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Why I Love To Dance (Essay Sample)


Dancing is the best medium to express yourself. It is deeply personal and it’s an expression of something within ourselves that is only shared through actions. Dancing is like taking a holistic approach towards life-long mental and emotional health. I love dancing because it’s more than just moving your body for fun and joy. It’s a way to relieve stress, break free, and enjoy life. Speaking about life lessons, mastering any style of dance takes hard work, determination, patience, and consistency to become better. In this essay, I will discuss why I love to dance and why everyone else should also dance.

Table of Contents

Why Do You Dance Essay – 700 Word Long Essay

Dancing holds a special place in my life. There’s just something about grooving to the beat that takes all my worries to go away in a jiffy. There’s just something magical about dancing that takes me out of this world and I don’t know what it is. I don’t know if it’s the rhythm, the beat, the flighted body motions whatever it is I just love to dance. Whether onbeat or offbeat everyone loves to dance no matter their age, origin of birth, body size, or status. In this essay, we will discuss why we all love to Dance.

Since I was a little girl, I have always loved dancing because it fills my heart with joy. Dancing is a unique art that only requires passion. Dancing is my life and has changed my life in numerous ways. For me, it’s one of the amazing ways of exercising. One of the most obvious reasons why I dance is that it keeps me fit. Dancing like a pro in any style including breakdance, hip hop, ballet, jazz, etc is very hard to master. To become a better dancer people spend years on the dance floor and practice every day. To become an amazing dancer, a dance teacher has to teach this art to you for years. Dancing with fellow dancers is just a part of becoming good at this art. Generally, dance is just a freestyle movement of the body, but if you want to look good while dancing then it requires a lot of dance classes.


Dancing like a pro is harder than many people think. It leaves you sweating and tired but in the end, you feel great and refreshed. Dance also teaches us not to give up. It’s about practicing every day until you learn the right moves. Dancing is about hope, hope enables one to perfect his moves and perform better next time. I love dancing for several reasons; dancing makes me feel free, it helps me express myself, it also makes me forget my problems. On top of all these benefits, dancing improves our mental and emotional health . I sometimes join dance parties to have fun and enjoy the moment.

Dance promotes a healthy lifestyle and has many health benefits. Healthwise, dance helps in body sculpting, relieving stress, and increasing stamina. It also improves memory , mental and emotional health and improves the cardiovascular system.  Whenever I feel stressed or angry I dance away the pain to make me feel better. Speaking of benefits in social life, dancing makes me forget about my bad day at college. Through dancing, I have met some amazing friends in my social life. The best part of being a dancer is you will always meet people and share your experience. These are some of the reasons I love dancing and never want to stop dancing any time soon.

I dance because there is nothing that can engage me physically, emotionally, and socially like dancing. It’s a journey of growth that helps you understand the world from a different perspective. Dancing is the best way to spend my free time. Compared to other leisure activities, dancing helps me achieve more; it gives me hope, freedom, confidence and shapes me into a better person in many ways. I would not be who I am today without my passion for dancing.

In conclusion , dance may not be your thing or you might think that you are a bad dancer but even then you should just give it a try. You might not dance like Michael Jackson but it sure can help you get better emotionally, mentally, and healthwise. 

Why I Love Ballet Essay – 300 Word Short Essay on Why I  Love to Dance


There is no doubt that ballet dance is one of the most graceful and technical forms of dance. The good thing about this dance is that it’s universally known and also fit for all ages. I like all styles of dance but I just love ballet dance a lot more. This style is very hard to master because all the little things like footwork, balance, turns, timing, and flexibility all play their part in the outcome. In this essay, I will discuss why I love ballet dancing more than any other dance style.

People watching ballet dance in their spare time also start to recognize the dancer as a celebrity. Ballet dancing is just delightful to watch. Dance classes for this style of dance are very strict and difficult. When it comes to style, this type of dance makes the dancer go past his own expectations. However, you have to work hard to feel good about your moves when it comes to ballet dancing.

While I was learning ballet and mastering the technique to use my feet to skip, I just felt great. I felt like strengthening the coordination between my body and mind. Since I started dancing many years ago, I have found ballet as a medium of self-expression. I love dance because dance makes me cope with changing circumstances. I also gained a lot of self-confidence and made many friends, overall it has improved me as a person.

Ballet is equally beneficial for adults and kids. For kids, ballet is an after-school activity and it doesn’t only make them a ballerina. It helps them focus on balance, poise, coordination, and strength. It also helps them build amazing focus and a strong core. The physical benefits of ballet dance are so much that even football players do it to maintain fitness. Research has proved that doing ballet and mastering these skills increases neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity enhances comprehension, memory, and learning in people of all ages.

In conclusion , ballet dance just like other styles of dance is a way to express yourself. No matter what style of dance you like you just need to get out there and flap your wings in the air. If you ask me, I would recommend ballet 9 times out of 10. 

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FAQ About Why I Love to Dance Essay

How to write a dancing essay for college.

To write about any dancing essay for college you should start by choosing your favorite dancing style. Just describe what it feels like and why you like that style in body and conclusion.

What Makes A Good Dance?

Becoming a good dancer is not easy. You need hard work, determination, and most importantly you have to be consistent about it.

https://www.nia.nih.gov/news/moderate-physical-activity-linked-increases-metabolism-across-brain-regions https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMoa022252 https://neuro.hms.harvard.edu/harvard-mahoney-neuroscience-institute/brain-newsletter/and-brain/dancing-and-brain https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/neuroplasticity

why do i love dance essay

Essay on Dance

500 words essay on dance.

Dancer refers to a series of set of movement to music which we can either do alone or with a partner. Dancing helps us express our feelings and get active as well. If we look back at history, dance has been a part of our human history since the earliest records. Thus, an essay on dance will take us through it in detail.

essay on dance

My Hobby My Passion

Dance is my favourite hobby and I enjoy dancing a lot. I started dancing when I was five years old and when I got older; my parents enrolled me in dance classes to pursue this passion.

I cannot go a day without dance, that’s how much I love dancing. I tried many dance forms but discovered that I am most comfortable in Indian classical dance. Thus, I am learning Kathak from my dance teacher.

I aspire to become a renowned Kathak dancer so that I can represent this classical dance internationally. Dancing makes me feel happy and relaxed, thus I love to dance. I always participate in dance competitions at my school and have even won a few.

Dance became my passion from an early age. Listening to the beats of a dance number, I started to tap my feet and my parents recognized my talent for dance. Even when I am sad, I put on music to dance to vent out my feelings.

Thus, dance has been very therapeutic for me as well. In other words, it is not only an escape from the world but also a therapy for me.

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Hidden Language of the Soul

Dance is also called the hidden language of the soul as we use it to express ourselves when words fall short. The joy which comes with dancing helps us get over our sorrow and adversity sometimes.

Moreover, it is simply a translator for our hearts. What is most important to remember is that dance is not supposed to be perfect. There is no right way of dancing, as long as your heart is happy, you can dance.

When we talk about dance, usually a professional dancer comes to our mind. But, this is where we go wrong. Dance is for anybody and everybody from a ballet dancer to the uncle dancing at a wedding .

It is what unites us and helps us come together to celebrate joy and express our feelings. Therefore, we must all dance without worrying if we are doing it right or not. It is essential to understand that when you let go of yourself in dance, you truly enjoy it only then.

Conclusion of the Essay on Dance

All in all, dance is something which anyone can do. There is no right way or wrong way to dance, there is just a dance. The only hard part is taking the first step, after that, everything becomes easier. So, we must always dance our heart out and let our body move to the rhythm of music freely.

FAQ of Essay on Dance

Question 1: Why is Dance important?

Answer 1: Dance teaches us the significance of movement and fitness in a variety of ways through a selection of disciplines. It helps us learn to coordinate muscles to move through proper positions. Moreover, it is a great activity to pursue at almost any age.

Question 2: What is dancing for you?

Answer 2: Dancing can enhance our muscle tone, strength, endurance and fitness. In addition, it is also a great way to meet new friends. Most importantly, it brings happiness to us and helps us relax and take a break from the monotony of life.

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February 16, 2015

The Reasons Why We Dance



As a choreographer and writer (though I confess I am far more comfortable to claim the former than the latter), I get asked to share my opinion about a myriad of dance related topics from the practical: “How can dance help you get in shape?” “What is the best way to practice my footwork?” “What are the three most important partnering techniques I should learn?”

