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119 Nike Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Nike is one of the most well-known and iconic brands in the world, with a long history of producing high-quality athletic wear and footwear. With such a widespread presence in the sports industry, it's no surprise that there are countless essay topics that can be explored when it comes to Nike. Whether you're a sports enthusiast, a marketing student, or just someone interested in the brand, there are plenty of interesting and thought-provoking topics to consider. Here are 119 Nike essay topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The history and evolution of Nike as a brand
  • Nike's impact on the sports industry
  • The marketing strategies used by Nike to promote their products
  • Nike's sponsorship deals and partnerships with athletes
  • The controversy surrounding Nike's use of sweatshops in developing countries
  • Nike's role in promoting diversity and inclusion in sports
  • The success of Nike's "Just Do It" marketing campaign
  • Nike's expansion into new markets and product lines
  • The influence of Nike on popular culture and fashion trends
  • Nike's use of technology and innovation in product design
  • The environmental impact of Nike's manufacturing processes
  • Nike's response to criticism and backlash from consumers
  • The role of social media in shaping Nike's brand image
  • Nike's approach to corporate social responsibility and sustainability
  • The competitive landscape in the sports industry and Nike's position within it
  • The psychology of consumer behavior and brand loyalty towards Nike
  • The impact of athlete endorsements on Nike's sales and brand perception
  • Nike's approach to customer engagement and loyalty programs
  • The role of sports in promoting the Nike brand
  • Nike's influence on the perception of gender roles in sports
  • The challenges faced by Nike in maintaining its market position
  • The global expansion of the Nike brand and its impact on different cultures
  • The role of celebrity influencers in promoting Nike products
  • Nike's response to changing trends and consumer preferences
  • The role of sustainability in Nike's product development and marketing strategies
  • The impact of social and political issues on Nike's brand image
  • Nike's approach to product customization and personalization
  • The role of technology in enhancing the performance of Nike products
  • The influence of Nike's advertising campaigns on consumer behavior
  • Nike's collaboration with other brands and designers
  • The role of nostalgia in shaping consumer perceptions of the Nike brand
  • Nike's approach to innovation and product development
  • The impact of globalization on Nike's supply chain and manufacturing processes
  • Nike's response to changing consumer preferences and lifestyle trends
  • The role of ethics and values in shaping Nike's corporate culture
  • The impact of counterfeit products on Nike's brand image and revenue
  • Nike's approach to pricing and distribution strategies
  • The role of influencers and brand ambassadors in promoting Nike products
  • Nike's approach to customer service and support
  • The influence of cultural and social trends on Nike's marketing strategies
  • Nike's approach to diversity and inclusion in its workforce
  • The impact of sports events and competitions on Nike's sales and brand visibility
  • Nike's approach to product design and development
  • Nike's approach to sustainability and environmental responsibility
  • The influence of social media on Nike's marketing strategies
  • The impact of athlete endorsements on Nike's brand image and sales
  • The role of innovation in Nike's product development and design process
  • The influence of technology on Nike's product design and development
  • Nike's response to changing consumer behavior and attitudes
  • The impact of global events on Nike's marketing strategies
  • Nike's approach to advertising and promotion
  • The role of storytelling in Nike's marketing campaigns
  • Nike's approach to brand positioning and differentiation
  • The impact of competition on Nike's market share and revenue
  • Nike's use of data and analytics in marketing and product development
  • The influence of culture and society on Nike's brand image
  • The role of sustainability in Nike's supply chain and manufacturing processes
  • The impact of social media on Nike's brand visibility and customer engagement
  • Nike's approach to customer feedback and product improvement
  • The influence of celebrity endorsements on Nike's brand image and sales
  • Nike's approach to influencer marketing and partnerships
  • The impact of social and environmental issues on Nike's brand reputation
  • Nike's response to changing market trends and competitive pressures
  • The role of innovation in Nike's product design and development
  • The impact of globalization on Nike's supply chain and distribution network
  • Nike's approach to pricing and promotion strategies
  • The influence of cultural and social trends on Nike's marketing campaigns
  • The impact of athlete endorsements on Nike's brand perception and sales
  • Nike's response to criticism and controversy surrounding its products
  • The challenges faced by Nike in maintaining its market leadership
  • The influence of social media on Nike's brand visibility and customer engagement
  • The role of sustainability in Nike's product development and manufacturing processes
  • The impact of social and environmental issues on Nike's brand image
  • Nike's approach to marketing and advertising in different regions and markets
  • The impact of social and political events on Nike's brand reputation
  • Nike's response to changing market conditions and consumer behavior

These are just a few examples of the many essay topics that can be explored when it comes to Nike. Whether you're interested in the brand's marketing strategies, its impact on the sports industry, or its approach to sustainability and social responsibility, there's no shortage of interesting and relevant topics to consider. So the next time you're looking for inspiration for your next essay, consider diving into the world of Nike and all that it has to offer.

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95 Nike Essay Topics

šŸ† best essay topics on nike, āœļø nike essay topics for college, šŸ‘ good nike research topics & essay examples, šŸŽ“ most interesting nike research titles.

