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These printable  addition word problems worksheets contains problems on single-digit addition , 1 and 2-digit addition, double digit and three digit addition.

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Single digit addition word problems

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Addition Word Problems

1 and 2 digit addition word problems

Addition Word problems

2-digit addition word problems

Addition Word Problems

3-digit addition word problems

addition word problems

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25 Addition Word Problems For Grades 1-5 With Tips On Supporting Students’ Progress

Emma Johnson

Addition word problems appear throughout the elementary grade levels. Children are introduced to simple addition and subtraction word problems in the early grades. This knowledge is then built upon all the way up to 5th grade when students work with complex multi-step word problems involving large whole numbers and decimal numbers.

In the early stages, in lower and upper elementary, addition word problems are taught through the use of concrete resources and visual images, using and developing subitising skills. As learners become more confident with the formal written methods, they progress to use these to help solve more complex addition and subtraction word problems.

Addition word problems in Kindergarten

Addition word problems in 1st grade, addition word problems in 2nd grade, addition word problems in 3rd grade, addition word problems in 4th grade, addition word problems in 5th grade.

  • Why are word problems important for children’s understanding of addition

How to teach addition word problem-solving in elementary school

Addition word problems for 1st grade, addition word problems for 2nd grade, addition word problems for 3rd grade, addition word problems for 4th grade, addition word problems for 5th grade, looking for more word problems resources.

Children benefit from regular exposure to word problems, alongside any fluency work they are doing. To help you with this, we have created a collection of 25 addition word problems with answer keys, which can be used with students from 1st to 5th grade.

Word Problems Grade 4 Addition and Subtraction

Word Problems Grade 4 Addition and Subtraction

11 grade 4 addition and subtraction questions to develop reasoning and problem solving skills.

Addition word problems in the Common Core

Schools following Common Core will introduce simple addition word problems to children in Kindergarten. By the time students reach 5th grade, they will be exposed to more complex addition word problems.

Students in Kindergarten are introduced to simple one-step problems involving place value addition and subtraction word problems , within 10, through the use of concrete objects and drawings. At this stage, children should be memorizing and reasoning with number bonds to 10. 

In first grade, students continue to use concrete objects and pictorial representations to solve addition problems within 20, including those involving numbers, quantities, measures and simple money word problems. They are also expected to apply their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods, using one and two-digit numbers. 

By second grade, students are starting to tackle more complex addition word problems within 100. Students start working on basic written addition and are introduced to the concept of regrouping. Students start to work with repeated addition as a foundation to multiplication. 

Students in 3rd grade progress to solving two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why. They are also beginning to work with larger numbers, continuing to work on basic written addition and the concept of regrouping.

By 4th grade, students are solving multi-step word problems in contexts. They add whole numbers with more than four digits and decimal numbers, beginning to use formal written methods, including the standard algorithm. Children are also adding increasingly larger numbers mentally.

Third Space Learning’s online one-on-one tutoring programs work with students to fill their learning gaps and build confidence in math. Tailored to the needs of each student, the tutoring programs offer students more opportunities to practice their math skills and reach their year group standard.

word problem solving addition

Students in 5th grade continue to work with larger numbers and decimals, solving increasingly complex multi-step problems, deciding which operations to use and why. By this stage students should have a solid grasp of the written methods for all four operations.

Schools not following CCSS

Other schools not following Common Core follow the same concepts for teaching addition as shown above, although some individual standards and states may vary slightly. Some concepts may be covered in a different order, depending on the curriculum your school district has adopted. 

Why are word problems important for children’s understanding of addition

Word problems help children make sense of addition. In the early grades, simple story problems aid understanding of what is being asked, alongside the use of concrete resources and visual images. Real-world word problems are an important element of math, giving children the opportunity to put the addition skills they have learned into context, to understand how they can be used in real life.

Students need to be taught how to approach word problems, beginning by reading the questions carefully and making sure they fully understand what is being asked. The next step is to determine what calculation is needed and whether there are concrete resources or pictorial representations (such as a bar model) they can use to help solve it.

Here is an example:

There were 3,756 people on a cruise ship.

456 people get on after the first week, while 623 get off.

How many passengers are on board the ship now after the first week?

How to solve:

What do you already know?

  • There are 3,756 on the cruise ship at the start of the journey.
  • 456 people get on after the first week, therefore we need to add 456 to 3,746. This gives us a total of 4,212 people
  • 623 people get off, so we need to subtract 623 from the total number of passengers now on the ship. When we subtract 623 from 4,212, we get a total of 3,589.

