
Success Story Of The Tata Group Of Industries [Tata Group Case Study]

Devashish Shrivastava

Devashish Shrivastava , Bhoraniya Huda Hifzur Rehman

Tata Group is an Indian global aggregate holding organization headquartered in Mumbai, India. Established in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata, the organization increased worldwide acknowledgment in the wake of acquiring a few global companies. Perhaps the biggest aggregate, Tata Group is claimed by Tata Sons.  

Each Tata organization works autonomously under the direction and supervision of its own directorate and investors. Noteworthy Tata's organizations and backups incorporate Indian Hotels Company, Tata Chemicals, Jaguar Land Rover, Tata Communications, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Motors, Tata Power, Tata Steel, Voltas, and much more.

History and Origin of Tata Group List of the Tata Group’s Chairmen from 1868 to Present TATA Business Excellence Model (TBEM) Marketing Strategy of Tata Group

History and Origin of Tata Group

Greats Of Tata Group

In 1870 with INR 21,000 capital, Jamsetji Tata founded an exchange organization. He purchased a bankrupt oil plant at Chinchpokli and transformed it into a cotton plant under the name Alexandra Mill which he sold for a profit after 2 years. In 1874, he set up another cotton factory at Nagpur named Empress Mill.

His aim was to accomplish 4 main objectives: setting up an iron & steel organization, an exceptional inn, a world-class learning establishment, and a hydroelectric plant. During his lifetime, the Taj Mahal Hotel at Colaba waterfront was opened in 1903, making it the first in power in quite a while.

After Jamsetji's passing, Dorabji Tata, his son, became the Chairman in 1904. Sir Dorabji built up the Tata Iron and Steel organization (TISCO), presently known as Tata Steel, in 1907. Denoting the gathering's worldwide aspirations, Tata Limited opened its first overseas office in London. Soon as per Jamsetiji's wish, Western India's first hydro plant was set up and the Indian Institute of Science was also set up in 1911.

JRD Tata was crowned Chairman of Tata Group in 1938. Under his chairmanship, the benefits of the Tata Group developed from $100 million to over $5 billion. When he took over TATA, it had 14 undertakings, but in 1988 Tata Sons had developed into a combination of 95 endeavors. These endeavors comprised adventures that the organization had either begun or held controlling interests in.

In 1952, JRD established an airline, known as Tata Air Services (later renamed Tata Airlines). In 1953, the Government of India passed the Air Corporations Act and acquired a larger part stake in the transporter from Tata Sons; however, JRD Tata would continue as Chairman till 1977.

In 1945, Tata Motors was established and was first centered around trains. In 1954, it entered the business vehicle showcase in the wake of shaping a joint endeavor with Daimler-Benz. In 1968, Tata Consultancy Services was established.

In 1991, Ratan Tata was crowned Chairman of Tata Group. This was additionally the time of financial advancement in India, opening up the market to remote contenders. During this time, Tata Group started to obtain various organizations like Tetley (2000), Corus Group (2007), and Jaguar & Land Rover (2008). In 2017, Natarajan Chandrasekaran was named administrator.

Various Products

List of the Tata Group’s Chairmen from 1868 to Present

Tata Group

The Tata Group is considered India's number one conglomerate multinational company with its headquarters situated in Mumbai. The company is known to be in business for more than 150 years of service and its products are widely spread across multiple fields.

The company is known to provide services in more than 150 countries and covers about six continents. Since the time of its service, there have been a number of chairmen noted to work for Tata Group. The list of Tata Group's Chairman is given below:

Jamsedji Tata 1868 - 1904

Jamsedji Tata 1868 - 1904

Born on 3 March 1839, Jamsedji Tata was an Indian Pioneer and the founder of today India's biggest group of companies called Tata Group. He was the first Chairman of the firm and remained in the same post till 1904.

Sir Jamsedji Tata is honored with many titles and awards. He was given the honorary tag of "Father of Indian Industry". He was also ranked first in the list of "Hurun Philanthropists of the Century (2021)". Sir Jamsedji Tata left the world on 19 May 1904, at the age of 65.

Sir Dorabji Tata 1904 - 1932

Sir Dorabji Tata 1904 - 1932

Born on 27 August 1859, Sir Dorabji Tata was the eldest son of Sir Jamsedji Tata and the second chairman of the Tata Group . He died in 1932 giving rise to the third chairman of the Tata Group.

Sir Dorabji Tata played an essential role in forming and maintaining the Tata group of industries during the British era. The prime focus of Sir Dorabji Tata was to fulfill the dream left by Sir Jamsedji Tata and establish the modern iron and steel industry.

Sir Dorabji Tata was the first president of the Indian Olympic Association. He was also acknowledged by the Britishers. In 1910, Dorabji Tata was knighted by Edward Vll to be referred to as Sir Dorabji Tata.

Sir Nowroji Saklatwala 1932 - 1938

Sir Nowroji Saklatwala 1932 - 1938

Born on 10 September 1875, Sir Nowroji Saklatwala was the third chairman of the Indian multinational conglomerate Tata Group. Unlike the previous two chairmen, he was just a mere employee and an apprentice of the Tata Group.

He made his way up from an employee to Chairman and remained in the same post till his sudden death due to heart failure in 1938. Sir Nowroji Saklatwala introduced many schemes and facilities for the employees and always worked well for the welfare of the employees.

JRD Tata 1938 - 1991

JRD Tata 1938 - 1991

Born on 29th July 1904, Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata was the fourth chairman of the Tata Group. He was the second child of Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata, the cousin of Jamsedji Tata. JRD is the only chairman of Tata Group who has served for more than 50 years. JRD Tata was also the first Indian to be granted a commercial pilot license.

And owing to his interest in the aviation industry, JRD Tata established Tata Aviation Services. He made many contributions to the company and was also acknowledged for his efforts. JD Tata is also the owner of the Padma Vibhushan and the Bharat Ratna awards. After two years of resigning as the chairman of Tata Group, Sir JRD Tata died on 29 November 1993.

Ratan Tata 1991 - 2012, 2016 - 17

Ratan Tata 1991 - 2012, 2016 - 17

Born on 28 December 1937, Ratan Naval Tata was the fifth chairman of the Tata Group. Ratan Tata was the son of a Naval Tata. Naval Tata was the adopted son of the sir Jamsedji Tata. Ratan Tata started as an assistant in the Tata Group and made his way up to the fifth chairman of the company.

Ratan Tata was appointed as the chairman of the company in 1990 and remained in the same post till 2012. He was again known to serve the Tata Group as an interim chairman for the time period between October 2016- February 2017.

Ratan Tata had contributed to shaping the firm from the time he was appointed as the chairman, the Tata Group was in a chaotic form. Under the guidance of sir Ratan Tata, the company flourished again. Ratan Tata is also the holder of many awards like the Padma Bhushan (2000) and Padma Vibhushan(2008).

Cyrus Mistry 2012 - 2016

Cyrus Mistry 2012 - 2016

Born on 4 July 1968, Cyrus Pallonji Mistry was the sixth chairman of the Tata Group and also the second chairman in consideration to not bear the tag of "Tata" in their surname. Cyrus Mistry joined the Tata Group as a board member and was soon elected as the chairman of Tata Group in 2012.

