Graduate School Admissions

  • Overview of Admissions for International Students
  • Undergraduate Admissions

We encourage prospective applicants to study our on-going research projects and to contact our faculty members directly to discuss their research plan before applying. For those who are living in Japan, the application packet can be obtained at the Academic Affairs Office, or by sending a request letter enclosing a self-addressed and 240 yen stamped A4-size envelope to the address indicated below. Overseas residents may enclose an international postal coupon to cover the cost of an A4 size envelope to be sent to your address containing 150 grams for master's program application, or 100 grams for doctoral program application. In the request letter, the applicant must clearly indicate the program (Master/Doctor) that he/she is applying for.

Academic Affairs Office (Daigakuin kyomu kakari) Graduate School of Science Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502 Japan.

Admission Requirements

Admission procedures.

  • Admission Policy for Government Supported Foreign Students

Master's Program

A bachelor's degree or higher, or equivalent as recognized by the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University.

  • Admission information updates (in Japanese language)
  • The past entrance examinations (in Japanese language)
  • English proficiency examination A written English language proficiency examination administered by the Admissions Committee is required of all applicants. However, this examination is not required if the applicant has already obtained a minimum score of a) 80 for TOEFL® iBT (internet based) or b) 6.0 for IELTS. The official certificate of the score must be submitted to Daigakuin-kyomu , Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University. The Admissions Committee accepts the official certificates issued within two years of the test dates.
  • Written examination in chemistry This written examination covers the applicant's chosen field of research and an additional subject related to the field.
  • Oral examination Interviews are conducted by the members of the Admissions Committee.

Doctoral Program

  • Master's degree or equivalent as recognized by the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University.
  • Confirmation of support in the doctoral program from one of our faculty members.

Both self-supporting and government supported international students must pass the following qualifying examinations in English given by the Admissions Committee. The examinations are scheduled in February. The applicant is advised to contact his/her supporting faculty member for details and updates.

  • English proficiency examination. A written English language proficiency examination administered by the Admissions Committee is required of all applicants. However, this examination is not required if the applicant has already obtained a minimum score of a) 80 for TOEFL® iBT (internet based) or b) 6.0 for IELTS. The official certificate of the score must be submitted to Daigakuin-kyomu , Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University. The Admissions Committee accepts the official certificates issued within two years of the test dates.
  • Oral examination. Interviews and presentation of the master's thesis work of the applicant. This examination is given by the Admissions Committee members.

Admission Policy for Government Supported Foreign Students a) Master's and Doctoral Programs Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science

The Council for the Division of Chemistry set the admission policy for government supported foreign students on May 7, 1997. The Steering Committee for the Graduate Program re-examined and proposed the revision of the policy on June 5, 2008. The Council approved the revised Policy on August 21, 2009 and the amendment to the English Proficiency Examination stated as follows on March 14, 2013.

A written examination in two subjects of chemistry: A subject in the applicant’s chosen field of research and the other related to his/her chosen field.

An oral examination, which involves the presentation of his/her master’s thesis work and interviews by the members of the Admissions Committee.

English Proficiency Examination

A written English language proficiency examination administered by the Admissions Committee is required of all applicants. However, this examination is not required if the applicant has already obtained a minimum score of a) 80 for TOEFL® iBT (internet based) or b) 6.0 for IELTS. The official certificate of the score must be submitted to Daigakuin-kyomu , Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University. The Admissions Committee accepts the official certificates issued within two years of the test dates.

  • The Admissions Committee consists of five faculty members; one is the applicant’s supporting faculty and the other four are selected by the Steering Committee of the Graduate Program.
  • The admission decision is made by the Admissions Committee and finalized by the approval of the Steering Committee of the Graduate Program.
  • Government Supported Foreign Students are the students who apply for admission through Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship program or the scholarship programs of studying in Japan offered by their native government.

Department of Chemistry, School of Science, The University of Tokyo

phd in chemistry japan

Quantifying Entropy Changes from the Disorder of Individual Molecules

phd in chemistry japan

Mr. Toshiaki Wayama (Natural Products Chemistry Lab., D2) was awarded the CSJ Student Presentation Award 2024 at The 104th CSJ Annual Meeting. Congratulations!

phd in chemistry japan

A new platform for highly selective reactions in vivo -Chiral Lewis acid catalysts based on nanoscale metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)-

phd in chemistry japan

University Professor Emeritus Eiichi Nakamura received the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon


Press release on the research by Synthetic Organic Chemistry Laboratory: “Innovative technology for highly efficient production of oligonucleotide therapeutics! –catalytic phosphite esterification reaction developed–”

Zasshikai seminar 1942nd, Prof. Djamaladdin (Jamal) G. Musaev, “Insights into the Microenvironment of Catalysis: Water Oxidation and Selective C–H bond Functionalization”

Zasshikai seminar 1927th, Prof. Christine Aikens, “Unraveling Nanoparticle Properties using Theoretical Methods”

Zasshikai seminar 1947th (Zasshi-kai award lecture), Dr. Lim Jongwoo, “Dynamics of lithium-ion batteries and their implication for electrocatalysis”

Zasshikai seminar 1941st, Prof. Masaki Kawano, “Atomic-resolution structure analysis inside an adaptable porous framework”

Zasshikai seminar 1949th, Prof. Andrei K. Yudin, “Synthetic Half-Reactions”

Faculty Search for an Assistant Professor (tenured), Organic Chemistry Division, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo

Assistant Professor Faculty Position in the Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo [Foreigner only]

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  • Undergraduate Admissions
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We all live on the earth, and we observe many nature phenomena. Most of the phenomena are caused by chemical functions. For example, complicated biological activity is attributable to a huge number of chemical interactions and chemical reactions. Chemistry is a science dealing with the structure, synthesis, properties, and interactions of substances, particularly at the molecular level.

We are surrounded by artificial chemical products, e.g., food, clothing, housing, drugs, traffic and communication tools, and so on, and we are using them everyday. Recently, new materials such as those supporting computer memory storage and superconductivity have been playing an essential role in the recent progress of human culture and technology. The development of these new materials is based on chemistry. On the other hand, some chemicals tend to cause serious environmental problems, whose solution will depend on chemistry research and education in future.

Chemistry and its related sciences are much closer to us than one imagines, and are extensively contributing to the growth of science and human society. Chemists have an essential role in the growth and their contribution increases.

The School of Science was established in 1931, and the Department of Chemistry was also established with five laboratories at the same time. Now, the Department of Chemistry belongs to Graduate School of Science, and comprises the following four divisions: inorganic, physical, organic, and interdisciplinary chemistries. In addition, the department has cooperative with many research groups of other research institutes. There are a variety of high level researches in the department, covering all fields of chemistry, and the members in the department study and work internationally.

©2014 Osaka University. All rights reserved.

  • Research Fields
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  • Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences
  • University of Tsukuba

The students of the Master and Doctoral programs in chemistry will be trained both theoretically and experimentally in all major fields of chemistry including Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and related disciplines.

Welcome Doctoral Program in Chemistry

Financial support for ph.d students (doctoral course students).

The Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences provides financial support for Ph.D. students, i.e., students advanced to candidacy, so that they can focus on their research. We hire Ph.D. students as research assistants (RAs). (We delegate research assistance work to Ph.D. students and give them remuneration.) The outline for FY 2019 is as follows: To each Ph.D. student, we will pay an amount equivalent to 100% of the tuition fee as RA remuneration. Students who are exempted from paying the tuition fee (full or half price) are also hired. However, we will reduce the payment amount for those students enrolling for more than 3 years. The following students are excluded from this economic support: (1) JSPS Research Fellows, (2) Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Students, (3) Students employed as RAs (or equivalent) at other institutions (or financed by external funding), (4) Persons with a certain amount of income as workers, (5) Students currently taking a leave of absence from the university (6) Students receiving a benefit type scholarship of 140,000 yen / month or more. For more information, contact us by email at (delete two # symbols).

Ishibashi Lab


Ichikawa Lab


Iwasaki Lab


Bioorganic Chemistry Lab


Nakatani Lab


Morihashi Lab


Yamamoto Lab


Nano-Science and Nano-Technology (Doctoral program)

Molecular condensed matter lab.


