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What should I include in my resume?

Whether you're a current federal employee or new to the federal government, your resume is the primary way for you to communicate your education, skills and experience.

Before you get started

Read the entire job announcement. Focus on the following sections to understand whether or not you qualify for the position. This critical information is found under:

  • Duties and Qualifications
  • How to Apply (including a preview of the assessment questionnaire, if applicable)
  • How You Will be Evaluated

Make sure you have the required experience and/or education before you apply. Hiring agencies use the job announcement to describe the job and the required qualifications, including:

  • Level and amount of experience

What to include in your resume

Federal jobs often require that you have experience in a particular type of work for a certain period of time. You must show how your skills and experiences meet the qualifications and requirements listed in the job announcement to be considered for the job.

Include important contact information

Don't forget to add current contact information. Most job applications require this information:

  • Phone number

Read the job opportunity carefully to make sure you have included all required contact information.

Include dates, hours, level of experience and examples for each work experience

For each work experience you list, make sure you include:

  • Start and end dates (including the month and year).
  • The number of hours you worked per week.
  • The level and amount of experience—for instance, whether you served as a project manager or a team member helps to illustrate your level of experience.
  • Examples of relevant experiences and accomplishments that prove you can perform the tasks at the level required for the job as stated in the job announcement. Your experience needs to address every required qualification.

Program Analyst GS-343-11 January 2009—Present 40 Hours/Week $63,000/Year

  • Experience/Accomplishment

Include volunteer work and roles in community organizations

Don't limit yourself to only including paid work experience. Include relevant volunteer work or community organizations roles that demonstrate your ability to do the job.

Use numbers to highlight your accomplishments

Use numbers, percentages or dollars to highlight your accomplishments—you can find this information in things like your performance reviews, previous job descriptions, awards and letters of recommendation.

When explaining your accomplishments:

  • Include examples of how you saved money, earned money or managed money.
  • Include examples of how you saved or managed time.
  • "Improved efficiency of document processing by 25 percent over the previous year".
  • "Wrote 25 news releases in a three-week period under daily deadlines".
  • "Managed a student organization budget of more than $7,000".
  • "Wrote prospect letter that has brought in more than $25,000 in donations to date".

These statements show in concrete terms what you accomplished.

More resume writing tips

Customize your resume.

You should tailor your resume to the job announcement rather than sending out the same resume for every job. Customizing your resume helps you match your competencies, knowledge, skills, abilities and experience to the requirements for each job. Emphasize your strengths and include everything you've done that relates to the job you're seeking. Leave out experience that isn't relevant.

Use similar terms and address every required qualification

Your experience needs to address every required qualification in the job announcement. Hiring agencies will look for specific terms in your resume to make sure you have the experience they're seeking.

For example, if the qualifications section says you need experience with “MS Project” you need to use the words ” MS Project” in your resume.

Organize your resume to make it easy to understand

You need to organize your resume to help agencies evaluate your experience. If you don't provide the information required for the hiring agency to determine your qualifications, you might not be considered for the job.

  • Use reverse chronological order to list your experience—start with your most recent experience first and work your way back.
  • Provide greater detail for experience that is relevant to the job for which you are applying.
  • Show all experiences and accomplishments under the job in which you earned it. This helps agencies determine the amount of experience you have with that particular skill.
  • Use either bullet or paragraph format to describe your experiences and accomplishments.
  • Use plain language—avoid using acronyms and terms that are not easily understood.

Hiring agencies often receive dozens or even hundreds of resumes for certain positions. Hiring managers quickly skim through submissions and eliminate candidates who clearly are not qualified. Look at your resume and ask:

  • Can a hiring manager see my main credentials within 10 to 15 seconds?
  • Does critical information jump off the page?
  • Do I effectively sell myself on the top quarter of the first page?

Review your resume before you apply

Check your resume for spelling and grammatical errors and have someone else, with a good eye for detail, review your resume.

Important facts about the federal hiring process

  • The federal government does have a standard job application. Your resume is your application.
  • Hiring agencies use the job announcement to describe the job and list the required qualifications and responsibilities.
  • After applying, the hiring agency uses the information in your resume to verify if you have the required qualifications stated in the job announcement.
  • Once the hiring agency has determined who is qualified, they may use other assessments such as interviews or testing to determine the best qualified applications.

Learn more about the federal hiring process .

Additional resources

  • What should I leave out of my resume?
  • How to build a resume
  • How to create a resume

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Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock ( Lock A locked padlock ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

Quick Guide to Preparing a Resume For Federal Government Positions


Due to the volume of applications received for any given vacancy announcement within the website, your resume will most likely be processed through an electronic filtering mechanism before being reviewed by a Human Resources Specialist for a qualification determination. Your resume will also be screened according to certain preferences (e.g., Indian Preference, veterans, disability, etc.) and rated based on the extent and quality of your experience, education and training described on the vacancy announcement. It is essential that you tailor the experience listed on your federal resume to the specific position to which you are applying.

Once your application is rated, a quality review will be conducted by Office of Human Capital Management staff and/or a Subject Matter Expert (SME). Resumes are forwarded to the Hiring Manager for interview consideration. Once a hiring decision has been made, applicants will be notified.

Resume Writing

Before you begin, it may be helpful to compile all the information you want to include in your resume. The writing process will be much easier and faster.

It is important to thoroughly review the vacancy announcement for the position you are applying. You should tailor your resume to ensure you include the experience and skills that are required for the position.

What Should be Included in a Federal Resume?

A federal resume calls for some information that is not generally required on a standard resume for private industry positions, and not including the required information may immediately disqualify you from consideration. It is extremely important that you carefully read application instructions and include all required information. Below is an example of a resume for Federal employment:

First and Last Name Address City, State and Zip code Email address Phone Numbers

Special Hiring Authority: (Indian Preference, Veteran’s Preference or Person with Disability - Schedule A ) Federal Experience: ( Yes or No and Indicate Military, Federal or State Gov ) Security Clearance: ( Indicate what level and if it's still active ) OBJECTIVE: To obtain a full-time position in public service with ( Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs as a (Indicate the position including announcement Number if there is one )  

SKILLS SUMMARY: ( Has 3 elements: An introductory paragraph, list of skills directly related to the position, and your skills you have acquired throughout your career, that you want to highlight ) (1st Element: The introductory paragraph - Must be specific and highly detailed for each job series and position you're applying to. You need to outline all the specific skills you have that are directly related to the position you are seeking including Key Words identified in the positions description.) Focused and highly motivated management professional, with 12 + years of extensive experience in Strategic Workforce Planning , EEO , OHR and Diversity Mgt . Utilizing my background in Disability, Accommodations, Business Operations, Project Management, and Statistical Analysis to develop comprehensive programs based on the employment needs and mission of the agency. Deploying metric -based solutions and maximizing our ROI . I'm an innovative and energetic team player, relationship builder, and highly effective communicator. (2nd Element: List of skills directly related to the position and the Key Words you identified - Back up your skill summary with specific examples from you career or education. Identify specific accomplishments, length of time, highlight numerical results and awards derived from those duties and skills. This is the most critical area of the resume. You are relating an activity in your career to that of the position you are applying and showcasing your accomplishments.)

• Develop and create a Strategic Workforce Planning program to ensure were accurately utilizing all available resources. Good Example

• Expert in Equal Employment, Labor and Employee Relations assisting managers and staff in identifying and solving EEO Policy questions on Accommodations, for the past 9 yrs. Better Example

• As Diversity manager I trained a staff of 100+ internal and external personnel on diversity rules and regulations. My efforts resulted in a 70% reduction in violations and improved the overall atmosphere at ABC Co. Best Example (3rd Element: Acquired skills - These are skills you want every employer to know you possess and feel they are what defines you as a model employee. Remember you MUST quantify and qualify every statement you make.)

• Analyze, develop, test and incorporated IT business solutions to enhance business process control and tracking. Good Example

• Supervised, motivated, mentored and lead by example, using experience backed judgment, strong work ethic, and irreproachable integrity, derived from my 12yrs as a Department Manager at ABC Co. Better Example

• Developed and implemented a supply inventory program, which tracked our use of production and office materials. This provided us detailed reports of our available inventory at all times. Allowing us to make more informed purchasing decisions. Resulting in ABC Co. to save 500,000 per year. Best Example

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Name of Employer Position & Title GS level or Salary and Years of Service From: Mo/Year to Mo/Year; (Indicate if the work was Full Time, Part Time, or Seasonal; provide number of hours for PT or Seasonal work) Write a brief description of your experience/duties, and identify your major roles and responsibilities. Describe in detail each position you held for at least the last 10 years and quantify and qualify each statement). IP: Describe each duty as if you are describing it to someone for the first time. Agencies are not allowed to assume you can or can't do anything. Ex: Cashier: A cashier can perform numerous duties, if you only list cashier we can only interpret that as someone we collected and distributed money). As Diversity Manager I analyze develop and manage programs and projects related to the successful deployment of our department's initiatives. My duties included ensuring we provided an inclusive work environment, free from discrimination and ensuring we met all federal and state regulations. This was accomplished by collecting, analyzing human capital data and statistics from various sources to get an accurate analysis of the programs and work environment we provided our employees.   • Performed labor market Statistical analysis and employment projections locally and nationally to determine our recruitment strategy to ensure we were recruiting from a diverse population. Good Example • Coordinated with the Office of Human Capital and EEO managers to develop programs to improve our diversity in the workplace. Performed detailed analysis of the current workforce, and developed a strategy to ensure we targeted a broader workforce. This had an immediate impact on community relations and a 20% increase in local sales. Better Example

• Diversity manager for the past 7 yrs I was responsible for a staff of 20 employees. I coordinated with our Office of Human Capital to develop and measure recruiting timelines and efficiency, to determine cost per employee hired and accurate return on investment. Identified various key elements related to recruiting and performed a statistical analysis on reducing cost per hire. This lead to a yearly savings of 15% on recruiting expenses. Best Example

ACCOMPLISHMENTS (Identify any areas of your career you feel an employer will get a better understanding of who you are and your additional activities, to included honors received by organizations, exceeding specific goals on projects, etc.)

