitted in your application. This will help you provide consistent and detailed responses during the interview.

Stay Informed: Be up-to-date with current events and developments, especially those related to business and economics. This knowledge can be useful during the interview conversation.

Dress Professionally : Even if the interview is virtual, dress as you would for an in-person interview. This not only makes a good impression but also puts you in a professional mindset.

Test Technology: If your interview is virtual, check your internet connection, camera, and microphone beforehand to avoid technical issues.

Be On Time: Whether in-person or virtual, being punctual is crucial. Plan to arrive or log in a few minutes early.

Stay Calm and Be Yourself: Remember, the interview is as much about assessing your fit for Booth as it is about your chance to evaluate if the program aligns with your goals and values.

visit to the Chicago Mba scholarship.

The Chicago Booth School of Business offers a highly respected MBA program characterized by its rigorous academics, diverse student body, and a strong emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation. Key highlights include:

Diverse Student Profile: The program boasts a global cohort with 37% international students from 57 countries and a significant representation of women (40%).

Award-Winning Faculty and Flexible Curriculum: Home to nine Nobel laureates, Booth encourages a blend of theoretical and practical learning. The flexible curriculum allows students to tailor their education to their specific interests and career goals.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Programs like the New Venture Challenge illustrate Booth’s commitment to entrepreneurship, providing students with real-world experience and a platform for launching successful startups.

Global Network and Community: With over 56,000 alumni worldwide, Booth offers extensive networking opportunities, aiding in career advancement and personal growth.

Leadership and Personal Development: The program emphasizes practical skills and leadership, fostering a pay-it-forward culture that prepares students for impactful roles in their chosen fields.

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Ace Your Chicago Booth MBA Interview 2024-2025

The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Quick Facts

Deadlines and decisions, detailed overview, sample questions, quick facts , who does booth interview.

Chicago Booth invites only a select number of applicants to interview after evaluating their profiles.

Who conducts the Booth MBA interview?

Booth interviews are conducted by students, admissions officers, and alumni.

Jump ahead to read more about the Booth interviewer.

How long is the Booth MBA interview?

Interviews last about 30 minutes with a discrete 10 minute question-and-answer period following.

Jump ahead to read more about the consistent length.

Where is the interview held?

Typically, the Chicago Booth MBA interview is held on campus or in an agreed upon location that is convenient for the applicant.

Even during COVID-19, some interviews were still conducted on campus.

Jump ahead to read more about the Booth MBA interview location.

What is the format?

Booth’s approach is blind. Interviewers are given your resume before the interview. The interviewer will not have seen your full application and will not have any knowledge about your background outside of what can be gleaned from the resume. This means your MBA resume is a particularly important component of the Booth application.

Jump ahead to read more on the format.

Deadlines and Decision Schedule 

App SubmissionSchedule Interview ByDecision
Round 1Sep 19, 2024VariableDec 5, 2024
Round 2Jan 07, 2025VariableMar 27, 2025
Round 3Apr 3, 2025VariableMay 22, 2025

More information is available on Booth’s deadlines and decisions information page .

Video Essays

Applicants who are invited to interview with Chicago Booth are also asked to complete a short video response to one of the following two prompts:

  • Tell us about something new you learned recently that shifted your worldview. How did it influence your behavior and/or actions?
  • What is something you wish people knew about you, but you’re not sure that they do?

The length of the video submission should be no more than 60 seconds, and applicants will not be evaluated on the styling and editing of the recording—only the content of the submission.

Drawing from Menlo Coaching’s extensive client database of first-hand interview reports, this section offers the most up-to-date information on Booth’s interview process.

Interviewer profile

Booth’s MBA interviews are typically conducted by current students, alumni, or by admissions officers. 

Many clients described their Chicago Booth interviewers as friendly, with one client being additionally impressed by the career trajectory of the student who conducted the interview. 

Nearly all clients described the interview process as conversational (one outlier described a stiff and formal interview). Most came away with the sense that the interviewers were engaged with and sometimes even impressed by applicant answers.

Booth MBA interviews last about 40 minutes in total (though one client said the interview was an hour). The first half hour of the interview is a list of fairly standard application interview questions. The last ten minutes are a question-and-answer session where the applicant can follow up on queries they might have about the program. Depending on the interviewer, this might be a very fruitful conversation with up-to-date information from current students. 

The Booth interview is typically conducted on campus or in a location that is convenient for the applicant. Clients had nothing notable to say about the interview location. One applicant, however, did confirm that on-campus, in-person interviews are being conducted during the pandemic. 

The format of the Chicago Booth interview is “blind,” meaning the interviewer does not receive a copy of the candidate’s application. They will, however, receive a copy of the candidate’s resume.

Multiple clients described the interview as being the most straightforward of all the MBA interviews they had experienced. The list of questions varies from interviewer to interviewer but most seem to be fairly typical for an MBA interview. 

Some, but not all clients, did note that there were follow-up questions specific to client answers. One reported being asked about their reaction to two hypothetical situations (reaching out to one’s network for job opportunities and handling disappointment). Another client said the interviewer wanted a summary of an aspect of their application so they could better take notes. 

Interview Prep with Menlo Coaching

If you’re interested in prepping for your MBA interview with the Menlo Coaching team, reach out today! We offer mock interviews and school-specific training for HBS, Wharton, Sloan and more!

Booth MBA Interview Sample Questions

This section follows the Booth MBA interview “question-by-question,” or in rough chronological order. Like the details in the section above, these questions are sourced from Menlo Coaching’s client database of first-hand interview reports.

You can use the questions below to conduct mock interviews that mimic an actual conversation with a Booth alumni, current student, or admissions officer. Remember that our clients have reported that some of these questions come with answer-specific follow-ups.

There are certain best practices for MBA interviews that will serve you well across your target programs.

For best results, however, consider seeking expert help with Menlo Coaching’s interview prep service.

The Booth MBA interview, question-by-question

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why get an MBA?
  • Why Chicago Booth?
  • A question about your short-term and long-term post-graduate plan.
  • A question about a time you faced a challenge and how you overcame it.
  • A question about a time you had to make a difficult decision.
  • A question about working with others or motivating a team.
  • A question about how you will contribute to the Booth community both academically and otherwise.

If you’re looking for guidance on how to answer questions like these with confidence, you can  find detailed breakdowns for MBA interview questions here .

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Advice, tips and insights from the admissions dream team., table of contents, chicago booth essays: tips & strategy.

  • By Bill Kooser

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Chicago Booth requires two essays, with an optional opportunity to provide extra information.

Every year, as you might expect for a top-ranked school, Chicago Booth receives thousands of applications from great candidates with consulting, finance, and accounting backgrounds. However, the school also welcomes applications from candidates with nontraditional backgrounds. Teachers, nonprofit workers, military officers, and media professionals all find a home at Booth. As former Chicago Booth Associate Dean (and Booth alum), I can affirm that Booth aims to create a well-rounded, diverse, and unique class, and is looking for individuals who like to challenge conventional wisdom.

Given that most students enter the program with business, economics, or engineering undergraduate backgrounds, the essays represent a valuable opportunity to distinguish yourself from other high achievers with similar profiles.

The Booth application includes  two required essay questions, plus an optional opportunity to explain anything on the application form that requires clarification. There is also a video question for those invited to interview. Read on for tips and advice on how to tackle Chicago Booth’s MBA essay questions.

Chicago Booth MBA Essays: Decoded

How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250 word minimum)

Booth’s first question cuts to the chase, asking you to connect your compelling and coherent career vision to how the Booth MBA, in particular, positions you to achieve your greatest aspirations. It’s a version of an old favorite, ‘Why an MBA and why this school’ — and significant self-reflection is key to delivering an essay that’s both persuasive and sincere.

