PhD at VU Amsterdam

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At Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam we provide three or four year research intensive PhD programs, or part time PhD programs with a duration above four years, organized in graduate schools of nine VU Amsterdam faculties. We expect our doctoral graduates to become internationally engaged scientists with transferable skills and opportunities to plan a career in or outside academia. 

We offer customized training and supervision with a strong emphasis on the development of research as well as professional skills such as the ability to work in teams and collaborate. In short, we wish to develop engaged and responsible academics and future professionals who constantly explore and push back the boundaries of existing knowledge. Our doctorates are internationally-oriented, multi and interdisciplinary, curiosity and results driven, creating an impact in science, society and economy.

Earning a doctorate from VU Amsterdam often leads to a career as a scholar and researcher in universities, and non-universities (universities of applied sciences); non-profits and think tanks; consultancies and corporations.

At VU Amsterdam we have two types of PhD candidates: internal and external. Internal PhD candidates are paid employees of VU Amsterdam and enter into labor agreement with VU Amsterdam. External PhDs candidates undertake a PhD at VU Amsterdam with a foreign funding or scholarship scheme, or are self funded professionals or students. 

More about PhD at VU Amsterdam

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Pursuing a PhD means spending a minimum of four years conducting original research and writing a dissertation. Throughout this time, PhD candidates work in close collaboration with their supervisor. A PhD is not regarded as study, but as serious research and PhD candidates in the Netherlands are often in paid employment.

Pursuing a PhD in the Netherlands

Admission and funding, why choose the netherlands for your phd.

The Netherlands has:

  • excellent graduate schools;
  • a large variety of research fields and extensive interdisciplinary collaboration;
  • world-class research: ten Dutch research universities are ranked in the top 200 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022;
  • mostly paid employment contracts for PhD candidates.

Research schools and graduate schools

All PhD candidates are part of a graduate school or research school. Research schools are partnerships between multiple research universities and research institutes, while graduate schools are organised within universities. Both provide an inspiring research environment, offering tailor-made study programmes, master classes, seminars and conferences.

A Dutch PhD is highly regarded

Once your dissertation is approved for publication, you will attend the public defence of your research and will be awarded the PhD at a ceremony steeped in tradition. A PhD from a Dutch university is highly regarded because of the high academic standards. The Netherlands has an excellent international ranking for the number of publications per researcher (2nd) and for the impact of research publication (4th).

Where are PhDs offered?

In the Netherlands, research is carried out by research universities, research institutes and companies, but only research universities can award PhD degrees. Other research institutes that work in close collaboration with a research university may also offer PhD positions.

Most PhD posts will often be advertised on job boards, such as AcademicTransfer , in scientific journals, or on notice boards at other institutions. If you see a PhD position that interests you, contact the institution directly about the application procedure.

Your own research proposal

If you have a specific research proposal of your own and cannot find a vacancy to match it, you may pitch your idea to universities or research groups that conduct research in the relevant field and are able to provide funding.

Admission criteria for PhD positions are rigorous, and potential candidates must have a solid background in the theory and methods of their field as well as a recognised master’s degree. PhD students from other countries generally choose to write their dissertation in English and will therefore need to demonstrate a good command of English idiom and grammar before the dissertation begins.

Funding your PhD position

In the Netherlands, there are generally 3 ways to fund your PhD:

  • employed by the PhD-awarding institution;
  • with a fellowship or grant awarded by a supporting body;
  • with sponsorship from your employer.

Employed by an institution The majority of PhD candidates in the Netherlands have an employment contract with the institution where they will be conducting their research.

Fellowship or grant About one sixth of PhD candidates in the Netherlands find funding in the form of a fellowship or grant, and many of these come from abroad. Once you have found a fellowship or grant, you will need to find a supervisor at a research institution willing to support you. Organisations offering fellowships and grants can be found on the EURAXESS website and at our Finances overview .

Sponsored by your employer It is sometimes possible to study for a PhD part-time while working. If you and your employer are interested in this option, you should contact the institution of your choice for more information.

Tuition fees

Some Dutch institutions charge fees for enrolment, supervision and access to laboratories and other facilities. Each research university is free to decide on how much it charges and fees do vary from one discipline to the next, depending on whether expensive equipment is required or not.

The EURAXESS website provides detailed practical information useful for researchers (including PhD candidates) coming to the Netherlands, covering immigration procedures, social security, taxation, healthcare insurance, etc. If you need an entry visa, your prospective institution will advise you on the correct procedure for your particular situation.

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PhD's at Maastricht University

At Maastricht University, a PhD degree is not just a study but a serious research project that adds new knowledge to a given field. There are three ways to become a PhD candidate at UM, which are outlined below. As a PhD candidate, you’ll spend most of your time conducting original research and writing a dissertation. You might also follow courses relevant to your research or have teaching responsibilities as well. Most candidates take four years to complete their dissertation and earn their degree. Requirements for our PhD programmes vary, but you will at least need a master’s degree, a high level of English proficiency and a strong academic record.

There are three ways to obtain a PhD at Maastricht University:

Apply for a paid phd position.

As a paid PhD candidate, you’ll be an employee of the university and will conduct research in conjunction with a faculty, research school or institute. You can search for a PhD vacancy on Academic Transfer or contact a faculty directly.   Paid PhD positions

Note: FHML/MUMC+ discerns 4 types of PhDs.

Enrol in a PhD training programme

Several of our graduate schools and research institutes offer PhD training programmes. In these programmes, you will follow a number of courses as well as write a dissertation. We have both full-time and part-time programmes.

  PhD training programmes

Obtain external funding & pitch your idea

Do you have a specific research proposal that does not match one of our vacancies? Then you can also obtain external funding and pitch your idea to one of our faculties, graduate schools or research institutes.

  Externally funded PhDs

BA Tax Law

Why Maastricht University?

The Netherlands ranks second worldwide in the number of publications per researcher and third worldwide in the impact of research publications, according to the Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education (NUFFIC). At Maastricht University, PhD candidates are respected as full-fledged members of our research community. You'll be treated as a peer and will be given all the support you need for your research. There is a high level of interdisciplinary and inter-institutional cooperation at UM, and PhDs often complete their dissertation alongside their career. Such a commitment requires hard work and fortitude. And it especially requires the capacity to innovate, to come up with new ideas and new ways of seeing and applying knowledge.

International environment

Maastricht University was the first university in the Netherlands to strive for internationalisation. Almost half of our students and 40% of our academic staff come from abroad. Each faculty, school and institute has extensive international partnership networks and the university encourages international research collaborations. Students and researchers have many opportunities to study and work abroad, and our graduates are eagerly sought in the international labour market and research community.

Active PhD community

At Maastricht University, we have a vibrant PhD community. There are many ways to connect with your peers on a social and professional level:

  • PhD Academy Maastricht
  • Young Researchers Academy
  • Central PhD Candidates Platform
  • PhD candidates Network (PNN)
  • Meet & Greet Maastricht
  • Representative participation for UM
  • ProVUM Maastricht
  • European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc)

Current PhD candidates

In the overview for current PhDs, you can find more information on:

  • additional courses
  • professional development opportunities
  • practical matters
  • Scholarships

  Overview for current PhDs

Research master's

Have you finished your bachelor’s and would like to pursue a PhD? Then you should consider one of our research master’s programmes, which specifically prepare you to be successful as a doctoral candidate. In some of these programmes, more than 90% of the students go on to become PhD candidates. You can find the research master's programmes in our master's overview.

Master's programmes

Defending your thesis

A PhD Defence ceremony is a formal occasion with strict protocols governing each person’s role, responsibility, and even the language used. It all works a bit like a trial, hence the term ‘PhD defence’. If you are a PhD candidate at the end of your trajectory you need to formally request permission for a public defense ceremony soon. In this website you find information on practical matters you need to arrange before and during your doctoral research and explains how to go about your your PhD defense.

