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Essay Samples on The Pearl

Imagery and character analysis in the pearl.

In the very beginning of the book, Kino watches as his son, Coyotio sleeps. While he is sleeping, Coyotito is stung by a scorpion despite Kino’s efforts to catch it and kill it. They go to the doctor to get Kino treated for the sting...

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The Theme Of Group Behavior In The Pearl By John Steinbeck

The article is a study exploring the pattern of group activity in John The Pearl's novel. There's a major influence on other individuals from Stein show group behavior. We are the long-term basis of human life. Steinbeck's group-man theory is based on Darwinian interpretation of...

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Theme of Greed in John Steinbeck’s Novel The Pearl and Jack London's Story A Piece of Steak

In John Steinbeck’s realistic fiction novel, The Pearl, Kino drastically changes his life when he finds a pearl of great value. Local authors, Jack London and John Steinbeck, both use greed, murder, and poverty in different ways to express their themes. Greed is a theme...

John Steinbeck's The Pearl Through the Prism of New Formalism

Using the New Formalism as a lens to analyze Pearls, the reader can see that Steinbeck uses images, symbols and music to develop a theme according to which luck can lead people with good intentions to the path of evil and negative. In modern society,...

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John Steinbeck: Literary Works, Life and People Who Inspired Him

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74 The Pearl Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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"74 The Pearl Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

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IvyPanda . 2024. "74 The Pearl Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "74 The Pearl Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "74 The Pearl Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

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Consider the priest and the doctor as foil characters. How do their characteristics and roles overlap, and how do they differ?

The narrator says that The Pearl is a parable, which is a simple story that teaches a moral or lesson. What morals or lessons might Kino’s people derive from the story? Do those morals and lessons differ from the ones Steinbeck intends readers to take from it?

Consider dialogue within The Pearl . Though Kino and his people speak an unidentified “old language,” the dialogue is recorded in English. What tone and style does Steinbeck adopt for the dialogue, and how does it influence your perception of the characters and events?

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The Pearl-John Steinbeck: Unveiling Symbolic Depths

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The Pearl-John Steinbeck: Unveiling Symbolic Depths essay

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by John Steinbeck

The pearl study guide.

John Steinbeck wrote The Pearl during the time in which he was at the height of his fame. He had completed The Grapes of Wrath , for which he won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and was renowned and reviled as a subversive, unpatriotic man who threatened the national interest through the socialist themes of his novels. This view of Steinbeck was inconsistent with his soft-spoken nature, but by 1944, when Steinbeck began to write The Pearl, Steinbeck had come to reconcile this aspect of his fame.

Steinbeck wrote The Pearl based on his personal convictions, and based the story on the biblical parable of a ?pearl of great price.' In this story, a jewel for which the merchant trades everything he owns becomes the metaphor for Heaven. Everything in the merchant's earthly existence, however, becomes worthless when compared to the joys of living with God in Heaven. However, Steinbeck uses the parable as a meditation on the American dream of success. Steinbeck, who himself had risen quickly to prosperity, explores how Kino , the protagonist of The Pearl, deals with his newfound prominence in the community and riches.

Steinbeck found a second inspiration for The Pearl in the tale of a young Mexican boy told in Steinbeck's Sea of Cortez. However, the boy in the original form of the story wished to use the pearl to buy clothing, alcohol and sex. The story contains several similar plot points, including the rapacious dealers and the attacks on the boy to find the pearl, that would recur in the story's final form.

The Pearl derives much of its force from the descriptions of the impoverished lifestyle of the Mexicans of La Paz, the location of the story. The plight of the impoverished is a consistent theme in Steinbeck's work, including The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men . Although these novels dealt with white protagonists, Steinbeck turned to the plight of Mexicans for The Pearl based on the 1942 and 1943 Zoot Suit Race Riots in Los Angeles.

By the time that Steinbeck wrote The Pearl, he had gained an interest in writing screenplays, and thus wrote the novel in a form suitable for easy adaptation to film. The story has a simple plot structure and an economy of characters, but unlike The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, and East of Eden , Steinbeck did not adapt The Pearl. Instead, Steinbeck focused on screenplays written originally for the screen for his subsequent works.

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The Pearl Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The Pearl is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

-other pearl divers

-rest of the people in village

What does Kino mean by, “This pearl has become my soul. “If I give it up I shall lose my soul…” Do you agree with him?

Kino allows the pearl to consume his life at the expense of everything else he holds dear. Do I agree with him? Money is nothing when compared with the people who love you...... absolutely not.

describe the setting of the novel "The Pearl"

The setting is a Mexican coastal village called La Paz, probably on the Baja Peninsula. The time is not mentioned although many feel it looks like the late 18th ot early 19th century.

Study Guide for The Pearl

The Pearl study guide contains a biography of John Steinbeck, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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Essays for The Pearl

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  • An Analysis of Imagery and Mood in John Steinbeck’s “The Pearl”

Lesson Plan for The Pearl

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  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to The Pearl
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
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essays based on the pearl

Historical Context

By john steinbeck.

Popular local folklore, Mexican socio-economics, politics, and the exploitation of the indigenous peoples by the colonialists give a strong historical context to Steinbeck's 'The Pearl'

Israel Njoku

Article written by Israel Njoku

Degree in M.C.M with focus on Literature from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

John Steinbeck based the novella ‘ The Pearl’ on Mexican culture and politics. It draws from local folklore to demonstrate an era of economic hardship, class segregation, exploitation, colonialism, and imperialism in Mexico and how the characters ‘ actions were shaped by these.

The Porfiriato

The historical backdrop of John Steinbeck’s ‘ The Pearl ‘ is the Porfiriato, which is the name by which the era of Porfirio Diaz’s rule in Mexico in the 19th and early 20th centuries is captured. The word was coined by the historian Daniel Cosio Villegas. Diaz seized power in 1876 through a coup and declared that he was going to pursue a policy of ‘order and progress’. He attracted foreign investment to Mexico and maintained social and political order, using force if it ever came to that.

During this period, there were remarkable economic, technological, social, and cultural changes. By the time he was approaching his 80th birthday in 1910, having retained power since 1884, he still had not set up any clear plans to give up power and hand it over to a successor. The sham elections conducted in 1910 are generally considered to be the end of this era, as violence broke out, and Diaz was left with no option but to resign and go into exile. Following this, Mexico went through a ten-year duration of civil war, which has come to be known as the Mexican Revolution.

