
Daily Routine: IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 & 3 Sample Answers

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

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Updated On Apr 19, 2024


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Daily Routine: IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 & 3 Sample Answers

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A daily routine is something that everyone has regularly. Therefore, while you are taking the IELTS Speaking exam, it should not be surprising if you are asked a question about your daily routine. It might be in Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3.

The daily routine is a topic most would find easy yet boring. Even though it is not challenging to know or make up about it, some may find it difficult to express it fluently, which is needed for the IELTS Speaking test.

So, even though we know the answers to ‘Daily routine – IELTS Speaking’ will come from your heart, this blog will guide you with the type of answers you need to give and the vocabulary you should use to achieve Band 8+

Daily Routine IELTS Speaking Part 1

Let’s start practising with some sample responses to the daily routine Speaking Part 1 now!

  • When do you wake up?

Well, I’m a morning riser, and I wake up at about 5 o’clock. Getting up early not only makes me feel refreshed and productive but also prevents my skin from having wrinkles.

  • What is your daily routine?

Well, in the morning, I get up early to have a light breakfast and hit the gym at about 8 a.m. After one hour of workout, I leave the gym club and go to the supermarket to buy food to prepare lunch and dinner. In the afternoon and evening, I go to my workplace and start working from until 21.00.p.m.

  • What part of the day do you like most?

I enjoy it late at night when I come home from work, and everything is filled with dim grey light. To me, it’s a great time to kick back on the bed to chit-chat with my roommates, surf the Internet, listen to music, or watch a favourite movie.

  • Do you think having a daily routine is boring?

No, I don’t think that having a daily routine is boring because a proper schedule will help you arrange your activities more sensibly, every day.

  • What’s the difference in routine between you and your teenage times?

Well, I can say that there’s a vast difference between my life then and my present life. You know, when I was a teenager, besides focusing on study, I had much free time to pursue my interests like watching films or listening to music. In contrast, my routine and time management have become stricter now. Since I graduated from university and began working as an English teacher, I’ve been so occupied with my work that I have little leisure time.

  • What is the busiest part of the day for you?

Afternoons are the busiest time of the day for me. I work for a UK company and my day starts at 2:00 PM. So by 3:00 PM I will be bombarded with client calls and emails and will have no time to breathe.

  • Do you usually have the same routine every day? (or) Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?

Mostly yes. I’m an early bird though I go to bed late. On weekdays, my work starts at 2:00 PM and I wind up by 11:00 PM. On weekends, I go shopping and sleep a little early. I follow this schedule every week and there aren’t any major changes unless we have celebrations.

  • Have you ever changed your routine?

Yes, it changed about a month ago. I had a very tight schedule and was struggling to manage my targets. So I had to work late until 2:00 AM.

  • What would you like to change in your daily routine?

My work starts at 2:00 PM. So I lazed around until then. I want to use that time productively. Some of my friends go to the gym and I would like to start an exercise regime as well.

  • Do you like to plan what you will do each day?

Yes, I would like to. Planning keeps the day in your control. The more organized you are, the better your life becomes. I’m pretty orderly at work and I want to be the same way in my other activities as well.

  • What do you usually do at this time of day?

[Assuming it is morning] It is 10:30 AM now. You can find me watching television or reading a magazine. Sometimes I go out and talk to my friends.

  • How do you organize your study time?

I’m pursuing a course in Management along with my work. I usually study on the weekends because I want an entire day to myself. I don’t study on weekdays as it becomes stressful.

  • How important is it to have a daily routine?

I believe it is very important to have a daily routine as it helps one build habits. Without a daily routine, people usually do things spontaneously, which could waste their time and reduce their work efficiency. I think those who are disorganized can gain more benefits from creating a daily routine.

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Daily Routine IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Cue Card

You will receive a task card in IELTS Speaking Part 2 that asks you to explain a situation or a topic. There will then be three to four questions on the topic, such as the one below.

Describe an occasion when you got up very early.

You should say :

When did it happen?

Why did you get up early?

Who were you with?

Explain how you felt about getting up early.

Daily Routine IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer 1

I’m a night owl who usually gets out of bed quite late, ranging from 9 am to 10 am every morning. However, there were some occasions when I was forced to get up early, and I still remember the last time that I had to get up soon. In September of last year, I was offered the first job in my life and at that time I was made to get up early, I will elaborate on this now.

At that time, I was a fresh graduate. Thus I had to move to X city to join training sessions at the Head Office of the company. My supervisor booked the flight ticket. Unfortunately, she had no choice but to book an early flight for me at 6 a.m. As I received the ticket information, I was quite anxious about whether I would miss the flight or not. I set off the alarm on my phone and asked my mother to wake me up in time.

My flight was with my supervisor and he arrived at the airport way sooner before me. We both waited for the other three team members to arrive and we all were able to board the flight together on time.

Finally, I made it, though I felt so sleepy. I fell asleep as soon as I was on the plane. It was such a frightening experience as it was the first time I went on a plane, dealing with all kinds of stuff at the airport in the early morning on my own. Luckily, some kind people were willing to help me with my suitcase, which made that experience less difficult for me. As a youngster, I was in the habit of staying late at night and getting up late, too. However, I feel I should change this custom to improve my health.

