10 PhD in Psychology Jobs

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Careers in psychology can last for decades, so you definitely want to pick the right path before you get started.

Psychology is a huge field, and jobs after a PhD in psychology cover a huge spectrum of interests, specialties, and industries.

You’re probably already well aware that those kind of qualifications don’t come cheap. According to 2020 data from NCES, the six or seven years you will spend in grad school getting that PhD or PsyD will run you anywhere from $73,000 to over $155,000 depending on the university.

Before you fork over that kind of cash, you probably want to know what jobs you can get with a PhD in psychology.

PhD in psychology careers are both lucrative and fulfilling. But they require specialization and focus, so you need to think about what area you want to concentrate in before you begin your PhD in psychology program.

These 10 doctorate in psychology jobs are some of the options on the table after you graduate.

1. Clinical Psychologist

Doctorate in psychology jobs don’t get any more iconic than work as a clinical psychologist. You want the office with a couch and people laying on it telling you about their childhood? This is the PhD in psychology career you pick to get it.

Clinical psychologists work directly with individuals and groups who need professional psychoanalysis to help them through mental health issues. Private practice isn’t the only option in this role, though. Plenty of clinical psychologists work in hospitals, clinics, and larger rehabilitation or long-term care facilities. You have a wide range of subspecialties you can choose from, ranging from addiction issues to couples counseling. Or you can remain a generalist, and enjoy the variety of challenges that walk in the door needing your assistance.

2. Research Psychologist

If you aren’t as much of a people-person, but are fascinated by behaviors and thought processes, then becoming a research psychologist may be the right pick for you. Research psychologists don’t engage in one-to-one therapy work, but instead investigate the causes and cures of mental illness in general. That can involve devising and executing psychological experiments, or mining huge databases of behavioral data to uncover trends.

3. Industrial/Organizational Psychologist

I/O psychologists make their mark in the psychology of work. Businesses and other organizations need to understand how group psychology effects productivity, happiness, and cohesion in the workplace. There is a science to workplace dynamics. A doctorate in psychology gives you the toolset to understand how groups interact under the hierarchy and pressure of a factory floor, a hospital ward, or a trading desk. Public and private companies can pay out big bucks for the right kind of advice to make their organizations more efficient and effective.

An online PhD degree can make it easy for you to build up the practical experience you need in this specialty even while you are still studying.

4. Forensic Psychologist

With shows like Criminal Minds and the popular CSI series making a splash in popular culture, a lot of people are pursuing a PhD in psychology with the idea of becoming a forensic psychologist. If you want to understand exactly how twisted and dark the human brain can become, a doctorate is definitely in your future.

But forensic psychologists aren’t usually chasing shadowy figures into dark allies and deducing where serial killers work and play. Forensic psychology is really a specialty that has to do with the psychology of law and legal process. That goes far beyond criminal justice, extending to jury evaluation in civil trials, public policy analysis, and even reviewing laws before they are passed to assess the impact on individuals and society.

5. Educational Psychologist

The human brain is in many ways a learning machine. How we process, absorb, and interpret the world around us is a constant consideration for all psychologists. But educational psychologists specialize in understanding how we acquire, process, and interpret knowledge.

Many educational psychologists work in schools, offering counseling to children, but it’s a broader role than that. Psychologists in this job may evaluate textbooks and curricula to make sure they are optimized for delivering information, or evaluate standardized tests to be sure they are accurately measuring knowledge. Educational policy and legislative development lean heavily on research pioneered by these doctorate in psychology jobs.

6. Developmental Psychologist

Developmental psychology is also concerned with how the brain learns and grows, but it’s a field with bigger fish to fry than just educational matters. It’s the study of mental processes across the lifespan, as the brain and sensory systems grow, mature, and eventually began to deteriorate. Developmental psychologists study and diagnose developmental mental health disorders, playing an important role in pediatric healthcare. But they are also active in researching some of the biggest issues at the other end of the lifespan, looking for ways to cure or treat Alzheimer's and other age-related psychological issues.

7. Social Psychologist

If you’ve ever wondered why a meme goes viral, the social psychology might be the PhD in psychology career for you.

Social psychologists take on some of the most fascinating challenges in the field: they specialize in how individuals both influence and are affected in their thinking by interacting with others. Group think is a thing, and how it happens is the province of the social psychologist. They examine how cultures come from shared thought patterns, and how those patterns both fulfill and constrain the thoughts of people within them.

Understanding social interactions and psychological effects is important for big companies, governments, and healthcare organizations. Social psychology researchers also have plenty of impact on marketing and sales campaigns, right down to picking out the colors for product logos.

8. Health Psychologist

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, health psychology has developed into one of the most fascinating branches of the field. The world has turned into a showcase of reactions to the coronavirus, from panic to outright denial, providing data that will feed future health psychology PhD dissertations for decades.

But it’s also a moment in which more people than ever need the kind of help and advice that health psychologists can offer. From counseling patients on ventilators and in isolation to advising public health agencies on the best campaigns to increase vaccine acceptance rates, health psychologists have had their shining moment thrust upon them. With new recognition of the importance of professional PhD counseling in healthcare, that moment isn’t likely to fade anytime soon.

9. Sports Psychologist

Becoming a sports psychologist is a dream job for any sports fan. Since there are a lot of sports fans in the United States, that makes it a particularly tough field to get into. But the rewards are massive.

Sports psychologists can and do work with pro athletes in any kind of competitive event, including big names who play for major teams. They might work for the teams themselves, advising on team building and coaching processes. In other cases, they work with individual athletes to maximize performance or help with injury recovery.

But sports psychologists play important roles in rehab and assisting amateur athletes, too. Not everyone needs to work for an NBA team to get satisfaction and deliver real results in this field.

10. Neuropsychologist

We saved the toughest job for last. Neuropsychologists explore the boundaries between the mental and the physical. They study the physiological processes underlying thoughts, perceptions, and feelings for a better understanding of how people think. That gives them an edge in determining when problems are purely psychological, or have a basis in physical injury or disease.

The reverse is also true, and neuropsychologists play an important role in research by helping the field of brain science interpret findings of imaging and experiments by translating them into effects on mental processes. New understanding of traumatic brain injury and diseases like Alzheimer's come out of neuropsychology research. It’s one of the most rewarding PhD in psychology jobs you will find.

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If you'd like to view other job boards and read some advice on how to apply for post-graduate research positions in psychology, see this helpful resource .

You should also check out PREDOC , or Pathways to Research and Doctoral Careers, a consortium site with job postings all over the country for recent graduates looking for pre-doctoral work!

Please note:  These postings have not been approved or reviewed by the Department. They are unsolicited, and posted for your convenience.

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What Can I Do With a PhD in Psychology? – PhD in Psychology Career Options

Professionals who earn their Ph.D. in psychology have many more career options available to them than Masters level and Bachelors prepared individuals.

Not only are incomes generally higher with a Ph.D. but jobs are more plentiful and varied after the completion of doctoral level training. Also, in order to actually be considered a psychologist, a doctoral degree in psychology is generally mandatory .

Doctoral prepared professionals generally choose between applied psychology careers and research oriented careers . Applied psychology careers consist of the professional delivering psychological services directly to clients.

Psychologists deals with the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders. They also frequently provide preventative services for various entities. Some psychologists also apply psychological theories to help businesses overcome challenges and improve workplace productivity.

Other doctoral level professionals choose to dedicate their careers to conducting research. In many universities, doctoral level faculty only spend a small amount of time teaching classes as they spend the majority of their time engaged in research. They often manage laboratories, recruit research trainees, and publish their findings in academic journals.

Research psychologists also spend a lot of time giving talks about their research findings, attending conferences, and more experienced professionals are sometimes called upon to give peer reviews for well-respected academic and professional journals.

Additionally, many research psychologists also find themselves writing grant applications to get funding for their research projects.

What are the Career Options With a PhD in Psychology?

Listed below are some of the popular career options that you can pursue with a PhD in psychology:

Clinical Psychologist

Industrial organizational psychologist, forensic psychologist, rehabilitation psychologist, experimental psychologist, school psychologist.

  • Sports Psychologist
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Social Psychologist
  • Child Psychologist
  • Mental Health Psychologist

Clinical psychologists often work in private practice providing evaluations and treatment for individuals who are experiencing mental health issues. However, you will also find a significant amount of these professionals working in hospitals, clinics, residential facilities, and other institutions that provide mental health services. A clinical psychologist in these settings might be a practitioner or an administrator.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, clinical psychologists earn an average mean wage of $102,740 annually, as of May 2023.

Companies hire industrial-organizationalpPsychologists to develop strategies to increase productivity and improve employee retention rates. These professionals focus on organizational structure, employee recruitment and selection, job satisfaction, and the development of better machines and systems for employee comfort. Industrial-organizational psychologists identify methods that work best in the workplace and make recommendations for improvement.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, industrial-organizational psychologists earn an average mean wage of $144,610 annually, as of May 2023.