Nabeshima Lab


1-1-1 Tennodai,Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 〒305-8571 TEL +81-29-853-4310(Office) FAX +81-29-853-6503(Office) Chairperson Taka-aki ISHIBASHI

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Graduate School Admissions - Doctoral programmes

In order to enter Degree programs, students have to take and pass the entrance examinations and an interview conducted by Kobe University. Following are the general information on eligibility, selection method, and admission information for each Graduate School.


Applicants must be foreign nationals who do not hold Japanese nationality and have successfully completed 16 years of school education or the equivalent. Those who are expected to graduate by March 31 of the year they are entering are also eligible.

  • For detailed information on each Graduate School’s eligibility requirements, please refer to each School’s website.

Selection Method

Students are selected by academic records and the result of the paper based and oral examinations conducted by each Graduate School. The types of examinations vary according to each Graduate School.

  • Many international students choose to enter Kobe University as a Research Student non-degree seeking student conduct research while improving their Japanese language ability for about 1 year, and then move on to a degree-seeking program after passing the entrance examination.

How to Apply

1. find your future supervisor.

Graduate Schools either do or do not require students Graduate School, but it is always better to decide the faculty member by whom you wish to be supervised, considering your own research topic. Check the information about the faculty members at Master’s Programs and Doctoral Programs and contact the faculty member directly.

How to find the future academic supervisor?

  • Make use of our Directory of Researchers in Kobe University .
  • When contact information is not available on the website of Graduate School, contact the Student Affairs Section of relevant Graduate School .

2. Obtain Application Information and Application Forms

When to request.

Application information is usually available on the Graduate School website and also on the website of Japan Study Support. However in order to apply, applicants have to obtain the original application forms. Each Graduate School distributes application forms at certain period usually once a year or twice a year.

Where and How to request

Applicants can obtain application forms either by visiting the office of each Graduate School directly or requesting by post. When requesting by post, be sure to enclose a return envelop with the necessary stamp attached to the Student Affairs Section of respective Graduate School.

  • The return envelop should be a size that can enclose an A4-size Legal size without folding the forms.
  • Please attach the necessary amount of stamp to the return envelop.
  • For detailed information, please check the website of the relevant Graduate School.

When to apply

Each Graduate School has certain application period usually once a year or twice a year.

Where and how to apply

Send the Student Affairs Section of respective Graduate School the necessary application materials by post. Must reach by the deadline, late arrival would not be considered for admission.

  • Students who have different educational background than that of shown on page 59 need to be pre-assessed before application. Please inquire Student Affairs Section of respective Graduate School for detailed information.

4. Take the Examination

Each Graduate School has its own examination schedule. All examinations are conducted at Kobe University. Applicants should make arrangement to come to Kobe at this time.

5. Acceptance

How to find out the result.

In early March, applicants will receive an admission notice and other information by post if they passed the examination. Applicants who failed the examination will not receive the notice. If accepted, applicants must make the payment of admission fee by bank transfer, and submit the necessary documents.

6. Prepare for Coming to Japan

Prepare passport and visa (when applicants reside overseas).

In order to enter Japan, international students must have a passport and a “College Student Visa”. Please refer to “Procedure for Entering Japan” for details on how to apply for the visa.

Secure Accommodation

There are University housings and other accommodation that students can apply for through the university, but these rooms are limited. Please use the “Kobe University Student Apartment Search System” to look for private apartment. This system has been established with Nasic National Student Information Center for Kobe University international students. Students can also use this search system to reserve an apartment from overseas. It is available in 4 languages (Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean) and will also support students with lease agreement. For more information please refer to “Housing information”.

Students can also search apartment through Kobe University Co-op Service Center after arrival in Kobe.

Reserve an airplane ticket and purchase a traveler’s insurance. (Recommended but optional) (when applicants resides overseas)

7. after arriving in japan, come to kobe university during the designated period to complete the necessary entrance procedures., participate in new student orientation, classes begin, make payment of tuition fees, for more information.

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Department of Chemistry Graduate School of Science, Osaka University

Our department welcomes applications from international students to our graduate degree courses. We will accept applications for our Master and Doctoral degree programs for April and October each year.

Information on application procedures is available on the website of the Graduate School of Science

Application documents are available from Special Integrated Science Course (SISC), Offered in English

  • Graduate School of Science

phd in chemistry japan

Overview - Graduate Programs

Overall goal.

A key aspect of graduate education at the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Science (GSS) is that education is closely linked to research. Through the graduate school curricula, students learn how to carry out research effectively from faculty members who are active at the frontlines of research, thus enabling students to conduct advanced and creative research themselves. The overall goal of graduate education at the GSS is to develop and enhance the capabilities of researchers and educators possessing originality and ingenuity to conduct pioneering research at the frontlines of various scientific fields, act as core members of international and interdisciplinary research projects, and through their research and other activities, meet the needs of the industrial community and society at large.

Master's and Doctoral Degrees

A master's degree will be conferred to those who have completed a two-year period of residence, studied the compulsory subjects, earned the required number of credits specified by each department, and passed the thesis review and final examinations under the requisite guidance of an academic supervisor.

A doctoral degree will be conferred to those who have completed a three-year period of residence, studied the compulsory subjects, earned the required number of credits specified by department, and passed the thesis review and final examinations under the requisite guidance of an academic supervisor.

Graduate Admissions Information

Special selection for international applicants (master's and doctoral programs).

Instructions for application | FAQ

Master's Level Admission to the Global Science Graduate Course (GSGC)

Graduate international research student program (non-degree program).

This is a program admitting students to the Graduate School of Science to study a specific subject under the supervision of a professor. Note that no degrees or qualifications are conferred through this program.

How to Apply

Special Auditor Program

This program is for students enrolled in an overseas university that has concluded an academic exchange agreement with the University of Tokyo.

Best Global Universities for Chemistry in Japan

These are the top universities in Japan for chemistry, based on their reputation and research in the field. Read the methodology »

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Here are the best global universities for chemistry in Japan

University of tokyo, kyoto university, osaka university, hokkaido university, tokyo institute of technology, kyushu university, nagoya university, tohoku university, tokyo university of science, university of tsukuba.

See the full rankings

  • Clear Filters

phd in chemistry japan

  • # 28 in Best Universities for Chemistry
  • # 81 in Best Global Universities

The University of Tokyo, also known as UTokyo or Todai, is a Japanese national university that was founded in 1877. The... Read More

phd in chemistry japan

  • # 32 in Best Universities for Chemistry
  • # 140 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

Kyoto University is a Japanese national university that was founded in 1897. Originally known as Kyoto Imperial... Read More

  • # 87 in Best Universities for Chemistry  (tie)
  • # 286 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

Osaka University, sometimes called OU, is a Japanese national university that was founded in 1931 as the sixth imperial... Read More

  • # 98 in Best Universities for Chemistry  (tie)
  • # 432 in Best Global Universities  (tie)
  • # 360 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

The Tokyo Institute of Technology, also known as Tokyo Tech, is a Japanese national university. The institution traces... Read More

  • # 101 in Best Universities for Chemistry
  • # 349 in Best Global Universities  (tie)
  • # 120 in Best Universities for Chemistry
  • # 333 in Best Global Universities  (tie)

Nagoya University is a Japanese national university that traces its roots back to 1871, when its predecessor medical... Read More

  • # 127 in Best Universities for Chemistry  (tie)

Tohoku University is a Japanese national university that was founded in 1907. The institution is spread across five... Read More

  • # 338 in Best Universities for Chemistry  (tie)
  • # 1,095 in Best Global Universities  (tie)
  • # 348 in Best Universities for Chemistry  (tie)

Research Disciplines

Related research units.

  • pi-Conjugated Polymers Unit
  • Protein Engineering and Evolution Unit
  • Quantum Materials Science Unit
  • Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis Unit
  • Nonlinear and Non-equilibrium Physics Unit
  • Chemistry and Chemical Bioengineering Unit
  • Organic Optoelectronics Unit
  • Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Engineering Unit
  • Organic and Carbon Nanomaterials Unit
  • Organic Photonics and Electronics
  • Synthetic Chemistry for Carbon Nanomaterials
  • New Enzymes by Directed Evolution
  • Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Engineering
  • Inorganic Electrochemistry
  • Bioorganic Chemistry

Job Openings

Postdoctoral researcher/organometallic chemistry and catalysis, related news.