• 2011 Supervised and managed the Specialty Hiring Programs, including NonCompetitive Direct Hiring Authorities, Military Spouse Employment and Individuals with Disabilities Programs, at the Department of Defense. • 2008 Liaised with union and management on contract negotiations and labor dispute settlements with global manufacturer. Prevented the loss of 200+ jobs and saving the company 1.3 million dollars.

• 2006 The Minority Entrepreneur Network - Assisted 5 minority startup companies in researching, forecasting, and drafting their business plans and applications for small business loans.

• 2005 Restructured vendor contracts for a gross savings resulting in $375K per quarter.

COMPUTER SOFTWARE (List all software and applications you are experienced in and level. Identify formal training and where you received that training)

ADDITIONAL TRAINING (List any formal or informal training including accreditations and number of hours in the specific field)

• I have attended various seminars on EEO compliance and diversity Good Example

• Extensive EEO Compliance Training: Laws & Discrimination, Diversity in the Workplace, Workplace Relationships, EEO Complaints and Resolutions: (80+ hrs of training) Better Example

• Extensive Project Management Training specializing in large scale projects and developing the project plans and schedule. All training was done at the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) 2002 thru 2011 (120 hrs) Best Example


(Any formal awards you would like to share)


(Depending on the type of work volunteering can count the same as formal on the job experience if related to the position) (2010 - current) I hold Diversity workshops at the ABC community center in Washington DC, 6 times each month. I provide employers with information on developing an inclusive and diverse workforce. Note: volunteer work must include the total # of hours PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS AAPD - American Association of Peoples with Disabilities HAVA - Honored American Veterans Afield NRA - National Rehabilitation Association PMI - Project Management Institute Wounded Warriors Project - Warriors to Work REFERENCES (List at least 3 references including their contact information)

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Social Science

Medical, dental and public health.

  • Fishery biologist
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  • Federal tech portal
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  • Other cyber opportunities

Learn more about the federal hiring process.

Below is an overview of the federal hiring process. This process is in place to make sure all applicants receive fair and equal opportunity.

Create a USAJOBS profile

First, create and complete your profile to apply for any job on USAJOBS.

With a USAJOBS profile, you can save jobs, automate job searches, and manage everything you need to complete your application, including resumes and required documents.

Search for jobs

Once you create your profile, you can search for jobs.

It's best to sign into your profile before searching. Why? We can use your information to improve your job search results.

You can also use filters such as location, salary, work schedule or agency to narrow your results.

Review the job announcement

If you find a job you're interested in, read the entire announcement to determine if you're eligible and meet the qualifications. It's important to read the announcement because there are required qualifications you must meet and include in your application.

Prepare your application in USAJOBS

Read the How to Apply section of the job announcement before starting your application. Click Apply , and we'll walk you through a five-step process where you'll attach a resume and any required documents.

During the application process, you can review, edit and delete your information. We'll automatically save your progress as you go so that you won't lose any changes.

Submit application to the agency

When your application is ready, you'll be directed from USAJOBS to the hiring agency's system to submit your application. Before you submit, you may need to complete other agency-required steps such as a questionnaire or uploading additional documents.

The time it takes to submit depends on the job you are applying for and the hiring agency's requirements.

You can check your application using the Track This Application link in your USAJOBS profile or contact the hiring agency listed on the job announcement.

Transition to agency

Agency reviews application.

The hiring agency begins reviewing applications when the job announcement closes. The hiring agency will review your application to make sure you're eligible and meet the qualifications for the position.

The hiring agency will place applicants into quality categories. Those placed in the highest category are sent to the hiring official.

The hiring official will review the highest qualified applications and select applicants to interview based on agency policy. The hiring agency will contact applicants directly to schedule interviews.

You may be interviewed by a panel, in-person, video or phone interview, and there may be more than one interview round. For example, an applicant may have a phone interview and then an in-person interview.

Scheduling an interview may take some time, depending on the number of applicants to interview.

Agency selects candidates

After all interviews are completed, the agency will select a candidate(s) and contact them to start the job offer process.

For those not selected, the hiring agency will update the job's status to Hiring Complete .

What jobs can you apply for?

Hiring paths help you understand what jobs you are eligible to apply for and why. You may fall under multiple hiring paths.

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Federal Resume Tips

Federal and private sector resumes.

Federal resumes differ from resumes used in the private sector with regard to both content and purpose.

  • multiple pages long
  • detailed description of work experience and qualifications
  • used to determine if you meet requirements/qualifications for a job announcement. Be sure to list all your experiences (including non-paid).
  • generally limited to two pages 
  • brief summary of work history
  • used as a marketing tool to get an interview

In the Federal Government, your resume is your application. There may be an additional component called an assessment questionnaire . The assessment questionnaire asks you to rank yourself on your qualities necessary to do the job being advertised. It must support the experiences listed in your resume.

Curriculum Vitaes

An academic curriculum vitae does not provide enough information to determine if you meet eligibility requirements. If you use one, please be sure to add the information listed below.

Resume Content

Resumes must thoroughly describe how your skills and experiences align to the criteria in the job announcement. It must also support your responses to the assessment questionnaire. To do this, be sure to include detailed examples in your resume.   

Why? We operate under various federal employment laws, rules, and regulations. We are prohibited from drawing conclusions or making assumptions regarding your experience or qualifications.

Resume Checklist

We encourage you to use the  USAJobs online Resume Builder . If you use your own resume, you must include the following information:

  • Contact information . This includes your name, address, day and evening telephone numbers, and email address
  • Citizenship (if other than the U.S.)
  • Relevant work experience . This includes paid and unpaid experiences. For instance, volunteer work done through National Service programs (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) and other organizations (e.g., professional; philanthropic; religions; spiritual; community; student; social)

For each employment listed, include the following information:

  • Dates of employment . Include beginning and end dates in the following format: month/day/year
  • Hours per week . We assume fulltime unless otherwise stated. Employment will be prorated in crediting experience.
  • Include any supervisory/managerial responsibilities and number of staff supervised (if applicable). This information helps determine if you meet minimum eligibility requirements for the position.
  • Review the qualifications section in the job announcement closely and directly address the education, skills, and experience required in your resume.
  • Series and grade or equivalent (if a Federal position)

Education R equirement

If the position has an education requirement or you are qualifying on the basis of education, include the following:

  • Education history .  Specify the type of degree and major of study. 
  • Relevant courses . This information is needed if the position requires credit hours.

Do NOT Include

On your resume and cover letter, you should not include any of the following:

  • A photograph or video of yourself
  • Any sensitive information (age, date of birth, marital status, protected health information, religious affiliation, social security number, etc.)  
  • Links to web pages
  • Spell out all acronyms .
  • Projects worked on
  • Specific duties and tasks
  • Tools, software, or systems
  • Results and outcomes (i.e. saved money, time, consolidated resources, etc.)
  • Example: an individual in the budget field has "worked with disseminating budgets for small projects." To make the description more relevant, the applicant describes the experience with numbers, "disseminated budgets for small projects amounting to $450,000."
  • Example: When a recruiter reads the keyword "analyst," he or she might assume you have experience in collecting data and evaluating effectiveness.
  • If a job announcement uses a keyword such as "develops," use it in your resume. It is representative of independence in work assignments and the range of responsibility for the available position.
  • Be honest . Be honest in describing your accomplishments, but not modest.
  • Use reverse chronological order to list experience . Start with your most recent experience first and work your way back. An exception: when it is more appropriate to list your most relevant work experience first (e.g. if you are changing careers).
  • Tailor your resume to include information relevant to the specific position you are applying to. Education and work experience that is indirectly related can be excluded if the resume begins to grow too long.
  • Be concise and keep paragraphs short. To make your resume easier to read, add a brief, relevant heading to paragraphs to maximize readability.
  • Use bullets to describe your experiences and accomplishments.
  • Ensure correct grammar and no spelling errors . Your resume is your first impression – make it a good one!
  • Resume Builder
  • Resume Writing
  • USAJOBS Guidance  

Contact us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem.

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  • Federal Resumes Guide for USAJobs

Table of Contents



Writing Strategies

Federal Resume Sample

Introduction to federal resumes.