Forensic psychologists take psychological insights and apply that to legal matters. This specialized area of psychology focuses on criminal and civil matters to include law enforcement, jury selection, probation and parole, victim advocacy, family law, mental status competency, risk assessments, civil commitments, juvenile delinquency, insurance claims, and many other areas of the justice system.

Careers for forensic psychologists are diverse and can include functioning as a court consultant, providing mental health services in correctional facilities, working with law enforcement, or providing victim advocacy.

Although a specific wage for a forensic psychologist was not noted, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Forensic Science Technicians who also serve as Expert Witnesses, earn an average mean wage of $147,585 annually, as of January 2024.

Rehabilitation psychologists work with people who have suffered a significant loss or are struggling with adjusting to life with a disability. These professionals focus on the psychological aspects of loss, disability, and rehabilitation.

Typical clients could include someone who has recently become a paraplegic, is dealing with cancer, or is experiencing a chronic medical condition. Practitioners give their clients the support that they need as they adjust to their new life with the condition.

Researchers in the field of rehabilitation psychology explore how various factors, including biological, social, and environmental issues, affect people with disabilities and other chronic illnesses.

According to ZipRecruiter, the related field of rehabilitation counselor earns an average mean wage of $95,854 annually, as of January 2024.

Experimental psychologists are professionals who specialize in the study of human behavior and cognition. Their research generally explores thinking, learning, attention, motivation, and other cognitive functions. Although they do work with humans, they also study animals such as rats, monkeys, and pigeons.

Experimental psychologists can work in research settings, as consultants for businesses, and are even called upon to develop strategies to help lessen the psychological impact of high intensity training on military personnel.

School psychologists are employed by public school districts, private schools, and learning centers to help students overcome challenges related to disabilities, emotional issues, social adjustment, or other behavioral problems that impede learning. They evaluate the effectiveness of the educational process for students and use available resources as well new strategies to help students improve performance.

School psychologists also help students indirectly by working with teachers, parents, and school administrators to create individualized educational programs for students who are struggling to learn.

In many school districts, they also help administrators with the development of programs for Gifted learners. The goal of school psychologists in this role is to support teachers and parents in implementing individualized instructional strategies for students.

Some professionals specialize in working with specific groups of students such as children with Learning Disabilities, Gifted learners, or Adult learners.

According to ZipRecruiter, school psychologists earn an average mean wage of $92,813 annually, as of January 2024.

Sports psychologists are qualified professionals who help athletes to overcome problems, improve performance and achieve their goals. They draw their knowledge from many fields such as physiology, biomechanics, psychology, and kinesiology.

Sports psychologists explore the link between the psychological and physical factors that affect performance and try to establish what issues are preventing athletes from performing at full potential.

Their role may also involve acting as a consultant, a trainer or a therapist. Therapy may be needed for issues such as career transitions, eating disorders or off-field problems that effect on-field performance.

Working as a trainer may include assistance with rehabilitation after an injury. Athletic teams often consult with sports psychologists or employ one to help with various issues such as group dynamics and leadership issues.

Some sports psychologists become researchers who explore issues such as factors that lead to success, the effects of athletic participation on individuals or the psychological effects of a physical injury.

According to the American Psychological Association’s (APA), sports psychologists can expect to earn between $60,000 and $180,000 a year, with some annual salaries reaching $100,000.

What is the Job Outlook for Psychology Careers?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicates that although the employment growth of psychologists is expected to grow by 6 percent from 2022 to 2032, career prospects are far better for those who have a doctoral degree in psychology.

Related Reading

  • How to Prepare for a Career in Psychology
  • Top Psychology PhD Programs That Don’t Require GRE
  • What is the Difference Between a Master’s and a PhD in Psychology
  • Associate Degrees
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  • Addiction Counselor
  • Criminal Psychologist
  • Family Therapist
  • General Psychologist
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  • Clinical Psychology Degree
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  • Health Psychology Degree
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  • Social Psychology Degree
  • School Counseling Degree
  • Behavioral Psychologist Career
  • Clinical Psychologist Career
  • Cognitive Psychologist Career
  • Counseling Psychologist Career
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Doctorate in Psychology (Ph.D. and Psy.D.) – everything you need to know in 2024

What’s in this guide, ph.d. or psy.d..

  • Why get a doctorate in psychology?

Entry Requirements

  • PhD in psychology jobs
  • How long does it take to study?

How to choose a program

How much does it cost, earning potential , find your degree.

By Staff Writer

A doctorate in psychology is a terminal degree typically lasting 4-7 years. It prepares graduates for independent research, clinical practice, or university-level teaching careers in psychology.

There are many reasons you may want to pursue a doctorate degree in Psychology, the following guide will provide everything you need to know; from the options, costs, timeframes, career advantages and more.

phd psychology positions

First up, what are the two types of doctorate degree you can get and what are the differences?

The two doctorate degrees you can get in psychology are Ph.D. and Psy.D.

In simple terms, a Ph.D. in psychology is more research-focused, while a Psy.D. emphasizes clinical practice. The best choice between the two depends on your career goals and whether you prefer research and academia or direct clinical work.

Why study for a doctorate in psychology?

  • Doctorate-level psychologists typically have higher earning potential compared to those with a master’s degree or bachelor’s degree in the field.
  • Gain in-depth knowledge and expertise in your chosen area of specialization within psychology.
  • Potentially make significant contributions to the field.
  • Advanced career opportunities in various settings, such as academia, research institutions, government agencies, hospitals, and private practice.
  • Connect with other professionals, researchers, and academics in the field of psychology, expanding your professional network

The minimum requirements to study a doctorate degree in psychology will vary from institution to institution. However, there are several common requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree:  all programs require applicants to have completed a  bachelor’s degree , in psychology or a related field. Some programs may accept candidates with a degree in another discipline if they have completed prerequisite coursework in psychology.
  • Master’s degree : Some doctoral programs require applicants to have a  master’s degree in psychology  or a related field. Others may admit students directly from their bachelor’s degree and incorporate a master’s degree into the doctorate program.
  • GPA : Many programs have a minimum GPA requirement, usually 3.0 or higher. Some competitive programs require a higher GPA.
  • Letters of recommendation : Applicants typically need to submit letters of recommendation from professors or professionals who can speak to their academic and research abilities.
  • Research experience : Prior research experience is often valued by doctoral programs in psychology. This may include experience working on research projects, completing a thesis, or participating in research internships or assistantships.
  • Personal statement:  Applicants usually need to submit a personal statement or statement of purpose that outlines their academic and research interests, career goals, and why they are interested in the specific doctoral program.

Doctorate in psychology jobs

  • Addiction Counselor
  • ABA Therapist
  • Mental Health Therapist
  • Licensed Mental Health Conselor
  • Licensed Professional Counselor
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
  • School Psychologist
  • Organizational Psychologist
  • Forensic Psychologist
  • Sports Psychologist
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Counseling Psychologist
  • Research Psychologist
  • Professor of Psychology
  • Child Psychologist

*Outside of the licensed psychologist jobs listed above many of the above roles  do not require a doctorate but it is important to note that employers for these roles are increasingly favoring candidates with a doctorate. 

How Long Does It Take To Study?

For the majority of students, a doctorate in Psychology may take anywhere from 4-7 years to finish, which will include a research dissertation and most likely residency or an internship in clinical or medical environments.

phd psychology positions

By far and away the question our career coaches get asked most frequently about doctorate degrees is how to choose a program. The choice of institutions and programs is truly overwhelming.

Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Accreditation – Ensuring the program is accredited by the American Psychological Association . Accreditation affects the quality of education you will receive, your eligibility for professional licensure, and your job prospects after graduation.
  • Program Focus and Curriculum –  Different programs may emphasize various aspects of psychology, such as clinical practice, counseling, research, or specific subfields like neuropsychology or health psychology. Match the program’s strengths and curriculum to your career interests and goals. Investigate whether the program offers courses and training that are critical to your desired career path.
  • Faculty Expertise – Look into the backgrounds and areas of expertise of the faculty within the program. Consider how these align with your research interests or the professional skills you wish to acquire. Having mentors who are experts in your area of interest can provide invaluable guidance and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Research Opportunities – For those interested in research, evaluate the resources available, such as labs, funding, and support for attending conferences or conducting fieldwork. Check if the program encourages or requires publications and what kind of support it offers to achieve these milestones.
  • Clinical Training and Internships – For clinically oriented programs, look at the quality and variety of their practicum and internship placements. These are often required for licensure.
  • Funding and Financial Support – Understand the types of financial support offered by the program, including teaching and research assistantships, fellowships, and grants. Funding can significantly impact your experience by allowing you to focus more fully on your studies and research without needing to seek employment externally.
  • Alumni Success and Networking Opportunities –  Investigate where alumni of the program are currently working. This can give you a sense of the program’s reputation and effectiveness in placing graduates in jobs. Additionally, networking opportunities through alumni networks, professional associations, and academic conferences can be critical for career development.
  • Program Size and Student Support Services – Consider the size of the program and the ratio of faculty to students, which can affect the amount of individual attention and mentoring you receive.
  • Location – Certain locations might offer better practicum, internship, and employment opportunities in your field of interest due to the presence of significant healthcare facilities, research institutions, or industries.

