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14 entry level human resources (hr) cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these Entry Level Human Resources (HR) cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for Entry Level Human Resources (HR) Roles

Table of contents

  • Entry Level Human Resources (HR)
  • HR Coordinator
  • HR Assistant
  • Human Resources Coordinator
  • HR Generalist
  • Human Resources Generalist
  • Human Resources Assistant
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • Entry Level Human Resources (HR) resume examples

Entry Level Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, highlighting specific accomplishments.

By providing a clear example of an accomplishment during their internship, the writer demonstrates their impact and ability to create positive change in a real-world setting. This helps to showcase their skills and experience in a more tangible way.

Connecting Background to Role

The writer's mention of their background in psychology adds an extra layer of depth to their application, showing that they have a strong foundation for understanding and working with people. This connection makes their application more compelling and unique.

Showcase quantifiable impact

When you mention specific numbers like "reduced employee turnover by 15%", this tells me you understand the importance of measurable results in HR. It suggests that you're not only action-oriented but also focused on achieving tangible outcomes, which is exactly what we need in our HR team.

Highlight relevant skills

By sharing that you managed the HR information system and carried out tasks like updating employee records and coordinating interviews, you're proving you have hands-on experience in key HR operations. You're showing us you can handle the nitty-gritty of HR work, and that's crucial for an entry-level role.

Highlighting Impactful Initiatives

When you bring attention to your past initiatives that led to substantial results like reducing turnover, it says a lot about your understanding of HR processes. It gives me a sense of your capacity for problem-solving and your ability to make a tangible difference.

Demonstrating Alignment with Company Values

By relating your experience to the company's ethos, you're showing me not just that you've done your homework about Google, but also how your professional values align with ours. This makes me feel like you're a cultural fit, besides being a fit skill-wise.

Expressing Personal Drive

Your passion for innovating HR processes is evident here and it's refreshing to see someone who recognizes the importance of employee happiness. This tells me that you're driven by the right motivations and aren't just looking for any job, but a job where you can make a difference.

Showing Genuine Enthusiasm

Your excitement about contributing to the culture at Google feels really genuine. It's clear you're not just seeking a prestigious job at a big company, but are truly passionate about our mission. This kind of enthusiasm is infectious and goes a long way in leaving a positive impression.

Show your enthusiasm for the human resources field

Starting your cover letter by expressing excitement about the company and its HR initiatives catches attention. It demonstrates that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in the role.

Highlight your practical HR experience

Mentioning specific achievements, like improving the onboarding process, shows that you can bring valuable skills to the team. It's important to share results from past experiences to prove your capability.

Demonstrate your passion for workplace improvement

By talking about your passion for creating positive change, you're showing a hiring manager your dedication to the HR field. This personal touch can make your application memorable.

Connect your goals with the company's mission

When you align your career aspirations with the company's goals, it suggests a natural fit. This can convince a hiring manager that you'll stay motivated and engaged in the role.

Close with a strong call to action

Ending your cover letter on a note of anticipation for joining the team can be persuasive. It invites the hiring manager to envision you as part of the company, increasing your chances of getting an interview.

Does writing cover letters feel pointless? Use our AI

Dear Job Seeker, Writing a great cover letter is tough and time-consuming. But every employer asks for one. And if you don't submit one, you'll look like you didn't put enough effort into your application. But here's the good news: our new AI tool can generate a winning cover letter for you in seconds, tailored to each job you apply for. No more staring at a blank page, wondering what to write. Imagine being able to apply to dozens of jobs in the time it used to take you to write one cover letter. With our tool, that's a reality. And more applications mean more chances of landing your dream job. Write me a cover letter It's helped thousands of people speed up their job search. The best part? It's free to try - your first cover letter is on us. Sincerely, The Resume Worded Team

Want to see how the cover letter generator works? See this 30 second video.

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Your direct alignment with the company's goals from the start indicates you're someone who seeks out places where you can be passionate about your work. This is a key trait for thriving in any HR role.

Show your strong HR foundation

Outlining your education and hands-on experience in HR highlights your readiness to hit the ground running. It's crucial for entry-level positions to show not just theoretical knowledge but practical application as well.

Emphasize your impact in previous roles

Detailing specific outcomes, like improving onboarding processes, showcases your ability to directly contribute to a company's efficiency and employee satisfaction. This kind of impact is exactly what hiring managers look for in HR candidates.

Share your motivation for applying

Explaining why you're drawn to the company's culture of innovation and growth underlines that you're not just looking for any job, but a place where you can continually learn and contribute. This shows foresight and ambition.

End with a strong, forward-looking statement

Closing your cover letter by looking forward to a discussion about aligning your skills with the company's needs demonstrates both confidence and a readiness to engage. This proactive approach is well-regarded in potential HR hires.

Show your passion for hr

When you talk about your fascination with HR and how a company's innovative HR technology excites you, it shows me you're not just looking for any job, you're looking for this job.

Quantify your achievements

Discussing how you improved the onboarding process during your internship by a specific percentage makes your contribution tangible and memorable. It signals that you're results-driven.

Align with the company’s goals

Highlighting your interest in data-driven solutions to empower workforce decisions tells me you've done your homework on what we value and see where you can add value.

Show enthusiasm for the role

Expressing genuine excitement about joining our team reassures me of your commitment and passion for contributing to our success, making you a candidate I'd remember.

HR Coordinator Cover Letter Example

Detail your problem-solving skills.

The HR field is all about problem-solving and streamlining processes. When you mention that you coordinated the performance evaluation process and introduced a platform that reduced paperwork by 60%, it illustrates your initiative and problem-solving skills. It's a clear sign that you're somebody who can spot inefficiencies and take steps to address them.

Illustrate your people skills

Your experience in handling employee grievances shows us that you're capable of managing sensitive issues with tact and diplomacy. This is a key skill for any HR professional, and your ability to handle these situations while also improving HR policies and increasing employee satisfaction is a testament to your people skills and ability to deliver positive change.

Show your enthusiasm for the hr coordinator role

When you express excitement for the job and mention your relevant background, it shows you're not just looking for any job but are interested in this specific position. This helps you connect with the hiring manager.

Highlight your hr achievements

Talking about your past success, like improving employee morale, shows you can bring valuable experience and results to the new role. It tells us you're capable of making a positive impact.

Connect with the company's mission

By showing you understand and value the company's focus, like innovation in hr, it makes you stand out as a candidate who has done their homework and sees a future there, not just someone looking for any job.

Ending your letter by thanking the reader and expressing eagerness to discuss your fit for the role further is polite and proactive. It leaves a good impression and encourages a response.

HR Assistant Cover Letter Example

Underscoring key skill development.

This sentence does a great job of showing how your past experience has helped you develop key skills like organization and communication. You're not just listing skills off a checklist, but showing me how you've acquired them and used them effectively.

Exemplifying Commitment to Inclusion

Your dedication to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace shines through here. It's not just about having the right intentions, but about taking action and delivering results, which you've shown you can do.

Linking Skills to Company's Mission

By connecting your skills and passion to Amazon's unique mission and HR practices, you're proving that you've thought about how your abilities can contribute to the company's specific goals. This kind of targeted enthusiasm is very attractive to employers.

Emphasizing Motivation to Contribute

It's great to see your motivation goes beyond just landing a job - you're looking to be part of the future Amazon is shaping. This tells me that you're invested in our company's long-term vision and are eager to have a hand in it.

Human Resources Coordinator Cover Letter Example

Express excitement for the hr coordinator role.

Showing enthusiasm for the position and the company sets a positive tone. It tells me that you're not just looking for any job, but that you're interested in this specific role at this specific company.

Showcase your HR achievements

Describing your contributions to past projects, like optimizing performance review processes, proves your ability to make a real impact. Specific examples of your work help me understand what you can bring to our team.

Focus on your innovative problem-solving skills

Highlighting your interest in leveraging technology to improve HR processes shows that you're forward-thinking. Your ability to find creative solutions is exactly what we need in a human resources coordinator.

End with enthusiasm and readiness to contribute

Your closing statement should make me excited to meet you. By expressing eagerness to bring your skills and experience to the team, you're painting a picture of the positive impact you could have.

Connect personal experiences to your HR passion

Sharing how a volunteer experience shaped your passion for HR makes your motivation clear and genuine. It tells us you understand the real-world impact of good HR practices.

Show your human resources coordinator readiness

Describing specific responsibilities and achievements gives us confidence in your ability to handle the HR Coordinator role. It's impressive when you can quantify your impact.

Highlight why the company attracts you

Mentioning ADP's leadership in HR solutions shows you've done your homework about the company. It suggests you're looking for a place where you can grow and contribute meaningfully.

Link your skills to the job's demands

Detailing your organizational skills and ability to multitask directly responds to the fast-paced nature of the role. This makes it easy to see how you'd fit into the team.

Express eagerness to contribute

Closing with a statement of eagerness to contribute underscores your enthusiasm and readiness to make a positive impact. It leaves a lasting, positive impression.

HR Generalist Cover Letter Example

When you express genuine respect for a company's mission, it shows you're not just looking for any job, but you're interested in this specific role at this specific company. This can make your application stand out.

Demonstrate your HR experience clearly

Specific examples of your past work, like improving the applicant tracking system, show your capability to make real impacts. This makes it easier for hiring managers to see your potential value to their team.

Highlight your achievements in HR

Talking about your successes, such as your role in diversity and inclusion training, proves you're not just doing the job but going beyond expectations. This is particularly appealing in HR roles that require proactive problem-solving.

Express excitement for the role's challenges

Showing enthusiasm for working with a diverse range of clients and tackling complex HR issues demonstrates your readiness for the role. It suggests you're not just looking for a job but a career where you can grow and contribute significantly.

Communicate your fit and eagerness

Concluding with confidence in your fit for the team and eagerness to contribute signals your commitment and readiness to tackle the job head-on. This can make a memorable impression on hiring managers.

Human Resources Generalist Cover Letter Example

Use personal stories to show your hr journey.

