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Strategic Planning

7 reasons why schools need strategic planning.

why strategic planning in education

By Mary King

20 march 2023.

Photo of a yellow school bus

  • 1 1. A strategic plan articulates a shared vision, mission and values
  • 2 2. A strategic plan effectively organizes schools, staff, and time
  • 3 3. A strategic plan defines how success is measured
  • 4 4. A strategic plan helps with decision-making, responsiveness, and innovation
  • 5 5. A strategic plan increases communication and engagement
  • 6 6. A strategic plan keeps everyone in a school—from teachers to administrators—connected
  • 7 7. The best reason of all for strategic planning comes back to every great school’s number one priority: students
  • 8 Download the guide ↓

The past three years have been disruptive for every sector. For educational institutions, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone–from staff and teachers, to the students who had to switch to a new modality of learning, to the parents supporting them. Strategic planning in education has revealed itself to be a very important part of recovering. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the COVID-19 pandemic forced nearly 55 million children home in the US alone—and at least 1.4 billion children out of school or child care across the globe. Higher education institutions have been profoundly financially impacted , and both the learning experience and mental wellbeing of the students has been negatively affected.

While every educational institution was impacted by this, some schools were more prepared than others to face the unique challenges COVID-19 posed–those schools who had previously established strategic plans were better prepared to navigate the pandemic than those without.

It’s clear to us: Schools that embrace a great strategic plan, and commit to strategic planning in education, have clear advantages over schools that don’t.

We’re going to talk about some of those advantages now, look at some examples of strategic planning in education, and give 7 reasons for why every school with a vision of excellence for their students should embrace a strategic planning process for schools. Whether it’s getting back on track after a hugely disruptive, global event like COVID-19, identifying the most important strategies to improve student outcomes, or increasing staff engagement, all schools benefit from strategic planning and strategic plan implementation.

1. A strategic plan articulates a shared vision, mission and values

The ability for schools to collaborate, share, and communicate short and long term goals is a critical part of moving plans forward in line with a vision, mission, and values. Schools benefit from a well communicated and executed strategic plan that keeps everyone informed of their strategic goals, and how their actions are contributing to the achievement of these goals. This enables parents, staff, community members, and stakeholders to work towards a common vision.

A major additional benefit of strategic planning in education is that it provides an opportunity for active employee engagement across an organization. When it comes to strategic planning for educational institutions, that benefit remains present. Research suggests that a leading cause for employee discontent (in general, but especially in the public sector) is that employees don’t understand how the work they’re doing helps their greater organization.

If the school is able to clearly define and remind employees and stakeholders of the shared vision, employees are more likely to feel connected to the work they are doing within that organization. Whether that work is educating students, organizing reports, performing critical administrative duties, or coordinating the process of standardized testing, everyone plays a part in a student’s success.

2. A strategic plan effectively organizes schools, staff, and time

We understand that schools–whether they are elementary schools, high schools, or higher education institutions– are complex institutions, with boards, committees, districts, unions, and many different types of stakeholders involved. Because the organizations themselves are so large, and plans are often multi-year, complex entities built up by multiple stakeholders and workers, struggles with organization and effective time management are common.

Envisio provides strategic planning software for educational institutions , and because Envisio works exclusively with the public sector, we understand the unique, complex, and often large scale planning needs of public sector organizations.

“I see Envisio very much as a focusing tool as I work with my team. If you’ve got great people, your primary job is not to get in their way […] I can stay on top of performance in a way that is really unobtrusive, and I don’t have to necessarily interact directly with an individual to get a sense of what’s going on. I can stay abreast of the action plans in the communications department or the action plans in a particular school. If we’re missing the mark on a key performance measure, I can focus more time on having the right conversations.” – Peter Hilts, Chief Education Officer for District 49

3. A strategic plan defines how success is measured

In order to achieve success, it’s important to know what success means, and where to take action first. It is difficult to get a strategic action plan underway without a firm understanding of what problems you’re wanting to solve. When it comes to strategic planning in the public sector, determining clear benchmarks for success is especially important, because the goals are often a combination of abstract, impact-based metrics, and concrete, output-based goals.

Different types of educational institutions are going to have different challenges, and different metrics of success: the educational strategic plans of a public school board district are going to look a lot different from a college or university! The shared reality is that every school with a strategy is better able to monitor its progress toward key outcomes and evaluate where and how it may have gotten off track. Using a strategy implementation software like Envisio can help with measuring success.

At Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED), in Portage County, Ohio, they are measuring success across six pillars, with forty two strategic initiatives . Many of their strategic plan elements (goals, strategies, and actions) include promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion for their students, staff, and employees. Being a major medical research university that is training future medical professionals, diversity, equity, and inclusivity is a critical—and practical—metric! Some of the performance measures that NEOMED tracks include gender demographics, and actionable items towards decreasing disability stigma as part of their Strategic Plan: Creating Transformational Leaders Dashboard .

Screenshot of NEOMED's Public Dashboard powered by Envisio

No matter what your benchmark for “success” is—be it a more impact-focused concept such as “be more welcoming” or more concretely articulated in output terms such as “create a low-cost tutoring center using the library after school”, your strategic plan will provide you with the steps to make get that success underway, and stay on track.

4. A strategic plan helps with decision-making, responsiveness, and innovation

A strategic plan helps educational institutions remain agile during times of change, and also helps them better define what they intend to achieve when it comes to their student success objectives and their greater organizational goals. With a strategic plan in place, educational institutions have a roadmap which they can use to track, evaluate, and modify plans to facilitate better governance decisions and provide clearer direction for the future of the school. This helps a school maintain a steady rhythm of progress towards their goals, and remain ahead of the curve–both in terms of educational innovation, and when (not if) a disruptive change occurs.

“It’s difficult, because you’re trying to help students prepare for the future – to prepare for jobs that might not exist yet. You’re trying to develop educators and an education that gives them the skills to think critically.” – Dr. Alison Gillespie, the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning with White Bear Lake Area School District (WBLAS) in Ramsey County, Minnesota

White Bear Lake Area School District (WBLAS), MN, was able to leverage their strategic plan as a way to embrace change and turn obstacles (like COVID-19) into opportunities for success. They embraced active learning techniques and, through their strategic plan, were able to think ahead to turn disruptions into teachable moments that engaged students and staff alike.

5. A strategic plan increases communication and engagement

A strategic plan ( and particularly, one that is publicly communicated on a dashboard ) helps with overall communication and engagement. For a school board, communicating that your plans and your metrics for success are part of a larger, holistic plan, is critical to building trust with stakeholders and maintaining effective engagement—both internally, and externally.

Strategic planning in education is critical in settings where trust is paramount. Educational institutions—at all levels—work on the understanding that one group (the educators) has knowledge they can impart, share, or coax out in another group (the students). The need for a trusting relationship with the students and everyone involved in that student’s success needs to be central to a positive educational environment.

A strategic plan that can be easily found, referenced, and understood helps assure everyone involved that the school in question is aware of their plans, has them in focus, and has a plan for their shortcomings. Educational strategic planning also has the additional benefit of keeping stakeholders—such as donors—excited about the school’s vision. When it comes to fundraising, donors are more likely to support a school that has a clear vision and a strategy to make it happen.

6. A strategic plan keeps everyone in a school—from teachers to administrators—connected

A well implemented and communicated strategic plan holds all staff accountable for their actions and encourages collaboration. In educational settings, this circle of responsibility is extended out towards the community; providing excellent and accessible education is an effort that requires all hands on deck. Being able to simplify the strategic planning process and make it visible and easy to use is one way to ensure everyone stays connected.

One of the benefits of using a strategic planning software partner like Envisio is that individual action plans (from individual schools or departments) can be aligned, all the way up to a greater strategic objective. For multi-year, complex plans, such as setting a national standard of excellence, or incorporating culturally significant teachings—it’s important that teachers and staff are able to understand who is working on what, and where it fits into the greater whole.

7. The best reason of all for strategic planning comes back to every great school’s number one priority: students

Best of all, strategic planning in education provides a framework so that the most important priority of the school – students’ educational achievement – is taken care of. Having a sturdy educational strategic plan helps keep issues like digital equity , accessibility , literacy , preparation for an ever changing workforce , and social and environmental enrichment , front of mind. When the experience of the student is the priority for the school, the strategic plan becomes a collaborative effort to figure out how best to set students up for success.

Being on the same page for these goals is extremely important for schools: sound planning and communication helps ensure that stakeholders, including parents, teachers, administrators, principals, board members, and the greater community, are all striving for the same overall vision. And, when it comes to putting those plans into action, schools especially benefit from the habit of consistent performance measurement, which is something a strategic plan can help in ingraining.

For complex, multi-layered institutions such as an educational institute to successfully reach their goals—particularly after being so dramatically impacted by COVID-19—it requires not only proper management of human, budgetary, and time resources, but the creation of high-output teams, engaged and effective staff and teachers, and the consistent monitoring of progress. For schools, a strategic plan provides a north star for deepening a sense of community and knowledge, and breaks down the actionable steps to reach critical goals.

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Mary King is a professional writer and researcher based in Toronto. She comes to Envisio with a Masters Degree, where she researched the relationship between the disappearance of urban public spaces, and high level decision-making processes in local governments. For nearly a decade, Mary has worked as a community organizer, promoter, and supportive researcher in a variety of nonprofits and think-tanks, and her favorite area of focus was in connecting local artists with marginalized youth. Since 2017, her writings and research on policy, local governance, and its relationship to public art and public space has been presented at conferences internationally. She has also served as both a conference chair and lead facilitator on professional and academic conferences across Canada on how to better bridge academic research with local change-agents, policy makers, artists, and community members. Envisio’s mission of excellence and trust in the public sector maps onto Mary's interest in local government and community mobilization. She loves working at Envisio because she cares about having well organized, strategic, and transparent public organizations and local governments. Mary is also a creative writer and musician and has been supported in her practice by the Canada Council for the Arts. Her stories can be found in literary journals across Canada.


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The Importance of Strategic Planning in Education

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Strategic planning is a method used in various industries to deliberately guide decision-making. In education, strategic planning provides leaders with guidance to keep the institution operating, carry out its missions and comply with regulations. Educational strategic planning focuses on the future of a college or university, providing an intentional way to reflect on performance and determine where to implement initiatives to make positive changes for the future.

To create effective university strategic plans, administrators and stakeholders must understand the ins and outs of how they work and how they can apply them.

In This Article

  • Lack of Ownership
  • Poor Strategic Alignment
  • Poor Communication
  • Slow Plan Adoption
  • Improve Efficiency
  • Engage Stakeholders and the Community
  • Form a Focus
  • Plan a Future
  • Test Your Hypotheses
  • Use Specific Language
  • Make Implementation a Priority
  • Hold Team Members Accountable

Transform Strategic Planning and Execution Within Your Education Institution With AchieveIt

The challenges of strategic planning in education.

Universities and colleges face several pressures and challenges that can complicate strategic planning in educational environments. Understanding some of these challenges can help you overcome them to create an impactful approach.

1. Lack of Ownership

While strategic plans involve feedback and participation from all of your institution’s departments and entities, you should limit ownership of the plan and documentation to one person. Without explicit ownership over the strategic plan, initiatives are more likely to be lost, forgotten or overlooked. With one person in charge, your school is more likely to achieve success.

2. Poor Strategic Alignment

Alignment and representation across your university are crucial to success. Universities and colleges often experience a lack of strategic alignment because the church and state divisions typically have different goals for schools. These clashing perspectives lead to poor strategic alignment and a stand-still in decision-making.

3. Poor Communication

Many educational institutions also struggle with strategic planning due to poor organizational communication. Effectively implementing a strategic plan requires institutional-wide teamwork. Poor communication significantly increases the difficulty of agreeing upon and executing effective solutions and setting attainable goals.

4. Slow Plan Adoption

With a significant focus on innovation and growth, universities may make numerous changes in a year. Constant changes often lead to low motivation to adopt new plans. The longer your teams take to implement a strategic plan, the more likely it is to become outdated. When this situation happens, the plan becomes irrelevant to your current processes.

Why Education Institutions Need Strategic Planning

Despite the inherent challenges, educational strategic planning is necessary for a successful institution operation. A strategic plan can help you improve several aspects of your educational institution through intentional goal-setting and initiative implementation. Strategic planning for colleges and universities helps students, staff and the community progress toward a better future.

Here are a few reasons you should use strategic planning in education:

Improve Efficiency

1. Improve Efficiency

One of the biggest reasons to begin strategic planning is the opportunity for improved efficiency in numerous areas of your organization. The challenges of educational planning often lead to a lack of efficiency. Strategic planning for schools allows leaders to determine more effective ways to streamline processes.

For example, your decision-making teams may take significant time to agree on new policies or procedures. Strategic planning helps your institution use time more efficiently because it allows you to form decision-making strategies.

