What is bubble assignment?

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a bubble assignment is when individuals at work go to another "area" to observe and put a face on that team, area - improving communication, understanding between work groups. I came across it on a 2008 study on collaboration sponsored by Cisco . "The organisation can also facilitate human connection

with initiatives like bubble assignments, where people

are temporarily assigned to another environment---enabling people to "put the face to the name" and helping overcome basic communication"

Bubble assignment is a type of multiple assignment in programming where the values are swapped between variables using a temporary variable. It is commonly used in sorting algorithms, such as bubble sort, to swap elements in an array or list. This technique ensures that values are exchanged correctly without losing any data during the swap process.

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4 rules for accepting a stretch assignment.

  • What Makes A Stretch Assignment “Yes”-able?

Ready to tackle a high-intensity, high-profile project? Go you! Here are four rules for assessing whether an assignment is the right fit.

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Want to connect to a bigger, bolder vision for your career? Try taking on a stretch assignment: A new project, role or task that is beyond your current expertise. Whether it requires turning around a struggling product or team, automating an inefficient process or delivering a big presentation to a VIP client, you'll be compelled to rapidly develop new technical, business or leadership skills.

There is towering evidence confirming the power of stretch opportunities. Just ask any experienced leader. Egon Zehnder’s survey of 823 international executives found that 71% of senior leaders said stretch assignments had the biggest impact on unleashing their potential. Also, research from Korn Ferry identifies stretch or rotational assignments as the most valuable leadership skill-building experience , ahead of action learning, mentoring, relationships, 360° assessments, exposure to more senior leaders and formal classroom training.

Recently, my colleague Selena Rezvani and I conducted original research about stretch assignments. What we discovered after surveying 1,500 professionals is detailed in my report , "Out of the Comfort Zone: How women and men size up stretch assignments — and why leaders should care."

What Makes A Stretch Assignment “Yes”-able?

We found that women and men factor in similar motivations and roadblocks when deciding whether to accept a stretch assignment. For both genders, the top criteria for saying “yes” to a stretch are having the personal influence to drive a successful outcome, and alignment with their career goals. Women and men agree that office politics, not lack of time, is the biggest practical challenge to taking on a stretch assignment.

There are also some differences. When deciding whether to say “yes” to a stretch assignment, women are more likely than men to prioritize exposure to key mentors and sponsors (18% vs. 11%.) Meanwhile, men are 3.5 times more likely than women to cite ‘pay’ as a factor that makes a stretch assignment appealing.

Make no mistake: A stretch assignment is no small commitment. One exec jokingly referred to them as “night jobs.” You wouldn’t want to accept, or overextend your stay in, a thankless job. So why accept a thankless stretch assignment? One survey respondent, a senior manager with a cloud-based software firm said he looks for a balance of “challenge, risk and reward” when evaluating whether to accept a stretch, and you should, too.

Four Rules for Accepting a Stretch Assignment

  • Don’t be afraid to take a risk. Stretch assignments come with tradeoffs. It’s risky to commit to high-stakes work that adds to your workload. But it’s a chance to develop new skills, discover new strengths and build influential networks. “I ask myself, Am I ready for change? Am I ready to be uncomfortable? Am I ready to make a mistake and learn from it?” wrote a woman working as a senior manager in consumer goods manufacturing.
  • Define your direction. The ideal stretch fuels your passions, plays to your strengths, and allows you to make a measurable business impact. Scan your org’s landscape for business opportunities that match the challenges you’d like to solve. “ I look for a complex challenge so that I can learn and grow, make impactful change and prove my abilities,” said one survey participant with ambitions to make her mark within a multinational manufacturing conglomerate. Once you have ideas, find evidence to support why they are helpful. Show your management what’s needed and why you’re excited about the part you could play.
  • Go after a project no one wants. Sure, everyone wants the stretch assignment associated with the cutting-edge trend or cool new client. But what about the assignment that makes people uneasy or nervous? One male senior manager at an e-commerce company said, “Thinking about it has to make me feel uncomfortable.” A person who volunteers for riskier stretches shows unique confidence in his or her abilities and commitment to the organization. Although manage­­ment may have lower expectations for these assignments, such opportunities are proving grounds for problem-solvers, change agents and fledgling leaders.

Taking on a stretch assignment is not for everyone. But if you’re ready to place a bet on yourself, a well-chosen stretch assignment can pay off, making your skills, value and work ethic known beyond your immediate workgroup. Stretch assignments are proven shortcuts to advancement, so don’t underestimate their career-making potential.

