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Essay Samples on Graduation

Graduation is an exciting time in any student’s life. It’s a time to celebrate achievements, reflect on the past, and look towards the future. If you’re tasked with writing an essay on this topic, it can be a daunting task. However, with some helpful tips and graduation essay examples, you can craft a perfect essay about graduation.

One way to approach an essay on graduation is to focus on a particular moment or experience from the graduation ceremony. For example, you might write about the feeling of receiving your diploma or the emotions you felt as you walked across the stage. By focusing on a specific moment, you can create a more compelling and personal essay.

Another approach is to write about the broader significance of graduation. You can explore the importance of education, the challenges that students face, and the impact that graduation has on individuals and society. By taking a more philosophical approach, you can create a more thought-provoking essay that engages readers on a deeper level.

When it comes to graduation essay topics, the possibilities are endless. You might write about the history of graduation ceremonies, the impact of technology on graduation, or the role of graduation in different cultures. Whatever topic you choose, make sure it’s something that you’re passionate about and that you can explore in depth.

In conclusion, writing a perfect essay about graduation requires creativity, passion, and attention to detail. By using graduation essay examples and following the tips above, you can craft an essay that celebrates the importance of graduation and inspires readers to reflect on their own educational journeys.

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Best topics on Graduation

1. How a Graduate Degree Can Help You Achieve Your Career Goals

2. Career Goals After Graduation: Mapping the Journey

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gap Year: Exploring Paths of Exploration and Reflection

4. My Convocation Day: An Experience I Will Never Forget

5. What I Want To Do After My Graduation

6. A College Degree: The Next Step or a Mere Stepping Stone

7. Prom Night and Prom Limo Rentals as Integral Parts of Graduation

8. The Negative Preconceptions Surrounding the Prom Night

9. The Search for a Suitable Limo for a Prom Night

10. Relevance of Changes in Canadian Employment Law

11. Steven Spielberg Commencement Speech in Harvard University

12. How Well Do High Schools Prepare Teens for Life after Graduation

13. Looking Back at the Many Years of a School Life

14. My Highschool Reflections Before Graduation

15. Graduation as a Transitional Experience and a Rite of Passage

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Guide To Writing Your Grad School Admission Essay

Ryah Cooley Cole

Updated: Jan 2, 2024, 5:46am

Guide To Writing Your Grad School Admission Essay

You’ve made a big life decision: applying to grad school . The transcripts are ordered, the letters of recommendation requested, and the interview is on the books. Now you just have to complete what might be the hardest part: write the perfect grad school admission essay. How do you get started? What should a grad school admission essay include? Follow our guide below to get started.

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What Is a Statement of Purpose for Grad School?

A grad school college essay , otherwise known as a statement of purpose, is a required part of the grad school admissions process that tells school officials who you are, your academic and professional interests, and how you might contribute to the program.

A statement of purpose should generally be between 500 and 1,000 words, but check with your individual program for length, font size and spacing preferences.

Why Does It Matter?

Most graduate schools require a statement of purpose as part of the application process because it allows them to learn more about you in a personal way and decide if you will be a good fit for the program.

Applicants should convey that they have a decent amount of experience in their desired field of study and will be successful in a graduate school program. If there’s anything lacking or missing in your GPA or transcripts, you can briefly address it in your statement of purpose and explain why it won’t be an issue. Schools also like to see that applicants are resilient and can overcome challenges, so bring up any personal anecdotes that pertain to that as well.

What Makes a Good Personal Statement?

A good personal statement should include information about your work and academic experience. It should be detailed but concise. Your statement also provides a chance for you to share a personal side of yourself with the admissions committee, explain why you’d be a good fit for the program and showcase how you could add value if accepted.

Shows You’re a Good Fit for the Program

Above all, your personal statement should demonstrate that your interests would fit in the program and that you would do well there. For example, if applying to a master of business administration program, you might want to talk about your undergraduate studies in business, internships with high-profile companies, past jobs you’ve held, or even future entrepreneurial ideas that you’re passionate about.

Demonstrates How Well You Handle a Challenge

Graduate school is no easy task, and admissions officers want to know that you’re up for the challenge. Talking about other times in your life when you’ve struggled but persevered through hard work and dedication can assure school officials that you’ll rise to the occasion at their program if given the chance.

Indicates How You Respond to Criticism

Receiving positive and negative feedback is important, especially in an environment of growth like grad school. Including experiences like rewriting a paper after getting a bad grade or stepping it up at a job after getting tips from a boss can show an admission committee that you’re able to hear hard things and learn from them.

Exhibits Open-Mindedness and a Desire to Learn

Convey that you’ve had previous academic success, while also admitting that you still have more learning and growing to do. Admissions departments often find these qualities appealing when assessing candidates.

How To Write a Strong Admission Essay

You’ve researched and brainstormed, but now it’s time to actually write the admissions essay. Make sure your personal statement is strong and stands out by understanding the prompt, outlining your essay, including a clear thesis statement, personalizing your essay and making it relevant to your desired program.

Understand the Prompt

Most schools will want to know about your academic and professional experiences as well as how you will add value to the program. However, every program and application is unique and your school might have a unique prompt or specific questions they want you to answer in your statement of purpose. Be sure to read the prompt carefully several times so you answer all of the questions it asks.

Outline Your Essay

Before you start writing, make a plan for your personal essay by creating an outline. Not only will this make the writing process easier and faster, but it will help you thoroughly address the prompt in a clear and cohesive way.

Include a Clear Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the central idea or argument of your personal statement. Essentially, your thesis statement should preview the arguments for why you would be a good candidate for a particular program.

Personalize Your Essay

Applying to veterinary school? Be sure to include your lifelong love for animals or your time spent working in an animal shelter. Or perhaps you’re pursuing graduate studies in psychology. Experience with, say, a peer counseling program in high school or college, will help you stand out. The point is to make your essay so personal it only could have been written by you.

Make It Relevant

Admissions officials for a healthcare administration program will be perplexed if you talk about the time you set up a lemonade stand as a child. Similarly, a graduate engineering program probably isn’t too concerned about your recent dance recital. Make sure the information you include in your personal statement is relevant to the program and school you’re applying to.

Finalizing Your Grad School Admissions Essay

After writing your statement, it’s time to perfect and refine it before you attach it and click submit on your application.

Edit the Essay

Now it’s time to edit. Editing is different from proofreading as it focuses on structural changes and even content revisions. Read the prompt again. Make sure you’ve addressed all questions asked by your program. Then, look at the structure. Try reading it out loud. Does the information flow in a way that makes sense? Are there parts that should be moved up or down? Could sections be cut and new parts added?

Proofread for Grammar, Punctuation and Style

Run a spelling and grammar check in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. You can even use a program like Grammarly to make sure your personal statement is free of typos and errors and adheres to the formatting required by your application.

Get Feedback From Peers and Mentors

Fresh eyes will only improve your writing. Ask classmates and professors to read your personal essay and provide you with feedback. They might see something you missed or have ideas for ways to improve. Make sure you give any readers enough time to go over your personal statement before it’s due.

Revise as Needed

Writing is really all about editing and rewriting. No one gets it right on the first try and sometimes not even on the second try—don’t be afraid to revise your statement of purpose as needed before your grad school application deadline.

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Ryah Cooley Cole is an award winning writer and a high school English teacher based on the Central Coast of California. She is most interested in bringing diverse stories to her readers and students.


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Grad school personal statement examples.

Get accepted to your top choice graduate school with your compelling personal statement.

You are a thoughtful, intelligent, and unique individual. You already know that – now you just need to convince top grad school adcoms that you’re a cut above the rest.

By reading the sample graduate school essays provided above, you should get a clear idea of how to translate your qualifications, passions, and individual experiences into words. You will see that the samples here employ a creative voice, use detailed examples, and draw the reader in with a clear writing style. Most importantly, these personal statements are compelling – each one does a fine job of convincing you that the author of the essay is a human being worth getting to know, or better yet, worth having in your next top grad school class. Grad school statement of purpose sample essays should be engaging and attention grabbing.

Here are the 5 things to include in a grad school personal statement:

  • Engaging opening
  • Consistent use of opening imagery
  • A clear theme that ties the essay together
  • Solid structure
  • Good use of transitions

Grad school essay example #1: The environmental studies student

Two scenes stand out in my mind from my visit to Brazil’s Wetland: Forests burning before seed planting and trees as hedgerows. Before the planting season, I could see the leafless remnants of burnt trees still standing.  READ MORE>>>

  • Attention-grabbing opening: The author immediately grabs your attention by placing them in the midst of the scene and vividly conveying what the author saw.
  • Vivid, visual opening: You can almost smell the burnt trees and see the ranches and farms thriving behind their protective forests.
  • A clear theme that ties the essay together: The writer clearly states an interest in the clash between economic and environmental concerns throughout the essay. Discussion of coursework taken and how it influenced the author’s decision to pursue both master’s and PhD in Environmental Studies also flows through the essay.
  • Solid structure: Thanks to the continued theme of the clash between economic and environmental concerns, this is a very easy essay to read. Mentions of different courses that piqued the writer’s interest also help to hold this essay together.
  • Good use of transitions: Transitions help your reader move from one topic to the next as you connect the topic in the preceding paragraph to the topic in the next. They can consist of a few words or a phrase or simply the repetition of the topic by name as opposed to using a pronoun.  The writer used the terminology connecting economics and the environment at the end of the first paragraph, and uses the same words at the beginning of the second one.