How can this be represented pictorially?

bar model addition

  • We can draw 2 bar models to represent this problem.
  • The number of passengers who got on the ship after the first week is added to the total number of people on the ship at the start of the trip. 
  • We then draw a second bar model to show how many passengers were left on the ship once the 623 passengers got off after the first week.

Addition word problems in 1st grade require students to work with 1 and 2-digit numbers, up to 20. At this stage it is important children are working with concrete resources to support their understanding. Children also begin to learn how to check their answers by finding the inverse of calculations.

1st grade addition question 1

Maise has 14 crayons. Her friend gives her 4 more. 

How many crayons does Maisie have now?

Answer: 18 crayons

14 + 4 = 18

1st grade addition question 2

Hamza buys a large pack of cookies, while his sister buys a small pack.

The large pack contains 10 cookies, while the small pack contains 6.

How many cookies does Hamza and his sister have altogether?

Answer:  16 cookies

10 + 6 = 16

1st grade addition question 3

13 children sign up for the after-school soccer club and 4 sign up for the tennis club.

How many children sign up altogether?

Answer: 17 children

13 + 4 = 24

1st grade addition question 4

Amy collects 6 chestnuts. Her brother finds 7 more and adds them to her collection.

How many chestnuts does Amy have now?

Answer: 13 chestnuts

1st grade addition question 5

6 children were on the bus going to the zoo. 

The bus stopped to pick up 13 children from another school.

How many children were on the bus now?

Answer: 19 children

6 + 13 = 19

Word problems for 2nd grade require students to work with larger numbers. By this stage, children are becoming more confident with addition are able to use this to solve 2 digit addition word problems up to 100. Addition word problems can be incorporated into other areas of the math curriculum, for example, through time word problems.

2nd grade addition question 1

Mason has collected 56 stickers. Rory has collected 26 stickers.

How many stickers have the two boys collected between them?

Answer: 82 stickers

56 + 26 = 82

2nd grade addition question 2

A train driver drove 34 miles on Monday and a further 61 miles on Tuesday.

How many miles did he drive in total over the 2 days?

Answer: 95 miles

34 + 61 = 95

2nd grade addition question 3

Sam spent 2 quarters on a candy bar at the store. He then spent 4 dimes on a packet of gum. How much did he spend all together?

Answer: 90¢

50¢ + 40¢ = 90¢

2nd grade addition question 4

Carson bought 34 pencils for the beginning of the school year. He already had 17 left from last year. How many pencils does Carson have?

Answer: 51 pencils

34 + 17 = 51

2nd grade addition question 5

A family was traveling to their vacation home. 

Kaleb packed 4 pairs of shorts and 6 shirts. 

Candice packed 6 pairs of shorts and 9 shirts. 

How many pieces of clothing did Kaleb and Candice pack?

Answer: 25 pieces of clothing

4 + 6 + 6 + 9 = 25

With word problems for 3rd grade, students progress onto solving addition word problems up to 1,000 using strategies and algorithms. They are also beginning to solve more complex, two-step word problems. Children should be encouraged to estimate and find the inverse, to check the accuracy of their calculations. 

3rd grade addition question 1

A builder is building a wall around the school playing field.

He has used 465 bricks so far and has another 335 bricks to finish the wall.

How many bricks will he use to build the wall?

Answer: 800 bricks

465 + 335 = 800

3rd grade addition question 2

Hot dogs: $2

Burgers: $4

Soft drinks: $2

Chloe is buying some food from a cafe. 

She buys 2 hot dogs, a pizza, 2 orders of fries and 2 drinks. 

How much does she spend altogether?

Answer: $13

Hot dogs: $2 + $2= $4

Fries: $1 + $1 = $2

Drinks: $2 + $2 = $4

Total= $4 + $3 + $2 + $4 = $13

3rd grade addition question 3

A runner is completing a 1,000m race. 

He has already run 560m. How much further does he have to run?

Answer: 440m

Solved mentally by calculating how many more meters to 600m – 40m, then adding on a further 400m = 440m.

This can also be solved as a missing number column addition, or as a subtraction calculation.

3rd grade addition question 4

Ben has $50. He buys a t-shirt for $15 and a hoodie for $25. 

How much change does he have left?

Answer: $10 change

$15 + $25 = $40

$50 – $40 = $10

3rd grade addition question 5

A flight from Boston to New York is a distance of 184 miles. It is then another 764 miles to Nashville. 

How far is the journey from Boston to Nashville, stopping in New York?

Answer: 948 miles

184 + 764 = 948

Word problems for 4th grade require students to solve addition word problems with 4-digit numbers and larger, using formal written methods and mentally. Word problems become more complex multi-step problems, involving other operations. Students at this stage should continue to be encouraged to check their answers by finding the inverse. In 4th grade, students also solve addition word problems involving fractions with the same denominator.