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Daily Routine IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer 2

I am from the lot who love burning the night owl. For me, it is easier to stay awake till late than to get up early in the morning. However, there was this one time when I had to get up quite early. I got up at 4 am, even before dawn and the time was last summer.

During summer, my family had planned a weekend trip to Rishikesh, a beautiful city located in Uttarakhand. My father is exceptionally disciplined and an ardent follower of time. He doesn’t like anybody wasting even a second. Thus, he decided that we were to have a road trip that commenced at 6 am.

At sharp 6 am, all of us – I, my sister, and my parents began our journey. The early start was indeed a plus point as it gave us extra time to spend in Rishikesh, indulging in varying activities.

Explain how you felt about getting up early. 

While the timing was a bit of a disappointment, the entire idea of a road trip to Rishikesh was the highlight that kept me exhilarated. So, I desperately tried sleeping early on a Friday night but to no avail. Anyway, I still managed to wake up at 4 in the morning on a Saturday, which was pretty unusual for me. Owing to this journey, I realized the importance of getting up early.

Get a hold of the important linking words for IELTS Speaking here!

Daily Routine IELTS Speaking Vocabulary – Part 2

  • On a regular basis 

Meaning: At the same time every day, week, month, etc. Eg: The sales team meets on a regular basis.

  • Fresh graduate

Meaning: a person who has just graduated recently Eg: A fresh graduate often has difficulties in applying for jobs, as he has no experience.

  • Have no choice but to

Meaning: the last thing anyone can do Eg: As the rain was hard, we had no choice but to cancel the plan.

Meaning: to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem Eg: The government must now deal with the problem of high unemployment

Meaning: a child, young person, or young animal. Eg: Members are organizing a transport survey to find out how youngsters get to school.

  • Disciplined 

Meaning: Showing a controlled form of behaviour or self-control, often adhering to rules or routines.

Eg: After years of disciplined training and strict dieting, she finally achieved her goal of running a marathon.

  • Disappointment 

Meaning: A feeling of sadness or dissatisfaction when one’s expectations are not met or something desired does not happen.

Eg: Feeling a sense of disappointment, she realized that the movie she had been looking forward to seeing was sold out.

Meaning: Feeling nervous or worried about something that is going to happen.

Eg: She felt anxious about her upcoming presentation, fearing she might forget important points.

  • Supervisor 

Meaning: A person who oversees or manages the work of others, typically in a professional or organizational setting.

Eg: Her supervisor provided valuable guidance and support as she adjusted to her new role in the company.

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Daily Routine IELTS Speaking Part 3 

Look at the Daily Routine Speaking Part 3 questions related to the daily routine cue card and develop your own sample answers.

  • Do you think people need to have a day-to-day plan? | Do you think people can still do their tasks if they don’t plan them?

Yes, because a day-to-day plan is key to effective time management. If you have a clear plan for the day, you can make the most of your time and accomplish other tasks of the day. In my opinion, not everyone needs a plan. Few can still do their daily tasks without a plan.

  • Do you think it is possible to learn how to manage your time?

Yes! I plan my tasks for the day and implement them accordingly which helps me to manage my time. One can learn to manage their time by setting goals and prioritizing them wisely. It’s better to set a time limit for each task and complete them at the earliest.

  • What are some possible advantages of using a time management app for your phone to help you plan your time?

Some of the possible advantages of time management apps are that we can quickly review the profitability of our projects, prioritize and deliver work on time, reduce our stress levels, make bill payments on time, and so on. The time management app can be ideal for understanding all the extra budgets as well. Hence, they are productive and effective.

  • Why do you think some people don’t plan their day in advance?

Some people avoid planning their day in advance because they are worried that their plan won’t work or is not good enough. While some people are good at making a plan, they procrastinate when it comes to implementing the same.

  • Why do some people go to sleep late at night?

Many individuals, like myself, prefer staying up late, and this preference may start from finding an increased concentration and productivity during the night hours compared to mornings. Additionally, factors such as insomnia or other health concerns might disturb the sleep patterns of some and spoil their daily routine.

Read more about the common English words in IELTS Speaking to stand out from the crowd!

Daily Routine IELTS Speaking Vocabulary – Part 3

Meaning: successful or achieving the results that you want Eg: The coronavirus vaccine is effective.

Meaning: organize (things) so that the most important thing is done or dealt with first. Eg: It’s always difficult to prioritize between work, school, and family.

Meaning: causing or providing a good result or a large amount of something Eg: We had productive results after implementing the new idea

Meaning: achieve or complete successfully. Eg: Rose accomplished her dream of becoming a pilot.

Meaning: a feeling of emotional or physical tension which can come from any event. Eg: My mother was stressed about the incident.

  • Procrastinate 

Meaning: To delay or postpone action, often out of reluctance or indecision.

Eg: Instead of starting his assignment right away, he chose to procrastinate by watching TV.

Meaning: A sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, leading to inadequate rest and often resulting in daytime fatigue.

Eg: She struggled with insomnia for months, finding it nearly impossible to get a good night’s sleep.

With the given expert-crafted sample answers for the IELTS Speaking parts 1, 2, and 3 related to ‘Daily routine,’ you would have been able to practice this topic more efficiently! For a band 9 in your speaking test, practice more of the latest IELTS Speaking topics like this consistently!