  More information


One step closer to an anti-stress pill

Why are some people more sensitive to stress than others? Dennis Hernaus was hired as a PhD candidate to study the relationship between stress and dopamine levels of patients using PET scanners. He found that low dopamine levels are associated with increased sensitivity to stress and vice versa.  

Medical-ethical dilemmas during WWII Hannah van den Ende PhD

Wrestling with medical-ethical dilemmas during WWII

Is it okay for a doctor to make someone ill or appear ill if it saves them from being boarded on a train and sent to a death camp? Hannah van den Ende studied the experiences of 534 Dutch-Jewish doctors who wrestled with this type of ethical dilemma during WWII.  

HIV stigma in virtual reality PhD Henna Toppenberg

Studying HIV-related stigma in virtual reality

Stigmatising behaviour is often unconscious. People don't usually realise that they treat HIV patients differently. But the consequences are real. Henna Toppenberg and her PhD supervisor Rob Ruiter are using virtual reality to gain more insight into this behaviour so they can help bring about change.  

A Beginner's Guide to Dutch Academia

Detailed information on Dutch research and higher education can be found in  A Beginner's Guide to Dutch Academia. 

Hortense Jongen winner of The 2018 Dissertation Prize

The 2018 Dissertation Prize, this year awarded for the best doctoral dissertation from the inner city faculties, went to Hortense Jongen from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Her thesis is entitled: ‘Combating corruption the soft way: The authority of peer reviews in the global fight against graft.’

  • Top Universities for PhD Study in the Netherlands in 2024

Written by Ben Taylor

Despite its relatively small size (both in terms of area and population), the Netherlands has long had a reputation for research excellence, which is reflected by the strong performance of its universities across the main ranking systems. As the birthplace of the renaissance scholar Erasmus, who lends his namesake to the European exchange programme, the Netherlands is also extremely well-connected to international research networks.

This page summarises the best universities in the Netherlands according to three of the main ranking systems, showing how they stack up against institutions around the world.

Top ranked Dutch universities for PhD study

These are a selection of the top Dutch universities, according to global rankings. For more information on how they work, check out our guide to PhD rankings .

Top Dutch Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
Delft University of Technology48=47151-200
University of Amsterdam6153101-150
Wageningen University and Research=64=151151-200
Leiden University77=126101-150
University of Groningen7913976
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam125207151-200
Radboud University Nijmegen=140=222101-150
Eindhoven University of Technology=168=124401-500
University of Twente184210401-500
Tilburg University201-250=371701-800
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

So, how good are universities in the Netherlands for PhD study?

Dutch universities represent an excellent choice for international PhD students. The Netherlands has seven institutions in the top 100 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, which is testament to the quality of research its universities produce. This is extremely impressive given the size of its higher education sector.

Research universities in Holland benefit from advanced facilities and generous government investment, making them a great destination for researchers.

Search for a PhD in the Netherlands

Ready to start looking for your ideal study abroad opportunity? Browse PhDs in the Netherlands on or read our guide to studying a PhD in the Netherlands .

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The Netherlands can be an affordable place for PhD study. The page will take you through all the information you need about PhD funding in the Netherlands.

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Read about the language requirements and recognised tests for PhD study at Dutch-speaking universities in the Netherlands and elsewhere..

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What's it like to live in the Netherlands during a PhD? Our guide covers accommodation, student living costs, working and other key information.

is phd free in netherlands

Holland and the Netherlands are a welcoming destination for international PhD study with historic and globally-renowned research universities. Our guide covers admissions, visas, fees and funding.

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PhD at TU/e

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  • Defenses and ceremonies
  • Chat with our students
  • Becoming a PhD candidate
  • Life as PhD
  • After your PhD

Do you have a master's degree, and do you aspire to a career in scientific research? Then consider a PhD position at TU/e. For four years, you will conduct (paid) in-depth research within a specific field of research. At a top international university known for its strong ties with industry, right in the middle of Brainport (the smartest region in the world).

What does a PhD at TU/e entail?

In four years, you will become an excellent, independent researcher. A professor will assist you in conducting in-depth, groundbreaking research in the field of your choice. You will work together with other research groups, industrial partners, and research institutions, depending on the subject of your research. After successfully defending your dissertation, you will be awarded the PhD title.

A PhD program offers you a great deal of freedom to conduct research into socially relevant topics. You can develop your ideas in an environment with state-of-the-art research facilities. 

  • Explore our research groups

Why become a PhD candidate at TU/e?

If you choose to pursue a PhD at TU/e, you will be given the space and support to excel in your field. In addition, our small-scale and personal approach makes it easy to communicate and collaborate with other departments and research groups. Also, PhD candidates are valued employees at our university. Most have an employment contract and therefore receive a salary during their training.

Meet some of our PhD candidates

Open culture.

The Netherlands has an open, friendly culture and a population that speaks English well. At TU/e you will find students from more than 80 different countries, who come together in one of the many communities. We embrace diversity and inclusion, as it adds to our success and pleasure in education and research. TU/e is a university where students and lecturers know each other on a first-name basis and work together on innovative projects with real-life significance.   

State-of-the-art research facilities

To conduct groundbreaking research, to attract outstanding scientific talent, and to train new generations of engineers, we have ultramodern research labs and facilities at our disposal. Some of our labs are unique in the Netherlands, or even in the world.

PROOF program

As a PhD candidate, you will plunge into an intensive learning experience over a period of four (or five) years. Learning takes place all the time, both consciously and subconsciously: on the job, when interacting with others, while (informally) researching, and during courses and workshops. To support and facilitate the development of your competences, TU/e offers a dedicated training program for PhD candidates.

Is a PhD track right for me?

To successfully pursue a PhD, you must be able to work and write independently. In addition, you have an above-average interest in technology, are a go-getter, and can think analytically. Of course, you enjoy doing research and finding out the underlying cause of things. Finally, you need to have a suitable prior education. 

  • More information about requirements

Or an EngD (Engineering Doctorate)?

Do you want to continue your education, but not spend four years doing in-depth research? In that case an EngD program might be something for you: a two-year, paid, full-time program to become a technological designer. You will expand your technological knowledge, gain practical experience with the latest methods, and work on your professional skills. The main difference between an EngD program and a PhD track is its focus. A PhD is aimed at establishing yourself as an independent researcher. On the other hand, an EngD prepares you for a high-level position in industry. 

  • More information about EngD


They are happy to answer your questions and share their experiences!

Events and information for PhD's

Watch the program video where a PhD candidate and an EngD trainee will tell you more about their experiences at TU/e. Ask your question(s) directly to one of our PhD students. Or visit our Graduate School Event on campus!


Program videos

Want to know more about our bachelors, masters, EngD or PhD programs? Watch one of our program videos presented by our staff and students.

Master's Open Day

Visit the TU/e during the open day of our Graduate School

Fact & Figures PhD candidates

1650 phd candidates.

About 1650 people are working as a PhD candidate at TU/e.

PhD Defenses

Every year about 225 PhD’s defenses take place.

Male Female Ratio

About 33% of the PhD candidates are women, 67% are men.

International environment

About 60% of our PhD candidates have an international background. The other 40% have Dutch nationality. English is our working language.

Average duration

On average, the duration of the PhD trajectory at TU/e is one of the shortest in the Netherlands.


PhD candidates assess their PhD trajectory on average with a 7.5 (on a scale of 1-10). - Great jobs for bright people

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Studying For A PhD In The Netherlands: The Basics

dutch university

Dutch universities offer a great environment students looking for a PhD In The Netherlands, well-resourced labs and libraries, a forward-looking research culture, favourable financial arrangements, and international colleagues.

Only the 14 institutions in the universiteit (WO) sector offer doctorates; a hogeschool is a university of applied sciences, analogous to the old British polytechnic system. However, many hogescholen offer doctorates in collaboration with universities and industry partners: for example, the HAN Automotive Institute at Hogeschool Arnhem en Nijmegen. There are also frequently doctoral posts offered by independent research institutes, again in partnership with universities.

