47 case interview examples (from McKinsey, BCG, Bain, etc.)

Case interview examples - McKinsey, BCG, Bain, etc.

One of the best ways to prepare for   case interviews  at firms like McKinsey, BCG, or Bain, is by studying case interview examples. 

There are a lot of free sample cases out there, but it's really hard to know where to start. So in this article, we have listed all the best free case examples available, in one place.

The below list of resources includes interactive case interview samples provided by consulting firms, video case interview demonstrations, case books, and materials developed by the team here at IGotAnOffer. Let's continue to the list.

  • McKinsey examples
  • BCG examples
  • Bain examples
  • Deloitte examples
  • Other firms' examples
  • Case books from consulting clubs
  • Case interview preparation

Click here to practise 1-on-1 with MBB ex-interviewers

1. mckinsey case interview examples.

  • Beautify case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Diconsa case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Electro-light case interview (McKinsey website)
  • GlobaPharm case interview (McKinsey website)
  • National Education case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Talbot Trucks case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Shops Corporation case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Conservation Forever case interview (McKinsey website)
  • McKinsey case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)
  • McKinsey live case interview extract (by IGotAnOffer) - See below

2. BCG case interview examples

  • Foods Inc and GenCo case samples  (BCG website)
  • Chateau Boomerang written case interview  (BCG website)
  • BCG case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)
  • Written cases guide (by IGotAnOffer)
  • BCG live case interview with notes (by IGotAnOffer)
  • BCG mock case interview with ex-BCG associate director - Public sector case (by IGotAnOffer)
  • BCG mock case interview: Revenue problem case (by IGotAnOffer) - See below

3. Bain case interview examples

  • CoffeeCo practice case (Bain website)
  • FashionCo practice case (Bain website)
  • Associate Consultant mock interview video (Bain website)
  • Consultant mock interview video (Bain website)
  • Written case interview tips (Bain website)
  • Bain case interview guide   (by IGotAnOffer)
  • Digital transformation case with ex-Bain consultant
  • Bain case mock interview with ex-Bain manager (below)

4. Deloitte case interview examples

  • Engagement Strategy practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Recreation Unlimited practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Strategic Vision practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Retail Strategy practice case  (Deloitte website)
  • Finance Strategy practice case  (Deloitte website)
  • Talent Management practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Enterprise Resource Management practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Footloose written case  (by Deloitte)
  • Deloitte case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

5. Accenture case interview examples

  • Case interview workbook (by Accenture)
  • Accenture case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

6. OC&C case interview examples

  • Leisure Club case example (by OC&C)
  • Imported Spirits case example (by OC&C)

7. Oliver Wyman case interview examples

  • Wumbleworld case sample (Oliver Wyman website)
  • Aqualine case sample (Oliver Wyman website)
  • Oliver Wyman case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

8. A.T. Kearney case interview examples

  • Promotion planning case question (A.T. Kearney website)
  • Consulting case book and examples (by A.T. Kearney)
  • AT Kearney case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

9. Strategy& / PWC case interview examples

  • Presentation overview with sample questions (by Strategy& / PWC)
  • Strategy& / PWC case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

10. L.E.K. Consulting case interview examples

  • Case interview example video walkthrough   (L.E.K. website)
  • Market sizing case example video walkthrough  (L.E.K. website)

11. Roland Berger case interview examples

  • Transit oriented development case webinar part 1  (Roland Berger website)
  • Transit oriented development case webinar part 2   (Roland Berger website)
  • 3D printed hip implants case webinar part 1   (Roland Berger website)
  • 3D printed hip implants case webinar part 2   (Roland Berger website)
  • Roland Berger case interview guide   (by IGotAnOffer)

12. Capital One case interview examples

  • Case interview example video walkthrough  (Capital One website)
  • Capital One case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

12. EY Parthenon case interview examples

  • Candidate-led case example with feedback (by IGotAnOffer)

14. Consulting clubs case interview examples

  • Berkeley case book (2006)
  • Columbia case book (2006)
  • Darden case book (2012)
  • Darden case book (2018)
  • Duke case book (2010)
  • Duke case book (2014)
  • ESADE case book (2011)
  • Goizueta case book (2006)
  • Illinois case book (2015)
  • LBS case book (2006)
  • MIT case book (2001)
  • Notre Dame case book (2017)
  • Ross case book (2010)
  • Wharton case book (2010)

Practice with experts

Using case interview examples is a key part of your interview preparation, but it isn’t enough.

At some point you’ll want to practise with friends or family who can give some useful feedback. However, if you really want the best possible preparation for your case interview, you'll also want to work with ex-consultants who have experience running interviews at McKinsey, Bain, BCG, etc.

If you know anyone who fits that description, fantastic! But for most of us, it's tough to find the right connections to make this happen. And it might also be difficult to practice multiple hours with that person unless you know them really well.

Here's the good news. We've already made the connections for you. We’ve created a coaching service where you can do mock case interviews 1-on-1 with ex-interviewers from MBB firms . Start scheduling sessions today!

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Questions to ask at the end of a consulting interview

Hacking The Case Interview

Hacking the Case Interview

Case interview examples

We’ve compiled 50 case interview examples and organized them by industry, function, and consulting firm to give you the best, free case interview practice. Use these case interview examples for practice as you prepare for your consulting interviews.

If you’re looking for a step-by-step shortcut to learn case interviews quickly, enroll in our case interview course . These insider strategies from a former Bain interviewer helped 30,000+ land consulting offers while saving hundreds of hours of prep time.

Case Interview Examples Organized by Industry

Below, we’ve linked all of the case interview examples we could find from consulting firm websites and YouTube videos and organized them by industry. This will be helpful for your case interview practice if there is a specific consulting industry role that you are interviewing for that you need more practice in.

Aerospace, Defense, & Government Case Interview Examples

  • Agency V (Deloitte)
  • The Agency (Deloitte)
  • Federal Finance Agency (Deloitte)
  • Federal Civil Cargo Protection Bureau (Deloitte)

Consumer Products & Retail Case Interview Examples

  • Electro-light (McKinsey)
  • Beautify (McKinsey)
  • Shops Corporation (McKinsey)
  • Climate Case (BCG)
  • Foods Inc. (BCG) *scroll to bottom of page
  • Chateau Boomerang (BCG) *written case interview
  • PrintCo (Bain)
  • Coffee Co. (Bain)
  • Fashion Co. (Bain)
  • Recreation Unlimited (Deloitte)
  • Footlose (Deloitte)
  • National Grocery and Drug Store (Kearney)
  • Whisky Co. (OC&C)
  • Dry Cleaners (Accenture) *scroll to page 15
  • UK Grocery Retail (Strategy&) *scroll to page 24
  • Ice Cream Co. (Capital One)

Healthcare & Life Sciences Case Interview Examples

  • GlobaPharm (McKinsey)
  • GenCo (BCG) *scroll to middle of page
  • PrevenT (BCG)
  • MedX (Deloitte)
  • Medical Consumables (LEK)
  • Medicine Company (HackingTheCaseInterview)
  • Pharma Company (Indian Institute of Management)

Manufacturing & Production Case Interview Examples

  • Aqualine (Oliver Wyman)
  • 3D Printed Hip Implants (Roland Berger)
  • Talbot Trucks (McKinsey)
  • Playworks (Yale School of Management)

Social & Non-Profit Case Interview Examples

  • Diconsa (McKinsey)
  • National Education (McKinsey)
  • Conservation Forever (McKinsey)
  • Federal Health Agency (Deloitte)
  • Robinson Philanthropy (Bridgespan)
  • Home Nurses for New Families (Bridgespan)
  • Reach for the Stars (Bridgespan)
  • Venture Philanthropy (Bridgespan)

Technology, Media, & Telecom Case Interview Examples

  • NextGen Tech (Bain)
  • Smart Phone Introduction (Simon-Kucher)
  • MicroTechnos (HackingTheCaseInterview)

Transportation Case Interview Examples

  • Low Cost Carrier Airline (BCG)
  • Transit Oriented Development (Roland Berger)
  • Northeast Airlines (HackingTheCaseInterview)
  • A+ Airline Co. (Yale School of Management)
  • Ryder (HackingTheCaseInterview)

Travel & Entertainment Case Interview Examples

  • Wumbleworld (Oliver Wyman)
  • Theater Co. (LEK)
  • Hotel and Casino Co. (OC&C)

Case Interview Examples Organized by Function

Below, we’ve taken the same cases listed in the “Case Interview Examples Organized by Industry” section and organized them by function instead. This will be helpful for your case interview practice if there is a specific type of case interview that you need more practice with.

Profitability Case Interview Examples

To learn how to solve profitability case interviews, check out our video below:

Market Entry Case Interview Examples

Merger & acquisition case interview examples.

Growth Strategy Case Interview Examples

Pricing case interview examples.

New Product Launch Case Interview Examples

Market sizing case interview examples.

To learn how to solve market sizing case interviews, check out our video below:

Operations Case Interview Examples

Other case interview examples.

These are cases that don’t quite fit into any of the above categories. These cases are the more unusual, atypical, and nontraditional cases out there.

Case Interview Examples Organized by Consulting Firm

Below, we’ve taken the same cases listed previously and organized them by company instead. This will be helpful for your case interview practice if there is a specific company that you are interviewing with.

McKinsey Case Interview Examples

BCG Case Interview Examples

Bain Case Interview Examples

Deloitte Case Interview Examples

Lek case interview examples, kearney case interview examples, oliver wyman case interview examples, roland berger case interview examples, oc&c case interview  examples, bridgespan case interview examples, strategy& case interview examples, accenture case interview examples, simon kutcher case interview examples, capital one case interview examples, case interview examples from mba casebooks.

For more case interview examples, check out our article on 23 MBA consulting casebooks with 700+ free practice cases . There additional cases created by MBA consulting clubs that make for great case interview practice. For your convenience, we’ve listed some of the best MBA consulting casebooks below:

  • Australian Graduate School of Management (2002)
  • Booth (2005)
  • Columbia (2007)
  • Darden (2019)
  • ESADE (2011)
  • Fuqua (2018)
  • Goizueta (2006)
  • Haas (2019)
  • Harvard Business School (2012)
  • Illinois (2015)
  • INSEAD (2011)
  • Johnson (2003)
  • Kellogg (2012)
  • London Business School (2013)
  • McCombs (2018)
  • Notre Dame (2017)
  • Queens (2019)
  • Ross (2010)
  • Sloan (2015)
  • Stern (2018)
  • Tuck (2009)
  • Wharton (2017)
  • Yale (2013)

Consulting casebooks are documents that MBA consulting clubs put together to help their members prepare for consulting case interviews. Consulting casebooks provide some case interview strategies and tips, but they mostly contain case interview practice cases.

While consulting casebooks contain tons of practice cases, there is quite a bit of variety in the sources and formats of these cases.

Some practice cases are taken from actual consulting interviews given by consulting firms. These are the best types of cases to practice with because they closely simulate the length and difficulty of an actual case interview. Other practice cases may be written by the consulting club’s officers. These cases are less realistic, but can still offer great practice.

The formats of the practice cases in consulting casebooks also vary significantly.

Some practice cases are written in a question and answer format. This type of format makes it easy to practice the case by yourself, without a case partner. Other practices cases are written in a dialogue format. These cases are better for practicing with a case interview partner.

MBA consulting casebooks can be a great resource because they are free and provide tons of practice cases to hone your case interview skills. However, there are several caveats that you should be aware of.

  • Similarity to real case interviews : Some cases in MBA consulting casebooks are not representative of actual case interviews because they are written by consulting club officers instead of interviewers from consulting firms
  • Quality of sample answers : While consulting casebooks provide sample solutions, these answers are often not the best or highest quality answers
  • Ease of use : Consulting casebooks are all written in different formats and by different people. Therefore, it can be challenging to find cases that you can consistently use to practice cases by yourself or with a partner

Therefore, we recommend that you first use the case interview examples listed in this article and wait until you’ve exhausted all of them before using MBA consulting casebooks.

