
A Practical Guide to Action Resource for Literacy Educators

This 70-page guide gives literacy educators step-by-step instructions and examples for carrying out action research to improve their reading instruction. 

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Related resources, a guide to overcoming language barriers, transition from an implementer perspective, les 1000 mots les plus fréquents du français.

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225+ Action Research Topics In Education (Updated 2023)

Action research in education offers a powerful tool for educators to actively engage in improving their teaching practices and student outcomes. By combining research and action, this approach encourages teachers to become reflective practitioners and agents of change within their classrooms and schools. Action research topics in education encompass a wide range of issues that educators can investigate to address specific challenges and enhance their instructional strategies.

From examining the impact of technology integration to exploring innovative assessment methods, action research empowers teachers to develop evidence-based solutions tailored to their unique educational contexts. By conducting small-scale studies, educators can gather data, analyze it, and implement targeted interventions to make tangible improvements in student learning.

In this blog, we will delve into a variety of action research topics in education, exploring how they can empower educators to drive meaningful change and foster a dynamic and effective learning environment for their students.

Format of action research paper in education


Please note that this table provides a general outline and can be customized based on the specific requirements and guidelines of your research paper.

300+ For College Students (Updated 2023)

What to consider while selecting action research topics in education

When selecting action research topics in education, it is important to consider several factors to ensure that your research is meaningful, relevant, and feasible. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Personal Interest

Choose action research topics in education that genuinely interests you. When you are passionate about the subject matter, you will be more motivated and engaged throughout the research process.

Educational Context

Consider the specific educational context in which you work or are interested in. Reflect on the challenges, needs, or areas of improvement within that context. Your research should address a problem or issue that is relevant and impactful within the educational setting.

Research Gap

Review existing literature and research in your chosen area to identify any gaps or unanswered questions. Select action research topics in education that contributes to the existing knowledge base and fills a research gap.


Evaluate the feasibility of conducting the research within the available resources, time frame, and constraints. Consider factors such as access to participants, data collection methods, ethical considerations, and potential support from colleagues or institutions.

Relevance and Impact

Choose action research topics in education that have practical implications and can lead to positive changes in teaching practices, student learning, or educational policies. Aim for research that can make a difference in the educational field.

Collaboration Opportunities

Consider if there are opportunities for collaboration with colleagues, researchers, or educational organizations. Collaborative research can provide additional support, expertise, and diverse perspectives.

Ethical Considerations

Ensure that your research topic aligns with ethical guidelines and regulations. Consider the potential impact on participants and ensure their rights, privacy, and confidentiality are protected.

Remember, selecting an action research topic is an important decision, so take the time to thoroughly evaluate and choose a topic that aligns with your goals and the needs of the educational community you serve.

200+ Action research topics in education

  • The impact of technology integration on student engagement in the classroom.
  • Strategies to improve reading comprehension in elementary school students.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in student learning and academic success.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of cooperative learning strategies in promoting peer interaction and collaboration.
  • Addressing the achievement gap in mathematics between different student groups.
  • Examining the impact of inclusive education on the academic and social development of students with disabilities.
  • Enhancing critical thinking skills through project-based learning.
  • Implementing differentiated instruction to meet the diverse needs of students in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of homework on student learning and academic performance.
  • Promoting positive classroom behavior and reducing disruptive behaviors.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of teacher feedback in improving student writing skills.
  • Strategies to promote a growth mindset and enhance student motivation.
  • Examining the impact of physical activity on student concentration and academic performance.
  • Enhancing teacher-student relationships and its impact on student engagement and achievement.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement.
  • Strategies to support English language learners in mainstream classrooms.
  • Examining the impact of peer tutoring on student learning and academic achievement.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration and its impact on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of inquiry-based science instruction in promoting student understanding.
  • Promoting gender equity in STEM education.
  • Examining the impact of mindfulness practices on student well-being and academic success.
  • Strategies for reducing test anxiety and promoting test-taking skills.
  • Investigating the effects of the classroom environment on student learning and engagement.
  • Enhancing student self-regulation skills through metacognitive strategies.
  • Promoting multicultural education and inclusivity in the classroom.
  • Examining the impact of flipped classroom models on student learning outcomes.
  • Strategies for integrating technology effectively in early childhood education.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student engagement and academic achievement.
  • Enhancing teacher professional development programs to improve instructional practices.
  • Promoting environmental education and sustainable practices in schools.
  • Examining the impact of social-emotional learning programs on student behavior and well-being.
  • Strategies for supporting students with ADHD in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic performance.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in early childhood education settings.
  • Promoting digital literacy skills among students.
  • Examining the impact of peer assessment on student learning and achievement.
  • Strategies for fostering creativity and innovation in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of inclusive literature on promoting empathy and cultural understanding.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment in the classroom.
  • Promoting critical media literacy skills among students.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor learning on student engagement and academic achievement.
  • Strategies for promoting positive social skills and reducing bullying in schools.
  • Investigating the effects of flexible seating arrangements on student behavior and learning outcomes.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology in special education settings.
  • Promoting student self-efficacy and academic motivation.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills.
  • Strategies for promoting positive school climate and student well-being.
  • Investigating the effects of parental involvement on student homework completion and academic performance.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student learning and achievement.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Examining the impact of arts education on student creativity and academic success.
  • Strategies for supporting students with learning disabilities
  • Investigating the effects of gamification on student motivation and engagement.
  • Enhancing collaborative learning in online education settings.
  • Promoting effective study habits and time management skills among students.
  • Examining the impact of parental involvement on early literacy skills development.
  • Strategies for promoting positive teacher-student relationships in high school settings.
  • Investigating the effects of mindfulness practices on reducing stress and anxiety in students.
  • Enhancing student self-esteem and self-confidence through targeted interventions.
  • Promoting gender equality in science education.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-led professional learning communities on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Strategies for supporting students with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in mathematics.
  • Enhancing cultural competency among educators to meet the needs of diverse student populations.
  • Promoting digital citizenship and online safety education.
  • Examining the impact of restorative justice practices on reducing disciplinary incidents and promoting a positive school climate.
  • Strategies for integrating social justice education across the curriculum.
  • Investigating the effects of parental involvement on student transitions from elementary to middle school.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective interdisciplinary instruction.
  • Promoting global citizenship and cross-cultural understanding in the classroom.
  • Examining the impact of music education on student cognitive development and academic performance.
  • Strategies for supporting students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in mainstream classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of cooperative learning strategies on improving students’ social skills.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with visual impairments.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with diverse learning needs.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-led professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Strategies for promoting positive classroom behavior in early childhood settings.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student resilience and academic achievement.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for improved student support and academic success.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in primary schools.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor play on children’s physical and cognitive development.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties.
  • Investigating the effects of mindfulness practices on reducing test anxiety in students.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning disabilities.
  • Promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills in mathematics education.
  • Examining the impact of peer mentoring programs on student academic and social-emotional development.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with hearing impairments.
  • Investigating the effects of student-led conferences on student ownership of learning.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment for personalized instruction.
  • Promoting positive classroom discourse and student participation.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor experiential learning on student environmental awareness and action.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral disorders in inclusive settings.
  • Investigating the effects of teacher self-reflection on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Enhancing the use of assistive technology for students with physical disabilities.
  • Promoting media literacy education to develop critical media consumers.
  • Examining the impact of service-learning on student civic engagement and social responsibility.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with specific learning disabilities.
  • Investigating the effects of inquiry-based science instruction on student scientific inquiry skills.
  • Enhancing teacher-parent partnerships for collaborative support of student learning.
  • Promoting cultural diversity education in secondary schools.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student academic achievement in science education.
  • Strategies for promoting inclusive practices for students with speech and language disorders.
  • Investigating the effects of flipped classroom models on student engagement and learning outcomes in social studies.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student writing skills in English language arts.
  • Promoting social-emotional learning through mindfulness-based interventions in elementary schools.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student creativity and problem-solving skills in the arts.
  • Strategies for supporting students with executive functioning difficulties in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of differentiated instruction on student motivation and academic achievement in mathematics.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in supporting early literacy development at home.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with physical disabilities in physical education classes.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-student relationships on student attendance and classroom behavior.
  • Strategies for promoting positive peer relationships and reducing social isolation in middle school.
  • Investigating the effects of drama-based pedagogy on student engagement and understanding in literature studies.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning difficulties in computer science education.
  • Promoting character education and ethical decision-making in schools.
  • Examining the impact of teacher self-efficacy on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties in content area classes.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student motivation and academic achievement in history education.
  • Enhancing family-school partnerships for students with special educational needs.
  • Promoting critical digital literacy skills for responsible online information consumption.
  • Examining the impact of inclusive physical education on student attitudes towards fitness and physical activity.
  • Strategies for supporting students with dyslexia in reading instruction.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student environmental attitudes and behaviors.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Promoting career readiness and employability skills in high school education.
  • Examining the impact of parent-led reading interventions on early literacy skills in kindergarten.
  • Strategies for promoting positive teacher-student relationships in online learning environments.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in science education.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective co-teaching in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting global perspectives and intercultural understanding in social studies education.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student social skills and peer relationships.
  • Strategies for supporting students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in physical education classes.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in computer science.
  • Enhancing cultural competence among educators for working with diverse student populations.
  • Promoting digital citizenship and online safety in digital media literacy education.
  • Examining the impact of restorative practices on reducing disciplinary incidents and fostering a positive school climate.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral challenges in mainstream classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student academic resilience in mathematics education.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for effective student support and academic success.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in secondary schools.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor experiential learning on student STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) interest and career aspirations.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with visual impairments.
  • Investigating the effects of student-led conferences on student self-evaluation and goal setting.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment for personalized instruction in physical education.
  • Promoting positive classroom management strategies.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student academic achievement in foreign language education.
  • Strategies for promoting inclusive practices for students with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and learning outcomes in mathematics.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student oral communication skills in language arts.
  • Promoting social-emotional learning through mindfulness-based interventions in high schools.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student creativity and problem-solving skills in technology education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with learning difficulties in inclusive science classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of differentiated instruction on student motivation and academic achievement in social studies.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in supporting numeracy development at home.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with sensory impairments in inclusive classrooms.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and academic achievement in physical education.
  • Strategies for promoting positive peer relationships and reducing bullying in high schools.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student motivation and academic achievement in mathematics education.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning difficulties in science education.
  • Promoting character education and ethical decision-making in elementary schools.
  • Examining the impact of teacher self-efficacy on instructional practices and student outcomes in music education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties in mathematics classes.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in social-emotional learning.
  • Enhancing family-school partnerships for students with special educational needs in inclusive settings.
  • Promoting critical digital literacy skills for responsible online communication in language arts education.
  • Examining the impact of inclusive physical education on student attitudes towards physical fitness and well-being.
  • Strategies for supporting students with dyscalculia in mathematics instruction.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student environmental knowledge and sustainability practices.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with hearing impairments in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting career exploration and development in middle school education.
  • Examining the impact of parent-led science experiments on student interest and learning outcomes in science education.
  • Strategies for promoting positive teacher-student relationships in virtual learning environments.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in language arts.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective co-planning and instructional delivery in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting global citizenship and cultural competence in foreign language education.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student social-emotional development and well-being.
  • Strategies for supporting students with physical disabilities in adaptive physical education classes.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in engineering education.
  • Enhancing cultural competence among educators for working with diverse student populations in social studies.
  • Promoting digital literacy skills for responsible online research and information evaluation.
  • Examining the impact of restorative practices on reducing conflicts and promoting positive relationships in middle schools.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral challenges in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student academic resilience in language arts.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for effective collaboration and student support in mathematics education.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in primary schools through cross-curricular integration.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor experiential learning on student ecological literacy and environmental stewardship.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with cognitive impairments.
  • Investigating the effects of student-led conferences on student self-reflection and goal-setting in science education.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment for personalized instruction in social studies.
  • Promoting positive classroom management strategies for students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student academic achievement in physical sciences.
  • Strategies for promoting inclusive practices for students with speech and language difficulties in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and learning outcomes in language arts.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student presentation skills in communication studies.
  • Promoting social-emotional learning through mindfulness-based interventions in middle schools.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student creativity and problem-solving skills in fine arts.
  • Strategies for supporting students with learning difficulties in inclusive social-emotional learning programs.
  • Investigating the effects of differentiated instruction on student motivation and academic achievement in physical education.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in supporting STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education at home.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with intellectual disabilities in inclusive classrooms.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and academic achievement in music education.
  • Strategies for promoting positive peer relationships and fostering social-emotional development in high schools.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student motivation and academic achievement in physical sciences.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning difficulties in social studies education.
  • Promoting character education and ethical decision-making in secondary schools.
  • Examining the impact of teacher self-efficacy on instructional practices and student outcomes in physical education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties in science classes.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in physical education.
  • Enhancing family-school partnerships for students with special educational needs in inclusive physical education settings.
  • Promoting critical digital literacy skills for responsible online communication in social studies education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with dysgraphia in writing instruction.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student environmental knowledge and sustainable practices in science education.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with visual impairments in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting career exploration and development in high school education.
  • Examining the impact of parent-led math activities on student interest and learning outcomes in mathematics education.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in social sciences.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective co-planning and instructional delivery in inclusive physical education settings.
  • Promoting global citizenship and cultural competence in history education.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student social-emotional development and well-being in language arts.
  • Strategies for supporting students with physical disabilities in inclusive arts education classes.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in computer programming education.
  • Enhancing cultural competence among educators for working with diverse student populations in mathematics education.
  • Promoting digital literacy skills for responsible online communication and information sharing.
  • Examining the impact of restorative practices on reducing conflicts and promoting positive relationships in high schools.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral challenges in inclusive language arts classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student academic resilience in social sciences.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for effective collaboration and student support in science education.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in elementary schools through interdisciplinary integration.

Tips to write appealing action research paper in education

Here are some tips to write an appealing action research paper in education:

  • Select a Relevant and Engaging Topic: Choose action research topics in education that is relevant to the field of education and aligns with your interests and goals. Select a topic that has practical implications and can contribute to improving educational practices.
  • Clearly Define the Problem: Clearly define the problem or issue you want to address through your action research. Provide a concise and focused problem statement that highlights the specific area you aim to investigate.
  • Set Clear Objectives: State clear and measurable objectives for your research. Identify what you want to achieve through your study and how you plan to measure your outcomes.
  • Conduct a Literature Review: Conduct a thorough review of existing literature related to your research topic. Identify gaps in current knowledge and highlight how your research will contribute to filling those gaps.
  • Use a Rigorous Research Design: Choose an appropriate research design that aligns with your research objectives. Consider whether a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods approach is most suitable for your study.
  • Collect and Analyze Data: Collect relevant data through appropriate methods, such as surveys, interviews, observations, or document analysis. Use rigorous data analysis techniques to derive meaningful findings from your data.
  • Reflect and Take Action: Reflect on your findings and consider their implications for educational practice. Based on your findings, develop actionable recommendations or interventions that can be implemented to address the identified problem.
  • Write Clearly and Concisely: Present your research in a clear and concise manner. Use appropriate academic language and structure your paper logically. Clearly explain your methodology, findings, and conclusions.
  • Support Findings with Evidence: Use evidence from your data analysis to support your findings and conclusions. Use graphs, charts, or quotes from participants to enhance the credibility of your research.
  • Discuss Limitations and Future Directions: Acknowledge the limitations of your study and discuss areas for future research. Address any potential biases or challenges that may have influenced your findings.
  • Consider the Audience: Keep in mind the intended audience for your research paper, which may include educators, researchers, or policymakers. Write in a way that engages and appeals to your target audience.
  • Revise and Edit: Proofread your paper for any grammatical or spelling errors. Revise your content to ensure clarity and coherence. Seek feedback from peers or mentors to improve the quality of your paper.

Remember, an appealing action research paper in education is one that not only presents valuable findings but also offers practical insights and recommendations for improving educational practices.

In conclusion, action research topics in education provide a powerful framework for addressing real-world issues and improving teaching and learning practices. This research approach empowers educators to take an active role in identifying challenges, implementing interventions, and evaluating their impact within their own classrooms or educational settings. 

By engaging in systematic inquiry, educators can generate valuable insights, evidence-based strategies, and meaningful changes that positively influence student outcomes. Action research promotes a reflective and collaborative approach, encouraging teachers to continuously refine their instructional methods, adapt to diverse student needs, and create inclusive learning environments. 

Ultimately, action research in education empowers educators to be agents of change, fostering innovation and improvement in education while enhancing student engagement, achievement, and well-being.

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200+ List of Topics for Action Research in the Classroom

List of Topics for Action Research in the Classroom

In the dynamic landscape of education, teachers are continually seeking innovative ways to enhance their teaching practices and improve student outcomes. Action research in the classroom is a powerful tool that allows educators to investigate and address specific challenges, leading to positive changes in teaching methods and learning experiences. 

Selecting the right topics from the list of topics for action research in the classroom is crucial for ensuring meaningful insights and improvements. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of action research in the classroom, the criteria for selecting impactful topics, and provide an extensive list of potential research areas.