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Bubbling Up Your Top Talent

Donal Conn

Okay. We get it. Our world is shrinking quickly. Even the most staunchly reactive of HR professionals now understand that successful business leaders of tomorrow will need to be more than a little savvy to the many nuances of managing a multicultural workforce . Companies around the world will continue to have an ever-increasing population of employees who were raised in vastly different corners of our planet. The ‘Global Village’ that Marshal McLuhan theorized about in the early 1960s to great skepticism is now understood as a universal reality. From this point forward, a global mindset should be considered a ‘must-have’ competency before one can be promoted into the ranks of senior leadership. So with this state-of-tomorrow so widely apparent, why have so many global companies neglected to add some sort of short-term international assignment programto their talent development toolbox? While there often exists global mobility programs for long-term international assignments and relocations (complete with all the expatriate visa and payroll issue that come along with them), surprisingly few multinationals are currently utilizing short-term international assignments as a development tool for their top-talent listed in their succession plans. The concept of assigning a high-potential employee overseas for a 2-6 month global assignment (commonly referred to as a "bubble assignment") to help develop a cross-cultural mindset is not a new one. Numerous long-established companies with a global workforce have implemented this model for decades now with success. However, for the leagues of mid-to-large companies around the world who were not born global and have only recently expanded operations around the world, bubble assignments usually take the limited form of project work derived out of an operational need. Based on multiple recent surveys, it would appear that bubble assignments designed as a talent management tool still seem to be the primary domain ofthe 100+ year old blue chips. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the idea of developmental bubble assignments is starting to catch on with the nouveau global, albeit slowly. And given that many companies such as GE, Cisco, Honeywell and many others have been using bubble assignments to help develop their top talent for a while now, there are examples out there to be found as to what works and what doesn’t. Here’s a few key learnings to consider before designing a short-term international development assignment (IDA) program: [eventPDF] Bubbles aren’t for everyone Perhaps the most commonly overlooked component of a successful international development assignment program is the candidate selection process. Given the costs involved, most employers reserve short-term IDAs for only the most promising of rising stars. But it takes more than simply being a top-performer with a strong work ethic to succeed overseas. Many other personality traits such as humility, flexibility to routine, openness to new ideas, plus an intuitive and well-developed level of social intelligence are all pre-requisites for a successful bubble assignment. Be sure to create a screening and interview process to cull out the less adaptive candidates from your top-talent pool. At a minimum, be sure to incorporate behavior-based interviews into the process, preferably from managers from the proposed host-country as well and graduates from previous IDAs. Also consider using one of the psychological profile tools or multicultural awareness questionnaires designed for this purpose as a pre-screening tool. Bubbles can burst While the idea of a short-term assignment to an exotic location may sound enticing at first, some employees find the reality very different after a few months. Employees are highly driven and productive in the first weeks of the assignment; a phase commonly called "the honeymoon period." At this time, everything in the host country is exciting and new. After this initial period, culture shock will set in as the employee begins to recognize and feel overwhelmed by the differences between the host and home cultures. To ease this culture shock, it’s vital to provide some basic cultural training prior to the assignment around professional etiquette, communication and social norms, local cuisine, public transportation tips, etc. so the employee has some cultural literacy before traveling. Employees who experience culture shock for an extended period of time can go into a "brownout" where he/she feels isolated, homesick and becomes entirely unproductive at work. Bubbles are not extended holidays Sending an employee on an international assignment is often a costly investment for an organization, so returns should be expected. It’s crucial to structure the assignment with defined work duties, goals and expected outcomes. Many employers ask for weekly productivity logs or a final report at the end of the assignment regarding their key learnings. Employees are also often asked to be trainers, both on assignment and after their return to the home country. While you don’t want the assignment to be so rigid that there is little flexibility for social learning and local adventures, a bubble assignment without defined goals and structure will likely lead to a negative overall experience. Bubbles need friends Even for a short-term assignment, it can be very difficult to be alone in a new country and away from family and friends. If the employee doesn’t know where to turn to ask the simplest of questions (eg. "Where is the nearest metro station from the office?" "How do I dial an international number from this office phone?" etc.) Many organizational assign host-country mentors to help guide visiting employee for this purpose. Other companies choose to send small groups of two to three employees together on a bubble assignment as a support group. In any case, be sure to help create a support network for the employee on assignment. Bubbles don’t last forever The duration of bubble assignments vary greatly across companies and host countries. As a rule, bubble assignments generally last a minimum of two months and a maximum of six. Be sure to understand clearly the tax laws, visa policies and labor laws of both the host and home countries before setting the exact duration. Based on the feedback of many bubble veterans and cultural behaviorists, the optimal length of a bubble assignment is between three and four months. If the assignment is too short (less that 2 months), the employee tends to only stay in the ‘honeymoon’ phase and doesn’t begin to acculturate. Conversely, an assignment that takes the employee deep into the culture shock phase but not long enough to get past it (six to nine months) commonly leads to failed assignments and brownouts. This length can also wrongfully cull out top-talent employees with families or who do not have flexible housing situations. If you want an employee to fully understand another culture, consider a long-term assignment of one to three years instead of a bubble assignment.

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Bubble Assignment

  • Thread starter Strider
  • Start date Dec 11, 2012

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  • Dec 11, 2012

Hi, I'm looking for a translation of 'Bubble Assignment'. Apparently, it's when an international company sends an employee to an overseas office to get international experience and to work in a different culture. (See the third paragraph of this blog entry http://www.humanresourcesiq.com/talent-management/articles/bubbling-up-your-top-talent/ ) The context of the translation is a Powerpoint slide highlighting different initiatives to develop future leaders of a company, which include 'International bubble assignments'. Thanks!  

Pourquoi appeler "bubble" ces affectations de perfectionnement à l'étranger? On invite de gens à quitter le confort de leur "cocon" pour aller s'aventurer à l'étranger dans une "bubble". Si par "bubble" on entend "A protective, often isolating envelope or cover: "The Secret Service will talk of tightening protection, but no President wants to live in a bubble" (Anthony Lewis).", ça ressemble à un cocon. On espère peut-être que la chenille affectée à l'étranger émergera du cocon transformée en papillon. Je n'ai pas trouvé d'équivalent pour "bubble" et seul le confort associé au "cocon" m'empêche de proposer ce néologisme.  

un séjour en immersion ?  

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Growing Skills with Development Assignments

Last Updated on October 24, 2021 – 6:40 pm

Every modern company prefers to attract employees with the proper skills and experience to work for them. However, hiring managers often face a different reality: searching for this kind of employee is like scouring the haystack for a tiny needle. As companies increase their spend toward employee development and training, they also go beyond a few traditional learning opportunities to create effective employee development programs. Training and Development Assignments are one way by which they can achieve this.

Employee development focuses on collaborating with employees to enable them to acquire, develop, improve, and hone existing skills. It aims to build a talent pool to bolster the company’s mission while creating highly engaged employees.

Skills themselves refer to the mix of abilities, experiences, and qualities one may use to get stuff done. Skills may include interpersonal, leadership, and organization skills – so-called  soft skills . Other skills such as accounting, application development, research, and writing are technical skills.

Deliberately improving skills can help employees achieve personal career goals, including earning a promotion or becoming more proficient in specific areas. An employee’s skill set may be necessary to advance in one career or pivot to another. Let’s now turn our attention to how employees can grow skills through development assignments.

Defining Development Assignments

Development or developmental assignments allow employees to take on tasks outside the purview of their primary work assignments. However, their tasks remain well within their functional area.

The idea behind developmental assignments is to grow a workforce adequately qualified to perform current and future career functions with equal skill. Leaders advance more through challenging assignments than by exercising routine competency.

There are plenty of opportunities that emerge when participants take on novel tasks of significant complexity. These developmental tasks can include any of the following:

  • unfamiliar responsibilities,
  • establishing a new program,  and
  • developing solutions to complex multi-factor problems.

Interestingly, developmental assignments may not count much towards a promotion. But, they are critical in increasing skills, knowledge, and experience, which ultimately play a big role in career advancement.

Who Benefits Most from Developmental Assignment Programs?

While the employee seems to be the obvious beneficiary of developmental tasks, the employer stands to gain a lot down the road.

The new skills and experiences that employees garner in seeing out the stretch assignments primarily benefit the employer. These tasks typically last between 3 to 6 months before the employee returns to their primary assignment. During this time, the employee will be stepping outside their comfort zone but on mutually beneficial terms with the company.

As the worker grows professionally, the company can pursue projects using resources that would otherwise not be available.

Developing Developmental Job Assignments

Developmental job assignments should primarily proceed from an employee’s Performance and Development Plan (PDP). However, it should not stop them or the organization from seeking assignments external to this.

