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International Doctoral Program 'Environment Water'

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- a Three Year Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences.


An increasing world population exerts a continually growing demand on usable fresh water resources. For sustainable development of these water resources under economic and social constraints, the education of highly-qualified water resources engineers with a global perspective and the ability for international scientific cooperation is of utmost importance.

ENWAT is a doctoral program in Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering offered by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences which leads to a doctoral degree in Engineering ('Doktor-Ingenieurin' or 'Doktor-Ingenieur', abbr. 'Dr.-Ing.'). It is offered in addition to bilingual M.Sc. programs, e.g. in Water Resources and Engineering Management ( WAREM ), Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Waste Water Process Engineering ( WASTE ),  Infrastructure Planning ( MIP ), and Computational Mecha­nics of Mate­rials and Struc­tures ( COMMAS ).

The doctoral program ENWAT is structured into two phases:

First Phase

In the initial phase, doctoral researchers are required to take classes at the doctoral level as specified in an individually designed study plan. The courses are intended to directly aid in the preparation for the dissertation research. Most classes are taught in English, and the regular curriculum is supplemented through workshops and short courses taught by faculty from universities worldwide. Aside from classes, the doctoral researchers will mainly focus on the preparation of a detailed research proposal and a projected time line. ENWAT doctoral researchers also participate in a seminar series where they present their research or proposed research which is then discussed with other doctoral researchers and supervisors of the ENWAT program. The first phase is concluded with an oral qualifying exam. A passing grade in the Qualifying Exam will allow the doctoral researcher to enter the second phase.

Second Phase

In the second phase, the doctoral researchers primarily focus on their dissertation research and the preparation of a doctoral thesis. The thesis research may be undertaken at any of the participating institutes within the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences. In addition, the candidates continue to participate in the doctoral seminar which takes place twice a year. After completion of the doctoral thesis, the doctoral researcher is required to publicly defend her/his thesis research and to pass an oral dissertation exam.

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natural water cascades

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Hydraulic laboratory of the Research Facility for Subsurface Remediation (VEGAS)

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Sewage treatment plant Stuttgart-Büsnau for teaching and research at the Institute of Sanitary Engineering

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Workshop in the Multimedia Lab


The disciplines in Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering reach from waste water treatment to modeling hydrosystems; they cover research on rainfall-runoff-models and the impact of climate change on water resources as well as sanitary engineering, biological air purification and the investigation of sedimentation and transport in fluvial channels.

This wide range of disciplines is bundled in several institutes :

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Defense #90 in the ENWAT program: Congratulations to Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Herzog on PhD Defense

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Congratulations to Dr.-Ing. Vahid Shoarinezhad on PhD Defense

Coming soon: defense #90, coming soon: defense #89.

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Defense #88 in the ENWAT program: Congratulations to Dr.-Ing. Kilian Mouris on PhD Defense

Please select, international doctoral program ….

This site provides information on the structure of the program, lectures, study regulations, as well …


This site provides information to prospective doctoral researchers.

Institutes & Supervisors

The instituts listed here host the potential supervisor for your doctoral research:

Academic calendar

List of upcoming events

Impressions of us

This page provides you with our address, directions to us and a map. Contact us!

All contact persons on one page.

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Gabriele M. Hartmann

Course Director

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International Doctoral Program 'Environment Water' University of Stuttgart

Pfaffenwaldring 7, 3rd floor, room 3.126 , d-70569 stuttgart.

  • +49 711 685 67782
  • Fax: +49-(0)-711 685-51022

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Doctoral researchers

The seminar program 2024 for

Here is an overview of the seminars organized by the Graduate Academy for doctoral researchers.

Academic Skills

„Good Scientific Practice & Research Integrity“ 15.&17.01.2024

„Roadmap towards your doctorate: Techniques, tools and troubleshootings“ 24.01.&05.02.2024

„Professionell präsentieren im akademischen Kontext” 30.-31.01.2024

„Wissenschaftliches Schreiben: Die Doktorarbeit“ 07.-08.02.2024

„Critical Thinking for Scientists“ 19.&26.02.2024

„Powerful Presentation – The Presentation Skills Challenges“ 06.-07.03.2024

„Wissenschaftliches Schreiben: Die Doktorarbeit“ 11.-12.03.2024

„Redeangst überwinden - Techniken zur Stressreduktion“ 14.-15.03.2024

„Körpersprache und Performance in virtuellen Kontexten“ 22.03.2024

„Wissenschaftliches Schreiben: Die Doktorarbeit“ 04.-05.04.2024

„Roadmap towards your doctorate: Techniques, tools and troubleshootings“ 10.-11.04.2024

„Denkfallen und Paradoxien: Kritisches Denken in der Wissenschaft“ 5.&22.04.2024

„Preparation for the doctoral defense“ 18.&25.04.&02.&16.05.2024

„Ethics of Technology: promises and challenges of technological development“ 06.&13.05.2024

„Interdisciplinary cooperation: How to boost your scientific career“ 05.-06.06.2024

„Philosophy of Science“ 10.&17.06.2024

„The many faces of risk in technology and society: how to deal with them responsibly“ 08.&15.07.2024

„Professional Presentation Skills for the Academic Context“ 10.-11.07.2024

„Good Scientific Practice & Research Integrity“ 29.-30.07.2024

„Kreativität & Agiles Mindset – Innovative Ideen entwickeln und umsetzen“ 25.09.2024

„Denkfallen und Paradoxien: Kritisches Denken in der Wissenschaft“ 07.&14.10.2024

„Wissenschaftliches Schreiben: Die Doktorarbeit“ 10.-11.10.2024

„Technikethik: Versprechen und Herausforderungen technologischer Entwicklung“ 21.&28.10.2024

„Roadmap towards your doctorate: Techniques, tools and troubleshootings“ 24.-25.10.2024

„Project management for doctoral researchers“ 04.-05.11.2024

„Wissenschaftliches Schreiben: Die Doktorarbeit“ 04.-05.11.2024

„Critical Thinking for Scientists“ 11.&18.11.2024

„Preparation for the doctoral defense“ 18.&19.&25.&26.11.2024

Management Skills

„Self-management for doctoral researchers - How to deal with research, teaching and writing the doctoral thesis“ 16.01.&23.01.&30.01.&06.02.2024

„Project management for doctoral researchers“ 19.-20.02.2024

„EmpowerHer*: Auf dem Weg zur inklusiven und starken Führungspersönlichkeit“ 11.&12.&18.&19.03.2024

„Projektmanagement in der Wirtschaft“ 13.-14.03.2024

„Project management for doctoral researchers“ 18.-19.03.2024

„Zeit- und Selbstmanagement“ 14.-15.03.2024

„Unconscious Bias Awareness“ 04.&05.&08.&09.04.2024

„Gesprächsziele konsequent verfolgen und die eigenen Anliegen wirkungsvoll vertreten“ 22.-23.04.2024

„Conflict management“ 29.-30.04.2024

„The principles of effective leadership“ 06.-07.05.2024

„Agiles Projektmanagement mit Scrum“ 07.-08.05.2024

„Stabil durch alle Phasen der Doktorarbeit - die eigene Resilienz stärken“ 08.05.2024

„Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit im Team diversitätssensibel und erfolgreich gestalten“ 14.05.2024

„Zeit- und Selbstmanagement“ 15.-16.05.2024

„Schwierige Situationen in Meetings und Seminaren meistern“ 28.06.2024

„Projektmanagement in der Wirtschaft“ 02.-03.07.2024

„Project management for doctoral researchers“ 12.-13.09.2024

„Unconscious Bias Awareness“ 16.&17.&24.&25.09.2024

„Erfolgreich moderieren – Online und in Präsenz“ 16.-17.09.2024

„Agiles Projektmanagement mit Scrum“ 17.-18.09.2024

„Projektmanagement in der Wirtschaft“ 09.-10.10.2024

„Zeit- und Selbstmanagement“ 10.-11.10.2024

„The principles of effective leadership“ 14.-15.11.2024

Career Skills

„Assessment Center-Training“ 29.01.&08.02.2024

„Die eigene Zukunft gestalten: Karriereplanung“ 08.-09.02.2024

„Effektives Selbstmarketing“ 26.-27.02.2024

„Erfolgreich und strategisch Netzwerken“ 26.03.2024

„Tailor Made Job Applications“ 03.-04.06.2024

„Future Skills – Kompetenzen für meine berufliche Zukunft“ 11.06.2024

„Strategic career planning inside and outside of academia“ 04.&05.&11.&12.07.2024

„Erfolgreich und strategisch Netzwerken“ 14.10.2024

„Tailor Made Job Applications“ 09.-10.12.2024

„Effektives Selbstmarketing“ 12.-13.12.2024

  • For registration

Seminars with German title are offered in German and seminars with English title are held in English.

