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Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences

Doctoral studies.

Doctoral Studies

The doctoral programmes of the D-CHAB attract around 500 highly qualified doctoral students from all over the world that are doing research in over 50 groups that cover a wide range of research areas in chemistry, pharmaceutical and applied sciences. About 50% of all doctoral chemistry students in Switzerland are educated at the D-CHAB.

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Department of Architecture

Doctoral studies at the d-arch.

On 1.1.2022 the new doctoral ordinance of the ETH Zurich as well as new implementation and detailed provisions come into force. They replace the editions of 1.7.2008 (Doctoral Ordinance) and 17.10.2013 (Implementation Regulations).

Forms, information sheets, legal basis and further information are made available here:

  • external page call_made Doctoral Ordinance ETH Zurich (1.1.22)
  • Download vertical_align_bottom Doctorate Detailed Stipulations  (PDF, 287 KB)
  • chevron_right Doctorate D-ARCH Regulations
  • chevron_right Doctorate at ETH Zurich
  • chevron_right Student portal: Doctorate
  • chevron_right Forms, Procedures, Legal Matters

The individual doctorate is based on an agreement between the candidate and the supervisor of the doctoral thesis. With the approval of the doctoral plan by the aptitude colloquium within one year of starting the doctorate, the candidate is definitely admitted to the doctorate. The aptitude colloquium is taken in the institute to which the supervisor of the doctoral thesis belongs (if he or she belongs to the IEA institute, doctoral students can, in consultation with their supervisor, choose the aptitude colloquium of any other institute at D-ARCH).

In addition to applying for an individual doctorate, it is also possible to apply for admission to a doctoral program. The application for a doctoral program precedes the admission procedure stipulated in the doctoral ordinance (for details, see the regulations of the relevant doctoral programs). A doctoral candidate can only be enrolled in one doctoral program. If you participate in more than one doctoral program, the doctoral program in which a substantial part of the doctoral studies is completed will be selected.

The deadlines for submitting the doctoral plan, for appointing the second supervisor, for completing the aptitude colloquium, for reporting co-examiners and the over all period for the doctorate can be viewed by the students in their myStudies account.

After registration, applicants are provisionally enrolled.

Within 12 months of prov. admission, the candidate must pass an aptitude colloquium. These take place in week 5, 23 and 37. The candidate must register online for the aptitude colloquium until Friday in KW 2, 20 and 34

The aptitude committee examines whether the candidate is qualified to independently carry out a research project and write a doctoral thesis. The subject of the examination is the research project described in the doctoral plan.

If the aptitude colloquium takes place in a video conference, two-way communication in image and sound must be guaranteed. If this is not the case, the chairperson is obliged to break off the colloquium and agree on a new date.

The aptitude committe e (of the institutes ITA, GTA, IDB, LUS) consists of a member of the doctoral committee, the supervisor of the doctoral thesis and the second advisor. Their tasks are:

• Examination of the candidate's aptitude ("passed" / "failed"); • Written submission of the result to the head of the doctoral committee   (possibly with additional remarks to the research project); • Written justification of the evaluation in case of disagreement between    the members of the committee; • Statement on the participation of the doctoral candidate in teaching and    on other tasks; • Statement on the schedule in the case of an extended doctoral program.

If the deadline for the aptitude colloquium is not met, the candidate will be exmatriculated based on Art. 22 para. 2 let. b Doctoral Ordinance ETH Zurich.

The Introductory Programme is for students who recently started their doctorate at ETH Zurich.

The doctoral plan must be submitted at least 1 year after entry, until Friday in calendar weeks 2, 20 or 34.

For the doctoral plan, following Download template (PDF, 619 KB) vertical_align_bottom must be used and a curriculum vitae must be attached.

  • Abstract (max. 1 A4-page)
  • CV (max. 2 A4-pages)
  • Formulation of research objective and research questions, presentation of the planned methodology and brief description of the expected gain in knowledge. (max. 10 A4-pages);

The second advisor must be reported with the doctoral plan. The second advisor is appointed by the supervisor, in agreement with the doctoral candidate. A second advisor has at least the level of a post-​doc or equivalent or is an ETH-​internal or ETH-​external expert in the relevant research area. A second advoisor who is not a professor of ETH can also take part in the doctoral examination as a co-​examiner later - with the appropriate approval of the doctoral committee. If so, he or she does also have to write a report on the thesis. Second advisors without permission are admitted as guests to the doctoral examination.

A co-examiner can be appointed right at the beginning of a doctorate, however he or she must be appointed before registering for the doctoral examination at the latest.

  • Title, Name
  • Current position / company
  • Research field
  • Phone number
  • Email address

Coexaminers who are not professors of ETH Zurich must be approved by the responsible doctoral committee.

For all doctoral examinations taken after 1.1.2024 the following applies:

  • At least one co-examiner is from outside ETH Zurich and is an expert in the candidate's research field.
  • If there is a relationship of dependence between the doctoral thesis supervisor and the co-examiners, another independent and expert person must be appointed.

Attention! The following are eligible for election as external co-​examiners:

  • Active professors from other universities
  • Persons who are proven experts in the area of the doctoral thesis and are equivalent to professors in this (example: a research director from a research institution in the ETH domain, a Max-​Planck institute or a Centre National de la  Recherche Scientifique)

Not included are persons from universities of applied sciences or private industry with the corresponding expertise. They may, however, be appointed as additional members of the examina-​tion committee.

Supervisors of doctoral theses are confirmed as examiners in doctoral examinations for up to one year after their retirement. The department is responsible for this confirmation. In this case, it must be ensured that at least one professor from ETH Zurich is involved as a co-examiner.

Definitely admitted doctoral students submit an annual progress report to their supervisor on the status and planned progress of their research work as well as any significant deviations from the doctoral plan.

In addition, the supervisor conducts an on-site interview with the doctoral candidate at least once a year. It is recommended to also invite the second advisor. The annual status conversation determines the doctoral student's position, supports in all relevant matters and evaluates the candidate's performance. The result of the conversation is recorded in writing in a template (see website) in the following points:

  • Assessment of the research based on the progress report;
  • Determination of the next steps;
  • work situation in the research group;
  • Status in doctoral studies;
  • Personal development opportunities and, if necessary, appropriate measures.

The supervisor confirms in a template that the on-site interview has taken place and that the progress report has been submitted (date, time, place and signatures of the head and the doctoral candidate).

The supervisor and the doctoral candidate are obliged to keep all progress reports and protocols of the annual status conversations until the candidate is exmatriculated from the doctorate!

  • chevron_right Template: Annual Progress Report
  • chevron_right Template: Annual Status Conversation

Doctoral students are encouraged to continue their education. In this respect, doctoral studies allow students to deepen their knowledge in their research field, to improve their skills in related research areas as general education and to facilitate their integration into the scientific community.

Within the doctoral studies ("Doktoratsverordnung of ETH Zurich"), the students have not only the right but also a commitment to widen their knowledge.

As a prerequisite for taking a doctoral exam, candidates must provide evidence of 12 ECTS acquired during their regular doctoral studies, whereof at least one third has to be acquired outside of their research area.

If, based on the decision of the supervisor at the beginning of the doctorate, a so-called extended doctoral program is ordered, an individual study plan is created as part of the doctoral plan. In the extended doctoral program, coursework can be ordered up to a maximum of 30 ECTS. They are to be acquired in addition to the ECTS in the regular doctoral program.