Your ability to articulate clear goals — even if they evolve throughout the MBA journey — show the Admissions Committee your confidence and maturity. The critical element here is to think deeply about your goals, interests, strengths, and passions. Your “story” should indicate both self-awareness and an understanding of where you’ve been, where you are going, and they key elements to get you there.

It also requires a deep understanding of Booth’s values, culture and what makes it special. Without a nuanced appreciation of its unique community and program offerings — gained by thorough research, thoughtful networking and, whenever possible, a visit to campus — the admissions committee may not see you as a good fit. Acknowledging the specific things that stand out about the school and why they are important to you is key. Pay particular attention to the school’s overview and the letter from the Dean. Booth prides itself on its distinctive “Chicago Approach” to business education and you’ll want to make sure that you understand that approach and why it is good fit for your own learning style.

Booth is really looking to learn about the skills you have gained in your career thus far and how those will propel you into your MBA program. What specifically about Booth stands out to you? Professors? Classes? Student Organizations? Using your newly minted Booth MBA degree, what are your short and long-term career goals? The important thing here is to clearly identify your long-term goal and describe how your short-term goal will help get you there.

Note that Booth also asks similar short-answer questions in its online application form: 

  • What is your immediate post-MBA career goal? (250 characters max)
  • What is your long-term post-MBA career goal? (250 characters max)

With a minimum rather than a maximum word limit, the essay gives you more room to go deep and explore the “why” behind your goal and tie it firmly to the Booth community and culture. (Although there’s no limit, Fortuna coaches suggests between 500–650 words, and absolutely no more than 1000.)

Obviously, these answers must be consistent, but take care not to repeat yourself. Rather, explain clearly: W hat is it you want to do and how is Booth going to get you there? For a question like this, the why behind the goal is as important as the goals themselves. Think of your long-term goal in terms of impact — personal, organizational and social/community wide — not just in terms of a position or role. Why is this goal important to you? What led you to it? Think about the legacy you want to leave or the problems you want to solve. How are you going to make a real difference in your organization, industry, or community?

View the MBA Admissions Essay Masterclass for more on tackling the MBA Essays for Chicago Booth, CBS, MIT Sloan, and Kellogg. (Booth begins at minute 7:20). 

An MBA is as much about personal growth as it is about professional development. In addition to sharing your experience and goals in terms of career, we’d like to learn more about you outside of the office. Use this opportunity to tell us something about who you are.  (250-word minimum)

The second question is an appeal to share something much more personal, beyond your professional achievements, test scores, and transcripts. Booth is mining for a glimpse of who you are above and beyond a shining track record of excellence. Booth admissions can glean your professional journey and goals from your resume, letters, and first essay. Now, in this essay, they are looking to find out about what motivates you outside the workplace. They really want to get a sense of what makes you “interesting.” There is no right or wrong answer here and it is a mistake to try to provide an answer that you think the committee is looking for.

Think of it this way: Similar to  Wharton’s MBA essay pairing , the first Booth question wants to know what you’ll get out of Booth, while the second asks what Booth and its community stands to get out of you. However, it’s not quite as direct as Wharton’s question. Booth has always been the home of “interesting” students with wide and varied interests. This question seeks to learn what makes you “you” and how that has led to the decisions you’ve made and the directions you’ve chosen. It also seeks to understand what would make you a fun and engaging member of the community. Again, the “why” behind your answer is often more important than the particular interest itself.

Booth recognizes that we are not linear people and both our work and personal lives inform who we are. Try to focus on an overall theme in your personal life and how that has led to your pursuit of extracurricular activities. Perhaps you had a unique upbringing? Or you have volunteered at a particular organization with a mission that resonates with you? These stories will help color in the areas of your application and help the admissions committee understand who you are and what makes you tick.

This is a chance to talk about something that is of real importance to you. It should not only provide an insight into what motivates or interests you, but make the admissions committee say ‘wow’ or ‘interesting!’ The first essay is designed to assess whether you have a well thought out career plan and have a solid sense of what Booth is and does, but it doesn’t provide a lot of opportunity for you to showcase how you are different from other candidates. Essay 2 is your chance to make the admissions committee want to know you better.

It can be tricky to know where to start, and an intimidating question if you think that your story isn’t unique. Start by reflecting on milestones and moments that defined your personal journey and get introspective about what might set you apart from others — even if it doesn’t seem relevant at first.

You should also think about what gets you most excited, where you spend your time, or what you talk about when you aren’t talking about work. Travel, hobbies, sports? Your favorite band or your current TV binge? Why are those things important to you? How did you get involved? Booth isn’t looking for anything in particular here; they really do want to get to know you. Therefore, if it’s important to you, it will be a relevant topic for your essay. It’s a chance for your personality to shine through and demonstrate that you would be a great addition to what is sure to be an accomplished, diverse, and occasionally quirky class.

To reiterate, do not try to anticipate and respond with what you think the Admissions Committee wants to hear. Be yourself and show your enthusiasm – authenticity is essential.

7 Tips to Get Started with Your Booth Essays

  • Get introspective.
  • Link future goals with past experiences and explore all facets of the business school experience.
  • Understand Booth’s culture and vocabulary as well as the programs, faculty, and experiences that are particularly relevant and interesting to you.
  • Convey what you bring to Booth and its community.
  • Tap into your passion and share your enthusiasm.
  • Remember that in both essays, you are telling a story. It needs to capture the interest of the committee and keep them engaged. Essay editing and polishing are critical.

“Booth looks for candidates that know what they want and will make the most of their two years there,” says Fortuna’s  Julie Ferguson , former Chicago Booth Senior Associate Director of Admissions. “The essays give applicants the opportunity to show that they’ve thought through this major life step, and that Booth is the perfect place for them.”

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Fortuna Admissions is a dream team of former MBA Admissions Directors and Officers from 18 of the top 20 business schools, including Wharton. With our unparalleled collective expertise, we are able to coach you to develop a clear vision of your goals for business school and beyond. We work closely with you throughout the application process and provide expert guidance at every stage to maximize your chances of admission to a top school.

Our free consultations are consistently rated as the best in the industry. To learn more about Fortuna and assess your chances of admission to Wharton and other top programs, request a free consultation .

Want More Advice?

Check out our team’s latest articles, videos, and analysis related to how to get into Wharton:

  • Chicago Booth Video Questions & How to Craft Your Response
  • Chicago Booth MBA Interview: What to Expect & How to Prepare
  • Business School Profile on Chicago Booth

Bill Kooser, Fortuna Admissions

  • Posted on October 3, 2023

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Chicago Booth MBA Essays: 5 Expert Tips

Tips and tricks to help you write the best essays possible for the Booth MBA Application, including essay and application deadlines as well as Booth coach recommendations.

Posted May 9, 2024

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What are the booth essay questions.

Arguably the most important part of any MBA application, essays give applicants the chance to present different personal qualities. Unlike resumes, GPAs, and recommendation letters, the essays are purely in your voice and provide a forum for you to showcase your charisma and reasons for applying to Booth. Here are the two Booth essay questions:

1. How will a Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250 words minimum, no maximum) 2. An MBA is as much about personal growth as it is about professional development. In addition to sharing your experience and goals in terms of career, we’d like to learn more about you outside of the office. Use this opportunity to tell us something about who you are… (250 words minimum, no maximum)

Both of the Booth essay questions are relatively open-ended, which can be especially difficult because of the unlimited word count. Regarding the essay guidelines, Booth says that it trusts “that you will use your best judgment in determining how long your submission should be, but we recommend that you think strategically about how best to allocate the space.”