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Tatsiana Radziyeuskaya

Qualification management

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Doctoral degree studies

How to get a doctoral degree at Faculty 2: Civil and Environmental Engineering

Are you interested in a doctorate at our faculty? We are pleased about this and provide you with information about the process and the formal conditions under the doctoral regulations of 2019. In case you have been accepted under the Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2016, we provide an information leaflet .

General information on the doctoral procedure, the doctoral regulations of the University of Stuttgart, scholarships and funding opportunities, etc. can be found on the website of the Graduate Ccademy of the University of Stuttgart GRADUS . We recommend that you read this website first with five steps to your doctorate !

At our faculty there are currently two ways to obtain a doctorate:

  • individual supervision by a supervisor of the faculty, or
  • Integrated research training group " Interface-driven multi-field processes in porous media "
  • Binational (D/New Zealand) research training group " Soft tissue robotics – simulation methods for the development of control and automation strategies of robots for the interaction with soft materials" (German)
  • Simulation technology graduate school at the Centre for simulation sciences

Gaining your doctoral degree - faculty-specific regulations and supplements

Prerequisites for a doctorate.

Please inform yourself here, if you have

  • obtained a degree of a foreign university (see subsequent section 1.), or
  • studied a subject that does not correspond to one of our study program (see subsequent section 2.)

1. Acceptance with a foreign degree

You apply to GRADUS for acceptance as a doctoral researcher (see also the chapter below), including a request for stating the formal equivalence of your degree. GRADUS first checks the formal equivalence which requires additional time (approx. one to two weeks). Then GRADUS forwards your application documents to the faculty office. The Doctoral Committee will then accept your application under the precondition that you need to prove your knowledge corresponds to the one of our graduates. For this you might need to take additional courses. In any case, your supervisor has to submit a request to the Doctoral Committee for recognition of the equivalence of your university degree with regards to the content of your studies to one of our study programmes, possibly including a suggestion on the measures which you need to take.

2. Acceptance if subject of study does not correspond to study program of the faculty

You apply to GRADUS for acceptance as a doctoral researcher (see also the chapter below). GRADUS forwards your application documents to the faculty office. The Doctoral Committee will then accept your application under the precondition that with the provison that you proof knowledge equivelent to our graduates. In this case, the supervisor has to submit a request for recognition of knowledge to the Doctoral Committee including a suggestion on the measures which you might need to take (e.g. passing a certain course).

Application and fulfillment of the qualification program

Learn more about how to register, apply for and enrol for a doctorate:

Individual qualification programme

For the application for acceptance as a doctoral researcher ("Antrag auf Annahme als Doktorandin/Doktorand") you have to agree on your doctoral studies with your supervisor using the form agreement on doctoral studies . This contains your individual qualification programme. Please refer to the faculty's catalogue when determining the measures. Especially for courses on key qualifications (e.g. management competences) you can use the offers by GRADUS .

Doctoral committee

The doctoral committee will decide on your application for acceptance. As a rule, it meets before the grand faculty council (one meeting each in January, April, May, June, October, November, December). There are no meetings during the semester breaks. In urgent cases (i.e. for Visa or scholarship applications) the acceptance can be organised during the semester breaks with a circulation procedure.

Cumulative Dissertation

In principle, a cumulative dissertation is possible at Faculty 2. The faculty has decided on a guideline (in revision) [DE] for this and provides an additional handout [DE].

Preparation and submission of the dissertation

Please use the faculty template for the title page of the dissertation without the date of the oral examination. You submit x copies of your dissertation in paper form (bound) and one electronic version (PDF file) to the faculty office (x = number of rapporteurs + 1). These copies should be printed double-sided and bound. Both the pdf and the copies should contain a CV. In the hard copy also the doctoral researcher’s signed statement that he/she has completed the dissertation independently needs to be enclosed.This also represents the application for admission to the doctoral examination.

Please note the following resolutions of the doctoral committee of the Faculty 2:

  • The dissertation should not contain more than 150 pages.
  • Each dissertation must be accompanied by both a German and an English language summary with two to four pages each.
  • If the dissertation is to be written in languages other than German or English, the doctoral committee will decide on this in each individual case.

The main supervisor writes to the doctoral committee including

  • Confirmation that the dissertation is ready for acceptance
  • Proposal for co-examiners (e.g. for the expert report on the dissertation)
  • Confirmation of fulfilment of requirements (see prerequisites for a doctorate), if applicable

Irrespective of a participation in a structured doctoral programme, the final version of the agreement on doctoral studies (including the individual qualification programme) should be enclosed in the letter. For a discussion in the doctoral committee, the letter should arrive at the faculty office at least one week before the date of the doctoral committee meeting.

Appointment of co-examiners

At a meeting of the doctoral committee, the main supervisor presents the doctoral project. The doctoral committee admits the doctoral researcher to the examination and appoints an examination committee for this doctoral project (chair, supervisor and one or more co-examiners). The faculty office sends the dissertations to the co-examiners and organises the internal circulation procedure. These steps take several weeks to sometimes months.

Doctoral examination and publication of the dissertation

Presentation and oral doctoral examination.

After the internal circulation procedure, you can organise the date and time of your doctoral examination with the members of your examination board. You also need to book a room for the presentation and the subsequent examination. Please inform the faculty office about the date, time and place of your examination and the travel dates of your co-examiners. The presentation about the research topic immediately before the oral doctoral examination should last 30 to a maximum of 45 minutes.

Publication of the dissertation

You have to fulfill any changes suggested during the circulation procedure, the expert opinions, etc. by the time the dissertation goes to press. Within one year of the doctoral examination, you need to hand over a copy of your dissertation to your supervisor.

The supervisor will check the correctness of the dissertation and release the dissertation for printing. The University Library [DE] will inform you on its website about the formal requirements the dissertation has to meet, which publication options are available and how many copies you must submit.

After publication of the dissertation

The doctoral procedure is finished when the doctoral certificate is handed over to you by the faculty office. Now – no moment earlier – you can use the doctoral degree – congratulations!

The doctoral certificates (or a copy if you need them earlier) are also handed over once a year by the dean during the faculty graduation ceremony . This ceremony usually takes place in July.

You can apply to the doctoral committee for inspection of your doctoral file, including the expert opinions, in writing within one year. The doctoral committee will then determine the place and time for your inspection of your file.

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Information for PhD students or PhD candidates: promotion regulations, contact persons, forms, dates


  • PhD Regulations of the University of Stuttgart (2019)
  • Notes and supplementary regulations concerning the doctoral procedure at Faculty 6
  • Regulations for cumulative dissertations at Faculty 6

Supporting information

  • In five steps to the promotion
  • Registration and enrollment
  • Cover letter submission and declaration of independence (pdf)
  • Cover letter submission and declaration of independence (doc)
  • Declaration of own contribution to publication (for cumulative dissertations)

Legacy regulations

  • PhD Regulations of the University of Stuttgart (2016)
  • PhD Regulations of the University of Stuttgart (2011)

Contact for PhD Students

This image shows apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg  Herdrich

apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Herdrich

Ms. caissa keil.

