Family and Human Development, PHD

On this page:, at a glance: program details.

  • Location: Tempe campus
  • Second Language Requirement: No

Program Description

Degree Awarded: PHD Family and Human Development

The PhD program in family and human development is devoted to the study of families, children and youth. The program's research, teaching and service have direct meaning in the lives of children and adults and for their families and communities.

The faculty share a common commitment to high-quality research that both increases the basic understanding of human and family development and has the potential to contribute to the improvement of the lives of children and families.

Applications open September 1st and are due by December 1st to begin the program the following fall. Admissions made for the fall semester only.

The Ph.D. program in Family and Human Development is designed to train researchers in developmental and family science. Students take core courses in family sciences, human development, research methodology, statistics, and diversity. The aims of the program are to train students to become researchers with an area of specialization in Family and Human Development. Graduate students are expected to develop competencies in research methods and in theoretical orientations relevant to their area of study.

A minimum of 85 hours is required.

Core courses 25
Elective courses 42
Research (thesis) 6
Dissertation 12
Total 85

Courses and Electives

Training in Family and Human Development involves coursework in theory, research methods, statistics, diversity, and areas related to students' own interests or specialization. The program of study is developed in collaboration with one's doctoral advisor/mentor. The program follows a mentorship model of training. Students work closely with faculty members to develop research skills through involvement in projects.

Additional Information

Financial support, sanford school graduate student financial support.

The Sanford School is dedicated to supporting our graduate students. As such, we provide many different funding opportunities to our graduate students. 


Currently, the programs in family and human development and sociology have several teaching assistantship (TA) and research assistantship (RA) positions. These positions require that recipients work 10-20 hours per week for faculty to whom they are assigned for the period August-May. The TA is responsible for contacting the faculty to whom they are assigned by the day their contract begins, approximately August 16. Selection of TAs and their assignments is a complex process and is based on meeting the needs of the courses, faculty, students and funding requirements.


Teaching assistant responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Grading class assignments.
  • Developing teaching materials.
  • Conferring with students.
  • Recording and posting grades.
  • Assisting with preparation of tests.
  • Proctoring exams for faculty.
  • Abstracting research articles.
  • Updating bibliographies.
  • In addition, TAs will give classroom presentations as requested.

RAs work with faculty members on research projects. Responsibilities are determined by the faculty member in consultation with the student.


TAs and RAs must maintain a GPA of 3.00 or above, be admitted with regular status to a graduate program, and must complete six hours of graduate work each semester towards on their program of study. Preference is given to those graduate students enrolled in the family and human development or sociology program in the T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics.


In addition to the general doctoral degree track in Family and Human Development, students can focus and organize their elective coursework to reflect areas of specialization. At the present time, three areas of specialization are available: Quantitative Methodology, Social and Emotional Development (SED), and Diverstiy and Inclusion Science (DISI). Graduate students may concentrate their studies in one of these areas or may combine two areas to meet their specific research interests.

Diversity and Inclusion Science (DISI)

The PhD in Family and Human Development offers a training specialization for students interested in theoretical, methodological, and research perspectives on children, youth, and families from underrepresented groups. This specialization aligns with a larger Diversity and Inclusion Science Initiative (DISI) in the Sanford School. Students who choose the Diversity and Inclusion Science specialization will take two required courses. One focuses on theory and methods as they apply to the study of underrepresented groups (CDE 598: Introduction to Theory and Methods in the Study of Diversity and Inclusion Science) and a second course involves the in-depth exploration of issues related to study, biases, and interactions with underrepresented groups (CDE 598: Interpersonal Interactions and Perspectives in the Study of Diversity and Inclusion Science). Students who have interest in underrepresented populations in the field of human development and family studies, broadly defined by socioeconomic status, gender, race, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability/health status, or other populations that are underrepresented, are encouraged to specialize in Diversity and Inclusion Science.

18 hours total Core Courses

REQUIRED = 6 hours (instructor approval required)

  • CDE 598: Introduction to Theory and Methods in Diversity and Inclusion Science . This course will provide an overview of theoretical frameworks and methodological issues as they apply to the study of underrepresented populations in our field.
  • CDE 598: Interpersonal Interactions and Perspectives in Diversity and Inclusion Science . This course will explore interpersonal experiences, biases, and strategies for working with different populations that are underrepresented in the field.

ELECTIVES = 12 hours

 *The below list is not exhaustive.

Sanford School Elective Courses

  • CDE 610: Gender Development
  • CDE 598: Latino Families and Children
  • CDE 598: Culture and Biology
  • FAS 591: Racial Discrimination and Racial Identity
  • CDE 598: Poverty
  • CDE 534: Risk and Resilience
  • CDE/FAS 590: Readings and Conference (1 to 3 credits)**
  • CDE/FAS 592/792: Research (1 to 3 credits)**

Elective Courses from other units

  • AFR 598: Women’s International and Human Rights
  • AFR 598: Peoples and Cultures of Africa
  • APA: Graduate Level Courses in Asian American Psychology
  • AIS 503: Contemporary Issues of American Indian Nations
  • JUS 560: Women, Law, and Social Control
  • JUS 691: Sexuality and Social Justice
  • JUS 598: The Social Construction of Disability
  • PSY 591: Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination
  • WST 502: Gender Research Methods
  • WST 602: Mapping Intersections Gender
  • WST 603: Engendering Methodology

*Additional electives will be considered by the Diversity and Inclusion Science faculty as they apply to this area of specialization. Students should submit the course syllabus and a memo explaining the fit of the course within the students’ diversity science specialization for courses not listed above.

**Students are encouraged to take up to three elective credits to propose innovative teaching, service, and research activities that contribute to inclusion and diversity science. Such projects will require supervision by a faculty member and can range from contributing to a course or seminar (e.g., lecture, activities), conducting a case study, supervising an undergraduate or conducting an applied project to enhance one’s experience with an underrepresented group, or developing a manuscript or research project. Innovative ideas proposed by doctoral students are welcome.

Completion of this specialization requires that at least 9 hours of the requirements be taken within the Sanford School. All courses counting toward specialization must be completed with a minimum grade of B-.

For additional information, please contact:

Kimberly Updegraff DISI Coordinator Email: [email protected] (480) 965-6669

Quantitative Methodology

The Sanford School (SSFD) offers specialized training for students interested in the study of Quantitative Methodology. The Quantitative Methodology specialization is open to any doctoral student in SSFD. Students choosing the Quantitative Methodology specialization will undertake in-depth study of statistical and measurement methodologies that offer great utility for research in human development, family studies, sociology, and education, among other areas. Faculty and students interested in quantitative methods study, evaluate, and develop statistical and measurement methods applicable to investigating issues in family and human development, sociology, and related fields. Students whose primary interest is in measurement, methods, and statistical modeling should complete the Quantitative Methodology specialization, along with additional coursework and research focused on quantitative methods. Students whose primary interest is in other substantive areas within Family and Human Development or Sociology but who would like to develop strength in measurement and statistical analysis should also consider the Quantitative Methodology specialization.

How to Apply:

The Quantitative Methodology specialization is open to any doctoral student in the Sanford School. Prospective students should apply either through the PhD in Family and Human Development program or the PhD in Sociology program. Please see the Graduate Handbook: Program in Family and Human Development or the Graduate Handbook: Program in Sociology for full descriptions of the application process. Existing students may apply for the Quantitative Methodology Specialization by completing this form.

Faculty affiliated with the Quantitative Methodology Specialization and their methodological interests are as follows:

Dawn DeLay – social network analysis, dyadic analysis, interdependent (nonindependent) data, and longitudinal social relationship models

Masumi Iida – multilevel modeling of longitudinal and dyadic data

Justin Jager – structural equation modeling, latent growth modeling, pattern-centered analysis (e.g., latent class analysis and growth-mixture modeling)

Roy Levy – psychometrics, item response theory, structural equation modeling, Bayesian networks, Bayesian inference, and assessment design

Holly O'Rourke - mediation analysis and statistical performance of mediation models, longitudinal mediation models, latent change score models, structural equation models for longitudinal data, statistical power

Connor Sheehan – Longitudinal methods, bio-statistics, demographic techniques, event history analysis.

Monica Tsethlikai - structural equation modeling, Bayesian statistics for small samples, item response theory

Marilyn Thompson – structural equation modeling, factor analysis, measurement invariance, multilevel modeling of longitudinal and clustered data

Natalie Eggum – longitudinal data analyses within a structural equation model framework

The Quantitative Methodology specialization requires 18 hours total:

REQUIRED = 6 hours

*Requirements assume Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences I, Lab I, Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences II, and Lab II as prerequisites

  • SSFD's Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis for the Social Sciences (introduction to matrix algebra, principal components analyses, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, fundamentals of structural equation modeling)
  • SSFD's Structural Equation Modeling for the Social Sciences (theory and application of structural equation modeling; path analysis, latent regression models, multiple group analysis, models for longitudinal data)

*The below list is not exhaustive. The Quantitative Methodology specialization elective hours can overlap with courses taken toward a degree program’s statistics electives requirements. Note that Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences I and Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences II courses do NOT count as an elective for the Quantitative Methodology specialization.

  • Pattern-Centered Analysis
  • Bayesian Methods
  • Advanced Bayesian Methods
  • Mediation Analysis
  • Experimental and Quasi-experimental Designs for Research


  • Item Response Theory

Statistical Methods for Small Group and Longitudinal Designs

  • Analysis of Dyadic Interaction
  • Structural Equation Modeling with Longitudinal Data
  • Latent Growth and Mixture Models with Longitudinal Data

Statistical Methods for Large and Complex Samples

  • Social Network Analysis
  • Large/Secondary Dataset Analysis

Appropriate substitutions will be considered by the Methodology faculty if required courses are not offered within a reasonable timeframe (e.g., due to faculty sabbaticals or other leaves of absence). Completion of the Quantitative Methodology specialization requires that at least 12 hours of the requirements be taken within the Sanford School (this does not include the introduction sequence). All courses counting toward the Quantitative Methodology specialization must be completed with a minimum grade of B-.

Natalie Eggum, Coordinator, Quantitative Methodology Specialization Email: [email protected]

Social and Emotional Development (SED)

The PhD in Family and Human Development offers a training specialization for students interested in the study of social and emotional development (SED) across the life span. Students choosing the SED specialization will learn about contemporary theories, methodologies, and bodies of empirical research pertaining to a range of issues in broadly defined adaptive and maladaptive processes in social and emotional development. Students may also become involved in research in other disciplines that informs the understanding of aspects of social-emotional development. Examples of such disciplines include family dynamics, intervention research, social networks, neuroscience, psychophysiology, and developmental psychopathology.

The SED specialization requires 18 hours total:

  • CDE 598 Social and Emotional Development
  • CDE 612 Peer Relationships
  • CDE 534 Risk and Resilience
  • CDE 612 Gender Development
  • CDE 634 Prevention and Child Development
  • EDP 691 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
  • CDE 698 Social-Emotional Development in Atypical Children
  • PSY 578 Development and Psychopathology
  • CDE/SOC 598 Social Networks
  • CDE 598 Play and Development
  • CDE/FAS 590 Readings and Conference (3 hours only)
  • CDE 598 Bullying/Aggression
  • FAS 598 Parenting
  • Others as approved

Gary Ladd, SED Coordinator Email: [email protected] (480) 727‐6621

Each specialization builds on the basic PhD program in Family and Human Development but provides students with focused coursework and training in areas of strength within the unit. Opportunities to learn from expert faculty within and outside of the Sanford School are reflected in the specializations.

Students do not have to declare a specialization, but those who do will follow the guidelines for the specialization to ensure that training is guided and coherent. Each specialization is designed to enhance students' training and research, such that a programmatic area of expertise is developed.

Working with Faculty

The Core FHD Graduate Program Faculty are primarily responsible for training FHD doctoral students. In addition, students may also work with other Sanford School faculty members in Family and Human Development and Sociology. See the list below of research faculty members and their interests.

All faculty members are eligible to serve as chairs of master’s committees.

In addition, because ASU sponsors a graduate faculty model, faculty from academic units outside of the Sanford School may also be eligible to serve on the committees of FHD doctoral students.

For a current list of our eligible graduate faculty, please see

Program Faculty

How to apply, how to apply, how do i apply to the doctoral program in family and human development.

Applications are due by December 1st to begin the program the following fall. Admissions made for the fall semester only.

Follow these steps to complete the application process.

1. Graduate College Application

  • Complete the Graduate College at ASU application at

Send official materials to Graduate Admission Services

ASU transcripts do not need to be sent

2. Other required supplemental materials

Submit all of the following materials online via the Graduate College Application at

  • Resume or curriculum vitae. Must summarize the academic and employment experiences of the applicant.
  • State your professional goals and reasons for desiring to enroll in this program.
  • Describe your strengths that will help you succeed in the program and in reaching your professional goals.
  • Describe, in detail, your research experience (include a description of your master's thesis if applicable). Describe the relevant responsibilities you have held.
  • Indicate your personal research interests as specifically as possible.
  • Identify two or three faculty whose research interest matches your own. Explain why you believe these are good matches (view faculty interests).
  • Include any additional information that you feel will help the committee evaluate your application.
  • Three letters of recommendation. Must include at least one from an instructor at the applicant's institution where undergraduate or graduate work was completed. These letters should be from people who know you as a student or in a professional capacity. Letters from family members or friends do not meet this criterion.

As part of the online graduate application you will submit the names and work email addresses for your three recommenders. Your recommenders will be sent instructions on how to electronically send their recommendations.

3. International Students – Required additional materials

International applicants must also meet all of the requirements and supply all of the information requested by the Graduate College at .

How are admissions decisions made?

Admission to the Doctoral Program in Family and Human Development is competitive. Applicants will be short-listed based on a review of all submitted materials, including official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate course work, verbal, quantitative, statement of goals relevant to the doctoral program, three letters of recommendation, resume or CV, and complete application for admission to the Graduate College. Those applicants who make the short-list will be invited to visit in the spring for an interview. Final admissions decisions will be made following the interview.

Students are admitted for the fall semester only.

If you have any questions about the online application procedures or about the program, please contact [email protected]

Degree Requirements

85 credit hours, a written comprehensive exam, an oral comprehensive exam, a prospectus and a dissertation

Required Core (1 credit hour) FAS 503 Academic Professional Development (1)

Other Requirements (26 credit hours) CDE 531 Theoretical Issues in Child Development (3) FAS 500 Research Methods (3) FAS 513 Introduction to Regression and Linear Models (4) FAS 514 Advanced Regression and Nonlinear Models (4) FAS 531 Theoretical Issues in Family Sciences (3) two graduate-level courses in advanced methods or statistics (6) one graduate-level diversity course (3)

Research (6 credit hours) FAS or CDE 592 Research (6)

Electives (40 credit hours)

Culminating Experience (12 credit hours) FAS or CDE 799 Dissertation (12)

Additional Curriculum Information Postbaccalaureate (students entering after the bachelor's degree): Of the 85 credit hours for a postbaccalaureate program, six credit hours are dedicated to an empirical project, and 12 credit hours are for the dissertation.

Post-master's (students entering after the master's degree): When approved by the student's supervisory committee and the Graduate College, this program allows 30 credit hours from a previously awarded master's degree to be used for this credential. Of the 55 credit hours of the post-master's degree program, 12 credit hours are for the dissertation.

Electives should be chosen in consultation with and approval of the advisor. Electives may be selected within or outside the Sanford School. All elective courses must be 500 level or higher.

Substitutions for all courses listed under other requirements may be made per department approval.

For the diversity course requirement, students should refer to the department for a list of approved courses.

For the advanced methods or statistics requirement, students take two courses with content that advances beyond Quantitative Methods I and II.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must fulfill the requirements of both the Graduate College and The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Applicants are eligible to apply to the program if they have a bachelor's or master's degree in any field from a regionally accredited institution.

Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in the last 60 hours of their first bachelor's degree program or a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in an applicable master's degree program.

All applicants must submit:

  • graduate admission application and application fee
  • official transcripts
  • a resume or curriculum vitae
  • statement of goals relevant to the doctoral program
  • three letters of recommendation
  • proof of English proficiency

Additional Application Information An applicant whose native language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency regardless of their current residency.

The personal statement must be four to six pages, double-spaced, and address the applicant's professional goals, the applicant's strengths that will enable them to succeed in the program, a detailed description of past research experience, relevant professional experiences or responsibilities, and specific personal research interests. The applicant also must identify two or three faculty members whose research interests match their own and explain why they are good matches.

