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PhD Studies & Research

Research in Germany

Science and research in Germany are characterised by a distinguished infrastructure, a wide variety of disciplines, well-equipped research facilities and competent staff. Germany offers various career opportunities for international PhD students and researchers.

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Studying in Germany

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

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Germany is an excellent destination for both young and experienced researchers. 

The European country is third behind the U.S. and China for research & development expenditure . Plus, it is home to some of the most prestigious (and affordable!) research universities in the world.

If you’re considering doing a PhD in Germany, you will need to follow these steps:

The main steps to doing a PhD in Germany:

  • Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor
  • Decide Between Individual and Structured PhD Programs
  • Meet All Requirements & Prepare Your Application
  • Apply for Doctoral Studies
  • Secure Funding
  • Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit
  • Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

Why Pursue a PhD in Germany?

If you’re not yet sure if you should choose Germany for your PhD studies, here are some compelling reasons why you should consider it:

  • Top-tier universities. Four German universities are ranked in the top 100 global universities, and many more are in the top 200.
  • Large international student community. Germany welcomes a diverse and thriving international student community. Over 458,210 international students are currently studying in the country.
  • Quality research institutions. There are over a thousand publicly funded research institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes, businesses, and government bodies) that you can choose from in Germany.
  • High investment in research and development. Germany’s public expenditure in the research and development sector reached a record high of 112.6 billion euros in 2021.
  • Strong economy. Germany is known for its strong and stable economy. After completing your PhD, there are plenty of employment opportunities in the academic, business, and research sectors.

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany

From finding the perfect program for you to submitting your application and starting your PhD, here are all the steps you need to take:

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1. Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor

After all the years of studying leading up to this step, you most likely have a few areas of interest you want to do your research in.

This is the first important step: define your research focus by considering your interests and academic background. If you need more help, you can consult online resources from research universities. Or, even better, you can discuss your decision to pursue a PhD with academic communities online or offline and seek advice from current PhD students in Germany who can tell you more about their individual experiences.

If you already know what your research direction is, you can begin searching for suitable programs right ahead. 

  • The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has an extensive list of current opportunities, which you can look up at the  DAAD PhD Database . 
  • Another option is to research universities in Germany individually to find the newest opportunities and offerings at each institution.

You will also have to find a supervisor. The best way to do this is to go to university websites and find faculty directories with profiles of professors and their research fields/current projects. Contact professors whose work aligns with your interests via email to inquire about supervision opportunities.

> Search PhD programs from 31,000 research institutions listed on the GERiT database .

Types of PhD Programs in Germany

There are two different paths you can take when pursuing a PhD: individual PhD programs and structured PhD programs. Each comes with its own set of advantages and requirements.

Individual doctorates are the most common and what is considered the more ‘traditional’ PhD route in Germany, especially in humanities and social sciences. 

They are flexible and you’re expected to take charge of your work. You are responsible for finding your supervisor (“Doktorvater” or “Doktormutter”) and proposing your research topic.

These programs don’t have a fixed curriculum, so you’ll have plenty of freedom to design your research timeline and choose the coursework you like. 

To succeed, you need a lot of self-discipline and to actively network, be it in doctoral candidate meetings or events related to your research.

Structured PhD programs are ideal for people who want a clear path to completing this degree, although they’re not as common in Germany.

It usually takes three to five years to complete a structured PhD path. 

They are called such because they include a curriculum and research proposal that has to fit an existing project, within a set timeline for coursework and research.

Candidates work under the supervision of an advisor and collaborate with peers from different disciplines to get the best possible results.

2. Verify That You Meet All Requirements & Prepare the Application

Requirements and application documents to apply for a PhD in Germany are specific to the institution and research area you’re applying to. But, as a general guideline, you should prepare the following:

  • Academic degree recognized in Germany. You need a master’s degree or a German state examination (Staatsexamen) in a field relevant to the PhD program to qualify.
  • Copy of master’s thesis. Submit a copy of your master’s thesis. The work should demonstrate your research skills and the depth of your academic work.
  • Research proposal. Craft a clear and detailed research proposal that includes your intended research topic, objectives, methodology, and significance. 
  • Statement of purpose. Write a statement of purpose why you want to do a PhD in your chosen field, your academic and career goals, and how this program aligns with them.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV). Prepare a detailed CV highlighting your academic achievements, research experience, relevant coursework, publications, and any other qualifications.
  • Proof of language proficiency. Depending on the language of instruction, you may have to provide proof of language proficiency in English and/or German. You can do this with certificates like TestDaF and DSH for German or TOEFL and IELTS for English. Proof of previous studies in the language is also sufficient.
  • Academic references. Provide contact information or recommendation letters from professors/ academic advisors who can attest to your academic abilities and potential.
  • Predoctoral examination. Some programs ask that you pass a predoctoral examination as part of the application process.

