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  • Jul 22, 2022
  • 11 min read

Is a PhD Worth It? The Pros and Cons of Getting a Doctorate

To get a PhD or not to get a PhD? That is the question.

Valerie David

Valerie David

Lifestyle and Career Expert

Reviewed by Hayley Ramsey

Hands holding a PhD doctorate certificate

Entering the job market for the first time can be a stressful experience, especially if you don't feel completely prepared. When deciding how to take those first steps toward your ultimate career , and how to give yourself a chance at the best jobs, you may find yourself asking: “Should I do a PhD?”.

While academics looking forward to a life of learning may consider this a no-brainer, there are important factors for everyone to consider. Finances, job prospects and quality of life issues can greatly affect the success of furthering your education.

To help you decide if the time and effort of a PhD is worth it, here are the major benefits and disadvantages of getting that doctorate.

After four or more years of intellectual pursuits, adding a PhD may seem like overkill. Before you make your choice, let's look at all the benefits that are exclusive to earning the most advanced degree.

1. You can contribute new knowledge to the world

Embarking on a PhD programme means delving into your preferred subject in a much deeper way than you have in any of your previous studies. The beauty of this advanced degree is that it allows you to sail in uncharted waters. Your goal is to find new information, draw new conclusions and, hopefully, make a significant contribution to your field.

Your intensive research, travel, collaboration and study will lead you on an unpredictable path to telling a story that no one has heard before. For some students, this pursuit of knowledge and discovery is enough to make all the hard work of earning a PhD worth it.

2. You'll have access to more prestigious jobs

One of the key benefits of a PhD is that it opens doors to careers at the highest levels. This can include leadership positions in science and engineering, government roles in economics and political science, and prestigious teaching posts for English and arts majors. Even if an advanced degree isn't required for the job you want, that PhD can give you an extra air of authority in your field and an edge over other candidates.

Another obvious upside to continuing your postgraduate studies is that landing these powerful positions can lead to large financial rewards. Some areas of study, like medicine and the law, tend to be more lucrative, but it can also depend on the type of job. For example, a university professor or researcher post can pay well for a wide variety of disciplines. Check out sites like the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the National Careers Service to investigate potential salaries.

3. Employers look for candidates with your superior writing skills

A study arranged by the National Commission on Writing discovered that blue-chip businesses (long-standing companies with stable stock growth) are spending more than $3 billion a year on remedial writing course for current employees. This includes staff with undergraduate degrees.

So, when a hiring manager peruses your résumé and sees that you've earned a PhD, they'll know immediately that you've spent years honing your skills at compiling research, organizing mountains of data and writing about your results in a cohesive and persuasive way. This will clearly set you apart from your competition, while landing your dream job will prove that pursuing that advanced degree was worth it.

4. You'll improve on all your soft skills

While pursuing your undergraduate degree, you likely noticed that you were learning more than just the subject matter taught in each class. Completing your studies also required time management skills , focus and problem solving .

Getting a doctorate degree requires even more of the soft skills that employers look for in applicants . Your intensive study and finished thesis should lead to improvements in your problem solving, critical thinking , patience and adaptability . These desirable skills won't just help you land a job but also excel in whatever career you choose to pursue .

5. You'll collect an extensive network of professional colleagues

When weighing the pros and cons of earning a PhD, consider all the professional contacts you'll make during the course of your studies. Working closely with professors, department heads, experts in your field, as well as fellow researchers, helps you develop an important resource. This network of colleagues can provide continual assistance with references, job leads, career advice and collaboration.

6. You can wait for a more favorable job market

Job prospects may not look that promising when you've completed your undergraduate degree, or even after you've been in the workforce for a few years. While there's no guarantee things will improve after a delay, some students may appreciate the benefit of a steady graduate assistant salary while they work on enhancing their résumé with a doctorate.

If you couldn't get a good internship during or after your undergrad studies, the PhD work also gives you the time to build that professional network . These contacts could prove to be the key to breaking into a specialized or highly competitive field.

You may still be thinking about all that time and commitment and wondering, “Is a PhD worth it?”. While there are always positive results from improving your education, there are some downsides to getting your doctorate.

1. It's expensive

This is a substantial factor for many students when weighing the merits of pursuing a PhD versus entering the job market right away. If you already have student loans , continuing your education will just increase your burden and add substantial pressure when you eventually begin your job search.

If cost is a concern, investigate graduate assistant jobs that help with expenses. Some programmes offer tuition assistance in return for teaching or research work. For those who already work full time and are hoping a PhD will help them advance in their career, consider keeping that job and pursuing your studies on a part-time basis.

2. Getting a PhD can be a lonely experience

Despite your interactions with professors and other students, pursuing a doctoral degree is ultimately a solitary pursuit. Your thesis topic is unique to you, and you'll spend a lot of time alone doing research and writing. Your social life can suffer, especially if you're also working in addition to your studies.

Career experts often talk about the necessity of work-life balance for physical and mental health, and this is just as important for PhD students as anyone else. It may take you a little longer to complete your degree, but it's worth taking the time to visit family and hang out with your friends. These positive interactions can help you stay motivated through the most tedious parts of your work.

3. You'll experience extreme stress and frustration

Pursuing a PhD may seem like a noble and interesting endeavor, and extended life as a student can appear more attractive than wading into the job market. You must be aware, however, that getting a doctorate can be a very stressful and frustrating experience.

A topic that seemed intriguing at first may not live up to years of scrutiny, causing boredom at best or requiring a complete thesis change at worst. Not all programmes are well-run, either, and you may have a supervisor who is too critical, offers poor advice or is just unavailable and unhelpful.

The difficulties of a PhD programme lead to rather substantial dropout rates. In the US alone, only 57% of PhD students obtained their degree within a decade of enrolling. If you want to be in the successful half of those stats, take extra time to review your choice of supervisor and topic focus. Ask every professor you have for advice on making the right decisions and talk with current graduate students to see what their experience has been.

4. There may be limited job openings

While getting a PhD can qualify you for better and higher-paying jobs , it can also put you in a position where you're competing for an extremely limited number of job openings. This is especially true of university jobs, where the number of advanced degree graduates far outpaces the need for full-time instructors, researchers and administrators.

Earning your PhD with a very obscure thesis in a niche speciality can also limit your options. When there are only a handful of jobs that suit your expertise, and they're already occupied, it can make you feel that your doctorate was a waste of time. Consider the job market before you make decisions about getting another degree. If you're determined to study in a niche area, think ahead of time about related fields or industries where your knowledge and skills will also prove useful to employers.

5. There may be little to no financial reward

While most studies concur that having a PhD increases your income potential substantially over the lifetime of your career, it's not a guarantee of job security or a financial windfall. A study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that 5 years after earning their doctorates , 45% of grads in Germany were still on temporary contracts and 13% ended up in lowly occupations.

Other European countries, including Slovakia, Belgium and Spain, had similar results. In the US, in fields like engineering, the difference in pay scales between employees with a master's degree and a PhD was a mere 7%. When that small bump in salary is weighed against the amount of debt taken on in order to get your degree, you may decide it's not worth it.

6. You could lose out on valuable job experience

New forms of technology continue to change how organizations operate, and those changes can happen fast. If you've already spent several years in school, toiling away in solitary study of obscure subjects can cause you to fall further behind in learning the skills you'll actually need for a future career.

Before you invest in getting a PhD, research your chosen field and learn which type of degree will give you the most value. Many scientific, financial and computing careers rely more on skills acquired on the job, rather than in coursework that can quickly become outdated.

Questions to ask yourself

You’ve listed out the pros and cons, but that still may not be enough to help make your decision. When it comes to a life-altering change like getting a doctorate, it’s okay to take enough time to ask yourself specific questions to ensure you’re making the right move. Consider asking yourself the following:

  • Why do I want to get a PhD?
  • Do I have the pre-requisites to move forward to a PhD?
  • What are my strengths and limitations?
  • Am I financially prepared?
  • Am I mentally prepared?
  • How will this affect my relationship with my family or friends?
  • Where will I study?
  • What am I trying to achieve?
  • What jobs will be available to me after I get my PhD?
  • Are there other options or avenues to consider?

Unfortunately, you may not have the answer to every one of these questions, because let’s face it, you don’t know what you don’t know. You might not know how it will affect your relationship with family or friends, but why not ask them? Reach out to those closest to you and see how you pursuing this degree could trickle down to them and allow that to play into your decision. Evaluate the answers to these questions and use it to help you make an educated decision on your future moving forward.

The best PhD degrees

If you’ve weighed out the pros and cons, asked all the important questions, and now you’re set on getting your PhD, congratulations! To help you along the way, let’s look at a list of the most valuable PhD programs to start you on your way to this degree.

  • Criminal Justice
  • Engineering
  • Cybersecurity
  • Business Administration

These fields are rapidly growing and are among the highest-paying doctorate degrees in 2022 , so they might be worth considering as you start your journey.

Key takeaways

Pursuing your PhD requires an incredible amount of commitment, and it's important to take the necessary time to make the decision. As you’re evaluating a doctorate degree, remember the following:

  • Evaluate the pros and cons list right from the beginning to ensure you’re weighing out both sides of the coin.
  • Ask yourself the necessary questions. A doctorate degree commitment can affect more than just you, so be sure you’re factoring that into your decision.
  • Review specifically which PhD would be best for you and your field progression.
  • Research your chosen field carefully and evaluate the job market before you finalize your degree choice.
  • Once you’ve selected your degree, stay focused and stay driven. It’s going to be a hard few years, but it will be worth the work!

Who knows, this may prompt you to move on to postgraduate study — never stop achieving!

Have you decided to pursue your PhD, or are you still considering your options? Join us in the comments below and let us know what’s stopping or encouraging you from getting a PhD.

Originally published on July 24, 2019. Updated by Shalie Reich.

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phd benefits in usa

  • PhD in USA – A Guide for 2024/25
  • Finding a PhD

A PhD in USA takes approximately 5 – 6 years of full-time study and can cost between $12,000 – $45,000 per academic year. PhD programs in USA differ from that in the UK and Europe in that students must first take taught classes, coursework and exams before starting their research project.

Why Do a PhD in USA?

The United States has long had some of the most distinguished universities and advanced PhD programmes in the world. Combined with curriculum flexibility, rigorous teaching methods, vast funding opportunities, breathtaking campuses and significant career prospects, it’s no wonder that it is one of the most sought-after study destinations for research students.

In addition to comprehensive training standards, here are a few other reasons why a student may choose to undertake their PhD in the United States:

  • Longer learning timeframes – A PhD in the US lasts longer than a PhD in the UK or Europe. This allows students to more confidently transition from undergraduate to postgraduate studies; more commonly referred to as ‘graduate studies’ in the US. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about your subject, research methods and academic writing in general before starting your research project.
  • World-class universities – It’s no secret that some of the most well-known higher education institutions that continue to dominate global rankings are based in the United States. Although many factors go into determining whether a position is right for you, a PhD at a high-ranking American university will undeniably have many benefits, from excellent learning standards to access to innovative equipment and deep expertise.
  • International network – The US has long been a popular choice among PhD students around the world. As such, the US hosts a diverse and multicultural learning environment in which many research students will quickly feel at home.
  • Opportunities – With over 4,000 universities in the US, we can safely say you will have plenty of opportunities to find the ideal combination of project, supervisor and university that works for you.

Universities in USA

Universities in the United States can be divided into two types: public universities and private universities.

Public universities are financed by the state in which they are based. Because of this, public universities charge less for students from within the state and more for students from outside the state, including international students.

Private universities are not financed by their state, but by private donors, research funds and tuition fees. For this reason, private universities generally charge higher tuition fees than public universities and require all students to pay the same amount, regardless of whether they come from out-of-state or abroad.

According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 , eight of the top ten universities in the world are located in the United States. These are:

1 UK University of Oxford
2 USA Stanford University
3 USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4 USA Harvard University
5 UK University of Cambridge
6 USA Princeton University
7 USA California Institute of Technology
8 UK Imperial College London
9 USA University of California, Berkeley
10 USA Yale University

Method of Study

The main difference between a PhD in the US and a PhD in Europe lies in the program structure. Whereas a European PhD essentially consists of a single phase lasting three to four years , an American PhD consists of three different phases, each with its own time frame.

  • Phase One – The first phase lasts approximately two years and focuses on building a basic foundation for the doctoral student. This phase consists largely of taught components such as lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions, in which the student learns more about theoretical concepts and research methods within their discipline.
  • Phase Two – The second phase can be considered an assessment phase, which runs both periodically alongside and at the end of the first phase. Here, students complete coursework and take exams on the basis of the material they have covered of which they must pass in order to proceed to the third phase.
  • Phase Three – The third phase lasts approximately three years and resembles the European PhD structure. During this period, the student undertakes an independent research project, including forming a research design, conducting experiments, writing a thesis (more commonly referred to in the USA as a dissertation) and sitting a viva exam.

Teaching Requirements

Besides structure, a key difference between a PhD program in the US and in Europe is the focus on teaching requirements. In the US, doctoral students are expected to lecture, lead tutorials, host laboratory sessions, mark coursework and provide office hours for undergraduate students. Although students studying in European will likely contribute to these at some point during their study, this would normally be on a voluntary basis and involve less time commitment.

Research Flexibility

Another difference is project flexibility. In Europe, students typically apply to a PhD project predetermined by a supervisor, and although there may be some scope to adapt the project, depending on the funding provider , it will usually be limited to how the project is carried out rather than what it is about. In the US, however, a student applies to become a doctoral candidate within a department rather than applying for a particular research project. This is because students are expected to decide on their thesis topic (also commonly referred to as a dissertation research topic) near the end of their first phase after they have developed a better understanding of their subject and know where their interests lie. Therefore, research students in the US generally have more flexibility and influence in the direction of their research than students in the United Kingdom or Europe.

PhD Admission Requirements in USA

PhD admission into US universities can be highly competitive, both because of the limited number of positions and the large number of annual applicants.

The eligibility requirements for a doctoral program in the USA can generally be divided into four sections:

How to Apply for a PhD in USA

  • Grade Point Average ( GPA ) – in the US, a scoring system known as Grade Point Average is used to measure academic ability. A student’s GPA is calculated as a weighted score of the subjects they study during their undergraduate degree; an equivalent score is calculated by universities for international applicants. Although universities rarely set minimum GPA requirements for doctoral study, it’s worth being aware that a GPA of 3.0 is equivalent to a UK second class honours (2:1); the typical entry requirement for UK universities.
  • Graduate Records Exam (GRE) – most universities will require you to take a series of examinations known as Graduate Records Exams, which are used to determine your suitability for graduate study. GREs will assess your analytical, reasoning and critical thinking skills as well as your depth of your subject.
  • Student aptitude – in addition to academic ability, US universities also look for characteristics of a strong researcher. These include traits such as engaging in the subject in your own time, e.g. by attending talks and conferences, demonstrating a high degree of independence and enthusiasm, and a general passion for your subject.
  • English Language Proficiency – international students whose first language is not English must sit language exams such as IELTS or TOELF to demonstrate their English language proficiency.

International students will also require a F1 student visa in order to study in the US, however, you would typically apply for this after you have secured a place into a doctorate program.

How to Apply for PhD in USA

When applying for a PhD position at a graduate school, the application process will differ between universities, however, they will all typically ask for the following:

  • Academic CV – a short document summarising your educational background and current level of experience .
  • Personal statement – a document which outlines why you believe you are suitable for PhD study and your passion for the subject.
  • Academic transcripts – a complete breakdown of the modules and their respective marks you have taken as part of your previous/current degree.
  • GRE scores – a transcript of your Graduate Records Exam results.
  • Research statement – a condensed version of a research proposal outlining your general research interests, if required.
  • Recommendation letters – references from several academic referees who endorse your qualities as a person, your abilities as a student and your potential as a doctoral researcher.

Application Deadlines and Fees

Since PhD programs in the United States have taught components, they commence at the same time as all other taught degrees, and therefore share the same application deadlines and start dates. This corresponds to an application period that typically begins in August and ends in February. Admission decisions are typically made in April, with successful students starting in August/September.

When you apply to a graduate school, you will be expected to pay a fee for each doctorate application to cover the school’s administrative costs for processing your application. The fee varies from university to university, but typically ranges from $50 to $100 .

Funding your PhD in USA

It’s very common for a PhD student to receive financial aid in the form of a PhD scholarship; in fact, this will be the case for the vast majority of students in the US.

PhD funding can be ‘fully funded’ covering the student’s graduate program tuition fees, accommodation and living costs, or ‘partially funded’ covering the student’s tuition fee only in part or full.

Besides funding, a graduate student can take on an assistantship, such as a graduate teaching assistant or research assistant, in which they take on a part-time salaried position at the university alongside their studies.

Due to the international and collaborate nature of American universities, there are also a number of international scholarships available, such as the Fulbright Scholarship and the AAUW International Fellowship .

PhD Duration in USA

In the US, a PhD takes approximately 5 – 6 years to complete if studying full-time, and 8 – 10 years if studying part-time.

If you already have a Master’s degree, your first phase can be shortened by one year at the discretion of the university.

Cost of a PhD in USA

The cost of a PhD program in the US can vary considerably depending on the type of university, i.e. whether it’s a public or private university, the doctoral course, i.e. whether it’s in a STEM subject such as computer science, engineering or a non-STEM subject, and whether you are a home or international student.

In general, however, the typical annual tuition fee for a PhD in the US is between $12,000 and $45,000 per academic year.

As with any doctoral degree, additional costs may include travel for collaborations, bench fees, accommodation and living expenses.