Case Interview Examples from HackingTheCaseInterview

Below, we've pulled together several of our very own case interview examples. You can use these case interview examples for your case interview practice.

1. Tech retailer profitability case interview

2. Airline profitability case interview

3. Ride sharing app market entry

4. Increasing Drug Adoption

How to Use Case Interview Examples to Practice Case Interviews

To get the most out of these case interview examples and maximize your time spent on case interview practice, follow these three steps.

1. Understand the case interview structure beforehand

If case interviews are something new to you, we recommend watching the following video to learn the basics of case interviews in under 30 minutes.

Know that there are seven major steps of a case interview.

  • Understanding the case background : Take note while the interviewer gives you the case background information. Afterwards, provide a concise synthesis to confirm your understanding of the situation and objective
  • Asking clarifying questions : Ask questions to better understand the case background and objective
  • Structuring a framework : Lay out a framework of what areas you want to look into in order to answer or solve the case
  • Kicking off the case : Propose an area of your framework that you would like to dive deeper into 
  • Solving quantitative problems : Solve a variety of different quantitative problems, such as market sizing questions and profitability questions. You may also be given charts and graphs to analyze or interpret
  • Answering qualitative questions : You may be asked to brainstorm ideas or be asked to give your business opinion on a particular issue or topic
  • Delivering a recommendation : Summarize the key takeaways from the case to deliver a firm and concise recommendation

2. Learn how to practice case interviews by yourself 

There are 6 steps to practice case interviews by yourself. The goal of these steps is to simulate a real case interview as closely as you can so that you practice the same skills and techniques that you are going to use in a real case interview.

  • Synthesize the case background information out loud : Start the practice case interview by reading the case background information. Then, just as you would do in a live case interview, summarize the case background information out loud
  • Ask clarifying questions out loud : Just as you would do in a live case interview, ask clarifying questions out loud. Although you do not have a case partner that can answer your questions, it is important to practice identifying the critical questions that need to be asked to fully understand the case
  • Structure a framework and present it out loud : Pretend that you are in an actual interview in which you’ll only have a few minutes to put together a comprehensive and coherent framework. Replicate the stress that you will feel in an interview when you are practicing case interviews on your own by giving yourself time pressure.

When you have finished creating your framework, turn your paper around to face an imaginary interviewer and walk through the framework out loud. You will need to get good at presenting your framework concisely and in an easy to understand way.

  • Propose an area to start the case : Propose an area of your framework to start the case. Make sure to say out loud the reasons why you want to start with that particular area
  • Answer each case question out loud : If the question is a quantitative problem, create a structure and walk the interviewer through how you would solve the problem. When doing math, do your calculations out loud and explain the steps that you are taking.

If the question is qualitative, structure your thinking and then brainstorm your ideas out loud. Walk the interviewer through your ideas and opinions.

  • Deliver a recommendation out loud : Just as you would do in a real case interview, ask for a brief moment to collect your thoughts and review your notes. Once you have decided on a recommendation, present your recommendation to the interviewer.

3. Follow best practices while practicing case interviews :    

You’ll most likely be watching, reading, or working through these case interview examples by yourself. To get the most practice and learnings out of each case interview example, follow these tips: 

  • Don’t have notes or a calculator out when you are practicing since you won’t have these in your actual interview
  • Don’t take breaks in the middle of a mock case interview
  • Don’t read the case answer until you completely finish answering each question
  • Talk through everything out loud as if there were an interviewer in the room
  • Occasionally record yourself to understand what you look like and sound like when you speak

4. Identify improvement areas to work on

When the case is completed, review your framework and answers and compare them to the model answers that the case provides. Reflect on how you could have made your framework or answers stronger.

Also, take the time to reflect on what parts of the case you could have done better. Could your case synthesis be more concise? Was your framework mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive? Could your math calculations be done more smoothly? Was your recommendation structured enough?

This is the most important part of practicing case interviews by yourself. Since you have no partner to provide you feedback, you will need to be introspective and identify your own improvement areas.

At the end of each practice case interview, you should have a list of new things that you have learned and a list of improvement areas to work on in future practice cases. You’ll continue to work on your improvement areas in future practice cases either by yourself or with a partner.

5. Eventually find a case partner to practice with

You can only do so many practice case interviews by yourself before your learning will start to plateau. Eventually, you should be practicing case interviews with a case partner.

Practicing with a case partner is the best way to simulate a real case interview. There are many aspects of case interviews that you won’t be able to improve on unless you practice live with a partner:

  • Driving the direction of the case
  • Asking for more information
  • Collaborating to get the right approach or structure
  • Answering follow-up questions

If you are practicing with a case partner, decide who is going to be giving the case and who is going to be receiving the case.

If you are giving the case, read the entire case information carefully. It may be helpful to read through everything twice so that you are familiar with all of the information and can answer any question that your partner asks you to clarify.

As the person giving the case, you need to be the case expert.

You should become familiar with the overall direction of the case. In other words, you should know what the major questions of the case are and what the major areas of investigation are. This will help you run the mock case interview more smoothly.  

Depending on whether you want the case interview to be interviewer-led or candidate-led, you will need to decide how much you want to steer the direction of the case.

If your partner gets stuck and is taking a long time, you may need to step in and provide suggestions or hints. If your partner is proceeding down a wrong direction, you will need to direct them towards the right direction.

Where to Find More Case Interview Examples

To find more case interview examples, you can use a variety of different case interview prep books, online courses, and coaching. We'll cover each of these different categories of resources for more case interview practice in more detail.

Case Interview Prep Books

Case interview prep books are great resources to use because they are fairly inexpensive, only costing $20 to $30. They contain a tremendous amount of information that you can read, digest, and re-read at your own pace.

Based on our comprehensive review of the 12 popular case interview prep books , we ranked nearly all of the case prep books in the market.

The three case interview prep books we recommend using are:

  • Hacking the Case Interview : In this book, learn exactly what to do and what to say in every step of the case interview. This is the perfect book for beginners that are looking to learn the basics of case interviews quickly.
  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook : In this book, hone your case interview skills through 65+ problems tailored towards each type of question asked in case interviews and 15 full-length practice cases. This book is great for intermediates looking to get quality practice.
  • Case Interview Secrets : This book provides great explanations of essential case interview concepts and fundamentals. The stories and anecdotes that the author provides are entertaining and help paint a clear picture of what to expect in a case interview, what interviewers are looking for, and how to solve a case interview.

Case Interview Courses

Case interview courses are more expensive to use than case interview prep books, but offer more efficient and effective learning. You’ll learn much more quickly from watching someone teach you the material, provide examples, and then walk through practice problems than from reading a book by yourself.

Courses typically cost anywhere between $200 to $400.

If you are looking for a single resource to learn the best case interview strategies in the most efficient way possible, enroll in our comprehensive case interview course .

Through 70+ concise video lessons and 20 full-length practice cases based on real interviews from top-tier consulting firms, you’ll learn step-by-step how to crush your case interview.

We’ve had students pass their consulting first round interview with just a week of preparation, but know that your success depends on the amount of effort you put in and your starting capabilities.

Case Interview Coaching

With case interview coaching, you’ll pay anywhere between $100 to $300 for a 40- to 60-minute mock case interview session with a case coach. Typically, case coaches are former consultants or interviewers that have worked at top-tier consulting firms.

Although very expensive, case interview coaching can provide you with high quality feedback that can significantly improve your case interview performance. By working with a case coach, you will be practicing high quality cases with an expert. You’ll get detailed feedback that ordinary case interview partners are not able to provide.

Know that you do not need to purchase case interview coaching to receive a consulting job offer. The vast majority of candidates that receive offers from top firms did not purchase case interview coaching. By purchasing case interview coaching, you are essentially purchasing convenience and learning efficiency.

Case interview coaching is best for those that have already learned as much as they can about case interviews on their own and feel that they have reached a plateau in their learning. For case interview beginners and intermediates, it may be a better use of their money to first purchase a case interview course or case interview prep book before purchasing expensive coaching sessions.

If you do decide to eventually use a case interview coach, consider using our case coaching service .

There is a wide range of quality among coaches, so ensure that you are working with someone that is invested in your development and success. If possible, ask for reviews from previous candidates that your coach has worked with.

Summary of the Best Consulting Interview Resources

Here are the resources we recommend to land your dream consulting job:

For help landing consulting interviews

  • Resume Review & Editing : Transform your resume into one that will get you multiple consulting interviews

For help passing case interviews

  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.
  • Case Interview Coaching : Personalized, one-on-one coaching with a former Bain interviewer.
  • Hacking the Case Interview Book   (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.
  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.

For help passing consulting behavioral & fit interviews

  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course : Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer.

Land Multiple Consulting Offers

Complete, step-by-step case interview course. 30,000+ happy customers.

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Crafting Cases

Case Interview Practice: Resources and Best Practices

July 12, 2019 By Julio Tarraf

In this guide we’ll show you how to consistently get high quality practice for your consulting case interviews. The best case interview practice you can get, guaranteed.

  • You don’t know anyone who’s preparing (and fear the competition from MBA students who know 1,000 other people doing it).
  • You don’t know where to find high quality cases that will actually move the needle in your preparation.
  • You work a full time job and can’t spare 3 hours a day to prepare with other people.

This guide will help you get started even if you’ve never done this before and don’t even know how you’re supposed to practice.

If you’re a more advanced candidate, you’ll love to learn EXACTLY how to steep up your learning curve and improve significantly with each and every case .

Specifically, we'll show you:

How to efficiently schedule and get the most out of mock interviews (so you improve in every single case interview practice session)

Looking for examples of case interviews?

Check out our  curated list of the 9 BEST case interview examples  from all around the web. There, you’ll find just the most realistic cases, along with my comments and the key take-aways from each one.

Table of contents

PART 1 |   Is it better to practice case interviews with others or own your own?

PART 2 | Mock Interviews

  • How to find good partners : What makes a good partner and the top 4 partner sources
  • Nurturing your inner circle : How to make sure you’ll always have AMAZING partners available to practice with
  • Mastering the interviewer role : EXACTLY how to get unique, valuable experience from when you’re the interviewer and 2X your improvement in mock interviews
  • The Case Debrief Technique : How to make sure you find solid improvement in every single case and that you know exactly where to focus before the next one
  • The top-5 sources of cases and how to use them
  • How to deal with consultant “coaching calls”

PART 3  |   Practicing by yourself

  • THE BEST TOOL for solo case interview practice: Drills

How to use our free course to practice on your own

Is it better to practice with others or on your own.

Most people (even consultants from top firms, such as McKinsey, Bain and BCG) recommend candidates to spend most of their time practicing with other candidates.

Their reasoning? It’s more similar to the real interview, so it must be better.

That’s only partially true.

In reality the optimal preparation involves BOTH practicing with other people and by yourself.

To explain why, let me make an analogy with sports.

If you want to be a good basketball player, you need to play whole matches. You can’t be the next LeBron James without ever stepping into a court.

But is the best basketball player the one who’s played more matches?

Of course not.

In fact, take a look at any athlete’s training schedule and you’ll see most of their time is actually spent training technique between real games.

The same is true for case interview prep.

If you NEVER practice with other people, you’ll obviously miss the skills that make problem-solving a whole thing. Still, if you JUST practice with other people you’ll miss out on developing specifics.

Just as a quick example, if you’re constantly messing up your initial structure, it’s often better to spend some time practicing JUST the initial structure instead of doing more and more full cases (where you’ll certainly miss the initial structure).

This is why this guide covers BOTH. We’ll show you how to optimize your mock interviews, and also how to get the most out of practicing by yourself.

Mock Interviews

Solving problems in case interviews is a practical skill. Like playing a sport, or playing an instrument, or even speaking a language.