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Dean of Aerospace Engineering

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This image shows Thomas Hobiger

Thomas Hobiger

Dean of Geodesy & Geoinformatics

  • +49 711 685 83400

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Andreas Strohmayer

Audit Committee Chair

  • +49 711 685 69567

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Doctoral degree

Here you find information for PhD students

The University of Stuttgart has new doctoral degree regulations (starting april 1st 2019).

The doctoral committee of the faculty of chemistry has decided that the achievement of the doctoral degree within the department has to follow this way.

1. Admission request

You have to submit your application for admission via GRADUS at the beginning of the work on your PhD thesis.

Catalogue of potential credit points accepted by the Faculty of Chemistry to fulfil the required ECTS in individual doctoral studies. You can gain the degree within an individual doctoral study oder within a structured doctoral study .

2. Proposal of an examination committee

To enable the candidate to obtain in depth knowledge in the examination subjects, he or she is supposed to hand in an application with a suggestion of the examination committee [de] , an exposé about the dissertation (approx. 1 page), a shortlist of your publications and a CV. This application has to be handed in at the dean´s office to Mrs. Monika Carey at least half a year before the expected date of the oral exam and has to be signed by the supervising professor. The application can only be discussed, if you have been admitted as a Ph. D. student in a former meeting of the doctoral committee. The doctoral committee can accept or reject the proposal and appoint other examiners. If you graduate within the Doctoral Degree Regulations of the University Stuttgart from 2019, the dissertation can be prepared publication-based in a cumulative form, if this is permitted by the directive of the doctoral committee in agreement with the faculty council and the supervisor approves the preparation of a publication-based dissertation.

3. Finishing the thesis - final decision of the examination committee and date of the exam

After the finishing the dissertation (don't forget the declaration of authorship) the candidate registers at the dean´s office with one hardback of his dissertation, with the declaration of authorship as a separate letter. If you are doing a cumulative doctorate, you habe to submit the thesis electronically eight days before the meeting of the doctoral committee. Furthermore your supervisor needs to confirm that all requests within the doctoral agreement have been completed. The doctoral committee decides on the members of the examination committee in his next meeting. Only in well reasoned cases a deviation from the preliminary composition is possible. The candidate gives a copy of his work to each of the members of the examination committee. The main examiner and the co examiners write a report and send the original of the report to the dean´s office. If both reports are available in the deans office , the candidate arranges an appointment with the examination committee for the oral examination and he/she books a lecture room. It is necessary to send the information on the exam date and the room to the dean´s office at least 16 days before the arranged date of the examination.

The candidate arranges a date for the oral examination with the designated examination board and reserves the lecture hall/seminar room. A little tip: It is easier to reserve a room if you take the lecture slots into account. If an examination starts at 13:15 h, it is easier to find a room than trying to find a room from 13:00 h. The examination can take place at the earliest 16 days after notification of this date to the Dean's Office. Reason: The thesis and assessment must be available in the Dean's Office for 14 days. Please remember to inform the Dean's Office of the place and date of the examination. The oral examination takes place immediately after the presentation (after exclusion of the public), usually in the room in which the presentation took place. The doctoral documents are returned to the Dean's Office after the examination.

The oral Ph. D. exam starts with a presentation (20 -30 minutes), in which the candidate explains the concepts of her or his dissertation as well as the essential results. The presentation is open to members of the university. In the oral examination, which is lasting between one and two hours and is not open to the public, the candidate has to prove that she or he has in depth knowledge in the area of her or his dissertation. This is supposed to happen in an exam conversation with the main examiner, the co-examiner and an additional examiner in another subject, which is usually related to the subject of the dissertation. The dean can appoint the examiner in the additional subject or another professor of the department to be the head of the examination committee. The oral examination takes place directly after the presentation (after the public has been excluded) in the same room in which the presentation took place. The doctoral documents are handed back to the dean´s office after the examination.

5. Rules for the Dissertation

The dissertation work has to comprise a summary in foreign or german language with a normal size of 2 - 5 pages, but 10 pages as a maximum. For details see the german pages. (Decisions of the promotion committee on 22/05/1996, 11/06/1996, 21/01/1998, and 16/4/2008).

  • Catalogue of potential credit points accepted by the Faculty of Chemistry to fulfil the required ECTS in individual doctoral studies
  • Information of the library on the submission of the thesis
  • Graduate Schools of the University of Stuttgart (GradUS)
  • Doctoral Students Association of the University of Stuttgart
  • Ask for a translation of your certificate
  • Doctoral degree regulations from 2019 (for the english translation ask in the deans office)
  • Doctoral degree regulations from 2016
  • Doctoral degree regulations from 2011 [de]
  • Doctoral degree regulations from 2008 [de]

Office of the Dean

This image shows Monika Carey

Monika Carey

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  • +49 711 685 64585
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This image shows Isabella Waldner

Isabella Waldner

Faculty Manager

  • +49 711 685 64583

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Doctorade and habilitation


  • Organization
  • PhD Application
  • Admission requirements
  • Application time

At the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning it is possible to gain a doctoral degree in engineering (Dr.-Ing.).

Architects and urban planners tend to be a rare commodity because – unlike many other academic disciplines – proof of an academic qualification in the form of a doctoral degree is not a prerequisite for a successful career in architecture or urban planning. There are thus comparatively few doctoral researchers at our Faculty. However, interest in doctoral degree studies has grown over the past few years.

In scarcely any other subject is the spectrum of dissertation topics as broad as in architecture and urban planning. Likewise, the diversity across the Faculty's institutes is reflected in the broad spectrum of research topics and methodology of our research. There are dissertations in engineering which experimentally address issues related to building physics and structural design; dissertations on history of art and architecture which study historic buildings, architectural styles, construction techniques or master builders or matters of monument protection; and dissertations investigating architectural and planning theory , architectural sociology, building economics, building, urban and landscape ecology, design and planning methods, building studies and urban and landscape planning .

The doctoral procedure is set out in the current  Doctoral degree regulations   of the University of Stuttgart. Doctoral studies at our Faculty are also open to applicants with a university degree in a subject other than architecture and urban planning provided their chosen topic is relevant and supervised by a member of the Faculty's teaching staff. Past doctoral researchers have included civil engineers, geographers, art historians and biologists.

Non-German applicants must prove beforehand that the university degree from their home country is regarded as equivalent to that of a German university.


  • Current projects
  • Excellence cluster IntCDC
  • E1ns zu E1ns

If you wish to enroll as a doctoral researcher, you should discuss your chosen topic with a member of the Faculty teaching staff who specializes in a field relevant to your planned area of research. You will finalize the topic of your doctoral study with your prospective supervisor and submit an application for acceptance to the Faculty as a doctoral researcher . Decisions on matters related to doctoral studies are taken by the  doctoral committee .

So far the Faculty has only admitted individual doctoral researchers and has not yet set up a research training group or graduate schools. Some institutes organize regular Doktorandenkolloquien at which doctoral researchers can present, report and discuss the progress of their work. In 2004 the Faculty introduced cross-institute discussion forums specifically for doctoral researchers whose dissertation topics are related to urban development and urban planning ( Doktorandenkolloquium Stadt ).

The participating institutes are the  Institute of Urban Planning and Design , the  Institute for Housing and Design , the   Institute of Architectural History  and the  Institute of Spatial and Regional Planning  (Faculty 2).

Secretariat doctoral committee

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Doctorate and Habilitation

Faculty 7: Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering

A doctorate is proof of aptitude for scientific work and forms the basis of an academic career and, increasingly, a career in business. Here you will find links and information on administrative issues concerning doctoral studies and habilitation at Faculty 7.

Directly to

  • Paths to a doctorate Step by step explanation


Paths to a doctorate.

