Did you know?

The RePORTER database is refreshed every Sunday? The latest refresh date is below the RePORTER query form?

The mission of the NIH is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce the burdens of illness and disability. The NIH has integrated the highest level of public accountability into its scientific mission through access to its research data. To that end, the Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools provide access to reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities, including information on NIH expenditures and the results of NIH-supported research.

Section IV reports on monitoring adherence to the NIH Policy on the Inclusion of Women and Minorities as Subjects in Clinical Research. Individual Institute, Center, and Office reports are included.

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NIH… Turning Discovery Into Health ®

Project Reports

On March 18, 2013, NSF transitioned all project reporting from FastLane to Research.gov. This means that PIs/Co-PIs use Research.gov to meet all NSF project reporting requirements, including submission of final, annual and interim project reports and the Project Outcomes Report.

Reminder - Project Reports are not Cumulative: Final reports are not cumulative; they are considered the last annual report of the project, and should be written specifically for the most recently completed budget period.

For more information about Project Reporting at NSF, click here

V iew the Example Project Reports (Demo site) to try out interacting with a project report

The Grant Proposal Guide

Consult the Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) , Part 1 of the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPP) , for all of your questions on NSF policy regarding preparing project reports for NSF.

Note: These links takes you outside of Research.gov.

The Award & Administration Guide

Consult the Award & Administration Guide (AAG) , for all your questions on NSF policy on awards. The AAG is Part 2 of the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPP) .

  Note: These links take you outside of Research.gov.

Project Outcomes Report

Accessing Project Outcomes Report

Access the Project Outcomes Report by logging into Research.gov. There are multiple ways to navigate to the Project Outcomes Report tool on Research.gov. You can also access Research.gov through links provided in email notifications that you will receive for due and overdue reports.

Accessing Project Outcomes Report Directly on Research.gov

To access the Project Outcomes Report tool, log into Research.gov:  

  • Go to www.research.gov .
  • Click on Log In, located in the upper right-hand corner of the Research.gov homepage.

On the NSF Login page, enter your Last Name, NSF ID, and Password and then click the “Log In” button.  

Note:  To use this tool and certain other tools on Research.gov, both the user and his/her institution must be registered in NSF’s FastLane. If your organization is not registered in FastLane, the Institution Administrator should register him or herself as the FastLane Contact at https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/a0/about/registration.htm . The institution registration information will be available on Research.gov the next day. Please refer to the “Get Started Now” page on Research.gov for more information on how to register.

Figure 2 – NSF User Log in page

Following login, you will see your Project Report Dashboard on the Research.gov Homepage. The Dashboard provides a snapshot of your total number of PORs, as well as the number of PORs you have Due, Overdue, Submitted, and Not Yet Due. The Dashboard is also where you will find your final, annual, and interim project reports. For directions on how to submit final, annual, and interim project reports, see that section of the help system.

Figure 3 – Project Reporting Dashboard

Viewing the Status of Your Project Outcomes Reports on Research.gov

Once logged into Research.gov as a PI/Co-PI, you will be directed to the Project Reports Dashboard page where your Project Outcomes Report Dashboard displays the number and status of required reports. Statuses include:  

Not yet due

Click on the “Project Outcomes Report” link provided on the Project Outcomes Report Dashboard to view, prepare, and submit reports.

Figure 4 – Project Reporting Dashboard 

Preparing and Submitting Your Report

Preparing Your Report

To prepare your report: 

  • Click on the Project Outcomes Report link provided on the Project Reporting Dashboard of your Research.gov Homepage to view, prepare, and submit reports.
  • Select the report you would like to complete.

Figure 5 – Project Reports

  • Complete your report in the text editing box. Your report must be between 200 and 800 words.

Figure 6 – Project Outcomes Report

Adding Images to Your Report

To add images to your report:  

Click the “Add an Image” button on the Project Outcomes Report editing page to add images to your report.

Figure 7 – Add an Image

Click Browse to find and select the image you would like to upload. Your image should be:  

·         Oriented as landscape (width is greater than height)

·         Less than 8MB

·         In one of the following file formats: JPG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG, TIFF

Figure 8 – Add Image page

Complete the required information include an image title, caption (up to 300 characters), and credit.  

Note:  You must have permission to use the images you upload.

Check the Primary Image box if you would like this image to be the main image posted with your report.

Note:  If there are no current images associated with your report, this box will not appear and the image will automatically be made the primary image. 

Figure 9 – Primary Image checkbox

Select the copyright designation of your image and check the copyright release box.

Explanation of Copyright Release:

By checking the “Copyright Release” box, I verify that I own the copyright to the uploaded images or I have a license to use the images and allow others to use them. I agree to indemnify the federal government against any loss or damages arising out of a copyright infringement action regarding the use of the uploaded images. I certify that I grant the National Science Foundation (NSF) permission to use and distribute my multimedia material submitted herewith on a royalty-free basis for news, educational and public-information purposes at NSF’s discretion. Such uses include, but are not limited to, posting the material on the NSF Multimedia Gallery website (thereby making it generally available to such outlets as news organizations, universities, teachers and the general public) and distributing the material to other websites for educational and/or informational purposes. The copyright owner keeps the copyright on the material.

Definition of Terms

The following website is helpful in understanding copyright terms in addition to the definitions below:

·          http://stockphotolicense.com/faq

Copyrighted: Under the copyright law, the author/creator of the multimedia is the copyright owner unless there is a written agreement by which the author/creator assigns the copyright to another person or entity, such as a publisher. In cases of works made for hire, the employer or commissioning party is considered to be the author. For more information about copyright see the U.S. Copyright Office website:

·          http://www.copyright.gov

Public Domain: Multimedia in the public domain are those whose intellectual property rights have expired, been forfeited, or are inapplicable. Multimedia of the United States Government and various other governments are excluded from copyright law and may therefore be considered to be in the public domain in their respective countries. Multimedia in the public domain may be used freely without permission. For more information about Public Domain see the following websites:

·          http://www.publicdomainsherpa.com/definition-of-public-domain.html

·          http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain

Creative Commons: Creative Commons licenses enable copyright owners to state specifically how others may use their multimedia. Some Creative Commons licenses, for example, permit others to copy, make derivative works or adaptations, or to distribute the multimedia, under specific conditions, such as requiring attribution (credit). See the terms of the license for credit requirements and restrictions. For more information about Creative Commons and types of licenses see the following website:

·          http://creativecommons.org/

Royalty-free (restricted use – cannot be shared): This category refers to royalty-free multimedia that someone pays to use. The buyer may reuse the multimedia without additional payment, but may not share it with others.

Royalty-free (unrestricted use): This category refers to multimedia from free royalty-free sites that anyone may use, as long as the terms of use on the site are followed.

For more information about royalty-free multimedia see the following website:

Copyright owner is an institution with an existing agreement allowing use by NSF: Some institutions have given NSF “blanket permission” to use specific kinds of multimedia. Please check with your Public Information Officer (PIO) to see whether your multimedia is covered by such an agreement.

Figure 10 – POR Copyright Release

Click Save to add the image to your report.

To preview your image, select Preview under the image you would like to view.

Figure 11 – POR Image options

To edit your image’s caption or credit, select Edit under the image you would like to revise, edit the necessary information, and select Save.

Figure 12 – POR Edit Image

To delete your image, select Delete under the image. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the image.

Figure 13 – POR Delete Image

Saving and Returning to Your Report, Later

To save your report:  

Click Save at the bottom of the report editing page.

Figure 14 – Save Project Outcomes Report

To return to your report:  

If you have logged out of Research.gov, log into Research.gov then log into the Project Reporting system (for instructions, refer to instructions for accessing your report).

Select Create/Edit Report for the report you would like to continue editing. You will be directed to your saved report.

F igure 15 – Project Reports

Previewing Your Report

To preview your report:  

Click Preview Report at the bottom of the report editing page.

Figure 16 – Preview report

You will see a preview of your report and images. Click Close Preview to close the preview window.

Submitting Your Report

To submit your report:  

Click Save and Submit at the bottom of the report editing page.

Figure 17 – Save and Submit report

You will see a confirmation screen notifying you that your report has been successfully submitted. Additionally, you will receive an email confirming your report submission.

Note:  Once your report has been submitted, you have 30 days to edit your report. To view your report after submission, follow the instructions outlined for returning to your report. Following submission, your report will be available on your award’s detail page in the Research Spending & Results service on Research.gov

Figure 18 – POR Submission Confirmation

Editing Your Submitted Report

To edit your submitted report during the 30 day editing period, refer to the instructions above for accessing your report, editing a saved report, and submitting your report.

Adding an Addendum to Your Report

Creating a Report Addendum

To create an addendum:  

Return to Research.gov and follow the steps for accessing the Project Outcomes Report to view a list of your reports.

Click the link to Edit/View Report for the report you would like add addendum to.

You will be directed to your report’s page.

Click the “Add Addendum” button.  

Figure 19 – POR Disclaimer and Add Addendum

You can enter the addendum text in the text editor. Your addendum can be up to 800 words.

Figure 20 – POR Addendum Text Editor

Adding Images to Your Addendum

You can add up to six images with each addendum you create. To add images to your addendum, refer to the instructions on how to add images to your report.

Saving and Returning to Your Addendum Later

You can save your addendum and return later to complete and submit it. To save and return to your addendum, refer to the instructions on how to save and return to your report.

Previewing Your Report Addendum

To preview your addendum:  

Click Preview at the bottom of the addendum editing page.

You will see a preview of your report with addenda and images. Click Close Preview to close the preview window.

Submitting Your Report Addendum

When you are satisfied with the content of your addendum, you can submit it by clicking the "Save and Submit” button.

Note: Once submitted, addenda cannot be edited. Following submission addenda will be available along with your report through the Research Spending & Results service on Research.gov the next day.

Figure 22 – Save & Submit Addendum

Viewing Your Submitted Report

Viewing Submitted Reports through Research Spending & Results on Research.gov

Once your Project Outcomes Report is submitted, it is made available to the public through Research.gov’s Research Spending & Results service. The public will access your report by completing a search in Research Spending & Results. To view Project Outcomes Reports:  

  • Click on the “Search Awards” link under NSF Award Highlights or click on the Research Spending & Results link from the footer.
  • On the Research Spending & Results search page, enter awardee or award information text, obligated funds amount, project director or PI/Co-PI name, award date range, and indicate whether you are looking for Recovery Act Awards, then click the “Search” button.

Figure 23 – Research Spending & Results

On the search results page, click the Award ID number for the award in which you are interested in viewing.

Figure 24 – Search results in Research Spending & Results

  • This will direct you to the Research Spending & Results Award Detail page. Scroll down to the final section of the page to view the submitted Project Outcomes Report, including associated images and addenda.

Note: Visitors to Research.gov are not required to log in to view Project Outcomes Reports through the Research Spending & Results service.

Figure 25 – POR content in RS&R Search results

Annual, Final, and Interim Project Reports

On March 18, 2013, NSF transitioned all project reporting from FastLane to Research.gov. This means that PIs/Co-PIs will now use Research.gov to meet all NSF project reporting requirements, including submission of final, annual and interim project reports and the Project Outcomes Report.

The new project reporting service in Research.gov meets the federal government’s requirement that research agencies implement a reporting format for research and research-related projects called the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR). The RPPR is the result of a government-wide effort to create greater consistency in the administration of federal research awards by streamlining and standardizing reporting formats.

Accessing the Project Report Dashboard

Accessing Final, Annual, and Interim Project Reports

Access your annual, final, and interim project reports by logging into Research.gov. Additionally, you will receive email notifications of due and overdue reports that provide links to Research.gov.

To access the Project Report Dashboard, log into Research.gov:

  • On the NSF Login page, enter your Last Name, NSF ID, and password and then click the “Log In” button.  

Note:  To use this tool and certain other tools on Research.gov, both the user and his/her institution must be registered in NSF’s FastLane. If your organization is not registered in FastLane, the Institution Administrator should register him or herself as the FastLane Contact at https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/a0/about/registration.htm . The institution registration information will be available on Research.gov the next day. Please refer to the “Get Started Now” page on Research.gov for more information on how to register.

Figure 27 – NSF User Log In page

  • Following login, you will see your Project Reporting Dashboard on the Research.gov Homepage. The Dashboard provides access to your annual, final, interim and Project Outcomes reports. You will also be able to view the number of POR reports you have Due, Overdue, Submitted, and Not Yet Due.

Figure 28 – Project Reporting Dashboard

How Do I Prepare and Submit a Project Report?

Once logged on to Research.gov, you will see the My Desktop page with the Project Reporting Dashboard. Now follow these steps to prepare and submit a report:

1. Click on the Annual, Final and Interim Project Report link provided on the Project Reporting Dashboard to prepare reports.

Note: Only PIs and co-PIs can prepare and submit a project report.

