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How to create Facebook reports with Sprout Social

Written by by Dominique Jackson

Published on  December 10, 2020

Reading time  8 minutes

Reporting and analytics are key to any social strategy . Whether it’s reviewing content relevancy, looking at your share of voice or tracking your audience engagement, data helps your brand make smarter decisions on social. Of all the social networks, Facebook arguably gives you the most amount of data to work with. And sometimes sorting through all those reports, particularly if you have multiple profiles, can be overwhelming. Let Sprout help!

Our Facebook reports contain a wealth of analytics to help you shape your social media presence. Specifically, we’re going to focus on three main Facebook reports you can access in Sprout to get insights into how your brand is performing, as well as how to build your own custom report:

  • Facebook Pages Report
  • Sent Messages Report
  • Facebook Competitor Report
  • Sprout’s My Reports
Want to follow along with this guide? Sign up for a free trial and dig into your brand’s own Facebook reports.

How to Create a Facebook Pages Report

To see an overview of everything going on with your Facebook Page, run the Facebook Pages report. This report shows:

  • The number of paid and organic likes for your Page over a specific period of time.
  • Your top performing Facebook posts, and how your content has been shared including reach, likes, comments and so on.
  • A glimpse at how your content is traveling across Facebook by looking at how information is shared. This includes the number of stories (comments, mentions, posts, etc.) created and the number of users posting your content.
  • Audience demographics, such as the age, gender and location of your fans. You’ll also see which demographic engages with your content the most.

Keep in mind, this report can only be run for Facebook Pages with 30 or more fans or followers.

How to see this report:

  • Go to the Reports tab
  • Click Facebook Pages under Facebook Reports
  • Select the appropriate date range and Page
  • View it directly in Sprout or export to a PDF or Excel—whatever is most useful for you

Facebook Pages report in sprout

Understanding the Facebook Pages Report

Your Facebook Pages Report has a number of metric graphs and data for the dates you’ve selected.

Facebook Performance Summary

What this section shows you: A general overview of of impressions, engagement and post link clicks for your page during your selected period of time.

Why it’s important: It gives you a high level view of your page performance. This is great for a quick view of your page’s engagement during a specific month, quarter or any other length of time.

Facebook Audience Growth

What this section shows you: How many paid and organic likes your page has received over a selected period of time.

Why it’s important: It’s crucial to know whether or not your audience is growing or shrinking. The Net Page Likes metric is where you’ll really want to focus. Getting 100 new followers isn’t as valuable if you had 50 unlikes over the same period of time. When your number of unlikes outpaces your new likes, it’s a sign your fans aren’t engaged. Follow these tips to improve Facebook engagement and keep your followers around.

Facebook Publishing Behavior

What this section shows you: How many times you publish per day on Facebook, as well as the type of content you share.

Why it’s important: With the Facebook algorithm slashing organic reach for brands, you constantly have to test different publishing cadences to get as much exposure as possible. With this report, you can see how often you currently publish each day. To get the most from this data, compare it against your impressions and engagement data to see if there’s a correlation between publishing behavior and engagement.

Facebook Top Posts

What this section shows you: Your top three performing Facebook posts.

Why it’s important: Once you know your most engaging posts, you can analyze why they worked. It could be the copy, your image or maybe the time you posted. Find why the content resonated then try to replicate it with future posts.

Facebook Impressions

What this section shows you: The number of impressions your content has received on Facebook as well as the users reached. The users reached metric includes the number of users that saw any content associated with your Page via the News Feed, ticker or visits to your Page.

Impressions are broken down into two sections:

  • Paid impressions: The number of impressions of Sponsored Stories or Ads pointing to your page.
  • Organic impressions: The number of times any organic content associated with your Page was seen in News Feed, ticker or on visits to your Page.

Why it’s important: If you dedicate time and resources into creating and sharing content on Facebook, you probably want to get it in front of as many people as possible. This report helps you visualize how many people you’re reaching. If you see negative trends, look into what the potential problem could be. If you see a sudden spike, check the content you shared that day to understand what went well.

Facebook Video Performance

What this section shows you:  How well your video content performs on Facebook. You can see how many people watch your full videos, paid vs. organic views and more. Note, this is only available if your brand publishes videos.

