The Ending Of Die Hart: The Movie Explained

Kevin Hart gets serious

They say pressure makes diamonds, but a "Truman Show"-style action star school makes Kevin Hart a leading man in "Die Hart." The Amazon Prime movie is a reimagined version of the Quibi (then Roku) series of the same name, and stars Hart, John Travolta, and Nathalie Emmanuel as a zany bunch of sort-of true action heroes.

Created by Tripper Clancy ("I Am Not Okay with This") and Derek Kolstad (" John Wick "), the film follows a fictional version of Kevin Hart on a quest to shed his sidekick image on and offscreen. Hart has to reckon with his own insecurities and a whole mess of real and fake adversaries — plus Josh Hartnett — to test his mettle.

The movie is a lighthearted look at how painful it can be to feel overshadowed — even when you're America's Funny Man, Kevin Hart . Like any meta-movie worth its salt, there are references to Hart's real life, "Ride Along 2," and Macho Man Randy Savage's secret Slim Jim stash. While the movie never answers all of our questions about Ron Wilcox's Action Star School, we've fought our way through most of its secrets so you can enjoy the ending of "Die Hart: The Movie."

Seriously funny

Kevin Hart, the very meta main character of "Die Hart," just wants to be taken seriously. He longs to be a leading man in his own right, but can't quite hack it at the start of the movie for a number of real (and sort of real) reasons. The real Kevin Hart has made a name for himself as a comedic heavyweight with a featherweight frame. He is known for sidekick roles, especially in his many films with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

The real Kevin Hart is also no stranger to hard work — just take a glance at the credits listed on his IMDb page to get a sense of his output. However, he's also no stranger to controversy. It's safe to say his experiences as a funny little guy and someone who needs to prove himself after some very public errors might have inspired his "Die Hart" performance.

Make no mistake — "Die Hart" is a silly action comedy, and we don't say that pejoratively. While it's light entertainment, it does touch on some legit heavy topics like self-loathing, self-limiting, and an unfounded fear of squirrels. While the movie treads familiar action-comedy ground and sometimes repeats itself (due in part to its origins as a Quibi series), including even a little exploration of personal growth in comedy is refreshing.

Sidekicked in the teeth

No one seems to believe in Kevin Hart's action hero dreams, and even though early in the movie Hart pays lip service to those dreams, he doesn't believe in himself, either. Hart is always funny, rattling off jokes and asides, but he's also always tense — insecurity coiled in a petite, powerful frame.

This lack of belief and surplus of bravado and venom is the problem that haunts Hart throughout "Die Hart" — at least until he proves to himself he can be the kind of man he wants others to believe he can be. Heady stuff for a movie that was once a Quibi series, but also plain and simple. Hart wants to be seen as a hero, not just his high-strung sidekick persona. He's so hungry for external validation that he agrees to be "found" by someone else rather than working to find himself on his own terms. Famous action director Claude Van de Velde (Jean Reno, the professional from "Leon: The Professional") is eager for the task.

Van de Velde is frustrated with the commercial nature of his action films, and recognizes similar self-loathing in Hart. It's what draws Van de Velde to Hart, and makes the idea of going into the middle of nowhere with no cell reception and a crazed John Travolta seem so appealing. Hart's dissatisfaction with being a sidekick speaks to the idea of how we can all be saddled with others' preconceived notions of our own potential. We, like Hart, might also long to take drastic measures to escape being typecast as the proverbial goldendoodles in search of mischief.

Coach Ron is the villain of "Die Hart", but John Travolta's delightfully unhinged performance is a work of comedic heroism. Coach Ron is aggressive, confusing, and cringe-inducing when it comes to safe sets. It's safe to say Coach Ron is the living nightmare of all intimacy coordinators , as well as Kevin Hart. Coach Ron has many seemingly fake things to say about Matt Damon and his training program, as well as some very real violent tendencies. What's true, what's false, and why is he so fixated on Kevin Hart?

If Van de Velde's undercover action movie is the crucible that creates a more confident Kevin Hart, Coach Ron is the rickety card table that crucible is resting on. Coach Ron is chaos. If anything represents anything in an action comedy, Coach Ron represents the senselessness and unpredictability of a life all heroes and sidekicks must withstand. Coach Ron is a storm to be weathered. If Kevin Hart is tightly wound and emotionally pent-up, Coach Ron is a pure, volatile expression of action and emotion. He is mystery and punishment in a black hoodie and a denim jacket. He is also a loose end.

While we know Coach Ron is in on Van de Velde's plan and an actor of sorts, we never fully learn what Coach Ron does when he isn't pretending to make Kevin Hart's life really miserable. How much did he have to do with making Matt Damon a star? Is he really the godfather to Josh Hartnett's kids? We suppose these are questions they'll answer in the sequel, "Die Hart 2: Die Harter."

Leveling up

At the beginning of " Die Hart ," Kevin Hart fronts like he's ready to lead, but it soon becomes obvious that he needs to learn how to take charge instead of just spit catchphrases. Claude Van de Velde plans to "find" Kevin Hart by filming his real reaction to dangerous action scenes disguised as training from Coach Ron. But while Kevin Hart does learn how to be an action hero, it isn't because he follows the track laid out for him by these two men — it's because he blazes his own trail.

Van de Velde and Coach Ron think they're coaching the best out of Hart my tricking him into stabbing or seducing his co-star Jordan. They think sending him into a burning building to save his mini-me, Lil Kev, is getting the best performance they can out of him. Of course, no amount of jumping into the fire or out of a building is proof of personal action hero growth — but bonding through defiance totally is.

Hart refuses to accept the shady circumstances of his training, and uses every opportunity he isn't being watched to surprise himself and his de facto captors. By defying his own expectations and Van de Velde's plan, Hart learns how to take real action — even if, in the end, the circumstances were all faked.

Getting the girl

Kevin Hart starts out very into the mysterious actress Jordan (Nathalie Emmanuel), who arrives at Ron Wilcox's Action Star School with a similar dream. Jordan wants to leave her career as a sitcom star behind to be an action hero. Just like Hart, she'll do whatever it takes to turn her career into one where she's taken seriously. Jordan is the real action hero of "Die Hart," much to Hart's initial jealousy and dismay.

But when Hart stops focusing on how Jordan is better at basically everything than him, he starts to forge his own path. He learns to trust his instincts by breaking into Coach Ron's office, and to listen to the instincts of others by slowly learning to pay attention to Jordan. Even when the first jig is up, Hart starts to make his own leading man moves instead of standing on the sidekick sidelines.

He stops being insecure about Jordan's action prowess, and ultimately learns to understand her frustrations as an actress seeking legitimacy instead of just seeing her as a potential crush. They work well as a team, even when she betrays him as part of her paid acting gig — and even if Hart still seems to crush on her harder than she crushes on him.