Faculty 7 does exclusively award the doctoral degree Dr.-Ing. (= Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften meaning Doctor of engineering sciences).

Doctorates can be performed either as an individual doctorate or as part of one of the structured doctoral programs in which the faculty participates.

Information pages of the university

  • Doctoral studies at the University of Stuttgart
  • The Graduate Academy of the University of Stuttgart (GRADUS)
2015 101
2016 102
2017 99
2018 86
2019 97

Individual Doctorate

Structured programs.

For an individual doctorate, you freely choose a topic, as well as a supervising professor from one of our institutes. Usually (but not always) you will be employed at an institute within the framework of a research project, and you will do your doctorate on a topic from this research project.

If you are pursuing a PhD in a structured program, you must apply through the program if positions or fellowships are available.

A doctorate at Faculty 7 is currently available in the following structured programs:

  • Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering – GSaMe  
  • Graduate and Research School for Energy Efficiency Stuttgart (GREES)  
  • Graduate Academy of SC SimTech  
  • RTG 2543: Intraoperative Multisensory Tissue Differentiation in Oncology

Prerequisites for a doctorate

In addition to appropriate academic qualifications, a doctorate requires a high degree of independence, motivation and interest in scientific work. In addition, you must fulfill the formal admission requirements of the University of Stuttgart in order to do a doctorate at Faculty 7.

For structured doctoral programs, graduate schools and academies , different regulations may apply. You can find out about these on the websites of the respective programs.

Equivalence of foreign degrees

With foreign degrees you need the „Application for Declaration of Formal Equivalence of Foreign Degrees“ . Please be sure to note that this formal equivalence check may take some time! If you are in a hurry to be accepted as a doctoral student, you should submit the application for acceptance (to which the form for formal equivalence must be attached) as early as possible.

Current Doctorate Degree Regulations

Doctoral degree regulations.

The current Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2019 came into effect on April 1, 2019. If you started your doctorate before April 1, 2019, you can continue to do your doctorate according to the Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2016 and according to the Doctoral Degree Gegulations of 2011. However, please note that transitional provisions must be observed here (cf. §21 of the doctoral degree regulations of 2019). Doctorates according to the Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2008 are no longer possible as of October 2019.

Transition to the current Docotral Degree Regulations

If you are doing your doctorate according to older doctoral degree regulations, you also have the option of switching to the current Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2019. To do so, you must submit an application to the dean's office of your faculty. If necessary, you can obtain information from the Graduate Academy GRADUS .

Further Guidelines and Statutes around the Topic of Doctorates (in German)

  • Satzung der Universität Stuttgart zur Sicherung der Integrität wissenschaftlicher Praxis und zum Umgang mit Fehlverhalten in der Wissenschaft Amtliche Bekanntmachung Nr. 62/2013
  • Publikationsrichtlinie der Universität Stuttgart Amtliche Bekanntmachung Nr. 57/2020

(Icon: info)

Guideline for cumulative dissertation theses of faculty 7 (in German)

Cumulative dissertation theses

By resolution on 17.06.2020, the committees of the faculty have made cumulative doctoral theses possible at Faculty 7 and have adopted a corresponding guideline. Cumulative doctoral theses can now be submitted as an alternative to a monograph.

Submission of cumulative dissertation theses

Cumulative dissertation theses must consist of at least three publications and meet the requirements specified in the guideline. When submitting a cumulative dissertation thesis, in addition to the usual documents, a form with supplementary information is required:

  • fillable Word form (in German)
  • PDF form (in German)

Additionally for each publication used in the dissertation a supplementary form with further information must be submitted:

  • fillable supplementary Word form (in German)
  • supplementary PDF form (in German)

Step by step to a doctoral degree


If you do not yet have a supervisor, you must first find a supervising professor who is a member of the doctoral committee of faculty 7.

Together with your supervisor, you will draw up an agreement on doctoral studies including the required qualification program (file only available in German).

If you hold a foreign university degree, you will additionally need to complete the Application for Declaration of Formal Equivalence of Foreign Degrees .

Registration and application

You must now register via the campus management system C@MPUS . After registering with C@MPUS, please complete the data for your doctoral project and print out the application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate. Sign it and hand it in to the Graduate Academy GRADUS together with the required documents (more informations linked below).

GRADUS will check your documents and send them either directly to the Dean's Office (if you have a German university degree) or (for foreign degrees) first to the Rector's Office and after the Rector's approval to the Dean's Office. In the case of degrees not related to the subject (i.e. all areas not covered by Faculty 7), in the case of Dipl.-Ing. (FH), in the case of M.Sc. (Fach)Hochschule, in the case of dual universities, in the case of foreign degrees, etc., the guidelines of the faculty for doctoral admission available to the supervisors will be applied and, if necessary, additional requirements (e.g. examinations or course works) will be imposed. In case of doubt, you can send an informal mail with CV and all necessary certificates to the Dean's Office for coordination with the Doctorate Committee Chairperson, so that you are aware of the conditions before applying.

More information on registration and application

Acceptance as doctoral candidate

As soon as the dean's office has received your doctoral file, the doctoral committee will review your documents.

» After the examination, you will receive a notification of acceptance as a doctoral candidate, if necessary with additional requirements, from the chairperson of the doctoral committee.

The doctoral committee will also send a copy of the acceptance notification to GRADUS, where it will be posted to your account.

When you receive the notification of acceptance from the doctoral committee of your faculty, you must enroll as a doctoral student. Though, under certain conditions you are exempt from this requirement. Please check with GRADUS and/or your supervisor.

More information about enrollment

Preparation of the dissertation

You will now write your dissertation in German or English and, if necessary, fulfill your requirements.

During the preparation of the dissertation, you will coordinate closely with your supervisor. If you have any questions about your doctorate or need advice during this time, please feel free to contact the Graduate Academy GRADUS .

Submission of the dissertation to the Dean's Office

The following documents must be submitted or sent to the dean's office for submission of the dissertation:.

  • Application for admission to the examination and confirmation of maturity , including proof of the publications required at the time of submission ( sample letter in German )
  • informal confirmation from your supervisor that the qualification program has been completed
  • for cumulative dissertation theses: corresponding form and additional sheets
  • 1 copy for the dean's office
  • 1 copy for the supervisor
  • 1 copy for each co-supervisor

The printed copies should be bound in such a way that the cover page can be read (either transparent foil or printed cardboard, please observe the design specification for the title page (in German) ( sample as Word document )). Structural design according to the manuscript guidelines of the university library in the appendix of the doctoral regulations. The copies can also be printed on both sides, but must be in DIN A4 format.

  • Sending the dissertation as a pdf file by mail to the dean's office .
  • Please provide your private contact details , especially your e-mail address, in order to ensure communication even after you have left the University of Stuttgart.
  • In case of external co-reviewers , the Dean's Office also needs their contact details (full title, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number).
  • Submit to the Dean's Office no later than the Friday before the Faculty Council meeting ( check the Committee Dates , in German - look for "Fakultätsrat" ).

Address / Service hours of the Dean's Office

Internal procedures at the faculty

When the doctoral file and the supporting copies are provided, the examination procedure is initiated and the examination board is appointed by the doctoral committee.

» You will receive written confirmation about the initiation of the examination procedure.

After the initiation of the procedure, the Dean's Office requests the reports from all reviewers in the examination board. These should be available to the Dean's Office within 6 weeks.

Upon receipt of the final review,the dissertation and the reports are made available to all members of the doctoral committee for a 14-day review period .

» You will receive information about the start of the review period by e-mail.

After the end of the review period, the date of the docroral examination can be fixed and communicated to the Dean's Office, who will issue the invitation according to applicable deadlines (generally the invitation must be issued one week before the exam). The examination should take place within 3 months after the opening of the doctoral procedure.

» You will be notified by e-mail about the invitation.

