
Essay on (CPEC) China Pakistan Economic Corridor for CSS & PMS


  • July 25, 2021
  • Essay for CSS PMS and Judiciary Exam

This is an essay on (CPEC) China Pakistan Economic Corridor for CSS & PMS. China and Pakistan have agreed to build the One Belt One Road project more commonly known as China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is expected to bring about both peace and prosperity in South Asia. Find below the complete Essay on CPEC.

Introduction Development of Gwadar Previous project: Silk Road Projects Under CPEC The Concept of One Belt and One Road Different Routes in CPEC Geostrategic location of Gwadar Challenges for Pakistan Internal Challenges External Challenges Counter Indian influence Economic Gains from this Project Removal of Social Problems due to CPEC Effects of the CPEC Projects Conclusion

Essay on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)


The CPEC is a 3,000-kilometre network of roads, railways, and pipelines to transport oil and gas from Gwadar Port to Kashgar city, northwestern China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, China Daily reports. China and Pakistan have agreed to build the One Belt One Road project more commonly known as China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is expected to bring about both peace and prosperity in South Asia. This corridor will link Kashgar in north-western China to Pakistan’s Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea near the border with Iran via roads, railways, and pipelines.

There are many internal and external challenges for the Pakistan government to implement this multi-dollars project. However, it is a game-changer project which will transforn1 the fate of Pakistan and will help Pakistan modernize. It will improve the economy and trade, enhance regional connectivity, overcome energy crises , develop infrastructure and establish people-to-people contacts in both countries.

Proposed by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang during his visit to Pakistan in May 2013, the CPEC  will act as a bridge for the new Maritime Silk Route that envisages linking three billion people in Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Development of Gwadar

The project links China’s strategy to develop its western region with Pakistan’s focus on boosting its economy, including the infrastructure construction of Gwadar Port, together with some energy cooperation and investment programs. It also involves road and railway construction including an upgrade of the 1300-km Karakoram Highway, the highest paved international road in the world which connects China and Pakistan across the Karakoram mountains.

The CPEC will reduce China’s routes of oil and gas imports from Africa and the Middle East by thousands of kilometers, making Gwadar a potentially vital link in China’s supply chain.

Previous project: Silk Road

With the support of China, Pakistan has gained significant importance not only in the region but the entire world. In recent years, both China and Pakistan have been making concerted efforts to revive the historic Silk Road which is one of the oldest known trade routes in the world and will provide a route for trade from Kashgar (China) to Gwadar (Pakistan). China-Pakistan Economic Corridor plan will help Pakistan to become one of the most strategically important countries in the region.

It will also provide an opportunity for China to build a naval base on Gwadar port that will increase the influence of China in the region and also counter US influence in the Asia-Pacific region. CBS News quoted some Western diplomats on the Pakistan-China partnership. According to  them, China’s increasing economic engagement with Pakistan should be seen in the context of Beijing’s “efforts to counter the US efforts to deepen alliances around the Asia-Pacific region.”

Projects Under CPEC

The “One Belt One Road” concept has international strategic importance. The One Belt One Road initiative covers countries and regions with a total population of 4.4 billion and a total economic the volume of US$ 21 trillion, 63 % and 29 %, respectively of the World.

According to the assessment of the Corridor, the plan is involved in laying the foundation for regional cooperation, improving economic growth, offering trade diversifications, investing in transportation, mining, and energy sectors, and creating political flexibility . It is a vision with world-changing implications, an unfolding plan that would weave much of Asia, Europe, Africa,  Oceania, and the Middle East much more closely together through a patchwork of diplomacy, new infi\structure, and free trade zones.

The “One Belt One Road” Project consists of three routes, southern, central, and northern route. The southern corridor begins from Guangzhou, which is the third-largest city of China in South Central China. This route moves towards western parts of China and connects Kashgar with Pakistan at Kunjarab – a point from where China wants to link to Gwadar port in the Arabian Sea. It is the shortest and the most feasible option for China.