The tabs on the Project Report Page, as seen in the image below, will show you the status of your project reports that are due or overdue; reports that are due in less than 12 months; and all of your awards.

Figure 29 – Project Reports Landing Page

2. Click the Create/Edit link under the Action column for the award to create or edit an Annual or Final project report.

Figure 30 – Privacy Act and Public Burden Statement

3. Read the Privacy Act and Public Burden Statement, and then click Continue (Figure 30).

Figure 31 – Report Summary page

Next, you will be brought to the Report Summary page (Figure 31) which provides award information and progress/status of your report. Below the Report Summary page, you will see the Report Content.

Note: The default status of the Participants section will be ‘Started’ because the PI and co-PI (s) are included as project participants by default. You must visit the Participants tab and fill out the remaining required fields for each PI and co-PI(s) and include data for any additional project participants before the section is completed.

Figure 32 – Cover Tab

Note: Pre-populated information about your award can be found on the Cover tab.

4. Click Next Section or the Accomplishments tab to continue.

Figure 33 – Accomplishments tab

You will shift to the Accomplishments tab.

5. Fill out all required information and click Save/Next Section or the Products tab to continue. Within the Accomplishments tab, you will fill out text fields with information such as major goals, objectives, results, etc.

Note: If needed, you can save the report and come back to it at any time.

Note: The system session times out after 60 minutes so be sure to save frequently. A warning will be displayed 5 minutes before the timeout.

6. To complete the Accomplishments tab, you must either fill out all required text boxes or click Nothing to Report. You also have the option to upload PDF files in support of the Accomplishments section.

Note: If you have previously submitted an Annual Report for the award through Research.gov and it is Approved, then the major goals will be pre-populated with information from that previously approved Annual Report. Please review this information and edit the response as necessary.

Note: The text boxes have a maximum limit of 8000 characters. When more than 8000 characters are entered, the character counter turns red and shows a negative number to indicate that the maximum limit has been exceeded.

Note: If you have an image that you’d like to upload with your report, you will first need to convert it to PDF, save the file, and then upload it to this section of the report.

Note: Nothing to Report can only be selected as a response if you delete any existing information in the field. Conversely, you cannot enter information in a field if Nothing to Report is checked.

7. Next, you will shift to the Products tab. Fill out all required information and click Save/Next Section or the Participants/Organizations tab to continue. Also, within the Products tab, list any products resulting from the project during the reporting period. Once again, you have the option of uploading PDF files in support of this section.

For detailed instructions on entering products, refer to the section How to add Products to your Project Report .

Figure 35 – Products Tab

8. Next, you will shift to the Participants/Organizations tab. Fill out all required information and click Save/Next Section or the Impact tab to continue. You will now go to the Impact tab.

Figure 36 – Participants/Organizations tab

Remember to include additional participants or other collaborating organizations.

Note: Your name(s) (PI and co-PIs) will be pre-populated as a participant. You must select View/Edit for ALL pre-populated names and fill out all required information to complete this tab.

Figure 37 – Impact tab

9. To complete this tab, you must either fill out all required text boxes or click Nothing to Report. Then click Save/Continue. Remember to explain the impact of the project during the reporting period.

You now will go to the Changes/Problems tab.

Figure 38 – Changes/Problems Tab

10. To complete the tab, you must either fill out all required text boxes or click Nothing to Report. Within the Changes/Problems tab, describe any changes or problems that occurred on the project during the reporting period.

Note: If an award has a Special Reporting Requirement as described in the solicitation, a seventh tab will appear next to the Changes/Problems Tab. The Special Requirements tab allows the user to fill out text, and provides the ability to upload a PDF file.

When all sections are fully complete, the Progress Indicator will be full, and all sections will be marked Complete. At this point, a window will appear that will allow the report to be previewed or submitted. Also, when the report is Complete, the Submit Report link in the Available Actions box at the top of your page will be enabled. Either link can be used to submit the report.

Figure 39 – Preview Report links

If you would like to print the report, select Preview Report then print.

11. To complete the report, click submit.

Note : Requirements will vary for Interim Project Reports . There will also be no Progress Indicator included with interim reports.

12. Once you click to submit the report, review the checklist to ensure everything is complete. Then click Continue.

Figure 40 – Submission Checklist

13. Certify the report by checking the box, and click Submit Report. Upon submission of the report, the Program Officer (PO), PI and co-PI, and Sponsored Programs Officers will be notified via email of the report submission. Project participants, other than the PI and co-PI(s), will also receive an email with a request to provide their demographic information. Instructions will be included in the email.

Figure 41 – Report Certification page 

What are Special Reporting Requirements?

The Special Requirements tab displays on the report creation page only if the solicitation cited special reporting requirements. Below is an example of the Special Reporting Requirements tab you will see on your project report. For instructions on how to get to this screen, see the How to Submit a Final, Annual or Interim Project Report section of this online help.

Figure 42 – Special Requirements tab

Viewing Reporting Requirements for an Annual, Final, or Interim Project Report

1. Login to Research.gov. On the My Desktop page, click on the Annual, Final and Interim Report Link on the Project Reporting Dashboard.

Figure 43 – Project Reporting Dashboard

2. Click on the Award Number for which you want to see the Reporting Requirements. If you don’t see anything in the Reports Due tab, select the All Awards tab to get a listing of all of your awards.

Figure 44 – Project Reports Landing Page

You will now see the Reporting Requirements for the Award you selected.

   Figure 45 – Reporting Requirements

How Do I Attach a PDF to my Project Report?

You can attach files within three different tabs of your Project Report: the Accomplishments tab, the Products tab, and the Special Requirements tab.

Note: The Special Requirements tab will only be displayed if your award has a predetermined Special Reporting Requirement.

1. To upload a PDF, click the Browse button and select a file. You may upload up to four PDFs with a maximum size of 5 MB each for the Accomplishments or Products tab. The Special Requirements tab will accept four PDF files with a maximum size of 10 MB each.

2. Enter a PDF description and click the Upload File button to attach the PDF.

Figure 47 – Remove supporting files

To remove your PDF file, click the Remove link shown above.

How Do I View a PDF attachment?

To view a PDF attachment within a project report, complete the following steps:

1. Click Preview Report in the Available Actions box at the top of your page. Scroll to the section where the PDF was uploaded.

2. Click the Download link, and a dialog box will be displayed.

3. Select Open to view the PDF.

Note: The instructions in this section only apply for viewing uploaded PDFs of reports that were submitted through Research.gov. For reports submitted through FastLane, all attachments will be viewable when you click Preview Report in the Available Actions box.

Figure 48 – Download supporting files

How Do I Check the Completeness of a Report?

To check the completeness of your project report, you can click the Check Report Completeness link in the Available Actions box at the top of your page.

Figure 49 – Available Actions box

You can also view the Progress Indicator bar located in the Report Summary of your report. The list of tabs next to the progress indicator shows what sections are complete, started, and not started.

Below is example of the Progress Indicator Bar for a completed project report.

Note: When the report is complete, the Check Report Completeness link in the Available Actions box will be disabled, and the Submit Report link will be enabled. The Check Report Completeness link is only available for Annual and Final Project Reports. It is not available for Interim Project Reports.

Figure 50 – Progress Summary

After clicking the Check Report Completeness link in the Available Actions box, you will see a detailed list of information that is required to complete and submit the report.

Figure 51 – Check Report Completeness Page

How Do I Recall a Submitted Report?

If you need to recall a submitted report, follow these directions:

1. Go to the Project Reports Due tab (or Reports Due < 12 Months tab if your report is not in the Due tab), and locate the award for which you want to recall a report. Then click the Recall link located under the Action column.

Figure 52 – Recall a report

2. Next, click the Recall Report button to completely recall your report. Once you recall the report, the co-PI(s) and PO will be notified that the report has been recalled.

How Do I Review Past Report Submissions?

To review project reports previously submitted in FastLane or in Research.gov complete the following:

1. Go to the Reports Due, Reports Due < 12 Months, or the All Awards tab.

2. Click the Award Number link. 

3. To view a specific award, click the Award Number.

4. Then click the View link under the Action column to view the report.

Figure 53 – View a Report

How Do I View Comments on a Report Returned to PI?

If your Program Office returns a submitted report to you, you will see your report in the Reports Due tab of the Project Report Dashboard with a status of Returned. To view the Program Officer’s comments to your report, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Review Comments link under the Action column.

Figure 54 – Returned Report

2. You will now be able to review your report comments.

Figure 55 – Review the comments

How Do I Add a New Participant?

To add a participant to your project report, complete the following steps:

1. Click the Participants/Organizations tab and then click the Add a New Participant button.

Figure 56 – Add new Participant button on Participants/Organizations tab

2. Next you will fill out the participant’s information. Note: All fields are mandatory.

Figure 57 – Save a new participant

On the participant screen you will need to provide information about project participants who have worked at least one month per year during the reporting period, regardless of the source of compensation.

How Do I Delete a Participant?

To delete a participant, complete the following steps:

1. Click the Delete link located in the Action column next to the participant you want to delete.

Figure 58 – Delete a participant

Note: Participants with the PI or co-PI role cannot be added or deleted in Research.gov. They must be added or deleted using FastLane’s What People Have Worked on the Project screen.

2. Click the Save button.

How Do I Add Demographic Information for a Participant?

In Research.gov you do not need to enter demographic information for your project’s participants; instead, Research.gov will send an automated email to each participant and ask that they complete their own demographic information. The system will send an email to each participant who has contributed more than 160 hours to the project and is listed on the project report. This email will have instructions on how to provide/update their demographic information.

What Is Demographic Information?

If you are a participant who has worked more than 160 hours on a project we ask that you also supply demographic information. Individuals will receive an email with instructions on how to supply the demographic information.

Demographic information includes:

• Gender Values:

• Ethnicity definition

– Hispanic or Latino, for a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture of origin, regardless of race

– Not-Hispanic or not-Latino

• Race definition

– American Indian or Alaska Native. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment

– Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam

– Black or African-American. A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

– Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands

– White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa

• Disability Status values:

– Yes (check any of the following that apply)

·           Deaf or serious difficulty hearing

·           Blind or serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses

·           Serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs

·           Other serious disability related to a physical, mental, or emotional condition

Submitting demographic information is voluntary. You will suffer no adverse consequences if you choose not to submit it.

Why Does NSF Need Demographic Information?

We use the demographic information to generate statistics that help us:

• Evaluate outputs and outcomes of the programs that taxpayers support through NSF

• Report to Congress as required on NSF programs and their results and outcomes

• Gauge whether our programs and other opportunities in science and technology are fairly reaching and benefiting everyone regardless of demographic category

• Ensure that those in under-represented groups have the same knowledge of and access to programs, meetings, vacancies, and other research and educational opportunities as everyone else

• Assess involvement of international investigators or students in work we support

Your information helps assure the statistical validity of our data.

How Do I Add a Partner Organization?

To add a partner organization to your Project Report, complete the following steps:

1. Go to the Participants/Organizations tab.

2. Click the Add New Organization button.

3. Next, fill out the required fields and describe the partner organization that has been involved with the project

4. Click the Save Entry button to add the partner organization to your report.

Figure 59 – Add a new organization

What Are Partner Organizations?

A partner organization is one that is outside your own organization that contributes to your project. Partner organizations could be academic institutions, nonprofits, industrial or commercial firms, state or local governments, schools or school systems, or other organizations.

Activities of partner organizations might be:

• Providing financial or in-kind support

• Supplying facilities or equipment

• Collaborating in the research

• Exchanging personnel

Listing your partner organizations helps us gauge and report our performance in promoting partnerships. NSF’s ambitious goals for the country’s science and technology base cannot be met with NSF resources alone. That is why we strongly encourage working in partnership with other public and private organizations engaged in science, engineering, and education. We also seek partnerships across national boundaries, working with comparable organizations in other countries wherever possible.

How to add Products to your Project Report

To add a Product to your project report, complete the following steps

1. Go to the Product tab within your report.

2. Click on the Add Product button if you wish to add a product or select Nothing to Report.

Figure 60 – Add a product

3. If you wish to add a supporting file, use the Browse button to locate a PDF file, enter a required product description

4. Click the Upload File button.

How to Add a Product via BibTeX file upload

2. Click on Add Product(s) button.

3. Click the Upload Products link.

4. Use the Browse button to locate a BibTeX file.

5. Click the Upload File button.

6. Once the products have been uploaded, they will be displayed in a table format.

Note: This list of products is for your review. The products have not yet been added to the report at this point.

7. Review the list of uploaded products from your file and uncheck any products that you do not want added to the project report. By default, all products that contain required fields and are supported by Research.gov are checked.

Note: NSF currently supports the following BibTeX Entry Types: Article, Book, Booklet, InBook, InCollection, Mastersthesis, PHDThesis, Conference, Proceedings, and InProceedings. For detailed information on which fields NSF requires, please review the table below.