To the existential: “Is my dancing a projection of my self-image?” “How can dancing improve relationships?” “Can dancing help you overcome fear?”

All good questions with good answers to be certain, but today I want to answer, or at least try to answer, the question I get asked most often. The question I think matters most…



That’s it. Simply, why? What is it about moving our bodies to a song we love that is so joyfully Pavlovian? Why do we watch videos, obsess over our reflection in the kitchen window, and yes, take lessons to perfect something that could easily be labeled as trivial? Why do we put ourselves through the physical fatigue and the occasional social awkwardness just to call ourselves dancers ? Why do we love it so?

There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness . We dance for mental clarity. We dance for emotional stability, and other such pluses.

However, all these benefits could be attained by others means, though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great cha cha to lift both one’s heart-rate and spirits. Still, we do not need to dance to acquire a sound mind and body. So, there must be more reasons why we do so. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just intangible; it must be almost imperceptible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse with the percussion of a samba rhythm. So why do we dance?

Perhaps dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient. The joy we feel over new found love, the determination we have in the face of great sorrow or adversity, the passionate fire of our youth and the peacefulness of our softer and more graceful years – maybe they are never expressed more fully than through a waltz, or a tango, or a jive. We all want to be understood, and if we could truly speak the words that describe our feelings, how deep and powerful they would surely be. But alas, those words never seem to come to us just right.


Perhaps dance is the medium through which we show the world who we truly are and who we can be. All of us, if we are honest, believe deep down that we are not ordinary. We know ourselves to be wonderfully unique, with many layers of personality and talent woven in such a way that no one on earth could possibly have our same make-up. We know it. We just do not always know how to prove it.



And perhaps dance is how we choose to remember, how we hold on to the past. It is how we relive the fun-filled days of our youth or the time we looked in their eyes and knew they were the one. It is our tribute to the heroes of yesterday who jitterbugged like carefree boys and girls, when tomorrow they would march as men and women to defend freedom’s cause. It is the chance to be a princess again, waiting for an out-stretched hand and the call to a romance that is graceful, true, and not as forgotten as the cynics say.  When we dance, we can remember them all a little better, feel the butterflies once again, and if only for a moment, return to the purest part of our lives when time was of no matter…for we were dancing.

Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it should be. Perhaps the better question is, “Why would we not?”

David Thomas Moore is the Artistic Director and Resident Choreographer for Dance With Me USA. He is the also co-writer/choreographer for the stage show,  Sway: A Dance Trilogy.


The best part is… literally anyone can do it. With the right teachers, it’s fun and easy to do. Literally the hardest part is taking that first step… to pick up the phone, to schedule a lesson, to walk inside a dance studio. Once you take those first steps, the steps on the ballroom are as easy as a breath of fresh air.


Share this article with a friend who you think could benefit from learning to dance! 

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BY: Raphael Abel

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The reason why I love to dance is I’m in the middle of the biggest fight of my life. I have stage 4 bone cancer. Dancing is my escape from everything. It inspires me to keep fighting. I hurt slot, cry, but I can still move. My emotions show, I dance cause it keeps the fire in my life.

I dance to just about any type of music after waking up at 5 am, knowing I have a stressful 12 – 14 hour shift ahead of me, working as a RN. I tune to my favorite radio station in my bathroom and dance away while getting ready. This is what gives me energy, happiness, positiveness, good thoughts and a bit of an “adrenalin infusion”. My whole life, I had to have my music and dance. I lived without a TV, smartphone, computer for many years very, very happily!!!

The show DWTS inspired me to start dancing. I had just come through a bad break up and learning how to dance helped me re-gain confidence in myself. I am a 2nd grade teacher so it is also a great outlet and stress reliever. Within the first 3 months, dancing helped me lose 15 pounds!! Having a musical background also helps and I have learned not to just count the beats but to feel them. It has definitely helped my keyboard playing as u play in a worship band at my church. I have been ballroom dancing for 4 years now. I’ve done 3 showcases and 1 competition. My 2nd competition will be on 2/28/15, and I can’t wait!! I have so enjoyed the journey and encourage anyone else to try it. You will never regret it!! – Joy Rogers, NC

I dance because it makes me feel beautiful. I am a plus size tomboy and feel most beautiful when waltzing. I feel most feminine when doing the rhumba.

Dancing makes me happy!

I dance for the reasons mentioned but also because dancing gives me joy, confidence, strength, and a way to express the beauty of life.

well.. I dance to save myself. I took lessons for about 7 years and then stopped for 3. One day I knew that I needed to dance again.. to find myself again. Being over 50 is hard on a woman… I wanted to get my self confidence back. So I showed up one day for my first private lesson in a long long time and when asked I said I just need to dance again. During that first year.. I laughed, I cried, I was afraid and I messed up a lot… but one day.. one day I started to feel like a dancer. I felt more confident, I was certainly more fit (I lost 50 lbs) and I almost felt beautiful and sexy again. The longer I dance the more I will tell people dancing saved my life. It was a lifeline to feeling alive again.

i dance because I must! Dancing is my life preserver! To dance is to alive and happy, I am most happy when I am dancing. I love dancing in all its forms, but my heart has belonged to Ballroom since I was eleven years old watching the Arthur Murray Dance Party on Sunday afternoons in Chicago. I got a chance to go to the Studio for a live show and fell in love with the beautiful Waltzes and Foxtrots. I’ve wanted to dance ever since and was only able to begin taking lessons sixty (60) years later. I feel thirty years younger and I dance every chance I get!

I love to dance to keep myself in shape, for social life and for romance. Dance is a language, we tell in our movements, it is sensual, sexy and mental therapy! It keeps you young and keeps your aging bones moving so you do not need hip and knee replacements! Most of all, the energy on the dance floor is happy and addictive!

when I dance I feel like flying, free, nothing else exist in the world

If you had asked me this question 2 weeks ago I’d have said I dance to challenge myself. But after 3 lessons my outlook on dancining is so much more! Yes I am challenging myself and learning something new, but I am also learning so much about myself in the process. I’m doing things I never thought I could do, and really coming out of my shell mentally and socially. I was shocked at the amount of sheer joy I’ve found in dance after 3 lessons. It’s absolutely amazing!

I love to dance because it helps me to get great exercise relieve stress be more confident and just have fun fun fun

I forced myself to take dance lessons. Looking back, I had no rhythm, couldn’t always hear the beat, was way too self-conscious. I persevered and the moves and rhythms are in my blood now. I’m still very shy about performing in front of people. I will continue this journey for the good of mind, health and emotions. The greatest stress relief is dance.

It seems that all my favorite people are pondering the same question these days. While this isn’t ballroom, it is my other favorite form of dance – https://vimeo.com/119494981

I never knew I had the ability to dance. I was also an awkward child growing up so it was never something I gave much thought to. As I got older and grew more interested in the arts, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to capture a piece of the talent of the people that make me so very happy with their passion and talent for their art in dance. It is these people that alleviated the unfortunate anxiety I suffer every day. My curiosity eventually led me to acting on the journey of trying to become closer to this beautiful art. I had no idea of my ability or what more it could give to me. I joined Dance with me Soho in June 2014 and can safely I dance to become a better me. This beautiful hobby has given me the gift of serenity and 45 minutes of peace per lesson. I’m so grateful for the teachers and people I’ve met along the way.

I dance because after year’s of hating myself and thinking that I cant do anything good I remembered that one time I was happy it was when I was dancing and it was an amazing feeling because I loved what I did and I felt free and happy and I knew that I am good….so I started to dance again and you know what it still have the same effect ?