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The Pros and Cons of Getting a PhD

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Getting a doctorate is a decision that will impact both your personal and professional life for many years to come. In this blog, we explore the benefits and drawbacks of attaining a doctoral degree, aiming to provide you with an unbiased view to help you make an informed decision.

Why Consider A PhD?

The benefits of a phd.

When it comes to enhancing your knowledge and contributing to your chosen field, few pathways can match the depth of a PhD. The benefits of a PhD extend beyond mere academic gains – they permeate each dimension of your professional enhancement.

1. Mastery in Your Field A PhD equips you with comprehensive knowledge about a specific area, amplifying your analytical, critical thinking and research skills to a level far beyond what a bachelor’s or a master’s degree could offer.

2. Opportunity for Ground-breaking Research As a PhD student, your primary role is to create new knowledge. The sense of fulfillment derived from contributing something novel to your field can be incredibly rewarding.

3. Networking Opportunities During your PhD program, you'll attend conferences and seminars, presenting you with opportunities to mingle with like-minded individuals, renowned academics and industry professionals, expanding your professional network substantially.

4. Enhanced Career Prospects With a PhD, a broader horizon of career opportunities opens up. You become a university professor, a leader in research organizations, or even a policy-maker influencing critical decisions in your field.

Practical Reasons to Get a Doctorate Degree

1. Societal Impact PhD holders can influence policy, promoting changes that positively impact society at various levels.

2. Teaching Opportunities For those passionate about educating others and impacting future generations, a Doctorate degree is often a prerequisite for higher-level academic positions.

3. Potential Higher Earnings A direct benefit of a PhD is the possibility of higher earnings over the course of your career, although this can vary considerably depending on the field.

The Flip Side: Challenges of a PhD 

Just like any significant endeavor, getting a doctorate comes with its fair share of challenges.

The Cons of a PhD

1. Time and Financial Commitment A typical PhD can take 4-7 years to complete. Not only does this require a substantial investment of your time, it can also strain your finances. While scholarships and stipends may alleviate some costs, there is the foregone income to consider as well.

2. Pressures and Stress Levels The demands of a PhD — meticulous research, endless writing and frequent presentations — are often high. The intense pressure can lead to stress and burnout.

3. Work-Life Balance The long hours often required to complete a PhD can lead to a blurring of lines between work and personal life.

Practical Disadvantages of a Doctorate Degree

1. Over-Qualification Depending on your field, you might find potential employers outside academia who view you as overqualified, thus narrowing your pool of job opportunities.

2. Limited Practical Experience Dependent largely on theoretical work, a PhD sometimes lags in offering industry-specific training, which some employers may seek.

3. Opportunity Costs You should consider alternative achievements you might forego during the years spent on your PhD. This includes work experience, career progression, or even personal life events.

Making an Informed Decision: PhD or Not?

Deciding whether or not a PhD is worth it for you is a deeply personal decision, highly dependent on your long-term career goals and current life situation.

Evaluate your reasons to get a doctorate degree. 

  • Are you genuinely passionate about research?
  • How essential is a PhD for your career aspirations?
  • Are you ready for the financial implications?

Have you considered the opportunity cost? 

Seeking advice from PhD holders, mentors, and career advisors can offer valuable insights in answering these questions.

The decision to pursue a PhD is undoubtedly complex and multifaceted. It requires careful consideration of both the benefits of a doctorate degree and its potential disadvantages. Ultimately, though, it is a personal decision. What is very clear is this: when used as a stepping stone for specific career goals, a PhD can be an exceptionally powerful tool.


learn more about what it takes to get a PhD

Explore our guide How to Get a PhD: A Guide to Choosing and Applying to PhD Programs. 


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  • PhD Study in the USA - 2024

Over one million international students choose the USA as their study abroad destination, making it the most popular international study destination in the world! America is known for its comprehensive approach to postgraduate education, combining enhanced subject knowledge and research opportunities with the development of a suite of transferrable skills.

Why study a PhD in the USA?

  • Accessibility – A US graduate programme takes longer than a UK PhD, but this can also help you find your feet as a PhD student. The taught elements mean you have more time to develop a more detailed understanding of your subject as the basis for your own research.
  • World-leading universities and research – Rankings aren’t everything, but the global league tables continue to be dominated by US institutions. Amongst other things, this reflects the country’s substantial investment in research output and expertise.
  • International community - American universities host huge numbers of students from across the world. Whatever and wherever you study, you’ll be welcomed as part of a diverse academic community.
  • Innovation – America was the second country ( after Germany ) to adopt the modern PhD degree. Its own structured approach to doctoral training is also now influencing PhD study in the UK and Europe .

If you’re interested in studying your PhD in the USA, we’ve covered everything you need to know in our selection of guides below, including applications , visas and funding .

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Ready to start looking for your ideal study abroad opportunity? Browse and compare PhD programmes in the USA on

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Why you'll need health insurance as an international student in the USA and how to find the right plan for you.

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Our guide tells you everything about the application process for studying a PhD in the USA.

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Our guide to PhD funding in the USA has information on fully-funded PhD scholarships, as well as other funding options for international and domestic students.

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PhD Programs

  • Accounting & Management
  • Business Economics
  • Health Policy (Management)
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Technology & Operations Management

Students in our PhD programs are encouraged from day one to think of this experience as their first job in business academia—a training ground for a challenging and rewarding career generating rigorous, relevant research that influences practice.

Our doctoral students work with faculty and access resources throughout HBS and Harvard University. The PhD program curriculum requires coursework at HBS and other Harvard discipline departments, and with HBS and Harvard faculty on advisory committees. Faculty throughout Harvard guide the programs through their participation on advisory committees.

How do I know which program is right for me?

There are many paths, but we are one HBS. Our PhD students draw on diverse personal and professional backgrounds to pursue an ever-expanding range of research topics. Explore more here about each program’s requirements & curriculum, read student profiles for each discipline as well as student research , and placement information.

The PhD in Business Administration grounds students in the disciplinary theories and research methods that form the foundation of an academic career. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program has five areas of study: Accounting and Management , Management , Marketing , Strategy , and Technology and Operations Management . All areas of study involve roughly two years of coursework culminating in a field exam. The remaining years of the program are spent conducting independent research, working on co-authored publications, and writing the dissertation. Students join these programs from a wide range of backgrounds, from consulting to engineering. Many applicants possess liberal arts degrees, as there is not a requirement to possess a business degree before joining the program

The PhD in Business Economics provides students the opportunity to study in both Harvard’s world-class Economics Department and Harvard Business School. Throughout the program, coursework includes exploration of microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, probability and statistics, and econometrics. While some students join the Business Economics program directly from undergraduate or masters programs, others have worked in economic consulting firms or as research assistants at universities or intergovernmental organizations.

The PhD program in Health Policy (Management) is rooted in data-driven research on the managerial, operational, and strategic issues facing a wide range of organizations. Coursework includes the study of microeconomic theory, management, research methods, and statistics. The backgrounds of students in this program are quite varied, with some coming from public health or the healthcare industry, while others arrive at the program with a background in disciplinary research

The PhD program in Organizational Behavior offers two tracks: either a micro or macro approach. In the micro track, students focus on the study of interpersonal relationships within organizations and the effects that groups have on individuals. Students in the macro track use sociological methods to examine organizations, groups, and markets as a whole, including topics such as the influence of individuals on organizational change, or the relationship between social missions and financial objectives. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program includes core disciplinary training in sociology or psychology, as well as additional coursework in organizational behavior.

Accounting & Management  

Business economics  , health policy (management)  , management  , marketing  , organizational behavior  , strategy  , technology & operations management  .

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3 Great Reasons for International Students to Take a PhD in the US

However, getting a PhD is not necessarily the same in every part of the world. The duration, the funding structure, and the requirements can be very different for PhD candidates in different parts of the globe. Depending on your long-term goals, this could also impact where you decide to study.

In the United States, thousands of universities offer PhD degrees every year; and their programmes tend to be popular among graduate students all over the world. Why is that?

Going to the US for a PhD can offer a unique set of benefits. Depending on what you hope to achieve with your PhD and how you want to commit to it, you may decide that going to the US for your PhD is a wise choice. Below we will run through some of the benefits of choosing the US as the destination for your doctoral studies.

Find PhD programmes in the US

1. Yearly openings for PhDs

If you’re familiar with the way that PhDs are offered in Europe , you may notice that PhD candidates are considered part of the university staff, and that PhD openings are treated as job vacancies. Universities will maybe have one or two PhD vacancies throughout a given year (if they have the funding for it).

Because European schools receive a large part of their funding through government grants and subsidies, the school has to apply for a grant in order to even have a PhD vacancy.

In the US, PhD candidates are also part of the university staff, joining as a teaching assistant, research assistant, or adjunct instructor. Yet, as a PhD candidate in the US, you’re primarily a student who is enrolled to meet the university’s requirements (sometimes set by the state) for the doctoral degree. In order to fill the various graduate courses (while also filling the teaching assistant positions), university departments will have openings for PhDs every year.

So, rather than waiting for one or two vacancies to come around, you can count on several departments welcoming PhD applications every year (though, due to funding and space, they may limit the number of people they admit each year).

University departments will open up space for any qualified graduate student to send applications during the time that coincides with the school’s entire admission and enrolment timeline.

For prospective students, this can be a huge benefit, as it means that you can plan to apply for a PhD during the usual enrolment timeline (i.e. whether they admit for Spring or Fall enrolments), and you can also plan to re-apply the next year if you are unsuccessful.

2. PhD positions are ‘open call’

In addition to offering yearly admissions and openings for PhD programmes, university departments also do not necessarily limit you in which specific topic or field you have to research.

As opposed to other countries, where the PhD is offered according to a specified project, departments in the US are fairly flexible when it comes to deciding what you would like to devote 4-5 years of your life to.

Rather than feel constrained to one specific topic, and having to write about something that someone else has decided upon, you have full autonomy to propose your own project. This is what students tend to refer to as 'open call'; you are open to choose any project, assuming it fits with the needs of the department.

Of course, your PhD project can’t really be about anything. Typically, PhD students are admitted because their ideas or proposals match those of the faculty that are already employed in the department.

So students who are applying to a PhD in the US should ensure that their project is something that the department would like to fund, and check that there is a faculty member who is willing to supervise it . But, so long as your project meets these conditions you are welcome (and even encouraged) to choose a topic that interests you the most.

go to the us for a phd.jpg

3. Funding is (almost) always guaranteed

While students who are doing a PhD in the US are often encouraged to seek external funding - through private research institutes or federal grants - they are not always required to. Instead, PhD students in the US are usually guaranteed a tuition waiver (!) plus a ‘basic stipend’ for the full (expected) duration of their studies.

A stipend is essentially a basic (taxable) payment that is given to a student twice a year (once every semester). Typically, it is not a large amount of money; but it is intended to cover the minimum basic  living costs during your study . Because PhD students in the US are unlikely to have enough time for a part-time job, universities offer their students a basic income to support them during the time of their studies.

However, keep in mind that universities are quite strict about the requirements for your stipend. Students who stay in a fully-funded PhD usually have to apply to the programme quite early.

If students miss the early application deadline, many programmes will still consider their application, but will not necessarily offer that student funding. Also, the stipend will not last students more than the expected duration of their PhD.

If you expect that your research or work may take longer than the standard 4 or 5 years, you may need to consider external funding options to cover the remaining years until you complete your dissertation. To manage this, however, students will offer their services as teaching assistants or research assistants, lowering the stipend payment and allowing the funds to last a bit longer.

Nevertheless, it is quite an advantage that universities in the US offer. Any student who enters into a PhD at a research university is given a chance to receive funding directly from the university, rather than having to seek external scholarships or grants.

Use your PhD to connect to a global market

Getting a PhD can be a challenging, yet worthwhile opportunity for you to receive extra education, making you more competitive on the job market, and more responsive to the changing socio-economic climate.

Students all over the world are seeking research and academic opportunities, finding remarkable success in fields ranging from chemistry, to psychology, to the various humanities fields.

Ultimately, a person who decides to pursue a PhD should feel motivated enough to commit to a long-term research project. And, no matter where you decide to go, a PhD can be both risky and exciting.

If you’re considering the practical questions of funding, research demands, and timing, then you should see how the degrees match and compare in different parts of the world.

Going to the US can give several flexible benefits to prospective students who are looking for a home for their research. So, you are encouraged to consider each of these benefits and advantages, and think about how they can shape your experience as a PhD candidate.

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The Pros and Cons of Getting a PhD

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  • by Charlotte King
  • In Courses , PHD

Are PhDs  only for those looking to stay within the world of academia?

If you’re feeling unsure whether a PhD is the right route for you , then check out our list of pros and cons below...

Pros of Getting a PhD:

You can indulge in the luxury of having Dr as your title . Yes it may sound a little superficial, but some of us like that kind of thing!  

You’ll learn how to be tough (mentally tough that is) from all the grilling, criticizing, and second guessing you will have to endure when you present your research proposal .  

Your analytical skills will sky rocket. This really depends on the type of PhD you pursue, but it is a given that you will learn to sharpen your analytical skills, and will then be able to apply these skills to subsequent ventures.  

It is the highest possible degree that you can achieve. If you strive for greatness, and nothing short of being the best will do, a PhD will definitely fulfil your intellectual satisfaction.  

You will be a recognized expert in your field, and you will have a piece of paper to prove it. Who knows, you may even be lucky enough to win a Nobel Prize one day!  

Some jobs actually require you to have a PhD or equivalent, and no, they are not all academic jobs .  

You will be able to use your PhD experience to quickly learn new areas within your chosen field, as well as adapt to the differing demands of the workplace .  

Confidence. Studying for a PhD is a surefire way to boost your self confidence and belief. You will finally get the chance to discover that there is no secret source of knowledge that you’re being denied access too.  

The joy of learning. If you pick a field that you enjoy (which is always advisable) the love of the pursuit will be enough.

Cons of Getting a PhD :

A PhD won’t necessarily help you get a job, unless it is research related that is.  

Living, breathing, and thinking of nothing but your field of study for a prolonged period of time can make you think that this is all there is too life.  

All your friends and colleagues are already on their second or third promotion by the time you’ve finally finished studying for your PhD.  

Prospective employers may view you as overqualified and under experienced, especially if you try to venture outside of your field of research.  

You will need to have a partner that understands you will be not only physically but also mentally absent as you attempt to make a breakthrough in your chosen field of study.  

  • You won’t have the luxury of a full time income , and once you graduate you will have a lot of catching up to do.

This blog was written using content from Jane Chin .

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Terman Sept. 28, 2021, 8:12 p.m.

I am looking for a PhD by publication, where my published works are related with the medical physics (MP) or statistics applied to MP. I see many of universities with this type of programm are of UK. Can you help me in my search??

Charlotte King Oct. 13, 2021, 9:03 a.m.

Hi Terman – many of the the top UK universities such as UCL and University of Exeter offer this type of program. I recommend you research into the PhD supervisors at the universities that you're interested in to help narrow down your choice. Good luck.

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Why Should I Do a PhD in US? 

Why Should I do a PhD in the US?

  • October 11, 2022
  • Views: 3,521

Why Should I do a PhD in the US?

If you’re wondering, “ Why should I do a Ph.D. in the US? ” you should know that the United States of America is one of the most desirable destinations for individuals seeking brilliant knowledge and learning opportunities to facilitate their careers. As of 2020, the scientific research and development industry in the USA holds a staggering $170.8 billion, according to the survey done by IBIS World. This clearly indicates the emphasis given to research and development in the country. The top-grade standard of education in the US is another reason why you should consider pursuing your doctoral degree here.

The USA is considered a booming place to study among both international and local students. Obtaining a degree from here is the dream of several talents. The degree from here is acknowledged and appreciated globally, due to its high value the students can easily get some career-building jobs and opportunities around the world. The ever-growing atmosphere of the USA increases the competition among students. Therefore, students must acquire a suitable degree in their preferable college or university, they have to dedicatedly work hard to land themselves in that place.

Universities and research labs were granted research funding to seek potential talent. This is to be done by signing a bond with Human Resources executive search firms through recruitment websites. PhD is considered one of the high-level educational degrees, the doctorate that can be opted for by any student all over the world. The necessities and demands are distinct from region to region as it’s a landmark degree.

The PhD scholar gets a salary ranging from about $ 15,000 to $ 30,000 in the countries like the USA. It may differ by what a PhD scholar has done in his qualification or by the nature of the job. In addition, PhD scholars hold the trump card in jobs too. Either they can get the offer of a teacher, professor, or faculty in a university or they can get a job in a reputed organization in their field.

Let’s discuss a few benefits of pursuing a PhD from the USA, the below points will be helpful for students to know whether they’re making the right choice if it’s on your list.

  • Bright Career Opportunities

PhD scholars from the USA are considered to have bright and prosperous job opportunities in their relevant fields. It’s not because they carry a higher degree of education. Still, their research and experience make them potential candidates and enhance the possibility of getting a job in any praiseworthy organization with other candidates. 

In addition, the USA has an affinity for research; this can also be why Ph.D. scholars land themselves acquiring thriving and well-paying jobs. 

  • Upgrade Skills 

Pursuing a Ph.D. in the USA benefits or is concerned with making you a scholar and an all-rounder capable of succeeding wherever you go globally. Furthermore, the programs offered here focus on improving your decision-making, time management, and problem-solving skills, which will be beneficial in uplifting your personality. 

  • Awareness of New Knowledge & Skills 

PhD scholars from the USA not only got the knack to become famous through their theories and research work. But they also had the opportunity to become famous with their dedicated research. The USA gives global exposure to candidates; this is the only way you can ace. 

Why Should I do a PhD in the US?