Steinbeck was fascinated by all this history as he was with all things Mexican, and they inevitably influenced his life and writing. The political and social conditions of Mexico during these times are thus part of the historical context of the novella. According to an article by Melinda Knight,

The Mexican Revolution was the product of widespread anger about the policies that favored hacendados, industrialists, and foreign capitalists. Zapata’s demand for land reform, principles he later incorporated in his 1911 Plan de Ayala, directly opposed the appropriation of land previously held communally by indigenous peoples. Although Zapata was assassinated in 1919 and did not live to see the success of the revolution, his ideas influenced Mexico for the next century. In ‘ The Pearl ‘, Steinbeck’s protagonist Kino shows readers the effects of disenfranchisement and lack of opportunity for indigenous peoples and others excluded from wealth and power under Díaz and earlier governing systems. The Porfiriato thus forms the historical backdrop for Steinbeck’s ‘The Pearl .’ Excerpt from Melinda Knight’s essay in Critical Insights

Edward Ricketts’s Friendship

Another important historical context to this narrative is Steinbeck’s friendship with Edward Ricketts. Ricketts was a marine biologist, and according to Melinda Knight the relationship between these two constitutes a “major historical context necessary to understand… The Pearl ”.

To quote Melinda Knights again: ‘Steinbeck was interested in marine science even before he met Ricketts; and some scholars have proposed that Steinbeck was “at heart a scientist,” viewing “human beings as part of a group that had to be considered, ultimately, within a general ecological perspective”’. Ricketts served as inspiration for characters in a lot of Steinbeck’s works .

The two men met in 1930 and discovered that they shared similar interests in thinking about individual and group patterns of behavior. They were both working on their masterpieces at the same time. They collaborated on a handbook for non-specialists about marine life in San Francisco Bay, even though the project did not go through. But it laid the ground for a more ambitious collecting expedition they undertook in 1940 to the Gulf of California. They collected specimens at some thirty stations along the route. ‘ Sea of Cortez,’ published in 1941, was the result of that expedition.

Ten years later, Steinbeck published the narrative under his name as ‘ The Log from the Sea of Cortez .’ The narrative in ‘ Sea of Cortez ‘ also contains philosophical digressions and, most important, the gem of the story that became ‘ The Pearl of the World,’ which first appeared in the December 1945 issue of ‘ Woman’s Home Companion ‘ and later issued in book form as simply ‘ The Pearl ‘ in 1947.  As Knight observed in her article, ‘The book appears to be as much about Mexico as it is about a study of marine biology, for every chapter describes the location and the people who inhabited it, very much in the spirit of the grand narratives of an earlier time.’

The Fable of the Pearl

The other relevant historical context to the story is the Mexican folktale of the pearl. In this folktale, to quote Melinda Knight for the last time,

‘an Indian boy knew the value of the pearl and dreamed of being drunk all the time, of marrying whom he chose, and buying his way out of purgatory and moving closer to paradise, along with some of his dead relatives. The Indian boy in the legend tries to sell the pearl but is offered far less than it is worth; in fact, no one will give him a fair price, the same way no one paid for the lands confiscated from indigenous peoples throughout Mexico. The brokers are all, in effect, in cahoots. In despair, he takes the pearl to the beach and hides it under a rock but then is clubbed by greedy men and tortured again when he runs away. Finally, he throws the pearl back into the ocean, and he “was a free man again with his soul in danger and his food and shelter insecure“.

This folktale is basically the core of the story of ‘ The Pearl ,’ which Steinbeck recreates, bringing his own ingenuity to bear on it, whereby it came alive with fresh vitality and political implications.

Is ‘ The Pearl ‘ a true story?

No, ‘ The Pearl ‘ by John Steinbeck is not a true story. It is a fictitious story loosely based on a Mexican fable. However, the setting of the story draws on real history.

What does Coyotito represent in ‘ The Pearl ‘?

Coyotito represents hope in ‘ The Pearl .’ He is seen as a future messiah that will bring about the emancipation of his people from the exploitation of the Europeans, which is also one of the main themes in ‘ The Pearl ‘.

What does the priest symbolize in ‘ The Pearl ‘?

The priest symbolizes the religious exploitation of the imperialists. He uses religion as a tool to further subjugate the indigenous people and exploit them.

Is the town La Paz in John Steinbeck’s ‘ The Pearl ‘ a real place?

Yes, La Paz is a real place. It is the capital city of Baja California Sur, a state in Mexico. John Steinbeck’s depiction of La Paz in ‘ The Pearl ‘ is from the 19th Century and early 20th Century realities of the city.

What is the nationality of Kino in ‘The Pearl’ ?

The character Kino in ‘ The Pearl ‘ is a Mexican-Indian. He is from one of the indigenous tribes of Mexico. While there are many distinct indigenous tribes in Mexico, the specific tribe of Kino is not mentioned in the story.

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Israel Njoku

About Israel Njoku

Israel loves to delve into rigorous analysis of themes with broader implications. As a passionate book lover and reviewer, Israel aims to contribute meaningful insights into broader discussions.


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The Pearl Theme Analysis

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Published: Nov 16, 2018

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The Pearl Theme Analysis Essay

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Bloom, H. (Ed.). (2003). John Steinbeck's "The Pearl". Infobase Publishing.Campbell, M. (2016). Greed in John Steinbeck's "The Pearl". The Explicator, 74(2), 122-124.Davis, R. L. (2015). John Steinbeck's "The Pearl" and His [...]

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essays based on the pearl

essays based on the pearl

John Steinbeck

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The Pearl takes place in a small village on the outskirts of La Paz, California. It begins in the brush house of Kino , Juana , and their baby, Coyotito , a family of Mexican Native Americans. In the midst of Kino and Juana’s morning routine, Coyotito is stung by a scorpion that has fallen into his hanging box.

Aware of how poisonous the scorpion’s sting is, Juana orders that the doctor be gotten and when the doctor refuses to come to them, insists they go to the doctor themselves. Kino, Juana, Coyotito, and their neighbors proceed together to the city. When the servant reports their arrival at his gate, the doctor, lounging indulgently in bed, is insulted by the mere notion that he would “cure insect bites for ‘little Indians’” without compensation. The servant informs Kino that the doctor will not be able to see them and Kino punches the gate, infuriated by the doctor’s evident discrimination.

Kino and Juana set off in their canoe to search for pearls. Kino dives down to the seafloor and finds one oyster lying alone, gleaming from within. Upon returning to the canoe, Kino opens this oyster last and finds within it the most perfect pearl in the world.

News of Kino’s pearl spreads rapidly through the town, inspiring desire and envy in everyone who hears of it. When Juan Tomas asks Kino what he will do as a rich man, he responds that he and Juana will be married in a church, that they will have new clothes, that he will have a rifle, and that his son will receive an education.