Note: Products that have a red X in the “Add to Report” column, cannot be added to the project report because either the required information is missing or the product type is not yet supported by Research.gov

Note: The list of products on this page is temporary and you will not be able to return to this list after products have been added to the Project Report.  If the import function must be used again to import additional products, you should only add to the report products that were not previously added, to avoid duplicate entries.

8 . You are required to confirm the publication status and acknowledge federal support. Optionally, enter publication identification information and whether or not the product was peer reviewed,

9 . Click the “Add to Report” button to save these products into the Project Report. The main products screen will be displayed.

10 . To view the added products in detail and further edit them, click the Add/Edit link for the corresponding product type.  

Adding Publications/Products  

List the major publications resulting from the project in articles or papers in scientific, technical, or professional journals.

Only list the major publications of your work. We are looking to evaluate not the number of publications, but rather what the publications demonstrate about the excellence and significance of the research.

How to Add a Publication/Product Manually

If you choose to manually add the publication, you will have the option to choose from the following publication categories:

  • Book Chapters
  • Conference Paper and Presentation
  • Other Product
  • Other Publications
  • Technologies and Techniques
  • Thesis/Dissertations

To add a Publication to your project report manually, complete the following steps:

1. Go to the Products tab within your report.

2. Click the Add Product(s) link.

3. Select the product type you want to add and click on Go

4. Fill out the required fields

5. Then click Save Entry to complete this task.

How to Edit Products in your Project Report

To edit a product in your project report, complete the following steps:

  • Go to the Products tab within your report.
  • Click the Edit Details link for the appropriate Product option.

 Figure 61 – Edit a product

  • Edit the appropriate Product fields.    
  • Then click Save Entry to complete this task.

How Do I View a Project Report as an SPO?

As a Sponsored Project Officer, or SPO, you will need to view project reports submitted by your PIs. To view awards, complete the following steps:

1. Navigate to the Project Report Dashboard.

2. Click the award number of the report you would like to review.

3. Click the View link next to the project report you would like to review.

Figure 62 – View a project report as a SPO

After clicking View, the report will open up as an HTML or PDF File.

How Do I Search for a Report as an SPO?

As a Sponsored Project Officer, you will need to view project reports submitted by your PIs. To search for awards, complete the following steps:

1. Navigate to the Report Search tab.

2. Enter relevant criteria for the report(s) that you would like to review.

3. Click the Search button on the bottom of the page.

Figure 63 - Report Search

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  • Physician Fee Schedule
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  • Medically Unlikely Edits

Research, Statistics, Data & Systems

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Cms information technology, computer data & systems, files for order, monitoring programs, statistics, trends & reports, popular for students and researchers.

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Access data that helps you better understand our programs. 

Photo of healthcare worker in PPE looking at a sample in a lab

Analyze transparent data on the impacts of COVID-19.

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People with Medicare

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Recent Articles

  • 04 Jun Press Releases 06/04/2024 Biden-Harris Administration Expands Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Services with Addition of 10 New States to CCBHC Medicaid Demonstration Program
  • 21 May Press Releases 05/21/2024 Biden-Harris Administration Launches New Option to Report Potential Violations of Federal Law and Continue to Promote Patient Access to Stabilizing Emergency Care
  • 15 May Press Releases 05/15/2024 CMS Statement on Misclassification of Drugs, Program Administration and Program Integrity Updates Under the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program (MDRP) Proposed Rule (CMS-2434-P)
  • 08 May Press Releases 05/08/2024 Biden-Harris Administration Acts to Improve Access to Kidney Transplants

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Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

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In Spring 2021, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) PubMed® Special Query on this page will no longer be curated by NLM. If you have questions, please contact NLM Customer Support at https://support.nlm.nih.gov/

This chart lists the major biomedical research reporting guidelines that provide advice for reporting research methods and findings. They usually "specify a minimum set of items required for a clear and transparent account of what was done and what was found in a research study, reflecting, in particular, issues that might introduce bias into the research" (Adapted from the EQUATOR Network Resource Centre ). The chart also includes editorial style guides for writing research reports or other publications.

See the details of the search strategy. More research reporting guidelines are at the EQUATOR Network Resource Centre .

Last Reviewed: April 14, 2023

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91,602 results, organisation.