A PhD In The Netherlands

A Dutch PhD involves carrying out rigorous, supervised research for four full years. Most programmes are individual research-based, but professional doctorates (such as Professional Doctorates in Engineering and Medicine) are also possible.

The final output is a dissertation, which candidates must defend before a panel of academic judges, and present in a public lecture at the end of their studies (the promovendus lecture).

An MA, MPhil or MSc is usually required as a prerequisite. Like UK Masters degrees, Dutch Masters programmes normally run for one year, although some are considerably longer. Prospective PhD students need to submit their credentials for vetting to the government agency Nuffic (see Resources).

Some programmes require or offer admission via examination. These procedures differ from university to university and programme to programme; details are often quite hard to find! Typically at least some of the exams are in Dutch only (even for programmes taught and examined in English…)

Language and living.

The Dutch language is not needed for all PhD programmes, but is a prerequisite for many and always an asset. Many universities require students to pass the Nederlands Tweede Taal (NT2) exam to prove their proficiency. The exam is managed by DUO (see Resources); classes are available through universities or privately.

EU students do not require a student visa, but may need to have certain paperwork certified and/or translated (for example, your birth certificate) and submit this to receive permission to remain in the Netherlands while studying.

All students are required to show proof of private health insurance and must register their address with the city government (gemeente) after moving. Watch out: in most major Dutch cities housing shortages have led to illegal rentals. If a listing says you cannot register (inschrijven), it is illegal. The university can help you find affordable, legal housing.

There are tax advantages for Dutch PhD researchers recruited from outside the Netherlands (see Resources: the “30 per cent rule” can save you a substantial sum over the course of your working life in the Netherlands, so don’t miss out by accident).

Finding a PhD In The Netherlands.

Typically, applying for a PhD place in the Netherlands is not unlike applying for a job—and most places do include a salary. Typically places are listed on the central register for academic posts, Academic Transfer (see Resources).

It is also possible to make a direct approach to an academic who works in your desired research area. However, unless your approach involves asking to join an existing or proposed funded project, you may not be offered research funding. That said, PhD costs for self-funded students are lower in the Netherlands than in some other countries, so this route may appeal to some.

Academic Transfer

Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) – DUO administers student funding and state exams, including the NT2 Dutch language exam.

Finsens Tax Experts (2013) “ The Dutch 30 percent ruling explained ”

HAN Automotive Institute

This programme provides an example of a collaborative PhD programme via a hogeschool.

Nuffic vets foreign academic qualifications, and also administers certain fellowships aimed at funding highly qualified overseas students.

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27th July 2023 at 6:36 am

Useful guide for aspiring PhD students in the Netherlands. It would be great if you could share some insights into the application process, including tips for writing a strong research proposal and finding potential supervisors. Thanks!

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Your PhD programme

We know you have a passion for research and science (that’s why you are reading this page). Joining a PhD programme at TU Delft might be the right choice for you. As a PhD candidate, you have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of research areas, spread across eight faculties. During the four years of the PhD programme you will be conducting research, developing new knowledge and writing your dissertation. An inspiring environment and challenging programme that will help you become an independent researcher and a skilled professional. Academic excellence starts in Delft.

TU Delft is a prestigious university

At TU Delft you will be working at a top university in an international environment, surrounded by talented people with a passion for science, design and technology. During your PhD programme at TU Delft you will delve into a research field that fascinates you, under supervision of a professor leading in this field. One thing is for sure: in Delft you will be optimising your expertise and talent, allowing you to contribute to solving (future) challenges in our society. Explore our faculties and disciplines .

5 reasons to choose a PhD programme at TU Delft

  • Advanced laboratory and experimental facilities that are unique in the Netherlands, and are used to conduct advanced research for the scientific field, and for business and industry
  • International acclaimed supervisors to coach and guide you with your training and research activities
  • Small group-based training and peer interaction (leading to a flourishing academic community and furthering peer learning)
  • Customised Doctoral Education programme to cater to your individual learning needs
  • Support to realise your personal and professional ambitions

Is a PhD track the right choice for you?

As a PhD candidate at TU Delft, you…

  • Have an above-average interest in science, engineering and design
  • Want to explore a scientific area in-depth and contribute to the scientific field
  • Get excited about the possibility of contributing to solving societal issues by means of your research project
  • Possess strong analytical skills and look forward to the possibility of conducting research independently
  • Are a problem solver and a critical and innovative thinker
  • Need to have a university master’s degree in a relevant field

By the numbers*

2.999 phd candidates, 431 phd defences, 31% female, 69% male, 69% from abroad, phd experience at tu delft: 7.9, * tu delft facts and figures 2021 and phd alumni survey 2021.

Engineering Doctorate: a practice-based alternative to a PhD Do you want a more design-oriented approach? Check out our EngD positions (Engineering Doctorate). This two-year design-traineeship offers you an application-focused alternative to a PhD position, and provides you with a solid basis for an accelerated start of your industrial career.

In six steps towards your PhD

In general, a PhD programme at TU Delft will take four years. In order to guarantee the quality of the PhD process, TU Delft has implemented a tailor-made PhD Development Cycle that covers the different stages in your PhD research. This cycle starts on the first day of your PhD and consists of six steps leading to your doctoral defence ceremony. Check out our infographic to learn more about your steps.

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Graduate School of Humanities

International PhD candidates

If you wish to come to the Netherlands, there are certain immigration procedures you need to follow. Leiden University can apply for a visa and residence permit on your behalf.

Visa, residence and work permit

Using one of our checklists, you can see what you need to do. The  Immigration Wizard  can help you determine which category applies to you. Make sure you select the appropriate category for your country of origin:

  • Checklist 1:   TEV Nationality (visa and permit)
  • Checklist 2:  VVR Nationality (permit)
  • Checklist 3:  EU/EER countries or Switzerland

After concluding the employment agreement with your respective institute, the HR department of the Faculty of Humanities will request the Service Centre International Staff of Leiden University to start up your immigration procedure in the ISD webportal.

We will apply for:

  • the Dutch entry visa (MVV) on your behalf (at least 8 weeks before the start date of your contract) if applicable. Do not apply for the MVV yourself;
  • a residence permit for you and any accompanying family members;
  • a work permit (at least 6 weeks before the start date of your contract if applicable).

You will receive an e-mail from the SCIS with login details and the documents needed to complete the application procedure.

If you have any questions regarding immigration procedures you can contact the  Service Centre International Staff  at  [email protected] , +31(0)71 527 7300.

Insurance and taxes

When moving to The Netherlands, it is important to know whether you are considered a resident tax payer or non-resident tax payer. Both residents and non-residents are taxed on their taxable income. A number of criteria help determine your status as resident or non-resident.

For more information on insurance and taxes, please consult the   Service Centre International staff  website .

Are you an international researcher working for Leiden University? Please note that you are probably legally obliged to take out health insurance. On  this page  of the Service Centre International Staff website, you find more information on the type of health insurance you need and how to apply for it.

If you have any questions regarding insurance and taxes you can contact the Service Centre International Staff by  email  or by phone  +31(0)71 527 7300 or visit them at Rapenburg 70, Leiden, on weekdays from 08.30-12.30 (no appointment needed).


PhD research

PhD research is at the heart of what we do as a University. Around 2000 PhD candidates are involved in research and education at the UvA and around 400 doctorates are conferred each year. Two-thirds of these are in the Sciences or Medicine.

is phd free in netherlands

PhD vacancies

is phd free in netherlands

Getting your PhD at the UvA

is phd free in netherlands

UvA Staff Housing

The guide to doing your PhD at the UvA brings together all kinds of information about the PhD process, from the regulations and different steps in the process to terms of employment and facilities you can make use of as a PhD candidate.