  • Nike’s External and Internal Business Environments
  • Integrated Marketing Communication Plan for Nike
  • Nikeā€™s ā€œDream Crazierā€ Advertisement Analysis
  • Nike Company’s Digital and Online Systems
  • Nike Global Strategy & Marketing Approaches
  • Nike Vs. Adidas Marketing Strategy ā€“ Differences & Similarities
  • Nike Inc.’s Business Objectives
  • Nike SWOT Analysis, Porterā€™s Five Forces, & Value Chain Analysis The report analyses sources of Nikeā€™s competitiveness in the UK market, conducts the Five Forces and the SWOT analyses, and describes Nikeā€™s internal environment.
  • Nike Social Media vs. Adidas Social Media: Marketing Analysis This case study is aimed to study the official accounts of Adidas and Nike, on four of the most popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
  • Nike Equality Campaign and Marketing Communication A marketing communication plan for Nike and its latest campaign ā€œEqualityā€ will be developed regarding the main aspects of integrated marketing communications.
  • Nike Competitive Advantage & Major Competitors Description of the market structure within which the company operates, companyā€™s pricing strategies, company products, and development of strategies in the changing global economy.
  • Nike Company: Marketing Principles and Concepts Nike is an American multinational corporation, which was founded in 1964. The report will culminate by discussing the correlation between marketing department and other departments in Nike.
  • Nikeā€™s Favorite Integrated Marketing Communication Tools This paper aims to analyze and evaluate what integrated marketing communication tools Nike uses to promote its products.
  • Nike’s Example of Business Ethics Good and admirable business ethics should be observed in every business, some businesses have been fined for not following their intended business ethics.
  • Brand Management: Nike Case Study This document includes Nike’s assessment and response to consumer behavior affected by the global climate change trend.
  • Marketing Methodology of Nike The paper discusses Nike as the most demanded apparel merchant. The company’s unique marketing strategies allow it to sustain its leading position in the market.
  • Marketing Analysis: Nike Air Force One Shoes Market share of the Nike Air Force One Shoes is close to 34%. (Mokhiber 73). The company is engaged in sports wear manufacturing, however, the key product is the sport footwear.
  • Nike Internal Analysis This report will analyse the internal structure, performance, and practices of Nike to identify threats and provide a list of recommendations.
  • Nikeā€™s Organizational Culture: Approaches & HR Management This paper description of Nike Inc., its cultural analysis, the organization’s approach to staffing, and/or how it influences the performance of the organization.
  • Nike Company’s Marketing Principles and Practice Nike heavily relies on the concept of marketing mix to realise good profits in the backdrop of the stiffening competition in the sports garments industry.
  • Nike and Timmā€™s Vispac Model Nike actively interacts with the client and tries to meet their needs. It uses information, which corresponds to the three categories of the VISPAC model.
  • Statistical Analysis of the Nike Company Nike is one of the best fashion firms in the world. This analysis has included the statistical analysis that was done via the excel analysis tool pack.
  • Nikeā€™s ā€˜Choose Goā€™ Commercial Analysis The paper states that Nikeā€™s “Choose Go” commercial uses ethos, pathos, and logos to convince the audience to purchase Nike products.
  • Nike Inc.’s Strategic Planning Through the solid strategic planning that Nike has been able to formulate over the years it has been able to maintain its competitiveness against its competitors.
  • Nike Inc.’s Strategic Marketing Plan for New Products This paper presents Nike’s marketing strategy, referring to various literature to guide how the company can sell new products.
  • Nike Company’s Performance Management & Logistics The conceptualization of Nike as a company dates back to the year 1962 when its founders, Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight.
  • Nike: Company Analysis Key sections of this document provide an evaluation of the Nikeā€™s external environment, its market share, internal operational dynamics and critical factors that influence its performance.
  • Nike Inc.’s Products, Performance, and Opportunities The paper will analyze Nike’s products and services, financial performance, and the opportunities that foster its success.
  • Nike+: Advice and Recommendations for Development Digital technologies never stand still, and Nike + platform, where samples of the latest scientific thought of experts are collected, is a vivid confirmation.
  • Nike Inc.’s External and Internal Forces and Trends This work explores the SWOTT structures of Nike and evaluates which SWOTT elements affect the organization’s ability to remain competitive while conducting business.
  • Nike: Multinational Corporations and Culture This paper examines the positive and negative sides of Nike’s influence on host countries’ cultures. The essay also analyzes the global stratification effects on the United States.
  • Nike Inc.’s Analysis for Investment Decision In the case study, a fund management firm North Point Group desires to invest in Nike footwear manufacturer. This follows its history of investing in some 500 fortune companies.
  • Nike Inc.’s Marketing and Promotion Mix For Nike Inc. to advertise its products, the company uses the 4P’s marketing mix, including product, price, place, and promotion.
  • Nike Inc.’s Strategic Opportunities and Limitations This paper uses Nike as a successful companyā€™s example to study the international expansion strategy, explore it through SWOT analysis, and identify improvement opportunities.
  • Nike Inc. and Adidas Group: Business Direction and HR Planning The industry’s code, according to the N.A.I.C.S., is 339920, which refers to sporting and athletic goods manufacturing (“N.A.I.C.S. Code Description”).
  • Nike Corporation: Case Study for 2022 Nike corporation has become the absolute leader in sporting goods since the brand’s creation, however, the company has both positive and negative prospects for 2022.
  • Case Study: Nike and the Environmental Effect Nike requires its suppliers to address the environmental effect and enhance their workflow about the challenges to meet the demand for quality requirements.
  • Nike Inc. Financial Analysis The Nike brands are categorized into running, football, training, sportswear, and the Jordan brand. It has its products for different age groups, including children.
  • Nike Inc.’s Analysis and Marketing Plan The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Nike company using various marketing tools available and propose valid target market recommendations.
  • Nike Inc.’s Structure, Performance, and Ethics Nike Inc. is considered the worldā€™s largest athletic apparel company and is most known for their apparel and footwear line.
  • Nike Company Change Techniques and Decision Making The case study explores introduction of new products at Nike and discusses how Nike can use change techniques to improve effectiveness and competitive advantage.