Talking about your personal connection to HR through your mother's work adds a relatable and inspiring touch to your motivation. It shows HR is more than a job to you.

Demonstrate impact as a human resources generalist

Highlighting specific achievements and their positive outcomes illustrates your capability to make a significant difference. It's compelling when you can show the results of your initiatives.

Explain your attraction to the company's mission

Sharing your admiration for Insperity's dedication to exceptional HR services signals that your values align with the company's. It indicates you're not just looking for any job, but the right fit.

Match your strengths to the role

Outlining your communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and love for learning suggests you're well-prepared for the challenges of the Generalist position. It paints a picture of a proactive and adaptable candidate.

Show enthusiasm for the role and company

Ending with a note of thanks and eagerness to contribute reinforces your interest in the role and in making a meaningful difference. It wraps up your application on a hopeful and respectful note.

Human Resources Assistant Cover Letter Example

Connect your background to the hr role.

Linking your psychology background and passion for positive work environments to the HR assistant job makes you stand out as a candidate who brings relevant and impactful skills to the table.

Express eagerness to apply knowledge

When you mention looking forward to using what you've learned in a real-world setting, especially at a respected company, it shows initiative and a readiness to contribute from day one.

Demonstrate your dedication

Concluding your cover letter with an expression of eagerness to support the team indicates a strong work ethic and a team-player attitude, traits highly valued in any HR role.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

Cover Letters For Jobs Similar To Entry Level Human Resources (HR) Roles

  • Entry Level Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter Guide
  • Human Resources (HR) Administrator Cover Letter Guide
  • Human Resources Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Human Resources (HR) Business Partner Cover Letter Guide
  • Human Resources Coordinator Cover Letter Guide
  • Human Resources (HR) Generalist Cover Letter Guide
  • Human Resources (HR) Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Human Resources (HR) Recruiter Cover Letter Guide
  • Human Resources Specialist Cover Letter Guide
  • Senior HR Manager & HR Director (Human Resources Director) Cover Letter Guide
  • Senior HR Manager & HR Director (Human Resources Director) Cover Letter Guide
  • Vice President of Human Resources Cover Letter Guide
  • VP of Human Resources (VP HR) Cover Letter Guide

Other Other Cover Letters

  • Business Owner Cover Letter Guide
  • Consultant Cover Letter Guide
  • Correctional Officer Cover Letter Guide
  • Demand Planning Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Executive Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Operations Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Orientation Leader Cover Letter Guide
  • Plant Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Production Planner Cover Letter Guide
  • Recruiter Cover Letter Guide
  • Recruiting Coordinator Cover Letter Guide
  • Site Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Supply Chain Planner Cover Letter Guide
  • Teacher Cover Letter Guide
  • Vice President of Operations Cover Letter Guide

hr cover letter for entry level

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

hr cover letter for entry level

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  • Cover Letter Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
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  • Cover Letter Builder
  • Entry-Level HR

Charlotte Grainger

Entry-Level HR cover letter example

Entry-Level HR cover letter example

Hiring managers are searching for three things in their HR department: professionalism, organization, and reliability. So, when you sit down to write your entry-level HR cover letter, you need to neatly tick each of those boxes. It’s not merely about proving that you can get the job done. No, you need to showcase that you have the personality for the role too. 

Whether you’re hiring and firing or dealing with interoffice conflict, you have to be a master of managing people. Having an approachable, measured personality is a must whether you’re disciplining an employee or telling them they bagged a promotion. For that reason, it’s important that your characteristics shine brightly through your cover letter.

Here at, we help you maximize your chances of landing your next job. Our library of 180+ cover letter examples — and accompanying writing guides — is a clever place to start. In the following writing guide and corresponding entry-level HR cover letter example, we will be covering these core subjects: 

  • How to choose the best format for your entry-level HR cover letter
  • Expert writing tips on how to add a dash of pizzazz to your application
  • What approach to take when dealing with each cover letter section
  • The common mistakes that could lose you that all-important interview

As an Entry-Level HR you hope to judge job applicants, so yours must be impeccable and thorough.

Best format for an entry-level HR cover letter

First up, let’s talk about how you should structure your cover letter. Keep in mind it’s likely an HR professional who read your application. They will expect you to know your stuff — i.e. understand the standardized cover letter format, as follows: 

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting/salutation
  • The cover letter intro
  • The middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • The ending paragraph of your cover letter (conclusion and call-to-action)

Sticking to this structure means that your cover letter will stay on point. You should approach it in a methodical way, dealing with one section at a time. That way, the end result will be a cover letter that flows naturally from one subject to the next. If you want some general advice on how to write a cover letter, you can check out our full guide here.

Dear Ms. Simmonds,

Having recently completed my degree in Human Resource Management, I am looking for my first role in HR. I am seeking a generalist HR role, with my core interest in the areas of recruitment and employer branding.

Having written my dissertation on how an employer’s brand impacts their recruitment operation, I would be delighted to work for Garner. Your consistently high rating on the “Best Places to Work” list is well deserved. I admire how you listen to your employees and act on feedback – your reputation on social media comes from the resultant employee advocacy. With over 80k followers on socials, I would hope to support this trend.

I am keen to gain practical experience in all aspects of HR and recruitment. My internships during university taught me that practice is very different from theory – your training program is world-class and I look forward to soaking up the knowledge. As an HR assistant, I would hope to get involved in the operational aspects of candidate sourcing and recruitment marketing. I am a creative person who always seeks to find bespoke solutions.

During my internship at Ping, I worked on a project to recruit a 50-person team for a new office in Seattle. The time scales were tight and the work demanding. 85% of the team was still with the company after two years and the office beat its budget by 42%. I love how the quality of recruitment (and HR in general) can be measured by employee performance.

I am excited to find out more about the role during a potential interview. Harrison Waverley recommended me for the role – we worked together at Ping.

Jenny Beckworth

Looking for some more inspiration? We’ve got you covered. Take a look at our selection of related cover letter examples below: 

  • HR cover letter sample
  • HR assistant cover letter sample
  • Administrative assistant cover letter example
  • Office assistant cover letter sample
  • Administrative officer cover letter sample
  • Office clerk cover letter example
  • Office manager cover letter example
  • Office administrator cover letter sample
  • HR manager cover letter example

Cover letter header

Now, let’s deal with the red tape. The cover letter header sits at the top of the document. It contains your name, email, and phone number. Sure, it’s not the most exciting part of your application, but it matters. You need to ensure that the hiring manager can contact you. Ensure that this part of the cover letter is clear, easy to read, and stands out. 

Cover letter greeting

The “To whom it may concern” opener is out. That cover letter greeting went out of style along with shoulder pads in the 1980s. Instead, you need to opt for a more personal approach. Show that you’ve done your homework by addressing the hiring manager directly, e.g. “Dear Mr. Alwyn.” Alternatively, you can use the generic “Dear ______ team.”

Cover letter introduction

Now that you’ve said hello to the reader, it’s time to start selling your HR skills. The tone is as important as the content here. You need to let the hiring manager know that you are professional and people-orientated. Adopt a bright and sunny voice to grab their attention.

Find your unique selling proposition (USP)

In the business world, a ‘USP’ is the main thing that sets a product or service apart from its competitors. Put simply, it’s what sells the company to consumers. So, what’s yours?

When you’re writing an application, you’re selling your skills and experience to the reader. What makes you different from other candidates? It might be your excellent people skills or your knack for conflict resolution. Whatever it is, lead with it here.

If you’re having trouble deciding what to write, take a look at the introduction in our cover letter example. 

Cover letter middle part (body)

You’ve got the reader’s attention. The middle paragraphs of cover letters contain the main information you want to share with a hiring manager. Since you’re applying for an entry-level role, chances are that you don’t have a ton of experience. So, focus on the experience that you do have and the crucial lessons you have learned thus far. 

One approach is to include anecdotes about the experiences you’ve had and the results you’ve achieved. For example, you may want to share a quick story about how you onboarded new staff members at your previous job. You don’t want to go over the 300-word mark so be selective in the snippets you decide to use. 

How to close an entry-level HR cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

When you’ve said all there is to say, it’s time to sign off. The closing lines of your cover letter are crucial if you want to make a lasting impression. You could include a quick call to action (CTA), adding that you’re looking forward to the prospect of a formal interview. Leave things on a positive note and channel your inner optimism when concluding. 

Entry-level HR cover letter with no experience

If you’re a complete newcomer to HR, you won’t have much experience to include in your cover letter. However, you can still win over a potential employer by talking about: 

  • Your other work experience (prior roles, voluntary positions, etc.)
  • Your education and what it taught you about HR
  • Why you are passionate about the human resources sector
  • The skills that you already have in tow, and how you learned them
  • Where you see yourself in the future and how that fits with this company

Hiring managers are on the lookout for enthusiastic candidates when filling these roles. Be sure to share your gusto when writing your entry-level HR cover letter. 

Basic mistakes in an entry-level HR application letter (and how to avoid them)

Ready to sign, seal, and deliver your entry-level HR cover letter? To ensure that you’re sending out the right message to the potential employer, avoid these common mistakes: 

  • Spelling and grammar errors. HR professionals send out formal emails, contracts, and letters. If those documents are littered with basic mistakes, it makes the business look shoddy. Show the reader that you have an eye for detail. Make sure you proofread your cover letter before you click that ‘send’ button.
  • A cold and unfriendly tone. Yes, this is a professional document, but that doesn’t mean you should sound like a robot. Make sure you put the ‘human’ in human resources here. Adopt a formal but amicable tone when writing your cover letter.
  • Too much information! If you have had an interesting life or career, you may be tempted to cram your cover letter full of details. Stop and consider what the hiring manager needs to know about you. As a rule, keep the letter to around 300 words.

Key takeaways

  • HR workers are often the face of a business. Show that you can be friendly, professional, and approachable in your cover letter.
  • No time to lose? Take all of the hassle out of creating your application by using one of our field-tested cover letter templates.
  • Tailoring your cover letter to the company at hand is a smart way to get ahead.
  • Leave things on a positive note! Make sure that your approach is optimistic when closing your entry-level HR cover letter.