Three letters of recommendation are required. These must include at least one from an instructor at the institution where the applicant completed their undergraduate or graduate work. The letters should be from people who know the applicant in a professional or academic capacity; letters from family members or friends do not meet this criterion.

Students should see the program website for full application deadlines.

Core Courses (25 credits)

FAS 531: Theoretical Issues in Family Sciences CDE 531: Theoretical Issues in Child Development

Diversity Course FAS 500: Research Methods ANOVA Multiple Regression

2 Advanced Statistics Courses FAS 503: Professional Development

Elective Courses (42 credits)

Optional specializations include Diversity and Inclusion Science, Quantitative Methodology, and Social and Emotional Development.

Student will work with their advisor to identify elective courses in the area of expertise that the student would like to develop.

Research (6 credits)

FAS or CDE 592

Empirical Portfolio Project: Students who enter the program with their bachelor's degree will complete a portfolio project in the form of an empirical project to earn their master's in passing. The empirical portfolio project consists of original work on a specific research problem. The problem is decided upon by the student in consultation with the supervisory committee chair. After selection of a research problem, the student develops a research proposal and makes a formal presentation of it to the supervisory committee for critical review and formal acceptance (called the Portfolio Proposal Meeting). The portfolio project can be formatted as a traditional document (i.e., including an introduction, literature review, method, plan of analyses/results, and discussion) or as an empirical article in the format specified for empirical articles in the relevant current edition of the publication manual by the American Psychological Association .

Comprehensive Exam: The comprehensive exam fulfills a number of purposes. On one level, this exam allows students to independently demonstrate the breadth and depth of their knowledge, their ability to think critically, and their readiness to write their dissertation proposal to their supervisory committee. On another level, comprehensive exams should challenge students to utilize and integrate what they have learned in their coursework, and to independently develop a research plan that potentially will sustain their investigative efforts past their doctoral dissertation and into the early years of their career. There are two format options for the exam: students select either (a) grant application or (b) psychological bulletin article.

Dissertation (12 credits)

FAS or CDE 799

Dissertation: The doctoral dissertation must be the product of original scholarship and must make a significant contribution to knowledge in the field and demonstrate the student's mastery of systematic research methods. The dissertation should be completed using one of two formats: (a) traditional dissertation proposal; or (b) two or three original and distinct empirical articles. For the traditional dissertation option, the prospectus should include a pertinent review of the literature, statement of the problem, the purpose of the proposed study, description of the research design and methods, and discussion of the specific means by which the data will be analyzed (i.e., an introduction and literature review, method, and plan of analysis). For the empirical articles option, the prospectus should include an introduction that provides the broad theoretical rational, statement of the problem and how it will be divided into 2 or 3 studies, and integration of the 2 to 3 planned studies.

Next Steps to attend ASU

Learn about our programs, apply to a program, visit our campus, application deadlines, learning outcomes.

  • Apply research methods, including study design, measurement, and analyses in their final exam and dissertation.
  • Apply their understanding of theoretical perspectives to the field of child and family development in their final project and/or final exam.
  • Able to implement a major independent research project that makes a unique contribution to the field of family and human development.

Career Opportunities

Graduates possess knowledge and skills necessary for promoting healthy individual and family development as they study the factors that promote successful relationships and positive outcomes for individuals, families and communities across the life span. Graduates often pursue careers working with children, youth and adults in human, social and government agencies or take on leadership roles as researchers in a university, in a public or privately funded agency, in an industry or in government.

Career examples include:

  • community support program officials
  • government agency administrators and professionals
  • instructors
  • nonprofit organization administrators
  • research professionals

Program Contact Information

If you have questions related to admission, please click here to request information and an admission specialist will reach out to you directly. For questions regarding faculty or courses, please use the contact information below.

PhD, Family Science

Family of three laughing

Examine family processes and the dynamic interaction of families with their communities

This exciting program examines both internal family processes and the dynamic interaction of families with the biological, psychological, social, political and economic aspects of their environment.

  • Request Info

Perfect for...

  • Students looking for a small student-to-faculty ratio, award-winning faculty with active research programs, mentors with diverse research expertise and a culturally sensitive learning environment. 

Career Paths

  • Public, non-profit, and private sectors
  • University teaching
  • Family policy analysis
  • Administrative positions in human service programs

Program Overview

The Ph.D. program adopts an ecological or systems approach to the study of families and the problems they face in today's society. The program of study provides doctoral students with a broad knowledge of family theory, research methodology, family policy, family programs, ethnic families, and major issues confronting contemporary families. Students also learn to design, implement, and evaluate culturally-sensitive interventions addressing family needs and to analyze the consequences of public/private policies on family well-being.

Visit the Department of Family Science site.

For more information, see the Family Science flyer .

Find a lab.

Upon graduating with a Ph.D. in Family Science, students will be able to:

  • Design and evaluate programmatic interventions to address social, behavioral, health, economic, and other family issues. 
  • Demonstrate cultural sensitivity in research, program planning and evaluation, and policy related to family health and well-being. 
  • Analyze family health policy, evaluate health care policy issues, and conduct a family impact study. 
  • Design and implement a theory-based research project that addresses a significant family or family health issue and write an empirical manuscript for publication. 

The Family Science Ph.D. program requires 57 graduate credit hours, including family science core courses (20 credits), research methods courses (16 credits), electives (6 credits), research internship (3 credits), and dissertation credits (12 credits). Please consult with your advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies as individual study plans may differ. All Ph.D. students must have a Master’s Degree from an accredited or approved program prior to matriculation to the Ph.D. program. All Ph.D. students must pass a qualifying examination with its oral defense and complete a dissertation with its oral defense. 

Course Title Credits Description
FMSC-610: Foundations of Public Health 1 Research methods in family science. The role of theory, design, use of qualitative and quantitative measurement techniques, data collection and data analysis. Development of research proposals.
SPHL-600: Foundations of Public Health 3 An overview of the goals, functions, and methods of public health. After an introduction to the core concepts and tools used in public health research and practice, applications of these methodologies are considered in the context of current controversies/problems in public health. Students work together to develop strategies for prevention and control that taken into consideration different points of view, outside research, and impacts on individuals and communities.
FMSC-750: Family and Health Policy 3 Development and analysis of public policies affecting the health and well-being of children, youth, and families, with an emphasis on low income and ethnic minority populations. Examination of social, economic, and political dynamics that influence family and health policies and the delivery of health care. Introduction to health advocacy within the US public health system.
EDMS-646: General Linear Models I 3 A first post-introductory inferential statistics course, with emphasis on analysis of variance procedures and designs from within the general linear modeling framework. Assignments include student analysis of education and related data; application of statistical software packages is emphasized.
FMSC-850: Maternal & Child Health Epidemiology 3 Determinants and trends in Maternal and Child Health, including analysis of the role of economic inequalities, race and ethnicity, community contexts, and psychosocial factors across the life course. Overview of methods and data systems used to monitor Maternal and Child Health. Development of a complete population health study.
FMSC-810: Theory in Family Systems and Family Health 3 Theory and research on family interaction and family coping with normative health and mental health transitions and non-normative crises across the family life cycle. Micro-analysis of family process in communication, decision-making, problem-solving, and compliance to health regimens. Examination of dysfunctional patterns and effective coping strategies.
EDMS-651: General Linear Models II // EDMS-645: Quantitative Research Methods I 3 (Either/Or) Multiple regression and correlation analysis; trend analysis; hierarchical and stepwise procedures; logistic regression; software for regression analysis. // Research design and statistical applications in educational research: data representation; descriptive statistics; estimation and hypothesis testing. Application of statistical computer packages is emphasized.
FMSC-606: Ethnic Families and Health Disparities 3 Historical, psychosocial, economic, and political factors influencing the structure and functioning of ethnic families. Overview of racial and ethnic health disparities over the life course and ways in which they are influenced by multi-level contextual factors.
FMSC-660: Program Planning and Evaluation in Family Science 3 Theory and methods of program planning and evaluation with special emphasis on family programs. Assessment of program goals and the social and psychological factors involved in program implementation. Methods for measuring the effectiveness of program delivery, as well as the impact of services on family functioning.
FMSC-780: Qualitative Methods in Family and Health Research 3 Theoretical perspectives and methodological tools to conduct research with individuals and families across the life span. Review of research designs, participant fieldwork, observation and interview projects, data collection, computer-assisted data analysis, and development of grounded theory.
FMSC-820: Advanced Quantitative Methods in Family and Health Research 3 This seminar is designed to help students understand, evaluate, and develop research conceptualization and design relevant to family science and family health. By the end of the course, students will be able to critique and develop theoretically grounded quantitative research in their respective area of study. Throughout the course, students will be exposed to a broad range of advanced methods that are core to the field of family science. The course will train students on how to conceptualize and develop rigorous empirical research studies relevant to family science and family health.
FMSC-879: Preparing Future Faculty and Professionals Seminar 1 Development of skills necessary to obtain and succeed in academic and non-academic positions in family science and public health. Topics include: career mapping, networking, teaching/teaching portfolios, independent research, publishing, grant writing, program and policy evaluation, consulting, job search, interviewing and negotiation, mentoring, diversity, work-family balance, and ethical issues in the workplace. Periodic visits to universities and government/nonprofit employers.
FMSC-689: Research Internship 3 Research experience resulting in a scholarly article suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
FMSC-899: Doctoral Dissertation Research 12 Doctoral Dissertation Research
FMSC-686: Law, Public Health and the Cuban Family (Elective) 4 A comparison of family problems in the United States, a capitalist society, with Cuba, a socialist one, as evaluated within the context of legal, public health, social, cultural, and economic changes. The highlight of the course is time spent in Havana, Cuba where students may gain first-hand knowledge of these issues through visits to a hospital, fertility clinic, rural doctor's office, medical school, law offices, museums, and a slave rebellion site and while meeting with the U.S. Ambassador in Cuba, Cuban judges, lawyers, doctors, professors, and health care professionals and the Cuban people as their host families and beyond.
FMSC-760: Legal Issues & Families (Elective) 3 Analysis of marriage and family issues from a legal perspective. Review of legal decisions affecting families, including procreative rights, marriage, termination of marriage, parental and child rights, adoption, child custody, and child/family medical treatment. Relationship between family law and family policy.
FMSC-667: Restorative Justice and Family Health -- Comparing Educational and Correctional Practices in the U.S. and Norway (Elective) 3 Short-term study abroad course that provides students with a unique opportunity to compare philosophies of restorative justice and the effects of individual autonomy within educational and correctional practices in the U.S. and Norway. This course teaches students valuable comparative and evaluative skills in this cross-cultural experience. Students of all levels can benefit from this unique opportunity and the course content overlaps with several disciplines including family science, education, criminology and criminal justice, public health, public policy, politics and political science, social work, psychology, and other related disciplines.
  • The PhD Student Handbook
  • PhD Degree Requirements
  • Graduate Student Ombudsman
  • Graduate Assistantship Policies
  • Department of Family Science Graduate Student Advising and Mentoring Policy

Department of Family Science

Dr. Tanner Kilpatrick Director of Graduate Studies [email protected]

Arizona State University

Family and Human Development, PhD

  • Program description
  • At a glance
  • Degree requirements
  • Admission requirements
  • Tuition information
  • Application deadlines
  • Program learning outcomes
  • Career opportunities
  • Contact information

Health, children, human

Enjoy a flexible model of training with renowned faculty who provide professional opportunities. Specializations are available in social and emotional development, measurement and statistical analysis, and diversity science.

The PhD program in family and human development is devoted to the study of families, children and youth. The program's research, teaching and service have direct meaning in the lives of children and adults and for their families and communities.

The faculty share a common commitment to high-quality research that both increases the basic understanding of human and family development and has the potential to contribute to the improvement of the lives of children and families.

  • College/school: The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Location: Tempe
  • STEM-OPT extension eligible: No

85 credit hours, a written comprehensive exam, an oral comprehensive exam, a prospectus and a dissertation

Required Core (1 credit hour) FAS 503 Academic Professional Development (1)

Other Requirements (26 credit hours) CDE 531 Theoretical Issues in Child Development (3) FAS 500 Research Methods (3) FAS 513 Introduction to Regression and Linear Models (4) FAS 514 Advanced Regression and Nonlinear Models (4) FAS 531 Theoretical Issues in Family Sciences (3) two graduate-level courses in advanced methods or statistics (6) one graduate-level diversity course (3)

Research (6 credit hours) FAS or CDE 592 Research (6)

Electives (40 credit hours)

Culminating Experience (12 credit hours) FAS or CDE 799 Dissertation (12)

Additional Curriculum Information Postbaccalaureate (students entering after the bachelor's degree): Of the 85 credit hours for a postbaccalaureate program, six credit hours are dedicated to an empirical project, and 12 credit hours are for the dissertation.

Post-master's (students entering after the master's degree): When approved by the student's supervisory committee and the Graduate College, this program allows 30 credit hours from a previously awarded master's degree to be used for this credential. Of the 55 credit hours of the post-master's degree program, 12 credit hours are for the dissertation.

Electives should be chosen in consultation with and approval of the advisor. Electives may be selected within or outside the Sanford School. All elective courses must be 500 level or higher.

Substitutions for all courses listed under other requirements may be made per department approval.

For the diversity course requirement, students should refer to the department for a list of approved courses.

For the advanced methods or statistics requirement, students take two courses with content that advances beyond Quantitative Methods I and II.

Applicants must fulfill the requirements of both the Graduate College and The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Applicants are eligible to apply to the program if they have a bachelor's or master's degree in any field from a regionally accredited institution.

Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in the last 60 hours of their first bachelor's degree program or a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in an applicable master's degree program.

All applicants must submit:

  • graduate admission application and application fee
  • official transcripts
  • a resume or curriculum vitae
  • statement of goals relevant to the doctoral program
  • three letters of recommendation
  • proof of English proficiency

Additional Application Information An applicant whose native language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency regardless of their current residency.

The personal statement must be four to six pages, double-spaced, and address the applicant's professional goals, the applicant's strengths that will enable them to succeed in the program, a detailed description of past research experience, relevant professional experiences or responsibilities, and specific personal research interests. The applicant also must identify two or three faculty members whose research interests match their own and explain why they are good matches.

Three letters of recommendation are required. These must include at least one from an instructor at the institution where the applicant completed their undergraduate or graduate work. The letters should be from people who know the applicant in a professional or academic capacity; letters from family members or friends do not meet this criterion.

Students should see the program website for full application deadlines.

Session A/CIn Person 12/01Final

Program learning outcomes identify what a student will learn or be able to do upon completion of their program. This program has the following program outcomes:

  • Apply their understanding of theoretical perspectives to the field of child and family development in their final project and/or final exam.
  • Apply research methods, including study design, measurement, and analyses in their final exam and dissertation.
  • Able to implement a major independent research project that makes a unique contribution to the field of family and human development.

Graduates possess knowledge and skills necessary for promoting healthy individual and family development as they study the factors that promote successful relationships and positive outcomes for individuals, families and communities across the life span. Graduates often pursue careers working with children, youth and adults in human, social and government agencies or take on leadership roles as researchers in a university, in a public or privately funded agency, in an industry or in government.

Career examples include:

  • community support program officials
  • government agency administrators and professionals
  • instructors
  • nonprofit organization administrators
  • research professionals

Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics | SS 144 [email protected] 480-965-6875

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Human development and family studies, ph.d..


The Doctor of Philosophy program in Human Development and Family Studies focuses on the intersection of human development, family processes, and socio-cultural context.  A defining focus of our program is an emphasis on understanding development and family relationships in socio-cultural context and the application of strength-based approaches to the study of diverse children and families. Students complete foundational coursework in human development, family studies, race, class, and culture, research methods, and theories of HDFS.  Students have considerable flexibility in tailoring their program with a variety of specialization courses including:

  • Adolescence
  • African American Families
  • Applied Longitudinal Analysis
  • Child Development in Cultural Context
  • Children, Poverty, and Public Policy
  • Cognitive Development in Young Children
  • Contemporary Research in Early Childhood Education
  • Families and Health
  • Immigrant Families
  • Measurement Analyses and Methods in HDFS
  • Risk & Resilience in Children and Families
  • Social Justice Research with Diverse Families
  • Work & Family

Program Distinctions

  • The HDFS Ph.D. program at UNCG is ranked #4 nationally and #1 in the Southeast by Family Science Review.
  • The program is ranked #10 nationally and #1 in NC for HDFS departments by The HDFS Report.
  • The HDFS Ph.D. program at UNCG is the only doctoral program in Human Development and Family Studies in the UNC system and the state of North Carolina.