Searching for a federal job can be a daunting task. The stringent guidelines for both the application process and the formatting of required materials, including the federal resume, can seem overwhelming to first-time applicants and seasoned professionals.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the key steps in the application process, including successfully navigating USAJOBS (the official job-search website of the US government), targeting vacancy postings, and crafting an effective resume that highlights your career accomplishments while aligning with federal resume-writing best practices.

How a Federal Resume Differs From a Private Industry Resume

The main differences between a federal resume and a private sector resume are the length of the resume and the detail involved. While a typical resume should be no more than two pages in length, a federal resume can extend to five pages or more. In addition, federal resumes require more details in regards to references, availability, and expanded job descriptions and accomplishments. Also, readers of your federal resume will be expecting certain stylistic attributes and exact phrasing that mirrors the language of vacancy postings on USAJOBS.gov.

Grade Levels: General Schedule (GS) & Senior Executive Service (SES)

In the federal job arena, there is a highly specific and expected career progression and salary roadmap referred to as the GS pay scale, ranging from GS-1 through GS-15. Applicants are required to meet clearly defined expectations for jobs at each level, and each progressive step includes a raise in salary:

  • GS-1 through GS-7: Entry-level positions – If you have recently entered the workforce and have at least a high school diploma and a few months of work experience, you qualify for positions up to GS-2. If you have more than a few months of general experience, you qualify for GS-3 and GS-4 levels. Following this (GS-5 and above), positions require at least 1 year of specialized experience to be considered. Graduates within a specific career field are eligible for GS-5 jobs and qualify for GS-7 if they attained certain grades, test scores, or other criteria while in college.
  • GS-8 through GS-12: Mid-level positions –  Jobs within this range typically require master’s degrees or a doctorate for GS-11 grades and beyond. In lieu of a degree, acceptable candidates can qualify with at least 12 months of experience at an equivalent grade level.
  • GS-13 through GS-15: Senior managers, high-level technical specialists, physicians –  Positions in this range are typically reserved for top professionals holding advanced degrees. Candidates must be able to demonstrate relevant job experience. At levels 14 and 15, the candidate is eligible to apply for a Senior Executive Service (SES) job.

SES & Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs)

SES roles represent executive-level positions across management and policy. These roles are classified above GS-15 in most Executive Branch agencies of the US government. These also represent the highest-level positions below presidential appointments. To qualify for an SES position, one must demonstrate alignment with five ECQs and their key components:

Federal Resumes - ECQ Table

As you’ll see, the questionnaire asks about certain abilities that the ideal candidate would possess that might not be spelled out in the job posting itself, so it’s important to identify these and leverage them in your federal resume.

In addition to specific phrasing of expected abilities and accomplishments, you will want to identify the KSAs that are specific to the position. USAJOBS makes this process easy by highlighting them at the bottom of a vacancy posting with the “How You Will Be Evaluated” section. Remember, these are expected to be written verbatim in a federal resume.

USAjobs - how you will be evaluated

After you have made a list of both the KSAs and phrases you need to incorporate into your federal resume, it’s time to start writing.

Strategies for Writing a Successful Federal Resume

Define Your Core Skills

With your list of KSAs and duty phrases in hand, ask yourself what five high-level responsibilities describe your current role in order to define the key knowledge, skills, and abilities you apply every day and how they align with the information you obtained from the vacancy posting. Once you have compiled this list, brainstorm about specific examples of achievements in these areas and how they support the position you’re applying to as well as its KSAs.

If you are making a transition from military service into civilian service, you will need to translate your experience and accomplishments to align with the language of the vacancy postings. Using the posting language and KSAs as a guide, consider how your accomplishments within the military reflect the skills and abilities required for the position. A good starting point for this information is your performance evaluations.

Formatting & Layout

As with a private industry resume, a federal resume is most impactful when it is organized and highly readable. A main point of difference between the two is that while a private resume can take many forms including functional or creative, the federal resume must be in the traditional reverse-chronological order covering the last 10 years.  Private sector resumes use succinct career highlights and bullets with few details, whereas federal resumes use full phrases, sentences, and paragraphs to cover the informative descriptions and extensive details that support the job qualifications. While a private sector resume is typically limited to 2 pages, a federal resume can average anywhere from 3 pages to 7 or more.

Stylistic Rules

As with private-sector resumes, some general stylistic rules apply to optimize the document:

  • Most jobs will have four to six paragraphs, and each should represent a KSA, if possible. “Communication skills” is the most common KSA.
  • Each resume should contain one paragraph on “Interpreting Regulations.”
  • Repetition aligning with job posting-specific phrasing is encouraged. If you did the work and have the skills, it’s acceptable to repeat these attributes throughout the resume. Avoid exact repetition, and paraphrase when possible.
  • Minimize using personal pronouns, and keep articles such as “an” or “the” to a minimum to optimize space.
  • KEYWORDS/CORE COMPETENCIES should be used to describe each duties paragraph and are in all caps. Nouns are preferred, but verbs can also be used if that is the language reflecting the vacancy posting.
  • Accomplishments should follow the STAR format (Situation, Task, Action, Result) for a general federal resume or the CCAR (Challenge, Context, Action, Result) format for ECQs within the SES resume.
  • Some job announcements will require the full date (mm/dd/yyyy) and salary, supervisor name and phone, and whether or not to contact. It’s important to note that federal resumes will not be considered if required information is missing.
  • Certificates usually go under Job-Related Training, but longer programs such as the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Professional (PMP) certification will go under education.
  • Military, Soldier, Veteran, Marine, etc. are capitalized throughout the resume, which is reflective of Military AP Style.
  • All acronyms, except those that are obvious, should be spelled out. This is especially important to elucidate department or industry-specific jargon. Remember that it’s often HR that is reviewing your resume first, not a specialist within your field.
  • Font size and spacing should remain the same, except for paragraph spacing.
  • Jobs more than 10 years in the past will still be listed but will be presented in the Additional Information section, with the number of years listed instead of dates.

Contact Information & Career Summary

The federal resume presentation begins with your contact information. These details should match your profile on USAJOBS. Following this is the Career Summary which should be crafted to align your experience with the vacancy posting of interest. Also list your citizenship status, current employment status (federal or private sector), the highest GS level you have obtained (if applicable), and any security clearances you have.

If you don’t have the security clearance required by the position, make it known that you are aware of the requirement and are willing to obtain the necessary clearance. You can also use this space to describe any high-level awards you have received or technical skills that are relevant to your desired position. Again, while the private sector resume is intentionally two pages on average, federal resumes are more expansive and inclusive of details.

Federal Resume - summary and clearance

Following your summary and contact information is a section of bulleted areas of expertise. Again, focus on the keywords that align your strengths and abilities with the requirements outlined in the vacancy posting.

Federal Resume - technical skills

Work Experience

Next, outline your work experience for each agency in chronological order. The federal resume requires exact dates (month/year) of employment as well as hours worked per week and exact details of each position (Series, GS level, etc.). As stated previously, the federal resume is a chronological document that describes your work history in terms of an outline. This means that you should outline your progression of roles within that agency and follow the timeline with a skills-based resume-writing format. You will do this for each applicable agency.

Federal Resume - work experience

Next, use the list of duties and KSAs that you compiled from the vacancy posting as a template to describe how your career duties and accomplishments demonstrate your success in those areas. In this applicant’s case, the following phrases (among others) were listed on the vacancy posting:

  • Logistics and transportation
  • Provide oversight and guidance
  • Leverage knowledge of organizational development and culture
  • Team leader
  • Organize and direct teams
  • Interpret policy and regulations
  • Effective written and oral communication
  • Build professional working relationships

Looking at the example below, you can see how the resume entry has been customized to reflect these lists:

Federal Resume - KSA and duties

As with a private sector resume, you’ll notice the use of bulleted accomplishments to describe specific accomplishments related to the listed and described skills. These should describe both what you accomplished as well as how you did it.

You will go through this process with every agency within your career history, ensuring that you continue to frame your accomplishments and work history around the list of phrases and KSAs that you obtained from your review of the vacancy posting.

It is also customary to list your supervisors as references under each position in your job history. You should also specify whether the HR specialist reviewing your resume can contact them.

Additional Information

After outlining and describing your career history in a way that aligns with your desired position, you will list additional information that is important and relevant, including education, certifications, job-related training, professional affiliations, and publications. This is also where older employment information is listed without specific dates.

Federal Resume - education and training

Some higher-level applicants (in particular in the GS-14 and GS-15 range) have exhaustive lists of publications that would significantly lengthen the document. In this case, it is perfectly acceptable to present a selected list of representative publications.

More on SES Jobs

The SES level was established in 1978 as part of the Civil Service Reform Act to provide executive management of 75 federal agencies that are managed by the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM). As previously discussed, SES jobs represent the highest-level federal positions second to presidential appointments.

Although the same general rules of writing a strong federal resume apply, SES jobs have more expansive requirements for application. Depending on the vacancy posting, there are three kinds of SES applications:

  • Traditional Method: 10-page ECQs in the proper format, technical qualifications (TQs) separate, and federal resume.
  • Resume Only: 5-page traditional federal resume incorporating the five ECQs and, if relevant, TQs.
  • Accomplishment Record: Resume and narratives responding to specific guidance for each submission.