Free professionally designed templates

Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Jacob Meade

  • Cover Letter Examples
  • How To Write a Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter Text Examples

When writing your human resources (HR) cover letter, focus on how you can help raise staff morale and performance for the organization that posted the job. Also, emphasize your related skills like recruiting, talent development, or conflict resolution.

This guide will help you write a cover letter that gets you interviews for your next job in HR.

Human Resources Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level


How To Write a Human Resources Cover Letter

An effective HR cover letter usually has five sections, outlined below. When possible, connect each section back to the organization and its stated hiring needs. The following advice and examples show how you can use this strategy to optimize your letter for each application.

At the top of the page, include:

  • Your resume contact header, which should give your full name, address , email, phone number, and LinkedIn or other social accounts if applicable
  • The recipient’s name, title, organization, and contact information (when available)

Note: Feel free to add a professional title to your contact header, as in the example below. In many cases, you can copy over the title from your resume profile summary. By including a title, you’ll set a clear focus and show hiring managers that you are among the HR applicants they’re looking for.

John Smith Human Resource Manager | [email protected] | (1654) 739-9183 | 678 Location Rd., San Antonio, TX 78206

February 9, 2024

Julie Jefferson Senior Hiring Officer The People Company (346) 024-7536 [email protected]

2. Salutation

When possible, address your recipient by name – this is the quickest way to show you’re sending a job-specific letter and not a boilerplate. If you can’t find the person’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager” so your greeting is still tailored somewhat to each job opening.

For traditional job applications, end your salutation line with a colon. But consider a comma instead if you know your recipient or the employer has a casual work culture (sometimes revealed by the job posting). In rare cases, you may also trade out the standard “Dear” for a more casual “Greetings,” “Hello,” “Hi,” or even “Good morning.” Use your discretion and take any cues from the job posting or company website.

Dear Ms. Sally Peters,

Dear XYZ Corporation Hiring Manager:

3. “Hook” or introduction

Catch the reader’s attention by starting your letter with a clear example of your success in HR. What’s one key way you’ve helped elevate the employee experience in your career so far? For instance, maybe you recently launched an incentive program that increased engagement and talent retention by a high percentage. Choose a highlight you can then connect to your main strengths and overall candidacy for the advertised HR role.

At ABC Company, I trained a 50-member management team on interviewing techniques, teaching best practices through coaching sessions and group workshops, resulting in successful hiring decisions. Combining my organizational skills with excellent interpersonal abilities, I became an employee leader in my company. I look forward to bringing that same work ethic to XYZ Corporation as an HR generalist.

4. Body paragraph(s)

Use the main section of your cover letter to tell why the job or employer interests you and why you feel you’re a good fit. For example, maybe the role focuses on benefits administration, an area in which you excel. Or perhaps the company values staff training and development, and you’re eager to return to that type of work culture. Consider quoting any text from the job posting that resonates with you. With a targeted approach, you can show the hiring manager you read their job posting and are responding to it directly.

Following this explanation, cite a few more of your skills or achievements , possibly as bullet points.

The key factor that attracted me to the human resource officer role at The Big Company is the firm’s approach to employee well-being, which aims to improve staff retention. I could thrive in such a dedicated and high-performing environment.

If offered a role at The Big Company, I will help take your team’s success rate to even greater heights. My previous accomplishments within the sector include:

  • 45% reduction in company turnover rate as a result of the introduction of employee wellness and incentive programs.
  • 30% speed increase in applicant processing time.

5. Call to action

Finally, request an interview for the position. Consider briefly restating your HR skills and eagerness to advance the organization’s short- and long-term goals. To end your cover letter, use a simple closing like “Sincerely” or “Best regards” and then your name.

I look forward to discussing further how my unique skills and dedication to HR can help your team, and I am available for an interview at your convenience.

Kate Miller

Human Resources Cover Letter Tips

1. keep it concise.

Your cover letter should be short and focused. Even more than the resume (which may have recent non-HR work), center your cover letter on whatever details most qualify you for the job opening at hand. Limit the document to one page (or around 250 words) and resist the urge to tell your whole career story. Give just enough detail to pique hiring managers’ interest so they take a closer look at your resume.

Whenever you can, start your letter by citing any personal or professional connections you have with the hiring manager. If someone at the organization alerted you to the job, use a line like “I was excited to hear from your colleague [Name] about [Company]’s new [title] position.” Or, if you’ve already met your recipient, mention that with a line like “It was great speaking with you at the job fair last week.”

3. Showcase your relevant strengths

Add a short list of bullet points describing your success in other key HR work areas, like new employee onboarding, cost reduction, or succession planning. Use this section to show your talent for helping an employer balance staff interests and business objectives.

Some of my previous successes include:

  • Identifying and implementing payroll software that cut company costs by $5,000 per month.
  • Coordinating a health fair to launch a new employee wellness program and raise awareness regarding employee health.
  • Helping revise new-hire orientation to include a warm welcome and provide critical company resources for onboarding employees.

Human Resources Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

Olivia Jones Human Resources | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | 555 Main St., Cleveland, OH 09876

January 25, 2024

Damon Smith Hiring Manager XYZ Corporation (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Smith,

With my two years of experience as a Human Resources Assistant, I have grown and developed my HR knowledge and abilities. I believe the position of Human Resources Generalist at XYZ Corporation will help further my growth in human resources.

I’d love to speak more with you about my previous successes and how I can make a positive contribution to your company. Please feel free to contact me with a meeting time that works well for you.

Best regards,

Olivia Jones

Kate Miller Human Resource Officer | [email protected] | (134) 634-9789 | 234 Job St., Houston, TX 77022

Sally Peters Senior Hiring Manager The Big Company (934) 304-8264 [email protected]

I am a Human Resource Management graduate with seven years of experience at The Medium Company. During my time at The Medium Company, I implemented a highly successful incentive program, which resulted in a 28% improvement in employee satisfaction. I believe this is a great example of my initiative and the benefits I could bring to The Big Company team.

John Smith Human Resource Manager |  [email protected]  | (1654) 739-9183 | 678 Location Rd., San Antonio, TX 78206

Dear Ms. Jefferson,

In my current position, I implemented a new employee retention plan, which resulted in a 50% reduction in the total employee turnover rate within the company. The retention plan included an employee wellness program, additional staff benefits and an internal promotions program. I believe this is a great example of my success and demonstrates that I could be a great asset to The People Company’s team.

With 12 years of experience in Human Resources and a degree in Human Resource Management, I was drawn to The People Company because of the firm’s impressive employee retention rate and reputation for high-performing staff.

If I were to secure a role at The People Company, I assure you I will bring an even greater rate of success to the team. My previous accomplishments include:

  • Improved employee satisfaction by 28% via an incentive program.
  • Increased the speed of paperwork processing time by 30% in one year.
  • Established new application requirements to increase the quality of interviewees.

I would like to set up an interview to discuss further my capabilities, work experience and the benefits I can bring to The People Company team.

Human Resources Cover Letter Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the most important part of a cover letter -.

Any explanation you give for why the specific job opening or employer interests you. These details distinguish the cover letter from your resume and other application materials and can get you past applicant tracking systems . They also set the stage for a good interview discussion about how you fit the role and the office’s work culture.

What should my cover letter’s design look like? -

Your cover letter’s design should look like your resume’s design. Carry over all of that document’s basic format settings , like font style, line spacing, and page margins.

Is it OK to bold words in a cover letter? -

Yes, but only sparingly. Consider bolding the keywords or brief phrases that start each bullet point as a way to further emphasize your work highlights. But generally avoid having bold text in your body paragraphs, as it’s unnecessary and can distract the hiring manager.

Craft a new cover letter in minutes

Get the attention of hiring managers with a cover letter tailored to every job application.

Jacob Meade headshot

Jacob Meade

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, ACRW)

Jacob Meade is a resume writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience. His writing method centers on understanding and then expressing each person’s unique work history and strengths toward their career goal. Jacob has enjoyed working with jobseekers of all ages and career levels, finding that a clear and focused resume can help people from any walk of life. He is an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) with the Resume Writing Academy, and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

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Entry Level Human Resources Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an entry level human resources cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for entry level human resources, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for entry level human resources, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for entry level human resources, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for entry level human resources, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for entry level human resources, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for entry level human resources.

You should start your Entry Level Human Resources cover letter by addressing the hiring manager directly, if possible. If you don't know their name, use a professional greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager". Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Make sure to express your enthusiasm for the role and the company. For example, "I am excited to apply for the Entry Level Human Resources position at your esteemed organization." Then, briefly mention your qualifications that make you a good fit for the role. This could be your degree, any relevant coursework, internships, or any related volunteer or work experience. Remember, the opening paragraph is your chance to make a strong first impression, so make it engaging and compelling.

The best way for Entry Level Human Resources professionals to end a cover letter is by expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity, reiterating interest in the position, and inviting further discussion. For example, "I am very excited about the possibility of contributing to your team and would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how my skills and experiences align with your needs. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working with you." This ending is professional, shows eagerness, and leaves the door open for further communication. Remember to end with a formal closing such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name.

An entry-level human resources professional should include the following elements in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: At the top of your cover letter, include your full name, address, phone number, and email address. If applicable, also include your LinkedIn profile or professional website. 2. Professional Greeting: Address the hiring manager directly if possible. If you don't know their name, use a professional greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager." 3. Introduction: In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and express your interest in the position. Mention where you found the job posting. 4. Relevant Skills and Experience: In the body of the letter, highlight your relevant skills and experiences that make you a good fit for the role. As an entry-level candidate, you may not have a lot of HR experience, but you can highlight transferable skills from other jobs, internships, or your education. For example, you might mention your strong communication skills, your ability to work in a team, or your experience with conflict resolution. 5. Knowledge about the Company: Show that you've done your research and understand what the company does and what they value. Explain why you're interested in working for them specifically. 6. Enthusiasm for the Role: Express your enthusiasm for the role and the field of human resources. This shows the hiring manager that you're not just looking for any job, but that you're genuinely interested in this particular role and in HR. 7. Closing: In your closing paragraph, thank the hiring manager for considering your application. Reiterate your interest in the role and your eagerness to discuss your qualifications further in an interview. 8. Professional Closing: Close the letter with a professional sign-off such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name. Remember, your cover letter should complement your resume, not duplicate it. It's your chance to tell a story about who you are, why you're interested in HR, and why you'd be a

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Try our ai cover letter generator.

entry level human resources cover letter

Write An Entry-Level Cover Letter (Examples, Tips & Template)

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So, you’re applying to an entry-level job and wondering where a cover letter fits in the application package.

