
what is a Bridge in Essay: Examples?

A pivotal skill for any essay writer is mastering the art of transitioning seamlessly between ideas. Transitions are the linguistic bridges that connect disparate thoughts, enhancing the flow and coherence of your narrative.

A particularly potent tool in your essay arsenal is the bridge sentence .

This type of sentence acts as a connector between paragraphs or sections, effectively summarizing what has been discussed and hinting at what’s to come. Not only can it counter potential objections, but it also opens the door to new viewpoints.Utilizing bridge sentences can fortify the structure of your essay and smoothly lead your reader through your arguments.

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Understanding the Concept of a Bridge in Essay Writing

A bridge sentence is a type of transition that connects two ideas or paragraphs in a logical and smooth way. It can help you create a strong structure for your essay and guide your reader through your argument.

Definition of a Bridge

A bridge sentence, also known as a paragraph bridge or a bridge statement, is a sentence that links two paragraphs or sections of an essay. It usually appears at the beginning of a new paragraph, and it serves as a summary of the previous point and a preview of the next point. It can also address a counterargument or introduce a new perspective.

A bridge sentence can be composed of three elements: a pointer word that directs the reader’s attention to the previous paragraph, a part that refers to the previous point, and a part that relates to the current point. For example, consider this bridge sentence:This advantage makes an inkjet printer one of the best choices for home offices. But besides reasonable prices and printing quality, it is also worth mentioning how easy it is to use inkjet printers.The pointer word “this” points to the previous paragraph, where the advantage of an inkjet printer was discussed.

The part “makes an inkjet printer one of the best choices for home offices” summarizes the previous point. The part “but besides reasonable prices and printing quality, it is also worth mentioning how easy it is to use inkjet printers” introduces the topic of the current paragraph, which is the ease of use of inkjet printers.

The Purpose of a Bridge in an Essay

The purpose of a bridge sentence in an essay is to help the writer connect ideas and transition smoothly from one point to another. A bridge sentence can have several benefits for the essay and the reader, such as :

  • It can clarify a point that has been made, by restating it in a different way or providing more details.
  • It can introduce a new idea, by showing how it is related to the previous idea or how it differs from it.
  • It can sum up the main points of the essay, by highlighting the most important arguments or evidence.
  • It can keep the reader’s attention focused on the essay, by creating a logical flow of ideas and avoiding abrupt changes of topic.
  • It can make the writing style more fluid and coherent, by using words and phrases that create a smooth transition between ideas.

Examples of Bridges in Different Types of Essays

Whether you are composing a rhetorical analysis essay , a double spaced essay , a problem and solution essay , or any other genre, the incorporation of a bridge sentence is elemental in its function and purpose. Subsequent examples will illustrate their usage in different contexts.

Argumentative Essays

Rooted in debate, the argumentative essay forwards a claim, backing it with solid evidence and logical reasoning . Its ultimate goal? To sway the reader toward the writer’s perspective or spur them into action.

Take this bridge sentence as an example: “While social media serves as a formidable platform for communication and learning, it’s not without its drawbacks on mental health and personal well-being.” This sentence acknowledges social media’s benefits before transitioning to its adverse effects, the essay’s primary focus. It even suggests moderation and responsible use as potential remedies, paving the way for further discussion.

Expository Essays

The expository essay enlightens its audience, offering a clear, factual account of its subject. It’s the educator among essays.

A bridge sentence here might encapsulate the preceding paragraph’s main point, link two related concepts, or unveil a new topic. For instance: “The Golden Gate Bridge, an engineering wonder, stands as an iconic beacon across the San Francisco Bay, bridging the gap between San Francisco and Marin County.” This sentence transitions smoothly from discussing the bridge’s construction to its emblematic value, maintaining the informative tone crucial to expository essays.

Narrative Essays

A narrative essay’s charm lies in its storytelling, inviting readers into the writer’s personal experiences and associating them with the emotional journey detailed.

Consider this bridge sentence for generating anticipation or segueing scenes: “Crossing the narrow bridge, the stunning view below—sunlit river, rustling trees—filled me with an elation, blissfully ignorant of the impending peril beyond.” It not only builds suspense but also serves as a seamless transition, enriching the narrative flow.

Descriptive Essays

Descriptive essays paint a picture, detailing subjects so vividly that readers can visually experience the discussed topic. A bridge sentence in this form sharpens focus, draws comparisons, or highlights transitions.

For example: “Beside the ancient, graffiti-laden bridge, a testament to years passed, stood its modern counterpart—sleek, shimmering, an architectural marvel—promising a new era.” This bridge sentence contrasts the two structures effectively, using evocative language to kindle the readers’ imagination while signaling a transition in time and technology.

How to Craft an Effective Bridge: Tips and Techniques

A bridge sentence can help you create a strong connection between your hook and your thesis statement, ensure a smooth transition and cohesion between your paragraphs, and avoid some common mistakes that can weaken your essay.

Linking the Hook and the Thesis Statement

A hook is the first sentence of your essay that grabs the reader’s attention and makes them want to read more. A thesis statement is the last sentence of your introduction that states the main argument or purpose of your essay.

A bridge sentence can help you link these two elements by summarizing the hook and introducing the thesis statement. For example, consider this hook, bridge, and thesis statement: Hook: Have you ever wondered why some people are afraid of spiders, while others are fascinated by them? Bridge: Spiders are among the most diverse and intriguing creatures on the planet, but they also evoke different emotions and reactions from humans. Thesis statement: In this essay, I will explore the reasons behind the fear of spiders, the benefits of overcoming this phobia, and the ways to cope with it. The bridge sentence connects the hook and the thesis statement by providing some background information on spiders and their relationship with humans. It also creates a smooth transition from a general question to a specific topic.

Ensuring Smooth Transition and Cohesion

A smooth transition and cohesion between your paragraphs can make your essay more clear and logical. A bridge sentence can help you achieve this by linking the main idea of the previous paragraph to the main idea of the next one.

You can use different types of transitions, such as sequential, contrastive, causal, or additive, depending on the relationship between your ideas. You can also use words and phrases that create a smooth transition, such as but, and, besides, even so, further, moreover, nevertheless, still, therefore, thus, although, and yet . For example, consider this bridge sentence: Although the fear of spiders is a common and natural response, it can also have negative consequences for the individual and the society. This bridge sentence uses a contrastive transition ( although ) to show the difference between the previous paragraph, which explained the causes of the fear of spiders, and the next one, which will discuss the effects of this fear.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Writing a Bridge

When writing a bridge sentence, you should avoid some common mistakes that can weaken your essay and confuse your reader. Here are some of them :- Do not repeat the same idea or information that you have already stated in the previous paragraph or the thesis statement.

Instead, restate it in a different way or provide more details.- Do not introduce a new idea or topic that is not related to the previous or the next paragraph. Instead, focus on the connection between the two ideas or topics.- Do not make the bridge too long or too short.

A good bridge should be brief and to the point, but also clear and informative.- Do not use vague or ambiguous words or phrases that can confuse the reader or create a weak transition. Instead, use specific and precise words or phrases that create a strong transition .

How do you write a bridge in an essay?

To write a bridge in an essay, it’s important to connect the main idea of the previous paragraph with the main idea of the next paragraph . This is achieved by employing a pointer word or phrase that references the previous point, followed by introducing the new point with a relevant word or phrase.

For example: “The inkjet printer is the most popular type of printer for home use. It is less expensive than a laser printer and produces good-quality prints.”

This advantage makes an inkjet printer an excellent choice for home offices. Besides reasonable prices and printing quality , it’s also essential to highlight the ease of use of inkjet printers. Here, the bridge sentence uses “ this advantage ” to reference the previous paragraph, while “ but besides reasonable prices and printing quality, it is also worth mentioning ” introduces the new point.

What is an example of a bridge sentence?

An example of a bridge sentence connects two paragraphs or ideas by summarizing the previous one and introducing the next. For instance, “ While the inkjet printer is a popular choice for home use, it has some drawbacks that make it unsuitable for large-scale printing. ”

How is the word bridge used in the essay?

The word bridge in an essay refers to a transitional device that connects two ideas or paragraphs . It aids the author in maintaining a smooth flow of thoughts and in illustrating the relationship between points.

What is a bridge used for in writing?

In writing, a bridge is used to link two separate ideas together and to ensure a smooth transition between them. A bridge can manifest as a sentence or a phrase that summarizes the previous idea, introduces the new idea, or contrasts the two ideas .

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Bridge Sentences

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a bridge in essay

Imagine a world without bridges, and we mean the bridges that connect pieces of land together for us to travel from one place to another. The bridge could be as short as those build over rivers or as long as the Golden Gate Bridge along the Pacific, yet their purpose remains the same. In a similar sense, bridge sentences in writing and speech serve as transitions to connect two similar or opposing ideas together. In this article, we will discuss the basic function of bridge sentences in communication.

What are Bridge Sentences – Defining

A bridge sentence, also known as a paragraph bridge, is a type of topic sentence that helps connect an old paragraph or idea to a new one. It conveys what the new paragraph is about and how it relates to the one introduced prior to it. The trick to doing so is to create a smooth shift of thoughts by bringing these ideas closer together. If the bridge isn’t constructed properly, then it will fail to convey the right message to its readers. These transitions can sometimes be found in the first line of the paragraph, but you can also find them at the end of a paragraph in some cases.

Short Bridge Sentences

  • Moving from historical context to current applications, it’s clear that this technology has evolved significantly.
  • On a related note, this brings us to another significant aspect.
  • However, this perspective changes when we look at the situation from a different angle.
  • Furthermore, this development has implications for both our short-term strategies and long-term goals.
  • Conversely, critics argue that this approach may overlook some fundamental concerns.
  • Building upon this point, we can see how it directly influences other trends in the field.
  • Despite these advancements, several challenges remain unresolved.
  • Next, let’s turn our attention to the effects of these changes.
  • To better understand this phenomenon, a closer examination of the data is necessary.

