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Introducing... Beeline Moto II featured image

Introducing... Beeline Moto II

Casual sat-nav Beeline Moto is about to see its first revamp since smashing onto the biking scene six years ago.

The Beeline Moto II promises to be more informative, easier to read and offer simpler functionality than the original model, but without over-complicating the experience.

A huge part of the Beeline appeal is the simplicity compared to using either a smartphone or dedicated motorcycle sat-nav to show you the way.

For the uninitiated, Beeline is a small device that connects wirelessly to your smartphone and piggybacks its GPS to give you simple route guidance as you ride.

It displays your direction of travel, distance to the next turn, direction of that turn and a quick idea of how far you are through your journey.

Beeline Moto II moves the concept on a stage, hoping to make it appeal to a wider range of riders.

The Moto II has a larger display to make it easier to read and it has a more detailed image to show which turning you should be taking.

On the newer model the display takes up more of the unit’s surface, allowing it to be larger while only slightly increasing the size of the actual unit. At 53mm the overall diameter of the Moto II increases by just 3mm, but reducing the size of the border means the display portion is more than doubled. The new unit's screen covers 1064mm 2 compared to 507mm 2 on the current model.


Some find the buttons fiddly on the current Beeline models, so there are now RockerTop buttons to make life simpler, and a bright anti-glare screen.

The battery is bigger (Beeline claim a 10-hour ride time from a full charge) and the screen is now an IPS TFT with anti-reflection and hydrophobic coatings.

Weight increases, but if you notice a jump of 13 grams from 29g to 42g in the way your bike handles or consumes fuel then a medal ceremony awaits.

The new device was revealed on February 14, 2024 and is expected to ship in summer 2024.

There will be two versions. The Moto II Black will launch with an RRP of £179.99 and the Moto II Silver and Moto II Grey models will be £199.99.

The original, simpler Beeline Moto devices are still available with an RRP of £149.99 in two colour options - Gunmetal Grey or Silver .

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Beeline for business…best laid plans: two out of 12, better than none.

“The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” –Robert Burns, Scottish poet and lyricist (adapted), 25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796.

If you recall, Uncle Sam said it was time to move this summer and so we did. This Permanent Change of Station (PCS) came with a few months’ time for house hunting (while my service member was deployed) and relocation (we were able to divide and conquer that piece) so amid preparation to pack up the entire household and my business, I began to research prospective organizations for professional networking and potential speaking engagements in my new area and created a list of almost a dozen opportunities!

I worked through my move – a strategy to have professional continuity in the midst of the controlled chaos of the transition. Business remained steady, boxes called for unpacking, and there were new local attractions to be explored!

Despite my advanced planning I still haven’t attended as many networking groups in my new territory as I’d hoped. I made it to two within the first two months and one, luckily, was in my own neighborhood. Two out of twelve is better than none.

What about the rest of them, you ask?

Make big plans, but change your plans as time changes.–Marchant

Well… I was busy running my business – my priority is taking care of my clients – and as you well know, time flies when you’re having fun . As we settled in, I added a couple new clients to the roster and I also signed up for an intensive 6-month training program which kicked off during the first three months.

Am I beating myself up about not getting out to get acquainted with more of the professional networks in the area? Nope. As a solo entrepreneur and military spouse, I realize I can’t do it all at once – moving is a major ordeal, making the move seamless for my clients is paramount and orienting oneself to your new community takes time.

It’s a New Year, so perhaps I’ll dust off that list – opportunity awaits!

(910) 389-5771 [email protected]

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I refuse to pay my daughter's college tuition even though I made over $500,000 last year

  • Andrea Mac, a business owner who made $550,000 last year,  refuses to pay her daughter's tuition.
  • Mac questions the value of investing such a significant amount of money into a college education.
  • She and her husband want to instill independence, responsibility, and success in their children.

Insider Today

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Andrea Mac , a growth strategist at   Prequal   from the Greater Chicago area. It's been edited for length and clarity.

For the last seven years I've built a business that made just under $550,000 in 2023. I'm projecting that I'll make seven figures in 2024.