The Student Experience

  • Graduate students and faculty are invested in a collaborative and rigorous learning community.
  • Graduate students use cutting edge, strengths-based research methods and analyses to study the  intersection of human development, family processes, and socio-cultural context.
  • Through an individualized mentoring approach, graduate students train with experienced and supportive faculty to conduct research related to students’ area of specialization and career goals.
  • Students gain experience in college-level instruction through individualized teaching practicums with HDFS faculty known for exemplary teaching.
  • The Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies requires 78-84 credit hours for students entering with a bachelor’s degree or 45-51 credit hours for students entering with a master’s degree. Entering doctoral students who have completed a master’s degree at another institution or department must fulfill (or have comparable substitutions for) all of the requirements of the HDFS M.S. degree program. These requirements must be fulfilled in addition to completing the 45-51 credits required for the Ph.D.

After Graduation

HDFS Ph.D. graduates have a 100% job placement record and have entered a variety of professions and positions, including: 

  • developmental psychology
  • early childhood education
  • African American studies
  • human service studies
  • health sciences
  • social work
  • Postdoctoral Fellow studying a wide range of topics
  • Senior Research Scientist
  • Research Project Manager
  • Policy Analyst
  • Program Officer for federal agencies and grant-making foundations
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer
  • Evaluation Specialist or Director
  • Non-profit Administrator

Learn more about our alumni .

Apply to Program

Applications are accepted once a year and due no later than December 15th. In addition to materials required by the Graduate School, applicants must submit the following:

  • Reasons for pursuing graduate study in HDFS
  • Previous experience and training in HDFS or related fields
  • Professional goals
  • Primary areas of research interest 
  • Faculty members with whom they are most interested in working
  • An academic writing sample (e.g. senior year paper, literature review paper, honor’s thesis, master’s thesis, or a manuscript published or accepted/submitted for publication).

Doctoral Minor

  • Human Development and Family Studies Doctoral Minor

Want more information? Let’s get started!

Program details.

Degree Type: Doctoral

College/School: School of Health and Human Sciences

Program Type: Majors & Concentrations

Class Type: In Person

Learn More About

Similar Degree Offerings

  • Human Development and Family Studies, M.S.

Heather M. Helms , Ph.D. Graduate Program Director Department of Human Development and Family Studies 165 D Stone Building [email protected]

Michael Kerley [email protected] 336.334.5307

Quick Links

  • Human Development and Family Studies, M.S. Thesis
  • Human Development and Family Studies, Doctoral Minor
  • Birth-Kindergarten Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development, M.Ed.
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  • Biostatistics
  • Environmental Health and Engineering
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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Offered By: Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health

Onsite | Full-Time | 4 years

  • MAS Application Fee Waiver Requirements
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Geography and Environmental Engineering
  • Master of Arts and Master of Science in Public Health (MA/MSPH)
  • Master of Arts in Public Health Biology (MAPHB)
  • Master of Bioethics (MBE)
  • Mission, Vision, and Values
  • Student Experience
  • Program Outcomes
  • For Hopkins Undergraduate Students
  • Master of Health Science (MHS) - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Master of Health Science (MHS) - Department of Epidemiology
  • Alumni Update
  • MHS Combined with a Certificate Program
  • Master of Health Science (MHS) - Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
  • Alumni Highlights
  • Post-Baccalaureate Program in Environmental Health for Pre-Medicine Students
  • Bachelor's/MHS in Health Economics and Outcomes Research
  • MHS HEOR Careers
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Master of Health Science (MHS)
  • Concurrent School-Wide Master of Health Science Program in Biostatistics
  • Master of Health Science - Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
  • Master of Health Science Online (MHS) - Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
  • Careers in Health Economics
  • Core Competencies
  • Meet the Director
  • What is Health Economics
  • MPH Capstone Schedule
  • Concentrations
  • Online/Part-Time Format
  • Requirements

Tuition and Funding

  • Executive Board Faculty
  • Master of Science (MS) in Geography and Environmental Engineering
  • Independent Professional Project and Final Essay 
  • Program Objectives and Outcomes
  • Internships
  • Master of Science (ScM) - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Master of Science (ScM) - Department of Biostatistics
  • Master of Science (ScM) - Department of Epidemiology
  • Master of Science (ScM) - Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
  • ScM Faculty Advisers
  • Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in Geography and Environmental Engineering
  • Bachelor's/MSPH in Health Policy
  • FAQ for MSPH in Health Policy
  • Field Placement Experience
  • MSPH Capstone
  • MSPH Practicum
  • Required and Elective Courses
  • Student Timeline
  • Career Opportunities
  • 38-Week Dietetics Practicum
  • Completion Requirements
  • MSPH/RD Program FAQ
  • Program Goals
  • Master's Essay Titles
  • Application Fee Waiver Requirements
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Department of Biostatistics
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Department of Epidemiology
  • Program Goals and Expectations
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical Investigation
  • Track in Environmental Sustainability, Resilience, and Health
  • Track in Exposure Sciences and Environmental Epidemiology
  • Track in Health Security
  • Track in Toxicology, Physiology and Molecular Mechanisms
  • PhD in Geography and Environmental Engineering Faculty Advisers
  • Recent Graduates and Dissertation Titles
  • PhD Funding
  • PhD TA Requirement
  • Recent Dissertation Titles
  • JHU-Tsinghua Doctor of Public Health
  • Core Course Requirements
  • Concentration in Women’s and Reproductive Health
  • Custom Track
  • Concentration in Environmental Health
  • Concentration in Global Health: Policy and Evaluation
  • Concentration in Health Equity and Social Justice
  • Concentration in Health Policy and Management
  • Concentration in Implementation Science
  • Meet Current Students
  • Combined Bachelor's / Master's Programs
  • Concurrent MHS Option for BSPH Doctoral Students
  • Concurrent MSPH Option for JHSPH Doctoral students
  • Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy (MD/PhD)
  • Adolescent Health Certificate Program
  • Bioethics Certificate Program
  • Climate and Health Certificate Program
  • Clinical Trials Certificate Program
  • Community- Based Public Health Certificate Program
  • Demographic Methods Certificate Program
  • Environmental and Occupational Health Certificate Program
  • Epidemiology for Public Health Professionals Certificate Program
  • Evaluation: International Health Programs Certificate Program
  • Food Systems, the Environment and Public Health Certificate Program
  • Frequently Asked Questions for Certificate Programs
  • Gender and Health Certificate Program
  • Gerontology Certificate Program
  • Global Digital Health Certificate Program
  • Global Health Certificate Program
  • Global Health Practice Certificate Program
  • Health Communication Certificate Program
  • Health Disparities and Health Inequality Certificate Program
  • Health Education Certificate Program
  • Health Finance and Management Certificate Program
  • Health and Human Rights Certificate Program
  • Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection Prevention and Control Certificate Program
  • Humane Sciences and Toxicology Policy Certificate Program
  • Humanitarian Health Certificate Program
  • Implementation Science and Research Practice Certificate Program
  • Injury and Violence Prevention Certificate Program
  • International Healthcare Management and Leadership Certificate Program
  • Leadership for Public Health and Healthcare Certificate Program
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Public Health Certificate Program
  • Maternal and Child Health Certificate Program
  • Mental Health Policy, Economics and Services Certificate Program
  • Non-Degree Students General Admissions Info
  • Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Certificate Program
  • Population Health Management Certificate Program
  • Population and Health Certificate Program
  • Product Stewardship for Sustainability Certificate Program
  • Public Health Advocacy Certificate Program
  • Public Health Economics Certificate Program
  • Public Health Informatics Certificate Program
  • Public Health Practice Certificate Program
  • Declaration of Intent - Public Health Preparedness
  • Public Health Training Certificate for American Indian Health Professionals
  • Public Mental Health Research Certificate Program
  • Quality, Patient Safety and Outcomes Research Certificate Program
  • Quantitative Methods in Public Health Certificate Program
  • Requirements for Successful Completion of a Certificate Program
  • Rigor, Reproducibility, and Responsibility in Scientific Practice Certificate Program
  • Risk Sciences and Public Policy Certificate Program
  • Spatial Analysis for Public Health Certificate Program
  • Training Certificate in Public Health
  • Tropical Medicine Certificate Program
  • Tuition for Certificate Programs
  • Vaccine Science and Policy Certificate Program
  • Online Student Experience
  • Online Programs for Applied Learning
  • Barcelona Information
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  • Directions to the Bloomberg School
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  • Message from the Director
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  • Current Residents
  • Elective Opportunities for Visiting Trainees
  • What is Occupational and Environmental Medicine?
  • Admissions Info
  • Graduates by Year
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • How to Apply
  • Academic Committee
  • Course Details and Registration
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Principal Faculty
  • Johns Hopkins RAPID Psychological First Aid
  • General Application
  • JHHS Application
  • Areas of Study
  • Important Dates
  • Our Faculty
  • Welcome Letter
  • Descripción los Cursos
  • Programa en Epidemiología para Gestores de Salud, Basado en Internet
  • Consultants
  • Britt Dahlberg, PhD
  • Joke Bradt, PhD, MT-BC
  • Mark R. Luborsky, PhD
  • Marsha Wittink, PhD
  • Rebekka Lee, ScD
  • Su Yeon Lee-Tauler, PhD
  • Theresa Hoeft, PhD
  • Vicki L. Plano Clark, PhD
  • Program Retreat
  • Mixed Methods Applications: Illustrations
  • Announcements
  • 2023 Call for Applications
  • Jennifer I Manuel, PhD, MSW
  • Joke Bradt, PhD
  • Josiemer Mattei, PhD, MPH
  • Justin Sanders, MD, MSc
  • Linda Charmaran, PhD
  • Nao Hagiwara, PhD
  • Nynikka R. A. Palmer, DrPH, MPH
  • Olayinka O. Shiyanbola, BPharm, PhD
  • Sarah Ronis, MD, MPH
  • Susan D. Brown, PhD
  • Tara Lagu, MD, MPH
  • Theresa Hoft, PhD
  • Wynne E. Norton, PhD
  • Yvonne Mensa-Wilmot, PhD, MPH
  • A. Susana Ramírez, PhD, MPH
  • Animesh Sabnis, MD, MSHS
  • Autumn Kieber-Emmons, MD, MPH
  • Benjamin Han, MD, MPH
  • Brooke A. Levandowski, PhD, MPA
  • Camille R. Quinn, PhD, AM, LCSW
  • Justine Wu, MD, MPH
  • Kelly Aschbrenner, PhD
  • Kim N. Danforth, ScD, MPH
  • Loreto Leiva, PhD
  • Marie Brault, PhD
  • Mary E. Cooley, PhD, RN, FAAN
  • Meganne K. Masko, PhD, MT-BC/L
  • PhuongThao D. Le, PhD, MPH
  • Rebecca Lobb, ScD, MPH
  • Allegra R. Gordon, ScD MPH
  • Anita Misra-Hebert, MD MPH FACP
  • Arden M. Morris, MD, MPH
  • Caroline Silva, PhD
  • Danielle Davidov, PhD
  • Hans Oh, PhD
  • J. Nicholas Dionne-Odom, PhD RN ACHPN
  • Jacqueline Mogle, PhD
  • Jammie Hopkins, DrPH, MS
  • Joe Glass, PhD MSW
  • Karen Whiteman, PhD MSW
  • Katie Schultz, PhD MSW
  • Rose Molina, MD
  • Uriyoán Colón-Ramos, ScD MPA
  • Andrew Riley, PhD
  • Byron J. Powell, PhD, LCSW
  • Carrie Nieman MD, MPH
  • Charles R. Rogers, PhD, MPH, MS, CHES®
  • Emily E. Haroz, PhD
  • Jennifer Tsui, Ph.D., M.P.H.
  • Jessica Magidson, PhD
  • Katherine Sanchez, PhD, LCSW
  • Kelly Doran, MD, MHS
  • Kiara Alvarez, PhD
  • LaPrincess C. Brewer, MD, MPH
  • Melissa Radey, PhD, MA, MSSW
  • Sophia L. Johnson, PharmD, MPH, PhD
  • Supriya Gupta Mohile, MD, MS
  • Virginia McKay, PhD
  • Andrew Cohen, MD, PhD
  • Angela Chen, PhD, PMHNP-BC, RN
  • Christopher Salas-Wright, PhD, MSW
  • Eliza Park MD, MS
  • Jaime M. Hughes, PhD, MPH, MSW
  • Johanne Eliacin, PhD, HSPP
  • Lingrui Liu ScD MS
  • Meaghan Kennedy, MD
  • Nicole Stadnick, PhD, MPH
  • Paula Aristizabal, MD
  • Radhika Sundararajan, MD
  • Sara Mamo, AuD, PhD
  • Tullika Garg, MD MPH FACS
  • Allison Magnuson, DO
  • Ariel Williamson PhD, DBSM
  • Benita Bamgbade, PharmD, PhD
  • Christopher Woodrell MD
  • Hung-Jui (Ray) Tan, MD, MSHPM
  • Jasmine Abrams, PhD
  • Jose Alejandro Rauh-Hain, MD
  • Karen Flórez, DrPH, MPH
  • Lavanya Vasudevan, PhD, MPH, CPH
  • Maria Garcia, MD, MPH
  • Robert Brady, PhD
  • Saria Hassan, MD
  • Scherezade Mama, DrPH
  • Yuan Lu, ScD
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  • Pathway Program with Goucher College
  • The George G. Graham Lecture

About the PhD in Population, Family and Reproductive Health Program

The emphasis of the PhD program is to integrate coursework in life course, population and core PFRH areas of interest with the application of a range of research methods to these areas. Doctoral program requirements also include a core set of courses that cover developmental, demographic and social science frameworks that represent common conceptual foundations for the work of PFRH faculty.

What Can You Do With a Graduate Degree In Population, Family And Reproductive Health?

Visit the  Graduate Employment Outcomes Dashboard to learn about Bloomberg School graduates' employment status, sector, and salaries.

Sample Careers

  • Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer
  • Senior Research Analyst
  • Program Officer Evaluation Consultant
  • Assistant Professor

Curriculum for the PhD in Population, Family and Reproductive Health

Browse an overview of the requirements for this PhD program in the JHU  Academic Catalogue , explore all course offerings in the Bloomberg School  Course Directory . 

Areas of Interest

The Department's current areas of interest in the PhD program include:

  • Child and Adolescent Health
  • Maternal, Fetal and Perinatal Health
  • Population and Health
  • Women's, Sexual and Reproductive Health

Admissions Requirements

For general admissions requirements, please visit the How to Apply page. This specific program also requires:

Prior Coursework

A general-level biology or biological science course

Standardized Test Scores

Standardized test scores (GRE, MCAT) are  optional  for this program. The admissions committee will make no assumptions if a standardized test score is omitted from an application, but will require evidence of quantitative/analytical ability through other application components such as academic transcripts and/or supplemental questions.  Applications will be reviewed holistically based on all application components.

All full-time PhD students will receive the following support for the first four years of the program: full tuition, individual health insurance, University Health Services clinic fee, vision insurance and dental insurance.

The Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health is committed to helping doctoral students finance their degree. Some funding is available through Training Grants and Departmental and School-wide scholarships and awards. Some examples are*:

Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Training Grant Violence Training Grant STI Training Grant

* Subject to Change

Doctoral students in the Department are encouraged to apply for outside funding sources to supplement their tuition awards. Students receive support through the Department's faculty, students and staff in submitting grants. For more information regarding funding through the School and outside of the School, please visit the Funding Opportunities page .

Need-Based Relocation Grants Students who  are admitted to PhD programs at JHU  starting in Fall 2023 or beyond can apply to receive a $1500 need-based grant to offset the costs of relocating to be able to attend JHU.   These grants provide funding to a portion of incoming students who, without this money, may otherwise not be able to afford to relocate to JHU for their PhD program. This is not a merit-based grant. Applications will be evaluated solely based on financial need.  View more information about the need-based relocation grants for PhD students .

Questions about the program? We're happy to help. 

Academic Program Manager Gilbert Morgan 410-614-6676 [email protected]

Academic Program Manager Kristen McCormick 410-955-1116 [email protected]

Utility Links

  • Office of the Provost

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  • Lactation Resources
  • Grants for PhD Students with Families
  • Parenting Resources
  • For Expecting Parents
  • PennCard and Campus Services
  • Family Friendly Philadelphia
  • Title IX: Know Your Rights
  • Opportunities in Philadelphia
  • Parental Release Consent Form

Provost Grants for PhD Students with Families

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The Office of the Provost has created two grant programs for PhD students to help offset the cost of childcare and family expenses, and health insurance for dependents. 