3. Apply for Doctoral Studies

After finding a suitable PhD program and mentor, and making sure your academic qualifications are recognized, you can send in your application.

You can send in your application online or by post, depending on the hosting institution’s preferences. To make sure, check their guidelines and specifications. Admission committees are selective, so you may also have to attend an interview soon in the application process.

4. Secure Funding

You must demonstrate access to a minimum of €934 per month (€11,208 per year) to meet visa requirements and live comfortably while you’re in Germany. You can prove this through an admission agreement or relevant PhD contract, or you can open a blocked account with individual funds.

There are many ways to support yourself financially while pursuing a PhD in Germany:

  • PhD scholarships. DAAD offers the highest number of doctoral scholarships. PhD students get an average monthly stipend of €1,139. 
  • Paid PhD positions. Many universities and research institutions offer paid PhD positions in Germany. You will work on specific research projects on a contract and receive a salary.
  • Research associate positions. You can also work as a research associate in a university, research institution, or company and receive a salary as compensation.
  • Part-time jobs. Some PhD students/researchers work part-time jobs that are not related to their studies for extra income.

> Read more about the costs of studying in Germany.

> Discover PhD scholarships in Germany.

5. Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit

If the institution confirms your place in the PhD program, next in line is applying for a student visa or residence permit. The requirements for a German PhD visa or permit can vary depending on your nationality and circumstances: 

Visa Requirements

If you’re a citizen of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland, you don’t need a special permit or visa for a PhD in Germany. You can enter the country for research and work purposes with a valid passport or ID card.

Otherwise, you will need a visa and/or a residence permit to do your PhD in Germany. Nationals of some countries, including the United States, Australia, Israel, Japan, and Korea, don’t need a visa but must apply for a residence permit.

Depending on the circumstances, you need one of the following visas:

  • Study visa. If you’re pursuing a full-time doctoral program.
  • Research visa. If your focus is on research and you have a formal affiliation with a research institution in Germany.
  • EU Blue Card. If your PhD contract pays a gross annual salary of at least €45,300 (or €41,041.80 in certain professions), you can apply for an EU Blue Card . This is a special residence title for international academics and other professionals.

Residence Permit Requirements

If you come to Germany on a visa, you will need to apply for a residence permit within three months of arrival. This also applies to nationals of countries outside the EU, EEA, and Switzerland who are exempt from the visa requirement.

You can apply for one of the following residence permits:

  • Study permit. If you’re accepted into a PhD program at a German university, apply for a study-based residence permit. It lasts up to two years, extendable.
  • Research permit. If you’re a researcher with the right qualifications for doctoral programs, apply for a research permit. This requires a contract with a research institution for your project.
  • EU Blue Card. With a PhD offer that has a minimum salary of €45,300 per year, or €41,041.80 for some bottleneck professions , you may be eligible for the EU Blue Card. Apply for this permit if you meet the criteria.

> For more specific information tailored to your situation, we recommend contacting the German embassy or consulate in your home country. You can also use this visa navigator.

6. Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

The most exciting step of all is near—time to unpack your bags and begin your life as a PhD student or researcher in Germany. Once you’re settled in, there are some formalities you need to take care of.

The international office at the university or another representative can guide you best on this. However, here are some of the main things you need to do once you arrive in Germany:

Register Your Residence

Shortly after your arrival, you must register your residence at the local registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt or Bürgeramt). This is mandatory, and you typically have a window of two weeks to complete this process. 

Get Health Insurance

Everyone in Germany is required by law to have health insurance coverage. This includes international PhD students. Depending on the source of your funding, you are eligible for one of the following health insurance coverages: 

  • Doctoral candidates with an employment contract are automatically insured with a state-regulated health insurance provider (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung-GKV) in most cases.
  • Doctoral candidates without an employment contract (with a fellowship or private funding) can choose between:
  • Voluntary health insurance coverage with a state-regulated provider.
  • Coverage with a private health insurance company.