  • Academy for Social Justice
  • Accelerated Capability Environment (ACE)
  • Active Travel England (ATE)
  • Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee (ARSAC)
  • Administrative Court
  • Admiralty Court
  • Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA)
  • Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs (ACAF)
  • Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (ACOBA)
  • Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards (ACCIA)
  • Advisory Committee on Conscientious Objectors (ACCO)
  • Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP)
  • Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE)
  • Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF)
  • Advisory Committees on Justices of the Peace (ACJP)
  • Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD)
  • Advisory Group on Military and Emergency Response Medicine (AGMERM)
  • Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas)
  • Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (Northern Ireland)
  • Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB)
  • AI Safety Institute (AISI)
  • Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB)
  • Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA)
  • Animals in Science Committee (ASC)
  • Architects Registration Board (ARB)
  • Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust
  • Armed Forces' Pay Review Body (AFPRB)
  • Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
  • Arts Council England
  • Arts Council of Northern Ireland (ACNI)
  • Arts Council of Wales
  • Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE)
  • Attorney General's Office (AGO)
  • Bank of England
  • BBC World Service (BBCWS)
  • Biometrics and Forensics Ethics Group
  • Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner (BSCC)
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
  • Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
  • Bona Vacantia (BVD)
  • Border Force
  • Boundary Commission for England (BCE)
  • Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland (BCNI)
  • Boundary Commission for Scotland (BCS)
  • Boundary Commission for Wales (BCW)
  • British Business Bank (BBB)
  • British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS)
  • British Council
  • British Film Institute (BFI)
  • British Hallmarking Council (BHC)
  • British Library (BL)
  • British Museum (BM)
  • British Pharmacopoeia Commission
  • British Technology Investments Ltd
  • British Transport Police Authority (BTPA)
  • British Wool
  • Broads Authority
  • Building Digital UK (BDUK)
  • Cabinet Office
  • Cabinet Office Board
  • Care Quality Commission (CQC)
  • Careers Wales
  • Central Advisory Committee on Compensation (CAC Compensation)
  • Central Arbitration Committee (CAC)
  • Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO)
  • Centre for Climate and Health Security (CCHS)
  • Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV)
  • Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas)
  • Certification Officer
  • Chancery Division of the High Court
  • Channel 4 (C4)
  • Chevening Scholarship Programme (Chevening)
  • Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel
  • Churches Conservation Trust
  • Circuit Commercial Court
  • Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
  • Civil Justice Council (CJC)
  • Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC)
  • Civil Nuclear Police Authority (CNPA)
  • Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC)
  • Civil Service
  • Civil Service Board
  • Civil Service Commission (CSC)
  • Civil Service Fast Stream
  • Civil Service Group
  • Coal Authority
  • College of Policing
  • Commercial Court
  • Commission for Countering Extremism
  • Commission on Human Medicines (CHM)
  • Commissioner for Public Appointments
  • Committee on Climate Change (CCC)
  • Committee on Fuel Poverty (CFP)
  • Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COM)
  • Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM)
  • Committee on Standards in Public Life (CSPL)
  • Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT)
  • Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC)
  • Companies House
  • Companies List
  • Company Names Tribunal
  • Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)
  • Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT)
  • Competition Service (CS)
  • Construction Industry Training Board (CITB)
  • Consumer Council for Water (CCW)
  • Copyright Tribunal
  • Corporate Officers of the House of Commons
  • Corporate Officers of the House of Lords
  • Council for Science and Technology (CST)
  • Court of Appeal Civil Division
  • Court of Appeal Criminal Division
  • Court of Protection (COP)
  • Covent Garden Market Authority (CGMA)
  • Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC)
  • Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA)
  • Criminal Procedure Rule Committee
  • Crossrail International (CI)
  • Crown Commercial Service (CCS)
  • Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
  • Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA)
  • Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DA)
  • Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA)
  • Defence and Security Media Advisory Committee (DSMA)
  • Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S)
  • Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO)
  • Defence Nuclear Organisation (DNO)
  • Defence Nuclear Safety Expert Committee (DNSEC)
  • Defence Safety Authority (DSA)
  • Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
  • Defence Sixth Form College (DSFC)
  • Defra's Science Advisory Council (SAC)
  • Department for Business and Trade (DBT)
  • Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)
  • Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
  • Department for Education (DfE)
  • Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ)
  • Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra)
  • Department for Infrastructure (Northern Ireland)
  • Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC)
  • Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT)
  • Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
  • Department for Transport (DfT)
  • Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Northern Ireland)
  • Department of Education (Northern Ireland)
  • Department of Finance (Northern Ireland)
  • Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
  • Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
  • Department of Justice (Northern Ireland)
  • DfT OLR Holdings Limited (DOHL)
  • Directly Operated Railways Limited (DOR)
  • Disability Unit
  • Disabled People’s Employment Corporation (GB) Ltd (DPEC)
  • Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC)
  • Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
  • District Valuer Services (DVS)
  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
  • Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA)
  • East West Railway Company Limited (EWRC)
  • Ebbsfleet Development Corporation
  • Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
  • Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)
  • Electricity Settlements Company (ESC)
  • Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate (EAS)
  • Employment Appeal Tribunal
  • Employment Tribunal
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
  • Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB)
  • English Institute of Sport
  • Environment Agency (EA)
  • Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
  • Equality Hub
  • Evaluation Task Force (ETF)
  • Exmoor National Park Authority (Exmoor)
  • Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU)
  • Export Guarantees Advisory Council (EGAC)
  • Family Division of the High Court
  • Family Justice Council (FJC)
  • Family Procedure Rule Committee (FPRC)
  • FCDO Services
  • Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  • Financial Remedies Court
  • Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
  • Fire Service College (FSC)
  • First-tier Tribunal (Asylum Support)
  • First-tier Tribunal (Care Standards)
  • First-tier Tribunal (Criminal Injuries Compensation)
  • First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber)
  • First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum)
  • First-tier Tribunal (Mental Health)
  • First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber)
  • First-tier Tribunal (Social Security and Child Support)
  • First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability)
  • First-tier Tribunal (Tax)
  • First-tier Tribunal (War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation)
  • Fleet Air Arm Museum
  • Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Research and Development Programme (FCERM R&D Programme)
  • Flood Forecasting Centre (FFC)
  • Food Standards Agency (FSA)
  • Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
  • Forensic Science Regulator (FSR)
  • Forest Research
  • Forestry Commission
  • Forestry England
  • Further Education Commissioner
  • Gambling Commission
  • Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA)
  • Gangmasters Licensing Appeals
  • Geospatial Commission
  • Gov Facility Services Limited (GFSL)
  • Government Actuary's Department (GAD)
  • Government Analysis Function
  • Government Chemist
  • Government Commercial Function (GCF)
  • Government Communication Service (GCS)
  • Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)
  • Government Corporate Finance Profession (GCFP)
  • Government Data Quality Hub (DQHub)
  • Government Debt Management Function (GDMF)
  • Government Digital Service (GDS)
  • Government Economic Service (GES)
  • Government Equalities Office (GEO)
  • Government Estates Management (GEM)
  • Government Finance Function (GFF)
  • Government Geography Profession
  • Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA)
  • Government Knowledge & Information Management Profession
  • Government Legal Department (GLD)
  • Government Legal Profession (GLP)
  • Government Occupational Psychology Profession
  • Government Office for Science (GO-Science)
  • Government Office for Technology Transfer (GOTT)
  • Government Operational Research Service (GORS)
  • Government Partnerships International (GPI)
  • Government People Group (GPG)
  • Government Planning Inspectors
  • Government Planning Profession
  • Government Property Agency (GPA)
  • Government Property Function (GPF)
  • Government Recruitment Service (GRS)
  • Government Science & Engineering Profession (GSE Profession)
  • Government Security Profession
  • Government Skills and Curriculum Unit (GSCU)
  • Government Social Research Profession
  • Government Statistical Service
  • Government Tax Profession
  • Government Veterinary Services
  • Great Britain-China Centre (GBCC)
  • Great British Nuclear (GBN)
  • Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA)
  • Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
  • Health Research Authority (HRA)
  • Health Services Safety Investigations Body (HSSIB)
  • High Speed Two (HS2) Limited (HS2 Ltd)
  • Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
  • Historic England (HE)
  • Historic Royal Palaces (HRP)
  • HM Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS)
  • HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI)
  • HM Government Communications Centre (HMGCC)
  • HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS)
  • HM Inspectorate of Prisons
  • HM Inspectorate of Probation
  • HM Land Registry
  • HM Nautical Almanac Office (HMNAO)
  • HM Passport Office
  • HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS)
  • HM Prison Service (HMPS)
  • HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
  • HM Treasury (HMT)
  • Home Office
  • Homes England
  • Horniman Public Museum and Public Park Trust (Horniman)
  • Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB)
  • House of Lords Appointments Commission (HOLAC)
  • Housing Ombudsman (HOS)
  • HSC Business Services Organisation (Northern Ireland) (BSO)
  • Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA)
  • Human Tissue Authority (HTA)
  • Immigration Enforcement
  • Imperial War Museum (IWM)
  • Incubator for Artificial Intelligence (i.AI)
  • Independent Adviser on Ministers' Interests (IAMI)
  • Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody (IAPDC)
  • Independent Agricultural Appeals Panel (IAAP)
  • Independent Anti-slavery Commissioner (IASC)
  • Independent Case Examiner (ICE)
  • Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI)
  • Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI)
  • Independent Complaints Reviewer (ICR)
  • Independent Dormant Assets Commission
  • Independent Family Returns Panel (IFRP)
  • Independent Medical Expert Group (IMEG)
  • Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements (IMA)
  • Independent Monitoring Boards (IMB)
  • Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)
  • Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA)
  • Independent Reconfiguration Panel (IRP)
  • Independent Review Mechanism (IRM)
  • Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation (Independent Reviewer)
  • Industrial Development Advisory Board (IDAB)
  • Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC)
  • Infected Blood Compensation Authority (IBCA)
  • Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)
  • Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA)
  • Innovate UK
  • Insolvency List
  • Insolvency Rules Committee (IRC)
  • Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
  • Intellectual Property Enterprise Court
  • Intellectual Property Office (IPO)
  • Intelligence Analysis
  • Internal Audit Profession
  • Invest Northern Ireland (Invest NI)
  • Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office (IPCO)
  • Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT)
  • Iraq Inquiry
  • jHub Defence Innovation
  • Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)
  • Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman (JACO)
  • Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC)
  • Judicial Office (JO)
  • King's Bench Division of the High Court
  • King's Harbour Master (KHM)
  • Labour Relations Agency (Northern Ireland) (LRA)
  • Lake District National Park Authority (LDNP)
  • Lammy Review
  • Land Registration Rule Committee (LRRC)
  • Law Commission
  • Leadership College for Government (LCG)
  • Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE)
  • Legal Aid Agency (LAA)
  • Legal Services Agency (Northern Ireland)
  • Legal Services Board (LSB)
  • LGBT Veterans Independent Review
  • Life Sciences Organisation (LSO)
  • Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
  • Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO)
  • London and Continental Railways Limited (LCR)
  • Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC)
  • Low Pay Commission (LPC)
  • Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB)
  • Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
  • Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)
  • Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission (MACC)
  • Medical Profession
  • Medical Research Council (MRC)
  • Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
  • Migration Advisory Committee (MAC)
  • Military Aviation Authority (MAA)
  • Military Engineering Experimental Establishment (MEXE)
  • Ministry of Defence (MOD)
  • Ministry of Justice (MOJ)
  • Modernisation and Reform
  • Money and Pensions Service (MaPS)
  • Museum of the Home
  • National Army Museum (NAM)
  • National Citizen Service (NCS)
  • National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO)
  • National Crime Agency (NCA)
  • National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body (NCARRB)
  • National Cyber Force (NCF)
  • National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
  • National Data Guardian (NDG)
  • National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) Corporation (NEST Corporation)
  • National Forest Company (NFC)
  • National Gallery
  • National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF)
  • National Highways
  • National Infrastructure Commission
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
  • National Lottery Heritage Fund
  • National Museum of the Royal Navy (RNM)
  • National Museums Liverpool (NML)
  • National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL)
  • National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
  • National Portrait Gallery (NPG)
  • National Protective Security Authority (NPSA)
  • National security and intelligence
  • National Security Technology and Innovation Exchange (NSTIx)
  • National Space Operations Centre (NSpOC)
  • Natural England
  • Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
  • Natural History Museum (NHM)
  • Natural Resources Wales
  • Network Rail
  • New Forest National Park Authority (NFNPA)
  • NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT)
  • NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA)
  • NHS Counter Fraud Authority (NHSCFA)
  • NHS England
  • NHS Pay Review Body (NHSPRB)
  • NHS Resolution
  • NHS Wales Informatics Service
  • North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA)
  • North York Moors National Park Authority (NYMNP)
  • Northern Ireland Cancer Registry (NICR)
  • Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA)
  • Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS)
  • Northern Ireland Executive
  • Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE)
  • Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (NIHRC)
  • Northern Ireland Office (NIO)
  • Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB)
  • Northern Ireland Prison Service
  • Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA)
  • Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB)
  • Northumberland National Park Authority
  • Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA)
  • Nuclear Liabilities Financing Assurance Board (NLFAB)
  • Nuclear Research Advisory Council (NRAC)
  • Nuclear Restoration Services (NRS)
  • Nuclear Waste Services
  • Oak National Academy
  • Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR)
  • Office for Environmental Protection (OEP)
  • Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
  • Office for Investment (OfI)
  • Office for Life Sciences (OLS)
  • Office for Local Government (Oflog)
  • Office for National Statistics (ONS)
  • Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR)
  • Office for Place (OfP)
  • Office for Product Safety and Standards
  • Office for Students (OfS)
  • Office for the Independent Examiner of Complaints (OIEC)
  • Office for the Internal Market (OIM)
  • Office for Veterans' Affairs (OVA)
  • Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV)
  • Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI)
  • Office of Manpower Economics (OME)
  • Office of Rail and Road (ORR)
  • Office of the Advocate General for Scotland (OAG)
  • Office of the Chief Electoral Officer for Northern Ireland
  • Office of the Children's Commissioner
  • Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC)
  • Office of the Leader of the House of Commons (OLHC)
  • Office of the Leader of the House of Lords (OLHL)
  • Office of the Parliamentary Counsel (OPC)
  • Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
  • Office of the Public Guardian (OPG)
  • Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists (ORCL)
  • Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies (CIC Regulator)
  • Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA)
  • Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland
  • Office of the Secretary of State for Wales (UK Government in Wales)
  • Office of Trade Sanctions Implementation (OTSI)
  • Official Solicitor and Public Trustee (OSPT)
  • Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning (OPRED)
  • Online Procedure Rule Committee (OPRC)
  • Open Innovation Team (OIT)
  • Open Public Services (OPS)
  • Operational Delivery Profession
  • Ordnance Survey (OS)
  • Parades Commission for Northern Ireland (PCNI)
  • Parole Board
  • Patents Court
  • Payment Systems Regulator (PSR)
  • Peak District National Park Authority (PDNP)
  • Pension Protection Fund (PPF)
  • Pension, Compensation and Welfare Support for Armed Forces and Veterans
  • Phone-paid Services Authority
  • Planning Court
  • Planning Inspectorate
  • Plant Varieties and Seeds Tribunal (PVST)
  • Police Advisory Board for England and Wales (PAB)
  • Police Discipline Appeals Tribunal (Police Discipline)
  • Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB)
  • Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
  • Policy Profession
  • Porton Biopharma Limited (PBL)
  • Post Office
  • Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative (PSVI)
  • Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street (Number 10)
  • Prison Service Pay Review Body (PSPRB)
  • Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (PPO)
  • Privy Council Office (PCO)
  • Probation Board for Northern Ireland (PBNI)
  • Probation Service
  • Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care
  • Project Delivery Function
  • Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland)
  • Public Health Wales (PHW)
  • Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland
  • Public Sector Fraud Authority (PSFA)
  • Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
  • Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA)
  • Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (QEIICC)
  • Race Disparity Unit
  • Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB)
  • Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB)
  • Reclaim Fund Ltd (RFL)
  • Regional Department for Education (DfE) Directors
  • Regulator of Social Housing (RSH)
  • Regulatory Horizons Council (RHC)
  • Regulatory Policy Committee (RPC)
  • Remploy Pension Scheme Trustees Ltd
  • Research Collaboration Advice Team (RCAT)
  • Reserve Forces Appeal Tribunal
  • Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations (RFCA)
  • Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration (DDRB)
  • Royal Air Force Museum (RAFM)
  • Royal Armouries Museum (RA)
  • Royal Marines Museum (RMM)
  • Royal Mint (RM)
  • Royal Mint Advisory Committee (RMAC)
  • Royal Museums Greenwich (RMG)
  • Royal Navy Submarine Museum (RNSM)
  • Royal Parks
  • Rural Payments Agency (RPA)
  • Salix Finance Ltd
  • School Teachers' Review Body (STRB)
  • Science Advisory Committees (SACs)
  • Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
  • Science Museum Group
  • Scientific Advisory Committee on the Medical Implications of Less-Lethal Weapons (SACMILL)
  • Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)
  • Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)
  • Security Industry Authority (SIA)
  • Security Vetting Appeals Panel (SVAP)
  • Sellafield Ltd
  • Senior Courts Costs Office
  • Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB)
  • Sentencing Council for England and Wales (SC)
  • Serious Fraud Office (SFO)
  • Service Complaints Ombudsman
  • Service Prosecuting Authority (SPA)
  • Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd
  • Single Source Regulations Office (SSRO)
  • Sir John Soane's Museum (Soane's)
  • Small Business Commissioner (SBC)
  • Social Mobility Commission (SMC)
  • Social Science Research Committee (SSRC)
  • Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC)
  • Social Work England
  • South Downs National Park Authority (SDNP)
  • Sport England (SE)
  • Sport Northern Ireland (Sports Council for Northern Ireland) (SportNI)
  • Sports Council for Wales
  • Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA)
  • Standards and Testing Agency (STA)
  • Strategic Command
  • Student Loans Company (SLC)
  • Submarine Delivery Agency (SDA)
  • Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU)
  • Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (SCUK)
  • Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA)
  • Technical Advisory Board (TAB)
  • Technology and Construction Court
  • The Adjudicator’s Office
  • The Advisory Council on National Records and Archives (ACNRA)
  • The Business and Property Courts
  • The Business List
  • The Charity Commission
  • The Competition List
  • The Crown Estate
  • The Electoral Commission
  • The Executive Office (Northern Ireland)
  • The Financial List
  • The Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery (ICRIR)
  • The Insolvency Service
  • The Intellectual Property List
  • The Legal Ombudsman
  • The National Archives
  • The National Lottery Community Fund
  • The National Shipbuilding Office (NSO)
  • The Oil and Pipelines Agency (OPA)
  • The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (The Ombudsman)
  • The Pension Protection Fund Ombudsman (PPFO)
  • The Pensions Ombudsman (PO)
  • The Pensions Regulator (TPR)
  • The Property, Trusts and Probate List
  • The Queen Elizabeth Memorial Committee (QEMC)
  • The Revenue List
  • The Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interest (RCEWA)
  • The Scottish Government
  • The Security Service (MI5)
  • The Theatres Trust (TTT)
  • The Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat)
  • Trade and Agriculture Commission (TAC)
  • Trade Remedies Authority
  • Traffic Commissioners for Great Britain (TC)
  • Transport Focus
  • Treasure Valuation Committee (TVC)
  • Tribunal Procedure Committee (TPC)
  • Trinity House (TLS)
  • UK Anti-Doping (UKAD)
  • UK Asset Resolution Limited (UKAR)
  • UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)
  • UK Commission on Covid Commemoration
  • UK Council for Internet Safety (UKCIS)
  • UK Debt Management Office (DMO)
  • UK Defence and Security Exports (UKDSE)
  • UK Export Finance (UKEF)
  • UK Government Investments (UKGI)
  • UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
  • UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation (UKHMF)
  • UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
  • UK Infrastructure Bank (UKIB)
  • UK Integrated Security Fund (UKISF)
  • UK National Authority for Counter-Eavesdropping (UK NACE)
  • UK National Contact Point (UK NCP)
  • UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC)
  • UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
  • UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UKSBS)
  • UK Space Agency
  • UK Sport (UKSP)
  • UK Statistics Authority (Statistics)
  • UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI)
  • United Kingdom Reserve Forces Association (UKRFA)
  • United Kingdom Security Vetting (UKSV)
  • Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber)
  • Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber)
  • Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber)
  • Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber)
  • Valuation Office Agency (VOA)
  • Valuation Tribunal for England (VTE)
  • Valuation Tribunal Service (VTS)
  • Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA)
  • Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committees (VAPC)
  • Veterans UK
  • Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD)
  • Veterinary Products Committee (VPC)
  • Victims' Commissioner
  • Victoria and Albert Museum (VAM)
  • VisitBritain (VB)
  • VisitEngland (VE)
  • Wales Audit Office
  • Wallace Collection
  • Welsh Government
  • Welsh Language Commissioner
  • Westminster Foundation for Democracy
  • Wilton Park
  • Windrush Commemoration Committee
  • Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNP)
  • Youth Custody Service (YCS)
  • Youth Justice Agency of Northern Ireland
  • Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB)
  • Closed organisation: Academy for Justice Commissioning
  • Closed organisation: Academy for Social Justice Commissioning
  • Closed organisation: Accelerated Access Review (AAR)
  • Closed organisation: Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council (AJTC)
  • Closed organisation: Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council Welsh Committee
  • Closed organisation: Adult Learning Inspectorate
  • Closed organisation: Advantage West Midlands
  • Closed organisation: Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards (ACCEA)
  • Closed organisation: Advisory Committee on Pesticides (ACP)
  • Closed organisation: Advisory Panel on Public Sector Information (APPSI)
  • Closed organisation: Agricultural Dwelling House Advisory Committees (x16) (ADHAC)
  • Closed organisation: Agricultural Wages Committee (AWC)
  • Closed organisation: Airports Commission
  • Closed organisation: Alcohol Education and Research Council
  • Closed organisation: Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland
  • Closed organisation: Animal Health
  • Closed organisation: Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA)
  • Closed organisation: Animal Procedures Committee
  • Closed organisation: Appeals Service Agency
  • Closed organisation: Armagh Observatory and Planetarium
  • Closed organisation: Armed Forces Personnel Administration Agency
  • Closed organisation: Army Base Repair Organisation
  • Closed organisation: Ashington Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Asset Protection Agency
  • Closed organisation: Assets Recovery Agency
  • Closed organisation: Audit Commission (Audit Commission)
  • Closed organisation: Azelle Rodney Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Baha Mousa Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Barker Review of Land Use Planning