It’s important for developmental assignments to be flexible but within a readily identifiable framework of guidelines:

  • Clear documentation and approval of the developmental job assignment by hiring and supervising managers and other stakeholders before advertising the assignment.
  • Establishment and documentation of learning goals before the employee commences the assignment.
  • The form of the developmental assignment may be full-time or part-time.
  • The employee doesn’t need to possess all the necessary skills to perform the tasks or project independently. Nevertheless, they need to have an unmistakable aptitude, ability, and copious ambition to conclude the assignment with ample oversight.
  • Assignments need to transcend the employee’s current skill level while supporting their growth and  career development . There needs to be a healthy tension between entry-level training and development and the development task in question, for instance.
  • The salary of an employee assuming a development assignment remains the same.
  • Clear communication that there are no guarantees of future pay increase, promotion, or job change due to this assignment.
  • The developmental task may not evolve into a permanent position without competitive recruitment.
  • Employees should return to their previous position after the assignment.
  • Employees need to wait a specified period (usually six months) before accepting another developmental assignment.
  • The line manager and employee should complete a detailed evaluation of the learning experience upon the conclusion of the developmental assignment. This evaluation should go into the employee’s personnel file.
  • Development assignments are not official transfers.
  • There have to be mutually agreeable reasons for ending a developmental assignment earlier than planned.

A developmental assignment task may end early for various reasons, including an unexpected end to the project, poor attendance, performance issues, or an unreliable employee.

Organizations need to carry the mindset that assignments are development opportunities. They must first understand that they can optimize the ROI from development assignments. It’s feasible if their operating principles include understanding the value proposition of development assignments, establishing effective career path strategies, and understanding the proper use of global mobility.

Employees and employers need to be keen on developmental opportunities if they will both be relevant in an increasingly dynamic age.

If you want to learn more about employee development, you can check out our blog posts  here .

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About the author: andrea pejoska.

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Welcome to the University Wiki Service! Please use your IID ([email protected]) when prompted for your email address during login or click here to enter your EID . If you are experiencing any issues loading content on pages, please try these steps to clear your browser cache .

.css-1lrpez4{margin-top:unset;}.css-1lrpez4:hover > span,.css-1lrpez4:focus-within > span{opacity:1;-webkit-transform:none;-ms-transform:none;transform:none;-webkit-transform-duration:0.1s;-ms-transform-duration:0.1s;transform-duration:0.1s;} Bubble (UT only) .css-14vda7h{font-size:15px;margin-inline-start:0.5rem;opacity:0;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:translateX(-4px);-ms-transform:translateX(-4px);transform:translateX(-4px);-webkit-transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,-webkit-transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;-webkit-transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;}

Bubble sheet assignments are currently only supported for exams at the University of Texas at Austin. 

To create this type of assignment, you must have an assignment type with the "Bubble" submit method in your  Grading Scheme .

bubble assignment mean

While the visuals below will be slightly different, the fields will be the same.

Additional Options

Randomize question order: determines whether the questions will appear in the order you set, or be randomized for each student.

Optional Class Instructions: is any additional instructions you want to appear at the beginning of the assignment.

Exams can be created in two modes:

Pre-bind (or early-bind) - Exam versions will be bound to a specific student EID. Bubble sheets will be printed with the student EID and version number already filled in. This is the only setting that will offer seating chart functionality.

Late-bind - Exam versions will NOT be tied to a specific student EID. Students will fill in their EID and version number on the bubble sheets when they take the exam.

We recommend pre-bind to avoid mistakes when students bubble in their EID and exam version number and are happy to provide guidance on bubble sheet printing. For more information about printing exams on the University of Texas at Austin campus, please contact us at [email protected]

bubble assignment mean

Exams can be hybrid, such that some questions are multiple choice, and some are manually graded! Please reach out to us at  [email protected]  if you'd like to explore that option for an upcoming exam.  

The method of adding questions to an assignment is the same for all assignment types and is explained  here .

Once the assignment is ready for students to start working on, you must publish it to the class. This prevents further editing of the assignment, so make sure you mean it. This process is explained in depth  here .

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Topic sections, grading a simple question, grading even faster with keyboard shortcuts, advanced grading options, annotation and advanced navigation, ai-assisted grading, course management, manage course roster, create an exam, create a homework assignment, create an online assignment, create a programming assignment, create a bubble sheet assignment, create a group assignment, assignment workflow, for students: submit on the gradescope mobile app, for students: submit pdfs on the gradescope website, for students: submitting an online assignment, for students: viewing feedback & requesting regrades, upload scans and associate them with students.

  • Review and publish grades

Manage regrade requests

View assignment statistics.

Subtitles: Click on the cog icon on each video to enable English subtitles/closed captions. Subtítulos: Haz clic en el ícono de engranaje en los videos para cambiar los subtítulos a español. Legendas: Clique no ícone de engrenagem nos vídeos para mudar as legendas para português. 字幕: 動画右下の歯車マーク(設定)から「字幕」を選ぶと日本語字幕を表示できます。 자막: 한국어 자막을 켜고 보시려면, cc 아이콘을 클릭하여 한국어 자막을 선택해주세요.

This video shows the basics of grading with Gradescope. You'll see how to:

  • Navigate through submissions for one question.
  • Make rubric items.
  • Change rubric point values.

In our shortest video, you'll learn how to use keyboard shortcuts to grade even more quickly. We also have a handy image for reference.

This video goes over how to change rubric settings, make student-specific point adjustments and comments, grade in parallel with multiple graders, and create groups of rubric items.

Gradescope offers freehand annotation tools and flexible page viewing to support the instructor’s feedback and grading needs.

This video shows how to annotate directly on a student submission and change the page view to focus on a single question, a whole page, or any other pages in a student submission.

To speed up grading, Gradecope offers answer grouping and AI-Assisted answer grouping features for fixed-template assignments.:

  • Answer Groups - Lets instructors manually group and grade student answers instead of grading each student answer one-by-one.
  • AI-Assisted Answer Groups - Uses Gradescope’s artificial intelligence to automatically group similar student answers that instructors can review and grade (available only for some question types).

This video shows how to set up, review, and grade student submissions using manual answer grouping or AI-Assisted answer grouping for a fixed-template assignment.

Adding course staff and importing a large number of students is simple to do in Gradescope. Here's the sample roster used in the video.

This video shows how to upload your exam template and create the question outline. Here's the sample template used in the video.

This video shows you how to enable your students to submit their work to Gradescope and how to create the question outline. Gradescope supports both fixed-length (worksheet style) and variable-length (problem sets, projects) student-uploaded assignments. Here's the sample template used in this video.

Online assignments (in public beta) have a variety of question types, such as multiple choice, short answer, check boxes, and file/image uploads, that students can answer directly within the interface by typing, selecting, or uploading their responses.

This video shows how to create questions, set correct answers, and grade submissions for an online assignment.

Gradescope programming assignments work with all programming languages and can be graded manually, with a code autograder, or use a combination of the two. Code similarity reports are also generated to flag potential plagiarism cases for instructors to review.