ECTS credit points are only awarded if - when completing a course unit, the associated performance assessment   was passed; - the doctoral candidate has made an active, verifiable contribution when   participating in other scientific events (conferences, conventions); - the performance from a course at Master’s level was achieved; - the performance was not provided in a course held by the own leader.

1 ECTS is equivalent to 30 working hours. Credits are issued for a doctoral student’s personal contribution only.

Doctoral students always find an adequate, extensive range of courses: specially designed courses, seminars and colloquia at the ETH, at the University of Zurich or at other universities. Credits outside the research area can be acquired at D-GESS, among others. Active participation in committees and working groups at ETH Zurich, the organization and/or active participation in conferences and workshops at home or abroad can also be credited with ECTS.

The study achievements can be documented accordingly in mystudies.

Applications for credits from approved study achievements (participation in committees and working groups of ETH Zurich, organization and/or active participation in conferences and workshops in Switzerland and abroad) can be submitted in mystudies -> Functions -> Requests together with the form " Confirmation of course attendance" as well as papers, course certificates, etc.

Creditable achievements

The doctoral exam has to take place 6 years after the temporary admission at the latest., from 1.3.2024, possible defence dates will only be offered if 12 credits have been achieved. for further information visit: acquiring ects and extended doctoral studies..

The Study Secretariate (doctoral office) proposes one or more dates in consultation with the chairperson of the examination committee.

No doctoral exams are held in July and August.

If these requirements are met, the doctoral office suggests one or more dates in consultation with the chairperson of the examination board. The doctoral student coordinates this appointment(s) with the supervisor, the co-examiners and possibly the second supervisor. The doctoral student reports the chosen date to the D-ARCH doctoral office.

Registering for the doctoral exam

The doctoral student registers for the doctoral examination at least 1 month before the doctoral examination takes place.

  • Form"Registration for Doctoral Examination", signed of both, supervisor and candidate, including stamp and signature of the D-ARCH Doctoral Office that the 12 ECTS (one third hereof out of the research field) have been acquired.
  • Title page of the doctoral thesis (without the dissertation number, this will be assigned later!)

After receiving the confirmation of registration

  • the doctoral office invites the candidate and all members of the examination committee to the doctoral examination (email) and informs them of this to all official bodies.
  • the doctoral office publishes the doctoral examination in the event calendar of the department.

Form of doctoral examination and examination committee:

A doctoral examination is generally public and can take place both physically and virtually (VideoZoom). The D-ARCH can restrict the public of the examination. If the doctoral examination takes place virtually (VideoZoom), it is hosted by MMS technology. The candidate contacts the MMS technician in good time before the exam (according to the contact details in the invitation). If an examination cannot be carried out properly for technical reasons, it must be canceled or postponed. For the implementation of doctoral examinations, the current instructions of the school management apply. The candidate is responsible for organizing a Zoom Link for hybrid exams.

Composition of the examination committee:

  • A chairperson appointed by the head of department; (Professor)
  • Supervisor (called the examiner);
  • At least one co-examiner, whereas for doctoral examinations after 1.1.2024 the following applies: 1) At least one co-examiner must be from outside ETH Zurich; 2) In the event of a dependent relationship between the head of department and the co-examiners, another independent and expert person must be added.

Procedure for the doctoral examination:

  • Candidate's presentation and interrogation by the examination board: 60 minutes;
  • Questions from guests: 10 minutes;
  • Decision and announcement of the expert committee's result: 20 minutes;
  • Download vertical_align_bottom Template of doctoral thesis title page  (PDF, 128 KB)
  • chevron_right “Citation etiquette” – the information sheet on plagiarism
  • chevron_right Registration form for doctoral examination
  • chevron_right Student portal Doctoral thesis & doctoral examination

After the doctoral exam important final steps have to be taken before you receive your doctor’s title:

  • Approval of the thesis by the Department Conference (this is the date of the dematriculation from the doctorate)
  • Submission of deposit copies ( 3 months at the latest after the dematriculation date ) as per personal letter of the central doctoral administration office.
  • chevron_right Student portal: Final steps
  • chevron_right Student portal: Deposit copies
  • Download vertical_align_bottom Form "Submitting the doctoral thesis deposit copies"  (PDF, 886 KB)
  • Download vertical_align_bottom Template of Doctoral thesis title page  (PDF, 128 KB)

If you decide to change the supervisor, you need the agreement of the new supervisor and, if possible, also the agreement of the former supervisor. Please hand in or send the corresponding form to the Doctoral Administration Office, main building, FO 23.4, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich.

If you feel not to be able to finish your doctorate within the maximum period of 6 years, a well-founded request for extension is to be handed in to the Doctoral Administration Office, main building, FO 23.4, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich within due time.

If you withdraw from your doctorate early, it is not enough simply not to enrol for any more semesters. Your withdrawal must be officially reported to the Doctoral Administration Office using the form "Withdrawal declaration for doctoral students". Only when you have submitted this, together with your ETH card, will you be de-matriculated.

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Department of Health Sciences and Technology

Doctoral examination.

D-​HEST Doctoral Administration is closed:

01.08.2024 - 31.08.2024 and 23.12.2024 - 12.01.2025 → No doctoral examinations or aptitude colloquia can be held during these periods.  

The doctoral examination has to take place within 6 years after the provisional admission.

Scheduling the examination

The doctoral administration of the department will then arrange your examination, i.e. reserve a room and set up a videoconference, if needed. Please provide us with the following information on the format of your examination:

  • on site (all participants are physically present), hybrid (one or more members of your committee take part online) or remote (everybody is online)
  • Do you prefer a room at ETH Zentrum, ETH Hönggerberg or elsewhere?
  • How many guests do you expect on site approximately?
  • Who is the chair of your examination?

Please note that MMS (Multimedia Services) only provides technical support for a videoconference if a member of your examination committee (or you) will attend online, and only at ETH Zentrum or ETH Hönggerberg. If only guests are attending online, you will have to set up a videoconference yourself.

  • Communicate your co-examiners at least 3 months before the examination. Information about approval of co-examiners
  • Register for the examination with Academic Services at least 15 working days before the examination. Details on the registration procedure available on the student portal .
  • Submit your thesis at least 15 working days to your examination committee (inclusive chair).
  • Submission of the thesis evaluation reports by the examination committee members at least 5 working days before the examination. Download Information for the committee members (PDF, 111 KB) vertical_align_bottom .

Please note that late registration/information/report submission may lead to re-scheduling of the doctoral examination.

Examination registration

Register for the examination with Academic Services at least 15 working days before your examination date. Early registration (up to 3 months before the examination) is possible.

You will need the following documents:

  • Food Science: Dr. Jeannette Nuessli Guth , Study Programme Coordinator
  • Health Sciences and Technology: Dr. Roland Müller , Study Programme Coordinator
  • The title page of your doctoral thesis. Leave the dissertation number field empty, the number of the thesis will be assigned upon registration. No print version of your thesis has to be provided.

After registration, Academic Services will send you a registration confirmation and inform the doctoral administration of your department.

Invitation and Examination

  • After you have registered, the doctoral administration of the department will issue and distribute the invitation to your examination. They will also ask the supervisor and the co-examiner(s) for reports on your thesis. The signed reports (hardcopy or PDF) must be provided at least 5 working days before the examination. 
  • As a rule, doctoral examinations at D-HEST are open to the public. They are published in the event calendars of the department and ETH Zurich. On request of the supervisor, a doctoral examination can also be non-public.
  • A doctoral examination can take place physically or virtually. A combination of these two forms is also possible (hybrid format). The department can make restrictions to the formats offered, e.g. during a pandemic. In case of a virtual doctoral examination or a hybrid examination where the physical presence of the candidate, committee member(s) and/or chairperson is not possible, the examination takes place by video conferencing, hosted by ETH Multimedia Services (MMS). If a virtual or hybrid examination cannot be carried out properly due to severe technical problems, the chairperson may decide to discontinue the examination.