Grad school essay example #2: The engineering student

A simple bridge truss was the first structure I ever analyzed. The simple combination of beams that could hold cars, trains, and trucks over long spans of water fascinated me. Having the tools to analyze the loads on the truss further increased my interest in structures.  READ MORE>>>

  • Attention-grabbing opening: This writer immediately shared his fascination with bridge truss designs and makes the reader want to learn more about structural engineering.
  • Consistent use of opening imagery: The writer begins his essay with the image of the first structure he ever analyzed – a simple bridge truss. This bridge truss becomes the basis for all of his future study of structural engineering and design. Toward the end of the essay, he states that design structure has fascinated him since he saw that first image of a bridge truss for his first engineering class.
  • A clear theme that ties the essay together: The theme of structural design runs throughout the essay. It is mentioned right at the beginning of the essay, in following paragraphs and in the final paragraph as well. Toward the end of the essay, the writer discusses how a grad degree in engineering will help him reach both his short- and long-term goals. 
  • Solid structure: Since the theme of structural design and engineering are so strong throughout the essay, it is easy to follow along as the writer talks about different classes he has taken, an internship he did, and even an experience as a student volunteer. 
  • Good use of transitions: The author ends his first paragraph talking about the textbook for his first engineering class, and continues on this theme in the next paragraph. He then transitioned from classes he took to student volunteer research he participated in. When discussing what he plans to study in grad school, the same terminology is used again, joining the whole essay into one cohesive whole. 

Grad school essay example #3: The public health student

What if people lived healthier lives, practiced preventive medicine, and took precautions against illness and disease? My days in the physical therapy department often made me think about the prevention of injuries as well as the injuries themselves. I was already doubting my future career choice as a physical therapist.  READ MORE>>>

  • Attention-grabbing opening: The author of this essay makes an early case for why he wants to leave the field of physical therapy and move to the public health arena. You can almost feel the writer’s frustration with physical therapy and their need to find a way to reach a broader population, provide primary care to them, while challenging and motivating the writer to improve.
  • Consistent use of opening imagery: The idea of providing primary care to large populations and the benefits the population could get from this care are woven through the whole essay. Finding ways to improve the health of underprivileged populations is also found throughout the essay.
  • A clear theme that ties the essay together: Provision of primary care to large communities is a theme that runs throughout the essay. The author’s work at a county health clinic cemented this idea and led to him choosing to pursue an education and career in public health.
  • Solid structure: The theme of providing primary care to large underprivileged populations is a theme that ties this personal statement together.
  • Good use of transitions: The words “public health” occur in every paragraph. The author ends the second paragraph talking about work in the field, and begins the next paragraph by mentioning field experience. This makes it easy to follow the flow of the essay.

Grad school essay example #4: The physician assistant student

I was nine years old and in the middle of Mrs. Russell’s third grade class when my stomach began to itch uncontrollably. I remember thinking to myself, “Did I get bitten by a bug?” Completely distracted by the incessant itching, I asked Mrs. Russell if I could go to the nurse’s office. When the nurse lifted my shirt, I saw the biggest “bug bites” I had ever seen covering the majority of my stomach.  READ MORE>>>

Note:  The character limit for the CASPA PS is 5,000 characters with spaces. You need to keep this limit in mind as you write your personal statement.

  • Attention-grabbing opening and consistent use of opening imagery: The writer of this essay immediately grabs the reader’s attention by making them feel her fear and frustration of having an undiagnosed medical condition. You can also feel her relief when she is finally diagnosed – and treated – by a PA.
  • Vivid, visual opening and consistent use of opening imagery: Your heart beats a little faster as you read how a 9-year-old girl’s medical condition couldn’t be diagnosed until a visit with a PA who helped her discover her passion. She continues to illustrate her love of all things medical throughout the essay.
  • A clear theme that ties the essay together: Her essay has a clear theme – her interest in medicine and healthcare, and her connection with PAs. This theme is touched upon in every paragraph of her personal statement. Whether discussing her love of learning or the skills learned through sports, the ultimate goal of becoming a PA comes through. 
  • Solid structure: The author’s themes of love of learning and medicine, and the desire to become a PA to help others flow through this essay. They make it cohesive, readable, and interesting. 
  • Good use of transition: The writer shows how her interest in being a PA grows throughout her life through a series of events – her illness, attending a youth leadership forum where she first saw infected human organs, and finally her mother’s own illness and the care given by the same PA who diagnosed the author at the age of 9. The imagery of the “itchy little” girl from the first paragraph appears again in the last paragraph, pulling the entire personal statement together.


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Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Graduate Writing Overview

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Here we present four vidcasts that offer a broad introductory overview of graduate writing. In this context, it is helpful to think about writing as a conversation , a process , a social endeavor , and a disciplinary undertaking . Stay tuned as we continue to publish these vidcasts!

Writing at the graduate level is quite different from writing at the undergraduate level. As emerging scholars, graduate writers will need to become well-versed in the scholarly conversations taking place in the journals and at the conferences within their field. Where undergraduate writers may find themselves primarily writing for their professor as audience and to show mastery of subject matter as a purpose, graduate writers’ audience will be their colleagues in the field, and their purpose will be to engage in conversation with and to disseminate new research to those colleagues. A graduate writer’s identity as scholar requires a concurrent identity as writer.

Materials in this section cover a range of topics relevant to graduate-level writing and to the process of becoming a scholarly writer within a particular field. Two sets of vidcasts fall in the category of Intensive Writing Experience (IWE). An IWE is a concentrated program aimed at a particular group of graduate students (e.g., those new to graduate writing or those writing theses and dissertations). These programs ask writers to learn about and engage with information about and strategies to apply to writing that they can then use in their own work. The Introduction to Graduate Writing vidcast series explores how writing is a conversation, a process, a social endeavor, and discipline specific. The IWE for Thesis and Dissertation writers offers material on how to set goals for and remain motivated during a long-term project. It covers topics relevant to drafting and revising documents, such as reverse outlining, sentence concision, and flow in scholarly writing.

In addition to the vidcasts, this section of the OWL houses a number of handouts specific to graduate writing on topics such as style or organization and on genres such as literature reviews and conference proposals. These materials offer explanations and samples of the particular topic or genre being covered in the handout.


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5 Tips for Writing a Successful Graduate-Level Paper

essay for graduation level

Writing is a challenge even for the best of writers, and for many graduate students it is their most daunting task. However, writing is a powerful tool in the learning process because it requires us to explore ideas, to think critically, and to apply what we have learned in new and meaningful ways.

Tip # 1: “Be proactive” and “Begin with the end in mind”

These concepts from Stephen Covey’s (1989) Seven Habits of Highly effective People are applicable to the writing process. Good writing begins with good thinking. Before you can begin to write, you have to understand the assignment, the instructor’s expectations, and the topic you plan to write about. Begin the project on the day it is assigned; break it down into its various components, and come up with a plan for how and when to complete each part.

“Be Proactive”

  • Understand the assignment. Get clarification from the instructor about process and expectations. Be sure you understand the requirements and follow directions.
  • Identify audience and purpose. Is the assignment formal or informal? Who will be reading the assignment? What is its purpose? Are you writing to inform, to explain a process, or to present an argument?
  • Plan ahead. Do not wait until just before the due date to begin writing.
  • Remember that writing is a recursive process and as you find information, you may find you have more questions; or different questions; or you may find you have gone in one direction only to find you have to backtrack to take a different position.
  • Have the tools you need – an APA Style Manual, access to library databases; word processing.

“Begin with the end in mind”

  • Think about the topic; let ideas ruminate in your head; think when you shower, walk, or drive, when you are lying in bed trying to fall asleep. Dream about the topic! Talk to others about your ideas or thoughts on the subject.
  • Begin with a research question – what do you want to know, what do you need to know?
  • Draw up a schedule for when you will work on each part of the writing process. Remember, you may have to adjust your plan as you go along.
  • Get information – research. Question what you read. Annotate and take notes. Talk to others about what you read.
  • Evaluate sources and keep an open mind. Look for sources on both sides of an issue. Do not dismiss an article just because you disagree with its premise.

Tip # 2 Organize and Draft

  • Once you have analyzed and thought about the information, formulate a plan to present the ideas. Then begin writing.
  • Write a thesis. Make a claim. Understand that you may have to adjust or change it as you write.
  • Organize: group related information. Create an outline or graphic organizer to see how ideas relate to one another.
  • Decide on order– will you present the most important ideas first or will you save them for last and build up to them?
  • Write a rough draft.
  • Clear your mind. Put the draft away for a day.

Tip # 3 Revise, revise, revise

This step is one of the most important in the writing process, and the most difficult because you have to be willing to make big changes or to let material and ideas you have become attached to, go; you may have to cut sentences and paragraphs you have worked so hard to construct; or you may have to eliminate quotes you love but that really do not support your claim. Approach this part of the process with a clear and critical mind. Ask yourself some basic questions: Have I proven my claim? Have I presented enough evidence in support of that claim? Is there anything here that does not directly relate to my claim?

Look at the big picture.

  • Have you proven your claim with logic and solid evidence? Do you need to add more specific examples or evidence? If you are writing an argument, have you included an opposing view and rebuttal?
  • Look for sentences and ideas that do not support the claim and delete them.
  • Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that relates to the thesis and which tells the reader what the paragraph will be about.
  • Does the introduction provide enough background information about the topic? Does it explain the problem or provide context for the claim?
  • Does the conclusion offer a new perspective or insight on the topic? Does it offer an expanded thought and does it reiterate the key points of your argument without being repetitive?

Look at the smaller details

  • Have you included transition words, phrases, or sentences to link ideas and paragraphs?
  • Are the sentences clearly worded? If you have to read them more than once, they will probably be unclear to your reader.
  • Check for sentence fragments, comma splices, and run-ons.
  • Check sentences for conciseness. Eliminate unnecessary words, jargon, biased language or repetitive sentences.
  • Check for sentence variety; use a good mix of simple, compound, and complex sentences.
  • Check verbs – use active voice; substitute strong action verbs for weaker verbs.

