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Welcome to the Department of Psychology

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Welcome to the UTSC Department of Psychology!  Our department is the academic home to more than 2,500 undergraduate students, enrolled in programs in experimental  Psychology ,  Mental Health Studies , and  Neuroscience . Our  faculty  are engaged in cutting edge research in 5 main areas of psychology and neuroscience:  behavioural neuroscience ,  clinical psychology ,  cognitive neuroscience ,  developmental psychology , and  social-personality psychology . Many of our faculty are also award-winning teachers. 

We are home to the  Graduate Department of Psychological Clinical Science , through which we offer an MA/PhD in clinical psychology, and we are actively involved in the  Tri-Campus Graduate Department of Psychology , through which we offer a PhD in experimental psychology. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about us!

We invite you to read our department’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement of Acknowledgements and Commitments .

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Psychology: psychology phd, doctor of philosophy, program description.

The principal aim of the PhD program is to equip students with the skills to carry out advanced research within experimental psychology, and to become independent research scientists. Students work closely with a faculty adviser to develop and conduct a specialized (often multidisciplinary) program of research that ultimately culminates in a written dissertation and final oral examination. Through additional coursework and research opportunities, students gain breadth in their knowledge base and skill set in experimental psychology. The program is designed to prepare students for careers in academia, or a variety of non-academic careers where rigorous and in-depth research training is required.

PhD Program

Minimum admission requirements.

Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Psychology's additional admission requirements stated below.

Appropriate University of Toronto master's degree, or its equivalent from a recognized university, with a minimum A– average and adequate research performance.

Program Requirements

Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 3.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

0.5 FCE: an advanced statistics course chosen from a list provided by the department (typically PSY2002H Statistics II , taken in Year 1).

0.5 FCE: PSY3000H 0 External Research Project , a research project course supervised by a faculty member other than the student's PhD supervisor, completed during Years 1 and 2.

0.5 FCE: PSY3001H 0 Professional Psychology (Credit/No Credit), taken in two modules in Years 1 and 3.

1.0 FCE in Psychology course electives. Of this requirement, 0.5 FCE can be achieved through two 0.25 FCE Psychology module electives (PSY3100H Psychological Science Skills ).

0.5 FCE: PSY4000H 0 Doctoral Research Project , thesis proposal, and oral exam (examination in the student's area of research).

PhD thesis.

Students may take other courses, but it is expected that the requirements will be completed in the first two years of the PhD program. Students admitted with a master's degree from another university will normally be required to fulfil the PhD course requirements; however, exemptions may be granted by the Graduate Director of the Department of Psychology.

Program Length

4 years full-time

6 years full-time

0 Course that may continue over a program. The course is graded when completed.

PhD Program (Direct-Entry)

Appropriate University of Toronto bachelor's degree, or its equivalent from a recognized university, with a minimum A– average and adequate research performance.

Applicants with a master’s degree in Psychology or a cognate discipline will likely be admitted to the four-year PhD program, whereas students with a master’s degree in an unrelated discipline will be admitted to the direct-entry PhD option. Such admission decisions will be made by the Graduate Director.

Coursework. Students must successfully complete a total of 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) as follows:

0.5 FCE: PSY1100H Foundational Research Project , a research project course supervised by the student's supervisor plus two other faculty members, completed during Years 1 and 2.

0.5 FCE: PSY2001H Statistics I , an introductory statistics course taken in Year 1.

0.5 FCE: PSY3000H 0 External Research Project , a research project course supervised by a faculty member other than the student's PhD supervisor, completed during Years 2 and 3.

2.0 FCEs in Psychology course electives. Of this requirement, 0.5 FCE can be achieved through two 0.25 FCE Psychology module electives (PSY3100H Psychological Science Skills ).

Students may take other courses, but it is expected that the requirements will be completed in the first three years of the PhD program. Students admitted with a master's degree from another university will normally be required to fulfil the PhD course requirements; however, exemptions may be granted by the Graduate Director of the Department of Psychology.

5 years full-time

7 years full-time

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School of Graduate Studies

Counselling and clinical psychology – field in clinical and counselling psychology (oise), program overview.