ECQS and TQs, like KSAs, must be listed verbatim in your documents. The same procedures apply to an SES resume as with a general federal resume, but the scope is larger and the requirements more specific. If the vacancy post you’re interested in requires the traditional method, you’ll need to craft both a traditional resume as well as a 10-page document outlining how your experience aligns with the five ECQs (and TQs if a technically oriented position).

Resume Builder Compatibility

Because some vacancy postings require resume submission via the Resume Builder, it’s important to format your document so that it can be easily converted to Resume Builder style. If you have followed the general federal resume-writing practices outlined in this guide, then the process of converting to a Resume Builder-friendly format is fairly straightforward. When drafting a federal resume, it’s recommended to have two versions ready to go: your traditional federal resume and a simpler document that is ready for the resume builder.

Resume Builder is a simple text-only interface, so it’s necessary to avoid any graphics or fanciful formatting that won’t translate well to the system. Text styling such as italics, bolding, underlining, or bullets also do not register with Resume Builder, so these will need to be adjusted when converting your document. Additionally, you will need to remove detailed information about each position that will need to be entered manually, such as employment dates, hours worked, and pay grade.

Federal Resumes - Resume Builder Style Tips

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  • What GS level are you targeting for your next role? * --- Please Select --- GS 7 or lower GS 8 to GS 10 GS 11 to GS 15 SES
  • What is your current title or position level? * --- Please Select --- C-Level Vice President Director Manager Partner/Principal Founder Other Executive Other Non-Executive Level
  • What is your current income level? * --- Please Select --- less than $50K $50K-$100K $100K-$150K $150K-$200K $200K+
  • Immediately
  • 6-12 Months
  • Comments This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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An official website of the United States government.

Here’s how you know

The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site.

The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

  • Advancing Labor Rights Through U.S. Trade, Programs and Partnerships
  • Strengthening Labor Standards
  • Combating Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking
  • Technical Assistance
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning
  • East Asia and Pacific
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  • South and Central Asia
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor
  • List of Goods Produced By Child Labor or Forced Labor
  • List of Products Produced by Forced or Indentured Child Labor
  • Supply Chains Research
  • Reports and Publications
  • Grants and Contracts
  • Sweat & Toil app
  • Comply Chain
  • Better Trade Tool
  • ILAB Knowledge Portal
  • Responsible Business Conduct and Labor Rights Info Hub
  • Organizational Chart
  • Laws and Regulations
  • News Releases
  • Success Stories
  • Data and Statistics
  • What Are Workers' Rights?
  • Mission & Offices
  • Careers at ILAB
  • ILAB Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Tips for Applying for Federal Jobs

Follow the instructions in the “How to Apply” section of each announcement. Instructions will guide you through the application process, providing you detailed information on the questions, forms and format that must be addressed and used to capture your qualifications for the job.

The documents must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on the vacancy closing date. Warning: If you submit a document using the same document title, the 2nd submission will OVERWRITE the 1st submission. Also, do not upload password-protected documents.

Cover Letters are not mandatory and will not be used to verify experience, but may be submitted.

Resumes are required - provide a resume either by creating one in USAJOBS or uploading one from your computer and USAJOBS profile. To receive full consideration for relevant and specialized experience, please list the month, year, and the number of work hours worked for the experience listed on your resume.  We also suggest that you preview the vacancy questions, and confirm that your resume supports your question responses.

Unofficial Transcript(s) (in English) - If you are using education as a basis for qualifying for this position, you must submit all applicable academic transcripts demonstrating that you meet the qualifying educational requirements (ex. BA/BS, MA, JD, Ph.D., etc.).  If specific coursework is required to qualify, you must supply an unofficial transcript from each academic institution in which the required courses were taken in order to receive credit. If your education was completed at a foreign college or university, you must show comparability to education received in accredited educational institutions in the United States and comparability to applicable minimum course work requirements for this position. Learn more about Evaluation of Foreign Education .

More information regarding resumes (from Careers at DOL – Tips for Writing your Federal resume ):

One size never fits all. As you apply for jobs, tailor your resume to the position’s requirements. Study the job opportunity announcement and emphasize the parts of your work history that match the qualification requirements listed there. It is important to portray your knowledge and skills as a match to the requirements of the position and demonstrate the ability to do the job. This is easy to do when you include your results, achievements and accomplishments. Minimize the use of technical jargon or specialized terminology (e.g., military abbreviations) in your resume.

Unlike resumes used in the private sector, federal resumes require additional information. For each past job, give the standard information found in most resumes. Your federal resume should include the following:

  • Job announcement number , job title , and job grade of the job for which you are applying
  • Your full name , mailing address , day and evening phone numbers and home e-mail .
  • Country of citizenship , if different from U.S.
  • Veterans – Ensure that you attach or upload supporting documentation (e.g., DD214 or Statement of Service if still on Active Duty; SF-15, Application for 10-point preference; and Disability Rating Letter of 30% or more from the VA, if applicable).
  • Peace Corps / AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteers – If you are a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, you will need to provide your Description of Service (DOS) to claim non-competitive eligibility for federal jobs. AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers
  • Persons with Disabilities (Schedule A) – To verify eligibility for employment under the Schedule A hiring authority, you must provide proof of disability issued by a licensed medical professions, a licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist, or any federal agency, state agency, or an agency of the District of Columbia, or U.S. territory that issues or provides disability benefits. Contact the Department’s Selective Placement Coordinators for help with hiring and accommodation requests.
  • Veterans – Keep in mind that your military training may count towards qualifications. Use your Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET) document (DD Form 2586) to document your training and education.
  • Begin with your current position and list all other positions held in chronological order.
  • State the job title, starting and ending dates ( including month and year ), prior employer's name and address (or write "self-employed," if that applies), and major duties and accomplishments. Include any positions temporarily held.
  • Show the average number of hours worked per week or simply state "full-time"; salary or wage earned; supervisor's name, address and telephone number; and whether your most recent supervisor may be contacted.
  • Veterans - Avoid using military job titles or occupational codes. Instead, look at what you did using your Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET) as a starting point. Employers prefer proven performers, so make sure you know what employers are looking for in comparison to your military work experience.
  • Indicate if your current supervisor can be contacted
  • Job-related training courses (title and year).
  • self-management skills refer to the way you manage yourself on the job (e.g., dependable, resourceful, etc.);
  • functional skills are the skills you use on the job or have used in previous jobs (e.g., operate equipment, supervise, analyze, etc.); and
  • technical skills relate to specific skills required to perform a described task (e.g., computer programming, accounting, sales, etc.)
  • Current job-related certificates and licenses - Make sure you understand the licensure and certification requirements for your job objective.
  • Job-related honors, awards, special accomplishments , leadership activities, memberships, or publications.
  • USAJOBS Resume Builder
  • Federal Resume Guide
  • UsaJobs Tips

Last Updated on 02/08/2024

Before you start creating a brand new resume to apply for a federal government position, you need to choose the way to build it. You can either make use of the USAJOBS resume builder or upload your own resume. The former has a number of advantages over the latter.

First of all, by using the USAJOBS resume builder, you will create a document in a standard federal resume format. It will make searching and evaluating your resume easier for federal human resources specialists.

Second, the USAJOBS resume builder allows you to duplicate your resume, which is very helpful when you need to upgrade the document or tailor it to a specific position. Offering you to use its federal resume builder, USAJOBS provide you with a professional resume writing instrument, which is worth trying out.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 1. Searching for Jobs
  • 1.2 2. Tailor Your Resume for Each Specific Position
  • 1.3 3. Do Not Leave Blank Fields
  • 1.4 4. Proofread
  • 1.5 5. Keyword Research
  • 1.6 6. Consider Your Audience
  • 2.1 Step-by-Step Guide on USAJOBS Resume Builder
  • 2.2 Should I Use USAJOBS Resume Builder or Upload My File?
  • 3 Wrapping It Up

USAJOBS Resume Builder Tips

For your resume to be searchable and efficient, take your time to learn the subtleties of the federal resume builder USAJOBS has created. We have come up with the top 4 tips that will help you avoid the common mistakes that often prevent the candidates from being recognized as qualified for the job.

1. Searching for Jobs

The USAJOBS search engine can be tough. To speed up your job searching process, use OPM Job Series. It’s one of the effective methods to find the right job in your field.

Read the announcement carefully! Before appl ying for a position, go to the Qualifications section in the vacancy announcement and preview the vacancy announcement questions.

Let’s compare a basic Qualifications list for a Marketing Assistance position : 

And more detailed Qualifications list for a Strategic Marketing Analyst position : 

As we can see, Qualifications requirements may vary depending on GS position, education, expert level skills or other specific knowledge relevant to a job announcement. So make sure to select a corresponding answer to each question prior to appl ying for a job posting. 

2. Tailor Your Resume for Each Specific Position

This is indeed a tedious task but it is totally worth the effort. USAJOBS allows the employee to have 5 resumes created and uploaded via the USAJOBS resume builder.

Tailoring your resume for each specific federal job announcement can be the key to your success.

Although having similar titles, the different job announcement will be using different keywords to describe their requirements for the candidate. Keep your resume brief, describe your work experience and education relevant to the position you apply for.

