sanskrit essay on vidya

विद्या ददाति विनयम् | Vidya Essay in Sanskrit

ज्ञानार्थकाद ‘विद्’ धातोः विद्याः शब्दः सम्पद्यते । कस्यापि वस्तुनः विषयस्य वा यथार्थतः ज्ञानं ‘विद्या’ इति उच्यते । विद्या श्रेष्ठं गुप्तं च धनं वर्तते । मनुष्याणां रूपं यौवनं च नश्यति परं इदं धनं गुप्तरूपेण संदामनुष्यस्य समीपम् एव वसति । विद्या धनं न चौरा: चोरचितुं शक्नुवन्ति, धनानि व्यये कृते श्रीयन्ते पर इदं धर्न तु व्ययेन वृद्धि प्राप्नोति । विद्या धनं सर्वश्रेष्ठं धनमुच्यते । उक्तं च –

न चौरहार्यं न च राजहार्यं न तु भाज्यं न च भारकारि । ।

व्यये कृते वर्धत एवं नित्यं विद्याधनं सर्वधन प्रधानम् ।। |

संसारे ते एव मनुष्याः उनति कुर्वन्ति ये बाल्ये अनेक विधं कष्टमनुभूय विद्याम् अभ्यस्यन्ति। विद्यैव वास्तविकं सौन्दर्य वर्तते । विदेश विद्या बन्धुवत् सहायिका भवति । विद्वज्जनानां शोभां विस्तारयति । विद्या एवं पुरुषस्य सर्वाणि कार्याणि साधयति –

मातेव उवाति पितेव हिते नियुक्ते कान्तेव चाभिरमयत्यपनीय खेदम् ।।

लक्ष्मी तनोति वितनोति च दिक्षु कीर्तिम्, किं किं न साधयति कल्पलतेय विद्या।।

मनुष्यानां जीवने विद्या परमोपयोगिनी भवति । राजा दण्डशशिधारणात स्वदेशे बलात् पूज्यते परं विद्वान तु सर्वत्र एवं श्रद्धया पूज्यते । विद्वांसः पुरुषाः यत्र गच्छन्ति तत्रैव तेषां सत्कारः भवति । सत्यमेव उक्तं-

स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते। ।

विद्या एव तद् वस्तु विद्यते येन मनुष्यस्य पशोः च भेदः कर्तुं शक्यते । विधया एव मनुष्याः स्वकीयं कर्तव्यं जानन्ति । विद्या विहीनः नरः पश तुल्यो भवति । उक्तं च सत्यमेव –

“विद्या विहीनः पशुः”

अस्मिन् संसारे विद्यैव सुखस्य मूलम् अस्ति। विद्या मानवाय नम्रता ददाति । विनयेन मानवः योग्यता प्राप्नोति । योग्यतया धन प्राप्नोति । धनेन धर्म भवति । धर्मेण च सुखं प्राप्नोति । उक्तमपि –

विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद याति पात्रताम् ।

पात्रत्वात् धनमाप्नोति धनाद् थर्मः ततः सुखम् ॥

अस्मिन् संसारे ये महापुरुषाः अभवन् ते शैशचे महता परिश्रमेण विद्याम् । अधीतवन्तः । बालाः बाल्ये अवश्यं विशेष रूपेण च विद्यामध्यस्यन्तु। इदं च सदा स्मर्तव्यम् –

काशश्चैव विद्यामधं च चिन्तयेत् ॥

क्षण त्यागे कुतो विद्या, कण त्यागे कुतो धनम् ॥

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essay in sanskrit on vidya

विद्या पर संस्कृत निबंध- Essay on Vidya in Sanskrit

In this article, we are providing information about Vidya in Sanskrit- विद्या पर संस्कृत निबंध, Essay on Vidya in Sanskrit Language, Education Essay in Sanskrit.

विद्या पर संस्कृत निबंध- Essay on Vidya in Sanskrit

अस्माकं साहित्ये विद्याया महान् महिमा श्रूयते । विद्या एव मनुष्यस्य पाश्र्वे ईदृशं तत्त्वं येन तस्मिन् वैशिष्ट्यं सम्पद्यते, स च पशुभिभिन्नः पृथगेव दृश्यते । यदा शिशुः जायते, तदा सः पशुतुल्य एव भवति, किन्तु पश्चात् विद्यया तस्य द्वितीयं जन्म इव भवति । तदा सः अधिकतरं शोभते । येषां विद्या न भवति ते वस्त्राभूषणालङ्कृता अपि सभामध्ये मूर्खताकारणात् न शोभन्ते, ये पुनः विद्यावन्तो भवन्ति, ते सर्वत्र शोभन्ते, पूज्यन्ते, सम्मान्यन्ते च । अत एवोच्यते स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् । सर्वत्र पूज्यते । राज्ञः मानः धनैश्वर्यकारणात् केवलं स्वराज्ये भवति परन्तु विद्वत्तायाः सर्वत्र सम्मानः भवति । यदि कश्चिद् राजा विद्वांसं स्वदेशात् निष्कासयति, तथापि सः देशान्तरं गत्वा स्वविद्वत्तया ख्याति लभते ।