Improved efficiency also results in better cost-effectiveness. The less time is wasted, the more money you’ll save, especially over time.

2. Engage Stakeholders and the Community

Strategic planning involves more people than only the primary decision-makers — your planning should involve your community and stakeholders. Feedback from these entities can help you develop a more beneficial and strategically targeted plan based on what these entities want or need from you. Engaging the stakeholders and community also shows you value their input and want to create an environment where they want to be.

3. Form a Focus

Determining a focus for the school year ahead can be challenging without clear objectives. Without focus, your institution will struggle to grow and attract students and staff. For example, you may have vague expectations for the upcoming school year, which prevents decisions and progress from being made. A strategic plan allows you to determine your goals and focus for the upcoming year and beyond while also helping you track your progress.

4. Plan a Future

Strategic planning is ideal for planning a successful future for your institution. Developing a plan for your future helps ensure your school can grow and continue benefiting from its offerings. Rather than being unprepared for the next year and future school years, you can effectively strategize to make the most of your school year.

Strategic Planning Tips for Education Institutions

Strategic Planning Tips for Education Institutions

While every school’s strategic plan will look different depending on its goals and resources, the strategic planning process is often similar for colleges and universities. Explore a few tips for educational strategic planning to help you get started:

1. Test Your Hypotheses

You’re ultimately hypothesizing the outcome when you set initiatives in your strategic plan. These hypotheses are often based on assumptions, though it’s typically best to experiment to determine what would work and what may not. For example, if you ask your faculty to begin submitting weekly reports, conduct a quick test to ensure they can do so and have time to do so.

2. Use Specific Language

Using vague or wordy language increases the risk of confusion and the possibility of initiatives being misunderstood and ignored. Swapping out complicated words for simpler, more specific words can help ensure everyone understands your plan. It can help to have someone review the language you use to ensure nothing is confusing and everyone is on the same page.

3. Make Implementation a Priority

Because schools involve numerous departments and divisions, implementing a plan can be difficult without prioritization . Make your plan a priority to ensure it’s properly implemented. Doing so is often easiest when leaders promote and require implementation.

4. Hold Team Members Accountable

Another way to make university strategic plans stick is by holding team members accountable. School performance management software allows you to track reports and other strategy-related information to determine who’s completing their duties so you can keep them accountable.

Educational institutions require significant planning to ensure a successful school year. Strategic planning software for higher education can help you focus your strategy despite your institution’s challenges. Software like AchieveIt has features that help your team turn ideas into actions.

A few things you can do with our software include:

  • Solve common implementation challenges: AchieveIt makes connecting members of your team and various initiatives easy. You can track projects, keep everyone on the same page and quickly send updates.
  • Gain comprehensive visibility: Our platform lets you see every initiative in real time, providing comprehensive visibility over progress.
  • Consult with our experts: Our strategic plan experts help you execute your plan effectively. Draw on our expertise for inspiration or customize one of our templates to create your plan.

Let’s actually do this. Request a demo of AchieveIt to see what we can do for you today.

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Meet the Author   Chelsea Damon

Chelsea Damon is the Content Strategist at AchieveIt. When she's not publishing content about strategy execution, you'll likely find her outside or baking bread.

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Global Services In Education

The Importance of Strategic Planning for Successful School Management

Apr 19, 2023 | Blog

Strategic Planning for Successful School Management

As the international school, educational landscape continues to evolve and become more complex, it is becoming increasingly important for schools to have a well-thought-out strategic plan. A strategic plan is a roadmap that guides the school towards achieving its goals and objectives. Strategic planning is a vital aspect of successful school management, and it plays a crucial role in helping schools to meet the needs of their students, staff, and community.

Review and Self Assessment for Strategic Planning

Strategic planning involves a comprehensive and systematic approach to assessing the current state of the school, identifying the school’s strengths and weaknesses, and developing a clear plan of action to achieve the school’s goals and objectives. The process typically includes a thorough analysis of the school’s internal and external environment, including factors such as student demographics, staffing levels, budget, facilities, and community needs. Use data to drive decision-making. Implementing, measuring, and assessing school improvement across a variety of metrics provides critical information for improvement plans.

Strategic Planning for Alignment

One of the key benefits of strategic planning is that it helps schools to align their resources and efforts towards achieving their goals. This is particularly important for schools that are facing budget constraints or other resource limitations. By prioritizing the school’s needs and identifying areas where resources can be most effectively deployed, strategic planning can help schools to achieve more with fewer resources. It is important that schools have vision and mission integrity . It is important that there is one plan and there is alignment.

Strategic Planning for Change

Another benefit of strategic planning is that it helps schools to anticipate and respond to changes in the educational landscape. With new technologies, shifting demographics, and changing educational policies, schools must be agile and adaptive. Strategic planning can help schools to identify emerging trends and anticipate future challenges, allowing them to prepare and respond proactively.

At its most effective, school improvement planning is a dynamic practice that engages data and people in the improvement process.  However, many plans fail to address the  processes for   improvement , instead focusing solely on the  outcomes of improvement . Greg Parry, CEO

Strategic planning is also important for schools that are looking to expand or launch new initiatives. A feasibility study, which is typically part of the strategic planning process, can help schools to assess the viability of a new program or project. By conducting a feasibility study, schools can evaluate the potential benefits and risks of a new initiative and make informed decisions about whether to move forward. Plan for change rather than being a victim of it.

Curriculum Design in Strategic Planning

Curriculum design is another critical aspect of strategic planning. Schools must design a curriculum that meets the needs of their students while also aligning with their educational goals and objectives. A strategic plan can help schools to identify the key competencies that students need to develop and design a curriculum that fosters those competencies. By aligning curriculum design with strategic goals, schools can ensure that their educational programs are effective and relevant. The unique “curriculum voice” of a school must be loud and clear.

The Challenges of Strategic Planning and Implementation

International schools also face several pressures and challenges that can complicate strategic planning in educational environments. To overcome these challenges, schools must understand them and develop strategies to address them.


It is important that the process and the plan is truly authentic and not just window dressing for change or compliance. Improvement should be the goal, not just a document or a new direction. Masquerading changes that look like reform but are really change for the sake of change is a big mistake.

“Strategy plans are often elaborate management ballets perfectly choreographed to do only one thing, and that’s get to a yes.” Chris Bradley Source: Jumpstart a better way to do strategy

Overly Complex and Disconnected

There is evidence that schools are well served by one-page plans that are clearly focused and simple enough that every participant in the process understands his or her role in executing the plan. One page plans, or simple and clear plans, are the most effective. Large and complex documents are not only less likely to be read but they are often not focussed.

Lack of Ownership

Ownership is critical in ensuring the success of a strategic plan. International schools must ensure that there is explicit ownership over the strategic plan to prevent initiatives from being lost, forgotten or overlooked. Designating one person in charge of the plan and documentation can help ensure success as long as that person understand the power of devolution and stakeholder engagement.

Poor Strategic Alignment

Alignment and representation are essential to success in international schools. However, schools may face challenges in achieving alignment because of the diverse goals and perspectives of different entities involved in the school, such as the board of directors, administration, faculty, and students. This can lead to a lack of strategic alignment and difficulty in decision-making. International schools must work towards achieving alignment and representation across all entities involved in the school.

Poor Communication

Effective communication is necessary for successful strategic planning in international schools. The absence of effective communication can lead to poor decision-making, ineffective solutions, and unattainable goals. International schools must prioritize effective communication by promoting institutional-wide teamwork and ensuring that all stakeholders are involved in the planning process.

Slow Plan Adoption

Innovation and growth are critical for international schools, but constant changes can lead to low motivation to adopt new plans. The longer schools take to implement a strategic plan, the more likely it is to become outdated and irrelevant. International schools must develop strategies to ensure that plans are adopted quickly and efficiently to ensure that they remain relevant to current processes.

International schools face several challenges when it comes to strategic planning. Lack of ownership, poor strategic alignment, poor communication, and slow plan adoption are only some of the significant challenges that schools face. International schools must develop strategies to address these challenges and ensure the success of their strategic planning efforts. By prioritizing ownership, alignment, communication, and plan adoption, international schools can create impactful approaches to strategic planning and ensure the success of their educational institutions.

Most successful schools seek out independent and critical friends to help facilitate change processes and strategic planning. Education consulting firms and critical friends can be valuable partners in the strategic planning process. These firms bring a wealth of experience and expertise in school management, curriculum design, and feasibility studies. They can help schools to assess their current state, identify areas of improvement, and develop a clear plan of action. By working with an education consulting firm, schools can gain a fresh perspective and access to best practices from other institutions.

Strategic planning is essential for successful school management. It provides a roadmap for schools to achieve their goals and objectives while also aligning resources and efforts. Strategic planning is particularly important for schools facing budget constraints, new initiatives, or changes in the educational landscape. By partnering with education consulting firms and focusing on curriculum design and feasibility studies, schools can develop a strategic plan that is effective and relevant. Strategic planning is a critical component of school management that helps schools to meet the needs of their students, staff, and community.

If you want to learn more about the steps required to set up a school check out some of our other articles:

– steps to setting up a new school, – 10 steps and articles on how to set up a new school, – gse international school franchise models, gse provide specialist services to set up all forms of education institutions including international schools, kindergartens, vocational colleges, universities and online/virtual schools., contact us directly 👇, ceo and education expert greg parry.

Greg Parry

Internationally renowned for his expertise in education leadership, Greg Parry’s vast experience includes leadership of projects for education institutions throughout Australia, the Middle East, the United States, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and China. Recognised for his numerous contributions in the education arena, Greg has received the Ministers Award for Excellence in School Leadership based on improvements in school performance and a range of successful principal training and leadership development programs, as well as the School of Excellence Award for Industry/School Partnerships and the School of Excellence Award for Technology Innovation. His company GSE (Global Services in Education) has been recognised as having the Best Global Brand in International Education in 2015 and 2016.

Considered one of the premier experts in his profession, Greg has trained teachers and principals throughout the world in areas such as critical thinking, language development and leadership. His expertise in school start up projects, leadership and curriculum development, has made him a sought after authority in these discipline.

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Global Services in Education set up and operate schools in all parts of the world. Governed by a philosophy of global citizenship, every member of the GSE team shares a passion to help shape international education and student achievement through inspiration and collaboration. Our goal is to meet the highest objectives of every school, teacher, student and parent, with an unwavering dedication to quality education, shared ideals and intercultural perspectives.

– School Management – Strategic Planning – Feasibility Studies – Architectural Conceptual Design – Interior Design – Resources

– ICT Planning – Marketing – Branding – Admissions – Staffing & Recruitment

– Curriculum Design – School Policies – School Audits & Action Plans – Training & Development – Accreditation & Licensing

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Future-focused strategic planning for schools: the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ need a ‘how’

why strategic planning in education

10 Sep Future-focused strategic planning for schools: the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ need a ‘how’

The most important skill in today’s world, individually and as an organisation, is focus. In a world of information overload and one distraction after another, it takes focus to achieve anything valuable. Just like individuals, schools have all sorts of different priorities being brought to their attention day to day, but to truly be effective, they must have a clear sense of direction and purpose. This means they must know:

  • WHAT they want to achieve (their goals)
  • WHY they want to achieve these things (their philosophy, vision and mission), and
  • HOW they will achieve it (their strategic plan).

It’s this third thing that we are focused on today: strategic planning establishes how a school will reach its goals and uphold its vision and values. Without a plan to achieve these things, they remain abstract and unattainable, and it’s unlikely progress will be made. A strategic plan is like a road map that gets you where you are aiming to be.

Why a strategic plan is crucial in any school

A strategic plan is a key guiding document for any school, and can have far-reaching effects. Some of these effects include:

A strategic plan can inspire & unite the whole school community

A strategic plan allows you to inspire your whole community to take action and make change. By making your school’s goals or vision achievable with an actionable plan, rather than completely abstract, you engage people and help them own their role in the process. Your strategic plan can capture the hearts and minds of everyone in your community and allow them to be part of something bigger, providing a purpose and process. It’s powerful to commit to something bigger than yourself, and is a significant predictor of happiness. This inspiration can be a vital ingredient to a thriving school community and can lead to positive outcomes like high teacher retention and student engagement. Even the collaborative process of creating a strategic plan alone can have powerful effects on your school community.

A strategic plan helps people keep focus on the big picture

It’s easy for principals, school administrators, teachers and other members of the school community to lose sight of the big picture in the day-to-day demands that come from all sides, from students and parents right through to governments. A future-focused strategic plan helps to lift vision from the present and keep their focus on the things that truly matter most. In an increasingly busy world, focus is everything, and a strategic plan facilitates this in a school setting.

A strategic plan can help schools keep pace in a changing world

We live in a world of rapid change and all sorts of problems, from rising socio-economic inequality to terrorism, environmental challenges to mental illness and lack of wellbeing across all areas of society. These things affect everyone in our schools, from students to school leaders, but strategic planning as a school can help us harness education as a power to change the world. By nurturing a love of learning, goodness, creativity and ingenuity, we give our students the tools they need to make their way through the many challenges we face. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.