Despite this income, my husband and I have not agreed to — nor do we plan to — pay for the college tuition of our oldest daughter, a sophomore at the University of Iowa.

Stating that feels vulnerable and unpopular because, within our network, this is an uncommon or less commonly talked-about choice. But we didn't make this decision lightly, and we considered many factors.

Seven key considerations went into our decision.

1. Fostering autonomy and independence in our children

When everything — including school choice, scholarships, performance, and even access to grades — is dictated or overseen by parents, students can become passive participants in their education. By not paying for college , we want our children to own their academic journey fully. This means they'll need to make crucial decisions, seek scholarships, and manage their finances, which will help them truly understand the value of their education.

To be fair, we've decided that we, as parents, don't get to choose which college our children attend. If they spent our money on tuition, we'd need a say in that decision. Instead, we've told our college-age daughter: You can choose to attend a college that costs $5,000 or $100,000 a year, but we're not writing a blank check.

2. Making sure they understand the privilege of attending college

My husband and I feel that pursuing a college degree is not a rite of passage but a choice and commitment to higher education.

As a young adult transitioning from high school, it's the perfect opportunity to evaluate the opportunity cost critically, the investment of both time and money, and the projected return on investment from such a commitment.

If they choose college, this sense of ownership can drive them to perform better and take their studies more seriously. Knowing they've worked hard to contribute to their education can instill pride and accomplishment.

3. Keeping our financial future secure

We've worked very hard to achieve economic mobility and to live in a neighborhood that offers the best educational opportunities we can afford. I've worked, and continue to work, diligently to provide for our family of six.

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Committing about $800,000 — an average of $200,000 per child for a four-year university degree — could jeopardize our future financial security . Paying for college for four children would stretch our finances beyond what we're willing to risk.

For example, investing $200,000 over four years into scaling my consultancy firm could produce more revenue and provide more significant long-term benefits for our family. Likewise, with an average annual return for stock-market investments at about 10%, that same $200,000 could yield almost an additional $100,000 in return over that same four-year time period.

4. Living within our means

Financial prudence is a core value for us. We're not willing to take on debt to pay for college . We believe in financial stability and the importance of living within our means.

This decision aligns with our commitment to avoid debt and maintain a healthy financial position, which benefits our entire family.

5. Considering the return on investment

Education is an investment, and we consider the potential return like any investment. With rising tuition costs, my husband and I think it's essential to evaluate whether the outcomes in terms of ROI justify the financial outlay for college.

We question the value of investing such a significant amount of money into a college education , especially when there are alternative paths to success that don't involve incurring massive debt.

6. Maintaining equality between siblings

We have four children aged 5 to 19, and we care about equality among siblings. Committing to paying for one child's college education means we must do the same for all of them to maintain fairness.

This long-term financial commitment could span many years, potentially affecting our ability to support our younger children in other meaningful ways. We want to ensure our financial decisions don't create inequality among our children.

7. Avoid fostering a sense of entitlement in our children

By making them responsible for their college expenses, we hope to instill a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility in our kids. We also hope our choice will help them understand the value of hard work and the importance of making prudent financial decisions.

We're encouraging our children to take responsibility for their education and financial choices

Our children must evaluate cost-effective options, seek scholarships, and consider alternative education paths like community college, vocational training, or starting their careers earlier. This approach teaches them to be pragmatic and resourceful, skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Evaluating whether to pay for our kids' college tuition was a challenging decision, but it's rooted in our desire to foster autonomy, responsibility, and financial prudence.

Ultimately, by empowering our children to take charge of their education and finances, we feel we're helping to set them up for a lifetime of independence, responsibility, and success. 

If you are teaching your children a unique financial lesson and would like to share your story, email Manseen Logan at [email protected] .

