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Land your dream job, your guide to crafting a nonprofit cover letter.

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If you’re applying to multiple jobs in the social-impact sector, you may be tempted to use the same cover letter in all of your applications, even when the organizations have different focus areas. While it can seem like this tactic is saving you time, it may actually keep you from moving on to the interview round for a role that truly matches your background and interests.

When job postings ask you to submit a cover letter, think of it as less of a nuisance and more of an opportunity to show why you’re the best candidate for the job. This extra space allows you to present a deeper look into your professional story and expand past the details found on your resume.

But first… make sure you follow the directions!

Take a careful look through the job posting and note specific application instructions. Does the hiring organization want you to submit your application through email? Is there a form you need to complete online? Should your materials be included in a single PDF?

Watch out for required tasks , such as any specific questions to address in your cover letter or work samples to include with your application. Believe it not, something as simple as following instructions will help you stand out from the crowd.

How to write a nonprofit cover letter

The format of your cover letter can remain consistent across every job application you send, but the content should be specific, honest, and reflect your excitement about the role. You’ll want to stick to relevant professional and personal details, but don’t forget to let your passion shine through.

To save on time without skimping on details, we’ve broken the cover letter down into four focus areas:

1. Show off what you know about the organization

A good rule of thumb is to only use “To Whom it May Concern” when you truly have no idea who will be in charge of your application. Do some digging to find the name of the person who would be your potential supervisor, or consider addressing your cover letter to the head of HR or recruitment at the organization.

When you’re ready to do some actual writing, focus your introductory paragraph on the role at hand. State your interest in the organization, as well as what you know about their mission. Then, summarize your experience in the field and whether you’ve worked in similar capacities.

2. Tell a compelling story (not a life story) 

Your next paragraph should focus on the past roles that are most related to the position (i.e. don’t just rewrite your resume). When the job description calls for certain skills, mention projects that align with what the organization is looking for so they know you can actually do the work involved.

This paragraph is also a good place to mirror the language of the job description, especially when it comes to action verbs and important terms. If the organization uses an automated applicant tracking system (“ATS”) to manage applications, then including the right keywords can help to ensure that an actual human reads your materials. 

3. Highlight your commitment to social impact

If you’ve previously worked for a nonprofit, mention your familiarity with the sector and how your experience will help you in this new role. The job description may include some nonprofit lingo , so make sure that you understand and can apply the same language in your cover letter.

Don’t be afraid to share more about your side hustles, volunteer work, or passion projects that relate to the role. These details can help hiring managers understand why you want to be a program coordinator or development assistant for their organization specifically. Note: this is particularly important if you’re a sector-switcher who has limited experience in a mission-driven environment.

4. Close it out with a “thank you”

You’ve already done the work of sharing your most relevant experience, strengths, and interests, so it’s time to wrap it up. Thank the hiring manager for their time, and express your excitement for hearing about next steps.

Customization and careful attention to detail are key when you’re aiming to impress a potential employer. Take a final look through your cover letter to check for typos and other errors you may have overlooked before you hit send.

Pro Tip: Test your eye with our proofreading quiz to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes in your own application materials.

Return to this guide whenever you’re applying for a nonprofit job—we hope it will help you find a position that marries your background and interest in social impact!

If you think a grad degree could help you land the social-impact role of your dreams, take a look through these common grad programs and learn how they connect to the sector.

I oversee the content and resources we share at Idealist to help organizations, prospective grad students, and job seekers make an impact in their personal and professional lives. In my spare time, I love to read, cook, and explore NYC's parks.

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Paul Drury

Nonprofit cover letter example

Nonprofit cover letter example

Tap into the language of the non-profit industry

Whether you are working in the healthcare, education, social care or philanthropy sectors (amongst many others), the attraction of working at a Nonprofit job is immense. Over 12 million Americans work in the sector, comprising 10% of the private workforce. That is a lot of opportunity, but also a lot of competition.

When you are writing a cover letter for a Nonprofit, although many of them are structured in similar ways to for-profit companies, there are many ways in which you can help your application to stand out. The vast majority of nonprofits operate in the $500k-$2m bracket, so an applicant’s motivation is as important as their experience. How will your role help the organization with its funding goals? How will you make an impact on the outreach efforts? How can you demonstrate talents that could prove useful in multiple ways?

When you work at a nonprofit, your job isn’t just your job. It is your life. Your employer would hope that you will be able to contribute in ways that venture far beyond the job description. That is what should be conveyed in the cover letter.

The specifics of each Nonprofit cover letter will vary significantly depending on the role, so in this cover letter example and guide we would like to offer some general guidelines about making the best possible impact (as well as exploring some considerations for some specific roles).

This cover letter example and its corresponding guide will demonstrate:

  • The best cover letter format for a Nonprofit application
  • What elements should be included in a Nonprofit cover letter and how to write each paragraph
  • What writing tips and tricks to follow to impress employers
  • Basic cover letter examples of mistakes to avoid.

A Nonprofit cover letter should be written alongside the resume. While the resume contains much of the factual experience and education, the cover letter should focus on the personal aspects that are so important for a nonprofit. For most jobs it is the factual stuff that holds the most weight, but for a nonprofit, I would argue that personal drive is just as important.

Nonprofits are struggling to keep up with the private sector. Total employment for nonprofits is down almost 5% from before the pandemic and a survey by Nonprofit HR found that 45% of nonprofit employees will enter the job hunt by 2025 and 23% of those want to exit nonprofit work. That means that jobs are out there for you, but how do you make your application stand out?

Best format for a Nonprofit cover letter example

Few Nonprofit successes come by chance, so your career story should be told in a structured and logical way, which is embodied in a great cover letter format. The more structured the story, the easier it will be to remember during an interview that may take place long after the letter has been read.

The tried-and-true cover letter format for a Nonprofit job includes the following elements:

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting
  • The cover letter introduction
  • The cover letter middle paragraph  (body of the letter)
  • The conclusion and sign-off (cover letter ending)

This cover letter guide offers industry-leading advice to guide you through each section of the cover letter format, along with a cover letter sample that showcases how to implement this advice. Something that you might dismiss as unimportant or overlook in your haste to send the application off could make the difference between you getting the job or being left on the rejects pile. Don’t just think about what you want to say – how you present your case is equally as important.

This Nonprofit cover letter example demonstrate how you can write each paragraph/part in practical terms:

Dear Mrs. Latchworth,

Having worked in two Nonprofit organizations assisting young professionals in the financial community, I understand how vital the role of outreach coordinator can be. If you don’t understand the needs of your community, your impact can miss the target entirely.

I have been a vocal supporter of mental health education since my best friend was diagnosed with depression five years ago. If you do not understand what to do with some of the thoughts that enter your head, the risks can spiral. I have arranged mental health conferences and events for over 15,000 young financiers, attracting 170+ sponsors and over $6.5m of funding over a four-year period. Investing in the mental health of high-potential (but mentally vulnerable) employees is the best thing any corporate behemoth can do.

My previous roles have been primarily focused on research, marketing and fundraising management — building deep connections within the community at conferences and being an advocate for our work in both social and print media. My most prominent PR campaign achieved a 95% awareness rating among senior financial decision makers and was responsible for a 40% spike in donations. I believe in nurturing long-term relationships with sponsors who are morally invested in our work.

The value of an outreach coordinator is measured in both campaign and funding growth:

  • Ran a six-month mental wellness campaign with 8 mid-level investment banks.
  • Social audience grew 450% over three years and campaigns reached 5m+ people.
  • 98% rated my “Mental Health in Finance” seminars as very good / excellent.
  • Increased donations by 150% in my previous role, continuing to build my network.