What a school strategic plan should be

It’s clear – strategic planning for schools is absolutely crucial to their futures, on many levels! But what does an effective strategic plan actually look like? What should it include and focus on? What principles should guide the establishment of a strategic plan? A school strategic plan should always be:


Any strategic plan should be truly focused on the future. This requires intention: when asked what should be in the strategic plan, many people just talk about what they’re already doing. It’s hard to see the future when you’re focused on what you’re currently busy with, but a plan based solely on what you’re already doing will lead to a remake of the same school you already have. Help those involved in strategic planning to be future-focused by sharing resources to inspire them and help them see beyond their current concerns in the lead up to your planning meetings.


Creating a school strategic plan should always be a collaborative process, not something imposed from the top down. Input and buy-in from all stakeholders will not only minimise the chance of blind spots and unlock collective genius, it will ensure that everyone is committed to the plan. Get all members of the community – including students! – involved in considering the possibilities and opportunities the school has, and how you can make the most of them.

Rolled out in stages and reviewed regularly

An effective strategic plan should be concise and actionable, and rolled out in stages so that it’s clear what the focus is at each stage. This might mean a three-year plan, with twelve month action plans in place within that, and ninety day reviews built in. Each of these reviews is an opportunity to celebrate short term wins, recommit to the plan, and of course, to revise the plan. You might even remove some things from the plan, or replace some elements with something new! Don’t be afraid of an agile, dynamic plan that responds to change as it occurs.

There’s no one school strategic plan template that will work for every school: your plan needs to be tailored specifically to your legal, historic and cultural circumstances. The only way to succeed is to align your strategy to the unique challenges and opportunities of your school. A school in the inner city will likely have a very different strategic plan to a rural school, and a brand new school will have different considerations from one that has existed for generations. Even within a single school district strategic plans should look different at each school, based on their own unique context.

Your school’s strategic plan should be consistent with all other guiding documents and ideals of your school, including any sort of vision, mission statement, values or philosophy. Together, these documents set the vision for your school – the ‘what’ and the ‘why’! Your ‘how’ needs to line up with the ‘what’ and the ‘why’. If you look at these and they aren’t in step with the strategic plan you want to write, it’s probably time to review these documents as well. This can be a big task, but it’s worth doing. These documents are only valuable if they reflect the current vision, mission, values, goals and philosophy. If you’re moving in a direction that’s no longer aligned with your old documents, they can’t help you get to where you want to be.

All strategic planning schools need to plan for the practical side of things as well as the broader vision. A strategic plan should always take the triple bottom line into account – People, the Planet & Profit (the three Ps). None of these practical concerns should be neglected. Remember, even if your school is the best in the world, it needs to be financially sustainable to keep reaching students. All your other goals and plans rely on the school existing and being able to afford to do its work. No matter what lofty vision you have for the future, financial sustainability should always be a consideration.

Socially responsible

Schools have a corporate social responsibility, and any sample school strategic plan that doesn’t take this into account is lacking. As you approach your planning, keep in mind ways that you can build trust in the community – both within the school community and the broader community – and promote responsibility, respect and accountability. Schools have a role to play in shaping the future of our world, and that’s a big responsibility! Always consider things like sustainability and wellbeing: a holistic view of people and your plans will help foster social responsibility as a school, and among your teachers and students.

*   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *    *   *   *    *   *   *

There may not be one strategic plan template for schools that will work in all contexts, but there are some things that any school will benefit from considering as part of their plan. Some of the things that you might specifically address in your strategic plan include:

  • Talent development – empowering and inspiring teachers and students
  • Celebrating diversity – across cultures and generations
  • Global context
  • 21st century skills – the four Cs! Communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration
  • Asia literacy, and
  • Student voice and student agency.

An effective, future-focused strategic plan can be instrumental in your school, inspiring and uniting the community, keeping focus on what matters, and preparing teachers and students alike to be change agents in a world of challenges.

If you would like to talk with someone who understands just what you are going through contact Maxine at [email protected]  for a collaborative, creative and constructive conversation about your next steps.

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Ensure your strategic plan succeeds with your educational partners’ input


September 29, 2023

Sarah Mathias

Strategic planning in education – 3 keys to success.

Effective strategic planning is critical for creating positive change in your district. Among the many benefits, strategic plans align educational partners with a shared vision, mission, and values; promote productive decision-making; and help students reach their full potential.

While having a plan in place will usually improve results, strategic planning can present challenges—resulting in endless meetings, countless goal and tactic revisions, and plans that are never fully realized.

In this post, we explore strategic planning in education, touch on some K-12 planning tips, and share three best practices for making strategic planning successful in your school district. With your community’s insights and the right tools, you can win at strategic planning. Here’s how.

In this Article

  • What is Strategic Planning in Education?

Strategic planning tips for K12

See thoughtexchange in action — start the product tour, what is strategic planning in education.

Strategic planning is the process of setting goals, deciding on actions to achieve those goals, and mobilizing the resources needed to take those actions. A strategic plan describes how goals will be achieved using available resources.

While the concept initially stemmed from business practices due to people moving from the private sector into educational leadership positions, many strategic planning tools and paradigms have been adapted to focus on engagement and consensus.

This is because effective strategic planning requires community support at the school district level, both functionally and legislatively. School districts of all sizes use strategic planning to improve student outcomes and respond to changing demographics while staying within the given funding box.

In top-performing schools, leaders have proactively shifted their strategic planning process to include their educational partners. They know that their strategic plans are more likely to succeed with community support and the insights that come with community engagement.


Strategic planning is key to setting students up for success in K-12 and beyond. A solid strategic plan articulates a shared vision, mission, and values, increasing engagement while providing a framework to ensure students’ needs are met so they can reach their full potential.

Your strategic plan will benefit from your district’s input. Here are a few effective ways to engage your district in K-12 strategic planning.

Tap into your educational partners’ wisdom

Your educational partners have valuable insights. Consult teachers, staff, students , parents, and community members throughout the planning process, so your strategy aligns with their perspectives.

Whether you’re setting strategy at the district, school, or department level, consulting diverse participants will uncover unbiased insights, enhance trust and buy-in, and ensure greater success with new strategic directions.

Using ThoughtExchange , leaders can scale their engagement to efficiently and effectively include their community in their district strategic plans.

Use climate surveys

Completed by all students, parents/guardians, and staff, school climate surveys allow leaders to collect participants’ perceptions about issues like school safety, bullying, and mental health and well-being, as well as the general school environment.

ThoughtExchange Surveys get you both nuanced qualitative and robust quantitative data with instant in-depth analysis, ensuring your district understands all angles of school climate. Run surveys independently or combine them with Exchanges for faster, more accurate results.

  • Collect benchmark comparisons while tracking and measuring improvements over time
  • Gather quality quantitative data for reporting to state agencies or funders
  • Identify outliers and trends across demographic groups

Put in some face time with town halls, meetings, or listening tours

In-person gatherings like town halls, meetings, and listening tours are effective ways to understand your educational partners’ wants and needs to ensure they line up with your strategic priorities.

When managed effectively, they give staff and other educational partners the chance to closely interact. In-person gatherings can build trust and morale, promote transparency, and help create a sense of purpose.


Leverage community engagement platforms

Community engagement software lets you streamline your community engagement initiatives. It allows education leaders to gather feedback and get tens, hundreds, or even thousands of people on the same page in just days. It also facilitates candid, collaborative community conversations that help districts realize their goals.

A comprehensive community engagement platform like ThoughtExchange allows you to integrate your strategy with your community and take decisive, supported action in less time. It provides planning, scheduling, and analysis tools to help you quickly set strategy and monitor execution.

3 keys to strategic planning success

1. get everyone on the same page.

Make sure your educational partners are on the same page by allowing them to contribute to and shape your strategy from the start. Lack of alignment about what strategy involves can hinder even the best plans. So the first step in creating a successful strategic plan is getting everyone involved to provide their insights and opinions.

Letting your people know you’re listening and that their insights affect decisions, builds trust and buy-in. Your community will be much more likely to support—not sabotage—a strategy or decision.

2. Be a collaborative leader

According to ThinkStrategic , creating a school strategic plan should always be a collaborative process. Avoiding a top-down approach and getting input from educational partners will help minimize blind spots and unlock collective intelligence. It will also ensure everyone is committed to the plan. Get all community members involved in how to make the most of the school’s possibilities.

Commit to becoming a collaborative leader and put a plan in place to ensure you can achieve that goal. That may include implementing technology that can support scaled, real-time discussion safely and inclusively for students, teachers, and other educational partners.

3. Get a holistic view of your district

Getting a holistic view of your educational partners’ wants and needs helps you build more inclusive, supported strategic plans.

Depend on a platform that meets all your engagement needs in one place—from surveys to Exchanges—and allows you to consult more people in an inclusive, anti-biased environment. You’ll reduce the time and resources spent on town halls and meetings, and reach your district’s goals more efficiently and effectively.

Engagement and survey software has been proven to contribute to more effective strategic planning in education. It empowers leaders to run and scale unbiased engagement initiatives where they can learn what the people who matter really think— explore ThoughtExchange success stories to learn more .


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Strategic planning

The need for an iiep remains higher than ever.                                    (unesco internal oversight services, 2013).

 An effective ministry is guided by a plan which brings together all stakeholders and is regularly monitored and updated. IIEP strongly believes that planning is not a one-off activity. Rather it is a continuous practice that should engage all ministry departments and partners at national and subnational levels in a consultative and participatory process. Institutionalizing planning necessitates that ministries establish a strategic vision and priorities, coordinate their programmes and budgets annually and within a medium-term expenditure framework, negotiate with national and international financing agencies, and periodically monitor that it is on track to achieve policy objectives through implementation reviews.

Strategic planning guides educational development by giving a common vision and shared priorities. Educational planning is both visionary and pragmatic, engaging a wide range of actors in defining education’s future and mobilizing resources to reach its goals. For policy-makers, planning offers the path to:

  • implement education reform and system transformation;
  • realize equal opportunities for children and youth;
  • provide quality education for all.

IIEP has strong experience and expertise in strategic planning and has developed in collaboration with the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) two newly published documents to help ministries in charge of education transform their processes and operations to meet the challenges of a changing world:

  • Guidelines for Education Sector Plan Appraisal
  • Guidelines for Education Sector Plan Preparation
  • Guidelines for transitional education plan preparation

Strategic Planning New Publications

  • train and coach on concepts, processes and tools to improve the practice of educational planning and management;
  • analyse and reflect on education trends and issues from a policy and planning perspective;
  • provide technical assistance and policy advice on critical issues for educational development.
  • IIEP in Action 2018-2019
  • Capacity development in educational planning and management: Learning from successes and failures

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Disruption. The new normal. VUCA. Whatever you call it, the truth is the same: The pace of change is rapid and constant. The world that higher education serves today is vastly different than 10 or 20 years ago. “Business as usual” is a luxury few can afford; higher education institutions are asked to prove their worth, redefine their purpose, and respond more quickly to society’s needs.

In this new normal, higher education strategic planning is no longer an empty exercise or a leadership vanity project. It is imperative for each institution to survive . . . and thrive.

What is strategic planning?

Strategic planning is a deliberate, disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an institution is, what it does, and why it does it.

The college or university strategic plan provides guidance for institutional decisions, both long-term and day-to-day, and makes sure that decisions and operations:

  • Carry out the institution’s mission, vision, and values
  • Comply with mandates and regulations of government, accrediting bodies, etc.
  • Keep the institution operationally and fiscally healthy, now and in the future

5 Components of Strategic Planning in Higher Education

The components of every strategic plan will vary according to an institution’s culture and needs but generally include:

  • Explanation of the planning process
  • Foundational information (an institution’s mission, vision, values)
  • What your institution wants to achieve (goals, strategic issues, objectives, etc.)
  • How your institution will achieve its goals (strategies, tactics, actions, etc.)
  • How your institution will measure success (metrics, KPIs)

Why do strategic planning?

Higher education strategic planning helps an institution focus on its future success. How is the world changing, and how do we need to respond? What opportunities do we have to make a difference? What changes do we need to make today so we’re ready for tomorrow?

It gives an institution an opportunity to reflect on its performance. Is the institution achieving its vision? Living by its mission? Serving students in the ways they need? What should we start doing? Keep doing? Change? Stop doing?

Why is integrated planning important for strategic planning?

Higher education institutions are complex. The success of any initiative—from improving graduation rates to creating a more inclusive environment—requires expertise, time, and work from multiple units. At the same time, each unit has its own activities and work that it’s focusing on. By building relationships across departments, integrated strategic planning prevents duplicate activities (or worse, initiatives that work against each other), creates opportunities for collaboration, and makes sure that time and effort are spent on initiatives that realize the mission. Integrated strategic planning saves an institution’s resources while improving its work.