The second Chinese option is the Central Corridor that starts from Shanghai and links the country to Tashkent, Tehran, and onwards to Bandar Imam Khomeini Port of Iran on the Persian Gulf. One of its branches goes up towards Europe. This is the longer route but could be an option if Pakistan does not deliver on the timelines of completing its road network to become a beneficiary of the New Silk Road Economic Belt. The third Chinese option is the Northern Corridor that starts from Beijing, passes through Russia, and links it to European cities.

The Concept of One Belt and One Road

Recognizing the fact that regional integration is an inevitable measure to meet the demands of the economically globalized world, the notion of the Silk Road was reformulated and rephrased by China in 2013 under ‘one road, one belt’ initiative, i.e., economic belt along the Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road.

Pakistan is a significant partner for China as it links China to Central Asia, the Southern Asian region, and the Middle East, and its major deep-sea port Gwadar offers direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Both countries have been working on enhancing their coordination and strategic communication to safeguard common interests. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) represents a new model of Pakistan and China cooperation which will serve against the backdrop of complex and changing regional and international situations.

China and Pakistan have developed strong bilateral trade and economic ties and cooperation over the years. China has gradually emerged as Pakistan’s major trading partner both in terms of exports and imports. Bilateral trade and commercial links between the two countries were established in January 1963 when both signed the first bilateral long-term trade agreement. Both countries signed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on November 24, 2006, and implemented it from July 1, 2007. Later on, both signed the FTA on Trade in Services on February 21, 2009, which became active from October 10 that year.

CPEC is an under-construction mega-project that will achieve the political and economic objectives through trade and development and will also strengthen the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. This corridor will also be helpful in creating regional stability in South Asia.

Different Routes in CPEC

After completion of the corridor, it will function as a primary gateway for trade between China and Africa, and the Middle East. It is expected that this corridor will help cut the 12,000-kilometre the route which Middle East oil supplies must now take to reach the Chinese ports. This project will run through most of Pakistan starting from Gwadar in Balochistan and ending in Kashgar in western China while passing through parts of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces, and Gilgit-Baltistan in northern Pakistan to reach the Khunjrab Pass and beyond to China.

Pakistan has prepared a plan to construct three corridors after active consultation with the Chinese authorities; these are the eastern alignment, the central alignn1ent, and the western alignment.

Geostrategic location of Gwadar

The eastern alignment of the corridor originates from Gwadar, travels parallel to the Makran Coastal Highway eastwards (towards Karachi), and then after passing through parts of interior Sindh, and southern, central, and northern regions of Punjab, it reaches Islamabad. From Islamabad, it extends to Haripur, Abbottabad, and Mansehra districts of the relatively peaceful Hazara Division in KP this part of the corridor will also run through Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Jammu and Kashmir – and reaches Khunjrab after passing through Diamer and Gilgit areas in northern Pakistan.

The corridor will also run through the Pamir Plateau and Karakoram mountains. A link from Taxila through Peshawar and Torkhum will connect the eastern alignment of the corridor to Jalalabad in Afghanistan. Regional connectivity with India through the eastern alignment is designed to be provided through the Hyderabad-Mirpurkhas-Khokhrapar-Zero Point link and the Wagha border, Lahore.

Western alignment was the original alignment which the government says has been deferred until the eastern alignment of the corridor is completed. According to the western alignment plan, the economic corridor (highway and railway) starts from Gwadar and runs through some southern and eastern districts of Balochistan (Khuzdar and Dera Bugti, respectively), and some districts in south Punjab to reach D. I. Khan in KP.

From D. I. Khan, it further extends to Islamabad and Abbottabad, and from there onwards, the route is the same as in the eastern alignment. The western alignment will have an additional regional connectivity link to Afghanistan through Chaman and will connect with Iran through the Quetta-Kho-e-Taftan link.

Following are the challenges for Pakistan in fulfillment of CPEC.