Though each applicant is unique, it’s generally recommended that you keep the essay lengths to about 500 words each. You don’t want to bore or waste the AdCom’s time, and you also want to show that you can get to the point clearly and succinctly.

University of Chicago Booth Application Deadlines 2023-2024

Here are the recently released Booth application deadlines for the 2023-2024 application cycle:

  • Round 1: September 21, 2023
  • Round 2: January 44 2024
  • Round 3: April 4, 2024
  • Booth Scholars (Deferred MBA): April 4, 2024

See more info on the new deadlines and requirements here: Chicago Booth MBA Application Deadlines (2023-2024)

If you’re interested in the deferred enrollment program at Booth, here is another article to get you started on your application: Chicago Booth Scholars Program .

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Tips for Success on the Booth Essays

1. research booth.

With the first essay prompt, Booth wants to know that you understand the specificities of its MBA program. It also wants to understand why you’d like to attend Booth instead of all the other business schools. Notice that the prompt is not asking how an MBA will help you in your career goals but how a Booth MBA will help them.

As part of this research, we recommend taking an in-person or virtual campus tour, speaking to alumni, watching videos, and/or reading blog posts. Answers to this question may also include specific classes you want to take or professors you want to take them from, or on-campus clubs/groups that you’d like to join.

2. Know Yourself

Pivotal to many parts of the MBA application but especially the essays, Booth wants to understand your dreams and how you’re planning on using an MBA to achieve them. In order to answer this question well, you must have a clear idea of your motivations for pursuing an MBA, and where you see your career going after graduation. Also, reflect on your career journey thus far, including what you have learned in previous roles and what is lacking.

To get started, we recommend that you talk with a peer or mentor to outline this. Have them ask you important questions such as:

  • Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? Twenty years?
  • Why do you want to pursue an MBA?
  • How do you plan on using your MBA?
  • How do you plan on making an impact at your current or future workplace?
  • What are your professional and personal goals?

Leland MBA coaches are a great resource to utilize as your brainstorm, outline, and draft your essays.

3. Answer the Question

When the question is so broad, it is difficult to stay on one narrative without straying to irrelevant topics. This difficulty is exacerbated by the lack of a maximum word count. In order to prevent tangential asides, plan the outline of your essay before you begin writing a draft. Having an idea of the overall structure while you write will help you stay on track, improve the structural flow, and remain clear and concise throughout. Before you begin the draft, reread the essay question to make sure that you’ve addressed each part. For example, the first question asks about immediate goals and long-term goals. Have you mentioned both in your outline?

4. Be Unique

The Booth Admissions Committee will read thousands of essays and your job is to make yours stand out. What makes you different from every other MBA applicant? Whatever it is, highlight it. Think about the experiences that have made an impact on you and create a story that leads to Booth. As mentioned earlier, stay on topic. Choose stories that are relevant to the characteristics you’re trying to highlight. You have limited space and you want each part of the essay to build on the last so that the whole thing is fluid and logical.

On its website, Booth says that it wants “ambitious, intellectually curious professionals” and “bold leaders.” While writing your essay, think about how you can show that you possess these traits in the stories. To get started, we recommend answering the following questions:

  • What events/experiences/people have shaped you as a person?
  • What matters most to you?
  • What motivates you?
  • What are your values and where did they come from?
  • What has challenged you the most and what did you learn from it?

Once you’ve written your answers to these questions, think about the stories that come with them and look for themes that tie the major events together. This will give you a good start on the outline.

5. Start Early

We recommend that you begin outlining and drafting your essays early to give you ample time to review them and receive feedback. Start brainstorming at least three months before the application deadline. Once you have a draft, leave it for a few days so that when you come back to it, you are reading it with a fresh perspective.

After you’ve made edits, have a peer or mentor review it, ideally a Booth alum or someone with extensive writing experience. Leland coaches are uniquely positioned to help you succeed in this aspect. After you’ve received feedback, rewrite it with edits and then leave it again. If, when you have come back to it, you are confident in its caliber, review it one more time with a coach or mentor before submitting it.

Get Into Booth With the Help of an Expert

Writing the essays is one of the most difficult parts of the MBA application process for many people. For this reason, there are many essay-related articles in the MBA Hub of our Leland Library. Here are some specific ones to get you started:

  • How to Write a Powerful MBA Essay
  • 7 MBA Essay Tips to Make You Stand Out
  • Chicago Booth-MBA Program and Application Overview

If you would prefer to work one-on-one with a Booth or essay expert, browse all of our vetted coaches here . Below are some of our highest-rated MBA admissions coaches.

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Homepage > MBA Admissions > Chicago Booth MBA Essays Analysis and Tips for 2023 intake

Chicago Booth MBA Essays Analysis and Tips for 2023 intake

Posted by Juhi A | Jan 29, 2023 | Business Schools , MBA Admissions , MBA Application Process

Chicago Booth MBA Essays Analysis and Tips for 2023 intake

The Chicago Booth,  the world’s most flexible full-time MBA program , evaluates candidates based on the criteria of  academic preparedness, intellectual curiosity, and communication skill s.  It is ‘the destination for ambitious, intellectually curious professionals—bold leaders who want to advance in their careers and earn an MBA degree from the world’s leading academic business school’.

In this article, Poonam Tandon from myEssayReview, who has been helping students with their MBA applications since 2011, shares her tips on the Chicago Booth MBA essay for 2023 intake.

Let’s take a look at the application deadlines first.

Read more about Chicago Booth MBA – Class Profile, Employment Reports, and Notable Alumni

Application Deadlines

The following are the deadlines for the Chicago Booth MBA program’s 2022 intake. You can access the application here .

Round 1Sept. 22, 2022December 01, 2022
Round 2January 05, 2023March 23, 2023
Round 3April 11, 2023May 25, 2023
Chicago Booth ScholarsApril 11, 2023June 15, 2023

All applications are due by 11:59 PM CST.

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Chicago Booth MBA Essay Questions

Like last year, the admission committee requires the applicants to answer two essay questions. The first essay remains unchanged, but the second essay question has been changed this year.

From Booth Admissions Blog :   Our approach to the MBA application and evaluation is holistic. In this way, we can begin to get a sense of who you are both professionally and personally. That is why this year you’ll find that we kept the essay question that provides insights into your post-MBA goals and added a new question that gets at the heart of your motivations.

Read this article to know the importance of MBA Essays in Business School applications

Instead of a maximum word limit, there is a minimum word limit of 250-words. Though there is no maximum word limit for these essays,  the admission committee  asks candidates to use their own judgment in determining how long the submission should be.

From the Booth Website:  We trust that you will use your best judgment in determining how long your submission should be, but we recommend that you think strategically about how to best allocate the space.

I advise my students to include only the essentials and keep their submission within 500 words for each essay.

Apart from these two required essay questions, applicants can also submit an optional essay to address/explain any weaknesses in their profile or any extenuating circumstances. Re-applicants will also submit an essay explaining how their perspective about their future, Booth, and MBA has changed this year.

Let us take a closer look at the essays:

2022-2023 Chicago Booth Full-Time MBA Application Questions

Essay 1 analysis

Chicago Booth Essay-1 Analysis

How will the booth mba help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-mba career goals (250-word minimum).

This is a standard goals essay that focuses on your short-term and long-term goals and how an MBA from Booth will help you achieve your goals.