Why it’s important: Facebook video is more prevalent than ever. In fact,  45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week. So needless to say, it’s well worth it to invest in Facebook videos. But just sharing a video doesn’t guarantee success. You need to measure how your videos actually perform so you can optimize your strategy for success.

Facebook Engagement

What this section shows you: How much engagement your Facebook posts receive each day broken down by reactions, comments and shares.

Why it’s important: Engagement is one of the most important metrics for your Facebook efforts and a key factor in Facebook’s ranking algorithm. If you want your posts to get more organic visibility, you need people to engage with your posts. Similar to what we mentioned about impressions, look for dips or spikes in your engagement. Then you can look deeper into what happened on those specific days.

How to Create a Post Performance Report for Facebook

While the Facebook Pages report helps you understand overall Page performance, the Post Performance report helps you understand the performance of individual Facebook posts .

  • Go to the Reports tab.
  • Click Post Performance under the Cross-Network Reports dropdown.
  • Make sure Facebook is selected in the right bar.
  • Select the appropriate date range & profiles.
  • View the report directly in Sprout or export to a PDF or Excel—whatever is most useful for you.

sprout post performance report

Understanding the Post Performance Report for Facebook

Your Post Performance Report has various data for the dates you’ve selected. The report gives a breakdown by post for each Facebook profile you select. You can see overall engagement, impressions and break metrics down further by seeing post clicks, shares and average reach.

From the Right Bar, you can specify which published status you want to view, including your Boosted Facebook posts to see how they’re performing. You can also see the status for published Facebook content by the Sprout author to see whose content has the best engagement rates.

How to Create a Facebook Competitors Report

The Facebook Competitors Report gives your brand the ability to track key metrics for any Facebook page, and benchmark their performance against your own. Whether you want to see how you stack up against the competition or just want to keep your finger on the pulse of other brands in your industry, our Facebook Competitors Report will give you the intel you need to make more informed decisions.

Sprout facebook competitors report

This report is available for Professional and above plans .

  • Click Facebook Competitors under Facebook Reports.
  • Add your competitors. For newly added competitors, Sprout needs to gather at least three days’ worth of data to surface the report which can take some time.
  • Select the competitors you want and then select your date range.

Facebook competitors report

Understanding the Facebook Competitors Report

There are a few different sections within this report that’ll give you insights into what you competitors are doing, and how much success they’re seeing from their efforts.

Competitors Overview

The first thing you’ll see is an overview of your audience compared to your competitors. It shows which competitor has the most fans, as well as the average number of fans across all your competitors. Now you can see how your audience size stacks up against the competition.

Audience Growth

Knowing the size of your audience is nice, but it’s also important to understand how quickly (or slowly) your audience grows. With the Facebook Competitors report, you can see how your audience growth compares to other brands.

Are they growing faster than you? Did one of them get a sudden spike in fans over the weekend? How many new fans do other brands get every day? The Audience Growth by Profile section of the report will help you answer these types of questions so you can better judge whether or not your own audience is growing at a reasonable rate.

Message Volume

One of the most common questions brands have is “how often should I post on Facebook?”

Typically you end up blindly guessing how many times you should post each day, or you might not have a posting cadence at all. The Message Volumes section of this Facebook report will help shed some light on your posting schedule. You’ll see how many times your competitors post per day, and you can toggle this report section to see the number of comments and public stories each page receives.

Again, this is extremely valuable for benchmarking your data. But additionally, it’ll give you an idea of whether or not your posting frequency is too high or low. For instance, if you publish once a day on average, but your competitors tend to publish at least three times per day and have more engagement, it could be a sign you need to share more content to compete.

Stats by Page

This section of the Facebook Competitors report gives you a breakdown of publishing and engagement metrics for you and your selected competitors. One area in particular that’s interesting is the Post Breakdown column. Do your competitors primarily publish videos, photos or standard text posts? Look for correlations between the type of content they share and their engagement.

You can also click the down arrow on each row to expand the data for any of your competitors and see their top three posts over a selected time period.

Build a Custom Facebook Report

Want more flexibility over what you show on your Facebook reports? Whether you want to prove the value of your Facebook efforts to clients or you just want to show your CMO the data they care about the most, My Reports  can help you create a report tailored to your use case.