Tip # 4 Use your resources

It is always helpful to get another perspective on something you have written. A fresh set of eyes can see things you may not be able to see because you are so close the material. You know what you want to say and what you are thinking, and you know what the research says on your topic, but the reader does not. Your writing has to be crystal clear, so it helps to have someone else read your work.

  • Have a friend or spouse read the paper to check for any unclear sentences or ideas.
  • Send your paper to the writing tutors at Smarthinking to get feedback.
  • Consult with librarians for help with research or APA formatting.

Tip 5 # Edit and proofread

As a final step, always edit the paper for grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; then proofread for missing or wrong words or misplaced commas. Check to see that you have met the requirements of the assignment. Check word count/page length; correct type and number of sources; in-text citations; references, cover page or other format requirements.

Check for some of these common errors:

  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Tense shifts
  • Incorrect pronoun use
  • Mixed constructions or dangling modifiers


  • Colons and semi-colons
  • Quotation marks
  • Capitalization

Some final hints

  • Read the paper out loud to catch those mistakes your mind corrects automatically.
  • Try reading the paper backwards line by line to catch odd or incorrect words.
  • Take a break when revising and editing – step away – clear your mind; rest your eyes.

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Writing at the Graduate Level

Personal statements.

2 Law School Personal Statements That Succeeded ( Ilana Kowarski , U.S. News & World Report) An article that discusses successful personal statements for law school.

10 tips for writing a grad school personal statement (Billie Streufert, USA Today) “While you cannot change your grade point average or entrance exam scores, you have complete control over the contents of your personal statement. There are many applicants and few spots, so work diligently to persuade readers that you fit their program given your qualifications, interests and professional goals. Use the tips below to prepare and refine your essay.”

Advice for Writing Personal Statements (George Mason University, The Writing Center) A list of rhetorical questions to ask yourself when preparing a personal statement.

Writing a Personal Statement (Binghamton University, Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development) (PDF) Includes strategies for focusing your essay, prewriting questions, resources, and tips.

Writing the Personal Statement (Purdue OWL) “This handout provides information about writing personal statements for academic and other positions.” It includes rhetorical questions to ask yourself before you begin writing and helpful advice. The following sections are also excellent resources:

  • Advice from Admissions Representatives Read about what admissions officers from different colleges say they’re looking for in an admissions essay or statement.
  • Examples of Successful Statements Two personal statement examples that can serve as resources for writers composing their own personal statements.
  • Personal Statement: Top 10 Rules and Pitfalls As the title suggests, this source lists some “dos” and “don’ts” for writing a personal statement.

Write Your Personal Statement (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The Career Center) Provides tips for writing personal statements.

Writing Your Medical School Personal Statement (The Princeton Review) A brief list of tips for writing a personal statement when you’re applying to medical school.

Writing Your Personal Statement (University of Delaware, Career Center) An overview of writing personal statements with general tips, a suggested process, self-reflective questions, and a list of “dos” and “don’ts.”


Introduction to Graduate Writing (Dr. Emily Heady, Liberty University Graduate Writing Center) “Some characteristics of good graduate-level writing remain consistent across disciplinary boundaries. This workbook is designed to give students practice in these areas, which include the following:

  • Punctuation
  • Logic and Organization
  • Critical Thinking
  • Diction and vocabulary
  • Research Writing

In addition, this workbook will give students limited practice in discipline-specific skills such as citation.”

Do’s and Don’ts of Graduate Writing (Debra Davenport, Purdue University) A handy article listing expectations of graduate-level writing.

Graduate Student Writing Resources (Portland University, Writing Center) Here you’ll learn about the differences between undergraduate and graduate-level writing, research, language use, documentation, and integrating evidence.

Temple University Harrisburg Guide To Graduate Level Writing (Temple University; retrieved from Utica College Resources for Graduate Students) (PowerPoint Presentation Download) This PowerPoint presentation provides students with a way to approach writing a 10-12-page paper, from finding a topic to making final edits. It also includes information on making sentence-level revision, with emphases on the following topics: clarity, semantics, positive phrases, subordination, parallel structure, and paragraph construction. Finally, the presentation offers a brief overview of APA citations.


How to Read a Primary Source (University of Iowa, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: History) This source provides a series of critical thinking questions to help you analyze a primary source based on its purpose, argument, presuppositions, epistemology, and relationship to other texts.

Research Using Primary Sources (University of Maryland, University Libraries) Primary, secondary and tertiary sources are explained with definitions and examples. Included on this page you will also find a short video detailing specific criteria for evaluating sources.

A Source’s Role in Your Paper (Harvard College Writing Program) “When you begin to draft your paper, you will need to decide what role each of your sources will play in your argument. In other words, you will need to figure out what you’re going to do with the source in your paper. As you consider what role each source will play in your paper, you should begin by thinking about the role that source played in your research process.” This source offers “a list of questions to help you decide how you’re going to use each of your sources.”

What are Primary Sources? (Yale University) Primary Sources at Yale divides primary sources into the following categories, with detailed explanations and tools for finding sources within each category: Books and Pamphlets, Serials, Government Documents, Manuscript and Archival Material, Maps, Realia/Artifacts, Tablets, Visual Materials, Music, Sound Recordings, Oral History and Dissertations.

What Are You Supposed To Do With Sources? (Harvard College Writing Program) Identifying useful sources is an important part of the research process, but it is equally important to understand how to use these sources effectively in your paper. This source details how to consider your sources in the context of your central research question, discipline, and scope of your paper.

What is Primary Research and How Do I Get Started? (Purdue OWL) “Primary research involves collecting data about a given subject directly from the real world. This section includes information on what primary research is, how to get started, ethics involved with primary research and different types of research you can do. It includes details about interviews, surveys, observations, and analysis.”


Common Problems with IRB Applications (Montclair State University, IRB) The Montclair State University IRB has compiled a list of common issues with applications they review. Here is a list of these issues and a description of the measures you can take when completing your application to avoid them.

How do I improve my consent’s “readability”, or lower its “reading level”? (Montclair State University, IRB) (PDF) This document explains how to test your document’s readability according to the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and the steps you can take to improve its readability.

Identifying and Avoiding Bias in Research (Christopher J. Pannucci and Edwin G. Wilkins, National Center for Biotechnology Information) In the second section of this article, “Pre-trial bias,” you can learn about “the importance of clearly defining both risk and outcome, the necessity of standardized protocols for data collection, and the concepts of selection and channeling bias.” Clearly defining, acknowledging, and/or avoiding non-intentional bias in your research design will help you submit a well-planned and thorough IRB application.

Montclair State University: Institutional Review Board (Montclair State University, IRB) “The purpose of this website is to provide investigators and the research community at the University with the information and materials that are needed to obtain IRB approval of research that involves human participants.”

Readable Readability is a measure of how easy a piece of text is to read. It can include elements of complexity, familiarity, legibility and typography. Readability formulas usually look at factors like sentence length, syllable density and word familiarity as part of their calculations.

Tips to Reduce IRB Application Turnaround Time (The University of Mississippi) These tips from the University of Mississippi include some best practices for all researchers submitting IRB applications.


Graduate School Papers and You (Tara Kuther, Thought Co.) Kuther explains the importance of recognizing short papers in graduate school as furthering scholarly exploration, creating opportunities for constructive feedback, improving writing skills, and preparing for a thesis or dissertation.

Writing Tips for PhD Students (John H. Cochrane, University of Chicago) (PDF) Cochrane offers tips for PhD students who are organizing, writing, and presenting seminar papers. Although he focuses mostly on business writing, much of his advice can be useful for all postgraduate writers.


Abstracts (UNLV Writing Center) (PDF) This page defines what an abstract is providing samples.

How Theses Get Written: Some Cool Tips (Steve Easterbrook, University of Toronto) (PDF) These presentation slides offer tips for writing your thesis and insights into how your examiner/advisor might review or comment on your work.

How to Organize your Thesis (John W. Chinneck, Carleton University) This page highlights the importance of graduate research, offers a generic thesis structure, and provides some suggestions for writing your thesis.

Prospectus Writing (Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning) This site includes guidelines and links to prospectus examples from different disciplines.

Resources for Dissertators (University of Wisconsin – Madison, The Writing Center) “This page lists some useful books and websites for graduate students working on dissertations.”

Time Management Tips for Dissertation Writing (Elizabeth Gritter, UNC Chapel Hill; Retrieved from The Southern Association for Women Historians) (PDF) In this handout, Gritter presents time management strategies for people who are writing their dissertations.

Writing a Literature Review (Purdue Owl) “A literature review is a document or section of a document that collects key sources on a topic and discusses those sources in conversation with each other (also called synthesis). The lit review is an important genre in many disciplines, not just literature (i.e., the study of works of literature such as novels and plays). When we say “literature review” or refer to “the literature,” we are talking about the research (scholarship) in a given field. You will often see the terms “the research,” “the scholarship,” and “the literature” used mostly interchangeably.”

Writing and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation (S. Joseph Levine, Michigan State University) “Instead of examining such aspects as identifying appropriate sample size, field testing the instrument and selecting appropriate statistical tests, this guide looks at many of the quasi-political aspects of the process. Such topics as how to select a supportive committee, making a compelling presentation of your research outcomes and strategies for actually getting the paper written are discussed.”

Writing the Thesis (Mark C. Griffin, San Francisco State University) (PDF) “This guide is designed to give you a procedural outline for working on your thesis. Every thesis project will have special considerations that are not covered here. You should consult with your committee early and frequently to resolve how to handle these special considerations.” The format and documentation of your project will vary based upon your school and discipline.