Challenges for Pakistan

Pakistan faces several challenges in the implementation of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. These challenges can be identified as external and internal. The Vice Director General of Policy Research Office at the International Department of the Central Committee Communist Party of China, Dr. Luan Jianzhang is of the view that political unrest, the security situation, and administrative issues are some of the greatest challenges in the way of successful completion of the corridor.

The construction of the corridor has been defined by many as a strategic moment such that Pakistan has assumed the position of economic pivot for the whole region. This paradigm shift in circumstances is a cause of great worry for the enemies of Pakistan both within and outside. India, Israel, and the US are unhappy. For India, CPEC is a thorn in its paw. They have put their heads together to work out new strategies to block the project forward march. RAW has opened a special office in Delhi and has been allotted $300 million to disrupt CPEC. Already one can notice a sudden upsurge in the acts of terror in the three restive regions and activation of certain NGOs and think tanks all trying to air misgivings and create a fear psychosis.

Internal Challenges for Pakistan

In Pakistan, some political parties like ANP, Baloch nationalists, PkMAP raised serious objections to the CPEC project. Even PT! and JUI (F) showed inclinations to climb the bandwagon of anti-CPEC forces. Objections were being raised despite assurances by the government that this project will provide equal opportunities to all the provinces.

Security concerns have been the most critical challenge to the CPEC and both Pakistan and China have been trying to meet these. An arc of militancy stretches from Xinjiang to Gwadar consisting of groups like the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), Daesh (ISIS), Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) and the militant wings of some political parties. Most of these groups may not have an enn1ity with China itself but rather intend to attack the Chinese interests like the  CPEC as a means to deal with the Pakistani state.

Gwadar is the tail of the Silk belt, which will connect at Kashgar through different communication networks. The security of the whole corridor and Gwadar is a real concern for China. After the military operation in different parts of Pakistan, the terrorist infrastructure still exists inside and outside of the borders which will continue to pose a threat.

The support of the American CIA, Israeli Mossad, and Indian RAW has continuously been assisting the militant groups and sub-nationalists in all the provinces to conduct subversive acts – and using terrorist elements in the whole country to threaten the Pak-Chinese plans of developing the CPEC. In the past few years, they kidnapped and killed many Chinese nationals in Pakistan despite Pakistan’s efforts to provide the best possible security.

The army has announced the creation of a 10,000 men special force for protecting the development projects. The new force, named the Special Security Division, will comprise nine army battalions and six wings of paramilitary forces, the Rangers and the Frontier Corps.

External Challenges for Pakistan

As an economic enterprise, for the CPEC, the greatest challenge comes from competitors. The most significant is the Iranian port of Chabahar. India intends to invest significantly ($85 million) in the development of Chabahar, which lies a few miles away from Gwadar and is part of its efforts for access to land-locked Afghanistan and Central Asia while bypassing rival Pakistan. Chabahar will effectively be a way station for energy imports coming from the Gulf region and destined for Afghanistan and Central Asia.

It will also be a gateway to the Middle East, and possibly Europe, for exports originating from Afghanistan and Central Asia. While the Chabahar project has not yet been started due to the ongoing talks on the Iranian nuclear issue, the Gwadar port has already become functional. However, there is no need for contention between these two ports. Iran has a stake in the CPEC through the proposal to link the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline with China, which has been described as a “common interest” between the three countries.

Counter Indian Influence

Indian involvement in Chabahar is linked to Pakistan’s refusal to allow India access to transit to and from Afghanistan, so India sees Iran as the next-best option. If Pakistan extends transit facilities to India, and then India may not be interested in building up Chabahar.

India is also not happy with the handing over of Gwadar Port development and its operations to China. There have long been reports that Delhi is fuelling insurgency in Balochistan, which is rich in oil and gas resources, but poor law and order conditions have halted work on exploration activities there. Experts believe the India-UAE nexus will try to fail the Gwadar Port development project and create hurdles in the way of exploration activities in Balochistan.