Use Sprout’s Facebook Reports to Improve Your Social Media Strategy

Consider running periodic reports (monthly, bi-weekly or whatever makes sense for you) to identify strengths and weaknesses in your social media strategy . With this data at your fingertips you can:

  • Analyze the impact of your published content.
  • Make smarter decisions on how to increase your social media presence.
  • Follow-up on the results of your work by visualizing how these changes in your social strategy translated into responses among your followers and fans.

Learn more about Sprout Social’s Facebook management tools and additional features here.

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Facebook marketing: The complete guide for your brand’s strategy

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Facebook releases a report on the most-viewed content in News Feed

It can be hard to get a picture of what facebook’s users actually see.

By Mitchell Clark

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facebook reports

Facebook has released a report to show what content was most widely viewed by Americans in the last quarter, and the list includes a post from President Biden, a video from 5-Minute Crafts, and arguments about whether you should put sugar on spaghetti. Facebook’s report comes as a response to frequent reports that some of the platform’s posts with the most interaction are from right-wing sources that critics say could have a radicalizing effect on users. Facebook says that the report shows what people actually see on the platform, as opposed to what content on Facebook gets the most interaction, and that it’ll be creating these reports on a quarterly basis in the future. However, the picture the report paints is, by Facebook’s own admission, an incomplete one.

Wednesday’s report covers the public News Feed content seen by Facebook’s US viewers between the beginning of April and the end of June. It contains sections including showing the top 20 domains, links, pages, and posts in terms of views. Facebook also released a companion guide that describes how it got and analyzed the data for the report.

Facebook says this post had 80.6 million viewers.

According to the report, the most-viewed post is a letter scramble that invites users to pick out the first three words they see. The second most-viewed posts asks users over 30 to post a picture of themselves if they look young. Facebook has the full list of posts, along with links and screenshots, in its report, which you can view here .

Looking through Facebook’s lists, it’s all rather tame stuff. The most-viewed domains (which shows which websites’ links were the most viewed, as opposed to which specific links got the most eyes) include sites like YouTube, UNICEF, Spotify, and CBS News, while the most-viewed pages include a page called “Woof Woof” and “Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons.” The seventh most-viewed link is an adorable GIF of kittens , and the third is UNICEF’s response page for India’s COVID-19 crisis .

Facebook says it wants to give an “accurate representation” of the platform’s content

For some, this may seem surprising or suspect. We’ve heard before that Facebook’s own tools show that right-wing content from the likes of Ben Shapiro and Sean Hannity is what captures the most interaction from the site’s users, and Facebook is reportedly well aware of that perception. In July, The New York Times ran a story that described how data published by journalists led to a battle within the company about whether it should be as open as possible with what its users engage with, or if limiting access to that data made Facebook look good. As the Times put it, it was a clash between transparency and image management.

Facebook denied that characterization then, and it still does. “The narrative that has emerged is quite simply wrong,” Facebook’s VP of integrity, Guy Rosen, said on a call with reporters Wednesday. He added that the goal of releasing the data is to give an “accurate representation” of content on Facebook.

While the report’s contents may be interesting, they’re not exactly representative of everything that Facebook users actually see. Facebook itself says in the report that the top posts were less than 0.1 percent of the content viewed by the site’s US users. According to the report, the percentage is similar for the top 20 links as well, though the domains made up for 1.9 percent of US news feed content views.

Content that links out to other sites doesn’t make up a large portion of the views.

Another caveat is that the views Facebook’s report show are the ones for public content — things shared in private groups or on private profiles aren’t included, as Facebook says that would be a violation of privacy. Groups specifically, though, are seen as a large source of misinformation and bad behavior on Facebook, and the company has had to continuously navigate how to enforce existing rules and create new ones to manage them .

The News Feed is personalized, so we’re only seeing a sliver of what Facebook’s users are scrolling past

All this goes to say that, while the report from Facebook is interesting to look through, it’s important to keep in mind what it is and what it isn’t. Facebook has been very clear that there’s a difference between what people see on Facebook and what they interact with, and this report really only touches on the former. There is an argument to be made, though, that what people interact with is what will actually affect them the most — you’re more likely to remember something you commented on than something you scrolled past. Plus, as noted before, the report only shows a tiny slice of News Feed views — with Facebook’s users getting a custom news feed, Facebook can only really summarize so much, which ends up leaving out a lot.