Simple Bridge Sentences

  • Let’s now consider another aspect of the same issue.
  • This leads us to the next point.
  • Similarly, we see a related pattern emerging in other areas.
  • Contrasting with this idea, another perspective highlights a different issue.
  • With this in mind, we can further explore the implications.
  • This sets the stage for understanding the broader impact.
  • Moreover, this connection is crucial for our discussion.
  • This example clearly illustrates the main point.
  • Turning to a different example, we can see how this applies in other contexts.
  • To delve deeper, let’s examine a specific case.

Words to Start Bridge Sentences

What is the purpose of bridging paragraphs.

While writing an essay or any academic or business paper, using transitional devices such as bridge sentences is essential in connecting similar thoughts together. This serves as an escort from a previous topic being discussed to a new one.

Bridging Paragraphs

For example, the bridge sentence of an introductory paragraph is typically found between the ‘hook’ and the thesis statement . The hook is crafted to draw attention, while the bridge sentence is used to slowly introduce the thesis statement to readers. They serve as a clue for readers to understand what was being mentioned in a given article or study, what will be discussed next, and how the two topics relate to one another.

The function of a bridge sentence within multiple paragraphs of an essay writing is also similar to the one previously stated. But, instead of starting each paragraph with a topic sentence, the bridge is used to create a smooth transition of thoughts. Here, the speaker briefly discusses the previous point given in order to tie it to a new point.

Types of Transitions

When it comes to writing a paper, bridge sentences are generally referred to as transitional statements. These statements may consist of a few words or they can make up a whole sentence outline or paragraph. But, keep in mind that these transitions would depend on the relationship being conveyed in the write-up. To understand the proper use of these transitions, you can study the following types:

  • Sequential Transitions –  Bridge sentences with sequential transitions that demonstrate a logical flow of ideas in a write-up. For example, words such as ‘thus’, ‘therefore’, and ‘then’ show a relationship between the past and the current point being discussed.
  • Comparative Transitions –  This type of transitional words and phrases can come in handy, especially when the relationship between two ideas isn’t so obvious. These words serve as an effective instrument in drawing analogies that are difficult to comprehend at first. Examples of such include words and phrases like ‘also’, ‘just as’, ‘like’, and ‘similarly’.
  • Contrastive Transitions – For instances when you’re neither looking at similarities nor describing relationships but instead focusing on contrasting qualities, these transitions can be extremely useful. Not only can these transitions help emphasize central ideas in a compare-and-contrast essay, but they can also help debunk a claim or point out the opposite side of an issue. Examples that fall under this category include ‘though’, ‘but’, ‘however’, ‘nevertheless’, ‘nonetheless’, ‘then again’, ‘on the other hand’, and ‘at the same time’. You may also see Short Sentence Example .
  • Summing Up Transitions –  After proving your point, you’d want to throw in that one last thought, to sum up, every important detail provided. To ensure that readers don’t miss the main idea of your paragraph or article, these transitional sentences can help in introducing your final thought in a quick yet appropriate manner. Transitional words in this category include ‘essentially’, ‘basically’, ‘ultimately’, ‘in short’, and ‘in other words’.

Examples of Bridge Sentences

Listed below are brief samples of paragraphs consisting of bridge sentences. The bridge sentence in these examples have been  italicized  for your reference: You may also see Cumulative Sentence Example .

Sandra and her father played out in the rain despite the strong protest coming from her mother. They danced to the tune of the rain and watched as each droplet fell from the dark skies. She smiled, thinking of the days when she and her father listened helplessly to the endless rants of her mother as their soaking bodies form small puddles of water inside the house. You may also see Balanced Sentence Examples .

Now, thirty years later, Sandra looks back to these memories with tears filling her baby blues.

The documentary concluded its feature with North Korean soldiers dumping corpses onto a military truck.

Why would any news program carry such gruesome footage? Surely they knew what the consequences were for doing so… Instead, representatives from the news network considered it newsworthy because the clips featured exclusive content and startling visual images that viewers were interested in . You may also see Complex Sentence Example .

The World Health Organization began forming a highly-classified group of scientists to study the outpouring origins and effects of disease X. Though the disease remains unknown to society, it is likely to be a hybrid of past diseases that have been carried by animals. The team of scientists was tasked to discover the possible symptoms of the disease, along with the regions it is likely to spread in first. You may also see Compound Sentence Examples .

In other words, disease X is an existing, scientifically-generated epidemic that is yet to sweep a mass number of the earth’s population in the near future. 

a bridge in essay

Ultimately, the main objective of a bridge sentence is to help promote clear communication. By defining the relationship between two separate ideas, readers are able to grasp the connection that exists between them. This creates a smooth flow of thoughts to provide an exceptional reading experience for individuals. You may also see Parallel Sentence Example .

Bridge Sentences for Class 1

  • Now, let’s talk about something else.
  • Next, we are going to learn about…
  • Let’s move on to our next fun fact.
  • After that, we did… Now, we will do…
  • First we learned about A, now let’s look at B.
  • Do you remember what we did yesterday? Today, we’re going to learn more about it.
  • We finished our story, now let’s draw a picture of our favorite part.
  • We counted apples before. Now, let’s count oranges.
  • Let’s put away our books and get out our art supplies.
  • We sang a song about the weather, now let’s look outside to see what the weather is doing today.

Bridge Sentences for Class 2

  • We just read about animals. Now, let’s write our own story about a lion.
  • We finished our math worksheet. Next, we’ll use blocks to show what we learned.
  • We learned how plants grow. Let’s draw pictures of a plant’s life cycle.
  • After playing our counting game, now we will count all the chairs in our classroom.
  • We talked about the weather yesterday. Today, we’ll make a weather chart.
  • First, we learned about addition. Now, let’s try some subtraction problems.
  • Now that we’ve cleaned up our area, let’s gather around for story time.
  • We’ve just finished learning our new words. Let’s use them in sentences now.
  • We colored pictures in the morning; now, let’s write about the pictures after lunch.
  • We talked about healthy foods; next, we will cut out pictures of foods to make our own healthy meal.

Bridge Sentences for Class 3

  • Now that we’ve read about dinosaurs, let’s compare them to animals living today.
  • We just learned about multiplication. Let’s apply it by calculating how many apples are in these baskets.
  • After discussing the water cycle, let’s create a mini water cycle model in class.
  • We’ve written our own fairy tales. Now, let’s read them aloud to the class.
  • We’ve explored maps of our country. Next, let’s look at maps of other countries and find the differences.
  • Now that we know how to measure length, let’s find objects around the classroom to practice measuring.
  • We learned about ancient Egypt; now let’s write a day in the life of an Egyptian child.
  • After our lesson on planets, let’s use balls of different sizes to create a model of the solar system.
  • We discussed the importance of recycling; now, let’s sort these materials into recyclables and non-recyclables.
  • We’ve practiced fractions with pizza slices; next, let’s use the same idea with a chocolate bar.

Types of Bridge Sentences

1. continuation bridges.

  • These sentences extend the thought from the previous paragraph or introduce additional information that complements the preceding ideas.
  • Example: “Furthermore, continuing this program will not only benefit current participants but also future generations.”

2. Contrast Bridges

  • Used to introduce a contrasting or opposing viewpoint to the one just discussed, helping to highlight differences.
  • Example: “However, despite the previous success of the initiative, recent reports suggest a decline in its effectiveness.”

3. Cause and Effect Bridges

  • These bridge sentences explain the cause and effect relationships between ideas, showing how one event leads to another.
  • Example: “Consequently, the sudden drop in temperature last winter caused significant damage to the crop yields.”

4. Similarity Bridges

  • They draw parallels between two ideas, emphasizing similarities and connections.
  • Example: “Similarly, the economic policies of Country X have mirrored the early stages of economic development seen in Country Y.”

5. Clarification Bridges

  • These are used to clarify or further explain a point or idea that might not have been fully understood.
  • Example: “To clarify, the new policy does not replace the old one but rather expands upon the existing regulations.”

6. Emphasis Bridges

  • Emphasis bridges are employed to stress the importance or critical nature of a point just discussed.
  • Example: “Indeed, this evidence highlights the urgent need for reform within the sector.”

7. Conclusion Bridges

  • Used to signal that a conclusion or summary is forthcoming, wrapping up the discussion.
  • Example: “In conclusion, the multiple benefits of this approach clearly outweigh its drawbacks.”

8. Time Sequence Bridges

  • These help organize narratives or processes by marking the progression of time or steps.
  • Example: “Subsequently, after the initial trials were successful, the next phase of the project commenced.”

How to Write Bridge Sentences

1. understand the purpose of bridge sentences.

  • Transition: Bridge sentences help readers move from one paragraph or section to another seamlessly.
  • Prediction: They can set the stage for what is coming next, preparing the reader for a shift in tone, argument, or topic.
  • Reflection: Bridge sentences can also reflect on the content just covered, making a connection between the previous information and new ideas.

2. Identify the Connection

  • Start by clearly understanding the content of both the preceding and following paragraphs.
  • Identify the key elements that connect these two paragraphs. This could be a shared theme, a contrasting point, or a cause-and-effect relationship.

3. Choose the Right Type of Transition

  • Continuation transitions (furthermore, moreover, additionally) are used when adding similar information or expanding on a point.
  • Contrast transitions (however, on the other hand, conversely) introduce an opposing viewpoint or a shift in direction.
  • Cause and effect transitions (therefore, as a result, thus) demonstrate the relationship between actions and outcomes.
  • Chronological transitions (next, then, after) are useful in narrative or process writing to show the progression of time or steps.

4. Craft the Sentence

  • Keep the bridge sentence concise and to the point.
  • Use it to gently guide the reader from one idea to the next, ensuring the sentence fits the tone and style of your writing.
  • Make sure it incorporates key terms or concepts that are central to both paragraphs, enhancing the thematic continuity of your text.