Integrated planning also helps with a strategic plan’s implementation. An integrated university or college strategic plan reflects the beliefs and experiences of the institution’s stakeholders, motivating people to change and experiment. It’s linked to the budget, so there are resources to implement plan strategies. It’s informed by assessment, so the strategic plan can adapt and stay relevant.

Who does strategic planning?

Strategic planning should involve the input and participation of the entire campus community—both internal stakeholders (faculty, administration, staff, students, alumni) and external stakeholders (community members, employers).

The planning committee or team leads the process. Since strategic planning can be a long, complex process, there may also be additional committees or task forces to tackle different topics or parts of the process.

Planning Committee

  • Chair: president, senior-level administrator, or faculty member (depends on the institution)
  • Representatives of key stakeholder groups
  • Top-level decision makers (provost, VPs/directors of key campus divisions and departments)

When is strategic planning done?

Most strategic plans are cyclical. As one strategic plan nears the end of its horizon (the length of time a plan covers), a new planning process begins for the next strategic plan.

A plan’s horizon depends on the institution and its needs. Most strategic plans cover five to 10 years, but some may cover as few as three and others as long as 20.

If a new president assumes leadership of the institution, the new president will often conduct a new planning process that reflects the president’s priorities.

How is strategic planning done?

The strategic planning process needs to be adapted to an institution’s culture and operations. For example, a tightly controlled top-down process may face challenges in a highly decentralized institution.

Strategic planning processes need to include the following activities and characteristics:

  • Communicate the process, purpose, who is involved, and how decisions will be made
  • Seek and use feedback from as many stakeholders as possible, both on and off campus
  • Scan externally and internally to identify strengths, areas to improve, opportunities, and potential threats
  • Prioritize what the institution wants to accomplish
  • Outline how the institution will invest its resources (including time and people) to accomplish those goals
  • Align resources, day-to-day work, and initiatives across the institution with the plan
  • Measure, monitor, and modify the plan as needed

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Why Is Strategic Planning & Education Management Important for Schools?

School administration requires the combined efforts of everybody involved: school leaders, educators, and their communities. All must work together to ensure students have access to adequate resources and support.

Supervision of educational strategies involves setting goals and accommodating students as they work to reach them. Educators need to know how to implement classroom procedures that will assist their students throughout their educational journeys.

What Is the Value of Data for Schools?

Student success is only possible with the right tools. Collecting and analyzing information related to student learning provides a window into how each individual’s educational career should be planned. Data for schools gives decision-makers a clearer picture of student achievement so they can set goals and manage progress.

Behavioral assessments, report cards, and other personal information can give educators insight into how a student might respond to specific policies. For schools, this means that important metrics, such as teacher performance, student progress, and graduation rates, can be assessed over time.

The Power of Strategic Planning and Education Management

Strategic planning and education management are important to schools because they bring crucial insights that allow decision-makers to adjust their student goals and provide the necessary resources to give learners the best opportunities possible.

Having a formal system for considering the long-term consequences of specific strategies and communicating expected results is essential for properly allocating a school’s resources where they’re needed.

Think Through Outcomes

Education management involves directing individual learners so they can continue to progress. With strategic planning, teachers can consider student goals and lead them in the right direction. This allows educators to consider their expectations for student outcomes.

Strategic planning and education management allow decision-makers to create useful policies and make better decisions in the moment.

Create a Shared Vision

Education management is much easier when everybody is on the same page. Making sure educators, administrators, and leadership have a clear picture of performance and pain points can go a long way toward improving student outcomes.

Strategic planning and education management also allow school administrators to create a shared vision to reinforce a sense of collective responsibility.

Leverage Available Resources

Schools are often working with limited resources. Being able to take advantage of whatever is available to drive student learning is essential for education.

Combining strategic planning with education management allows decision-makers to effectively allocate available resources to ensure student success.

Education management software makes it easier for educators to accomplish common tasks and manage student data. With Inno™ by Innovare , educators have all they need to help their students succeed.

Innovare Understands the Importance of Strategic Planning for Education Management

Strategic planning and education management require a concerted effort on the part of school administrators. This can be difficult when resources are already stretched thin. Inno™ by Innovare gives educators a valuable asset when planning and implementing their educational strategies.

Inno™ provides detailed insights that help education professionals make decisions informed by real-world data that can create a positive impact on students and their communities.

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5 Steps To Highly Effective Strategic Planning In Higher Education (FREE template)

Download our free Higher Education Strategy Template Download this template

A crystal clear strategic plan can be the big difference between becoming the leading university… VERSUS ending up at the bottom. You know - where you struggle to attract students, the right staff members or even funds to support your institution.

So, in order to achieve your university’s goals, you need to learn how to build an effective strategic plan. 

In this blog post, we will reveal:

  • The #1 reason university strategies fail
  • The overlooked role of a strategic plan for higher ed
  • The 5-step process you can follow to build a plan with your team

Free Template Download our free Higher Education Strategy Template Download this template

What is strategic planning in higher education? 

Strategic planning is the process an institution follows to realize its vision of its ideal future state. It’s a roadmap for getting there. Your vision becomes a reality through the process that defines specific goals, needs, and actions. It helps you to structure and contextualize information leading to important decisions. 

Sounds obvious, right? 

So, the question is:

Why do so many universities fail at strategic planning?

Because they forgot what the main role of a strategic plan is.

Most universities and colleges work on some form of strategic planning, but they usually come out as a 28-page PDF. They create an impressive presentation with shiny headings, upload it to their website and consider themselves successful. 

The end result is a ‘strategic plan’ that serves more as a marketing brochure and less like a roadmap to success.

strategic planning in higher education

What’s wrong with this usual approach?

Most vice-chancellors and vice presidents are not even aware of what they are losing. Staff members and faculty members work in silos with no focus on the big picture. Departmental plans are unaligned with the overall strategic plan. This leads to inefficiency, wasted resources, and things getting missed.

Clearly, this approach lacks the organization and accountability necessary for success. As a result, some institutions are losing their reputation, while others are losing program accreditation, experiencing declining student success, or having fewer funds available.

Sometimes all of the above. 

Strategic planning goes beyond ambitious and attractive presentations that describe the organization’s state in the next 5, 10 or more years.

Now let's take a closer look...

What is the real purpose of the strategic plan in higher education?

Your first and foremost goal should be to stay true to the promises you made to your stakeholders.

Think of your strategic plan as the foundation to achieve your long-term goals.

It’s supposed to help you translate high-level ambitions into tangible actions at a departmental level. Furthermore, it organizes everyone so that they can do those actions and report on them in a systematic and transparent manner. 

It serves as a guiding light for your staff, allowing them to focus on the things that drive real progress towards the university's strategic goals. 

On top of that, it’s an important resource for planning your yearly budget allocation. Even in the most difficult financial times, integrating strategic planning and budgeting throughout the organization creates opportunities for success.

It's obvious, isn't it? You need to stop treating your strategic plan as merely a glorified marketing document.

What are the 5 steps in the strategic planning process?

This five-step process will help you to craft a strategic plan that goes beyond marketing and delivers on promised results.

1. Understand your current situation

An effective planning process starts with a thorough understanding of your current situation. 

You can start by asking these questions: 

  • What are our core competencies?
  • Which important KPIs are trending over the last few years upwards? 
  • Where do we notice a drop in performance? What led to this drop?
  • Where do we want to be in 5 or 10 years?
  • Do we need to develop new programs?
  • How do we get there? 
  • What external factors can impact us in the future?

Search for answers and go deep into every department and aspect of your institution. From financial health and university rankings to student enrollment, retention rates, and placement rates.

Next, understand the expectations and needs of your internal and external stakeholders.

Remember, top-down approach doesn’t work for universities. Higher education institutions are highly interconnected with their community and shouldn’t neglect its interest when making strategic decisions.

Collect feedback from every stakeholder group whose expectations affect your performance:

  • Alumni members
  • Faculty members & campus community
  • Community groups
  • Senior administrators
  • External partnerships

Include their input into planning and translate it into the institution’s major goals. Embrace this collaborative approach and prevent too many unexpected "buts" in the future.

Don’t forget that you’re only collecting information at this stage, not brainstorming solutions or action plans. 

‍ Cascade tip:

The SWOT analysis framework  is still one of the most effective methods for evaluating internal operations and the external environment. Be honest and thorough in your evaluation. You can use it numerous times through strategic planning but you should start early in the planning process.

2. Lead with vision and values

Your university's vision is a part of its identity and a powerful latent tool.

Higher ed institutions of any size can utilize it, but they usually don’t. They don’t believe that people care about the big picture or that it affects the university's daily operations.

However, a clear and unique vision statement will set you apart from the competition and make you more memorable to potential students. They will know exactly what to expect from studying at your university and why they should come. 

At the same time, it gives a strong sense of pride and belonging to current students, faculty, and alumni. It becomes an emblem that attracts the right students, staff members, and funding opportunities. 

Here’s  an example  of a vision statement for the university: 

We will work as one Oxford bringing together our staff, students and alumni, our colleges, faculties, departments and divisions to provide world-class research and education.

- University of Oxford

You can take it one step further and include your institutional mission statement. 

And don’t forget about the values. They define your university’s culture. They determine how people act, which behaviors are praised and which are condemned. 

When you build a culture intentionally, then everyone inside and outside your school knows what you stand for, reinforcing all the benefits of a harnessed vision.

Cascade tip:

One of the biggest blockers to the successful execution of a strategic plan is the attempt to accomplish too much at once.  Creating a Vision Statement  will help you to avoid that trap right from the start. It becomes your north star guiding your strategy. It will be easier for you to identify what is relevant and worthy of your attention versus what isn't.

3. Concentrate your strategic planning efforts on key areas

There's a problem most presidents and strategic planning committees face: they don't define the real focus of their plans. 

You see, you can’t achieve everything, everywhere, all at once.

Your resources are limited, and you should prioritize accordingly. 

I’m glad you followed the first two steps. Now you have all the information you need to identify the biggest and most urgent challenges your university faces.

Clarifying the obstacles ahead of time helps you prioritize your strategic goals and develop focused efforts to achieve them.

For example, let’s say you’re creating a 5-year strategic plan. Here are some key focus groups you might want to focus on: 

  • Provide superb undergraduate experience 
  • Ensure graduate education and lifetime learning 
  • Increase community engagement 
  • Increase research excellence 
  • Optimize financial resources

Focus areas help you decide what falls outside the university's priorities and prioritize your strategic planning efforts. 

We usually suggest creating between 3 to 5 Focus Areas. Any fewer and they will probably be too vague. Any more, and well..... you lose your focus. Dive deeper into focus areas with this  guide . 

4. Translate plan into tangible actions

This is the part that turns your strategic plan into reality. 

If you ever want to achieve your goals, you need to break down the plan into smaller, granular pieces specific to each department. Start by adding strategic objectives to your focus areas. 

The secret to  writing great strategic objectives  is simplicity and specificity. Avoid jargon and use a verb to indicate action. Accompany it with a deadline and preferably an owner (or two).

Here is an example:

Increase citations per faculty by 5% by May 2024, owned by Jane Doe.

The next step is to migrate from goal-setting to action-planning with projects. Projects describe what you’ll do to accomplish your objectives.

Projects  articulate a set of actions within a certain timeline. They include specific tasks, milestones, dependencies and dates (deadlines). Every objective should include at least one project or action-like event. Otherwise, you’ll never achieve any progress towards it.

Of course, nothing is so linear, but this process forces you to come up with action plans to support every strategic initiative and allocate funds and your staff’s time appropriately.

One of the most important steps in the planning process is to take the high-level plan and break it down into tangible actions at the departmental level. 

Cascade  helps you to achieve that with  planning models completely customizable  to your strategic planning approach. 

You can create a university-wide strategic plan and then break it down into  portfolio or departmental plans.  Clarify their goals, projects and key metrics. Collaborate with your teams to build multiple inter-connected plans and tie them back to the overall plan.

higher education strategic alignment

You get complete  visibility into how different plans or projects are connected  and contribute to the overall strategic plan. 

5. Don’t forget to measure progress

There is no perfect strategic planning for higher education (or anywhere for that matter). 

Every plan can be derailed by events beyond our control (such as a pandemic, change in public policy, or an unstable economic environment on a global scale). There is, however, disciplined execution through regular reviewing habits. The secret lies in the way you measure your progress and the frequency of reviewing it.

Determine the indexes that you want to improve and then  set key performance indicators (KPIs)  to drive and measure your performance against set targets. 

Here are some examples of KPIs you might want to keep track of:

  • University ranking
  • Post-graduation placement rate
  • Number of students involved in undergraduate research
  • Fundraising ROI

Establish the KPIs you will be reporting on in advance, and always end your reviews with a "next steps" discussion.