However, just after four years of chairmanship, he was removed from the position of chairman by the board of members. The prime reason behind his removal has many debates on the topic. It is stated that Cyrus Mistry was not acknowledging the history of the Tata Group and was keen on developing the firm in his own way.

There were also reports stating that Cyrus Mistry filed a case against Tata's heads for oppressing the interest of small stakeholders. The issue between Cyrus Mistry and Ratan Tata was taken to the legal procedures where on 26th March 2021, the Supreme court of India ruled out the decision in the favor of Ratan Tata and dismissed the rumors of Cyrus Mistry to be reinstated as the group chairman.

Irrespective of the ups and downs faced by Cyrus Mistry, he was categorized as the most important industrialist in both India and Britain in the year 2013 in an article published by the Economist. Unfortunately, on 04 September 2022, Cyrus Mistry died in a road accident in Maharashtra.

Natarajan Chandrasekaran 2017- Present

Natarajan Chandrasekaran 2017- Present

Born on 2 June 1963, Natarajan Chandrasekaran is the seventh and the current chairman of the Tata Group. He is the only chairman in the history of the Tata Group that is a non-Parsi and professional executive. He was previously working as the chief operating officer and chief executing officer of the Tata consultancy services.

The journey of Natarajan Chandrasekaran as the chairman of the Tata group is not a smooth one. In the year, 2019, the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) held his position as chairmanship illegal and gave the order of restoring Cyrus Mistry as the Executive Chairman. Yet again in 2020, the Supreme court of India overruled the decision of NCLAT. Natarajan Chandrasekaran is still known to work as the Chairman of the Tata Group.

case study of tata company

TATA Business Excellence Model (TBEM)

Tata Group Website

Tata Business Excellence Model (TBEM) is an altered adaptation of the internationally famous Malcolm Baldrige Model. TBEM is utilized by the Tata business group to remain in step with the regularly changing business conditions.

TBEM focuses on seven central activities: administration, key arranging, client and market center, estimation, examination and learning of the executives, human asset center, processing of the board, and the business results. Execution is estimated in outright focuses, and organizations need to accomplish at least 500 (out of 1,000) within four years of consenting to the BEBP arrangement.

Accomplishments are granted by acknowledgment over the group. TQMS helps Tata's business organizations utilize the model to pick up bits of knowledge on their business qualities and open doors for development. This is overseen through a yearly procedure of appraisal and affirmation.

TBEM Criteria Purpose

Tata Business Excellence Model (TBEM) is the reason for leading authoritative evaluations and for offering input to candidates. Moreover, the TBEM criteria have three significant jobs in reinforcing aggressiveness:

  • To help improve authoritative execution practices, abilities, and results.
  • To encourage correspondence and sharing of best practices among associations of various kinds.
  • To fill in as a working apparatus for comprehension, overseeing execution, and directing hierarchical arranging and open doors for learning.
  • TBEM-based performance excellence goals.
  • TBEM Criteria are intended to enable associations to utilize a coordinated way to deal with hierarchical execution.
  • Conveyance of regularly improving an incentive to clients and partners; adds to hierarchical maintainability.
  • Improvement of by and large authoritative viability and capacities.
  • Hierarchical and individual learning.
  • The Role of core values and concepts.

The administration tends to observe how your senior heads manage and support your association and set an authoritative vision, qualities, and execution desires. Consideration is given to how your senior chiefs speak with your workforce, create future pioneers, measure hierarchical execution, and make a domain that energizes moral conduct and elite.

The category additionally incorporates your association's administration framework and how it guarantees moral conduct and practices great citizenship.

Strategic Planning

Vital planning leads to activity arranging, sending of plans, how satisfactory assets are guaranteed to achieve the plans, how plans are changed if conditions require a change, and how achievements are estimated and supported.

The strategic planning category focuses on long-haul authoritative support. While numerous associations are progressively capable of vital arranging, plan execution is a noteworthy test.

This is particularly obvious given market requests to be spry and to be set up for sudden change, for example, troublesome innovations that can disturb a generally quick-paced yet increasingly unsurprising commercial center. This category features the need to put an emphasis on building up your arrangements as well as on your capacity to execute them.

Customer And Market Focus

Client and market focus caters to how your association tries to comprehend the voice of the client and of the commercial center with attention to fulfilling clients' necessities, needs, and desires, enchanting clients, and building steadfastness. The category stresses connections as a significant piece of a general tuning, learning, and execution greatness technique.

Your consumer loyalty and disappointment results give indispensable data to understanding your clients and the commercial center. Much of the time, such outcomes and patterns give the most significant data on your clients' perspectives as well as on their commercial center practices (e.g., rehash business and positive referrals ), and how these perspectives and practices may add to the manageability of your association in the commercial center.

Measurement, Analysis, And Knowledge Management

The Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management category is the primary concern inside the criteria for key data about successfully estimating, investigating, improving execution, and overseeing authoritative information to drive improvement and hierarchical intensity.

In the least complex terms, category 4 is the "mind focus" for the arrangement of your association's activities with its vital goals. Fundamental to such utilization of information and data is their quality and accessibility.  

Workforce Focus

Workforce focus caters to key workforce rehearses coordinated towards making and keeping up an elite working environment and towards drawing in the workforce to empower it. It also deals with the way in which the association adjusts to change and succeeds.

The category covers workforce commitment, improvement, and the board in a coordinated way (i.e., lined up with your association's vital targets and activity plans). To fortify the essential arrangement of the workforce, this criteria additionally covers human asset arranging as a major aspect of the strategic planning category.

Tata's Main Business Sectors

Process Management

Procedure Management is the point of convergence inside the Criteria for your key work frameworks and works forms. Incorporated with the category are the focal necessities for recognizable proof and your abilities to accomplish productive and powerful work process administration, successful structure, a counteractive action direction, linkage to clients, providers, accomplices, colleagues, and an emphasis on esteem creation for every single key partner, operational execution, process duration, crisis availability, assessment, ceaseless improvement, and authoritative learning. Dexterity, cost decrease, and process duration decrease are progressively significant in all parts of the procedure.

In straightforward terms, "deftness" alludes to your capacity to adjust rapidly, deftly, and successfully to evolving prerequisites. Contingent upon the idea of your association's methodology and markets, readiness may mean quick change starting with one item and then onto the next, fast reaction to evolving requests, or the capacity to deliver a wide scope of tweaked administrations.

Readiness likewise progressively includes choices to redistribute, concurrences with key providers, and novel courses of action. Adaptability may request unique procedures, for example, executing particular structures, sharing segments, sharing assembling lines, or giving specific preparation.

Cost and process duration decrease frequently including Lean procedure the board systems. It is essential to use key measures for following all parts of your general procedure.

Business Results

The resulting category gives outcomes that include your target assessment and your clients' assessment of your association's items and administrations, your general money-related and showcase execution, workforce results, initiative framework, social duty results, and the consequences of every single key procedure and procedure improvement exercise.

Through this center, the Criteria's motivations: prevalent estimation of contributions as seen by your clients and the commercial center, unrivaled hierarchical execution as reflected in your operational, workforce, lawful, moral, and monetary pointers, and authoritative and individual learning are kept up.

Classification 7 in this way gives "constant" data (proportions of progress) for assessment and improvement of procedures, items, and administrations in arrangement with your general authoritative technique.

case study of tata company

Marketing Strategy of Tata Group

The organization emphasizes the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) which exude Tata Group's advertising methodology .