There are some exceptions in which you can use your insurance from your home country. These apply to students from a European Union (EU) country or other countries with social security agreements with Germany.

Open a Bank Account 

You should open a German bank account as soon as possible. Most financial transactions in Germany, including receiving your stipend or salary, are done through a German bank account.

Enroll at the University

If your PhD program is part of a university degree, you need to enroll as a student at the university. Follow your university’s instructions to submit the necessary documents to the enrollment office. These usually include your admission letter, passport, proof of health insurance, and semester fee.

After you complete this process, you will receive an Enrollment Certificate (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung). This is a very important document that you most likely need in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There’s a lot of planning involved if you’re considering doing a PhD, especially if it’s in a foreign country. We’re sure you’ve got more questions, and we’re here to help.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Germany?

A PhD in Germany usually takes between three to six years to complete. Just like in other countries, it can take longer or shorter than expected, depending on several factors. The type of PhD you choose (structured programs can be more rigid), your subject area, and individual progress can all make a difference in the time it takes to get a PhD in Germany.

Are PhD Programs in Germany Tuition-Free?

The majority of PhD programs in Germany are tuition-free, at least for the first six semesters. However, if need to enroll at a university for your PhD, there is a small semester fee you need to cover. The fee can be higher or lower depending on the university, but it usually falls within the range of €100 to €350.

Is German Mandatory to Pursue a PhD in Germany?

You don’t necessarily have to know German to do a PhD in Germany. In fact, most PhD programs in Germany are in English, especially in fields such as science, engineering, and humanities. In these programs, you can both write your thesis and communicate with your advisor and peers in English.

There is of course the chance that the program you’ve chosen is in German or requires knowledge of German (in most cases, in addition to English). In this case, you have to prove your proficiency through a recognized language certificate or proof of previous studies in German.

Even if German isn’t mandatory, we strongly encourage you to learn the basics. They will be super helpful in daily interactions and getting accustomed to life in Germany.

How Much Does a PhD Student Earn in Germany?

Most PhD candidates in Germany receive financial support in the form of a salary or grant. This includes candidates affiliated with universities, research institutes, or company collaborations.

The majority of doctoral positions are structured under either the Collective Agreement for Civil Service TVöD (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst or the Collective Agreement for the Civil Service of Individual Federal States TV-L (Tarifvertrag der Länder). Since universities are funded by their respective federal government, if your PhD is affiliated with one, your salary will be structured under the TV-L.

Doctoral positions fall within the TV-L 13 category, with a salary range spanning from €4,188 (Tier 1) to €6,037 (Tier 6). The difference between the tiers (Stufe) depends on prior experience in the field. If you don’t have any research experience, you will fall under Tier 1 and progress to the other tiers throughout your PhD.

Your salary will ultimately be determined based on a wage agreement that specifies the contract tier (Stufe) and working hours (percentage-based). Many entry-level PhD students start with tier 1 contracts that are not full-time. For example, if your contract places you in Pay Group E-13 Tier 1 of the TV-L and you work at 75% capacity, your monthly gross salary will be €3,141.

> Learn more about pay ranges for PhD students using this convenient calculator .

Can I Work While Pursuing a PhD in Germany?

Part-time work is an option in most cases unless it’s strictly stated otherwise in your contract. Whether or not you are allowed to work on the side as a PhD in Germany depends on the working hours stated in your PhD contract, supervisor, and other specific circumstances. 

However, since the PhD is considered a job in itself, it’s usually frowned upon to have a side hustle. Even if you have a 50% contract, a PhD is demanding and requires long hours of work and research. If you choose to work on the side, make sure to find the right balance between work and your PhD commitments. To be on the safe side, it’s best to talk to your supervisor and go over all the legal and contractual obligations related to your PhD.

What Is the Process for Defending a PhD Thesis in Germany?

Here are the main steps to defending your PhD thesis in Germany:

  • Submit your thesis. The first step is submitting submit your thesis and supporting documents in adherence to all the formal requirements. A commission will be formed, and in some cases, you can suggest reviewers.
  • Oral defense. The next step is preparing and undergoing an oral defense, which can take between 30 minutes to 2 hours. During this time, you will present your research and discuss it with the committee. The defense can be either public or private.
  • Receive the title and publish your work. The outcome of the discussion determines your final grade, to be received after the defense. If everything goes well, you’re granted the Ph.D. title and have about two years to publish your dissertation.