अस्मिन् संसारे मनुष्यः विद्ययैव सभ्यं वाग्व्यवहारं जानाति । वाक्चातुर्येण सः सर्वेषां मनांसि जेतुं समर्थोऽस्ति । विद्यैव तादृशं धनं यत् केनापि चोरयितुं न शक्यते । अस्य धनस्य तु प्रवृत्तिः विपरीता एव। अन्यधनस्य तु दानेन क्षयो भवति परन्तु विद्या रूपस्य धनस्य दानेन वृद्धिः भवति । यदि वयमन्यमध्यापयाम, स्तदा ऽ स्माकं ज्ञानं वर्धते एव । संकटकालेऽपि विद्या नरं रक्षति विद्यया मनुष्यः संसारस्य वास्तविक तत्त्वं जानाति महान्ति कष्टानि च हसन्नेव सहते । विद्यैवास्माकं मित्रम् । वयं कुत्रापि स्याम, अन्यः कश्चिदस्मान् न जानीयात्, परन्तु स्वविद्यया 5 स्माकं कालः गच्छति, अस्माकं विद्यया प्रभाविताश्चान्येऽप्यस्माकं मित्राणि भवन्ति । मनुष्यः विद्ययैव चिन्ताक्षणेष्वपि शान्तिं लभते । विद्या मनुष्ये धैर्य सञ्चारयति, सा तस्य हृदये अहिंसास्तेयत्यागादिभावान् जनयति येन सः स्वार्थं त्यक्त्वा जनहितमपि वितनोति । विद्यावन्त एवं जना नेतारो भवन्ति, अन्येभ्यः साधुमार्ग प्रदर्शयन्ति। भर्तृहरिणा एकस्मिन् पद्ये विद्याया व्यापकं महत्त्वमेवं वर्च्यते- विद्या नाम नरस्य रूपमधिकं प्रच्छन्नगुप्तं धनं विद्या भोगकरी यशस्सुखकरी विद्या गुरूणां गुरुः । विद्या बन्धुजनो विदेशगमने विद्या परा देवता । विद्या राजसु पूज्यते न हि धनं विद्याविहीनः पशुः ॥

अतः यदि मनुष्यः समाजोत्कर्षम् आत्मोत्कर्षं च वाञ्छति, तदा तेन विद्योपार्जनमवश्यमेव कर्तव्यम् । विद्ययैव शान्तिपूर्वक सम्मानपूर्वकं च जीवितुं शक्नोति जनः ।

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Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम


Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम is a great verse of Sanskrit which exemplifies the greatness of education or knowledge for humanity.

This Sanskrit inscription is a great Indian quote that implies, ‘Knowledge generates humility’.

The literal meaning of the words in this quote is; vidya means knowledge, dadati means to give, and vinayam means humbleness or mannerism.

The complete meaning that comes from Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम is that the enlightenment obtained through the acquisition of complete and true knowledge gives the bearer discipline and manners.

Moreover, with the inclusion of discipline in one’s personality, the person then becomes capable of worthiness.

This worthiness helps one to achieve wealth through the immense skillset, and it is this wealth that makes the person perform good deeds in this world for others and the community.

The good deeds, in turn, bring vital joy to the person.

The concept of Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम is not only for an individual.

Rather, this concept resonates with the life of a person, as well as, the way of living of a society and a nation.

Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम talks about the altruism of the economy and how it puts profound effects on the financial and social structure of a developing or already developed society.

Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम suggests that the conclusion of the economy is not only to produce a country that can do well for itself.

However, the aim of this ideology is to draw such results from the economy that are not only about money but are also about the overall betterment of society.

According to the book the Arthashastra (written by Kautilya ), which is a classic ancient Indian Sanskrit book on the art of economic policies and military strategies, the role of a society is to form itself together for betterment.

This betterment is not only for a single person, group, or social class; rather, the betterment of society is for all the people living under it.

Therefore, Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम is of no use if one practices it only for the sake of personal benefits.

Because if one benefits and the other suffers, this does not resonate with the concept of ‘worthiness’ present in Vidya Dadati Vinayam.

Vidya Dadati Vinayam Sanskrit Shloka

Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम was originally presented in Sanksrit and it is also a great quote by Lord Buddha.

That is presented in Dhammapada which is the noblest book of collection of Buddha’s sayings ).

The Sanskrit verse of Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम is:

विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद्याति पात्रताम् । पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम् ॥ ५ ॥

There are different versions of the Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम shloka available here and there.

The meaning of education, knowledge, wealth, and worthiness are all different depending on the eyes and views of the reader.

The world has seen examples like Hari Harilela, Alagappa Chettiar, and Rajendra Mullick who have manifested the true meaning of Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम.

Similarly, the world has also seen examples of bright minds and pools of knowledge that went down the wrong track like Ravana.