  • Nike on Social Media: Brand Management Nike has continued to dominate social media through the implementation of an effective social media strategy that is tailored for specific target audiences.
  • Nike: Advantages and Limitations for Professional Growth Nike is one of the most competitive and fast-growing workplaces on the market of sporting goods. However, every business has its limitations for the growth of the employees.
  • Business Performance of Nike Inc. Nike Inc., as one of the leading companies manufacturing and selling sportswear. In this paper, the business performance of Nike Inc. will be provided.
  • The Cahill Versus Nike, Inc.: Sport in Society Cahill versus Nike, Inc. is a class action lawsuit. The parties in the lawsuit included Alyssa Anderson, Kelly Cahill, and Samantha Keller.
  • Nikeā€™s History of Fair Labor and Living Wages This paper explores Nike’s historical experience as one of the industry leaders in sportswear management of ethical principles. It has had acts of immoral behavior.
  • Nike Advertising Campaign: Marketing Ways to Advertise Advertising is a crucial concept in the success of the company, its perception by the audience, and the social impact that it might have.
  • The Nike Brand Advertisement Analysis The Nike brand advertisement pays special attention to the importance of sports for people. This advertisement is aimed at demonstrating that sports are available to everyone.
  • Nikeā€™s Cause Marketing. Justice Communication A cause-related marketing campaign is a campaign in which a company aligns itself with a good cause to improve its reputation.
  • Marketing Recommendations: Nike Air Jordans Based on the consumer interviews, and knowledge of psychological factors influencing peopleā€™s buying decision-making, the paper developed key recommendations for Nike Air Jordans.
  • Nike Inc.’s Sustainable Manufacturing Assessment Growing competition poses challenges for Nike in terms of supply chain management and sustainable development.
  • Nike Company’s Strategic Management Tools The most crucial consideration that built Nike’s successful management was the development of strategic marketing through strategic management tools.
  • Nike Inc.’s Successful Collaborations The paper states that Nike Inc. and its successful collaborations provided an appropriate description of the company and its marketing endeavors.
  • Nike Inc.’s Company Analysis and Missions Nike, Inc. can be called a successful company in the sphere of sportswear. Its values and the quality of products attract customers around the world.
  • Nike: Social Media Marketing Campaign Nikeā€™s social media marketing campaign is a way for the company to contribute to the development of a more accepting society that embraces diversity.
  • Nike and Its Effects on Individual Self-Identity Nike is a famous brand in the present world because millions of people throughout the globe wear its products.
  • Nikeā€™s Marketing in the United States Nikeā€™s marketing strategies are the key component of its successful management system. They tend to use professional athletesā€™ experience.
  • Nikeā€™s Ad for Football Women’s World Cup 2019 Nike released its empowering advertisement ahead of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019 hosted in France. It claims that football is a game enjoyed by people of all races.
  • Nike, Whole Foods, and Mcdonaldā€™s: The Use of Information Systems Using the example of such well-known companies as Nike, Whole Foods, and Mcdonaldā€™s, this work will prove the need to implement information systems.
  • Nikeā€™s Operations and Market Analysis Nike, Inc is one of the largest suppliers of athletic apparel and footwear not only in the American market but also globally.
  • Nike as the Best and Largest Sportswear Brand in the World Nike is the world’s number one designer and marketer of sportswear and the distributor of athletic footwear, equipment, and accessories for different sports and other activities.
  • Gender in Advertising ā€œDream Crazierā€ by Nike Advertising aims to catch potential customers’ attention, and promotional managers usually use different strategies to attract people of different ages, genders, and races.
  • Nike Inc.’s Marketing and Manufacturing Principles This paper is an outline of the research of Nike and its impact on the global economy, social and political conditions, and marketing trends.
  • Nike Social Media Analysis This research work is aimed at evaluating user perception of Nike products through social networks, in particular, Instagram, Amazon, and YouTube.
  • Nike Proxy Statement Analysis The purpose of this work is to analyze the proxy statement of Nike and provide details about what comprises the executive compensation plan of the company.
  • Colin Kaepernikā€™s Protest in Nikeā€™s Ad Campaign The paper aims to study the ripple effect of Colin Kaepernick’s protest against police violence and the subsequent adoption of his quote in Nikeā€™s advertising campaign.
  • Nike Strategies for Delivering of High-Quality Products This paper examines whether there are any systems, strategies, or mechanisms that are put in place by Nike to ensure service delivery is of high quality.
  • Nike Company and United Airlines: Strategic Management Nike is a key player in the manufacturing of the sports gear of all manners. The company’s name is borrowed from the Greek god of victory.
  • Nike Inc.’s Marketing Concepts and Terminologies Nike Inc. was established in 1964 under the name Blue Ribbon Sports. Today, the company focuses on the design, manufacture, and distribution of sportswear and accessories.
  • Nike Company’s Commercial Analysis In its recent commercial, Nike has been focusing on inspiring people to overcome challenges and push the envelope, therefore, discovering more about themselves and the world around them.
  • The Nike Brand Success and Phil Night’s Leadership The specific ways of the Nike organization, as well as personal qualities that helped Phil Night establish a world-famous brand, will be discussed in this paper.
  • The Business Ethics Used at Nike Commerce
  • What Responsibility Does Nike Have for Conditions of Work at Foreign Factor?
  • Strategic Management Analysis Nike
  • Why Has Nike Become Such a Leading Sports Transnational Corporation?
  • The Benefits and Costs of a Market Orientation for Nike
  • Nike Inc.ā€™s Marketing Mix: Brilliant Marketing Strategy Analysis
  • The Marketing Concept, Nike Approach
  • Nike and Vietnam: The Impact of Globalization
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model and Nike
  • Catholic Social Teaching and the Nike Corporations
  • Nikeā€™s Sweatshops Working Conditions
  • The Issues Facing the Labor Workforce in Nike
  • Nikeā€™s Advertising Strategy for the 2010 Fifa World Cup in South Africa
  • The Social Conscience and the Labor Rights in the Nike Company
  • Global Value and Supply Chain of Nike
  • How Nike Affects the Planet, Animals, and Millions of People?
  • Corporate and Environmental Responsibility of the Nike Foundation
  • There Are Two Types of Interest Rate for Nike
  • Ratio and Financial Statement Analysis of Nike
  • Nike Company: Supply Chain Management
  • The Company Information and Web Site Analysis of Nike Corporation
  • Brand Values and Design Relationship at Nike
  • Foreign Direct Investment Tactics of Nike, Inc.
  • What Have Been the Key Success Factors for Nike?