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The IELTS Speaking test involves more than just being fluent and confident. You are expected to express your ideas concisely, use a variety of language, and proper grammar . Achieving all these on your own by just practising test papers might be a little challenging. So, you can connect with our IELTS experts or join the FREE webinars for tips to take your IELTS Speaking preparation to the next level!

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Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam, a Senior Content Marketing Specialist and a Certified IELTS Trainer of 3 years, crafts her writings in an engaging way with proper SEO practices. She specializes in creating a variety of content for IELTS, CELPIP, TOEFL, and certain immigration-related topics. As a student of literature, she enjoys freelancing for websites and magazines to balance her profession in marketing and her passion for creativity!

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Describe a Daily Routine that You Enjoy - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Band 9 Model Answer

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy..

You should say:

what you do

when it became your daily routine

whether you will change it in the future

and explain why you enjoy it.

Describe a Daily Routine that You Enjoy - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Band 9 Model Answer - ielts luminary

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Model Answer 1

One of the daily routines that I thoroughly enjoy is my early morning jog. This routine began a couple of years ago, when I realized the need for a healthier lifestyle amidst my busy schedule. Initially, it was a challenge to wake up early, but soon, the freshness of the morning air and the tranquility of the dawn hours made this activity something I eagerly look forward to.

My day starts with this invigorating jog around the local park, typically just as the sun begins to rise. There's something incredibly peaceful about the quiet streets, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the occasional chirping of birds that sets a positive tone for the rest of my day. This routine has not only improved my physical fitness but also provided a much-needed mental clarity. It's a time when I can gather my thoughts, plan my day, or simply enjoy the moment of solitude.

Reflecting on when this became a part of my daily life, I realize it coincided with a period when I was seeking both physical and mental wellness. The transformation was gradual but profound. I noticed improvements in my mood, energy levels, and overall health. What started as a 15-minute jog has now extended to a 30-minute run, followed by a short meditation session at the park. This progression was natural and immensely fulfilling.

Looking ahead, I don't foresee any significant changes to this routine in the immediate future. It has become an integral part of my life, offering a perfect blend of exercise and mindfulness. However, I am open to evolving this routine as my life circumstances change, perhaps by exploring new jogging routes or integrating different forms of exercise.

The reason this routine is so enjoyable lies in its simplicity and the immense benefits it brings. It's a perfect example of how a small daily habit can have a profound impact on one's life. The sense of accomplishment that comes from maintaining this routine is immensely satisfying. It's a reminder that taking care of oneself doesn't always require grand gestures; often, it's the small, consistent efforts that yield the most significant results.

In conclusion, my morning jog is more than just a fitness activity; it's a ritual that nurtures both my body and mind. It's a commitment to my well-being and a testament to the power of a positive routine. This simple practice has taught me the value of self-care and the importance of taking time to connect with oneself, making it a truly cherished part of my day.

Why this is a High Scoring Answer

The sample answer provided to the topic "Describe a daily routine that you enjoy" is an excellent illustration of a high-scoring response in the IELTS Speaking test. Let's delve into the specifics of why this answer stands out:

1.    Comprehensive Coverage of the Topic: The response skillfully addresses all aspects of the given theme. It discusses the nature of the routine (morning jog), its inception, the likelihood of future changes, and the reasons for its enjoyment. This thorough approach ensures that you, as an IELTS candidate, are fully responding to the examiner's expectations.

2.    Fluency and Coherence: The answer flows seamlessly from one point to the next, maintaining a logical progression of ideas. This fluidity in expression is crucial in the IELTS Speaking section, as it demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively in English. The transition from discussing the start of the routine to its current state and future prospects is handled with linguistic finesse.

3.    Lexical Resource: The use of a varied vocabulary, including phrases like 'tranquility of the dawn hours,' 'mental clarity,' and 'ritual that nurtures,' showcases an impressive command of the English language. This diverse vocabulary usage is a key factor in achieving a high score in the IELTS Speaking test.

4.    Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The response demonstrates a wide range of grammatical structures used correctly. From simple sentences to more complex compound and complex sentences, the answer showcases your grammatical proficiency, which is a critical component of the assessment criteria.

5.    Personal Engagement: The answer is personalized, reflecting on individual experiences and feelings. This personal touch not only makes your response more interesting but also demonstrates your ability to articulate personal thoughts in English, a key aspect of the IELTS Speaking test.

Incorporating such elements in your IELTS preparation will significantly boost your performance. To further enhance your preparation, you might consider exploring our exclusive IELTS eBooks . These resources provide in-depth strategies and practice materials tailored to your needs, ensuring you are well-equipped to excel in the exam.

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Model Answer 2

A cherished daily routine that I have cultivated with great affection is my evening reading session. This habit took root about a year ago, when I decided to rekindle my love for literature. Initially, it was a way to unwind after a day's work, but it soon blossomed into a journey of exploration and learning that I eagerly anticipate each day.

Every evening, as twilight paints the sky in shades of orange and purple, I settle into my cozy reading nook by the window. With a cup of herbal tea by my side, I delve into the pages of a novel, a non-fiction book, or sometimes poetry. This quiet hour of reading not only enriches my knowledge but also transports me to different worlds, times, and perspectives. It's a time for self-reflection, growth, and immense joy.