Create dashboards to measure progress in real-time.  Cascade’s customizable dashboards  help you to quickly identify areas that are underperforming and act before it’s too late.

Zoom your screen in on the screenshot below to check out Cascade's beautiful dashboards!

higher education kpi dashboard

Extra tip:  Use Cascade reports to help you demonstrate your success in a transparent way and attract more investments in the key areas of your university. 

What’s next for your university?

Most university’s failure to reach their strategic goals isn’t because of bad strategy, but because strategy is constrained by PowerPoint. Kept miles from those who can make it happen. The best in Advancement, the finest HR, the most profound ideas - they’re all framed in slides rather than shaping every day’s activities for everyone across the university.

Remember, a strategic plan isn’t just a glossy presentation to attract new students or to get that accreditation approval for your academic program. It’s a manifesto for every employee to embrace and enact in whatever they do at your university. 

So, the next step is to transform your strategy from an intellectual exercise to an executable plan. It’s just a matter of shifting your approach and using the right tools. 

And once you make that shift, you’ll be able to create  an organized and aligned approach  to make your strategic goals happen.

Do that and get your plan to everyone, and your competition will be choking in your dust.

Are you ready to create your plan and start executing it? Turn your strategic plan into a competitive advantage with our 100% free, battle-tested strategic plan template , built for teams in higher education. 

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In education, evolution and adaptation are constants. Academic institutions must stay up to date with technology and teaching methods to succeed, while also managing students' social, emotional, and academic needs. With all of these considerations in addition to budgetary constraints, It's easy to see why ensuring student and institutional success requires a dynamic strategic plan.

This blog post will outline the best practices academic institutions should consider when developing an effective strategic plan to address these challenges. To create an effective strategic plan, we need to eliminate the disconnect between leadership's high-level vision and employees' tactical work. Leading academic institutions, growing companies, and organizations adapt to change through dynamic strategic planning. 

A dynamic strategic plan breaks down an organization's long-term vision into short-term goals and then builds a roadmap to achieve those goals. As part of this process, the organization's plan should be reviewed and revised regularly to ensure relevance and alignment with its mission. Academic plans are typically written as multi-year plans and organizations often face challenges in developing effective strategic plans that are easy to understand and execute. Here are a few suggestions to help address these challenges:

  • Clearly define your vision: The first step in developing an effective strategic plan is to define the vision for the school. This should be a clear, concise statement that articulates what the school hopes to achieve. 
  • Identify key objectives: Once you have a clear vision, identify the key objectives that will help you achieve them. These should be specific and measurable goals that align with your vision.
  • Create measurable, outcome-focused key results: With your objectives in mind, it is important to focus on creating key results that drive outcomes, not outputs to help you reach your targets. Schools that focus on driving actionable objectives with outcome-based key results will ensure they stay aligned on what truly matters.
  • Prioritize and allocate resources: It's essential to prioritize your strategies and allocate resources accordingly. Determine which strategies are most critical to achieving your objectives and ensure that you have the resources (e.g., time, budget, personnel) to implement them effectively.
  • Monitor and evaluate progress: Finally, monitor and evaluate progress regularly to ensure that you are on track to achieving your objectives. This will help you identify areas where you may need to adjust your strategies or allocate additional resources.

By following these steps, academic institutions can develop a strategic planning framework and process that is effective, simple, and links vision to tactical execution. So now that we have the steps needed to build our strategy, let's start to bring it to life.

Take a field trip: host an annual Strategic Planning Offsite 

Before each academic year, we recommend holding a strategic planning meeting offsite with your leadership team. This is dedicated time to focus on the priorities for the upcoming year. Before diving into where you're headed, set aside time for a retrospective to discuss the previous year. In addition, discuss the current education landscape.

To build a future-focused and tailored plan for your academic institution, the team should reconfirm your mission and values, set your vision, and define your top strategic priorities. 

As you head into your offsite, we recommend the following best practices that lead to success:

  • Get Outside of the Office : Find space outside of the work environment to reduce distractions and encourage collaboration.
  • Set a Clear Agenda : Agree ahead of time on the purpose of each day, the deliverables, and actionable next steps. 
  • Make Space to Think: Carve out time for free thinking vs. relying on group thinking to encourage new ideas. If you need a template, we recommend using this worksheet to guide the conversation .

Simplify the strategic plan: align your high-level strategy with tactical execution

Academic plans are typically written as multi-year plans (5-year plans are most common) which can lead to a very detailed and dense plan. Given the complexity and length of the strategic plan, it can feel overwhelming and difficult to break the plan down and prioritize what’s most imperative to execute and focus on. We recommend breaking the larger multi-year plan into digestible annual plans that are more manageable. 

We recommend identifying 3-5 main themes in your strategic plan, often referred to as pillars or rallying cries. Once you have core themes, you can prioritize and bucket the most critical initiatives and objectives. Every theme will have specific supporting objectives and key results. We recommend using consistent nomenclature when creating themes, objectives, and key results so any team member can easily understand why the work is significant. 

Once we have the multi-year plan broken into annual plans and themes identified, we recommend defining short-term objectives (quarterly or semi-annually) and measurable metrics to drive key results. Breaking down the plan into quarters will feel more approachable and attainable. In addition, it will provide clarity and transparency for the executing team. When the strategic plan is broken down into actionable items, small wins can be celebrated along the way. This boosts motivation, engagement, and morale.  

why strategic planning in education

Consistency is key to a successful strategic plan

When individuals understand how their work aligns with the high-level strategy and vision, they can prioritize their initiatives. Establish clear, measurable objectives and key results that are easy to track and provide consistent nomenclature. Keep these three tips in mind when writing your strategic plan objectives:

  • Objectives should be aspirational and push people outside their comfort zone.
  • Each objective should have 2-3 measurable and quantifiable results.
  • Have a clear, defined owner responsible for recurring status updates. 

The best way to write objectives is to start by asking, “Why is this initiative important?” When you understand the why, you can create measurable outcome-driven results. Let’s walk through an example objective with key results laid out in Elate.

why strategic planning in education

Theme: Develop and retain a diverse educator workforce.

Objective: Strengthen and diversify the educator pipeline and workforce.

Objective Purpose Statement: Increase mentoring and leadership development programs to retain educators, particularly educators from under-represented backgrounds. 

Key metrics: 

  • Increase mentoring program engagement by 50% 
  • 96% educator retention rate 

Implement rituals and track success with dynamic strategic planning

After your plan is built, it is imperative to establish rituals to stay on track and measure progress against the strategic plan. Rituals are defined as a rhythm, cadence, and process for reviewing objectives and strategic plans. Establishing strong rituals allows critical conversations to happen proactively. When objectives are stuck in limbo or fall off track, proactive discussions can happen. However, many academic institutions have different rituals for different teams. Implementing consistent rituals regularly will help you stay aligned, measure progress, and ensure you’re having the right conversations at the right time.

why strategic planning in education

To keep everyone on the same page and connect tactical execution to strategic vision, we recommend objective owners provide bi-weekly updates. Across many academic institutions, strategy, and operations leaders spend countless hours tracking down updates that become outdated quickly. With Elate, reminder notifications are automatically sent to team members so they can focus more on execution and less on chasing down updates. 

why strategic planning in education

We recommend spending a few minutes in executive team meetings reviewing objectives that are off-track or not making progress to create an action plan moving forward. This ritual of reviewing the plan early often brings awareness to the leadership team about objectives that need attention or are falling behind. It also allows space to celebrate accomplishments and wins. 

This makes it easy to ensure the strategic plan lives and breathes. Setting and clearly defining rituals for how the plan progresses, updates are made and reviewed, and addressing red flags is key to success. 

Focus on the right metrics to measure your strategic plan's success

why strategic planning in education

With key results, objectives, and business-as-usual metrics all in one place, Elate keeps the strategic plan organized with a consolidated view. In Elate, scorecards provide an essential view of business-as-usual metrics and progress. Create specific scorecards for the board, enrollment, grant, and donor activity. 

Elevate your strategic plan with Elate

Strategic planning is critical for academic institutions that want to stay competitive, adapt to change, and achieve their goals. By following these best practices, higher education and academic institutions can achieve their goals and stay competitive in an ever-changing environment. 

Strategic planning has never been easier with Elate. Our platform simplifies and streamlines the strategic planning process, taking the stress out of it. We make it easy to stay on track with transparent reporting, simple collaboration, and one-click integrations with Salesforce, Google Sheets, Microsoft Teams, and Slack. Your vision can finally meet your strategy.

Learn more about our strategic planning tools and services, or contact us today to learn more about how we specifically work with other Academic Institutions!

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Why Is Strategic Planning Important?

Above view of team creating a strategic plan

  • 06 Oct 2020

Do you know what your organization’s strategy is? How much time do you dedicate to developing that strategy each month?

If your answers are on the low side, you’re not alone. According to research from Bridges Business Consultancy , 48 percent of leaders spend less than one day per month discussing strategy.

It’s no wonder, then, that 48 percent of all organizations fail to meet at least half of their strategic targets. Before an organization can reap the rewards of its business strategy, planning must take place to ensure its strategy remains agile and executable .

Here’s a look at what strategic planning is and how it can benefit your organization.

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What Is Strategic Planning?

Strategic planning is the ongoing organizational process of using available knowledge to document a business's intended direction. This process is used to prioritize efforts, effectively allocate resources, align shareholders and employees on the organization’s goals, and ensure those goals are backed by data and sound reasoning.

It’s important to highlight that strategic planning is an ongoing process—not a one-time meeting. In the online course Disruptive Strategy , Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen notes that in a study of HBS graduates who started businesses, 93 percent of those with successful strategies evolved and pivoted away from their original strategic plans.

“Most people think of strategy as an event, but that’s not the way the world works,” Christensen says. “When we run into unanticipated opportunities and threats, we have to respond. Sometimes we respond successfully; sometimes we don’t. But most strategies develop through this process. More often than not, the strategy that leads to success emerges through a process that’s at work 24/7 in almost every industry.”

Strategic planning requires time, effort, and continual reassessment. Given the proper attention, it can set your business on the right track. Here are three benefits of strategic planning.

Related: 4 Ways to Develop Your Strategic Thinking Skills

Benefits of Strategic Planning

1. create one, forward-focused vision.

Strategy touches every employee and serves as an actionable way to reach your company’s goals.

One significant benefit of strategic planning is that it creates a single, forward-focused vision that can align your company and its shareholders. By making everyone aware of your company’s goals, how and why those goals were chosen, and what they can do to help reach them, you can create an increased sense of responsibility throughout your organization.

This can also have trickle-down effects. For instance, if a manager isn’t clear on your organization’s strategy or the reasoning used to craft it, they could make decisions on a team level that counteract its efforts. With one vision to unite around, everyone at your organization can act with a broader strategy in mind.

2. Draw Attention to Biases and Flaws in Reasoning

The decisions you make come with inherent bias. Taking part in the strategic planning process forces you to examine and explain why you’re making each decision and back it up with data, projections, or case studies, thus combatting your cognitive biases.

A few examples of cognitive biases are:

  • The recency effect: The tendency to select the option presented most recently because it’s fresh in your mind
  • Occam’s razor bias: The tendency to assume the most obvious decision to be the best decision
  • Inertia bias: The tendency to select options that allow you to think, feel, and act in familiar ways

One cognitive bias that may be more difficult to catch in the act is confirmation bias . When seeking to validate a particular viewpoint, it's the tendency to only pay attention to information that supports that viewpoint.

If you’re crafting a strategic plan for your organization and know which strategy you prefer, enlist others with differing views and opinions to help look for information that either proves or disproves the idea.

Combating biases in strategic decision-making requires effort and dedication from your entire team, and it can make your organization’s strategy that much stronger.

Related: 3 Group Decision-Making Techniques for Success

3. Track Progress Based on Strategic Goals

Having a strategic plan in place can enable you to track progress toward goals. When each department and team understands your company’s larger strategy, their progress can directly impact its success, creating a top-down approach to tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) .

By planning your company’s strategy and defining its goals, KPIs can be determined at the organizational level. These goals can then be extended to business units, departments, teams, and individuals. This ensures that every level of your organization is aligned and can positively impact your business’s KPIs and performance.

It’s important to remember that even though your strategy might be far-reaching and structured, it must remain agile. As Christensen asserts in Disruptive Strategy , a business’s strategy needs to evolve with the challenges and opportunities it encounters. Be prepared to pivot your KPIs as goals shift and communicate the reasons for change to your organization.

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Improve Your Strategic Planning Skills

Strategic planning can benefit your organization’s vision, execution, and progress toward goals. If strategic planning is a skill you’d like to improve, online courses can provide the knowledge and techniques needed to lead your team and organization.

Strategy courses can range from primers on key concepts (such as Economics for Managers ), to deep-dives on strategy frameworks (such as Disruptive Strategy ), to coursework designed to help you strategize for a specific organizational goal (such as Sustainable Business Strategy ).