The priest visits the brush house to remind Kino and Juana to thank God. Then the doctor, inspired by the news of the pearl, arrives in order to treat the baby. He administers a first treatment and predicts that the poison will strike within the hour. Within the hour, Coyotito indeed becomes ill and the doctor administers a second treatment to cure him. Kino promises to pay the doctor after selling the pearl, which the doctor feigns not to have heard about.

That night, after dark, Kino hears noises in the house and manages to strike a thief looking for the pearl with his knife, but is also struck in return. Juana begs, to no avail, that they get rid of the pearl.

The next day, Kino and Juana, followed by their neighbors, go to visit the pearl dealers . The first dealer Kino visits assesses the pearl at a mere 1000 pesos, declaring it too big and clumsy to be worth anything more, though it is clearly more valuable than he lets on. Kino accuses the dealer of cheating him, so the dealer instructs Kino to ask around for other appraisals, which are even worse than the first. Kino concludes that he’s been cheated and decides to go to the capital for a better estimate.

That night, Kino fights off another attacker. Juana tries to throw the pearl into the ocean, but Kino follows her, rips the pearl away from her, and beats her to the ground. Some minutes later, Juana rises to discover that Kino has been attacked yet again, and, this time, has killed his attacker. Now that Kino is guilty of murder, Kino and Juana truly must leave the town.

As Kino approaches the canoe to prepare for their departure, he sees that someone has made a hole in its bottom. Then, upon seeing that their house is engulfed in flames, the family seeks refuge in Juan Tomas’s house. They flee north at nighttime, pursued by trackers who have followed them from the village.

The family retreats into a cave on a mountainside, under which the trackers come to rest at night. When it’s completely dark, Kino prepares to attack them but, as he is about to, Coyotito lets out a cry, provoking one of the trackers to shoot at what he assumes to be a coyote. Though Kino succeeds in killing the men, Coyotito has already been shot dead.

Juana and Kino, united and beleaguered, walk back to the village side-by-side with Coyotito’s dead body in Juana’s shawl. Kino throws the pearl back into the sea.

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Paraphrasing is the art of rewriting text into other words. This includes using synonyms, restructuring phrases, and connecting ideas in different ways. A state-of-the-art paraphraser provides automatic and simple-to-use rephrasing of complete sentences.


Why Should I Paraphrase My Sentences?

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The best part of using A.I. to paraphrase your writing is that the suggested sentences come free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Want to also improve style? Simply go back to the general correction to view stylistic suggestions.


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It’s an online tool that rewrites texts in a new (stylistically different) way by using alternative wording and a rephrased sentence structure.

This function is recommended for all types of texts, including professional, academic, and creative writing. It’s available for all LanguageTool users, but unlimited paraphrasing is only available in Premium.

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ATS Resume Templates

Download an ATS-friendly resume template for free. These templates can be edited in Microsoft Word and can be accurately scanned by an applicant tracking system.

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If you’ve made it to this page, then you probably already know more about applicant tracking systems (ATS) than the average job seeker. That gives you an advantage! Why?

Many companies use ATS to manage resumes and applications. In fact, Jobscan research shows that over 97% of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS.

If an ATS can’t read or understand the information on your resume, then your application might not be seen when a recruiter searches for candidates with specific skills or experience – even if you have those skills or the experience!

Your resume needs to be ATS-friendly in order to give you the best chance of getting a job interview. That means that you need an ATS resume template.

We’ve designed 15 ATS resume templates that can be downloaded as Microsoft Word files and easily edited. Download one for free or use our free resume builder to get a customized ATS-friendly resume in minutes.

Free ATS Resume Templates

Executive and Management ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

As a leader, you want your experience and accomplishments to shine. These resume templates give you opportunities to show the measurable results you’ve achieved, as well as your hard and soft skills .

Using correct formatting is critical here. The ATS needs to be able to parse all of that vital information and categorize it correctly. You also need your resume to be searchable by an ATS so that when a recruiter filters candidates by skills, your application stays on the list.

White resume on big screen

Entry-Level ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

You might not think you have a lot to show on your resume, but you do! These templates provide sections where you can highlight your education, internships, volunteer experience , personal accomplishments, and more.

An ATS-friendly resume will help you get found by recruiters and hiring managers. This is important because an entry-level position could have hundreds of applicants! Use these templates to make sure the ATS picks up your skills and experience.

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Make your resume faster with our free resume builder

Write your resume the free and easy way with the only resume builder designed specifically with ATS-compliant resume templates.

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ATS Resume Templates - What You Need to Know

How to make the perfect ats resume.

Remember, an ATS is just a computer filing system. It needs to be able to scan and understand the text on your resume in order to correctly parse the information and sort it properly.

An ATS will never auto-reject a resume, but an ATS optimized resume does make it easier for a recruiter to find you among the sea of applicants.

Even more importantly, an ATS-friendly resume naturally follows expert-recommended resume writing standards as well. That means that when the recruiter personally views your resume, it will include the relevant information they’re looking for and will be formatted in a way that makes it easier to read

Follow these tips for making the perfect ATS resume :

1. Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for

Focus on quality over quantity. Each job you apply for is unique, even if they all have the same title. Every company has different needs for that role. The job description will make it clear which hard skills, soft skills, experience, and education the company is looking for. So tailor your resume to show them that you are the perfect candidate.

Tailoring each and every resume can be time consuming, but it’s worth the effort!

You can speed up this process by using a tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner . Powered by AI-technology , this tool analyzes your resume against the job description and provides you with a resume score that tells you how closely your resume matches the job description. It also tells you exactly what you need to do to increase your score.

2. Match your resume keywords to skills found in the job description

Recruiters might use an ATS’ search function to find applicants with specific skills. How do you know what skills they will search for? By examining the job listing. Use a resume scanner to automatically pick out the hard and soft skills the recruiter might search for, and then include those on your resume.

Even if the recruiter doesn’t search applications for those skills, they’ll definitely be looking for mentions of them on each resume they review.

3. Use long-form and acronym versions of keywords

Some ATS will only return resumes with the exact keywords the recruiters would search for. For example, if you included “Search Engine Optimization” in your resume but the recruiter searched for “SEO,” your profile may not appear in the results. Try to include both the acronym and the unabbreviated form of the term.

Use a tool like Jobscan’s resume fixer to make sure your resume doesn’t contain mistakes that will eliminate you from consideration.

4. Use Chronological or Hybrid resume format to write your resume .

Recruiters do not like the functional resume format . Unless you’re making a career change, a functional resume is going to work against you. (And even then, we recommend you steer clear of the format for a career change resume .)

The best format for the ATS is traditional reverse chronological. You can also use chronological and hybrid resume formats as these are familiar to most recruiters.