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Graduate School Application Essays

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Types of Essays

Regardless of the type of school you are applying to, you will be required to submit an admissions essay as part of the application process. Graduate programs want students with clear commitment to the field. Essay prompts typically ask applicants to discuss their previous experience, future professional goals, and how the program can help them in achieving those objectives. The essay gives the applicant the chance to articulate these goals and display strong writing skills. Remember to tailor your essay to each school and the faculty committee that reviews your application. But first, take note of what kind of essay is being requested of you. Here are the two main admission essays:

Personal Statement

A personal statement is a narrative piece describing how your character and experiences have formed you into someone who will contribute positively and effectively to not only the department but the academic discipline as a whole. This is often achieved by detailing social, educational, cultural, and economic obstacles you have overcome in your journey to get to where you are today and your future objectives. A personal statement is also an opportunity to highlight what is unique about you and how you will advance diversity within the institution.

Check out Personal Statement Resources for Graduate School Applications in the Resources section of Handshake for a brainstorming activity and essay samples that can help you get started on your personal statement.

Statement of Purpose

Interchangeably called a “research statement”, a statement of purpose will prompt you to describe your research interests and professional goals, how you plan to accomplish them, and why a specific program is best suited for you to do so. Be specific about your specialized interests within your major field. Be clear about the kind of program you expect to undertake, and explain how your study plan connects with your previous training and future goals.

Use the Outlining Your Statement of Purpose guide in the Resources section of Handshake to get started on your statement outline.

How to Write a Powerful Admission Essay

Whatever required format, your essay should be thoughtful, concise, compelling, and interesting. Remember, admissions officers read hundreds of personal essays. Below are some tips for your admissions essay writing process:

Before Writing

  • Read the question:  Be sure you are aware of all aspects of the prompt. Failing to pay attention to details in the prompt won’t reflect well on you as a potential candidate.
  • What is distinct, special, and/or impressive about me and my life story?
  • Have I overcome any particular hardships or obstacles?
  • When did I become interested in this field and what have I learned about it?
  • What are my career goals?
  • What personal traits, values, and skill sets do I have that would make me stand out from other applicants?
  • Create an outline:  You might have a lot that you want to say, but you will need to whittle down your many thoughts and experiences to a concrete thesis with a select number of examples to support it. Create an outline for your draft, not only to organize your points and examples, but to help tailor your essay for your readers.
  • Know your audience:  Consider how your narrative can best meet the expectations of admissions committee members. Will faculty be reading this? Administrators? Experts in the field? Knowing your audience ahead of time will assist you in addressing the prompt appropriately.

While Writing

  • Grab your reader’s attention:  Start your essay with something that will grab the reader’s attention such as a personal anecdote, questions, or engaging depiction of a scene. Avoid starting things off with common phrases such as “I was born in…” or “I have always wanted to…” Consider the experiences that have shaped you or your career decision, and delve into them with a creative hook.
  • Write well:  Your essay is a sample of your writing abilities, so it’s important to convey your thoughts clearly and effectively. Be succinct—you don’t need to write out your full autobiography or resume in prose. Exclude anything that doesn’t support your thesis. Gentle humor is okay, but don’t overdo it. Also, don’t make things up! Be honest about your experiences.
  • End strong:  End your essay with a conclusion that refers back to the lead and restates your thesis. This helps unify your essay as a whole, connecting your detailed experiences back to the reason you are writing this essay in the first place—to show your qualifications for your graduate program of choice.

Final Touches

  • Use resources: The MIT Communication Labs have a CommKit that collects all of the Comm Lab resources relevant to the grad application process , including recommendation letters & interviews
  • Revise:  Give yourself enough time to step away from your draft. Return with a fresh pair of eyes to make your edits. Be realistic with yourself, not your harshest critic. Make a few rounds of revisions if you need.
  • Ask for help:  Have your essay critiqued by friends, family, educators, and the  MIT Writing and Communication Center or our Career Services staff.
  • Proofread:  Read your essay out loud or even record yourself and listen to the recording, to help you catch mistakes or poor phrasing you may have missed when reading to yourself. Also, don’t rely exclusively on your computer to check your spelling.

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How to Write Your Grad School Application Essay

The grad school application essay isn't like any other piece of writing. Craft your best essay for graduate admission with this helpful advice.

by Jessica Tomer Director of Communications, Commonwealth School

Last Updated: May 23, 2024

Originally Posted: Oct 21, 2016

Remember when you sat down to write your undergraduate application essays? It was your chance to show colleges the real you—and the world was your oyster! You could talk about your favorite book character, a beloved hobby, or a cause near to your heart. Now you’re ready to apply to grad schools, with another application essay (or 10) to write. Like so much of the application process, grad school essays are similar to undergrad…but not quite the same. Here’s how you can (and why you need to) take a more strategic approach to writing your graduate school admission essay.

What is the graduate school essay?

The grad school application essay—letter of intent, personal statement, statement of purpose, etc.—is your chance to breathe some life and personality into your application. But unlike your undergraduate essay, where you might’ve offered a quippy story, your grad school application essay should be more focused on your academic and professional goals and why grad school is essential to achieving them. It should also give the admission committee a good sense of who you are and what you value at the same time. (No big deal, right?)

All that being said, a lot of the advice that helped you write your undergrad essay still applies: tell a unique story, use vivid examples, be genuine, and, perhaps most importantly, explain why you’d be an asset to the program—and why the program would be an asset to you. Essay requirements will vary from school to school, but you’ll likely be asked to write 250–750 words. Common graduate application essay prompts include the following:

  • Describe a situation where you overcame adversity/exhibited leadership/learned from failure/experienced an ethical dilemma.
  • Why do you need this degree at this juncture in your life?
  • What are your short- and long-term career goals?
  • What are you most proud of?
  • And the big one: Why this school? 

Regardless of the prompt you choose, the graduate admission committee should come away from your application essay knowing these three things:

  • What you want to study in grad school
  • Why you want to study it
  • Why their institution is the best place for you

Dedicate a paragraph to each one of those ideas, add an attention-grabbing opener and a tidy conclusion, and you’re almost there! The following best practices will take you the rest of the way to a winning grad school application essay.

Related: Essential Grad School Search and Application Timeline

Know your audience

Thoroughly research your potential graduate programs (if you haven’t already!), and tailor your essay to each school. Admission counselors want to know why you want to enroll in  their  program, and you can’t speak to the merits of their program if you don’t know what their program is all about! What specifically attracted you to the school? What would you contribute to the program as a graduate student and eventual alumnus? Take a look at press releases, blog posts, and big events on campus to get to know the school’s personality and what it values.

In addition to knowing plenty about the school you’re writing to, you need to adopt the right tone for who you’re specifically writing to—admission representatives. You’ll have four (or more) years of collegiate writing under your belt, and your grad school statement needs to reflect that. Use active language, smooth transitions, an attention-grabbing opening, and a strong conclusion. And even though your graduate personal statement should be focused on your academic goals, it’s not a research paper—and it shouldn’t be full of jargon. Your essay’s tone will ultimately depend on the prompt you choose, but don’t be afraid to infuse it with personality—even humor. People relate to stories, so tell yours and tell it well.

Stand out and demonstrate passion

In a crowd of candidates who also love this field (presumably), what sets you apart? As you consider possible graduate admission essay topics , look for the story only you can tell. Just remember, even some personally meaningful experiences, like the loss of a loved one or a life-changing volunteer experience, don’t really stand out in graduate admission—they’re too common. So if you are considering a potentially well-tread topic, try to approach it in a unique way. You’re trying to give the graduate admission committee a sense of who you are and what you value. Show them your passion for your field of study. Why do you love it? Why do you want to contribute to it? What about it challenges and excites you?

Show, don’t tell

Whenever possible, use stories to illustrate your interest. You shouldn’t fill your graduate personal statement with anecdotes, but you can be straightforward and still infuse some personality into your writing. After all, what’s more engaging: “I frequently left the campus CAD lab just as the sun was rising—and long after I had completed my architecture assignments. I got hooked on experimenting with laser cutting and hardly noticed as the hours passed” or “I really love working with Auto CAD”? No contest. And don’t forget that the essay is about you! Any examples or experiences you cite should relate to you and why you want to go to grad school.

Related: How to "Show, Don't Tell" to Boost Your Writing for School and Beyond

Be relevant and specific

Stay focused on your academic field and use specific, discrete examples. Was there a clear moment when you knew you had found your calling? Did a particular class assignment, volunteer experience, or work project solidify your interest? Why exactly do you need grad school to achieve your goals? You can talk about special skills, like a foreign language, computer programming, and especially research in your essay. And you can talk about your academic achievements, internships, published work, and even study abroad experiences. They all make great graduate personal statement fodder. But relevancy is also key. Before stuffing your application essay with every accomplishment and experience from your time as an undergrad, make sure you’re only highlighting those that pertain to your intended graduate studies and future goals.

Explain any gaps

Your grad school application essay is also an opportunity to explain anything in your academic record that might raise an eyebrow among the admission committee, like a semester of poor grades , time off in your schooling, or a less-than-perfect GRE score. For example, if you worked part or full-time to help fund your undergrad education, that lends some important context to your experience and achievements; maybe your undergrad GPA isn’t quite as high as it might’ve been otherwise, but graduate admission counselors will likely appreciate your hard work and dedication. You can also use the essay to own your mistakes; perhaps you didn’t take college as seriously as you should have during freshman and sophomore year, but you got your act together junior year. But whatever you do, don’t use your essay to make excuses or blame others.  

Edit—and have others edit too

Set aside time to edit your graduate application essay, checking for style, tone, and clarity as well as grammatical mistakes. ( Here are my proofreading tips! ) Is your graduate personal statement clear, concise, and well organized? Also revisit the essay prompt to make doubly sure you’ve answered it fully and accurately. Then have other people read your essay to check for these things too. Undergrad professors or mentors are great for this, but you can ask trusted friends too. And don’t forget about any career, writing, and/or tutoring centers at your undergraduate institution; they may be able to review your essay and application, and their services are often available long after you graduate. And, for a truly polished graduate essay, remember the little things too, like making sure your files have easily identifiable names. And it might go without saying, but make sure you follow the directions! If the word limit is 600, don’t send 750.

