Architecture Essay Examples

Nova A.

20 Must-Read Architecture Essay Examples for Students

Published on: May 5, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

Architecture Essay Examples

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Are you a student struggling with writing an architecture essay? Perhaps you are looking for inspiration, or maybe you need guidance on how to develop your argument. 

Whatever the reason may be, you have come to the right place!

In this blog, we provide a range of architecture essay examples covering different styles, time periods, and topics. From modernist to postmodernist architecture, we offer examples that will help you gain a deeper understanding of the subject.

So, let's take a journey through the world of architecture essay examples together!

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What Is Architecture Essay 

An architecture essay is a type of academic writing that explores the design, construction, and history of buildings, structures, and spaces.  It requires technical knowledge and creative thinking to analyze and interpret architectural theories, and practices.

Let’s take a look at a short essay on architecture:

Architecture College Essay Examples 

Let's take a look at some examples of compelling architecture college essays that demonstrate creativity and critical thinking skills.

The Influence of Cultural Heritage on Architectural Design

The Importance of Aesthetics in Architecture

Scholarship Essay Examples For Architecture

These scholarship essay examples for architecture demonstrate the writers' devotion to excellence and creativity. Let’s check them out!

From Blueprint to Reality: The Importance of Detail in Architecture

The Intersection of Technology and Artistry in Architecture

Common Architecture Essay Examples

Let's take a look at some common architecture essay pdf examples that students often encounter in their academic writing.

History of Architecture Essay Examples

The Evolution of Egyptian Architecture

The Influence of Islamic Architecture

Gothic Architecture Essay Examples 

The Key Characteristics of Gothic Style Architecture

The Role of Gothic Architecture in Medieval Europe

Modern Architecture Essay Examples 

The Development of Modernist Architecture

The Influence of Postmodern Architecture

Cornell Architecture Essay Examples 

The Legacy of Cornell Architecture

Innovative Design Approaches in Cornell Architecture

Types of Architectural Essay 

Here are some potential sample papers for each type of architectural essay:

  • Historical Analysis

The Effect of Ancient Greece Architecture on Contemporary Design

  • Critical Analysis

The Role of Materiality in Herzog and de Meuron's Tate Modern

  • Comparative Analysis

A Comparison of Modernist and Postmodernist Approaches to Design

Additional Architecture Essay Examples

Architecture essays cover a broad range of topics and styles. Here are some additional architecture essay prompts to help you get started.

Essay on Architecture As A Profession

Essay About Architecture As Art

Architecture Essay Question Examples

How To Write An Architecture Essay 

To write a successful architecture essay, follow these steps:

Step#1 Understand the assignment 

Read the assignment prompt carefully to understand what the essay requires.

Step#2 Research 

Conduct thorough research on the topic using reliable sources such as books, journals, and academic databases.

Step#3 Develop a thesis 

Based on your research, develop a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument of your essay.

Step#4 Outline 

Create an outline to organize your ideas and ensure that your essay flows logically and coherently.

Step#5 Write the essay 

Start writing your essay according to your outline:


  • Begin with a hook that grabs the reader's attention.
  • Provide background information on the topic.
  • End with a clear thesis statement.

Architecture Essay Introduction

  • Use evidence to support your arguments.
  • Organize your ideas logically with clear transitions.
  • Address counterarguments.


  • Summarize the main points and restate the thesis.
  • Provide final thoughts and consider broader implications.
  • End with a memorable closing statement.

Architecture Essay Conclusion

Step#6 Edit and proofread 

Review your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Make sure that your ideas are expressed clearly and concisely.

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History of Architecture Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Ancient Greek Architecture on Modern Building Design in the United States
  • The Development of Gothic Architecture as an Architectural Movement in Medieval Europe
  • A Case Study of Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie Style Architecture and its Influence on American Home Design
  • The Rise of Skyscrapers in the United States. A Look at the History and Impact of Tall Buildings on People Living and Working in Cities
  • The Origins of Modernism in Architecture: Tracing the Roots of this Architectural Movement from Europe to the United States
  • A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Japanese Traditional Architecture: Exploring the Differences and Similarities of These Two Styles Originated from Asia
  • The Influence of Islamic Architecture on the Development of Spanish Colonial Architecture in the United States
  • A Case Study of Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye: Analyzing the Characteristics of This Architectural Movement and Its Influence on Modern Architecture
  • The Evolution of Green Architecture: Examining the History of Sustainable Building Design and Its Impact on People Living and the Environment
  • The Revival of Art Deco Architecture. Tracing the Return of This Style Originated in the 1920s and 1930s in the United States.

In summary!

We hope the examples we've provided have sparked your imagination and given you the inspiration you need to craft your essay. Writing about architecture requires good skills, and your essay is an opportunity to showcase your unique ideas in the field.

Remember, even the greatest architects started somewhere, and the key to success is practice. But if you're feeling stuck and need a little help bringing your vision to life, don't worry! 

At , our expert writers are here to provide you with top-quality essay writing service that will impress even the toughest critics.

Whether you need help finding the right words or want assistance with organizing your ideas, our AI essay generator can guide you every step of the way. 

So why wait? Contact our architecture essay writing service today and take the first step toward building your dream career in architecture!

Nova A. (Literature, Marketing)

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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Writing About Architecture: 10 tips to becoming a better writer

  • Updated: October 29, 2023

Effective communication is crucial in any profession, but it is especially important in the field of architecture. Architecture permeates our daily lives, shaping the places where we live, work, and take our ease.

At its best, it can ennoble our existence and convey our highest values across time. Therefore, anyone who makes, produces, promotes, or teaches architecture must depend on accurate analysis and lucid explication to encourage design that makes the world a better place.

However, writing about architecture can be a challenging task.

The subject matter is complex and often requires understanding technical terms and concepts . In addition, architecture is a highly visual field, and writers must find ways to convey the experience of a building or design through language.

These challenges can be particularly daunting for both architects and students, who may not have received formal training in writing and may be more comfortable expressing ideas visually rather than through language.

Despite these challenges, it is essential for architects to be able to write clearly and effectively about their work.

Writing About Architecture

Why is writing an important architectural skill?

There has been a well-documented decline in writing skills among students in recent years. This trend is especially concerning in the field of architecture, where technology and construction methods are becoming increasingly complex.

In a professional environment, poor writing skills can have negative consequences such as misunderstandings or ambiguities in written communication that can have serious implications in the construction industry.

For example, unclear specifications about the environmental impact of a building can have toxic results, and ambiguity about the load-bearing capacity of a structural beam can have fatal consequences. It is essential for architects to be able to clearly and accurately convey technical information in their written communication.

Partners in several of the country’s leading architecture firms have even admitted to spending a significant portion of their time rewriting or correcting what their staff has written. This suggests that writing skills may not be a priority in the field, and that architects are not receiving adequate training in how to effectively communicate their ideas through language.

One veteran practitioner and dean of a leading architecture school even went so far as to say, “Architects who can’t write are professional toast!” This highlights the importance of good writing skills for architects’ professional success and credibility.

In an increasingly complex and technical industry, it is more important than ever for architects to have strong writing skills. Clear and accurate written communication is essential for the smooth functioning of a project and the safety of those involved.

Misunderstandings or ambiguities in written communication can lead to delays, cost overruns, and even accidents on the construction site.

By taking the time to improve their writing skills and effectively convey their ideas through language, architects can make a positive impact on the built environment and enhance the quality of our daily lives.

Writing About Architecture

Resources and strategies for better architectural writing skills

While writing about architecture can be a challenging task, there are many resources available to help architects improve their writing skills and effectively convey their ideas through language.

Some of these resources include books on writing, writing courses and workshops, along with writing groups. Practicing writing and seeking out these resources can help architects develop their skills and become more confident and effective writers.

For example, The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White is a small classic that provides guidance on the principles of clear and effective writing. On Writing Well by William Zinsser is another helpful resource that offers practical advice on how to write with clarity and simplicity.

…and of course “writing about architecture” by Alexandra Lange, The Built Environment Review provides an excellent breakdown and summary of this book, where they highlight Lange’s ability to explain complex architectural concepts in simple terms, making them accessible to students and beginners.