I loved David Moore’s essay on “Why Do We Dance?” His words made me ask myself the same thing. I know why I danced as a child and a teen. Out of pure unrestrained, unedited joy. I danced to stretch my spirit, to discover who I was and yes, to entertain. I have never feared an audience. If anything, a sea of strangers opens my heart easier than being face to face with a couple of strangers. Dancing for an audience, I felt completely in my skin and free to be my best self whether soaring in a musical or dancing the simplest solo. But life got in the way, I guess. A career. Obligations. Schedules. Years went by and other than the occasional wedding or reunion, my dancer stayed in the corner. Waiting. For decades. And though I found other ways to express myself, I don’t think I ever felt that true union of body, mind, spirit and that intangible emotional release of dancing. Until now. I signed onto Dance with Me Soho with a mission. I had been invited into a charity version of Dancing with the Stars and I said yes before even considering the idea that my old ballet, tap and Philly fast dancing didn’t mean I could ballroom dance. But the chance to dance again? I had to take the risk. I knew it in my soul. With just four months to go from zero to my dream of a mirror ball, I have devoted myself to learning like never before. I am in love with the studio, my wonderful partner Kosta, teachers Andrei and Taylor but really every one of the instructors, reception team and coaches who have come into my life. I step into the studio and it is magic. On one level, I dance because of the children I am raising money for in “Dancing for our Future Stars.” That goal takes me past every little ache or tired day. But I admit that on the deepest personal level, I am dancing for myself. I am feeling in my skin again, letting go of the corporate woman, the years gone by and embracing that open-hearted, over-the-top elation of becoming who I was meant to be. With dance, my body feels strong, my mind is clear (even if constantly trying to align every part!) and I cannot stop smiling because I am breathing in joy again. And dancing out love. That’s why I dance. And why I won’t stop again. Thanks for the privilege of being part of Dance with Me Soho.

I dance for love. It’s been a part of me for as long as I can remember, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I never had a choice. CarolynCarolyn

Most of the reasons have already been said . My good friend & neighbor encouraged me to start ballroom dance class’s with her after a year since I had lost my son & husband. It was a severe trial . But I found that during my lesson, I had to totally focus on my lesson . So after a time I realized my mind was on the dance & I found I was not grieving during that time. So I continued. I really never wanted to tell my new friends that I have RA & have bilateral hip & knee replacements. I didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me . Yes, sometimes I have to come home & get out the ice pack or heating pad but it is truly worth it . My Rhumatologist is for it 100 percent & even wrote out a script. She even came to my showcase when I did the tango with my instructor. I feel good when I dance & I am pain free. I also feel healthy & beautiful, especially when dressed for a dance recital. My dance instructor is very supportive. I am a s senior but feel very young when I dance. I especially love the waltz. so briefly I would say ballroom dance is good for the mind & body. I think it would be great for all of us that have expressed our opinion to be able to come together at least one time & have the opportunity to wear One of the beautiful gowns & dance with one of the pro’s . It would be a dream come true & I think it would encourage others to have the courage to take the first step.I think ballroom dancing would grow bigger them ever . Maybe we could all meet somewhere on common ground. For me, life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, It’s about dancing in the rain. Sincerely, Loretta. ?

I am 12 years old. I have danced with several pro dancers. There is no way i can explain how much i love dance. It puts a happy feeling inside me. When my friends tell me its crap, i scream and swear at them but I don’t know why. After reading this it made me realise, dance is my passion

Even on my crappiest days dance is always a good way to finish it off. Dance relieves my stress and hormonal rage;) when I’m out on the street or in school I would never do what I do in that studio. It’s crazy how when everyone is dancing I don’t feel the least bit insecure or worried. Before I started dancing I was a shy little girl who’d never take any risks just in case I mad a mistake. I’ve learnt now that every mistake you make is you getting better and that if you never made mistake you could never proceed to get better. I love taking classes because it not only helps me get better at dance(of course), but it also help with just the little simple things like having conversations with one other.

Fascinating, I don’t dance but my wife wishes I did. I’ve never understood why people describe dance as expressing emotion. Yet each of you describes dance in no other way. I don’t understand but it’s fascinating.

I’ve been dancing since I was 8 years old. I’m very passionate about it. I love the joy it brings to me. When I dance it’s like I’m free, no strings attached and when I’m on stage I feel empowered, determined and dedicated to what I do as a dancer. It helps me improve my skills and helps me develop new skill and techniques in dance. There are many different types of dances, some are, Modern, Hip-Hop, Ballet and many others like Jazz, Tap, etc. These are some of the reasons why I dance.

i love dance, because when i dance i feel myself be flying, i love life than, i can forget everything else and i just focus on it. it makes me relaxing and makes me happy. i like to take care of my body and i danced, it be maked my body healthy. i like see someone when they’re dance, i was pull on it, and i hope i can dance beautyfully like them. so i want learn dance, i try, i hope, i wish i will a dancer.

I dance because when I’m dancing I feel myself, free and alive. Because there’s no other better moment when I listen the music and i feel it throwing my veins making me move like the world is not looking at me.

best thing i read in a long time

I have been dancing all my life & love it. Since my husband/dancing partner died in 1997, I haven’t found a good dancing partner. I want to join Dance With Me so that I can dance again. The only problem is that I don’t have a way to get there. Maybe someday I will ?.

Dancing is my life! Because when I feel sad about something I am dancing or when I feel happy I am dancing to express myself. Even if when I just walk on the street, I step like I am dancing, or with the help of the music I am dancing in my mind. I do my own choreo in my mind as if I am at the stage.

It’s fun…especially when you have a group of friends to dance with.

Enriching encouraging article ,, keep it going! Loved it!

Private dance lessons?

I dance simply because I feel

the dance is only way that help me in life becaus i was have nathing no schoul no friends famille they hitt what im do but in dance i foaund my self and i can be in my life

I do like it when you said that dancing is a way to express the self when there are no words to describe or are not enough to show how they are feeling. Now I understand the reason why my friend has taken interest in dancing. He is a very emotional person. His feelings are always so deep that most of the time, there are no words to describe his mood. If this will help him, then I will be sure to support him.

I have been dancing my entire life. I hear music – I dance. I learned the cha cha when I was 6, the lindy at 7, I was tapping at 9, twisting at 11, dirty dancing as a teenager, doing the hustle In the 1970’s, dirty dancing again in the 80’. I taught both my sons how to dance. I met my 2nd husband dancing and we still dance together. There is.no better exercise, there no better way to lift your spirits.

That’s awesome! Never stop dancing! It really is an amazing activity!

Dancing makes my insides smile.

It was really nice when you explained that dancing is the medium through which the person expresses who they really are and what they can do. I guess I can agree that dancing proves how different we are considering how we have our own preferred dancing type. I prefer ballroom dance, by the way, because it seems more appealing and formal for me. That is the reason I am considering learning that instead of the modern dance.


Dance is a passion for me, especially when you dance with a group of friends.

I love dancing. It makes me feel good. I have loved dancing since I was very young. I am an Indian classical dancer and a dance teacher teaching contemporary dance to young children. It teaches them to be physically fit, overcomes their fear of performance, develops creative thinking and helps them to learn to work with others.

I dance because it makes me feel good and fresh. It enhances my mood. It also keeps us fits. These are the reasons why i dance.

Dancing means many good, and surprisingly bad things to me. Starting with the good, I dance because it helps me build confidence on and off the stage, it helps me stay active and build strength, and it helps me relieve stress. On the other hand for me dancing can help me fit in a little more in school, which no I do not dance to build “popularity” or just because other people do. I do it for myself.

I’m more interested in why some of us *don’t* feel the urge to dance. Myself for example; I love music of all kinds and also love to watch a good dancer, but feel no urge whatsoever to actually get up there and do it, the opposite of anything, the idea of actually dancing myself makes me cringe! And it’s not that I *can’t* dance and need to learn, or have no rhythm (a recent online test put me in the top 3% when it comes to sense of rhythm and timing), I just don’t dance, never have. It’s a real shame because people who do are clearly having such a great time.

That is great that we dance for physical fitness, mental clarity and emotional stability. Maybe that would be good to put my son into so he can dance and get those three things. Looking back it would’ve been great if my parents put me in dance classes, but I guess it isn’t too late!

I love to dance, but over the years I have developed fibromyalgia in my spine I have bulging disc in my neck C1 through C5 are a little bit compromised, I blew out both knees I have vertigo . Despite all this I still love to dance and would love to take lessons are y’all going to have studios in the Shreveport Bossier City Louisiana area? Dancing sets your soul free. It speaks when nothing else does.

we dance for it’s a vertical expression of a horizontal desire.

Dance takes all my cares away!

I am so proud of dance with me family keep up the good work I could not be anymore more that I am now I love ? you dance with me family

Can’t wait to get started !! I’ve danced my whole life, but now i want it to be my primary hobby. It is simply a blast in every way imaginable.