4 . Funding is always Guaranteed 

Candidates pursuing a PhD in the USA are motivated to approach external funding via federal grants or private research institutes- it’s not always necessary. Instead, the PhD minimal scholar was granted a tuition waiver and a stipend when they’re ongoing studies. 

The stipend is a basic payment provided to candidates twice a year while their studies continue. The cost may be minimal, but it’s helpful to students to cover their living costs. 

Since PhD students don’t have enough time for a part-time job, universities offer them extra basic payouts to support students during their studies. The Ph.D. stipends in the US are between $23000 to $33000. However, the stipend differs based on areas of study, cost of living around the campuses, and universities or departments.

Remember, universities are pretty strict with the stipend. 

Candidates who seek a fully-funded Ph.D. have to apply to the university quite early. If the candidates miss the deadline, their application will be considered; however, the funding will not be provided. Furthermore, the stipend will last only till the duration of the PhD

If the candidate knows that the research may take more than 4 or 5 years, then opting for external funding options can help cover the remaining years until the dissertation is completed. Any candidate who does a Ph.D. in the research university was provided the benefit of having funding from the university rather than scholarships. 

5. Employers hire candidates with upgraded skills 

When the hiring manager goes through the resume and finds out that the candidate earned a Ph.D. degree, they’ll immediately hire you, as they know you’ve spent years enhancing your skills through compiling research, gathering data, and finally coming out with a conclusion persuasively and cohesively.

The degree helps you stand out from the competition; landing your dream job will make you understand how valuable and worth your degree and time is. 

6. Candidates gather a vast network of developed colleagues 

Candidates who hold a Ph.D. degree coordinate with professionals during their studies and build connections. Working together with experts in the field, professionals, department heads, and fellow researchers will help the candidate develop the required and essential resources. The network of colleagues can assist students with career advice, collaboration, references, and job leads. 

7. You get a more preferable job market 

The possibility of getting the preferred job may not be fulfilled when your undergraduate degree is completed, even if the candidate has been in the workforce for a few years. Also, even after the delay, there is no guarantee that things will turn out in their favor. If the candidate couldn’t get a better internship degree, then the Ph.D. degree works well for them, as it’s helpful to build their professional network. This works great for standing out and defeating the highly competitive ones. 

Some of the best PhD degrees include

If you’ve decided to pursue a PhD degree in the USA then below is the list of topmost and most valuable fields that can boom your career. The programs were growing rapidly and also has the highest-paying doctorate degrees in 2022.

  • Engineering
  • Management 
  • Business Administration
  • Cyber security
  • Criminal Justice 
  • Mathematics

Points to Remember

Pursuing a Ph.D. requires a significant amount of commitment. Therefore, it’s crucial to take time and make a better decision. Remember to keep the following points in mind while evaluating a doctorate. 

  • Make sure you’re making the right choice, and ask yourself all the required questions, as the doctorate commitment can affect more than just you. 
  • Decide which program is perfect for you to facilitate your field. 
  • Research your field carefully, and before finalizing your degree, evaluate the job market. 
  • After reviewing both sides of the coin, evaluate the pros and cons and decide where and how you have to go further. 

Once your degree is finalized, stay focused and work hard. It may be hard years, but years will be worth working after that.

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The Advantages Of Getting A PhD In 2024

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The Advantages Of Getting A PhD In 2024

Going Beyond the Status Quo with Your PhD!

The advantages of a PhD degree or, say, a doctoral degree can be reaped after a long and challenging journey. Now, you might wonder about the benefits of getting a PhD. There are actually many benefits, and we are going to discuss just that! So, let's dive right into it!

What Is A PhD & What Are Its Requirements?

A PhD is the highest academic degree that can be achieved. It demonstrates mastery of a subject area and expertise in research. It is a globally recognised postgraduate degree awarded to students who have submitted a thesis or dissertation based on thorough and original research in their field of choice. To apply for a PhD, ere are the general requirements:

1. Employment/academic references

2. Language proficiency

3. Personal Statements

4. PhD research topics and proposals (You have to explain everything about the topic of your PhD and how you will be doing your research)

Applying for a PhD can be a little tricky, but it doent have to be. If you want a guide on how to apply for a PhD, then here is a perfect roadmap on how to apply for a PhD .

Questions To Ask Yourself

Before you start finding your topic to apply for a PhD, there are a few questions that you need to ask yourself! If you don't ask these questions yourself, you might find it difficult to complete your PhD.

1. Am I passionate about it?

You need to remember that a PhD is a 3-4 year course, and if you are not passionate about it, then you will start struggling, but if you feel excited about spending 3-4 years on a particular subject, then you are ready for your PhD!

2. Do I have to get a research degree to pursue what I love?

Well, there are lots of jobs out there, and not all of them need a fancy Master's or PhD.

Think about what you're passionate about. Do you have any skills or knowledge related to it already? If not, would a research degree help you gain those skills or knowledge?

3. Am I ready for college again?

One question you need to ask yourself before applying for a PhD is whether you are ready to spend even more time in university since you have just completed your Bachelor's and Master's; attending university again can sound a bit dull and tiring since many prefer a change!

4. Have I found the perfect supervisor? 

Every research student gets at least one supervisor. They're like mentors, helping you shape your ideas and gather your research. Finding the right supervisor is key to making your research shine. If they're connected to a research centre or group, you might get more support and resources. To find a good fit, you might need to look at different universities and contact supervisors directly. They usually mention if they're taking new students on their profile, and they're usually open to emails.

5. Can I afford it?

One final question that you need to ask yourself is whether you can afford to get a PhD since it can get a bit expensive, and if you are moving to a new country, things can become even more difficult. Fortunately, there are various best scholarships for PhD students available that help sponsor your PhD. 

What Are The Benefits Of Getting A PhD?

Benefits of a PhD

Holding a Doctorate can be a prestigious achievement for students and professionals working in their respective fields. Holding a PhD also gives you the prestige of adding the “Dr” tag in front of your name. To answer your question about the benefits of having a PhD, here are some of the best PhD benefits that you must know:

1. Career advancement 2. Increased earning potential 3. Personal growth 4. Networking opportunities 5. Access to advanced research 6. Contributions to society 7. Increased knowledge and understanding 8. Improved critical thinking 9. Enhanced ability to conduct research 10. Helps you inherit transferable skills 11. It opens the door to career opportunities

Want to know more about the benefits of getting the PhD degree we mentioned above? Looks like we just heard you! Let us read about the benefits in detail below: 

1. Career Advancement:

A PhD degree can greatly enhance your career prospects, particularly in academia, research, and science-related industries. The advanced skills and knowledge gained during the PhD program can make you a more competitive candidate for senior-level positions and can increase your earning potential. One of the main PhD benefits is career advancement. A PhD does not simply prepare you for careers in academia, as it is just a popular misperception, 

2. Increased Earning Potential

The majority of PhD students receive financial support for their research in the form of a three-year studentship that pays their tuition and provides them with a respectable living allowance. Pursuing a PhD is comparable to working for three years at a salary. In many industries, a PhD student earns an average of 20% more than those with a Master's degree. Its increased earning potential is one of the major benefits of a PhD degree.

3. Personal Growth

Pursuing a PhD requires a great deal of hard work, determination, and self-discipline. The process of completing a PhD can be incredibly empowering and can help build self-confidence and increase your sense of self-worth. Personal growth is one of the important PhD benefits.

4. Networking Opportunities

The benefit of having a PhD is that it provides opportunities to meet and collaborate with other researchers, academics, and professionals in your field. Whether you are looking for a career or not, getting to know lecturers in your current or desired profession is a fantastic chance. These relationships can be valuable for future career advancement and can provide opportunities for ongoing collaboration and mentorship, making it one of the benefits of a PhD degree. If you want to know how you can network fast here are some of the best networking tips and tricks you need to know.

5. Access To Advanced Research 

Another one on the list of PhD benefits is access to advanced research. By pursuing a PhD, you can make a major contribution to your field of study and society as a whole. Research findings and insights can impact public policy and help to solve important social and scientific problems. 

6. Contributions To Society

Pursuing a PhD provides a deep and comprehensive understanding of a particular subject. The research experience and training you gain during the PhD program can help you develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and it also helps develop creative solutions to complex challenges. One of the PhD benefits which contributes to society is having the knowledge and expertise gained by studying can help you contribute to the greater humankind and society.

7. Increased Knowledge And Understanding

The research experience and training gained during a PhD program can improve your and problem-solving skills. It can be valuable in both personal and professional settings. Gaining vast knowledge and competence in your profession is one of the benefits of a PhD. You can help others by imparting your knowledge, which is not merely theoretical but also helpful in problem-solving. Because you are an authority and specialist in your field of study, friends, coworkers, and even the media will greatly appreciate your informed opinion.

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8. Improved Critical Thinking

Pursuing a PhD provides advanced training in research methods and techniques, which can help improve one's ability to conduct research effectively. It can be valuable in both academic and non-academic settings. Critical thinking is one of the PhD benefits that will help you professionally and personally.

9. Enhanced Ability To Conduct Research

One major benefit of getting a PhD is that it can provide opportunities for further education and career development, both within and outside of academia. It can also help open up new opportunities for research, teaching, and mentorship. The enhanced ability to conduct research is indeed one of the important benefits of a PhD degree.

10. Helps You Inherit Transferable Skills

One PhD benefit is that you will acquire transferable skills while pursuing your PhD in addition to specialised knowledge in your subject, which you can use for any career route you decide to choose. Learning effective research techniques and note-taking techniques is a crucial skill you can apply in most work settings. 

Additionally, you will pick up crucial writing and presentation abilities, which is another benefit of a PhD. Candidates for jobs who excel at writing and who are at ease presenting the knowledge to coworkers are highly valued by employers. Every workplace demands effective communication, which consistently ranks among the top talents for successful workers.

Top Colleges for PhD

Here are some top colleges and universities known for their strong PhD programs where you can reap the benefits of a PhD degree across various disciplines:

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

MIT is renowned for its PhD programs due to its cutting-edge research facilities, esteemed faculty, and commitment to innovation. Its interdisciplinary approach fosters groundbreaking discoveries and attracts scholars seeking top-tier doctoral education.

2. Stanford University

Stanford University is renowned for its PhD programs due to its exceptional faculty, cutting-edge research opportunities, and vibrant academic community, attracting scholars worldwide seeking top-tier education and research experiences.

3. Harvard University

Harvard University's reputation for academic excellence, research opportunities, and renowned faculty members makes it a top choice for PhD candidates seeking rigorous scholarly pursuits and access to world-class resources.

4. University of California, Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley is popular for PhD programs due to its renowned faculty, cutting-edge research opportunities, and a supportive academic environment. Graduates benefit from prestige, networking, and career advancement opportunities inherent in obtaining a PhD.

5. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

Caltech is renowned for its rigorous academic environment and groundbreaking research opportunities. It offers PhD students access to cutting-edge facilities and world-class faculty. The benefits of pursuing a PhD at Caltech include unparalleled mentorship and the chance to contribute to impactful discoveries in various scientific fields.

Best Countries & Top Colleges For PhD

In conclusion, a PhD degree can have a significant impact on one's personal and professional life along with enhancing your student resume, and there are many advantages of a PhD. The advanced skills and knowledge gained during the PhD program can help to enhance one's career prospects, improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and provide opportunities for further education and career development.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the benefit of pursuing a phd, what are the pros and cons of phd, what is the salary after phd, what are the types of doctorates, what is the scope of phd in management.

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Happy Graduates!

PhD in Population Health Sciences

Prepare for a high-impact career tackling public health problems from air pollution to obesity to global health equity to the social determinants of health.

The PhD in population health sciences is a multidisciplinary research degree that will prepare you for a career focused on challenges and solutions that affect the lives of millions around the globe. Collaborating with colleagues from diverse personal and professional backgrounds and conducting field and/or laboratory research projects of your own design, you will gain the deep expertise and powerful analytical and quantitative tools needed to tackle a wide range of complex, large-scale public health problems.

Focusing on one of five complementary fields of study at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and drawing on courses, resources, and faculty from the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, you will become well-versed in a wide variety of disciplines while gaining specialized knowledge in your chosen area of study.

As a population health sciences graduate, you will be prepared for a career in research, academics, or practice, tackling complex diseases and health problems that affect entire populations. Those interested in pursuing research may go on to work at a government agency or international organization, or in the private sector at a consulting, biotech, or pharmaceutical firm. Others may choose to pursue practice or on-the-ground interventions. Those interested in academics may become a faculty member in a college, university, medical school, research institute, or school of public health.

The PhD in population health sciences is a four-year program based at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in the world-renowned Longwood Medical Area of Boston, Massachusetts. The degree will prepare you to apply diverse approaches to solving difficult public health research issues in your choice of one of five primary fields of study:

  • Environmental health
  • Epidemiology
  • Social and behavioral sciences
  • Global health and population

In your first semester, you and your faculty adviser will design a degree plan to guide you through the program’s interdisciplinary requirements and core courses, as well as those in your chosen field of study. After successfully completing the preliminary qualifying examination, usually at the end of your second year, you will finalize your general research topics and identify a dissertation adviser who will mentor you through the dissertation process and help you nominate a dissertation advisory committee.

All population health sciences students are trained in pedagogy and teaching and are required to work as a teaching fellow and/or research assistant to ensure they gain meaningful teaching and research experience before graduation. Students also attend a special weekly evening seminar that features prominent lecturers, grant-writing modules, feedback dinners, and training opportunities.

All students, including international students, who maintain satisfactory progress (B+ or above) receive a multiyear funding package, which includes tuition, fees , and a competitive stipend.


Anyone with a distinguished undergraduate record and a demonstrated enthusiasm for the rigorous pursuit of scientific public health knowledge is encouraged to apply. Although a previous graduate degree is not required, applicants should have successfully completed coursework in introductory statistics or quantitative methods. Preference will be given to applicants who have either some relevant work experience or graduate-level work in their desired primary field of study.


Like all PhD (doctor of philosophy) programs at the School, the PhD in population health sciences is offered under the aegis of the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Harvard Griffin GSAS). Applications are processed through the Harvard Griffin GSAS online application system located at


As a PhD in population health sciences candidate, you will be part of a diverse and accomplished group of students with a broad range of research and other interests. The opportunity to learn from each other and to share ideas both inside and outside the classroom will be one of the most rewarding and productive parts of the program for any successful candidate. The program in population health sciences provides these opportunities by sponsoring an informal curriculum of seminars, a dedicated student gathering and study area, and events that will enhance your knowledge, foster interaction with your peers, and encourage you to cooperatively evaluate scientific literature, while providing a supportive, collaborative community within which to pursue your degree.

As members of both the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences communities, students have access to the Cambridge and Longwood Medical Area campuses. Students also qualify for affordable transportation options, access to numerous lectures and academic seminars, and a wealth of services to support their academic and personal needs on both sides of the Charles River.

LEARN MORE Population Health Sciences Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

The Savvy Scientist

The Savvy Scientist

Experiences of a London PhD student and beyond

The Benefits of Having a PhD

phd benefits in usa

If you’re on the fence about whether to do a PhD it can be helpful to understand the benefits that come from having one. As someone who completed their PhD just over two years ago I’ve been starting to realise some of the potential benefits but also realise some of the things that having a PhD doesn’t help with!

In this post we’ll cover all of the key benefits to help you decide whether studying towards a PhD would be right for you.

You may also wish to check out my post on whether a PhD is worth it for info on the pros and cons of studying for a PhD. This post you’re reading is about the benefits of having a PhD while the other is about the work involved within a PhD.

Will Having a PhD Help You Financially?

Money, the obvious starting point!

On average someone with a PhD appears to typically earn more than someone without a PhD, in the US at least. Unemployment rates on average are also the lowest of all education levels:

Plot showing people with a PhD earn more than those with other qualifications

But, that doesn’t mean that this holds true for everyone in every scenario, and I’d urge caution against doing a PhD if your main motivation is financial.

If money is your main driving force and you’re highly motivated, it can often make better financial sense to land a graduate job straight after uni. In those years you’d otherwise be working towards a PhD you could be gaining industry-specific experience and climbing the career ladder. I’ve written much more about this in a few other places:

  • Here in the ‘Masters vs PhD: Which is Right For You?’ post
  • Here in the ‘Is a PhD Worth It? Should I Do a PhD?’ post

Bottom line: I don’t recommend doing a PhD for purely financial reasons. In fact, even if doing a PhD did always make sense from a purely financial perspective I’d still caution against it for a lot of people since the path to earning a PhD can be pretty involved.

What Are the Benefits of Having a PhD?

While a PhD won’t always necessarily land you a higher paying job, it does provide a series of other very tangible benefits.

For instance, gaining an incredibly in-depth knowledge of certain topics comes with the territory for PhDs. This knowledge can accelerate you towards becoming the world expert. Many PhD-holders use this knowledge, and the clout of having a PhD in it, to become domain experts who are called upon by news organisations, government agencies, and beyond to give opinion on topics of societal importance.

More widely, PhDs set you up for success by providing you with a series of transferable skills which can be applied to whichever career you choose.

In addition, having a doctoral degree can help you to stand out from other job candidates, giving you an edge for competitive positions. While your enhanced network can help you to find and secure such opportunities. Finally, having a PhD can also provide you with greater options, keeping more doors open for you to switch jobs in the future.

Spider diagram of the PhD benefits as covered in this post.

Let’s break down each of these benefits in more depth.

Domain Expertise

Having a PhD pretty much automatically makes you an expert in certain topics. How useful these expertise are really depends on what you chose to do your PhD in in the first place. Therefore don’t necessarily expect your new-found expertise to be regularly called upon by friends, family or even employers!