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Facebook analytics report: how to use your best fb analytics resource.

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n this page, we’ll cover everything from how to create a Facebook analytics report with Facebook Insights to interpreting your  Facebook Insights reports , and even a list of the best page analytics report tools for this platform.

If you’re ready to dive in, keep reading! Otherwise, feel free to  contact us today or give us a call at 888-601-5359  to learn more about how we can help your Facebook presence grow with Facebook analytics!

Creating a Facebook analytics report with Facebook Insights

Facebook provides users with a free, integrated analytics platform called  Facebook Insights  that can help you understand everything there is to know about your Facebook presence.

1. Find your page’s Insights

To access it, you’ll simply log into your company’s Facebook page and click “Insights” located in the toolbar at the top of your page.

facebook insights click

2. Select your Facebook analytics report time window

When you click into Facebook Insights, you’ll see a variety of charts that create a summary of actions taken on your page. You can view these metrics based on “today,” “yesterday,” “last 7 days,” or “last 28 days.” Make your selection before creating your report.

Having trouble selecting a period of time? Here’s a guide to help you choose:

Choose if… You posted something specific and want to check analytics for it.
Choose if… You posted something specific yesterday and want to check analytics for it.
Choose of… You tried a new posting style this week, or you just want a weekly report of important metrics.
Choose   if… You want a monthly Facebook page analytics report to help you see campaign metrics from a birds-eye view.

3. Create your Facebook page analytics report

It’s time to create your report! To do so, simply click “Export Data” on your Insights page.

export data 1

From there, Facebook will provide you with the following Facebook analytics report options:

  • The data type: page data, post data, or video data
  • File format

When you’ve selected the kind of Facebook analytics report you’re interested in, click “Export Data,” and your download will begin! You can download as an Excel sheet so that your data is organized in one place.

export data begin

4. Interpret your data

Your analytics report for Facebook tells you a lot about your Facebook presence. Here are a few metrics that you can view with your basic report. All metrics are presented in daily, weekly, and 28-day formats. The metrics with an asterisk (*) are only presented in daily and weekly formats.

Stand-alone metrics:

  • Lifetime total likes (singular metric)
  • Daily new likes (singular metric)
  • Daily unlikes (singular metric)
  • Total reach
  • Organic reach
  • Viral reach


  • Total impressions
  • Organic impressions
  • Paid impressions
  • Viral impressions

Page views:

  • Logged-in page views*

Reach of posts:

  • Organic reach of posts
  • Paid reach of posts
  • Viral reach of posts

Impressions of posts:

  • Total impressions of posts
  • Organic impressions of posts
  • Paid impressions of posts
  • Viral impressions of posts
  • Total consumers
  • Page consumptions
  • Negative feedback
  • Negative feedback from users
  • Total check-ins
  • Total check-ins using mobile devices
  • Total organic views
  • Total promoted views
  • Total organic 30-second views
  • Paid 30-second views
  • Total video views
  • Video repeats
  • Total unique video views
  • Total 30-second views
  • Auto-played 30-second views
  • Total clicked 30-second views
  • Total 30-second repeats
  • Total unique 30-second views
  • Total action count per page*
  • Total get direction click count per page*
  • Total phone calls click count per page*
  • Total website click count per page*

You can also see more metrics in the different sheets at the bottom of your Excel document. However, to get a well-rounded view, you can stick with the “key metrics” sheet.

It’s great to have those other sheets, though, since they outline metrics like reach by city, reach by country, reach demographics, likes by language, and likes by gender.

Using Facebook Insights to analyze your presence

Now that you’ve seen a Facebook analytics report sample, it’s time to run your own to analyze your Facebook presence!

After you’ve run your report, it can be overwhelming to see so many metrics in one place. That’s why we’ve put together a chart to help you sift through key metrics and determine which ones will be the most beneficial to your business.