Tata Group Products

The item procedure and blend in Tata Group's promoting technique can be clarified as pursues. Tata Group is one of the main aggregates in India. Tata Group has its essence in a few enterprises and has units spread over the world. The Tata gathering is into the following business verticals:

  • Communication and ITeS: Tata Communications, Tata Teleservices, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Elxsi, and Tata Interactive Services.
  • Consumer and Retail: Tata Sky, Titan, Landmark, Infiniti Retail, and Casa Decor.
  • Defense and Aerospace: Tata Advanced Materials, Tata Industrial Services, Tata Technologies, and Tata Manufacturing Services.
  • Realty and Infrastructure: Tata Power, Tata Housing Development Company, Tata Consulting Engineers, Tata Power Solar, and Voltas.
  • Financial Services: Tata AIA Life Insurance, Tata AIG General Insurance, Tata Capital, and Tata Investment Corporation.
  • Manufacturing: Tata Chemicals, Jaguar Land Rover, Tata Steel, Tata Motors, and Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company.
  • Services: Tata SIA Airlines – Vistara, Tata Services, Tata Technologies, Taj Air, TM International Logistics, and Tata Global Beverages.

This rundown isn't comprehensive. It has in excess of seventy brands which take into account twenty-eight separate businesses.

All organizations of the Tata gathering capacity function autonomously. Each of these organizations is one of a kind and particular from one another. In this way, the estimating technique in its promoting blend pursued by these individual organizations differs as they are all in various ventures confronting diverse financial variables, capital, scale, and so on.

Tata gathering is available in more than eighty-five nations in excess of six landmasses. The gathering has developed to a tremendous scale all-inclusive. The greater part of its organizations are forward-thinking and give benefits on cell phones and hold a decent nearness on the web.

The free organizations under the Tata brand advance their image (and their own identity) through individual promoting plans. Tata's administrations and customer items are known to utilize big names like that Titan, Taj Hotels, and so forth. Print media is additionally utilized widely by organizations like Tata Steel and Tata Motors.

Organizations like that of guard and consultancy are more of B2B in nature; they don't enjoy mass advancements. Since this is a help showcasing the brand, here are the other three Ps that form the 7Ps advertising blend of Tata Group.

The Tata bunch all in all utilizes 6,60,800 representatives. The Tata Group itself is possessed by Tata Sons. The Tata Quality Management Services part is answerable for managing the quality administration branch of more than a hundred autonomous organizations to guarantee primary quality principles as the Tata gathering remains the mainstay of value and trust.

Physical Evidence

The sheer size of the Tata gathering is proof of it being a seething achievement and market pioneer. Tata gathering's business sector top is 7.2% of the all-out market top of BSE.

The Tata gathering strategizes to develop by securing mergers around the world and incrementing its topographical limits. The gathering likewise targets obtaining the wellsprings of crude material.

For setting, the Tata gathering has profound enthusiasm for getting steel plants over the globe with the goal that it can give steel at any rate to its car organization, subsequently disposing of the issue of the store network and profiting from the economies of owing the wellspring of crude material.

It has in the past procured misfortune by acquiring worldwide mammoths like Tetley tea, Land Rover, and Jaguar. Henceforth, this finishes up the promoting blend of Tata Group aggregate.

The above graph shows the best performing companies of Tata group with their revenues in Billion US Dollars of the year 2021-2022 as per the stats given on wikipedia

In a nutshell, one can say that the “Tata group” is one of the most inspiring idols for new entrepreneurs. This particular business company is one of the pride of India and a shining example of success for younger business climbers.

There are many new examples set by Tata Group in front of the World. The above article contains the company details with its basic information like marketing strategy, business model, list of chairmen, etc.

Why is Tata Group Successful?

Tata Group abides by its mission and works on ethics. Many competitors of Tata Group are publicly owned firms, whereas Tata is a family business that now has grown into a big multinational conglomerate. Its success lies in its core values and an undefeated business model.

What are the 5 Tata values?

Tata group is driven by 5 major values. They are integrity, responsibility, excellence, pioneering, and unity.

Which company is the most profitable in the Tata group?

As per the report published by, Tata Consultancy is the most profitable company in the Tata Group in 2021.

Why is Ratan Tata an inspiration?

Ratan Tata has set many examples for the young generation to look at and learn. The prime reason behind Ratana Tata being an inspiration is that he is a combination of an excellent businessman and a great human being.

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></center></p><h2>Tata Motors Case Study: History, Business Model, Products, Financials, Peers, and SWOT Analysis</h2><p>From the streets of Mumbai to the prestigious avenues of London, the growls of Tata Motors engines echo across the globe. This Indian automotive giant has come a long way, evolving from a locomotive manufacturer to a diverse automobile powerhouse.</p><p>In today’s blog, we will delve into the world of this fascinating company from exploring its rich history to ambitious plans. </p><p>Table of Contents</p><h2>Overview </h2><p>Tata Motors is India’s 3rd largest automobile company and is a leading global manufacturer of cars, utility vehicles, buses, trucks, and defence vehicles. Tata Motors was incorporated in the year 1945 and was a part of the Tata Group which was founded by Jamshedji Tata in the year 1868.</p><p>Some of the world’s most iconic brands, including Jaguar Land Rover in the UK and Tata Daewoo in South Korea are a part of the automotive operations of the group.</p><p>Tata Motors is committed to developing innovative and sustainable vehicles for the future of mobility. The company operates on a philosophy of ‘giving back to society’.</p><p>Additionally, in a major push for clean transportation, Tata Motors signed a deal to supply 3,500 EVs to BluSmart Mobility, India’s first electric and shared smart mobility company, expanding Delhi NCR electric fleet and offering customers more environment-friendly travel options. </p><p><center><img style=

The history of Tata Motors dates back to 1945. Tata Motors was founded as Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company (TELCO), which initially focused on locomotives.

The company entered the commercial world market in the year 1954 through a joint venture with Daimler-Benz, establishing India’s first heavy vehicle manufacturing facility. Gradually it expanded the commercial vehicle portfolio with trucks and buses, becoming a dominant player in the market.

2008 marked a turning point with the acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford, propelling Tata Motors onto a global stage.

Did You Know?

In the year 1991, India’s first sports utility vehicle (SUV), Tata Sierra, was designed and manufactured by Tata Motors.

Highlights (FY 2022-23)

  • Presence in more than 125 countries.
  • INR 20,265 crore was spent on research and development.
  • 25 manufacturing facilities.
  • 81,811 collective workforces.
  • 3,72,217 units of Jaguar and Land Rover (JLR) sold.


Some of the subsidiaries of Tata Motors is mentioned below:

  • Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited

TMPV is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tata Motors and leads the passenger vehicle business in India. The company offers a diverse range of sedans, SUVs, and electric vehicles.

  • Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Limited (TPEM)

TPEM was established in FY 2021-22 to carry out the Passenger Electric Mobility Business with a funding of INR 7500 crore from TPG Rise. The company aims to channel future investments into electric vehicles.

  • Jaguar Land Rover (JLR)

JLR, a well-known British manufacturer of luxury cars, was acquired by Tata Motors in 2008. The company exemplifies quality and sustainability.