To begin with, provide a brief account of your career history, explaining the skills and knowledge you have gained the accomplishments you have made. Outline how your professional experiences so far have inspired your career plans.

Now share your short-term goals. Identify the position that you hope to hold immediately after your MBA, specifying your role, position, industry, and 1-2 organizations/companies for which you would like to work for.

Articulate your goal and explain why this goal is interesting and important to you. Please note that your post-MBA goal should show a logical progression from your current skill set and knowledge acquired through an MBA degree.

Your goals should be ambitious as well as realistic. That is, if you aim for a technology or a consulting role, you will need to demonstrate that you already possess some skills/experience in that area and are now aiming to enhance those skills.

Likewise, if you are a career changer, you should provide evidence as to how your current skill set would facilitate this transition. Now explain your long-term career vision. Your short-term goals should naturally lead to your long-term goals which may or may not be specific in nature.

After that, discuss the gap in your skillset that you hope to fill through Booth MBA. Connect your goals to the curriculum, career placement, and other resources and offerings of the Booth program, explaining how they can prepare you for a future career.

Please note that thorough research of the Booth MBA program and its offerings is key to an effective response to this question. Be specific about how skills, knowledge, and experience acquired at Booth will help you build on your past knowledge and skills, inching you closer to your goals.

Chicago Booth admission committee looks for individuals who are aware of the direction their decisions will lead them to and their eagerness and undaunted spirit to make an impact. The intent is to see if you can fit into the ethos of Booth’s community.

Read this article to get more tips on how to write ‘Career Goals’ or ‘Why MBA’ Essay.

Chicago Booth MBA Essay 2 Analysis

An mba is as much about personal growth as it is about professional development. in addition to sharing your experience and goals in terms of career, we’d like to learn more about you outside of the office. use this opportunity to tell us something about who you are… (minimum 250 words, no maximum.).

Last year, Booth asked about the ‘choices’ that included both personal and professional choices. This year the Booth admission committee expects applicants to reveal their personal side. The purpose of this essay is to show who you are as a person and what motivates you. You will have to do some soul searching and share stories from your personal, academic, and community life that showcase your interests, leadership experiences, and other passions. Give the admission committee a glimpse into what matters most to you, what drives you, motivates you, and has shaped you as a person.

When writing this essay, focus on experiences that have shaped your values and priorities all these years.  Do not shy away from sharing the challenging experiences in life – often tough experiences make us stronger and self-aware. Remember all of you are unique individuals, so your experiences, values, and interests will set you apart from other candidates. Some people have extensive volunteer engagement, while some may have varied interests and hobbies outside of work. This essay is a great place to share your involvement and passion for voluntary service and your interests and hobbies.

Having discussed your passions, and interests that occupy your days outside of your work hours and are the guiding forces in your life, connect them to your potential experiences at the ‘choice rich’ environment of Booth.

Your research of Booth’s resources and offerings will come in handy to address this part of the question.

Explain how you see yourself engaging in the clubs and organizations of Booth based on your interests and passion. This is your chance to show to the Ad com what you will bring to the table as a student and as a valuable alumnus.

For instance, you can talk about how your accomplishments in a specific sport or your passion for volunteer work will enable you to actively engage in specific clubs or organizations at Booth. This is a great way to demonstrate your ‘fit’ with the program. Please note that self-awareness is imperative for acceptance to the MBA program in Chicago Booth.

While the first essay unfolds your professional accomplishments and goals, the second essay unveils your interests, motivation, and values outside of the professional arena. Make sure that these two essays should showcase a well-rounded picture of your professional and personal self.

If you are invited to interview, you will have the opportunity to share even more about who you are, how you think, and why. You will get two short answer questions that allow you to further showcase yourself.

Chicago Booth Optional Essay Analysis

Optional Essay

Is there any unclear information in your application that needs further explanation? (300-word maximum)

This  optional essay  asks you for information that will clarify something that is unclear. It is a great place to address any weaknesses in your profile. For example, if you have lower than average GMAT score, any grades below a C on your transcript, academic probation, or a significant employment or education gap, you can explain it in this essay.

Also, if you cannot get your recommendation letter from your current supervisor, please explain that in the optional statement.

To provide context for a weakness in your profile, make sure your reason is genuine to convince the Ad Com that your low grades or employment gap occurred due to unforeseen circumstances beyond your control.

Your response should be positive, straightforward, and fact-focused and should not sound like you are making excuses for a weakness in your profile. Your weakness may also bring out a positive aspect of your personality.

For example, if you are discussing your employment gap, you may explain that you did something productive during that period, such as traveling, volunteering, or handling a family medical emergency.

If you do not have any weakness in your profile or any areas that need justification/explanation, you may skip this question and focus only on the required two essays. This question, unlike the required questions, does have a word limit. Please respect it.

Chicago Booth Reapplicant Essay Analysis

Re-applicant Essay

Upon reflection, how has your perspective regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/ or getting an MBA changed since the time of your last application? (300 words maximum)

The answer to this  re-applicant essay  is vital for the re-applicants since it is asking for your perspective and growth.

Instead of asking how your application has improved this time, Booth wants to assess how failure has altered your outlook and how differently you have geared up this time for the MBA admission.

Take this opportunity to showcase the change in your stance and your maturity to progress towards the goal. Do not forget to mention how you have tailored yourself to meet Booth’s admission criteria.

Though the question doesn’t ask for improvements, you should definitely mention if there are any improvements in your profile, such as, an improved test score, or a promotion at work, or significant community involvement that has resulted in a changed outlook of your future.

Your conscious efforts to strengthen your profile and to work on your weak areas will prove how determined you are about your Booth MBA.

To meet the prescribed word limit, you need to be extremely precise in presenting your case a  make every word count.

For more information about applying to Chicago Booth, please click  here.

Free Resources:

  • 10 Key Essay Tips with Examples
  • Essay Analysis of Other Top Programs-2020-21
  •   MER Students Share their success Stories

Since 2011, MER ( myEssayReview ) has helped many applicants get accepted into the top 20 MBA programs, including Chicago Booth. (Poonam is one of the  top 5 most reviewed consultants on the GMAT Club .)

Do you have questions about your Booth application? E-mail Poonam at  [email protected]  or sign up  here  for a free consultation.

About the author

Poonam Tandon - My Essay Review

Poonam, one of the  top 5 most reviewed consultants on the GMAT Club , is a master storyteller with more than three decades of experience in successfully helping students craft compelling stories for undergraduate and graduate school programs.

A Ph.D. in English, with three decades of teaching experience in India and the US, Poonam launched myEssayReview (MER) in 2011 to provide highly personalized and dedicated consulting services to Business School applicants. Since then, she has helped hundreds of students around the world get into top MBA, EMBA, part-time MBA, and specialized graduate programs. A full-time consultant, Poonam is passionate about her work and is highly committed to each of her students’ success.

Do you aspire to pursue an MBA at Chicago Booth School of Business?  A 740+ GMAT score can improve your chances of admission. Kickstart your GMAT preparation by Signing up for our Free Trial!

Here are some additional articles that can help you with your Chicago Booth essays:

  • Importance of MBA essays in your B-School application
  • Five types of MBA essays  

About The Author

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New Chicago Booth Video Question & How to Craft Your Response


Chicago Booth has begun to release its MBA interview invitations, and this year there’s a new twist: for the first time, you’ll be asked to submit a 60-second video to support your candidacy.

A growing number of schools have adopted a video component in the MBA application. Last year, the MIT video statement went from optional to mandatory, and Kellogg, Rotman, Yale and INSEAD include a video prompt in the application. While programs have different time limits and questions, all are seeking an authentic and unscripted glimpse of your poise, character, motivations and ambitions. In addition to seeing you in action, your video presentation allows the MBA admissions committee to assess your confidence, presentation style, language skills, and ability to think on your feet.