In recent years, India has been particularly active in engaging Central Asian states for the sake of pursuing energy deals. India can be easily accommodated via the CPEC itself through the eastern interface in Punjab and Sindh and transformed into a stakeholder in the success of both Gwadar and the CPEC.

The dice of connectivity loaded by China has left India confused and bewildered. India is also concerned about China’s huge investment in Pakistan, particularly its recent decision to fund for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. China is also helping Pakistan in producing plutonium at the Chinese-built Kyushu reactor and will also sell eight submarines worth $5 billion, which will give a quantum jump to Pak Navy’s sea capability.

Economic Gains from this Project

After the completion of CPEC, Pakistan may become a trade hub in the region after Gwadar Port starts functioning fully and duty-free economic zones are set up. Many Central Asian states have also expressed interest in becoming part of the corridor. This strategic partnership between Pakistan and China has upset India that openly voiced its opposition and even premier Narendra Modi pressed the president of China during his visit to Beijing to drop the plan of developing the corridor. However, China did not cave into the pressure and vowed to push ahead with work on the project.

With Chinese clout growing and Russia flexing muscles to regain control over Central Asia, India is struggling to make some headway and spread its sphere of influence in the region. Delhi has bet on Iran and Afghanistan to reach the Central Asian states via land route as Pakistan and China have control over many land links that provide access to the resource-rich region.

India hopes it will be able to reach Central Asia through the Iranian port of Chabahar and build a north-south corridor that will run to Afghanistan and eventually stretch to Central Asia.

Pakistan has been playing a significant role in South Asia. After the completion of the ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor economic, commercial as well as geostrategic environment will improve in Pakistan. It will help Pakistan in dealing with the problems of poverty, unemployment, and inequities of undeveloped provinces.

During his meeting with President Xi Jinping, President Mamnoon  Hussain said, “the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor would prove to be a game-changer in the whole region by generating massive trade and economic activity and opening new vistas of progress and prosperity for the people of the two countries and about three billion people of the region” .

CPEC from all counts will prove a game-changer and will make China a real stakeholder in Pakistan’s stability and security. It is a win-win situation for both. It will greatly expand the scope for the sustainable and stable development of China’s economic development. Investments by China will boost Pakistan’s $274 billion GDP by over 15 %.

Corresponding progress and prosperity in Pakistan and China’s patronage will help Pakistan in getting rid of the decade-old labels of ‘epicenter of terrorism’, ‘most dangerous country, and a ‘failing state’.

Pakistan enjoys a more favorable financial situation compared to India by reducing its budget deficit to 4.7% of GDP in 2014 (as against India’s 7%) and Pakistan is both competitive and cheaper as an emerging market. China’s economic and military assistance will help Pakistan a great deal in narrowing its ever-widening gap in economic military-nuclear fields with India and in bettering its defense potential.

Ambassador of China to Pakistan Sun Weidong while talking about the corridor said that the setting up of energy, transport, infrastructure, and industrial projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would benefit all the provinces of Pakistan. He said that the CPEC was not limited to just a road but it will connect the country with a number of motorways and infrastructure projects.

He explained that infrastructure projects included Gwadar port, the second phase of the upgrading project of Karakoram Highway, motorway project between Karachi and Lahore, Thakot-Havelian motorway, Gwadar port expressway, Gwadar international airport, and Karachi-Sukkur motorway, adding further that the project will increase collaboration in areas of energy, finance,  commerce, banking, industry, and education.

Removal of Social Problem due to CPEC

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will help build a robust and stable economy in Pakistan and will create a significant opportunity for Pakistan to revive its industry and advance its economic interests. It will also help in overcoming the psychological barriers to flows of foreign investment from other sources. Despite its restrictive economic regime, over 150 private equity funds, foreign and domestic, are active in India.

Only three or four such funds are dedicated to investing government, with the participation of the private sector, to encourage foreign direct investment in Pakistan is indispensable. Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said war phobia can also be defeated through economic development. Peace and prosperity can be achieved with economic advancement.