Is an entry-level cover letter a requirement? If so, what should you write in your entry-level cover letter to really improve your employment chances?

Should it be the same as a normal cover letter, or should it include some specific information that can serve an entry-level job? Yeah, there are quite a few questions on the topic—and for good reason. After all, who doesn’t want their application to be as perfect as possible?

In this article, we’re going to teach you everything you need to know about entry-level cover letters. 

  • What’s an Entry-level Cover Letter and Why It Matters
  • Entry-level Cover Letter Format
  • Tips & Examples on Writing an Entry-Level Cover Letter

Entry-level Cover Letter Template

...and more! 

Ready? Let’s dive in!

What Is An Entry-Level Cover Letter?

An entry-level cover letter is a cover letter that you write when you’re applying for an entry-level job. 

As such, you will need to write an entry-level cover letter on these occasions: 

  • As a college senior on a job hunt.
  • As a recent college graduate looking to land his first job.
  • As a professional who has changed industries/career paths.

In any of these cases, an entry-level cover letter is an essential part of the application.

One could even argue that entry-level cover letters are even more beneficial to your resume than your average cover letter.

Here’s why:

As a college senior/graduate or someone changing careers, chances are, your resume might not be that rich in terms of practical work experience.

So, in addition to your resume, your cover letter is your second-best chance to explain why you’re the perfect fit for the job!  

What Should an Entry-Level Cover Letter Include

Before we get into the specifics of writing an entry-level cover letter, let’s go over the basics.

Namely, the format . 

If you don’t know how to properly “set up” your letter, it will end up being disorganized and confusing .

Entry-Level Cover Letter Format

So, what should your entry-level cover letter contain? Here are all the details.

  • Header with contact information. In addition to your name, your contact information should contain your email (a professional email, that is), your phone number, and (optionally) LinkedIn profile. Underneath your contact info comes the date and then the receiver’s information: manager’s name and title, company name, and the company’s street address.
  • Addressing the hiring manager. How you address the cover letter is important. Preferably, you want to include the hiring manager’s name/professional title or the name of the department head doing the hiring.
  • Opening statement. Your opening paragraph should be professional, but at the same time personal and attention-grabbing. The best way to achieve that is by tailoring your introduction to the job application.
  • The body. The body of your entry-level cover letter should consist of 2-3 paragraphs highlighting your skills, accomplishments, and education.
  • Closing paragraph. To end your cover letter, you need a professional closing paragraph. You can mention that you will be following up the cover letter, wrap up anything you couldn’t in the previous paragraphs, or just simply thank the recruiter for their time.
  • Formal salutation. Formal closings include salutations such as “best regards,” “kind regards,” “sincerely,” and “thank you.”

How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter With No Experience (Tips & Examples)

Ready to get into the knits and grits of writing an entry-level cover letter? 

Great! Let’s get to it.

#1. Write a Strong (But Professional) Opening

The first thing you want to do is write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph. 

Recruiters receive hundreds of applications daily, so you can probably imagine how limited their time is. This leaves you with one goal—to make your cover letter worth reading, right from the get-go. 

One thing is for sure, you’ll never achieve this by writing a generic, one-fits-all kind of introduction, like the one below: 

My name is Samantha and I’d like to apply for the Sales Representative entry-level position at your company. I am a recent Marketing graduate, so I believe I would be a great fit for the role.

See, you could use this kind of introduction to apply for any entry-level position in sales. And though it’s not bad, per se, it’s not memorable either. 

Instead, you want your opening paragraph to be custom-made for the entry-level job you’re applying for. Bonus points if you can mention an achievement or two in the opening paragraph to show the recruiter how you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

Here’s what a well-written entry-level cover letter would look like:

My name is Samantha and I’d like to become part of XYZ Inc. by applying my newly acquired marketing knowledge to your Sales Representative position. I am confident that my excellent university results and the practical knowledge gained during my academic internship at Company X, where I was trained in sales, make me the right candidate for the job.

#2. Include Relevant Employee Skills

After you prepare the ground with an attention-grabbing introduction, you should use the body of your cover letter to show exactly how your skills, achievements , and education make you the right fit for the job. 

In light of your limited work experience, your skills are your second-best chance to prove your worth and showcase your strengths. 

Start by listing skills that are relevant to the job by doing the following:  

  • Scan the job description to find what the required skills are for the position. 
  • Explain how your skills can benefit the company. 
  • Optionally, you can mention that you are eager to learn required skills that you may not have to get better at the job. 

For example, an entry-level journalism position may require that you:

  • Know how to apply the AP Stylebook rules
  • Are up to date with media law and ethics
  • Are an effective communicator
  • Can meet deadlines. 

Here’s how you could highlight those skills:

As a recent Journalism and Mass Communication graduate from X University, I am up to date with the 55th Edition of the Associated Press Stylebook and all media law and ethical reporting standards. Being Editor-in-Chief of the university’s newspaper taught me how to be an effective communicator while being in charge of publishing the newspaper each week improved my attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines. 

#3. Do Some Research

Research is one of your best friends when it comes to cover letters, as it can give you valuable information on what the recruiters are looking for in a candidate. 

After thoroughly researching the company’s history, products/services, goals, and even challenges, you can mention exactly how:

  • You fit in the position
  • You stand out from your competition 
  • You can be of use to the company

Say, for example, that you’ve previously worked as a proofreader and you’re now going into magazine editing. After some research, you find out the magazine you’re applying to puts great attention to producing quality content. 

Here’s how you can work that to your advantage: 

I have read the content your magazine produces and I think it’s extremely well-researched, reader-friendly and grammatically correct.

During my 5-year experience as a proofreader, I have mastered editing and writing and I am confident that this experience can further improve your magazine quality. 

#4. Quantify Your Achievements (When Possible)

The best practice, whenever achievements are involved, is to quantify them and back them up with concrete examples. 

Imagine you’re a recruiter and you’re on the fence about two candidates for an entry-level customer service position. They have almost-identical resumes in terms of education and they claim to have customer support experience from past internships.

 So, you jump to their cover letter. This is how each candidate has described their achievements:

Candidate 1

As a Client Services intern, I was required to contact and ask clients for feedback daily, I supported the management team in improving customer services based on clients’ comments and I provided suggestions to teams from other departments to improve overall client satisfaction.

This is not horrible. However, compared with the second candidate’s much more detailed description, it lacks substance. Take a look for yourself. 

Candidate 2 As a Customer Services intern at Company X, I helped raise customer satisfaction by speaking to and collecting our clients’ feedback and working with teams from different departments to address their dissatisfaction and implement relevant suggestions. After one year, we ran a survey that showed customer experience had improved by 50%. This result was backed by a 30% increase in profit within that same year. 

Sure, the first candidate “improved customer services,” but this opens up a lot of questions:

  • How well did they improve the customer services?
  • Over what timeframe?
  • What kind of impact did this have on the company’s bottom line?

The 2nd candidate, though, mentions all this information, and as such, their cover letter is a lot more impactful. 

#5. Highlight Your Education

Your education can very well replace what you lack in work experience when it comes to entry-level jobs. It can convincingly back up your skills and achievements, as well as help you demonstrate some of your strengths. 

Now, when we tell you to highlight your education, we don’t mean mentioning the title of your diploma and calling it a day. 

Instead, what you need to do to reinforce your skills and strengths is to mention relevant group projects and classwork, extracurricular activities and school clubs, published work, or independent research. 

Highlighting your education can be just as effective if you’re changing career paths. 

Did you take classes on your newly-found passion when you were in college? Or maybe you got to practice it as part of a club. No matter the case, make sure to highlight it, as this is exactly the part of your education that will make a difference in your cover letter. 

Now, let’s say you’re a college senior thinking ahead and looking for a graphic design job for when you graduate. To improve your chances of getting that entry-level job, here’s how you can highlight your education: 

My passion for visually communicating a message began alongside my work at InFocus Magazine, our university’s photography and graphic design magazine, where I am Head of Design. I mainly work with Adobe InDesign and Illustrator, but I am now also learning to use Canva and Crello in my Design & Illustration class. 

#6. Don’t Forget a Call to Action 

Finally, it’s time to wrap up your entry-level cover letter with a conclusion. 

For your entry-level cover letter’s final paragraph, you want to do the following: 

  • Mention anything you couldn't during the previous paragraphs. If you think you left something important out (something that could help you get hired), this is your chance to say it. 
  • Thank the recruiter. You can use the closing paragraph to thank them for their time. This is a chance to be formal, but make sure you don’t sound like you’re trying to get to the recruiters’ good side. 
  • Include a call to action. As a call to action, you can mention to the recruiter that you will be following up (if they haven’t specified the interviewing procedure) to inquire about the application or ask them to take some action. 

And here’s what this would look like on a cover letter:

To conclude, let me first thank you for considering my application. I believe I can help your company improve its customer satisfaction by putting to use all the experience I’ve gained from my past jobs in customer service. I’d love to discuss in length how I can help you improve one-on-one customer service at your stores.

#7. Conclude with a Professional Closing

Once you’ve written your closing paragraph, all you have to do is sign off your cover letter.

Your “goodbye” should be formal and include only your name and signature. 

Any of the following is an acceptable way to sign off your cover letter:

  • Best Regards,
  • Kind Regards,
  • Sincerely, 
  • Thank you, 

Want to know other ways to conclude your cover letter memorably? Head over to our guide on how to end a cover letter for additional info! 

#8. Proofread Your Letter

And you’re finally done! 