I have worked in partnership with NextChange on many occasions and feel that now is the time to make my difference by working for you. I would love the opportunity of an interview to chat about how I might be able to help your current clients and reach out to new ones. Mental health matters to everyone, but especially to those starting out in their careers.

Kristin Weathers

Cover letter header

The cover letter header could be viewed in the same way as making sure that you share the details of how to donate to your cause. If someone wants to hire you, they have to be able to get in touch with you easily. The header contains the vital candidate contact details and is situated at the top of the letter, so there is no excuse.

It is also common knowledge that our brains need a few seconds to switch from what they were previously occupied with and settle down to the task at hand. The header and the white space that follows it allow a reader’s mind to calm and focus on the application to come. Better this than them breeze through the vital first sentences without fully paying attention. 

There is also a non-human reader to consider. The recruitment ATS software that most recruiters and HR departments use to process the applications will look for details such as email address and mobile numbers on the cover letter and resume. If those details are specifically located at the top in the header of the document, they are easy to find and there will not be any communication mix-ups along the line. HR assistants do not sit there keying in endless details to their systems, so simplify the situation for the machines.

You may not be a fit for this particular role; but being able to be contacted for future roles is equally important, whether the details are on your cover letter or resume.

The aim of this part: Sharing contact details again is not a waste of cover letter real estate – it is a vital part of the job search process.

Cover letter introduction

There is an extra layer of motivation when you go into work at a Nonprofit and an extra frisson of pride when you do something great. Somehow this sense of achievement hits harder when the cause is that bit worthier. 

The introduction to your cover letter should give a two-line insight into your basic experience/background, as well as a “hook” that shows you actually understand the industry and/or are driven by the right motivation. It’s usually a good move to make the intro as confident as possible without edging into arrogance. Note how the intro line of our cover letter sample makes a bold statement right after giving a one-liner about the candidates basic background:

This intro will stand out in the mind of a non-profit hiring manager, so think carefully about how you can kick off the cover letter in impressive style. If there is one thing that you want a reader to remember about your candidacy, what would it be? Avoid exaggerating, be objective and don’t be overly boastful. Simply state the facts of your awesomeness.

You understand the mission of your employer and you know which levers to pull to make sure that it achieves its goals to maximum effectiveness. Cover letter introduction…. Tick.

The aim of this part: Hit first with your most impressive message. Not everyone gets beyond the first paragraph. Go with your big guns and give the details later.

This intro will stand out in the mind of a Nonprofit hiring manager, so think carefully about how you can kick off the cover letter in an impressive style. If there is one thing that you want a reader to remember about your candidacy, what would it be? Avoid exaggerating, be objective, and don’t be overly boastful. Simply state the facts of your awesomeness.

Cover letter body 

The middle paragraphs (1-2, depending on how your letter is structured and how much text you have) are where you expand on how your contribution to the Nonprofit makes a difference. Highlight and quantify your key achievements with space-efficient bullet points. Share the values that lay behind your actions and describe how your relationships with others brought expansion and increased income.

Delve into your dealing with donors, sponsors and funding organizations and tease out just how you go about weaving your Nonprofit magic. With advances in technology and social media, there is no one recipe for success, so share some of your secret sauce. 

What are the balances and checks that you employ at work and how do you ensure that all-important element of compliance? Nonprofits have to be more responsible in terms of their financials than the private sector as they are beholden to stakeholders that trust them to do the right thing with their money — how do you ensure transparency and value? The body of the cover letter is the place to hint at those important considerations.

You can see how the cover letter example shown above deals with presenting facts, achievements and experience:

I have arranged mental health conferences and events for over 15,000 young financiers, attracting 170+ sponsors and over $6.5m of funding over a four-year period. Investing in the mental health of high-potential (but mentally vulnerable) employees is the best thing any corporate behemoth can do.

My most prominent PR campaign achieved a 95% awareness rating among senior financial decision makers and was responsible for a 40% spike in donations.

If you pick examples that are somewhat out of the ordinary you will create a sense of curiosity in the reader. The best cover letters make the hiring managers want to find out more, so don’t share the mundane activities. Share a few scenarios with their results and leave them hanging a little with the detail of how you got there. That is for the interviews.

Show that you work well with others – communication and influencing skills are central if you want to get anything done in such a people-oriented environment.

The aim of this part: What will you bring to the team and how will the cause be advanced by your participation. These are big questions - think hard about the examples you share.

How to close a nonprofit cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

Any salesperson knows that they need to finish on a convincing note. When you are persuading someone that something is worthwhile, their interest will likely waver as you present your arguments, but any successful persuasion ends with a powerful point and a call to action. The conclusion to a Nonprofit job application cover letter is no different.

We suggest sharing one last piece of persuasion, a reason why you should be invited to interview, and then don’t be shy to ask for that chance to meet. When you work at a Nonprofit you are often part of a close-knit team that has a common vision, so expressing a desire to meet and share your dreams is entirely understandable.

If the reader has a sense that you might be a good fit, they will be looking for one more reason to invite you and one more thing to discuss with their colleagues and bosses.

Consider this cover letter sample and note how it logically ties in the next step of the relationship, while simultaneously offering an avenue for a continuation of the dialogue:

I have worked in partnership with NextChange on many occasions and feel that now is the time to make my difference by working for you. I would love the opportunity of an interview to chat about how I might be able to help your current clients and reach out to new ones. Mental health matters to everyone, but especially to those starting out in their careers.”

The aim of this part: Finish on a persuasive high note and don’t forget to convey your enthusiasm about the thought of meeting and sharing your motivations.

Writing tips and tricks: address real employer and organization needs

So many Nonprofit types will go to parties and hear how people “love” their cause, only to find that they really don’t understand much about it at all. Make sure that your cover letter is packed with factual experience rather than empty phrases.

When you are passionate about an area of your life, it is tempting to use flowery language to convey your enthusiasm. That is fully understandable, but in a job application the most powerful proof is when you share concrete achievements and relevant experience. Nothing speaks “fundraiser” more than a balance sheet overflowing with donations. Tell the story behind it and expand on how you got there.

Non-profit leaders will indeed be looking for hints of motivation in every word of the cover letter, but it is best to share an extra aspect of your expertise than an extra 4-5 subjective adjectives. You can be sure that all the less experienced applicants will be padding out their cover letters in this way in the hope of tugging on a hiring manager’s heart strings, but the only thing that matters is the meat of your story. Describe what you have done, and it will illuminate the direction of what you want to do.

Most Nonprofits either promote a cause and/or provide a service. If you are explicit and specific about how you promoted that cause or contributed to that service, no other words are necessary. Whether you were working for Doctors Without Borders or Human Rights Watch, your belief in what you did is taken for granted. It is what you did with that belief that will create a lasting impression and potentially set you apart from the competition.

If you are looking to enter the industry – share similar experiences

There are many roles that are unique to the Nonprofit industry. Few other industries have a demand for outreach coordinators, grant writers or directors of philanthropy (amongst many different work streams). At a senior level, experience within the role will be desirable, but for most job roles that will be a raft of transferable skills from other occupations. 

The Nonprofit sector needs fresh talent like any other, so if you feel that you have something to offer, don’t be shy. You can analyze how the cover letter sample attached to this guide bridges the gap between the finance community and Nonprofit work.

When you have a forensic understanding of the demands of each role, you can pull out aspects of your past experience that will show that you have carefully considered the move. Outreach work has much in common with sales and customer service activity, many writers will possess the tools to learn grant writings and top PR minds might relish the chance to become a Director of Philanthropy.

In any job application it is important to mirror the language of the company and the job description, and this is particularly important for a Nonprofit application.