What Are the Career Prospects Like After Doing a PhD in Germany?

Career prospects after a PhD in Germany are quite promising. 

The most common paths for PhD holders in Germany are either in academia as professors or post-doctorate researchers or in industry positions. 

Technology, healthcare, and finance, in particular, are some of the most in-demand industries in Germany. The country’s strong economy and research-oriented environment make it an attractive place to develop your career.

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  • German Health Insurance
  • Germany Blocked Account
  • Learn German Guide
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Latest News and Statistics

German universities receive €220 million to improve international mobility for students & staff, german universities registered 9% increase in guest students in winter semester 2023/24, bachelor students in germany more likely to drop out within first academic year, higher education in germany: key trends & statistics, new study reveals high level of satisfaction among students at german universities.

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The Internet offers a large number of job portals that are specialised in academic and research-related job openings. Unfortunately, you cannot find a complete overview of all current vacancies in one single website. That is why it is  worth taking a look at various job databases . Here you will find a selection of job portals that can help you with your search.

A good starting point for your job hunt

You are not sure where to start you job hunt? For a quick overview about your job and career options in Germany try these job listings for qualified professionals:

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For vacancies in certain research fields check out these specialised job listings - ranging from IT, green energy, engineering, law, logistics, and agriculture, to pharmacy and medicine.

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  • Applied Science   17
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  • Full time   222
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  • Direct Employer   182
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Found 252 jobs

Post-doctoral researcher (m/f/d) in Marine Microbial Natural Product Chemistry

Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR) logo

  • GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Wischhofstraße 1-3, 24148 Kiel, Germany
  • The salary depends on qualification and could be up to the class 13 TVöD-Bund of the German tariff
  • Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR)

View details Post-doctoral researcher (m/f/d) in Marine Microbial Natural Product Chemistry

  • 11 days ago
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Postdoctoral Fellow

Goethe University (GU) Frankfurt am Main - Institute of Molecular Systems Medicine logo

  • Frankfurt am Main, Hessen (DE)
  • Goethe University (GU) Frankfurt am Main - Institute of Molecular Systems Medicine

Postdoc positions on ERC projects – cellular stress responses, proteostasis and autophagy

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  • 24 days ago
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Senior Research Associate (m/f/d) - permanent position - Institute of Neuropathology

Universitätsklinikum (AöR) logo

  • Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (DE)
  • Universitätsklinikum (AöR)

Main topics of scientific projects are: Kallikrein-8 as an early biomarker and therapeutic Target for Alzheimer’s Disease Epigenetic effects of e...

View details Senior Research Associate (m/f/d) - permanent position - Institute of Neuropathology

  • 26 days ago
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Head of Climate Science and Impacts Team (f/m/d)

Climate Analytics gGmbH logo

  • Ritterstraße 3, 10969 Berlin
  • Negotiable, depending on experience
  • Climate Analytics gGmbH

You will play a pivotal role in shaping the scientific outputs and supporting the organisation's mission and culture. Your department has 20+ staff.

View details Head of Climate Science and Impacts Team (f/m/d)

  • 39 days ago
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Proteomics expert (postdoc or staff scientist)

We are looking for a (senior) postdoc or postdoc-level staff scientist from all areas of proteomics to become part of our Proteomics Center.

View details Proteomics expert (postdoc or staff scientist)

  • 40 days ago
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Postdoc Position (f/m/d) in “Building Healthcare Resilience Against Cyber-Attacks"

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Campus Nord logo

  • 76344, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (DE)
  • "-"
  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Campus Nord

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association creates and imparts knowledge for the society and th...

View details Postdoc Position (f/m/d) in “Building Healthcare Resilience Against Cyber-Attacks"

  • 41 days ago
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Postdoc in Biomechanical Engineering (m/f/d)

PWG-LMU Klinikum logo

  • Munich (Stadt), Bayern (DE)
  • PWG-LMU Klinikum

The Muskuloskelettales Universitätszentrum München (MUM) on the Campus Großhadern invites applications for the department Orthopädie

View details Postdoc in Biomechanical Engineering (m/f/d)

  • 47 days ago
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Full Professorship (W3) in “Organic Environmental Geochemistry (f/m/d)

Universität Heidelberg logo

  • Heidelberg, Brandenburg (DE)
  • Universität Heidelberg

The Institute of Earth Sciences within the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences at Heidelberg University invites applications for a   FULL PROFE...