Make sure to proofread your cover letter before attaching it to your job application. Any effort you might have put into it will lose value if your cover letter has mistakes. 

You can either give it to a friend to proofread it or use editing software like Grammarly and Hemingway .  

Want to Make Things Easy? Use a Cover Letter Builder

The way you design your cover letter matters!

Sure, you can go for a generic text in a Word Document, but having a well-designed cover letter that matches your resume in style will help you stand out much more in a sea of applicants. 

Well, Novoresume makes that easy for you! Just pick any of our matching cover letters and resume templates and leave a lasting impression!

entry level cover letter match resume

[First Name and Last Name]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Date of Writing]

[Manager’s Name]

[Manager’s Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Company’s Street Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Addressing the hiring manager]

[Write your attention-grabbing opening paragraph]

[Write 2-3 paragraphs where you include skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for, where you quantify your achievements (when possible), and where you highlight your education.]

[Conclude by saying thank you and by making a call to action.]

[Sign off your letter professionally]

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! We hope that you feel more confident about your entry-level cover letter knowledge and writing after reading this article. 

Now let’s go over the main points we covered:

  • An entry-level cover letter is a cover letter that you write for an entry-level job. You may need to use it as a college senior or recent college graduate or as a professional changing career path. 
  • Your entry-level cover letter should follow the following format: header, addressing the recruiter/company, opening paragraph, body, closing paragraph, formal salutation. 
  • To write a good entry-level cover letter you should write an attention-grabbing opening, include some relevant skills, highlight your education, and make a call to action.
  • Use a cover letter builder to make sure your cover letter meets recruiters’ standards and to save your time.

Related Readings

  • How to Write a Cover Letter
  • How to Start a Cover Letter  
  • Cover Letter for Internship  

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How to write an entry-level HR cover letter

Cover letters are often not simple to compose. They will decide whether or not you get an interview by emphasizing your strong points. They help make your resume shine and allow you to express your personality.

As per BLS, HR jobs will rise by 6% during the next ten years.

It is one of the few occupations unaffected by advanced technologies. As an outcome, applying for HR jobs is now more challenging, which implies to stand out, the HR cover letter must provide the value you can offer. The HR hiring process is simple. If your application is approved, you will be invited to an interview and possibly a proficiency test. This screening may take the form of a personality assessment or a skill test. As a result, your cover letter must be truthful, as the hiring manager may question one of your statements. It must also be solid, as this is the initial filter used by an employer to restrict their alternatives.

Tips for writing an entry-level HR cover letter

Image for part: Tips for writing an entry-level HR cover letter

Tailor the entry-level HR cover letter to the specific company for which you are applying. However, the formation of the entry-level HR cover letter will be the same irrespective of the role or company.

Introduction Paragraph

The introduction paragraph is the most essential part of a cover letter, and your chance to make a lasting first impression. Begin by addressing the hiring manager by name and explaining what role you are seeking, how you discovered the job, and your elevator pitch. If you cannot get the employer's name, verify the company's website to view if an HR professional is mentioned or call them. When you have exhausted all possibilities and are unable to locate a name, then address the application letter to the 'Hiring Manager.'

Second Paragraph

Beginning with the second paragraph, you should demonstrate how you are a suitable candidate by giving evidence of skills described in the job requirements. Since a few job descriptions are lengthy, it does not have to include point-by-point, but if it says, 'demonstrates problem-solving and people management,' or 'has expertise in' provide the hiring manager examples of those skills and experience. Remember to keep the paragraphs brief and select three or four specific instances that you are proud of. As you finish your entry-level HR cover letter, include some background details, like your academic achievement, dissertation subject, and reason for choosing HR as a profession. Explain why you appreciate the role of human resources in a company and are enthusiastic about the role. So far, you must have illustrated your natural interest in human resources, your accomplishment, and the qualifications you possess.

Closing Paragraph

In this paragraph, you should inform the hiring manager about what you can offer to the company and how your personal goals can align with the organizational goals.

Other resources on entry-level HR, how to write an entry-level HR resume , entry-level HR skills for resume and cover letter , entry-level HR resume sample .

Entry-level HR Cover Letter Example I

Dear Employer,

I am writing to apply for the position of Entry-Level Human Resource that you have advertised. I am well-versed in HR initiatives, employment agreement writing, and policy advancement.

I'd like to draw your attention to my present job duties;

  • Manage the department's day-to-day activities.
  • Provide help and support to teammates in addressing complex issues.
  • Keep track of the employee data file.
  • Coordinated orientations for newly recruited employees.
  • Noted important briefing details for future reference.
  • Respond to worker requests.

My strong strong interpersonal and communication skills, and potential to establish employee retention techniques, have trained me to be your next entry-level Human Resource professional.

Please review my enclosed resume for details on my appropriate coursework and training. A chance to discuss how I can exceed your job expectations would be gratefully received.

Susanne C. Wansley

Entry-level HR Cover Letter Example II

I was excited to apply after reviewing your job advertisement for an Entry-level HR. I am convinced that I would profoundly impact your company with my thorough understanding of the human resource processes obtained from my latest education.

While pursuing a Master of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, I expanded my knowledge of various HR subjects like benefits administration and employee engagement. Besides, my expert experience includes relevant obligations like policy development and application, personnel recruitment and training, recordkeeping, and inter-cultural communication. With these qualities in mind, I am prepared to prosper in this demanding and exciting field.

My background features involve;

  • Gained a thorough understanding of a variety of HR concerns, such as worker hiring and improvement, remuneration frameworks, union and non-union worker agreements, federal HR regulations, and office diversity.
  • Successful track record of attracting and retaining attendees and workers by utilizing presentation and interpersonal skills.
  • Leading inclusive graduate initiatives to help personnel work balance and maximize employee experiences.
  • Using organizational, methodical, and inspirational abilities to accelerate team members to peak performance.

With my extensive education in human resources, passion, and commitment to success, I think I can quickly exceed your expectations in this position. I'm looking forward to talking about this job in detail.

Entry-level HR Cover Letter Example III

I am submitting my job application for the position of Entry-level HR at ABC Tech Pvt Ltd. I recently received a degree in Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Psychology and am keen to put my newfound knowledge to use. During my college, I interned with Talent HR Tech Solutions in the HR Department, where I facilitated HR staff in undertaking background inspections on prospective workers, conducting interviews, and keeping workers' documents.

I am well-organized, pay close attention to detail, and am friendly and outgoing. I've been complimented on my potential to make individuals feel at ease, which is incredibly helpful in the Human Resources discipline. I would appreciate the chance to join ABC Tech Pvt Ltd's Human Resources department.

I am self-assured that you will consider me competent for the entry-level HR position. Please reach me by phone or email to set up an interview. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

What is a sample cover letter for an HR generalist role

City, State, ZIP Code

Email Address

Phone Number

Employer's Name

Company Name

Company Address

I am writing to express my strong interest in the HR Generalist position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Board or Company Website]. With my comprehensive background in human resources and a proven track record of successfully implementing strategic HR initiatives at [Previous Company 1] and [Previous Company 2], I believe that I will be able to contribute significantly to your team.

My extensive experience in talent acquisition, employee relations, and performance management has equipped me with a diverse skill set essential for effective HR management. At [Previous Company 1], I spearheaded the recruitment process, successfully identifying and onboarding top-tier talent across various departments. This resulted in a 20% increase in employee retention and significantly improved team performance. Additionally, at [Previous Company 2], I developed and implemented comprehensive training programs that enhanced employee engagement and professional development.

My strong understanding of labor laws and compliance regulations, coupled with my ability to foster a positive and inclusive work culture, has allowed me to effectively manage employee relations and mediate sensitive issues within the workplace. I am skilled in conducting HR audits, handling disciplinary actions, and providing expert guidance to both management and employees on HR policies and procedures.

Furthermore, my proficiency in HRIS platforms and data analytics has enabled me to streamline HR processes and drive data-based decision-making. I am adept at leveraging HR technology to enhance operational efficiency and provide insightful reports on key HR metrics.

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my passion for employee development and organizational growth to [Company Name]. I am confident that my dedication, interpersonal skills, and HR expertise make me a strong fit for your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills and experience align with your HR goals and contribute to the continued success of your organization.

How do I write a cover letter for a human resource position

Here is a cover letter for a human resource position;

I am reaching out to convey my enthusiasm for the Human Resources Assistant role at ABC Hospital. Having recently completed my studies at Rockhill University, I am eager to apply the business administration expertise acquired during my undergraduate program to cultivate a supportive and efficient workplace for the facility's employees. I am particularly thrilled about the chance to collaborate with the medical professionals, caregivers, maintenance staff, and patients at ABC hospital, as I have always been dedicated to assisting and tending to the needs of others.

One of the aspects that appealed to me about ABC Hospital is its active involvement in the local community. I am drawn to its various initiatives, such as organizing Christmas caroling and contributing to food kitchens. As an HR assistant, I would feel privileged to contribute to the planning and execution of similar events. Nursing homes hold a special place in my heart, as I have consistently volunteered as a companion at Trinity Gardens Clinic. I am deeply committed to supporting all employees, tending to the needs of patients, and ensuring the organization attains its objectives.

Presently, I am working towards earning a Professional in Human Resources certification from the HR Certification Institute. I believe this pursuit will propel me toward achieving my overarching career aspiration, which is to excel as an HR assistant. I would appreciate the chance to speak with you in person to go over my credentials and the contribution I can make to the team.

How to write a cover letter for HR Assistant with no experience

My name is Emily West, Having recently attained my degree in Human Resource Management, I am eager to pursue my initial role in the HR sector. I am actively looking for a comprehensive HR position, with a particular focus on recruitment strategies and cultivating a positive employer brand.

With my dissertation centered on the impact of an employer's brand on their recruitment operations, I am enthusiastic about the possibility of joining A&C Corp. Your consistent top rankings on the "Top Places in US" list are a testament to your organization's commitment to employee satisfaction and your proactive approach to addressing feedback, contributing significantly to your strong social media reputation and impressive follower count. I aspire to contribute to the continuation of this positive trend. Aiming to gain hands-on experience in various aspects of HR and recruitment, I am keen to participate in your renowned training program, confident that it will equip me with valuable industry knowledge and skills. As an HR assistant, I look forward to engaging in the practical components of candidate sourcing and recruitment marketing, leveraging my creative mindset to develop tailored solutions.