Vidya Dadati Vinayam Source

Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम is a phrase that means, “Knowledge brings humbleness”.

This Sanskrit scripture is a quotation of the great ancient philosophical legacy.

This Sanskrit verse is a great legacy of Indian tradition and ancient teachings that originated back to Hitopadesha .

Vidya Dadati Vinayam Sloka Meaning

The Sanskrit shloka of Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम means ‘Knowledge brings mannerism’.

The combination of a complete mind filled with true knowledge combined with mannerism and humbleness is the most prevailing tool a man can possess.

This tool not only helps to open doors for the individual self, but it helps to deal with problems that can produce a better society.

A person with good education is unprejudiced and free from all sorts of biased thinkings and opinions that may cloud his/her judgment from making the right call.

That person is judgemental to the most appropriate limits.

That person acquires the skillset and the ability to become a leader of his personality and has the potential to become a leader of a large group.

Also, they dominantly play a very important role in the growth of their country and society.

The real essence of Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम lies in the collective betterment of society and not only in the betterment of a single person.

A society that has well-educated and well-aware people is more likely to turn into a prodigious nation, rather than a society where several individuals are worthy and not all of them.

A prodigious nation is on the road to becoming a progressive nation.

One very important misconception that needs to be cleared is that the meaning of knowledge present in the translation of Vidya Dadati Vinayam विद्या ददाति विनयम doesn’t imitate the concept of knowledge we have nowadays.

This is not about getting a stereotypical degree, rather, this is about enlightening a person’s mind and soul with the facts and phenomenons of life that are needed to be understood to cultivate an earnest disposition.

Similarly, it can be seen in the complete English translation of the Vidya Dadati Vinayam shloka that the world ‘wealth’ is present.

The world wealth is not used over here in terms of representing the world money or currency.

The word wealth in the shloka of Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम means happiness, illumination, or mindfulness.

Wealth can be any of these and the virtue can be different for every person depending on what they value the most.

Vidya Dadati Vinayam Logo

There are a lot of different logos available for Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम.

This logo, however, depicts the meaning of the scripture Vidya Dadati Vinayam in all of its glory.

Vidya Dadati Vinayam is a logo used by several prominent educational institutions throughout India.

The premier universities along with the Indian Air Force use this verse for the institutions run by them.

Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम means, ‘Knowledge brings mannerism’. This concept is clearly expressed through the logo.

The book in the logo represents the importance of acquiring knowledge, whereas, the Diya (fire in the clay pot) represents worthiness or enlightenment that one receives after gaining true and complete knowledge.

Vidya Dadati Vinayam Essay

This famous Sanskrit caption of ancient teachings can have different interpretations depending on the person.

However, the common meaning and the literal meaning of these captions is ‘Knowledge brings mannerism’.

Mannerism creates worthiness inside one’s mind and personality. Worthiness creates the wealth of mind, and wealth creates good deeds.

Good deeds are responsible for bringing ultimate joy to a person.

The point that needs to be very clear is that what is the true meaning of knowledge and the true meaning of wealth.

Because getting these meanings twisted can end up throwing a person off the path of Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम and on to something unachievable and wrong.

The word Vidya means knowledge but knowledge, in this case, is not the knowledge of worldly subjects.

Rather, the knowledge in discussion means the essence of cognizance and brilliance that a person feels when their mind and soul have reached a spiritual locus.

Similarly, the wealth that is mentioned in the English translation doesn’t mean paper money.

Rather, the self of worthiness and the acquisition of true knowledge is actual wealth that makes a person rich for a lifetime.

This wealth is never-ending and it can help people do wonderous things for their individual self, as well as, the society and the nation.

The real tragedy that arises is the question, ‘Are we fulfilling the meaning of Vidya Dadati Vinayam with our current education system?’. The answer to this question is a big NO.

The current education system in India and most of the countries in the world aims to produce graduates that have their minds limited only to the knowledge of their graduating subject.

Their minds are not trained to focus on things other than their subject.

This lack of focus and the lack of empathy for the diversity of knowledge and the world is what finishes the meaning of Vidya Dadati Vinayam.

Vinayam that is needed to be achieved is not only for a single person but for society and the whole nation.

 It is not possible to achieve a true sense of worthiness only by achieving knowledge that is limited to oneself and is for personal benefits only.

Similarly, such mannerism and humility are of no use and progress to society if one only keeps it to themselves and does not apply it for the betterment of society.

Our educational institutions nail down the slogan Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम into the minds of our students from a very early age.

But what we forget to inscribe in their minds is the importance and value of acquiring true knowledge except for worldly selfish knowledge.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., visited the Morehouse College in 1947 with the goal to explore the real purpose of education.

On his visit, he put down simply the function of education with a two-purpose approach.

According to him, education serves two main purposes; one for man and the society.

For man, it helps in bringing utility and for society, education helps to develop culture.

He also expressed the danger of having a mind that has knowledge and purpose but has no cap on morals.