In addition to these books, there are also writing courses and workshops available that can help architects hone their writing skills. Participating in a writing group or workshop can provide a supportive environment for practicing and improving writing, as well as receiving feedback from peers and instructors.

There are also strategies that architects can use to improve their writing about architecture. One important strategy is to focus on clarity and simplicity. It is important to use concrete language and specific examples to help the reader understand the ideas being presented.

Avoid using jargon or overly technical language that may be confusing or off-putting to the reader. Instead, try to use language that is straightforward and easy to understand.

It is also important to consider the audience and tailor the writing to their level of understanding and interests. For example, a technical specification document for a construction project will likely have a different audience and purpose than an article in an architectural magazine.

Understanding the audience and purpose of the writing can help guide the style and content of the piece.

Examples of successful architectural writing that utilizes these strategies can be found in various sources, such as architectural magazines , journals, and websites . Reading these examples can provide inspiration and guidance for aspiring architectural writers.

Some examples of well-written architectural pieces include Robert Campbell’s Pulitzer Prize-winning architecture criticism for the Boston Globe and Shumon Basar’s writing on the work of OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen in Phaidon’s 10x10_3 book.

These pieces showcase the use of clear and engaging language to convey the ideas and experiences of architecture.

In addition to seeking out resources and implementing effective strategies, it is also valuable for architects to seek feedback and editing from others to improve their writing skills.

Receiving feedback from peers, professors, or professional editors can help architects identify areas for improvement and strengthen their writing abilities.

This can be done through formal writing workshops or by simply asking colleagues or mentors to review a piece of writing and provide constructive feedback.

Writing About Architecture

10 Tips to improve your writing about architecture

Particularly when writing pieces for the public domain, it can be difficult to get those outside of the field to understand the subject, as for many people, researching and familiarizing themselves with architectural terms may not be a priority.

This has led to architects and architectural writers struggling to find ways to convey their ideas about architecture, and face a challenge of how to best and effectively communicate their ideas.

In light of this, we have compiled a list of 10 techniques for architectural writing that will capture the reader’s attention and keep them engaged.

01 – Personal perspective

Use first-person perspective and confront your own biases to bring a unique and personal touch to your writing. This can help to add depth and credibility to your project descriptions and make your writing more engaging for the reader.

Personal perspectives and thoughts on the subject can add a unique and relatable element to your writing. However, it is important to ensure that your thoughts are well-researched and supported by facts, while also being consistent and well-organized throughout the paper to avoid confusion for the reader.

02 – Start with a quote

By opening with a quote from the architect or relevant figure for example, you can immediately provide context and insight into the their thoughts, goals and style, making the writing more engaging and meaningful for readers.

Additionally, it highlights the significance of understanding cultural, social and historical background that can shape an architect’s work, however, this technique should be used sparingly so as not to lose its effectiveness.

03 – Evocative language

Evocative language can create emotive imagery and draw readers into the sensory experience of architecture, and bring the architecture to life in the reader’s imagination. This can help to convey the philosophies and intentions behind the design and create a sense of immersion and connection with the reader.

04 – Imaginative language

Use imaginative language and playful adjectives to add depth and drama to your writing. This can give the architecture human-like qualities, and convey the building’s unique atmosphere and character. Furthermore, playful idioms and alliterations can add a layer of literary flair to your writing, making it more engaging and memorable for the reader.

This is an effective way to convey the drama and tension of a building and make it come alive in the mind of the reader.

05 – Research, research, research

When writing about architecture, it is important to display a thorough understanding of the subject to establish credibility with your audience. Prior to beginning the writing process, conduct extensive research on the topic to gather relevant facts and information that will support your arguments.

It’s also important to make use of deep factual contrasts, which provide comparisons between two things and help to highlight the strengths of your architectural project by contrasting it with others.

By presenting clear and factual information, readers will be able to clearly see your point and understand the unique qualities of your project.

Writing About Architecture

06 – Context

To fully capture the essence of an architectural project, it is important to consider its surrounding context. One effective way to do this is by providing a carefully crafted description of the area in which the building is located.

This creates a clear image in the reader’s mind of the location and provides a contrast to the building’s “material versatility and civic countenance” that he goes on to describe, giving it extra resonance and meaning.

07 – Rhetorical questions

Use rhetorical questions to strengthen arguments and make a point without the need for a direct answer.

The question itself can be a powerful tool for drawing attention to a particular aspect of the architecture or the firm being discussed, and can be used to provide context for the following analysis.

08 – Metaphorical language

Use metaphorical language and comparisons to help readers understand and envision the unique qualities of a building. This kind of language can help to make architecture more relatable and memorable for readers by giving them a tangible image to hold on to.

Furthermore, by connecting the spaces and features of the building to familiar objects or actions, it can be more easily understood and appreciated by a wider audience.

09 – Imagery

To make the built environment accessible to a general audience, imagery is a highly effective writing technique, as it allows readers to visualize and experience what you’re describing through your words alone.

Like other techniques that can aid in understanding architecture, imagery is particularly powerful in evoking vivid mental images of the subject.

An example of effective imagery would be one that focuses on the small, specific details of a scene and makes the reader feel as if they’re right there with you, observing the scene.

To effectively use imagery in your writing, you should strive to elevate your descriptive writing skills and narrate in a dramatic and lyrical style that brings the picture to life.

10 – Personification

We share many commonalities with other humans, and it’s often easier for us to understand something when it is described in human terms. Many writers have used personification to make complex ideas more relatable, and through this writers can improve their skills and more effectively communicate the value and meaning of their work to a wider audience.

Writing About Architecture

FAQ’s about writing about architecture

How do you describe architecture in writing.

Architecture can be described in writing in several ways, depending on the purpose of the writing and the intended audience. Here are a few examples:

  • Descriptive writing : This type of writing focuses on describing the physical features and characteristics of a building or architectural style. It can be used to convey the visual appearance and sensory experience of a structure, such as the materials used, the layout, the lighting, and the overall design aesthetic.
  • Analytical writing : This type of writing involves analyzing and interpreting the design and construction of a building or architectural style. It can be used to discuss the architectural principles , the historical context, the cultural significance, and the functional aspects of a structure.
  • Persuasive writing : This type of writing is used to persuade the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific action. It can be used to present a proposal or design, convince a client or funding agency to support a project, or advocate for a particular architectural philosophy or approach.
  • Technical writing : This type of writing is used to provide detailed and accurate information about the technical aspects of building construction and design. It can be used to document building codes, regulations, and standards, provide specifications for materials and systems, and describe construction techniques and methods.

Regardless of the type of writing, it is important to use clear and concise language, providing enough detail to convey your ideas but avoiding overly technical language, which will make it difficult for the audience to understand.

Providing visual aid such as diagrams, blueprints, floor plans and photographs to complement the written work can also be quite helpful in conveying the ideas in an architecture.

It is also a good idea to use active voice and avoid passive voice and use technical terms only when required and when doing so, defining them to make sure it is clear to the audience what the term means.

Writing About Architecture

How do you write an architecture paper?

Writing an architecture essay requires a combination of research, critical thinking, and clear writing skills. Here are a few steps you can follow to write an effective paper on architecture:

  • Define your topic : Choose a specific area of architecture that you want to write about, such as a particular building, architectural style, or design movement. Make sure that the topic is focused and specific enough to be covered in the length of the paper you plan to write.
  • Conduct research : Gather information on your topic from a variety of sources, such as books, articles, online resources, and primary sources like architectural drawings and photographs. Researching the historical context, cultural influences, and design principles of your topic is important, as these will help you to understand and interpret it.
  • Formulate a thesis : State the main idea or argument that you want to make in your paper. The thesis should be specific and clear, and it should guide the structure and content of your writting.
  • Organize your paper : Use a clear structure to organize your paper and make sure that it has a logical flow. The introduction should provide background information on your topic and state your thesis. The body of the writing should be divided into several paragraphs, each of which should focus on a specific aspect of the topic. The conclusion should summarize the main points of your writting and restate your thesis.
  • Use evidence and examples : Use specific examples from your research to support the claims you make in your writing. These examples could be the building or design you’re discussing, the historical context you’ve researched or the design principles you’re arguing about. Use evidence to back up your thesis and make sure that your examples are relevant and clearly linked to your thesis.
  • Use proper formatting : Use proper formatting for your paper , such as clear headings and subheadings, and a consistent font and layout. It’s also important to follow the guidelines provided by your instructor or the publication that you’re submitting the writing to, if any.
  • Proofread and revise : Proofread your paper carefully to ensure that it is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Revise your paper to improve its clarity, coherence, and overall effectiveness.