This routine began as a personal challenge to reduce screen time and engage more with the written word. Over time, it has evolved into a treasured part of my daily schedule. The diversity of genres and authors has broadened my understanding of cultures and human experiences, making each reading session a unique adventure.

In terms of future plans, I intend to diversify my reading list even further, exploring works from lesser-known authors and different cultural backgrounds. I believe this will not only enhance my reading experience but also deepen my appreciation for global literature.

The joy of this routine lies in its ability to offer both relaxation and intellectual stimulation. Whether it's getting lost in a gripping storyline or pondering over the insights of a thought-provoking essay, these moments are a highlight of my day. It's a personal retreat that fuels my creativity, enhances my vocabulary, and provides a sanctuary from the hustle of daily life.

In essence, my evening reading ritual is more than just a habit; it's a celebration of the power of words and stories. It's a testament to the fact that in our fast-paced, digital world, the simple act of reading can offer immense solace, wisdom, and pleasure.

Why this is a High Scoring Answer 

The sample response to "Describe a daily routine that you enjoy" exemplifies a high-scoring answer in several key aspects:

1.    Detailed and Engaging Content: The response vividly describes the evening reading routine, using descriptive language that paints a clear picture in the mind of the listener. Phrases like "twilight paints the sky in shades of orange and purple" and "cozy reading nook by the window" are not only engaging but also demonstrate a strong command of the English language.

2.    Depth of Reflection: A high-scoring IELTS Speaking answer requires deep reflection on the topic. This response delves into how the routine started, its evolution, and future intentions, indicating a thoughtful and thorough consideration of the subject. The mention of reducing screen time and broadening cultural understanding shows a meaningful engagement with the activity.

3.    Personalization and Connection: The answer is highly personalized, connecting the routine to the speaker’s feelings and experiences. This personal connection makes the response more compelling and demonstrates the ability to communicate personal perspectives effectively.

4.    Fluency and Coherence: The response is fluent and coherent, with ideas flowing logically from the introduction to the conclusion. This is essential in the IELTS Speaking test, where the ability to express ideas clearly and coherently is highly valued.

5.    Advanced Vocabulary and Grammatical Range: The use of a varied and advanced vocabulary, along with a mix of simple and complex grammatical structures, is evident. For example, phrases like "a testament to the fact" and "provides a sanctuary from the hustle of daily life" showcase linguistic sophistication.

To further enhance your preparation for the IELTS, consider exploring our exclusive IELTS eBooks . They offer you comprehensive strategies and insights to master each section of the exam, tailored to your unique learning style.

Model Answer 3

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my daily life is the time I dedicate to culinary exploration in the evenings. This ritual began nearly two years ago when I embarked on a journey to improve my cooking skills and discover the joys of homemade cuisine. What started as a necessity has now turned into a passionate hobby that I eagerly look forward to each day.

Every evening, after the day's work is done, I find solace in my kitchen, surrounded by an array of spices and fresh ingredients. The process of preparing a meal, from chopping vegetables to the symphony of sizzling pans, is incredibly therapeutic. Whether it's trying a new recipe or perfecting a family favorite, this time is not just about cooking; it's about creating and experimenting with flavors and textures.

This culinary journey began as a simple resolution to eat healthier and rely less on takeout food. Gradually, it evolved into an exploration of various cuisines, bringing a taste of the world into my home kitchen. It's fascinating how experimenting with different herbs, spices, and cooking techniques can transport you to different countries and cultures.

In the future, I plan to expand my culinary repertoire by enrolling in cooking classes and maybe even starting a small blog to share my recipes and experiences. This would not only enhance my cooking skills but also allow me to connect with fellow food enthusiasts.

The joy of this routine lies in its ability to blend creativity with practicality. It's immensely satisfying to see simple ingredients transform into a delicious meal that can be shared with loved ones. Moreover, the act of cooking has taught me patience, precision, and the importance of savoring life's simple pleasures.

In conclusion, my evening cooking sessions are more than just a daily task; they are a canvas for creativity and a source of endless delight. This routine has enriched my life, providing both nourishing meals and a cherished opportunity for personal growth and relaxation.

The sample response to "Describe a daily routine that you enjoy" exemplifies a high-scoring IELTS Speaking answer for several reasons:

1.    Comprehensive and Detailed: The answer comprehensively covers the theme of enjoying a daily culinary routine. It delves into the origins of this routine, its evolution, and future aspirations, effectively addressing the subject in a full-circle narrative. For instance, the transition from cooking as a necessity to a passionate hobby showcases a deep engagement with the topic.

2.    Fluent and Coherent: The response flows smoothly, demonstrating excellent coherence and fluency. It logically progresses from one idea to the next, making it easy to follow and understand. For example, the narrative begins with the initiation of the routine and seamlessly moves through its development and personal significance.

3.    Rich Lexical Resource: The use of vivid and varied vocabulary is evident. Descriptive phrases like "symphony of sizzling pans" and "canvas for creativity" not only enrich the narrative but also demonstrate a strong command of language, essential for a high score in IELTS Speaking.