As former Associate Dean of Chicago Booth (and Booth alum), I see this as an excellent opportunity to convey another dimension of your candidacy by bring your application to life. My Fortuna colleague, Caroline Diarte Edwards , calls the video statement “a really positive evolution in terms of giving candidates more scope to express themselves in the application process.”

This is a new element for Booth’s full time MBA program, although they have used a similar approach for their Chicago Scholars program. As such, there isn’t a lot of history to guide us on how these videos will be used and evaluated. (Although directed only to candidates invited to interview, Booth clarifies that the video is not related to your interviewer nor will be provided to your interviewer.)

The general “rules” of video presentation apply – good lighting, excellent sound quality, background free of clutter or distractions, focus on the camera, interesting visuals if appropriate, etc. (Fortuna’s Matt Symonds offers great advice on how to ace the MBA video essay , including tips on set-up and presentation that are applicable to Booth.) You can record the video with a cellphone, computer, or other video recording device – Booth makes it clear that you won’t be evaluated on the styling and editing of the recording, only the content of your submission.

Speaking of content, you’re given a choice between two questions, and in the invitation letter, Booth explicitly invites you to have some fun with this.

Booth Video Questions & How to Craft Your Response 

1)  Tell us about something new you learned recently that shifted your worldview. How did it influence your behavior and/or actions?

2)  What is something you wish people knew about you, but you’re not sure that they do?

First, I don’t perceive a benefit in going for one question over the other. It depends on which one speaks to you and which will elicit a response that’s authentic, meaningful, and compelling. Booth is deploying this approach as a way to get to know you in a different way – to actually see you, get a sense of your communication style and ability, and to gauge personality. Therefore, how you say things (with style and personality) may be more important than what you say.

That being said, the first question invites you to share a perspective on what is going on in the world right now and how it has affected you. This is a great opportunity to reveal your values, what you care about, and how recent and current circumstances motivate you to drive change or serve a greater purpose. What are the issues that are important to you? What has been learned about the issue? Why has it changed your perspective? How has it moved you to adapt or act? There are many issues in the world today that could influence this response – BLM, the election in the US, China-US relations, climate issues, Covid – the list goes on. This is a chance to highlight an issue important to you and show that you not only pay attention to what’s going on, but also have been motivated to take some action (or at least have ideas on doing so).

This year’s singular essay question for UCLA Anderson is very similar to video question 1, and Fortuna’s Jessica Chung offers some excellent, relevant guidance in her related article. “Rather than referencing several events on a superficial level, pick one that allows you to convey the kind of leader you are and hope to become,” writes Jessica. “As you sift through the possibilities, the single most important action you can take is to spend significant time on self-reflection… What you choose to cite is less important than why you’re citing it: how did it influence your thought process, mindset, next steps, aspirations?”

The second question can be much more personal and could also be much more playful. Dare to have some fun here: It is more about your personality and interests rather than your view of world events. I would use this question if there is something REALLY intriguing about you – not something that could be considered “run of the mill.” I would also try to tie into this WHY this is important to you and how it has affected your life, career, relationships, etc. Again, I think the key here is focus even more on personality. If you go with this question, you’ll want the issue to be captivating and there is even more opportunity to deploy humor, unusual location, props, etc., to get the message across.

Question 2 reminds me of a brilliant 60-second video by an MIT Sloan admit, which Fortuna’s Brittany Maschal describes in her article on how to approach the MIT Sloan video question .

“The secret to his success was to focus on just one story from his life, which revealed a distinctive aspect of his personality. Frankly, it was an anecdote that might easily be overlooked, if it weren’t for the artful way he used his story to illuminate the personal values and attributes that made him a great fit for MIT,” writes Brittany. “…What he achieved was a winsome glimpse into what made him unique, and it exuded warmth, sincerity, and authenticity.”

If you’re noticing a theme here, it’s that 60 seconds is scant time to tell your story. Identifying a single story that conveys something meaningful allows you to offer more depth about who you and what you stand for. This is also the opportunity to add something to your narrative that isn’t conveyed elsewhere in your application.

Finally, it can also be useful to solicit feedback from others. I recommend talking to a coach or a trusted person in your life outside of work. Keep your audience in mind as you prepare and practice (and practice again) your video presentation – this is the Booth admissions committee, after all. Having a deep understanding of Booth’s values and culture will allow you to make relevant connections to your own story.

For more guidance on what Chicago Booth is looking for and how to prepare for the interview, check out my 8-minute video strategy session with Fortuna’s Malvina Miller Complainville.

booth mba video essay

Bill Kooser is a MBA Admissions consultant and Director at Fortuna Admissions, a Booth alum, and former Booth Associate Dean. With over 30 years of experience, Bill has been responsible for nearly every business school function. For a candid assessment of your chances of admission success at a top MBA program, sign up for a  free consultation . I f you already know what you want, you can sign up directly for   MBA interview prep   with a Fortuna expert coach or explore   all services . 



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Harvard Business School’s NEW 2024-2025 MBA Application Essays

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After over a decade of using the same application essay prompt, Harvard Business School has just announced brand new essay prompts for its 2024-2025 MBA application! In this video, Gatehouse Admissions Founder Liza Weale gives her tips for writing your very best HBS essays.

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Have you guys submitted Booth's video essay?

Also, have you got your interview scheduled? I am still in the matching phase.

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Crafting Your Admissions Essay

Even seasoned professionals can be intimidated with a blank page, especially when trying to write an admissions essay for a top executive mba program..

Booth alum, Rick Weiland, offers you seven helpful hints on how to write your Booth application essay.

  • By Rick Weiland
  • November 21, 2019
  • Executive MBA - Admissions
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Rick Weiland started the Executive MBA Program in 1978, about a week after he got married. Fortunately, his wife Karen was in the middle of nursing studies, so they spent their nights cozying up to his Micro Economics text and her Gross Anatomy book. Rick also holds a BS from The University of Michigan (Math & Communication Science) and an MS from UChicago (Information Sciences). He spent his career in a variety of technical, managerial, and executive roles mostly at a software consultancy that transformed into a starter of new technology businesses, including two that ended up traded on the NYSE. Now retired for 10+ years, Rick volunteers at Chicago Booth and the Art Institute of Chicago, attends guitar classes at the Old Town School, and travels for fun both domestically and abroad. He and Karen have three grown sons and make their home in Evanston. 


Even successful mid-career professionals can be daunted by the sight of a blank page on which they have to write an essay to help get them admitted to the Chicago Booth Executive MBA program. The purpose of this blog posting is to give you helpful hints and strategies and some friendly encouragement for getting those essays (a) started, and (b) finished.

In this post, we’ll be talking about the required essay : “Why are you seeking an MBA from Chicago Booth and what do you hope to contribute to the program?”

Helpful Hint #1:  Relax. 

The reason you’re writing the essay, as with most aspects of the admissions process, is to help you and Chicago Booth determine if you are a good fit for one another. There’s nothing sneaky or mysterious about it. So take it seriously, but don’t let it paralyze you!

Helpful Hint #2:  Remember to answer the whole question!

In my experience, a lot of draft essays devote almost all of their time and space to answering the first part of the question (Why are you seeking the Executive MBA from Booth) and give little or no attention to the second part (What will you contribute). Don’t forget to explain why other students will find it interesting and useful to have you as a classmate. 

Helpful Hint #3:  Minimize the applesauce.