Related: 7 Animated Steps to Writing a Great Personal Statement for Grad School

Grad school personal statement don’ts

You now have a ton of tools at your disposal for how to craft your best essay. But just for good measure, beyond following the advice above, keep these grad school personal statement don’ts in mind.

  • Don’t volunteer potentially damaging information. If you were suspended, arrested, etc., you probably don’t need to discuss it. Why cast aspersions on your character?
  • Don’t repeat other parts of your application. Your GPA, test scores, and most activities are covered sufficiently in the rest of your application.
  • Don’t be negative. You want the admission committee to see you as an enthusiastic addition to their program, not a grouch.
  • Don’t write about controversial topics. You don’t want to risk offending the admission committee. And touchy subjects rarely make good personal statement essays anyway.
  • Don’t go for gimmicks. Even though you want to stand out, a gimmicky essay isn’t the way to do it. (For example, submitting a song instead of a personal statement…when you’re not studying music.)
  • Don’t stuff your essay with big “smart” words , and don’t use flowery language either. Use clear language to tell a compelling story.
  • Don’t lift your personal statement from an existing academic essay or—worse—from someone else entirely. Besides plagiarizing being, you know,  wrong , if you can’t get through your personal statement and need  an essay service to help you , you definitely aren’t cut out for the writing demands of grad school. Fact.

The grad school admission essay can be a daunting task because it’s the first step to receiving further education that will elevate your career. While it’s not something to be taken lightly, you can still have fun with it and really put your personality into it. Show your passion and you’ll be sure to get into a great grad program for your goals.

For more great advice as you delve into the world of advanced degrees, check out our Graduate School section!

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essay for graduation level


How to write a graduate-level essay

Lead personal leadership challenge reflective paper, demn linking theory with practice.

  • 2. Create a preliminary document plan
  • 3. Draft your thesis statement
  • 4a. Become familiar with the information landscape
  • 4b. Select the appropriate search tool
  • 4c. Develop effective searches
  • 4d. Beyond keyword searching
  • 4e. Find statistical information
  • 4f. Evaluate the resources you find
  • 4g. Read, absorb, and organize the information you find
  • 5. Finalize your document plan
  • 6. Double-check your research
  • 7. Start writing the first draft
  • 8. Overcome writer's block
  • 9. Revise the draft
  • 10. Edit the draft
  • 11. Prepare the final version
  • 12. Submit the assignment

Please note: The examples provided here are illustrations only and may not reflect the current course assignment. Students should not rely on this information to shape their assignments but should instead refer to the assignment description provided by their instructor(s).

1. Assignment description: LEAD: Personal leadship challenge (PLC) description .

2. Marked-up versions with verbs, keywords, and instructions indicated: LEAD: PLC description mark-up .

Condensed interpretation of the assignment:

  • 1000-1500 words, excluding references 
  • identify personal leadership challenge currently facing in workplace
  • reflect on personal responsibility for challenge
  • demonstrate openness to shifting challenge through own personal learning
  • personal and immediate
  • challenge that can be addressed internally without relying on further organizational support or action
  • situation must be able to be improved through applying skills and knowledge gained in first term
  • must be able to identify potential change in situation through application of change in behaviour, new knowledge, or interactions with others
  • scope: problem must be small enough to address after first term but sufficiently interesting to keep interest for 11 weeks of term
  • selecting and using appropriate research evidence from readings
  • quote from organizational materials to contextualize challenge
  • refer to guiding questions for content direction
  • APA 6th edition formatting rules for citations and references
  • Submit to drop box

Dr. Brigitte Harris, Director of the School of Leadership, approved this interpretation of the assignment.

Please note: The example provided here is only an illustration and may not reflect the current course assignment. Students should not rely on this information to shape their assignments but should instead refer to the assignment description provided by their instructor.

For the full assignment description, please click here: DEMN linking theory with practice .

To see the version with the verbs, keywords, and instructions indicated, click here: DEMN linking theory with practice mark-up .

  • 6 page (1500 words) argumentative essay, not including title page or references
  • Select real disaster and emergency management practice problem from own practice or intended area of practice
  • Critically review peer-reviewed research to find 5 or 6 research articles that improve personal understanding of problem
  • Describe the problem and situate it in own professional context
  • Synthesize and critique literature findings
  • Use literature as evidence to support arguments re: how to address problem/issue
  • Provide analysis on how research evidence supports and informs practice = demonstrate critical thinking
  • See suggested process in assignment
  • APA format guidelines
  • Introduction - no heading required
  • Section/sub-section headings
  • Show opposite side of argument when relevant
  • Conclusion that summarizes points from paper and suggests implications for research/practice
  • References (APA format)
  • All pages are included in the page count and are therefore numbered; however, the title page doesn't show a number.

The interpretation of this assignment was approved by Dr. Jean Slick, director of the School of Humanitarian Studies and faculty member for the MA in Disaster and Emergency Management program.

  • << Previous: 1. Understand the assignment
  • Next: 2. Create a preliminary document plan >>
  • Last Updated: Feb 6, 2024 4:02 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.royalroads.ca/grad_essay

Graduate Essay Examples

Nova A.

Examining 10+ Winning Graduate Essay Examples of Top Universities

19 min read

Published on: May 4, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

Graduate Essay Examples

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Crafting a winning graduate essay is a daunting task for prospective students. With so many applicants vying for limited spots, standing out can be a challenge.

Without the right guidance, it's easy to become overwhelmed by the pressure to create a unique and compelling essay. Many applicants struggle to identify the key components that make an essay successful, leaving them feeling lost and discouraged.

Luckily, our analysis of successful graduate essay examples provides a roadmap for success. 

With our guidance, you can tackle the challenge of the graduate essay with confidence and increase your chances of admission to your dream program.

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Top Graduate School Examples 

Here are some example essays from some of the thousands of students we've helped get accepted to their dream schools.

Graduate School Essay Example For Yale

Here is a sample grad school personal statement for Yale. 

As a dedicated student with a passion for public health, I am thrilled to apply to Yale's graduate program in Public Health. My academic and professional experiences have prepared me to tackle the complex issues facing the field, and I am eager to learn from the renowned faculty and esteemed peers at Yale.

Throughout my undergraduate studies in Biology, I developed a deep interest in the intersection of biology and public health. As a research assistant in a molecular biology lab, I witnessed firsthand the power of scientific inquiry to advance public health outcomes. However, I also recognized the importance of understanding the social determinants of health and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to achieve meaningful change.

After graduating, I worked as a community health educator, leading workshops and developing outreach programs to promote health education and disease prevention. This experience solidified my commitment to pursuing a graduate degree in public health and inspired me to seek opportunities to engage with diverse communities and stakeholders.

At Yale, I am excited to delve deeper into the social and behavioral determinants of health and explore the intersection of public health and policy. I am particularly interested in the role of technology in advancing health equity and the use of data to inform public health interventions. I am eager to work with faculty members like Professor X, whose research on health disparities and technology aligns with my own interests and goals.

Ultimately, I hope to use my education and experiences to advocate for marginalized communities and contribute to the development of evidence-based public health policies. Yale's emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and community engagement makes it the ideal place for me to pursue my goals and make a meaningful impact in the field of public health. I am eager to join the vibrant community of scholars and leaders at Yale and am confident that my experiences and passions make me a strong candidate for admission to the program.

Here are three reasons why we think the above personal statement stands out: 

  • Strong Introduction: The essay opens with a clear and concise introduction that sets the stage for the rest of the essay.
  • Specific and Personalized: The applicant provides specific examples of their experiences and interests, demonstrating their knowledge of the field and their unique perspective.
  • Coherent and Cohesive: The essay is well-organized and flows smoothly, with each paragraph building upon the previous one to create a cohesive narrative.

Graduate School Admission Essay Examples For Harvard

As I sit down to write this essay, tears stream down my face. Applying to Harvard's graduate program in Education has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. Growing up in a low-income community, I witnessed firsthand the impact that education can have on individuals and communities. It was through education that I was able to overcome the obstacles that stood in my way and pursue my own dreams.

But my journey has not been easy. As a first-generation college student, I faced numerous challenges in navigating the academic and social aspects of college. I often felt like I was on my own, with no one to turn to for guidance or support. But it was through these struggles that I developed a deep appreciation for the importance of mentorship and community.

Through my experiences as a college counselor and mentor, I have been able to pay forward the support and guidance that I received. I have worked with students from similar backgrounds as my own, helping them navigate the college application process and supporting them through the challenges of college life. But I know that there is still so much more that I can do to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

Harvard's graduate program in Education represents an opportunity for me to deepen my knowledge of educational theory and practice and develop the skills and tools necessary to effect systemic change. I am particularly drawn to the program's focus on social justice and equity in education, as these values are at the core of my own personal and professional goals.

With my experiences, passion, and the skills I will acquire through Harvard's graduate program in Education, I am confident that I can make a meaningful impact on the lives of students from underserved communities. I am eager to learn from the esteemed faculty and my peers at Harvard and to work together to create a brighter future for all.

Three reasons why this example got the student into Harvard are: 

  • Emotional Appeal: The essay uses personal anecdotes and emotional language to draw the admissions committees in.
  • Clear Motivation: The applicant clearly articulates their motivation for pursuing graduate studies at Harvard's Education program.
  • Specific Goals and Experiences: The essay includes specific examples of the applicant's experiences and goals, demonstrating their knowledge of the field.

Graduate school essay examples for MIT 

Here is a graduate school statement of purpose for MIT. 