Depending upon the institution, method of study, location and type of program then you can expect to pay $25,000-$80,000 per year to study for a doctorate in psychology.

An online program would likely fall at the lower end of this range whilst an out of state student in a private university might expect to pay the upper end of this range.

Many psychology doctoral programs, particularly in research-oriented universities, offer funding packages to their students. These can include full or partial tuition waivers, health insurance coverage, and a stipend to help with living expenses

The average salary for an individual with a doctorate in psychology is $114,768.

Earning potential varies considerably by specialty, location and industry but we see roles requiring a doctorate advertised in the $80,000-$130,000 range.

  • PhD in Organizational Psychology
  • PhD in Educational Psychology
  • PhD in Forensic Psychology
  • PhD in Counseling Psychology
  • PhD in Behavioral Psychology
  • PhD in Child Psychology
  • PhD in Clinical Psychology
  • PhD in Neuropsychology
  • PhD in Sports Psychology

What Can I Do With My PhD in Psychology? 10 Job Options For You

Unlock your potential with a PhD in Psychology. Discover diverse career paths, from clinical practice to research, and make a meaningful impact on lives.

phd psychology positions

Derek Pankaew

Jun 13, 2024

What Can I Do With My PhD in Psychology? 10 Job Options For You

What Can I Do with My PhD in Psychology: 10 Job Options for You

Introduction to phd in psychology career options.

A PhD in psychology can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities and higher pay. With this advanced degree, students can pursue various career paths, including clinical practice, research, education, and applied psychology. Deciding which path is suited to your needs, interests, and educational background requires careful consideration and research.

A PhD in psychology is often a requirement for many high-level positions in the field. It allows individuals to specialize in areas such as clinical psychology, counseling psychology, forensic psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and more. This guide explores ten job options available to those with a PhD in psychology, providing insights into the roles, requirements, and work environments.

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Exploring Career Paths in Psychology

Before diving into specific job options, it's essential to consider your career goals and preferences. Think about how long you’re willing to continue your education , where you envision yourself working, and which areas of psychology interest you the most, such as mental health, research, or education. Common areas of employment include education, business, healthcare, and government.

Jobs in Mental Health

Clinical psychologists.

phd psychology positions

Clinical psychologists assess, diagnose, and treat individuals experiencing mental or emotional health issues. They often work in hospitals, counseling centers, schools, health clinics, or private practice. Clinical psychologists may treat people experiencing a range of mental health conditions, from anxiety and depression to severe mental illnesses. A PhD in psychology is often required for these roles, though some positions may accept a master's degree with supervised clinical hours.

Example: A clinical psychologist might work in a hospital setting, providing therapy to patients with severe mental illnesses, or in private practice, helping clients cope with anxiety and depression.

Mental Health Counselors

phd psychology positions

Mental health counselors have many of the same job duties as clinical psychologists but tend to focus more on helping individuals overcome issues affecting their daily lives. Educational requirements can vary, but mental health counselors must have a minimum of a master’s degree in psychology, counseling, or education. They may work in hospitals, counseling centers, schools, health clinics, or private practice.

Example: A mental health counselor might work in a school, helping students manage stress and anxiety, or in a community health center, providing support for individuals dealing with substance abuse issues.

Jobs in Educational Settings

School psychologists.

phd psychology positions

School psychologists assess, diagnose, and treat children experiencing behavioral, emotional, or academic problems. They may also recommend treatments or work with parents, teachers, and others to help children overcome problems and achieve goals. All states have differing requirements, but most require a minimum of a master’s degree in school psychology. School psychologists may work in schools, hospitals, counseling centers, or private practice.

Example: A school psychologist might work in an elementary school, providing assessments and interventions for students with learning disabilities, or in a high school, helping students cope with emotional and behavioral issues.

Educational Psychologists

phd psychology positions

Educational psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with schools, teaching psychology, educational issues, and student concerns. Educational psychologists often study how students learn or work directly with students, parents, teachers, and administrators to improve student outcomes. To become an educational psychologist, you will need at least a master’s degree, although many states require a doctorate to practice as a licensed psychologist. Educational psychologists may work in schools, universities, or research institutions .

Example: An educational psychologist might conduct research on effective teaching methods or work with a university to develop programs that support student learning and retention.

Jobs in Applied Psychology

Forensic psychologists.

phd psychology positions

Forensic psychology involves applying psychology to the field of criminal investigation and law. Forensic psychologists typically have a master’s in forensic psychology at the minimum, but many hold a PhD in clinical or counseling psychology. They may work in various settings, including family courts, drug courts, criminal courts, or private consulting. Forensic psychologists work with law enforcement agencies, courts, or private companies, applying psychological principles to legal issues.

Example: A forensic psychologist might work with a criminal court to assess the mental state of defendants or provide expert testimony in cases involving psychological issues.

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Industrial-Organizational Psychologists

phd psychology positions

Industrial-organizational psychologists study workplace behavior and ergonomics, often working to increase productivity or efficiency. I-O psychologists perform a variety of functions, including hiring qualified employees, conducting tests, designing products, creating training courses, and performing research on different aspects of the workplace. I-O psychologists generally need a minimum of a master’s degree, though opportunities and pay are better with a PhD in psychology. They may work in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, or finance.

Example: An industrial-organizational psychologist might work with a large corporation to develop employee training programs or conduct research on workplace motivation and satisfaction.

Human Factors Psychologists

phd psychology positions

Human factor is an area of psychology that focuses on a range of different topics, including ergonomics, workplace safety, human error, product design, human capability, and human-computer interaction. Human factors psychologists explore the ways that people interact with products and environments. They help design interfaces that are easy to understand to maximize productivity and safety. Human factors psychologists may work in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, or technology.

Example: A human factors psychologist might work with a tech company to design user-friendly software interfaces or with a manufacturing firm to improve workplace safety protocols.

Jobs in Research and Academia

Research psychologists.

phd psychology positions

Research psychologists conduct studies and gather data to better understand human behavior and mental processes. They often work in universities, research institutions, or government agencies. Research psychologists may specialize in areas such as cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, or social psychology. They conduct research, publish findings, and contribute to the scientific understanding of psychological principles.

Example: A research psychologist might conduct studies on memory and cognition, working in a university lab to explore how people learn and retain information.

Academic Psychologists

phd psychology positions

Academic psychologists teach and conduct research at universities and colleges. They often specialize in areas such as counseling psychology, clinical psychology, or educational psychology. Academic psychologists may work in academia, research institutions, or government agencies. They teach undergraduate and graduate students , conduct research, and publish scholarly articles.

Example: An academic psychologist might teach courses in developmental psychology and conduct research on child development, publishing findings in academic journals and presenting at conferences.

Alternative Career Options

Consulting psychologists.

phd psychology positions

Consulting psychologists conduct individual assessments, provide group consultations, and help organizations through their knowledge of psychology. They may create psychological assessments for hiring employees, advise executives on organizational change, or consult on organizational issues. Consulting psychologists work in various settings, including private practice, hospitals, and clinics.

Example: A consulting psychologist might work with a company to develop assessment tools for employee selection or provide executive coaching to improve leadership skills.


phd psychology positions

Neuropsychologists examine how the brain influences behavior. They study memory, perception, and behavior, along with the effects of injury on the brain. Some neuropsychologists assist patients in figuring out long-term care. Neuropsychologists work in research and development or at hospitals or universities.

Example: A neuropsychologist might work in a hospital, assessing patients with traumatic brain injury and developing rehabilitation plans, or conduct research on neurological disorders at a university.

Health Psychologists

phd psychology positions

Health psychologists work to understand how biological, psychological, and social factors affect health and wellness. They may study how people react to illness and create plans with other healthcare professionals to improve recovery times. Health psychologists work in hospitals, clinics, and private practice. They assess, diagnose, and treat patients with mental health issues related to health.

Example: A health psychologist might work in a hospital setting, helping patients manage chronic pain through psychological interventions or conduct research on the impact of stress on physical health.

A PhD in psychology offers numerous career paths, allowing individuals to specialize in areas that align with their interests and skills. Whether you are interested in clinical practice, research, education, or applied psychology, there are many opportunities to use your advanced degree to make a meaningful impact.

By understanding the various roles and requirements, you can make informed decisions about your career path and take steps to achieve your professional goals. The journey to finding the right career may be challenging, but with perseverance and a proactive approach, you can build a fulfilling career that aligns with your passions and expertise.