4.    Reflects Personal Growth and Insight: The answer shows personal reflection and growth, an element that resonates well in the IELTS Speaking test. The speaker’s journey from simple cooking to exploring global cuisines reflects an expanding worldview, an appealing aspect in a test evaluating communication skills.

As you continue to prepare for your IELTS, consider leveraging our exclusive IELTS eBooks . These resources provide you with comprehensive strategies and insights, tailored to help you excel in each aspect of the exam, including the Speaking section.

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  • Speaking Cue Card Answers

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Describe a daily routine that you enjoy IELTS Cue Card

Describe A Daily Routine That You Enjoy

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy..

You should say: What it is? Where and when you do it? Who do you do it with? Explain why you enjoy it.

Table Of Contents

Model answer 1:.

Introduction: A daily routine can help us stay organized , productive , and motivated throughout the day. My daily routine includes activities I enjoy, providing me with satisfaction and accomplishment . 

What it is? My daily routine begins with waking up early, usually around 6:30 am. I then make myself a cup of coffee and spend some time reading the newspaper or listening to the radio.

Where and when you do it?  My daily routine usually takes place in my home but can also take place in other locations such as my workplace or school. As mentioned before, I usually begin my routine around 6:30 am, which typically ends around 8:00 pm when I go to bed. 

Who do you do it with?   I usually do my daily routine alone, but I sometimes do it with my family . This is especially true for breakfast when my family and I come together. 

Additionally, I enjoy spending time with my family during the morning breakfast, and the physical activity from my morning jog helps me stay in shape. 

Model Answer 2:

What it is?

Explain why you enjoy it.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

1. Should children have learning routines? Yes, of course, they should have learning routines. These add discipline to life. When children follow routines, they learn to manage time. I believe all routines teach something, so it can be a learning experience. For example, a simple family meal routine can teach children many things when they share their day’s happenings with their parents. They learn many social skills and develop a bond with their family. A routine of going to bed in time can develop children’s mental health.

4. How do people’s routines differ on weekdays and weekends? Weekdays and weekends are totally different, so their routines are also different. Weekday routines are good, but on weekends people can afford some flexibility. Of course, a person should also plan weekends. Otherwise, they will disappear without giving you any time for fun and relaxation. A weekend should relax a person after a busy week and also set him up for a successful week ahead. The weekend should incorporate family time, cinema time, outing time, socialising time and all that cannot be done on weekdays.

Important Vocabularies

1. organized:.

Example: A daily routine can help us stay organized, productive, and motivated throughout the day.

2. Productive:

3. motivated:, 4. satisfaction:.

fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.

5. Accomplishment:

6. overweight:.

Example: I used to be a bit overweight, but now I have lost around 5 kg, and my body shape also looks and feels much better.

7. Insomnia

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Describe a Daily Routine that You Enjoy

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy. You should say

  • What is it?
  • Where and when do you do it?
  • Who do you do it with?
  • Explain why you enjoy it.

Sample 1 Describe a daily routine that you enjoy.

One of my favourite daily routines is going for a morning walk. I typically do this around 7:00 a.m., and it’s become a habit that I look forward to each day. I live in a suburban area and typically walk around my neighbourhood. And I usually do this alone, although sometimes I invite a friend or family member to join me.

One of the main reasons I enjoy my morning walk is that it gives me a chance to clear my head and start my day positively. I find that being out in nature and getting some fresh air helps me feel more energized and focused throughout the day. I also enjoy the solitude of my morning walks, as it gives me some time to reflect and enjoy some peace and quiet before the hustle and bustle of the day begin.

Another reason I enjoy my morning walk is that it’s a great way to get some exercise . Walking is a low-impact exercise that’s good for the body and mind, and I find that it helps me feel more physically fit and healthy. I also appreciate that it’s an activity I can do at my own pace and without any pressure or competition.

In addition to the physical and mental benefits of my morning walk, I also enjoy the opportunity to observe and appreciate the world around me. I often notice small details that I might miss when I’m in a hurry, like the way the sun is shining through the trees or the way the birds are singing. This helps me feel more connected to nature and the world around me, which is a source of comfort and inspiration.

Overall, my daily morning walk is a simple routine that brings me a lot of joy and benefits. Whether I’m walking alone or with a friend, it’s a time of day that I look forward to and appreciate. I believe this daily routine positively impacts my physical and mental well-being, and I hope to continue it for years to come.

Sample 2 Describe a daily routine that you enjoy.

One daily routine that I particularly enjoy is my morning workout. I typically do this routine every weekday at my local gym, which is just a few minutes away from my home.

I usually go to the gym alone, but sometimes I will go with a friend or two. And I find that working out with others can be really motivating and makes time go by faster. However, I also appreciate the solitude and time to myself when I go alone.

I love my morning workout routine for a few reasons. Firstly, it gives me a burst of energy and sets a positive tone for the rest of my day. I find that I am more focused and productive in the morning when I start my day with exercise. Additionally, I enjoy the physical challenge of the workout itself. It can be difficult at times, but I always feel so accomplished and proud of myself when I finish.

Another reason why I enjoy my morning workout routine is that it provides a great opportunity for me to listen to music or a podcast. I find that exercising helps me clear my mind, and I often come up with my best ideas during my workout. It’s almost like a form of meditation for me.