This project will go beyond regional ambits to bring about enormous changes not only to the national economies of the benefiting states but also to the economics of the people at the grassroots level.

Effects of CPEC Projects

CPEC is the crown jewel in the new Pakistan economic paradigm because Pakistan has the opportunity to act independently of the western influence especially the US influence as it has proved of late, an irritant factor. CPEC project will also bring an opportunity to Pakistan for normalization of ties with India, Iran, and Afghanistan which will keep balance, strengthen prospects of peace and improve the socio-economic status of the people of the region.

CPEC is a game-changer project which will lift millions of Pakistanis out of poverty and misery. The project embraces the construction of the textile garments, industrial park projects, construction of dams, the installation of nuclear reactors, and creating networks of road, railway lines that will generate employment, and people will also take ownership of these projects. Fully equipped hospitals, technical and vocational training institutes, water supply, and distribution in undeveloped areas will also improve the quality of life of people.

CPEC is not only the name of road, port, and railway system but a multi-dollars mega project which will bring peace and prosperity in all the provinces of Pakistan. The chairman of the Gwadar port, Dostain Khan Jamaldini said that the CPEC would not only benefit Balochistan but also prove beneficial for the country’s three other provinces.

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China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

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easy essay on cpec in english

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) , massive bilateral project to improve infrastructure within  Pakistan  for better trade with  China  and to further integrate the countries of South Asia . It is part of the larger Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to improve connectivity, trade, communication, and cooperation between the countries of Eurasia announced by China in 2013.

The project was launched on April 20, 2015, when Chinese Pres. Xi Jinping  and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif  signed 51 agreements and memorandums of understanding valued at $46 billion. The goal of the CPEC is both to transform Pakistan’s economy—by modernizing its road, rail, air, and energy transportation systems—and to connect the deep-sea Pakistani ports of  Gwadar  and  Karachi  to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China and beyond by overland routes. (Xinjiang borders the countries of Mongolia , Russia , Kazakhstan ,  Kyrgyzstan ,  Tajikistan ,  Afghanistan , Pakistan, and India , and the ancient  Silk Road  ran through its territory.) This aims to reduce the time and cost of transporting goods and energy such as natural gas to China by circumventing the Strait of Malacca and the  South China Sea . The initiative was also set to open several special economic zones (SEZs), modeled on similar zones in China that offer incentives for investment and are intended to spur rapid economic growth . The announcement of joint space and satellite initiatives between Pakistan and China, spurred by the CPEC, followed in 2016.

By the end of the 2010s, the program had achieved a number of successes for Pakistan, particularly in terms of infrastructure . Hundreds of miles of highways and railways had been completed. Pakistan’s capacity for electric power generation had also increased dramatically; although renewable energy made up only a fraction of the new energy projects, the country’s first solar power plant was inaugurated in May 2015. The Orange Line Metro Train system in Lahore , launched in October 2020 and the first of its kind in the country, was the most lauded urban project to come out of the early CPEC program.

But the CPEC initiatives proved to be a significant burden on Pakistan’s already strained balance of payments . Five years into the program, debt owed to China made up more than one-fourth of Pakistan’s total debt as it struggled to make its external payments. The economic impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic also slowed progress on CPEC projects, exacerbated Pakistan’s economic crisis, and left China hesitant to grant leniency on debt payments. Although the project gave a boost to job creation in Pakistan, promises that it would bolster Pakistan’s industrial sector and increase exports remained largely unrealized into the early 2020s. And even though the CPEC had expanded energy infrastructure, the costs for fossil fuel and upgrading an aging power grid led to continued power shortages and failures throughout the country. Furthermore, some construction, especially in the province of Balochistan , faced setbacks from violence by local militants who were opposed to the CPEC projects in their area.



easy essay on cpec in english

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Essay on the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor and Their Trade History Retrospective

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Literature Review

  • Integrated transport and IT systems including road, rail, port, air and data communication channels;
  • Energy cooperation;
  • Spatial layout, functional zones, industries and industrial parks;
  • Agricultural development;
  • Socio-economic development (poverty alleviation, medical treatment, education, water supply, vocational training);
  • Tourism cooperation and people-to-people communication;
  • Cooperation in livelihood areas;
  • Financial cooperation;
  • Human resource development.