This video shows how to create a programming assignment, grade submissions with a code autograder or manually, and review code similarity reports for potential plagiarism cases.

For more information on building code autograders, check out our Gradescope Autograder documentation .

Bubble sheet assignments are for multiple choice assignments or exams and come with a bubble sheet template to use. Instructors will predefine an answer key (up to five versions) that Gradescope uses to grade students’ multiple choice responses automatically.

This video shows how to use a bubble sheet template, define the answer key, set scoring defaults for full or partial credit answers, and view assignment statistics or item analysis data.

This video shows you how to create an assignment meant to be completed by a group of students. You will see how both instructors and students set up their group submissions.

This video shows how to submit work to Gradescope as a student via the Gradescope Mobile App.

The Gradescope Mobile App allows students to upload work without the use of a scanner or third party app. This makes uploading handwritten work more convenient and protects students’ privacy by keeping their work in Gradescope. Learn more about the mobile app in our help center .

This video shows how to submit a variable-length assignment (i.e. a homework with no fixed page number) as a student by using the Gradescope website.

Having a high quality scan is an important step in submitting assignments. For students who are scanning handwritten work, we recommend using the Gradescope Mobile App .

This video shows how to complete an online assignment on Gradescope as a student. Online assignment allow students to submit responses to various types of questions directly on the Gradescope site, including questions where students upload an external file.

This video shows how to review published grades, rubrics, and feedback on Gradescope as a student. It also covers how to submit regrade requests as a student, if regrade requests have been enabled for the assignment.

Scanning exams, demonstrated on the ScanSnap ix500 Take a look at our favorite settings for this model.

Newer model here .

After the exams are scanned in, they can be uploaded in batches. We'll attempt to automatically split the scanned pages into submissions. We will then automatically attempt to match each submission to a student in your roster, and you'll be able to manually match any remaining submissions. You can download the two batches used in this video: first and second .

Publish grades

After grading is complete, all data can be downloaded from Gradescope in CSV format. Conveniently, students can be notified of the availability of their graded assignment via Gradescope via email and can review their scores online. If you'd like to disable regrade requests for an assignment, you can do so from the Regrade Requests page.

Once grades have been released, students have the option to submit regrade requests. Gradescope allows instructors to easily change students' grades and submit responses to the requests.

Once grading is complete for an assignment, you can go to the Assignment Statistics page to get further insights into what your students have learned and where they are potentially struggling. You can view statistics at the assignment level or at the question/rubric item level, and you can also tag questions with concepts, learning objectives, book chapters, etc., and then view statistics by tag.

bubble assignment mean

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Getting to know new cultures – Bubble Assignments at NORMA Group

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This post is also available in: Deutsch

Living abroad for a while, getting to know a new culture and gaining some valuable international work experience? You can do it all at NORMA Group during a Bubble Assignment (BA). The goal of these assignments is to strengthen cooperation among the sites and to learn from each other. Overcoming national and cultural boundaries is a natural side-effect.

This was an experience that way also shared by Nikolina Radlovic, BI Analyst, Miloš Saravolac, HR Business Partner EMEA, and Nemanja Pilipovic, HR Specialist EMEA, at our site in Subotica, Serbia, along with Tarik Adsiz, Product Engineer in Hustopeče, Czech Republic. In this interview, they talk about their experiences and how they benefited from their stay abroad.

How did you get to do a Bubble Assignment?

Tarik: One of my colleagues is going to retire soon and I will be taking over his job. So, with that in mind, I wanted to acquire as much expertise as possible and coordinate projects with him. The best way to do that was to move to Germany for three months. The move also gave me the opportunity to finally meet in person the colleagues I have been working with for four years.

Miloš: I also did my Bubble Assignment at NORMA Group’s headquarters in Maintal – I was there for a year to support the HR department because a colleague went on maternity leave.

bubble assignment mean

Miloš Saravolac

Nemanja: I spent three months in Germany as well, working in the same department that I work in Serbia. So, I already knew some of the colleagues.

Nikolina: My supervisor asked me if I was interested in a BA. I certainly was and shortly after that I received the offer to support the Croissy Beaubourg site with their implementation of NEMO D365. I gladly accepted and subsequently spent three months in France.

How did the activities during the Bubble Assignment differ from your usual routine?

Miloš: There are generally a lot of operational tasks with many personal contacts at plant level, as is the case in Serbia. As a Group HR Manager, you are also responsible for supporting the company with HR processes. But beyond that, you also take on a strategic role, for example by introducing processes and standards, supporting global projects and communicating worldwide about various HR topics. This was out of my comfort zone, but also a big part of my professional development.

Nikolina: In Serbia, I am part of the EMEA finance team. Our job is to collect and analyze the financial figures of legal entities in our region in order to prepare the financial reporting. In France, on the other hand, I worked for the local finance team and supported them in the preparation of all financial reports, which are later audited by the regional team.

That was a big difference. Communication within the team was also quite different. At the EMEA level, most of the communication takes place online because colleagues are located in different countries. In France, on the other hand, communication was mainly face-to-face, because the focus was on the plant.

bubble assignment mean

Nikolina Radlovic

Nemanja: My tasks in the team were also very different from the ones I do in Serbia. My focus in Germany was on our internal HR information system. But the experience from home was definitely helpful.

Tarik: I work in product development in both the Czech Republic and Germany, but during the Bubble Assignment I was also able to take on activities from the IME, LAB and Prototype Production areas.

How were you welcomed by your colleagues?

Tarik: I had a huge amount of support from the very start.

Nemanja: So did I! I was warmly welcomed by my colleagues – they made me feel like I was part of the team right away. I couldn’t be more grateful for the way they treated me. It not only made my life in Germany easier, but also helped me with my daily tasks.

bubble assignment mean

Nemanja Pilipovic

Nikolina: Everyone involved always had an open ear and was very nice to me – I also felt really welcome. Besides work, they also took care of my personal life and made an effort to find me a nice place to stay, gave me tips on how to get to know Paris better and showed me some beautiful places.

Miloš: That was my experience as well! Hospitality is often not portrayed as the Germans’ greatest strength, but my team showed me otherwise: I felt very welcome! My favorite memory is how my German colleagues explained to me the bottle deposit system and how waste is recycled – the Germans really are pros at that.

And when you weren’t working? What did you do in your free time?

Nikolina: Because it was my first time in Paris, I took the opportunity to explore the city – I wanted to experience life in Paris like a local, not like a tourist.

I enjoyed having a coffee on the patio of a café and watching the city go by or reading a book on the lawn in one of the many beautiful gardens. And most of all, I was glad that I could also share this experience with my family and friends from Serbia who came to visit.

bubble assignment mean

Tarik: I went on a lot of excursions, visited other cities and explored the outdoors. I tried to participate in cultural exchange as much as possible and also met with my colleagues in my free time.