5. Evaluate its Effectiveness

  • After writing your bridge sentence, read the transition aloud to see if it naturally guides you from one idea to the next.
  • Check if the bridge sentence helps clarify the relationship between paragraphs. If the connection still feels jarring or abrupt, consider revising the sentence.

Why are bridge sentences used?

Bridge sentences connect paragraphs or sections, ensuring a smooth transition in writing, aiding coherence, and guiding readers from one idea to another seamlessly.

What is a bridge sentence in analogies?

In analogies, a bridge sentence explains the relationship between two seemingly unrelated topics, clarifying how one idea or example parallels or contrasts with another.

How to use the verb bridge in a sentence?

The verb “bridge” denotes the act of making connections or overcoming gaps; e.g., “This meeting aims to bridge the communication gap between departments.”

What are good bridge sentences?

Good bridge sentences effectively link ideas, clarify transitions, and maintain the flow of text, often incorporating transitional phrases like ‘furthermore’, ‘however’, or ‘consequently’.


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What Is a Bridge Sentence and How to Write a Transition in an Essay

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Bridge sentences are important in connecting two independent phrases, expressions, word combinations, or arguments in a paragraph or an essay. Basically, this guideline on how to write a good bridge sentence in an essay or a research article is worth reading because it entails practical ways to write connecting statements. Moreover, the article entails examples of various types of bridge statements, which mean linking phrases that provide concise information on how to ensure a proper flow of ideas in any paper using connecting statements. They allow writers to communicate effectively throughout their essays. The different types of bridge statements include topic, transitional, and concluding sentences with pointers. In this case, topic phrases introduce the main ideas in a passage, while transitional statements create a unique connection between ideas or thoughts. Besides, concluding sentences contain a clear flow of concepts and link them to other sections. However, one must select appropriate transitioning words to create appropriate bridge sentences.

General Aspects of How to Write an Outstanding Bridge Sentence in an Essay

Good essays must have a permanent quality to their content, with a unique flow of ideas and concepts. In this case, bridge sentences are useful in connecting two independent clauses, phrases, word combinations, statements, or claims. Hence, the guideline focuses on how to write a bridge sentence with its definition and meaning and provides clear examples that one can follow to create different types of essays. In turn, people should bother reading this guideline as it focuses on crucial aspects of creating various types of papers, reports, and articles. Because essays are central to advancing knowledge, one must use bridge sentences effectively to ensure effective communication.

What Is a Bridge Sentence and How to Write a Transition in an Essay or a Research Paper

Definition of a Bridge Sentence and Its Meaning

From a simple definition, a bridge sentence is a general term that refers to a set of phrases that link ideas and create a smooth transition between concepts in an essay or a research paper. Some examples of bridging phrases include topic, transitional, concluding statements, and pointers. In turn, a single essay or research paper may contain all these types of connecting phrases. Hence, a bridge sentence means many phrases that enable readers to relate all ideas presented in a paper because of an enhanced flow of information and logical order of ideas. A deeper explanation of different types of bridge sentences includes:

  • Topic Sentence : Topic sentences reveal the main message explained in a single paragraph and its relationship to a central thesis statement. Every paragraph must begin with a single topic sentence that relates to an initial argument of a paper as a sub-theme. This bridge sentence must contain a single main concept discussed in the section.   
  • Transitional Sentence: Transitional sentences create a smooth connection between ideas presented in one passage. A good paragraph in an essay should have a chronological and logical flow of ideas. These bridge sentences allow a sequential presentation of thoughts.     
  • Concluding Sentence: Concluding sentences summarize information and provide a link between two paragraphs, such as a current passage and a next one. In this case, good paragraphs contain a clear summary of all presented ideas. A concluding statement should appear at the end of a single passage as a bridge sentence to tie all the thoughts together.    
  • Pointer Sentence : Pointers are useful in clarifying the main claim by guiding readers through the structure and argument of an essay or a research paper. For example, pointers refer readers to the previous claim, paragraph, argument, or thesis statement. In this case, they allow the audience to relate concepts and gain better insights into the presented ideas.  

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Unique Features of Writing Bridge Sentences in Essays or Research Papers & Examples

Bridge sentences are different, with unique features. What comes after a hook in an essay introduction is a transitional word. For example, a scholarly article or an academic essay may have various connecting statements. Their features depend on the purpose and location within a particular passage. Besides, authors may choose linking phrases to invoke unique thoughts or create desirable emotions. The following are descriptions and examples of different bridge sentences. 

🔹 Transitional Sentences & Bridge Example

Transition sentences are unique because they show readers how different sections of an essay connect. Transition sentences are useful in linking the college essay introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs to create a well-organized flow of information. Placing this bridge claim at the beginning of a new paragraph helps to link it to the previous one. An example of a transition sentence is:

Further evidence supporting the hypothesis is that psychological well-being promotes student performance due to increased concentration levels.

This sentence contains information that complements the previous paragraph by providing more support for the same concept.

🔹 Topic Sentences & Bridge Example

Topic sentences are unique because they indicate the paragraph’s subject and central point. Every paragraph in an essay must begin with a topic sentence. This opening statement in a paragraph may provide a connection between the main ideas and indicate how they connect to one of three themes of a 3-point thesis. Besides, this bridge sentence forms the foundation of the supporting evidence. An example of a topic sentence is:

Existing research has consistently shown that the meat industry is unsustainable due to its detrimental environmental impacts.

This phrase introduces the passage’s main point and focuses on the meat industry’s negative environmental impacts, like other thesis statement examples. The entire paragraph should expound on this issue by using and citing credible sources.

🔹 Concluding Sentences & Bridge Example

A concluding sentence is unique because it acts as an indicator that a specific paragraph is coming to an end. This bridge sentence contains a summary of the information presented in a section. However, a conclusion does not include any new information. A practical example of a concluding statement to end a paragraph in an essay is:

Evidently, the meat industry contributes to greenhouse emissions due to methane released from animal manure.

This assertion summarizes the facts presented in a single paragraph on how the meat industry affects the environment.  

🔹 Pointers & Bridge Example

Pointers refer to information that enables readers to understand a situation or a piece of information. These bridge statements work as topic sentences for entire sections of an essay or a research paper. In this case, they inform readers that a paper is taking a turn in its core argument. For instance, a pointer may indicate that the writer is delving into a related topic, like a counterargument, stepping up its claims with complex details, or pausing to give important historical or scholarly background. Moreover, these bridge sentences remind readers about what an essay is about and why it is written. An example of a pointer is:

For people to understand the causes of riots, it would be useful to apply sociological theories, like psychoanalytical social contagion.

This sentence points the readers to a change in the explanation strategy to include sociological theories to understand the main subject.  

🔹 Classical Bridge Sentences & Bridge Example

A classic bridge sentence is unique because it helps authors to point to previous paragraphs and introduce the topics for a new paragraph. This bridge statement is useful when writing texts with multiple passages having related information. An example of a classic bridge sentence structure is:

This advantage makes transformational leadership effective in promoting employee collaboration. However, besides enhancing communication and cooperation, it is important to mention that transformational leadership allows people to set goals and higher expectations, eventually achieving higher performances.

This phrase, which consists of two sentences, points to the previous paragraph by mentioning the advantage of transformational leadership. Furthermore, this bridge claim introduces the theme for the next passage by mentioning how this leadership style empowers employees to create achievable goals.

🔹 Question-Answer Sentences & Bridge Example

Question-answer bridge is unique because it points to the previous paragraph and introduces the main argument of the next passage. In this case, questions serve as the pointer to the previous section, and the answer connects and introduces the theme for the current passage. An example of a question-answer bridge sentence structure is:

But does transformational leadership promote employee collaboration? Surely yes, because this leadership enhances communication and cooperation among employees. When comparing transformational leadership to other management strategies, it allows people to set goals and higher expectations to achieve higher performances.

🔹 Reiteration Sentence & Bridge Example

A reiteration bridge sentence is unique because it allows writers to use repetition to transition between ideas. This type of bridge statement allows people to emphasize important concepts that the audience should acknowledge in an essay. For instance, a reiteration bridge sentence may involve the incorporation of opposite meanings. An example of a reiteration bridge is:

Demonstrations and picketing lead to unity and victory on the one hand and defeat and loss of life on the other.

This bridge sentence has phrases with contrasting meanings that point to the previous passage and provide a link to the current one. The first part points to the previous passage on the advantages of protests and strikes. The second part introduces the information presented in the current paragraph, which relates to the negative impacts of the dissent march.    

🔹 Complication Sentence & Bridge Example

A complication bridge sentence is unique since it contains a pointer, a transition word, a reference to a previous paragraph, and states the main point of the current paragraph. An example of this bridge sentence structure is:

Such advantages of transformational leadership encourage employees to cooperate in making important decisions; however, it is not as effective in democratic governance in enabling leaders to engage their subordinates in addressing emerging and existing issues.

This example has a pointer, “such,” as a bridge claim that refers to the previous paragraph. The transition word, “however,” signals to readers that transformational leadership is ineffective compared to other governance styles. Finally, it references the previous paragraph and states the main argument for the current passage that democratic leadership is better.

Schematic Examples for Writing Purposeful Bridge Sentences in an Essay

  • Making an example: (The next idea) clearly illustrates / indicates / suggests / means / underlines that (the previous idea) by / in / from / on / with / within … (explanation).

Enhanced employee productivity clearly illustrates that management by walking around is better than autocratic governance because it enables leaders to identify and address problems.

  • Showing a cause-effect relationship: (The previous idea) led to / results in / has allowed / improved / significantly impacted / directly caused / was the reason / (the next idea) … (explanation).

Implementing peer support to new employees improved department cooperation and innovation .