There is no need for you to devote space to heaping praise on Booth and telling the Admissions Team how wonderful Booth is; they already know. There’s no need to sell them on this, and you don’t want to sound like you’re piling on flattery. On the other hand, it is a good idea to spend a few sentences discussing why you and Booth are a good fit to one another.  

Helpful Hint #4:  Keep it simple!

Short punchy sentences made up of short punchy words will always be better than long, learned sentences filled with lots of adjectives. Disable the semicolon key on your keyboard. 

Compare “Keep it simple” to “Invariably maximize the simplicity of your written utterances, thereby effectuating successful communications.” See what I mean?

Helpful Hint #5:  Start from an outline.

Writing an outline helps you organize your sequence of thoughts.  It helps you make sure that all the things you want it to say get included, and the things you don’t need to say stay out. An outline makes the blank page a lot less scary. Key information for your outline could include:

A summary of your experiences, as well as your medium and long-term objectives

How the Booth Executive MBA Program will help you achieve your goals

An overview of what you bring to the program

Helpful Hint #6:  Refine your essay, and don’t be shy about getting some assistance.

Once you’ve written your essay, put it away for a day or two. Then come back and try reading it like it was written by someone else and see how it strikes you. Fix what you don’t like. Read it out loud and see how it sounds. (This is a great catcher of overly complicated or unclear sentences.) Have someone else read and critique your essay. Make sure this person will be frank and up front with you. Have them read it out loud to you. 

If English is not your first language, find a native speaker to review and, if necessary, help you smooth the English. 

Helpful Hint #7:  It’s a challenge, but don’t leave your essay to the last minute. Try to get it done early in the process. Besides helping you avoid last minute panic, having the essay done early gives you another chance to read and reconsider it before you submit. 

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booth mba video essay

Beryl updates: Matagorda County was “hardest hit,” Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says

Across southeast Texas, residents and officials are assessing the damage and beginning the recovery process.

Tony Cantu, 58, surveys the damage to his property due to Hurricane Beryl on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, in Sargent, Texas.

Matagorda County was "hardest hit" by Beryl, Patrick says

Some 2,500 households in the unincorporated coastal community of Sargent may not have power for another two weeks, Matagorda County Judge Bobby Seiferman said Wednesday during a press briefing about Hurricane Beryl's aftermath.

The hurricane struck the Texas coast early Monday and knocked out power for millions of Texans along the Gulf Coast, greater Houston and in Deep East Texas. Matagorda County was the “hardest hit” of all 121 counties included in the state’s disaster declaration, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said at the briefing.

“And Sargent was the hardest hit of that part, of that county,” he said.

Patrick is serving as acting governor while Gov. Greg Abbott is on an economic development trip in Asia. Since Monday, Patrick has traveled to Houston, Galveston and now Bay City to provide updates on storm recovery. He couldn’t visit Sargent because of the bad weather and there wasn’t a suitable place for his helicopter to land, he said.

Sen. Joan Huffman , a Republican who represents Matagorda County, also attended the briefing and promised to work with local and federal officials to help the county deal with the storm’s aftermath, including restoring power and cleaning up debris.

Matagorda County officials have asked the state to help set up cooling stations, remove debris and get food to residents beyond “ready-to-eat” meals, Patrick said.

“They’ve asked for a lot because there are a lot of issues,” he said. “We are going to do everything we can to check every box that they asked us to check.”

He added that the state will provide additional security personnel to Sargent as well as food, water and ice.

— Pooja Salhotra

Outages make it hard to discharge hospital patients, leading to backups

NRG Arena was being converted into a temporary medical facility on Wednesday. The facility will have 250 beds for hospital patients who have been discharged and can’t return to homes without power in Houston, according to Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.

Several Houston-area hospitals are having trouble making room for new patients because they can’t discharge patients to homes without power, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said Tuesday.

“In fact, we had a police officer who was shot in the leg, and when the mayor went down to see him the next day, he still didn’t have a room,” he said.

Patrick, who has served as acting governor amid the storm, said NRG Arena will be converted into a temporary medical step-down facility to free up space in local hospitals. It will have 250 beds available.

Texas Division of Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd said hospitals, physicians and patients will decide who goes to NRG Arena. Any of the regional hospitals can send a patient to the arena, as most of them are in a crisis, he said.

Millions of Texans are still without power after Hurricane Beryl caused regionwide power outages. Kidd said it was in patients’ best interest not to go back to their homes if they don’t have power and they can’t keep their medications refrigerated.

Kidd has also ordered 25 additional ambulances to come to Houston and assist this week.

“The City of Houston told us they had an ambulance shortage because all of their ambulances were in the emergency department waiting to offload patients,” he said. “Some had been sitting there for three-plus hours.”

This isn’t the first time the arena in Houston has been used during a crisis. In 2005, a medical facility was established in what was then known as the Astrodome to treat and shelter Hurricane Katrina evacuees.

— Stephen Simpson

Hurricane Beryl death toll rises to 10

Texas Division of Emergency Management Chief Tim Kidd, left, listens to Acting Governor Dan Patrick answer questions on Monday, July 8, 2024, at the State Operations Center, in Austin. Acting Governor Dan Patrick, Texas Division of Emergency Management Chief Tim Kidd and Chair of the State Utility Commission Thomas Gleeson spoke on the state’s preparations for Hurricane Beryl, noting the current damage estimates and how the storm is predicted to progress.

Hurricane Beryl, which brought fierce winds and heavy rains to a large portion of southeastern Texas, killed at least 10 people, according to state and local authorities.

In Harris County, two people waiting out the storm in their homes were killed in separate instances when trees fell on their residences. An Atascocita Fire Department spokesperson said that in the first instance, two people were in a residence when a tree fell, killing one and injuring the other. The second instance saw a 74-year-old grandmother die after a tree fell on her bedroom, according to Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick announced another person, a city of Houston employee, died from drowning in a flooded underpass on July 8. Acting Houston Police Department Chief Larry Satterwhite identified the man in a social media post as 54-year-old HPD information security officer Russell Richardson.

The Morales family works to unclog storm drains iacross the street from their house in Robindell during the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl on Monday, July 8, 2024, in Houston.

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Tropical storm beryl: how to get help and help texans.

Updated: July 9, 2024

Harris County also reported two deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning during Beryl, Texas Division of Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd said in a July 9 news conference. Kidd said that during the power outages, people run generators in unsafe places — like in a garage or near windows — allowing carbon monoxide to pool indoors. This can lead to asphyxiation.

In Montgomery County, two died inside a tent in a wooded area, according to a news release from the county’s emergency management office. No additional details surrounding their death were available. A third person, a man in his 40s, died in Montgomery County after a tree fell on him while he was on his tractor, the news release said.

In Galveston County, John Florence, an investigator with the county's Medical Examiner confirmed that 71 year-old Judith Greet died at Crystal Beach, a community in the Bolivar Peninsula. Greet was on oxygen for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a lung disease that blocks airflow and makes it difficult to breathe. When the hurricane knocked out power in her RV home, Greet’s oxygen machine ran out of battery and she died.

In Matagorda County, where thousands are still without power , county officials reported that one person died from heat.

The Houston Chronicle reported that a tenth person died in a house fire caused by lightning. Houston fire officials told The Texas Tribune that the cause is under investigation.

— Pooja Salhotra, Stephen Simpson, Dante Motley and Alejandra Martinez

Power restoration could take days and summer temperatures are rising

The Ha Family enjoys playing games together at Trini Mendenhall Community Cente, which is being offered as a cooling center, in Houston, on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.