5. Use an easy-to-read, traditional font

For readability, use a traditional serif or sans serif font. Untraditional or “fancy” fonts can cause parsing errors, which means the full text of your resume won’t be searchable.

6. Use standard resume section headings

Section headers like “Where I’ve Been” in place of “Work Experience” will confuse applicant tracking systems, causing them to organize information incorrectly.

7. Save your file as a .docx if possible

A docx file is most compatible with ATS.

What is the best resume format for ATS?

There are three standard resume formats to choose from in your job search. They shape your first impression and determine the way recruiters and hiring managers view your fit as an applicant.

Your resume formatting can also determine how well your resume is parsed within an applicant tracking system (ATS) and how likely you are to be noticed as a result.

Regardless of the format you use, the most important thing is to use standard section headings like Experience, Skills, and Education. That will make it easier for the ATS to categorize the text.

How to tailor your ATS-friendly resume to a job

Tailoring your resume proves to recruiters that you’re an experienced professional. Most importantly, it shows them that you’re the perfect fit for this role.

Follow these three steps for tailoring your resume to a job description:

1. Examine the specific job description of the position

Go line by line through the job description and ask yourself these questions:

  • “Does my resume experience section clearly state that I can do what’s required of this role?”
  • “Am I using the same language found in the job description or job posting?”

You might find several different or missing skills and keywords in your generic resume.

2. Match skills and keywords from the job description

Mirroring the language, keywords, and buzzwords found within the job description is the easiest way to demonstrate you’re a better match than the competition.

The best way to show you’re the best fit for the position is to take words from the job posting and strategically put them in your job descriptions and other resume sections. A resume scanner will automatically pull out these keywords in seconds and speed up this process.

3. Write your job title clearly

Recruiters might search for people who have done the job they’re hiring, so list your job titles clearly and match the titles to the one in the job posting when possible. If you haven’t held the job before, list it under your name at the top or as part of your summary section.

What is Applicant Tracking Software (ATS)?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is software used to assist with human resources, recruitment, and hiring. While each system offers a different package of features, applicant tracking systems are primarily used to help hiring companies organize and navigate large numbers of applicants.

For example, an ATS stores job candidate information like resumes, cover letters, references, and other recruitment and hiring data that HR teams can easily access and organize. It will also track job candidates and their application status throughout the hiring pipeline.

Ultimately, an ATS automates time-consuming administrative tasks such as manually screening applicants, reading resumes, scheduling interviews, and sending notifications and emails to job candidates and employees.

Can you add graphics to your resume?

When it comes to creating an ATS-friendly resume , the rule is: The simpler, the better. ATS are improving at scanning different formatting features, but not all of them are good at this.

Adding graphics and images could cause ATS parsing errors , which means the text on your resume won’t be fully searchable or accurately categorized by an ATS. We recommend that job seekers err on the side of caution. Avoid graphics, images, and photos.

Are Google Docs or Microsoft resume templates ATS-friendly?

They can be. We talked about some formatting features to avoid on your resume – fancy graphics and non-traditional fonts. Those features can trip up an ATS, even if they’re on a Word document or Google Docs file.

However, as long as you follow the guidelines on this page, or use one of these ATS resume templates, you’ll be fine.

How to get your cover letter past the ATS?

To increase your cover letter’s chances of passing an ATS, focus on using a clean format without complex formatting, incorporate relevant keywords and phrases from the job description, and ensure that your content is easy for the ATS to parse.

Consider using a tool like Jobscan’s cover letter generator to help you create an ATS-friendly cover letter. If you already have a cover letter, run it through our cover letter checker tool to get personalized feedback on how to improve your cover letter and make it more compelling to employers.

More Resume Resources


Google Docs Resume Templates

Professional Resume Templates


Resume Builder


Resume Writing Guide

Score your resume and start optimizing it to get more job interviews

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New ‘Hunger Games’ Novel by Suzanne Collins Set for 2025

By Ellise Shafer

Ellise Shafer

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THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1, Jennifer Lawrence, 2014. ph: Murray Close/©Lionsgate/courtesy Everett Collection

Suzanne Collins has announced that a new “Hunger Games” novel, titled “Sunrise on the Reaping,” will be released next year.

According to the Associated Press , the fifth novel in Collins’ bestselling series — which has been turned into a successful movie franchise — is also a prequel to the original trilogy, taking place 40 years after the events of the most recent tale, “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes,” the film adaptation of which released last year. “Sunrise on the Reaping” is set to release on March 18, 2025.

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The film rights for the novel have not yet been announced, but one can assume that “Sunrise on the Reaping” will follow the path of its predecessors and make its way onto the big screen.

“The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes,” which premiered in November and starred Rachel Zegler and Tom Blyth, earned an impressive $337.4 million at the global box office. The original trilogy was adapted into four films starring Jennifer Lawrence, which were highly successful and catapulted her to worldwide fame. Altogether, the “Hunger Games” film series is the 20th highest-grossing franchise of all time, making $3.3 billion for Lionsgate.

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  • Original article
  • Open access
  • Published: 01 September 2023

Evaluating the efficacy of AI content detection tools in differentiating between human and AI-generated text

  • Ahmed M. Elkhatat   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Khaled Elsaid 2 &
  • Saeed Almeer 3  

International Journal for Educational Integrity volume  19 , Article number:  17 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

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27 Citations

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The proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content, particularly from models like ChatGPT, presents potential challenges to academic integrity and raises concerns about plagiarism. This study investigates the capabilities of various AI content detection tools in discerning human and AI-authored content. Fifteen paragraphs each from ChatGPT Models 3.5 and 4 on the topic of cooling towers in the engineering process and five human-witten control responses were generated for evaluation. AI content detection tools developed by OpenAI, Writer, Copyleaks, GPTZero, and CrossPlag were used to evaluate these paragraphs. Findings reveal that the AI detection tools were more accurate in identifying content generated by GPT 3.5 than GPT 4. However, when applied to human-written control responses, the tools exhibited inconsistencies, producing false positives and uncertain classifications. This study underscores the need for further development and refinement of AI content detection tools as AI-generated content becomes more sophisticated and harder to distinguish from human-written text.