Such a mind is highly dangerous for one’s own self and society because it follows and holds no limits.

The disadvantage and harm of having meaningless education have been expressed in the history of ancient India several times in different ways.

It can be seen in Ramayana, the Hindu mythology that how Ravana, having good knowledge, couldn’t understand the real meaning of knowledge and got lost down the track.

His inability to understand the true meaning and responsibility of knowledge made him one of the greatest demons in the history of ancient India.

The lack of understanding of the real meaning of education is not only at the hands of our educational institutions.

It is also the mistake of today’s parents that children are unable to play their due role in the life of their children.

It is the job of parents rather than educational institutes to teach the children the importance of education, the real meaning of education, and the correct ways to utilize education.

Parents should help inscribe the real meaning of Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम in their children’s hearts.

Children should be taught to identify the real parameters of living in this world.

They should be taught to value the honor and integrity of all human relationships.

The value and respect of every human being irrespective of their caste or cultural background, and the value and respect for various cultures in the world.

The schooling of our children regarding matters outside of education is related to us directly.

A child learns not only from the lap of his mother, but from the educational institute, and most importantly, from the society he or she is living in.

The reality check is that this society is a product of our deeds and decisions that we have taken throughout our life.

No wonder the saying, ‘Child is the Father of the Man’ is true because what a person learns in his or her childhood from the family and the society is what he or she becomes when they grow up.

Therefore, it is very important to understand that children learn from all sorts of sources and society is a more effective one as compared to books and other sources.

If you do not practice something in your own life you can never expect your children to do so.

If you want your child to follow the footsteps of Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम, it is you who has to start walking those steps today.

The current education is flawed and has no space to accommodate the concept Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम.

This education system was developed with an aim to produce “skilled factory workers” rather than producing illuminated minds.

That minds could grow up to become philosophers, thinkers, and leaders in the light of the creativity he bestowed with.

Our education system is a testing facility for the memory section of our children’s minds and not for the quality check of their minds.

Similar opinions were presented by Jack Ma, who is the founder of the world’s giant tech company and realizes the true meaning of using knowledge for a collective purpose.

He expressed his concern over the current ways of teaching that are employed in education institutes.

According to him, teaching a child to be knowledge-oriented only is harmful because the next master of knowledge is a machine and there is no way a child can compete with a machine.

The age of technology is already here and there are already machines that can think, act, and make decisions like human beings.

To compete in such an age where machines are better humans than humans, it is very important to teach your children values and skills that are impossible for the machines to learn.

Independent thinking, emotional intelligence, and empathy are many of such qualities that will always stay under the possession of humans.

However, humans need to learn how to use these qualities to produce a better life for themselves and others around them.

Jack Ma further added to his speech the importance of expanding the horizon for the meaning of the word ‘knowledge’.

Every day more than a thousand students enroll and thousands of them graduate with a pool of knowledge in their minds.

However, they lack a very basic understanding of knowledge which is to use this knowledge for the betterment of everyone and not only themselves.

Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम is an ancient concept but its relevance was undoubtedly needed in the past and is needed even more in the future.

We need to start teaching our children the value of education and not only value education in terms of money.

It is about time that they should be taught again not only to store knowledge inside their minds but to take them out and use it to build a progressive self and society.

Parents should stop making their children factory workers and should start working towards building beneficial personalities that follow Vidya Dadati Vinayam.

Courtesy: Google images



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मेरे विद्यालय पर संस्कृत निबंध

नमस्कार दोस्तों, यहां पर मेरा विद्यालय संस्कृत निबंध (Sanskrit Essay on My School) शेयर कर रहे हैं। यह मम विद्यालय निबंध संस्कृत में (Vidyalay ka Nibandh Sanskrit Mein) कक्षा 6 से 12 तक हर किसी के लिए मददगार साबित होंगे।

हम उम्मीद करते हैं आपको यह Sanskrit Nibandh पसंद आयेंगे और यह Sanskrit Essay आपके लिए मददगार साबित होंगे। यहां पर इन सभी निबंध की पीडीऍफ़ फाइल भी उपलब्ध की है, जिसे आप अपनी सहायता के लिए डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

Sanskrit Essay on My School

Read Also: संस्‍कृत निबंध संग्रहण (Sanskrit Essay PDF)

मेरा विद्यालय पर संस्कृत निबंध | Sanskrit Essay on My School

मम विद्यालय संस्कृत में 5 वाक्य (5 sentences about school in sanskrit).