  • Closed organisation: Barrow Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Bedford Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Behavioural Insights Team (BIT)
  • Closed organisation: Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO)
  • Closed organisation: Big Lottery Fund (BIG)
  • Closed organisation: Billy Wright Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Biometrics Commissioner
  • Closed organisation: Bloody Sunday Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Board of Banking Supervision
  • Closed organisation: Board of Inland Revenue
  • Closed organisation: Bolton Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: BPDTS Ltd
  • Closed organisation: BRB (Residuary) Ltd (BRBR)
  • Closed organisation: Bridgwater Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Bristol Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta)
  • Closed organisation: British Forces Post Office
  • Closed organisation: British Potato Council
  • Closed organisation: Broadcasting Standards Commission
  • Closed organisation: Broadmoor Hospital investigation
  • Closed organisation: Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC)
  • Closed organisation: Building Research Establishment
  • Closed organisation: Business Development Service
  • Closed organisation: Buying Solutions
  • Closed organisation: Camborne, Pool and Redruth Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Capacitybuilders
  • Closed organisation: Capital for Enterprise Limited (CfEL)
  • Closed organisation: Central Advisory Committee on Pensions and Compensation (CAC Pensions and Compensation)
  • Closed organisation: Central Office of Information
  • Closed organisation: Central Police Training and Development Authority
  • Closed organisation: Central Science Laboratory
  • Closed organisation: Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI)
  • Closed organisation: Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE)
  • Closed organisation: Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI)
  • Closed organisation: CESG (CESG)
  • Closed organisation: Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment
  • Closed organisation: Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser (CFRA)
  • Closed organisation: Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission
  • Closed organisation: Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC)
  • Closed organisation: Civil Service Fast Track Apprenticeship
  • Closed organisation: Civil Service HR (CSHR)
  • Closed organisation: Civil Service Reform (CSR)
  • Closed organisation: Civil Service Resourcing
  • Closed organisation: Clacton and Harwich Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: CO2Sense
  • Closed organisation: Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)
  • Closed organisation: Commission for Health Improvement
  • Closed organisation: Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health
  • Closed organisation: Commission for Racial Equality
  • Closed organisation: Commission for Rural Communities
  • Closed organisation: Commission for Social Care Inspection
  • Closed organisation: Commission for the Compact
  • Closed organisation: Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities
  • Closed organisation: Commissioner for Shale Gas
  • Closed organisation: Community Development Foundation
  • Closed organisation: Community Fund
  • Closed organisation: Compensation Agency
  • Closed organisation: Competition Commission (CC)
  • Closed organisation: Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)
  • Closed organisation: Consumer Council for Postal Services
  • Closed organisation: Consumer Futures
  • Closed organisation: Cooksey Review
  • Closed organisation: Corby Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Council for Catholic Maintained Schools
  • Closed organisation: Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence
  • Closed organisation: Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
  • Closed organisation: Council on Tribunals
  • Closed organisation: Counter Fraud and Security Management Service
  • Closed organisation: Countryside Agency
  • Closed organisation: Court of Judicature of Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Coventry Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Creative Scotland
  • Closed organisation: Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel
  • Closed organisation: Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel for Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Criminal Records Bureau
  • Closed organisation: Crown Agents Holding and Realisation Board
  • Closed organisation: Deepcut Review
  • Closed organisation: Defence Analytical Services Agency
  • Closed organisation: Defence Aviation Repair Agency
  • Closed organisation: Defence Bills Agency
  • Closed organisation: Defence Communication Services Agency
  • Closed organisation: Defence Estates
  • Closed organisation: Defence Intelligence and Security Centre
  • Closed organisation: Defence Medical Education and Training Agency
  • Closed organisation: Defence Procurement Agency
  • Closed organisation: Defence Scientific Advisory Council (DSAC)
  • Closed organisation: Defence Storage and Distribution Agency
  • Closed organisation: Defence Support Group (DSG)
  • Closed organisation: Defence Transport and Movements Agency
  • Closed organisation: Defence Vetting Agency
  • Closed organisation: Defence, Press and Broadcasting Advisory Committee (DPBAC)
  • Closed organisation: Dental Practice Board
  • Closed organisation: Dental Vocational Training Authority
  • Closed organisation: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
  • Closed organisation: Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
  • Closed organisation: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS)
  • Closed organisation: Department for Children, Schools and Families
  • Closed organisation: Department for Constitutional Affairs
  • Closed organisation: Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
  • Closed organisation: Department for Education and Skills
  • Closed organisation: Department for Employment and Learning
  • Closed organisation: Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU)
  • Closed organisation: Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills
  • Closed organisation: Department for International Development (DFID)
  • Closed organisation: Department for International Trade (DIT)
  • Closed organisation: Department for International Trade Defence & Security Organisation (DIT DSO)
  • Closed organisation: Department for Regional Development (Northern Ireland)
  • Closed organisation: Department for Social Development
  • Closed organisation: Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Closed organisation: Department of Constitutional Affairs
  • Closed organisation: Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure
  • Closed organisation: Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC)
  • Closed organisation: Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (Northern Ireland)
  • Closed organisation: Department of Finance and Personnel for Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
  • Closed organisation: Department of Inland Revenue
  • Closed organisation: Department of National Heritage
  • Closed organisation: Department of Social Security
  • Closed organisation: Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland)
  • Closed organisation: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
  • Closed organisation: Department of Trade and Industry
  • Closed organisation: Deputy Prime Minister's Office (DPMO)
  • Closed organisation: Derby North East Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Design Council
  • Closed organisation: Digital, Data and Technology Profession
  • Closed organisation: Dingle Granby Toxteth Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Disability and Carers Service
  • Closed organisation: Disability Rights Commission
  • Closed organisation: Disposal Services Agency
  • Closed organisation: Dounreay
  • Closed organisation: Downham and Bellingham Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Driver and Vehicle Testing Agency
  • Closed organisation: Driving Standards Agency (DSA)
  • Closed organisation: Dudley Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Easington and Seaham Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: East Cleveland Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: East Manchester Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: East Midlands Development Agency (emda)
  • Closed organisation: East of England Development Agency
  • Closed organisation: Eastern Health and Social Services Board
  • Closed organisation: Education Funding Agency (EFA)
  • Closed organisation: Efficiency and Reform Group (ERG)
  • Closed organisation: Eliasch Review
  • Closed organisation: Ellesmere Port Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: English Heritage (EH)
  • Closed organisation: English Nature
  • Closed organisation: English Partnerships
  • Closed organisation: English Sports Council
  • Closed organisation: Enterprise Ulster
  • Closed organisation: Environment and Heritage Service
  • Closed organisation: Equal Opportunities Commission
  • Closed organisation: Equality 2025 (E2025)
  • Closed organisation: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Equitable Life Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Examination team on child care procedures and practice in North Wales
  • Closed organisation: Exchequer and Audit Department
  • Closed organisation: Family Health Services Appeal Authority
  • Closed organisation: FCO Services (FCO Services)
  • Closed organisation: Financial Services Organisation
  • Closed organisation: Financial Services Trade and Investment Board (FSTIB)
  • Closed organisation: Fire Authority for Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Firearms Consultative Committee
  • Closed organisation: Firebuy
  • Closed organisation: Fisheries Conservancy Board for Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Food from Britain
  • Closed organisation: Food Safety Promotion Board
  • Closed organisation: Football Licensing Authority
  • Closed organisation: Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO)
  • Closed organisation: Foreign Compensation Commission (FCC)
  • Closed organisation: Forensic Science Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Forensic Science Service
  • Closed organisation: Forest Service
  • Closed organisation: Fuel Poverty Advisory Group (FPAG)
  • Closed organisation: Further and Higher Education Funding Councils for Wales
  • Closed organisation: Gaming Board for Great Britain
  • Closed organisation: Gangmasters Licensing Authority (GLA)
  • Closed organisation: Gas and Electricity Consumer Council (Energywatch)
  • Closed organisation: General Advisory Committee on Science (GACS)
  • Closed organisation: General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: General Social Care Council
  • Closed organisation: General Teaching Council for England (GTCE)
  • Closed organisation: Gloucester Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Government Car and Despatch Agency
  • Closed organisation: Government Finance Profession
  • Closed organisation: Government IT Profession
  • Closed organisation: Government Legal Service (GLS)
  • Closed organisation: Government Procurement Service (GPS)
  • Closed organisation: Government Property Profession
  • Closed organisation: Gowers Review of Intellectual Property
  • Closed organisation: Great Yarmouth Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Greenwich Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: H.M. Customs and Excise
  • Closed organisation: H.M. Inspectorate of Court Administration
  • Closed organisation: H.M. Inspectorate of Explosives for Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Hackney Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Hamilton Oxford Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Hastings and St Leonards Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC)
  • Closed organisation: Health Education England (HEE)
  • Closed organisation: Health Protection Agency
  • Closed organisation: Healthcare Commission
  • Closed organisation: Hearing Aid Council
  • Closed organisation: Heart of Slough Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Her Majesty's Magistrates Courts Service Inspectorate
  • Closed organisation: Heritage Lottery Fund (administered by the NHMF) (HLF)
  • Closed organisation: Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
  • Closed organisation: Highways Agency (HA)
  • Closed organisation: Highways England (Highways England)
  • Closed organisation: Hillsborough Independent Panel
  • Closed organisation: HM Courts Service
  • Closed organisation: HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC)
  • Closed organisation: Home-Grown Cereals Authority
  • Closed organisation: Homes and Communities Agency (HCA)
  • Closed organisation: Horticultural Development Council
  • Closed organisation: Housing Corporation
  • Closed organisation: Human Resources Profession
  • Closed organisation: Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales
  • Closed organisation: ICL Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Identity and Passport Service
  • Closed organisation: Incubator for Automation and Innovation (i.AI)
  • Closed organisation: Independent Commission on Civil Aviation Noise (ICCAN)
  • Closed organisation: Independent Commission on Freedom of Information
  • Closed organisation: Independent Living Fund (ILF)
  • Closed organisation: Independent Monitoring Commission
  • Closed organisation: Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
  • Closed organisation: Independent Review of Police Officer and Staff Remuneration and Conditions
  • Closed organisation: Independent Review of the UK Postal Services Sector
  • Closed organisation: Independent Safeguarding Authority
  • Closed organisation: Independent Television Commission
  • Closed organisation: Information Services Division (Scotland) (ISD Scotland)
  • Closed organisation: Infrastructure Planning Commission
  • Closed organisation: Infrastructure UK (IUK)
  • Closed organisation: Inquiry into the supervision of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International
  • Closed organisation: Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal (IPT)
  • Closed organisation: Institute for Apprenticeships (IFA)
  • Closed organisation: Intelligence Services Commissioner (ISC)
  • Closed organisation: Interception of Communications Commissioner (Interception Commissioner )
  • Closed organisation: Investors in People UK
  • Closed organisation: Joint Forces Command (JFC)
  • Closed organisation: Kent and Somerset Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Kerr / Haslam Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Kitts Green and Shard End Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Land Registers of Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Learning and Skills Council
  • Closed organisation: Legal Aid Board
  • Closed organisation: Legal Services Commission
  • Closed organisation: Leigh Park Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Leitch Review of Skills
  • Closed organisation: Leveson Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Life Sentence Review Commissioners
  • Closed organisation: Local Better Regulation Office
  • Closed organisation: London Thames Gateway Development Corporation (LTGDC)
  • Closed organisation: Lord Chancellor's Department
  • Closed organisation: Loughs Agency
  • Closed organisation: Low Level Waste Repository Ltd (LLWR)
  • Closed organisation: Lyons Inquiry into Local Government
  • Closed organisation: Macur Review
  • Closed organisation: Magnox Ltd
  • Closed organisation: Marine Fisheries Agency
  • Closed organisation: Meat and Livestock Commission
  • Closed organisation: Meat Hygiene Service
  • Closed organisation: Medical Supplies Agency
  • Closed organisation: Mental Health Act Commission
  • Closed organisation: Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry 2010
  • Closed organisation: Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry 2013
  • Closed organisation: Milk Development Council
  • Closed organisation: Millennium Commission
  • Closed organisation: Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency
  • Closed organisation: Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)
  • Closed organisation: Monitor (Monitor)
  • Closed organisation: Monopolies and Mergers Commission
  • Closed organisation: Morecambe Bay Investigation
  • Closed organisation: Mull of Kintyre Review
  • Closed organisation: Museums, Libraries and Archives Council
  • Closed organisation: National Biological Standards Board
  • Closed organisation: National Blood Authority
  • Closed organisation: National Care Standards Commission
  • Closed organisation: National College for School Leadership (NCSL)
  • Closed organisation: National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)
  • Closed organisation: National Crime Squad
  • Closed organisation: National Criminal Intelligence Service
  • Closed organisation: National DNA Database Ethics Group (NDNAD)
  • Closed organisation: National Employer Advisory Board (NEAB)
  • Closed organisation: National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
  • Closed organisation: National Fraud Authority (NFA)
  • Closed organisation: National Information Board (NIB)
  • Closed organisation: National Leadership Centre (NLC)
  • Closed organisation: National Measurement and Regulation Office (NMRO)
  • Closed organisation: National Measurement Office (NMO)
  • Closed organisation: National Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: National Museums of Scotland
  • Closed organisation: National Offender Management Service (NOMS)
  • Closed organisation: National Patient Safety Agency
  • Closed organisation: National Policing Improvement Agency
  • Closed organisation: National Radiological Protection Board
  • Closed organisation: National Records of Scotland (National Records of Scotland)
  • Closed organisation: National School of Government
  • Closed organisation: National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse
  • Closed organisation: National Weights and Measures Laboratory
  • Closed organisation: Natural Resources Institute
  • Closed organisation: Nature Conservancy Council
  • Closed organisation: New Opportunities Fund
  • Closed organisation: NHS Appointments Commission
  • Closed organisation: NHS Digital
  • Closed organisation: NHS Direct National Health Service Trust
  • Closed organisation: NHS Estates
  • Closed organisation: NHS Improvement
  • Closed organisation: NHS Information Centre
  • Closed organisation: NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
  • Closed organisation: NHS Litigation Authority (NHSLA)
  • Closed organisation: NHS Logistics Authority
  • Closed organisation: NHS Pensions Agency
  • Closed organisation: NHS Professionals
  • Closed organisation: NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency
  • Closed organisation: NHS Trust Development Authority (NHS TDA)
  • Closed organisation: Nimrod Review
  • Closed organisation: North East Derbyshire Coalfields Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: North East Education and Library Board
  • Closed organisation: North Gillingham Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: North Islington Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: North Stockton Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: North West Development Agency
  • Closed organisation: North West Shropshire Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Northern Health and Social Services Board
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Audit Office
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Authority for Energy Regulation
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Child Support Agency
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Health and Social Services Estates Agency
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Ombudsman
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Law Commission
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Ombudsman
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Police Fund
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Social Care Council
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Social Security Agency
  • Closed organisation: Northern Ireland Tourist Board
  • Closed organisation: Northwest Business Link
  • Closed organisation: Northwest Regional Development Agency
  • Closed organisation: Office for Artificial Intelligence
  • Closed organisation: Office for Civil Society (OCS)
  • Closed organisation: Office for Communications Data Authorisations (OCDA)
  • Closed organisation: Office for Criminal Justice Reform
  • Closed organisation: Office for Disability Issues (ODI)
  • Closed organisation: Office for Fair Access (OFFA)
  • Closed organisation: Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV)
  • Closed organisation: Office for Tenants and Social Landlords
  • Closed organisation: Office of Fair Trading (OFT)
  • Closed organisation: Office of HM Paymaster General
  • Closed organisation: Office of Rail Regulation (ORR)
  • Closed organisation: Office of Surveillance Commissioners (OSC)
  • Closed organisation: Office of Tax Simplification (OTS)
  • Closed organisation: Office of Telecommunications
  • Closed organisation: Office of the Commissioner for Protection Against Unlawful Industrial Action
  • Closed organisation: Office of the Commissioner for the Rights of Trade Union Members
  • Closed organisation: Office of the Data Protection Registrar
  • Closed organisation: Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister
  • Closed organisation: Office of the Health Professions Adjudicator
  • Closed organisation: Office of the Identity Commissioner
  • Closed organisation: Office of the Lay Observer
  • Closed organisation: Office of the Legal Services Complaints Commissioner
  • Closed organisation: Office of the Legal Services Ombudsman
  • Closed organisation: Office of the Oversight Commissioner
  • Closed organisation: Oftel
  • Closed organisation: OGCbuyingsolutions
  • Closed organisation: Oil and Gas Authority (OGA)
  • Closed organisation: Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA)
  • Closed organisation: One North East
  • Closed organisation: Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund
  • Closed organisation: Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland
  • Closed organisation: Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
  • Closed organisation: Passenger Focus (PF)
  • Closed organisation: Patrick Finucane Review
  • Closed organisation: Pension Service
  • Closed organisation: Pension, Disability and Carers Service
  • Closed organisation: People, Pay and Pensions Agency
  • Closed organisation: Personal Accounts Delivery Authority
  • Closed organisation: Pesticides Safety Directorate
  • Closed organisation: Peterlee Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Phoenix Sports
  • Closed organisation: Planning Service
  • Closed organisation: Plymouth Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Police Arbitration Tribunal (PAT)
  • Closed organisation: Police Complaints Authority
  • Closed organisation: Police Information Technology Organisation
  • Closed organisation: Police Negotiating Board (PNB)
  • Closed organisation: Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council
  • Closed organisation: Postal Services Commission
  • Closed organisation: Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
  • Closed organisation: Prescription Pricing Authority
  • Closed organisation: Procurement profession
  • Closed organisation: Professional Oversight Board
  • Closed organisation: Project Delivery Profession
  • Closed organisation: Public Accounts Commission
  • Closed organisation: Public Health England (PHE)
  • Closed organisation: Public Health Laboratory Service Board
  • Closed organisation: Public Lending Right Office
  • Closed organisation: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)
  • Closed organisation: Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA)
  • Closed organisation: Radioactive Waste Management (RWM)
  • Closed organisation: Railway Heritage Committee (RHC)
  • Closed organisation: Redfern Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Regeneration Investment Organisation
  • Closed organisation: Regional Schools Commissioners
  • Closed organisation: Regulatory Delivery
  • Closed organisation: Remploy Ltd (Remploy)
  • Closed organisation: Renewable Fuels Agency
  • Closed organisation: Rent Service
  • Closed organisation: Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office
  • Closed organisation: Review Board for Government Contracts (RBGC)
  • Closed organisation: Review Body for Nursing and Other Health Professions
  • Closed organisation: Rivers Agency
  • Closed organisation: Roads Service
  • Closed organisation: Rosemary Nelson Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Royal Commission on Criminal Justice
  • Closed organisation: Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
  • Closed organisation: Royal Liverpool Childrens Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Royal Mail
  • Closed organisation: Royal Trustees' Office
  • Closed organisation: Rural Development Programme for England Network (RDPE Network)
  • Closed organisation: School Food Trust (SFT)
  • Closed organisation: Schools Commissioners Group
  • Closed organisation: Scottish Arts Council
  • Closed organisation: Scottish Hospital Trust
  • Closed organisation: Scottish Law Commission
  • Closed organisation: Scottish Office
  • Closed organisation: Scottish Screen
  • Closed organisation: Scottish Sports Council
  • Closed organisation: Sentence Review Commissioners
  • Closed organisation: Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA)
  • Closed organisation: Service Children's Education (SCE)
  • Closed organisation: Service Complaints Commissioner (SCC)
  • Closed organisation: Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA)
  • Closed organisation: Shipman Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: SITPRO
  • Closed organisation: Skills Funding Agency (SFA)
  • Closed organisation: Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission (SMCP Commission)
  • Closed organisation: Social Security Agency
  • Closed organisation: South Bradford Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: South East England Development Agency
  • Closed organisation: South East England Virtual Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: South East Sheffield Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: South Eastern Education and Library Board
  • Closed organisation: South West of England Regional Development Agency
  • Closed organisation: Southend Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Southern Health and Social Services Board
  • Closed organisation: Special EU Programmes Body
  • Closed organisation: Speke Garston Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Stabilisation Unit (SU)
  • Closed organisation: Staff Commission for Education and Library Boards
  • Closed organisation: Standards Board for England
  • Closed organisation: State Veterinary Service
  • Closed organisation: Statistics Commission
  • Closed organisation: Stoke Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Strategic Rail Authority
  • Closed organisation: Sunderland Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Surveillance Camera Commissioner (SCC)
  • Closed organisation: Sutherland Inquiry
  • Closed organisation: Technology Strategy Board
  • Closed organisation: Telford and Wrekin Education Action Zone
  • Closed organisation: Tenant Services Authority
  • Closed organisation: The Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera)
  • Closed organisation: The Jeffrey Review
  • Closed organisation: The McKay Commission (TMC)
  • Closed organisation: The Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS)
  • Closed organisation: The Shareholder Executive (ShEx)
  • Closed organisation: Third Party Campaigning Review (Third Party Campaigning Review)
  • Closed organisation: Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation
  • Closed organisation: Trade Remedies Investigations Directorate (TRID)
  • Closed organisation: Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA)
  • Closed organisation: Treasury Solicitor’s Department (TSol)
  • Closed organisation: Trust ports (TP)
  • Closed organisation: UK Border Agency (UKBA)
  • Closed organisation: UK Co-ordinating Body (UKCB)
  • Closed organisation: UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES)
  • Closed organisation: UK Film Council
  • Closed organisation: UK Financial Investments Limited (UKFI)
  • Closed organisation: UK Government Decontamination Service
  • Closed organisation: UK Green Investment Bank (GIB)
  • Closed organisation: UK Passport Service
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  • Closed organisation: United Kingdom Blood Transfusion Services
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  • Closed organisation: Working Ventures UK
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This is a list of large organisations (‘producers’) who have reported their data using the report packaging data (RPD) service.