As an aspiring engineer, there is no better place to pursue my graduate studies than MIT. The Institute's reputation for excellence in research and innovation is unparalleled, and its commitment to solving the world's most pressing problems aligns perfectly with my own personal and professional goals.

Throughout my undergraduate studies, I have been drawn to the field of materials science, particularly in its applications to renewable energy. My experiences working in a research lab and participating in a student-led sustainability organization have only fueled my passion for this field. I am eager to delve deeper into the science behind renewable energy and develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become a leader in this critical area.

MIT's interdisciplinary approach to graduate education is particularly appealing to me, as it will allow me to explore the intersection of materials science, engineering, and sustainability. I am excited by the prospect of working alongside faculty and peers from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise, and I am eager to contribute my own unique perspectives and experiences to the community.

Beyond the classroom, I am also excited to take advantage of the many opportunities for hands-on learning and real-world experience at MIT. I am particularly drawn to the Institute's focus on entrepreneurship and innovation, and I am eager to explore the potential for developing new technologies and solutions that can help address global challenges.

In pursuing my graduate studies at MIT, I am confident that I will be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to make a meaningful impact on the world. I am excited to contribute to the Institute's legacy of innovation and discovery and to work alongside like-minded individuals who share my passion for creating a better future for all.

Here is why we think this essay is a top fit :

  • Clear Focus: The essay has a clear focus on the applicant's interest in materials science and renewable energy.
  • Alignment with MIT's Values: The essay highlights how the applicant's personal goals align with MIT's commitment to solving global challenges.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: The essay emphasizes the applicant's interest in MIT's interdisciplinary approach to graduate education.

Graduate School Essay Examples For Stanford 

As a young child, I was fascinated by the stars. I would spend countless hours staring up at the night sky, wondering about the mysteries of the universe. This early curiosity eventually led me to pursue a degree in physics, with the hopes of one day contributing to our understanding of the cosmos.

Throughout my undergraduate studies, I was fortunate enough to work with esteemed researchers in the field of astrophysics. It was through these experiences that I realized the potential for technological advancements to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. I became particularly interested in the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in astronomy, which led me to apply to Stanford's graduate program in Computer Science.

I am drawn to Stanford's program because of its strong focus on interdisciplinary research and its commitment to innovation. Through courses such as Machine Learning for Big Data and Data Science in Practice, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the application of artificial intelligence in the field of astrophysics.

But my ambitions extend beyond the classroom. I hope to become involved in Stanford's cutting-edge research projects, such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and the WFIRST mission. By applying my knowledge of computer science to these projects, I hope to contribute to our understanding of the universe in new and meaningful ways.

I am also eager to become involved in the vibrant research community at Stanford, both within the Department of Computer Science and beyond. I am excited to collaborate with researchers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines and to learn from the many distinguished scholars at Stanford.

With my passion for astrophysics, my background in physics, and the skills I will acquire through Stanford's graduate program in Computer Science, I am confident that I can make a meaningful impact on the field of astronomy. I am eager to begin this next chapter of my academic journey at Stanford.

This essay stands out because : 

  • Clear Motivation: The essay effectively communicates the applicant's passion for astrophysics and their desire to apply computer science to the field.
  • Strong Fit for Program: The essay demonstrates a strong fit between the applicant's background and goals and the offerings and values of Stanford's graduate program in Computer Science.

Graduate School Essay Example for California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

As I sit down to write this essay, I am filled with a sense of awe and reverence for the California Institute of Technology. It has been my dream to attend this esteemed institution ever since I was a child, and I am honored to have the opportunity to apply to its graduate program.

Growing up, I was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and the wonders of science. I spent countless hours poring over books on physics and astronomy, dreaming of one day unlocking the secrets of the cosmos. As I grew older, my passion for science only intensified, and I became determined to pursue a career in research.

At Caltech, I know that I will have the chance to work alongside some of the brightest minds in the field and contribute to groundbreaking research in areas such as quantum physics and astrophysics. The prospect of being part of such a dynamic and innovative community fills me with excitement and anticipation.

But beyond the academic opportunities that Caltech offers, what truly draws me to this institution is its ethos of collaboration and community. From its small class sizes to its emphasis on interdisciplinary research, Caltech creates an environment that fosters cooperation and mutual support. I am eager to be part of such a community, where I can learn from my peers and work together towards common goals.

As I prepare to embark on this new chapter of my life, I am filled with a mix of emotions - excitement, nervousness, and above all, gratitude. I am grateful for the education and experiences that have led me to this point, and I am humbled by the prospect of joining such an esteemed institution. I know that pursuing a graduate degree at Caltech will be a challenging and rewarding journey, and I am eager to take it on with passion and dedication.

We think this essay is a great fit because : 

  • Passionate and Motivated: The essay demonstrates the applicant's passion for science and their desire to pursue a career in research. Their enthusiasm for Caltech's graduate program is evident, making them a great fit for the institution's academic environment.
  • Values and Community: The essay highlights the applicant's appreciation for Caltech's ethos of collaboration and community. Their desire to be part of a supportive community of peers aligns with Caltech's values.

Graduate School Essay Example for Columbia University

As I reflect on my journey thus far, it is clear that my experiences have led me to pursue graduate studies at Columbia University. Growing up in a low-income household, education was not always a top priority. However, I was fortunate enough to have teachers who recognized my potential and pushed me to excel academically.

As I entered college, I was determined to make the most of my opportunities and pave the way for a better future for myself and my family. However, my plans were derailed when my mother was diagnosed with cancer during my sophomore year. Suddenly, my priorities shifted, and I found myself juggling schoolwork with caring for my mother and supporting my family.

Despite the challenges, I persevered, earning my degree in Biology with a focus on cancer research. However, I knew that I wanted to do more to help others facing similar struggles. That's why I am now applying to Columbia's graduate program in Public Health.

My experiences caring for my mother opened my eyes to the complex interplay between health, social determinants, and policy. I saw firsthand the impact of healthcare disparities and the need for culturally competent care. As a public health professional, I am committed to advocating for marginalized communities and working towards health equity for all.

At Columbia, I am eager to learn from experts in the field and engage in research and community-based initiatives that make a difference. I am particularly interested in the intersection of public health and oncology, as well as the role of community-based interventions in reducing health disparities.

While the journey ahead is sure to be challenging, I am driven by my passion for making a difference and my experiences overcoming adversity. I am confident that Columbia's rigorous academic program and commitment to community engagement make it the ideal place for me to pursue my goals and continue making a positive impact in the world.

This essay got accepted because : 

  • Emotional and Engaging: The essay is written in a personal tone, drawing the reader into the applicant's journey. This helps to create a memorable and impactful essay.
  • Clear Career Goals and Fit for Program: The applicant demonstrates a clear understanding of their career goals and how Columbia's graduate program and aligns with their interests. 

Graduate School Essay Example for University of Chicago

As I sit down to write this essay, I am overwhelmed with emotion. The University of Chicago has been my dream school since I was a child, and the opportunity to pursue a graduate degree in Economics here is a dream come true.

Growing up, I watched my parents struggle to make ends meet. They worked tirelessly to provide for my siblings and me, sacrificing their own dreams and aspirations in the process. As a result, I learned the value of hard work and perseverance from a young age.

When I discovered my passion for economics in high school, I saw it as a way to understand the complex social and economic issues that my family and community faced. I was determined to use my education to make a meaningful impact in the world and help others like my parents.

As an undergraduate student, I immersed myself in economics courses and participated in research projects on issues like income inequality and social mobility. However, I also faced significant obstacles, including financial hardship and the stress of balancing school and work.

Despite these challenges, I remained committed to my goals and worked tirelessly to excel in my studies. I am proud to say that I graduated with honors and received several awards for my research and academic achievements.

Now, as I embark on the next chapter of my academic journey, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to study at the University of Chicago. I am eager to learn from the renowned faculty and engage with the vibrant community of scholars and practitioners here.

Ultimately, I hope to use my education to make a positive impact in the world and contribute to the development of policies and practices that promote economic justice and social mobility. The University of Chicago's commitment to rigorous research and interdisciplinary collaboration make it the ideal place for me to pursue my goals and make a difference in the world. I am honored to be considered for admission to the program and am confident that my experiences and passions make me a strong candidate for success at the University of Chicago.

We think the essay stands out because : 

  • Personal Connection: The essay conveys the applicant's personal connection to economics and their desire to make a positive impact.
  • Academic and Professional Preparation: The essay highlights the applicant's research experience and academic achievements, demonstrating their readiness for graduate study at the University of Chicago.

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Graduate School Essay Example for Duke University

As I sit down to write this essay, I am filled with a mix of emotions: excitement, anticipation, and a healthy dose of nervousness. You see, applying to Duke's graduate program in Environmental Science and Policy is not just a logical next step for me - it is a deeply emotional one.

Growing up in a small town in rural America, I witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of environmental degradation on both people and the planet. From contaminated water sources to toxic air pollution, the environmental injustices faced by my community were all too real.

Despite these challenges, I remained hopeful that change was possible. As an undergraduate studying Environmental Science, I delved deeper into the science of climate change, sustainability, and environmental policy. I was inspired by the work of scholars and activists who were fighting for a more just and sustainable world.

However, my sense of hope was shaken when I lost my grandfather to cancer, which we suspected was caused by exposure to hazardous chemicals in his workplace. It was a devastating loss, and it reminded me of the urgency of the work that lay ahead.

That is why I am so passionate about pursuing a graduate degree in Environmental Science and Policy at Duke. I believe that this program will equip me with the knowledge and skills I need to make a real difference in the world. I am excited to learn from the renowned faculty at Duke, whose research on environmental justice and policy aligns with my own interests.

But more than that, I am driven by a sense of purpose - a deep desire to honor my grandfather's memory by advocating for the health and safety of all people, regardless of their background or zip code. I know that the road ahead will not be easy, but I am more determined than ever to make a difference.