Hi Alex, I Dance for a Mental, Emotional and Physical Release. Dancing gives me an outlet to free myself from any stress I might have or had at the time and makes me Happy and others when they watch me do my Free-Style Dance Moves! I am the King of Sr. Freestyle Dance without exaggeration. No one can move like me for my age. There might me on A handful of persons in the World that might come close but not better then me. I move very fast in any direction and can turn on a dime. My spins are very fast and spontaneous! I sound conceited but I am not. I am the Real Deal and for Real! I can Sing and Dance too. I am an overall Entertainer. I use to Dance Professionally back the late 1970’s and early 80’sbin Major Clubs like Studio 54, Regimes and The Playboy Club too. Now I do in for enjoyment. Thanks for the opportunity to verbally express myself. You are Terriffic! All the Best..Lunard aka-Lou Jaffe

Thanks for sharing this excellent blog. Keep blogging!!!

I dance because it’s what I love. I love getting out on the floor and losing myself in the music. Dance is my life, my everything. It’s all I have.

I totally agree when you said that dance can be used to show what you truly mean when words are not enough. That is actually the reason why I wanted to watch dance films too. It’s because I want to unwind that way since I have been really stressed at work due to the conflicts between schedule and bosses.

I think it’s a good idea for me to try dance classes for my wedding day if it would be the medium for me to express my feelings for my husband. Thanks for adding that it is how I will choose to remember the moments to come with my future husband. Since anyone can do it, I’m sure that I will be able to dance with him as well as long as we try.

I love to dance; I took ballroom classes for 4 years and it gave me purpose, good health, clean fun, a great set of friends, and happiness. I miss and love dancing. Jacqueline

Dancing is the only thing that helps me to prove myself ,show and express my feelings And it’s just a simple way of easing , getting relaxed slowly just moving your own body with ease on the beats and songs❤

My dad was Luis Kalaff! He brought Merengue to the USA., and he was also a composer. I loved dancing when I was a little kid. It has always brought me SO much joy. However, being in the South of Alabama and not being able to dance, has put a dampen on my life.

I always listen to latin music, and I dream of dancing always with my invisible partner! Thank you!

Taking lessons at Dance With Me has changed my life!

I dance because I use it to speak my mind sometimes. I dance when there is no pain. I dance because it makes me feel sexy. I don’t need perfection. I just like to move. I am very angry and saddened my husband NEVER wants to dance with me. I don’t know why and it breaks my heart and he doesn’t care.

When i dance us To relieve stress and feel free like a brid. Nothing thinking about about work and stop letting others put me but focusing on doing me.

I adore dancing. Moving my body to music frees me to express without constraint. Dancing connects me to the music in no other way. The sounds and vibrations of the voices and instruments move though my body and if exciting enough, inspire me to move more and freely. I would love to be in NYC dancing with you all. I am currently in Ashland Oregon. Just to know I think this website and the joy you convey about dance is such a service to the art and to me. Hoping one day to dance in your studio. Diana

Since I’m uncertain how to respond to a specific individual I’ll respond here. I hope that is acceptable. “JUDITH COHEN AUG 11, 2019 I dance because I use it to speak my mind sometimes. I dance when there is no pain. I dance because it makes me feel sexy. I don’t need perfection. I just like to move. I am very angry and saddened my husband NEVER wants to dance with me. I don’t know why and it breaks my heart and he doesn’t care.”

Judith, speaking as a non-dancing husband, I strongly doubt his reluctance to dance has anything to do with you. Some of us simply find dancing, at least dancing in front of anyone, to be very stressful. I don’t recall ever having fun at a dance. Therefore I don’t go. It confused me when my wife was angry I didn’t take her dancing. She thought I was somehow ashamed of her. I was surprised anyone would WANT to go dancing. It simply never occurred to me.

Good luck to you and your husband.

Love music love dancing!

I like how you mentioned dancing is a way we show the world who we truly are and who we can be. My daughter loves to dance and especially dance ballet. Thank you for the information. I will search for a ballet dance school and sign her up so she can keep doing what she loves.

Very well said and written

I like your post. It is very helpful and it is very valuable.

Superb article, really impressed with the writer of this blog post. The design of the website is really amazing. I have bookmarked this page so that i can check all your new posts. Thank you for sharing!

This is such a useful blog post! I’ve always wondered why people dance!

Thank you for sharing this information with us!

Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us Vyshanvie also teaches Bharatnatyam in Hyderabad I am learning from her for more information visit http://www.vyshnavie.com/

Why ballet? No point to it but a challenge of form and figure. It does not do anything for me. For me , it’s the mind.

I dance to escape. To get lost in the music. I can create a fantasy with my moves and mind and forget the stresses of my day if only for a few minutes. Dancing makes me feel alive. I have yet to take a class, as I’m recovering from an injury. However, as soon as I’m physically able, I will sign up. I am starting a new life this year, starting over , moving forward and renewing old passions! Just dance !

Most often dance is my expression of inner joy. It is definitely the language of my heart and the vocabulary of my spirit. It is not a function of my brain for my mind is blissfully silent when I dance. It emanates from my soul, and I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to practice it all my life! My memory is not so good as I grow older, but my body “remembers” dances from 50 years ago. Its amazing.

i dance because it relaxes me

Dance is in my blood! I’ve been dancing since I was 6 years old. Wish I had had the opportunity to take ballroom dancing when I was younger but at least it came into my life in my later years. We no longer have a ballroom studio where I live and it’s very sad. Thank you for you online classes during this stay at home.

Alex, thank you for the most Spiritual part of my morning today. You’ve lifted my memories of my heart in these trying times. Whoever wrote this should write inspirational blogs every day. This was one of the most touching reads I’ve had in while. Bless all of you.

Dancing has always been a part of who I am. From childhood, I always felt that it was the one thing that made me feel good about myself. I didn’t take dance lessons until I was in college, and I just wish I had started sooner. Many years have passed and I hit a big milestone age this year. When Dancing with the Stars first aired, I fell in love with the show and wished I could take ballroom dance classes. That was always one of my bucket list dreams. Now that I’m at home, and discovered Dance with Me online, I am able to fulfill that bucket list dream! My background in dance has allowed me to learn the steps from professionals and feel good about myself again. Thank you so much for bringing this opportunity online and for giving me joy again! This is why I dance. It’s never too late!

Thank you for sharing that with us Kelly! Comments like this make us love to dance with you even more!

??Nako misll

Dancing is one of the greatest forms of expression. It captures the rhythm, the mood, but the style is individual. It is a major release of stress and provides exercise in each movement. I am at my best when I am dancing!!!!

Folks might laugh at me and think of me as a prude, but I dance because it allows me to experience intimacy. I struggle with building relationships and dancing allows me the experience of holding hands, locking eyes with someone, and an overall connection of being close to someone. I enjoy the Country dancing especially the Country 2-Step.

Great article, i was looking for this right approach, so thank you! Hope we can dance many more songs.

Hello, this is a fantastic post that demonstrates a fantastic approach to Dance. Overall, I enjoyed the blog and found the photos to be extremely entertaining. We are India’s Leading dance training Institute and we dance and teach dance because that is our dream and passsion.

I’ve danced most of my life. I started taking lessons at the Fred Astaire studios when my husband died many years ago. I have arthritis and regardless how I feel, somehow when I get on that dance floor I feel no pain.

I want to feel the love I had for dancing again ! This way I will re claim my passion for music playing with bodies

Dancing ?? ? is the artful expression of who I am in a spirit in connection and in relationship with another with similar magnitude … for myself, my partner, and for those that admire me and my partner …

I truly believe that dancing is another way of showing our emotions and expressing ourselves. Dancing helps the blood in your veins pump the positive vibration we all need to feel good about ourselves. Brings us happiness and passion in whatever we do in life. I haven’t started yet but I’m lookin forward to join. I do know how to move and dancing to the rhythm.


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Student Opinion

Do You Love to Dance?

why do i love dance essay

By Jeremy Engle

  • March 1, 2019

Agnes De Mille, a 20th century dancer and choreographer, said: “To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful.” What do you think about that?

Do you enjoy dancing? Have you ever felt more powerful or free when dancing?