Understanding: What is Action Research

Table of Contents

Action research is a reflective process that empowers teachers to systematically investigate and analyze their own teaching practices. Unlike traditional research, action research is conducted by educators within their own classrooms, emphasizing a collaborative and participatory approach. 

This method enables teachers to identify challenges, implement interventions, and assess the effectiveness of their actions.

How to Select Topics From List of Topics for Action Research in the Classroom

Choosing the right topic is the first step in the action research process. The selected topic should align with classroom goals, address students’ needs, be feasible to implement, and have the potential for positive impact. Teachers should consider the following criteria when selecting action research topics:

  • Alignment with Classroom Goals and Objectives: The chosen topic should directly contribute to the overall goals and objectives of the classroom. Whether it’s improving student engagement, enhancing learning outcomes, or fostering a positive classroom environment, the topic should align with the broader educational context.
  • Relevance to Students’ Needs and Challenges: Effective action research addresses the specific needs and challenges faced by students. Teachers should identify areas where students may be struggling or where improvement is needed, ensuring that the research directly impacts the learning experiences of the students.
  • Feasibility and Practicality: The feasibility of the research is crucial. Teachers must choose topics that are practical to implement within the constraints of the classroom setting. This includes considering available resources, time constraints, and the level of support from school administrators.
  • Potential for Positive Impact: The ultimate goal of action research is to bring about positive change. Teachers should carefully assess the potential impact of their research, aiming for improvements in teaching methods, student performance, or overall classroom dynamics.

List of Topics for Action Research in the Classroom

  • Impact of Mindfulness Practices on Student Focus
  • The Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring in Mathematics
  • Strategies for Encouraging Critical Thinking in History Classes
  • Using Gamification to Enhance Learning in Science
  • Investigating the Impact of Flexible Seating Arrangements
  • Assessing the Benefits of Project-Based Learning in Language Arts
  • The Influence of Classroom Decor on Student Motivation
  • Examining the Use of Learning Stations for Differentiation
  • Implementing Reflective Journals to Enhance Writing Skills
  • Exploring the Impact of Flipped Classroom Models
  • Analyzing the Effects of Homework on Student Performance
  • The Role of Positive Reinforcement in Classroom Behavior
  • Investigating the Impact of Classroom Libraries on Reading Proficiency
  • Strategies for Fostering a Growth Mindset in Students
  • Assessing the Benefits of Cross-Curricular Integration
  • Using Technology to Enhance Vocabulary Acquisition
  • The Impact of Outdoor Learning on Student Engagement
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Attendance and Academic Success
  • The Role of Parental Involvement in Homework Completion
  • Assessing the Impact of Classroom Rituals on Community Building
  • Strategies for Increasing Student Participation in Discussions
  • Exploring the Influence of Classroom Lighting on Student Alertness
  • Investigating the Impact of Daily Agendas on Time Management
  • The Effectiveness of Socratic Seminars in Social Studies
  • Analyzing the Use of Graphic Organizers for Concept Mapping
  • Implementing Student-Led Conferences for Goal Setting
  • Examining the Effects of Mind Mapping on Information Retention
  • The Influence of Classroom Temperature on Academic Performance
  • Investigating the Benefits of Cooperative Learning Strategies
  • Strategies for Addressing Test Anxiety in Students
  • Assessing the Impact of Positive Affirmations on Student Confidence
  • The Use of Literature Circles to Enhance Reading Comprehension
  • Exploring the Effects of Classroom Noise Levels on Concentration
  • Investigating the Benefits of Cross-Grade Collaborations
  • Analyzing the Impact of Goal Setting on Student Achievement
  • Implementing Interactive Notebooks for Conceptual Understanding
  • The Effectiveness of Response to Intervention (RTI) Programs
  • Strategies for Integrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
  • Investigating the Impact of Classroom Discussions on Critical Thinking
  • The Role of Brain Breaks in Enhancing Student Focus
  • Assessing the Benefits of Inquiry-Based Learning in Science
  • Exploring the Effects of Music on Studying and Retention
  • Investigating the Use of Learning Contracts for Individualized Learning
  • The Influence of Classroom Colors on Mood and Learning
  • Strategies for Promoting Collaborative Problem-Solving
  • Analyzing the Impact of Flexible Scheduling on Student Productivity
  • The Effectiveness of Mindful Breathing Exercises on Stress Reduction
  • Investigating the Benefits of Service Learning Projects
  • The Role of Peer Assessment in Improving Writing Skills
  • Exploring the Impact of Field Trips on Cultural Competency
  • Assessing the Benefits of Personalized Learning Plans
  • Strategies for Differentiating Instruction in Large Classrooms
  • Investigating the Influence of Teacher-Student Relationships on Learning
  • The Effectiveness of Vocabulary Games in Foreign Language Classes
  • Analyzing the Impact of Classroom Discussions on Civic Engagement
  • Implementing Goal-Setting Strategies for Test Preparation
  • The Role of Classroom Celebrations in Building a Positive Environment
  • Strategies for Enhancing Student Reflection and Metacognition
  • Investigating the Effects of Positive Behavior Supports (PBS)
  • The Influence of Classroom Humor on Student Engagement
  • Assessing the Benefits of Student-Led Research Projects
  • Exploring the Impact of Timed vs. Untimed Tests on Anxiety
  • Investigating the Use of Educational Podcasts for Learning
  • The Effectiveness of Debate Activities in Developing Persuasive Skills
  • Analyzing the Impact of Mindful Walking Breaks on Concentration
  • Strategies for Promoting Digital Citizenship in the Classroom
  • The Role of Visualization Techniques in Mathematics Learning
  • Assessing the Benefits of Classroom Agreements for Behavior
  • Exploring the Effects of Goal-Setting in Physical Education
  • Investigating the Influence of Classroom Seating Charts on Behavior
  • The Effectiveness of Peer Editing in Improving Writing Skills
  • Strategies for Integrating Cultural Competency in History Lessons
  • Analyzing the Impact of Classroom Pets on Student Well-Being
  • The Role of Morning Meetings in Building Classroom Community
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Learning Centers in Elementary Schools
  • Exploring the Effects of Virtual Reality in Geography Education
  • Assessing the Impact of Homework Choice on Student Motivation
  • Strategies for Promoting Growth Mindset in Mathematics
  • The Influence of Classroom Layout on Group Collaboration
  • Investigating the Benefits of Mindful Listening Practices
  • The Effectiveness of Using Real-World Examples in Science Lessons
  • Analyzing the Impact of Student-Led Assessments on Accountability
  • Exploring the Use of Learning Contracts for Student Responsibility
  • Investigating the Benefits of Teaching Digital Literacy Skills
  • Strategies for Implementing Peer Mentoring Programs
  • The Role of Graphic Novels in Promoting Literacy
  • Assessing the Impact of Flexible Grouping in Mathematics Classes
  • The Effectiveness of Using Storytelling for Conceptual Understanding
  • Investigating the Influence of Classroom Rituals on Attendance
  • Exploring the Benefits of Mindfulness Practices in Physical Education
  • Strategies for Integrating Social Justice Education in the Curriculum
  • Analyzing the Impact of Goal-Setting on Homework Completion
  • The Role of Classroom Mindfulness Activities in Stress Reduction
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Educational Apps for Vocabulary
  • The Effectiveness of Using Drama in History Lessons
  • Assessing the Impact of Classroom Routines on Time Management
  • Exploring the Influence of Teacher-Student Rapport on Academic Achievement
  • Strategies for Promoting Active Listening Skills in the Classroom
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Concept Mapping in Science
  • The Role of Classroom Socratic Seminars in Developing Critical Thinking
  • Assessing the Impact of Mindful Eating Practices on Student Focus
  • Exploring the Effects of Flipped Learning in Physical Education
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Educational Games for Math Fluency
  • The Effectiveness of Peer Assessment in Art Classes
  • Strategies for Fostering Creativity in Science Education
  • Analyzing the Impact of Morning Stretches on Student Alertness
  • The Role of Classroom Discussions in Enhancing Social Studies Learning
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Augmented Reality in History Lessons
  • Assessing the Impact of Growth Mindset Interventions on Test Anxiety
  • Strategies for Incorporating Environmental Education in the Curriculum
  • The Effectiveness of Using Conceptual Maps in Literature Analysis
  • Exploring the Influence of Classroom Lighting on Reading Comprehension
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Learning Apps for Language Acquisition
  • The Role of Classroom Experiments in Science Education
  • Analyzing the Impact of Mindful Breathing Exercises on Test Performance
  • Strategies for Promoting Collaborative Problem-Solving in Mathematics
  • Assessing the Benefits of Mindfulness Practices in Physical Education
  • Exploring the Effects of Flexible Seating on Student Collaboration
  • Investigating the Influence of Homework Choice on Student Motivation
  • The Effectiveness of Using Educational Podcasts for History Learning
  • Strategies for Integrating Sustainability Education Across Subjects
  • Analyzing the Impact of Mindful Writing Practices on Language Arts Skills
  • The Role of Peer Teaching in Enhancing Understanding of Complex Concepts
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Digital Storytelling in Literature Classes
  • The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning in Social Studies
  • Assessing the Impact of Student-Led Book Clubs on Reading Engagement
  • Strategies for Incorporating Financial Literacy in Mathematics Education
  • Exploring the Influence of Classroom Decor on Science Interest
  • Investigating the Benefits of Mindful Movement Breaks in the Classroom
  • The Role of Reflection Journals in Developing Critical Thinking Skills
  • Analyzing the Impact of Virtual Field Trips on Geography Learning
  • Strategies for Promoting Inclusive Physical Education Practices
  • Assessing the Benefits of Using Educational Board Games for Learning
  • The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Practices in Foreign Language Classes
  • Investigating the Influence of Classroom Rituals on Academic Rigor
  • Exploring the Impact of Student-Led Conferences on Goal Setting
  • The Role of Mindful Listening Practices in Improving Communication Skills
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Educational Apps for Science Exploration
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Socratic Seminars in Philosophy Classes
  • Strategies for Promoting Gender Equity in STEM Education
  • Assessing the Impact of Classroom Celebrations on Student Well-Being
  • The Effectiveness of Using Debate Activities in Language Arts
  • Exploring the Influence of Positive Affirmations on Classroom Climate
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Concept Mapping in History Essays
  • Strategies for Incorporating Media Literacy in Social Studies
  • Analyzing the Impact of Mindful Reflection Practices on Homework Completion
  • The Role of Peer Collaboration in Enhancing Artistic Skills
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Educational Apps for Vocabulary Acquisition
  • The Effectiveness of Mindful Breathing Exercises in Test Preparation
  • Assessing the Impact of Flipped Learning in Science Laboratories
  • Strategies for Promoting Civic Engagement in Social Studies Classes
  • Exploring the Influence of Outdoor Learning on Scientific Inquiry
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Learning Stations for Literature Analysis
  • The Role of Mindful Movement in Improving Physical Education Experiences
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality in Language Learning
  • Strategies for Incorporating Global Perspectives in Geography Education
  • Assessing the Impact of Mindful Coloring Activities on Stress Reduction
  • The Effectiveness of Using Educational Games for History Review
  • Investigating the Benefits of Mindful Breathing Exercises in Mathematics
  • Exploring the Influence of Classroom Rituals on Study Habits
  • The Role of Mindful Listening Practices in Enhancing Oral Communication
  • Analyzing the Impact of Student-Led Workshops on Study Skills
  • Strategies for Promoting Critical Media Literacy in Language Arts
  • Assessing the Benefits of Mindfulness Practices in Physical Fitness
  • The Effectiveness of Using Educational Apps for Music Appreciation
  • Investigating the Influence of Classroom Decor on Artistic Expression
  • Exploring the Impact of Mindful Eating Practices on Nutrition Awareness
  • The Role of Peer Assessment in Improving Science Fair Projects
  • Analyzing the Benefits of Mindful Breathing Exercises in History Classes
  • Strategies for Promoting Teamwork in Physical Education
  • Assessing the Impact of Classroom Celebrations on Cultural Understanding
  • The Effectiveness of Using Conceptual Maps in Geography Education
  • Investigating the Benefits of Mindful Movement Breaks in Mathematics
  • The Role of Mindful Listening Practices in Improving Musical Skills
  • Analyzing the Impact of Student-Led Discussions in Philosophy Classes
  • Strategies for Incorporating Environmental Stewardship in Science Education
  • Assessing the Benefits of Using Educational Games for Physical Fitness
  • Exploring the Influence of Classroom Decor on Mathematical Interest
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality in Art Appreciation
  • The Role of Mindful Movement in Enhancing Physical Education Experiences
  • Strategies for Promoting Cultural Competency in Language Arts
  • Analyzing the Impact of Mindful Breathing Exercises on Test Anxiety
  • The Effectiveness of Using Educational Apps for Science Exploration
  • Investigating the Benefits of Peer Teaching in Mathematics Classes
  • Exploring the Influence of Classroom Rituals on Language Arts Skills
  • Assessing the Impact of Mindful Coloring Activities on Creative Expression
  • The Role of Mindful Listening Practices in Improving Public Speaking
  • Investigating the Benefits of Using Learning Stations for History Learning
  • The Effectiveness of Peer Assessment in Improving Writing Skills
  • Strategies for Promoting Digital Literacy in Geography Education
  • Analyzing the Impact of Mindful Eating Practices on Healthy Habits
  • Assessing the Benefits of Using Educational Games for Social Studies
  • The Effectiveness of Mindful Movement Breaks in Science Education
  • Exploring the Influence of Classroom Decor on Writing Motivation
  • Investigating the Role of Mindfulness Practices in Mathematics Anxiety
  • Strategies for Incorporating Financial Literacy in Social Studies
  • Analyzing the Benefits of Using Concept Mapping in Science Labs
  • The Role of Mindful Breathing Exercises in Improving Music Education
  • Exploring the Impact of Virtual Reality on Foreign Language Acquisition
  • Assessing the Benefits of Mindful Movement Breaks in History Classes

Tips for Conducting Action Research in the Classroom

  • Setting Clear Research Goals and Objectives: Clearly define the goals and objectives of the research to ensure a focused and purposeful investigation.
  • Involving Stakeholders in the Research Process: Engage students, parents, and colleagues in the research process to gather diverse perspectives and insights.
  • Collecting and Analyzing Relevant Data: Use a variety of data collection methods, such as surveys, observations, and assessments, to gather comprehensive and meaningful data.
  • Reflecting on Findings and Adjusting Teaching Practices: Regularly reflect on the research findings and be open to adjusting teaching practices based on the insights gained from the research.

Case Studies or Examples

Highlighting successful action research projects provides inspiration and practical insights for teachers. 

Sharing case studies or examples of impactful research can demonstrate the positive outcomes and improvements that can result from well-conducted action research.

In conclusion, action research is a valuable tool for educators seeking to enhance their teaching practices and improve student outcomes. 

Selecting the right topics from a list of topics for action research in the classroom is crucial for the success of action research projects, and teachers should consider alignment with goals, relevance to students, feasibility, and potential impact. 

By exploring a diverse range of topics, teachers can embark on meaningful action research journeys, contributing to the continuous improvement of education.

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Action Research in the Classroom: A Tool for Enhancing Reading Comprehension in Elementary School Students

Reading comprehension is a crucial skill for academic success and life-long learning. Elementary schools play a vital role in developing reading comprehension skills in young students. It is essential for comprehending literary texts, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Unfortunately, some students face reading difficulties that compromise their overall academic performance. To enhance reading comprehension, educators need intricate and efficient teaching tools. Consequently, action research can help educators improve reading comprehension.

This article discusses action research and how it can enhance reading comprehension in students. It will explore how this teaching strategy can help elementary school educators improve the reading skills of their students.


What is Action Research?

Action research is a teaching strategy where educators collaborate with students to investigate a problem that affects the learning process. The plan aims to generate practical solutions that educators can implement to improve student achievement. The process involves collaborating with students, reflecting on instructional practices, and continuously gathering data. This data is then analyzed to refine the process and improve student achievement.

Action research has two primary objectives: to improve student performance and promote experimental learning. In practical knowledge, students learn through the process, making learning more student-centered. This process stimulates active learning and encourages students to take responsibility for their education.

How Can Action Research Improve Reading Comprehension?

Educators can identify strategies to improve students’ reading abilities through action research. For instance, educators can use action research to identify the root cause of reading difficulties (e.g., weak decoding skills or vocabulary), tailor strategies to individual needs, and refine instructional delivery. The process may involve strategies such as pre-reading activities, modeling, teaching vocabulary, and comprehension monitoring.

Additionally, educators can use action research to monitor student progress and adjust their teaching methods accordingly. Further, educators can collaborate with students, allowing them to identify their academic strengths and areas that need improvement. This helps students to take ownership of their learning journey.

Action research also benefits educators by fostering professional development. Through collaboration with students, educators can gain new perspectives on teaching, discover innovative strategies, and refine their instructional delivery methods.

Implementing Action Research in the Classroom

Implementing action research in the classroom requires effective planning, collaboration, and communication. The success of the process relies on the participation of all stakeholders, including students, educators, and parents. Below are the steps to implement action research:

  • Identify the problem or area of interest.
  • Develop a research question.
  • Develop a plan and timeline.
  • Collect data from students and analyze.
  • Implement instructional strategies and monitor progress.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy.
  • Reflect on the process and refine the plan as needed.