Additional Tips for Psychology Graduates

  • Stay Updated with Industry Trends: Keeping up with the latest trends and developments in psychology can give you a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Build an Online Presence: Creating a professional profile on platforms like LinkedIn can help you connect with potential employers and showcase your expertise.
  • Consider Short-Term Projects: Freelance projects or consulting work can provide valuable experience and help you transition smoothly into a new career path.
  • Seek Funding Opportunities: Applying for grants and funding can support your research projects and enhance your academic CV, making you a more attractive candidate for academic positions.
  • Develop Soft Skills: Communication, teamwork, and leadership skills are crucial in any career.

In conclusion, with a PhD in psychology, the career possibilities are vast and varied. By exploring different paths, building your skills, and staying proactive in your career development, you can find a rewarding and impactful role in the field of psychology.

PhD in Psychology

Applied Psychology

Psychology Careers

Mental Health Careers

Academic Psychology

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American Psychological Association Logo

Psychology Graduate School Openings 2024

The graduate openings listings represent departments and programs that have reported openings after May 28, 2024. The listings indicate available openings for the 2024–25 academic year.

Programs are listed in alphabetical order first by country (Canada or U.S.), then by state of offering institution, and lastly, within the state. Programs that are fully online are still listed according to the state/institution in which the program is housed.

Arizona State University

  • MS in Human Systems Engineering Number of openings: 5 Contact: Yemille Moreno

California Northstate University

  • PsyD in Clinical Psychology Number of openings: 20 Contact: Kelsy Harris, Director of Admissions

California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University

  • Clinical Psychology PhD and PsyD programs Number of openings: 20 Contact: Joelie Mackesy

 Palo Alto University

  • MS in Psychology (online) Number of openings: 20 Contact: Alaina Dunn

Palo Alto University

  • PhD in Clinical Psychology Number of openings: 3 Contact: Alaina Dunn

Denver Seminary

  • PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision Number of openings: 5 Contact: Rita Salcedo

Brenau University

  • PsyD in Clinical Psychology Number of openings: 2 Contact: Madeline Altabe, PhD


William james college.

  • MA programs Number of openings: Varies Contact: Office of Admissions

Bakers College

  • MA in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Number of openings: Varies Contact: Lisa H. Cree

Ponce Health Sciences University

  • PsyD in Clinical Psychology Number of openings: Open, rolling admissions Contact: St. Louis Admissions

New Mexico State University

  • PhD in School Psychology Number of openings: 2 Contact: Lisa S. Peterson, PhD

Pace University

  • PhD in Social Psychology Number of openings: 4 Contact: Anastasia E. Yasik, PhD

Marietta College

  • MA in Psychology Number of openings: 3 Contact: Ryan K May, PhD

Oregon Institute of Technology

  • MS in Applied Behavior Analysis Number of openings: 5 Contact: Maria Lynn Kessler


Delaware valley university.

  • MA in Graduate Counseling Psychology Number of openings: 11 Contact: Christopher Walter, MA, LPC

Sam Houston State University

  • Specialist in School Psychology Clinical Psychology Number of openings: Varies Contact: Ramona M. Noland, PhD

Texas A&M University – Commerce (fully online)

  • MS in General Psychology Number of openings: 15 Contact: Curt Carlson, PhD

Texas A&M University – Commerce

  • PhD in Experimental Psychology Number of openings: 10 Contact: Curt Carlson, PhD

Texas A&M University – San Antonio

  • MS in Experimental Psychology Number of openings: 10 Contact: William Erickson, PhD

APA is providing this information only as a service to connect students and programs. It is not an endorsement of either programs or students. Students and programs should determine if they are a good fit for one another.

Graduate resources

  • Applying to Graduate School
  • Graduate and Postgraduate Education

graduate students walking

PhD Admissions

The PhD program in Psychology trains students for careers in research and teaching. In addition to a wide range of courses, the PhD program is characterized by close collaboration between students and their faculty advisors. 

General Information

The Department of Psychology holistically reviews each candidate's complete application to assess the promise of a career in teaching and research. Consideration is based on various factors, including courses taken, grade point average, letters of recommendation, and the statement of purpose. Additionally, the Department of Psychology places considerable emphasis on research training, and admitted students have often been involved in independent research as undergraduate students or post-baccalaureate settings. Although there are no course requirements for admission, all applicants should have sufficient foundational knowledge and research experience to engage in graduate-level coursework and research.

We accept students with undergraduate degrees and those with both undergraduate and master's degrees. An undergraduate psychology major is not required; the Department welcomes applicants from other academic backgrounds.

Our application portal is now closed for the AY24-25 admissions cycle.  Please consider applying during next year's AY25-26 admissions cycle, which opens on September 15, 2024.

How to Apply

Application and deadline.

Our 2025-26 Admissions application will open on September 15, 2024.

Applications will be due on November 30, 2024

The deadline for letters of recommendation will be  November 30, 2024 . 

Once an applicant submits the recommenders' information, the recommenders will receive an automated email with instructions for submitting the letter. Late letters should be sent directly to psych-admissions [at] (psych-admissions[at]stanford[dot]edu) . Staff will add them to the application file if the review process is still underway. Still, the faculty reviewers are not obligated to re-review files for materials submitted after the deadline.

The status of submitted applications can be viewed by logging in to the   application portal . 

The deadline to apply for the Stanford Psychology Ph.D. program is  November 30, 2024 . 

Applicants who are admitted to the program will matriculate in autumn 2025. 

In addition to the information below, please review the  Graduate Admissions  website prior to starting your application. The Department of Psychology does not have rolling admissions. We admit for the Autumn term only.


  • U.S. Bachelor's degree or its  foreign equivalent
  • Statement of Purpose (submitted electronically as part of the graduate application). You will be able to specify three  Psychology Department faculty members , in order of preference, with whom you would like to work. 
  • Three  Letters of Recommendation  (submitted electronically). A maximum of six letters will be accepted.
  • Unofficial transcripts from all universities and colleges you have attended for at least one year must be uploaded to the graduate application. Applicants who reach the interview stage will be asked to provide official transcripts as well; Department staff will reach out to these applicants with instructions for submitting official transcripts. Please do  not  submit official transcripts with your initial application.
  • Required for non-native English speakers: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores, submitted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) electronically to Stanford. 

Application Fee

The fee to apply for graduate study at Stanford is $125. Fee waivers are available for some applicants. Please visit Graduate Admissions for information on applying for an  Application Fee Waiver .

Application Review & Status Check

The Department of Psychology welcomes graduate applications from individuals with a broad range of life experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds who would contribute to our community of scholars. The review of applications is holistic and individualized, considering each applicant’s academic record and accomplishments, letters of recommendation, and admissions essays to understand how an applicant’s life experiences have shaped their past and potential contributions to their field.

To check the status or activity of your application, please log into your  application account . You can also send reminders to recommenders who have not yet submitted their letter of recommendation.

Due to limited bandwidth, the Department of Psychology staff will not answer any phone or email queries about application status, including requests to confirm the receipt of official transcripts.

Our faculty will interview prospective students before making final admission decisions. Candidates who progress to the interview round will be informed in January. Interviews are generally conducted in February.

The Department of Psychology recognizes that the Supreme Court issued a ruling in June 2023 about the consideration of certain types of demographic information as part of an admission review. All applications submitted during upcoming application cycles will be reviewed in conformance with that decision.

  • Diversity and Engagement in Psychology PhD Programs 
  • Vice Provost for Graduate Education
  • Stanford IDEAL
  • Graduate Application Fee Waiver Information

For More Information

Please see our  list of Frequently Asked Questions  and  psych-admissions [at] (contact us)  should you have additional questions.


PhD Programme

Psychology Research Institute / PsyRes

  • Application and Admission

Project & activities

During your PhD appointment, which typically lasts three to four years, your primary focus will be conducting research for your doctoral dissertation. However, we also encourage you to engage in other activities such as taking courses offered by the PhD Training Programme, teaching undergraduate courses in the Departments of Social Sciences, and actively participating in the research community, both within PsyRes and at national and international levels.

Close-knit community

As a PhD student at PsyRes, you will be part of a vibrant community that values your growth and development. We offer coaching, training, and a strong PhD Community to support you throughout your doctoral journey. We encourage our students to publish their research early in their careers, enhancing their academic profiles and fostering their future career prospects.

Programme Groups

You will be assigned to a programme group where you will conduct your research and be immersed in a supportive and collaborative environment. We are excited about newly interest in pursuing a PhD at the University of Amsterdam and look forward to welcoming postgraduate students to our dynamic academic community at PsyRes.

The Brain and Cognition programme aims to gain understanding of cognitive phenomena based on neurobiological principles, and has a focus on using cognitive research to understand clinical phenomena and to develop assessment tools or interventions for specific patient groups. The focus is thus on both typical and atypical brain functioning and cognition. The group has a relatively large number of PhD students and therefore there is ample possibility for interaction with other PhD students, both for research purposes (e.g. asking questions about methods or complicated analysis) as well as for social purposes. Interaction with other members of the program group, i.e. post docs and staff members, is actively encouraged through weekly program group meetings in which plenary talks are given by members of the group from all levels.