For information on grants for Student Health Insurance or Dental Insurance Grants, please go to

The grants are funded by the Office of the Provost and administered by the Family Resource Center and the Office of Student Registration and Financial Services. For the academic year, the grant program will have two application cycles to support students with qualifying life events to access grant funds after the Fall grant deadline. Funding for this grant is limited and grants will be disbursed as funding allows. Students who received Fall PhD Grants should not apply for the Spring grant unless they have had a life event--new baby, marriage, change in funding/employment, or change in dependent insurance coverage. 

2023-24 Academic Year and Fall 2023 Family Grant And Dependent Insurance Grant application: August 21- September 22, 2023.

Spring 2024 Application cycle: January 22-February 23, 2024  No extensions or exceptions can be made for those who miss the deadline or do not meet eligibility criteria. 

*Please read the program details carefully as some changes have been made.*

  • Family Grant
  • Dependent Health Insurance Grant
  • For information on grants to subsidize health insurance and dental insurance for PhD students, please visit the Graduate Student Center's website

The Family Grant helps to offset the cost of childcare and other expenses for PhD students with children.

Fall/Academic Year Grant Cycle:

During the Fall Grant application period , eligible PhD students may receive up to $5,000 for one child, $2,500 for each additional child, with a $10,000 maximum per family. The Fall Grant application period is intended to fund the entire academic year and those graduating in December. Students graduating in December will be eligible for partial grants. 

During the Spring Grant application period, eligible PhD students may receive up to $2,500 for one child, $1,250 for each additional child with a $5,000 maximum per family. The Spring Grant application period is for those who did not qualify for Fall grants or had a qualifying life change after the Fall application deadline. If you received a Fall Grant and did not have a qualifying life change, do not apply for the Spring Grant. 

Fall Application Opens: August 21- September 22, 2023 

Spring 2024 Application cycle: January 22 - February 23, 2024 by 5:00 PM

Direct all questions to [email protected]


Eligible doctoral students must:

  • Have a dependent child or children under the age of 18 or disabled living with them. In order to be considered, fall applicants must have their baby/child by December 15, 2023 and spring applicants must have their baby/child by April 21, 2024. Those expecting babies/children after the application deadline, should still apply by the deadline then submit the proof of child documentation after the baby is born or adopted. Please indicate this late document on the application.  
  • Be currently registered in a Penn PhD program and in  good academic standing . Students on leave (except family and medical leave) during either semester are not eligible.
  • Only PhD doctoral students can apply.
  • Be enrolled in years 1-8. Students in year nine or beyond are not eligible.
  • Students who received PhD grants during the fall term are not eligible to reapply during the spring cycle unless they had/adopted a baby after December 15, 2023 or had a qualifying life event  like marriage, divorce, employment change, insurance eligibility change. 


Below are the required documentation* items that must be submitted via the  online document submission form , select "PhD Grant Application" in the drop-down menu when you upload documents.  Have all of your documents ready when you begin the application.  If you are unable to provide a required document you must provide a written explanation of its absence. 

  • Copies of the 2022 U.S. tax returns for student and spouse (if filing separately).
  • 2022 W2s for student and spouse/partner. (Penn W2s for 2022  can be accessed here .)
  • Copies of the most recent two pay stubs for all working adults in the household. (Stipend and campus employment pay stubs can be found in Workday. ) 
  • If applicable, proof of tuition or childcare expenses for dependents, in the form of daycare/childcare invoices, cancelled checks, and/or money transfer receipts to caregivers.  Documentation is required only if a childcare related expense is listed on the application.
  • your tax returns if you've claimed the child(ren) as dependents;
  • a copy of the child(ren)'s birth certificate(s) or U.S. passport(s);
  • copy of the Dependent I-20 or DS2019 forms;
  • health insurance documents.
  • Documentation of any other major costs or expenses reported in your application, as relevant. 

*All documentation will be handled in accordance with the University's  privacy policies.

Grant Considerations

Before you apply, you should know:

  • Grants are not guaranteed. Grants are disbursed as funding allows, with priority given to the students who demonstrate the highest financial need. ( Do note, due to the economic impact of COVID-19, we are anticipating a larger pool of high-need applicants, as a result, families with higher household incomes may not receive awards as they have in previous grant cycles.) 
  • Fall Grant/Academic year: $5,000 for one child, $2,500 for each additional child with a $10,000 maximum per family.
  • Spring Grant: $2,500 for one child, $1,250 for each additional child with a $5,000 maximum per family.
  • Married and/or partnered PhD students should submit only one application.
  • Grants are awarded annually, and you must reapply each year.  
  • Fall 2023 and 23-24 AY grant recipients will be notified by late October, with funds disbursed in November 2023. Spring 2024 grant recipients will be notified by early March and funds will be disbursed in March 2024.   
  • Funds will be processed through your student account.  This is a separate system from Workday.  You must you must  set up direct deposit in in PennPay  via a U.S. bank, FlyWire, or PayMyTuition or a paper check will be mailed to the permanent address listed in your Penn Profile.   
  • If you have an outstanding balance on your student account, the grant will be applied to your bill. Any remaining funds will be disbursed to you as a student account refund, leaving a zero balance on your student account. If you have outstanding charges in excess of the grant amount, the grant will apply to those charges and no refund will be processed.   
  • All University grants to individuals may be considered taxable income by the government. You are responsible for reporting the grant income and paying any applicable taxes.  Depending on your tax status, taxes may be withheld prior to the grant disbursement. Such taxes may be refunded when students file annual taxes with the IRS. The SFS website provides additional information regarding  withholding taxes on grants and aid for non-U.S. citizens .    
  • If you are receiving student loans or other forms of aid, this grant could reduce your loan amount or exceed your semester budget maximum. Students who are receiving funding up to or beyond their approved aid budget are responsible for contacting Student Financial Services to understand how receiving this grant may affect their aid package. There may be options available to you for a budget adjustment or other steps in order to receive all awarded funds, depending on your individual circumstances. Contact  [email protected]  or schedule an appointment with a  Graduate Financial Aid Counselor  to discuss your account status.  
  • If you do not remain in good academic standing during the period covered by the grant, some or all of the grant funds may be rescinded.  
  • Applicant funding status and fellowship stipend amounts will be verified with graduate groups and school finance administrators. You are responsible for notifying us if your funding status changes during the period covered by the grant. Failure to do so will result in grant funds being rescinded.  
  • If you provide false or misleading information or documentation in your grant application, the grant funds will be rescinded, and  you will be referred to the  Center for Community Standards and Accountability (CSA)  for disciplinary action. 

How to Apply 

  • Complete the  online application.
  • Submit required documents using this  online document submission form , include the text "PhD Grant Documentation" in the message field. 

Failure to provide all necessary documentation will result in delays reviewing your application or rejection of application. You may be asked to provide additional documentation or information needed to evaluate your application. 

*We are committed to ensuring the security of your information. We have put in place reasonable physical, technical, and administrative safeguards designed to prevent unauthorized access to, or use of, the information collected online. 

Read how Penn respects and protects your data.  

This grant helps to offset the cost of dependent health insurance for PhD students with children and/or spouses.

During the Fall/academic year application cycle, eligible students may receive grant funds up to $1,000 per dependent. 

During the Spring application cycle, eligible students may receive up to $500 per dependent.

Fall Application Opens: August 21- September 22, 2023

Spring 2024 Application cycle: January 22-February 23, 2024

  • Have a dependent child or children under the age of 26 or disabled living with them at least part of the time and/or have a spouse. Children must be born by December 15, 2023 for Fall applications. Children must be born/adopted by April 21, 2024 for Spring applications. Those expecting babies/children after the application deadline, should still apply by the deadline then submit the proof of child documentation after the baby/child is born/adopted. Please indicate this late document on the application.  
  • Have purchased a qualifying health insurance policy for their dependents/spouse for the current year. The policy does not have to be PSIP, but the policy must meet the criteria listed below.
  • Be currently registered in a Penn PhD program and in  good academic standing  during period covered by the grant cycle. Students on leave (except family and medical leave) during either semester are not eligible.  Only PhD doctoral students can apply.
  • $61,000 or less for household of 3 or more
  • $40,000 or less for household of 2
  • Students who received PhD grants during the fall term are not eligible to reapply during the spring cycle unless they had/adopted a baby after December 15, 2023, or have another qualifying life event like marriage, divorce, employment change, insurance eligibility change. 

Below are the required documentation* items that must be submitted via the  online document submission form . Select "PhD Grant Application" in the drop-down menu when you upload documents.   Have all of your documents ready when you begin the application.  If you are unable to provide a required document you must provide a written explanation of its absence. 

  • Copies of the 2022 (or 2022) U.S. tax returns for student and spouse (if filing separately)
  • Copies of the most recent two pay stubs for all working adults in the household. (Stipend and campus employment pay stubs can be found in Workday.)
  • Proof that you have personally purchased health insurance for your dependents/spouse. Document must include the amount paid for the insurance, this can be an invoice and must list the names of the family members enrolled in the plan. Dental and Vision insurance not included in this program. 
  • A benefits summary for the health insurance plan, unless it is PSIP. Benefit summary must outline what the insurance plan covers so we can verify it meets our insurance requirements. Dental and vision insurance plans are not included in this grant program.

*Our office is committed to ensuring the security of your information. We have put in place reasonable physical, technical, and administrative safeguards designed to prevent unauthorized access to, or use of, the information collected online.

  • Grants are not guaranteed. Grants are disbursed as funding allows, with priority given to the students who demonstrate the highest financial need.
  • Grants are awarded in the range of $250-$1000 for the fall cycle and $250-500 for the spring cycle.  (F amilies with higher household income and assets may receive grants less than the maximum award amount.)
  • If you are applying for an insurance grant for a spouse who is also a Penn PhD student, they should apply directly for the  health insurance program for PhD students .
  • Grants are awarded annually, and you must reapply each year.

Criteria for insurance plans for dependents/spouse:

  • The insurance plan must be provided by a company licensed to do business in the United States, with a U.S. claims payment office and a U.S. telephone number. The company must have a process to remit payments to providers within the U.S. However, if you and/or your family will be living outside of the United States the insurance plan must cover your dependents in the area where you/they reside.
  • The insurance plan must provide coverage for pre-existing conditions, or have been in effect long enough that any waiting period has passed.
  • Your insurance plan must provide coverage for both in-patient and out-patient medical care in the area of your residence, including routine office visits, specialist office visits, diagnostic testing, imaging and physical therapy. A policy that provides only emergency or urgent medical care in this area does not meet this requirement.

You will be asked to provide a benefits summary for the insurance plan when you apply unless it is PSIP, and we will audit the plans. In addition, you will be required to sign an attestation that your plan meets these criteria. If during the audit, we find that your plan does not meet these criteria, any grant funds will be rescinded.

  • Submit required documents using this  online document submission form , include the text "PhD Grant Documentation" in the message field. 

Grants for Students with Financial Need Penn offers a number of funding sources to support individual students with financial need. These include:

  • Insurance Grants for PhD Students The University offers two grant programs for PhD students to help offset the cost of health insurance and dental insurance. These grants are funded by the Office of the Provost and administered by the Graduate Student Center and the Office of Student Registration and Financial Services.
  • Trustees’ Council of Penn Women Emergency Grant The Trustees' Council of Penn Women will offer grants to students who have special financial needs. Special consideration will be given to women students. Grants will be for sudden, compelling, and unanticipated need due to changed financial circumstances. Examples include the death or unemployment of a parent or illness. These students would be unable to continue their studies without special financial assistance. Students should demonstrate resourcefulness and self-reliance in their quest for a Penn education, and their qualities should identify them as role models for other University students.  
  • Graduate Emergency Fund and   Undergraduate Emergency & Opportunity Funding Unexpected financial circumstances can cause undergraduate, graduate, and professional students stress and impact their ability to achieve and thrive. The Division of the Vice Provost for University Life's Access and Retention Fund provides one-time Emergency Funds or Opportunity Grants to help low-income and/or first-generation undergraduate students participate in experiences they otherwise cannot afford.
  • Career Services summer funding for internships Many summer internships, particularly in certain fields, provide only a small stipend or do not pay at all. Frequently the internships are located in cities with a high cost of living. This means that many students are unable to take advantage of excellent positions, which are sometimes the first step on a career in a given field. Other students wish to participate in not for profit or NGO work abroad, or to do a research project, but the travel costs to get there are prohibitive.
  • Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Support Award  ​​​​​ The Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation will offer five Education Support Awards of up to $5000 each to assist low-income women with children who are pursuing education or training. Awardees will be selected based on: Financial need, personal circumstance, educational path, vocational or occupational goals, and service or activist or civic goals.

Family Resource Center 3615 Locust Walk, Lower Level Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-746-2701

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College of Education and Human Development

Family Social Science

MA/PhD in family social science

A path to a doctoral degree.

If you want to pursue a doctoral degree but have not yet earned a master’s degree, the family social science master’s degree, plan A (requiring a master’s capstone thesis), is your pathway to a doctoral degree. Like the traditional master’s program in family social science, the program uses the insights and methods of the social sciences to examine individual, family, and human development over the lifespan and how families work within various contexts and cultures. You will study:

  • conceptual theoretical frameworks
  • research and evaluation methodologies
  • implementation and translational research
  • community collaborations and system change initiatives

Once you have completed your master’s thesis and final oral examination, you will evaluated by faculty to continue into the PhD program.

Interested in a coursework-based master's degree? Learn more about an MEd in family education.

What students have said in the Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) survey

maroon circle with 100%

  • 3 You need to check what a student visa allows you to do in the US (off-campus jobs are not allowed I believe, but I'm not an expert). And you wife would need a visa allowing her to work, which may not be easy to obtain. Public schools are free in the US. –  Jon Custer Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 12:41
  • 2 Your wife will be on F-2 visa. It's not easy for her to get permission to work. –  Nobody Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 12:57
  • 1 In general it's hard to immigrate to the US. We've had politicians and political parties who tell people that the reason they don't have a better job is because it was stolen by an immigrant, or that immigrants are violent threats (these are wrong, but politics isn't required to be right). A student visa is easier to get specifically because it is not a direct pathway to permanent immigration. –  Bryan Krause ♦ Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 13:13
  • "school fees for the kids" primary and secondary education in the US is free, unless you insist on private/religious schooling which would definitely make this whole thing more challenging ... likely the yearly fees are your entire stipend. –  Azor Ahai -him- Commented Aug 12, 2023 at 18:20

3 Answers 3

There is no standard way in which graduate students are funded in the US. It ranges from students who pay for everything (food, rent, fees, tuition, office supplies, computers, travel to conferences and health insurance, etc.) to fully-funded positions that cover all of these. Yes, including meals, and I know because I had such a position while a graduate student. Departments offer more to attract better graduate students, so you can expect the better funded positions to be more competitive. Between those two extremes, everything goes. Most graduate students get a tuition remission and earn their rent money by working as Teaching Assistants, that is, teaching courses or labs.

It is entirely possible for a family of 4 to support itself while one of the parents goes to graduate school. I did exactly that. There are too many factors to discuss in a short answer here, but in short trying to find such a spot in a New York City or anywhere in California is impossible, while entirely possible in the south of the US and in Midwest states. Catholic universities have a tradition of supporting students with families with subsidized housing and other incentives.

Student visas only allow you to work on campus, but finding such jobs will entirely depend on the university. Some universities offer good jobs at at good pay (e.g. museum assistant, library work, research assistant, office work, etc.), while at other universities competition for any kind of on-campus job is fierce and the jobs not nice (e.g. night shift at study hall, event catering, etc.). It's entirely possible to hold more than one job, although, of course, the more jobs you have the less time you'll have to work on your research. But what people don't understand is that for many international students, the alternative is not extra jobs vs. not driving a nice car, but extra jobs vs. not getting a PhD at all. One needs to pay for food and rent, there's no way around that.

As the spouse of a student on a visa, your wife will not get a work permit. But off-the-books jobs in the US are plentiful, and in fact, the entire economy depends on a subclass of people working but receiving no benefits like social security, unemployment benefits, worker's comp, etc. I am a US-born natural citizen but grew up in another nation, so I identify more with immigrants than with my fellow US citizens, and in graduate school mostly socialized with immigrant students. Their spouses held a myriad of jobs, e.g. picking fruit, working in factories, bartending, construction, landscaping, that is, every job US citizens balk at doing because of the harsh conditions and low pay. Which jobs your spouse can get will depend mostly on the color of her skin and accent. If you are Irish or English, she should easily be able to jet a job as a bartender or high-end nanny. If you have brown skin and an accent, then it's construction, fruit picking, meat factory, cleaning, etc.

