essay introduction guide

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How to Write an Essay Introduction (with Examples)   

essay introduction

The introduction of an essay plays a critical role in engaging the reader and providing contextual information about the topic. It sets the stage for the rest of the essay, establishes the tone and style, and motivates the reader to continue reading. 

Table of Contents

What is an essay introduction , what to include in an essay introduction, how to create an essay structure , step-by-step process for writing an essay introduction , how to write an introduction paragraph , how to write a hook for your essay , how to include background information , how to write a thesis statement .

  • Argumentative Essay Introduction Example: 
  • Expository Essay Introduction Example 

Literary Analysis Essay Introduction Example

Check and revise – checklist for essay introduction , key takeaways , frequently asked questions .

An introduction is the opening section of an essay, paper, or other written work. It introduces the topic and provides background information, context, and an overview of what the reader can expect from the rest of the work. 1 The key is to be concise and to the point, providing enough information to engage the reader without delving into excessive detail. 

The essay introduction is crucial as it sets the tone for the entire piece and provides the reader with a roadmap of what to expect. Here are key elements to include in your essay introduction: 

  • Hook : Start with an attention-grabbing statement or question to engage the reader. This could be a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or a compelling anecdote. 
  • Background information : Provide context and background information to help the reader understand the topic. This can include historical information, definitions of key terms, or an overview of the current state of affairs related to your topic. 
  • Thesis statement : Clearly state your main argument or position on the topic. Your thesis should be concise and specific, providing a clear direction for your essay. 

Before we get into how to write an essay introduction, we need to know how it is structured. The structure of an essay is crucial for organizing your thoughts and presenting them clearly and logically. It is divided as follows: 2  

  • Introduction:  The introduction should grab the reader’s attention with a hook, provide context, and include a thesis statement that presents the main argument or purpose of the essay.  
  • Body:  The body should consist of focused paragraphs that support your thesis statement using evidence and analysis. Each paragraph should concentrate on a single central idea or argument and provide evidence, examples, or analysis to back it up.  
  • Conclusion:  The conclusion should summarize the main points and restate the thesis differently. End with a final statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Avoid new information or arguments. 

essay introduction guide

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write an essay introduction: 

  • Start with a Hook : Begin your introduction paragraph with an attention-grabbing statement, question, quote, or anecdote related to your topic. The hook should pique the reader’s interest and encourage them to continue reading. 
  • Provide Background Information : This helps the reader understand the relevance and importance of the topic. 
  • State Your Thesis Statement : The last sentence is the main argument or point of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and directly address the topic of your essay. 
  • Preview the Main Points : This gives the reader an idea of what to expect and how you will support your thesis. 
  • Keep it Concise and Clear : Avoid going into too much detail or including information not directly relevant to your topic. 
  • Revise : Revise your introduction after you’ve written the rest of your essay to ensure it aligns with your final argument. 

Here’s an example of an essay introduction paragraph about the importance of education: 

Education is often viewed as a fundamental human right and a key social and economic development driver. As Nelson Mandela once famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” It is the key to unlocking a wide range of opportunities and benefits for individuals, societies, and nations. In today’s constantly evolving world, education has become even more critical. It has expanded beyond traditional classroom learning to include digital and remote learning, making education more accessible and convenient. This essay will delve into the importance of education in empowering individuals to achieve their dreams, improving societies by promoting social justice and equality, and driving economic growth by developing a skilled workforce and promoting innovation. 

This introduction paragraph example includes a hook (the quote by Nelson Mandela), provides some background information on education, and states the thesis statement (the importance of education). 

This is one of the key steps in how to write an essay introduction. Crafting a compelling hook is vital because it sets the tone for your entire essay and determines whether your readers will stay interested. A good hook draws the reader in and sets the stage for the rest of your essay.  

  • Avoid Dry Fact : Instead of simply stating a bland fact, try to make it engaging and relevant to your topic. For example, if you’re writing about the benefits of exercise, you could start with a startling statistic like, “Did you know that regular exercise can increase your lifespan by up to seven years?” 
  • Avoid Using a Dictionary Definition : While definitions can be informative, they’re not always the most captivating way to start an essay. Instead, try to use a quote, anecdote, or provocative question to pique the reader’s interest. For instance, if you’re writing about freedom, you could begin with a quote from a famous freedom fighter or philosopher. 
  • Do Not Just State a Fact That the Reader Already Knows : This ties back to the first point—your hook should surprise or intrigue the reader. For Here’s an introduction paragraph example, if you’re writing about climate change, you could start with a thought-provoking statement like, “Despite overwhelming evidence, many people still refuse to believe in the reality of climate change.” 

Including background information in the introduction section of your essay is important to provide context and establish the relevance of your topic. When writing the background information, you can follow these steps: 

  • Start with a General Statement:  Begin with a general statement about the topic and gradually narrow it down to your specific focus. For example, when discussing the impact of social media, you can begin by making a broad statement about social media and its widespread use in today’s society, as follows: “Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with billions of users worldwide.” 
  • Define Key Terms : Define any key terms or concepts that may be unfamiliar to your readers but are essential for understanding your argument. 
  • Provide Relevant Statistics:  Use statistics or facts to highlight the significance of the issue you’re discussing. For instance, “According to a report by Statista, the number of social media users is expected to reach 4.41 billion by 2025.” 
  • Discuss the Evolution:  Mention previous research or studies that have been conducted on the topic, especially those that are relevant to your argument. Mention key milestones or developments that have shaped its current impact. You can also outline some of the major effects of social media. For example, you can briefly describe how social media has evolved, including positives such as increased connectivity and issues like cyberbullying and privacy concerns. 
  • Transition to Your Thesis:  Use the background information to lead into your thesis statement, which should clearly state the main argument or purpose of your essay. For example, “Given its pervasive influence, it is crucial to examine the impact of social media on mental health.” 

essay introduction guide

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, or other type of academic writing. It appears near the end of the introduction. Here’s how to write a thesis statement: 

  • Identify the topic:  Start by identifying the topic of your essay. For example, if your essay is about the importance of exercise for overall health, your topic is “exercise.” 
  • State your position:  Next, state your position or claim about the topic. This is the main argument or point you want to make. For example, if you believe that regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health, your position could be: “Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health.” 
  • Support your position:  Provide a brief overview of the reasons or evidence that support your position. These will be the main points of your essay. For example, if you’re writing an essay about the importance of exercise, you could mention the physical health benefits, mental health benefits, and the role of exercise in disease prevention. 
  • Make it specific:  Ensure your thesis statement clearly states what you will discuss in your essay. For example, instead of saying, “Exercise is good for you,” you could say, “Regular exercise, including cardiovascular and strength training, can improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.” 

Examples of essay introduction 

Here are examples of essay introductions for different types of essays: 

Argumentative Essay Introduction Example:  

Topic: Should the voting age be lowered to 16? 

“The question of whether the voting age should be lowered to 16 has sparked nationwide debate. While some argue that 16-year-olds lack the requisite maturity and knowledge to make informed decisions, others argue that doing so would imbue young people with agency and give them a voice in shaping their future.” 

Expository Essay Introduction Example  

Topic: The benefits of regular exercise 

“In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of regular exercise cannot be overstated. From improving physical health to boosting mental well-being, the benefits of exercise are numerous and far-reaching. This essay will examine the various advantages of regular exercise and provide tips on incorporating it into your daily routine.” 

Text: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee 

“Harper Lee’s novel, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ is a timeless classic that explores themes of racism, injustice, and morality in the American South. Through the eyes of young Scout Finch, the reader is taken on a journey that challenges societal norms and forces characters to confront their prejudices. This essay will analyze the novel’s use of symbolism, character development, and narrative structure to uncover its deeper meaning and relevance to contemporary society.” 

  • Engaging and Relevant First Sentence : The opening sentence captures the reader’s attention and relates directly to the topic. 
  • Background Information : Enough background information is introduced to provide context for the thesis statement. 
  • Definition of Important Terms : Key terms or concepts that might be unfamiliar to the audience or are central to the argument are defined. 
  • Clear Thesis Statement : The thesis statement presents the main point or argument of the essay. 
  • Relevance to Main Body : Everything in the introduction directly relates to and sets up the discussion in the main body of the essay. 

essay introduction guide

Writing a strong introduction is crucial for setting the tone and context of your essay. Here are the key takeaways for how to write essay introduction: 3  

  • Hook the Reader : Start with an engaging hook to grab the reader’s attention. This could be a compelling question, a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or an anecdote. 
  • Provide Background : Give a brief overview of the topic, setting the context and stage for the discussion. 
  • Thesis Statement : State your thesis, which is the main argument or point of your essay. It should be concise, clear, and specific. 
  • Preview the Structure : Outline the main points or arguments to help the reader understand the organization of your essay. 
  • Keep it Concise : Avoid including unnecessary details or information not directly related to your thesis. 
  • Revise and Edit : Revise your introduction to ensure clarity, coherence, and relevance. Check for grammar and spelling errors. 
  • Seek Feedback : Get feedback from peers or instructors to improve your introduction further. 

The purpose of an essay introduction is to give an overview of the topic, context, and main ideas of the essay. It is meant to engage the reader, establish the tone for the rest of the essay, and introduce the thesis statement or central argument.  

An essay introduction typically ranges from 5-10% of the total word count. For example, in a 1,000-word essay, the introduction would be roughly 50-100 words. However, the length can vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the overall length of the essay.

An essay introduction is critical in engaging the reader and providing contextual information about the topic. To ensure its effectiveness, consider incorporating these key elements: a compelling hook, background information, a clear thesis statement, an outline of the essay’s scope, a smooth transition to the body, and optional signposting sentences.  

The process of writing an essay introduction is not necessarily straightforward, but there are several strategies that can be employed to achieve this end. When experiencing difficulty initiating the process, consider the following techniques: begin with an anecdote, a quotation, an image, a question, or a startling fact to pique the reader’s interest. It may also be helpful to consider the five W’s of journalism: who, what, when, where, why, and how.   For instance, an anecdotal opening could be structured as follows: “As I ascended the stage, momentarily blinded by the intense lights, I could sense the weight of a hundred eyes upon me, anticipating my next move. The topic of discussion was climate change, a subject I was passionate about, and it was my first public speaking event. Little did I know , that pivotal moment would not only alter my perspective but also chart my life’s course.” 

Crafting a compelling thesis statement for your introduction paragraph is crucial to grab your reader’s attention. To achieve this, avoid using overused phrases such as “In this paper, I will write about” or “I will focus on” as they lack originality. Instead, strive to engage your reader by substantiating your stance or proposition with a “so what” clause. While writing your thesis statement, aim to be precise, succinct, and clear in conveying your main argument.  

To create an effective essay introduction, ensure it is clear, engaging, relevant, and contains a concise thesis statement. It should transition smoothly into the essay and be long enough to cover necessary points but not become overwhelming. Seek feedback from peers or instructors to assess its effectiveness. 


  • Cui, L. (2022). Unit 6 Essay Introduction.  Building Academic Writing Skills . 
  • West, H., Malcolm, G., Keywood, S., & Hill, J. (2019). Writing a successful essay.  Journal of Geography in Higher Education ,  43 (4), 609-617. 
  • Beavers, M. E., Thoune, D. L., & McBeth, M. (2023). Bibliographic Essay: Reading, Researching, Teaching, and Writing with Hooks: A Queer Literacy Sponsorship. College English, 85(3), 230-242. 

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How to Write an Excellent Essay Introduction

How to Write an Excellent Essay Introduction

3-minute read

  • 27th September 2022

Love it or hate it, essay writing is a big part of student life. Writing a great essay might seem like a daunting task, especially when you’re staring at a blank document, but there are formulas you can follow to make sure your paper hits the mark.

When you plan your essays , don’t neglect your introduction! It might seem like a trivial part of the paper, but it can make it or break it. A badly written introduction can leave your reader feeling confused about the topic and what to expect from your essay.