The advantage of the resume builder is that you get a consistent federal cv, which can be found by a recruiter using a keyword search. Building a resume that is perfectly in tune with the specific announcement will help your application score more points in the competition.

Information for Veterans: The Saved Documents section on USAJOBS allows to save up to 10 supporting eligibility documents as recommendation letters, cover letters or performance reports.

3. Do Not Leave Blank Fields

It is true that a resume should normally be kept brief but with the federal government resumes, it is all about the perfect balance between being concise and being informative. The technical trick about the USAJOBS resume builder tool is to use all the fields it provides.

4. Proofread

Believe it or not but such an obvious step in the resume writing process is often neglected by the applicants. Typographical errors, not to speak of grammatical and spelling mistakes, will seriously impair the impressions of the federal HR specialist even about a seemingly perfect resume.

As a practice task, you can take any USAJOBS resume builder sample and evaluate it in terms of the points described above. This will train you to be more critical and attentive when you start building your own federal resume.

5. Keyword Research

Don’t forget that there is no automated sorting out of resumes — your qualifications will be checked and analyzed by real people. Given that they read through dozens of submissions, your task is to boost your application’s informational strength. Highlight crucial keywords — place yourself in the potential reader’s shoes.

Make your USAJOBS resume format clear and precise. Although it contains long paragraphs describing your skills or job-related accomplishments, add proper keywords to fit into the target position’s frames.

The keyword research as a process should fail into these two categories:

  • General — “teamwork”, “communication”, and something like “leadership” commonly have a universal appeal in making your resume get noticed among other applications. Still, it is better to see what requirements your position stays on to avoid overly general terms.
  • Specific — nonetheless, industry-specific keywords will help you nail it and showcase your professionalism and expertise in the target field. When applying for a government position, enrich your resume with the right content in headers, work experience, skills, and accomplishments sections. You don’t have to allocate them evenly throughout the text — the beginning of paragraphs or resume’s new sections are quite good for the task.

6. Consider Your Audience

When working on your federal resume’s content, conduct a thorough research about the hiring agency and its standards. You can focus on the most widespread expectations and format preferences in your field and adhere to them. Following a typical resume structure and using USAJOBS resume builder without much creative customization will help you stay on the safe side.

Consider your industry of expertise. Attorneys, budget analysts, human resources specialists, and civil engineers as a few examples of federal government jobs will have their distinctive storyline formats.

How to Create a Resume with USAJOBS Resume Builder

If you do not know what to start with, read through the instructions on How To Create and Develop USAJOBS Profile . We provide all the necessary basic technicalities of the resume building process. If you have a vague idea about what to write in each section, we highly recommend examining at least one USAJOBS resume builder example to see how a well-built final document should look like. Do not forget that all the information you put in your resume should not only be up-to-date and 100% correct but also demonstrating the level of your qualification for the job to the full extent.

If you want to get the best federal employee compensation package with benefits like taking part in the FSAFEDS or long-term care and health insurance, it is crucial to raise your resume’s potential. The easiest way is to include all the crucial details in the document and choose a template that caters to the interests of several agencies in the market. That’s why using the services of the official employment website of the federal government is such a lucrative opportunity.

Step-by-Step Guide on USAJOBS Resume Builder

Let’s check the step-by-step guide on your course of action on the USAJOBS:

  • Sign in or sign up. Provide your valid email address and select your language preference. You can choose from English, Spanish, and French newsletters.
  • Acknowledge the platform’s terms and conditions to complete the registration.
  • Check your mailbox for a confirmation letter from USAJOBS.

Once the registration is completed, confirm your account. The system will let you select the desired authentication method: security key, backup codes, voice or text message, authentication app, face or touch unlock.

Don’t leave blank fields — it will simplify your interaction with the platform. You can add hiring paths, citizenship, languages, experiences, and further details. The system lets you save up to five resumes and up to ten documents of other types (DD214, for instance).

  • Open the Documents tab to be able to upload a finished and polished resume to start your job search. If not ready yet, create a custom version matching the target position’s requirements.
  • Fill in the fields. Click “Add Work Experience”, “Add Education”, and “Add Reference”, enter the data, and hit the “Save” button for each section. For more detailed descriptions of your skills, you will have a field with 5000 characters available.
  • To move your ready paragraphs and adjust the storyline’s order, use the web’s arrows.
  • Click “Add” to provide other pieces of information, including your academic accomplishments or training. Although you have to be open about your experiences, there is a list of exceptions of what data is insufficient for a federal resume on the website: – in-depth personal information, including your religious preferences, sexual orientation, etc.; – personal photos (another difference between federal resumes versus private ones); – Social Security Number; – government and classified sensitive data (only approved files of general use). If your GPA is below 3.5, it isn’t a compulsory detail to include in your resume. Besides, make sure you double-check the qualification of educational establishments on your list — OES and NCOES military schools won’t be considered as high education institutions to apply for a federal position.
  • Review the provided data and proofread the document. Once you submit the application, no further changes will be possible.
  • Hit the “Finish” button to complete your resume for USAJOBS.gov.

Should I Use USAJOBS Resume Builder or Upload My File?

Both options can help you deliver top-notch resumes and prove your worth as a federal worker. Still, creating such a document from scratch requires certain skills and experiences. If it is your first time, there is nothing wrong with relying on ready-made templates from USAJOBS resume builder.

“Should I use USAJOBS resume builder?” is one of the most typical concerns of novice applicants. The key advantage of taking the most out of the website’s functions is that you minimize prospective risks.

Wrapping It Up

By taking a closer look at USAJOBS resume builder examples, it is easier to understand what format to pursue to get the best results. Follow the tips and suggestions from this guide to ensure your value as an ideal applicant in the eyes of the target hiring agency in the federal market. Make sure to customize your resume for every position with proper keywords, job-related training, and other facts that match up to its requirements. Good luck in finding the job of your dreams!

Still unsure about how to make federal resume? Read our USAJOBS Tips articles:

How long does USAJOBS take to review applications

How to delete USAJOBS account

How to fill out USAJOBS questionnaire

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How to Write a Federal Resume and Apply for a Federal Job

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The US federal government employs over 2 million people, not even counting military service branches. Federal jobs are highly contested thanks to great benefits, role longevity, and social importance. While USAJobs , the prime job board for federal jobs, is a great place to find opportunities, applying for federal jobs and writing a federal resume can be confusing, overwhelming, and counter-intuitive to those job seekers who have only applied in the private sector.

We spoke with federal resume experts for their insights to help first-time federal applicants learn to understand a job vacancy announcement, how to write a federal resume , how to apply through USAJobs, and what to expect from the lengthy federal job application process:

  • Lex Levin of Lex Levin LLC
  • Nancy Segal of Solutions for the Workplace
  • Karol Taylor, co-author of Find Your Federal Job Fit
  • What the government wants
  • Federal job descriptions vs private sector JDs
  • The Occupational Questionnaire
  • Federal resumes vs private sector resumes
  • Writing your federal resume
  • Federal resume tips

The Government wants demonstrated experience

For federal jobs, experience trumps almost everything. Hiring agencies aren’t interested in potential, or as Segal says, “It’s not about your journey. You should have already arrived.” Federal HR wants to see proven success, role mastery, and expertise.

The entire federal job application process is about demonstrating that you are the ideal candidate by showing your experience and success. Experience even outweighs education for most jobs unless an applicant’s education is part of the value proposition, such as scientist or mathematician jobs.

Federal HR will not make any assumptions about your resume. Even things that seem very straightforward need to be explicitly spelled out. Federal hiring practices are highly regulated, so federal HR personnel can’t make those assumptions. Every assumption could risk an EEO complaint or even a call from Congress.

As Segal puts it, “From a federal perspective, if it’s not on the resume, you didn’t do it.”

How is a federal job description different?

When a job is posted on USAJobs, it’s called a ‘job vacancy announcement’ (JVA). This job description contains far more than the basic list of responsibilities and requirements of a private sector job description.

federal resume guide - federal job vacancy announcement compared to job description from Monster.com

Segal recommends spending at least an hour thoroughly reading through the JVA. Understanding the JVA is key to structuring your resume to not just fit the job but to also demonstrate how you’re perfectly qualified.

You should use the same language that appears on the JVA on your resume to draw those lines even more clearly. Jobscan helps automate this process to make it go faster, letting you identify the most important keywords and skills.

Important sections of the JVA

Who may apply.

Not all JVAs will have this section, but make sure you fit the specifications if you see this section. These specifications usually involve citizenship, protected groups, etc.

How to Apply

Pay close attention to this section. Some jobs will require you to apply through the USAJobs resume builder.

Agency Contact Information

Segal advises that if you have further questions, pick up the phone and call the agency. Taylor explains, “The best times to call an agency are at 8:30 AM, 11:30 AM, and 4:30 PM EST. To really connect with agency employees, you have to target times when they aren’t as busy – first thing in the morning, right after lunch, and just before they head home.”

federal resume guide - screenshot of the Job family (series) section of a federal JVA

Score at least 70 on the Occupational Questionnaire

Many federal applications include a very important step called an occupational questionnaire . This questionnaire requires you rate to your knowledge, skills, and abilities that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

While federal resumes are reviewed by humans, the questionnaire is scored by computers. If you don’t score high enough based on your questionnaire, your resume will end up in the ‘no’ pile before anyone has even seen it. A high score (70 at minimum) on the occupational questionnaire is the best way to ensure that a human will see your resume and review it.