That’s why only theory and no practice will not get you any more comfortable in an interview.

Can you imagine reading a ton about basketball, watching a bunch of videos, and then being thrown in a court to play your first game competitively, without ever touching a ball?

That’s why you do mock interviews.

The reason they’re so popular is that they expose you to  different types of interview situations and interviewer styles, so that you can rest assured that you’ve seen it all before your interviews.

We’ve worked with hundreds of long-term coaching clients for case interviews.

After a while, we noticed a pattern.

Candidates who had more quality practice (the kind that we’re gonna teach you in this guide) had steeper learning curves and, ultimately, got more offers.

However, 99.99% of candidates who are doing mock interviews face most of these problems:

  • They get frustrated doing mock interviews with candidates who lack interviewing skills, give unrealistic cases and can’t seem to give feedback that is specific enough to actually be useful.
  • They waste HALF OF THEIR TIME because they don’t apply “interviewer-role best practices” that would allow them to learn as much from being an interviewer as from being interviewed.
  • They go from case to case like a headless fly and without a clear strategy that tells them what specific habit to focus on in each practice session, what to improve on between cases, and what type of case to do next in order to maximize their learning curve.

We don’t want you to go through the same, which is why we’ve broken down everything that you need to know about practicing with mock interviews into five parts:

  • The four specific sources where you can find other candidates to practice with (even if you don’t know anyone else who’s applying).
  • How to nurture an inner practice circle so that you can effortlessly schedule a case with an AMAZING partner anytime you want.
  • How to master the interviewer role so that you can double your learning rate.
  • The “Case Debrief Technique” to virtually guarantee you always get the most out of each case and to systematically determine what to do before the next one.
  • The 5 best sources of cases and when to use each one.

Finding good partners

Whenever I ask candidates what their main struggle with case interview preparation is, the responses are the same over and over again:

It’s really tough to find good partners to do mock interviews with.

But what makes a partner a good partner, to begin with?

It’s two qualities:

Quality #1) Experience – relatively to where you are right now.

Your partner’s experience depends mostly on how many cases they’ve done. 

But we’re really interested in what their experience brings to the table in the mock interview…

  • Their depth of understanding of case interviews in general.
  • How good of an interviewer they’ll be.
  • How deep their insights will be, and so on.

Quality #2) Caring.

Interviewing well and giving giving good, insightful feedback takes a lot of energy.

This means that how much your partner cares about your improvement is as important as their skill level.

Your partner might be a star candidate AND a star interviewer and still suck. Yes, even if they’re a McKinsey partner.

You’ll only get something from them if they care enough to share it with you.

A good partner uses good cases, that they understand well. They’re willing to spend energy and focus to give you great feedback, and they’re willing to give you the gift of honesty.

The problem is: you can’t really know this kind of stuff beforehand. 

At the end of the day, the first case with each new partner is a hit or miss process. 

All you can know beforehand is how many cases they did – and perhaps a short bio.

You’ll eventually need to step out of this gamble that is doing cases with random new strangers every time.

The next section of this guide is all about nurturing the best partners you find. 

But before we get to that, we need to show you the main sources to get fresh partners to do mock interviews with.

Source #1) Someone you know who’s gone through the process.

If you do have a friend or acquaintance who’s gone through consulting case interviews (even better if they were at McKinsey, Bain, or BCG), ringing them up should be among your top ideas to find a case partner.

You’ll get access to a much higher quality partner AND they’re someone who’ll care about your outcome.

FAQ about this source:

“How do I know if my friend is any good?”

As a rule of thumb, if they’ve been to at least one final round, they’re likely to be helpful to you.

“How do I find them?”

The easy way is to remember which of your acquaintances have gone through the process. But you can go further.

Ask friends about their friends. 

Search them on Linkedin, as you might find out you have acquaintances that you didn’t know were working in consulting firms.

This last one’s a longer shot, but if you search your social media and messaging apps for “case interview”, you might find someone mentioning them in older private or group messages. That person could be a potential case partner.

“Why would this person help me?”

This person might be willing to help you out just out of pure kindness. But it usually pays off to give them something in return.

They’ll understand you’re really grateful about this, and they’ll be more likely to help you again.

Consider paying them lunch, dinner, or drinks. Or maybe exchanging favors. Hell, maybe even paying them money.

Any of these options are MUCH cheaper than hiring a coach.

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Source #2) Case Interview Practice Groups.

People who are practicing for their interviews often create or join social media groups and use those as sources of partners for their mocks.

As a result, there are several of those groups, spread around Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, and others.

This is a great source as it gives you instant access to hundreds of potential partners with fast turnaround times. You can often schedule an interview for tomorrow if you want.

These are the pros. But what about the cons?

The biggest drawback of these groups is that quality and experience of other candidates can vary A LOT.

To find one of them, you can just go to whatever social media you choose (Facebook, Slack – this won’t work for WhatsApp) and search for the right terms. Here are some examples:

  • “Case Interview Practice”
  • “Case Interview Prep”
  • “Consulting Club”
  • These same keywords in your native language

(If you look for these in English, you might find larger, international groups, where people from all over the world will do mock interviews in English.)

On Facebook, you’re gonna find hundreds and hundreds of these groups (they’re usually closed groups and you’ll need to ask for permission to join). Here’s how to find ones that are worth requesting access to:

First, you’ll ask yourself if they’re large enough.

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I’d only open the ones that are above 200 members. Fewer than that, they’re probably not worth my time.

Next, check whether that group is active or not.

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Here are two large, active groups, that might be worth the try.

  • Case Interview Practice 
  • Case Interview Practice  (yes, they both have the same name)

Here’s an example of an inactive group that’s not worth your time . At the moment I’m writing this, despite having >400 members, the group had no publications in the last 30 days.

And here’s a smaller but active one . <200 members, but 4 publications in the last 30 days.

There are also groups that are made by and for students of specific schools.  This one from HEC is a great example .

They’re large and active, but I’m not sure how welcoming they’d be to people who are not from the school.

If you’re there to practice like they are, you’re doing everyone a favor, and you’ll be welcome to join. Especially if you speak their native language.

Source #3) Matching websites.

Matching websites are where you can be 100% sure you’ll find someone to practice very soon. Even more than the large social media groups.

And the candidates there tend to be savvy about cases. After all, they’ve gone out of their social media and social circles and found the best spots for finding mock interview partners.

Some of the people there will be very good while others will not (even though they might think they are).

Here are the main matching websites out there:

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Source #4) Your university’s consulting club.

If your university has a student consulting club, this might be a good source of partners for you.

They’re the only scalable source of in-person partners in this list, and they’ll often have structured, periodic meet-ups.

The problem with these clubs is that they tend to be dogmatic in their ways while being led by people who may or may not have gone through the recruiting process.

Even if you’re alumni you can often use your school’s consulting club.

And if you’ve moved away, you can still tap into your network and interact with the students online.

Nurturing your inner circle

By using the 4 sources from the last section, you will easily find partners to practice with.

The problem is: most of the time this is going to be a gamble – some people will be very good, others will be alright, and some will be outright insulting to your efforts.

The solution to this case interview roulette is to nurture a tight group of quality candidates who practice together. 

We call this “your inner circle”.

While you can always go back to the sources and find new partners to practice with, your long-term goal is to cultivate a strong, tightly-knitted inner circle so you can effortlessly schedule a case with a great partner at anytime you want. 

This is the ultimate mock interview hack.

To form such a group, you’ll need to…

  • Be liked by people you do cases with (we’ll show you how in the “Mastering the interviewer role” section).
  • Reschedule cases with the partners you like the most. (Finding a great partner is a rarity. Keep the good ones and discard the bad ones to have a selected list of trusted partners  that you can go back to over and over again.)
  • Cultivate your relationship (send them articles and materials, share your learnings, etc).
  • Connect great partners (make introductions between the partners you like the most and ask for introductions to their best case partners).

The best partners are hard to find. They’ve already left the case interview rat race and are no longer lingering in the web looking for random candidates to do random cases with.

They’ve cultivated their own inner group and only do high quality cases with high quality people – people who are experienced and caring and who look out for one another.

The good news is: you can always find people to create your own high-quality inner circle.

All you need to do is to be a high-quality candidate yourself and to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

But to do that you’ll need to master the role of the interviewer.

Mastering the interviewer role

Most people are a little bit stingy when doing mock interviews.

They’ll ONLY give their time by being the interviewer so they can have their turn being interviewed.

They think they only get value when they’re in the candidate’s role.

In reality, you can get unique, valuable experience in the interviewer-role that you could never get any other way. That is, as long as you do the interviewer-role as it’s supposed to be…

I’ve made a video to show you EXACTLY how to master the interviewer’s role.

Here are three counterintuitive insights you’ll find in the video:

Counterintuitive insight #1) The key to systematically learn from other people’s mistakes (so you don’t have to learn the hard way).

Counterintuitive insight #2) Why real MBB interviewers only use 2-3 cases over and over again, and why you should do the same.

Counterintuitive insight #3)  The exact structure to give feedback that other partners will love (so you can cultivate your inner circle).

The Case Debrief Technique

Mastering the interviewer role is one lever to learn 2X more than the average candidate for every case that you solve.

But there’s another one: the Case Debrief Technique.

The Case Debrief Technique is a series of 5 steps that you should do on your own after EVERY mock interview that you do.

By doing these 5 steps, you will virtually guarantee that you got the most out of the case you just did AND that you will focus on the right things to work on before your next one.

By doing it, you will know:

  • Exactly what type of case to do next and what to watch out for while doing it.
  • What’s the #1 technique you should learn and practice before your next case.
  • What’s the #1 business concept or piece of theory you should learn about before your next case.

Here’s how a case debrief with all 5 steps in it should look like:

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In this example there are 2 specific things this candidate should do before his/her next case:

  • Go to Case Interview Fundamental’s calculations module and practice Reality Checking of their math.
  • Review theory and case/drill answers that include market attractiveness, and spend time working on what would be a perfect answer for this case.

And in his/her next case, they should ask their partner to do one case with at least one estimation case in it.

PRO TIP: Right before doing the next case, write down on the top of the sheet of paper you’re using to solve it exactly what you want to get right in this case.

For example:

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Sources of cases

Most candidates I know download half a dozen business school casebooks. They do that because they wanna have hundreds of cases to interview their partners with.

But that’s not the best way to do it.

As you’ve watched in the video back in the section on Mastering the interviewer role, it is best to know 2-3 cases like the back of your hand than to be always giving other candidates a case for the first time.

We call this the Vinyl Burger Technique.

Why? Because my favorite burger place (which is called Vinyl Burger) only has one item in its menu. And it’s AMAZING.

This brings you many benefits:

  • You’re gonna be amazing in the interviewer role.
  • You’re gonna learn a lot about how different candidates deal with similar situations.
  • Most importantly: You don’t have to find that many cases to work with… You only need a few good ones.

Here’s where to find them:

Source #1) The Crafting Cases casebook.

This is a casebook designed specifically for the Vinyl Burger Technique. It has only two cases, but they’re explained IN-DEPTH. For each case you will find:

  • The specific wording to use in each question within the case, including follow-up questions and the seemingly spontaneous questions MBB interviewers love to use.
  • Examples of good, bad and amazing answers.
  • Checklists so you can give precise, insightful feedback to any candidate.

The problem is that if everyone that reads this article only uses these 2 cases, they’re gonna get old. Which is why you need the other sources too…

Source #2) Youtube videos. 

Great source of (overall) good quality cases – if you know which ones to use and what to watch out for.

What I love about YouTube videos is that you can see real life interaction before using the cases with other people.

Here you’ll find a curated list of just the best case interview example videos on the web and what to watch out for in each one.

Source #3) Business school casebooks.

Good option if you’re looking for specific case types or cases in a certain industry. It’s also unlikely that your partner will have seen most of these cases before, due to the sheer number of them.

There are some problems, though… More on that in the “Fill in the gaps” section below.