Doctoral programme: from admission to completion

Documents and forms, phd contact information, central phd council, cookie consent.

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Select language

Graduate School of Life Sciences

Graduate School of Life Sciences

is phd free in netherlands

The Graduate School of Life Sciences offers 15 PhD programmes that together cover a wide range of research topics, from plants to patients, from molecules to populations. These PhD programmes are rooted in the focus of Life Sciences research in Utrecht. Currently over 2000 PhD candidates participate in our Graduate School. All our programmes are in English.

In addition to this website, the PhD Guide contains information about the PhD journey for PhD candidates part of the Graduate School of Life Sciences.

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Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

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Phd in the netherlands for international students.

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Pursuing a PhD in the Netherlands is an attractive prospect for many international students. The Netherlands is known for its progressive higher education system, with top universities, research institutes and industry partners. With a diverse range of research opportunities, excellent facilities and an open and welcoming environment, international students can benefit from a unique and rewarding experience. 

The Netherlands also offers financial support for PhD students, making it an attractive destination for those looking to further their studies. With an excellent quality of life and a vibrant cultural atmosphere, the Netherlands is the perfect place to take the next step in your academic journey.

Table of Contents

Is it worth doing a PhD in the Netherlands?

In the field of education, the Netherlands has an impressive reputation. And numerous benefits make it the ultimate destination for students seeking an international PhD experience. 

Some of the reasons to study in Holland include: 

  • Outstanding graduate schools 
  • Wide range of research programs 
  • Excellent research facilities and world-class universities with 10 of the top Dutch universities being in the top 200 international ranking.
  • Most PhD candidates get a paid contract as university employees.
  • Top ranked worldwide when it comes to the number of publication per researcher (2nd) and the impact of research publication (4th)

And there is the accreditation. Usually, it’s up to the university to grant the degree and ensure the quality and content of each student’s doctoral training. However, when it comes to the quality of the PhD process, the Netherlands and Flemish Accreditation Organization ( NVAO ) is in charge of ensuring you earn a worthy degree.  

Structure of a PhD in the Netherlands

The Netherlands being part of the European Higher Education Area, a PhD program in the country accounts for a third-cycle qualification. The doctoral research then focuses on a specific topic and ends up with a thesis that presents the student’s results and conclusions. 

Moreover, like in any research work, students will work closely with a supervisor to oversee their doctorate and approve their thesis for submission. Supervision involves progress check, review points among other things. Students also can have a co-supervisor if needed. 

Is a PhD in the Netherlands paid?  

The answer is yes. Most doctorate candidates in the Netherlands have the status of professional researchers. In other words, they get a salary during their doctorate and in return they’ll have various tasks as researchers and to contribute to the university’s academic work and operation, such as teaching, and some administrative responsibilities. 

Students can find most PhD positions listed on job boards, on universities’ notice boards, or in scientific journals. 

How long does it take to do a PhD in the Netherlands?

Doing a PhD in the Netherlands requires you spend a minimum of 4 years to conduct research and write your dissertation. This is due to the employee status of the doctorate candidate, which require them to ensure other bonus tasks along with their research work. 

In the case the doctoral candidate is not associated to a university, like for an external candidate, it will take longer to complete the PhD degree. 

Dutch PhD defense ceremony

To defend your PhD thesis the Dutch way, there is a protocol you need to follow to the letter. As a matter of fact, the PhD defense in the Netherlands is not an examination but rather a ceremony. It serves the same purpose as a viva voce examination but with a more formal process in front of a traditionally dressed committee!

During this unique ceremony, the student also wears a full academic dress and uses formal titles. Moreover, the protocol stipulates what happens at each step, what the student should say at the beginning and how they should address their opponents. An officer of the university, a beadle, opens and closes the ceremony using a ceremonial staff. 

The doctoral committee consists of at least 3 academics. They are there to assess the student’s thesis and determine if it’s worthy of a doctorate. It may include a professor – a ‘most learned opponent’, or a post-doctorate academic, a ‘learned opponent’. Other invited individuals can also ask questions to the student. 

Another distinctive traits of the thesis defense in the Netherlands is the fact that students can have 2 supporters to accompany them. They served in the old days as “bodyguards” in case things got heated. Nowadays, they are more of a moral support and a practical assistance.

Lastly, PhD candidates need to publish their thesis as a book before the defense ceremony takes place. 

How to apply for a PhD position in the Netherlands?

PhD’s candidates in the Netherlands are part of the academic staff of a research school or a graduate school. Research schools consists of partnerships between several research universities and institutes. Graduate schools on the other hands are organizations within universities. However, only research universities and in some cases research institutes can award PhD degrees. 

Application can be done 2 ways: either you apply for an advertised PhD program or you submit your own research proposal. If you see a PhD position that interests you, contact the university directly to inquire about the application procedure. 

In the case you have a specific proposal but can’t find a vacancy that matches your intended project, the process is to pitch your idea to universities or research groups who work in the relevant field and able to provide the funding you need. 

Admission requirements 

The criteria for admission to doctoral positions are rigorous. And prospective candidates must have a strong background in theory and practices in their field. They also must have a master’s degree in a relevant subject area. International students must ensure their master is recognized in the Netherlands. 

To check a degree equivalency, you can go either on the website of the Dutch Organization for Internationalization in Education (Nuffic) or check with your choice university. Furthermore, since most international candidates choose to write their thesis in English, they need also need to provide a proof of a good command of the English language. (TOEFL or IELTS scores in most cases). 

Additional entry requirements vary depending on the research subject and the university. 

Check also our guide on how to apply to universities in the Netherlands .

How much does a PhD cost in Netherlands?

Since PhD students are university employees who receive a salary, many Dutch doctoral programs apply no tuition fees. At least not in the literal sense. However, some universities may charge statutory fees for the enrollment, supervision, examination, administration or access to the research facilities of the institution. 

Each university is free to decide how much fees they charge. Usually, this varies depending on the institution, the discipline of study, the cost of lab equipment etc.

Netherlands PhD funding

In the Netherlands, there are 3 ways to fund your doctoral studies: 

  • Through an employment contract with your research university or institute
  • With a fellowship or grant 
  • With a sponsorship from an employer

The first option is the most common. Moreover, around 17% of PhD candidates get a funding from a fellowship or grant from abroad. These organizations offering grants can be found on the website of Euraxess . The last option is to study for your PhD part-time while working. In this case, your employer provides the necessary funding for your doctorate. 

Read also our guide on the scholarships in the Netherlands .

Netherlands PhD visa

EU/EEA/Swiss nationals do not require any visa for a PhD study in Holland. Non-EU/EEA citizens on the other hand need to arrange for a long-stay entry visa. Usually, your host university should offer you assistance for your application. If this is not the case, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the university’s international office or HR department. You’ll be able to collect your entry visa at a Dutch embassy or consulate in your home country.

Moreover, they also need to apply for a residence permit for study purpose from the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). And lastly, upon your arrival in the Netherlands, you absolutely need to register with the local council of residence. This serves as a registration in the Personal Records Database (BRP) in order to get a Citizen Service Number (BSN). 

Get more details in our article on the student visa in the Netherlands .

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PhD education

A PhD programme at HIMS takes 4 years of independent research, supervised by a professor. Most PhD candidates in the Netherlands are employees of the university. As a PhD student, you contribute to the development of knowledge in your field of expertise. The programme is concluded by a thesis (dissertation) and/or a series of articles in scientific journals.

  • Current open PhD positions are listed among the vacancies at HIMS. 
  • An overview of theses by HIMS PhD students can be found in our thesis galleries .
  • The University of Amsterdam provides more information on obtaining a PhD .
  • For self-funded or scholarship PhD students (bursaries), HIMS offers limited opportunities. More information can be found on our bursaries page .

