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Best Book Sales Tracker: How to Track Book Sales Across All Platforms

When I only had one book on one platform like KDP, using a book sales tracker service was unnecessary.

However, when I started having multiple books on multiple platforms like KDP, D2D, Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, etc…it would seriously take a lot of time to check each platform’s sales and ensure things were tracking.

And let’s face it, as self-published authors, it’s important to track things like daily sales because this is your income lifeblood. But to do that daily eats up too much time.

On average it takes me 15 minutes to adequately review all sales platforms and look for trends in my different markets. If done every day, that would equate to 92 hours a year wasted…eek!

That’s way too much.

Luckily, there are some services that help alleviate this. Not only do they present your book’s sales information in a much better layout, they’ll make it seamless for you to keep a thumb on your sales pulse and allow you to focus on more important things….like writing your next book .

  • What book sales reporting services can do
  • List of book sales tracking services
  • My favorite service and why you should use it
  • And yes, there is one that is superior to the others and one of my all time favorite services out there.

Table of contents

  • What Can Book Sales Trackers Do?
  • ScribeCount Pricing
  • ScribeCount Pros and Cons
  • PublishWide Pricing
  • PublishWide Pros and Cons
  • Book Report Pricing
  • Book Report Pros and Cons
  • BookTrakr Pricing
  • BookTrakr Pros and Cons
  • Verdict: What is the Best Book Tracking Software?

Note that if you click the links below, I may get a small commission from them, but it costs you nothing extra, and every scrap goes to our collective coffee fund.

Put simply, book sales trackers allow you to see all of the data from your book sales in one place.

Let’s face it, KDP’s own sales reporting platform is not great. It can be difficult to parse out the data in beneficial ways (dividing your books up by series, for example), and if you’re on any other platform, it won’t do you any good.

A good book sales tracker will not only let you see all your sales from across multiple platforms, but will also help you organize that data to give you the best insights into the performance of your books.

But book sales trackers are hard to come by. In fact, Amazon is tricky who it allows access to its information. For that reason I actually found quite a few sales trackers that have closed down because Amazon shut them out. See these for example:

  • eBookTracker
  • SalesRankExpress  
  • AuthorEarnings

Obviously, none of these links work anymore, which only leaves a few services that provide quality book tracking.

Thankfully, all that technical pressure means that the remaining candidates are the cream of the crop. Here are my favorite book tracking tools for authors:

What is the Best Book Sales Tracking Software?

The best book traking tool is ScribeCount, with PublishWide coming up as a close (but expensive) second. I generally would only recommend PublishWide over ScribeCount if you are a large publisher and want to make simple sense of big data.

Here is a general comparison of the top book sales tracking apps:

ProductPlatforms it TracksPricingLink

ScribeCount – My Favorite

ScribeCount is by far my favorite option for tracking all your book sales. It is affordable, it has a clean interface, and it interacts with all the major book retailers to track your sales.

It includes integration with the following platforms:

  • Google Play
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Draft2Digital
  • Smashwords (now owned by Draft2Digital)

These are the big players in the self-publishing space, and it’s rare that you will have any major outlets besides these. They’re also working to integrate Audible and Findaway Voices so you can track audiobooks as well (which as far as I know will make it the only service that does this).

But wait, there’s more!

ScribeCount does more than just track your sales. It also pulls in the following data:

  • Your Kindle Unlimited page reads
  • Your book ranks
  • Your book reviews
  • Geographical sales data

That definitely makes it one of the best aggregators of all time, and definitely the best on this list.

ScribeCount has a LOT of customization options, as they are pulling a lot of data from all of these platforms. It can sometimes get a bit overwhelming, which is my only issue with ScribeCount, but a lot of data and customization options are almost universally a good thing.

ScribeCount has several tiers of pricing:

  • $9.99/month – For authors earning between less than $1000 a month
  • $19.99/month or $185/year (approx. $15/month) – For authors earning over $1000 a month

All data and features are available at all tiers, meaning that if you are just starting out and don’t make more than $1000 yet, you can absolutely access all the features at the $9.99 tier.

Additionally, ScribeCount has a 14-day free trial.

Here is everything that I liked and didn’t like about ScribeCount:

  • A ton of data collected and available to authors
  • A great selection of platforms
  • You can sort by series or create custom tags to organize your data
  • Shows you the earnings based on marketplace, author, book, or custom tag
  • It doesn’t require you to log in to each and every sales platform every time you want to check them
  • The sheer quantity of data can be overwhelming and the UI design could be easier to understand or use
  • It would be nice to be able to customize the home dashboard
  • No free version

The Bottom Line: ScribeCount is (by a HUGE margin) my best pick for book sales tracking. Its sheer volume of data and customizability make it the clear winner for most authors.

PublishWide – Good for Large Publishers

There is one other big name in book sales tracking and that is PublishWide. 

PublishWide, like ScribeCount, pulls in a lot of data so you can clearly see how your books are doing across all major platforms. It currently pulls from the following:

  • Apple Books

While this is still less than what ScribeCount offers, they are continuing to add new platforms.

One of my favorite features for PublishWide is that it gives you the opportunity to integrate with Amazon Ads and Facebook Ads, to give you new insights into your overall profits, and the effectiveness of your ad spend.

PublishWide also does a really good job with its design and interface, making it really clean and easy to understand.

Overall, PublishWide is a good option, but I recommend it mostly for large publishers and people with a MASSIVE number of books, as this seems to be their target audience.

The big reason why it’s not #1 on this list is largely due to a lack of customization and the pricing…

PublishWide is primarily geared towards larger organizations, going so far as to ask for those earning more than $1 million dollars to contact them about enterprise pricing.

For the rest of us, the program costs $29/month regardless of income level.

This is a MUCH more expensive option than what ScribeCount or Book Report offer, and it doesn’t offer anything that at least one of those tools offer, which is why PublishWide is not my #1 recommendation for most authors.

However, if you are interested in trying it out, they do offer a 14-day free trial.

Here’s my breakdown of the good and the bad from PublishWide:

  • Excellent design and understandable breakdown of the data
  • Gives insights on ad spend from Facebook and Amazon Ads
  • Good for sorting large quantities of data for people like big publishers
  • Offers a downloadable PC or Mac version
  • More expensive without the features to justify it (THIS IS A BIG CON)
  • Not as customizable as ScribeCount
  • Still lacks several publishing platforms to report on
  • Almost too simple in its reporting

The Bottom Line: If you’re looking for a good book tracker, PublishWide will certainly do the job. However, its features do not justify the expense, since you can easily get the same features with other platforms. The only instance where I might consider it is if I were a large publishing house and wanted to simplify big data.

Book Report – For Amazon-exclusive Authors

Before ScribeCount came along, Book Report was one of the go-to book trackers for authors. However, they have one mega-downside: they only track Amazon data.

In essence, Book Report came about because KDP’s own sales reporting dashboard was awful. However, KDP’s beta reporting dashboard has gotten better with time, and is almost (not quite) as good as what Book Report will give you.

That said, Book Report has a very clean-looking interface, and makes it really easy to see your data, and its pricing is almost the same as ScribeCount.

But if you’re wide and want to see other platforms included in Book Report, you are out of luck. You might as well look elsewhere.

Book Report has two pricing tiers:

  • FREE – for authors making less than $1000/month
  • $19/month – for authors making more than $1000/month

That puts their pricing strategy at almost exactly the same as ScribeCount, except they don’t have the middle tier of $15/month, and they also don’t have an annual tier.