  • Tata Motors Finance Limited (TMFL)

TMFL and Tata Motors Finance Solutions Limited (TMFSL) are TMF Holdings Limited (TMFHL)’s Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) subsidiaries. TMFHL is a Core Investment Company (CIC) and Tata Motors’ completely owned subsidiary. TMFL provides vehicle financing solutions to Tata Motors customers in India.

Subsidiary List of tata motors

Business Model

Tata Motors holds 10 manufacturing facilities, and 3 R&D/engineering and design centres. Furthermore, there are 12 worldwide manufacturing and engineering facilities for JLR.

The company aims to become the most aspirational brand in the Indian Automotive Industry.

Full range of activities that TML provides includes manufacturing operations, logistics, financial services, global sales network, customer service network, mobility service, innovation and technology, design and engineering, and strategic sourcing.

Tata Sedan

Product Portfolio

The existing Commercial Vehicle Range of the company is as follows

MHCV, Buses and Vans, ILCV, SCV and PICKUP.

Last but not least the showstopper in the CV range is the ACE EV which features TML’s EVOGEN powertrain.

The existing Passenger Vehicle Range includes products like Tiago, Tigor, Altroz, Punch, Nexon, Harrier, and Safari.

Existing Electric Vehicle Range includes Tiago EV, Tigor EV, XPRES-T EV, Nexon EV, and NEXON EV MAX.

Also, the company boasts that the EV contribution is likely to increase to 25% in 5 years and reach 50% by 2030.

Apart from the portfolio mentioned above, TML offers a luxury range as well which includes Jaguar and Land Rover, the two distinct British brands with a rich heritage design.

Did you Know?

Tata Motors’ first indigenously developed passenger car, Tata Indica was presented in 1998 at the Geneva Motor Show.

Financial Statement Analysis

Key metrics.


Metrics of of tata motors


Ratios of of tata motors

Key Margins


margins of tata motors

Peer Comparison


Market details of Tata Motors

INR 932
INR 161
INR 950 / 400
5.62 %

SWOT Analysis

case study of tata company

  • The company offers a diverse range of product portfolios including iconic brands like JLR which cater to the needs of a wide range of customers.
  • Consistent investments in strategic partnerships and collaborations to infuse new technologies help the company expand its business operations.
  • The company considers the quality and safety of the customers as key parameters while manufacturing products.
  • Tata Motors invests heavily in research and development and tries to curate future-ready vehicles with features like electric mobility and connectivity.
  • They actively promote sustainable practices through electric vehicles and emission reduction initiatives aligning with environmental concerns.
  • A significant portion of its revenue comes from India , which exposes the company to economic fluctuations and regulatory changes in the country.
  • Despite the pervasiveness of JLR, their presence in major global markets like China and North America remains limited.
  • Dependence on imported materials exposes the company to price fluctuations , impacting the profit margins.
  • The EV industry is dynamic as it changes quickly, failure to keep up with market trends may affect margins. 


  • Tata Motors is well-positioned to capitalise on the rising demand for electric vehicles with their existing offerings and future developments.
  • Consistent investments in research and development can lead to breakthroughs in areas like autonomous driving and connected cars, offering a competitive advantage.
  • Government initiatives promoting EVs can create favourable market conditions for Tata Motors.
  • They can leverage JLR to further expand their reach in international markets.
  • Any kind of disruption in the supply chain can affect business operations.
  • The company is exposed to several global economic and geopolitical situations such as wars, natural disasters, and pandemics.
  • Sudden shifts in policy and environmental regulations can disrupt operations.
  • Rapid advancements in technology can make existing products obsolete if they are not constantly updated.
  • Brand positioning is a challenge in a dynamic automotive market with more intense competition from existing OEMs and new entrants in the market.

Tata Motors has indeed seen incredible growth in the Indian domestic market, especially in the commercial vehicle segment. Rising GDP and infrastructure spending can further boost the demand for commercial vehicles. New models such as Tiago, Nexon, and Harrier have been well-received by customers. Additionally, the company has captured the growing market segments with the latest designed EVs.

Tata Motors stands as a prominent player in the Indian automotive landscape, with a diversified product portfolio, strong brand recognition and a commitment to innovation and sustainability. Their business model positions them well for future growth. However, navigating and addressing key challenges will be critical for the company.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is electric mobility a big focus for TML?

Ans. With India’s growing environmental concerns and rising fuel costs, electric vehicles represent a good solution.

2. Can Tata Motors become a global leader in the automotive industry?

Ans. The question cannot be answered yet but capitalising on opportunities will be important for them to compete on a global scale.

3. What are the latest innovations of the company?

Ans. TML is investing in connected car technology, autonomous driving, and many other revolutionary innovations.

4. Which company made the world’s cheapest car?

Ans. The iconic Tata Nano was the cheapest car ever sold and was produced with the objective of providing affordable mobility to people.

5. Does the company focus majorly on budget cars?

Ans. Tata Motors fulfil the diverse needs of customers by offering premium vehicles like Land Rover Discovery and budget friendly cars like Tata Punch. 

Disclaimer: The securities, funds, and strategies mentioned in this blog are purely for informational purposes and are not recommendations.

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The TATA Group success story; Everything you need to know


The Tata Group Case Study: Success Story of the Tata Group of Industries

With its headquarters in Mumbai, India, the Tata Group is an international holding company for aggregates. Jamsetji Tata founded the organisation in 1868, and after purchasing a few international businesses, it gained further recognition on a global scale. Tata Group, arguably the largest group, is owned by Tata Sons.

Under the leadership and neglect of its directorate and investors, each Tata organisation operates independently. Indian Hotels Company, Tata Chemicals, Jaguar Land Rover, Tata Communications, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Motors, Tata Power, Tata Steel, Voltas, and many more notable Tata companies and subsidiaries are included.

Tata Group origins and history

Jamsetji Tata established a trade business in 1870 with a capital of 21,000 INR. He bought a failing oil building in Chinchpokli, converted it into a cotton plant apprehended as Alexandra Mill, and then sold it at a profit two years later. He established the Empress Mill, a new cotton plant in Nagpur, in 1874.

His goals were to build a hydropower plant, a world-class learning organisation, a world-class iron and steel corporation, and an extraordinary resort. The Taj Mahal Hotel at Colaba waterfront was inaugurated in 1903 during his lifetime, making it the first in prominence for a large amount of time.

Dorabji Tata, Jamsetji Tata’s son, took over as Chairman in 1904 after his father’s passing. In 1907, Sir Dorabji established the Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO), currently known as Tata Steel. Tata Limited established its first overseas office in London to signify the group’s aspirations for a global presence. The Indian Institute of Science was founded in 1911, and the first hydroelectric plant in Western India was soon made as per Jamsetiji’s request.

JRD In 1938, Tata was appointed Chairman of the Tata Group. During his presidency, the TATA Group’s profits rose from $100 million to about $5 billion.TATA had 14 projects when he took leadership, but by 1988 Tata Sons had grown into a conglomerate of 95 projects. These actions included projects that the organisation had either started or held bulk ownership in.

TATA Group Industries

Tata Air Services was founded by JRD in 1952. (subsequently changed to Tata Airlines). The Air Corporations Act was passed by the Indian government in 1953, allowing it to buy a larger part of the carrier from Tata Sons, while JRD Tata continued to act as chairman until 1977.