In conclusion, improving reading comprehension is essential for elementary school students. Action research is an innovative teaching strategy that can help educators tailor instructional delivery and refine their strategies to enhance student learning. Educators can collaborate with students to explore the root causes of reading difficulties and identify tailored solutions to strengthen reading comprehension. By implementing action research in the classroom, educators can promote student-centered learning, foster professional development, and improve student achievement.

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DepEd Action Research Topics and Sample Titles

DepEd Action Research is a process of systematic, reflective inquiry to improve educational practices or resolve problems in any operating unit (i.e. school, classroom, office).

The research topic/area should be taken from Basic Education Research Agenda under the following themes: teaching and learning, child protection, human resource development, and governance themes: disaster risk reduction management, gender and development, and inclusive education.

READ: Action Research in Education: What You Need to Know

Table of Contents

Areas of Research

The area of research differs based on the levels of governance. All research proposals must be anchored on the following thematic areas:

  • improving access to education
  • improving the quality of education
  • improving governance

Table 1 below outlines the areas of research that the National, Regional Office, Division Office, and school shall undertake.

Table 1. Proposed areas of research, per level of governance

READ: DepEd Order No. 43, s. 2015

Level of GovernanceAreas of ResearchMaximum amountWho can avail?Where to Submit?Duration of the Research
Nationalresearch that would inform policy and decision making at the national level; program development and implementation; program evaluation; process evaluation and impact studyNot more than PhP500,000 per researchRegular DepEd employees with SG not below 11; qualified external research institutionsPolicy Research and Development Division-Central Office (PRD-CO)Maximum of 1 year
Region, Division, Districtresearch that would improve contextualization and implementation of policy in the region, division and district; program development and process and program evaluationNot more than PhP150,000 per researchRegular employees of DepEd RO, SDO and Districts with SG not below 11Policy, Planning and Research Division-Regional OfficefPPRD-RO
Schoolsaction research that would improve teaching and learning and school governance; matters arising from SIP analysis and Learning Action Cells sessions that require further investigationNot more than PhP30,000 per researchRegular school heads, teachers and qualified non teaching personnelMaximum of 6 months

DepEd Research Proposals should also follow the prescribed outline/format stipulated in the Research Management Guidelines.

Proponent/s (maximum of three) along with his/her or their proposal should submit the following documents to the Schools Division Research Committee (SDRC) for final evaluation using the rubrics attached:


Research proposal application form and endorsement of immediate supervisor, declaration of absence of conflict of interest, declaration of anti-plagiarism, sample deped action research topics and titles.

The Plight of Teachers on One Time Monthly Salary Release: Financial Literacy and Survival
Improving Mathematics Performance Through the Use of Differentiated Instruction of Grade Four Ginto in Teacherph Elementary School
Examining Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (Tpk): Basis for Conduct of Technology-Driven Instruction Enhancement Program
Maximizing Parents' Involvement in Monitoring Students' Performance in School
The Impact of Communicative Language Teaching Strategies in Solving English Oral Communication Learning Deficiency
Looking Through the Lens of Differently-Abled Teachers in Antipolo City: Experiences, Challenges, Aspirations
Delving into the Implementation of School-Based Management (Sbm) in the Schools Division of Antipolo City
Assessment on the Level of Awareness and Preparedness of the Public and Private Secondary Schools of Antipolo City in the Implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program
Level of Preparedness of Antipolo District Teachers Towards Airborne Diseases and Viruses: A Basis for Contingency Planning
Ang Epekto ng Paggamit ng Cellphone ng mga Mag-aaral ng Baitang 10 sa Mataas na Paaralang Pambansa ng TeacherPH
Challenges of Grade 1 Teachers in Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education Among Elementary Schools of Antipolo City
Teacher- Researchers' Engagements and Challenges in Antipolo City Division: Research Program and Policy Recommendations
The Plight of Financially-Challenged Teachers in Antipolo City Division
Understanding Multi-Grade Teachers' Life Changing Experiences: A Phenomenological Analysis
Quality Assurance Technical Assistance Monitoring and Evaluation (QATAME) of Training: Results Utilization for Enhancement in the Schools Division of Antipolo City
Teachers' Research Competencies and Attitudes: Capability Building Program for Antipolo City Division
The Research Capability of Senior High School Research Teachers in the Division of Antipolo City
Braving the Waves: Lived Experiences of School Heads Assigned in Island Schools
Job Satisfaction of Public Elementary Schools Teachers
Impacts and Challenges of Banner Projects in Antipolo City: Stufflebeam's Context-Input-Process- Product (IPP) Evaluation Model
Challenges Encountered by Multigrade Teachers in the Implementation of Budget of Work of Daily Lesson Log: Basis for Intervention Scheme and Plan
Strengthening Parent's Participation Through Awards Recognition (SPPAR) Approach: Incentives. Benefits, and Contribution to Quality Education
Ethnomathematics in the Cultural Activities of Badjaos in Tandag City: An Ethnographic Case Study Approach
Students with Good Mathematical Ability: A Grounded Theory
Scientific Calculator Literacy of Grade 11 Students
Utilization of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Among Public Elementary Schools of Antipolo District 11
The Effects of Flipped Classroom Learning Model on the Performance of Grade 8 Students in Solving Non-routine Mathematical Problems
Impact of Merging of Classes
Predictors of the Competencies of Technical-Vocational and Livelihood of Grade 12 Students in Selected Schools of Antipolo City
Spiritual needs and Religious beliefs in relation to Language and Science Education of Secondary Students in Sibagat, Philippines: Implication for Strengthening the Spiritual and Religious Program in the Curriculum
Saturday Mathematics Program: Its Effect to Selected Students of Trento District
The Effect of the Scaffolding Strategy on the Performance of Grade 9 Students in Solving Word Problems in Math
Attitudes Towards Mathematics and Achievement in Problem-Solving among Grade 11 Students
Modules in 21st Century Literature
Resource Materials in English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Difficulties Encountered by the Grade IV Mathematics Teachers in Teaching Pupils Exposed to MTB-MLE
Challenges of the MTB-MLE Exposed Pupils: Basis for Setting of Classroom Learning Goals
Exploring the School-based Management (SBM) Implementation in the Schools Division of Agusan del Sur: Basis for Policy Recommendation
Assessment on the Management of Public Secondary
School Canteens in Compliance of DepEd Order No. 08, s. 2007: Basis for an Intervention Plan
The Participation of Stakeholders in the Management of Newly-opened Schools with IP Learners in the Division of Agusan del Sur
Development of Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Science 7 Using Braille Method and Tactile Graphics for Visually Impaired Learners
Community Linkages and Professional Engagement among Junior and Senior High School Teachers in DRRM Resources Development
ICT-enhanced Mathematics Instruction in Public Senior High Schools: Basis for Developing District-wide Information and Communication Technology Training
Reaching the Standards: School Head's Performance Management Response to Challenges in Implementing PPST for Year One
Beyond Four Walls: Education Behind Bars of Antipolo City Division
Motivational Teaching Strategies among Secondary School Mathematics Teachers of Antipolo Districts
Management of Fund Utilization among Public Elementary and Secondary Schools of Antipolo District
Action Research Competence of School Heads and Teachers of Antipolo City Division
The Journey of a Single Father; Its Untold Pains and Dreams
Beyond The Four Walls: Education Behind Bars (EBB) In Antipolo City
Text-based Learning Resource Evaluation in Private schools: Basis for Policy Formulation
The Use of 1 Story Book per Week for the Development of Reading Comprehension Among Kindergarten
The Effect of Gadgets in the Learning Behavior of Grade 4 Learners
Learner Adversity in Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers
The Effectiveness of Integrating ICT In Teaching AP Grade 5 on Pupils Learning Outcomes
The relationships between ALS Learner's Attendance and the Result of ALE Test Of BPOSA
Play-based learning VS computer-based learning In improving the reading skills of Kindergarten Learners
The Effectiveness of Quipper school in Teaching Mathematics in Grade 5
The Effects of using Manipulative Towards Mastery of Multiplication of whole numbers Of Grade 6 Pupils
Social Media trends sa Pangkatang Gawain ng Mga mag-aaral sa Pagtalakay sa panitikan
The Interest Level of CSN in the Integration Of Job Coaching in Special Education
The Effects of Using Online games (Application) In Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary
Integration of Interactive games in teaching students With Autism
The Use of day-out Fishing Vocabulary in Enhancing the Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 3 Pupils in Science
The Challenges of SHS ABM Grade 11 Transferee students to the School Performance of CMSHS
The Effectiveness of Training Modules in Increasing the RSPC and NSPC Winners of SDO-Mandaluyong City
Time Allotment for ESP: A limit to Maximize Learning
Factors Affecting the Interest Level of Pupils in Learning EPP/TLE
Paggamit ng Cartoon sa Pagtuturo ng Noli Me Tangere sa Baitang Siyam
The Effects of Utilizing Manipulative Materials in recognition of Numbers among Kindergarten Learners
The Use of short stem Questions in Araling Panlipunan Quarterly Evaluation Test for the MPS Increment
Time Allotment for ESP: A Limit to Maximize Learning for Grade 2 in JFMS
Factors that affect Learners' Poor Skill Performance in EPP/TLE
Improving the Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 6 Pupils through Reading Remediation Using Short Reading Selections
Relationship between reading Comprehension Skills and Problem Solving
The Use of Ted Talks in Improving the Public Speaking Skills of Grade 10 Learners in English
The Effectiveness of DAP-ELLN in Improving The Reading Skills of Grade 1 learners
Manipulative Materials and Worksheet activities for Kindergarten Pupils: A Comparative assessment
Paggamit ng Big Book sa Pagkatuto ng mga Mag-aaral sa Ikatlong Baitang
Parents/Guardians as Paraprofessional Educators in the Inclusive Setting of JFMS
The Filipino Short Story: It's Effect on the Reading Comprehension of the Grade 6 Learners
Kindergarten Learners' Emotional stability in Learning Basic Math Skills
Difficulties of Learners in Science
Reading and Comprehension Skills of Grade 7 Learners in relation to their Academic Performance
Improving the Skills of Grade 7 Students in BPP (Bread and Pastry Production) through Blended Approach
Non-Cognitive Factors Affecting the Academic of Student-Athletes
Development of Interactive Strategic Intervention Materials as an Instructional Tool towards Improvement of Least Learned Skills in English
The relationship between the Reading Performance of the Learners to their Academic Performance
The Use of Extended Activities to Improve the English Performance of Grade 8 Students
Factors Affecting learners' Performance In MAPEH
Pagbuo ng Mungkahing Pangremedyal Na Gawain sa Pagsulat ng ibat-ibang Uri Ng Sulatin
The attitude of Grade 10 Students Towards Learning Mathematics
The Effectiveness of COT-RPMS in the Teaching Performance of Teachers
The effect of Whole Brain Approach to Improve The Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students In Social Science Subjects (Core)
The Challenges in Using Quipper as a Learning for Senior High school Teachers and Students of IBIS
Spiral progression Curriculum of Science in SHS: Effectiveness to the Comprehension of SHS Students
Effectiveness of Araling Panlipunan Intervention and Review Program (APIR) Towards the Increase of Quarterly MPS in AP Grade 8
Improving the Academic Performance of Grade 6 Learners of ATRRES in Math through Project Mandaluyong Mathematics Circle- Division Remediation and Enhancement of Aptitude in Math (Project MMC-DREAM)
Epekto ng Kultura ng mga Banyaga sa mg Mag-aaral Sa ngayon
The Effects of Computer-Aided Instruction in Teaching Araling Panlipunan 5 in Pupils' Learning Outcomes
Play-Based Teaching Approach to Facilitate Pupils Learning in Aralinq Panlipunan 3
Using Sound Blending To Acquire Reading Skills in the Early Grades
Contextualizing Lesson Plans in EnSciMa 3: Improving the Learning Performance of the Subanen Learners
Interactive Computer-Assisted Instruction: Enhancing Mathematics Teaching Among Grade 9 Students
Using SIM in Enhancing Grade 8 Students Level of Performance in Science
Play-Based Word Translation Activities: An Intervention to Improve Reading Comprehension
School Stakeholders Values Formation Program
CIS Life Laboratory Rooted with Learning Organic Agriculture and Mushroom Cultivation
Influence of Socio-Economic Status on the Academic Performance of 4 P's Student-Beneficiaries
Project CARE: Exploring CIS Action Research Experience
Developing C-V-C Word Recognition Skills Using Repetitive Exercises and Drill
Twenty-minute Habit Through Word Wall Activities
Doing Arts Approach in Teaching Elementary Science
Project LURE: Improving First Graders Reading Comprehension
Effectiveness of Senior Hgh School (SHS) Immersion Program on National Certification (NC) II Assessment
Reward System. An Intervention Addressing Dropout
Influence of School-based feeding Program on Class Performance
Using Teacher-Pupil: A Reading Intervention
Ka-TITSER: SLAC Program in Improving Teacher Quality of SHS Teachers
Mathematics Problem Solving Interventions for Grade 2 and Grade 3 Pupils
FuReAct: A Reading Intervention
OPLAN Search for Children With Special Needs: Basis for Opening SPED Classes
Repetition Rate: Factors and Possible Interventions
Project BETRead: A Remedial Reading Program
Reducing the Number of Repeaters Through Homeschooling
Influence of Parental Support on Students’ Dropout Rate: The Mediating Effect of Students’ Motivation
LOVE: Close Monitoring of Learners At-Risk of Dropping Out.
Enhancing the Reading Ability of Grade 3 Pupils
Word Recognition, Comprehension and Fluency Through Multimedia Instruction for Multi-Grade Pupils
Drill: Enhancing Multiplication and Division Operation Skills
Overcoming Reading Difficulties Through Phonological and Phonemic Activities
Photonary: Increasing Pupils' Word Recognition Skills
Exploring the Mathematics Problem Solving Skills of Grade 4 Pupils
Improving Reading Through Reciprocal Teaching Approach
Reading-At-Noon Program: Improving Reading Comprehension
Improving Mathematics Performance Through Games and Graphic Organizers
Promoting Parents' Awareness on Phonetics: An Aid To Learners' Reading Proficiency
Sing-Along Learning Using Technology: Improves Memorization in Multiplication Tables
Innovative Reading Intervention Scheme: A Tool in Improving Reading and Vocabulary Words
Teachers' Assessment Practices in the Classroom: basis for Intervention
Illustrated Stories: Preferable Reading Material in Sustaining Reading Interest of Pupils
Information Communication Technology Competence of Teachers: An Exploratory Study
Impact of Instruction in High Repetition Rate Among Male Students
Teacher's Challenges in Doing Action Research: Basis for Intervention
Students' Evaluation of SHS Teachers' Teaching Performance: Basis for Curriculum Enhancement and Training
Exploring the Level of Pupil's Motivation Through Enhanced Q8A Technique
The Role of Teachers and Parents in Honing Students' Hidden Skills
Using Comic Strips in Improving Comprehension Skills of Intermediate Graders
Effectiveness of Remedial Reading Programs Among First Graders
Using Semantic Webbing in Improving Reading Comprehension
Using Dimensional Approach in Enhancing Reading Comprehension
Reading Materials: Improving Reading Ability of Third Graders
Pictoword Application: An Aid in Enhancing the Learners' Vocabulary and Spelling Skills
Operational Use of Parent-Teacher Conference Report Document Among Public Elementary Educators
Redefining Strategies and Approaches in Solving Reading Difficulties of Third Graders
Using the Art of Digital Storytelling in Improving the Reading and Listening Comprehension Skills
Using Songs As A Tool in Improving the Listening and Comprehension Skills in English
Ready to Mingle: Exploring Aging Attitudes Through Puppet Making Study
Effects of Teacher-Mediated Echo Communication Game On Expressive Language of Children With Autism
Blended Learning: Social Media As A Learning Tool
Using Academic Games in Teaching Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management (FABM 1) in Senior High School
Developing the Professional Ethics of Neophyte Teachers of Looc National High School: A Modular Approach
Improving Family Earthquake Preparedness Through the Use of Community Lecture
Utilizing Computer-Based Assessment for Self- Paced Learners in Computer System Servicing NCII
Motivational Strategies in Strengthening Cooperation of Faculty and Staff During Fire Drills
PARAVARTYA YOJAYET: Solving Simple Equations Using Vedic Math
Grassroots Innovations for Sustainable Development Towards Competent Football Athletes
Effects of Multimedia Assisted Instruction on Academic Performance in English: A Case Study
Using ICT Generated Word Game in Increasing Vocabulary Skills of Seventh Graders
Integrating Video Clips in Science Class In Promoting Climate Change Awareness
Word-Recognition Practice: Its Impact on the Development of Pupils' Listening Comprehension
Platooning: A Strategy on Increasing Pupils' Performance in English- Science-Mathematics- (EnSciMa) Learning Areas
Kaguro Ko, Kaagapay Ker. Addressing the Mentoring Barriers As Experienced by Master Teachers
Using Electronic Forms on Fast-Tracking the School Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)
Improving Family Earthquake Preparedness Through the Use of Community Lecture
Effectiveness of Using Activity Sheets in Teaching Science Among Seventh Graders
Remedial Reading Intervention Through Reviving Fuller Lesson Approach
Assessment on Schools' Physical Condition: Basis for DRRM Action Plan
Using CODEVS in Developing Automaticity in Reading Among Elementary Pupils
Using Guided Choral Reading (GCR) in Improving Reading Fluency of Fourth Graders
Using Manipulative Materials in Teaching Mathematics Fundamental Operations
Using Five Finger Retell (FFR) in Enhancing the Reading Comprehension Skill of Fifth Graders
Instituting Storylandia in Intensifying Word Recognition and Accuracy Towards Answering Comprehension Questions
Institutionalizing Project CLEAN As a Solid Waste Management in School Through SPG Involvement
Situational Factors Influencing Learners’ Motivation in Developing the Skills in Speaking English as a Second Language
B-Home Sign Model: Making Addition and Subtraction of Integers Easy
Standard Process of Teaching Noting Details in Decreasing the Number of Frustration Readers
An Action Research on Improving Teachers' Assessment Skills and Behaviour Towards Performance -Based Classroom Assessment
Translation of English to Filipino and Mother Tongue to Improve Reading Comprehension
Improving Reading Comprehension Through Multimedia Assisted Instruction
Program LURE: Improving the Reading Comprehension of First Graders
Oral Drill: Improving the Pronunciation Skills of Sixth Graders
Effectiveness of Innovation Techniques in Teaching Science
Reading Comprehension on Understanding Cause and Effect Relationship
Information Communication Technology Competence of Elementary Teachers: An Exploratory Study
Research Writing Capabilities of Teachers: An Exploratory Study
Utilization of E-Classroom: Its Effect to Teaching-Learning in EPP
School-Based Counseling: Its Effect on the Emotional Recovery of Bullied Learners
Home Visitation: Its Effect on Learners with Misbehavior
Remedial Reading Program: An Intervention for Reading Skills Among Grade Six Pupils of Mantiguib Elementary School
Using Graphics, Video Clips and Localized Stories: Its Effect On the Reading Comprehension Level of English VI Pupils in San Isidro Elementary School
Active Learning Plan: A Strategy Combined with Simplified Lesson to Increase Students' Focus and Performance in Mathematics
Behavior Modification and Enhancement Program: Its Effect to the Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao Learning Performance of Intermediate Pupils
Improvised Materials in Science: Its Effect on Self-Efficacy and Creativity of Grade Three Pupils
Creativity, Computation and Reasoning (C-C-R) Strategy: Its Effects on Mathematics Performance
Weekend Information Communications Technology Training Program: Its Effect on Teachers’ Computer Literacy Skills
Anti-Bullying Campaign: Its Effect on Learners' Behavior
Differentiating Instruction Through Workbook in Science 5: An Instructional Support for the 21st Century Teachers
Contextualized Language Module and Students' English Proficiency and Attitude Towards the English Language