The cover letter example we offered in this guide showcases a Nonprofit candidate that has experience in the financial sector. It therefore adopts a passionate but strictly professional tone, as the candidate should understand the precise nature of finance. The writing of the non-profit cover letter sample also balances on a fine line between altruistic, sincere yet slightly restrained language, as it’s important to showcase your reliability in this professional field.

While nonprofit roles will vary by industry (In the U.S. — 55% in healthcare, 14% in education and 12 in social assistance), it is essential to eschew the commercial language of profit and loss and talk in more community-led tones that are centered around the cause rather than the bottom line. 

This is one of the biggest challenges when you are moving from a commercial environment to a nonprofit. How you measure success will vary, but how you get there might actually be fairly similar. Look at how the responsibilities are worded in the job description and imagine yourself in the new job as you write the cover letter. Would the hiring manager reading it recognize the language as “one of their own” or would they think that it somehow doesn’t sound right?

There is an inescapable “them and us” scenario when someone is joining the Nonprofit sector from a commercial environment, but this can be softened by the language that you choose.

Basic mistakes in a nonprofit application letter (and how to avoid them)

It is sometimes easy to forget the basics when you are concentrating on the messaging of your letter, but even the best applications can be derailed if the basics of cover letter writing are not covered off.

  • Spelling and punctuation need to be perfect. Communication is key in the Nonprofit sector and in most functions maintaining a professional image is critical. Take great care with your spelling and grammar, as any small mistakes may cast an unfavorable light on other personal traits such as reliability and attention-to-detail. Frankly, checking and double checking your letter just shows that you care. Use a grammar checker.
  • Resist the urge to elaborate on details. When you have 300 words to summarize your story, it is easy to use up a few too many on your proudest highlights — at the expense of other nearly equally worthy feats. If you break up the text with bullet-pointed lists and keep the sentences and paragraphs short, it is eminently possible to pack lots of detail into what seems a small space.
  • Don’t be afraid to share your why as well as where you have been. While it is true that sharing your genuine experience and achievements is more important than flowery language and vague beliefs, coming up with a powerful one-liner that expresses who you are and “why” you go to work is always a powerful idea. If this is unique and resonates with you (and that you can back it up in an interview), then it is a mistake to omit it.

Key takeaways

  • Share the non-profit stories that have brought the most value to your causes.
  • Use the language of the non-profit industry and highlight your transferable skills.
  • Structure the letter to give a flow and a rhythm - make your story easy to read.
  • Pick examples that you will be able to expand upon further during an interview.

With the resume and cover letter templates from, you can rely on our expertly-researched templates to make the best possible impression on potential hiring managers. When the template looks great, you have already got the reader in a positive frame of mind. Hopefully this guide has also helped a little with the content.

Since Nonprofit roles are closely connected to organizational skills and project work, you can take a peek at the related business and management cover letter examples:

  • Project manager
  • Project coordinator

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump holds a campaign rally in Butler

Michael Biesecker, Associated Press Michael Biesecker, Associated Press

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How could a gunman get close enough to shoot and injure Trump? The Secret Service is investigating

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Secret Service is investigating how a gunman armed with an AR-style rifle was able to get close enough to shoot and injure former President Donald Trump at a rally Saturday in Pennsylvania, in a devastating failure of one of the agency’s core duties.

The FBI on Sunday identified the shooter as Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.

READ MORE: The FBI named a suspect in the Trump assassination attempt. Here’s what we know

The gunman, who officials said was killed by Secret Service personnel, fired multiple shots at the stage from an “elevated position outside of the rally venue,” the agency said.

An Associated Press analysis of more than a dozen videos and photos taken at the Trump rally, as well as satellite imagery of the site, shows the shooter was able to get astonishingly close to the stage where the former president was speaking. A video posted to social media and geolocated by the AP shows Crooks’ body lying motionless on the roof of a manufacturing plant just north of the Butler Farm Show grounds, where Trump’s rally was held. A different image shows Crooks wearing a gray T-shirt with a black American flag on the right arm, with a bloody wound to his head.

The roof was fewer than 150 meters (164 yards) from where Trump was speaking, a distance from which a decent marksman could reasonably hit a human-sized target. For reference, 150 meters is a distance at which U.S. Army recruits must hit a human-sized silhouette to qualify with the M16 assault rifle in basic training. The AR-style rifle, like that of the gunman at the Trump rally, is the semiautomatic civilian version of the military M16.

President Joe Biden said Sunday he has directed an independent review of the security at the rally.

Biden said he also directed the U.S. Secret Service to review all security measures for the Republican National Convention, which begins Monday in Milwaukee. Audrey Gibson-Cicchino, the Secret Service’s coordinator for the convention, told reporters later the agency was satisfied with what she called its comprehensive planning for the Republican convention.

Biden urged Americans not to make assumptions about the motive of the shooter. He said investigators are working swiftly to investigate the attack.

“Unity is the most elusive goal of all,” he said, but “nothing is more important than that right now.”

Calls for an investigation came from all sides.

READ MORE: 5 things to know about the Trump rally shooting

Rep. Mark Green, a Tennessee Republican who chairs the House Committee on Homeland Security, sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday raising questions about the shooting and demanding information about the former president’s Secret Service protection.

“The seriousness of this security failure and chilling moment in our nation’s history cannot be understated,” Green wrote.

The Secret Service did not have a speaker at a news conference Saturday night where FBI and Pennsylvania State Police officials briefed reporters on the shooting investigation. FBI Special Agent in Charge Kevin Rojek said it was “surprising” that the gunman was able to fire at the stage before he was killed.

Members of the Secret Service’s counter-sniper team and counterassault team were at the rally, according to two law enforcement officials. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to discuss details of the investigation.

The heavily armed counterassault team, whose Secret Service code name is “Hawkeye,” is responsible for eliminating threats so that other agents can shield and take away the person they are protecting. The counter-sniper team, known by the code name “Hercules,” uses long-range binoculars and is equipped with sniper rifles to deal with long-range threats.

Snipers on a roof at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign rally in Butler

Snipers stand on a roof at Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024 in this picture obtained from social media. Glen Van Tryfle/TMX via Reuters

Mayorkas said his department and the Secret Service are working with law enforcement to investigate the shooting. Maintaining the security of presidential candidates and their campaign events is one of the department’s “most vital priorities,” he said.

“We condemn this violence in the strongest possible terms and commend the Secret Service for their swift action today,” Mayorkas said. “We are engaged with President Biden, former President Trump and their campaigns, and are taking every possible measure to ensure their safety and security.“

Green also noted reports that the Secret Service had rebuffed requests from the Trump campaign for additional security. A spokesman for the Secret Service, Anthony Guglielmi, said on X Sunday that those allegations were “absolutely false” and that they had added resources and technology as the campaign’s travel increased.

Green said he would be talking with Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle on Sunday.

READ MORE: Global leaders condemn assassination attempt targeting Trump

Former top Secret Service agents told The AP that Crooks should never have been allowed to gain access to the roof, and the agency will have to figure out how that happened. They said such a lapse could have been caused by officers neglecting their posts or a flaw in the event’s security plan.

The agency is “going to have to go through the security plan and interview a number of people from the director on down” to figure out what went wrong, said Stephen Colo, who retired in 2003 as an assistant director after a 27-year career in the service.

Investigation begins after gunfire during a campaign rally by Trump in Butler

A drone view shows the stage where Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump had been standing during an assassination attempt the day before, and the roof of a nearby building where a gunman was shot dead by law enforcement, in Butler, Pennsylvania, July 14, 2024. Photo by Carlos Osorio/Reuters

Colo said presidential candidates and former presidents don’t typically get the same level of protection as the sitting president. In fact, Colo said he was surprised that the agency had staffed the event with a counter-sniper team. Such a valuable resource — there are not many of those highly trained agents — is usually reserved for the president. Candidates don’t usually get such teams.