Here are some of the most popular casebooks out there:

  • Illinois 2015
  • McGill 2013
  • Darden 2012
  • Insead 2011
  • Kellogg 2011
  • ’10 or older casebooks

Source #4) Matching websites.

Websites that match candidates with other candidates to practice with (such as  PrepLounge ) often have case libraries.

These cases vary in quality and have the same pros and cons as business school casebooks.

Source #5) Consulting firms websites.

Most firms have at least a few cases for you to practice with in their website. You can use those to interview other candidates with.

They come straight from the source, so they tend to have realistic case questions and they show which insights should be uncovered in the answers.

Unfortunately these firms are not in the business of teaching you how to get an offer with them, so the answers are incomplete and unstructured (which means you need more than they’re suggesting to do well in real life).

Here are links to the pages with the best practice cases by consulting firms:

  • McKinsey practice cases  (scroll down to “Practice cases”)
  • BCG practice cases  (their interactive cases are cool, but it takes some work to adapt them to interview someone with)
  • AT Kearney practice cases
  • Oliver Wymann practice cases

Filling in the gaps…

As you interview more and more people with a specific case, you’ll soon notice that no matter how much information you have, there’ll always be something missing.

  • The candidate might ask for information you don’t have…
  • They might take a completely diffferent yet appropriate direction…
  • The candidate might even find an inconsistency in the case that no one has ever noticed before.

All cases from all of these sources should be treated as a starting point. As you use these cases, you should fill in the gaps and make these cases your own.

Here are a few ways you can improve upon them:

  • Make better and/or alternative case questions that change the problem slightly and make the case more versatile.
  • Know pieces of information that candidates frequently ask. (You might have to make them up using a bit of logic.)
  • Come up with follow-up questions that make the case even more interesting.
  • Know alternative ways to answer each question that are even better than the suggested ones.

Knowing the nuances of the cases you use with other candidates will not only make you a better interviewer. It’ll also make you a better problem solver in general. 

This will up your chances of getting an offer.

How to deal with consultant "coaching calls"

Some people get the golden opportunity of doing “coaching calls” or just mock cases with consultants from top firms while they’re preparing.

These consultants might be someone you know or even a random associate assigned by the firm.

Though these are precious opportunities, they’re also scary.

We’ve seen our fair share of candidates freaking out before one of these calls.

People think that they’re being evaluated in these situations. So yeah, they freak out, and I would too.

Here’s the real deal:

There are two types of situations like this. Either you already have an interview scheduled or you’re doing that call with the intention of potentially getting a recommendation and optimizing your chances of getting an interview.

In the first scenario, doing poorly in your practice case will not hurt your chances.

These “coaching calls”, or “practice cases” are there solely for your benefit.

Consulting firms tend not to play games. If they tell you you’re not being evaluated, then you’re not being evaluated.

Still, it’d be wise to save these golden opportunities of getting prime feedback from real consultants to when you’ve got over the beginner slump.

Doing these coaching calls too early is as wasteful as asking Garry Kasparov to teach you how different chess pieces can move accross the board.

The second scenario is a little bit trickier.

You don’t have your interview scheduled yet, and the consultant in front of you (or on the other side of the line) has the influence over you getting your interviews.

He or she will only recommend you if they think you’ve got the skills.

If you have an opportunity like this, do your best to prepare as much as possible beforehand. As simple as that.

Either way, I would hold this opportunity until you have at least 20 cases under your belt.

Here are the top three things you should know before going to your “coaching call” to get the most out of it:

#1) The feedback you get will lean towards nice (vs. accurate).

Although your interviewer wants to help you, it’s more important to him and the firm not to get you upset at them and perhaps drop out of the process.

When trying to be extra careful, they’ll usually sugarcoat your feedback. 

Interpret their feedback with that in mind.

#2) The case resembles a first round interview, but it’s not 100% the real thing.

There are two reasons for this. 

Number one, the case is invariably easier than what you’ll find in your first round interviews. Everyone who’s done these mock interviews, myself included, has reported that.

Number two, your interviewer will usually be more junior than the real ones.

They’d rather send someone with a lower hourly rate than someone with a higher one. Plus, there’s more of these people around in the office.

#3) Your feedback will be generic. Here’s what to do about it.

No matter what feedback you get from your intervewer, it will tend to be generic. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Your interviewer  knows what you’ve missed and how you should’ve answered their question . You just have to get that information from them.

And you’ll do that by asking two simple questions about each piece of feedback they give you:

  • In what specific situation did you see this happen? Can you give me an example?
  • How would you have responded to this question?

Practicing by yourself

Sometimes you just can’t practice with others.

Maybe you’re commuting, or you just have 15-30 minutes to practice, or you have no internet access.

Or, if you’re anything like me, sometimes you’re just feeling like studying by yourself… It’s energy draining to be doing cases with others all the time.

Most people think that mock interviews are always better than practicing by yourself.

Many times it is. But after working with hundreds of candidates we’ve noticed that this is not always the case…

In fact, the candidates that improve the most in the shortest amount of time are the ones who balance solo practice and mock interviews.

Because they can use their solo time to practice deeply the skill that needs the most attention.

For example: a 30-minute case will only have one framework. Meanwhile, you can do up to 4-5 framework drills in the same amount of time.

Once you get quality feedback from a mock interview and identify a weakness , it’s more productive to WORK ON THAT WEAKNESS before your next case than to just mindlessly do case after case after case.

I’ve met candidates who got offers from MBB firms (MBB stands for McKinsey, BCG and Bain) just by practicing by themselves.

I would never recommend this as it’s just too risky, but it does show the power of practicing by yourself in improving your skills.

In this section I’ll show you exactly how to harness practice on your own so you can start making use of it right now.

Specifically you’ll learn:

  • Why drills are such a powerful technique to practice by yourself.
  • How to use our free course,  Case Interview Fundamentals, which was developed specifically with “on your own” practice in mind.

THE BEST TOOL for solo practice: Drills

Drills are THE BEST TOOL for practicing by yourself.

But you might be thinking… What IS a drill? And what makes them so powerful?

A drill is basically an exercise that isolates a specific task/skill that you’ll perform when solving a case.

For example, doing framework drills means you’re doing a ton of frameworks (just like the ones you would do in the beginning of a case) one after another.

The same idea is used in all activities where you need peak performance.

Tennis players practice their serve multiple times a day.

NBA players allocate a disproportionate amount of time to practice proper basketball shooting technique.

And believe it or not, aspiring Michelin-starred restaurant chefs are insanely intense about how they chop their vegetables .

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Can’t disagree with Bruce Lee.

The best way to understand drills is to contrast them with what they are not.

On one end of the spectrum you have doing the whole activity by yourself.

In the world of basketball this would mean trying to play a whole game on your own. Not very helpful, is it?

In a case interview scenario, doing the entire the activity by yourself would mean trying to solve a whole case with no one around (e.g. by getting one from a casebook and comparing answers).

While this can be somewhat helpful in some circumstances, it doesn’t tend to be optimal.

You’re not really focusing on improving any specific skill AND you’re missing the whole point of doing a full case, which is to interact with another human being as you solve the problem.

When practicing by yourself, doing drills is usually more powerful than doing whole cases, as you can focus exactly on your weaknesses or improvement areas.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are “Overly Narrow Exercises” (ONEs).

An NBA player aspiring to become a better shooter could spend countless hours doing forearms strength training. How much of that time would be wasted, though? Simply doing shooting drills will get you stronger AND also help you build technique.

Not an NBA coach here, but you NEED to use the 80/20 principle when learning, especially when time is limited, as for most candidates.

When I see candidates doing ONEs, like downloading a mental math app and spending hours doing multiplication, I know right away they’re gonna make a math mistake in front of the interviewer.

Because some exercises are just too narrow. Just like a basketball match is not a forearm-strength competition, consulting is not all about mental math.

Yes, improving your forearm strength may help you shoot a basketball slightly better, BUT ONLY IF you’re a great basketball player already.

Most people with strong forearms can’t shoot a three-pointer.

Drills are much more specific than full cases, which will allow to have targeted practice, but unlike ONEs, they provide enough context (are similar enough to the real situation) that what you’ll learn is directly applicable to your real interviews.

The best way to learn how to use drills to improve your case interview performance is to actually do some of them.

We’ve made a free course with tons of insights and a drills-based methodology that you can read more about in the next section.

Over the time, we’ve worked with hundreds of candidates for consulting jobs (most of them were long-term coaching clients) and we noticed that they have the same obstacles:

  • Specific weaknesses in specific parts of the case (initial structure, market sizing, quantitative analyses, creativity questions…).
  • A strong desire to do at least part of their training without having to rely on other candidates (friends going through the process or strangers from the internet).
  • A frustrating lack of materials that would enable them to have quality practice on their own.

As we saw this over and over and over again, we decided to solve that problem for you.

And we did so by creating our FREE course, Case Interview Fundamentals.

Here’s how you can use it to practice on your own:

Step #1) Use the concept of the “6 Building Blocks” to identify your weakness/improvement area

In the first module of case interview fundamentals we’ll teach you about a concept we call The 6 Building Blocks.

These “Building Blocks” are the ONLY six types of questions interviewers ask in case interviews.

They also happen to be at the exact level of granularity that is ideal for drills. Not too broad (like a whole case), not too narrow (like doing random math in a smartphone app).

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Each of the 6 Building Blocks is explained in detail in a 55-minute video within the first chapter of our free course, Case Interview Fundamentals.

Step #2) Learn the exact step-by-step to answer your chosen Building Block like a real consultant would

Most candidates answer questions kind of randomly.

Instead of using proven procedures that work with clients and interviewers alike, they blurt it out as they think might sound good.

Unfortunately this never works.

You probably have heard that answering a quantitative analysis question without building and communication your formula first is a sure way to get rejected, even if you run the numbers right.

But did you know there are other 3 steps required to answer this type of question?

In Case Interview Fundamentals we break down each Building Block into the exact steps you need to be confident you’re answering it the way your interviewers expect it.

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Each video explaining the step-by-step approach shows it applied to an example, to make sure you can actually put the new theory into practice.

Step #3) Do the drills in the chosen module

Each of the 6 Building Blocks has its own module in our free course.

And in each of these modules you will find a video showing the step-by-step way to solve it (which is what you’ll use for step #2) and a few comprehensive drills for you to actually see and practice what is being taught.

So here’s where you’ll get your hands dirty.

For each of the drills you should (1) see the case question, (2) pause the video and try to answer it on your own, (3) play the video to see our answer and compare with yours and (4) watch us talk through the main insights you should get from that drill.

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Each drill will provide a realistic case question, along with our best practices answer. Use it to cement what you’ve learned in the step-by-step video.

Step #4) Do more drills outside of the course

Our free course is supposed to be a starting point for you to improve your case skills and learn to practice on your own.

But once you’ve learned how to do drills properly, you can further develop your own drills and practice with them. Or you can get them from questions within casebooks, from videos of case examples, from cases within consulting firms’ websites, and so on.

These sources won’t give you answers at the same depth as ours, but you’ll be able to get infinite practice from them.

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Once you understand the elements a stellar answer should have, you can use casebook questions to practice, even if you don’t have a good benchmark answer to compare yours with.

Join our free course, Case Interview Fundamentals, by filling out the form below:

Over the last chapter, you’ve learned…

  • The SPECIFIC sources where you can find your case partners and how to determine whether a partner is good enough.
  • How to nurture your inner circle to make sure you’ll always have great partners available (instead of gambling with your precious preparation time every time you need a mock interview).
  • How to learn as much when you’re in the interviewer role as when you’re in the candidate role, using two advanced techniques you can’t find anywhere else.
  • The Case Debrief Technnique, a technique once restricted to ONLY THE BEST OF THE BEST, that will make sure you’re always focused and learning as much as possible from each mock case.
  • NUMEROUS sources of cases to make sure you’ll never run out of cases when you need them the most.
  • How to use drills, a new tool to practice by yourself that’ll allow you to (1) make the most out of your time even when you can’t or don’t wanna do mocks and (2) have LASER FOCUS on your specific points of improvement.
  • EXACTLY how to use our FREE course, Case Interview Fundamentals, to master solo practice and get rid of any blind spots you might have in your performance.