All DepEd Action Research to be conducted must be related to the nature of work, would improve teaching and learning, access and school governance, and matters arising from the SIP analysis and Learning Action Cells sessions that require further investigation.

Revised Guidelines for the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF)

DepEd Research Management Guidelines

action research topics in reading

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, hailing from the Philippines, has made a profound impact on the teaching profession by enabling thousands of teachers nationwide to access crucial information and engage in meaningful exchanges of ideas. His contributions have significantly enhanced their instructional and supervisory capabilities, elevating the quality of education in the Philippines. Beyond his domestic influence, Mark's insightful articles on teaching have garnered international recognition, being featured on highly respected educational websites in the United States. As an agent of change, he continues to empower teachers, both locally and internationally, to excel in their roles and make a lasting difference in the lives of their students, serving as a shining example of the transformative power of knowledge-sharing and collaboration within the teaching community.

86 thoughts on “DepEd Action Research Topics and Sample Titles”

Good day po, ask permission po yo have a copy of a qualitative research paper thank you…

Hello po! Can you send me a copy of sample Action Research related to Enhancing Mathematical Basic operations. Thank you po and God bless you

Kindly send samples of these researches sir/madam?Thankyou very much. 1.Word-Recognition Practice: Its Impact on the Development of Pupils’ Listening Comprehension 2.The Use of 1 Story Book per Week for the Development of Reading Comprehension Among Kindergarten

3. Play-based learning VS computer-based learning In improving the reading skills of Kindergarten Learners Using Manipulative materials in teaching mathematics fundamental operations. 4. Improving mathematics performance through games and graphics organizers 5.Drill: Enhancing multiplication and division operation skills

Hello good morning. Can I ask a sample of action research?

Good Day! Can I ask the following research for my reference? Thank you po.

1. Strengthening Parent’s Participation Through Awards Recognition (SPPAR) Approach: Incentives. Benefits, and Contribution to Quality Education 2. Improving the Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 6 Pupils through Reading Remediation Using Short Reading Selections 3. Improving Reading Comprehension Through Multimedia Assisted Instruction. 4. Twenty-minute habit through word wall activities.

Can I have a copy of the action research ” The Effectiveness of COT-RPMS in the Teaching Performance of Teachers” for reference sir. Thank you and more power!

Good pm sir. Can i ask for a sample copy for the following Action Reasearch for my reference? 1. Remedial Reading Intervention Through Reviving Fuller Lesson Approach 2. Institutionalizing Project CLEAN As a Solid Waste Management in School Through SPG Involvement

May I request a sample action research here? I would like to read and learn para may may magawa din yung mga guro na gustong maka gawa ng AR.

Greetings! Sir Mark Anthony Llego, I would like to ask if it is okay with you to copy your ideas in your Action Research Because I need it for our Action Research also in our Field Study 2.

Good day! May I ask for the copy of the research

Effectiveness of Araling Panlipunan Intervention and Review Program Towards the Increase of Quarterly MPS for Elementary Pupils

The Effects of Computer-Aided Instruction in Teaching Araling Panlipunan for Pupils’ Learning Outcomes

Have a blessed day Sir Mark. I humbly ask for a sample research for reference lng po. Effectiveness of COT-RPMS in the Teaching Performance of Teachers. or any research on governance po. Thank you ang God bless po!

Hello Po. Could you please give me an example of this research. “Institutionalizing Project CLEAN As a Solid Waste Management in School Through SPG Involvement”

Good day po! Can I ask help po to the author of Action Research name below to support may on going researcch about numeracy gap. Drill: Enhancing Multiplication and Division Operation skills

Thanks Sir Mark . God bless po

Good day po. Can I ask the following following research for my reference? 1.Reward System. An Intervention Addressing Dropout. 2.Maximizing Parents’ Involvement in Monitoring Students’ Performance in School. Maraming salamat po.

GOOD EVENING PERMISSION TO THE OWNER OF THIS AR The relationships between ALS Learner’s Attendance and the Result of ALE Test Of BPOSA. may i ask soft copy for this please. thanks sir/mam.

Good day po sir Mark… Pwede po ba makahingi ng sample action research related po sa UTILIZATION OF INSTUCTIONAL MULTIMEDIA: ITS EFFECT ON THE COMPREHENSION LEVEL OF STRUGGLING LEARNERS IN ENGLISH as my reference po. Salamat po

Hello po. Can I ask for the sample of this action researches for reference?

1. The attitude of Grade 10 Students Towards Learning Mathematics

2. An Action Research on Improving Teachers’ Assessment Skills and Behaviour Towards Performance -Based Classroom Assessment

Good day. It’s a great privilege that i know you. Can you help me materialize my action research? I am interested on Oplan search for children with special needs: Basis for opening SPED classes. Thank you…

Good day. It’s a great privilege that i know you. Can you help me materialize my action research? I am interested on Oplan search for children with special needs: Basis for opening SPED classes.

Hi Po, can I ask a permission to get a copy of your research ” The effect of Gadgets in the Learning Behavior of Grade 4 Learners” Thank you po

Good Day and Mabuhay! can I have a sample copy on institutionalizing Project CLEAN as a Solid Waste Management in School Through the SPG Involvement

Good day! May I have a copy of the following research for reference? 1.Improving the Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 6 pupils through Reading Remediation Using Short Reading Selection 2. Drill:Enhancing Multiplication and Division Operation Skills 3. Reading Materials:Improving Reading Ability of Third Graders

Good day po! Can I ask the copy of this researches for my reference?

1. Word Recognition, Comprehension and Fluency Through Multimedia Instruction for Multi-Grade Pupils 2. The Impact of Communicative Language Teaching Strategies in Solving English Oral Communication Learning Deficiency 3. Translation of English to Filipino and Mother Tongue to Improve Reading Comprehension 4. Using Sound Blending To Acquire Reading Skills in the Early Grades 5. Pictoword Application: An Aid in Enhancing the Learners’ Vocabulary and Spelling Skills

Thank you po and God bless

Hello Sir/Ma’am. Can I ask a copy of the following action research for reference. Thank you po in advance. 1.Improving the Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 6 Pupils through Reading Remediation Using Short Reading Selections 2. Improving Reading Comprehension Through Multimedia Assisted Instruction

Good day po Sir Llego.

A very helpful information to all who wish to conduct researches.

May I request permission to have a copy from the owner of the research “Maximizing Parents’ Involvement in Monitoring Students Performance in School” and “Play-Based Word Translation Activities: An Intervention to Improve Reading Comprehension” for reference.

Good day Ma’am/Sir! Can I have this copy of, “Improving the reading skill of Grade 6 Pupils through Reading Remediation using short reading selection?”. Thank you and God bless.

Hello po Madam/sir:

Please share me a soft of the research “Understanding Multi-Grade Teachers’ Life Changing Experiences: A Phenomenological Analysis….Thank u sir and More power and blessings to come…God Bless po…

Good day Ma’am/Sir, Can I have the copy of the following research for reference. Thank you.

1. Improving Mathematics Performance Through the Use of Differentiated Instruction of Grade Four Ginto in Teacherph Elementary School 2. Saturday Mathematics Program: Its Effect to Selected Students of Trento District 3. Scientific Calculator Literacy of Grade 11 Students

May I ask permission who owns this Studies/ Research

1. The Plight of Teachers on One Time Monthly Salary Release: Financial Literacy and Survival. 2. Delving into the Implementation of School-Based Management (Sbm) in the Schools Division of Antipolo City

Good evening.Can you share a copy of the ff research? Badly needed for reference only. 1. Improving the Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 6 Pupils through Reading Remediation Using Short Reading Selections 2. The Effect of Gadgets in the Learning Behavior of Grade 4 Learners 3. Improving Reading Comprehension Through Multimedia Assisted Instruction Thank you po and god bless❤️❤️

I want to learn more on writing action research. Can I ask for a latest action research proposal with complete parts?

Hi, good day po Sir! Can I ask a copy of this Action Research ” The Effect of Gadgets in the Learning Behavior of Grade IV Learners”?

Hi Sir! May I request for a copy of this reseaech entitled, Using Songs As A Tool in Improving the Listening and Comprehension Skills in English Thank you in advance.

Good day! Can I ask if you can give me a sample of Research Question about “Post Assessment on Mathematical Skills of Grade 10 students after Modular Distance Learning” Hoping for your response. Thank you in advance.

Good day po. Can I ask the following following research for my reference? 1. Using Manipulative materials in teaching mathematics fundamental operations. 2. Improving mathematics performance through games and graphics organizers 3.Drill: Enhancing multiplication and division operation skills 4. Twenty-minute habit through word wall activities

Thank you and Keep safe!

Good day po. Can I ask copy of Word-Recognition Practice: Its Impact on the Development of Pupils’ Listening Comprehension as sample Action Research po sana? Thank you in advance.

Good day po. Can I request a copy for reference about 1. ” The Attitude of Elem Teachers towards Inclusive Education” 2. Improving the skills of G7 students in BPP through Blended Approach…My permission to the owner. Thank you so much

good morning po can i ask a copy of the sample research about Difficulties Encountered by the Grade IV Mathematics teacher in Teaching pupils exposed to MTB-MLE

Good day po. Can I ask a copy of Action Research about Teacher’s Challenges in Doing Action Research:Basis for Intervension. and The Effectiveness of COT-RPMS in the Teaching Performance of Teachers Thank you and More Power Sir!

Hello good day po Sir! Can I ask a copy of this Action Research ” The Effect of Gadgets in the Learning Behavior of Grade IV Learners”?

Hi Sir, Can I ask for the copy of thirls research for reference. Thank you.

Challenges of Grade 1 Teachers in Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education Among Elementary Schools of Antipolo City

Good day ! Can I ask the research for a reference? Effectiveness of Using Activity Sheets in Teaching Science Among Seventh Graders

Thank you po

Pwede po makahingi ng copy ng research abot Using Five Finger Retell (FFR) in Enhancing the Reading Comprehension Skill of Fifth Graders. For reference po. Tnak you

Good day Ma’am/Sir, Can I have the copy of the following research for reference. Thank you😊

1. Home Visitation: Its Effect on Learners with Misbehavior 2. Improving the Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 6 Pupils through Reading Remediation Using Short Reading Selections 3. The Effect of Gadgets in the Learning Behavior of Grade 4 Learners 4. Improving Reading Comprehension Through Multimedia Assisted Instruction

The Filipino Short Story: It’s Effect on the Reading Comprehension of the Grade 6 Learners

Good day po, may I ask a permission to access or have a soft copy of the action research in titled “Improving Mathematics Performance Through Games and Graphic Organizers” for reference purposes po. Thank you.

Good day po This is mary ann may l ask permission to share to me a soft copy of this AR . Improving Mathematics Performance Through the Use of Differentiated Instruction of Grade Four Ginto in Teacherph Elementary School Thank you & more power.

Improving Mathematics Performance Through the Use of Differentiated Instruction of Grade Four Ginto in Teacherph Elementary School

Hi sir/mam. Pwede po bang humingi ng copy ng action research ninyo about The Effect of Gadgets in the Learning Behavior of Grade 4 Learners

Thank you po. Guide lng po.

hello po may asking permission po sa author or owner po sa research factors affecting learners’ performance in mapeh pashare nman po plss?

Institutionalizing Project CLEAN As a Solid Waste Management in School Through SPG Involvement.. can you give me a copy po fore reference purposes..god bless po.

Good day. Can you give me a copy of action research for reference po. tnx in advance..


Can I have the copy of this research:

Remedial Reading Program : An intervention for reading skill

My I ask permission who own this Studies/ Research.

1. The Effects of Computer-Aided Instruction in Teaching Araling Panlipunan 5 in Pupils’ Learning Outcomes 2. Research Writing Capabilities of Teachers: An Exploratory Study

Thank you po.

Sir can i can have a sample copy of this research entitled ‘the effective of using online games in teaching grammar and vocabulary. It will help me a lot..

Thank you so much sir..

Good day sir, can I access this sample action Research for reference “Innovative Reading Intervention Scheme: A Tool in Improving Reading and Vocabulary Words” Thank you po

Good day sir can I ask this research for my reference Thank you po. *Play based learning versus computer based learning in improving the reading skills in kindergarten

Good Day! Sir, can I have access to this topic “Attitudes of Elementary Teachers Towards Inclusive Education” for my reference. Thanks..

Hello sir. Can I have a copy of this Topic for reference sir. Innovative Reading Intervention Scheme: A Tool in Improving Reading and Vocabulary Words

good day po mam and sir,

asking permission of copy of action research Improving Mathematics Performance Through the Use of Differentiated Instruction of Grade Four? for my reference po. thank you in advance god bless

Good day po! Can I ask the research for a reference? Effectiveness of Using Activity Sheets in Teaching Science Among Seventh Graders

Good day sir, Can i ask a sample of the Factors affecting learners’ performance in MAPEH??Most specifically online classes?

Can i ask for a reference regarding this research topic: Contextualized Language Module and Students’ English Proficiency and Attitude Towards the English Language. Thank you so much!

Can i ask sample of action resesrch?

Hello sir. Would you please share me a copy of action research about vocabulary enrichment? Thank you sir .

Good day, Sir, with your permission po can I have a copy of the following Action Research for reference po sana. 1. Blended Learning: Social Media as A Learning Tool. 2. institutionalizing Project CLEAN as a Solid Waste Management in School Through the SPG Involvement 3. The Effect of Computer-Aided Instruction in Teaching Araling Panlipunan in Pupils Learning Outcome

Good Day! Can I ask the following research for my reference?

The Effect of the Scaffolding Strategy on the Performance of Grade 9 Students in Solving Word Problems in Math

Thank you so much po❤️ God Bless????

Hello Ma’am/Sir! Can I have the copy of this research:

Using ICT Generated Word Game in Increasing Vocabulary Skills of Seventh Graders

Hello Ma’am/Sir! Can I have the copy of this research:

Innovative Reading Intervention Scheme: A Tool in Improving Reading and Vocabulary Words

Hello po! Who can provide and share a sampleof action research for my title: Using the Art of Digital Story telling to Improve the Reading and Listening Comprehension Skills of Grade 4 Pupils

Good day po can i ask sample topic about teaching and learning strategies action research

Good Day Sir, can I access and use this sample action research? badly need po for our FIELD study for review and critique lang sana huhu hopefully ma notice.