  • मम विद्यालय: नाम: विवेकानंद शिशु मंदिर अस्ति।
  • मम विद्यालय: अति सुन्दरं अस्ति।
  • विद्यालये एकं सुन्दरं उद्यानं अस्ति।
  • मम विद्यालये एकः पुस्तकालयः अपि अस्ति।
  • मम विद्यालये एका विज्ञान प्रयोगशाला, एका गणित प्रयोगशाला च अस्ति।
  • प्रतिवर्ष वार्षिकोत्सतवः अपि आयोज्यते।

विद्यालय का निबंध संस्कृत में 15 पॉइंट (10 lines on my School in sanskrit)

  • मम विद्यालयस्य नाम आदर्श सरस्वती निकेतन अस्ति।
  • एषः विद्यालयः नगरस्य एकस्मिन सुरम्ये स्थले स्थितमस्ति।
  • अस्य वातावरणम्‌ आकर्षकम्‌ अस्ति।
  • मम विद्यालये एक पुस्तकालय अस्ति।
  • विद्यालये पञ्च वाहनम् अस्ति।
  • मम् विद्यालये एकः वाटिका अस्ति।
  • मम् विद्यालये पञ्चाशत्त् आचार्यः अस्ति।
  • मम् विद्यालये अतिश्रेष्ठम् अस्ति।
  • मम् विद्यालये एकः प्रयोगशाला अस्ति।
  • मम् विद्यालये प्रतिवर्ष वार्षिकउत्सव भवति।
  • मम् विद्यालये अनेकानि वृक्षाणि सन्ति।
  • मम् विद्यालये अतिस्वच्छ अस्ति।
  • मम् विद्यालये विद्यार्थ न केवलम् पठन्ति अपितु अनेक कार्यम् अपि कुर्वन्ति।
  • अयं विद्यालय: अस्मा्कं गौरवास्पदम्‌ अस्ति।
  • विद्यालये प्रतिसप्ताहे बालसभा अपि आयोज्यते।

vidyalay ka nibandh sanskrit mein

मम विद्यालय संस्कृत में निबंध – 1 (my school essay in sanskrit)

विद्यालय का निबंध संस्कृत में (20 lines on my school in sanskrit language)

मम विद्यालयस्य नाम आदर्श सरस्वती निकेतन अस्ति। एषः विद्यालयः नगरस्य एकस्मिन सुरम्ये स्थले स्थितमस्ति। अत्र सप्ततिः शिक्षकः-शिक्षिकाः च पाठयन्ति। अत्र सहस्त्रद्वयं छात्राः पठन्ति। विद्यालये एकं सुन्दरं उद्यानं अस्ति। यत्र मनोहाणि पुष्पाणि विकसन्ति। मम विद्यालये एकः पुस्तकालयः अपि अस्ति। यत्र छात्राः पुस्तकानि पठन्ति। मम विद्यालये एका विज्ञान प्रयोगशाला, एका गणित प्रयोगशाला च अस्ति। विद्यालये एकः संगणककक्षः अपि अस्ति। शिक्षायाः क्षेत्र मम विद्यालयः सम्पूर्ण नगरे प्रसिद्ध: अस्ति। मम विद्यालयस्य सर्वे अध्यापकाः शिक्षायाम्‌ अतीव निपुणाः, योग्यः च सन्ति। विद्यालये प्रतिसप्ताहे बालसभा अपि आयोज्यते। प्रतिवर्ष वार्षिकोत्सतवः अपि आयोज्यते। क्रीड़ायाः क्षेत्रे अपि मम विद्यालयस्य प्रमुखं स्थानं अस्ति। अहम्‌ आत्मनं गर्वितः, भाग्यशाली च अनुभवामि यः अस्मिन अत्युत्तमे विद्यालये पठामि।

vidyalay per nibandh sanskrit mein

अस्माकं विद्यालय पर संस्कृत निबंध – 2

मम विद्यालय: नाम:  —— अस्ति। मम विद्यालय: अति विशालं अस्ति। मम विद्यालय: अति सुन्दरं अस्ति। मम विद्यालये: एक सुन्दर उद्यानम् सन्ति। मम विद्यालये एक पुस्तकालय अस्ति। मम विद्यालय प्राचार्य महोदयस्य नाम:  —– अस्ति। मम विद्यालय: एक: क्रिदगनम् अस्ति। मम विद्यालये बहव छात्र अस्ति।

मम विद्यालय संस्कृत में निबंध – 3 (i love my school in sanskrit)

संस्कृत में विद्यालय का निबंध

अहं केन्द्रीय विद्यालये पठामि। मम विद्यालय: अति विशालं सुन्दरं चास्ति। मम विद्यालये एकं सुन्दरं उद्यानं अस्ति। विद्यालये एकं क्रीडाप्रांगणं सुविस्तृतं हरित दूर्वाछन्नं चास्ति। मम विद्यालयस्य प्रधानाचार्यस्य नाम श्री मोहन लाल: अस्ति। मम विद्यालये बहव: छात्रा: पठन्ति।

अस्माकं विद्यालय पर संस्कृत निबंध – 4 (Essay on my school in sanskrit for class 8)

संस्कृत में विद्यालय पर निबंध 10 लाइन (विद्यालय का निबंध संस्कृत में 10 पॉइंट)