For those who are already making more than $1000/month, Book Report will also provide a 14-day free trial to test it out.

Here is what I did and didn’t like about Book Report:

  • Nice clean interface
  • You can sort the data with a really nice tagging system
  • Does not include other sales platforms (THIS IS A HUGE CON)
  • Frequently requires logging into my KDP account again
  • Does not pull in any other data besides basic sales and Kindle page reads

The Bottom Line: I recommend Book Report only for those who are exclusive to Amazon, and only if you want a simple layout without many bells and whistles. Otherwise you can get the same benefit with ScribeCount.

BookTrakr has been around for a while, and it was originally my favorite choice. However, a lot has changed since back then.

While they are still technically around, a lot of their features are well out of date (their website still lists CreateSpace as a platform that they offer). However, it still works, so let’s talk about it.

BookTrakr covers all of the major platforms, including:

  • Amazon 

That places it above PublishWide for the number of platforms that it integrates with. 

BookTrakr also pulls in review and ranking data, making it comparable to ScribeCount in those respects.

One of the features that I used to love about BookTrakr was the fact that it would send a daily email with updates on my book sales. This was great because it meant that I didn’t have to keep logging into my KDP account for this to work, until Amazon changed the way they operate. Now you can still get the emails, but also have to frequently check that you are logged into your KDP account so BookTrakr can access the data.

Add to that the fact that the user interface seems about a decade old and I no longer recommend this tool for most authors.

For $5 per month, you'll receive daily emails about that day's book sales on all platforms and have access to their easy to use dashboard and graphs.

For $10 per month, you get the above and an update every time a new review is posted, tracking of rankings, and the ability to mark events in your graphs/analytics.

Personally, before I discontinued using BookTrakr, I only did the $5/month tier

Here’s my rundown on the good and the bad for BookTrakr:

  • Integrates with a lot of platforms
  • Offers email digests
  • The design and dashboard are difficult to navigate and nowhere near as intuitive as other platforms
  • Not easy to use
  • Lacking in more advanced features and customizations offered by other platforms
  • Emails can get a little spammy
  • Lacking in customer support

The Bottom Line: While BookTrakr will technically get the job done, it is not intuitive, nor does it come close to the capability that you can get with ScribeCount or PublishWide. Overall I don’t recommend it anymore.

The best book tracking app for authors is ScribeCount . With all of its many features, its level of customization, not to mention a great team backing it up, I’m excited to see where this one continues to grow.

I’ve used BookTrakr, and I’ve even used Book Report. Once I started using ScribeCount I immediately switched all my books over to that platform and have been using it ever since.

Be sure to check them out!

That said, there’s no such thing as a perfect tool for every author, which is why I would suggest PublishWide as a potential alternative. PublishWide is more expensive, but I believe it is set up better for authors and publishers who have a large number of books or who make a lot of revenue. If this describes you or your organization, you can check out PublishWide here .

For everyone else, check out ScribeCount today !

Dave Chesson

When I’m not sipping tea with princesses or lightsaber dueling with little Jedi, I’m a book marketing nut. Having consulted multiple publishing companies and NYT best-selling authors, I created Kindlepreneur to help authors sell more books. I’ve even been called “The Kindlepreneur” by Amazon publicly, and I’m here to help you with your author journey.

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23 thoughts on “ Best Book Sales Tracker: How to Track Book Sales Across All Platforms ”

Hey, I know this article is a few years old now, but do you still use BookTrakr? I’ve been trying Trackerboxs’ free trial and because I’m not great with all this data-number-analyses stuff I find it visually confusing. Booktrakr looks more colour-coded and user-friendly plus I like the idea of being able to track ratings and reviews. I have a few questions regarding Booktrakr:

– Does it only import eBooks sales, or does it show data for paperbacks also? – Does it import sales from the same book published with varying ISBNs? (As in, multiple editions, but in the same format, like a 1st and 2nd paperback edition with different ISBNs) – Does it cover Ingram Spark? (If not, I may just use Trackerbox for Ingram as there won’t be data for sales reviews etc anyway) – Is there some kind of NDA clause considering they get all your passwords (data leakage is a big concern these days)

In truth, I’ve fallen out of love with BookTrakr. Nothing that they did really, but because of Amazon’s changes, their system isn’t as easy or effective as it used to be. Right now, I’m actually a part of the beta testing for PublishWide, but they have a LOT of bugs to fix before it is ready. But once it is, and if it is as good as they say it will be, I’ll immediately update to reflect.

Okay fair enough. Are you still able to answer the questions I asked above regarding BookTrakr? I’ll post them again: – Does it only import eBooks sales, or does it show data for paperbacks also? – Does it import sales from the same book published with varying ISBNs? (As in, multiple editions, but in the same format, like a 1st and 2nd paperback edition with different ISBNs) – Does it cover Ingram Spark? (If not, I may just use Trackerbox for Ingram as there won’t be data for sales reviews etc anyway) – Is there some kind of NDA clause considering they get all your passwords (data leakage is a big concern these days)

Thanks again

1. both 2. It can so long as you give it access to the accounts that publish them 3. Not sure 4. Probably – but not sure but you can ask them or comb through their Service Agreement. My take on this is they probably have a CYA clause like most but aren’t going to start stealing your passwords to target the books. Plus it would be obvious if they changed your payment information and such. Why destroy your viable software business, in order to get yourself in legal battles, because it would leave a trail and your switching of account information would take 1.5 months before you get paid….which most of thatwould be stopped before then. So, I don’t worry about that myself.

Okay, thank you, I will give Booktrakr a go!

Sounds good.

Great article, but It is been a few years since it was posted. Do you still use BookTrackr and are you still happy with it?

Currently, yes. Because I have a lot of sales on other markets as well.

Can you please let us know if anyone has been seeing a serious difference in their kdp sales or suspecting KDP is not reporting all the sales? I have heard rumors that when marketing was retargeted from KDP`s Amazon page to an ASIN of another provider to Amazon for the same book, the sales skyrocketed leading one to suspect they were not receiving all of their sales from KDP to begin with. Can you please try this out and let us know. It is odd that you made so much more money on Create space, than via Amazon KDP for the same book. Have you heard the same rumor that KDP is not reporting all the sales they are receiving or there is a glitch in their reporting? My ads are stating 1000s of clicks to purchase the book, but then KDP is only reporting less than 100 sold.

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Book Report

Book Report is the best way for indie authors and publishers to track their sales data.

Book Report automatically fetches your latest sales numbers and turns them into simple, insightful reports. We don't ask for your password, and your sales data is always fully encrypted, so you can have peace of mind that your data is safe.

3.5 out of 5 33 ratings Google doesn't verify reviews. Learn more about results and reviews.

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Nicholas C. Rossis Jan 9, 2024

While much of BookReport's functionality is now offered by Amazon's own KDP Reports, I still use it regularly for the wealth of information it conveys, the elegant interface, its user-friendliness, and its simplicity. Yes, both Amazon and Chrome do have a nasty tendency to disable it and ask for confirmation every now and then - but that's nothing to do with Book Report: it's just Amazon and Google trying to keep you safe. Try it, see if it works on your browser, and if it does I hope you fin... Show more

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MagMinecraft Feb 24, 2023

Simply doesn't work with some authentication issue.

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Mike Evans Author Oct 15, 2022

For something that they charge $ for it is difficult to understand how it can have so many times which it is down. I have had the free version and was upgraded to have to pay and had the same experiences. They have some serious bugs that need to be fixed. If that wasn't the case it would be a powerful as well useful website for authors but it growing frustration does nothing to help creativity.