Now it's your turn: what are you gonna do RIGHT NOW?

Are you gonna go and do super-high-quality mock interviews?

Or are you gonna dive into laser-focused drills to tackle your specific weaknesses?

And which of the techniques I showed you will you start using RIGHT NOW?

Practice using our Free Case library

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  • Management consulting industry guide
  • Top routes for joining McKinsey, BCG and Bain in 2023
  • The top-10 management consulting firms
  • How to practice case interviews alone
  • Tips for last-minute case interview prep

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The market-leading toolkit preparing you for all aspects of consulting interviews. Built on the expertise of former McKinsey interviewer Enguerran Loos.

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Case Library

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Practice Room

Pick a case practice partner from our diverse community of top candidates, then get practicing.

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Results you can trust

How is it calculated.

As a headhunter, Enguerran Loos prepared 563 candidates for interviews at McKinsey, BCG and Bain. 142 received offers, meaning 1 in 3.96 candidates were successful. That’s double the average success rate in similar locations.


CaseCoach’s interview preparation stood me in great stead for my Bain interviews. The detailed insights and practical techniques really helped improve my weaknesses, build on my strengths and get the job offer. I highly recommend it!

Before joining Bain, Vidur was a Trader at a bulge bracket investment bank


I scored an offer on my first consulting interview, with only a month to prepare. CaseCoach was my main preparation resource and I have been recommending it since.

Prior to receiving her offer from Bain, Nicole was an undergraduate student at the London School of Economics.


Before coming across CaseCoach I struggled to find preparation resources covering both the case and the fit interviews, with a clear structure and sharp interview videos.

Hany worked as a Software Procurement Manager at a semiconductors vendor prior to joining BCG.


CaseCoach was the main preparation tool I used to get my McKinsey offer. The course is outstanding: clear, comprehensive and well structured.

Prior to McKinsey, Natalia was an Area Manager at the top global luxury goods conglomerate.


From tangible CV formatting tips to nuanced fit interview advice, CaseCoach is a unique, all-in-one toolbox to help you maximise the potential of each aspect of your MBB application.

Kay joined McKinsey after studying for a Masters in Psychology at the University of Bath


When I applied to McKinsey, I knew I had to get my hands on the best prep material. The drills in CaseCoach helped me improve my structuring, chart interpretation, and numeracy considerably.

Gilles completed a Masters in Management at ESSEC Business School ahead of earning an offer from McKinsey.


Once I found CaseCoach I was able to stop searching for resources and start focusing on my preparation. The platform included everything I needed to get an offer.

Anaïs completed a Masters in Management at ESSEC Business School before joining Roland Berger.


The framework lessons and practice drills taught me to create structures tailored to the case questions and were instrumental to my success.

Prior to receiving a McKinsey offer, Aom was an undergraduate student at Thammasat University.

Enguerran Loos

A warm welcome from Enguerran Loos

Founder of Casecoach

I started CaseCoach to give more candidates access to my exclusive interview preparation techniques. My insights are based on 12 years’ experience working as an Engagement Manager with McKinsey’s Boston office, as their lead recruiter at MIT Sloan, and as Founder of a leading recruitment firm serving the top-3 management consultancies. CaseCoach is now used by many of the world's top consulting firms, universities and business schools, as well as by individuals looking for the best interview prep expertise.

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Case study templates

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Case study presentation template

Case study presentation to frame key insights and outcomes.

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Long form research case study template with customizable styles.

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Design presentation deck

Modern design deck template with multiple sections.

Visual portfolio template

Visual portfolio template

Modern visual portfolio template with 12 column grid and light and dark themes.

Behance Presentation Template

Behance Presentation Template

Case study template with multiple components, visual styles and frame sizes.

Case study template

Case study template

Case study template with pastel style coloring.

Holistic Case Study Template

Holistic Case Study Template

Case study presentation template complete with project overview, wireframes and key journey insights.

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Case study presentation layout for interview

Case study template with multiple app UI screens.

Portfolio UI - Web & Mobile

Portfolio UI - Web & Mobile

A portfolio UI for designers and developers which has 4 unique pages includes blog, case study.

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Apple device mockups

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Case Interview Practice with Peers on PrepLounge

On PrepLounge, you will benefit from the largest community of aspiring management consultants you will find online! Practice case interviews with other top candidates – even on short notice – and select from our vast collection of 180+ cases.

The Benefits of Peer-to-Peer Case Practice on PrepLounge

Why is practicing with case partners so important.

Peer-to-peer practice should be the most important part of your case prep. Putting yourself into the interview situation multiple times, receiving and providing feedback to other candidates will make sure you ace your case interview on the real interview day!

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Get Started With Your Peer-to-Peer Practice on PrepLounge

Practice with case partners, receive and provide feedback, land multiple job offers, see what other members say about the peer-to-peer practice on preplounge, frequently asked questions, how much does it cost to conduct a meeting, what happens during a case interview practice session, how quickly can i start my practice and are the case partners reliable, where can i find cases to solve during the session, how many practice interviews do i need to be prepared for the interview, what are you waiting for take the first step on your way to becoming a consultant.

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Free Online Case Study Maker

Captivate your clients by highlighting your company's solutions, and get valuable insights to improve your business strategy with Venngage's case study templates.

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Create a case study report that looks compelling and converts leads without any design experience. Showcase real success stories and challenges that your products and services helped to solve. Join over 40,000 businesses in using Venngage as a marketing solution.

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Create your own case studies to share compelling success stories. Showcase products, strategies, and tactics that had made your clients grow. You don't need any design experience! All of our case study template designs are created in-house by professional designers.

Design professional case studies for meetings, and negotiations

You don't need to be a designer to create a professional-looking case study infographic, or in-depth, multi-page reports. Pick from our library of easy-to-edit case study templates.

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Get access to high-quality stock photos and choose from over 40,000+ icons and illustrations to use. Venngage also offers a wide variety of chart and data visualization widgets that you can customize.

Design professional case studies for meetings, and negotiations

Want to incorporate your brand's identity? We've got you. My Brand Kit feature lets you upload your company logos, fonts, and colors. Perfect to stand out in your presentation!

Design professional case studies for meetings, and negotiations

Get your team involved when creating case studies. Real-time collaboration allows you to provide feedback and apply changes creating a great design in minutes.

How to create a case study in 5 easy steps:

How to create a case study in 5 easy steps:

Showcase your challenges to elevate your brand with ease

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Data Visualization

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Customize Venngage's Case Study Templates

Customize Venngage's Case Study Templates

  • Choose your favorite design from the templates library. We have an extended gallery of layouts you can work on. Just organize your qualitative and quantitative data, add customizable graphs, icons and images, set your brand identity, and start creating a comprehensive case study report.
  • Use illustrations, icons and photos: Case studies ought to be visually engaging and inviting. That's why Venngage lets you access 40K+ icons and beautiful illustrations, impressive stock photos, and customizable charts and graphs.
  • Create branded content without any design help: Branded case studies help your brand really stand out. They're an excellent form of lead generation and branding building. Showcase your expertise and real-life success stories that will win over your readers.

Collaborate with team members and stakeholders in real-time

  • Replace online meetings, email threads, chats, or messages by simply clicking "Share" from the editor to send a private link to your peers.
  • Share your designs, so people can work together and make adjustments to achieve the perfect showcase for your strategies.
  • Work better together. Provide feedback, share expertise, and have insights for a perfect process mapping design.

Collaborate with team members and stakeholders in real-time

Download and share your case study design with a click

  • Download your document as a PDF or Interactive PDF (to use hyperlinking).
  • To print your document, apply print bleeds in the editor and then download it as a PDF.
  • Share your completed design using a share link - no need to download a single thing.

Great features that make your report stand out

  • My Brand Kit lets you instantly apply your branding to any template design, saving you hours of time and effort.
  • Access Pixabay, Pexels, and other libraries for impressive stock photos from around the world - for free.
  • Hundreds of font options and styles to suit your design preferences. You can also request fonts we don't have to maintain your brand look.

Great features that make your report stand out

How do I sign up for Venngage's case study creator?

To start using Venngage's free case study creator, sign up for free using your email, Facebook or Gmail account. Once you create an account you can choose which template to get started with and start editing in the online editor.

How do I write a case study?

The easiest way to write a case study is to get started with a template. This provides you with a pre-set cover page and table of contents; a variety of page layouts to work with; and a picture of how to organize content, add designs and break up text. A case study is not a technical document that needs to be structured in a specific and formal way. You can get creative but focus on making your content clear and easy to understand.

What's an example of a case study?

Case studies, in business and marketing, are stories of success achieved through a product or service. The product can even be a strategy or framework that was pioneered by an industry thought leader. Many brands publish case studies on their website to share how their clients see tremendous value in using their products. The case study essentially chronicles the entire client journey from having a problem, to finding the solution, and the outcome of that solution.

Try Venngage's Case Study Creator today. Sign up for free!

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Case Study Templates

Visme’s professional case study templates are perfect for showcasing how your business helped other brands achieve their goals. Customize your favorite case study layout with your own brand colors, fonts and logo, add or remove pages, and download in high-quality to use as a lead magnet or upload on your website. You can also embed the case study for free.

Case Study Templates

Case Studies 64

SaaS Marketing Case Study Template

SaaS Marketing Case Study

Showcase the amazing performance of top brands using this case study.

Real Estate Case Study Template

Real Estate Case Study

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Financial Case Study Template

Financial Case Study

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B2B Case Study Template

B2B Case Study

Use this case study template to showcase the qualities and results of your clients.

Social Media Case Study Template

Social Media Case Study

Show the results of a successful social media campaign using this case study template.

Psychology Case Study Template

Psychology Case Study

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Patagonia Case Study

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Neutrogena Case Study

Show the results your previous clients achieved using this case study template.

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NVISIONCenters Case Study

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Adobe Case Study

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Bit.ly Case Study

Show future clients how your services can help them with this case study template.

UX Case Study Template

UX Case Study

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Think With Google Case Study

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Design Case Study Template

Design Case Study

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Search Marketing Case Study

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Intel Case Study

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Inkjet Wholesale Case Study

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Weebly Case Study

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Medical Case Study

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Media Case Study Template

Media Case Study

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Case Study Templates by Visme

Case studies are a great way to attract attention to your products and services, build trust and credibility, and to show proof of how you’ve helped other businesses similar to potential customers achieve their goals. Use one of Visme’s case study templates to illustrate your business in action, and to help potential clients understand how you can help them grow.

Each case study template in Visme is designed to highlight your client’s basic information, their problem and how your company’s solution helped them overcome that problem. Customize your favorite case study layout from the options above with your own brand colors, or upload your exclusive brand fonts to use throughout the case study.

You can also upload your logo, resize or rotate it as you wish, and even upload any image of your choice to add to the document’s visual appeal. Or, browse through millions of free stock photo options that come built-in with the Visme editor. Download your case study as a PDF file or an image. You can also publish and share it online with a link, or embed it on your website. Get started with our document creator today.

Create Your Case Study Now

Case Study Templates by Visme

A Comprehensive Guide to McKinsey Case Interview Preparation

Looking to ace your McKinsey case interview? Our comprehensive guide has got you covered! From understanding the interview process to mastering case frameworks, we provide expert tips and strategies to help you prepare and succeed.

Posted June 8, 2023

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Featuring Manali P.

Beyond the Case: Ace Your MBB Behavioral Interviews

Starting monday, july 15.