After the Examination

In case of a successful examination, the D-HEST Department Conference will be asked for approval of the graduation. The doctoral examination must take place at the latest 2 weeks before the date of the conference at which the graduation is planned to be approved. The request for approval of the graduation will only be submitted to the Department Conference when required corrections to the doctoral thesis have been carried out at the latest one week before the Department Conference.

Information on the further steps after the examination is available on the student portal .

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Department of Computer Science

Doctoral plan + aptitude colloquium.

The most important component of the doctorate is the research project and thesis carried out under the supervision of a professor.

You can find information regarding formal thesis' aspects here .

Doctoral Plan

Each doctoral student must compile their own doctoral plan. It forms the basis for the aptitude colloquium - scientific works includes the ability to formulate and defend research ideas and to plan their possible realization. The doctoral plan helps to attain and practice this ability.

In agreement with the doctoral student, the supervisor must appoint the second advisor , preferable as early as possible.   

An electronic copy of the doctoral plan must be sumitted four weeks before the aptitude colloquium or at the latest within 11 months after provisional admission to the supervisor, the second advisor and the D-INFK doctoral administration .

Detailed information regarding the structure and content of the doctorale plan is available in the Download D-INFK Guidelines for Doctoral Plan (PDF, 157 KB) vertical_align_bottom . A LaTeX template is availabe external page here call_made .

Aptitude Colloquium

All doctoral students must subject themselves to a discussion in an aptitude colloquium within 12 months of provisional admission.

The aptitude committee comprises the supervisor, the second advisor, and a representative of the doctoral committee, or another person named by the doctoral committee who must be a member of the D-INFK Professors' Conference as chair of the aptitude committee. One of the aptitude committee members must be full or associated professor.

Six months after the provisional admission, the D-INFK doctoral administration assigns a chair for the aptitude colloquium and informs the doctoral student accordingly. The doctoral student sets the date of the colloquium in agreement with the supervisor, the second advisor and the chair and informs the D-INFK doctoral administration.

The aptitude colloquium consists of a presentation of 20 minutes by the doctoral student of their research proposal, followed by a discussion session during which the aptitude committee asks questions. The aptitude colloquium lasts at least 45 minutes.

The committee assesses the suitabilty of the doctoral student for conducting independent research and writing a doctoral thesis. The focus is on the proposed research area described in the doctoral plan. During the colloqium, the aptitude committee may also interrogate on the other points in the doctoral plan.

Further information can be found in the Download D-INFK aptitude colloquium guidelines (PDF, 117 KB) vertical_align_bottom and here .

The VMI attended some aptitude colloquia and summarized their impressions .  

Doctoral students are admitted definitively to the docotrate if they pass the aptitude colloquium.

This information applies only to direct doctorate students who started the master's programme in or before the autumn semester 2021 .

Direct doctorate students who started the master's programme as of the autumn semester 2022 please see the information for doctoral students.

Research Plan

Writing a research plan helps doctoral students structure and plan their work and also the thesis they will write. The research plan must be submitted within the first 12 months after completing the master's programme. It will also help doctoral students gain valuable experience in writing research proposals.

The research plan must be submitted, together with the approval form to the D-INFK doctoral administration .

Detailed information regarding the content and the structure of the research plan is available in the Download D-INFK guidelines for research plan (PDF, 141 KB) vertical_align_bottom .

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Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences

Doctorates at the d-gess, general information.

All doctoral students are subject to the general regulations as outlined in the Ordinance on the Doctorate at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and t h e Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate . In addition, department-specific rules are laid out in the Detailed Regulations, which can be accessed here . During the course of the doctorate, some administrative processes will be handled by the central ETH Doctoral Administration Office and others by the Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS or the Doctoral Committee of D-GESS. On this page, you will find information on doctoral studies at D-GESS, in particular on the administrative handling of departmental processes by the Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS.

Registration for and admission to the doctorate, registration for the doctoral exam, submission of deposit copies, the doctoral graduation ceremony, and issuing of the doctoral degree certificate are not processed by the department, but by the ETH Doctoral Administration Office.

ETH Zurich Doktoratsadministration Rämistrasse 101 HG FO 23.4 8092 Zurich Switzerland

Student portal: https://ethz.ch/students/en/doctorate.html

Staffnet: https://ethz.ch/services/en/teaching/administration-doctorate.html  

The department is responsible for handling the processes from the aptitude colloquium to the awarding of the doctorate by the Department Conference.

In this overview you will find recommendations for action, links and forms for the various administrative processes of your doctorate at D-GESS. They complement and specify the legal basis of the doctorate (ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate, Rector’s Implementation Provisions, Detailed Regulations of D-GESS).

The department does not arrange for doctoral positions. You can read here how to proceed in principle. Please consult the websites of our professorships to see which doctoral positions are available at D-GESS.  

ETH Zurich | Registration/Admission Doctorate

As a rule, doctoral students at D-GESS are not required by the department to complete extended doctoral studies. However, the supervisor of the doctoral thesis may impose an extended doctoral programme at his or her discretion and inform the Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS accordingly. In addition, the rectorate may also insist on extended doctoral studies if, for example, the candidate's qualifications are not sufficient.

The definition of an external thesis project can be found here . At D-GESS, external thesis projects must first be approved by the Doctoral Committee of D-GESS and then by the Department Conference. Enrolment and employment can only take place following the decision of the Department Conference.  

The following regulations concerning the research plan apply to all doctoral students at ETH Zurich: ETH Zurich | Qualifying exams & Research plan – Student portal At D-GESS, the provisions listed under the tab “Submit research plan” on the website also apply.

Second advisors of doctoral theses are usually professors at ETH Zurich or at another university. Senior scientists and senior assistants (Oberassistenten) may also be second advisors of a doctoral thesis if they are not employed at the same professorship as the thesis supervisor. The notification of the appointment of the second supervisor must be sent by e-mail to the Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS using this Download form (PDF, 180 KB) vertical_align_bottom at least two weeks before the qualifying colloquium.

Please note: Doctoral students who were provisionally admitted before 1/1/2022 may choose between the old and new regulations for doctoral studies.

General information:

You can access basic information on doctoral studies here . For the acquisition of the 12 ECTS credits in the doctoral studies programme, the ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate , Art. 34–36, and the Rector’s Implementation Provisions , Art. 10, apply. These are supplemented by the D-GESS Detailed Stipulations. For the acquisition of all ECTS credits, either a performance assessment must be passed or an active, verifiable contribution must be made. As a general rule, 1 ECTS credit point corresponds to a workload of 25–30 hours. The ECTS credits specified in the course catalogue cannot be fully credited in every case. Please refer to the Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate for definitive information.

Regulations at D-GESS:

Doctoral students who have been definitively admitted must submit a written progress report to the thesis supervisor for the annual status conversation (ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate, Art. 29). Further information on the progress report, and potential templates for reporting as well as for the status conversation, can be found here .

General information on cumulative doctoral theses can be found here . Furthermore, the Detailed Regulations of D-GESS , Art. 7 (LINK), apply. The Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS must receive all signed authorship declarations for co-authored parts of the doctoral thesis no later than three months before the doctoral exam.