  • Giving a counterexample: Even though / although / even if (the previous idea) is ‘describing the situation,’ (the next idea ) … (explanation).

Even though rewarding employees is the accepted way to enhance productivity, allowing them free time to work on interesting concepts promotes innovativeness and efficiency.

  • Emphasizing a point: (The previous idea) is important / significant / crucial / essential / vital / or cannot be omitted / denied / ignored because / since (the next idea) … (explanation).

Engaging workers in identifying and addressing problems is essential in management because it enables them to feel acknowledged by the company’s top leadership.

  • Contrasting: (The previous idea) differs from / can be contrasted with / is not the same as (the next idea) in how / because / since … (explanation).

Disciplining children through corporal punishment differs from empowering them because it instills fear instead of encouraging them to engage in constructive behaviors.

  • Comparing: (The previous idea) is similar to / can be compared with / is the same as / has some vivid similarities with (the next idea) because / since … (explanation).

Brachytherapy resembles external beam radiotherapy because it mainly aims to shrink cancerous tumors.

  • Bridge sequencing: (The previous idea) comes before / starts with / comes after (the next idea) … (explanation).

Establishing strategic goals for a company comes before performance appraisals and signing performance contracts.

  • Proving: (The previous idea) means / suggests / indicates / proves / states / implicates that (the next idea) … (explanation).

Declining academic performance among adolescents indicates an inability to cope with emerging social challenges.

  • Complicating: Yes / sure / arguably / indeed, (the previous idea), but because of that / however / on the other hand, (the next idea) … (explanation).

Yes, academic advancements among staff members should lead to promotions, but because of that, many people may obtain academic papers fraudulently.

  • Adding a bridge precision: The researchers / authors / scholars / experts / professionals explain in more detail / provide more insight / analyzed / included (the previous idea) in their paper / article / work / investigation / study / research regarding (the next idea ) … (explanation).

The authors explain in more detail that using renewable energy sources lowers the cost of manufacturing products in their paper regarding sustainable management.

  • Clarifying: Yes / sure / arguably / indeed, (the previous idea) is sometimes ‘describing the situation,’ but this aspect / feature / concept / element / characteristic doesn’t mean / work / result in (the next point) … (explanation).

Poor prognosis is sometimes the case in chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, but this aspect does not mean cancer is incurable.

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Writing Types of Transition Elements in Bridge Sentences

💠 sequential bridge transitions.

Bridge sentences that contain statements on order and sequence of information should have sequential transitions. These transitioning words or bridge phrases allow one to organize essays or research papers by numerical sequence. Moreover, they indicate a continuation of thoughts or actions by referring to previously mentioned information, indicating excursions, and concluding or summing up ideas. Sequential connecting words allow readers to understand the logical development of concepts presented in an essay. Some examples of sequential transitions include:

  • further on,
  • consequently,
  • incidentally.    

💠 Comparative Bridge Transitions

Comparison transition words in an essay establish a relationship between things or ideas. In this case, comparative bridge words and phrases are essential in explaining what two things have in common. Writers can use comparison words to demonstrate similarities between thoughts, objects, or concepts. Moreover, these bridge elements focus on similitudes only as opposed to variations in a sentence. Some examples of comparative transitions include:

  • in the same way,
  • regardless,
  • at the same time,
  • in like manner,
  • compared to,
  • nonetheless.

💠 Contrastive Bridge Transitions

Contrastive bridge words indicate the difference between ideas or objects. These bridge sentence transitions are important when presenting polar, different, or conflicting ideas. Contrastive transitions allow authors to connect opposing ideas and thoughts understandably. Including conflicting thoughts or ideas in an essay can enhance its quality by allowing readers to evaluate them critically. In an essay, contrastive bridge elements become crucial in presenting contradictory thoughts and opinions. Some examples of contrastive transitions include:

  • in contrast,
  • conversely,
  • dissimilarly,
  • on the contrary,
  • nevertheless,
  • on the one hand,
  • contrasted with,
  • even though,
  • alternatively.

💠 Summing-Up Bridge Transitions

Summing-up bridge transitions are useful in drawing the reader’s attention to the main argument. In this case, one must use appropriate transitions to summarize a discussion or a paragraph. For instance, outstanding essays should have a summary of the main ideas in their conclusions. Summing-up bridge sentences are common when writers use statements to conclude a paragraph or summarize an essay. Some examples of summing-up transitions include:

  • essentially,
  • in conclusion,
  • summing up,
  • in other words,
  • the main point is,
  • this boils down to,
  • in this case,
  • as a result,
  • for that reason,
  • conclusively.

Examples of Transition Elements

  • Introduce the next idea: as such, essentially, therefore, for instance, basically, in particular, notably, hence.
  • Referring to the previous idea: indeed, moreover, furthermore, also, according to, additionally, so.
  • Introducing a conclusion paragraph: in summary, in conclusion, thus, summing up, to conclude.
  • Showing a similarity: in like manner, equally, likewise, at the same time.
  • Showing a contrast : contrarywise, opposite to, dissimilarly, nonetheless, but, instead.
  • Giving an example: such as, perhaps, for example, to demonstrate, to suppose, to consider.
  • Showing a bridge causation: consistent with, because of, owing to, by reason of, subsequently, given that.
  • Showing time relations: subsequently, then, later, next, formerly, each time, whereas.
  • Showing space relations: directly above, flanking, under, outside, at this point, opposite, neighboring, reverse.

Summing Up on How to Write a Perfect Bridge Sentence in an Essay or a Research Paper

  • Bridge sentences help to connect two independent phrases, expressions, or arguments.
  • Writers must provide concise information to ensure the organic flow of information in an essay using connecting sentences.
  • Effective use of bridge statements allows writers to communicate effectively throughout their essays or research papers.
  • Topic sentences reveal the main message explained in a single paragraph and its relationship to a central thesis statement.
  • Transitional sentences create a smooth connection between ideas presented in one passage.
  • Concluding sentences summarize information and provide a link between two paragraphs.
  • Bridge sentences require an appropriate selection of transitioning words for writing an essay.

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Hooking Things Together With Bridges

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“In the moment of crises, the wise build bridges and the foolish build dams.” – Nigerian Proverb

Mini bridges to introduce research details.

Bridges are like the glue that connects everything in the essay together. Bridges create order and cohesion and allow phrases and ideas to transition together. Without bridges, your writing would feel stiff and awkward.  Bridges are often very short; some are just a brief phrase; some are a single word.   

In the short response, there are two types of bridges: The first is the simple bridge phrase that connects the thesis statement to the first research detail and, thereafter, research details to accompanying interpretations . Sentence starters that provide these bridge phrases are available via the pull-down curtains located in the bottom-left of each writing frame. Bridge phrases such as, “Consider the following” and “According to” allow writers to smoothly transition into their quotes, facts, and other evidence. Without them, research details land gracelessly and awkwardly onto the paper. Not pretty. 

Introducing such information without a bridge would make this information seem abruptly placed and would disrupt the flow of the essay. A basic short response with just one research detail will just have this one transitional bridge. Keep in mind that you don’t need to add a new bridge writing frame in this circumstance because, again, you access it for the research detail frame.

Including additional Bridges

Responses that feature more than one research detail or interpretation usually require another short bridge. In this case, you may want to add a new bridge writing frame using the action icon. Again, without some transition, the flow of the paper will be compromised and the new information will seem awkwardly placed.  

One option the writer has in this situation is to simply begin with a research detail sentence starter, using the pull-down described earlier. Just choose a starter that you like and then proceed with the new evidence or commentary. In this case, adding the extra bridge writing frame is not necessary.  

If, however, you wish to include a more extensive bridge, you can do so by clicking on the action icon and adding a bridge. This will cause a bridge writing frame to appear and you can write as much as you would like in the box (although we recommend that you keep your bridges to one or two sentences).  

Keep in mind that if you feel the need to add more than two or three additional bridges, then you are probably going to want to add a paragraph break or two. Again, this is easily done by adding a paragraph break available in the action icon.  What’s ironic is that your “short response” can quickly grow to 750 to 1,000 if you have a lot to say.  If you do begin a new paragraph, adding a quick bridge is a great way to start the transition.

Also, keep in mind that if you feel you are moving away from short response territory and moving into writing a more complicated paper,  want to consider creating a multiple-paragraph essay instead of a short response.

Bridge Models

These first models feature a short transitional bridge located just after the thesis statement and just before the research detail. The bridges These bridges are shown in context and are in bold underlined text. Keep in mind that these bridges do not require you to open a separate bridge writing frame because they are selected from the sentence starters that are accessed from the research detail writing frame.

Type of essay: short response / response to literature The prompt: In Denise Levertov’s poem, “Moon Tiger”, what is the moon tiger really?  Use textual evidence to justify your answer.

…In her poem, “Moon Tiger”, Denise Levertov provides the reader with some very interesting clues as to the true and literal identity of the work’s creeping tiger. Consider the following  lines from the poem : “Look. Its white stripes/ In the light that slid/Through the jalousies”. Levertov is inviting us to…

The transitional bridge, “Consider the following lines from the poem” is taken directly from the sentence starter menu located in the pulldown menu of the research detail writing frame.

Type of essay: Expository / Argument The prompt: We just read the Atlantic Monthly article, “How Two Common Medications Became One $455 Million Specialty Pill” by Marshall Allen. In a 300-500 word short essay, discuss whether you believe the Horizon Pharmaceutical Company is justified in selling the drug Vimovo at the price that they do.