Millions of Texans are heading into a third summer day without power after Hurricane Beryl wreaked havoc through several counties — including the state’s most populous one — and temperatures rose dangerously into the 90s. The heat index is projected to push past 100 degrees in some areas, compounding the risk for an already battered and worn-out area.

Power companies have deployed thousands of workers to restore power while state and local officials navigate residents’ frustrations at what’s becoming routine in Texas: massive power outages after winter storms, thunderstorms, tornadoes or hurricanes.

Electric workers gather supplies to provide support with major power outages after Hurricane Beryl in Houston, on Wednesday, July 10, 2024.

Millions of Texans face third day without power in summer heat

Updated: 5 hours ago

As of 6:22 p.m. Tuesday, 1.9 million electricity customers concentrated in the southeastern corner of the state that bore the brunt of Beryl’s fierce winds still didn’t have electricity. Power companies and elected officials said it could be days before everyone has electricity again, meaning people without air conditioning would have to figure out how to cope with the heat.

“The power system is a life saving critical infrastructure — it’s the difference between life and death,” said Costa Samaras, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. “The era of nobody could have foreseen these conditions is over.”

Utility officials and state leaders have said it will likely take days to get everyone’s electricity back on — and temperatures are projected to rise steadily over the next week, National Weather Service Meteorologist Ryan Knapp said.

Temperatures in the 80s and 90s can create unsafe conditions for high-risk individuals, especially in a home with no power, and finding ways to keep cool will be paramount, he said.

“The upper 80s can obviously heat the inside of the home pretty quickly,” Knapp said.

— Pooja Salhotra, Jess Huff, Emily Foxhall and Kayla Gao

Federal disaster declaration approved, Patrick says

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said President Joe Biden approved a Federal Emergency Disaster Declaration to aid Texans in the recovery from Hurricane Beryl. Following a phone call with Biden Tuesday, Patrick stated that he requested FEMA assistance to cover costs for debris removal and emergency protective measures.

“We are appreciative that the federal government will step in and they will pick up most of the cost as we go through recovery of the storm,” Patrick said at a Tuesday press briefing.

President Joe Biden gives remarks during a visit to Brownsville on Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024.

Biden says Texas officials delayed request for Beryl federal aid

Once the declaration is finalized and issued, the state’s homeowners and business will be able to access loans and grants to help with Beryl-related recovery costs. FEMA’s public assistance program is divided into categories. Part A covers the costs of debris removal, while part B covers emergency protective measures like medical care, transportation and evacuation. Patrick said the federal government would be covering “most of the cost” associated with storm recovery.

The declaration includes 121 impacted counties, Texas Division of Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd said. Those counties include Brazoria, Galveston and Harris.

Kidd urged residents to adhere to local government regulations if they start doing their own debris cleanup.

Debris will need to be separated into three categories. Vegetative debris includes leaves and plants; construction and demolition debris includes building materials; appliances and white goods are another category.

“Please don’t put it all into one pile,” Kidd said. “It only slows the recovery process.”

On Monday, Biden spoke with Houston Mayor John Whitmire and said his administration is committed to supporting Texas, a White House spokesperson said.

“The U.S. Coast Guard and FEMA are on the ground and stand ready to support local response efforts,” the spokesperson said. “They will remain with the people of Texas every step of the way.”

–Alejandra Martinez and Pooja Salhotra

Texans begin to assess damage and plan clean-up efforts after bruising storm

Mikhail Kochukov surveys a tree that fell away from his house after strong winds caused by Hurricane Beryl on Monday, July 8, 2024, in Houston.

Hurricane Beryl plowed through the Houston region Monday and, according to local meteorologist Matt Lanza, keeping up hurricane strength until it got halfway across town. Only in the afternoon would the winds die down completely, allowing people to emerge to follow a routine many know well: assess the damage, check on others, clean up and wait for the power to return.

The storm jolted people awake as its winds roared, blowing at 90 miles per hour, pushing tree branches at windows and ripping shingles from rooftops. Ten to 15 inches of rain pounded homes, according to Houston Mayor John Whitmire.

Two sisters watch flooded Whiteoak Bayou waters flow next to downtown Houston on Monday, July 8, 2024. Rains from Hurricane Beryl overflowed the bayou but were not as significant as Hurricane Harvey.

“Just my luck”: Houston begins clean up after Beryl rips through Gulf Coast

July 9, 2024

The wind sounded to 31-year-old Elizabeth Alvarez in Houston like someone screaming. The mother of six woke up at 4 a.m., scared, and didn’t go back to sleep. She thought her window might break. She lost power and — hour by hour — more Houstonians did too, their air conditioning and refrigerated food going along with it.

Later, Alvarez would drag her pet birds in their cages onto her porch to feel the cooler air, while neighbors grilled corn and pork and others kicked a soccer ball. She would clutch a handheld, battery-powered fan, that was turned off to save for when she needed it.

Across the region, fences toppled. Awnings ripped from restaurants. Signs soared away from businesses. Traffic lights twisted askew. A local television station lost power and went off the air. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said on The Weather Channel, “Really, Houston is getting the brunt of the wind and the rain.”

The pops of transformers echoed. Entire trees crashed down.

And the damage pushed on from there, as Beryl uprooted trees and downed power lines into southeast Texas. In Liberty, a beloved pecan tree outside the historic courthouse was uprooted early on Monday, according to Bluebonnet News . The tree served as a meeting place for generations of residents.

“The rebuild is going to be significant. There was real damage. But the good news is for Houston, this ain’t our first rodeo,” U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz said at a Monday evening press conference.

— Emily Foxhall

How to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning from generators during power outages

When electrical power is knocked out after a hurricane, carbon monoxide poisoning from improperly used gas-powered generators is especially dangerous. The odorless, colorless gas is called an “invisible killer.” Early symptoms can include headache, dizziness, weakness and nausea, similar to the flu. To stay safe, experts recommend never connecting a generator directly to your home’s wiring, ensuring it's properly grounded, and always operate it outdoors away from windows and vents.

— Alejandra Martinez

What should I do after a hurricane hits?

Stay away from flood waters and damaged power lines. Don’t enter damaged buildings. Take photos and document damages to your home or property. Residents are also encouraged to document their storm damages and losses through a state-run online survey to help state officials understand the extent of the damages.

Organizations like the American Red Cross, Salvation Army and local volunteer organizations can help you find food, shelter and supplies, as well as even assist you with clean-up efforts.

Residents’ homes and possessions are submerged in floodwater following significant rainstorms in Coldspring, Texas, US, on Saturday May 4, 2024.

How to navigate FEMA during this year’s hurricane season

Updated: July 10, 2024

Government and community resources may be available to help with recovery. Disaster declarations from the governor and president may free up federal funds for recovery assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency . People cannot receive disaster aid and insurance assistance for the same damages, so insured Texans should file claims through their existing policies before applying for FEMA assistance.

— Maria Probert Hermosillo and Pooja Salhotra

Tornadoes pop up in East Texas after Beryl downgraded to a Tropical Storm

After downing trees and power lines across the Greater Houston area, Hurricane Beryl has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm, meaning wind speeds have lowered below 75 miles per hour.

Maximum sustained winds have decreased to about 60 miles per hour, a 1 p.m. advisory from the National Hurricane Center. Beryl is headed northeastward at about 14 miles per hour and is expected to increase in speed as it continues to move through East Texas, where some local officials asked residents to shelter in place.

The National Weather Service out of Shreveport is tracking three confirmed tornadoes on radar, two in Texas and the third in Louisiana. The first is south of Joaquin, which is north of Lufkin and near the Louisiana border, the second is north of Timpson, which is also near the border.