The examination committee consists of the chairperson of the examination committee, the supervisor of the doctoral thesis, and at least two co-examiners. The chairperson of the examination committee is usually a member of the Doctoral Committee and, if possible, should belong to a different research area of the D-GESS than the thesis supervisor. To appoint a chairperson for the doctoral examination, doctoral students should contact the Doctoral  Administration Office of D-GESS. To be able to appoint a chairperson, candidates must show evidence that they have completed their doctoral studies and have agreed a date with the thesis supervisor and the co-examiners. The thesis supervisor discloses possible conflicts of interest between them, other members of the examination committee and the doctoral candidate three months before the exam. The signed Download form (PDF, 159 KB) vertical_align_bottom is submitted to the Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS by e-mail.

The Detailed Stipulations of D-GESS , Art. 9 (LINK), apply.

The following points must be completed no later than three months before the exam:

  • Proof of attainment of the required ECTS credits during the doctoral studies programme.
  • Confirmation of the appointment of the co-examiners.
  • In the case of a cumulative doctoral thesis: submission of all authorship declarations.
  • The thesis supervisor submits the signed Download conflict of interest form (PDF, 159 KB) vertical_align_bottom .

Prior to the exam, the following matters must also be organised by the doctoral candidate:

  • Set a date for the exam together with the thesis supervisor and the co-examiners
  • Request the appointment of a chairperson of the examination committee from the Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS
  • Book a room or organise a Zoom conference with the help of the external page Multimedia Service Team call_made . 
  • Before registering for the doctoral exam, the doctoral candidate sends the doctoral thesis to the Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS. This version will be made available to the examination committee. This should be done no later than three weeks before the exam date to be able to meet the registration deadline.

The registration for the doctoral exam must be submitted to the central Doctoral Administration Office of ETH at least 15 working days before the exam date. Please find further information about the registration and implementation of the doctoral exam here . The Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS confirms the doctorate on the registration form , provided that proof of attaining the 12 ECTS points has been submitted in advance.  

General guidelines on the doctoral thesis can be found here . After registering for the doctoral exam, the Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS will contact the examination committee and ask them to prepare the reviews. The reviewers are requested to submit their reviews no later than one week before the doctoral exam. In the case of a cumulative doctoral thesis, the examination committee will also receive the authorship declarations at the same time. The co-examiners and the thesis supervisor each write an evaluation of the doctoral thesis that clearly states whether they consider the doctoral thesis to be accepted or rejected. These experts’ reports include assessments of the following points:

  • Scientific quality, contribution of the thesis to current research;
  • Linguistic quality of the doctoral thesis;
  • Independence of the candidate’s scientific contribution in the case of a cumulative doctoral thesis;
  • Basic assessm ent of the doctoral thesis as “accepted” or “rejected” (distinctions are not awarded at ETH Zurich);
  • If revisions are to be ma de (“accepted conditionally”), the requirements to be fulfilled by the candidate must be clea rly indicated;
  • The reports should carry the official letterhead of the expert’s institution and be signed (an electronic signature is sufficient).

The reports are confidential according to Article 42 of the ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate. Only the members of the examination committee have access to the reports. After completion of the doctoral procedure, doctoral candidates may, upon request, inspect reports that concern their own doctoral thesis. Before the exam, the reports may only be sent to the Doctoral Administration Office of the D-GESS and must be available at least one week prior to the doctoral exam. The Doctoral Administration Office then distributes the reports to all members of the examination committee as a basis for preparing the doctoral exam. If the reports are not available to the members of the examination committee in time, the chairperson may postpone the doctoral exam. If the doctoral thesis is rejected on the basis of the expert evaluations, the chairperson of the examination committee shall immediately inform the doctoral candidate of the rejection of the doctoral thesis in writing. In this case, the doctoral exam does not take place.

First, the doctoral candidate gives a 30-minute presentation on the doctoral thesis. This is followed by an oral exam of at least 60 minutes by the examination committee. The presentation and oral exam are open to the public. Afterwards, the examination committee will deliberate, excluding the candidate and the public. The result of the doctoral exam is announced immediately afterwards. The examination committee assesses a. whether the doctoral thesis is accepted or rejected; b. whether the candidate has passed or failed the doctoral exam. All members of the examination committee are entitled to examine the candidate. The committee reaches its decision by majority vote; in the event of a tie, the chairperson has the deciding vote. The result is recorded in writing, including any requirements. The chairperson forwards the result to the Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS ( Download minutes (PDF, 968 KB) vertical_align_bottom of the doctoral exam). The Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS shall inform the doctoral candidate in writing – with a copy to the Doctoral Administration Office of ETH – of the following: a. If applicable, which requirements have been mandated, to whom these must be submitted, and the deadline for the revision of the thesis (max. 6 months). b. Information on the deadline for repeating the doctoral exam (if failed). c. Information on the possibility of requesting an appealable decree if the doctoral thesis is rejected or conditionally accepted, or if the candidate failed the doctoral exam. Doctoral students who fail the doctoral exam may repeat it once within six months.  

ETH Zurich | Student Portal: Change of supervisor & change of department

ETH Zurich | Student Portal: Duration of doctoral studies  

ETH Zurich | Student Portal: Withdrawal from doctoral studies

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Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education

Eth zurich - epfl joint doctoral program in the learning sciences.

boy points

Learning Sciences  is an emerging, interdisciplinary research area that focuses on developing a multi-faceted understanding of learning as it happens in the real world, as well as designing, implementing and improving learning environments.

The ETH Zurich - EPFL Joint Doctoral Program in the Learning Sciences (JDPLS) educates a new generation of dual-discipline scientists, who will bring together knowledge and methods from multiple disciplines such as psychology, education, computer science and data science to answer questions of how people learn and hence how to teach in the digital age. This doctoral program is directed towards students from any field of science or engineering who are highly motivated towards addressing the challenges in education that arise from the digitization of society. Research in the JDPLS emphasizes bridging the gap between fundamental and translational research. Our doctoral students are trained to lead the transformation in all parts of our education systems including schools, universities, workplace and informal learning spaces.  


Program Directors

Prof. Dr. Manu Kapur  (ETH Zurich)

external page Prof. Dr. Pierre Dillenbourg call_made  (EPFL)

Founding Chair 

Prof. Dr. Manu Kapur (ETH Zurich)

Executive Director

external page Dr. Richard Lee Davis call_made (EPFL)

Program Managers

Sara May  (ETH Zurich)

external page Emma Sorrentino call_made  (EPFL)

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Dept. of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Students in the first year of their doctorate at ETH Zurich are warmly invited to participate in the Introductory programme for new doctoral students , which consists of several events, workshops and seminars distributed between September and November 2022.

The introductory programme offers a great opportunity to get useful information and build up a network of contacts within ETH Zurich!

More information on the new 2022 doctoral ordinance will follow, please refer to ETH's corporate website on the doctorate at ETH Zurich .

Doctoral studies mean catching up with the forefront of research and pushing it further. Doctoral (PhD) students at D-ITET are individually supervised by a professor. Doctoral studies should take about 4 years (beyond the master degree) and must result in a thesis with a definite scientific contribution to research on an international level. A small number of graduate courses (12 ECTS credits) is also mandatory. A doctoral plan (approved by the supervising professor) must be submitted no later than 12 months after the beginning of the doctoral studies.

Research and teaching

Doctoral students at D-ITET generally hold paid positions with one of the research laboratories of the department. In addition to working on their own research project, most doctoral students are also teaching assistants and supervise student projects in the bachelor and master programs.