The instances of academic plagiarism have escalated in educational settings, as it has been identified in various student work, encompassing reports, assignments, projects, and beyond. Academic plagiarism can be defined as the act of employing ideas, content, or structures without providing sufficient attribution to the source (Fishman 2009 ). Students' plagiarism strategies differ, with the most egregious instances involving outright replication of source materials. Other approaches include partial rephrasing through modifications in grammatical structures, substituting words with their synonyms, and using online paraphrasing services to reword text (Elkhatat 2023 ; Meuschke & Gipp 2013 ; Sakamoto & Tsuda 2019 ). Academic plagiarism violates ethical principles and ranks among the most severe cases of misconduct, as it jeopardizes the acquisition and assessment of competencies. As a result, implementing strategies to reduce plagiarism is vital for preserving academic integrity and preventing such dishonest practices in students' future scholarly and professional endeavors (Alsallal et al. 2013 ; Elkhatat 2022 ; Foltýnek et al. 2020 ). Text-Matching Software Products (TMSPs) are powerful instruments that educational institutions utilize to detect specific sets of plagiarism, attributed to their sophisticated text-matching algorithms and extensive databases containing web pages, journal articles, periodicals, and other publications. Certain TMSPs also enhance their efficacy in identifying plagiarism by incorporating databases that index previously submitted student papers (Elkhatat et al. 2021 ).

Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven ChatGPT has surfaced as a tool that aids students in creating tailored content based on prompts by employing natural language processing (NLP) techniques (Radford et al. 2018 ). The initial GPT model showcased the potential of combining unsupervised pre-training with supervised fine-tuning for a broad array of NLP tasks. Following this, OpenAI introduced ChatGPT (model 2), which enhanced the model's performance by enlarging the architecture and using a more comprehensive pre-training dataset (Radford et al. 2019 ). The subsequent launch of ChatGPT (models 3 and 3.5) represented a significant advancement in ChatGPT's development, as it exhibited exceptional proficiency in producing human-like text and attained top results on various NLP benchmark lines. This model's capacity to generate contextually appropriate and coherent text in response to user prompts made it suitable for release of ChatGPT, an AI-driven chatbot aimed at helping users produce text and participate in natural language dialogues(Brown et al. 2020 ; OpenAI 2022 ).

The recently unveiled ChatGPT (model 4) by OpenAI on March 14, 2023, is a significant milestone in NLP technology. With enhanced cybersecurity safety measures and superior response quality, it surpasses its predecessors in tackling complex challenges. ChatGPT (model 4) boasts a wealth of general knowledge and problem-solving skills, enabling it to manage demanding tasks with heightened precision. Moreover, its inventive and cooperative features aid in generating, editing, and iterating various creative and technical writing projects, such as song composition, screenplay development, and personal writing style adaptation. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that ChatGPT (model 4)'s knowledge is confined to the cutoff date of September 2021 (OpenAI 2023 ), although the recently embedded plugins allow it to access current website content.

This development presents potential risks concerning cheating and plagiarism, which may result in severe academic and legal ramifications (Foltýnek et al. 2019 ). These potentially elevated risks of cheating and plagiarism include but are not limited to the Ease of Access to Information with its extensive knowledge base and ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses. In addition, the Adaptation to Personal Writing Style allows for generating content that closely matches a student's writing, making it even more difficult for educators to identify whether a language model has generated the work(OpenAI 2023 ).

Academic misconduct in undergraduate education using ChatGPT has been widely studied (Crawford et al. 2023 ; King & chatGpt 2023 ; Lee 2023 ; Perkins 2023 ; Sullivan; et al. 2023 ). Despite the advantages of ChatGPT for supporting students in essay composition and other scholarly tasks, questions have been raised regarding the authenticity and suitability of the content generated by the chatbot for academic purposes (King & chatGpt 2023 ). Additionally, ChatGPT has been rightly criticized for generating incoherent or erroneous content (Gao et al. 2022 ; Qadir 2022 ), providing superficial information (Frye 2022 ), and having a restricted knowledge base due to its lack of internet access and dependence on data up until September 2021 (Williams 2022 ). Nonetheless, the repeatability (repeatedly generated responses within the same chatbot prompt) and reproducibility (repeatedly generated responses with a new chatbot prompt)of authenticity capabilities in GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 were examined by text-matching software, demonstrating that the generation of responses remains consistently elevated and coherent, predominantly proving challenging to detect by conventional text-matching tools (Elkhatat 2023 ).

Recently, Open AI classifier tools have become relied upon for distinguishing between human writing and AI-generated content, ensuring text authenticity across various applications. For instance, OpenAI, which developed ChatGPT, introduced an AI text classifier that assists users in determining whether an essay was authored by a human or generated by AI. This classifier categorizes documents into five levels based on the likelihood of being AI-generated: very unlikely, unlikely, unclear, possibly, and likely AI-generated. The OpenOpen AI classifier has been trained using a diverse range of human-written texts, although the training data does not encompass every type of human-written text. Furthermore, the developers' tests reveal that the classifier accurately identifies 26% of AI-written text (true positives) as "likely AI-generated" while incorrectly labeling 9% of the human-written text (false positives) as AI-generated (Kirchner et al. 2023 ). Hence, OpenAI advises users to treat the classifier's results as supplementary information rather than relying on them exclusively for determining AI-generated content (Kirchner et al. 2023 ). Other AI text classifier tools include's AI content detector, which offers a limited application programming interface API-based solution for detecting AI-generated content and emphasizes its suitability for content marketing. Copyleaks, an AI content detection solution, claims a 99% accuracy rate and provides integration with many Learning Management Systems (LMS) and APIs. GPTZero, developed by Edward Tian, is an Open AI classifier tool targeting educational institutions to combat AI plagiarism by detecting AI-generated text in student assignments. Lastly, CrossPlag's AI content detector employs machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques to precisely predict a text's origin, drawing on patterns and characteristics identified from an extensive human and AI-generated content dataset.

The development and implementation of AI content detectors and classifier tools underscore the growing importance and need to differentiate between human-written and AI-generated content across various fields, such as education and content marketing. To date, no studies have comprehensively examined the abilities of these AI content detectors and classifiers to distinguish between human and AI-generated content. The present study aims to investigate the capabilities of several recently launched AI content detectors and classifier tools in discerning human-written and AI-generated content.


The ChatGPT chatbot generated two 15-paragraph responses on "Application of Cooling Towers in the Engineering Process." The first set was generated using ChatGPT's Model 3.5, while the second set was created using Model 4. The initial prompt was to "write around 100 words on the application of cooling towers in the engineering process." Five human-written samples were incorporated as control samples to evaluate false positive responses by AI detectors, as detailed in Table 1 . These samples were chosen from the introduction sections of five distinct lab reports penned by undergraduate chemical engineering students. The reports were submitted and evaluated in 2018, a planned selection to ensure no interference from AI tools available at that time.