WU-OIST Joint PR OECTs header image

Scientists solve chemical mystery at the interface of biology and technology

Rendering of chemotaxis in synthetic droplets

Synthetic droplets cause a stir in the primordial soup

Crystal structure of the newly synthesized 21-electron metallocene compound

Scientists synthesize new organometallic “sandwich” compound capable of holding more electrons

Header Image for a press release

New RNA-based toolkit to regulate gene activity could advance regenerative medicine, gene therapy and biotechnology

GWB exercise

What we can do now to break down invisible gender barriers

College of Chemistry School of Science and Engineering University of Tsukuba

About education.

Science and technology have been progressing dramatically, thereby contributing to human development. Basic chemistry has played an important role in recent technological innovations, and new materials developed through chemical research are now in use for commercial applications.

In chemistry, chemical phenomena are investigated at the molecular and electron levels to explore universal principles in nature. Such basic investigations have been developed for creating new chemical compounds, finding solutions for environmental pollution and energy problems, and understanding life phenomena at the molecular level. Thus, in the future, chemistry will be increasingly important.

Most of the graduates from the College of Chemistry go on to graduate schools to enhance their research capability. After that, they work for universities, national research institutes, or the chemical industry engaged in basic research and the development of advanced technology.

Recent News

Ms. Haruka Kono, Poster Award, Symposium on Analytical Chemistry

Incentive Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan, Assist. Prof. Takayuki Ohyoshi

Mr. Makoto Saikawa, Student Poster Prize

Open Recruitment for Assistant Professor (Physical Chemistry Division) in Department of Chemistry

Mr. Kengo Oshiyama, Poster Award, Symposium on Analytical Science

Online Open Campus of the College of Chemistry

Life in the College of Chemistry

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  • College of Chemistry Campus Life MORE

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  • College of Chemistry Admissions & Open Campus MORE

Fourth-year students mainly concentrate on their graduate research. In the College of Chemistry, not only basic research concerning structures, properties, reactions, and syntheses of compounds, but also interdisciplinary research from a broader perspective have been carried out in the fields of inorganic chemistry, synthetic inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, molecular condensed matter, physical chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, organoelement chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, structural biology and chemistry, bioorganic chemistry and medicinal chemistry.

 Students are assigned to a laboratory and carry out their graduate research in an active atmosphere under a professor’s leadership while maintaining close contact with faculty staff, graduate students, and researchers from Japanese and overseas institutions. By presenting their research results at laboratory seminars, their graduation thesis presentation, and the conference of the Chemical Society of Japan, they take their first steps as chemists.

phd in chemistry japan

Department of Chemistry & Biotechnology, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

  • School of Engineering
  • The University of Tokyo


1. research assistant in our department.

Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology offers an opportunity to work as Research Assistant in each laboratory. All students in the Integrated MS/PhD program can be enrolled in this RA program. For more information, contact your potential supervisors.

2. World-leading INnovative Graduate Study Program for Life Science and Technology (WINGS-LST)

WINGS-LST has been started from 2019 in the University of Tokyo as one of world-leading innovative graduate study programs in Japan. Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology actively participate in this program. Students in the Integrated MS/PhD program of our department are eligible to apply for the WINGS-LST. Master's program students of our department who are willing to continue their researches in PhD program are also eligible. For more information, see the website of WINGS-LST. Successful candidates who have passed the selection process are financially supported by the program (monthly RA: 80,000 JPY for MS and 180,000 JPY for PhD).

3. Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (JSPS)

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science offers a financial support to excellent doctoral (Ph.D.) course students. For more information, see the website of JSPS. Successful candidates who have passed the selection process are financially supported by the program (200,000 JPY, monthly).

4. The University of Tokyo Doctoral Student Incentive Program (SEUT-RA)

The Graduate School of Engineering at The University of Tokyo offers a financial support to excellent doctoral course students. For more information, see the website of SEUT-RA. Successful candidates who have passed the selection process are financially supported by the program (monthly RA: 120,000 JPY for Outstanding Candidates and 50,000 JPY for Excellent Candidates).

5. MEXT Scholarship

Potential candidates for the government-funded MEXT scholarships are recruited and screened by the Japanese embassy (or consulate general, depending on the country) located in the applicant's country of residence in the first instance. Inquiries should be made directly to the Japanese Embassy in the applicant’s country of residence as early as possible. For more information, visit the online comprehensive guide to study in Japan, provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Successful candidates who have passed the preliminary selection process by the embassy should also see the University of Tokyo International Student Office page.

6. MEXT Scholarship for Self-supporting Students Currently Enrolled in a PhD Program

Students with excellent academic performance, currently enrolled in The University of Tokyo Engineering PhD program, may also be selected as potential candidates for the government-sponsored MEXT scholarship during their studies by the School of Engineering. For further details, click here.

7. Private Scholarship

The School of Engineering offers a registration system for students intending to apply for private scholarships, which requires a recommendation letter from the university. More information about registering on the system can be found here. More information on scholarships which do not require a recommendation letter from the university are also available here.

100 Best universities for Chemistry in Japan

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in Japan ranked based on their research performance in Chemistry. A graph of 70.8M citations received by 3.39M academic papers made by 499 universities in Japan was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. University of Tokyo

For Chemistry

University of Tokyo logo

2. Kyoto University

Kyoto University logo

3. Osaka University

Osaka University logo

4. Tohoku University

Tohoku University logo

5. Kyushu University

Kyushu University logo

6. Nagoya University

Nagoya University logo

7. Tokyo Institute of Technology

Tokyo Institute of Technology logo

8. Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University logo

9. Tokyo University of Science

Tokyo University of Science logo

10. University of Tsukuba

University of Tsukuba logo

11. Hiroshima University

Hiroshima University logo

12. Keio University

Keio University logo

13. Kobe University

Kobe University logo

14. Chiba University

Chiba University logo

15. Okayama University

Okayama University logo

16. Kanazawa University

Kanazawa University logo

17. Kumamoto University

Kumamoto University logo

18. Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Tokyo Medical and Dental University logo