  • Version 2023.12.01
  • Updated December 2, 2023
  • Report a concern
  • Offered by Book Report
  • Size 673KiB
  • Languages English
  • Developer Email [email protected]
  • Non-trader This developer has not identified itself as a trader. For consumers in the European Union, please note that consumer rights do not apply to contracts between you and this developer.

Book Report has disclosed the following information regarding the collection and usage of your data. More detailed information can be found in the developer's privacy policy .

Book Report handles the following:

This developer declares that your data is.

  • Not being sold to third parties, outside of the approved use cases
  • Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the item's core functionality
  • Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes

For help with questions, suggestions, or problems, visit the developer's support site

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Tracking Kindle Sales with Book Report

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This is all well and good, but I find the interface to be rather lackluster.

Enter Book Report. Book Report is a free app ( that adds a hot button to your browser. When you first activate it, you may need to sign in to your KDP account in order for Book Report to sync to it, but usually once you’ve done that, Book Report operates independently and you don’t need to keep your KDP interface open to use it. I love Book Report. It’s easy to use, has lots of fun bells and whistles, and is visually appealing. I open mine first thing every morning and keep it open all day long. It updates constantly, so the numbers you see are always accurate. Matter of fact, the tab at the top of the page keeps a running total of today’s sales so you can see that even if you’re working on a different tab in your browser.

The default page comes up with several quick visual aids to give you an immediate grasp of how your books are doing. The first one is Top Earners . This shows you at a glance what your top six books are, in order of sales.


Next is Earnings by Day . This is a line graph that shows you your earnings through pages read in KDP Select (blue) and your royalties for sales (red). If you’ve had a recent promo, it’s easy to see the spike that should ensue (as well as the cliff that inevitably follows).

Earnings by day

The last quick reference is Earnings by Marketplace . This shows you how your book sales break out over the various Amazon markets. In the example below,, of course, is the US; is the United Kingdom; is Canada; and is Germany, and of course there are many other marketplaces not shown on my example.

Earnings by Marketplace

Details follow in a list showing each book and its earnings, pages read, royalties, etc. This list, plus all the charts and graphs above, can be customized by date, book, and marketplace.

The fun stuff enters in beyond all the typical sales information on the home page. Near the top of the page is a menu with six tabs: Today , Historical , Ranks , Reviews , Books , and Settings . Today , obviously, shows you the above results for today only. Historical gives you the option of customizing the above graphs by whatever timeline you choose: this month, last month, last 90 days, the year, lifetime, or custom. Rank shows your top three books in the Paid Kindle Store, plus how that rank may have changed up or down today. Below that is a graph to show your highest-ranking books over time, and below that is a Launch Comparison graph, contrasting the stats for several books of your choice from their launch date. This could be especially useful if you’re trying out different promotional strategies for different books.

Book report launch comparison

Next is the Reviews tab, which I like to check fairly often because it shows your latest positive review, which book it’s for, and how many days ago it was posted. Below that is a chart for Reviewer Retention, which shows how many reviewers reviewed other books of yours before or after a given book (which you choose). That’s followed by a list of all your books, how many reviews each has received and the average rating for each.

Book Report Reviews

The Books tab simply shows you all your books with ASINS, and the Settings tab allows you to customize all this data in a zillion ways.

As you can see, there’s a lot going on, and it’s all easily accessible and fun to play with. I find the information on Book Report to be infinitely more useful and interesting than the dry data on the KDP page. If you haven’t tried Book Report, you might want to check it out. It’s free, it’s fun, and it’s a great way to keep on top of your stats.

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Author: Melissa Bowersock

Melissa Bowersock is an eclectic, award-winning author who writes in a variety of fiction and non-fiction genres. She has been both traditionally and independently published and lives in a small community in northern Arizona. Learn more about Melissa from her Amazon author page and her blog . View all posts by Melissa Bowersock

17 thoughts on “Tracking Kindle Sales with Book Report”

An interesting app, but when I tried to install it with my Google Chrome browser it wouldn’t allow it and gave me a ‘Couldn’t update data in background’ error message. When i tried trouble shooting, it mentioned having to install an extension to my browser, but didn’t name it or give instructions on how to do it, so I finally gave up. Any suggestions on what might have gone wrong?

Charles, I’m sorry you’re having difficulty. When I added mine, it gave me the option to add the app to Chrome or Firefox, and I’ve done both. It’s been a long time since I did this, but I believe I just had to choose which browser I wanted the extension added to, and as soon as I clicked that button, it did it. It adds the extension as a small, rainbow-colored open circle in the upper right-hand corner of the browser. Mine sits just to the right of the URL address window. You might check your browser and see if it’s there. If not, I’d suggest getting in touch with them at [email protected] .

Knowing about that little rainbow is the secret! I had initial trouble, but the rainbow helped. Thanks so much for sharing this. The app inspires me to get crackin.

It’s free until you earn more than $1,000 a month in royalties. Which, if you spent nearly $1,000 a month in advertising to get (grrr), isn’t going to leave you a lot of money to pay for Book Report. It is very cool, though.

Sandra, I have noticed on the Settings page, down at the bottom, there is an option to subscribe to Book Report for $19/month or $190/year, but I have never done that. I have not, so far, cracked the $1000/month ceiling, so I’ve never been required to pay. I guess that’s the good news/bad news, huh?

Very helpful, Melissa, thank you!

You’re welcome, Melinda. I love this thing.

Thanks, Melissa.

Extremely helpful. Thanks.

Thanks for the info, Melissa, I installed it without a problem. Now if they’d add d2d & kobo 🙂

Glad you found it easy, David. Maybe drop them a line about the other two?

I’ve always found the KDP info “lackluster” for sure, and that’s being polite about it. I’ll check this out. thanks, Melissa.

Well, yes, I was trying to be diplomatic. Certainly less than inspiring.

Great article, Melissa. I use Bookreport too, and like it. KDP is beta testing a new report page that gives some of the same information (link is to FAQs on the beta version):

It’s not quite as comprehensive, though, but it’s great for at-a-glance sales/pagereads and various other reports. Hopefully, they’ll add more bells and whistles. If they do, I might cancel my subscription to BR.

I think KDP could certainly take a few pages from BR’s format. I’ve gotten an email about the new KDP page, but haven’t seen it on my dashboard yet.

BTW, what benefit do you see from subscribing? Or is it just to donate to future research?

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How to Use Amazon KDP Reports to Track Your Book’s Performance

As an Amazon KDP author, you have access to a wealth of data about your book’s performance. This data can be used to track your sales, identify trends, and make informed decisions about your marketing and promotion.

In this post, we’ll show you how to use Amazon KDP reports to track your book’s performance. We’ll cover the following topics:

  • How to find your Amazon KDP reports
  • What information is included in Amazon KDP reports
  • How to use Amazon KDP reports to track your sales
  • How to use Amazon KDP reports to identify trends
  • How to use Amazon KDP reports to make informed decisions about your marketing and promotion

How to Find Your Amazon KDP Reports

To find your Amazon KDP reports, log in to your KDP account and click the “Reports” tab. You’ll see a list of all of your reports, organized by date.

You can also access your reports by clicking the “Download Reports” link in the upper right corner of the KDP dashboard. This will take you to a page where you can select the type of report you want to download, as well as the date range.

What Information is Included in Amazon KDP Reports

Amazon KDP reports include a variety of information about your book’s performance, including:

  • Download data
  • Review data
  • Royalty data
  • Marketing data

The specific information that is included in each report will vary depending on the type of report. For example, the sales report will include information about your book’s sales, such as the number of copies sold, the total sales revenue, and the average selling price.