Timothy McCarthy, a former agent who retired from the agency in 1994, said the Secret Service “better be doing a deep dive into what happened there and doing whatever it takes to figure it out” because the gunman should not have been able to occupy such a vantage point.

“How did that person get up on that building?” said McCarthy, 75, who in 1981 took a bullet when President Ronald Reagan was shot outside the Washington Hilton Hotel. “How did that happen? I mean, that’s the key to the entire thing. And what measures were put in place to prevent it?”

READ MORE: What political leaders have said about the Trump rally shooting

James Comer, a Kentucky Republican who is the House Oversight Committee chairman, said he contacted the Secret Service for a briefing and called on Cheatle to appear for a hearing. Comer said his committee will send a formal invitation soon.

“Political violence in all forms is un-American and unacceptable. There are many questions and Americans demand answers,” Comer said in a statement.

U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres, a New York Democrat, called for investigating “security failures” at the rally.

“The federal government must constantly learn from security failures in order to avoid repeating them, especially when those failures have implications for the nation,” Torres said.

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, posted on X that he and his staff are in contact with security planning coordinators ahead of the Republican National Convention set to begin Monday in Milwaukee. “We cannot be a country that accepts political violence of any kind — that is not who we are as Americans,” Evers said.

The FBI said it will lead the investigation into the shooting, working with the Secret Service and local and state law enforcement.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department “will bring every available resource to bear to this investigation.”

“My heart is with the former President, those injured, and the family of the spectator killed in this horrific attack,” Garland said in a statement. “We will not tolerate violence of any kind, and violence like this is an attack on our democracy.”

Associated Press writers Del Quentin Wilber, Colleen Long and Zeke Miller in Washington contributed to this report.

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The Alzheimer’s Association is a worldwide voluntary health organization dedicated to Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Our mission is to lead the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer's and all other dementia®. Visit or call 800.272.3900.

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FEMA Urges Public to Stay on Alert, Stands Ready to Support Tropical Storm Beryl

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WASHINGTON -- As the first major hurricane of the season sets the tone for heightened storm activity in the coming months, FEMA pre-positioned personnel on the ground in Texas to support state-led response efforts while Tropical Storm Beryl continues its path along the Texas coast and further inland.  

Prior to the hurricane’s landfall, FEMA staged commodities and critical supplies, including 500,000 meals and 800,000 liters of water, that are ready to distribute at the state’s request. FEMA also has 60 generators on-site to provide power to critical infrastructure, if needed. To ensure communication capabilities on the ground, FEMA has two Mobile Emergency Response Support vehicles prepared to support.  

People in the storm’s path are still encouraged to remain vigilant and listen to their local officials, as the storm continues to move inland. 

Federal and State Response Efforts 

FEMA has over 60 staff embedded with the state who stand ready to support response operations as needed. 

The U.S. Coast Guard is on standby with boats and aircraft to assist search and rescue activities as well as reconstitute ports as it becomes safe to do so. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has an Emergency Power Planning and Response Team on the ground to assist with any temporary emergency power needs to critical public facilities. 

The State of Texas currently has more than 2,000 responders and 850 assets rostered and deployed in support of the state’s response to anticipated impacts from the storm. The state continues to take action to provide all available resources to help support local communities in need. For more information, visit:  Hurricane Beryl ( .   

Non-profit Partner Support  

The Salvation Army has mobilized an Emergency Disaster Services team focused on providing feeding, emotional and spiritual care and has 35,000 meals ready for storm survivors. In addition, the American Red Cross has deployed hundreds of trained disaster workers and truckloads of relief supplies, along with numerous emergency response vehicles, to impacted areas. Team Rubicon’s domestic teams have more than 16,000 local volunteers standing by. 

Stay Safe After Tropical Storm Beryl 

Residents and visitors affected by the storm should be aware of continued risks and should not walk, swim or drive through flood waters. 

Residents should continue to closely monitor the path of the storm and follow instructions from local officials.

  • Stay off the roads.  Emergency workers may be assisting people in flooded areas or cleaning up debris. People can help them by staying off the roads and out of the way.  
  • Don’t drive through flood waters.  Almost half of all flash flood deaths happen in vehicles. When driving, look out for flooding in low lying areas at bridges and at highway dips. As little as 6 inches of water may cause people to lose control of their vehicle. 
  • Do not walk or wade in flood waters. The water may be contaminated by oil, gasoline or raw sewage. It may also include dangerous wildlife. For flooded basements, people should never attempt to turn off power or operate circuit breakers while standing in water. Wear gloves and sturdy thick-soled shoes. Do not try to remove heavy debris alone.  
  • Avoid downed power or utility lines. Consider all downed lines live with deadly voltage. Stay away and report them immediately to the power or utility company. 

As power outages continue to affect the area, FEMA urges residents and business owners to follow these tips to stay safe: 

  • Use generators safely. Generators can be helpful when the power goes out. It is important to know how to use them safely to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning and other hazards. Only use them outdoors and away from windows. 
  • Keep freezers and refrigerators closed. A refrigerator will keep food cold for about four hours and a full freezer will keep the temperature for about 48 hours. 
  • Disconnect appliances and electronics.  Turn off or disconnect appliances, equipment or electronics. Power may return with momentary surges or spikes that can cause damage.

For additional information on staying safe during and after disasters, visit or  in Spanish language.

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Guest Essay

George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee.

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By George Clooney

Mr. Clooney is an actor, director and film producer.

I’m a lifelong Democrat; I make no apologies for that. I’m proud of what my party represents and what it stands for. As part of my participation in the democratic process and in support of my chosen candidate, I have led some of the biggest fund-raisers in my party’s history. Barack Obama in 2012 . Hillary Clinton in 2016 . Joe Biden in 2020 . Last month I co-hosted the single largest fund-raiser supporting any Democratic candidate ever, for President Biden’s re-election. I say all of this only to express how much I believe in this process and how profound I think this moment is.

I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As a vice president and as president. I consider him a friend, and I believe in him. Believe in his character. Believe in his morals. In the last four years, he’s won many of the battles he’s faced.

But the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can. It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “ big F-ing deal ” Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.

Was he tired? Yes. A cold? Maybe. But our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn’t see what we just saw. We’re all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we’ve opted to ignore every warning sign. The George Stephanopoulos interview only reinforced what we saw the week before. As Democrats, we collectively hold our breath or turn down the volume whenever we see the president, whom we respect, walk off Air Force One or walk back to a mic to answer an unscripted question.

Is it fair to point these things out? It has to be. This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president. On top of that, we won’t win the House, and we’re going to lose the Senate. This isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and Congress member and governor who I’ve spoken with in private. Every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly.

We love to talk about how the Republican Party has ceded all power, and all of the traits that made it so formidable with Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, to a single person who seeks to hold on to the presidency, and yet most of our members of Congress are opting to wait and see if the dam breaks. But the dam has broken. We can put our heads in the sand and pray for a miracle in November, or we can speak the truth.

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Non-Profit Cover Letter

Cover letter maker.

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Navigating the non-profit sector requires a blend of passion and professionalism. Our guide on “Non-Profit Cover Letter Examples, How to Write, Tips” offers you a comprehensive toolkit to stand out in this noble field. Discover meticulously crafted cover letter samples specifically tailored for non-profits, coupled with step-by-step writing instructions. Plus, arm yourself with invaluable tips to ensure your application truly resonates with your dedication to cause and community. Elevate your non-profit journey today!

What is a Non-Profit Cover Letter?

A non-profit cover letter is a formal written document accompanying a job application targeted towards non-profit organizations. Given the unique nature of the non-profit sector, which emphasizes mission-driven work, community impact, and volunteer experiences, this great cover letter highlights not only the applicant’s professional qualifications but also their passion, commitment to the cause, and alignment with the organization’s values and objectives.