It’s also important to think about your audience and how they will be approaching the paper . This will help you to choose the right tone and language to use. If the paper is a formal academic paper, using technical terms and being more formal would be better, if it’s a piece for a general audience, it’s better to use simpler language and avoid technical terms that the audience might not understand.

Lastly, it is important to remember that writing is a process and it requires time and effort. It is okay to need multiple revisions and to reach out to others such as professors or colleagues to get feedback on your work.Regenerate response

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Essay on Architecture

Students are often asked to write an essay on Architecture in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Architecture

Introduction to architecture.

Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings. It involves creating structures that are functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing.

Role of Architecture

Architecture plays a crucial role in our lives. It provides us with spaces to live, work, and play. Good architecture can inspire us and make our lives better.

Types of Architecture

There are many types of architecture, including residential, commercial, and landscape. Each type serves a different purpose and requires unique design considerations.

Importance of Architecture

Architecture is important because it reflects our values, culture, and history. It’s a way for societies to express themselves and leave a lasting legacy.

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250 Words Essay on Architecture


Architecture, a term that resonates with the design of buildings and physical structures, is a multidimensional discipline that intertwines art, technology, and culture. It’s a field that not only shapes our physical surroundings but also impacts our social, economic, and environmental contexts.

The Evolution of Architecture

The evolution of architecture is a testament to human ingenuity and adaptability. From the primitive huts of ancient civilizations to the glass skyscrapers of the modern era, architectural designs have evolved in response to changing needs, resources, and technologies. This evolution is not linear but cyclical, with styles and techniques often revisited and reinterpreted in new contexts.

Architecture as a Reflection of Culture

Architecture serves as a mirror to society, reflecting cultural values, beliefs, and aspirations. Each architectural structure is a physical manifestation of the era’s zeitgeist, embodying the prevailing ideologies, technologies, and aesthetic sensibilities. In this sense, architecture becomes a historical narrative, telling stories of societies and civilizations.

The Role of Technology in Architecture

Technology has been a driving force in the evolution of architecture. From the use of simple tools in primitive structures to the implementation of advanced software in modern designs, technology has expanded the possibilities of what can be achieved architecturally. It has facilitated the creation of complex, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing structures that were once unimaginable.

In conclusion, architecture is a dynamic discipline that intersects various fields and reflects the progression of human society. It’s an art form that not only serves practical purposes but also embodies cultural narratives and pushes the boundaries of technological innovation.

500 Words Essay on Architecture

Architecture is an interdisciplinary field that lies at the intersection of art, science, and culture. It is a discipline that involves designing and constructing environments in which people live, work, and play. Embodying the spirit of an era, architecture reflects societal values, technological advancements, and the creative aspirations of individuals and communities.

The Evolution of Architectural Styles

Architecture has evolved significantly over time, with each epoch producing distinct architectural styles that reflect its unique cultural, technological, and artistic context. The grandeur of the Egyptian pyramids, the symmetry of Greek temples, the ornate details of Gothic cathedrals, and the sleek minimalism of modern skyscrapers each mark a significant phase in architectural evolution.

Architecture as a Reflection of Society

Architecture is often seen as a mirror of society, reflecting the economic conditions, social norms, and cultural values of a period. For instance, the lavish palaces of the Renaissance period showcase the wealth and power of the ruling class, while the functional simplicity of modernist architecture reflects a shift towards efficiency and utility in the wake of industrialization.

Technological advancements have had a profound impact on architecture. Developments in materials, construction techniques, and design software have not only broadened the possibilities for architectural design but have also improved the efficiency and sustainability of buildings. For instance, the advent of steel and reinforced concrete revolutionized the construction of high-rise buildings, while digital design tools have enabled architects to create complex and innovative structures.

Sustainable and Inclusive Architecture

In the face of climate change and increasing urbanization, the focus of contemporary architecture is shifting towards sustainability and inclusivity. Sustainable architecture seeks to minimize the environmental impact of buildings through energy efficiency, use of sustainable materials, and integration of green spaces. Inclusive architecture, on the other hand, emphasizes accessibility and usability for all, regardless of age, ability, or socio-economic status.

Conclusion: The Future of Architecture

The future of architecture is likely to be shaped by further technological advancements, evolving societal needs, and the imperative of sustainability. As architects continue to push the boundaries of design, architecture will remain a dynamic and vital field that contributes significantly to the quality of our built environment and our lives within it.

In conclusion, architecture is a complex and ever-evolving discipline that reflects the spirit of the times. It is a testament to human ingenuity and creativity, shaping our world in profound ways. Through the lens of architecture, we can gain insights into our past, understand our present, and envision our future.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Mastering the Blueprint: Crafting an Impactful Architecture Essay

essay on architecture

Writing an essay is a tough task. The major part of that difficulty comes from the subject matter. When you are a student of Architecture or an amateur interested in writing about architecture from around the world, you are in for a lot of trouble. Yet, if you can understand the variables, and ensure that all the bases are covered, you can end up with the perfect essay for your submission.

An essay rewriter can do wonders as it can rewrite the whole text in seconds. The work gets reduced to a minimum for you as a writer. But, if you are interested in doing it yourself, you have come to the right place!

Scope of Your Architecture Essay

The most common mistake that many students and even seasoned writers make is to set the scope for their essays. This is reflected in the title of your essay and should be chosen with care. For instance, when you are writing an essay on the architecture of the Renaissance, it should have a clear scope in terms of time and space. For instance, you can move forward with your essay by specifying your content in terms of a ruler, a visionary, or the impact of the person involved in the progress.

Instead of going in blindly, you should make it narrow and fine around the edges. An essay writer can help you do that by giving you unique samples in real time.

Make An Impact with Architecture Essay

Once you have covered the specific topic with a razor-sharp title, it is time to put the proverbial pen to the paper and start working. Again, it takes some time and effort before you get to the writing phase. In the following paragraphs, we will break down the whole process of writing an architecture essay - from collecting relevant information to proofing the final draft.

Preliminary Stage

Before we get started with writing, it is important to gather all the important things around so that the writing phase can be covered swiftly and without too many issues. That’s why we have this dedicated section.

The first thing is to find all the important information before starting writing. There are many primary and secondary sources that you can explore to get the wheels rolling. As a rule of thumb, you must have more than you need before creating outline for your essay.

In the outlining stage, you will see your essay getting its final shape. You can set the scope and depth of the subject matter by outlining it. Again, it is best to have the big picture in mind while mapping out your essay. When you are done, jump to the writing phase immediately.

Writing Stage

This is the visible stage for your hard work and you need to get it over with quickly. It is because the more you delay the inevitable, the less motivated you will be to cross the finish line. Of course, you can go the paraphrasing route and search online for “rewrite my essay”. However, this section is for you if you want to do it yourself.

Open with A Hook

The opening should captivate the readers and prompt them to keep on reading. This is called a hook and it should be followed by some context about the main topic. In the closing lines of the opening paragraph, you need to put down your thesis statement.

Populate the Main Headings

The main body of the essay is the meat and bones of your architecture essay. Depending on the scope and type of your essay, this section should have the legs to stand on its own. The continuity and rhythm of the voice and tone should be consistent throughout the essay.

Tie Up Loose Ends

When you are done making all the fine points, it is time to tie all the loose ends together. This is an important section and you need to make sure that your narrative gets a reliable ending that stays true to its core.

Editing & Proofreading Stage

Merely writing the text is not enough as you need to mold it in the best possible way before submitting it for evaluation or publication. 