मम् विद्यालय: नाम:  —— अस्ति। मम विद्यालयः सुन्दरः अस्ति। मम विद्यालयः विशालः अपि अस्ति। मम विद्यालये: एकम् सुन्दरम् उद्यानम् अस्ति। मम विद्यालये एकः पुस्तकालयः अपि अस्ति। मम विद्यालय: एक: क्रीडाङ्गन अस्ति। मम विद्यालये बहव छात्रः अस्ति। मम विद्यालये सर्वे अध्यापका: ज्ञानशील-विद्वानम् सन्ति। अस्माकम् अध्यापकः अध्यापिकाः च स्नेहेन पाठयन्ति। वयम् अपि स्नेहेन पठामः अध्यापकानाम् च सम्मानं कुर्मः। मम् विद्यालयस्य प्रधानाध्यापकं तु अत्यधिकं सरलं सज्जनं च अस्ति। अत: अहं वक्तुम् शक्नोमि यत् मम् विद्यालयं सर्वेषाम् विद्यालयेषु श्रेष्ठतर: अस्ति। प्रतिवर्षे मम् विद्यालयस्य परीक्षाफलम् श्रेष्ठः भवति।


मम विद्यालय निबंध पीडीऍफ़ (Sanskrit Essay PDF)

यहां पर हम ऊपर दिए सभी निबंध की पीडीऍफ़ फाइल उपलब्ध कर रहे हैं। इस पीडीऍफ़ फाइल को आप अपने प्रोजेक्ट, वर्कशीट आदि के लिए प्रयोग में ले सकते हैं। इससे आपको काफी मदद मिलेगी।

हम उम्मीद करते हैं आपको यह sanskrit nibandh पसंद आये होंगे, इन्हें आगे शेयर जरूर करें। आपको यह mam vidyalay कैसे लगे, हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में जरूर बताएं।

  • अनुशासन पर संस्कृत निबंध
  • संस्कृत भाषा का महत्व संस्कृत निबंध
  • तुलसीदास पर संस्कृत निबंध

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Sanskrit Shloka “VIDYA DADATI VINAYAM” (Education gives humbleness)

This Sanskrit Shlok “ विद्या ददाति विनयम् (VIDYA DADATI VINAYAM) ” means Education gives humbleness. It is the most powerful weapon which can change the world . The son of lorn Shiva and Parvati was VINAYAM . He is popularly known as Ganesh. As per hindu culture Ganapati Baba is the goddes who gives knowladge to our young students. A well-educated person is unprejudiced & judgmental. He plays a dominant role for the growth of our country. An educated society contributes to an educated nation & an educated nation is a progressive nation. Education helps in better living.

To live among hi-society living education is the key today. In this millennium without education even you will feel uncomfortable during a very natural conversation. Here your feature depends on your education. If you are well educated and having a good job, you can have better living or else in 90% cases struggle struggles and struggles. This is the cause today major parents blindly investing in Child education. Education brings vision to the life. Whereever or However may be if you are getting chance to grab education, go for.

Child is the Father of Man

This is a famous line written by words worth which specifics that a man is the product of his habits & behaviour developed in childhood. The better the values & education he receives in his childhood the better will he be as a human. Children are like clay & we need to Mold them. Education doesn’t mean just preparing them for bookish knowledge or educating them for various entrance examination. But should inculcate holistic development in children. In the age of modernity where computers, mobiles, laptops etc. are a must in every house, books have taken a backseat. Reading is a habit that is gradually waning away in today’s generation. Reading apart from uncasting knowledge gives patience in us. Hence reading should be installed in today generation.

Education hence should focus on the wholesome development of children. Present day children are much more smarter & confident educating them & challenging their intelligence in the right direction will give a positive boost to the nation. Hence education in children should start as early as possible as they are the feature of our country & the steps to a nations prosperity. Reducing child labour in India should be the famous duty of Indian gout. India has the highest number of child laborious in the world & 86% don’t receive any education. When children are employed they are exploded & abused which effects their overall development sense. They are depressed of education & recreation. Hence moreover free & quality education must be provided by the gout. As an developed country. Education is a direction is breaking the vicious circle of poverty.

Education getting Costly day-by-day

Unfortunately education these days have became a successful business idea. They have emerged as a profit making institution neglecting the overall development of children. Parents investing heavy amount of money in the name of education has left education to be the friend only for the rich. Education these days is becoming inordinately expensive & the poor students are unable to reach even the High School. Day by day education getting costly. Parents should not be biased & should give in special effort to curb this & concentrate on child’s true education, gout should put regularity measures against this high fee rise. The effect of controlling the price of education need to be further explored. Especially since free Govt. schools exist which benefit from an increased education budget every year.

Thus I conclude that giving proper education to children fosters confidence, humanity, characters, happiness among them. Thereby strengthening the back bone of our country. The literary rate of developed countries is almost 100%. Hence it is the duty of each & every educated citizen to take an initiate in educating the children who are deprived of basic education. Let us take a pledge to bring a smile a every child by imparting proper education to them & foster a confidential in them necessary to drive the country towards development. Because education is a wealth that can’t be stolen & inheritance that can’t be lost.