Nevertheless, being an expert clearly helps if it can be applied in a workplace or exploited to either help the world or make money (take your pick). Oftentimes in science and engineering this knowledge is valuable for companies. Providing consultancy to these companies could be a route to share your highly prized wisdom. We’ll come onto other skills you gain during a PhD shortly but I’ll mention them here too: even if your PhD is in a wacky niche seemingly of no use to employers, I’m sure you’ll have picked up loads of other skills which certainly are of value in the marketplace.

Furthermore, being an expert in something can bring responsibility and the power to shape public perception or drive forward policy. This is true for almost every PhD topic from energy to economics. PhD-holders in these domains, and many more, are often called upon by NGOs and governments.

If you want to demonstrate your expertise, you could do things such as publish papers or write content (think Medium or LinkedIn posts). If you’re in need of a helping hand, I have written a whole series of posts to help you write your first paper .

Stand Out in the Job Market

Having a PhD will help you to stand out from other job applicants when applying. This can make all the difference for sought after roles.

In addition to potential domain expertise and skills you’ve picked up, having a PhD demonstrates your commitment and capability to work independently which will be very valuable as an employee.

Can a PhD Ever Make it Harder to Get a Job?

I’ve occasionally seen comments online from people worrying that having a PhD may cause employers to reject them. I think the logic goes that due to having a PhD you may be unlikely to stick around for long in a position that doesn’t provide compensation reflecting that level of experience. Or that you may not be getting challenged enough intellectually.

Either way, I wouldn’t worry. Anecdotally my partner works for a large IT company and has met several people hired through their graduate scheme who have PhDs. Therefore, seemingly if a PhD doesn’t actively enhance your career progression at worst you’ll just be entering at the same level as recent graduates of undergraduate degrees.

I also wouldn’t worry that having a PhD would make you comparatively old since many people will work elsewhere before entering a grad scheme. My partner herself joined the grad scheme several years after leaving university.

While I can’t promise that every hiring manager will see a PhD as an asset, in general extra skills and experience should always be a bonus.

Many companies with grad schemes will use such schemes to find top talent with the hope that some will stick around to take on leading roles. There is therefore a large emphasis on your potential and having a PhD can demonstrate significant potential due to the skills we’ll cover next.

Gain Transferable Skills

Great researchers typically display the following characteristics, as covered in more depth here .

  • Organisational Skills
  • Open Mindedness
  • Determination & Persistence
  • Acting Logically
  • Trustworthiness – acting with integrity
  • Self-reliance
  • Co-operation

If you’re interested in working towards a PhD you probably display many of these characteristics already and through studying for a PhD you’ll hone skills pertaining to several others.

On top of these characteristics and “soft skills” such as networking and communicating, there are all of the other skills involved with a PhD such as research, data analysis and presentation.

These transferable skills will be an asset to whatever role you choose to go into.

Let’s cover five of these skills in more detail.

Critical Thinking

Displaying open mindedness, curiosity and acting logically will all help to develop your critical thinking skills. A good PhD supervisor will give you enough freedom and support to allow your critical thinking skills to grow throughout your PhD. By the end you should be thinking independently and critically about your research domain.


Working co-operatively with other researchers, writing papers and presenting will help to enhance your communication skills. As an introvert I understand that putting yourself forward for presentations doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but I’d really suggest getting out of your comfort zone to improve your communication skills. A PhD is a nice supportive opportunity to get better at communicating with very little risk.

Time Management

Learning to stay organised during your PhD will help you to build skills in time management. If you aren’t already good at managing your time a PhD pretty much forces you to get better. Unlike undergrad coursework there is no way that you can complete a PhD with a series of all nighters!


Related to the last point about time management, PhDs are a marathon not a sprint. In order to reach the end you will need to display determination, persistence and patience. Overcoming these challenges leaves you well equipped with the know-how and resilience to tackle any future obstacles, no matter which career path you take post-PhD.

Proactive Mindset

Working independently and being self-reliant during your PhD will provide you with a proactive mindset. You’ll know how to take the initiative to do a task without being asked and that will be a fantastic asset in your future career.

Greater Career Options

You may decide to leave research to pursue a career in industry and that’s completely fine. The majority of PhD graduates do end up leaving academia and often make use of the transferable skills mentioned above to be successful in industry.

But choosing to do a PhD gives you the option to choose either way and should you decide that you wish to progress towards being a lecturer, or even one day a professor, you’ll already have the necessary qualifications and foundations for the experience you’ll need.

It’s important to note that jobs in academia are highly competitive, so there’s no guarantee that pursuing a PhD will mean you will definitely get a job in academia, but it is a prerequisite should you wish to do so.

A PhD also sets you up well for becoming a subject matter expert if you’re keen to pursue a specialised career in a particular field.

Enhanced Network

Working towards a PhD provides a brilliant opportunity to grow your professional network. Whether you choose to stay in academia or take the leap into industry this can prove invaluable. PhD-holders tend to go on to a hugely varied range of careers so can make for useful contacts.

Personally I’ve known people who’ve become academics and started their own labs, formed companies, worked at NGOs and gone into politics, alongside the more traditional career paths within industry. Yes, this pretty much describes many of the people you could meet during other types of degree but it seems that PhDs can turbo-charge the potential for impact for many of the reasons we’ve already covered.

I know of friends who have secured internships, and even permanent roles, after reaching out to former lab-mates who were able to recommend positions at their new companies. A personal reference goes a long way towards a company taking a chance on you.

Some PhD students also work with industry partners during their studies which can open doors to future roles and opportunities.

PhD Benefits Summary

In conclusion, while a PhD may benefit you financially under certain conditions it does have a whole host of other benefits which everyone can realise:

  • Making you a subject matter expert with evidenced credibility
  • Stand out from other job candidates
  • Gain transferable skills
  • Keep your career options open
  • Grow your professional network

As for whether this makes studying a PhD worthwhile that will always be a personal choice.

For further insights I’d highly recommend having a read of my post ‘ Is a PhD Worth It?’ to learn the pros and cons of pursuing doctoral study.

Hopefully this post has helped you get one step closer to deciding whether to pursue a PhD. If you have any further queries on benefits of having a PhD just pop a comment below.

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4 Comments on “The Benefits of Having a PhD”

I am a teacher educator who have finished a BSc in science and a master in education management . What areas of topics are available for doing a phd in education and science related?

Thanks for your comment and interest in PhDs. I am sorry to say that I am not an expert in that field so do not know what exact topics may be available. They will of course vary a lot also depending on which supervisor, department and university you are interested in. My suggestion is to speak to the department where did your Masters to see what topics they suggest for a PhD as a starting point, and also to reach out to other universities and departments which may offer related degrees, for instance this one may be related to what you’re interested in? Although the course I link to is a Masters, they may know of supervisors who are looking for PhD students. I hope that helps. Best of luck

Hi I am an govt servent in Judicial Dept. I have completed BA MSW from KU Dharwad University. How the PhD helps if I’m pursuing….

Thanks for your comment Eranna. It is difficult to say for certain that a PhD will help with any particular job. Some job positions may require a PhD (which they will state in the job advert); Other positions may benefit from the skills acquired during the PhD (either technical or “soft” skills); Whilst for other positions the PhD may offer no benefit and time would be better spend gaining work experience. If career progression is the goal the person would be better off spending those 3-4 years working outside of academia rather than pursuing a PhD. So it really depends on the job and your career priorities. I hope this helps. Thanks, Jeff.

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Oct 04 2022

Doing phd in us: pros and cons.

Linda Fraser

PhD Sharing

The United States of America is the most preferred place for people to study and find a career. Universities and research labs are often received research fundings to looking for talents. They can do it by signing a contract with Human Resources executive search firms or broadcasting the job ads information via recruitment websites .  Finding a suitable degree program and then simultaneously working hard to land yourself a place in your desired college or university is often difficult in the USA because of the ever-growing competition.

The USA is popular among both local and international students as getting a degree from here is like a dream come true. Not only is the degree recognized and renowned all over the world, but because of its high value, a graduated student is bound to land himself some great job and career-building opportunities almost anywhere in the world.

Talking about PH.D. in particular here – it is a doctorate which is considered to be the highest level of educational degree that any student can opt for all over the world. Because it is considered to be a landmark degree, its requirements and demands might differ from region to region.

phd benefits in usa

Pros of Getting A PH.D. from the USA

  • Bright and Favorable Career Opportunities: D. scholars are considered to be the most favored candidates in their relevant job departments. Not only because they have a higher degree of education, but also because their experience and research precede other candidates, and makes them appear as a brighter potential candidate for any organization. And if this isn’t obvious, research is one of the most ‘favorite’ fields in the USA. For this reason, PH.D. scholars tend to have an upper hand in landing themselves bright and well-paying jobs.
  • Boosted Skills: D. Degree Programs in the USA are not only concerned with the prospect of making you scholars; instead, they are also concerned with making you ‘all-rounders’ in the outside world too. Many PH.D. programs focus on building up your time management, decision making, and problem-solving skills which could be a great help in building up your personality.
  • Introducers of New Knowledge: D. scholars have a knack for being famous through their research work and new theories. You do not only have a chance of becoming famous but also getting known to the world because of your research. However, don't forget that your piece of work should be unique, so you can use a  plagiarism checker with percentage to check it. The USA has the most exposure to people from all over the world, and this is your chance of making your mark in the world!

Cons of Getting a PH.D. from the USA:

  • Increased Stress and Frustration: Teachers here in the USA and all over the world expect you to give your 100% effort. You should opt for a PH.D. degree only if you are very sure about it. The journey is long and tiring, and it isn’t easy at all. Your learning process might become quite boring in the long run too. Therefore, only a person who is 100% willing to take the risks and stress should opt for this degree.
  • A Lonely Experience: In both cases that is, if you are a local student or an international one, you will feel that the PH.D. journey is not as exciting as it seems to be. If you are an international student, then you might feel home-sick and would also not be allowed to visit home too often, while the entire journey of your thesis and research would be very lonely because you are expected to conduct it on your own. With no help or group participation, you may feel lonely.
  • Limited Jobs: Sometimes, there might not be too many job postings available for the specific field that you have opted to pursue a Ph.D. in. Or, sometimes your field is so competitive that there are not enough job postings available for everyone to apply. Then, it becomes a controversial issue whether pursuing a Ph.D. was worth it or not.

Student housing insurance: Prepare your student housing insurance policy in the United States

Whether you want to attend college in the United States or in another state, student housing insurance is indispensable. In this case, the principle remains the same. You are covered for all rental risks that could damage your home during your academic year. However, if this is the first time you've ever purchased insurance according to your type of student accommodation you're living in, be sure to consider the following tips.

What kind of guarantee is it?

The range of coverage offered by online or physical mutual insurance companies will vary according to the level of protection required. Nevertheless, you can only take out basic coverage against fire, explosion, water damage or terrorist attacks.

For additional insurance, you are free to add the protection packages you need. For example, it is possible to insure your computer equipment against theft, vandalism or technical damage. This way, you get a repair or a replacement according to your original insurance contract.

Which homes are covered by insurance?

Generally, student home insurance is required for all university students renting an apartment, a dormitory or a studio for their studies. The only exception is the rental of a furnished building, as this contract is sufficient to cover all damages arising from the rental. Thus, by subscribing to an insurance formula you guarantee the following buildings of any damage occurring during the rental period:

  • A student residence; 
  • An apartment rented alone; 
  • A shared apartment; 
  • An empty apartment.

What should I do if my roommate changes?

If you have taken out insurance with your roommate and he or she is no longer able to continue the tenancy, contact your insurer directly. They will ask you to change the name of the roommate and other important details. It is possible that your new roommate will sign a contract in his or her own name or will join your original insurance plan.

Therefore, there are several factors that a student should keep in his/her mind before opting for a degree as tough and demanding as PH.D. At the end of the day, it is always going to be worth it, but only if you are willing to invest in it as much as you wish to receive in the end.

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  • Johns Hopkins University Human Resources
  • Benefits & Worklife
  • Our Health & Life Offerings
  • Student & Learner Health Benefits

PhD Benefits Overview

The following benefits are available to PhDs at Johns Hopkins University.

PhDs are auto-enrolled into individual medical coverage. The plan is administered by Wellfleet and utilizes the Cigna PPO network of providers. Prescription coverage is included in the medical plan. For more information about the plan, please visit: Wellfleet Medical Plan – JHU Human Resources

To enroll dependents into medical coverage, please visit:

PhDs are auto-enrolled into individual level dental coverage. The plan is offered in partnership with Delta Dental and utilizes the Delta Dental PPO + Primer network of providers. For more information about the dental plan, please visit: Delta Dental Plan – JHU Human Resources

To enroll dependents into dental coverage, please visit:

PhDs are auto-enrolled into individual level vision coverage through EyeMed on the Insight Network. For more information about the vision plan, please visit: EyeMed Vision Plan – JHU Human Resources

For employees who are eligible for University-paid student health plan coverage, the University will pay the cost of the Student Health Benefit Program premium (medical, dental, and vision) for eligible dependent children and partners/spouses who do not have another source of coverage and are unable to work in the United States because of their immigration status (F2, J2, or M2).

PhDs at the University are required to re-enroll their dependents each semester (Fall/Spring) or each Term (Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4) for BSPH.

Effective 8/15/2024 , PhDs are eligible to be reimbursed for their dependent premiums if they enrolled a child or spouse/domestic partner that is not eligible to work in the US and does not have other insurance coverage. To complete the application for reimbursement, please follow this link.

PhDs submitting for reimbursement must do so within 90 days of payment and will need to upload a copy of their receipt for the student benefits office to review here .

As a PhD student, you can participate in a voluntary benefits program to purchase a discounted legal services plan. You can enroll during annual enrollment (7/1 – 9/15 each year).

The MetLife Legal Plan gives you access to a nationwide network of more than 12,000 attorneys, to help you and your dependents with vital legal matters such as estate planning, financial, and support with reproductive issues. You can receive a consultation over the phone or in person.

To enroll, please visit:

As a PhD student, you can participate in a voluntary benefits program to purchase Pet Insurance. You can enroll in the program at any time.

Nationwide pet insurance helps you cover veterinary expenses so you can provide your pets with the best care possible without worrying about the cost.

For more information and to enroll into pet insurance, please visit:

As a PhD student, you can participate in a voluntary benefits program to purchase Identity Protection. You can enroll in the program at any time.

With Allstate Identity Protection Pro Plus, you’ll get access to: identity and credit monitoring, dark web monitoring, social medical reputation monitoring, financial threshold monitoring, digital wallet storage and monitoring, data breach notification, and more.

For more information and to enroll, please visit:

PhD students are eligible to be reimbursed for bus passes purchased through the MTA All Access College Program or through the U-Pass program. PhDs can be reimbursed for 2 passes at one time. Each pass is valid for 31 days. Reimbursement for passes will be processed through concur and must be submitted within 90 days of payment.

PhDs must opt-in to have their information shared with the MTA / U-Pass for discounted bus passes. To Opt-In, PhDs must complete this form.

To submit your receipt to Concur, please visit: . Prior to submitting a reimbursement in Concur, you must gather the required information to complete the reimbursement request, including the cost object number from your department or program. Your department or program is required to provide guidance on using Concur.

PhDs in full-time resident status will receive child subsidies of $4,500 per child per fiscal year for eligible children under the age of six (6) or $3,000 per child aged six (6) to eighteen (18), with a maximum of $12,000 per family per year.

Must be eligible dependents under the Student Health Benefits Plan (SHBP).

PhDs with adult dependents as defined by Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code will qualify for this benefit at a rate of $3,000 per dependent per fiscal year.

Under Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code and IRS guidance, a tax dependent is defined as either a “qualifying child” or a “qualifying relative”.  Detailed definitions and requirements for each are found in IRS Publication 501 . To be deemed a “qualifying relative,” four requirements must be met: (i) the individual cannot be a “qualifying child”; (ii) the individual must be a member of your household or meet certain relationship tests; (iii) the individual must meet the gross income test (for 2024, the individual cannot earn more than $4,700 in gross income); and (iv) you must meet the support test. If at any time during the calendar year the individual was your spouse, then they cannot be your qualifying relative.

The subsidies will be paid in installments over the course of the fiscal year.

To apply for the PhD Dependent Subsidy, please complete the online application.

At the end of the application, you will be required to upload copies of your dependent verification documents (child’s birth certificate or passport that shows their date of birth, copy of J-2 visa with dependents name and date of birth, or copy of marriage certificate with spouse’s name and date of birth). Please upload dependent verification documents here .

Student Health & Well-Being (SHWB) Primary Care consists of three clinic locations (Homewood, East Baltimore, and Washington DC) that provide a variety of medical services for the evaluation and treatment of an illness or injury, preventive health care and health education to the Johns Hopkins University student and trainee population. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit: Primary Care (

Mental Health Services supports the diverse community of Johns Hopkins University students and trainees through the provision of accessible, high-quality and compassionate mental healthcare resources. We are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice and prioritize these values in our approach to clinical care as well as every aspect of the work we do. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit: Mental Health Services (

Employees in full-time resident status who become parents (including through birth, adoption, foster care placement, court order, or surrogacy) are eligible for up to eight (8) weeks of parental leave from their work activities following the birth or adoption/placement event if any. Employees in full-time resident status who give birth are eligible for an additional four (4) weeks of parental leave following the birth of their child. Parental leave will be paid in accordance with the employee’s appointment at the time of the leave, but will not extend any appointment or require the University to provide an appointment that an employee would not otherwise receive.

For academic accommodations for a new child please see the policy: New Child Accommodations for Full Time Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Trainees (

The following benefits are administered by JHU Benefits & WorkLife.