19. Waseda University

Waseda University logo

20. University of Tokushima

University of Tokushima logo

21. Niigata University

Niigata University logo

22. Osaka City University

Osaka City University logo

23. Osaka Prefecture University

Osaka Prefecture University logo

24. Gunma University

Gunma University logo

25. Gifu University

Gifu University logo

26. Shinshu University

Shinshu University logo

27. Nagasaki University

Nagasaki University logo

28. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology logo

29. Tokyo Metropolitan University

Tokyo Metropolitan University logo

30. Nihon University

Nihon University logo

31. Kindai University

Kindai University logo

32. Yamaguchi University

Yamaguchi University logo

33. Ehime University

Ehime University logo

34. Kagoshima University

Kagoshima University logo

35. Juntendo University

Juntendo University logo

36. Mie University

Mie University logo

37. Kitasato University

Kitasato University logo

38. Tokai University

Tokai University logo

39. Yokohama City University

Yokohama City University logo

40. Shizuoka University

Shizuoka University logo

41. Nara Institute of Science and Technology

Nara Institute of Science and Technology logo

42. Nagoya Institute of Technology

Nagoya Institute of Technology logo

43. Yamagata University

Yamagata University logo

44. Yokohama National University

Yokohama National University logo

45. Nagoya City University

Nagoya City University logo

46. Tottori University

Tottori University logo

47. Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine logo

48. Showa University

Showa University logo

49. Toyohashi University of Technology

Toyohashi University of Technology logo

50. University of Toyama

University of Toyama logo

51. Jichi Medical University

Jichi Medical University logo

52. Kyoto Institute of Technology

Kyoto Institute of Technology logo

53. University of Yamanashi

University of Yamanashi logo

54. Kyoto Pharmaceutical University

Kyoto Pharmaceutical University logo

55. Teikyo University

Teikyo University logo

56. Sapporo Medical University

Sapporo Medical University logo

57. Tohoku Pharmaceutical University

Tohoku Pharmaceutical University logo

58. Kyushu Institute of Technology

Kyushu Institute of Technology logo

59. Fukuoka University

Fukuoka University logo

60. Kagawa University

Kagawa University logo

61. Toho University

Toho University logo

62. Shimane University

Shimane University logo

63. Nagaoka University of Technology

Nagaoka University of Technology logo

64. Kurume University

Kurume University logo

65. University of Shizuoka

University of Shizuoka logo

66. Saitama University

Saitama University logo

67. University of Miyazaki

University of Miyazaki logo

68. University of Fukui

University of Fukui logo

69. Nippon Medical School

Nippon Medical School logo

70. Hirosaki University

Hirosaki University logo

71. Saga University

Saga University logo

72. University of Electro-Communications

University of Electro-Communications logo

73. Tokyo University of Agriculture

Tokyo University of Agriculture logo

74. Graduate University for Advanced Studies

Graduate University for Advanced Studies logo

75. Akita University

Akita University logo

76. Ibaraki University

Ibaraki University logo

77. Jikei University School of Medicine

Jikei University School of Medicine logo

78. Hamamatsu University School of Medicine

Hamamatsu University School of Medicine logo

79. Kansai University

Kansai University logo

80. Meijo University

Meijo University logo

81. Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science

Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science logo

82. Kansai Medical University

Kansai Medical University logo

83. Ritsumeikan University

Ritsumeikan University logo

84. Iwate University

Iwate University logo

85. Okayama University of Science

Okayama University of Science logo

86. Hyogo College of Medicine

Hyogo College of Medicine logo

87. Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology logo

88. University of the Ryukyus

University of the Ryukyus logo

89. Kochi University

Kochi University logo

90. University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan

91. nara medical university.

Nara Medical University logo

92. Shiga University of Medical Science

93. oita university.

Oita University logo

94. Saitama Medical School

95. fujita health university.

Fujita Health University logo

96. Doshisha University

Doshisha University logo

97. University of Hyogo

University of Hyogo logo

98. Gifu Pharmaceutical University

Gifu Pharmaceutical University logo

99. Tokyo Medical University

Tokyo Medical University logo

100. Kanagawa University

Kanagawa University logo

The best cities to study Chemistry in Japan based on the number of universities and their ranks are Tokyo , Kyoto , Suita , and Sendai .

Chemistry subfields in Japan

Your direct access to university admissions

Japan – PhD programs in Chemistry

We found 19 universities offering 19 PhD programs.

Study the PhD programs in Chemistry in Japan


Years of study

~ RUB 769,662

Tuition fees

Who is a PhD in Chemistry?

A PhD in Chemistry is a student that aims effort and attention at essential research in the sphere of chemistry and is able to bring new ideas into the subject. Doctorate degrees provide graduates with a chance to conduct a thorough and independent exploration in a wide range of areas biochemistry and protein science along with microbial enzymology and biotechnology.

What are the main duties of a PhD in Chemistry?

Postgraduates conduct independent research and publish articles, cooperate with specialists in this area as well as coordinate experimental plans. Doctorates must be experienced in advancement, adjustment, and execution of analytical chemistry techniques as well as the presentation of research outcomes along with analysis.

Japan – PhD programs in Chemistry statistics provides information about 19 PhD programs in Chemistry at 19 universities in Japan. Furthermore, you can choose one of 101 Bachelor programs in Chemistry at 101 universities, 67 Master programs in Chemistry at 64 universities, and 19 PhD programs in Chemistry at 19 universities.

Reasons to study in Japan

No 21 in the world education ranking.

  • 19. Austria
  • 20. Germany
  • 23. Hong Kong

No 18 in the world ease of doing business ranking

  • 16. United States
  • 19. Belgium

No 19 in the world economy ranking

  • 17. Austria
  • 18. United Arab Emirates
  • 20. Hong Kong

No 2 in the world safety ranking

  • 3. Singapore
  • 4. Hong Kong

The largest cities offering PhD programs in Chemistry in Japan

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Japan.

Japan – Average monthly personal finance statistics

~ rub 55,533, ~ rub 46,450, ~ rub 38,517, ~ rub 229,828, japan – where to study.

The most popular student cities in Japan.

100% discount for the 1st year

100% discount for the 1st year

Apply now and get a 100% tuition fee discount for the first year of studies

Universities offering the most popular PhD programs in Chemistry in Japan

Ibaraki University photo

Ibaraki University

Japan, Mito

Founded in 1949, Ibaraki University is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of the small city of Mito (population range of 250,000-4...

Nihon University photo

Nihon University

Japan, Tokyo

Established in 1889, Nihon University is a private higher education institution located in the metropolis of Tokyo (population range of over 5,000,000 inhabitants). Officially accr...

Toyama Prefectural University photo

Toyama Prefectural University

Toyama prefectural university (Toyama Prefectural University) is a public university in Japan with a headquarters in Inuyama City Shirakawa 5180 in Toyama Prefecture. It was establ...

Shinshu University photo

Shinshu University

Japan, Matsumoto

Shinshu University is a comprehensive national university having 8 faculties and 7 graduate schools as follows: the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Economics and...

J F Oberlin University photo

J F Oberlin University

Japan, Machida

J. F. Oberlin University traces its heritage back to 1921, when Reverend Yasuzo Shimizu, a Japanese missionary in Beijing, China, founded the Chongzhen Vocational and Grammar Schoo...

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Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan

Jsps has programs for different career stages, pre/postdocs, perform advanced search.