My internship at ABC Company offered me the opportunity to lead a project focused on recruiting a 50-person team for a newly established office in New York. Operating under stringent timelines and demanding work requirements, the successful results of the project reflected in the long-term retention rate of 85% and a remarkable 42% budget surplus. I am particularly drawn to the measurable impact of recruitment and HR strategies on overall employee performance.

I am happy about the opportunity and learn more about the role during a prospective interview.

How do I write a cover letter for HR and administrator

I am thrilled to submit my application for the human resources administrator (data management) role recently posted by Mediaglobe, Spain. With more than two years of experience in human resources, I perceive this opportunity as a chance to specialize in data protection and influence internal data privacy and access policies. Mediaglobe's distinguished reputation as specializing in information technology sector makes it an ideal environment for me to further enhance my data protection competencies.

In my capacity as a human resources administrative assistant at UltraTech, I oversee the data entry processes for contractual, payroll, and timesheet data pertaining to both new and existing employees. Through my efforts, I successfully reduced the cost-per-hire rates by 30% by rationalizing the employment data into a unified database. Before my tenure at Urban IQ Tech, I completed an administrative work placement within the sales team at Tidal Wave Consulting during my third year of pursuing a (BA) degree in Human Resources Management. My contributions were recognized with the 'Trainee of the Year Award' for the 2020/21 academic year.

Thank you for considering my application for the human resources administrator (data management) position. I am eager to delve deeper into the responsibilities associated with this role. Given my track record of accomplishments thus far, I am confident in my ability to transition into a mid-level human resources role and contribute to Mediaglobe company.

What is the personal statement for HR admin role

A personal statement for an HR admin role typically highlights your relevant skills, experiences, and personal attributes that make you a strong candidate for the position. It should provide insights into your passion for human resources, your career goals, and how your previous experiences have prepared you for the role. Additionally, it should showcase your ability to manage sensitive employee information, ensure compliance with regulations, and contribute to the overall success of the HR department.

HR admin Personal Statement Example

As a dedicated and detail-oriented professional, I am enthusiastic about contributing to the HR department's success through my strong organizational and administrative skills. With a proven track record in managing employee records, facilitating the recruitment process, and ensuring compliance with HR regulations, I am eager to leverage my expertise in a dynamic HR admin role. I am committed to continuously enhancing my knowledge of HR best practices and industry regulations to deliver exceptional support to the organization.

Writing a cover letter is often stressful if you're a skilled HR generalist or an entry-level HR. You want to go on and on about how fantastic you are for a position, but you understand your reader is short on time. Since you recognize as working in human resources, your cover letter and resume are more probable to be evaluated or examined. Organize to write multiple drafts before settling on the finished version.

When we talk about entering the human resources field, a well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference. As an entry-level HR professional, your cover letter is your opportunity to showcase your skills and passion for the industry. Writing a professional cover letter that truly stands out is essential in today's competitive job market. Your cover letter should be tailored to the following;

  • Specific HR role you are applying for
  • Highlight your relevant coursework and internships
  • Any HR-related experience you have gained

Additionally, you can demonstrate your strong communication and interpersonal abilities, which are super important in HR roles. To create an ideal cover letter, check out this site about Professional Cover Letter Writing for Entry-Level HR and learn how to make a lasting impression on potential employers.

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HipCV guide on tips for writing a civil engineer cover letter along with civil engineer cover letter example.

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HipCV guide on tips for writing a realtor cover letter along with realtor cover letter example.

HipCV guide on how to become a realtor also educational requirements to be a realtor.

HipCV guide on how to write a college graduate cover letter with no experience.

HipCV guide on steps to become an office manager and salary, certifications, education necessary to be an office manager.

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5 Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • HR Cover Letter
  • HR Assistant
  • HR Generalist
  • HR Director
  • Write a HR Cover Letter

As an HR professional, you know how to make employees and the corporation productive, especially when you bring in new talent. But even though you know the ins and outs of the hiring process, getting hired yourself is a different ballgame. 

It’s tiring enough having to assess hundreds of candidates’  job skills  all day only to head home and polish off an  HR resume , create a cover letter , and prepare another application for yours truly. 

We understand that getting hired isn’t easy—even if you’re familiar with the process. Our guide, complete with five HR cover letter examples, will walk you through how to write a cover letter that will land you an interview and, hopefully, your dream job.

hr cover letter for entry level

Human Resources Cover Letter Example 


Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Block Format

Human resources cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Find a way to link the company to you. Derek does this by demonstrating values both he and the employer share, like his belief that employee relationships are at the heart of HR.
  • You can tell a short story, laugh at the witty  HR job ad , explain how you found the company, or state your enthusiasm for the high-impact position. 

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Human Resources Assistant Cover Letter Example

Human resources assistant cover letter template

  • As far as the body is concerned, make it digestible and easy to read especially where you express your main skills and accomplishments as it helps you to convey your skills in an impactful manner.

Human Resources Generalist Cover Letter Example

Human resources generalist cover letter template

  • Another addition to creating an unforgettable piece is signing off with an optimistic attitude and exemplifying how your skills can contribute to the company’s ethos and objectives.

Human Resources Manager Cover Letter Example

Human resources manager cover letter template

  • Don’t be afraid to use a narrative style in your cover letters when it’s applicable, especially if you’ve had a good experience with the company.
  • Aidan starts his cover letter with a story about how he visited PLANTA and later states how he’s looking forward to “enjoying some amazing vegan meals.”
  • Remember what you’ve written in your body paragraphs when writing your conclusion and support your points. Don’t overthink it.

Human Resources Director Cover Letter Example

Human resources director cover letter template

  • In your cover letter, address what the company offers, such as amazing software or a killer hotel experience, and express your wish to experience more of what makes them unique.
  • If you decide to implement this technique, pay attention to tone and word choice. You never want to make it sound as if the company was poorly managing its employees, even if that was the case. 
  • For example, Julian explains Cedar Garland’s need for updated procedures for experienced employees and how The National Hotel needed modernized programs for payroll. 

Build your human resources resume for a complete application

Before we dive into the specific ways you can write your cover letter, don’t let  writing your resume  slip through the cracks. We make it simple with  professional resume templates  just like this one.

Human Resources Resume

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Human resources resume template

Write a Winning Human Resources Cover Letter

Rocket taking off from a laptop on a desk depicting writing a winning human resources cover letter

Writing a stunning human resources cover letter is difficult, so let’s break it down into three simple factors: research, details, and presentation.

hr cover letter for entry level

Step 1: Research the organization and its needs

As an HR professional, you know that reading generic cover letters is exhausting and annoying. They fail to show initiative or explain how the candidate will help you once they get hired. 

So, in your cover letter, show you care about the company and can help them reach its goals.  But you’ll only know what to write once you know what the business wants.

Start by reading the  human resources job description  to get a feel for their personality. Then scan their website to find their mission statement, vision, and goals. 

Assure the employer that you can deliver the results they desire by addressing their unique concerns and applying your relevant qualifications.

hr cover letter for entry level

Step 2: Share the details about one or two accomplishments

As you know, reading redundant paperwork is a complete snooze-fest. So, your human resources cover letter can’t be a repeat of your resume, or the recruiter will be snoring before they hit the second paragraph.

Think of your cover letter as a presentation. Pick one to two of your accomplishments that echo the job description’s requirements and give the full scope of those experiences. You could:

This example stays focused on one goal or talent (photography/videography). Although the candidate could have just focused on responsibilities, they focus instead on  how  their efforts helped the company.

  • Address your work and successes in revamping the onboarding process for seasonal hires
  • Share how you listened to employees and made lasting changes via surveys, check-ins, evaluations, etc. 
  • Talk about how you decreased the employee turnover rate

hr cover letter for entry level

Step 3: Convey the right tone and a clear message

Your cover letter should strike a balance between unique and professional, personal but not sentimental. Easier said than done, right?

Start by limiting your cover letter to one page .  Then you can start modifying your message. Present a logical argument with enough ethos (credibility) and pathos (emotion) to sell anyone on your skills. 

Then adjust your tone. Your cover letter can be funny, heartfelt, or candid—but moderation is key. Let the job description help you choose your content, your words, and how you phrase your message. Most of all, shoot for a tone that matches the company. 

Present a logical argument with enough ethos (credibility) and pathos (emotion) to sell anyone on your skills. 

Don’t despair if this is difficult; next up is revision, where you can fix any errors and tweak the content. Now is also a perfect time to let someone else read your cover letter to recommend improvements. 

Outlining Your Human Resources Cover Letter for Success

Two people helping each other on outlining a human resources cover letter

Starting any project with a blank slate is intimidating, so use this HR cover letter outline to get you started on the right foot!

hr cover letter for entry level

How to start a human resources cover letter

Your contact info:  Give employers a helping hand and provide your contact information right from the get-go. List your name, number, email, and physical address right at the top of your cover letter template. 

  • Formatting : If you’re using a block format, only include your physical address, and save your name for the signature.

Date:  Even in a virtual letter, you should include a date. It makes your cover letter look more professional, and it gives the hiring manager a timeline for your application.

Just make sure the date on your cover letter reflects the day you submit it, especially if you re-work your cover letters based on previous submissions.

  • Formatting : Write out the full date, e.g., January 5, 2023.

Inside address:  Your address isn’t the only one that matters; also include the inside address, aka the employer’s address. It should have the hiring manager or recruiter’s name, their title, and the company’s physical address. This shows the employer you’ve researched their company and know to whom you’re speaking. 

If the company doesn’t list its address or has multiple locations, check sites like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and the company’s website (you can also check Google Maps).

Min Ju Ha, Director of Talent Acquisition 50 Eggs Hospitality Group 7350 Biscayne Blvd  Miami, FL 33138

  • Formatting : Each part of the address should be on a new line. Double space between the inside address and greeting. 