Locate Search Child Care by the Maryland Family Network   (eligible at any time)

Child Care Voucher Program (eligible as of the date of appointment, application required annually)

Child Care Scholarships to JHU Partner Centers (eligible as of the date of appointment, application required annually)

Backup Care by Care@Work   (eligible as of the date of appointment)

Please contact 410-516-2000, [email protected] or [email protected] if you have questions about these programs.

Insider's guide: PhD requirements in USA for international students

Insider's guide: PhD requirements in USA for international students

Pursuing a PhD in the United States can be a life-changing experience for international students looking to enhance their academic qualifications, advance their careers, and expand their horizons. However, before embarking on this journey, it's important to understand the requirements and expectations of the US doctoral education system.

In this article, we'll delve into the essential PhD requirements in the USA for international students, covering academic qualifications, English language proficiency, standardised tests, funding, and visa procedures.

Table of Contents

Academic qualifications, english language proficiency, standardised tests, visa procedures, frequently asked questions.

Academic qualifications are an important requirement for international students seeking to pursue a PhD in the USA. Students are typically required to hold a bachelor's or master's degree from a recognised university, with a strong academic record and relevant coursework.

The specific academic qualifications required for admission to PhD programs can vary depending on the university and program. Some programs may require a bachelor's degree in a specific field, while others may accept students with a bachelor's degree in a related field. Some programs may also require a master's degree, while others may allow students to earn a master's degree as part of the PhD program.

In addition to the degree requirements, international students may be required to provide official transcripts and diplomas from all institutions attended, as well as a course-by-course evaluation of their academic credentials from a recognised credential evaluation service.

It is also important for international students to have relevant coursework and research experience in their field of study. PhD programs in the USA typically require students to conduct independent research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their field. Therefore, having a strong academic background and relevant research experience can increase a student's chances of being admitted to a PhD program.

International students should carefully review the academic qualifications required for each program they are interested in and ensure that they meet the requirements. If their qualifications do not meet the requirements, they may need to take additional coursework or earn a higher degree before applying to PhD programs.

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English language proficiency is also one of the essential PhD requirements in USA for international students. The ability to communicate effectively in English is crucial to succeed in academic and professional settings in the US.

Most universities require international students to demonstrate their proficiency in English by taking an English language proficiency exam. The most commonly accepted exams are the TOEFL, IELTS.

The minimum scores required for admission to PhD programs can vary depending on the university and program. Typically, a minimum score of 80 on the TOEFL or 6.5 on the IELTS is required, but some programs may require higher scores.

In addition to the TOEFL or IELTS, some universities may accept other English language proficiency exams, such as the PTE Academic or the Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) exam.

Also read: PhD Scholarship for Pakistani Students

Standardised tests are an important requirement for international students seeking to pursue a PhD in the USA. Standardised tests are used to assess an applicant's academic abilities and potential for success in a PhD program. The most commonly required standardised tests for PhD programs in the USA include the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT).

The GRE is a standardised test that assesses a student's verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing skills. The test is typically required for admission to graduate programs in a wide range of disciplines, including science, engineering, social sciences, and humanities.

The GMAT is a standardised test that assesses a student's analytical writing, integrated reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and verbal reasoning skills. The test is typically required for admission to graduate programs in business and management.

The minimum scores required for admission to PhD programs can vary depending on the university and program. Typically, a minimum score in the 50th percentile or higher is required for the GRE, while a minimum score of 600 or higher is required for the GMAT.

The specific standardised tests required for admission to PhD programs can vary depending on the university and program. Some programs may require the GRE or GMAT, while others may require a different test, such as the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) for programs in the health sciences.

Funding can be a critical consideration for international students pursuing a PhD in the USA. Pursuing a PhD in the USA can be quite expensive, with tuition and living expenses often exceeding $50,000 per year. While federal financial aid is not available to international students, there are a variety of funding options that may be available to help cover the cost of tuition, living expenses , and research-related expenses.

One common source of funding for PhD students is through teaching or research assistantships. These positions typically provide a stipend or salary in exchange for work done in support of the department or faculty member providing the funding. Assistantship opportunities can be competitive, but they can provide valuable experience and financial support for students throughout their program.

Scholarships and fellowships can also be a valuable source of funding for international students pursuing a PhD in the USA. These awards may be offered by the university, private foundations, or other organisations, and can cover some or all of the cost of tuition and living expenses.

International students may also be eligible for funding from their home country or through external sources such as grants or fellowships. It's important for students to research these opportunities and understand any restrictions or requirements that may apply.

Finally, some students may choose to fund their PhD program through personal savings or by taking out student loans. While these options can provide flexibility in terms of funding, it's important for students to carefully consider the long-term financial implications of taking on debt to fund their education.

Also read: PhD in USA without GRE

The visa application process is an important step for international students seeking to pursue a PhD in the USA. International students who are accepted into a PhD program in the USA will typically need to obtain an F-1 student visa.

To begin the visa application process, students will need to provide proof of acceptance into a program, typically in the form of an acceptance letter from the university. In addition, students will need to demonstrate proof of financial support to cover the cost of tuition and living expenses in the USA. This can be done by providing bank statements or other documentation showing that the student or their sponsor has sufficient funds to cover these costs.

Once the initial documentation has been submitted, students will need to complete the DS-160 form, pay the visa application fee, and schedule an appointment at a US embassy or consulate in their home country. During the appointment, students will need to provide biometric data (such as fingerprints) and participate in an interview with a consular officer. The interview is an important part of the visa application process and can be a deciding factor in whether the student is approved for the visa.

It's important for international students to begin the visa application process well in advance of the start of their PhD program, as it can take several weeks or even months to complete all of the necessary steps. Students should also consult with the international student office at their university for guidance and support throughout the process.

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Pursuing a PhD in the USA as an international student can be a challenging and rewarding experience. While the requirements for admission can be rigorous, they are designed to ensure that students have the academic qualifications, language proficiency, and aptitude needed to succeed in a doctoral program. With careful planning and research, international students can find funding opportunities and navigate the visa application process to achieve their academic and professional goals.

What is the typical academic qualification required for international students to apply to PhD programs in the USA?

International students are typically required to hold a bachelor's or master's degree from a recognised university, with a strong academic record and relevant coursework.

Do international students need to take the GRE or GMAT to apply to PhD programs in the USA?

Yes, in many cases international students are required to take the GRE or GMAT as part of the application process for PhD programs in the USA. The specific requirements can vary depending on the university and program.

Are there any language proficiency tests required for international students to apply to PhD programs in the USA?

Yes, international students whose native language is not English may be required to take an English language proficiency test, such as the TOEFL or IELTS, as part of the application process for PhD programs in the USA.

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  • Best Online Doctoral Programs

Best Online Doctoral Programs Of 2024

Liz Simmons

Published: Apr 23, 2024, 1:42pm

The best online doctoral programs offer flexibility and convenience that can make it easier for you to pursue an advanced degree, often while working full time.

Earning a doctorate can help you advance to the highest roles in your field and increase your salary potential. It’s also a chance for you to gain an advanced understanding of impactful issues and develop the skills to generate new ideas, solve problems and create meaningful change.

Below, learn about the best online doctoral programs in a variety of fields, including social work, psychology, education and nursing.

Why You Can Trust Forbes Advisor Education

Forbes Advisor’s education editors are committed to producing unbiased rankings and informative articles covering online colleges, tech bootcamps and career paths. Our ranking methodologies use data from the National Center for Education Statistics , education providers, and reputable educational and professional organizations. An advisory board of educators and other subject matter experts reviews and verifies our content to bring you trustworthy, up-to-date information. Advertisers do not influence our rankings or editorial content.

  • 6,290 accredited, nonprofit colleges and universities analyzed nationwide
  • 52 reputable tech bootcamp providers evaluated for our rankings
  • All content is fact-checked and updated on an annual basis
  • Rankings undergo five rounds of fact-checking
  • Only 7.12% of all colleges, universities and bootcamp providers we consider are awarded

Our Methodology

We ranked accredited, nonprofit colleges offering online doctoral degree programs in the U.S. using metrics in the categories of student experience, credibility, student outcomes and affordability. We pulled data for these categories from reliable resources such as the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System ; private, third-party data sources; and individual school and program websites.

We scored schools based on the following data points:

Student Experience:

  • Student-to-faculty ratio
  • Socioeconomic diversity
  • Availability of online coursework
  • Total number of graduate assistants
  • Portion of graduate students enrolled in at least some distance education


  • Fully accredited
  • Programmatic accreditation status
  • Nonprofit status

Student Outcomes:

  • Overall graduation rate
  • Median earnings 10 years after graduation


  • In-state graduate student tuition and fees
  • Alternative tuition plans offered
  • Median federal student loan debt
  • Student loan default rate

We chose the best schools to display in 10 categories of doctoral degrees.

Find our full list of methodologies here .

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Degree Finder

Best online doctoral program options.

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Should You Enroll in an Online Ph.D. Program or Doctorate?

Accreditation for online doctoral degrees, how to find the right online doctorate for you, frequently asked questions (faqs) about online ph.d. programs and doctorates.

  • Best online Psy.D.: Rivier University
  • Best online Doctor of Nursing Practice: University of Central Florida
  • Best online Doctor of Business Administration: Walsh College
  • Best online doctorate in physical therapy: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
  • Best online doctorate in education: Johns Hopkins University
  • Best online Ph.D. in organizational leadership: Indiana Wesleyan University
  • Best online Ph.D. in counseling: Concordia University-Irvine
  • Best online Doctor of Social Work: University of Southern California
  • Best online Ph.D. in public administration: West Chester University of Pennsylvania
  • Best online doctorate in educational leadership: Fairfield University

Featured Online Schools

Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial credit and much more by clicking 'Visit Site'

Best Online Psy.D.

Rivier university.

Rivier University

Program Tuition Rate


Percentage of Grad Students Enrolled in Distance Education

Overall Graduation Rate

Located in Nashua, New Hampshire, Rivier University offers a hybrid Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) with a limited number of online classes. The American Psychology Association-accredited program focuses on school psychology and counseling and prepares you to work as a psychologist in various environments. You’ll learn clinical diagnosis, assessment, prevention and intervention skills.

Students must attend full time and can work no more than 20 hours per week. It takes a minimum of five years to graduate.

  • Our Flexibility Rating: Learn on a set schedule
  • School Type: Private
  • Application Fee: $100
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 60-130 credits
  • Program Enrollment Options: Full-time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Fundamentals of research, group counseling
  • Concentrations Available: N/A
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, includes a 2,000-hour internship and at least six practicum experiences

Best Doctor of Nursing Practice

University of central florida.

University of Central Florida

$372/credit (in-state)

At University of Central Florida (UCF), practicing nurses can earn a Doctor of Nursing Practice. The advanced track program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and prepares nurses for clinical leadership roles in the field.

Coursework explores clinical management, communication skills and epidemiology principles. You’ll develop research and practice skills, learn to improve healthcare systems, develop health policy and analyze data to improve individual and population health.

  • Our Flexibility Rating: Learn around your 9-to-5
  • School Type: Public
  • Application Fee: $30
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 42 credits
  • Program Enrollment Options: Part-time, full-time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Healthcare systems and policy, nursing environment management
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, includes clinical hours (but all coursework is available online)

Best Doctor of Business Administration

Walsh college.

Walsh College


You can earn an online Doctor of Business Administration from Walsh College in Troy, Michigan. The part-time, online program includes asynchronous coursework and real-time Zoom classes, as well as optional opportunities to interact on campus. You can develop advanced business knowledge and skills to become a business leader or consultant.

In addition to coursework, you must pass a preliminary exam and complete a 15-credit dissertation process. The program requires students to graduate within seven years.

  • Application Fee: $50
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 60 credits
  • Program Enrollment Options: Part-time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Foundations for business success, qualitative and exploratory research methods
  • In-Person Requirements: No

Best Doctorate in Physical Therapy

Texas tech university health sciences center.

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

$265/credit (in-state)

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center designed its hybrid Doctor of Science in physical therapy to help practicing physical therapists advance their careers. The post-professional 36-credit program takes four to five years to complete part time.

The flexible format makes it possible for students to keep working while attending school. Learners attend weekend lectures and labs at the Lubbock, Texas, campus. During the week, they supplement their in-person instruction with online assignments.

  • Application Fee: $75
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 36 credits
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Medical screening for rehabilitation sciences, motor control in orthopedics
  • Concentrations Available: Research track, teaching track
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes

Best Online Doctorate in Education

Johns hopkins university.

Johns Hopkins University


Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland offers an online Ed.D. The part-time degree takes four years to complete and explores topics like the social determinants of education, entrepreneurship and technology.

You can customize the degree by choosing electives that align with your professional interests and by selecting one or more “areas of interest,” such as urban leadership or digital age learning and educational technology. Applicants need a master’s degree with at least 36 graduate credits to qualify for the program.

  • Application Fee: $80
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 54 credits
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Approaches to urban education, partnerships and community organizing
  • Concentrations Available: Creativity, advanced learning, and twice exceptionality; digital age learning and educational technology; entrepreneurial leadership in education; mind, brain, and teaching; urban leadership

Best Online Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership

Indiana wesleyan university.

Indiana Wesleyan University


Located in Marion, Indiana Wesleyan University offers an online Ph.D. in organizational leadership that can prepare you to become an effective leader in as few as four years. The program focuses on inclusion, multiculturalism and international perspectives and develops research, presentation and executive skills.

You must attend an in-person residency during the July session, but the rest of the program takes place online and offers flexibility for working professionals. The school’s tuition guarantee locks in your tuition rate when you start the program.

  • Application Fee: Free
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Advanced leadership theory, statistical research design
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, includes an in-person residency

Best Online Ph.D. in Counseling

Concordia university – irvine.

Concordia University – Irvine


Concordia University – Irvine in Irvine, California, is a Christian institution that offers a “biblically informed” online Ph.D. in counselor education and supervision from its Townsend Institute. Designed for licensed mental health professionals, the degree develops advanced skills and prepares you for leadership roles in counseling, teaching and advocacy.

The accelerated program takes three to four years to complete. It requires two in-person residencies and a total of 700 hours of internship and practicum field experiences. In addition to coursework, you must complete a culminating 12-credit dissertation that includes original counseling research and a successful oral defense.

  • Program Enrollment Options: Accelerated
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Advanced counseling and career theories, advanced multicultural issues in counselor education and supervision
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, requires two in-person residencies, a practicum and an internship

Best Online Doctor of Social Work

University of southern california.

University of Southern California


University of Southern California ‘s online Doctor of Social Work from the Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work emphasizes the importance of scholarship and practice in the field. Created for experienced social work professionals, the program can help you become a leader working toward social change and innovation.

The program offers a seven-semester accelerated track and a standard nine-semester option. In a capstone experience, learners research and create a prototype that addresses a current problem in social work.

  • Application Fee: $90
  • Program Enrollment Options: Accelerated, full-time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Leading public discourse, financial management for social change

Best Online Ph.D. in Public Administration

West chester university of pennsylvania.

West Chester University of Pennsylvania

$645/credit (in-state)

West Chester University of Pennsylvania ’s online Doctor of Public Administration can prepare you for high-level roles in public affairs and administration. The program is offered by the College of Business and Public Management, accredited by Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, and the Department of Public Policy and Administration, accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration.

The curriculum explores strategic management, policy advocacy and decision-making in the public sector. The dissertation allows you to complete an applied research project. You can take electives and choose a concentration from multiple departments, including psychology, graduate social work and criminal justice.

  • Degree Credit Requirements: 45 credits
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Strategic public sector management and governance, research design for program and policy evaluation
  • Concentrations Available: Options from multiple departments

Best Online Doctorate in Educational Leadership

Fairfield university.

Fairfield University


At Fairfield University in Fairfield, Connecticut, you can earn an online, low-residency Doctor of Education in educational leadership. The program offers two tracks: teacher leader for certified working educators or higher education administration for higher education professionals.

Students enroll in the cohort-style program in the fall and graduate in three years by taking six credits per semester. Learners can build community during two one-week summer residencies. Applicants need a master’s degree in a relevant field and a minimum 3.0 GPA.

  • Our Flexibility Rating: Learn on your schedule
  • Application Fee: $65
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 57
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Action research for educational change, framing and critical analysis of problems of practice
  • Concentrations Available: Teacher leader, higher education administration
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, requires two one-week residencies

An online Ph.D. program or doctorate can offer many compelling features for students, but it might not be the right choice for everyone. Consider the questions below when deciding whether to pursue your doctorate online or in person.

  • What type of schedule do you need? Online programs typically offer more flexibility that appeals to students who work full time or have personal responsibilities to fit around their school schedule. Online degrees allow learners to pursue higher education without putting their career on hold. This is especially true for programs that offer asynchronous coursework that students complete on their own time.
  • What learning style works best for you? Do you work well independently and with a lot of freedom? If so, an online doctorate might be a good fit for you. If you think you’d prefer the camaraderie of an in-person cohort graduate program and structured opportunities to interact with instructors, an on-campus or hybrid program might suit you better.
  • How does the program format affect your budget? Online programs can help you save on tuition, housing and transportation costs. For example, many public schools allow you to pay the same tuition, regardless of where you live. However, you might miss funding opportunities typically reserved for on-campus students, such as graduate teaching assistantships, research assistantships and fellowships.

The U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) approve accrediting agencies that give schools institutional accreditation in the U.S.

Institutional accreditation means that a university has met minimum quality requirements related to its academics, financial management, faculty and staff, and student resources and services. To qualify for federal financial aid, you must attend an accredited college.

Programmatic accreditation is a separate process that gives special recognition to individual degrees, programs or departments within a university. Depending on your field, you might need a programmatically accredited degree to get a job or qualify for professional licenses or certifications.

You can search for a prospective school’s accreditation status on CHEA’s website .