Five AI text content detectors, namely OpenAI, Writer, Copyleaks, GPTZero, and CrossPlag, were selected and evaluated for their ability to differentiate between human and AI-generated content. These AI detectors were selected based on extensive online research and valuable feedback from individual educators at the time of the study. It is important to note that this landscape is continually evolving, with new tools and websites expected to be launched shortly. Some tools, like the Turnitin AI detector, have already been introduced but are yet to be widely adopted or activated across educational institutions. In addition, the file must have at least 300 words of prose text in a long-form writing format (Turnitin 2023 ).

It is important to note that different AI content detection tools display their results in distinct representations, as summarized in Table 2 . To standardize the results across all detection tools, we normalized them according to the OpenAI theme. This normalization was based on the AI content percentage. Texts with less than 20% AI content were classified as "very unlikely AI-generated," those with 20–40% AI content were considered "unlikely AI-generated," those with 40–60% AI content were deemed "unclear if AI-generated," those with 60–80% AI content were labeled "possibly AI-generated." Those with over 80% AI content were categorized as "likely AI-generated." Statistical analysis and capabilities tests were conducted using Minitab (Minitab 2023 ).

The diagnostic accuracy of AI detector responses was classified into positive, negative, false positive, false negative, and uncertain based on the original content's nature (AI-generated or human-written). The AI detector responses were classified as positive if the original content was AI-generated and the detector output was "Likely AI-generated" or, more inclusively, "Possibly AI-generated." Negative responses arise when the original content is human-generated, and the detector output is "Very unlikely AI-generated" or, more inclusively, "Unlikely AI-generated." False positive responses occur when the original content is human-generated, and the detector output is "Likely AI-generated" or "Possibly AI-generated." In contrast, false negative responses emerge when the original content is AI-generated, and the detector output is "Very unlikely AI-generated" or "Unlikely AI-generated." Finally, uncertain responses are those where the detector output is "Unclear if it is AI-generated," regardless of whether the original content is AI-generated or human-generated. This classification scheme assumes that "Possibly AI-generated" and "Unlikely AI-generated" responses could be considered borderline cases, falling into either positive/negative or false positive/false negative categories based on the desired level of inclusivity or strictness in the classification process.

This study evaluated these five detectors, OpenAI, Writer, Copyleaks, GPTZero, and CrossPlag, focusing on their Specificity, Sensitivity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), and Negative Predictive Value (NPV). These metrics are used in biostatistics and machine learning to evaluate the performance of binary classification tests. Sensitivity (True Positive Rate) is the proportion of actual positive cases which are correctly identified. In this context, sensitivity is defined as the proportion of AI-generated content correctly identified by the detectors out of all AI-generated content. It is calculated as the ratio of true positives (AI-generated content correctly identified) to the sum of true positives and false negatives (AI-generated content incorrectly identified as human-generated) (Nelson et al. 2001 ; Nhu et al. 2020 ).

On the other hand, Specificity (True Negative Rate) is the proportion of actual negative cases which are correctly identified. In this context, it refers to the proportion of human-generated content correctly identified by the detectors out of all actual human-generated content. It is computed as the ratio of true negatives (human-generated content correctly identified) to the sum of true negatives and false positives (human-generated content incorrectly identified as AI-generated) (Nelson et al. 2001 ; Nhu et al. 2020 ).

Predictive power, a vital determinant of the detectors' efficacy, is divided into positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV). Positive Predictive Value (PPV) is the proportion of positive results in statistics and diagnostic tests that are actually positive results. In this context, it is the proportion of actual AI-generated content among all content identified as AI-generated by the detectors. It is calculated as the ratio of true positives to the sum of true and false positives. Conversely, Negative Predictive Value (NPV) is the proportion of negative results in statistics and diagnostic tests that are accurate negative this context, it is the proportion of actual human-generated content among all content identified as human-generated by the detectors. It is calculated as the ratio of true negatives to the sum of true and false negatives (Nelson et al. 2001 ; Nhu et al. 2020 ). These metrics provide a robust framework for evaluating the performance of AI text content detectors; collectively, they can be called "Classification Performance Metrics" or "Binary Classification Metrics."

Table 3 outlines the outcomes of AI content detection tools implemented on 15 paragraphs generated by ChatGPT Model 3.5, 15 more from ChatGPT Model 4, and five control paragraphs penned by humans. It is important to emphasize that, as stated in the methodology section and detailed in Table 2 , different AI content detection tools display their results in distinct representations. For instance, GPTZERO classifies the content into two groups: AI-Generated or Human-Generated content. In contrast, the OpenOpen AI classifier divides the content into a quintuple classification system: Likely AI-Generated, Possibly AI-Generated, Unclear if it is AI-Generated, Unlikely AI-Generated, and Very Unlikely AI-Generated. Notably, both GPTZERO and the OpenOpen AI classifier do not disclose the specific proportions of AI or human contribution within the content. In contrast, other AI detectors provide percentages detailing the AI or human contribution in the submitted text. Therefore, to standardize the responses from all AI detectors, the percentage data were normalized to fit the five-tier classification system of the OpenOpen AI classifier, where each category represents a 20% increment. The table also includes the exact percentage representation of AI contribution within each category for enhanced clarity and specificity.

Table 4 , on the other hand, demonstrates the diagnostic accuracy of these AI detection tools in differentiating between AI-generated and human-written content. The results for GPT 3.5-generated content indicate a high degree of consistency among the tools. The AI-generated content was often correctly identified as "Likely AI-Generated." However, there were a few instances where the tools provided an uncertain or false-negative classification. GPT 3.5_7 and GPT 3.5_14 received "Very unlikely AI-Generated" ratings from GPTZERO, while WRITER classified GPT 3.5_9 and GPT 3.5_14 as "Unclear if AI-Generated." Despite these discrepancies, most GPT 3.5-generated content was correctly identified as AI-generated by all tools.

The performance of the tools on GPT 4-generated content was notably less consistent. While some AI-generated content was correctly identified, there were several false negatives and uncertain classifications. For example, GPT 4_1, GPT 4_3, and GPT 4_4 received "Very unlikely AI-Generated" ratings from WRITER, CROSSPLAG, and GPTZERO. Furthermore, GPT 4_13 was classified as "Very unlikely AI-Generated" by WRITER and CROSSPLAG, while GPTZERO labeled it as "Unclear if it is AI-Generated." Overall, the tools struggled more with accurately identifying GPT 4-generated content than GPT 3.5-generated content.

When analyzing the control responses, it is evident that the tools' performance was not entirely reliable. While some human-written content was correctly classified as "Very unlikely AI-Generated" or "Unlikely AI-Generated," there were false positives and uncertain classifications. For example, WRITER ranked Human 1 and 2 as "Likely AI-Generated," while GPTZERO provided a "Likely AI-Generated" classification for Human 2. Additionally, Human 5 received an "Uncertain" classification from WRITER.

