Primary Homework Help
The Vikings

by Mandy Barrow


The Viking Age in Britain began about 1,200 years ago in the 9th Century AD and lasted for just over 200 years.

About the year 800, bands of fierce raiders began to attack our coasts. They were the Vikings (also called the Danes although they didn't just come from Denmark. See below).

The Vikings came across the North Sea, just as the Anglo-Saxons had done 400 years earlier. In time, like the , the Vikings made their home here. They drove the Saxons out of part of the country and took it for themselves.

King Alfred, Saxon king of Wessex, fought them in a great battle, but he could not drive them right away and had to let them have part of the country, called Danelaw.

did the Vikings come from? were the Vikings? did they invade Britain? did the Vikings invade Britain? in Britain? did the Vikings follow? like? like?

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viking homework tasks


viking homework tasks


viking homework tasks

Meet the Vikings primary resource

Learn all about the legendary warriors and their way of life.

This primary resource introduces children to Viking life and culture. Who exactly were these legendary warriors? When did the Vikings invade British shores? What were they known for?

Pupils will learn about aspects of Viking life, such as social hierarchy, battle techniques and diet, in our National Geographic Kids’ Vikings primary resource sheet.

The teaching resource can be used in study group tasks for exploring Viking clothing and social roles, as a printed handout for each pupil to review and annotate, or for display on the interactive whiteboard using the illustrations and short snippets of information included in the resource for class discussion.

Activity: Ask children to choose one of the Viking characters included in the resource and role play them in a short scene. They could use the Viking primary resource sheet as a guide for drawing and labelling traditional Viking dress, or write a newspaper report about the activities of Viking warriors.

N.B. The following information for mapping the resource documents to the school curriculum is specifically tailored to the English National Curriculum and Scottish Curriculum for Excellence . We are currently working to bring specifically tailored curriculum resource links for our other territories; including South Africa , Australia and New Zealand . If you have any queries about our upcoming curriculum resource links, please email: [email protected]

This History primary resource assists with teaching the following History objectives from the National Curriculum :

  • Know and understand the history of these islands as a coherent, chronological narrative, from the earliest times to the present day: how people’s lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world
  • Know and understand the history of these islands as a coherent, chronological narrative, from the earliest times to the present day: how people’s lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world.
  • Gain historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts, understanding the connections between local, regional, national and international history; between cultural, economic, military, political, religious and social history; and between short- and long-term timescales.

National Curriculum Key Stage 1 History objective:  

  • Pupils should be taught significant historical events, people and places in their own locality

National Curriculum Key Stage 2 History objective:

  • Pupils should be taught about: the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor

This History primary resource assists with teaching the following Social Studies Second level objective from the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence :

  • I can discuss why people and events from a particular time in the past were important, placing them within a historical sequence  
  • I can compare and contrast a society in the past with my own and contribute to a discussion of the similarities and differences

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Home Lessons Middle Ages The Vikings

Lessons on The Vikings

The Cunning History Teacher’s Lesson Plans on the Vikings, offer students with a detailed understanding of the events, people, and forces that shaped the Viking Age.

One of the key themes of our Lesson Plans is the examination of the Viking society and culture. Students will learn about their daily life, including their social classes, family structure, and religious beliefs. They will also learn about their seafaring capabilities and the technology they used for their voyages.

Another important aspect of the Lesson Plans is the examination of the Viking’s expansion and impact on Europe. Students will learn about their raids, trade, and settlements in Europe, and the ways in which it affected the people living in the areas they conquered. They will also learn about the cultural exchange between the Vikings and the people they encountered and the lasting impact it had on European society.

We also include a focus on the legacy of the Vikings. Students will learn about the ongoing impact of the Vikings on European culture and history, as well as the ways in which the Viking Age continues to shape the continent and its people. They will also learn about the efforts to recognise and understand the Vikings, and the ways in which contemporary society can learn from and respond to this history.

Overall, our Lesson Plans offer a comprehensive and engaging look at the history of the Vikings. Through a combination of primary source analysis, critical thinking, and historical context, students will gain a deeper understanding of this complex and important period of history. These lesson plans are perfect for any teacher looking to provide their students with a detailed and thoughtful look at the Viking Age and its impact on the world.