Watch: Supreme Court strikes down Biden's student-debt relief plan

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North Korea plans to launch a rocket soon, likely carrying its second military spy satellite

FILE - This photo provided by the North Korean government shows what the country said is the launch of the Malligyong-1, a military spy satellite, into orbit on Nov. 21, 2023. Independent journalists were not given access to cover the event depicted in this image distributed by the North Korean government. The content of this image is as provided and cannot be independently verified. Korean language watermark on image as provided by source reads: "KCNA" which is the abbreviation for Korean Central News Agency. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP, File)

FILE - This photo provided by the North Korean government shows what the country said is the launch of the Malligyong-1, a military spy satellite, into orbit on Nov. 21, 2023. Independent journalists were not given access to cover the event depicted in this image distributed by the North Korean government. The content of this image is as provided and cannot be independently verified. Korean language watermark on image as provided by source reads: “KCNA” which is the abbreviation for Korean Central News Agency. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP, File)

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol talks to Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Chinese Premier Li Qiang, duo not pictured, during their trilateral meeting at the blue house in Seoul, South Korea Monday, May 27, 2024. (Jeon Heon-kyun/Pool Photo via AP)

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida speaks during a meeting with Chinese Premier Li Qiang in Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, May 26, 2024. (Daisuke Suzuki/Kyodo News via AP)

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SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea announced plans to launch a rocket apparently carrying its second military spy satellite during an eight-day period starting Monday, drawing quick, strong rebukes from neighbors South Korea and Japan.

The notification of the planned launch, banned under U.N. resolutions, came as South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met Chinese Premier Li Qiang in Seoul for their first trilateral meeting in more than four years.

Japan’s coast guard said it was notified by North Korea about its planned launch of a “satellite rocket,” with a warning of caution in the waters between the Korean Peninsula and China and east of the main Philippine island of Luzon beginning Monday through midnight June 3.

North Korea provides Japan with its launch information because Japan’s coast guard coordinates and distributes maritime safety information in East Asia.

North Korea’s planned launch is thought to be an attempt to put its second military spy satellite into orbit. South Korea’s military said Friday it detected signs of suspected preparations to launch a spy satellite at North Korea’s main Tongchangri launch facility in the northwest.

Candles, flowers and a piece of paper with the inscription "Against Terror" stand at the scene of the crime on the market square in Mannheim, Germany, the day after the stabbing at an anti-Islamic rally on Mannheim's market square that injured six people, including a police officer, Saturday, June1, 2024, (Uwe Anspach/dpa via AP)

The U.N. bans North Korea from conducting any satellite launches, viewing them as covers for testing long-range missile technology. North Korea has steadfastly maintained it has the right to launch satellites and test missiles. It says spy satellites will allow it to better monitor the U.S. and South Korea’s moves and enhance the precision strike capability of its nuclear-capable missiles.

“Any launch (by North Korea) using ballistic missile technology would directly violate U.N. Security Council resolutions and undermine peace and security of the region and the world,” Yoon said at the start of the meeting with Kishida and Li. “If North Korea presses ahead with its launch despite the international warning, I think the international community must sternly deal with it.”

Kishida said he strongly urges North Korea to cancel the launch. China is a North Korean ally, and Li didn’t mention the North Korean satellite.

In phone talks earlier Monday, senior diplomats from Japan, South Korea and the United States agreed to call on North Korea to abandon the launch. South Korea’s Unification Ministry, which deals with North Korea, separately called a satellite launch by the North “a provocation that seriously threatens our and regional security.”

Later Monday, South Korea mobilized 20 fighter jets for a drill meant to demonstrate its resolve to punish North Korea in the event of provocation, according to South Korea’s military. Japanese officials said their missile interceptors remain ready to shoot down any debris from a North Korean rocket if it falls on Japanese territory.

Last November, North Korea sent its first military reconnaissance satellite into orbit as part of efforts to build a space-based surveillance network to cope with what it calls increasing U.S.-led military threats. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un later told a governing party meeting that the country would launch three additional military spy satellites in 2024.

Whether the North Korean satellites can produce militarily meaningful imagery is widely doubted, but some civilian experts say operating several satellites could help North Korea continuously monitor big enemy targets.

The latest launch notification to Japan identifies the same danger zones for potential rocket debris as those identified prior to North Korea’s last launch. That suggests North Korea would use the same first and second rocket stages as before, said Chang Young-keun, a missile expert at the Seoul-based Korea Research Institute for National Strategy.

Chang said launching three satellites this year would allow North Korea to obtain imagery on sites in South Korea, Japan and the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam more frequently.