In “ I Dance Because I Can ,” Alice Sheppard, a choreographer, dancer and wheelchair user, writes about the power and freedom that come from dancing:

My hands are cold, clammy. They always are when I’m nervous. And I’m nervous, all right. My heart is pounding, too. I have about 30 seconds to settle myself before I swing my right leg up onto the top surface of our ramp stage set, pull hard on the metal drawer handles that are affixed to its edges, and slide up on my stomach into the opening position of the dance. I take a deep breath, close my eyes; the cold surface squeaks as I slide on it. I count another 45 seconds or so before the music starts. The dance is called “DESCENT,” and it is a creation of the collective Kinetic Light. Over the course of the next hour, I will launch my body up, down and around the curvaceous plywood structure of our set. Bathed in the stunning projections of our lighting, video and projection designer, Michael Maag, I will sit on its peak, dive into its underworld and join my dance partner and collaborator, Laurel Lawson, as we move from wheelchair to floor, platform to valley, pushing, pulling, intertwining ourselves until the final moment when together we leap for the edge. I was not supposed to be a dancer; I grew up playing music and dreaming of working in an orchestra. I pivoted at the last minute, studied languages, went to graduate school, became a professor, and never looked back at the arts until I saw the dancer Homer Avila perform at a conference on disability studies in 2004. We spoke after the show. At the time, I could not have guessed the effect his words would have on me. I somewhat tipsily accepted his dare to take a dance class. I did not know that Homer would soon be dead and that his words would ignite a curiosity that would become a fiery passion for dance. Two years later, I resigned from my academic job and began to train as a dancer. Even now, nearly 15 years later, people often ask why I dance. I tell them because of the way it feels, because of the pleasure, because I can. Mostly, though, these answers land awkwardly. I see my interlocutor soften. Sometimes, their internal/external filter fails: Of course, someone with your limitations must get enjoyment from moving; it must feel good, considering; movement probably even helps, right? Therapy? None of this is the case. Dance is often more injurious than therapeutic. I do not work from a deficit-based understanding of my body. But it is true that I enjoy it. Immensely. I have fallen in love with stretching, pushing, sweating. With the very effort of moving. I have fallen in love with dancing: Its power and freedom are like nothing else I know.

Students, read the entire article, then tell us:

— Do you like to dance? Why or why not? In what settings do you feel most comfortable dancing? Do you ever experience the qualities Ms. Sheppard describes: power, freedom, pleasure or connection?

— Do you consider yourself to be a good dancer? Would you rather be dancing or watching others dance? Why?

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Home Essay Samples Life Dance

What Does Dance Mean to Me: A Personal Exploration

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A Role of Dancing in My Life

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Words: 585 |

Published: Jul 30, 2019

Words: 585 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Works Cited

  • Alpert, E. J., & Aquino, J. M. (2014). Dance/movement therapy: A resource guide for students, clinicians, and researchers. Routledge.
  • Batson, G., & Weiss, M. R. (2011). Building mental toughness in sport: An introduction into sports psychology for athletes. Routledge.
  • Bonbright, J. C. (2015). The power of dance: Health and healing. Human Kinetics.
  • Bryant, A. (2018). Dance matters: Performing India on global stages. Routledge.
  • Chappell, K. (2013). Dancing girls of Lahore: Selling love and saving dreams in Pakistan's ancient pleasure district. Harper Perennial.
  • Hamera, J. (2012). Dancing communities: Performance, difference, and connection in the global city. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Legg, C. (2018). Dance studies: The basics. Routledge.
  • Martin, J. L. (2015). Dance psychology for artistic and performance excellence. Routledge.
  • Shah, S. (2017). Dance like nobody's watching: A holistic approach to positive living. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Thomas, H. (2017). The body, dance, and cultural theory. Palgrave Macmillan.

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Free Dance Essay Examples & Topics

Dance has been a part of human civilization and culture for centuries. It is one of the best tools for entertainment and communication. What’s more, people choose it as a way of self-expression, a hobby, or an occupation. There are many types of dances. Some are well-known (tango, hip-hop, salsa, ballet), while others are less familiar to most people (kathak, kabuki, electronic dance).

When writing an essay about dance, you can write about any type if the assignment allows doing so. Due to the variety of dances, topic selection can take a long time. However, even after choosing the right idea, it is not always clear how to start your essay on it.

First of all, we recommend looking at the samples. You need to read some dance essay examples and pay attention to their structure. It also gives you an opportunity to polish or change the topic to write about.

Besides, our team has prepared a small guide on writing a dance essay. We have listed several ideas which will help you to write it as well.

How to Write a Dance Essay

If you need to write an essay on dance, it will probably be a narrative or descriptive one or even a critique of some sort. However, even the most creative academic papers have a rigid structure. So, you have to write a 5-paragraph essay. In this section, we will tell you how to do it.

To write an exemplary dance essay, you should follow these rules:

  • Developing a solid structure is your goal. It is vital for the reader’s understanding and evaluation of your essay. You’ll need an introduction with a thesis statement, 2-3 paragraphs with arguments and examples, and a conclusion. Creating a good outline will help you to stay focused and follow the structure. Here is how you can do it:
  • At first, read some background information about the style that interests you. Take some notes when you are watching a dance performance. Try to focus on small technical details as well as on your impression.
  • Decide what you are going to describe in your body paragraphs. Each of them should highlight one idea. Remember that the first sentence of a paragraph is a basis for the supportive sentences after it.
  • Write down a short summary of your central paragraphs. Focus on the main thoughts and keywords. It will help you to create the introduction and conclusion. Look at your notes once again to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.
  • Descriptions are vital for your paper. Note everything you notice about the movements, choreography, music, costumes, scenery, props, and performance. Think about your personal response to what you see. Even if you write a narrative essay, you should focus on these aspects.

Provide your interpretation of the dance. Identify all the people whose performance you describe and use examples to support your assumptions. Connect what you’ve seen with your previous studies or experiences.

  • The style of your essay should be on point:
  • Use descriptive language. Action words should describe the qualities of the movements. Use vivid adjectives to describe the qualities of the details you notice.
  • Describe the actions in the present tense. But if you have chosen to write using past forms, don’t mix tense in the essay.
  • Follow the requirements of your educational institution. They may include a specific font, margins, and title pages. And don’t forget to write from the third-person perspective.
  • Check your grammar and spelling. Exclude repetitive sentences or phrases.
  • Leave the paper for a couple of hours and reread it. It should help to notice the possible flaws.

17 Amazing Dance Essay Topics

Having figured out the basic rules, we can move on to ideas for an essay on dancing. In this section, we have collected topics that you can use for inspiration or practice.

We suggest the following dance essay topics for your consideration:

  • Why is dance a form of art?
  • What makes a good dance?
  • National dances among African ethnicities.
  • How folk dance reflects the culture of a nation?
  • The history of hip-hop dance.
  • The importance of dance in my life.
  • The origin of Waltz and its significance.
  • The influence of modern dance on society.
  • The theory of seven movements in dancing.
  • The best dance performances in history.
  • The benefits of dancing for older people.
  • Teaching dance to young children is beneficial to their development.
  • Contemporary types of dance in Asian countries.
  • What are the disadvantages of a dancing career?
  • How does dance appreciation vary among different generations?
  • Dance as a way of socialization in high school and college.
  • How to critique a dance concert?

Thanks for reading till the end! Below you will find dance essay examples. Studying them will help you look at the topic from different angles and understand how to start writing your own paper.

83 Best Essay Examples on Dance

Benefits of dancing essay, garba dance, its history and specifics: a traditional indian dance.

  • Words: 1129

Dance and Mathematics Relationship

Dance elements in “swan lake” and “night journey” ballets, what is dance: definition and genres, dancing and singing as kinds of art, traditional chinese lion dance and its styles.

  • Words: 1660

History and Development of Dance

  • Words: 1231

Similarities between Ballet and Hip Hop

  • Words: 1223

The Ritual Dance Important Elements

Impact of the dance as education, hip hop dance, dance analysis: social and cultural context, african influence on brazilian music: the samba.

  • Words: 1642

Tango: Origin, History, and Characteristics

  • Words: 1377

History of Samba in Brazilian Society: A Traditional Brazilian Dance

  • Words: 1243

Jazz Dance and Its Techniques

How alvin ailey’s dances help with drug addiction.

  • Words: 1289

Space in Dance Theatre

  • Words: 1686

Dancing: Choreographer Doris Humphrey

  • Words: 1104

Ballet Pas De Deux: Dance and Architecture Exhibition

Dance as a cultural practice to alleviate nostalgia among immigrants.

  • Words: 8301

Connections Between Dances from Different Cultures

Modern dance in the united states, “rebellions in everynight life” by delgado and muñoz, the ballet “cave of the heart”, the “bellyache” dance by billie eilish, performance art: dance concept, history of dances in ireland, poi dance as cultural performance, african dance taught by rujeko dumbutshena, flamingo or flamenco dance, ballet, pavane, and bourée dances in praetorius’ “terpsichore”, dancing movement: review, music industry: celia cruz.