To help your writing reach its full potential, we’ve put together a guide to writing an excellent essay introduction.

How to Write an Essay Introduction

An essay introduction has four main steps:

●  Hook your reader

●  Provide context

●  Present your thesis statement

●  Map your essay

Hook Your Reader

The first part of your introduction should be the hook. This is where you introduce the reader to the topic of the essay. A great hook should be clear, concise, and catchy. It doesn’t need to be long; a hook can be just one sentence.

Provide Context

In this section, introduce your reader to key definitions, ideas, and background information to help them understand your argument.

Present Your Thesis Statement

A thesis statement tells the reader the main point or argument of the essay. This can be just one sentence, or it can be a few sentences.

Map Your Essay

Before you wrap up your essay introduction, map it! This means signposting sections of your essay. The key here is to be concise. The purpose of this part of the introduction is to give your reader a sense of direction.

Here’s an example of an essay introduction:

Hook: Suspense is key for dramatic stories, and Shakespeare is well-known and celebrated for writing suspenseful plays.

Context: While there are many ways in which Shakespeare created suspension for his viewers, two techniques he used effectively were foreshadowing and dramatic irony. Foreshadowing is a literary device that hints at an event or situation that is yet to happen. Dramatic irony is a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions is clear to the audience or reader, although it is unknown to the character.

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Thesis statement: Foreshadowing and dramatic irony are two powerful techniques that Shakespeare used to create suspense in literature. These methods have been used to keep the reader intrigued, excited, or nervous about what is to come in many of his celebrated works.

Essay mapping: In this essay, I will be detailing how Shakespeare uses foreshadowing and dramatic irony to create suspense, with examples from Romeo and Juliet and Othello.

Pro tip: Essays take twists and turns. We recommend changing your introduction as necessary while you write the main text to make sure it fully aligns with your final draft.

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How to write an essay: Introduction

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The Introduction

An in troduction generally does three things. The first part is usually a general comment that shows the reader why the topic is important, gets their interest, and leads them into the topic. It isn’t actually part of your argument. The next part of the introduction is the thesis statement . This is your response to the question; your final answer. It is probably the most important part of the introduction. Finally, the introduction tells the reader what they can expect in the essay body. This is where you briefly outline your arguments .

Here is an example of the introduction to the question - Discuss how media can influence children. Use specific examples to support your view.

Example of an introduction

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Steps To Write An Essay Introduction With Examples

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A well-crafted introduction sets the stage for a compelling essay. It captures the reader’s attention, provides essential background information, and outlines the central argument or thesis. This essay writing guide will help you write an essay introduction that engages your readers and clearly presents your essay’s purpose.

Understanding the Importance of an Essay Introduction

Before understanding how to begin an essay introduction, knowing its role in your essay is crucial. The introduction serves several vital purposes:

  • Engages the reader: A well-crafted introduction grabs the reader’s attention and encourages them to read further.
  • Introduces the topic: It provides a brief overview of the topic discussed, setting the context for the essay.
  • Presents the thesis statement: This is the crux of your introduction, where you state your main argument or point of view.

What to Include in an Essay Introduction

Essay introductions vary based on the type of essay you’re writing, but in general, they all should include some common elements that are vital for setting the right tone and direction for your essay. Here is what to include in an essay introduction:

  • Engaging Hook: Keep the reader interested from the start.
  • Relevant Background: Only include information that directly supports understanding your argument.
  • Clear Thesis Statement: Make your main argument concise, unambiguous and straightforward.
  • Signposting: Guide the reader through your essay’s structure.

Steps to Write an Essay Introduction

Now, using this essay writing guide, let’s explore how to create a well-structured introduction in ten steps. Each step is crucial in writing an essay introduction that captures attention and presents the thesis.

  • Start with a hook: Begin with something that is engaging. Use a startling fact, a quote from a well-known figure, or a riveting story related to your topic. This technique is vital in understanding how to begin an essay introduction as it draws the reader in and piques their curiosity.
  • Provide context: Offer a backdrop to the issue at hand. It could involve historical context, current events, or a summary of necessary research. It’s about setting the stage for your thesis and helping readers understand the broader conversation in which your essay participates. Providing context is a fundamental part of any essay writing guide because it frames the significance of your discussion.
  • Introduce the topic: Specify what your essay will explore. This clarification ensures that your audience understands the specific aspect of the broader topic you will address. It’s crucial in essay introductions to prepare the reader for what is to come.
  • Define key terms: Clarify any terms or concepts that might be unfamiliar to your readers. This step is essential to prevent misunderstandings and make your essay easier for a broader audience.
  • Address the significance: Explain why the topic matters. Discuss its relevance to societal issues, its importance within academic fields, or its impact on future research. Highlighting the significance helps justify why the topic warrants discussion and is crucial in writing an essay introduction.
  • State your thesis: Articulate your main argument or the position you will be taking in the essay. This thesis statement should be precise and assertive, providing a clear direction for the entire essay. It encapsulates the central theme of your essay introduction and sets expectations for the following analysis.
  • Outline the structure: Give your readers a roadmap of what to expect in the essay. Outline the essential points that will be talked about in each section. This part of the introduction helps orient the reader and is recommended in any essay writing guide to enhance understanding of the essay’s structure.
  • Highlight the stakes: Detail what is at risk in the discussion. What might change based on the outcomes of your argument? This element raises engagement by showing the essay topic’s real-world implications.
  • Pose a rhetorical question: Introduce a thought-provoking question reflecting your topic. This technique can effectively challenge your readers and make them think critically about the issue at hand. It adds depth to your introduction and involves the audience in the conversation.
  • Transition smoothly: End with a sentence that leads naturally into the main body of your essay. It could be a brief mention of the first point you will discuss or a sentence that seamlessly bridges the introduction to the body paragraphs. For your writing to flow and make sense, you need to use smooth transitions.

Introduction Examples for an Essay

To better illustrate how to begin an essay introduction, here are a few introduction examples for an essay:

  • Narrative Essay : “As I navigated through the bustling streets of Tokyo, enveloped by the neon glow and the chorus of city sounds, it struck me: travel isn’t just about places; it’s about the people and experiences that shape our views and ourselves. This essay delves into how my experiences in Japan have profoundly influenced my understanding of culture and self.”
  • Argumentative Essay : “While many argue that fracking is a highly effective method of extracting natural gas, its environmental and public health costs are too significant to ignore. This essay argues against the continued use of fracking techniques in the United States.”
  • Expository Essay : “Technology has irrevocably changed the workplace, affecting how tasks are performed and redefining the nature of work. This essay examines the impact of technology on productivity and employee engagement.”

Key Takeaways

Mastering the craft of writing an essay introduction is crucial for any successful essay. By following the steps outlined in this essay writing guide and using the provided essay introduction examples, you can enhance your ability to engage and persuade your readers. Remember that the introduction is the first chance you have to make a good impact, so make it count by writing an opening that is clear, informative, and interesting.

Oxbridge Editing Support: Perfecting Your Essay Introduction

At Oxbridge Editing , we understand the difficulties students face when writing an essay introduction. Learning how to write an effective essay introduction is often one of the most challenging parts of essay writing. That’s why our editing services offer comprehensive support to help you master this crucial element of your paper.

Our team of experienced editors works meticulously to enhance the clarity and style of your introduction. We ensure that your opening paragraph is not only well-organised and impactful but also sets the tone for the rest of your essay. By focusing on structure, coherence, and engagement, we help you create an introduction that grabs attention and provides a clear roadmap for your argument.

Ordering is quick and easy: simply fill out the form and let us know your requirements. You will receive an instant, bespoke quote and you can choose your own delivery date based on your deadline.

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A comprehensive guide to crafting an engaging introduction for your essay.

How to write an essay intro

Writing an essay introduction is like creating a doorway into your paper – it’s the first thing your reader will encounter and can make a lasting impression. A captivating introduction sets the tone for your entire essay and entices the reader to keep reading. To craft an introduction that grabs attention and piques curiosity, consider these tips.

First and foremost, start with a hook that draws the reader in. This could be a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, a vivid anecdote, or a compelling quote. The key is to make your introduction engaging and relevant to your topic to intrigue the reader from the outset.

Additionally, provide a brief overview of what the essay will cover. Give the reader a roadmap of the main points you will discuss in the following sections. This helps set expectations and gives the reader a sense of direction, making them more likely to stay engaged throughout the essay.

Engage Your Readers

One of the most important goals of your essay introduction is to engage your readers right from the start. You want to grab their attention and make them curious about what you have to say. Here are some strategies to help you engage your readers:

  • Start with a compelling hook that draws your readers in. This could be an interesting fact, a thought-provoking question, a relevant quote, or a powerful anecdote.
  • Make sure your introduction is relevant to your topic and sets the stage for the rest of your essay. Your readers should know what to expect and why your topic is important.
  • Show your readers why they should care about your topic. Make it clear how your essay relates to their lives, interests, or concerns.
  • Use language that is clear, concise, and engaging. Avoid jargon or overly complex sentences that could confuse or alienate your readers.
  • Consider creating a sense of mystery or suspense in your introduction to make your readers want to keep reading to find out what happens next.

Create a Hook

Create a Hook

One of the most effective ways to capture your reader’s attention right from the start is by creating a strong hook in your essay introduction. A hook is a compelling opening line or statement that intrigues the reader and entices them to continue reading. There are several types of hooks you can use, such as a thought-provoking question, a startling statistic, a powerful quote, or a vivid description.

When crafting your hook, think about what will resonate with your audience and draw them into your essay. Consider using a hook that relates to your topic or thesis statement to provide a preview of what’s to come in your writing. Remember, the goal of a hook is to make your introduction engaging and set the stage for the rest of your essay.

Ask a Thought-Provoking Question

One effective way to grab the reader’s attention in your essay introduction is to pose a thought-provoking question. This strategy invites the reader to engage with the topic on a deeper level and encourages them to continue reading to discover the answer.

For example, you could start your essay with a question like, “Have you ever wondered what drives humans to explore the unknown?” This type of question piques curiosity and sets the stage for a discussion that will captivate the reader.

By incorporating a thought-provoking question into your introduction, you can draw your audience in and set the tone for a compelling essay that will keep them engaged from start to finish.

Establish Relevance

One crucial element of a captivating essay introduction is establishing relevance. It’s essential to grab the reader’s attention by connecting your topic to something timely, relatable, or thought-provoking. Consider starting with a relevant fact, statistic, or anecdote that sets the stage for your essay’s main argument. By highlighting the importance of your topic from the outset, you can pique the reader’s curiosity and motivate them to continue reading.

Connect to the Topic

When crafting the introduction to your essay, it’s essential to establish a clear connection to the topic you will be discussing. The opening sentences should provide a glimpse into the main theme of your essay and grab the reader’s attention right from the start.

Consider starting with an intriguing fact, a thought-provoking question, or a relevant quotation that relates directly to your topic. This will help set the tone for the rest of your essay and pique the reader’s curiosity to continue reading.

By connecting your introduction to the topic at hand, you can lay a solid foundation for the rest of your essay and ensure that your readers remain engaged throughout the piece.

Provide Background Information

Before diving into the main points of your essay, it’s important to provide some background information on the topic. This can help set the stage and give your readers a better understanding of the context in which your essay is situated. You can include relevant facts, statistics, historical background, or any other information that will help establish the foundation for your arguments. By offering background information, you can grab the reader’s attention and prepare them for the insights and arguments you will present in the rest of your essay.

Set the Tone

One crucial aspect of crafting a captivating essay introduction is setting the right tone. The tone of your introduction should reflect the overall theme and mood of your essay. Consider whether your essay is serious, lighthearted, persuasive, or informative, and tailor the tone accordingly.

By setting the right tone in your introduction, you can establish a connection with your readers and make them more likely to engage with your ideas. Whether you choose a formal or casual tone, make sure it aligns with the purpose of your essay and the expectations of your audience.