Fake it til you make it

Early in "Die Hart," Coach Ron swipes Kevin Hart's phone and Hart tosses off a comment about how he needs it to run his empire. In real life, Hart does lead an entertainment empire in addition to being "America's Funny Man." He even has his own podcast, Comedy Gold Minds. So it's Hart-ening (we're not sorry) that someone as accomplished as Kevin Hart can also suffer from insecurity. Action-comedy stars — they're just like us!

Hart's "Die Hart" character is in desperate need of a confidence boost. While Coach Ron's methods are confusing at best and lethal at worst, Hart gets a real opportunity to prove himself to himself in the woods surrounding the warehouse. When Hart saves the "Deliverance" guy without having to call anyone else for help, he legitimizes his own action star potential. He has no choice but to be at his best, and following his instinct to help proves he has what it takes to be who he wants to be. Of course, the event is staged — not that Hart knows that yet.

The scene plays less like a bummer moment and more as a hilarious reminder that we all need a fuel injection of feeling like we can pull off something difficult, so that we can do the real deal later. So what if that moment is provided by an actor pretending to be crushed by his own truck? Just like Kevin Hart, we've got to take the wins where we can.

Things get real

Josh Hartnett "dies" and the jig is up. Kevin Hart's suspicions were right — Coach Ron really is in trouble with a drug dealer named Rodrigo. Coach Ron reveals that his Action Star School is really a ruse for Van de Velde's secret film. Hart reels from the revelation, but can't stay angry too long, because he has to comfort Coach Ron.

Even though he's spent the rest of the movie bent on taking Coach Ron down, as the man confesses to making a terrible mistake, Hart gives us a sense of his heroic qualities that go beyond action movie training. Hart advises Ron to tell the truth about what he's done and own up to mistakes, as Hart himself has done. That's when the movie gets extra meta. While Hart hasn't offed any drug dealer's nephews as far as we know, he's had his share of scandals. Unlike many men in his position, he's also publicly commented on how his initial response was wrong.

"I missed an opportunity to say simply that I don't condone any type of violence in any way, shape or form to anyone for being who they are," he says in his Netflix special (via The Hollywood Reporter .) "Instead I said, 'I addressed it.' I said, 'I apologized.' I said, 'I talked about this already.' I was just immature." The energy and remorse from real life translates to Hart's screen role here as he urges Coach Ron to own up and apologize. It's a rare stance for someone who could have been "canceled" to take, and Coach Ron takes Hart's advice — and, since this is a comedy, is "killed" for doing so.

Making the jump

The only thing stopping Kevin Hart from becoming the Kevin Hart he wants to be is a leap of faith. Simple —and stressful — as that. Hart needs to take that leap, but he couldn't do it at the beginning of the movie. Instead, he chickens out, stumbles off a roof, and screams like the sidekick everyone else is convinced he'll be forever.

Even though Hart's head might think he's ready to be an action star, and his muscles prove he has what it physically takes, his heart is nowhere near in the task the first time he has a big jump to make — so why is it such a big deal that Hart takes an even bigger leap of faith at the end of the movie?

Hart is able to make the climactic jump because he's not just making it to prove himself. The first jump was really just a failed attempt to massage his wounded ego. The second jump was to get to Jordan — and fine, save himself from certain death at the hands of Rodrigo. Even though Jordan far outshines Hart in the action star department and clearly doesn't return his crush, he's learned to be her action co-star, and not just her bitter comic sidekick.

Squirrel friends

In the beginning of "Die Hart," Kevin Hart is gently teased on a morning talk show about his "fear of woodland creatures." Early-movie Hart is insecure and easily wounded, and the mere mention of squirrels makes him defensive. When he arrives at Ron Wilcox's Action Star School, he even serves up sass to a squirrel on his car.

It's not too nutty to make the case that Hart has beef with the squirrels because he has beef with himself. Hart is a microprince frustrated with how he is misunderstood, and so he, in turn, misunderstands the microprinces of the forest. However, as the movie progresses — and Hart gains confidence in both his newfound action chops and relaxes his overly tense jealousy muscle — he opens up to let the right squirrel in.

We know you're screaming that this squirrel can't be a metaphor for self-love and personal growth, but you can bet your bottom acorn it is. So does Hart. When it seems like all the chips are down and even a newly-better Kevin Hart can't take down the deadly Rodrigo, Hart gets a big assist from a perfectly-timed squirrel — and audiences get a big reminder to show a little love to any scraggly little woodland creatures in their soul.

We Heart Heart-Nett

Josh Hartnett is many things Kevin Hart is not — namely, super tall — which is why the 6-foot-3-inch  "The Faculty" star's cameo as a delightfully obnoxious version of himself really gets under Hart's skin. While Hartnett isn't exactly a traditional action star, "Black Hawk Down" and "Pearl Harbor" show he knows his way around a war film. He even mixes it up with vampires in "30 Days of Night." "Die Hart" defines Hartnett's action prowess as being a result of Coach Ron's guidance. This agitates Hart's fears that others will never believe he can achieve true leading man status.

Hart to Hartnett — while the name of a hypothetical comedy mystery series we would totally watch — seems like an unlikely transformation. It's hard enough to try and change into the kind of person (or beloved superstar) you want to be — but who wants to do it in the shadow of Josh Hartnett? "Die Hart" never dives too deeply into any of its themes, but the Hartnett cameo (and his attendant license plate) really deliver on comparison being the thief of joy.

Whether Hart (or by proxy, the audience) gives an eye roll to Hartnett's major game with Jordan or his adorably annoying license plate, his presence ratchets up Hart's insecurity — and later, to avenge Hartnett's death, his action star game. But while everything about Hart's "action movie" experience is revealed to be part of an elaborate attempt to make him the star he's always wanted to be, Hartnett's death in the movie is very real. The "film" is even dedicated to his memory. It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment of supremely dark stunt-related "comedy."

Lil Kev, where art thou?

"Die Hart" takes a light touch with its themes, but one definite theme is to trust your instincts, most of the time. Of course, if Kevin Hart listened to his gut when he first caught sight of Lil Kev, he would have left Action School and without learning one of its most valuable lessons — like how saving a doll made in your own likeness can teach you how to save yourself from burning off the rest of your career by playing talking dogs.

There's something deranged and tender in the sight of a famously tiny funny-man lugging around an even tinier version of himself, especially when that version looks like a haunted puppet. Lil Kev spouts real Kevin Hart's catchphrases, and depends on others to guide him to safety, just like the movie's version of the real Kevin Hart.