Since 2022, North Korea has been engaged in a provocative run of missile tests to modernize and expand its weapons arsenal, prompting the U.S., South Korea and Japan to strengthen their security partnership in response. Experts say North Korea likely believes an enlarged weapons arsenal would increase its leverage in future diplomacy with the U.S.

Yamaguchi reported from Tokyo.

Follow AP’s Asia-Pacific coverage at https://apnews.com/hub/asia-pacific

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Dr. Martens Outlines Marketing-Centric Action Plan to Help Turn Around Lagging US Business

Stephen Garner

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Dr Martens 14XX collection.

Dr. Martens is doubling down on its efforts to turn around its U.S. business in fiscal 2025 with a new marketing-centric plan.

On the company’s fiscal 2024 earnings call on Thursday, outgoing chief executive officer Kenny Wilson told analysts that the American market remains the company’s “top priority” across the business. As such, the boot maker is implementing a detailed action plan to return this business to growth, targeting a return to positive direct-to-consumer growth in the second half of fiscal 2025.

In line with the new plan, Dr. Martens is increasing marketing investment as a percentage of revenue in the U.S. in the year ahead, while ensuring that it maximizes the return and efficiency of this spend.

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“The major area of focus in the next 12 months will be with those people who know our brand in the United States, but they haven’t purchased yet,” Wilson said. “If you look at net consideration of our brand, it’s up 5 percent amongst those who have purchased before. So that says we’re retaining consumers. However, consideration amongst non-buyers is down 8 percent, and therefore, we need to change that approach.”

The new plan has three main pillars. The first features an “always on” marketing approach to iconic Dr. Martens styles, a re-energization of boots in autumn/winter 2024 and four key seasonal boot stories to drive newness. Marketing spend will be increased on mid to lower funnel activity, the company said.

“All of our marketing in the United States will support boots with soft leathers in July, with the rigger boot in August, with square toe in September and then obviously winterized in November,” Wilson said. “Throughout the second half of this year, USA consumers will hear a clear boots message from the Dr. Martens brand.”

The second pillar involves an updated digital strategy in the region. This includes improving the quality of the brand’s product pages and optimizing its checkout process in order to maximize e-commerce conversion. The company also plans to implement order in store, which it already has launched in its EMEA business.

The third and final pillar addresses the struggling wholesale market in the U.S. The focus is to drive sell-through with key retail partners so that the company can stimulate reorders for fiscal 2026.

Given the nature of wholesale order books, the company expects there to be a lag between when its U.S. direct-to-consumer performance improves and when its wholesale business will return to growth.

The expectation is that the company won’t see an in-market restock driving a recovery in U.S. wholesale revenues until autumn/winter 2025 at the earliest, which equates to the second half of fiscal 2026. Therefore, the company anticipates its U.S. wholesale revenue to decline double-digit percentage in fiscal 2025.

This comes as the UK-based footwear company reported that total revenues declined 12.3 percent in fiscal 2024 to 877.1 million pounds, down from 1.0 billion pounds in fiscal 2023. Net debt for the year increased to 357.5 million pounds, up from 288.3 million pounds last year, due to returns to shareholders, lower profits and increased lease liabilities.

Looking ahead, Dr. Martens said it expects group revenue to decline around 20 percent in fiscal 2025, driven by wholesale revenues down around a third.

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Boeing tells federal regulators how it plans to fix aircraft safety and quality problems

Boeing officials have presented a plan for improving manufacturing quality and safety to federal officials

Boeing officials explained their plan to improve manufacturing quality and safety during a three-hour meeting Thursday with federal officials, who will continue restrictions they placed on the company after one of its jetliners suffered a blowout of a fuselage panel in January.

Federal Aviation Administration chief Mike Whitaker said the plan is comprehensive and includes encouraging Boeing employees to speak up about safety concerns.

“This is a guide for a new way for Boeing to do business.” Whitaker told reporters after the meeting. ”Boeing has laid out their road map, and now they need to execute.”

Boeing released an 11-page summary of its “Product Safety and Quality Plan,” which described steps the company is taking, including increased inspections and tighter controls over suppliers. It also says how Boeing will measure its improvement.