Clinical and Counselling Psychology is one of two fields offered in the Counselling and Clinical Psychology program, leading to the Master of Arts  and  Doctor of Philosophy  degrees. This program is intended for students seeking to pursue careers in research, teaching, and clinical practice. At the time of application, prospective students will be required to identify a preference for this field and a potential supervisor with whom they would work if admitted to the program.

The Clinical and Counselling Psychology field is offered primarily by the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development​  (of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education [OISE] at the downtown St. George campus).​

The other field, Clinical Psychology, is offered primarily by the  Department of Psychological Clinical Science  at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) campus.

Quick Facts

Master of arts, program description.

The Counselling and Clinical Psychology program offers studies leading to the MA and PhD degrees. It is offered by the graduate Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), St. George campus, and the Graduate Department of Psychological Clinical Science at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC).

This graduate program is intended for students seeking to pursue careers in research, teaching, and clinical practice. At the time of application, students will be required to identify a preference for a specific field as well as for a potential supervisor with whom they would work if admitted to the program.

The program has two fields:

Clinical and Counselling Psychology, offered by OISE;

Clinical Psychology, offered by UTSC.

The field in Clinical and Counselling Psychology is offered by the OISE Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development. This field is based on a bio-psycho-social model with an emphasis on diversity. It shares an emphasis with the Clinical Psychology field on the assessment and treatment of psychopathology in adults.

This MA program is designed for applicants interested in working as researchers or practitioners in a variety of psychological and educational settings. This program enables students to apply for registration with the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) as a Psychological Associate. It also fulfils the course and practicum requirements of students who plan to apply to the PhD program, Clinical and Counselling Psychology field at OISE.

The MA is taken on a full-time or part-time basis. However, students in the part-time option will be required to complete one year of full-time study to fulfil their degree requirements.

For 2023-24 and further extension to the 2024-25 academic year, admissions to the part-time option have been administratively suspended.

Minimum Admission Requirements

Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development's additional admission requirements stated below.

An appropriate bachelor's degree in psychology or any appropriate bachelor's degree that would contain the psychology requirement equivalent (defined as 6.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs] in psychology, including 0.5 FCE in research methods and 0.5 FCE in statistics. It is expected that students will have completed 1.0 FCE at the third- or fourth-year level in each of three core areas of general psychology:

biological bases of behaviour (for example, physiological psychology, comparative psychology, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology);

cognitive/affective bases of behaviour (for example, learning, sensation, perception, cognition, thinking, motivation, emotion); and

social bases of behaviour (for example, social psychology; cultural, ethnic, and group processes; sex roles; organizational and systems theory).

Students who are missing courses in these core content areas will be required to complete additional courses during the MA or PhD degrees.

A standing equivalent to a University of Toronto A– or better in the final year.

Program Requirements

Coursework. Students must complete a total of 4.5 FCEs as follows:

APD1202H Theories and Techniques of Counselling and Psychotherapy — Part I (0.5 FCE).

APD1203Y + Practicum I: Interventions in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy (1.0 FCE) (500 hours of practicum). MA students will attend a minimum of three colloquium presentations during their program, which partially fulfills the course requirements for APD1203Y + .

APD1208Y + Cognitive and Personality Theory and Assessment (1.0 FCE).

APD1219H Ethical Issues in Professional Practice in Psychology and Psychotherapy (0.5 FCE).

APD1228H Couples Counselling (0.5 FCE) or APD1261H Group Work in Counselling and Psychotherapy (0.5 FCE) (or an equivalent course).

APD1263H Research Methods for Clinical and Counselling Psychology (RM) (0.5 FCE).

JOI1288H Intermediate Statistics and Research Design (RM) (0.5 FCE).

Master's thesis.

Full-time option: Full-time, on-campus study is required from September to April, which represents the Fall and Winter sessions. Normally, 1.5 FCEs are taken in each of the Fall and Winter sessions and a maximum of 1.0 FCE in the Summer session. Under this option, it is expected that all degree requirements will be completed within two years.

Part-time option (for 2023-24 and further extension to the 2024-25 academic year, admissions to the part-time option have been administratively suspended): For this option, students can register as part-time students at the beginning of their program. However, they will be required to register as full-time students for one year of the program. In this option, students will normally take 1.0 FCE annually during the beginning of their program and 1.5 FCEs in each of the Fall and Winter sessions in their year of full-time study. Once they have begun their last required course, they must register continuously and pay the part-time fees until all degree requirements have been completed. Under this option, it is expected that all degree requirements will be completed within two to three years, up to a maximum of six years.