Throughout the course of the film, Hart learns to take charge of situations and himself, in addition to caring for the literal personification of his inner child/FBI agent. While this proves that apt metaphors can be found anywhere, let it be noted that Lil Kev does disappear in the final act of the movie, and no mention of him is made again. There's probably another metaphor in there somewhere — and may we suggest a possible "Die Hart" and "M3GAN" crossover rom-com?

Not-so-zero to hero

Kevin Hart doesn't start "Die Hart" as a nobody — far from it. Still, Hart starts the movie lacking the confidence to really be a team player. He's jealous of Dwayne Johnson's success, he's scared of squirrels and jumping across large chasms, and he's tempted to take the easy and agreeable road to a steady, animated-dog-movie paycheck.

Hart is very focused on himself at the start of the film, but by the end of "Die Hart" he knows no man is a failure who has friends — and no leading man is anyone without co-stars. Kevin Hart becomes the action hero he wants to be in the world, and does it by acknowledging two truths: he can't do it alone, and he has to be his own kind of hero.

"Die Hart" is a light comedy, but successfully blends soul-searching with silliness to pull off its heartfelt message. Of course, the movie immediately counters its heartfelt finale moment with a joke about who will get top billing in Van de Velde's film. Even though the conclusion of the series-turned-movie is sweet and silly, there are some flickers of "serious" acting throughout. We might yet get more action and drama from Kevin Hart — but he'll always make us laugh.

Review: Die Hart (2023)

movie review die hart

Image: ©Amazon

Now streaming on Amazon Prime Video is the action-comedy, Die Hart . The movie – from director Eric Appel – stars Kevin Hart, John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, Jean Reno, and Josh Hartnett, and follows the fictionalised story of Hart’s attempts to transform himself into a leading action star.

In the movie, Hart has reached a point in his career where he is fed up and frustrated with the roles he is getting in Hollywood. Depicted as the eternal sidekick and comedy foil for Dwayne Johnson, Hart has had enough of the jokes and laughter, and wants to become the lead in a big budget action picture.

But things aren’t looking so good, and a bad guest appearance on a daytime television show looks as if it has ended his career rather abruptly. That is, until he gets a request to meet up with a high-profile action director, who is keen to cast Hart in his new film.

However, there is one stipulation: Hart needs to go through an intense school of training, which focuses purely on turning actors into action stars. This school is run by Ron Wilcox (as played by John Travolta) who is a curious guy, who believes in the importance of method acting.

Over the course of a few days, Hart is put through his paces, as he is tasked with undertaking a number of scenes designed to toughen him up. But something about Wilcox and his school doesn’t seem quite right, leading Hart to become suspicious of his new acting coach.

movie review die hart

Now, if the above premise sounds a little familiar to you, or you are convinced you have seen this film before, then chances are you already have. Back in 2020, Hart starred in a webseries called Die Hart , which ran for 10 episodes (each running 7-9 minutes in length), and this movie is that show, only edited together and repackaged as a film.

So, if you watched the show three years ago, then you don’t really need to watch this movie. There is nothing new here, it is everything you have seen before, only streamlined into one long story.

On the flipside, if you didn’t watch the web-show, then you may be interested to check out the movie. Reworked as an 85-minute film, Die Hart plays out fairly well as one continuous piece, and it is certainly an easy watch.

However, those who are about to embark on Die Hart should be advised this is a low-budget affair, with a limited cast, limited locations, and limited gags. While the movie is funny in places, and has some decent performances from Hart and Travolta, there’s not much going on here.

movie review die hart

Die Hart is one of those movies that you watch once, you get a few laughs out of it, but you never return to it. It’s not a main event picture, which you reserve for Saturday night viewing; it is more of an early Saturday afternoon thing, which you stick on for an hour or so while you’re waiting for the local takeaway to open.

It’s not rubbish, it’s just not particular great either. Some parts of it work, some don’t, but I guarantee you’ll have forgotten all about it by the time your Szechuan crispy chilli chicken has arrived.

The biggest sticking point is that the premise of the film doesn’t seem like a comfortable fit for Kevin Hart. This isn’t to say he’s not good in the movie; it’s more to say this film should be about a different actor.

The hook of this movie revolves around an actor who puts himself through some bizarre, dangerous ‘acting’ training, in order to land bigger, better parts. However, this suggests that Hart isn’t already getting sizeable roles, which doesn’t seem to gel all that well, considering he pops up quite regularly on the big screen.

Sure, he does often take on the sidekick part (usually in Dwayne Johnson movies), and his leading roles tend to be lesser-seen films, such as Fatherhood , but he’s still getting plenty of work. It’s not as if his career has dried up, and he only gets to appear in straight-to-video tosh that no one watches.

For a story like Die Hart to really land, you need an actor who has either had a significant downshift in his career, or who has made some odd acting choices that have confused audiences. That way, the story has more weight, and the audience is able to buy into the lead role better.   

Put simply, the story doesn’t work in the way it should, because Hart is currently too successful. To pull off something like what Jean-Claude Van Damme did with JCVD , or what Nicolas Cage offered up in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (both movies where the actors played fictionalised versions of themselves), you need an actor who has hit a rough patch in their careers.

movie review die hart

The other reason Die Hart struggles in places, is because it never allows itself to go as deep, or as hard as it should with the comedy. There are some gags which are funny, but there is always the feeling they could be funnier.

The film seems content with producing one laugh here and there, when it could arguably go for more, and this is a shame. There is a sense throughout the whole picture that Die Hart is holding back, rather than going big.

For example, why have John Travolta play the character of acting coach Ron Wilcox, when he could easily (and more effectively) play himself? Travolta is great as Wilcox in Die Hart , but he could be even better if he was allowed to riff on his own career, becoming an exaggerated version of himself in the process.

Hart plays a fictionalised version of himself, and so does Josh Hartnett, who turns up in a brief support role; so why not Travolta? This seems like a bizarre choice, when a few simple adjustments to the script would have made this possible and allowed for more gags.

Other parts of the movie need a little adjustment too, to make them stronger. Once again, this film is fine in places, and it certainly made me chuckle at times, it simply could be better with a few tweaks.

movie review die hart

While Die Hart does have some issues, and it isn’t going to be anyone’s favourite film (or favourite webseries edited into a film to be exact), it is entirely watchable. Hart is fun, Travolta is on fine form, and there are just enough gags to keep things going for a while.

The movie does run out of steam a few times, and its budget limitations are evident throughout, but it does provide some entertainment. The runtime is also quite short, so even when the premise does begin to wear thin, you know everything will be wrapping up soon anyway.

So long as you approach Die Hart with the understanding it is a paper-thin picture, which started off in a different format, than you should get something out of it. It’ll fill some time, and make you laugh on occasion, and that may be all you require.

Thank you for taking the time to read this review on  It’s A Stampede! . For more reviews, check out the recommended reads below.