4th grade addition question 1

Three towns have populations of 4,768, 7,956 and 3,858.

What is the total population of the three towns combined?

Answer: 16,582

(Show as column method 4,768 + 7,956 + 3,858 = 16,582)

4th grade addition question 2

Katherine bought 2 cakes for her son’s birthday, one chocolate and one vanilla. The kids at the party ate 23 of the chocolate cake and 23 of the vanilla cake. How much cake did the kids at the party eat?

Answer: 1 1 3 or 4 3

23+23=43, or 113

4th grade addition question 3

A man weighing 225 lbs gets into an elevator. On the next floor, another man gets in, weighing 179 lbs.

If the elevator can hold a maximum weight of 500 lbs, how much more weight can the elevator carry?

Answer: 96 pounds

(show as column method)

225 + 179 = 404

500 – 404 =96

Count up from 404 or solve as a missing number addition.

4th grade addition question 4

Below are the populations of the 5 largest cities in Kansas.

Wichita – 396,192

Overland Park – 197,726

Kansas City – 153,345

Olathe – 145,616

Topeka – 125,449

How many people live in Wichita and Kansas City?

Answer: 549,537

396,192 + 153,537 = 549,537

4th grade addition question 5

A family of 4 went to the fair, 2 adults and 2 children. The adult tickets cost $18 and the kid tickets were $9. If they also spent $55 on food and games, how much did the family spend at the fair? 

Answer: $109

18 + 18 + 9 + 9 = 54

54 + 55 = 109

With word problems for 5th grade, students need to be able to solve word problems using larger whole numbers of up to 6 or 7 digits, problems involving fraction word problems and problems involving decimals.  

5th grade addition question 1

David spent $24,799 on a new car and $8,750 on a caravan.

He has $15,074 left in his bank account. 

How much did he have to start with?

Answer: $48,623

24,799 + 8,750 = 33,549

33,549 + 15,074 = 48,623

5th grade addition question 2

17,523 more people visited a theme park this year than last year.

If 315,736 people visited last year. How many visited this year?

Answer: 333,259 people

315,736 + 17,523 = 333,259

5th grade addition question 3

A zoo buys 107.4lbs of animal feed. Each day, 14.52 lbs is used for the camels, 6.3lbs for the meerkats and 9lbs for the zebras.

After 2 days, how much will the zoo have left?

Answer: 47.76 lbs left

14.52 + 6.3 + 9 = 29.82

29.82 + 29.82 = 59.64

107.4 – 59.64 = 47.76

5th grade addition question 4

A company sent out 1,417,806 flyers in April and 931,368 in May.

  • Estimate how many flyers the company sent out in April and May combined.
  • What is the actual number of flyers sent out? 
  • 2,300,000 

1,400,000 + 900,000 = 2,300,00

  • 1,417,806 + 931,368 = 2,349,174

5th grade addition question 5

The Brown family are going on a road trip. They plan to drive 274.3 miles to a hotel. They then have another 276.9 miles to drive to reach their final destination.

If they have traveled 197.8 miles so far, how much further do they have to travel before they reach their final destination?

Answer: 353.4 miles

274.3 + 276.9 = 551.2

551.2 – 197.8 = 353.4

Take a look at our comprehensive collection of word problems practice questions covering a wide range of topics such as ratio word problems , percentages word problems , multiplication word problems , division word problems and more. 

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The content in this article was originally written by former Deputy Head Teacher, Emma Johnson and has since been revised and adapted for US schools by elementary math teacher Christi Kulesza

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Addition Word Problems Worksheets & Printables

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Math Word Problems

Welcome to the math word problems worksheets page at Math-Drills.com! On this page, you will find Math word and story problems worksheets with single- and multi-step solutions on a variety of math topics including addition, multiplication, subtraction, division and other math topics. It is usually a good idea to ensure students already have a strategy or two in place to complete the math operations involved in a particular question. For example, students may need a way to figure out what 7 × 8 is or have previously memorized the answer before you give them a word problem that involves finding the answer to 7 × 8.