Program Length

6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: F/W/S/F/W/S); 10 sessions part-time

3 years full-time; 6 years part-time

+ Extended course. For academic reasons, coursework is extended into session following academic session in which course is offered.

Doctor of Philosophy

The principal aim of this PhD program is the development of research and theoretical knowledge in counselling and clinical psychology, assessment skills, and knowledge and training in professional issues. Students are expected to conduct advanced research and to develop professional knowledge and skills. Graduates will be prepared to assume a variety of positions in psychological teaching, research, and practice in universities, community settings and agencies offering psychological services, and in university or college counselling centres.

The Clinical and Counselling Psychology field offers both a full-time and flexible-time PhD, and progress in the program will be reviewed annually. This field was accredited in both the areas of counselling and clinical psychology by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) for a six-year term in 2022. It is currently the only program in Canada to hold such a dual accreditation status.

For 2023-24 and further extension to the 2024-25 academic year, admissions to the flexible-time PhD option have been administratively suspended.

PhD Program

An appropriate bachelor's degree in psychology or any appropriate bachelor's degree that would contain the psychology requirement equivalent (defined as 6.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs] in psychology, including 0.5 FCE in research methods and 0.5 FCE in statistics, with a standing equivalent to a University of Toronto A– or better in the final year. It is expected that students will have completed 1.0 FCE at the third- or fourth-year level in each of three core areas of general psychology:

biological bases of behaviour (for example, physiological psychology; comparative psychology, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology);

Students who are missing courses in these areas may be required to complete additional courses during the degree.

A University of Toronto MA degree in Clinical and Counselling Psychology with a grade of A– or better, or its equivalent. However, if the master's program was not equivalent to the U of T MA in Counselling and Clinical Psychology, the student will be required to take additional courses to receive equivalent training.

Coursework. Students must complete a minimum of 5.5 FCEs as follows:

2.5 FCEs in Counselling and Psychotherapy:

APD3215H Advanced Psychotherapy Seminar ;

APD3217Y + Advanced Practicum in Clinical and Counselling Psychology (Credit/No Credit; 600-hour practicum); and APD3268Y Internship in Clinical and Counselling Psychology (1,600-hour internship — arrangements must be made in consultation with the Director of Clinical Training). PhD students will attend a minimum of six colloquium presentations during their program, which partially fulfills the course requirements for APD3268Y.

1.0 FCE in Psychology Measurement/Assessment and Diagnosis:

APD3225H Assessment and Diagnosis of Personality and Psychopathology ; and

APD3260H Psychodiagnostic Systems.

0.5 FCE in Supervision and Consultation:

APD3261H + Clinical Supervision and Consultation Practicum.

1.0 FCE in Advanced Research Methods:

APD3202H A Foundation of Program Evaluation in Social Sciences (RM) ; and

An advanced-level statistics course (in consultation with supervisors). Courses can be drawn from those offered at OISE or other Faculties with the permission of the instructor.

0.5 FCE in History and Systems Psychology:

APD3204H Contemporary History and Systems in Human Development and Applied Psychology.

Comprehensive examination: In addition to normal course requirements, students will complete two comprehensive components. First, a manuscript for publication and presentation at a peer review conference, normally in Year 1 of the program. Second, students will be examined systematically in general psychology and in professional psychology. The examination will normally be taken at the end of Year 2 of full-time study.

Doctoral dissertation: All students must develop, complete, and defend in a Doctoral Final Oral Examination a doctoral dissertation supervised by a full-time member of the Counselling and Clinical Psychology faculty. The content of such dissertation research may address theoretical issues applicable to clinical and counselling concerns and practice, relate to the development of programs in a variety of educational or applied settings, or in some other way contribute to the development and practice of clinical and counselling psychology.

Students must register continuously and pay the full-time fee until all degree requirements have been fulfilled.

Students cannot transfer between the full-time and flexible-time PhD options.