…Marshall Allen’s Atlantic monthly article, “How Two Common Medications Became One $455 Million Specialty Pill” brings up two fairly balanced perspectives regarding the cost of their drug, Vimovo.  After careful consideration, however, it seems clear that there is no way to justify this company charging such exorbitant prices for this drug . According to this journalist , It seems that Horizon simply takes two very common medications, a pain reliever, and a stomach-upset medicine, and combines them into one pill, because pain relievers cause some people stomach discomfort. Not a bad idea I guess, but at what cost? “Of course I did the math”, says the Allen. “You can walk into your local drugstore and buy a month’s supply of Aleve and Nexium for about $40. For Vimovo, the pharmacy billed my insurance company $3,252.” This is a staggering markup in price.  And what’s worse is…

Type of essay: Expository / Argument / Short Response The prompt: We just read the Atlantic Monthly article, “How Two Common Medications Became One $455 Million Specialty Pill” by Marshall Allen. In a 300-500 word short essay, discuss whether you believe the Horizon Pharmaceutical Company is justified in selling the drug Vimovo at the price that they do.

…$455 Million Specialty Pill” brings up two fairly balanced perspectives regarding the cost of their drug, Vimovo. After careful consideration, however, it seems clear that there is no way to justify this company charging such exorbitant prices for this drug. According to this journalist, it seems that Horizon simply takes two very common medications, a pain reliever and a stomach-upset medicine, and combines them into one pill, because pain relievers cause some people stomach discomfort. Not a bad idea I guess, but at what cost? “Of course I did the math”, says the Allen. “You can walk into your local drugstore and buy a month’s supply of Aleve and Nexium for about $40. For Vimovo, the pharmacy billed my insurance company $3,252.” This is a staggering markup in price. And what’s worse is they seem to be getting away with it. Vimovo, according to Allen, has netted the company $455 million since 2014 and shows no signs of slowing down. They seem to be able to get away with this with a series of sales tricks and backroom deals with insurance companies that the doctors and patients prescribing and using the drugs are seldom aware of. And they don’t stop there.

Based on Allen’s research, Vimovo isn’t Horizon’s only such drug. It has brought in an additional $465 million in net sales from Duexis , a similar convenience drug that combines ibuprofen and famotidine, aka Advil and Pepcid. So, they’ve taken a successful…

This is an augmented version of model 2. Two research details are included and both are bridged into with phrases taken from the research-detail-writing-frame sentence starter menu in the respective research writing frames. Here they are both underlined and in bold. The writer chose to indent the second transitional bridge as it is a somewhat new thought.

Adding an Additional Bridge

Sometimes transitions between essay elements require a bit more context and elaboration than a sentence starter allows for.  When this is the case, it is sometimes advisable to add a new and distinct bridge. This is easily done using the action icon. The following models feature more elaborate bridges. For ease of identification, these added bridges are highlighted in darker blue .

Type of essay: expository/ argument The prompt: Based on the documents we reviewed in class today that assign blame for the Titanic tragedy to several different individuals, who, in your opinion, is most responsible for the sinking of the RMS Titanic and the deaths of over 1,500 passengers?

…Certainly, many people played a role in the tragedy, but one person seems more culpable than all the others.  Based on the documents we have reviewed, it seems clear that Captain Edward J. Smith is the individual most responsible for the sinking of the Titanic and the deaths of all of those unfortunate passengers. Robert Ballard, who is considered one the most-renowned Titanic experts confirms this in his research.   Consider the following evidence taken from Ballard’s “Exploring the Titanic”:  “In all Captain Smith received seven ice warnings the afternoon and evening of the disaster.  Of those, only 3 were posted for anyone to see.” (367) Ignoring this many ice warnings just seems like a recipe for disaster. To use a car/driver analogy, this would be like…

This bridge begins by providing some important contextual information about Robert Ballard; it is important that we know why Mr. Ballard is worthy of listening to. The bridge then transitions to the sentence starter, “Consider the following evidence…”. Together, these create a smooth transition into the research detail.

Type of essay: research/expository The prompt: Are rattlesnakes a bane or a benefit to mankind? Respond in a structured, evidence-based short constructed response that is 300-350 words in length.

… According to the Queensland Department of Environment, “The feeding habits of rattlesnakes act as a natural form of pest control. Snakes are predators and feed on a variety of creatures. Small snakes feed on many harmful bugs and insects. Larger ones eat mice, rats, and other small mammals that can destroy crops or damage personal property.” (Dept. of Environment)  It is clear that if we were to eliminate rattlesnakes from our environment to make ourselves “safe”, we would inadvertently and ironically create the opposite effect. An increase in insects and rodents would most certainly lead to such  adverse effects as bites, feces in food supplies and the diseases that accompany these conditions. So as you can see, these creatures do have some beneficial qualities Recent research by other scientists supports this idea. In fact, “New research by a team of University of Maryland biologists shows the timber rattlesnake indirectly benefits humankind by keeping Lyme disease in check.”  (Kabay) Lyme disease is a very deadly illness that can…

The first transitional bridge beginning with the phrase, “According to…”, comes directly from the research detail sentence starter menu.  The second bridge, highlighted in darker blue , sets up the next research detail. Since it is a bit longer, the writer added a bridge writing frame to the mix using the action icon. This bridge allows the next research detail and subsequent interpretation to flow smoothly within the paper. The sentence starter, “In fact”, is used here as well.

Type of Essay: response to literature The prompt: In a multiple-paragraph composition analyze and compare the recurring theme about the nature of love that can be found in William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 130” and Rodgers and Hart’s jazz classic, “My Funny Valentine”.

…What if instead of being sarcasm or even a celebration of a lover’s “perfect imperfections”, these words were literal descriptions of loved ones who are ill and at the end of their days?   As an illustration of this, take these lines from Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130: “I have seen roses damasked, red and white/But no such roses see I in her cheeks;/And in some perfumes is there more delight/Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks”.   One could easily read these words as sarcastic jesting or a loving acknowledgment of a few physical flaws. One the other hand, they can also be construed as true depictions of illness and age. The cheeks lose their color because of some sickness and the breath becomes malodorous due to internal disease. Meanwhile, the speaker can only observe helplessly as his lover slowly fades away.   Rodgers and Hart seem to be on the same page as the bard, and we see this dark possibility again in “My Funny Valentine” when the singer mournfully asks, “Is your figure less than Greek?/Is your mouth a little weak?/ When you open it to speak, are you smart?” Again, these rhetorical questions could easily be…

The first transitional bridge beginning with the phrase, “As an illustration of this…”, comes directly from the research detail sentence starter menu.  The second bridge, highlighted in darker blue , sets up the next research detail. Since it is a bit longer, the writer added a bridge writing frame to the mix using the action icon. This bridge allows the next research detail and subsequent interpretation to flow smoothly within the paper.

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a bridge in essay

The Barker Underground

Writing advice from the harvard college writing center tutors, building bridges between your paragraphs.

by Kenneth Mai

Your essay doesn’t flow. Add some transitions.

Those words – along with comments such as “Needs better transitions,” “Where’s the transition?,” or simply “TRANSITION!!!” – plague many a paper that may perhaps otherwise be brilliant.

See, it’s like this. Pretend that the many ideas you’re churning out within a paper are islands in the ocean. (That’s a metaphor! Sometimes metaphors work nicely in papers! ) Some islands are bigger than others. Some are closer to each other, whilst some may seem to be drifting off far away from all the others. Similarly, some ideas are smaller bits a cohesive whole, while others require a bit more effort to reel in. Your task is to  gather these islands into a sort of kingdom that you rule. But in order  to make sure that you have full control over everything, you need to connect the islands to each other. Now, it’s fine that each island isn’t directly connected to every other island, especially when they’re far enough away from each other to not really be related at all. But ultimately you want all the islands connected to make up a unified whole. So what do you do?

You build bridges!

In the context of writing a paper, these bridges are your transitions. You have two ideas that are related— islands that are close enough that you can build a bridge between them—but ultimately distinct. In order to help your readers across that gulf, then, you need to put in a transition.

But what exactly is a transition? Is it one of the sequential words – “first,” “second,” “finally,” etc. – that were the gold standard of midde school writing? Well…perhaps. But you have many more options now.    The kind of transition you use depends on the relationship that you’re trying to build between two ideas, and those relationships can be quite complex.  Transitions can be as short as a word or a couple of words to something as long as a sentence or even an entire paragraph. What’s important isn’t so much the shape of the transition as the underlying connection that is being made.

Here are a few useful types of transitions to keep in mind.

  • Sequential Transitions: Here, we’re not talking so much about “first, second, third.” Rather, this kind of transition points more towards the ideas that logically follow each other. Words such as “therefore” or “then,”  or phrases like “This indicates that…”, show a relationship between the ideas.  These transitions are used when one idea is the premise on which the next idea depends or when the second idea comes as a deduction from the first. Examples: Thus, Therefore, Then; It follows that, This indicates that, This implies that; From this we can see that, What this means is that…
  • Comparative Transitions : Sometimes, it’s not so much that one idea is derivative of another, but rather that they share some sort of property. This is especially useful when the relationship between the two ideas isn’t obvious. This type of transition is useful in comparative essays (for obvious reasons) but also instrumental when you are using analogies to make a point about some sort of topic (such as talking about islands to make a point about transitions!) Examples: Like, Also, Similarly; Just as, In the same vein; This idea can also be seen in…, A similar phenomenon is found in …
  • Contrastive Transitions: There are times when you’re neither describing premise-conclusion relationships nor looking at similarities, but instead focusing on contrasts: “This author says this, but that author says that.” “This appears to be the case, but in reality, it’s something else.” These transitions are useful not only in compare-and-contrast essays, but also whenever you’re trying to debunk a claim or to show another side of an issue. These words can also help you to move on to an entirely different issue. Examples: But, Though, However, Nevertheless/Nonetheless; Then again, On the other hand, At the same time; This ignores, It’s not…but rather, The difference between…and…is that…
  • Summing Up Transitions : You’ve established an idea and thrown lots of brilliant evidence our way. Now what? In order to make sure your readers won’t miss important information, it’s a good idea provide the quick and dirty version of the ideas you just laid out before introducing your big, final insight. Examples: Essentially, Basically, Ultimately; In short, In other words, That is to say; This boils down to, The main point is…

Ultimately, the goal of these tools is to bring a sense of cohesion to your paper by showing the logical progression of your thoughts; they’re signposts telling your reader which bridge to cross and what the two islands linked by that bridge have to do with each other. These signposts ought to be everywhere within your paper, moving your reader between phrases and sentences in addition to paragraphs or larger chunks. Sometimes multiple signposts are needed to guide a reader across the bridge, because of the complex relationship of those two ideas. The primary goal to keep in mind, though, is to make sure your reader has a smooth trip. That’s how you make your paper flow.