  • Document type: Research
  • Organisation: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
  • Updated: 4 June 2024

Comparisons of road fuel prices against other EU countries, using data from the European Commission Oil Bulletin.

  • Document type: Statistical data set
  • Organisation: Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

Data, and supporting documents, from the People and Nature Survey covering the period 1 April 2022 - 31 March 2023.

  • Document type: Official Statistics
  • Part of a collection: The People and Nature Surveys for England
  • Organisation: Natural England

1. What is the Adults’ People and Nature Survey? The Adults’ People and…

A list of unclaimed estates held by the Treasury Solicitor. Last updated 4th June 2024

  • Organisation: Bona Vacantia and 1 others

Ofsted's methodology examining childcare accessibility by neighbourhood in England.

  • Organisation: Ofsted

Data relating to people with dementia, such as prevalence and diagnostics, risk factors, use of hospital services and mortality.

  • Organisation: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities

Data on prevalence, risk and related factors, service contacts, and quality and outcomes.

Information on chlamydia testing and diagnoses in 15 to 24 year olds in England by demographic characteristics and geographical region.

  • Part of a collection: Chlamydia: surveillance, data, screening and management and 3 others
  • Organisation: UK Health Security Agency

This release allows users to compare levels of childcare accessibility across local areas in England, and explores the characteristics of areas with lower or higher levels of access.

  • Organisation: Office for National Statistics

Information on STI diagnoses and sexual health services provided in England by demographic characteristics and geographical region.

  • Part of a collection: Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV): guidance, data and analysis and 6 others

This indicator is a measure of the extent to which adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) die younger than adults without a serious mental illness (nSMI).

  • Organisation: Closed organisation: NHS Digital

This publication reports information from the CSDS. This is a patient-level dataset providing information relating to NHS-funded community services. These services can include health centres, schools and mental health trusts…

Transactions which result in a change of ultimate control of the target company and have a value of £1 million and more.

  • Document type: National Statistics

Road fuel price statistics providing average UK retail 'pump' prices on a weekly basis.

  • Part of a collection: Road fuel and other petroleum product price statistics

This release will add data for integrated care boards and NHS Regions to supplement existing data for English local authorities.

Update of data on the individual, social and environmental factors which influence the health of the population and impact on inequalities in health.

This report presents trends in data on the health of people in England. Themes covered include risk factors, disease prevalence and outcomes.

Reports for the amount of EEE placed on the market and WEEE collected in the UK under the WEEE Regulations.

  • Part of a collection: Producer responsibility regulations
  • Organisation: Environment Agency
  • Updated: 3 June 2024

Weekly data from UK laboratories on the number of cases of notifiable bacteria and viruses.

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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

We study how consumers interact with financial products and services to help identify potential problems in the marketplace and achieve better outcomes for all. Review our reports and analyses to help inform your decisions, policies, and practices. And, see reports that we periodically prepare about the CFPB.

Data point: Mortgage trends

This Bureau Data Point article describes 2020 mortgage market activity and trends using data reported under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA).