View details Full Professorship (W3) in “Organic Environmental Geochemistry (f/m/d)

  • 7 days left
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Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in - Quantencomputing mit gespeicherten Ionen

Universität Siegen logo

  • Siegen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (DE)
  • Universität Siegen

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in - Quantencomputing mit gespeicherten Ionen Bereich: Fakultät IV - Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakultät | St...

View details Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in - Quantencomputing mit gespeicherten Ionen

  • 6 days left
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Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (PostDoc) - Quantencomputing mit gespeicherten Ionen

Universität Siegen logo

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (PostDoc) - Quantencomputing mit gespeicherten Ionen Bereich: Fakultät IV - Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fak...

View details Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (PostDoc) - Quantencomputing mit gespeicherten Ionen

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Vice President, Nature Communications Portfolio

Springer Nature Ltd logo

  • New York City, New York (US), Berlin, or Heidelberg
  • Competitive salary and excellent benefits
  • Springer Nature Ltd

This is an exciting opportunity to play a key leadership role in the market-leading journal Nature Portfolio and help drive its overall contribution.

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  • 5 days left
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Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres logo

  • Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

Work group:Front Office and Helpdesk Area of research:IT - EDV Job description:Reference No. IT 2024/10The Department Front Office and Helpdesk is l

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Postdoc (f/m/d) for the Device Development of the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 and Scale Up E...

Work group:Energy and Information Area of research:Scientific / postdoctoral posts Job description:Reference No. GF 2024/16The Energy and Informat

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17 PhD candidates

Technical University Darmstadt - MC4DD logo

  • various locations across Europe
  • gross/month: 3400€ (adjusted by country) + 600€ / 600€* mobility/family allowance (*if applicable)
  • Technical University Darmstadt - MC4DD

17 Doctoral Candidate positions as part of the EU Doctoral Network MC4DD in the fields of organic, medicinal, pharmaceutical, computational chemistry

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Techniker*in Anlagenelektroniker*in (d/m/w) Schwerpunkt Brandmeldetechnik

Area of research:Technik Starting date:11.07.2024 Job description:Das GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt betreibt eine der fü

View details Techniker*in Anlagenelektroniker*in (d/m/w) Schwerpunkt Brandmeldetechnik

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Master Thesis - Flexibility characteristics of PtX technologies in the context of the German ener...

Area of research:Diploma & Master Thesis Job description:Your Job: Literature research on modelling the flexibility of technologies in energy systems

View details Master Thesis - Flexibility characteristics of PtX technologies in the context of the German ener...

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Master Thesis - Techno-Economic Aspects of Process Integrated CO2 Electrolyzers

Area of research:Diploma & Master Thesis Job description:Your Job:Despite the promising results and scientific momentum of CO2 electrolyzers in recen

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PhD Student (m/f/div) Innovating CRISPR 2.0 Gene Editing for CAR-T Cell Engineering and Cancer Imm.

Universitätsklinikum Würzburg logo

  • Würzburg (Stadt), Bayern (DE)
  • Universitätsklinikum Würzburg

PhD Student (m/f/div) - Innovating CRISPR 2.0 Gene Editing for CAR-T Cell Engineering and Cancer Immunotherapy

View details PhD Student (m/f/div) Innovating CRISPR 2.0 Gene Editing for CAR-T Cell Engineering and Cancer Imm.

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Postdoctoral Fellow – Systems Genetics and Precision Health

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) logo

  • Competitive
  • European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

About the team/job EMBL is Europe’s life sciences laboratory – an intergovernmental organisation with more than 110 independent research groups and

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Senior Research Scientist

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604 PhD positions

Find available fellowships, scholarships and programmes here. To have PhD opportunities sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

  • PhD positions in Belgium (238)
  • PhD positions in Netherlands (102)
  • PhD positions in Sweden (48)
  • PhD positions in Germany (45)
  • PhD positions in Norway (40)
  • PhD positions in Switzerland (38)
  • PhD positions in Luxembourg (27)
  • PhD positions in France (20)
  • PhD positions in Finland (19)
  • PhD positions in Austria (12)

Main fields

  • PhD positions in Engineering (291)
  • PhD positions in Computer Science (169)
  • PhD positions in Physics (166)
  • PhD positions in Biology (148)
  • PhD positions in Chemistry (139)
  • PhD positions in Medicine (115)
  • PhD positions in Mathematics (83)
  • PhD positions in Business and Economics (56)
  • PhD positions in Social Science (45)
  • PhD positions in Psychology (33)

Search results (604)


PhD candidate in Musculoskeletal health and mental health

The Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation Science and Health Technology, has a vacancy for a fixed–term post as a research fellow in Musculoskeletal Health and Mental Health. The...