Forecasters urged Texans to use caution amid downed power lines and warned that improper generator use can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

On the Texas coastline, a storm surge warning is still in effect north of San Luis Pass to Sabine Pass, an area that includes Galveston Bay. The tropical storm warning was discontinued from Port O’Conner to San Luis Pass.

The Coastal Bend, including areas like Corpus Christi, was spared from the brunt of the storm.

— Pooja Salhotra and Jess Huff

High winds persist into East Texas, prompting requests for residents to shelter in place

High winds have made their way north from the Texas coast into East Texas and counties have begun to ask residents to shelter in place as a way to keep emergency vehicles off the roads as well.

The storm kept up its momentum as a Category 1 hurricane all the way to Interstate 10, surprising meteorologist Matt Lanza at Space City Weather.

“The widespread wind gusts of 75 to 85 mph so far inland was really unnerving,” he wrote in an updated blog post.

Residents of San Jacinto, Liberty, Hardin and Tyler counties have been encouraged to shelter in place, especially to stay off the roads in an effort to also keep emergency vehicles off the road.

News outlets and emergency management teams throughout the region have reported downed power lines and trees throughout the region.

The National Weather Service issued a tornado watch until 10 p.m. Monday for counties between Montgomery and Texarkana counties, as well as Northwest and North Central Louisiana and Southern Arkansas. A wind advisory is in effect until Tuesday morning.

— Jess Huff

Storm passes over Lake Livingston Dam, which was inundated with rain in April

In Polk County, which is home to the Lake Livingston Dam, the storm began to peak around 11 a.m. with the worst of it located over the dam, according to Polk County Emergency Management. High winds are still top of mind, even as Beryl has been downgraded to a tropical storm.

The dam, which recently reported potential failures, was releasing 21,175 cubic feet of water per second as of 11 a.m. and the lake level is at 130.93 feet above sea level.

This is significantly less than the several hundred thousand cubic feet of water released in April, when storms required several hundred thousand cubic feet of water per second to be released for multiple days in a row.

The Trinity River Authority, in conjunction with the Federal Aviation Authority, initiated a temporary flight restriction over the dam as the authority also began construction to mitigate potential failures early Monday.

Houston officials ask residents to remain off roads as damage assessment begins

A truck drives through water and downed branches from Hurricane Beryl on Monday, July 8, 2024, in Houston.

Downed tree limbs and power lines, flooded streets, and power outages have Houston officials pleading with residents to stay home.

Houston mayor John Whitmire held a news conference Monday detailing the dire situation the city finds itself in as it took the brunt of Hurricane Beryl.

“We are dealing with a very serious amount of water. Around 10 inches of rain across the city and 90-mile-per-hour winds and hurricane conditions,” Whitmire said. “Please, Houstonians, shelter in place. We are in emergency and rescue mode.”

Whitmire said over 700,000 Houston electricity customers are currently without power, and the region’s two major airports are not open. However, city officials should better understand the situation now that the storm is moving away.

“We are experiencing the dirty side of a dirty storm,” Whitmire said.

The storm's sustained winds were still at 70 miles per hour as it moved from the Gulf Coast into the Houston area. The National Hurricane Center said that up to 10 inches of rain could fall in some places — and some isolated areas of the state may receive 15 inches. Some areas of Houston have already received nearly 10 inches of rainfall, according to data from the Harris County Flood Control District. On Monday morning, local officials in the Houston area said the storm had downed trees and caused street flooding. At least two people died when trees fell onto their residences.

In Rosenberg, a city 35 miles southwest of Houston, a downed tree hit a high water rescue vehicle returning from a rescue, police said on X . Officials there also urged residents to stay off roadways.

Houston Fire Department Chief Samuel Pena underscored the strain on resources due to the high demand for high-water rescues and live wire calls. These are currently the primary service requests, consuming a significant portion of their resources, and they have already helped eight people in high-water rescues.

“Earlier today, we saw a video of a high-water rescue , and you can see how resource-intensive those call types are. We can’t keep using those resources. Please be cautious and heed the warnings,” Pena said.

— Stephen Simpson, Pooja Salhotra and Emily Foxhall

Refineries begin reporting storm-related air pollution

Some refineries along the Texas coast have shut down due to Hurricane Beryl and are self-reporting instances of “unintentional” emissions.

In one instance, Freeport LNG, a large natural gas terminal on the coast of Brazoria County, reported releases of over 8,000 pounds of unplanned air pollution on Sunday. Pollutants included ethylene , a chemical with a faint sweet and musky odor, that can cause headache, dizziness, fatigue, and lightheadedness if people are exposed to it in large amounts overtime.

In their report to the state, the company wrote the facility was proactively shutting down before the hurricane winds caused power outages.

“[The shutdown] resulted in a subsequent unavoidable venting,” the report said.

Flaring, a process for burning unwanted gas to relieve pressure or clear pipes, usually happens before or during extreme weather events, said Luke Metzger, executive director of the nonprofit Environment Texas.

The Marathon Galveston Bay Refinery in Texas City, along the Houston Ship Channel, tweeted the facility was flaring Monday morning due to a brief power disruption during the storm. No report has been submitted to the state yet.

Metzger said Beryl’s pollution events are low compared to Hurricane Harvey’s 8.3 million pounds of air pollution reported to the state, but suspects more facilities will submit reports after the storm’s passing.

“I was surprised looking at the pollution reports that there has been relatively little pollution reported,” Metzger said. “That’s either good news because the storm had less of an impact [on refineries] or facilities [operators] have learned their lesson.”

Beryl makes landfall in Texas as Category 1 hurricane

booth mba video essay

Hurricane Beryl made landfall near Matagorda around 4 a.m. Monday as a Category 1 Hurricane, according to the National Hurricane Center. The storm strengthened through Sunday evening and had maximum sustained winds of 80 miles per hour when it came ashore. A 5 a.m. advisory from the National Hurricane Center warned about life-threatening storm surge and inland flooding Monday.

Hundreds of thousands of Texans are without power , including many in coastline counties such as Brazoria and Matagorda, according to PowerOutage.us. The full scope of the storm's damage is not yet clear — and it could cause more Monday as it moves northeast through the state.

The hurricane center said the coast was experiencing life-threatening storm surge. It also warned of flash floods throughout the southeastern portion of the state as the storm continues moving inland, bringing five to 10 inches of rain to some areas — or up to 15 inches in some isolated places.

Category 1 storms primarily damage unanchored mobile homes, shrubbery and trees. They can also do extensive damage to electricity lines and cause power outages that last several days.

Disclosure: CenterPoint Energy has been a financial supporter of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Financial supporters play no role in the Tribune's journalism. Find a complete list of them here .

Maria Probert Hermosillo , Berenice Garcia and Emily Foxhall contributed to this report.

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Information about the authors

Pooja Salhotra’s staff photo

Pooja Salhotra

General assignment reporter.

[email protected]


Stephen Simpson’s staff photo

Stephen Simpson

Mental health reporter.

[email protected]


Alejandra Martinez’s staff photo

Alejandra Martinez

Environmental reporter.

[email protected]


Jess Huff’s staff photo

East Texas Reporter

[email protected]


Kayla Guo’s staff photo

[email protected]


Maria Probert Hermosillo’s staff photo

Maria Probert Hermosillo

Berenice Garcia’s staff photo

Berenice Garcia

Rio grande valley reporter.

[email protected]


Emily Foxhall’s staff photo

Emily Foxhall

Climate reporter.

[email protected]

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