  • Words: 1458

Flamenco Music and Dance History: Spanish Carte-De-Visite Born in Andalusia

Loïe fuller: an american dancer and actor, enrico cecchetti’s influence on the russia ballet.

  • Words: 3538

Rudolf Nureyev as a Choreographer

American musical theatre and twyla tharp.

  • Words: 5536

The History of Hula: Art Analysis

  • Words: 1392

Classical Dance: Term Definition

History of capoeira in the brazilian community: social dance and form of martial arts.

  • Words: 1300

Jazz Social Dance and Impact on American Culture

Fukushima disaster in “falling out” dancing performance.

  • Words: 1110

Irish Tap Dancing in African American Culture

  • Words: 1168

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and Its History

Flamenco dance and history of passion, “the power of myth” and “lord of the dance” films, the age of romanticism: dances articles analysis, ballet and jazz dance: styles description, mikhail baryshnikov’s biography and input to ballet, les ballets jazz de montreal and zero in on, the royal ballet dance in covent garden.

  • Words: 1402

Lindy Hop Dance: Development, Events, Figures

  • Words: 3036

The Grass Dance Cultural Importance

  • Words: 1085

Ballets: “Carmen” and “In the Upper Room”

Alvin ailey’ and alexander pushkin’ views on the modern dance.

  • Words: 1094

Swan Lake Choreographed by Matthew Bourne

The csn fall dance concert, 2008 beijing olympics performance, belly dancing: why the world knows little about it.

  • Words: 1629

Contemporary Dance: Continuity and Inimitability

  • Words: 1414

Dancer Alvin Ailey: Techniques and Artistic Choices

Dance: alonzo king lines ballet.

  • Words: 1089

Chicano Folklore: Mexican Folk Dance

Mikhail baryshnikov’ dancing philosophy.

  • Words: 1112

The Dance Video “Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake 2”

Moon – solo dance by yang liping, dancing as a kind of art.

  • Words: 2761

Flash: A New Choreography

The way of geisha dance, dance education and culture.

  • Words: 4956

Miami Dance Project for Autistic Children

Ruth st. denis’s biography.

  • Words: 1111

Survey of Contemporary Dances

History of balinese dancing art.

  • Words: 1088

Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring

History and development of ballet, capoeira dance history and popularity.

  • Words: 1589

Alvin Ailey – an Activist and American Choreographer

Hip hop dancing: the remarkable black beat.

  • Words: 1617

Modern Dance by Jiri Kylian

why do i love dance essay

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10 Reasons I love to Dance!

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

10 Reasons I Love Dance

It lets me feel free

I have fun expressing myself

I have fun learning new moves

It lifts my mood

Dancing is good exercise

Gives me energy

I can make new friends

It's good to be part of a team

Helps me learn to be patient when learning something new

Dancing helps me grow in life

-Olivia Leonard, Age 9

I like how I can show who I am

Being able to pick our poses in our dance

I like how you help us with our dances

My favorite dance is Jazz

I like being with my teachers and friends

I like when you give us opportunities to bring a friend or parent

I like doing turns

I like being “drama-ed”

I like dancing with friends

I like helping others

-Annabell Campbell, Age 11

I like to move around

I like tap and ballet

My favorite move is heel and leap

I like playing different games

My favorite game is Freeze Dance

Miss Kirby makes me confident

I like dancing with my friends

I love wearing leotards and tights

It makes me feel good

I love dancing around to the music

-Sophia Campbell, Age 7

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7 reasons why dance makes you feel so good!

Ever wonder why dancers are so passionate about their art? Once you try it, you may find that you’ll be touting the benefits of dance to anyone who’ll listen! Here are six reasons why dance makes you feel so good.

dance studio

It helps you relax. Dance can help solidify the mind-body connection. We all know that when we are stressed out, our bodies let us know… sometimes even before our minds are aware. By focusing on movement, practicing muscle isolation and especially by stretching, dance helps release physical tension. The controlled breath patterns that can accompany many stretches and exercises help to regulate breathing and slow the pulse. The body awareness that dance encourages helps participants relax on command which is key to reducing tension in areas like the shoulders and neck. This awareness will aid a dancer in maintaining good health and avoiding chronic illness.

It relieves stress. Dance is a mental break from the rest of your day. When a student enters dance class, they have to leave their troubles at the door. Dance requires intense focus and concentration on the physical. While doing a plie, a dancer is thinking about keeping her sternum lifted, using resistance to create the movement, rotating her legs open from the hip joints instead of the knees or feet, the position of her arm in relation to the movement, keeping the neck straight, the eyes focused front, letting the shoulders relax and so much more! There is little mental room for anything but the myriad of technique points to remember. By the end of class, the dancer has had an hour or more of uninterrupted focus. When a student steps back into reality, she has a new perspective on all of those troubles she left at the door on arrival. This mental space is one of the reasons I love ballet so much. It is truly “moving mediation”.

It releases endorphins... (Its exercise!). The great thing about dance is that something so enjoyable is actually also exercise. Anyone who has ever danced all night at a wedding knows that there is something about dance that just makes you feel great. It’s pretty impossible to dance and stay in a bad mood. That’s because dance is exercise and exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins react with receptors in the brain to reduce the perception of pain and increase positive self-image. That’s a great reason to dance!

It is creating art. Dance is first and foremost a performance art. Creativity and self-expression are imperative to nourish the human spirit. Music and dance are an integral part of the human experience, and this is reflected in every culture across the globe. To dance is to create with your body. It is self-expression in its purest form, understood by all regardless of language or past experience. Babies pull themselves up and dance to music before they can walk. Dance is a part of us. It is intuitive. And it just feels good.

It’s good for anxiety relief. Dance can be described as a release of pent up physical and mental energy. For this reason, professionals have found that dance therapy can be a very effective treatment for anxiety. Today’s children are coming of age in an environment that moves at a dizzying pace. When children need help to feel centered and in control, dance can provide that welcome release of energy and feeling of well-being. For those who have experienced trauma or PTSD, dance can provide a sense of being grounded and in control of one’s own body. That can be a huge step in the recovery process.

It helps you make friends with similar interests. It’s the classic advice… in order to meet people, join a class. Finding a dance class in your area can help you meet like-minded people who enjoy the same things you enjoy. For children, dance can be a place where social skills are practiced and perfected. Taking turns, waiting to speak, sharing and cooperative exercises are all part of a typical dance class. What a fun way to learn the social skills necessary for success in the future!

And speaking of fun… Dance is just plain fun! Kids who are required to sit at desks and repress their innate desire to move for seven or eight hours a day need to move at the end of it all. And when moving is actually encouraged, kids are ecstatic and find they are eager to learn. Dance is an amazing way to release pent up energy and feel great in the process!

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Why I Love Dance

There are so many reasons why I love dance.  I feel like sometimes people who don’t dance, don’t understand why people dance or why they spend so much time dancing in the studio trying to perfect their dance or trying to be able to do that one move that they just can’t seem to understand.  The reason I spend about two to six hours a day dancing is just simply because I love it, and I think I can speak for the other dancers in the world when I say that the reason they spend so much time in the studio is because they love it too.

Dance is my passion.  It’s hard for me to explain why I love it so much and why I take all of the time I do to do it.  I feel like the reason I like dance so much is because of how the movement of my body goes with the flow of the music or how it makes me feel like the most beautiful person in the world.  I feel free and graceful and like I’m in my own world.  The feeling I feel when I dance is like no other feeling I have ever felt before, and it is by far the best feeling ever.

Dance is my stress reliever.  I don’t just dance when I’m happy I also dance when I’m stressed, sad, or mad.  When I feel mad or sad I turn on my music and I just dance.  It makes me feel so much better when I can express my feelings through movement, and it helps me think about why I feel this way.  It helps me relax and focus on what I need to do, whether it be forgiving someone or just doing homework that I just don’t want to do at the moment.  If I just want to forget about everything in the real world, I can just dance and let all of those worries go away.

I have been dancing since I was about three years old, so that would mean I have been dancing for about twelve, almost 13 years.  Since I have been dancing for so long, it has just become a part of me that I just couldn’t give up.  If I just quit dance for a year I would probably feel lost because I am so used to always having something to do every day.  It’s going to be hard for me to say good-bye to Dance Explosion when I graduate, because it has been like my “home away from home”.  During the summer I feel lost because I don’t have dance.  I have summer dance for one day, but I wish I had dance all summer.  Having the summers off though makes me love dance more because I miss it so much.