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"95 Nike Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 28 Jan. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/nike-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '95 Nike Essay Topics'. 28 January.

1. StudyCorgi . "95 Nike Essay Topics." January 28, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/nike-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "95 Nike Essay Topics." January 28, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/nike-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "95 Nike Essay Topics." January 28, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/nike-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Nike were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if youā€™re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on December 26, 2023 .

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Nike analysis: a comprehensive guide for business students, dr. wilson mn.

  • June 28, 2023
  • Business Analysis Examples

If you are studying business, you need to learn how to do a company analysis. Nike is a great company to use as a case study for this kind of analysis. In this guide on Nike Analysis, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Nike, including its history, mission, products, market position, and main rivals.

Nike is one of the largest companies in the world that makes athletic shoes and clothes. Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight started it in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports. In 1971, the name was changed to Nike. Nike is a global brand that can be found in more than 190 countries around the world .

Understanding company analysis is important for business students because it lets them figure out a company’s strengths and weaknesses, find possible opportunities and threats, and learn more about how the company works and what strategies it uses. By looking at a successful company like Nike, students can learn a lot about how to do marketing, come up with new ideas, and be good corporate citizens.

What You'll Learn

Company Profile

A. company history.

Nike was founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, who were both track and field coaches at the University of Oregon. Originally named Blue Ribbon Sports, the company initially operated as a distributor for the Japanese shoemaker Onitsuka Tiger (now ASICS). In 1971, the company officially became Nike and began designing and manufacturing its own shoes.

Over the years, Nike has become synonymous with athletic footwear and apparel, and its iconic “swoosh” logo is recognized around the world. The company has grown through a combination of innovative product design , savvy marketing, and strategic partnerships with athletes and sports teams.

B. Vision, Mission, and Core Values

Nike’s mission is to “bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.” The company’s vision is to “remain the most authentic, connected, and distinctive brand.” Nike’s core values include innovation, sustainability, and diversity and inclusion.

C. Products and Services

Nike produces a wide range of athletic footwear and apparel for various sports, including basketball, football, soccer, and running. The company also offers accessories such as bags, socks, and hats. In addition to its core products, Nike has expanded into other areas, such as digital fitness tracking and smart clothing.

D. Industry and Market Position

Nike operates in the highly competitive athletic footwear and apparel industry, which includes companies such as Adidas, Under Armour, and Puma. Despite intense competition, Nike has maintained a dominant market position and is consistently ranked as one of the most valuable brands in the world.

One of Nike’s key strengths is its ability to innovate and stay ahead of trends in the industry. The company is known for its cutting-edge product design and technology , such as its Flyknit shoes and Nike+ digital platform. Nike has also been recognized for its commitment to sustainability and ethical business practices .

E. Key Competitors

Nike’s key competitors include Adidas , Under Armour, Puma, and New Balance. Adidas is Nike’s biggest rival, and the two companies often compete head-to-head for market share in key categories such as basketball and soccer footwear.

SWOT Analysis

To gain a deeper understanding of Nike’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, we’ll conduct a SWOT analysis .

A. Strengths

Nike’s strengths include:

  • Strong brand recognition and reputation
  • Innovative product design and technology
  • Extensive distribution network
  • Effective marketing and advertising campaigns
  • Commitment to sustainability and ethical business practices

B. Weaknesses

Nike’s weaknesses include:

  • Dependence on a few key product categories , such as basketball footwear
  • Vulnerability to economic downturns and shifts in consumer preferences
  • Criticism for labor practices and working conditions in overseas factories

C. Opportunities

Nike’s opportunities include:

  • Expansion into new markets, such as China and India
  • Expansion into new product categories, such as smart clothing and wearable technology
  • Growth potential in the women’s athletic apparel market

Nike’s threats include:

  • Intense competition from rivals, particularly Adidas
  • Fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates
  • Increasing scrutiny of environmental and social impacts of athletic footwear and apparel manufacturing

Noteworthy Research Papers on Nike

There have been several noteworthy research papers published on Nike over the years. Here are a few that provide valuable insights into the company’s operations and strategies:

A. Noteworthy Research Papers on Nike

  • “ Nike’s Global Women’s Fitness Business: Driving Strategic Integration and Operational Efficiency ” by Michael E. Porter and Elizabeth Kind (2018). This paper examines Nike’s approach to the women’s athletic apparel market and its strategies for driving growth and profitability.
  • “ Nike’s Sustainable Innovation Journey: New Frontiers in Nike’s Business Model Innovation ” by Stefan Gold and Florian LĆ¼deke-Freund (2019). This paper explores Nike’s sustainability initiatives and how they have been integrated into the company’s business model .
  • “ Nike’s Global Labor Practices: A Case Study in Supplier Relationship Management ” by Richard M. Locke and Fei Qin (2007). This paper provides a critical analysis of Nike’s labor practices and supply chain management , and offers recommendations for improvement.
  • The impact of Nike’s marketing and advertising on consumer behavior
  • Nike’s approach to innovation and product design in the athletic footwear and apparel industry
  • Nike’s supply chain management practices and efforts to improve labor conditions in overseas factories
  • The impact of Nike’s sustainability initiatives on its brand reputation and financial performance
  • The competitive landscape of the athletic footwear and apparel industry and Nike’s strategies for maintaining market leadership

 Essay Titles on Nike

  • “The Evolution of Nike: From Blue Ribbon Sports to Global Athletic Brand”
  • “Marketing Strategies of Nike: How the Swoosh Became a Global Icon
  • An Analysis of Nike’s Sustainable Business Practices
  • “Nike’s Impact on the Athletic Footwear and Apparel Industry”
  • “The Role of Innovation in Nike’s Success”
  • Nike’s Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility”
  • “The Power of Branding: How Nike Built a Global Empire”
  • “A Critical Look at Nike’s Labor Practices and Supply Chain Management”
  • “Nike’s Investment in Women’s Sports: A Strategic Move or a Social Responsibility?”
  • “The Nike-Adidas Rivalry: A Battle for Athletic Footwear Supremacy”

Research Topics on Nike

  • The impact of Nike’s marketing campaigns on consumer behavior
  • Nike’s partnerships with athletes and sports teams and their impact on brand image and sales
  • The role of digital technology in Nike’s marketing and distribution strategies
  • Nike’s expansion into new markets and product categories and their potential for growth and profitability
  • An analysis of Nike’s financial performance and its position in the global market
  • Nike’s response to criticism and controversy, such as the Colin Kaepernick ad campaign and allegations of labor abuses in its supply chain.

Frequently Asked Questions on Nike

1.   when was nike founded.

Nike was founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports, before officially becoming Nike in 1971.

2.   Who are the founders of Nike?

Nike was founded by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight.

3.   What does Nike’s “swoosh” logo represent?

The “swoosh” logo was designed by Carolyn Davidson in 1971 and represents the wing of the Greek goddess Nike, who was the goddess of victory.

4.   What is Nike’s mission statement?

Nike’s mission statement is to “bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.

5.   What are Nike’s core values?

Nike’s core values include innovation, sustainability, and diversity and inclusion.

6.   What products does Nike sell?

Nike sells a wide range of athletic footwear and apparel for various sports, including basketball, football, soccer, and running. The company also offers accessories such as bags, socks, and hats.

7.   Who are Nike’s key competitors?

Nike’s key competitors include Adidas, Under Armour, Puma, and New Balance.

8.   Where is Nike headquartered?

Nike is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, USA.

9.   How many employees does Nike have?

As of 2021, Nike has approximately 75,000 employees worldwide.

10.               What is Nike’s stance on sustainability?

Nike has made a commitment to sustainability and ethical business practices, and has set ambitious goals for reducing its environmental impact and promoting social responsibility. The company has launched initiatives such as the “Move to Zero” campaign, which aims to create zero waste and carbon emissions in its supply chain by 2030.

In summary, Nike is a global brand with a rich history , a dominant market position, and a commitment to innovation, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility. Through our analysis of Nike’s company profile , SWOT analysis, research papers, essay titles, and frequently asked questions, we have gained valuable insights into the company’s operations, strategies, and impact on the athletic footwear and apparel industry.

For business students, understanding how to conduct a company analysis is a critical skill to develop. By studying successful companies like Nike and conducting in-depth research on their operations, strategies, and impact, students can learn valuable lessons on best practices for marketing, innovation, and social responsibility. They can also gain insights into the competitive landscape of the global market and develop the analytical skills necessary to make informed business decisions.

 Further Reading

Recommended sources on nike:.

  • “ Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike ” by Phil Knight
  • “ Just Do It: The Nike Spirit in the Corporate World ” by Donald Katz
  • “ The Nike Controversy ” by Ballinger, J.
  • “ Sustainability at Nike ” by Andrew Winston
  • “T he Power of Nike’s Brand Image ” by Emily Delbridge

External links to reputable sources:

  • Nike’s official website
  • Nike’s sustainability report
  • Nike’s investor relations page
  • Forbes article on Nike’s marketing strategy
  • Harvard Business Review case study on Nike’s digital strategy

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Essay Samples on Nike

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Report on Marketing Strategy and Product Quality of Nike

Introduction When talking about brands, many renowned names strikes in our mind. Creating a Brand and its extension among competitors are two different things. Brand value is not just depending on the product quality but how it targets its customers. Nike is known for its...

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Present & Past Of American Sportwear Company Nike

Nike is an American sportswear company with its headquarters located in Beaverton, Oregon. Nike is a part of the Footwear and Accessories industry. Its main rivals are Adidas, Reebok and Puma. Compared to its competitors, Nike has a much greater worldwide revenue and brand valuation...