Overall, my morning workout routine is crucial to my daily self-care regimen. It helps me stay physically and mentally healthy, and it’s something that I look forward to every day. I feel grateful that I have access to a gym and the ability to exercise, and I try not to take it for granted.

Follow Up Questions Describe a daily routine that you enjoy.

Question 1:- should children have learning routines.

Yes, children should have learning routines. A regular routine helps children develop good study habits and organization skills, which are crucial for academic success. A consistent routine also creates structure and stability, which can be especially important for children who thrive on routine and predictability.

Question 2:- What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?

There are several advantages of children having a routine at school. Firstly, routines help children develop good habits and establish a sense of structure and predictability, which can be reassuring and help reduce anxiety. Secondly, routines can enhance time management skills and lead to increased productivity. Finally, routines can help children develop a sense of responsibility and ownership over their own learning, setting them up for academic success both in school and beyond.

Question 3:- Does having a routine make kids feel more secure at school?

Yes, having a routine can make kids feel more secure at school. A regular routine provides a sense of structure and predictability, which can be reassuring and help children feel more in control of their environment . When children know what to expect, they may be less anxious and better able to focus on their learning, leading to improved academic performance and a more positive overall experience at school.

Question 4:- How do people’s routines differ on weekdays and weekends?

People’s routines typically differ on weekdays and weekends. During the week, many people have structured routines that revolve around work or school. They may wake up early, follow a specific daily schedule, and have limited free time. On the weekends, however, routines tend to be more relaxed and flexible. People may sleep in, spend time with friends and family, pursue hobbies or leisure activities, and generally have more free time to do as they please. This contrast between structured routines during the week and more free-form routines on the weekends can provide a much-needed balance and variety in people’s lives.

Question 5:- What daily routines do people have at home?

People have a variety of daily routines at home. Some common ones include getting dressed, eating meals, doing household chores, caring for children or pets, and engaging in leisure activities. Some people may also have specific self-care routines, such as exercising, meditating, or taking time for personal grooming. People’s specific routines at home can vary widely depending on their lifestyle, family situation, and personal preferences.

Question 6:- What are the differences in people’s daily routines now and 15 years ago?

There have been several notable differences in people’s daily routines over the past 15 years. One of the biggest changes has been the widespread adoption of smartphones and other mobile devices, which have enabled people to stay connected and productive while on the go. This has led to blurring the lines between work and personal time, with many people now checking emails and social media outside of traditional work hours. Additionally, there has been a growing emphasis on self-care and wellness, with many people now prioritizing activities such as exercise, meditation, and healthy eating as part of their daily routine. Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted daily routines, with many people now working and learning from home and spending more time on domestic activities.

About The Author





Do you like getting up early in the morning?  

(Answer 1)  

No, I don’t because I’m a night owl (a person who is habitually active at night) . I usually get out of bed at 11 AM since my work is at night time. Well, in all fairness (in justification of one’s action) , I tried getting up early in the past, however, I realized that I wasn’t productive at all. I couldn’t focus on my work since I always felt groggy (weak and unable to think clearly) .   

(Answer 2)  

Yes, I really love getting up early in the morning because I can do a lot of things before other people in our family get up. Actually, I can focus on doing house chores and some things that I need to do for work since there aren’t any distractions (interruptions) . I can’t imagine myself getting up when it’s already 10 or 11 in the morning. If I do that, I surely feel that I’m missing a lot of opportunities already.   

Yes, I do, I’m an early bird ( refers to a person who gets up or arrives early) ! What I love about starting my day early is that I can do innumerable ( too many) things such as doing housework, running errands ( going out and doing many things such as: buying something; taking or fetching clothes from the cleaners; sending mail to post office, and the like) , and many other things. And right after fulfilling ( achieving) all those things, I can always feel a sense of productivity ( being effective) . My time is always spent well.    

What do you usually do in the morning?   

Well, I don’t do a lot since I usually wake up at 11 AM. That’s very late so there’s nothing much I can do except for taking a shower and preparing my brunch (a meal usually taken late in the morning that combines late breakfast and early lunch) . I take a shower for 15 minutes, then cook my meal for about 30 minutes and have my meal. That’s actually my morning routine.   

(Answer 2) 

My early morning routine includes making my bed (tidying one’s bed after sleeping) , meditating, taking a shower, cooking, and preparing for work. I’ve been doing this for the last ten years and I couldn’t be happier (to be very happy) because doing all these things in the morning helps me master self-discipline.   

Do you spend your mornings doing the same things on both weekdays and weekends?  

No, I don’t! Although I usually wake up late on weekdays, every weekend is different. I wake up at 9 in the morning so I can go to the gym as I only have weekends to exercise since I work on weekdays. It’s sometimes tough (difficult) to wake up earlier than usual but I really have to do that as I want to take care of my body. I don’t want to get fat and get some illnesses.   

Of course not! I only have weekends to be lazy. So, on weekends I get up at 7 in the morning which is two hours later than my usual getting up time on weekdays. I normally go for a walk in the park for about an hour, after that, I head home (return) and prepare my breakfast. Then, I do my laundry and go out with friends.   

What did you do in the morning when you were little?  