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The Vikings

viking homework tasks

Who were the Vikings?

The Vikings came from all around Scandinavia (where Norway, Sweden and Denmark are today). They sent armies to Britain about the year 700 AD to take over some of the land, and they lived here until around 1050.

Even though the Vikings didn’t stay in Britain, they left a strong mark on society – we’ve even kept some of the same names of towns. They had a large settlement around York and the Midlands, and you can see some of the artefacts from Viking settlements today.

Top 10 facts

  • The Vikings are also called Norsemen, and came from Scandinavia.
  • They spoke Norse , which had an alphabet made up of characters called runes.
  • They travelled over the sea in longships, which are long, narrow wooden boats that could be sailed in both deep and shallow water.
  • The Vikings left their homeland because they were looking for better places to farm than the kind of terrain that Scandinavia had.
  • The Vikings first attacked Britain in 787 AD, but didn’t start to invade and settle in the British Isles until 793 .
  • In 878, King Alfred the Great defeated the Vikings in battle and had them sign a treaty saying they had to keep to their own land in England – this section of land was called Danelaw.
  • Jorvik was a large Viking kingdom around York ; the last king of Jorvik was Eric Bloodaxe in 954.
  • Viking warriors believed that when they died in battle, they went to Valhalla – this is where the king of the gods lived, named Odin.
  • England once had a Viking king: King Canute ruled from 1016-1035, and his descendants ruled until 1042.
  • A few weeks before the Anglo-Saxons were defeated in the Battle of Hastings in 1066 , they defeated Viking warriors near York, led by Harald Hardrada at the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

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  • 793 The Vikings attacked a monastery at Lindisfarne in Northumbria and started to settle in England
  • 866 The Vikings raided and conquered York, and established the Viking Kingdom of Jorvik

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  • 878 Alfred the Great defeated the Vikings at the Battle of Ethandun
  • 886 The boundary between Anglo-Saxon and Viking territories was established, called Danelaw
  • 950 Viking armies raided Wales
  • 954 The Viking Kingdom of Jorvik became part of England again
  • 994 Viking armies from Denmark and Norway attempted to raid London, but were defeated

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  • 25 September 1066 The Battle of Stamford Bridge took place near York, between the Anglo-Saxons and Viking invaders led by Harald Hardrada
  • 14 October 1066 William from Normandy, "William the Conqueror", won the Battle of Hastings and the Normans began to rule England

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Did you know?

  • The word ‘Viking’ means ‘a pirate raid’ in the Norse language, which is what the Vikings spoke.
  • ‘-by’, as in Corby or Whitby, means ‘farm’ or ‘town’
  • ‘-thorpe’, as in Scunthorpe, means ‘village’
  • The Viking alphabet, ‘Futhark’, was made up of 24 characters called runes. Each one stood for entire words or gods, as well as sounds.
  • There was a large Viking community around York called Jorvik. Archaeologists have found out a lot about the Vikings thanks to the artefacts they found there.
  • The Vikings kept long benches in their homes that they’d use to sit on during the day, and then to sleep on at night. Only rich people had beds.
  • In Viking times, people usually just took baths once a week! This was often on Saturdays.
  • The Normans from France who defeated the Anglo-Saxons in the Battle of Hastings were actually descendants of Vikings! Vikings settled around more places than just Britain – they went to Ireland , Iceland, Greenland, France and Spain too.

Can you find the following in the gallery below?

  • A map showing where the Vikings originally lived, and where they settled in Britain and Ireland
  • A map showing the Danelaw
  • A replica of a Viking longboat
  • What a Viking warrior would have looked like
  • A Viking warrior’s helmet
  • What a Viking man would have worn
  • What a Viking woman would have worn
  • The names of clothing that the Vikings wore
  • Weapons that the Vikings used
  • A Viking ship reconstruction
  • A Viking village reconstructed in Ukranenland, an archeological village-museum in Germany
  • Viking gold bracelets
  • A Viking boat sculpture in Iceland
  • An illustration of a Viking boat
  • A re-enactment of Viking life

viking homework tasks

The Vikings wanted new land because the places where they came from in Scandinavia – Norway, Sweden and Denmark – weren’t very easy to live in. It was hard to grow crops, which meant there wasn’t a lot of food as the population got bigger. Britain and Europe had plenty of good farmland , so the Vikings tried to claim some of that land for themselves.