There are a number of strategies used in solving math word problems; if you don't have a favorite, try the Math-Drills.com problem-solving strategy:

  • Question : Understand what the question is asking. What operation or operations do you need to use to solve this question? Ask for help to understand the question if you can't do it on your own.
  • Estimate : Use an estimation strategy, so you can check your answer for reasonableness in the evaluate step. Try underestimating and overestimating, so you know what range the answer is supposed to be in. Be flexible in rounding numbers if it will make your estimate easier.
  • Strategize : Choose a strategy to solve the problem. Will you use mental math, manipulatives, or pencil and paper? Use a strategy that works for you. Save the calculator until the evaluate stage.
  • Calculate : Use your strategy to solve the problem.
  • Evaluate : Compare your answer to your estimate. If you under and overestimated, is the answer in the correct range. If you rounded up or down, does the answer make sense (e.g. is it a little less or a little more than the estimate). Also check with a calculator.

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Addition Word Problems Worksheets

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Give a new lease of life to your math practice with our free pdf addition word problems worksheets. Let children solve these pdfs by addition of whole numbers, both with regrouping (carrying) and without regrouping. These word problems on addition provide abundant practice on addition within 10; sums up to 20; and 2-digit, 3-digit, 4-digit, and large (multi-digit) numbers.

These printable worksheets on addition word problems are suitable for kindergarten through grade 5 children.

List of Addition Word Problems Worksheets

  • Addition within 10 Word Problems
  • Addition within 20 Word Problems
  • 2-Digit Addition Word Problems
  • 3-Digit Addition Word Problems
  • 4-Digit Addition Word Problems
  • Multi-digit Addition Word Problems

Addition within 10 Word Problems Worksheets

Perfect for visual learners, this compilation requires kindergarten and 1st grade kids to read the word problems and count the number of objects to find the sum.

Addition within 10 Word Problems Worksheets

Addition within 20 Word Problems Worksheets

Introduce these printable sums up to 20 word problem pdfs to give kids the pick-me-up they need while doing addition within 20. These beginner-level resources are great for kindergarten, grade 1, and grade 2 kids.

Addition within 20 Word Problems Worksheets

2-Digit Addition Word Problems Worksheets

Analytically read real-world scenarios and find the sum of two 2-digit numbers. Our addition word problem worksheets on adding numbers within 100 are a delicious addition treat for 2nd grade children!

2-Digit Addition Word Problems Worksheets

3-Digit Addition Word Problems Worksheets

Instruct children in 3rd grade and 4th grade to solve these 3-digit by 3-digit addition word problems worksheets and watch them ace addition up to 1000 by regrouping wherever necessary.

3-Digit Addition Word Problems Worksheets

4-Digit Addition Word Problems Worksheets

Addition is math at its most playful, and with our printable word problems for addition worksheets involving 4-digit numbers around, grade 3 and grade 4 learners won't need to look any further.

4-Digit Addition Word Problems Worksheets

Multi-digit Addition Word Problems Worksheets

Our multi-digit addition word problems pdf worksheets get grade 4 and grade 5 kids ready to perform the addition of large numbers competently.

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Addition & Subtraction Workbook for Grades 2-3

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Addition word problems for grade 3

Simple addition worksheets.

These third grade math worksheets have word problems on simple addition. The focus here is on solving real life situations by using addition.

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Addition Word Problems 2nd Grade Addition Problems within 100

Welcome to our Addition Word Problems 2nd Grade Worksheets. Here you will find a wide range of free printable addition word problem worksheets, which will help your child practice solving a range of addition problems using numbers with a sum of up to 100.

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Addition Word Problems 2nd Grade

Addition problems within 100.

Each sheet consists of adding two or three numbers with a total of up to 100.

There is a space on each sheet for working out, so that your child can write out the problem and solve it.

We have split the worksheets up into word problems with and without regrouping.

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • add up two or three numbers within 100;
  • solve addition word problems with and without regrouping.

Addition Word Problems 2nd Grade within 100

There are two versions of each sheet.

The first version (version A) contains problems where no regrouping is needed.

The second version (version B) contains similar problems but regrouping is needed to solve them.

Sheets 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B have just two addends to add up.

Sheets 4A, 4B, 5A and 5B have three addends to add together.

Addition Word Problems within 100 with 2 Addends

  • Addition Word Problems within 100 Sheet 1A (no regrouping)
  • PDF version
  • Addition Word Problems within 100 Sheet 1B
  • Addition Word Problems within 100 Sheet 2A (no regrouping)
  • Addition Word Problems within 100 Sheet 2B
  • Addition Word Problems within 100 Sheet 3A (no regrouping)
  • Addition Word Problems within 100 Sheet 3B

Addition Word Problems within 100 with 3 Addends

  • Addition Word Problems within 100 Sheet 4A (no regrouping)
  • Addition Word Problems within 100 Sheet 4B
  • Addition Word Problems within 100 Sheet 5A (no regrouping)
  • Addition Word Problems within 100 Sheet 5B

Looking for some easier worksheets?