Discussion and Analysis

  • CPEC coverage. The CPEC covers China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the whole territory of Pakistan. In order to reflect the level, scope and layout of the construction and development of the Corridor, its coverage is divided into the core zone and the radiation zone.
  • Key nodes. The node cities that the corridor passes through include Kashgar, Atushi, Tumshuq, Shule, Shufu, Akto, Tashkurgan Tajik, Gilgit, Peshawar, Dera Ismail Khan, Islamabad, Lahore, Multan, Quetta, Sukkur, Hyderabad, Karachi and Gwadar.
  • Spatial layout. The CPEC's core zone and the radiation zone, presents the spatial layout of ‘one belt, three axes and several passages’. By ‘one belt’ I mean the belt area composed of the core zone of the CPEC, including Kashgar, Tumshuq city, and Atushi city and Akto county in Kizilsu Kirghiz autonomous prefecture of Xinjiang, China, as well as Islamabad, parts of Punjab, Sindh, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, AJK and GilgitBaltistan. The ‘three axes’ refer to three horizontal axes connecting Lahore and Peshawar, Sukkur and Quetta, and Karachi and Gwadar. The ‘several passages’ refer to several railways and highway trunk lines from Islamabad to Karachi and Gwadar.
  • Key functional zones. The CPEC is divided into the following five functional zones from north to south: Xinjiang foreign economic zone, northern border trade logistics and business corridor and ecological reserve, eastern and central plain economic zone, western logistics corridor business zone, and southern coastal logistics business zone. Most of the node cities, transportation corridors and industrial clusters are concentrated in them.


  • Geopolitical and security risks. The geopolitical environment is inherently unstable in South Asia. World powers' adjustment of their policy towards this region might add to the uncertainty. The mix of international, regional, national and extremist factors might cause disruptive activities, threatening the security of the CPEC building.
  • The restraints of natural and geographical factors. Southern Xinjiang of China suffers from a weak industrial base and limited economic scale. Because of the special natural and geographical conditions in China-Pakistan border area, the construction, operation and management of major infrastructure projects is costly. The Indus River valley in Pakistan is comparatively economically advanced, but with high population density and limited resource carrying capacity, while the western area is poorly developed and troubled with harsh natural conditions.
  • Restraints to economic growth prospects. Pakistan needs to address major bottlenecks to economic and social development to sustain economic growth momentum. The energy, infrastructure, administration and governance deficiencies, besides unbalanced regional economic and social development, and external sector vulnerabilities need to be monitored to avoid any possible challenges to CPEC

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CSS Times

Essay Outline: China Pakistan Energy Corridor (CPEC)

China Pakistan Economic Coridor CPEC Essay for CSS

The CPEC is a 3,000-kilometre network of roads, railways and pipelines to transport oil and gas from Gwadar Port to Kashgar city, northwestern China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, China Daily reports. China and Pakistan have agreed to build One Belt One Road project more commonly known as China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is expected to bring about both peace and prosperity in South Asia. This corridor will link between Kashgar in north-western China to Pakistan’s Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea near the border with Iran via roads, railways and pipelines. There are many internal and external challenges for Pakistan government to implement this multi-dollars project. However, it is a game changer project which will transforn1 the fate of Pakistan and will help Pakistan modernize. It will improve the economy and trade, enhance regional connectivity, overcome energy crises, develop infrastructure and establish people to people contacts in both the countries.

Proposed by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang during his visit to Pakistan in May 2013, the CPEC will act as a bridge for the new Maritin1e Silk Route that envisages linking three billion people in Asia, Africa and Europe.