Select Programs

  • #研究活動スタート支援
  • 募集案内 2024年05月30日 Joint Research Program with UKRI (JRP-LEAD with UKRI) FY2024 Call for Proposals is posted.
  • ニュース 2024年05月23日 List of Selected Fellows under the Second Recruitment of FY2024-2025 Program (Short-term) was posted.
  • ニュース 2024年05月17日 International Academic Collaborations has opened a new LinkedIn account!
  • 募集案内 2024年05月10日 Application Procedure for KAKENHI Specially Promoted Research & Scientific Research (S) FY2025 (English ver.) released.
  • ニュース 2024年05月07日 FY2024 'Program Guidelines FY2024’ was updated.
  • ニュース 2024年05月02日 Career Advancement through Multiple JSPS Fellowships is posted.
  • 募集案内 2024年04月26日 2024 JRP-LEAD with UKRI FY2024 Call information is posted.
  • 募集案内 2024年04月12日 Application Forms for KAKENHI Specially Promoted Research and Scientific Research (S) FY2024 (English version) released.
  • 募集案内 2024年04月10日 FY2025 Application Guideline for Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan was posted.
  • 募集案内 2024年04月10日 FY2025 Application Guideline for Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan was posted.
  • 募集案内 2024年04月10日 Call for Discussant Application for UK-Japan Frontiers of Science (UK-Japan FoS) Symposium FY2025 was posted.
  • イベント 2024年04月09日 NIMS-NTU Joint Symposium, where WPI-MANA researchers will give talks, will be held on April 18
  • ニュース 2024年04月03日 [JSPS Topics] The 14th JSPS Ikushi Prize Award Ceremony Held in Tokyo
  • ニュース 2024年04月03日 [JSPS Topics] The 20th JSPS Prize and Japan Academy Prize Award Ceremony Held in Tokyo
  • ニュース 2024年04月03日 Promotion video introducing WPI's projects and 17 research centers are now available.
  • ニュース 2024年04月01日 Overview of the 15th HOPE Meeting was posted.
  • ニュース 2024年03月28日 JSPS-CSIA Report 2023 released (available in only Japanese)
  • 募集案内 2024年03月27日 Call for nominations for the Fifth Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize was posted.
  • ニュース 2024年03月25日 Application Procedure and Forms for KAKENHI Research Activity Start-up FY2024 (English version) released.
  • イベント 2024年03月14日 15th HOPE Meeting Held in Kyoto
  • ニュース 2024年02月27日 Report on the Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science Symposium 2023 by PGM Co-Chair was updated.
  • ニュース 2024年02月14日 Program of the 15th HOPE Meeting was uploaded.
  • ニュース 2024年02月05日 Past Science Dialogue Lectures was update
  • ニュース 2024年01月31日 WPI Portal Site to "EurekAlert!" a scientific press release distribution service operated by AAAS has opened
  • ニュース 2024年01月23日 Outline, Lecturers, and Organizing Committee / Moderators for the 15th HOPE Meeting were updated.
  • ニュース 2024年01月18日 Recipients of the 14th (FY2023) JSPS Ikushi Prize Selected
  • ニュース 2024年01月18日 The recipients of the 14th (FY2023) JSPS IKUSHI Prize were announced.
  • 募集案内 2024年01月11日 Application Procedure and Forms for KAKENHI International Leading Research (English version) released.
  • ニュース 2024年01月11日 English version of FAQs for KAKENHI (International Leading Research)) updated.
  • ニュース 2024年01月10日 List of Selected Fellows under the First Recruitment of FY2024-2025 Program (Short-term) was posted.
  • ニュース 2024年01月10日 The Presentation Ceremony for the 2023 International Prize for Biology held on 14 December
  • ニュース 2024年01月09日 Japanese Participants of the 11th Japanese-French Frontiers of Science (JFFoS) Symposium were posted.
  • ニュース 2024年01月04日 Call for nominations for the 2024 (40th) International Prize for Biology was posted.
  • ニュース 2024年01月01日 New Year's Greetings
  • ニュース 2023年12月22日 The "JSPS Pamphlet 2023-2024" is now available online
  • ニュース 2023年12月20日 The recipients of the 20th (FY2023) JSPS Prize were announced
  • ニュース 2023年12月20日 Life in Japan for Foreign Researchers was updated.
  • ニュース 2023年12月20日 List of Selected Fellows under the First Recruitment of FY2024 Program (Standard) was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年12月20日 List of Selected Fellows under the First Recruitment of FY2024 Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan was posted
  • ニュース 2023年12月20日 Lsit of RONPAKU fellows selected through FY2024 open recruitment was posted
  • ニュース 2023年12月20日 Procedures and Provisions for RONPAKU Fellows for FY2024 (for all current Fellows) was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年12月15日 Basic Guidelines for Promoting Gender Equality in JSPS Programs was posted
  • ニュース 2023年12月14日 Presentation Ceremony for 2023 International Prize for Biology was held.
  • ニュース 2023年12月12日 Japanese-Israeli Frontiers of Science (JIFoS) Symposium 2024 has been postponed.
  • ニュース 2023年12月08日 Top Global University:Selection results and Initiatives was updated.
  • ニュース 2023年12月07日 Find Nearby Fellows was updated
  • 募集案内 2023年12月01日 Call for Proposals for FY2024 A3 Foresight Program was posted
  • イベント 2023年11月30日 WPI-ITbM will hold the 9th International Symposium on Transformative Bio-Molecules(ISTbM-9)on December 13
  • ニュース 2023年11月17日 Report on Personal Information Breach Caused by Unauthorized Access
  • ニュース 2023年11月07日 Number of PhD Awardees under the RONPAKU Program was updated
  • 募集案内 2023年11月02日 Call for Discussant Application for Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science (JAGFOS) Symposium FY2024 was posted.
  • 募集案内 2023年11月01日 BRIDGE Fellowship Program FY2024-Call for Proposals was posted
  • イベント 2023年10月27日 12th WPI Science Symposium will be held on November 23, 2023. *Hybrid event, Only in Japanese
  • イベント 2023年10月17日 Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (WPI-ASHBi) will hold the Symposium "Master's Lecture" on November 21
  • ニュース 2023年10月12日 WPI Program FY2023 selection result was posted
  • イベント 2023年10月03日 Nano Life Science Institute(WPI-NanoLSI) will hold the 7th NanoLSI Symposium in Berlin, Germany on November 2 and 3
  • イベント 2023年10月03日 WPI-ASHBi will hold a seminar "Entering the Minds of Scientific Editors and Understanding Journal Strategies" on 10/27
  • ニュース 2023年09月29日 Session Topics and PGMs of the Japanese-Israeli Frontiers of Science (JIFoS) Symposium were posted.
  • ニュース 2023年09月25日 WPI Program The Center Project Plans Selected in FY2018 [Post-Interim Evaluation Revised Project Plan] was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年09月22日 List of Selected Fellows under the Third Recruitment of FY2023-2024 Program (Short-term) was posted.
  • 募集案内 2023年09月08日 Domestic Call for Applications for the 15th HOPE Meeting has been closed.
  • ニュース 2023年08月31日 A3 Foresight Program FY2023 List of Adopted Projects was posted
  • ニュース 2023年08月31日 Number of Applications and Adoptions of A3 Foresight Program were updated
  • ニュース 2023年08月30日 The recipient of the 39th (2023) International Prize for Biology was announced.
  • ニュース 2023年08月24日 Past Science Dialogue Lectures was update
  • ニュース 2023年08月18日 FAQ for Applications of KAKENHI Fostering Joint International Research updated.
  • ニュース 2023年08月17日 FY2023 Panel Review (Hearing) Guidelines is now available.
  • 募集案内 2023年08月15日 English version of Application Procedures for KAKENHI Scientific Research (A/B/C), Challenging Research and Early …
  • ニュース 2023年08月10日 List of Selected Fellows under the Second Recruitment of FY2023 Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Standard) was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年08月09日 List of Selected Fellows under the Second Recruitment of FY2023 Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan (Short-term) was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年08月01日 Bilateral Joint Research Projects/Seminars FY2024 Call for Proposals was updated.
  • ニュース 2023年08月01日 Past Science Dialogue Lectures was update
  • 募集案内 2023年07月31日 Application Procedure and Forms for KAKENHI Fostering Joint International Research FY2023 (English version) released.
  • イベント 2023年07月21日 WPI-ASHBi will host a KAKENHI WRITING SEMINAR “Telling your research story effectively” on July 28.
  • 募集案内 2023年07月14日 Application Forms for KAKENHI Scientific Research (A/B/C), Challenging Research and Early Career Scientists released.
  • 募集案内 2023年07月12日 Researcher Exchange Program FY2024 - Call for Proposals Open Now!
  • ニュース 2023年07月12日 Session Topics and PGMs of the 11th French-Japanese Frontiers of Science (JFFoS) Symposium were posted.
  • ニュース 2023年07月07日 Bilateral Joint Research Projects/Seminars FY2024 Call for Proposals was updated.
  • 募集案内 2023年07月03日 Core-to-Core Program FY2024, Call for Proposals was posted
  • イベント 2023年06月30日 WPI-Bio2Q will hold an international symposium on Thursday, July 27
  • ニュース 2023年06月29日 The statements of the 11th GRC Annual Meeting ware posted.
  • 募集案内 2023年06月28日 RONPAKU(Dissertation PhD) Program- Call for Proposals Open Now!
  • 募集案内 2023年06月23日 Bilateral Joint Research Projects/Seminars FY2024 Call for Proposals was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年06月05日 Outline of the 15th HOPE Meeting was posted.
  • 募集案内 2023年06月05日 Domestic Call for Applications for the 15th HOPE Meeting was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年05月22日 Participants List, Program, etc. of the 2nd Japanese-Canadian Frontiers of Science (JCFoS) Symposium were updated.
  • イベント 2023年05月22日 In cooperation with WPI-QUP JSPS Washington Office will hold the 26th “Science in Japan” Forum at hybrid.
  • ニュース 2023年05月19日 List of Selected Fellows under the Second Recruitment of FY2023-2024 Program (Short-term) was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年05月15日 Past Science Dialogue Lectures was updated.
  • 募集案内 2023年05月12日 Applications are now open for the FY2023 Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers.