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Back to the Movies

Die Hart the Movie Review: Fast Paced, Energetic and Fun

So we announced the other day that Die Hart the Movie was in the works where the Die Hart series has been stitched together to form a feature film and today we bring you that Die Hart the Movie review.

Die Hart the Movie

Kevin Hart tries to keep from being pigeonholed as a comedy wingman and attends an action hero school run by Ron Wilcox, where he must learn the ropes to become one of the industry’s most coveted action stars.

Kevin Hart plays a fictionalised version of himself as he’s fed up of being typecast as a comedy sidekick and wants to step up and become a leading action hero in his own right. After going off the rails on TV Kevin is picked up by a famous action film director who wants to send him to Action Star School where he will be taught by none other than Ron Wilcox (John Travolta) with hilarious consequences.

Die Hart the Movie certainly doesn’t feel like a film, I’ve now seen it twice and both times there are leaps and jumps that just can’t be seamlessly edited into a feature film movie, it’s very clearly episodic content that has been stitched together and the transition are really not that hard to spot.

Die Hart

Whilst it’s still a hilariously fun feature to watch it doesn’t really work and I’m not quite sure why it’s been put together to be a standalone feature film, it doesn’t really make sense unless they were going to reshoot certainly bits or reshoot scenes so that they can act as segways / contribute to the narrative without the obvious episode skipping and the constant cliffhangers that are dotted throughout the feature film where it would have ended any given episode.

Die Hart Episode 2

It felt a little half-arsed in the editing department and made just to drain a bit of extra profit and content from whoever’s decision it was to turn the series into a movie but if there’s a positive to take from this, it’s that the film is now available on Amazon Prime so it’s more easily accessible to people around the world as opposed to Quibi, the platform the show originally debuted on.

Die Hart somewhat dies quietly as a feature film but if you haven’t seen the show there are more than enough laughs and action to keep you going with quite a clever storyline to keep you amused throughout.

Die Hart Episode 3

Kevin Hart and John Travolta are joined by Nathalie Emmanuel (Game of Thrones, the Fast & Furious franchise), Josh Hartnett (Wrath of Man, Paradise Lost), and Jean Reno (Call My Agent!, 22 Bullets). The movie is directed by Eric Appel (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) and written by Derek Kolstad (John Wick: Chapter 1, 2, and 3).

Die Hart is fast-paced, energetic and fun but as a feature film, it just wasn’t needed or wanted and that pains me to say being such a big fan of Kevin’s work. I’m not sure why it was thought necessary to throw all the episodes together into a feature film. It’s not like Kevin needs the money, not quite sure of the decision behind it but I’d love to find out.

Die Hart the Movie review by Sean Evans

A hilarious scene with strong performances, comedy and heart in equal measure but whilst it worked as a Quibi series when all stiched together with not much thought gone into its editing, it feels rather half-arsed and the execution feels poor compared to what it was before. It really should have been left alone.

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Die Hart The Movie Movie

Editor Amy Renner photo

Who's Involved:

Kevin Hart, Candice Wilson, John Travolta, Josh Hartnett, Nathalie Emmanuel, Jean Reno, Jeff Clanagan, Bryan Smiley, Eric Appel

Release Date:

Monday, July 20, 2020 VOD / Digital Friday, February 24, 2023 Prime Video

Die Hart The Movie movie image 682916

Plot: What's the story about?

In DIE HART, Kevin Hart plays a fictionalized version of himself who’s tired of being the comedic sidekick. He gets his wish when a famous director offers him his dream – to be a leading man action star – but there’s a catch: Kevin must first train at the world’s greatest action star school, run by a lunatic. Pushed to his limits by this action school coach and a tough-minded rival student (Nathalie Emmanuel) Kevin must survive a series of hilarious, over-the-top action sequences and face his fears if he wants to achieve his dream and land the role of a lifetime.

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Poll: Will you see Die Hart The Movie?

Who stars in Die Hart The Movie: Cast List

Borderlands, Lift  

John Travolta

Wild Hogs 2: Bachelor Ride, Cash Out  

Nathalie Emmanuel

Megalopolis, Arthur The King  

My Penguin Friend, Lift  

Josh Hartnett

Trap, Oppenheimer  

Who's making Die Hart The Movie: Crew List

A look at the Die Hart The Movie behind-the-scenes crew and production team. The film's director Eric Appel last directed Weird: The Al Yankovic Story and Stepdude .


Amazon MGM Studios distributor logo

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Watch die hart the movie trailers & videos.

No trailer available.

Production: What we know about Die Hart The Movie?

  • The reimagined movie for Amazon is based on the original Quibiseries (1/21/2023).

Filming Timeline

  • 2020 - July : The film was set to Completed  status.

Die Hart The Movie Release Date: When was the film released?

Die Hart The Movie was a VOD / Digital release in 2020 on Monday, July 20, 2020 .

Q&A Asked about Die Hart The Movie

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  • Sat., Jan. 21, 2023
  • set the MPAA rating to NR
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  • added Amazon Studios as a distributor
  • changed the status of Quibi to Former
  • changed the US film release date from TBA to February 24, 2023
  • set film release to PrimeVideo
  • changed the title from "Die Hart" to "Die Hart The Movie"
  • added Quibi as a distributor
  • added action as genre
  • added Bryan Smiley as producer to movie credits

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Die Hart: The Movie review - Is the latest Kevin Hart starrer comedy-action movie on Prime Video worth the watch?

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Die Hart: The Movie is the highly intriguing latest comedy-action film that made its arrival exclusively on Prime Video this Friday, February 24, 2023. The movie stars popular comedian and actor Kevin Hart. Eric Appel is the director of the film, while Derek Kolstad and Tripper Clancy are the writers.

As stated in the official synopsis for Die Hart: The Movie , released by IMDb:

"[The film] Follows a fictionalized version of Kevin Hart, as he tries to become an action movie star. He attends a school run by Ron Wilcox, where he attempts to learn the ropes on how to become one of the industry's most coveted action stars."

Ever since the movie was launched on Amazon Prime Video, it has garnered quite a lot of positive responses from audiences due to its entertaining storyline, promising direction, and acting performances by the lead actors. So, without further delay, let's jump right in to find out how Kevin Hart's Die Hart: The Movie has turned out.

A review of Die Hart: The Movie - Kevin Hart shines in the new hilariously woven action-packed comedy outing

A refreshing and enjoyable storyline.

Kevin Hart's brand new action-comedy movie chronicles the intriguing story of a fictionalized version of Kevin Hart, who is a comedy star and a sidekick to the action stars of Hollywood, but wants to be a successful action hero who saves the day in every movie.

So, when the opportunity comes in the form of an action movie by, Hart grabs it immediately and does whatever it takes to turn into a real action hero in Hollywood.