In my next post, I’ll offer some examples of transitional sentences and paragraphs.

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Some experts argue that focusing on individual actions to combat climate change takes the focus away from the collective action required to keep carbon levels from rising. Change will not be effected, say some others, unless individual actions raise the necessary awareness.

While a reader can see the connection between the sentences above, it’s not immediately clear that the second sentence is providing a counterargument to the first. In the example below, key “old information” is repeated in the second sentence to help readers quickly see the connection. This makes the sequence of ideas easier to follow.  

Sentence pair #2: Effective Transition

Some experts argue that focusing on individual actions to combat climate change takes the focus away from the collective action required to keep carbon levels from rising. Other experts argue that individual actions are key to raising the awareness necessary to effect change.

You can use this same technique to create clear transitions between paragraphs. Here’s an example:

Some experts argue that focusing on individual actions to combat climate change takes the focus away from the collective action required to keep carbon levels from rising. Other experts argue that individual actions are key to raising the awareness necessary to effect change. According to Annie Lowery, individual actions are important to making social change because when individuals take action, they can change values, which can lead to more people becoming invested in fighting climate change. She writes, “Researchers believe that these kinds of household-led trends can help avert climate catastrophe, even if government and corporate actions are far more important” (Lowery).

So, what’s an individual household supposed to do?

The repetition of the word “household” in the new paragraph helps readers see the connection between what has come before (a discussion of whether household actions matter) and what is about to come (a proposal for what types of actions households can take to combat climate change).

Sometimes, transitional words can help readers see how ideas are connected. But it’s not enough to just include a “therefore,” “moreover,” “also,” or “in addition.” You should choose these words carefully to show your readers what kind of connection you are making between your ideas.

To decide which transitional word to use, start by identifying the relationship between your ideas. For example, you might be

  • making a comparison or showing a contrast Transitional words that compare and contrast include also, in the same way, similarly, in contrast, yet, on the one hand, on the other hand. But before you signal comparison, ask these questions: Do your readers need another example of the same thing? Is there a new nuance in this next point that distinguishes it from the previous example? For those relationships between ideas, you might try this type of transition: While x may appear the same, it actually raises a new question in a slightly different way. 
  • expressing agreement or disagreement When you are making an argument, you need to signal to readers where you stand in relation to other scholars and critics. You may agree with another person’s claim, you may want to concede some part of the argument even if you don’t agree with everything, or you may disagree. Transitional words that signal agreement, concession, and disagreement include however, nevertheless, actually, still, despite, admittedly, still, on the contrary, nonetheless .
  • showing cause and effect Transitional phrases that show cause and effect include therefore, hence, consequently, thus, so. Before you choose one of these words, make sure that what you are about to illustrate is really a causal link. Novice writers tend to add therefore and hence when they aren’t sure how to transition; you should reserve these words for when they accurately signal the progression of your ideas.
  • explaining or elaborating Transitions can signal to readers that you are going to expand on a point that you have just made or explain something further. Transitional words that signal explanation or elaboration include in other words, for example, for instance, in particular, that is, to illustrate, moreover .
  • drawing conclusions You can use transitions to signal to readers that you are moving from the body of your argument to your conclusions. Before you use transitional words to signal conclusions, consider whether you can write a stronger conclusion by creating a transition that shows the relationship between your ideas rather than by flagging the paragraph simply as a conclusion. Transitional words that signal a conclusion include in conclusion , as a result, ultimately, overall— but strong conclusions do not necessarily have to include those phrases.

If you’re not sure which transitional words to use—or whether to use one at all—see if you can explain the connection between your paragraphs or sentence either out loud or in the margins of your draft.

For example, if you write a paragraph in which you summarize physician Atul Gawande’s argument about the value of incremental care, and then you move on to a paragraph that challenges those ideas, you might write down something like this next to the first paragraph: “In this paragraph I summarize Gawande’s main claim.” Then, next to the second paragraph, you might write, “In this paragraph I present a challenge to Gawande’s main claim.” Now that you have identified the relationship between those two paragraphs, you can choose the most effective transition between them. Since the second paragraph in this example challenges the ideas in the first, you might begin with something like “but,” or “however,” to signal that shift for your readers.  

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Home » Writers-House Blog » English Homework: Bridge Statements

English Homework: Bridge Statements

Writers use bridge sentences, or bridge statements, to connect ideas and to create a smooth transition between them. To make an essay easy to read, you need to connect your ideas, ensuring a smooth flow. Bridge sentences can be used instead of topic sentences at the beginning of a paragraph to explain how previous ideas relate to the new idea that you’re going to introduce in the next paragraph. Learn more about bridge statements with WritersHouse expert opinion.

How to Use Bridge Statements

A bridge statement in the introductory paragraph is especially important because it sets the context for your readers. Usually, the opening statement acts as a hook that grabs attention and makes your audience want to read more. A bridge statement follows the hook, explaining why the opening is relevant to your thesis statement. The last sentence of the introduction must contain the thesis statement, explaining what your readers should expect from the rest of the paper.

Paragraph Bridges

You can start each paragraph with a topic sentence, or you can use a bridge to create a smooth transition to the next paragraph. It is also called a transition sentence or transition idea. Usually, it focuses on the previous point and leads readers to the next point, connecting them logically. Your goal is to make a seamless transition so that your essay will look natural and be easy to read. Bridge sentences help connect different concepts so that you can make sure that your essay makes sense.

The Purpose of Bridge Sentences

Bridge sentences are similar to topic sentences because they perform the same functions in the essay structure. They help readers remember what the writer has mentioned before, connecting this information to the new facts and ideas that will come up next. Simply put, these sentences help explain how different topics relate to each other. Bridge sentences can be used in different essays. For example, expository essays are one of the most common types of writing assignments that are aimed to inform readers or to explain a certain topic based on facts. Argumentative or persuasive essays should convince the audience to agree with the author’s opinion by addressing different perspectives and refuting the opposite opinion. Quite often, writers do it in a bridge statement. When writing an expository essay, your bridge statement may simply add some new information to what you have already presented. In persuasive essays, bridge statements can address a counterargument.

Transitional Keywords

Various transitional words can help you indicate the relationship between different ideas. For example, such words as “accordingly,” “therefore,” and “consequently” illustrate a cause-effect relationship. “Similarly,” “in addition,” and “furthermore” can help you expand your idea, while “nevertheless,” “although,” and “whereas” can establish a contrast.

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Guide to Writing Introductions and Conclusions


First and last impressions are important in any part of life, especially in writing. This is why the introduction and conclusion of any paper – whether it be a simple essay or a long research paper – are essential. Introductions and conclusions are just as important as the body of your paper. The introduction is what makes the reader want to continue reading your paper. The conclusion is what makes your paper stick in the reader’s mind.


Your introductory paragraph should include:

1) Hook:  Description, illustration, narration or dialogue that pulls the reader into your paper topic. This should be interesting and specific.

2) Transition: Sentence that connects the hook with the thesis.

3) Thesis: Sentence (or two) that summarizes the overall main point of the paper. The thesis should answer the prompt question.

The examples below show are several ways to write a good introduction or opening to your paper. One example shows you how to paraphrase in your introduction. This will help you understand the idea of writing sequences using a hook, transition, and thesis statement.

» Thesis Statement Opening

This is the traditional style of opening a paper. This is a “mini-summary” of your paper.

For example:

» Opening with a Story (Anecdote)

A good way of catching your reader’s attention is by sharing a story that sets up your paper. Sharing a story gives a paper a more personal feel and helps make your reader comfortable.

This example was borrowed from Jack Gannon’s The Week the World Heard Gallaudet (1989):

Astrid Goodstein, a Gallaudet faculty member, entered the beauty salon for her regular appointment, proudly wearing her DPN button. (“I was married to that button that week!” she later confided.) When Sandy, her regular hairdresser, saw the button, he spoke and gestured, “Never! Never! Never!” Offended, Astrid turned around and headed for the door but stopped short of leaving. She decided to keep her appointment, confessing later that at that moment, her sense of principles had lost out to her vanity. Later she realized that her hairdresser had thought she was pushing for a deaf U.S. President. Hook: a specific example or story that interests the reader and introduces the topic.

Transition: connects the hook to the thesis statement

Thesis: summarizes the overall claim of the paper

» Specific Detail Opening

Giving specific details about your subject appeals to your reader’s curiosity and helps establish a visual picture of what your paper is about.

» Open with a Quotation

Another method of writing an introduction is to open with a quotation. This method makes your introduction more interactive and more appealing to your reader.

» Open with an Interesting Statistic

Statistics that grab the reader help to make an effective introduction.

» Question Openings

Possibly the easiest opening is one that presents one or more questions to be answered in the paper. This is effective because questions are usually what the reader has in mind when he or she sees your topic.

Source : *Writing an Introduction for a More Formal Essay. (2012). Retrieved April 25, 2012, from


The conclusion to any paper is the final impression that can be made. It is the last opportunity to get your point across to the reader and leave the reader feeling as if they learned something. Leaving a paper “dangling” without a proper conclusion can seriously devalue what was said in the body itself. Here are a few effective ways to conclude or close your paper. » Summary Closing Many times conclusions are simple re-statements of the thesis. Many times these conclusions are much like their introductions (see Thesis Statement Opening).