  • ニュース 2023年05月11日 WPI Program FY 2022 Progress/Self Evaluation Report, Follow-up Reports and Working Group was posted.
  • 募集案内 2023年05月10日 Application Procedure for KAKENHI Specially Promoted Research & Scientific Research (S) FY2024 (English ver.) released.
  • ニュース 2023年05月02日 Overview of the 14th HOPE Meeting was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年04月28日 FAQ Answers to main questions for the fiscal year 2023 (updated)
  • ニュース 2023年04月28日 WISE Program brochure was posted.
  • 募集案内 2023年04月25日 FY2024 Application Guideline for Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan was posted.
  • 募集案内 2023年04月21日 FY2024 Application Guideline for Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年04月21日 Nobel Prize Dialogue Tokyo 2022 Report was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年04月17日 JSPS Fellowship Bright Stories is posted.
  • ニュース 2023年04月14日 Past Sccience Dialogue Lectures was update
  • 募集案内 2023年04月13日 Application Forms for KAKENHI Specially Promoted Research and Scientific Research (S) FY2024 (English version) released.
  • ニュース 2023年04月12日 Number of Applications and Adoptions (A. Advanced Research Networks) was updated.
  • ニュース 2023年04月12日 Number of Applications and Adoptions (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms) was updated.
  • ニュース 2023年04月12日 List of Adopted Projects (A. Advanced Research Networks) was updated.
  • ニュース 2023年04月12日 List of Adopted Projects (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms ) was updated.
  • ニュース 2023年04月11日 Two new JSPS-CSIA REPORTS released (available in only Japanese)
  • ニュース 2023年04月10日 FY2023 'Program Guidelines FY2023’ was updated.
  • ニュース 2023年04月07日 WPI-ASHBi will host a “Writing Seminar for JSPS DC1/DC2 Fellowship” on Apr 14.
  • 募集案内 2023年04月06日 Call for Discussant Application for Frontiers of Science (FoS) Symposiums in first half of 2024 was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年04月06日 Number of Applicants and Nominees selected for the 72nd Meeting in Physiology/Medicine were updated.
  • ニュース 2023年04月06日 List of Nominees selected by the Council for the 72nd Meeting in Physiology/Medicine were updated.
  • ニュース 2023年03月30日 WPI FY2023 Call for Proposals for new centers posted.
  • ニュース 2023年03月29日 WPI Pamphlet Vol.18 Appendix posted.
  • 募集案内 2023年03月27日 Application Procedure and Forms for KAKENHI Research Activity Start-up FY2023 (English version) released.
  • 募集案内 2023年03月17日 Application Procedure and Forms for KAKENHI International Collaborative Research FY2023 (English version) released.
  • イベント 2023年03月08日 WPI-PRIMe will hold a kick-off symposium on Tuesday, March 14.
  • ニュース 2023年03月07日 Past Science Dialogue Lectures was updated
  • ニュース 2023年03月06日 List of selected on PIRE program FY2022 is posted.
  • ニュース 2023年03月02日 Report on the Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science…
  • イベント 2023年03月02日 WPI-ASHBi and WPI-iCeMS researchers gave talks on March 1.
  • ニュース 2023年02月22日 Trial to Allow Divided Stays for FY2023 Invitational Fellows
  • 募集案内 2023年01月20日 Call for Nominations for the 2023 (39th) International Prize for Biology was posted.
  • ニュース 2023年01月19日 The recipients of the 13th (FY2022) JSPS IKUSHI Prize were announced.
  • ニュース 2023年01月19日 The recipients of the 13th(FY2022)JSPS IKUSHI Prize were announced.
  • ニュース 2023年01月18日 Outline, Lecturers, Program and Organizing Committee / Moderators for the 14th HOPE Meeting were updated.
  • ニュース 2023年01月17日 Past Science Dialogue Lectures was updated.
  • ニュース 2023年01月10日 List of Selected Fellows under the First Recruitment of FY2023-2024 Program (Short-term) was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年12月28日 Past Science Dialogue Lectures was updated.
  • ニュース 2022年12月23日 List of selected on Joint Research Program with JRPs with SNSF FY2022 is posted.
  • ニュース 2022年12月16日 List of Selected Fellows under the First Recruitment of FY2023 Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan (Long-term and Short-term) was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年12月16日 List of Selected Fellows under the First Recruitment of FY2023 Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Standard) was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年12月16日 Procedures and Provisions for RONPAKU Fellows for FY2023 (for all current Fellows) was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年12月16日 Number of RONPAKU Fellows for FY2023 was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年12月16日 List of RONPAKU Fellows selected FY2023 was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年12月15日 The recipients of the 19th (FY2022) JSPS Prize were announced.
  • イベント 2022年12月14日 WPI-ASHBi will host an online seminar “An Ex-Cell Press Editor presents: Insights into How Rejections can be Overturned” on Friday, January 13 2023.
  • ニュース 2022年12月14日 Presentation Ceremony for 2021, 2022 International Prize for Biology was held.
  • ニュース 2022年12月08日 List of selected on Joint Research Program with JRP-LEAD with DFG FY2022 is posted.
  • ニュース 2022年11月28日 Number of Ph.D. Awardees under the RONPAKU Program updated.
  • ニュース 2022年11月22日 List of selected on Joint Research Program with ORA Program FY2022 is posted.
  • ニュース 2022年11月21日 Abstracts, Program and Questionnaire Results of Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science (JAGFOS) Symposium 2022 were posted.
  • ニュース 2022年11月02日 Call for Discussant Application for Frontiers of Science (FoS) Symposium FY2023 was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年10月31日 FY2023 call for propsals posted.
  • イベント 2022年10月28日 WPI-ASHBi will host an online seminar “SciComm 101: Tips for sharing your science news with the world” on Thursday, November 17 2022.
  • イベント 2022年10月24日 11th WPI Science Symposium “Science Opens Up Infinite Possibilities” will be held on November 23, 2022. *Hybrid event, Only in Japanese
  • イベント 2022年10月20日 WPI-NanoLSI will host an international symposium “6th NanoLSI Symposium” in a hybrid format on Monday, November 14 - Tuesday, November 15.
  • ニュース 2022年10月18日 WPI Pamphlet Vol.18 posted.
  • ニュース 2022年10月13日 WPI Program FY2022 selection result was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年10月03日 Report on the Japanese-French Frontiers of Science (JFFoS) Symposium 2022 by PGM Co-Chair Dr. Hidaka and Abstracts were posted.
  • ニュース 2022年09月26日 List of Selected Fellows under the Third Recruitment of FY2022-2023 Program (Short-term) was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年09月13日 Number of Applications and Adoptions were updated.
  • ニュース 2022年09月13日 FY2022 List of Adopted Projects was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年09月05日 The recipient of the 38th (2022) International Prize for Biology was announced.
  • ニュース 2022年08月29日 Selection results and Initiatives was updated.
  • ニュース 2022年08月10日 FY2022 Panel Review (Hearing) Guidelines is now available.
  • ニュース 2022年08月05日 List of Selected Fellows under the Second Recruitment of FY2022 Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Standard) was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年08月05日 List of Selected Fellows under the Second Recruitment of FY2022 Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan (Short-term) was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年08月04日 WPI Program The Center Project Plans Selected in FY2017 「Post-Interim Evaluation Revised Project Plan」 was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年08月02日 Introduction video was uploaded.
  • ニュース 2022年08月01日 Japanese-French Frontiers of Science (JFFoS) Symposium 2022 was updated.
  • ニュース 2022年07月27日 Outline of the 14th HOPE Meeting was updated.
  • ニュース 2022年07月27日 Overseas Cooperating Institutions of the HOPE Meeting was updated.
  • ニュース 2022年07月07日 WPI Program FY 2020 Progress reports was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年07月04日 Outline of the Program was updated.
  • 募集案内 2022年07月04日 Core-to-Core Program FY2023, Call for Proposals was posted.
  • 募集案内 2022年06月28日 Researcher Exchange Program FY2023 call for Proposals was posted. Swiss(ETH) newly joined the program as a counterpart organization.
  • 募集案内 2022年06月27日 Application guidelines for JSPS RONPAKU (Dissertation PhD) Program (FY2023) was posted.
  • 募集案内 2022年06月20日 Bilateral Joint Research Projects/Seminars FY2023 Call for Proposals was posted.
  • 募集案内 2022年06月15日 Domestic Call for Applications for the 14th HOPE Meeting was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年06月08日 List of Selected Fellows under the Second Recruitment of FY2022-2023 Program (Short-term) was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年05月23日 [New date] The 2nd Japanese-Canadian Frontiers of Science (JCFoS) Symposium will be held on March 6-9, 2023.
  • ニュース 2022年05月09日 'Program Guidelines FY2022' was updated
  • ニュース 2022年04月18日 Number of Applicants and Nominees Selected for the 71st Meeting in Chemistry were updated.
  • ニュース 2022年04月18日 List of Nominees selected by the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings for the 71st Meeting in Chemistry were updated.
  • 募集案内 2022年04月12日 FY2023 Application Guideline for Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan was posted.
  • ニュース 2022年04月11日 JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2021(1) 日本学術振興会諸事業による国際的な活動の展開 (in Japanese) and "JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2021(2) JSPS CSIA-TECHNICAL-REPORT 公開情報による科学研究費等の研究助成に関する調査の方法 :KAKENデータベースを例に" (in Japanese)
  • ニュース 2022年04月06日 The pamphlet was uploaded.
  • 募集案内 2022年04月01日 Joint Research Program with SNSF (JRPs) FY2022 Call for Proposals was posted.