Learning how to craft an effective, compelling strategic plan can enable you to not only invest in your career but provide lasting value to your organization.

Do you want to formulate winning strategies for your organization? Explore our portfolio of online strategy courses and download the free flowchart to determine which is the best fit for you and your goals.

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  • 3 Reasons Why You Need Strategic Planning in Education

Strategic planning is not just for the business world. While strategic plans have been around in the education sector since the 1980s, it’s not as commonly known.

Strategic planning is one tool APQC offers to the education sector as part of its improvement initiatives. Many school districts are coming to APQC for guidance as they realize the value strategic plans can offer their students, staff, and community. Districts of all sizes benefit from this approach that helps them achieve goals to improve student outcomes as well as become a more efficient and effective organization.

why strategic planning in education

1) Provides a focus . A strategic plan formalizes the school district’s mission, vision, values, goals, and objectives. This enables stakeholders to voice and agree on the same priorities and focus on the same path to improvement.

2) Engages the community and stakeholders . Part of the strategic planning process involves engaging the community and other stakeholders in feedback sessions. This insight early on helps the team develop a more targeted strategic plan and builds community support.

3) Helps create efficiency and saves money . School districts that implement strategic plans ultimately create efficiency that can translate to dollar savings.

Most districts develop a three- to five-year plan that identifies the districts’ strategies, person responsible, timeline, and required funding. The plans should be reviewed regularly to monitor and communicate progress to stakeholders.

Online Course: Master Planning For Innovation

School districts that implement strategic plans not only gain buy-in from internal and external stakeholders about the district work but also develop meaningful measures to track and gauge success.

For more information about strategic planning in education, see How to Develop Strategic Plans in Education , in the APQC Knowledge Base.

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Five steps to planning for improved learning.

Education sector plan

Improving educational quality through education sector plans

The techniques of strategic planning in education are well-developed, but students’ actual learning experiences have not always been the central concern. In the context of the new Education 2030 focus on education quality, what steps can planners go through to ensure that their education sector plans give priority to improving students’ learning outcomes?

Developing an education sector strategic plan can be a complex and iterative process. But in its simplest form,  Planning for Learning   involves five basic steps, from analysis of the current situation through to the detailed planning needed to accomplish change. Below, we suggest some of the key questions education planners need to ask in order to focus each step of this process on improving learning outcomes.

1. Education sector analysis: Where are we now?  

The process of planning for improved learning outcomes starts with a diagnosis of the current situation in the education sector, with a specific focus on learning.

Questions to ask : What information about students’ learning do we have, and what are we missing? What are students learning and how well are they learning it? Does their learning match the needs, aspirations, and plans of their parents, communities, and the nation? What are the major learning successes and weaknesses, and what are the causes behind them?

Tools planners can use:   Assessment data ,  Other monitoring data ,  SWOT analysis ,  Problem tree analysis . 

2. Policy and strategies: Where do we want to go?  

A plan for improving learning outcomes should offer a vision of a desirable situation for the education system in the future, and identify the ways to reach this situation.

Questions to ask : What are our end goals for improving learning? What are our medium-term objectives? Which strategies will be effective in achieving these learning goals and objectives?

Tools planners can use : Explore  strategies for improving learning , Convert your  problem tree into a solution tree ,   Complete a  strategic planning grid .

3.  Programmes: How do we get there?  

Once policy priorities and key strategies have been defined, they must be translated into specific actionable programmes.

Questions to ask:  What are the immediate results or outputs that must be achieved in order to meet our learning objectives and end goals? Which programmes and activities must be carried out in order to produce those outputs? How will objectives and outputs be measured?

Tools planners can use : Complete a  Logical Framework Matrix , Develop  indicators and targets .

4.  Costing and financing: How much will it cost and who will pay?  

To be achievable, policy priorities and strategies have to be consistent with the demographic and economic realities.

Questions to ask : What are the categories of costs involved in each of our activities to improve learning? What are the other recurring costs in the education sector? Do we need to account for growth (population growth, increased attendance, etc.) when calculating our recurring and new programme costs? What are our projected sources of funding and does the total match our projected costs?

Tools planners can use:   Simulation models ,  Budget template for GPE grants .  

Once projected costs have been established, policies, strategies, activities and/or targets may have to be revised in an iterative process until the plan is feasible in all respects.

5. Action plan: Who will do what and when?  

The action plan is sometimes referred to as an implementation plan or operational plan. It outlines the detailed activities for a specific period of the plan, with information on timing, roles, responsibilities, and costs.

Questions to ask : Which institutions and departments are responsible for each activity to improve learning outcomes? When should each activity be accomplished? Will the financial resources be ready on time?

Tools planners can use :  Action plan template ,   Gantt chart .  

The Next Step: Monitoring your plan

Once an action plan has been determined, planners need to ask themselves: How will we monitor whether these activities, outputs, and objectives are accomplished? What kind of data will we collect in order to see whether we are improving our education quality and students’ learning outcomes? and, How and when will this information be collected and analysed? For a more in-depth look at the education sector planning process, two helpful resources are the GPE/IIEP   Guidelines for Education Sector Plan Preparation  and IIEP’s  Strategic Planning: Techniques and Methods .

You can also learn more by reading our  Plan for Learning articles  and searching for resources in the  IIEP Learning Portal Library.

Radford University

Strategic planning.

Radford University’s 2018-23 strategic plan, “Embracing the Tradition and Envisioning the Future,” was launched by the university’s seventh president, Brian O. Hemphill (July 2016- June 2021). The strategic plan was executed by Hemphill and interim president Carolyn Ringer Lepre (July 2021-June 2022) and brought to closure in 2023 by Radford’s eighth president, Bret Danilowicz (July 2022-present).

students walking on main campus by the Heth red clocks on a sunny day

Three points regarding the context of American higher education guided the development of the strategic plan. First, modern students are not the same as previous generations, so adaptations must be made to a more diverse student population that learns using different techniques and personal preferences, especially via technology. Second, considering the rapid changes in all aspects of culture, higher education must adapt to the speed at which society moves. Third, because of the greater financial burden on public agencies at the national, state and local levels, the university must adapt to the changing funding model for higher education.

“Embracing the Tradition and Envisioning the Future” segmented Radford’s challenges and opportunities into three overarching themes: technology innovation, funding and campus environment. Six focal areas were then identified as strategic priorities for Radford University: academic research and excellence, brand identity, economic development and community partnerships, philanthropic giving and alumni engagement, strategic enrollment growth and student success.

Following its approval by the Radford University Board of Visitors, the strategic plan began in January 2018. Major accomplishments include the merger with Roanoke’s Jefferson College of Health Sciences to form Radford University Carilion; the establishment of the Vinod Chachra IMPACT Lab as the first competency-based education program within a Virginia public four-year institution; and the integration of the Highlander Success Center to serve as a one-stop academic and career support service for students.

The physical footprint of the university changed significantly during the strategic plan. Reed and Curie Halls, home of the Artis College of Science and Technology, went through a state-of-the-art remodeling that was completed in early 2020. The Highlander Hotel Radford, a six-story destination hotel with two restaurants and 6,000 square feet of event space, opened in April 2023. Construction began in 2021 on the largest building in university history, the 178,000-square-foot Artis Center for Adaptive Innovation and Creativity. The Artis Center, which will contain unique, collaborative learning spaces for the arts and health sciences, is scheduled to open in fall 2024.

With the completion of “Embracing the Tradition and Envisioning the Future,” Radford University is positioned to address new challenges while offering high-quality educational experiences and driving economic development for Southwest Virginia and the entire commonwealth.

  • 2018-2023 Strategic Plan Recap [PDF]
  • 2018-2023 Strategic Plan [PDF]

What you need to know about education for sustainable development

What is education for sustainable development  .

Education for sustainable development (ESD) gives learners of all ages the knowledge, skills, values and agency to address interconnected global challenges including climate change, loss of biodiversity, unsustainable use of resources, and inequality. It empowers learners of all ages to make informed decisions and take individual and collective action to change society and care for the planet. ESD is a lifelong learning process and an integral part of quality education. It enhances the cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural dimensions of learning and encompasses learning content and outcomes, pedagogy and the learning environment itself. 

How does UNESCO work on this theme?  

UNESCO is the United Nations leading agency for ESD and is responsible for the implementation of ESD for 2030 , the current global framework for ESD which takes up and continues the work of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) and the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD (2015-2019). 

UNESCO’s work on ESD focuses on five main areas: 

  • Advancing policy
  • Transforming learning environments
  • Building capacities of educators
  • Empowering and mobilizing youth
  • Accelerating local level action

UNESCO supports countries to develop and expand educational activities that focus on sustainability issues such as climate change, biodiversity, disaster risk reduction, water, the oceans, sustainable urbanisation and sustainable lifestyles through ESD. UNESCO leads and advocates globally on ESD and provides guidance and standards. It also provides data on the status of ESD and monitors progress on SDG Indicator 4.7.1, on the extent to which global citizenship education and ESD are mainstreamed in national education policies, curricula, teacher education and student assessment.  

How does UNESCO mobilize education to address climate change?   

Climate change education is the main thematic focus of ESD as it helps people understand and address the impacts of the climate crisis, empowering them with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to act as agents of change. The importance of education and training to address climate change is recognized in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , the Paris Agreement and the associated Action for Climate Empowerment agenda which all call on governments to educate, empower and engage all stakeholders and major groups on policies and actions relating to climate change. Through its ESD programme, UNESCO works to make education a more central and visible part of the international response to climate change. It produces and shares knowledge, provides policy guidance and technical support to countries, and implements projects on the ground. 

UNESCO encourages Member States to develop and implement their  country initiative  to mainstream education for sustainable development. 

What is the Greening Education Partnership?

To coordinate actions and efforts in the field of climate change education the  Greening Education Partnership  was launched in 2022 during the UN Secretary General's Summit on Transforming Education. This partnership, coordinated by a UNESCO Secretariat, is driving a global movement to get every learner climate-ready. The Partnership addresses four key areas of transformative education: greening schools, curricula, teachers training and education system's capacities, and communities.

How can I get involved?   

Every single person can take action in many different ways every day to protect the planet. To complement the ESD for 2030 roadmap , UNESCO has developed the ESD for 2030 toolbox to provide an evolving set of selected resources to support Member States, regional and global stakeholders to develop activities in the five priority action areas and activities in support of the six key areas of implementation. 

UNESCO also launched the Trash Hack campaign in response to the 2 billion tons of waste that the world produces every year, waste which clog up the oceans, fill the streets and litter huge areas. Trash Hacks are small changes everyone can make every day to reduce waste in their lives, their communities and the world.   

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Strategy vs. Plan: Understanding the Key Differences


When it comes to achieving success, whether in business, personal growth, or any other area, it’s essential to understand the difference between a strategy and a plan. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they serve different purposes and play unique roles in reaching goals. In this post, we’ll explore the key differences between strategy vs plan, how they work together, and offer practical tips for aligning the two effectively.

Strategy vs Plan: Definitions

A plan and strategy are not the same thing, and understanding the differences is crucial to effective decision-making. Let’s delve into the definitions of these terms.

What is a Strategy

Strategy is your long-term vision. It sets out the broad, overarching goals and helps position you or your organization competitively. It answers the big questions like “what” you want to achieve and “why” it matters. Essentially, a strategy provides a roadmap, guiding the direction and making sure that efforts and resources are aligned with the desired outcomes.

A strategy is crucial for providing direction and ensuring all efforts are aligned with long-term goals. It sets the stage for detailed planning by outlining what needs to be achieved and why it matters. Whether in business, personal development, or any other area, having a clear strategy helps you navigate uncertainties and focus on what truly matters.

Key characteristics of a strategy

  • Long-term vision : Strategies are focused on long-term goals. They’re not about what you’ll do next week or next month, but rather where you want to be in several years.
  • Broad goals : A strategy outlines broad, overarching goals rather than specific actions. These goals set the direction for your efforts.
  • Competitive positioning : In business, a strategy often involves figuring out how to stand out from competitors. This could mean offering something unique, targeting a specific market, or using your strengths to your advantage.
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  • Guiding framework : Strategies provide a framework for making decisions. They help ensure that every action you take moves you closer to your big-picture goals.

Examples of strategy

  • Business : A company might have a strategy to become the leader in sustainable products. This could involve investing in green technologies, adopting eco-friendly practices, and promoting sustainability as a core value.
  • Military : A country’s defense strategy might focus on maintaining strong air power to ensure security and deter potential threats.
  • Personal : An individual might develop a strategy to become a top expert in their field. This could include continuous learning, networking, and sharing knowledge to build a strong reputation.

What is a Plan

A plan is a detailed outline of the steps you need to take to achieve a specific goal. It breaks down your strategy into actionable tasks, specifying what needs to be done, how it will be done, and when it should be completed. Essentially, a plan is your roadmap for turning big-picture ideas into concrete actions.