Scholarship in musculoskeletal health and mental health



KU Leuven, located in Belgium, is among the top European universities, ranked as the top university in the Reuters ranking of Europe's most innovative universities. KU Leuven is a research-intensiv...


Doctoral student in Political Science

Sapere Aude—dare to be wise—is our motto. Our students and employees develop knowledge and expertise that enrich both people and the world around them. Our academic environment is characterised by ...

Doctoral student in Political Science (psychological defense and disinfo.)


PhD Candidate for Computational Approaches for Studying Animal Behavior, Personality, and Emotions

About our Campus: Rehovot Campus (Rehovot) and Mt. Scopus Campus (Jerusalem). The position will be based across two campuses: The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment on The Hebrew University’s beautiful Rehovot Campus. Reh...

PhD position in the anthropology of tourism impacts in remote areas

Project Many places around the globe have turned towards tourism to sustain local livelihoods and conserve cultural and natural resources. Despite this widespread practice, there are still hardly a...

Two PhD positions (100%) in didactics of philosophy

The Institute of Philosophy of KU Leuven offers a complete study program in English, has 40 professors, and more than 100 doctoral students (most of which are international). It is one of the few p...


PhD position in Computer Science for Circular Construction

PhD position in Computer Science for Circular ConstructionThe Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture (CEA) is seeking a highly motivated and qualified PhD candidate in the field of digital ...

Vacancy for two PhD researchers in Predictive and Prescriptive Process Modelling

You will work at the LIRIS research group of the Faculty of Economics and Business at KU Leuven. One position is hosted at KU Leuven, with an exchange period at University of Melbourne. The second ...

Doctoral student in Computer Science with a specialisation in software quality

Phd in health monitoring of aircraft structures and systems.

Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship. This PhD is situated in a joint project between the Departments of Mechanical and Materials Engineering of the KU Leuven - Campus Ghent, to fully cove...

PhD Position in Medicinal Chemistry (Organic chemist with a passion for molecular modelling)

The Verwilst Lab is part of the Medicinal Chemistry group, located in the prestigious Rega Institute for Medical Research, and is part of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Scienc...


Doctoral candidates in Statistics and Probability

The University | About us...The MATHCODA Doctoral Training Unit is a doctoral program covering a coherent set of themes around the ideation and study of novel mathematical tools for dealing with hi...

Doctoral (PhD) Student Positions in Control for Advanced Manufacturing

Doctoral (PhD) Student Positions in Control for Advanced ManufacturingWith our cutting-edge research, ETH Zürich's around 12’000 employees make essential contributions to the well-being of society ...

PhD position on "On-Chip Separation of Proteins for Single-Cell Proteome Profiling"

PhD position on "On-Chip Separation of Proteins for Single-Cell Proteome Profiling"The laboratory of Single-Molecule and Single-Cell Biophysics (BMC)is a research group in the Department of Informa...


PhD on Making Methods (for designing in uncertain times)

Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Industrial DesignFTE 1,0Date off 04/08/2024Reference number V51.7591Job descriptionWe invite applications for a fully-funded 4-year doctoral position on exploring and developing design res...

2 PhD Positions in Designing and Optimizing Materials for Bacterial-Based Sustainable Biopesticide Delivery Systems

2 PhD Positions in Designing and Optimizing Materials for Bacterial-Based Sustainable Biopesticide Delivery SystemsThe bioMatter Microfluidics (Dr. Eleonora Secchi, D-BAUG) and SoftMat Group (Prof....

PhD candidate in Energy & Environment Engineering

The University | About us...The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. The University was founded in 2003 a...


PhD Student on ID03 in the Structure of Materials group

The European Synchrotron, the ESRF, is an international research centre based in Grenoble, France.Through its innovative engineering, pioneering scientific vision and a strong commitment from its 700 staff members, the ESRF is recognised as one of...