What is the Best Example of a Non-Profit Cover Letter

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Job Title] [Non-Profit Organization’s Name] [Organization’s Address] [City, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my deep interest in the [Specific Role] position at [Non-Profit Organization’s Name], as advertised on [Where You Found the Job Posting]. With [Number of Years] years of experience in [Relevant Field or Role], coupled with my genuine passion for [Specific Cause the Organization Works On], I am eager to bring my skills and commitment to your esteemed organization.

At my previous role with [Former Employer or Non-Profit Name], I successfully [Specific Achievement, e.g., “coordinated a nationwide fundraising campaign that raised over $500,000 for children’s education”]. This experience taught me the importance of [Specific Skill or Value, e.g., “collaboration and strategic planning in mission-driven work”]. Moreover, my volunteer stint at [Another Non-Profit or Relevant Experience] deepened my understanding of [A Specific Issue or Aspect Related to the Organization’s Cause, e.g., “the challenges faced by marginalized communities in accessing quality healthcare”].

What excites me most about the possibility of joining [Non-Profit Organization’s Name] is your innovative approach to [Specific Initiative or Project of the Organization, e.g., “sustainable community development”]. I believe that my experience in [Relevant Experience, e.g., “grassroots mobilization and donor engagement”] aligns perfectly with your organization’s goals and would allow me to contribute effectively to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss how my skills, experience, and passion for [Cause] align with [Non-Profit Organization’s Name]’s mission and needs. Please feel free to reach me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] to schedule a conversation.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Non-Profit Cover Letter

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Free Non Profit Cover Letters – Copy & Paste

Non profit cover letter format.

A non-profit cover letter format establishes the structure and presentation of content, allowing candidates to highlight their passion for making a difference, aligned with the organization’s mission and values.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient Name] [Organization’s Name] [Organization’s Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient Name],

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the [Specific Role] at [Organization’s Name]. With a strong background in [relevant experience, e.g., “community engagement”] and a deep passion for [specific aspect of non-profit work, e.g., “child welfare”], I am eager to contribute to your esteemed organization and further its mission.

My experience at [Previous Organization or University Name] has equipped me with the necessary skills to thrive in a non-profit environment. Collaborating with diverse teams and managing projects under tight deadlines are challenges I approach with determination and enthusiasm.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to discuss in detail how my skills and experiences align with the needs of [Organization’s Name].

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Non Profit Cover Letter Format

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Non Profit Cover Letter for Entry Level Position Example

This cover letter for fresher or entry level candidates emphasizes passion, potential, and transferable skills, focusing less on direct experience and more on eagerness to contribute and grow within the non-profit sector.

As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Specific Degree, e.g., “Social Work”], I am eager to apply my academic knowledge and volunteer experiences to a full-time role in the non-profit sector. Your recent opening for an entry-level position at [Organization’s Name] immediately caught my attention due to its alignment with both my personal and professional aspirations.

During my time at [University Name], I volunteered with [Relevant Volunteer Group], where I learned the importance of [specific non-profit activity, e.g., “community outreach”]. While I may be at the start of my professional journey, my dedication, adaptability, and keen interest in [specific non-profit focus, e.g., “education reform”] make me a valuable asset.

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I am excited about the potential to kick-start my non-profit career at [Organization’s Name] and contribute meaningfully to your mission.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Non Profit Cover Letter for Entry Level Position Example

Non Profit Cover Letter for Program Coordinator Example

This cover letter targets program coordination roles in non-profits, emphasizing project management skills, collaboration, and the ability to oversee and execute programs aligned with the organization’s objectives.

I am writing to express my interest in the Program Coordinator role at [Organization’s Name], a position that aligns perfectly with my professional journey over the past [X years]. My background in program development, coupled with a passion for [specific non-profit focus], positions me as an ideal candidate.

In my previous role at [Previous Organization’s Name], I successfully coordinated and launched [specific program, e.g., “an adult literacy initiative”], impacting over [specific number] of beneficiaries. This involved everything from liaising with stakeholders to ensuring the program ran efficiently and achieved its objectives.

I look forward to potentially coordinating impactful programs at [Organization’s Name] and am available for further discussions on how I can bring value.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name]

Non Profit Cover Letter for Program Coordinator Example

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Non Profit Cover Letter for NGO Program Officer Example

This letter showcases the candidate’s ability to manage, strategize, and implement programs for NGOs, indicating understanding of the unique challenges and requirements in the NGO sector.

With [X years] of experience serving as a program officer for notable NGOs like [Previous NGO’s Name], I am keen to bring my expertise in strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, and program management to [Organization’s Name]. Your recent endeavors in [specific focus, e.g., “clean water initiatives”] deeply resonate with my professional and personal values.

My tenure at [Previous NGO’s Name] involved overseeing [specific task, e.g., “the deployment of clean water solutions to remote regions”], directly benefiting over [specific number] of households.

I am eager to further the mission of [Organization’s Name] and am excited about the prospect of discussing the mutual benefits of my potential involvement.

Non Profit Cover Letter for NGO Program Officer Example

Non Profit Executive Cover Letter Example

An executive-level cover letter , emphasizing leadership skills, vision alignment with the non-profit’s goals, and a proven track record of impactful decision-making in senior roles.

As an experienced non-profit executive with over [X years] of dedicated service in leadership roles, I am reaching out regarding the executive position at [Organization’s Name]. Your organization’s commitment to [specific mission or cause] aligns seamlessly with my professional trajectory and personal values.

During my role as [Specific Previous Role, e.g., “CEO at Charity ABC”], I led a team of over [X number] and managed projects with budgets exceeding [specific amount], ensuring not only fiscal responsibility but also the alignment of all initiatives with our core mission.

I am confident in my ability to provide visionary leadership to [Organization’s Name], and I would be honored to discuss the future and potential synergies further.

Kind regards, [Your Name]

Non Profit Executive Cover Letter Example

NGO Volunteer Cover Letter Example

This cover letter exemplifies passion for social causes, highlights relevant volunteer experiences, and showcases an individual’s dedication to the NGO’s mission and vision.

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

As someone deeply passionate about [specific cause, e.g., “child welfare”], I was thrilled to find the volunteer opportunity at [NGO’s Name]. With my extensive background in community service and leadership roles, I’m eager to contribute to your organization’s impactful work.

In my time with [Previous NGO/Charity Name], I coordinated community outreach programs that reached over 5,000 residents, fostering understanding and support for our initiatives. This experience ingrained in me the skills and patience necessary for grassroots mobilization, which I believe will be beneficial in your upcoming campaigns.

What resonates with me most about [NGO’s Name] is your commitment to [specific detail about the NGO]. I’m genuinely eager to contribute my energy, time, and skills to further this cause.

Thank you for considering my application. I’m looking forward to the possibility of contributing to [NGO’s Name].

Sincerely, [Your Name]

NGO Volunteer Cover Letter Example

CFO Cover Letter Example

A cover letter that reflects a seasoned financial leader’s capabilities, emphasizing strategic financial management, teamwork, and contributions to business growth.

Having spearheaded financial operations in [Previous Company’s Name] for the past [number] years, I am writing to express my interest in the Chief Financial Officer position at [Company’s Name]. My expertise in financial strategy formulation, combined with my collaborative approach, positions me as a prime candidate for your team.

Under my leadership at [Previous Company], we achieved a 30% reduction in operational costs and increased profitability by 20% within two years. This was a result of an innovative restructuring strategy I introduced, emphasizing efficiency and cost-saving. I also played a pivotal role in securing investments worth $50M, ensuring our company’s robust growth trajectory.