Tata Motors was originally concentrated on trains when it was founded in 1945. It joined the commercial vehicle market in 1954 after forming a coalition with Daimler-Benz. Tata Consultancy Services was founded in 1968.

Ratan Tata was named Chairman of the Tata Group in 1991. Additionally, India’s economy was developing at this time, which allowed for the entry of foreign competitors. Tata Group began acquiring several businesses at this time, including Tetley (2000), Corus Group (2007), and Jaguar & Land Rover (2008). Natarajan Chandrasekaran was assigned manager in 2017.

A list of the Chairmen of the Tata Group from 1868 to the Present


The Tata Group , with its corporate headquarters in Mumbai, is considered the top multinational conglomerate in India. The corporation has a reputation for operating for more than 150 years, and a variety of industries use its products extensively.

More than 150 countries and six continents are reported to be served by the business. Since Tata Group’s inception, the number of chairmen has been specified as performing in that span. The following is a list of the chairman of the Tata Group:

1868–1904 Jamsedji Tata

Jamsedji Tata, an Indian frontiersperson and the founder of the Tata Group, the country’s largest conglomerate of businesses today, was born on March 3rd, 1839. He operated as the company’s first chairman and held that position until 1904.

Sir Jamsedji Tata has received countless accolades and honours. He was granted the title “Father of Indian Industry” in honour. On the list of “Hurun Philanthropists of the Century (2021),” he also arrived in the first place. Age 65, Sir Jamsedji Tata passed away on May 19, 1904.

1904–1932: Sir Dorabji Tata

Sir Dorabji Tata, the second chairman of the Tata Group and the eldest child of Sir Jamsedji Tata, was born on August 27, 1859. He passed away in 1932, giving the Tata Group its third chairman.

During the British era, Sir Dorabji Tata was crucial in creating and maintaining the Tata group of companies. Sir Dorabji Tata’s main objective was to develop the modern iron and steel industry and realise the vision set by Sir Jamsedji Tata.

The Indian Olympic Association’s first president was Sir Dorabji Tata. The British people recognised him. Edward Vll knighted Dorabji Tata in 1910, renaming him Sir Dorabji Tata.

1932–1938: Sir Nowroji Saklatwala

Sir Nowroji Saklatwala, who was born on September 10, 1875, acted as the third chairman of the Indian multinational conglomerate Tata Group. He was just a regular employee and an apprentice of the Tata Group, unlike the last two chairmen.

He rose through the ranks from employee to chairman and held that position until his sudden death from heart disease in 1938. Sir Nowroji Saklatwala established multiple programmes and amenities for the employees and always accomplished them sufficiently for their welfare.

1938–1991: JRD Tata

Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata, who was born on July 29, 1904, worked as the fourth chairman of the Tata Group. He was the second child of Jamsedji Tata’s cousin Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata. Only JRD has presided over the Tata Group for more than 50 years. JRD Tata was the first Indian to be authorised to fly commercially.

JRD Tata launched Tata Aviation Services, as a result of his interest in the aviation sector. He gave the business a lot of support, and his work was valued. The Padma Vibhushan and Bharat Ratna honours belong to JD Tata.

On November 29, 1993, Sir JRD Tata passed away. He had been the chairman of the Tata Group two years earlier.

Ratan Tata (1991–2012, 2016–2017).

Ratan Naval Tata, who was the fifth chairman of the Tata Group, was born on December 28, 1937. Ratan Tata was a Naval Tata’s son. Sir Jamsedji Tata’s adopted son was Naval Tata. Ratan Tata joined the Tata Group as an assistant and eventually rose to become its fifth chairman.

Ratan Tata was named the company’s chairman in 1990 and held the position until 2012. He was earlier rumoured to have functioned as the Tata Group’s acting chairman from October 2016 until February 2017.

Ratan Tata played a role in reshaping the company because it was in a chaotic state when he was named chairman. Sir Ratan Tata’s leadership allowed the business to grow once more. Additionally, Ratan Tata is the recipient of multiple honours, including the Padma Bhushan (2000) and Padma Vibhushan (2008).

2012 to 2016: Cyrus Mistry

Cyrus Pallonji Mistry, who was born on July 4th, 1968, was the second chairman of the Tata Group to explore doing away with the “Tata” prefix. In 2012, Cyrus Mistry, who had once performed on the committee of the Tata Group, was elected to that position.

He was, nevertheless, relieved of his chairmanship by the board of members-only four years into his tenure. There are several opinions about the main cause of his removal. According to reports, Cyrus Mistry was keen to expand the company his way while ignoring the legacy of the Tata Group.

According to other sources, Cyrus Mistry accused the leaders of Tata of stifling the interests of tiny shareholders and filed a lawsuit against them. The conflict between Cyrus Mistry and Ratan Tata was litigated, and on March 26, 2021, the Supreme Court of India rejected Ratan Tata’s bid for a ruling in his favour and denied rumours that Cyrus Mistry would be reinstated as the group chairman.

Despite the ups and downs Cyrus Mistry had, according to a 2013 Economist article, he was the most influential industrialist in both Britain and India. Cyrus Mistry tragically lost his life in a car accident in Maharashtra on September 4, 2022.

2017-Present Natarajan Chandrasekaran

Natarajan Chandrasekaran, who was born on June 2, 1963, is the seventh and current chairman of the Tata Group. He is the only chairman of the Tata Group who is a non-Parsi executive and a professional. He formerly did as the Tata consultant services’ chief operating officer and chief executing officer.

Natarajan Chandrasekaran’s tenure as chairman of the Tata group has not been without its bumps. The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) declared his chairmanship to be invalid in the year 2019 and issued an order returning Cyrus Mistry to his post as executive chairman. The Supreme Court of India overturned the NCLAT’s decision once more in 2020. It is still known that Natarajan Chandrasekaran acts as the chairman of the Tata Group.

Model for TATA Business Excellence (TBEM)

case study of tata company

The internationally renowned Malcolm Baldrige Model has been changed and is now known as the Tata Business Excellence Model (TBEM). The Tata business group uses TBEM to keep up with the rapidly shifting business environment.

Administration, essential performance, client and market centre, analysis, study and learning of the leaders, human asset centre, processing of the panel, and business results are the seven basic functions that TBEM focuses on.

By receiving group approval, accomplishments are granted. TQMS helps Tata’s business units to make use of the model to learn a little bit about their business attributes and open possibilities for development. This is controlled through an annual process of evaluation and confirmation.

TBEM Criteria’s Objective

The Tata Business Excellence Model (TBEM) is what drives reliable assessments and provides feedback to applicants. Additionally, the TBEM criteria perform three crucial tasks that reinforce aggression:

  • To aid in improving traditional execution techniques, skills, and creations.
  • To promote communication and the business of best practices across organisations of diverse types.
  • To serve as a working tool for understanding, managing execution, supporting hierarchical ordering, and providing learning opportunities.
  • Performance excellence targets based on the TBEM.
  • The purpose of TBEM Criteria is to provide companies with a coordinated method of handling hierarchical execution.
  • Communication of a regularly enhanced incentive to customers and partners; enhances the maintainability of the hierarchical structure.
  • Enhancement of generally reliable viability and capabilities.
  • Personal and hierarchical learning.

The function of guiding principles and ideas.