A plan is essential for translating your strategy into action. By following a well-structured plan, you can manage your time effectively, stay organized, and make steady progress toward your objectives. Whether you’re managing a project, organizing an event, or planning your daily tasks, a clear plan is your roadmap to success.

Key characteristics of a plan

  • Detailed steps : A plan provides a clear, step-by-step guide on how to accomplish your goals. It breaks down the big tasks into smaller, manageable pieces.
  • Short to medium-term focus : Plans are often designed to be completed over weeks, months, or a few years. They are more immediate than long-term strategies.
  • Specific actions and timelines : Plans include detailed instructions and set deadlines for each task. They outline who will do what, when, and how.

Examples of plans

  • Project management : A project plan outlines the tasks, deadlines, and resources needed to complete a project. It might include timelines, milestones, and responsibilities for team members. Get more Project Plan Templates and Project Schedule Templates .
  • Event planning : An event plan details all the logistics for hosting an event. This includes the schedule, venue, catering, guest list, and any other specifics needed to ensure the event runs smoothly. Learn more about Event Planning .
  • Daily routines : A daily plan lists the tasks you need to accomplish each day. It helps you manage your time effectively and ensures you stay on track with your larger goals.

Key Differences Between a Strategy and Plan

While a strategy and plan are closely related and often work together, they serve different purposes and operate on different levels. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:

ScopeBroad and overarching.Detailed and specific.
Time frameLong-term, often spanning several years.Short- to medium-term, often ranging from weeks to a few years.
PurposeSets the overall direction and goals.Lays out the steps to achieve specific goals.
FocusAnswers “what” and “why.” It provides a vision and broad objectives.Answers “how” and “when.” It provides detailed actions and timelines.
FlexibilityMore adaptable; it’s a guiding framework that can adjust to changing circumstances.More rigid; it outlines specific tasks and timelines, but can still be updated as needed.
MeasurementEvaluated by overall progress toward long-term goals.Evaluated by the completion of specific tasks and milestones.

How to Choose Between a Strategy and Plan

Choosing between a strategy and a plan depends on the context, the nature of your goals, and the stage of your project or initiative.

Determine your time frame and scope

  • Choose a Strategy if you need to set a long-term vision and overarching goals. Strategies are about where you want to go in the future and why it’s important.

Example : A startup looking to disrupt the tech industry with innovative solutions over the next five years.

  • Choose a Plan if you need to outline specific actions and steps to achieve immediate or short-term goals. Plans are about how to get things done in the near future.

Example : A company planning the launch of a new product within the next six months.

Identify your focus and purpose

  • Choose a Strategy if your focus is on defining broad objectives and setting the overall direction.

Example : A non-profit organization aiming to expand its impact on global education over the next decade.

  • Choose a Plan if your focus is on detailing specific tasks, timelines, and resources needed to accomplish a particular goal.

Example : A non-profit organizing a fundraising event next month, detailing logistics, roles, and schedules.

Assess the level of detail needed

  • Choose a Strategy if you need to establish high-level goals and a guiding framework for decision-making.

Example : A corporation developing a strategy to enhance sustainability practices across all operations.

  • Choose a Plan if you need to create a detailed roadmap with specific steps and timelines.

Example : The same corporation planning specific initiatives like reducing carbon footprint by 20% in the next year.

Consider flexibility and adaptability

  • Choose a Strategy if you need a flexible framework that can adapt to changing circumstances and guide long-term decisions.

Example : A business strategy that allows for pivoting based on market trends and technological advancements.

  • Choose a Plan if you need a concrete execution roadmap that outlines precise actions and deadlines.

Example : A project plan for developing a new software application, with detailed phases and milestones.

Evaluate measurement and evaluation needs

  • Choose a Strategy if you want to measure overall progress toward broad, long-term goals.

Example : Measuring the success of a five-year strategy to expand into international markets by tracking overall market share growth.

  • Choose a Plan if you need to evaluate the completion of specific tasks and milestones.

Example : Tracking the completion of each phase of a construction project against the planned schedule and budget.

Practical Steps to Decide

  • Define your goal : Clearly understand whether your goal is long-term and broad or short-term and specific.
  • Analyze the context : Consider the context in which you are operating. Are you setting a vision for the future or implementing immediate actions?
  • Consult stakeholders : Discuss with team members or stakeholders to understand their perspectives and needs.
  • Review resources : Assess the resources available, including time, budget, and personnel, to determine whether you need a high-level strategy or a detailed plan.

How Do Strategy & Planning Relate to One Another?

Strategy and planning are closely related, working together to help individuals and organizations achieve their goals. While they serve different purposes, their relationship is complementary and interdependent. Here’s how they connect and support each other:

Strategy sets the direction

Strategy provides the overall direction and long-term vision. It defines where you want to go and why it’s important. Without a clear strategy, efforts can become scattered and unfocused.

Example : A company’s strategy might be to become a leader in renewable energy solutions. This broad goal guides all future decisions and efforts.

Planning details the path

Planning breaks down the strategic vision into actionable steps. It outlines how to achieve the strategic goals through specific actions, timelines, and resources. Plans provide a detailed roadmap for reaching the strategic objectives.

Example : To achieve the strategy of leading in renewable energy, the company might create a plan to develop new solar technology, invest in research and development, and enter new markets within the next two years.

Strategy informs planning

The strategy informs the planning process by setting the priorities and providing a framework for what needs to be accomplished. It makes sure that the plans are aligned with the overall goals and direction.

Example : If a strategy prioritizes customer satisfaction, the plans will focus on enhancing customer service, improving product quality, and gathering customer feedback.

Planning implements strategy

Planning is the execution phase where the strategic vision is translated into specific actions. It involves creating detailed plans that outline the steps needed to achieve the strategic goals.

Example : A detailed marketing plan might include launching a new advertising campaign, hosting events, and leveraging social media to reach new customers, all aligned with the strategy to expand market presence.

Feedback loop and adaptation

There’s a continuous feedback loop between strategy and planning. As plans are implemented, the results provide insights that may lead to adjustments in the strategy. Similarly, changes in strategy may require updates to the plans.

Example : If market research reveals a new trend, the company might adjust its strategy to capitalize on this trend, and subsequently update its plans to include new product developments and marketing efforts.

Monitoring and evaluation

Both strategy and planning involve monitoring and evaluation. The success of a strategy is assessed by the overall progress toward long-term goals, while the success of a plan is measured by the completion of specific tasks and milestones. This dual evaluation ensures that both the strategic vision and the detailed plans are on track.

Example : Regular reviews might show that the company is on track to become a market leader in renewable energy (strategy) by successfully launching new products and entering new markets (plan).

How to Streamline Planning and Strategizing with Creately

Creately is packed with features that make planning and strategizing efficient and effective.

Extensive template library

Creately offers a comprehensive library of templates that cater to various planning and strategizing needs. These templates serve as a starting point, saving you time and ensuring you include all necessary elements.

  • Strategic planning templates : SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, balanced scorecard
  • Project planning templates : Gantt chart, project timeline, work breakdown structure (WBS)
  • Business planning templates : Business model canvas, lean canvas, financial projections
  • Marketing planning templates : Marketing plan, customer journey map, competitive analysis matrix
  • Process mapping templates : Flowcharts, swimlane diagrams, value stream mapping

Collaborative workspace

Creately’s collaborative features allow multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, making it easy to gather input, discuss ideas, and make real-time updates.

  • Real-time collaboration : Team members can edit and comment on diagrams at the same time.
  • Sharing options : Easily share documents via links or invite collaborators directly.
  • Feedback and annotations : Use comments and annotations to provide feedback and discuss changes.

Drag-and-drop interface

The intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to create and customize diagrams. This feature is particularly useful for those who may not have advanced technical skills but need to create professional-looking plans and strategies.

  • Ease of use : Quickly add, move, and adjust elements on your diagram.
  • Customization : Modify shapes, colors, and text to fit your specific needs easily with the quick toolbar.

Built-in visual collaboration tools

Improve brainstorming and strategic discussions with visual tools that help teams think creatively and stay aligned.

  • Mind maps : Create mind maps to brainstorm ideas and organize thoughts.
  • Kanban boards : Visualize tasks and workflows to manage projects and processes efficiently.
  • Flowcharts : Map out processes and decision flows to clarify strategies and plans.

Understanding the differences between strategy and plan is key to success. A well-defined strategy provides the vision and direction, while a detailed plan translates that vision into actionable steps. By recognizing the unique roles of each and ensuring they are effectively integrated, you can achieve your goals with greater clarity and efficiency. Balancing strategy and planning, and continuously aligning them, is the cornerstone of successful execution in any endeavor.

Join over thousands of organizations that use Creately to brainstorm, plan, analyze, and execute their projects successfully.

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Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

Navigating Public Health Planning with Precision and Purpose

June 19, 2024

Embarking on the journey of public health planning demands more than good intentions. It requires a meticulous blueprint that encompasses budgetary considerations and strategic timelines, and effectively leverages external support. Across a landscape in which every decision has the potential to uplift entire communities, there are a world of opportunities and details to explore. Included among them are the critical components of crafting a robust plan, the value of engaging contractors, and strategies for optimizing resources.

Mining Existing Plans for Insight and Inspiration

Organizational strategic plans, Community Health Assessments (CHAs), and Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIPs) can supply guidance and inspiration for comprehensive public health planning. These documents offer both valuable insights into public health initiatives and tangible examples of effective planning frameworks. There are multiple examples of existing plans within health agencies across jurisdictions; when seeking them out, consider various criteria (e.g., population characteristics, geographic location, and specific health priorities). By examining plans tailored to communities with similar demographics or facing comparable health challenges, planners can apply approaches that resonate in their own context.

Additionally, understanding the distinctions between strategic plans, CHAs, and CHIPs is essential, particularly for agencies aspiring towards PHAB Pathways Recognition Program or PHAB Accreditation . These plans are separate entities within the PHAB framework, each playing a vital role in shaping public health strategies and fostering community well-being.

Strategic Plans

Strategic plans outline organizational goals, plans to achieve them, and how to measure success. They drive resource allocation, decision-making, and other priorities organization wide.

  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Forest County Potawatomi *
  • El Paso County, CO *
  • San Joaquin County, CA *

Community Health Assessments

Community health assessments offer a complete view of risks, resources, and factors influencing outcomes. Supported by diverse environmental and socio-economic data, CHAs inform health policy, staff protocols, partnerships, program development, funding, resource allocation, and health improvement planning.

  • Oneida Nation *
  • Pierce County, WA *

Community Health Improvement Plans

Community Health Improvement Plans are strategic, collaborative roadmaps derived from CHAs. They outline how health agencies, partners, and communities will unite to enhance overall health. They guide priorities, resource allocation, and steer project, program, and policy implementation.

*PHAB Accredited Health Department

Plan Components, Timeline, and Budget

Agencies considering planning processes and examples from other jurisdictions should recognize the diversity in approaches across different agencies and jurisdictions. There truly isn’t a singular “right” way to undertake public health planning. Instead, it’s about tailoring the process to suit the jurisdiction’s unique needs and circumstances.

Examples to Guide Plan Development

The Kansas Institute of Health’s Strategic Planning in the Public Health Sector Handbook offers a comprehensive breakdown of planning elements and timeframes based on a six-month plan development calendar.

Explore Minnesota Department of Health’s Community Health Assessment and Planning Toolkit , a rich resource for navigating the CHA-CHIP process and timeline. Their template includes a detailed approach that considers capacity to accomplish each step within a desired timeline.

Given the variation in the depth and breadth of jurisdiction planning processes, it is challenging to pinpoint a specific dollar amount to cover a planning endeavor. NACCHO’s MAPP Budget Template (part of their downloadable MAPP 2.0 process ) can help systematically think through the resources necessary for planning processes.

Outsourcing Key Support

External support—in the form of facilitators, contractors, or other specialized professionals—can play a pivotal role in enhancing public health planning by offering fresh insights, innovative strategies, and diverse perspectives. Such support also allows for full, active organizational participation in the planning process. Moreover, they can provide valuable technical assistance, helping to navigate complex challenges and identify best practices from other contexts. By harnessing external support, organizations can optimize their decision-making processes, foster collaboration, and enhance the delivery of services to communities, thereby promoting better health outcomes for all.