Good Day, po! Can I ask the following research for my reference??

1.Challenges of Grade 1 Teachers in Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education Among Elementary Schools of Antipolo City

2. The Effect of the Scaffolding Strategy on the Performance of Grade 9 Students in Solving Word Problems in Math

3. The Use of 1 Story Book per Week for the Development of Reading Comprehension Among Kindergarten

4. Play-based learning VS computer-based learning In improving the reading skills of Kindergarten Learners

Thank you so much po, I really need it????

Can I ask a sample of action research title?

Good day po… Can I ask the following research for reference? 1. Effectiveness of Innovation Techniques in Teaching Science 2. Effectiveness of Using Activity Sheets in Teaching Science Among Seventh Graders

Thank you and God bless.

Good day po ma’am. may may nakuha na po ba kaung references tungkol sa mga reaserch topics po ninyo na iyan? Maari po bang pashare ma’am. Maraming Salamat po.

Good Day po

1. The Effects of Computer-Aided Instruction in Teaching Araling Panlipunan 5 in Pupils’ Learning Outcomes 2. Research Writing Capabilities of Teachers: An Exploratory Study

Sir mark, may i ask sample of action research, governance po.tnx po

Hello sir may permission who owns this research Factors affecting learners’ performance in MAPEH

non-cognitive factors affecting the academic of student-athletes

Can I ask a sample of Action Research?

i hope sir mark that you can help me in my action research

I’m happy sir Mark Anthony Llego for the information about Action Research.

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Abstract: This paper discusses reading difficulties at word level in English Department of State University of Surabaya. It explains the identification of words in literal reading class. Literal reading involves two main processes – identifying words and comprehending connected them in texts. Phonological and phonic skills provide the foundation for word identification. To understand a text, a reader must be able to identify words rapidly, know the meaning of almost all of the words, and be able to combine sequential units of meaning into a coherent message. The learners need to be taught early, and by direct methods. Sight vocabulary is essential that learners build a memory store of words they can recognise instantly without the need for decoding. Proficiency in reading basically involves gaining competence in two separate but complementary processes, namely word identification (decoding) and linguistic comprehension. But, it is recognised that some students who develop adequate word-reading ability and fluency still have difficulty understanding what they are reading, particularly when faced with the expository style of writing used within many school textbooks. To become competent readers, students need to learn effective strategies for identifying all words in print and for comprehending text. Literacy instruction must therefore include explicit teaching and practice in these essential strategies to enable all learners to read fluently, confidently and with understanding. Makalah ini membahas kesulitan membaca pada level kata di Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Unesa Surabaya. Untuk itu makalah ini menjelaskan pengidentifikasian kata di mata kuliah Literal Reading. Literal Reading terdiri dari dua proses utama – mengidentifikasi kata dan memahami secara komprehensif hubungan kata di dalam teks. Keterampilan fonologi dan fonem menjadi dasar pengidentifikasian kata. Supaya bisa memahami teks, pembaca harus mempunyai kemampuan mengidentifikasi kata dengan cepat, mengetahui arti hampir semua kata-kata, dan mampu menggabungkan arti kata-kata secara runtut menjadi satu pesan yang koheren. Sedari awal mahasiswa perlu diajar dengan menggunakan metode langsung. Mencermati kosakata merupakan hal yang esensial sehingga mahasiswa mempunyai wadah memori kosakata yang dapat diingat secara cepat tanpa perlu mengidentifikasi lagi kosata tersebut. Profisiensi membaca menjadi dasar untuk memperoleh dua kompetensi yang berbeda tetapi dalam proses saling melengkapi, yaitu: pengidentifikasian kata dan pemahaman linguistik. Akan tetapi, hal yang perlu diingat bahwa beberapa mahasiswa yang belajar meningkatkan kemampuan dan kelancaran membaca pada level kata secara memadai masih menemui kesulitan memahaminya ketika mereka sedang membaca, khususnya ketika mereka membaca jenis teks eksposisi yang banyak ditemui di buku-buku teks sekolah/perguruan tinggi. Supaya menjadi pemabaca yang kompeten, mahasiswa perlu mempelajari strategi efektif untuk mengidentifikasi semua kata yang ada di bacaan dan juga memahami secara komprehensif teks. Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran literasi harus menyertakan secara eksplisit pengajaran tersebut dan mempraktekkan jenis-jenis strategi esensial supaya semua mahasiswa mampu membaca dengan lancar, yakin dan disertai dengan pemahaman komprehensif. Key words: reading difficulty, word level, and literal reading in English Department.

Manit Bacate

Reading performance has been the problem of most schools affecting the students’ academic achievement results. Using the non-equivalent pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design, this study was conducted in order to determine the effects of the remedial reading program on the oral and silent reading skills of Grade VII students by comparing the progress of the experimental group using the Science Research Associates (SRA) materials and the control group using the Developing Reading Comprehension Skills materials, donated books of Former Senator Letecia Ramos Shahani. The students’ profile in terms of age, sex, general point average in Grade VI, and the grade in English were used as intervening variables to determine the significant relationship between reading performance of the experimental and control groups in the silent reading and oral reading skills. To determine the significant relationship and difference between the performance of the experimental and control groups in the oral and silent reading, this study utilized the pretest and posttest mean scores of the silent and oral reading tests. The posttest results exhibited an increase in the mean scores of the oral and silent reading tests. Decoding accuracy and automaticity showed a significant relationship between the pretest and the posttest results in the grade point average in Grade VI, which suggests that the students’ performance is closely related to their grade in Grade VI. All the skills in oral reading are found to have high significant difference except for the experimental group’s comprehension which is significant. The results suggest further that the study skills lag behind other skills in silent reading such as vocabulary and comprehension, implying that students with learning and behavior problems have difficulty in learning these skills. Therefore, appropriate research on study skills should be conducted to help augment the learning skills of students. Both the SRA and Developing Reading Comprehension Skills materials were effective in the development of the reading skills of the students.

Habtamu Walga

The aim of this study was to find out the factors that affect students' reading speed and comprehension that are related to students, teachers, and school with particular reference to Grade Nine Manasibu Secondary of West Wallagga Zone, Oromia. A descriptive survey of quantitative and qualitative data analysis method was employed to carry out this study. 97 students and 12 teachers were selected using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. The data were gathered through questionnaires, interview and classroom observation. The questionnaires were used to explore the teachers', students' and school related constraints with respect to the learning and teaching of reading speed and comprehension skills. The interview and classroom observation supplemented the data obtained through the questionnaires. Numbers and percentages were used to analyze the collected data. The result of the study revealed that the teachers rarely played their roles to improve the students' reading speed and comprehension in the classroom reading due to lack of awareness. Besides, the main factors students' related factors that affect the students' reading speed and comprehension skills in the target grade level were such as carelessness, negative attitudes toward reading, poor background knowledge, lack of knowledge of using appropriate reading strategies to the purpose of the reading, lack of practice and low participation in classroom reading. The finding also revealed the problem related to school like less orientedness to the reading skills, lack of finance, lack of awareness, large number students in each class, unsuitability of seating arrangements to pair and group works and lack of access to teaching aids. Finally, on the basis of the findings, it was recommended that in order to improve students' reading speed and comprehension, above all, the students have to practice reading in the target language by reading in the library and at their homes and by participating activities in the classroom. To this end, teachers also ought to play prominent roles to improve the students' reading speed and comprehension. That is, they should use modern methodologies which give room for improvement of reading speed and comprehension and the students have to play their appropriate roles in doing against problems that hindered students' learning of reading skills. Besides, the concerned bodies need to deal with the problem of large class size and instructional materials related factors to alleviate the problem.

Justice Agyei Ampofo

edna albaran

ABSTRACT 1. Title: ENHANCING ORAL READING COMPETENCE OF GRADE SIX PUPILS THROUGH REMEDIAL INSTRUCTION IN COASTAL SCHOOLS OF ALUBIJID DISTRICT, DIVISION OF MISAMIS ORIENTAL SY 2017-2018 2. Author: ALBARAN EDNA NOB (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) 3. Type of Document : Action Research 4. Type of Publication : Published 5. Key Words: Oral Reading Enhancement 6. Abstract 6.1 Summary This study attempted to enhance the Oral Reading Competence of Grade Six pupil respondents through Remedial Instruction in Coastal Schools of Alubijid District, Division of Misamis Oriental, S.Y. 2017-2018. Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions: 1. What is the Oral Reading Competence of the Grade Six pupil respondents after conducting Two Months Remedial Reading Instruction 1.1 Repetition Approach: Reading Aloud with Expression 1.2 Guided Repeated Oral reading? 2. What is the profile of the Grade Six pupil respondents considering the following: 2.1 sex 2.2 attitude towards Oral reading 2.3 teacher traits 2.4 teaching methodology 2.5 exposure to reading materials? 3. What is the Oral Reading Competence in English of the Grade Six pupil respondents on the following: 3.1 pronunciation 3.2 vocabulary 3.3 grammar 3.4 fluency 3.5 comprehension; and 3.6 overall results on Enhancement Oral reading skills after remedial instruction? Research Methodology This study employed the descriptive research method which involved twelve ((12) respondents in the coastal schools of Alubijid District, Division of Misamis Oriental. The respondents were non-readers and very slow readers based on the oral reading results of Phil-IRI S.Y. 2017-2018. The number of samples were identified through proportional allocation sampling design. The research instruments were used to gather data namely: a questionnaire to determine the pupil’s sex, exposure to reading materials the instructional materials used to conduct remedial reading, the reading comprehension skills test in attitude towards oral reading, the teacher traits and teaching methodology. The statistical tool was used to analyze the data gathered: descriptive statistics such as means, percentages and standard deviation to describe the proficiency level. The researcher with the help of the English Teachers, personally conducted he oral remedial instruction and administered the questionnaire Findings The following are the salient findings of the study: 1. There were twelve (12) respondents, involving 10 males and 2 females. On the Repetition Approach: Reading Aloud with Expression, the respondents with poor to fair had mean rating of fair oral reading competence, the respondents had also fair rating in guided Repeated Oral Reading. 2. In general, the findings disclosed that the Grade Six pupil respondents in coastal schools of Alubijid District, Division of Misamis Oriental, S.Y. 2017-2018 had barely fair oral reading competence after conducting two months intensive remedial instruction. The oral reading competence of the respondents was increased/improved from non-reader to fair reader (instructional level). 3. The pupil respondents had obtained fair rating in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency. The respondents’ weakest area is comprehension. Conclusions Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The Grade Six pupil respondents in Coastal Schools of Alubijid District, Division of Misamis Oriental, in the School Year 2017-2018had fair performance in Oral reading competence after the conduct of two months intensive remedial instruction. It implies that they had improved their oral reading skills from non-reader to fair reader level. 2. The following independent variables in this study such as sex, attitude towards oral reading, teacher traits, teacher methodology and exposure to reading materials, all play vital roles in enhancing the pupils’ oral reading competence. 3. Although the overall performance of the respondents was fair, they performed very satisfactory in pronunciation. The respondents’ weakest area is in comprehension, followed by fluency, grammar, and vocabulary. It implies that majority of the respondents were able to read the given statements but did not understand what is being read. Recommendations In the light of the findings revealed in the study, the researcher set forth the following recommendations: 1. Pupils’ attitude towards oral reading English came out an important factor in the pupils’ oral reading competence/skills. The teacher should capitalize on this by motivating the children to develop their interest in reading. 2. The teacher should conduct regular remedial instruction to the non-readers from Grades I to VI to improve their oral reading skills using the Repetition Approach: Reading Aloud with Expression and Guided Repeated Oral Reading Strategies. Furthermore, the teacher should put up a “Learners’ Kiosk” inside the classroom with reading facilities such as reference books, supplementary books, magazines, and periodicals, to be ready in times the pupils need them. This would encourage the pupils to read during their vacant periods and help develop positive attitude towards oral reading. 3. Pupils must answer in complete sentences to develop fluency, grammar, and comprehension. 4. The pupils who are already advanced in reading may be properly motivated to help their classmates who are not good in oral reading. This peer activity will enhance the oral reading development of the slow learners. 5. Future researchers should look into the oral reading competence skills of pupils in other districts to find out their status so that they can be properly guided in reading, which is very important in their academic performance.

European Journal of Educational Research

hayati akyol

Maripaz Panopio


This content emphasizes the significance of English as a global language and a tool for learning across various domains. It outlines the four essential language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing – and their role in effective communication. The importance of early reading education is highlighted, discussing its benefits in fostering memory, strengthening the brain, and enhancing analytical abilities. The text also emphasizes the role of reading in introducing students to diverse cultures and promoting independence and confidence. The theoretical background delves into reading challenges and categorizes them into specific word reading challenges (SWRD), specific reading comprehension challenges (SRCD), and mixed reading challenges (MRD). The content further discusses the methodology of identifying and addressing these challenges, emphasizing the need for systematic phonics support and intervention. The reflection section offers insights into observed improvements and challenges faced during the implementation of reading strategies. Recommendations for improving reading skills include building vocabulary, using online resources, employing visual aids, and encouraging critical thinking. The importance of summarizing techniques and question-answer scenarios is underscored, with a focus on enhancing students' comprehension and analytical abilities. The abstract concludes with a call for active engagement in teaching methods that foster critical thinking and creativity in students.

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4 Preparing for Action Research in the Classroom: Practical Issues


  • What sort of considerations are necessary to take action in your educational context?
  • How do you facilitate an action plan without disrupting your teaching?
  • How do you respond when the unplanned happens during data collection?

An action research project is a practical endeavor that will ultimately be shaped by your educational context and practice. Now that you have developed a literature review, you are ready to revise your initial plans and begin to plan your project. This chapter will provide some advice about your considerations when undertaking an action research project in your classroom.

Maintain Focus

Hopefully, you found a lot a research on your topic. If so, you will now have a better understanding of how it fits into your area and field of educational research. Even though the topic and area you are researching may not be small, your study itself should clearly focus on one aspect of the topic in your classroom. It is important to maintain clarity about what you are investigating because a lot will be going on simultaneously during the research process and you do not want to spend precious time on erroneous aspects that are irrelevant to your research.

Even though you may view your practice as research, and vice versa, you might want to consider your research project as a projection or megaphone for your work that will bring attention to the small decisions that make a difference in your educational context. From experience, our concern is that you will find that researching one aspect of your practice will reveal other interconnected aspects that you may find interesting, and you will disorient yourself researching in a confluence of interests, commitments, and purposes. We simply want to emphasize – don’t try to research everything at once. Stay focused on your topic, and focus on exploring it in depth, instead of its many related aspects. Once you feel you have made progress in one aspect, you can then progress to other related areas, as new research projects that continue the research cycle.

Identify a Clear Research Question

Your literature review should have exposed you to an array of research questions related to your topic. More importantly, your review should have helped identify which research questions we have addressed as a field, and which ones still need to be addressed . More than likely your research questions will resemble ones from your literature review, while also being distinguishable based upon your own educational context and the unexplored areas of research on your topic.

Regardless of how your research question took shape, it is important to be clear about what you are researching in your educational context. Action research questions typically begin in ways related to “How does … ?” or “How do I/we … ?”, for example:

Research Question Examples

  • How does a semi-structured morning meeting improve my classroom community?
  • How does historical fiction help students think about people’s agency in the past?
  • How do I improve student punctuation use through acting out sentences?
  • How do we increase student responsibility for their own learning as a team of teachers?

I particularly favor questions with I or we, because they emphasize that you, the actor and researcher, will be clearly taking action to improve your practice. While this may seem rather easy, you need to be aware of asking the right kind of question. One issue is asking a too pointed and closed question that limits the possibility for analysis. These questions tend to rely on quantitative answers, or yes/no answers. For example, “How many students got a 90% or higher on the exam, after reviewing the material three times?

Another issue is asking a question that is too broad, or that considers too many variables. For example, “How does room temperature affect students’ time-on-task?” These are obviously researchable questions, but the aim is a cause-and-effect relationship between variables that has little or no value to your daily practice.

I also want to point out that your research question will potentially change as the research develops. If you consider the question:

As you do an activity, you may find that students are more comfortable and engaged by acting sentences out in small groups, instead of the whole class. Therefore, your question may shift to:

  • How do I improve student punctuation use through acting out sentences, in small groups ?

By simply engaging in the research process and asking questions, you will open your thinking to new possibilities and you will develop new understandings about yourself and the problematic aspects of your educational context.