There is a strong research-oriented atmosphere and new experimental projects are generally discussed in smaller group settings to foster discussion and collaboration. PhD students are supervised by at least two staff members (promotor and co-promotor) and often part of the Amsterdam Graduate Network, a network organization with PhD students from both the UvA and the VU (in case the PhD project is mostly on the nature of human cognition and its neural basis) by a graduate school of choice (in case the PhD project is in the domain of clinical neuropsychology).

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in the Brain and Cognition group, please click on the link below.

PhD students in Clinical Psychology are always supervised by at least two staff members (promotor and co-promotor) and participate in the teaching programme of the School of Experimental Psychopathology (EPP).

Individual studies of PhD students are generally discussed in small group settings. In these meetings, not only their own studies are discussed, but also major articles in the field. Further, PhD students are encouraged to present their work on international conferences.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology, please click on the link below.

The research group consists tenured staff and about 50% PhD students and postdocs. PhD students are supervised by at least two staff members and become a member of a lab group in which research is discussed in a constructive atmosphere. The interaction between PhD students and other staff is encouraged actively which results in considerable cross-fertilization between several themes of the program.

PhD students and their supervisors prepare a training program at the start of the PhD project, which includes taking courses, for example those offered by research schools like EPP or IOPS. Although PhD students are recruited on the basis of a research proposal, students are encouraged actively to make an independent contribution, especially during the final stages of the project. The progress made by PhD students and postdocs is continuously monitored by their supervisors, and on a yearly basis by the research institute.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Developmental Psychology, please click on the link below.

Many topics are initiated by PhD students, who fulfill an important role in our research culture. Fortunately, in the last years the number of PhD students increased due to NWO funding. Generally, PhD students are supervised by at least two staff members.

Each month plenary talks are held. The objective of the internal collaboration is to increase the quality and productivity of the group and to improve the unity of the research. Finally, PhD students participate in activities organised by the  Interuniversity Graduate School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics (IOPS) , the institute for the advanced dissertation training in psychometrics and sociometrics.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Psychological Methods, please click on the link below.

The Social Psychology research group has a relatively large group of PhD students, which generates a research-oriented atmosphere. Individual experiments are generally discussed in small group settings; these discussions focus on design and measurement issues.

PhD’s are always supervised by at least two staff members and are encouraged to participate in the summer school of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP), and to present their work not only at international conferences but also in smaller scale, more informal, meetings such as those of ESCON (European Social Cognition Network) or CERE (Consortium of European Researchers on Emotions); and in incidental small group meetings sponsored by the EAESP (European Association of Experimental Social Psychology.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Social Psychology, please click on the link below.

PhD students in Work and Organizational Psychology work in a cooperative, research-oriented environment and are specializing on various topics in W&O psychology. PhD-students in our group are always supervised by at least two staff members (promotor and co-promotor), with whom PhD-students together actively discuss research ideas and papers. PhD-students also participate in the Work and Organizational Psychology teaching programme in the Bachelor and Master.

Individual studies and papers of PhD students are often discussed in our monthly research meetings with a large section of the programma group. Further, PhD students are encouraged to present their work on international conferences. Finally, they become a member of the Dutch research school Kurt Lewin Institute (KLI), where they follow courses and meet PhD-students (and faculty) from all over the Netherlands.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Work and Organizational Psychology, please click on the link below.

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Search results (65)


PhD Candidate for Computational Approaches for Studying Animal Behavior, Personality, and Emotions

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Post-Doc Position on Trust and Vulnerability in Technology Contexts

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Full-time FSR doctoral position in the Project "Embodied grammar learning in high-immersive virtual reality"

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Three 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Zukunftskolleg

(Fulltime, E 13 TV-L)Reference No: 2024/114. The preferred start date is April 1st, 2025. Conditionally on the submission of an external grant, the position can be extended for an additional year. In principle, the position can be divided into two...


PhD position (100%) on coparenting in families

Within the Parenting and Special Education Research Unit (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences), we (a) investigate the antecedents, nature and consequences of typical and atypical parent...

Assistant Professor narrative and mental health

Job descriptionWe offer an exciting position in a stimulating, international environment. We have a strong culture of interdisciplinary research within the HIB department. Furthermore, we have long...

Postdoctoral assistant in teaching: Media Psychology

KU Leuven is a leading academic institution in Europe. Owing to KU Leuven’s cutting-edge research, KU Leuven is a charter member of LERU, ranked as Europe’s most innovative university, and is among...


PhD Candidate: Effect of Online and Offline Marketing of Alcohol-free Beverages on the Drinking Behaviour of Young People

Employment 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539Required background Research University DegreeOrganizational unit Faculty of Social SciencesApplication deadline 11 August 2024Are you passionate about becoming an expert in the unique resear...


Doctoral researcher in Psychology

The University | About us...The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. The University was founded in 2003 a...

PhD position on multi-sensory cues for spatial awareness in VR/XR

Job descriptionYou will explore the following research questions using advanced VR/XR setups and experiments with human volunteers: 1) How can we model visual, vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory,...

PhD Candidate: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience – Multisensory Perceptual Inference, Learning and Attention

Employment 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539Required background Research University DegreeOrganizational unit Faculty of ScienceApplication deadline 01 August 2024Are you fascinated by how the brain makes sense of the senses in a compl...


Psychology Program Director Position

Wenzhou-Kean UniversityWenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched in 2012, WKU ...

PhD Candidate: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience – Decision Confidence

Employment 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 2,770 - € 3,539Required background Research University DegreeOrganizational unit Faculty of ScienceApplication deadline 01 August 2024Are you fascinated by the brain mechanisms behind perceptual decision ma...


Become a Radcliffe Fellow

Radcliffe fellows are exceptional scientists, writers, scholars, public intellectuals, and artists whose work is making a difference in their professional fields and in the larger world.Based in Radcliffe Yard—a sanctuary in the heart of Harvard U...

PhD: Personalised Real-Time Models of Suicide Risk and Protective Factors

The Center for Contextual Psychiatry is a world-leading centre of expertise in Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM). We use this methodology to conduct fundamental research, as well as to investig...


Professor in neuropsychiatric basic research, combined with employment as a specialist/consultant - Vigre Professorshiphas no title

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top universities. The University has around 47 000 students and more than 8 800 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and M...


University Assistant (Post-Doc) 40 hours/week | limited - Centre for Strategic Teaching Development

TU Wien is Austria's largest institution of research and higher education in the fields of technology and natural sciences. With over 26,000 students and more than 4000 scientists, research, teachi...

PhD PEACE-A study: Stress reduction in emerging adults with autism

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PhD or Postdoc Position on Computational and Systems Neuroscience

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Assistant department of Marketing, Innovation and Organisation (27379)

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Postdoctoral researcher in psychology with a focus on individual differences

Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research? In our research group, you will find a unique opportunity to work in the borderland between psychology and neuroscience in order to unders...


Doctoral scholarship holder translation studies and media accessibility

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Full-time academic position in work psychology

The Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Speech and Language Therapy at the Université libre de Bruxelles, is seeking to fill a full-time vacancy in the area of Work Psychology.  The successful candidate has proven scientific experience...

Research Assistant at the Division of Psychology (part time)

Doctoral fellow - department of movement and sports sciences.

Last application date Jul 29, 2024 00:00Department GE30 - Department of Movement and Sports SciencesContract Limited durationDegree Master in Physical Education and Exercise Science, Master in Psychology, Master of Business Economics, Commercial S...

Research professor - open to all scientific fields (Open BOFZAP)

The KU Leuven announces the vacancy of full-time academic positions as 'research professor' that are open to all research profiles from the various scientific fields. These positions are intended f...

PhD in Educational Sciences


Upcoming fully funded PhD Positions in Neurosciences and Translational Psychiatry research, including a residency/PhD track option for medical doctors

There are no tuition fees for this PhD program.We welcome applications through our online application portal starting on August 15, 2024 for a start in fall 2025. The application deadline will be on October 31, 2024. The International Max Planck R...


PhD on Software Engineering for Scientific Communities

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Doctoral fellow - Department of Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology

Last application date Jul 31, 2024 00:00Department PP05 - Department of Experimental Clinical and Health PsychologyContract Limited durationDegree Master’s degree in Psychology, Educational Sciences, Speech Therapy or an equivalent thereof.Occupan...

Jobs by field

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  • Artificial Intelligence 162
  • Materials Engineering 149
  • Mechanical Engineering 147
  • Electronics 147
  • Cell Biology 145
  • Biochemistry 121

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 371
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 160
  • Professor 118
  • Researcher 108
  • Research assistant 104
  • Engineer 96
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 73
  • Management / Leadership 55
  • Tenure Track 49

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 412
  • Netherlands 159
  • Morocco 115
  • Switzerland 114
  • Germany 106
  • Luxembourg 69

Jobs by employer

  • KU Leuven 151
  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 119
  • Ghent University 91
  • University of Luxembourg 68
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 68
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 59
  • University of Antwerp 53
  • ETH Zürich 53
  • Karolinska Institutet 45

phd psychology positions

Organizational Psychology Degrees

11 Careers for I-O Ph.D. Grads

Top careers in i/o psychology.