Here are a few scenarios and what metrics you should pay the most attention to for each:

You’re new to FacebookPage engaged users, total reach, total impressions, reach of page posts, total consumers
You’re trying something newTotal impressions of posts, total organic views (compare these metrics to a period of time before new strategy)
You want to know your audienceReach by city, reach demographics, likes by language, likes by gender
You want to know how successful your videos areTotal video views, total clicked 30-second views, video repeats
You want to know how many users visit your locationTotal check-ins
You want to know who doesn’t like your pageNegative feedback
You want to know how many users take the next step via FacebookTotal phone calls click count per page, total website click count per page, total get directions click count per page

Even though these scenarios provide you with some direction, you can likely benefit from just about every metric that Facebook Insights provides. Be sure to check out other metrics than the ones we have suggested for your scenario.

Do you need help determining what metrics are the most important to the success of your specific Facebook presence? WebFX can help! Give us a ring at 888-601-5359 !

3 more free Facebook analytics tools to help you thrive

Are you looking for more Facebook analytics tools besides Facebook Insights?

We’ve got you covered there, too. We found three more free Facebook analytics tools to help you create your ideal analytics report for Facebook.

However, keep in mind that although we love these tools too, nothing compares to the seamlessly integrated and proprietary Facebook Insights tool. These tools are best used in conjunction with Facebook Insights to gain more data and create better campaigns.

Cyfe isn’t just for Facebook — it can help you create a custom marketing dashboard that features only your most significant business metrics.

You can create your custom dashboard by selecting from a wide variety of widgets that give you insight into the social media metrics that you’re most interested in.

Matter of fact, there are over 50 Facebook widgets available with Cyfe, and you can create the perfect dashboard that features metrics that you want to see.

How much does it cost?  Cyfe is free, but to get all of the features, an account is $29 per month.

2. Agorapulse

Agorapulse  features two free Facebook tools that help you understand things like content performance, timeline analytics, and reach of paid, organic, and viral content.

You can even use this tool to create quizzes for your timeline, and they also provide a Facebook ROI calculator!

The best part? It’s free!

How much does it cost?  The two Facebook tools that we mentioned are free, but if you’re interested in the whole kit and kaboodle, it’ll cost you $39 per month!

Quintly  proclaims that they can help you “drive strategic decisions by analyzing social media data.” They provide users with hundreds of dashboards to help them understand the effectiveness and quality of their social presence and give them insights on how to improve.

This tool allows you to measure the impact of your current strategy, provides KPIs, and more.

How much does it cost?  The Facebook analytics tool is free, but the full product suite is $100 per month.


WebFX can help you understand your Facebook page analytics reports

Are you worried about the success of your Facebook page? Do you think you could do better? Chances are, you can — and WebFX is here to help. We’re a Meta Business Partner that has a whole team of social media specialists to help make your social presence amazing.

We’re a full-service digital marketing agency, which means we provide services ranging from SEO services  and  pay-per-click advertising (PPC)  to  geofencing  and  web design .

Social media marketing is just one of our specialties, and our social media specialists can help you:

  • Analyze your current Facebook presence
  • Teach you how to create  Facebook analytics  reports with Facebook Insights
  • Improve your Facebook presence based on your report
  • Help you create a well-rounded social media marketing campaign with multiple channels
  • Help you run  Facebook Ads
  • And so much more


If you want to make the most of your social presence, creating an analytics report for Facebook is a must. At WebFX, we know analyzing your social campaigns can be difficult, which is why we work with you to create efficient reports and suggestions based on your unique needs.

To learn more about our  Facebook marketing services , feel free to  contact us online or give us a call at 888-601-5359  to talk to a specialist!

Table of Contents

  • Creating a Facebook Analytics Report with Facebook Insights
  • Using Facebook Insights to Analyze Your Presence
  • 3 More Free Facebook Analytics Tools to Help You Thrive
  • WebFX Can Help You Understand Your Facebook Page Analytics Reports

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Oil Market Report - July 2024

07 July

About this report

The IEA Oil Market Report (OMR) is one of the world's most authoritative and timely sources of data, forecasts and analysis on the global oil market – including detailed statistics and commentary on oil supply, demand, inventories, prices and refining activity, as well as oil trade for IEA and selected non-IEA countries.