Doctoral examination

The oral doctoral examination is conducted as follows:

The total examination time is 90 minutes, which includes:

  • A public lecture with free choice of media on the dissertation topic of 30 minutes duration followed by a short discussion. Non-affiliates of the University are admitted.
  • The oral examination with a duration of at least 60 minutes.

Publication of the dissertation thesis

Depending on the type of publication (online or print only), you must usually submit a prescribed number of printed copies to the University Library within one year of the oral examination.

The University Library informs you on its website what layout the dissertation must have, what possibilities there are for publication and how many printed copies you have to hand in.

Publication series "Stuttgarter Maschinenbau"

Starting in 2022, dissertations can be published in the "Stuttgarter Maschinenbau" series. Further information can be found here .

Please refer to  §13 of the doctoral regulations for further details.

Doctoral degree certificate.

The doctoral certificate is usually sent to the main examiner, who hands it over to the applicant.

The doctor title can only be used once the doctoral degree certificate has been presented.

Publication of dissertation theses

Beispiel-Cover Schriftenreihe "Stuttgarter Maschinenbau"

Doctoral candidates of the Stuttgarter Maschinenbau (Faculties 4 & 7) can publish their dissertations in the publication series "Stuttgarter Maschinenbau" in agreement with their supervisors.

The publisher of the series "Stuttgarter Maschinenbau" is the Fraunhofer Verlag.The publishing agreement (in German), which has to be filled out, specifies all essential details regarding publications in the series are specified between the author, the institute and the Fraunhofer Verlag.

The Word and LaTeX templates provided here are intended as a guide and do not claim to be complete.

  • Word template (docx document)
  • LaTeX template (link to GitHub repository containing the LaTeX template)

Over the last few years, the Faculty of Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering has averaged approximately 1 to 2 habilitations per year.

Please refer to the German website or contact the faculty management for further information.

Downloads (in German)

  • Ablauf (Habilitationsverfahren) (PDF)
  • Habilitationsordnung
  • Musterbrief (Erklärung) (DOC)
  • Musterbrief (Antrag/Gesuch auf Zulassung) (DOCX)
  • Musterbrief (Antrag/Erteilung der Lehrbefugnis) (DOC)

Graduate Academy GRADUS

Haus der studierenden, 5. og, pfaffenwaldring 5c, 70569 stuttgart.

  • Further information
  • +49 711 685 81092

Anette Bradler

Secretary to the Dean

  • Profile page
  • +49 711 685 66474
  • Write e-mail

Representatives of the doctoral students of faculty 7

  • In case of problems, need for support, interest in networking...

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Doctoral Degree studies

Doctoral Degree studies at the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Doctoral Degree studies at the Department of Electrical Engineering

Other than starting a career in industry, appropriately qualified master graduates may study for a doctoral degree (PhD, in German "Dr.-Ing.") in the department of electrical engineering.

Please note, that the responsibility for research matters and thus for PhD-positions is entirely with the professors of our institutes.

The homepages of all institutes of the department of electrical engineering are listed here . Please ask the secretary offices of the institutes of your choice for current vacancies of PhD-positions. Additionally, please read very carefully the  information about doctoral degree studies given by our University's Admissions Office. Furthermore it is possible to get support from the University's Office of the GRADUS Graduate Academy .

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Doctorate Degree at the ICD

2020 | ICD Doctoral Research

Doctorate Studies at the ICD - University of Stuttgart

Apply for doctorate studies at the ICD. Applications can be submitted at any time. More specific information will be provided soon. Please check the website for updates! General information is available on the Faculty of Architecture website  (in German), as well as the University of Stuttgart website  (in English).

Contact information

Institute for computational design and construction, university of stuttgart, keplerstraße 11, 70174 stuttgart.

  • +49 711 685 82786
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Doctoral Degrees and Habilitations

Department of Mathematics

Information about Doctoral Degree Studies in the Department and an overview of Doctoral Degrees and Habilitations over the past few years.

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  • Activities and representativs of the doctoral students
  • Information about the PhD programm

Doctoral Degrees

Particularly interested and qualified students can follow up their master’s degree program with a doctoral degree program. On average, one quarter to one third of all M.Sc. graduates per year discuss plans to pursue doctoral studies with a professor in the department.


Hats created for the doctoral graduation ceremony


Obtaining a doctoral degree in the Department of Mathematics

The legal basis for a doctoral degree in the Department of Mathematics are the Doctoral Degree Regulations (PO) of the University of Stuttgart. In the case of doctoral degree studies in the graduate schools SimTech the regulations of these institutions also have to be taken into account.

Information on the Doctoral Degree Regulations

  • Information on doctoral degree studies of the University of Stuttgart
  • Registering, applying and enrolling at the University of Stuttgart

Doctoral Degree Regulations:

  • Doctoral Degree Regulations PromO 2019
  • Doctoral Degree Regulations PromO 2016 [de]
  • Doctoral Degree Regulations PromO 2011 [de]


  • Agreement on doctoral studies

Further Information:

  • Leafelt (PromO 2019) on the doctoral degree procedure
  • Leaflet (PromO 2016) on the doctoral degree procedure
  • Leaflet (PromO 2011) on the doctoral degree procedure
  • Department catalog as Annex 2 of the agreement on doctoral studies [de]
  • P ublication of the dissertation - Notes of the University Library

Abstracts of recent PhD theses

Lukas brencher: analysis of hyperbolic conservation laws with random discontinuous flux functions and their efficient simulation, david holzmueller. regression from linear models to neural networks: double descent, active learning, and sampling, tobias kielwein: existence and non-existence of breather solutions on necklace graphs.

Digitally published PhD dissertations can be downloaded on the document server of the University of Stuttgart .

Doctoral Degrees in Mathematics in 2024

Date of Oral Exam Title Name
26.04.2024 Singular limits in KGZ systems and the DNLS approximation in case of quadratic nonlinearities Raphael Taraca
12.04.2024 Long wave approximation over and beyond the natural time scale Sarah Hofbauer
05.03.2024 Supercharacters and generalized Gelfand-Graev characters for orthogonal groups Denis Weiler
22.03.2024 A Moving Mesh Finite Volume Method for Hyperbolic Interface Problems Maria Alkämper
15.03.2024 Structure-Preserving Model Reduction on Subspaces and Manifolds Patrick Buchfink
29.01.2024 Toric Cohiggs Bundles Anderson Gama

Doctoral Degrees in Mathematics in 2023

Date of Oral Exam Title Name
16.10.2023 Faltungskalkül mit translationsinvarianten Amalgamräumen von Distributionen auf Euklidischen Räumen Tillmann Kleiner
11.10.2023 Cartier-Foata-Garside Monoids and Groups Alexander Thumm
29.09.2023 Deep and greedy kernel methods: Algorithms, analysis and applications Tizian Wenzel
25.07.2023 Regression from Linear Models to Neural Networks: Double Descent, Active Learning, and Sampling David Holzmüller
06.07.2023 Stability of Einstein Metrics on Homogeneous Spaces Paul Schwahn
30.06.2023 On the uniqueness of the Calderón Problem and its application in Electrical Impedance Tomography Ivan Mira Pombo
12.06.2023 Existence and non-existence of breather solutions on necklace graphs Tobias Kielwein
15.02.2023 Characters and Character Sheaves of Finite Groups of Lie Type Jonas Hetz