PhD Program (Flexible-Time)

Applicants to the flexible-time PhD option are accepted under the same admission requirements as applicants to the full-time PhD option; the exception is that applicants must demonstrate that they are currently employed, and active professionals engaged in activities relevant to their proposed program of study.

APD3215H Advanced Psychotherapy Seminar;

APD3217Y + Advanced Practicum in Clinical and Counselling Psychology (Credit/No Credit; 600-hour practicum); and APD3268Y Internship in Clinical and Counselling Psychology (1,600-hour internship — arrangements must be made in consultation with the Coordinator of Internship and Counselling Services). PhD students will attend a minimum of six colloquium presentations during their program, which partially fulfills the course requirements for APD3268Y.

APD3261H + Clinical Supervision and Consultation Practicum .

0.5 FCE in History and Systems Psychology (if not already satisfied by the completion of a third- or fourth-year undergraduate psychology course in this area):

Students must register continuously until all degree requirements have been fulfilled. They must register full-time during the first four years and may continue as part-time thereafter, with their department's approval.

Arturo Reza Ugalde

“When you are here you feel very supported by others.”

Why Study Psychology?

Psychology at the University of Toronto Mississauga is an experimental discipline situated within the life sciences and devoted to the understanding of behaviour.

Our faculty complement includes scientists who study:

  • personality
  • social behaviour
  • development
  • abnormal behaviour
  • behavioural neuroscience

Our globally-ranked research reflects many analytic approaches to the investigation of behaviour and includes the study of both humans and animals. This range and diversity of our research expertise is reflected in our undergraduate program, which is broad and comprehensive, preparing our students for postgraduate programs and other occupations requiring a Psychology background.

As part of the tri-campus graduate department of Psychology, we also provide training at the MA-PhD level, and participate in a number of very successful interdisciplinary programs.

We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our research, academic programs and other resources.  

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Psychological Science

Julia Spaniol, Holly Bowen photo

The MA and PhD in Psychological Science at Toronto Metropolitan University offer graduate students the opportunity to train in an environment that fosters excellence in basic, applied, and translational research.

The  MA  and  PhD  curricula include required courses in research methods, statistics, and professional issues, and a variety of elective courses covering foundational and specialty areas in psychology. Innovative practicum placements afford students the opportunity to work in other academic or applied settings where they can experience new areas of research, develop new research skills and methodologies, or use their research skills in an applied setting (e.g., health care, industry, or education).

Students and faculty in Psychological Science contribute to a thriving research culture that emphasizes collegiality and collaboration. Students often conduct research with more than one faculty member, and student-student collaborations are common. Additionally, students in Psychological Science have access to state of the art high-tech equipment housed in the Institute for Stress and Wellbeing Research (within the Department of Psychology), including electrophysiological (EEG/ERP), neuroimaging (fNIRS), psychophysiology (EMG, GSR), eye-tracking, hormonal assay, and virtual reality.

Dr. Alex Fiocco, Laura Krieger, Kiefer photo

We offer training in four core areas

  • Applied Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Community & Health Psychology
  • Lifespan Development
  • Social Psychology

Psychological Science Student Spotlight

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Read all the details on our curriculum and degree requirements  here  >

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"As an aspiring researcher in Psychology, I was drawn to the Psychological Science program at Ryerson [Toronto Metropolitan] University because of the breadth of opportunity given to students." Alexandra Marquis, MA student

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Ph.D. Clinical Psychology

Ut tyler psychology and counseling, ph.d. clinical psychology (underserved populations), program brochure.

Program Objectives and Goals                                            

The Ph.D. program in clinical psychology at the University of Texas at Tyler is a scientist-practitioner based program which provides high quality academic, research, and clinical training with under-served populations.  Our focus is on training students to work with veterans, in rural mental health settings, and in geropsychology.   Training in cultural diversity issues is infused throughout the curriculum.  Students will receive additional courses and clinical training in these 3 emphasis areas during their time in the program.   Students are mentored by clinical faculty in research and provide supervision of their clinical work along the way.  A thesis and dissertation are required.  Clinical training is provided in our on-campus clinic and in a number of agencies in the East Texas area.  Students receive a stipend /financial aid package that allows them to focus on their academic and professional goals and involve research and teaching activities.   Upon completion of our program, students will be able to become licensed psychologists and work in a variety of academic, medical, or clinical settings.   Since we are a new Ph.D. program, we are in the process of seeking contingent accreditation from APA.  Our program objectives are as follows: 