Writers of the movie, Derek Kolstad and Tripper Clancy, have done an amazing job of presenting the audience with a refreshingly written story that is fabricated with quick and quirky comedy and a flare of satire. Thus, the writing of the movie is really impressive and makes it quite an entertaining watch.

Impressive direction by Eric Appel

Eric Appel, who is the director of the movie has done a great job of taking the already good script to another level. The way the director has captured the fast-moving sequences is highly promising.

He has done an excellent job with scenes, including one where Kevin Hart gets into a house full of fire to save a dummy, one where Hart and Jordan are involved in a romantic scene while hanging on from ropes, and one where Hart thinks Jordan has died.

Without a shred of doubt, the direction of the movie is one of its biggest highlights.

A strong acting performance by Kevin Hart elevates the movie

Kevin Hart, who plays a fictional version of himself in the movie, has done an incredible job of portraying the character.

It is safe to say that his role as the lead throughout the comedy movie is definitely a highlight. Scenes such as the one where he and Jordan pretend to sleep after getting caught by or the one where he jumps a great length to save Jordan or the one where he helped the old mechanic man, are highly arresting to watch.

Besides the comedian , Die Hart: The Movie also features John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, Jean Reno, Jason Jones, Tyler Antonius and a few others. They have also done a commendable job of portraying their characters throughout the movie and made it definitely worth the watch.

Don't forget to catch Die Hart: The Movie , which is currently streaming exclusively on Prime Video.

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Die Hart

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Directed by Eric Appel

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Kevin Hart - playing a version of himself - is on a death-defying quest to become an action star. And with a little help from John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Josh Hartnett - he just might pull it off.

Kevin Hart John Travolta Nathalie Emmanuel Jean Reno Josh Hartnett Kenneth Trujillo Joshua Lamboy Brandon Quinn Milana Vayntrub Stephan Jones Jason Jones Eric Mainade Haley Dumas Danielle Madison Ronny Mathew Gary Weeks Rahiem Riley Chloe Asbell Shermonz Pounds Nathan W. Collins Ramses R. Rivas Devin Scillian Henry Law

Director Director

Producers producers.

Candice Wilson Cherry Bryan Smiley

Writers Writers

Derek Kolstad Tripper Clancy

Executive Producers Exec. Producers

Jeff Clanagan Tripper Clancy Kevin Hart Linda Favila

HartBeat Productions

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22 Feb 2023

24 feb 2023, releases by country.

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84 mins   More at IMDb TMDb Report this page

Popular reviews

Matthew Lewis

Review by Matthew Lewis ★ 8

When Nicholas Cage did a film last year where he played a dissatisfied version of himself, he got Pedro Pascal , a theatrical release with strong marketing behind it, and pretty strong critical acclaim.

Kevin Hart got John Travolta .

bearwalkr ひ

Review by bearwalkr ひ ★ 4

this was so bad I forgot to log lmfao

but die hart 💯


Review by arLopez ★

More, like, dry shart — AMIRITE!? Ha. Gottem. As this movie was about as entertaining as one.

* checks notes * They fucking made a second one of these !? Fuckin' hell . . .

[ Watched on Amazon Prime.]

Hogan Short

Review by Hogan Short ★ 2

Sometimes it’s your own fault for watching a thing, you know?


Review by jo ★½ 2

controversial for some but kevin hart is not even funny to begin with

Mister Cap

Review by Mister Cap ★★ 4


In dieser Action-Komödie, die seit kurzem auf Prime verfügbar ist, spielt Kevin Hart Kevin Hart. Nein, ich habe mich gerade nicht vertippt. Kevin Hart spielt in diesem Film sich selbst.

Der Film beginnt damit, dass wir erfahren, dass Kevin die Schnauze gestrichen voll hat, nur der lustige Sidekick, vorzugsweise für Dwayne Johnson, zu sein und er endlich selbst als anerkannter Actionstar durchstarten will. Um das zu erreichen, schickt ihn der Regisseur seines nächstens Films in eine abgelegene Action-Schule, die vom durchgeknallten Ron Wilcox geleitet wird.

Der Film basiert auf einer Serie, die ich nicht kenne bzw. die nie bei uns herausgekommen ist und neben Kevin Hart mit John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, Josh Hartnett und Jean Reno weitere bekannte…

Joel Hilke

Review by Joel Hilke ★★ 2

If you're going to hire Kevin Hart to star in an action comedy with the semi-inspired title of Die Hart, I think you're morally obligated to set the film in a high-rise and do an actual Die Hard. Kevin Hart, playing himself, is at a Christmas wrap party for his latest film when a gang of international SAG terrorists take over. Hire Christoph Waltz to play the terrorists mastermind and make him do an English accent. Or, hell, have John Travolta (who is in the movie already) play a French villain who wants a Royale with Cheese from the hostage negotiators.

But no, instead they made a film starring Kevin Hart as Kevin Hart, action hero side-kick to Dwayne "The…

Mario 🟠🟢🔵

Review by Mario 🟠🟢🔵 ★½ 14

I'm just here for Nathalie Emmanuel. The funniest thing in this movie was probably when Kevin Hart said Kevin James is an action star because of Mall Cop .


Review by HupahZ ½ 5

what the actual fuck did i just watch...

the premise is actually interesting, but this felt like a 2011 Smosh-produced skit (but even worse).

Bryce Receveur

Review by Bryce Receveur ★

Hartly a movie


Review by colin... ½ 3

Somehow a movie about Kevin Hart trying to not be Kevin Hart is the most Kevin Hart movie I've ever seen.

Pure concentrated stupidity that's not worth a review, let alone any attention whatsoever.


Review by Stiefe ★½

Kevin Hart will nicht mehr nur der Sidekick sein, sondern ein waschechter Actionstar werden. Ein namhafter Regisseur will ihm diesen Wunsch erfüllen, legt ihm aber nahe, ein Trainingscamp für angehende Actionstars zu besuchen. Das vom exzentrischen Ron geleitete Camp verlangt einiges von Kevin ab und zwingt ihn, sich mit seinen Ängsten auseinanderzusetzen.

Der ewige Sidekick Kevin Hart will nun in diesem Meta-Action-Comedy-Film zum Actionstar werden und muss erstmal ein Camp durchlaufen, welches nicht so ganz koscher wirkt. Natürlich spielt Kevin Hart sich auch dieses Mal wieder selbst, oder zumindest die Version von sich, die man auch aus seinen anderen Filmen und Stand-Up-Programmen kennt. Die Action ist nahezu nicht vorhanden, wodurch ich mich bereits nach kurzer Zeit extrem gelangweilt habe und…

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‘Die Hart: The Movie’ review: Kevin Hart’s modest meta action-comedy plays to its strengths

As a reimagining of the 2020 series of the same name, kevin hart’s film works predominantly thanks to its low stakes and even lesser run-time.