I love my dance family because they are so supportive. When people have dance team and/or different sports, everyone understands and makes their best effort to help them catch up. I have been dancing with the same group of people my entire life, and they are a great group of people with many different personalities. My dance teachers are always pushing us to do our best. They inspire me to try harder, and to make the most of every year, so that when it comes to competition day I am confident and ready to perform. Instead of being scared to go on stage because I am so unprepared. The last member of my dance family is our dance “mom” Shannon.  She is the owner of Dance Explosion and has been teaching us for over 20 years. She has dedicated her life to teaching young people how to dance. She will help us with anything we need help with whether it be dance related or not. When it comes to dance, if you need help with anything she will be right there helping you. If it’s not dance related, she will give you the best advice she can think of, and I know I could go to her for anything.

I love telling a story with the motions of my body. I love this because when I am dancing I can add my own personality to the dance making it my own story. The motions of my body would be like the way my arms move when my leg does something, or what my head does while I am moving my arms. When I watch big ballet productions they inspire me to want to be better because the dancers are so good and I just think to myself about how that could be me.

These are the reasons why I love dance so much. I wish that I could just dance all day and learn new things. I hope that people that don’t dance now understand why dancers dance so much. It is a great sport and I hope that you appreciate dance just a little bit more.

i really love dance and it is my passion.

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why do i love dance essay

Why Do People Dance? Reasons Why Dancing Is Good For You

Group of teenagers jumping

Dance is a popular performing art that is practiced by people in leisure and as a career too.

Dance has many shapes and forms. Throughout our lives we are exposed to various levels and styles of dance, each having its own purpose.

As a toddler or child, dance and music can intrinsically teach a child rhythm and fluid movement. This juvenile understanding of rhythm can be further developed and molded into a wide-ranged skill set using external help like dance classes.

The constant movement involved in dance will also aid in the healthy development of the body.

As we grow older variations of dance like Zumba and aerobics have many health benefits and help to alleviate stress. Dancing provides adults a break from their otherwise possibly sedentary and inactive lifestyle.

But, one common feature of dance throughout our life is that it is an outlet for our feelings. People like to dance because it makes them feel good about themselves mentally and physically, is a form of self-expression, and is a way to express their innermost thoughts and emotions.

Dance is also entertainment for people who find joy in just watching various forms of dance.

People usually have no idea how helpful dance can be on their weight loss journey considering how many calories dancing can burn - at a healthy rate of course! There are many different types of dance in the world like ballet, shuffling, contemporary, modern, and even synchronized swimming !

If this article helped you learn about why do people dance, make sure you check out other articles like why do cells divide and why do we need food .

Why do people dance?

People like to dance because it offers them a creative outlet for their emotions. People dance for a number of reasons, as a part of culture and tradition, to exercise and maintain health, to develop an additional skill, as a career, and to express their emotions.

Most experienced dancers would say that they don't even need a dance floor to show their moves and can instead dance anywhere and everywhere.

Dance is a wonderful way to showcase your creativity and relieve your brain and body from mental and physical stress. Dancing in groups or pairs also helps in strengthening bonds amongst friends and couples.

Once you decide to start dancing, doing so in front of an audience is a great way to build confidence.

Just watching someone dance activates essential parts of your brain which detect and imitate movements unconsciously. Using creative dance movements you can express emotions like love, happiness, sadness, or anger, and other complex feelings that you might not be able to express using words.

What are the benefits of dance?

Dance is the most popular performing art in the world. Many people like to dance because of how easy it is to learn, doesn't need a lot of preparation, doesn't take up time, can be practiced anywhere, has minimal requirements, and maintains health.

Benefits of dancing include making friends, staying healthy, being fun and entertaining, and expressing feelings, etc.

Using dance you can build new bonds and strengthen old ones with another human.

Many couples choose to sign up for dance classes together to maintain the emotional health of their relationship and spend time together. You can also meet a lot of new people when you sign up for dance lessons and once you join a dance crew, you will have a family for life.

Someone who dances, stays healthy by maintaining blood pressure, range of motion in joints, stamina, and mental health. The ability to dance and feel the beat of the music is a skill that some and born with and some cultivate within themselves.

Performing on stage or in front of an audience is accompanied by a healthy rush of adrenaline accompanied by a sense of being free, which dancers love.

What are the different types of dance?

There are numerous types of dances native to countries and people all over the world. The different types of dance can be used for display of strength and prowess, to convey a story, to have fun and entertain people, sustain health, etc.

Technical dances which need a lot of precision or use dangerous props should be learned from an expert in dance classes, while fun and recreational dances can be learned from many more informal sources.

Some of the different types of dances are hip-hop, ballroom dancing, ballet, and tango. Dances like ballet, tango, and ballroom are often executed in pairs.

When dancing in pairs, the lead can be taken by either partner or both.

Dances like ballet are very technical and need to be executed and taught with a lot of precision. There are other types of dance that have an athletic or gymnastic element like synchronized swimming or rhythmic gymnastics.

The dancer has to train their body for years when they compete in these dance competitions.

Tribal dances can use dangerous props like knives, swords, and fire, and is an important part of their culture and traditions. In fact, a human is not the only one who finds joy in dance and its movements; other animals and birds like peacocks are known for their dance when it rains.

Animals are also known to have danced during special occasions like mating displays.

In most types of dances, the accompanying music also holds an important role in the final execution of the performance. The music may be used for the expression of emotions like love or anger, or hold important timing cues essential to the formation, or help in building the story portrayed by the choreography and dancer.

Here at Kidadl , we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do people dance then why not take a look at why do boats float, or why do leaves fall.

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Before kids, when I was an imaginary mom, I romanticized what fun it would be to set up tea parties for my little ones, complete with stuffed animal guests, petit fours and a toile-patterned tea set. That was back when everything about motherhood was going to be perfect .

Then I actually had kids. It didn’t take long to realize how different motherhood was from what I imagined, and how bored out of my skull I would be by imaginary play. Before having kids, your memories of play are from when you were a kid, aka a time when imaginary play is still fun. As a grown woman, however, pretending to be a dinosaur, princess, ninja, superhero — you name it — sucks what little energy I have remaining right out of my soul after an exhausting day of caretaking for three kids. 

As a grown woman, pretending to be a dinosaur, princess, ninja, superhero — you name it — sucks what little energy I have remaining right out of my soul after an exhausting day of caretaking for three kids.

In a recent Instagram post , I addressed my strong distaste for any sort of imaginary play with my children, and it went viral. People have a lot of feelings about what I said. To be clear, I’m happy to facilitate an imaginary scenario for my kids — “Here, use this cardboard box and pretend it’s a boat and you’re lost at sea” —  but to see me actually become involved as a character in their fantasy is about as rare as rocking horse poop. I simply choose not to engage with my children that way.

When my kids have asked me to participate in their games in the past, I tell them, “Grown-ups don’t always play the way kids do — that is for you to do on your own. But, if you want, we can go outside for a walk in a little while.” I think of it as a soft hard-pass.

I am a great mom. I have three children, ages 10, 8 and 5. They’re amazing kids. Our relationships are rock-solid. My oldest child battled leukemia for nearly 3.5 years, and I would lay down my life to ensure that my children were well cared for. But my needs as a mother are important, too. I choose to engage with my kids through things we mutually enjoy: conversation, joking, hugs and kisses, singing songs on the way to school in the morning, and even the occasional puzzle or board game when I’m feeling extra carefree. I make concessions on doing things for my kids that I don’t particularly enjoy about a zillion times a day — meals , cleanup , hygiene, scheduling, etc. — and I wholly accept it because these are things I need to do. I will absolutely not be adding “play” to that list. I know doing so would drain me and make me feel resentful, and I really don’t want to use my energy that way. 

I make concessions on doing things for my kids that I don’t particularly enjoy about a zillion times a day — meals, cleanup, hygiene, scheduling, etc. — and I wholly accept it because these are things I need to do. I will absolutely not be adding ‘play’ to that list.

Some people are quite alarmed by the boundaries I’ve set with my children on play. Some have commented that they feel “sad” for my kids, while others have called me “selfish.” To those people, I say: You are entitled to your own beliefs, and if you have enjoyed the experience of playing with your kids, that is awesome for you guys. Knock yourself out, get intoxicated on imaginary tea, live it up — I love that for you! But I will never, ever allow your shame to dictate the way I parent. I am going to be me and while my words may disturb some of you, they also seem to have generated relief for many others. For every negative comment I receive on Instagram, there are about 100 positive ones. 