CEO David Calhoun, who announced after the Jan. 5 blowout during an Alaska Airlines flight that he would step down at the end of the year, said the document was crafted from comments by employees, the FAA, airlines and independent experts.

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“Many of these actions are underway, and our team is committed to executing on each element of the plan,” Calhoun said in a statement. “It is through this continuous learning and improvement process that our industry has made commercial aviation the safest mode of transportation. The actions we are taking today will further strengthen that foundation.”

Stephanie Pope, a possible successor to Calhoun who was recently promoted to chief operating officer and chief executive of Boeing’s commercial airplanes division, said the plan was designed to improve employee training, simplify manufacturing, “eliminate defects at the source, and elevate our safety and quality culture.”

Nobody was hurt during the Jan. 5 blowout of a door plug on a relatively new Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max 9 as it flew above Oregon. Accident investigators determined that bolts used to help secure the panel were missing after a repair job in a Boeing factory.

The mishap further battered Boeing’s reputation, led to multiple civil and criminal investigations , and prompted Whitaker to order the report that Boeing delivered Thursday.

Whitaker said he wanted Boeing to develop a comprehensive, detailed plan that improves manufacturing process, quality and safety management, and encourages employees to raise concerns about safety.

“Those are all elements of the plan,” Whitaker said. He added that Boeing had accepted all the safety recommendations made earlier this year by a panel of independent safety experts.

Still, Whitaker said, the FAA will continue to cap production of the 737 Max, Boeing’s best-selling plane, and to insist on approving each plane that comes off the assembly line. He said the FAA also will maintain a “significant increase” in safety inspectors at plants run by Boeing and its key supplier, Spirit AeroSystems.

Boeing’s recent problems could expose it to criminal prosecution related to the deadly crashes of two Max jetliners in 2018 and 2019. The Justice Department said two weeks ago that Boeing violated terms of a 2021 settlement that allowed it to avoid prosecution for fraud. The charge was based on the company allegedly deceiving regulators about a flight-control system that was implicated in the crashes.

Whistleblowers have accused the company of taking shortcuts that endanger passengers, a claim that Boeing disputes . A panel convened by the FAA prior to the blowout found shortcomings in the aircraft maker’s safety culture .

Most of the recent problems have been related to the Max, however Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems have also struggled with manufacturing flaws on a larger plane, the 787 Dreamliner. Boeing has suffered setbacks on other programs including its Starliner space capsule , a military refueling tanker, and new Air Force One presidential jets.

Boeing officials have vowed to regain the trust of regulators and the flying public. Boeing has fallen behind rival Airbus, and production setbacks have hurt the company's ability to generate cash.

The company says it is promoting a positive safety culture, improving worker training, reducing “traveled work” — assembly tasks that are done out of their proper chronological order — and keeping closer tabs on Spirit AeroSystems, including preventing the supplier from shipping defective fuselages to Boeing.

The plane that suffered the door-plug blowout was being repaired because it had damaged rivets when it arrived at a Boeing factory from Spirit.

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Reporting by Elvira Pollina and Valentina Za in Milan, Supantha Mukherjee in Stockholm Additional reporting by Giuseppe Fonte in Rome Editing by Tomasz Janowski

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Supantha leads the European Technology and Telecoms coverage, with a special focus on emerging technologies such as AI and 5G. He has been a journalist for about 18 years. He joined Reuters in 2006 and has covered a variety of beats ranging from financial sector to technology. He is based in Stockholm, Sweden. 