» Close with a Logical Conclusion

This is a good closing for argumentative or opinion papers that present two or more sides of an issue. The conclusion drawn as a result of the research is presented here in the final paragraphs.

» Real or Rhetorical Question Closings

This method of concluding a paper is one step short of giving a logical conclusion. Rather than handing the conclusion over, you can leave the reader with a question that causes him or her to draw his own conclusions.

» Close with a Speculation or Opinion This is a good style for instances when the writer was unable to come up with an answer or a clear decision about whatever it was he or she was researching. For example:

» Close with a Recommendation

A good conclusion is when the writer suggests that the reader do something in the way of support for a cause or a plea for them to take action.


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Bridges: Most Important Things in Structure

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Words: 585 |

Published: Mar 1, 2019

Words: 585 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Works Cited

  • Bridge Structure. (2019, June 13). Federal Highway Administration, US Department of Transportation.
  • Bridge Types: Tied Arch Bridges. (n.d.). National Steel Bridge Alliance.
  • Engineering Bridges. (n.d.). Science Reference Services, Library of Congress.
  • How Are Bridges Built? (2017, July 26). Live Science.
  • How Do Engineers Design Bridges? (2019, November 5). Forbes.
  • Introduction to Bridge Engineering. (2018, April 2). The Constructor.
  • Materials Used in Bridges. (2013, December 14). What-When-How.
  • The 10 Most Amazing Bridges in the World. (2016, October 14).
  • Types of Bridges Based on Span, Materials, Structures, Functions, Utility, and Position. (2011, February 4). Brighthub Engineering.
  • Woodford, C. (2022, January 17). Bridge Engineering. Explain that Stuff!.

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Padma Bridge Composition | Padma Bridge Essay

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Padma Bridge Essay

Introduction:  The Padma Bridge is a multi-purpose road-rail bridge situated over the Padma River in Bangladesh. It holds the distinction of being the longest bridge in the country as well as the deepest-piled bridge globally. Its primary purpose is to connect the Munshiganj district with Shariatpur and Madaripur, linking the capital with the southwestern and northeastern regions of Bangladesh. The project encompasses a 6.15 km long and 21.10 m wide bridge, along with a 15.1 km approach road, toll plazas, and service areas. The completion of this bridge is expected to have a significant impact on the economic progress and industrial development of Bangladesh, which is a developing nation with a population of approximately 180 million. It is projected that the Padma Multi-purpose Bridge will contribute to a 1.2 percent increase in the country’s GDP.

The bridge is designed with a double-decker structure, featuring a four-lane road on the upper deck and a rail track below. Additionally, it accommodates gas pipes, electrical lines, and fiber optic cables.

History:   In 1971, before the independence of Bangladesh, the first plan to build a bridge over the Padma River was taken up. A group of Japanese survey experts prepared a feasibility report for the construction of the Dhaka-Faridpur road. As part of the construction of the road, they suggested the construction of a bridge over the Padma River. But the work did not progress due to the partition of the country. After Bangladesh became independent, President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman announced the construction of a bridge across the River Padma, but due to his death, the work did not start.

In 1998, the Bangladesh government initiated a Tk 3,643.50 crore project to build a 5 km long and 18.10 m wide bridge over the Padma River on the Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga-Khulna highway to directly connect the southern and southwestern regions of the country with the capital Dhaka. Later in 1999, a pre-feasibility study was conducted for the bridge project. On July 4, 2001, the foundation stone of the Padma Bridge was laid at the Mawa-Jazira end. In 2004, Nippon Koei, a consultant appointed by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), after conducting a detailed survey for the construction of the Padma Bridge, recommended the construction of the bridge at the previously designated Mawa-Jazira Point.

Subsequently, in the 2006-2007 annual development program, the plan to construct the Padma multi-purpose bridge was adopted. After the feasibility study, on August 20, 2007, the then-caretaker government approved the Padma Bridge project at a cost of Tk 10,161 crore. At that time the target was set to complete the construction of the bridge by 2015.

Before the 2008 general elections, the Bangladesh Awami League announced a commitment to build the Padma Bridge in its election manifesto. After winning the elections, the Awami League government hired a consultancy firm in 2009 to draw up the design and began the process of land acquisition. The World Bank, Asian Development Bank, JICA, and Islamic Development Bank have pledged to finance the bridge’s construction. Bangladesh signed a loan agreement with the World Bank on April 28, 2009.

The caretaker government passed the Padma Bridge project in 2007 for Rs 10,161 crore. But the Awami League government that came to power added a rail track to it and repeatedly revised the project plan, nearly tripling the estimated cost. Bangladesh signed loan agreements with several financial institutions including the World Bank for the construction of the bridge. But the World Bank accused the project of corruption. Hence, first, the World Bank and later the Asian Development Bank, JICA, and the Islamic Development Bank suspended the financing of the project.

On July 8, 2012, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina presented the Padma Bridge construction plan to Parliament with Bangladesh’s own funding. On June 17, 2014, the  Bangladesh Bridge Authority  signed an agreement with  China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group  for the construction of the Padma Multipurpose Bridge, and the Prime Minister inaugurated the construction work on December 12, 2015.

Role of Padma Bridge in Economy:  The Padma Multipurpose Bridge has created a direct link between the center of Bangladesh and its southwestern region. So it can be said with certainty that this bridge will contribute significantly to the social, economic, and industrial development of the remote and underdeveloped regions of the country. The bridge will directly benefit over 3 crore people living in an area of about 44,000 sq km or 29% of the total area of Bangladesh. That is why the Padma Bridge is considered a very important infrastructure for the country’s communication, transportation, and regional economic development. The bridge is expected to increase Bangladesh’s GDP by up to 1.2 percent.

Conclusion:  Padma Bridge is the longest bridge in Bangladesh and the largest construction in its history. The fast-flowing and erosion-prone Padma River, which had divided the country into two parts for the past half a century, ended this bridge and greatly facilitated the movement of people and goods. A big dream of the Bengali nation has come true through the construction of the Padma Bridge. In the coming days, this bridge will continue to accelerate the economic progress of Bangladesh and play a groundbreaking role in industrial development.

The Padma Bridge: Connecting Bangladesh for a Better Future

Introduction: The Padma Bridge is an extraordinary construction project taking place in Bangladesh. It aims to connect two significant areas, Mawa and Janjira, by spanning across the Padma River. Let’s explore this remarkable project and understand how it will shape the future of Bangladesh.

Bridging Communities: The Padma Bridge will serve as a vital link, connecting communities from Mawa to Janjira. This means people will be able to travel more easily and quickly between these areas, fostering closer relationships and facilitating the exchange of goods and ideas.

Convenient Transportation: To accommodate different modes of travel, the bridge will feature separate lanes for cars and trains. This will make commuting more efficient and comfortable for both road users and railway passengers, offering greater convenience in transportation.

Government’s Investment: The construction of the Padma Bridge is a testament to the government’s commitment to infrastructure development. The government of Bangladesh is investing significant resources in this project, recognizing its importance for the country’s progress and prosperity.

Engineering Expertise: The renowned China Major Bridge Engineering Corporation has been entrusted with the task of building the Padma Bridge. Their expertise and experience ensure that the bridge will be constructed to the highest quality and safety standards.

Boosting Regional Connectivity: The completion of the Padma Bridge will significantly enhance connectivity in Bangladesh. It will open up new opportunities for trade, tourism, and cultural exchange between different regions, promoting unity and fostering economic growth.

Economic Impact: The bridge’s construction and subsequent operation will create employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth. Businesses will flourish as transportation becomes more accessible, leading to increased productivity and a stronger economy.

Improved Accessibility to Services: The Padma Bridge will improve access to essential services such as healthcare and education. People living in remote areas will have better reach to hospitals and educational institutions, ensuring that vital services are available to all.

Symbol of Progress: The Padma Bridge represents a symbol of progress for Bangladesh. It showcases the nation’s determination to develop its infrastructure and improve the lives of its citizens. The bridge stands as a testament to the country’s growth and aspirations for a brighter future.

Conclusion: The Padma Bridge is an ambitious project that will connect communities, enhance transportation, and drive economic growth in Bangladesh. It signifies the nation’s commitment to progress and prosperity. As students, we can look forward to a future where the Padma Bridge will enable us to explore new opportunities, connect with diverse communities, and contribute to the development of our beloved country.

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The Impact of Ruby Bridges’ Siblings on her Historic Journey

This essay is about the significant influence Ruby Bridges’ siblings had on her during her historic act of desegregating an all-white elementary school. It highlights how her family’s strong bond provided emotional support and protection amidst the hostility and threats Ruby faced. Her older siblings shielded her from the worst of the backlash and helped maintain a sense of normalcy. They also exemplified the values of perseverance and the importance of education, which inspired Ruby and reinforced her resilience. The essay underscores that Ruby’s bravery was deeply supported by her family’s unity and strength, making her story not just one of individual courage but also of collective familial support.

How it works

Ruby Bridges, a name emblematic of valor and the struggle for civil liberties, possesses a narrative that resonates profoundly within the chronicles of American history. Her odyssey as the inaugural African American progeny to integrate an all-caucasian primary institution in the Southern United States is meticulously documented. Nevertheless, the contribution of her siblings in sculpting her odyssey and bolstering her amidst this tumultuous epoch often languishes in obscurity. The family dynamic of Ruby, conspicuously her affiliations with her siblings, played a pivotal role in her adeptness to navigate and persevere through the adversities she encountered.

Ruby was birthed into a kinship of eight progeny. Her siblings served as her primal comrades, confidantes, and allies. Nurtured within the confines of a close-knit familial unit, Ruby gleaned a sentiment of solace and kinship that proved quintessential for her psychological welfare. This robust familial bond attained salience in light of the antagonistic milieu she confronted incessantly at William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans.