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How to Write an Essay Introduction: The Definitive Guide

How to write an essay introduction

Today we’re going to show you how to write an essay introduction that:

  • Makes your teacher/professor want to read the rest of the essay.
  • Introduces the topic in a clear and effective way.
  • Avoids the common traps many students fall into.
  • Gets your essay off to the perfect start.

Contents: Writing an Essay Introduction

  • Things you should include in an essay introduction

Examples of how to write an essay introduction

  • Samples of great essay hooks
  • Useful phrases to use in an essay introduction
  • Things that should not be included in an essay introduction
  • Essay introduction checklist

We all know that the introduction to an essay is one of the most important parts of the essay format .

Yet it seems very few students have truly mastered the art of writing a great introduction. In the majority of cases, the essay introductions our editors come across have been sloppily jammed in place at the last minute and completely ruin the rest of the essay.

Failing to invest that last few minutes crafting an effective opener makes no sense whatsoever.

We all know that top essay writing tip : Write the introduction last. However, just because you may write the essay introduction last does not mean it’s the least important part of your essay.

Au contraire… it’s pretty much the most important.

According to Harvard, a good essay introduction achieves two main objectives :

  • It introduces the essay topic in a clear and specific way.
  • It captures the reader’s interest and makes him or her want to read the rest of the essay.

It is also important that your essay is free of grammatical and spelling errors. For more assistance with this, check out our ultimate guide to essay editing .

So what exactly should you be looking to achieve in your introduction?

Things You Should Include in an Essay Introduction

  • Commences with a hook that is relevant to the essay topic and draws the reader in.
  • Highlights the topic that will be discussed (underlined or italicized if it is the title of a long work—a play, a novel, a really long poem; in quotation marks if it is the title of a short work—a short poem, a short story, an article).
  • Presents a reasoned, yet questionable, thesis claim about the concept of interest.
  • Provides an overview of how the essay will prove the thesis.
  • Summarizes key learning.

You should check all of these points when editing your paper. Take a look at our editing checklist for more useful advice.

Okay, at this point, you may be feeling slightly overwhelmed.

However, there’s some good news: While the introduction is one of the most essential parts of your paper, it is also one of the easiest to write.

Thankfully, you can put your days of churning out lame and meaningless essay introductions behind you with our very simple recipe:

Instructions for how to write an essay introduction

Hook + Introduction to topic and context + Thesis statement + How you will prove thesis statement + What the key learning will be.

Let’s expand on this slightly with some useful phrases:

Quotation, thought-provoking question, unexpected statement, or simile- or metaphor-rich description. +

“I am going to make the argument that…” +

“I am going to substantiate this claim with <number> threads of argumentation that are based on the theories of <name of theorist one>, <name of theorist two>, and <name of theorist three> who claim <main idea of theories>” OR

“I am going to substantiate this claim by reviewing data related to <concept one>, <concept two>, and <concept three> <number>” +

“I am going to conclude with some reflection on this idea and how it can better inform our understanding of <phenomenon of interest>.”

That’s it. It’s that simple.

Of course, you will need to use your own words. However, you are essentially following a simple template that will help you nail the introduction every single time.

Let’s look at some examples of this formula in action.

A paper About Drink Driving

A sample introduction to an essay on drink driving

At the age of 17, James had a promising life ahead. A popular and bright student, he was studying hard to pursue a career as a lawyer. However, one fateful night, his light was extinguished, and the lives of his parents were shattered when he was hit and killed by a drunk driver. Sadly, James’ story is not isolated. Every day, an estimated 69 people are injured or killed as a result of drink-driving incidents in the United States, and an overall increase in the number of incidents has been observed over the past five years.

This paper puts forward the argument that drunk driving laws need to be adjusted to enforce stricter penalties for those found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol. This claim will be substantiated by exploring how drunk driving incidents lead to premature deaths, life-changing injuries, and/or billions of dollars spent on medical expenses. It will conclude with an overview of how stricter penalties can deter people from driving under the influence of alcohol.

An Essay Introduction to a Paper About Obesity

A sample introduction for an essay on obesity essay on

What is the true cost of eating that extra donut? Obesity continues to represent a significant problem in the United States. At present, an estimated 36.5% of adults in the US are overweight (CDC, 2019). The issues that lead to obesity can differ from individual to individual. However, this paper argues that it is the government’s failure to address the problem that sits at the root of America’s demise into a nation of overweight citizens. This essay examines how addressing food cultural issues, providing better opportunities for people to pursue an active lifestyle, and tackling the conditions that lead to poverty will enable the government to significantly reduce the prevalence of obesity in the US. It concludes that government actions to address the antecedents of obesity will substantially mitigate the issue.

An Essay Introduction to a Paper about Disney’s Little Mermaid

An example of an introduction to an essay on The Little Mermaid

The image of a half-human, half-fish creature has emerged time and time again in many myths and fables. These mermaids, nymphs, and sirens take multiple forms, from sweet and innocent to dangerous temptresses. This essay argues that the mermaids of the contemporary era, as exemplified by Ariel in Disney’s The Little Mermaid,  are typically embodied in a sanitized adaptation of the merfolk that characterized classic folklore, which were predominantly bloodthirsty, dangerous creatures that lured innocent people to their deaths. This paper deconstructs ancient folklore and contemporary fantasies to explore how the evolution of the mermaid from a femme fatale to an innocent fairy-tale character mirrors the evolution of society’s perceptions of women. By examining the theories of Paskin (1999), Wollstonecraft (2011), and Grande (2015), it draws a surprising conclusion about the unknown women of the sea.

An Essay Introduction to a Paper About Monster

An essay introduction on Monster

Is it just for the U.S. courts to offer criminals a reduced sentence in return for giving evidence against other people? In Monster , Walter Dean Myers dramatizes this phenomenon by presenting a trial that is heavily dependent on the testimonies of convicted felons. By examining the deceptions, omissions, and inaccuracies that are evident in the testimonies of Osvaldo Cruz and Bobo Evans, this paper argues that criminals do not represent reliable witnesses. It concludes that practices that involve offering reduced sentences in exchange for evidence should be abolished.

Sample Essay Hooks

The introduction to an essay can use different types of hooks. The five most common hooks are presented below.

Quotation A little inaccuracy can sometimes save a ton of explanation – H.H Munro
It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong – Voltaire
Anecdote I’ll never forget the day I learned a life-changing lesson: Always expect the unexpected.
As I stared down at the last ten dollars in my hand, little did I know that my next purchase
would change my life.
Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without religion?
Did you ever stop to think about what steps you could take to make the world a better
China recently announced plans to invest $850 billion over the next ten years to clean up its
water supply.
Humans generate an estimated 2.01 billion metric tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) per
Simile or
Comparing China to the United States is like comparing apples and oranges.
The high suicide rate in Japan is the country’s elephant in the room.

Useful Phrases to Use in an Essay Introduction

  • It is generally agreed today that…
  • In order to explore these issues in more depth, this paper…
  • In approaching this issue, one should…
  • This essay argues that this phenomenon can be attributed to three main issues:…
  • Increasing numbers of people are…
  • There is an overall trend toward…
  • Over the past five years, the media have increasingly reported…
  • Recent research in this area has found…
  • This raises the question as to whether…
  • While many people will typically agree that…, few would deny claims that…
  • Hardly a week goes by without another report of … appearing in the media.
  • discusses/examines/analyses/considers/explains/describes/establishes/introduces…
  • develops/presents/provides/studies/represents/features/contains/concentrates on…   covers/suggests/proposes/shows…
  • demonstrates/proves/describes the feasibility/likelihood/risk of…
  • argues in favor of…
  • is based on the notion of…
  • opens up a new field/issue/concern/idea in the area of…
  • gives/aims to give/present/offer a comprehensive/in-depth/detailed account/overview of…
  • offers a solution/remedy/resolution to…
  • serves as an introduction to…
  • The main objective/goal/purpose/aim of this paper/article/essay is to…

Check out our list of essay hacks for more great ideas.

Phrases You Should Avoid in an Introduction

  • Today I am going to write about…
  • My professor asked me to write an essay about…
  • This essay is about…
  • This essay is on…
  • To answer the question…
  • My essay will describe…
  • I hope to establish…
  • I think I will prove…
  • In this paper, I will explore…
  • The question that I will explore in this essay is…

Things That Should Not be Included in an Essay Introduction

  • Extensive data and facts. The idea is to provide a high-level overview of the essay topic. The detail will come later.
  • Quotes or hooks that have no relationship whatsoever to the topic under discussion.
  • Flabby words or expressions that hold no real meaning or make you sound unsure of yourself. See our guide to words and expressions you shouldn’t use in an essay for more information.
  • References to a dictionary or Wikipedia article.
  • An opening that commences with the thesis statement.

How To Write an Essay Introduction: Checklist

A checklist to help you write your essay introduction

  • The essay opens with a hook.
  • The introductory paragraph is interesting.
  • Any material cited in the introduction is from a compelling and reliable source.
  • The introduction includes a thesis statement.
  • The thesis statement is clear, persuasive, and adopts a distinct position.
  • The introduction includes a summary of how the thesis will be proven.
  • The key learning that is presented in the paper is summarized.
  • The introduction has been thoroughly proofread to ensure it doesn’t contain any errors.

5 thoughts on “How to Write an Essay Introduction: The Definitive Guide”

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  • Pingback: 70 Examples of Excellent Thesis Statements for Essays in All Subjects - Vappingo
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essay introduction guide

Awesome Guide on How to Write an Essay Introduction

essay introduction guide

'I'd like to recall the day I nearly burned myself in flames in my automobile while going 250 mph and escaping the police'. – Thankfully, we don't have a story like that to relate to, but we bet we piqued your interest.

That's what we refer to as an efficient hook. Fundamentally, it's an attention-grabbing first sentence that piques an audience's interest and encourages them to keep reading. While writing an essay, a strong hook in essay introductions is essential.

Delve into the article if you're wondering how to start an essay with a strong introduction. This is the ultimate guide for writing the parts of a introduction paragraph from our custom dissertation writing service to engage your readers.

Introduction Definition

The introduction paragraph, to put it simply, is the first section of an essay. Thus, when reading your essay, the reader will notice it right away. What is the goal of an opening paragraph? There are two things that an excellent introduction achieves. It initially informs the reader on the subject of your work; in other words, it should describe the essay's topic and provide some background information for its main point. It must also spark readers' interest and persuade them to read the remainder of your article.

To provide you with essay writing services , we only need your paper requirements to create a plagiarism-free paper on time.

How Long Should an Introduction Be

Typically, there are no strict restrictions on how long an opening paragraph should be. Professional essay writers often shape the size of it with the paper's total length in mind. For instance, if you wonder how to make introduction in essay with five paragraphs, keep your introductory sentence brief and fit it inside a single section. But, if you're writing a longer paper, let's say one that's 40 pages, your introduction could need many paragraphs or even be pages long.

Although there are no specific requirements, seasoned writers advise that your introduction paragraph should account for 8% to 9% of your essay's overall word length.

And, if you place an order on our coursework writing services , we will certainly comply with your introduction length requirements.

What Makes a Good Introduction

All of the following criteria should be fulfilled by a strong opening sentence:

  • Start your introduction on an essay with a catchy sentence that draws the reader in.
  • It needs to include baseline information about your subject.
  • This should give readers a sense of the main argument(s) that your essay will address.
  • It must include all necessary information on the setting, locations, and chronological events.
  • By the end of your introduction, make a precise remark that serves as your essay's thesis.

What Are the 3 Parts of an Introduction Paragraph

So, what should be in a introduction paragraph? The introduction format essay has three sections: a hook, connections, and a thesis statement. Let's examine each component in more depth.

What Are the 3 Parts of an Introduction Paragraph

Part 1: Essay Hook

A hook is among the most effective parts of a introduction paragraph to start an essay. A strong hook will always engage the reader in only one sentence. In other words, it is a selling point.