The project links China’s strategy to develop its western region with Pakistan’s focus on boosting its economy, including the infrastructure construction of Gwadar Port, together with some energy cooperatton and investment programmes. It also involves road and railway construction including an upgrade of the 1,300-km Karakoram Highway, the highest paved international road in the world which connects China and Pakistan across the Karakoram mountains.

The CPEC will reduce China’s routes of oil and gas imports from Africa and the Middle East by thousands of kilometres, making Gwadar a potentially vital link in China’s supply chain.

  • Introduction
  • Development of Gwadar
  • Previous project: Silk Road
  • Fruits for Pakistan
  • The Concept of One Belt and One Road
  • Different Routes
  • Agreement of Bilateral Trade and Economic Ties
  • Geostrategic Location of Gwadar
  • Counter Indian Influence
  • Economic Gains from This Project
  • Removal of Social Problems Due to CPEC
  • Balance of Power in South Asia
  • Effects of the Projects

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Top 30 Essays by Zahid Asharaf ( World Times Publications )

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easy essay on cpec in english

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Easy essay on CPEC in English with outline [2021]

Photo of Elena Stefan

The hot essay topic for all boards of Pakistan is an easy essay on CPEC in English . What you’ve been looking for is a long but easy essay on CPEC in English with outline of 2021 . Hence, We’ve gathered some best coaching center essays to make a better and easier one. You can also write the below essay as CPEC Essay 2021, the importance of CPEC short essay, and essay on cpec in urdu.

Easy Essay on CPEC in English of 2021:

Table of Contents

CPEC is the abbreviation of China Pakistan Economic Corridor . Everyone knows the friendship of China and Pakistan. One can not say that China is a selfish country because it helps Pakistan in every difficulty, so Pakistani people should accept this fact and show some love towards Chinese people. The CPEC program will not only help people living in Pakistan by giving them job opportunities to a great extent but also engage other countries to invest in Pakistan.

CPEC Project is continued which aims to provide excellent job opportunities for Pakistanis and Chinese, and it also works on projects like great infrastructure projects. Its intention is basically to build a route to connect the Gawadar Port to China’s northwestern region of Xinjiang, by a highly developed network of roads, highways, pipelines.

The reality of the faithfulness of this project is seen when the network will be connected to Africa, South Asia, and other continents. It is easier to say that CPEC is a door that opens great opportunities for Pakistan in the future. For now, It costs up to $47 billion which is not only a high amount but also impacts everyone in Pakistan by decreasing the ratio of poverty.

Furthermore, It also affects the GDP of Pakistan. According to the opinions and guesses of experts, this CPEC project is going to make Pakistan an economical hub . It also has been calculated that the project will be completed by 2025. People from China and Pakistan are working hard with great enthusiasm for benefit of their countries.  Therefore, we should encourage our people and leaders to do this great project fastly.

Easy Essay on CPEC in English with outline:

Outlining an essay is the essential part and gives a good impact on teachers. Here’s how you can write an easy essay on CPEC in English with online :

Easy Essay on CPEC in English and CPEC Quotations:

Adding quotations to an essay will also help you to gain good numbers. Following are some CPEC Quotations which you can use in your essay:

01) CPEC can be a game-changer for Pakistan.

02) CPEC is an alternative to good friendship with China.

03) CPEC – A way to increment the GDP of Pakistan.

04) CPEC attracts other countries.

05) CPEC is likely a blessing for unemployed people.

You can easily use the above CPEC Quotations in your easy essay on CPEC in English.

Other resources for an easy essay on CPEC in English of 2021:

Following are some more resources for an easy essay on CPEC in English  of 2021, which you can easily learn and remember and gain good numbers:

01) CPEC Short Essay 

02) China Pakistan Economic Corridor Essay with outline

03) Adamjee Coaching Centre CPEC Essay

Photo of Elena Stefan

Elena Stefan

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Essay on CPEC 2024 in English

Its right to says that CPEC is the soul of China’s Belt and Road initiative, which is China’s master plan to connect with markets of the world. No doubt, CPEC is bringing huge investments to Pakistan in 2024, which is amplifying Pakistan’s economy. It includes projects to develop rail networks, road networks, energy projects, port, industrial zones and much more. Above all, it is witnessed as a game-changer for Pakistan in Economic, Social and Political domains. As per history, CPEC was envisioned in the decade of 50s with the construction of Karakorum Highway. The initial working of Gwadar Port was done in Musharraf’s era but halted due to political instability.