Grammar & Syntax

The most common issues with texts are covered in the grammar and syntax areas. You can find a suitable online tool that can identify and rectify the issues for you. 

Spelling & Punctuation

The same goes for spelling and punctuation. It is not enough that something seems right or feels okay. You have to be sure and that’s where editing and proofreading make all the difference. The best time to proofread and edit is when you are completely satisfied with the text.

Key Takeaways

There is no denying that writing an architecture essay takes a lot of time and effort. But when you have a plan, you can make it work without much hassle. This blog has highlighted the whole process for you. Whether you are a student or a professional, you can start and finish the task without breaking a sweat!

By Liliana Alvarez

  • Mastering the Blueprint
  • Crafting an Impactful Architecture Essay
  • Impactful Architecture Essay
  • Architecture Essay

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In 1999, Birgit Lohmann and Massimo Mini co-founded designboom, self-proclaimed as the "first online architecture and design magazine." Seven years later, Facebook transitioned from Ivy League universities to massive audiences, while the first tweet was posted on formerly-known Twitter. Sixteen years have passed since these milestones.

While 16 years may be a short period in architecture, digital media and social networks are far from being considered emergent in the history of the internet. In fact, they form the core of the current Web 2.0 model, characterized by a dual interaction between content producers and consumers: sharing, liking, remixing, and reposting.

Indeed, the speed and magnitude of the transformations that digital media have undergone, and in turn, driven, provide the opportunity to begin documenting the history of the digital era and its impact on architecture.

Creating Architectural Value through Aesthetics

Creating Architectural Value through Aesthetics  - Featured Image

Humans try very hard to make the inexplicable understood. Our spirituality becomes religion. Fairness becomes law. And what delights us becomes aesthetics, and aesthetics are dumbed down to “style” in fine arts and architecture. The description, then definition, of aesthetics enables us to judge, and hopefully, control what thrills us: "Styles may change, details may come and go, but the broad demands of aesthetic judgement are permanent". -- Roger Scruton

But the instant delight we sometimes feel when we hear, taste, think or see parts of our experience is unreasoned in its apprehension. We try to create value in our outcomes by defining them beyond experience – that is aesthetics.

Copycat: Why Is Copying a Style Bad for Cities?

Copycat: Why Is Copying a Style Bad for Cities? - Featured Image

CopyCat is the act of emulating something that's already been created and using it in a different context. Copycats can exist in music, arts and design; but they are not exactly a design inspiration or a style reference, but rather a literal copy with almost no modification of the original work.

In architecture, it is as if you were inspired by an emblematic work from another space-time and placed it somewhere unconnected with the original roots of the work-style.

The Space Age Aesthetic: Influencing Architecture and Interiors

The Space Age Aesthetic: Influencing Architecture and Interiors - Featured Image

The dawn of nuclear power , dramatic advances in rocketry, and the desire to be the first to put men into space and on the moon, kick-started an era known as the ‘Space Age’ . Upon the closure of WW2, both the Soviets and the Allies found themselves in a state of antagonism, as they both began to struggle to make advancements in space exploration before the other, a race for space. The era would give way to rapid advancements in technology and huge accomplishments including the moon landing in 1969 . The Space Age aesthetic completely changed the way designers visualized the new world and left a dramatic impression on architecture and interiors. A new vision of futurism and prosperity.

The Space Age Aesthetic: Influencing Architecture and Interiors - Image 1 of 4

Why Francis Kéré Won the Pritzker Prize?

Why Francis Kéré Won the Pritzker Prize? - Image 1 of 4

Last Tuesday, March 15, Francis Kéré became the first African architect to win the Pritzker Prize , the most important award in the architecture discipline.

The election of Kéré is not only symbolic in a time of identity demands, where the institutions that make up the mainstream are required to more faithfully represent the social, cultural, and sexual realities that make up our societies, but it also confirms the recent approach of the Pritzker Prize jury.

Why Francis Kéré Won the Pritzker Prize? - Image 2 of 4

Architecture as Sexual Technology

Architecture as Sexual Technology - Featured Image

By defining sexuality as one of several sexual technologies, Michel Foucault has expanded our understanding of sex. This way, the relationship between architecture and the body is shaped not only by the built object, with its various spatial mechanisms for the production of bodies, but also by thinking, in the form of academic discourse. And vice versa, since gender and sexuality also impact architectural theory. One way or another, these relationships are very rich and capable of expanding our knowledge about architecture and the creation of generic sexed bodies.

Before “Colonial” There Was Immigrant Architecture in North America

Before “Colonial” There Was Immigrant Architecture in North America - Featured Image

There is an architecture of the migrant. It is survivalist, built with what is available, made as quickly as possible, with safety as its core value. Americans romanticize that architecture as “Colonial”: simple timber buildings, with symmetric beginnings, infinite additions, and adaptations. But “Colonial” architecture is not what was built first by the immigrants to a fully foreign land 400 years ago. Like all migrant housing, time made it temporary and forgotten.

Queer Looks On Architecture: From Challenging Identity-Based Approaches To Spatial Thinking

Queer Looks On Architecture: From Challenging Identity-Based Approaches To Spatial Thinking - Featured Image

A growing number of theorists and practitioners have been discussing the impact of gender and race on the profession and theory of architecture. Issues linked to the relationship between the built environment, sexual orientation, and gender identity, however, remain particularly understudied, perhaps because of their relative invisibility and less clearly identifiable discriminatory consequences. Moreover, they are also completely neglected by design theory in the Francophone world. This article partially remedies the situation.

Architecture Out of the Closet

Architecture Out of the Closet - Featured Image

Architecture can be many things, also queer. Alongside many other transgressing words that carry different meanings and perspectives, this term triggers new insights into society and questions how we create architecture and urban planning projects, including their programs and activities. If there is any statement about how architecture should be done, if there is any conviction about what it represents, we wish here to avoid knowing what it is and be able to question its traditions to broaden the profession, its meanings, and social representation.

Living On the Edge: Why We’re Attracted to Places Where the Manmade Abuts the Natural

Living On the Edge: Why We’re Attracted to Places Where the Manmade Abuts the Natural - Featured Image

This article was originally published on Common Edge as "Living on the Edge."

I am on the edge. Not emotionally or psychologically—although this could be the case—but literally, physically, spatially, geographically. As I write this, I am sitting on the balcony of a hotel room in Miami Beach, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Behind me is the whole State of Florida and, indeed, the entire North American continent. In front of me: the boardwalk, a narrow beach, and then a lot of water—and not much else between here and Mauritania, a distance of more than 4,400 miles.

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"As Long as There Are Human Beings and their Challenges, There Will Be Architecture": In Conversation with Ole Bouman

"As Long as There Are Human Beings and their Challenges, There Will Be Architecture": In Conversation with Ole Bouman - Featured Image

Believing firmly that "architecture is [...] too important to leave solely to architects", Ole Bouman embarked on diverse activities throughout his three decades of work , reflecting on “architecture, not so much as the art or technique of making buildings, but architecture as the intelligent way to organize our lives on earth, and infuse it with purpose”.

After having shared Bouman's essay Finding Measure , ArchDaily had the chance to discuss with Design Society ’s founding director his thoughts on the role of architecture, the current challenges of the world, the digital revolution, and many other thought-provoking topics.

"As Long as There Are Human Beings and their Challenges, There Will Be Architecture": In Conversation with Ole Bouman - Image 1 of 4

"Architecture not Exclusively for Architects": Ole Bouman on Finding Measure

"Architecture not Exclusively for Architects": Ole Bouman on Finding Measure - Featured Image

“We can all be designers ” states Ole Bouman , one of the most influential figures in the world of Architecture . Implicated in the contemporary architectural discourse, the founding director of Design Society , in Shenzhen , China has introduced, since the 1990s, many design concepts, founded culture brands, and took on institutional roles all over the world.