Let's now address the query, 'how to make an essay introduction hook interesting?'. Well, to create a powerful hook, you can employ a variety of techniques:

  • A shocking fact
  • An anecdote 
  • A short summary

And here is what to avoid when using a hook:

  • Dictionary definitions
  • Generalizations
  • Sweeping statements that include words like 'everywhere,' 'always,' etc.

Once you've established a strong hook, you should give a general outline of your major point and some background information on the subject of your paper. If you're unsure how to write an introduction opening, the ideal approach is to describe your issue briefly before directing readers to particular areas. Simply put, you need to give some context before gradually getting more specific with your opinions.

The 5 Types of Hooks for Writing

Apart from the strategies mentioned above, there are even more types of hooks that can be used:

  • A Common Misconception — a good trick, to begin with, to claim that something your readers believe in is false.

Example: 'Although many falsely believe that people working from home are less productive – employees who get such work-life benefits generally work harder.'

  • Statistics — Statistical facts may provide a great hook for argumentative essays and serious subjects focusing on statistics.

Example: 'A recent study showed that people who are satisfied with their work-life balance work 21% harder and are 33% more likely to stay at the same company.'

  • Personal Story — sometimes, personal stories can be an appropriate hook, but only if they fit into a few brief sentences (for example, in narrative essays).

Example: 'When I had my first work-from-home experience, I suddenly realized the importance of having a good work-life balance; I saw plenty of the benefits it can provide.'

  • Scenes — this type of hook requires making the readers imagine the things you are writing about. It is most suitable when used in descriptive and narrative essays.

Example: 'Imagine you could have as much free time as you wish by working or studying from home—and spend more time with your loved ones.'

  • Thesis Statement — when unsure how to do an essay introduction, some writers start directly with their thesis statement. The main trick here is that there is no trick.

Example: 'I strongly believe there is a direct correlation between a healthy work-life balance and productivity in school or at work.'

Part 2: Connections

Give readers a clearer sense of what you will discuss throughout your article once you have given a hook and relevant background information about your essay topic. Briefly mentioning your main points in the same sequence in which you will address them in your body paragraphs can help your readers progressively arrive at your thesis statement.

In this section of your introduction, you should primarily address the following questions:

You may make sure that you are giving your readers all the information they need to understand the subject of your essay by responding to each of these questions in two to three lines. Be careful to make these statements brief and to the point, though.

Your main goal is gradually moving from general to specific facts about your subject or thesis statement. Visualize your introduction as an upside-down triangle to simplify the essay writing process. The attention-grabbing element is at the top of this triangle, followed by a more detailed description of the subject and concluding with a highly precise claim. Here is some quick advice on how to use the 'upside-down triangle' structure to compose an essay introduction:

  • Ensure that each subsequent line in your introduction is more focused and precise. This simple method will help you progressively introduce the main material of your piece to your audience.
  • Consider that you are writing a paper on the value of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. In this situation, you may start with a query like, 'Have you ever considered how a healthy work-life balance can affect other areas of your life?' or a similar hook. Next, you could proceed by giving broad factual information. Finally, you could focus your topic on fitting your thesis statement.

Part 3: The Thesis Statement

If you're unsure of the ideal method to create an introduction, you should be particularly attentive to how you phrase your thesis statement.

The thesis of your work is, without a doubt, the most crucial section. Given that the thesis statement of your piece serves as the foundation for the entire essay, it must be presented in the introduction. A thesis statement provides readers with a brief summary of the article's key point. Your main assertion is what you'll be defending or disputing in the body of your essay. An effective thesis statement is often one sentence long, accurate, exact, unambiguous, and focused. Your thesis should often be provided at the end of your introduction.

Here is an example thesis statement for an essay about the value of a proper work-life balance to help you gain a better understanding of what a good thesis should be:

Thesis Statement Example: 'Creating flexible and pleasant work schedules for employees can help them have a better work-life balance while also increasing overall performance.'

Catchy Introductions for Different Essay Types

Although opening paragraphs typically have a fixed form, their language may vary. In terms of academic essays, students are often expected to produce four primary intro to essay examples. They include articles that are analytical, argumentative, personal, and narrative. It is assumed that different information should appear in these beginning paragraphs since the goals of each sort of essay change. A thorough overview of the various paper kinds is provided below, along with some good essay introduction samples from our argumentative essay writers:

Narrative Introduction

  • The writer of a narrative essay must convey a story in this style of writing. Such essays communicate a story, which distinguishes them from other essay types in a big way.
  • Such a paper's hook will often be an enticing glimpse into a specific scene that only loosely links to the thesis statement. Additionally, when writing such an essay, a writer should ensure that every claim included in the introduction relates to some important moments that have significantly impacted the story's outcome.
  • The thesis in narrative writing is usually the theme or main lesson learned from the story.
Narrative introduction example: 'My phone rang, and my mother told me that Dad had suffered a heart attack. I suddenly experienced a sense of being lifted out from under me by this immaculately carpeted flooring. After making it through, Dad left me with a sizable collection of lessons. Here are three principles that I know dad would have wanted me to uphold...'

Still Can't Think of a Perfect Intro?

When assigned to write an essay, students end up with a ton of questions, including 'How to structure an essay?', 'How to choose a good topic?'. Here at EssayPro, we employ only the best essay writers who are committed to students’ success.

Analytical Introduction

  • Analytical essay introduction format is another popular type. In contrast to a narrative paper, an analytical paper seeks to explore an idea and educate the reader about a topic.
  • Three important facts that support the analytical premise should be included in the middle section of the introduction.
  • A well-researched and well-thought-out claim will form a wonderful thesis because the main goal of this paper is to study the topic and educate readers. It's crucial to remember that this assertion shouldn't initially have any real weight. Although it will still be theoretical, it has to be articulated practically.
Analytical introduction example: “... Hence even though presidents, CEOs, and generals still have their daily schedules full of economic crises and military conflicts, on the cosmic scale of history humankind can lift its eyes up and start looking towards new horizons. If we bring famine, plague, and war under control, what will replace them at the top of the human agenda? Like firefighters in a world without fire, so humankind in the twenty-first century needs to ask itself an unprecedented question: what are we going to do with ourselves? What will demand our attention and ingenuity in a healthy, prosperous, and harmonious world? In a healthy, prosperous, and harmonious world, what will demand our attention and ingenuity? This question becomes doubly urgent given the immense new powers that biotechnology and information technology are providing us with. What will we do with all that power? ...” Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, Yuval Noah Harari

Persuasive Introduction

  • To persuade readers of anything is the sole goal of persuasive essay writing. This may be accomplished using persuasive strategies like ethos, pathos, and logos.
  • A hook statement for this paper may be anything from a fascinating fact to even comedy. You can use whatever technique you choose. The most crucial advice is to ensure your hook is in line with your thesis and that it can bolster further justifications.
  • Generally speaking, a persuasive essay must include three supporting facts. Hence, to gradually lead readers to the major topic of your paper, add a quick summary of your three arguments in your introduction.
  • Last, the thesis statement should be the main claim you will be disputing in this paper. It should be a brief, carefully thought-out, and confident statement of your essay's major argument.
Persuasive introduction example: 'Recycling waste helps to protect the climate. Besides cleaning the environment, it uses waste materials to create valuable items. Recycling initiatives must be running all around the world. ...'

Personal Introduction

  • The final sort of academic writing that students frequently encounter is a personal essay. In principle, this essay style is creative nonfiction and requires the author to reflect on personal experiences. The goals of such a paper may be to convey a story, discuss the lessons that certain incidents have taught you, etc. This type of writing is unique since it is the most personal.
  • Whatever topic you choose can serve as the hook for such an essay. A pertinent remark, query, joke, or fact about the primary plot or anything else will be acceptable. The backdrop of your narrative should then be briefly explained after that. Lastly, a thesis statement can describe the impact of particular experiences on you and what you learned.
Personal introduction example: 'My parents always pushed me to excel in school and pursue new interests like playing the saxophone and other instruments. I felt obligated to lead my life in a way that met their standards. Success was always expected on the route they had set out for me. Yet eight years after my parents' separation, this course was diverted when my dad relocated to California...'

Tips for Writing a Winning Introduction Paragraph

You now understand how to do introduction and have specific intro example for essays to help you get going. Let's quickly examine what you should and shouldn't do during the writing process.

  • Keep the assignment's purpose in mind when you write your introduction, and ensure it complies with your instructor's requirements.
  • Use a compelling and relevant hook to grab the reader's attention immediately.
  • Make sure your readers understand your perspective to make it apparent.
  • If necessary, establish key terms related to your subject.
  • Show off your expertise on the subject.
  • Provide a symbolic road map to help readers understand what you discuss throughout the post.
  • Be brief; it's recommended that your introduction make up no more than 8 to 9 percent of the entire text (for example, 200 words for a 2500 words essay).
  • Construct a strong thesis statement.
  • Create some intrigue.
  • Make sure there is a clear and smooth transition from your introduction to the body of your piece.
  • If you're looking for a custom writer , request assistance from the EssayPro team. We know how to write a term paper along with many other types of essays.


  • Provide too much background information.
  • Use sentences that are off-topic or unnecessary.
  • Make your opening paragraph excessively long.
  • Keep some information a secret and reveal it later in conclusion.
  • Employ overused phrases or generalizations.
  • Using quotation marks excessively

Now that you know what is in the introduction of an essay, we recommend reading the information on how to critique an article to gain more academic insight.

If you are still struggling with that, keep in mind that you can always send us your request to get professional assistance from our law essay writing service .

Get Help With Your ESSAY INTRO!

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How To Write An Essay Introduction?

What is the purpose of the introduction in an essay, how to start an essay introduction.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

essay introduction guide

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay

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How To Write An Essay Introduction: A Step-by-Step Guide

Writing a strong introduction is one of the most important parts of crafting a polished essay. The opening paragraph sets the tone for your argument and piques the reader’s interest right from the start. This article will break down the step-by-step process for writing an effective essay introduction, including determining your essay statement, hooking the reader with an attention-grabbing opening, providing an overview of the essay, and revising your writing. Relevant examples will be provided for each step to illustrate how it can be implemented. By following these guidelines and examples to write essay introduction, you’ll be well on your way to starting your essay off strong.

Determine Your Essay Statement:

The foundation of any solid academic paper or essay comes from having a clear, focused statement. Your statement should present the central argument you will explore and prove over the course of the essay. It conveys the perspective or conclusion you have reached regarding the topic at hand and contains the key points or ideas you will analyse in your body paragraphs.

For example, let’s say the topic is police brutality in America . A weak statement might be:

“This paper will discuss police brutality.”

This statement is too broad and does not take a clear stance. A stronger statement could be:

“This paper argues that systemic racism within American police departments has led to disproportionate violence against people of colour and proposes policy reforms such as mandatory de-escalation training, community oversight boards, and bans on chokeholds as ways to promote racial justice and restore trust in law enforcement.”

This statement is clearer, narrower, and takes a definitive position that can be supported over the course of the essay. It outlines the key points that will be analysed in the body paragraphs. Some tips for crafting a strong essay statement include:

  • Narrow your topic to a single, manageable claim rather than a broad topic area. Ask yourself what specific point you want to make or prove.
  • Keep your essay statement concise – usually one sentence that is between 10-15 words. Short, sweet, and right to the point is best.
  • Use definitive language that takes a stance rather than presenting both sides. State your perspective overtly rather than hinting at it.
  • Include elements that will structure your essay, such as key terms, concepts, individuals, events, or works that you will analyse in depth.
  • Place the statement at the end of your introductory paragraph so readers have context before your central argument.
  • Check that your statement gives a sense of direction for the essay by tying back to the prompt or guiding question if one was provided. Make sure any contents or claims mentioned in the statement are logically argued and proven over the body paragraphs.