Miloš: Since I like to exercise, I joined a CrossFit club. I also took advantage of how centrally Frankfurt is located to travel and get to know the Balkan community around the city. I also went shopping from time to time.

Nemanja: I also enjoyed exploring Frankfurt and the surrounding area. And of course, I also took the opportunity to sample the different kinds of food that are available throughout the city.

What are some of the most interesting experiences you had during your Bubble Assignment?

Miloš: I definitely learned a lot! On the professional side, I gained knowledge about some processes that I wasn’t previously familiar with, and I developed my communication skills and strategic thinking. On the private side, I learned a lot about myself. I was constantly pushing myself to the limit and discovered how adaptable I am – or how adaptable I’m not.

I also learned a lot about Germany, the Germans and some cultural differences. On top of that, I tried to spread some Balkan spirit among my German colleagues!

Nikolina: I also had to leave my comfort zone in order to adapt to an unfamiliar work environment, but by taking this approach, I increased my confidence and gained more motivation to take on new challenges.

The Bubble Assignment gave me the opportunity to experience a completely different perspective, which was beneficial for my understanding of financial figures and improving my analytical skills, but also for my personal development.

Tarik: I learned about the differences in work culture between Germany and the Czech Republic, strengthened my network within the company and now have a better understanding of the tasks that I generally face. I was also able to brush up on my German.

bubble assignment mean

Tarik Adsiz

Nemanja: I also gained a lot from the assignment – both professionally and personally. Most importantly, I was also able to improve my German. The knowledge I gained during this stay not only enriched my life, but also provided me with valuable skills and perspectives that will be useful to me in the future.

What advice would you give to someone starting a Bubble Assignment in the near future?

Miloš: That’s an easy question to answer: prepare, research, be open and just go for it!

Tarik: Meet as many colleagues as possible and take the time to get to know them outside of work. Make sure that you experience as much as possible, try to learn the local language and learn a lot about the culture of your destination country. A Bubble Assignment is a great way to experience a different lifestyle. I would like to thank everyone involved for their support and I am very happy that I was able to have this experience!

Nemanja: Exactly! Take advantage of the opportunity, be open-minded and immerse yourself in the local culture.

Nikolina: I couldn’t agree more! Get out of your comfort zone and keep an open mind. Every new person you meet and every new place you go is a new experience and lesson for life.

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bubble assignment mean

“Every day at NORMA Group is a great experience”

Victor Hernandez actually works as a Metal Welding & Testing Specialist at the NORMA Group site in Juarez, Mexico, and is a member of the IME Tech Centre team. Last November, however, he was on a bubble assignment in the Czech Republic. In this interview, he talks to us about the experiences and insights he gained while on this assignment.

bubble assignment mean

“This experience benefits me personally and professionally”

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bubble assignment mean

“Everyone communicates with each other without boundaries”

Baran Yücetin is Area Sales Manager at NORMA Group’s office in Turkey. For three months, he works abroad in Anderstorp, Sweden and takes care of customers in Norway and Finland.

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  • 6.1 Objectives
  • 6.2 Searching
  • 6.3 The Sequential Search
  • 6.4 The Binary Search
  • 6.5 Hashing
  • 6.6 Sorting
  • 6.7 The Bubble Sort
  • 6.8 The Selection Sort
  • 6.9 The Insertion Sort
  • 6.10 The Shell Sort
  • 6.11 The Merge Sort
  • 6.12 The Quick Sort
  • 6.13 Summary
  • 6.14 Key Terms
  • 6.15 Discussion Questions
  • 6.16 Programming Exercises
  • 6.6. Sorting" data-toggle="tooltip">
  • 6.8. The Selection Sort' data-toggle="tooltip" >

6.7. The Bubble Sort ¶

The bubble sort makes multiple passes through a list. It compares adjacent items and exchanges those that are out of order. Each pass through the list places the next largest value in its proper place. In essence, each item “bubbles” up to the location where it belongs.

Figure 1 shows the first pass of a bubble sort. The shaded items are being compared to see if they are out of order. If there are n items in the list, then there are \(n-1\) pairs of items that need to be compared on the first pass. It is important to note that once the largest value in the list is part of a pair, it will continually be moved along until the pass is complete.


Figure 1: bubbleSort : The First Pass ¶

At the start of the second pass, the largest value is now in place. There are \(n-1\) items left to sort, meaning that there will be \(n-2\) pairs. Since each pass places the next largest value in place, the total number of passes necessary will be \(n-1\) . After completing the \(n-1\) passes, the smallest item must be in the correct position with no further processing required. ActiveCode 1 shows the complete bubbleSort function. It takes the list as a parameter, and modifies it by exchanging items as necessary.

The exchange operation, sometimes called a “swap,” is slightly different in Python than in most other programming languages. Typically, swapping two elements in a list requires a temporary storage location (an additional memory location). A code fragment such as

will exchange the ith and jth items in the list. Without the temporary storage, one of the values would be overwritten.

In Python, it is possible to perform simultaneous assignment. The statement a,b=b,a will result in two assignment statements being done at the same time (see Figure 2 ). Using simultaneous assignment, the exchange operation can be done in one statement.

Lines 5-7 in ActiveCode 1 perform the exchange of the \(i\) and \((i+1)th\) items using the three–step procedure described earlier. Note that we could also have used the simultaneous assignment to swap the items.


Figure 2: Exchanging Two Values in Python ¶

The following activecode example shows the complete bubbleSort function working on the list shown above.

The following animation shows bubbleSort in action.

To analyze the bubble sort, we should note that regardless of how the items are arranged in the initial list, \(n-1\) passes will be made to sort a list of size n . Table 1 shows the number of comparisons for each pass. The total number of comparisons is the sum of the first \(n-1\) integers. Recall that the sum of the first n integers is \(\frac{1}{2}n^{2} + \frac{1}{2}n\) . The sum of the first \(n-1\) integers is \(\frac{1}{2}n^{2} + \frac{1}{2}n - n\) , which is \(\frac{1}{2}n^{2} - \frac{1}{2}n\) . This is still \(O(n^{2})\) comparisons. In the best case, if the list is already ordered, no exchanges will be made. However, in the worst case, every comparison will cause an exchange. On average, we exchange half of the time.









A bubble sort is often considered the most inefficient sorting method since it must exchange items before the final location is known. These “wasted” exchange operations are very costly. However, because the bubble sort makes passes through the entire unsorted portion of the list, it has the capability to do something most sorting algorithms cannot. In particular, if during a pass there are no exchanges, then we know that the list must be sorted. A bubble sort can be modified to stop early if it finds that the list has become sorted. This means that for lists that require just a few passes, a bubble sort may have an advantage in that it will recognize the sorted list and stop. ActiveCode 2 shows this modification, which is often referred to as the short bubble .