The download report will include information about the number of times your book has been downloaded, as well as the countries where it has been downloaded.

The review data will include information about the reviews that have been left for your book, such as the rating, the number of stars, and the text of the review.

The royalty data will include information about the royalties that you have earned from your book, such as the total royalties earned, the per-unit royalty rate, and the date that the royalties were paid.

The marketing data will include information about the marketing campaigns that you have run for your book, such as the cost of the campaign, the number of impressions, and the number of clicks.

How to Use Amazon KDP Reports to Track Your Sales

The sales report is one of the most important reports that you can use to track your book’s performance. This report will show you the number of copies of your book that have been sold, the total sales revenue, and the average selling price.

You can use this information to track your sales over time and identify trends. For example, you can see if your sales are increasing or decreasing, and you can see which months are your busiest.

You can also use the sales report to identify which marketing campaigns are most effective. For example, you can see if your sales increase after you run a specific campaign.

To track your sales, you can use the following steps:

  • Log in to your KDP account and click the “Reports” tab.
  • Click the “Sales” report.
  • Select the date range that you want to view.
  • Click the “Download” button to download the report.

Once you have downloaded the report, you can open it in a spreadsheet program and analyze the data. You can use the data to track your sales over time, identify trends, and identify which marketing campaigns are most effective.

How to Use Amazon KDP Reports to Identify Trends

In addition to tracking your sales, you can also

  • December 10, 2023
  • amazon kdp reports , book analytics , book marketing , book sales


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Amazon KDP Sales Reports: A Comprehensive Guide

Amazon KDP Sales Reports A Comprehensive Guide

For aspiring authors and seasoned self-publishers alike, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has revolutionized the way we bring our literary creations to the world. The convenience, reach, and ease of self-publishing on the platform have made it an increasingly popular choice for authors. However, navigating the various sales reports and data analytics within Amazon KDP can be intimidating, especially for those new to the publishing game. In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of self-publishing, authors must continually adapt their strategies to remain competitive. The beauty of Amazon KDP sales reports lies in the ability to gather concrete data and insights, transforming this information into actionable decisions that can drive success. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of Amazon KDP sales reports, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the data they offer and how you can leverage it to improve your book's performance.

Post Contents

Amazon KDP Sales Dashboard

Upon logging into your Amazon KDP account, the first thing you'll encounter is the Sales Dashboard. This provides a high-level overview of your book's sales performance. Here, you can view the total units sold, Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) read, and estimated royalties for a given time period. The Sales Dashboard allows you to quickly gauge your book's performance, but for more in-depth analysis, you'll want to explore further.

book report amazon

Detailed Amazon KDP Sales Reports

Under the “Reports” tab, you'll find a plethora of detailed sales reports, each offering valuable insights into your book's performance. Let's explore some of the most important reports:

Sales Dashboard Graphs

The Sales Dashboard Graphs on Amazon KDP provide authors with a visually appealing and informative snapshot of their book's performance. These graphs present essential data that authors can use to track their sales and Kindle Unlimited (KU) page reads on a daily basis.

The “ Sales and KENP Read ” graph showcases the fluctuation of book sales and KU reads over time, allowing authors to identify trends and patterns in their book's popularity. By observing spikes or dips in sales, authors can correlate them with specific marketing efforts or promotions, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of their strategies. Similarly, the “ Royalties ” graph displays the earnings generated from sales and KENP reads, enabling authors to assess the financial impact of their book's performance. With these comprehensive and interactive Sales Dashboard Graphs, authors gain a clearer understanding of their book's sales trajectory, empowering them to make data-driven decisions and refine their marketing approach for better success in the competitive world of self-publishing.

Sales by Marketplace

This report breaks down your sales by Amazon marketplace, helping you identify where your book is performing well and where there might be room for improvement.

book report amazon

Month-to-Date Unit Sales

Here, you can track your daily sales for the current month, comparing them to the previous month or year.

Making Data-Driven Decisions

Data is the backbone of successful book marketing. Amazon KDP sales reports offer valuable information to guide your decision-making process. Whether it's adjusting your book's price, targeting specific demographics, or refining your book's blurb and keywords, data-backed decisions can significantly impact your book's sales.

One of the most critical aspects of leveraging these reports is to analyze how various book promotions and marketing efforts impact sales. By carefully examining the data before, during, and after a promotion, authors can identify which initiatives resonate with their audience and yield the best results. Whether it's running a Kindle Countdown Deal, participating in KDP Select free promotions, or investing in Amazon Advertising, understanding the impact of these promotions empowers authors to allocate their resources effectively.

In addition to assessing the effectiveness of promotional efforts, authors can also use Amazon KDP sales reports to optimize their book's presentation and targeting . Pricing is a critical factor in book sales, and the ability to experiment with different price points and analyze their impact on sales and revenue is a powerful advantage. Authors can adjust their book's price strategically to maximize profits or boost visibility during specific periods. Furthermore, understanding the geographical distribution of sales can help tailor marketing efforts to specific regions, targeting audiences where their book is gaining traction and identifying potential untapped markets.

Making data-driven decisions is a fundamental aspect of success in the Amazon KDP self-publishing landscape. By diligently studying the sales reports, authors can gain profound insights into their book's performance, audience behavior, and the impact of marketing strategies. Armed with this knowledge, authors can refine their approach, optimize their promotions, and make informed choices that drive sales and enhance their overall publishing journey . Embracing the power of data within Amazon KDP sales reports will undoubtedly set authors on the path to success in reaching a broader readership and achieving their self-publishing goals.

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Mom Has The Last Word

Amazon KDP sales reports provide authors with invaluable data to understand their book's performance and make informed decisions to enhance sales and reach a broader audience. By regularly analyzing the reports and experimenting with various marketing strategies, authors can fine-tune their approach and maximize their book's potential on the platform. So, embrace the power of data, and let Amazon KDP's sales reports be your compass to success in the competitive world of self-publishing!

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Understanding the Amazon KDP Sales Reports for Authors [ Older Reporting Interface ]

by Dave | Feb 1, 2022 | Amazon KDP , Publishing Tips

Amazon KDP Sales Reporting for Authors Explained

[ Update June 9th 2022: Amazon has recently rolled out KDP Reports Beta to all authors. This article covers the original or older versions of the reporting – still available for a limited time before Amazon turns it off completely.]

 Wondering if readers have recently bought your books from Amazon?

Wondering when Amazon might be sending you some cash?

This article was written just for you. 👇 

Writing your book was hard. The publishing process felt daunting as hell. The relief was palpable as your new book eventually found its way onto the shelves of the Amazon bookstore. Perhaps you cautiously opted for a digital eBook-only approach. Perhaps you chose to cover your bases by also sharing the print-ready paperback files with Amazon. This would mean your paperback book was being sold alongside the eBook edition. This way the readers would be able to choose their favourite format.

[ Tangent ] For those of you who went all in, perhaps there is an audio-version of your book snuggled alongside the eBook and paperback editions. If you are wondering how on earth an audio version finds its way to Amazon, visit A udiobook C reation E xchange ( ). For those authors living beyond the borders of the 1st World – Findaway Voices ( ) does a similar job of getting your audiobook to Amazon, albeit a bit slower. [ /Tangent ]

A few weeks have now flown by and you find yourself wondering how successful sales of your book have really been? Here is how to find your sales reports. 