In order to effectively illustrate the distribution of discrete variables, the Tally Individual Variables function in Minitab was employed. This method facilitated the visualization of varying categories or outcomes' frequencies, thereby providing valuable insights into the inherent patterns within the dataset. To further enhance comprehension, the outcomes of the Tally analysis were depicted using bar charts, as demonstrated in Figs. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and 6 . Moreover, the classification performance metrics of these five AI text content are demonstrated in Fig.  7 , indicating a varied performance across different metrics. Looking at the GPT 3.5 results, the OpenAI Classifier displayed the highest sensitivity, with a score of 100%, implying that it correctly identified all AI-generated content. However, its specificity and NPV were the lowest, at 0%, indicating a limitation in correctly identifying human-generated content and giving pessimistic predictions when it was genuinely human-generated. GPTZero exhibited a balanced performance, with a sensitivity of 93% and specificity of 80%, while Writer and Copyleaks struggled with sensitivity. The results for GPT 4 were generally lower, with Copyleaks having the highest sensitivity, 93%, and CrossPlag maintaining 100% specificity. The OpenAI Classifier demonstrated substantial sensitivity and NPV but no specificity.

figure 1

The responses of five AI text content detectors for GPT-3.5 generated contents

figure 2

The diagnostic accuracy of the AI text content detectors' responses for GPT-3.5 generated contents

figure 3

The responses of five AI text content detectors for GPT-4 generated contents

figure 4

The diagnostic accuracy of the AI text content detectors' responses for GPT-4 generated contents

figure 5

The responses of five AI text content detectors for human-written contents

figure 6

The diagnostic accuracy of the AI text content detectors' responses for the human-written contents

figure 7

The Classification Performance Metrics of (a) OpenAI Classifier, (b) WRITER, (c) CROSSPLAG, (d) COPYLEAKS, and (e) GPTZERO

The analysis focuses on the performance of five AI text content detectors developed by OpenAI, Writer, Copyleaks, GPTZero, and CrossPlag corporations. These tools were utilized to evaluate the generated content and determine the effectiveness of each detector in correctly identifying and categorizing the text as either AI-generated or human-written. The results indicate a variance in the performance of these tools across GPT 3.5, GPT 4, and human-generated content. While the tools were generally more successful in identifying GPT 3.5-generated content, they struggled with GPT 4-generated content and exhibited inconsistencies when analyzing human-written control responses. The varying degrees of performance across these AI text content detectors highlight the complexities and challenges associated with differentiating between human and AI-generated content.

The OpenAI Classifier's high sensitivity but low specificity in both GPT versions suggest that it is efficient at identifying AI-generated content but might struggle to identify human-generated content accurately. CrossPlag's high specificity indicates its ability to identify human-generated content correctly but struggles to identify AI-generated content, especially in the GPT 4 version. These findings raise questions about its effectiveness in the rapidly advancing AI landscape.

The differences between the GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 results underline the evolving challenge of AI-generated content detection, suggesting that detector performance can significantly vary depending on the AI model's sophistication. These findings have significant implications for plagiarism detection, highlighting the need for ongoing advancements in detection tools to keep pace with evolving AI text generation capabilities.

Notably, the study's findings underscore the need for a nuanced understanding of the capabilities and limitations of these technologies. While this study indicates that AI-detection tools can distinguish between human and AI-generated content to a certain extent, their performance is inconsistent and varies depending on the sophistication of the AI model used to generate the content. This inconsistency raises concerns about the reliability of these tools, especially in high-stakes contexts such as academic integrity investigations. Therefore, while AI-detection tools may serve as a helpful aid in identifying AI-generated content, they should not be used as the sole determinant in academic integrity cases. Instead, a more holistic approach that includes manual review and consideration of contextual factors should be adopted. This approach would ensure a fairer evaluation process and mitigate the ethical concerns of using AI detection tools.

It is important to emphasize that the advent of AI and other digital technologies necessitates rethinking traditional assessment methods. Rather than resorting solely to methods less vulnerable to AI cheating, educational institutions should also consider leveraging these technologies to enhance learning and assessment. For instance, AI could provide personalized feedback, facilitate peer review, or even create more complex and realistic assessment tasks that are difficult to cheat. In addition, it is essential to note that academic integrity is not just about preventing cheating but also about fostering a culture of honesty and responsibility. This involves educating students about the importance of academic integrity and the consequences of academic misconduct and providing them with the necessary skills and resources to avoid plagiarism and other forms of cheating.

The limitations of this study, such as the tools used, the statistics included, and the disciplinary specificity against which these tools are evaluated, need to be acknowledged. It should be noted that the tools analyzed in this study were only those developed by OpenAI, Writer, Copyleaks, GPTZero, and CrossPlag corporations. These AI detectors were selected based on extensive online research and valuable feedback from individual educators at the time of the study. It is important to note that this landscape is continually evolving, with new tools and websites expected to be launched shortly. Some tools, like the Turnitin AI detector, have already been introduced but are yet to be widely adopted or activated across educational institutions. In addition, the file must have at least 300 words of prose text in a long-form writing format. Moreover, the content used for testing the tools was generated by ChatGPT Models 3.5 and 4 and included only five human-written control responses. The sample size and nature of content could affect the findings, as the performance of these tools might differ when applied to other AI models or a more extensive, more diverse set of human-written content.

It is essential to mention that this study was conducted at a specific time. Therefore, the performance of the tools might have evolved, and they might perform differently on different versions of AI models that have been released after this study was conducted. Future research should explore techniques to increase both sensitivity and specificity simultaneously for more accurate content detection, considering the rapidly evolving nature of AI content generation.

The present study sought to evaluate the performance of AI text content detectors, including OpenAI, Writer, Copyleaks, GPTZero, and CrossPlag. The results of this study indicate considerable variability in the tools' ability to correctly identify and categorize text as either AI-generated or human-written, with a general trend showing a better performance when identifying GPT 3.5-generated content compared to GPT 4-generated content or human-written content. Notably, the varying performance underscores the intricacies involved in distinguishing between AI and human-generated text and the challenges that arise with advancements in AI text generation capabilities.

The study highlighted significant performance differences between the AI detectors, with OpenAI showing high sensitivity but low specificity in detecting AI-generated content. In contrast, CrossPlag showed high specificity but struggled with AI-generated content, particularly from GPT 4. This suggests that the effectiveness of these tools may be limited in the fast-paced world of AI evolution. Furthermore, the discrepancy in detecting GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 content emphasizes the growing challenge in AI-generated content detection and the implications for plagiarism detection. The findings necessitate improvements in detection tools to keep up with sophisticated AI text generation models.