  • Program graduates are trained as scientist-practitioners who have a diverse knowledge of the scientific and behavioral foundations of psychology.
  • Program graduates are capable of developing, conducting, and reporting research knowledge through their own program of independent research.
  • Program graduates are competent to assess, diagnose, and treat psychological disorders using evidence based practices.
  • Program graduates are trained in ethics, diversity issues, and professional issues related to clinical practice and research.
  • Program graduates have additional clinical and research training in underserved populations such as with military veterans, older adults, and persons in rural settings.

Our program values diversity with respect to gender, ethnicity, age, religious beliefs, and/or sexual orientation. We do not discriminate based on these factors regarding program admission or completion.

Questions can be directed to Ceselie Tobin, MS, LPC graduate admissions advisor, or Dr. Dennis Combs , director.

IMPORTANT UPDATE:  All admissions materials are due by January 15th, 2024 for the Fall 2024 cohort.

Frequently Asked Questions Residency Requirement

The UT Tyler Clinical Psychology PhD program is designed as a full-time, five-year program, including four years on campus and an off-site, doctoral internship year.  It may take students an average of between 5-6 years to complete our program to allow for additional clinical training experiences and to make progress on dissertation requirements prior to the doctoral internship.   The program requires a minimum of 3 full-time academic years of graduate study, at least 2 of which is completed in this program, and requires 1 year in full-time in residence.  The PhD degree is awarded after all program requirements are completed and conferred after completion of the doctoral internship.

Program Format 

The PhD program in Clinical Psychology is designed to be an in-person, face to face program.  We are not a fully on-line program and students must attend the program and classes in person.  In our program, the format for classes can vary by instructor which includes face to face, hybrid, and online formats.  We value in person learning as it provides for enhanced training and mentorship and results in a better student community.  Faculty can teach classes in different formats based on their needs and availability.   Practicum training is done in person with some provision for telesupervision and telehealth methods.  Teaching involves lectures, clinical and case examples, discussions, and electronically delivered methods to enhance learning. 

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Instructional Coaching, Graduate/Professional Certificate

The University of Wisconsin–Madison offers an online Instructional Coaching Certificate embedded within the Master of Science for Professional Educators (MSPE) Program. This program helps current and aspiring instructional coaches engage in reflective dialogue, use student evidence, and build meaningful relationships to enhance their coaching practices. The certificate is only available to those enrolled in the MSPE Program. 

The Certificate in Instructional Coaching is open to students in the Masters in Educational Psychology: Named Option in Professional Educators program. Contact the program director for application information ( [email protected] ).

In addition to the steps outlined above, all Graduate School students must utilize the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW to add, change, or discontinue any graduate/professional certificate. For the final step required to apply to this certificate, log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the graduate/professional certificate for which you are applying.

  • Requirements

 Complete the following coursework for a total of 9 credits.

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Examine the philosophy and core practices of Instructional Coaching
  • Plan and facilitate coaching cycles in a way that establishes a culture of collective efficacy in a school/district/organization.
  • Analyze data (evidence) gathered from different assessments to better understand how data can be used as an effective instructional coaching tool.
  • Articulate and refine instructional coaching beliefs by drawing on research and examining own practice.

Contact Information

Educational Psychology School of Education edpsych.education.wisc.edu

Lisa Hebgen, Director, Master of Science for Professional Educators [email protected] 608-574-0355 863E Educational Sciences Building 1025 W. Johnson St., Madison, WI 53706

Graduate School grad.wisc.edu

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PhD in School & Clinical Child Psychology

Are you passionate about improving the mental health and well-being of children, youth and families? This program prepares you to become a leader in psychology practice and research in schools, mental health, community and university settings. It also provides you with the academic requirements for becoming a registered Psychologist with the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO).

Full-time students receive a OISE Graduate Funding Package for their first four years of study. Students who advanced into this program from OISE's Master of Arts in School and Clinical Child Psychology program will receive a OISE Graduate Funding Package for their first three years of study.

OISE's Graduate Funding Package covers the cost of tuition, and helps offset other living expenses. Last year, awards averaged around $25,000 per eligible student.