6:00 PM UTC · 30 minutes

Table of Contents

Preparing for a McKinsey case interview can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. As one of the most prestigious consulting firms in the world, McKinsey & Company is known for its rigorous interview process, which involves a unique problem-solving approach and an emphasis on communication skills. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through all the steps you need to take to prepare for the McKinsey case interview and give you the best chance of success.

Understanding the McKinsey Case Interview Process

The McKinsey case interview is a simulation of a real-world business problem. The interviewer will present you with a hypothetical scenario based on a real-life company, and ask you to analyze the situation, identify the key issues, and provide a recommendation for how the company should proceed. The objective of the case interview is to test your analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as your ability to communicate your ideas in a clear and concise manner.

It is important to note that the McKinsey case interview is not just about getting the right answer. The interviewer is also evaluating your thought process, creativity, and ability to think on your feet. Therefore, it is important to approach the case interview with an open mind and be willing to explore different solutions and perspectives.

One way to prepare for the McKinsey case interview is to practice with case studies. There are many resources available online, including sample cases and practice questions. It is also helpful to work with a partner or mentor who can provide feedback on your approach and communication skills.

Key Skills Required for a Successful McKinsey Case Interview

To succeed in a McKinsey case interview, you need to possess several key skills. First and foremost, you need to be able to think critically and strategically. You must also be able to communicate your ideas in a clear and concise manner, and be comfortable with numbers and data analysis. Additionally, you need to demonstrate the ability to manage your time effectively, remain calm under pressure, and work collaboratively with others.

Another important skill to have for a successful McKinsey case interview is the ability to ask insightful questions. You should be able to identify the key issues and ask relevant questions that will help you understand the problem at hand. This will also demonstrate your curiosity and eagerness to learn.

Lastly, it is important to have a strong business acumen. You should have a good understanding of the industry and market trends, as well as the company's goals and objectives. This will help you provide relevant and practical solutions to the case problem, and showcase your ability to think like a business leader.

For more tips on how to maximize your chances of landing a management consulting position that's right for you, check out these resources:

  • Mastering Case Interview Math: Essential Formulas
  • Writing a Winning Consulting Cover Letter: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Understanding the Salary Structure in Management Consulting

Mastering Consulting Case Frameworks: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Five Tips for Breaking Into Management Consulting

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Mock Interviews

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Tips to Ace McKinsey Case Interview

Preparation is key when it comes to acing a McKinsey case interview. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Be well-prepared: Research the firm and the industry you are interested in and practice case studies.
  • Be analytical: Use a structured framework to analyze the case and identify the key issues.
  • Be confident: Always articulate your thoughts and recommendations with clarity and confidence.
  • Be concise: Communication is key, so make sure you get to the point and avoid unnecessary information.
  • Practice: Mock interviews are essential to improving your skills and getting used to the interview process.

It's also important to remember that the interviewer is not looking for a perfect solution, but rather how you approach the problem and your ability to think critically. Don't be afraid to ask clarifying questions and take time to gather your thoughts before answering. Additionally, be sure to listen actively to the interviewer and incorporate their feedback into your analysis. By following these tips and staying calm under pressure, you can increase your chances of acing the McKinsey case interview.

The Importance of Researching the Company and Industry before the Interview

Before the interview, it’s crucial to research the company and the industry you are interested in. Knowing the company's history, values, and key clients will help you demonstrate your interest and knowledge during the interview. Additionally, understanding the industry trends, challenges, and opportunities can help you come up with more insightful and strategic recommendations.

Another reason why researching the company and industry is important is that it can help you tailor your responses to the interviewer's questions. By understanding the company's goals and challenges, you can highlight your skills and experiences that align with their needs. Moreover, knowing the industry trends and best practices can help you provide relevant examples and insights that showcase your expertise.

Furthermore, researching the company and industry can also help you assess whether the company is a good fit for you. By learning about the company culture, work environment, and values, you can determine whether they align with your own goals and values. This can help you make an informed decision about whether to accept a job offer if one is extended to you.

How to Structure Your Responses in a McKinsey Case Interview

Structuring your responses is essential to communicating your ideas effectively and showing your analytical skills. Use a structured framework such as MECE (Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive) to break down the problem and identify the key issues. Once you have identified the issues, prioritize them and develop recommendations based on your analysis. Make sure to articulate your thought process clearly and concisely throughout the exercise.

It is also important to actively listen to the interviewer and ask clarifying questions to ensure you fully understand the problem at hand. This will help you tailor your response to the specific needs of the client and demonstrate your ability to work collaboratively. Additionally, be prepared to adapt your approach if new information is presented during the interview. Flexibility and agility are highly valued qualities in a consultant and can set you apart from other candidates.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in a McKinsey Case Interview

Common mistakes that applicants make in McKinsey case interviews include:

  • Jumping to conclusions without sufficient analysis.
  • Overcomplicating the problem.
  • Providing vague or incomplete recommendations.
  • Getting frazzled under pressure.

Avoiding these pitfalls can help you stand out and demonstrate your problem-solving skills effectively.

Another common mistake that applicants make in McKinsey case interviews is not asking enough clarifying questions. It is important to fully understand the problem and the context before jumping into analysis and recommendations. Additionally, not asking questions can make it seem like you are not engaged or interested in the problem at hand. Therefore, make sure to ask thoughtful and relevant questions throughout the interview to demonstrate your curiosity and analytical skills.

Sample McKinsey Case Interview Questions and Answers

Sample McKinsey case interview questions can range from market sizing to competitive strategies. Here are some examples:

  • How would you estimate the size of the global coffee market?
  • How would you advise a chain of retail stores facing declining sales?
  • How would you help a software company develop a new product?
  • How would you advise a hospital facing budget constraints?

Answers to these questions require a structured approach, including the identification of key issues, relevant analysis, and well-supported recommendations.

It is important to note that McKinsey case interviews are not just about finding the right answer, but also about demonstrating strong problem-solving skills and the ability to communicate effectively. Candidates are expected to ask clarifying questions, think critically, and present their ideas in a clear and concise manner.

In addition to the case interview questions, candidates may also be asked behavioral questions to assess their fit with the company culture and values. These questions may focus on leadership, teamwork, and communication skills, among others.

The Role of Creativity in Solving McKinsey Case Study Problems

Creativity is just as important as analytical skills in the McKinsey case interview. You must demonstrate creativity in identifying potential solutions and making recommendations that are both innovative and realistic. Creative problem-solvers are valued in the consulting industry, as they can offer fresh ideas and perspectives that can benefit their clients.

How to Develop a Personalized Strategy for McKinsey Case Interviews

Developing a personalized strategy for McKinsey case interviews is crucial to success. Understand your strengths and weaknesses and focus on improving your weaknesses. You should also participate in mock interviews and receive feedback from others to help you improve your performance. Consider working with a coach or mentor who can provide you with additional guidance and advice.

The Benefits of Mock Interviews in Preparing for a McKinsey Case Interview

Mock interviews are an essential tool in preparing for a McKinsey case interview. Mock interviews help you get used to the format of the interview, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and receive feedback on your performance. Practicing with different problems and cases also helps you become more comfortable with the analytical process and develop creative problem-solving skills.

The Importance of Confidence and Communication Skills in a McKinsey Case Interview

Confidence and communication skills are equally essential in a McKinsey case interview as analytical skills. You must be able to articulate your ideas in a clear and concise manner and demonstrate your confidence in your recommendations. Additionally, being comfortable with numbers and data analysis is essential in communicating your insights effectively. Practice your communication skills and prepare accordingly to increase your confidence and show your potential.

How to Follow Up After a Successful McKinsey Case Interview

Following up after a successful McKinsey case interview is an essential step that many candidates overlook. Send a thank-you note or email expressing your appreciation for the opportunity, and reiterate your interest in the position. Keep the communication positive, professional, and timely. This follow-up can help set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate your attention to detail and enthusiasm for the company.

Resources for Further Practice and Preparation for a McKinsey Case Interview

There are plenty of resources available online and offline to help you prepare for a McKinsey case interview. Some of the popular ones include:

  • Case in Point: Complete Case Interview Preparation by Marc P. Cosentino
  • McKinsey & Company interview preparation resources
  • Victor Cheng’s Case Interview Videos

Make use of these resources, attend networking events, and seek out advice from professionals in the consulting industry to help you prepare for the interview.

Preparing for a McKinsey case interview can be challenging, but with practice and preparation, you can increase your chances of success. Keep in mind the key skills required for success and practice your communication skills, and make use of the resources available to you. Follow the tips mentioned in this guide, and put in the effort required to succeed. With hard work and dedication, you can ace your McKinsey case interview and start your career in consulting.

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Case Study Mocks and More Pack (July 2024 edition)

What's included?

  • 5 question papers
  • 5 ICAEW-style marking "grids" to allow you to self-mark your work
  • 5 fully written-out narrative answers to show you how to write
  • Advance Information analysis PDF and videos
  • Quick-fire questions on Advance Information
  • Exam Room Pack revision and exam day resource

Practise relevant content written by subject experts

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Mockup of an iPhone Case on a Solid Surface 23155

Mockup of an iPhone Case on a Solid Surface

You need a cool phone case to promote your iPhone case designs in a better way? Use Placeit's mockup of a phone case and promote your latest designs using a simple image that will help you make stand out your design. Start now and see how your sales grow by showing your designs with beautiful visuals from Placeit!

Render Mockup of an iPhone Case Lying over Another iPhone  on a Flat Surface 23160

Render Mockup of an iPhone Case Lying over Another iPhone on a Flat Surface

Did you create an awesome phone case design you want to effectively promote online? Want to see what it looks like on an actual phone case? Use Placeit's iPhone Case Mockups! Like this one, it features a phone case lying over an iPhone. You can make it your own and select every color in the image. Edit your phone case mockup now!

Render Mockup of an iPhone Case Lying over Another iPhone 23159

Render Mockup of an iPhone Case Lying over Another iPhone

Start promoting your latest design for a phone case now with Placeit's phone case mockups! This one is a great choice since it will help you market your latest design with a simple yet creative surrounding. Change the environment color and make it match or add contrast to your design's color. Start now using Placeit and sell more phone cases!

Mockup of a Smiling Girl Holding a Phone Case 22885

Mockup of a Smiling Woman Holding a Phone Case

Want to show off your Phone Case design in the most perfect way possible? Use Placeit's Phone Case Mockups. We create our mockups to be interesting, easy to use and offering the best quality possible. This template features a smiling girl in a café, and you can change the color of the phone case. Awesome, right? Use our Phone Case Mockup now!

Floating iPhone 6 Plus Case Mockup Over a PNG Background a10238

Floating iPhone 6 Plus Case Mockup Over a Plain Background

Go on and drop in your image over this beautiful photo mockup of an iPhone 6 Plus case floating over a null background, it will make your design look incredible! Our mockup generator will create you case mockup in just seconds, it's that easy. Try out more phone case mockups to share your products with your target in a very realistic manner! To see another Phone Case Mockup click here!

Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Woman in a Hijab 32417

Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Woman in a Hijab

Create an attractive visual with your design on it using Placeit's online mockup creator! Check out this one featuring a woman holding a phone case for iPhone. Don't waste time, start using Placeit now and increase your sales right away!

iPhone 6 Case Mockup Standing Over a White Background a10235

iPhone 6 Case Mockup Standing Over a White Background

Display your latest artwork on this easy to use print mockup featuring an iPhone 6 case over a transparent background, it will surely catch the eye of your consumers and boost your brand in no time. Simply drag and drop your image over the placeholder and you will have a download ready instantly! See for yourself and start using photo mockups to increase your brand awareness. To see another Phone Case Mockup click here!

Mockup of an iPhone Case Held by a Pretty Woman Wearing a Sweater 22912

Mockup of an iPhone Case Held by a Pretty Woman Wearing a Sweater

Uploading your phone case design onto a mockup has never been easier with Placeit! Our phone case mockups can be customized to your liking, and offer cool locations, models and settings. Try it out, it's easy.