Published - February 23, 2023 06:13 pm IST

Gopinath Rajendran

A still from ‘Die Hart: The Movie’ | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Hollywood might be replete with spoof films that take a dig at notable films from that brand of films, but we rarely have films that poke fun at a genre on the whole. Kevin Hart’s meta take on action films, aptly titled Die Hart, does that, albeit in a self-contained manner.

Bored of being a comedian and dissed for being the ‘sidekick’ for Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, who plays a fictionalised version of himself, experiences a meltdown in a reality show and decides to become an action hero. What happens to be the tried-and-tested route to that destination is to enrol in an Action Hero School, that’s founded, managed and staffed by Ron Wilcox (John Travolta). Once the initial fascination weans away, Kevin finds the place and Wilcox to be creepy, and his doubts go up exponentially when Jordan King (Nathalie Emmanuel) becomes a part of the equation. What the shrouding mystery is, and whether Hart has what it takes to become one of the industry’s most coveted action stars are the questions Die Hart: The Movie answers.

Die Hart: The Movie (English)

Macroscopically, Die Hart: The Movie is a small and simple attempt at action comedy; while the film does a mediocre job of satiating the pangs of the genre’s loyalists, it’s when we read between the lines to see what its true intentions are, that it feels more delectable. As a reimagining of the 2020 series of the same name, the film works predominantly thanks to its low stakes and even lesser run-time. Filled with meta-references and name-dropping of some of the most famous names from the industry, Die Hart... wastes no opportunities in taking a dig at cliches of the testosterone-heavy action genre.

Despite a shallow premise in which you see the twists coming a mile away and action that’s sub-par even when compared to Hart’s previous works like Central Intelligence and the Jumanji films, Die Hart... works for its comedy. With Brooklyn Nine-Nine maker Eric Appel at the helm and a performer like Hart shouldering the film along with an impressive line-up of talent, the humour keeps flowing even when the film shifts towards darker territories. A scene involving Hart’s fear of squirrels and another one where he hangs from atop a building for dear life, only for people to think he’s reenacting a scene from Ride Along 2 , make for some of the most hilarious moments of the film. Travolta aces the role of the hyper mentor Wilcox and brings in a sense of uneasiness both for Hart and the audience. Hartnett appears in a brief but welcoming cameo. Nathalie, who has been seen in action titles like Game of Thrones and the Fast & Furious films as a damsel in distress, gets to finally be in the thick of the action.

On the flip side, the narrative holds back its punches on every other aspect except the humour, and what we get is a rather dry interpretation of a series that already conveys the same story, but with more substance given the format. Die Hart: The Movie could have been more had the canvas it is mounted upon been larger, but nevertheless this satire is bound to make you smile through a slew of chuckle-worthy moments.

Die Hart: The Movie will stream on Prime Video from 24 February 2023

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Quibi's Die Hart Review

Kevin hart with a vengeance..

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Quibi's Movie and TV Shows Reviewed

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Die Hart looks great and features a fun cast having a spirited go at the material. But because Kevin Hart's Kevin Hart never believes what he's going through is real, and is constantly trying to pull back the veil, the series never hits its full comic mark.

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Kevin Hart satirical action comedy has violence, profanity.

Die Hart Poster Image

A Lot or a Little?

What you will—and won't—find in this TV show.

Die Hart's positive messages are mostly veiled by

Kevin Hart plays himself, and the show contains so

Die Hart features episodes of violence that are mo

Aside from a simple romantic subplot, sexual conte

Frequent profanity includes 'f--k", "s--t", "bitch

Commentary about the movie industry and what a per

None of the main characters drink, smoke, or use d

Parents need to know that Die Hart is an action comedy series in which Kevin Hart plays a fictional version of himself trying to make it as an action star. After deciding he's done always playing the comedic sidekick, he attends a school led by Ron Wilcox (John Travolta), where he learns how to perform stunts…

Positive Messages

Die Hart 's positive messages are mostly veiled by satire and comedy, but the through-line is one of self-actualization.

Positive Role Models

Kevin Hart plays himself, and the show contains some meta-commentary on what it means to be a Black movie star or a Black action star.

Violence & Scariness

Die Hart features episodes of violence that are mostly send-ups of action movie tropes, such as martial arts fighting, knife play, and other instances of physical violence.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Violence & Scariness in your kid's entertainment guide.

Sex, Romance & Nudity

Aside from a simple romantic subplot, sexual content is limited to explicit jokes about sex.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Sex, Romance & Nudity in your kid's entertainment guide.

Frequent profanity includes 'f--k", "s--t", "bitch" and explicit sexual language.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Language in your kid's entertainment guide.

Products & Purchases

Commentary about the movie industry and what a personal brand means in Hollywood.

Drinking, Drugs & Smoking

None of the main characters drink, smoke, or use drugs. Extras drink alcohol at a house party.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Drinking, Drugs & Smoking in your kid's entertainment guide.

Parents Need to Know

Parents need to know that Die Hart is an action comedy series in which Kevin Hart plays a fictional version of himself trying to make it as an action star. After deciding he's done always playing the comedic sidekick, he attends a school led by Ron Wilcox ( John Travolta ), where he learns how to perform stunts, martial arts, and other skills necessary to become a successful action star. Subsequently, Die Hart features comedic versions of many of those sometimes violent action tropes. Profanity is used frequently and includes 'f--k", "s--t", "bitch". There's a mild romantic subplot and sexual content is featured in explicit sex jokes. There's some background drinking among extra cast members, but nothing prominent.

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Videos and photos.

Die Hart TV Show: The knife is real

Community Reviews

  • Parents say (3)
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Based on 3 parent reviews

Pretty boring movie, but my 14 year old liked it. Lots of sexual talk BJs, intercourse, make love, but nothing physical

What's the story.

In DIE HART, Kevin Hart decides he's sick of being the comedic sidekick in action movies. During the press tour for his sixth movie with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (who does not appear) he reveals his new professional goal. He wants to be the star. After a public meltdown, Hart is given one last chance to fulfill his action star ambitions, but first he must get into game shape by attending an action school run by the mercurial Ron Wilcox ( John Travolta ). While there, he faces off with the confident and beautiful rival classmate Jordan King ( Nathalie Emmanuel ).

Is It Any Good?

Quibi may just be the perfect platform for Kevin Hart's satirical action comedy. Nothing about Die Hart is extraordinary, but each episode is a set piece allows Hart to get in, mess around, make a few jokes, throw some self-effacing charm around, and get out just as quickly. Nobody's expecting any of the jokes to be all-timers, but the writing and performances are good enough to warrant a longer format. As something that's built to be an easy, low-commitment, comfort watch, Die Hart does the trick.