Understand Your Capabilities and Know that Change Happens Slowly

Similar to your research question, it is important to have a clear and realistic understanding of what is possible to research in your specific educational context. For example, would you be able to address unsatisfactory structures (policies and systems) within your educational context? Probably not immediately, but over time you potentially could. It is much more feasible to think of change happening in smaller increments, from within your own classroom or context, with you as one change agent. For example, you might find it particularly problematic that your school or district places a heavy emphasis on traditional grades, believing that these grades are often not reflective of the skills students have or have not mastered. Instead of attempting to research grading practices across your school or district, your research might instead focus on determining how to provide more meaningful feedback to students and parents about progress in your course. While this project identifies and addresses a structural issue that is part of your school and district context, to keep things manageable, your research project would focus the outcomes on your classroom. The more research you do related to the structure of your educational context the more likely modifications will emerge. The more you understand these modifications in relation to the structural issues you identify within your own context, the more you can influence others by sharing your work and enabling others to understand the modification and address structural issues within their contexts. Throughout your project, you might determine that modifying your grades to be standards-based is more effective than traditional grades, and in turn, that sharing your research outcomes with colleagues at an in-service presentation prompts many to adopt a similar model in their own classrooms. It can be defeating to expect the world to change immediately, but you can provide the spark that ignites coordinated changes. In this way, action research is a powerful methodology for enacting social change. Action research enables individuals to change their own lives, while linking communities of like-minded practitioners who work towards action.

Plan Thoughtfully

Planning thoughtfully involves having a path in mind, but not necessarily having specific objectives. Due to your experience with students and your educational context, the research process will often develop in ways as you expected, but at times it may develop a little differently, which may require you to shift the research focus and change your research question. I will suggest a couple methods to help facilitate this potential shift. First, you may want to develop criteria for gauging the effectiveness of your research process. You may need to refine and modify your criteria and your thinking as you go. For example, we often ask ourselves if action research is encouraging depth of analysis beyond my typical daily pedagogical reflection. You can think about this as you are developing data collection methods and even when you are collecting data. The key distinction is whether the data you will be collecting allows for nuance among the participants or variables. This does not mean that you will have nuance, but it should allow for the possibility. Second, criteria are shaped by our values and develop into standards of judgement. If we identify criteria such as teacher empowerment, then we will use that standard to think about the action contained in our research process. Our values inform our work; therefore, our work should be judged in relation to the relevance of our values in our pedagogy and practice.

Does Your Timeline Work?

While action research is situated in the temporal span that is your life, your research project is short-term, bounded, and related to the socially mediated practices within your educational context. The timeline is important for bounding, or setting limits to your research project, while also making sure you provide the right amount of time for the data to emerge from the process.

For example, if you are thinking about examining the use of math diaries in your classroom, you probably do not want to look at a whole semester of entries because that would be a lot of data, with entries related to a wide range of topics. This would create a huge data analysis endeavor. Therefore, you may want to look at entries from one chapter or unit of study. Also, in terms of timelines, you want to make sure participants have enough time to develop the data you collect. Using the same math example, you would probably want students to have plenty of time to write in the journals, and also space out the entries over the span of the chapter or unit.

In relation to the examples, we think it is an important mind shift to not think of research timelines in terms of deadlines. It is vitally important to provide time and space for the data to emerge from the participants. Therefore, it would be potentially counterproductive to rush a 50-minute data collection into 20 minutes – like all good educators, be flexible in the research process.

Involve Others

It is important to not isolate yourself when doing research. Many educators are already isolated when it comes to practice in their classroom. The research process should be an opportunity to engage with colleagues and open up your classroom to discuss issues that are potentially impacting your entire educational context. Think about the following relationships:

Research participants

You may invite a variety of individuals in your educational context, many with whom you are in a shared situation (e.g. colleagues, administrators). These participants may be part of a collaborative study, they may simply help you develop data collection instruments or intervention items, or they may help to analyze and make sense of the data. While the primary research focus will be you and your learning, you will also appreciate how your learning is potentially influencing the quality of others’ learning.

We always tell educators to be public about your research, or anything exciting that is happening in your educational context, for that matter. In terms of research, you do not want it to seem mysterious to any stakeholder in the educational context. Invite others to visit your setting and observe your research process, and then ask for their formal feedback. Inviting others to your classroom will engage and connect you with other stakeholders, while also showing that your research was established in an ethic of respect for multiple perspectives.

Critical friends or validators

Using critical friends is one way to involve colleagues and also validate your findings and conclusions. While your positionality will shape the research process and subsequently your interpretations of the data, it is important to make sure that others see similar logic in your process and conclusions. Critical friends or validators provide some level of certification that the frameworks you use to develop your research project and make sense of your data are appropriate for your educational context. Your critical friends and validators’ suggestions will be useful if you develop a report or share your findings, but most importantly will provide you confidence moving forward.

Potential researchers

As an educational researcher, you are involved in ongoing improvement plans and district or systemic change. The flexibility of action research allows it to be used in a variety of ways, and your initial research can spark others in your context to engage in research either individually for their own purposes, or collaboratively as a grade level, team, or school. Collaborative inquiry with other educators is an emerging form of professional learning and development for schools with school improvement plans. While they call it collaborative inquiry, these schools are often using an action research model. It is good to think of all of your colleagues as potential research collaborators in the future.

Prioritize Ethical Practice

Try to always be cognizant of your own positionality during the action research process, its relation to your educational context, and any associated power relation to your positionality. Furthermore, you want to make sure that you are not coercing or engaging participants into harmful practices. While this may seem obvious, you may not even realize you are harming your participants because you believe the action is necessary for the research process.

For example, commonly teachers want to try out an intervention that will potentially positively impact their students. When the teacher sets up the action research study, they may have a control group and an experimental group. There is potential to impair the learning of one of these groups if the intervention is either highly impactful or exceedingly worse than the typical instruction. Therefore, teachers can sometimes overlook the potential harm to students in pursuing an experimental method of exploring an intervention.

If you are working with a university researcher, ethical concerns will be covered by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). If not, your school or district may have a process or form that you would need to complete, so it would beneficial to check your district policies before starting. Other widely accepted aspects of doing ethically informed research, include:

Confirm Awareness of Study and Negotiate Access – with authorities, participants and parents, guardians, caregivers and supervisors (with IRB this is done with Informed Consent).

  • Promise to Uphold Confidentiality – Uphold confidentiality, to your fullest ability, to protect information, identity and data. You can identify people if they indicate they want to be recognized for their contributions.
  • Ensure participants’ rights to withdraw from the study at any point .
  • Make sure data is secured, either on password protected computer or lock drawer .

Prepare to Problematize your Thinking

Educational researchers who are more philosophically-natured emphasize that research is not about finding solutions, but instead is about creating and asking new and more precise questions. This is represented in the action research process shown in the diagrams in Chapter 1, as Collingwood (1939) notes the aim in human interaction is always to keep the conversation open, while Edward Said (1997) emphasized that there is no end because whatever we consider an end is actually the beginning of something entirely new. These reflections have perspective in evaluating the quality in research and signifying what is “good” in “good pedagogy” and “good research”. If we consider that action research is about studying and reflecting on one’s learning and how that learning influences practice to improve it, there is nothing to stop your line of inquiry as long as you relate it to improving practice. This is why it is necessary to problematize and scrutinize our practices.

Ethical Dilemmas for Educator-Researchers

Classroom teachers are increasingly expected to demonstrate a disposition of reflection and inquiry into their own practice. Many advocate for schools to become research centers, and to produce their own research studies, which is an important advancement in acknowledging and addressing the complexity in today’s schools. When schools conduct their own research studies without outside involvement, they bypass outside controls over their studies. Schools shift power away from the oversight of outside experts and ethical research responsibilities are shifted to those conducting the formal research within their educational context. Ethics firmly grounded and established in school policies and procedures for teaching, becomes multifaceted when teaching practice and research occur simultaneously. When educators conduct research in their classrooms, are they doing so as teachers or as researchers, and if they are researchers, at what point does the teaching role change to research? Although the notion of objectivity is a key element in traditional research paradigms, educator-based research acknowledges a subjective perspective as the educator-researcher is not viewed separately from the research. In action research, unlike traditional research, the educator as researcher gains access to the research site by the nature of the work they are paid and expected to perform. The educator is never detached from the research and remains at the research site both before and after the study. Because studying one’s practice comprises working with other people, ethical deliberations are inevitable. Educator-researchers confront role conflict and ambiguity regarding ethical issues such as informed consent from participants, protecting subjects (students) from harm, and ensuring confidentiality. They must demonstrate a commitment toward fully understanding ethical dilemmas that present themselves within the unique set of circumstances of the educational context. Questions about research ethics can feel exceedingly complex and in specific situations, educator- researchers require guidance from others.

Think about it this way. As a part-time historian and former history teacher I often problematized who we regard as good and bad people in history. I (Clark) grew up minutes from Jesse James’ childhood farm. Jesse James is a well-documented thief, and possibly by today’s standards, a terrorist. He is famous for daylight bank robberies, as well as the sheer number of successful robberies. When Jesse James was assassinated, by a trusted associate none-the-less, his body travelled the country for people to see, while his assailant and assailant’s brother reenacted the assassination over 1,200 times in theaters across the country. Still today in my hometown, they reenact Jesse James’ daylight bank robbery each year at the Fall Festival, immortalizing this thief and terrorist from our past. This demonstrates how some people saw him as somewhat of hero, or champion of some sort of resistance, both historically and in the present. I find this curious and ripe for further inquiry, but primarily it is problematic for how we think about people as good or bad in the past. Whatever we may individually or collectively think about Jesse James as a “good” or “bad” person in history, it is vitally important to problematize our thinking about him. Talking about Jesse James may seem strange, but it is relevant to the field of action research. If we tell people that we are engaging in important and “good” actions, we should be prepared to justify why it is “good” and provide a theoretical, epistemological, or ontological rationale if possible. Experience is never enough, you need to justify why you act in certain ways and not others, and this includes thinking critically about your own thinking.

Educators who view inquiry and research as a facet of their professional identity must think critically about how to design and conduct research in educational settings to address respect, justice, and beneficence to minimize harm to participants. This chapter emphasized the due diligence involved in ethically planning the collection of data, and in considering the challenges faced by educator-researchers in educational contexts.

Planning Action

After the thinking about the considerations above, you are now at the stage of having selected a topic and reflected on different aspects of that topic. You have undertaken a literature review and have done some reading which has enriched your understanding of your topic. As a result of your reading and further thinking, you may have changed or fine-tuned the topic you are exploring. Now it is time for action. In the last section of this chapter, we will address some practical issues of carrying out action research, drawing on both personal experiences of supervising educator-researchers in different settings and from reading and hearing about action research projects carried out by other researchers.

Engaging in an action research can be a rewarding experience, but a beneficial action research project does not happen by accident – it requires careful planning, a flexible approach, and continuous educator-researcher reflection. Although action research does not have to go through a pre-determined set of steps, it is useful here for you to be aware of the progression which we presented in Chapter 2. The sequence of activities we suggested then could be looked on as a checklist for you to consider before planning the practical aspects of your project.

We also want to provide some questions for you to think about as you are about to begin.

  • Have you identified a topic for study?
  • What is the specific context for the study? (It may be a personal project for you or for a group of researchers of which you are a member.)
  • Have you read a sufficient amount of the relevant literature?
  • Have you developed your research question(s)?
  • Have you assessed the resource needed to complete the research?

As you start your project, it is worth writing down:

  • a working title for your project, which you may need to refine later;
  • the background of the study , both in terms of your professional context and personal motivation;
  • the aims of the project;
  • the specific outcomes you are hoping for.

Although most of the models of action research presented in Chapter 1 suggest action taking place in some pre-defined order, they also allow us the possibility of refining our ideas and action in the light of our experiences and reflections. Changes may need to be made in response to your evaluation and your reflections on how the project is progressing. For example, you might have to make adjustments, taking into account the students’ responses, your observations and any observations of your colleagues. All this is very useful and, in fact, it is one of the features that makes action research suitable for educational research.

Action research planning sheet

In the past, we have provided action researchers with the following planning list that incorporates all of these considerations. Again, like we have said many times, this is in no way definitive, or lock-in-step procedure you need to follow, but instead guidance based on our perspective to help you engage in the action research process. The left column is the simplified version, and the right column offers more specific advice if need.

Figure 4.1 Planning Sheet for Action Research

My topic of research is about …
Why do you wish to research this topic
Are your plans realistic, doable, and/or supported?
Write down a working title. What is your research question or aspect you are intending to study? What do you know and not know about your topic of study?
Who will be involved in the research? What is the timeline? What ethical procedures do you need?
Where will I search for literature?
What data do you need to collect? Why do you need each of them?
What are the possible outcomes of my research?
What is your research question?

Action Research Copyright © by J. Spencer Clark; Suzanne Porath; Julie Thiele; and Morgan Jobe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Close to $15 Million in Funding Available for Innovative Outreach That Connects More Families to WIC

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Media Contacts:

Food Research & Action Center Jordan Baker [email protected] 202-640-1118

Center for Nutrition and Health Impact Courtney Freitag [email protected] 531-895-4048

Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative Mary Belle Zook [email protected] 479-575-5128

UnidosUS Elsa Rainey [email protected]

– Request for Subgrant Applications Due Sept. 6 –

WASHINGTON, July 8, 2024  — The Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), Center for Nutrition and Health Impact (the Center, formerly the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition), Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative (IFAI), and UnidosUS, today announced a  Request for Application  for subgrants for the  WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Project  (WIC CIAO).

Approximately $14.8 million will be awarded in this round of funding to Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) State and local agencies, including Indian Tribal Organizations, and nonprofit entities and organizations. Funding will help subgrantees develop, implement, and evaluate innovative outreach strategies to increase WIC awareness, participation, and benefit redemption, and reduce disparities in program delivery. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. EST on September 6, 2024.

WIC is a federal nutrition program that provides healthy foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding counseling and support, and health care and social service referrals for pregnant and postpartum individuals, infants, and children up to age 5. The federally funded program has been shown to provide wide-ranging benefits, including longer, safer pregnancies with fewer premature births and infant deaths; improved dietary outcomes for infants and children; improved maternal health; and improved performance at school, among others. In addition to health benefits, WIC participants showed significant savings in health care costs when compared to nonparticipants.

Despite evidence that WIC contributes to healthy outcomes,  only 51 percent  of WIC-eligible individuals participated in the program in 2021. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provided U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) with funding to carry out WIC outreach and modernization efforts to increase participation in the program. USDA FNS is supporting WIC CIAO through a cooperative agreement with FRAC in collaboration with the Center, IFAI, and UnidosUS. This marks the second round of subgrants, following a $16.2 million award distributed in 2023 among 36 projects around the country.

Significant technical assistance will be provided throughout the application process to organizations in underserved communities that may have limited resources and/or capacity. Technical assistance will be provided to all subgrantees throughout the subgrant period.

Interested organizations can learn more about the WIC CIAO funding opportunity and how to apply at .

For application questions or technical assistance, please email  [email protected] .

About Food Research & Action Center The  Food Research & Action Center  improves the nutrition, health, and well-being of people struggling against poverty-related hunger in the United States through advocacy, partnerships, and by advancing bold and equitable policy solutions. To learn more, visit  and follow us on  Twitter ,  Facebook , and  Instagram .

About Center for Nutrition and Health Impact The  Center for Nutrition and Health Impact  (the Center) is an independent research institution providing expertise in measurement and evaluation to develop, enhance, and expand public health programs. The Center works nationally and internationally, partnering with other nonprofits, academia, government entities and private foundations. Visit the Centers’ website at and follow on  X ,  Facebook , and  Instagram .

About Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative The  Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative  (IFAI) focuses on putting tribal sovereignty in food sovereignty, promoting tribally driven solutions to revitalize and advance traditional food systems and diversified economic development throughout Indian Country. IFAI provides Tribal governments, producers, and food businesses with educational resources, policy research, and strategic legal analysis as a foundation for building robust food economies. Visit  to learn more, and follow on  Facebook ,  Instagram , and  YouTube .

About UnidosUS UnidosUS is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that serves as the nation’s largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization. Since 1968, UnidosUS has challenged the social, economic, and political barriers that affect Latinos through a unique combination of expert research, advocacy, programs, and an Affiliate Network of nearly 300 community-based organizations across the U.S. and Puerto Rico. UnidosUS believes in an America where economic, political, and social progress is a reality for all Latinos, and collaborates across communities to achieve this vision. For more information on UnidosUS, visit  or follow on  Facebook ,  Instagram , and  X .

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WASHINGTON, July 9, 2024 — The Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) and more than 1,400 national, state, and local organizations representing communities from across the country, are urging Congress to prioritize protecting and strengthening the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the upcoming Farm Bill and any other legislative vehicles moving forward. 

WASHINGTON, July 9, 2024 — The Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) today announced it has named a new interim president, Crystal FitzSimons, who has led FRAC’s child nutrition work for 16 years and serves as FRAC’s director of Child Nutrition Programs and Policy. 

WASHINGTON, July 8, 2024 — The Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), Center for Nutrition and Health Impact (the Center, formerly the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition), Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative (IFAI), and UnidosUS, today announced a Request for Application for subgrants for the WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Project (WIC CIAO).

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Summer Reads 2024: Princeton professors share what's on their lists

Illustration by Matilda Luk, Office of Communications

Six Princeton professors talk about beloved books on their shelves and share what’s on their summer reading lists — from scholarly nonfiction to crime fiction, with history, poetry, rom-com, artificial intelligence, magic, democracy, philosophy and more in the mix.

Some book choices reflect our contributors’ research and teaching. Others illuminate personal interests and current issues in the headlines. 