However, don’t take that as a reason to lie or exaggerate your self-ranking. If you don’t feel like you can score yourself highly for each question, it’s a good indication the job isn’t a good fit for you. The occupational questionnaire is a likert scale, starting at A and going to the highest ranking of E.

Levin describes how occupational questionnaire questions are valuable to the job seeker: “If you’re looking at the questions and your stomach is sinking because you realize you’re not able to answer most of them at the E level, that should tell you that the job is not a good fit for you.”

Segal adds: “If you do not have what they are looking for, don’t bother to apply, because you’re unlikely to get any traction.”

The occupational questionnaire gives you even more understanding of what the hiring agency is specifically looking for in the role. Take the opportunity to prove your expertise not just by rating yourself E, but by demonstrating how you used the skill to succeed.

What’s the difference between a federal and a non-federal resume?

Writing a resume to apply for a job in the federal government is extremely different from applying in the private sector. Federal HR may look for some of the same things that a private sector recruiter will, but their perspective is completely different.

Taylor likes to tell her clients, “Leave everything you know about resumes at the door.”

How long should a federal resume be?

Federal resumes are much longer than a standard private sector resume. Federal resumes usually range from 6 to 8 pages depending on the applicant’s level of experience and the seniority of the job. Even entry-level applicants should furnish resumes of 4 to 6 pages.

“Federal resumes are so much longer, dense, and complex than private sector resumes,” explains Levin. “This is because federal HR wants to see that you have the actual experience that they’re looking for.”

The length of federal resumes comes from the amount of detail each resume section needs to contain. Since federal HR personnel are precluded from making any assumptions of what your prior work entailed, you’ll need to list out each responsibility and the details associated with it. While a list of responsibilities is important, even more importantly, you’ll have to detail how your skills allowed you to succeed with each of these responsibilities by giving specific examples.

“You specifically have to use the keywords from the federal job announcement to show that you are absolutely the best fit and the right person for this job because you have already done this kind of work before,“ adds Levin.

One way you can find those keywords is by scanning the JVA and your resume with Jobscan .

feder resume guide - Jobscan match report from federal JVA

You don’t need to include information that doesn’t relate to the job you’re applying for. Keep details about prior jobs that don’t relate brief or omit them entirely – the government doesn’t care about employment gaps.

Federal Resume Requirements

Federal resumes have strict requirements, and not following these requirements is a great way to get passed over. While agencies are not required to eliminate candidates who do not follow the rules, they can. As Segal explains, “If I’m sitting there as an HR person facing a thousand resumes and only a few days to go through them, I want to figure out how to winnow my pile. What’s the best way to do that? Eliminate those who didn’t follow all the rules.”

Hours Worked

Federal HR uses hours worked to determine your amount of experience, so federal resumes require your average weekly hours for each job in your work experience section. The government often requires at least 52 weeks of experience in the skills on the JVA.

Supervisor Name and Contact Information

List your immediate supervisor and their contact information for each job you list. Make sure to denote whether your current supervisor can be contacted or not.

To avoid putting yourself in an awkward position at your current job, Taylor suggests requiring you be asked before your supervisor is contacted. If asked, find out if the hiring agency is ready to offer you the job as soon as they contact your current supervisor.

References aren’t always required – it depends on the hiring agency. However, it’s a good idea to include them if you have space.

Despite the controversy over disclosing prior pay in the private sector, salary is commonly included on federal resumes. Whether it’s required in your resume depends on the hiring agency.

‘GS’ or ‘ General Schedule ’ is the pay scale for most of the federal government. If you’re already working in the government, use your GS level instead of your salary.

Writing Your Federal Resume

There are three good methods for creating your federal resume:

  • Write it yourself
  • Build it with USAJobs’s own federal resume builder
  • Hire a federal resume writer

Some JVAs may actually require you to apply through the USAJobs resume builder, but it might not be obvious in the JVA itself. For this reason, among others, both Taylor and Segal suggest applying through the USAJobs resume builder instead of creating a resume from scratch.

No matter what choice you make, do not procrastinate on applying if you find a JVA you’re interested in. The application process is much more time consuming than a private sector job application, and JVAs have a strict close time. There may also be unexpected requirements once you’re finished applying through USAJobs.

Federal Resume Format

Levin recommends building your own resume, because although federal resume formatting is very conservative, there are a few things you can do to make your resume stand out. Additionally, you control the content and don’t have to worry about the character limits of fields on the USAJobs resume builder.

The official font of the US government is Times New Roman, size 12. Some JVAs will actually require you to use this. If it’s not required, you can use different fonts, but nothing too modern. Jobscan’s guide on appropriate resume fonts can help you choose the best fonts. Levin’s favorite font to use on a federal resume is Calibri, with Arial Black used for section headings and contact information.

You can use tables and columns in your resume, but be sparing with them. Bullet points are also acceptable, but avoid other special characters. You can upload multiple documents, so be sure to upload your resume as both a PDF and a DOCX to cover all of your bases.

Using the USAJobs federal resume builder

Using the USAJobs resume builder is a great idea if you’re new to the federal job application process. The resume builder requires all of the important information that could get you disqualified if omitted, so there’s an extra level of safety in using it. There is, however, a lot of information to include in the builder, so it does require a good deal of attention to detail. Make sure you don’t accidentally skip any fields.

The biggest drawback of using the resume builder is that the fields for prior job experience have a 5,000 word character limit. While that seems like a generous limit, it’s something you might hit given the length of federal resumes.

However, Segal keyed us in a great way to deal with that character limit: “There is a section in USAJobs called ‘additional information.’ This is a free form block of 20,000 characters.”

The additional information section is where you should put further details you weren’t able to fit in throughout the rest of the process. It’s also where you should put certifications or awards.

Professional Federal Resume Writers

Your third option is to hire a federal resume writer. Since federal resumes are so complex, having an expert help you can be a great asset. Many experts don’t just write your resume, they’ll teach you how to tailor your resume for each position you’re interested in or even show you the best ways to leverage the USAJobs resume builder.

Do thorough research when selecting resume writers . Levin cautions, “There are a lot of opinions out there about federal resumes. Take them with a grain of salt. Look at that person’s experience. Do they do this professionally or is this just their opinion? Be mindful of who’s telling you what and what their background is.”

Federal Resume Tips

  • “Digitized company’s internal microfilm library of more than 5,000 files”
  • “Steered company through a complicated re-organization, resulting in a 75% increase in profits with minimal employee turnover.”
  • Use the same language as the JVA and occupational questionnaire
  • Use Jobscan to match and optimize keywords
  • Make your qualifications for the role straightforward and obvious
  • Take advantage of how long federal resumes are expected to be (4-8 pages)
  • Only list your responsibilities and not show measurable results
  • Assume that anything about your prior experience is self-explanatory
  • Include personal pictures such as a headshot
  • Include personal information such as your SSN or hobbies
  • Finally, we asked each expert what they thought some of the most important things federal job seekers should know:

Nancy Segal : “You have to understand the process. If you do the process right, you should consistently get to the hiring manager.”

Lex Levin : “Federal hiring is very much a marathon, not a sprint. It takes on average about a hundred and six days to go from application to onboarding, which is over three months. Many people wait longer than that. If you are getting referred [to the hiring manager], that means the resume is working for you – keep applying!”

Karol Taylor : “Don’t struggle with no results. Invest in your future, invest in yourself. This is your career, it’s your future, it’s worth the time and money.”

Useful Resources:

  • USAJob’s resume writing video tutorial
  • Pathways – recent grad federal job program
  • Free virtual events from USAJobs including resume writing workshops
  • AskFedWeek.com
  • How to write executive core qualifications

Scan your resume for new resume formatting checks.

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  • Building Your Resume with USAJobs

by Barbara Adams , CPRW, CEIP, MFRW, MMRW, MFCA/T

What Is USAJobs?

USAJobs  is the federal official employment site. It’s a job board designed for U.S. government agencies across the country and around the world. It connects qualified applicants to more than 500 agencies and organizations, posting more than 20,000 job openings every day in over 147 countries. When you establish an account, USAJobs provides a secure online environment to access and apply for these opportunities.

As the federal government’s official source for job listings, application information, and employment opportunities, USAJobs has attracted more than 17 million applicants since its inception. USAJobs 3.1 screens applicants’ responses to questionnaires found in most vacancy announcements in support of the level of experience you claim for specified questions. This step and your responses will determine if you qualify for the specific position. The responses to these questions and your experience, skills, education, training and accomplishments must be specified throughout your USAJobs resume.

The USAJobs online Federal Resume Builder has its own limitations and requirements. That means your information on USAJobs resumes must meet the required format, keyword criteria and characters permitted. USAJobs hosts many thousands of job applications for a variety of federal job openings in the U.S. and around the world.

Online formats tend to be restrictive and each has different format requirements. If not written correctly with the required USAJobs resume format, your application may end up being automatically rejected. This is why it’s incredibly important to learn how to write a resume for USAJobs correctly.