Q-4: Suppose you have the following list of numbers to sort: <br> [19, 1, 9, 7, 3, 10, 13, 15, 8, 12] which list represents the partially sorted list after three complete passes of bubble sort?

  • [1, 9, 19, 7, 3, 10, 13, 15, 8, 12]
  • This answer represents three swaps. A pass means that you continue swapping all the way to the end of the list.
  • [1, 3, 7, 9, 10, 8, 12, 13, 15, 19]
  • [1, 7, 3, 9, 10, 13, 8, 12, 15, 19]
  • A bubble sort contines to swap numbers up to index position passnum. But remember that passnum starts at the length of the list - 1.
  • You have been doing an insertion sort, not a bubble sort.

Table of Contents

Bubble sheet template, assignment settings, points and scoring, managing uncertain versions, reviewing uncertain marks, manual grading, student answer report , posting grades to your lms, reliability, standard deviation, standard error of measurement, discriminatory score, insights panel.

  • ​Assignment Workflow

Bubble Sheet Assignments

Updated 10 months ago

Gradescope’s bubble sheet assignments allow you to create a multiple-choice answer key for the automatic grading of your students’ submissions as they are uploaded. 

Use Gradescope’s 200-question bubble sheet template for student submissions. The PDF template includes the following fields:

  • Name - used for auto-matching uploaded submissions to students on your roster
  • ID - student ID, if applicable it can be used for auto-matching uploaded submissions to students on your roster
  • Section - enter a section name if applicable
  • Date - date the student completed the assignment
  • Version - used for the student to mark which version of the assignment they are assigned to
  • Other - a field to enter any other information you have requested from your students
  • Two hundred answer spaces - provided over two pages; only upload the used pages 

bubble assignment mean

Creating a bubble sheet assignment

To create a bubble sheet assignment:

  • Access your course dashboard and select Assignments from the left navigation menu.
  • Select the Create Assignment button from the taskbar at the bottom of the page. 
  • Select Bubble Sheet from the list of assignment types and then select Next at the bottom of the page. 

bubble assignment mean

Settings for your assignment will change depending on whether submissions are uploaded by an instructor or student. 

bubble assignment mean

  • Enter a name for your assignment. 
  • Decide whether to enable anonymous grading to hide identifiable student information.
  • If the Instructor is the uploader - select Create Assignment at the bottom of the page and move on to creating your answer key. 
  • If the Student is the uploader - move on to step 4 to finish setting up the assignment.
  • Release Date - when the assignment will be available to students
  • Due Date - the deadline for submissions
  • (Optional) Late Due Date - allows students to submit after the due date up until the specified date. 
  • (Optional) Time Limit - the maximum time (minutes) permitted for students to complete their assignment
  • Limit Group Size - control the maximum number of students that the submitter can link to their submission.
  • Set the template visibility . If enabled, students will be able to view and download Gradescope’s bubble sheet template. 

bubble assignment mean

  • Select Create Assignment to move on to creating your assignment’s answer key. 

On the Answer Key page, allocate the correct answers to each numbered question for your assignment. You can create multiple versions of the same bubble sheet assignment, each having individual answer keys.

Need to start again? Select Clear Answers to revert back to a new answer key. 

Once you are finished setting up your answer key, select Save Answer Key. You will be directed to the Manage Scans page, where you can upload the submissions.

Set the number of points that can be awarded for answering questions correctly. For questions with multiple answers, there are three scoring styles to choose from:

  • Exact - Full points are only awarded when all correct answers for the question are selected. 
  • Partial - Partial credit is awarded for each correct answer selected. Zero points are awarded if no correct answers are chosen or if any incorrect answers are selected. 
  • Either/Or - Full points are awarded when any of the correct answers are selected. Zero points are awarded if no correct answers are chosen or if any incorrect answers are selected. 

The point value and scoring style can be changed for individual questions by selecting the settings cog beside the question number. 

Creating multiple versions

On the Answer Key page, you can create up to five different versions of the assignment by selecting the +Add Version button. Each version can have its own answer key, point value, and scoring settings. To delete the last created version, select the red X.

bubble assignment mean

If your assignment has multiple versions, instruct your students to mark their version on their answer sheet. Different versions of the same bubble sheet assignment can be scanned together as a single PDF file . You do not need to pre-sort the submissions by version ; Gradescope does this automatically.

If we have been unable to automatically assign a version to a submission, you will be informed on the Manage Submissions page. The number of uncertain versions will be highlighted at the top of the page, and a question mark will be displayed under the Version column for the affected student(s).

To manually assign a version, select the Uncertain Versions notification. A modal will appear displaying

  • the affected students’ names
  • an image of the student’s version selection on their submission 
  • the estimated scores they would receive with each version’s answer key

Select a version for your affected students and then select Confirm Versions to leave the modal.

Review uncertain versions modal

Gradescope automatically grades bubble sheet assignments as soon as they have been uploaded. This may take a few minutes, depending on the number of submissions.

Once grading is complete for all submissions, you can publish the grades to your students from the Review Grades page. 

Occasionally, Gradescope needs more information to be more confident about what a student has selected as their answer. This could be because the bubble was not fully shaded, or they changed their mind. 

To review any uncertain marks:

  • Access the Grade Submissions page of your assignment. 
  • Select the Uncertain Marks notifications at the top of the page. 
  • A modal listing all instances of uncertain marks will appear with an image of each attempted answer. Select the appropriate bubble option for each answer. 
  • Select Confirm All Marks . 

After your bubble sheet has been auto-graded, you can make manual edits and adjustments if needed. You can still:

  • award custom partial credit to certain answer options
  • give more detailed feedback
  • adjust the rubric in any way

To begin manual edits or adjustments:

  • Access the Grade Submissions dashboard.
  • Select the question where you would like to amend or edit the grading.
  • Make any changes to the rubric for that question. Changes that are made to the rubric will apply to all students who have that version and rubric item applied.

Reviewing grades

Once grading is complete for all submissions, you can publish the grades to your students from the Review Grades page.

If your assignment has multiple versions , you can view, publish, and download grades for a specific version by selecting the individual version's tab located at the top of the Review Grades page. Select the All tab to action all of the versions at once.

For individual versions, you will also have the option to Export Evaluations and Export Submissions . This cannot be done from the "All" tab for all versions at once.

If your bubble sheet assignment has multiple versions and you receive a  Regrade Request , you can refer to the Versions column on the Regrade Requests page to see the version for each student.

A .CSV report of every student’s answer and score for each question can be exported by selecting the Download Responses button.