Further details on the doctorate at D-ITET can be found in the Download presentation of the welcome event for new doctoral students (PDF, 3.3 MB) vertical_align_bottom .

How to apply

Applications for a PhD position should be sent directly to the individual professors . Applicants must have a master degree from a well reputed university. Admission may be conditional on passing one or two courses at ETH.

General information about the doctorate at ETH Zurich.

Information about professors , laboratories and research areas .

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Dep. Inf.techno.u.Elektrotechnik ETZ H 87 Gloriastrasse 35 8092 Zurich Switzerland

Legal basis

  • chevron_right Legal collection
  • chevron_right Directives collection
  • chevron_right Ordinance on Doctoral Studies at ETH Zurich
  • chevron_right Rector's Implementation Provisions
  • Download vertical_align_bottom Detail Regulations for Doctoral Studies at D-ITET (2021)  (PDF, 171 KB)

Links & Downloads

  • chevron_right Upcoming meetings of the doctoral committee
  • chevron_right Code of Conduct
  • chevron_right Respect campaign
  • chevron_right Academic Calendar ETH
  • external page call_made Career Center
  • chevron_right Course catalogue
  • chevron_right Doctoral administration office
  • chevron_right Doctoral studies at ETH
  • chevron_right myStudies
  • chevron_right Welcome Center


  • chevron_right AVETH
  • chevron_right LIMES - Ladies in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
  • chevron_right VMITET
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Department of Mathematics

Thanks to its international focus, the Department of Mathematics offers doctoral students the best possible start to a career in academic or industrial research. A doctorate usually takes between three and five years.

The Department of Mathematics offers a broad spectrum of research areas for doctoral students ranging from pure mathematics, such as algebra, analysis, geometry, number theory or probability, to more applied mathematics, such as insurance mathematics, finance, mathematical physics, numerical analysis, operations research and statistics.

About twenty to thirty doctoral students complete their doctoral thesis at the Department every year: overview of upcoming and successfully passed doctoral examinations.

eth phd committee

Research environment

Doctoral students work as scientific assistants and are employed for up to six years. They attend the external page Zurich Graduate School in Mathematics. call_made

The benefits are:

  • internationally highly respected professors
  • research funded by the external page Swiss National Science Foundation call_made
  • offices in the ETH Zurich Main Building
  • access to the Mathematics Library and the ETH Library , access to online publications
  • conferences organised by the Forschungsinstitut für Mathematik to support the scientific exchange of ideas

Teaching activities

Passing on knowledge to future mathematicians, other scientists and engineers is a key part of doing doctoral studies at ETH Zurich. The teaching workload depends on the doctoral student's salary level. Teaching generally comprises:

  • teaching exercise classes
  • organising exercises for a lecture
  • assisting in student seminars
  • interacting with the lecturer and/or teaching assistants (undergraduate students)
  • providing assistance for lectures ranging from basic mathematics for biologists to advanced lectures for mathematicians
  • coordinating and correcting exams

Additional courses

Research lives from acquiring knowledge about current theory and discussing it with experts. During the regular doctoral studies, at least 12 ECTS credits must be acquired to cover the following objectives:

  • Deepening of knowledge in the research field of the doctoral thesis and expansion of knowledge beyond the original discipline
  • Acquisition of transferable skills
  • Integration into the scientific community  

Courses and seminars:

  • wide variety of high-level lectures, minicourses and student seminars: see ETH Zurich Course Catalogue or external page graduate courses call_made offered by the Zurich Graduate School in Mathematics
  • Reseach seminars organised by professors and research groups where experts from different mathematical fields give talks and exchange their knowledge
  • The FIM - Institute for Mathematical Research and the Institute for Theoretical Studies invite academic guests for scientific exchange

Life in Zurich

  • largest city in Switzerland with a top ranking for quality of life
  • charming medieval old town very close to the ETH Main Building and the Department
  • fantastic water activities, winter sports or hiking because of the lake and the Alps within close proximity
  • variety of cultural events and night life, very cosmopolitan  

Further activities

  • The external page Zurich Graduate School of Mathematics (ZGSM) call_made organises language courses and social events such as barbecues and fondue dinners.
  • The Association of Scientific Staff at ETH (AVETH) and the Association of Academic Staff at the D-MATH (VMM) represent the interests of doctoral students and organise events.
  • The external page Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ) call_made offers a wide range of sports that fulfil every wish.

More Information

  • chevron_right ETH Zurich – Doctorate
  • chevron_right Student portal – Doctorate
  • chevron_right Welcome Center
  • chevron_right Continuing education in university teaching
  • external page call_made German courses (ZGSM)
  • external page call_made Language center
  • protected page lock Help@D-MATH (ETH login required)

Legal matters

  • chevron_right Ordinance on Doctoral Studies at ETH Zurich
  • chevron_right Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the Ordinance on Doctoral Studies 2021


  • protected page lock VMM – Association of the academic mid-level faculty at D-MATH
  • chevron_right AVETH – Association of Scientific Staff at ETH
  • chevron_right AVETH – Survival Guide
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ETH AI Center  

Fellowship programs.

Fellowships 2025

Applications for the ETH AI Center PhD and Post-Doc Fellowships will open in October 2024

We are involved in three phd and post-doc programs.

Please see below a brief overview of the different types of PhD programs. Please note that while the programs are well coordinated, you need to apply for each of the programs separately and also ensure that your motivational letter fits with the corresponding program goals.

We are involved in three PhD & Post-Doc Programs

ETH AI Center PhD and Post-Doc Fellowships

Our flagship PhD & Post-Doc Program is focused on advancing interdisciplinary AI research . This can be inside the AI foundations or between AI foundations and application areas. The idea is that fellows work with two excellent PIs which carry both equal weights in the supervision.  Fellows have their primary office at the physical space of the ETH AI Center and become part of a cohort . Key selection criteria are ability for research excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration, and impact-orientation.

CLS PhD Fellowships

The Center for Learning Systems (CLS) is a joint initiative between Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) in Tübingen/Stuttgart, Germany and ETH Zurich. The core idea is to benefit from a combination of advisors of these two AI hubs through a mobility phase where the fellows have spend one year at the institution of the co-advisor.

CLS PhD Fellowship application:  external page https://learning-systems.org/ call_made

ELLIS PhD Fellowships

We are a proud member of  ELLIS - the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems - which is a pan-European AI network of excellence which focuses on fundamental science, technical innovation and societal impact. The ELLIS PhD Fellowships enable a single central application for PhD positions across Europe. A mobility component to spend at least 6 months at another ELLIS unit or choose an industry track is a must.

ELLIS PhD application: external page https://ellis.eu/phd-postdoc call_made

ETH AI Center team at AI+X Summit 2022

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Institute of Biochemistry

Most of our PhD students are members of one of the various PhD programs in the framework of the “Life Science Zurich Graduate School”.

Life Science Zurich Graduate School:

external page http://www.lifescience-graduateschool.ch/ call_made

PhD thesis committee

For each PhD student, a thesis committee serves as a scientific advisory board throughout the PhD work. Committee members give comments, advice and support to students in order to ensure that the thesis can be completed in an appropriate time frame and with the best possible outcome. In addition to the student’s own research group, the thesis committee provides an independent forum for scientific discussion. Moreover, the thesis committee might help in solving points of disagreement between the student and the supervisor. Finally, the thesis committee can help the supervisor to define the end of the thesis. The thesis committee should be defined when starting the PhD work and when the project has been decided as a joint decision between the supervisor and PhD student. The committee should be composed of at least two scientists who have an expertise in the scientific field or related area. Thesis members often work in and around Zurich, but this is not exclusive. Costs for travel of thesis committee members are paid by the supervisor. The student should meet with the committee at least once per year and committee meeting organization is the student's responsibility. Committee meetings generally start with a presentation by the PhD student of their work, followed by a discussion of the data, problems, and future perspectives. The thesis committee generally writes a short report about each meeting to the Director of the PhD program. Members of the thesis committee can eventually become “Koreferent” for the thesis. The decision whether somebody can be suggested as a “Koreferent” is made by the Doktoratsausschuss of D-Biol.