Well, the usual things that children do – that is, waking up early and preparing myself to go to school. I needed to make sure that all of my assignments were ready before leaving home and had to eat breakfast and finish my food, or else (used to say what will happen if something is not done) , my mom would get mad (get angry) at me.   

Let me recall…well, on weekdays, I needed to wake up at 5:30 in the morning since I had to go to school before seven. And on weekends, I had to get up one to two hours later than my usual wake-up time on weekdays since obviously, I didn’t need to go to school. Actually, my mornings on weekends were always fun since my parents took me to the park and I could play with my friends there for quite a long time. Wow, remembering those days is bittersweet (containing a mixture of sadness and happiness) .     

What is your daily routine?  

It’s nothing special. I believe my routine is similar to what a lot of people are doing every single day. Like, I get up at 6 AM, take a shower right away, then prepare my breakfast, and head to the office at 7:30 in the morning.  After work, I immediately go back home and cook dinner. After that, I read or watch a movie until 10 in the evening and hit the sack (go to bed) after.   

Well, I get up at 8 in the morning and that’s actually late for some people. Right after that, I take a shower and eat my breakfast. I’m lucky enough because my mom prepares my breakfast. Then, I start working. I don’t need to commute since I’m working from home. In the afternoon, I take a nap at two, then I go back to work till 6 in the evening. I have dinner at around 7 PM and have my personal time until I hit the hay (go to bed) at 10.   

Have you ever changed your routine?  

Since I started working, I haven’t changed my daily routine yet. I’ve been religiously (doing it regularly) following this routine for 10 years now and I can’t complain. Perhaps, if I change my job, I may do some adjustments but for now, I’m happy with my work and my routine.   

Yes! I used to get up quite early last year because I was working in the office then. But because of the pandemic, our company asked us to work from home. And you know what, I realized that working from home is the best. It’s pretty convenient and I can save so much money. I just hope that this won’t change. (Smiling)  

Do you think it is important for students to have a daily routine?  

Personally, yes! Especially in this new generation where there are so many distractions (interruptions) . Students are easily tempted to spend so much time playing computer games or interacting on social media instead of doing their schoolwork. Having a routine helps them become productive.    (Answer 2)   Yes, I believe so because by following a routine students will understand the importance of finishing a task and not wasting their precious time on things that can’t help them develop skills or improve their character. When a student has a routine, he will be trained to become an organized person.   

What part of your day do you like the best?  

I love mornings because they remind me of a brand-new day. A new day to live life meaningfully; a new day to try again after failing; a new day to seize an opportunity; a new day to improve myself; a new day to be grateful. Mornings are the best!  

The evening is the very best for me! It’s the time that I can relax after working like a dog (working very hard) . That is, I can watch my favorite drama series, sip some wine, and more importantly sleep. I think a lot of people can surely agree with me.     

What is your morning routine?  

Well, first of all, I make the bed after getting up since for me doing that shows that I’m responsible and organized. Then, I take a shower to refresh myself, and right after that, I fill my growling stomach with cereal for my breakfast. And just before I’m ready to start my day at work, never should I miss brushing my teeth. For me, nothing makes me feel more comfortable and happy in the morning than wearing a confident smile.  


Make the bed [phrase] – to arrange the bed coverings neatly into the original position before it was slept in

Growl [verb] – rumbling sound caused by hungriness  

Tip 1: Since the question asks about a routine, the speaker uses the chronological order (first, second, then, right after…) of stating the things that he does in the morning.

Tip 2: The way the speaker ends his answer is excellent, he uses the construction “Nothing is…than…+ -ing form of the verb. This means there are no other things important than the thing being mentioned. This kind of expression is used to emphasize something really important. This sentence structure is considered advanced, if you can make this sentence construction correctly, you’ll surely get a good mark in Grammar.    

Is breakfast important?  

Absolutely! It’s considered the fuel of our body, without it, it’ll be more than difficult to kickstart our day by doing the activities that we usually do all through the day. Surely, people who miss their breakfast feel groggy and become ineffective in working or studying.  

Fuel [noun] – power

Kickstart [verb] – to start

All through the day [expression] – the whole day

Groggy [adj.] –  weak; disoriented  

Tip 1: The speaker uses the expression ‘Absolutely’ instead of saying Yes. This is a good alternative for expressing affirmation. Other expressions can be: Definitely; Certainly; For Sure; Without a doubt Tip 2: In order for the speaker to support his answer better, he states the effect of skipping breakfast. That makes his answer coherent as it surely supports his reason ‘fuel of our body.’    

Do you want to change your daily routine in the future?

To be honest, I’ve never thought about it but I’m always open to change. As the adage goes, ‘Change is the only constant thing in this world.’ So yes, I won’t resist change and embrace a new routine that I may do in the years to come. But for now, I couldn’t be happier doing the same things in my everyday life.  

  Adage [noun] – proverb; saying

Resist [verb] – to counter

Embrace [verb] – accept

In the years to come [expression] – another way to say ‘in the future’

(I) couldn’t be happier [phrase] – to be happy or content  

Tip 1: The way the speaker starts his answer makes him sound so natural. Of course, there are some questions that are startling or surprising, you can always be honest about your feelings as it makes you sound natural.  

Tip 2: The speaker uses an adage that connects to the question about ‘change’. Knowledge of sayings or proverbs always comes in handy from time to time during your IELTS Speaking test.    