With conscious effort focused on these strategies, you can craft a crystal clear statement that sets an achievable roadmap for your essay’s structure and analysis. It’s the linchpin that holds everything together.

Hook the Reader:

Now that you have identified your central argument, the next important element is hooking the reader right away with an engaging opening sentence. Your essay introduction only has a few short lines to capture attention and establish a compelling tone – so make them count!

For example, in an essay analysing the themes of power and corruption in George Orwell’s Animal Farm , you may begin with:

“While on the surface a simple fable about barnyard insurrection, George Orwell’s Animal Farm contains deeper parallels to the corruption of the Russian Revolution that have cemented its status as a classic of political satire.”

This opening directly references the subject work and piques curiosity about its deeper significance. Another essay, on debates over police funding, may start with:

“In June of 2020, as national protests against police brutality erupted across America, the Minneapolis City Council made a bold claim – they would dismantle the police department entirely.”

This current events reference establishes relevance while surprising readers on where the introduction may lead. Some other attention-grabbing techniques may include:

  • Quotes, statistics or facts: Drop an interesting snippet of evidence right off the bat to surprise and intrigue readers.
  • Rhetorical questions: Pose an open-ended query to make readers think and get them invested in the topic.
  • Vivid scenarios: Paint a picture with descriptive details to transport readers visually into your world.
  • Counterintuitive claims: Challenge conventional wisdom in a thought-provoking manner from the start.
  • Relevant anecdotes: Share a brief personal story that builds empathy and relevance.
  • Current events: Reference a newsworthy development to show timeliness of discussion.
  • Humour: Start off on a lighter note if your tone allows for a bit of levity to capture smiles.
  • Definitions: Clarify how you are using important terms in an original way.

The goal is to pique natural human curiosity by teasing just enough context without giving everything away. Make readers want to lean in and keep reading to learn more. With practice, you’ll develop your own signature style for captivating opener sentences tailored to your voice and content area.

Provide Overview and Preview:

After generating initial intrigue, use the next couple lines of your introductory paragraph to offer readers direction about where you aim to lead them. Provide a brief overview of key facts and background necessary to establish context for the topic. You can state the main themes, schools of thought, influential figures, opposing viewpoints or any other defining characteristics that help orient readers. Moreover, it’s helpful to give a quick preview of how the remainder of your paper is structured by stating the main supporting points and ideas you will expand upon in subsequent paragraphs. This overview transitions the reader smoothly into the body while retaining suspense about which evidence or analyses might surprise them along the way. You can also state the main themes or ideas that will structure your paper by saying something like:

“This paper examines three prevailing schools of thought on the debate, analyses the flawed assumptions behind popular arguments, and ultimately argues that sustainable policy reforms are necessary to make progress.”

A quick preview helps transition the reader into the body of the essay while retaining suspense about how your unique analysis and evidence will unfold. It gives them direction without revealing all your cards.

For a humanities essay on morality in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, an overview may be:

“This essay explores how Steinbeck portrays the human need for dignity and companionship through the lens of 1930s migrant work. It analyses the complex relationships between George, Lennie, and other characters to ultimately argue Steinbeck uses their plight to comment on the dehumanizing realities of the Great Depression.”

Providing a lightly detailed synopsis serves as a useful roadmap and entices continued learning without “spoiling” your full analysis and argumentative strategies still to unfold. It gives structure without giving everything away too quickly. Try to keep this final sentence of your introductory paragraph under 2-3 concise sentences for optimal impact and flow.

Crafting Your Outline:

As highlighted in the previous sections, it’s crucial your introduction tightly links back to your overall essay’s content and fulfils its signposting purpose. That’s why outlining both your introduction as well as the overall essay structure simultaneously is advised. Determine the flow of ideas for your body paragraphs first so the introduction can adequately mirror that intended progression and put forth clues about what’s to come without fully revealing your hand. Some tips for outlining:

  • Jot down your main points, analyses and support in note form in whatever sequential order makes the most logical sense based on how the evidence flows together.
  • Assign each chunk of information a corresponding letter or number to use as headings to structure the physical writing later.
  • Consider how long you want each body paragraph or section to be – aim for Uniformity but allow flexibility if needed.
  • Fill in any gaps where transitions between ideas may fall flat by inserting more research or brainstorming.
  • Note sources and direct quotations or examples you plan to incorporate with their corresponding place in the outline.
  • Leave space after each point to type out the full paragraphs once you begin physically writing up the essay.

For example, an outline analysing political themes in Shakespeare’s Macbeth may group as:

I. Introduction

Statement: Shakespeare uses…to critique early modern politics etc.

II. Royal Misconduct

A. Ambition

  • Quotes on Lady Macbeth’s speech
  • Examples of Macbeth’s soliloquies

B. Ethical Failures

  • Scene of murdering Duncan
  • Banquo’s ghost

III. Downfall of a Leader

A. Isolation of a Tyrant

  • Macbeth’s madness
  • Example of the witches’ final prophecies

B. Fall from Grace

  • Macduff’s return
  • Scene of final battle

A carefully mapped outline lays the essential roadmap for your essay and ensures each new section builds cohesively upon the last. Returning to review your essay introduction paragraph against this master plan before finalizing it is a great way to guarantee it delivers on signposting duties effectively.

Edit and Revise:

Like any other part of the writing process, allow time for careful editing and revising your introduction. The advice of trusted writing consultants or professors can highlight areas where clarity or flow could be improved. When editing:

  • Evaluate the strength and focus of your statement. Revise as needed.
  • Check introductory paragraph follows a logical progression from start to finish.
  • Ensure any defined terms, names or background are clearly explained at first mention.
  • Evaluate your opening sentence – is it still an effective hook or could a stronger technique be swapped in?
  • Trim any excess wordiness that does not directly serve orienting the reader.
  • Proofread spelling, grammar punctuation to eliminate issues that break reading flow.
  • Consider reworking sentence structure for variances and eloquent phrasing.
  • Have your introduction mimic the organization and tone of the essay to follow.

Evaluate whether it successfully previews your paper’s substantive content and leave enough for the reader to discover on their own. Getting constructive outside eyes on your introduction is invaluable for perfecting its impact and quality prior to submission. Keep refining until you’re proud of each elegant, cohesive element!


In conclusion, crafting an introduction is as much an art as a strategic process. With practice and conscious attention to these elements, your opening paragraphs can set the stage for a strong essay that grabs reader attention from the very start and invites them into your perspective. Remember – determination of a focused statement that ties back to the essay’s key aims, hooking curiosity with an intriguing lead sentence, orienting with context and previews of what’s to come, and allowing time for revision will set your work up for success. Following these guidelines for writing an effective introduction lays the foundation for proficient academic and professional communications. Continue challenging yourself to develop your signature voice and writing excellence.


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Essay Introductions

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Write an introduction that interests the reader and effectively outlines your arguments.

Every essay or assignment you write must begin with an introduction. It might be helpful to think of the introduction as an inverted pyramid. In such a pyramid, you begin by presenting a broad introduction to the topic and end by making a more focused point about that topic in your thesis statement. The introduction has three essential parts, each of which serves a particular purpose.

The first part is the "attention-grabber." You need to interest your reader in your topic so that they will want to continue reading. You also want to do that in a way that is fresh and original. For example, although it may be tempting to begin your essay with a dictionary definition, this technique is stale  because it has been widely overused. Instead, you might try one of the following techniques:

Offer a surprising statistic that conveys something about the problem to be addressed in the paper.

Perhaps you can find an interesting quote that nicely sums up your argument.

Use rhetorical questions that place your readers in a different situation in order to get them thinking about your topic in a new way.

If you have a personal connection to the topic, you might use an anecdote or story to get your readers emotionally involved.

For example, if you were writing a paper about drunk drivers, you might begin with a compelling story about someone whose life was forever altered by a drunk driver: "At eighteen, Michelle had a lifetime of promise in front of her. Attending college on a track scholarship, she was earning good grades and making lots of friends. Then one night her life was forever altered…"

From this attention grabbing opener, you would need to move to the next part of the introduction, in which you offer some relevant background on the specific purpose of the essay. This section helps the reader see why you are focusing on this topic and makes the transition to the main point of your paper. For this reason, this is sometimes called the "transitional" part of the introduction.

In the example above, the anecdote about Michelle might capture the reader's attention, but the essay is not really about Michelle. The attention grabber might get the reader thinking about how drunk driving can destroy people's lives, but it doesn't introduce the topic of the need for stricter drunk driving penalties (or whatever the real focus of the paper might be).

Therefore, you need to bridge the gap between your attention-grabber and your thesis with some transitional discussion. In this part of your introduction, you narrow your focus of the topic and explain why the attention-grabber is relevant to the specific area you will be discussing. You should introduce your specific topic and provide any necessary background information that the reader would need in order to understand the problem that you are presenting in the paper. You can also define any key terms the reader might not know.

Continuing with the example above, we might move from the narrative about Michelle to a short discussion of the scope of the problem of drunk drivers. We might say, for example: "Michelle's story is not isolated. Each year XX (number) of lives are lost due to drunk-driving accidents." You could follow this with a short discussion of how serious the problem is and why the reader should care about this problem. This effectively moves the reader from the story about Michelle to your real topic, which might be the need for stricter penalties for drinking and driving.

Finally, the introduction must conclude with a clear statement of the overall point you want to make in the paper. This is called your "thesis statement." It is the narrowest part of your inverted pyramid, and it states exactly what your essay will be arguing.

In this scenario, your thesis would be the point you are trying to make about drunk driving. You might be arguing for better enforcement of existing laws, enactment of stricter penalties, or funding for education about drinking and driving. Whatever the case, your thesis would clearly state the main point your paper is trying to make. Here's an example: "Drunk driving laws need to include stricter penalties for those convicted of drinking under the influence of alcohol." Your essay would then go on to support this thesis with the reasons why stricter penalties are needed.

In addition to your thesis, your introduction can often include a "road map" that explains how you will defend your thesis. This gives the reader a general sense of how you will organize the different points that follow throughout the essay. Sometimes the "map" is incorporated right into the thesis statement, and sometimes it is a separate sentence. Below is an example of a thesis with a "map."

"Because drunk driving can result in unnecessary and premature deaths, permanent injury for survivors, and billions of dollars spent on medical expenses,  drunk drivers should face stricter penalties for driving under the influence." The underlined words here are the "map" that show your reader the main points of support you will present in the essay. They also serve to set up the paper's arrangement because they tell the order in which you will present these topics.

In constructing an introduction, make sure the introduction clearly reflects the goal or purpose of the assignment and that the thesis presents not only the topic to be discussed but also states a clear position about that topic that you will support and develop throughout the paper. In shorter papers, the introduction is usually only one or two paragraphs, but it can be several paragraphs in a longer paper.

For Longer Papers

Although for short essays the introduction is usually just one paragraph, longer argument or research papers may require a more substantial introduction. The first paragraph might consist of just the attention grabber and some narrative about the problem. Then you might have one or more paragraphs that provide background on the main topics of the paper and present the overall argument, concluding with your thesis statement.

Below is a sample of an introduction that is less effective because it doesn't apply the principles discussed above.

An Ineffective Introduction

Everyone uses math during their entire lives. Some people use math on the job as adults, and others used math when they were kids. The topic I have chosen to write about for this paper is how I use math in my life both as a child and as an adult. I use math to balance my checkbook and to budget my monthly expenses as an adult. When I was a child, I used math to run a lemonade stand. I will be talking more about these things in my paper.

In the introduction above, the opening line does not serve to grab the reader's attention. Instead, it is a statement of an obvious and mundane fact. The second sentence is also not very specific. A more effective attention grabber may point out a specific, and perhaps surprising, instance when adults use math in their daily lives, in order to show the reader why this is such as important topic to consider.