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  4. Beeline Business

    beeline business plan 2

  5. Beeline business on Behance

    beeline business plan 2

  6. Beeline business on Behance

    beeline business plan 2


  1. Beeline Pro Tariff Plan

  2. Beeline тариф "Твой Стиль"

  3. how to write a business plan 2 #business #productivity

  4. Business Plan Guideline Series episode 3: Business Strategy

  5. Writing a business plan for your ecommerce business

  6. Beeline Ազատ շփում


  1. Business Plan 2

    Toshkent va Toshkent viloyati; Sirdaryo viloyati; Samarqand viloyati; Jizzax viloyati; Navoiy viloyati; Buxoro viloyati; Farg'ona viloyati (shu jumladan Qo'qon)

  2. Tarif rejalar

    2 000 000 so'mgacha 0% pul o'tkazmalar Beepul ilovasi orqali +1 kuch tanlovga. 25 GB messenjerlar uchun. 25 GB ijtimoiy tarmoqlar uchun. 25 GB YouTube uchun ... Beeline TV: Setanta sports va Telekanallar. 50 000Sum/Oy. Batafsil Ulash. Sizniki. Tarif faqat yangi ulanishlar uchun. Cheksiz qo'ng'iroqlar . 25 GB. 500 SMS. Beeline TV. 35 000Sum/Oy.

  3. Beeline Moto II: Beautifully simple motorcycling navigation

    Better journeys on two wheels. Starting in 2015, now with over 3 million rides and a bigger team, we're more committed than ever to improving rides. Read more about Beeline. Easily plan, navigate and track fantastic motorcycling routes with a navigation device that fits seamlessly onto your bike's cockpit.

  4. Beeline Maps

    This is our beta, it is being tested and improved. Use our free app for the best experience.

  5. Beeline for Business, a Modern Learning Solution for Organizations and

    Learning and Development made simple and effective. Improve the engagement and reach of your training and team development.. Helping you remove learning barriers, share knowledge and achieve learning outcomes, effectively.

  6. Customer Success

    Your success is the only thing that really matters. CUSTOMER-FIRST. Beeline has the only extended workforce management service model that puts customers' interests first and takes the responsibility of operating a mission-critical system seriously. We put service first in every interaction, from customers and partners to our own colleagues.

  7. Introducing... Beeline Moto II

    There will be two versions. The Moto II Black will launch with an RRP of £179.99 and the Moto II Silver and Moto II Grey models will be £199.99. The original, simpler Beeline Moto devices are still available with an RRP of £149.99 in two colour options - Gunmetal Grey or Silver.

  8. Beeline Moto II

    More From Kickstarter. Mark Jenner & Tom Putnam is raising funds for Beeline Moto II | Beautifully Simple Motorcycle Navigation on Kickstarter! Easily plan, navigate and track fantastic motorcycling routes with a device that fits seamlessly onto your bike's cockpit.

  9. Beeline

    Plot your road, mtb, hybrid, motorbike or gravel journeys and let Beeline show you the way. Import your own GPX routes and get going. START RIDING. Mapping at the touch of a button. Easily follow the directions on the screen, whether on the Velo or Moto devices or right in the app. The original 'smart compass' for navigation ensures you ...

  10. Join the conversation

    Join the Beeline Community to interact with other users, get support, and share your insights on the extended workforce platform.

  11. With the Beeline Partner Network, you're in good company

    A network of partners who work together to connect systems, share data, and deliver a comprehensive solution to support you throughout your program lifecycle. Access to already-vetted solution providers endorsed by Beeline that can add immediate value to your program. Seamless integrations with best-of-breed talent management and software ...

  12. How to plan a route using waypoints in the Beeline app : Beeline

    There are two ways of setting waypoints: 1. You can set your destination and then tap twice on the blue line between your start and destination (or between a waypoint and the destination) to add an intermediate waypoint. You can move the waypoint around by pressing and holding on the black tab at the bottom of the circle around it, or by typing ...

  13. Write your business plan

    Common items to include are credit histories, resumes, product pictures, letters of reference, licenses, permits, patents, legal documents, and other contracts. Example traditional business plans. Before you write your business plan, read the following example business plans written by fictional business owners.

  14. Beeline Velo 2

    The Beeline Velo 2 navigation device is your simple, elegant companion for better bike rides. The compact design looks great on any bicycle and the glanceable interface gives you all the information you need at a glance. Planning your route in the Beeline app couldn't be easier, whether that's plotting your own route o.

  15. About us!

    Discover better journeys with Beeline, a better way of navigating on your bicycle & your motorcycle. ... Two friends plan to meet for lunch but get lost along the way, and a quick and easy catch-up isn't so quick, or easy. ... Beeline for business. Turns out, two wheels are becoming pretty popular. In fact, a lot of people are trying to make ...