Consider Your Future Goals

An online doctorate has the potential to help you achieve your career aspirations. However, not every program in your field will necessarily align with your goals. Before you choose an online doctorate program, think about your post-graduation plans.

For example, some online doctorate programs require professional experience through an internship or a practicum. This type of hands-on learning can help you develop your expertise and professional network. But these experiences usually take place in person and can be hard to fit into your schedule if you’re working full time.

You should also consider if you need a specific license or certification to get the job you want. If so, research the credential’s requirements to learn if your degree needs to meet certain criteria. For example, you may need to complete an accredited program or complete supervised clinical hours.

Understand Your Expenses and Financing Options

Tuition rates for online doctoral programs in our guide vary significantly, from $265 to $2,137 per credit. Most programs required 42 to 60 credits, with some exceptions. In total, the degrees ranked on our list cost between $9,540 and $113,400.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics , grad students at private, nonprofit schools paid an average tuition of $20,408 in 2022–23, while public school tuition cost $11,554 per year. Doctorate programs typically take at least three years to complete, putting total costs between $34,662 and $61,224.

Find funding for your online Ph.D. by filling out the FAFSA®, which can connect you with scholarships, grants and student loans. Many schools also provide funding to graduate students through scholarships, grants and fellowships.

Can you do a Ph.D. fully online?

Yes, many schools offer fully online Ph.D. programs. However, depending on the program and the field of study, you may need to complete on-campus residencies or field experiences like internships or practicums that take place in person.

What is the fastest Ph.D. to get online?

Program length for online Ph.D. programs varies depending on your field of study. You might be able to find some accelerated online Ph.D. programs that you can finish in less than two years. However, the best online doctoral programs on our list take at least three years to complete.

Are online doctoral degrees respected?

An online doctoral degree from an accredited university can provide the same rigorous education and training as a comparable on-campus program. If you’re concerned about whether or not your degree will be respected, consider doing some research about the way that your field or profession tends to view online doctoral degrees.

What is the best online school for a Ph.D.?

The best online school for a Ph.D. depends on your field of study, personal interests and career goals. Make sure that any prospective online school is institutionally accredited. Depending on the degree you want to pursue, it might also be important to find a program with separate programmatic accreditation.

Liz Simmons

Liz Simmons has been writing for various online publications about career development, higher education and college affordability for nearly a decade. Her articles demystify the college application process and help prospective students figure out how to choose a major or career path.

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PhD in the USA for Indian Students | Specialisations & More

  • Universities in USA

Updated on 15 April, 2024

upGrad Abroad Team

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upGrad Abroad Team

A PhD program from the United States of America is recognized worldwide as a prestigious doctoral degree that speaks of the applicant’s research and academic excellence. PhD in the USA for Indian students, especially from the top-ranked universities, enables research of high-quality and consequently brighter career prospects.

 However, admission to PhD programs in the USA can be quite competitive. Indian students must meet all the eligibility requirements as set by the university’s admission panel. As far as PhD in the USA for Indian students’ cost is concerned, tuition waivers are granted to most of them, and a stipend is disbursed during the entire duration of the course.

Study and Settle in the USA – Fix a Free Appointment Now

But what are the other benefits of pursuing a doctoral degree from the USA? Let us learn:

Table of Contents

Why study phd in the usa, popular phd specializations in the usa:, listed below are some of the reputed universities that offer fully-funded phd programs –, career opportunities after phd in the usa:, eligibility for phd in the usa for indian students.

 Here are the main reasons why a PhD in the USA for Indian students is beneficial:

●       Flexible structure: The PhD curriculum in the USA is flexibly designed so that the students get ample time to understand the fundamentals of the subject before commencing the research work.

●       Scholarship and financial aids: PhD students in the USA can apply for financial grants with guaranteed fee waivers. Not only this but the meritorious PhD students can also qualify to receive a fixed stipend during the course.

●       World-class universities: A PhD program from a globally ranked university in the USA has its perks. The prestigious universities in the USA are known for innovation, research, academic excellence, and a plethora of post-study opportunities. The globally recognized universities like Stanford University, Harvard University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology offer fully-funded PhD programs.

●       Research and innovation: In terms of research and innovation, the USA is the world leader. A PhD fellow can research with a trained professional to gain work experience and opportunities. It helps in broadening the depth of their knowledge and skills. The USA’s PhD curriculum and research facilities produce some of the most known research professionals every year.

●       Student life: The country has an open, multicultural environment that benefits international students. In the USA, the education system is very flexible. The universities allow students to participate in various extracurricular activities actively.

●       Career opportunities: Upon finishing the research degree, one can explore varied career opportunities such as positions in academia, adviser to policymakers, business consultant, entrepreneurs, or anything they may want.

· PhD in Statistics

· PhD in Accounting and Finance

· PhD in Aerospace Engineering

· PhD in Management

· PhD in Public Health

· PhD in Mathematical Modelling

· PhD in Applied Linguistics

· PhD in Psychology

· PhD in STEM Education

· PhD in History

· PhD in Microbiology

· PhD in Computer Science

· PhD in Astronomy

Cost of PhD in the USA for Indian students

The cost of studying for a PhD in the USA for an Indian student can range between $28,000 to $40,000 (INR 20,97,999 – INR 29,97,142) per year. However, a big portion of the tuition fee may be waived off for deserving students.

The fee structure for private and public sector universities varies, with the latter being almost free. PhDs can be funded either by national research councils or by universities themselves.

On the other hand, private universities can be more expensive unless applicants qualify for a scholarship or funding opportunity.

Public institution fees: Public universities grant up to 100% funding options to deserving students. Some of the top public universities like Stanford University and Harvard University offer complete funding to PhD students. The funding is done for the first five years of the PhD program, after which the students need to search for external funding sources if they haven’t been able to complete the course. 

Private institution fees: The average fees charged by private institutions ranges between $28,000 – $40,000 (INR 20,97,999 – INR 29,97,142) per year for a PhD program in the USA. The private universities do have funding options, but only for meritorious students. Private universities do not offer 100% funding for PhD programs.

● California Institute of Technology

● Harvard University

● Stanford University

● Yale University

● University of California

● University of Michigan

● Massachusetts Institute of Technology

● Rice University

A PhD degree holder can opt for the below-mentioned career opportunities as per their field of study-:

● College professor

● Management consultancy, finance, or aeronautics

● Scientists

● Medical research centres

● Data analytics

● Analyst in chemical research centres and laboratories

● Head of the service in geological centres

● Head of the department

● Assistant professor

● Clinical care

● Psychologist

● Senior web developer

● Patent lawyer

● Chemical engineering, patents, or food technology

● Publishing

● Event management and digital marketing

● Pharmaceuticals, genomics, or clinical care

● Medical scientist

● Accountancy, data science, or consultancy

● Public sector

● Science communication

● Construction manager

● Mineral surveying

● Law official

● Administrative officer

● Hospital administrator

● Advisory positions in government sectors

● Civil service

● Content production

● Senior editor

● Investment banking

● Public engagement and officer

● Social worker

● Public health officer

● Epidemiologist

● Technical writing

 A good academic record: The minimum academic qualification for PhD programs in the USA is a full-time master’s degree. Applicants need to have exceptional academic grades in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The requirement of marks will vary from one university to another, depending upon the rank and specialization.

Work experience: Academic projects, internships, and training records are important for PhD aspirants. Applicants with industry exposure and work experience are usually given preference. You will need to show your work experience certificates during admission. 

Documents: As per the USA government, every student applying for PhD in the country needs to present original documents. The list includes transcripts, application form, fee payment slip, letter of recommendation, visa, passport, internship documents, statement of purpose, and a detailed curriculum vitae.

English language proficiency test: To get admission into PhD courses, the American education system and immigration services need a valid English language proficiency test score. The non-native English-speaking students need to take an IELTS or TOEFL examination to prove their English language skills.

Statement of Purpose: A Statement of purpose (SOP) is an important document required by the admissions committee to filter applicants. It reflects the purpose and goals of a PhD student in a unique manner. There are chances that many students may have the same degrees and scores, but the SOP will be unique for all.

Letter of Recommendation: Letter of recommendation (LOR) is an independent assessment of the applicant’s potential. Universities require a minimum of two letters of recommendation.

Standardized test scores: Apart from the English language proficiency test, applicants need to take other standardized entrance examinations for PhD programs. GRE or GMAT scores are important to pursue PhD programs in the USA.

Interested to Study In USA? Apply for Free Counselling

We are a dedicated team of study-abroad experts, ensuring intensive research and comprehensive information in each of our blogs. With every piece written, we aim at simplifying the overseas education process for all. Our diverse experience as journalists, content writers, editors, content strategists, and marketers helps create the most relevant and authentic blogs for our readers.

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10. Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE: ET )

Number of Hedge Fund Investors: 32

Wolfe Research thinks pipeline company Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE:ET) is one of the best stocks to own for a Trump presidency.

Mizuho also added the stock to its top picks list and gave an Outperform rating. The firm set a $20 price target on the stock, saying Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE:ET) improved leverage outlook should allow more aggressive capital return beyond the current 3- 5% distribution growth rate.

Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE:ET) has an over 7% dividend yield. During the first quarter, the company saw revenue growth of a whopping 13.9% year-over-year. Gross margin increased from 17.7% to 18% year-over-year, while the operating margin expanded from 10.86% to 11%. Cash flow from operations jumped from $3.35 billion to $3.78 billion over the same period.

Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE:ET) is being pitched as an AI stock in the energy industry as the rise of data centers will increase energy demand, helping ET. According to an estimate, gas demand for electricity to run data centers is expected to increase by a whopping 8 billion cubic feet a day by 2030.

Last month, Bank of America published a list of stocks poised to benefit from the electrification theme of future technology, driven by AI, data centers and push for electrification. BofA picked Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE:ET) for this theme under the oil and gas category.

Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE:ET) remains one of the most notable players in the industry. During the March quarter, all segments of ET grew, with net income and adjusted EBITDA increasing by 11% and 13% on a YoY basis, respectively. Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE:ET) saw record volumes in its crude pipeline segment.

Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE:ET) bulls also argue that just 10% of ET business is exposed to the volatile commodities sector.  Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE:ET) has also raised its full-year 2024 adjusted EBITDA guidance. Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE:ET) expects the metric to total in the range of $15.0 billion and $15.3 billion, compared to the previous range of between $14.5 billion and $14.8 billion.

Energy Transfer LP Unit’s (NYSE:ET) earnings are expected to grow 13% next year and 15% over the next five years on a per-annum basis. The stock’s forward P/E of 9.42 is still lower than the industry median 11.88, which makes the stock undervalued given Energy Transfer LP Unit’s (NYSE:ET) growth projections.

Silver Beech Capital made the following regarding Energy Transfer LP (NYSE:ET) in its fourth quarter 2023 investor letter:

Energy Transfer LP  (NYSE:ET) owns and operates the largest and most balanced collection of energy infrastructure assets in the United States. ET’s assets include 125,000 miles of oil and natural gas pipelines, export facilities on both the Gulf Coast and East Coast, and more than 1 million barrels per day of natural gas liquid fractionation capacity. ET accounts for 20% of worldwide natural gas liquid exports. Further, ET is uniquely connected to every major hydrocarbon basin in the United States. By assembling energy infrastructure to gather, process, transport, and store hydrocarbons, ET connects exploration and production companies (“E&Ps”) with downstream end users such as gas stations, utilities, and export facilities. As an end-to-end midstream solution, ET enables its customers to focus on their portion of the value chain without the burden of significant but essential midstream logistics. ET’s services thus add tremendous value to all constituents of the energy marketplace. Though natural gas is a relatively clean source of fuel, restrictive federal and state regulations and other permissions severely restrict the building of natural gas pipelines and other infrastructure in North America that would help facilitate abundant hydrocarbon production. Pipelines are by far the cheapest and greenest method of transporting hydrocarbons; pipelines reduce emissions from truck transport and reduce congestion on highways, rail, and shipping routes

9. Dow Inc (NYSE: DOW )

Number of Hedge Fund Investors: 35

Wolfe Research believes Dow Inc (NYSE:DOW) is one of the stocks that can benefit if Donald Trump comes to power.

Dow Inc (NYSE:DOW) is one of the biggest chemical companies in the world. The company operates in three segments: Packing & Specialty Plastics, Intermediates & Infrastructure and Materials & Coatings. The stock is down about 7% so far this year as pricing headwinds, unfavorable environment amid elevated interest rates and lower volumes continue to take a toll on business. But analysts believe the stock is poised for growth in the long term, especially after the interest rate cycle begins. Dow Inc (NYSE:DOW) is expected to deliver about $2 billion in EBITDA growth by 2026. Dow’s business is exposed to market cycles and interest rates. Dow Inc (NYSE:DOW) thrived when interest rates fell to near-zero levels in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Amid unfavorable environment Dow’s management has been cutting costs and improving efficiency. Dow Inc (NYSE:DOW) recently decided to sell its flexible packaging laminating business to Arkema for $150 million.

Dow Inc (NYSE:DOW) has about $3.7 billion in cash and equivalents, up from $2.98 billion at the end of 2023. Over the past 12 months free cash flow came in at $2 billion, while cash from operations in $5 billion.

Dow Inc (NYSE:DOW) has a dividend yield of over 5%, and management is confident it can continue to deliver strong shareholder value, which shows the company has visibility on improvement in the future. During Q1 earnings call , Dow’s CEO Jim Fitterling said:

Over the past five years, we have worked hard to improve our balance sheet, to improve cash-flow conversion and to build a more resilient company that maintains consistent discipline. This was demonstrated when we delivered $12.4 billion in peak EBITDA in 2021, higher than any other timeframe in Dow’s history. This has created the opportunity for us to invest strategically at the bottom of the cycle for long-term profitable growth. And as implementation of our growth strategy increases our underlying EBITDA, we will continue to target at least 65% of operating net income to shareholders as we move up the next peak. This means at least 45% in dividends and 20% in share buybacks.

8. Halliburton Company (NYSE: HAL )

Number of Hedge Fund Investors: 38

Wolfe Research believes oil services company Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) could be the potential winner if Donald Trump comes to the White House. Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL)  bulls believe the company is set to benefit from the increase in activity in the energy industry. Halliburton’s moat when compared to peers like Schlumberger and Baker Hughes is its strong market share in North America. As of 2023, North America accounted for about 45% of its total revenue, compared with 20% for Schlumberger and 26% for Baker Hughes. However, Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) believes the rise of shale and frac operations could boost its business prospects in the long term.

The company believes West Africa and the North Sea could be areas of strength in 2025 and beyond. Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) is also expanding into offshore operations, artificial lift systems, and production chemicals in addition to hydraulic fracturing. Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) ZEUS platform is also gaining popularity. It integrates electrification, automation, and subsurface diagnostics to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency. Another significant development is Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL)  SmartFleet fracture monitoring system, an automated solution for real-time subsurface measurement.

Average analyst price estimate on the stock is $47, which presents a 42% upside potential from the current levels.

Carillon Eagle Mid Cap Growth Fund stated the following regarding Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) in its fourth quarter 2023 investor letter:

“ Halliburton Company  (NYSE:HAL) provides equipment and services to the global energy industry. The company’s shares underperformed during the quarter, largely due to downward pressure on crude oil and natural gas prices. Despite this recent move, ongoing discipline among North American shale producers could continue supporting relatively healthy activity growth at current commodity price levels, which should provide stability to service providers such as Haliburton. The company is also poised to benefit from the ongoing, multi-year international and offshore upstream investment cycle that is less dependent on short-term swings in commodity prices.”

7. Nucor Corp (NYSE: NUE )

Number of Hedge Fund Investors: 39

With over 50 years of consecutive dividend increases, steel company Nucor Corp (NYSE:NUE) is one of the best stocks that can benefit from a Trump presidency, according to Wolfe Research. Nucor Corp (NYSE:NUE) has been on an acquisition spree lately, expanding into new growth areas. In April, Nucor Corp (NYSE:NUE) bought data center infrastructure firm Southwest Data Products, Inc. (SWDP) for $115 million.

With the deal Nucor Corp (NYSE:NUE) entered the AI infrastructure market where specific solutions to maintain cool temperatures at data centers are in high demand. To address this market, Nucor Corp (NYSE:NUE) is creating a dedicated group.

Amid a decline in construction activity and pricing headwinds, Nucor Corp (NYSE:NUE)  gave a weak guidance and the stock is down about 12% so far. However, analysts believe this has created a strong buying opportunity for long-term investors. Its forward P/E is 14, lower than industry median of 15

Wall Street expects the stock’s price to reach $174 over the next 12 months, which is about 14% higher than the current levels.

Since Nucor Corp (NYSE:NUE)  is more exposed to non-residential construction activity and depends on government projects, its interest rate sensitivity is lower. Analysts expect the stock to benefit from the rise in government infrastructure spending. Nucor Corp (NYSE:NUE)  expects 5-8 million tons of incremental steel demand over each of the next four to five years due to the CHIPS Act, Inflation Reduction Act, and Bipartisan Infrastructure bill.

6. Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ: COIN )

Number of Hedge Fund Investors: 48

Wolfe Research thinks Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ:COIN) is one of the beneficiaries of a possible Trump presidency.

As regulators approve crypto ETFs and Bitcoin continues to gain ground, cryptocurrencies are seeing wide acceptability and moving beyond the stage when they were disregarded as something speculative. Being one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world, Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ:COIN) is positioned well to benefit from the growth of crypto. During the first quarter Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ:COIN) revenue doubled year over year to roughly $1.59 billion, driven by transactional revenue, subscription revenue and fees.