Research schools

The Dutch PhD trajectory includes courses taught within the framework of national research schools. These are collaborative research and PhD training institutions in specific domains. HIMS participates in two of these:

  • Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry (HRSMC) HRSMC is a consortium of three Dutch Universities: the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the VU University Amsterdam (VU) and Leiden University (UL). It provides an extensive training programme for PhD students in inorganic, organic, physical and theoretical chemistry, crystallography and mass spectrometry. More information can be found on the HRSMC website .

Netherlands Institute for Catalysis Research (NIOK) NIOK is a virtual institute consisting of Dutch university groups active in all areas of catalysis. It fosters the advancement of both higher education and research and stimulates collaboration between scientists of different disciplines and Universities. NIOK also acts as the platform and sparring partner for national and international contacts on catalysis with academia, industry and government. More information can be found on the NIOK website .

Other PhD education initiatives

Adding to the education in the framework of the national research schools, HIMS researchers are also involved in other initiatives providing PhD education:

  • COAST-ANAC PhD Education Program The Dutch national organisation for COmprehensive Analytical Science and Technology (COAST) offers courses for PhD students who want to broaden or deepen their knowledge in analytical science techniques. Courses are offered throughout the year, as summer courses or as a one -or two-day topical courses on weekdays and/or Saturdays. Read more on the COAST-ANAC website .
  • MolSim school This yearly school on Molecular Simulation of the Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modeling teaches its participants to understand and apply molecular simulations; to obtain insight in the underlying theory; and to develop skills by carrying out elementary simulations. Read more on the MolSim website .
  • PhD skills development Besides gaining scientific knowledge and research skills, PhD candidates are expected to develop communication skills, personal effectiveness and didactic skills. To this end, the Faculty of Science offers a skills development programme. More information can be found at the staff pages (for current PhD students only).

Guide: Doing a PhD at the University of Amsterdam

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The Best Free PhD Programs. Fully funded PhD programs

Navigating the complexities of PhD programs, one term often dominates the discourse – “fully funded”.

It represents a golden opportunity wherein all tuition fees and living expenses are covered by the educational institution, allowing students to focus on their research and studies free from financial constraints.

In this blog post, we explore what fully funded really means, share the author’s personal journey of pursuing a PhD in Australia, delve into the policies of various countries offering free or nearly free PhD programs, and provide key tips for securing a fully funded PhD opportunity.

Whether you’re considering a domestic program or an international adventure, the insights and tips offered here could pave the way to an invaluable, financially stress-free academic journey.

What Does Fully Funded Mean?

In 2023, the concept of a “fully funded” PhD program signifies that the entirety of expenses related to the doctoral program is covered. This includes tuition fees, which are either waived or entirely paid for by the educational institution.

Beyond tuition, the program also encompasses a living stipend or allowance given to doctoral students. 

Fully funded PhD programs essentially function as a comprehensive scholarship, covering everything from tuition fees to books and other necessary supplies.

While the stipend amount can vary based on the institution, it is generally sufficient to cater to the basic living expenses of the students, covering rent, food, and transportation costs.

The main aim of providing this stipend to doctoral students is to facilitate a learning environment where they can focus entirely on their studies, research, and dissertation, without the distraction of financial pressures. 

Universities, including public ones, offer these fully funded doctoral programs with the intention to draw in the best students.

These students, in turn, are expected to contribute significantly to the advancement of research in their respective fields and derive a high-quality education from their doctorates.

It is important to note that eligibility for these scholarships or stipends requires proof of commitment to the doctoral degree. In my experience, this meant securing a top-class master’s degree. This reassured the university of my dedication to pursuing a PhD and furthering my education.

In recent years, there has been a rise in such fully funded programs online , offering a wider reach for prospective PhDs.

As we move further into 2023, students may increasingly opt for these online PhD programmes, making the pursuit of doctoral degrees more accessible than ever.

Countries with a free PhD / fully funded PhD

Sometimes doing a free PhD means going abroad and doing your PhD in another country.

Personally, I travelled to Australia to do my PhD for the adventure and lifestyle. I was able to get a fully funded placement and international student fee waiver for three years to finish my degree.

Here’s a summary of some of the best countries you could do you PhD in if you want to do it for free.

Czech RepublicNo FeesAdditional costs for international students
SwedenNo FeesStudy grants for some PhD students
GermanyNo Fees€300 administration fee per semester
AustriaNo Fees for EU/EEA students who finish on timeFees for international students, capped by the government
NorwayNo FeesSmall semester fee
DenmarkNo Fees for EU, EEA, and Swiss studentsHigh fees for international students
FinlandNo FeesFees for Masters programs for international students
Saudi ArabiaNo FeesAll fees covered by scholarships, including living costs
NetherlandsNot universally freeMany institutions offer free PhD study to international students, some classify them as employees with potential salary/benefits
SwitzerlandLow Fees (CHF 1500/year)State-funded PhD places with no fees and a maintenance grant for EU, EEA, Swiss students

In the Czech Republic , public universities host a multitude of English-language PhD programs and these programs are free for all PhD students, irrespective of their nationality. However, additional costs may be incurred by international students which might include language courses, health insurance, or student services fees, depending on the university policies.

Sweden maintains a unique policy that not only eradicates PhD fees at public universities but also provides study grants to some PhD students, which serves as a financial aid for their living expenses during the tenure of their studies.

In Germany , public universities offer feeless PhD programs to all students. However, a nominal administration fee, approximately €300 per semester, is required. This fee usually covers student services and perks like public transportation and access to university facilities.

Austria ‘s policy benefits PhD students from within the EU and EEA who complete their doctorates within a stipulated time frame, offering free education at public research universities. International students, on the other hand, have to pay fees, which, nonetheless, are capped by the Austrian government to maintain affordability.

Norway , like its Nordic counterparts, offers free PhD education at public universities to all students, regardless of their origin. But a small semester fee, usually covering student services, is obligatory.

Denmark also practices a policy of free PhD education for EU, EEA, and Swiss students at public universities, but international students are required to pay fees, which are generally on the higher side compared to other European countries.

Finland doesn’t discriminate in terms of nationality and offers free PhD studies at public universities. However, international students are charged for their Masters programs.

Saudi Arabia stands out with its unique policy where all PhD students are awarded scholarships that automatically cover their education fees, as well as help them with living expenses.

In the Netherlands , PhD study isn’t universally free, but many institutions extend the offer of free PhD study to international postgraduates. Some universities consider the PhD students as university employees, offering them a waiver on fees and potentially a salary or benefits.

Switzerland , although not offering free PhD studies, keeps its fees low at around CHF 1500 per year at public universities. State-funded PhD positions are also available to EU, EEA, and Swiss students that come with no fees and a maintenance grant.

Top tips for finding a PhD for free.

Here are the top tips I would give you when Choosing a free PhD.

  • Apply to STEM programs: Many PhD (and Master’s) programs, especially in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) fields, are fully funded in the US. Most state schools and Ivy League schools have fully funded programs for these fields.
  • Prepare for stiff competition: Because these programs are fully funded, the competition is high. It’s not uncommon for hundreds or even thousands of students to apply to these programs each year, with only a small fraction being accepted.
  • Consider assistantships: Fully-funded programs usually provide a stipend in the form of Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) or Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) positions. These roles involve either teaching or conducting research under a professor’s supervision.
  • Be ready for some costs: Despite tuition being covered, you may still need to cover some school fees, student insurance, and other miscellaneous expenditures.
  • Don’t consider unfunded programs: Many graduate programs do not fund students, but experts advise against attending these schools. The availability of funding indicates the health of the department in terms of research money and growth.
  • Work on your application: The application process generally starts around September to December. Standardized tests such as GRE and TOEFL/IELTS are required, along with transcripts, recommendation letters, and a statement of purpose.
  • Avoid programs that require you to pay: It’s a common sentiment among experts that if you’re paying to be a PhD student, there might be something wrong with the program.
  • Apply for fellowships: There are graduate fellowships available for international students that cover tuition and offer a monthly stipend.