Your company’s reputation for [specific trait, e.g., “innovation in financial technology”] is particularly appealing to me. I’m eager to bring my strategic financial insights to foster [Company’s Name]’s growth and profitability.

I appreciate your time and consideration. I’d be delighted to discuss in detail how my expertise aligns with your company’s goals.

CFO Cover Letter Example

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Cover Letter for Fundraising Example

This letter captures the skills of an experienced fundraiser, demonstrating abilities in donor relations, event management, and campaign execution.

With a track record of raising over [$X amount] for various causes during my career, I am excited about the opportunity to lead fundraising efforts at [Organization’s Name]. My ability to connect with donors and craft compelling narratives has consistently resulted in successful fundraising campaigns.

During my tenure at [Previous Organization], I orchestrated a gala event that not only raised [$X amount] but also significantly increased our donor base. My strength lies in creating innovative strategies that resonate with our target audience, fostering trust and encouraging consistent contributions.

I’m keen to bring my fundraising acumen to [Organization’s Name] and contribute to [specific cause or project of the organization]. I value the chance to discuss how my skills can support your organization’s vision.

Cover Letter for Fundraising Example

Size: 27 KB

Non Profit Executive Director Cover Letter Example

A executive cover letter embodying leadership, vision, and a deep commitment to the mission of nonprofit organizations.

Dear [Board’s Name/ Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the Executive Director position at [Organization’s Name]. With over [number] years steering nonprofit organizations, I have cultivated a blend of leadership, strategic planning, and passion for [specific cause, e.g., “education for underprivileged children”].

Under my direction at [Previous Organization], we expanded our outreach programs by 40%, touching the lives of thousands more. I believe in fostering a culture of collaboration, ensuring that every stakeholder, from staff to beneficiaries, works towards a unified vision.

I am deeply inspired by [Organization’s Name]’s mission and would be honored to contribute my leadership and vision to further its reach and impact.

Thank you for your consideration. I’m eager to explore the synergy between my experience and the future goals of [Organization’s Name].

Best wishes, [Your Name]

Non Profit Executive Director Cover Letter Example

Non Profit Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

An administrative cover letter letter showcasing the skills for a nonprofit setting, focusing on organizational capabilities, program support, and dedication to the cause.

Upon learning about the Administrative Assistant position at [Organization’s Name], I was immediately compelled to apply. Having served as an administrative backbone for [Previous Organization’s Name] for over [number] years, I am adept at streamlining processes, supporting program management, and ensuring seamless daily operations.

I played a key role in organizing our annual [specific event, e.g., “charity walkathon”], coordinating logistics, managing participant communications, and handling event-related administration. My commitment to [specific cause, e.g., “environmental conservation”] mirrors that of [Organization’s Name], and I am enthusiastic about contributing to your team.

I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills can benefit [Organization’s Name]. Thank you for considering my application.

Warmly, [Your Name]

Non Profit Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

Non Profit Program Director Cover Letter Example

This letter emphasizes a candidate’s experience in program development, stakeholder engagement, and impact evaluation in the nonprofit sector.

I am reaching out to express my genuine interest in the Program Director role at [Organization’s Name]. With a history of conceptualizing, executing, and refining programs that have made tangible differences in communities, I am eager to bring my expertise to your esteemed organization.

At [Previous Organization], I initiated a [specific program, e.g., “youth mentorship program”] that served over 500 individuals in its first year, with 90% reporting improved [specific metric, e.g., “academic performance”]. My approach involves continuous feedback loops with beneficiaries, ensuring our programs remain relevant and impactful.

I am drawn to [Organization’s Name] because of its dedication to [specific cause or mission]. I would be thrilled to lead and enhance programs that align with this mission, amplifying the organization’s positive footprint.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am excited about the potential to collaborate and drive impactful initiatives at [Organization’s Name].

Non Profit Program Director Cover Letter Example

Non Profit Manager Cover Letter Example

A manager cover letter tailored for a non-profit indstry role emphasizes leadership, program management, fundraising experience, and a commitment to the organization’s cause.

I am writing to express my passion for driving positive change and my desire to bring my management experience to the role of Non-Profit Manager at [Organization’s Name]. With over [number of years, e.g., “five years”] in nonprofit leadership roles, I have honed my skills in program development, stakeholder engagement, and fundraising strategy.

In my previous role at [Previous Organization Name], I led a team that boosted fundraising efforts by 25% in a year, directly impacting our outreach programs and community services. Collaborating with both local businesses and international donors, I ensured that resources were efficiently utilized to serve our mission and that our message resonated globally.

Your organization’s commitment to [specific cause or mission, e.g., “child education in underserved communities”] aligns with my personal and professional values. I’m eager to bring my managerial prowess and passion to foster growth at [Organization’s Name] and ensure that we continue to create a significant impact.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with your esteemed organization.

Non Profit Manager Cover Letter Example

Non Profit Cover Letter for Job Application Example

This cover letter for job application is a general expression of interest in a non-profit role, showcasing one’s skills, experience, and alignment with the organization’s mission.

As an avid supporter of [specific cause, e.g., “sustainable agricultural practices”], I was thrilled to find an opening for the [specific role, e.g., “Program Coordinator”] position at [Organization’s Name]. My experience in project management, combined with my deep commitment to driving change, makes me a perfect fit for this role.

I’ve had the privilege to work with teams at [Previous Organization Name], where we pioneered initiatives that [specific achievement, e.g., “reduced food waste by partnering with local farmers and communities”]. This experience ingrained in me the importance of holistic approaches in non-profit efforts.

Your organization’s innovative methods have always been an inspiration. Joining your team would be a significant step in my journey to make tangible differences in our community. I am excited to contribute my skills and learn from esteemed professionals like you.

I appreciate your time and consideration. Hoping for an opportunity to further discuss my suitability for the role.

Best wishes,

Non Profit Cover Letter for Job Application Example

Non Profit Cover Letter for Resume Example

This resume cover letter serves as an introduction accompanying a resume, summarizing one’s qualifications and highlighting alignment with the non-profit’s goals.

Enclosed is my resume for the [specific role, e.g., “Outreach Specialist”] position at [Organization’s Name]. With a background in community engagement and a track record of [specific achievement, e.g., “establishing partnerships with five local schools for our educational programs”], I am keen on contributing to your esteemed organization.

Your commitment to [specific cause, e.g., “empowering underprivileged women”] resonates with my personal mission. At [Previous Organization Name], I had firsthand experience seeing the transformative power of community-driven initiatives.

I believe my experiences align well with the objectives of [Organization’s Name], and I am eager to bring my skills to your dynamic team.

Thank you for reviewing my application. I look forward to the prospect of working together.

Kind regards,

Non Profit Cover Letter for Resume Example

Non Profit Cover Letter for Grant Proposal Example

This cover letter introduces a grant proposal, emphasizing the organization’s impact, need for funds, and alignment with the grant’s objectives.

Dear [Grant Committee or Foundation’s Name],

I’m writing on behalf of [Your Organization’s Name] to introduce our grant proposal for our project titled “[Project Name]”, aimed at [project’s mission, e.g., “providing clean drinking water to rural communities”]. We have recognized a dire need for [specific cause], and with your support, we believe we can make a tangible difference.

Our organization has successfully executed [previous similar project or achievement], directly benefiting [number, e.g., “over 2,000 individuals”]. This grant would allow us to expand our reach and make our solutions sustainable in the long run.

We are confident that our objectives align with [Grant Committee or Foundation’s Name]’s vision. Your partnership would be invaluable in furthering our shared mission.

Enclosed is our detailed proposal. I eagerly await your feedback and hope for a positive collaboration.

[Your Name, Position]

Non Profit Cover Letter for Grant Proposal Example

Charity Cover Letter Example

This cover letter is tailored for roles within charity organizations, emphasizing one’s dedication to charitable causes and relevant experiences.