Top Careers for People with Industrial and Organizational Psychology Doctorates

Industrial organizational psychology programs are available to undergraduate and graduate students.  Perhaps you took an introductory course in I O psychology while earning your bachelor’s degree.  Advanced education and training are essential for career advancement.  A master’s degree may be sufficient for many roles in I O psychology, but a doctorate degree can improve job prospects and income potential.  Organizational psychology degrees are offered by many top universities. 

I O psychology has been around since the 1920’s.  The first person to earn a PhD in industrial/organizational psychology was Bruce V. Moore.  He went on to make significant contributions to the field.  Dr. Moore created a strong I O psychology program at Penn State.

Featured Schools

Related resource:  Top 25 Campus-Based Industrial-Organizational Psychology Master’s Degree Programs

But as with so many careers, the more education you have, the more variety you are likely to have in terms of:

  • places of employment
  • compensation

Getting your Ph.D. in I O psychology certainly opens up your career prospects on all three of these measures.

What can you do with a PhD in psychology ? If you’ve taken the time to get a doctoral degree in industrial organizational psychology, then you know that there are a wealth of career options for you. Doctoral programs in I O psychology prepare graduates to work in areas like:

  • business and marketing
  • market research
  • human resources
  • organizational development
  • government agencies

What Does an Industrial Organizational Psychologist Do?

While the specific duties of your job will depend on your job title and place of employment, there are some basic responsibilities you can expect to have in any organizational psychology related career.

On a primary level, all I O psychologists apply their knowledge and understanding of psychology to the workplace.  You will lean on your years of education and experience in psychology to:

  • improve employer-employee relations
  • design an intake assessment for new employees
  • increase productivity among employees

This application of psychology to the workplace setting can take many different forms. You might:

  • Train new hires
  • Improve the organizational structure of a business
  • Oversee hiring practices
  • Consult with human resources
  • Conduct psychological research
  • Improve the workplace environment
  • Research consumer behavior
  • Assess employee job performance
  • Assist with company transitions, like mergers and takeovers

Again, some of these tasks are more common than others, and depending on your specific place of work, you may or may not be involved in all of them.

What Can I Do With a PhD in Psychology? 

Let’s explore some of the most popular career paths for I O psychology graduates.  Below we explain some popular industrial organizational psychology job titles .  

Individual Assessment and Psychometrics Specialist

In some companies, industrial organizational psychologists are tasked primarily with conducting assessments. Though the type of assessments will vary from position to position, the role of a psychometrist is to evaluate employees.  They want to place them in a job that best fits their skills.

For example, if you work for a manufacturing company, one of the assessments you give to prospective employees might be a hand-eye coordination test. This test could be highly informative as to whether or not a potential employee has the basic physical skills to keep up with a fast-paced assembly line.

As another example, you might be in charge of evaluating current employees. You might use interest inventories to see if there is a different job that fits their interests better. Likewise, you might conduct employee evaluations to see what their attitudes are like regarding management and the work environment.

Yet another aspect of this type of organizational psychology job is to develop bespoke assessments for your employer. You might create an employee screening test that looks for desirable skills that would benefit the company’s bottom-line.

Not only would you develop the measure but you might also be in charge of:

  • analyzing test items
  • calculating norms
  • conducting statistical analyses
  • writing assessment instructions

Engineering Psychologist

Unlike industrial organizational psychologist jobs like human resources that focus on the human side of the workplace, engineering psychologists focus on the physical aspects of the work environment.  They study how people interact with technology.

As an engineering psychologist, you might be asked to evaluate the safety of the workplace and identify potential areas where employee safety might be at risk. After this evaluation, you would make recommendations regarding how to reorganize the workplace to make it a safer environment for employees.

As another example, you might be hired by a company to analyze how consumers interact with a new product. You might oversee various trials in which volunteers use a product and report on their user experience. Your job would be to:

  • collect that data
  • interpret it
  • use it to make recommendations on how the product can be improved for a better consumer experience

Research Psychologist

A number of industrial-organizational psychologist jobs are in research.  I O psychology professionals conduct research in a number of different settings including:

  • colleges and universities
  • nonprofit organizations
  • governmental agencies (including the military
  • and large business enterprises or corporations

For example, you might develop a longitudinal study that examines the relationship between paid leave and job satisfaction at a private company. This kind of research would seek to answer the question, “Does more paid leave result in higher job satisfaction?” In conducting this kind of research, you could help business leaders determine the right amount of paid leave to offer employees that enhance their satisfaction with the job, but that doesn’t negatively impact production or the company’s bottom line.

Think of industrial psychology jobs in research as looking at the big picture. You might study individual workers’ behaviors. You might examine small groups within a business or organization. Or you might evaluate the entire ecosystem of an organization. But at the end of the day, the research you do is intended to identify problems in the workplace and mitigate those problems through research-based methods.

College Professor

College Professor is a Top Careers for People with Industrial and Organizational Psychology Doctorates

Some of these individuals teach. Others do research as referenced a moment ago more broadly. Still other people who earn a doctorate degree in this I O psychology focus on both teaching and writing.

Typically, career opportunities in academics come only after working in the “real world” in I O psychology. This is to say that college professors usually have experience in the field, and can draw on that experience to further their capabilities as a professor, researcher, or both.

In fact, the vast majority of psychology professors at colleges and universities have held positions outside of academics first. So, as a hopeful college professor, you will need to gain some on-the-job experience in I O psychology first, and then begin your career in academia later on. This doesn’t mean you need to work for 30 years in the field, but certainly having 5-10 years of job experience in I O psychology will help.

Behavior Analyst

Industrial organizational psychologists can use their knowledge and training in human behavior to become a behavior analyst.

As a behavior analyst, you might be asked to analyze the behavior of a company’s employees as they work on the floor of a manufacturing plant. Your goal would be to examine how environmental factors in the workplace affect employee behavior and on-the-job performance.

Furthermore, you might be tasked with considering how to change the workday to improve productivity. For example, if a company has noticed a downturn in employee productivity, you might be asked to explore what the cause of that lack of productivity might be. 

As you dive into the problem, you might find that a recent change in the work schedule is the culprit, and make recommendations to create a new schedule that better adheres to the times of greatest employee productivity.

As a behavior analyst, you aren’t just looking to identify problem behaviors and correct them. Instead, you want to be able to:

  • describe a person’s behavior
  • develop an understanding of it
  • identify the circumstances in which certain behaviors occur
  • devise ways to change behaviors for the benefit of the person (and the company, too, of course)

Human Resources

A significant cohort of women and men who earn a doctorate in industrial and organizational psychology work in the field of human resources. They do so in a number of different ways. 

For example, these professionals might work in human resources departments of larger business and governmental agencies. They may work as human resources specialists or as a human resources manager.  In this capacity, you might expect to have responsibilities that include:

  • Interviewing and hiring new employees
  • Developing effective training programs
  • Training employees
  • Improving workplace productivity
  • Mediating workplace conflicts
  • Assessing and evaluating employees
  • Creating professional development opportunities

In some cases, you might be asked to represent individual workers in the company. For example, if an employee is facing termination, you might be asked to advocate on their behalf.

You might have a more specialized role.  Some I O psychology professionals work as training and development specialists or in ergonomics.  They might work in management consulting to provide outside perspectives and strategies to improve the organization.

Ultimately, the goal of a human resources position is to ensure that the overall culture within the business or organization is one of teamwork and respect for all employees.

Staffing and Recruiting Manager

A related career path to human resources is to become a staffing and recruiting manager.

As the job title indicates, this position focuses solely on recruiting new talent and helping fill vacant positions within a company. You would oversee all hiring processes. You would likely also be responsible for developing employee training programs.

Being able to identify a person’s potential requires you to lean heavily on your knowledge of psychology. You’ll need to utilize skills related to:

  • interviewing
  • predicting behavior
  • analyzing behavior as well

What’s more, understanding what motivates people is hugely important. This position often requires you to direct efforts to retain employees. Leveraging your understanding of what employees find motivating can help you keep the best employees around for the long-term.

Executive Coach

Even the organizational leaders of Fortune 500 companies don’t have all the answers when it comes to the ideal direction for their company. That’s where executive coaches come in.

As an executive coach, you will consult with senior leadership executives to develop organizational and managerial skills that will help the company move forward in a positive direction.

In some cases, you might work directly with a single company executive. In others, you might be responsible for coaching the entire executive staff. Additionally, some executive coaches work with mid-management and lower-tier employees, usually in the capacity of encouraging ownership of the company vision and getting buy-in for company-wide changes.