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Department of Management, Technology, and Economics

Doctoral studies in economics.

Doctoral studies in economics include advanced micro- and macroeconomics, econometrics, computational economics, environmental and resource economics, the design of institutions, and policy dynamic macroeconomics.

In order to be eligible for doctoral studies in economics, prospective doctoral candidates must apply for an open position at a CER-ETH chair .

Involved chairs, centres, and institutes

Course overview.

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Quantum Center

Quantum center research fellowship.

The Quantum Center Research Fellowship program funds PhD students and postdocs hosted by research groups of the Quantum Center at ETH Zurich.

eth phd committee

The objective of the Quantum Center Research Fellowship program is to fund PhD students and postdocs hosted by member groups of the Quantum Center at ETH Zurich. It supports innovative and original scientific research that fits well into the context of the host group while fostering the independence of the fellow. In addition, the fellows will be responsible for helping to bring together the PhD and postdoc community in the Quantum Center, for example by organizing technical exchange events or social activities.

The Quantum Center is committed to increasing diversity in quantum science, and candidates from under-represented groups are especially encouraged to apply. Furthermore, applications in groups of young PIs and PIs with small group sizes are equally encouraged. The Quantum Center Research Fellowship is endowed by the “Dr. Alfred and Flora Spälti Fonds “.

Opening date: December 1, 2023 Application deadline: February 20, 2024, 23:59 pm Decision date: May 1, 2024 Starting date: Within six months of the decision date If there are many competitive applications, the selection committee may choose to interview the candidates.  


Please submit your application via the ETH online application portal .

PhD and postdoc candidates who are supported by a member of the Quantum Center are eligible to apply. Applications have to be made jointly by the candidate and the potential host . Each PI can support only one application in a given call. PIs hosting successful candidates are not eligible to support candidates in the following call. PhD candidates are expected to have completed or be close to completion of a Master’s degree. They have to meet the general admission requirements for a doctorate at ETH Zurich. Relevant information can be found on the website of the Doctoral Administration of ETH Zurich . Postdoc candidates must not have been employed at ETH Zurich for more than one year at the time of the application deadline. Applicants with a PhD from ETH Zurich will not be considered.

PhD fellowships

PhD students funded by the Quantum Center Research Fellowship program are employed according to the regulations of ETH Zurich. The fellowship covers the full salary of a PhD student for three years according to the usual rates at ETH Zurich. In addition, a grant of up to 5'000 CHF per year for consumables may be awarded. To be accepted as a PhD fellow, the requirements of the Doctoral Administration of ETH Zurich must be met. The fellow will have to register as a graduate student at ETH Zurich and will be awarded a doctoral degree from ETH Zurich upon successful completion of the doctoral thesis. Details regarding the doctorate are according to ETH regulations and committees.

Postdoctoral fellowships

The fellowship covers the salary for one postdoc for up to two years. Postdoctoral fellows will be employed in accordance with the regulations of ETH Zurich, and salaries will be paid according to the ETH standard (100%). In addition, a grant of up to 5'000 CHF per year for consumables may be awarded.

Employment at ETH Zurich

Information on the employment at ETH Zurich and salaries for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers can be found here .

The following documents have to be submitted in a single file in PDF format:

  • Motivation letter ( to be written by the candidate and not to exceed 1 page )
  • Letter of support from the host PI
  • Part 1: Research plan. Please use the template "Part 1: Research Plan"
  • Part 2: Additional Documents . Please use the template "Part 2: Additional Documents"
  • CV of candidate ( not to exceed 2 pages )

For postdoc applications, in addition:

  • Reference letter(s) from PhD supervisor(s). Please request these letter(s) well in advance. The supervisor will receive a link to submit the reference letter only after you have submitted your application. Reference letters are accepted up to 10 days after the application deadline.
  • If applicable: a certification of the planned date of the defence signed by the advisor or department chair if the doctorate has not yet been completed.

For PhD applications, in addition:

  • Copies of University degree(s) / transcripts with all grades
  • Download Part 1: Research Plan (DOCX, 36 KB) vertical_align_bottom
  • Download Part 2: Additional Documents (DOCX, 36 KB) vertical_align_bottom

Please submit the documents through the ETH online application portal .

The applications are submitted as files in PDF format via the ETH application portal by following the steps below:

  • Step 1: Log in to the authentication system
  • Step 2: Start a new application -> New application
  • Step 3: Choose a program -> Quantum Center Research Fellowships ( Postdocs) or Quantum Center Research Fellowships (PhD)
  • Step 4: Upload the required documents
  • Step 5: Applicants for a postdoctoral position: please provide the contact information of your PhD supervisor(s) for reference letter(s). Once you have submitted your application, the supervisor will automatically receive a link to upload the reference letter. Reference letters can be submitted until 10 days after the submission deadline.
  • Step 6: Submit the application

All applications will be reviewed by a Selection Committee consisting of members of the Quantum Center.

Program Chair and Scientific Lead

Prof. Dr. Yiwen Chu, contact details Prof. Dr. Tilman Esslinger, contact details

Program Coordination and Administration

Dr. Francesca Bay Dr. Philipp Kammerlander

Further information

  • chevron_right Doctoral studies at D-INFK
  • chevron_right Doctoral studies at D-ITET
  • chevron_right Doctoral studies at D-MAVT
  • chevron_right Doctoral studies at D-PHYS
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Advisor and Thesis Committee

Roles of key personnel in the administration of the graduate program: the advisor.

The director of graduate programs (DGP) will be the advisor for all graduate students upon arrival at NC State. For students pursuing an M.T., non-thesis degree (Option B), the DGP will remain the students’ advisor for the duration of their program, unless a student notifies the DGP that they have selected another advisor. For all M.S. students, as early as possible, a permanent advisor will be identified (usually by the student). The advisor must be a member of the Graduate Faculty who is a member of the TATM Department. This advisor will either serve as chair or co-chair of the student’s advisory committee.

Roles of Key Personnel in the Administration of the Graduate Program: Advisory Committees

An advisory committee is required for all students pursuing a Master of Science in Textiles (M.S. ) degree with thesis (Option A). The TATM department recommends that an advisory committee be selected and appointed for each student no later than the end of the second semester of graduate study. This committee replaces the interim advisor and the committee chair becomes the principal advisor. Graduate School policy states that the committee members and chair (co-chairs) are selected by the student on his/her consent with the advice and approval of the department head and/or DGP . The chair and committee are ultimately approved by the dean of the Graduate School. Early selection of the advisory committee can provide the student with guidance especially suited to their interests and assures that an appropriate plan of work is developed and followed. The advisory committee will act as the student’s academic advisory body throughout the pursuit of a graduate degree. The advisory committee is expected to be available for student program planning, discussion of professional development, and consultation and direction on thesis research. Committee members are expected to be well acquainted with the student’s progress at all times after the committee’s formation. A student should be certain to keep the committee members fully informed of progress toward the degree.

See also the Graduate School website .

How do I choose my committee members?