Previously the director of the NAi - Netherlands Architecture Institute and the creative director of the Urbanism/Architecture Bi-City Biennale of Shenzhen/Hong Kong , the Dutch-German historian, writer, publisher, photographer, curator, lecturer, and practitioner in design and architecture, has gathered three decades of work in a platform , highlighting the interaction “ between a life and history unfolding ”. Read on to discover Ole Bouman ’s Finding Measure essay, extracted from his website , and stay tuned for A rchDaily’s exclusive interview with Design Society’s founding director , discussing present and future, and tackling the role of architecture, the current challenges of the world, the digital revolution and many other thought-provoking topics.

The Precarious State of the Mom-and-Pop Store

The Precarious State of the Mom-and-Pop Store - Featured Image

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

Few businesses in the United States are regarded with more fondness than mom-and-pop retailers. There’s an “all’s right with the world” quality about owner-run shops that meet a neighborhood’s everyday needs and, through repeated face-to-face exchanges, help people feel they’re members of a mutually supportive community. And yet for a long time, mom-and-pop stores have been under stress. In the half-century after 1950, cars shifted much of United States’s retailing to unwalkable roadside strips and winnowed the ranks of neighborhood-scale mom-and-pops. In the past two decades, the burgeoning of the internet has intensified the pressure on brick-and-mortar retail, a situation worsened by the pandemic.

The Chase Residence: The History Behind One of Texas' Most Radical Houses

The Chase Residence: The History Behind One of Texas' Most Radical Houses - Featured Image

The following text is excerpted from John S. Chase — The Chase Residence (Tower Books, 2020) by architect and University of Texas professor David Heymann and historian and Rice University lecturer Stephen Fox. Richly illustrated with archival materials and new drawings, the book is the first devoted to Chase, who was the first Black licensed architect in Texas. The study is divided into two parts, with Heymann examining the personal, social, and architectural significance of Chase’s own Houston house and Fox describing Chase’s architectural career.

This excerpt draws on Heymann’s analysis and highlights the first incarnation of the Chase Residence (Chase substantially altered its architecture in 1968). It places great emphasis on the house’s remarkable courtyard, a modernist innovation, and a singular statement about domestic living at the time. New section, elevation, and perspective drawings prepared for the book help illustrate the ingenuity of the house’s configuration. Finally, the excerpt was selected in part to honor Drucie (Rucker) Chase, who passed away in January of 2021.

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The Case for a Feeling Architecture

The Case for a Feeling Architecture - Featured Image

My mother is a psychologist, so our family talks a lot about emotion. More specifically, we discuss the experience of emotion, because, as she  likes to remind me and my sisters, “We don’t  think  our feelings—we  feel  them, in our bodies.” According to my mother, it’s this experience of emotion that gives our lives a sense of meaning and vitality; as a result, her work isn’t about intellectual insight or abstract theories, but rather about giving her patients a new experience of themselves in the world.

Tech, Class, Cynicism, and Pandemic Real Estate

Tech, Class, Cynicism, and Pandemic Real Estate - Featured Image

It didn’t take long for the coronavirus pandemic to inspire both cutting-edge architectural design solutions and broad speculation about future developments in the field. Many of the realized innovations have been contracted by or marketed to the real estate sector. But as firms compete to provide pandemic comforts to rich tenants, the COVID-19 technology that directly affects working-class communities is mostly limited to restrictive measures that fail to address already-urgent residential health hazards or administrative conveniences for developers that allow them to circumvent public scrutiny. These changes had been long-planned, but they have found a new license under the pretext of coronavirus precaution. In terms of “corona grifting,” this sort of thing takes the cake.


Architecture Essay Writing: 5 Tips

Art & Design College Work Ideas, Architectural Student Writing

Architecture Essay Writing Tips

Tips on doing well in College or University Architecture Classes Article

22 Aug 2018

Architecture Essay Writing Tips for Strong Texts

Architecture Essay Writing: 5 Tips to Come Up with a Strong Piece

Writing any kind of essay comes with its various difficulties, and writing an architecture essay is no exception. Architecture essays are not a common assignment in college unless a student is taking a class specifically on architecture.

For this reason, it can often be difficult to find great guides on how to compose a strong architectural essay. Luckily, this article is here to help students do just that. Follow the tips below to make your architectural essay all that it can be.

Architecture Essay Writing Tips

  • Consider Your Audience

One of the first things to do before writing an essay on architecture is to consider who the audience for your paper is. This will likely to be outlined in the assignment rubric. If you are unsure of who you are supposed to be writing for, ask your professor.

Often times, essays are meant to be written as if they were meant to be read by someone who doesn’t know much about the topic. With this in mind, it would be best to avoid using jargon in your paper; instead, try to explain things in terms in which anyone could understand. If you need to use specific architectural terms, make sure to define them in your text.

If your essay is meant to be read by someone who studies or works in architecture, then feel free to use architectural terms as needed.

  • Tap into Creative Writing Skills

Much of architectural writing involves description. Good architectural writers will need to describe their future buildings or projects in great detail if they want their professor, classmates, or even future employer, to picture their vision for the project in the same way that they do.

In many other types of essays, adjectives are mostly unnecessary, but that is not the case when it comes to writing architectural essays. The essay’s words should be able to paint a picture. For example, simply saying, “the living room floor will be covered in gray carpeting,” isn’t likely to be good enough. Below is an example of visual imagery that could be used in an architectural essay to describe a room.

“The living room is a rectangular room with the dimensions of 10 x 12 feet. Flat maroon carpeting covers the entirety of the floor. The back wall of the room is covered in oak paneling, while the rest of the room is painted eggshell white. The popcorn ceiling adds texture to the room.”

  • Opinions Matter

Essays are one of the few types of college writing assignments that allow students to write about their opinions on a topic. When writing an architectural essay, students may want to write about their personal thoughts on the way a piece of architecture looks. Of course, a student can’t simply write, “The flooring looks dumb. I wouldn’t have done it that way.” As mentioned in tip #2, the details also matter. An example of using opinion in an architectural essay is below.

“The floor of the hotel bathroom was displeasing to the eye. The charcoal grey grout between the tiles makes the floor look dirty, even when it has just been cleaned. If I had a chance to renovate the bathroom, I would replace the gray grout with white grout or change the tiling to linoleum, as that would not require visible grout.”

Researching is perhaps one of the most important parts about writing an essay, no matter what type of class it is for. When it comes to researching for an architectural essay, students would do well to research the building or project they are writing about. This will help the student to gain more background knowledge for their essay, which will make the overall essay more professional.

Other research topics architectural students may want to research include famous architects, famous building, failed architecture projects, unique buildings or projects, and general architectural terms. We suggest you should try the free plagiarism tool at EduBirdie . It is fast, easy to use and does not require registration that is very convenient for students! All but the last of the items on this list would make great architectural essay topics on their own while learning and using architectural terms throughout the paper can also make it seem more professional.

  • Look at Examples

Sometimes it can be difficult to know how an architectural essay is supposed to be formatted if the student has never seen one before. Looking up completed architectural essays online, or purchasing an essay online written by an expert, are both great ways for a student to learn more about how to structure an architectural essay and what should be included in an architectural essay.

To get the best example possible, a student should ask their professor for good examples to look at. If a student is lucky, their professor may even show them examples of essays of students who had completed the assignments in previous years look like. In the worst case scenario, the professor will say “no,” so there’s much more for a student to gain by asking that they could ever lose. See this automatic and free plagiarism checker .

We hope students are able to benefit from the five great tips on how to write a strong architectural essay listed in this article. By following these tips, researching, being creative, and asking for help when they need it, students are sure to be able to produce an A+ architectural essay.

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Key Steps in Writing an Architectural Essay

  • by Elif Ayse Fidanci
  • 21 August 2023

Architectural essays offer a wonderful opportunity to delve into the realm of design, art, and history, bringing together a synthesis of various perspectives and ideas. Whether you’re an architecture student, an architect, or simply someone with a deep appreciation for architectural marvels, writing an architectural essay requires a precise and thoughtful approach. In this article, we’ll outline the key steps to crafting a well-researched, compelling architectural essay.

  • Understanding the Essay Prompt

The first step in writing an architectural essay is to understand the essay prompt or question thoroughly. The prompt might be as broad as analyzing the architectural elements of a particular building or as specific as comparing the influences of different architectural styles. Spend ample time understanding the question and clarify any doubts with your instructor.