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Illustration of a house with data points in background

Semi-Annual Report of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

  • • Open government

Data spotlight: Early impacts of removing low-balance medical collections

  • • Debt collection
  • • Medical debt
  • • Credit reports and scores
  • • Office of Research Publication

Price Complexity in Laboratory Markets

  • • Research
  • • Junk fees

Issue Spotlight: Health Savings Accounts

  • • Financial service providers
  • • Consumer complaints

Recent Changes in Medical Collections on Consumer Credit Records

Supervisory highlights, issue 33 (spring 2024).

  • • Mortgage servicing
  • • UDAAPs
  • • Supervision
  • • Deceptive practices
  • • Mortgages

Overdraft/NSF Revenue in 2023 down more than 50% versus pre-pandemic levels, saving consumers over $6 billion annually

  • • Overdraft
  • • Checking account
  • • Banking

Supervisory Highlights, Issue 32 (Spring 2024)

  • • Identity theft and fraud

CFPB FY 2023 Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) Report to Congress

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  • • Personnel
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  • • People with disabilities
  • • Procurement
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Banking in video games and virtual worlds

  • • Technologist
  • • Virtual currency
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  • • Privacy
  • • Electronic payments

Data Spotlight: Trends in discount points amid rising interest rates

  • • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act
  • • Mortgage origination

CFPB’s Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program status report for fiscal year (FY) 2023

  • • Discrimination

Consumer Response Annual Report

No fear act annual report for fiscal year 2023, fy 2023 fair act inventory data, gao-ig act reporting.

  • • Compliance

Credit card data: Small issuers offer lower rates

  • • Credit cards
  • • Credit unions

2023 CFPB Annual Employee Survey Results

Issue spotlight: federal student loan return to repayment.

  • • Student loans

Plain Writing Act Compliance Report 2023

Consumer financial protection bureau independent audit of selected operations and budget, the neighborhood geography of mortgage lending.

  • • Access to credit

Overdraft and Nonsufficient Fund Fees: Insights from the Making Ends Meet Survey and Consumer Credit Panel

  • • Financial well-being

2023 College banking and credit card agreements

  • • Credit CARD Act
  • • Debit cards

Making Ends Meet in 2023: Insights from the Making Ends Meet Survey

  • • Survey methodology

Tobacco, Nicotine, and E-Cigarettes Research Report Introduction

In 2014, the Nation marked the 50th anniversary of the first Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health. In 1964, more than 40 percent of the adult population smoked. Once the link between smoking and its medical consequences—including cancers and heart and lung diseases—became a part of the public consciousness, education efforts and public policy changes were enacted to reduce the number of people who smoke. These efforts resulted in substantial declines in smoking rates in the United States—to half the 1964 level. 1

However, rates of cigarette smoking and other tobacco use are still too high, 2 and some populations are disproportionately affected by tobacco’s health consequences. Most notably, people with mental disorders—including substance use disorders—smoke at higher rates than the general population. 3–6 Additionally, people living below the poverty line and those with low educational attainment are more likely to smoke than those in the general population. As tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of mortality in the United States, 1 differential rates of smoking and use of other tobacco products is a significant contributor to health disparities among some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

United States Sentencing Commission

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  • The Commission collects, analyzes, and disseminates a broad array of information on federal crime and sentencing practices.
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  • The Commission establishes sentencing policies and practices for the federal courts. Each year, the Commission reviews and refines these policies in light of congressional action, decisions from courts of appeals, sentencing-related research, and input from the criminal justice community.
  • In this section, you can follow the Commission’s work through the amendment cycle as priorities are set, research is performed, testimony is heard, and amendments are adopted.
  • The Commission serves as an information resource for Congress, the executive branch, the courts, criminal justice practitioners, the academic community, and the public.
  • In this section, you will find resources to assist you in understanding and applying the federal sentencing guidelines.
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  • The U.S. Sentencing Commission is an independent agency in the judicial branch that was created as part of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. Commissioners are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The Attorney General, or the Attorney General’s designee, and the Chair of the U.S. Parole Commission serve as ex officio , nonvoting members of the Commission.
  • In this section, learn about the Commission’s mission, structure, and ongoing work.
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Length of Incarceration and Recidivism (2022)

2021 Recidivism Study

This study examines 32,135 federal offenders who satisfied the following criteria:

  • United States citizens;
  • Re-entered the community during 2010 after discharging their sentence of incarceration or by commencing a term of probation;
  • Not reported dead, escaped, or detained;
  • Have valid FBI numbers which could be located in criminal history repositories (in at least one state, the District of Columbia, or federal records).
  • Related Reports

Key Findings

  • The results of this study, examining federal offenders released in 2010, are almost identical to the findings established in prior Commission research examining federal offenders released in 2005. In both studies, the odds of recidivism were lower for federal offenders sentenced to more than 60 months incarceration compared to a matched group of offenders receiving shorter sentences.
  • The odds of recidivism were approximately 29 percent lower for federal offenders sentenced to more than 120 months incarceration compared to a matched group of federal offenders receiving shorter sentences.
  • The odds of recidivism were approximately 18 percent lower for offenders sentenced to more than 60 months up to 120 months incarceration compared to a matched group of federal offenders receiving shorter sentences.
  • For federal offenders sentenced to 60 months or less incarceration, the Commission did not find any statistically significant differences in recidivism.
  Length of Incarceration and Recidivism   (April 2020) -->

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NIST Reports First Results From Age Estimation Software Evaluation

  • Software algorithms that estimate a person’s age from a photo offer a potential way to control access to age-restricted activities without compromising privacy.
  • NIST’s new report, its first on the topic in a decade, evaluates the capabilities of six algorithms, finding none that clearly outperforms the others.
  • Moving forward, the agency plans to update its evaluation results every four to six weeks, noting that artificial intelligence is expected to improve age estimation software capabilities.

Eight images show the same person, four wearing glasses and four without, and all with different face expressions. Label says: Database Facial Expressions.

If a person (in this case, a NIST staff member) changes facial expression or wears and then removes eyeglasses, all six of the algorithms NIST evaluated give age estimates that vary around the person’s true age. With frames extracted from a cellphone video, algorithms give age estimates that remain above or below the subject's true age of 58, and that vary by a few years from frame to frame.

A new study from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) evaluates the performance of software that estimates a person’s age based on the physical characteristics evident in a photo of their face. Such age estimation and verification (AEV) software might be used as a gatekeeper for activities that have an age restriction, such as purchasing alcohol or accessing mature content online.

Age estimation has become an enabling technology in age assurance programs recently included in legislation and regulation both inside and outside the United States. These programs aim to permit only those in certain age groups to access social media chat rooms or to buy certain products both online and in the physical world and can be an important part of efforts to protect children online . 

The new NIST study, Face Analysis Technology Evaluation: Age Estimation and Verification (NIST IR 8525) , evaluates the performance of six algorithms that developers provided voluntarily in response to a September 2023 call for submissions. According to Kayee Hanaoka, one of the study’s authors, the results show algorithms with varying capabilities. 

“There is a wide range in performance among these algorithms, with room for improvement across the board,” said Hanaoka, a NIST computer scientist. “This is a partial snapshot of the age estimation field as it stood in late 2023, but as AEV performance is closely tied to advancements in artificial intelligence, we expect the field to change rapidly.”

The new study is NIST’s first foray into AEV evaluation in a decade and kicks off a new, long-term effort by the agency to perform frequent, regular tests of the technology. NIST last evaluated AEV software in 2014. At the time, Hanaoka said, there was far less interest in the technology, and the evaluation was a one-time effort. That test used a single database of about 6 million photos taken from visa applications and required algorithms only to provide an age estimate on each photo.

Times have changed over the ensuing decade. Face analysis software has become sufficiently important that NIST has split its face recognition program into two tracks, one that evaluates algorithms’ ability to identify people (face recognition technology evaluation, or FRTE) and another that evaluates the ability to measure aspects of a face (face analysis technology evaluation, or FATE). The new test is part of the FATE track, which also has evaluations dedicated to detecting photo spoofs and measuring image quality .

NIST’s new test expands its photo collection to about 11.5 million photos from four diverse databases, all from U.S. government sources: the visa collection used in 2014, augmented by a set of FBI mug shots, a set of webcam images obtained at border crossings, and a set of immigration application photos of people born in more than 100 countries. The photos from the databases differ in image quality and reflect a variety of ages, genders and regions of origin. All data was anonymized, and the research was reviewed to protect the rights and privacy of the photographed subjects. 

The test again evaluated algorithms on their accuracy at age estimation, but in response to software developers’ requests, the test also asked the algorithms to specify whether the person in the photo was over the age of 21. The test was a “closed box” study, in which NIST researchers analyzed only the algorithms’ end performance, not their inner workings or how they arrived at their results. NIST makes no recommendations on whether the software is fit for particular use cases.

Hanaoka said that the report offers a few initial findings: 

  • There is no single standout algorithm, and a given algorithm’s accuracy is influenced by image quality, gender, region of birth, the age of the person in the photograph, and interactions among these factors. The algorithms all have their own sensitivities with certain demographic groups; an algorithm that performs well on certain groups can perform poorly on others. 
  • Unsurprisingly, AEV software has improved in the decade since the previous report . When making age estimates on the common database of visa photos (which was used in 2014 as well as in the current study), the algorithms’ mean absolute error has decreased from 4.3 to 3.1 years. Five of the six algorithms outperform the most accurate algorithm submitted in 2014. 
  • Error rates were almost always higher for female faces than for males. This was also true for the algorithms evaluated in 2014, but the underlying reasons are unknown.  

The testing program is designed to be ongoing, and the study authors are accepting new algorithm submissions on a rolling basis. The team plans to release updates to this first round of results on its website once every four to six weeks, Hanaoka said. 

“We anticipate rapid change in the AEV software field, and we intend to update and expand our test methods in the near future,” she said. “We plan to ask the algorithms to answer additional questions, such as whether better performance is possible if a prior photo of the same person is available. We also are planning to expand and diversify the databases of photos as well to better cover applications like online safety.” 

All updates will be available on NIST’s AEV project website , and interested parties can receive status updates by emailing frvt-news+subscribe [at] list.nist.gov (frvt-news+subscribe[at]list[dot]nist[dot]gov) .  

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Environmental Justice Publications and Reports

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Doohan, second from left, during his retirement party with fellow Star Trek stars George Takei, left, and Nichelle Nichols, and Apollo 11 astronaut Neil A. Armstrong

55 Years Ago: Star Trek Final Episode Airs, Relationship with NASA Endures

The waning gibbous Moon is pictured above Earth's horizon from the International Space Station as it orbited 258 miles above the Pacific Ocean northeast of Japan.

Space Station Research Advances NASA’s Plans to Explore the Moon, Mars

What’s Up: June 2024 Skywatching Tips from NASA

What’s Up: June 2024 Skywatching Tips from NASA

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Portrait of David R. Scott

Former Astronaut David R. Scott

NASA’s Hubble Temporarily Pauses Science

NASA’s Hubble Temporarily Pauses Science

An image of two aircraft in front of a hill covered in snow and rock. In the foreground is the tail end of a white jet, filling the bottom and right side. The NASA logo and number 520 are on the tail. Behind the jet, in the middle of the image, another white aircraft takes off. It’s white with a blue horizontal stripe, with the NASA ‘worm’ logo on the tail. The brown and white hillside fills the rest of the frame.

NASA Mission Flies Over Arctic to Study Sea Ice Melt Causes

A large group photo taken indoors. The background features three large insignias: one for the International Space Station, the NASA logo in the center, and a mission patch on the right.

Welcome Back to Planet Earth, Expedition 70 Crew! 

Greenland glacier

Twin NASA Satellites Ready to Help Gauge Earth’s Energy Balance

This computer-generated 3D model of Venus’ surface shows the volcano Sif Mons

Ongoing Venus Volcanic Activity Discovered With NASA’s Magellan Data

Solid State Quantum Magnetometers—Seeking out water worlds from the quantum world

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Hubble Views the Lights of a Galactic Bar

Eventually, our Sun will run out of fuel and die (though not for another 5 billion years). As it does, it will become like the object seen here, the Cat’s Eye Nebula, which is a planetary nebula. A fast wind from the remaining stellar core rams into the ejected atmosphere and pushes it outward, creating wispy structures seen in X-rays by Chandra and optical light by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Travel Through Data From Space in New 3D Instagram Experiences

Team “Rumble Ready” from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, comprised of (from left to right) Professor Mark Gonda, Nicole Xie, Junaid Bodla, Jordan Ragsac, Krishi Gajjar, Gerald McAllister III, and Leara Dominguez, took home first place at the 2024 Gateways to Blue Skies Forum held May 30-31 at NASA Ames Research Center. They are standing in a row posing for the photo; the team members are wearing blue t-shirts, black pants, and tennis shoes.

Winners Announced in Gateways to Blue Skies Aeronautics Competition

Graphic shows a possible future General Electric jet engine with exposed fan blades in front of a cut-away-interior view of its core mechanisms -- all part of NASA's HyTEC research project.