Mockup Featuring Three Different iPhone Cases 23143

Mockup Featuring Three Different iPhone Cases

Got some cool iPhone Case designs you want to show off? Do it with Placeit! Our Phone Case mockups are made to be super customizable! Like this one, featuring 3 different phone cases that you can customize to your liking, you can even make the background transparent! Cool, right? Edit your iPhone Case mockup now!

Mockup of a Phone Case over a Solid Surface 23156

Mockup of a Phone Case over a Solid Surface

Start promoting your latest phone case designs in a better way with an image from Placeit that will help you make stand out your design! You can choose the environment color to either make it match or add contrast to your design colors. This awesome mockup features a phone case on an iPhone with two cameras, use it to promote your best phone case design!

Mockup Featuring a Pretty Girl Showing an iPhone Case 22883

Mockup Featuring a Pretty Woman Showing an iPhone Case

Top View Mockup of an iPhone 6 Case Lying on a Surface a10226

Top View Mockup of an iPhone 6 Case Lying on a Surface

Create a personalized mockup of a phone case in just seconds with our easy to use mockup generator. Choose from hundreds of mockups including iPhone case mockups to display your latest artwork and sell your products before having to print them! Cool don't you think? Simply drag and drop your image over the placeholder, our mockup tool will handle the rest. To see another Phone Case Mockup click here!

Mockup of a Phone Case Standing on a Solid Surface 1399-el

Mockup of a Phone Case Standing on a Solid Surface

Try Placeit's phone case mockups now, this mockup will help you boost your sales in no time. Customize it with your coolest design and your favorite color, it's really easy, just upload your image, and in a few minutes, you'll have your phone case mockup ready to be shared with the world.

Mockup of an iPhone Case Resting Over a Solid Surface 23157

Mockup of an iPhone Case Resting Over a Solid Surface

Did you create an iPhone Case? Want to see what it looks like on an actual Phone Case? Promote your design with Placeit. Our mockups are super easy to use, professional, and on trend. This one even lets you change the background and phone case color. Try it out, it's easy.

iPhone Case Mockup Lying Over a Wooden Surface 23162

iPhone Case Mockup Lying Over a Wooden Surface

Do you have an awesome Phone Case design you want everyone to know about? Use Placeit's Phone Case mockups! They're easy to use and offer a ton of different views and styles. Try it out, show off your Phone Case design!

Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Girl Wearing a Silver Ring 22884

Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Woman Wearing a Silver Ring

Do you have a cool phone case design that you want to display on an actual phone case? We have the mockup just for you. This mockup featured a girl casually holding a phone case in a café. You won't have to spend money on expensive photo shoots. Just edit your design on Placeit's Mockups, you can even change the color on the phone case. Try it out now!

iPhone 6 Plus Case Mockup Standing Over a White Background a12881

iPhone 6 Plus Case Mockup Standing Over a White Background

To see more Phone Case Mockups click here!

Mockup of an Angled Phone Case Leaning on a Solid Surface 1398-el

Mockup of an Angled Phone Case Leaning on a Solid Surface

Check out this minimalist mockup of a phone case lying on a solid surface! You can make this phone case yours, just customize it with your coolest design and change the color too. It's really easy, no need for special skills, try it out now!

Mockup of a Girl Holding an iPhone Case Against Her Ear 22879

Mockup of a Woman Holding an iPhone Case Against Her Ear

Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Smiling Man Talking on the Phone 22876

Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Smiling Man Talking on the Phone

iPhone Case Mockup Featuring a Man on the Street 22868

iPhone Case Mockup Featuring a Man on the Street

Mockup of an Opened Wallet Case for an iPhone 8  in a Studio 29235

Mockup of an Opened Wallet Case for an iPhone 8 in a Studio

This minimalistic mockup of a wallet case against a customizable background it's perfect for your new designs. Upload your image and change the background color to give it your personal touch. It will take you just a couple of minutes and you don't need any special software or skill. Give it a try! Placeit has what you need!

PNG Mockup of an iPhone 6 Case Standing a10289

Mockup of an iPhone 6 Case Standing

Give this iPhone 6 Plus case mockup a try with our easy to use mockup generator! It only takes seconds to create your own mockups by simply dragging and dropping in your image of choice, you'll have a download ready in no time. Create more print mockups for your brand to boost your campaign reach instantly! To see another Phone Case Mockup click here!

Angled iPhone 6 Plus Case Mockup Standing Over a Black Background a12882

Angled iPhone 6 Plus Case Mockup Standing Over a Black Background

Phone Case Mockup Against a Plain Surface 1397-el

Phone Case Mockup Against a Plain Surface

Check out how your design will look in this simple mockup of a phone case placed on a plain surface. It is super easy to customize, just change the color and upload your design. It's easy and fast. try Placeit today!

Mockup of a Phone Case Displayed on Two iPhones 23154

Mockup of a Phone Case Displayed on Two iPhones

Use this Phone Case mockup to promote your designs. Make the image your own and select the phone case and background color. Placeit's Phone Case Mockups are created to be easy, on trend, and won't require any additional software. Try it out, it's easy.

Mockup of a Phone Case with a Woman Wearing Red Lipstick 22900

Mockup of a Phone Case with a Woman Wearing Red Lipstick

Phone Case Mockup of a Man Talking on the Phone 22869

Phone Case Mockup of a Man Talking on the Phone

Mockup of a Woman Holding a Phone Case at a Restaurant 32418

Mockup of a Woman Holding a Phone Case at a Restaurant

Create a unique visual and promote it on your social media and POD website with this phone case mockup from Placeit! All you have to do is upload your design or pick a color for the case, that's it!

Phone Case Mockup of a Biker Woman Taking a Selfie 31866

Phone Case Mockup of a Biker Woman Taking a Selfie

This mockup features a bold woman wearing a biker jacket while taking a selfie, and your original design can be displayed on the phone case with just a few clicks. What are you waiting for? Start using Placeit's mockups to promote your creations on every POD site!

Mockup of an iPhone Case Lying Over Another Case 23164

Mockup of an iPhone Case Lying Over Another Case

Use this awesome mockup featuring an iPhone case lying over another iPhone case while on a solid color surface, it's a great visual that you should use to promote your latest phone case design to your audience! Use Placeit now to showcase your phone case designs in a great way to your customers.

Mockup of a Girl Holding a Phone Case Against Her Ear 22881

Mockup of a Woman Holding a Phone Case Against Her Ear

Mockup of Two Floating iPhone Cases 1400-el

Mockup of Two Floating iPhone Cases

Present your designs in a unique fashion with Placeit's mockups! You can customize them online using your browser and save a lot of time and money. Don't think about it too much, start using Placeit today and improve your marketing right away!

iPhone 6 Plus Phone Case Floating in Angled Position Over a White Background a12883

iPhone 6 Plus Phone Case Floating in Angled Position Over a White Background

iPhone Case Mockup of a Girl in a Restaurant 22981

iPhone Case Mockup of a Woman in a Restaurant

Mockup of an iPhone Held up to a Woman's Ear 22911

Mockup of an iPhone Held up to a Woman's Ear

Made a cool Phone Case Design? Show it off on Placeit's Phone Case Mockups! Our mockups are stylish, trendy, and cool. They're also super easy to use. You can also the color on the phone case. Easy, right? Edit your Phone Case Mockup now.

Mockup of a Woman Holding a Phone Case Against her Face 22893

Mockup of a Woman Holding a Phone Case Against her Face

Mockup of an iPhone 6 Plus Case Over a Yellow and Blue Background a11796

Mockup of an iPhone 6 Plus Case Over a Yellow and Blue Background

Make your own iPhone case mockup with this modern mockup featuring a floating iPhone 6 Plus case over a yellow and blue background. It will make your design pop instantly! Try it out by simply dragging and dropping your artwork over the template, your mockup will be ready in no time thanks to our mockup tool. Display all your latest work on realistic mockups and make print mockups your favorite advertising tool. To see another Phone Case Mockup click here!

Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Woman with a Hijab Talking on the Phone 32414

Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Woman with a Hijab Talking on the Phone

Create cool visuals with Placeit's print mockups! Use this one of a woman displaying her phone case while talking on the phone. Just upload your design and pick a color for the case, it's really simple and fast.

Mockup of a Girl Holding a Phone Case Near Flowers 22892

Mockup of a Woman Holding a Phone Case Near Flowers

Looking to promote your latest phone case design using a photorealistic visual that will show your audience what it does look like in real life? Use Placeit and show them a fashionable iPhone case design in a beautiful environment. Start now showcasing your designs with beautiful mockups from Placeit and leave your potential customers charmed with just an image!

Mockup of a Phone Case Held By a Woman Wearing a Leather Jacket 22896

Mockup of a Phone Case Held By a Woman

Phone Case Mockup of a Man Making a Call at a Park 22873

Phone Case Mockup of a Man Making a Call at a Park

Phone Case Mockup of a Couple Holding an iPhone 11 and an Android Phone 31867

Phone Case Mockup of a Couple Holding an iPhone 11 and an Android Phone

Display your phone case designs with Placeit's mockups! Check out this one of a couple holding a phone each. Customize it to your liking in a matter of seconds and impress your potential customers. Try it out right now!

Phone Case Mockup for iPhone 11 Featuring a Biker Man 31865

Phone Case Mockup for iPhone 11 Featuring a Biker Man

Customize this phone case mockup in seconds using Placeit's online creator. Check out this shot of a man holding an iPhone 11 case on the road. Start using Placeit right now and impress your potential customers!

Wallet Case Mockup of a Man Looking at His iPhone 11 29821

Wallet Case Mockup of a Man Looking at His iPhone 11

Are you looking to promote your newest phone case design? Then Placeit's got your back! Check out this mockup of a man holding a wallet case for iPhone 11. You can customize it to your liking in just a few seconds, all from your browser. Don't waste time, start using Placeit today!

Tank Top and Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Joyful Woman Taking a Selfie m34250 r-el2

Tank Top and Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Joyful Woman Taking a Selfie

This mockup features a smiling woman wearing a scoop-neck tank top while taking a selfie in the city. Try it out now!

Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Woman Talking on the Phone Outside 32415

Phone Case Mockup Featuring a Woman Talking on the Phone Outside

Use Placeit's professional phone case mockups to display your latest designs! All you have to do is upload your image and pick a color for the case. Your high-quality mockup will be ready in just seconds, try it out now!

Long Sleeve Tee Mockup of a Joyful Woman Taking a Selfie With a Smartphone m34246 r-el2

Long Sleeve Tee Mockup of a Joyful Woman Taking a Selfie With a Smartphone

This mockup features a smiling woman wearing a round-neck long-sleeve tee while taking a selfie with a smartphone with a customizable phone case.

Long-Sleeve Tee Mockup of a Joyful Woman Taking a Selfie in a Studio m34247 r-el2

Long-Sleeve Tee Mockup of a Joyful Woman Taking a Selfie in a Studio

Selfie-Themed Mockup Featuring a Girl Wearing a Round-Neck T-Shirt and Using a Phone Case m34230 r-el2

Selfie-Themed Mockup Featuring a Girl Wearing a Round-Neck T-Shirt and Using a Phone Case

This mockup features a smiling little girl wearing a round-neck t-shirt while posing for a selfie against a colorful wall.

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Software Case Study Templates

Choose from a wide variety of customizable Software Case Study templates and customize using DocHipo's intuitive drag-and-drop editor.


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With DocHipo's Software Case Study templates, you can create a stunning design in minutes. No design skill required. Choose the right template, customize using DocHipo’s drag-and-drop editor, publish or download.

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How do i use these software case study templates.

Choose a Software Case Study template you like, sign up for free if you haven’t signed up yet, and start customizing using DocHipo’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor.

How do I find free Software Case Study templates?

Free Software Case Study templates are labeled as “Free” so that you can instantly identify them and start customizing. The premium templates require a Pro edition.

If I download a Software Case Study, will it leave a watermark?