Blockages for Education

Today the earth is suffering from climate changes related issues. Sometime for heavy rain or sometime for earthquike many schools and colleges are getting closed. More then lakhs of students leaving their education because of natural calamities. Similar to natural calamities war is an another barrier for education. You must noticed what happened to Ukraine or Gazapati. From latest data in Gazapati nearly 30000+ Students lost their education due to israil-hamas war.

In poor nations like pakistan or bangladesh thousands of good students are not able to take education. Nearly 30% are in school but financialy very poor to meet basic educational expenses. From tution fees to school fees for many parents this expense is not less then a monthly challenge.

Each One, Teach One or two

As we discussed above day-by-day teaching is getting costly. In rural or urban areas many students are not getting proper education because of their poor financial status. In this scenario the slogan “Each One, Teach One.” can work well. Teaching is a high-quality art. In life if you are getting opportunities to teach someone or a group of people don’t stop yourself to share knowledge’s. By sharing our experiences and knowledge’s to the next generation or others we can directly taking participate in the growth of our nation.

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विद्या पर संस्कृत में निबंध ।। Essay on vidhya in Sanskrit

  विद्या (प्रतिदर्श विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते), विद्या विहीन: पशु:, विद्याया: महत्त्वम् , विद्याधनं सर्वधनं प्रधानम् , विद्या ददाति विनयम् ,विद्या महिमा .

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1 .सद्गुणानां प्रकाशिका दुर्गुणानां विनाशिका विद्या कं न अलंकरोति ? 

2. नूतनानां विचाराणां जनयित्री, परितापानां हर्त्री विद्या सर्वेषां कल्याणं करोति ।

3 .सर्वविधस्य ज्ञानस्य आधारः विद्या एव अस्ति।

4 .विद्यालयेषु यावन्तः विषयाः पाठ्यन्ते जीवने वा यद् ज्ञानं लभ्यते तत् सर्व विद्या एव।

5. विद्या एतादृशं शाश्वतिकं धनं अस्ति यत् त्रिकालेऽपि विनाशं न गच्छति।

6. इदं न बन्धुभिः विभाज्यते, न चौरैः चोर्यते, न केनापि अन्येन अपहर्तुं शक्यते। 

7. विद्याः बहुविद्याः भवन्ति यथा साहित्यं, संगीतं, कला, विज्ञानम् इति ।

8. विद्यातु निरन्तरम् अभ्यासेन परिश्रमेण वा प्राप्तु शक्यते।

9. यया विद्यया सर्वेषां कल्याणं भवति सा एव विद्या किन्तु यया अन्येषाम् अहितं भवेत् सा न विद्या, अपितु अविद्या एव।

10 .साम्प्रतं सर्वत्र शस्त्राणां स्पर्द्धाः वर्द्धते, यया मानवजीवनं संकटापन्न विनाशोन्मुखं च भवति ।

11. अतः ज्ञानस्य उपयोगः मानवकल्याणाय एवं भवेत्, एतदर्थ गम्भीरतया विवेचनीयम्।

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ज्ञान (शिक्षित प्रतिमान की सर्वत्र पूजा होती है), बिना ज्ञान के पशु, ज्ञान की महत्ता, ज्ञान का धन सभी धनों में प्रधान है, ज्ञान विनम्रता देता है, ज्ञान ही महिमा है

1. ज्ञान सद्गुणों का प्रकाश करने वाला और दुर्गुणों का नाश करने वाला है क्या यह नहीं सजाता है? 

2. ज्ञान, जो नए विचारों को उत्पन्न करता है और दुखों को दूर करता है, सभी का कल्याण करता है। 

3. ज्ञान सभी प्रकार के ज्ञान का आधार है।

4. विद्यालयों में पढ़ाए जाने वाले सभी विषय या जीवन में प्राप्त ज्ञान ही ज्ञान है।

5. विद्या एक ऐसी सनातन संपदा है जो तीन काल में भी नष्ट नहीं होती।

6. यह न रिश्तेदारों द्वारा बांटा जाता है, न चोरों द्वारा चुराया जाता है, न ही किसी के द्वारा इसे कोई और चुरा सकता है।

7. साहित्य, संगीत, कला और विज्ञान जैसे कई विषय हैं।

8. ज्ञान निरंतर अभ्यास या कड़ी मेहनत से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है।

9. सबका कल्याण करने वाला ज्ञान ज्ञान है, पर दूसरों का अहित करने वाला ज्ञान ज्ञान नहीं, अज्ञान है।

10. वर्तमान में, हर जगह हथियारों की होड़ बढ़ रही है, जिससे मानव जीवन खतरे में है और विनाश के कगार पर है।

11. इसलिए मानव कल्याण के लिए ज्ञान के उपयोग पर गंभीरता से विचार करना चाहिए।

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Knowledge (the model learned is worshiped everywhere), an animal without knowledge, the importance of knowledge, the wealth of knowledge is the chief of all wealth, knowledge gives humility, knowledge is glory

1. Knowledge is the illuminator of good qualities and the destroyer of evil qualities

Doesn’t it decorate? 