Even though the Anglo-Saxons were pretty well established in England, the Vikings would turn up every now and then to raid towns and take a bit of land. Sometimes, instead of fighting the Vikings, the Anglo-Saxons decided it was better to pay them money so they’d stay away. This payment was called Danegeld.

The first Viking attack on England was in 787 on the Isle of Portland. The Vikings went home straight afterwards, but they came back to England in 793 and raided a monastery at Lindisfarne. Monastaries made easy targets because the monks who lived there didn’t have any weapons, and they did have money and food.

The Vikings believed in many different gods , and they thought making sacrifices to the gods kept them all happy. They also told stories about the gods, called Norse mythology . Some of the gods included:

  • Thor , the god of thunder
  • Idun , the goddess of spring
  • Odin , the king of gods and the god of war

The Vikings believed that if a warrior died while fighting in battle, he’d go to Valhalla , which is where Odin was. Other heroes who had died would also be there. Odin would send his warrior maidens, called Valkyries, across the sky to ferry dead warriors to Valhalla.

Viking warriors were very good fighters. They’d wear helmets and carry shields to defend themselves, and they’d also have one of these weapons:

  • spear – a leaf shape or spike at the end of a wooden shaft
  • sword – these were expensive to make and usually double-edged, and warriors would decorate the hilts
  • battle axe – an axe with a long handle, and cheaper to make than a sword

Boats that the Vikings built are called longships – they are long, narrow boats that can be used in both deep and shallow water, making them perfect for travelling over the ocean and carrying lots of warriors onto the shore. Longships were symmetrical, meaning they looked the same at the front as they did at the back. They’d often have dragon heads carved at either end.

VIkings sailed all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to Newfoundland in North America in their longships!

Viking homes were long too – they were called longhouses ! They were rectangular, made from wood and were usually just one big room without any inside walls. There would be one big fire pit in the centre for cooking and keeping the house warm. The roof was covered in thatch, and there was a hole in the middle for smoke from the fire to go through. Benches around the house would be used both to sit on and to sleep on.

Most clothes that the Vikings had were made from wool, but they also had some clothes made from linen. They used dyes made from plants and minerals to make red, green, brown, yellow and blue, so their clothes were very colourful.

Viking men wore a long shirt, trousers with a drawstring tie and a coat with a belt around the waist. Viking women wore long dresses with a tunic over the top that was held up by two brooches pinned at the shoulders. Both men and women wore woollen socks and leather shoes.

Alfred the Great defeated the Vikings at the Battle of Ethandun (in modern day Wiltshire). After this, he and the Vikings agreed to set boundaries for their kingdoms. The area that the Vikings lived in was called Danelaw, and it meant that the land south of the diagonal line between London and Chester belonged to King Alfred (Wessex). Danelaw eventually became smaller and smaller as the Anglo-Saxons took more and more control.

Jorvik was a large Viking kingdom around York. The last king of Jorvik was Eric Bloodaxe, who was driven out in 954. The Vikings in England then agreed to be ruled by the king of England rather than having their own king.

But, that doesn’t mean that the king of England couldn’t be a Viking! The first Viking king of England was King Canute in 1016. He ruled until 1035, and then his sons were kings after that – but only for a total of seven years. Harold Harefoot was king until 1040, then Hardicanute was king until 1042.

Names to know:

King Canute (ruled as king of England from 1016-1035) – Canute was the first Viking king of England. He won a battle against Edmund II that divided their kingdoms, but when Edmund died Canute ruled both kingdoms. His sons, Harold Harefoot and then Hardicanute, ruled until 1042.

Harald Hardrada (c.1015-1066) – Harald Hardrada was the king of Norway. He led Viking armies into England, but was defeated at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in York by King Harold II.

Leif Erikson (c.970-1020) – Leif Erikson was a famous Viking explorer who sailed all the way to North America. 

Eric Bloodaxe (died in 954) – Eric Bloodaxe was king of the Viking kingdom of Jorvik between 947-948 and 952-954. He was the last king of Jorvik before it became part of England.

Related Videos

Just for fun...