Fully funded online PhD programs in the US

Here are some examples of PhD programs in the states that are free and fully funded:

  • Applicants to the Ph.D. in English program at UCLA are automatically considered for various funding options. A six-year funding package includes “a minimum of two years of full fellowship, four years of summer stipend support, and up to four years of teaching assistantships.” Beyond tuition, fees and health insurance are also covered.


  • At Yale University, the School of Nursing offers full funding to its Ph.D. students. They receive a monthly stipend for four years in addition to paid tuition and health care.

District of Columbia

  • Georgetown University offers scholarships and assistantships that cover full tuition and include a stipend and health insurance for the first five years to students in its PhD program in computer science.
  • Students enrolled in the economics Ph.D. program at Emory University typically receive full funding. The stipend provided to students is $36,376 per year for five years, starting in fall 2023, and the full tuition scholarship is worth $70,200 per year. Funding for admitted students also includes a $4,370 annual subsidy that covers 100% of a student’s cost of health insurance. First-year students have no stipend-related work requirements.
  • The University of Chicago provides funding for up to eight years of study for its anthropology PhD students. This includes a full-tuition scholarship, health insurance, and a living stipend of $33,000 for the 2022-2023 academic year. Students are also eligible to apply for external fellowships.
  • University of Notre Dame doctoral students are guaranteed five years of funding. Funding includes a full scholarship, including tuition and fees, plus a stipend and health insurance.
  • The Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa provides full funding to “virtually all admitted students.” This includes tuition and fees, a minimum nine-month stipend of about $20,000 with annual adjustments, and 90% coverage of comprehensive health insurance. Additional funding is also provided for research presentations at major conferences, summer fellowships, and paid time off for independent research.
  • At the University of Maryland’s Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Ph.D. students without a master’s degree usually have five years of guaranteed funding. Those with a master’s degree usually are funded four years, with awards stemming from a mix of departmental fellowships and graduate teaching assistantships.


  • The T.H. Chan School of Public Health at Harvard University offers a PhD in biological sciences in public health, providing expertise in disease prevention and treatment. This program includes tuition, a stipend, and health insurance for five years, assuming students maintain satisfactory academic progress. Current research involves diseases such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, malaria, and tuberculosis.
  • Students enrolled at the Sloan School of Management at MIT have the opportunity to study various fields, such as organization studies, accounting, and information technology. They receive a full-tuition scholarship, a monthly stipend of $4,267, medical insurance, new laptops at the start of their first and fourth years of study, and $4,500 over five years for conference travel expenses.
  • Doctoral students studying English at Boston University receive a stipend plus full tuition, fees, and basic health insurance. This funding is guaranteed for at least five years, with two of those years typically free from teaching requirements. Funding can sometimes be extended up to seven years, but it’s not guaranteed. Students may also apply for various prizes, fellowships, and short-term research and travel grants.
  • Doctoral students in engineering at the University of Michigan—Ann Arbor are guaranteed full funding, a monthly living stipend, and health insurance. The exact amount can vary and funding comes from a range of sources, including graduate student instructor positions and fellowships.
  • Students admitted to the Ph.D. program to study psychology at the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities are guaranteed full funding for five years as long as they maintain satisfactory performance and degree progress. This funding includes full-time tuition, a nine-month stipend, and subsidized health insurance.
  • PhD students in computer science or computer engineering at Washington University in St. Louis receive full tuition support, health insurance, a generous stipend for living expenses, and a new high-end Apple laptop computer. This support is guaranteed as long as students continue to make satisfactory progress towards their degree.
  • Full-time NYU Steinhardt Ph.D. students are eligible for a funding package that includes an annual stipend – $32,000 for the 2022-2023 academic year – tuition coverage for required coursework and student health insurance for five years.
  • All students admitted to the interdisciplinary management Ph.D. program at the Binghamton University—SUNY School of Management in New York receive a combination of a full-tuition scholarship and a teaching or research assistantship for each academic year, up to four years.
  • Cornell University offers full funding to all students admitted to its PhD program in chemical engineering. This funding can come from a teaching assistantship, research assistantship, or fellowship, and full stipends are granted for nine months, with the likelihood of additional aid in the summer.
  • Columbia University provides fully funded tuition and a $25,000 annual stipend for three years to students enrolled in its PhD program in clinical psychology. This stipend also carries into the student’s fourth year, during which they may be expected to serve as a graduate teaching or research assistant.

North Carolina

  • Doctoral students at Duke University studying materials science and engineering generally receive full tuition, a stipend, and fee support for the first five years. Students also receive up to six years of health insurance if they are on the university’s student medical insurance plan.


  • The University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education provides full funding to Ph.D. students as part of a fellowship and research apprenticeship package. This funding includes a living stipend, health insurance and coverage of tuition and fees for up to four years if the student maintains full-time enrollment. Some students may also qualify for additional summer funding.
  • Students admitted to Bryn Mawr College’s Ph.D. program in social work receive full tuition waivers and “substantial stipends” toward living expenses.

Rhode Island

  • Brown University guarantees full financial support for five years to its PhD students in computer science. This includes tuition remission, a stipend, health services fees, and a subsidy for health insurance.
  • Funding is guaranteed for all admitted doctoral students enrolled in the special education Ph.D. program at Vanderbilt University. This includes full tuition, a “competitive” monthly stipend, and health insurance for up to four years.
  • Rice University offers full financial assistance to students admitted to the PhD program at the Jones Graduate School of Business. This includes a research or teaching assistantship, a tuition waiver, and a $40,000 annual stipend, contingent upon maintaining satisfactory academic progress and full-time student status.
  • All students admitted to the University of Virginia’s Ph.D. in Nursing program are eligible for four years of scholarship funding to cover tuition, insurance, and fees, as well as annual stipends. To receive certain aid, students must work 10 hours per week as a graduate teaching assistant.

Washington D.C.

  • American University offers doctoral students in its international relations program who do not have external funding a renewable four-year Dean’s Fellowship that is contingent on making satisfactory academic progress. The fellowship includes the cost of tuition, fees, and a stipend that must be earned via a part-time role as a teaching or research assistant.
  • The University of Wisconsin—Madison guarantees full funding for the duration of the time doctoral students are expected to be on campus. This funding may come from financial aid, fellowships, assistantships, and/or traineeships. In addition, doctoral students receive a benefits package that includes health insurance.

Wrapping up

This comprehensive article delves into everything you need to know about free PhD programs, also known as fully funded PhD programs, including the essential details, benefits, and potential challenges that students may encounter.

The term “free PhD” generally refers to a fully funded program that covers tuition fees and provides a stipend for living expenses, allowing students to complete their PhD studies without financial burden.

It is crucial to understand why you should never enter a PhD program without proper funding. Hence, pursuing a free or fully funded PhD should be a priority for all PhD students, regardless of nationality or field of study.

These programs may be offered both online and on-campus by various top universities around the world.

Fully funded PhD programs cater to both international and local students, including those pursuing a traditional PhD, online doctorate, or an accelerated executive doctorate of education.

For instance, fully funded online PhD programs in fields like business administration, education policy, and social work in clinical practice are available for students who hold master’s or bachelor’s degrees.

The duration of these programs may range from 1 year for fast-track or shortest doctoral programs to several years for other disciplines. Moreover, many programs focus on specialization in subjects like higher education policy, laboratory research, and much more.

One of the perks of these programs is that many institutions provide a stipend to cover living expenses during the course of study, ensuring that students can focus entirely on their research without worrying about financial constraints.

is phd free in netherlands

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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  • Study in Netherlands /

PhD in the Netherlands


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 24, 2023

Study PhD in Netherlands (1)

A PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is the highest level of academic research degree you would want to obtain. It takes about 3-4 years to complete a full-time PhD degree. The Netherlands is one such country that offers PhD degrees in various subjects. It is home to some of the top universities for international students. The Netherlands attracts students from around the world because of its high standard of living. Science and business Degrees are the most popular courses here. This blog includes the top universities in the Netherlands, top PhD courses, eligibility criteria, admission process and more.