The trick to making ends meet as an immigrant family of a graduate student is to ask other immigrants. Most US citizens are oblivious to the lives of immigrants, except for what they watch on TV. But immigrants do find a way, and it's not impossible.

Cheery's user avatar

  • 3 "It is entirely possible for a family of 4 to support itself while one of the parents goes to graduate school. I did exactly that." To clarify, did you do that while your partner did not work? –  Azor Ahai -him- Commented Aug 12, 2023 at 18:18
  • 2 ...your wife will not get a work permit. But off-the-books jobs in the US are plentiful... Bad idea –  user153715 Commented Aug 12, 2023 at 18:48
  • @AzorAhai-him- She worked for about 25% of the time while I was a graduate student. Lots of factors went into the decision. –  Cheery Commented Aug 12, 2023 at 19:44

It's a stretch.

  • These stipends are usually sufficient for a single student to find a decent apartment (often shared) and buy meals and other necessities. Stretching this to cover a family of four will be tough.
  • Your wife will probably not be allowed to work (legally) in the US.
  • It is unlikely that you will be allowed to work off campus. You would have to apply for permission from ICE, and their guidelines state that such applications will be approved only after you've been here for a year, and only if your economic situation has deteriorated from what it was during that first year, due to factors beyond your control.

You can look up cost-of-living calculators. But bear in mind that schools in less expensive areas usually offer lower stipends, whereas schools in more expensive areas may offer subsidized, on-campus housing. So it's not necessarily as simple as "which state is cheapest."

I recommend reaching out to some of the schools you're interested in and ask if there are any grad students in a similar situation to you that can tell you what worked for them.

In general, it is the big cities that are expensive here, especially housing, especially the Bay Area of California. A more rural university (in any state) might have cheaper housing, but possibly not if the university is large. In your field(s) this might be a problem due to the location of suitable universities. You will need to do some research on that.

Your spouse probably won't be able to work for pay, but you might be able to reduce living expenses a bit by sharing some things (child care) with other families.

Schooling for children is free here (public schools). In university towns it can be quite good. Private schools are expensive, sometimes very expensive.

There may still be a few universities that provide low cost married student housing (small 2BR apartments) for graduate students, but this seems to be disappearing, I think.

Grants for graduate study are rare in most fields, especially for international students. Most of the funding is for Teaching Assistants, but only in fields and places that have a large undergraduate major in that field, requiring lots of assistants. There are also Research Assistantships in some fields, but less common. This might be your best bet, given your field. A TA stipend is generally sufficient to live (cheaply) for someone with a family. Can your kids share a room? Harder if not.

Moving from a student visa to a permanent one might be an issue in the long term if that is your desire.

If you have some special qualifications that add value to the department you wish to join, special experience or skills, you might be able to negotiate a bit. But this is also rare, unless you can appeal to some professor (PI) who is well funded and needs your skills.

I'm not quite as pessimistic as Bryan Krause, though what he says is true. But academics will be more welcoming of immigrants than politicians. I expect that if you can make it work at all, you won't find many issues at the university or among the university community. Your spouse, for example, might be able to join a circle of student spouses that can be rewarding, though not financially. With shared child care, your spouse might even be able to become a student there.

Buffy's user avatar

  • 2 I wasn't intending to be pessimistic, just realistic: student visas may be an immigration pathway in other countries, they may have been in the US in the past, but these days they are pretty much orthogonal. The only way they interact with long-term immigration is the local networking that opens up other opportunities (jobs to sponsor a work visa, a citizen to be a spouse - not particularly useful for OP) and the skills learned. There is no simple answer like "complete these forms" or "follow these steps" available. –  Bryan Krause ♦ Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 14:20
  • @BryanKrause, I understand, and, unfortunately, the places where the politicians seem to be worst are also (some of) the places with lower living expenses, I think. –  Buffy Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 14:56

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How to Survive Grad School with a Family Tips for Balancing Kids, School & Your Life

Given that the average age of students pursuing master’s and doctoral programs is 33 and the average ages of first-time mothers and fathers are 28 and 31 respectively, it should come as no surprise that many graduate students balance family life and academic responsibilities while completing advanced degrees. Some even work while enrolled. It may seem like there aren’t enough hours in a day to accomplish everything, but the following guide provides actionable tips, expert advice and resources to help students with families find the support and guidance needed to thrive as a student, partner and parent.

  • How to Pick a Family-Friendly School
  • Grad School Spotlight
  • Tips for Balancing School & Family

Paying for Grad School with a Family

Q&a with a grad school parent, picking a family-friendly school.

Single students often select prospective schools based on factors like campus size, program ranking and availability of experts within their discipline. These factors are still important to student parents, but they must also consider whether the institution adequately caters to their family’s needs. Keep reading to learn about some of the challenges often encountered by degree seekers with families and how schools can help.

Parents take seriously the decision of who will keep their children while they attend classes – for good reason. Finding a suitable childcare service takes time and research, especially when considering things like cost, location and availability. Many colleges and universities now provide campus-based childcare and/or preschool for learners who want to keep their kids close. Indiana University Bloomington’s Early Childhood Education Services (ECES) is just one example of what to look for. With three locations spread throughout campus, ECES provides care for children of staff, faculty and students ranging in age from six weeks to six years.

Many parenting students find themselves drawn to online grad school as this delivery mode provides more flexibility than campus-based programs. Because many programs offer asynchronous learning – meaning degree seekers complete assignments and listen to pre-recorded lectures at times best suited to their schedules – students can fit schoolwork in during naps, visits to grandparents and bedtime. Extra time saved by not traveling to campus in the car also adds up.

Schools aiming to truly provide family-friendly educations often offer a range of activities to help involve those closest to the learner in their academic lives. At Duke University , activities on offer throughout the semester include park playdates, family fairs, happy hours, family days out, lunch parties and visits to local farms and state parks for activity days.

Grad students spend countless hours attending classes, participating in study groups, and meeting with professors on campus. While some of those long days can’t be helped, students living far away from campus tack on extra hours each day without spending time with their families or schoolwork. Enter campus-based family housing. The University of Michigan , as one example, provides a number of community townhouse and apartment options for parents who want to live close to campus, enjoy being connected, and value community.

While certainly not a given, more and more schools now provide a range of support services that help students who want to start or expand their families while in school do so. At the University of Washington , for instance, parenting students can apply for the Childcare Assistance Program to help cover daycare costs. At Boston University , pregnant or adopting students receive 60 days of leave and a continuation of stipend funds, if applicable. The University of California at Berkley provides a voluntary insurance plan for dependents of grad students. Learners should speak with the admissions departments of all prospective schools to get a full sense of similar services available to them.

Spotlight on Family-Friendly Programs

Plenty of colleges and universities throughout the U.S. now provide a number of services for parenting grad students, but the offerings vary significantly across institutions. Some may only offer limited child care, while others truly go above and beyond to ensure degree seekers and their families receive excellent care and support. The schools highlighted below fall into the category of exceptional.

From its campus headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon University provides myriad resources and support services to parenting grad students. While the Student Parent Association offers a great space to connect with other students who have children, degree seekers should also check with with human resources to learn more about the available family and childcare resources. CMU’s main campus provides the Cyert Center for Early Education, a full-time daycare and educational program for children aged three months to five years. The school also offers up to $5,000 in benefits to reduce the cost of childcare, provides lactation rooms and changing tables, and offers academic maternity accommodations.

Recognizing that no parenting grad student can find success without the support of their families, the university offers comprehensive resources to ensure spouses and children feel connected and involved throughout the learning process. In addition to an active Facebook page, students with children e-list, and Cornell parent newsletter, the institution provides the Cornell University Child Care Center, Cornell Student Child Care Grant, SHP insurance for dependents, 30 lactation rooms spread across campus, on-campus pediatricians, and family-friendly accommodation. During Student Parent Study Night, Cornell provides campus-based childcare so learners can study, while Time Out! allows parenting students to have dinner with fellow parents and enjoy a guest speaker.

At Duke University’s Raleigh, North Carolina campus, administrators and professors believe students joining the institution become part of the Duke family – as do their spouses and children. The school dedicates itself to ensuring students with families not only survive, but thrive. To that end, it provides up to $5,000 per year in childcare subsidies to ensure students don’t have to worry about their kids receiving quality care while they attend classes. The school also allows doctoral students to take guaranteed time off from studies if they give birth to or adopt a child. Meanwhile, the GradParents Student Group provides a range of family-friendly programming, off-campus events, quarterly lunches, and networking opportunities alongside events to help spouses get involved.

Student parents enrolled in the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences at Yale can take advantage of numerous services and support systems to make juggling school and family life easier. The department provides Ph.D. students with annual subsidies of $4,600 for children of any age, plus an additional $1,000 per additional child living at home. Children of students can also use YaleHealth and Yale dental and eye insurance until the age of 26, while parents can take up to eight weeks off (while still receiving a stipend) whenever they welcome a new child into the family via birth or adoption. Yale provides numerous family-friendly housing options in both campus and community locations, the WorkLife program to help learners find balance, subsidized in-home childcare, and the Yale babysitting service.

Balancing Family, Work and School: Top Tips

Thousands of graduate students with families complete their educations – some of them while working. But to accomplish this impressive feat, many implemented lots of strategies, tools and systems to find time for each responsibility. The following section provides some top tips and advice for making time for family, work and school while also making time for yourself.

Managing the schedules of yourself, your partner/spouse and your kids requires lots of forward planning. Because grad school schedules and study meetings don’t typically follow a structured plan from week-to-week, it’s important for each family member to know what happens each day. Creating a daily schedule showing who picks up the children, cooks dinner, walks the dog or takes out the trash helps to make sure daily tasks don’t fall through the cracks.

Even without the responsibilities that come along with having a family, grad school can be difficult. When trying to juggle both simultaneously, the whole process can seem overwhelming. The key to sanity and seeing your dream through is to create an excellent support system. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and be sure your peers, professors and family have a full understanding of what your life looks like during this season so they can be there for you.

Rather than trying to do work at the kitchen island or dining room table, set aside a space in your house with a door that can be closed. Although it can be difficult to separate yourself from your partner and children while doing homework, students who have a dedicated study space get through their homework and assignments more quickly and actually get to spend more time with their families.

When it’s 2:00 a.m. and you still need to write 10 more pages for the paper due tomorrow, it’s normal to question whether grad school is worth it. In these moments, focus on why you decided to get the degree in the first place. Whether increasing your career prospects, enhancing your earning potential, furthering your academic knowledge or creating a better life for your family, focus on the end goal.

In the midst of balancing the schedules of your family, keeping yourself organized while in school can often be put on the backburner. Establishing systems, processes and filing procedures is well worth it, however, as staying organized ensures you turn in assignments on time, properly prepare for tests and maybe even get to spend more time with your family rather than searching for a missing document.

When juggling family, school and sometimes work, the most important thing a student can do for those around them is communicate. Peers and professors who understand your busy schedule are much more likely to accommodate your circumstances than if they don’t know what’s going on. The same is true of employers.

It can be temping to stretch out on the couch and watch endless amounts of television after a long day. While every student needs those days where they fully disconnect from school, they also need to ensure they stick to their goals. Some learners find it helpful use alarms and/or alerts to create structure. Rather than watching television for four hours, set a reminder on your phone after an hour and then resume studying.

Parenting grad students often feel themselves being pulled constantly in different directions as they work to meet the needs of professors, colleagues, employers, spouses/partners and children. Being responsible to each relationship is critical, but students also need to be kind to themselves so they don’t burn out. Parenting students can do this by eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, exercising moderately and taking breaks.

According to a study by College Board , annual costs for master’s and doctoral degrees continue to rise year over year. For the 2017-2018 year, students working toward a master’s degree paid $8,670 annually to attend a public institution and $29,960 for private educations. Doctoral candidates, meanwhile, paid $10,830 and $42,920 for public and private schools, respectively. Adding tens of thousands of dollars in educational costs each year isn’t often feasible for students with families, but fortunately they can find numerous methods of saving money along the way.

Families who meet income requirements receive a tax credit of $1,000 for every child living with them at least 50% of their time. Students can also take advantage of a number of other school-related tax credits to further reduce their educational burden. The Lifetime Learning Credit allows degree seekers to receive a 20 percent refund on up to $10,000 of learning expenses, while the Tuition and Fees Deduction allows up to $4,000 of qualified school expenses to be deducted.

Under rules of the IRS, employers whose companies participate in Employer Tuition Assistance programs can omit up to $5,250 annually in benefits used to pay for qualified educational expenses. These funds do not have to be shown on your tax return.

Many schools offer student assistantships and/or research grants that can cover the entire cost of education. Many even provide a living stipend in addition to tuition. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the median salary for graduate teaching assistants in 2017 was $32,460. Due to the financial assistance provided, grants and assistantships are highly competitive.

As demonstrated above in the study conducted by College Board, students attending a public college or university as a resident student can save more than $21,000 annually if working toward a master’s degree or more than $32,000 annually for a Ph.D. when compared to tuition at a private institution.

Many colleges and universities provide free or discounted tuition for university staff, faculty and administrators – provided they meet eligibility requirements. At the University of Louisville , for instance, students working at least 80 percent of a full-time schedule can take up to two free classes per term. At Pennsylvania State University , employees, their spouse and any children aged 26 or under receive a 75 percent discount on the cost of tuition.

Students seeking more information about how to pay for a graduate degree and save money along the way can review other GoGrad guides on these topics, including Paying for Your Master’s Degree , Smart Students’ Guide to Graduate Student Loans , and Alternative Ways to Pay for Graduate School .

John P. Sousa is currently a Campaign Manager for 301 Digital Media. Both John and his wife attended grad school with young children; in fact, their second child was born while his wife pursued her Ph.D. John completed his MFA in writing in 2008-2010 with a three-year-old. When he finished, his wife returned to finish her Ph.D. in history.

My program at the University of San Francisco was designed for working adults, so we met twice per week in the evenings, which made it pretty easy to facilitate childcare, but didn't offer any specific benefits or programs for families. While my wife was at Yale, the big benefit they offered was health insurance for the whole family, and in fact, that allowed us to have our second daughter without incurring any costs.

  • If possible, be near extended family. This was key when I was in grad school, as we had grandparents available for childcare.
  • Different programs and schools offer different services/benefits for grad students; try to find one that is family friendly.
  • This is hard, but getting into a funded program (i.e. where tuition is covered and/or you're paid a stipend) is a life-saver, because at least you won't have to balance having another job (which will allow you spend more time with your family), and you're less likely to go into debt.
  • If you do work, take advantage of any employer education benefits.
  • Get to know the other students in your cohort who are also parents. Sometimes it's good to just commiserate, and you can also swap childcare occasionally.

Working from home was a challenge, because if you're home, then the kids (and sometimes your spouse) want your attention. It can be difficult to explain, especially to small kids, that you're working, and need to be left alone. Go to the library when possible.

I would have done more research when applying to grad school, with a focus on finding a school that was more supportive of families (maybe with student/family housing, or a childcare center).

Apply for as many scholarships as possible, take advantage of any work reimbursement, and try not to take out many student loans! I entered grad school at the start of the Great Recession, and while I was fortunate to have some really great, part-time employers during that time, I took on a lot of debt, which I'm still dealing with 8 years later. Seeing that balance is a real source of shame because the number was so large and I'm not sure it was worth it. It's a problem when the only people who go to grad school are those who can afford it because it prices out people who have a lot to offer. If you can avoid taking on debt, that's the best advice, but also maybe not very helpful, because grad school can be so expensive.

Huffington Post provides sounds advice in this list of tips for making your way through grad school while being a good parent.

The Muse takes a look at what it’s like to learn the ropes of parenting while also furthering your education.

Higher Education Today and the American Council on Education provide this article for schools looking to strengthen the services provided to parenting students and their families.

Single parents considering grad school can get expert tips and advice about what it takes for you and your child to succeed while you complete a degree.

The Chronicle of Higher Education brought in guest blogger Keith Greene to share his experience of going to school and being a parent.

When seeking family-friendly colleges, students can take a page from Boston University’s resource guide to get a sense of what to look for.