Doctoral (PhD) student position to establish cell therapy for Diabetes, within National ATMP school

Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research? To be a doctoral student means to devote oneself to a research project under supervision of experienced researchers and following an indiv...

Multi OMICS analysis of idiopatic pulmonary fibrosis

The BREATHE laboratory (group of Dr Laurens De Sadeleer, Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Unit) has an open PhD position for a highly motivated researcher to investigate lung fibrosis through state-...


Assistant department Animal sciences and aquatic ecology (27295)

    →   Apply until 23/07/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY) 23:59 (Brussels time)    →   Faculty of Bioscience Engineering    →   Department BW22 -Animal Sciences and Aquatic Ecology    →   AAP temporary appointment - 100%    →   Number of openings: 1    →   Refe...

Quality control within Injection Moulding exploiting data and physical models (APRIORI DC5)

The KU Leuven Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics division (LMSD) and the Campus Diepenbeek Polymer Processing & Engineering (PPE) groups are searching for a Doctoral Candidate to join its team to work i...

PhD project on safe cycling in Parkinson's disease

We are the Parkinson Rehabilitation Research Lab within the Neurorehabilitation Research Group (eNRGy) at KU Leuven university, under the supervision of Prof. Moran Gilat. We aim to improve rehabil...


PhD position 'Harnessing compost microbes for new crop protection products against foliar diseases' 100%

Do you want to develop new sustainable plant protection products based on microorganisms and their metabolites? Copper fungicides, which are still widely used due to a lack of efficient alternative...

PhD Position in Process Systems Engineering

The position will be embedded in the Department’s Chemical and Biochemical Reactor Engineering and Safety research group at KU Leuven's Faculty of Engineering Technology (Campus De Nayer, Sint-Kate...


Full-time FSR doctoral position in the Project "Embodied grammar learning in high-immersive virtual reality"

We are seeking a full-time doctoral student funded by the FSR (Fonds Spécial de Recherche) to contribute to a project aimed at developing an empirically based framework for embodied grammar learning within VR-based environments. This project integ...

Assistant department Food Technology, Safety and Health (27297)

    →   Apply until 30/07/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY) 23:59 (Brussels time)    →   Faculty of Bioscience Engineering    →   Department BW23 - Food Technology, Safety and Health    →   AAP temporary appointment - 100%    →   Number of openings: 1    →   Refe...

PhD Position in Photogrammetry and Computer Vision

Jobs by field.

  • Electrical Engineering 223
  • Programming Languages 180
  • Machine Learning 177
  • Molecular Biology 167
  • Artificial Intelligence 162
  • Materials Engineering 149
  • Electronics 148
  • Mechanical Engineering 147
  • Cell Biology 145
  • Biochemistry 120

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 369
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 160
  • Professor 118
  • Researcher 107
  • Research assistant 104
  • Engineer 97
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 73
  • Management / Leadership 54
  • Tenure Track 49

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 411
  • Netherlands 158
  • Morocco 115
  • Switzerland 113
  • Germany 106
  • Luxembourg 69

Jobs by employer

  • KU Leuven 150
  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 119
  • Ghent University 91
  • University of Luxembourg 68
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 68
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 59
  • University of Antwerp 53
  • ETH Zürich 53
  • Karolinska Institutet 45

phd job germany

  • Mon. Jul 15th, 2024

Best Global Research Positions in Agriculture and Biosciences

PhD Funded Position in Crop Physiology at Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research in Germany

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By Agristok

phd job germany

PhD Funded Position in crop physiology at Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research in Germany; The mission of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) as a nationally and internationally active research institute is to deliver solutions for an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable agriculture – together with society. ZALF is a member of the Leibniz Association and is located in Müncheberg (approx. 35 minutes by regional train from Berlin-Lichtenberg). It also maintains a research station with further locations in Dedelow and Paulinenaue.

The Cropping System Analysis group is offering a PhD position within the DFG funded research group, Agroforestry for sustainable multifunctional agriculture ( FORMULA) as part of the sub-project, Management, productivity and yields . Together with partners at University of Giessen and ZALF, this PhD project has the task to investigate crop stressors along gradients perpendicular to tree lines in agroforestry systems.