Next the writer "announces" her topic by stating, "The topic I have chosen to write about…" Although it is necessary to introduce your specific topic, you want to avoid making generic announcements that reference your assignment. What you have chosen to write about will be evident as your reader moves through the writing. Instead, you might try to make the reader see why this is such an important topic to discuss.

Finally, this sample introduction is lacking a clear thesis statement. The writer concludes with a vague statement: "I will be talking more about these things in my paper."  This kind of statement may be referred to as a "purpose statement," in which the writer states the topics that will be discussed. However, it is not yet working as a thesis statement because it fails to make an argument or claim about those topics. A thesis statement for this essay would clearly tell the reader what "things" you will be discussing and what point you will make about them.

Now let's look at how the above principles can be incorporated more effectively into an introduction.

A More Effective Introduction

"A penny saved is a penny earned," the well-known quote by Ben Franklin, is an expression I have never quite understood, because to me it seems that any penny—whether saved or spent—is still earned no matter what is done with it. My earliest memories of earning and spending money are when I was ten years old when I would sell Dixie cups of too-sweet lemonade and bags of salty popcorn to the neighborhood kids. From that early age, I learned the importance of money management and the math skills involved. I learned that there were four quarters in a dollar, and if I bought a non-food item—like a handful of balloons—that I was going to need to come up with six cents for every dollar I spent. I also knew that Kool-Aid packets were 25 cents each or that I could save money and get five of them for a dollar. Today, however, money management involves knowing more than which combinations of 10-cent, five-cent, and one-penny candies I can get for a dollar. Proper money management today involves knowing interest rates, balancing checkbooks, paying taxes, estimating my paycheck, and budgeting to make ends meet from month-to-month.

In the first line the writer uses a well-known quotation to introduce her topic.

The writer follows this "attention-grabber" with specific examples of earning and spending money. Compare how the specific details of the second example paint a better picture for the reader about what the writer learned about money as a child, rather than this general statement: "As a child, I used math to run a lemonade stand." In the first introduction, this statement leaves the reader to guess how the writer used math, but in the second introduction we can actually see what the child did and what she learned.

Notice, too, how the reader makes the transition from the lessons of childhood to the real focus of her paper in this sentence: "Today, however, money management involves knowing…."

This transition sentence effectively connects the opening narrative to the main point of the essay, her thesis: "Proper money management today involves knowing  interest rates, balancing checkbooks, paying taxes, estimating my paycheck, and budgeting to make ends meet from month-to-month ." This thesis also maps out for the reader the main points (underlined here) that will be discussed in the essay.

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How To Write An Essay

Essay Introduction

Barbara P

Writing an Essay Introduction - Step by Step Guide

Published on: Dec 26, 2020

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

essay introduction

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Many students struggle with writing essay introductions that grab the reader's attention and set the stage for a strong argument.

It's frustrating when your well-researched essay doesn't get the recognition it deserves because your introduction falls flat. You deserve better results for your hard work!

In this guide, you’ll learn how to create engaging essay introductions that leave a lasting impression. From catchy opening lines to clear thesis statements, you'll learn techniques to hook your readers from the very beginning.

So, read on and learn how to write the perfect catchy introduction for your essay.

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What is a Good Essay Introduction?

An introduction is good if it gives a clear idea of what an essay is about. It tells the reader what to expect from the type of academic writing you are presenting. 

However, it should strike a balance between being informative and engaging, avoiding excessive detail that may lead to confusion.

A strong introduction is engaging, attractive, and also informative. It’s important to note that an essay introduction paragraph should not be too short or too long.

Remember, the introduction sets the stage for the body of your essay. So, keep it concise and focused while hinting at the critical elements you'll explore in more depth later.

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How to Write an Essay Introduction?

Crafting an effective essay introduction is essential for capturing your reader's attention and setting the tone for your entire piece of writing. To ensure your introduction is engaging and impactful, you can follow an introduction format.

Here is the essay introduction format that will help you write an introduction for your essay easily. 

1. Hook Sentence 

A hook sentence is a must for the introductory part of an essay. It helps to keep the reader engaged in your content and seek the reader’s attention.  It is an attention-grabbing sentence that develops the interest of the reader. It develops the anxiousness of reading the complete essay.

You can use the following as the hook sentence in your essay introduction:

  • A famous quotation
  • An interesting fact
  • An anecdote

All of the above are attention-grabbing things that prove to be perfect for a hook sentence.

Not sure how to create an attention-grabbing hook statement? Check out these hook statement examples to get a better idea!

2. Background Information 

Once you have provided an interesting hook sentence, it's time that you provide a little background information related to your essay topic.

The background information should comprise two or three sentences. The information should include the reason why you chose the topic and what is the expected scope of the topic. 

Also, clarify the theme and nature of your essay. 

3. Thesis Statement 

A thesis statement is a significant element of not just the introduction but also the whole essay. It is a statement that gives an overview of your complete essay. 

It should be written in such a way that the reader can have an idea about the whole purpose of your essay. 

Before you write a thesis statement for your essay, try looking into some thesis statement examples. It will help you write a meaningful statement for your essay. 

A thesis statement is mentioned after the background information and before the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. The last sentence of the introduction is a transitional sentence. 

Need more information on crafting an impactful thesis statement? Read this insightful guide on writing a thesis statement to get started!

4. Transition Sentence 

To end the introduction paragraph in a good way, a transition sentence is used. This sentence helps to relate the introduction to the rest of the essay. 

In such a sentence, we mention a hint about the elements that we will be discussing next.

Check out this list of transition words to write a good transition sentence.

Essay Introduction Template

Essay Introduction Starters

The introduction of your essay plays a crucial role in captivating your readers and setting the tone for the rest of your paper. 

To help you craft an impressive introduction, here are some effective essay introduction phrases that you can use:

  • "In today's society, [topic] has become an increasingly significant issue."
  • "From [historical event] to [current trend], [topic] has shaped our world in numerous ways."
  • "Imagine a world where [scenario]. This is the reality that [topic] addresses."
  • "Have you ever wondered about [question]? In this essay, we will explore the answers and delve into [topic]."
  • "Throughout history, humanity has grappled with the complexities of [topic]."

Here are some more words to start an introduction paragraph with:

  • "Throughout"
  • "In today's"
  • "With the advent of"
  • "In recent years"
  • "From ancient times"

Remember, these words are just tools to help you begin your introduction. Choose the words that best fit your essay topic and the tone you want to set.

Essay Introduction Examples

To help you get started, here are some examples of different essay types:

Argumentative Essay Introduction Examples

In an argumentative essay, we introduce an argument and support the side that we think is more accurate. Here is a short example of the introduction of a short argumentative essay. 

Reflective Essay Introduction Examples

A writer writes a reflective essay to share a personal real-life experience. It is a very interesting essay type as it allows you to be yourself and speak your heart out.

Here is a well-written example of a reflective essay introduction.

Controversial Essay Introduction Examples

A controversial essay is a type of expository essay. It is written to discuss a topic that has controversy in it. 

Below is a sample abortion essay introduction

Here are some more examples:

Essay introduction body and conclusion

Heritage Day essay introduction

Covid-19 essay introduction body conclusion

Tips for Writing an Essay Introduction

The following are some tips for what you should and should not do to write a good and meaningful essay introduction.

  • Do grab the reader's attention with a captivating opening sentence.
  • Do provide a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument of your essay.
  • Do give a brief overview of the key points you will discuss in the body paragraphs.
  • Do use relevant and engaging examples or anecdotes to support your introduction.
  • Do consider the tone and style that best suits your essay topic and audience.
  • Do revise and edit your introduction to ensure it flows smoothly with the rest of your essay.
  • Don't use clichés or overused phrases as your opening line.
  • Don't make your introduction overly lengthy or complex .
  • Don't include unnecessary background information that doesn't contribute to the main idea.
  • Don't introduce new information or arguments in the introduction that will be discussed later in the body paragraphs.
  • Don't use informal language or slang unless it aligns with the essay's purpose and audience.
  • Don't forget to proofread your introduction for grammar and spelling errors before finalizing it.

Remember to follow the do's and avoid the don'ts to create an impactful opening that hooks your readers from the start.

Now you know the steps and have the tips and tools to get started on creating your essay’s introduction. However, if you are a beginner, it can be difficult for you to do this task on your own. 

This is what our professional essay writing service  is for! We have a team of professional writers who can help you with all your writing assignments. Also, we have a customer support team available 24/7 to assist you. 

Place your order now, and our customer support representative will get back to you right away. Try our essay writer ai today!

Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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essay introduction guide

How to Write an Essay Introduction?

16 January, 2021

8 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

You have been assigned to write an essay but you’re not quite sure how to get started. Don’t worry, after reading this introduction, you will have a better grasp on what you should do. The introduction of an essay is the first thing that a reader will see, so it can influence how your entire essay is received. Be sure to take your time to make it effective. Before you start, you should first identify the purpose of your introduction.

essay introduction

Why do I Need an Introduction Paragraph?

You’re writing an introduction to your essay for two reasons. First, its purpose is to hook your readers so that they will read on and see what you have to say. Second, it will provide a guideline for your topic and main argument, known as the thesis statement. Your first sentences should pull the readers in – this is the hook that tells your readers something they didn’t know before. It can be an interesting fact, a surprising statistic, or a quote from a well-known person. Basically, it can be anything that has the ability to catch your readers’ attention. Choose the right hook based on your topic and style. Your readers need enough information to understand the background of your essay. Make sure, however, to keep it short, too, not to lose their interest. Your thesis statement, on the other hand, should provide an answer to the main problem of your essay.

Goals essay introduction

How Long Should an Essay Introduction Be?

This depends on the overall length of your essay. There is no set rule for how long an introduction should be. For a 2- to a 3-page essay, the appropriate length is usually one paragraph. But in case the overall length of your essay is more, for example, 4−5 pages, two paragraphs is considered more appropriate. A general rule is that your introduction should be between 5 and 10 percent of the overall length of your essay.

How to Write a Good Essay Introduction?

Being able to write a good essay is an essential skill for your future. As many as 80 percents of corporations with employment growth potential assess their applicants’ writing skills during the hiring process.

To write a good introduction paragraph, you need to first identify your audience. You want your essay to evoke emotions and to keep your readers interested from start to finish. Before you can do that, you need to know who your readers are. If you’re writing an essay as a class assignment, you don’t necessarily have to write for your instructor. Choose your audience based on the subject matter of your essay. For example, if you’re writing an essay about career paths, you may want to identify students and young professionals as your target audience. Your target audience determines what information you should include and what you can leave out.

To make the introduction of your essay effective, you can appeal to your readers’ emotions. This is a good strategy, especially when writing a persuasive essay introduction about a personal topic. It will help you get your audience emotionally involved in the topic. For example, if you’re writing an essay about foreign aid, you can describe the tragedy of undernourished children to evoke some emotions in your readers. Another strategy is to ask thought-provoking questions. This way, you will draw your readers in by making them think about your subject matter. As long as these questions are intriguing enough, your readers will want to find out the answers.

essay introduction

Move From the General to the Specific

Perhaps you have heard of the upside-down pyramid. Place your hook at the top, and use 2 to 3 sentences to describe the wider context of your thesis. You should try to make each sentence more specific than the one before it. For example, if you’re writing an essay about the crimes committed by refugees, you could start with an anecdote about a victim of these crimes. Then you could provide statistics about the problem in a specific country, and finally narrow it down to a particular age group or social group.

Make a Smooth Transition to the Body

In many cases, you can move straight from your introduction to the first paragraph of your body. Sometimes, however, you may need a transition sentence to move naturally to the rest of your essay. You can test whether you need this transition sentence by reading your introduction and the first paragraph of your body out loud. If you find yourself pausing between the two paragraphs, it’s better to write a transition sentence.

Pay Attention to Your Structure

Keep in mind that it’s not necessary to write the introduction first. In fact, it’s often easier to write it after writing the body and conclusion. On the other hand, others find it convenient to write the introduction first and use it as an outline for the rest of the essay.