The Harvard Crimson published this article written by current parenting students about how to navigate what it means to be a parent and student simultaneously.

Inside Higher Ed provides this helpful guide for parenting grad students seeking advice about how to excel in both their personal and academic lives.

The American Psychological Association provides this thought-provoking article for individuals considering becoming a parent while in grad school to help weigh their options.

This article on Huffington Post takes a look at some of the unique challenges and opportunities faced by single moms looking to get an advanced degree.

Written by a current Ph.D. student father, this insightful and sometimes humorous piece looks at a typical day in the life.

The Chronicle of Higher Education dives into this topic by addressing the concerns and challenges of students navigating doctoral studies while also trying to be the best parents.

Family Science and Human Development PhD Montclair State

Family Science and Human Development (PhD)

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Family Science and Human Development is a multidisciplinary field, drawing on a range of social science disciplines including sociology, social work, education, gerontology, and community and developmental psychology. The PhD in Family Science and Human Development program considers family life within larger socio-cultural contexts and explores how issues of power, privilege and social justice interact to differentially impact family configurations.

Due to the multi and interdisciplinary nature of the program, our students come from a variety of fields, including family studies, human development, education, social work, human services, psychology, disability and rehabilitation services, gerontology, and sociology. Family Science and Human Development professionals focus on the strengths and challenges of the family unit, examining a diverse range of family issues and seeking solutions to family problems. The applied, multidisciplinary focus of the discipline makes PhD graduates very attractive to employers in higher education, government, and nonprofit and private sectors. Graduates of the program will be prepared to pursue a wide range of professional opportunities as faculty members in colleges and universities, as program administrators, researchers and evaluators, and policymakers, and in positions in organizations focusing on children, youth, adults, older adults and families.

Hear from current students and alumni on their experiences in the Family Science and Human Development (PhD) program at Montclair State University:

“I’m thrilled to be part of this unique, dynamic program, which allows me to pursue my research interests and passions at full speed! The faculty is topnotch and extremely supportive, while also providing great teaching and networking opportunities. It’s the ultimate research and teaching environment for pursuing a PhD in our field.” Maya Autret – Family Science and Human Development (PhD)

Please refer to our  programs of study  page for a comprehensive list of all of the graduate programs offered within the university.

Admissions criteria to be considered for the doctoral program include a master’s degree in a related field and a strong record in previous academic work.

In order to make applying for graduate school as seamless as possible for you, we have created an application checklist. This checklist can be a reference point for you during the application process to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the steps needed to apply, as well as all of corresponding supplemental materials for your specific program of interest.

  • Application Deadline: January 15, 2024 (fall admission only) . Please note: Upon offer of admission, you will be asked to submit an enrollment deposit of $200.
  • Submit Online Application: Please create your online account and submit your application by following the general application instructions and pay (or waive) the non-refundable $60 application fee. Once this step has been completed, the online portal will allow you to upload your supplemental materials.

The following is a list of the supplemental materials that will accompany your application for the Family Science and Human Development (PhD) program:

  • Transcript: One from each college attended.

1) Briefly describe your current scholarly interests (i.e., what would you like to develop expertise in during your time in the program) and your likely long-term professional/career goals.

2) Why you are interested in the discipline of Family Science and Human Development (FSHD), generally, and Montclair State University’s FSHD PhD program, specifically.

3) How your prior experiences (i.e., life, educational, and/or work) have prepared you to be a doctoral student.

4) Indicate up to three faculty with whom you are interested in working and explain why they would be a potential good scholarly mentor for you. *Please refer to the following website for a list of faculty in the Family Science and Human Development PhD program.

5) Please feel free to share anything else that you believe is important for us to know about your application.

  • Scholarly Writing Sample: Please submit a document you wrote alone or took the lead in writing. For example: a literature review, an honor’s thesis; or a manuscript published, accepted for publication, or submitted for publication. If you do not have a scientific writing sample, please write a 3-4 page (double-spaced) literature review, incorporating citations from the scientific literature, on a topic related to family science that you are interested in pursuing as part of your graduate studies.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Three – at least two from former professors and/or those with a doctoral degree.
  • Resume: Required.
  • Standardized Test Scores: GRE not required.
  • Applicants with non-U.S. degrees, please visit the International Applicants page to review the US degree equivalency information.

Students entering with a family studies master’s degree will complete a minimum of 36 semester hours. Students entering with a “related field” master’s degree may be required to complete up to nine additional credits of prerequisite coursework to provide proper preparation for doctoral study in the field of family science. The number of extra credits will be determined by the Doctoral Program Director in conjunction with the PhD Admissions Committee based upon each student’s master’s degree coursework.

Following completion of the 36 semester hours of course work and the successful advancement to doctoral candidacy, students must complete a minimum of 12 semester hours of dissertation research. Upon successful completion and defense of the dissertation, students will be awarded a PhD

For more information, please visit  the Family Studies (PhD) program listing in the University Catalog.

If you have any general questions regarding the application process and requirements, please email or call us: Office of Graduate Admissions Email: [email protected] Telephone:  973-655-5147 Fax: 973-655-7869

If you have specific inquiries, please contact the Family Science and Human Development PhD Program at [email protected]

If you wish to contact the Doctoral Program Director, please find their information below:

Dr. Ashley Ermer Email: [email protected]

*During the summer months, there will be a rotating department chair available to answer your inquiry. Find the updated summer chair for this program .*

Marriage, Family, & Human Development

Application deadline.

  • Fall: Jan 10

Contact Information

  • Graduate courses in marriage, family, and human development.
  • Letters of Recommendation should be from individuals who can evaluate your current academic and/or professional skills and abilities. Character reference letters from friends, family or acquaintances are not appropriate.

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How to Bring Your Family to the USA as an International PhD Student


Coming to the U.S. with your family welcomes many exciting opportunities. Traveling thousands of miles to create a new home can feel incredibly overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve found ways to help you feel supported throughout your journey of earning your PhD in the USA and connected to the Dallas community.  

There are many resources available and lots of people who would love to help you. Read below and learn about four great resources we offer through SMU to assist international students with housing, immigration advising, exploring the Dallas community, and local learning opportunities for the whole family.

Navigating the Student Visa Process: Bringing Your Family Along

As an international student pursuing a PhD in the United States, you may wonder if it’s possible to bring your family with you. The good news is that many students can bring their families to the U.S. on a dependent visa. 

In this section, we’ll guide you through the process of obtaining a student visa and explore the options available for your family to join you. 

Dependent Visa Options for Your Family

Once you secure your student visa, it’s important to understand the dependent visa options for your family. The most common type of dependent visa is the F-2 visa, which allows your spouse and children under 21 years old to accompany you.

We recommend working with our International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) to navigate the application process for the dependent visa.

Immigration Advising Support

At SMU, we understand the importance of supporting our international students and their families. We provide many resources and services to help you and your family transition smoothly to life in the US. From orientation programs and academic support to cultural events and community engagement opportunities, we are committed to ensuring a positive experience for everyone. SMU’s International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) understands that sometimes it’s easier to speak directly with a person rather than email. Advisors are available on a walk-in basis (no appointment necessary) from Monday-Thursday 9 am - 11 am and 2 pm - 4 pm. During this time, you can ask any questions about your transition or immigration status.

The Advantages of Bringing Your Family to the US

Bringing your family to the US while pursuing your PhD has numerous benefits. First and foremost, it provides invaluable emotional support as you navigate through the challenges of your academic journey. Additionally, having your loved ones by your side allows for shared experiences and cultural exchange, enriching your time in the US. 

Settling In: Adjusting to Life in the U.S.

Once you and your family arrive in the US, adjusting to a new environment can be both exciting and challenging. We recommend taking advantage of the various support services offered by SMU and exploring campus resources and organizations that cater to international students and families. 

Engaging in campus activities and seeking community connections will help you create a fulfilling and enriching experience for yourself and your loved ones. 

Finding Your Home in Dallas

Many graduate students search for off-campus housing, but those who need accommodations for their family as well will probably need more assistance than most. Knowing where to start can seem like a confusing task, but there is support available to help you begin your search.  

On-campus housing options can be found through the SMU Residence Life and Student Housing website: 

  • Houses/Dorms

To   apply for on-campus housing , contact the Office of Residence Life and Student Housing ( [email protected] ).

Whether you are an international student looking to live off-campus in a larger space that is more accommodating to your family, or you just want the privacy of living on your own, there are several options for graduate students. Check out this list of nearby apartment complexes, or search websites like   Very Apt ,   Zillow ,   Trulia , or   Redfin   to find homes or apartments for rent near campus:

  • Cedar Lodge Apartments
  • Cambridge Court Apartment Living 
  • The Caruth Townhome Apartments 
  • The Village Dallas
  • The Avery on Southwestern
  • Grand Reserve Townhomes
  • The Standard
  • Mockingbird Flats  

There's also an internal housing portal to connect with off-campus roommates, ask for housing advice, and buy/sell furniture. 

VeryApt housing portal image-1

Special Events for International Students

If you have a spouse, the ISSS team can also share ways for your spouse to get involved in things such as the Intensive English Program at SMU.  Emailing the ISSS team with questions is still a quick way to connect ( [email protected] ). 

The ISSS also hosts many special events throughout the year open to the whole family. Some of these events include a Tour of Dallas, our Welcome Party, Getting your Texas State ID, and more! These can be found on the ISSS website’s Event Calendar .

Explore the City with Guidance from the Dallas Regional Chamber

The best way to become a part of the Dallas community is by exploring it. The Dallas Regional Chamber has a great resource called, Say Yes to Dallas . It’s designed to help you feel more informed and involved in your new hometown. It features information regarding neighborhoods, schools, outdoors, culture, events and more.

You can even request a free copy of their Dallas Region Relocation + Newcomer Guide (the ideal publication for new residents) be mailed to your home. It is also available as a digital guide . Once you’re done reading, it’s time to get out there as a family and experience it!

Opportunities for the Whole Family through the Dallas Public Libraries

Step into the community and explore a fun learning environment as a family. Your local Dallas Public Library is a great option for all ages. It is important first to find your local branch and register with the required identification for a library card. A Dallas Public Library card is available for free to anyone who lives in or attends a public or charter school in the City of Dallas.

Children can also get a library card when visiting their local branch with a parent or guardian. With this card, you can check out books for free, gain free computer/Wi-Fi access, utilize homework help services, take adult learning courses and more! Libraries will also have designated areas for children, teens and adults. From traditional books to new technologies, there are various options. Check out your local library calendar for special events like Family Story Time.

Life at SMU

The most important thing to remember is that you and your family are not alone in this new adventure. Don’t forget that unless you ask for help, others may not know you need it. So don’t hesitate to reach out to SMU’s International Student and Scholar Services Office if you need help preparing for your family’s move to Dallas in the near future.

To further assist you, we have prepared an International Student Guide that covers essential information and resources tailored specifically to international students and their families at SMU. Download the guide to access valuable insights and tips for a successful transition.

Read to consider earning your Ph.D. internationally?

Check out "The International Applicant’s Guide to a Ph.D." to learn more!

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Pursuing a PhD with young children: Life as a student parent – how I make it work

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This blog post is a little different than my previous ones but the topic is one I am most asked about: being a student and parent at the same time. I am currently expecting my fourth baby…yes, my fourth! When I first applied to the program I had no children, when I started I had one child, and in the time that has passed since then (five years) I’ve had two more. Now, in my sixth year here in Montreal, I am expecting my fourth child.

Most people respond with shock or awe to my situation. On the one hand, some assume I must not be thinking straight to attempt to have a family and pursue a PhD simultaneously. On the other hand, some assume I have super powers that make this all happen. The truth is that neither perspective is correct and, to some extent, both perspectives are harmful if they hold the person back from pursuing their own passions because of false beliefs. I have thought rationally about my choices and I am not super human. Having a family and pursuing higher education is not only absolutely possible but, in my opinion, can be mutually beneficial. It does require support, planning, discipline, flexibility and forgiveness, but as with any other job, finding a balance that works well for you is incredibly satisfying.

Some people may be holding themselves back from their dreams because they don’t think it is possible. I wanted to address here some of the practical ways I’ve found to help me find this balance in the hopes that some of it may help other student parents or working parents in general. 

The Benefits

For me, having children has given me greater focus on what I feel is important in this world and my kids are a huge source of motivation for me. I strive to create work that will make a difference in this world for them and consequently my research investigates sustainability accounting, that is accounting by organizations that track and report its effects on society and the environment. By focusing on something that I feel has meaning for my life and theirs, this has also improved my focus. I aim to ensure that every minute I am away from my children is a productive one.

I talk to my kids all the time about my work and why I feel it’s important. Even though they are young (all age six and under) they understand that Mommy is working to try to help businesses be better so that they have a better world to grow up in. This means helping businesses treat people well and respect the environment. These are values that are important to my family and my work, as such, there really is no line between the two. When I'm done, I'll be working in a career I love and contributing to improving the world around me through my research, teaching and service. 

One of the additional benefits for my children is that they see me engaged in work that I find meaningful and that I am passionate about. As a key role model in their life, I believe this gives them an example to follow, to drum up the courage and confidence to pursue their own passions in life and strive to make a difference in the world. Additionally, they see that both moms and dads can work and share household chores which I hope will translate into fewer gender biases in them as they grow.

One cannot embark on such a journey without support. This has been absolutely critical to my success. I have a husband who supports my work, encourages me and we both pitch in wherever possible to get through each day. We also have access to excellent daycare and schooling for our children. This enhances our childrens' lives on a daily basis exposing them to French as a second language, new friends, and amazing new experiences. As such, I can focus on my work daily knowing that I have a partner to share in their care and a wonderful team of early educators working to ensure my children are safe, well-educated, socialized and are having fun at the same time.

Planning & Discipline

The planning portion is the part that takes the most effort by far, but is possible and, I don’t believe, is any more challenging for a PhD than having a traditional job. Lunches must be made, clothing and homes cleaned and arrangements made to transport the kids to daycare, school and extra-curricular activities. I utilize two main calendars to keep me on track.

One is our family calendar that I update weekly. It remains on the wall on a chalkboard and lays out exactly who needs to be where every week and who is in charge of what task. It does not take a lot of time to create but keeps us well organized. I probably spend about 30 minutes a week putting the calendar together but that 30 minutes has saved us many more and reduces the stress and thought that goes into each week by organizing us in advance so that we just need to execute when the time comes. 

For my work, I’ve begun utilizing a Focus Matrix. There are a number of products on the market but essentially what this allows me to do is organize my tasks into those that are 'Urgent and Important', 'Urgent but Not Important', 'Not-Urgent but Important' and 'Not-Urgent and Not Important'. For me, anything that relates to my thesis is Important and anything not related to my thesis is Not Important. This doesn’t mean other tasks are not important but it’s a method of organizing my tasks to stay focused and disciplined during the work day on those things I should be focused on. It’s easy to look around at the dishes or baskets of laundry or any other of 100 tasks that need to be done but I promise you, if you don’t focus on your work, it won’t get done.

In our house, there’s always more laundry to be done and always something that could be cleaned so I try to stay focused on my work during working time and family stuff during family time. I usually focus on the Urgent Important tasks first thing in the morning (those with a clear upcoming deadline usually within the month) and then take on any Urgent Not Important tasks later in the day. This keeps my work progressing and helps me control my natural inclination to deal with every other little task that may come up. My program also includes a timer so that you focus for 25 minutes and then take a five-minute break. I’ve found it to be a very productive method.

I set tangible goals that are small enough to be achievable but that keep me on track. The thought of completing an entire thesis can seem overwhelming at times, but collecting data for 25 companies is something I can achieve because it’s smaller. Over time, I look back at all these little goals and realize how far I’ve come. This helps me to persevere even when the end doesn’t seem like it’s near. Some days I move forward an inch, and some days it’s more. Over time though, those little movements forward add up.


One advantage to being a student is the flexibility I have in my own schedule. But, as with any benefit comes responsibility. I try to work ahead so that I am ready for the inevitable stomach bug that will come for one or more of my children. This helps me to reduce the stress level when something happens because I build a buffer in my timeline.

Sometimes, like many of us, I work in the evenings or on the weekend to catch up or get ahead to meet my deadlines but this allows me to create a schedule that works for my family and I while continuing to do work that I love. I’ve also found that building in extra time to get places reduces the pressure I put on myself and my kids.  When I know I have extra time, I’m not as stressed.  This does mean sacrificing other things. You simply cannot fit as many things into your day when you need to build in these buffers but it becomes a choice of what is important enough to make the cut.