NASA, Industry to Start Designing More Sustainable Jet Engine Core

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Aviary: A New NASA Software Platform for Aircraft Modelling

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gov research reports

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image of an experiment facility installed in the exterior of the space station

Resultados científicos revolucionarios en la estación espacial de 2023

Nasa awards university research projects to support agency missions.

The headshot image of Tiernan P. Doyle

Tiernan P. Doyle

Nasa headquarters.

gov research reports

NASA announced the recipients of the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) grants, which will support scientific and technical research projects for more than 20 universities and organizations across the United States.

“NASA’s EPSCoR awards are a tool to strengthen research capacity in areas across our nation that have historically been underrepresented in government research,” said Torry Johnson, deputy associate administrator of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Engagement Programs at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “The goal with each award is to provide institutions a long-term and sustainable pathway to participating in the aerospace industry by cultivating competitive research capabilities and fostering strategic relationships with NASA experts.”  

The EPSCoR awards will compliment NASA’s research portfolio to benefit future missions. Selected proposals cover a range of science and technology needs including in space manufacturing, heliophysics, astronaut health, and climate research.

The NASA EPSCoR Rapid Response Research grants , funded by the agency’s Office of STEM Engagement, will award approximately $100,000 to each project over the course of a one-year performance period for fiscal year 2024.

The awarded institutions are:

  • University of Alabama in Huntsville
  • University of Arkansas in Little Rock
  • University of Delaware in Newark
  • Iowa State University in Ames
  • University of Idaho in Moscow
  • University of Kentucky in Lexington
  • Louisiana Board of Regents in Baton Rouge
  • University of Mississippi in University
  • Montana State University in Bozeman
  • University of North Dakota in Grand Forks
  • University of Nebraska in Omaha
  • New Mexico State University in Las Cruces
  • Nevada System of Higher Education in Reno
  • Oklahoma State University in Stillwater
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Welfare Indicators and Risk Factors: 23rd Report to Congress

The Welfare Indicators Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-432) requires the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to prepare an annual report to Congress on indicators and predictors of “welfare dependence.” That Act requires the report to include three programs: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program (which replaced the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program), the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly the Food Stamp Program).

Key Findings

  • The share of the population receiving more than half of their income from the TANF, SNAP and SSI programs remained steady between 2020 and 2021, at 3.6 percent. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the percent of the total population who lived in households receiving more than half of their total annual income from TANF, SNAP and/or SSI had been decreasing steadily since 2010.
  • TANF participation rates among eligible people rose slightly in 2021 while SSI declined. Participation in the TANF program among eligible families declined 13.2 percentage points, from 33.9 in 2011 to 20.7 percent in 2021. The SNAP participation rate by eligible households decreased to 81.0 percent in 2020 (the latest year for which data is available); this is 9.1 percentage points below the historic peak in 2013 of 90.1 percent. SSI participation by eligible adults fell to 54.3 percent in 2021 from 57.1 percent in 2020; this is 13 percentage points below the 67.3 percent level in 2011.

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Air Travel Consumer Report: March 2024 Numbers

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) today released its Air Travel Consumer Report (ATCR) on airline operational data compiled for the month of March 2024 for on-time performance, mishandled baggage, mishandled wheelchairs and scooters, and 1st quarter oversales. The ATCR is designed to assist consumers with information on the quality of services provided by airlines. 

For March 2024, 0.9% of flights were cancelled, lower than the 1.3% cancellation rate for March 2023 and the 2.0% cancellation rate for pre-pandemic March 2019.  

DOT expects that airlines will operate flights as scheduled and that when they do not, airlines will provide consumers the services promised when a flight is cancelled or delayed because of an airline issue. After a two-year DOT push to improve the passenger experience, the 10 largest airlines now guarantee meals and free rebooking on the same airline and nine guarantee hotel accommodations. Consumer-friendly information regarding airline commitments to their customers is available on the Department’s Airline Customer Service Dashboard at FlightRights.Gov . DOT also pushed airlines to provide fee-free family seating and rolled out a new family seating dashboard that highlights the airlines that guarantee fee-free family seating, and those of the 10 largest that do not, making it easier for parents to avoid paying junk fees to sit with their children when they fly.

DOT recently announced two final rules that require airlines to provide automatic cash refunds to passengers when owed and protect consumers from costly surprise airline fees . These rules will significantly expand consumer protections in air travel, provide passengers an easier pathway to refunds when owed, and save consumers more than half a billion dollars every year in hidden and surprise junk fees. Provisions of the final rule on airline refunds were fortified through the FAA reauthorization bill that President Biden signed into law on May 16, 2024.

In addition, DOT is improving transportation for individuals with disabilities. In July 2023, DOT finalized a rule which requires airlines to make lavatories on new, single-aisle aircraft more accessible. Then, in February 2024, DOT issued a proposal to address other barriers that Americans who use a wheelchair encounter when it comes to air travel by, among other things, proposing to mandate enhanced training for airline employees and contractors who physically assist passenger with disabilities and handle passengers’ wheelchairs.

Further, when necessary, DOT takes enforcement action against airlines and ticket agents that fail to comply with the Department’s aviation consumer protection requirements. In 2023, DOT issued the largest fines in the history of the consumer protection office. This includes a $140 million penalty against Southwest Airlines for failing passengers during the 2022 holiday meltdown. That penalty, which was in addition to over $600 million DOT already ensured was refunded by Southwest to passengers, requires Southwest to establish a $90 million compensation system for passengers affected by significant delays and cancellations beginning April 30, 2024.  Additionally, DOT has helped return nearly $4 billion in refunds to travelers since the pandemic began.

In April, DOT announced the launch of the bipartisan Airline Passenger Protection Partnership with 18 state attorneys general to investigate airlines and ticket agents and hold them accountable when they violate aviation consumer protection laws. The partnership significantly expands the Department’s oversight capacity by establishing a new fast-track system prioritizing misconduct cases from state attorneys general who uncover unfair or deceptive airline practices. Through the partnership, DOT will provide state attorneys general with access to the federal complaint database and help ensure that airlines cooperate with state investigations.

Flight Operations

The 623,409 flights operated in March 2024 were 102.47% of the 608,387 flights operated in March 2023. Operated flights in March 2024 were up 2.47% year-over-year from the 608,387 flights operated in March 2023 and up 13.46% month-over-month from 549,439 flights operated in February 2024. 

"U.S. Airlines Operated Domestic Flights: March 2022-MArch 2024. Operated=Scheduled - Canceled"

In March 2024, the 10 marketing network carriers reported 628,786 scheduled domestic flights, 5,377 (0.9%) of which were cancelled. In February 2024, airlines scheduled 552,691 domestic flights, 3,252 (0.6%) of which were cancelled. In March 2023, airlines scheduled 616,234 domestic flights, 7,847 (1.3%) of which were cancelled.

March 2024 On-Time Arrival

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers posted an on-time arrival rate of 78.7%, down from 83.7% in February 2024 and up from 75.4% in March 2023. The year-to-date on-time arrival rate for 2024 is 78.3%.

Highest Marketing Carrier On-Time Arrival Rates March 2024 (ATCR Table 1)

  • Hawaiian Airlines – 87.2%
  • Delta Air Lines Network – 84.8%
  • United Airlines Network – 81.8% 

Lowest Marketing Carrier On-Time Arrival Rates March 2024 (ATCR Table 1)

  • Frontier Airlines – 66.4%
  • JetBlue Airways – 68.4%
  • Spirit Airlines – 69.6%

For the first three months of 2024, the reporting marketing carriers posted an on-time arrival rate of 78.31% up from 76.89% for the same period in 2023.

March 2024 Flight Cancellations

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers cancelled 0.9% of their scheduled domestic flights, higher than the rate of 0.6% in February 2024 and lower than the rate of 1.3% in March 2023. The year-to-date cancellation rate for 2024 is 1.7%.

Lowest Marketing Carrier Rates of Cancelled Flights March 2024 (ATCR Table 6)

  • Delta Air Lines Network – 0.2%  
  • Hawaiian Airlines – 0.6%   
  • Allegiant Air – 0.6%    

  Highest Marketing Carrier Rates of Cancelled Flights March 2024 (ATCR Table 6)

  • Frontier Airlines – 2.7%    
  • Spirit Airlines – 1.7%    
  • JetBlue Airways – 1.4%    

For the first three months of 2024, the reporting marketing carriers posted a cancellation rate of 1.7%, equal to 1.7% for the same period in 2023.

Complaints About Airline Service

The release of air travel service complaint data in the Air Travel Consumer Report (ATCR) has been delayed primarily because of the continued high volume of complaints against airlines and ticket agents received by the Office of Aviation Consumer Protection (OACP) and the time needed to review and process these consumer complaints. The Department is investing in modernizing its system for handling consumer complaints with the support of a Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) investment to improve the customer experience for the tens of thousands of consumers who use the system each year and enable OACP to more effectively engage in oversight of the airline industry. 

As DOT modernizes its system, given the continued high volume of air travel service complaints concerning airlines and ticket agents, DOT has revised how it processes consumer complaints received after June 1, 2023. From June 2023 until the date its system is modernized, DOT intends to revise the ATCR to display consumer submissions (complaints, inquiries, and opinions) as opposed to complaints for this period. The Department will continue to display civil rights complaints in the ATCR in a similar manner as before and anticipates publishing submission and civil rights complaint numbers for June 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 in June 2024.

Tarmac Delays

In March 2024, airlines reported six tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights, compared to 10 tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights reported in February 2024. In March 2024, airlines reported one tarmac delay of more than four hours on an international flight, compared to two tarmac delays of more than four hours on international flights reported in February 2024. 

Airlines are required to have and adhere to assurances that they will not allow aircraft to remain on the tarmac for more than three hours for domestic flights and four hours for international flights without providing passengers the option to deplane, subject to exceptions related to safety, security, and Air Traffic Control related reasons. An exception also exists for departure delays if the airline begins to return the aircraft to a suitable disembarkation point to deplane passengers by those times.

The Department investigates extended tarmac delays.

Mishandled Baggage

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers handled 43.1 million bags and posted a mishandled baggage rate of 0.52%, higher than the rate of 0.48% in February 2024, but lower than the rate of 0.58% in March 2023.

For the first quarter of 2024, the carriers posted a mishandled baggage rate of 0.58%, lower than the first quarter 2023 rate of 0.64%.

The Department began displaying the mishandled baggage data as a percentage (i.e., per 100 bags enplaned) in January 2022. This is consistent with the manner that the mishandled wheelchairs and scooters rate is calculated and displayed.     In the prior three calendar year reports (2019 to 2021), the Department calculated the mishandled baggage rate based on the number of mishandled bags per 1,000 checked bags. 

Mishandled Wheelchairs and Scooters

In March 2024, reporting marketing carriers reported checking 65,793 wheelchairs and scooters and mishandling 859 for a rate of 1.31% mishandled wheelchairs and scooters, higher than the rate of 1.30% mishandled in February 2024 and lower than the rate of 1.33% mishandled in March 2023.

For the first quarter of 2024, the carriers posted a mishandled wheelchair and scooter rate of 1.36%, lower than the rate of 1.40% in the first quarter of 2023.

To address many of the significant barriers and challenges experienced by passengers who use wheelchairs, the Department has proposed a rulemaking that, if adopted as proposed would make it an automatic violation of the Department’s Air Carrier Access Act regulations for airlines to mishandle a passenger’s wheelchair. This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking would also enhance training requirements for airline personnel who provide hands-on transfer assistance to passengers and handle wheelchairs. The proposal is available at https://www.regulations.gov , docket number DOT-OST-2022-0144.


Bumping/oversales data, unlike other air carrier data, are reported quarterly rather than monthly. For the first quarter of 2024, the 10 U.S. reporting marketing carriers posted an involuntary denied boarding, or bumping, rate of 0.27 per 10,000 passengers, lower than both the rate of 0.29 in the first quarter of 2023 and higher than the rate of 0.20 in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Incidents Involving Animals

As part of its IT modernization, DOT’s Office of Aviation Consumer Protection (OACP) is improving the options for covered carriers to submit their monthly and annual Reports on Incidents Involving Animals During Air Transport. While the new system is being developed, OACP is permitting covered carriers to delay submission of reports on incidents involving animals during air transport. Annual data on such incidents will be published when DOT receives carriers’ complete submissions of the 2023 data. 

In March 2024, carriers reported zero incidents involving the death, injury, or loss of an animal while traveling by air, down from the two reports filed in February 2024, and equal to the zero reports filed in March 2023.

Consumers may file air travel consumer or civil rights complaints online at   https://secure.dot.gov/air-travel-complaint , or they may mail a complaint to the Office of Aviation Consumer Protection, U.S. Department of Transportation, C-70, W96-432, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590.

The ATCR and other aviation consumer matters of interest to the public can be found at https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer .


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