  • Type your name into the box and see how it looks written in Viking runes!
  • Have Mum or Dad help you make some porridge in the way that the Vikings would have had it
  • Watch Horrible Histories songs about the Vikings, the  Vikings & Garkunkel Song and  The Vikings - Literally
  • Print some Viking colouring sheets  and a  Viking Age boat to colour in
  • Make your own Viking tortoise brooches and try  Viking cord winding
  • You'll find amazing artefacts from the Viking Age on the Jorvik Discover from Home  webpage, as well as Viking colouring, puzzles, crafts, stories and videos
  • Quiz yourself on the Vikings
  • Make your own Viking name
  • Bake your own Viking flatbread
  • The Cbeebies television show Gudrun the Viking Princess offers a glimpse of what life might have been like for the Vikings a thousand years ago
  • Listen to a collection of Viking sagas  told by Loki, Viking god of fire, on BBC Schools Radio
  • Read a National Geographic kids comic set on a Viking longboat
  • Make your own Viking shield , Viking longboat and Viking helmet with step-by-step instructions and videos from Hobbycraft
  • Try some Viking puzzles from the Yorvik Centre
  • Step back to 876AD and make your own Viking longship, Viking longship figurehead and Viking helmet

Children's books about the Vikings

viking homework tasks

See for yourself

  • Visit Jorvik Viking Centre  in York to go back in time and see what it was like to live as a Viking
  • See a Viking coin made in England  for a Viking ruler
  • Step into a  Viking Longhouse reconstruction at the Ancient Technology Outdoor Education Centre
  • At the National Museum of Scotland, see the Galloway Hoard , the richest collection of rare and unique Viking-age objects ever found in the British Isles

Find out more:

  • Watch BBC Bitesize animations about the Vikings
  • A children's introduction to the Vikings from DKfindout!
  • See an animated film about the life of a ten-year-old Viking boy
  • Learn about everyday life in the Viking age
  • Find out about the Vikings in Scotland with BBC Bitesize animations
  • Watch a virtual tour of the British Museum's  Vikings Live  exhibition
  • Discover the  secrets of Viking ships
  • "Walk" through a real Viking village
  • Read stories and sagas from the Viking world – we've collected the best kids' books about the Vikings
  • Find out about the Viking words we use in English place names . Did you know that words like berserk, ugly, muck, knife, die and cake come from Old Norse, the Viking language ?
  • Information about  Viking gods and mythology
  • Did Vikings have horned helmets? Find out!
  • See some images of Viking clothes  and Viking jewellery  and find out about Viking pets
  • The Vikings were warriors of the sea. Find out more about Viking voyages and sea-faring life
  • Download a  Viking information booklet, packed with pictures
  • Watch a video about the Vikings Eric the Red and his son Leif Ericson, who explored areas of Greenland and North America

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viking homework tasks

Teaching Ideas

Viking Shield Templates

Use these templates and examples to design your own Viking shield.

viking homework tasks

The Viking Alphabet

A number of resources are available below for use when your children are learning about the Viking alphabet.

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Vikings Photos

Lots of photo resources showing photos of different Viking objects.

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Vikings Image Bank

A variety of posters and cards showing images based on the Vikings.

viking homework tasks

The Vikings Pack

Teach your children about the Vikings with our collection of resources!

Vikings Story

Act out this story about a Viking family feud.

viking homework tasks

Vikings Fact Cards

Teach your children about the Vikings with twenty fascinating fact cards! They’re great for classroom displays or as a research resource.

viking homework tasks

The Vikings Banner

Are you making a classroom display about the Vikings? Here is a free banner for you to print and use.

ELC logo

ELC Home Education: KS3 History - the Vikings

This is a 6 week course on the Vikings aimed at families Home Educating. Enrollment lasts 6 weeks and payment should be made via PayPal.

Course curriculum

Wk 1: who were the vikings.

WK 1 - Who were the Vikings Lesson Material

Who were the Vikings?

Comprehensive Crash Course Video about the Vikings

Viking Longships Video

All About the Vikings Poster

Viking Longship Homework Task

WK 2: Viking Religion

Lesson Material on Viking Religion

What values did the Vikings have?