Forgiveness is really important. I always attempt to adopt an attitude of forgiveness. I don’t always move things forward and I don’t always achieve what I want. Most of the time there is laundry in baskets waiting to either be washed, folded or put away. My home does not look like Martha Stewart’s home. Most importantly though, I forgive myself for not being able to do it all and when I don't live up to my own expectations. No-one can do it all and feeling down about it is definitely not productive. Forgive yourself, address the situation and move on. We order prepared meals sometimes to give ourselves a break. We also pay for housekeeping services when the budget will allow for it. I know these are luxuries on a student budget but, like everything in life, we make other choices to allow these to happen.  

Speaking of choices. As an accountant, I had a pretty good income before I gave it up to become a student again. That means we’ve made sacrifices to make this happen. We have two older vehicles and don’t buy new clothes very often. We find as many free activities to do as possible (playing outside, going for a walk or to the park, free activities offered by the city) and we try to stretch every dollar we have. I use money saving apps for all our purchases and I monitor our budget every day.

I’m lucky, I have received scholarships that help greatly and I am forever thankful for this support. Our family income fluctuates due to contract income and the timing of scholarship payments but we work diligently to stretch every dollar we can. We meal plan to avoid wasting both food and money and generally cook for ourselves as opposed to buying more expensive pre-packaged food or going to restaurants. If we do go out to a restaurant, we order water (beverages are so overpriced!). We don’t take lavish vacations and we try to direct our money where it will have value for us and our lives (less takeout means we can hire housekeepers occasionally!)  We try to be conscious about where we spend our money so that it adds value to our lives.

Executing all of this can certainly be difficult at times, but when you love something you find a way to make it work.  Follow your passion, it's worth it.

About the author

phd with family

Leanne Keddie is a Concordia Public Scholar, PhD Candidate in Accountancy and also a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CMA).  She has a Bachelor's degree in Commerce from Mount Allison University and a Master of Business Administration from McMaster University. Her current research investigates why companies use sustainability goals in executive compensation packages, what kinds of firms use these and what impact these incentives have on a firm’s sustainability performance.  She came to the PhD program with over ten years of work and teaching experience in accounting and finance.

© Concordia University


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How do I balance getting a doctoral degree with my family and career?

December 22, 2017

Undertaking doctoral study can be an overwhelming process, especially for students who are working part- or full-time during their studies.

Many students are also growing their own families, or dealing with aging parents. How can a firm commitment to a doctoral program be balanced with the needs of the family and a career?

The first step may be understanding that while it’s not always possible to achieve a perfect balance, you can still strive for it. Several Capella University doctoral advisors and alumni offer valuable suggestions.

1. Micro-manage your time

Capella Senior Doctoral Advisor Michael Franklin says, “You have to be very intentional. You’ve got to micro-manage your time, and be very clear with yourself and others. Getting a doctorate is like having a second full-time job—it takes planning and goal-setting.”

Capella PhD graduate Ardith R. agrees, and describes how she used micro-management to keep the work in control: “I reviewed the syllabus carefully before the start of each class, planned out self-imposed due dates on the calendar as to when I would complete discussion responses, drafts of assignments, etc., so that I had time to review and revise if necessary. I would also do a little bit of writing and researching every day.”

2. Establish school time

Capella PhD graduate Mark L. says: “Carve out a specific time to focus on your schoolwork—preferably a time when you are at your most productive. Let your family know that this is your time for schoolwork and you don’t wish to be disturbed. Keep to that time each day or week so that it’s easy for everyone to remember.”

Explain to friends and family that you won’t respond to emails, texts, and calls then, and have a system in place for reaching you if an emergency arises.

3. Establish family time

Plan on having some family time every day, and schedule a special family event once a week. Not only will they appreciate it, but involving your family in what you’re going through might lead to unexpected support, as Capella graduate Alana S. discovered. “When I started my PhD program, my daughter had just entered Pre-K,” she says. “Whenever I asked her about her homework, she asked me about my homework, too. Before we made any plans, she always asked about my school work!”

4. Re-evaluate and reflect

As much as you may want to plan out every day so that you know exactly how much time you can devote to each part of your life, it’s not always going to work that way. No matter how hard you plan, things will inevitably come up that throw your schedule off kilter.

Re-evaluation and reflection will help you understand what is and isn’t working, so you can readjust schedules and commitments to get back on track.

 5. Connect with others going through the same thing

Doctoral students often find online support groups helpful. For example, Capella has a private Facebook community for students, where everyone understands what you’re going through. And, in dissertation and capstone courserooms, doctoral students working with a particular mentor can interact with and support one another.

6. Use your time wisely

Mark L. says, “When you find yourself with a little spare time between meetings, classes, or the kids’ soccer games, use it to your advantage. Do a few minutes of research for an upcoming assignment, check in with your professor with any questions that you may have, make a quick call for work—anything that you check off your to-do list can free up time later in the day.”

Capella University offers PhD and professional doctoral degree programs ranging from business to education and nursing to psychology. Learn more about Capella’s online doctoral programs .

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Balancing PhD and family life – tips for balancing a busy life

With the increasing demands of academic life, balancing a PhD while also juggling family responsibilities and obligations can be a daunting task.

From the never-ending workloads to constant research, it is easy for PhD candidates to feel like they are unable to maintain a work-life balance.

However, it is not impossible to balance a busy life whilst pursuing a doctoral degree. Some simple tips and strategies can go a long way to balancing family life and academic work.

In this article, we explore some effective techniques that can help PhD candidates balance their workload and still have time for their family, friends, and personal aspirations.

Balancing Family Life, Work and School: Top Tips

Here are the top 10 tips from PhD students balancing their studies and their life.

1Develop effective time management skills to prioritize tasks and allocate time wisely.
2Create a set schedule, designating specific hours for work, school, and family.
3Set boundaries between work, school, and personal life to maintain a healthy balance.
4Schedule regular breaks throughout the day to avoid burnout and stay energized.
5Engage in hobbies, exercise, and self-care activities to maintain mental well-being.
6Communicate openly with family and friends about your needs and expectations.
7Seek support from loved ones, colleagues, and mentors to navigate challenges.
8Delegate household tasks and consider sharing responsibilities with family members.
9Consider reducing course load or taking on part-time work to manage workload.
10Maintain a strong social network outside of work and school for stress relief.

If you want to know more about PhDs as a mature age student or with kids, check out my other articles:

  • What is the PhD student average age? Too late for your doctorate?
  • Older PhDs student experiences – should you pursue a PhD later in life?

How to balance PhD study and home life – tips for balancing

Balancing PhD study and home life can be challenging, but with proper planning, support, and time management, it is possible to achieve a harmonious balance. Here are some tips and examples to help maintain equilibrium between your academic and personal life:

  • Prioritize and create a schedule : Set priorities for your academic and personal responsibilities, and create a schedule that accommodates both. Allocate specific time blocks for studying, research, and writing, as well as for personal activities such as exercise, hobbies, and socializing. A well-structured routine will ensure you stay productive and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Plan and prepare ahead: When it comes to household tasks, planning and preparation can make a significant difference. For instance, cooking large batches of food during the weekend can save you time and energy during the weekdays. Similarly, preparing your children’s snacks and school materials in advance can help streamline your mornings.
  • Establish a support system: Having a strong support system is crucial for balancing PhD study and home life. This can include family members, friends, or even colleagues who can help with childcare, household chores, or simply lend a listening ear during stressful times. For example, one PhD student mentioned having help from her mother and mother-in-law during the first months of her child’s life, which allowed her to focus on her studies.
  • Utilize on-campus resources: Many universities offer resources to support graduate students, such as writing centers, childcare facilities, and mental health services. Take advantage of these resources to help you manage your academic and personal responsibilities more effectively.
  • Communicate with your supervisor: Keep an open line of communication with your PhD supervisor, informing them about your personal circumstances and discussing any potential challenges that may arise. This will enable them to better understand and support you throughout your PhD journey.
  • Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between your academic and personal life to avoid burnout. This might include setting aside specific times of the day or week when you disconnect from your studies and focus on your personal well-being.

By implementing these strategies and drawing upon the experiences of others who have successfully balanced PhD study and home life, you can create a more manageable and fulfilling experience as you pursue your academic goals.

What Is Work/Life Balance for PhD Students?

Work/life balance for PhD students is a delicate equilibrium between academic responsibilities and personal life, essential for overall well-being. First-hand experiences highlight the importance of time management, planning, and self-care in maintaining this balance.

PhD students often face immense pressure in their PhD program to meet academic expectations, which can lead to neglecting personal relationships and self-care.

One student shared the importance of setting a structured daily routine, allocating specific hours for research, writing, and personal responsibilities.

This allowed them to effectively manage their time and achieve their academic and personal goals.

Another PhD student emphasized the benefits of planning and preparing for the week ahead.

Cooking in bulk, organizing childcare, or planning social activities in advance can alleviate daily stress and free up time for both academic and personal pursuits.

Forming a support system, such as involving relatives or friends, can provide much-needed assistance and encouragement.

Engaging in hobbies, exercise, and relaxation is also crucial for maintaining work/life balance. Some PhD students shared the importance of setting boundaries, ensuring they allocate time for non-academic activities that help them recharge and maintain their emotional and mental well-being.

Work/life balance for PhD students involves a combination of effective time management, planning, and self-care strategies, fostering an equilibrium that allows them to excel academically while maintaining a fulfilling personal life.

How PhD Students Can Maintain Work/Life Balance

Maintaining work-life balance is essential for PhD students, as it promotes academic success and overall well-being. PhD students can achieve this balance through prioritization, boundary setting, and stress management.

Dr. James Smith, a recent PhD graduate, shares his insight:

“Setting boundaries between work and personal life helped me manage stress and maintain focus during my PhD journey. I made sure to schedule regular breaks, engage in hobbies, and spend time with friends and family.”

Another PhD candidate, Laura Johnson, highlights the importance of time management:

“I started using a planner to organize my tasks and allocate time for both academic and personal pursuits. This helped me feel more in control and prevented me from becoming overwhelmed.”

In addition to setting boundaries and managing time effectively, it’s essential for PhD students to be mindful of their emotional and mental well-being. Dr. Alice Brown, a psychologist specializing in graduate student mental health, states:

“Taking breaks, practicing mindfulness, and seeking support from peers or mental health professionals can greatly benefit PhD students in maintaining work-life balance.”

Part-time work or reducing course loads can also provide PhD students with more flexibility, allowing them to focus on research or dissertations at a sustainable pace.

Maintaining work-life balance for PhD students involves prioritization, boundary setting, and self-awareness. By adopting these practices, students can achieve academic success while maintaining a fulfilling personal life.

 Wrapping up – Recap 

Balancing work, school, and family can be a daunting task, especially for PhD students. Pursuing a PhD requires dedication, time, and energy, which can often leave little room for other aspects of life. However, with proper planning, prioritization, and self-care, PhD students can maintain a healthy work-life balance – even when writing up their thesis.

This blog has explored different tips and first-hand experiences to help PhD students achieve this balance. From effective time management and setting boundaries to forming a support system and utilizing on-campus resources, there are many strategies that students can use to balance their academic and personal responsibilities.

By incorporating these tips and drawing upon the experiences of others who have successfully balanced PhD study and home life, students can create a more manageable and fulfilling experience as they pursue their academic goals.

Achieving a balance between work, school, and family requires discipline, self-awareness, and perseverance, but the results can be well worth it: increased productivity, academic success, and overall feelings of well-being.

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Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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Doing a PhD while raising a family

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Her research focused on the analytical modelling of near wellbore effects during carbon dioxide injection into saline aquifers. Ana has a first class degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Before moving to London in 2007 she worked for the same University as a teaching assistant in Fluid Mechanics and Hydrometry. In 2009 she obtained a masters degree in Hydrology for Environmental Management with distinction from Imperial College London.

She was awarded two prizes: for the best dissertation on hydrology and for the best overall MSc student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Ana graduated in October 2012 and then became a postdoctoral researcher in Civil Engineering. She became a lecturer in Civil Engineering in October 2013.

Ana has three children. During her MSc and first year of PhD, before all the children have started the school, she had an au-pair. Since then she has had a nanny helping her three days a week in the afternoons.

“The most important thing to manage everything is a belief that all you want is possible, but you also need support from the family, organisational skills and of course financial support. If the circumstances allow, having an au-pair is a great option for young children, especially when there are more of them. Nowadays, I don’t need someone helping me during the day, so having a nanny enables me to stay longer at work whenever needed and she is a valuable help to my husband while I am away for conferences and meetings.

"Organisation-wise, as a PhD student I came to College usually three days a week, while the rest of the time I worked from home while the kids are at school. That way I managed to fulfil all my obligations as a student and still spend some quality time with my children.

"The Earth Science and Engineering Department was extremely supportive during my studies. It awarded me with John Archer and ORSAS Scholarships that hugely helped me, both financially and morally. I deeply believe that if you want to be a good mother, you have to be fulfilled as a person. So, if doing a research makes you happy, don’t give up on it!”


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How to Get a PhD in Psychology (10 Steps)

A PhD in Psychology is the ultimate degree—a symbol of your commitment to the discipline and a representation of your knowledge and skills. Held by top-tier researchers, instructors in higher education, and clinical practitioners alike, a clinical psychology PhD may help you and the people and organizations you might one day serve. 1

While the benefits of a PhD in Psychology may be clear to you, how to go about earning this doctorate degree might feel confusing—until now.

Here’s how to get a PhD in Psychology, what to expect in a doctoral degree program, and what you might gain from obtaining one.

Start Your Journey

Step 1: Understand the PhD Path

A PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, in Psychology is one of two of the highest degrees in the field of psychology. (The other is a PsyD , or Doctor of Psychology, a doctorate degree created in the 1970s to prepare students specifically for the rigors of working in clinical settings.) 2 A clinical psychology PhD may enable you to work in a variety of environments and a range of roles.

As such, earning this degree is an involved, immersive, and often exciting process that’s composed of: 3

  • Statistics and methods
  • Assessments 
  • Clinical treatments

Coursework in a PhD program now frequently integrates discussions on psychology and technology , examining how digital advancements are transforming therapeutic methods and research techniques.

  • Research – Research makes up the majority of the work you’ll do as a PhD student. Typically under the guidance of your mentor/dissertation advisor, you’ll delve into a topic of your choosing within the field. Examples of clinical psychology research topics include examining the effects of social media on teen suicide rates or the influence of childhood trauma on adult substance use disorder. Along the way, you’ll refine specific research skills: collecting and analyzing data, working with subjects/participating, and demonstrating your results.
  • Clinical practicum and internships – Earning a PhD in Psychology also entails hands-on training in clinical practicums and/or internships. Generally speaking, you’ll perform an unpaid practicum for two years, followed by a one-year paid, clinical internship. 5 Precisely how you will fulfill this will depend on the program you choose, the opportunities within your community, and your concentration. A few examples include observing a clinical psychologist at a private practice, working with students at a university center, or conducting intakes at a substance abuse facility.
  • Dissertation – Your dissertation is among the most important elements of your PhD program and the key to completing your degree. It serves several purposes: it illustrates your fluency in conducting research, demonstrates the knowledge you’ve gained in your PhD program, and adds an original contribution to existing psychology literature. 6

Step 2: Research Potential Programs

Finding the right PhD in Psychology program is paramount to your success. Researching potential programs is also one of the more thrilling aspects of pursuing a doctorate, but it needs to be approached strategically and mindfully. To that end, search for programs that, like the doctoral programs in psychology at Alliant International University, have received accreditation by the American Psychological Association (APA). 7

Accreditation essentially serves as a seal of approval and demonstrates to future employers, the general public, and licensing boards that you have the scientific knowledge required to work in the world of psychology.

Additionally, you may want to zero in on programs that:

  • Feature faculty members who are at the top of their field and whose research interests reflect your own 8
  • Offer the area of specialization you want to focus on, whether it’s clinical health psychology, multicultural community-clinical psychology, or family/child and couple psychology
  • Promote work-life balance through online instruction, or a hybrid of online and in-person instruction and training
  • Have a high attrition rate

Further, if you do opt for a program that demands in-person attendance and training, be sure that it’s geographically feasible for you. The cost of living in the area should also be factored into your decision. Lastly, if you’re an undergrad or just finishing up your master’s, consider asking the professors you trust and admire for program recommendations. 9

Step 3: Prepare Your Application

Application and admission requirements vary by institution. That said, most programs ask for: 10

  • A completed application (along with the application fee)
  • Official transcripts from your bachelor’s and/or master’s program with required credits
  • CV or resume
  • Letters of recommendation

Depending on the program you’ve selected, you may also need to submit GRE scores. Importantly, nearly all programs require a personal statement—a topic we’ll look at in more depth below. While a PhD equips you for high-level research and academic positions, you might wonder if you can be a clinical psychologist with a master's . Although possible, a PhD significantly broadens your professional scope.