  • World oil demand continues to decelerate, with 2Q24 growth easing to 710 kb/d year-on-year – the slowest quarterly increase since 4Q22. Chinese consumption contracted, as the country's post-pandemic rebound has run its course. Global gains are forecast to average just below 1 mb/d in 2024 and 2025, as subpar economic growth, greater efficiencies and vehicle electrification act as headwinds.
  • Global supply rose 150 kb/d to 102.9 mb/d in June as field maintenance eased and biofuels rose, offsetting a significant drop in Saudi flows. Solid monthly gains pushed 2Q24 output 910 kb/d higher q-o-q. Growth of 770 kb/d is seen for 3Q24 with non-OPEC+ providing 600 kb/d of the gains. Annual increases of 770 kb/d are forecast in 2024 with gains of 1.8 mb/d next year.
  • Global refinery throughputs are forecast to rise by 950 kb/d to 83.4 mb/d in 2024, and by 630 kb/d to 84 mb/d next year. Weak demand and poor margins pressured Chinese and European crude processing in May. Margins declined in June in the Atlantic Basin and are close to multi-year lows. In Asia, they rebounded modestly in June, as run cuts eased regional crude market tensions.
  • Crude oil prices recovered from six-month lows in June, with Brent futures rising by $5/bbl to $86/bbl. Falling crude stocks, investor short covering and renewed Middle East geopolitical tensions contributed to the price strength, with fund positions recovering from historically low levels.
  • Global observed oil inventories rose for a fourth consecutive month in May, by 23.9 mb. Offshore inventories drew by 17.3 mb while on land stocks built by 41.3 mb to a 30-month high. OECD industry stocks rose by 27.8 mb to 2 845 mb but remained 69 mb below their five-year average. Preliminary data show global oil stocks falling by 18.1 mb in June, dominated by crude while products built.

Summer heat

Benchmark crude oil prices bounced back from six-month lows over the course of June after OPEC+ officials stated that unwinding voluntary production cuts would depend on market conditions – and as geopolitical risks remained high. ICE Brent futures rose by $5/bbl to $86/bbl by end-month.

Oil prices increased in June despite mounting concerns over the health of the Chinese economy and slowing oil demand growth. Global observed inventories were up in May for the fourth month in a row, reaching their highest level since August 2021. Offshore inventories moved ashore at a brisk pace, with oil on water down sharply, while on land stocks rose to a 30-month high ahead of the seasonal uptick in refinery activity. OECD industry stocks built for a second consecutive month after having declined for the previous six months. Preliminary data suggest global oil stocks fell 18.1 mb in June, led by a 1 mb/d draw in crude.

World oil demand growth slowed to only 710 kb/d in 2Q24, its lowest quarterly increase in over a year. Oil consumption in China, long the engine of global oil demand growth, contracted in both April and May, and is now assessed marginally below year earlier levels in 2Q24. That stands in stark contrast to annual gains of 1.5 mb/d in 2023 and 740 kb/d in 1Q24. Demand for industrial fuels and petrochemical feedstocks was particularly weak. By contrast, second-quarter delivery data of gasoil and naphtha for OECD economies came in higher than expected, potentially signalling a budding recovery in Europe’s ailing manufacturing sector. While the bounce temporarily pushed quarterly OECD demand growth back into positive territory, non-OECD countries will account for all this year’s global gains. World oil demand growth expectations for the 2024 and 2025 are largely unchanged at 970 kb/d and 980 kb/d, respectively.

At the same time, global oil supply trended higher, with 2Q24 production up 910 kb/d from 1Q24, led by the United States. Output is forecast to rise by another 770 kb/d in 3Q24 with non-OPEC+ providing 600 kb/d of the gains. For 2024 as a whole, global oil supply growth is forecast to average 770 kb/d, which will boost oil supply to a record 103 mb/d. Non-OPEC+ output is expected to rise by 1.5 mb/d, while OPEC+ production will fall by 740 kb/d year-on-year if existing voluntary cuts are maintained. Global supply growth in 2025 is projected at a much stronger 1.8 mb/d, with non-OPEC+, mainly in the United States, Canada, Guyana and Brazil, leading gains for a third consecutive year, adding 1.5 mb/d.