Viking Gods and Goddesses

Useful Video on Viking Gods and Goddesses

Homework Task on Norse Gods

WK 3: Viking Voyages

Viking Voyages Lesson Material

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Watch this documentary on Viking battles:

WK 4: Viking Weapons

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Video on how to fight like a Viking

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WK 5: How Violent were the Vikings?

How Violent were the Vikings? Lesson Material

The Great Heathen Army Video

Violent Viking Homework Tasks

WK 6: Norse Mythology

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Nine Worlds of the Norsemen


5 under-the-radar players the Vikings need to make the jump this season

Joe nelson | 3 hours ago.

Brandon Powell catches a pass during Vikings organized team activities.

  • Minnesota Vikings

The 2024-25 Minnesota Vikings outlook isn't garnering high hopes from the national media , but that doesn't mean there isn't localized confidence at TCO Performance Center in Eagan, Minn. But if the Vikings are going to surprise the doubters, they'll need a handful of players to make the leap this season.

That's why training camp and the preseason will be a critical tone-setting period for at least five players, who we believe are under-the-radar names that will be critical to a winning season. And because they're under the radar, we're not talking about Minnesota's spring splash signings like Sam Darnold, Jonathan Greenard, Blake Cashman and Andrew Van Ginkel. Let's dig in...

1. Brandon Powell, WR

Powell is locked and loaded as Minnesota's No. 3 wide receiver behhind the elite duo of Justin Jefferson and Jordan Addison . Powell had 29 receptions for 324 yards and a touchdown last season, but he's likely going to be on the field more in 2024-25 and working short and intermediate routes while Jefferson and Addison open up the field.

Vikings quarterbacks targeted Powell 44 times last season, but with K.J. Osborn now playing for the Patriots, that frees up the WR3 role and the 75 targets Osborn had. If Powell isn't the guy who steps up, then it will have to be Jalen Nailor, Trent Sherfield or another unproven receiver on the roster.

2. Robert Tonyan, TE

No player on the Vikings was targeted more times than T.J. Hockenson (127) last season. If Jefferson is healthy all season he'll be the unquestioned target king, but Hockenson's role as a tight end is critical to helping open things up for Jefferson and Addison. With Hockenson probably missing the first 4-6 weeks of the season as he rehabs his torn ACL, Tonyan is going to be asked to fill the hole.

Tonyan, 30, had just 11 receptions with the Bears last season but two seasons ago he hauled in 53 passes from Aaron Rodgers for 470 yards and a pair of touchdowns. By all accounts he has looked fantastic during organized team activities and mandatory minicamp, and he has a chance to help ease any concerns the Vikings have about the tight end position until Hockenson returns.

3. Jerry Tillery, DL

Tillery is on a one-year prove-it contract and the opportunity to rush the passer from the defensive line be huge in defensive coordinator Brian Flores' scheme.

Think about it like this: Tillery can line up anywhere on the D-line in Minnesota's 3-4 defense and Flores could find creative ways to get Tillery in one-on-one situations with his blitz-heavy attack. And while Danielle Hunter and D.J. Wonnum formed a good pass-rush duo last season, the refreshed roster in 2024-25 will feature rookie Dallas Turner and proven edge rushers Jonathan Greenard and Andrew Van Ginkel.

Tillery had 31 tackles and two sacks to go along with 29 pressures with the Raiders last season, according to Pro Football Focus. The 6-foot-6, 295-pounder was a first-round pick by the Chargers in 2019 and was ultimately cut midway through the 2022 season, which led him to the Raiders.

It's up to Tillery to live up to his former first-round hype, and this is a great opportunity to take the step and shed the draft bust label.

4. The guards... anyone?

The Vikings have two good tackles in Christian Darrisaw and Brian O'Neill and a solid enough center in Garrett Bradbury, but good luck finding Randal McDaniel or David Dixon walking through the door to start at left and right guard. Instead, the Vikings clearly are having a guard competition between Blake Brandel, Ed Ingram and Dalton Risner.

Brandel is thought to be an early favorite to win the left guard job, which if true would leave Ingram battling Risner for the right guard job. Risner was a good starting left guard after he arrived last September and Ingram has continued to struggle in pass protection.

Ingram has started 32 games at right guard since being drafted in the second round in 2022 and last season he was charged with allowing five sacks and 15 quarterback hits on 42 total pressures, according to PFF.