Talk to Your Kids About ...

Families can talk about action school. Why does Kevin Hart want to be an action star? What characteristics of an action star does he possess? What does he lack? How does attending the action school improve his chances of succeeding?

What do you think about Ron Wilcox and his school? What else might be going on behind-the-scenes there that we're not seeing?

Families can talk about satire. How is Die Hart a satire of action movies? What jokes does it make about action movies? Are any stereotypes or tropes exposed in the jokes made?

  • Premiere date : July 20, 2020
  • Cast : Kevin Hart , John Travolta , Nathalie Emmanuel
  • Network : Quibi
  • Genre : Action
  • TV rating : TV-MA
  • Last updated : January 25, 2023

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Die Hart (2020– )

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Stream It Or Skip It: ‘Die Hart 2’ on Roku Channel, a Continuation of Kevin Hart’s Silly Quibi Spoof

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Quibi went kaput in spectacularly quick fashion, but some of its content lives on via the Roku Channel . (Sadly, we can’t say the same thing for Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth’s marriage .) Case in point, Kevin Hart vehicle Die Hart , which reportedly drew a large enough viewership to justify a second season, Die Hart 2 , therefore allowing its A-list headliner to continue playing a version of himself, a comedy superstar who yearns to cross over to action movies. You’ve no doubt noticed the Play On Words in the title, a punny reference not just to the greatest action movie ever made, Die Hard , but an acknowledgment of what nearly happens in the first season, you know, when Hart nearly Dies. It has LAYERS, see. Note to those who want to catch up: You can either watch the first season in its original bite-size chunks on Roku Channel, or head on over to Amazon Prime Video and fire up the “movie” version, which pieces them all together into one 84-minute chunk. Now, on to Die Hart 2 , which picks up after our goofball protagonist has successfully launched the ass-kickin’ second phase of his career. 


Opening Shot: Establishing shot: Hollywood. There are billboards with Hart’s face on them (and also other Roku Channel originals, because this series is META as heck).

The Gist: Kevin Hart (Kevin Hart) got what he wanted, but he still isn’t happy. (Such is life!) He and co-star Jordan King (Nathalie Emmanuel) have busted many blocks with their action-flick resurrection of The Jeffersons . But Kevin wants to keep movin’ on up , to the next echelon of action-movie superstardom. And that means he wants to do that hardcore Tom Cruise shit where he does his own stunts. He lunches with movie producer Debra London (Melissa Ponzio) to pitch his idea for an “improvised action” movie, and she rolls her eyes as he hauls out a massive script that Dwayne Johnson would struggle to deadlift. 

Suddenly, a bunch of black-clad, heavily armed crooks rappel from the restaurant ceiling, and before you can say yippee-ki-yay-motherfather, Kevin takes them out, complete with sweep kicks and headbutts and wisecracks. But it wasn’t real! He staged the whole scene to show Debra how he can do the real thing, with no green screens or CGI or any of that bullshit. She doesn’t bite. She’s skeptical. She thinks he’s nuts. She’s a reasonable human being. And Kevin goes home disappointed.

Meanwhile, a ponytailed Eurotrash slickster with mountains of money and an evil look in his eye sees footage of Kevin’s stunt, and calls him for a meeting. This guy is Karl Stromberg (Greg Kriek), and he looks like something that asexually budded off Hans Gruber’s back and grew into a human being. Kevin is so thrilled that someone is interested in funding his movie – and surely also desperate – he pays no mind to all the evil vibes Karl emanates. I mean, the guy practically has stink lines coming off him. And then he full-metal-jacket justifies our suspicions of him by firing a drug dart into Kevin’s neck, knocking him out cold.

What Shows Will It Remind You Of? Anyone else see the irony that bloated action movies are being spoofed here by a TV series consisting of episodes ranging between 10 and 15 minutes? And that it kinda has more in common with Hart’s action-comedy movie oeuvre – Ride Along , Central Intelligence , The Man From Toronto , etc. – than his TV projects? 

Our Take: Die Hart doesn’t stray at all from the Kevin Hart persona we know (and maybe love, but at least like; he’s always been an amiable, if unchallenging presence in his projects). He’s animated and energetic, mugging away in his comedic comfort zone, surrounded by strong supporting talent in Ponzio (a counter to Hart’s bug-eyed shtick), Kriek (playing a Bond villain funneled through Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker) and Ben Schwartz (as Kevin’s perky personal assistant), with Emmanuel slated to turn up later this season. Whether John Cena, John Travolta or Josh Hartnett will reprise their roles from the first season is yet to be seen, although I’d assert that overstuffing wads of talent into bite-size TV episodes is more likely to water down rather than bolster the overall product. 

One 15-minute episode into Die Hart 2 , it’s mostly setup, well-trod jokes about Tom Cruise and Hart’s small stature (something those two stars have in common!) and the type of borderline-Looney Tunes physical comedy that Hart excels at. The “Kevin” character shows potential to gently nudge-wink the idea of an artist’s need to grow and progress in their work, and filtering that concept through the big-ego self-aggrandizement of an action-movie-star caricature is appealing, and modestly inspired. Hart’s broad, commercial charm is difficult to criticize; his projects tend to be a little anemic, but they go down easy, and he often manages to wring laughs even from staid material. So here’s hoping this outing continues to offer a little juicy Hollywood satire without getting too inside-baseball about it, and makes the most of its star. Banking on Kevin Hart’s goofy charisma always offers solid ROI, and that’s almost certainly why Die Hart was one of the few programs to survive Quibi’s high-profile implosion. 

Sex and Skin: None so far.

Parting Shot: Kevin hits the floor, face first.

Sleeper Star: We’ll see if Ponzio turns up in more episodes this season, but the manner in which she lasers through Hart’s OTT fodder with a single line reading – “You’re not well” – leaves an impression. 

Most Pilot-y Line: Karl tells Kevin that he’s about to be in his own category as an action star: “One pea. One pod.”

Our Call: Die Hart 2 is a genial distraction that coasts on its star’s considerable comedic magnetism – and there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as he keeps us laughing. STREAM IT.

John Serba is a freelance writer and film critic based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 

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Die Hart 2: Die Harter Reviews

movie review die hart

This sequel feels a bit forced. Too much of the humor in Die Hart 2: Die Harter depends on Kevin Hart simply being himself. The film itself needs to have good bones, and the bones of this sequel are frail at best.

Full Review | Jul 8, 2024

Tripper Clancy's script is amusing enough, but it is the way the words are brought to life by some big personalities who have their own delivery and rhythm that makes the film laugh-out-loud in plenty of places.

Full Review | Original Score: 3/5 | Jun 12, 2024

movie review die hart

You USED to be funny, man. You used to make jokes, play funny characters and act in movies. This? This is just “content” pouring out of your make-another-buck-quick brain stem.