STEP 1: Access Amazon KDP using this link ->

PS. The most common mistake I see is where the author is attempting to access the Amazon KDP dashboard using the incorrect URL of . Remember, is where readers go to purchase your book. As the author, you have a different link to access the publishing backend or bookshelf. 

STEP 2: Once logged in, navigate to the reporting menu link found in the white menu strip in the upper part of your screen. 

Amazon Reporting Snapshot

In a rush? I recommend focussing mainly on these two reports = “Sales Dashboard” + “Payments”.

  • Sales Dashboard Report = “ Have I sold anything recently ?”
  • Payments Report = “ Has Amazon tried to pay me? When?”

…Now, for those of you with your curiosity tickled and a fresh cup of ☕, 👉 lets dig a little deeper 😊 


Reports listed in the order they appear left-> right. 


Amazon Reporting Sales Dashboard

  • This is the default screen seen after first selecting the “Reports” link.
  • This report answers the question “Have I sold any books recently?”.
  • “Recently” is by default set to 30 days. This can be increased to include sales from the last 90 days.
  • The report shows sales of all published book formats; eBooks, paperbacks, hardcovers etc
  • The Sales Dashboard also shows the author-royalties earned by territory. This helps you understand at a glance which country’s readers might be enjoying your recent release.

Amazon Reporting Royalties Earned by Territory

[ Tangent ] Understanding the territories in which your book is popular is great for improving your marketing message and medium. It allows the author to customise their advertising to more accurately target those readers. Example: If your latest novel was having surprising sales from the Australia (AU) region – perhaps you could target online publications specific to that region for your book promos? [ /Tangent ]



Amazon Historical Sales Report

  • This report analyses your sales over the history of your Amazon KDP publishing account, stretching beyond the 90-day maximum of the Sales Dashboard screen.
  • The report shows book sales by format and is summarised by month.
  • The report will also summarise the currency earned from the different territories based on the date filter setting.


Amazon Reporting Month to Date

  • A more detailed report of sales activity. Either from the current month or the previous month.
  • Also filterable by Amazon Marketplace (US, UK, DE, FR, ES etc) as well as the book format.
  • This report also shows free units given away during any recent KDP Select Promotions .
  • This report is not necessarily as helpful to an author who might only have a single title released.


Amazon Payment Reports

  • After from the Sales Dashboard , I find this to be the report I visit the most.
  • This report shows when Amazon will make/ has made/ has attempted to make payments to the author.
  • Why would a royalty payment fail? Perhaps your bank account details were invalid OR a royalty check was returned if your postal address was incorrect.
  • The payments are split by the geographic territory in which the book was sold as well as the sales period.
  • Amazon recently started paying out SA authors directly in ZAR . (See two most recent payments in pic above.)


To preserve your sanity, I won’t go much further down the reporting rabbit hole. Needless to say, the few remaining reports pretty much do what they say they do.

  • Pre-Orders shows you the results of any eBook that was setup to allow pre-ordering before the selected release date. Yes, this is indeed an option for authors who might have an eager following of readers waiting.
  • Promotions. For those authors enrolled in KDP Select , it is possible (and recommended) to setup either Free or Discounted promotions for your title. Remember that Amazon allows an author up to 5 consecutive days per title for each 90-day enrolment period. These days then reset and can be used again.
  • Prior Months’ Royalties. Self-explanatory.
  • Ad Campaigns. It is possible to pay Amazon (using a credit card) to promote your title within their ecosystem.A quick and easy option for an author looking to dip their toes into paid marketing. Read more on paid promotions for KDP Books here.


I have sold books and have not yet been paid 😞.

IF books have been sold yet no payments appear, the 3 most common culprits are =

  • You have not linked a bank account with Amazon as yet.  Without any (or valid) banking details loaded, Amazon might still be trying to post you a royalty check. (Only once you have met the $100 threshold. )
  • It’s not yet time. Amazon only affects payments up to 60 days after the month in which your book is sold. I know it sucks however sometimes you might just need to wait a little longer ☹
  • Valid tax interview? The Amazon tax interview is something every author will need to complete when you first open your KDP account. The interview then needs to be retaken every year or so. If that times lapses and no updated tax interview is submitted, Amazon can withhold your payments.

Want to see my face? 🤓 Here is a video I created on the topic of understanding where your missing Amazon payments might be. 

Book sales VS Kindle Edition Normalized Page (KENP)

You might be asking “ What the hell is the KENP label found all over the Amazon reporting?“

Or another one, “Does KENP = Books sold?“

Firstly, an author only needs to be concerned about their KENP figures If they are enrolled into digital-exclusivity with Amazon via KDP Select. If you did not tick that box when publishing, then the KENP graph should not be showing any activity and can be ignored.

For an author enrolled in KDP Select, congratulations, you are now participating in the Kindle Unlimited (KU ) program. This means readers can loan your title to read, almost like a “Netflix for eBooks” scenario. The readers pay yearly membership fees to Amazon to belong to the KU program and are then given access to the titles enrolled into KU via KDP Select.

The author is still reimbursed however instead of earning income from a sale of your book you will receive income for the amount of pages being read. This is the KENP numbers (Or K indle E dition N ormalized P ages) reflected in your reporting.

Read our article on Kindle Unlimited over here.  

A book sold today is not income earned tomorrow. Amazon only pays the author up to 60 days after the month in which the book was sold. Read more here.  

The shock of an empty sales report 😮

The most common emotion after finding your royalty reports is frustration and despondency from a sales graph showing less activity than your typical politician. If this might be you, I would welcome you to take a seat, take a deep breath, don’t worry. Every author is faced with the daunting task of selling more books. Marketing your book (as well as yourself as the author) can seem scary, I get it.

Amazon is nothing else but a massive bookstore. It’s not magic. It doesn’t guarantee impressive sales either. You will need to roll up your sleeves and climb into the marketing effort like a champ. There are awesome people who could help you with these marketing adventures. Yes, and there are the scammers too.

Do your homework. Be prepared. The proactive author is rewarded with new readers. Self-publishing aint for sissies. 

Need to contact to Amazon support? 📧

For those of you needing to contact Amazon support to ask a few pointed questions about the sales (or lack thereof) for your new title, here is the best way to do it.

Access the direct support page from the “ Contact Us ” link found at the very bottom of the screen. You would need to be logged into the Amazon KDP dashboard to find it. Here is the link for those of your from (South) Africa or the US =

[Warning] Amazon support is absolutely an outsourced horror. Do not expect friendly or particularly helpful replies on the first contact. I often keep resubmitting the same query until someone helpful replies. [/Warning]

How to contact Amazon KDP Support

Amazon now does hardcovers

This is a little bit more of a tangent however I recently noticed Amazon allowing self-publishing authors to expand their offering to readers in the form of a hardcover option. An author publishing online is now able to release their title in the following different flavours: eBook -> Paperback -> Hardcover -> Audiobook.

I recommend browsing the Hardcover help page from within the Amazon help section. A hardcover could be a great option for your recent release however remember it will more than likely mean that your book interior and cover files need to be updated first. Yes, this might mean you need to pay someone smart to carry out the design updates. 

Banking Details Correct?

This is a point worth repeating. The biggest roadblock to receiving regular remittance from Amazon is a set of valid account details.  #AlliterationDoneRight

  • For those authors living in the 1st world this is not normally a hassle. Simply plug in your bank account details when prompted by Amazon.
  • For those of authors from South Africa, Amazon has tentatively opened its doors for you to you to receive payments directly.
  • For other authors I would recommend using the Payoneer platform to receive money from Amazon. It’s not perfect however at the time of writing it was still the preferred option at giving us 3rd world authors a chance at receiving direct payments from Amazon.