Take a look at our Addition word problems for first graders.

On this page, your child will learn to work out basic addition word problems with sums up to 20.

  • 1st grade Addition Word Problems

Looking for some harder worksheets?

We have a range of 3-digit addition worksheets set out in columns.

  • Addition Word Problems 3rd Grade (3- and 4-digits)
  • 3-Digit Column Addition Worksheets

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Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.

Addition & Subtraction Worksheets 2nd Grade

  • Add and Subtract Within 20 Worksheets
  • 3 Digit Addition and Subtraction Worksheets

More 2nd Grade Addition Worksheets

Here you will find some more of our 2nd Grade Addition Worksheets.

The link below will open our 2nd-grade-math-salamanders website in a new browser window.

  • Addition Word Problems 2nd grade at 2nd-grade-math-salamanders.com
  • Number Bonds to 20
  • Math Addition Facts to 20

More 2nd Grade Math Word Problems

Here are a range of problems solving sheets for 2nd graders. Most of the sheets contain 'real-life' problems related to animal facts.

Using the sheets will help your child to:

  • apply their addition, subtraction, and multiplication skills;
  • apply their knowledge of rounding and place value;
  • solve a range of 'real life' problems.

These sheets involve solving one or two more challenging longer problems. This link opens in a new tab.

  • Second Grade Math Problems

These sheets involve solving many 'real-life' problems involving data.

  • 2nd Grade Math Word Problems

These sheets involve solving a range of addition and subtraction word problems up to 100.

  • 2nd Grade Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

These sheets involve solving a range of subtraction word problems up to 100.

  • Subtraction Word Problems 2nd grade

These sheets involve solving a range of multiplication problems.

  • Multiplication Word Problems 2nd Grade

Addition Word Problems to 100 Online Quiz

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At the end of the quiz, you will get the chance to see your results by clicking 'See Score'.

This will take you to a new webpage where your results will be shown. You can print a copy of your results from this page, either as a pdf or as a paper copy.

For incorrect responses, we have added some helpful learning points to explain which answer was correct and why.

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We also collect the results from the quizzes which we use to help us to develop our resources and give us insight into future resources to create.

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This quick quiz tests your knowledge and skill at solving addition word problems within 100.

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Addition Word Problems

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Addition Word Problems Worksheet

First graders can practice decoding addition word problems into algebraic equations with this free printable worksheet. They are asked to add three whole numbers whose sum is less than 20 in order to solve simple math problems. It’s an easy way for children to build their critical thinking skills.

Addition Word Problems Worksheet

1.OA.A.2 - Common Core ID

Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction.

There are multiple ways to get this addition worksheet.

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Addition Word Problems Worksheets

Addition word problem worksheets are useful for students to improve their conceptual understanding of addition and word problems based on it. Simplifying simple algebraic operations of addition is the first step in a student's journey of learning algebra. These worksheets provide the fundamental concepts required for students to understand this fundamental math operation and its application.

Benefits of Adding Word Problems Worksheets

For kids to master any topic, it is necessary to solve various problems within that topic. By solving numerous practice questions that are readily available in these worksheets, a child can quickly grasp the concept fluency. These math worksheets comprise fun and interactive activities, and solving these problems keeps students active throughout the learning process.

Download Addition Word Problems Worksheet PDFs

The gradual increase in the difficulty level of questions makes it easy for students to gain confidence while practicing the topic. They are easy to use, free to download, and access PDFs worksheets. Students planning to appear for competitive exams can also use these free worksheets to prepare and shine.

Addition Word Problems Worksheet - 1

Addition Word Problems Worksheet - 2

Addition Word Problems Worksheet - 3

Addition Word Problems Worksheet - 4

☛ Check Grade wise Addition Worksheets

  • Kindergarten Addition Worksheets
  • Addition Worksheets Grade 1
  • 2nd Grade Addition Worksheets
  • Addition Worksheets Grade 3
  • 4th Grade Addition Worksheets
  • Addition Worksheets Grade 5

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Math Word Problem Worksheets

Read, explore, and solve over 1000 math word problems based on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction, decimal, ratio and more. These word problems help children hone their reading and analytical skills; understand the real-life application of math operations and other math topics. Print our exclusive colorful theme-based worksheets for a fun-filled teaching experience! Use the answer key provided below each worksheet to assist children in verifying their solutions.

List of Word Problem Worksheets

Explore the word problem worksheets in detail.

Addition Word Problems

Have 'total' fun by adding up a wide range of addends displayed in these worksheets! Simple real-life scenarios form the basis of these addition word problem worksheets.