  • Preliminary Research

Once the essay question is clear, initiate your preliminary research. The objective is to gather a basic understanding of the architectural style, era, or building you’ll be writing about. This includes its history, key figures involved, and its defining characteristics. Online resources, architectural journals, and books provide a wealth of knowledge. Be sure to note down all sources for citation purposes.

  • Formulate a Thesis Statement

Based on your research, develop a concise, strong thesis statement that expresses your perspective or argument. This statement should be a precise assertion that you intend to substantiate with evidence in the body of your essay. Your thesis should be the guiding light for your research and writing process moving forward.

  • Detailed Research and Analysis

With your thesis statement in hand, it’s time to delve into detailed research. Analyze architectural plans, photographs, and firsthand accounts if available. Look at the broader socio-cultural and historical context in which the architectural work exists. Consider how it fits within its architectural style, its influence on later works, and its relevance today.

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  • Organizing the Essay

Now that you’ve conducted thorough research, it’s time to structure your essay. Typically, architectural essays follow the standard essay format: an introduction (including the thesis statement), body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Introduction: Set the scene by introducing the architectural work or style you’re discussing and end with your thesis statement.

Body paragraphs: Each body paragraph should deal with a single main point that supports your thesis statement. Use a combination of factual data, analysis, and interpretation.

Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reaffirm your thesis statement. Discuss the relevance or implications of your findings.

  • Writing the Essay

With the research complete and the outline ready, it’s time to write. Use clear and concise language and ensure each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next. Be critical, but fair in your analysis. Remember to stick to your thesis statement and provide evidence for each point you make.

  • Citing Your Sources

Citation is essential in academic writing. Cite your sources according to the required format (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.). This not only supports your claims but also shows respect for the work of others.

essay on architecture

  • Proofreading and Revision

After you finish writing, step away from your essay for a while. Return to it with fresh eyes to proofread and revise. Check for clarity, coherence, grammar, and punctuation errors. Ensure that the essay effectively communicates your argument and the evidence supporting it.

  • Seek Feedback

Before the final submission, it could be helpful to have someone else read your essay. Their feedback can help improve clarity, logic, and coherence.

Writing an architectural essay is an enriching process that combines analytical and creative thinking. It allows us to appreciate the beauty and complexity of architectural works while developing our own insights. Remember, successful essays are not born overnight. It requires time, patience, and a lot of practice. So, take these steps to heart, and you’ll be well on your way to producing compelling architectural essays.

Architectural essays have an important role in the field of architecture and beyond. They function as an essential tool for discussing and exploring various aspects of architectural theory, history, and practice. Architectural essays provide a platform to delve into the various facets of architecture, such as the social, cultural, political, and economic influences on architectural design. They enable the writer to explore and understand architectural concepts, styles, and trends on a deeper level.

 Writing an architectural essay encourages the development of critical thinking and analytical skills. It pushes the writer to dissect architectural styles, constructions, and philosophies, fostering an ability to analyze and interpret the broader implications and contexts.

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Architecture as a Career Field Definition Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

It is almost impossible to count all the professions and various occupations which help people earn money. Professions differ in their nature and the character of the results provided. Architecture is one of the most popular occupations in the sphere of those careers which depend on the successful combination of creativity and developed practical skills in the fields associated with engineering and technology.

Architecture as a career focuses on planning, designing, and building different constructions with references to organizing the space and environment with the help technologies which are necessary in building. An architect as the representative of the profession is a specialist in designing buildings and further controlling the process of their construction.

Architecture is traditionally associated with the process of creating not only usual buildings but also with the famous constructions which are built according to various architectural styles which developed during different historical periods.

That is why, it is possible to state that architecture reflects the main tendencies in the social and cultural development. From this point, architecture as a career field includes the knowledge of the architecture history, modern tendencies and the practical realization of the knowledge in the processes of planning and constructing.

Architecture is based on the innovations and accomplishments in science and technology with references to engineering. However, one of the most important aspects is the creative approach to planning and designing a building. Architecture as a career is often chosen by people who are interested in design and art and who have the strong knowledge of sciences.

Several decades ago the career of an architect was available only for persons from the highest social stages because of the top status of this profession. Nevertheless, the situation has changed and today any person with the basic knowledge in technologies and engineering and with creative thinking can become an architect. Architecture is the prestigious field with high-paid jobs. Architecture as a profession is important for increasing the quality of the people’s life, and it can be discussed from the perspective of its importance for the social life.

The results of architects’ work are houses where people live, public buildings where people gather or work, and those buildings which have the practical meaning for towns and cities. Moreover, the plan of towns and cities is also the result of the work of architects who are responsible for the sector of urban planning and design.

An architect is a specialist in the field who is qualified to plan and design objects and constructions according to aesthetic and technical norms and principles. The key requirement to practice is the license which supports the architect’s qualification. One the one hand, the profession of an architect can be discussed as creative, and it is correlated with the sphere of art and design where it is necessary to work with different forms, textures, and materials.

On the other hand, the architect’s activity is based on the effective usage of practical and technical knowledge. The profession of an architect as any other career also involves the ethical aspect because architects design and work out their constructions and buildings for people, with the help of people, and according to the people’s desires.

Thus, it is possible to state that the field of architect’s responsibility is large, and it includes the processes of designing, constructing, building, restoration, and urban planning. These activities form the fundament of the architect’s professional practice. Nevertheless, there are a lot of the other activities which should be determined to make the complete picture of an architect’s responsibilities.

Projects can be different according to their significance and in relation to the number of people who are involved in its working out. There can be two persons who are an architect and a client or there can be a group of architects and a company as a client.

The work at the definite project starts with discussing the purpose of a building or a construction, paying attention to the specific characteristics. The next stage is the discussion of the desired elements of a building or a construction. Architects should focus on the desires of clients, their visions and ideas to fully satisfy their expectations.

The architects’ task is to design a construction which could meet the requirements of the technological process and be rather creative. The following client and architects’ discussions are based on the models and drawings developed basing on the previous discussions and proposed by the architects to consult the clients’ vision of the object.

It is important to note that architects should approve their projects and provide the necessary technical documentation for the town or city administration. The processes of planning and designing the building depend on following definite technological principles. Thus, architects must control and coordinate the process of building with paying attention to correct following all the specifications.

The success of architects’ projects depends on the effective combination of such factors as the function of a building, its safety as a construction according to the engineering norms and standards, and the aesthetic aspect. Architects pay much attention to discussing and thinking over the decorative elements which are used for making a building significant in relation to its aesthetic quality.

Moreover, architects have different styles, and the peculiarities of these styles help distinguish the works of one architect among the others. From this point, an architect functions as a designer and painter and as a constructor and engineer to solve all the issues in planning a building.

To conclude, architects can not only plan projects and control building but also provide advice in relation to the architectural issues. Architects also spend a lot of time solving the tasks which traditionally are not discussed with direct references to architecture.

Thus, architects communicate a lot with clients and the other architects who are organized as groups for working at projects, consultants, and the representatives of administration. It is also their task to estimate the costs of the project and provide the creative and effective ideas in order to win the next tenders.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 6). Architecture as a Career Field.

"Architecture as a Career Field." IvyPanda , 6 Nov. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Architecture as a Career Field'. 6 November.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Architecture as a Career Field." November 6, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Architecture as a Career Field." November 6, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Architecture as a Career Field." November 6, 2018.

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POINT: Essays on Architecture 4

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POINT offers a new cadence to architecture’s contemporary conversation. Each essay in this series hones a single point while situating it within a broader discursive landscape, thereby simultaneously focusing and fueling architectural criticism.

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The Primitive Hut - Essentials of Architecture

Laugier's 18th Century Theory About Architecture

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  • Doctor of Arts, University of Albany, SUNY
  • M.S., Literacy Education, University of Albany, SUNY
  • B.A., English, Virginia Commonwealth University

The Primitive Hut has become a shorthand statement of principle that defines essential elements of architecture. Often, the phrase is "Laugier's Primitive Hut."