Regardless of who you’re working with, your job as a coach involves a heavy dose of:

  • assessing people
  • developing professional development plans for them
  • creating strategies for achieving goals
  • effectively improving their job performance

Organizational Culture Specialist

Another area in which a person with a doctorate in industrial organizational psychology works is as an organizational culture specialist.

Industrial and organizational psychology jobs in this field involves researching and analyzing different aspects of the organization including:

  • understandings

This research has the objective of translating these intangibles into a shared, cohesive sense of organization among employees of a business, members of an organization, and so forth.

For example, you might help develop an organizational mission statement that rallies employees behind a common cause. As another example, you might make recommendations about a corporate structure such that a culture of inclusivity is fostered between employers and employees, and within the different departments within a business as well.

Organizational Effectiveness Consultant

Another possible career for a Ph.D. graduate in industrial organizational psychology is an organizational effectiveness consultant.

A consultant in this capacity usually works hand-in-hand with executives and upper management to establish a clear set of goals for the organization. You might:

  • define management processes
  • help establish long-term goals for the company
  • assist company leadership in developing a roadmap for achieving the company’s goals

In some cases, companies might have their own in-house organizational effectiveness consultant. More commonly, though, you would be an independent consultant that’s brought in to get the company headed in the right direction. PhD psychology jobs may also be available through consulting firms. You would then repeat the process with another client, and then another, and so on.

Public Relations

Public Relations is a Top Career for People with Industrial and Organizational Psychology Doctorates

As a public relations specialist, your focus is on understanding what customers want, reaching target markets, and helping companies foster and maintain a positive public image.

This position isn’t just about branding and building consumer trust, though. Public relations is also about:

  • identifying consumer needs
  • evaluating public opinions
  • helping craft marketing messages that resonate with consumers

Of course, another dimension of public relations is helping mitigate negative press. Understanding how to create a narrative – and control that narrative – is paramount in order to focus the public’s attention on what you want them to hear.

Which Career Path is Right for You?

As noted in the introduction, a doctoral degree in this field opens up many different career paths for you.  The most difficult part is likely deciding which of these paths best aligns with your interests and skill set.  Jobs for PhD in psychology graduates are available throughout the country.  If you’ve completed your bachelor’s degree or master’s degree and are ready to take your career to the next level, a PhD might be the right choice for you!

Fortunately, this is a rapidly growing field with a lot of potential for job growth. Though there aren’t many industrial organizational psychologists in the United States ( only about 610 , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics), demand for I O psychology services is expected to grow in the coming years.

This field of psychology also pays quite well. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a mean annual wage of nearly $113,000.  I O psychology graduates like yourself will likely have high demand and high wages awaiting you upon graduation.

Sean Jackson

B.A. Social Studies Education | University of Wyoming

M.S. Counseling | University of Wyoming

B.S. Information Technology | University of Massachusetts

Related Resources:

  • What Can I Expect from an Industrial-Organizational Psychology Ph.D. Program?
  • What are the Most Important Elements of an Industrial-Organizational Psychologists Job?
  • Top 15 Industrial/Organizational Certificate Programs
  • What Are Psychomotor Skills?
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Successful Careers

The Baylor Ph.D. Program in Psychology is primarily an academic program: we expect that most of our graduates will ultimately accept academic positions, teaching and/or conducting research. Approximately 90% of our Ph.D. graduates (since 1990) are now in academic positions (post-doc and/or faculty). The remainder is employed in industries directly related to their graduate training. Of course, it is impossible to predict what the employment market will look like in 5 years. Our recent graduates have been quite successful in the marketplace. For those with more applied interests, we have in the past been able to arrange graduate internships for senior students with several national companies.

Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

College of Arts and Sciences

Baylor Psychology and Neuroscience Department Baylor Sciences Building, B.309 101 Bagby Ave. Waco, TX 76706

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PhD student in psychology

environment? Are you looking for an employer that invests in sustainable employment and offers safe, favorable working conditions? We welcome you to apply for a PhD position at the Department of psychology

Researcher in Psychology

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Postdoc in work and organizational psychology

. Qualification To be eligible for the position , you must have a PhD in psychology or a degree relevant for the position no later than the time the employment decision is made. Furthermore, you must not have

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Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuroimaging

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phd psychology positions

  • Maynooth University
  • Posted on: 7 July 2024

PhD Studentship in Psychology (Environmental Psychology) on Horizon Project GoGreen Next

Job information, offer description.

About the project 

Funded under a Horizon Europe health call (Planetary health: understanding the links between environmental degradation and health impacts ) , the central aim of the GoGreenNext project is to advance research and innovation to support the development of evidence-based policy at city, national, and global levels, to accelerate our efforts to address the challenges of climate change, biodiversity and environmental degradation and human health in the urban context. GoGreenNext is a €6 million EU-funded Horizon Europe project will future proof urban health across Europe and North America. 

Its multidisciplinary consortium of 19 partners will pursue a transdisciplinary approach to advance research and innovation to support the development of evidence-based policy at city, national, and global levels, to accelerate our efforts to address the challenges of climate change, biodiversity and environmental degradation and human health in the urban context. Cities offer an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of current solutions aligned with emerging strategies and policy initiatives combining to form what is termed a just green transition. This refers to a process of far-reaching sociotechnical change leading to a green and climate-neutral economy that preserves biodiversity and ensures social justice. GoGreenNext will address the biodiversity-climate- planetary health nexus, delivering positive policy and city/region pilot outcomes across Europe and with input from best practice globally. 

Urban Pilot Areas encompass four biogeographic regions and include Cork City (Ireland), Klagenfurt (Austria), Paijat Hame Region (Finland) and Malta. Working across seven EU countries, Switzerland, Norway, Canada and the United States the project commenced in January 2024 and is 54 months in duration, with the PhD position for 48 months from Sept. 1st, 2024.

The award consists of an annual stipend of €22,000 plus tuition fees. A designated workspace in the Innovation Value Institute, funds to purchase equipment for use on the project and additional research and travel expenses will also be provided. Applicants for whom English is a second language will be required to meet English language requirements specified here. The candidate will be supervised by Dr Tadhg MacIntyre (GoGreen Next PI) and Prof  Andrew Coogan (Dept. of Psychology).

Where to apply


The interdisciplinary nature of the project enables students of psychology  (e.g. degree in psychology) or with psychology (e.g. modular credits) to apply.

For enquires please email [email protected] and please use the subject header “GoGreenNext PhD” in your email.

Additional Information

Working in a large collaborative team in a Horizon Europe funded projects provides a supportive learning ecosystem for researchers. An in-house academy will support additional bespoke training and development and the implementation science dimension can support the acquisition of many additional researcher, SCICOMMS and leadership skills. Funding is provided for conference participation and travel and subsistence for consortium meetings annually.


● A first-class or upper second-class degree in psychology or a cognate discipline that broadly aligns with the subject of research. 

● Ability to communicate well in English. 

● The successful candidate should be committed to working across disciplinary boundaries.


● Some knowledge of statistical analysis. 

● Some knowledge of large-scale survey design and analysis 

● Some knowledge of qualitative analysis. 

● Some understanding of sleep science and environmental psychology (the student can also undertake modules in this area during the PhD) 

● Evidence of good verbal and written communication skills 

● Strong time and data management skills 

● It will also be an advantage to be pro-active and self-motivated.

Please submit the following the materials listed below for expression of interest by email to [email protected] before midnight (GMT) on July 31st 2024:  

● Cover letter (max. 2 pages) which should include a discussion of how you will address the PhD research project 

● CV (Maximium 4 pages) which includes the names and contact details of two academic referees.

● Writing sample (e.g. an academic essay/article or section of research dissertation).

● Please use the subject header “GoGreenNext PhD” in your email

Department of Psychology 

The Department of Psychology was established in September 1999, and has since expanded steadily into a vibrant and internationally-recognized centre of high quality teaching and research. 

Here at Maynooth University, the Psychology Department provides students with the skills required to succeed in both academic and non-academic environments, offering BA and BSc undergraduate degrees in Psychology, as well as postgraduate degrees by research (MSc and PhD) and a MSc in Environmental Psychology which is linked to EU projects GoGreenRoutes and GoGreenNext. 

Innovation Value Institute 

IVI is a multidisciplinary research institute focused on digital transformation and technology adoption based in Maynooth University. Founded in 2006 in collaboration with Intel, we have a strong track record of industry collaboration, both locally and internationally. We have demonstrated excellent dissemination capability including education and training, and have developed a close working relationship with Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland and other research centres. 

Research is focused on discovering strategic research challenges and co-creating validated Digital Transformation Paths. Together with our research partners in our Research Clusters, we develop innovative research outputs that are relevant for both research and in practice, to transform and architect sustainable Service Ecosystems. 