In applying to Duke's graduate program, I am not just seeking a degree - I am pursuing a calling. I am ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work, and I am grateful for the opportunity to do so at such a prestigious institution.

The two reasons that make this essay a top example are : 

  • Compelling Storytelling: The essay features a personal story that engages the reader and highlights the applicant's unique experiences.
  • Demonstrates Passion and Purpose: The essay showcases the applicant's strong passion and motivation for the field, which is a key factor in their potential success in a graduate program.

Graduate School Essay Example for University of Pennsylvania

As an aspiring environmental scientist, I am excited to apply to the University of Pennsylvania's graduate program in Environmental Studies. With its interdisciplinary approach and emphasis on sustainability, Penn's program is the perfect place for me to pursue my academic and professional goals.

My passion for the environment began at a young age, as I spent much of my childhood exploring the natural world and learning about the delicate balance of ecosystems. As I grew older, I became increasingly concerned about the impact of human activities on the environment and the need for sustainable solutions to pressing environmental challenges.

After completing my undergraduate degree in Environmental Science, I worked as a research assistant at a non-profit organization focused on environmental advocacy. During this time, I conducted field research on the impact of pollution on local waterways and collaborated with community members to develop strategies for mitigating environmental harm. These experiences solidified my commitment to pursuing a graduate degree in environmental studies and inspired me to seek out opportunities to make a positive impact in the field.

At Penn, I am excited to learn from faculty members like Professor X, whose research on sustainable energy and climate change aligns with my own interests and goals. I am also eager to engage with a diverse community of scholars and practitioners who are working towards a common goal of creating a more sustainable future.

Ultimately, I hope to use my education and experiences to contribute to the development of evidence-based environmental policies and advocate for environmental justice. Penn's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility makes it the ideal place for me to pursue my goals and make a meaningful impact in the field of environmental studies. I am confident that my academic and professional experiences make me a strong candidate for admission to the program and am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the vibrant community of scholars at Penn.

The above essay has : 

  • Strong alignment with the program's values and goals, as demonstrated by the applicant's passion for sustainability and commitment to environmental advocacy.
  • Clear articulation of the applicant's academic and professional experiences. These are highlighted their potential for success in the program and their ability to contribute meaningfully to the field of environmental studies.

Graduate School Essay Example for Northwestern University

As a lifelong learner and aspiring educator, I am excited to apply to Northwestern University's graduate program in Education and Social Policy. With its focus on research-based approaches to education and commitment to social justice, Northwestern's program aligns with my own academic and professional goals.

My interest in education began during my undergraduate years, where I pursued a degree in psychology and served as a teaching assistant for an introductory course in education. Through this experience, I discovered my passion for teaching and mentoring students and became interested in the intersection of education and social policy.

After completing my undergraduate degree, I worked as a research assistant at a non-profit organization focused on educational equity. During this time, I conducted research on the impact of race and poverty on academic achievement and collaborated with community members to develop strategies for improving educational outcomes for marginalized students. These experiences solidified my commitment to pursuing a graduate degree in education and social policy and inspired me to seek out opportunities to make a positive impact in the field.

At Northwestern, I am excited to learn from faculty members like Professor X, whose research on education policy and social justice aligns with my own interests and goals. I am also eager to engage with a diverse community of scholars and practitioners who are working towards a common goal of creating a more equitable and just society.

Ultimately, I hope to use my education and experiences to become an effective educator and advocate for educational equity. Northwestern's rigorous academic program and emphasis on social justice make it the ideal place for me to pursue my goals and make a meaningful impact in the field of education and social policy. I am confident that my academic and professional experiences make me a strong candidate for admission to the program and am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the vibrant community of scholars at Northwestern.

The essay has : 

  • Strong alignment with the program's values and goals, as demonstrated by the applicant's passion for education.
  • Clear articulation of the applicant's academic and professional experiences, which highlighted their potential for success in the program.

Here are a few more free downloadable graduate school essay examples for you to read and get inspired. 

Postgraduate Essay Example

Graduate School Essay Examples Mba

Graduate Scholarship Essay Examples

In conclusion, writing a standout graduate school essay is a challenging task, but it can be done with dedication and hard work. 

As shown by the examples above, a successful essay should be compelling, articulate, and demonstrate a strong alignment with the program's values and goals.

If you're struggling with your own graduate school essay, don't worry - our AI essay writing tools are available! 

CollegeEssay.org offers professional essay writing help . Our writers will craft a winning essay that showcases your unique qualities and potential for success.

So don't wait any longer - visit our graduate essay writing service today and take the first step toward achieving your academic and professional goals!

Nova A. (Literature, Marketing)

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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How to Write Excellent Graduate-Level Papers

“How to Write Excellent Graduate-Level Papers” brought to you by the Student Academic Success Center (SASC) at UNE.

Becoming a better writer – the process

Breaking a writing project down into phases helps with motivation as well as managing your time and workload effectively. The phases of the process – prewriting, drafting, revision, and editing – are described below. Each step allows you to focus your energy in a particular way, with it all adding up to a more thoughtful, clear piece of writing.

The phases don’t have to be done in a set, linear order, if that’s not effective for you. If you like to write some rough draft paragraphs first, then go back and do a post-draft outline or revise those paragraphs before continuing, that’s fine. The key is to make sure each part of the process is done thoroughly before you consider your paper finished.

The Writing Process

Let’s start with using prewriting to get the process rolling:

Using various prewriting strategies can help you avoid procrastinating and start a draft on the right track. You aren’t under pressure to develop a paper yet – this is about unlocking the flow of ideas. Play around with some of these strategies to find ones that work best for you:

  • Tap into your curiosity

When you’re faced with an assignment, spend some time simply wondering about the topic. What intrigues you? Why should you and others in your profession care about it? Come up with a couple of relevant questions that you want to explore. Then consider which questions are most meaningful to you personally and professionally—and why? This can be done on paper, in conversation with someone else, or internally.

  • Relate the assignment to your profession

Think about why the assignment is important to your field of study and work as a health professional, a social worker, an educator, etc. Making your assignment as personally and professionally relevant as possible helps with generating the motivation to start writing and keeping the momentum through the process. View this as an opportunity to learn useful information.

  • Use the assignment itself as an outline

Copy the assignment and paste it into a new document. Break it apart visually by adding line spaces and/or tabs. This will help you more easily identify key concepts which need to be explained and verbs that indicate critical thinking is required (e.g., analyze, compare, evaluate). Create a rough outline using parts of the assignment as headings for different sections of the paper.

Similarly, you could annotate the assignment by marking up the key words and concepts and making little notes in the margins about what to add or how sections or ideas might tie together.

  • Leverage what you already know, and then research with a purpose

Another very helpful strategy is to identify key concepts in the assignment description, then brainstorm what you already know about them based on the class readings or videos. Next, make a list of questions you still have about the concepts and overall topic. These will help drive the additional research needed to fill in your gaps of knowledge and locate credible evidence to support your explanations.

Having those questions makes researching more efficient because you have a purpose for reading: you’re looking for pieces of information rather than simply reading articles.

Read more: Faculty Spotlight: Lori Rand, Writing Specialist at SASC

The drafting phase involves determining your focus and starting to develop paragraph ideas within a structure. Keep a copy of the assignment on your draft as you write. Clarify the point of your paper – what is the main question that the assignment asking you to answer?

Think of a draft as packaging ideas into paragraphs that all relate to the paper’s main focus, as summed up in the thesis statement. For clarity, try to keep each paragraph focused on one idea at a time. However, because this phase is about getting thoughts down, and thoughts often jump around, drafting tends to be messy. That’s okay! The next step, revision, is where you really improve the writing.

In this phase, you can work on improving how you are guiding your reader through your thinking. Your reader will understand your ideas more easily if they are clearly focused, well-developed with specific evidence (correctly cited), and nicely organized.

Two strategies to guide you through revision include SASC’s Revision Checklist and Post-draft Outline, found here under Writing Resources. A writing appointment is also a great way to learn about and practice revision skills.

Editing is the final, polishing phase; it involves correcting sentence-level issues and technical aspects, such as word choice and grammar. Readers pick up these issues quickly because they can be the most obvious. Carelessness with grammar or word choice can lead to misunderstandings and make your writing seem unprofessional.

Student Academic Success Center

Trust the process

As mentioned earlier, the writing process is not necessarily a linear, step-by-step approach; it’s recursive, so it’s highly likely you’ll move back and forth between phases as you figure out your focus and organization of ideas.

Using this process gets easier with practice, and it works well in any writing situations, not just for graduate school assignments and scholarly papers.

Once you develop the most efficient method for your learning style, not only will you get faster, you will produce better academic papers.

Book an appointment

The SASC can help with all phases of the writing process via an Online Writing Support Appointment.  Visit the Online Student page for more details about writing support and resources.

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How Long is an Essay? Guidelines for Different Types of Essay

Published on January 28, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on July 23, 2023.

The length of an academic essay varies depending on your level and subject of study, departmental guidelines, and specific course requirements. In general, an essay is a shorter piece of writing than a research paper  or thesis .

In most cases, your assignment will include clear guidelines on the number of words or pages you are expected to write. Often this will be a range rather than an exact number (for example, 2500–3000 words, or 10–12 pages). If you’re not sure, always check with your instructor.

In this article you’ll find some general guidelines for the length of different types of essay. But keep in mind that quality is more important than quantity – focus on making a strong argument or analysis, not on hitting a specific word count.

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Essay length guidelines, how long is each part of an essay, using length as a guide to topic and complexity, can i go under the suggested length, can i go over the suggested length, other interesting articles.