Analysis Of Marketing Strategy Of Nike Corporation

Acknowledgement I accept this open door to stretch out my earnest on account of everyone related straightforwardly or by implication in fulfillment of this venture. My unique on account of Mr. Rohit Kumar (Sales Manager), I am exceedingly grateful to my regarded Supervisor Prof. Mala...

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A Review Of The Book "Shoe Dog" By Phil Knight

The author of this book is ā€œPhil Knightā€ or Phillip Hampson Knight, the founder and current chairman of Nike inc. He was previously a certified accountant. He has also held the position of CEO but has since resigned from that position. He currently holds a...

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Analysis Of Nike Keep Up Commercial

The displayed ad pertains to a 2009 running campaign Nikeplus made and hosted to kickstart their yearly Men Vs. Women challenge. It is inarguably clear that Nike, an organization most famously known for their sports attire and shoes, does not only target runners in their...

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Best topics on Nike

1. The Operations Management of Nike: A Comprehensive Overview

2. The Nike’s Popularity Among Track and Field Athletes

3. Nike Is The Best Athletic Shoe Brand

4. Analysis Of The Memoir Shoe Dog, Nike’s History Of Entrepreneurship

5. Report on Marketing Strategy and Product Quality of Nike

6. Present & Past Of American Sportwear Company Nike

7. Analysis Of Marketing Strategy Of Nike Corporation

8. A Review Of The Book “Shoe Dog” By Phil Knight

9. Analysis Of Nike Keep Up Commercial

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126 Nike Research Topics & Essay Examples

šŸ“ nike research papers examples, šŸ’” essay ideas on nike, šŸ† best nike essay titles, ā“ nike research questions.