Step 4: Gain Relevant Experience

Not only will obtaining relevant experience help strengthen your application package but it will also help you gain invaluable insights into the industry. It might also assist you in choosing a specialization, such as working one-on-one with trauma survivors or dedicating your professional life to neuropsychology research.

Fortunately, there are dozens of ways to get the type of experience that will help your application stand out from the competition: 11

  • Research assistantships
  • Volunteering at a mental health clinic
  • Shadowing a clinical psychologist or substance abuse counselor
  • Working for a crisis hotline

Keep in mind that some PhD in Psychology programs require a minimum amount of relevant experience before you can apply. In fact, the Association for Psychological Science (APS) asserts that doctoral applicants usually accrue two to three years of research experience before applying to graduate school. 12 All of this emphasizes the importance of conducting thorough research on your schools of interest.

Step 5: Submit Strong Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation are a crucial component of your doctoral application. In fact, some state that your letters of recommendation are more important to the decision process than grades. 13

Usually, they’re written by former professors and/or former employers or psychology professionals you’ve interned for or shadowed.

Be sure to request letters of recommendation from those with whom you have a visible track record. In addition, request letters well ahead of your application deadline, even as much as a year in advance of when you think you’ll start applying for your doctoral program.

Talk to Our Advisors

Step 6: Craft a Compelling Personal Statement

Almost every doctorate in psychology program requires a personal statement. As one of the most critical elements of your application (some indicate that it’s more important than your GRE scores and GPA), it should describe, in detail, your: 14

  • Interest in the particular program you’re applying to and why
  • Academic and research objectives
  • Research and field experience and how they align with the particular program
  • Intended area of specialization

Experts consulted by the APA also advise against using three things in your personal statement: humor, hyperbole, and “hard luck,” such as describing the obstacles you’ve overcome.

Step 7: Ace the Interview

Happen to receive an interview offer? Congratulations—your application clearly stood out!

The interview process may start with what’s known as a pre-interview, or a brief conversation to evaluate your fit with the program and department. 15 This may be followed by an on-campus interview that asks basic questions, such as the impact you hope your PhD project has and why you believe you’re the right candidate, as well as more precise questions prompted by your specific experience. 16

One of the best ways to make a solid, lasting impression is to create a bulleted list of your research interests. Practicing answers to the questions you anticipate ahead of time can also help ensure a smoother dialogue. And remember: you’ll be interviewing for the program, too.

Step 8: Consider Funding Options

The financial assistance you may receive will likely be an enormous determining factor in the program you choose. As discussed, funding may arrive in the form of:

  • Grants 
  • Scholarships
  • Tuition remission
  • Employer tuition reimbursement

Alliant International University, for example, has several forms of funding options available to doctoral candidates—those listed above, as well as fellowship assistantships .

Step 9: Plan Your Coursework and Dissertation

Once you’re accepted into a program, you should select your area of specialization, plot out your coursework, and choose your dissertation topic.

The APA notes that doctoral candidates should ideally land on a dissertation topic within the first year or two of their program. 17 Why? Because it will give your program enhanced focus and a guiding theme.

To jumpstart your thinking:

  • Consult with instructors who are active in cutting-edge psychology research 
  • Assess your topic’s viability and manageability (and if it will serve as an original contribution to existing research)
  • Pinpoint the problems and questions you foresee and how you will approach them

Above all, be sure to choose a topic that will sustain your interest and excitement throughout the duration of your program. Earning a PhD in Psychology is a time-intensive commitment. Four to six years is about how long it takes to get a psychology PhD, but it varies by person based on how they balance their personal schedules with coursework, research, and clinical training.

Step 10: Engage in Professional Development Opportunities

One of the biggest benefits of obtaining a PhD in Psychology? The connections you may be able to make, such as through your internship and clinical practicum, as well as psychology conferences and seminars.

Yet, some of the strongest relationships you build might be right inside your program. And this brings us to our final piece of advice: consider choosing a program that features a warm and supportive faculty and a diverse collection of students who will motivate you throughout your academic journey—and beyond.

Your Path Begins Here

At Alliant International University, our PhD in Clinical Psychology program features a faculty that will challenge you in the best possible way alongside a nurturing, engaging learning environment.

Enrich your knowledge and prepare to make a lasting difference in the field of psychology. Apply today and start your journey.


  • “What Can You Do with a Doctorate in Psychology?” | Psychology’s Comprehensive Online Resource, March 18, 2024.… ;
  • Cherry, Kendra. “PsyD vs. Phd in Psychology: Which Is Right for You?” Verywell Mind, October 27, 2023.  
  • “Psychology Doctorate Phd Defined: Explore Academic, Internship and Research Requirements for a Psychology Phd.” Psychologist, March 24, 2021.  
  • “Daily Activities of a Clinical Psychology Phd Student.” Simply Mental Health, November 13, 2022.  
  • “Internships and Practicums.” | Psychology’s Comprehensive Online Resource, April 10, 2024.  
  • Herbert, Robyn S, Spencer C Evans, Jessy Guler, and Michael C Roberts. “Predictors of Dissertation Publication in Clinical and Counseling Psychology.” Training and education in professional psychology, November 2022. .
  •  “APA-Accredited Programs.” American Psychological Association. Accessed April 21, 2024.  
  • “Choosing a Graduate Program.” Association for Psychological Science - APS. Accessed April 21, 2024.  
  • “Clinch Your Graduate School Acceptance.” American Psychological Association. Accessed April 21, 2024.  
  • “Best Doctorate in Psychology Degree Programs of 2024.” Intelligent, April 3, 2024.  
  • 14 ways to get clinical psychology work experience | UK. Accessed April 18, 2024.  
  • “Rockin’ Recommendations.” American Psychological Association. Accessed April 21, 2024.  
  • “Preparing Your Personal Statement for Graduate School Applications.” American Psychological Association. Accessed April 21, 2024.  
  • To ace your interview for doctoral psychology admission. Accessed April 22, 2024.… ;
  • Top 10 common Phd interview questions and answers. Accessed April 21, 2024.  
  • “Starting the Dissertation.” American Psychological Association. Accessed April 21, 2024. ;

David Stewart

David Stewart

Dean, California School of Professional Psychology

David G. Stewart, PhD, ABPP, is a board-certified clinical child and adolescent psychologist and Dean of the California School of...

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School of Human Ecology

College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Congratulations Dr. Gregg on her publication.

June 24, 2024

Please join me in congratulating Katy Gregg, PhD on her recent publication: 

The School Community Journal is pleased to accept your article, “Following the Family: Applying Bioecological Theory to Strategies Learned from a Family–School–Community Partnership,” co-authored with Nicolette P. Rickert and Alisa Leckie, for inclusion in the Fall/ Winter 2024 issue (Vol. 34, No. 2).   

Excellent work, Katy! 

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News Releases

Incarcerated students graduate from first‑ever partnership with the University of California

What you need to know : As California continues to invest in building safer communities, 23 incarcerated students graduated with bachelor’s degrees from a first-of-its-kind partnership with the University of California.

SACRAMENTO – Prioritizing rehabilitation and education programs to strengthen public safety, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) today announced the first ever graduation of incarcerated students with bachelor’s degrees through the University of California.

The inaugural class, through UC Irvine, includes 23 graduates from the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego who received in-person instruction led by UC Irvine professors.

“California is transforming its criminal justice system to focus on true rehabilitation, justice, and safer communities statewide — known as the California Model,” said CDCR Secretary Jeff Macomber . “This collaboration with the University of California allows these graduates to build a foundation focused on pursuing educational opportunities that will prepare them for a successful future, while making our communities safer.”

The state continues to move toward a positive shift in correctional policy, through implementation of the California Model, which not only focuses on proper support for staff and survivors, but also fosters rehabilitative environments, including educational opportunities, for the incarcerated population, leading to safer communities overall.

Studies show that incarcerated individuals who participate in correctional education are 48% less likely to return to prison within three years than those who did not have access to these opportunities.

This collaboration between CDCR and the University of California is made possible by a formal agreement through a program known as Leveraging Inspiring Futures Through Educational Degrees (LIFTED). LIFTED enables incarcerated students to apply to transfer into UCI as juniors and earn a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the university while serving their sentence.

“CDCR is proud to partner with the UC to greatly expand degree-earning opportunities for incarcerated students,” said Macomber . “Collaborative efforts between CDCR and California’s public higher education system are truly transforming lives. These efforts are vital, as education serves as a powerful rehabilitative tool.”

The program’s first cohort began taking faculty-led courses in fall 2022. That same year, Governor Gavin Newsom and the State Legislature allocated $1.8 million over five years for the program’s support and expansion.

“Graduation is always a special day, not only for the graduates and their families, but for our entire university community,” said UC Irvine Chancellor Howard Gillman . “It is no exaggeration that today’s graduation is extraordinarily special!”

“This is a historic occasion to celebrate both the first 23 incarcerated students earning bachelor’s degrees from a top 10 public university and a successful partnership between two major state institutions, who are working together to bring a world class public education into state prison,” said LIFTED Director and UCI Professor Keramet Reiter .

CDCR partners with California’s public higher education system to offer associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees through the California community colleges, the California State University, and the University of California. More than 13.5% of the entire incarcerated population are enrolled in college courses.

How we got here

Today’s announcement builds on the Governor Newsom’s nation-leading efforts to strengthen public safety through justice reforms and innovation. Since taking office, the Governor has placed a moratorium on the death penalty, bolstered support for victims and survivors of crime, ended the state’s use of private for-profit prisons, taken action to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline , announced sweeping reforms to end juvenile imprisonment , advanced jury representation, expanded the number of Board of Parole commissioners, signed legislation to build trust between communities and law enforcement, and announced record-level funding to bolster public safety, including through the Real Public Safety Plan.

Last year, Governor Newsom announced the historic transformation of San Quentin State Prison and named experts to the San Quentin Transformation Advisory Council .


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Read more about the California Model here.


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Congratulations, Class of 2024!

A student wears glasses, cap, gown and a keffiyeh covering his shoulders while talking with a person in the entryway of the Hans Rosling Center.

MS graduate Yousif Abuhamad celebrates with attendees of the DEOHS Class of 2024 graduation event.  

Photo s: Veronica Brace  

DEOHS graduates gather with friends, family and our community to celebrate earning their degrees  

Our annual Graduation and End of Year Celebration is a time to celebrate and reflect on the dedication and years of commitment our students have devoted to their studies to become leaders in advancing health equity around the world. 

Families, friends, faculty and staff gathered on June 7 to celebrate 72 students graduating from the UW Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences (DEOHS) across four degree programs. 

The celebration at the Hans Rosling Center for Population Health kicked off a weekend of festivities that included the UW graduation event on Saturday and the UW School of Public Health ceremony on Sunday. 

One student poses in a graduation cap and another person poses with her holding a photo booth prop that says Congrats Grad. They stand in front of a purple and white backdrop that says Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences School of Public Health University of Washington.

Graduation by the numbers  

  • The DEOHS Class of 2024 includes 72 students earning the following degrees: 
  • 35 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Public Health graduates 
  • 6 Master of Public Health graduates 
  • 18 Applied Master of Science graduates 
  • 11 Master of Science graduates 
  • 2 Doctor of Philosophy graduates 

Two PhD students celebrate their graduation standing on the stairs in the Hans Rosling Center

The future of health equity  

We know our graduates’ cutting-edge scientific skills, commitment to advancing health equity and real-world experience gained from their time in the department will help people around the world lead healthier lives. Congratulations, Class of 2024! 

Lisa Van Cise is the director of communications and public relations for the Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences at the University of Washington.

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UC Berkeley firebomb suspect, 34, lives with parents, has PhD

A photo illustration shows a man in a cap and gown for a university graduation next to an aerial view of the UC Berkeley campus

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Casey Goonan was arrested Monday morning at his parents’ $1.1 million home in Pleasant Hill on suspicion of a string of arson attacks at UC Berkeley from June 1 to 16.

Feds, cops and CalFire allege the 34-year-old, a Northwestern University doctorate of African American studies, firebombed a Berkeley campus police car and carried out three other arson incidents on university grounds June 1, as well as last Thursday and Sunday.

Charges were filed Thursday by the Alameda District Attorney’s Office. The felony charges include arson, weapons offenses, possession of a “destructive device,” and violent conduct.

“He will enter a not guilty plea and fight these charges,” his attorney, Jeff Wozniak, said Friday. “No evidence has been presented yet connecting him to these allegations.”

Wozniak confirmed multiple law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, raided the home where Goonan lives with his parents in Pleasant Hill at around 10 a.m. Monday morning. A bio from a 2018 academic journal states Goonan “considers himself a scholar-activist” and an aspiring professor. No social media profiles, including LinkedIn, could be found for Goonan. 

“Casey got his PhD! Onto job apps,” Goonan’s mother wrote in a 2022 Instagram post. He previously completed his undergraduate degree at UC Riverside.

Another bio from 2019 described Goonan as an “abolitionist currently living and working in Chicago.”

A group of people walk and sit near a large, white stone building with columns, arched doorways, tall windows, and a clock tower under a clear blue sky.

In online articles, Goonan has described the United States as a “god-awful fascist hell hole” where social injustices are “concealed under the blinders of white supremacist American reason.”

One magazine article titled “Defining Social Reality in a Revolutionary Way” praises the Black Panther Party for establishing “a blueprint for U.S.-based radical organizations experimenting with the scientific, premeditated, and necessarily methodical artistry of social revolution.”

Posts online claiming credit for the torchings point to acts being carried out in protest of the war in Gaza. The post from Sunday titled “retaliation arson attack on construction site at university of kkkalifornia berkeley,” claimed the pro-Palestine group going by the handle Marilyn’s Daughters had looted a university supply building of “thousands of dollars,” firebombed a police car, carried out “experimental burning of dry grass hills on the interior of campus,” torched a building on the campus perimeter, and set fire to a construction site.  

“This was done to further retaliate against the UCPD for attacking students at UCSC and UCLA,” the post states. 

Another post claiming credit for a firebombing writes, “EVERY SINGLE BUILDING ON THE UC BERKELEY CAMPUS DESERVES TO BE INCINERATED.”

“This is a political investigation,” said Wozniak in an email before charges were filed by the district attorney. “It is an investigation focused on Mr. Goonan’s political beliefs in a free Palestine and against the ongoing genocide in Gaza. If charges are filed, Mr. Goonan’s legal team will aggressively fight the charges. It is my hope, however, that [District Attorney Pamela Price] does not engage in this political persecution, does not file charges and that Mr. Goonan is released from jail.”

A police SUV with significant fire damage on the rear passenger side is parked beside a curb. Yellow caution tape surrounds the vehicle.

Wozniak said the search warrant specifically sought “documents related to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.”

Wozniak is already defending Goonan in a San Francisco felony vandalism case. Prosecutors say Goonan wielded a hammer during a protest outside the Women’s Declaration International USA conference in September last year. Court documents say police saw Goonan smash the Hilton Hotel sign on Kearny Street with a hammer before he was pulled from the crowd and arrested. Protesters had gathered at the conference, which they deemed anti-trangender.

Women’s Declaration International has said that the concept of “gender identity” threatens the rights of women and that transgender women “should not be included in the category women in the context of women’s human rights.”

Goonan pleaded not guilty to felony vandalism, and the case continues; the next hearing is scheduled for Friday in San Francisco. He was scheduled to appear Thursday in Alameda County court for arraignment on arson charges. His bail has been set at $1 million. 

A thread of posts Monday night to X by the Escalate Network encouraged support for “someone” who was “accused of using improvised devices to start fires and damage property in retaliation for police brutality against Gaza solidarity encampments.” The posts called the actions “logical,” saying that even if the arrested person was innocent, they should be supported “as if they truly did take bold and heroic actions to save millions of lives” and calling the deeds “something we should all aspire to, tactics aside: selfless and urgent action to stop the war.”

Update: This story has been updated to include confirmation charges were filed by the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office on June 20.

George Kelly can be reached at [email protected] Tomoki Chien can be reached at [email protected] Michael McLaughlin can be reached at [email protected]

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