While your introduction needs to be short, it should also convey a lot of information. The first sentence is your hook that catches your readers’ attention. The next sentences build a bridge between your hook and the general topic of your essay. The ending sentence of your introduction should include your thesis statement or points that you will discuss in more detail in the body and which support the main argument of your essay. 

essay introduction structure

Remember to Revise

This is important for those who prefer to write their introduction first. Since it’s not uncommon to deviate from your outline, make sure that your introduction is in line with your completed essay. Make every sentence count and remove any unnecessary parts.

In case you’re struggling to find the time for your essay, you can always contact our essay writer . We have been in the business long enough to know the ins and outs of a perfect essay. Save your time and let us ease your burden.

Check Some Essay Introduction Examples

Now that you know the theory behind writing an effective essay introduction, it’s time to see things in practice. Samples are useful for learning how to put all the information into action. Check the samples below to figure out what your introduction should look like.

Argumentative Essay Introduction

In an argumentative essay introduction, you should present your own personal opinion on the topic based on your evaluation which you will present in the body.

argumentative essay introduction example

You can also check this argumentative essay sample.

Persuasive Essay Introduction

Persuasive essay introduction also should attempt to convince readers to believe in an idea or opinion. It needs to showcase some personal attitude to the topic.

persuasive essay introduction example

You can also check more in-depth instructions for writing a persuasive essay.

Compare and Contrast Essay Introduction

A compare and contrast essay introduction should describe two sides of a problem. It’s easier to consider two very different things. You can start with a brief description of the problem and then move on to talk about the two things.

compare and contrast essay introduction example

You can also check topic ideas for your compare and contrast essay.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay: Topics, Samples and Tips to Score Band 9!

Are you aiming for excellence in your IELTS Writing? Do you dream of achieving that elusive band 9 score? Look no further! In this blog, we will embark on a journey of transforming your essay writing skills from good to great. Scoring a band 9 in the IELTS Writing module requires not only a strong command of language but also a deep understanding of the assessment criteria and effective writing strategies.

Whether you're a beginner looking to improve or an experienced test-taker seeking that extra edge, this guide will provide you with valuable insights, practical tips, and real examples to help you unlock the secrets of achieving a band 9 in your IELTS essays. So, let's delve into the world of high-scoring IELTS Writing essays and discover how to take your writing prowess to new heights!

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IELTS Writing test syllabus, exam pattern, and duration

Duration: 60 minutes

Writing – Academic

The Academic version of the Writing component consists of two tasks, each addressing topics of broad relevance and suitability for individuals entering undergraduate or postgraduate studies, or those seeking professional registration.

You will be presented with a graph, table, chart, or diagram and are asked to describe, summarise, or explain the information in your own words

You will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem

You may be asked to describe and explain data, explain the stages of a process, how something works, or describe an object or event

Responses to both tasks must be written in a formal style

Writing – General Training

The General Training version of the Writing component comprises two tasks that revolve around topics of general interest, designed to assess candidates' ability to communicate effectively in common real-life situations.

You will be presented with a situation and asked to write a letter requesting information or explaining the situation. The letter may be personal, semi-formal, or formal in style

You will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem. The essay can be slightly more personal in style than the Academic Writing Task 2 essay

IELTS Writing task 2 essay writing – Step-by-step guide for scoring a band 9

Here's a step-by-step guide to the IELTS Writing Task 2 :

Step 1: Understand the task requirements

Carefully read and comprehend the task prompt

Identify the type of essay you are required to write, such as opinion, discussion, or problem-solution

Take note of any specific instructions, word limits, or key points to address

Step 2: Plan and organise your ideas

Spend a few minutes brainstorming and generating ideas related to the task.

Create a clear and coherent outline that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Organise your ideas logically and decide on the main points for each paragraph.

Step 3: Write an engaging introduction

Begin your essay with a captivating opening sentence that grabs the reader's attention

Provide some background information or context related to the topic

State your thesis or main argument clearly, which will guide the rest of your essay

Step 4: Develop coherent body paragraphs

Commence each body paragraph with a topic sentence that presents the primary concept

Support your ideas with relevant examples, facts, or evidence

Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain coherence and flow

Step 5: Showcase language skills and vocabulary

Employ an extensive array of vocabulary and grammatical structures

Demonstrate your ability to express ideas accurately and precisely

Show awareness of cohesive devices, such as linking words and phrases

Step 6: Conclude effectively

Provide a concise summary of the key points addressed in the body paragraphs

Restate your thesis and provide a concise closing statement

Leave the reader with a lasting impression or a thought-provoking question

Step 7: Revise and edit

Allocate time to review your essay for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or typos

Check the coherence and coherence of your ideas and arguments

Make necessary revisions to improve clarity, coherence, and overall quality

Step 8: Practice time management

Allocate the appropriate amount of time for each task (Task 1 and Task 2)

Practice writing essays within the given time limit to build speed and efficiency

Monitor your progress and adjust your writing speed accordingly

Step 9: Seek feedback and continuous improvement

Share your essays with a teacher, tutor, or native English speaker for feedback

Identify areas for improvement and focus on enhancing those skills

Regularly practice writing essays to refine your technique and boost your confidence

By following these step-by-step guidelines and consistently practicing, you can improve your IELTS Writing Task performance and work towards achieving your desired band score. Remember, practice and perseverance are key to success in the IELTS Writing module. Good luck!

IELTS Writing Task 2 sample essays to achieve a band score of 9

Here are a few IELTS essay samples for band 9 that demonstrate a high level of language proficiency and can help you understand how to score a band 9. Please note that these are samples for your reference and should not be copied/used as they are presented below:

IELTS Writing Task 2 essay topic: Advantages and disadvantages of technology in education

Introduction: In recent years, technology has revolutionised the education sector, providing both benefits and drawbacks. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating technology into education and argue that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Body Paragraph 1 (Advantages): One major advantage of technology in education is enhanced learning opportunities. With the help of interactive multimedia tools, students can access a vast range of information and resources, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of complex concepts. Additionally, technology promotes student engagement and active learning, as it enables personalised and interactive teaching methods.

Body Paragraph 2 (Disadvantages) : Despite the numerous advantages, there are some disadvantages to using technology in education. Firstly, excessive reliance on technology may lead to a decrease in face-to-face interaction and hinder the development of crucial social skills. Moreover, the availability of inaccurate or biased information on the internet can pose a challenge in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of sources used for academic purposes.

Body Paragraph 3 (Benefits outweigh drawbacks) : However, the benefits of technology in education far outweigh the drawbacks. By incorporating technology, educational institutions can bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and the digital world, preparing students for future careers that heavily rely on technological literacy. Furthermore, technology can facilitate distance learning, reaching students who are geographically isolated or have limited access to educational resources.

Conclusion: In conclusion, technology has transformed education by offering enhanced learning opportunities and promoting student engagement. While there are some disadvantages associated with technology, the benefits of incorporating it into education outweigh the drawbacks. It is crucial for educators to strike a balance between traditional teaching methods and technology to maximize the potential of both.

IELTS Writing Task 2 essay topic: Effects of global warming on the environment

Introduction : Global warming, caused primarily by human activities, has become a pressing issue with far-reaching consequences for the environment. This essay will explore the effects of global warming on the environment and argue that urgent action is required to mitigate its detrimental impacts.

Body Paragraph 1 (Rise in temperatures) : One of the most significant effects of global warming is the rise in temperatures worldwide. This leads to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, resulting in sea-level rise and an increased frequency of extreme weather events such as hurricanes and heat waves. Moreover, higher temperatures disrupt ecosystems, endangering various plant and animal species.

Body Paragraph 2 (Loss of biodiversity) : Global warming poses a significant threat to biodiversity. As temperatures increase, many species struggle to adapt or migrate to more suitable habitats, leading to their decline or extinction. The loss of biodiversity has severe consequences for ecosystem stability, as each species plays a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance.

Body Paragraph 3 (Environmental degradation) : Another consequence of global warming is environmental degradation. Rising temperatures contribute to the acidification of oceans, damaging coral reefs and marine ecosystems. Additionally, increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere lead to oceanic dead zones, negatively impacting marine life. Deforestation, driven by the need for resources and land for agriculture, exacerbates global warming by reducing the Earth's capacity to absorb carbon dioxide.

In conclusion, global warming has profound effects on the environment, including rising temperatures, loss of biodiversity, and environmental degradation. Immediate and concerted efforts are necessary to address this issue, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting sustainable practices, and preserving natural habitats. Only through collective action can we mitigate the impacts of global warming and protect our planet for future generations.

These sample essays showcase the structure, vocabulary, and coherence necessary to achieve a band 9 score. Remember to practice writing within the time constraints of the IELTS test (40 minutes for the writing section).

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  • How to write an essay outline | Guidelines & examples

How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples

Published on August 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph , giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold.

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Table of contents

Organizing your material, presentation of the outline, examples of essay outlines, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about essay outlines.

At the stage where you’re writing an essay outline, your ideas are probably still not fully formed. You should know your topic  and have already done some preliminary research to find relevant sources , but now you need to shape your ideas into a structured argument.

Creating categories

Look over any information, quotes and ideas you’ve noted down from your research and consider the central point you want to make in the essay—this will be the basis of your thesis statement . Once you have an idea of your overall argument, you can begin to organize your material in a way that serves that argument.

Try to arrange your material into categories related to different aspects of your argument. If you’re writing about a literary text, you might group your ideas into themes; in a history essay, it might be several key trends or turning points from the period you’re discussing.

Three main themes or subjects is a common structure for essays. Depending on the length of the essay, you could split the themes into three body paragraphs, or three longer sections with several paragraphs covering each theme.

As you create the outline, look critically at your categories and points: Are any of them irrelevant or redundant? Make sure every topic you cover is clearly related to your thesis statement.

Order of information

When you have your material organized into several categories, consider what order they should appear in.

Your essay will always begin and end with an introduction and conclusion , but the organization of the body is up to you.

Consider these questions to order your material:

  • Is there an obvious starting point for your argument?
  • Is there one subject that provides an easy transition into another?
  • Do some points need to be set up by discussing other points first?

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Within each paragraph, you’ll discuss a single idea related to your overall topic or argument, using several points of evidence or analysis to do so.

In your outline, you present these points as a few short numbered sentences or phrases.They can be split into sub-points when more detail is needed.

The template below shows how you might structure an outline for a five-paragraph essay.

  • Thesis statement
  • First piece of evidence
  • Second piece of evidence
  • Summary/synthesis
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong closing statement

You can choose whether to write your outline in full sentences or short phrases. Be consistent in your choice; don’t randomly write some points as full sentences and others as short phrases.

Examples of outlines for different types of essays are presented below: an argumentative, expository, and literary analysis essay.

Argumentative essay outline

This outline is for a short argumentative essay evaluating the internet’s impact on education. It uses short phrases to summarize each point.

Its body is split into three paragraphs, each presenting arguments about a different aspect of the internet’s effects on education.

  • Importance of the internet
  • Concerns about internet use
  • Thesis statement: Internet use a net positive
  • Data exploring this effect
  • Analysis indicating it is overstated
  • Students’ reading levels over time
  • Why this data is questionable
  • Video media
  • Interactive media
  • Speed and simplicity of online research
  • Questions about reliability (transitioning into next topic)
  • Evidence indicating its ubiquity
  • Claims that it discourages engagement with academic writing
  • Evidence that Wikipedia warns students not to cite it
  • Argument that it introduces students to citation
  • Summary of key points
  • Value of digital education for students
  • Need for optimism to embrace advantages of the internet

Expository essay outline

This is the outline for an expository essay describing how the invention of the printing press affected life and politics in Europe.

The paragraphs are still summarized in short phrases here, but individual points are described with full sentences.

  • Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages.
  • Provide background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press.
  • Present the thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.
  • Discuss the very high levels of illiteracy in medieval Europe.
  • Describe how literacy and thus knowledge and education were mainly the domain of religious and political elites.
  • Indicate how this discouraged political and religious change.
  • Describe the invention of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.
  • Show the implications of the new technology for book production.
  • Describe the rapid spread of the technology and the printing of the Gutenberg Bible.
  • Link to the Reformation.
  • Discuss the trend for translating the Bible into vernacular languages during the years following the printing press’s invention.
  • Describe Luther’s own translation of the Bible during the Reformation.
  • Sketch out the large-scale effects the Reformation would have on religion and politics.
  • Summarize the history described.
  • Stress the significance of the printing press to the events of this period.

Literary analysis essay outline

The literary analysis essay outlined below discusses the role of theater in Jane Austen’s novel Mansfield Park .

The body of the essay is divided into three different themes, each of which is explored through examples from the book.

  • Describe the theatricality of Austen’s works
  • Outline the role theater plays in Mansfield Park
  • Introduce the research question : How does Austen use theater to express the characters’ morality in Mansfield Park ?
  • Discuss Austen’s depiction of the performance at the end of the first volume
  • Discuss how Sir Bertram reacts to the acting scheme
  • Introduce Austen’s use of stage direction–like details during dialogue
  • Explore how these are deployed to show the characters’ self-absorption
  • Discuss Austen’s description of Maria and Julia’s relationship as polite but affectionless
  • Compare Mrs. Norris’s self-conceit as charitable despite her idleness
  • Summarize the three themes: The acting scheme, stage directions, and the performance of morals
  • Answer the research question
  • Indicate areas for further study

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  • College Essay Format & Structure
  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

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You will sometimes be asked to hand in an essay outline before you start writing your essay . Your supervisor wants to see that you have a clear idea of your structure so that writing will go smoothly.

Even when you do not have to hand it in, writing an essay outline is an important part of the writing process . It’s a good idea to write one (as informally as you like) to clarify your structure for yourself whenever you are working on an essay.

If you have to hand in your essay outline , you may be given specific guidelines stating whether you have to use full sentences. If you’re not sure, ask your supervisor.

When writing an essay outline for yourself, the choice is yours. Some students find it helpful to write out their ideas in full sentences, while others prefer to summarize them in short phrases.

You should try to follow your outline as you write your essay . However, if your ideas change or it becomes clear that your structure could be better, it’s okay to depart from your essay outline . Just make sure you know why you’re doing so.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 5, 2024, from

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Jack Caulfield

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How to write a strong scholarship essay to study in Armenia?

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Armenia is calling ambitious Indian students! Craft a scholarship essay that showcases your academic excellence, passion for your field, and connection to Armenia’s rich history and culture. Learn how to tailor your essay for merit-based, need-based, and field-specific scholarships. Discover essential tips for writing a compelling narrative that highlights your unique qualities and potential contributions to the Armenian academic community. Start your journey to a brighter future in Armenia with this expert guide!


Mastering merit-based scholarships: beyond the grades.

Armenian universities seek scholars who possess not just stellar academic records but also a genuine passion for learning and research. Here’s how to shine in your essay:

  • Highlight Intellectual Curiosity: Showcase your independent research projects, participation in academic competitions or conferences, or unique perspectives that enrich classroom discussions.
  • Example: “My independent research project on the impact of Armenian diaspora literature on cultural identity ignited my passion for pursuing a degree in Armenian Studies at Yerevan State University.”

Need-Based Scholarships: Showcasing Your Resilience

Financial constraints shouldn’t hinder your academic dreams. In your essay, focus on:

  • Emphasizing Determination: Detail the challenges you’ve faced and the proactive steps you’ve taken to overcome them.
  • Highlighting Resourcefulness: Describe how you’ve excelled academically despite financial limitations.
  • Example: “Working part-time to support my family hasn’t deterred me from achieving a GPA of [GPA]. With the support of the [Scholarship Name], I can fully immerse myself in my studies and contribute to research in [Specific Area] at [Armenian University Name].”

Field-Specific Scholarships: Making a Targeted Connection

Armenian universities excel in diverse fields. To stand out, tailor your essay to the specific scholarship:

  • Showcase Your Passion: Demonstrate your deep interest in a particular research area relevant to Armenia.
  • Connect with Armenian Scholars: Mention renowned Armenian professors or research groups whose work aligns with your interests.
  • Example: “I am inspired by the work of Dr. [Professor’s Name] at [Armenian University Name] on [Research Topic]. This scholarship would enable me to collaborate with their team and contribute to advancements in this field.”

Essential Tips for Indian Students

  • Embrace Armenian Culture: Show your appreciation for Armenian traditions, history, and values.
  • Language Proficiency: If applicable, mention your proficiency in Armenian, English, or Russian.
  • Tailor Your Essay: Customize your essay for each scholarship, highlighting relevant achievements and experiences.

Writing Tips: Structure and Language

  • Formal Tone: Use professional language and avoid slang or informal contractions.
  • Clear Structure: Introduce yourself, state your purpose (scholarship application), highlight relevant achievements and motivations, and articulate how you align with the scholarship’s goals. Conclude by reiterating your commitment.
  • Proofread Meticulously: Ensure your essay is error-free and polished.

Additional Resources

  • Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Armenia: Official Website
  • American University of Armenia (AUA): Scholarships
  • Yerevan State University (YSU): International Students

By crafting a compelling scholarship essay that showcases your academic merit, passion for your field, and connection to Armenia, you can open doors to a world-class education in this historic and vibrant country. Start your journey today and unlock your potential in Armenia!

What is the Niyo Scholarship -

The Niyo Scholarship for Indian students with sights set on international education this Fall 2024!

Niyo which provides free Zero Forex Cards to Indian students to help them save forex charges while studying abroad has launched a $20,000 scholarship fund divided into 10 scholarships each worth $2,000, to outstanding Indian students who are starting their Master’s or Bachelors programs at universities outside India.

The eligibility criteria are broad to ensure that students from all backgrounds have a chance. Whether you are an academic achiever, facing financial difficulties, demonstrated innovative ideas, or are committed to social work, the Niyo Scholarship can support your journey to a world-class education. 

This initiative aims to help students from various fields and encourage diverse talents to pursue their educational dreams abroad.

How to Apply:

  • Download the Niyo app (click on the button or scan the QR to download). 
  • Get your free Niyo card (it’s quick and easy!).
  • Watch for the scholarship banner on the Niyo app homepage (will appear once you complete the card order process).
  • Click on the banner to access the application form.
  • Fill out the form and submit your application.

Top Questions Answered: Your Guide to the Niyo Scholarship

1. who can apply, what’s the eligibility.

  • Indian students starting their studies abroad in Fall 2024 (between July and September). This includes both bachelor’s and master’s programs.
  • Parents can apply on behalf of their minor children pursuing a bachelor’s degree.
  • Must be a Niyo Card Holder.

2. What countries are eligible?

The scholarship is open to all Indian students starting education abroad in any country outside India, including the

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Netherlands
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Philippines

And many more

3. Is academic merit the only factor?

  • Absolutely not! We celebrate well-rounded individuals. Here’s how you can qualify:
  • Merit: Stellar academic performance is always impressive.
  • Financial Need: Facing financial limitations? We understand. Explain how the scholarship would make a difference.
  • Innovation: Pioneered a groundbreaking project? Showcase your ingenuity!
  • Social Work: Actively involved in social or environmental causes? Let your dedication shine.

4. Why Apply for the Niyo Scholarship?

There are several compelling reasons to join the Niyo Scholarship race:

  • Financial Support: Each scholarship provides a substantial $2,000 to ease your educational expenses abroad.
  • Recognition: Be acknowledged for your academic excellence, innovative spirit, or dedication to social good.
  • Easy Application: The entire process is conveniently accessible through the user-friendly Niyo app.

5. Can I apply if I already have another scholarship?

Yes! The Niyo Scholarship is designed to be stackable with other financial aid awards you might receive. This means you can combine the Niyo Scholarship award with your existing scholarship to maximize your financial support for your studies abroad.

6. When will the winners be announced?

Niyo shall start announcing the award winners by mid-July.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! Download the Niyo app, get your card, and be ready to apply for the scholarship.

By compiling the necessary documents and presenting a well-rounded application that showcases your academic merit and interest in studying in Armenia, you’ll significantly increase your chances of securing a scholarship to support your academic journey in this fascinating country!

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  11. How to Write an Essay Introduction: The Definitive Guide

    The thesis statement is clear, persuasive, and adopts a distinct position. The introduction includes a summary of how the thesis will be proven. The key learning that is presented in the paper is summarized. The introduction has been thoroughly proofread to ensure it doesn't contain any errors. Post Views: 6,786.

  12. Awesome Guide on How to Write an Essay Introduction

    Be brief; it's recommended that your introduction make up no more than 8 to 9 percent of the entire text (for example, 200 words for a 2500 words essay). Construct a strong thesis statement. Create some intrigue. Make sure there is a clear and smooth transition from your introduction to the body of your piece.

  13. How To Write An Essay Introduction: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Learn how to write a compelling essay introduction with this step-by-step guide. From crafting a clear essay statement to hooking the reader's interest and providing an overview of your essay, discover the key elements of an effective introduction. Use relevant examples to master the art of captivating your audience right from the start.

  14. Essay Introductions

    The introduction has three essential parts, each of which serves a particular purpose. The first part is the "attention-grabber." You need to interest your reader in your topic so that they will want to continue reading. You also want to do that in a way that is fresh and original. For example, although it may be tempting to begin your essay ...

  15. Learn How to Write an Essay Introduction with Examples

    In this essay, we will explore the answers and delve into [topic]." "Throughout history, humanity has grappled with the complexities of [topic]." Here are some more words to start an introduction paragraph with: "Throughout". "In today's". "With the advent of". "In recent years". "From ancient times".

  16. How to Structure Your Essay Introduction

    Learn how to structure an essay introduction with an excellent thematic framework to score Band 6 in your essay.

  17. Introductions

    In general, your introductions should contain the following elements: Orienting Information. When you're writing an essay, it's helpful to think about what your reader needs to know in order to follow your argument. Your introduction should include enough information so that readers can understand the context for your thesis.

  18. How to Structure an Essay

    The basic structure of an essay always consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. But for many students, the most difficult part of structuring an essay is deciding how to organize information within the body. This article provides useful templates and tips to help you outline your essay, make decisions about your structure, and ...

  19. Write a Strong Essay Introduction in a Few Simple Steps

    You're writing an introduction to your essay for two reasons. First, its purpose is to hook your readers so that they will read on and see what you have to say. Second, it will provide a guideline for your topic and main argument, known as the thesis statement. Your first sentences should pull the readers in - this is the hook that tells ...

  20. IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay: Topics, Samples and Tips

    Step 3: Write an engaging introduction. Begin your essay with a captivating opening sentence that grabs the reader's attention. Provide some background information or context related to the topic. State your thesis or main argument clearly, which will guide the rest of your essay. Step 4: Develop coherent body paragraphs

  21. Writing a Research Paper Introduction

    Table of contents. Step 1: Introduce your topic. Step 2: Describe the background. Step 3: Establish your research problem. Step 4: Specify your objective (s) Step 5: Map out your paper. Research paper introduction examples. Frequently asked questions about the research paper introduction.

  22. How to Write an Essay Outline

    Revised on July 23, 2023. An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph, giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold. You'll sometimes be asked to submit an essay outline as a separate ...

  23. Mastering Your Armenian Scholarship Essay: A 2024 Guide for Indian Students

    The Niyo Scholarship for Indian students with sights set on international education this Fall 2024! Niyo which provides free Zero Forex Cards to Indian students to help them save forex charges while studying abroad has launched a $20,000 scholarship fund divided into 10 scholarships each worth $2,000, to outstanding Indian students who are starting their Master's or Bachelors programs at ...