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  2. Dr. Saunia Ahmad, PhD, CPsych

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  4. Introducing our first PhD grads in Clinical Psychology!

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  5. Psychology (MA, PhD)

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  6. Éloïse Besnier

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  1. Psychology

    Program Overview. Graduate training in psychology stresses training in general experimental psychology, leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Areas of specialization include the following: social and personality. For 2021-2022 admission cycle students will be considered for admission to PhD and direct-entry PhD programs only.

  2. Department of Psychology

    Psychology is the scientific study of the mind, brain, and behaviour. Measured by major global university rankings, research productivity and impact, the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto is one of the world's best. Importantly, we combine excellence with accessibility more successfully than virtually any other university ...

  3. Application Information

    Application Information. Please note that our program focuses on research and experimental psychology. We do not offer any training in clinical or counselling psychology. For information about clinical psychology at the University of Toronto, please contact the Graduate Department of Psychological Clinical Science at the University of Toronto ...

  4. Graduate Studies

    The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), through their Human Development and Applied Psychology Program offers graduate studies in counselling and clinical psychology. University of Toronto's School of Graduate Studies (SGS) offers a wide range of graduate programs in addition to psychology. The Canadian Psychological Association ...

  5. MA/ PhD Program Overview

    The Graduate Program in Counselling and Clinical Psychology is a tri-campus MA and PhD degree program at the University of Toronto housed across both the Graduate Department of Psychological Clinical Science (GD-PCS) at UTSC and the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). Each Department offers one field of study; the GD ...

  6. Program Requirements

    Ph.D. students are required to satisfy the following program requirements: PSY2002: Statistics II, an advanced statistics course. PSY3000: Outside Research Project, a research project course supervised by a faculty member other than the student's PhD supervisor, completed in the first two years. PSY3001: Professional Psychology.

  7. Graduate Psychology at U of T

    The University of Toronto administers a unified graduate program in Psychology that spans all three U of T campuses (Mississauga, Scarborough, and St. George). Adjunct faculty from associated hospitals and institutions also participate in the program and supervise graduate students. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the faculty ...

  8. Admissions

    Please refer to the sections below for complete details on the UTSC Clinical Psychology graduate program's admission requirements and instructions on applying. ***Please note that the application period for the 2024-25 admissions cycle is now closed and we are no longer accepting applications. Interviews for invited applicants will be held ...

  9. Psychology (MA, PhD)

    Format: Full-time. Degree Earned: Master of Arts or PhD. Launched in 2007, this innovative program offers study in the fields of Psychological Science or Clinical Psychology under a core faculty trained at and recruited from top universities in Canada, the United States and around the world. In a department known for its experiential and career ...

  10. Welcome to the Department of Psychology

    We are home to the Graduate Department of Psychological Clinical Science, through which we offer an MA/PhD in clinical psychology, ... University of Toronto Scarborough 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON. Canada, M1C 1A4, Ph. (416) 287 8872. Campus Safety (Non-Emergency) (416) 287-7398.

  11. PhD in Counselling & Clinical Psychology

    Funding details. OISE offers a OISE Graduate Funding Package to students in their first four years of a PhD program, excluding the flexible-time PhD. OISE's Graduate Funding Package covers the cost of tuition, and helps offset other living expenses. Last year, awards averaged around $25,000 per eligible student.

  12. Psychology: Psychology PhD

    Applicants with a master's degree in Psychology or a cognate discipline will likely be admitted to the four-year PhD program, whereas students with a master's degree in an unrelated discipline will be admitted to the direct-entry PhD option. Such admission decisions will be made by the Graduate Director.

  13. Clinical Psychology

    As a student, you will receive graduate training with our award-winning researchers, have access to state-of-the-art research facilities, and benefit from strong connections to the University of Toronto's affiliated hospital research networks. Since the program's start in 2013, our graduate students have received over $3.75 million in ...

  14. Field in Clinical Psychology (UTSC)

    Master of Arts Program Description. The Counselling and Clinical Psychology program offers studies leading to the MA and PhD degrees. It is offered by the Graduate Department of Psychological Clinical Science at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) and the Graduate Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), St ...