Campt is the Roger S. Berlind '52 Professor in the Humanities, and professor of art & archaeology and visual arts at the Lewis Center for the Arts . 

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Tell us about a particular book on your shelf.  

" The Sweet Flypaper of Life , " photographs by Roy DeCarava, text by Langston Hughes.

This exquisite little book (which when opened, nestles perfectly in the palm of your hands) is a volume I teach regularly, but it’s also an endless source of inspiration and a beacon of hope. DeCarava’s intimate black-and-white photos of Harlem street and domestic life allow us to “feel" Black sociality through a complex play of darkness, shadow and light which resonates with deep affective power. 

His work is a prime example of a concept that lies at the heart of my research: "visual frequency" — a term that describes imagery that registers beyond what we see by soliciting powerful emotional responses. It captures ineffable qualities of Black sociality and its irrepressible strivings even in the face of the most challenging circumstances.

What’s on your summer reading list? 

As I prepare to go on sabbatical, I have the privilege of allowing my personal and professional booklists to merge as I now begin to embrace the delight of extended unstructured reading time — beginning with two books of poetry:

" To the Realization of Perfect Helplessness "   by Robin Coste Lew takes us on a lyrical journey through the author’s family photographs and the confluence of insights, responses and emotions that emerge through our encounter with the memories and relations that photographs conjure.

" Bluest Nude " by Ama Codjoe is a collection of verses which enact through poetry what I aspire to do in prose. Like me, she " writes to "  the artwork of Black artists including  Betye Saar, Malick Sidibé, Mickalene Thomas, Carrie Mae Weems, and my Princeton colleague in visual arts Deana Lawson,  among others.

Rounding out the top three titles on my work/pleasure reading list is " Devotion ," the first catalog/collection of essays on and conversations with the genre-defying filmmaker Garrett Bradley. With essays and interviews by an exceptional range of artists, critics, curators and scholars including Huey Copeland, Tyler Mitchell, Joy James, Doreen St. Felix, Legacy Russell, Kevin Quashie, Arthur Jafa and Linda Goode Bryant, quite frankly, I cannot wait!

action research topics in reading

Tom Griffiths

Tom Griffiths 

Griffiths is the Henry R. Luce Professor of Information Technology, Consciousness, and Culture of Psychology and Computer Science .

Tell us about a particular book on your shelf. 

I am going to break the rules a little bit to include two books that I highly recommend for readers interested in learning more about artificial intelligence:

" The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values " by Brian Christian. One of the biggest questions raised by AI is how to create AI systems that are aligned with human values. This book takes on that question and provides a great introduction to some of the ideas behind modern AI. Brian was my co-author on "Algorithms to Live By" (2016), and I loved this new book of his.

" The Worlds I See: Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI " by Fei-Fei Li, a 1999 alumna and former faculty member at Princeton, where she did some of the fundamental research that launched the AI revolution. This book elegantly interweaves her story with insights about how AI works and is this year's Pre-Read for the incoming Class of 2028.

Most of the non-fiction reading I do is about finding connections between topics in AI and cognitive science and ideas in other fields. Two books I’m excited to read are:

  • " Games: Agency as Art " by C. Thi Nguyen. Games are objects that reveal a lot about human cognition — designing a game partly involves reverse-engineering how people think about the world and what they find rewarding. This book takes a unique perspective on games and game design that I am hoping will inform some new projects in my lab.
  • " Magus: The Art of Magic from Faustus to Agrippa " by my Princeton colleague Anthony Grafton, the Henry Putnam University Professor of History. This book is about how early practitioners of magic interpreted aspects of what we would later recognize as cognitive science through a supernatural lens. What we believe about magic provides a very pure measure of how human minds interpret their environment. I have a few papers that look at this idea in detail.

I also read a lot of fiction — about a book a week. Here are three novels I’m looking forward to reading this summer:

  • " The Familiar " by Leigh Bardugo explores the interpretation of magic and miracles in post-Inquisition Spain (a topic of particular interest as my wife has Sephardic heritage).
  • " Dawn " by Octavia E. Butler is a science fiction story about a survivor rescued from an extinction event by aliens and tasked with recreating human society. Alignment problems abound.
  • " Empires " by Nick Earls unfolds over three centuries and three continents. I grew up in Australia and read books by Australians when I get homesick — Earls is one of my favorite Australian authors.

action research topics in reading

Jacob Nebel

Nebel is professor of philosophy and a 2013 Princeton graduate .

My favorite philosophy book is " Reasons and Persons " by Derek Parfit. It’s just breathtaking in scope, wrestling with questions about the rationality of morality and self-interest, our attitudes to time, the nature and importance of personal identity, and our obligations to future generations. The headline, “ Tibetan monks found chanting text by Oxford philosopher, ” refers to this book.

Parfit died unexpectedly in 2017. He, his work, and his mentorship (he supervised my BPhil thesis at Oxford) meant a great deal to me. A wonderful biography — “ Parfit ” by David Edmonds — was published last year by Princeton University Press.

Some philosophy books:

  • " The Bounds of Possibility: Puzzles of Modal Variation "   by Cian Dorr, a 2002 Princeton graduate alumnus, John Hawthorne and Juhani Yli-Vakkuri, is about the limits of how different things could have been. For example, Nassau Hall could have been smaller than it actually is, but it couldn’t have been as small as my pinky toe. This sort of judgment gives rise to various puzzles, which are the topic of this book.
  • " Bias: A Philosophical Study ." What is it for someone or something to be biased? Why do we tend to attribute bias to people who disagree with us, and to think that we ourselves are less biased than others? This book, by my Princeton colleague (and senior thesis adviser) Thomas Kelly, professor of philosophy, is about questions like these concerning the nature and normative significance of bias.
  • " The Rules of Rescue: Cost, Distance and Effective Altruism " by Theron Pummer is about whether and in what ways our duties to aid are sensitive to the number of people we could help, their distance from or connections to us, the cumulative sacrifice we make over our lifetimes, and how we want our own lives to go.

Some non-philosophy books:

  • " The MANIAC"   by Benjamín Labatut is a fictionalized biography of John von Neumann (among other things). 
  • " City in Ruins "   by Don Winslow is the conclusion to a crime trilogy I’ve enjoyed so far. 
  • " Glorious Exploits " by Ferdia Lennon is a comedy set in Sicily during the Peloponnesian War.
  • " Funny Story "   by Emily Henry, queen of the millennial meet-cute.
  • " Everyone Poops " by Tarō Gomi (originally published in Japanese). I have a 2-year-old son, and this summer is potty-training season.

action research topics in reading

Christy Wampole

Wampole is professor of French and Italian .

" Perspectives on Our Age: Jacques Ellul Speaks on His Life and Work ." Recently, I’ve taken an interest in technophobia and technoskepticism and was happy to find some of my intuitions confirmed in the writings of the French sociologist Jacques Ellul (1912-1994). 

Although he died before the Internet and cellphones had introduced now familiar forms of distraction, depression and anxiety, Ellul wrote presciently about the many ways technology would change every aspect of culture, including daily life, art, literature and philosophy. The humanity of his writing inspires me to bring an analog spirit to my writing and teaching.

I am in the middle of a book project on the Zeitgeist or the spirit of the times, an idea that emerged in response to the French Revolution.

Back then, several European thinkers — mostly Germans — tried to figure out why the people seemed suddenly moved by some invisible force to rise up against monarchy, and one of the more consistent explanations was that a ghostly figure, the spirit of the age, had exerted its influence on them.

This project has filled my shelves with an odd mix of books: writings on ghosts, revolution, atmospheres, Napoleon, vibes, pop culture, crowds, Romanticism, journalism, public opinion polls, generations. Still left to read over the summer are:

  • " The Unnamable Present "   by Roberto Calasso ("L'innominabile attuale" in Italian), part of a series about the secular West in the 20th century.
  • " The Mood of the World "   by Heinz Bude, originally published in German under the title "Das Gefühl der Welt," seeks to understand contemporary uneasiness in the realms of politics, finance, social life and technology. 
  • " Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture "   by Douglas Coupland, a book about and for my generation, which, perhaps because of my default Gen-X slacker attitude, I never actually read. 
  • And many more books with titles that refer in some way to the spirit of the times: " Surfing the Zeitgeist "   by Gilbert Adair, " The Spirit of the Age "   by William Hazlitt, the two-volume " L’Esprit du temps "   by Edgar Morin and "Geist der Zeit"   by Ernst Moritz Arndt, published in 1806 .

I will also do a deep dive into the Mass-Observation Archive, a social research project started in 1937 using questionnaires, diaries, and various observers who would record the minutiae of daily life. Some of the materials collected have been anthologized into volumes such as “ Speak for Yourself: A Mass-Observation Anthology 1937-1949 .”

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Anna Yu Wang

Yu Wang is assistant professor of music .

" Representing African Music: Postcolonial Notes, Queries, Positions " by Kofi Agawu. With chapter titles like “Polymeter, Additive Rhythm, and Othering Enduring Myths,” this book is chock full of provocations on the ethics of researching African music (in particular) and music beyond the Western canon (in general). It models daring question-asking, compelling argumentation, and candor. My thinking continues to be challenged, in the best of ways, by this book.

First, let me recommend some mind-opening reads:

  • " Record of a Spaceborn Few " by Becky Chambers, part of the exquisite “Wayfarers” series, winner of the Hugo Award for Best Series in science fiction or fantasy. Set in an outer space human colony, this book is a sensitive and hope-filled exploration of death, change, immigration, otherness and the makeup of social institutions.
  • " Private Equity " by Carrie Sun. This memoir penned by the former assistant of a major hedge fund CEO explores mental hardship, Asian-American identity and workplace culture.
  • " The Sea Around Us " by Rachel Carson. This book offers a beautiful account of the history and lifeforms of the earth’s ocean. It is written in a vivid, transporting prose that I aspire towards in my own writing.

These more scholarly books on my summer reading (and rereading) list engage the ethics and politics of difference-making and relation-seeking, and the way these opposing tendencies leave their mark on aesthetic experience.

  • " Ornamentalism " by Anne Anlin Cheng, professor of English at Princeton. This book studies how the ornament, cast as the site of the oriental, feminine and marginalized, became leveraged as the foil for “modernity.”
  • " Interspecies Communication: Sound and Music Beyond Humanity " by my Princeton colleague Gavin Steingo, professor of music, surveys the motivations behind human attempts at animal and alien communication in the 20th century. It addresses charged themes like desire, love and the imagination of the human/nonhuman divide.
  • " Sound Relations: Native Ways of Doing Music History in Alaska " by Jessica Bissett Perea. This study of Indigenous musicking in Alaska shows how musical acts and positionalities are formed from a dense network of incommensurable truths.
  • " Chinatown Opera in North America " by Nancy Yunhwa Rao. This book historicizes the significance of Cantonese opera among the first Chinese immigrants in Canada and the U.S., stretching the limits of how American music is conventionally defined.

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Leonard Wantchekon

Wantchekon is the James Madison Professor of Political Economy and professor of politics and international affairs .

My favorite book is " Ambiguous Adventure " by Cheick Hamidou Kane, a classic of African literature. It is the captivating story of the Diallobe community facing the challenge of preserving their cultural identity in the face educational opportunities brought by the French colonial rule. The central character, Samba Diallo, becomes a brilliant college student in France, while remaining deeply rooted in his local traditions. The question is how to remain true to the “ultimate values” of the past while embracing modern education.

I am re-reading two novels related to my work:

  • " Homegoing " is a historical fiction novel by Yaa Gyasi. It follows the family history of a woman from the Asante ethnic group in Ghana during the transatlantic slave trade. Her two daughters are separated by life circumstances — one marries a British governor running the slave trade and the other is an enslaved captive of the same man. The book covers the lives of their descendants over several generations. It parallels my research on the intergenerational trauma of the transatlantic slave trade and on the social mobility of students from the first colonial schools in Benin, my home country, and Nigeria.
  • “ Burger’s Daughter ” is a political and historical novel by the Nobel Laureate Nadine Gordimer. It covers the emergence of a group of white political activists working alongside the African National Congress of Nelson Mandela to end the Apartheid regime. The novel is a direct and vivid account of the struggle against Apartheid in the 1970s, which inspired my own involvement in the prodemocracy movement in Benin in the early '80s, as well as my 2012 autobiography, “ Rêver à contre-courant ."

Also on my list is " Purple Hibiscus " by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, on the lives of two siblings from an upper-class family in Eastern Nigeria during the Civil War. It is a fascinating account of a wealthy Nigerian authoritarian family, the emotional turmoil of the children and the powerful bonds that emerge from it.

And three books to read ahead of the 2024 presidential election:

  • The most interesting read is “ Politics Is for Power: How to Move Beyond Political Hobbyism, Take Action and Make Real Change ” by Eitan Hersh. The book describes the way contemporary American politics has become more of a hobby, an entertainment or a spectator sport, with strong emotional attachments to candidates and dinner table arguments triggered by sound bites from campaign ads or provocative social media posts by politicians. It calls for a shift in political culture with more constructive dialogue between informed citizens as well as effective collective action for meaningful social change. It is also a call for us to be more involved in local politics.
  • A great complementary reading is “ Reclaiming Participatory Governance: Social Movements and the Reinvention of Democratic Innovation ,” a collection of essays by Adrian Bua and Sonia Bussu. The book explores the challenges of bottom-up democracy, in which citizens play a prominent role in policy formulation and implementation. Participatory governance requires electoral campaigns that are deliberative, with more town hall meeting-style interactions between candidates and voters, as opposed to campaign ads and rallies. This is consistent with evidence from my research on deliberative political communication, indicating that these strategies promote ethical voting and informed citizenry.  
  • For an in-depth history of town meetings in American democracy, I would suggest Frank M. Bryan’s “ Real Democracy: The New England Town Meeting and How It Works .” The bottom line is that, “Citizens are not born, they are raised.” In 19th-century New England, town halls were widely perceived as training grounds for citizenship.

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  • Health Adviser – Ethiopia and Nigeria, FCDO – Deadline 29th July

By Research to Action 07/07/2024

Opportunity type:  Job opportunity Organisation:  Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) Location: Ethiopia and Nigeria Deadline: 29th July 2024 Salary:  £53,000.00

Join the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), and you’ll deliver for the UK internationally. That could mean helping promote Britain and its values, building strategic partnerships, protecting its interests, or supporting Britons abroad. It’s a diverse challenge that will put you at the centre of world events, working alongside around 17,300 people in a global network of offices, bringing a completely unique perspective of personal and professional pride.

 Two health adviser jobs focused on influencing the impact of Global Fund initiatives.

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  • Strategically shape and influence Global Fund and GAVI investments in-country so that they better align and integrate with national health priorities in support of broader Universal Health Care aims and wider pandemic preparedness and response efforts. Prioritise strengthening sustainable health systems, supporting integrated service delivery, and leaving no-one behind.
  • Work with the Technical Assistance provider(s) selected under the Global Fund Accelerator to support countries to strengthen the design and implementation of programmes funded by the Global Fund including through engagement with the Global Fund governance mechanism in-country and with other health development partners.
  • ·      Support countries to improve alignment, coherence and partnership in-country, applying the Lusaka principles to deliver better and more sustainable health outcomes.
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This is a health adviser job. FCDO health advisers provide the high-quality expertise needed to deliver the organisation’s health ambitions.

Health Advisers deliver this with their inter-disciplinary thinking and ‘brokering’ skills, their high-quality, evidence-based strategic analysis and advice and their appreciation of all available UK levers: development policy and Official Development Assistance (ODA) programme interventions; use of diplomatic networks and relationships; influencing across HMG; facilitating bilateral, regional, and multilateral agreements and negotiations. Health Advisers work in-country where they influence   national health policies and programmes. Health Advisers work at regional and global levels shaping global health policies and institutions, leading relationships with international and regional partners, and in commissioning and managing the production of global public goods.

Unsuccessful candidates who are deemed appointable will be kept on a reserve list for 12 months. Should other similar opportunities arise, you may be called forward. 

 Who they’re looking for

You are expected to perform at  Expert  level at the five competencies listed under the  Health Technical Competency Framework.     Expert level advisers are recognized for specialist or technical knowledge and skills, underpinned by extensive experience applying it in practice on complex issues at national and global level; connected with other experts. Please note that the  Health System Development  competency should be based on sufficient experience in a LICs or LMIC.  Experts are expected to hold substantial relevant experience* augmented by a formal qualification of direct relevance such as a Masters in Public Health (or similar qualification) or significant self-directed study. 

*Relevant experience is defined as international work experience of direct relevance to the competency.

A proactive self-starter with the confidence and skills to manage uncertainty, you’ll be a motivating communicator and influencer, and capable of communicating your thoughts and ideas with clarity, integrity and enthusiasm. In addition, they’ll expect you to possess strong analytical skills and be capable of using information from multiple sources to establish or inform the advice you give or the decisions you make.

You’ll be working with a diverse team and a range of departments within FCDO, across HMG and with external partners, so you’ll be a collaborative worker with excellent interpersonal skills. And your ability to work at pace means that you’ll be ready to prioritise multiple demands and take a highly focused responsibility for your work.