Marc-Antoine Laugier (1713-1769) was a French Jesuit priest who rejected the opulence of Baroque architecture prevalent in his lifetime. He outlined his theory about what architecture should be in the 1753 Essai sur l'architecture . According to Laugier, all architecture derives from three essential elements:

  • The entablature
  • The pediment

The Primitive Hut Illustrated

Laugier expanded his book-length essay in a second edition published in 1755. This second edition includes the iconic frontispiece illustration by French artist Charles Eisen. In the picture, an idyllic woman (perhaps the personification of Architecture) points out a simple rustic cabin to a child (perhaps the unknowing, naive architect). The structure she points to is simplistic in design, uses basic geometric shapes, and is constructed from natural elements. Laugier's Primitive Hut is his representation of the philosophy that all architecture derives from this simple ideal.

In the English translation of this 1755 edition, the frontispiece created by the British engraver Samuel Wale is slightly different from the illustration used in the well-known, celebrated French edition. The picture in the English language book is less allegorical and more clear-cut than the more romantic picture from the French edition. Both illustrations show, however, a reasoned and simplified approach to building.

  • Charles Eisen frontispiece from Essai sur l’architecture , 2nd edition Public domain image from DOME, digitized content from the MIT Libraries' collections,
  • Samuel Wale frontispiece from the English translation Illustration in the public domain courtesy of Open Library,

Full Title in English

An Essay on Architecture; in which Its True Principles are explained, and Invariable Rules proposed, for Directing the Judgment and Forming the Taste of the Gentleman and the Architect, With regard to the Different Kinds of Buildings, the Embellishment of Cities, And the Planning of Gardens.

The Primitive Hut Idea by Laugier

Laugier theorizes that man wants nothing but shade from the sun and shelter from storms—the same requirements as a more primitive human. "The man is willing to make himself an abode which covers but not buries him," Laugier writes. "Pieces of wood raised perpendicularly, give us the idea of columns. The horizontal pieces that are laid upon them, afford us the idea of entablatures."

Branches form an incline that can be covered with leaves and moss, "so that neither the sun nor the rain can penetrate therein; and now the man is lodged."

Laugier concludes that "The little rustic cabin that I have just described, is the model upon which all the magnificences of architecture have been imagined."

Why is Laugier's Primitive Hut Important?

  • The essay is considered a major treatise in architectural theory. It is often cited by teachers of architecture and practicing architects even in the 21st century.
  • Laugier's expression is pro- Greek Classicism and reacts against the Baroque ornamentation and decoration of his day. It established the argument for future architectural movements, including 18th century Neoclassicism and the 21st century trend toward unadorned, eco-friendly tiny homes and small dwellings (see Books to Help You Build a Smaller Home ).
  • The Primitive Hut idea supports a back-to-nature philosophy, a romantic idea which gained popularity in the mid-18th century and influenced literature, art, music, and architecture.
  • Defining the essential elements of architecture is a statement of purpose, a philosophy that drives the work of an artist and practitioner. Simplicity of design and the use of natural materials, what Laugier believes are architectural essentials, are familiar ideas that have been embraced by more modern architects, including Frank Lloyd Wright and the vision of Gustav Stickley at Craftsman Farms.
  • Laugier's rustic cabin is sometimes call The Vitruvian Hut , because Laugier built on ideas of natural and divine proportion documented by the ancient Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius (see Geometry and Architecture ).

Critical Thinking

The popularity of Laugier's philosophy is in part because he offers easily understood alternatives to the architecture he scorns. The clarity of his writing is such that the English architect Sir John Soane (1753-1837) is said to have given copies of Laugier's book to his new staff members. Architects of the 20th century, like Le Corbusier , and of the 21st century, including Thom Mayne, have acknowledged the influence of Laugier's ideas on their own work.

You don't have to agree with Laugier's visions, but it's a good idea to understand them. Ideas shape everything we create, including architecture. Everyone has a philosophy that develops over time, even if the ideas haven't been written down.

A useful project is to put into words the theories about architecture and design that you have developed—how should buildings be built? what should cities look like? what design elements should all architecture have? How do you write philosophy? How do you read philosophy?

An essay on architecture

In which its true principles are explained, and invariable rules proposed, for directing the judgement and forming the taste of the gentleman and the architect, with regard to the different kinds of buildings, the embellishment of cities, by marc-antoine laugier.

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Published: Nov 26, 2019

Words: 1385 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

Works Cited

  • Unwin, S. (2014). Architecture and the principles of design. In Analysing Architecture (3rd ed., pp. 32-42). Routledge.
  • Pallasmaa, J. (2009). The eyes of the skin: Architecture and the senses. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Leach, N. (1999). Rethinking architecture: A reader in cultural theory. Routledge.
  • Frampton, K. (2007). Modern architecture: A critical history. Thames & Hudson.
  • Harries, K. (1998). The ethical function of architecture. The MIT Press.
  • Groat, L., & Wang, D. (2013). Architectural research methods. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Jencks, C., & Kropf, K. (2015). Theories and manifestoes of contemporary architecture. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Rowe, C., & Slutzky, R. (1997). Transparency: Literal and phenomenal. In Mathew Gullerud & Daniel P. Gregory (Eds.), Theoretical perspectives in environment-behavior research: Underlying assumptions, research problems, and methodologies (pp. 36-42). University Press of America.
  • Lefaivre, L., & Tzonis, A. (2003). Critical regionalism: Architecture and identity in a globalized world. Prestel Publishing.
  • Tafuri, M. (1980). Architecture and utopia: Design and capitalist development. MIT Press.

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An essay on architecture; in which its true principles are explained, and invariable rules proposed, for directing the judgement and forming the taste of the gentleman and the architect, with regard to the different kinds of buildings, the embellishment of cities

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Phi Beta Kappa recognizes winning words and music of Charles Nichols, Ashley Shew, and Ella Moeltner

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Collage of photos of Ella Moeltner, Ashley Shew, and Charles Nichols with an illustrated Phi Beta Kappa key

An album of string quartets, a book reimagining disability, and an essay about anti-fat bias all received honors this spring from the Mu of Virginia chapter of Phi Beta Kappa . 

Charles Nichols, a faculty member in the School of Performing Arts , part of the College of Architecture, Arts, and Design , and Ashley Shew, a faculty member in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences , received Sturm Awards recognizing excellence in creative arts and research, while College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences student Ella Moeltner was honored for undergraduate writing.

Sturm Award for Excellence in Performance and Creative Arts

Violinist and composer Nichols , associate professor of composition and creative technologies, received the Sturm Award for Excellence in Performance and Creative Arts for his album “ Crossing the Divide .” Released by Centaur Records, one of the oldest classical labels in America, “Crossing the Divide” was supported in part by grants from the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost , University Libraries , the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, and the School of Performing Arts.

The album’s four original string quartets — two for acoustic instruments and two for amplified instruments processed with effects — each have their own origin story and purpose. For instance, “At the Boundary,” written for amplified string quartet and computer, “searches for the border between technically challenging music … and music that is fun to play and hear.”’ In creating it, Nichols found inspiration in sources as disparate as classical composers Bartók and Shostakovich and the Swedish metal band Opeth. “Verdigris,” on the other hand, began as nostalgic theme music for a radio history of Butte, Montana. 

Sturm Award for Excellence in Research

The Sturm Award for Excellence in Research was given to bioethicist Shew , associate professor in the Department of Science, Technology, and Society , for her widely lauded book “ Against Technoableism: Rethinking Who Needs Improvement.”

Described as “a manifesto exploding what we think we know about disability and arguing that disabled people are the real experts when it comes to technology and disability,” “Against Technoableism” repudiates the belief that technology is a “solution for disability” and proposes envisioning disabilities “not as liabilities, but as skill sets enabling all of us to navigate a challenging world.” Booklist recommended Shew’s work as “an essential text for the nondisabled to use to educate themselves on the harms of technoableism,” and Publisher’s Weekly predicted it would “galvanize readers to demand genuine equality for people with disabilities.”