UC Center for East Asian Studies Logo

UChicago's First PhD Recipient, Eiji Asada, Bridges Important Cultural Exchange Between U.S. and Japan


Published on January 20, 2022

Understood to have been an important figure in the cultural exchange between the United States and Japan at the turn of the century, Eiji Asada helped bring English education to his native country.  Earning the first doctoral degree awarded by the University during the convocation ceremony held on June 26, 1893, Asada was a linguist and scholar of religion.  As a leading linguist who corresponded in French and German as well as English and Japanese, Asada is credited as one of the first to facilitate and promote the teaching of English in his home country.  In addition to his work as a linguist, Asada studied religion and other subjects: His UChicago dissertation was titled “The Hebrew Text of Zechariah 1–8, Compared with the Different Ancient Versions.” He even wrote an explanation of Japanese poetry and metered verse, including the popular haiku form, for English-speaking readers.  Asada also translated Semitic languages such as Hebrew and Aramaic for his research. According to Ayako Yoshimura, UChicago’s current Japanese studies librarian, he was an early proponent of Esperanto, the constructed language meant to make international communication easier. Yoshimura started getting questions about Asada soon after she joined UChicago Library in 2015. “One person even asked whether we sold goods commemorating his graduation,” she recalled. In 2018, a journalist from Japan also asked her about Heita Okabe, another Japanese student who attended the University in its early years and was credited with introducing American football to Japan after playing for UChicago under coach Amos Alonzo Stagg. 

Around that same time, a former Hyde Park-area resident shared some stories about the neighborhood’s rich Japanese American history with Yoshimura after donating her mother’s kimono to Chicago’s Japanese Culture Center. By then, Yoshimura had realized there was potential for a deeper dive into the archives. “I thought: ‘I should know more about this history,’” Yoshimura said. “But if I’m doing the research, it would be best to share it with the community.”  Ultimately, Yoshimura produced “ Nikkei South Side: Japanese and Japanese Americans in Hyde Park and its Vicinity ,” on display at Regenstein Library’s Special Collections exhibition gallery through Jan. 28 and currently open to UChicago faculty, students and staff, and an  associated web exhibit  that is freely available to all. Collecting materials ranging from photographs to news clippings, letters, baseball jerseys and memorabilia from the 1893 World’s Fair, the exhibition looks at the complex history of the cultural exchange and community ties between the University of Chicago, Japan and the South Side of Chicago.  

After graduation, Eiji Asada became a professor at what is now the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. He also served as president of the University of Chicago Club of Japan, giving a welcome address to Harry Pratt Judson, Harper’s successor as president, in 1914.  Asada died on Nov. 9, 1914, at age 49. He had collapsed while reading in the library at the university where he worked. Two years after his death, his wife Mikako Asada published a collection of his correspondence and writings titled “The Memoirs of Dr. Asada.”

In 1993, the University welcomed five of Asada’s descendants from Japan to attend the June Convocation ceremony and mark the 100th anniversary of his graduation. Today, the University’s  Center for East Asian Studies  offers  an annual prize in his honor , the Asada Eiji B.A. Thesis Prize, for the best undergraduate thesis related to China, Japan and Korea. 

Written by UChicago News

Read the original article,  here .

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Japan to waive graduate scholarship loan repayments for teachers

Those who will be employed as teachers in Japan after completing graduate school will be exempt from repaying scholarship loans.

Japan's education ministry will fully exempt teachers at elementary, junior high and senior high schools from repaying scholarship loans they took out during their graduate studies.

Both teachers employed at public and private schools will be eligible for the exemption.

"We aim to improve the quality of educational guidance and enhance the status (of teachers) as highly skilled professionals," said education minister Masahito Moriyama.

The ministry also hopes that the new plan will contribute to more teacher applicants and help address the worsening shortages of teaching staff.

But a senior official from a local government's board of education expressed skepticism about the measure.

"It's strange to argue that employing more teachers with higher educational backgrounds will necessarily lead to better-quality teaching," the official said.

A highly placed official of the education ministry countered by emphasizing the importance of higher education for teachers to realize the "proactive, interactive and in-depth learning" outlined in the school curriculum guidelines.

Under the guidelines, teachers are encouraged to help students not only acquire knowledge, but also use it to identify challenges independently and think about them proactively.

To foster such abilities in students, "we need to secure researcher-like capacities, similar to those of university teachers who provide guidance for research groups," the ministry official said.

The share of graduates with a master's or higher degree among successful applicants for public school teaching positions in the nation has been declining over the past 10 years at elementary, junior high and senior high school levels.

The proportion also remains lower than in other countries.

The ministry plans to focus on securing teachers who have completed graduate school, partly because many graduates of undergraduate mathematics and science courses have pursued advanced degrees in recent years.

Given financial constraints, the government discussed limiting the scholarship loan repayment exemption to those who have completed teacher-training graduate courses, which have a high proportion of graduates entering the teaching profession.

In the end, however, the government placed importance on "securing a variety of specialist human resources," as stated by education minister Moriyama.

It decided to grant exemptions to graduates from other graduate courses if they have been involved in a certain level of teaching practice in elementary, junior high or senior high schools during their graduate school years.

Within the government and ruling political parties, some suggested that university graduates should also be fully exempted from repaying scholarship loans if they work as teachers for a set period of time.

Such forgiveness, however, would require a law revision and likely involve difficult talks with the Finance Ministry to secure financial resources.

Therefore, the education ministry has positioned the proposed broader exemption as a future challenge.

Some are concerned that there may be public disapproval of introducing a system to waive scholarship loan repayments only for teachers, especially when labor shortages are becoming serious in many other essential professions that support social infrastructure, such as health care, nursing care and distribution.

"If we claim that education is special, solely on the basis of the logic of the education community, it will be difficult to gain the understanding of society as a whole," a middle-ranking official from the education ministry said.

In addition, the number of teachers needed is expected to decrease in the coming years due to the low birthrate.

Another senior education ministry official emphasized the importance of redoubling efforts to secure teachers who have completed graduate school.

"It's crucial, of course, to secure a sufficient number of teachers, but improving the quality of teachers is equally important for the education of the children who will define the future of Japan," the official said.

Those who will be employed as teachers in Japan after completing graduate school will be exempt from repaying scholarship loans. | Getty Images

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New Japanese grill opens in Cabell County

CABELL COUNTY, W.Va . (WSAZ) -- A new restaurant has opened in Cabell County.

Takaya Japanese Grill sits in the former Golden Corral location in the 5100 block of Route 60.

Takaya offers an all you can eat buffet.

WSAZ spoke with the owner on Friday. He said there is a little something for everyone.

Takaya also offers to-go options for lunch and dinner.

Keep checking the WSAZ app for the latest information.

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The $2 trillion reason why all eyes are on foreign central banks.

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The Bank of Japan (BOJ) building in Tokyo. (KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP via Getty Images)

A major focus of market participants this year has been the Federal Reserve and any potential fed funds policy rate cuts in response to inflationary data. The Fed is the most important central bank in terms of its ability to affect not just the U.S. economy but also the global economy. However, investors should also pay attention to the monetary policies of other major central banks and their potential impact on markets.