Subtraction Word Problems

Learning can be a huge 'take away'! Find the difference between the numbers provided in each subtraction word problem. Large number subtraction up to six-digits can also be found here.

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

Bring on 'A' game with our addition and subtraction word problems! Read, analyze, and solve real-life scenarios based on adding and subtracting numbers as required.

Multiplication Word Problems

Get 'product'ive with over 100 highly engaging multiplication word problems! Find the product and use the answer key to verify your solution. Free worksheets are also available.

Division Word Problems

"Divide and conquer" this huge collection of division word problems. Exclusive worksheets are available for the division problem leaving no remainder and with the remainder.

Fraction Word Problems

Perform various mathematical operations to solve the umpteen number of word problems based on like and unlike fractions, proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers.

Decimal Word Problems

Let's get to the 'point'! Add, subtract, multiply, and divide to solve these decimal word problems. A wide selection of printable worksheets is available in this section. Use the answer key to verify your answers.

Ratio Word problems

Double up your success ratio with these sets of word problems, which cover a multitude of topics like express in the ratio, reducing the ratio, part-to-part ratio, part-to-whole ratio and more.

Venn Diagram Word Problems - Two Sets

Help your children improve their data analysis skills with these well-researched Venn diagram word problem worksheets. Find the union, intersection, complement and difference of two sets.

Venn Diagram Word Problems - Three Sets

These Venn diagram word problems provide ample practice in real-life application of Venn diagram involving three sets. The worksheets containing the universal set are also included.

Equation Word Problems

The printable worksheets here feature exercises consisting of one-step, two-step and multi-step equation word problems involving fractions, decimals and integers. MCQs to test the knowledge acquired have also been included.

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Addition Word Problems

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These introductory word problems for addition are perfect for first grade or second grade applied math.

Easy Addition Word Problems

Word Problems Worksheet Easy Addition Worksheet

Addition Word Problems 1

Word Problems Worksheet Addition Worksheet 1

Addition Word Problems 2

Word Problems Worksheet Addition Worksheet 2

Addition Word Problems 3

Word Problems Worksheet Addition Worksheet 3

Addition Word Problems 4

Word Problems Worksheet Addition Worksheet 4

Worksheets for Addition Word Problems

We have to start somewhere, and these addition word problem worksheets are the easiest introduction to using stories to describe math problems. These are perfect for first grade or second grade students who have a basic understanding of addition facts and are looking to apply that knowledge to real-world situations.

Each group of worksheets has four variations with different problems, along with answer keys. As you move through the sets of worksheets the addition problems will get slightly more challenging, although the basic word problems mechanics will remain the same.

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Free Printable Addition Word Problems worksheets

Addition Word Problems: Discover a collection of free printable math worksheets, designed to help students develop essential problem-solving skills while mastering addition concepts. Ideal for math teachers and learners alike!


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Explore printable Addition Word Problems worksheets

Addition Word Problems worksheets are an essential tool for teachers to help students develop a strong foundation in math. These worksheets provide a variety of math word problems that cater to different grade levels, allowing teachers to easily differentiate instruction and challenge their students. With a focus on addition, these worksheets help students practice their problem-solving skills, enhance their understanding of mathematical concepts, and improve their overall math proficiency. By incorporating these addition word problems worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can create engaging and interactive learning experiences that will not only help students excel in math but also foster a love for the subject.

Quizizz is an innovative platform that offers a wide range of educational resources, including Addition Word Problems worksheets, to support teachers in their quest to provide the best possible learning experience for their students. In addition to these math word problems worksheets, Quizizz also offers various other tools and features that can help teachers assess their students' progress, identify areas for improvement, and tailor their instruction accordingly. With Quizizz, teachers can create custom quizzes, assign homework, and even host live games to make learning math more fun and engaging for students of all grade levels. By integrating Quizizz into their teaching strategies, educators can ensure that their students receive a well-rounded and comprehensive math education that sets them up for success in the future.

Word Problems Involving Addition and Subtraction

Word problems involving addition and subtraction are discussed here step by step.

There are no magic rules to make problem solving easy, but a systematic approach can help to the problems easily. 

Word problems based on addition are broadly of two types: (a) When objects of two or more collections are put together.  For example:

Amy has 20 lemon sweets and 14 orange sweets. What is the total number of sweets Amy has?  (b) When an increase in number takes place. 

For example:

Victor has 14 stamps. His friend gave him 23 stamps. How many stamps does Victor have in all? The key words used in problems involving addition are:

s um; total; in all; all together.

Word problems based on subtraction are of several types: (a) Partitioning : Take away, remove, given away.