Doctoral Degrees in Mathematics in 2022

Date of Oral Exam Title Name
20.12.2022 Mixed-Dimensional Modeling of Flow in Porous Media Samuel Burbulla
14.12.2022 Mathematische Modellierung von wellenoptischer Absorption beim Laserschneiden Maximilian Klumpp
08.12.2022 Analysis of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Random Discontinuous Flux Functions and their Efficient Simulation Lukas Brencher
07.12.2022 Subordinated Fields and Random Elliptic Partial Differential Equations Robin Merkle
26.10.2022 On two Problems for the Stark Laplacian on domains Jan Köllner
14.10.2022 Interface Conditions for Arbitrary Flows in Stokes-Darcy Systems: Derivation, Asnalysis and Validation Elissa Eggenweiler
22.09.2022 The Phase Field Approach for Reactive Fluid-Solid Interfaces: Modeling and Homogenization Lars Freiherr von Wolff
18.07.2022 Total Variation Minimization via Dual-Based Methods and its Discretization Aspects Stephan Hilb
28.06.2022 From Short-Range to Contact Interactions in Many-Body Quantum Systems Michael Hofacker
14.02.2022 Quantization of Algebras Defined by Ultradifferentiable Group Actions Jonas Brinker
08.02.2022 Intrinsic Dimension Adaptive Learning Rates for Kernel Methods Thomas Hamm
01.02.2022 Learning with High-Dimensional Data Simon Fischer
20.01.2022 A Complete Analysis and Design Framework for Linear Impulsive and Related Hybrid Systems Tobias Holicki

Doctoral Degrees in Mathematics in 2021

Date of Oral Exam Title Name
02.12.2021 Inhomogeneous Fractals as a Martin Boundary Stefan Kohl
18.11.2021 Approximation with matrix-valued kernels and highly effective error estimators for reduced basis approximations Wittwar, Dominik
11.10.2021 Algebraic analogues of resolution of singularities, quasi-hereditary covers and Schur algebras Tiago Miguel dos Santos Cruz
23.09.2021 A Molecular – Continuum Multiscale Solver for Liquid – Vapor Flow: Modeling and Numerical Simulation Jim Magiera
22.07.2021 A Bayesian Approach to Parameter Reconstruction from Surface Electromyographic Signals Anna Rörich
20.07.2021 The stable module category inside the homotopy category, perfect exact sequences and equivalences Sebastian Nitsche
08.06.2021 Absence of the Efimov Effect in Dimensions One and Two Simon Barth
19.05.2021 Desarguesian and geometric right ℓ-groups Carsten Dietzel
28.04.2021 Efficient simulation on challenging PDE problems on CPU and GPU clusters Malte Schirwon
22.04.2021 Invasion phenomena in pattern-forming systems admitting a conservation law structure Bastian Hilder
21.04.2021 LDD Schemes for Two-Phase Flow Systems David Seus
10.02.2021 Compressible Multi-Component and Multi-Phase Flows: Interfaces and Asymptotic Regimes Lukas Ostrowski

Doctoral Degrees in Mathematics in 2020

Date of Oral Exam Title Name
18.12.2020 Virtual Levels of Multi-Particle Quantum Systems and Their Implications for the Efimov Effect Andreas Bitter
01.12.2020 Gendo-Frobenius algebras and comultiplication Cigdem Yirtici
01.12.2020 On the Eigenvalues of the Non-Self-Adjoint Robin Laplacian on Bounded Domains and Compact Quantum Graphs Robin Lang
18.06.2020 Uncertainty Quantification with Lévy-type Random Fields Andreas Stein
20.05.2020 Stochastic Partial Differential Equations on Cantor-like Sets Tim Ehnes
14.05.2020 Sparse Deep Gaussian Process Approximation and Application of Dynamic System Identification Roman Föll

Doctoral Degrees in Mathematics in 2019

Date of Oral Exam Title Name
17.12.2019 Quantification of Uncertainties in Compressible Flows Fabian Meyer
27.11.2019 Validity of the nonlinear Schrödinger approximation for quasilinear dispersive systems Max Heß
27.11.2019 Resolution and Realisation Functors Nico Stein
19.07.2019 Nonlinear phenomena on metric and discrete necklace graphs Daniela Maier
15.07.2019 Improved Classification Rates for Localized Algorithms under Margin Conditions Ingrid Blaschzyk
12.07.2019 Spectral Asymptotics for Dirichlet Laplacians on Random Cantor-Like Sets and on their Complement Lenon Minorics
11.07.2019 Mesh Refinement for Parallel Adaptive FEM Theory and Implementation Martin Alkämper
03.07.2019 Multiscale modeling and simulation of transport processes and electrochemical reactions in multimaterial porous electrodes Katarina Link
24.06.2019 Amplitude Equations for Boussinesq and Ginzburg-Landau-like Models Tobias Haas
27.03.2019 Spectral Asymptotics for Stretched Fractals Elias Hauser

Doctoral Degrees in Mathematics in 2018

 Date of Oral Exam Title Name
31.07.2018 Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Fractures and Uncertainty Quantification Markus Köppel
16.06.2018 Feedback Control for Parametric Partial Differential Equations Using Reduced Basis Surrogate Models Andreas Schmidt
03.05.2018 Adaptive Higher Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Porous-Media Multi-Phase Flow with Strong Heterogeneities Birane Kane
08.02.2018 Randomization and Companion Algorithms in Stochastic Approximation with Semimartingales Timo Pfrommer

Doctoral Degrees in Mathematics in 2017

Date of Oral Exam Title Name
23.11.2017 From classical absolute stability tests towards a comprehensiv robustness analysis Matthias Fetzer
13.10.2017 Kernel-Based Expectile Regression Farooq, Muhammad
11.10.2017 Modeling and Analysis of Almost Unidirectional Flows in Porous Media Alaa Amiti
14.09.2017 Minimal Orbits of Isotrophy Actions for the Classical Root Systems with Simply-Laced Dynkin Diagrams Anton Reiswich
13.07.2017 Effective Equations in Mathematical Quantum Mechanics Steffen Gilg
06.07.2017 WEB-Spline Approximation and Collocation for Singular and Time-Dependent Problems Florian Martin
24.05.2017 Energy estimates for the two-dimensional Fermi polaron Ulrich Linden
25.04.2017 Reduced Basis Approximation for Heterogeneous Domain Decomposition Problems Immanuel Martini
21.04.2017 Killing and Conformal Killing Tensors Konstantin Heil
22.03.2017 Self-Adjointness and Domain of a Class of Generalized Nelson Models Andreas Wünsch
14.03.2017 Spectral and Hardy Inequalities for the Heisenberg Laplacian Bartosch Ruszkowski
07.03.2017 Sylow Numbers in Character Tables and Integral Group Rings Iris Köster
03.02.2017 Dominant dimensions of Algebra René Marczinzik
20.01.2017 Supercharacter theories for Sylow p-subgroups Dsyl
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(3 )
Yujiao Sun

Doctoral Degrees in Mathematics in 2016

Date of Oral Exam Title Name
12.12.2016 Failure of Amplitude Equations Danish Ali Sunny
12.07.2016 The KdV and Whitham limit for a spatially periodic Boussinesq model Roman Bauer
02.03.2016 Balance Laws: Non Local Mixed Systems and IBVPs Elena Rossi
29.02.2016 Numerical Approximation of Two-Phase Flows with and without Phase Transition Jochen Neusser
16.02.2016 Analysis of Liquid-Vapor Interfaces and Periodic Waves in Dynamical Lattice Systems Buğra Kabil

Doctoral Degrees in Mathematics in 2015

Date of Oral Exam

Title Name
18.12.2015 Liquid Vapor Phase Transitions: Modeling, Riemann Solvers and Computation Christoph Zeiler
30.10.2015 Validity and attractivity of amplitude equations Sanei Kashani
28.10.2015 Adiabatic theorems for general linear operators and wellposedness of linear evolution equations Jochen Schmid
21.07.2015 Monotonicity-based methods for inverse parameter identification problems in partial differential equations Marcel Ullrich
13.07.2015 Singular problems in quantum and elastic waveguides via Dirichlet-to-Neumann analysis André Hänel
02.06.2015 Torsionseinheiten in ganzzahligen Gruppenringen nicht auflösbarer Gruppen Leo Margolis
12.05.2015 Murphy bases for endomorphism rings of tensor space Mathias Werth
24.04.2015 Statistical Learning of Kernel-Based Methods for non-i.i.d. Observations Hanyuan Hang


There are many different ways to become a professor: The doctoral degree is typically followed by a post-doc or junior professor phase to shape and consolidate the individual research and teaching agenda. This phase culminates in a habilitation or a habilitation-equivalent positive evaluation.