Let Us Write Your USAJobs Resume Correctly

Why is a USAJobs Resume is Important?

USAJobs announcements often attract dozens—and sometimes hundreds—of applicants. The USAJobs application process is designed to weed out candidates who cannot follow precise instructions and who don’t present experience that qualifies them for the position. Your application and your resume need to be crafted to clear this first hurdle.

The application process includes questions that address your level of experience. The catch is that your answers to those questions have to be supported by the body of your USAJobs resume.  It’s important that your resume is crafted in such a way that it backs up your responses  and presents to the hiring agency a highly knowledgeable and skilled candidate. It’s all too easy for otherwise qualified candidates to make simple errors or omissions and accidentally eliminate themselves from consideration early in the hiring process. As the leading USAJobs resume writing service in the industry, CareerProPlus can help you develop the application package that will get your federal resume seen and reviewed.

What Makes USAJobs Resumes Unique?

If you’ve worked in the private sector, you’re probably familiar with resumes that are one or two pages, but it’s different for federal government jobs. The USAJobs resume format is the most widely used style for federal hiring, and it includes much more information than you’d typically put on a corporate resume. CareerProPlus has developed a Headline Format for USAJobs resume that has been well received time and again by the Human Resources (HR) personnel of federal agencies. We are able to help you ensure the most compelling, impactful, and relevant parts of your federal resume stand out to HR when it matters most.

In addition to writing a USAJobs resume that accurately captures your experience and skills, we can also help you to flesh out and integrate the responses to the assessment questions that frequently accompany each posting, improving the chances that your application package will be reviewed.

Encoding Specific Keywords for USAJobs Resume Database Searches

Now that USAJobs is searchable throughout all federal agencies looking for qualified candidates, it is important to build USAJobs resumes in the federal resume builder instead of uploading your resume. This will not harm your chances if you just upload your USAJobs resume as an attachment for the specific job you are applying for, but when you apply for a vacancy using the online federal resume builder it will display specific keywords in custom data base searches when other agencies are seeking job candidates with your experience.

Creating a federal resume is a very detailed process, and it is very important that you know exactly how to code or write your USAJobs resume to generate a hiring authority’s interest in you. There are a different set of keywords for every job. Sometimes building your USAJobs resume can be overwhelming because they are much more comprehensive than applying for private-sector jobs. Unfortunately there is no reference book on keywords, but if you look at the job duties and specialized skills on each vacancy announcement you will find the keywords populated within the wording.

The bottom line is that the federal government now can search resumes on the USAJobs system by job-specific keywords. If your USAJobs resume is not populated with those words, it does not have a chance of being flagged for consideration for other positions that may become available. So don’t miss the chance to have your USAJobs resume searched for other federal job opportunities .

Why You Should Tailor Your USAJobs Resume for Each Position

Have you ever noticed the way your word choice varies, depending on whether you’re talking to your current boss, your significant other, your friends, or your family? This reflects a natural human desire to connect by using the most effective language in a given situation. You should think of your federal resume the same way. It should aim to use the most targeted language possible to convey a seamless fit with the hiring organization. One of the ways you can achieve this with a  USAJobs resume  is to update it to meet the specific experience requirements and keywords of each job posting.

Successful applicants also incorporate elements from their federal resume into the answers on the accompanying occupational questionnaire for the vacancy. By creating a consistent connection between the resume and the accompanying questionnaire, you will be able to communicate with HR more effectively and will be more likely to earn an interview.

All USAJobs vacancy announcements should be read and interpreted prior to applying. This is essential to ensure your USAJobs resume addresses all the specialized experience and assessment questions.

Effective USAJobs Resumes for Military Veterans

For military personnel, it is important to translate complex military terminology into terms more commonly used in civilian government agencies and the private sector. This is often one of the more difficult tasks for military personnel who attempt to write their own resumes, and it is something that the professional Master Federal Resume Writers at CareerProPlus have been helping Veterans with for more than 36 years.

In addition to following the established rules and detailed instructions of a job posting, it is important to ensure that the resume immediately communicates your eligibility. To help address this, we developed our signature Headline Format back in 1995, when the federal government phased out its Application for Federal Employment form (also known as the SF-171). This Headline Format has proven popular with federal HR offices because it places desired keywords at the beginning of each paragraph, allowing HR professionals to quickly and easily locate specialized experience and other requirements related to each U.S. government job vacancy announcement.


Keeping Your USAJobs Resumes in the System and Up-to-Date

You can upload as many as five USAJobs resumes and keep them in your account for as long as you need them.

Of course, everything changes over time, and that includes the USAJobs system—sometimes without warning. This can render earlier resumes unsuitable for further use. Since successful candidates aren’t just well qualified but also well prepared, we recommend periodically  connecting with a career coach  to ensure that your USAJobs resume and credentials are up-to-date. Professional career coaches help focus applicants toward the opportunities that make the most of their training, experience, skills, and competencies. That’s why well-coached job applicants who have taken the time to receive the necessary training are often better positioned to secure a federal job than candidates with similar qualifications.

Do All Federal Agencies Use USAJobs?

An overwhelming majority of federal agencies use USAJobs. While some positions periodically get filled without being listed on the site, USAJobs is by far the best opportunity for most applicants to find and apply for federal government jobs. If you are seeking a certain position, or a position in a certain agency, our career coaches will work with you to devise a strategy that maximizes your visibility and competitiveness for your desired job.

Why is Federal Hiring Automated?

As a skilled individual with leadership experience, you know how important personality, attitude, and work ethic are to a successful career. While federal agencies also understand this, there are over 2 million full-time federal employees.

The U.S. government is actually the largest employer in the country. That means the sheer number of entries in the USAJobs application system makes it nearly impossible for all federal resumes to undergo a manual review.

This is why the federal employment process has been partially automated, streamlining the process to select only the USAJobs resumes that most closely match the qualifications requirements for a given position.

Who Can Use USAJobs?

USAJobs is a federal government job board available to any U.S. citizen. It provides tremendous opportunities for those already in the federal system to move up the ladder.

And if you’re interested in starting a career with the federal government, this is the first stop to make in your search. CareerProPlus can help you with your  military-to-federal resumes  or  civilian federal resumes .

How Can USAJobs Help Me?

If you’re looking to improve the breadth of your job search, then USAJobs is the place to start. Here are just a few ways using USAJobs can help you with the next step in your career:

  • It can act as a resume and document repository, with the ability to keep up to five uploaded resumes in your account and ready for action.
  • You can perform an advanced search using keywords, location, or job category. You can even search by agency.
  • You can set up customized job alerts and other notifications by setting USAJobs to run job searches automatically and send you results via email daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • USAJobs lets you monitor your application status and see updates provided by the hiring agency.
  • USAJobs includes a comprehensive help section and provides resources such as FAQs, tutorials, and best practices for using the site.
  • USAJobs maintains a social media presence, so you can follow or like USAJobs on Facebook ,  LinkedIn ,  Twitter , and  YouTube  for the absolute latest.

How Do I Get Started With USAJobs?

The only requirement to establish a USAJobs account is a valid email. Simply click on “Create an Account” and follow the steps to complete the process. Once registered, you can complete your profile, build a resume, or upload an existing resume in a variety of compatible formats, including Word documents and PDF. The important thing to remember is that USAJobs requires a specific format for submission and has restrictive character counts in different parts of the resume.

You can begin your job search immediately upon registration using a variety of criteria, including agency name, job type, location, and even desired salary. Remember that thousands of new jobs are added to the USAJobs website every day!

What Else Should I Know About USAJobs?

The process of applying for a federal position on USAJobs can sometimes be a bit daunting, from understanding the terms used at various agencies to knowing exactly how the application process works; it can be very different from agency to agency and sometimes only slight changes can affect how you submit your resume and application. Keywords and accomplishments are also critical to building an effective resume for USAJobs.

It’s generally not a good idea to submit any old resume you have lying around to USAJobs. There is a specific format for a USAJobs resume that has proven to be most effective. If you aren’t sure how to proceed confidently, then it may be worth considering the services of a professional Master Federal Resume Writer™. CareerProPlus has mastered the fine art of the  USAJobs resume —including through the use of our “secret weapon.”

If you’d like to deploy this secret weapon but aren’t sure where to begin, you can  get started right here .

Get Started With Your Resume

( Source:   USAJobs Help Center )

Barbara Adams, President and CEO of CareerPro Global (CPG), has been a member of the careers community for the past 25 years. Ms. Adams holds five prestigious industry certifications. CareerPro Global is the only ISO 9001-2008 Certified Career Service in the industry, as well as one of the fastest-growing Military, Federal, and Civilian Resume-Writing and Careers-Coaching companies. The team of Certified Professional Federal and Military Resume Writers at CPG assist thousands of clients in applying for and gaining employment each year. We can help you land your military to civilian job.