Full Review | Original Score: 1/4 | Jun 3, 2024


  1. Die Hart: The Movie Movie Review

    Parents need to know that Die Hart is a 2023 action-comedy movie in which Kevin Hart tries to prove that he can be an action movie star. Expect action movie violence, some of it later revealed to be fake, and some real. Exploding cars, characters catching fire, stabbing in the arm, shooting with blanks, shooting with guns, machine guns, rocket launchers, an exploding car.

  2. Die Hart the Movie

    Rated 0.5/5 Stars • Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 06/13/24 Full Review Luke W All Die hart one and two are terrible and I'm a big Kevin Hart fan so it's even more disappointing. You would have to ...

  3. Die Hart (2023)

    Die Hart: Directed by Eric Appel. With Kevin Hart, John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, Jean Reno. Kevin Hart - playing a version of himself - is on a death-defying quest to become an action star. And with a little help from John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Josh Hartnett - he just might pull it off.

  4. The Ending Of Die Hart: The Movie Explained

    Like any meta-movie worth its salt, Die Hart is full of references to Kevin Hart's real life, Ride Along 2, and Macho Man Randy Savage's secret Slim Jim stash.

  5. Die Hart the Movie

    Full Review | Original Score: 2/5 | Feb 26, 2023. Stephen Romei The Australian. TOP CRITIC. This movie, most of which unfolds in the Action Star School, has lots of laugh-out-loud moments. At 120 ...

  6. Review: Die Hart (2023)

    Reworked as an 85-minute film, Die Hart plays out fairly well as one continuous piece, and it is certainly an easy watch. However, those who are about to embark on Die Hart should be advised this is a low-budget affair, with a limited cast, limited locations, and limited gags. While the movie is funny in places, and has some decent performances ...

  7. Die Hart (2023)

    sanadalsalt 30 July 2023. "Die Hart" (2023) is a movie that aims to provide comedic action, but unfortunately, it falls short of its ambitions. The film follows Kevin Hart as a fictionalized version of himself, who wants to break out from his comedy-sidekick stereotype and become a legitimate action hero.

  8. Die Hart the Movie Review: Fast Paced, Energetic and Fun

    So we announced the other day that Die Hart the Movie was in the works where the Die Hart series has been stitched together to form a feature film and today we bring you that Die Hart the Movie review. Kevin Hart tries to keep from being pigeonholed as a comedy wingman and attends an action hero school run by Ron Wilcox, where he must learn the ...

  9. Everything You Need to Know About Die Hart The Movie (2020)

    Across the Web. Die Hart The Movie in US theaters July 20, 2020 starring Kevin Hart, John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, Jean Reno. In DIE HART, Kevin Hart plays a fictionalized version of himself who's tired of being the comedic sidekick. He gets his wish when a famous.

  10. Die Hart (2023)

    Visit the movie page for 'Die Hart' on Moviefone. Discover the movie's synopsis, cast details and release date. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and movie review. Your guide to this cinematic ...

  11. Die Hart Review: Never a dull moment in this satirical action-comedy

    Review: 'Die Hart' the movie has been derived from the already popular bite sized, 10 part series that goes by the same name. Series actors Kevin Hart, John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, Jean Reno ...

  12. Die Hart: The Movie review

    Die Hart: The Movie is the highly intriguing latest comedy-action film that made its arrival exclusively on Prime Video this Friday, February 24, 2023.

  13. ‎Die Hart (2023) directed by Eric Appel • Reviews, film

    Cast. 84 mins More at IMDb TMDb. Kevin Hart - playing a version of himself - is on a death-defying quest to become an action star. And with a little help from John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Josh Hartnett - he just might pull it off.

  14. Die Hart (TV Series 2020- )

    Die Hart: Created by Tripper Clancy, Derek Kolstad. With Kevin Hart, Nathalie Emmanuel, John Travolta, Jean Reno. Kevin Hart - playing a version of himself - is on a death-defying quest to become an action star.

  15. Die Hart The Movie Review: Kevin Hart is All About the Main Character

    February 22, 2023. Die Hart The Movie is the latest action comedy film set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video. The film is directed by Eric Appel (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) and written by Derek Kolstad (John Wick: Chapters 1, 2 & 3 ). Produced by Hartbeat, which is Kevin Hart's global media company. The cast of the film includes Kevin Hart, John ...

  16. Die Hart: Season 1

    Aug 7, 2020 Full Review Victoria Luxford City AM As foul-mouthed an energetic as its star, Die Hart doesnt have time to sweat the small stuff, giving fans of the Jumanji actors antics exactly what ...

  17. 'Die Hart: The Movie' review: Kevin Hart's modest ...

    Macroscopically, Die Hart: The Movie is a small and simple attempt at action comedy; while the film does a mediocre job of satiating the pangs of the genre's loyalists, it's when we read ...

  18. Quibi's Die Hart Review

    Die Hart is available for download on Quibi. This is a review for all 10 episodes. Die Hart is Quibi's new series, which by Quibi rules means a feature-length movie dosed out in 8 minute bites. It ...

  19. Die Hart TV Review

    Our review: Parents say ( 3 ): Kids say ( 1 ): Quibi may just be the perfect platform for Kevin Hart's satirical action comedy. Nothing about Die Hart is extraordinary, but each episode is a set piece allows Hart to get in, mess around, make a few jokes, throw some self-effacing charm around, and get out just as quickly.

  20. Die Hart (TV Series 2020- )

    DIE HART S01 (2020) REVIEW #diehart #diehartreview #nathalieemmanuel #johntravolta . . . 📜 Plot: Kevin Hart plays a fictionalized version of himself on a quest to land the action-movie role of a lifetime. . . . 👨‍⚖️ Review : Die Hart is fun show to watch with brilliant actors in it.

  21. Die Hart 2: Die Harter (2024)

    Visit the movie page for 'Die Hart 2: Die Harter' on Moviefone. Discover the movie's synopsis, cast details and release date. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and movie review. Your guide to ...

  22. Die Hart

    Die Hart. Page 1 of 2, 6 total items. Page 1 of 2, 3 total items. America's funnyman Kevin Hart seeks to cement his legacy as the greatest action star of all time, but things go awry.

  23. 'Die Hart 2' Roku Channel Review: Stream It or Skip It?

    One 15-minute episode into Die Hart 2, it's mostly setup, well-trod jokes about Tom Cruise and Hart's small stature (something those two stars have in common!) and the type of borderline ...

  24. Die Hart 2: Die Harter

    All Critics. Top Critics. All Audience. Verified Audience. JK Sooja Common Sense Media. This sequel feels a bit forced. Too much of the humor in Die Hart 2: Die Harter depends on Kevin Hart simply ...