The student answer report can be useful for completing analysis, such as curving or comparing scores for corresponding questions across versions.

If your institution has LMS (Learning Management System) integration enabled, you can post grades from your Gradescope assignment to the LMS via the Post Grades to [LMS Name] button on the Review Grades page. 

  • To post all grades to a single assignment or gradebook column in your LMS, select the Post Grades to [LMS] button on the All tab of the assignment’s Review Grades page.
  • To separate the grades for each version to a separate assignment in the LMS, select each version’s tab on the Review Grades page and click Post Grades to [LMS] on each tab.

For more information on using Gradescope with your LMS and determining your LTI version, please refer to the LMS Workflow section of the help center.

We gather and correlate data from your students’ submissions to provide you with informative statistics regarding your assignment.

Bubble sheet assignments have statistics and insights which are explained in the guidance below; learn more about Gradescope’s general statistics and tags . 

bubble assignment mean

Reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha) - Gradescope’s Reliability score is calculated using the Cronbach’s Alpha equation. Reliability can be used to measure the likelihood that an assignment’s achieved grades reflect your students’ subject knowledge. A score between 0 and 1 is displayed after evaluating all student answers to all questions within the assignment.

A score indicating assignment reliability typically falls above 0.5 .

Want to improve your reliability score? There are a few things you can consider to improve assignment reliability.   

  • Cover a range of topics on the assignment subject
  • Increase the number of questions
  • Use a variety of question types 
  • Review the discriminatory score for each of your assignment’s questions on the Item Analysis page.

Standard deviation (STD DEV) illustrates how individual students' grades vary compared to the assignment's average. 

  • Lower STD DEV - Students have achieved very similar scores. If shown on a graph, the grades would appear in a cluster near the assignment’s recorded mean. 
  • Higher STD DEV - Student grades are widely varied. If shown on a graph, the grades would be spread between the lowest and highest achieved grade. 

Standard error (SEM) assesses an assignment’s precision. Calculated using the standard deviation, the STD error is used to determine the student's highest and lowest hypothetical grade by adding and subtracting its value from their achieved grade.

A student’s hypothetical grade range is an estimation of results if the student were to repeatedly take the assignment. A higher STD error, causing higher hypothetical grade range, could mean that the assignment is less accurate in portraying student knowledge. 

For example, if the STD error was 3.0 and the student achieved a score of 60; the student’s hypothetical grades would range from 57 to 63.

Item Analysis Report

The item analysis report provides a breakdown of how your students answered each question as well as investigatory insights into each question’s discriminatory score.

Each question is listed along with every potential answer for that question. The percentage of students that selected each answer is provided. The percentages shown in green highlight that question’s correct answer; any percentages shown in red indicate that more students selected an incorrect answer than the correct one. 

bubble assignment mean

The discriminatory score uses the point-biserial correlation coefficient to calculate the correlation between students answering a question correctly and their overall assignment score. 

Scores below 0.20 indicate that a question may not accurately distinguish between your high-performing and low-performing students. This could be due to:

  • the question is too easy or too difficult.
  • the wording of the question may be difficult to understand or misleading.

Any questions receiving a discriminatory score below 0.2 will be automatically flagged in the insights panel. 

The insights panel automatically flags any questions that have received a discriminatory score below 0.20.

bubble assignment mean

Select a flagged question to investigate its question difficulty . The question difficulty is determined by the percentage of students that answered it correctly.  

  • Hard - less than 50%
  • Medium - 50%-84%
  • Easy - 85%-100%

To provide further insight into the question’s difficulty, we have provided data on how the top and bottom scoring 27% of students from that assignment have performed on that question. 

bubble assignment mean

After investigating the provided insights into the flagged question, you can access the question’s rubric or the assignment’s answer key to make any adjustments.

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Programming assignments, online assignments (beta), related articles, can i administer an all multiple choice assignment remotely and have gradescope auto-grade it, how do i regrade existing student submissions after changing the outline for my assignment, assignment types.


Kaleidoscope Behavioral Health

Reduce Stress and Anxiety with Blowing Bubbles

bubble assignment mean

When you’re focused on blowing a bubble, there is less room for anxious thoughts, and symptoms tend to decrease. It’s because both techniques share similarities in their mechanics. After successfully learning how to blow a big bubble with bubblegum, you can be trained to recognize physical signs of stress and use bubble blowing to reduce those symptoms.

Blowing big bubbles can be a powerful tool if you’re experiencing stress-induced physical symptoms like dilated pupils, headaches, or shakiness. It can help you regain control over your body’s response to stress. This technique empowers you to recognize when you’ve practiced deep breathing enough or when your symptoms are still causing interference, and you need to revert to blowing bubbles (deep breathing).

TALK THERAPY – Get help from a licensed therapist. Kaleidoscope offers personalized therapy.

To demonstrate, I use a “dragon breath” that can achieve a large bubble slowly instead of numerous bubbles quickly. Sometimes, individuals feel competitive about creating a really big bubble or “catching their bubble” and turning it into a “double bubble” by blowing back into a bubble they caught.

Engaging in fun activities releases dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that makes us feel good. Playing a game with bubbles can be one such activity. It can take many forms, such as keeping the bubble in the air by blowing on it, hitting a target with it, or even hitting each other’s bubbles. After playing this game, you can monitor yourself to see if any symptoms have dissipated.

So why not grab your kids a bottle of bubbles and start blowing bubbles together? I guarantee you’ll have a lot of fun, and laughter and silliness can lift everyone’s mood and take their minds off current events.

“Each of us is a vital thread in the tapestry of each other. We are woven together for a reason”

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English term

bubble assignment mean

Reliable and accurate

Native in: French 

Works in: English to French, Italian to French

Follow or mute ("flag" or "filter")

Bubble Assignment

4 +2

Proposed translations

bubble assignment mean

Love to deal with words

Works in: English to French

Voyage d'intégration



Merci beaucoup Géraldine !

Something went wrong...

bubble assignment mean

Traduire n'est plus trahir.

Works in: English to French, German to French

mission d'observation/temps d'immersion


agree : oui mission d'observation en immersion
agree : Oui, et d'accord avec la proposition d'Hélène.

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Definition of bubble verb from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

present simple I / you / we / they bubble /ˈbʌbl/ /ˈbʌbl/
he / she / it bubbles /ˈbʌblz/ /ˈbʌblz/
past simple bubbled /ˈbʌbld/ /ˈbʌbld/
past participle bubbled /ˈbʌbld/ /ˈbʌbld/
-ing form bubbling /ˈbʌblɪŋ/ /ˈbʌblɪŋ/
  • The water in the pan was beginning to bubble.
  • Cook until the cheese is golden and bubbling.
  • bubble up Add the white wine and let it bubble up.