Type of essay Average word count range Essay content
High school essay 300–1000 words In high school you are often asked to write a 5-paragraph essay, composed of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
College admission essay 200–650 words College applications require a short personal essay to express your interests and motivations. This generally has a strict word limit.
Undergraduate college essay 1500–5000 words The length and content of essay assignments in college varies depending on the institution, department, course level, and syllabus.
Graduate school admission essay 500–1000 words Graduate school applications usually require a longer and/or detailing your academic achievements and motivations.
Graduate school essay 2500–6000 words Graduate-level assignments vary by institution and discipline, but are likely to include longer essays or research papers.

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In an academic essay, the main body should always take up the most space. This is where you make your arguments, give your evidence, and develop your ideas.

The introduction should be proportional to the essay’s length. In an essay under 3000 words, the introduction is usually just one paragraph. In longer and more complex essays, you might need to lay out the background and introduce your argument over two or three paragraphs.

The conclusion of an essay is often a single paragraph, even in longer essays. It doesn’t have to summarize every step of your essay, but should tie together your main points in a concise, convincing way.

The suggested word count doesn’t only tell you how long your essay should be – it also helps you work out how much information and complexity you can fit into the given space. This should guide the development of your thesis statement , which identifies the main topic of your essay and sets the boundaries of your overall argument.

A short essay will need a focused, specific topic and a clear, straightforward line of argument. A longer essay should still be focused, but it might call for a broader approach to the topic or a more complex, ambitious argument.

As you make an outline of your essay , make sure you have a clear idea of how much evidence, detail and argumentation will be needed to support your thesis. If you find that you don’t have enough ideas to fill out the word count, or that you need more space to make a convincing case, then consider revising your thesis to be more general or more specific.

The length of the essay also influences how much time you will need to spend on editing and proofreading .

You should always aim to meet the minimum length given in your assignment. If you are struggling to reach the word count:

  • Add more evidence and examples to each paragraph to clarify or strengthen your points.
  • Make sure you have fully explained or analyzed each example, and try to develop your points in more detail.
  • Address a different aspect of your topic in a new paragraph. This might involve revising your thesis statement to make a more ambitious argument.
  • Don’t use filler. Adding unnecessary words or complicated sentences will make your essay weaker and your argument less clear.
  • Don’t fixate on an exact number. Your marker probably won’t care about 50 or 100 words – it’s more important that your argument is convincing and adequately developed for an essay of the suggested length.

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In some cases, you are allowed to exceed the upper word limit by 10% – so for an assignment of 2500–3000 words, you could write an absolute maximum of 3300 words. However, the rules depend on your course and institution, so always check with your instructor if you’re unsure.

Only exceed the word count if it’s really necessary to complete your argument. Longer essays take longer to grade, so avoid annoying your marker with extra work! If you are struggling to edit down:

  • Check that every paragraph is relevant to your argument, and cut out irrelevant or out-of-place information.
  • Make sure each paragraph focuses on one point and doesn’t meander.
  • Cut out filler words and make sure each sentence is clear, concise, and related to the paragraph’s point.
  • Don’t cut anything that is necessary to the logic of your argument. If you remove a paragraph, make sure to revise your transitions and fit all your points together.
  • Don’t sacrifice the introduction or conclusion . These paragraphs are crucial to an effective essay –make sure you leave enough space to thoroughly introduce your topic and decisively wrap up your argument.

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McCombes, S. (2023, July 23). How Long is an Essay? Guidelines for Different Types of Essay. Scribbr. Retrieved July 10, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/length/

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My College Graduation Experience: Essay Example

  • My College Graduation Experience
  • Narrative essay writing service for students

We have previously discussed everything you need to know on how to write a personal narrative essay . For it to be successful, your narrative essay should leave an emotional impact on the audience. Its goal is to make the reader experience the narrative through imagination and the use of emotional language. It should also be able to reference elements and things that the senses can experience, which is why using vivid descriptions and details is crucial. Below is an example of a narrative essay , which is about college graduation. As we all know, graduations are emotional because it celebrates one of the most important milestones in an individual's life. Receiving your diploma after decades of hard work is an event one cannot simply brush off. The essay was donated by an anonymous writer, who believes that recounting her college graduation experience can not only help you understand how to write a personal narrative essay better but also inspire you to reach your own graduation day.

My College Graduation Experience: A Narrative Essay Example

Many people around the world consider their college graduation day as a milestone, and rightfully so. It is, after all, a consolidation of decades of hard work and sacrifice. To an extent, I thought of it as the beginning of the realization of my goals. We started out with learning our ABCs and additions and subtractions, which later morphed into the complex forms of writing essays of various kinds and tear-jerking quadratic formulas. My journey to college was not easy situation either - to get to college, you need to  prepare for the SAT exams . Grades needed to be presentable, and learning how to  write an effective personal statement  was crucial. 

The aroma of coffee wafting through a sleepless night came back to me as I picked out my graduation dress. My mom accompanied me to a nearby store right outside town, and by the end of the shopping trip, we have settled into a nice cafe. It is amazing how for the first time in years, I get to enjoy a cup of coffee without the weight of the finals week on my back.

Today, I am wearing that same dress that brought me so many realizations. I also wear my toga and graduation cap, which I decorated on top with a collage of photos my family and myself - we are one of the lucky few who were allowed to exercise our creative spirits. I entered the venue, and thousands of thundering claps welcomed us. Speeches were made by various figures: the guest of honor, the administration, and so on. Another round of applause echoes as each class were asked to line up along the corridor. We were to wait for our turn to go the stage, where we will receive our school souvenirs. Everyone was excited, and when it was our turn to receive the items, we were happy. 

A little tribute was made for our teachers after that. As the class monitor, I was tasked to collect the bouquet of flowers provided for by the student council. We all stood up and sang a special song for our dear professors, which we have been practicing in secret. I looked at my favorite history professor, Ms. Tanika, and she smiled at me. Becoming friends with your professor is no easy task, but I am glad I found a true friend and mentor in her. I smiled back, and after that, I felt the wave of unexplainable sadness take over me. Sad that I will leave my educational years forever, along with Ms. Tanika as my mentor. Happy, however, over the fact that it is now my turn to make a difference in the world. 

Soon, we were in line once more to receive our diplomas. Although the venue was packed, I found my family by the stage as my name was called. I happily received my college diploma, the proof of all the years of my hard work. I was all smiles for the photographs and videos being taken, and I can only hope that they all look good! I need to remember this graduation day well for the rest of my life. 

When all of the diplomas and special awards were given, the school’s chairman, Mr. Gary Turner, asked us to all stand. He gave everyone in the hall a special blessing for our upcoming licensure examinations, which will be happening in two month’s time. This is unlike preparing for the SAT exams; the licensure will determine if we have the capacity to practice our field or not, and the state of nervousness came back as people around me remembered. I became just as nervous, but it quickly left once the speech was over. 

After the blessing and speech, the lights were dimmed and the white projector screen rolled down from the ceiling of the stage. The projector was opened, and there, a video was played. To many enthusiastic reactions, it was a video containing many videos and photographs of our batch. We laughed at silly photos, nervous smiles, and sleepless morning looks. By the end of it, many of us were wiping tears away. I looked and caught the eye of my friends, who smiled at me sadly. A lot of things will change - life after college will definitely be different, especially when it comes to friendship. I hope we stay the same, though. 

As the lights went back up again, we stood up to sing the school song. It was the finale of the entire ceremony, and our very last time of singing the school song. For the first time since I got here, I heard my fellow students sing the school song with so much happiness and pride. I sang along with them, and I felt such fondness for my school and all the memories I have built here. After that, it was over. The host congratulated and thanked us. We were directed to the canteen after that for some refreshments, where I reunited my family. 

None of us touched those juice cocktails, however, as we began taking so many photos. I posed with each member of my family, and then posed for several more by myself holding my diploma. After that, my friends and I went on our way to find each other. After eating a few of those finger foods served in platters, like spring rolls and select chips, we began taking photos once more. We decided to leave the canteen and walk around the campus, clad in our heels and toga still. Our diplomas were safely tucked away in the bags of our mothers. 

Walking around the campus and chatting away brought back a sense of nostalgia, despite feeling elated that I have finally conquered the hell that is college. We decided to settle on our favorite spot, a little hidden garden behind the College of Law building. We talked about our upcoming exams, our plans, and of course, the reality of life catching up to our friendship.

Soon, we had to part ways - respective celebrations with our families needed to happen. On the way back, however, I felt something I have never felt before. It seemed like a fusion of feelings, different emotions attacking all at once. The feeling grew when I got ready for bed that night. I will miss my friends, my mentors, and my school. Things will never be the same again, and that part of my life is done and over. I looked back and realized so much. I hated those schooling days as it happened. I hated waking up early, I hated sorting through my homework trying to finish them in one night. I hated all the times I went through finals week and what really happens during it, and all the instant ramen I had to eat - I wished I had learned more college dorm meal recipes. But, even though I have been through one of the most challenging times of my life, I realized that I will miss all of that. 

I will never get those days back again, and although the thought is sad, I have my entire life facing me now. It is now time to make my mark in the world.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the capacity to complete their requirements, much less write that narrative essay. Learning about writing a personal narrative essay is one thing, but quite another when you need to write one. Do not worry, though, as we understand if you currently have no means to complete your essay. This is the main reason why CustomEssayMeister exists, as we have made it our mission to help students like you. Our professional writers are more than qualified to write not only your narrative essay, but also your research papers, dissertations, and even thesis papers! Each paper will be tailored according to your specifications. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact our Support Team - they are available 24/7 for your needs.

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    This generally has a strict word limit. Undergraduate college essay. 1500-5000 words. The length and content of essay assignments in college varies depending on the institution, department, course level, and syllabus. Graduate school admission essay. 500-1000 words.

  23. My College Graduation Experience: Essay Example

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