Notably, while AI detection tools can provide some insights, their inconsistent performance and dependence on the sophistication of the AI models necessitate a more holistic approach for academic integrity cases, combining AI tools with manual review and contextual considerations. The findings also call for reassessing traditional educational methods in the face of AI and digital technologies, suggesting a shift towards AI-enhanced learning and assessment while fostering an environment of academic honesty and responsibility. The study acknowledges limitations related to the selected AI detectors, the nature of content used for testing, and the study's timing. Therefore, future research should consider expanding the selection of detectors, increasing the variety and size of the testing content, and regularly evaluating the detectors' performance over time to keep pace with the rapidly evolving AI landscape. Future research should also focus on improving sensitivity and specificity simultaneously for more accurate content detection.

In conclusion, as AI text generation evolves, so must the tools designed to detect it. This necessitates continuous development and regular evaluation to ensure their efficacy and reliability. Furthermore, a balanced approach involving AI tools and traditional methods best upholds academic integrity in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Availability of data and materials

All data and materials are available.


Artificial Intelligence

Learning Management Systems

Natural Language Processing

Negative Predictive Value

Positive Predictive Value

Text-Matching Software Product

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Department of Chemical Engineering, Qatar University, P.O. 2713, Doha, Qatar

Ahmed M. Elkhatat

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Khaled Elsaid

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Saeed Almeer

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Ahmed M. Elkhatat: Conceptionizaion, Conducting the experiments discussing the results, Writing the first draft. Khaled Elsaid: Validating the concepts, contributing to the discussion, and writing the second Draft. Saeed Almeer: project administration and supervision, proofreading, improving, and writing the final version.

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Elkhatat, A.M., Elsaid, K. & Almeer, S. Evaluating the efficacy of AI content detection tools in differentiating between human and AI-generated text. Int J Educ Integr 19 , 17 (2023).

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Received : 30 April 2023

Accepted : 30 June 2023

Published : 01 September 2023


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  5. The Pearl Themes

    The main themes in The Pearl are good versus evil, knowledge versus ignorance, and individuals versus society. Good versus evil: Kino begins the novel blissfully unaware of the evil in the world ...

  6. The Pearl (novella)

    The Pearl is a novella by the American author John Steinbeck.The story, first published in 1947, [citation needed] follows a pearl diver, Kino, and explores man's purpose as well as greed, defiance of societal norms, and evil.Steinbeck's inspiration was a Mexican folk tale from La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, which he had heard in a visit to the formerly pearl-rich region in 1940.

  7. Essay on the Pearl

    The Pearl. The Pearl is a novella by the author, John Steinbeck. The genre of this book is fiction parable. The theme is that greed can lead to a dark ending. The major conflicts in this story are man vs. man, man vs. nature, and man vs. society. The point of view is in third person.

  8. The Pearl Essay Topics

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

  9. The Pearl Essays and Criticism

    The Literal and Symbolic in The Pearl. Perhaps the most outspoken cntic of The Pearl has been Warren French, who criticized author John Steinbeck for using a traditional tale (the legend of the ...

  10. The Pearl-John Steinbeck: Unveiling Symbolic Depths

    The pearl, a central symbol in the story, undergoes a transformation from a beacon of hope to a harbinger of destruction, delving into the corrosive nature of greed. This essay explores how Steinbeck employs symbolism to unravel the themes of greed, oppression, and the intricate connection between humanity and the natural world.

  11. The Pearl Study Guide

    Although these novels dealt with white protagonists, Steinbeck turned to the plight of Mexicans for The Pearl based on the 1942 and 1943 Zoot Suit Race Riots in Los Angeles. By the time that Steinbeck wrote The Pearl, he had gained an interest in writing screenplays, and thus wrote the novel in a form suitable for easy adaptation to film.

  12. The Pearl Questions and Answers

    The Pearl Questions and Answers - Discover the community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question you might have on The Pearl Select an area of the ...

  13. The Pearl Historical Context

    Historical Context. Review. John Steinbeck. Article written by Israel Njoku. Degree in M.C.M with focus on Literature from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. John Steinbeck based the novella ' The Pearl' on Mexican culture and politics. It draws from local folklore to demonstrate an era of economic hardship, class segregation, exploitation ...

  14. The Pearl Theme Analysis: [Essay Example], 419 words

    The Pearl Theme Analysis. This story is about kino finding a pearl and the effects of this. Kino and juana are the main characters of the story and want to change their poor life circumstances to a wealthier lifestyle when they found the pearl. They encounter many conflicts throughout the story. In the end of all this they lost the most ...

  15. The Pearl by John Steinbeck Plot Summary

    The Pearl takes place in a small village on the outskirts of La Paz, California. It begins in the brush house of Kino, Juana, and their baby, Coyotito, a family of Mexican Native Americans.In the midst of Kino and Juana's morning routine, Coyotito is stung by a scorpion that has fallen into his hanging box.. Aware of how poisonous the scorpion's sting is, Juana orders that the doctor be ...

  16. (Pdf) Pearl Essays &Answers Secondary School Students and University

    PEARL ESSAYS AND MARKING SCHEMES Kcse Revision: University materials ([email protected]) +254721246744 (whatsapp) "Cclcnialisf is dehufanizing." Drawing illustrations from John Steinbegd's, "The Pearl," write an essay in support of this statement. ... Materialism The actions of some characters is based on acquisition of material ...

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  20. New 'Hunger Games' Prequel Movie, Based on Suzanne Collins ...

    To that end, Collins is writing a new book, "Sunrise on the Reaping," to be released in 2025. The film adaptation will hit theaters on Nov. 20, 2026. ... New 'Hunger Games' Prequel Movie, Based ...

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  22. New 'Hunger Games' Novel by Suzanne Collins Set for 2025

    Suzanne Collins has announced that a new "Hunger Games" novel, titled "Sunrise on the Reaping," will be released next year.. According to the Associated Press, the fifth novel in Collins ...

  23. The Pearl: Mini Essays

    From a general summary to chapter summaries to explanations of famous quotes, the SparkNotes The Pearl Study Guide has everything you need to ace quizzes, tests, and essays.

  24. Evaluating the efficacy of AI content detection tools in

    The proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content, particularly from models like ChatGPT, presents potential challenges to academic integrity and raises concerns about plagiarism. This study investigates the capabilities of various AI content detection tools in discerning human and AI-authored content. Fifteen paragraphs each from ChatGPT Models 3.5 and 4 on the topic of ...