Committee members must be part of NC State’s Graduate Faculty.

As a first step, students should choose their committee chair/co-chair, who will guide you in choosing your academic courses. If on the thesis track (M.S.), the chair will also guide your dissertation research and help you identify other appropriate committee members.

At the master’s level, the advisory committee for thesis-track students shall consist of at least: 1) two members from the TATM graduate faculty, and 2) a third committee member who is a NC State University Graduate Faculty Member, but is not part of the TATM Core Faculty. 

When a student has co-chairs, one co-chair must be a graduate faculty from the student’s program, while the other co-chair can be a graduate faculty member from the student’s program or any other university program. 

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Grants Awarded to the Department of Internal Medicine (July 2024)

Department of Internal Medicine clinicians, researchers, educators, staff, and trainees were awarded $5.5M+ in grants in June 2024. Download the report under Related Documents.

The Department of Internal Medicine at Yale School of Medicine is among the nation's premier departments, bringing together an elite cadre of clinicians, investigators, educators, and staff in one of the world's top medical schools. To learn more, visit Internal Medicine.

  • Internal Medicine

Related Links

  • Grant Report July 2024


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  • Eastern Europe
  • Moscow Oblast


Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


Find all the information of Elektrostal or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

  • Update data

Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Population157,409 inhabitants
Elektrostal Population Density3,179.3 /km² (8,234.4 /sq mi)

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: , Longitude:
55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East
Elektrostal Area4,951 hectares
49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi)
Elektrostal Altitude164 m (538 ft)
Elektrostal ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Elektrostal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Elektrostal and the biggest cities of Russia.

Elektrostal Map

Locate simply the city of Elektrostal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 July02:53 - 11:31 - 20:0801:56 - 21:0601:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
9 July02:55 - 11:31 - 20:0801:57 - 21:0501:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
10 July02:56 - 11:31 - 20:0701:59 - 21:0423:45 - 23:17 01:00 - 01:00
11 July02:57 - 11:31 - 20:0502:01 - 21:0223:57 - 23:06 01:00 - 01:00
12 July02:59 - 11:31 - 20:0402:02 - 21:0100:05 - 22:58 01:00 - 01:00
13 July03:00 - 11:32 - 20:0302:04 - 20:5900:12 - 22:51 01:00 - 01:00
14 July03:01 - 11:32 - 20:0202:06 - 20:5700:18 - 22:45 01:00 - 01:00

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Located next to Noginskoye Highway in Electrostal, Apelsin Hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. Free parking is available. The elegant rooms are air conditioned and feature a flat-screen satellite TV and fridge...

Located in the green area Yamskiye Woods, 5 km from Elektrostal city centre, this hotel features a sauna and a restaurant. It offers rooms with a kitchen...

Ekotel Bogorodsk Hotel is located in a picturesque park near Chernogolovsky Pond. It features an indoor swimming pool and a wellness centre. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are provided...

Surrounded by 420,000 m² of parkland and overlooking Kovershi Lake, this hotel outside Moscow offers spa and fitness facilities, and a private beach area with volleyball court and loungers...

Surrounded by green parklands, this hotel in the Moscow region features 2 restaurants, a bowling alley with bar, and several spa and fitness facilities. Moscow Ring Road is 17 km away...

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

Direct link
DB-City.comElektrostal /5 (2021-10-07 13:22:50)

Russia Flag

  • Information /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#info
  • Demography /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#demo
  • Geography /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#geo
  • Distance /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#dist1
  • Map /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#map
  • Nearby cities and villages /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#dist2
  • Weather /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#weather
  • Sunrise and sunset /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#sun
  • Hotel /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#hotel
  • Nearby /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#around
  • Page /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#page
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Cybo The Global Business Directory

  • Moscow Oblast
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  • Elektrostal

State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

Phone 8 (496) 575-02-20 8 (496) 575-02-20

Phone 8 (496) 511-20-80 8 (496) 511-20-80

Public administration near State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

GSA Committees

Committees function as the workhorse for the GSA as much of what we accomplish is through these committees. As a graduate student, you may be a member of any GSA committee without being an elected Council Representative. This provides the opportunity to become involved with GSA at a smaller level than what is required of a representative. For more information please contact the Internal Vice President.

To submit a public comment for an upcoming GSA Committee meeting please email your comment via GSA email at [email protected] . Public comment is due 4 hours before the scheduled committee meeting. 

GSA committees

Awards committee.

The Awards Committee is in charge of both Fall and Spring Awards, including the Fall Graduate Poster Symposium but is not involved in the evaluation of the applications. Tasks include but are not limited to: recruiting faculty members to serve as judges, setting judging criteria per award, and organizing the Graduate Fall Poster Symposium.

Email: [email protected]  

Clubs and Organizations Committee

Approves clubs for official recognition. Responsible for ensuring fair disbursement and proper use of club funding to help clubs hold events and further establish the clubs on campus.

Email: [email protected]

Elections Committee

The Elections Committee is in charge of setting up and hosting the presidential and general elections for the Graduate Student Association in the spring semester. Additionally, this committee will be tasked with keeping all graduate students informed on when elections, voting, and other events take place.

Email: [email protected]

Events Committee

The Events Committee is in charge of coordinating GSA events such as the Welcome Back Social, Fall Social, Pub n Sub Social, and Spring Awards Banquet. Tasks include but are not limited to: planning the event (location, theme, food, and drinks), organizing volunteers, and promoting the event.

Members:  Arturo Macias Franco, Fatema Azmee, 

Email: [email protected]

Judicial, Budget, and Finance Committee

Reviews and amends the Constitution and Bylaws when needed. This committee is chaired by the Internal Vice President of GSA. GSA policies are also reviewed by this committee. The GSA Budget is determined at the beginning of the school year by this committee. The approved budget is presented to the council by the senior advisor at the beginning of the Fall Semester.

Email:   [email protected]

Service Committee

This committee seeks to give back to the University and the greater Reno community in a variety of ways. Tasked with the coordination and implementation of a day of service, in addition to other service opportunities throughout the school year such as clothing drives.

Email: [email protected]

Student Advocacy Committee

Tackles issues that affect the student body that don’t explicitly fit within other committee scopes.

Email: [email protected]

University Committees

In addition to serving on internal GSA committees, each Council Member represents fellow graduate students by serving on at least one University committee alongside faculty.

  • ADA Plan Review (Taissa Lytchenko)
  • Counseling Services Advisory Board (Andrew Jessani)
  • Cultural Diversity  (Frank Pulciano)
  • Faculty Diversity  (Arturo Macias Franco)
  • JCSU Advisory Board 
  • Performance Arts 
  • Queer & LGBT Advocacy Board 
  • Status of Women 
  • Student Fee Review 
  • Silver Paw 
  • Tech Fee 
  • Title IX 

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Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.

eth phd committee

Elektrostal , city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia . It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning “electric steel,” derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II , parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the production of metallurgical equipment. Pop. (2006 est.) 146,189.