Later it was the year 2024, when the CPEC in its entirety came to existence, after long-standing dialogues between Islamabad and Beijing. The year 2015 brings a new life to Pakistan’s dwindling economy, with the conclusion of $46 Billion investment agreements between China and Pakistan, during the visit of China’s President to Pakistan.

According to Pakistan’s BOI(Board of Investments), currently, 21 energy, 4 transport, and 8 Gawadar development projects are identified to date with the collective investment of approximately $44.37 billion.

Once CPEC is operational, the energy issue will also resolve up to maximum extent. Moreover, the foreign investments would be clamped in Pakistan unimaginably and a new age of Pakistan would begin.

Issues of this project:

  • There is also a political domain to CPEC. Massive Chinese investment and population flow when combined with China’s international standing as an economic World power and an on path political world power, it seems a threat to sections of the population in Pakistan as if Pakistan is on its way to becoming a satellite state of China in the region.

Furthermore, an abundance of Chinese investments and population in Gawadar bringing insecurities to the sections of the Pakistani population, which are afraid of becoming a demographic minority in Balochistan.

Moreover, there is a vast difference in Chinese and Pakistani culture, the way we live, eat, speak, greet and celebrate. So, that Chinese influx to Pakistan is also conceived as a potential threat to the social culture of Pakistan, alongside a great economic opportunity.

on this topic

This is no doubt a great economic opportunity for both Pakistan and China but some are worried about few socio-political disturbances in Pakistan in wake of economic prosperity. Those issues hit stronger when heavy Chinese investments in Pakistan fails to counter the menace of unemployment in Pakistan. The issue needs to be addressed that CPEC is serving whom and at cost of what?

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18 March 2017

English essay - cpec - china pakistan economic corridor, cpec - china pakistan economic corridor, english essay on "cpec - china pakistan economic corridor".

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easy essay on cpec in english

Really helpful!!!

Helpfull for English essay

Of course really helpful for students.

Very helpul thanks for uploading keep it up 😍😍😍😍😍

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good job dear

It was good. I would be better if u made some outlines

It's really helpful for me

Yes, this is really very helpfull

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  • medal: an award given at a sports competition
  • talent: a natural skill
  • field trip: a day trip that children take while in school
  • nationally: within one country
  • debut: someone’s first performance
  • drop out: to voluntarily leave a competition or project
  • mental health: a person’s emotional and psychological well-being

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Comprehension questions.

See answers below

  • Biles discovered her talent for gymnastics while a. on a field trip b. playing with neighbours c. watching the Olympics on TV
  • Biles made her Olympic debut in a. London in 2012 b. Rio in 2016 c. Tokyo in 2021
  • In 2021, Biles dropped out of the Olympic Games a. to rest a leg injury b. to try new sports c. to take care of her mental health

Discussion/essay questions

  • Do you like to watch the Olympics? What sport does your country perform best in?
  • What are some things you do to take care of your mental health?

Simone Biles is an American gymnast . She has won the most Olympic and world championship medals of any gymnast in history . Biles was born in Columbus, Ohio in 1997. She first discovered her talent for gymnastics on a field trip when she was six years old. In 2011, when Biles was 14, she began competing nationally. Biles was too young to qualify for the 2012 Olympics, but she quickly became famous for her all-around win at the 2013 world championships. Her Olympic debut was in Rio in 2016, where she won four gold medals. Biles has several gymnastics moves named after her. During the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, Biles dropped out of the competition to take care of her mental health. Her decision brought worldwide attention to the importance of mental well-being in sports .

Answers to comprehension questions

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