Habilitations in The Department of Mathematics since 2015

Digitally published habilitations can be downloaded on the document server of the University of Stuttgart .

Date Title Name
13.12.2021  On some enumerative problems on K3 surfaces Davide Cesare Veniani
17.06.2019 Efficient numerical methods for total variation minimization Andeas Langer
25.01.2017 On the behaviour of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian and related operators James Kennedy
27.01.2016 Mathematical modeling of coupled free flow and porous medium systems Iryna Rybak
11.11.2015 Entropy as a Fundamental Principle in Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Related Models Jan Giesselmann
24.06.2015 Nonlinear transport and coupling of conservation laws Veronika Schleper

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  • Open Positions

Description of open PhD positions

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  • Research Group STAR
  • Publications
  • Internal information

PHD Positions

All PhD positions are currently filled. If you are interested in visiting us as a visiting researcher, or if you are a student and interested in e.g. writing your thesis with us, please let us know.

This image shows Dirk Pflüger

Dirk Pflüger

Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems (IPVS)

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CIS - Open Positions: PhD Position/Scholarship

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The Computational Imaging Systems Department at the CACE Institute of the Faculty Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology offers:

PhD Positions/Scholarships – Construction of intelligent imaging systems based on AI and deep learning - remuneration up to 57.000 € p. a. (no tuition fees for PhD programs)

The Department of Computational Imaging Systems deals with the construction of 3D imaging systems based on artificial intelligence (deep learning) which has been proven to be very successful in the field of computer vision. The mechanical construction of these systems is based on mechanical components like precision stages with an accuracy in the single digit micrometer or even in the nanometer range. For one setup the usage of a modern human-collaborative robot to move light source and detectors is planned. These intelligent imaging systems are based on the use of novel neural network architectures for computed tomography. Building such novel imaging systems requires the interest and ability of the respective candidate to work on the mechanical and electrical design of such systems as well as the programming of neural networks to improve the overall image quality. This call is open to master’s graduates or graduates with equivalent qualification worldwide.

  • PhD and expertise development in the field of construction of imaging systems based on high precision mechanical construction and artificial intelligence, an interdisciplinary and high-quality task environment
  • Motivation and enjoyment of your work due to the immediate visibility of your contributions in 3D imaging, appreciation of your results by our partner institutes and industry as users of your 3D imaging algorithms and data
  • Positive working atmosphere and integration into the international working group, contribution of your strengths and ideas, cooperative and self-organized way of working
  • Participation in international conferences financed by the university and development of a professional network
  • High potential for a further international career in science or industry in the above field, possibility for further qualification as a postdoc

Your responsibilities

  • Design and physical realization of imaging systems including the mechanical setup, compensation of mechanical inaccuracies by 3D imaging corrections based on novel neural network architectures
  • Building and exploring novel intelligent imaging systems and validating them with user data from academia and industry
  • Publication of research results as well as discussion and initiative to pursue new research questions
  • Cooperation with users and applications of the imaging systems in science and industry in the context of novel questions

Your qualification profile

  • You have completed your master's degree in computer science, electrical engineering, software engineering, physics or a similar course of study and you are interested in working independently
  • You are able to learn software programming languages like Python, C++, etc. and to implement your algorithms accordingly
  • You should have the interest to validate your contributions in the field of intelligent imaging (algorithms, software, and imaging set-ups) on real imaging systems
  • Your English skills enable you to communicate in a scientific environment, you enjoy working in an international team

The University of Stuttgart has a policy of gender equality and therefore particularly encourages qualified women to apply. Disabled persons are given preferential consideration in the case of equal qualification. Please send your application as an email to the following address with the subject "application cis-ai":

Email: [email protected] .de and cc [email protected]

For general inquiries, please contact Mr. Timo Schweizer (secretary's office) by phone at +49-711-685-88390 or Professor Simon at +49-711-685-88450 for questions regarding the content of the advertised position.

Department of Computational Imaging Systems at the CACE Institute of the Faculty Computer Science,  Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Prof. Dr. S. Simon Universitaetsstr. 38 D-70569 Stuttgart Germany

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Doctoral studies at the University of Stuttgart

A doctoral degree is proof that you are capable of in-depth scientific work, and lays the foundation for a career in science or industry.

Ten reasons to study for a doctoral degree at the University of Stuttgart

The University of Stuttgart

  • is considered one of the most outstanding technical research universities in Germany, with a worldwide reputation
  • is a hub for academic, non-academic and industrial research
  • sees itself as a guarantor of holistic, research-oriented teaching with a focus on quality
  • stands for the interdisciplinary integration of engineering, natural sciences, the humanities and social sciences based on top-level research in the various disciplines with its “Stuttgart method”
  • is nestled in one of Europe's most vibrant industrial regions, and enjoys cooperative arrangements with companies and institutions in the local area as well as across Germany and worldwide
  • is one of the universities which gets the most external funding in Germany
  • offers excellent conditions for research
  • provides doctoral candidates with a variety of cross-disciplinary qualifications, information and advisory services and a number of mentoring programs
  • provides staff with individual support via a range of measures and personnel development and health management programs
  • is committed to equal opportunities and family friendliness

Different doctorate opportunities

There are a variety of ways to gain a doctoral degree:

Individual doctoral studies

Structured doctoral studies.

  • Individual freedom in choosing the topic and supervisor.
  • A doctoral degree may be done in any subject area represented at the University of Stuttgart.
  • You can freely choose a potential supervisor from among 10 different faculties and around 150 institutes.
  • You can draw on the full range of qualifications offered by the graduate academy.
  • You are part of a larger research association.
  • You work on a research topic across different disciplines and working together with several, largely also international doctoral candidates.
  • You complete a comprehensive professional and interdisciplinary qualification program .

Find out more about the doctoral studies programs which you can apply for. 

Additional programs, support, further education during studies

  • Certificate: Gender and Diversity Skills For doctoral researchers and students

More information

Das Bild zeigt einen Mann, wie er in Richtung eines Unigebäudes läuft

The five steps to gaining your doctoral …

Your path to a doctoral degree – from admission to examination to being awarded your certificate.

Das Bild zeigt einen jungen Mann, der vor einem Laptop sitzt.

Registering, applying and enrolling

The Act on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (Landeshochschulgesetz, LHG) stipulates …

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Stipends and support options

Look here for information on several scholarships for self-financing your doctoral degree studies, …

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Doctoral degree programs

The University of Stuttgart has graduate schools, PhD research groups, and doctoral degree programs …

Das Bild zeigt drei Personen, die um eine Frau herumstehen.

Contacts and reference persons for …

This web page provides an overview of where and from whom to get answers to your questions.

Team of the Graduate Academy GRADUS

Pfaffenwaldring 5c, 70569 stuttgart.

  • Further information

This image shows Jürgen Hädrich

Jürgen Hädrich

Managing Director GRADUS

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  • +49 711 685 84222
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  • Deutsch (Deutschland)
  • English (United States)

University of Stuttgart – JoinUS

  • Architecture and Urban Planning (GER)
  • Civil- and Environmental Engineering
  • Energy-, Process- and Bio-Engineering
  • Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
  • Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy
  • Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering
  • Mathematics and Physics
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Management, Economics and Social Sciences
  • Doctoral Degree Programs

Research at the University of Stuttgart

Welcome center for international scholars, the graduate academy (gradus), profile of the university of stuttgart.

  • The University as Employer

Stellenwerk - More than just PhD Jobs

There are two paths to a doctorate/PhD in Germany. In the individual doctorate (the traditional way) you can carry out research independently and flexibly under the supervision of one professor. In structured programs you are part of a team of researchers and other students, will be supervised by 2-4 professors, will attend courses, lectures and seminars with other students. On both paths the duration of a doctorate/PhD is, depending on the scientific field, three to five years.