In early June, OPEC+ laid out a roadmap for unwinding extra voluntary supply reductions of up to 2.2 mb/d from 4Q24 through 3Q25. Given the bloc’s assurances that the production increase can be paused or reversed subject to market conditions, we will adjust our OPEC+ supply numbers when such a decision is confirmed. The OPEC+ Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee is meanwhile due to meet on 1 August to review global oil market conditions and production levels. Our current non-OPEC+ supply and global demand forecasts show the call on OPEC+ crude at 42.2 mb/d in 3Q24 and 41.8 mb/d in 4Q24 – roughly 800 kb/d and 400 kb/d above its June output, respectively. For next year, the call on OPEC+ crude tumbles to 41.1 mb/d as demand growth continues to slow and non-OPEC+ output continues to expand. After the hot summer, cooler trends are set to prevail.

OPEC+ crude oil production 1 million barrels per day

Algeria 0.9 0.91 0.0 0.91 0.99 0.08
Congo 0.26 0.26 -0.02 0.28 0.27 0.01
Equatorial Guinea 0.06 0.05 -0.02 0.07 0.06 0.01
Gabon 0.22 0.22 0.05 0.17 0.22 0.0
Iraq 4.3 4.26 0.26 4.0 4.87 0.61
Kuwait 2.49 2.48 0.07 2.41 2.88 0.4
Nigeria 1.28 1.32 -0.18 1.5 1.42 0.1
Saudi Arabia 9.03 8.85 -0.13 8.98 12.11 3.26
UAE 3.25 3.28 0.37 2.91 4.28 1.0
Iran 3.35 3.35 3.8
Libya 1.19 1.19 1.23 0.04
Venezuela 0.88 0.89 0.87 -0.02
Azerbaijan 0.46 0.49 -0.06 0.55 0.49 -0.0
Kazakhstan 1.49 1.57 0.11 1.47 1.62 0.05
Mexico 1.56 1.58 1.6 0.02
Oman 0.76 0.76 0.0 0.76 0.85 0.09
Russia 9.24 9.22 0.24 8.98 9.76
Others 0.74 0.75 -0.12 0.87 0.86 0.1

1. Includes extra voluntary curbs where announced. 2. Capacity levels can be reached within 90 days and sustained for an extended period. 3. Excludes shut in Iranian, Russian crude. 4. Angola left OPEC effective 1 Jan 2024. 5. Iran, Libya, Venezuela exempt from cuts. 6. Mexico excluded from OPEC+ compliance. 7. Bahrain, Brunei, Malaysia, Sudan and South Sudan.

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IEA (2024), Oil Market Report - July 2024 , IEA, Paris

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Obama was startled by how 'disoriented' Biden appeared during a June fundraising event, NYT reports

  • Biden startled Obama with his disoriented state at a June fundraiser, The New York Times reported.
  • Biden is upset that Obama isn't supporting him as Democratic leaders ask him to step down.
  • Biden believes Obama is partially behind the wave of attacks about his age, people told the NYT.

Insider Today

During a campaign fundraising event in June, President Joe Biden 's disoriented state while onstage left former President Barack Obama "startled," The New York Times reported.

The event in question — a Los Angeles fundraiser hosted by Jimmy Kimmel — included a viral moment where it appeared Obama led a frozen Biden offstage. At the time, the White House dismissed the notion, saying Biden paused for applause.

According to an anonymous former Obama aide who spoke to the Times, the former president was surprised by how Biden had "aged and seemed disoriented."

The report also cites people close to the president describing an upset Biden, recovering from COVID at his Delaware home while fighting off multiple attacks on his ability to serve another four years as president.

Biden is most upset that Obama hasn't come to his aid, the Times reported. This resentment partially stems from Obama discouraging Biden from running for president in 2016 to make room for Hillary Clinton , the Times reported.

However, the Times also reports that Biden believes Obama to be behind the wave of Democrats urging him to step down, according to people close to the President. Multiple reports indicate that Obama expressed concerns about Biden's ability to beat Republican nominee Donald Trump .

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Behind the scenes, Biden is considering what an exit from the 2024 race might look like, per multiple reports. But on Friday, his campaign insisted he is here to stay.

"He's the best person to take on Donald Trump," Biden's reelection campaign chair, Jen O'Malley Dillon, said on "Morning Joe."

Following a debate against Trump in which both candidates performed poorly, dozens of prominent Democratic lawmakers and donors are asking Biden to step down and allow another candidate to take his place before the Democratic National Convention in August.

Representatives for Obama and Biden did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Watch: Joe Biden is running for reelection, and Trump slammed the announcement

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