Definitions on the go

Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app.

bubble assignment mean

Note that we could have used any boolean expression in the Value field shown above and slapped :formatted as text on it. But what I chose to do is evaluate whether some dynamic text expression (that’s part of what we want to concatenate) “is not empty”.

Here’s how this works: The first part of this expression is a boolean expression. It looks at Current User’s Last Name. If that field isn’t empty, it will return yes/true. If that field is empty, it will return no/false.

Now we put :formatted as text on it to turn those true/false values into a text. And when we do that, we get the handy Boolean formatting dialog, which has full-featured text fields in it (note it even has Rich text editor links!).

For the yes case (Last Name has some text in it), we return concatenated text that’ll be something like “Smith is your last name!” For the no case (Last Name doesn’t have any text in it), we return the empty string (though we could do anything – for example, return “Hey, we don’t know your last name!”).

Having done this, we can see that there are probably other similar approaches like using :search and replace or :replace with regex, which will also present us with full-featured text fields, but I think a boolean :formatted as text is the easiest approach.

As i said, we could use any boolean expression to trigger :formatted as. Note that we always have access to at least 1 boolean expression that’s easy to snag: Current date/time is empty or Current date/time is not empty (take your pick). Current date/time is NEVER empty, so the first expression always evaluates to no/false and the second expression always evaluates to yes/true.

So we could do this:


One caveat: These “pure expression” fields like Set state’s Value field DO seem to have a bug that I often run into. Sometimes, the list of available dynamic expressions seems to go haywire and you’ll find that there are only a few options. If that ever happens to you, just reload the page and when you next click, you should see the full list. This drives me bananas and it seems to happen entirely at random.

You can tell when this is happening as things like Current date/time will not show in the list. While I was constructing this example, in fact, this happened to me. Here’s what the list looks like when it’s behaving properly, BTW:



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    A stretch assignment is one way your employer can provide that path and keep you engaged in your role. It's a nod that management recognizes your diligence, skill and talent and has confidence in your ability to take it to the next level. Mikaela Kiner, founder and CEO with uniquelyHR, explains that "A stretch assignment might be ...

  7. Bubble (UT only)

    The method of adding questions to an assignment is the same for all assignment types and is explained here. Once the assignment is ready for students to start working on, you must publish it to the class. This prevents further editing of the assignment, so make sure you mean it. This process is explained in depth here.

  8. Get Started

    Create a bubble sheet assignment Bubble sheet assignments are for multiple choice assignments or exams and come with a bubble sheet template to use. Instructors will predefine an answer key (up to five versions) that Gradescope uses to grade students' multiple choice responses automatically.

  9. Getting to know new cultures

    You can do it all at NORMA Group during a Bubble Assignment (BA). The goal of these assignments is to strengthen cooperation among the sites and to learn from each other. Overcoming national and cultural boundaries is a natural side-effect. This was an experience that way also shared by Nikolina Radlovic, BI Analyst, Miloš Saravolac, HR ...

  10. Assignment Types

    Gradescope allows you to grade paper-based exams, quizzes, bubble sheets, and homework. In addition, Gradescope enables you to grade programming assignments (graded automatically or manually) and lets you create online assignments that students can answer right on Gradescope. For paper assignments, Gradescope works well for many types of questions: paragraphs, proofs, diagrams, fill-in-the ...

  11. 6.7. The Bubble Sort

    To analyze the bubble sort, we should note that regardless of how the items are arranged in the initial list, \(n-1\) passes will be made to sort a list of size n. Table 1 shows the number of comparisons for each pass. The total number of comparisons is the sum of the first \(n-1\) integers. Recall that the sum of the first n integers is \(\frac{1}{2}n^{2} + \frac{1}{2}n\).

  12. Bubble Sheet Assignments

    To create a bubble sheet assignment: Access your course dashboard and select Assignments from the left navigation menu.; Select the Create Assignment button from the taskbar at the bottom of the page.; Select Bubble Sheet from the list of assignment types and then select Next at the bottom of the page.; Assignment settings. Settings for your assignment will change depending on whether ...

  13. Creating a Bubble Sheet Assignment

    Bubble sheet assignments are part of our Gradescope Complete product and allow instructors to pre-define the correct answers for questions on multiple choice...

  14. Grading a Bubble Sheet assignment

    If your bubble sheet assignment has multiple versions and you receive a Regrade Request, ... If shown on a graph, the grades would appear in a cluster near the assignment's recorded mean. Higher STD DEV - Student grades are widely varied. If shown on a graph, the grades would be spread between the lowest and highest achieved grade. ...

  15. Reduce Stress and Anxiety with Blowing Bubbles

    Sometimes, individuals feel competitive about creating a really big bubble or "catching their bubble" and turning it into a "double bubble" by blowing back into a bubble they caught. Engaging in fun activities releases dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that makes us feel good. Playing a game with bubbles can be one such activity.

  16. Bubble Assignment

    French translation: Voyage d'intégration. 23:18 Mar 20, 2017. English to French translations [PRO] Marketing - Human Resources. English term or phrase: Bubble Assignment. Il s'agit d'une lettre de mission envoyée à divers employés pour qu'ils participent au "Bubble Assignment". Il s'agit d'envoyer ces employés dans une filiale à l ...

  17. Chinese government bonds are on fire. That's ringing alarms ...

    Money is rushing into Chinese government bonds, sending their prices soaring as investors hunt for a safer alternative to real estate and stocks. Beijing is worried about a bust that could bring ...

  18. bubble verb

    3 [intransitive] bubble (over) with something to be full of a particular feeling She was bubbling over with excitement. 4 [ intransitive ] + adv./prep. ( of a feeling ) to be felt strongly by a person; to be present in a situation Laughter bubbled up inside him. the anger that bubbled beneath the surface Long-standing ethnic tensions have ...

  19. Improving Performance: Allowing Assignment of ...

    Hey Team Bubble… I know performance is at the top of your list of priorities at the moment. It is mine too as my app gets more complex, and I want to make the maximum use of States to help this. However States are very limited as they can only be assigned a value and not an expression. ** EDIT ** What I am really saying, is that you do not get repeated access to the nice little blue ...

  20. Bubblesheet assignment

    What is a bubble sheet assignment; Create a bubble sheet assignment; Reviewing ungraded questions in a bubble sheet assignment

  21. bubble verb

    Definition of bubble verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  22. Improving Performance: Allowing Assignment of Expressions to a State

    Hey @antony: Greatly appreciate the clarification about this Idea post.Also, I didn't mean that summary to sound quite as snarky as it does upon re-reading! (The main point being that - while it would be nice if state defaults had a little more sophistication, and after looking at this a lot it's not clear to me that there's a good reason for that omission - one can always initialize ...