The way your company is supported and managed by your senior leaders, as nicely as how they build a clear vision, values, and performance targets, tends to catch the attention of the government. It takes into thinking how your top managers interact with your workforce, groom future leaders, evaluate the efficiency of your hierarchical system, and foster a culture that values moral behaviour and the elite.

The category includes your organization’s management structure and how it promotes moral behaviour and good citizenship.

Planning Strategically

Important planning paves the way for action scheduling, sending of plans, how good resources are ensured to carry them out, how plans are revised circumstances change, and how accomplishments are estimated and supported.

Long-distance traditional assistance is the main emphasis of the strategic planning category. Even while many organisations are becoming more adept in necessary meetings, plan enactment remains a considerable challenge.

This is especially clear given market demands are swift and ready for unexpected change, and unwanted developments that can disrupt a generally fast-paced but becoming less surprising commercial centre. This category includes the need to emphasise both the development of your plans and your ability to carry them out.

Market and Customer Focus

Client and market focus assess how your organisation tries to grasp the voice of the client and the commercial centre with a view on assisting clients’ needs, desires, and wishes, luring customers, and building steadfastness. Links are highlighted as a crucial element of a broad tuning, learning, and execution brilliance strategy in this field.

Your consumer loyalty and dissatisfaction findings provide crucial information for comprehending your clientele and the commercial environment. Such results and patterns often provide the most important information on the perspectives and business practices of your customers in the commercial centre (repeat business and positive referrals), and how these perspectives and business practices may improve the manageability of your company in the commercial centre.

Analysis, Measurement, and Knowledge Management

The main focus of the criterion for critical data is the measurement, analysis, and knowledge management category, which covers how to correctly assess, examine, improve execution, and manage authoritative information to promote advancement and hierarchical intensity.

In the easiest words, category 4 is the “mind focus” for aligning the operations of your company with its important goals. The calibre and accessibility of the information and data are necessary for such use.

Employer Focus

Workforce concentration attends to crucial workforce rehearses combined toward developing and maintaining an elite workplace and toward luring the workforce to empower it. It also investigates how the company successfully adapts to change.

Cooperatively (i.e., by your organization’s short-term purposes and activity schedules) is how this category addresses panel participation, board development, and staff commitment. These estimates also include the management of human resources as a critical element of the strategic planning category to strengthen the entire force structure.

Process Control

The case of convergence in the criteria for your prior work frameworks and work forms is Procedure Management. The category includes the key requirements for checkable proof and your capacities for effective and efficient work process management, along with operational execution, process duration, crisis availability, assessment, constant improvement, and authoritative learning.

It recognises an emphasis on linking to customers, providers, partners, and coworkers and maintaining relationships with them. All phases of the method are progressively additional important in terms of dexterity, cost reduction, and process time reduction.

Just said, “deftness” refers to your ability to quickly, skillfully, and successfully adapt to changing requirements. Depending on your institution’s technique and target markets, being ready may entail being able to provide a wide range of customised services or being able to quickly switch from one product to the next in response to changing customer demands.

Also, as time goes on, enthusiasm gradually incorporates redistribution decisions, agreements with important suppliers, and innovative strategies. Adaptability may call for special methods, such as taking out detailed structures, sharing segments, sharing assembly lines, or providing necessary preparation.

Lean processes, the board systems, usually result in cost and process time reductions. Use required measurements to ensure that every aspect of your general method is followed.

Commercial Results

The next classification of achievements comprises inspections of your institution’s offerings and operations by the intended audience and customers, the effectiveness of your institution’s general fiscal and advertising approach, task consequences, venture structure consequences, CSR activities consequences, and the consequences of every significant process and method development operation.

The Criteria’s reasons—common estimation of contributions as perceived by your customers and the commercial centre, unmatched hierarchical performance as reflected in your operational, workforce, legal, moral, and financial pointers, and authoritative and personal learning—are maintained through this centre.

By your general traditional technique, Classification 7 provides “constant” data (proportions of progress) for evaluating and enhancing procedures, products, and administrations.

Tata Group’s Marketing Plan

TATA Marketing strategies

The company places a strong emphasis on the 4Ps, which represent the advertising strategy used by Tata Group.

The product mix and process used in Tata Group’s marketing strategy can be described as follows. One of the major conglomerates in India is the Tata Group . The Tata Group has offices all over the world and focuses its essence on a select few businesses. The following business sectors are included in the Tata group’s portfolio:

ITeS and communication: Tata

Communications, Tata Interactive Services, Tata Teleservices, Tata Consultancy Services, and Tata Elxsi.

Retail and Consumer: Casa Decor, Titan, Landmark, Infiniti, Tata Sky, and Titan.

Tata Advanced Materials, Tata Industrial Services, Tata Technologies, and Tata Manufacturing Services are involved in the defence and aerospace industries.

Real estate and infrastructure: Voltas, Tata Power Solar, Tata Consulting Engineers, Tata Housing Development Company.

Financial Services: Tata Capital, Tata Investment Corporation, Tata AIA Life Insurance, and Tata AIG General Insurance.

Tata Chemicals, Jaguar Land Rover, Tata Steel, Tata Motors, and Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company are all involved in manufacturing.

Services are provided by Taj Air, TM International Logistics, Tata Global Beverages, Tata Services, Tata Technologies, and Tata SIA Airlines – Vistara.

This list is not exhaustive. Over seventy brands, representing twenty-eight different businesses, are present.

Each Tata gathering capacity organisation runs on its own. Each of these organisations is distinct from the others and one of a kind. As a result, each of these firms uses a different estimate technique in its marketing mix because they are all involved in different initiatives that involve a variety of financial factors, such as scale and financial variables.

Over eighty-five countries and more than six continents offer tata gathering. The event has grown to a huge, all-encompassing magnitude. The majority of its businesses are progressive, offer services on mobile devices, and have a respectable online presence.

Through unique marketing strategies, the free organisations operating under the Tata brand strengthen their brand (and their own identity). Big names like Titan, Taj Hotels, and other well-known brands are frequently used in Tata’s services and consumer goods. Organizations like Tata Steel and Tata Motors also make extensive use of print media.

Businesses like guards and consultants tend to be more B2B; they don’t benefit from broad developments. Here are the other three Ps that make up the 7Ps advertising mix used by the Tata Group since this helps to showcase the brand.

6,60,800 people are employed by the Tata group as a whole. Tata Sons are the owner of the Tata Group itself. As the Tata group continues to be the cornerstone of value and trust, the Tata Quality Management Services division is responsible for overseeing the quality administration branch of more than a hundred independent businesses to ensure fundamental quality principles.

Physical Proof

The sheer scale of the Tata group is evidence that it is a roaring success and market pioneer. 7.2% of the BSE’s total market top is made up of the business sector top of Tata Gathering.

The Tata group plans to grow through negotiating mergers globally and expanding its topographical boundaries. The gathering also aims to locate the sources of raw materials.

To solve the problem of the store network and to take advantage of the cost savings that come with owning the source of raw materials, the Tata group is very interested in establishing steel plants all over the world. This will allow it to supply steel to its car company at any span.

It has previously conveyed bad luck by acquiring global giants like Tetley tea, Land Rover, and Jaguar. This completes the promotional mix of Tata Group materials.

In a nutshell, the “Tata gang” can be considered one of the most motivating idols for aspiring businesspeople. This specific corporation is a source of pride for India and a model of success for favouring young entrepreneurs.

