1. THE Moral Agent

    moral agent essay

  2. Penelope Is the Determining Moral Agent

    moral agent essay

  3. The Moral Agent Theory: Fetal Abnormality

    moral agent essay

  4. Moral Agents and Moral Patients

    moral agent essay

  5. Essay Matured Moral Agent

    moral agent essay

  6. Philo THE Moral Agent

    moral agent essay



  2. The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale by Joseph Conrad


  1. Moral Agent

    A moral agent is a person who has the ability to discern right from wrong and to be held accountable for his or her own actions. Moral agents have a moral responsibility not to cause unjustified harm. Traditionally, moral agency is assigned only to those who can be held responsible for their actions. Children, and adults with certain mental ...

  2. The Moral Agent Is An Individual

    My first example is that we are moral agents; this is to say basically we originate choices. A moral agent is an individual's ability to make moral judgments based on some notion of correct and incorrect. They are also to be held accountable for all actions. While animals don't have the option in my opinion of making a choice based off the ...

  3. Moral agents

    Article Summary. Moral agents are those agents expected to meet the demands of morality. Not all agents are moral agents. Young children and animals, being capable of performing actions, may be agents in the way that stones, plants and cars are not. But though they are agents they are not automatically considered moral agents.

  4. Moral Responsibility

    Attributionists take moral responsibility assessments to be concerned with whether an action (omission, character trait, or belief) is attributable to an agent for the purposes of moral assessment, where this usually means that the action (or omission, etc.) reflects the agent's "judgment sensitive attitudes" (Scanlon 1998), "evaluative ...

  5. Responsibility

    Moral agency can also be termed responsible agency, meaning that a person is open to moral evaluation. This sort of moral status points in two directions. It means that a person's actions can be judged morally, so that various responses such as praise or punishment may be appropriate - this is the stuff of retrospective responsibility.

  6. Teaching Ethics to Scientists and Engineers: Moral Agents and Moral

    In this essay, Dr. Whitbeck outlines an 'agent-centered' approach to learning ethics. The central aim is to prepare students to act wisely and responsibly when faced with moral problems. She provides a number of examples and cases with descriptions of questions and directions for promoting student participation and stimulating thought and ...

  7. Moral agency

    Moral agency. Moral agency is an individual's ability to make moral choices based on some notion of right and wrong and to be held accountable for these actions. [1] A moral agent is "a being who is capable of acting with reference to right and wrong." [2]

  8. Moral Psychology and Human Agency: Philosophical Essays on the Science

    Abstract. This book examines the moral and philosophical implications of developments in the science of ethics, the growing movement that seeks to use recent empirical findings to answer long-standing ethical questions. Efforts to make moral psychology a thoroughly empirical discipline have divided philosophers along methodological fault lines ...

  9. Moral Agent Definition & Examples

    A free moral agent is someone who can understand right from wrong, and therefore can be held responsible for their actions. In addition, they have free will to make their own decisions based on ...

  10. Moral Responsibility

    A comprehensive theory of moral responsibility would elucidate the following: (1) the concept, or idea, of moral responsibility itself; (2) the criteria for being a moral agent, i.e., one who qualifies generally as an agent open to responsibility ascriptions (e.g., only beings possessing the general capacity to evaluate reasons for acting can ...

  11. PDF Dimensions of Moral Agency

    there are moral agents. Explicitly addressing the nature of moral agents, then, is fundamental to any worthwhile moral theorizing. Papers in this volume In his essay "How Not to Solve Ethical Problems", Harvard philosopher Hilary Putnam quipped, "When a philosopher 'solves' an ethical problem

  12. What is a Kantian moral agent?

    Kant conceived of the "moral agent" (or "rational agent") as a person possessed of free will, or, more precisely, a person who is able to make their own decisions. Kant believed that an individual ...

  13. Kant's Moral Philosophy

    1. Aims and Methods of Moral Philosophy. The most basic aim of moral philosophy, and so also of the Groundwork, is, in Kant's view, to "seek out" the foundational principle of a "metaphysics of morals," which Kant understands as a system of a priori moral principles that apply the CI to human persons in all times and cultures. Kant pursues this project through the first two chapters ...


    THE MORAL AGENT Bernard Mayo I wANT to examine how far the question 'What is it for a man to act morally?' can be answered in terms of the socio­ logical concept of a role. Is, for example, acting as a moral agent consistent with acting in the capacity of one's role, or even identical with it if being a moral agent is acting a role?

  15. Moral Agents Concept in Business Ethics Essay

    Moral Agents Concept in Business Ethics Essay. In ethics, the concept of moral agency is defined as an individual's ability to act morally or immorally in reference to those around and harm them in an unjustified manner in cases of immoral behavior ( Moral Agent & Subject of Moral Worth, 2015). Businesses, just like people, have moral ...

  16. The Nexus of Free Will: Unraveling Moral Agency in Philosophy

    Philosophical discussions on moral agency often revolve around the capacity for reason and the ability to form self-interested judgments. While most philosophers argue that only rational beings possess the necessary attributes to be moral agents, questions arise concerning those with limited rationality, such as individuals with mild mental disabilities or infants [1].

  17. PDF The Liberty of Moral Agents

    Liberty of Moral Agents Thomas Reid 1: Moral liberty and necessity Moral liberty gives the agent the power to act well or badly. Like every other gift of God, this power can be misused. You use this gift of God rightly if you act well and wisely, as far as your best judgment can direct you, thereby deserving admiration and approval. You misuse the

  18. Reflection and synthesis: How moral agents learn and moral cultures

    Search for more papers by this author. Joanna Burch-Brown, Corresponding Author. Joanna Burch-Brown. [email protected]; ... In a Kantian framework, in any case, virtuous synthesis would include just those acts of synthesis that guide an agent under the moral law, or under the moral ideas of the aspiration towards the highest good, or ...

  19. Moral Clients & Agents and Their Evaluation Essay

    Get a custom essay on Moral Clients & Agents and Their Evaluation. There is no nonliving thin g that has interest that is conscious hence there are no known nonliving things that are proper moral clients. For instance, trees are very important to us humans and animals as well. If trees are not conscious and have no interests, they cannot ...

  20. PDF The Liberty of Moral Agents

    Liberty of Moral Agents Thomas Reid 4: The influence of motives Chapter 4: The influence of motives The modern advocates for the doctrine of necessity put the weight of their argument on the influence of motives. They say: Every deliberate action must have a motive. When there is no motive on the other side, this motive must

  21. PDF The Liberty of Moral Agents

    Liberty of Moral Agents Thomas Reid 1: Moral liberty and necessity Moral liberty gives the agent the power to act well or badly. Like every other gift of God, this power can be misused. You use this gift of God rightly if you act well and wisely, as far as your best judgment can direct you, thereby deserving admiration and approval. You misuse the

  22. Man As A Moral Agent

    Man as a moral agent - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Man is considered a moral agent because he has the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and can be held accountable for his actions. As beings with moral conscience, principles, and rational thinking, humans apply morality in their judgments and behaviors in ...

  23. Moral Agent Essays Examples

    One can say that Mother Teresa is a good example of a moral agent. She put others happiness and wellness before herself and was giving all she had in the need of others. Although she has made a big impact on the modern world and has helped many poor people, she lived a very simple life herself, begged for food on the street just to survive. She ...