 The research will use a combination of experimentation and process-based model simulation to explore mechanisms of crop responses to single and multiple stressors in agroforestry systems. Subject to final approval of funds, we are offering a 65% (26 hours per week) position for 4 years at our location in Müncheberg as PhD student (f/m/d) 61-2024

Your tasks:

  • crop and soil data collection from two agroforestry sites in Brandenburg and Hesse
  • model simulation of crop growth in agroforestry systems
  • statistical analysis of modes of interaction between different stressors
  • publication of results in peer-reviewed scientific journals

Your qualifications:

  • master in crop physiology, plant biology, ecology, agricultural engineering, math, physics or similar
  • willingness to undertake extensive field work
  • statistical and quantitative assessment skills
  • scripting skills in (e.g., R, python, …)
  • interest to learn about and apply process-based agroecosystem simulation models
  • knowledge of cropping systems’ responses to environmental factors
  • good teamwork skills with willingness to collaborate across disciplines
  • as an internationally research institution, located in Germany we require good to very good written and spoken English skills and the willingness to take part in further training as part of the language courses in German offered internally

What we offer:

  • interdisciplinary working environment that encourages independence
  • opportunity to collaborate with leading international scientists and networks in cropping and agroeco-system analysis
  • strong institutional commitment to a good work-life balance
  • classification according to the collective agreement of the federal states (TV-L) up to EG 13 with a 65% weekly working time (including special annual payment)
  • a collegial and open-minded working atmosphere in a dynamic research institution
  • company ticket
  • in-house language courses in German and English

Women are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications from severely disabled persons with equal qualifications are favored. The filling of the position in part-time is possible in principle. Please send your application preferably online (see button online application below). For e-mail applications, create a PDF document (one PDF file, max. 5 MB; packed PDF documents, archive files like zip, rar etc. Word documents cannot be processed and therefore cannot be considered!) with the usual documents, in particular CV, proof of qualification and certificates, stating the reference number  61-2024 until August 3, 2024 to (see button e-mail application below).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Prof. Dr. Heidi Webber, [email protected] For cost reasons, application documents or extensive publications can only be returned if an adequately stamped envelope is attached. If you apply, we collect and process your personal data in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the EU GDPR only for the processing of your application and for purposes that result from possible future employment with the ZALF. Your data will be deleted after six months.

Online application

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  3. How to Find Your PhD Position in Germany

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    121 Phd positions jobs in Germany. Most relevant. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. 4.1. 13 PhD Candidates (m/f/d) in Neurobiology of Ageing. Magdeburg. SynAGE provides state of the art training in translational research using molecular, cellular and systems as well as cognitive neurobiology.…. Discover more.

  5. PhD Position jobs in Germany

    PhD Position jobs in Germany. 18 jobs to view and apply for now with Nature Careers ... Postdoc and PhD positions in the CRC 1664 - Plant Science • Protein Science • Computer Science .

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    Search and apply for the latest Phd jobs in Germany. Verified employers. Competitive salary. Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. Job email alerts. Free, fast and easy way find a job of 700.000+ postings in Germany and other big cities in USA.

  20. PhD Job in Germany Jobs, Employment

    If you require alternative methods of application or screening, you must approach the employer directly to request this as Indeed is not responsible for the employer's application process. 66 PhD Job in Germany jobs available on Apply to Research Scientist, Post-doctoral Fellow, Medical Director and more!

  21. Jobs in Germany

    Jobs in Germany. 269 jobs to view and apply for now with Nature Careers ... PhD Student (m/f/div) Innovating CRISPR 2.0 Gene Editing for CAR-T Cell Engineering and Cancer Imm.

  22. Doctoral Researcher (PhD student) position in Physical Chemistry

    Very good Master degree (or equivalent) in chemistry, physics, materials sciences or similar; Being able to work and communicate in interdisciplinary and international research environments

  23. 615 PhD positions

    PhD in Advanced hybridization of metaheuristics and constraint programming techniques for the integration of energy constraints in assembly line balancing problems. Location : Laboratory of Informatics, Modelling and Optimization of the Systems (LIMOS UMR CNRS 6158) - Campus des Cézeaux - 1 rue de la Cherbade, 63178 AubièreSupervision ...

  24. PhD Funded Position in Crop Physiology in Germany

    PhD Funded Position in crop physiology at Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research in Germany; The mission of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) as a nationally and internationally active research institute is to deliver solutions for an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable agriculture - together with society.