  15. Application Information

    Admission Requirements for Psychology. Undergraduate students select their programs of study (Subject POSts) once they have completed a minimum of 4.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) at the university level, whether from the University of Toronto or at another institution. Thus, students begin their selected program in their second year (the ...

  16. Counselling and Clinical Psychology

    Master of Arts Program Description. The Counselling and Clinical Psychology program offers studies leading to the MA and PhD degrees. It is offered by the graduate Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), St. George campus, and the Graduate Department of Psychological Clinical Science at the University of Toronto ...

  17. Department of Psychology

    Psychology at the University of Toronto Mississauga is an experimental discipline situated within the life sciences and devoted to the understanding of behaviour. Our faculty complement includes scientists who study: ... As part of the tri-campus graduate department of Psychology, we also provide training at the MA-PhD level, and participate in ...

  18. Doctor of Education in Counselling Psychology

    PhD student in Developmental Psychology and Education ... A master's degree: an MA or MEd degree in Counselling Psychology or School and/or Clinical Child Psychology from the University of Toronto with a grade of B+ or better, or its equivalent from a recognized university. The applicant must have had successful professional experience and ...

  19. Faculty Directory

    Department of Psychology, University of Toronto 4th Floor, Sidney Smith Hall 100 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3; 416-978-5201; Email Us

  20. Clinical Psychology

    Clinical Psychology. The program is designed to train professional psychologists at the doctoral level within a scientist-practitioner orientation. The curriculum was developed to meet all the requirements for registration with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. The program was first accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association in ...

  21. Psychological Science

    The MA and PhD in Psychological Science at Toronto Metropolitan University offer graduate students the opportunity to train in an environment that fosters excellence in basic, applied, and translational research. The MA and PhD curricula include required courses in research methods, statistics, and professional issues, and a variety of elective ...

  22. Admission criteria for graduate psychology programs are changing

    Over the last few years, graduate psychology degree programs, both at the master's and doctoral levels, have shifted their admission criteria from an emphasis on standardized testing to components that reflect applicants' experiences. According to the most recent edition of Graduate Study in Psychology, 1 for 2022-23 applications ...

  23. Understanding and overcoming phobias, with Martin Antony, PhD

    Martin Antony, PhD, is a professor in the department of psychology at Toronto Metropolitan University. He also holds part-time or adjunct faculty appointments at McMaster University and the University of Toronto, and he was the founding director of the Anxiety Treatment and Research Clinic at St. Joseph's Healthcare in Hamilton, Ontario.

  24. Best Online Psychology Bachelor's Degree Programs of 2024

    The University of Central Florida's online bachelor of science in psychology comprises 120 credits of general education and psychology courses. Degree-seekers can choose from six tracks: clinical psychology, experimental psychology, general psychology, human factors psychology, industrial/organizational psychology, and neuroscience.

  25. Ph.D. Clinical Psychology

    The Ph.D. program in clinical psychology at the University of Texas at Tyler is a scientist-practitioner based program which provides high quality academic, research, and clinical training with under-served populations. Our focus is on training students to work with veterans, in rural mental health settings, and in geropsychology.

  26. Industrial and Organizational Psychology Master's

    In Arizona State University's online Master of Science in psychology with a concentration in industrial and organizational psychology, you'll learn how to apply psychological theory and empirical research in workplace settings. Upon graduation, you'll be prepared to advance your career in human resources, business, management ...

  27. The Best Colleges for Forensic Psychology of 2024

    The program concludes with a capstone experience. At Embry Riddle's Forensic Science Laboratory, students practice collecting criminal evidence using fingerprinting stations, microscopes, and a fuming chamber. It typically takes eight semesters to complete this 122-credit program. Average Undergrad Tuition. In-state.

  28. Instructional Coaching, Graduate/Professional Certificate

    Educational Psychology School of Education edpsych.education.wisc.edu. Lisa Hebgen, Director, Master of Science for Professional Educators [email protected] 608-574-0355 863E Educational Sciences Building 1025 W. Johnson St., Madison, WI 53706. Graduate School grad.wisc.edu. Print Options.

  29. PhD in School & Clinical Child Psychology

    This program prepares you to become a leader in psychology practice and research in schools, mental health, community and university settings. It also provides you with the academic requirements for becoming a registered Psychologist with the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO). Study options. Full-time.