On this portal you can find doctoral/PhD positions in structured programs, positions for individual doctorates and also postdoc positions.

The University as an Employer

Apprenticeships at the university of stuttgart.

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Enter your email address to tell us about yourself. We will keep you informed about job opportunities and events that match your interests.

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Open PhD Positions

You are welcome to join our research team!

Flawed Drude behavior: when metals turn bad Contact: M. Dressel Keywords: unconventional transport mechanisms, displaced Drude peak, charge localization ,  optical spectroscopy

information on doctoral degree studies

This image shows Martin Dressel

Martin Dressel

Head of Institute

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  • +49 711 685 64946
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uni stuttgart phd


  1. Completed PhD Theses at PI1

    uni stuttgart phd

  2. University Of Stuttgart Phd

    uni stuttgart phd

  3. The Institute

    uni stuttgart phd

  4. Completed PhD Theses at PI1

    uni stuttgart phd

  5. Kun Zhan

    uni stuttgart phd

  6. university of stuttgart phd

    uni stuttgart phd


  1. Johann Sebastian Bach

  2. Supraleitungs-Landebahn

  3. Rennteam Uni Stuttgart Italien 2013

  4. Uni-Stuttgart, Vaihingen

  5. Bildungsstreik

  6. Master Physics at TU Darmstadt


  1. Doctoral degree programs

    Engineering and Natural Sciences. Graduate School KIC InnoEnergy, a European consortium for promoting sustainable energy supply that has some 160 partners from industry, universities, research facilites and business schools.The University of Stuttgart is one of its founding members. Doctoral degree studies research group: HYBRID (University of Stuttgart, Esslingen University, Daimler AG ...

  2. Doctoral studies at the University of Stuttgart

    Ten reasons to study for a doctoral degree at the University of Stuttgart. The University of Stuttgart. is considered one of the most outstanding technical research universities in Germany, with a worldwide reputation. is a hub for academic, non-academic and industrial research. sees itself as a guarantor of holistic, research-oriented teaching ...

  3. For doctoral researchers: Registering, applying and enrolling

    In order to study for a doctoral degree at the University of Stuttgart, you must be accepted as a doctoral researcher and enroll as a doctoral student. The following steps need to be taken: Formal registration with C@MPUS (entry of your data) Submission of the application documents to GRADUS. After you have been accepted as a doctoral ...

  4. The five steps to gaining your doctoral degree

    Here we have compiled information in order to lead you through your doctoral degree studies step by step. They are based on the current doctoral degree regulations, which came into force on April 1, 2019.. If you began your doctoral degree studies before April 1, 2019, you can still continue in accordance with the doctoral degree regulations 2016 [de] and the doctoral degree regulations 2011 [de].

  5. Applying for doctoral studies

    Secretariat doctoral committee. Keplerstr. 11, 70174 Stuttgart, K1 - 1. Floor, Room 1.23 - N.N. +49 711 685 83223. Write e-mail. All the formal requirements for gaining a doctoral degree are set out in the doctoral degree regulations.

  6. International Doctoral Program Environment Water

    ENWAT is a doctoral program in Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering offered by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences which leads to a doctoral degree in Engineering ('Doktor-Ingenieurin' or 'Doktor-Ingenieur', abbr. 'Dr.-Ing.'). It is offered in addition to bilingual M.Sc. programs, e.g. in Water Resources and ...

  7. Doctoral researchers

    Qualification management. Profile page. +49 711 685 81092. Write e-mail. Here is an overview of the seminars organized by the Graduate Academy for doctoral researchers.

  8. Doctoral degree studies

    In case you have been accepted under the Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2016, we provide an information leaflet. General information on the doctoral procedure, the doctoral regulations of the University of Stuttgart, scholarships and funding opportunities, etc. can be found on the website of the Graduate Ccademy of the University of Stuttgart ...

  9. Doctoral Degree and Habilitation

    The information presented below supports with administrative issues associated with doctoral degree studies and habilitation. We care for the next generation of scientists and engineers. Doctoral Degree and Habilitation | Faculty 5: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology | University of Stuttgart

  10. PhD

    Information for PhD students or PhD candidates: promotion regulations, contact persons, forms, ... Uni versity of Stuttgart . Language of this page. de; en; Search. Main navigation. Search. Suche. back. Faculty; Institutes; Research; Study; ... PhD Regulations of the University of Stuttgart (2016) PhD Regulations of the University of Stuttgart ...

  11. Doctoral degree

    The doctoral committee of the faculty of chemistry has decided that the achievement of the doctoral degree within the department has to follow this way. 1. Admission request. 2. Proposal of an examination committee. 3. Finishing the thesis - final decision of the examination committee and date of the exam. 4.

  12. Doctorade and habilitation

    The doctoral procedure is set out in the current Doctoral degree regulations of the University of Stuttgart. Doctoral studies at our Faculty are also open to applicants with a university degree in a subject other than architecture and urban planning provided their chosen topic is relevant and supervised by a member of the Faculty's teaching staff.

  13. Doctorate and Habilitation

    The current Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2019 came into effect on April 1, 2019. If you started your doctorate before April 1, 2019, you can continue to do your doctorate according to the Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2016 and according to the Doctoral Degree Gegulations of 2011.

  14. Doctoral Degree studies

    Please ask the secretary offices of the institutes of your choice for current vacancies of PhD-positions. Additionally, please read very carefully the information about doctoral degree studies given by our University's Admissions Office. Furthermore it is possible to get support from the University's Office of the GRADUS Graduate Academy.

  15. Doctorate Degree at the ICD

    Institute for Computational Design and Construction University of Stuttgart, Keplerstraße 11, 70174 Stuttgart

  16. Doctoral Degrees and Habilitations

    Office of the Vice Dean. +49 711 685 65337. Write e-mail. Information about Doctoral Degree Studies in the Department and an overview of Doctoral Degrees and Habilitations over the past few years.

  17. Faculties and institutes

    Faculty 10 - Management, Economics and Social Sciences. The University of Stuttgart consists of ten different faculties. A group of cohesive institutes belong to each faculty. All in all, nearly 26,000 students are enrolled in around 150 institutes.

  18. Open Positions

    Description of open PhD positions. All PhD positions are currently filled. If you are interested in visiting us as a visiting researcher, or if you are a student and interested in e.g. writing your thesis with us, please let us know.

  19. Open Positions: PhD Position/Scholarship

    PhD Positions/Scholarships - Construction of intelligent imaging systems based on AI and deep learning - remuneration up to 57.000 € p. a. (no tuition fees for PhD programs) ... Email: [email protected] and cc [email protected]. For general inquiries, please contact Mr. Timo Schweizer (secretary's ...

  20. Doctoral studies at the University of Stuttgart

    A doctoral degree is proof that you are capable of in-depth scientific work, and lays the foundation for a career in science or industry. ... International research in Stuttgart; Early career researchers; Doctoral degree studies; Tenure-track professorship; Certificate program professorship; Doctoral degree studies; Five steps to a doctoral degree;

  21. uni-stuttgart.de

    There are two paths to a doctorate/PhD in Germany. In the individual doctorate (the traditional way) you can carry out research independently and flexibly under the supervision of one professor. In structured programs you are part of a team of researchers and other students, will be supervised by 2-4 professors, will attend courses, lectures ...

  22. PDF PhD positions

    PhD positions. within the new DFG Research Training Group 2642. chnologies"Starting date: April 1st 2021 Applications can be submitted at any time until all positio. s are filled.About the Research Training Group: Quantum physics has led to a number of applications within the fields of quantum sensing, quantum computing, quantum cryptography ...

  23. Open PhD Positions

    Martin Dressel. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Head of Institute. Profile page. +49 711 685 64946. Write e-mail. You are welcome to join our research team!