The University 

Maynooth University is a very distinctive university, a collegial institution focused on science and engineering, humanities, and social sciences, and equally committed to research, teaching and community engagement. Located in Ireland’s only university town, its distinctive features and character owe much to its unique history and heritage. It provides a high-quality educational experience to over 15,000 students on a campus with 18 th century roots and 21 st century dynamism. 

The strategic trajectory and accomplishments of Maynooth University, in the 25 years since its establishment as an autonomous public university, are exceptional, and a source of great pride to the university community, staff, students and alumni. Maynooth University is now acknowledged to be one of the leading young universities in the world, and in 2022 ranked # 1 in Ireland in the latest Times Higher Education (THE) Best Young University Rankings. Maynooth University’s growing global reputation is based on the originality, quality, importance and impact of its research and scholarship, commitment to teaching and learning, the quality of academic programmes, and its leadership in widening participation in higher education. The sources of success are the dedication of its staff and the energy and engagement of its students. 

Maynooth University is a place of lively contrasts – a modern institution, dynamic, rapidly-growing, research-led and engaged, yet grounded in historic academic strengths and scholarly traditions. With over 15,000 students Maynooth offers a range of programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level in the humanities, science and engineering and social sciences, including business, law and education. The University also offers a range of international programmes and partnerships. 

Maynooth’s unique collegial culture fosters an interdisciplinary approach to research, which its world-class academics bring to bear in tackling some of the most fundamental challenges facing society today. The University’s research institutes and centres consolidate and deliver this impact as vibrant communities of learning, discovery and creation. Research at Maynooth also is very much central to its teaching and the University prides itself on placing equal value on its research and teaching missions. 

Principles and Values 

Maynooth University is committed to the following values: 

● Scholarly rigour; 

● Academic freedom; 

● Integrity and ethical behaviour; 

● Collegiality, transparency and trust; 

● Equality, inclusiveness and social justice; 

● Operational excellence, organisational flexibility and responsiveness; 

● Dignity, respect and care for the individual. 

Strategy 2023-2028 

The University’s Strategic Plan 2023-28 has been recently launched. Our vision is to be a university of excellence, opportunity and impact, having a significant stake in all three. 


We focus in on academic and professional excellence. 


We provide life-changing opportunities for all who can benefit, irrespective of background.


We create a positive impact on society through educating our students, through our research and by building sustainable communities. 

Our purpose is simple: to imagine and create better futures for all. 

Our greatest contribution to society is through educating creative, inquisitive and critically engaged minds. Our graduates are highly employable critical thinkers. They are globally engaged and socially conscious citizens, committed to a better society and a more sustainable world. Our students and their future are at the heart of our being. 

Our five-year strategic focus centres on advancing student learning, excelling in research and creating societal impact, expanding internationalisation, and fostering strong engagement and partnerships. Key enablers that are fundamental to the implementation of our strategy are our commitment to a people-first culture, robust governance, quality, operational excellence, 

equality, diversity and inclusion, financial strength, and sustainable infrastructure. 

Within five years, we will attain a critical volume of research excellence in areas of national and international significance through our research beacons:  

● Data and Digital Transformation 

● Health and Wellbeing 

● Heritage, Culture and Language 

● Society and Public Policy 

● Sustainability and Climate Change 

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Kent Campus - Kent , Ohio

  • Kent Campus - Kent
  • Staff/Unclassified
  • Closing on: Aug 1 2024
  • Counseling & Psychological Svcs - Kent Campus [101158]

 Kent, Ohio

salary based on credentials and experience

Basic Function:

Provide high quality clinical services and outreach programming to university students. Consult with university faculty and staff. Supervise graduate students in psychology. Reports to Director or designated supervisor. 

Additional Basic Function – if applicable:

CAPS Mission:

In support of Kent State University’s vision and core values, the mission of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is to enhance the psychological health and development of Kent State University students. Through the provision of an array of culturally competent and evidence-based psychological services, consultation with faculty and staff, and programming, CAPS staff contribute to the attainment of student educational objectives, encourage student engagement in the university community, and support students’ personal and professional success.

As a comprehensive student counseling center, we endeavor to create a welcoming and affirming environment that honors diversity and values individual and cultural differences. We strive to accomplish our mission through a variety of professional services including individual and group psychotherapy, psychological testing, crisis intervention, drug and alcohol programs, training of helping professionals and outreach and programing for the university community.

CAPS Core Values: 

Confidentiality and Compassion:   We believe in creating a supportive and confidential space to the KSU community. We show care for everyone with kindness and empathy. Respect for Peoples Rights and Dignity: We are committed to providing a welcoming, affirming, and inclusive environment for all. We make efforts to have a diverse staff with competence in multicultural counseling. We believe everyone should be valued and treated with respect regardless of age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status.

Justice and Advocacy:  We endeavor to ensure that all students have access to and benefit from our services. We also educate others in the campus community about various dimensions of mental health through our campus engagement activities.

Professional Excellence and Ethics:   We strive to provide the highest quality services consistent with professional standards. We adhere to all professional and ethical principles and work to stay current with the latest research and developments in psychological practice.

  • Multidisciplinary and Collaborative Approach:  We make efforts to collaborate with medical staffing at University Health Services, personnel in the Division of Student Affairs, the University, and the broader community.


Examples of Duties:

Duties/essential functions may include, but not be limited to, the following:  

Provide clinical services to students with a broad spectrum of psychological, academic, and interpersonal concerns, as well as intervene with high-risk students. Conduct intake interviews, psycho-diagnostic assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment plan formulation. Provide crisis intervention and emergency services to the university community utilizing applicable laws and ethics pertaining to mental health. Provide psychological assessment, including intellectual, behavioral, and personality. Provide consultation to university students and their families, to university staff, and to faculty; provide individual, group, family, and couple psychotherapy. Provide collaborative care with a multidisciplinary team of mental health and primary care providers at University Health Services. Develop and conduct health/mental health programming and preventative outreach programs to educate students and the university community. Participate in professional development and continuing education activities. May supervise student interns and/or provide functional guidance of support staff or other employees who work on a project of assignment on a temporary basis, including graduate students in psychology. Perform related duties as assigned. Position-specific responsibilities and competencies might include: Counseling (30% to 70% of time):

  • Conduct intake assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning
  • Administer and interpret psychological testing
  • Write comprehensive assessment and intake reports
  • Provide individual, couples, and group psychotherapy
  • Develop and implement strategies to improve counseling services
  • Provide consultation to students, their families, faculty, and staff services regarding students’ personal issues and behavior problems
  • Supervise interns, practicum students, and other mental health trainees as needed

Health Education (15% to 50% of time):

  • Assist in determining health education/prevention programs needed
  • Conduct programs on health related issues
  • Evaluate effectiveness of programs
  • Develop and implement strategies to improve programs
  • Provide assistance to university departments and committees related to planning and conducting health related programs

Specialization (20% to 50% of time):

  • Develop competency in a specialized area such as women’s health issues, chemical dependency, domestic violence, etc.
  • Provide psychological treatment to specific students based on area of specialization
  • Design, plan, and implement health education programs based on area of specialization

Additional Examples of Duties – if applicable:

CAPS Core Values:  

  • Confidentiality and Compassion:   We believe in creating a supportive and confidential space to the KSU community. We show care for everyone with kindness and empathy.
  • Respect for Peoples Rights and Dignity:  We are committed to providing a welcoming, affirming, and inclusive environment for all. We make efforts to have a diverse staff with competence in multicultural counseling. We believe everyone should be valued and treated with respect regardless of age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status.
  • Justice and Advocacy:  We endeavor to ensure that all students have access to and benefit from our services. We also educate others in the campus community about various dimensions of mental health through our campus engagement activities.
  • Professional Excellence and Ethics:   We strive to provide the highest quality services consistent with professional standards. We adhere to all professional and ethical principles and work to stay current with the latest research and developments in psychological practice.

Minimum Qualifications:

Ph.D. or Psy.D. and internship from an APA accredited program. Two to three years of experience in clinical counseling. Must be able to work non-traditional hours.


Licensure in the State of Ohio as a psychologist, or Ohio license eligibility.

Knowledge Of:

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Clinical counseling Verbal, written, and interpersonal communications Personal computer applications, i.e. Microsoft Office Suite

Ability To:

Preferred Qualifications – if applicable:

Experience working in a university counseling center. Experience counseling college and/or high school aged populations. Experience with electronic medical records.


Asterisk (*) indicates knowledge, skills, abilities which require assessments

Working Conditions / Physical Requirements:

Light work – Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently to move objects. Incumbent must be able to communicate with others. May work varied hours to include evenings and weekends during peak periods; may require occasional travel on and off-campus.

Working Schedule:


Additional Information:


The intent of this description is to illustrate the types of duties and responsibilities that will be required of positions given this title and should not be interpreted to describe all the specific duties and responsibilities that may be required in any particular position. Directly related experience/education beyond the minimum stated may be substituted where appropriate at the discretion of the Appointing Authority. Kent State University reserves the right to revise or change job duties, job hours, and responsibilities.

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