Also Read: PhD Admissions

4 Years
EUR 6,000- EUR 20,000 per year
EUR 2,266 – EUR 2,897 per month

This Blog Includes:

Why study phd in the netherlands, top 10 universities for phd in the netherlands, top phd courses in the netherlands, english language requirements, documents required, how to apply, cost of studying phd in the netherlands, cost of living .

  • Affordable tuition fee is one of the top reasons why international students choose the Netherlands for higher studies. Public Universities in the Netherlands are much more affordable for international students than in the USA or the UK . The average tuition fees for a PhD degree ranges from EUR 6,000 – EUR 20,000 (~INR 5 – 17 Lakhs).
  • You get work flexibility as the Netherlands is one of the countries with a 4-days a week work culture.
  • The Netherlands is the best when it comes to a high standard of living, which makes it a happy and enjoyable place.

The table below mentions the top universities along with their rankings achieved by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022 and QS World University Rankings 2022 in the Netherlands that offer PhD courses to international students:


Top Universities in the Netherlands

The table below depicts popular PhD Courses offered at the top universities in the Netherlands:

PhD in Science, Economics and Business
PhD in Computer Science, Chemistry and Mathematics
PhD in Economics
PhD in Psychology and Economics
PhD in Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Psychology

Admission Requirements

  • A master’s degree in a relevant subject, and
  • Equivalent to that of the Netherlands from a recognised university
A minimum of 6.5

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  • Official academic Transcripts including copies of secondary school diplomas, certificates and/or grade lists in English, French , German or Dutch
  • Passport photocopy
  • Updated CV /Resume
  • English Language Proficiency Test Scores
  • Letter of Recommendations
  • A personal statement in English
  • CV or resume (including two references)
  • Motivation letter
  • Sample of academic written work

You can call our Leverage Edu experts at 1800 572 000 to find out how the application process can be fast-tracked and streamlined to study in the Netherlands! Here’s a guide to give your application process a start:

  • Call our Leverage Edu student counselors at 1800 572 000 to shortlist your courses with the help of our trusted AI Course Finder and select the respective PhD Course.
  • The next step is to gather and compile all your documents like SOPs, essays, certificates and LORs, and exam scores like IELTS, TOEFL, etc. 
  • After submitting your application and all the necessary documents, the experts will then start with the application process for accommodation, Student Visa, and scholarships / student loans . 
  • It’s now time to wait for your offer letter, which can take around 4-6 weeks or more. Till then, start preparing to leave for the Netherlands.

The tuition cost for international students will vary as per the PhD Course selected by the students to study at the top universities in the Netherlands. The table given below highlights the average yearly tuition fees for PhD courses:

Average Tuition Per Year
EUR 6000 – EUR 20,000(INR 5.09 – 16.98 Lakhs)

* The tuition fee will vary for different PhD courses at different universities in the Netherlands. Get in touch with our experts to know the exact cost of studying or tuition fees for your chosen course.

The table below mentions the average cost of studying in Holland , Netherlands for international students per month. Check out Leverage Edu’s Cost of Living Calculator to find out a detailed breakdown of living in different cities of the Netherlands.

RentEUR 325 – 500 (INR 27.5k)
Food, GrocertiesEUR 180 (INR 15.27k)
Study MaterialEUR 50 (INR 4.24k)
InsuranceEUR 50 (INR 4.24k)
Clothes, EntertainmentEUR 100 (INR 8.48k)
EUR 705 – 880 (~INR 60k – 74.60k)

Let’s Explore Student Life in the Netherlands

Social Sciences, Medical Sciences, Economics, Business and Psychology are some of the popular PhD courses to study in the Netherlands.

It will take about 4 years to complete a full-time PhD Course in the Netherlands.

Ph.D. candidates are usually paid EUR 2,266 – EUR 2,897 (INR 19,000 – 24,000) per month.

This was all about PhD in the Netherlands. If you have any questions or need help with your study abroad admissions, you can talk to our experts at 1800572000 .

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PhD in Netherla...

PhD in Netherlands: Top Universities in Netherlands for PhD, Scholarships for International Students, Cost of Studying PhD and Job Opportunities


PhD education Netherlands is a general choice for many international students looking to tap into this culture of open-mindedness, modernization and international exchange of ideas. Doing a PhD in the Netherlands permits international students to conduct autonomous research in the field of study under the supervision of skilled faculty at the university. At the end of research for a PhD in Netherlands, students present their paper or thesis in front of a panel of experts.

The majority of PhD students in the Netherlands have an employment contract with the institution where they will be conducting their research. A PhD in Netherlands for Indian students lasts for a minimum of 4 years. This is comparatively due to the employment status as a doctoral researcher and the additional teaching and directorial responsibilities. So, in this blog, we will be deliberating PhD programs in Netherlands, PhD scholarships in the Netherlands and much more about PhD education Netherlands.

Why Study PhD Programs in Netherlands?

All PhD programs in Netherlands are part of a graduate school or research school. Research schools are partnerships between multiple research universities and research institutes, while graduate schools are organised within universities. The following benefits of PhD in Holland are:

  • Coursework is Limited: PhD Education Netherlands is a research-only program. Some universities in Netherlands for PhD have started doctoral schools, which require students to take several courses. Some of these courses are linked to:
  • research skills
  •  others are associated with preferred field of study.
  •   Dutch PhD is highly regarded: Study PhD in Netherlands is highly regarded because of the high academic standards. Once your thesis is permitted for publication, students will attend the event of their research and be awarded the PhD at a rite immersed in tradition.
  • People Treat their PhD Like a Job: International students who apply for PhD in Netherlands treat their PhD like a job with comparatively steady hours. It may also be a requirement that you are in your office between firm blocks of time. University buildings incline to have opening and closing hours.
  • You Are a University Employee: Getting hired as a university employee is relatively common when your PhD is funded by a research project. There are many benefits to being hired as a university employee, including employee protection, social security, building up retirement savings etc.

Top Universities in Netherlands for PhD

A doctoral program in the Netherlands is a research-focused third-cycle qualification, as defined by the Bologna process. There are various universities offering PhD programs in Netherlands, and some of them are:

  •       University of Amsterdam
  •       University of Groningen
  •       Maastricht University
  •       Radboud University
  •       Leiden University
  •       Delft University of Technology

So, these are some of the universities in Netherlands for PhD programs, Let’s know it in detail.

1. University of Amsterdam

The University of Amsterdam’s thriving PhD program provides the excellent groundwork for engaging in high-quality teaching and research. Research accepted by the UvA’s academic community ranks among the best globally. The university seeks to bid on an inspiring international educational environment where staff and international students can optimally advance their talents.



PhD in Science, Economics and Business

13,300 EUR/ year

2. University of Groningen

The Groningen Graduate School bids an excellent program for postgraduate study at the University of Groningen. The students are offered a comprehensive PhD training program, including the career outlooks series, which helps students prepare for further career opportunities. The researchers will receive professional guidance from their promotor and supervisor. 



PhD in Economics and Business, Arts, Behavioural and Social Science, Law, Medical Sciences, Science and Engineering

11,766 EUR/ year

3. Maastricht University

At Maastricht University, PhD students are respected as full-fledged research community members. There are three ways to get a PhD degree at the university, i.e., enrol in a PhD training program, apply for a paid PhD position, obtain external funding, & pitch your idea. The PhD programs mainly focus on education, training and supervision to empower students to become excellent researchers. They will also have the opportunity to progress a broad range of academic skills.



PhD in Psychology and Economics

4000                     EUR/ year

4. Radboud University

The Radboud University offers varied courses for PhD students to advance scientific skills and personal effectiveness and development. The research profile of Radboud University has two primary constituents: an academic and a societal profile. The academic profile covers the academic corrections in which the university is involved and the sub-disciplines in which it excels. The societal profile covers the societal themes the university is associated with through its academic research.