5. Any cornerback behind the top two

The pressure is really on Byron Murphy Jr. and Shaq Griffin as the top two corners on the roster, but the Vikings desperately need some depth corners to take the next step. Last year's second-round pick, Mehki Blackmon, will be one to watch during camp while Akayleb Evans and Andrew Booth Jr., both members of the infamous 2022 draft class, are in serious danger of sliding down the depth chart.

The pressure is even greater if rookie Khyree Jackson lives up to the hype a strong one-on-one corner and undrafted free agent Dwight McGlothern keeps raising eyebrows with solid practices.

Murphy and Griffin certainly need to be good, but any of the others making the jump will be huge.

Joe Nelson

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Year 6 Anglo Saxon/Viking Homework Grid

Year 6 Anglo Saxon/Viking Homework Grid

Subject: History

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity


Last updated

3 January 2021

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A creative topic homework grid based on the topic of Anglo Saxon and Vikings.

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    Make homework a little more interesting with this cross curricular Viking themed homework choice grid. Children can choose and highlight the activities they have completed at home! The grid provides a wide range of exciting Vikings homework tasks, from writing a Viking saga to creating a model of a longboat, catering to different learning styles and interests. Ideal for CfE First Level ...

  4. Eight Resources for Teaching the Vikings to Children

    8 + Resources to Use When Teaching The Vikings to Children. 8 min. November 18, 2022. The Vikings were a seafaring people who sailed from Scandinavia to explore and raid other lands from the 8th century to the 11th century. In this blog post, we've put together a list of eight amazing resources for teaching Vikings to children.

  5. Viking topic homework

    Viking topic homework. Subject: Cross-curricular topics. Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. pdf, 192.62 KB. docx, 138.59 KB. Vikings homework menu - includes a range of activities for chn to choose from, and some extra help on the back (page 2). Tes classic free licence.

  6. The Vikings in Europe

    Resources for History - Vikings. Our KS2 Viking activity sheets and resources are great for learning about the Vikings life and culture, using accurate and reliable Viking facts. Engage children by making longships in art lessons, develop language skills with Viking rune activities, get creative with Viking art or learn about Norse mythology with our poster packs.

  7. Vikings Homework Grid

    Make homework a little more interesting with this cross curricular Viking themed homework choice grid. Children can choose and highlight the activities they have completed at home! The grid provides a wide range of exciting Vikings homework tasks, from writing a Viking saga to creating a model of a longboat, catering to different learning styles and interests. Ideal for First Level Pupils. You ...

  8. THE VIKINGS Homework Booklet and Knowledge Organiser

    THE VIKINGS Homework Booklet and Knowledge Organiser. This 25-page workbook teaches children everything they need to know about the history topic, The Vikings. It has numerous tasks that are brilliant for setting as home learning or homework where children can independently work through the booklet. Also included is an answer booklet for easy ...

  9. Vikings KS2 Planning and Resources

    pdf, 206.25 KB. Vikings KS2 planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it: Lesson 1 - Viking Homework project and presentation. Lesson 2 - Viking artefacts. Lesson 3 - Compare the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. Lesson 4 - Anglo-Saxon and Viking timeline. Lesson 5 - Making choices faced by Vikings.

  10. Meet the Vikings primary resource

    Pupils will learn about aspects of Viking life, such as social hierarchy, battle techniques and diet, in our National Geographic Kids' Vikings primary resource sheet. The teaching resource can be used in study group tasks for exploring Viking clothing and social roles, as a printed handout for each pupil to review and annotate, or for display ...

  11. The Vikings Lesson Plans

    The Cunning History Teacher's Lesson Plans on the Vikings, offer students with a detailed understanding of the events, people, and forces that shaped the Viking Age. One of the key themes of our Lesson Plans is the examination of the Viking society and culture. Students will learn about their daily life, including their social classes, family ...

  12. The Vikings

    The Vikings came from all around Scandinavia (where Norway, Sweden and Denmark are today). They sent armies to Britain about the year 700 AD to take over some of the land, and they lived here until around 1050. Even though the Vikings didn't stay in Britain, they left a strong mark on society - we've even kept some of the same names of towns.