Greeting:  A polite greeting is always in vogue, so start your human resources cover letter with a formal, yet personal, salutation. Use the tried-and-true “dear,” followed by “Ms.” or “Mr.” and the hiring manager’s last name to avoid ruffling feathers (some businesses don’t appreciate casual introductions).

Finding the person in charge of hiring can be a pain, but people love to be addressed by name, so it’s worth it to spend the time to make a great first impression. Worst case scenario, address either the whole HR team (“Dear HR Hiring Team”) or the department head (“Dear HR Manager”). 

  • Formatting : After your greeting, you’ll need either a comma or a colon; a colon is the preferred business option, but if the business is more casual, you can get away with a comma. Let the job description guide you.

hr cover letter for entry level

How to write your human resources cover letter

Body:  This is the hardest part to get right, but we have you covered. First, focus on cutting your letter down to three to four short paragraphs.

Within those paragraphs, express your enthusiasm for the job, your qualifications, and your desire for future discussion. 

Opening paragraph:  Remember the last time you read a book that started like, “I am writing to inform you of my purpose, which is to write a really good book?” Yeah, us neither. Yet, most people begin their cover letters with similar statements that are polite but boing, like this: 

I read your job post on LinkedIn, and I am eager to apply. This human resources director position sounds like a perfect fit for my experience, and I know I can help your department reach its goals. My years of experience in human resources and management makes me an ideal candidate.

This information might not be  wrong , but it’s vague and generalized—and like 95% of other cover letters in the stack of applications. A good opening is unique and exciting while still being formal. It should address the company and express personality immediately, like this opener: 

Central New Mexico Community College’s core values of connection, compassion, and inspiration resonate with my values as a human resources professional. Your unique value-based approach has unsurprisingly made CNM one of the top 5 community colleges in the U.S. That, combined with your defined vision plans, inspired me to apply because my work would make a concrete difference for students and staff.

From the start, this candidate explains what they appreciate about the company and how they align with its beliefs and goals. 

Paragraphs 2-3:  These paragraphs should provide evidence for your qualifications and dig deep into your achievements; it’s time to define your part of the project and how you turned it into a success. 

However tempting, don’t try to tackle a job’s worth of success. Your letter will just sound cluttered and unfocused. Instead, focus on one accomplishment at a time, and provide plenty of details about that experience. 

I also have experience solving complex employee relations issues. As the HR manager with Cygna Labs, positive mediation was roughly 50% of my role. I investigated complaints, ensured compliance with legal employment requirements, and developed new policies and procedures. By the end of my position, our retention rate had increased by 45%, our human capital return on investment had improved by 23%, and the number of promoter-level NPS scores had increased by 42%.

Although 50% of their role focused on other tasks, this candidate only mentioned mediation/resolution and their successes with such.

Closing paragraph:  Don’t quit while you’re ahead—finish strong with a closing paragraph that summarizes your values, qualifications, and eagerness for an interview. This can sound like a lot, but rest assured, it can be done.

Start with a sentence summary of what you value based on the work experience you’ve described and how that adheres to the company’s values. Next, describe what you hope to accomplish in the position. Lastly, thank the employer and reassure them of your willingness to talk further. 

Just remember: you are an ideal candidate, but you shouldn’t sound like this:

As you can see, I have done everything you require (and more) at my previous jobs, which makes me the perfect candidate for this position. I know I can handle all employee relations responsibilities and ensure complete compliance as I have done at every HR job so far. Please give me a call or email at your earliest convenience; I look forward to making your day at my interview. 

Even if all this was true, it’s self-centered and doesn’t address the company at all. Instead, remind the employer of what they stand to gain when they hire you. Further establish how your goals align with theirs and what you’ll do for their HR department. 

I strive to improve the lives of employees by implementing modern practices and offering practical solutions to common problems. As your HR director, I desire to develop new training programs, ensure compliance, and increase employee engagement/satisfaction. Thank you for considering me for this position, and I hope to experience your restaurants first-hand soon.

This candidate explains their competency and their goals without sounding brash. It’s a delicate balance, but we know you can find it!

  • Formatting : Single space in your letter but double space between paragraphs. 

Signature:  All that’s left is to sign off and say “thank you” if you didn’t in the closing paragraph. Use a professional closer along with your name. 

Derek Annais

  • Formatting : If you’re presenting any hard copies of your human resources cover letter, quadruple space at the bottom to leave room to sign your name. 

Enclosure(s):  Many people don’t know about this section, but it’s important. It lists the other documents you’re submitting, reminding employers there’s more to come. It also helps them keep track of what you’ve included. 

HR positions usually require a job application and a resume, but some also require a supplemental questionnaire or references. Carefully scan the job description and application to make sure you provide everything requested.

Enclosures: Resume Application

  • Formatting : Use the singular or plural form of “enclosure” depending on how many documents you’re enclosing. Most of the time, it will be plural, but you should check it every time.

Is Your HR Resume on Par with Your Cover Letter?

Woman comparing on blackboard to see if human resources resume is on par with her cover letter.

Now that you’ve written your human resources cover letter, you’ll likely want to hit “submit” immediately. But don’t forget you still need to  outline your resume  and polish it to shine.  

You have a great persuasive argument, aka your cover letter, but you still need a document that quantifies your work experience, aka your resume. When combined, they paint a glowing picture of your career.

Want to know how to make your HR resume just as impressive as your cover letter? A look at our  resume examples  will give you the boost you need, and you can even edit this HR resume directly. 

Human Resources Director Resume

Need a resume to pair with your human resources director cover letter?

Human Resources Director Resume Template

If you’ve already started, try out our  resume checker  to get AI-powered advice to make your resume the best it can be. 

Now go snag the dream job you’ve always wanted!

Usually, you would address cover letters to the HR hiring manager, but that role may be vacant if you’re applying for it! Other times, the information may simply not be in the job description. Try searching LinkedIn or the company website for the name of an HR manager or higher-up company leader. If you can’t find any information, you can just lead off by saving “Dear [Company Name] hiring staff” or something similar.

HR is a bit more formal than other positions, with greater needs for cultural awareness and professional communication. However, with cultural awareness in mind, you ideally want to match your tone to the HR job description to show how you’ll fit in with the company’s culture. For example, if the tone comes across as innovative and creative, you could use a similar style when describing your HR abilities. Plus, you may want to emphasize innovative HR practices, like managing employee needs through workplace flexibility.

One page is the ideal length for HR cover letters. You may have been involved in hiring processes before and understand how fast-paced these decisions can be. Keeping your cover letter concise is essential to help hiring managers identify your top skills in aspects like employee relations and advising. That way, they can easily connect the dots that you’re the right pick for the role.

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  • How to Write the Perfect HR Cover Letter (With Examples)

Accelerate your HR career with a globally recognised CIPD qualification.

hr cover letter for entry level

09 February 2021 - 4 min read

Whether you’re just getting started in your HR career or you’re already an accomplished people professional looking for a new and exciting job opportunity, a well-written cover letter is essential to making the best impression on a prospective employer. While your CV proves useful in giving an outline of your overall experience, a cover letter should tell a story about your career journey, showing how your experience relates to the job you’re applying for. Cover letters can be tricky to master, however, especially if you’ve not had the chance to write many in the past. So, if you’re serious about landing your next HR gig, take a look below at our handy guide on how to write the perfect HR cover letter.

Woman At Laptop

How to Write the Perfect HR Cover Letter

Step #1: dates, addresses, and contact information.

Before you even get to the body of your cover letter, you need to work out the header layout of the relevant dates, addresses, and contact information for your cover letter. Begin with your name and address in the top-right corner of the page, like this: Your Name Street Address  City Postal Code E-mail Address Phone Number Then, a space below on the left-hand side, you’ll also want to add:

Hiring Manager’s Name Hiring Managers Title (if possible) Company Name Company Street Address City Postal Code Date Including this information on your cover letter ensures that it gets to the right person at the right address and guarantees that potential employers have immediate access to your contact details - which we would say is a super important element to scoring an interview! 

hr cover letter for entry level

Step#2: Add a personal touch

Now that we’ve gone over the semantics of formatting all the key contact information in your header, it’s time to think about personalising your initial introduction. To start your cover letter off right, your best bet is to address the hiring manager. If their name is not listed on the job posting, do a little investigating on the company website or make a quick call to the office to see if you can find out their name. If the hiring manager’s name is, say, Jane Smith, make sure you use a formal, full name salutation with a comma to follow. For example:

  • Dear Ms. Jane Smith,

If you can’t find a name to personalise your introduction, you can also use:

  • Dear Sir/Madam,
  • Dear Hiring Team,  or
  • Dear Hiring Manager,

Only use the alternative introductions if you’ve genuinely exhausted all of your outlets to find the right name. Also, avoid using phrases like ‘To Whom It May Concern’ or ‘Greetings’ as they’re typically considered an outdated practice in the modern recruitment world.

hr cover letter for entry level

Step #3: Write your elevator pitch

Now the next step is to write your opening paragraph, or what is better known as your elevator pitch. This is your chance to  catch the hiring manager’s attention , introduce yourself and explain why you’re enthusiastic about applying for the specific job role and how it aligns with your career goals. If you’re applying for a general HR role, for example, it should look something like this: ‘I would like to introduce myself as an applicant for the available Human Resources Generalist position at [insert company]. As an accomplished HR professional with [X years] experience, I strive for excellence in each role that I take on, and I am ready for a new opportunity that will both challenge me and build on my existing experience so I can continue to make a positive impact on the people profession.’ If you currently have no HR experience, however, you can try this on for size: ‘I am writing to apply for the available [insert title] position at [insert company], as advertised on [insert platform]. While I’d like to be transparent in saying I am new to the HR industry, I am enthusiastic about the chance to start building a career within your company. I pride myself on working hard to create opportunities from every challenge I encounter, and I am confident that my education and transferable skills would make me a great fit for this role.’ You can expand or condense as you see fit, just make sure to keep your elevator pitch at 1 to 3 lines - after all, it’s about selling yourself well, and to do that, you need to keep things quick and punchy so you don’t lose the hiring manager’s attention.