Develop a story better in Part 2 for

the recent IELTS Speaking CUE

Describe Something You Learned

In A Math Class From Your

Primary School



PART 3 Here!

Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge , Oxford

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Thank you so much!

daily routine essay ielts

Julius Malaza

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ieltsDragon – BAND 9.0 ACHIEVER

Author, Band 9.0 Achiever (First Attempt - IELTS Speaking)

Hi students! My name is Julius. I am the author of this IELTS website. I am a non-native English speaker who achieved the highest band score (band 9.0) on the IELTS speaking test on my first attempt. I graduated with a degree in Communication Arts from Cebu Normal University, one of the prestigious state universities in the Philippines. I am a licensed teacher and TESOL-certified. I once worked at a UK-based company teaching business English to Japanese businessmen who primarily work at Nikkei, a popular media company in Japan. I created this website to help you all achieve your desired band scores so you will waste so much money, time, and effort for retaking the exam numerous times. All of the sample answers I provided on this website are a product of my experience as a band 9.0 achiever and an experienced IELTS speaking coach. I've made sure that all of the sample answers are developed in a conversational and natural way because that is how I achieved a crisp band 9.0. Be one of the many students who achieved their target band scores by utilizing this website as one of the learning resources!

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IELTS Speaking Part 1 Daily Routine

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Daily Routine

Can you describe your typical daily routine?

In my daily routine, I usually wake up at 8 o’clock and start my day with meditation, which I’ve pursued since childhood. After that, I refresh myself, and I take a bath and all. 

Then I make breakfast for myself. After eating, I go to work and come home around 5 or 5.30 in the evening. Then I start playing with my friends. 

After half an hour, I start making dinner for myself. After eating, I end my day by writing a diary. Sometimes I do yoga, and sometimes I watch TV.

That’s the only thing I do in my daily routine. 

What time do you usually wake up, and what is the first thing you do? 

As I said, I wake up at around 8, and whenever I feel too exhausted, I wake up at 8.30 to give my body some rest. I usually start my day with meditation. 

It’s 15 minutes with me. I sit in the corner of my house and start meditating. Yes, this is the way I start my day.

What is the benefit of meditation?  

Meditation is a stress buster. I used to get angry. But with regular meditation, my anger level has declined considerably.

What activities do you typically do during the morning hours? 

During the morning hours, I do yoga and meditation, as I said. And sometimes, like on the weekends, I prefer to go to the gym. 

After that, I started making my breakfast. And then I go to work. That’s how I start my morning.

What is your schedule like during the afternoon?   Do you have any specific tasks or responsibilities?

  Well, yes, I have a lot of tasks to do in the afternoon.

Sometimes, I do my household chores, like cleaning utensils and making dinner for myself. And sometimes I go to the market to buy some groceries. 

Apart from that, I play with my friends. And sometimes I plan for the movies, especially on the Fridays. So yes, these are all the tasks I do in the afternoon. 

And there’s no specific task, but I do regular household chores in the afternoon. 

How do you spend your evenings after finishing work or school ?  

 After finishing my work, I go directly to my home and shower.  After that, if something is going on on the television, I prefer to watch television. Otherwise, I scroll my mobile phone for 15 minutes, and after that, I start preparing my dinner. If I do not have any specific tasks, I start preparing my dinner. And so, after dinner, I prefer to play with my friends; a little walk would be good for me. 

So that’s why that’s all I think about after coming home from work. 

Do you have any activities or hobbies that you like to do in the evenings?

   My friends and I usually play badminton, my favorite evening sport. We can say that. 

And, like, I’m living in Canada now, and sometimes I call my mother because it’s morning on the other side, like in India. So, it’s the opposite time. So, I talk to my mother sometimes, and if I talk about my hobby, sometimes I play random games to have a stress buster for me. 

There’s no specific hobby or task other than badminton, my favorite sport. 

 What time do you usually go to bed?    Do you have any bedtime rituals?  

I hit the bed around nine or 9:30 because I’m an early bird and have to wake up around eight o’clock sharp. 

Therefore, I need to sleep between eight and 10 hours. So then, at any cost, I hit the bed at 9 pm after lunch and usually fall asleep around 930 or 945. So yes, there are no specific rituals. 

Sometimes, I write a diary of what’s going on and what’s happened during the day. So, it gives me some self-satisfaction and helps me take a good nap and sleep well.

How does your weekend routine differ from your weekday routine?

On weekdays, I’m a workaholic. But during the weekends, I am like a social animal. I explore like others; I like to explore different things.  Sometimes, go hiking and trekking. 

And, like, now summer has started, I would prefer to go camping not every weekend, just once in a blue moon, like once in a month. And apart from that, I love spending time with my family and friends. And sometimes I go to a club. 

And I also like to play games with my friends at home.

 Do you find it helpful to stick to a daily routine? Or do you prefer a more flexible schedule?  

A perfect schedule is really helpful for me. And so, till now, it has helped me a lot because, by planning, I can do my task at the right time. 

After that, I get plenty of time to do a lot of tasks. And if I choose flexible timing, I don’t think  I could finish my tasks in a given time. So, for that reason, I would like to plan my things. 

And I prefer the scheduled routine to a flexible one. 

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