That’s it. End of my article. Hope you enjoyed it, importantly I hope it helped you 😊

Did I miss anything?

Was I not enough? (aka Further Reading…)

  • Here is the official explanation of the Amazon KDP Sales reports from Amazon.
  • Issues signing into Amazon (KDP)? This page from Amazon may help you.

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heather charnley

I’ve been trying to find out via the sales I’ve had, which books have sold. When I published via Createspace each book had its own number, but though I’ve looked on my account and elsewhere, I still don’t know which of the books have sold and how many, all down the years! I would appreciate some advice on how to find out. Thank you. Heather


Hey Heather! I just had a quick look and can confirm that the updated KDP reports to infact show the sales results, by book title. Open this hyperlink to jump straight to your reporting section and find out!


Hello, thanks for this helpful post. I’m a new author and just recently published a book on kdp. I haven’t sold a lot of books yet, but I have also found that the report I receive is not accurate. For example, someone says they order the book, and even a couple of days later, it doesn’t show up on the report. Or someone says that they ordered 3 books, but the report only shows that one book was ordered. Do you know if there is any way to find a more accurate report? Or is there a way to report this if it is fraud?

Hey Alison, glad the article helped you! I do hear your concern from authors fairly often, where sales (as reported by friends/ family/ followers) don’t match the sales reports from Amazon. Here is where I would start looking; First, make sure the report covers the right date range, the default is often just reporting for the day on which you are looking. It might also help to understand the format they purchased (eBook or paperback.) Amazon unfortunately is not normally guilty in most cases I have investigated it tends to be the person/ reader who did not complete the purchase for the book on Amazon.

Selaelo George Raphoko

High there friend, my name is George from South Africa, I self published eight books in 2021 November but did not receive any royalties yet. Is it possible that Amazon kdp can find me proper reviewers? Please tell me if onlineBookreviewers are operating legally on Amazon? Thank you for your wonderful platform!

Hi George, welcome to our website and thanks so much for your comment! Let’s tackle your questions one at time = (1) I did not receive any royalties yet. (Answer) Have your loaded your South African banking details with Amazon? (2) Amazon KDP finding you reviewers. (Answer) This is not really a job for Amazon KDP. It would be easiest, quickest and cheapest to find readers yourself and encourage them to leave (honest) feedback after reading your title. (3) OnlineBookReviewers. (Answer) This crowd is definitely not part of Amazon so cannot comment on the “legally” part of your question. Just always keep yourself protected from the scammers out there please George. There are many companies looking to take advantage of (South) African authors and make sure to do your homework before spending a cent with any of them!

Hope this helps you! Dave

Samantha Nqoko

My historical report for 2021 shows a higher sum than what is stated on my tax report from Amazon. What could be the reason for the difference (.com)?

Hey Samantha, thanks for your question! Tricky to comment on tax report from Amazon without standing next to you…Amazon typically divides reports by sales territory (.com vs etc) it will then also vary by the sales tax levied from each region.

Added to that countries lumped under the (.com) store are not always American. For example sales from South African readers are classed as a (.com) purchase too. Added to that I am not sure the exact implications of free copies or refunds on your tax report. Sorry I can be of more help 🙁


“The Historical report will be available when your account has generated at least one Prior Months’ Royalties report.” What does it mean ?

Hey there, I would guess your KDP is too new to have the “history” just yet. Use your “Sales Dashboard” report for now, then check the historical reports in another 30 days or so 🙂

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The Complete Guide to Amazon Book Sales: Statistics, Trends and Insights for 2024

As an avid reader and book buyer, you‘re probably curious—just how big is Amazon when it comes to print books, Kindle ebooks, and Audible audiobooks? What are some of the key trends and takeaways around how Amazon dominates book sales both online and offline?

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll share the must-know Amazon book sales statistics, trends and insights you need as a consumer in 2024. Let‘s dive in!

A Book Selling Behemoth: Amazon‘s Share of the Overall Market

Amazon completely dominates the bookselling landscape, controlling over 80% of ebook sales, 65% of online print book sales, and 83% of the U.S. e-reader market.

They sell an incredible 306 million print books, 120 million ebooks, and 43 million audiobooks annually. Here are some jaw-dropping facts and figures about Amazon‘s share of the nearly $26 billion U.S. book market:

Ebooks: Amazon accounts for 83% of ebook sales, generating an estimated $2.7 billion in revenue.

Print books: 65% share of online print book sales, estimated at $16.4 billion in revenue.

Audiobooks: Audible has roughly 40% share of the audiobook market, paying out $300+ million to publishers and authors.

Used books: Amazon sells 615 million used print books per year, capturing nearly all the online used book market.

Distribution: Amazon controls over 80% of physical book distribution channels both online and for brick-and-mortar retail.

eReaders: Over 83% share of the U.S. e-reader market, selling 12.3 million Kindle devices annually.

This sheer dominance across the board is no accident—Amazon used innovation, customer obsession, and acquisitions to cement their status as the biggest bookseller both online and offline.

Kindle Ebooks: Continued Growth and Kilter Unlimited Gains

Despite print books still vastly outselling ebooks, Amazon‘s Kindle ebook business sees consistent growth year after year.

Some key trends in Amazon‘s ebook sales:

Market share growth: Up from 74% in 2019 to 83% in 2022, Amazon is pulling away from competitors.

Global expansion: Available in over 200 countries with content in multiple languages.

Kindle Unlimited traction: Now over 5 million subscribers reading 2 billion hours annually.

Indie author earnings: Self-published titles like My Brother‘s Roommate bring authors millions in royalties.

While print still makes up over 70% of units sold, ebooks are projected to gradually gain share, especially for genres like romance, sci-fi and mystery/thrillers. Either way, Amazon wins thanks to its leadership in devices, content and distribution.

Print Books: Paperbacks Lead the Pack

Here‘s a surprising fact: despite the popularity of e-readers, print books make up over 75% of Amazon‘s unit sales. And of those print book sales, paperback formats vastly outsell hardcovers thanks to lower prices.

Some key insights on Amazon‘s print book dominance:

In 2021, 611 million print books sold, accounting for $16.4 billion in revenue.

70% of print purchases are paperbacks, with mass market paperbacks leading all formats.

When you include used book sales, print accounts for nearly 90% of unit sales.

Print purchases far exceed ebooks during the holiday season and as gifts.

Amazon‘s print-on-demand services like CreateSpace fuel self-publishing growth.

As much as we love our Kindles, paperbacks win out when we want an inexpensive beach read or to give the gift of reading to a friend.

Beyond Books: Amazon‘s Growth in Audiobooks and Podcasts

Audiobooks represent one of Amazon‘s fastest growing segments thanks to Audible. And now they are getting into podcasting and audio entertainment beyond audiobooks.

Key stats on Amazon‘s burgeoning audiobook and podcast business:

Audible paid out over $300 million to rights holders in 2020 as sales grew 33% YoY.

Launched free, exclusive podcasts like Climate Connections and Marketing Mastered in partnership with brands.

Produced Amazon Original celebrity podcasts like Michelle Obama and Sam Harris to expand audience.

Seeing increased engagement from integrating podcasts and audiobook samples into Amazon Music.

Projections of over 50% growth in Audible listening hours in 2022 versus prior years.

Amazon is strategically expanding their portfolio beyond reading to own the future of digital audio content. Given their track record, expect Audible and Amazon podcasts to dominate those emerging markets.