(b) Reducing : Find out how much has been given away or how much remains.

(c) Comparison : More than / less than.

(d) Inverse of addition : How much more to be added. The key words to look out for in a problem sum involving subtraction are: take away; how many more ; how many less ; how many left ; greater ; smaller.

1. The girls had 3 weeks to sell tickets for their play. In the first week, they sold 75 tickets. In the second week they sold 108 tickets and in the third week they sold 210 tickets. How may tickets did they sell in all? Tickets sold in the first week = 75

Tickets sold in the second week = 108

Tickets sold in the third week = 210

Total number of tickets sold = 75 + 108 + 210 = 393

Answer: 393 tickets were sold in all.

2. Mr. Bose spent $450 for petrol on Wednesday. He spent $125 more than that on Thursday. How much did he spend on petrol on those two days. This problem has to be solved in two steps.

Step 1: Money spent for petrol on Thursday

450 + 125 = $575 Step 2: Money spent for petrol on both days

450 + 575 = $1025

Examples on word problems on addition and subtraction:

1. What is the sum of 4373, 4191 and 3127? Solution: The numbers are arranged in columns and added.

(i) Ones are added: 3 + 1 + 7 = 11 = 1 Ten + 1 one

(ii) Tens are added: 1 + 7 + 9 + 2 = 19 tens

= 1 hundred + 9 ten

(iii) Hundreds are added: 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 6 Hundred

(iv) Thousands are added: 4 + 4 + 3 = 11 Thousand

Therefore, sum =11,691

2. What is the difference of 3867 and 1298?

Solution: The numbers are arranged in columns and subtracted:

(i) Ones are subtracted: 7 < 8

1 is borrowed from 6 ten. So, 1 T or 10 + 7 = 17,

17 - 8 = 9

(ii) Tens are subtracted; 5 T < 9 T,

So, 1 H or 10 T is borrowed from 8 H, 1 H = 10 T + 5 T = 15T

15T - 9T = 6

(iii) Hundreds are subtracted 7 H – 2 H = 5 H

(iv) Thousands are subtracted 3 Th – 1 Th = 2 Th

Therefore, difference = 2569

3. Subtract 4358 from the sum of 5632 and 1324. Solution: Sum of 5632 and 1324

Difference of 6956 and 4358

(i) 6 < 8, 1 T or 10 ones are borrowed

1 T or 10+ 6 =16, 16 - 8 = 8

(ii) 4 T < 5 T, 1 H or 10 T is borrowed

10 T + 4 T = 14 T, 14 T – 5 T = 9 T

(iii) 8 H – 3 H = 5 H

(iv) 6 Th – 4 Th = 2 Th

Therefore, 2598 is the answer.

4. Find the number, which is

(i) 1240 greater than 3267.

(ii) 1353 smaller than 5292. Solution: (i) The number is 1240 more than 3267

Word Problems on Addition

Therefore, the number = 3267 + 1240 or = 4507 (ii) The number is 1353 less than 5292

Word Problems on Subtraction

= 5292 – 1353 or

5. The population of a town is 16732. If there are 9569 males then find the number of females in the town. Solution:

Population of the town

Number of males

Therefore, number of females

=   1 6 7 3 2
=     7 1 6 3

6. In a factory there are 35,675 workers. 10,750 workers come in the first shift, 12,650 workers in the second shift and the rest come in the third shift. How many workers come in the third shift? Solution: Number of workers coming in the first and second shift

Word Problems on Addition

= 10750 + 12650 = 23400

Word Problems on Subtraction

Therefore, number of workers coming in the third shift = 35675 - 23400 = 12275

Related Concept

● Word Problems on Addition

● Subtraction

● Check for Subtraction and Addition

● Word Problems Involving Addition and Subtraction

● Estimating Sums and Differences

● Find the Missing Digits

● Multiplication

● Multiply a Number by a 2-Digit Number

● Multiplication of a Number by a 3-Digit Number

● Multiply a Number

● Estimating Products

● Word Problems on Multiplication

● Multiplication and Division

● Terms Used in Division

● Division of Two-Digit by a One-Digit Numbers

● Division of Four-Digit by a One-Digit Numbers

● Division by 10 and 100 and 1000

● Dividing Numbers

● Estimating the Quotient

● Division by Two-Digit Numbers

● Word Problems on Division

4th Grade Math Activities From Word Problems Involving Addition and Subtraction to

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Addition word problems

 Addition word problems arise in any situations where there is a gain or an increase of something as a result of combining one or more numbers. Think of addition as combining parts to form a whole.