The admirable work of [Charity Organization’s Name] in [specific achievement or mission, e.g., “providing medical aid to war-torn regions”] has always inspired me. I am writing to express my keen interest in contributing to your mission as a [specific role, e.g., “Fundraising Coordinator”].

My experience at [Previous Charity Name] taught me the intricacies of donor management and event coordination. I spearheaded a campaign that raised [amount, e.g., “$50,000”] in just three months, funds that were pivotal for our [specific initiative, e.g., “mobile clinic services in rural areas”].

I am eager to bring my expertise to [Charity Organization’s Name] and support the incredible work you do. I’m confident that together, we can achieve remarkable feats.

Thank you for considering my application. I am hopeful for the opportunity to join your team and further the cause we’re both passionate about.

Charity Cover Letter Example

Non Profit Cover Letter for Internship Example

This internship cover letter is for those seeking internships within non-profit organizations, showcasing one’s eagerness to learn and contribute.

As a student of [Your Major, e.g., “Social Work”] at [Your University], I’ve always been drawn to making a positive societal impact. The internship program at [Organization’s Name] presents a perfect opportunity for me to merge my academic learnings with practical experience. I am enthusiastic about joining your team as an intern.

While I am still at the early stages of my career, my role as [previous related experience, e.g., “a volunteer coordinator for our university’s community outreach program”] has given me a glimpse into the transformative work non-profits can achieve.

I am confident that an internship at [Organization’s Name] will not only enrich my professional journey but also allow me to contribute meaningfully to your ongoing projects.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the potential of growing under the guidance of your esteemed organization.

Best regards,

Non Profit Cover Letter for Internship Example

Volunteer Cover Letter Example

This cover letter is tailored for volunteer positions, highlighting one’s dedication to the cause and eagerness to contribute without monetary compensation.

Passion for [specific cause, e.g., “animal welfare”] has driven me to seek out opportunities where I can make a difference. I am writing to express my desire to volunteer at [Organization’s Name], an organization I deeply admire for its commitment to [specific mission or initiative, e.g., “rescuing and rehabilitating stray animals”].

During my time at [previous experience or organization, e.g., “City Animal Shelter”], I witnessed the profound impact that dedicated volunteers can have. While there, I [specific task or achievement, e.g., “helped rehome over 100 animals and assisted in their medical care”].

By volunteering at [Organization’s Name], I hope to further support the cause close to my heart and make a positive impact in any way I can.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to start this journey of service and learning with your organization.

Warm wishes,

Volunteer Cover Letter Example

Environmental Non-Profit Cover Letter Example

This cover letter emphasizes passion for environmental causes, relevant experiences, and a commitment to sustainable practices, which are essential traits for a role within an environmental non-profit organization.

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my profound interest in the [Specific Position] at [Organization’s Name], an organization I deeply admire for its commitment to environmental preservation and sustainable change. Having spent over five years in the realm of environmental advocacy, I’m eager to contribute to your impactful initiatives.

At [Previous Organization], I spearheaded a city-wide tree planting campaign, which resulted in the planting of over 10,000 trees in a span of two years. This initiative not only positively impacted our city’s air quality but also fortified my belief in grassroots movements and their potential for genuine change.

I’m particularly impressed by [Organization’s Name]’s recent initiative [Specific Initiative/Program], and I see a wonderful alignment between your goals and my experience in community mobilization and project management. My adeptness in partnering with local communities, stakeholders, and volunteers can further amplify the reach and success of such campaigns.

Joining [Organization’s Name] would not just be a professional move, but a personal commitment to an ethos I deeply resonate with. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to be part of a team that drives significant environmental progress and am confident that my experience and passion will be valuable assets.

Thank you for considering my application. I eagerly anticipate the possibility of contributing to the vision and mission of [Organization’s Name].

Environmental Non-Profit Cover Letter Example

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Support Specialist Example

This cover letter highlights the candidate’s expertise in offering support, coordination, and administrative skills essential for a Support Specialist role within a non-profit setting.

I am reaching out to express my strong interest in the Support Specialist position at [Organization’s Name]. With my extensive background in administrative support and project management, coupled with my passion for [Specific Cause the Non-Profit Supports], I am confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully to your team.

In my previous role at [Previous Organization], I effectively coordinated between departments, ensuring smooth communication and timely execution of projects. My proficiency in utilizing tools like [Specific Tools e.g., ‘Salesforce and Microsoft Suite’] allowed me to streamline processes, enhancing team efficiency and donor relations. Furthermore, my ability to empathize and communicate has always enabled me to provide exceptional support to all stakeholders involved.

I’m particularly inspired by [Organization’s Name]’s work in [Specific Project or Initiative], and I see immense potential for me to bring in my skills in donor communication and database management to further enhance this project.

I am eager to bring my proven record of professional excellence to [Organization’s Name] and assist in amplifying the incredible work you do. I’m available for an interview at your earliest convenience and look forward to the possibility of contributing to your esteemed organization.

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Support Specialist Example

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Board Member Position Example

Targeted for senior professionals, this cover letter emphasizes leadership, strategic insight, and a commitment to the organization’s cause, essential for a Board Member position.

Dear [Board’s Chairperson’s Name],

I am writing to express my sincere interest in serving as a Board Member for [Organization’s Name]. With over [Number of Years, e.g., ‘fifteen years’] of experience in the non-profit sector and a strong commitment to [Specific Cause the Non-Profit Supports], I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to provide strategic leadership and guidance to an organization I deeply respect.

During my tenure as [Previous Position, e.g., ‘CEO’] of [Previous Organization], I led our team through a transformative phase, expanding our outreach by 300% and doubling our annual fundraising. I believe that my skills in governance, strategic planning, and stakeholder management can be invaluable to [Organization’s Name]’s future endeavors.

I’ve long admired [Organization’s Name]’s commitment to [Specific Cause or Initiative] and believe that my professional background, coupled with my passion for the cause, can bring a unique perspective to your board.

I am honored to consider contributing at such a pivotal level to [Organization’s Name] and would be available for any further discussions or clarity you might seek regarding my candidacy.

With gratitude, [Your Name]

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Board Member Position Example

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Philanthropy Position Example

Focused on donor relations and fundraising, this cover letter emphasizes the candidate’s success in fundraising campaigns, relationship-building, and alignment with the organization’s philanthropic goals.

I am reaching out to express my deep interest in the [Specific Position, e.g., ‘Director of Philanthropy’] role at [Organization’s Name]. With a decade-long career in fundraising and donor relations, I believe I can significantly contribute to your organization’s philanthropic objectives.

At [Previous Organization], I led a team that raised over [$ Specific Amount, e.g., ‘$2 million’] in donations over two years, setting a new record in our organization’s history. This achievement was not just about numbers but building and nurturing relationships with donors, understanding their motivations, and aligning their philanthropic desires with our goals.

I’m particularly inspired by [Organization’s Name]’s recent [Specific Project or Campaign], seeing it as an opportunity where my skills in donor engagement and campaign strategy could greatly benefit the cause.

I am passionate about making a difference, and I see [Organization’s Name] as the perfect avenue to channel this passion and my professional expertise. I would cherish the opportunity to further discuss how I can be a part of your team.

Warm wishes, [Your Name]

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Example

This cover letter is geared towards professionals aiming to bridge corporate and non-profit sectors. It underscores the candidate’s expertise in CSR initiatives, partnerships, and sustainable business practices.

I am writing to convey my keen interest in the [Specific Position, e.g., ‘CSR Manager’] role at [Organization’s Name]. With an extensive background in both the corporate sector and non-profit worlds, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact that well-executed CSR initiatives can have.