Amazon Best Sellers Outpace Competitors

Given Amazon‘s market leadership across books, a coveted spot on their best seller lists translates to sales most authors and publishers only dream of.

Here are some staggering stats that show just how important Amazon best seller status is:

A book that reaches #100 on Amazon can expect around 1,500 sales per week.

The #1 bestselling book on Amazon may sell over 100,000 print copies in a single week.

By comparison, a #100 book on Barnes & Noble may only sell a few hundred copies per week.

Established authors like Stephen King and JK Rowling sell up to 10X more copies of new releases on Amazon compared to other retailers.

So while placement on The New York Times list still carries prestige, the actual sales potential of being an Amazon bestseller is unmatched. Savvy authors optimize their titles specifically for Amazon.

Amazon Owns the Most Lucrative Online Real Estate

Part of what drives Amazon‘s market-leading sales is their ownership of the most valuable internet real estate for book discovery and sales.

Some mind-boggling stats on their scale and website traffic advantage:

Sites for Amazon Books and Audible receive over 1.5 billion visits per month.

Amazon‘s book sites get 5X as much traffic as competitors like Barnes & Noble.

New releases get premium homepage placement for maximum visibility to drive sales.

Customers spend average of 15 minutes on Amazon Books versus only a few minutes on other book retailer sites.

Targeted recommendations keep customers coming back and buying more books.

This combination of massive scale and smarter merchandising keeps Amazon pulling away from challengers.

Amazon Book Sales Events Smash Records

Amazon uses huge sales events like Prime Day to drive record-breaking book consumption while locking in customer loyalty.

Here‘s a look at some of their most impressive book sales event stats:

Prime Day 2022: Sold over 8 million books including 3.5 million print, 3 million Kindle and 1.5 million Audible.

Holiday 2021: Amazon sold over 1 billion books from Black Friday through the New Year.

Covid lockdowns: With bookstores closed, Amazon book sales surged to 750,000+ units per day in spring 2020.

Prime Day 2021: Broke records with 3 million Kindle ebooks downloaded in just 48 hours.

These massive spikes in book sales around Amazon events demonstrate their ability to stimulate demand and get customers hooked on the convenience of one-click buying.

Amazon Dominates the Self-Publishing Game

Through Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon has made it possible for indie authors to publish and sell books at no upfront cost while keeping up to 70% in royalties.

Here are some incredible stats on how Amazon has revolutionized independent publishing:

Kindle Direct enables indie authors to publish for free and sell books instantly to millions of readers.

Over 1,000 self-published writers now make at least $50k per year just from Kindle royalties.

Some top indie romance, sci-fi and nonfiction authors bring in over $500k annually.

In 2021, indie authors earned over $1 billion in royalties, accounting for close to 10% of total Kindle revenue.

Self-published titles also thrive in Kindle Unlimited, earning full royalties from KU reads.

Amazon provides direct access to the world‘s largest book buyer audience. For many authors, self-publishing through KDP handily beats working with traditional publishers.

Amazon‘s Long Tail of Book Selection

Beyond hot new releases, Amazon offers an endless long tail selection that drives sales of niche titles.

Some examples of how Amazon delivers on unique titles:

An antique book on beekeeping from the 1800s readily available to purchase and delivered quickly.

Obscure academic textbooks at lower cost than college bookstores.

Millions of used and out-of-print books easily discovered through Amazon Used Books.

Print-on-demand giving availability to books otherwise out of circulation.

User reviews surfacing hidden gem books not stocked elsewhere.

This unlimited selection and ease of discovery for all types of books serve avid readers incredibly well.

Are We Too Reliant on Amazon for Books?

Given their staggering market share across so many categories, some are rightfully concerned about the risks of Amazon controlling such a huge chunk of the book industry.

A few thought-provoking statistics on Amazon‘s dominance:

They account for over 90% of ebook distribution and wholesale.

Around 80% of all online book distribution now runs through Amazon.

Up to 20% share of all physical books sold at brick-and-mortar stores.

Over 1,200 bookstores have closed just in the last decade as sales shifted online.

Books don‘t reach bestseller status or get mainstream visibility without Amazon placement.

While Amazon makes book buying incredibly convenient for customers, their monopoly power comes with downsides for publishers, authors and bookstores lacking bargaining leverage. Food for thought.

Top Genres and Categories on Kindle and Audible

While tastes vary widely, these genres consistently top Amazon‘s book sales charts across formats:

Most Popular on Kindle

  • Mystery, thriller & suspense
  • Literature & fiction
  • Science fiction
  • Nonfiction & self-help

Most Popular on Audible

  • Mysteries, thrillers & suspense
  • Business & self-help
  • History & biographies

Mystery/thrillers have outpaced general fiction. Nonfiction has also seen major growth driven by self-improvement and practical skills categories.

Amazon Owns the Future of Digital Reading

Given their end-to-end dominance in devices, content, distribution and analytics, Amazon is poised to control the future of digital books.

A few trends that point to even greater market share gains for Amazon:

Global penetration for Kindle still relatively low at ~30%, signaling room for expansion.

Generational shift as Millennials and Gen Z embrace ebooks and audiobooks more than Baby Boomers.

Content moving beyond text to include multimedia, gaming, VR and interactive experiences.

Algorithms getting smarter to refine search, recommendations and promotions.

Integration of books into Amazon‘s broader ecosystem including Prime Video and Alexa.

Digital reading in all its futuristic forms belongs to Amazon. It‘s less a question of if they continue to lead, but by how much.

Wrapping Up Key Takeaways

To quickly recap, here are the major overarching insights on Amazon‘s bookselling dominance:

They control over 80% of the US ebook market, own over 65% of online print sales, and account for 90% of ebook distribution.

Amazon leverages unmatched selection, convenience, pricing and scale to beat competitors online and offline.

While print books still represent 70%+ of units sold, alternative formats like Kindle ebooks and Audible audiobooks are seeing strong double-digit growth.

Self-published authors are flourishing by selling direct to Amazon‘s massive audience and earning far higher royalties.

Events like Prime Day as well as savvy merchandising tactics stimulate giant spikes in book consumption.

Thanks to their leadership across devices, content, analytics and distribution channels, Amazon owns the future of digital reading.

As an avid reader and book buyer yourself, hopefully these insights give you useful perspective on Amazon‘s bookselling empire in 2024 and beyond. Let us know if you have any other book sales questions!

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Have a book report submission deadline and want to know how to write one? We’re here to help! Book reports are vital in academics, helping students sharpen their understanding and critical thinking, while for authors, they offer a deep dive into a text’s composition and stylistic elements.

In this article, we will understand how to write a good book report. It’s a skill that not only helps you get more out of what you’re reading but also lets you create a report that truly reflects how good the book is. Let’s get started!

Ace your assignment with a perfect book report! Learn more

Firstly, let us understand what is a book report.

What is a book report?

A book report is an in-depth analysis, an objective summary of a book’s main content and arguments. Book reports discuss a book’s content, structure, and themes. Far from just a recap of the plot outline , a book report examines the details of a book’s narrative, offering insights into the characters, themes of the story , and the author’s writing style. 

Note: A book report is usually assigned to students from secondary schools to colleges. As per book report format, book reports are typically 500–1000 words long.