2. Knowledge, which generates new ideas and removes sorrows, brings welfare to all. 

3. Knowledge is the basis of all kinds of knowledge.

4. All the subjects taught in schools or the knowledge gained in life is knowledge.

5. Knowledge is such an eternal wealth that it does not perish even in three times.

6. It is not divided by relatives, nor stolen by thieves, nor by anyone It can be stolen by someone else.

7. There are many disciplines such as literature, music, art and science.

8. Knowledge can be acquired through continuous practice or hard work.

9. Knowledge which brings welfare to all is knowledge, but knowledge which brings harm to others is not knowledge, but ignorance.

10 .At present, arms races are increasing everywhere, putting human life in danger and on the verge of destruction.

11 .Therefore, the use of knowledge for human welfare should be seriously considered.

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  1. विद्या ददाति विनयम् | Vidya Essay in Sanskrit

    विद्या ददाति विनयम् | Vidya Essay in Sanskrit. ज्ञानार्थकाद ‘विद्’ धातोः विद्याः शब्दः सम्पद्यते । कस्यापि वस्तुनः विषयस्य वा यथार्थतः ज्ञानं ...

  2. विद्या पर संस्कृत निबंध- Essay on Vidya in Sanskrit

    In this article, we are providing information about Vidya in Sanskrit- विद्या पर संस्कृत निबंध, Essay on Vidya in Sanskrit Language, Education Essay in Sanskrit.

  3. Vidya (philosophy) - Wikipedia

    Vidya (Sanskrit: विद्या, IAST: vidyā) figures prominently in all texts pertaining to Indian philosophy – meaning science, learning, knowledge, and scholarship. Most importantly, it refers to valid knowledge, which cannot be contradicted, and true knowledge, which is the intuitively -gained knowledge of the self .

  4. | Sanskrit essay on Vidhya | Sanskrit essay on Vidhya. विद्या पर संस्कृत निबंध. 1. विद्या शब्दस्य अर्थः ज्ञानम् । मानव जीवने विद्यायाः स्थाने अत्यन्तम् महत्व पूर्णम् अस्ति। ज्ञानोपार्जनस्य प्रक्रिया विद्या इत्युच्यते।. 2. विद्यावन्तः जनाः विद्वांसः कथ्यन्ते । विद्या मानवं हिताय योजयति।. 3. विद्या अर्थकरी, यशः सुखकरी भोगकरी सौभाग्यदायिनी चास्ति।. 4.

  5. विद्या पर संस्कृत श्लोक हिंदी अर्थ सहित | Sanskrit Shlok on ...

    विद्या पर श्लोक (Sanskrit Shlok on Vidya): विद्यां ददाति विनयं विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्। पात्रत्वात् धनमाप्नोति धनात् धर्मं ततः सुखम्।।

  6. Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम - Truth Ultimate

    The Sanskrit verse of Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम is: विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद्याति पात्रताम् ।. पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम् ॥ ५ ॥. There are different versions of the Vidya Dadati Vinayam | विद्या ददाति विनयम shloka available here and there.

  7. मम विद्यालय संस्कृत में निबंध (2024) | Sanskrit Essay on My ...

    नमस्कार दोस्तों, यहां पर मेरा विद्यालय संस्कृत निबंध (Sanskrit Essay on My School) शेयर कर रहे हैं। यह मम विद्यालय निबंध संस्कृत में (Vidyalay ka Nibandh Sanskrit Mein) कक्षा 6 से 12 तक हर किसी के लिए मददगार साबित होंगे।.

  8. संस्कृत निबंध - "विद्या का निबंध" संस्कृत eassy Sanskrit easy ...

    vidya par nibandh sanskrit meinvidya ka nibandhसंस्कृत भाषा का निबंधnibandh sanskrit meinvidya ka nibandh sanskrit meinparopkar nibandhsanskrit bhasha ka nib...

  9. Sanskrit Shloka "VIDYA DADATI VINAYAM" (Education gives ...

    This Sanskrit Shlok “ विद्या ददाति विनयम् (VIDYA DADATI VINAYAM) ” means Education gives humbleness. It is the most powerful weapon which can change the world. The son of lorn Shiva and Parvati was VINAYAM. He is popularly known as Ganesh.

  10. विद्या पर संस्कृत में निबंध ।। Essay on vidhya in Sanskrit

    विद्या पर संस्कृत में निबंध ।। Essay on vidhya in Sanskrit. 0 subhansh classes दिसंबर 26, 2022. विद्या (प्रतिदर्श विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते), विद्या विहीन: पशु:, विद्याया: महत्त्वम् , विद्याधनं सर्वधनं प्रधानम् , विद्या ददाति विनयम् ,विद्या महिमा.