This role requires you to attain Developed Vetting (DV) security clearance. For more information about this process,  click here .

Use your talent and experience to shape a nation’s future, and deliver tangible improvements to millions of lives, including your own.

For more information, please visit the FCDO website.

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What is Project 2025? What to know about the conservative blueprint for a second Trump administration

By Melissa Quinn , Jacob Rosen

Updated on: July 10, 2024 / 9:21 AM EDT / CBS News

Washington — Voters in recent weeks have begun to hear the name "Project 2025" invoked more and more by President Biden and Democrats, as they seek to sound the alarm about what could be in store if former President Donald Trump wins a second term in the White House.

Overseen by the conservative Heritage Foundation, the multi-pronged initiative includes a detailed blueprint for the next Republican president to usher in a sweeping overhaul of the executive branch.

Trump and his campaign have worked to distance themselves from Project 2025, with the former president going so far as to call some of the proposals "abysmal." But Democrats have continued to tie the transition project to Trump, especially as they find themselves mired in their own controversy over whether Mr. Biden should withdraw from the 2024 presidential contest following his startling debate performance last month.

Here is what to know about Project 2025:

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 is a proposed presidential transition project that is composed of four pillars: a policy guide for the next presidential administration; a LinkedIn-style database of personnel who could serve in the next administration; training for that pool of candidates dubbed the "Presidential Administration Academy;" and a playbook of actions to be taken within the first 180 days in office.

It is led by two former Trump administration officials: Paul Dans, who was chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management and serves as director of the project, and Spencer Chretien, former special assistant to Trump and now the project's associate director.

Project 2025 is spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, but includes an advisory board consisting of more than 100 conservative groups.

Much of the focus on — and criticism of — Project 2025 involves its first pillar, the nearly 900-page policy book that lays out an overhaul of the federal government. Called "Mandate for Leadership 2025: The Conservative Promise," the book builds on a "Mandate for Leadership" first published in January 1981, which sought to serve as a roadmap for Ronald Reagan's incoming administration.

The recommendations outlined in the sprawling plan reach every corner of the executive branch, from the Executive Office of the President to the Department of Homeland Security to the little-known Export-Import Bank. 

President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with advisers in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D,C., on June 25, 2019.

The Heritage Foundation also created a "Mandate for Leadership" in 2015 ahead of Trump's first term. Two years into his presidency, it touted that Trump had instituted 64% of its policy recommendations, ranging from leaving the Paris Climate Accords, increasing military spending, and increasing off-shore drilling and developing federal lands. In July 2020, the Heritage Foundation gave its updated version of the book to then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. 

The authors of many chapters are familiar names from the Trump administration, such as Russ Vought, who led the Office of Management and Budget; former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller; and Roger Severino, who was director of the Office of Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Vought is the policy director for the 2024 Republican National Committee's platform committee, which released its proposed platform on Monday. 

John McEntee, former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office under Trump, is a senior advisor to the Heritage Foundation, and said that the group will "integrate a lot of our work" with the Trump campaign when the official transition efforts are announced in the next few months.

Candidates interested in applying for the Heritage Foundation's "Presidential Personnel Database" are vetted on a number of political stances, such as whether they agree or disagree with statements like "life has a right to legal protection from conception to natural death," and "the President should be able to advance his/her agenda through the bureaucracy without hindrance from unelected federal officials."

The contributions from ex-Trump administration officials have led its critics to tie Project 2025 to his reelection campaign, though the former president has attempted to distance himself from the initiative.

What are the Project 2025 plans?

Some of the policies in the Project 2025 agenda have been discussed by Republicans for years or pushed by Trump himself: less federal intervention in education and more support for school choice; work requirements for able-bodied, childless adults on food stamps; and a secure border with increased enforcement of immigration laws, mass deportations and construction of a border wall. 

But others have come under scrutiny in part because of the current political landscape. 

Abortion and social issues

In recommendations for the Department of Health and Human Services, the agenda calls for the Food and Drug Administration to reverse its 24-year-old approval of the widely used abortion pill mifepristone. Other proposed actions targeting medication abortion include reinstating more stringent rules for mifepristone's use, which would permit it to be taken up to seven weeks into a pregnancy, instead of the current 10 weeks, and requiring it to be dispensed in-person instead of through the mail.

The Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative legal group that is on the Project 2025 advisory board, was involved in a legal challenge to mifepristone's 2000 approval and more recent actions from the FDA that made it easier to obtain. But the Supreme Court rejected the case brought by a group of anti-abortion rights doctors and medical associations on procedural grounds.

The policy book also recommends the Justice Department enforce the Comstock Act against providers and distributors of abortion pills. That 1873 law prohibits drugs, medicines or instruments used in abortions from being sent through the mail.


Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade , the volume states that the Justice Department "in the next conservative administration should therefore announce its intent to enforce federal law against providers and distributors of such pills."

The guide recommends the next secretary of Health and Human Services get rid of the Reproductive Healthcare Access Task Force established by the Biden administration before Roe's reversal and create a "pro-life task force to ensure that all of the department's divisions seek to use their authority to promote the life and health of women and their unborn children."

In a section titled "The Family Agenda," the proposal recommends the Health and Human Services chief "proudly state that men and women are biological realities," and that "married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them."

Further, a program within the Health and Human Services Department should "maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family."

During his first four years in office, Trump banned transgender people from serving in the military. Mr. Biden reversed that policy , but the Project 2025 policy book calls for the ban to be reinstated.

Targeting federal agencies, employees and policies

The agenda takes aim at longstanding federal agencies, like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA. The agency is a component of the Commerce Department and the policy guide calls for it to be downsized. 

NOAA's six offices, including the National Weather Service and National Marine Fisheries Service, "form a colossal operation that has become one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future U.S. prosperity," the guide states. 

The Department of Homeland Security, established in 2002, should be dismantled and its agencies either combined with others, or moved under the purview of other departments altogether, the policy book states. For example, immigration-related entities from the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice and Health and Human Services should form a standalone, Cabinet-level border and immigration agency staffed by more than 100,000 employees, according to the agenda.

The Department of Homeland Security logo is seen on a law enforcement vehicle in Washington on March 7, 2017.

If the policy recommendations are implemented, another federal agency that could come under the knife by the next administration, with action from Congress, is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The agenda seeks to bring a push by conservatives to target diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, initiatives in higher education to the executive branch by wiping away a slew of DEI-related positions, policies and programs and calling for the elimination of funding for partners that promote DEI practices.

It states that U.S. Agency for International Development staff and grantees that "engage in ideological agitation on behalf of the DEI agenda" should be terminated. At the Treasury Department, the guide says the next administration should "treat the participation in any critical race theory or DEI initiative without objecting on constitutional or moral grounds, as per se grounds for termination of employment."

The Project 2025 policy book also takes aim at more innocuous functions of government. It calls for the next presidential administration to eliminate or reform the dietary guidelines that have been published by the Department of Agriculture for more than 40 years, which the authors claim have been "infiltrated" by issues like climate change and sustainability.


Trump made immigration a cornerstone of his last two presidential runs and has continued to hammer the issue during his 2024 campaign. Project 2025's agenda not only recommends finishing the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, but urges the next administration to "take a creative and aggressive approach" to responding to drug cartels at the border. This approach includes using active-duty military personnel and the National Guard to help with arrest operations along the southern border.

A memo from Immigration and Customs Enforcement that prohibits enforcement actions from taking place at "sensitive" places like schools, playgrounds and churches should be rolled back, the policy guide states. 

When the Homeland Security secretary determines there is an "actual or anticipated mass migration of aliens" that presents "urgent circumstances" warranting a federal response, the agenda says the secretary can make rules and regulations, including through their expulsion, for as long as necessary. These rules, the guide states, aren't subject to the Administration Procedure Act, which governs the agency rule-making process.

What do Trump and his advisers say about Project 2025?

In a post to his social media platform Friday, Trump wrote , "I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them."

Trump's pushback to the initiative came after Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said in a podcast interview that the nation is "in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."

But even before Roberts' comments during "The War Room" podcast — typically hosted by conservative commentator Steve Bannon, who reported to federal prison to begin serving a four-month sentence last week — Trump's top campaign advisers have stressed that Project 2025 has no official ties to his reelection bid.

Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, senior advisers to the Trump campaign, said in a November statement that 2024 policy announcements will be made by Trump or his campaign team.

"Any personnel lists, policy agendas, or government plans published anywhere are merely suggestions," they said.

While the efforts by outside organizations are "appreciated," Wiles and LaCivita said, "none of these groups or individuals speak for President Trump or his campaign."

In response to Trump's post last week, Project 2025 reiterated that it was separate from the Trump campaign.

"As we've been saying for more than two years now, Project 2025 does not speak for any candidate or campaign. We are a coalition of more than 110 conservative groups advocating policy & personnel recommendations for the next conservative president. But it is ultimately up to that president, who we believe will be President Trump, to decide which recommendations to implement," a statement on the project's X account said.

The initiative has also pushed back on Democrats' claims about its policy proposals and accused them of lying about what the agenda contains.

What do Democrats say?

Despite their attempts to keep some distance from Project 2025, Democrats continue to connect Trump with the transition effort. The Biden-Harris campaign frequently posts about the project on X, tying it to a second Trump term.

Mr. Biden himself accused his Republican opponent of lying about his connections to the Project 2025 agenda, saying in a statement that the agenda was written for Trump and "should scare every single American." He claimed on his campaign social media account  Wednesday that Project 2025 "will destroy America."

Congressional Democrats have also begun pivoting to Project 2025 when asked in interviews about Mr. Biden's fitness for a second term following his lackluster showing at the June 27 debate, the first in which he went head-to-head with Trump.

"Trump is all about Project 2025," Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman told CNN on Monday. "I mean, that's what we really should be voting on right now. It's like, do we want the kind of president that is all about Project '25?"

Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, one of Mr. Biden's closest allies on Capitol Hill, told reporters Monday that the agenda for the next Republican president was the sole topic he would talk about.

"Project 2025, that's my only concern," he said. "I don't want you or my granddaughter to live under that government."

In a statement reiterating her support for Mr. Biden, Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida called Project 2025 "MAGA Republicans' draconian 920-page plan to end U.S. democracy, give handouts to the wealthy and strip Americans of their freedoms."

What are Republicans saying about Project 2025?

Two GOP senators under consideration to serve as Trump's running mate sought to put space between the White House hopeful and Project 2025, casting it as merely the product of a think tank that puts forth ideas.

"It's the work of a think tank, of a center-right think tank, and that's what think tanks do," Florida Sen. Marco Rubio told CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday.

He said Trump's message to voters focuses on "restoring common sense, working-class values, and making our decisions on the basis of that."

Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance raised a similar sentiment in an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press," saying organizations will have good ideas and bad ideas.

"It's a 900-page document," he said Sunday. "I guarantee there are things that Trump likes and dislikes about that 900-page document. But he is the person who will determine the agenda of the next administration."

Jaala Brown contributed to this report.

Melissa Quinn is a politics reporter for She has written for outlets including the Washington Examiner, Daily Signal and Alexandria Times. Melissa covers U.S. politics, with a focus on the Supreme Court and federal courts.

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    This action research project was conducted to improve reading comprehension with second grade and third grade students. The teacher researchers intended to improve reading comprehension by using higher-order thinking skills such as predicting, making connections, visualizing, inferring, questioning, and summarizing. In their classrooms the teacher researchers modeled these strategies through ...

  7. Improving Reading Skills Through Effective Reading Strategies

    Therefore this study aims to study the effective reading strategies in order to improve reading skills in language classes. The study is an action research applied to a number of 14 students in an intermediate level integrated skills course.

  8. (PDF) Improving Students' Reading Comprehension Skills Using Peer

    PDF | A full blown action research focusing on the improvement of reading comprehension of students using Peer-Assisted Learning | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

  9. Reading Comprehension Research: Implications for Practice and Policy

    Abstract Reading comprehension is one of the most complex cognitive activities in which humans engage, making it difficult to teach, measure, and research. Despite decades of research in reading comprehension, international and national reading scores indicate stagnant growth for U.S. adolescents. In this article, we review the theoretical and empirical research in reading comprehension. We ...

  10. A Practical Guide to Action Resource for Literacy Educators

    This 70-page guide gives literacy educators step-by-step instructions and examples for carrying out action research to improve their reading instruction.

  11. 225+ Action Research Topics In Education (Updated 2023)

    Action research in education offers a powerful tool for educators to actively engage in improving their teaching practices and student outcomes. By combining research and action, this approach encourages teachers to become reflective practitioners and agents of change within their classrooms and schools. Action research topics in education ...

  12. 1 What is Action Research for Classroom Teachers?

    Action research is an approach to educational research that is commonly used by educational practitioners and professionals to examine, and ultimately improve, their pedagogy and practice. In this way, action research represents an extension of the reflection and critical self-reflection that an educator employs on a daily basis in their classroom. When students are actively engaged in ...

  13. 200+ List of Topics for Action Research in the Classroom

    Discover list of topics for action research in the classroom. Explore criteria, tips, and a comprehensive list for effective teaching strategies.

  14. PDF Action Research: Improving Advanced Learners' Reading Skill based on

    It is also recommended to implement reading strategy awareness program in an action research for all levels including elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced levels in a collaborative teaching program with other teachers.

  15. Action Research in the Classroom: A Tool for Enhancing Reading

    This article discusses action research and how it can enhance reading comprehension in students. It will explore how this teaching strategy can help elementary school educators improve the reading skills of their students.

  16. PDF Microsoft Word

    The action research found that through choice-based, interactive methods of reading instruction, the perception of ability regarding reading improved slightly for both the learner and the parent.

  17. DepEd Action Research Topics and Sample Titles

    DepEd Action Research is a process of systematic, reflective inquiry to improve educational practices or resolve problems in any operating unit (i.e. school, classroom, office). The research topic/area should be taken from Basic Education Research Agenda under the following themes: teaching and learning, child protection, human resource ...


    The research instruments were used to gather data namely: a questionnaire to determine the pupil's sex, exposure to reading materials the instructional materials used to conduct remedial reading, the reading comprehension skills test in attitude towards oral reading, the teacher traits and teaching methodology.

  19. Preparing for Action Research in the Classroom: Practical Issues

    An action research project is a practical endeavor that will ultimately be shaped by your educational context and practice. Now that you have developed a literature review, you are ready to revise your initial plans and begin to plan your project. This chapter will provide some advice about your considerations when undertaking an action research project in your classroom.

  20. reading comprehension research: Topics by

    First, research suggests that comprehension skills are separable from decoding processes and important at early ages, suggesting that comprehension skills should be targeted early, even before the child learns to read. Second, there is…. Instruction of Research-Based Comprehension Strategies in Basal Reading Programs.

  21. Sample Deped Action Research Topics and Titles

    This document provides a list of over 50 potential topics and titles for action research projects in the Philippines. The topics cover a wide range of subject areas including mathematics, English, science, and social studies. They also address challenges at different grade levels from kindergarten to senior high school. Common themes among the topics include improving student performance ...

  22. Action Research in Reading

    Action Research in Reading - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document is an assessment of the reading comprehension levels of Grade 3 pupils at Matuyatuya Elementary School for the 2016-2017 school year. It introduces reading comprehension as a complex skill and discusses its importance for students' education. The study ...

  23. Dynamic insights into research trends and trajectories in early reading

    Introduction: Early reading has gained significant attention in the academic community. With the increasing volume of literature on this subject, it has become crucial to assess the current research landscape and identify emerging trends. Methods: This study utilized the dynamic topic model to analyze a corpus of 1,638 articles obtained from the Web of Science Core Collection to furnish a ...

  24. Close to $15 Million in Funding Available for Innovative Outreach That

    The Food Research & Action Center improves the nutrition, health, and well-being of people struggling against poverty-related hunger in the United States through advocacy, partnerships, and by advancing bold and equitable policy solutions.

  25. PDF Microsoft Word

    This action research report describes a program to increase students' reading comprehension and fluency through the use of guided reading. The targeted population consists of second and fourth grade students in a northwest suburban area of a large city located in the Midwest.

  26. Summer Reads 2024: Princeton professors share what's on their lists

    Six Princeton professors talk about beloved books on their shelves and share what's on their summer reading lists — from scholarly nonfiction to crime fiction, with history, poetry, rom-com, artificial intelligence, magic, democracy, philosophy and more in the mix.. Some book choices reflect our contributors' research and teaching.

  27. Republican Party Backs Away from Pro-Life Stance in New Platform

    The new Republican National Convention platform endorsed by Donald Trump is missing the strong pro-life stance evangelicals have come to expect from the GOP.

  28. Health Adviser

    Research To Action (R2A) is a learning platform for anyone interested in maximising the impact of research and capturing evidence of impact. The site publishes practical resources on a range of topics including research uptake, communications, policy influence and monitoring and evaluation.

  29. What is Project 2025? What to know about the conservative blueprint for

    The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 includes a detailed blueprint for the next Republican president to usher in a sweeping overhaul of the executive branch.

  30. House introduces NASA reauthorization act

    A bipartisan NASA act would formally authorize several ongoing programs while directing the agency to provide reports on many topics.