No. Once you design a Software Case Study inside DocHipo and download the same, we don’t leave any watermark whatsoever, even if you are on the Free plan.

How can I learn more about customizing these Software Case Study templates?

The step-by-step DocHipo video tutorials will walk you through how to customize these templates for Software Case Study and make them look stunning!

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Private Equity Case Study: Tips, Prompt & Presentation

Private Equity Case Study: Tips, Prompt & Presentation


Private equity case studies serve as a pivotal stage in recruitment. They offer firms a window to assess candidates' analytical, investing, and presentation skills. Understanding the nuances of these case studies can significantly enhance your preparation and success rate.

This comprehensive guide provides insights into the types of case studies, preparation strategies, and key aspects of presentation and analysis. Whether you're new to private equity or a seasoned professional, mastering these case studies is essential for succeeding in a competitive industry.

What Should You Expect in a Private Equity Case Study?

Private equity case studies are a critical component of the recruitment process, offering firms a valuable opportunity to assess candidates' analytical, investing, and presentation skills. Understanding what to expect in a private equity case study can significantly enhance your preparation and improve your chances of success.

What are the Types of Private Equity Case Studies?

Private equity case studies can take various forms, each presenting its unique set of challenges. Candidates can anticipate encountering one of the following formats.

  • Candidates are provided with company information and tasked with evaluating the feasibility of an investment. This type of case study typically involves preparing a comprehensive presentation or investment memo, supported by a detailed LBO (leveraged buyout) model, within a specified timeframe.
  • Candidates are granted several days to a week to research a company, develop a model, and formulate a recommendation for or against an acquisition. This type of case study necessitates critical thinking and external research.
  • Similar to the take-home assignment, but completed on-site at the firm's office within a few hours. Candidates must construct a financial model and make an investment decision based on the provided information.
  • A 1-3-hour test, either conducted on-site or remotely, where candidates must swiftly build an LBO model. Proficiency in Excel shortcuts and familiarity with modelling tests are crucial for success.
  • A condensed version of an LBO model completed either on paper or verbally. This type of case study focuses on the fundamental aspects of the model and requires candidates to demonstrate their understanding without the use of Excel.
  • Candidates construct a simple leveraged buyout model using pen-and-paper or mental calculations, estimating the internal rate of return (IRR) using rounded figures.

Preparation Strategies

To prepare effectively for a private equity case study, focus on developing your investment thesis, honing your presentation skills, and enhancing your ability to respond to questions thoughtfully. Remember, the complexity of your model is secondary to your capacity to construct a compelling argument for or against the investment.

How to Present a Private Equity Case Study?

Presenting a private equity case study requires a strategic and thorough approach to effectively convey your analysis and recommendations. Whether you're preparing for a take-home assignment or an in-person presentation, mastering the art of presentation is crucial for success in the private equity recruitment process.

The core question you'll encounter in any private equity case study is whether you would invest in the company under consideration. To answer this, you'll need to analyze the provided materials and construct a leveraged buyout (LBO) model to assess the potential return on investment. Typically, a return of 20% or higher is sought.

The case study prompt often includes specific assumptions to guide your LBO model construction, such as the pro forma capital structure, financial assumptions, and acquisition and exit multiples. Some firms may provide an Excel template for the LBO model, while others may expect you to create one from scratch.


In a take-home assignment scenario, you'll likely be required to present your investment memo during the interview. This presentation is typically conducted in front of one or two representatives from the private equity firm.

The presentation format may vary among firms, with some expecting you to present first and then field questions, while others may prefer the reverse. Regardless of the format, be prepared to articulate your findings and respond to inquiries.

While technical proficiency is important in private equity recruitment, communication skills and attention to detail are equally critical. Interviewers will assess your ability to convey complex ideas clearly and concisely, as well as your meticulousness in addressing all aspects of the case study.

In the private equity interview process, every detail matters. Therefore, strive to provide a comprehensive and well-structured presentation, demonstrating your analytical rigour and ability to communicate effectively.

How to Do a Private Equity Case Study?

When tackling a private equity case study, a structured approach is crucial to deliver a comprehensive analysis and recommendations.

Private Equity Case Study

Step 1: Read and Understand the Material

Begin by thoroughly reading and understanding the provided materials. Gain insights into the company's background, industry dynamics, and financials.

Step 2: Construct a Basic LBO Model

Build a fundamental leveraged buyout (LBO) model using the ASBICIR method (Assumptions, Sources & Uses, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Interest Expense, and Returns). This foundational model will underpin your analysis.

Step 3: Enhance Your LBO Model

Incorporate advanced features into your LBO model as required by the case study prompts. While it's essential to cover all aspects, prioritize completing the core financial model to ensure thoroughness.

Step 4: Develop Your Investment Thesis

Step back and formulate your investment view based on your analysis. Consider critical assumptions, conditions for proceeding with the investment, key risks, and primary drivers of returns.

Step 5: Craft Your Presentation

Organize your insights and analysis into a structured presentation. Clearly articulate your investment thesis, supporting analysis, and key findings.

Step 6: Practice Your Presentation

Rehearse your presentation to ensure clarity and confidence. Be prepared to engage in a discussion and defend your investment thesis.

Approaching a private equity case study with this methodical approach demonstrates your analytical prowess and strategic thinking.

How to Succeed in a Private Equity Case Study?

Succeeding in a private equity case study demands a strategic blend of analytical prowess, strategic acumen, and effective communication.

  • Master the Fundamentals: Start by focusing on the foundational aspects of the case study before delving into the complexities. Build a solid understanding of financial modelling principles and investment analysis basics. This will provide you with a strong grounding to tackle more intricate tasks with confidence.
  • Demonstrate Nuanced Investment Judgment: Avoid simplistic yes or no answers when presenting your investment recommendation. Instead, offer a nuanced analysis that considers the price point at which you would consider investing and the key assumptions driving your decision. Highlight potential avenues for value creation in the deal and discuss the primary risks and uncertainties involved.
  • Engage in Meaningful Dialogue: While the ability to build complex financial models is important, what truly sets you apart is your capacity to think critically and engage in intelligent discussion about the investment. Focus on presenting a well-considered recommendation supported by solid reasoning and analysis. Be prepared to discuss your model and elaborate on your investment thesis clearly and concisely.
  • Prioritize Substance Over Complexity: While showcasing your proficiency in financial modelling is essential, the goal is not to build the most intricate model. Concentrate on constructing a model that is accurate, logical, and well-structured. The true measure of success lies in your ability to derive meaningful insights from the model and utilize them to make informed investment decisions.
  • Highlight Value-Creation Opportunities: In addition to identifying risks, emphasize the potential opportunities for value creation in the deal. Discuss how you would leverage these opportunities to enhance the company's performance and generate returns for investors.

By following these strategies, you can significantly enhance your prospects of success in a private equity case study. Demonstrating your ability to think critically, analyze investments, and communicate effectively will showcase your thought leadership and analytical prowess.

How Do I Prepare for a Private Equity Case Study?

Preparing for a private equity case study requires a structured approach and a solid understanding of the fundamentals of financial analysis and investment evaluation.

  • Understand the Case Study Objective: Begin by understanding the objective of the case study, which is typically to evaluate the investment potential of a company. Familiarize yourself with the key concepts and methodologies used in private equity investing.
  • Review Financial Modeling Basics: Brush up on your financial modelling skills, focusing on key concepts such as revenue forecasting, expense modelling, and valuation techniques. Practice building and analyzing financial models to prepare for the case study.
  • Familiarize Yourself with LBO Modeling: Since leveraged buyout (LBO) modelling is a common aspect of private equity case studies, make sure you are comfortable with building LBO models. Understand the key components of an LBO model, such as debt structure, cash flow projections, and exit strategies.
  • Practice Case Studies: Practice solving case studies to hone your analytical skills and improve your ability to think critically. Look for case studies online or create your own based on real-world scenarios to simulate the interview experience.
  • Stay Updated on Industry Trends: Keep yourself informed about the latest trends and developments in the industries you are interested in. This will help you make informed assumptions and recommendations during the case study.
  • Develop a Structured Approach: Develop a structured approach to solving case studies, including how you will analyze the company's financials, identify key risks and opportunities, and formulate your investment thesis.
  • Seek Feedback: Seek feedback from mentors, peers, or professionals in the field to improve your case study skills. Consider participating in case study competitions or workshops to gain practical experience.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How do you approach a private equity case study? Approach a private equity case study by understanding the objective, reviewing financial basics, practicing LBO modelling, staying updated on industry trends, and developing a structured analysis approach.

2. How can I stand out from other candidates? Stand out by demonstrating nuanced investment judgment, engaging in meaningful dialogue, prioritizing substance over complexity in modelling, and highlighting value-creation opportunities.

3. What is the role of modelling in a private equity case study? Modelling plays a crucial role in a private equity case study as it helps evaluate investment potential, assess risks, and determine the feasibility of an acquisition.

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One Million Checkboxes Is Exactly What It Sounds Like

The most “useless” website you can imagine has become a hit — and an unintentional case study in internet behavior.

A screenshot of the website One Million Checkboxes, showing a vast grid of small check boxes and nothing else. Many are filled in blue, with a white check mark in the middle, but perhaps just as many remain empty white boxes.

By Callie Holtermann

Last week, Nolen Royalty unleashed upon the world a website with a million empty check boxes.

Mr. Royalty, 32, a game developer in Brooklyn, created the site in a fit of inspiration and shared it on X last Wednesday with low expectations. “Basically anyone I described it to chuckled, at most,” he said.

Rows of unchecked squares sat tantalizingly against a pale gray background, an unexplored Minesweeper field. A visitor to the page checked one box. Then another. Each time a person checked a box, it was instantly filled in on everybody else’s screens, like a kind of collaborative grocery list accessible to anyone with a phone or computer.

Seven days later, more than 700,000 boxes have been filled in. The free website, called One Million Checkboxes , has become an unlikely hit and elicited oddly strong reactions: Users on X describe the project as “strangely compelling” and “torture for people with OCD.” A Washington Post newsletter called it “the most pointless website on the planet” — which it seemed to mean as a compliment.

Mr. Royalty has been frantically renting additional server space for about $60 a day to keep up with the site’s check-happy fans. He estimated that there have been at least 400,000 unique visitors, although that data is imperfect because the page has crashed several times under the weight of their enthusiasm.

By providing a blank slate to users, One Million Checkboxes has also cycled rapidly through the stages of internet maturity, serving as something of a microcosm of the joys and horrors of digital life.

First there was a period of exploration, in which users worked together to check as many boxes as they could. Next came creativity, as some began filling in boxes to illustrate hearts or, in more cases, crude drawings of male genitalia.

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Texans love these top 5 ice cream flavors the most

Number one might surprise you.

Max Bohannon , KSAT Intern

SAN ANTONIO – A new study done by Affordable Seating has analyzed the Google search data for more than 100 different ice cream flavors across the U.S. to find every state’s favorite flavor.

There were 5 key searches that helped show every state’s favorite flavor.

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Google searches “[flavor] ice cream,” “[flavor] ice cream recipe,” “how to make [flavor] ice cream,” “how to make homemade [flavor] ice cream,” and “[flavor] ice cream near me” all factored into the study according to the Affordable Seating press release.

The flavors were then put into order of most to least searches online.


Texas’ favorite ice cream flavors are as follows:

1. Neapolitan

3. Rocky Road

4. Chocolate

5. Cookies And Cream


The top ice cream flavors for the entire U.S. have also been released, with the top five being:

3. Superman (aka Krazy Kolors)

5. Rocky Road

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Sound off in the comments below.

Copyright 2024 by KSAT - All rights reserved.

About the Author

Max bohannon.

Max Bohannon is an intern at KSAT 12. He was born in San Antonio and attends Texas Tech University, where he will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in journalism with a minor in Creative Media Industries and a certificate in Sports Media in December 2024.

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