The Tata Group has presented the world with multiple renewed examples. The aforementioned article includes the institution’s essential attributes, including its marketing plan, business plan, list of chairmen, etc.

edited and proofread by nikita sharma

  • success story
  • tata group success story


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The House of Tata

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James E. Austin

case study of tata company

Ashish Nanda

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  • The House of Tata  By: James E. Austin and Ashish Nanda

Humanistic Leadership and the Paradoxical Pursuit of Sustainability and Profitability: A Case Study of the Tata Group in India

  • First Online: 01 March 2024

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  • Ritu Tripathi   ORCID: 9 &
  • Anjana Karumathil   ORCID: 10  

Part of the book series: Humanism in Business Series ((HUBUS))

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The Tata group, one of the biggest global business enterprises founded in 1868 in pre-independent India, stays committed to the founder Jamsetji Tata’s (1839–1904) belief and conviction that the ‘community is not just another stakeholder in business but the very purpose of its existence.’ The giant strides that the Tata group has made in building its business revenue, profits, and brand in the 150-plus years of its growth is next only to its continued commitment to organized philanthropy and humanitarian goals. The latter maps closely with UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development announced in 2015 with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Tata group’s achievements in the paradoxical goals of sustainability and profitability can be theoretically reconciled by looking at Tata’s uniquely humanistic approach to leading and governing the enterprise. We specifically take note of three values in the Tata group: (1) wealth and profits are not a goal but an outcome, (2) virtuous circle of giving many times over, and (3) the ceaseless momentum of the founder’s vision. Tata group further institutionalized its sustainability values with the creation of the Tata Sustainability Group (TSG) in 2014. We discuss the key activities of TSG. Finally, we use the example of Tata Steel to highlight how in a high-stakes mining industry, indigenization initiatives are critical to industrialization for ensuring sustainability.

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School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA

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Tripathi, R., Karumathil, A. (2024). Humanistic Leadership and the Paradoxical Pursuit of Sustainability and Profitability: A Case Study of the Tata Group in India. In: Fu, P. (eds) Humanistic Leadership Practices. Humanism in Business Series. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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Published : 01 March 2024

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-34365-0

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-34366-7

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Tata Group SDG goals

The Tata group publishes report on its contribution towards Sustainable Development Goals

August 22, 2017     |     400 words     |     1-minute read.

The Tata group believes that the role of business is not just about giving back to society from its profits but also about ensuring that the processes it employs to earn these profits are ethical, socially responsible and environmentally sound.

New Delhi: The Tata group today announced the launch of We Dream of a Better World report which maps out Tata group’s contribution in business, CSR and philanthropy.

Dr Mukund Rajan, chairman, Tata Global Sustainability Council, and Yuri Afanasiev, UN Resident Coordinator in India, at the launch of We Dream of a Better World report by the Tata group in New Delhi

The 65 case studies from the report capture the various initiatives of the Tata group companies, across geographies, and of the Tata Trusts’ philanthropy efforts in India. These are aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), identified in September 2015, and subsequently agreed on and committed to by 193 countries.

The SDGs are the world’s most ambitious vision for sustainable development yet and will reshape the practice of development globally, including the role of the private sector. The Tata group believes that the role of business is not just about giving back to society from its profits but also about ensuring that the processes it employs to earn these profits are ethical, socially responsible and environmentally sound.

Commending the Tata group on its vision, Yuri Afanasiev, UN Resident Coordinator in India, said, “India’s private sector will play a critical role in addressing the country’s most pressing development problems through developing commercially viable business models, and offering solutions that can be scaled to achieve the SDGs”.

Dr Mukund Rajan, chairman, Tata Global Sustainability Council, said “We continue to be guided by Jamsetji Tata’s business philosophy and by the new opportunities that the SDGs present to us, to meaningfully impact the global discourse, design and developmental agenda. So, this report is a testimony to the difference we are making in the world through our business innovations or by helping the communities in need”.

The Tata group has always been committed to integrating environmental, social, and ethical principles into its core business. The culture of giving back to society flows from the tradition of nation and community building sowed more than a century ago. This SDGs report will help guide, shape, implement, monitor and report company-wide initiatives, providing the business case for staying invested in sustainable development for the long term.

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case study of tata company

In-Depth SWOT Analysis of Tata – Leading Firm of India

case study of tata company

By Aditya Shastri

case study of tata company

Tata Group is an Indian multinational manufacturer of automobiles, airplanes, and other products founded by Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata popularly known as Jamshedji Tata in the year 1868, now comprising 30 companies across 10 verticals. 

It is one of the most famous companies in the world because of its effective strategies and smart marketing techniques. Digital marketing is the new trend of marketing post-pandemic. If you want to learn more about digital marketing and its different aspects, do check out Free Digital Marketing Masterclass by Karan Shah the founder and CEO of IIDE.

About Tata Group

Tata Group operates in more than 100 countries and across six continents, with a mission ‘To improve the quality of life of the communities. There are 29 public registered companies. Tata Group has its headquarters named Bombay House in Mumbai, India.

Bombay House- SWOT Analysis of Tata | IIDE

Tata also has a major contribution to India’s GDP. The company added about 4% to the country’s GDP during covid.

The reason for Tata’s success is its authenticity, Goodwill, and marketing strategies. Tata Group uses different marketing tools and methods to enhance its marketing strategy, One such way of marketing is Digital Marketing.

Quick Stats about Tata Group
Founder Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata
Year Founded 1868
Origin Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
No. of Employees Over 800,000
Company Type Public
Market Cap $300 Billion (2021)
Annual Revenue $103 Billion (2021)
Net Income/ Profit NA

Services offered by Tata:

Being in multiple markets, Tata group provides its services/ products in the following segments.

  • Information Technology
  • Consumer and Retail
  • Infrastructure
  • Financial Services                 
  • Trading and Investment

Competitors of Tata:

It faces intense competition in the industry. Some of its top competitors are-

  • Ashok Leyland

SWOT Analysis of Tata Group

Infographic- SWOT Analysis of Tata Group | IIDE

The major purpose of SWOT is to spot the strategies that a firm can utilize to take benefit of external opportunities, counter threats, and repose on & protect its strengths, and eradicate weaknesses. 

1. Strengths of Tata

As one of the leading organizations in the industry, Tata has numerous strengths that help it to flourish in the marketplace. These strengths not only help Tata Group to guard its market share in existing markets but also help in strengthening new ones.  

  • Sublime Performance in New Markets- Tata has constructed an ability at going to new business sectors and making them. The augmentation has helped the relationship with building new revenue sources and growing the monetary cycle peril in the business areas it works in.
  • Strong Distribution Network- Over the years Tata has built a reliable distribution network that can reach the majority of its potential market.
  • Strong Dealer Community- It has assembled a culture among wholesalers and sellers where the vendors advance the organization’s items as well as put resources into preparing the outreach group to reveal to the client how he/she can discrete the most extreme advantages out of the items.
  • Reliable Suppliers- It has a solid base of dependable providers of unrefined substance in this way empowering the organization to conquer any inventory network bottlenecks.
  • Strong Brand Portfolio- Over the years Tata has invested in building a strong brand portfolio. The SWOT analysis of Tata simply underlines this reality. This brand portfolio can be amazingly valuable assuming the association needs to venture into new item classifications.