  1. Doctoral Committee

    eth phd committee

  2. PhD Position in Life Science at the ETH Zurich 2021-2022

    eth phd committee

  3. The Max Planck-ETH PhD program: Call for Applications

    eth phd committee

  4. Doctoral Committee

    eth phd committee

  5. Learn ETH slang with the Certified Ethereum Professional Committee

    eth phd committee

  6. ETH Zurich PhD Position in Ecology for International Students 2021

    eth phd committee


  1. Fleming: Preserving our Childcare Workforce

  2. Türkiye, Qatar sign 12 agreements, issue joint declaration after high strategic committee meeting

  3. SEE Hunter Biden walk out of House hearing

  4. 【走後門?】港交所CEO稱能縮短新股審批時間,真的做到嗎?|內地中證監,如何驗屍「境外上市」公司?|傳黑石考慮私有化歐舒丹(9-4-2024)

  5. Milady #nft will flip Punks #ethereum #crypto #trading

  6. Why I didn't do a PhD at ETH #ethzurich #gradschoolproblems #phdlife


  1. Doctoral committee and second advisor

    The doctoral committee in the D-BIOL is composed of at least: the supervisor of the doctoral thesis, the second advisor (a person who is independent of the supervisor of the doctoral thesis, a professor of the D-BIOL, adjunct professor of the D-BIOL or Privatdozent of the D-BIOL), an active professor from outside ETH Zurich or a person in a ...

  2. Doctoral Studies

    The doctoral programmes of the D-CHAB attract around 500 highly qualified doctoral students from all over the world that are doing research in over 50 groups that cover a wide range of research areas in chemistry, pharmaceutical and applied sciences. About 50% of all doctoral chemistry students in Switzerland are educated at the D-CHAB. chevron ...

  3. ETH AI Center Doctoral Fellowships

    The ETH AI Center Fellowship program is one of Europe's premier Post- Doc programs focused on advancing interdisciplinary AI research. This can be inside AI foundations or between AI foundations and application areas. Fellows work with two excellent PIs who are from different fields and carry equal weights in the supervision.

  4. Doctoral studies at the D-ARCH

    Doctoral studies at the D-ARCH. On 1.1.2022 the new doctoral ordinance of the ETH Zurich as well as new implementation and detailed provisions come into force. They replace the editions of 1.7.2008 (Doctoral Ordinance) and 17.10.2013 (Implementation Regulations). Forms, information sheets, legal basis and further information are made available ...

  5. Doctoral Examination

    In case of a virtual doctoral examination or a hybrid examination where the physical presence of the candidate, committee member (s) and/or chairperson is not possible, the examination takes place by video conferencing, hosted by ETH Multimedia Services (MMS).

  6. Guidelines, Mentors, Topic Ideas

    Guidelines, Mentors, Topic Ideas. On this page you find a summary of the guidlines for the fellowships as well as a list of the faculty member that can serve as mentor or co-mentor from the ETH AI Center's Core Faculty and Associated Faculty with their respective topic interests. Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted ...

  7. Doctoral plan + aptitude colloquium

    The aptitude colloquium consists of a presentation of 20 minutes by the doctoral student of their research proposal, followed by a discussion session during which the aptitude committee asks questions. The aptitude colloquium lasts at least 45 minutes. The committee assesses the suitabilty of the doctoral student for conducting independent ...

  8. Doctorates at the D-GESS

    During the course of the doctorate, some administrative processes will be handled by the central ETH Doctoral Administration Office and others by the Doctoral Administration Office of D-GESS or the Doctoral Committee of D-GESS. On this page, you will find information on doctoral studies at D-GESS, in particular on the administrative handling of departmental processes by the Doctoral ...

  9. EPFL Joint Doctoral Program in the Learning Sciences

    The ETH Zurich - EPFL Joint Doctoral Program in the Learning Sciences (JDPLS) educates a new generation of dual-discipline scientists, who will bring together knowledge and methods from multiple disciplines such as psychology, education, computer science and data science to answer questions of how people learn and hence how to teach in the digital age. This doctoral program is directed towards ...

  10. Doctorate

    Doctoral (PhD) students at D-ITET are individually supervised by a professor. Doctoral studies should take about 4 years (beyond the master degree) and must result in a thesis with a definite scientific contribution to research on an international level. A small number of graduate courses (12 ECTS credits) is also mandatory.

  11. Doctorate

    Thanks to its international focus, the Department of Mathematics offers doctoral students the best possible start to a career in academic or industrial research. A doctorate usually takes between three and five years.

  12. Research plan

    All doctoral students must compile a research plan outlining the goals and nature of their doctoral thesis and the responsibilities of the doctoral student. This is submitted to the supervisor and if possible to a co-examiner, and must be approved by the Doctoral Committee of the relevant department. According to the Regulations for Doctoral Studies (Art. 12, Section 4), it must be submitted ...

  13. Fellowship Programs

    ETH AI Center PhD and Post-Doc Fellowships. Our flagship PhD & Post-Doc Program is focused on advancing interdisciplinary AI research. This can be inside the AI foundations or between AI foundations and application areas. The idea is that fellows work with two excellent PIs which carry both equal weights in the supervision.

  14. PhD

    The thesis committee should be defined when starting the PhD work and when the project has been decided as a joint decision between the supervisor and PhD student. The committee should be composed of at least two scientists who have an expertise in the scientific field or related area. Thesis members often work in and around Zurich, but this is ...

  15. Doctoral studies

    To enrol for the coming semester and to register for courses use myStudies. Doctoral studies are administrated by the departments. All questions about course registrations, the collection and accreditation of ECTS credit points, final exams etc. must be directed towards the study administration office of your department. > Contact the Doctoral ...

  16. Graduation & Doctoral degree certificate

    To receive your doctoral degree certificate and/or be able to attend a doctoral awards ceremony the following steps have to be taken in this exact order: Doctoral examination. Approval of the doctorate by the Department Conference. Notification by the department of doctorates approved at the Department Conference to the Doctoral Administration.

  17. Doctoral studies in economics

    Doctoral studies in economics include advanced micro- and macroeconomics, econometrics, computational economics, environmental and resource economics, the design of institutions, and policy dynamic macroeconomics.

  18. Quantum Center Research Fellowship

    The objective of the Quantum Center Research Fellowship program is to fund PhD students and postdocs hosted by member groups of the Quantum Center at ETH Zurich. It supports innovative and original scientific research that fits well into the context of the host group while fostering the independence of the fellow. In addition, the fellows will be responsible for helping to bring together the ...

  19. Advisor and Thesis Committee

    The advisory committee will act as the student's academic advisory body throughout the pursuit of a graduate degree. The advisory committee is expected to be available for student program planning, discussion of professional development, and consultation and direction on thesis research. Committee members are expected to be well acquainted ...

  20. Grants Awarded to the Department of Internal Medicine (July 2024)

    Department of Internal Medicine clinicians, researchers, educators, staff, and trainees were awarded $5.5M+ in grants in June 2024. Download the report under Related Documents.

  21. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal : Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia, Oblast Moscow Oblast. Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel. Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk, Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna. - City, Town and Village of the world

  22. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

    State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region is located in Elektrostal. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region is working in Public administration activities. You can contact the company at 8 (496) 575-02-20. You can find more information about State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region at gzhi.mosreg.ru.

  23. Doctoral thesis

    Doctoral thesis. Formal aspects to consider before you start to write your doctoral thesis. Open all.

  24. What Still Needs to Happen Before Spot Ether ETFs Can Trade

    Helene is a graduate of New York University's business and economic reporting program and has appeared on CBS News, YahooFinance and Nasdaq TradeTalks. She holds BTC and ETH.

  25. Committees in the Graduate Student Association

    As a graduate student, you may be a member of any GSA committee without being an elected Council Representative.

  26. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia. It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...

  27. Elektrostal

    Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction —an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. [1] As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug. [3]

  28. Team Haiti faces money woes ahead of Paris Olympics

    The list of athletes hoping to represent Haiti at this year's Summer Olympic Games in Paris isn't long. It includes a gymnast who is a women's gymnastics assistant coach, a 14-year-old ...