  13. Vikings

    Teach your children about the Vikings with our collection of resources! Vikings Story. by Mark Warner 24 February 2023. Act out this story about a Viking family feud. Vikings Fact Cards. ... Teaching Ideas has been sharing free ideas, activities and resources online since 1998. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to share their contributions.

  14. Vikings knowledge organiser

    Vikings knowledge organiser - probably one of the most captivating of KS2 history topics, the Vikings present wonderful opportunities to capitalise on pupils' fascination and to do some in-depth work on using sources and interpretations in particular. ... Ancient Egypt - SMART task - Puzzle corner: Mystery of the pyramids in the desert ...

  15. Viking Activities

    Prepare a meal using Viking ingredients. 8. Make a Viking village out of cardboard boxes, lollypop sticks, twigs, hay and moss. 9. Create Viking bunting. Put information about various aspects of the Viking era on each flag. 10. Research the Northern Lights. Viking God Matching Cards.

  16. Teacher's Pet » The Vikings Topic Pack

    For an even better way to find EYFS resources, discover tailored suggestions, and much more - visit the EYFS resource HUB! The Vikings Topic Pack Our biggest topic pack to date! Containing everything you need to teach your class about the age of the Vikings. Over 60 resources, - High quality downloadable teaching resource from Teacher's Pet.

  17. The Vikings Pack

    Three Vikings Runes Resources - A poster showing Viking runes, a Viking Runes challenge sheet and large Runes cards to use on display boards or for your classroom activities. Ten Vikings Story Starters - Inspiring images that can be used as the starting point for writing. Four Wordsearches and Crosswords - Differentiated wordsearches and ...

  18. ELC Home Education: KS3 History

    Violent Viking Homework Tasks. 6 WK 6: Norse Mythology. Viking Lesson Material. Nine Worlds of the Norsemen. ELC Website; All Courses (C) ELC 2020 Open in a new window. This is a 6 week course on the Vikings aimed at families Home Educating. Enrollment lasts 6 weeks and payment should be made via PayPal.

  19. Play outside and sing together: what living in Denmark taught me ...

    2. Teach children how to think not what to think. Vikings don't start school until six years old (seven in Finland). They're eased in with short days, no grades, tests or homework until around age 11.

  20. How much does it matter if Vikings are winners in 2024?

    The Vikings have one more week of Organized Team Activities — the abbreviation OTAs sounds so much better and less like structured time at a preschool — before taking off for a month-plus ...

  21. Vikings for Kids

    One Week Viking Topic Morning Activities. 4.1 (8 reviews) Viking God Matching Cards. 4.5 (8 reviews) Viking Helmet Augmented Reality (AR) 3D Model. Viking Mythological Creature Matching Cards. 5.0 (2 reviews) KS2 The Vikings Handwriting Activity Booklet. Viking Timeline Ordering Activity Worksheet.

  22. 5 under-the-radar players the Vikings need to make the jump this season

    The 2024-25 Minnesota Vikings outlook isn't garnering high hopes from the national media, but that doesn't mean there isn't localized confidence at TCO Performance Center in Eagan, Minn. But if ...

  23. FREE!

    Teach children all about the Vikings from home with ease by using these engaging, cross-curricular resources.Inspiring children to practise their multiplication and division skills, as well as improving their fluency in English with 60 second reads, this bumper pack will keep children engaged and educated. The perfect resource pack to boost learning across the curriculum during school closures.

  24. Year 6 Anglo Saxon/Viking Homework Grid

    Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. docx, 248.2 KB. A creative topic homework grid based on the topic of Anglo Saxon and Vikings. Tes paid licence How can I reuse this?

  25. Vikings' 3 best trade targets to round out 2024 roster

    With a roster teeming with potential but also glaring holes, the Vikings' front office faces a crucial task: making the right trades to elevate the squad from playoff contenders to Super Bowl ...

  26. Vikings P3 Mini Home Learning Topic (teacher made)

    This topic grid has been designed by teachers with years of experience in CfE, so parents can be assured that it is of high quality and follows the Experiences, Outcomes and Benchmarks. This All About the Vikings Mini Home Learning Topic has been designed to support CfE First Level learners covering a topic about Vikings at home or for homework ...