Consider the following situations. Problem #1: John has 800 dollars in his checking account. He received from his job a check for 1,200 dollars and deposit the amount in his checking account. How much money does he have in his checking after the deposit? Solution The fact of receiving money from his job is a gain. Therefore, we need to perform addition.

Adding 1200 and 800

Total amount in checking account = 800 + 1200 = 2000 dollars Problem #2: Peter sells ice cream for a living. On Monday his revenue was 150 dollars. On Tuesday, his revenue was 100 dollars. Finally, on Wednesday, his revenue was 50 dollars. How much is Peter's revenue so far? Solution Peter is experiencing a gain in revenue. Therefore, we use addition.

Adding 150, 50 and 100

Peter's revenue = 150 + 50 + 100 = 300 dollars Problem #3: Eiffel Tower is about 1063 feet high. The Statue of Liberty along with its foundation and pedestal is about 305 feet. If you could put the Statue of Liberty on top of the Eiffel Tower, how high up in heaven will the two monuments reach? Solution The situation above is a combination of parts to form a whole. Therefore, we use addition.

Adding 1063 and 305

Problem #4:

Ana found a 15 dollar bill on the floor on Saturday.

Then on Sunday her parents gave her 155 dollars. How much does Ana have all together?

CLUE: Saturday~15 dollars Sunday~155 dollars

Solution: 15+155 = 170 dollars all together

Subtraction word problems

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An arithmetical word problem-solving intervention for disadvantaged French kindergarten children

  • Published: 26 June 2024

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word problem solving addition

  • Marie-Caroline Croset   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2399-5883 1 ,
  • Sébastien Caudron 2 ,
  • Laure Mondelain 1 ,
  • Ahmed Zaher 2 ,
  • Hamid Chaachoua 1 &
  • Karine Mazens 2  

Previous research has shown the importance of conducting early interventions in mathematics in disadvantaged children. Solving arithmetical word problems is a field in which children particularly fail. In this study, preschoolers from disadvantaged French public schools ( n  = 101; M age  = 5–6) were taught strategies for using fingers to solve arithmetic word problems and compared with a control group. The intervention consisted of collective rituals based on learning finger patterns and 7 sessions spread over 4 weeks, for about 20 min, focusing on explaining how to use the fingers to solve problems. The results showed that the intervention has a significant post-test impact on the targeted transformation problem-solving skill and that children with lower performances in problem-solving at the pre-test benefited more from the intervention. The intervention also indirectly benefited the other problem-solving skills. However, there was no intervention effect on the arithmetic addition task. Our research highlights that an intervention focused on the explicit teaching of finger strategies for problem-solving can be successfully implemented into ecological learning contexts, especially in disadvantaged areas.

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word problem solving addition

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We wish to thank the 4 teachers, Anne Divisia, Nicolas Le Gac, Géraldine Mastrot and Hélène Stoffel, from the Irem (Institute for Research into Mathematics Teaching) who collaborated on this project. We warmly thank the 12 teachers and all kindergartens who participated in our study.

This research was supported by funding from the Pégase project, with the support of the French state, through the “Territories of educational innovation” plan which is part of the Future Investment Programme, run by the Caisse des Dépôts.

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LIG, CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes, 38000, Grenoble, France

Marie-Caroline Croset, Laure Mondelain & Hamid Chaachoua

Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LPNC, 38000, Grenoble, France

Sébastien Caudron, Ahmed Zaher & Karine Mazens

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Correspondence to Marie-Caroline Croset .

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Current themes of research:

Number abilities. Disadvantaged kindergarteners. Preschool mathematics instruction. Qualitative and quantitative research. Links between research in cognitive science and research in mathematics education.

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Croset, M.-C., Courtier, P., & Gardes, M.-L. (2023). The impact of the Montessori education on early number learning in French pre-schools. Swiss Journal of Educational Research , 45 (3), Article 3. https://doi.org/10.24452/sjer.45.3.7 .

Gardes, M.-L., Croset, M.-C., Courtier, P., & Prado, J. (2021). Comment la didactique des mathématiques peut-elle informer l’étude de la cognition numérique ? L’exemple d’une étude collaborative autour de la pédagogie Montessori à l’école maternelle. Raisons éducatives , N° 25 (1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.3917/raised.025.0237 .

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The Lucky-Luke game

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About this article

Croset, MC., Caudron, S., Mondelain, L. et al. An arithmetical word problem-solving intervention for disadvantaged French kindergarten children. Eur J Psychol Educ (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-024-00861-2

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Received : 02 August 2023

Revised : 07 May 2024

Accepted : 22 May 2024

Published : 26 June 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-024-00861-2

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