EPS estimate for Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ:COIN)  this year is $7.24 per share, representing an astonishing 1,856.73% year-over-year growth. In contrast, the sector median growth is a mere 3.42%. However, Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ:COIN) valuation has been a concern for many. The stock’s forward P/E is 31. Given Wall Street’s revenue growth estimate of just 0.70% for next year and earnings growth estimate of -36%, this valuation is high. Analysts also believe the popularity of crypto ETFs and retail investors embracing trading platforms like Robinhood does not bode well for Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ:COIN)  since investors would prefer to directly invest in crypto ETFs and currencies instead of investing in Coinbase stock.

Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ:COIN)  is a promising play for those with a higher-risk appetite. However, for those who want to avoid the roller-coaster ride of crypto volatility, the stock might not be a good choice.

Patient Capital Opportunity Equity Strategy stated the following regarding Coinbase Global, Inc. (NASDAQ:COIN) in its first quarter 2024 investor letter :

“This quarter we benefited from our exposure in the cryptocurrency space. The approval of 11 new spot Bitcoin ETFs dramatically opened Bitcoin to new investors for the first time. Investors’ interest was material, with assets under management growing to $55B over a single quarter.  Coinbase Global, Inc.  (NASDAQ:COIN) was a beneficiary of these events as we believe it is building the foundation of the crypto-ecosystem. We continue to believe COIN has the potential to be the platform for crypto as it has continued to widen its moat by investing throughout the most recent crypto winter.”

5. Emerson Electric Co (NYSE: EMR )

Number of Hedge Fund Investors: 53

Wolfe Research identified Emerson Electric Co (NYSE:EMR) as one of the stocks that can be potential winners if Donald Trump wins the upcoming election. Deutsche Bank recently increased its price target on the stock $138 from $123. Emerson Electric Co (NYSE:EMR) focus on industrial automation and software has been one of the biggest growth catalysts. Emerson Electric Co (NYSE:EMR) software controls business is also growing.  In the latest reported quarter Emerson Electric Co (NYSE:EMR) Software & Control segment saw a 14% year-over-year revenue growth, while the AspenTech business grew by 21%. Emerson Electric Co (NYSE:EMR) focus on automation and software gives it an edge over peers as it’s no longer competing with them in legacy markets.

Emerson Electric Co (NYSE:EMR) also holds an above-average market share in the LNG market. The emerging hydrogen infrastructure is also a significant opportunity as capital projects expand from chemical and fertilizer industries to others. The power sector remains strong as utilities continue upgrading grid management and automation capabilities, areas where Emerson Electric Co (NYSE:EMR) excels, and are incorporating more solar and wind energy. Emerson Electric Co (NYSE:EMR) has highlighted a strong pipeline in nuclear power, with 55 new plants planned by 2030.

NYSE:C NYSE:ET NYSE:EMR NYSE:DOW NYSE:UNH NYSE:NUE NYSE:HAL Headline NYSE:LNG NASDAQ:LIN NASDAQ:COIN Daily Newsletter Dow Inc. (NYSE:DOW) Nucor Corp (NYSE:NUE) Linde plc (NASDAQ:LIN) Citigroup Inc. (NYSE:C) Cheniere Energy Inc (NYSE:LNG) Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR) Energy Transfer LP Unit (NYSE:ET) UnitedHealth Group Inc. (NYSE:UNH) Coinbase Global Inc. (NASDAQ:COIN) 10 Best Restaurant Stocks to Buy Today Forget AMC and Gamestop: 10 New Stocks Reddit's WallStreetBets Is Buying Analyst Says These 10 Stocks Can Benefit if Donald Trump Wins US Election 2024 Show more... Show less

phd benefits in usa

AI Fire Sale: Insider Monkey’s #1 AI Stock Pick Is On A Steep Discount

Published on june 30, 2024 at by inan dogan, phd.

Artificial intelligence is the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime. The time to invest in groundbreaking AI is now, and this stock is a steal!

The whispers are turning into roars.

Artificial intelligence isn’t science fiction anymore.

It’s the revolution reshaping every industry on the planet.

From driverless cars to medical breakthroughs, AI is on the cusp of a global explosion, and savvy investors stand to reap the rewards.

Here’s why this is the prime moment to jump on the AI bandwagon:

Exponential Growth on the Horizon: Forget linear growth – AI is poised for a hockey stick trajectory.

Imagine every sector, from healthcare to finance, infused with superhuman intelligence.

We’re talking disease prediction, hyper-personalized marketing, and automated logistics that streamline everything.

This isn’t a maybe – it’s an inevitability.

Early investors will be the ones positioned to ride the wave of this technological tsunami.

Ground Floor Opportunity: Remember the early days of the internet?

Those who saw the potential of tech giants back then are sitting pretty today.

AI is at a similar inflection point.

We’re not talking about established players – we’re talking about nimble startups with groundbreaking ideas and the potential to become the next Google or Amazon.

This is your chance to get in before the rockets take off!

Disruption is the New Name of the Game: Let’s face it, complacency breeds stagnation.

AI is the ultimate disruptor, and it’s shaking the foundations of traditional industries.

The companies that embrace AI will thrive, while the dinosaurs clinging to outdated methods will be left in the dust.

As an investor, you want to be on the side of the winners, and AI is the winning ticket.

The Talent Pool is Overflowing: The world’s brightest minds are flocking to AI.

From computer scientists to mathematicians, the next generation of innovators is pouring its energy into this field.

This influx of talent guarantees a constant stream of groundbreaking ideas and rapid advancements.

By investing in AI, you’re essentially backing the future.

The future is powered by artificial intelligence, and the time to invest is NOW.

Don’t be a spectator in this technological revolution.

Dive into the AI gold rush and watch your portfolio soar alongside the brightest minds of our generation.

This isn’t just about making money – it’s about being part of the future.

So, buckle up and get ready for the ride of your investment life!

Act Now and Unlock a Potential 10,000% Return: This AI Stock is a Diamond in the Rough (But Our Help is Key!)

The AI revolution is upon us, and savvy investors stand to make a fortune.

But with so many choices, how do you find the hidden gem – the company poised for explosive growth?

That’s where our expertise comes in.

We’ve got the answer, but there’s a twist…

Imagine an AI company so groundbreaking, so far ahead of the curve, that even if its stock price quadrupled today , it would still be considered ridiculously cheap.

That’s the potential you’re looking at. This isn’t just about a decent return – we’re talking about a 10,000% gain over the next decade!

Our research team has identified a hidden gem – an AI company with cutting-edge technology, massive potential, and a current stock price that screams opportunity.

This company boasts the most advanced technology in the AI sector, putting them leagues ahead of competitors.

It’s like having a race car on a go-kart track.

They have a strong possibility of cornering entire markets, becoming the undisputed leader in their field.

Here’s the catch (it’s a good one): To uncover this sleeping giant, you’ll need our exclusive intel.

We want to make sure none of our valued readers miss out on this groundbreaking opportunity!

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Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! Subscribe now and take control of your AI investment future!

A New Dawn is Coming to U.S. Stocks

Published on may 2, 2024 at by insider monkey staff.

I work for one of the largest independent financial publishers in the world – representing over 1 million people in 148 countries.

We’re independently funding today’s broadcast to address something on the mind of every investor in America right now…

Should I put my money in Artificial Intelligence?

Here to answer that for us… and give away his No. 1 free AI recommendation… is 50-year Wall Street titan, Marc Chaikin.

Marc’s been a trader, stockbroker, and analyst. He was the head of the options department at a major brokerage firm and is a sought-after expert for CNBC, Fox Business, Barron’s, and Yahoo! Finance…

But what Marc’s most known for is his award-winning stock-rating system. Which determines whether a stock could shoot sky-high in the next three to six months… or come crashing down.

That’s why Marc’s work appears in every Bloomberg and Reuters terminal on the planet…

And is still used by hundreds of banks, hedge funds, and brokerages to track the billions of dollars flowing in and out of stocks each day.

He’s used this system to survive nine bear markets… create three new indices for the Nasdaq… and even predict the brutal bear market of 2022, 90 days in advance.

Click to continue reading…

A bridge from undergraduate to graduate studies

Post-baccalaureate program help students transition to the next academic level.

Five SEAS post-baccalaureate students with staff members Edward Alexander, Kathryn Hollar and Paula Nicole Booke

Five SEAS post-baccalaureate students with staff members Edward Alexander, Kathryn Hollar and Paula Nicole Booke

The graduate and undergraduate student experience isn’t the same. Undergraduates spend the majority of their four years in classrooms. But for graduate students — especially those pursuing PhDs in engineering and applied sciences — most of the work is in the lab.

The focus on laboratory research can make pursuing advanced degrees feel daunting for some students.

“I’d always had a love for math, science and experimentation, but when COVID happened, they shut down the school, so I wasn’t able to do any hands-on experiments, “ said Shekinah Newson.

After graduating in 2021, Newson joined the inaugural cohort of post-baccalaureate students at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). The post-baccalaureate program , offered through the SEAS Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging and Office of Education Outreach and Community Programs, acts as a bridge from undergraduate to graduate school. The program allows students to gain laboratory research experience with SEAS faculty, while continuing to take courses that will prepare them for their graduate studies.

Post-baccalaureate students typically stay for 1-2 years, but have the option to stay on for a third.  So far six students have completed the program, five of whom have gone onto graduate school.

“I’m super glad I did it, because now I’ve honed in the research skills that I started to develop as an undergraduate,” said Maggie Vallejo, a former environmental science and engineering undergraduate concentrator at SEAS. “I definitely think more like a researcher, and I better understand that research isn’t linear.”

Vallejo’s undergraduate advisor was Jim Anderson, Philip S. Weld Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry, and she returned to the Anderson Research Group for her post-baccalaureate studies. Her senior capstone project involved predicting power losses in solar cells aboard stratospheric aircraft, and as a post-baccalaureate researcher, she transitioned to analyzing lithium-ion battery cell performance.

Harvard SEAS post-baccalaureate student Maggie Vallejo in the lab of Jim Anderson

Post-baccalaureate student Maggie Vallejo in the lab of Jim Anderson, Philip S. Weld Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry

“During the application process, I made sure Professor Anderson was OK with me just staying in his lab,” she said. “I was interested in the work I was already doing, and I knew the people in the lab, so I figured why not just stay.”

Vallejo spent both years of her program with the same professor, but that isn’t required. The program is meant to help students focus their academic goals, and sometimes that focus clarifies that the lab a student started in isn’t exactly what they want moving forward. Dawn Bordenave, another member of the inaugural cohort, spent each of her first two years in different labs before settling into the lab of Joanna Aizenberg, Amy Smith Berylson Professor of Materials Science and Professor of Chemistry & Chemical Biology.

Bordenave is part of Aizenberg’s research into the improvement of ventricular catheter design for treatment of hydrocephalus, a potentially deadly disorder in which fluid builds up in the cavities deep within the human brain. Her specific part of the project is to develop low-cost methods of constructing the catheter in the lab, making it much easier to physically test new designs before beginning clinical trials.

“After spending time in other labs, I realized that I wanted to do something different that was a little closer to my goal of designing medical devices,” Bordenave said. “The program is very flexible. If the research, lab or mentor you start off with isn’t close to what you want and you want to change, that’s definitely an option. The Aizenberg Lab was the best fit for me.”

Newson, who completed the program last month, worked in the Harvard Biodesign Lab, led by Conor Walsh, Paul A. Maeder Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences, as well as the lab of Michael Brenner, Michael F. Cronin Professor of Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics and Professor of Physics. With Walsh, she worked on the soft robotics toolkit, an educational package for teaching robotics to younger students. With Brenner, she helped developed a non-invasive method to measure range of motion

“This innovative educational resource empowers people to learn about robotics through engaging, hands-on activities,” Newson said. “To be able to build a toolkit that allows a child to both play and learn at the same time is amazing. I wish I had something like that when I was growing up.”

Newson, Bordenave and Vallejo will all be leaving SEAS for graduate programs at other universities. Newson will pursue a master’s degree in robotics at Boston University, and Bordenave and Vallejo are both heading to Cornell University: Bordenave for a master’s degree in biomedical engineering, Vallejo for an M.S./Ph.D. program in civil and environmental engineering.

“It was fantastic having Shekinah as part of our research group,” Walsh said. “She got involved in a number of projects, including one focused on using soft robotics in education and STEM outreach. It is very exciting that she will be going on to do an MS in robotics at BU as a next step. Her passion for learning and growing her engineering skill set has been a great example for us all.”

Eva Langenbrunner joined the program last fall and will be back to work in the Harvard Microrobotics Lab, led by Robert Wood, Harry Lewis and Marlyn McGrath Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences. She’s developing materials that can fold into origami-like shapes using soft robotic actuators.

“Post-baccalaureates programs are really great because they teach you how to be a successful grad student,” she said. “The program goes over how to properly write research articles, which is something no one in undergrad teaches you how to do, but then you get to grad school and they expect you to know it. The biggest thing I learned here was how to structure a research project from beginning to end.”

Harvard SEAS post-baccalaureate student Katie Barajas working in the lab of professor Marko Lončar

Post-baccalaureate student Katie Barajas working in the lab of Marko Lončar, Tiantsai Lin Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics at SEAS

Langenbrunner will be joined by new post-baccalaureate Jonathan Chinana, a Navajo Technical University (NTU) graduate who first came to SEAS for the Research Experience for Undergraduates program in the summer of 2022 . Michael Nelwood, another NTU graduate, finished his post-baccalaureate studies in the lab of Jennifer Lewis, Hansjörg Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering. He’s now working as a lab tech in the Lewis Lab.

Katie Barajas has spent the last two years with the Harvard Quantum Initiative, working in the lab of Marko Lončar, Tiantsai Lin Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics. She’ll continue with the Lončar Group as an applied physics Ph.D. student this fall. Her research focuses on the fabrication of nanostructures in specially lab-grown diamonds. These diamonds have a silicon atom implanted in place of two carbon atoms. These defects are called “silicon vacancy centers,” and they could potentially be used to transmit information in a quantum computer.

“It wasn’t until late in my undergrad career that I learned about the field of quantum optics. If I wanted to pursue a degree in that field, I needed more research experience,” she said. “That persuaded me to do the post-baccalaureate program. I’m in a much better place than when I was coming out of undergrad. This program has given me the confidence to say I can be a scientist and pursue scientific research, and that’s a testament to the people I’ve worked with.”

Topics: Academics , Applied Physics , Bioengineering , Diversity / Inclusion , Environmental Science & Engineering , Materials Science & Mechanical Engineering , Optics / Photonics , Quantum Engineering , Robotics

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Who is JD Vance? Things to know about Donald Trump’s pick for vice president

Donald Trump announced that Sen. JD Vance, (R) Ohio, will be his running mate and vice-presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election.


Donald Trump says Ohio Sen. JD Vance will be his vice presidential pick. (AP video by Mike Householder/production Ao Gao)


Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, and his wife Usha Chilukuri Vance arrive on the floor during the first day of the 2024 Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum, Monday, July 15, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

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Delegates hold a sign with ‘Vance” written in as Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, arrives on the floor during the first day of the 2024 Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum, Monday, July 15, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance arrives with his wife Usha Chilukuri Vance at the Republican National Convention Monday, July 15, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)


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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Former President Donald Trump on Monday chose U.S. Sen. JD Vance of Ohio to be his running mate as he looks to return to the White House.

Here are some things to know about Vance, a 39-year-old Republican now in his first term in the Senate:

Vance rose to prominence with the memoir ‘Hillbilly Elegy’

Vance was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio. He joined the Marines and served in Iraq, and later earned degrees from Ohio State University and Yale Law School. He also worked as a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley.

Vance made a name for himself with his memoir, the 2016 bestseller “Hillbilly Elegy ,” which was published as Trump was first running for president. The book earned Vance a reputation as someone who could help explain the maverick New York businessman’s appeal in middle America, especially among the working class, rural white voters who helped Trump win the presidency.

“Hillbilly Elegy” also introduced Vance to the Trump family. Donald Trump Jr. loved the book and knew of Vance when he went to launch his political career. The two hit it off and have remained friends.

He was first elected to public office in 2022

After Donald Trump won the 2016 election, Vance returned to his native Ohio and set up an anti-opioid charity . He also took to the lecture circuit and was a favored guest at Republican Lincoln Day dinners where his personal story — including the hardship Vance endured because of his mother’s drug addiction — resonated.


Vance’s appearances were opportunities to sell his ideas for fixing the country and helped lay the groundwork for entering politics in 2021 , when he sought the Senate seat vacated by Republican Rob Portman, who retired.

What to know about the 2024 Election

  • Democracy: American democracy has overcome big stress tests since 2020. More challenges lie ahead in 2024.
  • AP’s Role: The Associated Press is the most trusted source of information on election night, with a history of accuracy dating to 1848. Learn more.
  • We want to hear from you : Did the attempted assassination on former president Donald Trump change your perspective on politics in America?
  • Read the latest: Follow AP’s live coverage of this year’s election .

Trump endorsed Vance. Vance went on to win a crowded Republican primary and the general election.

He and Trump have personal chemistry

Personal relationships are extremely important to the former president and he and Vance have developed a strong rapport over years, speaking on the phone regularly.

Trump has also complimented Vance’s beard, saying he “looks like a young Abraham Lincoln.”

Vance went from never-Trumper to fierce ally

Vance was a “never Trump” Republican in 2016. He called Trump “dangerous” and “unfit” for office. Vance, whose wife, lawyer Usha Chilukuri Vance, is Indian American and the mother of their three children, also criticized Trump’s racist rhetoric, saying he could be “America’s Hitler.”

But by the time Vance met Trump in 2021, he had reversed his opinion, citing Trump’s accomplishments as president. Both men downplayed Vance’s past scathing criticism.