John D. Wilson Essay Contest Award

Given annually to the best analytical or interpretive essay by an undergraduate, the 2024 John D. Wilson Essay prize was awarded to Moeltner, a senior from Blacksburg majoring in sociology  with ​​minors in visual arts and society and diversity and community engagement.

Moeltner’s essay addresses the role and causes of anti-fat bias in society, arguing that fatphobia stems primarily from “classist, sexist, and racist origins, the moralization of obesity, an oversimplification of the effect of fatness on mortality, and the many flaws associated with research on obesity currently available to the public.” Using social identity, attribution, and sociocultural theories, Moeltner argues that programs like Virginia Tech’s The Body Project can introduce more nuanced, empathetic ideas about body size, health, weight, and appearance.

As the country’s oldest and most widely known honor society, Phi Beta Kappa celebrates and advocates excellence in the liberal arts and sciences.

Dave Guerin


  • Blacksburg, Va.
  • College of Architecture, Arts, and Design
  • College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
  • Executive Vice President and Provost
  • School of Performing Arts
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29 May 2024  ·  Vicky Zayats , Peter Chen , Melissa Ferrari , Dirk Padfield · Edit social preview

Integrating multiple generative foundation models, especially those trained on different modalities, into something greater than the sum of its parts poses significant challenges. Two key hurdles are the availability of aligned data (concepts that contain similar meaning but is expressed differently in different modalities), and effectively leveraging unimodal representations in cross-domain generative tasks, without compromising their original unimodal capabilities. We propose Zipper, a multi-tower decoder architecture that addresses these concerns by using cross-attention to flexibly compose multimodal generative models from independently pre-trained unimodal decoders. In our experiments fusing speech and text modalities, we show the proposed architecture performs very competitively in scenarios with limited aligned text-speech data. We also showcase the flexibility of our model to selectively maintain unimodal (e.g., text-to-text generation) generation performance by freezing the corresponding modal tower (e.g. text). In cross-modal tasks such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) where the output modality is text, we show that freezing the text backbone results in negligible performance degradation. In cross-modal tasks such as text-to-speech generation (TTS) where the output modality is speech, we show that using a pre-trained speech backbone results in superior performance to the baseline.

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Journal of Materials Chemistry C

Artificial neurosynaptic device based on amorphous oxides for artificial neural network constructing.

The von Neumann architecture places restrictions on how much energy conventional computers can use for artificial intelligence training. We created a three-terminal artificial neural synapse that is electronically controlled using amorphous InAlZnO, which was inspired by biological synapses. With electrical pulses of -5 V and 5 V, respectively, the device can produce excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC) and inhibitory postsynaptic current (IPSC), demonstrating good biological synaptic characteristics. A single pulse can use as little as 456.69 pJ of energy. Meanwhile, the synaptic device will transition from the short-term plasticity (STP)/short-term depression (STD) state to the long-term plasticity (LTP)/ long-term depression (LTD) state as the number of pulses grows, more closely mimicking the features of brain learning and memory. Furthermore, conductance stability of the synaptic device is maintained after several LTP-LTD cycles, and we built a three-layer artificial neural network (ANN) on the basis of this attribute. Its handwritten digit recognition accuracy reaches 92.26% after training it with the MINST dataset. The amorphous oxide artificial neural synapse device developed in this work will be crucial in addressing the issue of artificial intelligence training's energy consumption as well as the development of artificial neural networks in the future.

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Q. Chen, R. Yang, D. Hu, Z. Ye and J. Lu, J. Mater. Chem. C , 2024, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4TC01244E

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Title: transformers are ssms: generalized models and efficient algorithms through structured state space duality.

Abstract: While Transformers have been the main architecture behind deep learning's success in language modeling, state-space models (SSMs) such as Mamba have recently been shown to match or outperform Transformers at small to medium scale. We show that these families of models are actually quite closely related, and develop a rich framework of theoretical connections between SSMs and variants of attention, connected through various decompositions of a well-studied class of structured semiseparable matrices. Our state space duality (SSD) framework allows us to design a new architecture (Mamba-2) whose core layer is an a refinement of Mamba's selective SSM that is 2-8X faster, while continuing to be competitive with Transformers on language modeling.

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    The Primitive Hut has become a shorthand statement of principle that defines essential elements of architecture. Often, the phrase is "Laugier's Primitive Hut." Marc-Antoine Laugier (1713-1769) was a French Jesuit priest who rejected the opulence of Baroque architecture prevalent in his lifetime. He outlined his theory about what architecture ...

  17. An essay on architecture by Marc-Antoine Laugier

    An essay on architecture: in which its true principles are explained, and invariable rules proposed, for directing the judgement and forming the taste of the gentleman and the architect, with regard to the different kinds of buildings, the embellishment of cities. 1755, Printed for T. Osborne and Shipton.

  18. What Is Architecture: [Essay Example], 1385 words GradesFixer

    What is Architecture. A simple question like this has the ability to turn heads and arise foggy thoughts that puzzle one's mind, and - strangely - an exact answer to it has never been agreed upon to this very day. However, most people do approve that it is a form of art. As Frank Lloyd Wright once said, "The mother art is architecture.

  19. An essay on architecture : Laugier, Marc-Antoine, 1711-1769 : Free

    An essay on architecture by Laugier, Marc-Antoine, 1711-1769. Publication date 1977 Topics Architecture -- Early works to 1800, Architecture ... English. xxii, 163 pages : 22 cm Translation of Essai sur l'architecture Includes bibliographical references and index I. General principles of architecture -- II. The different architectural orders ...

  20. An essay on architecture; in which its true principles are explained

    An essay on architecture; in which its true principles are explained, and invariable rules proposed, for directing the judgement and forming the taste of the gentleman and the architect, with regard to the different kinds of buildings, the embellishment of cities by Laugier, Marc-Antoine, 1711-1769

  21. The Primitive Hut

    The Essay on Architecture provides what Laugier explains as the general rules of architecture: the "true principles", the "invariable rules" for "directing the judgement and forming the taste of the gentleman and the architect". To Laugier, The Primitive Hut was the highest virtue that architecture should achieve.

  22. An Essay on Architecture

    Books. An Essay on Architecture. Marc-Antoine Laugier. Hennessey & Ingalls, 1977 - Architecture - 163 pages. This translation uses the text of the original 1753 edition. It also includes additions made by Laugier for the edition of 1755 as well as the Avertissement for that edition, which contains Laugier's rebuttal to his critics.

  23. An Essay on Architecture

    An Essay on Architecture Paperback - December 1, 2009 by Marc-Antoine Laugier (Author), Wolfgang Herrmann (Translator), Anni Herrmann (Translator) & 0 more 4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 9 ratings

  24. Phi Beta Kappa recognizes winning words and music of Charles Nichols

    An album of string quartets, a book reimagining disability, and an essay about anti-fat bias all received honors this spring from the Mu of Virginia chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.. Charles Nichols, a faculty member in the School of Performing Arts, part of the College of Architecture, Arts, and Design, and Ashley Shew, a faculty member in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, received ...

  25. Papers with Code

    Zipper: A Multi-Tower Decoder Architecture for Fusing Modalities. 29 May 2024 · Vicky Zayats , Peter Chen , Melissa Merrari , Dirk Padfield ·. Edit social preview. Integrating multiple generative foundation models, especially those trained on different modalities, into something greater than the sum of its parts poses significant challenges ...

  26. Artificial Neurosynaptic Device Based on Amorphous Oxides for

    The von Neumann architecture places restrictions on how much energy conventional computers can use for artificial intelligence training. We created a three-terminal artificial neural synapse that is electronically controlled using amorphous InAlZnO, which was inspired by biological synapses. With electrical Journal of Materials Chemistry C HOT Papers

  27. [2405.21060] Transformers are SSMs: Generalized Models and Efficient

    View PDF Abstract: While Transformers have been the main architecture behind deep learning's success in language modeling, state-space models (SSMs) such as Mamba have recently been shown to match or outperform Transformers at small to medium scale. We show that these families of models are actually quite closely related, and develop a rich framework of theoretical connections between SSMs and ...