PhD in Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Psychology

12,500 – 16,500 EUR/year

5. Leiden University

It is the best university for PhD in Netherlands for international students. The Leiden University PhD program focuses on PHd students who dedicate a particular work time to scientific research on the theme of their professional practice. The centre helps them advance research plans, provide training, confirm that their study is in unity with the disciplines and graduate schools, and relates to the research of a potential supervisor.



PhD in Computer Science, Chemistry and Mathematics

19,600 EUR/ year

6. Delft University of Technology

TU Delft Graduate School helps and trains doctoral students to become highly qualified, autonomous, leading researchers and skilled professionals. The PhD program is essential for preparing for the doctorate and your future career. It also ensures and enhances the growth of scientific quality along with the needed skill for interpersonal skills. After completing the PhD program, you will be awarded a Doctoral Education Certificate at the PhD Thesis Defence ceremony.



PhD in Engineering & Technology, Art Design & Architecture

11,000 EUR/ year

Suggested: Cheap Universities in Netherlands

Eligibility Criteria & Admission Requirements for Universities in Netherlands for PhD

To get admission to universities in Netherlands for PhD, international students need to fulfil the criteria and admission requirements. The following criteria are:

  •       Master’s Degree
  •       English Proficiency Test
  •       Netherlands Student Visa
  •       Additional Requirements

These are some of the PhD requirements Netherlands that students need to follow to get admission efficiently. Let’s know it in detail:

1. Master’s Degree

For a PhD in Netherlands, a standard necessity for PhD admission is holding a master’s degree in a relevant subject area. Due to Dutch PhD researchers’ students may also be required to experience other application processes and submit more documents than a distinctive PhD student.

2. English Proficiency Test

Being an international student, one needs to submit an English language test score to do PhD in Holland. It includes IELTS or TOEFL exam. The minimum score for the IELTS exam is 6.5, and the TOEFL minimum score is 90 (Internet Based).

3. Netherlands Student Visa

An international student who wants to do PhD in the Netherlands and outside the European Union and European Free Trade Area needs to apply for an MVV Netherlands student visa .

Documents Required for PhD in Netherlands for Indian Students

There are some essential documents required for PhD from Netherlands the following documents are:

  •       Official academic transcripts including copies of secondary school diplomas and other certificates.
  •       Valid Passport
  •       Letter of Recommendations
  •       SOP
  •       Sample of academic written work
  •       Updated CV (Including two references)

Application Process for Universities in Netherlands for PhD

Admission criteria for PhD positions are demanding, and potential students must have a solid background in the theory and techniques of their field and a recognised master’s degree. Admission for PhD in the Netherlands for international students involves various steps, which are discussed below:

1. Before getting enrolled for PhD in Netherlands, find a supervisor in your area of study from the college/ university that you want to apply for.

2. Once the supervisor agrees to support you as your guide for the PhD program, you will be required to submit an official application to the university.

3. After that, you may be asked to submit some essential documents, including your CV, contact details, personal statement, research proposal, transcripts and references.

4. Prepare a research proposal; it holds the key in the application process for PhD programs.

5. Submit a document of personal statement mentioning the reason for pursuing PhD program, what appeals you to the subject area and how your studies & work experience helped you to take up PhD education

6. Ensure that the references you have should be valid, as all the programs will ask for referees who can present details about your academic abilities and motivation.

7. In other cases, maybe the referee can be asked to provide a letter of reference in their own words.

Cost of Studying PhD in Holland

To study PhD in education in Netherlands includes the tuition cost & cost of living for international students.

Average Tuition Fees for PhD in Netherlands

The tuition fees will vary as per the PhD Course selected by the students to study at the top universities in the Netherlands. The average cost of studying PhD in the Netherlands is 6000 EUR - 20,000 EUR.

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Netherlands includes various expenses such as:

Health Insurance

120 EUR/ per month


500 - 1,000 EUR/ per month

Study Material

30- 65 EUR/ per month

Food & Groceries

180 EUR

Suggested: Cost of Living in Netherlands

PhD Scholarships in Netherlands for International Students

For PhD scholarships in Netherlands, there are 3 ways to fund PhD studies:

1. Fellowship or Grant: Most students interested in doing a PhD from Netherlands find funding in the form of fellowship or grant. After finding a fellowship, you will need to find a supervisor at a research institution willing to support you.

2. Sponsored by your Employer: Sometimes, it happens when you can afford to study PhD part-time while working. If you and your sponsor are interested in this option, you should contact the institution of your choice.

3. Employed by an Institution: It is one of the most preferred options by a student in the Netherlands to have an employment agreement with the institution where they will be conducting their research.

Career Options after PhD in Netherlands

After completing PhD in Netherlands, international students will need to apply for an Orientation Year residence permit. The student must be registered in the Personal Records Database, have a Citizen Service Number, and pay a fee of 174 EUR to be in the country for more than one year. Apart from it, students can also apply for long term residence in the Netherlands. Some of the career options after the PhD program are:

Associate Professor of Finance

79,069 EUR

Technical support specialist

43,449 EUR

PhD Graduate Lecturer

36,759 EUR


5,503 EUR

The Netherlands holds the research achieved by its universities in high esteem, and the country and its academics have an outstanding track record in world research. As a doctoral graduate from a Dutch university, you’ll be a researcher. So if that sounds great to you, connect with our Yocket professional and get guidance for your further career aspirations.

Frequently Asked Questions about PhD in Netherlands

How long does it take to complete a PhD in the Netherlands?

It will take around 4 years to complete a full-time PhD Course in the Netherlands.

How much are PhD candidates paid in the Netherlands?

PhD candidates are usually paid 2,266 – 2,897 EUR per month.

What are the popular PhD courses to study in the Netherlands?

Some of the popular PhD courses to study are: 1. Economics 2. Business & Psychology 3. Medical Sciences 4. Social Sciences

Is PhD free in the Netherlands?

PhD students in the Netherlands are known to be “university employees” and therefore get a salary to account for their research. Therefore, there are no normal tuition fees for doctoral candidates.

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    A Dutch PhD is highly regarded. Once your dissertation is approved for publication, you will attend the public defence of your research and will be awarded the PhD at a ceremony steeped in tradition. A PhD from a Dutch university is highly regarded because of the high academic standards. The Netherlands has an excellent international ranking ...

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  14. International PhD candidates

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    9,000 EUR / year. 4 years. The Executive PhD at Maastricht School of Management allows working professionals and researchers with full-time or part-time jobs to combine their careers with obtaining a PhD. Ph.D. / Part-time / Blended. Maastricht School of Management Maastricht, Netherlands. Add to compare.

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    In the Netherlands, PhD study isn't universally free, but many institutions extend the offer of free PhD study to international postgraduates. Some universities consider the PhD students as university employees, offering them a waiver on fees and potentially a salary or benefits. ... The term "free PhD" generally refers to a fully funded ...

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    A PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is the highest level of academic research degree you would want to obtain. It takes about 3-4 years to complete a full-time PhD degree. The Netherlands is one such country that offers PhD degrees in various subjects. It is home to some of the top universities for international students. The Netherlands attracts students from around the world because of its high ...

  22. Top Universities in Netherlands for PhD

    An international student who wants to do PhD in the Netherlands and outside the European Union and European Free Trade Area needs to apply for an MVV Netherlands student visa. Documents Required for PhD in Netherlands for Indian Students. There are some essential documents required for PhD from Netherlands the following documents are:

  23. 22 Phd Scholarships in Netherlands

    The scholarship which is awarded once is worth ₤5000 each, and covers almost 70% of the first-year total tuition fee. The Dutch government also sponsors the Orange Knowledge Programme for Master's degrees scholarships for students from developing countries. Find Phd scholarships to finance your study abroad in Netherlands.