Once elected, Vance became a fierce Trump ally on Capitol Hill, unceasingly defending Trump’s policies and behavior .

He is a leading conservative voice

Kevin Roberts, president of the conservative Heritage Foundation, called Vance a leading voice for the conservative movement, on key issues including a shift away from interventionist foreign policy, free market economics and “American culture writ large.”

Democrats call him an extremist, citing provocative positions Vance has taken but sometimes later amended. Vance signaled support for a national 15-week abortion ban during his Senate run, for instance, then softened that stance once Ohio voters overwhelmingly backed a 2023 abortion rights amendment.

He is married to a lawyer who was a Supreme Court clerk

Vance met his wife, Usha Chilukuri Vance, at Yale, where she received both her undergraduate and law degrees. She spent a year clerking for future Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he served as an appeals court judge in Washington, followed by a year as a law clerk to Chief Justice John Roberts.

She had been a trial lawyer for the Munger, Tolles and Olson law firm. Her law firm announced Monday that she had left the firm.

“Usha has been an excellent lawyer and colleague, and we thank her for her years of work and wish her the best in her future career,” Munger, Tolles & Olson said in a statement.

Vance has adopted Trump’s rhetoric about Jan. 6

On the 2020 election, he said he wouldn’t have certified the results immediately if he had been vice president and said Trump had “a very legitimate grievance.” He has put conditions on honoring the results of the 2024 election that echo Trump’s . A litany of government and outside investigations have not found any election fraud that could have swung the outcome of Trump’s 2020 loss to Democratic President Joe Biden.

In the Senate, Vance sometimes embraces bipartisanship. He and Democratic Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown co-sponsored a railway safety bill following a fiery train derailment in the Ohio village of East Palestine . He’s sponsored legislation extending and increasing funding for Great Lakes restoration, and supported bipartisan legislation boosting workers and families.

Vance can articulate Trump’s vision

People familiar with the vice presidential vetting process said Vance would bring to the GOP ticket debating skills and the ability to articulate Trump’s vision.

Charlie Kirk, founder of the conservative activist group Turning Point USA, said Vance compellingly articulates the America First world view and could help Trump in states he closely lost in 2020, such as Michigan and Wisconsin, that share Ohio’s values, demographics and economy.

Associated Press writers Jill Colvin in Milwaukee and Mark Sherman in Washington contributed to this report.


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Are you looking for an international internship opportunity? Then CSIS Internships 2024 is for you. Applications are open for the CSIS internships 2024 in USA for Fall 2024. This international opportunity is a paid internship in USA. CSIS Paid Internship Program is open to all applicants who are dedicated and motivated. This paid USA internship is a great opportunity for everyone who wants to enhance their skills and increase their knowledge. The paid opportunity in the USA is open to all undergraduate, graduate, or recent graduates. The paid CSIS internship in USA is open to everyone all over the world. Students who are interested in pursuing their careers in international relations, public policy, and related fields are encouraged to apply for the CSIS paid internship.

The CSIS internships are available for international candidates and US citizens. CSIS is an American-based organization that stands for Centre for Strategic and International Studies. It is based on American thinking that examines global issues and produces solutions to the world’s greatest problems. CSIS is a non-profit, public policy research organization with the goal of assisting decision-makers and other interested parties in navigating difficult international issues by offering strategic insights and policy recommendations. An internship with CSIS might be beneficial for people who want to change the world and who want to have real-world experience in public policy and international relations.

This article will help you get complete details about the US-paid internship programs by CSIS. CSIS is a great place to start your career. You can also get some amazing career opportunities after this internship program in USA. Through CSIS, you will get paid for an international internship opportunity. CSIS offers part-time and full-time internships in spring, fall, and summer.  The CSIS does not discriminate against applicants based on their nationality, race, color, sex, or religion. The interns will get a good amount of stipend through this paid internship in the USA, but this amount varies for every internship position.  

The CSIS internships for international students will provide you with a chance to visit US.  Through this CSIS-paid internship, you will learn from one of the leading international organizations. Interns will get international exposure. They will make connections internationally that can also help them in future. Furthermore, this paid internship in USA will be an excellent addition to your professional profile and CV.  CSIS interns will participate in different activities that support programs, including writing, research, and project development. Furthermore, you can also find other paid and fully funded internships on our website. For more details on the paid USA internship, read this article carefully.

More Details About CSIS Internships 2024 in USA:

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  • CSIS provides internships for non-U.S. citizens, but they do not offer visas for interns. Interns must apply for a J1 Visa themselves.


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Ready for the application process for a CSIS-paid internship opportunity in USA ? Before proceeding with the application check the benefits provided under these CSIS internships 2024.

Benefits of the CSIS Internships 2024 in USA:

  • Interns will gain international knowledge, education, and experience.
  • Interns will get an opportunity to polish and enhance their skills.
  • Interns will get a chance to visit and work in USA,
  • Interns will get international networking opportunities.
  • CSIS will also provide a stipend, which is different for every job post.
  • Interns can also get a 10% accommodation discount if they live in WISH (Washington Intern Student Housing).

Required Documents for the CSIS Internships 2024:

  • Writing Samples
  • Cover Letter
  • Transcript (you can also submit unofficial transcripts)

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Application Process:

  • The application process for the CSIS Internships in USA is online.
  • Applicants should follow the Apply Now button given below and select the internship position of their choice .
  • After selecting the position, click on the apply button for that specific position, and you will get an application form.
  • Make sure to read all the details about the specific job post for which you are applying .
  • Fill in the application form and attach all the required documents carefully. Documents should be in doc, htm , docx, rtf, html, pdf, odt, or txt file and it must be less than 10 MB.
  • Make sure to submit your application carefully before closing of the hiring process.

CSIS Internship Application deadline:

There is no last date mentioned for this CSIS-paid internship program. Applications are open until they are hiring interns.

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Temporary Graduate Visa

Australia’s New Immigration Rules 2024| Temporary Graduate Visa & Impact on Students

Table of contents, overview of the new immigration rules, key changes to the temporary graduate visa, benefits and opportunities, impact on international students, criticisms and concerns.

Australia introduces drastic amendments to its Temporary Graduate Visa program, effective July 1, 2024. These reforms are part of a broader overhaul of the country’s immigration system, aimed at better aligning visa streams with educational levels and addressing economic challenges. The changes come amidst efforts to strengthen relations with Southeast Asia through education and skilled labor exchanges. To learn about the recent changes in Australia’s regulations, read this article: New Student Visa | Australia Enforces Regulations.

In response to a post-lockdown surge in migration and a cost-of-living crisis, the Australian government is revising its immigration system. The focus is on updating the Temporary Graduate Visa programs to prioritize younger, skilled labor. These reforms target international students, who make up approximately 42% of temporary visa holders entering the country, reinforcing Australia’s position as a prime destination for higher education.

The Temporary Graduate Visa program, which allows international students to stay and work in Australia after completing their studies, will undergo major changes:

  • Renaming Streams: The Graduate Work stream will be renamed the Post-Vocational Education Workstream, and the Post-Study Work stream will be called the Post-Higher Education Workstream.
  • Age Limits: The maximum age for applicants in the Post-Vocational Education Workstream is reduced to 35 years. However, holders of Hong Kong or British National Overseas passports can apply until age 50.
  • Bachelor’s degree: Up to 2 years
  • Master’s degree: Up to 2 years
  • Master’s by research and doctoral degrees: Up to 3 years
  • Hong Kong or British National Overseas passport holders: Up to 5 years
  • Indian nationals: Stay periods remain unchanged as per the Australian India – Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA).

Temporary Graduate Visa

The revitalized Temporary Graduate Visa has various benefits for the applicant under the program. For instance, it grants the visa holder a chance to remain in Australia after their studies to pursue work opportunities or grow their work experience in their respective field. Moreover, family members, including spouses and children, can be added to the applicant’s visa application, provided they fulfill character and health conditions. Lastly, visa holders have unrestricted work hours, making it easier for them to get meaningful work experience in Australia.

Australia’s prestigious universities, ranked within the top 50 globally, attract many international students, especially from Southeast Asia. The country’s soft power is evident in its ability to host and educate scholars from ASEAN member states. However, the new immigration rules have raised concerns:

  • Financial Burdens: Rising living costs and high accommodation expenses are significant challenges. For instance, on-campus accommodation at the University of Melbourne can cost up to $42,120 per year.
  • Work Restrictions: Despite the opportunity to work unrestricted hours, financial strain remains due to the high cost of living.

The reforms have sparked criticism from various quarters. Sydney University’s postgraduate representative, Weihong Liang, argued that the migration cap should apply moving forward rather than to current students. The high cost of accommodation and living expenses may drive prospective students to consider more affordable study destinations like France and Spain.

Recommendations for Improvement To address these issues, collaborative efforts between the Australian Government and universities are essential. Suggestions include:

  • Expanding Accommodation: Increasing fixed international accommodation on campuses, similar to the UK’s approach of boosting student housing by 40%.
  • Support Systems: Implementing programs to help international students secure award-wage work and easing the financial burden.

In conclusion, the reforms implemented in Australia’s Temporary Graduate Visa indicate the country’s goal of improving the economy by targeting the younger and more skilled generation. Although the reformed visa program idea has numerous positive aspects, it also comes with some stakes to the international students who would want to take advantage of the opportunity. The expanded needs require a comprehensive plan on how to support the international students and provide them with affordable accommodation and utilities to compete with other countries offering international students opportunities to enroll in their universities and colleges. Consequently, the Temporary Graduate Visa reform is a better way to cushion the massive labour needs of the country with the prevailing economic realities.

  • What changes has Australia made to the Temporary Graduate Visa? Australia overhauls immigration system, The new changes to the Temporary Graduate Visa will be applicable from July 1, 2024.
  • What are the new age limits for the Temporary Graduate Visa programs in Australia? The new age limit for the Post-Vocational Education Workstream is 35 years, down from 50. However, holders of Hong Kong or British National Overseas passports can apply until age 50.
  • What are the benefits of the new Temporary Graduate Visa programs for international students? The new Temporary Graduate Visa programs have several benefits, including longer stay durations, the chance to add family members to visa applications, and the freedom to work full-time in any work sector. As a result, more international students will be able to develop their careers in Australia.acey.
  • In what ways do these changes in the Temporary Graduate Visa affect currently enrolled international students in Australia? However, currently enrolled international students’ challenges may include acclimatization to age restrictions to be enforced, time period students can stay in Australia, as well as new Australia migration reform, particularly the cost of living in the cities including accommodation expenses.

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    One of the key benefits of a PhD is that it opens doors to careers at the highest levels. This can include leadership positions in science and engineering, government roles in economics and political science, and prestigious teaching posts for English and arts majors.

  2. PhD in USA

    A PhD in USA takes 5-6 years, costs between $12-45k per year and has a different structure to UK and EU PhDs. Find out if a US PhD is for you!

  3. What Is a PhD? (With Pros and Cons of Earning One)

    What Is a PhD? (With Pros and Cons of Earning One) A Ph.D., or a doctor of philosophy, is an advanced degree that academics and professionals can pursue if they want to become experts in a particular field. As with all formal education, there can be several benefits and drawbacks to pursuing them depending on a person's career goals.

  4. Doctor of Philosophy

    The PhD programs advance scientific discovery by training and supporting students doing in-depth research that solves the world's biggest public health challenges. At the forefront of efforts to benefit the health of people worldwide, the School offers students the opportunity to join in shaping new ideas in public health and implementing them effectively. PhD students benefit from ...

  5. The Pros and Cons of Getting a PhD

    Discover the benefits of a PhD, potential drawbacks and the impact on your personal/professional life, so you can make an informed decision.

  6. PhD Funding in the USA

    Our guide to PhD funding in the USA has information on fully-funded PhD scholarships, as well as other funding options for international and domestic students.

  7. Studying a PhD in The USA

    1. PhD course length. The total length of a PhD in the USA is between 4-8 years for full-time students and 8-10 years for part-time students, depending on your field of study. PhDs can be completed in 4-5 years for students with a masters degree in an appropriate subject. Students typically dedicate 1-4 years on coursework, followed by 2-4 ...

  8. Study in the USA: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    Everything an international student needs to study a PhD in United States. Finding a university, how to apply, tuition fees, living costs and more.

  9. PhD Study in the USA

    Detailed guides to PhD study in the USA. Our guides have information on universities, courses, funding, student visas and life during a PhD in USA.

  10. PhD Programs

    Students in the Business Economics program are both Economics and Business school students, receiving the benefits of a PhD from Harvard's world-class Economics Department along with specialized access to Harvard Business School faculty and resources.

  11. 3 Great Reasons for International Students to Take a PhD in the US

    In the US, PhD candidates are also part of the university staff, joining as a teaching assistant, research assistant, or adjunct instructor. Yet, as a PhD candidate in the US, you're primarily a student who is enrolled to meet the university's requirements (sometimes set by the state) for the doctoral degree.

  12. The Pros and Cons of Getting a PhD

    The joy of learning. If you pick a field that you enjoy (which is always advisable) the love of the pursuit will be enough. Cons of Getting a PhD : A PhD won't necessarily help you get a job, unless it is research related that is. Living, breathing, and thinking of nothing but your field of study for a prolonged period of time can make you ...

  13. Why Should I Do a PhD in US?

    In addition, the USA has an affinity for research; this can also be why Ph.D. scholars land themselves acquiring thriving and well-paying jobs. Upgrade Skills. Pursuing a Ph.D. in the USA benefits or is concerned with making you a scholar and an all-rounder capable of succeeding wherever you go globally.

  14. The Advantages Of Getting A PhD In 2024

    Some of the best benefits of getting a PhD are career advancement, increased earning potential, personal growth, networking opportunities, access to advanced research & much more!

  15. PhD in Population Health Sciences

    The PhD in population health sciences is a four-year program based at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in the world-renowned Longwood Medical Area of Boston, Massachusetts. The degree will prepare you to apply diverse approaches to solving difficult public health research issues in your choice of one of five primary fields of study ...

  16. The Benefits of Having a PhD

    Keen to understand the benefits that come from having a PhD? We'll cover all of those benefits to help you decide if a PhD is right for you.

  17. PhD in USA: Fees 2024, Top Colleges, Placements & Salaries

    A PhD in USA is a 3 to 6 year full time program offered in popular specializations such as Engineering, Applied Sciences, Computer Science, and Management.

  18. Doctor of Philosophy in Education

    Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides you with full access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University and prepares you to assume meaningful roles as university faculty, researchers, senior-level education leaders, and policymakers.

  19. Doing PhD in US: Pros and Cons

    Cons of Getting a PH.D. from the USA: Increased Stress and Frustration: Teachers here in the USA and all over the world expect you to give your 100% effort. You should opt for a PH.D. degree only if you are very sure about it. The journey is long and tiring, and it isn't easy at all.

  20. PhD Benefits Overview

    PhD Dependent Subsidy. PhDs in full-time resident status will receive child subsidies of $4,500 per child per fiscal year for eligible children under the age of six (6) or $3,000 per child aged six (6) to eighteen (18), with a maximum of $12,000 per family per year. Must be eligible dependents under the Student Health Benefits Plan (SHBP).

  21. Insider's guide: PhD requirements in USA for international students

    Our guide covers all the essential PhD requirements in USA for international students, from academic qualifications and English language proficiency to standardised tests and visa procedures.

  22. Best Online Doctoral Programs Of 2024

    The best online doctoral programs offer flexibility and convenience that can make it easier for you to pursue an advanced degree, often while working full time. Earning a doctorate can help you ...

  23. Guide to Doctorate in Psychology Programs

    What Are the Benefits of a Doctorate in Psychology? Check Circle An online doctoral degree in psychology will expand and deepen your clinical and theoretical knowledge.

  24. Phd in the USA for Indian Students : Cost & Opportunities

    A PhD program from the United States of America is recognized worldwide as a prestigious doctoral degree that speaks of the applicant's research and academic excellence. PhD in the USA for Indian students, especially from the top-ranked universities, enables research of high-quality and consequently brighter career prospects.

  25. Analyst Says These 10 Stocks Can Benefit if Donald Trump Wins US

    In this article, we will take a detailed look at the Analyst Says These 10 Stocks Can Benefit if Donald Trump Wins US Election 2024. Wolfe Research said in a note earlier this month that the odds ...

  26. A bridge from undergraduate to graduate studies

    The graduate and undergraduate student experience isn't the same. Undergraduates spend the majority of their four years in classrooms. But for graduate students — especially those pursuing PhDs in engineering and applied sciences — most of the work is in the lab.

  27. Who is JD Vance, Trump's pick for VP?

    Ohio U.S. Sen. JD Vance is a 39-year-old Republican now in his first term in the Senate. He made a name for himself with his memoir, the bestseller "Hillbilly Elegy," which was published in 2016 as Trump was first running for president.

  28. CSIS Internships 2024 in USA

    The paid opportunity in the USA is open to all undergraduate, graduate, or recent graduates. The paid CSIS internship in USA is open to everyone all over the world. ... Benefits of the CSIS Internships 2024 in USA: Interns will gain international knowledge, education, and experience. Interns will get an opportunity to polish and enhance their ...

  29. Australia's New Immigration Rules 2024| Temporary Graduate Visa

    What are the benefits of the new Temporary Graduate Visa programs for international students? The new Temporary Graduate Visa programs have several benefits, including longer stay durations, the chance to add family members to visa applications, and the freedom to work full-time in any work sector.

  30. Join the Saint-Gobain CIMA Finance Graduate Program!

    Saint-Gobain Construction Products is calling YOU to join our exciting 3-year Finance Graduate Program! 🎓💼 ... Benefits in joining us. Comprehensive Training: Develop into a well-rounded Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) with exposure across all aspects of financial management.