Recent Global Central Bank Rates

A quick look at the recent history of major global central bank rates shows that central banks generally tend to act in a coordinated fashion. Reactions to the Great Financial Crisis of 2007 to 2008 and the Covid-19 pandemic are excellent examples of coordinated responses to global economic threats. For example, during the start of Covid in early 2020, global central banks slashed policy rates to zero once the scope of the pandemic was realized.

When looking at global central bank policy rates since 2000, unprecedented events jump out on the ... [+] timeline—all banks made coordinated responses at or around the same time.

In 2022, most of the major central banks embarked on a tightening of monetary policy to battle the increase in global inflation caused by the record amount of stimulus, which was provided by these same central banks during the pandemic.

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History has shown that coordinated policy action is much more effective than a go-it-alone effort. Such coordination is welcome when there is a clear and present threat to global economies. When there is no significant global economic threat, central bank policies act more independently, responding to local economic affairs.

Independence Of Asian Central Banks

This independence is currently most notable in Japan and China, where the Bank of Japan and the People’s Bank of China have not engaged in the restrictive policies initiated by the rest of the major central banks.

The PBOC’s major domestic issue is a declining gross domestic product brought about by the collapse of its real estate market, the effects of pandemic lockdown and increasing trade tensions with the U.S. As a result, the PBOC is less concerned about rising inflation (their most recent CPI release showed a paltry 0.3% YOY increase) and more concerned about stimulating domestic growth. This puts the PBOC in ease mode, keeping interest rates at historic lows and implementing other accommodative policies.

The BOJ is the more interesting example because of its aggressive use of monetary policy. It has experienced stubbornly low inflation for decades, which has only recently started to move higher. It, too, kept rates near historic lows and implemented yield curve control, which caps the interest of its 10-year bond at predetermined levels. In recent months, however, the BOJ has have moved policy rates up above 0% and has loosened its yield curve mandate. As a result, when looking at Bloomberg data, we have recently started to see the 10-year JGB rise above the 1% interest rate level, not seen since 2011.

Why Does This Matter To U.S. Domestic Investors?

I have 2 trillion reasons why investors should care. That’s the amount of U.S. Treasury debt held by these two countries combined: $1.19 trillion for Japan and $767 billion for China. These total are down from $2.5 trillion in 2014 and 2015.

Combined Chinese and Japanese holdings of U.S. Treasuries are $1.96 trillion as of April 30, which ... [+] is down from a $2.5 trillion peak in 2014/2015.

According to the U.S. Treasury Department , these two countries are the largest non-U.S. holders of U.S. Treasury debt, followed by the U.K. at $728 billion and Luxembourg at $399 billion. Considering there is $27 trillion in Treasury debt outstanding as of April 30, that means the combined holdings of Japan and China account for 7.25% of the total. The concern is that changes in their central bank policies could result in a significant selling of U.S. Treasuries, which could lead to higher U.S. rates.

China has already begun the process of selling U.S. Treasuries and has been doing so for some time. At its peak in 2013, China held more than $1.3 trillion in U.S. Treasuries and has been reducing that amount steadily since 2017. According to Bloomberg , China sold a record $53.3 billion in U.S. Treasury and Agency debt during the first quarter of 2024 alone.

There are a few reasons why China would want to sell its Treasury holdings: It generates funds to continue stimulating its economy; it diversifies more of its holdings, which may be beneficial given the rising tensions between China and the U.S.; and it provides support to the Yuan by selling dollars and buying the Yuan. China will most likely continue to sell off its Treasury assets for the foreseeable future, which, at the margin, will continue to pressure Treasury rates higher.

Unlike China, Japan has recently been adding to its Treasury holdings, up $123 billion since October of 2022. One of the main drivers of this increased flow has been the difference in interest rates between Japan and the U.S. The yield differences between the two have risen dramatically since the Fed began hiking rates in 2022. The current difference in front-end policy rates is over 5% as of the end of April, and 3.8% when comparing similar 10-year sovereign bonds.

Japanese investors looking for yields on an unhedged or hedged currency basis are finding value in the higher U.S. rates, specifically in U.S. Treasuries. However, if through an increase in policy rates and/or a weakening of yield curve control the BOJ reduces the current yield gap, then the flows into the U.S. could reverse, which specifically translates to a sale of U.S. Treasury bonds. It is likely that the BOJ will reduce its overly accommodative monetary policies in coming months as markets have begun to price in this policy change.

The U.S. Federal Reserve is no doubt the largest and most influential central bank in the world. However, U.S. domestic investors also need to pay attention to other global central banks as their policies can impact domestic markets. Developing a more global view as an investor is essential for success in today’s highly correlated markets.

Chris Gunster, CFA

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2024 Faculty of Science Excellence Award winners announced

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Michelle Maillet (Academic Associate), Lauren Kay (Clerical), Chantal Marotte (Management), and Moshe Dalva (Technical) have been named recipients of the Faculty of Science Excellence Awards.  

These awards, announced at the Faculty of Science Council meeting on May 21st, recognize the outstanding contributions made by members of the Faculty’s administrative and support staff during the 2023-2024 academic year.  

Read below the citations prepared by the Faculty of Science Excellence Awards Committee. 

Michelle Maillet, Department of Geography, Faculty of Science Excellence Award for Academic Associates  

As Undergraduate Advisor, Michelle Maillet has been responsible since 2014 for guiding students through their programs in the Department of Geography. Her job expanded in 2019 when she became full-time advisor for the Interfaculty program in Sustainability Science and Society. As a steadfast supporter of students’ interests, Michelle consistently goes the extra mile to provide students with outstanding support. One of many examples of this is her organization of extra mid-semester activities centered around arts and crafts that enable students to connect, socialize, and let off steam. She has a university-wide reputation as an exceptionally caring undergraduate advisor, to the point where many students name their interactions with her as their favourite part of being a Geography student.  For all these reasons and many more, I am very happy to present the Faculty of Science Excellence Award for Academic Associates to Michelle Maillet. 

Lauren Kay, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Excellence Award for Clerical Staff  

Since 2010, Lauren Kay has served the Department of Physics with great distinction as the Graduate Program Coordinator. This is a huge responsibility, as Physics has about 200 graduate students, many of whom are international, with around 80 new entrants to be selected and around 80 who complete their programs each year. Lauren has made exceptional efforts to ensure that students progress through their thesis work smoothly, from streamlining procedures for paying them to constituting their thesis committees and coordinating their final defenses. She handles changing or exceptional circumstances, such as students having sudden visa problems, with considerable skill and good grace.   For all these reasons and many more, I am very happy to present the Faculty of Science Excellence Award for Clerical staff to Lauren Kay. 

Chantal Marotte, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science Excellence Award for Management Staff   

Chantal Marotte has been with the Department of Chemistry for 38 years and has been managing the graduate program in Chemistry since 2003. She handles a range of activities, including filling TA positions, assessing graduate applications, and, perhaps most importantly, ensuring the well-being of graduate students with exceptional dedication and skill. At one point, she intervened extensively to find financial support for a student who experienced substantial loss because of a fire in their residence building. How much Chantal has touched the hearts of Chemistry students was made evident by a compilation of video testimonials that students and alumni made in 2021 to thank her for her efforts.  For all these reasons and many more, I am very happy to present the Faculty of Science Excellence Award for Management staff to Chantal Marotte. 

Moshe (Mike) Dalva, Department of Geography, Faculty of Science Excellence Award for Technical Staff   

Moshe (Mike) Dalva has been a Research Technician in the Department of Geography since 2004 and is also an MSc graduate from the same department. He couples exceptional understanding of the theory behind the intricate, complex, and sometimes old, pieces of equipment in Burnside Hall with remarkable technical skill in operating and fixing them. In one instance where an equipment failure appeared to be terminal, Mike was able to diagnose and begin fixing the problem within an hour, potentially saving the student who relied on this equipment many months of delay. He is deeply dedicated to ensuring that researchers conduct their work safely, not just in a laboratory setting but also in remote field locations, where he also provides essential support.   For all these reasons and many more, I am very happy to present the Faculty of Science Excellence Award for Technical staff to Moshe Dalva. 
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