  • Conducting a SWOT Analysis : Contractors can assist in facilitating a thorough analysis of the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). This structured assessment helps identify internal factors that impact the organization's ability to achieve its objectives and external factors that may affect its operations.
  • Proposing Strategic Priorities : Based on the SWOT analysis and input from stakeholders, contractors can help planning teams crystallize priorities aligned with the organization's mission and vision. These priorities serve as the foundation for developing the plan.
  • Facilitating Steering Committee Meetings : Steering committee meetings are crucial for decision-making and guiding the strategic planning process. External facilitators can lead these meetings, ensuring productive discussions, consensus-building, and alignment with organizational goals.
  • Developing Components of the Strategic Plan : Contractors can support in drafting or reviewing various components of the plan, including vision and mission statements, goals, objectives, and action plans. They may ensure these components are clear, concise, and aligned with the overarching strategic direction.
  • Developing a Draft Implementation Plan : An implementation plan outlines how to achieve strategic goals, including timelines, responsible parties, and resource allocation. Contractors can support an organization to develop a draft implementation plan that outlines actionable steps to translate the strategic plan into reality.
  • Developing Quality Improvement Metrics : Contractors can assist in guiding the development of metrics to measure the effectiveness of the strategic plan. These metrics should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART), providing a framework for monitoring progress and making data-driven decisions.
  • Conducting Training Among Organization Staff : To ensure buy-in and understanding of the strategic plan and process itself, contractors can help develop and co-facilitate training sessions for staff members. These sessions may cover strategic objectives, action plans, and their roles in achieving organizational goals.
  • Developing a Communication Plan : Effective communication is an essential key for keeping any strategic plan off the shelf. Contractors can support an organization in developing a comprehensive communication plan that outlines key messages, target audiences, communication channels, and timelines to ensure consistent and transparent communication throughout the organization and with partners.
  • Developing Process Logs, Templates, and Meeting Notes : Contractors can create documentation tools such as process logs, templates for strategic planning documents, and detailed meeting notes. These resources streamline the planning process, capture important discussions and decisions, and serve as valuable references when considering sustainability.

In summary, external support brings valuable expertise and resources to public health planning processes, enabling organizations to navigate complexities, engage partners effectively, and develop actionable strategic plans that drive positive health outcomes for communities.

  • Venice & North Port

Sarasota School Board advances curtailed public comment, new strategic plan

why strategic planning in education

  • Public comment would be split into two sections, with priority given to district residents, parents, students and employees.

The Sarasota School Board approved the advertisement of a new policy that would split public comment into two sections — as it was before the current board majority took over — and approved a new district strategic plan at its meeting Tuesday evening.

In the first school board meeting since school ended in May, the board approved several items ranging from updated district policies to a new strategic plan. The district's strategic plan acts as a roadmap for the board and other leadership to follow through 2030. At the start of the 2023-24 school year, District Superintendent Terry Conner moved to suspend the district's strategic plan to evaluate and implement his vision . Notably, the new 82-page strategic plan states that the district would seek other funding sources for voluntary prekindergarten programs as federal COVID-19 funding ends next school year.

"With this plan, we will be able to systematically address the needs of our students advancing the quality of education for all students in Sarasota County, and ensuring that we have the effective allocation of resources to do so," Connor said.

The revised public comment policy, which was one of 18 new or revised district policies approved for advertisement, would:

  • Split public comments into agenda-based comments before board business and general comments after new business.
  • Allocate three minutes for agenda-based comments and two minutes for general comments.
  • Give priority in each section would be given to Sarasota County residents, parents and guardians of district students, district employees and district students on a first-come-first-serve basis.

The current conservative-leaning school board majority previously voted to change public comment away from the split model, which was implemented by the previous board majority.

Board member Tom Edwards said he supported the revised public comment structure, pointing out that controversial topics people want are often agenda items, so things most people want to comment on will still happen at the start of meetings.

Board member Bridget Ziegler said she supported the change, as she felt it helped keep the focus on board business.

"I understand no matter where you stand on any position, that you're coming to speak with true conviction and concern," Ziegler said. "Many of you are parents and I understand it doesn't matter if I agree with you or not, I believe you have a right to speak and I understand that passion."

The advertised split in public comment time comes as the board faces a barrage of comments from members of the public who tend to voice their displeasure with board member Ziegler. Recently, school board meetings have consistently gone over five hours since December.

"You realize now giving three minutes for agenda items and two minutes to public comments, you'll be hearing five minutes now from many of us," said Tamara Solum during public comment.

Recent meetings have seen members of the public commenting on Ziegler and her sex life, specifically about her hunting for sexual partners at bars with her husband Christian, the former Florida GOP Chairman, taking secret pictures of women for Bridget to approve. The couple's "prowling" for sex partners was first reported in the  Florida Trident , a publication of the Florida Center for Government Accountability.

Christian faced rape allegations by a woman he’d known for years stemming from a planned three-way sexual encounter between Christian, the alleged victim and Bridget — who wasn't able to attend. Sarasota police ultimately  did not move forward with charges .

Following the allegations, the  Sarasota School Board approved a resolution calling on Ziegler, a founder of the conservative activist group Moms for Liberty who has sat on the board for almost 10 years, to resign .

New strategic plan

The revised strategic plan, originally suspended in August ahead of the 2023-24 school year as Superintendent Connor started his first year as the district's leader, reflects Connor's vision for the district's future.

The approved strategic plan is structured around five pillars:

  • Every Student Achieves
  • Every Student Supported
  • Every Employee Valued
  • Every School Equipped
  • Every Community Engaged

Carol Lerner, a local activist with Support Our Schools, said she thought the plan was a "thoughtful road map" and agreed with the board's approval of it — pointing specifically to the "Expect Literacy for All" item under the "Every Student Achieves" pillar.

However, Lerner said she wished the district had worked to implement more district-based dual language immersion programs and support for district Title I schools. She also pointed to the loss of federal COVID-19 funding for VPK, which would pass the cost onto families which she said would be a hardship given the cost of living in Sarasota County.

"I realized that COVID funds have ended, but it is vouchers to private schools and for-profit managed charter schools that are causing budget woes and drives decisions like this one," Lerner said. "Early childhood education is a game changer and would save the district millions in remedial and other costs."

Board Chairwoman Karen Rose contested criticisms that the strategic plan didn't have dual language programs, pointing to mentions of such programs in 1.3.11 and 1.4.11 in the plan . Edwards echoed Rose's sentiments about dual language programs, adding that they were "alive and well" in Sarasota schools.

Edwards also addressed public concerns about the district's VPK programs and the loss of funding.

"The VPK commitment is a stake in the ground," he said.

Connor explained that the district's VPK program has been previously completely funded by federal COVID-19 dollars, which end in September. He said in the wake of the loss of funds, the district had applied and been approved to receive state funding for its VPK program, which funds some but not all of the program.

The program would still now cost about $107 per week, Connor said. Families on free and reduced lunch receive discounts on VPK, with those on free lunch taking on no cost while those on reduced pay half the cost.

Follow Herald-Tribune Education Reporter Steven Walker on Twitter at @swalker_7. He can be reached at [email protected] .


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    Strategic planning guides educational development by giving a common vision and shared priorities. Educational planning is both visionary and pragmatic, engaging a wide range of actors in defining education's future and mobilizing resources to reach its goals. For policy-makers, planning offers the path to: provide quality education for all.

  8. PDF U.S. Department of Education Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

    meet our nation's vast potential. That is why the Department of Education (Department) and entire Biden-Harris Administration are committed to a long-term agenda that ensures every student receives what they need to thrive in school and pursue their vision of success—this is what this Strategic Plan seeks to achieve.

  9. Strategic planning in education: some concepts and steps

    A strategic plan in the education sector is the physical product of the strategic planning process and embodies the guiding orientations on how to run an education system within a larger national development perspective, which is evolving by nature and often involves constraints.4 II. The Strategic Management Cycle II.1.

  10. PDF Strategic Planning in Education: Some Concepts and Methods

    A strategic plan in the education sector is the physical product of the strategic planning process and embodies the guiding orientations on how to manage an education system within a larger national development perspective, which is evolving by nature and often involves constraints. 3. Three Stages of Strategic Planning.

  11. PDF A Practical Guide to Strategic Planning in Higher Education

    At its beginning, the strategic plan in post-secondary education was viewed as a tool to articulate institutional mission and vision, help prioritize resources, and promote organizational focus. As a result, many of the early strategic planning efforts produced documents that described the institution, but did little to motivate a process.

  12. Strategic Planning

    Strategic planning is a deliberate, disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an institution is, what it does, and why it does it. The college or university strategic plan provides guidance for institutional decisions, both long-term and day-to-day, and makes sure that decisions and operations ...

  13. Strategic Planning

    Strategic Planning. Strategic planning is a systematic process to identify and analyze problems, to set goals and objectives for addressing those problems, to select and implement evidence-based strategies for solving those problems, and then to evaluate the success of the strategies. Engaging in these steps will ensure that (1) efforts are ...

  14. PDF A Strategic Planning Primer for Higher Education

    Why Higher Education Needs Strategic Planning Universities are driven to engage in a strategic planning process by a variety of forces. These include: increasing demand for higher education concurrent with a decline in government funding, changing student demographics, and a need to compete with the emerging models of

  15. Why Is Strategic Planning & Education Management Important ...

    The Power of Strategic Planning and Education Management. Strategic planning and education management are important to schools because they bring crucial insights that allow decision-makers to adjust their student goals and provide the necessary resources to give learners the best opportunities possible.

  16. 5 Steps To Highly Effective Strategic Planning In Higher Education

    This five-step process will help you to craft a strategic plan that goes beyond marketing and delivers on promised results. 1. Understand your current situation. An effective planning process starts with a thorough understanding of your current situation.

  17. Strategic Planning in Education: 5 Best Practices

    Strategic planning is critical for academic institutions that want to stay competitive, adapt to change, and achieve their goals. By following these best practices, higher education and academic institutions can achieve their goals and stay competitive in an ever-changing environment. Strategic planning has never been easier with Elate.

  18. Why Is Strategic Planning Important?

    Benefits of Strategic Planning. 1. Create One, Forward-Focused Vision. Strategy touches every employee and serves as an actionable way to reach your company's goals. One significant benefit of strategic planning is that it creates a single, forward-focused vision that can align your company and its shareholders.

  19. 3 Reasons Why You Need Strategic Planning in Education

    Here are three of many reasons: 1) Provides a focus. A strategic plan formalizes the school district's mission, vision, values, goals, and objectives. This enables stakeholders to voice and agree on the same priorities and focus on the same path to improvement. 2) Engages the community and stakeholders. Part of the strategic planning process ...

  20. Five steps to planning for improved learning

    Improving educational quality through education sector plans The techniques of strategic planning in education are well-developed, but students' actual learning experiences have not always been the central concern. In the context of the new Education 2030 focus on education quality, what steps can planners go through to ensure that their education sector plans give priority to improving ...

  21. Strategic Planning in Higher Education 101

    The 11-step strategic planning process requires leaders and a diverse group of stakeholders to undertake a systemic and detailed analysis of the institution's situation, both future and current, to develop a roadmap to its ideal future state. This effort involves delving deeply into the institution's inner workings and the external ...

  22. PDF Strategic Planning in Education: A Systematic Review

    process of strategic planning, namely: considering organizational vision, mission, goals, and objectives, involving stakeholders in strategic planning, and evaluating the internal and external ...

  23. Why School Strategic Plans Fail, and Three Ways to Avoid It

    Done well, the strategic planning and execution process is an equitable, open, iterative, responsive, and inspiring opportunity to examine a school's current state, and set a course for the ...

  24. Expertise in Educational Leadership: Strategic Planning Tips

    Crafting a vision is the cornerstone of strategic planning in educational leadership. You demonstrate your expertise by articulating a clear, inspiring vision that aligns with the values and ...

  25. Strategic Planning

    The physical footprint of the university changed significantly during the strategic plan. Reed and Curie Halls, home of the Artis College of Science and Technology, went through a state-of-the-art remodeling that was completed in early 2020.

  26. What you need to know about education for sustainable development

    Climate change education is the main thematic focus of ESD as it helps people understand and address the impacts of the climate crisis, empowering them with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to act as agents of change. The importance of education and training to address climate change is recognized in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Paris Agreement and the ...

  27. Strategy vs. Plan: Understanding the Key Differences

    Planning is the execution phase where the strategic vision is translated into specific actions. It involves creating detailed plans that outline the steps needed to achieve the strategic goals. Example : A detailed marketing plan might include launching a new advertising campaign, hosting events, and leveraging social media to reach new ...

  28. Navigating Public Health Planning with Precision and Purpose

    These sessions may cover strategic objectives, action plans, and their roles in achieving organizational goals. Developing a Communication Plan: Effective communication is an essential key for keeping any strategic plan off the shelf. Contractors can support an organization in developing a comprehensive communication plan that outlines key ...

  29. Budget Presentations to the Board of Education

    Budget Presentations to the Board of Education; Budget and Strategic Planning Staff Directory; American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Spending; ... Org Chart for Budget and Strategic Planning; Finance Accounting; Accounts Payable; Activity Fund Support; Budget and Strategic Planning; Business Systems; Capital Fiscal Services; Grant Management ...

  30. Sarasota School Board advances curtailed public comment, new strategic plan

    The revised strategic plan, originally suspended in August ahead of the 2023-24 school year as Superintendent Connor started his first year as the district's leader, reflects Connor's vision for ...