The solidarity and succor Ruby derived from her siblings were instrumental in assuaging the mental anguish resultant from her precocious thrust into the national limelight. While Ruby traversed past belligerent throngs of demonstrators and confronted the diurnal deluge of invective and menace, her siblings furnished a semblance of routine and emotional bolstering within the homestead. They partook in the collective struggle of the family, and their presence served as a perpetual affirmation that Ruby wasn’t solitary in her crusade for egalitarianism.

Ruby’s elder siblings, in particular, assumed a protective mantle. They acted as a bulwark shielding her from the full onslaught of adverse media scrutiny and communal backlash. This safeguarding wasn’t solely corporeal but also emotional. They engaged in quotidian activities, thereby affording Ruby a semblance of a conventional infancy. This equilibrium between extraordinary circumstances and quotidian familial interactions proved pivotal in buttressing Ruby’s mental fortitude and resilience.

The sway of Ruby’s siblings transcended the domestic milieu. Their steadfast support served as a fount of motivation for Ruby and reinforced the tenets of perseverance and valor. These principles weren’t merely espoused but incarnated within the Bridges’ domicile. Ruby’s siblings also bore the onus of the family’s fiscal tribulations and societal alienation, engendered as a direct corollary of Ruby’s seminal act of integration. This shared onus bolstered their camaraderie and deepened their allegiance to each other and their communal destiny.

Moreover, Ruby’s siblings constituted exemplars who epitomized the import of erudition and self-betterment. They evinced to Ruby that notwithstanding the racial hurdles they confronted, triumph was attainable through assiduity and resolve. This familial ethos of resilience and aspiration unquestionably influenced Ruby’s own approach to the vicissitudes she encountered.

The ramifications of Ruby Bridges’ siblings on her life narrative attest to the potency of familial bolstering and solidarity amidst adversity. While Ruby’s valor and the import of her endeavors cannot be overstated, it’s equally paramount to acknowledge the role her siblings enacted in her expedition. Their collective resolve and unwavering backing furnished Ruby with the underpinning requisite to endure and etch history.

In summation, Ruby Bridges’ saga isn’t solely about the valor of a solitary progeny; it’s equally about the fortitude and succor of a family united in the face of tribulation. Ruby’s siblings served as her moorings, furnishing emotional bolstering, safeguarding, and a semblance of normalcy during an era fraught with extraordinary challenges. Their sway and succor proved instrumental in guiding Ruby through the trials of integration and emerging as an emblem of resilience and optimism in the battle for civil liberties. Their contribution to Ruby’s seminal odyssey is a potent reminder of the significance of kinship and the profound impact it can wield on an individual’s capacity to surmount adversity.


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The Impact of Ruby Bridges' Siblings on Her Historic Journey. (2024, Jun 01). Retrieved from

"The Impact of Ruby Bridges' Siblings on Her Historic Journey." , 1 Jun 2024, (2024). The Impact of Ruby Bridges' Siblings on Her Historic Journey . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 5 Jun. 2024]

"The Impact of Ruby Bridges' Siblings on Her Historic Journey.", Jun 01, 2024. Accessed June 5, 2024.

"The Impact of Ruby Bridges' Siblings on Her Historic Journey," , 01-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jun-2024] (2024). The Impact of Ruby Bridges' Siblings on Her Historic Journey . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 5-Jun-2024]

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Joseph Thomas — not the author but the novel’s similarly-named protagonist — is many things: an Iraq Army veteran; a single father; an emergency room technician at a North Philadelphia hospital; an Ivy-league student of medicine; and a Black man trying to find his place in a country that often judges him unfairly. Struggling to maintain balance between the incessant obligations of work, school and fatherhood, his everyday encounters are a continuous reminder of the difficulties he has faced while trying to build a life for himself. Joseph’s travails, told in a forceful stream of consciousness, expose the daily rhythms, obstacles and joys of one man’s life. (Grand Central, June 18)

‘Hombrecito,’ by Santiago Jose Sanchez

Sanchez’s powerful first novel follows a young boy from Colombia to the United States and back again as he struggles with abandonment issues, acclimating to a new homeland and grappling with his own queer sexual awakening. With a “father-shaped hole” in his heart, he pushes away from his single mother in a raucous attempt to define his own life. But accompanying her back to Colombia as an adult allows him to reconsider the childhood images he had of his parents — and perhaps find grace and acceptance. (Riverhead, June 25)

‘Husbands and Lovers,’ by Beatriz Williams

Single mother Mallory Dunne has just sent her 10-year-old son, Sam, off to summer camp when she gets an alarming call — her son has consumed a poisonous death cap mushroom. With Sam needing a new kidney that she can’t provide, Mallory’s only options are to contact Sam’s father, whom she hasn’t seen in more than a decade, or to locate her mother’s recently discovered birth family. In another timeline, Hannah Ainsworth, a traumatized World War II survivor married to a British diplomat in 1950s Egypt, finds comfort in the arms of the manager of one of the grandest hotels in Cairo, reawakening a part of her she thought was lost. The experiences of these women as mothers in two different times and places link them together in surprising ways. (Ballantine, June 25)

Correction: An earlier version of this story misspelled Denis Leary’s first name. The article has been corrected.

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2024 Mental Health Essay Contest Awardee: Honorable Mention

Hope to Bridge the Gap

Minsung, georgia.

Minsung, 2024 NIH Mental Health Essay Contest awardee

Mental health affects people in our society in every unique context. Starting from someone who struggles on their school tests, there could be someone experiencing a traumatic event that lasts for a long time. My unique context as an immigrant child has been a significant factor in shaping my mental health journey.

What made me anxious the most was realizing that I was the one leading my family in this unknown world, as my parents were not used to English. At the age of thirteen, I had to call the insurance company for our healthcare to translate it for my parents and order all the menus for my family at a restaurant. The fact that I could not rely on my parents for things truly made me scared and depressed. The anxiety stemming from immigrant parents' ignorance of American society was a big challenge in my old days that often conflicted with my school life as well. Whenever I got in a class, I felt the isolation that my peers gave me, as well as bullying and teasing about my broken English accents. After school every day, I trudged home, shoulders heavy with the weight of cultural and linguistic barriers I faced.

With countless obstacles, the most challenging time of my life was during the COVID-19 pandemic. As an Asian American, I was always used to the vulnerability that I had to face whenever I stepped outside my house. Sharp attention and eyes were always attacking me with full of anger just because of my skin color. This amplified my anxiety and depression from my linguistic barrier and made me often think about what is the point of living in this harsh environment.

However, even with all these hardships, one activity rescued me from staying in my dark room all day: Volunteering. Whenever anxious and sad, I headed to my local church, where I teach Korean to little kids and foreign people who want to learn it. From this valuable experience, my cultural stigma was broken into pieces, as I started to recognize that even though I was not fluent in this language, many other people were not fluent in my proud language. This barrier was not natural, but one I created in my mind. This truly impacted my perspective and gave me the confidence I needed to overcome the mental health stigma. Not only this, but volunteering for other people sincerely gave me a lot of support, especially through the empathy I felt while doing a good deed.

Something big that I realized from my experience was that it wasn’t only myself who was experiencing this mental health stigma and illness around me. Many of my classmates from school, friends from churches, and many non-relatives from my community are experiencing the same problem. To evoke empathy and spread awareness of this issue, I created a non-profit, “Equity Minds,” that aims for equitable mental health care for minorities through activism, advocacy, and diverse campaigns. My Equity Minds consist of virtual campaigns through viral usage of social media apps such as Instagram, Facebook, and especially TikTok for the younger generations. These campaigns motivate us to achieve the goal of “finding a shelter of mental health tips” through activity workshops such as meditation and yoga, guest speakers like professional counselors, and free letter writing to relieve our stress and anxiety.

Other than a campaign, my additional motivation with Equity Minds would be coordinating volunteering for the underrepresented communities suffering from mental health issues. From a minority’s perspective of myself, even with all the challenges, there was always ‘my family’ who supported me, listened to me, and felt empathy with me. Someone being there next to you and helping you truly relaxes you and is a significant method to treat mental illness. From my volunteering experience, I learned that doing a good deed for others will return to you in a greater deed for others. I truthfully believe that volunteering for mental health care inequalities will evoke empathy and could raise awareness of mental health in our community.

What we value the most in our lives is our health. Health includes many aspects, but mental health is a growing challenge for everyone, whether you are rich or poor, American or Korean, or a company CEO or a restaurant employee. We all experience this matter. Through collective efforts, I aim to contribute to our community where mental health care is accessible, equitable, and destigmatized for everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. Just like what Mahatma Gandhi told the world, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world,” my sincere passion for advocating mental health awareness will be my unique ‘change.’ I believe that my small activities and desire for changes could eventually benefit the community and become a small force to move the world.

My essay explores my perspective on how mental health impacts individuals within diverse societal contexts. As an immigrant child, I share my journey, delving into the challenges of leading a family in an unfamiliar culture, facing linguistic and cultural barriers, and combating anxiety and depression. The narrative reveals my experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the additional vulnerability faced as an Asian American. This essay takes a positive turn as I discover solace and purpose through volunteering, breaking cultural stigmas, and gaining confidence. The creation of my non-profit, "Equity Minds," becomes a powerful tool for advocacy, fostering empathy and awareness through virtual campaigns and community engagement. This essay concludes with a passionate call for accessible, equitable, and destigmatized mental health care, emphasizing my goal to be the change they wish to see in the world.

NIH recognizes these talented essay winners for their thoughtfulness and creativity in addressing youth mental health. These essays are written in the students' own words, are unedited, and do not necessarily represent the views of NIH, HHS, or the federal government.

Page published May 31, 2024

May 2024: NIH Announces Winners of High School Mental Health Essay Contest

Dec. 2023: High School Students Invited to Reflect on Mental Health Stigma in National Essay Contest

National Institute of Mental Health

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

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