Elements of a book report

A proper book report outline consists of the following elements:

  • Introduction: Think about how to start a book report with an engaging opening. Mention the book’s title, author, genre, and a brief plot summary. State your main theme or viewpoint.
  • Content summary: Give a clear, summary of the plot. Highlight key events and turning points. Avoid spoilers.
  • Analysis and perspective: Examine the key characters, their traits, motivations, development, and plot roles. Explore major themes, symbols, and motifs, and their narrative effect. Review the author’s style and perspective, and their impact on the story.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points. Restate your overall impression of the book and possibly suggest who might enjoy it or what kind of readers would benefit from it.
  • Citations and references (if necessary): If you have used external sources or have been influenced by other analyses, make sure to cite these references properly to avoid plagiarism.

By following this book report outline, your book report will be comprehensive, informative, and engaging.

How to write a book report

Before learning how to do a book report, it is important to remember that following a book report format is essential. 

Here’s how to write a book report:

  • Read the book carefully: Start by reading the book thoroughly. Take notes on key points, characters, themes, and any passages that stand out.
  • Create an Outline: Organize your thoughts and notes into an outline. This will be your roadmap and will help keep your writing focused.
  • Write the introduction: Begin with an engaging introduction that provides basic information about the book, including the title, author, and a brief synopsis.
  • Develop the body: You can follow your outline or a book report template to write the body of your report. Discuss each element (plot, characters, themes, etc.) in separate paragraphs or sections.
  • Conclude your report: Summarize your main points and offer your final thoughts and evaluation of the book.
  • Review and revise: Finally, review and proofread your report for clarity, coherence, and correctness. Make sure to correct any grammatical mistakes and ensure your report flows logically.

Taking a look at a few examples of book reports will help you understand how to do a book report easily.  So let’s explore some book report examples next.

Book report examples

Starting with book report examples, let’s look at a book report example on The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.

Introduction: Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is a powerful and poignant diary that gives an intimate glimpse into the life of a Jewish teenager during the Holocaust.

Summary: The diary chronicles Anne Frank’s life from 1942 to 1944, during which she and her family hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam. The entries detail her daily life in the secret annex, her thoughts, fears, and hopes for a better future.

Analysis and themes: Anne’s diary is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity. Themes of hope, the cruelty of war, the innocence of youth, and the power of writing shine through her words.

Conclusion: Diary of a Young Girl is more than just a diary; it’s a moving narrative that brings to light the horrors of war and the timeless strength of hope and human dignity. Anne Frank’s voice continues to resonate with readers around the world, making this book a must-read for understanding history and humanity.

Now let’s look at a fiction book report example on Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan.

Introduction: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan is a thrilling fantasy novel that introduces us to a world where Greek gods and mythology come to life in the modern era.

Summary: The story follows Percy Jackson, a young boy who discovers he is the son of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. After being accused of stealing Zeus’s lightning bolt, Percy embarks on a dangerous adventure across America to find the real thief and prevent a war among the gods.

Analysis and themes: Riordan’s novel is rich in Greek mythology and cleverly intertwined with modern-day settings and issues. Themes of identity, friendship, and bravery are prominent as Percy navigates the challenges of being a demigod. The book also explores the concept of good vs. evil and the importance of understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses.

Conclusion: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief is an engaging and imaginative novel that offers a fresh perspective on Greek mythology. It’s a captivating read for young adults, effectively combining action, humor, and life lessons, making it a standout in the genre of fantasy fiction.

Book report template

You can easily write a book report using our free book report template.

It’s clear that writing a book report is more than a mere academic exercise; it’s an opportunity to delve deeper into the world of literature and gain insights. 

By using the provided template and examples as starting points, you’re well on your way to writing insightful and compelling book reports. Also, to make your book report perfect, we are always here to help you with our expert editing and proofreading services ! 

For more useful tips and resources, keep reading:

  • Top 10 Best Print-on-Demand Book Companies in 2024
  • Proven Book Marketing Techniques to Increase Sales in 2024
  • 10 Best Book Cover Design Services of 2024: Price & Ratings
  • Top 10 Online Book Editing Services of 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should a book report be, what should a book report include, how to conclude a book report, how to write an introduction for a book report, what is the purpose of a book report.

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Memoir by Trump’s Nephew Will Shed Light Into ‘Darker Corner’ of Family

Fred C. Trump III’s “All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way” will hit shelves July 30.

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A photo of Fred C. Trump III, the nephew of former president Donald Trump, standing in front of Rockefeller Center.

By Elizabeth A. Harris and Alexandra Alter

Fred C. Trump III, the nephew of former President Donald J. Trump and the older brother of Mary Trump, will publish a memoir about the Trump family, according to his publisher, Simon & Schuster.

The memoir, titled “All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way,” is set to come out on July 30 from Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster — just a few months before the 2024 presidential election, in which former President Trump is running as the presumptive Republican nominee against President Joe Biden.

Gallery described the memoir as a “candid and revealing” account of what it was like to grow up in the Trump family, and noted that the book will include “never-before-told stories” that shed “a light into the darker corner of the Trump empire.” The publisher also stated that Mr. Trump was motivated to tell his family’s story because of the upcoming election, and suggested that his book could “shape the decision of a nation.” It was not clear to what extent “All in the Family” would focus on former President Trump, or in what light. Gallery declined to share more information about the book beyond a brief description.

Fred Trump III, who has largely remained out of the public eye and has not been a vocal critic of the former president, declined to be interviewed, according to his publisher.

The memoir will add another layer to the complex and often combative Trump family saga. Fred and Mary Trump are the children of the former president’s older brother, Fred Trump Jr., who suffered from alcoholism and died of a heart attack in 1981. After their grandfather Fred Trump Sr.’s death in 1999, Mary and Fred Trump filed a lawsuit contesting his will , arguing that they had been cheated out of their inheritance by their father’s siblings.

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AMZN Quantitative Stock Analysis

June 18, 2024 — 08:05 am EDT

Written by John Reese for Validea  ->

Below is Validea's guru fundamental report for AMAZON.COM INC ( AMZN ) . Of the 22 guru strategies we follow, AMZN rates highest using our P/B Growth Investor model based on the published strategy of Partha Mohanram . This growth model looks for low book-to-market stocks that exhibit characteristics associated with sustained future growth.

AMAZON.COM INC ( AMZN ) is a large-cap growth stock in the Retail (Specialty) industry. The rating using this strategy is 100% based on the firm’s underlying fundamentals and the stock’s valuation. A score of 80% or above typically indicates that the strategy has some interest in the stock and a score above 90% typically indicates strong interest.

The following table summarizes whether the stock meets each of this strategy's tests. Not all criteria in the below table receive equal weighting or are independent, but the table provides a brief overview of the strong and weak points of the security in the context of the strategy's criteria.


Detailed Analysis of AMAZON.COM INC

AMZN Guru Analysis

AMZN Fundamental Analysis

More Information on Partha Mohanram

Partha Mohanram Portfolio

About Partha Mohanram : Sometimes the best investing strategies don't come from the world of investing. Sometimes research that changes the investing world can come from the halls of academia. Partha Mohanram is a great example of this. While academic research has shown that value investing works over time, it has found the opposite for growth investing. Mohanram turned that research on its head by developing a growth model that produced significant market outperformance. His research paper "Separating Winners from Losers among Low Book-to-Market Stocks using Financial Statement Analysis" looked at the criteria that can be used to separate growth stocks that continue their upward trajectory from those that don't. Mohanram is currently the John H. Watson Chair in Value Investing at the University of Toronto and was previously an Associate Professor at the Columbia Business School.

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About Validea : Validea is an investment research service that follows the published strategies of investment legends. Validea offers both stock analysis and model portfolios based on gurus who have outperformed the market over the long-term, including Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch and Martin Zweig. For more information about Validea, click here

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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