Caitlin Murray.

I have been through quite a bit in my first decade of motherhood and I am proud to say that, while I don’t have all the answers, I know who I am. It is deeply important to me to unsheathe the candy-coated visions of motherhood. I refuse to go along with society’s regular scheduled programming that the motherhood experience is about all-encompassing joy, and that moms must be in love with all aspects of the job. 

Motherhood is the hardest thing I have ever done, but I will keep going and keep doing my best because I love my children and they are unfathomably important to me. There is no one right way to parent. There are no scripts or formulas to follow. Trust your instincts. Your motherhood experience gets to be determined by you , and it’s OK to be honest about it.

Caitlin Murray is a mom of three and the creator behind @bigtimeadulting on Instagram. 

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  1. Why I Dance Essay Example

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  2. Essay on Dance in English for Students

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  3. 😀 Why do i love to dance. Why I Love To Dance, Essay Sample. 2019-01-31

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  4. Why do people love to dance

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  5. Why Dance Is Important Essay

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  6. 319 Dance Essay Topics & Research Titles: Hip Hop, Ballet, & More

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  2. HWASA


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  5. Why do love Jax 😭😢😢😢😢😭😭

  6. Why Do I Love You


  1. Why I Love To Dance (Essay Sample)

    In this essay, we will discuss why we all love to Dance. Since I was a little girl, I have always loved dancing because it fills my heart with joy. Dancing is a unique art that only requires passion. Dancing is my life and has changed my life in numerous ways. For me, it's one of the amazing ways of exercising.

  2. About Dance Passion as Important Part of My Life

    In this essay about dance passion, I will discuss the role of dancing in my life. Dancing has been a special part of my life since I was a little girl. I always loved dancing because it cheerfully fills my heart. Dance is a unique art that only requires passion. It has changed my life in many ways. For me, this is one of the amazing methods of ...

  3. Essay on Dance in English for Students

    Conclusion of the Essay on Dance. All in all, dance is something which anyone can do. There is no right way or wrong way to dance, there is just a dance. The only hard part is taking the first step, after that, everything becomes easier. So, we must always dance our heart out and let our body move to the rhythm of music freely. FAQ of Essay on ...

  4. Why do people dance? Here Are Some of the Real Reasons We Dance

    There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness. We dance for mental clarity. We dance for emotional stability, and other such pluses. However, all these benefits could be attained by others means, though I confess I have yet to find a better alternative than a great cha cha to lift both one's heart-rate and spirits. Still, we do ...

  5. why i love to dance essay

    essay. My literate practice happens to be dance. It is important to me that everyone recognizes how reading and writing plays a tremendous role in the world of dance. It is also important that others realize anyone can dance, but not everyone can be considered a 'dancer'. It is necessary for a dancer to have passion, persistence, skill ...

  6. Benefits of Dancing Essay

    Dance as an art itself can be used to make expressions. The expressions can be either of joy, sorrow, warning or sometimes used for entertainment (Luetzner). In many parts of the world, dance can also be used to express talent or extra ordinary ability over others has in dance competitions. Sense of unity. Dancing can be used as a symbol of unit.

  7. Do You Love to Dance?

    Even now, nearly 15 years later, people often ask why I dance. I tell them because of the way it feels, because of the pleasure, because I can. Mostly, though, these answers land awkwardly.

  8. Why I Want to Dance Essay

    1. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite this essay. Download. Currently, I spend around 12 hours a week at my dance studio, which seems excessive, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The time I spend here is filled with moments I ...

  9. "I Love Dance" Essay Contest

    "I Love Dance" Essay Contest Students submitted essays during the month of February about why they love to dance, how dance and BAC has influenced their lives, and how dance makes them feel. Winners were chosen by a panel of BAC faculty and staff. ~~~~~ Upper School Winners: First Prize: A $100.00 scholarship towards ...

  10. What Does Dance Mean to Me: A Personal Exploration

    Dance has the remarkable ability to provide emotional release and catharsis. In moments of joy, sorrow, or even frustration, dance offers a safe space to channel emotions in a healthy and transformative way. The rhythmic motion becomes a form of therapy, allowing me to process feelings and find solace in movement.

  11. College Admissions Essay: Why I Love To Dance

    College Admissions Essay: Why I Love To Dance. I absolutely love to dance. The freedom to move our bodies as a form of self expression is an amazing capability that not all people are fortunate enough to obtain. Regardless of how intense, long, difficult, or stressful my day at school has been, I look forward to being to able release my ...

  12. PDF Persuasive Essay : Why I Love To Dance

    Persuasive Essay : Why I Love To Dance If someone in the world doesn't already know, I love to dance, more specifically I love to do ballet. There is never a day that passes where I don't do something ballet related, like actually going to class, or on my "off days," dancing around in my kitchen waiting for my chicken nuggets to become golden ...

  13. A Role Of Dancing In My Life: [Essay Example], 585 words

    A Role of Dancing in My Life. Since the age of seven, I've embraced a multitude of dance styles. My experience began with traditional Russian dancing which advanced to ballroom, ballet, modern, hip-hop, jazz and contemporary. My love for dance traversed the Atlantic Ocean to prosper on two different continents during the most difficult time ...

  14. Why I Love Dance Essay

    Why I Love Dance Essay. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. We as a whole love to do and learn new aptitudes to show signs of improvement. Each individual on this planet has a leisure activity which they like to appreciate and keep as a ...

  15. Free Dance Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

    Some are well-known (tango, hip-hop, salsa, ballet), while others are less familiar to most people (kathak, kabuki, electronic dance). When writing an essay about dance, you can write about any type if the assignment allows doing so. Due to the variety of dances, topic selection can take a long time.

  16. Why I Love Dance Essay

    Why I Love Dance Essay. When I was little, I loved dancing. I loved it like I didn't love anything else. And I didn't move my body at random, no, I followed precise movements, probably stolen by my young mind from some movie I'd seen. I was practically a wannabe ballerina that danced with neon blue running shoes and a tinkling bracelet on ...

  17. Persuasive Essay : Why I Love To Dance

    858 Words. 4 Pages. Open Document. If someone in the world doesn't already know, I love to dance, more specifically I love to do ballet. There is never a day that passes where I don't do something ballet related, like actually going to class, or on my "off days," dancing around in my kitchen waiting for my chicken nuggets to become ...

  18. 10 Reasons I love to Dance!

    I have fun learning new moves. It lifts my mood. Dancing is good exercise. Gives me energy. I can make new friends. It's good to be part of a team. Helps me learn to be patient when learning something new. Dancing helps me grow in life. -Olivia Leonard, Age 9.

  19. 7 reasons why dance makes you feel so good!

    Here are six reasons why dance makes you feel so good. It helps you relax. Dance can help solidify the mind-body connection. We all know that when we are stressed out, our bodies let us know… sometimes even before our minds are aware. By focusing on movement, practicing muscle isolation and especially by stretching, dance helps release ...

  20. Why I Want To Dance Essay

    Why I Want To Dance Essay. I have always had a burning passion for dance since I was a young girl. My first time on a stage, I was immediately hooked. The overpowering feeling of a crowd of people watching me as I do what I love, is a feeling I have always admired. Dance has developed my character and personality in many different ways.

  21. Why I Love Dance

    Dance is my passion. It's hard for me to explain why I love it so much and why I take all of the time I do to do it. I feel like the reason I like dance so much is because of how the movement of ...

  22. Why Do People Dance? Reasons Why Dancing Is Good For You

    Dance is a wonderful way to showcase your creativity and relieve your brain and body from mental and physical stress. Dancing in groups or pairs also helps in strengthening bonds amongst friends and couples. Once you decide to start dancing, doing so in front of an audience is a great way to build confidence.

  23. Why I Dance Essay Example

    So in conclusion, dance is a perfect example of everything I want to be when I'm older: Strong, beautiful, smart and hopeful. I know I'm not completely those things now, but I can strive to become them, as I get older. I love dance, and I hope to dance for the rest of my life, and when I'm 60 years old I'll still be able to do my splits.

  24. Why I Refuse To Play With My Kids

    I am a great mom. I have three children, ages 10, 8 and 5. They're amazing kids. Our relationships are rock-solid. My oldest child battled leukemia for nearly 3.5 years, and I would lay down my ...