During my role as [Previous Position, e.g., ‘Head of CSR Initiatives’] at [Previous Company], I successfully onboarded five major corporate partners, leading to sustainable projects that impacted over 10,000 beneficiaries. I understand the nuances of corporate dynamics and how to align them with non-profit objectives, ensuring a win-win for all stakeholders involved.

I’ve always admired [Organization’s Name]’s approach to CSR, especially your recent collaboration with [Specific Corporate Partner or Initiative]. I believe my experience in fostering corporate partnerships and my passion for sustainable development can contribute immensely to your team.

I am eager to explore the opportunity to blend my corporate insights with the noble cause of [Organization’s Name]. I look forward to the chance of discussing my potential contributions to your esteemed organization.

Non-Profit Cover Letter for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Example

How do I write a cover letter for a non-profit? – Step by Step Guide

1. Understand the Organization’s Mission and Values:

Before you begin writing, take the time to research and understand the non-profit’s mission, goals, and core values. Familiarizing yourself with their initiatives will help you align your cover letter with their objectives.

2. Start Strong:

Your opening should be compelling. Address the hiring manager by name if possible. Clearly state the position you’re applying for and succinctly mention why you’re a perfect fit.

3. Highlight Relevant Experience:

Describe your past roles, emphasizing experiences that resonate with the non-profit sector. Whether it’s fundraising, event planning, or community outreach, demonstrate how your skills can benefit the organization.

4. Showcase Your Passion:

Non-profits want employees who are passionate about their cause. Share personal experiences or motivations that align with the organization’s mission. This shows your genuine interest and dedication.

5. Emphasize Soft Skills:

Skills such as empathy, teamwork, and communication are highly valued in the non-profit sector. Provide examples of how you’ve utilized these skills in previous roles.

6. Tailor Your Tone:

While maintaining professionalism, adopt a tone that mirrors the organization’s culture. Some non-profits may appreciate a more informal, heartfelt tone, while others might prefer a more structured, formal approach.

7. End with a Strong Closing:

Thank the hiring manager for their time and express eagerness to discuss further how you can contribute to the organization’s cause.

8. Proofread:

Errors can undermine your credibility. Review your cover letter several times and consider having someone else proofread it too.

How long should a cover letter be for a nonprofit?

A cover letter for a non-profit should ideally be one page in length, comprising of three to four concise paragraphs. While you want to provide essential details, remember that hiring managers often skim through applications due to the volume they receive. Be succinct and compelling, ensuring every sentence adds value.

Tips for Writing a Non-Profit Cover Letter:

1. Be Authentic:

Non-profits value sincerity. Avoid generic statements. Instead, share genuine experiences and motivations that connect you to the cause.

2. Highlight Transferable Skills:

If you’re transitioning from the corporate sector, emphasize skills that can be beneficial in a non-profit setting, such as project management, team leadership, or stakeholder engagement.

3. Use Quantifiable Achievements:

Support your claims with numbers. Instead of saying “I raised funds for a project,” mention “I spearheaded a campaign that raised $50,000 in three months.”

4. Showcase Knowledge about Grants (if relevant):

If you’re applying for a role related to fundraising or grant writing, demonstrate your understanding of the grant application process, donor relations, or any specific successes you’ve had in securing funding.

5. Address Organizational Fit:

Highlight how your values align with the organization. This not only shows that you’ve done your homework but also that you see a long-term commitment.

6. Avoid Jargon:

While you might be familiar with industry-specific terms, remember that the person reading your letter might not be. Aim for clarity.

7. Follow Instructions:

If the job posting specifies certain points to address or document format, ensure you follow these guidelines. This shows attention to detail and respect for the application process.

8. Display Cultural Sensitivity:

If the non-profit works with diverse communities or internationally, show your understanding and respect for cultural differences.

9. Call to Action:

End your letter by expressing your desire for an interview or further discussion, prompting the hiring manager to take the next step.

Remember, a cover letter for a non-profit should resonate with the organization’s values and demonstrate both your professional competencies and your passion for the cause.


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  1. Non Profit Cover Letter: Samples & Ready-To-Use Templates

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  2. A Convincing and Memorable Non-Profit Cover Letter Example

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  3. Reddit Cover Letter Template

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  4. Sample Cover Letter For Nonprofit Job

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  5. Non Profit Cover Letter: Sample, Template & Writing Tips

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  6. Cover Letter Examples For Nonprofit Organizations : I'm deeply

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  1. Cover letter advice : r/nonprofit

    You should churn through cover letters in 15 minutes. Paragraph 1 is why you want the job, 5 sentences top, Paragraph 2 is why you're qualified for the job, another 5 sentences max, and Paragraph 3 is just your contact info. Here's the thing about jobs in the npo sector, they're still jobs.

  2. Cover letters, people! : r/nonprofit

    I can teach you what you need to do in a development department, but I don't have the time to teach you how to write and communicate effectively! If you can't tell me your experience and why you want to work for my nonprofit in a few paragraphs, into the no pile you go. I most likely won't even look at your resume. 2.

  3. r/nonprofit on Reddit: Looking for cover letter advice as a soon-to-be

    I also haven't found many examples of cover letters for nonprofits, which makes me more stressed in trying to write one. For clarity, I meet the qualifications for the jobs I'm looking for, but I still feel that my cover letter is supposed to show my strength as an applicant beyond just the bare bones hiring requirements.

  4. Non Profit Cover Letter: Sample, Template & Writing Tips

    Below you'll find a free non profit cover letter sample, template, and writing tips to give you the best shot of landing your dream role. A well-written cover letter is essential to landing the non profit job you want. Your cover letter is the best way to showcase your sense of altruism, commitment, and passion for the causes you want to work ...

  5. Nonprofit Cover Letter Sample & Writing Guide (15+ Tips)

    Here's how to write a cover letter for nonprofit jobs: 1. Stick to the standard business letter format. Margins: one-inch. Spacing: 1.15. Font: one of the classics (Arial, Verdana, Georgia, etc.); 11 to 12 pt-sized. See more: Cover Letter Format Rules. 2. Create a good-looking nonprofit cover letter heading.

  6. How to Write a Nonprofit Cover Letter (With Template and Example)

    Mention your personal connections to the nonprofit's type of work. Close with a follow-up or call to action. 1. State the position you're applying for and how you found out about it. In the first sentence of your cover letter, mention the specific position you're applying for and identify how you found out about it.

  7. Your Guide to Crafting a Nonprofit Cover Letter

    1. Show off what you know about the organization. A good rule of thumb is to only use "To Whom it May Concern" when you truly have no idea who will be in charge of your application. Do some digging to find the name of the person who would be your potential supervisor, or consider addressing your cover letter to the head of HR or recruitment ...

  8. Nonprofit Cover Letter Examples & Expert Tips ·

    The writing of the non-profit cover letter sample also balances on a fine line between altruistic, sincere yet slightly restrained language, as it's important to showcase your reliability in this professional field. While nonprofit roles will vary by industry (In the U.S. — 55% in healthcare, 14% in education and 12 in social assistance ...

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  15. How to write a cover letter with networking intent? : r/nonprofit

    Get a decent cover letter in and get in for an interview to learn more. You don't have to say in your cover letter that "I'm the perfect fit and I'm so excited!" Say "I am well qualified and interested in learning more" - that simple. If you're already invited to apply the cover letter is a formality.

  16. Non-Profit Cover Letter

    Non Profit Executive Cover Letter Example. An executive-level cover letter, emphasizing leadership skills, vision alignment with the non-profit's goals, and a proven track record of impactful decision-making in senior roles.. Dear [Recipient Name], As an experienced non-profit executive with over [X years] of dedicated service in leadership roles, I am reaching out regarding the executive ...

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