Company overview An American-based company that specializes in making clothing & shoes; worldā€™s largest sportswear manufacturer.
Best known for Nike Air Jordan ā€“ the top-selling shoes of all time
Products & services Footwear, apparel, sportswear, sports equipment, accessories.
Origins Established in 1964 in Oregon by Phil Knight, an athlete, and Bill Bowerman, his coach.
Area served Worldwide
Headquarters Beaverton, Oregon, US
Key people John Donahoe (president & CEO), Mark Parker (executive Chairman), Phil Night (Chairman emeritus)
Revenue Over $30 billion
Number of stores Over 70 thousand
Scandals & incidents In the 1990s, Nike, like some other footwear and apparel manufacturers, was heavily criticized for using sweatshops and child labor.
It is interesting that Making the first Nike prototypes, Bowerman experimented with kangaroo leather and fish skin.
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  • Recommendations for Nike in South-East Asia Case Business essay sample: The Nike company has grown tremendously within a short span of time into one of the most successful companies in the sports apparel industry globally.
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  • Compensation and Benefits Package for Employees Business essay sample: Companiesā€™ management needs to define possible benefits for their employees, which can include compensation, rewards, and other elements aimed at engaging staff members.
  • Nike Golf: Company Analysis and Evaluation Project Business essay sample: The paper presents the analysis of Nike Inc.'s business unit - Nike Golf, investigating its establishment history, marketing, and financial strategies.
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  • Nike Inc.'s Financial and Strategic (SWOT) Analysis Business essay sample: Nike Inc. is the largest supplier of athletic wear with a global market share of 37% started as an importer of Japanese shoes in 1962.
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  • Analysis on the Nikeā€™s Financial Positions Business essay sample: This paper presents a SWOT analysis and financial analysis of Nike, an assessment of the effectiveness of liquidity management and profitability.
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  • Apple, Nike, Walmart, and Amazon: International Management Issues Business essay sample: This paper will analyze the management styles and methods used by the leaders of Apple, Nike, Walmart, and Amazon companies.
  • Nike ā€“ Sweatshop Debate: Case Study Business essay sample: This paper discusses the role played by the governments where the concerns were raised and the strategic and operational challenges facing managers as shown in the Nike case.
  • Organizational Analysis of Nike Business essay sample: This paper explores branding strategies, internal processes such as teamwork culture and collaboration, and how they help Nike achieve sustained brand relevance.
  • Strategic Management Analysis Nike Business essay sample: The paper gathered analyses and evaluates relevant information on both the Nike company and the industry it occupies.
  • Evaluating a Corporate-Societal Relationship Preparation in the Nike Company Business essay sample: The paper discusses the aspect of corporate social responsibility in the context of Nike, one of the world's leading sportswear manufacturers.
  • Integrated Marketing Communications by Nike Inc. Business essay sample: Nike incorporation was founded in 1964 by Phil Knight, a medium distance runner, and coach known as Bill Bowerman.
  • Ethical Conduct in Footwear Industry: Nikeā€™s Case Business essay sample: The organization declares its commitment to major ethical standards accepted in the industry and its corporate ethical principles and codes.
  • Nike Financial Ratio Analysis Business essay sample: Nike has performed better in the critical ratios that fall under liquidity, turnover, profitability, and debt management.
  • Comparison and Evaluation of Nike and Adidas Competitive Strategies Business essay sample: The paper analyzes Nike Company which opted to move its operations into six regions and Adidas, which has markets in some regions.
  • Nike Inc.'s Business Process Management Strategies Business essay sample: There are four main strategic scenarios from which Nike can choose when considering how to improve its sustainable manufacturing. This paper analyzes these strategies.
  • Analysis of Nike Inc. Case Study Business essay sample: The analysis focuses on Nike Inc., which focuses on business operations, such as global marketing, development, and design of athletic footwear, accessories, and apparel.
  • Nike Inc.'s Management Quality & Organizational Success Business essay sample: The long-term profitability of any organization follows effective management. The most prominent example of such an approach is Nike.
  • Nike COVID-19 Response: Strategic Management in Action Business essay sample: Strategic management is a pivotal aspect of modern business functioning since it allows organizations to incorporate tactics relevant to the available resources.
  • Nike Inc.'s Marketing and Corporate & Business Strategies Business essay sample: Nike Inc. company has been able to achieve overwhelming success due to effective marketing, strategic acquisitions, and pertinent branding.
  • Sweatshop Issues and Nike: Business Ethics Business essay sample: Businesses have an ethical and moral mandate to promote unionization, basic wage, and labor rights for their employees.
  • Analysis of Nike Company State Business essay sample: The objective of the research paper is to examine the Nike company's current state and identify weaknesses and strengths.
  • How Does Social Media Marketing Affect the Economic Success Business essay sample: Social marketing is one of the modern and effective strategies resting on the growing population of social networks and the spread of the Internet.
  • Nike Company: SWOT Analysis Business essay sample: This essay will attempt a SWOT analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Nike company, as well as its opportunities and risks.
  • Supply Chain Operation: Nike Business essay sample: From the perspective of globalization, Nikeā€™s development principles have allowed it to strengthen the brand value and make it globally recognizable.
  • Multinationals' International Strategic Planning Business essay sample: Each company should adopt the integrating model with a global outreach. Companies like The Walt Disney, Coca-Cola, and Nike, Inc dictate the international market.
  • Nike Firm's American Advertisement Analysis Business essay sample: Nike is attempting to sell its various sporting equipment to all communities through the use of motivational strategies.
  • Nike Company Marketing Plan Business essay sample: In this paper, the marketing plan of the world-famous Nike company is considered to provide information for analyzing the productivity of its activities.
  • Analysis of Adidas Firm's Strengths and Weaknesses Business essay sample: The brand that will be evaluated in this report is Adidas, one of the leaders in the sports apparel industry which provides comfortable sportswear and equipment.
  • Nike Inc.'s Leadership and Management Business essay sample: The paper looks to dissect the leadership and management in premium sports companies like Nike because these aspects are fundamental.
  • Affected Business Ethics for Nike
  • Aligning Profitability and Sustainability: Nike
  • Analyzing the Market Environment for Nike
  • How Brand Equity Has Kept Nike on Top
  • Brand Values and Design Relationship at Nike
  • Business Ethics Analysis: Employment of Underage Workers by Nike
  • Hitting the Wall: Nike and International Labor Practice
  • Governance and Sustainability at Nike
  • Celebrity Endorsement and Customer Engagement of Nike
  • Consumer Behavior and Attitudes Towards Nike ā€“ Effective Brand Image
  • Corporate and Environmental Responsibility of the Nike Foundation
  • Corporate Financing the Financial Statements for Nike
  • Customer Relationship Management and Nike
  • Different Controversies Concerning Nikeā€™s Asian Labor Practices
  • Digital Transformation, the Nike Way
  • Ethical and Social Responsibility Issues at Nike
  • Expanding the Playing Field: Nike World Shoe Project
  • Nike Corporation: International Accounting Issues
  • Global Value and Supply Chain of Nike
  • Nike: Companyā€™s Global Strategies and Corporate-Level Strategies
  • History and Company Situation of Nike in the United States
  • Human Resources Policies and Strategies of Nike
  • Inside the Lines: Ethics at Nike
  • International Business Marketing Strategy of Nike
  • Management and Leadership Within Nike
  • Nike: Marketing and New Technology
  • Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning of Nike
  • Nike: The Origins and History of the Successful Athletic Footwear Company
  • The Transparent Supply Chain: From Resistance to Implementation at Nike
  • Transnational Social Movements and the Campaign Against Nike
  • Working Capital and Financial Environment at Nike and Reebok
  • E-Nike: Nikeā€™s Internet Initiative and Online Marketing
  • Enterprise Resource Planning: Nike Company
  • Mission Statement and Vision Statement of Nike
  • Nike and Corporate Social Responsibility Issues
  • Nike and Ethical Problems Regarding Outsourcing and Sweatshop
  • Nike and International Expansion
  • Nike: Business Details, Marketing Strategies, and Analysis
  • Nike: From Sweatshops to Leadership in Employment Practices
  • Nike Company Marketing Strategy and the Differences Between Different Culture
  • How Does Nike Manage Their Customer Relationships?
  • What Drives the Equity of Nike?
  • Which Is an Example of Brand Equity?
  • What Is the Brand Identity of Nike?
  • What Branding Strategy Does Nike Use?
  • Does Monitoring Improve Labor Standards in Nike?
  • Does Nikeā€™s Recent Acquisition of Converse Strengthen Nikeā€™s Position?
  • How Does Nike Improve the Quality and Reduce Carbon?
  • How Nike Affects the Planet, Animals, and Millions of People?
  • How Nike and Other Brands Make Millions Marketing Star Athletes?
  • How Nike Changed Its Expansion Strategy?
  • How Nike Fueled Exploitation of Workers Manufacturing Its Products?
  • How Can Social Commerce Communication Support Brand Loyalty?
  • How the Super Brand Nike Make Supply Chains Sustainable?
  • What Are the Ethical Issues That Affect Nike?
  • What Have Been the Critical Success Factors for Nike?
  • What Responsibility Does Nike Have for Conditions of Work at Foreign Factories?
  • Why Has Nike Become Such a Leading Sports Transnational Corporation?
  • Did Non-governmental Monitoring Improve Working Conditions in the Case of Nike and the Footwear Industry?
  • Does Nike Use Ethical Business Practices?