Top tip:  Before you get started here, consider the tone of voice of your cover letter as well. You’ll want to personalise it to best suit the company you're applying for to make the strongest impact. For example, if it's a big corporation you'd personalise your tone of voice with more formal language, while you could likely use a more relaxed style when applying for a start-up or a creative company.

A useful method for judging this would be to look at the style of writing on their website and social media - are they formal and serious or more friendly and casual? This can give you an indicator of how they like to communicate. (Be sure never to be too casual though - no emojis!)

hr cover letter for entry level

Step #4: Focus on your qualifications, skills and experience

Following your first paragraph, you’ll want to hone in on your relevant qualifications and skills for your middle paragraph(s). You’ll want to offer up more details about the information you’ve included on your resume and how your experiences apply to the job. Here is an example to get you started: ‘Currently, I work as a [insert title] at [insert company], where it is my responsibility to [insert duties], using my [insert HR-related skills] to improve the efficiency of communication in the workplace between the organisation and employees.’ 

Then go on to explain your past experience and education, and how they tie into the role you’re applying for: ‘My past experience includes [insert past role and company], where it was my job to [insert responsibilities]. While working in this role, I learned a lot about the HR industry through [provide examples], and I believe that applying the skills and professionalism I’ve learned through these experiences to your organisation would be of great benefit.’ It would be a good idea to mention any relevant HR qualifications you have here as well, such as a   CIPD HR qualification , and how that’s contributed to enhancing your knowledge, skills, and credibility. If you’re applying with little to no experience, it’s okay to simply just highlight your relevant qualifications and/or transferable skills instead: ‘My relevant experience includes undertaking a [insert qualification here], where I learned [insert main takeaways]... Or:  ‘As highlighted in my CV, I also have experience working in [relevant jobs], where I picked up a number of industry-related skills that I believe transfer well and benefit both myself and the company in this position, including: 

  • Communication skills 
  • Proactive decision-making 
  • Training, developmental and coaching skills 
  • Administrative skills'

In either instance, you can also include examples about relevant projects or situations that provide insight into how you solve problems and excel in your work, drawing attention to the positive impact of your actions in your current or past roles.

Top tip:  When you write your cover letter, also try to include a few keywords from the original job description in these paragraphs.

hr cover letter for entry level

Step #5: Explain any large gaps

If you’re worried about a glaring gap on your CV, the middle paragraph(s) is also a good place to address this and make it relevant to your application. If you took some time off to travel, for instance, you can write something like: ‘Prior to starting in my current role, I took [X time] off of work to travel. This allowed me the opportunity to learn about different people and cultures, something that I believe has benefited me in the HR profession given that we interact with diverse groups of people and personalities on a daily basis.’ You can also mention any volunteer work or short courses you engaged in during your time away from work. The trick is to put a positive spin on these gaps and demonstrate how they’ve contributed to your development as a professional. 

hr cover letter for entry level

Step #6: Finish it strong 

Finish off your cover letter by thanking the employer for their time and consideration and reiterating your enthusiasm. For example: ‘I’ve always been a strong supporter of the people profession and genuinely believe it to be an integral part of every organisation. This is why I would be enthusiastic about the opportunity to join your team as an [insert title] and to immediately start contributing to the success of [insert company name]’s mission, goals and objectives. Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, (Sign Your Name) Your Printed Name If you’re not a fan of using ‘sincerely’ as a sign-off, you can also use:

  • Kind regards,  or
  • Respectfully

hr cover letter for entry level

Step #7: Revise and format

Once you’ve completed your cover letter, always (always!) make sure to read it over a few times to check for any spelling mistakes or other errors. Also check that your margins are 1-inch all the way around and that you’re using a 10- or 12-point, single-spaced font size (in Arial or Calibri, for example) to ensure easy reading. Don’t forget to add a space between each paragraph section either. This keeps things clean, structured and appealing to look at.

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We hope that reading through our guide to writing the perfect HR cover letter has you feeling confident to get started with your job application and helps you land the role of your dreams. Good luck! 

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    Two human resources cover letter examples for experienced and entry-level candidates. Step-by-step guide on how to write an HR cover letter that will land you interviews. A template you can copy, adjust, and have ready in 15 minutes.

  4. How To Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Here are six steps to help you write a strong entry-level cover letter: 1. Address your letter professionally. Because your cover letter will be part of your candidate portfolio, use a professional format to address the letter. Begin with your contact information written in the top left-hand corner.

  5. Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

    The following advice and examples show how you can use this strategy to optimize your letter for each application. 1. Heading. At the top of the page, include: Your resume contact header, which should give your full name, address, email, phone number, and LinkedIn or other social accounts if applicable. The date.

  6. Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter Example & Tips

    Problem-solving skills. Collaboration. Here's a great example of how to mention these skills in your cover letter body: My interest in this position stems from my belief that my combination of relevant staffing experience, communication skills, and high levels of organization make me a superb candidate.

  7. Entry Level Human Resources Cover Letter Example

    An entry-level human resources professional should include the following elements in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: At the top of your cover letter, include your full name, address, phone number, and email address. If applicable, also include your LinkedIn profile or professional website. 2.

  8. How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter + Examples

    Having a solid closing on a cover letter is just as critical as an attention-grabbing beginning. Read this for more examples: How to End a Cover Letter. 6. Add a Postscript to Your Entry-Level Cover Letter. Before you berate me for saying you're done and then giving you one more, hear me out just a sec, if you will.

  9. Write An Entry-Level Cover Letter (Examples, Tips & Template)

    What Should an Entry-Level Cover Letter Include Entry-Level Cover Letter Format How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter With No Experience (Tips & Examples) #1. Write a Strong (But Professional) Opening #2. Include Relevant Employee Skills #3. Do Some Research #4. Quantify Your Achievements (When Possible) #5. Highlight Your Education #6.

  10. Entry-Level Cover Letter: Examples & Guide

    4. Show interest in the company. One of the best ways to make your entry-level cover letter pop is to tailor it to the job you're applying for by thoroughly researching the company. First, read up on the company's history, its products, goals, and any challenges it's facing.

  11. Entry-Level Cover Letter Examples, Tips & Writing Guide

    Closing paragraph. Complimentary close. Your signature. A postscript (maybe) An entry-level cover letter has to be tailored to the specific entry-level position you are applying for. It should concisely describe your relevant experience, skills, education on a resume, and experience that make you the best fit for the job.

  12. How to write an entry-level HR cover letter

    Entry-level HR Cover Letter Example I. EXAMPLE. Copy to clipboard. Dear Employer, I am writing to apply for the position of Entry-Level Human Resource that you have advertised. I am well-versed in HR initiatives, employment agreement writing, and policy advancement.

  13. Human Resources Assistant Cover Letter Example and Template ...

    In this article, we discuss what to include in your human resources cover letter, offer tips for writing one and provide two examples for reference. ... Since an HR assistant position is often an entry-level role, it may be helpful to discuss your career aspirations in your cover letter. Show the employer that you want to continue developing ...

  14. HR Cover Letter Examples

    Make an HR cover letter that gets interviews. Use our writing guide and examples made by career experts — plus templates and tips — to make your cover letter great. ... Ensure it reflects your current experience level and the specific HR role you aim for, from entry-level to seasoned professional. Include a coordinated resume. Remember, a ...

  15. 5 Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    50 Eggs Hospitality Group. 7350 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33138. Formatting : Each part of the address should be on a new line. Double space between the inside address and greeting. Greeting: A polite greeting is always in vogue, so start your human resources cover letter with a formal, yet personal, salutation.

  16. How to Write an Entry Level Cover Letter

    Here are 4 steps to writing a cover letter for a job when you have little or no experience: 1. First Paragraph: Clearly introduce yourself. The first paragraph is your opportunity to make a strong first impression on the employer. This section should explain.

  17. Human Resources (HR) Generalist Cover Letter Samples & Guide

    HR Generalist Cover Letter Template. Here's how to write a human resource generalist cover letter that shines: 1. Use the right HR generalist cover letter format. Arial or Cambria font. 11pt or 12pt font. 1" margins. 1 or 1.15 line-spacing. Read more: The Only Proper Cover Letter Format.

  18. Human Resources Cover Letter—Sample & Templates

    Two sample human resources cover letters: one for experienced HR specialists and one for entry-level candidates. Step-by-step tips on how to write a cover letter that will land you more interviews. A template you can copy, adjust, and have ready in 15 minutes.

  19. Free HR Generalist Cover Letter Templates

    Your cover letter is your first chance to showcase this expertise to an employer and should be targeted not only on the industry but also the specific job you to which you are applying. Consult our HR generalist template to begin the process. Free samples are available below and, along with the related advice, will help you understand how to ...

  20. Human Resources Cover Letter Example (With a Template)

    Entry-level HR cover letter. Here, you may analyse an example cover letter for a candidate with minimal credentials applying for their first HR role: Melissa Redmon [email protected] | 048-456-2345| Perth, WA 6022 29/05/2022 Dear Ms. West, I'm writing to express my interest in the role of human resources assistant at Burton International.

  21. Entry-level Cover Letter Examples

    Why this entry-level cover letter works: Professional template. A professional template with the right balance of simplicity and visual appeal gives this cover letter a polished and modern feel. Appropriate tone. A cover letter needs to be confident but humble. It should never read as pushy or aggressive.

  22. How to Write the Perfect HR Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Step #1: Dates, addresses, and contact information. Before you even get to the body of your cover letter, you need to work out the header layout of the relevant dates, addresses, and contact information for your cover letter. Begin with your name and address in the top-right corner of the page, like this: Your Name. Street Address.

  23. How To Write an Entry-Level Human Resources Resume

    Use these steps to write a resume for an entry-level HR position: 1. Include your contact information. At the top of your resume, include your first and last name, a professional email address and your phone number. Keep in mind that hiring managers may use this information to contact you for an interview. Make sure you have easy access to both ...