SWOT Analysis of Tata | IIDE

2. Weaknesses of Tata

Weaknesses are the areas where Tata can improve upon. The procedure is tied in with simply deciding and shortcomings are the districts where an affiliation can additionally be created using SWOT examination and develop its high ground and key situating.

  • Organization Structure- The organizational structure is only viable with the current plan of action accordingly restricting development in contiguous item fragments.
  • Demand Forecasting- Feeble product demand forecasting leads to a higher rate of missed opportunities compare to its competitors. One reason why the day’s stock is highly contrasted with its rivals is that Tata isn’t generally excellent at request anticipation and this winds up keeping higher inventory both in-house and in the channel.
  •    Financial Planning- is not done properly and efficiently. The current asset ratio and liquid asset ratios propose that the organization can utilize the money more efficiently than what it is doing as of now.

3. Opportunities of Tata

  • Further Development – The market development will lead to dilution of competitors’ advantages and enable Tata to increase its competitiveness compared to the other competitors.
  • Expansion – Economic uptick and expansion in client spending, following quite a while of the downturn and slow development rate in the business, is a chance for Tata to catch new clients and increment its market share.
  • Transportation Cost – Diminishing the expense of transportation as a result of lower delivery costs can likewise cut down the expense of Tata’s items along these lines giving a chance to the organization – either to support its productivity or give the advantages to the clients to acquire a portion of the overall industry. 

4. Threats of Tata

  • Upgradation Of Competitors- New upcoming technologies developed by their competitor or market disruptor could be a serious threat to the different industries in the medium to long term future.
  • Expanding Patterns toward noninterference in the American economy can prompt comparable responses from different state-run administrations consequently contrarily affecting global deals. 
  • Off-Season- The demand for highly profitable products is seasonal in nature and any unlikely event during the peak season may impact the profitability of the company in the short to medium term.
  • Political Environment- As The Organization is working in various nations it is presented to money changes particularly given the unstable political environment in various business sectors across the world. 
  • Extraordinary Rivalry- Stable productivity has expanded the number of players in the business in the course of the most recent two years which has come down on benefit as well as on overall sales.

This brings us to the end of the SWOT analysis of Tata Group. Let us conclude the learnings in the section below.

The entire TATA bunch is pretty influential in various business sectors, for example, in-home nation Tata’s techniques are the same as to cost administration and separations. No ornament procedure consolidates a low cost and a center touchy market . TATA  is India’s biggest private area business, greatest citizen, and most influential trade worker .With 1 34 years of heritage, TATA is a prominent brand name in India which is all about business and innovation, also it can enter in any portion of the market openly.

The digital appearance of Tata Group is very elite and therefore the goodwill Of Tata group has been maintained efficiently. To learn about how digital marketing helps your business to grow and help you to reach a wider audience check out his: IIDE’s FREE MasterClass on Digital Marketing. We also provide a  4 -month advanced course on Digital Marketing in which you will deep dive into the world of Digital Marketing.

If you like such in-depth analysis of companies, find more such insightful case studies on our IIDE Knowledge portal .

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and do share your thoughts on this case study in the comments section below.

case study of tata company

Aditya Shastri

Lead Trainer & Head of Learning & Development at IIDE

Leads the Learning & Development segment at IIDE. He is a Content Marketing Expert and has trained 6000+ students and working professionals on various topics of Digital Marketing. He has been a guest speaker at prominent colleges in India including IIMs...... [Read full bio]

Ritika Jain

swot analysis of tata group reveals its strategic positioning.This in-depth exploration provides key insights into their competitive advantage.

Sriyantika Das

swot analysis of tata group is really eye catching

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Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study Of TATA Group

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Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study Of TATA Group

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    The 65 case studies from the report capture the various initiatives of the Tata group companies, across geographies, and of the Tata Trusts' philanthropy efforts in India. These are aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), identified in September 2015, and subsequently agreed on and committed to by 193 countries. The SDGs are ...

  13. Creating a Corporate Advantage: The Case of the Tata Group

    "The Tata group is among the largest diversified business groups in India. The group generated about US$100 billion in revenues in 2011-12 from 90 companies operating in diverse businesses in seven broad industry categories. The case describes in detail the various mechanisms by which the Tata group attempts to create a corporate or parenting advantage. The case first highlights the important ...

  14. Tata Group Case Study

    Explore the vast empire of the Tata Group through our "Tata Group Business Showcase" playlist. We unravel the strategies, values, and impact that have define...

  15. Sage Business Cases

    On 27 January 2022, the Tata Group, a strong player in the aviation industry, acquired the debt-laden Air India airline with the ambition of making the latter a world-class airline. ... The case study examines the challenges organizations face in the aftermath of a merger and problems related to processes, systems, and people for successful ...

  16. In-Depth SWOT Analysis of Tata Group

    SWOT Analysis of Tata Group. The major purpose of SWOT is to spot the strategies that a firm can utilize to take benefit of external opportunities, counter threats, and repose on & protect its strengths, and eradicate weaknesses. 1. Strengths of Tata. As one of the leading organizations in the industry, Tata has numerous strengths that help it ...

  17. PDF Role of Corporate Governance in Tata Company: Decoding the Case of

    To analyse the role of Corporate Governance in Tata Company, by entailing a robust observation on the 'Tata Business Excellence Model'. To decode the 'Cyrus Mistry Saga' by comparing the reign that was passed off from JRD Tata to Ratan Tata and lastly to Cyrus Mistry. QUESTIONS

  18. Case Study on the acquisition of Air India by Tata Sons

    Mar 14, 2022. INTRODUCTION. Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata started Tata Air Services, which was eventually renamed as Tata Airlines in 1932 and became a public limited company. The Air Corporations Act was passed in 1953 by the Indian government in order to purchase a majority stake in the airline carrier from Tata Sons.

  19. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study Of TATA Group

    7.1 Findings. As business is an integral part of the social system it has to care for varied needs of the society. Business which is resourceful has a special responsibility to the society. Social ...

  20. PDF Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of Tata Group

    Reliance Industries and two Tata Group firms Tata Motors and Tata Steel are the country's most admired companies for their corporate social responsibility initiatives, according to a Nielsen survey released in May 2009. CSR has gone through many phases in India. The

  21. Ethical Leadership: Ratan Tata and India's Tata Group

    Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts Abstract. This case is about the Tata Group, one of the leading business houses in India, a key emerging market. The group had a long-standing reputation for ethical leadership and was well known for its corporate social responsibility and principles such as the "Tatas don't bribe" and the "Tatas don't indulge in politics".

  22. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study Of TATA Group

    V. Tata Group & CSR 6.1 Introduction Ranging from steel, automobiles and software to consumer goods and telecommunications the Tata Group operates more than 80 companies . It has around 200,000 employees across India and thus has the pride to be nation's largest private employer. Mr. Ratan N. Tata has led the eminent Tata Group successfully.

  23. TATA Group HR Challenge Case-1

    TATA Group HR Challenge Case-1 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This is a Human Resource case study based on the TATA Group

  24. Tata Group retains No 1 position in Brand Finance India Report 2024

    Infosys has also exhibited a strong growth with a 9 per cent growth. The report has put its brand value to USD 14.2 billion despite a slowdown in the global IT Services sector. While HDFC Group has jumped to third sport with a valuation of USD 10.4 billion, following its merger with HDFC Ltd.