Learn More About Federal Government Jobs & Resumes

  • Federal vs. Private Sector Jobs
  • How to Get a Job in the Intelligence Community
  • Federal Jobs with Customs and Border Protection
  • How to Land a Defense Contractor Job
  • USAJobs Training
  • Administrative Law Judges
  • All Resume Services
  • Federal Resume Writing Services
  • Federal Job Search & Application Training
  • Sample Federal Resumes

Page Updated May 26, 2022

About the author:

Barbara Adams, President & CEO, CareerPro Global


Barbara Adams is the founder and CEO of CareerPro Global, Inc. and has led the company since 1990.  She is recognized as one of the pioneers in the career services industry and a titan of the resume writing industry. Barbara has built CPG into one of the largest and fastest-growing premier career services organizations industry-wide. She is committed to CPG’s core factors that include quality product, exceptional customer service, a successful proven process, and taking care of her people.  Barbara has Co-Authored numerous books, including:

  • Roadmap to the Senior Executive Service
  • Roadmap to Becoming an Administrative Law Judge
  • Job-Winning Military to Civilian Resumes
  • Roadmap to Federal Jobs

She also co-authored the certification requirements for the Master Military Resume Writer (MMRW) and the Master Federal Career Advisor and Trainer (MFCA-T) certifications.

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Questions and answers

Where can i get help with writing my resume.

The FedsHireVets.gov website has a Resume Writing guide posted at

Resume Writing Participant Handout PDF .

USAJOBS.gov Help Center: Resume Creation Guide

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 Suggested Federal Resume Guide for PMF Applications 

  • Share This: Share  Suggested Federal Resume Guide for PMF Applications  on Facebook Share  Suggested Federal Resume Guide for PMF Applications  on LinkedIn Share  Suggested Federal Resume Guide for PMF Applications  on X

Your federal resume for the PMF will be different from a standard resume.

  • It is expected to be at least two pages.
  • It can be as long as 7 or 8 pages.
  • Guidelines on usajobs suggest that you do not need an official federal resume, however, we recommend implementing the basics outlined in this guide.


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  5. 12++ Best usajobs resume example That You Can Imitate

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  6. Usa Jobs Resume Format : Free 8 Sample Federal Resume Templates In Ms

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  1. Stop submitting this kind of resume when applying to federal jobs on Usajobs.gov! #usajobshire

  2. FAA

  3. How do I make my resume searchable on Usajobs?

  4. How to Write a USAJOBs Resume

  5. Kickstart your federal career: Navigating USAJOBS and the federal resume

  6. Usajobs Job Announcement @UsajobsHire


  1. USAJOBS Help Center

    Include dates, hours, level of experience and examples for each work experience. For each work experience you list, make sure you include: Start and end dates (including the month and year). The number of hours you worked per week. The level and amount of experience—for instance, whether you served as a project manager or a team member helps ...

  2. What should I include in my federal resume?

    Include dates, hours, level of experience and examples for each work experience. For each work experience you list, make sure you include: Start and end dates (including the month and year). The number of hours you worked per week. The level and amount of experience—for instance, whether you served as a project manager or a team member helps ...


    Learn how to write a resume that meets the requirements for federal positions. Find out what information to include, how to tailor your resume to the job, and how to translate military experience to civilian terms.

  4. Tips for Writing a Federal Resume

    Learn how to create a federal resume that showcases your qualifications and matches the employer's needs. Find out how to prepare, tailor, format, and present your resume effectively.

  5. PDF Federal Resume Guide

    Federal Resume Guide Page 5 Tab 1 - Overview - briefly describes the job and provides basic information regarding salary, who may apply, duty location, open period for acceptance of applications, and job summary. Tab 2 - Duties - cites the major duties and responsibilities of the job. Tab 3 - Qualifications and Evaluations - lists the type of skills/competencies you need

  6. Quick Guide to Preparing a Resume For Federal Government Positions

    It is extremely important that you carefully read application instructions and include all required information. Below is an example of a resume for Federal employment: (1st Element: The introductory paragraph - Must be specific and highly detailed for each job series and position you're applying to. You need to outline all the specific skills ...

  7. USAJOBS Help Center

    How to create a resume. You can create a resume in two ways: Build a resume using our Resume Builder. Upload a resume that you already have. When applying to a federal job, you need to include specific information in your resume. Read our tips on what you should include in your federal resume.

  8. USAJOBS Help Center

    How to build a resume. To build a resume in USAJOBS: Sign into USAJOBS. Go to your Documents.; Make sure you're in the Resumes section and select the Upload or build resume button.; Click Build resume.; Name your new resume and click Next.; Click Add Work Experience, enter the required information and click Save Work Experience.To add additional work experience repeat this step or click Next ...


    Read the How to Apply section of the job announcement before starting your application. Click Apply, and we'll walk you through a five-step process where you'll attach a resume and any required documents.. During the application process, you can review, edit and delete your information. We'll automatically save your progress as you go so that you won't lose any changes.

  10. Federal Resume Tips

    Resume Checklist. We encourage you to use the USAJobs online Resume Builder. If you use your own resume, you must include the following information: Contact information. This includes your name, address, day and evening telephone numbers, and email address; Citizenship (if other than the U.S.) Relevant work experience. This includes paid and ...

  11. USAJOBS Help Center

    How to upload a resume. You can upload or build up to five resumes. Sign into USAJOBS. Click Documents—it will default to display resumes.; Click Upload or build resume.; Choose Upload resume.; Browse the documents stored on your computer, select the resume you would like to upload, and select Open.; Name your resume—the default name will match the file title from your computer.

  12. PDF Tips for Writing a Federal Resume

    qualifications that align with the requirements listed in a federal job announcement. Human Resources ... To ensure all of the essential information is in your resume, we encourage you to use the USAJOBS online Resume Builder. If you choose to use your own resume, you must ensure it contains all of the required information and you organize it ...

  13. Federal Resumes Guide for USAJobs

    The same procedures apply to an SES resume as with a general federal resume, but the scope is larger and the requirements more specific. If the vacancy post you're interested in requires the traditional method, you'll need to craft both a traditional resume as well as a 10-page document outlining how your experience aligns with the five ...

  14. 10 Tips for Writing Your Federal Resume > DCAA > Article View

    Federal resumes need to be more detailed and include specific information that demonstrates how your qualifications meet the requirements for a particular job. ... skills, and experience to the requirements. You can use the USAJOBS Resume Builder to ensure you include all required content, and then format the resume as you like. Don't include ...

  15. Tips for Applying for Federal Jobs

    More information regarding resumes (from Careers at DOL - Tips for Writing your Federal resume ): One size never fits all. As you apply for jobs, tailor your resume to the position's requirements. Study the job opportunity announcement and emphasize the parts of your work history that match the qualification requirements listed there. It is ...

  16. USAJOBS Resume Builder: Tips and Examples

    USAJOBS allows the employee to have 5 resumes created and uploaded via the USAJOBS resume builder. Tailoring your resume for each specific federal job announcement can be the key to your success. Although having similar titles, the different job announcement will be using different keywords to describe their requirements for the candidate.

  17. How to Write a Federal Resume

    Federal resumes have strict requirements, and not following these requirements is a great way to get passed over. ... Using the USAJobs resume builder is a great idea if you're new to the federal job application process. The resume builder requires all of the important information that could get you disqualified if omitted, so there's an ...

  18. Federal Resume: Example, Template & How to Write

    Here's a resume template with everything you need to build a resume for uploading to USAJOBS: 1. Resume Heading. FIRST AND LAST NAME. Address: your street, city, state, zip code | Email: [email protected] | Phone: xxx xxx xxxx. Desired job: Title, grade (GS #), announcement number. Citizenship:

  19. Tips for Building a Resume with USAJobs

    Job-Winning Military to Civilian Resumes. Roadmap to Federal Jobs. She also co-authored the certification requirements for the Master Military Resume Writer (MMRW) and the Master Federal Career Advisor and Trainer (MFCA-T) certifications. Find out how you can build your resume on USAJobs in order to land a job with the federal government.

  20. Where can I get help with writing my resume?

    USAJOBS FAQ Toggle submenu. General; Vendor Management FAQ Toggle submenu. General; Work Life FAQ Toggle submenu. General; Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Family; Health & Wellness; Workforce Information FAQ Toggle submenu. General

  21. Suggested Federal Resume Guide for PMF Applications

    Your federal resume for the PMF will be different from a standard resume. It is expected to be at least two pages. It can be as long as 7 or 8 pages. Guidelines on usajobs suggest that you do not need an official federal resume, however, we recommend implementing the basics outlined in this guide.

  22. PDF Writing Your Resume for Federal Jobs

    requirements as described in job announcement •Provide details and accomplishments •Include level and complexity of work •Include start and end dates (month/year) and number of hours worked per week Others •Usually limited to 1-2 pages •Requires brevity -limited details •Only include work experience related to target position

  23. How Long Should a Resume Be? [2024]

    Concise and focused: The one-page limit ensures that you present your relevant skills and qualifications using clear and concise language. Easy to scan: A one-page format makes it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to locate essential skills, experiences and achievements at a glance. Shows strong communication skills: Crafting a one-page resume demonstrates the ability to condense ...

  24. 10 Best Resume Builders to Create A Great Resume

    Let's Eat, Grandma - Best Resume Builder for Range of Career Service. Star Rating: 4/5. Let's Eat, Grandma is an inventive and progressive tool for creating impressive resumes. The platform ...