  16. Introducing Beeline for Business

    Beeline for Business streamlines training by aggregating resources into structured pathways, enhancing learning and development across teams with its mobile-friendly platform, and incorporating ...

  17. Beeline Velo 2

    Importing and Exporting GPX routes on the Velo 2. Setting preferences. Linking to Strava. Using the Beeline app on iPad. Skipping waypoints along your journey. Using the Beta Online Route Planner. Route Mode versus Compass Mode. Deleting your Beeline app account. Changing your start location.

  18. Beeline

    Beeline. We'll send you a six digit code to log you in to your account. Cell number. Email address.

  19. Business Plan 3

    Toshkent va Toshkent viloyati; Sirdaryo viloyati; Samarqand viloyati; Jizzax viloyati; Navoiy viloyati; Buxoro viloyati; Farg'ona viloyati (shu jumladan Qo'qon)

  20. Business Plan for E2 Visa: A Step-by-Step Guide

    E2 Visa Business Plan Defined. An E2 Treaty Investor Visa is a nonimmigrant visa which allows a foreign investor who is a national of an E2 treaty country to make a substantial investment in a new or existing U.S. enterprise and go to the U.S. to direct and develop this business. An E2 Business Plan is a document that supports your E-2 Treaty ...

  21. Google to invest $2 billion in Malaysian data center and cloud hub

    Google plans to invest $2 billion in Malaysia, developing its first data center and a Google Cloud hub in the latest big foray by a U.S. tech giant in the Southeast Asian country

  22. Beeline for Business…Best Laid Plans: Two Out of 12, Better Than None

    "The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray." -Robert Burns, Scottish poet and lyricist (adapted), 25 January 1759 - 21 July 1796. If you recall, Uncle Sam said it was time to move this summer and so we did. This Permanent Change of Station (PCS) came with a few months' time for […]

  23. I Made $500K Last Year but Refuse to Pay My Daughter ...

    Robin Madell. May 30, 2024, 2:08 AM PDT. Andrea Mac and her husband considered seven key factors before deciding whether they'd pay for their daughter's college tuition. Courtesy of Andrea Mac ...

  24. Beeline Velo 2: The Smartest Navigation Device for Cyclists

    A bike computer to find and navigate great routes, and ignite your love of cycling again. From £99.99. Shop Velo 2 Now. Whether you want panoramic views or the quiet route through the city, the Beeline Velo 2 helps you plan with confidence and navigate effortlessly. Better rides start here.

  25. North Korea plans to launch a rocket soon, likely carrying its second

    The Associated Press is an independent global news organization dedicated to factual reporting. Founded in 1846, AP today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the news business.

  26. Black passengers sue American Airlines, alleging they were thrown off a

    A lawsuit filed Wednesday on behalf of three Black men alleges "blatant and egregious race discrimination" by American Airlines after being removed from a flight.

  27. Dr. Martens Outlines Marketing-Centric Action Plan to Help US Business

    Dr. Martens is doubling down on its efforts to turn around its U.S. business in fiscal 2025 with a new marketing-centric plan. On the company's fiscal 2024 earnings call on Thursday, outgoing ...

  28. Boeing tells federal regulators how it plans to fix aircraft safety and

    Boeing released an 11-page summary of its "Product Safety and Quality Plan," which described steps the company is taking, including increased inspections and tighter controls over suppliers.

  29. Motorcycle sat nav

    Beeline Moto is the ultimate, easy-to-use compact motorcycle navigation unit, made for any bike, as though it was installed in the factory. Made from a hardwearing machined-alloy body, choose from classic Silver or stealthy Gunmetal Grey finishes.. Planning routes and hitting the road using the Beeline app couldn't be easier, choosing from fast or fun routes generated by Beeline's smart ...

  30. Exclusive: Amazon in talks with Italy to invest billions of euros in

    AWS launched its first cloud region in Italy in 2020 as part of a plan to invest 2 billion euros ($2.2 billion) by 2029. It counts luxury carmaker Ferrari (RACE.MI) New Tab