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The Origins and Evolution of Nike

This essay is about the creation and evolution of Nike. Founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight as Blue Ribbon Sports, the company initially distributed Japanese running shoes. By 1971, they rebranded as Nike, inspired by the Greek goddess of victory, and introduced the iconic Swoosh logo. Nike’s breakthrough came with the Nike Cortez in 1972 and was further propelled by the Air Jordan line in 1984. The essay highlights Nike’s commitment to innovation, strategic marketing, and expansion into apparel and accessories. It also touches on Nike’s sustainability initiatives and its status as a cultural icon with a significant impact on sports and fashion.

How it works

Nike, an illustrious and influential brand worldwide, can be traced back to its inception in the early 1960s. The brainchild of Bill Bowerman, a track and field mentor at the University of Oregon, and his former protege, Phil Knight, Nike embarked on its journey as a modest endeavor aiming to import top-tier, cost-effective athletic footwear from Japan. Yet, with time, it burgeoned into a global juggernaut, redefining the landscape of athletic shoes and apparel.

The genesis of Nike dates to 1964, with Bowerman and Knight laying the groundwork for Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS) with modest capital.

Initially, the objective was to distribute running shoes crafted by Onitsuka Tiger (now ASICS) to the American populace. Knight peddled shoes from his vehicle at track meets, while Bowerman tinkered with shoe designs to augment performance for his athletes. Their alliance was forged on a mutual ardor for running and an inclination towards innovation.

As BRS gained traction, Bowerman and Knight discerned the prospects for expansion and pivoted towards forging their own athletic shoe brand. In 1971, they unveiled the inaugural shoe under their nascent brand, Nike, drawing inspiration from the Greek deity of victory. Simultaneously, the now-iconic Swoosh emblem, conceived by graphic design protƩgƩ Carolyn Davidson, made its debut. Despite initial ambivalence, the Swoosh would ascend to become one of the most universally recognizable logos.

Nikeā€™s watershed moment arrived in 1972 with the introduction of the Nike Cortez, a running shoe amalgamating comfort, longevity, and panache. The Cortez swiftly garnered favor among athletes and casual wearers alike, propelling Nike into the limelight. The companyā€™s dedication to innovation manifested in Bowermanā€™s incessant experimentation with shoe designs, including the pioneering waffle sole, which conferred superior traction and cushioning. This trailblazing ethos distinguished Nike from its competitors, solidifying its stature as a trailblazer in athletic footwear.

The late 1970s and early 1980s heralded an era of exponential growth for Nike. The company went public in 1980, and its ascent was propelled by astute marketing campaigns and high-profile endorsements. A seminal endorsement materialized in 1984 when Nike inked a pact with burgeoning basketball luminary Michael Jordan. This collaboration birthed the Air Jordan line, which not only revolutionized basketball footwear but also left an indelible imprint on popular culture and couture.

Nikeā€™s trajectory was not devoid of challenges. The company contended with rivalry from entrenched brands like Adidas and Reebok, navigating the intricacies of global supply chains and production. However, Nikeā€™s allegiance to innovation, marketing acumen, and adaptability to shifting market paradigms enabled it to preserve its competitive edge. Diversification of its product spectrum to encompass apparel, accessories, and equipment catered to an expansive array of sports and pursuits.

In tandem with its commercial success, Nike has made significant inroads in corporate social responsibility. The company has instituted sustainability endeavors aimed at curtailing its ecological footprint, encompassing the utilization of recycled materials in its merchandise and advocacy for energy efficiency in its operations. Nike has also prioritized ameliorating labor practices within its supply chain, responding to censure and endeavoring towards more ethical and transparent manufacturing processes.

Presently, Nike transcends its identity as merely a sportswear brand; it has burgeoned into a cultural icon. Its influence extends beyond athletics into realms such as fashion, music, and lifestyle. Nikeā€™s ā€œJust Do Itā€ mantra, introduced in 1988, has metamorphosed into a clarion call for athletes and non-athletes alike, encapsulating the ethos of tenacity and resolve. The brand persists in innovating with avant-garde technology like Flyknit and Air Max, collaborating with designers and luminaries to remain germane in the perpetually evolving fashion milieu.

In summation, Nikeā€™s genesis in 1964, helmed by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, laid the groundwork for a paradigm-shifting entity that would leave an indelible imprint on the domains of sports and fashion. From its nascent days as Blue Ribbon Sports to its apotheosis as a global trailblazer in athletic footwear and attire, Nikeā€™s odyssey epitomizes the potency of innovation, strategic marketing, and an unrelenting pursuit of excellence. As Nike traverses the continuum of evolution, it remains resolute in pushing the frontiers of possibility and inspiring individuals to unlock their full potential.

Remember, this exposition serves as a point of departure for inspiration and further inquiry. For tailored guidance and assurance of adherence to academic precepts, contemplate enlisting the expertise of professionals at EduBirdie.


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"The Origins and Evolution of Nike." PapersOwl.com, Jun 01, 2024. Accessed June 9, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/the-origins-and-evolution-of-nike/

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Home / Essay Samples / Business / Corporations / Nike

Nike Essay Examples

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Nike Vs Adidas: a Comparative Analysis

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